#ok ill be productive and like present
muckyschmuck · 9 months
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shaking Sweating BLEEDING for the mainline
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saintjosie · 2 years
Ok from a transfemme to a trans woman - how do you makeup? I've been wanting to get into it for so long but the first time I tried was an absolute disaster, and I can't find any tutorials that go through the absolute beginner basics
tbh, you have to just keep on doing it even though it’s a complete disaster. i started my transition in 2020 but i was doing makeup and “cross dressing” for nearly 8 years before i considered myself to be trans. and it was years before i was able to do makeup to the point where i felt good about the way that i looked every time i did it.
that being said, there’s no guide that’s gonna be able to tell you everything you need to know but i’ll try to give as many tips and jumping points i can in order for you to try out things and figure out what to look up.
- make up is different for everyone - everyone has a different face shape, eye shape, cheekbones, jawline, complexion, etc. and the way to do makeup that looks good for you specifically is going to vary a shit ton based on those things. when you look up stuff, look up how to do makeup for a certain set of features. figure out what face shape you have, skin types for foundation, etc.
- there’s no one right way to do it - i do a bunch of things that are “technically incorrect” because i’ve tried it the “right” way and it just didn’t work for me. so i figured out something that i liked instead and make that a technique i used regularly. also even though people will say you’re supposed to do certain things, a different technique might yield a different result. as an example, conventional wisdom will say use primer, foundation, then a translucent or setting powder, then a setting spray. recently a very popular technique has been using moisturizer, then setting powder, then setting spray, THEN putting on all your other makeup and supposedly it lasts longer. there’s literally no “correct” way, it’s just whatever works.
- blend the shit out of everything. this is the one technique which pretty much applies for everyone. blend blend blend blend. i like using a beauty sponge. run it under the tap for a second (literally a second, you want it moist not wet) to wet the sponge and then use dabbing motions to blend your makeup.
- asking for help at makeup stores helps A LOT. i’ve had really really good experiences asking for help at makeup stores even though i was super uncomfortable with the idea at first. i found that a lot of people were judgement free and even very gender affirming even when i was presenting masc. and i live in the south!
okay now to more granular stuff - here’s the basics of what i would consider to go into a “full face” makeup routine - primer, foundation, concealer, highlight/contour, setting. eye makeup would add additional things - eyeliner, mascara/lashes, eyeshadow. lips add additional things as well - lipstick, lipliner. ill try to go through the entire process and add my fav products or two. (i should probably make this into a video series tbh)
1) primer - it protects your skin and makes your makeup stay longer and look better. use it.
- my fav: the ordinary - high fluidity primer
2) color correcting concealer - an optional step for transfemmes like me with darker colored facial hair. using a reddish or orangish color correcting concealer or lipstick over the areas where your facial hair shows through the skin will neutralize the shadow that shows through foundation. add a little bit, sparingly, blend with a sponge.
- my fav: la girl color correcting concealer orange
(the best one of these is made by dragun beauty who is a trans woman…but who did blackface…so don’t buy her shit)
3) foundation - figuring out your color is hard. look up a guide, ask in store, try a bunch of different ones. there’s a difference in coverages. full coverage means its made to cover everything. buildable means you need to apply and blend a few times and is good for if you don’t want heavy coverage everywhere. don’t use too much otherwise you’ll look like a plastic doll. unless you want to look like that then go nuts. blend the shit out of it so that it doesn’t cake up.
- my fav: juvias place bc it’s full coverage and actually has my skin tone as an asian person
4) concealer - this is different from color corrector and i usually do this after foundation. this is just a touch up for any blemishes, dark spots under eyes, pimples, shit like that. just use a tiny tiny dab and blend. this is also hard to get your color right so get help if you can.
- my fav: colourpop concealer, or nars concealer if you’re a fancy bitch
5) blush - i don’t really use blush much but blush is one of those things where you should look up a guide for how your face is shaped. positioning blush in different ways will help shape your face in different ways.
6) contouring - okay this is the hard one. i can’t tell you how to contour your face because this is one that varies a shit ton from person to person. the basic gist of it tho is that you are using a contouring stick, bronzer, or palette to add shadows to your face. when you put on foundation it makes everything an even color and makes you look flat, so contouring is basically drawing those shadows back in to contour your face. you can do this in so many ways even for your own face so imo, you experiment and see how you like it. typical places for contour to go will be under my cheekbones, on my nose bridge, sometimes under my jaw to slim the face.
- my fav: i can’t remember i’ll come back to this one
also i drew this diagram a long time ago to help myself get the idea of where i wanted to put it on my own face and i went from there. the brown was contour and the other color was highlight. i don’t do it like this at all anymore but it helped to get the basic idea at first.
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7) highlight - the opposite of contour where you’re making certain parts of your face brighter to contrast the darker parts. typically goes on your cheekbones and nose.
- my fav: watts up by benefit
8) translucent powder/setting powder - okay so this one can either go after foundation, before blush, contour, highlighter, or here. basically it’s a powder that goes evenly over your whole face to help your makeup stay where it is. personally i usually do it after foundation instead of here but either works. basically you take a powder brush (the big floofy ones) and then put it all over lightly.
- my fav: nyx hd finishing powder
9) setting spray - it’s a spray that you put on last to help your makeup stay where it is. shake up the bottle real good and just mist it all over.
- my fav: tarte shape tape stay spray
okay i’m tired now and that’s plenty for now. i’ll update with lip and eye stuff later.
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Lights.... Camera.... EDD-TION... huh!!!! huh???... was that?? was that funny???......
Ok I'll leave. Whoops, it seems like our boys have been subjected to the hell that is community theater all for their individual reasons. Follow them on their many misadventures as they put together a nondescript play run by none other than EVIL- I mean normal director Bing Bingbong! (And his bodyguard Larry).
Here YOU can get some behind the curtain information on how the production is going, how cast and crews are doing and many other things of asking nature by pressing that little button at the top!
With that out of the way let's do a little role call for our cast here! Wait what do you mean only one (and a half) of our guys act in this?
