#ok im. going apeshit im SCREAMING CRYING....
mariusroyale · 11 months
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boethiahsboytoy · 3 years
maybe someone more knowledgeable on mara can fight me on this but if i was the goddess of love and family and a traumatized little kid who had been spurned by his mortal parent and hated by his daedric parent came 2 me looking for comfort and reassurance that he wasnt a monster i would take him in and love him as i would all my children idk
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momoliee · 3 years
Hi....if you don't mind me asking, can I ask, who are your top 5 favorite TGCF characters? And why do you like them? Sorry if you've answered this question before....
Hi it’s totally fine!
[1. Mu Qing 2. Xie Lian 3. Pei Ming 4. Shi Qingxuan 5. He Xuan] [Honorary mentions : Hua Cheng and Quan Yizhen]
1. Mu Qing : born on the lower class side of an elitist, classist country, mu Qing had to work from a very young age to prove for his poor, sick mother. He’s had to endure the constant flaunting and bullying of the rich, endure being looked down upon and treated as dirt even tho those people weren’t much better than him in terms of cultivation or sword ability. Then he meets the crown prince and his body guard, and despite this guy being a filthy rich royalty, he still extends a kind hand, still treats him as an equal. It’s why for the first time, Mu Qing actually feels less, he feels inferior in terms of personality and wealth and capability and just, in terms of everything. Mu Qing then has to battle to incompatible emotions within him : jealousy and admiration. But mu Qing knows what’s right and what’s not, so he shoves the jealousy deep deep down cause Xie lian is his FRIEND, Xie lian is the guy who helped him. Yes they fall out, and it’s all mu qing’s fault for acting so cowardly, but not a day passes that he doesn’t spend it feeling guilty and horrible and hating his own existence for what he’s done. And when they meet again, he can’t confront him, can’t face him with what he’s done. So he acts like a little dick and picks on him. Helping him without telling anyone. You know, just being a tsundere. Their reconciliation is my favorite part, mu Qing admitting to all his thoughts and faults, and with all the vulnerability that he never allowed himself to ever expose, he reaches out a hand and asks to be his friend. Deep down hes a good guy, it’s just that he happens to be a prideful coward and an ass on the surface tho. (I can write a whole meta analysis on him but there are still 4 more characters so imma stop here)
2. Xie lian : I initially thought he was gonna be like, the stereotypical extremely nice and kind character who always smiles in the face or hardship and never complains. Basically the vanilla character that ive stopped liking a long long time ago. But he surprised me. Xie lian is an extremely three dimensional character who isn’t always kind or nice. Xie lian cries, complains, screams and yells, lashes out and WILL go full apeshit mode when hes driven to his limit. He will blame others for not seeing how hard he’s trying, but he will still continue to try anyway. He thought that kindness was the easiest choice to make, only to realize that kindness is the kind of choice that only matters when you still make it despite being UNABLE to afford making it. What does it mean to be rich and donate a small portion of your money compared to being poor and donating the only meal you managed to find to someone who is more in need. It’s why I love him. He’s a traumatized character through and through and him finally being allowed to heal is like a balm on my heart.
3. Pei ming : beloved manwhore, most precious slut of ours. The comic relief, hualian’s number one shipper and supporter and fan. Cleanest member of the heaven (besides fenqing). This man will have his fling then shower the woman with riches and make sure she’s well taken care of even if the sparks of desire have long since been extinguished. The most charming. Covering up for his friends no matter what. I just, I love him ok.
