#oisuga drabble
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bnnywngs · 9 months ago
Oikawa remembers everything from beginning to end, as if it was a movie with the highest definition inside his own brain and he was the lonely viewer.
When they first met, they were both 15.
The first time Oikawa met Koushi, he didn't know who he was - it was his anonymous post on a very popular, at that time, online forum for volleyball players. Koushi used the forum to rant and vent, letting out his thoughts and feelings for anyone interested enough to read, like a diary or something.
Oikawa couldn't judge, he did the same.
It was one particularly emotional and depressive post that their first interaction happened. Koushi had lightly sprained his ankle after too much training and was out of volleyball practice for at least two weeks. Oikawa was a veteran in injuring himself for practicing too much, just ask Iwa-chan.
After that, they started to talk more, at first through comments in each other's posts, then through dms, and lastly, through their personal social media accounts. Oikawa struggled with his feelings for a while until he found the guts to ask for Koushi's phone number.
Their talks were long and deep, exchanging personal struggles and painful feelings they rather not show to anyone. Little by little, day by day, they got closer and Oikawa was going mad, his heart overflowing with affection.
"Can we meet?" was the message he sent after losing to Ushiwaka yet again - first time in high school.
"Sure!" Koushi's answer was quick, without showing doubts or apprehension.
The place they decided to meet for the first time was a popular boba place near the station, without saying where they lived or where they went for school.
Oikawa fell even more in love with Koushi when he saw the other boy up close. Those beautiful round eyes with a beauty mark, that silky hair and innocent expression, they made his heart skip one or two beats before going overdrive.
"Wow, you're so pretty!" Koushi said and his voice was as beautiful as his everything.
Blushing faintly, Oikawa scratched his nape "You're also reaaally pretty."
"Hehe." Koushi chuckled and Oikawa could swear he saw the boy sparkle.
And suddenly, their meetup ended up being a date of sorts, with both flirting in a subtle way with each other.
Though, they never touched the subject of volleyball and school.
By the fourth pseudo date, Oikawa found the courage to ask about it.
"Isn't it better to let fate decide if it wants us to know where we study?" Koushi said with a beam that pierced right through Oikawa's heart.
"But why~?" he whined "What if I want to pick you up during Valentine's Day with a heart shaped chocolate?"
Koushi, for the first time, blushed, his pale cheeks gaining a pinkish hue that made him look even more pretty. Unfairly pretty. Oikawa was so in love he wanted to scream or bash his head against the concrete floor.
"Oh." Koushi said, embarrassed "I mean... I want that. Definitely. But." he chewed on his lower lip, looking for words "Wouldn't it be funny if we went to interhigh and we look at the other side, to the school we're playing against, and saw each other?"
"...Maybe?" Oikawa wasn't convinced "But why wait?"
"Tooru, please~" Koushi huffed, exasperated "Imagine the surprise! The dread! The panic! The gay panic! It looks straight out off a shoujo manga, right?! Right?!"
Oikawa laughed "You're so weird, what the hell." then sighed "Fine. You win. Let's do your way."
"Not my way, fate's way!" Koushi looked so proud of himself.
Not resisting anymore, Oikawa bowed down and kissed those pretty lips.
They were both 15 when they met online, and 16 when they started dating.
A year later, they found themselves across a net.
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miminiac · 4 years ago
deaf!Oikawa falls in love with hearing!Suga
It starts when Tooru sees the prettiest smile at the coffee shop. And by the way everyone looks at the man, he thinks he must be magic. He would like to go and say hi, but he knows from experience that things don’t usually work out when the person he sees is hearing.   But just because he isn’t going to talk to this mystery man doesn’t observe him. He finds it endearing the way he talks with his hands. It’s not sign language, but it makes Tooru think he would tell the best stories. A week later, Tooru is stopped as he heads out of the café. It’s the same man he’s noted every day, and he is talking rapid fire and Tooru can’t read lips fast enough. Tooru waves his hands, signs for the man to slow down, signs that he is deaf. And the man’s eyes widen. “Oh my gods, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize,” he signs perfectly. “I just thought you were ignoring me, which I found strange since you were watching me a lot. And then I thought-” Tooru signs for him to stop because he is still in shock. “You know how to sign?” he asks. “My brother is hard of hearing.” The truth is, Tooru doesn’t care how or why the beautiful stranger can sign. He is just thankful for the twist of fate. “Oikawa Tooru.” “Sugawara Koushi. Nice to meet you. Now how about tomorrow you buy me coffee instead of staring at me.” Weeks go by and coffee dates turn into dinner dates that turn into picnics. Suga is lying in Tooru’s lap, laughing at a story he told. He can feel the shaking of Suga’s shoulders, watches him wipe tears from his eyes from laughing. “What are you staring at?” Suga asks. “I bet your laugh is beautiful. I wish I could hear it.” Suga frowns briefly before something flashes in his eyes and he sits up. “Tell me a joke,” he signs. “I can’t just think of a joke on command, Suga.” “Fine, I’ll do it.” Suga composed himself to look very serious. “What did the director say when an actor fell into the ocean?” “I don’t know, what?” “At least he finally made a splash.” Tooru gives Suga a puzzled look. The joke wasn’t that funny, and yet Suga looks like he is holding back a fit of laughter. “That joke was bad-” Suga grabs Tooru’s hand and places it over his chest, then Suga leans in, his hand at the back of Tooru’s neck. He feels the tickle of Suga’s breath ragged and unpredictable. Under his hand, Suga’s heart is beating fast and his chest is rising and falling fast. Suga’s whole body is shaking, and Tooru realizes he is laughing. And although Tooru can’t hear it, he gets to feel it with Suga. Suga’s laughter dies down, but his heartbeat stays fast. Tooru keeps his hand on Suga’s chest as Suga rests his forehead on Tooru’s. Tooru’s lips part and reach out for Suga’s, but he hesitates. They are in public. However, Suga doesn’t seem to care, and he cups Tooru’s face and kisses him. They’ve shared a few small kisses before. Mostly when Tooru drops Suga off at his apartment after dinner. This kiss is different. There is something more Suga is conveying with his touch. Something he doesn’t know how to say, but Tooru feels it. The warmth, the affection… and he feels the same way about Suga. Suga breaks off the kiss and sits back. “We’re having a little get together to celebrate my brother getting into this University in the U.S. Do you want to come?” “Are you asking me to meet your family?” Tooru asks. “If I say yes, are you going to run away?” Suga teases. Tooru places his hand on Suga’s cheek. He brushes his thumb across the blush of Suga’s cheeks, and then he kisses Suga’s forehead. He pulls back to sign, “I’d never run away from you.” “So yes?” “Yes.” Suga snuggles back into his side and they spend the afternoon just wrapped in each other’s arms.
