#ok thanks hun helpful
whois-miki · 9 months
—- # ‘get out of my office, Luke.’
Luke Castellan x Apollo!fem!reader
warning - cussing, percy third wheeling, argument
others - situationship, not dating, percy : 🧍🏼, this is all over the place,
Luke tries to find out what Percy is good at to find his godly parent
While y/n is trying to mind her own business in the infirmary, a not so subtle, Luke pays her a visit.
a/n - sTOP, why do i relate to Percy so much 😭 ✋🏻
also gonna post a poll soon if this does well <3
“why are we even going here, it’s not like i’m the son of Apollo.”
Percy complained when Luke dragged him over to the infirmary.
“thats where your wrong buddy. some Apollo kids are really bad archers and really good medics.” he says as he opens the infirmary door to reveal a teenage girl tending to a camper.
The girl’s head quickly snapped to look at them with a kind look on her face before it was quickly washed away when her eyes set on the older boy.
“what do you want, Castellan?” she said clearly annoyed, at the sight of this Luke smirked knowing that he was getting on her nerve already without even saying anything.
“what? i can’t see my favorite nurse?” he said dramatically and put a hand over his heart like he was hurt.
“isn’t that the kid who killed the minotaur?” the patient groaned in pain as she looked at the younger blond boy. “rest, you can’t do anything until you recover, hun.” The nurse said to the young girl who was still in awe of Percy ( the patient is like 10 )
The nurse quickly muttered a sleeping spell and looked back at the two boys who were still in the same position.
“how can I help you?”
“well, sweet girl, I need to find out if Percy is the son of Apollo.”
She groaned at the nickname and then studied Percy. she quickly mumbled a no and then turned her back to the crate of medicine, that needed to get restocked. “what do you mean, ‘no’ ?” Luke shot annoyance bubbling up inside of him
“i mean, no, Luke. I’ve seen him at archery. he has no aim.” she explained. “Well, not all Apollo kids are good at archery.” she scoffs a bit and then fired back, “but most are, and i’m not letting him experiment in my office just to try to find what he’s good at.”
Percy looked at Luke and then at the girl and said, “she’s right, now let’s go.” he said as a not so subtle plead for help to get away from the awkwardness.
both of the older counselors ignored the blond boy and resumed their argument. “why can’t you just let him do something!” Luke hissed,
“I said no, dumbass, and if he’s anything like you he might just kill a patient.”
“oh thanks a lot, fuck face.” he grumbled
“I mean it, get out of my office, Luke.” she demanded, Luke sighed angrily before lightly pushing Percy out of the door.
once they were outside. Percy turned to Luke and asked, “who was that?” “Y/n L/n, meanest Apollo kid you’ll meet.” “how do you two know each other?”
“we’re friends.” as Luke said this Percy look at him confused. “what? then why were you arguing?”
“its kinda our thing, i guess.”
“that can’t be healthy.”
“yeah, but i love ‘er. she’s great.” Percy then looked at him like he was crazy and quickly muttered an ok without giving another thought.
Luke smirked a bit and then thought of something and ran back into the infirmary room, slightly kissing her on the cheek playfully and running out after she yelled with a flustered face.
a/n :
sorry this is shit <3 love you all!!
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irndad · 1 year
Hi hun! I just love love love your pieces <3
As for Carmy prompts - could we have some hurt to comfort when Carmen doesn't show up for a date? It's ok if you dont wanna do it or i requested incorrectly, but if you do, i cant wait to read!!!!! Thank you so much mwah mwah mwah
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I’m not thaaaaaat sure how I feel about this and it’s so long but your request was so sweet I had to!!! Ily <3333
There’s so fucking much in his ear. Fak’s screaming whatever bullshit he’s sure will help absolutely nothing, Richie’s harassing Sydney and Tina’s trying to keep them all in line and will of that goddamn chaos, he shouldn’t be able to make out anything.
Prepping this whole thing, the opening, Richie biting his head off for fucking sending him to the best kitchen in the city- it’s all a bit fucking much.
He barely hears the door open (she has a key, because of course she does) and he doesn’t even look over his shoulder as he calls out her name.
“Hey, baby,” he yells back towards the entrance. It feels good, chopping the vegetables. It’s actually one of her favorite dishes that he’s making, and something inside him preens that he gets to feed her tonight. Everything feels illustrious under her gaze. He remembers the first time he’d cooked for her, how her watchful gaze felt a bit like sunlight; equal parts burning and doused in light.
She’d said she liked his hands, then. Said he looked pretty with a knife and a cutting board. “Will you try this sauce for me?”
He hears her heels click, the soft thud of her purse landing on the couch. It’s a slow saunter she does to him, but he’s razor focused- what does it need, garlic? Oregano?
It only breaks when he sees her. And she looks gorgeous. Wearing a black dress with a cowl neck, shimmery eyeshadow that catches and dances in the low light of the kitchen, a crimson lipstick neatly applied to her beautiful pout.
She smells like vanilla, and Carmen has the privilege of knowing what real, rich, Madagascar vanilla smells like. He’d loved the scent so much that he’d bought her a perfume made from it, and there’s a warmth blooming in his chest when he realizes that she’s wearing it.
Wordlessly, she opens her mouth and leans forward to try the sauce covered wooden spoon he’d raised to her lips.
Even when she’s in front of him, he can’t believe she’s someone he knows. That she’s wasting her time with someone like him.
“Jesus Christ you look beautiful,” he says without thinking, and he kisses her quick. It’s true. She’s a vision, plucked out of an old movie shot on grainy film, warm to the touch film.
He abandons the spoon and the sauce without much fanfare, a rough, calloused hand meeting her soft warm cheek.
“Thanks, Carmen.” she says, but her doe-eyes deny the joy she typically exudes in his presence. It’s his proudest achievement, how she glows around him. She’s tight lipped, smile betraying her words.
“What’s wrong? Is it the sauce? I know it’s a mess in here, I’m sorry, I didn’t think you’d see it-“
“No! No, seriously, it’s okay, honey.” She tries to insist but it really doesn’t work. He moves the pot off the burner and twists himself completely to face her, placing a gentle hand at the small of her back, pulling her closer to him. He tries not to let it sting, how she stiffens for a moment before softening again.
“What happened?” He asks again.
“It’s the first,” she says, a rueful grin on her pretty lips, before gesturing down at her outfit, and oh.
The dinner. The fucking dinner that he’d promised her. His sweet girl, who waited up every night, who dutifully tasted every recipe, who soothed him on nights where nightmares stole his sleep-
“Fuck,” he says, more to himself than her, but god, he can’t stop looking at her, “Fuck! God, I’m such an asshole, I’m so sorry-“ he insists, suddenly so grateful that she’s letting him touch her, even more aware of every point of contact with the sudden fear that it could escape in a moment’s notice.
“Y’know, Carm, if you could’ve just told me that would’ve been one thing? But I left the reservation, and this was the one night we both had off!”
“I know, baby, fuck, I forgot-“
She backs away from him, and there’s a sick feeling in his stomach. Sitting on the chair he keeps by the stove (he put it there for her, because she loved watching him) she pinches the bridge of her nose.
“It’s just not fair, Carm. To either of us. If you don’t have time for this-“
“I have time for this! I have time. Don’t say things like that.”
“Carmy, I’m not trying to hurt you. You know that’s the last thing I want.”
And it is. It’s the last thing she wants, and Carmen fucking knows it. Knows that three months in he’s supposed to have brought her flowers and taken her out and done more than cook for her and spend hours in his shitty apartment, and lately she’s been asking if he has time for being in a relationship.
And maybe he doesn’t, but fuck it if he doesn’t feel like he can breathe around her. This was the point of the dinner- take her out, be a boyfriend. Have her wait a little while on him. Show her he’s worth it.
Instead he fucking missed it, stayed home and made sauce no one would even eat.
“I’m sorry,” he says, grabbing her hand and lacing it through his own. It always shocks him, how it fits his own. “Okay? I’m so, so fuckin’ sorry. Tell me what I can do. Tell me, cos I’ll do just about fuckin’ anything to get you to stop saying shit like that.”
Her voice comes out small.
“I was alone, Carm. They kept trying to take my order and you weren’t there, and eventually I had to leave.“
She looks up at him, eyes sparkling and kind and Carmen. She looks beautiful, and if he wasn’t with her, he’d see her in the street and hate whatever fuck was lucky enough to be who she got dressed up for.
“I am so, so sorry. It’s just with the stove, and Fak, and Richie fucking calling me to bitch me out every thirty seconds,” she reaches her delicate fingers to brush his cheek with concern, “I should’ve remembered. It’s just about the only thing this week worth remembering. And you look…stunning, I should’ve been there. I should’ve. Please.”
Her expression softens and he loves the sight of her, warm and kind and lovely in both form and temperance. She’s so patient with him, responds with kindness- a gift.
She brushes her soft lips on his cheek and he tries to savor the sensation, note how warm and wonderful it is to have her form pressed against his, how her arms knot themselves around his waist.
“I know you’re stressed, babe,” she murmurs against his cheek, eyes shut, “tell you what. Why don’t you make me something better than what that place could’ve, huh?”
After he kisses her for so long that excess is no longer the right terminology, he makes her the best pasta she’s ever had in her goddamn life.
It’s better this way, anyway. She’s gorgeous in a way that’s just his to look at tonight.
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mingis-orangejuice · 1 month
Love and Deepspace Boys with an MC that's good with children Part 4: Sylus
Summary: You and Sylus are strolling through the park and see a kid get hurt, you both step in to help him, but Sylus may be a little too scary for this kid.
a/n: I love making Sylus do embarrassing things. It's just too funny to me. he'll do anything for MC even tho he tries to act like he doesn't care
Genres/Warnings: just pure teeth rotting fluff
Word count: 637
Previous Parts: 1, 2, 3
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You and Sylus were taking a stroll in a park enjoying each other's company when “ouch” a little boy tripped over some rocks right in front of you on the path. He didn’t immediately get up which made you both concerned.
“Child are you ok” Sylus bent down to tend to the boy. The boy looked up and saw Sylus looking down at him with his red eyes and started to cry. Sylus froze, he didn’t know what to do now that this kid was crying. The normally cool under-pressure boss of the N109 zone was now suddenly rendered speechless by one child’s tears.
“Sylus you’re scaring him,” you say and push his chest to move him out of the way
“I simply asked if he was alright, is that all it takes to scare some people nowadays?” he asked sarcastically.
You bent down to see what was wrong. “Hun are you ok, that was a pretty big fall wasn’t it?” the child looked at you and stopped crying, softly shaking his head yes still with tears in his eyes. “Aww, it's ok, do you need help getting up” You slowly lift him into a standing position which is when you notice that he has a small cut on his arm. “Oh no did you get cut?” The child looks at his arm, tears start to form once again. You don’t want him to start crying again so thinking on your feet you quickly look through your purse for something that could help him. You take out some band-aids with cute heart designs on them and a bottle of water. 
“Look my two friends showed up Mr. Water and Mrs. Band-aid” You hand Sylus the water giving him a desperate look hoping he’ll play along “We’re here to help you,” you say in an enthusiastic funny voice while holding up the band-aid. The kid started to laugh a little. You looked up at Sylus who was standing over you, pleading with your eyes for him to join in. 
He sighs, bends down and in an equally funny but less enthusiastic voice says, “Yeah we’re here to help so don’t cry anymore.” the kid wipes his tears and laughs a little more.
Continuing in your funny voice you say “Can Mr.Water take a look at your arm” The kid nods and holds out his arm. It's just a little scratch with a small amount of blood. Sylus quickly assesses his arm and pours a small amount of water on the child's arm and wipes it up with a tissue from your bag. “there now that you’re all clean up it’s time for Mrs. Band-aid to take over” 
You place the band-aid over his scratch and wipe the last of his tears away “There, all better now?” you say in your regular voice. 
The kid looks at you then at Sylus and smiles. “Mmm hmm, thanks” a voice from a few feet away calls out for the kid, he turns, noticing it’s his mother he takes off in that direction shouting. “Mama a pretty lady and a scary man helped me when I fell over, they were really nice!”
You look at Sylus and almost burst out laughing
He puts a finger over your mouth. “Don’t start. I give up my dignity to help this child and he still calls me scary?” Sylus crosses his arms in fake annoyance.   
You remove his finger from your mouth “Well I guess that's what happens when you’re the big bad Onichynus leader, kids will always be scared of you” You say with a mischievous grin. As you continue your walk.
Sylus grabs you by your waist and turns you to look at him “Well let's go home and see if the ones we make won't be as scared as he was.”
