succikko-nebulae · 3 months
Je fais que relayer de façon mega lazy mais je sors du depouillement alors je suis trop mort pour refaire mes propres phrases.
Si apres cette nouvelle rassurante vous vous sentze l'envie de faire un truc bien pour les personnes les plus vulnérables et ciblées par les fachos, y'a une asso d'aide au exilé.e.s qui fait une cagnotte pour reparer les degats causés par des faf.
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Je mets le lien du post sur l'image et celui du helloasso en bas, restez solidaires et prenez soins de vos potes exilé.e.s en général
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kixthecondomfairy · 2 years
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oilaaustralia · 6 months
Smooth Cuts and Longevity: The Essential Role of Chainsaw Bar Oil
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In the world of woodworking and forestry, chainsaws stand as indispensable tools, effortlessly slicing through wood with precision and power. Yet, behind every smooth cut lies a crucial component: chainsaw bar oil. This often-overlooked fluid plays a vital role in ensuring the longevity and efficiency of chainsaws. Let's explore the essential role of chainsaw bar oil and how it contributes to both performance and durability in forestry and woodworking applications.
Lubrication for Precision Cutting
Chainsaws operate at high speeds, with chains rapidly rotating around the guide bar to cut through wood. This constant motion generates significant friction and heat, which can quickly wear down the chain and bar if not properly lubricated. Chainsaw bar oil provides essential lubrication to reduce friction between the chain and bar, ensuring smooth cutting action and preventing premature wear.
Protection Against Wear and Heat
Beyond lubrication, chainsaw bar oil acts as a protective barrier, shielding the chain and bar from damage caused by heat and friction. By forming a thin film between moving parts, the oil minimizes metal-to-metal contact, reducing wear and extending the lifespan of the chain and bar. Additionally, chainsaw bar oil helps dissipate heat generated during cutting, preventing overheating and potential damage to the chainsaw components.
Adhesion and Tackiness
One of the key characteristics of chainsaw bar oil is its adhesion and tackiness. Unlike conventional lubricants, chainsaw bar oil is formulated to cling to the chain and bar, even at high speeds. This tackiness ensures continuous lubrication during operation, preventing oil fling-off and ensuring consistent performance throughout the cutting process.
Environmental Considerations
In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on environmentally friendly chainsaw bar oils. Biodegradable formulations and low-toxicity additives minimize environmental impact, reducing the risk of soil and water contamination in forestry operations. By opting for eco-friendly alternatives, chainsaw users can align their practices with sustainable forestry principles and environmental regulations.
Regular Maintenance for Optimal Performance
To ensure the effectiveness of chainsaw bar oil, regular maintenance is essential. Chainsaw operators should regularly check oil levels and top up the reservoir as needed. Additionally, cleaning the chain and bar to remove debris and sawdust buildup helps maintain proper lubrication and prolongs the life of the chainsaw components.
For More: Contact: (03) 7002 6133 Email: [email protected] Timings: Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm Visit Us: https://oila.au/
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jazaesis · 3 months
Cyareclones is a scammer.
I normally don't reply to asks like this. However, I and many of my friends, have had several bad experiences with this artist, on discord, tumblr and instagram.
This artist who ghosted me after winning their diys, and they have since erased almost everything regarding it. I never received the dtiys prize which a copy of their ‘Out of Time’ art book. I’m not upset about it, especially knowing their reputation. If anything I’m very upset that my dtiys entry for their contest is my most successful post across all platforms. [I do very much wish I can delete it from the face of tumblr.]
I was very much afraid to speak on my experiences with them publicly in fear of retaliation. Same goes for my friends. However, the way they have treated people is unacceptable.
I have since gotten to know them irl as they attended the same college I recently graduated from. Overall, they were just over all very unkind.
I do not condone bullying, it's up to you to set your own boundaries online as it's a public space. For me, I do not associate nor interact with anything regarding this artist. These are my boundaries. Be kind, keep our community positive and safe 🫶
(Disclaimer: I take minor safety very seriously. They were an adult (18+) when all of this occurred. It is your responsibility to regulate how you interact with others online.)
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gruvu · 2 months
Love your work!