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more below! (*RULES AT VERY END!*) (sorry)
Looking for a little extra cash one day Edd comes across a TV ad about a few spots open in the theater for an upcoming , unnamed production. Naturally his friends sat close by also watching. Together they decided they'd go in, try their hand at it and once the show was over put together all the money they got and split it equally. Edd easily got into props and set design because Bing knew he was an artist and for a director he's fairly lazy when it comes to assigning jobs and roles. Edd doesn't really struggle all too much with props and sets due to his prior painting experience. But the behind the stage activities and chaos get to him a bit. Needless to say he's just a inch more tired than his usual self
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Matt got assigned as an understudy for the lead role which he was pretty bummed out about at first! But as time went on the lead had fallen ill. Matt was the temporary lead! Good for him. Bing didn't really think about the repercussions of having Matt as an understudy for the lead but it's already pretty far in the show to change things around in Bing's eyes. He's just a bit stuck up... stuck up enough to make everything about himself and to be fair his, his well everything skills are a bit subpar. But not many people are signing up for this production he'll do!
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You would think Tom would just take one job but unfortunately just a week prior to this his guitar Susan had fallen apart (wow so unexpected amiright--.) In order to make enough money to fix her Tom had taken a background role. Should be easy, he has to say only one line! Well Tom doesn't know this yet but uhm! He has horrible stage fright, he freezes the instant he's made to act and this is just one miniscule line before he can just go back up to the sound stage and get that done but this one line stumps him. Will he be able to act by the end of pre-production??
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Tord took lighting because it was there. Bing didn't care just as much as Tord and he could use a few dollars. Though he's the only one who openly finds it a bit weird that Bing is making a play that isn't even titled... and seemingly has little to no plot aside from a few things pulled from other movie scripts of Bing's past. He slacks off a lot and spends most of his time doing odd tasks and just floating around (occasionally causing mischief) (ok what am I saying he has purposely made stage lights fall on people before). He doesn't really like that the sound studio is right in the same room as the lighting booth. This will be fun.
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Now that all the fun stuff is out of the way let's glance over at the rules and regulations!
-No proshippers or NSFW accounts allowed here!
- The people behind this account are both minors and would rather not have sexual asks or comments made about the au
- No ships are really present at the moment for right now this is mostly focused on the guys misadventures
- The main tag for all the tasks goes under "EDD-tion asks". Some non ask drawings and events will be shown under the tag "#EDD-tion comic". Occasionally art that isn't a ask or event will be under "#EDD-tion art." And for all who wish to draw fanart (would be very awesome!!) you can tag this account and or post under a fanart tag (#LCE fanart, #Lights, Camera Edd-tion (fanart/art) etc)
- As for non art related tags. "#Off-stage" is for out of character posts, "#Important" is for announcements.
---Enjoy the show!
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mightyfloofy · 8 months
Talking a little on the recent mangas I've started reading this week😗✨📚(two of them are new to me, for the others, I've picked up on the manga after finishing their current anime seasons) 💚THERE MIGHT BE SPOILERS💚
1) Tomodachi Game:
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So i think I've only read up to around 12 chapters or so and it's so good????
The roller-coaster of emotions it's making me have though- like i started loving Tenji with my whole heart and soul then he...disappointed me. Then he earned my trust again- a whole twist.
Yuuichi is a pretty good MC so far. Bro is a cutie.
Sawaragi pisses me off a little. Idk how to explain it though.
Yuutori my girl 💜
Shibe um... 💀💀💀 Yeah. And no i don't dislike him for what he tried to do in chapter 2 or so. I just... He's too dumb.
Also the art?????? Muah
I watched some scenes of the anime in the beginning after i read a couple of chapters and it's...disappointing. Even the animation is wonky.
But just- the art style has me in luvvvv
Manabu-kun keeps on gaslighting, gatekeeping and girlbossing every chapter.
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Also, I'm praying for my boy Yuuichi's sanity. At first i was like "Sawaragi, i get hes cute but WHAT do u see in him??" and i see now. My girl has some amazing taste, at least for that.
2) Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
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I've only read 4 chapters but this shit has me ROLLINGGGG
It's so funny pls
The art is also pretty good too. I'm not really a fan of Slice of Life, but this one hits.
Also, pretty boi alert:
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My favorite character so far is this guy though:
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He's so babygirl ✨✨✨✨
3) Demon Slayer
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So I started reading it right after the events of season 3, of course.
Giyuu's backstory lowkey hit home-
He needs a hug. I won't say more.
Tanjiro is precious, as always, just like Nezukooo (a loud 'Nezuko-chan' came in my and after i typed that)
Oh yeah, Zenitsu:
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Me to Shinobu, "Doctor, hes out again"
Nah because he didn't have to chomp Tanjiro's sky wide forehead like that???? 😭😭😭
So i have two volumes of Demon Slayer at home and i gotta say, the art improved and it's nice to have seen it grow. I know it's like this for most mangakas, but here i didnt see a whole art style change or whatever but something becoming finer while keeping that style very present.
The story is at its peak right now, i reached up to the point where Muzan decided to heehee himself in the no-no place for him. (idk how to say this without spoiling)
I'm luving it so far
Also, my husband:
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I miss his gorgeous face LAWDDDDD HAVE MERCYYY
Though i already loved him before seeing his face.
I've finally memorised the master's name: Ubuyashiki
It's an achievement.
4) Blue Lock
Ok i can't add pics anymore but I'm confident most people know what it is without having watched it.
I wanted to share some nice Rin pics but guess it'll be for another time. (yall will be missing out on my man)
So, i picked up from where the first season stops and-
I miss Kunigami. A lot. He was one of my favs 😭😪
Shidou is special (him telling Isagi he'd love to see him explode again got me praying for him fr)
The story has taken a nice turn with the U-20 team rushing things up. I love it but i want to see Sae play already so I'm being an impatient little bug.
The art is MUAH as always. I love the lines added for light shading, ill probably inspire myself off it for future drawings.
Hiori needs to be friends with Chigiri so they can talk about hair products (Hiori is like a short-haired Chigiri with cyan hair. My boy has naturally long lashes (Rin's remain better 💅)
That's all, folks!
I hope to read even more in the upcoming days and hopefully I'll get to talk about them like i just did above.
