#ok now i really need to finish that wip of mine
teddybeartoji · 2 months
oh myGODDDD imagining toji sucking off the strap like a KING but he’s so adamant that it doesnt do anything for him even after you tug him down on it further and make him choke just a little so pretty little tears are in his eyes before he glares at you!! Or if he pulls off and bites your thigh and tells you to be nice or he’s biting your strap off so you have to buy another one…AND YOU CALL HIS BLUFF AND PUSH HIS HEAD DOWN AGAIN AND HE GROANS AND HIS EYES ROLL BACK AND HES JUST THINKING ‘wait a second why does giving them control actually make me hard—‘
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rriavian · 7 months
So @jessamydreams-deactivated202311 sent me an ask but it disappeared before I could answer it!
No idea what I did wrong but it might be the deactivation. Thought I'd make my answer into a separate post :) I think they are now @jessamydream but I will remove the tag if not. I've used the questions they asked as little subheadings so hopefully this will all make sense.
What are the Corinthian's feelings towards Jessamy and Lucienne?
In your ask you mentioned Jessamy flying out of Dream's robe in episode one and I had actually completely forgotten about that! It is very intimate! I also have the most adorable image of her tucked in there and peaking her head out to judge people. During that first scene with the Corinthian she would have been right there listening. Ooh, if he had known it could be a reason for telling Burgess to get rid of her (for having witnessed him being rebuked?) but I also think that it was a practical choice. The Corinthian would have known she’d never give up trying to free Dream.
There might be some degree of regret, but I don’t think he really felt guilty for it. The Corinthian would very much see it as necessary, but it was also quite a self-serving way of soothing jealousy.
Personally I think he’s very jealous of the ravens!
Especially Lucienne. I think there’s this very real tension between them because of it. I do think the Corinthian is like ‘yes well you may be a human soul but he made me and I’ll have something you’ll never have’. The intimacy between an artist and their work I suppose. Though I also think it makes him resent the way Dream dotes on her, because she’s not held to the same standards as he is.
Lucienne has a freedom within the Dreaming that is unique.
She has changed from the role of a raven to that of a librarian, an agency within her place there that the Corinthian doesn't have in his. The ravens aren’t there to shoulder the burden of Dream’s role in the same way that his creations are. While that means the Corinthian can be smug about sharing that, perhaps seeing that he can do far more of the heavy lifting in terms of supporting Dream's responsibilities to the dreamers, he might also feel siloed by it. I’ve got some wips that play with this idea but yeah…jealousy, a bit of resentment, but also a lot of possessiveness.
They both have something of Dream that the other will never have.
How does the Corinthian feel about Dream visiting a human every 100 years?
Ok so I definitely think the Corinthian knew that Dream was meeting someone in the Waking World. But in many ways I don’t think he really cared too much. Based just off of what we see in the show the meetings themselves seemed very contained. It was probably seen more as Dream keeping an eye on an experiment, and I think any jealousy would be folded into the Corinthian’s resentment of Dream’s strict commitment to role.
So I don’t really think it impacted the Corinthian at all—especially given Dream’s nonchalance when Death reminds him about missing the meeting with Hob—I think he’s far more jealous of Dream’s relationship with Lucienne (and Jessamy/Matthew).
Is the Corinthian jealous of Dream's lovers?
In terms of Dream’s other relationships, I really need to finish my fic with Calliope and the Corinthian so I can delve into this a little more.
But in truth I think the Corinthian probably feels similar to how he feels towards Lucienne. When Dream married Calliope he probably saw it as ‘yeah you’re his wife but I’m his favourite creation so how does that really compare’?. A weird mix of jealousy and possessiveness? The same as with all the relationships I think – the Corinthian is very much like ‘he is mine in a way he’ll never be yours’. And he’s proven right most of the time in how quickly the lovers come and go, in how easily (in his eyes) they give up.
I think the Corinthian is satisfied by that, looks down on them, is amused when a new one comes along like ‘oh? How long will you last before you do your best to break his heart?’
The Corinthian knows that eventually they will leave, that the Dreaming will return to how it was before. So maybe there is a little bit of protectiveness too. I think he considers them unworthy, unable to really appreciate all of what Morpheus is, and again that is something he’s consistently proven right about.
Calliope is probably the only one who he felt actually ‘threatened’ by though.
Interestingly enough (to bring this back to your questions about Lucienne and Jessamy) Dream’s longest ‘relationships’ are arguably those he has with his ravens. I think that's why the Corinthian is far more jealous of them then any new/old lover. There’s a degree of compatibility and love between him and them that is incredibly powerful, incredibly unique. And it lasts. There is always loyalty and care there, the ravens understand him, and they all stay with Dream throughout everything he has to be without flinching. Even when things end terribly (as with Jessamy’s death).
Hopefully that answers your questions!
Don’t feel guilty about asking too many! I really enjoyed thinking about this and putting some of my thoughts into words. I always love your questions <3 Please ask as many as you want and, hopefully, this time I won’t take as long as I did to answer the other one you asked me!
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onlygenxhere · 5 months
WIPpet (wip snippet) thanks for the tag @floating-in-the-blue
Been pushing hard in Julie and Luke’s book of Dares. It’s been a struggle getting the ‘right’ words out of my head. I probably really need a break but I also need to finish. (that’s how I work so there’s no real reason to fight it) Planning to take a mini break to work on the fanfest gift for the next couple of days. Course now I’m messing with this again.  
I’ve got a piece of a wip I was working on back in October that was inspired by several other’s fics but I need to make this more mine than piggy backing off of theirs before I do more with it.
It’s currently called Fire in my Veins and Blood on Your Lips. It’ll probably be rated M when it’s done.
Basic premise: Luke is a hunter, Julie is a vampire. In this story they’ve had a tentative friendship for a few months now when Julie gets injured helping Luke out of a dangerous situation.
(Snippet under cut)
“Julie…” he gently pulled her hand and the jacket away from the side she was clutching to see the gaping hole in her abdomen. He’d seen worse but it made his stomach roll at the sight of her exposed tendons and muscle.
He had to help her.
He owed her, more than for just tonight.
“What can I do Jules?” he said pressing the towel to her side.
He’d never used the nickname before and somehow it didn’t feel odd to use it now.
She bit her lip and shook her head not looking at him. “I’ll heal.”
“Before you bleed out?” He pressed on the wound with the towel trying to stop the bleeding. He could feel it getting wet and heavy in his hands. Even if the wound wouldn’t kill her he’d read that vampires could go into a sort of shock or cause damage to their brains like a stroke if they lost too much blood.
“I don’t…” She gasped as he applied more pressure and tried to look at him but couldn’t hold his eyes. “I can’t ask…” She shook her head back and forth more times than was necessary.
He sighed already knowing what he had to do if he wanted her to be ok, what she had to do.
He’d thought vampires were just walking corpses with a little more personality than zombies since before he even became a hunter. But after knowing Julie for the last few months he knew she was just as much of a person as he was and deserved to keep the life she had. This much blood loss might change her in irrevocable ways and he was pretty sure she knew it too.  
She needed blood and it’s not like he had a pint of the stuff in his fridge. The only way to help her was to let her bite him.
Julie was running out of time.
tagging @thephantomchronicles and @sovvannight cause I'm nosy what you two have cooking.
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ataliagold · 27 days
20 Questions For Writers!
I was tagged by @steviewashere, thank you!
How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 72.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
513,481, which...has really escalated from deciding to post a random oneshot back in 2022...
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only Stranger Things so far, and really just Steddie, but I also love exploring the Steve and Robin and Steve and Dustin dynamics within my fics too.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Wreckage Of You I No Longer Reside In
I Can Wait For You At The Bottom
But My Heart Is Just A Little Boy (which surprised me, being a recent oneshot)
My, My, Those Eyes Like Fire
Oh Darling, Please Be Mine
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, always. I'm grateful that people take the time to comment and they always make my day, so I respond.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't actually think any of my fics have angsty endings because I can't write anything except happy endings...if pushed I'd say As The Light Fades From The Screen , because it ends on a pretty grim note with Steve having been involved in a serious car crash but it's part of a series and is later resolved with Steve being ok, so I'm not sure if it counts.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them...haha. If I had to pick, probably The Wreckage Of You I No Longer Reside In. I sometimes struggle with endings, but I was happy with that one, and Steve Eddie and Dustin were just a lovely little family by the end of it.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Once. Someone took the time to read a 65k fic then write an essay in the comments about everything they hated about it, then messaged me telling me to never write again etc. I'm still confused as to why they chose to read the whole thing, but people are odd I guess.
