#ok I got this request so wrote this in like 20
masn-mount · 4 months
I know we're all melting at Jude with the kids but what about him melting about you with the kids!!! being like I want you to have my babies and you're like??? where did that come from
this is just a little blurb, I hope you enjoy xx (this is rushed and not proofread because I need to sleep and if I don't post it right now I'll just delete it soooo also haven't written in months so yeah, bye)
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okay yes, like he would be standing around with his mum and teammates trying to focus on the conversation they were having but he couldn't tear his eyes away from you running around after Lucas Vazques' kids, making them laugh uncontrollably when you caught them or the way you'd help Dani Carvajal's son hold up the trophy, making him smile so big for thinking he was lifting it by himself and as if he wasn't feeling overwhelmed already he swore his heart could have burst when you later went over to him to say bye with one of his teammates not even one year old clutching on to you. Small arms around your neck, her little head resting against your shoulder and you just looked so natural with it and it drives him a little mental and after he's kissed you and you leave he can't get that image out of his head even with the amount of drinks in his system by then. When he gets home hours later he's trying to make as little noise as possible, not wanting to wake you or anyone else in the house up and he's not expecting to walk into your shared bedroom and see you sitting up in bed, phone in hand no doubt scrolling on Tiktok. "You're going to feel beyond terrible tomorrow," is what you say when he falls on the bed, he lays still for a second before he starts moving around so he can lay closer to you, head resting on your stomach. Your fingers go to scratch the back of his head and after a few moments of complete silence you almost think he's fallen asleep until he lifts his head so he can look up at you, eyes so pretty and glossy and you smile at him before running your thumb over his pouted lip. "You okay?"
"I want you, want you to," he kept mumbling the words over and over, you found it a little amusing how he had gone from this overly confident man you had seen all over your X and Tiktok feed hours prior to this shy boy laying next to you.
"Want me to what?"
"Have babies with me." You were unsure on how to respond, it was probably the last thing you'd expect him to say so you just sat back, raised your eyebrows at him, a giggle escaping past your lips at how he was nodding his head while repeatedly mumbling "yes, I want that".
"You do, yeah?"
"So bad."
"Okay, how about we go sleep?"
"No, I've jus-, just keep thinking about you with the kids today and I, I want us to have that," he sounded so sure you could have almost forgotten that he was drunk out of his mind.
"I thought you didn't want kids?" You teased, fingers running over his cheeks, still trying to get used to his completely bare face. Your future together was often a topic of discussion but kids had never been apart of the conversation until this moment and you weren't going to pretend like seeing him be so good with all of his teammates kids hadn't sent your mind in a frenzy.
"I never said I didn't want them with you."
"Yeah? we should try...right now."
"Okay, calm down, silly." You tried to keep your voice down but couldn't hold in your laughter over how fast he was trying to get undressed before laying over you, lips moving over your chest and up your neck. "Hey, don't laugh...trying to love on you, baby," but when you didn't stop, instead hiding your face away from him and in your pillow, unable to take him seriously Jude got the hind and laid back down, content for the moment with just holding your hand.. "I love you...mucho."
"I love you mucho too, Jude," you smiled, leaning up and capturing his lips with yours for a moment before pulling back.
"I get to come home to you, so lucky..so lucky you're going to be the mum to my babies."
"Go to sleep, handsome."
"We'll try tomorrow."
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kaitlynpcallmebeepme · 6 months
Sea Sickness
Sea Sickness
Luke Hughes x fem!reader (established relationship, but still new)
Idea: Reader gets nauseous from being on the boat at the Hughes’s Lake House and snuggles up to Luke.
Requested: Nope. 
Author’s Note:  I know I’m bouncing around who I’m writing for, but I’m on a NHL spree right now. I also get nauseated if I'm on a boat or in the ocean for too long. Fun Fact: I wrote the beginning part of this on a note card while working by myself in the OR today. We had a really long case where I just had to check up on people during the middle of it (hence why I wrote this on a card because I don’t like going on my phone when I’m in the OR. It's unprofessional). I don’t know any of these people personally. The closest I’ve gotten to the team (that wasn’t just playing in the band at the games or when they were walking past us down the 2023 red carpet in tampa) was a tuba was talking to some of them in his plane row on the ride back from that trip (he ended up being the tuba you see in the senior picture from 2024) and one of the coaches had to share our bus on the way back from the 2023 frozen four game with his wife and two young daughters (I kept trying to get the younger one to smile at me unsuccessfully).  Someone from my hotel room also shared the elevator ride up with the entire Fantilli family the night they lost that game in 2023 (I think Adam also won the Hobey Baker award that same night). I’ve also been playing my lego lord of the rings game. Anyway, enjoy this little blurb.
Tagging some of my favorite Hughes/NHL writers, love y’all.
@wineauntie @thedevilrisen @winterbarnesblog @sc0tters 
I forgot to mention that this is kinda based on the cute stuff @bedsyandco writes
I'm now sad when I'm uploading this because a friend from college drumline has an incurable brain cancer. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers (he's only 19 or 20).
Requests are still open.  Feedback is always appreciated.  Also, tell me if you want to be part of a Tag List and I’ll tag you when I upload something new. If you want to only be tagged when I upload something for a certain character or shows, let me know as well.  
Warning: None, just general fluff. Feeling sick on a boat. 
Word Count: 488
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Being on a boat wasn’t your most favorite thing in the world, mainly because the last time you were on a boat, it got stuck in the middle of the laek and had to be towed back to shore (true story), but when your boyfriend Luke invited you to spend the weekend at the lakehouse with ihs brothers and friends, you weren't going to say no. The weekend had been filled with lots of eating, playing outside, and the boys being competitive at every game they pick up (even the old board game you brought to teach them how to play).  Just trying to keep up with them all was exhausting, so that’s how you ended up on the back of the boat enjoying the warm air instead of diving into the water again.  The boys had been going back and forth between wakeboarding and chatting on the boat deck. With them supplying the lake with plenty of waves, the constand up and down was starting to make your stomach sick.  You scooched over and made yourself comfortable laying your head on Luke’s shoulder.  He then opened his arms and wrapped you in his warm embrace so you could crawl on his lap and snuggle closer to his chest. 
“You feeling ok?” 
“Yeah, just want to stop the constant movement.” It was getting to a point were you just wanted to stop the constant movement.  It being really hot out didn’t help either. 
“We’ll head to shore soon. Then we can cool off inside.” 
Being wrapped up in Luke’s embrace with his fingers gently carding through your hair or down your shoulder leaving goosebumps in their wake and shading you with his fit body definitely helped keep your mind off of your stomach and the boat’s ever shifting movements.  Luke wasn’t much of a pda person, but you always encouraged him to show little bits of it at least in front of his family or close friends.  
Little did you know, that’s exactly who was eyeing the interaction.  Jack, Quinn, Trevor, Cole, and Dylan all had stopped what they were talking about in favor of watching the interaction between you two.  Eventhough they were not all related, they felt like proud older brothers seeing Luke be so considerate and affectionate in front of them.  Of couse they’re all going to tease him relentlessly later about this, but they were gentlemen in regards to respecting the timing and the moment.
“Just lay down and close your eyes. We’ll be on shore soon.”  You snuggled deeper into Luke’s neck keeping your eyes closed and focused on his soft skin, his natural scent, and the way his warm body curled around yours. He even tugged on your legs to pull you fully into his lap as his large frame wrapped around your body fully encasing you in his warmth and comfort. 
Nothing better than enjoying the summer with those you love.
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milaisreading · 8 months
How about a Valentine's day story in a Blue Lock x Japan U20 match with manager y/n? Like while in the match and the breaks y/n gets lots of chocholate, flowers or gifts from the male fans which causes the players to be jealous and also some of the fans go even far as kissing y/n hand like a gentleman. The players had no idea that y/n made chocholate for both of the teams. She is kinda shy and scared to give them because she thought the boys wouldn't like the taste of the chocholate, the shapes of the chocholates or the color of the packets.
🩷🌱: Happy Valentine's Day, anon! This was such a cute idea, I hope you like what I wrote! Thanks for the request!
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Oh, damn. There are a lot of people here today!" (Y/n) gasped in surprise as she looked at the stadium that was more packed than on the previous match. Today, the JFA had organized a special match between the U-20 and Blue lock. It was nothing serious, and more meant as an entertainment program for Valentine's Day. The board members of the JFA thought it would be a good idea to organize the event as a cash grab for the holiday,which (Y/n) had to admit was a good idea. The ratings and money from the merch shops will definitely give them extra money.
'Greedy bastards.' She thought while side-eyeing the board members while she stood next to Anri and Ego.
"(Y/n), what's with that bag you brought?" Ego questioned as the boys were warming up. (Y/n), confused for a moment, looked at the item and then blushed in embarrassment while scrambling for words.
"I... I made some chocolate for the players of both teams." She whispered to the adults, which caused Anri to squeal at the cuteness.
"That's adorable! When are you giving it to them, though?" She raised an eyebrow.
"I... I don't know. I am a little embarrassed about the possible attention I might get from them... If only I could somehow avoid it." Anri and Ego kept quiet for a moment as they thought of a way to help her. Well, it was more Anri who did the thinking while Ego was busy monitoring the interaction between Rin, Sae, and Shidou.
"Ah! I know what we can do!"
"You do?" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow as Anri happily nodded her head.
"How about you anonymously leave the chocolate in their locker rooms while they are on the field. We should go there once the game starts." Anri suggested, which made (Y/n) smile at the idea.
"Sounds great! Is that ok with you, Ego-san?"
The said man thought the whole idea was stupid, and he wanted to say so, but once he saw the two give him puppy eyes, he sighed and nodded his head.
"Fine. I will just inform the other coach that you will be going into their locker room. Don't be gone for too long." The man said as the two cheered and thanked him.
"Keep it down-"
"Uhm, is someone named (L/N) (Y/n) here?" One of the maintenence staff members asked as he approached the trio.
"Why?" Ego asked bluntly, causing (Y/n) and Anri to facepalm.
"There are some fans who want to see her." The man answered as (Y/n) raised an eyebrow.
"I am her. But, what do you mean by fans?" She asked the man, and Anri and Ego looked back with the same amount of curiosity.
After explaining it to them, (Y/n) followed the older man to the field where some people were. To be fair, they weren't om the field, but on the stands close to it.
'Good God...' The girl gulped as she saw some guys and a few girls looking back at her in excitement while holding some gifts, she assumed at least.
"Don't take too long." The man warned as (Y/n) nodded her head.
"H-hi. How can I help?" (Y/n) wondered as the group smiled, holding out some gifts to her.
"Hello! I brought you these flowers-"
"Happy Valentine's Day! Please be my-"
"You look very cute today! Hope you like this chocolate! It's handmade-"
"I found these flowers! Heard you liked them-"
"Take mine instead!"
"My chocolate is way better!"
"I got you this plush toy!"
(Y/n) watched in shock and confusion as the group showed the various gifts that were meant for her by the sounds of it.
'Why... why are they giving those to me? I am not a player.' (Y/n) thought as she slowly approached the group, not wanting to be rude or anything.
"Th-thank you. You all shouldn't have brought me anything. I am really honored." The group stopped arguing as they watched the manager bow and smile at them.
'So respectful!'
'She looks so cute!' The group thought as they started arguing who will be the first one to give her a gift.
'Ahh... I hope nobody sees this mess. I don't want the attention to be diverted from the players. It's their day.' (Y/n) thought as she went to take the items, thanking everyone individually.
Meanwhile, what (Y/n) didn't notice was the players had already noticed the ruckus that was going on, and they were less than pleased.
"Who are those losers now?" Sae raised an eyebrow, not liking what he wa seeing. The same could go for Rin, who was silently growling as he saw (Y/n) accept those gifts, even going as far as smiling at the people.
'That's my manager. Don't get so comfortable with her.' He thought as Shidou was for once not sporting his usual cocky smile.
'Now, why is she paying attention to those nobodies?'
Aiku was about to speak up, but the 4 froze up when they saw one of the guys take (Y/n)'s hand into theirs and planting a kiss on it.