Expect headcanons from each of these mangas 💜💜💜
And you can even send me recommendations 😙✨
It's midnight where I am like damn-
Bye byeeeee
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melissa-titanium · 2 months
id like to preface this rant with a picture of my cat & also a disclaimer that this isn't like. a vent or a call for help ir anything i just like musing about this stuff. talking outloud to myself if you will. i'm doing perfectly well right now but im thinkingggg and id like to spill it somewhere so it doesnt overflow. i don't think i'll be replying to responses if there is any but i'd definitely love to /read/ responses if youd like to share your own thoughts. :)) <3
ok. my cat as promised
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alright. ive been thinking. i have always been rather pessimistic, a product of my youth and developmental environment, so i like to take my thoughts with a grain of salt with the understanding that what i see things as can be wildly different from other people. essentially i try my best to be self aware, but i have slip ups. we all do!
and again, i know dark times in your life pass, they always will if you're strong enough to persevere! i'd know, after many terrible terrible times i came close to the brink but managed to bounce back. i have everyone i have ever met over the years to thank, i could not name them all but especially hellholians. even if the server will never have the same amount of activity, even if we are all different people than who we were during the fucking insane years that were 2020-2022, those were some of the most influential years of my entire life & i have so many great and terrible memories from that time. i don't know if i truly have any influence in other peoples lives as they do in mine, but i'm glad to have been atleast a small part of everyone there's life. hellhole got me through some of the most inane fucking bullshit i have ever experienced in my life and even if i was an annoying piece of shit back then i am glad everyone tolerated me. ok sentiment over ill be here forever if i dont end it.
essentially. to reiterate the sentence i derailed. i know everyone has dark times in their life. and i know a good support system and spite can seriously help you get through those times... but to take from a good metaphor i saw some time ago that i can't find the source for the life of me; what do you even do once you've escaped the dark? you lose so much blood on the way to freedom that once you're out of that terrible place you can't do anything but collapse in on yourself. the adrenaline has run out and now the only thing thats left is the husk of what you were before the darkness hit. in some cases people have evidence of who they were, proof that they were /someone./ but i suppose in my case & others ofc, the terrible things happened so consistently and so constantly that i (and again, others) had no chance to even create that concept, to get an idea of who "i" am. sometimes it feels like ive been hollowed out and left to dry in the sun, other times it feels like ive been shattered into a thousand different evershifting versions of myself, and other times it just feels like i'm not even in my body. i'm not acting like this is a unique experience in the slightest, i know damn well there are people who have had it MUCH worse than me. it just frustrates me sometimes to be so little of a person that never existed, especially when people often force their ideas of who that person was onto me.
to describe things a little less cryptically -- i don't know who i am. yeah, i'm not supposed to have it all figured out at 15, i'm not fucking stupid, but sometimes it just feels like i'm falling so behind in the self-discovery department. so many people i know seem (SEEM, i know it isn't always that way on the inside) to be confident in who they are and how they present themself to other people, and then i'm just there struggling to differentiate the dream i had three weeks ago with present reality & juggling three different terrible outcomes to a conversation i made up in my head & also debating whether to kill everyone i know in cold blood and dissapear off the radar. every single interaction i have with people is some fucked up infinitely and needlessly complicated labyrinth of a mindgame. i suppose im getting tired but basically i feel like why im so bad at maintaining friendships is i can never ever find a comfortable level to talk to people with until AFTER i've had time to analyze them & how they behave so i can react accordingly. it's not necessarily that i'm accommodating for them, it's that they've already accommodated for me & i'm simply reflecting their behaviour. if i ever say i'm being sincere, but talk completely and totally different to another person, i'm probably not lying. i've been asked by a handful of wonderfully insightful people (whom i love. you know who you guys are <3) who have sort of unintentionally helped me understand these pwrts of me. but for now im going to sleep intotally lost the motifve of this rant uhhw
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onemorecupofcoffee · 3 months
k so once a complete unknown comes out idk what i'll do. first off i have no idea if ill be hyperfixated on bob but it's been a LONG hyperfixation so yknow. maybe. and it's honestly only probably gonna be a year bc theyve made us wait sooo long and theyre done with filming and theyve recorded most if not all the songs and post production shouldnt take long bc theres not like huge cgi shit so. which means theres a good chance itll be out before winter 2025 . now i have irl friends who are timothee fans who want to see the movie when it comes out. so a lot of timothee fans will def go see the movie, but the general population?. i honestly dont know its def marketed more towardsa general audience but like its not like wonka was the biggest movie of the year or anything or the songs went off the charts. but my prediction is that one dylan song that wasnt as popular before will trend on tiktok or something bc timothee covered it and timothees version will become more popular than the og. idk which song bc im honestly not sure if theyre gonna do just any bob song or only the era presented in the movie. if its the era in the movie i think its gonna be an another side of bob dylan song bc that entire album is pretty underrated, except for my back pages it's not that popular for dylan, and it has a lot of lyrically amazing songs. im thinking maybe i dont believe you she acts like we never have met, n it would make sense to play in the movie. but it could be any song , like if theyre playing all eras bob then probably one of his newer songs. But a lot of timothee fans are like ok someones gonna get an oscar for something and im like . ugh no. but its a possibility bc oscars suck so then it would obviously become even more popular. theyre not gonna depict dylan correctly though and then people are gonna believe a scene in the movie actually happened and its like NO IT DIDNT just like the doors movie holy shit i hate that movie . but it could be decent it could turn out ok despite the horrid casting . do i think theyre gonna play other songs yes!!! not just dylan other baez, other folk songs definitely it actually seems like they paid attention to some things. the fashion was not it but the set decorators did an amzing job actually so it seems like there was SOME work that went into this movie. now i thijk theyre gonna end it at newport folk festival but they should end it at motorcycle accident but whatever . but its gonna be like mainl dylan i think but they said its an ensemble piece meaning its also gonna be focused on joan and fake suze rotolo/sylvie/ whatever the fuck her name is. and pete seeger bc hes been in a lot of the paparazzi pics so?. hes there too. and maybe woody guthrie hopefully woody guthrie obviously woody guthrie and they filmed in new jersey so its kinda like yeah. but hes gonna be sick so theyre not gonna really show him but theyre gonna show dylan meeting him. i dont think theyre gonna really show dylans childhood, yea timmy went to hibbing but everyone knows dylan lied a lot so no one knows anything about his childhood really. i think the main romance plot will literally just be bob being like choosing between joan and sylvie or some boring shit like that and theyre not gonna understand the weird fucking relationship bob had with joan or anything. but its gonna be dumb straight love triangle bc the writers are boring and not like im not there todd haynes where haynes understood dylan was queer as fuck and made multiple references to dylan being queer insome way theyre not gonna do that. and timmy will NOT top cate blanchett ever but he might win the oscar even though cate literally deserved that oscar. So the world will explode if it gets popular and then someone will cancel bob dylan or something . and bob dylan dies after seeing it "the worst experience of my life" and theyre gonna botch and popify the songssooo bad but theyre gonna get so popular its so dumb everything is dumb and then bob dylan will have a dumb modern resurgence but by people who dont know anything about him