Another time I got an odd comment from someone upset I included a very common tree in a fic because apparently it doesn't grow in Indiana. I wouldn't really count it as hate, I just thought it was a strange thing to get worked up about.
Thankfully, everyone else has been lovely.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
There's a little in some of my longer fics, it's just pretty soft and sweet. I find it kind of awkward to write for no particular reason, I just don't think it's a strength of mine.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No. I tend to get obsessed with one thing at a time, so I don't think I'd ever have any interest in writing a crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but quite happy for someone to if they ever wanted to!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I co-write the It Was Always Burning series with @floral--sunrise, there's 65 works in that series, some written by me and others by floralsunrise. So we individually write the fics but work together on overarching storylines etc.
As for co-writing an actual fic, I'm not too sure about if I'd do it, I'd have to think about it and it depends on the person. Definitely wouldn't rule it out!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Steddie, hands down. I've been in fandoms for a long time, since I was about...12, and while other ships like Destiel have pulled me in for a while, nothing's rotted my brain like Steddie.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you will?
Well...I only have one fic that I stopped writing, and that's Love Like Ghosts. I stopped for a couple of reasons - it wasn't getting much attention and I needed that back then, I'd only written a couple of things and needed feedback for some validation, I think, which I'm less bothered about now. I also had an idea for another fic at the same time which turned into Oh Darling, Please Be Mine, that one was more in my comfort zone and I ended up focusing on that.
But I still think about that fic often, and I think I'm going to go back to it maybe later this year. I really liked the storyline and that it was darker than what I usually write, and I had some pretty good ideas for it.
I did have another one that I'd written about 20 - 30k on, and had a few chapters up on AO3 when my laptop decided to delete the whole file and I couldn't get it back, I was so angry about it that I deleted it off AO3 and never started it again.
So I don't really have an answer to that question, because the only unfinished WIP I think I will finish one day!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Ummmm...I'm not good at talking myself up but I think I'm quite good at dialogue. I've been told a couple of times that the characters seem pretty true to themselves in my fics, even if the story is very AU, so there's that I guess.
Also I think action scenes I'm quite good at - there's a fair bit of violence in some of my longer fics, especially My, My, Those Eyes Like Fire and Keep My Hand In Yours, and I really enjoy writing those scenes.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot, sometimes. Probably because I don't plan longer fics in advance - I have an idea, a couple of key scenes, and a vague idea of an ending and then I just start writing. I don't do any planning, nothing - I just write and see what happens. Which has usually served me really well, but sometimes I get to a scene and I'm like...well now what?
Keep My Hand In Yours was the plottiest thing I've ever written, and I did really enjoy that one, so I think that's helped a bit.
Also smut. Just feels weird to write for me, maybe because I haven't written a lot of it.
And endings, I sometimes find it hard to wrap up a fic.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't know any other languages, so I don't think I'd be very good at it. I'd be worried if I did try to use another language I'd butcher it, or the translation would be weird...so no, I don't think I would? Unless someone who spoke the language was helping me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Not sure if this counts but when I was a kid I used to handwrite Doctor Who stories, mostly where I was the companion and travelling around in the TARDIS. I didn't know what fanfiction was back then, but there you go.
I wrote some Supernatural stuff too a long time ago but I'm pretty sure I never uploaded it anywhere.
Other than that, just Stranger Things.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I'm gonna go with what Stevie did and go top 5, because I can't decide.
The Wreckage Of You I No Reside In - This is the second fic I wrote, and first multi-chapter, and still my most popular fic. I wrote it when I had covid and was stuck in the house with nothing to do, and never expected the response to it that it got. This fic has a special place in my heart, but I've never read it back because I think there'd be stuff I would change now, being more experienced now than I was then. But I love it anyway.
My, My, Those Eyes Like Fire - This one was fun to write. It had a lot of action, (and sword fights which...I love) and was purely inspired by Joe Keery in his gladiator outfit for Finalmente L'alba. A very kind person made a ficbind of it, and I had some art commissioned for it too that I'm obsessed with.
I Can Wait For You At The Bottom - One of my angstiest fics, involving a severely depressed Steve and suicidal ideation. I enjoyed exploring Steve being at rock bottom and Eddie, Robin and Wayne helping him back to his feet.
Keep My Hand In Yours - My longest fic. I'd wanted to write a zombie apocalypse fic for so long, and this is what happened when I did. Probably the one with the most Steve whump too, and I really enjoy some Steve whump.
But My Heart Is Just A Little Boy - This was just a little oneshot where I wanted to project my dyscalculia onto Steve, and it was quite personal and sort of therapeutic to write.
Tagging some people to participate if you want to! @runninriot @augustjustice @katyawriteswhump
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marinesocks · 2 years
writeblr intro!!
hi hi!! i'm helena/danger (she/her) and i'm new to tumblr but i saw a bunch of people doing writeblr introductions and wanted to join in!! i'm a bit shy when it comes to reaching out but if you interact with me at all i will like. 100% respond!!! ok here goes!!
about me
i am a:
ADD haver,
third culture kid,
hobbyist reader,
psych major,
avid dog enthusiast,
wannabe artist,
horror movie fan,
ecology nerd,
and, as you might have guessed,
a writer!!
i'm not incredible at it but for some reason i cant stop doing it so here i am!!
favorite genres/niches
fantasy mostly!!!
i like to think i like plot but honestly i'll like anything if the characters are good enough
HUGE mythology and folktale fan!! i have very strong opinions on how to incorporate those into a novel tho, so only ask about that if you dare!!
surprise creepy concepts and crapsaccharine worlds are like my favorite of all time. i 100% support lying about the contents of a project to keep that twist extra shocking!!
romcoms might not be my favorite but im a sucker for cute couples, especially if they are LGBTQ+
psychological horror is excellent, one of my favorites (even if i'd never dare to write it)
depictions and representations of mental health is probably the thing that's most consistent throughout my work? maybe its just the psych major talking but i find that stuff endlessly fascinating
i've lived in various places overseas for most of my life, so i enjoy stories set in unique locations absolutely DRENCHED in culture!!
current projects
i feel a bit awkward sharing these because again, i'm not a great writer, but i like reading about other writeblr's projects so i figured i'd give other people the option of seeing mine! warning for pretentious titles for very straightforward and basic concepts
WIP - flowers that mean "we'd miss you" - a short story I wrote while testing out subtext, character dynamics and prose!! the basic run-down is that a boy wakes up in the hospital and now he and his friends have to navigate a very difficult conversation. the subject matter definitely requires a content warning, and it has a few gaps i still need to fill, but overall i really like the direction it's headed!! out of all of these projects, it's probably the one i have the least issues with.
in the ataraxis of aftermath - this one is a novel i wrote for NaNoWriMo 2020! it is post-apocalyptic with elements of fantasy, slice-of-life, and romance, specifically lgbtq+ romance. it's about a girl exploring what remains of her flooded city when she suddenly finds another survivor. despite the genre, this novel is very slow-paced and calm, relying more on the character dynamics and emotional journey of the protagonist instead of traditional story beats and plotlines!! i finished the whole first draft that november (and without any real outline to guide me, so altogether it's a bit of a mess), and i plan on rewriting it after i finish the two following projects!!
WIP - the owl's wish - originally intended as a short story for just a friend and i, this project is quickly expanding into a full-on novel!! it's a haikyuu!! fanfic, but i've been told that the story is well enough removed from the show that it can work even if you don't that context. the only summary i can give without spoilers is that it's about an owl spirit with amnesia who finds a friend, and together they set off to get their wishes granted by the mysterious Lady of the Yellow Springs (but it's about more than that, i promise ;) ). it's set in ancient japan, and i referenced a few traditional fairytales when drawing up the outline, but otherwise it's a completely original folktale that can hopefully be accessible to anyone who picks it up!!
WIP - currently titled ouroboros paradox - this is a novel i am currently plotting, so honestly i'm not so sure how much i can say!! this is a fantasy novel coming from my intense passion for large creatures, horror elements, and norse mythology. as far as i know now, the story will follow two protagonists in the city of jörmungandr - one from the past and one in the present - as they try to navigate life, religion and ethics in a world where murdering living beings lengthens your lifespan. i plan on finishing my outline before this november, so i can try to hit 50K for nanowrimo this year!!
where to find me
Instagram, Wattpad, Art Fight, AO3, & Toyhouse! If you would like to read my writing but don't have a Wattpad account, i've linked the google docs directly to the titles :)
and that should be it!! if you read this far imagine i am giving you a very firm handshake with very watery eyes. if you'd like to reach out, ask questions, or share some of your story tidbits with me, please do!! i'd be so happy to reciprocate however you'd like :) have a great day!! drink some water!!!
