#ok so. im sure that you looked up at the sky and saw the dragon flying around
The light dragon doesn't have the Master Sword
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lucigoo · 5 months
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So, its very much Sunday (even though I thought it was Saturday ...) not Friday and im very late, but never mind!
Pairing: Bilbo'Thorin
Warnings: MCD, Canon Compliant
Summary: Bilbo is watchig the eagles fly overhead in victory. With Thorin's cooling hand in his, Bilbo isnt sure what their is to feel victorious over.
#248- Watching Birds @flashfictionfridayofficial
A03 link here
Bilbo sat holding Thorin’s hand as the warmth is leached from it. He knew he should move. Knew sitting in a puddle of frozen blood was a very bad idea, but he also knew that as soon as he let go, as soon as he moved, it was over. Thorin would well and truly be gone.
Instead, he laid himself down beside the dwarf. Still holding his hand as tightly as his numb ones could manage it and he looked up.
What he saw would be majestic under any other circumstance. The Eagles flying ahead, doing victory rolls, cawing out their joy at the orcs and the dragon having been defeated.
Well, bully for them, Bilbo thought spitefully. Bully for them and all the other parts of Middle-Earth who were saved because of sacrifices. Sacrifices so big Bilbo couldn’t bare to think about them. Even as he held the hand in his tighter and tighter.
His thoughts suddenly turned to the boys. Sweet, wonderful Kili with a smile that was mischievous and warm, and golden little Fili, a Prince who didn’t succumb to gold sickness because his heart was more golden than anything in the Treasury.
And Thori, brave, beautiful Thorin who tried and tried and yet would never see his kingdom reborn, wouldn’t raise his nephews as the princes they were. Wouldn’t see his sister take back her birth right as Princess under the Mountain.
Bilbo wasn’t sure why it was the thought of Dis that set his tears off. Why the idea of her being alone, and not holding the now bitterly icy hand of the dwarf he had never admitted he loved was what did it, but it was.
He suddenly pulled Thorin’s hand closer and bent over it, wailing into the sky. Hs mournful cries a viscous parody of the eagles’ happy ones from before.
It was there Bilbo sat, his wails raising as he watched the eagles some more, hating them more and more at the carefree way they frolicked, when he heard them. He would recognise those footsteps anyway, and he hated them just as much as the eagles in that moment.
“I thought Wizards were never late? Well, you were. You are so late, it’s impolite Gandalf. You weren’t late with the trolls, or Elrond’s council or the goblins, but here, now? Here you are so late it ended in tragedy. Tragedy, you probably could have avoided Gandalf. Where were you?” Bilbo asked as he lowered his eyes from the sky to his old friend before him.
“I was fighting Bilbo, as were many others. Thorin made his own choices Bilbo, he always has,” Gandalf said sadly.
“No, he rode out like a bloody idiot because he was feeling guilty. You were supposed to be here so they didn’t succumb. So they didn’t lose themselves, but you weren’t. And he forgave me, but he hated me and I betrayed him and it is all fucked up Gandalf!” Bilbo cried.
“There is nothing I can say or do, my friend. But you must stand and let go of his hand,” Gandalf said as he softly reached towards Bilbos entwined hand.
“No,” Bilbo snarled as he scurried backwards, holding Thorin’s hand tightly, refusing to let go. “I’m not ready,” he said again around sobs.
“Bilbo, you will never be ready, but you have to let go and we have to get you to a healer.” Gandalf tried again.
“Why? So I can go back to the Shire and be an even lesser hobbit than I was? So I can go back and pretend to fit in when my heart, my everything is buried under stone on the other side of the world. I can’t let go Gandalf,” Bilbo sobbed.
Gandalf sighed as he reached forwards ad slowly pried Bilbo’s hand loose, catching it before it could cling again. “Im sorry your heart has broken Bilbo, but you are alive, ad we must make sure it stays that way,” Gandalf said as he pulled Bilbo close.
“Ok, but I will wait here. I won’t grab him. But ... He can’t stay here alone. That’s not right. Send someone to carry him down. Someone who will treat him like the King he is, the King he was,” Bilbo said softly as for the first and last time he touched Thorin’s braids, moving them off his face and softly kissing his brow.
“Very well, I shall be back shortly, do not move, and do not Bilbo ...” he trailed off.
“I won’t,” Bilbo repeated as he softly stroked Thorin’s freezing face.
Bilbo heard as Gandalf left, heard as his footsteps retreated. He carried on stroking Thorin’s face as he looked up again.
The eagles had come, and like Gandalf, they had been too late to save his king, his dwarf, the one he loved.
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meganwasbored · 1 year
The Dragon Prince Thoughts Season 4 Episodes 1 and 2
ok so i read ttm and dear callum (and cried over both of them but that’s not important) and by my understanding that’s the only thing i had to read to understand what’s happening so i think i’m good
Episode 1
-“rebirthday” oh this is gonna hurt
-if dark magic eventually makes your hair turn white then why isn’t viren’s hair also white also he’s old
-bruh what is this sparkly place and why did it turn viren into a game piece
-just callum being in the same room with the mirror is making me uncomfortable
-relieved to know that callum is still just as much of a dork as he used to be
-just thinking about all the new spells were gonna be seeing makes me so excited
-soren is also exactly the same
-crow master finally getting the appreciation he deserves
-callum being excited about his amazon package, he is all of us
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-ezran literally arranged bait his own dramatic entrance
-RAYLA would’ve thought the dragon queen joke was funny
-callum literally wasn’t even out of the room yet soren i know you’re smarter than this
-soren this isn’t 2016
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-it probably would’ve been smart for janai to mention to amaya that flame ribbons are used in sunfire elf dances at some point before this so her girlfriend doesn’t think she’s getting attacked with fire whips
-callum standing there waiting for soren in this specific spot implies that soren does lunges on this same route every day
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-just imagine being one of those dancers i would be so confused
-i couldn’t care less about viren’s life i just care about claudia’s feelings
-corvus knows all he has to do is mention callum’s latest hyperfixation and it’ll buy them hours to think of a story
-soren acting like he didn’t know callum could fly
-amaya attacking the proposal dancers and callum almost zapping everyone at his surprise party, like aunt like nephew
-imagine waking up to find out you’ve been dead for two years and in order to stay not dead you have to free a magical being from his ancient prison and you have less than 30 days to do it and then your daughter brings out her boyfriend who’s an elf (and you were trying to kill all elves last time you were alive)
-do you ever see a sad scene coming and you just have to pause it and prepare yourself for a second because the second i saw callum on that balcony i knew
-you can tell just from this thirty seconds that ezran has been callum’s therapist for to last two years
-🎶it’s my party and i’ll cry if i want to🎵
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Episode 2
-are they really expecting the staff to still be there?
-ezran literally never questions any of callum’s dorkiness he’s always just like “you do you big bro”
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-also ibis going from “powerful sky mage” to “dragonsitter” is so funny to me like there are so many more important things for him to do but nope he’s here trying to convince the prince to eat his vegetables
-also i’m pretty sure i’ve said this before i’m gonna ask again, are the runes for the wing spell tattooed on ibis’s arms or does he just like regularly repaint them? or after you do the spell once are they just there permanently? and if that’s so does callum also have the runes on his arms? he has to in some way because he just did the wing spell last episode
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-can’t tell if viren is acting like this to terry because he is an elf or just because he’s his daughter’s boyfriend
-why did karim look at gren and amaya? does this dude really think amaya is cheating on his sister with her best friend? has he not heard of lesbians?
-i love him
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-viren stop being so dramatic and just admit you’re out of shape
-at least he’s self aware
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-woah this took a whole different path than i thought it would
-i thought karim was about to be homophobic but turns out he’s just racist
-we all know dark magic is wrong but claudia just looks so cool doing it i don’t know whether to scold her or applaud
-just to be clear viren accepting that he’s nothing but crap doesn’t make me hate him any less
-someone who knows sign language please translate these conversations i’m clueless over here
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iiryebreadii · 1 year
OKAY. OKAY. finished totk. more thoughts. Everything is under a cut because 1) spoilers for the end of the game and 2) it got LONG many thoughts head full
I got all the shrines before going to fight ganondorf, and I'm sad to say they did the botw thing and made it so you can only fully upgrade either stamina OR hearts, not both. Finding the shrines was actually made much easier with the lightroots in the depths! I went around and filled out the full map underground and that let me know which shrines I had missed on the surface, and then for the sky islands I used the hero's path to see which ones I hadn't visited yet and then sifted through those until I found them all
Speaking of, THE REWARD FOR GETTING ALL THE SHRINES?? HELLO?? I can't wait to see what people say about that bit of lore cause idk WHAT is going on there. furry link real
going into the depths of the castle to find ganondorf was so nerve wracking lmao, the music did an excellent job of putting me on edge. and the little note about how the sages' powers can't reach you?? excellent, very ominous
Going back to the very beginning of the game, the corridor where you walk with zelda, but this time without her and with it covered in gloom... ough. My experience with the beginning of the game there was basically me just happy screaming about getting to walk around and talk to zelda, and that juxtaposed with the ending, where I'm getting ready to fight the demon king with ramping anxiety, OUGH very cool
my BROS came to HELP i love them. also I keep forgetting that mineru is a sage even though I use her for piggyback rides all the time
REHYDRATED GANONDORF REAL. like I know we saw him in the trailers and memories and stuff but I wasn't sure if we'd get to fight him at full strength you know? I thought they might pull a fast one on us and make the final fight against pee-paw ganon, which would have been kinda lame tbh
Ganondorf does perfect dodges too!! He gets the slow-mo!! thankfully he cannot flurry rush lol. I spent the entire first phase against him with both of use just circling each other and trading occasional blows, felt very cool
the transformation into the demon king was super cool but my favorite part might have been how the health bar just. kept going. nearly off the screen. that was equal parts awesome and hilarious
I saved a bunch of super strong weapons to fight him and what do I end up doing?? Only using the master sword. my WIFE made that sword for me I am damn well gonna use it to kill him. it just never occurred to me to try to use anything else lol. Except arrows with gibdo bones fused on, cause those things do CRAZY damage
MY MAN ATE HIS STONE. OKAY. OKAY. also I LOVE how much he looked like the calamity during his transformation, with the glow-y yellow eyes and misty body. I wonder if he has any memory of being calamity ganon? Maybe the calamity was just excess rage and malice instead of something with more intent. It was obviously intelligent, but how intelligent?