"Ok, that's about it. I have had enough." Aiku cleared his throat as he walked over to where (Y/n) was, the trip following close by as the rest of thebtwo teams glared daggers at the boy.
While that was going on, (Y/n) was getting more and more uncomfortable with the attention and tried to cut this gift giving short.
'Why did they even give these to me?' She still wondered, unaware of the 4 players approaching her.
"T-thank you again for the gifts. But, I really need to go now-"
"Can't you stay a little longer?"
"Yeah, the game didn't start yet."
The group protested as (Y/n) tried to find a way out. The gifts were too much for her to hold for so long.
"I'm-" She started speaking, but got interrupted by the familiar monotone voice Sae had.
"Having fun? Good, fun is over." (Y/n), surprised by his appearance turned around to scold hin for the rude tone.
"Don't be so rude, Sae-" But, she pretty much cut herself off when she saw the murderous looks Rin, Sae, Shidou, and Oliver were giving the group.
'What's up with them?!'
The game had eventually started after a good 30 minutes and Anri meanwhile dragged (Y/n) away to put the chocolates into the locker rooms. The chocolates were pretty simple. Milk chocolate with a few decorations, all wrapped up in colors that reminded her of the boys. It was pretty cliché in her opinion, but she hoped they would like them and not suspect her as the culprit.
'I really tried to make them look as different as possible.' (Y/n) thought as she put the last one into Neru's jacket pocket, blushing at the thought of them discovering her.
'That would be something I could never live down.'
The game had ended with the Blue Lock team winning after the time got extended to a whole 105 minutes, (Y/n), Anri, and Ego could see the team was exhausted, so they told them to take their time in changing and showering. Meanwhile, the trio would take care of the press or the gifts the Blue Lock team was receiving, which was something (Y/n) ended up taking care of.
'All these gifts look so much better than mine...' She thought, trying not to look sad as she wrote down what was for who. She didn't need fans going after her or spreading rumors.
'Well, at least I hope they taste good.' (Y/n) thought nervously as she took another gift, wondering if they found the chocolates by now.
Blue lock room 💙⛓️
"Hm? There is something in our pockets?" Otoya wondered as Anri giggled while closing the door.
"Yep! (Y/n) made some Valentine's chocolate for you guys! Don't say I told you, tho!" With that, the woman left the teens in a shocked state. That soon disappeared as they quickly looked through their pockets, and sure enough, the chocolates were there. All neatly wrapped.
"Woo-hoo! This is like the first time I got one! She even wrapped it in my favorite color!" Bachira cheered as he looked at the yellow wrapped item. Otoya quickly unwrapped his and took a bite.
"It's so good!" He cheered.
'Ahh! I can die now happily! Wait, is this (Y/n)'s way of confessing?!' Otoya thought as Karasu and Kurona took a bite from their's as well.
"It tastes the right amount of sweet. The decorations look adorable as well." Karasu chuckled while blushing.
"Just like her..." Kurona silently said as he continued eating his, trying to savor the taste as long as possible. Isagi, who took the time to read the message she wrote on the chocolate blushed and smiled.
'You did an amazing job!' He read, feeling his heart beat quicken when he saw the heart at the end.
"She is the best. This tastes amazing." He mumbled, earning nods from Niko and Hiori, who were sitting next to him.
"It does! It does! The packaging are adorable, too. She really put a lot of thought into them." Hiori said in adoration.
"You think she will bake for us one day?" Niko wondered with a red face as he read the message over and over.
"I mean, we could always ask her. (Y/n) is nice, I am sure she would." Reo announced, earning nods from the rest.
"I hope it will be a chocolate cake. Didn't have those in a while. She really made my day with this." Gagamaru smiled warmly, not used to getting chocolate on Valentine's Day from anyone. Nagi kept quiet as his face was a uncharacteristic red shade. The whole time he was staring at the wrapping paper while taking small bites of the chocolate.
'I am keeping this one forever.'
Barou was a blushing mess along with Tokimitsu, so they decided not to say anything as they ate their chocolates. Both were flattered and happy over this surprise. It was better than winning the match in their opinion.
"It has a really good taste to it. Not too sweet and not too bitter. She really thought of everything. So cute." Yukimiya smiled brightly, earning a nod from Aryu.
"Well, it is (Y/n) we are talking about. She is amazing and thoughtful." The brown-haired boy added in. Rin was looking for once relaxed and felt happy as he ate his piece, enjoying every moment of it.
'So good. Definitely better than winning against my brother. I love her so much.' Rin thought, his face turning redder. There was a silence in the room for a while, the team busy eating and thanking (Y/n) mentally for the gift. But, that silence was soon cut off by Chigiri.
"Now, we need to think of some good presents for White Day. Some that will make her forget about the gifts those people gave her today."
The rest of the team quickly nodded their heads.
The U-20 room 🇯🇵2️⃣0️⃣
"Huh?" Shidou hummed as he felt an unfamiliar item in his pocket and quickly fished it out, only to freeze up when he saw what it was. It was a neatly wrapped pink present, and by the shape of it, it was definitely chocolate.
"What is it, Shidou?" Teru asked, noticing the boy's frozen state.
"I got chocolate." The boy answered in confusion as he showed Teru the item, causing the rest of the locker room to look at him.
"You?! Why did you get chocolate?" Sendou yelled out, jealous at the blonde, which earned him a grin from Shidou.
"Probably because the ladies like me more."
"Hm? I got some as well." Sae pointed out as he showed the the team his burgundy wrapped item.
"Ha? And you two didn't put it in there yourselves?" Niou asked skeptically.
"Why would I do such a pathetic thing?" Sae questioned.
"You guys mad that you didn't get any?" Shidou snickered, earning glared from Sendou and Niou now.
"Hey! I got some as well! This is rare for me!" Neru said in excitement as he found a beige wrapped item in his pocket. Now this was a surprise for the rest.
"You as well?" Itsuki and Miroku mumbled as they discretely went through their pockets, only to find chocolate int them as well.
"Hey! I got some as well!"
"Me too!"
"This is weird..." Hayate said silently, blushing as he stared at his present as well.
"Woo-hoo! Hey! I got chocolate as well!!" Sendou blushed in excitement as he took put the present from his jacket pocket. Oliver, who also found a green and purple wrapped present, stared at it in confusion as Teru started eating his chocolate.
"It tastes good as well! It also has some cute decorations on it."
"Mhm!" Niou nodded as he ate his along with Hayate and Neru.
"But still, who put it into our pockets?" Sae asked out loud, earning silence instead of an answer.
"It certainly is weird. We didn't notice anyone near our stuff." Miroku chimed in as their coach walked into the room.
"Ah, I see you found those chocolates. Eat up and let's go." The team stared at the man in horror for a moment as Oliver spoke up.
"Please don't tell me you put these into our locker room."
"Yuck!" Shidou shivered at the idea, earning a glare from the coach.
"No, I have better things to do then make Valentine's Day chocolate." The man rolled his eyes.
"Blue Lock's manager made those for you, as surprise or something. She put those here while you guys were playing. Now, stop acting like school boys and pack your stuff." The man ordered as he walked out of the room, leaving the team in a stunned silence.
'The... The manager...made these for us?!' The team thought as they slowly started blushing at the thought.
"Aahhh~" they sighed happily as Sendou spoke up.
"Lucky bastards at Blue Lock probably get this treatment all the time." He said, sounding jealous as the rest tried to ignore that thought, opting to just enjoy the sweet gifts.
"Achoo!" (Y/n) sneezed as Ego looked at her in confusion.
"You ok?"
"Yeah. I think I am just getting sick." She said back, oblivious to what had happened in the locker rooms.
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Edge You To Death
Pairing: Undertaker x AFAB! Reader or Undertaker x Fem! Reader.
Summary: Undertaker loves ruining your orgasms.
Warnings: NSFW, Smut, Casual sex, Undertaker and Reader have a weird ‘situationship’, Age gap relationship, Mention of pedophila (not in reference to Undertaker! UT is not a pedo!), Reader is unaware Undertaker is a reaper or of what he does for Ciel, Reader has MY personal thoughts on pedophila (I don’t think they are controversial but just in case you don’t wanna here it skip the introduction), Oral sex (fem receiving), Edging, Daddy kink.
Writing Time: 1 hour.
Word Count: 1,317.
Format: Kinktober Fic, Day 20.
I kinda forgot wtf I was doing here.
Most of my Kinktober works were written well in advance, but this wasn’t one of them. I wrote this 2 days before it was due. My requests are pilling up but I should start prioritising these now. I doubt I’ve gotten that Matthew Patel request done yet, I planned to do that when I got the requester’s first message about it, sent the same day I got the request, but not anymore. Sounds a lot like a request got ages ago on my previous account but deleted when I started feeling harassed by the requester. This is more for the Matthew Patel requester than anyone else but yeah… don’t harass people about requests especially if it hasn’t been that long since you sent it. Everyone, harass me over a request and I’ll just delete it. You can send one reminder after a week and that’s it. Anymore and I delete. I usually have requests done in a week or two and those kinds of messages just destroy my motivation.
Anyway! Please enjoy this Undertaker smut.
Here are my other Kinktober 2023 works.
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You had been feeling dam good since you started sleeping with the Undertaker.
You had new relationship jitters, even if it wasn’t really a relationship. He was what you had fantasied about for years. An older gentleman who was kind and treated you like a Queen, but also open about wanting to ravishing you. With his age also came along a lot of life and sexual experience, a lot more than you had. He never mocked you for knowing less than him, he was just happy you wanted to know and happily taught you a lot.
Whilst age gap relationships have always been common and considered normal prior to the Victorian era, it was slowly becoming distasteful. Something many were unhappy with but also many other who were happy. Undertaker, years ago, would have been in favour this but with you now… he was in the middle and uncomfortable with it. Surely you and his relationship was ok because you was definitely an adult.
You were pretty set in stone on the matter. To you, age gap relationships were bad, unless it was you. You were a young woman who would never say no to an older man, even when you was a girl. You knew your exes were absolutely pedos, but you didn’t care as long as it was just you they were after. And no you didn’t consider yourself a victim.
You didn’t think of Undertaker in the same way though. You was an adult when you met him therefore wasn’t bad for perusing you. Well, you perused him but it didn’t matter.
Right know you was doing some dusting in the front of Undertaker’s shop, he was in the back. The first thing you took notice of when you first met your lover… was how nasty his shop is. It’s always covered in dirt and stinked of death. Obviously it would smell of death, it’s a funeral home, but the dirt was unnecessary and you was surprised that Undertaker had tried to do something about the smell. You figured he’s probably gotten used to it now and gone nose blind.
Once you had cleaned to a satisfying amount, you heard the bell go. You looked up and saw the familiar Earl Phantomhive and his butler. The young boy always looked so dam miserable, it depressed you. You didn’t like interacting with either of them and they never seemed to want your help, so you called your bedmate.
Undertaker came into the room, happy to deal with the Phantomhive and his butler. You was aware the two engaged in a different kind of business than coffins or funeral services, but it was none of your business what their business was. So you wasn’t going to ask…
Instead you headed out of the room and upstairs to bed, it was late and you knew Undertaker would join you after he was done with his ‘business’.
“Sort out the Earl?” You asked.
“Yes, Dear.” Undertaker smiled as he climbed into his bed, next you.
You sat up immediately and glared at him, “How many times have I told you Undie?! No sleeping in your day clothes!”
He laughed as you pushed him out of his own bed. Yeah, Undertaker had a bad habit of sleeping in his day clothes. He didn’t own PJs until you came into his life, nearly a year ago now.
“Ok! Ok!” Undertaker walked over to his drawers to fish out his sleepwear.
Once he did, he placed them on the end of the bed and looked down at you. You gave him a small smile, suddenly remembering this was his home and his bed and who are you say anything about how he sleeps? After all, you’re not even dating.
Undertaker grinned widely at you and slowly started removing his cloak. Ah, he was trying to indicate something.
He slowly stripped completely in front of you before getting back on the bed and crawling onto you. You kissed his lip gently and took hold of his arms, but Undertaker shook your hold off his arms and grabbed your face to pull you even closer to him, deeping your kiss. He quickly slipped his tongue into your mouth, desperate for a makeout session.