and wont care to learn aside from that dumb biopic im sorry im welcoming new fans but i feel like theyre just gonna not actually wanna learn about him aside from timmy biopic . And its like. come on. but his records will get more popular and more valuable i mean gen z listens to a lot of physical media maybe his tour might be more popular too if hes still alive so in general people are like hey this guys pretty good or something but then everyone will kinda forget about him but sokme people will stay. i think . and then its like some weird shit gets out about him again he says something out of pocket about the biopic and then everyones like thats Odd. and the biopic keeps getting memed out of context maybe a bob meme will become very popular .. and timmy clitoris fans will be like this is the best film ever and petition for it to win best film at oscra s or something dymb andits all dumb stupif shit and then someones like Hey bob dylan was a fuckign faggot and everyone realises bob WAS fafuckin g faggot and its finally recognize d anf then people boycott the biopic bc it erases queer history rightfully so and then some people who dgaf about bob dont like the biopic and then timmy clitoris apologizes saying he didnt know and hes not queer though even though hes a fuciing twink and then bob slike yeha i had gay sex with george harrison. so what and everyones like Ohhh i knew it but those stupid people are like wtf? bob dylna is GAY? and then itslike ok open your eyes and then at the oscars timmy clitoris has to apologize again saying he didnt know bob dylan was queer and everyones like oh its ok but inrreality we hate you and cate blanchett knew it the whole TIME! and then the biopic is burned people burndown their copies of it and its INSANE and everyones INWSNE and then traveling wilbyurys biopic comes out and theres a sex scene with george and bob in like 2030 bc of the beatles biopics too ! and timyms like dsaved is my fav bob dylan album and he triesto join the fandom but everyone boos him and he dies before bob dies and alos never meets bob
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waluigis-biggest-fan · 5 months
So I wanted to explain some stuff for a friend who's not into Battletech so that he knows what I'm talking about.
Pre-Star League
humanity expands out to form the Inner Sphere (basically the closest planets to Earth which is called Terra because sci-fi story) and the periphery (planets further than the Inner Sphere). Then humanity had a big war, like we do, and formed the Star League.
Star League (2570-2780)
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Humanity forms space United Nations but this United Nations has an emperor and 5 great houses, namely House Steiner, House Merik, House Davion, House Kurita, and House Liao (we'll get to them in a second). It was all Star Trek and happiness (except for the fucks at House Kurita who kept trying to samurai duel people with mechs to the point there was an elite organization called the Gunslinger Program specifically trained for dealing with their bullshit). Then this fucker Ameris came along and tried to take it all over. This not fucker called Karensky kicked his ass then took all the Star League Defense Forces (space UN peacekeepers) and fucked off beyond the periphery where nobody heard about them for hundreds of years.
Succession Wars (2781-3049)
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Ok so now we get to the most commonly used era in Battletech, the Succession Wars. Basically, every House wanted to create a new Star League with themselves as the leader. This is followed by two centuries of warfare encouraged by the fucks at Comstar (we'll get to them too don't you worry your pretty little head).
Clan Invasion (3050-3061)
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OH HEY SO YOU REMEMBER KARENSKY AND HIS FUCKERS!?! So they came back but now they're a warrior cult based around fighting in Battlemechs. Whereas the rest of the galaxy was involved in war that destroyed all their tech production bases, the Clans were having a technological renaissance so their shit is better than the Inner Sphere shit. They fight a lot and kill a lot until eventually Comstar challenges them to a Batchal (their version of a duel but on a planetary scale with multiple armies involved). The clans all sent basically 2/3rds of their entire armies to fight Comstar...
and Comstar kicked their fucking asses.
The general who Comstar chose to do so was named Focht and that's exactly what he told the Clans to get. They retreated and could no longer threaten the newly reforged Star League.
Civil War (3062-3067)
So now the newly reforged Star League immediately started infighting and destroying itself. Go figure.
Jihad (3068-3080)
The Word of Blake, a religious cult offshoot of Comstar, starts jihading everybody after Star League 2: Electric Boogaloo falls apart.
Dark Age (3081-3150)
Nobody liked this era and it doesn't matter. Basically, the internet shut down and everyone lost their minds.
IlClan (3151-Present)
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(Credit to KingsofWinter on Deviantart for the map)
The Clans form a massive big clan called the IlClan (pronounced ill-clan) who conquer Terra and form a new Star League but with tech-fetishism and batchals.
Everyone is still fighting.
The Big Factions
There are a couple big factions with a lot of lore to them so I'll get the main ones out of the way just so you know them.
House Steiner (Lyran Commonwealth)
Germans with attitude and no sense of stealth. Basically just take the biggest mechs possible and throw them at the enemy.
House Merik (Free Worlds League)
'Murica fuck yeah.
House Kurita (Draconis Combine)
You know japan? Its that but in space.
House Davion (Federated Suns)
Also 'Murica fuck yeah but with a more knightly aesthetic.
House Liao (Capellan Confederation)
China plus Soviet Russia.
A cult that runs all the faster than light telephones. They basically stop technology from progressing and keep everyone at war with stealth operations. They also control Terra and nowhere else. Their plan is basically to blast humanity back to the stone age then everyone will have to follow their cult's teachings. Fun stuff.
Terms and Definitions
Battlemech: Just a mech designed to fight.
Autocannon (AC): An automatic canon. The higher the number after it, the bigger the rounds it fires.
Particle Projector Cannon (PPC): It takes a particle and accelerates it massively. Its the worst weapon you can get hit by in Battletech short of a Gauss Rifle or a Heavy PPC.
Extra Range (ER): Some weapons have extra range variants. It does what it says on the tin.
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magmalaz · 1 year
I just created a Hi-Fi Rush AU!(along with a friend who has enabled my hyperfixation) :D Presenting...
The Swapped!AU (or the HiFiSwapped!AU, for tagging purposes)
This Au changes the main team, loosely like this:
Chai is Chai, he is eternal 
Peppermint gets replaced by Kale
808 gets replaced by a new character, 373 the doggo bot
Macaron gets replaced by Zanzo 
Korsica gets replaced by Rekka 
and Roquefort is there
On top of that, Peppermint replaces Kale as the CEO (And Macaron replaces Zanzo, but yeah)
I also replaced Roquefort with a brainwashed Roxanne as the Head of Finance because i really wanted to keep it down with the ocs.