MY WIFE CAME TO SAVE ME!! I LOVE HER!!! That whole part of the fight was super cinematic and fun, I got legitimately emotional when she dove in to the rescue. All that time I spent sitting on her head and flying around hyrule, who knew I was actually training for the final fight
ZELDAAAA I'm so glad I could undragon you girl I missed youuuu I missed you <3 rauru and sonia are vibing in the afterlife now, which now makes the fact that rauru passed on asap after helping link make sense, he was probably missing his wife :(
pretty wack that they gave link his normal arm back :/ I guess you could argue it got ungoopified by the shrines + the thing with Sonia and Rauru purifying dragon-zelda but it feels weird to me
I guess a counter point to that, without it we wouldn't get to parallel to the beginning with the reaching out to catch zelda. speaking of. REACHING OUT TO CATCH HER. AUGH IM NOT OK. IM NOT OK!!! literally so emotional. I thought reaching her was gonna be a cutscene but nope!! You have to dive to get to her!! makes me wonder what happens if you don't catch her.......but I would never dare experiment. that's my girl.
i am. so glad. she doesn't remember being a dragon for a billion years. hoooo that would be traumatic. I mean ya girl has trauma in spades but at least she doesn't have to deal with the memory of that part. and she was so happy that she got to see hyrule's founding!! She had her own whole adventure :) and at least a good portion of it was pleasant and filled with new friends!! good for her, good for her
post credits scene was pretty neat!! Felt nice to give mineru a little send off, not for me but for zelda. according to the stone monument things, they were pretty close and they hung out in mineru's lab a lot, so it's nice she got to have a proper goodbye to at least one of her friends from the past. And then everyone pledging to work with her to protect hyrule at the end :')
All in all I have had a STUPENDOUS time with this game, it was a fantastic sequel to a fantastic game. I'm probably gonna still play and find the rest of the sage's wills and play with the building mechanic some more, but I'll leave that for a bit later once I've had a chance to really absorb the ending!! I've got an idea for a totk PMV that I'm working on, so that might make an appearance on this blog once it's done 👀 I'm sure I'll have more thoughts later, but I think this will be my last post in this sort of style with the bullet points and such
also goodness gracious nintendo do NOT make another direct sequel these kids have gone through SO much. let zelda and link go take a nap they've earned it
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thegeminisage · 1 year
still spoilers
ok, so on my way to the last non-gerudo memory i found some sky islands and got my last piece of diving gear!
i also lost a bunch of data from my interactive map bc apparently i keep getting logged out every 6 seconds. so i have to re-enter all of that now :/
a thought occurs to me. in the opening sequence i saw a dragon flying around in the sky. and i was like haha it's naydra i wanna go see naydra
was it. was it. oh my god
the thing about this whole situation is, zelda lived in 100 years of fucking purgatory trapped inside hyrule castle. and every single day she lived with regret. "i've left them all to die." and 100 years is an impossibly long time, but the human mind, with a human lifespan, can ALMOST comprehend it
ten. thousand. years.
she had to watch the calamity happen twice. if there is anything left of her inside her dragon mind, she had to watch hyrule fall a second time without being able to prevent any of it. she had to watch link die again. her father. her champions. except she's a big fuckoff dragon and who even knows if she's still "her"
that said, her and ganon both being "sealed" that long...really throws a wrench in the current lore of reincarnation. How Does That Work. i wanna believe a piece of her soul broke off and went on to live all those lives so she wasn't just trapped in dragon mode forever but like. i am for sure making that up. nintendo why, just when you made a coherent timeline, did you have to FUCK IT ALL UP AGAIN!!!!!
alright. i'm normal. i think i checked off all my shit. i'm going to get this fucking memory
god this little area looks so FUCKING different. i barely recognize where i am...
ok. bracing myself once again
BUT YOU ARE NOT ALONE wow from the trailer!!!!! who'd've guessed it'd be the sister saying it and not sonia
secret stones..........................ok that was cool. esp knowing they are voiced by the 4 champions
WHOA it's sasan from the poorly translated letter in a bottle quest! what a cool find. this cave has tides in it so finley left him behind lol
at least his dialogue stopped being so creepy lol
oh this is a REAL bad escort mission. this game isn't supposed to tell you "can't" so why can't i just move the damn boat with ultrahand?!
got my ATTACK UP armor!!! finally
i'm actually putting off trying again re the master sword...i dont know if im Ready. i am still missing one memory.................
but the gerudo highlands are too close to what i don't wanna be doing until i've explored more!
hard choices!!!!!!!!!!
from lookout landing i noticed there was a glow above the fake temple of time...i wonder wtf even
!!! i thought it would be impossible to get up here but there's a construct here! wtf! i needed pretty much no stamina at all, i could've done this in the tutorial...
oh man there's a TEST...i light three fires and return within 12 hours lol
this sounds hard 😭 but what the hell, might as well try once before bed
okay yeah no im coming back tomorrow with a walkthru lol. rip
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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➡𝐈𝐌-𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐀, 𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐒, 𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐒. a theory. ⚡ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ. ᴏᴘ ᴍᴀɴɢᴀ Sᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀs
So, since last week when ch. 1060 was released I've been thinking of something. As I adressed some days ago here. So... Many have said that Im’s weapon was something similar to a spaceship while I do not see that AT ALL. In my opinion that thing looks pretty much like a snake or a dragon. So, many people in the community thought -as well as I did- that that weapon can be no other than Uranus, right? And it makes a lot of sense that Im has an ancestral weapon since what could give them such power if not something that scary? How could they be the king of the world if they don’t have an extremely powerful tool so nobody can defeat them?
Ok, so, let’s say that that thing that destroyed Lulusia was no other than the third ancestral weapon, Uranus. Right? It would make so much sense since we know that Pluton (Ruler of Hell) is buried under Wano, Poseidon (God of the Seas) is Shirahoshi who can control the sea kings and Uranus is meant to be the God of Heavens (Zeus)… so, where should Uranus live if not in the sky? Then it would be logical to think that, that thing that sent 16 destructive (that number is hella important, too. But I will discuss it later) presumably rays from heaven to the earth is in fact Uranus.
Now, back to what Uranus might be: - Pluton is probably a machine since it has plans (those Franky burned and memorized during Ennies Lobby), - Shirahoshi, a person, is Poseidon. - What could Uranus be? Probably a creature. And… do you remember what Roger had on his ship when we saw the flashbacks of him getting to Laugh Tale? The damn EGG that we only saw but had 0 info about it. So, what kind of animals hatch from eggs? Birds, and reptiles. REPTILES…. Snakes… dragons… Oh, and do dragons fly?
Surely they do, right? And… do you remember who lives over the fucking red line? YES, the CELESTIAL DRAGONS… Oh, and what is the celestial dragon’s mark? Yes! No other than “the Hoof of the Soaring Dragon”! That mark used to identify their slaves, as if the hoof of a dragon over their backs was their superiority putting a step over them. But wait… there is more! do you remember Punk Hazard? There were dragons, that were created by Vegapunk… but for who? So… what if VP who works for the WG has been asked by them to create dragons that would be similar to Uranus?
Good good, now let me show you WHY everything made sense now. So, I was scrolling through twitter where I saw someone posted a cropped photo of Zoro and Chopper. That photo came from Volume 82’s colour spread. Let me show you…
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Now, take a closer look at Zoro’s clothing… doesn’t it look like a snake? Somehow like a dragon? And isn’t he looking UP? The light comes from the hanabi up in the sky! Usopp is pointing at it, they are all beautifully being illuminated by it… so, does this reminds you of something? It does for me… I don’t know but you, but what Zoro’s yukata has printed in it seems pretty similar to the silhouette over Lulusia…
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But, you could say, Sashi… wtf has Zoro to do with this? well I don’t know, but we don’t really know a lot about Zoro either… so, let’s discuss what we DO know and why it might be linked to it then:
He is linked to Ryuma in some way. Not only he looks exactly like Ryuma when he was young, but he also fought him and the samurai gave Zoro his Shusui.
Shusui, the katana that killed that DRAGON attacking Wano, for which Ryuma became a Wano heroe.
Zoro, who defeated King (with Enma, let me tell you about this later pls) USING THE SAME TECHNIQUE. Both panels from when Shimotsuki Ryuma defeated the dragon (you can read it in Wanted) and Zoro’s cut King’s DRAGON attack are EXACTLY THE SAME.
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also... for some reason, Dragon the leader of the RA visited Koshiro while Zoro was just a little kid training at the Shimotsuki village… why? Maybe they know something else about Zoro. Specially because we know he arrived to the village all of a sudden (that said by Koshiro to him when he thanked Zoro for being Kuina’s friend)
Cool, now, let me address something that’s also linked to Zoro, and it is about Enma and AME NO HABAKIRI. Both Oden’s swords. Enma, given by Hiyori to Zoro, and Ame being now on Momo’s hands. I have a theory that -of course wasn’t a prediction, but still is related- speaks about this… do you know what Ame no Habakiri means? Feathery Cutter of HEAVEN/ SNAKE-SLAYER. Snake… heaven…
So, we could say Zoro is related to dragons a LOT, and, even if it might be just a coincidence (at this point, there aren’t coincidences in Oda’s drawings but let’s say there are) I wouldn’t be surprised that he used our precious marimo to give us some kind of foreshadowing there… maybe a little hint of his past? Who knows, maybe he will be the one who slays that snake during the ultimate war…?
But wait… there is even more. Let’s go back to the look of that silhouette in the sky… what if it’s not some kind of snake related to Japanese culture but from Mayans? Yes! Do you know Quetzalcoatl? The feathered serpent? Let me show you a little bit of this beautiful creature!
You have the FEATHERY SERPENT (ame no habakiri) form and the God form… also the Temple of Quetzalcoatl in Teotihuacan (moon and sun pyramids) , Mexico (I’ve been there several times and it’s AMAZING)
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Awesome so, does this remind you of something? It does to me… SKYPIEA! So, you probably remember Skypiea’s snake, don’t you? And also their architecture… pretty similar to these ones, right?
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Cool. That’s good… now, who was the bad guy in Skypiea? Enel, right? And which was Enel’s power? RAYS! And didn’t he create the “Raigo” (Advent of Thunder)? That ball was pretty similar to the thing that destroyed Lulusia!
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The dragon and snake pattern KEEPS repeating!! This is a plain parallelism with Skypeia (not to mention Nika being first addressed RIGHT THERE WITH FUCKING DRUMS! You know, now we know Luffy is in fact Nika)
But, even if everything looks "similar" we have to get something in consideration... there has been a little bit of confussion regarding those "rays" destroying Lulusia. Many people -myself included at first- thought of them being lightining like Enel's. However, if you take a closer look at how Oda draws lighting you can see how different those falling from the sky to Lulusia are to Enel's.
While lighting is always depicted with zig zag motions, Imu's attak look different. They are straight and have no continuation. (YES, IT IS ODA, IT'S IMPORTANT)
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And so I thought of... if those are not lightings... what could be "spitted" by a dragon then (if not fire?) well... do you remember Kaido's attacks? Bolo Breaths look pretty similar, huh? Isn't Kaido a Dragon?
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But wait, please, I know you are actually hating me RN for this… BUT I have more.
You know Enel did manage to get to the moon, right? Yep, he did. So, look what he found when he arrived to the moon? YES, THOSE CUTE CHOPPER LOOKING HABITANTS! And look what they are showing him? OH HELL YES.
A sun with SIXTEEN swirls (swirls that look like Luffy’s eyebrows when in gear 5th), Humans (that look pretty much like Mayans and Quetzalcoatl itself in his God form), probably… Lunarians? An ARC (Noah), Sea kings and AND THAT THING THAT LOOK LIKE A FUCKING SNAKE.
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So can we please PLEASE start thinking URANUS IS A FUCKING SNAKE/DRAGON? Thank you.
Now, I promise I will shut up after this… You know Uranus, the planet? (jokes aside, please)
So Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun (16 rays ➡ 1+6= 7 -also remember Doffy’s attack 16 HOLY BULLETS? I mean that man knows the secret of Marie Joise after all-)… and it is called that way of course because of the God Uranus, but… do you know that Uranus is an ICE planet?
Do you remember where does Im-sama have that GIANT strawhat? YES, FUCKING ICE.
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So tell me… does Im come from the outer space? Which is their connection to Uranus? Do they have the ancestral weapon Uranus? What is their connection? Idk, but I’m sure all of this has to hide some kind of hint.