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mirakeul · 4 years ago
Continuing with that OiSuga Royal Au
Imagine th em finding each other in a ball and they both run away from the hall just so they can be together.
Like they are hiding from the others cause they are both still so shy of their newfound love. The stolen kisses, the fluttering butterflies, the feeling of adrenaline. All of it as they both dance in the garden of teh Palace. Holding each other hoping the moment won't end
😭😭😭❤ BESTIE I CANNOT HANDLE THIS AT MIDNIGHT I WANT TO SCREAM SO BAD HDHSHSHSHZ instead i cried because this is so cute omg HDJDJDJ i rly love oisuga as you can tell HAHAHHDHD
a cute little drabble below!
hushed whispers can be heard as oikawa and suga ran away from the ball, hand in hand. they arrived at the palace's garden, just a few yards away, the faint mellow sounds and joyous feast barely heard.
"are you certain this is appropriate?" oikawa asked, his anxiousness getting the better of the night.
"oh do not fret, my darling " suga said, the pet name making oikawa's skin flush with something akin to love. "i'm certain they won't take notice of our absence."
the two smiled at each other, sharing a fleeting kiss as they settled. the moon shone brightly above as the stars glisten in the sky. they were both content with the peace, and yet, their hearts are thumping with the adrenaline of being caught. oh, what a scandal it would be.
"would you care for a dance, my love?" oikawa said a few moments after, the faint playing of the orchestra of some serenade in the background, as he offers his hand to his beloved.
"why, of course." suga said, a teasing smile o his face. "i thought you'd never ask."
oikawa's hand was gentle as he guided suga, their eyes never wavering from each other. every now and then, they share a kiss and whispers their heart and soul to the other.
and so, with the melodious rhythm of their hearts, the two princes danced without a care in the world. after all, the moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?
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kalkalash12 · 4 years ago
in which Iwaizumi Hajime's fame has caused problems in Oikawa's love life before, so he's not sure how long this Sugawara Koushi's gonna last 
an Oisuga fic from Iwaizumi’s point of view; slight Iwadai 
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oisugasuga · 5 years ago
the fall
"You should not be here."
The words hissed from behind him were angry and hot-blooded but cold — like silver, black ice, the moon in the sky in the dead of winter.
Oikawa had been expecting them to be. Still… his heart leapt a little, up into the base of his throat.
That voice.
That voice haunted his nightmares, his dreams. That voice seeped and bled into every inch of Oikawa’s body every time he heard it, melting like poison — like sugar — into his veins.
That voice held everything Oikawa wanted in the shortest of syllables.
He turned around. It wasn’t hard to do, despite the goosebumps crawling up Oikawa’s arms, breathing down the nape of his neck.
It wasn’t hard to do because when he turned the world spun in cold and shadow… but it was the burning, ragged silver at the middle of it all that held Oikawa down and saved him from drowning in hoarfrost and ice, corpse-white fingers and the harshness of sharp piercings and drops of blood on pale lips.
Oikawa’s gaze fastened on it and really, it was no surprise when the breath stopped dead in his lungs.
Sugawara Koushi never failed to stop the breath dead in Oikawa’s lungs.
It wasn’t his beauty… though he was undeniably stunning in the way that destruction could be breathtaking. His voice was the distant cry of a train at midnight, calling out, lovely and haunting. His eyes were the glow of headlights down an empty interstate and they held the depths of everything humankind feared and wanted in the same moment… and his hair…
It was much more than that, infinitely more. Words that had no language to communicate them in — a soundless noise on the bitter kiss of winter’s winds, a poem cut ragged and unreadable by rime, the most fleeting of fingertips down the knobs of a cold spine.
Oikawa exhaled, damp and quiet. A thousand hungry, malicious eyes clung to his words as he spoke them… but Oikawa only looked at Suga.
"I wanted to see you."
That mouth — thin and honest, brutally so — twisted and curved with distaste - no, with regret. Oikawa glimpsed it, that remorse. It flickered once, twice, over teeth too sharp to pass as normal and so undeniably foreign on such a face.
Then it was gone.
"You must go." Train wheels on a track, unstoppable. Oikawa was powerless to resist as chilled fingers wrapped around his right bicep and pulled. Suga’s grip was like steel. Oikawa would’ve followed anyway.
They moved — past the things that lurked in the shadows and those that stood in full view and Oikawa avoided his eyes from the figures in the red haze, sneakers scuffing over the cracked marble beneath his feet. A laugh like dead leaves over frozen ground whispered through the air, amongst the crowd of gleaming hair and predatory eyes, fangs and claws and cold, twisted, beautiful faces with large pupils swallowing up any possible trace of brightness.