4. SQX : I’ve always found her/him extremely endearing and was always so so fond of him/her. She’s bubbly and kind and would always listen to you and never turn a deaf ear to a cry of help. But she wouldn’t complain, no matter what befell her she would take it without so much as a protest. The kind of friend everyone needs, especially Xie lian. The kind of sunshine energy that we all need some of tbh
5. He xuan : (this post is too long so im just shortening the metas bit by bit) extremely complex character, had everything taken from him, suffered some of the absolute worst trauma that he couldn’t recover from, and after being thoroughly emptied out, he filled himself up with revenge in order to keep going. Cause how else was he gonna keep going? Met someone who may or may not have made the years easier on him, only for said person to abandon him too. And after his revenge was complete, he went back to the initial emptiness, this pointlessness that dwells deep within him that he can’t get rid of. Idk I just find him very very tragic
Honorary mentions : Hua Cheng for obvious reasons and qyz because he’s the Goodest autistic boy who only ever wants to repay the people who were kind to him with 10x the kindness
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akihiko-sanada · 4 years
Ok first of all, bro,,, B R O, bro ilysm being able to infodump like this means so much to me for real. And second of all, this is gonna be very bullet point-e since I can't string a coherent sentence together to save my life. LET'S BEGIN:
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Tropes and dichotomies
Yukichie has a bunch of romantic tropes, including but not limited to:
-Beautiful and popular genius falls for airhead jock outcast.
-Childhood best friends to lovers.
-Two girls fall in love but one girl's close minded parents (yukikos) disapprove and kick her out so she suddenly moves in with chie (this definitely happened i'm sure of it).
Now the dichotomies:
Fire and ice: I feel like I don't even have to explain why this is romantic so I'm just gonna jump straight into the evidence: Yukiko is the teammate with Agi and Chie is the one with Bufu, one of Yukiko’s themes is called “Snowflakes” and there's also the twin dragons special move.
Sun and moon: Might be a stretch but I really do think that Yukiko is the moon, silent, beautiful and graceful while Chie is the sun, energetic, bright and hot to the touch.
Shadow Chie reveals that Chie developed an inferiority complex from constantly comparing herself to Yukiko (not surprising but aw :(), and part of this is her not feeling worthy of Yukiko and her company, bUT MEANWHILE YUKIKO HAS THE OPPOSITE PROBLEM WHERE SHE RELIES TOO MUCH ON CHIE,,, like shadow Yukiko literally says says to Chie “Chies my prince, she's a strong prince, or at least she was”, she hoped and relied on Chie to save her from having to take over the inn and having to stay in Inaba,,,,. ALSO WHEN SHADOW YUKIKO'S HEALTH IS LOW SHE SUMMONS A PRINCE SHADOW WTF, WTF WTF WTF, SHE STRAIGHT UP SUMMONS HER PRINCE, CHIE, WHEN SHE’S MOST VULNERABLE????? HELP???
And speaking of shadows, Chie is pretty calm when it comes to rescuing people from the TV world except for Yukiko, she goes absolutely APESHIT, says "You don't know SHIT about how I feel! Yukiko might DIE from this, for crying out loud! I'm going, and that's that!" before running HEADFIRST INTO A MONSTER INFESTED PALACE WITHOUT A PERSONA OF HER OWN,, TRUE LOVE RIGHT THERE BABY. She also almost single handedly beats up a whole ass police station for even suggesting that Yukiko was involved in the murders.
Color theory
I'm a huge rwby fan so colors is definitely gonna have its own section IFSFNS. Anyways, in color theory, colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel are considered complementary colors, and guess what the most used example for this? Green and red! Green and red always pop out when they're next to each other, and color is very important in p4 (for various reasons but a big example is how all the students at school wear dull colors except for the investigation team, they're just full on power rangers), so id like to think that making Yukiko’s and Chie’s colors the prime example of complementary colors was something intentional made to remind you of how well they work together.
Also: Chie “wow yukiko red looks really good on you” yukiko, twirling her hair “haha thanks do you mind if i wear it for the rest of my life-”. Also side note I’m 100% sure that Rio’s favourite color is red because it reminds her of Hamuko <3.
Comphet and obliviousness
It's very obvious that like, everyone’s in the investigation team suffers from comphet, especially considering their reaction to Kanji coming out (which is, something), but I'm only gonna talk about yukichies; first of all this whole scene screams of comphet, no one just gushes about their friend THAT much:
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Also, Chie disapproves of all of Yukiko's suitors cause she's subconsciously jealous, Chie is 100% a baby lesbian cause shes literally like: “haha im not a lesbian, I just cut my hair short and mostly hang out with guys because then I’ll be more masculine and men like girls so-aw shit”.
