#ok its my curfew. bye
neonstatic · 11 months
there is definitely smth going on w me emotionally but i can't put my finger on it bc whenever i almost get it i kind of just forget. esp when ppl ask me how i'm doing. my mind goes blank like nothing's going on and like i'm having my first day on earth.
so what i'm gonna do now is make a bullet point list of everything that's bothering me:
change in season is fkg with me (cold, less sun, etc etc)
lent 2k to my uncle so he can get medical help overseas
been working sundays alone for months and every single time it's a nightmare to manage
changed my availability so they can use me 1 out 3 days off as an emergency but they schedule me in practically every time, so it's basically 2 days off
working 5 days a week as a part-timer feels like a scam
right as we were getting along, one coworker is starting to press my buttons
none of the other guys in my department wanna work more than 2 days a week, so the rest falls on me
my shifts are often very short. it sucks to do a total of 2 hrs in transit for a 4-hr shift without lunch
couldn't find the energy for washday, next week hopefully
took a shower tho, my first in a week
had to run after supervisors to get my schedule every. week. for over 6 months now. even when i wait til the last minute (sunday, when i usually work again on wed) sometimes the schedule is "hard to find" or "incomprehensible" to them bc the manager in charge has her own language or smth
this week i was told to just "repeat the same schedule as last week." couldn't even get a physical copy.
(last week's schedule was made like shit: they didn't put me in for wed evening when usually no one else but me is available. therefore i did not come in.)
had to mute my phone so that i miss work's call bc ofc they would call.
had 3 whole days off and spent 2 at home sitting on my ass. it's not that i even wanted to, it felt more like i couldn't do more than that.
libido off the charts but no space or privacy to take care of it
therefore feeling v touch-starved and clingy. which is gross
didn't brush my teeth last night after a near-perfect 5-month streak. worried this might be the end of a good hygiene era bc it feels harder and harder to keep up the routine
only thing going on for me rn is:
atla fixation pt 2. lovelovelove zuko in every shape and form and pairing. i was looking at fanart of him last night and felt v emotional. not normal
renaissance of my writing phase, or: help, i can't stop thinking abt one of my 2016 roleplay forums with my beloved oc and the small cast of characters tied to him and now i've started rewriting them all by myself like a bedtime story!
oh and i have friends who love me. and i love them too
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xixovart · 2 days
lost trio headcanons because theyre my mini fixation for the day
for starters i’d like to remind you that the first time jason felt like a person and not a soldier was when he was with leo and piper
ok now actual headcsnons
jason’s hair grew out after a bit and ended up covering the scar (“undercut”) he has on the side of his head from that one bullet. leo likes to surprise people by putting jason’s hair up bc its funny to see their reactions
l: “and look—secret undercut!!”
j: “it’s not an undercut leo, it’s a scar”
p: “the bullet didn’t even touch your skin drama queen”
j: “might’ve. my head could’ve exploded and—“
[groaning and arguing and leo laughing]
—canon convo guys rick told me
leo knows a lot of car games which is very beneficial for long days on the argo ii
piper always has a lollipop in her mouth and no one knows where they come from
leo comes up with the oddest nicknames and piper and jason are just. so used to it? jason could be talking to like reyna or smth and leo will come up to him and say
l: “oh hey jason gracer razor blazer”
j: “hi leo”
r: “what the fuck”
leo is really bad at picking up social clues so jason does it for him
the wildnerness school had a really early curfew that piper and leo blatantly ignored
they would stay out and wander the halls and hide in classrooms whenever a teacher was nearby
leo was poor and homeless, jason was raised with no regards to currency, spending, or finances, and piper is a nepo baby. the ultimate trio dynamic. arguing for hours about whether $50 is a lot or not (it is.)
leo shares food as a love language
jason loves video games, surprisingly enough (mario kart. MARIO KART.)
piper is constantly taking leo’s and jason’s stuff. hair ties, jewelry, mostly clothes, also mostly food, leo’s homework,
the trio has a movie marathon every friday night. there’s blanket forts, gummy worms, matching pjs, and fairy lights involved. they borrow rachel’s cave, since cabin 1 is too depressing and the aphrodite and hephaestus cabins are way too packed (sometimes rachel hangs around for a bit :D)
picture me this. it’s winter, the lake is frozen over. they somehow find ice skates. utter chaos. leo fancies himself a figure skater, jason is on all fours because he keeps falling, and piper actually did figure skating as a kid
im gonna have to draw this but like
piper giving them very strict instructions on what to do and what not to do (they end up forgetting half of it)
yk that one quote from new girl?
“where are you piper?? this place is fancy and i don’t know which fork to kms with”
that’s leo
jason just hanging around quietly and not engaging in conversation and keeping everyone under close radar like the little fucking wolf he is
everyone ends up thinking he’s a bodyguard
the trio just goes along with it
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miaisagirllover · 1 year
starcourt mall
chap 2 of my fic “it almost worked” you can read the first chapter on tumblr or ao3
When Will woke up, everything seemed normal. He just ate breakfast, made some progress on a summer project and drew some sketches of his room. He also called Max to apologise for shouting at her a few days ago. She accepted it and they had a nice chat for a few minutes. But then at dinner, his mom wanted to talk to him. Will knew the signs, she was a bit more quiet and was staring at him from across the table. After a few minutes, she finally asked him something.
“Will, can I talk to you for a bit?” Joyce asked.
“Sure, Mom.” Will replied wearily, knowing what it might be about.
“I’ve just noticed that you’ve been acting a bit odd after, y’know, last October. And I just want to let you know that you can talk to me about anything on your mind,” She paused for a bit “But try leave the boy issues with Jonathan.” she added humorously.
Will seriously contemplated telling her about how the exorcism failed. This was just too big to hide, and what about the long-term? What if he hurt his mom,brother or friends? He was about to say it, but then that voice again spoke up. *No*, it demanded, *don’t tell her*. Will took a moment to think.
“Do you mind if I go to my room quickly? I’ll be quick.” he said hastily.
“Will, honey, what’s wrong?” Joyce enquired
“Mom! I’m fine, can I just go for a bit?” Will shouted.
Joyce was taken aback. Usually Will was quite sweet and quiet, so what had happened for this major personality change?
“Alright,” Joyce replied “But please don’t shout at me like that again.”
“Sorry, Mom.” Will sounded much more meek than before.
As soon as he left and went into his room, he started shaking. He didn’t know whether it was because he had just shouted at his own mother or because he was cold. Maybe it was both, Will didn’t even know himself anymore.
He’d never had an attitude like that, especially to his own mother for fucks sake, except now he did have one with because Will didn’t even have full control over his body and it had the potential to ruin all his friendships. But for some reason, he couldn’t tell anyone what was going on. Every time he tried, some instinct in his head just stopped him. Maybe it was some selfish self-protection. After a few minutes, Will decided to leave the bathroom and just try to convince his mother that he was all fine.
“So, are you sure you’re ok now?” Joyce asked.
“Yea, do you mind if I go to Starcourt?” Will requested.
“Sure, just remember curfew at-“
“9:45, I know,” Will interrupted “Bye, Mom.”
Will then left the house to go get his bike and ride it to the mall. He wanted to get there early to talk to Mike. Outings like these were some of the only times he got to talk to him because most of this summer, Mike was making with El and too “busy” to hang out. Will never understood how someone could be busy with just kissing. It should take just 2 seconds for a smooch and 10 seconds (and that is the pure maximum) for a makeout. How do guys do that with girls for hours on end?? Everyone that Will knew was in a relationship. His brother was dating Nancy, Lucas was with Max now, and Mike couldn’t keep his lips away from El. Maybe even Dustin had met a girl at science camp.
After 15 minutes of biking, Will finally reached Starcourt. Since it was the evening, the mall was lit up with its name in bright neon lights. Next to the bike racks, Lucas and Max were talking with eachother. Mike wasn’t there.
“Hey guys!” Will greeted
“Oh hey, Will, do you know where that dumbass is?” Max asked
“I didn’t see Mike, probably busy kissing El.” He answered, laughing a bit. He’d only known Max for 10 months, but they’d got on really well. And if there was one thing anyone should know about Max Mayfield, it was that she and Mike didn’t get on well. Will didn’t know the specifics of their rivalry, as he was in the hospital for most of it, but he knew the general idea; Mike didn’t want her in the party but Max wanted to join.
A car then pulled into the parking lot and 2 people came out. It was Mike and his sister, Nancy.
“Mike?” Lucas sounded extremely confused “Why the fuck is your sister here?”
“Our parents thought that he was spending too much time at Hopper’s cabin with El, so they asked me to take him.” Nancy replied “Plus, I need to do something here at the mall so it’s convenient for the both of us.”
“You just wanna talk to Steve and try get with him again!” Mike sneered
“Mike!” Nancy snapped “You know I’m dating Jonathan. You’re just mad that I’m preventing you from taking an hour detour to make out-“.
“Can we just go to the movie please? We’ll be late.” Mike firmly interrupted.
“Alright then, you guys can leave and I’ll follow on after.” Nancy said before whispering, “Jackass”
Will honestly thought Nancy had a point about Mike. He had barely been able to call on the phone or radio him on the walkie-talkie. At least Lucas and Max would be talking to each other, giving him and Mike some space to talk a bit.
It only took a minute for them to get to Scoops Ahoy so that they could use a secret corridor to get to the movies (granted, they were running through the crowds of mall-goers). Once they got to Scoops, they were dryly greeted by Robin, Steve’s coworker.
“Hey dingus, your children are here.” She drawled “Hey, Mike, where’s your sister?”
“Why do you need to know?” He replied
Just about as Robin was going to answer, Steve opened the door, letting them through the corridor.
“If anyone hears about this, you’re all-“
“Dead, we know” The party retorted
The kids honestly weren’t too discreet with going into the cinema. Anyone could’ve followed them and found out where they entered from, but that didn’t matter. Lucas was borderline running through the people in the seats.
Perfect, Will thought. Lucas and Max were a row above him and Mike. Maybe he could talk to him during the ads or after the film. His attention was diverted by the room going dark and the movie starting. But after a few minutes, the screen paused before going dark. Everyone in the cinema, including Will, started shouting in disappointment. But then a feeling suddenly came over him. It was coming from his neck, but it quickly spread all over his whole body. It felt like spiders were crawling on him, like he was drowning and burnt all at once. Will immediately started to get worried. The only time he had felt like this was on the field. It was the worst feeling he had ever had. But someone noticed Will’s zoned-out expression.
“Will, are you ok?” Mike asked.
“Yea, I’m fine.” Will said, but then suddenly he felt like he needed to leave now. He got out of his seat and ran out of the cinema. As he was leaving, he was shouting at people to move. Usually, he would always say “sorry” and “excuse me”, but he couldn’t bother with all of the pleasantries right now. Where would he go now? Considering that he was starting to feel like vomiting, Will decided to go to the bathroom.
Great, it was empty. He rushed into a stall and knelt at a toilet. It took only a few minutes before he started throwing up more than he ever had in his life. Then the lights started to flicker, and he knew what that meant. Will hid in the corner of the stall, until it stopped. But when it did, someone started speaking, to him. The voice wasn’t familiar, nor was it human, but it seemed to know him.
Give in, Will, you know you should, what else do you have to lose? Your life has been a train wreck, but I could help. And every part of Will’s body was saying no, that he should resist. What did this thing know about his life? But that instinct, the same one that prevented him from telling anyone the truth, it was saying something different. Will decided to exit the stall and see what this thing was, but when he did, no one was there. It was just him. But just before he was going to open the door, an excruciating pain shot through his body. The last thing he remembered before passing out was being balled up on the floor from pain, and 2 people running in.
“Will! Are you ok?” “What happened?” “Are you hurt?” “Should we take him home?”
Will opened his eyes, with the aftertaste of vomit still lingering in his mouth. The first thing he saw was that he was still in the bathroom, just not alone anymore. He saw 2 blurry figures, one with raven black hair and the other with flaming ginger hair. They were Mike and Max.
“What happened?” Will groggily asked his friends. All he remembered was pain, passing out and waking up.
“We wanted to check on you ‘cause you gone for so long and we looked here and saw you convulsing. You were saying something about ‘not this time’ and ‘give in’ but maybe you were just out of it.” Mike tried to keep his voice stable, but he clearly wasn’t hiding it well. He was as pale as a ghost, and was shaking even when holding Will’s hand.
“Where’s Lucas?” Will enquired. He wasn’t anywhere in his field for vision.
“We sent him to get Steve and Robin,” Max replied “And don’t even try say that you’re okay, you were muttering weird shit and having a fucking seizure.”
Just as she said that, Robin came through the door, with Lucas swiftly behind her
“Steve left early today, something about a chick and a date, so it’s just me. How are you feeling? Do you need me to get,like, an ambulance or anything? Because your friend said you had a seizure and those can be very serious.” Robin very quickly said. Will couldn’t take half of what she said in because of the speed of her talking.
“Guys, I swear I’m fine. Can I just go home a bit early, I’m tired.” Will lied unconvincingly
“Sure you can go home, but I’m coming with you.” Mike said firmly. Will decided that was fine. As long as Mike didn’t tell his mom, everything would be fine. Everyone filed out of the mall, except Robin, who needed to finish her shift. Max and Lucas grabbed their bikes and left first, giving Mike and Will some space to talk.
“So, are you sure you’re ok?” Mike asked as they rode their bikes “Because whatever happened in the bathroom looked a lot like what happened near those tunnels last year.” Will immediately felt a sense of worry go through his body.
He’ll find out, lie to him, that voice suggested. It was louder and more present now. Will hadn’t… No he couldn’t have.
“Mike, I get that you’re concerned, but i’m fine now.” Will answered “Remember, I had the Mind Flayer steamed out of me, and El closed the gate, so everything’s fine.”
“Will, you’re hiding something from me, I can tell. You can tell me anything, we’ve been friends since kindergart-“
“Yea, well sometimes it doesn’t feel like that, does it, Mike?” Will muttered.
“Huh? What did you say?” Mike asked.
“Nothing, anyways we’re at my house, bye Mike.” Will replied, before hopping off of his bike and going into his home.
“Hey, you’re back early, are you ok?” Joyce asked.
“Yea, I’m fine, I just wanna sleep. Long night.” Will replied. He kicked off his shoes before rushing into his room. He decided to look through his drawings to try calm himself down. Drawings of the party as their DnD characters, campaign ideas, sketches of Mike. Will went onto his bed to just think. Why did he start shaking on the floor, saying some weird shit? Max said that he was saying “give up” and “let me in”. He didn’t let it in, did he?
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wanderingpages · 11 months
Hot girl math every chapter, but i like that you solved the equation for me ❤️❤️ vivi is cardans age, but a freshman 
“My breasts would spill out of anything she owns, so I let her know I do actually own clothes sexy enough to attend a party.” - mommy? Sorry. Mommy?
““I used to sneak out of the house pretty late,” I reveal to her. “Sneakers though – had to climb up to my roof to get back into my bedroom.” ” - she a baddie she showing her panty – also as an aside, love the aesthetic you have going on for the tumblr chapters, like oof, you said (drake voice) this is not to get confused, this ones for you (Me,) – also does this mean she sucks at heels cus she never thought to wore them since she always used sneakers and this is foreshadow or am i reading too into this??? Also this, foreshadow too? > “but he always drew the line at curfew.” (me picking at crumbs) also: Air Force 1s in my air force one (Aside, yall remember rocking that thang remix? Yall remember when rap songs had remixes with like everyone?? Last one i heard was probably fuckin problems. We need another anthem (So i gave em another anthem [we the bessstttt]) - dj khaled - me. Peach i am on medication for Covid.)
““My…brother,” I test the word out. It’s so foreign, it tastes rancid in my mouth. ”- ok but physically, jude…jude, look at me, physically. Not rancid at all. He is delicious, i promise, you jude. Jude. I promise, you jude ❤️❤️❤️❤️
“When I say it again, in front of the lookout guy at the door of the frat house,” - ok but this transition!!! When i say its a MOVIE, PEach. PEACH
“Let me embarrass myself in front of his friends and roommates. He’ll laugh about it later, with them” awed by how canon this actually is for fanfic lmao
““Alright sweet thing,” this guy tells me and I want to punt kick him in the balls for it.” - i know thats right fr. Vivienne also, is everything. Shes a better friend than she is sister, and ill let that sit with yall (yall, i say like im talking to a crowd, bye, im so delulu) anyways but the whole inner turmoil of jude thinking Cardan invited her to embarrass her? Baby who hurt you (Your mother, i know. Already cleared that) im talking in a lot of parenthesis. You can see where the medicine is taking over, actually. Im lucid tho
““My baby sister,” he coos in jest, making me feel uneasy. “Come here,” he tells me,” –he’s such a dickhead im in love
“At the wedding it was all soft makeup and tied up hair. Today, there’s glitter on my eyelids, sharp wings accentuating the shape of my eyes, a gold glimmer on my cheeks that catches in the light, and lips so red that he holds his gaze there for a moment too long. ” – Peach, i love this so MUCH she’s EVERYTHING TO ME 🥰😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
But back to him being an ass why is he soooo lol like really walking around the fact that theyre NOT related, for the taboo of it all. Kinky mf, i fear.