I just wanted to leave you a message that Cyareclones has been called out for scamming people recently (ish?), there’s a thread here https://x.com/cyarebeware/status/1798901728462635512?s=46&t=vymwc6LSBMo0JztlX-oILA and there’s an account on IG also reporting on the scamming, https://www.instagram.com/cyareclonesscam?igsh=MW0xdzBldW1sbTdpdQ==
This isn’t a hate to you or anything! Cy has been trying to shove this down by blocking users, or rebloging/reposting to hide them, basically. unfortunately, there are users out there that are getting aggressive with the lack of accountability Cy has taken, and are going around being passive aggressive to users who made art to cyareclones, showed support, is friends/mutuals with then and so on.
hopefully you didn't receives any of them, and i was the first to warn you (both about cyareclones and the potently mean messages!)
have a nice day!!
So first thank you for letting me know, I wasn't aware of the situation at all. We aren't friends nor mutuals, I liked their clone art but from what I have dug into this, which I recommend people who are curious to do, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
Thankfully I am a smart artist as well and I doubt people will go out of their way to come after me, and if they do. I really haven't interacted with them at all. I don't think I had a conversation? Anyway thank you for letting me know.
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@novellinasu and @secondlifep tagged me to share my top 4 comfort movies. Oila! Here they are:
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I will tag (if they care to): @nothingeastofme @beksbee @aflowstate @trashyeggroll @opprobriouscunt @dwainerob1954 @erosallaround @memoriesofthingspast @cosmic-hub
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hornyitaliankitty · 1 year
Oila^ keggo e vedo nel tuo post di tutto...una cosa mi ha convinto....che tu hai una voglia di cazzo da morire.....eh?
È una cosa brutta?
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mariacallous · 2 years
Olia Hercules - How To Make Chicken Tabaka Recipe
Traditional Georgian dish cooked by Oila Hercules. Chicken Tabaka served with lobio bean salad and tkemali plum sauce. Produced by Scrumptious Food Photography.
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I’m split on how I want to do this. I’m not sure about Violante’s hair. I’m so annoyed, I want these to come out nice, but I’m really not liking these details.
Help? Advice? Anyone?
Edit: UPDATE! Took a break for about an hour then came back. Did some changes. Voila!!!
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I like it! 😃
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ustoyou · 11 days
What Should You Know About Organic Hair Growth Oil?
Whether you are dealing with hair loss or simply wish to have longer and thicker hair, getting an organic hair growth oil might be just what you need. But with a world full of products available though, it is sometimes not easy to choose the one that is effective. That is why I was inclined to test the organic hair growth oilas soon as I heard about the product. This natural formula works to bring back the growth of hair through stimulating the hair follicles. I have been using it for several months now, and I am pleased to say that it really works!
Best natural hair growth oil contain a significant amount of chemicals in their composition, the Ustoyou formula includes only plant oils and extracts. Castor oil, coconut oil, lemongrass oil and onion seed oil have been used traditionally to promote circulation, strengthen hair and stimulate hair growth. Besides not containing parabens, sulfates, and other related chemicals, this oil is also not tested on animals. Everyone knows that it is good for the planet, but what many do not realize is how good it is for your hair!
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As suggested by the name, thebest natural hair growth oil is a product that has been derived from natural components and is used to promote the growth of hair.
To use Ustoyou organic hair growth oil, it only requires a few minutes in a day. All I do is apply a few drops and gently rub it on my scalp where the problem is most acute. The oil has the raw smell of herbs mixed with a slightly sweet smell that I believe to be calming. Since it is potent, you need to use only a small quantity of it.
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oilsaustralia · 19 days
Air Compressor Oil | oila
Compressor oil is crucial for the efficient operation and longevity of compressors used in various industries. This specialized lubricant plays a pivotal role in maintaining the performance of both rotary and reciprocating compressors. Here are some key points to consider about compressor oil:
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Lubrication and Protection: Compressor Oil provides essential lubrication to the moving parts of the compressor. It reduces friction between components, which helps in preventing wear and tear. This lubrication is vital for ensuring smooth operation and extending the lifespan of the compressor.
Heat Dissipation: Compressors generate significant heat during operation. Compressor oil helps in dissipating this heat by carrying it away from the critical parts of the machine. Efficient heat management prevents overheating, which can lead to mechanical failure and reduced efficiency.
Contaminant Removal: Compressor oil aids in trapping and removing contaminants such as dust, metal particles, and other impurities from the compressor system. These contaminants can cause damage and decrease the efficiency of the compressor if not properly managed.