You moaned in between the kisses, you were started to feel a growing sensation in between your legs. If not dealt with quickly, it would become uncomfortable. Luckily for you, Undertaker could sense your arousal and was more than willing to help.
He let go of your lips and before you could even whine or complain, he was pulling the duvet and sleep shorts down and licking your lower regions. You made your hands comfortable, pulling on the pillow under your head and proped up your legs and planted your feet into the bed.
Undertaker ate you out like a mad mad. Sucking, licking, spitting and groaning like crazy. Your pussy and it’s sweet smell made him act unusual, way less calm and in control than usual. This was something you was proud of. You had the power (or pussy) to make Undertaker lose all composure.
You started to feel less prideful about your achievement as you started to feel yourself losing to Undertaker’s tongue. Your whimpered had become cries and moans, you begged him for release but you should of known better. It would be a long while before you got that.
Undertaker grinned evily against your cunt then looked up you, just go get a glimpse of your flustered expression. Having wait himself for release was a sacrifice he was willing to make if he got to see you cry and beg him for climax. He absolutely got a weird power trip from it.
“Oh please… oh please Daddy, I need to cum now!”
“Nu uh uh! You don’t get to cum until I say so, Dearie!”
You were still staring up at the ceiling and unable to look down, but you didn’t need to look down to know Undertaker was wearing his usual evil wicked grin. He always had that look when he was planning to edge you to death.
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toast-on-dandelioms · 1 month
I could like to ask for a request it ok you don’t do it!
So I was thinking about Yandere Batfamily x MaleGojo reader like a reference from Gojo of JJK the same figure and the same goofy personality and charming personality like he was not their family or blood relative or anything they just fell really hard for M! Gojo reader for his personality and eyes like they even kidnapped him and they all fell for him since M! Gojo is between his 19-20s and he like dumb he just let it happen cause he like attention and he got a lot of ego so he just like “Meh I get free stuff and gifts and like in a mansion for free” even thought M! Gojo is really rich he just goofy. 
Ok so, I am incredibly sorry it took me so long to write this, I never had the right idea until now but I hope you like it!
Dividers made by @thecutestgrotto and by @cafekitsune
Also I wrote this when I mostly didn't sleep so, whatever weird thing reader is thinking it's totally my fault but I am not apologizing for it.
The pronouns for the reader will be he/they, so if you don't like it, don't read it.
Wc: 6k
Fyi (my own warnings for yall): reader is an egomaniac, Bruce flirts with yall, inappropriate thinking from yall, I decided the ages please don't take them seriously, the ages are only used for this ask only,
Bruce: 45 - Dick: 27 - Jason: 23 - Tim: 20 - Stephanie: 20 - Cass: 22–23 - Damian: 15/16 - Duke: 19
age of reader: 20
Tw: big age gap, Bruce Wayne, romantic yanderes (except Damian, he's a minor in this story), drugging and spiking food, mention of unwanted touch, inappropriate thinking, mention of death, mention of grooming and sex trafficking, MINORS PLEASE DON'T INTERACT WITH THIS ONE BECAUSE SOME THEMES MIGHT BE BAD,
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You were a model. A symbol of beauty that people paid money to use to promote their products. People adored you thanks to your eyes, a blue so intense that even the rarest sapphire looked like a common one compared to your eyes. Well, it was thanks to your eyes that you were a model, they seemed to attract people. You were proud of your eyes and your face, you knew they were the reason why you were famous and you made sure to never ruin it. You were proud of being a male model. At least, that's what you felt before you went to Gotham.
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You were in the car with your agent, Katelyn, who was still talking about things you weren't allowed to do in Gotham, which made you incredibly bored since that's what she all talked about ever since you accepted the job and was told to go to Gotham with Katelyn.
One thing that stuck to you from her annoying nagging, especially since she wouldn't stop talking, was that you weren't allowed to be near the billionaire Bruce Wayne, even though he was the one who hired you to be the star for his new products At least, that's what you remembered since you tuned out Katelyn's voice after 20 minutes of her talking.
You weren't sure why you weren't allowed near the billionaire but you didn't really care, from the photos you searched online of him you didn't see anything interesting so you decided that he wasn't worth your time. The only reason you chose to do this was the pay.
When you finally arrived at the hotel you immediately demanded a cocktail while waiting for Katelyn to check the two of you in the hotel.
As you waited near the bar in the hotel, you saw a few individuals who were trying to subtly stare at you, to which you didn't care since you were used to people staring. But, as you also looked at them with no shame whatsoever, you noticed that they were all wearing or using a Wayne product.
The oldest individual in the group was a man with pitch black hair and who was sitting on one of the many sofas in the lobby. For a few seconds, you could've mistaken him for the younger version of Bruce Wayne when he was, maybe, 25 or 26 years old. His wrist was decorated with a chunky watch that had seen increased sales after Bruce Wayne promoted it, which was probably how the man had heard of it. If you were to guess, the watch was probably one of the limited edition that not many people bought since only 10 were released of the special line. You knew that because you cried when you found out the watch was sold out and you weren't able to buy it.
The second oldest, another black haired man, who was leaning on a wall near the first man, with a weird white streak in his hair but was built like a soldier, especially with how muscular his arms were even though he was wearing a jacket, probably a leather one but you weren't sure since he was a bit far away. 
You did know it was a Wayne jacket because you just saw that same leather jacket and design on the magazine you were reading on the plane while ignoring Katelyn and told her to order one since you wanted it.
Another man was next to the watch guy, which you almost didn't see until he suddenly appeared to try and grab a cup of coffee out of the watch guy’s hands. 
You did see he was using a laptop, which made you a bit confused since you could see a W and also a D, but from some bits of Katelyn's lecture about Gotham’s rich people that you were listening to, you don't remember anything about the Wayne and Drake’s companies merging or a collaboration. 
As you continued to stare at them while sipping on the cocktail you finally received, you noticed a kid, maybe a teen but you didn't really care, who was talking on the phone the entire time with an angry scowl on his face that made you wonder what angered such a young person. 
Strangely enough, you did know who the kid/teen was. He was Damian Wayne, also nicknamed ‘Wayne’s poodle’ after you heard of his obsession with animals and how many he has in his Manor. 
You gave him a quick glance, a bit surprised that he was the one openly staring at you before smiling at him, trying not to laugh when he looked away with a visible blush on his face. 
After seeing Damian Wayne in the lobby, you were quick to assume that the other three men you looked at before were the other children of Bruce Wayne. 
You set the cocktail on the bar and walked away to Katelyn, glad she was done and grabbed the key to your room before walking off, not caring about them being at your hotel. 
You took the elevator to your room and came face to face with a blonde girl and an black haired asian. You politely smiled at them and stepped to the side so they could exit the elevator before entering it, quickly pressing the button to close it since you could feel the black haired girl stare on you the whole time. 
While waiting in the elevator, you did wonder who all the people in the lobby were before shrugging and going back to playing on your phone, not caring about them anymore since they weren't important. 
As you waited for the elevator to arrive at your floor, you suddenly felt it stop a few floors before yours, and when you looked up you saw an African American kid staring at you, his mouth slightly open. 
You looked at him and chuckled softly at how surprised he was at seeing you, finding him cute since he kept stealing glances at you the whole time you were in the elevator. 
You smiled when he glanced at you once again and finally said. 
"Y'know if you were just going to stare, a picture will last longer dearest." You giggled, smiling softly as his skin went a dark shade of red.
"I- I wasn't staring-!" He stammered, the slight quiver in his voice giving him away.
"Mhm, so the wall behind me was just soooo interesting you had to keep looking right?" You smirked, raising an eyebrow at him as you crossed your arms.
The boy stared blankly at you for a solid few seconds. "....yes." He replied in a completely serious voice, which prompted a flurry of laughter from yourself. 
You walked out the elevator when it finally reached your floor and winked at him when he looked at you, continuing to walk to your hotel room and finally changing, after entering the room, after hours of being on an airplane with Katelyn.
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After adjusting to Gotham’s nightlife and also enjoying the city without any rogue attack, you finally walked in the WE building to do the photoshoot about whatever product you needed to advertise. 
Did you care about the product? No but you just wanted to be paid so you didn't care. 
As you walked inside the building with Katelyn next to you, needing her to know where to go and also to give the makeup crew a list of the makeup products that you were allergic to and a bag with substitutes if they didn't have any in hand. 
You entered the elevator, completely ignoring Katelyn and her instructions and just waited to arrive on the floor where the photoshoot or whatever you needed to do was, playing a stupid game on your phone while waiting. 
When you finally reached the floor, you followed Katelyn without saying anything, a small smirk on your face as you saw many people looking your way and staring. 
You entered the photoshoot and ignored the other model, already annoyed since she wasn't as good as you but you could manage since your beauty was enough to make this session perfect. 
As you entered your makeup station you completely disregarded the fact that the Bruce Wayne was standing near the station, not caring if he was staring since you knew why he was staring. I mean, who could blame you? 
You were perfect and a symbol of beauty that so many people wanted for their own pleasure. 
During the photoshoot you could hear people talking about the poses and what to edit in between photos, making you annoyed since you wanted everything to be perfect and your co-model was getting reprimanded most of the time. 
You also noticed how Bruce kept staring at you the whole time you were in the photoshoot, making you wonder if he was interested in you before shrugging and going back to sippin on some water since you were on break after your co-model Mercy Jacques, yes he wants people to use both names, kept messing up and even destroyed a prop. 
Time passed slowly while your annoyance kept growing before you finally gave up when Mercy Jacques accidentally dropped a heavy prop on your leg while doing a weird pose, making you incredibly angry when he didn't even apologize. 
You got up and wanted to punch the man, not caring if it would create a scandal. No one could treat you like an inferior model when you were one of the best in the whole country. 
As you prepared to punch him, someone suddenly grabbed your arm and held you from behind, completely stopping you from even trying to hit Mercy Jacques, making you even more angry. 
"Calm down sweetheart, anger isn't a good look on you," a voice whispered against your ear, the person's gentle breathing making a shiver run down your spine. 
You picked up the sound of movement and felt the hands clutching your waist loosen as the person came to stand by your side. 
It was Bruce motherfucking Wayne. 
"Mercy Jacques, I'm afraid we can no longer work with you. Please see yourself out." He said simply, the taught smile on his face was much too sinister for your liking.
You pulled away from his arms after Mercy Jacques was escorted out the room before looking at Bruce, a small smirk on your face before quickly acting like a damsel in distress from the prop that fell on your leg, a bruise was already forming which helped your act. 
Were you doing this to get pity and also to make sure Mercy Jacques’s reputation would be in shambles? Also yes, you already knew Katelyn was making sure he would never find a job in Gotham. 
She was good at ruining people's lives, that's why you kept her around even though her voice was incredibly annoying. 
As you faked being incredibly hurt, you used Bruce’s closeness to lean onto him, secretly using the opportunity to feel the chest of the man and being a bit surprised at how muscular the man actually was. 
Unfortunately for you, you didn't see how dark Bruce’s eyes got when you leaned on him and acted all hurt, 
You pulled away when you heard Katelyn call for you and noticed her close to Bruce so you pulled away from him, a bit reluctant since you were still touching his chest and body with no shame whatsoever. 
You turned to her and just made a motion with your hand to make her cut the session so you could go back to the hotel and relax in a nice bath and turned around to go to the makeup station so they could clean your face. 
You barely managed to take even a step before you suddenly felt Bruce’s hand wrapping around and grabbing your wrist, which made you think of another body part he could wrap his hands around. 
You looked at him with a half surprised half whatever dirty thing you could think about his hands before realizing he was talking and you completely ignored what he was saying to focus on his hands and how good they must feel on your body. 
When you finally clocked in to listen to what he was saying, you just heard the last part. 
“So, what do you think sweetheart?” he said, his voice was a deep baritone, the type of sound that would have anyone on their knees within seconds of meeting this man, which, in all honesty you would do everything if he called you that in that same voice. 
Unfortunately, you couldn't just admit that you weren't listening to the richest man you knew, the man who hired you as his model so you just put on your best fake smile. 
“That sounds amazing Bruce, can I call you Bruce?” you asked, a bit confused and almost panicked when the man stared at you in silence. 
