#ok fine working in monotone can be fun
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sunday-good-enough · 15 days ago
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The color in my life 💙💛
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marshmellowfluff221 · 5 months ago
Playing Games/Card Games w/ Gojo & Nanami
Situation Prompt List
A/N Thank you for your request! I had a lot of fun writing this one hueh
It started as your day off. Sleeping in, ordering breakfast to be delivered to your door, and queuing up your favorite TV show, ready to catch up on the latest episode. As you were munching down on your breakfast sandwich, a knock came at the door. Furrowing your brows you stood and wiped your mouth as you opened the door without hesitation. You should have hesitated.
In front of you stood Gojo, with a wide smile, holding up various boxes of board games. Behind Gojo stood Nanami, the same annoyed expression he always had around Gojo. You blinked, once, then twice, then slammed the door.
"Hey!" Gojo yelled as if it was him you had hit, which would've been impossible. You failed at being fast enough to lock the door and Gojo opened it himself. "Y/n why are you so grumpy today?"
"Me?" You raised your eyebrows as dramatically as you could. "Oh I don't know, maybe because its my day off? Maybe because I wanted to be alone on my day off? Sorry, did I mention its my day off?"
Gojo definitely didn't have the day off. Ever since he had those 3 kids under his supervision he hasn't had a day off. Nanami, on the other hand, probably did actually have a day off. You didn't mind either of their company, but having to work with them all week and then see them now did bother you just slightly.
"Good morning Y/n." Nanami greeted, stepping through the door. "This was my idea..."
"Can you believe it? He actually had a good idea for once!" Gojo pointed at Nanami as if presenting him for you. You furrowed your brow.
"What idea?" You asked, walking over to your breakfast sandwich and taking another bite.
"You were talking all week saying you missed the games you used to play as a kid." Nanami explained in his monotone voice. "So we found them, as a thank you."
"Thank you?" You questioned.
"You're welcome." Gojo winked and you gave him a face of dissapointment. He placed the board games on your dining table and slung an arm around your shoulders. "Come on Y/n you talked about this all week, just one game."
You looked at Gojo who wore his goofy smile and then at Nanami who gestured towards the table. You scanned over the boxes, recognizing almost all of them. Mousetrap, Monopoly, UNO, and Scrabble. You always had a soft spot for these two men in your living room. You let out a long sigh, throwing your hands up in defeat.
"Yes! Let's start with strip Scrabble." Gojo spoke as he grabbed the Scrabble box and shook it.
"No." Nanami and you spoke at the same time.
"You're right, we'll play it last. Ok then Mousetrap." Gojo began opening the box, probably more excited to play than you or Nanami. While Gojo set up the game Nanami turned to you.
"This is a thank you for always being there for us. I know I complain about wanting a vacation but you really pulled through this week." Nanami placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. You didn't look up at him, just at Gojo as he fumbled with the pieces. If you looked at him you might have melted into butter right there and then. He knew this and didn't question your lack of response.
"Let me do it granny." You sighed walking over to Gojo and grabbing the various pieces from his hands. "Come on Nanami let's be on a team."
"Hey, there are no teams in this game." Gojo complained, grabbing the instructions to cite his sources.
The three of you began to play the game, slowly building up the elaborate mousetrap. Eventually it was built and Gojo was the first to be trapped who then began complaining about teaming. He fake cried into your shoulder for the rest of the game.
Next was UNO. A few rounds and Nanami had raged saying there were other games to play. He was only upset that you and Gojo continuously stacked plus two's onto him.
Around this time you decided to order dinner. It was late so the three of you started Monopoly. You had explained how to play the quick version of Monopoly but somehow you endedup playing until 3AM. Somehow money and properties had gotten mixed up and there was no clear winner.
Gojo and Nanami packed up. Gojo was reluctant because according to him you had stalled with Monopoly long enough to not play Strip Scrabble. You offered them to stay the night but they had work in the morning and left around 4AM. You had finally plopped down onto your couch, your show still waiting to be played. One episode, you had decided.
You fell asleep one minute in.
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tapwater118 · 7 months ago
The Post-Split Rant, part 3
a.k.a.: Grown Woman really should have finished this like 3 weeks ago give me a break
Part 1 | Part 2
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yes i did just section the parts out like this just for the visual gag shut up
BFB Post-Split is my least favorite season, so now I’m gonna wrap up my whinging about it and move on with my life. These are my opinions, you’re free to disagree, bluh bluh bluh let’s just get on with it already.
BFB 28
Okay, I said I would talk about the eliminated contestants here, but I remember them doing more in this episode than they actually did for some reason. I guess I’ll get to them in BFB 29 I suppose.
Anyway the Announcer is back! Announcer’s actually my favorite host out of all the seasons (sorry Four), so when I watched this the first time I remember being really stoked to see him again. And I am glad to say they did him very nicely! He still has his slightly snarky demeanor (in spite of his monotone TTS voice), and is overall used in a very interesting way here. I’ll get more into it later, but it is very clear they didn’t just bring him back for nostalgia points, which I appreciate.
For an “all-in-one” challenge, this episode did it a lot better than BFDI 23, dare I say. Instead of spending a bit too long on the first few challenges and speeding by the rest, they spend time just on the challenges that they can get good bits out of and briskly walk past the others. I feel this approach works a lot better than BFDI 23.
Honestly, pretty nice episode. No real issues here. Not as good as BFB 20 or 26 I’d say, but a good deal better than BFB 22. Moving on.
BFB 29
They said it was impossible. They said it couldn’t be done. Post-Split actually has a second good Taco and Blocky interaction. They’re having an actual conversation! With witty banter and such!What is this wizardry? Why couldn’t we have more like this?
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Not related to anything else really but I have to get this out. I find the over abundance of nicknames in Post-Split to be kind of grating at times but NOTHING grinds my gears as much as the stupid “blank”-ster nicknames. “Tacster” “Blockster” “Teadster” SHUT UUUUUUUPPPPPP. They’re just fine in isolation but they use them SO FREQUENTLY I HATE IT. Gelatin uses these the most and I honestly think it’s lessened my opinion of him to a non-negligible degree. Leafster is the only one that gets a past the rest suck so much shit.
Ok sub-rant over. Back on topic.
The whole, well not really backstory… interstory(?) they give Announcer here is very neat, I like it. Really adds a lot of depth to his character. Whoa, Post-Split just had compelling character development. I think I need to sit down. I guess I’ll also add here that it’s nice Taco has something to do other than whinge at Blocky. I mean, there’s a handful of other characters just kinda sitting around that they could also have investigating the Announcer, but I feel Taco fits this role the best (out of the characters available to do so).
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The quality-downgrading bit near the end is also fun too- okay enough beating around the bush. I’ll talk about it here because I already have enough to say about BFB 30 on its own; they pretty obviously set Flower up to win. Having her be repeatedly ignored and tortured for those sympathy points, and then having her be the one to save the show to cap it all off.
I voted for Flower to win, and even if they didn’t set her up like this I still would have. She’s one of the few characters in all of BFDI that actually has a serious degree of character-growth throughout the series, from being the prototypical “mean for the sake of it” character in season 1 to having genuine compassion for those she cares about by the end of BFB. Gelatin doesn’t have any of this, and if I can be candid, I have no clue how he got so far in the season.
BFB 29 is good overall, but let’s not dwell on it any longer. The real meat and potatoes of this part of the rant is going to deal with the final episode, one I have so many thoughts on I have to split it into multiple segments. Let’s talk about BFB 30.
Smaller Thoughts on BFB 30
The scenes with the fake seasons add a lot to Four’s character, and are a nice lead in to the fact that he’s actually a huge BFDI fan who really just wanted to be in that show he really loves. Judging by his actions in the early days of BFB it’s obvious this was a rather late addition to his character, but his cruelty to the objects could likely be interpreted as just a culture difference between Algebraliens and objects. I could make a whole separate analysis about this, but right now I’ll just leave it that these aspects of Four’s character are rather interesting.
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This is going to be really nitpicky, but I have no clue why Bubble would want Gelatin to win. He’s been nothing but horrible to her the entirety of Post-Split. Maybe you could say the same for Flower’s behavior towards her both here and in season 1, but in that case have her indecisive over her vote, not overly enthusiastic. This choice makes no sense. (Can you tell that Bubble is one of those characters I care way too much over how they’re written?)
Gotta say, very nice how they have Firey reflecting on his actions without outside prompting here, good sign of character development. Now if only they could have had him say something to this effect eight episodes ago… sigh…
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From here the episode splits into two plots that it jumps between repeatedly. Going through every scene in the order they happen would start to get confusing, so I’ve given them their own sections. Gonna be honest, not really a fan of how either of these went. Let’s start with the better of the two.
Flower and the Battle for the BFDI
So, Flower and the Announcer start fighting over who should get the BFDI, and Purple Face comes out of nowhere to steal it for himself. They get in the bus, a bunch of other people give some silly reasons why they should have the BFDI, and then the bus is dangling off a cliff. Everyone hops out except those still fighting over the BFDI: Flower, the Announcer, and Purple Face.
Purple Face does not need to be here.
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Flower wants the BFDI because she won, it’s her rightful prize, very valid. Announcer wants the BFDI because it’s his life’s work and, as he reveals here, the only remaining copy of that work, very valid.
Purple Face wants the BFDI just because he thinks he deserves it. His reason for wanting it is just as stupid as all the reasons the other characters (who aren’t Flower or the Announcer) gave for wanting it, and those were all treated as jokes. Hell, Firey (and by extension Leafy) DEFINITELY had a better reason for wanting the damn thing.
Why are we supposed to be taking this seriously? Purple Face has been nothing but a joke character the entire season, and now they suddenly want people to feel bad for him. So much of this scene is dedicated to him over Flower and the Announcer, the two this scene should have been focused on.
Time to get to the much weaker of the two plots.
Gelatin Helps Four Find Out His Value
Okay, I’m about to be way too overly negative, so let’s have something positive for a breather. “Choo Choo! Think again, Balloon Buddy!” is one of the best jokes in the entire series. I will not elaborate.
So, Four starts to run away, and all the characters who didn’t go after Purple Face (except Profily) chase after him. After a bit, they all end up on the sun, and a character gives a speech about how they’re all mad at Four, how he’s hurt them and been mean to them throughout the entire season, and he still expects them to all stick around for him?
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Pretty nice speech, I wonder which character gives it?
Maybe Bubble? She’s constantly going under ire and has had to take a lot of shit this season.
Or maybe Flower! Maybe she could reflect on when she was a bad person, and how she turned around to better herself, and try to impart the things she learned onto Four.
Perhaps X! They’re Four’s best friend, and have certainly been hurt by him throughout this season. Maybe he could show Four sympathy for the objects? This is probably the best option, because of how close these characters are.
But no, none of these characters make this speech.
Gelatin makes this speech.
Motherfucking Gelatin.
Gelatin is the last character who should be giving a speech about how being mean to people is bad. HE IS A GODDAMN MENACE! HAVING HIM SAY THIS MAKES HIM INTO A GIANT HYPOCRITE!
And then they play a montage on the BFB to show how fun this season actually was, and convince Four that they all really do like him. Am I the only one that thinks Four got off a little scot-free for the whole murdering and tormenting his contestants thing?
Whatever, let’s take a look at the supposedly “fun” moments of BFB that they want to give Four credit for:
Flower getting excited for like a second that she didn’t get eliminated, before running off in embarrassment because she tried to celebrate with the contestant who actually did get eliminated
A scene mere moments before Four despawns X again
A bunch of people playing with the popper toys, something that had no involvement from Four and likely would have happened regardless of his presence
A scene mere moments before Leafy painfully burns to death
Gelatin’s fork stack, which definitely didn’t involve Four because it happened before they showed up
The boring-ass train ride from BFB 21
Four’s almost-four-way-tie song, which I guess gets a pass
Aside from the last one maybe, how is ANY of this meant so show how much fun the cast has had with Four? And to top it all off the most unfitting piano music plays over the whole thing. Absolute dumpster fire of a montage.
Ending Thoughts on BFB 30
Everyone gets together to have a party and all is well in the world. Except for those 50000 dead Davids in Davidland. A shame, really. (that was a joke)
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Wow, this best friends line sure aged well, didn’t it, Teardrop? (Actually thinking about it now they probably planned for Teardrop to join TPOT by this point. So why include this line when they already knew one of his best friends ditched him?)
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This line is really corny. But also kinda charming? Weird. I guess all she really wanted in the end was friends, and now she has them! Good for her.
And you know, if I ignore how much I dislike how Post-Split reconciled Firey and Leafy, this scene is really cute. Very nice note to end on.
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For the episode, that is. We still have stuff to talk about here.
So, about BFB 30 as a whole. Do I think it’s a good BFDI episode? Yeah, I guess. I have my problems with it (as I have more than made clear), but it still has a lot of laughs, and things conclude in a halfway decent way. So yeah, it’s a good episode.
But is it a good finale? I don’t think so. This is supposed to be BFB’s last hurrah, its final impact on the viewers. It should be putting its best foot forward here, but it drops the ball on so many things I can’t in good conscience say it was a satisfying conclusion to the season.
I just hope TPOT handles its finale a lot better.
Post-Split as a Whole
Welp, that certainly was a ride. Time for some closing thoughts.
While it might seem like I dislike characters like Gelatin from what I’ve said in this rant, I really don’t. I like these characters in the other seasons they’re in! Post-Split just kinda doesn’t do all that great with them.
Additionally, I don’t hate Post-Split either. I don’t love it, though. It’s just okay. It has some high highs, and some pretty deep lows. It has a lot of little things (and some major ones) that all together keep me from loving it like I do all the other seasons.
I’ve seen some people say the Split was the nail in the coffin for BFB, that there was no way Post-Split could have lived up to what came before. I don’t share this opinion. Episodes like BFB 20 and 26 (and to a lesser extent, 28 and 29, and to an even lesser extent, 22) show to me that Post-Split could have been something special.
So what happened? Why did Post-Split turn out the way it did?
I don’t know. I’m not here to do any meta-analysis or anything.
I’m just here to rant.
And rant I have.
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wisteria-cherry · 2 years ago
forty days and forty nights (day eleven!)
(double header)
(read them all here!)
you were tired.
last night was one of those nights where you couldn’t sleep, no matter how tired you were. you ended up staying on your phone quite a bit before finally deciding to take a melatonin gummy at 3am. bad move. you’d been tired all day. usually you’d perk up at least a little when bakugo came in, excited to see your friend again, but alas, his presence had minimal effect.
“you look dead.” bakugo stated bluntly as you rung up his coffee.
“mm.” you didn’t bother with words. he studied your expression closely.
“add another coffee.”
“hm..?” you look up, not quite registering what he’d said. bakugo tched and looked away.
“i said add another damn coffee to my bill.”
“ok, what kind?” you ask in a somewhat monotonous voice that would be sure to earn you a scolding if your boss were here.
“whatever you normally get, i don’t fuckin’ know.” it took you a second to realize that he was buying you a coffee, but when you did, you immediately protested.
“oh, no, i can’t let you do that.” you say quickly, waking up instantly.
“why not? ‘s’it against the rules or some shit?” bakugo retorted, knowing damn well that it wasn’t.
“no, but..”
“so ring up the damn coffee.”
“i’m fine, i don’t need coffee.”
“you look tired as hell. if you’re not gonna accept the coffee ‘cuz it’s comin’ from me, accept it ‘cuz you give shitty customer service when you’re tired.”
“i do not..!”
“the only things you said before i asked for another damn coffee were just mumbling.”
“you mumble too.”
“i’m the fucking customer, i can do that if i wanna.” bakugo scowled. “just take the goddamn coffee!”
“fine.” you agree finally and reluctantly. “but just a small.”
“good.” bakugo huffed, satisfied. “how much? you (again, very reluctantly) rung him up and he paid for it via cash.
“i’m paying you back,” you warned.
“like hell.” bakugo tched.
“i am.” you insist.
“good luck.” was his reply, complete with an amused snort. he sat down as you gave him his coffee and began to make your own.
“…the hell did you do to get so tired?” bakugo asked after a few minutes of silence.
“i couldn’t sleep last night,” you admit, opting to leave out the melatonin aspect of it, lest he make fun of you.
“that’s stupid.” you couldn’t tell whether he meant it as a sympathetic agreement or he was just straight up telling you that you were stupid for not being able to go to sleep. knowing him, it could be either one, so you simply agreed with him.
“yeah. so how was work today?” you ask instead. he rolls his eyes.
“you’re not gonna fuckin’ believe it.” he grumbled.
“sidekicks still not meeting your atrociously high standards?” you raise an eyebrow.
“it’s not atrocious, it’s common fucking sense! you beat the villain’s ass and you do the report. it’s not that fuckin’ hard.” bakugo frowned deeply, thoroughly annoyed.
“is it really that simple?” you ask curiously. surely it’s more complicated.
“yeah, well, there’s more to it, but that’s the basic premise.” bakugo looked away, glaring at nothing in particular.
“i’m sure.” you take a sip of your coffee. it definitely hit the spot, and, despite your annoyance at bakugo buying you coffee even though you said no, you were happy he did it.
“thanks for the coffee.”
“whatever. just don’t expect shit like this every day or something.” bakugo replied, frown deepening, before adding for good measure, “dumbass.”
“if i’m a dumbass, what does that make you?” you ask amusedly.
“the best.” bakugo answered firmly. “i’m the number one hero.” you were too tired to argue, so you nod with that faux interest that people usually show towards little kids when said kids are rambling and the people either aren’t paying attention or don’t understand.
“quit givin’ me that look.” he snapped.
“okay, bakugo.”
“and quit sounding so damn smug!”
“okay, bakugo.”
“stop saying that!”
“…okay, baku-“
“i’ll kill you.”
“what am i supposed to say to that?” you ask, taking another sip of your coffee. it was amazing.
“nothing, that’s the point.” bakugo responded. “shut up and drink the damn coffee.”
“you first.”
“getting sassy, huh?” bakugo narrowed his eyes, resting his arms on the counter and leaning forward. “don’t fuck with me, y’hear?”
“loud and clear, sergeant.”
“it’s not atrocious, it’s common fucking sense!”
<- previous next->
@k0z3me @cherryblossomclarity
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cutepastelstarsalior · 1 year ago
Decided to watch Hazbin Hotel…..(only because I hard that Jeremy Jordan is Lucifer va…..and also because i am a hater™️)
Watching this on Watch Anime dub, it has the pilot…so
Pilot Charlie voice is so pretty. God the angels designs remind me of those weird The Purge neon mask…forget how red this pilot is..there is a lot of random sounds effects, it feels a tinnnyyyyyy bit to much. Pilot angels voice <3 snake guy voice so SO familiar????? I feel like he was in a video game or something. Hmm I forgot how much cursing there is…minor pet peeve, sometimes the lineart is hot pink and it’s kind of annoying since it sticks out against black lineart, also there SO many eyes, everywhere? Idk if that a fun little quirk or lore™️ that one news reporter being on fire made me laugh.. I like the mixed art style when Vaggie talks about Alastor, it’s charming. Hmmm, radio sound effects, love them <3
I think it’s cool that Charlie is a very sweet, kind of “childish” Nieves princess in a world full of murder and hate and violence. It makes me wonder how she got that way? Also hell is overpopulated so the angels kill them. Interesting!! Especially since lot of demons also fight over territory. This Katie killjoy does have a point, why would sinners want to change? Beside the killing, it seems like hell is basically Earth 2.0.. It is cool how Alastor the radio demon, decided to help out because he’s bored.
GOOSEWORX THE CEATOR OF THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS :0 👀 yooooooo. Jesus there so many people working on this pilot…
Scale of 1-5 I give this a 3.5.
Episode 1
Ok, so the intro says that the angels have an extermination because they don’t want Hell to rise up. But in the pilot it was because of overpopulation…Also Lucifer not liking hell and can no longer dream, while Lilith thrives…hmmm if this story has Lilith be evil while Lucifer is good idk how to feel about that. The voices are different, while I don’t like Charlie’s new voice (sounds to idk deep?) I definitely like Vaggies, it’s deep and a bit monotone. Also new outfits!!! Charlie’s is fine, but I don’t like how sharp her face is? So look more older and mature compared to her pilot self, which add the whole naive princess feel. It’s canonically 5days to a week between the events of the pilot and the first episode…oh ew I hate Angels voice. It’s too high, and he has an accent now??? Oh Husk voice!! While is deep, it’s also high? No longer gruff.. hmm character wise, angels seem more bitchy?? Then the pilot?
