#ok and. one other time some food caught fire in their oven while my sister was there.
#so. i know this family. 2 parents 2 daughters who are about the same age as me and my little sister#the older sister is not nice to me. hasn't been for years. whatever#recently the mother and younger sister (who used to be my sister's best friend) have been intent on harassing my sister#and telking her she's a horrible person and bad friend#a grown woman told my little sister that she was a bully to her face.#but it's been getting better more recently whatever#anyway some of yall might know that i was in a house fire when i was 8.#it was really bad we were able to save the house but we lived in a rental for a year#every single thing we owned was gone. my childhood home was stripped to the studs#like not to sound dramatic but it was dramatic#anyway we didn't know this family then#and also (while being as vague as possible) my brother was accused of starting the fire by the 'police' or smth#he didn't. but that was fun for all of us :)#ok so one time the older sister of this other family said to me 'oh the fire that your brother started?' 😐 to my face. no. he didn't.#if he did why would you even say that#ok and. one other time some food caught fire in their oven while my sister was there.#and i got a text from the same girl. about how cool it was that firefighters were at her house.#ok which brings us to now. they had a small electrical fire at their house this weekend and they're living in a hotel atm#people are arranging for meals to be brought to them every single week. and you know what else???#the younger daughter has 2 guinea pigs that are living in the house with no power and possibly smoke damage by themselves.#but their dog is with someone else. im sorry but thats disgusting.#the mom has already said that she wont take guinea pigs to the vet and now this#like. i feel bad for them. i know what it feels like. but. i think this fire was very small. i think it was contained to the breaker box#so the power has to be out and that's why they cant live there rn. i think they'll be home soon.#i also think im going to hear about this horrible tragedy of a fire from these people. and i cant do that. i cant#like. i cant i just cant.#once in school i watched a chef set off the smoke detectors by cooking right under them. no fire or anything bad.#but the alarms went off and i had one of the worst panic attacks of my life by hearing them. even tho i knew there was no danger#a few times my mom has been cooking and set the alarms off. i knew she was cooking and everything was probably fine.#twice tho when this happened i was extremely close to grabbing ruby out of her cage and running outside without asking questions
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star-doll-universe · 4 years
Michelle Goes to Yakigashi Island
FINALLY FINISHED THIS! Oh my gosh, this took so long to complete, and I’m so glad it’s finally done. I hope you enjoy the final part of this little mini series I started for @one-piece-dumpster-fire​
Have a lovely holiday everyone! Merry Christmas <3
Part 1   Part 2  Part 3
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“Cracker, why are you putting explosives in the picnic basket?” Michelle cocked her head to the side, a worried expression knitting her brow.
“They’re not explosives!” her fiancé exclaimed, holding up the offending rocket-shaped objects. “They’re fireworks! You can’t have a Founding Day celebration without them.”
“Oh.” Michelle bit her lip. “Is that really safe to bring to a party that kids are going to be at?”
“Are you kidding?! Oven’s sons will be furious if I don’t bring them.”
“Ok fine,” Michelle finally relented with a somewhat heavy sigh, “Just make sure they don’t crush the cookies. Giuseppe and I spent hours on those.”
Honestly, the young woman would like to admit that she was more than a little exhausted from this week. The planning process for her and Cracker’s wedding had been temporarily put aside somewhat when they received an impromptu invitation to Cracker’s older brother Oven’s home for a “Founding Day Party”.
Not long after moving to Tottoland, Michelle had learned that the citizens of each island in Big Mom’s territory celebrated the day they were assimilated into the empire as an annual holiday.
Apparently, today was the anniversary of that event for Yakigashi Island where Oven was Minister of Browned Food.
So, Michelle had to put her wedding planning on hold so that she could quickly prepare for the celebration. Initially, she had somewhat hesitated accepting her future brother-in-law and his wife’s invitation, but she knew that it would be rude to not do so, and Cracker seemed really excited about the party.
Plus, she remembered meeting Oven’s wife Samore at Winter’s tea party on Candy Island, and the woman had extended an invitation for a future visit. She supposed now was as good as time as any to take her up on that offer, even in the midst of her currently hectic life.
You are going to be the wife of a Minister of Tottoland, Michelle, the young woman had reminded herself. Not to mention he’s one of the sons of Big Mom, a Sweet Commander at that. Your life is probably only going to get crazier after you’re married.
Michelle mulled these thoughts over again as she finished the last of the packing for the trip, careful to navigate around Cracker’s fireworks. She’d prepared several batches of different flavored cookies with Giuseppe, and the couple was also bringing a bottle of spiced cider as a gift for their hosts.
Although, she supposed Spice might drink most of it. Michelle smiled to herself, remembering her feelings towards this party improving drastically when she learned Spice would be attending as a fellow Sweet Commander.
Sakura and Katakuri were also going to be there as well, along with Perospero and his family and even Smoothie was joining them.
Even if times were crazy, this party was still going to be fun.
“Ready to go, my dear?” Cracker asked, jerking Michelle from her thoughts. She looked up to see him holding his hand out to her, his trademark grin bright on his face.
“Yep. Let’s go,” Michelle picked up their basket and took his hand with her free one. The folds of her blue dress swished around her legs as she let Cracker lead her out of their lavish home and down to the docks of Cookie Town where his ship was waiting for them.
It would take a few hours to arrive at Yakigashi Island. Cracker predicted they should reach it by sundown, just in time for the party to begin.
 “Oh, for fuck’s sake!” Cracker snarled through gritted teeth.
Michelle, meanwhile, was too absorbed in the startling sight before them to really offer up much of a response. Her eyes were wide in her face as she gawked up at the monstrous wall of fluffy white pastry that stretched out before them.
It rose out of the sea like the back of some bulbous sea creature, snaking across the line of sight of Cracker’s ship, dwarfed in comparison. It obscured the entire island from view as it drifted almost lazily in the scalding sea, which foamed and bubbled all around them like a living thing breathing.
“What is this?!” Michelle exclaimed.
“It’s some of the Popover rocks that line the coast of Yakigashi Island,” Cracker explained after shouting some orders to the Biscuit Soldiers they had manning their ship. “Sometimes they break off the mainland and drift out into the Boiling Sea. The heat causes them to expand and form something like a wall around the island’s borders.”
Michelle glanced back at the massive mound of fluffy pastry. “It looks like things got a little out of control.”
“You think?”
“What are we going to do?”
“It’ll take too long to sail around it,” Cracker proclaimed as he produced a Transponder Snail from his pocket. “I’ll call Oven.”
However, before Cracker could put the call through, Michelle saw a massive, gloved hand reach over the top of the Popover wall. She couldn’t help but scream as a huge face followed suit, falling onto her butt on the deck.
Cracker glanced at her. “What?” He then followed his fiancée’s terrified gaze to see the huge pair of red eyes peering down at them. However, he did not react in nearly the same way, he didn’t even reach for Pretzel resting at his hip.
“Oh. Hey there, Samore!” He called up to the massive person, who slowly straightened up to their full height, dwarfing the pastry iceberg floating in the sea. Michelle could now make out the familiar figure of a woman with warm brown skin and crimped dark brown hair that reached her waist. Her eyes were a deep red, and she was wearing marshmallows as earrings. The fluffy pastry mound now only reached her waist as the giant woman peered down at Michelle and Cracker’s tiny ship.
“Cracker, how lovely to see you again!”
Meanwhile, Michelle was still huddled on the deck of the ship, staring up at the massive woman before them with her mouth hanging open. “S-Samore?!”
“Hello, Michelle!” Samore’s voice echoed across the Boiling Sea as she smiled down at them, her teeth large and white, each the size of a house. “How have you been?!”
The other woman blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of what she was looking at. “I’m not crazy right?! She was not this big when I first met her,” she said to Cracker.
Cracker chuckled at that.  “I guess no one told you about Samore’s Devil Fruit power. She has the Human-Human Fruit, Model: Giant. That’s the whole reason why Mama wanted her to marry Oven, so that she could finally have a Giant in Tottoland.”
“Oh?!” Michelle’s eyes were still huge. “I see.”
“Do you want me to give you two a hand?” Samore called down to the couple, easily stepping over the wall of puff pastry and trudging through the Boiling Sea seemingly unfazed by the searing heat. Michelle soon noticed that she was wearing a pair of thigh high boots that looked a bit like the lower half of a hazmat suit, which was most likely protecting her skin.
Cracker grinned up at his sister-in-law. “If you don’t mind.”
“No problem at all.” Samore then knelt down and grasped either side of their boat as gently as she was able.
It still jostled them quite a bit and Michelle would have toppled over again along with several of the Biscuit Soldiers if Cracker hadn’t caught her.
“Easy does it, Sugar Cube,” he grinned down at her as he held Michelle against his chest.
The young woman felt her face grow hot in spite of herself.
Meanwhile, Samore had successfully lifted Cracker’s ship out of the Boiling Sea and now held the entire thing in both hands as gingerly as an egg.
The giant woman then turned and slowly clambered over the wall of puff pastry, trudging through the bubbling water in her protective boots.
Michelle clung to Cracker the entire time, trying to keep her knees from knocking as the Biscuit Soldiers scrambled about all around them, struggling to remain upright.
Cracker laughed as he took out Pretzel and stabbed it into the deck, giving him more of a solid footing as Samore trudge through the steaming water and towards Yakigashi.
The island in question soon came into view not long after they crossed the Popover barrier, slowly coming into focus amongst heavy clouds of steam, like it was gently floating closer to them out of the boiling water.
Gingerly, Michelle broke away from Cracker and slowly made her way to the edge of the ship, gripping the railing so she could remain steady while she peered down through the steam at the island before them while Samore slowly waded closer to it.
Yakigashi was another one of Tottoland’s larger islands. It seemed like everything on the island was made of some kind of bread or type of pastry. The city that spread out from the island’s center and stretched down its coast of fluffy rocks was comprised almost entirely of warm brown buildings with a heavenly baked aroma wafting from them.
Michelle inhaled deeply, a small smile forming on her face as Samore approached the dock at the edge of Yakigashi and then gently set their ship down beside it. As Michelle looked on, she noticed the pier was made of breadsticks.
“Let’s go, Michelle!” Cracker called to her, holding out his hand. His fiancée quickly accepted it, still a little wobbly on her feet as the Sweet Commander lead her off the ship, shouting commands to his Biscuit Soldiers to watch over things while they were gone.
As Michelle and Cracker exited the ship, they heard the thunderous footsteps of Samore stepping out of the Boiling Sea and up onto the shore.
The young woman glanced up, open-mouthed as Samore stepped over their heads and, as she watched, started to shrink down. The other woman had barely blinked before she was standing in front of her, far closer to her size.
“Michelle!” Samore’s grin was still large as she leaned closer and grasped her hands. “It’s so good to see you again!”
“It’s good to see you too,” Michelle replied, still a little flustered.
“I love your dress!”
“Oh? Thank you…” the young woman’s face went a little pink at the compliment.
Her outfit for the Founding Day party was brand new, another gift from Cracker, and consisted of a purple tea-length dress with a vest made of biscuits and laced in the back with white icing stays as well as large white bow tied around the waist. Over this, she had draped a magenta cape in case it got cold. Her outfit actually somewhat coincided with Cracker’s: he was wearing a shirt for once and more armor which matched the shoulder guard and leg pieces that he normally wore along with his billowing cape and sparking hair.
“Let’s go. Our ride is waiting for us,” Samore continued, grabbing Michelle’s hand and pulling her along with Cracker following after the two women, smirking at his fiancée’s slightly flustered state.
