ohmypreciousgirl · 9 months
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Written by @ohmypreciousgirl and edited by @venagrey.
Chapter 3 snippet:
“I still can’t believe that just happened,” Kim says. He’s trying to muffle his laughter but failing miserably. Chay sighs. “Go ahead. You can laugh.” Kim presses himself against Chay, dropping his face between Chay’s neck and shoulder. He’s laughing so hard that his shoulders are shaking, though no noise is coming out of his mouth. Chay shakes his head in amusement. Even if it’s at his expense, he likes when Kim is relaxed enough to genuinely laugh. Kim takes a step back and looks at Chay. “She flashed you and you said ‘they seem nice, but no thank you,’” Kim manages to say before doubling over laughing. Chay feels his face reddening. He can’t believe their drunk neighbor just offered them a threesome before showing them her boobs. He doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to look her in the eyes again. “Angel, you’re so polite,” Kim teases him, giving Chay a playful nudge. “Your brother should be so proud for raising such a well-mannered man.”
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studiesof-fandom · 1 year
Help your fellow acafan!
Does anyone here work or has worked with shipping as a subject of research? I need to do a list of specific questions regarding shipping and I'm feeling a bit lost. Also, you don't have to have studied as a subject, but if you have a lot of ideas for questions about shipping overall you can contact me too.
You can send a DM or an ask to talk to me here or at my personal blog @ohmypreciousgirl. Reblog to spread the word pls!
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pichitinha · 2 years
Recomendação de blogs brasileiros pra seguir? Não necessariamente que postem em português
oie! eu não sigo tantos brasileiros e a maioria posta mais em inglês, igual eu, mas alguns dos que eu sigo são:
@mrgaretcarter @notagoodplace4gods @vickytokio @kassiminha @stary-spice @lenonizi @beforetheworldwasmade @ohmypreciousgirl @iwantanicecreampool @lonely-watcher @savethedramaforoprah @piiinco @stewartsjaymes @ross-writes @unreadpoppy @muri-chan @ace-and-ranty @marisheretoo
variedade imensa de tipo de conteúdo
provavelmente esqueci alguns, alguns tão inativos há muito tempo então não listei, mas é isso
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kiss-my-freckle · 5 months
That Stelena blogger was so dumb that she made a post before season 4 shaming Elena for "falling in love with a psychopath" even though Elena chose Stefan and when Delena happened in season 4 she claimed her love came from the sire bond despite what she said earlier and that Delena fans were disgusting people to ship Elena with Damon. This response by a Delena fan before season 4 makes me laugh:
lmfao! While it does have a different impact killing inside Elena's circle, ripping apart strangers doesn't stop her from being disgusted. You can see it on her face when they're in the gym in 3x5. and hear it in her tone when she talks to Alaric about it in 6x2. She's still a compassionate human being that feels for other human beings. Elena hating Damon as she did... she gave the audience a clear-cut view just how deep she'd love him. That's why Rebekah has a dialogue about Nik in that regard. "I've spent my whole life loving and hating my brother with equal measure." However, I have to say that Damon didn't kill the majority of Elena's family and friends. The only family I blame him for is Jeremy. I don't blame him for John, Isobel, or Jenna.
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Attention tumblr - it is my job and duty to bring to your attention a TV show called Deadly Class that recently started airing on Syfy. Not only is this show pretty good, but it is basically a Foxhole Court AU and the main character Marcus is basically Neil, and not just because he looks like what we always imagined Neil to look like  i mean look at this shit what the fuck
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but the synopsis is that a homeless, disillusioned teen named Marcus is recruited into King’s Dominion, a secret academy for the Deadly Arts
So if yall are looking for something to help fill the void left behind, check out this Foxhole Court Murder School AU that you never thought you needed
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levyfiles · 6 years
let's talk about ryan's dance and shane laughing and ryan asking if he liked it and shane just replying with a 'it's not great' - implying he was somewhat enjoying ryan shaking his bod'
Oh my Lawd yes. Shane’s voice was so calm and his laugh was so lowkey; he was just having a good time and was a little bit nonplussed by this new fearless Ryan jamming up there with his hips rocking, I mean what the shit?? And Ryan asking if he likes it is honestly going to haunt me worse than any ghost could. Snakes are manifesting in my home. Blood is on my walls and it’s spelling out the words ‘HE LIKED IT”
Anyway, I kind of do find it endearing that Shane knew the camera would get the best angle of Ryan being ‘rocked down those stairs’ (whatever tf that wording means) if he captured it from a very low angle so he sat with his legs stretched out. What a pair!
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amandaisnotwriting · 6 years
ohmypreciousgirl replied to your post “Ele não”
Honestamente, um dos poucos pensamentos que me consolam é saber que quem elegeu vai sofrer e carregar isso na consciência até morrer. Posso sofrer, mas ao menos sei que lutei até o último minuto pra não deixar ele entrar como presidente.
Isso mesmo. Eu sei que não é o pensamento mais saudável, mas to nesse time também. O que me consola é saber que mesmo que a gente sofra, eles também sofrerão. Espero que em dobro.
E sabemos de que lado da história estivemos, sabe? Pelo menos temos isso e ninguém vai tirar isso de nós.
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emberfaye · 6 years
I think Jake from B99 because he'd make you laugh, but also would try to help you any time you needed cause when he's with someone, he always want to be a partner with them - as mom friend you need someone that would take care of you back ahahaha
omg I just saw this. This was the for “who do you ship me with” meme? I love this answer, and totally agree Jake would be absolutely amazing as a partner.