Ok! Now i show you my designs and explain more (cut here because this is a long post)
First of:
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I based most of her redesign on her costumes.
In this AU, she felt ignored by her family due to Kale being the favored child and, after a few years of planning, took over Vandelay Technologies.
She usurped the company from Roxanne simularly to Kale, using a program/AU!Spectra to control Roxanne to step down and become the Head of Finance instead.
She is a hands on type of person, so she is more prominent than Kale was canonically.
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His and Peppermints ages are closer together in this Au.
Kale is pretty simular to his canon self. He was used to other people doing most of the work for him and is very bossy at the start. He left home because he felt like he wasn't his own person(and because he thought his mother was too overbearing).
He was, like Peppermint, very skeptical of Chai in the beginning, but he was glad to not have to do all the dirty work anymore.
He can overcharge doors and vents, but he can't break the shields of the enemies. Due to this, they don't get introduced until the R&D tracks. Oh and Zanzo takes this over once he gets around.
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This counts as an oc i think. 373 (Now known as Subw00fr!) My baby boy!
He was named after a synthesizer
373 is Kales version of 808! He is based on a golden retriever. Nothing more to say here this is the best one
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This version of him starts as a human, suffering from a chronic illness. He was a family friend of the Vandelays and stuck around with Kale as a father figure.
As the story progresses, he will eventually look like his canon version. This lets him do the same things Korsica canonically does.
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Rekka starts as the Head of Production like in canon. She is a lot less overbearing and more reasonable (She is still the strict Boss we love tho-) and she is very skeptical of Peppermint, as in this AU she was the Head of Production under Roxanne as well.
After the canon fight, instead of exploding she joins the gang instead (due to Roquefort convincing her. Neither Kale nor Chai would manage that at this point)
Due to her strength, she can break Z-Shielding, which gets introduced earlier in this AU. And she replaces Korsica in the Hideout.
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Zanzo was the Head of R&D under Roxanne instead of Macaron. His money spending habits were not canon-level bad in this AU because otherwise this would not work-
He was subsequently thrown out as Peppermint took over and from then on hid in R&D. Alone.
In this AU he was also the one that build Kales robot body after an accident. This is so I can write drama because they now know eachother.
Zanzo replaces Macaron in the Hideout and can overload regular shielding(with his swords like the anime character he is) . He also constantly tests new stuff on Chai, under the guise of 'Training'.
I will be writing a fanfiction on this AU and i will link it here once i get it going!
Hope you enjoyed my chaos!
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nyaqtn · 23 days
♪(´ε` ) 19/08/2024; [9:02 pm]
im thinking of a fun way to start my entries... "dear digital diary..", "hiya tumblr".......... hmm ill think of something fun for my next post..
anyways :3
my small bebi hamster is turning her wool-filled-porcelain-strawberry upside down as i am typing this... her name is shio (meaning salt in japanese), shes a 4 week old, white/gray, dwarf hamster that i adopted a few days ago.. i am filled with a sense of parental responsibility and am feeling the need to watch over and protect her at all times. (ok i mightve just over-dramatizised this a tiny little bit)
school is starting in a about two weeks and ive been trying to figure out how i feel about it.. on one hand i feel excited and am maybe looking forward to having places to be, things to do and fun assignments to complete .. but on the other hand i am utterly terrified and could explode at the thought of entering the big wooden door out front ......
im about to start my fourth out of five years and everything is starting to feel more serious... teachers have been talking about how this year will be the most nerve-racking, leisure-time-consuming year and its supposed to prepare us for writing our thesis, sewing our final collection, dealing with all the graduation stress, and and and and..... theres just so so many things to do.. i have to find an internship for next summer, be part of the mandatory junior company we have to form and create and well, as if all of that wasnt enough - i have tons of exams, presentations and assignments to get through..
i like keeping busy, going on study dates with myself, feeling productive and wearing fun outfits to school :3 i hope those things will keep me going throughout the year.. only two more to go..
ive been thinking about my future a lot recently..
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get out of a rot 🧖‍♀️🎀🎧📖🌺
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hey guys!
so recently i have just been not doing great. I spend hours scrolling, I havent been washing my hair enough or my face i have a messy room and ive not been eating great or doing enough exercise i just feel…. ugh. the people that get it, get it. idk how many people can see this but if you’re feeling the same… we are gonna get out of this together! lmk in the comments pls! 
ok so i don’t want to loose a load of readers by saying this but just hear me out and ill explain why in a second! i have deleted insta tiktok and snap. I KNOW. its just the main cause of my rot and im gonna reinstall snap i think because i need it to text my friends but i deleted so i can GET RID OF THIS FLIPPING ACCICTION! its bad. i go on my phone and ipad (i know) wayyyy to much. that has been my first step. ive had it deleted a couple days and im gonna try keep it as long as poss. i feel much less stressful too because im not waiting for replies 24/7! its quite good actually. 
now tomorrow if you can here is what you are gonna do:
tonight, go to bed at 9.00 or 10.00 earliest you can. (if its later than 7.00 do this tomorrow so you aren’t going to bed late!) put screens away before bed and have a hot shower (or cold however you like) and RINSE AWAY THE ROT! then get in comfy pjs. read until you are tired. listen to a sleep story and fall asleep
ok…here is the plan for the day.
wake up at 6 or 6.30 or 7 am whichever works best for you. don’t groan and pull the covers over your head. get up and put on sports shorts and a baggy tshirt. go for a short fast run and come back tired and sweaty. stretch for a few mins and do an ab workout (lmk if you want the best one i know!) pour yourself a glass of ice water and gulp it down. get in the shower and wash, shave if you like to. wash your hair use your fav products and then get out and put lotion all over. get into comfy but presentable cute clothes and tidy your room - start with your bed and tidy the best you can. you shouldn’t have touched your phone yet. just pretend you are still asleep. go to the kitchen and cook your fav breakfast. avo on toast? pancakes with maple syrup? whatever you want babes. ok now clear up and if you have any get some simple homework done. i know big tasks seem scary but it will feel easier. write 3 achievable goals for the day in a notebook along with your thoughts. just write whatever. this will be your lifeline for your unrotten life. DRINK WATER! im shit at this but it cleans you inside and out! then, after what you need to do with your day (if you have nothing to do, connect with freinds family or pets or if you can’t then clean anthing or draw or style your hair or comment on this or start your own blog) take a short walk and cook a nutritious lunch with veg and fruit for dessert. then workout again just a bit to get you sweaty and tired! eat a yum dinner and have a quick shower again. then brush your teeth and tongue and use mouthwash and floss then wash your face. get in your cutest pjs and watch a little tv before bed but do this mindfully, know how long and how much you will watch. then get into your cozy bed and snuggle with your teddies. have a hot tea/milk and a hot water bottle. write how you feel in your journal (just a little scribble, no need for neatness) and read until your tired. fall asleep AND DONT TOUCH YOUR PHONE its you enemy! 