Michelle quickly found walking on the island a bit difficult. The ground beneath their feet was very soft and fluffy, like walking on a marshmallow. She stumbled a little, but Samore gripped her arm tighter to steady her.
“Sorry, the terrain does take some getting used to, but my daughter enjoys making the ground soft and fluffy like this with her Devil Fruit. She says it’s more fun this way.”
“It feels like a cloud or something,” Michelle mused, bouncing experimentally on the fluffy ground.
Samore lead them over to two large porcupine Homies with saddles on their backs and smoking marshmallows stuck to the ends of their quills. “They’re quite harmless,” she said as Michelle looked at them wearily.
One of the porcupine’s snorted, blowing smoke out of its nostrils. Cracker walked over and pet the closest one’s nose before helping Michelle climb into the saddle as it was a bit of a long way up. Samore then clambered on in front of her and grabbed the reigns while Cracker mounted the other marshmallow porcupine.
“Let’s go!” Samore called out, cracking the reigns and the two spiked creatures took off into the city ahead of them.
The capitol of Yakigashi Island was called Fukkura Town, and it soon became apparent that the Founding Day celebrations were already well underway.
Color and light had exploded across the streets of the city in the forms of streamers and balloons, torches and sparklers. Crowds of people and Homies weaved throughout the buildings while thunderous music reverberated between them like a storm.
Michelle didn’t know where to look. There was dancing and singing, performers doing backflips and juggling flaming torches, people selling and eating delicious foods and bands blasting loud and rambunctious music.
“Oven really outdid himself this year,” Cracker mused from on top his porcupine mount, waving halfheartedly to some of the passerby that had recognized one of the Sweet Commanders.
“He can be pretty competitive,” Samore replied with a fond smile, leaning down to accept a flower from a young female Fukkura Town resident, who was smiling sweetly up at her and Michelle.
“Is it a competition between Charlotte siblings for who has the best Founding Day celebration?” Michelle inquired.
“It certainly is between some of the older ones,” Samore agreed with a nod, pausing to smell the flower she’d been gifted.
Soon after, the group arrived at the gates of Oven’s massive estate, which was built out of pure white bread that looked almost like polished marble. There were torches made of giant marshmallows mounted at the entrance, spouting crimson fire into the growing night.
A pair of Biscuit Soldiers were patrolling at the gate, both of which quickly bowed to Cracker and Michelle as the former disembarked from his mount and then turned to help his fiancée off her own porcupine.
“At ease,” Cracker said to the soldiers, who jumped aside as Samore breezed past them, the gate swinging open with a bombastic shout.
“The lady of the house is home!”
“The party is happening in the back yard. We’ve got a pavilion set up,” Samore called back to the other two as she lead them around the side of the massive white house and through a garden gate.
In the backyard, more of the roasted marshmallow torches were set up around a dancefloor made of polished saltine crackers. Multicolored streamers looped through the autumnal trees above their heads, making a canopy around the floor and the white covered tables that create a semi-circle around them.
The rest of the guests were already there, and Michelle spotted Spice immediately. Her hair was as bright as the flames and her smile just as brighter as she leapt over to the other young woman in two levitated bounds.
“Michelle! It’s so good to see you!” Spice exclaimed, grasping the other woman’s hands and squeezing them tightly. “How have you been?!”
“It’s good to see you too,” Michelle replied, beaming. “I love your dress.”
“Oh, this old thing?” Spice giggled as she smoothed down the folds of her orange and yellow dress with red accents that looked like it was made of fall leaves. Her choker and bracelet looked like dripping maple syrup.
Michelle was about to compliment her outfit again when a pair of gloved hands suddenly covered her eyes, making her gasp. “Guess who, Aunt Michelle!
“Peppermint?” the young woman whirled around as the hands were removed from her vision to see Peppermint and Candy Cane, the twin oldest children of Winter and Perospero. They were wearing matching red and white striped suits with top hats. CC in particular really resembled his father in the outfit, especially since he was wearing his blue hair loose from its ponytail.
“How have you been, Auntie?” He asked Michelle.
“Very good, thank you.” She replied with a warm smile.
“Hey, you two! It’s been a while” Cracker exclaimed, clapping each of the twins on the back. “I hope you two have been practicing the sword techniques I taught you.”
“Of course, Uncle Cracker,” Peppermint insisted.
“We can show ya if you want,” her twin added, a mischievous glint in his red eyes.
Spice’s face lit up. “That sounds fun!”
“Not now, it’ll be dinner soon,” Samore replied insistently.
“You’re no fun, Samore,” Spice grumbled.
“Oh, there you are, Cracker. I was starting to think you wouldn’t show up.” Michelle turned at the sound of an unfamiliar voice as Oven strolled over to them. He was wearing long white robes that were trimmed in brilliant embroidered flames.
“I wouldn’t miss one of your parties, Oven,” Cracker replied with a grin. As he spoke, his arm wrapped around Michelle’s waist, pulling her closer to him. “You remember my fiancée, Michell, right?”
Oven smirked down at the young woman, giving his brother a knowing look. “Of course, how could I forget? She’s very memorable.”
Michelle felt her face go rather warm, and she doubted it was from the marshmallow torchlight.
“Don’t tease her, darling,” Samore lightly chastised him, crossing her arms disapprovingly.
“It’s just a bit of fun, dear,” Oven exclaimed with a booming laugh before he scooped his wife up and placed her on his shoulder, despite Samore’s protests.
“Oven! I need to get changed.”
“Come on, you’re fine as you are!”
“Oven, please put me down!”
A loud bang from across the yard interrupted the couples’ friendly argument.
Samore froze for a moment, fingers tangling in her husband’s reddish orange hair to steady herself. “Burn! How many times have I told you not to turn your brother into a bomb!”
The boy she was referring to whirled around immediately, a guilty expression on his wide brown face. He looked to be in his early teens and was dressed like a traditional magician with a black waistcoat and top hat. He had bright white gloves which offset his warm brown skin and red eyes like Samore. From under his tall hat, reddish curls peeked out to frame his face.
“Aw come on, Mom! I can just make another one!” called a slightly younger boy with orange dreadlocks that danced around his lithe form. He was wearing a cheetah print button down and black ballet slippers and was expertly twirling around the boy in the top hat, jumping around with acrobatic expertise.
As Michelle looked on in confusion, the boy with the orange dreadlocks and cheetah print top suddenly split into two identical beings like some kind of single celled organism. As she looked on, mouth falling open, the boy divided again and then again and suddenly there were six identical copies.
Almost as soon as he did so, the older boy with the top hat and red curls pressed his gloved hand to one of the moving bodies and it suddenly light up bright red. With another loud bang it exploded like a lead balloon, sending the other copies scrambling to get out the way.
“Again! Again!” Laughter and clapping could be heard from Perospero and Winter’s other set of twins, nearly identical boys named Truffle and Fudge, whom Michelle remembered from the tea party on Candy Island.
“Burn! What did I just tell you?” Samore loudly chastised the red-haired boy, “Stop using your Devil Fruit before someone gets hurt!”
“But Mom! Bake is fine!” Burn insisted.
“Yeah, he’s only blowing up the fake mes!” the orange haired boy insisted.
Samore sighed in exasperation, pinch the bridge of her nose. “I’m going to get changed. You talk to them,” she added to Oven before jumping from his shoulder and landing on the ground with surprising ease. She then made her way to the house, flanked by some of the dough boy Homies that were wandering around the pavilion serving drinks.
“We brought spiced cider, by the way,” Michelle exclaimed, remembering the drink and producing it from the basket, giving it to Oven.
“Oh thanks for that,” he took the bottle from her. “Now excuse me, I’ve gotta go deal with my kids.”
“I’ll take that!” Spice exclaimed, snatching it from her older brother and flying off.
“Hey boys!” Cracker reached into the basket he and Michelle had brought as well, pulling out the brightly colored rocket-shaped explosives. “I brought fireworks!”
Burn and Bake both clapped and cheered at this as did Truffle and Fudge.
“Wait until after dinner,” Oven called over their reverie, giving Cracker a murderous glare.
Meanwhile, Michelle felt someone tap her on the shoulder and turned to see Perospero standing over her, holding his youngest child Chestnut close to his chest.
The baby babbled and waved his chubby fingers.
“Good evening, Michelle,” the eldest Charlotte sibling said to her, smiling through his long tongue.
“Hello, Perospero. Hello, Chestnut,” Michelle couldn’t help but brighten up immediately at the sight of the baby.
She reached up towards him only to immediately draw her hands back when the baby suddenly took a snap at her fingers.
“Chestnut!” Perospero quickly adjusted him in his arms. “Terribly sorry, he’s teething.” His father quickly explained, waving his hand to produce a piece of candy using his Devil Fruit. “Here you are, my boy. Suck on this instead.”
Chestnut eagerly slurped at the candy piece as Michelle looked on fondly.
She then spied Winter sitting a short distance away at one of the covered tables beside her sister North, both of whom were wearing heavy fur coats. It soon became obvious why as a heavy cloud of snow was hovering over the two women and frantic flurries danced over their heads thanks to Winter’s own powers.
Michelle’s eyes soon met with the older woman’s steady gaze, and she waved halfheartedly, still a little intimidated. Winter smiled at her in response. Her demeanor was cold, but her eyes were warm.
She then slowly rose to her feet and walked over to Michelle and Perospero, holding out her hands to the latter so she could take their son from him.
At that moment, a large arm suddenly wrapped around Michelle’s shoulders, pulling them against a firm body. The young woman glanced up to see the sharp yellow eyes and flowing green hair of Sakura. “Hi, Michelle! How are you?!” the taller woman exclaimed in her thick Wanonese accent.
“S-Sakura!” Michelle struggled slightly against the other woman’s strength. “It’s nice to see you again.”
Sakura was wearing a magnificent pink yukata with her hair all swept into an elegant updo. She had cherry blossoms and other ornate clips twisted into her hair as well as many necklaces and rings on her fingers. She was even wearing a pair of gold earrings shaped like tiny samurai swords.
“Same to you.” Sakura held a pastry out to the smaller woman. “Want a maple bacon donut.”
“Thank you,” Michelle accepted the treat before glancing around. “Where’s Katakuri.”
“Over there,” Sakura pointed to where her husband was lounging at another table, arms and legs crossed and face mostly buried in his white fur scarf. “He doesn’t want to be here,” she added in a hushed voice with a knowing smile.
Perospero clicked his tongue, “He works too hard.”
“Tell me about it,” Sakura rolled her eyes.
Suddenly, Spice swooped down between them. “Drinks girls?!” she handed them each a champagne glass of the spiced cider Michelle and Cracker had brought. “Smoothie’s bartending, so this party is going to be awesome!”
The other young woman could indeed spy Spice’s fellow Sweet Commander behind the bar further back from the pavilion floor. She was wearing a magenta suit that accented her long silvery hair perfectly. She was speaking in hushed voices with Crystal, Winter and North’s middle sister.
Even from this distance, Michelle could see the yearning in their eyes, and her heart felt sad.
“Oh wow!” Spice’s exclamation drew the other young woman’s attention towards Samore, who was making her way back from the house.
She had changed into a beautiful evening gown that was made of melted chocolate that dripped down her entire body like a waterfall, perfectly molded to her form. Her jewelry was tiny marshmallows that glittered like crystals and the decorative clutch she clasped in her gloved hand was made of graham crackers.
“You look beautiful, Samore,” Sakura said to her. “Does it stretch to accommodate your other sizes?”