Chemical Stability: High-quality compressor oils are designed to withstand the chemical stresses present in the compressor environment. They resist oxidation and degradation, ensuring that the oil remains effective throughout its service life.
Compatibility: It is essential to use the right type of compressor oil that matches the specifications of the compressor. Different compressors may require different oil formulations to ensure optimal performance.
Regular Maintenance: Regularly checking and changing the compressor oil is crucial for maintaining the efficiency of the compressor. Old or contaminated oil can lead to reduced performance and potential damage.
In conclusion, understanding the role and importance of compressor oil can significantly impact the performance and longevity of your compressor. Regular maintenance and the use of the right oil are key to ensuring that your compressor operates efficiently and reliably.
For More:
Contact: (03) 7002 6133
Timings: Mon-Fri: 9am-5pmVisit Us: https://oila.au/
Visit us: https://oila.com.au/
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ilsaa · 2 months
Hola me llamo ilsa y voy a empezar a escribir porque necesito desahogar mi vida y todo lo que interiorizo.
Voy a empezar a expresar mis sentimientos y emociones en este papel blanco y a repartir verdades.
En este caso esta es mi vida y esta es mi verdad.
Se titula la vida despues de los 27 años "la iniciacion".
Justo en el momento algido en el que estoy a prueba en mi vida entre cruzar o no las fronteras y muros que yo misma me eh construido para continuar mi camino.
Me llamo ilsa y mi segundo nombre es Carolina, naci en mi pais natal Mexico a mediados del verano de 1996. Justo 50 años despues de las bombas nucleares que se lanzaron a este planeta. Cerca del mar del golfo de mexico. Y de los campos verdes con mosquitos.
Si asi es, en la ciudad en la que los aliens tienen su puerto intergalactico en el mar, si jaja estoy hablando de el puerto de altamira. Soy puerteña de nacimiento, creci con la brisa del mar. Por suerte nunca me toco ningun huracan desde que naci (los aliens nos protegian jaja).
Tomen en cuenta que es irrelevante el personaje en si, lo que piensas de mi, es solo un desarrollo de persona y este libro es solo una percepcion de la interiorizacion de mi mente (ahora mismo estas entrando en mi mente) toma todo lo que te sirva y lo demas no lo tomes personal. Asi es la vida de un escritor, escribir tu verdad, ponerte tu mente, tus pensamientos al ojo publico. Ahi esta borges, esta paulo cohelo.
Se me hace una corbadia escribir con sombre nombres de personajes ficticios, asi que aqui vamos.
Como libro de cuentos.. Erase una vez jaja
Naa mentira
Aqui no hay ningun cuento de hadas. Criada de una familia semifuncional donde mis padres no se separaron pero se daban en la madre con palabras fuertes y un toque toxico y dependiente.
Tengo dos hermanos mayores y bueno yo la menor. Siempre me considere la mas rebelde y revolucionaria jaja oila, solo porque era desobediente y me tachaban de inamdura y bueno si lo era, me lo adapte, por ser la menor.
No te gustara lo que sigue.
En realidad yo queria ser la hija buena en todo, pero no sentia que se me daba el valor por el hecho de ser mujer. Asi que decidi ser la oveja negra. Si una no iba funcionar, la otra si jaja.