Ok…random song???? Just…no build up music or anything.. Charlie curses more too. In the pilot she curse like, 3 times. Here she does it more.
There is a giant clock tower thing that went you go in, leases to a lobby then leads to the angels???? Wouldn’t that make it like, easier to attack heaven or something? Why is an Angel, like the heaven angel, cursing?? I feel like that would be against the rules?? WAIT THATS ADAM LIKE FIRST HUMAN ADAM???? Oh no that worse… like like nifty she’s a cutiepie :)
Ok Hell is still overpopulated, and heaven keeps killing then because they think he’ll will overpower them, but Adam does it for entertainment? Hmmm they also going to kill again in 6 months. :/ Katie killjoy voice is also bad.. oh!!! Wait Adam lied, the real reason heaven is killing again because an Angel was killed? But an angel was never killed before??? I thought hell was very powerful?
Episode rating 1-5. I give it a 3. I like the singing, love Vaggies and Alastor’s dynamic. But the plot is a bit confusing? Is hell being kill because of overpowered or because of overpopulated? The hotel design is pretty. Though he’ll is still red :/
Episode 2
Why is hell citizen freaking out? In the pilot it seems like they like it, because people can fight over territory. And an angel was murder, so ??? Don’t see why they would panic.
The Vees. Vox, a tv head demon who is like a weird Amazon business guy. His design is…clutter. Dude, striped jacket with vertical stripes shirt? Tho thank god he’s blue, he sticks out nicely in hell. I like his blue neon eyeliner, that cool. Velvet is a British fashion designer….shes fine. I don’t really care for her. And Valentino, who’s is Angel’s boss/pimp. And oh my gosh whose voice, his accent keeps coming and going??? It’s bad I hate it, because it’s so noticeable. Interesting that he’s Spainish(?)
Vox can hypnotize people and he did a cool tv voice effect!! Oh god I think I have a favorite character??? Vox and nifty…
Ok ok ok, so there a radio demon, a tv demon, is there a computer/internet demon??? God I hope so. Imagine if there an internet demon and vox and alastor has to like put aside there differences and work together.
Why is there Egyptian demons???? Ancient Egyptian believed in an underworld called Duat, but it’s not a place of external punishment. The ancient Egyptian thought the worst punishment a soul could have would be denial to the afterlife, and being ceased to exist. The souls did have to make a dangerous journey to be judged by Horus and Osiris. (Wiki)
Vox asked Alastor to join his team?? Maybe Vox doesn’t like Velvet and Valitini that much? He seems more like a boss to them than a friend.
“And that’s the tea” :/ Why is Alastair using slang from after the 20’s? I mean sure he probably learn it in hell. But Alastor is like from 1920. That’s the tea/spilling tea is original from drag culture in 1994.
What IS Charlie’s plan to redeems sinners? Charlie was born in hell, and the sinner were from earth, surely the sinner like, know how to apologize and basic human decency? Maybe they just forgot? Maybe they need to like, clean themselves of their sin??? Idk.
Oh my god Charlie is having them do a say no to drugs roleplay!!!! ……that. Akers me wonder, how does Charlie’s know this stuff if she’s from hell? Does she learn this by watching the sinners? Did her mom or dad teach her this??? Ok, so I have seen the pilot and that seen post about that one comic about angel day to day life, and seen the addic music video. So it’s a surprise that Fat Nuggets, Angle’s pet pig is here. And that weird red smoke.
I don’t care for snake guy. He’s…neutral. Kind of suck that who snake guy being a spy was like, immediately uncovered. Kind of wished that angle was get like bummed out about the attention snake guy is getting, then later he would like, try to find out what is going on. Or something!!! But I guess having snake guy be an actual member of the team is fine. Tho, I do like his design. It’s nice to see characters that aren’t so red. Angel’s and Vaggie’s singing voice harmonies really well. Ok, this is like the first sign I actually enjoy.
Scale 1-5. I give it a 4. Only because of Vox, and that ending song.
Episode 3
Snake guy wanting to shoot the other residents because he thinks everyone is to nice and it’s a lie. That…that surprisingly a deep thought? Like I didn’t expect the show to have the residents not trust one another because they are waiting for the other shoe to drop. Also it seems like Vaggie and Alastair run the hotel, like doing up with the ad, making rules. Seems like Charlie is just the face/money aspect of the hotel. My guess is that in the future Charlie wants to quit, or is forced to to quit, and Vaggie take over, or gives like, an emotional speech about how the hotel and running it charge her for the better.
I remover in the pilot, or around that time, Alastor is aroace (nice) but I don’t remember what Vaggie is. But I can see people shipping them. For me, I could see then being close friends or maybe a weird ambiguous relationship.
Charlie you kind of a shitty boss. Like, I know I just said that vaggie does all the work, but girl, you have to do some work to?
Oh my god there do a Mean Girls trust fall bit.
Weird green spider guy….i love him. Wish this show has subtitles, would love to understand what this guy is saying..
There sub overloads? Neat. God that weird neon wolf??? Dinosaur??? Is SO distracting, like they really stick out against the reds and washout colors..
Once again, a another song without any music buildup or warning. “I’m the backbone of the Vees” hmmmmm are you tho? Like, Vox is doing a lot, and Val is….there. WAIT IS SHE the internet overboard??? She’s call “social media overlord” in one of the screen backgrounds.. god if she if, that lame. She not like, scary or imitating?? She’s just annoying. Man that sucksss. We could have like a cool internet overlord that was young and careless, but that a persona, and on the inside they are rude and vile. Because the internet has everything and anything, so they could instantly control people lives or spread rumors or doxxs people????
Idk why, but velvet sing reminds me of SIX the musical. But I know that her VA is Lily Cooper who did the SpongeBob musical and wicked , and not SIX.
Why is this lady’s earring hanging off her hair??? Do sinner/demons/whatever not have ears or noses?? Eghh I don’t like her singing?? It feel like she’s straining herself.
WAIT THE SNAKE EGG HAS EGGS BECAUSE SNAKE LAY EGGS BUT THEY ALSO EAT THEM. OHHHHH. why did that take me so long to figure that out??
Scale 1-4. I give this a 2. Idk man, this episode is kind of boring.
Episode 4
Oh dear, I hard LOT of bad things with this episode…let’s see how bad it is.
Charlie get gross out by the sex tape….asexual Charlie real. To me!!!! Also same, Charlie, same.
“Dollface” aw, cute.
Angel panicking about Charlie trying to talk to his boss. I’m guessing he’s afraid that if Charlie accidentally angers Val, Val will take his anger out on Angel. :(
Oh cool. Val hit angel. Wow!! (Sarcasm) Totally wish there was like, a warning or something for that!!!!
Hmm ok. So that song was…bad. Like lyrically bad. As for the scenes, I literally don’t know how to feel about them? Like knowing the backstories of this episode, it grosses me out. But the song and scenes, just didn’t feel anything? Idk.
I don’t think husk should get angel back?? Angel was sexually harassed him, and husk has repeatedly said no. Like yeah, angel did that has a bad coping mechanisms or like, persona, but hmmm. I feel like if they two need to talk to each other, it could be in a different way? Also I noticed this episode is SUPER short compared to the other ones. The other once’s are like 22 minutes, this one is 12.
Oh cool, husk stoped angel from getting roofied. I guess with him being a bartender, he’s train to watch out of these things.
Husk singing voice is so so nice <3 but WOW is this message a bad one. Angel sold his soul to Val, and Val abuses him. Angel then self destruct because he thinks if he (angel) is broken enough then Val will let him go. Meanwhile…..Husk was an overlord who gamble and lost his soul to Alastor…..these 2 problems don’t equal each other. One is horrible, and one is a bummer situation. Also the message for being at rock bottom, together, maybe he helped to some people, but I think in Angel’s case he needs different help. Like sometimes when people act worse with each other, it can make people not want to get better or encourage someone to get worse. I feel like that what husk and angel dynamic is?
For some reason I feel like Charlie was written really out of character here??? She crying and had to be carried away. It feels very weird.
Scale 1-4. I give this a 1. Would have have this a 0 but husk singing voice save it.
I heard that episode 5 and 6 are coming soon. Will I seen them, probably. Do I enjoy this show? Not really. The concept is cool! And like, only 3 characters I enjoy. But I feel like the way this is handled is bad. On Prime Video this show is 18+. Honestly, this show feels more like TV-14 - TV-MA. TV 14 is decried as intended for children ages 14 and up in company of an adult. It possibly contains suggesting dialogue, strong language, intense sexual situations, or intense violence.
TV MA is for adults. It possibly contains crude indecent language, explicit sexual activity, or graphic violence. On IMDb Hazbin Hotel has 19 sex and nudity, 14 gore and violence, 9 profanity, 10 alcohol, drugs and smoking, 9 fighting and intense scenes. On HBO MAX it’s 18+, TVMA, when video version, and 16+ on YouTube. So like, who is this show for???
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trickerys-domain · 1 year ago
Y'all ready for my hilariously candid unpopular UMK ranking!
Obligatory preferace that I'm just an opinionated bitch. This selection is overall really strong and I'm very much excited for the live show. I think a lot of these songs will make or break during the live. I also think there is an odd disparity in the obvious budget and set quiality for the 7 music videos. Almost like they had a different line-up and some songs were last minute replacements.
I also did not factor in whether a song would do well in eurovision at all because frankly rn I do not care.
This ranking will also probably change so like who cares, I'm ready to enjoy a great liveshow full of people who give a shit about their art.
Ok, here we go!
7. Vox Populi - Mikael Gabriel
The general sound of this one is fun and easy. Good filler or backgroud music. Like if it came on in shuffle I probably wouldn't skip it. However, the lyrics are like really bad. Especially in context of the seeming general opinion of this man I am seeing. Also, this man is strategically pandering and a. Its not working, b. No on seems to have noticed. The use of Matti and that obviously käärijä influenced face in the music video smacked me on first watch. He is capitalizing and I'm very curious to see what he does with the live. Not excited, just curious.
6. Dancing with Demons - Cyan Kicks
I liked Hurricane better. There its been said. I do enjoy listening to this but I forget about it a lot. It also took me until basically now to kinda remember what it sounds like. Meanwhile I can still think of the Hurricane chorus 2 years later having not listened to it since UMK 2022. I do think Cyan Kicks has a really good fun sound, I just don't vibe with this song all that much.
Also, this bears no weight on my opinion of either song. But I need to call out the hypocrisy I've been seeing online. I've seen so many people comment that they don't like the amount of autotune Sexmane uses in Mania and then go on to say how much Dancing with Demons showcases Susanna's voice. Like...... there is so much autotune on Dancing with Demons. It will not sound like that live. And that's fine, its clearly an artistic choice that fits with their musical style, like Sexmane. But pls just sit with that for a bit before complaining about the, frankly much less, autotune in a rap song. Tangent rant over.
5. Kuori Moi - Sini Sabotage
This is where my ranking will probably swap a lot. This song is really catchy and I ingeneral like this type of music. I call it chill sex. This is also a very fun unserious song and video played straight, and I appreciate that. I am worried about something with vocals this chill live. They're good vocals, but very intentionally monotone and if the staging isn't engaging it might fall flat. This song is mostly at 5th place because I dont have anything bad to say about it, but it doesn't stand out quite as much as some of the others. I adored her interview tho.
4. Paskana - Sara Siipola
This is a great power ballad while still being upbeat. It doesn't drag. The vocals are great. The music video is great even while being very simple. The lyrics and message are really really good too. This song gets stuck in my head a lot and I think it is, on a technical level, the stongest song this year. I really hope the staging supports the song but with how raw and peeled back the vibe of the song is it will be difficult to make staging that is engaging without being distracting.
3. No Rules! - Windows95Man
Pure unashamed 90s nostalgia schlock. This is very much the type of trashy eurodance I enjoy, so home run for me. I think the staging will be very fun, but maybe too much. Or it will be organized chaos like Portion Boys last year. Speaking of, this is definitely this years silly fan fave that will be well received but probably not win, a la Portion Boys and Teflon Brothers. For being trashy eurodance, I do think it is construced very well. It flows and it actually written well, its bad on purpose and it is successful. Is it the most original or masterful, no. It is very enjoyable and fun and low pressure, yes.
2. MANIA - Sexmane
This one gets stuck in my head the most. Good beat, good flow. I really like the sound of the chorus, including the auto tune. The lyrics hold more than I think comes across initially and you can tell Sexmane really connects with this song the way his voice delivers even in the studio version. This is the song that I'm most excited to see live because I wanna know what kind of staging he pulls out. Side note: I think it's really funny that the brother called Sexmane is less sexual musically than the one just called Isaac.
1. Glow - Jesse Markin
This is just a really phenomenally written and positive song. It is really nice to have some good classic rap at a competition like UMK. The flow is impeccable with his rapping too. There's a lot of American artists who can't write that well in english. The message of this song is really uplifting without feeling hollow because it recognizes you gotta actually work at being in a good place. Jessie is someone who knows exactly who he is as an artist and person and that translates into the song. Also Alpaca!
I think the the songs that have the biggest chance of winning are Paskana, Dancing with Demons, and No Rules!
But truly I have no clue how this will go. This is a very evenly matched line-up both in quality and fan reception. The live perfomances will 100% decide the outcome.
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unhingedselfships · 7 months ago
Kimi Uses Her New Powers For Evil To Have Sex With Her Situationship
Can I tell you a story about Sato?”
It had been a couple of months since their first bath together. They were down in Tokyo for a while, and they were crashing at her apartment for the night. Movie night. Sprawled across the couch, well worn and used to them by now. Legs tangled, drinks on the table, and laughs in the air.
She kept looking at him, studying him.
The way she did when she wanted something.
He caught the way she was trying not to smile, lip tucked into teeth.
“Alright Kimberly, the fuck is your problem now?” he huffed at her.
And then she’d laid that one on him.
He laughed, surprised, and smiled at her, “Y’know what. Sure.”
She lit up, and spun her tale.
Perhaps it was the blend of factors, the drink, her touches, the rather fine story she’d presented.
But whatever it was, they found themselves spent and content, on her living room floor. Clothes strewn about, and feeling rather a bit like dumb teenagers.
It was nice, in its way. 
He poked her side and cackled at the way she squealed and squirmed. 
She was fussy about how ticklish she was, and rarely let him get away with using it against her.
“Gross,” the monotone word from the hall had him cursing between laughs.
Damn Ophelia and her terrible timing.
“Can I tell you a story about Sato?”
He’d smiled indulgently and told her to try. Let her have her fun. The timing wasn’t terrible and the last two had been good. 
She was sure to run out of ammunition soon, but. Well.
Let her have her fun.
He closed his eyes and let himself just listen, head tilted back. 
It was good, not her best, but good. 
And getting better.
“Wait wait wait, no. I’m sorry Kimberly, but no,” he pinned her with an annoyed look.
“Eh? Whaddaya mean, no?”
“That would never happen. It wouldn’t work.”
She was suddenly indignant.
“Excuse the fuck out of you, but it can, and did, and I can prove it!”
He scoffed, “Right, right, sure, let's hear it then.”
She flew out of the room, and was back in short order, tablet and notebooks in hand.
“I have sources!”
And she laid it out for him, not only that it could happen, but that it had, not by Sato, but by someone. 
She wouldn’t give him a name no matter how hard he needled.
He’d get it from her eventually.
“Huh. Well,” normally he didn’t much like being wrong but. Well this was a special case wasn’t it?
The ‘mood’ she’d been aiming for may have been lost but, she didn’t seem too disappointed anyway.
She always loved a good debate.
“Can I tell you a story about Sato?”
It wasn’t exactly routine, or even common. She gave him plenty of time between stories. Months. 
But now and then she’d hit him with her new line, and he’d let her ‘shoot her shot’.
It didn’t always work, but it did on occasion. And most of the time when it didn’t they got to have a fun conversation instead.
So he relaxed, and let her talk.
Something seemed off this time. Odd.
He sat up abruptly, spine stiff and body tense, indignant, “How do YOU know about that!”
She’d been startled, and shook her head confusedly at him, baffled and blinking.
“Eh? I brained it with my brain? And extensive research. So much math. I hate math. But here we are,” she shifted a bit, seeming a bit more bashful, withdrawn, “I just wanted it to be good for you…”
Slowly he relaxed, easing back, “Ok, ok …. Describe it again.”
And she did, going over the shot itself, but also all the care and effort that went into the lead up. Wind speed and curvature and all the parts of the gun itself.
The act itself had been quick, unlike the hit, but she seemed content regardless.
They hadn’t even bothered undressing properly.
Taking a drag of his post-sex cigarette he paused, looking at her, eyes narrowed.
She hummed in askance.
“How much research have you done.”
Her eyes grew wide and she squealed, hiding her face and rolling away from him, and he cackled.
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ivydbomb · 9 months ago
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Saw this and I need to do it. Here goes-
1 - Ruler of everything (Tally Hall) | Ohhhkaayy I could either make them a time god or some pretentious mf.
2 - Overjissel (Patricia Taxxon) 😨 ssssoooo…. Mercenary..???? I mean. The song is about a guy shooting his wife. Imma just say assassin/mercenary.
3 - Rise and Shine (Deorro) … They used to be a.. ssinger? Or…. Something???? Or just incomprehensible. Their backstory is incomprehensible.
4 - Charlie’s Inferno (That Handsome Devil) So their friends are fake. They do things just to win favor or get things in return. Maybe highly religious?
5 - Fine (Lemon Demon) Their love life is definitely not fine. Maybe I could put an aroace spin on this and say they tried romance but realize they’re okay without it. Everything’s gonna be fine without a parter and they can put all those bad breakups behind them.
6 - Masquerade (siouxxie) They live somewhere not safe. Maybe in like the New York Ghetto. Or just generally on the streets in some bad part of some bad town.
7 - IN MY MOUTH (Black Dresses) They dress like a SLUT!!!! Kill it bestie.
8 - Sudno (Molchat Doma) Their hobby is killing themself????? Or- just being depressed. Ig.
Ok here’s what I got. Some sort of depressed time deity that spends most of their time in slums so they aren’t chased around by their worshippers. They work as a mercenary to what they think is freeing people from the confines of reality. The monotonous drawl of time that hurts every living creature. This guy had seen everything that will ever happen and everything that has happened. And they aren’t happy. So they kill people one by one as a hired Assassin or something. They’ve tried getting into romance and passions like singing but all has ended poorly. They realized they don’t need or want a partner and any frivolous activity like performing is useless. Also bro dresses in the sluttiest outfits and absolutely serves even though they’re nihilistic and sad.
I might do this again this was fun.
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redlenai · 2 months ago
Got more rambling ideas for the DadSea AU
Swansea started the trip with completely different opinions on the crew:
His first impression of Curly was of Toxic Positivist, and extremely shallow, he internally called him Polle 2.0 by how cliché he sounded whenever there was problems
His first impression of Jimmy was concerning, it reminded him to his years priors to getting sober, only that without the fun and partying. He noticed at a first glance Jim wasn't mentally ok to endure the trip
Anya, he got a soft spot for her already, she reminded him of his own daughter. Hardworking and cheeky, she was going to cause trouble (in the good sense, he was wrong)
Daisuke... At first he considered he was just a slob, an idiot that never took anything seriously, making mistakes left and right, tho he felt bad at scolding him afterwards
At first everything seemed fine during the trip, they did their work, had fun during game night, complained together about the variety of food options, then each one doing their thing. Swansea is used to the routine, he is a veteran at this job, being in space is not that hard for him, and the limited sleeping hours don't bother him, he got used to the rules and reprimands so long ago that he doesn't have to think about them consciously about each thing he does in the Ship.
Curly is the next one, he can tell the guy has experience and has been climbing the ladder, not in vain he is the Captain, however he doesn't like that Curly beats around the bushes in several ocassions, when they all got fired, well, Swansea kind of expected it, Daisuke was flabbergasted, but he noticed the way Jimmy and Anya reacted, one had a plan about what to do when they returned, the other got the few pieces of the bridge he was building completely burned.