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sleepygenie-o · 3 years
Eyo! I saw the post about security breach and SAGAU which was really great! Do you think you could make any headcanons for Sky x Security Breach?
Ok then... there will be spoilers for FNAF's true ending (there will be alterations to the ending so this is a bit of canon divergence?) and Sky so read at your own risk!
For this, the reader is a veteran Sky child, the cosmetics they have is of course, up to you. That and you're gonna be the size of a teen.
While in an attempt to guide a few moths through Eden, you found an odd, blue, puddle of water near the beginning of the no return area, right where 2 statues were currently at, hidden from other's sight because of the fallen debris
"How odd, Eden is an entire red storm." Was all you thought before you got pushed in
On Gregory's side, Freddy had to currently recharge himself so he was left to wander around for the time being
He then stumbles upon a dark room, seeming to invite him.
After making sure there were no white, knife wielding bunnies, he went in, trusting his gut that nothing bad wou--
The place rumbled at the odd force. And Gregory could only widen his eyes.
There were these odd, black smoke things... with ..crazy looking red eyes!
In the middle of the room was a white candle, unlit.
Maybe he had to get there for these things to disappear!
When he finally got to the middle (Too many close calls for himt o count at all!) he got a random lighter he found laying on the floor while exploring. When he lit the candle he heard
Ok, wtf was that.
Thats when he sees.... you!
".....This.. isn't... Eden?" You were still confused, where are yo--
"Ar- HEY!" Gregory yelled as you picked him up and ran, ducking and dodging ever shadow dragon, then literally tackling the door down.
"What were you doing there?! You don't have a cape or as it seems, any winged light! You might've gotten hurt!" You start to kneel down to Gregory's height to check if he had any scratches, bruises, any form of injury
"Gregory, there you are!" Freddy, who went to where Gregory was after he didn't hear from the child for a long time, then went to find him. Only to see what looked to be a teen with Gregory.
"....Wtf" you're face was the actual embodiment of confusion at this point. Wtf. was. that. orange... thingy??
--After a thorough explanation about yourself to the 2--
When you finished speaking, they thought it'd be a good idea to let them come with you!
Including after the true ending, repairing everyone, stop the virus, save Vanessa, you stayed with them
Soon, you found a way to travel home and back
....And y'all know this isn't complete without chaos.
You bring the most chaotic stuff to the pizzaplex for Gregory to use like the firework staff, spawn a boat in the middle of Monty golf, race using a table (and winning) in Roxy raceway
And scaring the crap out of the animatronics when you fly.
All in all it's a litle found family ^^
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Recent dragon art + short story
yeah heres some recent dragon stuff and a lil story piece at the end. Please have mercy on my writing cause I was doing late at night without my glasses haha. I'm really not excited for the week I'm tired and I'm starting to fall into a depression again BUT! I am taking steps to make sure it doesn't get out of hand like past years so don't worry^^ anyways onto the art!
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Babble is a rainwing scientist.
She is absolutely in love with knowledge and will go on and on about all that she knows to anyone who would listen.
Shes not too popular among other rainwings given her rambley chatterbox ways as they find her too be bit annoying at times but Babble trys not to let it get her down.
She is quite popular among dragonets as they are very curious and love to see what invention she is working on next
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This is Discord. Hes an old old nightwing who has a monocle with the ability to switch between dimensions.
Discord is a grumpy stern dragon cause hes seen shit. He has a very dark outlook on life. He pushes others away due to the nagging fear of the balance of this dimension giving out.
Hes seen as a crazed old man by many. No one truly believes in his powers.
Discord is able to tell what dimension he is in by the number of moons on his wings.
2 moons is the most normal dimension he knows so he prefers staying here.
He used to travel through dimensions willy nilly because he found it fun and exciting. Till be saw stuff he shouldn't have and now he lives in a state of fear and dread.
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“What would you do if I died?”
The old nightwing turned his gaze from the moons to the partner next to him.
The two sat on a cliff, in front of the entrance to a cave. The sky glittered with stars and danced with green auroras that seemed to caress the moons in the sky. A light, bitter breeze blew by pushing the patches of grass with a gentle hand.
“That's an odd question my dear.”
The others eyes gazed back; her scales glittered in the moonlight while she lay under the others wing.
“Im serious Discord,” she tilted her gaze to the moons “what would you do?”
Discord face fell from its amused look; he looked back towards the moons as well.
“I suppose I would look for you…. among the stars where you may dance, hiding behind the planets, possibly swimming within a nebula’s colorful hands. Every Night. Id fly to the tops of the mountains, past the clouds, so far up my wings ache and my lungs scream. I'd fly til the atmosphere stops me and whispers softly that I can't keep going. I’d take one final look and smile in hopes you might be looking back.”
Discord could feel the rare prickle of beginning tears.
“Though I rather not think about the day you leave me. Truly that is the day I will surely die myself.”
Discord turned to look at his companion.
She stared back with a silent gaze. Giving a sigh, she nuzzled closer to discord’s side. His wing draped softly over her back.
“I promise,” she started “I promise I won’t leave. Ever.”
Discord chuckled “Sweetheart you know you can’t promise that. Everyone leaves at some point; it's a part of life.”
She looked defiantly at him;
“Yes I will! I will stay out of the nebula's grasp, I will stand in front of the planets, I shall not dance with the stars as my talons will be busy griping to the atmosphere. I shall fight with the atmosphere to let me stay. He shall never be in such a quarrel like the one I will make!”
Discord laughed and leaned his head toward hers “I don’t doubt it.”
She leaned in a well and pressed her forehead against his. Shutting her eyes, she felt the warmth of his scales and the soft membrane of his wing against her side.
“Majesty?” Discord spoke softly “are you ok?”
Majesty’s breath hitched a tad but she continued without pause, “Yes of course.” She pressed closer, “Just...tired is all.”
“Then rest.” Discord slid his head down and wrapped his neck around hers, resting his head on her shoulder.
“You're right..” Majesty spoke softly and laid her head against his shoulder as well.
“I promise I wont leave.” Discord chuckled jokingly.
“Neither shall I.” Majesty smiled gently back as she shut her eyes.
^^Meaning behind the story:
I couldn't resist the thought "if majesty died would discord just hop into another dimension that still has her in it?" Truefully the answer is yes. Discord is a dragon that acts before he thinks. He would immediately send himself into a pickle of hopping dimension to dimension. Majesty doesnt know about his dimension hopping power so when discord answers that he would search for her hes being literal while majesty hears it as figurative
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eldritch-fr-ideas · 3 years
Uh huh, sure Kir, there was definitely something chasing you down in the Shrieking Wilds, we all believe that!
[Oh, shut up, I wasn't imagining it!]
{Ok, but have you considered that you totally were?}
(You do imagine everything under the sun...)
You know, if you guys want something really scary...let me tell you the story of Ascua.
Ascua was my hatchmate, see.
Not in actual genetics, but our original lair had a habit of gathering up eggs on their lonesome, and we hatched on the same day, nearly the same coloring, although completely opposite eyes- my water to his fire.
But we hatched on the same day, and we grew up together, so all in all we just called ourselves hatchmates and that was that.
{Come on, get on with it, get to the scary bit.}
Oh, come on, let me have my buildup. Would you rather Ascua was some random stranger?
("Was"...did your hatchmate die?)
I'm getting to that, Rolla.
But for the record, no.
So. Lets talk about the volcano, shall we?
You all know our Great Furnace, yes? Well, we lived- not in the furnace, our clan wasn't nearly renowned enough for that- but in the Blacksand Annex, where land is sculpted by every dragon's whim, and it's therefore such a beautiful chaos, to know how many clans reside there is almost impossible. Right easy to get away with not paying our dues, or to steal from another clan.
{Holy shit, Verre committed crimes.}
That's not to say that anything we did was illegal, it's just that we all only bothered to keep track of coin or custody once or twice a year, when the forgemasters deigned to descend upon us and take the best of what we made. It was just...easier to not, with the smoke, and it's not like we were ever scarce on anything that way.
{It's still stealing, even if its consensual!}
That is not how that works.
In any case, it was on one of these such days when our story, proper, takes place. The forgemasters had come down from their Great Furnaces to collect what they thought theirs, and, well, me and Ascua had gotten it into our little heads to go hide from them. We were, what, a few months old at best?
This happened long before the Rebellion started burning, of course, and our overseers were not nearly so strict, nor the Furnaces closed, and the two of us had witnessed the sort of chaos the Annex was thrown into the entire week before, over who owned what and what dragon belonged to which clan, and it had...well, it had made us a bit nervous, about why it all mattered.
If even Tegere, who was this great big guardian who kept us safe from harm, was worried, what horrible beasts these masters had to be!
They weren't, and aren't, of course, just dragons with power, but we were young and foolish and thought everything was dangerous.
(Sounds familiar.) 
[Hey- shut up, ok!?] 
(Mmm....no :)
So we decided to hide. Our little minds thought that, well, if all the horrible forgemasters were down here, none would be up there, and so... 
We flew up. 
The smoke was particularly thick today, and none saw us leave. 
No one would have stopped us if they did, too embroiled in their own troubles. 
And so up, and up, and up we went.
Nothing stopped us.
Some days, I wish something had. 
We went up, and then we went down. 
Down, down, down to the great bellows in the earth, into a place that dragon-made machine could never hope to tame, where we must build enormous contraptions just to give us breath, and then even deeper, where that machinery had not yet reached. We got hopelessly turned around, jumping at every sizzle of smoke, and then we found our way again. 
It turns out that we somehow made our way into the volcano through a passage that doesn't exist on any map, that doesn't exist at all. But that was only obvious after the fact, when I went back to check, to make sure what I experienced was real, and couldn't find the entrance I went into. 
In the Great Furnaces, there were dragons, proud smelters and workers, but none of them noticed us, careful not to say a word, make a sound. They were too focused on their work, and the pounding of the enchanted hammer was already far louder than our footsteps. 
But beyond that, below, there was not a soul but the two of us. 
And, in all honesty, that was far more frightening. 
The caves down here were not lit by anything but the free-flowing lava, the blood of Sorneith. Shadows flickered, and smoke burned our lungs. 
And still, we kept going. Our footsteps did not echo, the sound taken by the pumice beneath us, around us, but we did not speak. 
We just kept going.
I don't know why.
I don't want to. 
Ascua was fire, and I was water, and our matching slate-grey colors were a natural camouflage against the rock. 
But for all we matched, we had our differences. Ascua was far more certain, far more...driven. I was reserved. 
And so as the smoke became thicker, and the air became thinner, and we still kept going deeper, and deeper, I think something shattered, for me.
Like glass. 
I wanted to turn back, and I told Ascua so.
He did not listen. He did not even hear me.
I wasn't afraid enough to turn back, and so with him I went, but now, there was hesitation. 
And, now, I knew that something was watching us.
I didn't know what that something was. Even now, I'm not really sure. But it was bigger than the volcano it "lived" in, if such a thing could ever live like we do. 
It was not a person, nor a monster. It was greater than all of that. It saw more than any of us would see in a lifetime, and it had no need for eyes or blood or flesh or skin. 
It had no need for a mortal mind nor a physical body. 
It had such a thing anyway, in the volcano. It was... 
We descended deeper. There was no sound. The stone turned red-hot, burning our feet, and still we went deeper. 
I looked at Ascua, and I noticed that there was something wrong with his eyes. 
