#ok wild tho
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hinamie · 7 months ago
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I don't want to regret the way I lived
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hermitcrapola · 3 months ago
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make it WILD
(original ass caption, i know)
i may be a bit late to the fanart train but i just had to make something for my FAVORITE GUY THAT FINALLY WON THE LIFE SERIES WOOHOOOOOO ily joel smallishbeans
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midoristeashop · 11 months ago
Long car trips mean hunch over my ipad and film dumb stupid videos in restaurants at 11pm 😍 (future me screw u idk if it’s shaky also do not perceive me)
(That one vine)
Also have the things
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luna-loveboop · 8 months ago
I find it funny that Wild, who has basically a couple years ish of full life experience, comes up with the most insane theories for everything
He assumed that the only other explanation to Four being able to split in Four was. That he was quadruplets who'd been hiding this whole time???
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Also apparently he believed that his wolf companion Twilight in botw was a diety (and felt very uhh shocked upon finding out that he was not)
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Malon made things worse, telling him about her aliens theory
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What's even FUNNIER is that every time Wild expresses any sort of confusion at magic stuff that he's never seen before, everyone else in the chain acts like it's crazy for him to be weirded out by it
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Honestly maybe Wild's the only one with his head on straight, rather than everyone else who are just like 'it's magic bro' like no he's right this is weird
I appreciate this because it's very considerate of the fact that he woke up with no memories not too long ago, so he doesn't have much experience to explain the stuff that's 'normal' for the chain. Plus the explanations he comes up with are funny.
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Art and comic and adorable character by Jojo @linkeduniverse au :D
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stealingyourbones · 3 months ago
Watching Loki. I’m on episode 4 and I’m trying to see what the hype was about
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xxplastic-cubexx · 3 months ago
sorry just got reminded of the entirety of uncanny x-men #309 and how it's charles having a therapy session with himself about his love life and desires and how he kept sacrificing himself and his wants for The Cause and the whole time he imagines erik to represent his innermost thoughts in the form of a therapist to have him unravel all this
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skyloftian-nutcase · 10 months ago
Four was honestly surprised how many people were here. It was his first big trip, and it was definitely overwhelming. He was usually a loner, but he had to admit… he was thankful he’d asked a friend to come along.
Legend laughed as he texted someone, face glowing with glee. He elbowed Four mischievously. “We should definitely send pictures to Wars.”
“Is that who you’re texting?” Four asked with a smile, enjoying the cheer from his usually grumpier friend. Legend adored education conferences - his friend was nothing if not a lover of learning and exploring new things.
“Oh absolutely,” Legend replied, showing his phone. “He’s upset because I went to the emergency medicine conference and then went to this one. Personally, I think he’s just jealous because I have a cert he doesn’t.”
“Wait, Wars doesn’t have his CCRN?” Four questioned, confused. He figured Warriors, who had everything in his life in order, would have his critical care nursing certification. It was fairly common for nurses in ICU and ED settings.
“Nope!” Legend quipped with delight, obviously ecstatic that he had something over the military nurse.
“Okay, but important question: where are we going to get dinner?”
“Somewhere it doesn’t cost half our paycheck.”
Four glanced around at the skyscrapers. “Uh… not sure we’re going to manage that. I didn’t think the Hebra Mountains had cities like this.”
“Well, then we can contemplate Brugada Syndrome and complicated EKG rhythms while we starve,” Legend supposed.
“Oh, don’t be like that,” Four laughed. “This is a trip, we shouldn’t worry about the cost too much.”
”We don’t make Time’s salary.”
“But we make decent salary.”
Legend bit his lips, stubborn. Four narrowed his eyes analytically. “This isn’t about how much the food costs; it’s because you’ve blown your budget on coffee, isn’t it?”
His friend immediately flushed, guilty as charged. “They charge ten rupees for coffee! Ten!! This place is ridiculous!”
“I told you your caffeine addiction would come back to bite you someday,” Four smiled. “Or, well, more so than it already has.”
“I swear, if you bring up the SVT episode one more time—”
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meatiors · 8 months ago
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Foxes lineup but somethings a bit different 🤔
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celestie0 · 9 months ago
need to write a hospital au need to write a hospital au need to write a hospital au need to write a hospital au need to write a hospital au need to write a hospital au need to write a hospital au need to write a hospital au need to write a hospital au need to write a hospital au need to write a hospital au need to write a hospital au need to write a hospital au need to write a hospital au
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chaoticlandworlder · 3 months ago
Something so devasting abt realising a blog that u sometimes reblog from actl fervently hates one of your faves
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luna-loveboop · 10 months ago
So one thing I like about Time is that he will talk about his life and journeys
He talks about it! He'll tell the boys stories and answer questions. (...when asked)
Obviously he tells his family- Malon knows everything
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But he has also never held back from telling the boys stories or answering questions
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I'm still always cackling over him telling them about gerudo town- he is way too proud to brag about being a mischievous gremlin
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"I proved to be a greater thief than all of ganons tribe"- oh yeah. He's definitely the good influence. (That's sarcasm, Wars is the one good example for the younger ones.)
He just. He looks so smug to tell them about his experiences with the Gerudo- I love how often we see him just talking to them and answering questions about his life.
Even if it's clearly painful memories- he has still always told them
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Obviously Time talks to Twilight the most about stuff- and everyone knows that (to where Sky went to him for questions about Time)
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But the thing that get me the most is Wind.
Wind asked about... everything! Wind asked about his first journey and his life- and Time told him
The sheer transition from
"I was wondering... about your original journey"
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"You told me about your original journey. Everything you said... the sages you described, the old traditions, the old stories- all of it! ...)