Samore smirked at her. “Nope!” She seemed almost happy about this, and Michelle felt her brow crinkle in confusion.
“Mama always makes her stay in her Giant form for Tea Parties and such,” Spice whispered to her, “So she can show her off to all of her socialite friends. I think it’s frustrating for her, so it’s probably nice to stay in her normal form.”
Michelle didn’t really know how to respond to that, especially since as Samore walked back over to where she, Spice and Sakura were standing, she noticed the rather prominent scars against her neck indicating there had once been a very heavy collar fastened against her throat.
“So, is this a party or what?!” Sakura suddenly exclaimed, throwing up her hands, “Let’s dance or something! It’s a celebration.”
“Figures you wouldn’t be impressed,” Spice replied, rolling her eyes as she floated after Sakura towards the dance floor, “Your dad throws wild parties every night of the week!”
Michelle almost jumped when someone tapped her on the shoulder, but the tight knot in her chest instantly softened when she turned to meet Cracker’s familiar grin. “How about a dance, my dear?’
His fiancée quickly accepted his hand, “I’d love to.”
As Cracker lead her onto the dancefloor, Oven and Samore followed suit, and Michelle caught a glimpse of the branded mark burned onto the small of the other woman’s back.
The Hoof of the Celestial Dragon: scarred over but still there.
The rest of the party was a blur of eating, drinking, talking and dancing. There was so much food available, Michelle thought she might burst; although she supposed it should be expected for an event involving the Charlotte family.
She danced with Cracker and drank cider with Spice and Sakura (as well as a bit of sake courtesy of the former). She talked with Winter and her sisters and even took Truffle and Fudge up on their offer to dance with her.
As the night carried on, and the stars moved across the sky to the rhythm of the city’s fervor around them, Cracker eventually got out the fireworks for Oven and Samore’s sons Burn and Bake to enjoy.
They set up the rockets in the field, down the grassy slope from the pavilion. Everyone else pulled their chairs to the edge and lined them up, so they could watch the show.
Michelle was sitting beside an empty seat for Cracker on her right while Charlotte Souffle, Oven and Samore’s third child and only daughter, sat on her left.
“Isn’t this exciting, Auntie Michelle?!” she was saying. “I always love the fireworks.”
Michelle turned to give her a warm smile. She was a small girl with medium skin and red eyes like her mother. Her hair was yellow and very curly, mostly hidden behind a blue bonnet which matched her dress that had a balloon like skirt that seemed to puff out like a great white and blue balloon. Her face was painted white like a clown’s with additional eye makeup and a small blue dot on her nose. Her mouth was wide and full of an innocent grin.
Michelle had to put hers on somewhat. She was personally a little anxious about fireworks.
She nearly jumped when the sudden popping bang could be heard. Facing forward once more, she watched another of the fireworks shoot up into the sky and explode amongst the stars with a loud bang and eruption of color. All of the party guests clapped and exclaimed their appreciation.
Souffle’s eyes were filled with nearly as many stars as the sky above them as she took in the fireworks, raining down around them like shimmering jewels.
Michelle then noticed Chestnut was sitting up in his mother’s lap, his hands reaching up towards the remnants of the fireworks as they fell back down to earth, almost as if he wanted to catch them in his chubby hands.
She felt a familiar warmth in her chest that reminded her of how much she wanted to have children of her own one day. She couldn’t wait for her and Cracker to get married.
Meanwhile, Katakuri was sitting off to the side with Sakura on his lap; his arms were wrapped around her waist, keeping her in place as she leaned back against his chest, a content smile on her face.
The fireworks show seemed to take forever and seemingly no time at all; it held a spell over the crowd, transfixing everyone and practically lifting them out of time and space and temporarily transporting them to a pocket dimension where only this moment existed, only this land of noise and light reminded, independent of everything else.
Michelle sat, surrounded by her family, and she was happy.
Once the last rocket had been set off, Burn and Bake ran back up the hill, out of the darkness of the field towards them, with Cracker trudging not far behind.
Michelle leapt up from her seat and ran to meet him, leaping into his arms as he caught her by the waist.
“Here’s my girl!” he exclaimed, “Something on your mind, sweetheart?” he added.
Michelle blushed as she wrapped her arms around his neck, nuzzling her cheek. “I’m just having a very good time,” she replied simply.
The party started to wind down after that. Winter, North, Crystal gathered around the bar to talk with Smoothie while she cleaned the used glasses.
Perospero and Oven were having a heated discussion about some Tottoland politics while Samore and Souffle played with baby Chestnut.
Spice was entertaining Truffle and Fudge along with Burn and Bake, who were soon having another round of fireworks with Spice’s soul clones.
Peppermint and Candy Cane soon challenged Cracker to a duel, which carried out into the field. It was a friendly spar, but still intense as all things tended to be with the Charlotte family.
Michelle watched from a distance, starting to feel a little chill coming from the night air.
After parrying Peppermint and her sword Uzumaki and then blocking CC and his sword Kasane, Cracker looked her way. “Michelle! You look like you’re getting tired, sweetheart.”
“Oh! No, I’m fine,” she barely got the words out before the young woman had to stifle a yawn.
“Perhaps you should get going,” Perospero mused from nearby, “We’ll probably leave soon as well. The younger children shouldn’t be up too late.”
“You do have a bit of a journey back as well,” Samore agreed. “I’ll have one of the dough Homies fetch yours and Cracker’s coats.” Their hostess paused, glancing around, but there were no Homies in sight.
Oven chuckled. “I think our kids may have destroyed them all.”
“Those little pyromaniacs!” Samore huffed.
“It’s alright, I can get them myself,” Michelle insisted.
“Are you sure, my dear. I can always-” Samore started to offer, but Michelle shook her head.
“I don’t want to keep you from seeing off your guests.”
“Well, alright. The coatroom is the fourth door on your right when you go in the back entrance.”
“Thanks!” With that, Michelle ran across the garden towards the large white manor.
It didn’t take her long to locate the back entrance, but the hall beyond was dimly light and difficult to navigate. Remembering Samore’s instructions, she fumbled through the shadowed corridor until she found the door to the coatroom.
As she was gathering hers and Cracker’s cloaks up, she heard muffled noises and what sounded like voices coming from another room nearby.
Somewhat disoriented, Michelle stumbled out of the coatroom only to notice that the room across the hall’s door was slightly ajar. She could still hear the hushed sounds coming from inside.
Curiosity burning inside her, the young woman tiptoed across the hall and peered through the gap between the door and the wall.
It took a moment to come into focus, but she could soon make out Katakuri’s large form braced against the wall with one hand, holding Sakura’s leg against his hip with the other. His scarf was loose, but his face wasn’t visible as it was buried in the crook of Sakura’s neck. His wife’s arms were gripping his shoulders tightly, her long nails digging into the fabric of his suit jacket. She threw her head, gasping her husband’s name.
“K-Katakuri! Ah!” she yelped as he seemingly sank his teeth into her neck, her hands scrambling up into his hair, pulling the short strands tightly.
Michelle scrambled back from the door, struggling to force down a surprised squeak. She probably made far too much noise in her frantic dash towards the exit thanks to her bad leg, but she didn’t linger long enough to see if she had been discovered.
She dashed back outside, her face burning in the cool night air only to run straight into Cracker’s broad chest. “There you are, Sugar Cookie. I was wondering where you went.”
Despite the short distance she had run, Michelle was panting, “I-I got the coats.”
Cracker smirked down at his fiancée, reaching out to clasp her face between his large hands. “Is everything alright, my dear. You look a little flushed.”
“I’m alright,” Michelle insisted, forcing back the urge to pout.
“Very well, I suppose we should be going then.” Without another word, Cracker scooped his fiancée up along with the coats and carried her towards the gate despite her feeble protests.
The other party guests were making their way out as well, sharing final farewells with their hosts.
Michelle managed to regain her composure enough to thank Oven and Samore for inviting them and to say goodbye to Spice and the others.
As Cracker carried her back to their ship, she felt her eyes beginning to grow heavy. It was indeed very late; the edges of the horizon were starting to fade indicating they were not long for a sunrise.
The party that had been carrying on in full swing had died down, with only some drunken revelers lingering sporadically in the messy streets.
Cracker’s long strides covered the distance almost as quickly as the porcupines they road into Fukkura Town on, and the rhythm of his movements practically rocked Michelle to sleep.
As they approached the coast, she could barely make out their waiting ship through her sleepy haze. Cracker leaned down and whispered, “We’ll be home soon, my love. Sleep well.”
Michelle smiled to herself, resting her head against her husband’s broad chest as her hand lazily reached up to stroke the side of his face before going limp as she drifted off to sleep.
                                                           The End.
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dc41896 · 5 years
Welcome to the Family
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Hey guys! So this imagine was meant to be put out for Thanksgiving but as we see that didn’t happen lol. So although it’s a little late, I hope you guys like it and i also hope that for those who celebrate it, that you had a great Thanksgiving!! (PS: I wasn’t trying to follow a certain timeline so if things seem like they don’t make sense in that area, my bad I just pieced things together. Also his niece and nephew don’t have names because I didn’t know their names and didn’t want to give them fake ones because it of course wouldn’t be right so I just left it as is.) 
Pairing: Chris Evans x Black Reader
Warnings: None (I feel like y'all already know it’s gonna be fluff lol)
Word Count: 2,461
“There. Everything looks good,” you thought as you looked at all the covered food on the table. You and Chris were hosting Thanksgiving dinner at his place with both of your immediate families coming over and needless to say, you were a bit nervous. Not only was this was the first time you guys were in charge of Thanksgiving, this was also the first time both of your families would be in the same area and you hoped everything would turn out perfect.
Dressed in your slightly oversized burgundy sweater with dark jeans and thigh high black boots, you make your way into the living room to see your boyfriend currently getting cookies out of the jar on the counter. “Hey don’t eat all of them, save some for the kids,” you jokingly scold placing the top back on. “Plus if you eat too much you won’t want any dinner.”
“Sorry mom,” he laughs as he kisses your cheek. “You look beautiful by the way.”
“Thank you, as do you Mr. Evans in your adorable old man sweater,” you smile brushing crumbs off the dark navy blue piece of clothing. “Thank you Ms. Y/L/N even though you just said I have on an old man sweater when we both know there’s nothing old about me,” he counters with a wink.
“Uh huh yea we’ll see when you’re passed out on the couch later with the game watching you,” you smirk as he lets out his signature boisterous laugh. “Ok that’s only happened once and you were right there beside me passed out so what does that make you then?,” Chris asks with arms crossed in front of his chest, mocking your smirk.
Before you could answer, you both hear the rattling of the doorknob followed by a couple knocks. “Chris and Y/N?! It’s us!,” yells his mom, Lisa, as she makes her way down the hall along with his other family members.
“Hey! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!,” you greet meeting them halfway. As you all exchange hugs and ‘Happy Thanksgiving’s’, you hear the doorbell ring signaling your parents and grandma had arrived, which also meant dinner could officially begin.
“I got it,” Chris says before lightly jogging to the front door. “Can we eat now Y/N? I’m hungry and skipped breakfast to eat as much as I can,” asked his nephew, an excited smile spread across his face.
“Yes of course you can! I finished heating up everything a few minutes ago so go ahead and fix your plates,” you answer leading everyone to the table. “Oh my gosh Y/N everything looks so good! I love how you’ve decorated,” Carly, his sister gushed, one child on her hip and the other close beside her.