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cinnasweetss · 4 months
to love and to cherish. | l.hs
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genre: smut, very minimal plot, fluff (a pinch.)
characters: husband/dad!heeseung, wife/mom!reader, “uncle”!jake at the end, seung (reader & heeseung’s son)
wc: 2.8k
content below cut. (plz read…or you’ll be v surprised…)
content: established relationship, mentions of pregnancy & marriage, domestication, reader is a stay at home mom, body insecurity, body description, SLIGHTTTT dacryphilia, lactation, love making, tit play, pussy eating, unprotected sex, creampie, pet names (hun, love, baby, etc.), praise, etc etc…
A /N: i’m experimenting in my writing (still tame imo)! this might not be everyone’s cup of tea n that’s ok <3 thanks for reading!!
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"dinner looks great, hun." heeseung slides in, slipping a hand around your waist from behind, pressing a kiss to your cheek.  it startles you, whipping your head around to him, soft smile plastered on his face. 
"Didn't hear you come in." you mumble, returning his smile before you continue the dishes. "Got you something." he pulls away, shuffling behind you, "give me a second, hee." you need to finish these dishes tonight. it'll be pain the ass tomorrow if you don't. "Did you put Seung to bed? Told you I wanted to see him, hun." he says, immediately noticing how quiet the house is tonight. lights dimmed, living room picked up and neat instead of the usual plethora of toys. "he got fussy." 
"Baby, come on-"  he nags, only because you have barely looked at him since he stepped in. no 'how was work, honey?' and a cheerful smile like usual. 
"Give me a minute, heeseung!" 
there's a long pause in the air, making you immediately regret raising your voice, dropping the plate in your hand back into the soapy water, "I'm sorry." 
heeseung told you to not let it get like that. he told you to not stress yourself out when you both found out you were pregnant. he knew this would happen. it was inevitable. but you promised him. "Look at me." 
"Oh, hee..." you immediately soften, face falling into your hands once you see the beautiful, huge bouquet of flowers in his hands. he sets the bouquet down on the island, quickly moving to wrap his arms around your crying figure. you quickly accept the embrace, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Why are you crying?" he chuckles, rubbing his hand on your back soothingly. "I'm sorry!" 
"It's okay, love." he pulls you off of him, wiping away your tears. "so pretty." he leans in to kiss you, using his thumbs to wipe the rest of the stray tears. 
Heeseung is so good to you. he always has been. when you met him six years ago, when you married him three years ago, and when you gave him his firstborn a year and a half ago.  his love has been unconditional, unwavering, always consistent. all you could ask for and more. 
"I told you not to stress yourself out. You can ask me for help." he's smiling, despite your continued tears. you feel so awful. "But you're working-" he stops you there, "so are you, love." he knows that being a stay at home mom is a lot, a lot more demanding than his silly little corporate job. "what are you handwashing the dishes for, anyway? we've got a dishwasher." 
"cause, it's a lot to run it..." he sighs, face shifting to a scowl. he hates when you talk about the price of things, bills, anything with money. "It's not, and that's not for you to worry about." it's firm, almost scolding. but you know it's just because of the many times he's had to tell you to not worry about the bills. not that you've seen one in years. 
"Get in bed. I'll finish up." he pulls away then, moving to the sink. you scurry behind him, grabbing a vase to put the flowers in. "Bed, babe. I'll do that too." 
"let me warm up your food-" he doesn't have to say much, turning with a dissatisfied expression across his face as he leans on the counter. "Get upstairs." you know better than to argue after the third time, so, you do as told.
he joins you just an hour later, walking in on you fumbling with the baby monitor, making sure it's on and working before you set it on the bedside table. he eyes you, wet hair stuck to your shoulders and neck, saturating the t shirt you have on. 
he grabs your hand, pulling you back to the bathroom. he places you infront of the mirror, reaching for the hair dryer in the cabinet. "Did you even towel dry it? you're soaking." 
"Thought I heard Seung crying..." you mumble, heeseung running a brush through your hair. "That hairdryer- Dyson. it's so expensive. you won't even use it."he grabs a towel, gently drying each lock of your hair, then your neck and shoulders. 
"I do use it!" five times since he got it for you during Christmas. You'd brought it up maybe once, showing him a video on TikTok of some influencer using it. it was probably the millionth video you'd showed him. still, he paid attention. "Sometimes." he agrees, flashing you a playful smile in the mirror. 
"you don't have work to do?" you look at him through the mirror, squeezing the water out of your hair with the towel. "Work? While i'm at home with my wife?" he turns on the hairdryer after, running it over your now damp hair. 
this week he's been coming home without his laptop. spending almost no time in his office downstairs, instead getting into bed with you every night after work. 
you hadn't said it out loud, but he knew you were bothered by sleeping first. sleeping next to an empty space that he only filled from the hours of 1am to 6am. disappearing into his office right after dinner. you continue watching him through the mirror, fond smile on you lips as he finishes. his eyes catch yours, mouthing a playful "what?" before he shifts his eyes back to your hair. 
he turns off the hair dryer, using a brush to smooth out the now dry hair. he guides you out the bathroom, stopping you in front of your shared dresser.
reaching for the bottom of your tee, he pulls it up, only stopping when you step back and push his hands away. "come on, you gotta get out of this. it's wet." 
"I'll do it." "Babe, really." 
you surrender at that, raising your arms so he can lift your shirt above your head and get you a new one. Only he has his gaze locked on yours...trying to remember the last time he was intimate with you. the last time he saw you undressed. you notice his expression change, unfamiliar glint in his eyes. 
had it really been that long? 
"What, hee? you're staring..." you ask worriedly, afraid he might not like what he sees. you damn sure don't look like the woman he married, not after having his child. 
each time you look in the mirror you're reminded, each time you look at your wedding pictures, each time you get naked infront of him, each time you look at your son. 
your arm lays against your chest, holding your breasts as you reach for another shirt. Heeseung's way quicker, grabbing your arm before you can reach it. "Wait."
his lips are on yours seconds later, pulling your body flush against his, trapping you in a very passionate kiss. 
you know what he wants when he kisses you like that. when he pulls you in by your waist and holds your cheek with one hand. when he lifts you up and takes you bed, placing you against the mattress softly. your stomach flutters with excitement, eager to experience a different type of intimacy with him.
he pulls away, pulling at his tie with one hand and letting it fall to the ground, undoing a few buttons of his shirt after.
he connects your lips again as wall as your groins, grinding softly through kisses. it's enough to get you worked up, moaning into the kiss when he gropes at a tit. 
he gives it some love with his mouth too, sucking one and squeezing the other. its enough to stimulate your ducts, breasts tingling as they secrete milk. he purposely squeezes a nipple, milk spilling from the ducts, as you squirm beneath him. his skilled hands force a moan from you, his tongue swirling as he sucks, likely making your other breast leak too. 
his hips rut against yours, grunting at the little bit of friction it gives. he's gotta get out of these slacks, and fast. he pulls his mouth away, kissing down your chest and abdomen, paying special attention to those areas he knows youre insecure about. 
your lower belly that's riddled with stretch marks and hips that look the same from carrying his child. he wouldn't trade you for the world, not when you've given him the best gift on gods earth. a family. 
he pulls your night shorts down with one motion, doing the same with your panties before he spreads your legs. his kisses move to your thighs, stopping when he reaches your core. he moves your hips to the edge of the bed, kneeling before you. "Fuck.." he feels his mouth water just looking, pushing your legs before he dips his head between your thighs. 
six years and every time feels like the first. six years and neither of you can get enough. 
he always takes his time, soft kisses against your pussy to start, soft licks against your clit when he slides his tongue through your folds, huge hands that knead at the flesh of your thighs to stimulate you even more. he gradually moves to sucking, tongue flat against the little bundle of nerves, forcing moan from you.
your eyes flutter closed, sinking further into the mattress as you reach for his hands. 
your fingers intertwine perfectly, much like they did the first time you two met in college. he was sweet then, he's even sweeter now. always, always so compassionate and caring, even more since you've gotten married. 
he watches from between your legs. eyes shut, brows furrowed, mouth agape as you let out the prettiest moans. matching the pretty expression you have. 
he knows you like the back of his hand, sucking your clit just how you like it. your back arching off the bed tells him so. especially when you remove a hand from his, sliding it through his hair instead to swirl your hips. 
"oh, god- hee!"
he can hear your breath quickening. short and shallow through endless curses as your orgasm builds. "fuck, baby, i'm cumming!" it hits you like a truck, heeseung moaning as you cum right on his tongue, nothing else. holding your hips steady so he can eat you through it. through the soft convulsions and quiet moans, hands that grip his and his hair. 
heeseung finally pulls his lips way, rising from the floor with lips coated in your arousal. he doesn't lick them, keeps them wet and moist so he can lean down and kiss you. he's letting you taste yourself as well, sliding his tongue past your lips to give you sloppy, wet kisses. 
you pull at his button up, pulling it from his slacks, moving to remove his belt right after. you pull away from the kiss, pulling at the buttons with frantic hands. "help me, hee..." you mumble, looking up at the man above you. he forces you both up, reaching to unbutton his pants as you work on those damn buttons. 
"take your time, darlin'. Im not going anywhere." he kisses your forehead gently, capturing your lips again once you finish. you push his shirt off his shoulders, only satisfied when you hear it make contact with the wood flooring below. "tell me how you want me." you barely manage to get out between kisses. he doesn't respond for a minute, focusing on kissing you before he makes up his mind. 
"bend over." he pants, catching his breath from the very heated kiss. you do as instructed, turning around to bend over for him. his hands immediately attach to your hips, one hand pressing against the small of your back, guiding you into position. "Arch that back, yeah..." he pulls you back against his dick, hard length sitting right between your ass. he retracts, sliding his length through your folds, coating it in your arousal. 
you can feel him line himself up with your entrance, head of his cock just barely penetrating, pausing before he decides to fully slip inside. a soft cry leaves you,  leaning yourself away from the intrusion that has your walls stretching. "Uh-ah, keep that back arched for me baby." that makes you whine, forcing yourself back into position as he pulls you right back on his cock. "Good girl..." he coos, hand rubbing softly against your back to soothe you, legs already trembling just from him sliding in. 
he takes you painfully slow, pulling half his length out, pushing it back in, in a long drawn out movement. his eyes are stuck right where you suck him back in, despite your little noises that tell him you're struggling with it. he barely has to move his hips, you're pushing back on him likely without even realizing. 
"Fuck," his dick is soaked, coated in your wetness, glistening in the soft light coming from your bedside lamp. He grabs both hips, taking over your soft and cautious movements, replacing them with his own. Still slow, but much deeper, holding your ass to his hips each time he pushes himself back in. 
"Taking it so good, baby." heeseung doesn't know why you're always so caught up in your own thoughts. each time he fucks you like this, you forget all about your silly little insecurities. It's all proof of the woman you are today, anyway. the mother and wife he's built within you. 
"Hee..." you reach a hand back to hold his, heeseung quickly pinning your arm behind your back, hand clasped within yours. His movements increase, throwing his own head back as your body drives him to near madness. you sink further down, hand knitting into the soft fabric of your cream coloured duvet. 
so deep, so big. he's hitting all the right spots, bending over you to reach and grab a tit. he squeezes at the flesh, mouth steady kissing on your shoulder as he fucks you near completion. the both of you. "fuck, baby! harder!" nothing but a word, he happily obliges. he's been waiting for you to say it since he started. "Yeah?" his breaths shallow and short as he fucks into you harder, a loud moan of approval from you forcing a smirk on his lips. "Yes! god, heeseung!" from his lips on your neck, to the way his balls repeatedly slap against your clit, you're already there before you realise. "Like that, yeah, let it out."
you grab at his flexed arms beside you, crying out as you both ride out your orgasm together. Heeseung's hips stutter as cums inside you, sloppy uncoordinated thrusts pushing more waves of pleasure through you. "Shit." He blinks through the haziness coursing through his body, only pulling out when both of your breaths return to normal.
you stay even when heeseung leaves, relaxing your body against the bed. he comes back, turning you back over so he can clean you up, laying next to you right after. 
comfortable silence fills the air, heeseung pulling you into his arms when you snuggle up close. "I love you, hee."
"I love you more, baby." 
"Say hi!" you grab your sons arm, waving at the man in the doorway. "My big man! Say hi to uncle Jake." he takes the baby from your arms, bouncing him in his. "Where's your dad, big man? always leaving mommy to do the work, huh?" you move to the kitchen, starting the coffee maker for heeseung.