“catching mirth in pretty hazel eyes only partially obscured by sandy blonde hair. ” GHOST? IS THST YOU?
OH - “. We did a little more than kissing that night. His fingers traced over parts of me even the sun hadn’t yet touched. Thunder had masked cries I couldn’t hold back and lightning had made him look like a luminous god. I cross my legs, embarrassed and something more.” help me. Also shut up locke, mind ur business for real, this is grown people talk.
Omg it was Ghost ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️”“You’re Greenbriar’s sister.” / “Stepsister,” I breathe out ” stop this is so derek and casey coded 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
HOLD ON WAIT GHOST?! GHOST AND JUDE? ( I love that he braced her head when they fell lmao horny but gentlemanly)
AHHH CARDAN? HELLO?! NICASIA ? OH MY GOD AND ALL FOUR OF THEM JUST DECIDE TO KEEP GOING?? They said impromptu orgy. “Cardan shifts and leans back on his elbow, still having a perfect view of me, but now giving Nicasia space to twist her head to look at me, too. ” - please…. I am on my knees… i am unwell….i am sick to my stomach… alexa play that should be me by justin beiber…. That should be me fr but which one is the question??
God why is ghost everything right now??? “Do you want them to watch?” like oh my god….. I need a moment. I need a lot of moments. “”Do you want your brother to watch me taste your come?”” – i am…convulsing. Ghost is… like my body is breaking out in a sweat.
Say please and make it as sweet as your – top 3 things that would send a victorian child into a coma
Stop why was this the best head ive read? 
““Such a good girl,” I hear Nicasia whisper.” - help….  They are actual deviants and i am in hell, keeping your seat warm, peach ❤️❤️❤️❤️
lol see this is the longest ask over ever had so far and I’m truly amazed at your commitment ngl
Sneakers, I guess it’s foreshadowing for some stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️ curfew, yes. I like that you have three separate song references in one paragraph lmao I also feel this is the point you should have called it a night and fell asleep 💀
This is so uncannon that’s I’ve tried to slip all the cannon stuff I actually can in 😫
Actually cardan was intoxicated here but was genuinely surprised she introduced herself as his stepsister cus he was like …oh? Ok…:)
Yeah you know I love me some Ghost 🤭
Yes! Absolutely Derek and Casey!
Yes ghost!!!! Also I do love people being mindful during intimate moments ngl like duh hes gonna make sure she doesn’t crack her head open!
Your commentary here is sending me oh my god 😂🥰
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theatrekidstatus · 1 year
Chapter 3:
I wake up to my alarm blaring I do my routine and ate breakfast then y/n texted me
Justin❤️💗: hi
Y/n💕💞🩷:are you ok?
Y/n💕💞🩷:what's wrong
Justin❤️💗:everyone either stays away from me or ask me for drugs
Y/n💕💞🩷:Im sorry that they are doing that how bout I hang close to you so they won't
Justin❤️💗:sure also would you wanna hang out after school
Justin❤️💗:we should go to the coffee shop and work on are essays
Y/n💕💞🩷: I'd like that
Justin❤️💗:nice I'll pick you up
"Bye mom I will be home on time" "why did you specify" "I'm also going out with a friend AND don't worry we're just gonna work on college essays and drink coffee and eat coffe shop snakes" "ok wait is it with y/nnnnnnnn" "yes but it's not a date" "sounds like one to me" " Ok well your wrong" "sure" "and ok" "imma go mom " "k" "love you" " the bus came I see y/n at the front of the of the bus hitting and joking around with lisndays they sit near us "hey y/n" "sup Justin" "Justin come here" Tevin says "ew dude what the hell" he shows me some nudes of y/n I go back to my seat when the bus stops "WHOS USING THAT LANGUAGE ON MY BUS" anthor one of Andrew yells "ITS NOT YOUR BUS ITS THE SCHOOLS "I'll find out who u are kid" and we get to school and all day teachers are ignoring me or kids asking for the hard d (drugs get ya mind out the gutter) i probably looked depressed all day then after school we went to the cafe and my college essay was so ok written I wanted to major in literature and it even touched on THE SITUATION she was so embarrassed to show hers because of his but I stole her laptop and read it i gave it a bunch of compliments and a few critiques and I hope I was nice about. I then left because after THE SITUATION I now have a tight curfew so i left and soon I did too  "how was your date" "IT WAS NOT A DATE" "sure..." "anyway did you fill up" "no" "good because I worked hard" "what would have you said if i said yes" "sit your ass down I worked hard" I chuckle at him but I can't get Y/n out my mind
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princessjungeun · 4 years
Falling For You: Dami x Reader
Request: Can I request a Dreamcatcher scenario for Dami, where y/n is a member of another girl group and is known to have a crush on Dami, so one day at an award show her members find Dami and bring her to y/n which results in y/n blushing and stuttering like crazy but little did her members know that Dami actually liked her back and ends up asking her out. Thank you I hope I explained ok, your work is really good.
Y/N is in a made up group
Tumblr media
Award show season was in full swing and your group had been invited to the Golden Disk Awards. This was one of the biggest music shows you could be invited to. Your group was still fairly new, only having debuted 18 months ago. Despite this the 7 of you have broke more records than any other group in the entire industry.
The seven of you sat in the van, talking amongst yourselves. “So are you excited? I cant believe Im gonna see Twice and IZ*ONE in the same place!!” Your maknae, Jian, bounced up and down excitedly.
From the front of the van one of your other members shouted “I BET Y/N IS EXCITED THAT DREAMCATCHER WILL BE THERE! ARENT YOU Y/N?” Sending a glare her way you responded “I’m not just excited to see them, Loona will be there too...plus IDLE.”
“Yeah but you loveeeeee Dami. It’s always “she’s so hot” “can i marry her!”Jian laughed as she imitated your voice.
Pushing her on the arm you scolded “oh hush up that’s not true! And if anything you’re all over Wonyoung. Everytime you see her you’re always like “she’s so beautiful I want her number!!”
Your members continued to tease you about the huge crush you had on Dami, while you did your best to tune them out.
When you all arrived you felt the nerves set in. Although you didn’t exactly know if you were going to meet anyone, you were going to see some of your favorite idols up close.
Walking the red carpet was fine, you didn’t fall and embarrass yourself like you thought you would. The talking part of interviews were handled by the older members much to your relief as well.
However you went into a full panic when you realized your group was sitting directly next to Dreamcatcher. Your sunbaes were already in their seats when you arrived and the only way to get to your seats, was to walk past them. Like directly in front of them.
Your eyes locked on Dami as your members slowly filed through. Quickly you looked away before she was able to catch you staring. All of your members were clearly trying to stifle their laughter as they could tell by your silence that you were in fact panicking inside. Approaching JiU you smiled, trying your best not to look scared and star struck all at the same time. A small giggle left her lips and what sounded like a “cute” filled your ears as she saw the iron grip you had on Jian’s hand.
As you passed Dami you absolutely avoided all eye contact. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed the way her eyes followed you until you sat down with your group. For the first hour you could feel her eyes on you.
“I have to pee...come with me at the next break please.” Jian whispered to you, her leg bouncing on the ground indicating that she’d been trying to hold off on getting up for a while.
You responded “can’t you ask one of the others....i don’t wanna walk past-”
Jian whined “please please...just come on. I can’t go alone.” At times like this you were reminded that although she was in a group full of legal adults, she was still the baby.
She puppy eyed you and just like that you gave in. After five minutes there was finally a fifteen minute break as camera crews moved around and started to get ready for the next performances.
Jian immediately got up, practically sprinting past Dreamcatcher to get to the bathroom. You sighed deeply realizing that you’d have to pass your seven idols, one of them being your crush, alone.
You just decided to rip off the bandage and walk over, knowing your leader would get upset if you let the 15 year old out of sight by herself.
Doing your best to not step on them given the small amount of space. With a smile they moved out of the way for you, Siyeon stopping you to tell you how beautiful you looked.
When you made it to the bathroom Jian was already finished and washing her hands. You decided to just go ahead and use the bathroom as well, knowing the awards show wouldn’t have another break for a while.
When you came out of the stall Jian was fixing her hair and dress making sure she looked good as you washed your hands. As you dried you hands she stepped in front of you to open the door, giggling softly to herself as she waited for you to walk out.
The two of you started walking back down the hallways towards the stairs which led back to the open arena. Just as you both turned the corner and started walking down the stairs you felt yourself trip. Jian didn’t react fast enough to catch you, but luckily someone else did.
“Are you okay?” The person holding you asked. Your eyes widened realizing who the voice belonged to before even looking up. Internally you hoped and prayed it wasn’t who you thought it would be. But the second you made eye contact, you saw it was her.
You stared at her for a moment before she nodded her head prompting you for an answer. Hoping you didn’t sound stupid you asked “I’m sorry what?” She smiled and said “I asked if you were okay.”
You tried your best to put together a sentence but all the cane out was “i’m- you know uh uh yes just- i mean...um. Yes.”
Now was when you realized not only you were still holding onto her, one arm draped over her shoulder. But she also had a hand placed on your waist, the other on the small of your back.
The two of you just stood there not saying anything, just looking at each other. Jian craned her neck down the stairwell before shouting to someone who was a few steps behind Dami.
“Yuna?! Oh my gosh let’s catch up!” Jian ran down the stairs excitedly to meet her schoolmate. The girl called back up “Y/N just hang out with Dami, I’ll see you later!” Her excited shouts snapped you out of your trance.
“I’m so sorry I’m just gonna-” You turned to leave thinking you’d embarrassed yourself enough. Dami grabbed yourself arm, “wait, come with me we have ten more minutes.”
Not wanting to be rude you smiled softly and allowed her to take your hand as she guided you back upstairs. She linked arms with you as you both wandered the empty hallways. Once you warmed up to her you found yourself less nervous, talking about whatever popped into your minds.
When the two of you returned to your seats all of your members were quick to bombard you with questions. You just smiled to yourself deciding not to tell them anything.
Occasionally you looked over in Dami’s direction, stealing glances of the girl. Sometimes you caught her staring at you, resulting in the two of you laughing at each other.
The award show had just ended and cameras stopped rolling. Jian had been taken home with the other minors, as it was well past their curfew. But judging by the text messages she sent you, she met Wonyoung and got her number as she’d hoped for.
Two of your members ran off to go meet Loona and (G)I-DLE. While the rest of your members, along with you, went to talk to Dreamcatcher.
Right as you were about to talk to Dami you felt someone grab your arm and pull you back. Giving the girl an apologetic look you turned around diverting yourself attention to someone else.
One of your members, Haeun, excitedly stood in front of you, “I just met Hyunjin! She was so nice Y/N! And I met Heejin and I got Chuu’s number, she wants to be friends with me. And Vivi...she’s so pretty like I knew she was pretty but in person Y/N you have to come see the-”
Haeun stopped rambling when she noticed Dami standing behind you. Her eyes widened as she asked “oh! I’m sorry....oouuu look at you! Okay bye.” She turned you back around and pushed you a little to hard, making you stumble into Dami’s arms for the second time tonight.
“You just keep falling for me huh?” She asked with a smirk.
Standing up you tried to hide your blush “yeah...sorry about that...”
Dami placed a hand on your arm, “its okay...i’ll catch you everytime.”
Covering your hands with your face you tried to hide the fact that her comment made you smile like an idiot. “Just remind me I owe you next time you see me, hmm?”
She responded “I know how you can repay me....”
Her hand dropped down so she was now holding yours, her thumb grazing the top of your knuckles.
A blush creeped onto your face as you raised an eyebrow in response.
“I want your number.” She stepped closer to you so only you could hear her next words, “and I want to take you out. Sound good?”
All you could do was nod before putting your contact into her phone. She glanced at the screen before laughing to herself at your contact Y/N 🎀✨
“Dami we have to go.” JiU called for her, waving for her to come over to the rest of her members.
She looked back at you and said with a smile “I’ll text you later, see you around cutie.”
The second she left, you slowly turned back to face your members who were all stunned. Haeun asked “how’d you even- you couldn’t even talk to her at the beginning of the night! How?!”
You smiled at the realization and said “I just kinda fell for her.”
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wreckofawriter · 6 years
Paring: Young!Remus Lupin x Gryffindor!Reader
Word count: 2,610
Warnings: Some swearing
Summary: After making a deal with Lily you find your self in a difficult position of having to confess your feelings to one of your best friends
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Uhhhhhhggg” You groaned while flopping onto your bed and burying your face into a pillow, “How can he be so fucking smart and such an ignorant idiot at the same time.” You said lifting your face to look at your best friend Lily who sat on the bed across from you.
“Remus again?” she asked without even looking up from her book.
“Godric, he was practically fucking Alice in the library while ‘studying’ with her.” You said making quotation marks within the air with your fingers.
She glanced from her book rolling her eyes, “What do you mean ‘practically fucking’” she said staring you down.
“Okay so maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but he was like so close to her and like she was touching his arm and stuff and it was horrifying to watch.” You scoffed.
Lily rolled her eyes again, “Can you go jealous rant to someone else, I have to finish this book for charms tomorrow.”
“I am not jealous ranting!” you said aghast at her reaction.
“Sure you aren’t and James Potter doesn’t like me.” She rolled her eyes again.
“I’m just mad you aren’t as mad as I am about this.” You grumbled attempting to hide your blushing face. “I mean this would be like if James was flirting with Marlene or something.”
“I would not care if Potter was flirting with Marlene or anyone else for that matter,” Lily stated matter of factly.
“Bullshit, you would have a fit.” You said looking at Lily’s now red face. “Why don’t you just agree to go out with the poor guy. You torture him simply because you are too prideful to admit you like him.”
“Why don’t you just get the courage to ask out Remus?” Lily shot back glaring at you.
“Touche,” You said smirking at your friend's snappy attitude. “You coming down for charms?”
“No I decided to skip today,” she said sarcastically rolling her eyes again.
“Wow very sarcastic and snippy today aren't we?” You replied smugly.
“I learned from the best.” She smirked as she packed up her stuff.
“Damn right you did.” You answered.
“You know what?” Lily said, a playful smirk finding its way onto her lips, as you descend the staircase.
“What?” you asked eyeing her skeptically.
“If I go out with Potter you, have to ask out Remus.” She schemed.
“I doubt that you would swallow all your pride and do that just to make me ask Remus out.” You scoffed
“Do we have a deal then?” she asked sticking out her hand.
“We have a deal.” You said shaking it.
“YYYYYY///NNNNNN!” You heard an unmistakable yell from across the common room.
“What's up J-” You were cut off by James Potter attacking you in a hug which nearly knocked the couch over.
“I love you so much!” He said almost crying as he buried himself into your stomach his hands wrapped around your waist.
“May I ask wh….” Your voice trailed off as you knew exactly what had happened. “She said yes didn’t she?” you muttered.
“Yes, she did! I just doing my usual questionnaire for the day and she said yes! And all because of a deal YOU made!” His eyes were filled with tears as he looked up at you.
“Are you seriously crying?” you asked raising an eyebrow.
“No!” he said defensively, “But at our wedding, I am going to make you the guest of honor and you are going to be the one who made it all happen. And I’m going to name our first girl after you and, when you and Remus get married you will thank her and, me of course for being so handsome and persuasive.”
Your face went red at the mention of your crush, especially in such a matter. “Shut up James,” you said as he stood up cockily.
“Oh that reminds me, HEY REMUS, REMUS WHERE ARE YOU? Y/N HAS TO ASK YO-” You got up and tackled the boy quickly to the ground, earning a shriek from a few first years on a couch a few feet away.
“Shut up!” you said sitting on top of him and covering his mouth.
“Yobf stib hab bo abk hib.” He said his voice muffled through your hand.
You groaned in frustration knowing the task that lie ahead. He licked your hand “Elchhh” you said, disgustedly wiping your hand on him.
“You still have to ask him.” He repeated a smirk splashed on his face.
“Fuck me,”  you muttered.
“No, ask him not me.” He joked earning a punch in the stomach from you.
“I have to go talk to Lily.” You said standing up and straining your robes.
As you rushed down the halls fear began to take its place in your mind the more and more you thought about asking the young werewolf out. You had had a crush on him since the first year and your love wasn’t exactly anything you had on the agenda for a long time. I mean why tell people your emotions when you could bottle them up forever and then die? I mean usually you were pretty forward with people and easy going, but when it came to Remus, You always found yourself falling over your words and stuttering. As you were deep in thought you ran straight into someone turning a corner.
“Oh sorry,” you said stumbling backward without looking up.
“Hey Y/N.” You heard an all to familiar voice say.
“H-hey Remus” You managed staring into his beautiful light brown and silvery eyes that seemed to change color every hour.
“I heard that Lily said yes to James, finally.” He chuckled making your heart fill with unwanted butterflies.
“Yeah,” you said biting your lip and looking down at the floor. Then the thought washed over you, You could just ask him now.
“I heard you had something to do with it.” He said blushing a bit and scratching the back of his neck. Your eyes went wide and the blush on your neck washed over your face. Did he know about the deal?
“So you know about the deal then?” You asked timidly.
“Well, kind of.” He said looking at the floor his beautiful light brown locks bouncing as he did so. You wished you could run your hands through them. “I-I just know that you have to a-ask who you like out.” He muttered looking up at you his faint freckles burning in the warm lighting disappearing just a little inside his blush. “Not who though, Lily wouldn’t tell.”