right its 11.30pm now. i should go to bed. night! ill be back with more tips and another routine tomorrow 
see you then xoxo
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pollen · 1 year
ok to not answer but any tips for marketers / designers wanting to get into the industry? thanks!
it might be a bit different for me since i'm in marketing as a writer and manager rather than a designer, but i might be able to offer some general tips:
(1) pick an industry that interests you or that you have existing experience in. i started out in healthcare marketing, which i likely got into because of previous experience as a teaching assistant in a sociology of health and illness class. you won't always have to stay in the industry you start in after you get your foot in the door, but it'll be a lot easier to build upon experience you already have. everyone needs marketers, so you're bound to find something in an area you're familiar with.
(2) build out a portfolio that showcases the type of work you're interested in doing, rather than just the work that you've done. it's kind of like the "needs experience to get experience" thing, but employers will likely be much more keen on offering you a position if you have something you can demonstrate for your experience. you can do work for mock clients, or maybe you have a friend that has a business, event, or product that you could help them promote. any relevant passion projects are good in a portfolio too! include process work — present not just what you make, but show how you think. the thinking is what i've found to be critical in marketing. everyone needs to be a bit of a strategist.
(3) learn how to do a little bit of everything. anyone in marketing will be able to give you an anecdote about how at some point they were expected to wear many hats. definitely stick to your specialty, but get familiar with other responsibilities too — you might have to end up writing a bit of copy someday, or put together a content calendar, or update a website, or give a presentation to a client. having a bit of knowledge of other modes of marketing will improve your work as a designer, too, in understanding how everything works together in concert.
(4) get a bit of agency experience. agencies are great for getting your fingers in a lot of pies very quickly. if you can weather the rapid deadlines and massive workload for a bit, you'll learn a lot. not just about marketing, or your industry, but about the type of marketer and designer you want to be. depending on the scope of work the agency does, you might find yourself creating a brochure, designing logos, putting together a brand style guide, and styling social assets all in the same day. agency experience looks impressive on a resume as well, and you'll see in many job postings that "agency experience is a plus." and they're not all bad! and you might really enjoy the hustle and bustle of an agency, like i did.
(5) expect little praise. everyone is always so busy and worried about their own deadlines that compliments are few and far between. you might not even get a thank you sometimes. this won't mean you're not doing good work — in fact, it means you're doing work so great that no one has to talk to you about changing anything. and when the client or the strategist or manager or whoever is reviewing your work has no notes, that's the best praise you'll get at times.
i hope some of this helped! i know it's nothing concrete or direct, but really many roads lead to rome, and everyone's journey into marketing will look different. mostly you just have to start somewhere, but i'd recommend beginning with a portfolio and relevant industry work to help bridge the gap and get you going!
i can also go into more detail about tools, certifications, entry-level positions, etc., that could be useful to starting out. i'm also happy to review resumes and take a look at any portfolio pieces for proofing/editing/etc :)
feel free to reach out with any other questions!
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tea-and-secrets · 2 years
ok ok fuck it um basically this girl asked everyone whos in the same team as her to make a presentation explaining their proposal for a patented product, and she wanted it due by 5 pm. it was 4pm. When I told her that two people in the team couldnt do this because we were literally IN CLASS and for her to please be fucking considerate she was like well sorry but it HAS to be done by 5 ^_^ im not going to be considerate, cope, and then i was like dude, calm down you shouldve set a deadline yesterday she was like "HOW DARE YOU CALL ME DUDE, YOURE SO DISRESPECTFUL WE ARENT EVEN FRIENDS SO DONT CALL ME "DUDE" ". Everything kind of devolved from there, where I kept telling her to calm the fuck down and that i could call her whatever i wanted because the two times weve talked shes just been really mean, and then it was her playing dumb and being like "omg if you dont care about your grade thats your problem but this is EVERYONES grade go ahead tell the teacher about this because then ill show her how RUDE you are for CUSSING IN MY GENERAL DIRECTION when ive been NOTHING but respectful and reasonable :)" Just. Shes awful and I dont even know who this girl is cause she never talks to anyone in class she just scowls at people whenever they try to talk to her. I dont know if this is like some weird religious thing why she doesnt want to be called dude, i dont think shes a mormon or a JW or whatever cause she has dyed hair and wears pants but like. Whatever. Instead of being bitter I will channel all of my energy into succeeding so SHE ends up being bitter about it instead. Thats the context for the Mia anon, you can just screenshot this and put it in the other anon or whatever. Shes got a really punchable face, thats not coming from a place of misoginy im also a woman, shes the kind of girl you just want to kick her teeth in so that she doesnt open her damned mouth again. If anyone has any suggestions for what to submit let me know, reply them or something.
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royal1asset-if · 2 years
Building up on Luna's married life series:
I noticed Luna was exhausted with her kids lol... How will she react if MC after coming home from work would give her very relaxing massage and bring her flowers?
You know anon, you gave me an wonderful idea, I think after I'm finished with Royal Assets I think I will make a mini series about the RO's in regards to their married life.
Stay tuned for my Patreon maybe this what will I write in there but it's not yet final
So without further ado let's read it in Luna's eyes 😊😊.
(Luna's POV)
Keep calm and control your breathing, there's no use in getting angry, as your mentor says; "Let anger take control and you're bound to make mistakes" holding a wooden cane just like your mentor and your mind going nuts, Dante prepared you in every way possible except for one thing.
Richard: MOMMMMM, NICK IS HITTING ME WITH HIS SWORD!( Grunts of pain in the background)
You sighed, motherhood is a very challenging thing, you thought when you attend some sermons on how to be a mother you thought they are exaggerating when kids are born cute in the world but give it time and they will become little monsters.
Nick: I did not(Hitting Richard again).
You raised the can and tap it on the ground rocky ground, it's noise silencing the two.
"SILENCE!( you commanded)
At your voice they obeyed you, you don't if you should be thankful or spiteful of this.