That's when things began to slowly escalate, at first, they had a rebel phase, not giving a crap about the rules, eating and sleeping when they saw fit (Still calculating rations, with Curly and Swansea keeping their schedules and routines), for a while, they all seemed to unwind with the games and little pranks they put on each other, until things just stopped working, the monotonous life began to make the younger members more irritated. It started with Daisuke hitting the vending machine because he couldn't fix it on his own, then Anya trying to impose her knowledge as a nurse on both Daisuke and Jimmy when they got injured (By repairing things or with makeship exercises and weightlifting). Curly began to abuse his authority, either to claim he was right about something or to boss the others around
jimmy and Curly were best friends before the trip, but living together made them clash on their different personalities, so much they argued about things like the Ship's course and things from the past. Curly lashing out at Jimmy's tone, the other returning it so Curly "had a genuine reason to get mad". When they were finally near the delivery point, all hell broke lose and they begin to fight violently on the hallway, Anya had yelled them both to stop and even splashed some water on them, accidentaly soaking Daisuke who lashed out at her, he wouldn't hit her but there was some hair pulling.
Swansea had to break both fights happening at the door of Medbay, axe in hand and making a loud thud on the ground. They all silently stopped and went to do their own things, the silent lasted a few weeks. And that's when they began to break one by one and he had to help them.
At the end, they returned to Earth stronger, but weaker at the same time. Overall, they all managed to become friends, except for Curly and Jimmy who now had bad sentiments towards each other.
Anya knows Jimmy has a crush on Curly and it pisses her off a bit that sometimes it is SO obvious and yet it goes over Curly's head.
She and Jimmy disliked each other at first, they got to an understanding and while they snarl at each other and said the worst things imaginable, it is affectionately.
She is Bitch and he is Manwhore.
Daisuke insisted them to have a mean nickname too, he knew it was downhill when Jimmy said it was a Jimtastic idea
Daisuke is more skilled than he gives himself credit, he repaired the vent on his own tho everyone scolded him since he could have killed himself (They were worried af and Swansea insisted to get checked 2-3 times just to make sure he was ok)
Anya did the extra check ups without complain, Curly letting him know that if something happened he could tell him while Jimmy insisted in doing some tasks for him and relax
Daisuke likes that they care but doesn't like being treated like a child that can't do nothing for himself
Curly knows Jimmy is an orphan, but Swansea heard Jimmy about two very specific things, no matter what he did he wasn't loved nor treated like the bio kids. They kept him around because of the support money
Jimmy is pretty good at cleaning, he had a meltdown when he ran out of his Neutral shampoo since the one in the Tulpar made his hair greasy and damaged
Curly friendly flirst with Anya, who tells him she wouldn't touch him even with a laser pointer <3
Curly had insinuated to both Anya and Jimmy they make a cute couple, Anya gagged while Jimmy said he only swings towards the density of white dwarf stars, Curls didn't get it
Curly thinks he is the one that learned first Swansea gives the best hugs
Daisuke was the first, Jimmy and Anya were informed so they all just shruggled when Curly tried to "gossip" about it
Swansea doesn't want anything to do with the "big breast" talk (More like Anya lowdly complaining about Curly and Jimmy having a bigger pair than her)
Curly says his chest is not that big, Jimmy insist that duh, yes his boobs are that big "Pecs..." "No, man, boobs, those are boobs"
Anya in fact failed Med School 8 times mostly for financial reasons, the other reason was severe anxiety
Swansea would never said it out loud, but its cute when he sees the other four napping in the couch of the Lounge, cuddling.
Other reason, finally some peace and quiet
Curly, Swansea and Anya are dog people, Jimmy and Daisuke are cat people
Mouthwashing AU:
Everything is fine, but everyone's mental health declines as the months pass by. But instead of being some horror shit going on, just Swansea being trapped with 4 people younger than him, starting with them pranking each other, more and more chaos and even fist fighting between them. Basically DadSea losing his patience
Daisuke got his hand superglued to a Sweetener package, after someone snitched he stole one (Curly did it)
Anya stealing everyone's sweaters and never returning them, she gives the middle finger to Curly and Jim the most (As Gymbros, their sweaters are gigantic)
Curly being the one that still acts like a Captain but sometimes its like a switch is clicked and suddenly he is the most uncooperative bastard
Jimmy hasn't sleep for 2 weeks, he doesn't know HOW but whoever put the damn Polle statue on his room is going to pay if he ever finds out who did it (Team work, except Swan), he can't sleep there anymore
Swansea had to break a fight between Jimmy and Curly because since they have similar builds, couldn't differentiate whose uniform was whose and literally accusing the other of stealing their stuff.
Swansea had to scold Anya and Daisuke for being overly competitive during game night, throwing pieces at each other, having a screaming match that ended when Swan claimed the Screamer title
When he is really about to lose it, its like all of a suddent the chaos ends and he is then having one on one conversations or having to act like a parent to each of them, because their behaviors are clearly caused by being overwhelmed with the isolation and silence from space.
Curly finally breaking down about the many responsabilities he has and the high expectations everyone has on him
Anya having crying fits over feeling stuck and wondering if she'll ever go to Med School
Daisuke unable to trust the fact that he is learning and improving as an Intern
Jimmy just terrified about what is he going to do when they land, what other job to apply or that he'll end homeless.
Goddamit I'm rambling so much but like yeah, a nice AU about found family, hitting rock bottom and an old man whose wisdom is the ladder to help these younger folks to move despite the unknown, and maybe Swansea noticing small glimpes of the people that raised his crewmates? Overachiever parents for Curly, single parent struggling to support Anya's education, Daisuke and emotionally absent parents, Jimmy who didn't had parents and was tossed from one foster home to another. And Swan doesn't learn these things by talking to them, they barely share these things except when they hit their limit, but he notices, by the small habits, behaviors and routines.
Of course, Daisuke being everyone's little ray of sunshine and the easiest to manage. Swan also felt his cholesterol raise when Anya mentioned craving the most disgusting, greasiest, unhealthy trash food known to man and in fact the gymbros sweating as they watch (As much as they can) what they eat.
Swansea: Ain't ya' supposed to be... the healthy one?
Curly would be ready to puke imagining the trash food, while Jimmy is lost trying to calculate the possible calories that foul thing has.
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silver-hwaberry · 3 years ago
FOUR: would it be ok if i kissed you?
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Warnings: Little suggestive: talks about sex and condoms, brief mentions of a boner. lots of kissing, mentions of anxiety, and past bullying (not graphic or descriptive).
Word Count: 5.8k
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Movie night was good. We ended up watching the new Dr Strange movie as the guys hadn’t seen it yet. It surprised me 9 people fit on the one sofa, but there was actually plenty of room leftover, even with us all on it. Wooyoung sat beside me with Yeosang on the other side. We had a lot of snacks and drinks. 
Yeosang and I even made popcorn, giving us a chance to talk alone too, and it was fun, especially when he tried to catch the popcorn and it was so hot he instantly dropped it, causing me to snort laugh. He told me he had failed in his attempt to impress me, but I assured him it impressed me from the start, so he did not fail. His face immediately blushed, and he went shy for a few seconds until the rest of the popcorn started popping and jumping all over the place, causing us both to laugh even more as he grabbed the lid to cover the pot.
At the end of the movie, everyone starts yawning and saying they are going to get ready for bed. Seonghwa had told them before the movie started I would be video calling my mom afterwards so to keep the noise down.
“Good night Luna.” they all say to me, one by one, as I get ready to go into my room.
Wooyoung gives me a hug before I leave.
“I hope you have a good sleep.” he says softly into my ear before pulling back and giving me a really sweet and genuine smile. The teasing Wooyoung from earlier is nowhere to be seen.
As I go into my room Wooyoung, San and Seonghwa are still sitting on the sofa. The others left for their bedrooms after they said their good nights to everyone and it feels rather quiet now. Once I have closed my bedroom door, I switch on the desk lamp. It has a soft glow to it. Perfect for any nighttime work I will need to do.
I make a mental note to buy a new chair, as this stool would not work for me. I often lean back while working, so I need something with a back or I will be falling off this all the time. I used to do my work sitting on the floor in my old apartment. I had a small lap tray I would set up because there was no room for a desk in the studio apartment. So it is nice to have an actual desk. I wonder if it was already in here or if they put it in specifically for me. Either way, I appreciate it.
I sit down and set up my laptop, messaging my mom at the same time to let her know I am free for her call when she is ready. Within 2 minutes, the video chat on my laptop rings and I see her face appear on the screen, making me smile. She is in her classroom, and I can hear the faint sound of kids chatting and making noise outside the window.
“Are you eating? You look thin!” my mom says as soon as the video chat opens. 
“Yes, I am eating mom and no, I am not thin! Look at this!” I reply, aiming the laptop camera at my tummy that is actually poking over the edge of my trousers as I prod it with my finger.
“Sweetheart, everyone has that when they sit down.” She says in a monotone voice, “Your face looks slimmer than usual.”
“Mom! I am fine. You know me, I am always eating something!” I say, “See!” I add holding up the strawberry cupcake San insisted on buying me at the store when he saw me looking at it.
“I can’t help worrying about you. You worked long hours in that hotel and barely had time to eat. You lost far too much weight. I hope this new job gives you actual time for breaks and to eat.” She replies. 
“It does! The company always buys food for everyone. Last week one of the band members bought us all burgers too. There is a convenience store beside the building too. You don’t need to worry.” I smile at her, hoping she believes me because I am telling the truth. 
Food is not an issue at the company, and I will probably put weight on at this rate! She was correct that in my old job at the hotel, I barely ate due to how busy it was and I lost a lot of weight due to it.
“How is everyone?” I ask, trying to change the topic.
“Your dad is… your dad. You know him always happy. I finish up school for the summer in 3 days and the twins are a week into their summer holidays. I already cannot wait for them to go back.” she sighs.
“Are they running you ragged?” I ask, taking a bite of the cake. 
“They have so much energy. You were such a calm child. I could take you places and you would walk. All Soojin and Hyejin want to do is run everywhere and touch everything! I took them to a museum yesterday, and I lost one. When I found her, the other one disappeared.” She answers.
“Double the trouble.” I laugh, thinking of what it must have looked like.
“When I asked one of the security guards if they had seen Soo showing him a photo of her, he looked down at Hye and then back at me like I was crazy, telling me my daughter was right there.” she says making me laugh more, “I see your background looks different. Are you in the staff accommodation now?”
Here we go. Woman misses nothing.
“Well, technically, this is staff accommodation.” I say.
“Younha! Where are you?” she says firmly.
Hearing my birth name is always her sign I should fess up.
“I am living in the band’s apartment.” I say as she looks confused, asking why. “It is easier for teaching. Their work schedules are hectic. I can only teach them between schedules, which isn’t fair as they need to rest, but living here, I can teach them at home and in the office. Plus, I have my own bedroom too that is bigger than my studio apartment was!”
“I guess that makes sense. How is it living with them?” she says.
“I only moved in earlier today, but so far, it is nice. We had dinner together, I went down to the store with Wooyoung and San, then we all watched a movie.” I reply.
“I am sure they will treat you well and if they don’t, I’ll send your Uncle Jihoon and cousins over to sort them out.” She laughs. “So, which one are you seeing?” she adds, raising an eyebrow
Aaaaaaand there it is. How does she do it? All I said was dinner, store and movie.
“Mom, it is very early days, so I am not making a big deal of it and I don’t want you to either, ok?” I say as she nods, “Seonghwa.”
“Oh yes, I do like him. He is the oldest and looks respectable. Seems like he is responsible, too. Like he will look after you.” she smiles as I smile back, “Let me talk to him.”
“Mom, no!” I reply, my smile dropping
“Younha Lee, you are still my baby, my firstborn, and my eldest child. I want to talk to the man you are dating. So go get him.” She says.
She may be thousands of miles away, but I can never say no to her when she is like this. I guess it is the teacher in her.
“Ok, I will see if he is still awake. The band has an early schedule tomorrow, so they are getting ready for bed.” I say, pushing my stool back, “And if he is awake, be nice! Like I said - early days. VERY early!”
“I will be on my best behaviour!” she replies
I stand up and walk out of my room. Only San and Wooyoung are in the lounge now. They are still watching tv but smile when they see me come in.
“Do you know if Seonghwa is in bed?” I ask.
“He just went upstairs like 2 minutes ago, so not yet.” San replies. “He will be arranging his clothes for tomorrow before he goes for a shower.”
“Wait, there is an upstairs?” I ask.
“Didn’t Sunghoon show you around earlier?” Wooyoung asks.
“No, he showed me my bedroom, then left.” I answer.
“We told him to show you around.” San sighs, rubbing his head. “I can show you where it is.” he adds, standing up as I nod.
I follow him down the corridor past the lounge and see a set of stairs around a corner; we go up them and on the 2nd floor I can see another corridor with rooms branching off it. There is the sound of laughter coming from one room, and I can hear a shower running from another room. 
“This floor has single bedrooms and a bathroom. Yunho, Mingi and I each have our own room on this floor.” San says, “Yunhos bedroom is the first left room, Mingi is next door to him. The bathroom is on the first right and my bedroom is beside it at the end. There is also a small room at the very end, but we use it mainly for storage.” San says pointing everything out.
We head up the rest of the stairs to the 3rd floor, which is similar layout to the 2nd but bigger. 
“3rd floor is 2 large rooms with en suites. Hongjoong and Seonghwa, Yeosang and Wooyoung share those rooms and Jonghos has a single room for himself. Obviously, Hongjoong and Seonghwa have the largest room in the apartment.” He laughs.
I honestly had no idea the apartment was so big. I thought it was all on the one floor. Not spread out over 3 entire floors! San takes me down the corridor to the room at the end and knocks on the door before going in.
“Seonghwa, Luna wants to see you.” he says opening the door to let me in.
The room is massive. It has 2 beds in it, lots of cabinets with statues. Lego creations on display that I knew had been made by Seonghwa. One side is spotless while the other is unorganised. It isn’t messy per se, just a lived in. The bed is not made. There are clothes lying on it and a laptop with headphones. It doesn’t take a genius to work out who sleeps where in this room.
Seonghwa is standing in an open wardrobe. San was right, he was picking his clothes for tomorrow. I guess you live together for as long as they do, then you will know each other’s routines. San moves to let me in further before heading back out of the room, saying goodbye to me before closing the door behind him. I can hear another shower running, must be Hongjoong. 
“Everything ok?” Seonghwa asks, closing the wardrobe doors
“Not really. I told my mom and she, erm wants to talk to you.” I say nervous playing with my hands, “You don’t have to. I told her you guys were getting ready for bed, so I can tell her you are already asleep.”
“No, it is ok with me.” he replies
“Are you sure? I told her to be nice, but she is my mom and a teacher to high school students. She knows how to interrogate.” I say, my hands shaking even more now.
I think he sees how anxious I was being because he places his hands on my shoulders gently and leans down slightly to be eye level with me. 
“Hey, it is ok. Just take a deep breath.” he says before moving one of his hands to my cheek.
His touch is really soft and comforting, too. I’ve only known him 2 weeks, but he is the one I feel most comfortable around so far. He has this calming aura that makes me feel better when he is near me. I look into his eyes as he looks back at mine. God, his eyes are beautiful. We have this moment between us. No words being spoken, just looking at one another as my breathing calms. He moves his arms to wrap them around me and pulling me into his body.
Oh my god, I could stay like this forever. The sound of his heartbeat in my ear is soothing. It is beating a little fast, though. Probably nervous because my mom wants to talk to him and understandably so. As I wrap my own arms around his waist, I feel his head slightly nuzzle on top of mine and I just close my eyes, relaxing into him.
“Better?” he asks
“Much.” I reply, nodding as he slowly pulls away
“Good.” he smiles down at me, his arms still surrounding me. “Let’s go talk to your mom.”
“It won’t be long. She is on her lunch break, anyway. Less time for her to grill you, I guess!” I say as he chuckles.
He looks at me for a few seconds, his big eyes looking into mine before he pulls back further. Taking his hand into mine, causing my stomach to flip at the contact, but I hold on to it tightly. As I do this he looks down at me and smiles again. 
We walk back down the stairs, his fingers moving to intertwine with my own as we reach the 1st floor. I can feel his thumb softly rubbing my hand in a comforting manner, and it is actually helping me.
San is back on the couch again and nods as we walk in. His eyes look down at our hands and he has a tiny little smirk on his face as Seonghwa walks me right past him and into my bedroom. 
“Have fun you two!” he shouts as Seonghwa closes the door. “Don’t make too much noise.”
“Eh?” I hear Wooyoung say, he had been looking at his phone and didn’t see us pass him hand in hand.
I groan lightly knowing how this looks, but also at the fact my mom will have heard San because I was an idiot and didn’t put my laptop on mute before I left.
“Sorry about him. I’ll set him straight later on.” Seonghwa whispers to me.
Seonghwa pulls the stool out for me to sit down on as he squats beside him to be level with the laptop. My mom is sitting there staring at us through the screen. She has her teacher’s face on. The one she gives her students or when she is about to be serious.
“It is nice to meet you Mrs Lee.” Seonghwa bows to her
“It is nice to meet you too, Seonghwa.” my mom replies in Korean
The conversation was short but sweet. My mom was polite with him. He was incredibly respectful to her, which I could see made her smile a lot. To be honest, it made me smile too. He really was a gentleman. Just as I was thinking this was going so well, my mom drops a bombshell.
“I am assuming you know of Lunas allergies.” My mom suddenly says.
“I do. She told us about her seafood allergy. We have made sure there will be no fish or fish-related in the house and we will not eat it around her either.” he replies.
“It isn’t just seafood. She has other allergies, too.” She remarks, her teacher scolding voice very clear through the speakers.
Seonghwa looks at me with confusion on his face, then concern before looking back at the laptop.
“Luna has told me you are in the very early stages so I don’t know if you have had sex yet or not..” she begins
“Mom!” I gasp loudly, wanting the ground to swallow me up.
“Younha!” she says firmly before looking back at Seonghwa whose face is nearly like a tomato. “She has an allergy to latex, so I assume you will use condoms, or have been if you are already active.” She carries on. Someone save me, please! “You need to make sure they are latex free.”
My stomach lurches at what she is saying as I just sit there covering my face with sheer embarrassment.
“We haven’t.. we aren’t..” I hear Seonghwa stutter
“Mom, this is not one of your sex education classes at school. We haven’t had sex yet. I hadn’t got around to telling him about my latex allergy either. I had been planning to, but thank you for embarrassing me by telling him and talking about sex.” I say in English, taking my hands away from my face.
“Sweetheart, you should have already told him. What if he didn’t know and used latex condoms?” she says, “You know what would happen!”
“That wouldn’t have happened because I would have told him before we got to that stage. I am not stupid, mom! I told you earlier we are in the very early stages of this relationship.” I say, “So please just drop it.” I add as she nods.
I can see at the corner of my eyes Seonghwa is looking confused at us conversing in English and I think my mom sees it too as she switches back to Korean. 
“I apologise Seonghwa. I didn’t mean to be blunt or to make it seem like I am prying into your sex life. That is something private to you, and to Luna. I just want Luna safe. Her allergies are something that she’s lived with most of her life and no matter how old she gets, I will always worry about her. I know Luna is very careful of everything around her, but I need you to be as well. And the others members who live in the apartment.” She says to him.
“We will all take care of her, Mrs Lee. That I can assure you.” he says. “I will ensure that the apartment and any other places we go with her is safe.”
When the call finally ends, I feel relief, also wishing my stool had a backing to it so I could flop backwards. As if Seonghwa knows, he puts an arm around me, supporting my back. 
“That wasn’t too bad.” he smiles moving from his squatting position to sitting up on his knees so he is a little lower than me but also closer too, “Or is she going to message you later saying she doesn’t approve?” he adds raising an eyebrow
“Oh no, if she didn’t like you, she would have told you. My mom is honest, as you can probably tell.” I reply.
His fingers are softly stroking my back, and it feels nice. Because of my cropped sweater, my lower back is exposed but his hand stays on the material part of my back.
“I am so sorry about her talking about sex. That was absolutely mortifying!” I say, “I didn’t know she was going to do that or I would have warned you.” 
“Luna, it is fine. Yes, I was shocked by how straightforward she was about it, but for her, it was from a place of concern. I am glad she did because now I know, but you need to tell us all about your allergies. It sounds like you have more, though.” He says.
“I know, I am sorry.” I whisper.
“Don’t apologise.” He says, his free hand touching my face to make me look at him.
“It’s just I hate having them. I was called ‘the allergy freak’ when I was in school. No one wanted to be my friend and they would make fun of me, put things I was allergic to in my locker. I was so scared to open it most days in case something was in it and I would go into anaphylaxis shock. I ended up having to change schools because of the bullying. My mom was so angry about it all, threatening to sue the school for not stopping it.” I reply, sighing lightly. 