They were too bright, and there was nothing behind them. They did not move at all, fixed on a point I no longer saw. 
And I wanted to turn back,
but there was no point, 
because all at once we arrived at the end of the tunnel.
There was a cavern
Its ceilings were as high as the sky and you
Could barely see the walls
Veins of magma trailed along the cavern
On the other side of it there was another tunnel going deeper down
Everything burned, red hot, and I blinked to keep out the smoke
I had not blinked the entire way
But now I did
Imprinted on the back of my eyelid I saw
Something much larger than I
It paid no mind to the dragons in the Furnace, those forgemasters that
Had driven us down here in the first place
For although the volcano was a part of it
It was not a very big part
And it did not care whether every dragon on itself lived or died
Though every dragon was on its skin
And the Pillar of the World could crumble to dust if it shifted
Though cared not about it
All it wanted was to be freed
And the two little specks that had made it just a little deeper into the vast creature
Might be a start
So it beckoned us to keep going
To free it from its bindings of fire and earth 
I didn't go. 
Ascua did, and as he did, he burned, and his eyes set alight. 
I still have scars, from when I touched him, tried to pull him back. 
And as I ran, and abandoned my brother, the great enormous thing at the heart of the world was...disappointed in me. 
It let me leave, for there was nothing I could offer, and it would not care whether I lived or died. 
Better than having its attention on me, I thought, 
And I ran up, and up, and up, 
Although as far as I ran, I knew I could never escape
The vast body of Sorneith. 
(Kir, are you alright?) 
[Oh, yeah, sorry, I just...swore I...nevermind] 
{What, imagining things again?} 
[N...no, I definitely...] 
I- Shit, if you're actually scared, don't...don't pay this story any mind, ok? 
It's just a story.
You're safe here.
hi its prophet anon again the premise for this one was "u know shadow and arcane and ice and water are really easy to eldritch horror but u know what? no, im going to eldritch fire. take some dragon ocs and the concept that the world is incomprehensibly vast" 
The narrator is Verre, and they look like so: https://www1.flightrising.com/scrying/predict?morph=1487467
Ascua looked like so (although who knows what he looks like now): https://www1.flightrising.com/scrying/predict?morph=1487468 
And the 3 other side characters are Kir, who is in [square brackets], Rolla, who is in (parenthesis), and Fonen, who is in {squiggly brackets} 
This snippet was a lot more trope-y i think, but tbh i managed to write a first person pov without hating it so we'll call that a win
We forget what lays beneath. We forget what came before.
Even the gods fear something, no matter how much they hide it, and it will always come to light...
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voidlitmoon · 4 years
One Trainer’s Trash is Another Pokemon's Family
So if you didn't know, i ended up taking a hiates from writing ANYTHING for a bit, but I was just sitting around earlier and thought "huh, there was that oneshot I kinda wanted to write" and BOOM im formating this at 2am when I finished writing so I can just post this in the morning.
Also note me writing this does not mean I'm fully back to writing because I tbh have no clue when I'll be back in full writing mode, a lot of stuff is going on irl around health issues (I'm good dont worry, just trying to figure out this issue so we can fix it) and my mind hasn't been able to put words together into written sentences well recently for anything, so exspect everything and nothing!!
So @sugarglider9603.... enjoy! If anyone seems off its probably because I haven't wrote in like 4 months :D
Ao3 link
Ao3 series link
Master Post
Words: 1,651
Summery: ' "I found a child in the trash!" Trash Eevee declared happily. The Eevee on watch somehow looked skeptical from behind, but curiosity got them to turn around.
Green and brown surprised eyes hit his own, he felt as the others eyes looked him over from his unnaturally purple eyes to dark brown fur.
"I.. I-" the other stammered in surprise.
"Can we keep him?" His founder vibrated, excited. '
A chance encounter is about to change three lives forever
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“Slow down!” the Eevee hissed to his companion, running through the crowd of humans to catch up. His green and brown eyes swept the crowd, making sure no one grew suspicious and followed the two Eevees, sighing as he thankfully saw everyone's gaze sweep past them, uninterested.
There had been a few incidences when a trainer or a ‘nurse’ had tried to catch them, whether for his strange fur markings, trying to get his friend’s fur cleaned (no one held him for long once that information was leaked), or purely for them being Eevees. He’d heard it all, common lines being “hey are you lost?”, “where is your trainer?”, “is that a wild Eevee?” and of course, the most common
“I’ve got to catch it!”
Heh, no one had succeeded yet, and he didn’t plan that to change any time soon. Or ever.
“Not sorry” the simple line snapped him out of his thoughts as he looked over to the grinning Eevee that probably did need a bath “but I heard yelling in the back alley of the Good Place, and I just have to see if it's new!” The ‘Good Place’ was a restaurant the two constantly saw in their travels from town to town. While they couldn’t read the written name, and wouldn’t dare get close enough to a human to simply know the name when it had no use to them, it always had an identical symbol at every location. It was his trash loving companions (and though he would never admit it, his own as well) favorite location to get food.
“Very well, lead the way” with a flick of their tails, they rounded the last few corners to the back alley where two large dumpsters lay. As a Trubbish scurred off at the sight of them they both leapt up, balancing as they opened one off the lids.
He sat watch as the other squealed and dove in, rummaging through and ripping open plastic bags with sharp teeth. They always had the same parts when working together, he would keep watch making sure no one saw them from the regular path or had any workers walk out the door, while the other would search, eating what he wanted and tossing stuff up to save for later. They had tried to swap jobs once, but it was a mess that nearly got them caught if it wasn’t for his own keen ears, so they kept to their own and worked together.
He glanced at the door, the symbol imprinted on it. Doing this dumpster diving always reminded himself when he was alone. How he’s grateful to have a friend. Actually, doing it at the Good Place always reminded himself when he met the trashy Eevee. It was just after-
A paw swatted at his face, causing him to dodge. He seemed to be falling into nastolga easily today, he thought shaking it out of his fur.
“Did you hear me? I said all these bags have already been looked through” the other huffed “they must have used the other one, which is weird because they usually use the one closer to the door first….” he frowned, confused before brightening “anyways can you help me open the other lid?”
The clean Eevee nodded, hopping across to the other dumpster.
Sta- he shivered, the angry yells still echoing in his ears. She was so mad when she discovered there was no dragon evolution, when she finally discovered he was completely useless. He glanced at the snapped pokeball at his paws, fallen through a space between a few garbage bags.
He knew he had to get out of here, but what was the point? He was with a trainer up till now, and while she was horrible he was still at least alive. But to try and survive on his own? No, he might as well just curl up on this garbage, might as well just
A scene flash in his mind, of a Pecha bush laying under a sprawling indigo sky. Two other faces similar yet different then his, laughing, smiling.
He couldn't give up, not yet, not until he could find them again.
Chatter and a crash of heavy plastic hitting a wall distracted him from the thoughts racing through his head. He pressed low against the bags, ears flat as he waited. Were there people taking trash out? No.. that didn't sound human, that sounded
The lid thunked twice, before late afternoon light poured down onto his dark brown fur. He froze as another pokemon fell down in front of him, another Eevee.
He was bigger, though everyone was bigger. His fur seemed to be a normal shade of brown, yet it was hard to tell with all the dirt and dust coating it. He looked up into the newcomer's eyes, surprise and delight filled them to the brim.
"Oh? OH!" The other gasped for only a moment before flashing forwards, grabbing him lightly by his scruff and before he knew it St- he was in open air and sat on the hard plastic lid.
"Hey hey!" The Eevee scrambled across to another Eevee, his turned back to the both of them. The third Eevee's ear twitched to show they were listening, watching the humans walk by.
"I found a child in the trash!" Trash Eevee declared happily. The Eevee on watch somehow looked skeptical from behind, but curiosity got them to turn around.
Green and brown surprised eyes hit his own, he felt as the others eyes looked him over from his unnaturally purple eyes to dark brown fur.
"I.. I-" the other stammered in surprise.
"Can we keep him?" His founder vibrated, excited.
"Hmm" seemingly gaining his composure, the one on watch came over to inspect him further, sniffing curiously at his fur "I don't think so, he smells too much of humans" the trash Eevee visibly shrunk.
"No!" He cried, snapping his jaw closed at the sudden speaking "I, I me- mean no, I had a trainer, but I don't have one anymore" he attempted to explain, hissing at himself for stuttering.
"I uh" he coughed, attempting to clear his throat, "I, I'm sorry for disturbing your search" he flicked his tail toward the two before curling it around himself, finally looking into the others faces. It was at the moment he noticed the strange markings around the single green eye on the watcher.
"It's no problem," the calmer one replied. He looked as if he were about to continue, before the trash Eevee popped "hey, have you gotten food today?"
He blinked, thinking about all that happened since dawn. Dawn, when his trai- ex-trainer had learned the news.
"I.. haven't?" He tried, not wanting to test his luck. They were strangers, he had to be cautious.
"Here!" The other dove back into the trash. He leaned over frantically, thankful to see the pokeball halfs had sunken out of sight. If they ever asked why he was in there, he would just tell them he was looking for food.
No one would find out the true reason. Well.. maybe two others, but that would have to wait till he found them again. He would find them again.
The walking trash pile hopped back up, dropping what seemed to be a freshly thrown away berry skewer at his feet.
He looked up, alarmed "no, I couldn't-" "oh don't worry" the other's purr sounded like a motorcycle "we'll survive without a few berries."
While he was still uncertain, his stomach grumbled with hunger so he bent down and took a bite of closest fully intact berry. When the sweet familiar taste hit his mouth, he barely stopped the tears. Arceus really had to do that, didn't they.
"Everything ok?" He looked up from the Pecha berry, the special marked Eevee looking at his watery eyes with concern.
"Y-yes, just haven't eaten anything this sweet in a while" he lied quickly, finishing what he could before pushing towards the others "here, might as well not let this go to waste" he smiled.
The marked Eevee hummed before taking a bite from a nearby Oran berry.
After a bit, the dirty Eevee spoke a question he knew was coming "so, you said you had a trainer, do you have a name?"
He paused, thinking, before shaking his head "she never gave me one."
The others nodded in understanding. He looked out at the people walking in the street, passing by with no clue of the trio sitting on the dumpsters.
He didn’t have a name, not to them at least. To them, he would be the Eevee that they found, the Eevee they took in, the Eevee one day they would realize they see as a brother, the Eevee that would inevitably disappear in the back of a truck
One day there would be another family, they would know him as Virgil, Virgil who they found in the forest, Virgil who followed them everywhere, Virgil who got caught finally by his own free will
But no one would know him as Star but his original family. No one would know him as Star, the being who hatched into the world with an angry scream that was not his own, Star, the one who fell in love with the sky on his first night of his existence, Star, the one who found family and then was ripped away from it in his sleep
Star, who would keep searching till the ends of the Earth to find his family.
But for now, he was just a strange looking Eevee in a strange situation, hiding his name from everything and everyone, and that was ok.
He glared at the crowd of humans walking by peacefully. There was only one thing left from his life with.. with the Dragon, one thing he would keep
He would never trust another human again.
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Cw: violence, food
Ok to rb
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It was late, she knew she shouldnt be out at this hour.
Yet here she was, a bag of food in her hand, another with her keys ready, her breath quickens as she feels the presence of someone behind her.
She had the strenght to take them, she knew she could defend herself.
But there is no worse enemy than fear, she speeds up, and the Man behind her also does.