And down on the ground where Oikawa trained his gaze carefully, like he had been taught, he still couldn’t help but see out of his peripheral — the twisted statues once alive and the oily shine of nightshade bushes under the frost, the sparkle of dark jewels and hidden alcoves behind thick curtains, and somewhere down one of the endless, twisting halls, someone was singing… a plaintive wail that made Oikawa’s nape sting with horror and his blood rush with need.
Oikawa knew the stories. He knew the temptations.
He knew Suga was the only reason the Unseelie Court hadn’t already eaten him alive, trapped him forever, tricked him into giving away his soul willingly. He was a guest, a pet, of one of the princelings. He couldn’t be touched.
Suga loathed it, Oikawa knew. That word, pet… but Oikawa had been stupid and reckless and unheeding and Suga had warned him and now it was the only way to keep Oikawa safe from the others.
It was the only way Oikawa could get in.
They kept going. Suga didn’t speak. He didn’t relinquish the bruising hold on Oikawa. His subjects parted before them, in case Suga unleashed his wrath. Oikawa had seen it happen only once though he knew it hadn’t been the first or the last time.
He saw it even now, at night while he slept — a bloody affair with a red cap who got a little too close before he was ripped apart brutally by Suga’s own elegant, beautiful fingertips.
The same fingers that were still wrapped so lovingly tight around Oikawa’s all too human arm.
Their path was unobstructed…
… until a familiar figure loomed up out of the haze.
"Move, Suguru. Now."
If a blizzard — subzero and deadly — could be translated to words, it would be the sound of those leaving Suga’s lips. Oikawa’s arm was released, his body half-blocked from view by a tiny instep of the fae prince in front of him.
Still… Daishou was shadow. Where Suga’s hair was bright and burning star-fire, Daishou was the crash of dark waves in a winter storm, the dread of nightfall and the endless cavern down a wet, gaping throat.
Daishou still saw him, Oikawa… and unlike the others, he wasn’t afraid to edge close, dig deeper, push and push until Suga snapped.
Oikawa’s free hand slipped into his hoodie pocket, fingers skating over the cold kiss of an iron cross he had tucked there… further still to the careful, little bundle of St. John’s wort, the velvet petals sticking to his fingertips. He knew the stories, the temptations.
He knew how to protect himself when it was necessary.
"Now, now. I’ve never had to suffer a greeting as cold as yours, Koushi. There’s no need to rush. After all, your pet has only just arrived. Let him have the joy and promises we have to offer.”
Oikawa grit his teeth but stayed still. This wasn’t the first — or the last — time he had crossed paths with Daishou Suguru. He was all too familiar with this little game.
A ripple of whispers and murmuring swept the court. They were excited, all of them. Their anticipation — the thirst for blood or ice, broken skin or the sound of bones cracking — prickled over Oikawa in static.
"I said move," Suga repeated — ice breaking in a frozen stream.
For a terrifying moment — bone-chilling and horrible — Oikawa thought he wouldn’t. Thought that this moment would crack and fracture and be reduced to violence and bloodshed and death. The tension was so thick it coated the entire court in silence. So thick Oikawa wanted to gag on it.
But Daishou exhaled first. He smiled then and it was terrible, beautiful in a way that chilled Oikawa’s blood. Still, he made no move forward. He only stepped to the side, mock-bowing to Suga.
Suga’s eyes flashed in the gloom. The insult in the gesture was clear enough, the way Daishou bent lazily at the waist still wearing that smile while his pale hands beckoned Suga and Oikawa forward with a crude flick.
Oikawa felt the new wave of rage that emanated from the set of Suga’s shoulders. It was like snow in the middle of winter — quiet and slow but steadily growing into something that could prove deadly. A slick of black ice on a winding road, or an impenetrable curtain of white where there had once been landmarks.
But Daishou had stepped aside… and Oikawa was here, where he should never be. Too much was at risk. Suga moved forward and Oikawa followed.
The chill of Daishou’s eyes didn’t leave the back of Oikawa’s neck until the doors of the hall slammed shut behind them.
“Go home.”
Oikawa paused in the dark of the street. Somewhere, the ocean crashed and broke on the shore and the sound carried under Suga’s words. It enforced them.
Oikawa knew the answer. He just didn’t believe it.
Suga sighed. It was the first moment of hesitation — of weakness — he’d shown all night and Oikawa couldn’t help but drink it up. Here was a prince of Faerie, so out of place in the human world, arguing with Oikawa because he loved him.
Because they loved each other.
Oikawa’s life hadn’t been easy. Growing up with the Sight had been anything but easy.
But right now — watching Suga’s hair ruffle in the breeze off of the sea, his face an unearthly assortment of angles and lines and curves — Oikawa wouldn’t take any of it back.
“Because it is dangerous,” Suga answered finally. He wasn’t looking at Oikawa. His eyes gazed out over the bluffs, like he could see the water and all of the secrets it had accumulated over the years. His eyelashes were spiderwebs spun at night. His face was ageless. “You know that.”
“Anything worth something in life takes risk.”
Oikawa stood with his hands shoved into his pockets and he held his breath after he spoke, waiting, looking, searching…
… and there it was. There it always would be.
The gentlest curl of a smile at the corner of Suga’s mouth.
Six months ago that smile had been Oikawa’s complete and utter downfall. The last nail in the coffin. The second it took for a person to not be looking — at the road, at the signs, at the thing that mattered most — before that car swerved and tipped and everything resting on the fulcrum of their life tipped towards something unstoppable.
This was unstoppable. It always had been.