“Thanks! Hopefully it tastes as good as it looks,” you reply with a small laugh. “As long as Chris didn’t make anything, we already know it’ll taste amazing,” adds Scott as he walks by making you and the rest of his family laugh.
“Hey I heard that!,” interrupts Chris walking in the dining room with your family. “There’s nothing wrong with my cooking.”
“No none at all if we’re talking about pizza rolls, popcorn, or anything premade that you just have to heat up,” interjected his other sister, Shanna, making the kids laugh and Chris roll his eyes.
“Don’t worry sweetie everyone starts out rough with cooking,” your grandma, Diane, reassures gently patting Chris on the arm. “At least you didn’t make the oven catch on fire.”
“Grandma! Lets not bring up my cooking misfortunes,” you respond with a laugh. “No grandma I think that’s a perfect topic of discussion!,” he counters with a smirk wrapping an arm around your grandmother’s shoulders as he leads her to her seat.
Seeing both families talking and enjoying themselves, as well as the food, made a nostalgic feeling come over you, and you were instantly reminded of your family coming together for the holidays to spend time together doing everything from watching Christmas movies to play board games. With everything that came with your career as a singer, it had been a couple years since you had a proper holiday season with your family. Of course you had Chris to spend them with since he wasn’t able to go home either, and both of you loved spending that time together, but you both agreed that finally being able to see your families and spend time with them was something you both dearly missed.
Noticing your unusual silence, Chris grabs your hand resting on the table and lightly kisses your knuckles bringing you out of your temporary trance. “Hey, you ok love?,” he asks with a whisper so only you could hear him.
“Yea I’m fine, just really happy and blessed right now to see everyone and get to spend this time together,” you answer with a soft smile. You tried to hold them back, but you couldn’t stop the tears from escaping your eyes and now your separate conversation had caught the attention of everyone in the room.
“Don’t cry Y/N! Here you can play with my doll to feel better,” his niece offers hurriedly walking up to you with her American Girl doll and making you smile as more tears flowed and, more than likely, ruined your makeup.
“What’s wrong sweetie? Do you need to go outside?,” asked your mom, Mary, as she rubbed your back, something she always did ever since you were a small child to make you feel better.
“I’m fine I promise. These are happy tears,” you answered using one of the many napkins handed to you by everyone at the table to try to clean up your face. “I was just telling Chris how I’m so happy to have all of you guys here and get to spend time with everyone. The past couple years we couldn’t really travel to visit anyone because of work and schedules so it really warms my heart to finally have everyone together.”
“Aww and we’re happy to be here with you guys! While you missed us you know we all missed you too,” Lisa responds reaching across the table to hold both yours and Chris’ hand.
“I know, I’m just super emotional today and I’m sorry for crying everyone. I didn’t mean to switch the mood,” you answer with a small laugh followed by everyone shaking their heads and saying “no” to reassure you that you didn’t do anything wrong.
“The holidays is especially time for family and to spend time together, which brings joy as well as other not so pleasant emotions at times,” your dad, Theo, speaks making everyone laugh. “Don’t feel bad for crying honey, we know yall love us and we love yall too.”
“And speaking of family,” Chris starts as he turns to look in your eyes and take your hands in his. “I want to thank you for making this amazing dinner for my family and yours as well as decorating and basically doing everything that we all know I can’t and would definitely struggle with if I tried to do it myself.”
In the corner of your eye, you could see Scott get up from the table with his phone in hand, but thought nothing of it since you were so focused on Chris and what he was saying.
“And I also want to thank you for bringing my family, from my mom down to the kids, into your heart and treating them as your own from the first day. I feel like a lot of people wait until things are official to do that, but you didn’t and showed me, and them, how big of a heart you truly have and I love you for that,” he continues, eyes red from the few tears that fell while he was talking, which you wiped away with your thumbs. “With that said, I wanted to ask you Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N if you would do me the honor of marrying me, and not only making me the happiest man in the world, but also officially becoming an Evans and being part of this crazy family?”
Kneeling down on one knee, he pulls out a sparkling pear shaped diamond ring with smaller diamonds surrounding the centerpiece and around the band. You didn’t try to stop the tears from coming this time as you stuck out your hand while nodding your head.
“Yes! Of course I will!,” you excitedly answer as everyone around you clapped and cheered while he slid the dazzling piece of jewelry on your finger. Although you knew he was really supposed to be the only one on the ground at that moment, you couldn’t help yourself from kneeling down in front of him to kiss his lips.
“Way to make me bawl my eyes out after I just got myself together Evans,” you joke as he lets out a laugh, wiping away your tears. “I’m sorry love, but to make you feel better, you look just as beautiful as you always do future Evans,” he replies before kissing your lips again.
“Show us the ring Y/N!,” Shanna squealed, bouncing a little in her seat from excitement. Getting up from the floor, you reach your hand over the table to show everyone the immaculate ring shining against your skin. Now having time to really look at it, you realized that it looked very familiar, but couldn’t quite place where you previously saw it.
That is, until you looked at your grandmother, which caused your other hand to cover your mouth as more tears cascaded down your face and left your future in-laws slightly confused.
“Y/N made that look because she just realized that her engagement ring is a ring that her grandfather bought me a long time ago. She used to always look at it as a little girl and I would catch her playing dress up and wearing it sometimes so I promised her that when the time came, she could have it,” Diane answered blinking back a few tears of her own.
“With her permission, I had it updated with the smaller diamonds and made sure she liked the final product too,” Chris adds hugging you and kissing your forehead as your remaining tears stained his sweater. “What’s next are you surprising me with a puppy?!,” you ask causing everyone around to laugh.
“I don’t think Dodger would appreciate another dog taking away our attention. Would you boy?,” Chris answers bending down to pet the currently hyper dog seeing the emotions of everyone around.
“Ok I think this calls for a toast!,” announces Scott holding up his wine glass, followed by everyone else doing the same. “To Chris and Y/N, may there be many more holiday dinners just like this one filled with plenty of laughs and family.”
After everything from dinner was cleaned up and everyone was full, the talking moved from the table to the living room where the football game between the Patriots and the Cowboys was brightly displayed on the flat screen television. Of course Chris and his family were for the Patriots, whereas you and your family were for the Cowboys since that was your hometown team. Everyday leading up to this moment, Chris would tease you about how he’d be sure to let you cry on his shoulder once New England beat your beloved Cowboys.
However, he was pretty silent right now since Dallas was ahead by a touchdown. “Need some tissue love? You’re looking like you’re about to cry,” you tease pinching his cheek. “Here you can lean on my shoulder if you need to cry.”
“Very funny, but there’s plenty of time left in the game and I know we’re gonna come back,” he answers with a smirk. “Aww look at that, first lovers spat as an engaged couple! And to think Chris said all this was gonna happen when he first saw you Y/N,” Carly smiled, momentarily taking a break from playing with the kids.
“Wait you said we would get married when you first saw me? When did you first see me?,” you ask turning to look at your fiancé. “Hold up you didn’t tell her about your crush?! Oh this is good,” Scott shouts sitting up from the other side of the couch.
“I guess today is also completely embarrass Chris day,” Chris groans covering his face with his hands as he lays his head in your lap making you laugh.
“Okay so Chris had been a fan of yours since he saw your Grammy performance of Knew Better with Cardi B, and always wanted to meet you but wanted it to be natural and refused to let his team get in contact with yours. So fast forward to D23 where he was there for Marvel of course and he found out you were also there for your song for Forever Wonderland, and let me tell you he became a nervous wreck!,” he explains.
“Really?! You should’ve came up to me, I promise I probably would’ve been nervous too,” you answer playing with his hair.
“I was with him and tried to get him to go up to you, but he was all like ‘No she has enough going on, I’ll do it later’ and as you see it never happened. Then came the Oscars where your song was nominated and you were sitting down the same row as us, and I told lover boy that then was the best chance he would have in a while so he had to go for it,” Scott continues, ignoring Chris’ arm swatting at him to stop talking.
“So I’m expecting him to be like ‘No’ and all shy right, but he sits up a little straighter in his seat and tells me that I’m right and he has to get it done because he’s not missing out on his wife again. I was like ‘You’re wife? Since when?’ and he goes ‘Since Knew Better’ with the biggest smile and brightest eyes I have ever seen on him, and that is the story of how our dear Christopher Robert Evans knew he was gonna marry you Y/N,” he finishes with a smile as he nudges Chris’ shoulder.
Looking down, you notice his face and ears are as red as Rudolph’s nose, which make you softly giggle. “Babe that’s so sweet! In fact you want to know something? When I had to go up and perform and I saw you in the audience, something inside told me that you’d be in my life somehow.”
“And look at us now,” Chris responds as he turns to look up at you, softly caressing your cheek with his thumb. “Yea look at us now,” you repeat with a smile.
Taglist: @felicity-x0​ @melinda-january​ @honeychicana​ @themyscxiras​ @crushed-pink-petals​ @lady-olive-oil​ @fumbling-fanfics​ @lovelymari4​ @ellixthea​ @jojolu​ @jnk-812​ @brwn-sgr​ @captainsamwlsn​ @nina-sj​ @itshinothey​ @wildfirecracker​
If anybody else wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged and doesn’t see their name, or only wants to be tagged for certain people I write for, just let me know! :)
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aprilqueen84 · 6 years
When You Least Expect It (4/?)
A/N: I am so sorry that this took so long to get out, and I really hope people are still invested in this story and thank you too everyone who has left likes and rebloged my stories, I promise to do better to reply to everyone.
Summary: Killian and Emma had been wanting to start a family for a while now but had not had any luck. Soon they would learn that the best things happen when you least expect it. Except not everything is as it seems.
Tag List: @hollyethecurious @resident-of-storybrooke @jennjenn615 @nikkiemms @winterbaby89 @kymbersmith-90 @kmomof4 @xemmaloveskillianx @lieutenantpirate @teamhook
Chapter 4: The Mystery
Emma and Killian walked down the hall to meet Blue in front of a set of double doors, “Faye’s room is right through here.” She opened the doors and ushered them inside, when they stepped into the room they saw Faye sitting up in bed. She had long black hair that was pulled back into a low braid, she was very pale clearly still recovering from her attack. Blue stepped forward “Hello Faye, The Sheriff and Deputy would like to ask you some questions about what happened today.”
 Emma came forward to interject, “Only if you feel up to it, if not we can come back later.” She stopped beside the bed, getting a better look at the young women she was very nervous, wringing her hands in her lap and her eyes kept flickering between her and Blue. She gently placed a hand on Faye’s arm, “Hey it’s ok, we know you have been through allot today.”
 Faye’s eyes locked with Emma’s and she instantly relaxed, “No, it’s ok I want to help in any way that I can.” She was soft spoken and shy but you could tell she was determined.
 Emma smiled at her. “Ok, just tell us everything that happened.”
 Faye tells them that while she was walking the grounds after lunch to make sure all the children were back inside, she rounded the corner and saw a person standing by the rear entrance. She continued by saying that she thought at first it was one of the older children lagging behind, but when she got a good look at them and realized it was an adult and they were wearing a long cloak. She then called out to them asking who they were and what they were they doing there. She saw them stiffen and when she got closer they turned and the next thing she knew she was flying through the air and hitting the side of the building.
 When she was finished, Killian stepped forward and calmly asked “Was there anything else you remember, do you know if the person was male or female?”
 ”It was a woman, she had red curly hair, I caught a glimpse of it as she turned.” Faye answered.
 “Nothing else, they didn’t say anything to you?” He asked further.