Also, Inaba is a breeding ground for comphet because it's a rural town in the middle of nowhere in a town where most of the popuñation is old so,,,yeah,,,.Yukiko feels like her only option in life is to take over the Amagi inn and follow in her family's footsteps, which would in turn be like rotting away in Inaba, so I like to think that the Amagi inn is some sort of metaphor for how being yourself is key even though it can disappoint your parents by making you stray from the path they paved for you, but that’s still an important step to take to become a better person and being true to yourself. Now that isn't very different from coming out now is it?
Official art and others
-Yukiko’s and Chie’s designs inspired Tomoe Tachibana and Maria Torres from Trauma Team and they’re hella gay
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-Yukiko and Chie are next to each other or side eyeing each other when the other isn't looking in 99% of the official art they're in, I wonder why that is-. Also if  you look through Chie’s gallery 90% of her photos include Yukiko and vice versa.
-Everyone in Inaba knows that Chie and Yukiko are practically dating cause some bullies literally threaten Chie with hurting Yukiko saying stuff like “that precious Yukiko-san of yours” and “So don't you care about what happens to your loved ones” LIKE HELLO???
-Chies social link? oh you mean the yukichie social link right? No but seriously like Chies social link revolves around Yukiko NANFFGGW
-Yukiko’s theme in p4u is “princess Amagi” and shadow Yukiko calls Chie her prince, coincidence? ABSOLUTELY NOT. 
Fun headcanons and random stuff
-Chie definitely short circuited for a full ten seconds when she saw Yukiko in a yukata for the first time
-I'm sure that when the investigation team meets up like 20 years after p4 they'll be like “wait Yukiko you've been living with Chie for years?? did you get married?” Yukiko and Chie who haven't even started dating officially “no?? what are you talking about- WAIT.”
-Yukiko and Chie: *adopt three cats and a dog and call them their children*, also yukichie “we’re just really good friends :)))”
-Yukiko and Chie definitely made out with each other a couple of times using the excuse of “were practising for when we have boyfriends”
In conclusion, yukiko and chie have the type of love where they've known each other for so long and care for each other so deeply and passionately that they don't need to search for a significant other because deep down they've always known they were each others. They've always pictured the other in their life from beginning to end but have yet to put together that they want to be in each others life romantically because of comphet and just, never really seeing each other as an option because they've just always been friends, nothing more nothing less. Thank you for coming to my ted talk I hope I gave you yukichie brainrot <3
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exycuter · 4 years
do you have any good kandrew and/or kandreil heavily featuring kandrew fic recs 👀? (my crops too are dying)
good evening thou whomst has rich and plentiful tastebuds! i made a kevin day fic rec post somewhere not too long ago that has sprinklings of kandreil/kandrew but as thoust have asked to dine on the chef's speciality.......i will offer some select palatable choices:
- i’m here (except when you’re not): i act up everytime i read this EVERY fuckign time i go crazy. please scroll down for my full review it got me FUCKED UP *****ESSENTIAL reading for any kandreil fan*****
-just short of a fairytale: extremely rare and treasured kandrew au!!!!! i also like the framing of it being set pretty fresh post-riko so u get a max Protective Andrew vibes. the last line has no business being as funny as it considering the actual content of this one is quite sad/angsty
-all we do: kandrew but make it about the near miss. quietly bittersweet......the andrew pov of this is like *hand flex pride and prejudice scene*
-any second: by same author as above the perfect example of why kandrew bitches know whats up. waiter i will take the violent clashing and quiet understanding to go please
-crux of the matter: kevin and andrew at their worst. not even explicitly kandrew but the kevin pov............a hot stove i will continuously return my hand to bc its too fucking irresistible to my goblin mind. the writing in this is like would u excuse me (SCREAMS)
(*sidenote: please read everything by above author sweetlikesugar on ao3. the kandrew holy scriptures themselves)
open hand or closed fist: ok the main pairing for this is actually jerejean (i have never typed that in my life is that what theyre called??) but kandreil is deliciously present yet understated AND this is such a fun cool au. it simply fucks!!!!!!