And when Suga finally looked at him, Oikawa knew he wasn’t alone in the fall.
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01sets · 7 years ago
SO I did this solo para thing for A-Z flowers of what Oikawa feels for Suga? It’s random, stupid and I was bored so yH /// tagging u bc why not @kaitbusu
Never had he thought it would come to this moment, digits dance over the different flowers laid out on the work top. It was going to be a simple arrangement of flowers, but now? Now it was turning more into a full blow confession of love, not that he cared- Oikawa wanted it this way, he wanted to admit his actual feelings without getting worked up every time the thought fluttered into his mind. A Allamanda- a heavenly flower, heavenly seeing as that is what Sugawara was to him, it was what he made him feel with every little thing- every little touch. Baby’s Breath- a flower that he could only hope would be true for them, a flower that showed everlasting love. Red and Blue Camellia’s for to tell him ‘You are the flame in my heart,’ to hint that Oikawa’s faithfulness is something that would be everlasting. A Daisy that showed loyal love, Evening Primroses for the sweet memories they’ve shared and have yet to share. Forget-me-not’s showing that to Oikawa Tooru what he is feelings is true love, true love that he’d never be willing to let go of. Gillyflowers that shows lasting beauty, of course that is something Sugawara will always have wouldn’t he? Purple Heart’s Ease seeing as Koushi is the one who always occupying his thoughts.Yellow Iris’ show passion, if anything that Tooru felt it was all very passion filled. Juniper; perfect loveliness, Kooigoed; that showed the compassion Sugawara had, the compassion he showed in the things he did. Lungwort telling Sugawara that he was his life,  Sweetness, Gentleness..showed by a simple Mallow flower. The warm love Tooru felt was a Nandina, that was simple and to the point right? Oregano the joy that was felt when Oikawa saw Koushi in the morning when he woke up, the joy he felt when he had not seen him in a long time. Pineapple, probably seemingly crazy but it say you are perfect- and that was what Koushi was, he truly was perfect. Quince that temptation he felt around the other, that temptation to kiss him when he shouldn’t- that temptation to drop everything just to spend more time with Koushi. A lavender Rose for something he never thought was true, but in any cliché matter love at first sight. A Sunflower showed; devotion..dedicated love. A variegated Tulip to say that Koushi has the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen, he’d ever see.  He is faithful with Violet’s. Koushi is refreshing to him, after all Tooru would give him the nickname Mr.Refreshing for nothing, the Wild Fennel shows that. Love can be shown for eternity can it not? Oikawa liked to think so, Xeranthemum was the flower of eternity. His heart was cured with Yarrow- Then love? Love was showed by everything was it not? Not just Zephry.
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thelittlebirdthattoldyou · 4 years ago
send me a song & a ship & i’ll write you a drabble
i was gonna work on my wips this weekend but my computer broke and won’t be fixed until monday so now i have a weekend to kill on mobile 😔 i’m gonna be opening requests back up for ~500 word drabbles so i don’t stop writing entirely.
give me any pairing and a song and i’ll listen to it and come up with something! feel free to specify any other details in your request as well.
i’m relaxing my request restrictions for this event, so any ship/content is fine except the following:
if yk me you know that iwaoi/seijoh are my lifeblood, but maybe it’s time to broaden my horizons :>
edit: polyam is good too!
send me your requests!! :D
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moramew · 8 years ago
fluffy oisuga for 25.?
send me a number and a character/pairing for a drabble!25. where is my mind
Oh gosh. My mind did not go to fluff for that but I’ll give it a go!
It was too much. There was too much to try to cram into his head, to try to remember. He had been studying for so long that all the words were running together, his mind getting fuzzy.
Oikawa groaned, pushed his fingers under his glasses, and rubbed his eyes until sparks lit up behind the lids. There was the sound of footsteps and then the feeling of hands resting on his shoulders. He smiled when a kiss was pressed to his cheek, turned his head up and pouted.
"Where is my mind, Suga-chan? Everything is all blurred together."
Suga hummed and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Break time for the scholar. No more work until after we eat."
Oikawa faked a whine but inwardly smiled, let his boyfriend pull him from the laptop and from the room.
*sweats* Drabbles are supposed to be around 100 words. 138 isn’t too much over it, yeah?
Oh well.
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sunsetika · 4 years ago
ika’s masterlist
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a quick link to all my works!
fics/drabbles (i write a lot. that doesn’t mean i write good, though)
artworks (i like drawing, too. when i feel like it. again, not rly good)
my favorite ships x taylor swift  (because her songs are fanfic fuel or me)
haikyuu angst week entries  (if you want to hurt i guess)
haikyuu/oisuga works 
same plans (in which suga proposes to oikawa)
light (in which karasuno gathers round the campfire before the third years leave)
see you around aka brainfart 1  (in which i have this elaborate idea for a slow burn oisuga fic but can never really write it)
can’t stop me, can’t stop me (in which oikawa comes home to suga dancing to kpop)
meeting the family (in which oikawa meets the karasuno vbc as suga’s boyfriend)
there is no amount of cryin’ i can do for you (in which i put exile on repeat for one whole day and end up with this oisuga piece)
heaven is a place on earth (in which oisuga go rollerskating)
you’re by my side, that’s enough (in which oikawa is a sap and i couldn’t get twice’s song out of my head)
haikyuu chibi wallpapers
haikyuu notepads
sasusakusara notepads
find me on my other socials!