 Faye was about to answer him when Blue interrupts, “Do you really think all these questions are necessary?” She harshly said clearly annoyed at Killian for his line of questioning.
 Emma fixed her with a piercing look, “He’s only trying to help find whoever did this to her, isn’t that why you called us in the first place?” She fired back, getting tired of her attitude towards her husband.
 “Of course, I just mean like you said Faye’s been through allot and I don’t want anyone to overwhelm her.” Blue stated her eyes flickering over to Killian as she spoke.
 Emma caught the look and was about to go off on her when she felt Killian’s hand on her shoulder, his touch instantly calming her. “Lady Blue, I understand that you are just looking out for you fellow sister and that while that is a very honorable,’ He paused before continuing, “but we also need to be sure we know everything we can about what this intruder was looking for.” Killian said his tone calm but firm.
 Emma recognized it as his no nonsense Captain’s tone. She watched as Blue’s eyes grew wider and wider as he spoke, she probably wasn’t use to people speaking to her that way. She turned back to Faye, “Are you sure you don’t remember anything else?”
 “No, I’m sorry I wish I did, it all happened so fast,” she said regretfully
 “It’s quite alright lass, we are just glad that you are alright.” Killian gave her a kind smile.
 “We should probably let you get some rest.” Blue said and ushered Emma and Killian out of the room.
 As soon as they were in the hallway, Emma turned to Blue, “Do you think that you could get a list of everything that the intruder took?”
 “Why would you need that,” Blue frowned.
 “If we saw what they have taken, maybe we can figure out what they were after, see if there is a pattern,” Emma explained.
 Emma saw a look of reluctance cross her face, almost as if she doesn’t want to know what was taken. Just as she was sure Blue was going to refuse, she relented “Very well, I’ll get the list together and make sure you get it.” She looked down at her watch checking the time, “but right now it’s almost dinner time and I have to help with the children.” They were clearly being dismissed, she walked them to the front door and promised to get the list to them as soon as possible and the three of them said their goodbyes.
 When they made it back to the car Emma checked her phone, she was surprised that it was so late. Henry would be over soon to start his week with them and she wants to get dinner ready before he got home. Once they were in the car and driving back into town, Killian turned to Emma “Well we didn’t need your superpower to tell that Blue was hiding something love.”
 Emma nodded her head in agreement, “For sure, what I don’t understand is if Blue didn’t want us to look into this, why call us in the first place?”
 “I don’t know Swan, and if you want to get technical she called you, she wasn’t too pleased with my presence there today.”
 “Don’t get me started, if you hadn’t of stopped me I don’t think I could have been held responsible for what I would have said or did,” Emma said in a huff. “It’s just I don’t get it nobody else was even remotely bothered by you being there.”
 “I haven’t a clue Swan, maybe she holds more of a grudge against me for what happened to the fairies.” Killian suggested.
 “That’s bullshit Killian! That wasn’t your fault, Gold had your heart and you spent six weeks agonizing over trying to find a way to get them out of that hat.” Emma pulled up in front of their house and roughly puts the car into park.
 Killian could she her hands clenching the steering wheel in a vice grip, tension rolling off of her in waves. He reached over and took one of her hands in his, “Emma darling relax, it doesn’t matter what she thinks about me, I don’t need her approval or validation about anything.” He bought her hand to his lips and brushed a kiss to the back of it, “you believe in me my daring and that’s all that matters.”
 Emma smiled sweetly at him and leaned over to kiss him passionately. After a minute they pulled back from each other and Emma said, “Ok, you sweet talker you, we are going to have a very hungry teenager on our hands soon, so we should get dinner started.” He gave her a wink as they exited the car and made their way up the walkway and into the house.
 When they got inside Emma took her jacket off and hung it up before heading to the kitchen. Killian shrugged off his own jacket, as he was hanging it up a piece of paper  fell to the floor. He bent down and picked it up, unraveling it saw that it was the drawing that Amelia had given to them. Staring down at it, he felt a warmth spread through him at the memory of her and the time they spent with her today.
 Emma was putting the chicken in the oven when she heard Killian enter the kitchen, “Hey babe, could you set the table for me please?” When he didn’t answer she looked over to him, she saw him staring down at a piece of paper. “Killian, what do you got there?” she asked walking over to him. He shows her the paper, she felt affection surge though her at the sight of Amelia’s drawing.
 “She is a very special girl, isn’t she love?” Killian asked
 “She is, I remember being in the system and how hard it was to trust strangers, so I was amazed at how quickly she took to us,” Emma said fondly.
 Killian looked down at her, “Swan did you feel,”
 The sound of the front door opening and closing interrupting what he was going to say, “Mom, Killian I’m home!” Henry called from the living room, “Where are you guys, I’m starving.”
 Emma and Killian chuckled at each other, “We’re in the kitchen kid,” Emma called out to him. “Go wash up, dinner will be done soon.” Killian folded the drawing back up and put it in his back pocket and walking over to the cabinet to get the dishes while Emma went to check the food in the oven.
 When Henry came into the kitchen, Emma was taking the chicken out of the oven and Killian was just finishing setting up the table. “Wow! Mom something smells awesome, what are we having?” He went over to her to give her a kiss on the cheek and a small hug.
 Emma looked up at him with a smile, still amazed that he was taller then her. She always wondered whatever happened to that little ten year old boy that found her in Boston six year ago.”It’s Chicken Parmesan, so if you could help take the salad to the table then we can eat.”
The three of them sat down to eat catching up a little bit from the past week since he’s been at Regina’s, although really not a day goes by that they don’t text each other. “Are you ready for your math final tomorrow lad?” Killian inquired, he had been helping Henry study for it for the past couple of weeks and was wondering how his mindset was and how prepared he felt.
 Henry nodded his head, “Yeah! I feel great about it, thanks for helping me get ready for it Killian.”
 “Of course my boy, I know you are going to do great on it,” Killian smiled at Henry, always amazed that he was this wonderful young man’s step father. “Henry the Jolly still needs some preparations for our voyage this weekend, so how about tomorrow after school we head down to the docks?”
 A giant smile broke out across Henry’s face, “Awesome! I can’t wait for this weekend, Killian do you think I can practice sailing The Jolly a bit more?”
 Emma and Killian smiled at each other, “Actually kid, Killian and I have been talking about it and we think your ready to man The Jolly by yourself.” Emma watched Henry’s eyes widen in shock.
 “Seriously,” he turned to Killian.
 “Aye lad, you are more then ready, there isn’t anyone else I would trust more than you with The Jolly,” Killian said with affection.
 Henry stands up from the table and walks around it, Killian also rose and the two embraced. When they pulled away Henry was genuinely touched, “Thank you so much, it means allot to me that you trust me to sail The Jolly.”
 Killian gently grasped his step-son’s shoulder, You are very welcome Henry, now how about we finish diner and we can talk all about it.”
 They both sat down and the three of them spent the rest of dinner talking about where they wanted to go this weekend. Emma watched her two men chatting away about every nautical term known to man. She really didn’t know much about what they were talking about but she didn’t mind one bit.
 After dinner was done and the dishes washed and put away, Henry went up to his room to finish up some homework while Emma and Killian settled on the couch with a night cap. Emma rested her head on her husbands shoulder, “Henry was really excited about the news Killian,” she said interlacing their hands together. “I’m really glad that you two have his special connection over sailing.”
 “Aye me too love, he’s an amazing young man and I’m glad that he has enjoys learning about it as much as I have enjoyed teaching him.” They both were both quiet for a while until Killian heard the sound of Emma’s heavy breathing a her hand falling limb from his. Looking down he realized she had fallen asleep, chucking quietly to himself he shifted from the couch. He bent down and lifted Emma into his arms and carried her upstairs to their bedroom. After he got both of them ready for bed, Killian lay in bed once again marveling at the life that he has now, an amazing wife and a fantastic step-son, he really didn’t know how life could get any better.
 Amelia jolted up in bed breathing heavily, she could sense her. Getting up from bed she went to her window and opened it. Staring out she raised her hand to the sky and closed her eyes in concentration. When all of a sudden a pulse of energy emitted from her hands and into the sky and a sound like a door shutting could be heard. Amelia opened her eyes and said, “You can’t come in,” as she stepped back to shut the window, she could faintly hear the angry screech of the would be intruder. When she was back in bed she lay there knowing that she would never stop trying to get her.
 The end!
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plumeofacat · 4 years
Chapter 2
Into the fire, the young red hair woman stand on her hands and knees above a scared child mosnter that froze on the ground. Lanna look at the kid who is a humanoid wolf of 6 years old, then she close her eyes full of pain tears. Luckily for her, the fall of the beams created a safe exit trough the broken window.
Lanna: Kiddo... Are your parents here?
Kid : No... They left to find food this morning...
Lanna : ok... Go out by the window and go gat some help... Tell the monsters that the threats left.
The child nod and run on his four paws outside. Relieved of the fear of killing someone, Lanna weakens, restraining herself from falling as much as she can. Yet another scream of pain escape from her lips as she can't lift the beam. She ends up tackled by the burning beam and the heat rise to her head until she loose consciousness.
Outside, the kid smelling smoke run between fir trees, calling for help, until he fell in pasty that is own by Muffet, a monster-spider addicted to money. He ask for help, but he only get a glass of water and some pat on the back. The young wolf doesn't hesitate to say to the spider that no one is threatening the city and that allow the chief to call all of her spider so they can inform everyone.
Relieved, he then ask if they can save the human stuck in his house. No one really want to, since the cub didn't specified that this human is different and since he tay vague on the identity of his savior. After all, he didn't really see much and the shock don't help him to remember any details. Despise everything, he insist until he say that her eyes change color and looked into his soul. This information, that came back at the same time as he said it, earned him black gazes and the order to shut up.
A portail appear just in front of the house taht is collopasing on the creator's sister. Besides, the brother cross the portal with Error and he sees the beams falling, not knowing immediately who is inside. The blackbone that glitch wear black redingote coat, like what wear a corsaire, which the ledges are gloden and whose sleeves are lengthened by clearly sewn fabrics and his black shorts are lengthened to in the same way, showing that his legs are, in fact, red. At his feet, the black sandals showed his red feet, contrasting with his red t-shirt. A night blue long scarf came decorate his neck.
He start to look everywhere, looking for a red tuft, or at least a white mask, but in a fire it's hard to spot a precice red taint. the effect is the same for the mask that blend into the snow, evevn if he find it... at least, he walk on the pieces that Loucas left behind him. Ink take a good five seconds to understand on what he is walking, wwhile his opposite walk toward the burning house, curious.
Error: ̷L̷a̷n̷n̷a̷ ?
A distant moan is audible through the flame, but only by the magically sensible hearing of a skeleton. That's what get the duo's attention, but the flames activated Ink's overprotective worrying to the point that he jump into what's beggening to be ruins while yelling his sister's name. Luckily for the artist's life, the one who seems to ust have jump of an oven use his strings to catch his opponent. He then use his other hand to lauch strings on the structure on the young women, ignoring panicked complained from his prisoner. However, he can't get Lanna out, since five of his strings are busy at restraining the unconscious' brother.
Error: ̷I̷n̷k̷,̷ ̷i̷f̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷ ̷w̷a̷n̷t̷ ̷m̷e̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷b̷e̷ ̷a̷b̷l̷e̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷g̷e̷t̷ ̷h̷e̷r̷ ̷o̷u̷t̷,̷ ̷c̷a̷l̷m̷ ̷d̷o̷w̷n̷!̷ ̷
The bugged voice seems to calm the white skeleton, despite the fact that he lost his pupils and doesn't react at all. However, Error doesn't care about it and focus only on the one he have to save. He shake, raising the beams isn't being easy, while he use his strings on the inhured one to pull her withouth cares.