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WIP Wednesday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
FANON speculation for season 7
Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!” 
Chapter 10 will be posted soon.
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I’m excited to finish writing Chapter 10 because a lot is happening and there's still more to come. At the end of Chapter 9, Buck and Eddie were trying to cope with everything that happened during and after Jonah's criminal trial. At the end of day two, Buck had a major panic attack, he asked Eddie to get him out of the courthouse and Eddie drove them home instead of taking Buck back to the loft. Then Buck scheduled an emergency therapy appointment with Dr. Copeland and later that night, after Chris and Buck were already asleep, Eddie spent time trying to decide if he should make an emergency appointment with Frank instead of scheduling one with his new therapist, Dr. Theresa because Frank's a trauma therapist and she's not. He was strongly considering it since both him and Buck were faced yet again with additional ramifications from the shooting.
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Here are two snippets from chapter 10, i.e., one for Buck and one for Eddie.
“Let me show you a picture of my husband and our son.”  He says as he struggles to pull his cellphone out of his pocket.  “My grandson bought me this doohickey thing-a-ma-jig and if it wasn’t for him setting up the Face uh… face um…”  He looks at Buck and asks, “What do you young folks call it?”
“Uh... Face ID.”
“Yeah… that, then I wouldn’t know how to get into this thing to get to my pictures.”  Rhett scrolls through the photos app and after he finds the one he’s looking for, he holds his phone up so Buck can see it.
“See… this is me and my son.  Now that picture is about 50 years old and I was a lot younger than I am now. My son had just turned 13 and I was 31 I think..." He trails off then looks up like he's counting. "Yeah, 81 minus 50 is 31, that's right, I was 31 years old. The picture is in my phone because my grandson, he had it… well I don’t know what he did to make it show up in that thing-a-ma-jig but… it’s in there so I can show it to people instead of carrying pictures around in my wallet like I used to in the 1970s.”
Buck takes the phone, examines the picture, smiles then says, “He looks just like you.”
“Aww, thank you… everybody says that but you know what?”  Rhett says as he leans in like he’s about to tell Buck a secret.
“What?”  Buck asks.
“He’s my son and I love him dearly but biologically… he’s not mine. Alexander is my husband's son because he was married before we met but...” He shakes his head. “she died.”
Buck’s eyebrows go up so high, they almost touch his hairline.
Rhett sees Buck’s reaction, then he leans over, uses his elbow to bump Buck's arm and says, “Biology doesn’t make a family kid!”
Almost immediately Buck remembers the way a lot of people have said he looks like Bobby and Chris looks like him but until now, he hadn’t really given it too much thought because he didn't want his heartbroken. But after listening to Rhett share his story of how he found love and the way he made a family with the man of his dreams; he's starting to realize all of it means something.
Where is Buck?  Also, who is Rhett and why is he telling Buck about his life?
One of the firefighters uses the battering ram to open the door and after it's open, they step aside so Bertie and Eddie can enter the 9-1-1 caller's home.
“Hello?”  Bertie calls.
“I’m in here.” A voice from farther inside the house replies.
Bertie and Eddie follow the sound of the woman’s voice and when they make it to the kitchen, that’s where they find her.
After she sees them, the patient says, “Oh, thank you for coming.  I’m here alone and if it wasn’t for my alert necklace, I fear... no one would have ever found me”.
Bertie looks at Eddie then she looks at the patient.  “Maam, can you tell us your name?”
“Loni… it’s Loni.”
“Ok, Loni can you tell us where it hurts?”  Eddie asks.
“My back.  I slipped in some water I spilled… I thought I mopped it all up but I must have missed it.”
“It’s ok, we’re here to help.”
Bertie looks up at the two firefighters who just walked in and asks, “Could you two please get us a backboard for her.”  Then she turns her attention back to Loni.  “You live here alone?”
“Yes… I have for the last 50 years.  After my husband died, I figured I’d never find love again so I bought a new house and moved all the way out here for the peace and quiet because I like it.”
Bertie raises her eyebrows and Eddie notices it.  Even though they’ve only been working together for a couple of days, it didn’t take long for him to learn that Bertie speaks her mind.  That’s why he’s sure she’ll say something about Loni after they transport her to the hospital.
Who is Bertie?  Why is Eddie partnered with her and what is she going to tell him after they drop Loni off at the hospital?
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Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 -Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 -After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are part of the foundation when a couple builds a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - Will be posted soon.
I’m enjoying writing this fic because it’s giving me the chance to unravel the mess that was the 6x18 ending for Buck, Eddie and Chris.  Also, it’s taking them places the show refuses to go including Buck finally having a mental breakdown and Eddie being there for him the same way he was there for Eddie in season 5.
Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading
Read chapters 1 - 9 are already available on AO3.
No pressure tagging: @spotsandsocks and @shortsighted owl. (My apologies if you've already posted.)
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fandomblogs-posts · 7 months
ao3 wrapped [writers edition] answers
link to questions https://www.tumblr.com/evilwriter37/736066424379932672/floydsin-ao3-wrapped-writers-edition-how-many?source=share
How many words have you written this year?
19,795 words 
2. How many works did you publish this year?
8 works 
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
All of them 
4. What work of yours has the most hits?
'Viggo’s Lack Of Listening Skills' 1420 hits 
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
Any of them
6. Favourite title you used
'I Gave You A Boner, You Can't Ignore Me'
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
Not sure actually. I might need to think on that 
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
Viggo x Hiccup 
9. Favourite pairing you wrote for this year?
Viggo x Hiccup 
10. What work was the quickest to write?
'Fish Can Float Too' (by my friend who wrote it in 15 mins) 
'The Dragons Riders' Can Hear Everything (mine. 2 days) 
11. What work took you the longest to write?
'Viggo’s Lack Of Listening Skills' (6 months) 
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
6 I believe 
13. What’s your longest work of the year?
'I Thought I Could Love You'
14. What’s your shortest work of the year?
'Thoughts And Prayers'
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
'I Thought I Could Love You'
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
Don’t think I have one 
17. Your favourite character to write this year?
Hiccup is really fun to write especially with the extra sass I sometimes add to his character 
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Snotlout and Fishlegs probably 
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
I might be writing some hiccstrid next year. I have written them before but havent for a long while so it’ll be fun to write them again
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
'Viggo’s Lack Of Listening Skills'
21. How many kudos in total did you get this year?
22. Which work has the most comments?
'Viggo’s Lack Of Listening Skills' (there’s a theme apparently since I haven't written a lot) 
23. Did you do any collaborative works this year?
No but I want to one day 
24. Did you write any gifts this year?
I did! I wrote one for @evilwriter37. And I hope to write more for others 
25. Did you receive any gifts this year?
No but that’s ok. I’m still new to writing on ao3 
26. What’s your most common category?
27. What do you listen to while writing?
Whatever playlist I’m obsessed with or race to the edge episodes 
28. Favourite work you wrote this year?
'Viggo’s Lack Of Listening Skills'
29. Favourite line/passage you wrote this year?
From you wouldn’t believe it 'Viggo’s Lack Of Listening Skills' 
“Hello my dear” Viggo said smoothly. Hiccup took a deep breath and stood up. He turned around to face the Viking Chief and spoke his mind.
“Don’t ‘hello my dear’ me. What the fuck were you thinking?” Hiccup didn’t normally use that sort of language but his temper was flaring even higher now with Viggo smiling at him. “Shooting down the dragons? Hurting my friends!? We had a deal” He walked closer to Viggo, almost getting into his face. Hiccup scowled up at the man waiting for his response.
“You look so cute when you’re angry.” Viggo whispered to Hiccup. Hiccup tried to keep the scowl on his face but it faltered slightly.
And from Last Goodbye 
“I wish you did seize the moment”
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
That I finished any of my stories and probably that some of my favourite fic writers commented on my fics 
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sylvies-chen · 3 months
tagged by my favourite ladies in the whole world @sisterofficerlucychen and @ameliagiovanna0 thank you guys 🥹
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
38 and counting
2. What is your total ao3 word count?
543,895 (holy fuck?? that’s a lot)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently the fandoms I will write for are all listed in my pinned post <3
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Hopelessly Devoted To You
I’ll Think of You Before I Fall Asleep…
Where the Mind Wanders
handle me (I’m a liability)
5. Do you respond to comments?
If it’s a quick “this was so cute!!” or something really small then no but I always always always try to respond to the ones where I can tell some thought has been put into it or which are especially nice. All comments mean the WORLD to me!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooh that’s a hard one because I hate angsty endings and I rarely write them, but glimpses of us, Watashiato, a blood brother’s promise are all pretty angsty I think??