"Dad is doing laundry." Heeseung emerges, passing Jake the diaper bag. You furrow your brows at that, heeseung hadn't said anything about Jake taking Seung. "Morning." he slips behind you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "Seung is-"
"You need a break." he quickly interjects, eyebrows raising when you don't immediately respond. "What? You don't wanna spend some time with me?" it's sly, the way his hand slips under your shirt to grab the soft flesh of your ass.  "I was the only man in your life at one point, you know." he smiles, moving his hand back to a more appropriate position. "Whatever." you laugh, eyes shifting over to Jake who's preoccupied with your son. You slip past heeseung, going to say your goodbyes. "Thanks, Jake. You really-"
Heeseung's familiar hiss of disapproval stops you. Jake simply laughing, "It's all good. My girlfriend wants to see him anyway. she calls it playing 'house'."
"Marry her and have your own, dude." heeseung comes over, kissing his son’s cheek. "Yeah, yeah." he's always dismissive when the topic comes up, but you know he's just waiting on the right time. "I'll take off then." Jake smiles at the both you before he makes his way to the front door. Heeseung pulls you in as you both wave Jake and your son goodbye. 
"Let's have another one." 
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klovesyall · 6 months
Oh my. My brain is full of ideas, but I can't write.
Spencer, but it's his first time showering with his gf? Either she casually invites him to join her, or maybe she's also a member of the BAU and was injured and needs some assistance?
AN: oh absolutely hun. I wasn’t sure if you wanted nsfw or fluff so I went with fluff for a safe option. Also I’m so sorry if this lowkey sucks. This is definitely my first rodeo with writing and I know it’s not perfect but I hope you kinda like it?
OK MORE RECENT AN: im sooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry this took so long. I don’t even have an excuse. And I’m so sorry because this is ASS. But I feel bad not giving you anything so here you go
Warnings: Fluff, swearing? , talk of nakedness and stuff idk
Spencer had been extra protective of you ever since you got hurt. He didn’t want you to lift a single finger, even though you were perfectly capable. He made you food , carried your bags, hell- he even offered to carry you if your crutches got too annoying. All of this to say , he was willing to do anything to make you comfortable.
“Spence, I’m gonna take a shower.” You say with your back turned as you grab some pajamas out of the dresser drawer.
“What?” His voice was filled with concern, as it often was. When you turned around toward him he had the same amount of concern written on his face
“I have to shower Spencer, my hair is so dirty it looks wet.” You haven’t washed your hair in a few days, relying on dry shampoo and braided hair to get you by.
Spencer was thinking for a moment , you could tell by the way his brow furrowed slightly. He finally answers “Let me help you.”
You were slightly taken aback by his response. Spencer wasn’t usually confident enough to initiate or out right suggest anything intimate. And taking a shower together was definitely intimate. Not to say you were opposed to the idea though
“Are You Sure Spence? You do know I shower naked right?” Your tone was some what joking but also kind of not. Regardless you hear the little chuckle you love so much
“Yes I know. I dont want you to fall and get hurt any more than you already are. If you don’t want me to thats fine I just-“
You cut him off
“That would be really helpful, thank you.”
You see Spencer’s worry ease from his face and it’s replaced with a little curve of his lip
You give him a little smile before returning to grabbing your pajamas and walking to the bathroom. Spencer graciously follows you inside, locking the door behind him. When you turn to the counter , Spencer is quick to slip past you, turning on the shower for you.
“Do you take your showers warm or hot.” Spencer asks as if it’s so incredibly normal
“Uh hot I guess? It’s ok I can-“
He stops you when you begin to walk over
“Let me Take Care of you. Please.”
You sigh “you know I can do it myself.”
Spencer takes a step toward you, placing his hands on either side of your shoulders
“I know, but I don’t want to risk anything. You do so much for me and you deserve to be helped as well, especially when your injured. So please let me do this for you.” His voice is soft but you can tell how strongly he feels about this
“Ok, I’ll let you handle it.” I say
He smiles “can I take your clothes off?”
I Nod “You don’t have to ask.” You said that a lot, and it didn’t matter how many times you did. Spencer always asked
He grabbed the bottom of your shirt and you raised your arms. He pulls the shirt off your body and folds it before placing it on the counter. He does the same with your pants. Your standing only in your underwear now
“Do you want me to do the rest?” You ask
He shakes his head “turn around for me.”
You turn so your back is facing him and he unclasps your bra, sliding it down your arms until it hits the floor. He hooks a finger under your underwear on either side of you, pulling them down and helping you step out of them. He smiles when he meets your eyes again
“See something you like pretty boy?” You raise an eye brow in a teasing manner.
“Always.” He replies before walking you over to the shower. Holding his hand, you slowly take a step inside until your under the water. Once inside , Spencer takes a step back and sheds his clothes as well before joining you in the shower.
Spencer had ensured that you had a shower bench installed into the bathroom you shared when you moved in together. He said it was for safety reasons but, you still wondered if it might be for other things.
“Sit.” Spencer says, leading you to the bench.
When you sit down he detaches the shower head and wets your hair. When it’s what he considers wet enough, he lathers shampoo into his hands and begins to massage it into your scalp.
This man has very capable hands, many uses. And washing your hair just got added to the list of them. You close your eyes from a moment letting out a contended sigh
“Feel good sweetheart?” Spencer asks gently
“Mhm, definitely.” You reply, barely opening your eyes.
Spencer rinses out the shampoo and conditions your hair. He helps you wash off and when you finally stand , you wrap your arms around his neck. His hands lace around your waist
“Thank you Spencer, you’re an angel.” You say pressing little kisses to his jaw. You can see the blush creeping on Spencer’s face.
“You’re welcome, I’m always happy to help you.” He says peering down at you.
The two of you exit the shower. Wrapping towels around your selves and getting dressed- well Spencer refuses to let you dress your self so he helps you. He even blow drys your hair for you because he knows you don’t like going to bed with it wet.
You lay in bed on your side facing him as he looks back at you. You reach out and brush a strand of his hair out of his eyes.
“You should stay home tomorrow.” Spencer says breaking the silence.
“Absolutely not. I’m perfectly capable of going into work. Plus Hotch would have my head if I didn’t go.” You say and Spencer sighs
“I don’t like the idea of you out on the field” he says once again with concern
“You’ll be with me. I’ll be fine.”
He sits up “I don’t want you to be fine I want you to be healthy.”
You sit up and scoot close to him “Spencer I’m going to work. If it makes you feel better I’ll stay back with Penelope and help her.”
Spencer relaxes a little “yea. Ok that makes me feel better. But don’t go doing anything stupid. That means no trying to entertain Penelope with” Spencer throws up air quotes “crutch tricks”
You groan and lay back down “whatever you say.”
You can hear Spencer’s little laugh as he turns off the lamp.
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 6 months
hey i love your work so much!! i was wondering if you could do something where hotch gets lingerie for the reader. and the reader is like mmm no maybe not.. but hotch is like please just try it on to see if you like it?
reader is like ok, so they put it on and they are stilly kinda hesitant but when hotch sees them he is like star struck and… ya know shows them how pretty they are!! and he just praises the reader, maybe they do it in front of a mirror 🫣🫣
i think it would be cute, but you don’t have to write it if you don’t want, sorry if this is all over the place it was just a stream of consciousness!!
༉‧₊˚. 𝐚 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 || 𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐫
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— pairing: aaron hotchner x plus size!reader
— summary: to aaron, buying you lingerie was an act of love, to you, it was something new.
— warnings: lingerie wearing (obviously), slight body insecurity, illusions to mirrors being used for future... unsavory acts, kissing, heavy petting, praise, heavy kissing.
— wc: 745
⋆ a/n: hello hun!! i'm so glad you like my work and sorry that this isn't as detailed as you probably would have liked. funny enough i couldn't find space to fit actual smut in there, but never fear! it is still as equally spicy and fun!
masterlist | AO3
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“What the fuck is that?”
Aaron held up a piece of lingerie that looked more like pieces of string and lace were sewn together than any actual cloth.
“Lingerie, honey.” He said with a deep chuckle. “And you want me to wear… that?” You questioned in disbelief. “That would be ideal, yes.”
There was a wince on your face as you continued to stare at the dark red thing. “Yeah… no. Absolutely not.” You crossed your arms. “Sweetheart, you don't even know if you won't like it.”
“No, I know I don't like it. How about you just see me naked?”
“As tempting as that sounds, I would like it very much if you were to try it on.”
Your eyes flickered from his to the bundle of lace.
Now, it wouldn't be fair to say no, because Aaron has indulged in many of your fantasies over the years, and he barely asks for anything, as well as always focuses on your pleasure. If you said no he'd drop the conversation entirely, he was never one to pressure.
You could see it in the burning of his irises that he wanted to see you in the lingerie, and he would never steer you wrong and pick something ugly. Oh God, just thinking about him going into a place like Victoria's Secret made your cheeks heat up.
With one final glance you sighed, sticking out your hand. “Fine, but I'm doing this just because I love you and… because I want to.”
He walked up and handed you it, pulling you into his side to give you a kiss on your head. “Thank you.” You just hummed before disappearing into the bathroom.
Oh you looked like a fucking clown.
You knew this would be no good. This was not flattering at all, at least in your eyes. You cringed, tugging at the straps that dug into your arms uncomfortably. You had never felt so… unsure sexually before.
“Aaron, I look ridiculous.”
“I'm sure you look great.”
“Did this thing not come with a robe?” You couldn't help but ask, because the outfit felt like it was missing something.
“It did.”
“And where might it be?”
“With me.”
“You're such a bastard.” You mumbled to yourself.
You took a deep breath to ease your nerves.
“Alright, I'm coming out, but if you laugh at me, I'm going to kill you.”
“In what world would I laugh at you?” He was right, you were being nervous and irrational and — God, you've never done this before. Was it hot in here? Were you sweating?
Stepping out of the bathroom was one thing, but Aaron staring at you speechless was a whole other can of worms.
You shifted anxiously in your spot as he approached you, his large hand cupping your cheek. His calloused thumb rubbed the hot skin of it softly.
“You look breathtaking.” His voice was strained. The other hand that wasn't cradling your face landed on your naked hip. He squeezed the fat of it, a light shiver shooting up his back at the feeling of the fat spilling through his fingers.
Your body thrums with excitement, your last hesitation slowly melting off of you.
“You think so?” You ask shyly. “I know so.” Aaron confirms with that warm, comforting voice of his. He connects your lips together and a light, surprised gasp exits your mouth. Your hands shoot-out to hold his strong biceps.
His lips molded themselves firmly onto yours, tongue exploring your mouth with desperate fervor. It was like he was trying to consume you, and a new type of fire burned in his veins. It was a rabid kind of need that threatened every part of him that was a gentleman.
You pushed away from him to catch your breath, your chest rising and falling rapidly. Your eyes fall on the mirror hanging on the well next to where you guys are standing and you groan.
“Ugh, Aaron…” You whine in embarrassment, burying your head into his hard chest. “Don’t be ashamed of yourself, sweetheart. You’re gorgeous.” You groan in embarrassment. “Why do you have to say stuff like that?”
“Because I mean it. I love all of you.”
“You really know how to sweet talk a girl, don’t you, Hotchner?”
“As much as I like sweet talking you, I like having you in my bed more.” He locked your lips again, nosy hands massaging and gripping at the chub exposed by the two-piece.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @celtic-crossbow @hallecarey1 @bunnybabe-babydoll @alixwriter @dixonzzgirl @violettavirus
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Hi could you do a smut of Adam x fem Reader sex in the shower after a hard day at work
Steamy (Adam x fem! reader smut)
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Um, objection, we don’t have bad days, it’s fucking heaven bitch.
No but in all seriousness, I love this idea so I’d happily right this, not a fan of Adam but I can see the appeal, but for my enjoyment he has more pudge on him
Warnings: smut, fluffy smut, shower sex, make out session,implied artist reader, pudgy Adam, biting, hair pulling, degrading (reader receiving)
⛧☾༺♰༻☽⛧ ⛧☾༺♰༻☽⛧ ⛧☾༺♰༻☽⛧
No ones POV
Adam was having a bad day, he was usually in this normal, very much arrogant attitude, but he was always sweet to you. So while Y/N was painting away only to hear Adam come storming into your shared home slamming the door and cussing up a storm, Y/N knew something was wrong. Y/N stopped painting, walking towards their bedroom, upon entering the room, Y/N was greeted with the sight of Adam’s horned mask on the other side of the room, clearly thrown and Adam on the bed practically red.