Ink: E-Error... Avoid hurting her more...
Error: ̷c̷o̷n̷s̷i̷d̷e̷r̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷h̷e̷r̷ ̷s̷t̷a̷t̷e̷,̷ ̷I̷ ̷d̷o̷n̷'̷t̷ ̷t̷h̷i̷n̷k̷ ̷I̷ ̷c̷a̷n̷ ̷d̷o̷ ̷w̷o̷r̷s̷e̷.̷
Like a lifeless puppet, the body Honging on the ground to be release in the same time as the burned structured. A crash is heard while ink hurry to his sister's side, clearing her face. Few seconds after, Error sit on the other side of the incouscious.
Error: ̷H̷e̷y̷,̷ ̷t̷h̷e̷ ��a̷r̷t̷i̷s̷t̷!̷ ̷M̷a̷k̷e̷ ̷a̷ ̷p̷o̷r̷t̷a̷l̷ ̷s̷o̷ ̷w̷e̷ ̷c̷a̷n̷ ̷g̷o̷ ̷b̷a̷c̷k̷,̷ ̷s̷o̷ ̷I̷ ̷c̷a̷n̷ ̷c̷o̷l̷l̷a̷p̷s̷e̷ ̷a̷f̷t̷e̷r̷ ̷h̷e̷a̷l̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷h̷e̷r̷.̷
Ink: hmm? ... Ok...
Almost lifeless, the tattooed skeleton takes his geant brush, then he draws a circle with the ink that is magically on it. Error takes advantage of the opening to nonchalantly lift Lanna by an arm, while the brother helps to move her on the couch, before closing the portal. Taking advantage of the house owner's turn back, the guest does what he calls a ''sleight of hand'' to accelerate the natural regeneration of the humans and the magical one of the monsters that lay in the red DNA.
As soon as Ink turns again, he sees his opposite unconscious on the ground and his sister emits a light that changes color every second and gets brighter and brighter. Wanting to leave Error sleep on something more comfortable than the ground and to not wake him up, the creator uses his telekinesis power to put him on his bed. However, since he needed to go upstairs and go at the end of the allway to reach his bedroom, the only awake one doesn't notice that the unconscious woman is floating above the couch, getting slowly higher as the light she emits could blind anyone.
And indeed, the front door opens, making the guests growl. They are the two that met Lanna the same morning. With a sigh, Viper let Blue come in with his sunglasses on. To avoid walking with his eyes closed, the one from Swapfell put on sunglasses to, before growling again.
Viper: That doesn't do shit!
Blue: Normally it works, but not when there is a sun in Ink's living room...
Viper: By the way, how did they manage to have a solar star in there house? Lanna summoned it or is it Ink?
Blue: Sooooooooo coooooooll! They made a sun!
Ink: What the...? ... LANNA!!
In the same time as Ink yells his sister's name, the skeleton's steps bring him in the room, then, a brochestroke later, an ink bubble surrounds the young woman, lessening the light, like she is a dark lamp. The two self-proclaimed guests take off their sunglasses, staring at the bubble with surprise, while the creator stares at the two other skeletons awake, his arms crossing on his chest.
Ink: What are you doing here? I already have two unconscious to handle, I don't wanna handle a duo that is unconscious in another way....
Viper: Hey, painter! Calm down! We came to see how Lanna had taken the cart's hit!
Blue: And apologizing again...
Ink: *sigh* sorry... Lanna had to fight a new threat and... by my fault, Error had to heal her...
Blue: I thought that healing magic doesn't work on her?
Viper: what? It doesn't work?
Ink: It's not the same... Error only did his sleight of hand.
Blue: I see... Will she be okay?
Ink: With two or three magic paint bottles when she wakes up, she will...
Viper: Why am I always the last one to know these things while she talks to me as much as to anybody?
Ink: hmm? She didn't tell you anything?
Viper: at all and it starts to piss me off...
Blue: I was sure that you were like that with her because you knew
Viper: of course not!
Ink: So, why are you in the category of people that aren't touched by her curse and that worry for her?
Viper: She seems to always be about to collapse, so yea, I have a tendency to worry for her, but I don't see why I shouldn't...
Blue: Ok... You need a Lanna class...
Ink: Let's make it while Lanna and Error are asleep.
Viper: Why?
Ink : These two refuse to let anyone talk about it. Lanna is only embarrassed when people learn how she is... different and Error hates when I precise that, without him, no one would have known Lanna.
Blue: Last time I tried to explain to my brother why she has to keep her distance with him, Lanna knocked him off with a mass that got magically out of nowhere...
Viper: ... Start with the beginning, please.
Ink sigh and offer a drink before, drink that Blue accepts immediately with a smile and that Viper accept, not without growling and sighing. Quickly, the host comes back with three cup of hot water with three tea pockets. Blue complains a second that he has to drink a ''grand-mother drink'' while Viper smiles, relieved to drink his favorite drink.
Ink: Lanna loves them and she forced me to understand to not give you any coffee.
Viper: When I take coffee, it's for work...
Blue: Grandma's
Viper: ... So, can I get the explanations now? I have the sudden impression of not knowing who this girl is and it pisses me off, since she knows me!
Ink: ok ok... We have to go pretty far away to understand her curse... When Lanna was 2, her father threw her into Ebbot Mountain in the classic universe...
Viper : Throw? Like a trash?
Blue: *angry* more like WITH the trash...
For a few seconds, Viper froze while drinking his tea while thinking. In every alternative universe violent or scary that he knows, the monsters don't hesitate to kill anyone... as long as it's not a child... And he never heard of a human corpse in the trash pile in the Ebbot Mountain.
Ink: Luckily for her, I was there to... Think about Error... *take a sup of his coffee*
Viper: About your feelings for him?
Ink: *blush and choke on his sip* N-NO!! about a way to reduce our fights because I was tired!... *cough while getting cooler* ANYWAY! Lanna was screaming as she fell, so I couldn't miss her... I caught her and brought her back to my home to understand what happened.
Viper: You didn't know it was her father?
Ink: I was lost in my thoughts at the moment I could have seen him... Lanna told me in a drawing that day...
Viper: she already knew how to draw this good?
Ink: ...No, I had all difficulties in the world to understand that, it's Error who understood immediately... He came to see what I was doing and probably caused trouble, but he got fascinated by the drawing that was occupying my mind... At the point that I didn't see that Lanna was drinking my magic paint.
Blue: I'm still thinking that you were irresponsible that day...
Ink: Hey ho! It's been 19 years!
Viper: And... How is it possible that she is still alive?
Ink: Because of Error... He did what he calls a sleight of hand that I never have the right to see... However, I understood that it sewed human DNA and magic particles together, making her alive through magic.
Viper: That only explains her powers...
Ink: False, it explains almost everything. By getting back to life like this, Lanna got her eyes and her powers. Though, with her eyes, a curse came to... We don't know how she got to understand that faster than us and explain it, but, in short, everyone that has a problem with monsters, humans or the mix of them hate her without any reason. They even want to kill her as soon as they see her eyes.
Viper: that was what happened in the supermarket?
Blue: Yea.
Ink: Wait..something happened there?
Blue: Hum... Nothing important! And crisis avoided, that's all...
Ink: *suspicious gaze to Blue* hmm...
Viper: So, her eyes create that hate against her... But why not just wearing sunglasses? Why the mask?
Ink: because the light that her eyes create when she has strong emotions activate the curse like she doesn't wear anything. The mask block better the effect, by experience.
Viper: ok... and that light? And that thing that if we understand who she is, it doesn't affect us?
Ink: To be exact, the one that are normally affected by the curse aren't the type who would want to understand her, so it's impossible to explain to them if they already saw Lanna's eyes. Mostly when we already saw them, if we don't understand why we hate her, then... We hate her. The mask only reduces the ''want to kill'' at ''want to destroy her reputation'' and everything around.
Viper: ouch...
Ink: Yea... We don't really know why, but the one who knows that her eyes have a curse that provokes hatred does not hate her after knowing it... Or, like Swapy, they naturally hate her, not because of her magic.
Viper: I think I finally fully understand the story... But... And this attempt to replace the sun?
Viper points the bubble while drinking another sip of his tea, while the two others instinctively look at the sleeping Lanna inside this security globe. The light reduced intensity since the beginning of their discussion and the body levitated a little less, without regaining its original position.
Ink: That... It's when Error sews Lanna... To sew back the two parts of herself. Each time, her powers explode and the effect differs depending on the severity of her injuries, but each time, I have to put her in a bubble or she gets out by a window...
Viper: It happened before?
Ink: *sigh* When she was two... Her telekinesis powers are out of control in these situations.
Blue: She has telekinesis power?
Ink: Ha, it's right that you hardly see her using them... It exhausts her magically so quickly that she uses them only when she has a magic paint bottle with her...
Viper: Bordel... This girl is darker than I would have thought...
Ink: Believe me, you miss a big part of her dark past... but it'S not my job to tell you...
The trio fell in embarrassed and thoughtful silence. The only thing that breaks it is the sound of the cups that get empty loudly. Blue and VIper think about what they learned. As weird as it sounds, the first one seemed more shocked than the one who didn't know a thing before. As for the artist, he looks at his sister with worry, sighing, relieved to see the body floating in a more easy to handle high.
Luckily for the unease, the guests' brothers get in with worry. Swapfell Papyrus, AKA Pup when he is in a good mood or Rex when he is in a bad mood, is the more ''damaged''version of Swapy. The only difference with Swapy that isn't the clothes is his scar, similar to his brother's, that starts above his left eye to finish under it. He wears a simple orange jacket with a hood that the ledge is composed of fur. At his neck, an orange ''dog collar'' with thorns comes, breaking his pure image that brings his white shirt under his jacket. To cover his legs he has simple jeans short and for his feet he has shoes that are decorated with flames.
Pup: SANS!
Viper: hmm? Ho! Pup! You're here!
Swapy: Sans! I was searching for you everywhere! What are you doing in the witch house6
Blue: I came to take news about Lanna!
While the Papyruses hold their brothers, the one that hates the injured one looks at the floating body with a frown. However, Since he sees Ink's relieved expression, the tall one doesn't say anything. Viper takes advantage of the moment to explain that Lanna is in a bad state and that they won't be able to talk to her for a moment.
Pup: What? What happened? She's hurt?
Ink: I don't know what happened... I found her under a beam in a house on fire and I left her before in Horrortale's roads...
Swapy: Are you serious? You left her alone in Horrotale? Axe scared everyone, I don't want to imagine the whole universe!
Ink: The universe was under an attack from a new enemy, I needed to get Error, since that ''Loucas'' was only after Lanna...
Blue: *look at Lanna* He was after her?
Swapy: And you left her alone with this guy? She can't even crush a clover on the ground!
Ink: She's stronger than you could ever imagine, Swapy... I trusted her for the time I needed to convince Error to come and help... I didn't think that the guy with fire swords would trap her in a house since she was in the snow!
Viper: Wait, the house she was in... was it in fire before you left?
Ink: *think* Now that you say it... no...
Pup: Weird...
As a thinkful silence settles down, no one notices that the bubble suddenly pops and makes the body hit the ground, waking up the red one. What makes them know that is the painful moan that escapes her lips while she gets up weekly, trying to understand why so many people are in her living room. However, she doesn't have the time to say any words that Swapy's jacket gets on her shoulder. Without trying to understand that her clothes burned earlier, so she is uncovered, the human hands close the jacket that ends up in the middle of her thighs.