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mean probably Hopelessly Devoted To You, it’s just the most joyful sappy gushy mushy lovey dovey cutesy fanfic ending I could come up with.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Never. I keep my haters muzzled and silent 🤭
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don’t think I’ve ever written pwp or smut for smut’s sake but I’ve incorporated some smut into my fanfic before for sureeee I’ve got to feed the people and they want what they want
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I’ve never written a crossover but I really want to, I’d just need someone with a very specific idea in mind to bring to life
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No one would ever dream of stealen the insanities that I have written
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but wow that would be an honour! Any takers?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but again, that would be an honour! I’m so scared that I would end up being insufferable to work with (I mean I’m really not but why risk it)
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Please never ask me to make this choice again even thinking about picking a favourite is extremely upsetting and disturbing to me and my peace 😔
15. What’s a WIP you you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Definitely never going to finish SUNLIGHT which is a shame because I have the entire thing planned out somewhere and it was the brettsey proposal fics of my dreams. In my head it’s finished already because I planned so much of it out lol.
And then of course I’m starting to have doubts that I’ll ever finish Of Sun And Stone because I love it so much and I’m writing for it right now but there is literally YEARS of plot that I want to put my little chenford babies through in this AU and it’s like… the most massive undertaking of a fic I’ve ever had.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I make the words pretty✨
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I don’t write enough anymore to have writing weaknesses lol
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Would love to incorporate some French dialogue somewhere because I’m bilingual, or conversational Spanish idk. But I’m always wary of simply translating dialogue into other languages because I can never rely on my syntax or the translation to be correct. Totally support it though!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Anne with an E!! my most beloved first fandom ever!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I think The Möbius Strip has to be one of my favs because it’s so short but so sweet. I love Lokius and what little good parts of the MCU are left so this felt like an underrated gem of mine lol
AHHHH HELP IDK WHO TO TAG FOR THIS OK @crockettmarcel @kim-ruzek @theflyindutchwoman @awkward-fallen-angel or anyone else who wants to do this??
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whimsy-of-the-stars · 4 months
whimsy-of-the-stars: a writeblr re-re-intro!
hey guys, it’s been a minute! I’m whimsy-of-the-stars, and since my main projects have kinda shifted around, I thought it would be a good time to update my intro! ngl it’s a pretty inopportune time to do a re-intro, since I’m close to the end of one draft and planning two more… it’s just overdue!
some info about me:
I’m gonna start college in the fall majoring in English with a concentration in Creative Writing! :D
learning languages is a passion of mine! I’m focusing on Spanish right now but I’ve dabbled in both Esperanto and Toki Pona (yeah I’m a nerd!)
I’m a video essay enjoyer and possibly maker, eventually
fiction podcasts and actual plays slap???
I have “I want to do too many things” disease and want to try making stories in many different mediums!
ttrpgs are really cool but I have yet to play them with other people! does that stop me from trying to make games… no
elements I like to write: Found family! Chosen ones (+ the subversion of)! Big Emotion™️! Organized crime (idk why it doesn’t leave me alone)! Gay people, of course!
genres I like to write (YA and middle grade): high fantasy, low fantasy, different -punk stuff, sci fi maybe, superheroes, fairy-tale esque, romance, coming of age
I also write poetry! You can find it in this tag: whimsy of the poetry
ALSO, I did DraftDash in January 2024, which was fun but I did end up petering out halfway thru. Follow my journey in the tag draftdash!
ok, now onto wips!
I am in a weird stage with a lot of my wips, but a re-intro was overdue so I decided to do it anyway!
wips I am currently writing:
apocalypse story!
status: first draft, 24k (almost done with part 1)
the basics: mg/ya apocalyptic + queer ?coming of age? story and its sequel, except they’re both short so they’re melded into one two-part book! it’s told thru diary entries with lots of extra ephemera glued in! part 1 of 2 is ALMOST done but I’m not inspired to finish it rn! ! I’m not gonna continue with part 2 right after, though, since I still need to plan it!
summary: stressed-out eighth/grader Allison goes to her old hideout in the forest to decompress, but one thing leads to another and she can’t find her way back home. the forest is seemingly ever-expanding, ever-changing, and even when she finds her friends who’ve come to rescue her, they still have to face the actual, real life botanical apocalypse that’s becoming more and more of an issue for the outside world. can they find their way home alive and well? and if they do get home, what will their home city even look like?
extras: fun fact I started this in April 2023 for camp nano and it has taken me this long to write the next 10k words! Also the main character is a bit of a self-insert, but of the person I was in lockdown in 2020!
um. That’s it for wips I’m currently writing rn lol
wips I am “revitalizing”:
(aka taking old drafts/concepts and turning them nice and new!)
Both of these have existed in different-ish iterations for years, however I am currently in the weird process of developing both of these into all-new things from an existing groundwork! Neither of them currently have “statuses” because it’s hard to explain where exactly I am right now!
heist story!
the basics: ya fantasy heist novel (maybe eventually a trilogy?) set in a faerie world that rapidly advanced not too long ago into a dieselpunk/decopunk society rife with corruption and crime!
summary: Logical and inquisitive teen Calliope is relatively normal. Her offbeat parents, however, have raised her in a house full of strange curios and old tomes of faery stories. But only when she starts to exhibit unwieldy shadow magic, and her parents invite a prim woman she’s never met before into their home do things really start to get strange. The woman whisks Calliope away through one of the aforementioned curios to a noir hubworld where ancient faerie bloodlines and newfangled magitech collide. Why? To take part in a high-stakes heist with a surprising trio of other teens who want nothing more than to take down the crime boss who runs their town.
extras: this one’s a weird one imo. it’s one of the oldest wips that I am still working on, tho this one had a break of about 3 years!!! also I originally wrote it in hot pink comic sans XD
new superhero story!
(I am also revitalizing this one, but it’s in a way less put-together state! not much to say yet lol!) (also it’s not very new I just call it that)
it’s a ya superhero thing that features teenage (often queer) antiheroes trying to balance their heroic + civilian identities!
featuring: the shittiest entertainment/hero management company you’ve ever seen, shared trauma, gray morality, two different rock bands, and heroes that are at once government agents, influencers, and corporate concoctions!
considering making a “help me name my characters” post because i desperately have to name/rename like 3/4 of all of these characters!!!
more ideas I have bouncing around:
(lightning round!)
old ya romance wip i need to revitalize about two teens enter a competition to make a demo album and end up falling in love in the process (also they’re lesbians XD)
offbeat, ya supernatural + historical fantasy about a girl university student who is buried alive, and upon getting rescued, starts to transform into a strange underworld creature. also features a cute gravedigger :D
a musical about standardized testing (yeah lol) that’s goofy and queer and explores how seniors + juniors are so freaking stressed out all the time lol
that’s all folks! :D
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cheerfulmelancholies · 8 months
@pluttskutt sorry I accidentally posted before I could paste what I was gonna share! And then I deleted it because I'm stupid. I need to stop being so ambitious on mobile, it never goes well. Anyway, thanks to a coin toss you got treat! 🍬 So have a piece from an old wip of mine I really need to start back working on. It's a little long btw.
Diana returned home from another visit with Ethan to find her father whistling a joyful tune in the basement. Eyebrows rising, she checked the time on her watch before trotting down the stairs. Her dad was hunched over his workbench, tinkering with some odd or end of a device he'd probably never get around to finishing.
Daniel dropped everything, let it fall against the wooden top with clinks and clangs, and whirled to meet his daughter's gaze. "Pumpkin! How's your day been?"
Diana forced herself not to flinch from the sudden shout. She blinked and averted her eyes from the stretched grin, opting instead to glance around him at the bench. "It's fine. What are you working on?" The tangle of wires and open plastic didn't look like something worth fixing.
He laughed, shoulders bouncing. "Nothing much. Just fiddlin' a bit with some gadgets I've been meaning to work on."
Silence fell as Diana and her father stood across from each other. He didn't look like like he was going to say anything anytime soon, so she cleared her throat to dispell some of the awkwardness. "Um, how was work today?"
"Fantastic! I'm actually being considered for a raise." His grin widened and he leaned against the workbench, palms resting on the surface.
"A raise? For what?" She didn't know how much he made there, just that it was substantial enough to support them and their lifestyle with ease. All this time, he'd never once mentioned any possibility of a raise or promotion.
Why now? What changed?
"For all my hard work, of course. My boss said he's been so impressed with my devotion. Said he felt I deserved something for it."