Shes praying, seeing her appartment was two blocks away,trying to start running.
Another Man walks infront of her, she cant see his face,just a black and white mask, who as soon as she passes him gets infront of the stalker stopping him.
-- get out of my way, asshole-- the stalker said.
-- what where you doing following her?
She knew that voice,or well she heard it before,the moon shined as some clouds move away.
She didnt think the anti-hero would be around this block, but thank goodness he was there.
The stalker resists and rorschach in a swift move makes him fall on the ground-- leave the woman alone-- his foot stomped on his chest-- go back to the hole that you crawled out of,you Filthy Scum!
The stalker freaks out and bolts running away from the anti hero.
He turns to face jerico,walking some steps towards her-- are you hurt? Did that bastard do anything to you?
--No, thankfully, thank you uh...for saving me...
--im happy to help, can I Scort you back to your home?
--yeah id love that...
Both walk togheter in silence, the appartment building was silent as ever, she says her goodbyes and enters the building.
Rorsarch, or well, Walter, sighs, scratching the back of his neck, the woman he saved was so beautiful, If she started talking while walking he wouldnt know how to react, hed get nervous, his face would heat up and wouldnt be able to utter a Word, surely making a fool out of himself.
He stuck around the block for a little longer, and Walked up the Fire scape stairs, he peeks his head and there she was, fifth floor, asleep on her bed, something curled up besides her, she rested soundly,and he lets out a loved full sigh, putting a hand on the locked Windows glass it started to rain, and he then sighed in annoyance.
And so he went back home,making sure he wasnt followed either.
He took routes nobody knew, he checked every corner and alley, nothing,no-one tailed Him to his home.
The door clicks Open, he locks it behind her and takes off his mask,breathing the fresh air.
Taking off his clothes changing into normal ones,leaving the others in his secret Office.
As he enters the kitchen hes greeted by this tiny pomerarian jumping at his feet, he picks the dog up and kisses its forehead-- hello princess,did you miss me?--the dog barks and he makes himself something to eat.
After dinner, altough, late dinner, he went to sleep,clinging to the pillow,thinking of the woman he saved.
And so, destiny kept making them meet, or more so, rorschach would always make sure shed be safe, even during the day.
Silently following her from a distance,oh how much he blushed when he heard her laugh, her sense of style, it knocked the breath out of him sometimes.
He wished he could do something,anything to talk to her, but he cowered every time.
One particular Day,she had it rough, when the day ended he saw her throw herself on the bed,and pass out shortly after.
Hed got her some chocolates and roses, left them there in her room as she forgot to lock the Window,he left them on her desk, silentely stepping out and closing the Window.
--Good night dear...--he smiled under his mask.
Jerico woke up by the licking of her pet dragon she sits up hugging him--mornin...
The dragon squeaks and she looks at the desk, finding the gift someone left for her, walking up to it she reads the note attached to the box of chocolates "I know you had it rough yesterday, I hope this helps, I know nobody gave you flowers before... I hope todays better.
-W "
Who could they be? How did they gor in there-- im...such...an...idiot-- she locked the Window and put the flowers in a base filled with water.
After eating breakfast she sat on bed, laptop on her lap, writing the next chapter of her second Fantasy novel.
Unkown to her, her savior did enjoy her first book.
Now rorschach wasnt a Man of fiction, but her writing was just so catching and interesting.
So here he was drinking coffee while Reading on his kitchen, princess sitting on the table eating her food.
He found out she was a writer when he snucked into her home and found the first book of her novel, "the clan of the Rose dragon" he decided to buy his own copy, and he was enjoying it very much.
That same night he did his patrol and stopped in jericos home.
There he was, hand on the glass, wishing he was there cuddling besides her, specially tonight,a very cold and rainy night.
-- are you gonna come in or Will you Keep there brooding
Seeing her Open her eyes while talking to him makes rorsarch jump back, she opened the window-- come on its cold outside
--i uh...didnt mean to bother you
Jeri chuckles-- nonsense, come on
He steps in taking off his trenchcoat, he sits on the chair right infront of her desk, she sits on the edge of the bed--thanks for making sure im always safe ror
He smiles at the petname,--just making sure that creep isnt around to harm you
She chuckles--y'know...I was thinking...I got some roses and chocolate the other week, did you get them for me?
Hes surprised,howd she knew?-- yeah...--he said scratching the back of his neck -- howd you figured?
-- well...youve been brooding in silence these nights...and the roses and chocolates...I just figured...I liked the detail, thank you
--im glad you like them...
Both stay in silence,he then looks outside and yawns.
--Want to stay the night? Its too late
He snapped his head to her -- what?
--want to stay the night? Its late, and youll catch a cold,cant have my savior sick -- she winks at him and he looks away with blush creeping up his cheeks.
--i uh..I dont wanna bother but...if you insist I can take the sofá
--no no..come here stay in the bed, its warm already, ill take the sofá in case you want to take your mask off, to give you privacy
Normally anyone would kill to see his face..but there she was, geniunly respecting such boundary.
--dont do that, ill take the sofa its your bed...besides I know I wont get too much sleep
She got into bed and patted the space besides her-- come here then,lets share
Hes taken back, jumping slightly in his Seat, blushing red, he was stuttering,she was so beautiful, he didnt know what to do with himself.
--i dont want to look like a creep, its your personal space
-- Its not being a creep if I invite you
He sighed in defeat and took his scarf and shoes off, he locks the Window and draws the courtains laying on the bed with her.
--Night ror-- she said her back facing his.
--night-- he whispered back looking at the bedrooms door.
The Next morning he woke up with breakfast on the nightstand, just a coffee and she made pancakes.
He ate the breakfast with the happiest and biggest of grins, he washed the dishes, hough the sun was already out, he stayed the whole day and at night he would go back home.
Both shared lunch and dinner, not too much speaking was involved, but her presence was soothing.
And now at night he was just about to leave,he hugs her tightly and whispers a soft goodbye.
She caresses his cheek-- come back tomorrow?..
His hand lifted her face by the chin--of course sweetheart --He caresses her Lower lip and presses his lips against her forehead, even while using his mask,the kiss was as if he didnt have the mask on.
He left back home missing her terribly, his lips longed for hers, to hold her, have her wrap her arms around his back...
Rorschach sighed in love, he loved her so much.
So the Next night he came back and as soon as he stepped into her room lifted her up, hugging her tightly and taking off his mask, at least up to his lips to kiss her.
She kissed back and pressed him against the wall where the Window is,he grippes the Windowsill with one hand, the other ghosted her Lower waist as her arms wrapped around his neck.
He parted his lips, she smiled pressing hers against his again, hugging her tightly he drops her to the bed where they cuddle the night away.
Its late, the rain hits the Window and the thunder struck the Sky.
She caressed his cheek, rorsarch sighed--can you promise me something?--he asked.
--Of course...what is it?--she asked leaning in.
--If I take this off, Will you Keep my identity a secret?
She nodded--of course,I adore you too much...id never snitch on you ror
He licked his lips at took the mask off, oh wait, she saw him before, he would follow her around the city,she always knew he was familiar to her in some way,never really knowing what seemed so familiar of him.
She kissed rorsarch holding him close, he hugs her tightly.
-- I love ya so much--he said hoarsely, kissing her again.
-- I love you so much too...ror
He smiled-- my names Walter...you can call.me Walter
She nodded and hid her face on the crook of his neck.
Theyd spend the night like that.
Theyd be okay togheter.
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tt205 · 4 years
You have a crush on WANG?![1/?]
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Request: could you do Yibo x You au? The houses don't matter , something cliche like "yibo cool guy and sweet girl " where yibo realizes he really likes her , something like that . [ I dont have your permission to put your name here but if you want me to I will upload your name in another post for the credits ]
WARNINGS: none just my bad English and maybe a kiss or two nothing too much .. pretty fluffy pretty cute ~ somewhat relatable I could say
Classmates to lovers
It was your 6th year in Hogwarts when you first started realizing your feelings for Wang Yibo , a young witcher from Slytherin.
You always did think of him as someone cute and lovable , but his somehow frigid image made you keep your feelings low for him .
You shared a couple of classes together and even thought he'd never talked to you , apart from greeting you , you had a familiarity among each other.
Two weeks have passed since the day you first threw your eyes on him in a different way & now you can't take him out of your mind.
Staring at his handsome face made your heart skipping a beat .
You rested your head on your right hand looking towards him without shame . "Ahh" you sighed making Hermione shake you out of your lovey-dovey dreamland
" What on the bloody hell are you doing y/n? Stop staring on Wang and pay attention to the lesson !" She half whispered half yelled to you making professor Snape glare at you two .
You bowed your head apologizing as you straightened in your seat, gaining your composure.
Soon enough the bell rang and the next second you where out of the boring classroom.
Looking down to your things you realized you left your book back
"Stay here for a moment Mione I'm heading back in , I'll be quick " you told her before increasing your pace through the hallways.
Not paying attention to your surroundings you entered the door only to come in contact with a strong torso.
You looked upwords to the person in front of you only to meet with the eyes of your heart shaker Wang Yibo.
"Are you ok ? " he asked , lowering his head to your height
"I'm so sorry , I'll be careful next time" you bowed your head avoiding his eyes , your cheeks turning a deep shade of red as you made your way in grabbing your book and running your way out .
You rushed to the garden , meeting Hermione which was talking with Draco and Harry.
"You wont believe what happened!" You shouted to them , your breath unstable from all the running.
The three of them turned to you giving you a knowledgeable look while opening their 'circle' for you to enter .
You sat there hiding your head in your hands the embarrassing moment flashing in your head again and again .
"I bumped onto Wang Yibo" you said in a low tone regretting the moment you left your book in class
" What's the big deal with that Y/n ?" Harry asked concerned " he looks like a good guy " he continued.
"She has a crush on him you dumbo!" Hermione slapped him on the shoulder.
Draco's eye widened "you like WANG YIBO?" he screamed making Mione shut his mouth with a quick spell .
'Mmmmmm!' Draco complained but no one pitied him ... all of sudden you heard quick footsteps coming to your spot and turning around you saw Ron with a stuffed mouth full of candies and a bag full of them in one hand too.
"SINCE WHEN DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON WANG Y/N" he asked , some syllables muffled in between .
"Where did you hear that Ron Weasley?" You asked panicking ,
"Em .. I guess the whole school knows is it now thanks to this screaming crackhead" he answered pointing to Draco .
" MALFOY IM GONNA KICK YOUR ASS AND FEED YOU TO A DRAGON !" you shouted falling back to the floor not caring about how dusty your cloak will be after this .
Days passed by with you skipping the classes you had with Yibo , too embarrassed to meet him now that half and more of the students number knew your feelings towards him .
Some of the Slytherin's members teased you about it at first but Draco was there to cut it short .. it was the least he could do as an apology .
You were so frustrated and sad you didn't have the energy to even go have breakfast , just attending some classes , studying and then straight to sleep .
Someone would say that this wasn't a big deal but having your parents working at the ministry of magic and his been death eaters , it wasn't ideal .. if your parents knew about your feelings towards him you were dead .
Today is Saturday < a good day to go have a butter beer > said Hermione.
You didn't want to go there too tired to even pick up your wand but they dragged you there .
And here you are sitting in one of the 'Three Brooms ' table with your stupid friends in each side of yours .