“Adam?” Y/N asked from the door way. Adam sat there his red face in this hands breathing loudly. Y/N walked over to him, as Y/N stood infront of him, she place both hands on his, trying to see his face. “What wrong baby?” Y/N asked softly, a since of worry in her voice. Without speaking Adam was quick to pull them in. Y/N gasped as they were pulled onto him lap, Adam then buried his face into the crook of her neck, arms wrapped around her tight.
Y/N was quick to hold him close, “Adam,” she started today, her fingers running through his hair, “tell me what happened, I wanna make you feel better.” They said softly to him. Adam stayed quiet for a moment before speaking, still clearly pissed off, “just that bitch Sera and her bullshit..” he states, his voice full of bitterness. Y/N sighed and played with his hair, “it’s ok baby..” he said sweetly to him before pulling back, moving to hold his face in my hands, looking at his dark eyes. “How about we shower and play down, just a night of us too?” Y/N suggested.
Adam let out a small sigh and gave a small smile to her, “that’s sounds perfect babe..” Adam said softly, reluctantly letting go of Y/N. As he let her go, Y/N stood up, once on her feet she places her hands on both sides of his face moving his head to look at her. “Say here while I get the shower ready,ok?” Adam gave them a nod she walked to the bathroom.
After a few minutes, the shower was ready, the steam feeling bathroom. Y/N walked back into the room. “Showers ready Baby.” Y/N said to him as he stood up and walked over. He seemed so tired from today.. Y/N could help but think looking at his face, as he walked over I take his hand giving it a small quick, he looks down giving me a small smile, “Thanks hun..” he said softly as we head back into the steamy room.
As they entered the bathroom they were immediately hit with the humidity and the clammy air. Y/N was the first to strip down, removing her clothes before turning back to Adam, only to be meet with his eyes looking over every inch of her body. Y/N couldn’t help but smile at him and walk over to him, now standing in front of him. He was taller, much taller than Y/N.
Y/N reached her hands under his rope to feel his body (bro doesn’t wear a shirt under that robe) feeling his soft skin. Y/N looked up at Adam as her hands roam his body, “join me when you’re ready ok?” She said softly to him, he smiled leaning down, kissing her head, “got it..” he said softly before Y/N pulled away getting into the shower
They let the hot water hit her skin, Y/N stood there letting the water in gulf them, their hair becoming wet sticking to her neck and back, it was a relaxing feeling. After a minute, Y/N heard two metals rubbing against each other of the shower curtain be pulled, Y/N turned around to see Adam standing there, looking so handsome. Y/N stepped closer to him, she moved her hands up to his black hair, her fingers running through his wet hair. Y/N was nearly messaging him scalp. Adam let out a low groan, moving his large hands to her hips. He can’t help but lean his body in more, Adam loved her touch. As he leaned his body in, he felt her body pressed against his plush body, he’s fingers squeezing her plump hips.
Y/N hands moved from this hair, down his face and landed on his shoulders, rubbing them. Adams eyes never left her, she was perfect in his eyes, he soon tight his grip on her wet skin pulling her closer, Y/N gasp slightly feel herself get pulled up closer to him, her E/C eyes looking his black orbs. After a moment of the heat building, Adam kissed her deep and passionately, moving his hands to cup her ass picking her up. Feeling the motions, Y/N wrapped her legs around him hips, her arms around her neck, returning the kiss.
The kiss was hot,their wet bodies clinging onto one another. After a few of the make out sessions, Y/N felt something poking their thigh, she felt a shiver go up she spine and let out a soft moan into the passionate kiss, knowing its his harden Length. Y/N felt Adam smile into the kiss as she felt his tip rub against her folds. Y/N moaned, digging her nails into his back before pulling her lips away. “Adam please..” she moaned quietly to him, nails still dug into his back. Adam smiled before leaning into her ear, “be a good girl and bend over for me..” as the words left his mouth he put her back on her feet. Y/N was quick to do what he says, Bernini over, her arms against the shower wall.
Adam was quick to get behind her, nearly towering over her, the water of the shower no longer hitting her skin being blocked by Adam’s body. Adam was quick to tease Y/N more, rubbing his fat time between her folds. His teasing sending shivers down her spine, making her legs shake. “Fuck Adam please…” Y/N moaned out in a near beg, “stop teasing…” Adam couldn’t help but smile, he loved seeing her like this, under time looking so beautiful, he decided to tease her a little more. “Are you sure you want this cock..?” He asked in a cocky tone, pushing his tip a little more pass the folds, teasing her entrance, feeling his fat tip made Y/N arch her back and moan out.
“Fuck yes please..!” She moaned out, wanting, needing him in her tight hole. Adam couldn’t help but smile a cocky grin, “as you wish princess..” he said to her before pushing in, finally feeling her warm walls around his fat cock. The pair both let out a moan as he eases his way into her. Y/N wad are easy shaking from pleasure, no matter how many times they have sex he’s still so big…
After finally putting every inch in her warmth, he was still for a moment before he pulled nearly all the way back out and slammed back in roughly, sending a wave of shock threw Y/N and they yelp at the feeling. Adam smiled as his hands were places on her hips as he began to pound into her wet cunt, feeling her tight hole hugged his cock perfectly, Y/N’s moans were like a symphony in Adams ears, the moans leaving her mouth with near thrust. A mix of cusses and praises fill the steamed filled room.
Adam could feel his pit filling up, know soon he was gonna fill her up, he moved his right hand from her hip, taking his free hand and took a fist full of her hair pull her upper body up. Adam buried his face into her neck, biting down on it, making her moan more. Adam moved his face away from her neck, seeing the bruising bite on her neck, he then moved closer to her ear, “you like taking his cock.?” He asked his tone cocky and horny, his pounds never letting up. “Yes!” Y/N said in an almost scream from pleasure “you like being a cockwhore for me? You like that this cunt belongs to me?” He asked in a near mocking tone, love seeing Y/N like this, his pretty wife..
“Yes! I’m your cockwhore!” She moaned out bitting her lip. Y/N could feel her own pit form more and more in here lower stomach, making her tighten up. Adam could feel her tightening around his cock, he knew this feeling, he knew she was close. He continued to pound away into her at an unholy speed, letting out grunts chasing his own release. “Aw are you close babygirl?” He asked her as he pounded away over and over again, Y/N could barely speak from the pleasure she was feeling, her nodded her head for him, “yes I’m so close..” she said between moans.
“Good girl..” Adam groaned louder as he slammed his hips into her, releasing his seed deep in her, but he didn’t stop he continued to pound, feeling her orgasm grow closer and closer. Adam never let up the speed pounding into her. After a few more thrust she came hard around his cock, he felt her fluids coat his cock and her hole tightened, they both let out moans at the feelings, the euphoric feeling engulfing them both.
They stood still for a moment before he finally pulled out of her, Y/N let out a little whimper as the lost of his cock. Adam help wash off her sweat before picking her up and turning off the water. Adam sat her down on the counter of their shared bathroom. Adam grabbed Y/N a towel and wrapping it around her body before grabbing himself one. “Thank you for helping me baby..” he said placing a kiss on her head. Y/N couldn’t help but smile, even though the rest of heaven saw him as a cocky bastard, he was her cocky bastard that had a soft spot for her. Y/N help his hand giving it a gentle squeeze. “I’m gonna be here for you Adam you know that..”
Adam stayed quiet for a moment before speaking softly “you know I love you right?” He said to Y/N rubbing her head. “And I love you Adam..” she said softly to him. Adam smiled before picking her up and speaking.
“How about a round 2?”
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@kazurami14 @netheris @musicb33nsstuff @rainycloud858 @yaimlight @erissco @aarkhamkknight @pooplyface1423
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binniesbooks · 8 days
Ok ok soo lets start with Yeonjun SINCE i think you said unti palang sya sa acc mo SOOOOOOO.. thinking abt teaserdom!yeonjun x sub!reader
Scenario isss, reader is fucking horny, its 3am and shes still awake (she has insomnia like me) she suddenly had a wave of horniness and how did she deal with that??? She masturbates, trying so hard not to make a sound since yeonjun is sleeping so pretty beside her (he's awake and aware LMAO) anddd like its not enough for her so she slowly takes yeonjun's hand and uses it to pleasure herself 👹 ( and we all know what happend after that👀 to be more detailed, yeonjun is a tease and edges reader ahhweibaiw ) the rest is yours to write fayee💓
It may not be the best BUT i thought abt this last night and i just had to request it to someone AFGRHRBRBRBRB
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YJ 999 .F25 2024
wc 2.2k
pairings performerbf!Yeonjun x insomniac!reader
warnings teaserdom!Yeonjun, sub!reader, self-relieving, mentions of medication for insomnia, pornographic video clips(?), light somno if you squint, oral sex (f. receiving), unprotected sex, creampie (+ anything I've missed)
faye's note took me so long, mock board wracked my brain. So thankful classes got suspended so I took the chance to write lol. HAHAHAHAHA
special thanks to dear @aduh0308 i love you, hun.
"Goodnight, love, 'm sorry, too sleepy," Yeonjun muttered, lips pouty and voice sleepy.
"Goodnight, Jjunie, sleep tight," you answered, slowly combing your fingers through his hair.
With a low hum, you felt his hot breath against your neck. His little snores hinted that he drifted to sleep already, too tired from practicing all day.
Your eyes were so full of him today too, as you watched him repeatedly practice his dance performance, "Guilty". Yeonjun's figure was so sexy. His toned abs were revealed multiple times as he slid his hand under his shirt to hold his chin and cover his mouth.
Yeonjun is so particular in what he does, he wants everything to be perfect. So he always tries his best to get into the emotion of whatever he is doing. That’s the reason why he looks so extra sexy in the video he filmed for his performance, his white shirt riding off his abs.
Yeonjun nuzzled his face closer to your neck, unconsciously trying to find some warmth from you in your air-conditioned room.
It'd already been 4 hours since he fell asleep, however, you, on the other hand, weren't sleepy even for a bit. These past few days, you haven't had enough sleep, as your insomnia kicks every night. So when Yeonjun tossed and turned around lying flat on his back, you think of an idea to make yourself feel sleepy since your medication hasn't been helping. These past few days, you've been resorting to touching yourself to feel tired and fall asleep. But you thought, maybe tonight you should let it pass since your boyfriend was fast asleep next to you.
As you were scrolling on Yeonjun's phone, trying to find something to watch or read, you suddenly thought of opening his gallery.
You were met with an unfamiliar album entitled "for my pretty girl". The album quickly piques your interest as you open it. Your mouth hung open when you saw it was a compilation of videos where Yeonjun was clearly touching himself.
Your plan to abstain from self-relief for tonight? Revoked.
You opened one of the videos as you listened to his voice in the background.
"Mmhh... ngh... Love... Please, more..." Yeonjun's voice was so whiny, the camera kept on shaking as his abs kept on clenching. His huffs and pants got louder as the tip of his cock leaked. His shaky breath could be heard as he stopped stroking his cock, the full view made you notice how it harshly twitched, eager for touch.
"Fuck, love, I can't wait to feel you around me, I missed you," he huffs.
You opened a few more videos of Yeonjun desperately touching himself and whispering behind the camera how he badly wanted to feel you squeeze him.
Until you found yourself with your hand slowly circling your clothed clit. "Jjun...." you whispered, biting your lip to prevent any loud noise that would come out of your mouth. You placed the phone beside your head as you listened to his voice in the video whimpering and whining.
You slipped off your pajamas, quickly tossing them on the floor as you pressed your head further against your pillow, trying to suppress your moans. Your slender fingers played with your arousal, and your other hand crept under your shirt, pinching your nipples. Your breathing was ragged and shaky as you tried to suppress it once again.
Feeling a little bit needy, you carefully slid your digits inside you, curling and pumping them inside, trying to reach the right spots. Your body shook from pleasure, your lips swollen from how hard you were biting them. The squelching sound made it so filthy as you pushed your fingers in and out. "Yeonjun..." You whispered his name once again, your voice coming out as a croak. You tried your best to stay quiet because you didn't want him to wake up from you trying to relieve yourself.
Suddenly, your slender fingers felt shorter than usual. Still unsatisfied, you grabbed his hand, intertwining his fingers with you first before settling it down on your pussy. You decided to use his pretty fingers to get off. You gasped loudly when you slid his finger inside you. You didn't pay much attention to it, losing the chance to notice that his fingers were a bit stiff as if he were controlling them. Holding his hand, you guide his fingers in and out of you, desperate to cum.
With a few more pumps, a little bit more of biting your lips, and a heart-pounding experience to suppress your moans, you were just about the edge. "A b-bit more," you muttered, bucking your hips up. "'m so close, 'm gonna cum," you huffed, eyes closed, head pressed on the pillow.