You looked down again the urge to kiss him was almost unbearable, and mustered all of that famous Gryffindor courage, “About that,” You stated but were interrupted by loud footsteps from the other end of the hallway. You both turned to see Lily. When she saw the two of you, her smile grew and she started to back away.
“Lily wait!” You shouted rushing past Remus to her.
“So?” She asked wiggling her eyebrows.
“I didn’t ask him, SO shut your mouth,” you whispered as you heard Remus’s footsteps approach.
“Hey, Remus,” Lily added when he reached you.
“So Y/N whos the lucky guy?” Remus asked, ignoring Lily. He seemed almost annoyed while asking and you could read right through his fake smile, but you ignored it thinking you were probably just wishing he had been angry about your interrupted conversation.
“Oh umm, y-you know just someone.” You said trying to remain calm as he ran his hands through his hair.
“O-oh ok.” He said stuttering and looking down.
“It’s really not that big of a deal.” You said, placing your hand on his arm and looking up at him.
“Yeah, yeah,” he said looking down, “Umm I gotta go do a- a thing,” he said, “Bye Lily” and with that, he walked away.
“So, when are you going to ask him,” Lily asked as he walked.
“Well, I mean probably just before I die.” You answered.
“No no no no, you said you would ask,” Lily said glaring at you.
“Exactly, I will but you never said when I had to ask.” You smiled at your self satisfied with the loophole you found.
“Nope, I agreed on a date with James, soooo you have to ask him before the date.” She mused.
“When is your date?” You grumbled.
“On Friday.” She answered smugly.
“That's tomorrow!” You gasped terrified at the lack of time.
“I know.” she said, “Come on it's almost curfew”
The next morning Remus didn’t want to get out of bed. After the discovery of the deal that Lily and Y/N made he had been elated. The thought of his four-year crush asking him out made him bubbly. But then with the recent discovery that it wasn’t him (or at least he was sure it wasn’t), he began to question his existence. As he went down to breakfast he saw James who was acting even more annoying than usual because of Lily’s agreement for a date.
“I’m so excited.” He giggled throwing his arm around the annoyed Gryffindor.
Remus shoved him off, “Good for you.” He said. Glaring at his friend.
“Woah man, I thought you would be happy today with Y/N asking you out and all.” He said slightly offended at his friend's reaction.
“Ugh, you idiot, she’s asking out who she likes not me.” He said sitting down at the table.
“Well, it's a good thing who she likes and you are the same person.” He said taking the seat opposite him.
“Y/N again?” Sirius asked not even looking up.
“Look guys unlike you I don’t get girls drooling at my feet to go out with me, or the girl of my dreams actually going on a date with me ok? She doesn’t like me no matter how much  want her to.” Remus stated.
Sirius, James, and Peter all looked at each other. “How are you so blind?” Sirius asked finally.
“What?” Remus asked.
“I mean that girl doesn’t just like you Moony, she loves you.” Remus stayed silent. “Remember when she got asked out by like four different guys for Valentines day?”
“Yeah,” Remus mumbled the painful memory filling his head.
“You know why she didn’t say yes to any of them, even that crazy popular Hufflepuff Noah?”
“It’s because she kept on hoping you would ask her you, idiot,” Sirius yelled. “I remember watching that girl stare at you in every class we had and you doing the same to her and neither of you making a move.” Sirius was going to continue but then he saw you walk in and clamped his mouth shut.
You couldn’t breath when you walked down to the great hall. You were about to do the most terrifying thing imaginable. But if you were going to ask Remus out, you were going to do it in style. There was no way in hell you were going to be quiet about it. In your mind, it was, go big or go home. So you went big. Real big. You had asked Lily for help, you would have asked James or Sirius but they probably would have given it away.  You took a deep breath as you entered the great hall. And evidently, you caught the eyes of Lily who gave you an encouraging nod and then went back to her conversation with Alice. You, on the other hand, walked straight up to the Marauders.
“Hey Y/-” Sirius started.
“Excuse me.” You said curtly to James before shoving him over and then standing on the bench then stepping onto the table doing our best to avoid the breakfast food, you had to get this done now or never. You were not about to waste the courage that you had built up all morning.
“Uhh Y/N what are y-” James was cut off by you placing your wand to your neck.
“Excuse me!” You said your voice echoing through the hall.
“Miss Y/L/N!” Professor McGonagall yelled.
“Sorry, professor I just need a second.” You answered. You voice louder than ever. Now every eye in the hall was on you.
“Hi everyone, I’m sorry to disturb you breakfast but I have a very important announcement. You see I made this ridiculous deal with Lily Evans,” You said gesturing to her, “if she went out on a date with Mr. Potter here.” You said pointing at the confused boy below you, “Then I would have to ask out the boy I liked.” There was a chorus of cheers throughout the hall. “Alright,” you huffed “here goes nothing,” You looked down at your feet before looking back up, “, I have been in love with this guy for five years, I love everything about you, I love the way you talk with your hands when you are passionate about something,” You said looking around at the confused faces, “or the way that you always know the answers in class but don’t always say them because you think its annoying.” You tried not to look at Remus who was fuming below you as you described the mystery boy, “I love the way that you play with your hair when you get nervous, or the way you always have a snarky attitude even when you feel like crap” you paused knowing what you said next would give it all away, “and of course the way you manage to put up with Sirius Black and James Potter two of the most insufferable people in the world.” Now you looked down at Remus who was putting the pieces together, “I love everything about you, and I don’t think I’ll ever stop so, Remus John Lupin will you go out with me?” You asked finishing your speech. The whole hall was silent even the Professors were quite at this point. You still stared down at him, his face was red, his eyes wide and his mouth hung wide open. You began to get nervous.
“Or-or-r not because I totally get it if yo-” You were cut of by Remus standing up and pulling you down to meet him. In the action, you and the boy were both sent tumbling backward onto Sirius. The hall erupted in cheers as you landed on top of Remus and connected your lips. But you couldn't care less. The kiss was amazing, it was sweet and soft. You could feel him smile underneath your lips and taste the bit of strawberry on him from this morning.
Unfortunately, your kiss was cut short by McGonagall literally having to pull you guys apart, although you could tell she was furious you swear you saw a smile flick onto her lips for a split second.
Once you were pulled off of Remus he began to get up off of Sirius who was disgusted and complaining about being used as a mattress, although he was smiling too. Before McGonagall could pull you out of the hall, Remus ran up to you and kissed you once more. This kiss was almost urgent; you could feel the need form both of you as you wrestled your arm free from McGonagall and ran it through his hair as the other wrapped around his neck and his wrapped around your waist. You guessed five years of waiting made you both desperate for each other.
“Mister Lupin!” McGonagall cried but she made no attempt to separate you. After a few seconds, you broke free and you leaned your forehead against his.
“I love you too.” He said and with that you gave him one more peck on the lips before being pulled away by McGonagall.
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rubberducky-jrr · 5 years
Subway Girl (Part 2)
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Summary: Peter and you somehow keep getting on the same subway. You didn’t notice at first but when you did, your world changed forever. 
Pairings: Peter Parker x reader, May x Happy, Tony x Pepper.
Warnings: Swearing and mentions of underage drinking 
A/n: Thank you for all the notes on part 1, hope you like part 2. I’m currently writing this and a “Five times Peter saved you (Stark!reader) and the one time he couldn’t” story (yep, its angst but will have fluff in). Message me if you want to be added to the tag list for that and/or Subway Girl.
Later that night peter sat on his bed, phone in his hand and heart beating awfully fast. He tried taking a deep breath to calm his nerves but it did nothing. He stared down at the number logged in his phone under your name.
He took another deep breath before finally pressing pressed dial. The phone rang three times before Peter quickly pressed red and threw the phone to the other end of his bed.
He flopped back into his pillows with a heavy sigh.
Why am I like this?
He rubbed his face with both hands while letting out a small groan, his heart slowly returning back to a normal rate.
Suddenly, his phone started to ring and he shot up to sit crossed legged. He leant over and fumbling to pick up his phone, your number popping up on the screen.
“Shit,” he said forgetting you had redial and was probably wondering who had rang you. He took another deep breath as his heart began to pound hard in his chest before answering.
“H-Hello?” He began.
“Hi, you called me a minute ago?” Your voice came down the phone and Peter could feel his chest tighten with nerves.
“Y-Yeah, it’s me... P-Peter,” he began, his free hand going to pick at the hem of his checked pyjama bottoms. “Peter Parker.”
“Oh, P-Peter. Hi,” you said, sounding slightly flustered. “I didn’t expect you to call so soon,” you added and Peter’s heart sank slightly, feeling stupid he hadn’t done the whole three days waiting thing before calling you.
“Right,” he said, feeling like he had to say something in response to fill the silence.
“Oh, that came out wrong. No I uh... I mean I didn’t expect it but it’s nice, I’m glad you call,” you said, breathing out a nervous laugh.
Peter let out the breath he hadn’t realised he had been holding before smiling softly in relief.
“Ok, good. Yeah, I-I didn’t know whether I should do the whole waiting three days sort of thing or like call you now, but I decided to just call you, as you can tell since I’ve-I’ve called you,” he rambled on. He forced himself to stop, rolling his eyes at himself in annoyance before roughly running a hand through his hair.
“That’s fine, like I said I’m glad you called,” you said with a smile.
“So, how’s the sleepover at your friends apartment?” He asked, leaning back in his bed as he began to feel slightly more relaxed.
“It’s alright. Sadly the couch isn’t a five star hotel bed, but it’ll do for a week or so,” you joked and Peter laughed lightly, his heart soaring when you laughed too.
Her laugh is so beautiful. 
“So you got home safely I’m assuming?” You asked, knowing the answer but asking it anyway.
“Uh yeah, although I was past my curfew,” he joked and you smiled.
“I bet that didn’t go down well with your Aunt then. It never did with my mum when I was late home,” you laughed, shaking your head slightly as you remembered your mum fussing over you before telling you off.
“May is pretty cool with it actually, although yes, she does fuss over me being later sometimes,” Peter said. You began talking about each other’s past, sharing awkward stories about school and somehow getting onto the awkwardness of puberty.
“Oh god,” you laughed as Peter told you about the moment his voice first broke while he was doing a presentation in front of 30 of his peers.
“It was not good, Flash was straight on it with the teasing,” Peter said, laying upside hanging off his bed as he talked.
“He was probably jealous that he had the voice of a six year old girl and you had a voice of a man,” you teased, causing Peter to let out a loud laugh. He hadn’t stopped smiling for the last hour, his cheeks beginning to hurt. There was a sudden knock at the door, Aunt May popping her head through the gap.
“Peter,” she warned, glancing at her watch.
“Oh yeah, sorry May,” he said, sitting up properly. She rolled her eyes before leaving, shutting the door behind her.
“Was that your Aunt?” You asked and Peter hummed.
“I should probably get going,” he then began. “Got a long day at the library with my friend tomorrow.”
“That’s fine. I’ve got medical work to do and apartment viewing tomorrow,” you replied, picking at the hem of your cardigan nervously. “So I-I should probably go to sleep soon too,” you added, glancing at the clock seeing that it was past midnight now.
“Yeah, it is really late,” he said. “I hope you sleep well, even if it isn’t a five star hotel mattress,” he joked, using your words from earlier. You let out a small laugh, blushing slightly.
“Goodnight, Peter.”
“Goodnight, Y/n.”
Peter hung up the phone before letting out a deep sigh. A small smile appeared on his face a moment later, his heart fluttering as he thought of you.
He felt asleep that night dreaming of you.
Peter climbed onto the subway the next day, tired after the long day in the library with Ned. They were both now heading to Peter’s house, Aunt May having invited Ned over for tea. He was currently talking Peter’s ear off about the first Indiana Jones movie.
They grabbed a seat in the middle carriage, Peter leaning back as he listened to Ned.
“But it doesn’t even make sense?” Ned exclaimed after his rant about the plot hole in the movie and Peter just shrugged, his brain fried from all the homework.
“Do you want to watch it at mine after tea?” He asked with a knowing look on his face.
“Well that’s a stupid question.” Peter chuckled at him as the subway began to move. He then rummaged through his backpack on the floor to grab his water bottle, taking a drink before suddenly spotting you.  
You had been trying to catch his eye since the second you saw him walk on, too nervous to call out his name. You gestured to the seat next to you, having been saving it for him. There was another free one on your other side which was lucky so Ned could sit.
“Dude, is that the subway girl?” Ned suddenly asked, his voice awfully close to Peter’s ear. He jumped slightly before turning to face Ned, a small blush on his cheeks. “Go talk to her.”
“I think she has saved me a seat,” Peter said, glancing back at you with a shy smile.
“That’s adorable, come on,” Ned said before standing and making his way over to you.
“Ned, wait.” Peter quickly stood up, grabbing his backpack and following after him. Ned was already sat down and introducing himself by the time Peter sat down on your other side.
“It’s nice to meet you Ned, Peter Parker’s best friend,” you said, repeating the words he had described himself as. “I’m Y/n.”
“Oh I know, Peter’s talked none stop about you.”
“Dude,” Peter exclaimed, feeling the most embarrassed he had ever felt. His worry eased slightly when he heard the sweet sound of your laugh.
“Oh has he?” You asked with a small grin, turning your head to finally look at him. He chuckled nervously, a shy grin on his face to which your smile only grew bigger.
“Hey,” he replied, nerves growing and hands sweating slightly.
Keep it together, Peter. You got this.
“Yeah, he talks about you a lot to be honest,” Ned continued, dragging your eyes away from Peter’s and back to him.
“I hope it’s all good things,” you joked and Ned nodded quickly.
“Oh of course, stuff like how he loves how smart you are and that your smile is-“
“Ok Ned, I-I don’t think she needs a whole explanation,” Peter quickly interjected before he could get any more embarrassed.
“So, what are you doing this evening?” Ned asked.
“I’m going for a few drinks with my college friends then to get the rest of my stuff from my dads after he gets back from work,” you replied and Ned frowned at you.
“You’re like 18 though.”
“Yeah but fake ID doesn’t say that, plus like 18 is the legal drinking age in most European countries,” you said with a shrug and small smirk.
“Yet, last time I checked this is America,” Peter teased and you rolled your eyes. The subway began to pull up at your stop and you quickly grabbed your bag.
“It was nice to meet you Ned, I hope to see more of you.” You stood, giving them both a smile.
“You should come out with us next weekend, we’re going to the movies,” he said and you nodded.
“I’d love too,” you said before the subway stopped. You glanced at Peter who smiled nervously at you, he was never great at goodbyes.
“Bye Peter,” you said before leaning forward and placing a kiss on his reddening cheek. You then quickly made your way off the subway before the doors could shut.
Peter felt his heart rate slow as his nerves slowly drained from him. He let out a long sigh, leaning back in his chair and resting his head against the subway wall.
“Are you alright, Peter?” Ned asked him.
“She just makes me so nervous, man,” he admitted, running a hand through his hair before rubbing his face. Ned smirked at him, giving him a knowing look.
“Have you asked her out on a date yet?” Peter looked at Ned suddenly, a shocked expression on his face.
“You’re kidding right? I-I can’t just ask her out like that,” Peter said.
“Why not? She seems to like you too, I mean she did just give you a kiss,” Ned shrugged and Peter shook his head.
“I-I can’t and that... That was just a goodbye kiss,” he lied to himself.
“Of course you can and trust me, she likes you more than just to give you a “goodbye” kiss and plus, she didn’t give me one,” he replied with a smirk as the subway pulled to their stop.
They began to make their way to Aunt May’s, Ned coming up with strategies on when and how Peter should ask you out on a date.
Tag list: 
@jackiehollanderr @cyrusandhiscollaredahirts @farfromjustordinary @thelostandweeping @missmulti
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ammi-ka-shehzada · 5 years
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“1995. I was 16. He was 17. We saw each other for the first time in front of Copper Kettle in Liberty Market Lahore. He was a friend of my cousin’s and they met briefly while I waited next to the car. He thought I looked like a snob and I thought he seemed too chummy. So “hmph” teenage moment!
We met off and on with the cousin but never got along. Snob vs too chummy didn’t stand a chance!
1997. I was 18. He was 19.
I was in my BA 3rd year. He still hadn’t completed his A levels...moment of silence there.
I took his number from the same cousin and called him one night in June to talk about something pestering me. Something I knew only he could help with. Incidentally he was alone at home and free.
So, as fate would have it, the snob girl and the chummy boy ended up chatting the entire night. Something which is quite a heroic achievement in the times of one landline a house. That too in the TV lounge and Amma Abba’s surveillance at its peak.
Bharpoor taaliaan!
The next few days we ( separately in our own lives) couldn’t help but think of how well we got along in that one chat. It was actually as comfortable as chuddy buddies.
So. A few days later I, the cheeti ( as my sister called me later) called him again! From the same landline ( it was an orange phone I still remember that. I still remember his phone number also) and from the same TV lounge. Guess what? Yes! Another all night chat. But drop scene yeh huwa ke meri walida mohtarima aa gayeen subha 5 bajay. She didn’t exactly figure out what was happening but of course antennas were up. And Mr Rana ki to sitti gum ho gayee (which he told me later). He said he walked outside on the road at 5 am for hours panicking that I may be in trouble.