Half an hour has passed since you arrived here and the 5 of you have ate a bunch of things while chatting about the week that passed and other random information. You feel someone behind you and at the same time Draco sits up to greet him .
"Hey Wang what's up?" He asks and your blood freezes. You grab Hermione's hand under the table and she gives you a reassuring smile , motioning for you to greed him and that's what you do .
Yibo shakes your hand before hugging you slightly "may I have a brief moment with you y/n?" He whispers in your ear and he is close , the smell of his cologne feeling your lungs making you lightheaded along with a sweet smile he gives you .
You nod your head moving off your seat and smoothing your clothes on the go , breath stuck in your throat.
He moves a hand behind your lower back moving you in the hallway that leads in the toilets. "I -i " he begins but cuts himself in between something bothering him "Would you like ehm- would you like to go on a date with me ?"
He asks his voice cracking a little in the middle of the sentence, ears blushing a bit as he moves a hand on the back of his neck rubbing the area from the tension .
Your eyes widen first but you are quick to hide your surprise with a brief " yes " as an answer taking him by surprise too "really?" He asks and you repeat your words only to be awarded by another smile of his .
Almost a week passed since then and today came along with a date that you could only dream of .
You can't even believe that you are sitting in front of him , eyes filled with joy and excitement, the rustic decor of Madam Puddifoot's cafe adding to the romance overwhelmed moment .
He is holding your hand and your heart can't stop skipping beats at the sight of him .
You know it's wrong to be with him but still you like him .
Laughter and smiles is filling your time together but both of you know you have to return back in Hogwarts.
You will have to take the last carriage to return back and you dont have much time .
He opens the door for you and you step out of the small shop leaving back its warmth .
Cold air hits your face the next second and you close your eyes sifting more in your long thick coat moving your hands in your pockets in an attempt to keep them warm .
The sky is paint in the darkest shade of blue signaling that you must hurry up .
You reach for Yibo but he is quicker moving his arms around your shoulders keeping you close .
A soft kiss on top of your head is all it takes to move the negative thoughts off your head , walking through the snow covered streets of Hogsmaede.
The way back seems long as your eyes feel heavier leaning onto Yibo's shoulder.
The carriage's interior is cold , the snow outside making the perfect fairytale scene.
You feel Yibo's hand touching yours an taking it in his grasp.
You feel his eyes on you and you look up meeting them , the look peaceful.
He suddenly leans closer and your lips momentarily touch .
You kiss back moving your body closer to his , he moves a hand behind your neck keeping you still and the whole room seems spinning as the temperature rises .
Both of your eyes are closed , lips occupied but you feel like talking through the kiss .
After a good moment you both pull back regaining your breaths and both of you are starring in each others eyes again.
"I know that this is rushed to ask and may seem childish but , will you be my girlfriend? " he begins and you blush hard " I've been thinking about asking you out months ago but j was afraid of been rejected.. knowing that you have feelings for me -thanks to Draco- was the thing that motivated me . If you think I'm rush--"
" I do ! I do wanna be your girlfriend" you rushed it out in one breath giggling in the end.
"if you regret something I can wait I promise!" He continues getting shy after a moment or so ..
"Dont make me take my words back !" You whisper in his ear , only to be drugged in a tight hug .
" I can't say I love you yet cause it's really rushed and both of us know it , but what I can say for sure is that I've never liked someone more like you y/n ... give me some time and I'll love you the same way " he adds kissing your hand and looking at you with those piercing eyes of his that can melt the coldest heart , and can tame the most untamed soul ~~~
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itsbebachan · 4 years
Unfortunate Soul Chapter 7
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The night was tranquil and peaceful; my thought kept on replaying my encounter with Katsuki. The anger that I could see so clearly in his eyes confused me. How could someone who swore he hated me and treated me so awful could go through a wide array of emotions for someone he did not love? Did his reaction to seeing me with Mirio mean that he truly loved me? Will he try to hurt Mirio or any other suitors that tried to get close to me? Will he try to hurt me? How could he still make me feel so small and afraid even after not seeing him for weeks? These and many other questions were running through my mind. The excitement of the day drifting me to sleep. 
The following morning greeted me with darkness—a horrible storm road in during the night which brought nothing but gloom and despair. As I made my way downstairs, I heard someone agreeing. I turned the corner into the living room and saw Bakugo.
"WHO THE HELL WAS THAT ASSWHOLE WITH IZUKU." He yelled at my father's face.
"I have no clue Katsuki, but you no longer have any claim to my son?" Blue lighting was running through my fathers' body; I was sure that he would jump Kacchan any minute.
"THE HELL I DON'T! HIS MINE, DO YOU UNDERSTAND!" Small explosions were emanating from his palms.
You could feel the tension in the air. I look over to where my brother was standing, holding my mother in this arm. My mom's face looked so scared at the scene before him. The pure and uncontrollable anger I  saw on Tenya's faces reflected that of my fathers. I ran straight for Katsuki and my dad, placing myself in danger between them. 
"Izuku, my boy. What are you doing? Get out of the way before you get hurt." I turn to face my father; his expression was a mixture of concern and anger.
"No, Dad. Let me handle this. I promise I'll be ok." As I look over my shoulder at Katsuki, I could see he was trying to control himself.
"I'm not sure, Zuku. If anything happens to you, I can not guaranty I won't do something that I will regret."
I nodded my head, trying to reassure him that I would be ok. "Fine, if you believe that, you can get thought to him. I guess I will just have to trust you. I won't be far." Turning to the kitchen, he made sure to look Katsuki in the eyes. "If you hurt one hair on his head, mark my words I will make you paid." He walked away with my mother and brother in tow.
Taking a deep breath, I turned to look at Katsuki. His body was so rigid; I was sure that he would lose his temper at any moment. I could see all his emotion playing vividly on his face, seeing him in this situation once again. I wondered if he genuinely meant those horrible words he spoke to me on that fateful day. 
"Why are you here, Kacchan? I thought I made myself perfectly clear yesterday. You have no right to be here." Even though I was a ball of nerves, I kept my face calm, and I stood my ground. I was determined not to show him the effect our conversation from the previous day had on me.
"What the fucked do you think I'm doing here? I came here to demand an answer from your parents. I want to know who that guy was. Are they trying to marry you off to that extra? I swear if that is the case, I'll kill the fucker." His anger was starting to increase, and I know I had to try and deescalate the situation.
"Listen, neither my parents nor I have to give you an explanation. You choose to leave your child and me. I came to you and begged you to stay with us, and know that someone else shows interest in me, you come here demanding an answer. I'm sorry, but you lost your chance now I am asking you nicely to leave and let me be." I was so upset about the whole ordeal that I started to shack.
"Listen here, Izuku. I don't care what you think. You and that baby belong to me, and I will be damned if I let some extra take you away."
 He moved right in front of my face and tried to grab hold of me. I stepped back, getting out of his reach.
"No, Katsuki. We do not belong to you. You lost that right when you threw us away. I tried to make it work, even my parents reached out to you, but you wouldn't listen. Now I am asking you again to please leave, don't make it harder on yourself."
At hearing my last words, something in him snapped. 
"THE HELL YOU DON'T BELONG TO ME." He rushed forward, getting ready to hit me with one of his blasts. Suddenly, my father was by my side, grabbing Katsuki by the neck and pinning him to the wall.
"DAD, STOP!" I tried to get my father off him, but it was no use. "MOM, HELP ME!" I pleated.
My mom approached my dad while realizing his calming scent in hopes that it would bring this situation to an end. He places his hands on my dad's shoulder.
"Toshi, honey. Please put him down. Tenya, call the cops, get them here at once." He was trying so hard to stop my dad.
"WHY SHOULD I STOP, HMM! This little shit thinks he came come into my house and start demanding shit from us. We don't owe him anything.
 He gave up his rights when he gave up on our son."
"I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO ASK. THAT'S MY MATE, AND HE IS CARRYING MY KID" The explosion in Katsuki's hands was growing more prominent, and I know that at any moment, he would throw it at my father.
I pushed my dad on his side so hard that it caught him off guard, causing him to drop Bakugo just in time before he realized a massive explosion.
The shock wave was so severe that it caused those near him to fly across the room. I hit the wall with a thump. My head hurt; opening my eyes, all I could see was a haze. Aloud buzzing noise was ringing in my ears. I could no longer stand the pain. I let the numbing sense of darkness take over me.
When I regained consciousness, I was lying in a hospital bed. Out of my window, I could see the night sky. I must have been out cold for a couple of hours. I tried to remember what had happened. Sitting up on my bed, I turned on the lamp on my nightstand to find that Tenya was sitting by the window fast asleep.
"Ten. What happened? Why am I here? Is my baby alright?" I was such a wreck at that moment. He woke up with such a fright. I could see how the ordeal of the day affected him.
"Thank God your awake." He ran over to my side, sitting on the edge of the bed. 
"Mom and Dad have been so worried about you. How are you feeling?" He asked. I could sense how worried he was.
"I feel ok, I guess. But I don't remember what happened? I could feel a dull pain on the back of my head and back.
"That bastard Katsuki lost it and blasted all of you. Dad was able to use his quirk to protect mom, but you were too far away. You got caught in the shock wave and flew across the room. After you hit the wall, Katsuki tried to get to you when dad punched him in the face knocking him out until the cops came to take him away." He smiled at me while placing his hand on my stomach.
 "The doctor came in and had an ultrasound done. Everything seems to be ok with the baby. He even told us that you are three months along." He smiled at me, and I could see how happy he was.
"But how do you feel? Do I need to get the doctor?"
"I'm alright. I have some back pain, but that is about it. Do you think you can get mom and dad?" I tried to sound calmed even though I was a nervous wreck inside. 
I needed answers.
 I needed to know.
What happened to Katsuki?  
@alovelie @girl2257 @strawberry-panic @0-ddball @monkeyzz-r-ur-bff @dragon-lover-idk @iyemicomic1920 @leynly @otaku-chan-world @jawazia @im-the-villin-in-this-story @itsatomichyena @rainytears2 @nevergrowingup101 @littlelovebug98 @koyukiy @justthememes1 @koyukiy @spookygirl1994 @missbossy333 @rose-moon2002​ @lana-del-jey​ @like50breadsticks​ @creativegremlin​ @waytomanyhusbands​ @hui11282003-blog​
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strawberrymeriadoc · 4 years
I spent Way too long on this because my brain was fried from school/work. Merry reaches out to that hobbit he ran into (literally) the other day
Merry was hiding in his room as he often did. Actually, he wasn’t sure it was a room so much as a walk in closet. But it was the only thing he could afford at the moment in Minas Tirith so it would have to do. One of his roommates had a friend over and they were hanging out in the kitchen which was right outside Merry’s door. Oh I wish they’d go someplace already, Merry thought. 
The hobbit had been at work all day in Boromir’s office and now he just wanted to be able to sit on his bed and enjoy some peace and quiet. But with all the noise in the apartment, that wasn’t going to happen. He at least wanted someone to talk to if he couldn’t close his eyes and calm down. His mind first went to Jamie but that was a no-go. Since he moved out of their apartment a couple months ago, the two hadn’t talked and Merry at least was feeling much better for it. The summer had just started so there was no chance of making friends at school anytime soon. And working with Professor Boromir, though rewarding, was not exactly a great way to interact with anyone besides Boromir and the occasional librarian. Then Merry thought of that hobbit he had run into on campus (literally) a few days before. What was his name again? It was something with a P. It was definitely a peach color…Merry rummaged through his bag for his phone. Ah! Pippin!