"...Ok?" She had no idea how she should respond to that. Her father continued to watch her, expression never faltering. "Are you feeling alright? You seem a little..."
"I'm great! This has been a fantastic day. You know what?" He pushed himself off the bench and stepped toward her. Pulling her into an excited hug, he felt his smile widen as he spoke. "How about you and I go out to eat? Have a little father-daughter bonding time?"
Diana didn't return the embrace as her father rocked them back and forth. This sudden change in mood was jarring. In any other circumstance she would be thrilled to have her father snap out of his obsession with work in order to spend time with her. But after the mishap in the garage and his unusual behavior as of late, this did nothing more than make her skin crawl. She pushed herself away.
"Where do you wanna go, pumpkin?"
"Um, this is coming out of nowhere, isn't it?"
"Well, I figured since I'm gonna get some extra cash to burn I might as well start using it. We haven't done anything together in ages." He gripped her shoulders and gave her a light shake. "C'mon, pumpkin, it'll be fun."
Diana watched in concern and slight horror as her father's unsettling smile-never once faltering-pulled his lips even wider. She looked at his eyes and, though not glassy and unfocused like they were in the garage, they seemed to hold an almost artificial light to them. There was no denying he was happy, but she had a problem with how sudden and random it was.
She spent a few more seconds regarding him before making a decision. "Yeah, sure. It has been a while since we've hung out together, hasn't it?" She grunted as he gave her another tight hug before letting go and heading up the stairs.
"Great! Let me just get outta my work clothes. You can pick the place."
Diana frowned at her father's back as he disappeared from view. This whole situation was unnerving but at least it would give her an opportunity to learn more about her father and MM. She couldn't recall the last time they'd hung out together let alone the last time he'd been in such a good mood. She was hoping that by saying yes he would be willing to discuss more about his work. After all, this was the first time he'd ever spoken so openly about it.
Several minutes later saw them in his car, going to a local diner they hadn't eaten at in a year or so. Daniel was rambling about how he hoped things hadn't changed and what he was thinking of getting while Diana stared out of the windshield with a troubled expression. She glanced sidelong at him as he went on and on, oblivious to the uncomfortable tension in the car. Her mind kept screaming that this wasn't right and by the time they pulled into the lot she'd already lost what little appetite she had.
Daniel stepped out and turned to find Diana staring at him from the passenger seat. He felt his expression falter. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," she said, climbing out and walking to the entrance. She watched his reflection approach and follow her inside.
A waitress seated them-the place wasn't all that crowded-and they began skimming through the menu.
"So," Diana started, glancing up from the words she wasn't reading, "how much is this raise of yours?"
Daniel's smile twitched. "I... What do you mean?"
"You said you were getting a raise before... You know, like more money?" She fiddled with the menu as she spoke, carefully selecting her words and tone. This was already spiraling downhill.
"I am."
"But, like, how much money? A dollar? Three? A five thousand dollar check?" She watched his eyes flicker between her and empty space. He seemed rather disoriented from such a simple question.
"They didn't say," he said after two straight minutes of silence. "I guess it'll just be a surprise." The smile returned tenfold.
Diana chewed her lip and was thankful for the waitress's timely arrival.
"What are you having?" her father asked, any hint of his prior confusion gone.
"A Caeser salad," she told the woman. She didn't think she could stomach much more at the moment. As her father placed his order for a burger she tried to process everything that was happening.
Medical Mechanical was giving her dad a raise but never said how much? What kind of a company hides that sort of info from their employees? With the way he was acting, she assumed they either told him and he forgot, or this was some elaborate scheme to manipulate him. Either way, it made her sick with worry. She needed more info.
"Hey, Dad?"
Daniel returned from staring at nothing to give her attention.
"So... Did they tell you anything about this raise? Is it part of a promotion maybe?" She thought back to Megan's comment about a new division and tried not to let it get to her.
"They've been very impressed with my work lately," he responded. "I'm rather proud myself."
Diana hummed and took a sip of water. She was never going to get anything out of him as long as he was like this. Whatever had been done to him didn't seem like it was going to wear off anytime soon. She thought about how to change the subject.
Thinking back to her failed attempts at getting him to open up about his past, she tried, "So, have you ever spoken recently to anyone you used to know before moving here?" She hoped he wouldn't remember how that discussion had went the last time she brought it up.
Daniel's smile decreased as he searched his mind for an answer. "Not recently, no," he said after a few moments. "I've been so busy with work that I haven't even thought about it."
"Do you miss anybody? Like, friends or family?"
The smile became strained. "No."
Diana observed his sudden discomfort with morbid curiosity. Was she getting somewhere? "You never wanna talk about your childhood, what am I supposed to tell my kids?" she joked, hoping to elicit a response.
He shrugged and stirred the ice melting in his cup.
"I'm guessing you don't have a lot of happy memories then. So what made you pick Lakewood of all places?"
"It's small and quiet," he said. "I liked that about it."
"And now that Medical Mechanical is here, do you still like it?"
"It's nice they're recognizing my work and giving me a raise," he said suddenly, derailing the conversation.
"That's... not what I asked. And you still never said how much they were paying you." Before she could get an answer, the waitress placed their meals on the table.
"Anything else?" she asked, eyeing Daniel's odd, listless expression.
"That'll be it, thanks," said Diana, also watching the way her father had abruptly zoned out. She frowned as she poked at her salad, nowhere near hungry.
Daniel came to and began eating as though nothing strange had happened. They sat in silence, and it wasn't until the waitress took their plates and offered dessert that Diana spoke up again.
"Are they gonna give you more time off again?" she asked the silence.
He gave her a blank look before seeming to process her words. "It's not like I mind working."
It cuts off suddenly because this is something that I haven't actually gotten to yet in the story, but it's getting there. I just like to write ahead sometimes. I hope you enjoyed it!
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afewmarvelousthoughts · 9 months
Just gonna talk about my current WIP
... and life. Because this is a nice cozy place where I can do that and only one of you knows me IRL.
Tumblr media
So, in July, I was laid off. Well, my team was laid off. One of the many casualties in the "who needs DEI" wave. I can't even be particularly mad about it because that job was horrible. I dreaded work every day and I'm pretty sure that had I stayed, my health would have suffered more than it already had.
Then came the burnout. That shit hit me like a freight train. I've spent the majority of the last 2.5 months trying to give myself space to rest as much as possible (while also job hunting because I'm not exactly in a position that I can just BE unemployed). And y'all, rest is hard. Like really hard. But we're working on it.
While I 100% view this as a time I can and must rest, it also feels like an opportunity to actually focus on writing.
Hell, if I'm being honest, it feels like the universe went, "You said you would do this if you only had time to dedicate to it. Here you go." Now I've just gotta do the thing. Which... is also hard.
I've had several WIPs bubbling away for years now. Ones I've shared with folks, ones people ask me about. But the one I'm focusing on right now I haven't shared with anyone.
It's too personal, but not in a way that folks would assume. It's not autobiographical (though it is set just outside of Boston, where I'm now calling home) or anything of that sort. It's simply that I'm so in love with the two main characters I'm nervous to say anything about the story to folks close to me until it's finished.
But no one is likely to see this so I'm gonna share a bit here:
Toni. Bless Toni. She's a little me and probably a little you too. The definition of someone running toward something even though far too many people think she's running away. She is a woman who refuses to accept good enough and deals with the repercussions of that--especially as a fat woman (a through line in most of my femme MCs). In her case, she chose to end a relationship with a man most people considered a catch--ya know a catch who thought he could convince her to have a baby she said she didn't want--and move across the country rather than allow herself to stay in a situation that made her miserable. Now, alone--save for her best friend a few towns over--she's rebuilding her life and unpacking the baggage that says she's unreasonable and unreliable for choosing her happiness.
And y'all... Cillian. Lord. He's a local boy--complete with that Bahston accent--and built like a tank. Everyone around him can see how golden his heart is, not because he wears it on his sleeve but because he has an aura of goodness that is almost impossible to miss. Were you to tell him that, he'd tell you you're full of shit. The thing about Cillian is that he's the kind of good that comes from going through hell. In his case, hell was literal war. Now, 10 years out of the military and 8 sober, he's still reconciling with parts of himself he'd rather bury. Think a little Bucky Barnes with a dash of Frank Castle and then the rest, well the rest is just Cillian: The boy who should have been a musician, not a soldier. The man who runs his family's bar and escapes to his property in New Hampshire when the world is too much. The 6'2" 275lb brick of muscle that collects floral robes and buys expensive sheets and falls so in love with a gorgeous plus size powerhouse of a woman that it undoes him a little.