Later in the day he walked to a PCO to call and check if all is well. The phone kept ringing and shutting until I picked it up. And a voice said “Sarah?” I said “ uhh no” He said “just wanted to check are you ok?” I said “Yes”.
Relief for him.
Giddy smile for me,
And that was it.
Two telephone conversations later we were both 100% certain that we wanted to get married.
Because it was just so easy to talk to each other. We are the absolute opposites when it comes to personalities, like & dislikes, habits and general approach to things. But, we were both so sure. The kind of bond we had was special, and we couldn’t let go of it. 23 years later, this one fact still holds true.
Acha jee. Ayen na zara practical zindagi main. Jag jayen thora. 19 sala Hero A levels kar raha hai. Theek hai na? Interest kis cheez main hai? Theatre main. Operation theatre nahin. Drama wala theatre. Theek ho Gaya? Heroine BA kar rahee hai. 3 sisters and an EXTREMELY strict and conservative household. Fauji abba. Elder sister engaged. Matlab ke next in line to get married and Amma Abba completely clear on the fact that 1 acha rishta and baat done and beti ko tata bye bye. Parhayee etc sab 2nd priority.
Kher. Nazreen waqt ka pahiyya chalta raha. BA ho gaya. Lekin hero A levels main fail ho gaya. Bijlian gir gayeen armaanon par. His result came out the day my best friend was getting married. Crying my eyes out was easy because it got camouflaged behind my missing her. Everyone thought she was so lucky to have me as her best friend My Masters degree began and he enrolled in a local foundation course for an external degree.
My elder sister got married matlab tamaam topon ka rukh kahani ki heroine ki taraf. Rishtay atay rahay lekin waapis bhee bhee rahay, Shukar Alhamdullillah! Never did rejection feel so good!
He told his mother kyunke bairooni maddad ki zaroorat par chukki thee. Aik rishta serious ho gaya tha. Army Captain. I wonder where he is now...ok. Focus. His mother was super supportive. I collected the himmat to confide in my mother. Jhaar pari lekin qayamat nahin ayee. Baree hee maharat se donon walidas to milwaya. Makhan lagaya. Kiya nahin Kiya. They both said ok we will help you. Plan yeh tha ke my Ami will defer potential rishtas and his mother will bring the rishta as soon as he nears graduation and can talk to Abu with some grace.
Took a promise from us that we strictly follow boundaries.
No exclusive meetings.
No one should be able to see us together.
No compromise on this.
And we remained true to our word.
Now when I think of it I feel SO good about us. I kept studying. He tried studying and kept doing theatre. Started debate coaching with the initial pay of Rs. 5000.
My Masters done. Itni parhi likhi qabil heroine. Hero ka final year. Finally!!! Rishta aa gaya and came the million dollar question “yeh larka Akhir karta kiya hai?!” Start of a new era of daily discussions and many at times fights of Abu saying this is insane and Ami supporting me ( how sweet).
Finally a graduate. Hero found a job of 13000 Rs. Wasn’t great but I was ready to marry an unemployed man to Yeh to lottery thee. I started working. With almost the same pay...and Somehow, after two years of convincing and case pleading we got engaged on the 1st of January 2002. By far that day is, even now, the happiest day of my life. If anyone asks me that question, the first image that pops in my head is that night. It was surreal...honestly it was just meant to be. There was nothing going in our favour but somehow it happened.
Understanding yeh huwee the shadi araaam Se ho gee. Obviously hero was 23 years old!!! But dekhain, dulhan 22 kee thee na...and that’s OLD in a conservative, Punjabi family. To naya katta khul gaya na. My parents wanted it over and done with ASAP and his parents were reluctant. I can understand both sides but qeema kis ka bun raha tha? Aik saal main tension peak par pohanch gayee aur wohee huwa jo filmi stories main hota hai. Hero ko laga unn ke Amma Abba ki “insult” ho rahee hai and unhon ne mangni tor dee... jee haan!!! 🥁🥁🥁
Lekin heroine ki dhittayee par to medal banta hai. ( My sister suggested that I should talk to Abu. Matlab ke khud kush Hamla). Aadhi raat ko ja kar Abba ko jagaya aur bhaaan bhaaan kar ke dukhi kahani sunayee. Felix felicious feeling thee seriously. He heard me. And somehow promised to take care of everything. And he did. Date set ho gayee. Aglay saal ki! 365 days later. That one year was torturous. Because both set of parents were extremely upset with each other and both of us were constantly playing peace makers with one goal. Countdown to 365 days...it was exhausting!
But main ne bhoolne nahin diya hero ko ke mangni main ne jori. Jee Haan. Pehli call bhee main ne hee kee thee. I’m sure he mutters under his breath “why did you?”. Acha jee six months before the big day, Mr Rana decided to quit his job and pursue acting. Chalo jee. Naya sayapa. To huwa Kiya? Everyone discouraged him. Except me. But he wanted to satisfy his parents and went to UAE for a job hunt. Nope. No luck. Came back and announced that whatever it takes I am going to pursue my first love. Theatre and acting. And there was no turning back. Nautankee it was!Amma Abba told me clearly ke soch lo. There is no certainty or future for theatre or acting in Pakistan. All my life I’ve been answering the wretched question “So what does he ACTUALLY do?” Lekin kahan jee. Nothing hits home when you’re in “lurvvve”. He assured me that he will make me the happiest girl on earth. I believed him.
To kar li shaadi.
We were the happiest people alive. I honestly have seen VERY few couples as happy on their wedding day as we were. We were actually on cloud 9. Ready to take on anything that life brings. Anything.
Early marriage days were an absolute dream come true. We felt that all hardships are behind us and we have conquered everything in life. If we can do this, whatever life brings will be easy! Life with him for me actually meant a fairy tale. I was the stupid, naive, day dreaming princess and he was my Prince Charming, equally young and naive. He was supposed to whisk me away from a life of curfews, restrictions and boundaries to a house where I could paint the town red! From the house that didn’t allow me to laugh loudly and clap without a reason to a house where dancing to random songs was daily routine. Without any occasion or reason.
The fact that we paid for a 2 day stay at PC Bhurban with our salamis was a matter of pride for us. We still talk about how we sat down on day 3 and counted if we can stay another night, which we couldn’t and came back.
The first few months were like a daze. With no luxuries but plain joy. We had so much fun. Just being together. Nothing mattered. Driving to work in the morning chatting chirpily, watching TV with dinner, going for groceries. Finding joy in the smallest of moments. Will our car ( a 3rd hand Alto) start or not in the morning was a daily bet of ours. The fact that our entire pay ( both) was spent completely on basic necessities was a matter of pride for us. Watching late night movies with a pizza was an absolute luxury!
I was willing to face anything with him. For him. When our car’s windshield smashed during a toofan we didn’t have extra cash. Omair won 10000 Rs at a theatre festival the very next week and we got it repaired. Drove around for days with no windshield and we still laugh about it 🙂
But things started going downhill a few months later. My super comfortable relationship with my mother in law turned bitterly toxic, for reasons incomprehensible to me ( at least then).
My 29 year old elder sister suffered a brain hemorrhage in UK and was in the hospital for months. In and out of surgeries before coming around but her movement was affected for life.
My parents and younger sister went on rotation to be with her while I stayed back because I was “someone else’s wife” now so he was supposed to take decisions for me. Finances became a big issue so I took tuitions to save money and go visit her.
Omair found a better job and kept doing some TV work on the side but it was a struggle with nothing to fall back on. My heart would be with my sister but I would act jolly because “ghar ka mahaul kharab hota hai”. He decided to study and applied to LUMS for an MBA and started preparing for GMAT, which meant greater financial stress one me. But I stood by him. He didn’t get in ( a behteri in hind sight). The constant stress affected my gynea system... I actually didn’t feel like having a child because I was just so unhappy...and the uncertainty of life, my sister’s health, my parent’s stress and his career had started getting to me. But it had been three “LONG” years, and that gullible version of me caved in to pressure and we started treatment. What followed was two years of scans and injections and tablets and all the side effects that come with it.
2007. Eventually, an IUI worked and Rayaan came along. In bitter reality Rayaan was my clean chit in the eyes of the society that I am “complete”. I did not feel any gushing love for him. Omair on the other hand was over the moon! He has not loved anyone like he’s loved Rayaan. He is born to be a father. And that was a blessing, because Rayaan got the love he deserved from Baba while Amma was busy fighting her battles. The toxic relationship with my mother in law turned unbearable, I almost had a nervous breakdown and we moved out. It was ugly.
Omair didn’t have a job at this time. We had an infant and no worldly possessions at all except my jewellery and bedroom furniture. Fun fact: I had no jahez. Omair’s family made is 100% clear that there will be no jahez. Full marks to them there.
In these 4 years the ONLY thing that kept me sane was Omair, his humour, and our friendship. In these years we became even closer friends than before. He would listen to me silently if ever I felt like venting my heart out. Mostly I tried to keep it in because I didn’t want to upset him. Just silent hand holding was so comforting when he didn’t have any words of tassalli for me. He didn’t share his stress because HE didn’t want to stress me out.(This is when I realized strongly how the man is the worst hit in a conflict between his wife and mother. Made a mental note of never ever letting my son go through this. I hope I remember this by the time that time comes)). We cared for each other as friends before anything else and kept going...We have always been more of friends than anything else.
Something that caused huge problems later because married people need to be husband and wife, behave like a couple, argue like a couple and demand stuff like a couple. But we thought as long as we can communicate openly, make each other laugh, never dream of hurting the other and never go to bed angry, all is well.
This man has made me laugh at the toughest of times and has always ALWAYS been kind. That alone is something I cannot thank Allah enough for.
This marked the year for us actually starting from scratch. I sold some of my jewellery to buy furniture (Something I confided in Omair much later and he still hates this fact) crockery and appliances. We used up all of our savings. We set up a two room portion far away from the city which we called home for two years. I remember someone bringing flowers which I put in a balti because there was no vase. Meals were on the floor. We used to leave home at 645 daily to drop Rayaan to day care ( eternally grateful to The Early Years ) and get to our jobs. I was teaching at several places and so was he. We were shuttling between jobs all day. Only to return in the evening exhausted, showered ( if we had the energy), have omelette toast and crash. All this was just making ends meet, pay rent, bills, Rayaan’s fee, basic grocery and NO savings. Eating out was out of the question. But we were SO very happy.
It was unbelievable.
Even now when we look back the two years at “26 M” were the warmest, coziest, happiest ever. I actually found out what people mean when they say money isn’t everything. I learnt to love my baby boy who was an absolute Godsend. He took his first steps on that terrace. We got heat strokes from the hot weather but still managed to smile. The first sofa set we bought was second hand, for Rs 4000, which Omair refused to give away till 3 years ago.
The beds in the 2nd room were given by a dear friend for free. We shared the bills. Since we couldn’t eat out much I experimented with a lot of cooking (Dalda ka dastarkhwan was my saheli in those days).
Sharing financial and household responsibilities was never ever a problem between us. It was always “our” money, our responsibilities. We were both fighting our separate battles of the move ( we really never wanted to move away from his parents and this was very painful for both of us differently) but we never fought over it. Everything was always so civil and so comfortable.
We moved to a better place. Things settled a bit vis a vis work. Him and mine both. Slowly the ice started melting with my in laws ( things now are 100% ok. Yeah. That also happens. A lot of the credit goes to my parents in law here. But that’s a separate post) Slowly and steadily we made a home.
Right now, I’m sitting in our TV lounge of the home we’ve been in since 2010. And when I look around, every single thing that I can see has been bought by us personally.
Allah has been so unbelievably kind. If I say that we have actually built a home from scratch together, it’ll be 100% true. From a teaspoon to the TV to the car. Everything. But we still remember the first 5000 he earned and the third hand Red Alto whose floor collapsed while we were driving it. Flintstones!!!!
2011. I had my miscarriage.
This was the year we lost our twins in the 33rd week.
What followed was a complete fallout between us.
Oddly enough...We were heartbroken, more for each other than our own selves. I struggled desperately to deal with everything that follows after losing a child. But I failed miserably because of my combination of “I have to be strong”, “ I should always be grateful”, and “ everything happens for a reason” and “I need to be there for him”, and “Look how much pain my sister has gone through, this is nothing”.. But my body wasn’t agreeing with my mind and I fell critically ill.
Hospitalized for weeks while doctors struggled to figure out the problem. Eventually managed to come out of it Alhamdullillah but it took its toll on our relationship.
We drifted apart although he looked after me with such care that it makes my heart melt every time I think about it. But we both knew that it wasn’t the same.
For reasons we both knew and understood but didn’t have the courage to talk about. Since we were such close friends, we both understood the other’s thinking process and we let each other be. It was like parallel lives. We came home to each other, never stopped loving each other but we started living our own lives. Professionally we both grew but as “us” we stopped moving.
Now, when I see couples making this mistake I make it a point to tell them. Ask them to talk it out. Understanding each other’s struggles and giving each other too much space at the cost of your own happiness can cause irreversible damage.
This lack of communication is something I regret in hindsight. Something that went on for years and something that caused our marriage to almost end at one point...We didn’t even talk about what we were going through with anyone either.
No One.
Because our go to person was us...to kiya kartay?
But, yet again, guess what came to our rescue? Dosti. We just couldn’t give up on the dosti. No matter how much time we spent with other people, we just couldn’t help but miss what we have.
And what we have is extraordinary.
We feel at home with each other.
And that is irreplaceable.
You know the person who can look at you and understand what you are about to say? That’s us.
Home is where your heart is, and our hearts belong to each other. Three C sections and he stayed with me at the hospital. You want your mother around at that time and I wanted him. He’s changed countless pampers, done night duties with the kids, cooked breakfast for me, cleaned, dusted, changed linen, gotten furniture poshish done, taken me shopping infinite times, waited patiently while I got my threading done only so we can take a drive together, bought sanitary napkins, taken me for Falooda at midnight, you name it. He made me open my first personal bank account and asked me to put all my salary in it instead of the joint account, he’s never asked me how much I earn, never told me I’m fat ( and I’ve been fat!!!). Always disregarded comments about how “young” he looks compared to me. Something I have let bother me for years before growing up and not giving a rat’s ass eventually.
We’ve never ever argued in front of the kids. He’s always given me the lead in parenting, trusting every single decision I take as a mother, and never made me feel bad for the bad ones (there are quite a few).
He’s never stopped talking to me although I tend to give him the “silent treatment” quite a few times. He’s supported me most in my work. Helped me through the tightest spots professionally. I have grown as a person with him. I have learnt from him what it means to truly forgive someone, to be non judgmental, to drop one’s agenda and focus on the bigger picture. People say it about their fathers, and as much as I love my Abu with all my heart, my husband gave me wings to fly and the courage to follow my dreams.
He’s actually one of a kind.
Completely secure.
Non judgmental.
Hospitable and generous to the core.
Genuinely happy for everyone’s success and happiness.
A truly happy person who wakes up every morning to live life to its fullest!
A truly loving father.
A genuinely caring son.
An absolutely accommodating husband.
A wholeheartedly loving brother.
A friend in need.
I’ve spent years being scared of Nazar and bad luck by telling people how blessed I feel, every moment of my life, but not right now. I feel if many people will jinx this, enough people will be happy for us and make the bad nazar nuetral 🙂 I think the world deserves to know this side of the coin as well.
There ARE men who are plain GOOD men. And I have been infinitely lucky to have one of them. I may become overwhelmed with fear in a few days though. I’m unpredictable in this department 🧿
My love story is rather simple.
I simply decided to marry my best friend. My best friend decided to marry his. And we really wouldn’t have it any other way. He calls me his “best mistake”. I still can’t decide if that’s a compliment or not I consider him “my lucky break” in life.
We haven’t had a marriage which revolves around expensive presents, holiday destinations or lavish surprise birthday parties but we have a marriage which has survived the test of time. It is based on years of honesty, trust, hard work and respect. We have both invested in it. Yes I have invested a lifetime in this relationship as well. I have compromised and given in countless times. Cried myself to sleep and wept in the shower. There have been numerous ugly downs in these 23 years...but the beautiful ups have been more than numerous. The laughters are actually infinite.
The most important thing is that we haven’t kept any scores. Who needs to keep a score when we both get to win in the end?”
-shared by Ms. Maira Omair Rana
Copied from facebook page: Humans of Kinnaird.
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bwstanaccount · 4 years
Tammy and Liz came to every school recital. Your winter concert, your chorale performances, your spring play, even the special Scottish Dance showcase you had in the fifth grade. But not everyone’s parents did.
“Gillian, are you coming to Great Dane with us to celebrate?” you asked, pulling your winter coat over the stage blacks you’d worn to perform. You’d been a measly ensemble role in this year’s musical, a walking statue in Mary Poppins; but it was your last semester of middle school, and so you felt a sense of companionship with your castmates that required commemoration.
“No, I don’t think I can. I’m walking home, and my dad would be mad if I got there past curfew.” Gillian shrugged. “You know how it is. Parents.”
You didn’t know how it was, but you nodded anyway as you walked out of the dressing room with Gillian. “So they didn’t come to watch you perform?”
“Nah.” She shook her head. “They never do. But I was only a penguin, anyways. Not much to watch.”