twitter (sunsetika)
sasusaku works
oisuga/haikyuu works
archive of our own (ferventsunset)
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mirakeul · 4 years ago
no thoughts, head empty, i want to make a royal au HAHAHAHAHH
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haikyuu-fanfics · 5 years ago
General Information
🏐Info: Events (tagged as events) Prompts (tagged as prompt) References  Blog Updates (tagged as blog update) FAQ/About/Rules (tagged as about) Writers Page (tagged as writers page and meet the writer) Fic Recs (tagged as fic rec) Submission Guidelines (tagged as submission guidelines)
🏐Media: Drabble --less than 1k words (tagged as drabble) Oneshot --more than1k words (tagged as oneshot) Multichapter (tagged as multichap)
🏐Rating: General (G) (tagged as rate: g) Teen and up (T) (tagged as rate: t) Mature (M) (tagged as rate: m) Explicit (E) (tagged as rate: e) Rating not available (tagged as rate: n/a)
Pairings (Platonic and Romantic)*
*For pairings that involve a specific character, search the tag “(character name) pairing” ex. yachi pairing, kuroo pairing, etc
🏐Reader Insert All (tagged as reader insert) Yamamoto (tagged as yamamoto x reader) Kuroo (tagged as kuroo x reader) Yachi (tagged as yachi x reader) Yamaguchi (tagged as yamaguchi x reader) Bokuto (tagged as bokuto x reader) Akaashi (tagged as akaashi x reader) Kenma (tagged as kenma x reader) Tsukishima (tagged as tsukishima x reader)
🏐Center Character: Yachi (tagged as cc: hitoka yachi) Tendou (tagged as cc: tendou satori) Michiru Usuri (tagged as cc: michiru usuri)
🏐Platonic: Shiratorizawa Team (tagged as shiratorizawa gen) >Semi and Shirabu (tagged as gen: shiratorizawa setters) Miya Twins (tagged as gen: miya twins) Karasuno Team (tagged as karasuno gen) Team Captains (tagged as captain squad) Terushima and Hinata (tagged as gen: terushima & hinata) Oikawa and Hinata (tagged as gen: oikawa & hinata)
🏐Polyamorous (3+): (tagged with the ship name shown) AsaDaiSuga (Asahi x Daichi x Sugawara) BokuAkaIwa (Bokuto x Akaashi x Iwaizumi) BokuAkaKuroKen (Bokuto x Akaashi x Kuroo x Kenma) BokuAkaKuroTsuki (bokuto x Akaashi x Kuroo x Tsukishima) BoKuroDai (Bokuto x Kuroo x Daichi) EnnoAkaFuta (Ennoshita x Akaashi x Futakuchi) EnnoAkaTeru (Ennoshita x Akaashi x Terushima) IwaAkaOi (Iwaizumi x Akaashi x Oikawa) Poly Karasuno KageHinaKen (Kageyama x Hinata x Kenma) KinKuniKage (Kindaichi x Kunimi x Kageyama) MatsuHanaIwaOi (Matsukawa x Hanamaki x Iwaizumi x Oikawa) UshiBokuKuro (Ushijima x Bokuto x Kuroo)
🏐Pairings: (tagged with the ship name shown) A: akaiwa (Akaashi x Iwaizumi) akaken (Akaashi x Kenma) akaoi (Akaashi x Oikawa) akashira (Akaashi x Shirabu) alisae (Alisa x Saeko) asasuga (Asahi x Sugawara) asatana (Asahi x Tanaka) atsuhina (Atsumu x Hinata) atsukage (Atsumu x Kageyama)
B: bokuaka (Bokuto x Akaashi) bokudai (Bokuto x Daichi) bokuken (Bokuto x Kenma) bokuroo (Bokuto x Kuroo) bokumoni (Bokuto x Moniwa) bokuyachi (Bokuto x Yachi)
C: D: daisuga (Daichi x Sugawara) daitsuki (Daichi x Tsukishima) daiyui (Daichi x Yui)
E: ennoaka (Ennoshita x Akaashi) ennodai (Ennoshita x Daichi) ennofuta (Ennoshita x Futakuchi) ennotana (Ennoshita x Tanaka)
F: Futashira (Futakuchi x Shirabu)
G: H: I: iwadai (Iwaizumi x Daichi) iwakiyo (Iwaizumi x Kiyoko) iwakuro (Iwaizumi x Kuroo) iwakage (Iwaizumi x Kageyama) iwaoi (Iwaizumi x Oikawa) iwasuga (Iwaizumi x Sugawara) iwaten (Iwaizumi x Tendou)
J: K: kagehina (Kageyama x Hinata) kagenoya (Kageyama x Nishinoya) kageshira (Kageyama x Shirabu) kagetsuki (Kageyama x Tsukishima) kageyachi (Kageyama x Yachi) kawashira (Kawanishi x Shirabu) kawaten (Kawanishi x Tendou) kenhina (Kenma x Hinata) kinkage (Kindaichi x Kageyama) kinkuni (Kindaichi x Kunimi) kiyoyachi (Kiyoko x Yachi) kiyoyui (Kiyoko x Yui) konokai (Konoha x Kai) kuroaka (Kuroo x Akaashi) kurodai (Kuroo x Daichi) kurohina (Kuroo x Hinata) kurokai (Kuroo x Kai) kurokage (Kuroo x Kageyama) kuroken (Kuroo x Kenma) kuroshou (Kuroo x Daishou) kuroteru (Kuroo x Terushima) kurotsuki (Kuroo x Tsukishima) kuroyachi (Kuroo x Yachi) kuroyaku (Kuroo x Yaku) kyouhaba (Kyoutani x Yahaba)
L: M: matsudai (Matsukawa x Daichi) matsuhana (Matsukawa x Hanamaki) matsuten (Matsukawa x Tendou) moniten (Moniwa x Tendou)
N: O: oidai (Oikawa x Daichi) oihina (Oikawa x Hinata) oikage (Oikawa x Kageyama) oikuro (Oikawa x Kuroo) oisemi (Oikawa x Semi) oisuga (Oikawa x Sugawara) osashira (Osamu x Shirabu)
P: poly karasuno
Q: R: S: saekiyo (Saeko x Kiyoko) semishira (Semi x Shirabu) shiragoshi (Shirabu x Goshiki) sugakiyo (Sugawara x Kiyoko
T: tanasuga (Tanaka x Sugawara) tanatsuki (Tanaka x Tsukishima) tensuga (Tendou x Sugawara) tsukihina (Tsukishima x Hinata) tsukiyachi (Tsukishima x Yachi) tsukiyama (Tsukishima x Yamaguchi)
U: ukatake (Ukai x Takeda) ushiiwa (Ushijima x Iwaizumi) ushimoni (Ushijima x Moniwa) ushioi (Ushijima x Oikawa) ushisemi (Ushijima x Semi) ushisuga (Ushijima x Sugawara) ushiten (Ushijima x Tendou)
V: W: X: Y: yahashira (Yahaba x Shirabu) yamakage (Yamaguchi x Kageyama) yakulev (Yaku x Lev)
Z: Updated: February 9, 2020
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oisugasuga · 7 years ago
Karma is a witch
Read below the cut
"… well, fu-," is all Oikawa hears before there’s a loud pop and a plume of plum-colored smoke from across the room.