I love them. I love how they're going to open up with one another, to allow the other to see the parts of them that are still bleeding and know that it will be ok.
(They also fuck like rockstars so there's that.)
I'm still working on the first draft, but I think I can have it done in the next couple of weeks. From there, revisions and then MAYBE eyes that aren't mine.
Hopefully, someone other than me cares about their slow conversations, the softness of their fall, the low stakes but high emotion of it all.
Anyway. That's been my world of late. Thanks for being the void tumblr.
Love ya.
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little-puku · 2 years
As some of you might know I am making a Found family/Papa Ingo au (open to change in the future since I am just doing things as the story develops), with some character. Finally I decide to organize my thoughts since there are a lot of ideas I am planing to do. New ideas are always welcome so feel free to give me some more
✨ The list of characters of the au: ✨
Omet and Miles
still need to work on the other characters too, I will keep updating this as the time passes
Under the read more you can find the comic ideas I am working on and  some I have done before, some ships names that you might find between some friend’s oc and mine:
💖Ship names: 💖
Penpastshipping || Ingo x Sugi 
Sunflowershipping  || Renee x Kaede 
Fashion Disaster Shipping || Kaede x Pecha
Gaming Bros Shipping || Gabi x Rawst
🙌 Finished Comics:
Hug (Penpastshipping || Ingo x Sugi) Warden Ingo has been very kind to Sugi since she arrived here in Hisui, but now she has been starting to develop a tiny bit of separation anxiety... is ok to ask for something in particular her heart desire? (Based on this lovely lil thing) 
Pen Pals (Penpastshipping || Ingo x Sugi) Ingo took Sugi to Jubilife Village but something is troubling him
✏️ Mini comic idea summary (WIP) ✏️
Rowlet’s hat (Rowlet) “Rowlet has stolen Professor Laventon hat and is flaying around with it in the whole village causing trouble and other mischief, now, is up to Rosie, Rei and the professor to get it back”
The boy and the creature (Zorua) “Omet and Miles got into an argument before their survey adventure, Miles decide to stay in Jubilife Village and let Omet do the work by himself. A sad Omet decide to adventure on the Alabaster Iceland, feeling lonely and scared he didn’t realize that a curious creature decide to approach him”
Perish Song (Misdreavus) “Recently at night in the Coronet Highlands people has been hearing some ghostly singing voices, Hazel got assigned to figure out who or what is the source of the problem”
Dimension Transfer (Porygon-z) Porygon-Z was been studied by their respective researches but one day The Pokémon just vanished into thin air, this been attributed to possible “incompetence of the program update” little did the academics knew that one day Porygon-Z will come back with some memories from the past
Headbutt (Cranidos) In the name of science Wamu, Richie and Akari want to test if they are able to beat a Cranidos’s headbutt, this already sounds like a bad idea but they all have the necessary safety equipment for the job.
Nary Sugi has started to go into labor and she really wants Warden Ingo at her side… and it seems she is presenting some complication, she send her Beautifly to search for Ingo… but will he be able to reach the warden on time? 
Stitchets of care Warden Ingo dreads trying to mend his uniform. It's one of the few things he still has from his past and he is afraid of altering it in any shape or form. One day a young hatchling tears up his hat he has left back at the cave after being called out for an emergency, he's initially heartbroken and ready to part with it complelty. Sugi has good intentions on fixing and stitching it back together… but will she be able to do it? She is not the best but she sure will try 
Bonding ritual for men Gaeric wants to bound with Warden Ingo since there aren’t many adult in the pearl clan he can be friends with. His intentions are good but will ingo survive them? 
Camera Flash (Kaede x Ren) Kaede was minding his own business when suddenly a camera flash get his attention, did someone just took a photo of him??? of him of all people?? his insecurities start to rise until he found out the “culprit” (little silly comic I want to do based on this )
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hilarychuff · 2 years
get to know me
tagged by: @ode-to-an-inkwell and @7thkarma! tyty
fave color: hmmmmmmmm i guess i would say pink rn but red is my power color
currently reading: not currently reading anything other than lots of fanfic! but have been meaning to finish manhunt which i started a while back and then fell off on when i didn’t get through it before my library hold expired and also have a library hold hopefully coming up soon for the final girl support group 
last song: currently obsessed with “my best friend’s wedding” by the chicks and am listening on repeat, specifically the “go it alone / go it alone / go it alone / go it alone!!!!!!” harmony part
last series: i’m watching that hulu psychic lady show maggie and it’s actually really cute lmfao i’m enjoying 
last movie: tragically unfortunately it was austin powers goldmember. a friend needed to watch it for reasons and i was having a case of the sads so she came over and we watched it together. i actually remember getting my mom to take me to see it in theaters and even as a child being like “ok lots of toilet humor....” however it does have both britney spears AND beyoncé in it which is pretty iconic
sweet/spicy/savory: hmmmmmmm for breakfast, savory. for snackies, sweet. 
currently working on: i’ve got a bunch of wips right now. lots of notes for i carry it in mine, the first lil bits of my uptown girls au, part of a jon pov scene for princess diaries au, part of a jon pov scene for overboard au, a lil extra so far in that alayne/jon vignette, a bit of a jily when harry met sally au scene that will probs never make it out of my group chat, aaaaaaaaaand some stranger things stuff even that will possibly never make it out of my google docs. lots going on!!!!! in the google docs!!!!!! i’ve got like 12 different google docs open in another window rn which is much more than usual lmao but i haven’t super focused in on any one particular thing
anyway i deleted the part about how many people you’re supposed to tag lmfao BUT if @chdarling / @cellsshapedlikestars / @rubdown / @gorgeousgreymatter-x want to do a tag meme thing you should!!
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ms-moonlight-inn · 2 years
Tagged by @energievie and @thisdivorce to answer a few questions...
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Zero to Six (Gallavich)
four hours' absence (Gallavich)
We're Really Bad At This, But We Ain't No Quitters (Gallavich)
The Horrified Nurse (Gallavich)
The Great Untitled Rimming Story (Gallavich)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Every single one! If you've taken the time to talk to me, I'll take the time to reply. Also, I'm a very chatty person, just try & get me to shut up, it's impossible. 😆
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I've yet to write a truly angsty ending, but Pacing The Back Room (Gallavich) has an ambiguous ending, as does one of my nonfiction pieces Voices in My Head.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Almost all of them have a happy ending, my favorite right now is Where You Find Me (Gallavich) because it just slices through several seasons worth of nonsense to get straight to sandals & tequila.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
yuP! South Side & Royal Blue (Gallavich/RWRB) it's a one-shot right now. Eventually, I'll circle back & finish it.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes, I consider it a rite of passage.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, all the way from veiled, romantic references to cocks & holes. 🤷🏻‍♀️ F/F, M/M, M/F
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Jesus, not that I know of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet. But I have had one pod fic'ed. Maybe someday I'll translate some of mine to Spanish? 🤷🏻‍♀️
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I adore co-writing. I've written pieces with @stillbeatingheart , @jackieq , & @notherenewjersey . I've got another collab in the works, but that's a bit in the future.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
FAVORITE?! Don't ask me that! I love them all.
Gambit/Rouge was my first love.
Mickey/Ian the one I fell hardest for. The HARDEST.
Nick/Charlie gives me that blush of first love innocence.
Stede/Ed those stinky seamen.
Sgt. Warden/Karen Holmes forbidden love at its finest.
Frenchie/Kimiko I mean, damn.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
😭😭😭 Don't make me cry!
There's a abo in RWRB that I really need to get my shit together & get done.