Only a penguin, you thought. Only a penguin, that makes sense. Maybe it wouldn’t have made so much sense if you’d turned to see Gillian wiping her eyes as the two of you exited the school doors.
“Well, anyway, I hope you get home safe. Bye-bye! See you at school!”
Gillian half-heartedly returned your wave and went on her way.
You, on the other hand, darted back into the building to go see your moms. You couldn’t wait to hear about how much Liz enjoyed the performance!
Gillian wiped sweat off of her forehead as she took a bow. You squeezed her hand, a way to silently congratulate her on her first lead role while the audience erupted into cheers.
“How do you feel?” you asked, as the two of you ran into the dressing room.
“I feel good! Accomplished!” Gillian grinned, but there was a twinge of something else in her expression.
“Your parents didn’t show up again, did they?”
Gillian shook her head.
“I’m sorry, Gill.”
“No, it’s fine. C’mon, let’s get changed and then we can go say hi to your parents.”
You nodded and turned away from Gill to get undressed. As you began to take your blouse off, you noticed Gill’s phone buzzing on the counter in front of you. It displayed a text:
“Sorry, Gillian, couldn’t come to your show. Won’t be home for a couple of days. On business. Make sure to get home by 10:00 sharp. - Dad.”
When you were done changing, Gill and you walked to the stage doors, her family situation fresh on your mind. Aside from her twitching hands, Gill didn’t express any sign of sadness or disappointment at her parents’ absence. That’s why you told yourself it would be okay. That’s why you reassured yourself that, if something happened, she could tell you. You told her that.
When you exited the building, Tammy and Liz were waiting for you with a freshly cut bouquet.
“Congratulations, sweetie! First high school play!” Tammy leaned forward to hug you before realizing the barrier of flowers in her hands, which she quickly handed to you. You could still smell your garden’s dirt on them.
“And Gillian, you were amazing! I need to tell your parents to put you on Broadway!” Tammy said, laughing. “Where are they?”
“Oh, they’re not here. My dad had a business trip and my mom... she’ll couldn’t make it, I guess.” Gillian produced a smile, noticing the hesitant reaction from Tammy and Liz at her remark. “They’ll probably go next time.”
Gillian didn’t show up to the next audition, which meant she didn’t perform in the next play, either.
As you exited the stage doors after the show and saw your moms waiting for you affectionately, you went in for a hug but felt something was missing.
“Where’s Gillian?” Tammy asked.
“Mom, she wasn’t in this one.”
“She wasn’t? I could’ve sworn I saw her name in the program... Look! I even brought her flowers!” Tammy remarked, carelessly flaunting her bouquet and sighing.
“You’re all over the place,” Liz laughed.
It had been a rough year for you and Gillian, one littered with disagreements, awkward conversations, and even a few fights here and there. That’s why, when she didn’t show up to school one week, you placed all the blame on yourself.
“Gillian?” you texted, sneaking out your phone in between English and Chorale. “Is everything ok?”
Not expecting an answer, like always, you started to put the device back in your pocket before feeling it buzz in your hand.
Nervously, you began to type again. “What’s going on? Do you need to talk?”
“Can I come over for a bit? Will explain when there.” You paused for a few seconds, unsure of how to respond, before a second text came through: “I’m sorry.”
An hour after you got home from school, the doorbell rang.
“Can you get it?” Tammy asked from the kitchen.
“Alright,” you responded, getting up from the couch to open the door. It was Gill.
She looked a mess in her beat-up t-shirt and jeans, her mascara running and her eyes underlined by raccoon-like dark circles. Her hair was unkempt, down from its usual ponytail, and in her hand you noticed an overnight bag.
“Is it Gillian?” Tammy called over the sound of the food processor.
“Yeah, mom... it’s... it’s Gillian.”
In the following days, Tammy and Liz treated Gillian like their second daughter without asking once what had happened. You, on the other hand, didn’t know better than to needle:
“Is this about your parents?” you interrogated as the two of you were falling asleep.
“Yes.” Gill sighed.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you continued.
“Are you sure?”
Gillian rolled over to face you in her spare bed. “I’m alright, okay? Just leave it.”
So you assumed everything was fine, for a week or two, until you woke up in bed one night and found Gill’s bed empty. Weird, you thought. She usually slept like a baby. Getting up to get some water, you heard sobs from the kitchen below and crept downstairs in a somnolent haze. As noise continued to mount, so did the surreality, and so you continued to descend the staircase.
Then, in the dim, 2AM lighting, you remember seeing it: Gill and your mother sitting side-by-side by the kitchen wall. You watched in amazement as Gillian collapsed into Tammy’s arms, letting go of everything that’d been building up for what felt like forever. Tammy patted her back, just as she’d done to you when you were little. That was the most vivid part— after that, you have only a foggy recollection of what happened. You remember Gill’s tears. Gill shaking. Your mother’s face as she calmed her down. You remember being paralyzed on the stairs, heart beating fast as you tried to sort out your emotions. What was happening was bittersweet, scary, confusing, painful, embarrassing, new, sad, odd. You remember deciding upon one of these words a bit later, bittersweet, as you reflected in your room. Gill’s misfortune had unwittingly brought out one of your mom’s best qualities, her genuine concern for others during times like these— it’d brought out the sweet. Bittersweet, you said, and as you fell asleep, you felt a little less worried for Gillian than before.
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Negan’s daughter chapter 14: Darling
Word count: 2001
Need to catch up? Click me!
Summary: It’s been 7 years...What has changed?
Warnings: Cursing, Smoking, Sex mention 
Authors note: Happy new year! 
Taglist: @heyworld07  @namelesslosers  @smallfryalixa @ask-kakashihatake @emobabygirlsworld  @hilove7575  @negans-network
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7 years its been 7 years since the war ended Arat, Tanya, Amber, Dwight, Rick they are all gone and they aren't ever coming back they were dead. 
Anyways, I now live with Michonne and Judith and her son RJ in Alexandria my dad was still locked away but I visited him a lot nowadays.
The Sanctuary was gone it's basically a ghost town now.
I rolled out of bed at the sound of Michonne calling me from downstairs "Y/n breakfast is ready!" Michonne yells I threw on a pair of high waisted jeans and a black tank top and walked out the stairs "Goodmorning." Michonne says as she places a glass in front of me as I sit down at the table "Morning." I say running my fingers through my hair "Judith! Breakfast is ready!!" Michonne calls out I put some scrambled eggs on my fork and plop them in my mouth "What's on your agenda?" Michonne asks as she sits down with her coffee "Cara wanted me to teach her how to throw knives since we are running low on ammo." I say she grins "You and Cara getting serious?" She asks
I roll my eyes "No she doesn't date. We've done other things but I don't think you want to hear about that." I say chuckling she laughs "No I do not." She says Judith walks down the stairs Carl's hat on her head she then sits down and begins to eat I finish my scrambled eggs and I clean off my plate I run upstairs and into my room, I shut my door.
It was light blue walls with white shelves of different things I've collected I have a decent sized closet and I share a bathroom with Judith I throw on my black boots I look in the mirror and I shake my head I throw off my bra and go through my drawer and I pull out a black "Bombshell" bra as it says on the label I put it on and I then put on my flannel I tie it around my waist and I quickly braid my hair in french braids then I clip my holster to my thigh and put my gun in my holster and my knife in my bed I open my door and walk down the stairs before I walk out the door "Y/n be back by curfew!" Michonne says I look at her "I will." I say she then chuckles "Not getting serious?" She asks referring to the amount of cleavage I am showing I roll my eyes "Shut up." I say I walk out the door and down the steps and over to the training field
I see Cara sitting on the ground "Hey hot stuff." I say jokingly she looks up her blue eyes twinkle in the sunlight "Hey gorgeous." She says grinning
I quickly show her the basics showing her how to stand and how to throw "The trick however far you want it to go is how hard you throw." I say she nods "got it." She replies she begins to throw the knives at the target pretty much all of the knives missing
I suddenly hear the gates open and I see unfamiliar faces walk in followed by a couple of our people I begin to walk over but Cara grabs my wrist before I do "My brother has to keep watch tonight you should come over maybe you can show me some other stuff as well." She says then winks I smile "I'd like that." I say then jog off to the gate my cheeks flushed
(That night)
I look in the mirror a changed my top to a black tight crop top and I put on a matching set of black lace panties and bra grabbed my jacket and I walked quietly down the stairs I see michonne sitting on the couch reading a book "Where are you going?" She asks chuckling "No where." I say she then sighs "Cara's brother has watch until 1:20" she then looks at her watch "It's 12:30 right now so so I suggest you make whatever you two are gonna do fast." she says I grin "Ok!" I say I open the door then rush out to her house.
She sits on her porch her blonde hair falling on her shoulders and a cigarette in between her lips.
She looks at me and smiles I sit down next to her she puts the cigarette close to my mouth and I take a hit.
The next thing I knew I was being slammed against her bedroom wall her lips falling on mine her hands travel to my hips undoing my belt then she begins kissing down my neck leaving a faint trail of hickeys she throws off my belt then begins to unbutton my jeans I close my eyes enjoying the moment my fingers tangle in her hair as she pulls me in for another kiss her teeth catch my lip and she bites down drawing blood.
Suddenly I hear the front door shut. Shit. Her brother must have gotten off his shift early.
She chuckles "Don't worry." She pulls me closer
"We can be quiet."
I quietly shut the door careful not to wake anyone I quietly walk up the stairs and into my room I turned on the lantern in my room and I look at myself in the mirror I was a mess. My hair was messy my lip was bloody and  my neck was covered in faint hickeys I throw off my shirt and bra and I throw on a sports bra and a sweatshirt I take off my jeans and shoes then I fall back on my bed and immediately drift off to sleep
(The next day)
I threw my backpack into the wagon Michonne was taking the new group to hilltop along with Siddiq and she wanted me to tag along
"I'm gonna go say bye to my dad really quickly." I say Michonne nods I jog over to where my dad's cell is I open the door and step in my dad sits against the wall reading a book he has probably read a thousand times "Hey sweetheart." He says I smile.
"Hey, daddy." I say he stands up I walk over to the cell bars he kisses my forehead through the bars then holds my hand in his "I'm gonna go to the hilltop for a day or two we have a new group we are taking there just wanted to say goodbye." I say he smiles his grey beard looking like he was Santa clause "Bye sweetheart be safe ok." He says I nod "I will." I say I kiss his cheek
"Don't give Gabriel too hard of a time." I say chuckling he chuckles "No promises." He says
I begin to walk away "Y/n." I turn around "Yeah." I ask "I want to meet the special guy who caused those hickeys when you get back." He says  I grin "Ok!" I say chuckling I walk back outside and over to the wagon I pet my horse who I named Darling
She is white with a black spot over her eyes I scratch behind her ears then I climb on the saddle as the gates open then Darling begins to trot I follow behind Michonne and Siddiq and the wagon follows behind us
"What The Hilltop like?" Someone from Magna's group asks "It's nice. but the people there are kinda square in my opinion." I say
(Ok lol my brain can't come up with anything to write about until after they get to hilltop so soz lol)
I drop my knife on the floor along with my gun then the gates to hilltop open I climb off my horse as I see Tara, Enid, and Alden ever since Enid found out about what Carl and I did she has always hated me...Actually, everyone in hilltop hates me now that I think about it.
"And what is she doing here?" Tara asks Michonne "Nice to see you too Tara." I say smiling Michonne looks at me "I wanted her to get out of Alexandria she stay inside the walls all day she needed to explore." Michonne says
I roll my eyes "She shouldn't be here all she does is cause trouble!" Enid says a chuckle "Nice to see you too Enid." I say
I put Darling in a stable "I'll be back Darling." I say I kiss her nose and I walk off over to Magna's group Connie signs something to me
"She wants to know why everyone hates you." Kelly says I chuckle "Long story...let's just say they don't like my dad." I say chuckling Kelly signs to Connie and she nods out of the corner of my eye I see Enid kissing Alden I chuckle "I'll see y'all later." I say
I walk away as Enid walk away behind the house I pull out a cigarette from my pocket I light it with my lighter and  I follow Enid behind the house she kneels in front of a water bucket washing clothes I chuckle "You shouldn't smoke they will kill you." Enid says I chuckle.
"I thought you would tell me to smoke the whole pack considering how much you hate me." I say leaning against the house she rolls her eyes "What do you want." She asks I shrug "Just wanted a quiet space." I say
"You shouldn't be here you should have left with the saviors." Enid says I roll my eyes "I tried Michonne wouldn't let me." I say taking the cigarette from my mouth and blowing out the smoke
"Is your dad dead yet?" She asks I chuckle "Nope they haven't joined your dad yet." I say chuckle she looks up glaring I smile "You know what's funny the only reason you hate me is because I fucked the guy you liked you didn't hate me before you found out." I say chuckling
She then stands up pulling her knife out of her holster then she throws a punch hitting me in the jaw I drop my cigarette I suddenly grab her hair punching her I tackle her punching her over and over again she screams "Alden!" She screams "Bitch!" I scream
"Y/n!" Michonne yells she grabs me pulling me back Alden helps Enid up cupping her cheek with his hand blood rushes from her nose Michonne grips my wrist "Stop it!" Michonne says I get out of michonne's grip I walk away cursing under my breathe
I brush out my hair then the door opens to see Michonne "What was that." She says I roll my eyes "Why am I here!?" I yell she tilts her head "What?" She asks "Everyone hates me here! Everyone! They all want me dead!" I yell tears forming in my eyes
"No, they don't sweetheart. Honey they don't." She says pulling me in for a hug I let my tears fall "Yes they do. They all do." I cry she runs her fingers through my hair "I want to go home."I cry "We are gonna leave tomorrow we are gonna get Rosita and we are gonna go home." Michonne says "No not Alexandria I want to go to the sanctuary." I say she kisses my forehead
“You know nothing is there is a ghost town y/n you could get hurt” michonne says she tucks a piece of hair behind my ear
“Come on let’s go get some dinner”
The next morning
I open the door to Darlings stable guiding her out I put her saddle on her and I scratch her behind the ear "We are gonna go home Darling I promise." I say smiling suddenly Tara runs up to me "Negan escaped!" She yells I drop Darlings rope in shock
I snap out of my thoughts and I climb on Darling "Go Darling!" I say she begins to run the gates are open and She runs through "Y/n!" Alden yells but Darling just runs to the road headed towards the sanctuary
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kensimagines · 6 years
A cold War
A/N ; This storie would have not been possible if it wasnt for my good friend brad. let us know what you think!
Warnings: language, slight fluff, gore and stuff like that. 
Rating: Teen
Word count: 3788.
You could see your breath as you knock at your friends door. You can hear faint footsteps walking around the lobby and suddenly a loud pair of footsteps quickly stepping to the door. The large doors swing open to reveal your friends guardian. His suit was spotless and his hair was combed up. You look up and smile at the old friend. “Hello Alfred how are you?” The old butler smiled and let you in. he took your coat and told you that your friend Bruce was in his office. You thanked Alfred and walked through a series of hall was until you heard the faint sound of classical music. You walked into the office to see your old friend Bruce hunched over a pile of books. You jump on the couch
“Sup bookworm.” Bruce looks up for a second and looked back down. “I’m busy.” he sounded cold and distant. You stand up and walk over to the table. “Bruce, what is going on?’
Bruce shrugged and continued to read.“Why does it matter to you?’
You sighed and lean on the table“Because we’ve know each other since we were three.”
He closes his book and stares directly into your eyes.“And you’re point?”
You gasp and step backwards.“Oh my god, your being an ass.
“The the doors right there’’ He pointed to the door.
“ are you seriously kicking me out for calling you an ass’’
He quickly stands up his face red and veins popping out of his neck “I said leave. Now!”
You automatically ran, and you being dumb you left your coat at bruce's house in the dead of winter. You ran until you got into “the dump” also called the south side of town. . You hated the fact that bruce was upset and you couldn't do anything about it. Hell you loved him, but you couldn't tell him that. You were already in town and you didn't want to turn around a go back to his house. You headed home. When you got to your apartment complex in the probably the worst area of gotham. You walked up the stairs to your apartment and unlocked the door.
“What the hell?” when you opened your door and saw a package sitting on your table. You knew that the fact that you haven't been home all day and you’re door has been locked and there is a package sitting on your table.
You pull out your phone and immediately call Wayne Manor.
“ alfred?’’
“Yes miss y/n?’’
“May I speak to Bruce?”
“I'm afraid he doesn't want to speak.”
“ Oh for god's sake put him on the phone  its important.”
“Alright then”
You waited for about five minutes before hearing bruce’s voice
“What do you want?’ you could hear the anger in his voice.
“I came home and found a random package on my table”
“Did you open it?”
“Hell no. Do you even remember where i live?”
“Open it and tell me what is is.”
“I hate you” you open the package and see invitation that read “Dear citizen of the dump. Are you tired of being kicked around like dirt? If so go to Tommy’s Bar at 3:30 Pm for your chance to break free.Guns and weapons are allowed.
Sincerely,The Working Man”
You had completely forgot that you called bruce.
“uhh, hello? Y/n?”