Merry started to type into the little chat box. “It was nice meeting you” No, that’s redundant since it’s implied. He erased the message and tried again: “Hey! This is Merry. How’re you doing? :)” It wasn’t anything flashy but he just wanted to talk about anything. He sent the message and then hid the phone under his pillow. He was too nervous now to keep an eye on his phone. This is so stupid, you don’t even know each other. 
Suddenly loud laughter came from the kitchen and the front door slammed as another roommate came home. Merry didn’t know any of his roommates either. They were two cishet Men and a Dwarf. He was out to the Dwarf (they tend to have a very good sense of gender), but he was stealth to the other two roommates and they were the ones that made Merry the most nervous. He wasn’t sure what would happen if they found out he was trans and he didn’t want to find out. 
Buzz! Startled, Merry reached for his phone. 
“Hey hey, Merry! im doing alright. Came home from work all covered in flour ^^’ it’s been a rough day. How are you? :]”
“Sorry it’s been rough. Want to talk about it at all? And I’m ok...my roommates are bein loud tho :/” 
“Aw im sorry to hear that. Basically what happened was i got to work and already everything had gone to shit. We had all these orders backed up and i had to jump right into it. Got out of work 3 hours later than i was supposed to! And i didnt even get a elevensies or afternoon tea break!”
Merry laughed at that. He hadn’t heard about elevensies or afternoon tea since he was in the Shire. For whatever reason, the Brandybucks prided themselves on eating as little as possible--at least that was true for his mother anyway. Growing up he usually had a light breakfast and a light dinner and that was it. 
“Wow that really sounds like a lot and makes my workday sound like a walk in the park! How did you get into baking?”
“Well my mom taught me growing up and i came to Minas Tirith to go to university but i needed a job in the meantime so i thought i’d try my hand at it. Honestly i just measure out the ingredients for the most part. Other people get to do the fancy stuff. Tho sometimes i help with the delivery if we’re really short-staffed...as you saw lol But what was your work day like?”
“Wait! You’re going to the University too? I’m starting in the humanities department in the Fall! Oh and my work day was kind of unusual, I designed a program for an event that’s being run by the humanities dept. I work for the Chair so I help him with things like that.”
Merry looked out his window and realized it was getting dark. He could make out the top of a tree on the other side of the building across from his apartment. Its black silhouette stood out against the violet sky. 
Mrrr? Peony questioned as she jumped up onto the bed. Merry gave the cat a scratch behind the ears. Buzz!
“Oh man! I cant believe we are both going to school here! That’s so cool. im in the sciences department. Um no worries if you’re not interested at all i totally understand but i have a couple days off this week and id be down to hangout if you’d like.”
Merry was taken aback. He liked Pippin well enough but he was scared too. What if he’s getting the wrong idea and thinks I like him? Merry began to get that fight or flight feeling he got whenever he was in a potential romantic situation. He found it hard to focus and he felt dissociative. 
“I’m alright with it and i don’t mean to shoot you down but just to be clear this is all platonic right? I dont want to give you the wrong idea…”
“Oh I’m sorry if it seemed that way, just wanna hang as friends (if you’ll have me) :]” 
Merry still didn’t trust it having had some bad experiences with this sort of thing in the past. But he didn’t want to be inhibited from making friends his whole life because of some past baggage. 
“Yeah I’m down. I’m free Friday and Saturday.”
“Oh cool, I’m free Friday as well! Friday afternoon? Theres this cafe i really like we could go there? It’s called the Pink Dragon”
Merry smiled. He liked the idea of going to a cafe. It sounded cozy. 
“Sure! I think i might have seen that place around. Sounds nice!”
Then Merry added: “Thanks for inviting me out and for giving me your number in the first place. This is really nice.”
“Haha im glad i did too! It’s very nice to get to meet you, Merry!”
“It’s nice to meet you too, Pippin. See you Friday :)”
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"Mom! Please dont leave!!! Please!!" A little 2 year old begged as she tucked on her mother's leg. Her mother just sold her child to a scientist at a dark alley in exchange for some cigars and alcohol. The mother ignored her child as she walked away, looking back waving goodbye at the scientist as he took the girl away to a lab, his lab, a creepy, small, odd looking lab. The scientist re-named the child "Zora" for no specific reason he just didnt like her old name.
Now it wasnt 1782 anymore, it was 1792 and Zora was still with the scientist. It was the same routine everyday...kinda. He would run ridiculous and odd experiments on her. He didnt feed her properly, didnt hydrate her proprely and didnt take care of her at all.
She slept on the floor in a cage where she was usaly chained since she tried to escape once. Today was thursday, 5th 1792 13:04 and the scientist took Zora out of her cage to run another experiment on her, this time he put her in a room that was already coverd in blood from past victims/children. Zora was used to this and was pretty numb when it came to things like this, she hardly showed emotions and never smiled, she hasn't her whole life ever since she was born and diesnt even know what it feels like, she was never happy. Her mom wanted to abort her at first but there were so many 'anti-abortion' people protesting infront of the clinic that she gave up.
"Ok. Your height." The scientist said as he grabbed a measuring tape. Zora was measured by him as he touched her inappropriately like he always did "4'11 still not growing huh?" He said. He grabbed his note pad "less food less growth...I think" he was never sure of his experiments he was a big fake. He put the measuring tape away and looked at Zora "you know your eyes are still same colore...they dont change..how come?" He got closer to her face. Zora didn't respond, she never did. The scientist smirked in a evil way before speaking "they are bright blue...that bothers me...I want them to be a different colore" he slowly put his hand on her cheek "I wonder what it will take for that to happen" his smirk grew wider as he pushed the child over and made her fall on the floor.
"I'm gonna do anything to change your eyes!" He yelled before knocking the child out.
After she woke up she realized she saw less...blurry...she felt pain on her left eye...there was a fabric on it...when she went to touch it it stung her...she had a bandage around her eye...it was all bloody "w-what did you do to me?.." she asked scared as she looked down at her hands in fear "poked your eye out. Was triyng to tattoo it into a colour I like." The scientist said as he was working at a desk. Zora looked down again and teared up, "dont be a cry baby" the scientist said as he threw a pen at her. She whipped her tears away before he spoke again "go back to your cage." He didnt even look at her as he said it. She stood up and went to her room. She sat there in the corner criyng...
Sadly this wasnt the worst he has done to her. He once drilled holes into her hands just to see what will happen. He sewed random stitches into her without pain killers and without having her passed out.
Later she fell asleep in the cage and the scientist took the bandage off her eye. When Zora woke up she was in pain and her eye was coverd with a cloth eye patch. She hugged her bloody and dirty long shirt she was forced to wear everyday "how are today Evelyn?" She asked herself "good to know...I'm still not good..." she spoke again "oh they're back togeder?...that's good..." she kept talking to herself...odd
Zora's POV:
I saw as Evelyn and I talked while the dragons flew around and the sky was blue and the flowers were blooming and...and...who am I kidding? I know it all isnt real..I just...need an escape...please...I want to escape from this place...i-im fine...I'm in a warm house..he is being burned alive as my friends and I eat his already cooked arms..were all laughing and smiling..we sit at the table and we eat and laugh and...and laugh...god...I didnt laugh for so long..how I want to be able to do that again..just...laugh..i know I'm talking to myself...i...I am crazy...I lost it..I'm losing it...I...I...I'm not normal enough to not lose it..did that make sence? Oh..thanks Evelyn...I.. I wish I could come to you...I wish I could be with you...please...
She started crying again and hugged her knees. The scientist opened her cage and pulled her out roughly. She lost all of her emotions the second he touched her. He shoved her in a room. "This will work for sure! I read it on the internet!" He said as he brought her to a tub which was full of gallons and gallons of blood. "Get in" he told her "w-what!?" She asked shocked getting her emotions back the second he let her go. She looked at him in panic as he grabbed her arm and made her get into the blood. Before she could even take a breath she saw something going down. It was a glass cover. The scientist let it slowly down on the tub of blood so that she couldn't get any air. He watched her with a sadistic smile as she slowly, slowly drowned...
The life was taken away from her eyes.
The next day the scientist threw out the blood but as he poured it into the sea he realized the girls body wasnt there...like the psycho je was he suspected nothing and just let it slide as he went to get his next child pray. As he got to his lab to get the alcohol and cigarettes he suddendly felt something choking him. It was kinda wet but kinda dry...it was red and thick...it was blood. After he fell on the floor dead a figure was seen...it was Zora but her working eye had blood comming out of it, same as her mouth. She was smirking and laughing in a psycho like way "I killed him!!! I did it!!! Haha..look at me!!! I-im laughing!!! Arent you proud Evelyn!? I knew you would be!!!" After that she floated away into the woods.
Everyone knew her as blood lust. She would only kill adult's and abusive parents...I know you might think "oh this is just a story" but no, you know these abusers and random people going missing? Guess who took them? That's right. You better be nice to your kids or you might be the next victim
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism All Stars Prism Show Best 10! Initial thoughts/summary/review
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So I’m going to be splitting this post into several sections with space in between to make it easier for people maybe to skip over spoilers they don’t want to read. 
Table of contents is as below: 1.) Day 1 Greeting Show Live Viewing brief event report 2.) Weekly theatrical video (week 1)  3.)1-10 Ranking and my personal thoughts 4.) New content (intro, ending, in-betweens, etc) 5.) Shin’s new show
1.) Day 1 Greeting Show Live Viewing brief event report
They had a live viewing for one of the greeting shows in Toyko. It was attended by Junta Terashima (Shin), Masashi Igarashi (Minato), and Takuma Nagatsuka (Leo). 
The day 1 greeting shows are always kinda awkward. Especially if it’s a live viewing and ESPECIALLY if it’s before the show because they aren’t allowed to give spoilers. 
Masashi Igarashi seemed even MORE pumped and emotional than usual. You could tell he really wanted to talk about Minato making it into the ranking, which should be a surprise for no one because he was really high in the preliminary ranking, but he still wasn’t allowed to talk about it. 
So he had to like dance all around it with wide hand gestures about how.... these ten shows.... and how amazing it was...... that these particular shows...... hahah ahhh man you could tell it was torture for him and torture to watch. 
Naganyan said that if by chance Leo made it in, he wanted us all to shout IIZE! for him. 
At one point the showed off kanji they wrote to symbolize the new year (a Japanese tradition). Junta said he wrote 変 I think (the first kanji in “change” but it also means strange) but he didn’t have the board with him for some reason so I wonder if he messed it up backstage and they didn’t have another one? Haha. Naganyan wrote 華 (flower). Masashi wrote 手 (hand) and he talked about how hands can symbolize a lot of things, like holding hands and “taking that first step” but then he was like “wait that’s feet....” And it was said in a way where it was difficult to tell if he only just realized that now or not. Judging from Junta and Naganyan’s reactions maybe it wasn’t on purpose hahaha. But then he doubled down on it, and as he was explaining why hands are significant he kept forcefully grabbing Junta’s hand and being like “See? Don’t you feel something??” while Junta was just kinda looking at him like “ummm”. 
I love these dorks so much they’re my favorite. EVERY SINGLE TIME I see them at an event together, Masashi Igarashi just goes on this HUGE rant about something and Junta Terashima is like “...........................................what?” (And Takuma Nagatsuka, if he is there, is like slowly inching away from them.)