Also, a bilingual Gallavich fic that I keep procrastinating on.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I’d say managing scenes with an ensemble cast. Also maybe pacing? 🤷🏻‍♀️
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
OVERTHINKING! 🤬😡😤 Sometimes, it gets so bad, I can literally see it on the page. I'll go back to something I wrote in the past & I can point to the spot where I got caught up in my head 'cause the sentences look tortured to my eye.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Being bilingual, myself, I think it's important to include other languages whenever practical & authentic. A word here, a phrase there. It doesn't have to be an entire conversation, but a little snippet lends so much to the character's persona, I think.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Red, White, & Royal Blue
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
So far, this hasn't been a problem for me. If the idea comes, I write it. 😆 I've got a kernel of a fic for Sgt. Warden/Karen percolating; when it's fleshed out in my brain, I'll write it.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Love Me At Half-Light (the one almost nobody, but me likes 😆😂)
Ok, it looks like everyone has been tagged... I'll add @notherenewjersey @gallavichgeek @stillbeatingheart With absolutely no pressure to play. 💕🌹
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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Fic Finder
1. hello! for the next fic finder i was hoping you could help me find this fic where wwx is a firefighter i think?? lwj works in the same team and nmj is the captain, jc is a cop. i remember lwj lost a-yuan (who is wwx's son) in a tsunami if i remember correctly? also background xiyao and xuanli. the other thing i remember is wwx ride a motorcycle but lwj thinks it's a bad idea bcs it's dangerous
FOUND! Like a House on Fire by KouriArashi (T, 82k, Modern au, Paramedics, Firefighters, Light angst, Mutual pining, Kid fic, Past drug use, Past child abuse, Families of choice, Domestic fluff)
2. Hi!! Your posts r always so helpful and I lost this book so now I'm literally tearing my hair out looking for it. The only scene I remember was Wangxian being married and WWX was diagnosed with mental health problems (i think?) and he had a bad encounter with Madam Yu and the Lans (LWJ, LQR, LXC and i think JGY was also there?) got really protective of him and tried to comfort him. Huhuhu asking for help to find this before I go crazy o(╥﹏╥)
FOUND? The Wild Geese's Tomb by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (T, 66k, Time Travel, Fix-it, Hurt/comfort, Temporary character death) @vulpestars thinks it might be this one - Is #2 The Wild Geese’s Tomb? I was going nuts trying to find it recently 😅
3. Hi sorry to bother you but I couldn’t find it looking by myself, there was a Wangxian fic I read a while ago I don’t think it’s finished? But basically older Wei Ying is hired to teach at a boarding school I think it was - there were definitely dorms - and he taught cultivation history which he thought was fake, it wasn’t QUITE reincarnation but I think cultivation clans using the same names was a thing like there’d been a few of everyone. Lan Zhan was a student and believed in cultivation like literally everyone else at the school that wasn’t Wei Ying. The last chapter I think they ended up in the cloud recesses and got there by plane. Thanks for your consideration!
FOUND! Retrouvaille by wxparoxysm (T, 69k, WIP, Modern au, Teacher WWX, Student LWJ)
4. Hi mods! I've been looking for this fic for ages and haven't had any luck...basically it was a post-canon fic and the premise is WWX either needs new clothes for some important event and/or LWJ wants to buy him new clothes, and ofc since they're married they have to be in Lan colours. WWX is reluctant bc of past trauma that he was never allowed to wear Jiang colours, and his whole life he kept wearing black/neutral colours and felt like he never belonged anywhere. The ending is him finally wearing his own version of the Lan colours and basically feeling like he's finally part of the family. I hope this is accurate enough and thank you!!
FOUND! Shake the Heavy by Fruitys (T, 5k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Character Study, Fluff and Angst)
5. Hello :) I hope you can help me. I'm looking for a fic but I can't remember many details. The main (and hopefully identifiable) thing is an exchange between LWJ and WWX, I think they left the Cloud Recesses and were in Caiyi town for the day? And LWJ tries to be sassy and refers to WWX as "sweetheart" in the Gusu Dialect, but WWX doesn't understand and thinks it's a swear word? Then he torments a pining LWJ by saying it repeatedly, finally agreeing to stop only if LWJ calls him sweetheart again. @epiphanyx7​
FOUND! Your Hand in Mine by cerbykerby (T, 20k, Humor, Pining, cursed to hold hands, Light Angst, Sharing a Bed, Fluff)
6. Hi! Hope you are ok! I'm looking for a fic, please. I don't remember much, but what I do remember is that WWX doesn't die, but  he rescues a group of children and treats all of them as his own. There are two girls, one of them who could be A-Qing, and two boys, A-Yuan and, possibly, Xue Yang, and the scene with the statue 13/16 years later still happens... I think he creates and teaches another type of cultivation, maybe talismans?, to his children. Thanks for your amazing work!!
Hi! I am the anon who asked question 6 on your last fic finder. Thank you! I just wanted to say I actually found the fic, and it was nothing like I described it, sorry. Well, there were two 'girls', but it was more like a woman, not A-Qing, but Wen Qing... the story is The storm comes and goes (and I keep walking), by Naamah_Beherit. But I will definitely read the one you suggested. Thanks a lot!!
FOUND! The storm comes and goes (and I keep walking) by Naamah_Beherit (M, 41k, Blood and injury, No Romance, Canon-Typical Violence, Found Family, Canon Divergence)
NOT FOUND! and having a marvelous time by varnes (E, 108k, Sound of Music au, Slow burn, spies to lovers???, Angst with a happy ending)
7. Hello, could you please help find a fic. I checked all time travel tags but i can't find a fic, all i remember is - LWJ time travels or something to sunshot campaign times & Wuxian expects him to argue but he just hugs him.Also Jiang Cheng n all keep leaving Wuxian alone in battlefield but Wangji keeps finding him and keeps company. He also keeps tent warm for Wuxian n feeds him food .
@ibovaryyou says For #7 I’m pretty sure it’s crack of dawn by shinocchi but it’s not on ao3 anymore as far as I know
8. Actually, next fic finder, can I get help with that fic? I remember Wen Qing spending a month making incense and medicine so Wangxian would have the stamina to go five times in one night, Wei Wuxian really doesn’t want to admit he’d had nightmares about dual cultivating with Wen Qing, but in the end he does cultivate a yin core. It was a WIP, if that helps.
FOUND! i had to abandon myself (you took all of me) by justdoityoufucker (E, 35k, WIP, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Not Jiang Clan friendly, Chronic Pain, Cultivation Sect Politics, Dual Cultivation, LWJ fucks a core into WWX)
9. Can you find an ao3 fic on wangxian it's in modern time it's about wei ying being a detective or police officer in a bar getting drunk and being led away with lan zhan but he's apart of the Mafia like a crime boss or dark!lan zhan. Sorry I don't remember much than them doing papapa while wei ying is drunk I do remember wangji taking wei ying to a limo or car but can you please help me find it. You can take your time I just want to remember what fanfiction it was.
FOUND? Rule Number One: Never get attached. by KizuKatana (E, 105k, wangxian, criminal underworld au, crime boss LWJ, rogue criminal genius WWX, dark LWJ, ABO, cat & mouse dynamics, WIP)
10. Could you help me find this fic? It's another yllz wwx fic, but in this one wwx isn't quite right in the head. He's wacky. He kidnaps both LWJ and JYL, but isn't particularly cruel to them even though they're scared of him. Its not a canon divergence, I think it's reincarnation? They have memories of the past (future?) but they're foggy. WWX just wants company. He's alone in the burial mounds; save for the servants. The servants are there willingly but they were all... uh, non-con teleported? @untdoc
FOUND! @ehyde thinks it might be this Twitter thread fic - I think 10 is this threadfic on twitter, I'm not sure if it's been crossposted to ao3
11. hey, could you help me find a fic where Wei Wuxian doesn't want to live anymore, so he dies in the demon slaughtering cave. Wen Qing was really worried about him, she sends A-yuan to check and he finds Wei ying's body. They bury Wei ying's body in a makeshift grave. Somehow, I don't really remember how, Lan Zhan and the others find out about and help the remaining Wen, but A-yuan is skittish with a lot of them, especially the jin.(sorry for my bad english)
FOUND? To Offer a Heart by WhiteCrane (M, 111k, Heavy Angst, Suicidal Thoughts, Canon Divergence, CQL verse)
12. I need help to find a fic where cangse sanren and wei changze is alive and have a house in Yiling. After sunshot, wei changze was tasked to divide Wen sect properties to the allies sect. South Qishan, went to WQ and her family and North Qishan to be divided between allies sec Thank you! @hid9884
FOUND! +1 Life (一生 Yīshēng) by SnowY14 (T, 78k, Time Travel Fix-it, Happy ending, Fluff, Humor, Light angst)
13. For fic finder, I was looking for this fic where everyone from Yunmeng is descended from He Xuan (TGCF), and they're all can eat a lot. I remember that Meng Yao found out he was a descendant too. It wasn't a whole comprehensible story, but a lot of different scenes at different times that follow the MDZS timeline. I also remember that WCZ and CSSR were both alive. One of the scenes I remember is that there was a banquet at Lotus Pier, and LXC found out, and realized why WWX and JC didn't abide by the 3 bowels of rice rule at Cloud Recesses
FOUND! Black Water Flows by Nika_Raven_Celeste (T, 4k, Canon Divergence, TGCF Crossover, Cannibalism, Crack treated seriously, No golden core transfer)
14. Hi there! I was wondering if you could maybe help me find a fic? It could be fix it or canon divergent I really don't know. All I remember was wx were getting married and lwj was coming to collect wwx and he had to face his family first. A-yuan had a wooden toy sword to fight him with but lwj just crouched down and opened his arms for a hug and a-yuan gave up immediately lmao it was super super cute!!! I just can't remember which fic this scene is from!