“That must have been awful. I can’t believe they put the things you are allergic to in your locker. That was so dangerous.” he replies. His eyes are dark and jaw clenched.
“I’ve grown up with everyone treating me like I am going to die any second. When I moved to Seoul, I finally felt free of it. I can take care of myself as I know what to look out for, what to avoid. Back home, my mom would tell everyone who came into contact with me and then they would treat me like a little kid.” I say, a small lump forming in my throat. “I just hate people making a fuss over me. It has always made me feel so uncomfortable.”
“I can understand that.” he says, his hand stroking my back a little firmer, “And I will try not to fuss over you too much, but I, and the others just want to protect you. So tomorrow, please tell us all your allergies and what we can do to look after you without fussing.”
What did I do to deserve him and the others? What is it about me that makes them like me so much? I just don’t get it. My eyes partially close at how nice the back strokes feel, how comfortable he is making me feel in general.
“Do you feel better for not having lied to her, though?” he asks, his deep voice speaking softly. 
“I do, but she’ll work it out in the end. Especially when they visit next month. Hopefully she won’t want to see the apartment since it is your home too and I’ll keep you guys away from her. So don’t worry.” I reply. 
“Do you really think she won’t want to meet your boyfriend when she visits?” he asks and I can hear the smirk on his lips
Hearing Seonghwa say the word ‘boyfriend’ makes my tummy flutter. I guess he is my boyfriend, well that is what we just told my mom and if things work out then he will be, or is he already? 
I open my eyes a little more and look at him. The soft lighting from the desk lap is making him look like an angel. His big brown eyes looking up into mine once more as his hand continues to slowly and softly stroke my back. He is right, though. She WILL want to meet him when she visits, especially as she knows him as my ‘boyfriend’ now.
“Are you my boyfriend?” I ask, my voice light and playful
“Luna?” he says softly, nearly a whisper but not quite
“Yeah?” I reply, just as quiet
“Would it be ok if I kissed you?” he asks
No man has ever asked to kiss me, so the question has taken me aback a little. I can’t answer, only nod my head as we continue to drown in one anothers eyes. He leans forward, his lips connecting with my own, and I feel an instant spark. My hands automatically go to him, holding onto either side of his neck. 
After a few soft kisses, I feel the tip of his tongue swipe against my lower lip, as if asking for permission. I tilt my head more and open my mouth to deepen the kiss. His tongue delicately enters and swirls with my own. I am feeling an instant head rush. I’ve never experienced this sensation in a first kiss before. It feels so nice.
As he shifts his position on the floor to turn more towards me, I hear his knee crack, sounding louder than it would have done because of the hardwood flooring, and I reluctantly pull away from his lips. Not wanting him to stay in this position and hurt himself.
I can see his face is flushed red, much like my own face right now, as I could feel all the blood rushing to it the second I felt his tongue roll against mine. I could feel something rushing to another part of my body, too. If this is how I get from just a 2 minute kiss from him, then I knew I was going to be a mess at a later date.
I lean forward and place a little peck on his lips before standing up, pulling him with me so he could straighten his legs.
“Was.. was that ok?” he asks
“It was more than ok. I only stopped because I didn’t want you hurting your legs in that position.” I reply, placing my arms around his waist.
One of his hands tilts my chin so my head looks up at him.
“And to answer your question. I want to be your boyfriend, darling.” he whispers, his lips ghosting over my own. “If you’ll have me.”
“Of course.” I find myself replying, pulling his head closer so our lips meet once more.
It is crazy how fast this is going, but it feels right. Within seconds, his tongue is swirling against mine again and the kiss goes from innocent to hot in 0.2 seconds. I feel his fingers running through my hair, my own gripping onto the sides of his t-shirt as one of his hands bunches my hair in his fist, his other moving down to my neck. 
He moves closer to me, his body pressed against my own, little moans escaping from us both, and it is then that I feel him poking against my lower stomach. I whimper as he breaks the kiss, his forehead resting against my own, softly panting against my lips.
“I need to stop.” he says breathlessly, “I don’t want to get carried away.”
I am already craving his lips on mine again. Now that I’ve had a taste of them, I want more. His lips find mines once more, his hands moving down my body, gripping my waist as I lean against the desk. The touch of his hands on my bare skin is driving me crazy. They move up slowly, going under my sweater, and my head is spinning. The kiss is just as heated as the previous kiss and I can tell he is having trouble.
Part of me wants him right now. I want to move him over to my bed, pull him down on top of do things to me, but I also need to respect his wishes for not wanting to get carried away and take control of the situation, so I slow down the kiss. I feel bad that he is now worked up though and wish I could give him some form of relief.
“Sorry. I want to do this properly. Take you out for dinner, go for a walk afterwards, get some ice cream, then come home and spend the night with you.” he says and my heart melts as I look up at him, “No pressure though, even just sitting on the sofa with you beside me would be an ideal ending to the evening.” He quickly adds.
“I would like that.” I smile, placing a small kiss on his lips. “Maybe with a different ending, though.” I add, raising my eyebrows. 
“Really?” he asks, his eyes sparkling as I nod. “I will take you on a date on my next free night.”
I giggle as he leans down, placing little pecks on my lips and a final one on the tip of my nose. I am not a giggler; I actually have a manly laugh, my dads laugh according to my mom. When I find something hilarious, it is loud, and I snort too. I have never been the cute giggly girl type in my life, so I have no idea why I am giggling like a little schoolgirl right now.
“I am happy you are here with us.” he whispers
“I am happy too.” I reply before he captures my lips once more. 
This time it’s light and sweet. I could easily kiss this man all day long. This feels like it is going at warp speed and usually I would put the brakes on so hard my feet would go through the floor if I were in a real car, but somehow, it feels so right at the same time. It is so easy with him.
“I will let you get ready for bed now.” he says pulling away from me
“Oh, talking of that, can you show me where the bathroom is? I don’t want to go knocking on people’s doors trying to find it, either.” I say.
“You have your own bathroom.” he says, looking confused before going to the door that I thought was a cupboard and opening it. “Did Sunghoon not show you it?”
I shake my head as I look inside it. It is the most amazing ensuite bathroom I have ever seen. It has a large walk-in shower with one of those rain style shower heads plus a regular one. There is a counter with a sink and large mirror above it, with extra counter space beside it. And of course a toilet! I honestly did not know this was even in here. I smile as I look around it.
“Now that is a smile I would want to see every day.” Seonghwa says.
“This bathroom is amazing! My old apartment it was just a toilet with a tiny shower above it. There wasn’t even room for a sink. I had to brush my teeth in the kitchen sink.” I reply, “Honestly, this feels like too much, though. I know this used to be someone’s room. I could smell the fresh paint when I arrived. I feel bad someone has given up their bedroom for me, especially with this amazing bathroom attached to it!”
“Don’t be!” he says.
“Who was it?” I ask moving towards him, “You may as well just tell me, because I will find out, anyway.” I add playfully, my hands finding their way onto his hips.
“I don’t think I will ever be able to say no to you.” he chuckles, his fingers playing with the ends of my curly hair, “Fine, it was Hongjoong. However, before you say anything, the man barely used it! He would be at the studio or would sleep on the sofa. So the room was empty most of the time, anyway.”
Knowing this amazing room and bathroom used to be Hongjoongs makes me feel worse, especially because it means Seonghwa had his own room and now has to share.
“Hongjoong and I shared bedrooms from the beginning.” He says, I am thinking he is a mind reader now because this answering questions I am thinking of is getting creepy now. “He is a good roommate, to be honest, so I don’t mind. Ok, bedtime now!”
“Ok.” I nod. “Thank you for talking to my mom. She knew instantly, just like I said.”
“I didn’t mind. Your mom is nice.” he replies.
“Nice until you piss her off!” I laugh. “You better get a good sleep because you have an English lesson with me after your vocal lesson.” I add.
“Ooh, just before lunchtime, too. I get to spend a lesson with you and then lunch afterwards.” he smirks.
I playfully roll my eyes at him before he heads back out of the bathroom. As I walk behind him into my bedroom, he turns quickly and gives me one more kiss.
“Your kisses are so fucking addictive.” He mumbles against my lips before chuckling deeply.
I could say the same about his kisses, too. He straightens himself before opening my bedroom door.
Only San is on the couch when we walk out, but he looks about ready to fall asleep this time. He lazily looks at us both before grinning.
“I’ll see you in the morning Luna.” Seonghwa says before walking into the corridor
My eyes look back at San, who is just grinning at me. 
“What’s with that face?” I ask, sitting beside him cross-legged 
“Nothing.” He says, “Seonghwa looks rather happy.”
“Oh, get your head out of the gutter.” I laugh, playfully hitting his shoulder. “He was only helping me with talking to my mom. She is the master detective. I told him I was worried about talking to her about what’s going on with us and that I don’t want to break any of you guy’s privacy, so he offered to say I was seeing him until we all talk. I know you won’t want people to know.”
San nods as I tell him this. His face understanding.
“I am only winding Seonghwa up, anyway. It is too easy.” He says, “You don’t need to worry about anything. I am glad Seonghwa hyung helped you. I already knew he was playing the boyfriend role, anyway.”
“How?” I ask, my eyebrows lowering slightly.
“While you were making the popcorn with Yeosang he mentioned to us about how close you are to your mom and you don’t like to lie to her. None of us wants you to do that. So it’s cool with all of us if you want to tell her the truth or not. We won’t be offended if you don’t want to, either.” He says, “And as for the other thing, don’t worry. I will keep you all to myself when we are together.” He adds winking 
Oh god, Seonghwa must have told them about the threesomes, foursomes and whatever else-somes. I can feel the heat in my ears instantly.
“Ok, on that note, I am going to bed.” I say, standing up.
“Want some company?” He grins before I throw a cushion at him. “I am joking!” He laughs, catching it and wrapping his arms around it. “Good night Luna.” 
“Good night San.” I say before leaving the lounge area and head back into my bedroom.
I decide I am far too tired for a shower. I can do it in the morning as I just want to go to bed as I am up early to sort out the lesson plans. I still have to properly assess their levels of English so I know where to start with each of them. 
They are already good at reading English and I’ve seen videos of fancalls where they are speaking it well too, but after briefly talking with them the previous week about how they feel, they all lack confidence in it. My first goal is to build that confidence on what they already know, and then I know where to continue from. 
Not going to lie after those amazing kisses from Seonghwa tonight, having a private 1-1 lesson with him could be dangerous. But I am a professional and I will remain professional… until lunchtime, at least.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Song recommendation: Want by Taemin
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hareharrison · 4 years ago
hold me
pairing: george harrison x reader
summary: george is in the process of finishing abbey road, and has been repeatedly coming home frustrated. instead of talking to you about it, he distances himself completely, and only speaks to you in annoyance or anger, and lashes out on you. he doesn’t know how much it affects you and one day comes home to the effects firsthand.
warnings: hurt/comfort, angst, angy geo, neurodivergent reader, invasive thoughts, mental breakdown/panic attack, but it works out in the end
a/n: hayyyy ok so i wrote this as a comfort fic for myself, and i decided to post it cause why not. i struggle with intense fear of abandonment cause of bpd haha fun 😐and wanted to make it from the POV of a neurodivergent reader?? so this is like a comfort fic for ND readers?? idk if i need to put any other potential trigger warnings for this but if i do please lmk and i will fix it
year: 1969
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the flat was quiet without him. to be honest, it was quiet with or without him, lately. as much as you didn’t want to admit it, george had been distant. he was always a quiet person, but he has never dismissed you this much. you knew that his job could be tiring and you tried not to overthink it, but you couldn’t help but feel bad. a voice in your head was planting horrible ideas, saying things like, “you fucked up, he doesn’t like you anymore, you’re annoying.” but still, you pushed on and tried your best to ignore the noise in your brain.
you sigh heavily and slide back into the couch. you had the next two days off of work, and nothing to do. george of course had to work on your days off, which left you alone at home. with your thoughts. it was hard getting through today, your intrusive thoughts were particularly loud... but he would be home any minute now, which brought on a bit of hope; seeing him should rid you of your own jailhoused mind.
the tv played some sitcom in front of you, which you had no interest in. all you could think about was if you ruined things. what if he was thinking of leaving you? it would be your fault... and yet you couldn’t think of a single thing you’ve ever done that might have hurt him.
the door opened gently and let in a cool draft that brushed against your warm skin. you look toward the entrance, seeing your george sigh heavily with exhaustion as he took his shoes and coat off. he looked up to you, his boldly furrowed brows softening.
“hi, love,” he says, walking toward you. you stand and approach him to greet him with a quick kiss. he holds you for a little longer than usual, and you take the opportunity to melt into his arms and breathe in his smell, something you’d been deprived of recently. he rests his chin on top of your head, which laid comfortably on his rising chest. it was moments like this that made all your worries slip away, moments like this that you wished you could cling onto forever and ever.
“how was your day?” you ask, finally leaning back to look up at him. he lets go of you and runs a hand through his long hair.
“not good,” he says, a frown on his perfectly sculpted face. you return his expression at the sight of him being sad. quickly, you remember your dinner ideas. maybe that would cheer him up.
“hey, maybe we can go get something to eat? maybe get your mind off of things?” you suggest, looking up at his brown eyes. he looks down at you, eyes full of regret.
“i’m sorry love, but i’d rather just head to bed already,” he says remorsefully. you smile softly and reassure him that it’s okay and he should get some rest. but part of you breaks inside, knowing he doesn’t want to spend time with you.
he headed upstairs and you followed, the painful ideas returning at full speed.
“you’re so annoying, of course he doesn’t want to spend any time with you. you’re so annoying and clingy,” your brain says and you flinch at the harsh thoughts. through your entire bedtime routine, thoughts flooded your mind and filled your entire being up, and you felt like you were being drowned from the inside out. george stood next to you as you both brushed your teeth, not speaking a single word to you or giving you a single glance. you changed into one of george’s t-shirts and watched as he slid out of his clothes and into his pajamas in seconds. he muttered a monotone, “good night,” before turning on his side, his back facting you.
as much as you didn’t want to, you believed the mean voices and hung your head as you got into bed next to george.
you slept back to back that night.
the sun seeped into your room through your windows, and invaded your bed, waking you rather unpleasantly. you groan lightly as you reached over your bed for george, but only found empty space. his side of the bed was cold, indicating that he’d been up for a while now.
you sit up slowly, rubbing your eyes as the aromas of freshly brewed coffee and morning dew hit your senses. you hear the song of the early birds chirping as your feet hit the cool floor. as you head downstairs, you can hear george on the phone, and you soon see him muttering softly before taking a long drag from his cigarette. you don’t bother him, seeing that there was paperwork on the table and his call must be business related. naturally, you decide to head for the coffee, the smell luring you in like a fish.
you poured the hot, dark liquid into your favorite mug and add in your preferred amounts of cream and sugar. looking out the window, you see water drip gently from the leaves of a tree that george and you had planted a year ago. you sip your coffee and reminisce about the times you used to actually spend time with george. how nice it was, seeing him smile so often.
you suddenly hear george raise his voice at the phone, something unlike him entirely. you jump at the unpleasant sound before peeking through the hallway to see what on earth was happening.
“no, i don’t care! i want the bloody bastard fired, in fact, tell him not to bother showing up today,” he shouts into the phone before slamming it down, placing his head between his knees and groaning in frustration. seeing george this upset and acting out on it was truly a rare sighting, and you thought carefully about what to next.
after careful consideration, you tiptoe into the room and gently rest a hand on his shoulder, the sudden contact making him flinch.
“christ, (y/n) are you trying to give me a bloody heart attack?” he grumbles before lighting another cigarette.
“sorry,” you say softly, “would you like some tea?” you figure it could calm his anger and soothe some of his abnormal irritability.
“what? tea? there’s already coffee made,” he says rudely. you take a step back, saying nothing. you know that you didn’t do anything and that this behavior would pass. george was never like this. your eyes find the time and see that george should have left ten minutes ago.
“george, you’re gonna be late to work,” you say, thinking you could at least do something helpful. his head snaps back at you and his once soft face turned hard with anger.
“what are you implying? you want me gone?” he stands up and angrily grabs all of the papers scattered on the table, shoving them into a folder and the folder into his bag, “fine, i’ll leave. im out the door.”
you look at him in confusion, you’d barely woken up and were just trying to help, “what’s the matter with you?”
“what’s the matter with me,” he repeats, looking away and scoffing. he runs his hand through his hair in frustration, “im sick of this, (y/n)! im sick of life. i come home exhausted and you have half a mind to ask me if i want to talk about it!”
“you always want to go straight to bed,” you defend yourself, hurt that he would even suggest that you don’t care about him. his dark eyes glare into your own for a moment that feels like hours, trying to think of somethig clever to say in response, but he just wasn’t ever much of a fighter. he finally chooses to put his cigarette out on the table’s ashtray and grab his coat. if you wanted him out of the house, he was more than happy to comply.
“george-“ you start.
“no,” he cuts you off, “don’t say anything right now, i can’t even look at you.” and he doesn’t, he ignores your presence entirely as he picks up his bag and walks out the door.
you’re left in the cold house, alone, hurt, and dumbfounded. you couldn’t believe what had just happened. you couldn’t believe that george, your george, had taken his anger out on you, simply for trying to help his morning be less shitty. worse than that, he thought you wanted him gone, when all you wanted was to be with him. is this how it was going to be now? a bitter, loveless relationship? your eyes sting with fresh tears at the thought, and a huge lump in your throat grows painfully. you take a deep breath before heading upstairs. you wanted anything but to cry this early in the morning, and the only reason you got up somewhat early was to see george before he left to work. now that your morning was ruined, you figured heading back to bed was the next best thing.
you climb back into your shared bed, suppressing your emotions with the warmth of your fluffy blankets and soft pillows. the comfort of a bed felt almost like a hug, and you sighed, letting the pain drift away as you fell asleep.
when you opened your eyes, the realization hit you. you’d slept until the sun began to set, completely ignoring your emotions, stuffing them down inside of you like an overflowing trash can. being awake made them fling right back at you; sleeping didn’t change a thing, and was only a temporary pause in your pain.
all of your feelings came back to you at once, and it once again felt like you were drowning internally. only this time, the thoughts weren’t the invasive factor. your emotions were overwhelmingly intense on top of your brain practically screaming horrible things to you. your breathing quickens as you feel tears slide down your face. this time you werent able to swallow the thick lump in your throat, and you began to weep softly.
this was it, george was leaving you. he hates you, he wants nothing to do with you. there was nothing you could do but hug your knees and cry. you choked on a sob and started rocking back and forth in attempts to try to soothe yourself. but you couldn’t stop, it felt like your entire world was falling apart. you soon began to have shortness of breath and struggled with your breathing, feeling your heart beat at an intense rate that you couldn’t control.
your bedroom door opens, revealing george’s early arrival. he immediately rushes to your side, afraid to touch you but wanting so bad to comfort you.
“(y/n)? (y/n), breathe. breathe, baby,” he takes your hand and you look at him. you aren’t sure if him being here is making the situation better or worse. seeing him try to help you stirred all kinds of feelings in your mind. you felt like you weren’t good enough for him, like you didn’t deserve his help.
george begins breathing in through his nose and out of his mouth, gently guiding you and hoping you will try to do the same. he sits in front of you on the bed and holds your face in his gentle hands. you look up into his eyes, the chocolate features of his face soothing you as your breath began to steady.
“that’s it,” he encourages.
“do you hate me?” you cry softly.
“what? no, (y/n), i’d give my life for yours, do you know that? you’re so, very special to me,” he slides over to sit beside you on the bed and wraps his long arms around you.
“why are you so distant?” you look up at him, and tears continue to roll down your flushed cheeks, “you acted so mean to me this morning, i feel like you want nothing to do with me.”
george is hurt by your words. he truly didn’t mean to be distant, and he never wanted to hurt you.
“i’m sorry,” he says, “ive been so overwhelmed i haven’t stopped to think of how you must feel. im really sorry my love i never meant to hurt you like this.” he embraces you tightly and you give into his comforting touch, wrapping your arms around his torso and digging your face into his chest. 
you take a deep breath, “i understand,” you say before looking up to him to whisper, “i miss you. i miss us.”
“i miss you too darling,” he pauses for a moment, “how about i take tomorrow off? we can do whatever you’d like.”
you sniffle, “what about the album? the deadline?” 
“i can fake sick. nothing is more important to me than you,” he says, “i want nothing more than to be with you. i love you so much.”
you smile when he presses a soft kiss to your aching head, “now how about we go have something to eat? i’m starved.”