Lanna: heu... what is going on?
Ink: Are you serious?! It's rather to me to ask that!
Lanna: first, I'm not serious, I'm Lanna and second... I wake up, suddenly surrounded by Viper, Blue, Pup, Swapy and you and... *shut her eyes close* Where is my mask Inky?!?!
Ink:: Heum...
Lanna: QUICK!! Before Swapy tries to kill me like the others!!!! I managed to hide my eyes from him, Fucking fuck of shitty shit!!!
Ink: Lanna, your mask was in a thousand pieces in the snow and full of blood in Horrortale...
Lanna: ... Shit...
Swapy: You know that my hate isn't because of your eye, but because of your character of a...
Lanna: You're an ass who doesn't care to know who I am, so shut up!
Not used to hear her answering like that, Underswap Papyrus freeze while frowning and crossing his arms. Ink sighs, then asks his sister to try if it's really her curse, to open her eyes. However, forcing the red hair to do something that she doesn't want to is harder than it seems at first, because even with the ''we are several, we can protect you'' argument, she shut her eyes with more strength.
Luckily for the test, Swapy decided to let his usual anger keep against her doing the job. I caught the human by an arm and forced her to turn her face towards him. Keeping his cigarettes behind him with his telekinesis powers, Swapy sighs.
Swapy: If you don't open your eyes, I'll do something that will make you...
Lanna: Like what? Breaking my legs?
Swapy: Like I want to break you even more, you doing a great job alone... No... Worse... What would disgust you the most...
Lanna: Hein? ... That you tied me up in a striptease bar?
Swapy: You do that on purpose?
Lanna: Since you already disgust me, I don't see what could be...
In annoyed growl, Swap Papyrus put his teeths on Lanna's lips while closing his eye sockets of disgust, before opening one to look in the changing eyes. Three seconds doesn't pass when the skeleton surprises himself by letting his hand that holded her face slip along her jaws to finish on her neck, taking all his strength to not strangle her, despite that his fingers tighten up slowly. The others around freeze out of surprise, not noticing that victime shakes and tries to fight back. She pulls on her detained arm. She uses the free one to push vainly Swapy. She tries to unstick her lips to the teeths. She tries to call for help.
However, nothing happened.
What saves Lanna is that she kicks where, normally, men don't like to be touch in a non-sexual situation. Immediately, he seems to get back to reality, since he let her go and step back, restraining himself to put his hands on the sensible place. The physical separation if the two ennemies unfreeze the rest of the room, while Lanna give a dark gaze at her brother.
Lanna: I need bleach... And I think that this bee's pee drinker to....
Blue: Ok" *run to the bathroom*
Lanna: How does he know where the bleach is?!
Viper: When you all work, he clean your house...
Lanna: but... Why?
Ink: I asked him... The first time it was so he could make up the fact that he made our kitchen explode and since then... He continues...
Lanna freeze while blinking a lot, lost. She doesn't try to understand that she looks at Swapy in the corner of her eyes, followed by a sigh that brings her iris to her feet. She pats her throat while shaking, some pictures coming back in her memory.
Viper: Lanna? Is everything ok?
Lanna: Hu? heum... Yea yea... I just need to find a way to hide my eyes back... Can you make an other mask for me, Inky? you're better than me in drawing...
Ink: You'll be able to handle a week without it?
Lanna: I'll take sunglasses... It's better than nothing
Viper: If you have strong emotions, it's not working , isn't it?
Lanna: As long as I don'T have any strong emotion that make my eyes shine...
Viper: Why not walking withouth anything on your face?
Lanna: Don't wanna get killed... again.
Summary : https://plumeofacat.tumblr.com/post/644284784841031680/summary
Next : https://plumeofacat.tumblr.com/post/646722466619736064/chapter-3
0 notes
faithsummers11 · 7 years
Get away!! (Pt. 1)
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A/N:- So this one is a Harry Styles smut.
I just got this thing in my mind when i like just came here in California at my lake house for a get away(it like my ME time, just me and no one else) from my work and all that busy buzzy life.
This is like one thing in my life whenever i kinda waana get rid of all Bullshit happening around me i just sneek out the fuzz and walk right here in this lake house of mine. I was like staring at the lake and this idea creeped into my mind.
So this is when you are on your get away where you meet harry and kinda fuck. Well its slow and has parts also i thought that Y/N don't actully know harry and the story build amongst it.( Ok I'm disgusting in descriptions but it's really worth a read). This is where harry is your neighbour.
It was a hell of a ride you thaught as you parked your rover in the garage and moved your suitcases out of your car. This was it you have finally reached here, it was like heven for you, your family lake house in California. It was deep into the woods no one who didn't knew about the place and the routes correctly couldn't actually come in this place, it was a secret hide out. It was so clam and soothing, whenever you came here you felt like forgetting the world and all your worries. Well that's why you come here whenever you were pissed and needed some thinking.
This was the only place your family had left you with, you were 15 when you parents died, you lived with your parents in a rented flat so you have to leave it and move to a shared apartment so that you can afford the rent, seriously speaking life was hell after parents death you have to take on lots of scholarships to complet you education, work part time at Starbucks to get money to pay rent and for your expenses, your entire teenage was ruined,no movies no fun only work and studies, and now you were 22 and you were the most trusted employee in the most popular softer company called Microsoft with a salary of 25,000 $ per month, obviously with that much money paid to you, you have to work your ass out and add that with you messed upp relationships this is why you needed the get away.
You moved out of your garage taking the bags with you, you took it to the front door and opened the huge door, the house was clean and tidy seriously 'the caretaker took really good care you should increase his salary' you thought, just when you were about to step in you looked to the humongous house next to yours, this house was 3-4 times more bigger than yours and you absolutely loved it. Whenever you look at the house, you thaught no one owned it, it was empty no one lived there, but this time you actually saw someone in there who caught you stareing, you quickly grabbed your things and moved inside the house. It was a man but you didn't really saw his face, wondering who he was you got to your room.
It was evening finally you were done with unpacking and organising and now were standing in your room, your room was the best room in the entire house cause it has two humongous windows one which gave you a good view of the lake in backyard and other which gave you a good view of the humongous house next to yours frankly speaking you could clearly see every detail inside the room of that house, you never actually saw anything before because there used to be curtains fallen, but today the curtains were open, you had no intention of peeping but the interiors of the room were beautiful you were scanning the room when you watched a man walk out of the bathroom he's lower half was covered in the towel and the upper half was way too beautiful to take your eyes off. He has tattoos on both the arms a toned body with tattoo two birds on collar bone, a butterfly on tummy and and two ferns just above his hip bone, you were not able to take your eyes of his body you saw him wear a shear white t-shirt leaving the upper two button, he was going to remove his towel just when he turned and caught you stareing again, you ran out of you room out of embarrassment tripping over you own legs.
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One you were out you slapped yourself for what you did in there and then moved out towards the deck by the lake cursing yourself. Once you reach the deck, Cold breeze of air hit your face making you forget everything. The deck by the lake was very big it has a small dining table for 4 people at one corner and a small coffeetable with two chairs which you have set cause you loved spending time on the deck and the deck was joint to the deck of the neighbour house looking at the bridge which jointed the two deck you remembered you mom told you once that yor grandpa and the old man who originally owned the neighbour house were really great friends so the jointed the decks so both their families can spent time together, well he sold the house to someone after his wifes death. The beautiful lake was another reason for the decks to be joined the lake coverd both the houses and has a widespread and dissappeared in the woods as far as eyes can see, but actully you can only see a little of the lake because the lake was covered with fog throughout the year. But there was a beautiful place ahead of the fog which only you knew, you have discovered it when you were lost boating in the lake once, a place only you knew exists a place where only you went a place you have decorated, a place you didn't took anyone it was you little secreat.
Your eyes were fixed on the lake, you were snapped out of your little world when you felt heavy footsteps on the deck comming towards you. You turned towards the footsteps and your heart skipped a beat when you saw the same handsome man comming towards you, your heart started racing all the thaughts of you satring at him raced through your mind causing your embarrassment.
"Hey " he said his voice was deep and has a bit of husk in it and his accent seemed british. "Hello" you replied looking up at him. It's now that you observed his face he was a hell of a handsome he has this beautiful short brown curls, a sharp jawline, beautiful pink plump lips, and the most beautiful was his mesmerising emerald green eyes, your eyes were glued to his face his lips were moving slowly he was asking you something but you could have cared less you were too distracted by his beauty "beautiful " you blurred out. "Excuse me!!" He said and you averted your eyes towards ground.
"I'm sorry" you said
"I was asking if you live alone here?"
"Oh yes!, i mean i live here alone, umm.. Actually i don't live here i just come here for a get away.." you said your voice dissolving at the end
" may i?" He asked dragging the chair in front of you.
"So, get away? like a holiday, yeh"
" Yeh i mean like you know like this place just gives me peace and with all the shit of work buzz in NewYork its just right place to run from all that. So is this place yours?,I didn't see anyone in there whenever I'm here"
"Umm yes , its mine i like bought 5 years ago but never actually came here, but now that I'm on a break after the hiatus i thought this was the right hide out from all that people, this place is really inside its hard to find you know"
" Break, hiatus?? What people?, why are they behind you?, what do you do? what are you talking about???" You asked confused, confusion dripping down your face.
"You don't know me? " he asked shocked
"No. You not Obama why should i know you" you said chuckling a little.
"Ohh well I'm harry. Harry styles"
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"Nice name, I'm Y/N nice to meet you "
"Nice to meet you too .finally someone who don't know me " he muttered the last sentence.
"Sorry!! so do you live here alone too? "
" Yes! My mom and sister wanted to come too , but.... I just wanted some me time so..."
"Hmm... So were you saying about the hiatus? What do you do?" you asked.
"You really don't know me?" Harry asked in disbelief.
"No!! I mean your name i think heard somewhere mightbe once No, no really no i don't know you " you replied tring to remember where have you heard his name
"You REALLY don't know me?" He asked again pressing really
"NOOO!!!! I mean if you are someone really big i can google you, or you can tell me who you are" you said a bit fustrated .
"Oh no no no plzz don't google i mean iI'll tell you who I'm but not right now later but i promise I'll tell you just don't google it i want to tell you myself" he said tring to convince you. You found it odd but agreed.
"So how long are you here " you asked him
" I guess a month probably, what about you?"
"Same, it's summer and this is the best place to spend it and i only have a month holiday"
He was about to say some thing when you heard the fire alarm of his house go off.
"FUCK!! I foget about the oven" he exclaimed getting up from his chair and started running and you ran behind him. He ran stright into the kitchen and you saw the oven was literally on fire and there was black smoke everywhere he removed the plug of the oven and you opened all the windows for the smoke to escape he tried extinguish the fire but the extinguisher wasn't working so you tried to find flour or some water and opened almost all the cabinates also looked in the fridge but you saw nothing but beer so you went out and quickly grabbed the bucket which you saw in the yard while comming in and splashed all the water on the oven well the fire did extinguish but since harry was in the middle he took a bath too.
"You seriously have nothing in here ?" you asked pointing to all the cabinates you have opened "Umm no i like bought food for today..and thought I'll buy something for tomorrow " your jaw dropped on the way he said it " you serious, i mean really your in deep wood you have to carry your food hear you'll not find a take away every five minutes here the closest market here is like 6 miles from here and it opens 7 in the morning and closes 7 in the evening " you said with surprising tone.