You almost cried when he finally laughed because you were scared as fuck that you somehow offended him by calling him by his first name and he was gonna kill you. 
“I’ll pick you up at 7 at your hotel” was the last thing he said to you before walking off after patting your shoulder, making you almost kneel down since god damn his voice and smile was too much. 
You waited until he was far away before immediately turning to Katelyn, who you knew was near and probably heard everything. 
You quickly walked up to the poor innocent woman and grabbed her from her shoulders, your eyes staring right into her soul and seeing her deepest and darkest secrets before asking in a desperate tone “what the fuck did I just agree to?” 
To which the woman sighed, already knowing you got distracted by the man and how hot he was in your eyes before finally telling you what you agreed to do. “You just agreed to go to dinner with Bruce Wayne, the man I told you to not interact with because of the type of scandals he might cause you if the two of you are seen together.” her voice sounded so annoyed but also resigned at the fact that you never listen to her.
You stayed silent when she started her usual rant about you needing to be more careful and knowing when to listen before noticing you were just looking into whatever was in front of you with a dreamy look on your face. 
“OI Romeo! Stop day-dreaming and go get the makeup off! Your date is in 2 hours and I know you will go no matter what so at least let me pick the suit” 
You immediately nodded and hugged her, kissing her on the forehead before running off to the makeup station in heels, making Katelyn wonder how you could do that since she couldn't even walk with normal heels.
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It was almost 7 pm and you were finally finishing putting on some makeup, making sure your suit was the right colors so it could make you look gorgeous for this date. 
Did you care that he was probably gonna use you as a one night stand? No, you were gonna use him to have a pleasurable night and also to make your friends back home jealous. 
When it was finally 7 you quickly went to the lobby of the hotel, stopping when you noticed the same people in the lobby when you first arrived, who were all staring directly at you. (Except Damian) 
It almost felt like you were standing nude before the people in the hotel, my body bare for their piercing gazes to lay upon. I've always felt absolutely secure in my body and looks, you knew you were hot and felt pride in knowing that. But their unwavering eyes still made you feel insecure, like they were scrutinizing every tiny detail about your appearance, making you feel like you were being criticized by your parents when you weren't the best at a photoshoot. 
You shivered and quickly pulled your eyes away from them, trying your best to simply ignore the gazes that you could feel still stabbing into my back.
You smiled in relief when you saw Bruce arrive in a Lamborghini and you hurriedly ran outside, continuing to feel their gaze on your back as you reached the car at the same time Bruce was walking out of it. 
You smiled at the older man and thanked him when he opened the door for you, sneakily glancing back to the hotel and seeing all those people staring at both you and Bruce. 
You swiftly sat in the car and looked inside, amazed at how amazing the car was and didn't notice how Bruce looked back at the lobby of the hotel and smirked before walking around the car and driving off with you. 
In the car you didn't say much and just looked at the road, sometimes stealing glances at Bruce and admiring his body in his suit, especially how his pants were perfect since they were tight enough to show his bulge. 
God you so wanted to see him without those pants. You wanted to see all his body without his suit, wanting to feel how strong he actually was and if the rumors that you heard from other models about him being a god in bed were true. 
You finally stopped imagining Bruce naked when he pulled up at one of the fanciest restaurants in Gotham where it's impossible to get a reservation there. Katelyn tried and you watched her cry when she failed, a smile on your face as you watched her tears ruin her makeup, enjoying her pain. 
You got out of the car and gracefully grabbed Bruce’s hand, especially since you were wearing very high heels that made Katelyn make a weird face at how narrow the heel was but you didn't care. 
The heels made the outfit perfect and also helped you be at the same height as Bruce, you refused to let that man have the upper hand with his height if you change it.
You walked inside the restaurant while holding onto Bruce’s arm, the classic fake smile on your face for any photographers who were near the restaurant and for the staff, even winking at the waiter who led you two to a secluded table.
You thanked the older man, who didn't look a day over 30, when he slightly pulled the chair out to help you sit down before pushing it near the table. 
You were a bit surprised he got a reservation at this restaurant before scolding yourself mentally because he's a billionaire, he probably threw some money and got a reservation. You were now wondering who lost their reservation tonight to make space for Bruce Wayne. 
As you sat down you smiled at the older man, knowing that he invited you here to flaunt his new catch and how he only wanted you because you were pretty and young. 
Did you care? No, you were used to it and you were gonna use everything you had to go to bed with him and get paid for your silence afterwards. That's what always happened when a rich person was attracted to you and by now you started to use it for your own gain. 
You were used to rich and powerful people being attracted and using their wealth to have you for a while, they only wanted a pretty thing and not you. You just knew that if you slept with them then you would get more modeling contracts and more publicity.
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You think you were 11 when it started. 
The exact date was hazy in your mind, you just knew that after spending an hour or two with a photographer, alone, that your parents told you was famous for not giving any models a break during photo shoots, was now giving you special treatment and kept touching you in weird places during the photoshoot. 
You can still remember the agonizing pain in your arms from struggling against the man’s grip on your wrists to keep you still, the strain in your throat as you kept begging, pleading and downright crying while asking him to stop and to let you go back to your parents; you can still smell his horrible breath on your face when he told you to shut up before kissing you. 
You were 12 when it developed into a weekly occurrence.
You could remember everything even though you wished you couldn't, you could still feel that man’s touch and hearing his laughter as your body was being used for his own pleasure against your own will. 
12 years old and being forced into acts even adults would feel ill at the idea of. At the time you were rising in fame thanks to a few small roles in some shows and movies and alongside your modeling gigs that kept pouring in. 
You were 14 when you told your parents for the first time. 
You remembered the confusion and feeling ashamed when you told them about what happened, not understanding why they just told you that you did a good job and that doing that meant that the producer liked you and was going to give you more opportunities to make the world see your beauty. 
You never understood why they didn't help you. Why your mother just looked at you with no emotion in her eyes as you cried when you told her what that man did before telling you to stop crying and that you had a photoshoot with that same man in two hours.
You could still feel the pats on your back that your father gave you when he saw how many modeling gigs you had been offered by that man and just told you to keep it up. 
You were 15 when you began to give up on finding any help. 
You slowly stopped telling your parents and just let the photographers, stylists and directors do what they wanted when you realized that your parents didn't care about you and just cared about the money you were making for them.
You were 16 when you stopped believing in finding help altogether.
You stopped trying to understand and just gave in the pressure that everyone kept putting on you. You created a mask from the pieces of your broken self and just kept going.
You stopped fighting, you stopped pleading for them to stop and just used their greed and lust for you as a way to advance in life. You knew it was wrong but you didn't care, no one ever taught you or told you what was right and what was wrong.
You were 17 when you learnt how to pretend you liked it.
You convinced both yourself and others that it was okay, the way you'd been treated for your adolescence. If you had no problem with it and tricked yourself into believing it was what you wanted, it wasn't wrong. 
And it worked. 
You pretended to enjoy it. You pretended to adore the fame and money you got from what you did. You pretended to smile happily at your parents as they told you there was another meeting you had with the director later that day. You pretended to look forward to those meetings. 
You pretended so much you forgot how not to. Your personality, likes, interests, everything about you was completely fake. But the world is easily swayed by fakeness if it's decorated with rhinestones and glittery gowns.
Like a mannequin in a boutique window, beautifully dressed in high-end clothing, with jewelry adorning the delicate neck of the faceless creature. Thousands of eyes gaze upon the mannequin, almost as if they're awaiting its demise.
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(no more talk about gr*ape for now, will inform if there's another)
As the night progressed you noticed how Bruce never made any comments about your body or what you could do for him, making you a bit frustrated since you knew he was attracted to you. 
You saw how he looked at you, you felt his eyes linger down when you walked beside him. You weren't oblivious of it. You knew what he wanted but you hated how he kept asking you questions about your life and hobbies. 
Why was he actually so interested in you?! He’s just another old man wanting to flaunt to his rich friends that he fucked a model so why is he doing all this?! 
You kept drinking wine and starting to act drunk, thinking that maybe he was one of those old men that would use you when you were intoxicated and then manipulate you into thinking that you also wanted it. 
Plus, no one knows it thanks to your influence in the media, but you weren't a lightweight. You trained yourself to act drunk after two glasses of wine so that people would never know that you were an easy person. 
After the waiter brought the check and left you were fuming and got too tired to act like you were interested in him after a whole dinner with him not insinuating anything that you should do for him. 
You got up, the chair screeching as it suddenly moved, and glared at him, too angry to keep acting like your stupid ass self that is too focused on their fame and ego to care about others. 
“...how many mind games are you going to play” - you pointed a finger right to his face, your voice shaky from frustration and anger -“huh? How many TİLL YOU SLEEP WİTH ME?! I know what you want! Everyone I ever met that wanted to go to dinner with me always wanted the same thing! Answer me!! And don't you dare waste my time!”
You kept glaring at him before feeling a tiny prick on your neck and before you could look you started to feel drowsy, like when your parents used to give you a glass of water that tasted weird when you were younger.
You pointed a finger at him before mumbling out a “you sick fucker, you could've told me you wanted to do it with me sleeping” and then collapsing on the floor, your fall being stopped by Bruce. 
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Bruce: he has always been interested in you after he saw you at your first big runway after you turned 18 and was finally free of your parents control. 
He saw you walking on the big stage, your hair all messy in the wildest haircut possible that he guessed you did, complete with a wild outfit and the wildest makeup he ever saw. 
He forgot what the theme of the show was because he only remembered you and how, even while wearing rags and looking like you just went through the most heartbreaking breakup, you looked like the most beautiful man he ever saw in his life. 
After that day he just kept going to whatever event you were also in and enjoyed watching you from afar, he even had a full room in the Manor ready for you after he heard you talk about the perfect bedroom to relax but also have stuff to do so you could still be productive. 
Next to that same room there was the room filled with almost every photo, magazine clips and whatever he could find about you plastered on the walls. 
He slowly became more obsessed with each day that passed that he wasn't with you, his love for you growing into an unhealthy obsession that he actually sent people to spy and take care of you in your company while also finding out everything about your past as a child model. 
He did ruin the lives of every director, photographer and almost every person in the modeling industry who used you in a sexual manner after he did some digging since he needed to know everything about you, wanting to be the perfect husband for you when he will finally marry you. 
Even though he never talked to you and was double your age, he didn't care. He wanted you. 
(Everyone’s obsession for you starts when you turn 18, if you got confused sorry)
Richard/Dick: he was the first one who got influenced by Bruce’s obsession with you after just 3 months since he was living at the Manor during that time because there was a case that he couldn't crack and was using the batcomputer to find some more clues. 
He accidentally walked in on Bruce admiring one of the many runways that the older man registered and just watched from the doorway as the TV played in the background, staring at how beautiful you looked while walking, staring directly into the camera and in Dick’s soul. 
After that day he started to research on his own and eventually stumbled into Bruce’s obsession room about you and didn't feel disgusted or weirded out when he saw all the photos and magazines photos about you and didn’t feel connected to Bruce when he realised that he and the old man shared an obsession. 
No, he felt jealous at how it was Bruce that first found you and not him. Bruce had the privilege of having you for himself before he found you and he hated that. 
But he also managed to one up Bruce by being the first of the two to get a photo with you after disguising himself as a waiter during a gala, especially because he knew the man flew to the city where the gala was held just to see you, even if you were with an old guy who looked like he could be your grandfather. 
Did he rub it in Bruce’s face right after, especially when he knew the man was there and especially when he knew that the man still didn't approach you because he didn't know every single thing about you? Yes, yes he did and he did it with pride since he managed to one up Bruce. 
He also killed the man before going back to Gotham with his old man,making sure that old bastard suffered through every moment and felt everything, especially when Dick started to slowly break his fingers, making sure he broke them so much that the man would never be able to use them even after surgery and therapy. 
Plus he wouldn’t need to use them given that Dick killed him at the end by strangling him as he insulted him, making sure the man could see his face filled with joy as he was strangling him.
Jason: he found out about this when he was at the Manor with Tim and Duke since the three were working on the same case given that Duke found some thugs using weird alien technology while robbing a bank that unfortunately got destroyed during the fight. 