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asherthetherian · 2 years ago
Guys I’m developing something weird, ok well not that weird but still. I’ve been making fan splatoon idols and I’ve been working out backstory and stuff,I’m trying to make them all unique which I think is going fine. So I have two idols, melody and violet, they are super cool and married because why not. Later on in my head cannon they adopt this squid kid who have the weird ancient ability of camouflage, her name is aura. I like to think that aura can just change to whatever color she wants on command because idk. So that all make up digicolor, and they do the news for a large mostly octoling filled city. Violet is calm but chaotic, they will go through a lot to have fun , so kinda like imagine a monotone squid blowing the world up and that’s violet. Next is melody, she followed agent four to inkopolis on n a mission from Octavio, but along the way she heard the inkantation for some reason . Melody is like violet but instead of monotone it’s endless energy, so imagine the sun blowing up and that’s her. Aura is a child who lived on the underground metro for most of her life, but was never caught due to her “invisibility “. She only left the metro when she followed agent 8 collecting some things(idk what they are). She found herself in a very bright city with a lot of weird people. So she’s like melody but much younger. I can go more into their personality’s but I think this post is way too long now. If you don’t have anything nice to say at least try to be nice about it, thank u
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knullanon · 4 years ago
invincible bullshit that i came up with 10 days ago i just forgot about it
ngaoevnbiaebiw its here @anxiousnerdwritings i hope you like it i got inspired by you to write this
words: 2196
warnings: past arguing, MAJOR SPOILERS FOR ENTIRE SEASON 1, shooting, arguing, past manipulation
“Reports of who killed the Guardians of the globe are starting to surface, with our agents finding out about the supposed killer: we know they spared Omni-Man, killed the rest of the members, and then fled. We also know they are not from earth. Lots of people have speculated that Omni-Man is the one behind these killings, however, the government has ruled out that being a possibility, since there was no evidence of Omni-Man doing these actions. More at 7 tonight on-”
The program stopped playing as you saw a contact appear on the top of the screen, and reading it, you immediately perked up.
Swiping on the green button, you happily said, “Hey, Dad! What’cha need?”
You heard a chuckle from the other end, before he said, “Hey kiddo, how you holding up?”
“Nothing much going on here, you good over there?”
“Yup, mostly everything is fine. You know my work, they always have something for me to do.”
“Hopefully that clears up soon.”
“Yeah, hey, listen, where are you right now?”
Ugh, not this again. Your mood slightly dropped as you remembered a few years ago, when you first met Cecil. He wasn’t as good as he is now, and he would always be asking where you would be. Even in school. However, that was all in the past, since you were older, he now knew that you were responsible enough to do things on your own. At least, that’s what he wanted you to believe.
“Uh, well, I was just gonna go hang out with some friends and then go back home. Why?”
“Ok, listen to me very carefully: one of my guys is gonna pick you up near Bridgetown, ok? You’re gonna get a bracelet from them and then I’ll explain the rest here.”
What the fuck? “Oh, um, ok, when will they be there?”
“About 5 minutes. Be there soon, love you, bye.”
He hung up the phone quickly, which was extremely rare, even for him, since he would never show his love to you out publicly and you would feel weird if he even did. However, on the phone or in private he was a completely different person, having a great personality and he was an even better dad.
Well, he did say to hurry up, and 5 minutes. You checked the time and when you saw it was near 1. You strided your way towards the street he told you to meet on, and cheerfully thought of the ways to hang out with your friends after whatever he wanted to do. Maybe you could go to the mall? Maybe the food court? You’ve been meaning to try those damn milkshakes at that new bar everyone is talking about, but it was always so crowded. You never liked crowded places in the first place.
Suddenly, your phone rang again. This time, when you checked, it was your dad again. Strange. It was weird for him to call you twice in a row. He usually got to the point within a few sentences.
Picking up the phone, you said, “Hey dad-”
“________, listen to me. Get to someplace safe now. Get out of the road. Get out of the public. I don't care if you have to go inside someone else’s house, just get out of sight.”
Stopping in the middle of the road you let out some surprised stutters. “Wh- Dad, what are you talking about?”
“_______, please, just listen to me when I say this, you are in danger and you need to get out of there.”
“Why? What’s happening?”
You were shuffling around trying to find a good place to “hide” while your dad went into complete panic mode in his voice. “_______, find a place to hide, and whatever you do, get out of open space.”
You heard him speak to someone off the phone, before he cursed out loud. “I have to call you back, but someone will be there, wherever you are, ok? I… I love you.”
Before you could answer him, he hung up the phone. Anxiety was the only thing you could feel, as you looked around the desolate neighborhood. There was a reason why you chose this area over others: it was quiet and small. Not only that, but the only people who walked this way were people who were not fond of bigger crowds. In fact, you haven’t seen anyone go this way for a long time. You always wondered why, since it was the perfect way to get robbed. Of course, that would never happen, especially with all those lessons from your dad about self defense.
The street you were on had walls surrounding the sidewalk to prevent people from going into people's backyards, probably. They were too high up to climb, and they were concrete, so it wouldn’t be easy to just hop over and call it a day.
However, you were almost at the end of the street, and you knew there was a little patch of bushes and leaves that would provide the perfect cover. They were almost as tall as your dad, which always made you wonder who was watering them to be that big.
Pacing quickly towards the end of the street, and seeing no one in sight made you let out a sigh of relief. Either dad was overeating or something bad was happening, and you don’t know which would be worse. When Cec- dad overrated, it always got messy, no matter what it was about.
“Why were you out so long? I was about to send a team after you-”
“Cecil, it’s fine, I just had to talk to my-”
“Don’t call me Cecil, and don’t try to make excuses, tell me who you were with right now or I swear to god-”
You forgot the memory almost as soon as it came up, instead choosing to focus on getting to the brush where you could hide until C- Dad came to pick you up. Wherever he was. Actually, did he give you a time that he would be there?
You got a weird feeling that made you sprint towards the bushes and dive in, like there was someone behind you. You ignored it and forced your way on all fours, ignoring the cuts and scratches you were getting on your arms and legs.
There was almost a whooshing sound above you, and you wondered if your dad sent a fucking jet to get you. But that thought left your mind when you heard it right next to you, along with the sound of someone making a harsh landing onto the street. You were able to hear the little bits and pieces of concrete fly off the ground to hit the ground again.
You stayed completely still, leaning on your arms while your body was facing the street. You heard something shuffle, like moving fabric around, before a familiar voice hit your ears.
“Who’s there?” they- he said, and you were about to cry out of relief when you heard it. “Omni-Man?”
“Cecil, why do you think Nolan would go after ________?”
“Why wouldn’t he?” Cecil didn’t look at Debbie, instead focusing on the map in front of him, wondering where Mark could’ve been.
“What reason would he have to go after them? I just- he wouldn’t just attack a child, would he?”
Cecil felt his head start to hurt. Goddamnit, why did Nolan want to go after you? You had nothing to do with anything, besides being Cecil’s daughter. … is that why he was after you? Just because you were related to Cecil?
No, Nolan wasn’t stupid. He knew you weren’t his biological daughter, Nolan knew Cecil took you from somewhere.
He probably thought you were just someone that he got for fun, which was the furthest from the truth. Cecil didn’t-
“Sir, we’ve found Mark Grayson, along with your daughter, not at the same locations, but-”
“Where is she?” Cecil didn’t try to hide his worry in his voice. It didn’t exactly help when the agent said, in a monotone voice, “She's with Omni-Man, sir.”
“________? What are you doing here?”
Peeking out from the bush, you saw Omni-Man walk up towards you and hold out his hand. You graciously took it, and helped yourself up. Even when you were standing at your full height, Omni-Man was way taller than you. Like, way taller. He could beat your dad within an inch of his life even with all of that combat stuff he learned over the years.
Of course he could, he’s Omni-Man dumbass. Ignoring the thought, you answered, “I’m, uh, busy.”
You saw him give a small smile. “You’re busy hiding in the bushes?”
“Yes.” you cursed internally for answering that so quickly like an idiot. You weren’t expecting him to let out a laugh. He continued while you stood there, confused as all hell.
Finally, he said, “You know, you’re a terrible liar.” You laughed along with him for a moment, before saying, “Yeah, I know.”
His face suddenly darkened, before he said, “So, why are you out here?”
The laughter in the air was gone now, only replaced by crushing silence as he waited for your answer. You felt yourself shrink under his scrutinizing gaze. He looked like he was judging you for just standing there. Well, he could’ve also been judging you because you were in a bush just 10 seconds earlier. After a few more seconds, you broke.
“C- Dad said to hide somewhere.”
“Aren’t you too old to be playing those games?”
“Yeah, I am, but apparently someone was gonna come and get me. He just said to get out of open space.”
You heard him mutter something under his breath, before he scratched the back of his head.
“Well, I can see why he would want that.”
“Really? Why?”
“A mob boss named Machine Head.” When you gave him a confused look, he elaborated, “Machine head was a guy who took down the new Guardians of the Globe along with… Mark. They thought they got him, but unfortunately they weren’t able to kill him.”
“How does that have anything with me?”
“... You’re Cecil’s daughter. Cecil was the one who found out about Machine Head. And took him down. Machine Head wants revenge against Cecil for ruining his plans, so he’s probably going to take it out on you.” When you still gave a surprised stare, he asked, “Do you really not have this happen often?”
“No, Dad keeps me inside alot…” your voice trailed off when you heard your phone ring, and picking it up, you saw it was your dad.
“_________, I told you to get to somewhere safe!”
“I-I am! I’m with Nolan!”
“Hey, Cecil, don’t worry, I’m right here.” Nolan’s voice was filled with sarcasm, probably an old joke between the two. After all, they were both good friends to each other.
“No, you don’t understand, ______, listen to me-”
Suddenly you were grabbed by your arm, and dragged down. You were caught by Omni-Man before you hit the ground, though. Looking behind him, you saw two trucks coming towards you, along with multiple people in them, with weapons of all sorts.
You didn’t have time to ask who they were or what they wanted, as Omni-Man grabbed you and pulled out off the ground, and into the air. It took you a few moments, but you realized you were in the air. Flying.
Reaching for your phone in your pocket to call your dad back, you realized you must’ve dropped it. However, you weren’t about to waste your energy trying to get it back. Especially not when you were high above the ground. So you simply hung on for dear life as Omni-Man flew away from the shouting people in the cars.
“Where is she?”
“She went with Omni-Man, sir.”
Cecil stood there for a moment, wondering what the fuck happened. It was obvious now that Nolan had no intentions to harm you, but why would he take you and not tell you anything? Cecil wondered before something was handed to him. “We found this near where they took off, sir.”
It was your phone. Completely crushed to bits. “Omni-Man took it from her and crushed it without her knowledge, sir.”
“You started to shoot at her?! What the hell were you thinking!?”
The men stood there, completely still realizing their mistake. “We’re not kids playing at some game, this is real life. And now- I-” he really wanted to kill Nolan now. Debbie was going to become a widow, and he really didn’t care.
Walking up to the truck that was nearest to him, he opened the back and shuffled around, trying to find something, anything that would be of use.
Then he found his favorite gun. The only one he could actually hold himself without another person that stopped Omni-man.
Loading the ammunition, he walked over to Donald, who had a tablet in his hand. “Sir, we’ve found where they’re going.”
Looking at the area on the map, Cecil tapped his wrist watch, and said, “Good. Get the backup ready, and get Mark Grayson. Get Invincible.”
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realcube · 4 years ago
pillow fights!
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characters ♡ bokuto, nishinoya & suna
content warning ♡ fluff, violence, mentions of death & minor injury 
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kōtarō bokuto
♡ bokuto had been really fixated on practise recently so the time he spent with you was sparse. and what little time you did get with him, he was way too worn out to be his usual, chatty self
♡ finally though, he was able to take a few days off so could make up for the last few weeks with you :))
♡ he took you to a spa resort so you could both relax and spend time together in a calm, non-hectic environment.. but ofc y’all started a pillow fight in your hotel room
♡ so y’all are in your shared hotel room, admiring how soft and comfy the pillows are until he throws one right at your face and it almost knocks you off your feet
♡ he’s on the floor cackling so ofc you take this opportunity get a bit of revenge and smother his face with the exact same pillow he tried to take you out with 
♡ you purposefully don’t press it against his face too hard but he frantically squirms underneath you, before suddenly stopping after 10 seconds, pretending to have passed away
♡ unimpressed, you remove the pillow from his face but only so he can see how you rolled your eyes at his poor acting skills, ‘no one dies after 10 seconds with no oxy--’
♡ unbeknownst to you, he had led you straight into his trap
♡ now that your grip on the pillow had loosened, he snatched it from your hands before slamming it down against the top of your head 
♡ he doesn’t know his own strength so if you’re not on defence then your head will be wiped clean off hjkxjhkx (/h)
♡ ‘bokuto!’ you yelled through gritted teeth, clenching your fists and gluing them to your side so you didn’t use your knuckles instead of a pillow 
♡ he wasn’t a fan of you using his legal name rather than the cutesy nicknames you gave him, so his blood ran cold and his perked up slightly, clutching the pillow to his chest, ‘who is bokuto? you mean ‘kō’ ? you mean ‘babe’ ?’
♡ you couldn’t help but scoff at how he gazed up at you with longing, puppy-eyes, complemented by a pout —as if he was your innocent, sweet boyfriend who didn’t almost give you a concussion a few seconds ago. ‘no. i meant bokuto.’
♡ before he could respond with more whining, you swiped the pillow from his clutches and slapped him across the face with it, to the tune of your chaotic, somewhat sinister laugh
♡ after that, bokuto literally pounced on you with cuddles- it had gone to far, in his opinion. you had gone mad with power so the only way to bring you back down to reality was with hugs <3 plus, he hadn’t found the opportunity to spend quality time with you in ages, so ofc he tried to make the most out of this situation
♡ ‘babe!’ he cried, pressing his lips against your as he picked you up and dumped you onto the bed, jumping on shortly after to smother you with his affection, ‘i missed you!’
♡ your eyes widened, slightly shocked at his sudden change in attitude but you weren’t too surprised as bokuto always ends up doing this after weeks of dedicating himself to work. and honestly, you anticipated it. 
♡ ‘we’ve barely talked because i’ve been so focussed on practise and i’m so sorry! i still love you — i always have and will!’
♡ you weren’t too sure how it went from a pillow fight to this, but either way, you were now reassuringly stroking his back while he cradled your head in his arms, ‘it’s fine, kō.’ you giggled, placing a kiss upon your considerate boyfriend’s temple, ‘i never thought you didn’t love me but it’s always nice to hear it. i love you too.’
♡ absolute bliss was the only visible emotion on his face after you placed a kiss on the tip of his nose, ‘great! oh!’ his eyes lit up as he whipped his phone out of his pocket, ‘do you wanna watch that show we started?!’
♡ it took you a moment to realise, but once you did, you blurted out, ‘oh, that show? babe, we started it like months ago; i’ve completely forgotten what was happening.’ 
♡ he shrugged, his usual boyish grin gracing his features, ‘that’s fine! we can start from the beginning.’
♡ you smirked, prying your gaze off his cheerful golden eyes to search the beside table for the tv remote, ‘sure. but we’re not watching it on your phone. i mean, we paid for this expensive hotel room so we may as well use--’
♡ then, you felt a sudden yet soft tap against your shoulder. your eyes immediately darted to look at bokuto, who was wearing a mischievous smirk while holding another pillow 
♡ ...
♡ y’all stayed up to 2AM- and no one on your whole hotel floor got a wink of sleep that night due to both of your chortles and screams
♡ but y’all had fun ^^
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yū nishinoya
♡ just bc you are his boo, the love of his life, his bitch, his guardian angel, the reason he gets up in the morning and the deity he pray to every night, does NOT mean he’s going to take it easy on you during a pillow fight 
♡ it not even a pillow fight tbh.. it’s a pillow WAR
♡ his whole love language is decking you while you’re trying to pound him into the mattress with a pillow
♡ and he screams a lot too pfft like war cries
♡ he just goes absolutely feral when you try to pillow fight him
♡ and you better be ready to go hard bc if you light hit the back of his head with your cushion, with the thought that the pillow fight would be playful, sweet and fun- you could’ve been more wrong 
♡ it’s only fun for the person who’s not getting the daylights smacked out of them 
♡ but since it’s only pillows, y’all never usually get hurt or sustain injuries from it 
♡ nishinoya was close tho- flashback to that one time he fell off the bed and missed hitting his head off the sharp corner of the wardrobe behind him by like..a millimetre
♡ that could’ve been a trip to the infirmary :o
♡ but one time, the metal part of the zipper on the cushion scratched the back of your hand
♡ it wasn’t anything awful, there wasn’t even blood. it was just a scratch. it was on the joint of your finger though so it hurt slightly to move your thumb..
♡ ‘ouch..’ you muttered, staring down at your hand which you cradled with the other. you were quick to back out amidst the chaos of the fight with noya
♡ nishinoya quirked a brow, hesitantly setting his pillows down to approach you, peering over your defences to see what you were looking at that was concerning
♡ ‘what’s up, babe? are you o--’ he cut himself off with a sharp gasp as he laid his eyes on the small mark on your skin. his hands instantly shot up to cup yours, ‘did i do that?! i am so sorry!’
♡ you shrugged, smirking slightly at how his whole ‘warrior’ exterior had now fallen, revealing the soft noya who genuinely cares too much for his own good, ‘i’m not sure. it’s no big deal though, i’ll just put a plaster on it.’
♡ before you could even head in the direction of the drawer with plasters in it, nishinoya had already dashed over there and back, brining the whole whole of first-aid stuff with him
♡ ‘are you okay? does it hurt? do you need a painkiller? should i call someone?’ he asked, frantically looking through the tray until he found two boxes of band-aids, ‘ok- do you want the cars one or the plain one? wait- should i disinfect it first? and how big should the plaster be?’
♡ needless to say, your whole hand was wrapped in bandages once dr nishinoya was done with you-
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rintarō suna
♡ he can’t even fight with you playfully for long with getting tempted to pull you in for a kiss
♡ also he doesn’t get as into the fight as the other two- like night time is for sleeping and the fact you are trying to start a fight with him just results his natural instinct to play-dead kicking in
♡ the way he just lays there while you ruthlessly hammer him with your pillow is honestly quite funny
♡ what he doesn’t know though is that there is a tiny grin tugging at his lips since he gets a whiff of your sweet scent on the pillow whenever you slam it against his face, which is reason you continue bc you can tell he’s enjoying it
♡ he doesn’t put up much of a fight tbh
♡ eventually gets tired and pulls you into his embrace with one arm while snatching the pillow from your grip with the other 
♡ he chuckled as you struggled against his chest, bonking your head with the pillow lightly before loosen his grip on your head slightly, allowing you to finally breathe instead of being suffocated by his chest, ‘are you done yet?’
♡ you shook your head, which he reciprocated when he noticed your grabby hands towards the pillow — aka, your weapon. 
♡ ‘your not getting this back.’ suna replied monotonously, petting your head with a honeyed smile and slipping your weapon behind his head to relax on.
♡ ‘sleep.’  was the final thing his said before his eyes fluttered shut, looking exactly how he did while you were attacking him..but more serene
♡ and that’s usually how it ends when you try to start a pillow fight with him- it ends with nap time 🙄
♡ UNTIL he gets an energy drink in him
♡ then it’s a different story 
♡ the roles quite literally reverse
♡ except suna is now chasing you through the house- 
♡ his pillow swings aren’t even that hard but he has a really freaky expression on his face so you just run lmao 
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taglist: @scftfairyking @the-astrumnauta @thefutureastronaut @itsmeaudrieee​
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holdmyowos · 4 years ago
Your New Boyfriend (Shigaraki x Reader smut)
Shigaraki x Dom!Reader
Includes: gore, angst, cussing, watching p0rn, masturbation, oral
Author's note: I feel like Shigaraki's naturally a dom, but I like to think that he would be a sub because he really doesn't want to hurt you accidentally with his quirk. Also, I found the song, 'Your New Boyfriend' after writing this so I added bits.