Whenever Dante trains you he uses a cane to give commands but that sound kind of traumatizes you, when you were taking a power nap and heard a falling to the ground you will be jolted awake and body ready for war but still you cannot argue with the results.
Going back to the present you look your children in the eye.
Luna: Listen kids self control is very important as well as patience and I can tell that you already failed at this(Scolding your kids)
Nick and Richard: Sorry Mom(In Unison)
Luna :It's alright but listen attentively ok(Smiles)
Kids: YES,MOM(Making cute salutes)
Luna: Very good, 1st form(Taps cane) 2nd form(Taps cane) 3rd form(Taps cane) 4th form(Taps cane)
You know that you shouldn't train these kids in these type of things but seeing the world for what it's truly is.
Luna: At least if were gone, you can defend yourself little ones(Watching the kids repeat the 4 forms)
(Several Training hours later)
MC: I'm home( opening the door and seeing that the fam is not there)
MC: Damn it Luna they are just children for god sake( Going to the training grounds)
The day pass quite productively, you see that the kids mimic the forms very well but still needs some more work along the edges.
You heard MC stomping and making his way towards you.
MC: Moonpie(Little edge in their tone) Kids(Favoritism).
Kids: DADDY(Throwing the wooden swords and rushing to MC)
MC: So did any fun activities with Mommy today( So that's how it feels to speak ill of someone)
MC: I see, well kids why you don't go inside and see the gifts I have for you(ushering the kids and giving you the death stare)
At MC's copying your signature death stare, you can say that they mimicked it perfectly, the raised of the brow, the lip shut in a line.
Luna: So that's how I looked like( You ponder),
MC: Alright Luna, you should stop teaching the kids on how to kill people( Crossing his arms)
Luna: Correction I'm teaching them how to protect themselves from people.( You defiantly raised your finger)
MC: Regardless the kids should enjoy their childhood and that's were here so that we can protect them(Voice raising)
Luna: AND WHAT IF WE DON'T, WHAT IF WERE NOT THERE WHEN THEY NEEDED US THE MOST( Shaking in anger and voice cracking)
MC: Moonpie you mu-(Got cut off)
You cried and let your emotions go freely, you felt MC hugging you deeply and soothing you.
MC: We here moonpie and we will be there for the kids.(Rubbing your back soothly)
Luna: You can't promise that( you say between sobs)
MC: But we will try but in the meantime let's not train the kids on how to kill we can teach them some defensive techniques but no killing(Agreeing with your training idea)
Luna: That's fine by me( You breaking of the hug)
MC: Now let's go inside and have a fun day with the kids and after we tucked them in bed at night---(Trailing off)
Luna: I know where you going with this( Finishing his sentence in your head)
MC: Moonpie you have a dirty mind you know that, I was trying to say I will cook dinner, prepare your bath and give you a massage(Counting his fingers)
Luna: Really? That's all were gonna do all night?(Raising your eyebrows)
MC: You know were not pure and innocent Luna but why ruin the surprise if you gonna find it out later and trust me "I will lay out all the plans and fundamentals on bed"(Winking and licking his lips)
Luna: Can't wait (Getting close for kiss on the lips)
MC: Someone's excited(Leaning close)
Luna: Well it looks like the kids are asking for our help right now(having a fun idea)
MC: I heard(shoving Luna weakly) and I'm gonna help my kid beat your kid(Running towards the house)
Luna: And you said that we should help them equally(Rushing after MC)
So reader, I hope you enjoy this snippet and it's up to you how will that story end.😊😊
Don't forget which side you are rooting for,
Team Moonpie(Luna & Nick) or Team Firefly(MC & Richard)
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otgwbgyu · 2 months
ig i should start doing full entries again esp bc school’s starting and ill probably being feeling way worse
in chicago like THE big city today. and for the next couple of days. trying to enjoy vacation but summer reading haunts me everywhere i go. it’s so unfair that we have to do school work during the summer. like i’m not gonna become illiterate over the summer…. chill…. but it’s just something i can’t shake and will always worry abt. like during the game i started listening to the audiobook bc i got so anxious over it 💀 ik it’s kinda on me for not reading earlier but like…. the books r mid NOBODY actually wants to read a how-to on reading 😕😕 i do get random bursts of motivation tho when i fantasize abt being a productive, straight-a honors student with a national merit scholarship like my dad, and i also kinda get competitive with my friends. bad for r relationship but good for my grades and sanity for sure
i kinda snapped yesterday too lmao. like i joined call w sarah and she was being so uninterested and unresponsive while begging others to join call and the minute ava joins she’s all happy and conversing. like damn ok?? u can be closer w others but presenting it like that hurts lmfaoo. after 5 min I left bc i just wasn’t having it tbh. it rlly stung and pissed me off
o yeah i finally finished catcher in the rye OMGG… i honestly dunno how to feel about that book. like i get holden but at the same time i dont?? i can be angsty like him but he’s like my angst on steroids. that guy cant find any enjoyment anywhere he goes and it pisses me off. i may seem grouchy and miserable on here but im more friendly irl. remember this is primarily a VENT acc where all my dark thoughts go, the main ones aka the happy ones stay in my head or get shared with others. and hes so pessimistic, not like MY type of pessimistic where i think everything’s gonna fail or go wrong, pessimistic as in everything sucks and theres nothing to enjoy in life. like omg aren’t u just a bundle of sunshine!