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um acutally EULA is pronounced more accurately like OILA
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glitchylaptop · 4 months
No se JAJA, como que J si esta algo bonita y todo y no se, me estoy questionando muchas cosas-Tessa
Oila oila, ay Tessa jeje
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jubaer01 · 7 months
SAUDI Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Official Visa Online
Saudi Visa Online Application - Saudiya Arabistoni rasmiy ariza markazi
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Address :  25, rue Istiqbol, Тоshkent, Uzbekistan
Phone : +998 71 232 81 00
Website : https://www.saudi-visa.org/uz/visa/
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name :Roger Blinkist  Jacob
Description :Saudiya Arabistoni eVisa - bu Saudiya Arabistoni Qirolligiga kirishning eng oddiy usuli bo'lgan elektron vizani tasdiqlashning yangi turi. Saudiya Arabistoni uchun eVisa bu ellikka yaqin mamlakat aholisiga Umra, biznes, dam olish, diqqatga sazovor joylarni ko'rish, sayohat qilish va Saudiya Arabistonini kashf qilish imkonini beruvchi elektron viza. Bu Saudiya Arabistoniga tashrif buyurish uchun viza ruxsatini olishning eng tez, eng oson, eng sodda va eng oddiy usuli. Asosan, qilishingiz kerak bo'lgan yagona narsa veb-saytda juda qisqa Saudiya vizasi arizasini to'ldirish va Saudiya Arabistoni eVisangizni 24-48 soat ichida elektron pochta orqali olishdir. Saudiya Arabistoni uchun Visitor yoki Business eVisa 2019 yilda Saudiya Arabistoni hukumati tomonidan rivojlangan mamlakatlarning Saudiya Arabistoni Qirolligiga tashrif buyurishini osonlashtirish uchun tasdiqlangan. Saudiya vizasining eski usullari, masalan, elchixonaga tashrif buyurish yoki pasportingizga shtamp qo'yish tavsiya etilmaydi. Saudiya Arabistoni onlayn vizasi sizning qulayligingiz uchun boshqa turdagi vizadir. Siz shunchaki onlayn shaklni to'ldirishingiz va yuzingiz fotosuratini yuklashingiz kerak. Shuningdek, Saudiya Arabistoni uchun ushbu turdagi elektron viza har bir tashrif uchun 90 kungacha bo'lgan bir nechta kirish uchun amal qiladi. eVisa bir yil davomida amal qiladi. Bu Saudiya Arabistoniga bir necha marta kirishingiz mumkinligini anglatadi. Saudiya Arabistoni uchun ushbu elektron viza yoki eVisa mamlakatga har bir kirishda 90 kun qolishga ruxsat beradi. Saudiya vizasi onlayn berilgan kundan boshlab bir yil davomida amal qiladi. Saudiya Arabistoni elektron onlayn vizasiga murojaat qilgan shaxslarga, shuningdek, Saudiya Arabistoni Qirolligiga sayohat qilish uchun zarur shart bo'lgan eVisa bilan bog'liq bo'lgan Majburiy sug'urta shartnomasi ham beriladi. Saudiya Arabistoniga tashrif buyurgan shaxs Saudiya Arabistoniga har qanday dengiz portlari, havo terminallari va ba'zi quruqlik portlari orqali kirish uchun Saudiya eVisasidan foydalanishi mumkin, boshqacha qilib aytganda Saudiya eVisa Online havo, suv va quruqlikdagi transport usullari uchun amal qiladi. Sayohatchi eVisa sizga o'yin-kulgi, bayramlar, do'stlar bilan uchrashish, ish uchrashuvi, ishga yollash, sotib olish, savdo qilish, sotish, mulk sotib olish, oila va oila a'zolari bilan uchrashish va Umra kabi sayohat sanoati bilan bog'liq mashqlarda qatnashish imkonini beradi. Quyidagi mamlakatlar Saudiya vizasiga onlayn murojaat qilishlari mumkin , Maldiv orollari, Slovakiya, Ukraina, Gretsiya, Kanada, Portugaliya, Avstraliya, Qozog'iston, Irlandiya, Litva, Xorvatiya, Tojikiston, AQSh, Koreya, Janubiy, Malta, Panama, Kipr, Islandiya, Yangi Zelandiya, Yaponiya, Chernogoriya, Seyshel orollari, Ispaniya, Oʻzbekiston, Vengriya, Rossiya Federatsiyasi, Germaniya, Sloveniya, Norvegiya, Italiya, Niderlandiya, San-Marino, Ozarbayjon, Bolgariya, Albaniya, Malayziya, Sent-Kitts va Nevis, Estoniya, Shveytsariya, Monako, Buyuk Britaniya, Belgiya, Singapur, Chexiya, Finlyandiya, Lyuksemburg, Andorra, Latviya, Polsha, Bruney, Avstriya, Turkiya, Fransiya, Gruziya, Qirg‘iziston, Shvetsiya, Daniya, Ruminiya, Janubiy Afrika, Lixtenshteyn, Tailand va Mavrikiy. Saudi Arabia eVisa is a new type of Electronic Visa approval that is the simplest way to gain entry into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. eVisa for Saudi Arabia is an electronic visa which permits residents of around fifty countries to do Umrah, Business, Vacation, Sightseeing,  Travel,
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ajxrn-archive · 7 months
youhd ma ncac nac cantt blame mawe emm eme atr rat oila taseet gerayt buet it f deao adoesnet sounf tastea aslos abmulasns is alsrady comaing
What is blud saying🙏😭
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