"He's in your bed, I'm in your Twitch chat"
Your POV:
Your boyfriend had been too late to save you. The world was starting to go blurry. That damn hero had snapped both of your arms. Not a very heroic thing to do. They hung uselessly, blood trickling down all over. There was no way you would ever use them again. You stared up at the sky. A quirkless nobody like you never should have been in the league. The only reason you were was because All for One had saved you from the rubble of your house. You had no one else to turn to. You looked up at the stars. Wasn't it supposed to be daytime? You must be hallucinating. Hawks descended, the moon shining on his beautiful feathers, looking angelic, and scooped you very gently in his arms. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I should have been there. I should have protected you." He nuzzles your head. You see the tears falling off of his cheeks. Your arms dangle. He takes a few deep shuddering breaths. "No! You can't die on me! Fuck!" Your vision dimmed and you fell limp in his arms.
"If I could change a single thing, I'd make it me and not him."
Shigaraki's POV:
The battle was over, and the League had finally won for once. Hawks had said that there was something I was supposed to see, and it was important. Usually, we never really talked, so it must actually be important. I ran after him, flying ahead of me. He swooped down next to an unmoving mass. "It's Y/N. They didn't make it." My jaw dropped. Y/N? How? They were the only one that didn't ever make fun of me. They were my reason to live. "Leave. Now. I'll take care of this," I harshly said to Hawks, making him flutter away, not wanting to defy me. I delicately raised them with a pinky in the air, putting my ear to their chest. There was a faint noise, but perhaps that was from somewhere else. "This can't be. You aren't dead." I stared at my hand in confusion. My hand was covered in blood. In the dark of the night, I had failed to realize that they must have been severely injured to make Hawks think they were dead. "Kurogiri!" I snapped. He appeared almost immediately. Upon looking at the person's body, he said, "My condolences. They meant a lot to you, right?" I said nothing. "Don't tell me that. They're not dead. Or... are... are they really gone?" My voice ended sounding almost like a whisper, hoping that it was not so. Kurogiri knelt down next to them, and took a pulse. "It's your lucky day, they're not quite dead yet." My heart fluttered. Hawks you dumbass bastard. Didn't even check for a pulse? "...like I said, yet. If they don't get severe medical treatment very soon, they'll bleed out. None of us have the expertise to fix wounds like this. Both of their arms appear to be broken in multiple places, I severely doubt that they'll live and-" I stood up. "Damn it, Kurogiri! Do what you have to to keep them alive. Anything." Kurogiri nodded, and teleported away, leaving me to scream at the sky.
"I thought when I get older, I'd marry her"
"A half Nomu? You're sure it can be done?" I stared up at the giant cylinder of blue liquid that was keeping them alive in it. Their arms had been amputated. The doctor nodded. As secretive as he was, the guy was totally loyal to All for One, and therefore loyal to me."All we have to do is fix the arms using the process we use for making the Nomu. It should work out perfectly." I nod. That would have to do, as it seemed to be the only way of them getting out of this unscathed. "Well, there could be a few side effects, but nothing too major." He said, ruining the moment. "Like what?" I snapped. "Well, there could be some mental side effects, such as body dysphoria. I mean, there is always the chance that it won't work at all, or that perhaps it works too well and the Nomu part takes over the rest of the body." I scratched my neck. The stress had given back my old habits. "But they'll still mentally be themself, right? I don't want them to end up just like another Nomu." He nodded. "Likely. Still, I'm not sure why you are going through such lengths for one of your minor lackeys. Unless you want to program them to be totally loyal to you or something. But the resources alone for a quirk less nobody-" I put my hands around his neck, making sure to not touch him with all my fingers. Program them? That had to be crossing a line. I took a few deep breaths trying to calm down, but it made it worse. It took all my self control to not disintegrate him for saying such a horrible thing about my love but I needed him to save them. I glanced up at their body, seemingly lifeless in the canister. I tightened my grip. "Never. Never ever talk about them like that. Unless you want to die here and now." I released him to let him go do his work.
After getting the call from the doctor that the treatment had worked, and the healing was done, I immediately had Kurogiri teleport me to see. They looked perfectly fine, their arms free of even scars and blemishes that were there earlier. Something still bothered me. "Why aren't they waking up?" The doctor backed away, no doubt fearful of me turning him into dust."They just need a little time. Take them back to the hideout, and they'll be fine." I did just that, sitting by the side of their bed. "I hope someday you'll realize how much I love you. Enough to bring you back from the dead."
"Your new boyfriend's an arsehole"
Your POV:
You woke up. Groggily, you opened your eyes. How could you have woken up? Weren't you supposed to be dead? You moved your arms. Totally unbroken. In fact, they felt strong. Seeing Shigaraki next to you, you said, "How did Hawks get me to the hospital in time? I thought I was a goner." He sneered. "Pfft. That hero saved you? Please. No. Sorry sweetheart, it was me. He thought you were deceased, and left you for dead. The dumbass should have checked for a pulse. Anyway, after your... boyfriend," he sneered. "...thought you were dead, he abandoned the cause, and revealed that he was a fucking secret agent for the heroes." You shook your head. "No way." He got up. "Whatever princess. Just happy you're fine." He left the room, gently shutting the door. Looking around after getting out of bed, only Kurogiri and Shigaraki were at the league's hideout. How could you be alive. Your arms were supposed to be broken. It was obvious that Shigaraki did not want to talk about it, so you went to his second in command. "Kurogiri, how did you guys get me not dead?" That was a dumb way of putting it. His pupilless eyes turned towards you. "I am programmed to not answer that question. Oh, keeping secrets, are we Shigaraki? There was always a way around, and you would find out. "Do you know how?" He nodded his head yes. "Ok then, what did you do yesterday that had to do with me?" That seemed to work. "I took you to the doctor's lab where he fixed you." He was silent for a moment, then added his two cent take on it, something he rarely ever did. "Shigaraki seemed really concerned for you, Y/N. He loves you. He saved your life. You are in his debt. You must repay him." His words sent chills down your spine. Kurogiri never talked like that. He was always monotonous, giving only the requested information. You backed away, creeped out.
"I just think that I deserve A little bit of what I earned"
You sat behind Shigaraki, on the couch behind his gamer chair. The game blared boss battle music. "Do you wish to fight me, mortal?" That was an odd phrase. Must be the end game boss or something. He kept muttering little things under his breath. It was kind of cute. He won the game after two tries. A smile was on his face. You hardly ever saw that. He started a new game when you sneezed. He turned around, startled. "Oh, Y/N. How are you? I didn't know you were there. How long have you been there, exactly?" Since Kurogiri had said Shigaraki was in love with you, that had to be true. Kurogiri always told the truth. Since Hawks had backstabbed the league, you were open for a new boyfriend, right? You surveyed him with new eyes. Even though he wasn't heather most handsome, with his chapped lips, he wasn't that bad either, his hair was fluffy sky blue color, and something about his eyes entranced you. "Hey, what's with that look? Are you okay?" He seemed concerned for your well-being. This relationship could work out. You shook your head as if clearing the thoughts out. "Fine, thanks." He looked away from you, back at the game. You went over the couch, making a few quieter footstep sounds to make him think you were out of the room, and ducked behind the couch, peering out at him. What did he do in his alone time? He glanced around to check that you had left, and popped a different game into the CD drive. This game was very different from what he had been playing before. Instead of his, shooting, taking-over-the-galaxy-type game, the intro screen had girls in bathing suits... and some without. He started the game up, and immediately a very lewd picture of a girl showed up. He played the dumb game for a bit. Really? The second you leave the room he goes to play that kind of game, and fuck with some cartoon girls? That was actually kind of cute. Did you make him that horny? "None of them are as good as Y/N. Fuck."
"When I'm only one click away from insane"
He drummed his fingers on the desk. Slowly, you heard the unzipping of his pants. This was wrong. You shouldn't be listening in on him. But you couldn't help it. He had a crush on you, and the feeling was mutual. He started making little sounds, no doubt masturabting. Too bad he was turned away from you. "Ugh! Yea, mmmm. Just like that you little slut. Take it real good." Now that was too much. You felt your own panties behind drenched at ugly of him saying such dirty words to you. You slowly crept up on him. Somehow, he must have realized that you were there, because in one deft motion he zipped his pants, turned off the monitor with the naked girls, and stepped in front of the screen as if covering it. He turned to face you, a hand against your throat. "Kinky," you said. Realizing who you were, his hand slowly relaxed from the tight grip he had, letting it fall off of you. He stood there for a second, unsure what to do, unsure of how long you were there.
"'Cause she's living the dream"
"Poor Tomura. Did I stop you from cumming? I know what you did for me, and I want to make it up to you." His scarlet eyes widened and you slowly pressed him back into his chair and straddled him, holding his wrists with your strong arms. "Don't deny it. I know you want this." He looked away, unable to look at you in the eyes. "Yea, sure whatever." His words didn't match his actions. You felt him growing against you, straining against the fabric. "Naughty boy, looking at others for pleasure. They aren't even real. They can't make you feel like I can." You gently pressed your lips against his, and he went along with it, moaning softly. You rolled your hips onto his, giving him a little friction. "Fuck," he muttered softly. You grabbed his hair and made the kiss deeper, his rough lips against yours. You stay like that for a while, content with tasting each other. He finally backed off. "Y/N, you don't know how much I craved you, how much I wanted this." "Oh, I haven't even done anything yet." You very slowly unzipped his pants, and he blushed furiously under you. When you were finally done, you revealed his underwear, soaked where his head met the fabric. You got down on your knees and licked him through the fabric, and he shuddered, digging his nails into the soft leather of the chair. You gently stroked the tip, then slid his pants and briefs down to reveal his cock, which twitched when you blew cold air on it. "I want you so badly. Please. Please." You took him into your hands and licked it a few times before shoving his length into your mouth. He became a sobbing mess beneath you, calling your name as you sucked him off. His words became a string of incoherent praises. You knew he was getting close, so you finished him off and he came onto your hand. After a couple of shuddering breaths, he returned to normal, yet his dick was still erect.
"Love isn't quite what I thought it'd be"
"Please, I want to taste you. Let me, please, let me eat you up," he begged. You took off your lower clothing, and he went onto the couch. You slowly descended onto him, and he spent no time waiting. He grabbed your hips, digging some of his broken fingernails in, making sure not to touch you with all his fingers. You let out a squeal of pain, but that did not stop him. He covered you with his mouth, his tongue making lewd sounds. You let out moans as he did it, and soon you were ready to cum. Surprisingly, he took it well and swallowed it all, still licking you as if a puppy, desperately wanting a last bit of milk from its mother. "You're so desperate, babe. Lighten up." You fluffed his hair, but he kept going. His eyes were half lidded. How was he enjoying this so much? "Dirty little bitch, you just love sucking me, don't you?" He just vibrated his lips against you, and shuddered. "You look like you're fucking possessed. Stop it." He just kept licking and sucking until you came another time, and he came with you.
"I've got the key, and he's just the doormat"
You got off of his face and he gasped for breath, clear and whitish liquids coming out of his mouth. "You make a cute ahegao face," you said, taking a pic. He swallowed, wiped off his mouth, and frowned. "Did you just take a picture?" He tried swiping your phone. "Uh, no?" You replied, keeping the phone out of his reach. You laughed, and whispered in his ear. "I'm keeping this for blackmail until I know we'll do this again." You kissed him on the cheek, and he leaned against you in an attempt to take your phone. You clicked the power button, so he'd have to guess your password before he could delete it. He growled, up in your face. "Fine then, let's go right now."
"Cause she moves on pretty bloody quick"
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sukiglycerin · 4 years ago
call it fate (or a christmas miracle) || katsuki bakugou.
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* pairing: bodyguard!katsuki bakugou x earthbending quirk!reader (gender neutral!)
* genre: bodyguard!au, fluff, some angst, fake dating, aNd thEre wAs OnE bEd
* words: 10.3k (help)
* warnings: swearing bc bakugou, too much backstory, idk what bodyguards even do, there’s a fight scene (in a similar lieu to the sports festival arc), hunter x hunter? no this is tsundere x tsundere, i want to hug bakugou, yes i imagine mr. tanaka to be the tanaka from kuroshitsuji, christmas is a very minor aspect of the story (but the title was too good to resist)
* original request from @apexqueenie​: Hnnnnnnnnnnnngh can I get a Bodygaurd Bakuboi x bratty reader who don’t like to be watched like a hawk cuz she wants to do fun things pretty please? // and from anonymous:  if it's ok, can I request Bakugou with a reader who has a quirk like earth bending please? // and from @killkurzyackerman​: ÒWÓ UR REQS ARE OPEN can u do a bakubabe with like lil sassy bad bitch vibe reader bc ive seen a lot of fics that sorta like softie or angel type and no offense theyre great but ya know sumthn diff this time please
* a/n: this is a very long fic, to say the least. i combined these three requests! though reader’s quirk doesn’t appear often, it conveys my thoughts on how bakugou would go about with that quirk. moreover, i hope this reader is badass? i realize that that characterization is quite hard for me. so, i hope you don’t see reader as super soft! i made them fight back against bakugou (literally, too) and kinda bratty hehe. i got to explore a lot of new things with this fic, so i hope they reach you well. this is a repost because it originally did not show up in the tags!
* synopsis: things had gotten boring with bakugou as your bodyguard. it was only until an interesting proposal by the man that things would change. well, maybe a little too much would change...
you, to be quite simple and honest, were getting tired of katsuki bakugou. he'd been your bodyguard for years (years! much longer than any other you'd hired!) and he was getting boring. dull. plain. any synonymous word would fit. he was boring like a 24 hour session of watching paint dry, monotone like a professor’s droning that never failed to put you to sleep. (perhaps he was even more spiritless than professor sato at the academy. he caught you sleeping no less than thirteen times in his class. the number didn’t even account for the times he didn’t catch you.)
to the untrained eye, katsuki bakugou is vibrant. he's aggressive, unruly, and ruggedly charming (somehow). he's a wonder in a suit-and-tie and the epitome of an oxymoron with his harsh words, rough hands, and crisp suit. it was that very reason you’d hired him; his personality excited you. it seemed unpredictable and it was a challenge.
like all other challenges, bakugou was not impossible. once the challenge was overcome, time flow was stagnant; you watched the ticking of a clock as the day passed by you. you’d gotten used to him and he’d gotten used to you. these days, he watched you like a hawk. you could never slip past those sharp eyes anymore, no matter what you did. he was not fazed by any of your antics (ticked off mildly, sure, but he could live with it).
“leave me alooooone,” you whined for the fourth time in an hour as you exited a mall. bakugou's hands were full of shopping bags filled with everything from clothing to the latest technological invention. you weren’t sure how he was supposed to protect you in that condition. though, to be candid - in the first place, you didn’t need protection. you attended a private institution designed to maximize the use of your quirk as a child and graduated with absolutely flying colors. on top, you’d taken various martial arts outside of school. you didn’t know why your parents were still concerned about your wellbeing. you handled it fine. around 99.9% of the time, you could easily beat your bodyguard in a fair fight. it was a regular practice for you; so common that there was a reward if a bodyguard could last longer than six months working for you. not that any of them liked to be called bodyguards.
“sweetheart, i would if i could,” bakugou gritted through his teeth. “pay’s too good to- goddamn, what did you even buy?” he’d stopped behind you to adjust his grip on one of the bags.
you hummed pleasantly, continuing at your same, leisurely pace. his question was a rhetoric; he watched you buy everything with your black credit card. you watched as a car pulled up in front of you.
“there’s our ride,” you said, brushing bakugou’s shoulder as you stepped into the car. he grunted in response, loading the car with your purchases.
“fight me with your quirk when we get home,” you said during the ride. “you have, what, a boom boom quirk?”
he made a noise in his throat, voice hard. “my quirk’s explosions. nitroglycerin.”
“dangerous,” you said through a smile. he’d never used his quirk around you, but you were already starting to see possibilities of strategies you could use.
“so says the master earthbender,” he retorted sarcastically.
you clicked your tongue. “we’ll see who wins in the fight, explodo-boy.”
“finally brave enough to challenge me, eh?"
“i was always this brave.”
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“oh, give it up already, bakugou!” you directed another wall of rocky terrain toward bakugou, who blew up the land and sent rocks flying. his stance was hunched slightly, forehead matted with sweat. the sleeves of his white shirt were rolled up to his elbows, coat long abandoned on the rugged terrain.
“tired already?” he snarled. he put his hands together, preparing for a bigger explosion. you didn’t let him have this opportunity, slinging a large rock to absorb the impact of the explosion. he dodged swiftly, to your disappointment, but his attack seemed to be subdued.
you used his delayed reaction time to try to trap him with terrain under his feet, but he was somehow a step ahead of you. you heard a popping noise; bakugou was propelled through the air, your rocks blasted already and a cloud of dust forming. you cussed under your breath, already moving yourself away from his estimated landing spot that was too close to you.
he sent crackling explosions to the bottoms of your feet, but you easily dodged them. you created a temporary platform of elevated ground to protect yourself from the small explosions, jumping off it and rolling away. he was already aiming a larger blast toward you, presumably expecting your escape route. you figured it’d be a directed blast to pierce through a wall. you knew that the explosion would be unavoidable. to counter, you created a line of walls resembling dominos. they acted as stairsteps; you quickly ran up to the highest you could conjure in the short time you had before bakugou hit them. you grabbed the closest piece of rock that you could and leapt as bakugou’s blast made contact with your steps, chucking the rock at him and aiming to kick him when you landed. you knew he had no power to counter, being unable to react quickly due to the powerful nature of the blast he’d conjured.
you were about to win when the door to the training facility opened. you froze, literally, in midair and frowned, turning to look at the intruder.
“fighting, young-?” one of the butlers, tanaka, said. he was an elderly man with a gentle voice, but his eyes always seemed to glint with a clandestine humour in it.
“you can call me by my first name. please put me down, tanaka,” you said, no malice in your voice. he nodded, and you softly landed on your feet next to bakugou. you’d known tanaka for far too long for him to use honorifics with you. he’d practically raised you as a child.
“you haven’t fought in a while,” tanaka commented. he conjured a water bottle (you never knew how he had the right things for the right occasions) and walked toward you.
you made a noise of acknowledgement. “and it seems i was just about to win.”
he smiled tenderly. “i’m sure.” he handed you the water bottle, which upon further inspection, you saw was ice cold.
“thank you,” you said, gingerly accepting the beverage. the water flowed soothingly down your throat, easing the aching that had formed due to all the dust you’d kicked up in the fight.
“mr. bakugou?” tanaka asked, offering another water bottle (seriously, where did he get that?).
“thanks,” bakugou took the bottle. he drank feverishly, quickly finishing the bottle in what must’ve been two seconds flat. so undignified.
“y/n, you have an appointment in 15 minutes with-” tanaka said as you capped your water bottle.
“oh, yeah,” you said, waving off the matter. “i got it.”
you brushed off the dust on your clothes and started toward the exit. bakugou was quick to follow you, nodding politely to tanaka.
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bakugou stood outside the door during the meeting you had with your father. you were not a minute too late or too early when you stepped into your father’s office, freshened up and dressed in clean attire, the dusty clothing from your fight with bakugou long discarded. the smell of leather and mint enveloped you, reminding you of the days you’d play in your father’s office in your youth. the room was always dim, the light on your father’s desk being the brightest object in the vicinity when the curtains were pulled down. when you were younger, you liked to pretend the room was made of chocolate, as the color was so dominant on the interior. your father was not pleased to find five-year-old you trying to bite the corner of his desk, to say the least. 
the sight of his office was ever-so familiar to you, and once held a feeling of endearment in your heart. that was then; now, you only ever entered the room for a business-related matter. your face was blank, lips held in a thin line -  you anticipated the topic of the meeting since your father first scheduled it a week ago. it, quite frankly, was inevitable; you could be neither opposed nor favorably disposed to it.
“i’ve found a compatible match for you, y/n.” your father sat at his desk, eyes intensely trained on you. “they’re from a well-off family with a strong quirk.”
compatible. it didn’t mean they got along with you or would be a good partner; no, it meant that they matched the superficial criteria set by your family.
“yes, father,” you said indifferently. he nodded, as if already expecting the answer.
“you’ll meet them soon. we’re arranging the date,” he folded his hands on the desk. “tanaka will alert you of it when it’s finalized. that is all.”
you nodded, taking your cue to leave. giving the room one last glance, you started to push the door open, then paused. door halfway open, allowing outside light to stream into the dark room, you looked back at your father. it was now or never to ask, you guessed.
“father… we wouldn’t happen to be having a family gathering anytime soon, would we? for new years or anything...” you hadn’t had any in the recent years, but you’d figured you’d ask. the scent of homemade food and the comforting chatter of the gatherings always made your heart swell.
he grunted, not looking up from the papers he shuffled around in his hands. “no.”