Then his hand stopped. No, you didn't get to cum yet. His hand came to a pause from moving, hell, it was even pulled away from you. You whined from the empty feeling until you heard a rustling sound from beside you.
"You're using my hand to get off? How dirty are you, pretty girl?" Yeonjun chuckled, turning to his side and using his elbow to support his body to face you, giving his fingers kitten licks.
Your eyes widened as you pulled the blanket over your body, stuttering your excuses, "N-no! I can explain love, p-please this is.. it's not w-what it looks like!"
"Hmm, fuck, you taste so sweet, love," Yeonjun moaned, still sucking on his slick-covered fingers.
"Yeonjun," you gulped.
Yeonjun laid on his back again, pushing his white shirt up, exposing his toned abs as he ran his hand under it. "Mhh..." he moaned teasingly, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Stop that," you pouted, quietly sliding your hand under the sheets, trying to relieve yourself again. You slipped your finger inside you again, though your silent gasp didn't go past Yeonjun without him noticing it.
"My desperate girlfriend," he cooed as he hovered above you, pulling the sheets away, catching you red-handed. He pulled your hand and sucked on your fingers as his moans vibrated through your skin.
You were too embarrassed to look at him, so you tried covering your eyes.
"What makes you so shy now that you weren't earlier?" he whispered, lowering his head on your tummy. The hem of your shirt was caught between his teeth as he pulled it up. He looked over you with his hooded eyes as he dipped his head down once again, planting a kiss on your upper abdomen.
You couldn't help but tangle your fingers on his hair as you watched him. Yeonjun pressed his tongue flat on your burning skin, licking a long stripe from your navel and up.
His kisses moved down to your waist, giving it a few splotchy red marks. Without tearing his gaze on you, his tongue grazed your clit, making you dig your heels on the bed and arch your back, too desperate to feel him.
Yeonjun held both sides of your waist, his thumb gently massaging your flushed skin, as he continuously teasingly grazed your clit with his tongue.
Just when you thought you could relax for a bit, he suddenly licked a long stripe on your folds, making your body shiver and your grip tighten against his soft locks. You lifted your hips up, trying to meet his lips and tongue again, but he just pushed you down, making you whine.
"No no no no, pretty. Have sum' patience," he cooed, landing a slap on your thigh and making you yelp.
Dipping his head down once again, his sharp tongue prodded at your hole. His hum resonated around the four corners of the room as he felt you tug his hair a little bit harder.
"Fuck, Yeonjun, please..." you whined, trying to lift your hips again.
He hoisted your legs on his shoulder, tucking his hand under your thighs as he started to lap on your wet folds.
"S-stop... Ahh!"
Your squirming and trembling figure made him pull you closer to his mouth as he ate you out. Your heels digging onto his back as you feel yourself getting wetter, your fingers clutching the sheets underneath you. The obscene sounds he made makingthe knot in your stomach tighten.
"Close... So close..." you whimpered, trying to grind on his mouth.
But to your disappointment, Yeonjun pulled away, his nose, mouth, and chin glistening with your arousal. "W-what the hell!" you exclaimed, eyes teary.
"You wanna cum that badly, sweetie?" Yeonjun smirked.
"Please, please, please," you pleaded, fat tears rolling down your cheeks as your pussy clenches around nothing.
Yeonjun swiftly removes his thin shirt, grabbing both of your hands and tying his shirt around your wrists. "Only if you become a good girl for me," he said, tightening the makeshift rope.
"I'll be good, love, please. P-please let me cum, l-let me cum," you whined.
"Really?" he taunts. "Even if I do this?" Yeonjun slid his two fingers inside you and immediately withdrew it.
Your thighs were shaking as you yelp, "Wanna cum, wanna cum, please!" you cried loudly.
Yeonjun could only chuckle at you as he watched you rub your thighs together.
"Aren't you too horny, pretty girl? My videos made you this horny? Hm?" His fingers crept up your body, twisting your nipples in the process.
"Fuck fuck fuck! Ahh! More... Hng!" You didn’t even know the words or noises coming out of your mouth, you just desperately wanted to cum right now.
"Look at you, you're such a mess. Still unsatisfied even after using my videos and fingers to get off," he snickered.
"You should be a little patient, darling. Just like this guy in here," he added, palming himself through his black shorts.
"D'you wanna get my dick wet?" he asked, kissing your temple. You nodded frantically, unsure of what you were agreeing to, but you just need him.
Yeonjun rose to his knees between your body, pulling his shorts down a little to expose his hardened cock, kissing his lower abdomen. You bit your lip as you watched him repeatedly pump his cock.
"Mhhmp, this feels nice, fuck," he smirked, closing his eyes as he looks up. His adams apple bobbed u p and down as his mouth opened and closed simultaneously from the pleasure.
"Want to feel you, Jjun," you pouted, rubbing your thighs together again.
"You wanna feel me? Wanna be my cocksleeve, baby?" he smirked. You nodded at him again, biting your lips as you imagined him fucking your brains out like he usually did.
"Patience, pretty," he giggled, pressing the tip of his cock on your swollen lips.
Just when you were about to open your mouth and suck him, he pulled away. "Nah-uh, you're a bad girl, so eager for a mere cock. What are you, a slut?" he frowned, making you feel embarrassed. You covered your face using your tied hands.
"Covering your face? Wanna miss the fun part?"
When you peeked between your fingers, you saw him stroking his cock as his pre-cum shines on the tip of his cock.
"Whenever I'm not with you, I touch myself. I made a compilation just for you to watch how I badly wanna fuck you. Fuck-- " His brows creased, feeling the hair on the back of his head stand up.
"Not wanting anything other than to fuck you when I'm stressed," he muttered, his grip on his cock tightening as you heard him grunt.
"J-junnie, please, wanna cum with you," you whimpered, not being able to watch him any further.
"Sure!" he smirked as he aligned himself against your throbbing core.
You felt the good stretch as you gasped and a guttural moan ripped through him.
Yeonjun started moving inside, strings of curses coming out of his mouth as he felt you clench. He made sure to thrust deep to reach the parts where you and his fingers couldn't. Yeonjun practically pressing his hips on yours just to make you feel full sent you reeling.
You looped your arms around his neck to pull him closer, your fingers tangled on his locks once again as you felt him raw inside you.
"B-bit more... I'm gonna cum--"
Yeonjun still inside you, edging himself at the same as his body trembled from the sudden halt . "Fuck," he whispered.
"No no no no please, please no baby, I'm so close, I'm so close please," you cried out loud.
"H-hah, you're so desperate, pretty girl," he huffed, pressing his hips against you once again.
He then lifted his hips up for a bit. "Fuck yourself on me, show me how desperate you are, " he taunted.
No need for him to say it twice. You started moving your hips, fucking yourself on his cock, and burying him inside you as deep as possible. Until he decided to meet your hips halfway, making you feel him on your throat. The shallow thrusts make you whimper, and your body trembles.
"Gonna fill you up, need to fill you," he muttered through gritted teeth, hair sticking to his sweaty forehead.
"Please, please, please!"
With a few more thrusts, your body convulsed, and strings of moans coming from you caused Yeonjun to bust.
"Fucking shit!" he hissed as he let his head fall against your chest. He slowly moved for a little while, letting the two of you ride out your high, draining himself inside you.
His body felt burning hot against your skin as your hearts thumped hard together. Your pants and huffs filled the room, which made it feel steamy even when the air- conditioning is on.
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midnightorchids · 6 months
hey babe- I sucks so much that your sick and stressed. Maybe some soft Jason HCs will help. - Jason will highlight and annotate lines or passages in his book that remind him of you. He will say them to you late at night when both of you are tucked away in bed to make it seem like he made it up himself. You know he's lying since you have read all of his books but you indulge him. That adorable proud smirk on his face is too kissable not too. - Both of you have scheduled reading dates once a month where you'll spend most of the day just reading on the couch. Your head in his lap or his head in yours. You spend supper that night talking about your separate books. - He loves it when you slightly tug on his hair or gently scratch his skin (non-sexually). It's like a reminder to him that he didn't make you up and that he can still feel you so closely. He's dead asleep as soon as his head connects with your chest and your hands tangle in his thick black hair. He'll smile and giggle like a little kid as you kiss the white tuft of hair tangled over his forehead. - If your a hero/vigilante yourself, he coordinates his patrol times so that you'll start patrol together. He only takes his mask off during patrol time when he's with you on a secluded roof-top or warehouse. The first thing he always asks is 'you ok hun? anything happen?' - After patrol, he's always antsy to pamper you first. He helps you out of ur uniform, sweeping you up into his arms to be placed in the bath. The warm water, scented at your request, settles your nerves, the tension leaving your muscles as Jason starts washing down your shoulders and chest. He settles behind you, your body trapped against his. His legs on either side of you and his thick arms holding you tightly against his chest. His chin usually rests on the top of your head as you ramble about your evening. He'll press soft sweet kisses under your ear and along the curve of your neck, making you giggle. - He'll help you step out of the bath and wrap you tightly in a towel, giving you one of his shirts to change into as he finds his sweatpants. You fall asleep on top of him, nestling into the safety of his arms. Both of you are cozy and extremely sappy. But it's just a fraction of the love that he pours into you and your relationship. Jason falls asleep smiling, knowing that he has the most important person in his life wrapped up and safe tangled in his arms.
You don’t understand, this genuinely just made my whole day, week even!! Thank you!!! These are the sweetest headcanons ever, I would die for soft Jason.
I had the stupidest grin on my face reading the first one, he’s such a loser, but in the best way possible.
And because of that, I’d also like to add on to that one…!
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You know when a song comes on that you know really well and you just can’t help but sing along? I think there would be a time in your relationship where he’d recite you a verse from his favourite poem, acting all high and mighty like this is his own work. You’ll look at him with a small smile on your face, trying to hold yourself back from reciting along with him, but you can’t help it!! Once you start, he’ll stop and get this really cute, sheepish smile, knowing that he’s been caught.
You’ll both let out a giggle and to tease him further, you’ll tell him he’s an amazing writer and that you’re a big fan of his works. This will end in one of two ways, he’ll tackle you and smother you with kisses or he’ll tickle you until you’re both a laughing mess. Either way, this doesn’t stop him from reading out his favourite lines to you and pretending like they’re his own.
The scheduled reading dates one also has me on such a chokehold. I want to be bundled up in a cosy sweater with big blanket and have him lay his head on my lap, while I play with his hair and read to him (I suck at reading out loud, he’d probably make fun of me LMAO).
I also want him to tell me about the books he’s reading, his eyes wide, full of life and beaming with passion.
This is when he looks the prettiest. He’s so excited, he’s waving his hands around gesturing to things, pacing around the room, trying to explain this crucial point in his story to you. You can’t help but stare at him in awe, he’s just so so pretty like this.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
chaggie and a very important question about vaggie and small helpless adorable little things
Charlie: "Personal question?"
Vaggie: "I'm an open book now babe, I swear."
Charlie: "It's about... heaven."
Vaggie: "Alright..."
Charlie: "It's about heaven's petting zoo."
Vaggie: "??... okay?"
Charlie: "First though- you're sure they won't let you back up there? Very sure? Even for a visit??"
Vaggie: "I wouldn't visit even if I wasn't on their no-ascension list."
Charlie: (sigh) "If you're sure, then.... Vaggie. Do you PROMISE me you'll be one hundred percent HONEST about this?"
Vaggie: "I promise, Charlie.
Charlie: "And I trust you. Um. Okay. During your time up in heaven, did you ever..."
Vaggie: "..."
Vaggie: "Did I ever..?"
Charlie: (deep breath)
Charlie: "Did you EVER visit the petting zoo?"
Vaggie: ".... no?"
Charlie: "....."
Charlie: (bursts into tears)
Vaggie: "SHIT! Sweetie- what-"
Charlie: "Th-they're so FLUFFY Vaggie and SOFT and CUDDLY and, and you don't even KNOW what you missed out on-!"
Vaggie: "Oh hun, nooo, I get to snuggle you, don't I?" (snuggles gf) "You're the loveliest creature in creation, so I'm not missing out."
Charlie: (sobbing) "But you've NEVER cuddled a KOALA!?"
Vaggie: "Well... no."
Vaggie: (helplessly holding sobbing gf) (PANICKING)
-later in heaven-
Emily: (answering phone) "Vaggie, hi! How are- huh?"
Emily: "Of course I'm still coming for tomorrow's meeting! Actually I uh, I might be the only heaven delegate who can make it- but I'm REALLY looking forward to it so-!"
Emily: "Bring something? Sure! What did you-"
Emily: "...."
Emily: "...a what? Why..."