ignominy: the journey of this one. gee fuckin whiz! its 80k of kandriel au and it literally Epic in every sense. where u start is not where u end up. some parts of this made me fuckign cry i got too invested jkfhskhsdk . intensely well written !
bonus round!!!!!!!
n for nebulous: ok not actually kandreil this ones straight served andreil but andrew and kevins relationship in this one.........i go crazy i go apeshit i froth. im actually still in the middle of reading this right now but i love it v muchly so. i insist u indulge 
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1eos · 4 years
 @jungcircleo​ wanted me to look at dk’s birf chart nd *rookie announcer voice* WE’RE LIVE!
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and..........what the actual hell? as usual idk this dude BUT HIS LACK OF EVERY ELEMENT BUT AIR WHAT IN THE WORLD??????? ND THE AQUARIUS STELLIUM IM GONNA SCREAM
ok ok ok ok so air dominant ppl.....sociable, weird, fake intellectuals...etc. esp bc all of his air placements are in aquarius....aquarians r the peak of hipster fake intellectual culture. theyre so weird nd proud of it. tell an aquarius they aren’t original nd their heads would literally explode. nd to have no water, earth, or fire......bro i cant even imagine a person like this. having none of the other elements means he’s not super emotional, he’s not grounded, AND he’s kinda floppy for lack of a better word. 
his moon IS in cancer so good news he’s not the standard ‘my god complex gets in the way of my emotions’’ aquarius. the bad news is......its a cancer moon. cancer moons are so fucking weird bc they honest to god need attention (good or bad) or they will fizzle away into dust. 
\cancer moon men can be really warm nd i think its a good placement so that they actually wash their ass nd cry BUT it makes their ego sooooooooooooo sensitive. nd cancer moons (like all water moons) love to be the victim. even if theyre in the wrong. ESP when theyre in the wrong. like...cancer moons will assume ure mad at them bc u texted back 4 minutes slower than usual then get mad at YOU for being mad at THEM even tho......u werent. just a lot of drama
nd ANOTHER AQUARIUS VENUS! say it with me class 🗣CHEATER!!!!!!!!!!!🗣  aquarius suns have commitment issues anyways but to double it with an aqua venus too? story time: met an aqua girl on tinder. when i was busy she would text me non stop. when i finally showed interest nd got invested she dropped off. that’s ALL AQUARIANS. idk what it is with them.........they just move on to the next one the moment things get even a lil serious. but they also crave companionship -_____________-
wait. oh god not the aqua mercury 😭😭😭😭 mercury is the planet of communication nd aqua mercury means this dude always got an opinion and/or something weird to say. aqua mercury ppl have to say off the wall shit. they cant help it. this dude will argue the color of the sky bc aqua mercury ppl just cant AGREE! THEY CAN’T JUST SAY YES. THEY HAVE TO ADD SOME SHIT ND THEY HAVE TO ARGUE. they fucking survive on irritating ppl by starting impromptu debates
libra mars..............OHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! LIBRA MARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mars is anger/aggression nd u would think libra mars ppl  are harmless right? like all the other air mars dont have hands nd all they can do is run their mouth but libra mars can have some serious tempers. like for the most part this dude wants to get along w ppl (even tho all his aquarius placements makes him insufferable on some level cabuz he thinks he’s always right) nd he may even be a bit of a doormat bc libra placements would rather be a pushover rather than being hated........but. BUT! when libra mars ppl snap. they fucking SNAP. that dude from  got7 that threw the laptop? he has a libra mars. libra mars ppl r  the living embodiment of that post that goes ‘arent u tired of being nice? dont u wanna go apeshit?’ watch out he might have hands aklffklallk
overall this is a talkative dude that always has some shit to say nd he pretends to be cool calm nd collected but inside everything hurts his feelings nd if he ever gets pushed over the edge........somebody gone die
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neeksknocks · 4 years