“ah. okay,” you said, sighing quietly. you knew better than to get your hopes up for such things. you turned back to the light, where bakugou was awaiting you, and shut the door behind you with a thud.
you walked in silence.
“so, no plans for the holidays?” bakugou asked bluntly.
“eavesdropping, i see,” you deadpanned.
“shouldn’t’ve had the conversation in front of the whole damn world.”
you rolled your eyes. “what about it?” you asked. “my lack of plans, i mean.”
“well-” he coughed awkwardly into his sleeve, averting his eyes. “that old hag- my, uh, mom, somehow got under the impression that i’m no longer… single. probably because of my profession - she thinks it’s ridden with scandals like a damn drama - but, uh… she’s expecting me to bring… company home for our christmas dinner…. and i can’t ask any of my friends, ‘cause she knows them… i wouldn’t damn ask you if i had no other option…”
“thanks,” you interjected. you held your tongue from making a comment about how little friends he probably had. “anyway, why don’t you tell her no?”
he slouched. “have you met her?” he grumbled. “the hag won’t listen to me. trust me, i would’ve, but… you can’t refuse her, once her mind is set on something… she’s too stubborn for her damn good.”
“like you,” you remarked, earning a small shove from the man.
“pl-” he choked, “pl - ah, fuck - please can you go to the dinner with me? it’s just for a night and morning, i need you to fake being my date. i can tell her we broke up later or whatever, i just really need…”
your lip curled. a desperate bakugou was a rare sight, and you wanted to relish in it for as long as you could. you feigned further consideration.
“but there’s so much i would rather be doing…” you whined. it was a lie. all you wanted was some variation in your life; a dinner didn't sound too bad. perhaps there was a dark secret within the bakugou family you could exploit. 
“like what, wasting money?” bakugou muttered bitterly under his breath. you shot him a dirty look.
“fine, please?” he asked again. “there’ll be some damn good food… and, uh…” you tapped your foot with false impatience.
he cussed under his breath. “i’ll do whatever you want, damnit, just go with me! please!”
you cocked an eyebrow. “whatever i want?”
“yes, for a day,” he groused. “only a day.”
“alright!” you pumped your fist up. your father’s business training came in handy sometimes. “when’s the dinner?”
“this weekend,” bakugou said. “we also need to, uh, figure out how to act more… coupley.”
“...right,” you said. business class had not prepared you for that. “how the fuck do we do that?”
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as it turned out, you two were not the best pair to fake a relationship. neither of you had actually been in a relationship prior to this. you didn’t really have time to date on top of your studies and such; you didn’t need to, anyway, because all of the people who were romantically interested in you bored you. their personality traits either consisted of rich or doormat. as for bakugou - well, he was bakugou. you couldn’t see anyone wanting to date that brute.
“i’ll pay,” you said upon entering a cafe. it was a big cafe, nestled in the midst of an even bigger mall. your tone was firm; there’d be no way bakugou would be paying. you looked up at the menu and said to him, “the usual?”
he was silent for a moment, and you almost thought he hadn’t heard you. he cleared his throat. “uh, yeah, sure. the usual.” weird.
you ordered yourself a drink and bakugou his usual order, a decaf iced caramel macchiato with light ice. he looked at you with a strange emotion on his face when you handed him his drink.you practically shoved it in his hands while he was too starstruck about god-knows-what.
the two of you settled at a booth (“table,” bakugou had argued. you eventually won the debate).
“so… trivia about each other, right?” you asked. “i guess we’ve got to get to know each other more.” he nodded. “well, first, you need to stop being so quiet. right now, you’re not my bodyguard or anything. we’re, uh…. dating. we’re partners. datemates. lovers.”
he choked on his drink at the word “lovers.” he sputtered, then gained composure. “yeah.”
“okay, i need to you to be more casual.”
“tch, who said i’m not casual right now?!” there it was; this was the bakugou you’d known when you first met him. he was awkward and amateur-ish, stumbling on his words and failing miserably at being polite. it was a fond memory. overtime, he’d obviously polished himself up (but only in the presence of you and your family).
“that’s more like it,” you said.
“tch.” he sipped his coffee, unrelenting to admit that you’d won.
“well, let’s cover basic facts. your birthday is april 20 and you like spicy food.”
he coughed again, setting his drink down. “yeah.”
“are you okay? d’you need water, or something? are the lights in here too bright?”
he shook his head, eyes still dazed with a certain unclarity. “‘m fine, idiot.”
you weren’t convinced. “...whatever you say.”
he took another sip, closing his eyes then continuing as normal. normal, in the standards of bakugou, of course. “i-i think i know damn well enough about you. don’t need to prove shit,” he grumbled the last bit.
“a little bit too well,” you muttered saltily. “well, this is a learning experience for me, take it or leave it. we need to get along at the dinner, don’t we?” you drummed your fingers on the table, eyes darting around at the cafe. the decor was pretty. 
he made a grievance under his breath, but nodded. “there’s my dad and my mom - the old hag - and me. i’m an only child.” figures. he continued, “they both work in fashion… yeah… my dad’s more quiet than my mom, she’s loud… apparently we’re a lot alike - don’t comment - but yeah, she’s my mom. they live in shizuoka, and it’ll be just them at the dinner. you’ll need to stay overnight...”
“seems… intimate,” you commented offhandedly.
he whistled. “you think?”
the gears in your head turned as you stared into the space over bakugou's shoulder at a large poster of some featured drink. it was all small talk to you, but you saw this meeting for what it was. an opportunity. it was your break from the uniform days plaguing you for the past week's - he wouldn’t need to watch over you, now your fake lover. lovers were equal. 
love - what was love? you didn’t know, but it didn’t matter. feigned or not, it was different. couples were moody, from what you could gather. one day they’d be hanging off each other’s limbs, and the next, they were bickering their heads off. it sounded fun, to be a couple with bakugou rather than his employer. you could say goodbye to normalcy and tedium.
you felt your lips turn into a smile as a plan developed in your mind, tapping the table at an increasingly faster tempo. who cared about the dinner? you were a fake couple! you could break away from the norm and find the things that made bakugou tick. you could gain a one-up over him. you could pick his personality apart piece by piece until it broke the monotony of daily life. you watched bakugou’s expression grow puzzled and frustrated. you pretended to be deep in thought, aware that bakugou was opening his mouth to make a snarky comment presumably about how the smile on your face was getting unnerving to him.
you didn’t let him speak, instead cupping your face in your hands and leaning in towards him. “how do you think we should become more intimate, kat-su-ki?”
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you think you got soft over the years. when you first met bakugou, he was a rough little thing. being the same age as you, he was far less qualified compared to the other candidates to be your bodyguard. he looked out of place in his suit identical to everyone else. call it fate, or what you will, beckoning you towards him. when you first met him, you could’ve never imagined how far into the future you’d be stuck with the boy. all of the bodyguards you’d hired prior to bakugou’s appearance in your life didn’t last long. it wasn’t their fault; no, no, they were very competent. extremely competent - to the point it was boring, scrutinized under their meticulous gaze. you could do absolutely nothing under their watch, and where was the fun in that?
so, long story short, you hired bakugou for his incompetence. you’d low expectations for how long he’d last. you were surprised he could even put on a tie properly. from the way his hair spiked in every which way (“undignified!” your father had complained to you) and how his feet shuffled against the nice, newly polished cherry wood floors (“the scuff marks…”), bakugou was far from the epitome of a bodyguard. he couldn’t sit still and constantly made weird crackling noises (which you later learned were small explosions, not the concerningly incessant crack of his knuckles). the cherry on top to the disaster pie called bakugou, however, was his speech. he was polite, at face value, but also incredibly rough at face value. if you transcribed his words down, they’d be all standard formalities. it was the quirky way in which he presented his words; gritted out like somehow had forced him into this job. actually, scratch that, it was like this job was the be-all or end-all of his life. he was like an extremely tsundere shounen protagonist. he needed to win (“win what?” your father had laughed in disbelief) and be the very best. you'd… appreciate the sentiment more if you were his mentor in becoming a pokemon trainer.
of all the things bakugou was at the time, he was not a stoic old man nor a cold, indifferent boy who looked down on you snottily; he got the job. much to your father’s chagrin, of course. you’re pretty sure he had a backup bodyguard during the first month or so of bakugou’s employment, in case bakugou dropped out mysteriously for any reason. 
surprisingly, bakugou was competent, but not infuriatingly so. he had snark, and under any other employer he would’ve been fired in the first week. he did his job, and that was all. it was fun to tick him off, too, and so easy. it was - dare you say it? - cute. you wanted to watch him fall apart and leave, as so many others had. you waited for the day he’d get used to you or vice versa, when you’d wake up with nothing to look forward to. in the end, no one ever stayed with you. you could usually figure that out within the first week of a bodyguard’s services.
these days, you started feeling that way. bakugou was just becoming everyone else you’d ever hired. he was becoming everyone else. for some reason, though, you still clasped onto the thread of hope that maybe he was different, and that led you down a series of events trying to convince yourself he was different.
at the same time, you told yourself he was like everyone else. did you want him to stay or not? you didn’t know anymore. maybe fate would spin something good out of this, or maybe he would. you didn’t want it in your hands anymore.
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being flirty was definitely not the best route of plan, but man, it was efficient. what better way to fake being a couple than organically develop that relationship? that was your bullshit reasoning to the logical part of yourself (when it was obviously far from the truth).
yeah, it was definitely not the best plan. you bored of it quite quickly, but couldn’t shake off the lasting feeling of fluttering in your stomach. you supposed it was because it was the most reaction you’d gotten from bakugou in months. you’d never seen him so disgruntled.
he was very, very blushy. you didn’t know how you hadn’t learned of it earlier. his cheeks were dusted strawberry red, matching the hue on the tips of his ears. ah, tsundere bakugou had returned for a short period of time. you wished you could've taken a picture of him.
you tapped the tip of his nose and he hissed at you, cheeks darkening a shade.
“a boop?” he scoffed indignantly in disbelief. “who calls it that? a five year old?” but you could tell that he really enjoyed it on the inside.
“what- what are you playing at, dumbass?” he swatted your hand when you tried to boop him again.
“c’mon, couples need to do coupley things, katsuki,” you cooed. “like overly affectionate pda~”
you didn’t know someone could get so red.
“since when did you call me by my first name?” he grumbled, unable to form any other type of response.
“since we started ‘dating,’” you teased back, realizing that watching bakugou become more and more uncomposed was more fun than you’d expected. he'd never become so open around you; after all, you'd had a strictly professional relationship prior, so bakugou never expressed any hint of a personality other than his behavior when he was first hired. it was a good change, in your eyes.
then, as you did of most things, you bored of it. sure, flustering bakugou was fun because he was so outwardly tsundere, but your attention span was short. he was already starting to recollect himself in record time, face cooling from a startling scarlet to pink and remarks becoming increasingly cohesive.
you're not even sure if he was aware of your gaze resting upon him as you half-assed responses and watched the gears in his head furiously turn. when he got real worked up, he pouted when speaking and occasionally slurred words together. his eyes tended to veer away when he thought of a response and he always got fidgety. 
eventually, you stopped teasing him. by this time, the ice in his drink had already melted and you were dangerously close to kissing him on the cheek (it was an impulse thing! you were not catching feelings!).
if there was one thing you learned, it was this: bakugou was truly a sight in his emotional state, though you could argue his unassuming state was equally, if not more breathtaking.
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you noticed it as morning light illuminated him through the window of your room, hitting the silky fabric of your bedsheets around him. he was reading some book, dressed in comfortable attire that felt oddly domestic. maybe it'd be the most casual you'd ever see bakugou.
the thought struck a chord in you, making you wonder what'd happen after the dinner. it'd be awkward, for sure. it dawned on you that these moments with katsuki would vanish and things would go back to normal. they'd disappear into thin air, like nothing had ever happened. you weren't well educated in horology, but you were pretty sure that the time you'd spent with him would vanish as well, not to be spoken of or referenced ever again. time would keep trudging forward and you'd only be able to stare back as it disappeared on the horizon line.
you wanted to grasp the time that flooded your hands, encase the moment in glass and hold it in your palm forever.
"oi, idiot, what are you staring at?" and maybe it was the first time you truly heard bakugou's voice. it was rough on the edges with a soft core, you realized. maybe, after these couple of days, bakugou had started to care for you.
"nothing, stupid," you mumbled, returning your attention to your phone, but you couldn't shake off the newfound feeling that holed up in your heart. bakugou didn't care about you, you told yourself. you had a strictly professional relationship with him, and that was only broken for the time being because he needed a favour. 
right. this was all for a favor.
nights spent testing each other on the most miniscule of facts and afternoons spent telling each other stories about each other - it was all nothing. it wasn't a big deal, you repeated to yourself.
still, you couldn't help but to look back up at bakugou and let your imagination run. he wore a black shirt and sweatpants, a complete 180 turn from the typical three piece suit he normally wore. maybe this is what he'd look like in the mornings if you were a proper couple, not client and bodyguard - maybe in another universe. you could imagine his bedhead, hair all messy and eyes still worn with sleep, vastly different from the professional persona he had around you.  you'd wake up inhaling the scent of caramel and feeling his warmth surround you, feeling secure merely in his embrace. it'd be him and you in your own little bubble, unperturbed by the entire world.
wait, caramel? you wondered. where did that come from?
"you're staring again, dumbass," bakugou grunted, not looking up from his book.
"zoned out on the blandest thing i saw, sorry," you replied.
you sat in silence like that for a while. you weren't not exactly sure how it was bonding time for the dinner (were you sharing telepathic waves?), but it was comfortable like a fluffy comforter on a frigid winter day. it felt secure, like a home you never had in your own bedroom. every now and then there was the sound of a page turning from bakugou and a tap on your phone from you, and things never felt so normal. it was too short an eternity for you; before you knew it, you had some event to attend to for your father, solely there for the image of his company.
you didn't see the bittersweet look on bakugou's face as he watched you leave, or how he hadn't even finished a chapter of his book during the hours he'd sat with you. as his eyes followed your disappearing silhouette, bakugou wondered if he'd ever be able to see you like that again.
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a foreign giddy feeling filled your chest as you got ready for the dinner with bakugou’s parents. you’d brought a bag for light travel packed with essentials (pyjamas, toothbrushes, and things like that), having planned ahead. you were typically indifferent to gatherings of any kind, having attended so many for your father. besides, this was a favor for bakugou. you weren’t sure why you were being so indecisive choosing an outfit for the dinner, or why your heart felt light as a feather, fluttering about in your rib cage boundless. this was no big deal, you told yourself. it’d only be bakugou and his parents; you’d spoken at gatherings of far more people with less nerves. you penned it down to only being excited for the food which was so coveted by bakugou. his mother, mitsuki, was apparently an outstanding cook (bakugou was apparently good as well), and you had to admit, you missed the heartening scent of homemade dishes. her specialty was spicy curry - your mouth watered at the thought. 
yes, you reassured yourself as you walked out of the door and met the fresh, winter air outside, you were only in it for the food. you had an abnormally fast heart rate and a spring to your step (as noted by bakugou) solely for the food. 
shizuoka prefecture was two hours away from your hometown, tokyo, and you forced bakugou to drive. the trip didn’t really feel like two hours, anyway, in your opinion. according to bakugou, that was only because you were sleeping the majority of the time and he was stuck with the dull task of driving and only the low hum of the radio to entertain him. 
“well, this is it,” you said to bakugou, approaching his parents’ home, bag in hand. it looked quite elegant on the outside, snow thinly blanketing the well-kept greenery in the front. you turned to look at him. his suit looked nicer than usual, on full display because he refused to wear a coat despite the frigid air biting at any bit of bare skin unsheathed on your body. (“just the perks of having a great quirk like mine,” he’d said. you punched his shoulder.) you huddled closer into the warm padding of your coat, watching your white breath dissipate in the air.
“it is,” he belatedly said. his face was atypically solemn, eyes downcast and seemingly lost in thought. you didn’t comment on it. something about the nippy winter air numbed the atmosphere, as if all warmth had subsided only to your coat. 
“do i look alright?” you asked him, trying to wipe away any last bits of drool you might’ve had on the corner of your mouth.
“yeah. you look… really nice,” he commented quietly. you didn’t mention that your bulky coat was covering the entirety of your attire. a heavy silence fell over the two of you.
anyway, the mood was quickly relieved by the presence of mitsuki bakugou, who greeted the pair of you at the door with her husband, masaru. bakugou really was a spitting image of his mother, sharing the same spiked blond hair and annoyingly clear skin with her. they also had similarly loud personalities, you observed later on. they’d often bicker with no real malicious intent. they were both much different compared to bakugou’s father, masaru, who was a gentle, soft-spoken man with brown hair and glasses. 
mitsuki met you with enthusiasm, eagerly asking you questions about yourself and your relationship with bakugou. it was strange to see bakugou so quiet; though, at some points in the conversation, he looked like he was going to be sick. you didn’t have time to ask him about it, occupied by his mother’s unending but well-meaning questions. you’d expected to fib for most of them, but the truth easily slipped from your tongue. even compliments about him were half-truths. 
"when we first met, he was like a fish out of water!" you recounted to mitsuki. "he stumbled on his words and my father didn't approve of him as my bodyguard. but, i pushed through, and here we are! right, katsuki?"
"r-right," he coughed, unable to look you in the eye and fidgeting nervously.
"it amazed me, too," mitsuki admitted. "i'd never seen our katsuki looking so polished before - it used to be a trouble getting him to even wake up at a decent time." she smiled at you. "you've brought a blessing on him."
bakugou cleared his throat. "don't talk about me like i'm not here," he grumbled.
"oh, katsuki," mitsuki cooed, pinching bakugou's cheek. "masaru, let's prepare dinner." she looked at you and bakugou. "the two of you don't need to worry about a thing - oh, you still have your bags! i’ll put them in katsuki’s room."
upon the absence of bakugou’s parents, the two of you sat beside each other without a word. 
“are you… feeling alright?” you asked suddenly, breaking the silence. “you don’t look so well.”
“fine,” he grunted. “i’m fine.”
“are you sure?” you teased in an attempt to lighten the mood. “not nervous meeting the parents?”
he cracked a small smile, but his fingers still nudged each other in his lap. you touched his shoulder, first in an attempt to comfort him, but soon realized that he was very toasty. you scooted towards him; he stared at you with an surprised, indecipherable expression. you linked his arm with yours and leaned into him, inhaling his cologne and bathing in his warmth.
“what?” you mumbled. “you’re warm.” you intertwined his fingers with yours. “warm,” you happily cooed, eyes slipping shut. 
“jesus christ,” bakugou hissed. “you’re freezing. is it humanly possible for your hands to be this cold?” his other hand enveloped your hand (still being held by his), rubbing his thumb soothingly on the heel of your palm. a bubble of warmth fizzed inside you, heart effervescing like a carbonated beverage. he held you long after your hand had passed room temperature, and you sensed that maybe the fuzzy feeling jittering about you wasn’t his quirk. it was like some sort of low fire, crackling deep within you. you hadn’t much time to dwell on the thought when your eyes jolted open, smelling really, really good food wafting from somewhere near.
“look at the lovebugs,” you heard mitsuki murmur, standing in the doorway connecting the kitchen to the living room leaning on her husband. “dinner’s ready,” she softly said upon noticing your eyes on her. 
your eyes widened, looking down at the hand entwined in yours, and you look at the man next to you. bakugou was sound asleep, tranquil slumber having sheathed itself around him. his head leaned against the top of the couch, mouth slightly agape and chest falling rhythmically.
“hey,” you whispered. reluctant to let go of his hand, you used your opposite hand to tap his shoulder lightly. “hey, sleepyhead.”
bakugou groaned, eyes still closed and body unmoving. “five… more… minutes…”
“sure,” you said easier than you expected. you immediately let go of the man’s hand (he reached out toward you blindly at this) and stood up. “i’ll just eat all of that food you've been looking forward to by myself…” mitsuki and masaru looked at you fondly.
“nice try, dumbass,” he said gruffly, standing up and putting a hand on your shoulder. his eyes were lidded with torpor and his voice was an octave deeper. it sent shivers down your spine - you hadn’t ever heard his voice like that - and a part of you wanted to hear it again. sadly, the effects of sleep passed him quite quickly; by the time he’d said “let’s eat, dumbass,” and made his way to the dining room, his voice was back to normal.
dinner consisted of scrumptious-looking (and tasting!) chicken katsu, curry, and even more conversation. your mouth watered as you spooned yourself the perfect ratio of rice, curry, and chicken in one bite. you politely raved to bakugou’s mother about her heavenly cooking, and bakugou never looked so proud or embarrassed in his life. masaru discussed fashion with you, mitsuki occasionally chiming in and offering to show you pictures of young bakugou modelling. you courteously declined for the fear of bakugou’s face getting any redder than it was already. 