FOUND! CH 7 of  Wei Wuxian, Who's That? by bumbledees (T, 48k, wangxian, pining, crossdressing, everyone lives au)
15. I swear I read this fic, it's a crossover w/ tgcf i think wwx is hualian's kid and he attended the cloud recesses lecture but he noticed someone following him and i think it's he xuan?? i think hx eats the waterborne abysss but that might be a different fic idk pls help me find either one of them 😭 Please can you help me find it or tell me if it was just a fever dream 😭
FOUND? There's a STALKER in the CLOUD RECESSES??? by cringewerewolf (G, 5k, TGCF Crossover, Canon Divergence, Stalking, Humor)
16.  Hiiii. I absolutely love your blog. It's the reason I don't get board or in our of fic recs.  I am trying to find this fic that seemed to have vanished from Ao3 (or maybe I'm just not searching hard enough) but I remember that WWX and LWJ hate-court each other. Like, they hate and challenge each other all the time and while challenging each other it leads to who is better at Courting and soon they get married.  I also remember Madam Yu's and Sect Leader Jiangs POV and it alternates to others as well.  Hope you can help me find it.
FOUND? A Good Match by oleanderedits (G, 7k, Pt.1 of series, Spite courting, fake dating to real dating, comedy)
17.   Hello, I am looking for a fic where the Gusu Lan elders kill WWX after they trap him in a spirit binding net on a nighthunt and he explodes, but he goes back in time. I think it was a 2 part, where in the second LWJ goes feral, and kills almost everyone in the Lan sect, and JWY arrives in time to see the massacre and LXC shows him his brother's head? I really would appreciate your help, I can't find it anywhere. Thank you so much!
Hello, I am number 17. Thank you so much, but I read this one, and it was a different one I remember. The explosion part was important, because when LWJ loses his mind he is cradling it. Thank you nevertheless! 🥰 @boxedbutterfly
NOT FOUND! I think this one is Curse The Elders series by JaenysBloodcourt (Not rated, wangxian, major character death, time travel fix-it, not gusu lan friendly, fluff & angst, happy ending on the first part, heavy angst on the second)
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zulivaris · 3 years
Art Block tips that helped me
 I’ve recently experienced art block after 3 or so months of overcoming my last one. Thankfully this block only lasted a few days thanks to some things I’ve observed and noted down from the previous time. So I’m sharing these few tips in hopes that it might help someone get unstuck :D!
First and foremost if you’re tired, sad or anxious don’t be surprised that you can’t make art, go and take care of yourself by treating yourself with kindness and patience, the sketchbooks and canvases will wait for you :)
The tips are under here:
Separate art studies from the creative time:  When you do art studies you’re there to focus on specific things, learn and understand how things work so you can apply them later in your art. Studies take a lot of energy and focus and are the opposite of the creative "flow” of making your own pieces. If you combine the two the results are either unfocused studies or stiff drawings. When you sit down at your desk ask yourself “Do I want to learn something new or do I want to create something of my own?”
When you have an idea don’t be afraid of being messy: Let’s say you want to make a picture of several cats kolo dancing in the moonlight. How do you go about doing this? Well since you came up with the idea you already have a vague image in your mind, sketch it out with simple shapes, stick figures, circle and spheres etc Don’t worry about cat anatomy, or the dancer’s moves, sketch out the essence of it. This method removes the need to be perfect or accurate. 
Ok after the messy sketch then what? Well now that you have sketched out the essence of your idea (and hopefully had fun doing so) now you go on to look for references! You put the creative process on pause and you can do a few brief studies if you need to: anatomy, color schemes, values, poses. Pick out a few of your favorites but don't obsess over them, they are a guide, a tool.
You know much more than you think. You’ve probably been drawing for a few years now. You’ve probably done some studies and drawn more than one type of subject. Then you have already internalized some of that information. I used to be obsessed with capturing the minute detail of the subject, and not be able to draw ANYTHING without reference. Instead of a useful tool, references became another obstacle to my creativity. That’s perfectionism my friend, and that’s no good. Here is an exercise a good friend of mine offered: Draw a few characters, animals and objects from imagination. Make sure that the subjects have no personal value to you (no ocs for example) so that if you make a mistake you won’t feel bad about it. Make the process relaxed and comfortable, pour a nice cup of joe, listen to your favorite music ... You will notice that you do indeed know how to draw some things without reference, and it’ll help with your confidence. 
The more you do studies the more you understand This seems evident but the more you understand your subject the freer you can be and the easier it’ll be to draw it from imagination in the future. If you really struggle with something to the point of frustration (as in you can’t get it right even with reference) It means you have to study it. Have a study list, for example: hands, perspective, color theory etc. And one of those days you want to study pick something from the list, and look for videos on youtube or useful sites like line of action etc. Only study one thing at the time. You can go from studying hands to studying arms since they’re more immediately connected, but you can’t study hands and then jump to learning perspective right after. Trust me you can learn perfectly fine with the resources online, and I’m sure you’re clever enough to do it :D
Mistakes don’t mean you “suck”  I’ve noticed that the two most common causes for art block are perfectionism and lack of self-confidence.  The two can often go in tandem which is worse :’D But let me remind you of something, you can fix your piece along the whole process. Use erasers, lasso tools, liquify , select, paint it all over etc If something looks off to you then you also know deep inside how to fix it. Useful ways to see what clunks: flip canvas horizontally (helps with placement, proportions), turn the image to grayscale (helps to check values and where your eye tends to look), look at your image in thumbnail size and ask yourself if it’s clear, see the pose’s silhouette and ask yourself if you can tell what the character is doing etc. Don’t fret, everything can always be fixed :)
Perfectionism, sometimes it stops you before you begin Perfectionism causes you to overwork a piece, it makes you draw less, it makes art stressful, it brings insecurity. Let’s remove it with a simple exercise. It can be combined with the “draw things from imagination” once you’ve drawn something you like: dont do line art, don’t shade it, keep it as simple and crude as possible and then...post it. Yes, post it. You’re not at your best? You’re only human, this will help you embrace that very human side of you. You make mistakes. So what? The more mistakes you make the more you know what you need to study and the better at art you become. Mistakes are there to show us what we need to learn. See them as another tool and not a sign of failure.
Make the process as enjoyable as possible: You like art. You love drawing. Never forget this. Otherwise why are you drawing if you don’t enjoy it? It’s easy to fall prey to the mentality of those relatable memes that “art= suffering” or “I can’t even draw the other eye”. No no no my friends, these messages are fueling your insecurities instead of overcoming them. Let me tell you what, art is fun. It is. Art is fun, because I decided to make it fun again. And you should decide on that too. Personally I adore lineart but my hand-eye coordination is lacking to do it digitally, so....I just skipped it. Yes. I skipped it. I do the sketch, I clean it up a bit and then jump onto color which I adore. It allowed me to draw more and more freely. When I draw I listen to music, make strokes with the rhythm, I take breaks often and I drink my favorite iced teas. If you don’t like coloring do it in grayscale, if you love lineart then do that etc It doesn’t mean you won’t learn your weak points in the future with studies and practice, but you won’t let your weaknesses prevent you from drawing at all. No no, you won’t let them. You draw because you want to, despite of them.
Don’t wait for inspiration, provoke it  Inspiration is not a divine and capricious muse. You make inspiration. It’s easy just collect all the things you like, music, artists, objects, characters, animals, patterns, plants etc Make boards on pinterest or similar sites, combine things you like. You like suits? You like birds? You can draw a bird in a suit, or a bird-inspired suit design, there is frankly a lot of ideas that can spring up from little things like these.
When a project stops being enjoyable either pause it for now or move on to the next thing. Pieces aren’t precious. They’re not “the one time I got x right” they are one of many. This advice goes mainly to hobbyists who can afford the luxury of passing to a new project. I have a WIP of a character who is overly complicated (I enjoy a challenge from time to time) sitting for half a month. I sometimes come back to it and add something... but as soon as it starts to create discomfort and insecurity instead of enjoyment I move onto something else. In the meantime I created 3 or 4 new pieces. If I had waited on finishing that piece I would have been severely creatively and physically exhausted. The art comes from you, not inspiration. The more art you make the better you become.
That’s about it :D I know it’s long but I prefer to be thorough and cover all the possibilities. If you have read of this: Thank you so much I hope this helps you at least a bit, if it helps only 1 other person I’d still be very happy. Have a nice one, and kick art block’s butt!
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