Emily: "She was CRYING over it!?"
Emily: "No no I get it! That's a definitely emergency! Of course I'll help, I just, I'm not sure if- I'll ask and find out, okay??"
Emily: "Right, um, tell Charlie I hope the swelling around her eyes goes down soon and... maybe give her a hug from me? Thanks, Vaggie. No- no problem- no owing anything, just sit tight while I figure this out on my end. Okay? Yes, you too- take care! Bye!"
Emily: (ends call)
Emily: (looks hesitantly over at sera) "Um."
Sera: "What is it." (not looking up from paper work) "Trouble in Pandæmonium?"
Emily: "No nothing like that.... I'm just wondering.."
Sera: "Yes?"
Emily: "...hypothetically! IF someone was to bring an animal from heaven and down into hell, would that be-"
Sera: "Animal abuse."
Emily: "Oh." (drooping) "Ok..."
Vaggie: "Is there a small animal hidden under your wings or are you just happy to see us?"
Emily: "Both! Charlie, Vaggie- Looooook what I brought!!!"
Charlie: (GASP) "KOALA BABY!!!"
Vaggie: (smile at gf) "And you worried I was missing out."
Emily: (beaming) "Not on my watch!"
Charlie: "VAGGIE VAGGIE OH MY GOSH HOLY SHIT OH FUCK A KOALA-" (grabs vaggie and shoves her over) "-OH YOU HAVE TO PET THE KOALA!!! YOU HAVE TO!!"
Vaggie: "Alright babe." (laughing) "I'm petting, okay? Take a breath."
Emily: "Is she okay?"
Charlie: "-EEEeeeeEEEeEEEEEE-"
Vaggie: "She's fine. Big lung capacity."
Emily: "Oh, from singing?"
Charlie: "-EEEEEEEEE-"
Vaggie: "Sure."
Charlie: "-EEEehehheEHEHEH! So?! Isn't this AMAZING?!??"
Vaggie: "He is pretty cute I guess-"
Vaggie: "......."
Vaggie: "Uh."
Emily: "Aww, he likes you. He's clinging to you like you're his mama~"
Charlie: "OH! MY! GOSH!"
Vaggie: "Wh.. what do I do?"
Charlie: "HOld still I NEED a picture-!"
Emily: "Don't worry. They're good climbers so he won't fall off."
Vaggie: "Shouldn't I keep a hand on him just to make sure?"
Charlie: "-oh this is so SWEET eeeeee-!"
Emily: "You really don't have to look so worried, Vaggie." (giggles) "If you get tired and want to sit down during the meeting, I'll just take him!"
Vaggie: "Wouldn't that wake him up though?"
Emily: "Only for a moment. I'm sure he won't mind-"
Vaggie: "No that's fine, he's not heavy."
Emily: "Well no he's just a baby, but still, if you start feeling stiff-"
Vaggie: "I won't. He fits right on my hip, see? No problem."
Emily: "Okay." (smiling) "Not sure I could pry him off you anyway."
Charlie: (recording this) (awed) "He really really really DOES like you Vaggie..."
Vaggie: "I think he's a bit scared. Poor little fur ball... had to travel all the way to hell today, huh? Hiding in someone's wings the whole way. That's a big day for you."
Koala baby: (squeaks)
Vaggie: (walking around to soothe it) "Shhh no pasa nada, pobrecito. It's okay. Shhh..."
Charlie: "..." (still recording) (tearing up)
Emily: (leaning in) "Getting ideas..?"
Charlie: "No." (smiling) (sniffling) "Not new ones, anyway. Just, thinking she might be having the same ones too, maybe~"
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Her Pretty Girl
pairings: hazel callahan x reader
warnings: insults, stupid Jeff, bad writing
summary: Hazel’s girlfriend calls her Pretty Girl every time.
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It was the day after the game, and the fight club planned a celebratory meeting for saving the day. As the girls filed in, Hazel and her girlfriend walked in hand and hand. As everyone got seated, Josie spoke up.
“Well, that was some pretty fucked up shit.” The girls nodded at the statement. They had killed, after headcount, all of the football players. Collectively, they had decided to never mention that part.
“Fuck yeah, we slayed those players,” Sylvie yelled aggressively. The girls laughed and nodded, high-fiving each other.
“Yo where’s the snacks,” PJ asked confused. A gasp came from Hazel’s side, their heads turned towards the sounds.
“I am so sorry, I left it in my last class,” Y/N apologized. “I’ll go grab it.” She stood up, hand leaving Hazels.
“Do you want me to go,” Hazel asked sweetly. Shaking her head, Y/N smiled in appreciation.
“Thank you, but I’ve got it pretty girl, love ya” Y/N said, leaving a small kiss on her cheek before leaving the gym. As Hazel’s eyes followed Y/N’s leaving figure, she heard a snicker come from PJ.
“Gosh, what kind of nickname was that,” PJ asked rudely. Holding back an eye roll, Hazel turned to PJ before answering.
“The nickname a lover gives. I know you wouldn’t know, so I’m glad I could clear it up for you,” Hazel said with a smirk. The girls laughed as PJ blushed in embarrassment. If Hazel was being honest with herself, she was still upset with PJ. Yes, she had said she forgiven her, but she had just wanted to get it over with. Originally, Hazel had felt guilty, but Y/N had told her that she had no reason to be, going on about how PJ was a ‘stupid bitch’.
“No, but really,” PJ interrupted Hazel’s thoughts. “Why in the hell does she call you that?” All the girls turned to Hazel, ready for the story. Hazel opened her mouth to speak before she paused. When had Y/N start calling her pretty girl? Blinking, Hazel thought about when it had started.
“Well,” Hazel started. “For as long as I can remember knowing her, she’s always called me pretty girl.” They had gotten together during summer, their first ‘official date’ had been the festival, the day before school. “She always called me hun, like she does to everyone she cares.” The girls nodded in agreement. Everyone who was everyone knew that when talking with people she cared about, she always called them by their name, and hun. “Sometimes she called me sweets,” Hazel added. Huh, Y/N really did call her by lots of pet names.
“But we wanna know why she calls you pretty girl,” Annie said impatiently.
“Yeah, come on,” Isabel agreed, holding Josie’s hand. Hazel rolled her eyes playfully at the impatience from the group.
“Seriously, I don’t remember-” Hazel stopped mid sentence.
“What,” Brittany asked. Hazel did remember.
“It was the beginning of freshman year..”
It was a normal day. As usual, Jeff was being a dick and pushing Hazel around. Hazel kept her head down, if she kept her mouth shut, the bullying would be over faster. Everyone usually ignored Jeff’s bullying, hoping to stay out of his trail of fear. Not Y/N though.
“Your so ugly,” Jeff said with cruelty. Hazel winced subtly. That definitely did not help with her self esteem.
“You shut your mouth,” a voice said, stepping in front of Hazel. The person put themself in between her and Jeff. It was her darling Y/N. Well, not her Y/N, at least not at the time, but Hazel still liked her. “She is the prettiest, gorgeous, most stunning girl in school, hell, in the whole freaking world!” From what Hazel could see from behind, she could hear and see her fuming.
“Ugh,” Jeff whined. “No fun, this is too much work.” Jeff snapped for his goonies to follow him out, not wanting to do extra work. As he left, Y/N turned to Hazel with concern.
“Hey, are you ok,” she asked softly. No one had every spoken so kindly to Hazel, and it didn’t help the fact that she was gorgeous.
“I-I’m ok,” Hazel stuttered back, avoiding eye contact. Suddenly two hands grabbed her face and brought it near Y/N’s face. Too close. Hazel couldn’t help the blush coming onto her face.
“He is wrong, Haze. You are not ugly,” Y/N said firmly. Haze laughed sarcastically, looking away from Y/N.
“It’s ok, I know I’m not the prettiest,” Hazel tried to play off, but Y/N would not hear anymore of that. Y/N held Hazel’s face firmer, forcing Hazel to look at her.
“Listen here, Hazel Callahan. You are the most stunning, gorgeous, most dazzling girl I’ve ever met. You, are a very pretty girl.” Y/N was fully prepared to continue to rant, but she noticed tears in Hazel’s eyes. “Haze,” she said softly, wiping away her tears. “I will tell you every day, of what a pretty girl you are until you believe me. And I’ll continue to tell you, even after that.” Hazel couldn’t stop a few tears slip past her eyes.
“Do you really mean that,” Hazel asked softly. Nodding, Y/N pulled the crying girl into a hug.
“Of course, pretty girl.” That was the day Hazel realized that she loved Y/N. She wanted to be girlfriends.
“And since then, she’s been calling me pretty girl,” Hazel said, wiping her eyes. Some tears had slipped while recalling the beautiful moment. She had never taken Jeff’s words to heart, but hearing Y/N fighting for her to know she was pretty? It meant the world to her. A loud sob broke the silence causing Hazel to snap out of her thoughts. The group was crying, moved by her darling Y/N.
“That was too fucking cute,” Sylvie cried. Hazel nodded, a loving smile on her face.
“I’m not gay, but I would date her if she was single,” Brittany added. The gym doors opened to show the center of attention herself, Y/N.
“Hey, I brought all the snacks,” Y/N said, motioning to the wagon full of snacks she was wheeling. The girls gave a collective ‘awe’, leaving a confused look on the girl’s face. Hazel walked towards Y/N to help bring the snacks. “Thank you, pretty girl,” Y/N smiled sweetly. The girls screamed at the reference, leaving a confused look on Y/N’s face. Hazel couldn’t help it, she grabbed her girlfriend and kissed her, getting kissed back with vigor. When Hazel pulled back, Y/N gave a dazed look of love. “What was that for, pretty girl?”
“Nothing, just wanted to kiss you,” Hazel said nonchalantly. Blushing, Y/N looked away and started unpacking the snacks. As Hazel stared at her girlfriend while PJ walked up to her.
“You’re really whipped, huh,” PJ elbowed Hazel knowingly. Hazel hummed in agreement. She was head over heals for Y/N. “You’re her pretty girl, aren’t ya?”
Yes. Hazel was her pretty girl.
A/N: I actually liked this one a lot. Hope you all liked this one! If you have any requests, please send them :)
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mingis-orangejuice · 2 months
Love and Deepspace Boys with an MC that's good with children Part.1: Zayne
Summary: MC helps cheer up a little girl at Akso Hospital, she then asks Zayne to invite the "Pretty hunter who was super fun" to come back
a/n: these ones were so fun to write. tbh this one is my least favourite of them, but it's still good tho just, idk ... you'll understand once you read the other parts.
Genres/Warnings: just pure teeth rotting fluff
Word count: 908
Other parts: 2, 3, 4
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Sitting in the waiting room at Akso Hospital you quietly stare out the window. The nurse walks in and informs you that Dr.Zayne might take a bit longer than usual since he’s currently in the OR and there are some complications. You thank the nurse for informing you and decide to take a little stroll around the hospital while you wait. As you slowly walk down the hall, you pass by an open room and hear a small voice say 
“Miss, can you help me ?” You stop in your tracks and look around to see where the voice is coming from. You see a little girl standing in the doorway of the room you just passed. She was wearing a pink hospital gown with a cast on one of her arms and holding a teddy bear and a picture book in the other.
You turn around and return to the room “Sure, what do you need help with, hun?” You both walk into her room. It looks like any other hospital room with two beds separated by a curtain divider. The little girl’s bed was the one near the window, but there was no one in the other bed.
“Can you read this to me? Mrs Jenkins usually helps me but she’s in surgery right now so I have no friends to help me read” The little girl points to the empty bed “She said when she comes back we’ll read 100 books together!”
“Wow, that sounds like fun,” You say as you take a seat on the little chair next to her bed. The little girl hands you the book and gets under her covers. “Are you and Mrs. Jenkins close?”
“Yeah she always reads to me every day and she’s even teaching me how to read.” the little girl stated happily
“Pretty soon you’ll be reading books to her then” You smiled.
The little girl looked at you with bright eyes “That would be so cool I hope she comes back from surgery soon” she sadly looked over to the empty bed
“I’m sure she’ll come back soon, happy and healthier than ever” you reassure.
Trying to get her mind off of a sad topic you opened the book and started reading. It was a cute picture book about dragons, and you made sure to do all the voices of each character while reading. The little girl loved it she was laughing the whole time. Once that book was finished the little girl got off the bed and picked out another book from her backpack she kept on the floor under her bed. “Can you read this one too?” You smile take the book and start reading. After that book, she kept asking you to read more and more and you kept agreeing to do so. 