“y’know, katsuki really wanted to be a pro-hero when he was younger,” mitsuki reminisced. “he even was accepted at that really prestigious hero school, ua.”
you looked at bakugou with questioning eyes, and he shook his head dismissively, hesitant to the topic. you wondered what he was doing here, as your bodyguard, rather than the hero he aspired to be. it wasn’t like he’d be unable to become a sidekick once out of ua, so what happened…?
at the end, you seemed to have gotten the approval of mitsuki and masaru. your heart twisted in pain realizing who you were and why you were here; this was asked of you, nothing real. you pushed the thought away, returning to the dining room after washing your hands. 
“oh, my!” mitsuki exclaimed as you entered the dining room. “it’s getting late.” she turned to you. “we don’t have a guest bedroom, so you’ll have to share a room with katsuki, if that’s alright?”
you looked to bakugou, who seemed lost in his own thoughts. “sure, i don’t mind,” you replied. 
“i’m sure you’d love to see bakugou’s childhood room.” this brought bakugou abruptly to his senses; his eyes rounded, face looking like a deer caught in headlights. 
a smile tweaked your lips. “i’d love to.”
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you didn’t know what you were expecting when mitsuki opened the door to bakugou’s room. certainly, though, you were not expecting this. his room was decorated from head to toe with all might merchandise, carefully collected through the years. it could’ve been worse, you admitted to yourself, but bakugou’s interest in all might surprised you. the level of admiration bakugou had for the former symbol of peace was clear, plastered on the wall posters and figurines which dotted his bookshelves. 
“of course,” misuki said, “this is all really from his middle school days. he had to move to a dormitory system in high school, and i’m afraid he didn’t take much along with him…”
you tilted your head at bakugou, who’d taken particular interest in the ground with his hand sheepishly on the back of his neck.
“it’s cute,” you reassured him gently.
“though katsuki’s bed is pretty big, we could pull out a futon if you’d like…” 
“it’s alright.” shit. why did you say that? noting the bewilderment on bakugou’s face, you added, “we are dating and all…” you mentally smacked yourself for assuming bakugou would be comfortable sleeping in the same bed as you. “yeah,” bakugou said, much to your shock.
“that settles it!” mitsuki smiled. she winked. “don’t stay up too late.”
after mitsuki and masaru bade you goodnight and closed the door behind them, you were left alone with bakugou.
“hey, is that a picture of you?” after looking around the room, your eyes fell on a framed photo sitting on bakugou’s dresser. you reached for it, recognizing a familiar spiky haired blonde boy proudly holding a trophy.
“wait-” the frame was already held in your hands.
“aw, you were such a cute kid.” you teased, “can’t say the same about now.”
he huffed, ears reddening. “there’s a photo album on the bookshelf,” he mumbled, pointing to a thick looking book on his bookshelf. you eagerly plucked it from the shelf, holding it like a precious treasure in your two hands. he shoved his hands into his pockets and rested his chin on your shoulder, watching you open the photo album. 
the first photo was a baby photo, of course, and you could feel that it was taking every part of bakugou not to rip the book from your hands and scorch it all out of embarrassment. the first few pages were those of baby bakugou, eating food with his hands or playing with his parents. as the book progressed, you watched him develop a quirk (blowing up a vase) and become interested in pro-heroes (clutching an all might doll to his chest with a big smile on his face). the photos became more scarce as bakugou grew, but he seemed to grow happier. paging through photos of him in high school, the man’s gaze seemed to grow softer and fonder. his high school pictures consisted of him either standing in front of the famous ua or making an indifferent face with a group of his friends, who looked vaguely familiar from somewhere. upon further inspection, it dawned on you. you could recognize them all - they were young versions of the pro-heroes red riot, pinky, chargebolt, and cellophane. they regularly appeared on your newsfeed for one heroic deed or another, so it came no surprise to you that they attended the famed ua high. 
as for bakugou, though? you couldn’t understand what he was doing there, or rather, here. if he graduated ua, he’d be right on track to become a pro-hero, not a bodyguard. 
bakugou already sensed your revelation, shutting the book and putting it down. sitting on the bed, he squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“i know what you’re thinking,” he stated. he took a shaky breath. “i’m- i’m not ready to talk about it.” 
“okay,” you replied. “i think… we should get some sleep. you have to drive back tomorrow.”
he snorted. “me?” 
you nodded like it was a given.
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the night was long, dragging in the same manner that you’d trudge through deep snow with weights on your ankles. it wasn’t that bakugou’s old bed was uncomfortable; it was surprisingly plush. you laid awake, though, as the clock ticked by and the house went silent. you felt as stiff as a wooden board, staring at the dark ceiling and thinking about everything and nothing.
your thoughts first strayed to bakugou’s childhood, and how he’d seemed the poster child for an aspiring pro-hero. how could he have given that up? he had friends, dreams, and a path open to his aspirations. yet somehow his life had deviated into this, pretending to date you for his parents’ sake.  
it felt strange to lay in his bed in his parents’ house and not to really call him yours. not that you wanted to call him yours outside of this scenario. definitely not. it was just the guilt gnawing at you that impaired your proper judgement - your conscience felt pity. you pulled off a large lie to bakugou’s parents that you were dating when in reality, you’d never even gone on a proper date with the man; for all you knew, he could be a terrible person. he could have terrible dating manners and leave to the bathroom when the check comes in an attempt to force his date to pay. it was hard to imagine, but hey, you reasoned to yourself, it was a possibility.
“can’t sleep either?” bakugou’s deep voice startled you. you thought he’d fallen asleep hours ago.
“yeah,” you snorted. “and here i thought you were in the habit of always sleeping early,” you referenced his mother’s stories of him in middle and high school. you turned on your side to face the man.
“kinda hard with five different all mights staring at me,” he joked, gesturing to his plethora of all might-themed decorations.
you imitated all might’s larger than life voice. “i am here! … to watch you sleep!”
bakugou first snickered, which then transitioned into a full-blown, unrestrained (yet somewhat hushed) laugh. you couldn’t help but laugh too, watching his features crinkle and gummy smile widen. your heart felt peculiar in your chest, but you couldn’t figure out the feeling. in the years you’d known him, you’d never seen him so relaxed or open. you knew you’d miss moments like this in the morning, when you’d drive back and the deal would be over. it sent a bittersweet pang to your heart - why couldn’t moments like these last forever?
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you woke up to find bakugou gone, leaving you alone in the bed with only a warm indentation next to you letting you know he’d just left. you rubbed your eyes groggily, sitting up and pushing the covers aside. you swung your legs over the edge of the bedside, standing up and making the bed once again. you padded out of the all might-furnished room to the kitchen, where you could hear quiet footsteps and the sizzling of a frying pan.
“someone’s finally awake,” bakugou’s husky voice remarked. he was standing at the stovetop, wearing an apron over his nightwear and frying eggs. sleep had worn his voice deeper; you swooned at the domestic sight before you. no, it wasn’t swooning, you told yourself. just… appreciation. you really wanted to make a comment on his muscles, bulging from his short-sleeved shirt.
“that looks really yummy,” you said, in no way whatsoever referencing his biceps and definitely referring to the egg in the pan.
“i’d like to pretend that was an innocent comment, but the direction your eyes are looking at beg to differ,” bakugou deadpanned. you looked away, flushed.
“so, whatcha making?” you said, plopping yourself on a chair. 
“eggs, rice, natto, miso,” he said. “but nothing for you until you change and brush your teeth.”
you stuck your tongue out at him. “who are you, my mom?” you continued, “i used to hate natto when i was younger.”
“it’s good for you,” bakugou said, moving the egg onto a plate of steaming rice.
“you sound a lot like my mom,” you replied. “but i like natto now, just not too much of it.”
“i liked natto when i was younger,” bakugou said.
“really? all of my friends hated it. they complained about the smell.” you reminisced about your childhood days, when your biggest worry was whether you had homework or not.
“speaking of smell? your breath. go brush your teeth.”
“wh- i’m so far from you, there’s no way-”
“no hygiene, no food.”
“who even says that?” but you were already out of your chair and heading towards the bathroom.
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“oh, by the way,” bakugou said as you were halfway through emptying your plate with rice in your mouth, “what do you want?”
“wha?” you said, chewing the egg-natto-rice mixture in your mouth. “what?”
“the deal,” he said. “before my parents wake up.”
“the deal-?” you racked your mind for any deal you’d made in the recent days, as you weren’t much a gambler, then it hit you. the deal. in an attempt to convince you to pretend to be his date, he’d said he’d do whatever you wanted for a day in exchange. you hadn’t thought about it at all.
“um,” you said intelligently. what did you want? you wanted to spend more time with him, but there would be no way…
“take me ice skating.” he choked on his rice.
“i really want to ice skate…” you lied. “i’ve never been.” another lie.
“you want to go ice skating with me?”
“pay for me.” you could’ve paid for yourself. “and, you have terrible dating skills. how are you supposed to get a real partner? consider this beneficial for yourself.”
he blinked, taken aback. “...okay,” he agreed, dumbfounded. you hoped he couldn’t see through you. “when?”
“today, duh.”
by the time you finished your plate, bakugou’s parents had woken up to bid the two of you farewell. hours later, you found yourself at an outdoor ice skating rink in tokyo.
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the rink was decorated festively; surrounding trees had been wrapped in golden lights and there was something in the atmosphere which bustled with cheer. those skating were either children or couples, laughing and skating together. you told yourself not to pay too much attention to them, but there was something about the way they looked so happy that made you yearn for the same.
you clumsily clomped toward the entrance of the rink itself, clad in four layers of warm clothing and worn rental skates. cold air nipped at your cheeks and your breath was a snowy white before your eyes. patting your cheeks in an attempt to half hype yourself up and half warm yourself up, you tensely stepped onto the frozen water. clunk. clunk. 
“you look like an idiot,” bakugou said as you made your way onto the ice with slow clunks. he was surprisingly cocky about his skating prowess once he’d gotten his skates on, despite his lack of experience on the ice. he was unaffected by the chilly weather, wearing a thin jacket and denim jeans despite the vast majority of other skaters wearing winter coats. 
“it’s cold,” you responded. slippery ice beneath your feet, you suddenly felt a great deal less confident in your ice skating abilities. it might as well have been your first time skating, in the eyes of bakugou. you took baby steps on the ice, both hands gripping the side rails while bakugou glided breezily past you. 
“c’mon, idiot, loosen up~”
easy for him to say. “i’m- trying,” you gritted out, attempting to copy his fluid motions. 
“hey, dumbass, take my hands.” bakugou stopped in front of you, both hands outstretched for you to hold. you looked at him warily, then accepted the offer, his hands replacing the railings. 
“don’t hold them that hard,” bakugou said. “i’m not going to drop you. relax.”
you nodded, gulping as you released your death grip on his hands. starting to skate backwards (an incredible feat in your eyes), he slowly guided you along the edge of the rink. you spent most of the time staring at your own feet, trying to keep your balance and rhythm in time with bakugou’s. once you seemed to get the hang of it, he sped up ever so slightly, loosening his grip on your hands.
“just like that,” and his voice was much gentler than you’d ever heard it. you looked up to meet his soft gaze. your heart leapt and he quickly averted his eyes. “um,” he coughed awkwardly. “i think you’ve gotten the hang of it.”
“okay.” you started to let go of his hands, testing your balance skating without anything to hold onto. in small amounts at first, you start to let go, allowing your strides to become longer and longer. bakugou matched your pace beside you and eventually, the two of you fell into conversation. you’d both forgotten your own words about how this was for him to gain dating experience; it felt too real to be practice.
“the truth is, i was really, really close to becoming a pro-hero,” he confessed, “but i was injured in my third year. i had to take a break for a year or so, but by that time, i was too rusty for the job.” 
“but-” you said, almost stumbling on the ice at the revelation, “didn’t you do all that training-?”
he shrugged. “it’s the reality of it,” he said dismissively, a momentary shadow crossing his face. he recomposed. “i’m over it now.”
you had the slight suspicion that his words didn’t ring quite true, but let go of it. still, you couldn’t help but think about all of his all might decor - he must have idolized the man, only to fail at his dream. his room was like a memento to everything he wanted yet couldn’t reach. “you wouldn’t have met me if you hadn’t become a bodyguard,” you said cheerily in an attempt to distract both him and yourself.
“true,” he smiled. then, almost to himself, he added, “i don’t regret that.”
the two of you skated a couple more laps around the rink. conversation faded and your feet became more and more sore after skating for so long. a chill had settled itself onto your bones as the sky tinted in anticipation of the evening to come.
“we should get going now,” bakugou said. “before it gets too cold.”
“yeah-” your phone buzzed in your pocket. “hang on, give me a second.”
it was tanaka, telling you that you had a date scheduled by your father in two hours. it took you a moment, it really did, to remember who you were and what your priorities truly lay.
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you made it a point not to tell bakugou what the call was about on the way back. you told him it was about a business deal, and he pretended to buy it. the car ride was desolate, lacking all warmth despite the heater blasting. you felt guilty; why had you lied to bakugou? you and he both knew you were lying about the business deal. was it pity? why had you felt the need to protect him?
you could only amount it to the fact that maybe bakugou was becoming a friend. maybe bakugou was becoming someone you never wanted to hurt. your thoughts were the only thing you could hear over the buzz of the car’s heater. you looked to the sky with imploring eyes as if some cloud on the lavender-tinged atmosphere listened and could provide you an answer. 
you weren’t sure if it was the clouds’ doing or some star hiding behind the sun’s light that washed a sense of solemness by the time you returned to meet tanaka at the gates. it was almost enough to make you forget the sad feeling you held whilst looking at bakugou one last time before stepping out of the car to greet your old butler. the feeling was unfathomable to you; in your daze on the ride back, there’d seemingly been no reason for such a feeling to linger in your heart. why had you felt so much guilt, so much sadness for this man you were supposed to be strictly on business relations with?
not that you’d done this, anyway. your business relationship with bakugou ended the minute you agreed to that favour he’d proposed, and was further broken when you ice skated together. you wondered if he felt the same as you, or if things would return to the way they had been after this date tonight. somewhere deep in you hoped it wouldn’t - hoped he wouldn’t forget it all. (“stay here,” you’d told him when you stepped out of the car. his stare was vacant; would he? you weren’t sure why you even asked.)
“tanaka,” you said stiffly. the air was frigid around you (when had the temperature dropped so suddenly?) and a breeze wrapped itself around your legs. an impulse told you to turn back, look at bakugou, and tell him the things you left unsaid - but you didn’t. 
“y/n,” he nodded. it was like a wake-up call. this was who you were, truly. your father’s pawn, his company’s pawn. you were a face used for business and nothing more. you traded your feelings for your father’s wealth - that’s who you were.
yet it was the past two days that made you feel more like yourself than ever before. the time spent with bakugou, of all people, made you feel genuinely happy. he made your name feel more like yours than your father’s. it seemed it was he who could only coax this feeling out of you. you, certainly, couldn’t imagine it being anyone else. there was something unlike anything you’d experienced before which bakugou gave you. but you couldn’t let your father down, could you?
“y/n, we must go now,” tanaka urged. 
you didn’t look back.
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bakugou watched you leave with an inscrutable expression. as soon as you vanished from his sight, he let out a deep sigh and bashed his head on the steering wheel, then rubbed the spot of contact. that would leave a mark.
he wished he could pretend he didn’t know what your sudden meeting was about. he couldn’t. what kind of bodyguard was unaware of his client’s schedule? you were going on a date, on account of your father’s absolutely superb matchmaking skills. he wanted to strangle the bastard. 
god, he was an idiot to have gotten his hopes up about you. just like countless other things in his life, you were unattainable. he was constantly in pursuit of the impossible, it felt, yet none of his endeavours’ ends had quite felt like this. it started when he was a child with a newly developed quirk. constant words of praise fluttered around his ears, all applauding his strong quirk and natural intelligence. it continued when he entered school, winning academic and athletic awards for what everyone called his talents. (he remembered looking up the definition of “talent” in a dictionary in his elementary school’s library and being sorely disappointed. no one had seen the hours he’d dedicated to practicing and studying after school - all of that couldn’t amount to what everyone else had called natural talent.) 
in doing so - winning all those competitions - he’d somehow earned the approval of all those around him. it was never something he’d wanted or aimed for, but it soon started to fit him like a custom-tailored outfit. somewhere along the way, he started to seek out the approval of others, flaunting his accomplishments to do so. however, as years went by, one thing became apparent: the tactics used on his peers and teachers would never gain his parents’ approval. he so yearned for a tad of his parents’ praise or satisfaction; even an “i’m proud of you, katsuki,” from them would’ve sent katsuki to the stars and back. he never was quite sure, as a youth, how to gain this prize, so to speak. and so, for the sake of his parents, he became stronger and stronger and thus began his journey to attain the first impossibility in his life.
high school, at once, came knocking on his door in the midst of this endless journey. with it came izuku midoriya, the boy katsuki had bullied in middle school. this time, though, it was izuku who was stronger; katsuki had so wanted to atone for all that he’d done to the boy, but it proved something impossible. on the physical level, izuku had already forgiven him and moved on. it wasn’t enough for katsuki, who’d really done nothing to deserve izuku’s kindness. so katsuki set off, trying to truly deserve the boy’s forgiveness and make up for everything he’d done. in katsuki’s mind, there would be nothing he could do that would balance out the weight of his actions to izuku. hence unraveled the second impossibility katsuki set up for himself.
the third impossibility found itself in katsuki’s third year at ua academy. he was working for his parents’ approval and atonement for izuku; this impossibility, though, would send everything crumbling down. impossibles, unlike any math equations covered during his schooling, could not be cancelled out the more brought into the equation. it was perhaps katsuki’s only salvation and lifeline, his passion to become a hero. fate snatched this very possibility from katsuki’s hand, snapping the lifeline and dangling it just out of his reach. all of it was cruel - the sympathetic words spoken from recovery girl’s lips and the weeks katsuki had to sit out of hero training. even worse was how katsuki watch his grade drop from one of the top in the class to only passable in general studies, no longer sharp enough to qualify for a pro-hero. by the time he healed, he was rendered unable to rejoin the hero course. his goal was thrown away easily, becoming another impossibility.
katsuki trained himself physically for a new job. an acquaintance had introduced him to being a bodyguard, and katsuki figured that was close enough to being a hero. not that he particularly enjoyed the notion of waiting on someone’s every beck and call. but through and through his countless impossibilities and misfortunes, he had to move forward. he was tired, so tired - hearing his parents’ disappointed voices on the phone and looking up to see a billboard of the newest top pro-hero, deku. when he foolishly and naively got his hopes up about you, the logical part in him knew it was doomed. he knew that as he stared at you, illuminated by a golden light in your bedroom, it was ill-fated. you were a miracle opening up a new life to him - but miracles weren’t real.
of all the impossibilities in his life, you were the most painful. why was he cursed in such a way? where had the happiness in his life gone, if not with you as you walked away from him? he stared at his suit cuff, suffocated in the stupid attire. he should never have taken this job. 
a knock. another knock. three more rapid knocks, and he finally looked up to see your eager face looking at him from the passenger side window. he hastily unlocked the car door with a click.
“finally,” your exasperated voice said to him, tinged in a happy hue that he’s confused by. 
“wh-where’s tanaka?” katsuki stuttered. “your date-”
“i did it, bakugou.” you beamed at him. “i refused. i said no.”
“wha-what? you refused what?” 
“the date, duh!” you laughed. you grew quiet. “i realized something. i realized that all i want is you, and it’s… it’s about time i start taking control of my life.”
katsuki cracked a smile. a real one, not painful like so many others he’d faked before. “you’re a dumbass, you know that?” and it was endearment, bringing you close to his heart. 
maybe fate had decided to bless him. maybe it was all the impossibilities in his life that had cancelled each other out to give him you. 
“oh, and by the way,” you said, changing the topic. “i’ve been thinking a lot about it recently. we need to have a rematch for that sorry excuse of a fight we had the other day. i will have an undisputed victory over you.”
“you’re on, moron.”
it was definitely fate that brought katsuki to you.
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