Or, more specifically, across the room where his boyfriend had been standing two seconds ago.
The interruption had cut off what had been a steady, soft stream of Latin, familiar and comforting against Oikawa’s ears, and now the silence is only broken by a fit of coughing from the same location of the purple cloud that hovers ominously in the air.
"Kou?" Oikawa calls out, setting the candy-colored vials he had been organizing to the side on the black marble table he’s perched at, squinting to see through the haze. He nudges his tortoiseshell glasses higher up the bridge of his nose with the tip of an index finger.
The lamps situated at odd intervals around the room had been turned down a few hours earlier by Suga, who claimed he couldn’t practice his magic properly in bright fluorescents. It throws the entire basement into a half-world of mellow, honey-colored light that pools thickly across the stone floor and outlines the curling tips and tendrils of the various plants they have growing from every spare surface, painting emerald and sapphire and rose with gold.
It also makes it very hard to see properly, even when the smoke - which smells strangely like cardamom - clears a little.
"Fucking hell," Oikawa hears Suga curse. His voice emanates strangely from the opposite side of the basement, sounds tinny and off and oddly youthful, higher-pitched and softer.
Oikawa stands up, his stool screeching behind him, circles the table and brushes past a few hanging bundles of heavyweight wisteria until he’s closer to the center of the room.
"Koushi," he says again, shivering because the floor is cold against his bare feet and he’s only wearing a thin, worn t-shirt and sweatpants, waving a hand through the air to clear some of the fog.
It’s a normal Friday night. The two of them, tucked away down in the basement of the tiny coffee shop they co-own, taking some time in their busy schedules to fall back into the magic they’ve both grown up with, the magic that runs through their blood and links them to the long, rich history of witchcraft that lingers deep down in their bones.
The winter solstice is coming up, a few weeks away now, and both Oikawa and Suga have been working tirelessly to prepare for the celebrations, to bring their own gifts to the annual gathering.
Oikawa knows that Suga prefers the summer solstice, the bonfires and the dancing and splashing out into the ocean, giddy with laugher, sand in his hair and saltwater on his lips when Oikawa kisses him and drags him under the waves.
But Oikawa personally prefers winter solstice, loves wandering the forest as the sun sinks below the horizon in a fiery explosion, smelling the cloves and apples that are stacked around the fires with careful precision, the sharp, fresh scent of the piles of evergreen boughs, adores the beautiful, curling vines of ivy that decorate the houses and the bundles of mistletoe that hang from bright red strings.
There have been a few mishaps along the way in the past few weeks of preparation, little accidental mispronunciations in spells, or an ingredient measured out wrong by half a teaspoon, done in the rush of things, but they had been easy to fix, nothing major.
But this… the smoke is taking longer to clear than usual and Suga sounds weird and Oikawa is a little concerned at this point.
"Babe," Oikawa says, sidestepping the mismatched pots of honeysuckle, their ivory petals stretching up to the ceiling, and wading farther into the haze. He’s getting close enough to finally make out the faint glint of starlight hair, although it seems a little too low to the ground, as if Suga is sitting on the flagstone. "What happened? Did you use too much rosewater again? You know it does funny things to the-"
Oikawa meets very familiar hazel eyes before he can finish his sentence, glaring up at him through thick lashes- about three and a half feet off the ground.
"Oh. My. God." Oikawa deadpans.
"Don’t." the child in front of Oikawa warns, holding up a chubby finger. "Say. Anything."
Oikawa blinks and stares, tries furiously to ignore the steadily building fizz of laughter that’s swelling in his chest, keeps his face completely straight.
Suga has somehow reverted back to being five years old - well, physically at least.
That’s the only explanation for the tiny human being in front of Oikawa. The tiny human being that has Suga’s doe eyes and his star fire hair and that dangerous glint in his eyes when he’s angry.
"I said, don’t say anything," Suga growls, his voice that of a child’s and yet still just as intimidating, and the ridiculous combination causes Oikawa’s facade to slip a little, a grin barely tilting his lips up as he desperately struggles to hold onto his composure.
"I didn’t," he defends half-heartedly, clamping his lips closed again, hysteria bubbling up the back of his throat when Suga’s large eyes narrow further, plump cheeks giving him the air of a very pissed off cherub.