I CAN’T WAIT to see them for real in Nagoya next weekend AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. 
2.) Weekly theatrical video (week 1)
So King of Prism movies always have rotating intro or ending videos exclusive to the theater. (The first movie had the characters appealing to be in the Prism King Cup, Pride the Hero had the regional dramas, and SSS had shorts after the credits.) Best 10 has “Prism Star Interviews”. Basically, you hear audio of one character interviewing another which plays to a static image of the characters. 
Week 1 had Shin interviewing Hiro, Yu interviewing Kouji, and Taiga interviewing Kazuki. It was fairly low key. Hiro talked about getting his driver’s license, Kouji talked about sending weird food photos to Minato from abroad, and while Taiga was interviewing Kazuki someone (implied to be Kakeru) slipped him the question “Which do you prefer, tigers or dragons?” After going back and forth for a while, Kazuki ultimately says he likes them both because they are both strong. Taiga is not too happy about this. 
Something to note about the intro videos is this time is they have four weeks’ worth planned, but there are only three courses of the movie. This means the course and intro video are not necessarily connected and as time goes on it will get out of sync and you won’t be sure which intro video you’ll see. I feel like this was probably done on purpose. After a while we never knew what intro videos we would get for the first movie and it was kinda exciting. 
3.) 1-10 Ranking and my personal thoughts
10.) Yu / Shiny Stellar (SSS) 9.) Taiga / Fly in the sky  (SSS) 8.) Shin/Shine / Platonic Sword  (SSS) 7.) Yukinojo / Hyakkaryouran   (SSS) 6.) Leo / Twinkle Twinkle  (SSS) 5.) Kazuki / Freedom (Thunder Storm ver.) (Pride the Hero) 4.) Minato / Sailing  (SSS) 3.) Kakeru / Orange Flamingo  (SSS) 2.) Shiny 7 Stars [SePTENTRION] / Brilliant Oath  (SSS) 1.) Hiro / pride (Prism King ver.) (Pride the Hero)
So I think the voting for this was actually pretty fair. Basically, people who bought the SSS soundtrack CD got a code which could be used to vote only once. So although it would technically be possible to buy hundreds of CDs to try and sway the vote, I kiiiinda doubt that happened? It’s not like event tickets.
First of all, I was surprised at how low Taiga ranked considering he’s always been the most popular SePTENTRION member. But then again, although I really like him too, there are several SePTENTRION member shows I would have voted for before him. I guess that’s because I would assume everyone else would vote for Taiga so he doesn’t need my help? So maybe everyone else thought that way too that’s what happened. 
I’m also shocked at how high Leo is. He beat Yukinojo. HE BEAT TAIGA. After his ranking was announced the first time I actually started crying during his performance just because I hadn’t seen it in a while, and also I had literally JUST finished translating this.... so I was just like..... MY SONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN IM SO PROUD OF YOU (....dammit I forgot to yell IIZE. MY SONNNNNNNNNNNNNNN)
Platonic Sword is at 8 which is OK sure. But you know, to be honest, although I was so distressed by this show at first I’m actually kinda diggin’ it now that I’m used to it because it’s a whole lot easier to enjoy out of context (I don’t have to see Shin crying every time). But it’s just really weird to have THAT smacked right there it at number 8, right in the middle-ish. This supposedly 0 karat show. 
0 karats my ass. 
I can’t believe it. After all this time. He finally FINALLY got the recognition he deserves. The only SePTENTION member who ranked higher than him is Kakeru and I have no complaints about that because I definitely agree Kakeru deserves that number 3 spot. (You know, I wonder if this means Kakeru actually surpassed Taiga at some point to be the most popular SePTENTION boy? I’m just so used to it being Taiga, but..)
Hiro at number 1 feels right. I’m happy with it. It would be the same in-universe too. (Actually in-universe it would be like ALL Over the Rainbow but y’know.)
It’s really crazy how all of SePTENTION made it in (if you count Platonic Sword for Shin, although they did credit it as Shin/Shine which was nice). I think that’s part of what Masashi Igarashi was trying to say at the theater greeting: To think that the new cast could have come this far. To think that exactly four years ago I left the theater after seeing the first movie for the first time, and I couldn’t even remember over half their names... and look where they are now!!
Although I am certainly not unhappy with the results, and I know the SSS shows are... objectively better, it did make me a little sad that nothing made it in from the first movie at all though. Because those shows had a bigger emotional impact on me overall. I don’t regret using my vote for Minato, because I feel better having contributed to him getting the recognition he deserved than I would have if I had voted for something that didn’t stand a chance. But at the same time, Shin’s Over the Sunshine at the end of the first movie is probably the most important prism show to me, in actuality. 
But they are doing different courses to show the prism shows that didn’t make it in. The first week they are showing a montage of all of Over the Rainbow’s shows. Watching them back-to-back with the SSS shows in this movie really highlighted how old they look in comparison, especially the Hiro/Kazuki Boy Meets Girl. Back when the only texture they used was for Hiro’s stomach...
But anyway, the credits revealed the other courses will show Alexander, Joji, The Shuffle, and Louis’ shows. It is also rather sad that none of the Schwarz Rose boys made it in. Especially since Alec is so popular! I wonder if Alec fangirls didn’t vote for Survival Dance in protest since Alexander has never gotten an original song. I felt the saddest about Louis though... because Shota Aoi and his voice and...... (C.... Can I just slip in the back room, cut out Platonic Sword, and edit in I know Shangri La?)
PS. I think the shows were pretty close to the same versions we saw originally. One notable change is that they added in some subtitles for cheering. Specifically “SHISHO!!!” in Yukinojo’s show and “YO! Daddy I did it!” in Kakeru’s. So I guess we were originally supposed to yell that. (Oops.) As I hoped it would be, Brilliant Oath was also stitched together without that long break in the middle, so in this version it just looks like SePTENTRION created the goddess on their own with their prism jump. But hey! It’s nice to have a complete version. Also Platonic Sword was missing the Prism Axel. (Maybe that’s another reason I could enjoy it this time around.)
As is tradition, the credits are set to a new SePTENTRION song. This one is called Love Gravity.
4.) New content (intro, ending, in-betweens, etc)
There are two new, very brief, traditionally animated segments. The first one is a cold open of SePTENTRION as power rangers fighting Alexander. What makes this even more hilarious is it basically starts right where the original Prism Show Best 10 left off. They even used the exact same background I think!? Some of the boys’ ranger costumes are... interesting... Kakeru’s (and I’m afraid this won’t translate that well to English so I might as well explain it now) is missing the entire backside. The joke is about the contrast between his two sides (business and party: lit his front vs back in Japanese). I think this segment also has the first ever anime/movie reference to Alexander being weak to Leo. (It’s referenced in Prism Rush all the time.)
The second new traditionally animated segment is at the end, and it involves SePTENTRON in the bath discussing different genres of dramas or movies they could do now that their careers have taken off. I’m pretty sure it’s a metaphor for “So much has happened in King of Prism, what now?” After all the discussion of different genres, Shin starts to get worried it means they won’t do prism shows together anymore. But they all agree that of course they will. 
Then there are the Dorachi and Torachi segments. They are simplified and look as though they were animated in flash. In addition to counting down the Best 10, Dorachi and Torachi also have two language teaching sessions. First Dorachi teaches us some “useful” English phrases, i.e. Alexander’s “Go to hell!” etc. Then Torachi teaches us Aomori dialect. What makes this sequence so hilarious is how seriously they take it. Like, as seriously as you could imagine a chibi tiger and chibi dragon teaching you something would be. The Aomori dialect was pretty challenging too, and Torachi actually broke down the sentences, pointing out where the intonation was different and like.... IT WAS ACTUALLY EDUCATIONAL. LIKE..... I ACTUALLY LEARNED SOMETHING. The first two sentences we practiced in Aomori dialect were Taiga’s dad asking him if he thinks his grades can get him into high school, and that random background character saying the nebuta floats won’t be ready in time. But then we got a completely new Taiga line of him confessing to someone which needless to say was NOT in the show BUT...... the background was clearly the scene from the end of episode 3 when Taiga was trying to tell Kazuki something. Pfff. 
There is also a longish short anime during the intermission done in the same style. Torachi finds Dorachi out of power, and the two get lost together trying to find a power source to charge him. Meanwhile Taiga and Alexander don’t come looking for them until after dark because they are too busy fighting. Moral of the story: Dorachi and Torachi are secret BFFs and Alexander and Taiga are terrible parents.  
5.) Shin’s new show
My...... heart............................... my heart felt so full............. nnnghghhgphhhh.........
The context is that Shin is finally performing the song Yu wrote him in the costume Leo made for him at the Rose Party. So it’s taking place chronologically after SSS. 
Daisuki Refrain is a very heavy audience participation song. Perhaps the most intended participation in a King of Prism song we have had so far? There is a beat to clap to, callouts, and even a dance in the middle and it’s pretty clear even during your first viewing what you’re supposed to be doing at all times. 
Also, as I guessed from seeing Junta Terashima perform at the CD release event, Shin’s hat is a huge part of his choreography. What I did not guess is that it’s also a magic hat that grows and you can ride on it if it fills up with prism sparkle hahahah.
Ahhh man.............
....Okay. If you have seen it, I know you’re probably expecting me to talk about that.... one part...... So. I will. Okay. Here goes. 
At one point in his performance, Shin partially obscures his right eye while his left eye shines red. W......Why is that in there WH--okay I kinda know why. I think Shin has been gaining a lot of popularity recently since the end of SSS specifically because of Platonic Sword, and because he has that edge now. So although they gave him a happy, fluffy, traditional Shin show, they still put in a little fanservice for the fans who like the edge. A little reminder that he’s still in there. While I’m like.... YOU... YOU STAY IN THERE. IM WATCHING YOU. Ahahaha. 
One thing though, I could have sworn in the preview showing that Shin’s right eye (the one which would be yellow if he was Shine) was completely obscured.  But when I saw it again on the premiere day, I could see it was only partially obscured and it was clearly the normal red. So. Surely I was just so surprised that they did that in the first place that I just didn’t fully register it. It’s not like they changed it in between the preview and the premiere, right..... RIGHT?
Okay moving on sorry that was too long. Haha seriously that scene is like 2 seconds and Shin’s show is SO CUTE AND SO GOOD. I really REALLY did like it and I’ve been singing the song all day. 
And his new prism jump......................
I really don’t want to spoil itttttttttt..... while I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you just wait and experience it for yourself firsthand like I did, at the same time.... not gonna lie... I also really want to talk about it. Because Shin. So I’m gonna end this post here but also write about it at the end anyway. So if you absolutely must know. It’s down there. 
Thanks for reading! READY SPARKING!
Okay so Shin’s new prism jump. It’s called Mugen Hug Together.
And it’s basically. 
A reverse Mugen Hug. 
So Shin Mugen Hugs the crowd, but then the crowd reflects it back to him and he’s like AAAAUUUGH and, of course, it takes all his clothes off. 
(And then there’s like an uncomfortably long black screen. Where it’s like.... did we kill Shin?)
(Did we kill him? With our love?)
(We did not.)
(I guess he needed time to get his clothes back on.)
Shin has one of his speeches where he says he’s embarrassed about how he wanted us to feel good but the opposite happened. Then the second part of the jump starts (or I guess it may technically be a second jump), part of which can be seen in the trailer. The part where you take Shin’s hand and he gets wings. Then he takes you around the world. 
The end. 
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