“yeah, um i gotta go. Bye bruce”
And with that you hung up and headed outside.You look around the street and saw more snow falling onto Gothams streets. Tommy’s Bar was only a few blocks away. You tread through the snow walking around the corner to see the worn down bar with the sign covered in snow.You walk across the street and open the door. You were immediately hit by the stench of cheap whiskey. You walked in the bar was filled with men. They sat at the tables and some stood near the walls. You walk over and leaned on the wall you saw a small stage on the other side of the room. A tall man with a heavy brown coat walked onto the stage with a mic in his hands. He looked in his late twenties his hair was jet black and combed over. “Hello Gentleman,lady. All of you here are wondering who the hell am i and what do i want. My name is Vince Lass when i was kid. My father told me that if you work hard stay honest and be a good man you’ll live a good life. My Father was shot and killed by mobsters because he refused to pay there damn protection fee. Those word meant something to everyman. We use to be respected. But the Rich and the mob took that from us. Worked us the bone and threw us aside. Firing us because they broke our backs or decided they were too cheap for safe machinery. Today i say it time for a change. Falcone has left and now the crime world is left to a spoiled brat who calls himself the Penguin. I say we should throw out the Penguin shoot him in the head and kill all the rich spoiled brats of Gotham. People they our lives i say we should theres whos with me?” The crowd stood up “It's time for payback.” On of the men yelled. “Don’t get too excited.” You and the crowd turns around to see a tall man. He was bald and wore a black suit that showed his two pistols on his hips. He had two people on each side of him. “Penguin heard about this meeting of yours and he sends a message. You are under Penguins protection i you join that man on the stage your free game for me.So whoever don’t want to die in this bar please leave now.” Vince laughed “What did i say the rich has brought a bulldog to threaten us. My friends if your done being kicked around and if your done being bullied.” Vince reached into his coat and pulled out revolver. He pointed the gun directly at the man. The crowd reached into their coats and took their guns out and pointed it directly at the man. You duck under one of the tables. The man sighed and looked around. “You were warned have a good day gentlemen. My name is Victor Zsasz remember that.” He turned around and walked out of the bar with his men. The crowd puts their guns back into their coats. Vince deeply sighed “That Gentlemen is how we are going to win no matter what they throw at us we will stay together and work as one. Come back tomorrow at five and bring as many people as you can we need our strength in numbers.Have a good day men.” you leave the bar and see that you have five missed phone calls from bruce and a text that read:
Y/n were the hell are you? I’ve looked everywhere and i can find you. Meet me at you’re apartment now!”You reply back with a quick,
“sorry dad did i miss curfew?’’
“Just get here”
After a five minute walk back to your apartment, you open your apartment door to see bruce sitting at your kitchen table holding a picture of you two laughing at each others corny jokes
“Remember this day? God I miss this.”
“Are you trying to apologize for being a dick earlier?” you didn't realize alfred was sitting in the living room until you head his familiar british accent say “Language.”
“Sorry alfie. anyways what do you want?
“to apologize.’’
“Really, you’ve got to be kidding me?” you get to your feet and start yelling.
“Five freaking phone calls and a text message telling my i need to get my ass home for you to apologize?! No I don’t think so!”
“At least let me explain why i'm upset. It's the anniversary of my parents murder”
“Oh my god Bruce! Do you not remember who was there for you the whole damn time!? I get it ok? You miss them, but that doesn't mean you get to shut me out. I’ve had your back for years.”
“Im sorry ok? But why aren't you answering my phone calls?”
“Because I was pissed.”
“Yes now get out i’m going to bed”
“Alright. I’ll see you tomorrow. Common Alfred.”
They walked out of the apartment and you crashed onto your bed. “Should I go to the meeting tomorrow?” You thought as you drift off to sleep. You wake up with the sun shining in your eyes. You get up and a get dressed. You look at your phone to see missed calls and messages from Bruce. You slip your phone back into your pocket ignoring him. You look at the clock and see that you have a couple of hours until the meeting. You walk to your door and see a letter slide under it. “Don’t be Bruce.” You picked it up and opened it to see the harsh hand writing. It was almost the complete opposite of Bruce's it says “Dear Working Class Warrior remember to bring plenty of guns and ammunition for tonight's meetings. And get ready for a fight see you then.
Sincerely Vince”
You sigh and walk over to your dining room table.You reach under it and grab out a large folding knife. “It’s not a gun but it’s close enough.” You walk out of your apartment and look left to right down the hallway and you see a large man is a black suit walking down the hallway. “No one wears a suit in the Dumps unless. He works for the penguin.” You walk over towards him looking down. “Excuse me Miss?” You look up at him he had a scar running to the side of his face. “I’m looking for a Mr.Nicholas do you know where he lives?” You look down and shake your head. “I see.” The man reaches in his pocket and pulls out a wallet andt takes out a one hundred dollar bill. “What about now?” You continue to look down and shake your head. The man smiles and moves to the side. “Then i won't take up any more of your time.” You slowly walk past him and grab your folding knife. “Is he here to kill Mr.Nicholas? What if he’s here to kill me? I have to stop him.” You pull out your knife and quickly turn around but you feel you stomach burning and your body began to convulse. You look down to see the man has hit you with a taser. You fall to the ground holding your stomach. The man steps over you and takes out handcuffs. “She the one right.” You grasp your folding knife and stab him in the neck.Blood began to flow down as he fell to the ground. You drop the knife and hear footsteps behind you. You look up to see Victor Zsasz standing over you. “Yup you're the one someone really wants to have a chat with you.” You pass out as Zsas begins to handcuff you. You slowly wake up and look to your sides. You see that your strapped in a chair you look forward to see a man cutting pieces of steak and eating them. The man had a long nose and spiky hair. He smiles as he sees you awaken. “Well Hello it’s good to see that you have joined us. Do you know who i am?” You looked around to see a very fancy restaurant. “I heard your name before it’s something of a birds. Chicken?” The man smiles and stands up he limps as he walks over to the bar. “I am Oswald Cobblepot the King of Gotham.” You tilt your head “I thought we lived in a democracy well your highness how may i help you.” He grabbed a bottle of Champagne and two glasses. “My friend in the corner saw you at that meeting at Tommy’s.” You look over to see Zsasz waiting patiently in the corner. “Do you ever take a smoke break?” You yelled over at Zsasz “Now y/n I could have you killed for stabbing one of my men. But I think we can both benefit from this. You spy on Vince’s operations for me and I won’t kill you and your billionaire friend.Now i like that deal much better than option two which is we kill both of you and hand you in the middle of the Dumps as a warning.” You sigh and look at Oswald in the eyes. “Add a gun and fifty dollars a day and we have a deal.” Penguin looked over at Zsasz. “Get the girl a gun.” Zsasz nodes and unstraps you from the chair. You walk outside with a gold 9mm pistol. Zsasz hands her her cellphone. “You have my number in there text me what they are doing at all times.” You nod your head and look over at him. “Can i have a ride to Tommy’s it’s on the other side of town.” Zsasz looks down at you and pulls out a knife. “I could make you crawl with your legs cut off.” You stick your phone and your gun in your pockets. “A no would of worked.” You walk over to Tommys to see that your five minutes early. You walk into the bar and it's packed. A bowl was being passed through the crowd. “Take a piece of paper it has a number on it.” You grab a piece of paper and it has the number two on it. Vince walked on stage. “Okay Ladies and Gentlemen you all have taken a piece of paper. Everyone with a one you are going to go into The Wayne Enterprises building and shoot down anyone with a Vip id card everyone else you don’t touch. Number Two’s you are going to Arkhams Asylums Wardens house Mr.Finch kill him and burn down the house. Number threes you are hitting one of Penguins hideouts at the dock. Take any guns or ammunition you can find.” A man shot his hand up with the number two. “Twos come with me.”  You followed the man to his car. You hop in and go on your phone and text Zsasz “A Group of them are going to hit Wayne Enterprises i’m in a group that's going to hit the Arkham Warden and a group is going to penguins hideout at the docs.” Your phone dings and you receive a text from Zsasz. “Do what you have to at the wardens we’ll handle the rest.” You reach the warden's house the neighborhood was nice and quiet. For a little bit. One of the men hands you a bottle with a rag sticking out of it and a lighter. “There’s no back exit so if they run out just shoot them.” You smile as you look down at the bottle. You light the rag and chuck the bottle at the house along with the others. You hear faint screams coming from inside the house. The front door bursts open and a large old man runs out his back on fire and a old woman following them. The men take out there guns. “Ready Fire!” You pull out your gun and fire upon the elderly couple. They fall to the ground as a pool of blood forms under them. “Get in the car now.” You shoved your gun in your pocket and jumped into the car. They car sped off. Over towards the docks Lass’s men got of their cars and approached the hideout. They took out there guns and covered by the doors. “Three Two one.” They kicked in the doors and rushed in.” They looked around to see the hideout was completely empty. “Hello Gentlemen.” They looked up to see Zsasz up on a crosswalk holding a rocket launcher and a few people to his sides with fully automatic machine guns. “Remember me? Should of took my offer.” The men looked at each other. “Son of a b-” bullets ran down on them and they were ripped to shreds by the rockets explosion. Over to Wayne Enterprises the men were leaving there cars when suddenly dozens of police cars surrounded them. The cops jumped out of there cars and yelled “Get out of the cars or we will shoot.” The men looked at each other. “If we surrender we would be locked up near Penguins men we would die anyways. Driver hit the gas and don’t stop until we are free.” The driver nodded and they sped the car forward crashing through the cop cars. Back to you one of the men looked at his phone. “The other two groups failed their mission one is dead and the other is running from the cops. Emergency meeting tomorrow and we probably shouldn't go to our homes. Kid where do you want us to drop you off?” You tell him to drop you off to the side. The car slows down and you jump out. You look at your phone to see a message from Zsasz “Good Work you’ll get a call soon.” You also receive a message from Bruce. “Please message back we need to talk i miss you.” You sigh “i guess i’m heading to Wayne Manor.”   when you get to wayne manor you walk up the steps and to the front door. Alfred is already at the doo and is waving for you to come in. you head straight to the office to find bruce.
“Bruce!’’ you didn't realize that there was blood on on your shirt and face.
“What happened to you? Who’s blood is that? Are you hurt”
“Jesus Y/n you didn't do what i think you did. Did you?
“Let me explain.”
“Explain what?! You just went around Gotham and killed tons of people!”
“I never pulled the trigger! They would have killed you and alfred. I couldn’t let that happen’’ tears started to stream down your face. “I’m sorry” bruce looked at you and hugged you.
“y/n why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want you to worry about me”
‘God y/n.” you both sat there in silence and then bruce looked at you and wiped the tears off of your face “I love you” after you heard those words you kissed him. It all happened so fast. “ I love you too bruce.” You held each other close your hearts beat together as you leaned in for a kiss. You suddenly hear your phone ring. You smile and look at your phone “Unknown number” You force yourself from the Bruce and run outside. “Hello? You hear a loud sigh “It's Vince i’m calling all surviving Working men. Meet us under Gotham bridge we are dealing with the Penguin once and for all.” You close your phone are dash for Gotham Bridge. You arrive there in half and hour there was around eight working men with Vince o one side and Penguin Zsasz on the other with a few men. “Shit” Penguin and Zsasz look over to you on one side and Vince and the working man look at you from the other. “Come on join us.” yelled Vince. Your hands begin to shake. Penguin and Zsasz laughed. “You wonder why your little plans failed Vince? We had someone in your little gang on our payroll. You really thought you can beat me? I’m the king of Gotham you're the scum i step on.” Vince looked at me his entire face red tears running down his face. “We were suppose to be one a family.” Your mouth quivers and you stammer. “I-I’m sorry Vince i really a-” Vince pulled out his gun and shoot at you. The bullet hit your shoulder. Your arms burns with pain. You grab your arm and feel the blood gushing out. You fall to the ground and stumble back up and run for your life. Zsasz takes his pistols and and guns down the working men. Victor fell to his knees holding his gut as he bleeds onto the ground. Zsasz walks over to him. “A hard day's work. Being a good man honest use to mean something. But people like you the rich has killed it. You killed the worth of hard work with your greed and murder. End what you started.” Zsasz pointed his gun at Vince “We all knew you weren't going to last anyway. That's how business work you became obsolete.” He shot Vince through the head. Victor turned around and looked at Penguin. Penguin pointed at the trail of blood. “Kill the girl.” Zsasz nodded his head. You dash through the streets your arm stabbing in pain. “Have to hide I have to hide.” You hear a bullet wizz past you. “Shit” she grabbed a random door and dash inside. You appear in a large wearhouse. You frantically run up an narrow staircase. You look over to see your on a cross walk “This has to go somewhere.” You dash through the crosswalk seeing an exit close by when you feel a sharp pain through your leg. You fall to the floor your leg feeling on fire as blood gushes from the bullet wound Zsasz just made. You turn around to see Zsasz slowly walking towards you. Reach into your coat and pull out your Golden gun. You turn to Zsasz pointing your gun at him. “Fighting till your last breath huh?” You nod your head. “I have to.” Zsasz nods his head. “It’s to bad I only put three bullets in there and my guess is that you already uses them.” You sigh in remembering using them to kill that elderly couple. You grab the railing and lift yourself up. You look at your gun and throw it off the crosswalk. Zsasz points the gun at you “Any last words Miss?” You sigh “Veleska and my message is run from the man who laughs.” Zsasz shot you in the neck you grab it gasping for air as your blood begins to choke you. You begin to lose consciousness and fall off the crosswalk into a vat of chemicals. Zsasz looks down into the vat for a second. “The man who laughs” He mutters to himself as he walks away. Suddenly you shoot out of the vat your skin burning you grab ahold of the sides and pull yourself up. You began to laugh at the pain as one name crawled into mind. “Bruce Wayne…BRUCE WAYNE I’m coming for you HA HA HA.” To be continued maybe
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new-to-this123 · 6 years
As per requested
Hi! Can you write a Justin Foley x Reader where him and the reader they have a really cute date at Rosie's?
i hope you like it and its what you wanted! :) 
Justin Foley X Reader
Warning: none 
word count: 1743
Moving to a new school at the middle of your sophomore year sucked. Everyone had known each other forever and here you were, the new girl. You hated it. You were so mad at your parents for taking you away from your best friends in Canada and taking you to another country all together. You were hundreds of miles away from the friends that you'd known since preschool.
“Y/N wake up honey you don’t wanna be late for your first day” your mother said softly shaking your sleeping body.
“Urg im up” Y/N gronned.
You got up and tried to decide what to wear. Dress? Nope. Skirt? Nope. Everything you tried on, you hated. After ten minutes of trying on a variety of clothes you settled with a black pair of skinnies and a blue lace up tank top. You walked downstairs, kissed your parents goodbye and headed out, to walk to school.
What a school. A real life american school. You had seen them on Tv, but never in real life. You were hoping that it wasn't as bad as the high schools you and your canadian friends had seen on tv. What a big school. You walked up the stairs leading to the door. You could see and feel all the eyes on you. You really disliked it.
“Heey new girl, come here” you heard someone yell. You turned around to see a group of guys all wearing white and blue lettermans. They all looked at you waving you over. You walked over to them slowly, not sure if it was a good idea. As soon as you got there, a blue eyed boy, with brown hair and the sexiest smile you've ever seen, caught your eye. He was also the first one to talk.
“Where you from cutie?” the blue eyed boy asked
“Canada” you replied smiling at him
“Wow what brings you here? To liberty?” another blue eyed boy, with very prominent cheekbones asked you.
“Wow these guys are so hot” you thought to yourself before replying sarcastically
“well liberty is the only high school in the area so thats why im here.”
“No shit.. He meant what brings you to town” a tall brown eyed brown haired beauty asked you.
“Wow he's a jerk” you thought to yourself again.
“My dad owns a chain of stores and it brought us here to expand”
The bell rang signaling it was time to get to class. The first three periods went by, very, very slow. You sat alone in all of them. None of the guys you were talking to this morning were in your classes.  Now it was lunch time. you walked into the cafeteria and froze. “Wow this is just like an american high school” you thought to yourself looking around, at where you could sit.
“Hey new girl! Come sit with us” the sexy smile guy yelled at you from the other side of the cafeteria.
You walked over, and sat beside him.
“And my names Y/N Y/L/N. just so you can stop calling me New girl” you said looking at him.
“My names Justin. Justin Foley.” he replied giving you a killer smile.
“This is bryce, thats scott, thats monty, thats Zach, Thats jeff” Justin said introducing you to all the guys that were sitting at the table.
The rest of the day went by so fast. It was finally home time and you were just about to walk out of school when you felt a hand on your shoulder and heard “ hey Y/N can we talk for a second”
You turned around to see justin foley.
“Sure whats up justin?” you asked looking at him
“Uum. i was uh, i was wondering if you'd be, if you'd want to go on a date, with uh me” justin asked you nervously.
“Uh um sure. When?” you asked with a smile on your face.
“ how about tonight? I can pick you up, say, 7?” he says with a big smile on his face.
“Ok” you reply writing down your phone number
“Text me and i'll text you my address.” You smile walking away.
You sped walked home. You were so excited. As soon as you got home you ran to your room, went to your computer, and messaged your canadian friends.