"I can see it on your face," Suga complains, little hands curling into adorable fists at his sides. "You want to laugh."
"Hmmm," Oikawa hums because if he opens his mouth to speak, it’ll be over. He presses his lips harder together as the shit-eating grin that threatens to break out over his face grows stronger.
Suga pouts, silver hair, that looks so soft and curves in gentle curls around his ears, falling into his eyes, that unmistakable beauty mark that paints his skin just visible in this lighting.
He looks like one of the pretty dolls Takeru loves to play with, Oikawa thinks vaguely. And then he can’t help but grin because this is Suga, his strong, gorgeous boyfriend who - more than Oikawa likes to admit - can beat him in arm wrestling without batting an eyelash, for God’s sake. Not some play doll with miniature clothes and porcelain parts and glassy eyes.
Speaking of clothes, somehow Suga’s have shrunk to fit him, cladding him in child-size dark-wash jeans and a bright yellow hoodie, even little socks.
Oikawa’s smile widens.
"Shut up!" Suga yells in his tiny, little baby voice even though Oikawa hasn’t breathed a word.
He’s actually very proud of himself for how well he’s kept his composure so far, but when Suga stomps his foot in an absolutely perfect rendition of a child throwing a tantrum, Oikawa can’t help it.
He loses it. Starts laughing so hard he can’t breathe within seconds, eyes tearing up, both hands clutching at his ribs.
"Oh my God," Oikawa gasps out. "Kou, babe, what the fuck-"
Suga kicks him.
Just walks straight up to Oikawa, the top of his head barely reaching Oikawa’s thighs, and kicks him straight in the right shin with one small foot.
"Ow," Oikawa whines, laughter dying down immediately, different tears welling up in his eyes.
"Do it again," Suga says calmly, smiling sweetly up at Oikawa with his head tilted all of the way back, "and I’ll be sure to aim a little higher next time."
Oikawa crinkles his nose in a pout.
He’s never been this torn between wanting to kick Suga back and coo over how absolutely, perfectly adorable he is with his rosy cheeks and shining eyes and soft, little baby voice - even if his boyfriend is currently threatening to take a very low road.
It’s like Oikawa simultaneously wants to sit on Suga and wrap him in a blanket burrito to cuddle on the couch upstairs.
"Sorry," Oikawa settles on mumbling, eyeing Suga’s tiny fingers warily and wondering if his hands would still pack as much of a punch as they usually do.
Suga hums, still grinning with spine-tingling intensity, lips curved with saccharine falsity.
Oikawa wants to pinch his cheeks.
"Now," Suga says, voice dripping honey, "you’re going to have to drive me to Semi’s so I can fix this."
Oikawa wonders what Semi is going to say when they see Suga. He can already see the scowl on their face, the irritated tapping of flawless, black-painted nails on the translucent glass countertop in their kitchen, surrounded by their herbs and chunks of crystal and sparkling, sparking balls of witch light that they had enchanted to hover at various heights in the air.
Honestly, Oikawa isn’t sure when Semi sleeps. They’re always up and about, responsible for helping the other witches in the community with spells and potions gone wrong, their gorgeous Egyptian Mau constantly perched on one of their shoulders, all glowing bright eyes and glossy, dark fur.
He knows they always manage to find the solution to everyone’s problems though, despite the sleep deprivation. Turning Suga back will probably be a cinch, even if it might be a bit tedious.
Oikawa smirks. Imagining Suga trying to drive with those chubby, short legs is incredibly amusing and Oikawa isn’t feeling very sympathetic at the moment, not when Suga practically asked for trouble with that kick.
The ache in Oikawa’s shin only makes his grin more wicked, the edges of his mouth curling up slyly.
"Or," Oikawa hums thoughtfully, backing up away from Suga as he speaks, tapping an index finger agains his chin mockingly, "I could keep you like this until Takeru’s birthday passes next week. I’m sure he’d love a real-life, walking, talking doll that looks just like his beloved Uncle Koushi for a day. I’d be the uncle of the year-"
Oikawa breaks off with a half-laugh, half-screech as child-Suga, whose face is a lovely shade of cerise now, eyebrows pulled together in a scowl, charges him, whirling around to sprint up the stairs that lead to the coffeeshop, ducking on instinct as a vial of violet, powdered wolfsbane mixed with honey sails past his head a half-second later.
He doesn’t get very far.
Needless to say, Oikawa ends up driving Suga to Semi’s, a pack of frozen pees clutched between his legs with one hand while he drives with the other.
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ao3feed-daisuga · 6 years ago
off the court
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2wiI5Ln
by raptoriousVigilante
3 sentence au prompt fills from tumblr!