You two had been reading for a while now. You had almost completely forgotten about your appointment with Dr. Zayne when you heard a knock on the hospital room door. You both look over to see Zayne wheeling in an elderly lady in a wheelchair. “Mrs. Jenkins!” the little girl excitedly screamed. She got out of her bed ran over to the lady and gave her a big hug.
Zayne looked at you “What are you doing here, shouldn’t you be in the waiting room awaiting your appointment?”
Before you could say anything the little girl chimed in “Dr.Zayne, This lady was helping me read, she’s really nice, please don’t be mad at her.”
Zayne can’t help but smile at the little girl’s words, as annoyed as he was with you he couldn’t deny that seeing you in such a maternal role was too cute. “Ok I won't scold her for almost missing her appointment since you asked so nicely” he ruffled her hair and smiled.
A few days later Zayne gives you a call “Are you busy now, I need you to come to Akso.”
“What's wrong? Did something happen?” you were already fumbling to get your shoes on, thinking that there might be some kind of emergency.
“No, no nothing’s wrong. Remember that young girl you read to a few days ago? Her name is Ramona. She was telling all the other kids in the pediatric ward about the pretty lady who read to her and was super fun, I assume she was talking about you. She asked me if I could invite you again, and I said I'd see what I could do.”
“Wow, I’m flattered. Of course, I'll come. I’ll be there soon” You hang up and start to get ready.
Once you get there Zayne leads you to a room with about 10-15 kids in it. You greet the kids and sit down in the rocking chair Zayne had prepared for you, Ramona hands you a book. It was the story of the 3 little pigs and the big bad wolf.
“This one’s my favourite” Ramona expresses as she sits down on the floor with the other kids
“Hmm it seems like there's a lot of characters in this book, I don’t think I can do all the voices by myself. Maybe we can ask Dr.Zayne to help out.” you look to the children and then to Zayne who had been standing in the doorway. 
“Please Dr.Zayne !” the kids begged
He looked surprised for a moment. He looked at you saw your little mischievous grin and chuckled. He couldn’t say no to you or those kids. He reluctantly walks over to where you’re sitting and takes the book from you. “Alright if we’re going to do this then let's do it right” 
As the day went on, he felt his heart swell watching how sweet you were with the kids. He knew you were the one already, but he was so enamoured by you after this he could have proposed on the spot.
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uunromanticized · 10 months
hello. i love your headcanons. may i request Luka Couffaine x reader where they have golden retriever x black cat vibes?( i was just thinking how much Luka fits to be golden retriever as boyfriend. i started to see a lot of video like "Luka always listens to everyone. who would listen to him?" and i think that in this dynamic he would have person who would listen to him. like "ok ok ok" to his "la la la" you know?)(I'm sorry if you hate this "la la la ok ok ok" but i love it and couldn't help but put it here)
thank you so much!!! take care!!!( and sorry for long and maybe too long thing of request. you're free to do whatever you want with it)
hey there hun!!! thank you so so much that means the world to me!!! 💙💙 & yes of course!! don’t worry either i love the whole la la la ok ok ok thing it’s so cute n silly 🤭 i hope this is satisfactory!!
luka w/ a black cat lover
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- luka is not necessarily used to being the one listened to rather than the one listening
- he’s not opposed to it, it’s a nice change of pace but it takes him aback at first.. it almost makes him awkward?
- you’re both more responsive people when others talk so when you’re both alone at first you’re just the standing emoji:🧍🏻‍♀️
- eventually you get over the awkward phase after seeing how upset luka looks one day and letting him talk to you about it
- after offering to take care of it (in which he can’t tell if you’re joking or not??) you then offer genuine advice. it’s then that he realizes that while you’re relatively irritable and stoic you’re a really sweet person underneath
- that’s also the first time he’s attracted to you
- dates are very chill and lowkey unless they’re planned ahead of time (or unless luka feels like surprising you)
- he’s very easygoing while you’re more calculating
- you’re not scary but luka still gets scary dog privileges. or maybe feral cat privileges? you’re definitely not afraid to protect him or growl under your breath at whoever pisses you two off
- don’t think that just because you protect luka doesn’t mean he doesn’t protect you
- you’re a couple that enjoys cuddling i think. you’re the one who lays on top of him
- quick kisses, not at all big on pda
- you two don’t have to be doing the same thing together, but rather you just enjoy being in the presence of one another
- he does like it whenever you share earbuds and you fall asleep though
- you’re there to take care of things emotionally while luka takes care of things like chores or errands
- sometimes you bitch about someone and lukas just smiling and nodding. he definitely takes notes though. just wait til he sees that bitch for himself
- the only times he feels genuine panic for you is after an akuma attack
- all in all you kinda let eachother just do your own thing
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shugar0cone · 8 months
Summary: pretty much this https://youtu.be/5khrrCXhAcA?si=EbI43LBLXhZ-g_Ip
Y/n: *holding up her phone so she can get in a call.*
“Shit I can never get a signal in this crappy hotel.”
*y/n sat her phone down and looked at angel.*
Y/n: “hey, hun. Can I use your laptop.”
Angel: “sure I don’t mind.”
*y/n gets off the couch and walks to the front counter where angels laptop was charging.*
Y/n: “thank you Cher.”
*angel gets up out of his seat and Alastor (who’s y/n husband) appears to see distress.*
*as angel got to the counter him and Alastor respond at the same time.*
Angel: “what the hell happened”
Alastor: “you ok love I heard your distress.“
*y/na hands gripped her hair wide eyes like a deer in head lights.*
*alastor audibly made a record scratch and left the scenes so you and angel could hash it.*
Angel: “why are you looking at my private shit!”
*angel said with his arms out in frustration.*
Y/n: “angel this ain’t private, IT WAS WIDE OPEN!.”
*y/N scrolled down hopeing to exit.*
Angel: “listen the toung placement is important.”
Angel: “I NEED HELP!”
*angel started to cry as y/n put both of their hands on his shoulders.*
Y/n: “Angel, now you listen to me your gonna go out there and meet somebody, your out of control here!”
Angel: “alright alright you will just advert your eyes from the computer.”
Y/N: “I mean it next dick you see do it.”
Angel: “fine I’m done, I’m done.”
*angel relaxed as he noticed y/n grabbing the laptop.*
Y/N: “let’s get rid of this.”
Angel: “woah woah we can just delete the files.”
Y/N: “no no no that shit can be recovered we got to smash this shit, and with a hammer.”
*cut to y/n smashing the laptop with angel.*
Angel: “okay, you good.”
Y/n: “nope it can still be recovered we gotta burry it in the harbor.”
*cut to angel and y/n in diving suits to get rid of his stash.*
*angel and y/n are bonded over this experience while Alastor was traumatized*
A/n: this was a shit post and was board ofc it’s gonna be bad. And yes I changed the script abit.
Love y’all!
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tan1shere · 10 days
Hi! So if you’re comfortable with it i’d love to request Professor!Billie x reader. I love how in “Her Favorite” Billie asks if Reader is okay and if she needs anything. So what if Reader is quiet and shy but is sh-ing maybe Billie sees scars on her arm? Idk just super fluffy and angsty. Again please only write it if you’re comfortable with the request. Have a great day and thank you for your amazing writing 💕
My priority
A/n: yes ofc !! Thank you for checking angel, I'm more than ok with writing this :) I hope you enjoy <3
Warnings - mentions of self harm, cuts ??, and depression, so please don't read if it's triggering in any way !
Another draining day at this hell hole of a college. You dreaded it each day you just wanted to stay in bed and hide from everyone. You go to your first class of the day, wearing oversized everything as you couldn't care less you just wanted to be comfortable. You take a seat at the back, out of everyone's way. When you accidentally bump into someone. "Sorry." You say timidly. "Watch where you're going." They say bluntly. You sigh hoping this day doesn't drag on too much.
Nearing the end of this class, you couldn't be more happier. Although you loved your professor. She was the kindest person, and honestly made it a lot less horrible. Everyone has already left, like always you are the last to leave. "Bye Ms O'Connell." You give her a gentle smile. She does the same. "Bye sweetheart, have a good day." You blush slightly, she always made you so nervous. Did you have a slight crush on her?
Fast forward a few weeks and you were having the worst day known to man. You had woken up late, burned your tongue. Every little thing seemed to happen, badly. Setting your whole mood off. You had even forgotten your jacket, feeling cold. Bringing your arms around your body ever so slightly everywhere you went. You weren't always such a joyful person, you had severe depression. It always lingered inside you maybe that's why people never wanted to be near you, were you scary to them?
It was that same class again, and you honestly couldn't of been more thankful, knowing she'd cheer you up just by her presence. You go to sit down in your usual spot, writing down something when you feel a presence by you. Ms O'Connell, she was looking at you with the softest smile. But her eyes moved from your face and it faded. Your brows furrow wondering why she was looking at you in such a way. Had you spilt something on yourself- but as she walks to the front and you look. You facepalm.
You idiot, how could you forget your jacket for that reason. She most definitely saw them, and now you truly wanted to hide. Instead of being last you try to be the first one out. "Y/n, hun?" You hear her say making you stop. Her voice was so delicate. Your head turns to look at her. Humming in response. "Could we talk?" You slowly nod. Approaching her slowly, you look into her eyes. "I'm here for you." Is all she says. Your eyes avert from hers, watching as the other students leave. "And you can always-" She begins but you turn back to face her with tears in your eyes.
It truly breaks her heart. She doesn't say a word just brings you into a hug which you tightly reciprocate. Crying softly into the hug. "It's ok, you can talk to me." She soothes your hair, gently kissing the top of it. She knew you needed as much comfort right now. "I feel so alone." You sobbed, honestly quite pathetically but you couldn't care less you just needed this hug desperately. You needed warmth of someone.
"Shhh, it's ok. You're never alone. And if it helps you have me, I promise." Maybe it was childhood trauma but you felt comfort in her, even if she was your professor. She moves you with her going into her tiny office in the room. "We can sit here for awhile, you can rant. Cry more. Or just stay silent whatever you prefer. Just know I'm here for you." You hug her so tightly after she says that.
You finally felt seen.
Im so sorry if this isn't the best :( my brain was lacking more creativity but I hope this is what you were after even a little bit :)!
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 4 months
Hey hun ☺️
just read your new Bucky barnes fic (the one with the pinup girl) and it gave me an idea.
what abt Steve Rogers (the 1940s one) meeting {and fucking} his celebrity crush who he has fantasised about and been in love with since FOREVER and she was like the only girl he ever thought about back when all the girls buck set him up with would reject him (If that makes sense, like she gave him hope or sm)
Better Than Fantasies » Post Serum Steve Rogers
Pairings: Post Serum Steve Rogers x Celebrity!Female Reader
Summary: Steve’s fantasies are way better than he imagines when he meets his celebrity crush.
Warnings: mix of Fluff and Smut (18+), language, alcohol, flirting, kissing, hickeys, blowjob, unprotected sex, riding, praise kink, size kink, Steve’s dog tags, pet names
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵 also I hope you don’t mind that I choose to write this with Post Serum Steve Rogers cause that’s how I imagined it🥰
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found it on Pinterest.
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Steve knew who you are the second he seen you. He stopped in his tracks when he seen you talking to Peggy. Bucky walked up next to him, furrowing his eyebrows when he seen his best friend in a daze.
“What are you staring at?” Bucky asks him.
“Her.” Is all Steve said.
Bucky followed Steve’s gaze to you. He smirks to himself, knowing who you are as well. You’re Steve’s celebrity crush.
“What’s she doing here?” Steve asks curiously.
“I don’t know.” Bucky shrugs his shoulders.
Steve’s eyes widened and his heart began pounding when you started walking towards him. Bucky watched as Steve smoothed out his uniform and fixed his hair.
“Here’s two more of our soldiers.” Peggy tells you. “This is Captain Steve Rogers and Sergeant James Barnes. Boys, this is Y/N Y/L/N.” She introduced you to them. “I’m sure you two have heard of her.” She says.
“It’s very nice to meet you guys!” You say with a smile, holding out your hand for them to shake.
Bucky shook your hand while Steve continued to stare at you in awe. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He thought he’d never get a chance to meet you, but here he is right now. Bucky gently elbows Steve in his side to snap him out of his thoughts.
“You have to forgive him. He’s a big fan of yours.” Bucky says.
“That’s sweet.” You smiled at him. “Peggy said she’s going to show me around the base, but I would love to hangout with you if that’s ok.” You say.
“That’s more than ok with me.” Steve says, feeling his cheeks heat up.
You gave him a smile before following Peggy for a tour of the Army base.
“She wants to hangout with me.” Steve says to himself. “She wants to hangout with me!” He says again, a smile growing on his face.