All of the songs
stephanie......stephanie that’s so many.....but challenge accepted (thank u queen)
1. A song that reminds you of your childhood
crawling by linkin park No I Don’t Wanna Talk About It i was edgy at 8 years old
2. A song to sleep to
where do i go from here by a year on earth ... so calming
3. A song that your best friend loves
.........my axe by insane clown posse. yes reagan is a juggalo no i don’t wanna talk about it
4. A song that hypes you the fuck up
tantrum by ashnikko ... very big “aren’t you tired of being nice? don’t you just want to go apeshit?” vibes
5. A song you like to daydream to
maker (acoustic) by anjimile it literally takes me to another planet
6. A song that’s on at least 3 of your playlists
cop car by mitski ..... what can i say ... i get mean when i’m nervous (like a bad dog)
7. A song that you love from a genre you don’t usually like
this is super tough because i pretty much like every genre to some degree, but i’m usually not crazy about funk so i had to listen to a couple of ones to get this but it’s your thing by the isley brothers actually slaps a little ngl
8. A song that you liked when you where 10 that still slaps
literally fucking anything from three days grace’s first three albums but ESPECIALLY time of dying 
9. A song that makes you want to go on an adventure
strange town by ok otter like yes i want to discover the unknown and disappear mysteriously 
10. A song you’d want to dance with your partner to ( or future partner )
honeybee by steam powered giraffe (rose if ur reading this im coming for u post quarantine)
11. A song to stomp around and pout to
anything like me by poppy ... the vibes are immaculate 
12. A song to listen to whilst you lie in a meadow
still feel it all by maro it gives me. every emotions
13. A song that reflects your views on love
i wouldn’t ask you by clairo ..... yes im quirky yes i’m damaged yes i associate this song with naruto and sasuke what about it 
14. A song to sing to the sun
photos from when we were young by nana grizol ... not for any particular reason it just fits in my brain
15. A song you like that sounds like its on the soundtrack to an indie coming of age film
i literally have a whole PLAYLIST of these songs but joyride by adam melchor
16. A song that you like that romanticises being a teenager
high dive by andrew mcmahon in the wilderness!
17. A song that makes you want to grab your friends jump up and down dancing and screaming the lyrics
dear future self (hands up) by fall out boy YES I KNOW but when i first hear this song i went into a fugue state and listened on loop for 6 hours and i have not listened to it since
18. A song that you like that the lyrics are just so beautiful they’re practically poetry
the predatory wasp of the palisades is out to get us! by sufjan stevens LISTEN i am GAY and i READ THE GOLDFINCH i don’t choose to bear cross it chose me
19. A song that you can imagine listening to in an abandoned church ( if it isn’t hozier im judging you, but whatever )
in the woods somewhere by hozier when i commit crimes i think about this song 
20. A song from the soundtrack of a film that you like so much after the film finished you immediately looked for it
literally any song from the turning (because the soundtrack was the only good part of the movie askfjklgjs) but especially feed by soccer mommy
22. A song for when the sun has gone down and you are feeling absolutely buck-wild with exhilaration!
cat’s eyes and rosebuds by so much light .... bro just the vibes its a lil freaky ya feel
22. A song that makes you feel like you’re strolling through Ancient Greece living your best life
brutus by the buttress (somewhat in name only but also because that song makes me as well want to stab caesar) 
23. A song that when you listen to it you’re transported to a liminal space, time is pointless and you must sit and wallow in the void that remains
over and over by chris garneau . i am guaranteed to start crying if i think about this song too much after it comes on shuffle
24. A song to listen to on a long drive when you have the really strong urge to keep driving until you find somewhere to start a new life (preferably a europian city whose language you don’t speak)
the bug collector by haley heynderickx 
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