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And this literally drives me insane because Time told him- Time told him everything! He told him about the sages, traditions- Time literally openly talked to Wind about his first Journey because he asked.
The Hero of Time's story had always been a tragedy- I mean... yikes. Trauma much? But I think people overlook this part of him- that he's older. All the hurt and scars are still there, but he has learned to talk about it to deal with it. And I think I know why- (Read)
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Malon Malon Malon Malon!!! Jojo showed this set up for their marriage- Time was and is traumatized. But he and Malon worked to talk through things. I mean. Can you imagine keeping secrets from Malon? I don't want to. I feel like she would throw a cow at me. Anyways.
It takes a lot to work through trauma and learn to talk through it. Malon claimed him tho, so I don't think he had a choice. But seriously- she helped him work through things as family. Which led to a successful marriage for both of them, and got Time to where he can talk about these things with the boys :D
Time is a troll, so although he will share his insane life stories.... he will also say he fought the moon with no more context, and tell his wife that they have a descendant but not freaking tell her which one it is.
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He's so insane I love it <3
Just don't forget this part of him... don't forget that rather it's sad or goofy or whatever- he will talk about his life. If someone simply asks
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Art and comic by Jojo @linkeduniverse au! :DDD
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gayofthefae · 11 months ago
Tommy seems so nice I think their eventual breakup is gonna be really understanding and mutual
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aroaessidhe · 7 months ago
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2024 reads / storygraph
Our Lady Of Mysterious Ailments & The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle
books 2 & 3 in the Edinburgh Nights series
paranormal mystery set in a climate-ravaged future Scotland, plagued by ghosts and magic
follows a 15yo Black girl who’s finally gotten an in to learn scientific magic properly - but it turns out to be an unpaid internship, so she has to take more jobs delivering ghost messages and investigating mysteries to take care of her gran and little sister
in book 2 she’s investigating a strange illness centred on a magic school for boys
and in book 3 she’s attending a global magician conference held in a creepy castle - when someone’s murdered, and they’re locked in until she figures out the culprit
Zimbabwean magic, friendship, disabled characters, no romance (so far)
#The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle#Our Lady Of Mysterious Ailments#Edinburgh Nights#T.L. Huchu#The Library of the Dead#really enjoy this series!#the worldbuilding is very interesting - kinda combo climate-ravaged future but also in some aspects societally it feels kinda 1800s#(especially with the vibe of the mystery/paranormal elements)#I saw that the author (who is from Zimbabwe) describe it as ‘if edinburgh was a third world city’ which actually makes a lot of sense#Also I have to make the wendell & wild x lockwood & co comp again#I felt like book 2 was a little all over the place? I slightly lost track of the other-realms stuff lol#I really loved book 3 though - definitely more direct plot-wise#I like how it explores her journey through learning that the magic society is just as corrupt and shitty as anything else and maybe she#doesn't want it after all. as well as how the stress of everything is getting to her is causing panic attacks#love the scottish accent in the audiobooks!#so many interesting different supernatural elements. yay for sidhe in book 3 (tho only briefly)#hold on. do the book covers reflect the colour of her locs. (ok not quite for book one which is usually blue but there is a green variant)#ok I did say no romance but also I can’t tell if I’m just imagining Something between ropa & priya bc in book 3……they had some moments.#I mean I enjoy them as platonic moments also but just noting here in case it DOES turn out to be intentional and something that happen??#also fair warning the promo for book four seems to spoil somehting that's not even in the blurb??#aroaessidhe 2024 reads
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basilibino · 8 months ago
The funniest shit to me is still the fact that Charlie has a girlfriend but also just. Keeps ending up with a 1-episode toxic yaoi situationship per season
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djevelbl · 4 months ago
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sagethegremlin · 22 days ago
alright gang im trying to make sure i fully develop all of my characters for my object show before i do too much with it because i wanna make sure i do this right and Charm Bracelet currently has the most stuff filled out for her so BAM heres my Charm Bracelet ramble
One big thing I'm trying to do with all of my characters is make sure they have something unique to them that's based on their object and CB's comes in the form of her charms. Without any charms on her, she's basically a blank slate of a character. She has four spaces for charms on her, and the different combinations are what make up her personality (and for fun and simplicity all of her charms are based off of the aspirations and personality traits in the sims c:). The biggest thing about CB's character is how she is absolutely NOTHING without her charms and I really can't emphasize that enough. When she has fewer charms on her, not only does she have less of a personality and general character as a whole, but also the fewer the charms the worse her memory is. The best way I could explain it is the fewer building blocks she has for her as a person, the less of a person she has to work with. The human equivalent would be a person with a severely damaged amygdala; with messy emotions and memory issues.
The other big aspect of CB's character is that she is quite literally an "accessory" and attaches herself to whoever she imprints on. Right after she's first created, the first person she sees is Taffy, so that's immediately who she starts following, and honestly wouldn't be able to function without.
CB is very naive, and isn't really all that observant of the world around her. When other people start switching around her charms, she doesn't notice it. She never notices that her personality or emotions have changed unless someone else points it out to her, but obviously everyone else can realize something's different because not only is she acting different, but she looks different because her charms have changed. And this blindness combined with her attachment to other people makes it so she isn't able to see when Taffy starts using her, and chooses not to believe it even after she knows. My girl has an honestly quite impressive level of denial. She would never blame anyone who ever wrongs her, and would sooner destroy herself than try to take something for herself that she "deserves."
If she were to ever want anything for herself, it would be for her to be able to find out who she is without her charms to bind her to a certain way of being, but that would never happen.
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