Tim got involved because he saw a gang fight that were using similar weapons thanks to Duke’s descriptions and to Barbara given the fact that she provided video evidence that perfectly showed the weapons during the fight. Unfortunately, Tim couldn’t retrieve the weapons because the gangsters spread out during the chase but he managed to capture a few for questioning where he found out that the next shipment of those weapons was gonna happen in a few nights in some part of Crime Alley, to which he asked Jason for help. 
That day the three were at the Manor to see if they could find more information via the remnants of the weapons Duke brought from the first fight and were witnesses of Dick taunting Bruce with the photo while wearing a shirt with the photo of him and you right in the middle of it. 
Thanks to it and the fact that Bruce looked so angry and and on the bring of punching Dick in the face that the three got to work on finding out what was happening and immediately falling in love with you during their research. (They also stopped the thugs)
Jason, at first, was surprised at how long you’ve been working in the modelling industry before starting to dig about your past and when he found out about what your parents and what all those directors and photographers did to you he was enraged since he knew what it felt like having adults you trusted use you. 
He quickly went to Bruce and just told him that he wouldn't be available for a few days before leaving and after he came back the news started to talk about all those people missing and some who were found dead with a letter written with all their crimes, alongside a usb filled with video evidence of their crimes that immediately got uploaded to the internet after an hour of getting found thanks to Tim. 
He did hurt your parents and almost killed them but spared them, unsure if you actually hated them so he just made sure they would be stuck in the hospital for a long while. 
Tim: (you already know how Tim and Duke know about you so I'll skip it). 
Tim was surprised when he found out about you because of how obsessed Dick and Bruce were about you. But he also did his own research where he then shared it with Duke since the guy was also curious about you and he couldn't hide it from him. 
As he studied you and your past, like everyone else, he found himself more interested in how you stayed so strong after everything that happened. 
He also helped Jason in his revenge week and made sure all the evidence about those people wouldn't get deleted by hackers or the modelling industry. 
He didn't understand why he felt so close to you but after a bit of research and also with Duke continuing to point out how similar you and Tim were he started to understand. 
You were a trophy kid for your parents. Your parents had you and mostly used you as a way to make themselves look better when you became incredibly famous as a child model. 
They didn't care about you and they only gave you actual attention when they needed to show how good of a parent they were for the public. 
And that's what he experienced with his own parents and he knew what it felt like. But the only difference between the two of you is that Tim was neglected but didn't get used for money since he was a billionaire child while you got used to your parent’s greed. 
Duke: (you know, I know, we all know) 
He was one of the most sceptical to fall in love with you because he didn't feel an immediate connection with you like it happened with Dick, Bruce, Tim and Jason. 
Even after knowing about what happened to you he still didn't feel anything and he felt wrong because he saw everyone getting obsessed with you while he just thought you were attractive but didn't feel like the others. 
After a year he finally met you thanks to a gala he went to with Bruce without the others since they already ‘met’ you by being creeps. 
That gala was the start of his obsession with you. 
You were ethereal and wearing one of the most beautiful white suits that he ever saw, he actually thought you were an angel at first as you slowly walked down the stairs in 4 inch heels thanks to Barbara’s telling him via comms. 
After a bit of him watching you from away he finally mustered enough courage to walk up to you and ask for your autograph and you were so nice to him. 
Like you didn't ignore him or act annoyed, you actually talked with him as you signed what he wanted and joked a bit about some runways you did that he loved. 
And after that day he was hooked, he couldn't get enough of you that he actually beg Bruce, on his knees, to send him to any gala if you were gonna be there, even though you didn't really go to many galas unless it was something that made you interested, which was difficult to understand and use for their own gain. 
But he made sure to brag about it since he had video footage thanks to Barbara. 
I am done and I won't do the others because I don't want to sound repetitive for y'all. Please don't ask about the others though.
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muikitoo · 9 months
Hi,Ummm,good morning/night
Can I request something regarding the Rottmnt boys,I want them their love at first sight with a female reader in a school ay(More like a mix between the Yokai/mutant/human society
(No rush,It's ok if you don't want to do it and stuff,It's totally fine to take your time☺️,Have a nice day/night)
Love at first sight
Aged up! Rottmnt x fem! Reader
(somewhere around their 20s)
A/N: this was so hard to do for me for some reason (especially Mikey and Raph), i had to think for a few days for certain scenarios and this might come late bc i rlly want it to be good. Im sorry if it isnt what u expected 🙏
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You were an English teacher who recently started working at a new school. Youre quite nervous, but exciting at the thought of what awaits you with this sudden change.
- Donnie was one of those strict science teachers that nobody dared to underestimate.
- At first, he didnt seem too interested when he heard of a new teacher who started working there.
- hes never even been a romantic type, he honestly didnt care and let fate decide if he gets a partner or not.
- When he saw you for the first time though, he thought he might be hallucinating.
- "Oh sweet Galileo help me.."
- you probably immediately checked his "cute but mean" type without even saying a single word
- He became more interested in you, talking to you more often, even at times asking u to meet up during the break.
- "Hey, uhm.. Could i maybe interest u in some coffee during the break?"
- he thought all of this "romantic feeling" thing wasnt real, but he seriously cant help but fall for you.
- Leo is obviously the laid-back cool Spanish teacher.
- Almost every student liked him, he was chill and even jokes around
- (he once drew donnie on the board with a huge forehead and wrote "megamind" next to it)(no, donnie did not take that well)
- He was quite interested when he heard of a new teacher, hell he was probably the first one to interact with you out of his brothers
- The second he saw you, this mf fell straight face down in love with you
- "oh mi gosh thats the new teacher?! Shes gorgeous! Do you see her Donnie?! You see her?! Oh i so need to get her number!!"
- tries to act sly and flirt with you
- and fails miserably
- "Hey there hermosa, how do you feel about a date? Ya know, just you and me? *Wink wink* *leans on wall, trips and falls miserably*"
- (A/N: i cried writing that)
- Mikey is the sweet art teacher and students enjoy being around him, but yet again they probably wont dare to underestimate his "Dr. Delicate touch" side
- He was quite excited when he heard about a new teacher.
- When he saw you, he suddenly felt nervous and flustered. And he knew why.
- at this point, everyone but you knew abt how he admires you, a little more than in the friendly way.
- He couldnt get the courage to go and talk to you, which put Dr. Feelings to shame
- When you actually started talking tho, you got quite close.
- Youd be with him almost every break
- You would often stay in his classroom/art studio and watch him paint during the lunch break
- and during those times he even asks u to pick his colours
- "Hey Y/n, which colour do you think would suit the ladies dress more? Red or blue?"
- Sometimes you even jokingly ask to be his model, but in all honesty he doesn't mind at all
- you guys were an inseparable duo, and he caught himself falling more and more for you
- He's the PE teacher, hes fun but strict when he needs to be.
- He doesnt mind that theres a new teacher, hes quite excited abt it actually - he would gladly want to meet you.
- First thing that catches his eye is that he thinks youre really pretty.
- He's most likely stuttering during ur first convo now😭
- Hes super sweet, bringing you coffee and/or lunch, helping u out with random teacher stuff, checking up of u, ect
- "Hey! How you feeling? I brought you some coffee.. if youd like."
- Hes so shy, but he cant help but feel his heart flutter every time you thank him or show appreciation towards him
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A/N: Raph was so hard and i know it's not accurate at all. Ive literally been beating my ass up bc of him cuz i didnt have any ideas😭😭 this took super long and I'm really sorry about that, i hope it turned out the way u wanted🙏 anyways its 1AM so im js posting this cuz i have nothing else to do😔
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popcat69 · 1 year
Helloo! may i request a sibling! reader x rottmnt turtles whos just like an introvert and then the turtles try forcing the reader to meet new people and then they make the reader and some person go out on a date, and the date is like really embarrassing and the reader just like nods and dosent say a word and the boys would juat be like:
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Notes:i think i kinda wrote this as more of social anxiety but ya xx
Rottmnt x sibling reader
Your the intervert of the family
Your brother are always talking to others and making friends
Well expert donnie
He kinda gets you
“Hey ____ were going to get pizza you coming?”
“Im ok, thanks”
And leo is just like we really need to get this person out the house
“Your coming”
Raph just flings you over the shoulder and bring you with them
Mikeys always trying to help you make new friends and to be less…awkward
“I'm trying to get you out of your comfort zone!”
“Its called a comfort zone for a reason!”
Donnie is kinda with his brother on this but he understands if your really drained or wanting to get some peace and quiet and not be dragged out
Leo is a pain
He found a dating app 
Yaaa u know what that means
He set you up an account 
One he found someone that he and your brothers deemed “good enough”
U got dragged. And i mean dragged!
Your brothers made sure you look some what presentable and dropped you off to the cafe where your supposed date was
You look around nervously before entering the cafe and seeing someone wave at you
You gave them an awkward smile before walking towards them and sitting down
“Hello! Your ___ right?
You just freeze 
What do i say?!?!?!
You just nod and stare at the table
They look at you confused and try to make small talk
“Sooo do you play any sports?”
They keep a soft smile on their face
U shrug not knowing what to say
God this is so awkward
Your brothers are sitting in a booth behind you just cringing 
“You really pretty”
You don't say a word and just continue looking down
“Why wont they say anything?!”
It lasted 20 minuets
The date lasted 20 minuets before the person pretends to have a urgent call and telling your they have to leave
You just nod again and they look at you before leaving
Once they leave your brothers appear
“What was that?”
“I dont know”
“Why didn't you say something?!”
“I don't know them”
“Thats the point! Your supposed to try and get to know them”
“Oh my god”
They take you home and on the way kept giving you tips on how to seem more friendly
“Im not doing that again”
“Ya we know”
You laugh as you reach the lair with your brothers making jokes about the faces your kept pulling
hate this because i'm so tired and cant spell
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xxlady-lunaxx · 3 months
im bored so uhm have this sngy AU im brainstorming (jk i forgot about, i wrote this like 2 weeks ago yet only remembered when scrolling thru my writing) btw its just like the plot or whatever cuz most of it is supposed to be developing their relationship but i like being vague about that when writing the overall summary 😃 also i wrote this with the intention of only me seeing it so if there’s anything silly no you didnt — im kinda trying to incorporate the regular AU into this AU (which i do often lmfao) so some things are jsut me flailing around trying to make it pass off as natural
so like a song turned on when i was in the car today (2 weeks ago) and then i got this whole ass idea from it 😭
So! SaneGiyuu, modern AU.
Sanemi’s hometown was struck by a sickness that spread like a plague (ok it kinda was). Most of his family got it, except Genya and Sanemi. Wanting the two to have a chance, Shizu (the shinazugawa mother) gave Sanemi instructions and access to her bank account then sent him and Genya off to find a small apartment until hopefully the others recovered. Around this time, Sanemi had recently turned 18 (so it was winter when the family fell sick) and Genya was 13. Unfortunately, of course, the other Shinazugawa’s didn’t make it and Sanemi got a letter from some of the other villagers about this. Following the tragedy, Genya and Sanemi had to make a life for themselves. Obviously it was going to be hard and they were barely going off of what money they had left from Shizu. Sanemi ended up having to quit school so he could find a job, but he encouraged Genya to keep going, promising to help him along the way. Sanemi found a pretty solid job eventually, but as summer rolled by and Genya was out of school, he needed someone to care for him. Which is where Giyuu comes into the story!
Giyuu was living with Sabito—his childhood best friend—half renting half just being a roommate, struggling between university and trying to find a job. He (and Sanemi) were 20 by now. Tsutako had moved away some time ago with her husband and Giyuu wasn’t able to support their apartment by himself, so he had moved in with Sabito (who had assured Tsutako he would ‘take care of Giyuu’). Sabito also went to uni with Giyuu but, of course, had his own life. Giyuu was having trouble finding a job but he came across Sanemi one day, who spoke of needing someone to care for his younger brother while he was out working. Giyuu offered immediately to help and Sanemi was ever the grateful for it, hiring him as a babysitter. As it turned out, all Giyuu needed to do was be there and make sure Genya didn’t do anything stupid because Genya wasn’t of age yet and needed caring for. So Giyuu went on with school/finding small jobs here and there.