Y/N: Omg you guys will never guess what just happened!!!! Rose:WHAT? I NEED DEETS NOW!!!! Sabrina: OMG WHAT??? Julia: WHAT?? Stop with the suspense!!!!!!! Y/N: The hottest guy in my new school just asked ME!!!! Out on a DATE!!! You read that right A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sabrina: OMG I WANT TO KNOW EVERY DETAIL AFTER!!!!! Julia: EEEEEEEEK ME TOO!!!!!! Rose: ME TOO ME TOO ME TOO!!!
You got ready for your date. A cute little black dress, with your hair straightened and black flats. Yoiur phone buzzed multiple times
“Hey Y/N”
“its Justin”
“ i need your address”
“so i can pick you up”  
You gave justin your address and giggled to yourself. Roughly ten minutes passed when you got a text from justin saying he was at your house. You ran down stairs yelling “Bye mom, Bye dad” and rushed out the door.
When you got outside, you saw justin standing by a black suv with big head lights.
“Hey Y/N” justin said kissing your cheek then opening the passenger door. You got into the suv, and the blue eyed boy ran to the driver side.
“So where we going Justin?”
“ i was thinking Rosies. It's a diner. They have amazing milkshakes and fries and burgers” justin said looking over at you smiling his killer smile.
“haha i like all those things!” you replied laughing.
You got to rosies and you were in awe at how homey it felt.
“Wow we didn't have anything like this back home” you told justin.
“Ya rosies is great” he replies leading you to a booth.
You sat across from justin. You looked at the menu. Up and down. There was so many options. How were you going to make up your mind?
“Justin there's way too many options. Help me out” you asked over dramatically.
“ get a shake for sure. Classic chocolate is the best. And their cheese burgers are to die for.”
The waitress walked up to your table.
“ hello can i take your order?”
“ i'll get a chocolate shake and a cheeseburger please” you said
“ i'll get the same thing” justin answered, looking at you.  
The food arrived, you took a sip of your shake.
“Oh my god this is so good” you said with a smile.
“Now try the burger” justin replied holding up your burger so you could take a bite.
You took a bite and shook your head up and down.
“This is good.”
You were mind blown at how nice this guys was. Justin fed you your french fries as he asked you about your life in canada, your friends and of course, the stereotypes.
“ no justin we don't live in igloos. We live in houses”
“No we don't have dog sled, we have cars.”
“No its not snowy all the time we actually get four seasons”
It was amusing. He was a nice guy. He as very good with his words as well. A smooth talker.
“ you know you're smile is amazing. And you look very pretty tonight. i .. i mean you looked pretty at school too, but that dress. Wow! Stuuuuuuuning” he smiled and laughed
“And you look just as nice!”
Justin stood up and sat beside you in the booth.  He smiled as he placed his hands on yours.
You looked at your intertwined hands and blushed. You sat there, looking at each other, smiling.
“ you know we could be the next power couple of liberty” justin said as he winked.
“Power couple?” you questioned.
“Ya” justin said as he move a strand of hair behind your ear, biting his lip. You bit your lip, looking from his eyes to his lips. He leaned in slowly, cupping your face. Your faces were so close you could feel his breath on your lips. He closed the gap between you guys. Your lips touching, they were in sink right away. Almost like you were made for each other. The kissing continued before the waitress broke your moment.
“Is this together or seperate for your bill?” she asked
“Seperate” You said at the exact same time that justin said together.
You blushed even harder.
“ oh wow justin you don't have too” you told him
“Naw its ok. I'm not gonna take a pretty girl like you out and not pay.” justin answered you.
He paid for the bill and grabbed your hand as you got up from your seat. You walked out of rosies hand in hand. Justin leading you to the passenger door of his black suv. Before opening the door, he pushed you up against the car door, cupping your face, kissing you again. You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him back. The butterflies in your stomach went crazy. You kissed for a few minutes before he pulled away.
“I should probably get you home. I don't need your parents hating me on the first date.” Justin said as he opened the passenger door for you
“Just so you know, i don't have a curfew. Never have.” you replied as he drove off in the direction of your house.
Justin pulled up to your house. “Thank you for tonight” you said as you leaned against the middle compartment.
“No, thank you for joining me. And making my night amazing.” he replied leaning in closer to you.
Your lips touched again. He kissed you passionately. Like no one has ever kissed you.
“So do you wanna be my girlfriend?” justin asked between kisses.
You pulled away asking “ did you just ask me to be your girlfriend?”
“yes . i did. I had great time tonight. And you're a great girl and i can be myself around you. And i like you.” justin told you as he grabbed your hands.
“ yes haha Yes ok i'll be your girlfriend” you said leaning in to kiss justin. He kissed you back.
“I'll see you tomorrow.” you said to him between kisses. You kissed a few more times before you opened the passenger door and walked out, waving to your new boyfriend as he waited for you to get into your house before driving off.
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Chapter 2
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Ok so I know you read the beginning of this and wondering how in the hell did I get myself here. I'm twenty-three years old, with two degrees, a dream job at DDC House Design, the top interior design house on the east coast and I am officially 6 weeks pregnant. Well I am going to have to take you back to about 8 months ago when I stepped out on a dream and chased it all the way to New York City.
"Congratulations Sloane Taylor,  
This letter is to thank you and to acknowledge of your offer of employment to join the staff of DDC House of Designs with an entry level salary of $176,000. We feel it would be out mutual advantage to advance our final decision. Will contact you via email to advise you of your employment packet.  
Sincerely, DDC House Designs
"OOOOMMMMGGGGG, Mommy come her look! Omg look at this email!"
"What is it Sloane you are calling my name like you crazy."
""Look mom I got the designing job in New York?"
"Wow that’s great baby girl I'm so proud of you." My mother said with conviction,  
I looked up at my mother that had a sweet and sour look on her face when she heard me say New York.  
"Ok mom please don’t ruin this moment with that look ok New York is not that far away.  
"I know honey but its far enough and you don’t have any family up there. "
See my mother in my eyes is being her usual over protective self at the mention of me going somewhere that isn't Greensboro, North Carolina. I've been here my entire life and I can't wait to leave. Nobody here has hope or dreams of anything outside of those city lines. Don’t get me wrong I love my hometown and I am proud of where I come from, but I want to see the world. I graduated college last year from North Carolina A&T with my Bachelors in Business and a Minor in Art since of course my mother would have had a heart attack if I would have gone out of state. Hell, I think she might have had a minor stroke if I went to East Carolina University, so I didn’t even test the limits. I am by far not a small-town girl but I hold my values. Most of the girls I graduated out of high school have kids now including my best friend Amina Walton who I have known since kindergarten. We met on the first day when she asked me to push her on the swing on the playground and now we have been inseparable ever since. She had her daughter Skylar our freshman year in college and I love her to the moon and back but I know for sure I am nowhere near ready to be a mom.  
Mommy, I can take care of myself I am an adult and plus I have done everything you have ever asked of me. I stayed in Greensboro longer than I had planned on it. It is way past time for me to travel and leave."
"I understand Sloane, but what are you going to do it something goes wrong or you need something."
"then I will call home and ask. Mom you have to learn to let me go you are starting to smother me and I am an adult. I love you I really do but I am taking this job,"  
I had to put on my firm voice but I know I was hurting her feelings by saying that. It has been me and my mom for years after my dad died and she couldn’t help but hold me close. I can't really blame her though she really stepped up and played both roles perfectly to win an Oscar.  
"well what are they offering you to have you move so far?"
"they are paying my rent for my apartment, full benefit coverage, paid vacations and all holidays off. Come on mom, it is no way I am going to ever find a job like that here."
"ok ok Sloane. When do you have to leave after you accept the job?"
"two weeks! That is too soon how will you pack and get all of your things there in time?"
"they are sending movers mom, everything will be fine.  
I was so excited I couldn’t contain myself while she was in my room. Once I finally got her to see things through my eyes she walked out my room. I closed the door and let out a silent scream. I count help it. It felt like such a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I am leaving this place behind and not looking back.  
Two weeks flew by I couldn’t believe my whole life was packed into 30 cardboard boxes and I was counting the hours to load them in a moving truck. I didn’t think I was going to be this sad to leave when I made the call and accepted the position. Amina through me a huge going away party last night and it seemed like the entire city came out to see me off. Including my ex Zayvion. 
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We dated for 3 years and I learned everything I don’t deserve in a relationship. I know what you thinking and no he didn’t cheat on me but let's just say college can really change people. Everything was perfect in that honey moon phase but after he crossed and pledged Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. Secrets pushed us apart and turned us against each other. I didn’t expect to see him there and I know Amina didn’t invite him so of course he heard through the grapevine that I was leaving. Everybody loved us together being that we were the "black Love Lives" couple of the century. I can't deny he was fine for sure 6"4, golden peanut butter skin, full pink lips and chocolate brown curls. With a smile that made me melt and eyes to steal my soul.  Who could turn him down? At one point I never thought I could. Not to mention his dick game was powerful I swear that’s how he pledged on line. Freshman and Sophomore year, I had a nice size four body, but Junior and Senior year I filled out in everything. My body couldn’t lie that he wasn’t putting it down before dorm curfew and the whole campus could see it.  
He approached me with that suave walk and pearly white smile smashed across his face. I got a little weak at the knees as I watched him approach me from across the back yard. All my girls giggling behind me talking about "girl here he come" "mmm you sure you wanna leave that behind" "girl he so damn fine". I rolled my eyes at all of them, "look yall need to calm down and play it cool nobody is thinking about that boy." But on the inside my heart was racing. He walked up and said " what's up yall?" His voice rang in my ears so vibrant sending me to reminisce when he would whisper in my ear with my legs up on his shoulders and he hitting my spot just right. Damn I missed that feeling. My pussy started tingling and the thought of his hands rubbing down my thighs to spread my legs.  
"Sloane you good? "
I snapped out my daydream, "yeah I'm good, what are you doing here?"
"I heard Kiwan talking about it and I was surprised that I didn’t get an invitation so I thought I would make a surprise appearance. "
"well I didn’t make the guest list so I hope your feelings weren't too hurt."
"A little bit, but it's nothing a hug can't fix though," he shrugged his shoulders and held his arms out and open for me.  
It couldn't hurt just to hug him right? I contemplated at first then I just gave in and stepped in for the hug. His Prada cologne hit my nose and mesmerized me. His chest was thick and muscular. I could feel in his back where he had been hitting the gym and it was doing his justice.  
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"awwww look at my favorite couple." I hear coming from behind him a familiar voice. Zayvion's best friend and line brother Kiwan. He was cool and about the only friend he had that I actually liked.  
"shut up you are so annoying"  
"don’t do me like that friend, you know im always going to team Sloane and Zay"  
"Shut up bro " Zay laughed and nudged Kiwan. "you play too much"  
"ok when yall stop frontin' let me know. Speaking of frontin whats up Amina you not gonna speak ? "
" Boy bye no im not speaking to you." Amina gave him the hand and walked off. Kiwan always had a thing for Amina since sophomore year and she tried everything to turn him away but I know on the low she had a little flutter for him. All it took was when she mentioned she had a daughter and he instantly got excited and said he would love to meet her one day. It definitely took Amina by surprise most guys take off at the mention of a kid but he held his own.  
"Bro when are you just going to let that go man?" Zay always joked him for how Amina loved to give him the cold shoulder.  
"Never bruh, you don’t understand we got a thing its just on the low."  
We all burst out laughing and everything felt like old times. In that moment my heart felt a little heavy. Am I really going to leave all of this behind. My friends and family for the big city? I wanted to say im staying but I knew It was just in the moment and when I got there it would all fade away.  
*Alarm rings
I woke up not realizing that I had fallen asleep in the middle of my day dreams. Today was the day. I reached over to turn off my alarm and my notification list was longer than usual. I scrolled down and saw Amina, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Daily Quotes and to my surprise Zayvion. My eye widened and I didnt even think he still had my number. I didn’t want to open his message to make it seem like I missed him or was pressed to see what he said so I just went to answer Amina. She said she was on her way to help me load the moving truck so I needed to get up and shower.  
Im going over my check list to make sure I got everything to load up as I see her pull up in her red Volkswagen Jetta. I didn’t even have to turn around to know it was her because I could hear the 90s r&b playlist bumping from down the street. The car doors closed and I heard my little angel Skylar's voice call out for me " Auntie!" I dropped my notepad and swept her up in my arms for a huge hug. She has gotten so big so fast and I cant believe I am about to leave her. I have been there since day one and in the delivery room when she was born.  
She hugged my neck so tight then pulled back and asked "auntie why is all of your stuff in that big truck where are you going?"  
I wanted to lie and say no where without you but I couldn’t. "auntie is moving to new york remember for her big girl job." She just smiled back at me and said "well are you going to visit me and mommy because we are going to miss you."  
"of course pumpkin and you and mommy are going to come visit me on the airplane right?"
"yes" she squealed. "good now go see meme she has cookies." I put her down on her feet and she took off running into the house. Amina walked up behind her and hugged me which is something she never does.  
"what is wrong with you, im not dying" I said.  
"what do you mean you are not dying?" She look confused at what I asked her.  
"uhm you are hugging me like im dying tomorrow not moving away."  
"well you might as well be! We have spent every day of our lives together since kindergarten, what am I going to do now that you have out grown this place?"
"well you know you can always move there too eventually, they need nurses in every state."  
"yeah I know but I have Skylar and I don’t really want to take her from my mom."
"you cant limit your self because of other people Mina." I always wanted so much more for Amina. She had potential to be so much more than she allowed herself to step out of her comfort zone to be. We were similar but our differences made us great friends.  
"girl are you sure you are ready to move like what is going to be the first thing you do when you get there?"
"shit find the nearest Junior's Cheesecake and walk the Brooklyn Bridge." We burst out laughing but I couldn’t be more serious.  
"how did it feel seeing Zayvion last night? I had no idea he was going to show up even though the whole city was In that shit. We was lit for sure."
"yeah It was super awkward and intense at first and it felt like old times." Speaking of Zay I totally forgot he had texted me this morning. "He texted me this morning and I didn’t think he would remember my number."
"why wouldn’t he? Bestfriend now you know that boy still love you and he know he fucked up."
"to bad that was not my problem then and its not now. He shoudnt be trying to press me now its been a whole year since we broke up and he wants to wait until the day before I leave to reach out? No thank you ill pass." I rolled my eyes and went to grab some boxes. It was no need for me to text back now.
We loaded the truck in a matter of 2 hours and nothing was left but my suitcase and backpack for my flight in the morning. My mom had to work but she would be off intima to take me to the airport. Amina and Skylar stayed over for one of our famous living room sleepovers.  
"You know your going to be ordering out every night when you get there because you cant cook?" She laughed trying to joke will she made all my sleepover favorites.
"shut up I can cook enough to survive! Plus that’s what restaurants are for to order out of."
"yeah but your going to miss this home cooking believe it or not because you know I can burn." Amina was the perfect wife and mom type. She had all the qualities not to mention she was beautiful. Milk cocoa brown skin, full curly natural hair that she passed on to Sky and she was 5"4 slim thick thick for sure.  
"yeah I am, you spoil me bestie. Thanks for everything!" I smiled at her and she just smiled back because she wasn’t the sentimental type but I know a tear filled her eye on that one. She finished cooking and we turned on the black Cinderella with Brandy and Whitney Houston our favorite movie. Amina was sleep first as usual then sky and me. My mom came in and woke us up in time to get ready for me to catch my flight. We parked the car in the departure parking lot and they walked me to my gate. I hugged Amina and Sky trying to hold back tears. Then my mom who was wiping her eyes quickly so I wouldn’t see her crying.  
"oh mommy its ok don’t cry. I am going to facetime you as soon as I land."  
"I love you Sloane be safe ok?"
"I love you too mommy!"  
*now boarding flight 5477 to New York City at Gate 4*
"that’s me guys! I will call as soon as I land." I picked up my bag and walked to my gate. Handing my ticket over to the flight attendant I took one last look back at them waving bye to me I waved back walked through the doors. I found my seat and adjusted myself for the take off. I had a window seat so I could see the airplane wing. I took a hug deep breath and settled my nerves. This was the start of a new beginning and the plane started rolling.  
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101scenes · 7 years
Wanna One Ong Seong Woo - Lovebirds Pt.1
✽ suggested by: anon
✽ featuring: ong seongwoo
✽ genre: fluff
✽ word count: 1,657 words
✽ summary: you took the offer reluctantly. it’s not like he liked me anyway. time seemed to drag on as you sat on your bed, staring at the beautiful party dress that your roommate has kindly lent you. you had no other choice.