Bucky couldn’t help but smile, happy that his best friend might be able to have a chance with a girl. He set him up with girls, but they always rejected him. That was before he got the serum.
Later that day, Steve and Bucky went to a bar after a day of training. Heads turned when you walked in the bar. Steve turned around, smiling when he seen you. You made eye contact with him and smiled, making your way over to him.
“Hi, Steve.” You say with a smile, taking a seat next to you.
“Hi, Y/N.” Steve says, smiling.
“Hi, Bucky.” You say.
“Hi, Y/N.” Bucky stood up. “I’ll leave you two alone.” He says, winking at Steve before walking away.
You ordered yourself a drink and sat back down at the table with Steve.
“So Steve…” You took a sip of your drink. “Tell me about yourself.” You say.
Steve looked at you for a moment, blinking a couple times. This is the first time a girl has ever wanted to get to know him.
“Umm well…” Steve starts. “I grew up in Brooklyn, New York with Bucky.” He says.
“That’s it?” You asked.
“I’m sorry.” He apologizes. “This is the first time a girl asked to get to know me. Girls have rejected me a lot in the past.” He says, his cheeks turning red in embarrassment.
“Hey…” You put a hand on top of his. “You have nothing to apologize for.” You tell him in almost a whisper. “Besides those girls are missing out.” You say.
A smile formed on Steve’s lips.
“I like you. That’s all that matters.” You smiled at him. “Wanna get out of here?” You asked.
“Yes!” Steve says a little too fast.
You stood up, holding your hand out for him which he happily took in his. You two walked out of the bar hand in hand, making your way to his bunk.
“Nice poster.” You say, smiling when you seen a poster of you on his wall.
“Bucky got it for me for my birthday last year.” He tells you.
“That’s nice of him.” You say with a smile.
Awkward silence filled the room. Steve wasn’t sure what to say to you. He didn’t think he’d get this far.
“So Steve…” You walked towards him, making him walk backwards. “We both know that we didn’t come here to talk.” You say.
“We-” His back hit the closed door behind him. “We didn’t?” He says more like a question.
“Let me ask you something…” Your hand grasped his tie, making his breath hitch in his throat. “Have you ever kissed a girl, Captain?” You asked.
“No.” He answers, his cheeks turning red in embarrassment.
You gave his tie a tug, pulling him down just enough for you to kiss him. Steve was caught by surprise, but he kissed you back. His hands found their way to your waist. Your free hand roamed his body, stopping on his bulge. Steve slightly jumped at your boldness.
“Wait a second…” Steve breathes, pulling away from your lips.
“Is something wrong?” You asked, looking in his beautiful blue eyes.
“I’m- I’m a virgin.” He tells you, his cheeks turning red in embarrassment.
“Oh god…” You took your hand off of his bulge. “I’m so sorry.” You apologized. “I didn’t mean to overstep.” You say.
“It’s ok.” He assures. “If I’m being honest, I have been fantasizing about this.” He tells you. “Kissing you and more.” He says.
“Tell me about the more part, Captain.” You say, biting your bottom lip.
“You on your knees, sucking my… cock.” His cheeks turned even more red. “Then we get on my bed and have sex.” He says.
“Lucky for you, Captain, I can make those fantasies come true.” You seductively said. “Only if you want to.” You say.
“Yes please.” He says.
You sunk down to your knees. You looked up at him, waiting for permission to go further. He nodded his head, meeting you know you can go further. You unbuckled his belt and undid his dress pants, pulling his pants down just enough for his hard cock to spring out. Your eyes widen at his size. You wrapped your hand around his cock and pumped it in your hand, swiping your thumb over his tip to use his precum as a lubricant while looking up at him with an innocent look on your face. A small moan fell from Steve’s lips. You wrapped your lips around his tip, sucking on it a little before moving your mouth further down on his cock. You bobbed your head while your hand pumped what couldn’t fit in your mouth.
“Oh my god…” Steve moans, loving the feeling of your mouth.
Steve felt like he was in another world. He couldn’t believe this was happening. His celebrity crush on her knees and sucking his cock. He never thought this would happen. This is the farthest he’s ever been with a girl. He knows one thing, he loves what’s happening in this very moment.
Steve was snapped out of his thoughts when you took his cock out of your mouth and licked from the base of his cock to his tip. You also licked along the veins of his cock. His eyes rolled to the back of his head when you did that.
“Fuck…” He moans. “Do that again.” He says.
You obeyed him and did it again. A moan of your name left his lips when you did that. He watched closely as your tongue swirled around his cock. Your tongue swirled around his tip, making him want more. Your hand pumped his cock as you continued your actions with your tongue. Steve felt his orgasm building up sooner than he liked.
“I-I’m close.” Steve stutters through a moan.
You put his cock back in your mouth and sucked his cock like your life depends on it. He was getting closer and closer to the edge when a loud moan of your name left his lips as he came in your mouth. Steve leaned against the door panting while you stood up from the floor, your knees red from being on the floor for so long. Steve’s eyes were filled with lust as he looked at you.
Steve got a confidence boost and kissed you hungrily. You moaned against his lips. He pushed the straps of your dress off of your shoulders and pulled your dress off your body, letting it pool around your feet. One of Steve’s hands went behind your back and unclasped your bra, letting it fall from your chest. He picked you up and walked you over to his bed, gently laying you down.
“How’s it fair that I’m almost naked and you’re not?” You say with a playful pout.
Steve chuckles before standing up and took off his clothes. He spread your legs and hovered over you. His Army dog tags were dangling above you. You grasped on the chain and pulled him down for another hungry kiss. His lips moved to your neck. You gasped when you felt his teeth nip at your skin hard enough for a hickey. He kissed his way down your body, stopping at the waistband of your panties. He looked up at you for permission. You lifted your hips, giving him permission. Steve hooked his fingers in the waistband of your panties and pulled them down your legs, dropping them on the floor by his bed. He kissed your inner thighs, getting closer to where you need him most. A shiver went through your body when you felt his breath on your pussy.
Steve paused for a moment, not sure what to do next. He licked his lips at the sight of your wet pussy. He knows one thing… he’s always wondered what you taste like. His tongue gave your pussy a curious lick, moaning at your taste. A moan left your lips when he did that. He did it again, earning another moan from you. His tongue licked from your entrance to your clit. He swirled his tongue in circles around your clit. Steve knew he was doing something right when you kept moaning his name. He decided to take it a step further. He wrapped his arms around your thighs and pulled you closer to him. He latched his lips on your clit and sucked on it while his tongue moved against your folds. Your hands found their way to his head, tugging on his hair.
“Oh Steve!” You moaned.
Your moans encouraged Steve. His tongue moved faster against your folds. One of his arms unwrapped from your thigh, bring his fingers to your pussy. He slowly slid one finger inside of you, groaning when he felt your tightness around his finger. You moaned when you felt his finger moving along your walls.
For Steve’s first time making a woman feel good, he’s aced it. You felt like you were on top of the world with the way he was making you feel in this very moment. You learned something new about him in that moment, he’s skilled with his fingers and tongue. Your curiosity was peaked. You let your mind wander. You were wondering what his cock felt like inside of you. Your thoughts were cut short when Steve unexpectedly slid another finger in your pussy.
“Oh fuck, Steve!” You moaned more in a whine.
Steve’s eyes glanced up at you, watching as pleasure took over your body. His other arm let go of your thigh and slid his hand up your body, stopping at your breasts. His thumb rubbed over your nipple before pinching it. A moan left your lips and a tingling sensation went through your body. He repeated his actions with your other breast, earning the same reaction from you. You arched your back off the bed in pleasure, pushing your breasts more into his hand.
“Oh yes, fuck!” You moaned loudly when his fingers hit your sweet spot. “Right there!” You tell him, followed by a moan.
Steve’s fingers continued to hit your sweet spot while his mouth worked on your clit and his free hand stayed on your breast. Soon enough, your orgasm was building up. Rather quickly you might add.
“I’m so close!” You moaned.
His name left your lips as you came, soaking his face and fingers. Steve pulled his fingers out of your pussy and sat up, hovering over you. You stared up at him, trying to catch your breath.
“How- Where-” You were unable to form a coherent sentence as you tried to ask Steve where he learned to eat a girl out like that.
“If you’re wondering where I learned how to eat out a girl, Bucky told me how.” Steve says.
“Remind me to thank him later.” You giggled. “Now…” You used all of your strength to flip the two of you over so Steve was laying on the bed and you were on top of him, straddling him. “I want to make your fantasies come true.” You lean down to kiss him. “Only if you want to go any further.” You say, not wanting to pressure him into doing anything he doesn’t want to do.
“Please…” He begs. “I want this. I want you.” He says.
You kissed him once more before lifting yourself up and picked up his cock, lining it at your tight entrance. Both of you gasped, when you slowly sunk down on his cock. His tip only stretched your pussy. It hurt, but it also felt good. Steve watched intensely as his cock disappeared in your pussy. Steve groans softly, loving the tight feeling of your pussy wrapped around his cock. You on the other hand took a moment to adjust to his size.
“Don’t be afraid to get handsy with me, Captain.” You say seductively.
You placed your hands on Steve’s strong chest and moved up, only leaving his tip inside of you and slide back down. You rode him at a decent pace, not wanting to overwhelm him during his first time.
“Y-You can go faster if you want.” Steve stutters through a small moan.
You increased your speed just enough to get you two wanting more. Steve was mesmerized by your breasts bouncing as you rode him. He lifted his hands to your breasts and played with them as you rode him. Suddenly, Steve wrapped one of his arms around your waist and sat up, leaning his back against the headboard so he can mark up your breasts with hickeys. That created a new angle for the both of you.
“Oh fuck, Steve!” You moaned.
One of Steve’s hands was occupied with your breasts while his free hand roamed your body, stopping on your ass and gave your ass cheek a squeeze. You playfully gasped at his actions. You leaned your head down and placed your lips on his neck, marking him up.
“There.” You pulled away from his neck, grinning as a hickey slowly began to form on his skin. “Now everyone will know that you’re mine now.” You say, biting your bottom lip.
Steve moaned when you called him yours. It’s like he wants everyone to know that he belongs to you now.
“You like that?” You almost whispered. “You want everyone to know who you belong to?” You asked seductively.
Steve nodded his head eagerly. You bit your bottom lip as you put your hands on his strong shoulders, steadying yourself. Steve’s hand that was on your breasts wandered down to your ass. His hands grasped your ass cheeks and moved you faster on his cock. Loud moans left your lips at his actions. Your eyes fluttered shut and you tilted your head back, enjoying the pleasure. A small squeak left your lips when Steve pinched your ass cheek.
“Eyes on me.” He tells you. “I want you to look at me while you ride me.” He says confidently.
You looked in his beautiful blue eyes that are now filled with lust. You leaned down, kissing him sloppily. Your hands found their way to his head, your fingers tugging at his hair. He moaned at the feeling. You pulled away from his lips, tilting your head back and moaned when his cock hit your sweet spot.
“Yes! Fuck!” You moaned.
Steve knew he found your sweet spot again and smirked proudly. One of his hands found its way to where the two of you are connected and began to rub your clit in circles.
“You’re going to make me cum if you keep doing that!” You moaned, referring to his fingers rubbing your clit.
That was Steve’s goal. He applied a little bit of pressure on your clit as he continued to rub it causing your pussy to squeeze around his cock. Steve moaned at the feeling. You felt your beginning to build up the more he rubbed your clit. You felt your lower stomach tighten. It felt like a rubber band was about to snap inside of you.
“Stevie, I’m- mmm fuck!” You were cut off by a moan leaving your lips.
“Cum for me, sweetheart.” Steve says huskily.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and a loud moan of his name left your lips as you came. Steve gave your clit one last rub before focusing on his own orgasm which wasn’t too far behind yours. You could tell that he was getting closer to cumming from how sloppy his thrusts were as he thrusted up into you.
“I know you’re close.” You panted. “Cum for me, Stevie. Cum inside of me.” You say followed by a moan.
After a few more thrusts, Steve came inside of you. Your bouncing and his thrusts came to a slow stop. He carefully lifted you up, his cock sliding out of you, making you whine at the loss of his cock being inside of you. He carefully laid you down next to him and covered the two of you up with a blanket and wrapped his arm around you while you laid you laid your head on his chest, your fingers playing with his dog tags.
“That was way better than what I fantasized.” Steve says after a couple minutes of silence.
“I’m happy that I made your fantasies come true.” You say, leaning up to kiss his lips softly.
“Thank you for giving me a chance.” He says.
“I will always give you a chance, Stevie.” You say with a smile.
-Bucky’s Doll
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