As time flew on, he became closer to the Shinazugawa’s. At one point he had fallen asleep doing some of his schoolwork while watching over Genya. Next thing he knew, Sanemi was shaking him awake. Sanemi was very forgiving about him falling asleep ‘on the job,’ and said Genya behaved anyway. Then he pointed out the homework Giyuu had been doing. As it turned out, Sanemi wasn’t going to school and had dropped out to support himself and Genya. Of course, if he had any other choice he would’ve stayed in school. So he requested Giyuu to give him some lessons—like tutoring—just so he could learn more. He promised to pay Giyuu double what he was already paying him so, of course, Giyuu accepted—rushing home and asking Sabito how to teach someone later.
Giyuu and Sanemi’s relationship progressed and they started referring to themselves as friends, even inviting each other over just for idle talk when they found the time. Sanemi probably started catching feelings first, touched by Giyuu’s willingness to help (whether or not it was for the money), and just finding it refreshing to have a friend. After leaving his village, Sanemi would’ve left his friends as well (Masachika?) and then he wouldn’t have anytime for things he deemed unimportant like friendship—though he did everything he could to make sure Genya had all the friends and freedom he wanted. So having someone just being there for him and actually helping him so much, both as a sort of job and just because he could? Sanemi definitely found himself drawn towards Giyuu, and it was more than just his lack of social life.
Giyuu took a little longer to come to terms with his feelings, which could be interpreted as falling for Sanemi a while after in one light. Most likely he had thought Sanemi as a ‘compelling individual’ but nothing more than a friend—at least consciously. He hadn’t thought about feeling romantic feelings towards Sanemi, simply because he had never come to terms with the fact that he was gay. In most of his life, Giyuu had tried forcing female love interests onto himself, confused about why he never seemed to like anyone. Tsutako had never been homophobic, of course, she was probably bisexual anyway, but the topic had never surfaced and therefore Giyuu was mostly sheltered from anything more than male/female couples. He never understood crushes so, expectedly, when he gained feelings for Sanemi, he ignored all the signs and called it close friendship.
However. Sanemi confessed to Giyuu almost a year after they had met. It would be summer, now, and the two had aged another year (both 21 and Genya at 16.) Giyuu was stunned silent but this is what got the little silly cogs working in his brain and he began the quick ascent towards coming to realizing that he actually liked Sanemi. Given that he’d never known he’d liked anyone before, Giyuu was obviously reluctant to get in a relationship now. But Sanemi was so sweet and forgiving with him that he wanted to try it out and then confessed to Sanemi, hoping the feelings were still reciprocated (and they were!)
And uh pretty much the end. Happy ever after ✨ (and sabito like: wtf are you getting a job or boyfriend.)
little extra! sabito and giyuu met through Urokodaki who was a daycare teacher and had adopted Sabito. The two had been practically inseparable since then.
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yeahyeahchloe · 1 year
R U Mine?
guitarist!ellie x bassist!reader
synopsis: the tour begins with the first large audience performance, and ellie helps your nervousness.
cw: nsfw, mdni, fingering (r!recieving), oral (r!recieving), praise, dirty talk, choking if u squint, my mediocre first attempt at a drabble/oneshot.
a/n: i wrote this on a whim while i was listening to arctic monkeys and writing pt 4 to iwimh, hopefully this will keep you here before that posts (shes a long one). pls pls be honest with me if this is bad. but if its not and anyone has any requests PLEASE send them in. i love to write.
The erupting crowd cheering for your openers sent a crushing feeling straight into your chest, along with the thumping from your heart.
You were currently in your dressing room pacing back and forth while going over the notes to every song over and over in your head.
Its safe to say you were scared shitless.
"Heyyy babe, were on in 20, you pumped or what?" Ellie asked as she burst through the door.
"uhhhmm yeah! Hell yeah! Super pumped!" You said, trying to sound convincing.
Ellie tried to hold it together but ended up bursting out into laughter right in front of you.
"Babe you can play bass like a god, but you suck at lying," she managed to say in between laughter.
You huffed and rolled your eyes before plopping down onto the sofa in the room.
Ellie controlled herself before moving to sit next to you on the couch. She wrapped her arm around both of your shoulders as you turned your head away from her in shame.
"Hey. Heeey," She used the hand belonging to the arm wrapped around you to push your head in her direction. She studied your face for a while before softening her tone. "What could you possibly be nervous about?"
"Wh- everything?? I'm nervous about everything Els. I've started catastrophizing everything and now I can even fucking think straight," you explained in an obviously panicked tone.
"Woah, ok, you just need to relax, and everything will be ok," Se said, reassuringly pulling you closer and rubbing your shoulder.
You buried your face into your hands before mumbling a "How the hell am I supposed to do that?"
Ellie moved so that she was facing you more and removed your hands from you face, before tilting up your head and placing a long, slow kiss on your lips.
She pulled apart and kissed the corner of your lips, before moving to your jaw, then your neck, and when she got to your ear she whispered a soft, "Let me help you,"
You vigorously nodded and lifted your hand up to cradle the back of her neck.
"That's my girl," she said, smirking against your neck before continuing to kiss it.
She moved a hand to rest on your upper thigh and the one that was previously on your shoulder was now firmly gripped on your waist.
Ellie leaned forward and took you into a laying position with her knee resting between your thighs. She pressed it further into your core, electing a moan from your slightly parted lips.
"Let me take care of you sweet girl...make all that stress go away, hm?" Ellie murmured against your ear, moving her hand up from its place on your thigh.
You weakly nodded with a "mm-hmm" before clashing your lips together, parting your lips and allowing Ellie to slip her tongue in to dominate your own. You stifled a moan into her mouth as her hand cupped your clothed cunt under your skirt.
Ellie slipped her other hand under your shirt, taking it off and leaving you bare-chested. She moved both hands up to play with your sensitive nipples before putting her mouth on your tits.
"God, you're so fucking perfect," She moaned into your skin.
Hearing her praise send waves through your body making your pussy wetter by the second.
"Please Ellie, need it,"
She chuckled before moving up, her lips almost touching yours.
"You want me to play with your pretty little pussy, hm? Want me to take away all those pesky nerves?" "she asked, lips moving against your own with every word.
"Yes, Els, please," You begged.
Ellie smirked before kissing your lips, then all down your body until she got to the waistband of your skirt, slowly pulling it off to reveal a pair of black lace panties.
"So fucking perfect," She mumbled, inspecting your every inch.
She moved her head down and kissed both of your thighs before getting to your core and slowly peeling off your panties.
"Always so fucking wet for me, aren't you sweet girl?"
All you could conjure as response was a weak head nod and a slight desperate whimper.
Ellie slid a finger through your folds, gathering your slick on here fingers before pushing one inside of you, immediately causing you to arch your back and buck your hips onto her hand.
She stared for a second before removing her finger and licking a long stripe up your pussy, body jolting when she hit your clit. She made a lewd groaning noise and your taste before she continued to devour your cunt as whines and moans erupted from you.
She entered her finger back into your pussy before curling it just right and hitting the perfect spot, while continuing to tongue your clit.
You already felt the band beginning to build up in your lower stomach as your orgasm approached you.
You were more stressed than you thought.
Ellie must have noticed you clenching around her now two fingers inside of you, because she lifted up her head and tauntingly said: "Already gonna cum for me? I knew you fucking needed it, don't wait baby, cum for me,"
Ellies words just near pushed you over the edge, and what did was one final hard suck on your bud, snapping the band and sending your orgasm electrifying through you.
Ellie pulled out her fingers and licked them clean before coming up and slamming her lips into yours, her tongue entering your mouth, allowing you to taste yourself.
Suddenly there was a knock on your door.
"Hey, babes, we're on in five,"
It was Dina.
"Hey Dina, yep, I will just be right out," you said springing up to redress and put yourself back together.
When you and Ellie were about to head out she stopped you putting two hands on your waist, kissing you softly.
"Nervous?" She asked, smirking.
You playfully rolled your eyes responding with "Only a teeny bit" before kissing her again, and walking out to the awaiting stage.
lmk if there are any typos!
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So What, Who Cares?
author’s note: my first request! i’m not entirely used to writing fluff, but it was really sweet and kind of made me wish i was sick so i could get taken care of…it was requested by a mutual of mine (it was NOT anon despite the ask being anon, i know who you are and it’s perfectly ok!) who wrote me a susan and duff threesome fic so i hope it is a good enough gift to return the favor. also this is really sweet, did i mention that? i also titled this after something my 12 grade english teacher used to say all the time to get us to elaborate more in our essays, i felt like this would be something slash would say too but not about timed essays on hockey novels LMAOOOO
summary: date failed successfully…?
contains: slash x f!reader, fluff, comfort, sick!reader, cuddles, reader being taken care of, F!POV, nausea/vomit TW (no one actually does it, it’s just a mention)
story under the cut! word count: 1,153
I woke up early again. It was five in the morning, I didn’t even have anything to do until six pm when I was supposed to go out to dinner with my boyfriend. Normally I wake up this early because I’m excited to see him, to the point where my adrenaline is so high it wakes me up long before I’m supposed to even get ready for our dates. This time, however, I only woke up to my left nostril being clogged, my head pounding, and a puddle of sweat on my pillow and surrounding my body. Hopefully, I could still go on that date tonight. It’ll be the first time we’ve seen each other in a week. I laid in bed, staring at the wall right in front of me as I contemplated my plans for the rest of the day, that is, until I fell back asleep. I woke up again at 1pm. My head was still hurting, I was no longer sweating, and my right nostril was now clogged instead. I figured I’d have to at least attempt to live like normal before cancelling. I winced at the thought. I fought with the aches in my body to get out of bed, sitting up was a challenge. I only got to the floor when I heard my phone ringing from the dining room. Groggily, I walked, and then crawled, to the phone and leaned against a chair as I answered it. “Hello…?” I asked. Then I heard a concerned voice on the phone back. “Love, are you alright? You sound like the depths of hell.” Slash said. I groaned once I realized it was him, not because I hated him, but because I’d have to tell him our date was off for tonight. “I’m fine, really…” I then sneezed and coughed. “That doesn’t sound like you’re fine. You’re sick, aren’t you?” I felt tears forming in my eyes, was he really mad at me? “Y-yeah…I’m sorry…really sorry…” “Don’t be. You can’t control that. How about I come over instead of going out tonight, hm?” There was a hint of urgency in his voice. “You’ll get sick too. I don’t want you coming over and getting sick because of me. We can stay on the phone…” “Nope. I don’t care if I get sick, I need to see you. I’ll be there in 20 whether you like it or not. Love you.” Before I could tell him I loved him as well, he hung up the phone. I also hung up the phone, and sat down on the couch, waiting for him to arrive. I knew I couldn’t eat anything, I had fierce nausea and knew as soon as I tried to eat my usual breakfast, I’d vomit.
Just as he said, Slash knocked on my door twenty minutes after our phone call ended. I got up from my seat on the couch, walking up to the door. I unlocked it and immediately fell into his arms, already about to cry again. “It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m here now. Let’s get you back inside.” He shut the door behind him and lead me to my couch and sat me down on it. He was standing in front of me, a blanket in his hand along with a basket filled with who knows what. Slash wrapped the blanket around me and set the basket down. I smiled up at him. He kissed me briefly before taking my face in his hands. “I’m gonna make you some soup, you stay there and pick something from the tapes to watch, alright?” I nodded in response, blushing up at him, though I was weary of him cooking. He was bound to burn something whether it be on accident or on purpose. I reach into the basket and notice he brought a few tapes over. He brought a couple of slasher films with him, and I closed my eyes shut. Watching one of those in my current state would definitely not be ideal to say the very least. Slash took notice as he was taking the soup out of the can and into a bowl and laughed. “What, you don’t like my movie choices?” His smile and his laugh were almost enough to stop the sniffles, and I already felt my fever going down just from looking at him. I even felt bad for not wanting to watch them with him, he was just too intoxicating to resist. At that moment, I found a Cinderella tape. It was uncharacteristic for him, at least that’s what I thought. I held it up and pointed towards the tape. “You wanna watch that?” I nodded back before getting up and trying to put the tape into the player, but my body was too weak to move. “Don’t worry about that. I’ll get it when I give you your food. You just sit your pretty self down and don’t worry about a thing.” A sigh escaped my lips as I closed my eyes. He was right, I should just sit down and let myself be taken care of, but there was still part of me that wanted to get up and move around. I still sat down regardless, imagining Slash wrapped around me as I almost fell asleep.