i feel bad bc he is just a kid and has trauma, but that doesn’t give him the right to make others miserable. like humanity sucks yeah but u gotta learn to deal w it man. ur not gonna like everyone and not everyone’s gonna like u, it’s just something u gotta live through bc at the end of the day there’s a good bunch of ppl who do care abt u, and that love, even divided, should matter more to u than the hate others feel towards u. bc why r u concerned abt strangers’ hatred and not your own family and friends’ love? but he’s a teen whose mind is clouded by depression and angst, so i can’t be too harsh. and even i catch myself acting like him so it’d be kinda hypocritical. still think he was an asshole sometimes tho, nothing’s changing that
biden dropped out the race in the middle of a baseball game (minor league) mom and i BOLTED and did r research. the democrats r in flamesss 😓😓 republicans next 🤞🤞 glad biden is out, hated his ass, kamala surely will redeem us 🙏🙏🙏 she’s no saint ofc, she’s a politician, but compared to trump she’s jesus the messiah himself. i’d vote her if i could 🥥🥥🥥
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chemicalbrothers212 · 7 months
Skin Care Raw Materials Suppliers | Skin Care Ingredients
Job of skin health management fixings in quickest developing corrective industry
Skin routine plays a significant part in the manner what we look like. No big surprise, our skin assimilates what we put it in. In this way, buyers make a cautious determination while picking corrective items for their skin. Particularly in India where the environment is unforgiving, clients meet their skin health management needs by utilizing items produced using regular fixings. Substance Siblings are the head healthy skin unrefined components providers in India having a huge client base in India and across the globe. We offer a differed scope of fixings that are effectively utilized in the assembling of corrective items. Skin Care Raw Materials Suppliers
Source a wide grouping of regular fixings with us
It is verifiably a fact that individual consideration and the corrective item is billion dollar industry and developing seriously. There are sheer of corrective items accessible in retail locations and markets. Be that as it may, those items, for example, creams, moisturizers, face packs, and serums are not produced using regular fixings. Being regular healthy skin fixings providers, we give a colossal grouping of value fixings to makers. In this way, by protecting a dream of giving utilization of restorative items to end clients, we are focused on conveying content that is gotten from regular plants and concentrates.
Powerpack your corrective assembling with regular fixings
In many occasions, all items named with normal fixings are undependable for clients. Each skin is different in tone, quality, and solidness. Particularly individuals in India experience the ill effects of brutal summers and winters with slick and dry skin. In this manner, functioning as healthy skin unrefined components providers, we foster fixings after careful lab-based research. This guarantees that all fixings we are providing are ok for all skin types. Likewise, we use glycerine as the base element for all items since it has normal properties to lock skin dampness. Additionally, we supply hyaluronic acids, L-ascorbic acid, retinol, and alpha hydroxy acids to be utilized in end clients' beauty care products.
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The always changing skin health management necessities of clients have raised their assumptions for the restorative business. Along these lines, presently just believed brands are administering this developing business sector by delivering protected and powerful items. Synthetic Siblings are working together with those makers as healthy skin fixings providers excitedly. We are offering a predictable stock of fixings created and tried in our labs by experienced and exceptionally qualified researchers and synthetic designers. Each of our fixings satisfy worldwide quality guidelines that empower us to work with restorative monsters like Lotus Herbals, Hindustan Unilever Restricted, Alaina Medical services, and so on.
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Your clients can feel sure that the skin health management items they are utilizing on their skin are great. Thus, your skin health management unrefined components providers are available for meeting on giving you quality affirmation and quicker conveyance of fixings. Every one of our items are regular and natural accordingly you can foster items that are liberated from engineered and responsive synthetic compounds and additives. We are cautious about the nature of the fixings that we supply. https://www.chemicalbrothers.co.in/skin-care-raw-materials-suppliers.php
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mindrole · 9 months
New to your blog so maybe I'm missing an inside joke but I'm fascinated by Mutei and Azuma in the shipping chart. Like genuine question I'm curious on your thought process if you wanna explain it. Very based chart btw
no inside joke!! 100% fact checked by real american patriots!! (*the person behind this blog is not american or a patriot)
it's not crazy to me because i have been soldiering on since 2022 or so but i have to step out of my brain for a second and go "yeah, maybe that's a little crazy." its ok though, i will try my best to run through it somehow
i'm 100% part of the shirou=wadachi school of thought (wadachi-chan is simply too suspect), but to begin with at its root its a mostly shirou affair, if you wanna step away from delusions for a second.
here are the facts with as little embellishing as possible:
azuma was mutei's editor
azuma published his pre-AAA martin works
mutei allegedly drove azuma's sister (i.e. langiri's wife) to suicide. this information could be unreliable or biased. it could not even be true but something strange happened there and azuma was 100% fine with it as their work relationship did not end until..
mutei for an unknown reason attacked azuma, who then disappeared (it seems like AAA martin took shape after)
despite this disappearance, eventually he continued to support the haradas' writing careers (kazaru, minoru, marie... kadou but idk if this makes the shirou cutoff, whatever ill include it anyway.. also semi important to note minoru going to empyrean is azuma's fault)
whatever assertions come next about wadachi's activities as the president of A/Z-MA, do support this thoroughline, but at that point it is a little dubious and i wanted to present things as objectively as possible at first.
now that that is over with.
there isn't a single normal thing about azuma's behavior here!!!
why would you still fw someone who suicidebaited your sister to death?! why would you go to such lengths to support the children and grandchildren of the man that almost killed you?! it's crazy. i can only think there was something there. it's a lot of fill in the blank shenanigans... were they childhood friends before mutei got shipped off? was it after he came back?! i need those flashbacks in the com dlc!!! also isn't stabbing your editor/publisher REALLY yuri??? guy started having his chuuni episodes and did that. there's a lot of speculation re:why mutei did it, i personally wonder if it was factor related. i don't have much comment beyond that though.
on the wadachi front, if you believe in shirou just changing his name (like how misumi eventually started lying about being katsumi's grandson and igarashi having at least THREE different names that all read as "daigo") and him being a fragment, in princess sparrow his equivalent is purported to be a researcher. what is he researching?! i think he's researching mutei's factor theory! of course given kadou is marie's child he has great interest in this too. ditasword is definitely a medium of researching into it... it's a little OT but the point here is it doesn't end with shirou. leave it to azuma to inhumanely make his little brother do otaku cosplay and fansa for a living so he could research his girlfriend's theory.
azuma shobo and A/Z-MA are definitely under the same banner in some form. whether otto entertainment (the agency miwa belongs to) is under A/Z-MA or no is my speculation but i think it probably is... which would mean all aspects ditasword production are under azuma's control, so there is not much hindering his prospects of "completeing" mutei's research (does he even want it completed in the first place...?? we do not know). if course kadou with his intense mommy issues also wants to continue marie's work with his own spiritual successor so he is along for the ride
even before this empyrean was probably a similar endeavor... sending minoru there, funding it through hexa penta for so long, apparently he even would have intervened eventually.
everything he does is for mutei!!! (imo)
this explanation is really heavy on the azuma side of things, i think mostly cuz if one thinks its reciprocated is up to them, but i do believe it is. i do believe the obsession is a little (very) mutual. i don't believe that stabbing was normal or not a little homoerotic. something strange happened on that day
my friend at @/prelogism has written a lot of stuff about this subject so i highly recommend those over this slapdash kuso post. since we are the only two mtaz soldiers we are on the same page on everything absolutely
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