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yes it is another school au, i just cant stOP MYSELF IM SORRY-
dragging your two luggage ok i searched this up luggage was already a collective noun so “luggages” isn’t a word bye, you finally reached the door of the common room to your new found dorm.
your high school seemed to be a bit different from others, as they had you stay in dorms instead of returning home everyday
i suppose its like a boarding school, where they make you learn to be independent from a young age
they make students move into dorms once they reach junior year, and would stay until they graduated
anyways you were a junior
and you were assigned to a dorm
you were told that your shared dorm was on the 5th floor, contained 4 rooms, with 3 people sharing each room
there was also a kitchen, dining and living area for each story (lets call that the common area)
as the seniors of the previous year had graduated, 6 new spots were freed on the 5th floor, allowing 6 new juniors of the present year to take over their spots
while the juniors of last year get promoted to seniors, but they remain in their dorms
ok enough with the backstory
once you arrived on the 5th floor, you caught a glimpse of the entire 5th floor, where it was stylishly decorated
it had a giant common room area, with a gigantic sofa, accompanied by the flat screen TV hung on the wall
the place was also adorn with many different plants
which was nice
before you could peep around anymore, a door of one of the rooms suddenly opened, revealing a cute boy wearing a shirt and shorts, clearly not completely awoken yet
you could see by his fresh bedhead and his eyes halfway opened
you didn’t really know what to do, but you assumed he was a senior
he stretched, yawned
and out of the blue he screamed “dAAANIEEELLL”
which literally scared the living soul out of you
you were frozen on the spot
like a deer caught in the headlights
after hearing no response, he rubbed his eyes, you assumed he was about to try to look for this “daniel” person
once his eyes were completely open, he made eye contact with you, a random girl in the dorm in a red beanie staring right back at him in horror
he had to rub his eyes once more to make sure that his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him (shocked at your beauty or your presence? we will never know..)
his sudden realization of shock slowly turned into a dorky smile
he rubbed his hair in embarrassment, his ears turning slightly red
you in turn, could not control your emotions
dAmn he cute before and after
your messy thought made you slightly embarrassed yourself
wtf y/n?? why are you thinking these things you JUST met him. you haven’t even introduced yourself yet-
“ahaaa.. well that’s a horrible first impression..” he said, looking around sheepishly
his face turned bright, as if he made some kind of scientific discovery that could potentially change the world
he ran behind his room door closing it, only to open it 4 seconds later
when he swung open the door once again, he posed daringly, which made you smile widely
wtf he’s so confident
he was clearly amused by your reaction, and continued to make you laugh more
“my name is oNG seong woo, pleasure to meet you. and you are?”
he reached for your hand as kissed it
which made you flutter inside
like why girl you just met him
just as he looked up to meet eye contact with you, still holding your hand, you were about to introduce yourself before the lift door opens up, revealing 2 seniors, and with them was 2 other juniors
the blonde senior strode out of the lift and begins to tease seongwoo
“hey hey, ong, flirting with the junior already man? you look a mess,”
seongwoo, realising he was still grabbing onto your hand, quickly lets go and let it drop
you weren’t too pleased with that tho
“daniel! i was looking for you honey~”
seongwoo begins to lay his hands and head on daniel’s shoulder, making a cute face at him
which made everyone very amused and laugh
“ong, go wash up,” the blonde guy, who you assumed to be daniel, said, rolling his eyes
“ok ok..” seongwoo said, before reluctantly dragging his feet away back into his room
once his door slammed close, the lift dinged and the doors opened again
3 more juniors flooded into the room, accompanied by 3 more seniors
“ah, now that everyone’s here, lets go to the common room so we can introduce ourselves and settle in okay?”
once everyone chose a seat and made themselves comfortable, you came to a conclusion there was an influx of males in the house
there were 4 male seniors, 2 female seniors, and another 2 male juniors and 4 female juniors (adding seongwoo who was currently getting ready)
all the seniors decided to introduce themselves first
the seniors was jaehwan, daniel, minhyun, jiwon and chaeyoung
before jiwon could even ask where seongwoo was, you heard a door open, and fast-paced footsteps behind you
you got the shock of your life when seongwoo playfully crashed into the sofa, climbing on the headrest behind you
this allowed to have a whiff of his recently sprayed cologne, or was it just his shampoo? either way, it made you melt
“what did i miss?” he asked in a joyful tone
chaeyoung rolled her eyes
“your turn to introduce yourself,”
“ah! ok ok. i’m ong seongwoo, your trusty dorm leader! i take attendance every curfew, don’t try to sneak out,” he says, making a sneaky face
this made everyone laugh a little, but somehow it made you laugh way more than you should
everyone didn’t seem to notice, except seongwoo, who was seated behind you, looking super satisfied, as if he has done his job
introductions continue, and you find out the juniors names were daehwi, jinyoung, nayoung, chaeseol, and taeyun
after the introductions, you all were split up into your dorms, 6 girls sharing 2 rooms, and 6 boys sharing 2 rooms
the numbers were evened up, and you all quickly settled into your rooms
it was orientation day, so no classes were held
soon enough, it was night time already
after you 12 ate your dinner cooked by jiwon, chaeyoung and minhyun, you all had your first movie night
everyone was gathered in the common room
each person brought their own blanket, stuffed toy or whatever they wanted
you all started watching comedy movies
jiwon was cuddling up next to minhyun (she has such an obvious crush on him, and he does too but they refuse to say anything about it)
chaeyoung was laughing her ass off at the movie with jaehwan, daehwi and seongwoo
daniel was talking to nayoung and taeyun
while you stayed beside chaeseol and jinyoung
chaeseol and jinyoung were literally drifting off to sleep already
so you sat in silence watching the movie and snuggling up in your comfortable blanket
however, you couldn’t help to look at seongwoo every few seconds
all he did was burst out laughing with the other 3 every few minutes, why am i so interested in just watching him laugh?
but, his smile and how his eyes crease upwards whenever he does makes you smile as well
you couldn’t really accept the fact that he was your crush, so you would ignore these feelings
after the movie ended, the lights brightened up again
chaeyoung daehwi jaehwan and seongwoo all stood up to stretch
looking around, you saw everyone else sleeping
chaeyoung began walking around, waking everyone up to return to their rooms to have a good night sleep before tomorrows official school day
while jaehwan, daehwi and chaeyoung begin rolling people and pushing people back, you continued sitting on the sofa and layed your head back, letting your eyes rest
you couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous for school tomorrow
not to mention that you feel extremely homesick
it wasn’t like your dorm mates were unbearable, but it was more like you really miss your mom, dad and younger brother
you let out a sigh
once the common room has reduced to nothing but silence, you opened back your eyes, only to see seongwoo sitting beside you, staring at you
you got scared a bit
then your face immediately turned red
why was he staring at me??? omg thats so unglamourous im so-
“nervous huh?”
you turned your head to face him
he had a concerned look plastered on his face
“y-yeah, i kind of miss my family back home,” you said, looking back up to the ceiling, trying to cover up the fact that your face was still burning
“i totally understand, i was nervous last year too. but you’ll get used to it,”
you nodded your head, staying silent
“if you need anything, come look for me ok? as i said, i am your trusty dorm leader,” he says, before smiling and tilting his head to one side
those are the only words you manage to spill out of your mouth
“alright, it’s getting late. see you tomorrow morning, y/n.”
he stood up from his spot, and you sat back up
“good night, seongwoo,”
he now stood behind the couch where you sat, and ruffled your hair
you could literally hear his little smile before walking away
you were obviously shocked and a bit caught off guard, resulting in your ears turning red
what am i doing??? you don’t like him. it’s only the first day..
you got up and walked over to your room and got ready for bed
once you lied down on your bed, you slowly felt yourself drift off to sleep, into the next official day of living with seongwoo that awaits you..
✽ ok maybe i got a BIT carried away
✽ ill be writing part 2 soon! stay tuned for the drama- i mean scenario
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longestnight64448 · 7 years
Songfic Blue Sweater *George Weasley X Reader*
Blue Sweater >>>> Poema 
hmmmm...ahhh cinnamon, jackie clung to the sweater he left. she missed him so much, but she knew that he needed to get out of here. Him and his brother had big dreams and aspirations, and the means to watch it blow up.Jakie put the sweater on and looked in the mirrior, it felt so warm against her skin, but it looked like a dress on her. None the less it was the last thing she had left of her two best friends and the love of her life. That blue sweater with a bright yellow "G" on it.
It had been so long since she had heard his voice or see his face. And it's been murder here at hogwarts since they left. The little pink toad had made this place so dreary, and if she had to hear that hum one more time she would go crazy.Luckly there was only a two more weeks of this hell before shcool was out and she could see the twins at there shop, but it felt like 2oo years, and she couldn't stand it.
She watend so badly to write a letter in fact she had tried countless times but...
"Dear George,
i, jackie, your best friend of 9 years is and has been in love with you since we met"
...just didn't have much of a ring to it. she felt like it was something she really needed to tell him in person. but at the same time she was scared.Scared that he wouldn't feel the same, and she would feel more empty then the night they left. before she even she knew what was happening the tears rolled down her cheeks, and she cried herself to sleep cuddled up in that blue sweater.
The next two weeks were tormenting, not because of umbridge, cause for some reason she was gone that same night the golden trio left, but she was still contemplating weither or not to tell george, all the while never letting go of that sweater, she took it with her everwhere, she just couldn't bear to leave it.
Finally, school was out and she was on the train back to home, and back to george. She was hoping George would be at Kings Cross, cause after all ginny and ron were coming home too. but she was soon disappointed when they pulled into the station and Fred and George were no where to be seen.
Jackie met up with her parents, who were right next to the weasleys, they have been family friends since they moved right next door to eachother.
"OH Jackie" screamed Mrs. Weasley as she pulled me into a giant hug.
"hello mrs. weasley" jackie said as she couldn't hide the smile on her face, she always felt like part of the family when it came to the weasley's. They were like that if everyone she supposed.
"Well look at you, you've grown so much since the last time i saw you"
"Mrs. Weasley it's only been a few monthes"
"well you always look beautiful dear, i don't know why one of my boys hasn't fallen for you yet"
Jackie coughed nervously, which ginny did not miss, seeing as the 14 year old was the only one that Jackie told about her little crush.
"oh, jackie you should come see the twins new shop with us tomorrow" said ginny with a little smirk on her face, which cause a blush to sweep jackies face.
"oh, heavens, they couldn't just finish the school year like jackie here, but no they had to leave the place in shambles...to start a joke shop no less..."Mrs Weasley continued to ramble on about the poor choices of her sons
"i'd love to ginny"
"i think you oaught to tell him tomorrow"ginny whispered so only you could here
"thats what i was planning, i just don't know how to break it to him, gosh this would be so much easier if i didn't love him."
"last i heard this was just a little crush"
"well last time i didn't want to admit it to even myself"
"oh jakie" ginny said excitingly as she wrapped her arms around you
"i just know that you two will be perfect for eachother"
"well lets hope he thinks the same way"
"jackie we got to go" yelled your mother who was saying her good-byes to the mr and mrs weasley along with your dad.
"bye, see you tomorrow"
"tomorrow" ginny yelled back with a knowing smirk.
The next day Jackie was a mess, she didn't know what to wear, she had to look cute but not overboard, after all george thought they were still friends, oh what was she gonna do with her hair. 'ugh...george is never gonna like me like this' she thought.
Finally she was ready, she had her hair in a messy bun, but a braid to make it look a little done up but still casual. she wore her favortie black leggings and her favorite little blue dress, it was prettyb enough to be cute but since she wore this stuff all the time it would still look casual.
"mom i'm leaving" jackie said as she took the floo powder into her her hand and stepped into the fireplace.
"the burrow" she yelled as she was engoifed in a green flame.
she fell out into the living room of the burrow, and was immediatly engolfed into a hug by Mrs. Weasley
"oh, darling, ginny should be down in just a little, the boys are already there, but mr weasley and i are gonna stay here."
"i heard my name" yelled a voice from the top of the stairs and sure enough there was ginny weasley.
and with that they appartided straight to the outside of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, ginny gave jackie a look before going inside to find the others. Jackie was frozen in awe at the colorfulness and welcoming feeling of the store, this was truly their dream. Jackie took her first step in, this place was booming with business. She saw the twins making their way around the store, fixing things, filling shelves, help costumers.
She couldn't help but watch him with a grin on her face. He still looked the same, if not better since the last time she saw him. He had the same crooked smile that made her heart leap. He gave a little boy one of their famous fireworks, the boy set it off and out flew a giant bird that scared some older lady thier with her son. Then he laughed....oh that laugh how it made her melt inside. He walked back to the cash register. It was now or never, Jackie thought as she made her way towards him, when she came abrumptly to a stop. There she was. No Jackie didn't know this girl, but from the looks of it george did, very well. He gave he a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before disappearing into the back room.
Jakie booked it for the door, and Ginny was right behind her seeing the same thing as jackie had.
Jackie found the nearest bench and fell down bursting into tears.
"oh jackie, i had no clue, i'm soo sorry"
"its ok, i should have known that he just thought of me as a friend, i was stupid to think that he liked me like i liked him"suddenly she felt a burst of confidence, she grabbed the sweater in her hand and marched into the store. she didn't see him anywhere inside so she walked into the back.
"you can't go back there" said the girl from before, you saw that she was wearing work robes, just great she worked with him too.
"don't worry, i'm friends with the twins"jackie said snidly before continuing with her mission. and there she was him, in the corner looking at a picture.
the floor creaked and George looked up.
"jackie" said george staring in awe for a few minutes before pulling her into a hug. She smelt cinnamon, and she almost gave in before she remebered what she was doing, she clutched the sweater and pulled out of george's grasp.
"here" she said offering it to him with a small sad smile. at first he wouldn't take it, and the hurt in his eyes was hard to miss. so she put it on the chair he was just sitting in before walking out that door. George tried to stop her but as soon as she was outside that store she appartided home.
that night she crieds herself to sleep harder then any night at hogwarts after they left. What she didn't know was that George was crying himself. He clutched onto that sweater. He thought back to the night he had givin it to her.
they were walking together out on the grounds past curfew which was nothing new for these two, but umbridge sure was making it harder for these two. Tonight was the night before Fred and George were gonna leave this aweful place forever. But there was one thing George still had to do. Tonight was gonna be the night he confessed his feelings for jackie, he was just hoping that she would feel the same.
"jackie...there is somthing i have to....are you cold" he stops seeing as she is shivering. George takes off his home knit sweater from his mother and throughs it on her."here"
Jackie puts it on and blushes.
"Jackie there is somthing i've been meaning to tell you"
"Go on" an odvious smile streches across her beautiful face.
"hmmm hmmm" came that annoying hum
"what do we have here, two students out of there beds, past curfew no less,oh dear boys and girls do not belong conversing outdoors this late alone, what sinful heathens, off, back to your common rooms, now"
George and Jackie made it back to the common room safely.
"so goerge what did you want to say"
"i...the thing is...i kinda think...that i...well...oh i'll just say it...i lov..."george rambled but looked down when weight hit is cheast. There was Jackie, she had fallen asleep on his cheast" i love you" he whispered before levitating her to her own bed.
Why had he been such a coward, why did it have to be like this, what did he do wrong to make her feel like this.he kept contemplating these things while drifting off to sleep himself.
the next morning he was determined to get his feelings out. he went down to the loft where him and fred stayed to find fred and melissa making out on the couch, melissa was one of their employees and freds latest girl, actually she has lasted pretty long and was starting to become like family.
"hey fred, do you think i can get today off"
"finally gonna tell jackie how you feel bro?"
"jackie, was she the girl who came into the store yesturday"
"oh, now i feel bad, i gave her crap for trying to go back there"
"it's ok, i just need to work somethings out with her"
"sure bro, you can take the day off, but remember this...you owe me"
"k, whatever"
And with that George "popped" to the burrow
"oh george your here, sit, we are just having breakfast"
"no it's gine mom, i was actually just stopping bye so i could go talk to jackie next door"
"oh of coarse dear"
and with that george made his way over to the Ritter's House next door
"oh dear, it seems my little georgy has finally come to his sense" sniffled mrs. weasley as she watched him leave
It took George a few minutes to get to their house, seeing as there was a giant open field between both houses. he rung the doorbell hoping jackie would answer, he wanted to get this over with fast.but to his dismay Mrs Ritter opened the door.
"hello mrs ritters i was wondering if i could possibly speak with jackie"
"oh please george, your practically family please call me Shannon"
"alright, Shannon, i was wondering if i could speak with jackie, it's kinda important."
"oh coarse George, she is up in her room, i don't think she is awake yet"
Jackie sat by her windowsil, wondering if this pain would stop, when she heard a soft knock on her door. she didn't answer, she didn't really want to talk to anyone right now. but it seemed the person had other plans as the storm through the door, but stop in the middle of the room. There stood George Weasley, the George Weasley, the boy she was crying her eyes out for right now. She got ready to turn away not wanting to have George see her like this, but the look in his eye made her stop.
For a while the room was silent, neither of them speaking just boring into one another's eyes. Jackie looked ready to speak, but george beat her to the punch and pulled her into the most passionate kiss she has ever had. pulling apart she is stunned.
"now jackie before you say anything there is something i have to tell you...i love you, i have loved you since the moment i met you and i don't think i'll ever be able to stop, if you don't feel the same way say something....."george paused but after a while realizing she was not planning on inturpting him he continued "...but if you do feel the same way about me i need to know"
and with that jackie flings into george's arms and goes in for another kiss. but mid kiss she remembers something and pulls away.
"what about your girlfriend George"
"what, i don't have a girlfriend, at least not yet."
"but what about that girl who works with you?"jackie asks ignoring the last part of his sentance.
"melissa, oh she's not my girlfriend...."
"don't give me that i saw you kiss her cheek"
"yeah, thats because she is like a sister, fred's been going out with her since before we even left hogwarts"
"then how come i've never met her"
"oh she doesn't go to hogwarts, she lives here, she is the one who sold us the loft for the shop."
"sooo...jackie, now that that is set aside...will you go out with me"
"yes" jackie jumped into his arms for a excited hug, and thats when she smelt it...cinnamon.
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