That was when he sat down right next to me. The blanket was wrapping around the both of us, and my eyes fluttered to the smell of tomatoes. He didn’t burn anything, it came out just right. “You probably shouldn’t be in the blanket with me. You’ll get sick.” I insisted. “So what? Who cares? If my girl is in need, I’m there. I want to take care of you and I’m going to do it. If I do get sick, that just means we can cuddle all we want.” Slash then took a spoonful of the soup and held it up to my mouth. My face heated up again as I felt my stomach turn. As much as I enjoyed tomato soup, I wasn’t sure if I could eat. I still had to try. I took the spoon in my mouth and swallowed the soup, looking up at him to avoid thinking about the food. It worked for a bit, and for a couple more bites before he instantly noticed my face. “Let’s save this for later and just watch the movie, hon.” He put the soup back up on the counter before he put on the movie. Slash’s chest was one of the most comfortable places I’ve ever been in. His curls were serving as a luxuriously soft shield for my neck, and the blanket wrapped around the both of us made it even cozier. I wasn’t even watching at this point, I was just about to sleep. I felt him kiss the top of my head before telling me goodnight, and that was when I fell into my slumber.
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squiddosss · 1 year
salutations fellow human being! if you are taking requests, may i suggest the aouv crew (there needs to be a better nickname for them) as children? idk just an idea
p.s. this is also a reminder that al had a bowl cut when he was 6-7 years old :) do what you will with that info :)))
I AM ALIVE! [insert 20 exclamation points here] ok but seriously sorry for dipping off the face of the planet :(
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here’s the line up! i kinda forgot everyone’s exact ages. i’m going to go ahead and say the characters are in 3rd-5th grade right now. also isn’t elionor one of the oldest champions?? uhhh idk
additional headcanons:
we all know Reid is a huge nerd. he probably leaned into the nerdy-ness a lot as a kid. this kid wore starwars shirts every day. also glasses, (i believe this is canon)
Isobel was actually rather quiet as a kid. she preferred books over people, and liked talking to adults more than kids her age. she was still exceptionally clever and motivated, but she didn’t really learn how to be sharp-tongued and ambitious until she befriended Briony. she owes her people skills that got her through the months before the tournament and all the reporters to her best friend. 
Briony basically coerced Isobel into joining a thing called spell scouts. think like boy scouts or girl scouts or any other youth program but for a magickal world. things like nature and survival skills were taught, but also the basics of spellcrafting and ethics of spell using. (just imagine them in their little uniforms)
Finley was pretty athletic and played a few sports, but didn’t fancy working with a whole team. he attempted junior league soccer (wait… football??? i am american help) but found that he preferred scoring points for his team rather than with his team. he did summer swim at first and running, but wouldn’t discover fencing until he was older (i believe he is the team captain in high school) oh, he also totally did summer theater camps. 
Alistair TOTALLY had a bowl cut. unfortunately, he has curly hair. Marianne Lowe thought his curly hair (which he inherited from his father, whoever that could be) was unbecoming for an eventual Lowe champion, so Alistair’s mother would have to magickally get it to stay straight every day. this is part of why Al lacks freckles— whenever Al went outside, humidity would turn it back into a curly mess. so, under Marianne’s instructions, he just never went outside. he later stopped straightening his hair (and outgrew the bowl cut thank god) but the habit of staying indoors stayed with him. 
Elionor experimented with dying the ends of her hair when she was younger. the blues and pinks never really showed through because her hair was brown, but she liked it, so that’s all that really mattered. she also wrote fanfiction and posted it to online forums despite technically not being old enough to use them.
after losing their father and having their mother leave them, it was hard for Briony and Innes to feel noticed within the large Thorburn family. they went about trying to feel accepted in different ways. Briony, obviously, was loud and learned to announce her presence to feel heard. Innes preferred a more subtle approach, learning a particular relative’s interests and schedules to find a way to slowly do little things to win them over. stuff like doing their chores or completing their hair. 
Carby was like… basically a baby at this point. so… [insert toddler personality trait here]
Diya definitely did extracurriculars at school. she won the spell fair (like the science fair but… y’know… spells) three years in a row and was a member of the book club that included a tournament with other schools at the end of the school year (which she won, duh) she was pretty competitive with it, too. 
Gavin… thinking about his childhood makes me so not ok. he realized pretty early on he was basically a sacrifice to a tournament his family would never win. Gavin knew about the tournament, and realized he would be the champion, and had always seen how distant his parents were, but didn’t realize what that really meant until a bit later. 
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kristeristerin · 1 year
Hello, I really love how you came up with a collection of drabbles for ACOTAR x Taylor Swift (what an amazing idea!) - is it ok if I request Lucien x reader x You Belong with Me? Thank you very much!
AN- Thank you for the prompt! <3 I hope you like what I wrote.
As always asks are open for prompts!
Song: You Belong with Me
Pairing: Reader X Lucien
Content Warning: None
Words: 1K
I frown as the scene before me unfolds. Lucien is standing awkwardly beside Elain, holding out a gift. She silently takes it and mumbles her thanks before moving her attention back to Azriel. 
She doesn’t even open it.  
When my eyes slide back to Lucien he is already looking at me. I raise a brow, but he simply shakes his head and exits the room. I sigh, closing my eyes and counting to 20 before getting up to follow him. 
I find him in the kitchen, leaning up against a counter. He turns as I enter the room and lets out a relieved sigh when he notices it’s me. “I’m fine” 
He looks anything but fine. His hair is falling from where he usually has it gathered at the nape of his neck and his eyes are rimmed in red. 
“Want to get out of here?” I ask, bumping my shoulder into his as I come to stand beside him. He nods and reaches down to intertwine his fingers with mine before leading me toward the front door of the River House. We barely make it to the road before he winnows us to the middle of Velaris. 
I let out a content sigh as we walk hand in hand through the empty city square. I shiver when Lucien squeezes my hand. He mistakes it as a reaction to the cold winter air and lets go of my hand long enough to shrug out of his coat and wrap it around my shoulders. 
“Are you not going to be cold, Lucien?” I ask, looking up at him through my lashes. 
He chuckles and leads me toward the bench at the edge of the Sidra. “Nah, Autumn Court, remember?”  He winks at me and pulls me down to sit beside him. “I have fire in my veins.” 
When he wraps an arm around me and pulls me into his side I can’t help but lean further into his warmth. We sit and watch the river for a few minutes, seemingly lost in our thoughts before he breaks the silence. 
“It’s stupid, isn’t it?” 
I move so I can look up at him, “What’s stupid?” 
He runs a hand through his hair and pulls at the locks as he sighs. “It’s stupid that after all of this time, I keep trying. I keep thinking that maybe this bond will be more than a cruel joke, and maybe Elain will deign to look at me. Instead, here I am wasting the attention I could be giving to someone who might actually love me on a female who doesn’t even see me.” 
“Why do you do it?” My voice is quiet, but he pulls away from me as if I’d burned him. 
“Honestly, I don’t know.” Lucien shakes his head as he stands up from the bench. “I used to think that it was because I truly care about her, but now I’m afraid that I’m only still here due to a warped sense of loyalty.” 
I want to reach out to him, but something about the way he’s shaking has me thinking better of it. I purse my lips and contemplate my next words carefully. “If you were to break the bond and stop pursuing her, would you still come to Velaris?” 
He seemed to think about that for a moment before he shook his head. “I don’t think so. I feel like they barely tolerate me as is, and if I broke the bond there isn’t anything else drawing me here.” 
“Oh,” my shoulders sag and I look away from him. “I should probably get back to the party. Feyre will be wondering where I got off to. Will you stop by and see me tomorrow before you leave?” 
A strange look crosses his face, but it’s gone before I can discern what it means. “Of course. Good Night. Happy Solstice.” 
“Happy Solstice, Lucien.” I whisper back before abandoning all thoughts of the party and instead winnowing back to my apartment. 
When I realize I still have his coat I just pull it tighter around me and head toward my bedroom. I lose myself in his scent as I cry myself to sleep. 
It’s early the next morning when a banging on my door wakes me up. I grumble as I pull myself out of my bed and toward the front door. I’m rubbing the sleep from my eyes when I look up and see Lucien staring at me wide-eyed. 
“Good morning,” he said slowly as he pulled a cup of coffee from the carrier he held in his left hand. “I was hoping we could talk. I brought coffee.” 
I took the offered coffee and turned back into my apartment, leaving the door open for him to follow. It wasn’t until we were seated on my couch that I realized I was still wearing his coat. I began to shrug it off but stopped when he held a hand up and shook his head. 
“I’m sorry,” he spoke after a moment, “I didn’t mean to upset you last night. Honestly, I hadn’t considered that you’d be upset about the idea of me not coming back to the night court. I have spent so much time being the best friend that I hadn’t considered the idea that you could return my feelings. I was too scared to voice those opinions and risk losing the one person in this court that didn’t look at me with either pity or contempt. I was stupid, but if you can forgive me for my thoughtless words, I’d like to make it up to you.” 
I blinked several times as the meaning of his words sunk in, “Your feelings?” I finally managed to say. 
Lucien nodded, a soft smile spreading across his face. “I love you.” he ran a hand through his hair and left it to rest on the back of his neck. “I’ve loved you for a while now if I’m being honest. I pursued Elain because I thought that’s what was expected of me, but we aren’t what the other wants. After I break the bond with Elain, can I still visit you? Can I come to Velaris and walk with you along the Sidra and take you on dates to all of your favorite spots?” 
I brushed away tears as I nod, “I’d love that, Lucien.” 
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fayes-fics · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
I was tagged by @suspendingtime. Thanks my dear. 🫶🫶 Apologies I'm a little tipsy right now haha. 🤪
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
155. Ahem, hush you. I started writing 18 months ago. When I get a new hobby, I REALLY lean into it.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
481,485. Yup, almost half a million. Again, shhhh.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only Bridgerton. Look, I have my hyperfixations, ok?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
On AO3:
In His Lap (Short Fic) 181 
Temptation 177 
The Lesson 155 
Insatiable 149 
Are We Friends? 148
Tumblr notes:
Second Son 3,436
Sonnet #29 2,199
Rescue & Ruin 1,841
Awakening 1,827
Temptation 1,788
Wattpad readers:
Innocence, 30,600
Benedict Bridgerton Regency One Shots 23,000
Kinktober 2022 collection 16,300
Anthony Bridgerton Regency One Shots 10,400
Moments 5,800
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. Always. It's just wonderful to get feedback. I read and respond to every single comment. They mean the world to me, truly.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably No Good Advice. I ended up writing Moments multi-chapter as I (and a friend) couldn't bear the idea they didn't end up together lolol.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them, tbh. I can't write an unhappy ending. Maybe the mushiest is Second Son, Moments, or It Had To Be You.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Luckily not much yet. I did get one hate anon early on. It wasn't about a specific fic, though. It said they didn't know why I had a 'please don't steal my work' disclaimer (the standard one that most writers here use) cos I was delusional that my work was worth stealing. 🤷‍♀️
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, it's my trademark. It's rare when I don't write smut. 😬 I'm not sure what is meant by kind of smut. I've written it all, from vanilla romantic sex to kink threesomes with harnesses and double penetration lol. I haven't had a request yet that I've turned down due to sexual content.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not yet. The closest I've gotten is It Had To Be You, which is based on When Harry Met Sally.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, sadly, it has happened quite a few times now. I was so fed up with filing copyright takedown notices that I set up a Wattpad account to try to counter it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I've been offered but have turned it down. I have no way to check that any translation would get across the nuance I aim for. So I know that may be anglo-centric, but its how I feel for now.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet, but I am always threatening to lolol.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Hmm, tough one. I do love Kanthony tbh.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Benedict as a virgin. I just urghhh.... it's been a WIP for 17 months now. I just dunno why I won't finish it; I just get the feeling I won't.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have no bloody idea. I'd prefer readers answer that tbh lol. My inclination is to say I don't have one, except perhaps a willingness to describe sex in ridiculous levels of detail? Is that a strength?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
World building. I will do anything to shortcut it. I'll find an economical way to describe a situation e.g. she's a widow; they're old friends. Got it? Good! Let's get down to business.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've done a smidgeon of French as I studied it for ten years. But I doubt I'd do another language tbh.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Only Bridgerton so far.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Bloody hell, I have no fucking idea. It literally changes depending on my mood. But I don't really care for my own writing that much, all I see is flaws lol. I guess the universe I would most like to write more for one day is Mrs Bridgerton and its sequel. Does that count?