1. daisuga - cafe au 2. sugahina - college au 3. kagehina - ice skating au 4. oihina - idols au 5. oisuga - daycare au
Words: 521, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 15 of 3 Sentence AU askbox fills
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi, Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Oikawa Tooru
Relationships: Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Hinata Shouyou/Sugawara Koushi, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou/Oikawa Tooru, Oikawa Tooru/Sugawara Koushi
Additional Tags: Tumblr Prompt, Drabble Collection
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2wiI5Ln
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flowercrown-princess · 3 years ago
Tumblr media
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ao3feed-tananoya · 3 years ago
Random Haikyuu drabbles/oneshots
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/hjyDTep
by arson360
these are just some random Haikyuu drabbles I make in my free time, I wouldn’t expect regular updates cuz like school n stuff but idk, this is my first story so it’ll most likely probably just be like a tester thing, so sorry if it’s bad lol anyways enjoy ✨
Words: 1923, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Oikawa Tooru, Sugawara Koushi
Relationships: Oikawa Tooru/Sugawara Koushi, Kuroo Tetsurou/Sawamura Daichi, Nishinoya Yuu/Tanaka Ryuunosuke, More at some point
Additional Tags: kind of angst?, Angst/Comfort, cute ass OiSuga bc they deserve it, Fluff, No Smut, ok well like maybe a little but not full on, Does anybody even read these?, it’s my first story so be nice
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/hjyDTep
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jortsbutterbutt · 7 years ago
haikyuu!! fic rec [part 2: matsuhana + rare(r) pairs (and threes)]
i know i said in the last post that the daisuga list would be the longest... well. i spend half of my life on ao3 now so i really shouldn’t be surprised. i guess i could have split this post up, but really, once you start getting into one rare pair, you just fall into a deep, dark hole where you seek out all these other rare ships... so here are a bunch of rare pair fic to swallow up all your time. i do sometimes gravitate towards side characters more in choosing the stories that i read, for better or for worse. and yes, i am the kind of person who will click on an author’s profile after reading a particular work i like. (i linked the twitter / tumblr profiles of those i could find, so pls use them! i’m sure authors love to hear from their readers.)
boiled frogs by @gnetophyta [pining // lots of angst // abuse (not endgame)]
Only Need The Light When It’s Burning Low by tookumade ( @naff-nuff-nice ) [pining // nightmares]
Habenaria Radiata by tookumade [fluff]
Baby(sitting), Maybe by tookumade [kid fic // fluff]
Parallel Lines by orphan_account [math team au // punny as hell // can’t stop cackling]
Magical Mishaps and How to Deal by plumtrees ( @plumtreeforest ) [demon au // kid au]
Get a Lick of This by plumtrees [piercing kink // smut]
Even Though it All Went Wrong by plumtrees [death fic // illness // i’m not crying]
Captured Light by plumtrees [light angst // mostly fluff tho]
and indeed there will be time by plumtrees [fluff // angst // getting together]
that’s what you get (for waking up in vegas) by @skittidyne [accidental marriage?? // drunk antics]
plus one by orphan_account [fluff // getting together]
chocolate by tellalie ( @mnet-anti ) [fake dating // pining] 
rated m for by orphan_account [voice acting au // funny as hell]
hang out fall in love by carafin [enemies-to-lovers // magic au] @carafinn.tumblr.com
on the anatomy of crushes by carafin [med school au // fluff]
christmas flus by midwinter stars [christmas // sickfic // fluff]
next by charcoalsuns ( @cmscribbles ) [fake dating // feelings] 
you make my heart sizzle by @soveryaverageme [food au??? // fluff]
Efflorescence by h_lovely ( @h-lovely ) [slow burn // friends to lovers // smut // glasses kink] 
Matsuhana Week 2017 by h_lovely [drabbles // fluff]
A God for Every Season by timkons ( @90stimkon )  [greek mythology au // fluff // light angst] 
Wet Your Whistle by darkmagicgirl ( @deternot / @darkmagicalgirlwrites ) [fwbs // smut // a smidgen of angst]
Apothecary by Skylark ( @ventifacts) [youkai/supernatural au]
Motivation by Skylark [developing friendships // vignette]
No Chill by PrinceVenus ( @smolnerds ) [suga-is-an-annoyed-paramedic au] 
Sense by Ellessey ( @ellessey-writes ) [superpowers au // fantasy]
tell me when you hear my heart stop by tidaline [unrequited // pining // angst]
And flowers bloom in his wake by @kythen [magical gifts au // pining]  
Black Tail by @brewcha [magical realism // fluff // lots of cats // artist au] 
Seek and Find by Skylark [domestic fluff // vignettes]
Flow by Skylark [getting together // crushes]
calm me down by Skylark [smut // locker room] (→ basically everything by Skylark ???)
deck the halls by @sizhu [christmas // fluff // I KNOW CHRISTMAS IS OVER BUT]
Despite the Warning Signs by @natroze [roommates au // funny as hell]
Christmas Miracle Boy by ellipsometry ( @hotelscalifornia ) [tendou annoys the hell out of suga // christmas carols] 
Heartbreaker and Pretty Boy (series) by much_ado [fluff // smut // light angst]
Tendou Enchanted by @rarepairenabler (twitter) [magic au] 
oisugaten? oitensuga? tensugaoi?
the perils of boredom and devious boyfriends by rarepairenabler [smut]
mess me around by dickaeopolis (dicaepolis) [fluff]
Fly by TheGreatCatsby ( @catsbythegreat ) [mental health // angst] 
Double Black by TheGreatCatsby [bungou stray dogs au // angst // lots of angst]
these stars here on earth by @oisugasuga [sci-fi // super powers // angst // fluff??] 
How Scandalous by oisugasuga [harry potter au // fake dating // but also domestic fluff]
all the small things by Authoress ( @kiribakus ) [kid fic // fluff] 
tick tock by @ezzydean [poetic smut // magical realism] 
interstellar by oisugasuga [space au // fluff]
A Series of Unfortunate Decision Iwaizumi Hajime Makes Because of Oikawa Tooru (and Sugawara Koushi) by Asphyxiation (cat_in_my_hat)
You’re Home Again (I’m Glad You Kept the Key) by CheekyBrunette ( @thecheekybrunette ) [heavy angst // addiction // mental health] 
The Humanity You Gave Back To Me by @shaerahaek [space pirates au] 
Begin Again by carafin [swap roles au]
Falling For You by @twisting-vine-x [friends-to-lovers // fluff] 
bonus daisuga: (because i stumbled across this after i made the last post)
I’ll Keep You Safe by @moramew [angst // fantasy // war] 
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