His eyes went wide on that " you are not kidding me right, i mean what if someone not ablet to reach the market in time or forget something to bring or.. " he asked looking at you "well there's a man who like comes with his cart which is practically supermarket on wheels everyday between like 8-9 in the morning and 7-8 in the evening he has all the stuff from grocery to packed food so you can buy from him" trying to explain him everything " but its already 8:30, I haven't eaten anything "he said looking at his watch .
"Well if you want you can have dinner at mine tonight " you said looking at him actually stareing cause you splashed water on him his white shear shirt was now sticked to his skin revealing his tattoos and defind abs underneath "like what you see" he asked catching you stare again he smirked and came closer to you, you didn't said anything and he was now standing inches away from you leaning his face dangerously close to yours lips almost brushing against each other, when you quickly backed off and walked towards the backyard door "dry yourself and get on the deck I'll bring the dinner " you said and left.
You were cursing yourself for stareing at him again but you couldn't help he was so fucking sexy and hell of hot and sent your hormones in over drive you felt this tention in the air whenever he was around. Soon you finished bringing all the food you prepared on the dining table on the deck and settled down on one chair waiting for him to come, just then you saw him walking towards you he wore sweatpants and simple black tee and still managed to look hot. He sat on the chair in front of you. Once he sat, you started servings him, and you could feel his eyes boring into you "what??" you asked looking upp from the plate.
"What did i do ?" he asked innocently "stop stareing at me" you requested "well you kept staring at me the entire day , when you first entered your place then when i came out of my bath and even now sometime ago " he said reminding of what you did your cheeks turnrs red and you totally were embarrass " Don't be embarrassed love, its ok " he said. Your cheaks turned reder and you can't help but say "sorry, but you are just way to hot, it's hard to handle" he chuckled at your words.
"Well thanks, and don't be sorry cause i can't take my eyes of you either, you are beautiful you know" you blushed even harder if it was possible.
When you were both done he helped you pick up the plates and hepled you to take them in you kitchen he also offered you to help you in dishes but you kindly declined, while you were doing the dishes he scanned you house then he came back and stood behind you "this place is beautiful " he said admiring. "Decorated it myself " you said proudly. "You are really good at it then cause its really very beautiful" he commented "Not as beautiful as your place" you said turning around to face him, but when you turned around your heart skipped a beat for the second time today. He wad standing this close to you his green emeralds stareing right into your eyes he stepped a step closer to you and you stepped a step back and hit the kitchen counter he stepped closer pinning you between him and the kitchen counter, he leaned still maintaining the eye contact, you were literally breathing his breath when he captured your lips into his, you can't help but kiss him back his lips were soft and the kiss was gental it felt like complete bliss your lips moved in sync with each other but suddenly something came into you and you pulled back waking away from him. He got the hint he was still a stranger for you "sorry i just..." "It's ok, i understand i just can't help myself " he said cutting you mid sentence and started leaving.
When you saw him leaving you called, "Harry" "Yes?" he asked turning back "umm.. I was wondering if you would like to come on a walk with me tomorrow morning at 6, i mean i know it's early and this place is in woods but it still has some beautiful places to admire i know this place and i can show you, but only if you want an-.."
"I'll like to come, infact I was going to ask you if you can show me around. 6 you said right ?" "yes " you replied "I'll be on time" he said giving you a wide smile flashing his dimples. And your heart melted just seeing his dimples and you were now excite on what tomorrow will bring.
To be continued.....
A/N:- I was going to do this one in one part but i realized its going to be big so i decided to do it in parts I'll be posting the second part soon probably tomorrow. So stay tuned. And let me know if you liked it feedback you see really helps.
Love ~ - ~ Faith.
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melyaliz · 8 years
Hello pt. 3
Last Part! 
Chapters here
This story is not going to end the way you think it is. You can blame it on @cupcakesquid who gave me so much Reader pinning over Dick that I decided to write one where I flip the script.
tagging: @royslittleharper @guns-n-lilies @daisyboobear @nightwing-rules @coffee-randomness
I wasn’t sure how to end this so I just kind of ended it... If you guys have better ideas please let me know! 
“I think I found something I’m really good at, helping people.” she looked up at Dick her face bright. It was the thing about her he loved. Her feelings were always on her sleeve. She cried when she was sad. She laughed when she was happy. She never fought how she felt, she just felt it.
He had watched her struggle trying to find her place, helping them and getting hurt as the reality of the hero world hit her hard. It almost seemed to be hitting her harder than anyone else he knew. Yet she seemed to take something from each mission, each time she hit a roadblock.
Until that one time that the roadblock was too much.
“I quit,” she had yelled throwing her mask down, her blue eyes filled with tears as she tried to hold herself together. Tried to make sense of the world that seemed to be tilting and spinning around her.
Had Kaldur always been that tall? Had the base always been this hot? She couldn’t breathe… she was going to pass out.
“Falcon wait!” she heard as she bolted from the room. Everything seemed to be closing in on her. She didn't’ even know where she was going until she locked herself in a closet. Falling to the floor clutching her chest as her body racked with sobs.
“Fa… Jennifer?” Dick said knocking on the door, “I can help… please?” He placed his hand on the door as he heard the sobs from behind the door “Come out… Jennifer?” Dick sunk to the floor, This was his fault, he had brought her into this. He had known from the beginning that she didn’t fit in this world, “Please just open up… talk to me”
He had been selfish, he had wanted her there with him. Experiencing this world with her by his side. Those moments when she would watch him in awe as he caught the bad guy or came up with a flawless plan, that was what he had lived for. He had craved her watching him with a big smile.
But he had been the one to also take that smile away. And as he sat there listening to her cry uncontrollably he worried he would never get it back
“Please,” he whispered “Just let me in”
“I’m going back to Japan,” Jennifer said.
“Jen…” Dick said looking at her, he didn’t know what to say, what to think. These past weeks had been bad, then they got worse. She had watched her best friend get shot in the head and her other friend goes insane with grief. When she hadn’t been searching for Stacy she had locked herself in her room not talking to anyone, not sleeping, not eating.
Watching her like this, watching her break down so many times was like it’s own unique torture. The thing he had loved so much about Jennifer, her emotion was the thing that ultimately destroyed their relationship. He had known since the beginning this wasn’t her life. She was too happy, to sad, she had so many emotions that she couldn’t turn off.
Leaning forward Jennifer pulled him into a long hug. He hugged her back, holding on to her as if it were one last plea. One last prayer that she would stay. Stay with him.  
Gently she kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll always love you” she whispered.
Had he ever told her? She seemed to say it every day. Telling him a million times how great it was and what he did was so important. How she admired him. Had he ever told her how he loved her spirit? How she saw the good in people. How those two girls would have been a prison if she hadn’t seen them as just young girls who were lost.
Maybe he had. But it wasn’t enough. Nothing would have been enough. No words could compare to her.
He squeezed her hand for the first time at a loss for words, “Keep in touch ok?”
“You couldn't get rid of me if you wanted” she winked breaking into the first smile he has seen in what felt like a lifetime.
And he knew it was going to be ok. Maybe not them as a couple but them as friends. Jennifer as a person. The things that mattered, they would be ok.
As he watched her walk slowly to the car he suddenly felt sick. No, he didn’t want this. He wanted that girl who took him to crazy raves when they were way too young. Bought sheets to climb out a window with so that Alfred wouldn't get mad at them.
He wanted the girl who spent a million nights just sitting there watching movies eating cereal and laughing so hard that they couldn’t breathe.  
He wanted the girl who was openly sobbing over the dead body of a young boy because any loss of life was worth grieving.
He wanted the girl who believed so hard in the goodness of a killer that she put her life on the line to prove it.
He wanted the girl who wrote hero on his arm.
He wanted Jennifer.
--10 years later---
“It just makes me sooo ANGRY” Ray snarled smoke coming out his mouth as his pupils turning to slits. Slowly Jen leaned over her chair picking up her fire extinguisher. Her face calm as her eyes never left the boy. Ray let out a loud roar fire flying from his mouth almost setting Jennifer on fire if she hadn’t moved her head down. Instead, he lights up the chair. Getting up Jennifer quickly extinguished the fire.
“Feel better?” she asked turning to the boy. Ray looked up at her still panting and nodded.
“Good, How about we have our next session outside. Maybe destroy a few hay bales or something?  Get some of this... aggression out.”
After Ray left Jennifer chuckled slowly picking up singed pillows and dusting them off. She was going to need new covers for them. 
“And I thought my job was dangerous.”
Jennifer turned letting out a soft laugh, “This is why I can’t have nice things.”
Dick laughed picking up her fire extinguisher raising an eyebrow handing it to her. “Glad to see you are still prepared, though.” Jennifer smiled taking it.
“Want some casserole?”
“Yeah, Faith may have told her I was working in Canada for the week and she mothered her.”
“Mothered her, I like that.”
Jennifer placed two plates on her kitchen island before pulling the casserole from the oven. “for a someone who isn’t from earth that girl can cook.”
“I mean, against your standards,” Dick said flashing her a sly smile. His eyes holding a spark of mischief.
“Hey! I make a mean bowl of popcorn thank you very much. I’m lucky, though, Faith isn’t that bad at cooking when she’s not tracking blood all over my couch.”
Dick grinned sheepishly as he took his plate taking a seat on a stool. “Yeah… about that I know I promised to look after her.”
“The arm broken in two places was new.”
“Hey!” Dick’s cheeks flashed red knowing he had messed up, He how important Faith’s safety was to her and how important keeping Jennifer happy was to him. “I can’t stop her, that girl jumps head first into a fray, especially if Tim’s involved.”
“What am I going to do with that little one?”
“If I remember you once ran in front of a whole army of gum men to stop them from shooting Stacy...”
Faith sighed as she opened the door to the apartment pulling her headphones out of her ears. She had been out for a run, which wasn’t fun with her arm in a cast but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. She was about to call for her sister when she paused, hearing laughter.
Slowly she walked toward the kitchen where she saw Dick laughing with Jennifer who was doubled over.
“And then the Riddler…”
“Oh my God STOP!!!”
“What’d I miss?” Faith asked walking into the kitchen. Jen looked up wiping away a few tears while Dick sat there smiling ear to ear. In fact, in the year or so Faith had gotten to hang out with Dick she had never seen him smile that wide. He seemed so relaxed and just purely enjoying himself. While she knew Jennifer had a way to putting people at ease Dick seemed to almost bask her presence. Pulling up a stool she scooted next to her sister taking a bite of her food.
“I should head out, we are still working on that case…”
“Do you need help?” Faith asked eagerly, a mouth full of food.
“Not until your arm heals,” Jennifer said
“But I’m so booooaaarrrddd”
“You could always help me do some profiles on criminals.” the older sister said nodding toward the case file Dick had dropped off.
“Uhhhh.” Faith moaned resting her head on the counter top. Dick let out a small chuckle.
“Aww come on,” He said walking over gently patting her head, “Not all hero work is punching bad guys.”
“Now you sound like Tim.”
Dick chuckled, “On that note, I’m outta here.”
Jen held up the case files, “I’ll have these for you tomorrow.”
Dick reached out for a moment but then pulled away, hesitant, “Yeah…” Jennifer stood up rolling her eyes as she held her arms open pulling him in for a quick hug. He may have held slightly to close for just a moment too long but the older O’Neal sister decided not to say anything.  “Ok, see you tomorrow.”
He paused one more time at the entrance of the kitchen and Jennifer flashed him a smile giving him a short wave.
“Good Bye”
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