No Pressure Tagging: A couple of my talented writing moots were tagged along with me on this (the lovelies @colettebronte and @eleanor-bradstreet). So lets go: @thebabblingbrookenook @fiction-is-life @ferns-fics @silverhallow @mothdruid @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @urchintoast 😁🧡🧡
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yawn-junn · 11 months
hi ! I’ve been wanting to request a sumin x reader one shot for a while but I haven’t got the inspiration , while I checked your song prompt list I saw Jk’s ICONIC song. Still with you. So here’s more context cuz my mind went CRAZy abt this. sumin and reader met in college , they both were in the same arts class , with their commun friend , Jinsik. Reader is an outgoing person , they (you can use any pronouns I don’t have preference ) are the type of person who isn’t scared to talk to new persons or to make new friends. And actually reader is quite popular for their bubbly personality too. So reader and Sumin met at their usual art class. Everything’s went well during the year and they grew closer and closer. Until prom. The party ended , and it was raining , everyone went back home , but sumin and reader. Sumin told reader about his and jinsik’s idols career and reader told about their career too , like reader is either a trainee under a big compagne like hybe or jype, up to you! And sumin’s thought are the lyrics ykkk
Time flew by and they don’t talk as much as they used to , if I may say they don’t talk at all lately. But they both are stuck in each other’s mind , so one rainy days , after a long time no see each others , they met. They both were walking alone in the rain , reader with an umbrella and sumin just walking , soaking wet from the rain. But when he met reader’s eyes all his thought vanished and he wasn’t thinking about anything but reader and his feeling for them
This kind of vibe yk! Like old lover type of stuff
you don’t have to follow what I wrote at all it’s just for u to see what I meant by that and the kind of vibe I want
anyways have a good day! Love !
♡︎보고 싶었어요 - Sumin♡︎
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♡︎Title: I Miss You
♡︎Special Thanks Too: strawbe3rryyayy, Sumin, Xikers
♡︎Note: sorry this took so long I've been writing short formed story's since that's all I have time for so sorry if this seems rushed or anything of the sort, also remember I have a 25 days till Christmas prompt going on rn your free to request whatever prompt and whoever you want (EMF pump is a small box that puts off lots of energy used for ghost hunting)
♡︎TW: slight angst : cursing : gender not specified but I probably called reader a girl :
♡︎Prompt: Still With You - Jungkook
♡︎Words: 1011
♡︎Taglist: @eumppappasgrippers @mxlly143
You never took your popularity for granted, never joining the group of girls who think they're hot shit, taking everything with a grain of salt. You had a decent amount of friends. Always jumping to help others, always conversing in the halls during free time, a people-person, is what people would describe you as. A normal day in art, you and your good friend Jinsik were sitting and talking, “oh right, my friend Sumin is supposed to transfer today, he’s a lot like you, i think you'll like him” Jinsik said, sketching an eye on his paper. “Like me? You mimicked, looking up from your own paper, in response Jinsik nodded, “yeah, he's super friendly you’ll balance each other” Jinsik said, lifting his head to look at you.
“What makes you think I'm willing to get along with him?” you teased, Jinsik dead panned at you, a few small giggles left your mouth “ok sorry your friend sounds lovely” you giggled. Jinsik rolled his eyes, focusing back on the drawing in front of him, a few minutes later a group of kids called your name drawing your attention to them. Getting up you quickly walked to their table, sitting in the empty seat, giggles and laughter echoed from the table as you helped them with their work. “All I'm saying is if you want an A use black paper with a white pencil, the teacher eats it up” you giggled, the students laughing and listening. Almost 20 minutes later you made your way back to your desk, stopping to see a male with green hair in your seat. Putting on a huge smile as you made your way in front of your desk, the guy looked confused “told you someone sits there” Jinsik giggled.
“Dont worry about it, you can have my seat” you said quickly stopping him from standing “what's your name?” you asked, pulling a chair up sitting in front of him. “Sumin” the boy now known as Sumin giggled “what's yours?” Sumin asked tilting his head slightly to the side, “yn, nice to meet you Sumin” you giggled holding out your hand waiting for a hand shake, Sumin reached up shaking your hand energy raiding off him like an EMF pump. “Sorry for taking your seat” Sumin rubbed the back of his neck slightly embarrassed, “don't be it's fine you just wanted to sit next to your friend i understand” you giggled, Sumins eyes slightly lit up “your even kinder than Jinsik said!” Sumin giggled. 30 Minutes of you and Sumin talking and Jinsik being the third wheel later, the three of you made your way to the cafeteria, you and Sumin slightly ahead of Jinsik talking.
“damn , kinda feel like a third wheel..” Jinsik mumbled, you and Sumin bursted out laughing, the three of you sat at a table in the middle of everything, “do you normally sit here” Sumin asked, before you got a chance to answer Jinsik answered for you, “people like to come up and sit with us” Jinsik said getting comfortable in his seat, “they really need to put better seats in here” you mumbled shifting uncomfortably in your seat, Sumin and Jinsik hummed in agreement, you and Sumin started talking again, kids came and left, this routine went on for a year till the end of school.
“Yn i think you should go, it's the end of school for our whole lives.” Jinsik said laying on your bed, “yeah he’s right, it’ll be fun you won't even have to stay the whole night” Sumin said, “are you two working together now?” you giggled, after hours of convincing from both of your friends you agreed, “What y’all think about this one?” you said holding up an outfit, Jinsik scrunched his nose “too revealing” He said, Sumin sighed “you'll look great in it” Sumin said standing up holding the outfit out to see it properly, “your so weird” Jinsik said rolling on his stomach, Sumin slightly rolled his eyes, causing you too giggle. “Finally!” Jinsik said dramatically, standing up. “Woah…you look…” Sumin said trying to find the right words “ugly? Throw up? Death? Absurd? Disgusting?” you asked jokingly,“nono amazing!” Sumin said a faint blush forming on his face, Jinsik took notice of the faint blush, chuckling making his way out your bedroom door.
The party went just like you thought, slightly overwhelmed by the amount of noise, making your way outside breathing in the fresh air, you heard the door shut, “partied out?” Sumin jokes “overwhelmed too much noise” you giggled, Sumin nodded in response “we’ll still be friends after college right?” Sumin asked doubt falling on his face, “I hope so, we never know what the future has for us, so I can't confirm nor deny” you sighed, turning to face Sumin, you noticed people start leaving “id head home before the rain starts” a girl said passing by. You and Sumin walked home together. 
Jinsik sent a text saying he had already arrived home. “It's just…yn look….me and Jinsik are in a boy group called Xikers…once collage ends tomorrow, we won't have as much freedom as we do now..” Sumin said, looking down at the ground, “Sumin..” you mumbled grabbing his attention “im a trainee..i understand” you said grabbing his hand reassuringly “a trainee?” Sumin questioned “yeah under hybe, so i wont have free time either but we can try thats all that matters” you said softly, rubbing your thumb on the back of his hand. 
That conversation was the last you'd have with Sumin, Jinsik old text left with a thumbs up from your end. That was until you and Sumin crossed paths 4 years later at Kcon “Although I'm standing still under the frozen sunset, I want to walk towards you one step at a time, Still with you, Dark room, no lights, I shouldn't get used to it, but I'm used to it again” Sumin thought to himself before making him way up to you, rebuilding the forgotten friendship, this time growing to something much more.
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satninroses · 1 year
Prompt List| Satninroses
1. “I love you.” “I know.”
2. “I’m pregnant.”
3. “I want to see you in that cute dress today. Got it?” (Elvis Exclusive)
4. “This can’t go on. I can’t continue to hurt you like this.”
5. “You seem innocent enough.” “I can assure you, I’m not saint.”
6. “What the FUCK just happened?”
7. “You touch her and I’ll make sure you don’t see tomorrow.”
8. “I’m sorry that I’m not good enough.” “Yeah, you should be.” (Angst Exclusive)
9. “(Elvis/Mafia), You’re drunk!” “Yeah, and you’re pretty”
10. “Wanna have a threesome?”
11. “You’re being rough tonight. Is everything ok?” (Smut Exclusive)
13. “Wanna take a ride?”
14. “They were looking at you like… like you were some kind of eye candy!”
15. “Oh, babydoll. What happened?”
16. “Stop talking about your boyfriend while we’re having sex.” (Msi reference lolz)
17. “Please stop doing this to yourself. For me.” (Prob Elvis Exclusive)
18. “You have to believe me!” “You’re fucking psychotic.”
19. “Upstairs. Now.” “Yes Mr. Presley”
20. “Trust me doll, I’ll be making you scream my name before I even take your shirt off.”
21. “You’re not alone baby. You have me.”
22. “Do we HAVE to go to your parents house?” “-Yes. I need to reassure them that I’m not dating thin air.”
24. “You’re my baby sister. It’s my job to protect you.”
25. “What kind of brother would I be if I didn’t scare your awful date away?”
26. “Are you even listening?” “…No…”
27. “God doll. You look like an angel.”
28. “Nice to meet you. I’m Elvis Presley” “I know, I watch the movies.”
29. “There are Elvis impersonators?” “-Oh yeah” (Time Travel Exclusive)
30. “Run away with me. I’ll give you the life you want.
31. “Lord Almighty, girl.”
32. “How long have you been doing this?” (Angst Exclusive)
33. “Do you seriously believe I’d let some greaser hurt my feelings?”
34. “You look like a dream.”
35. “I’ll find the person that did this to you. I promise.”
-More to be added!
-Requests are open for PROMPTS ONLY!
| Little backstory: I’ve had this in my drafts for a little bit (obviously) because I really wanted at least 50 prompts. I knew I needed to get these done but I just didn’t know when I was going to. So, here they are!
|When I was ??? 12-14 I wrote a Supernatural book on my Wattpad! This prompt list reuses some of them as well. If see one that’s a little on the “different” side, (If you catch my drift) thats why.
|I will continue to add to this. Please be patient!
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jamespotterismydaddy · 11 months
Hello i got a little out of the hand request because i saw you looking for jace requests and i was like ah lets help and i made this dark messed up thing like....ok not important: here it is!:)
Reader x Jace
where Aemond takes reader’s village/town and he makes her his queen and they commit war crimes together (reader basically only goes along with it to protect her own friends/family) ((feeding peasants to vhagar daily, reader being forced to behead people and aemond kissing her bloodied fingers and him forcing her to lick his sword clean ((his actual sword-sword like the one he kills ppl with)  until Jacaerys takes back the city and forces her to anwser for her crimes. Jacaerys has lost his brother and is basically hellbent on making the greens pay for their crimes and is a lot darker. I also think he lost a hand in the battle he faced but you can leave that up to yourself lol your choice, just a silly easter-egg because i once wrote for ouat fanfics (hook, lol) Oh and Alys and aemond are at harrenhall meanwhile so Aemond isnt in a rush to save his former toy and jacaerys taunts her like: Yeah he doesnt love you, neither did your parents thats whey they left you to die (shes a orphan) and stuff before fucking her or something, and he does kill someone important to her as well. 
Again: I made this up in 20 seconds so its spiraling and its spiraling hard. If you find any part uncomfy or just the entire thing: Ignore it, dont write it, i wont be offended, no problem!:) This was more of a fun what couldve been rather than a serious prompt.
Dark! Jacaerys
Terribly sorry for all the parts of this I missed, I kinda read it once and ran with it😭 posted here
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