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hcourageous · 6 years
ohmypreciousgirl replied to your post “anyone have any good sick day shows to recommend?”
do you like asian stuff?, cause my current fave tv show is a feel good show for moments like this
i do like asian things, i like a few korean dramas and stuff, i haven’t watched anything in awhile because i don’t usually have time to read subtitles
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sadlittlenerdking · 7 years
queliot - proposal
Hey, so this turned into a oneshot–whoops! And I’m not sure … it’ll be what you want. As I’m not sure it’s how I wanted it to go, but. Here it is. If you hate it, just send me another “proposal” prompt and I’ll do a new one. (Seriously, if you want another proposal one, I’ll def do it, bc I’m not sure i like how this one turned out.) 
Penny expects a lot when he walks into the the throne room. He doesn’t expect his friends to react, they’d done all their reacting after Julia gave him a new body, but he does expect a hello from one of them or something. He expects chaos now that the fairies are dead. He expects hustle and bustle. He expects a lot. 
But, what he finds are three of his friends, Kings and Queen, sitting on their thrones, just staring out at nothing. Quentin’s hairs fallen all in his face, and jesus, he’s still got the fairies blood, dried up where it dripped down his cheeks. Margo’s toying with the ends of her hair as she stares listlessly. And Eliot’s staring at Quentin like he doesn’t know what to do with himself. 
“Uh,” He says, nearly jumping himself as they all practically fall out of their chairs, as if the door hadn’t creaked loud enough to wake a sleeping bear. “What’s going on here?” 
“We’re reveling in our victory,” Quentin mutters, pushing up from his chair, “Can’t you tell?” 
“Reveling usually consists of more, I don’t know–reveling?” 
Quentin huffs and makes his way over to the drinks placed just out of reach of the thrones. “This is reveling!” He exclaims, pouring himself a drink, “Yippee. We killed an entire species of magical creatures! Margo’s marriage got annuled because they never had sex!” He pauses, swallowing down whatever’s in the cup and making a face, “And! Eliot’s engagement to Idri is back on! Today’s chock full of reveling.” 
Penny blinks. Jesus, he’s aggressive. Choosing not to get killed by an overly amped up king, he turns his attention on Margo, who’s now just watching Quentin like she actually feels bad. And honestly–how much did Penny miss while he was dead? What the fuck. “And you, space captain? Why’re you all gloom and doom?” 
She rolls her neck towards him, “I’m fine,” She says, “Gloom and doom doesn’t fit with my sense of style.” 
He rolls his eyes and moves on to Eliot. “What about you? Anything you want to lie about?” 
“Nope.” His pops the ‘p’ and slumps down in his throne. “We just got everything we’ve wanted.” He smiles wryly, but it falls, quick, as Quentin scoffs. He turns towards him, “I don’t know why you’re so fucking upset about this–”
Quentin pours himself another drink. “Oh, you know damn well why i’m upset.”
And, he might be wrong, but Penny’s pretty sure Quentin’s about to cry. If the tears welling up in his eyes, and the white knuckle tight grip on the cup is anything to go by. And knowing Quentin? It is. 
Penny raises a hand, “I don’t. Enlighten me?” 
Eliot shoves up from the chair and points a shaking finger at Quentin, completely ignoring Penny. “I asked you what you thought about it!” He exclaims, stalking across the room. Behind him, Margo sits up straighter, like this is something she’s been waiting for all week. “And you told me, ‘do whatever you want, Eliot.’ Instead of actually talking to me about this like a grown ass man!” 
“Because it’s not my decision!” 
“Oh, isn’t it, though, Q? Isn’t it?” 
“This is your life.” 
Penny walks across the room to stand next to Margo. She looks up at him. “I’ve been waiting for this blow up for weeks.” 
“Shhh, just watch. They’ll resolve it, now that Q’s drunk and Eliot’s angry.” 
Penny doubts Quentin’s capable of resolving anything other than how much he hates himself, but sure, okay. He turns back to them to find Eliot standing directly in front of Quentin. 
“Don’t you think you’re a pretty significant part of my life?”
Quentin makes a face, brings the cup to his face and swallows down whatever alcohol is in it in one quick gulp, and shrugs up at Eliot. “Not as significant as I thought.” 
Eliot staggers back a step before he shakes his head and moves back in, “I came to you before I came to anyone–” 
“That makes it different? After everything we’ve been through! We raised–we had a family. We … I thought it was different now. I thought we were different now–”
The fuck? 
Penny leans down, “What’s this about raising a family?” 
“Shut up,” She hisses, slapping him in the stomach, before turning her full attention back on Quentin and Eliot, all but eating invisible popcorn. 
“Are you seriously trying to suggest that we’re not? We had seventy years together, Q–”
“And you still want to marry him?” 
And Quentin’s definitely crying now. 
Is it weird Penny wants to give him a hug? 
“No!” Eliot growls, grabbing Quentin by the shoulders and leaning down to look him in the eye, “I came to you, expecting you to give me a fucking reason to figure something else out. But all you had to say is, ‘it’s not my decision’. What the fuck else was I supposed to do?” 
“You know how i feel–”
“No, I don’t!” Eliot drops his arms to his sides and turns around, one hand combing through his hair in frustration. “Q,” He says, after a moment, whipping back around, something desperate in his voice. “All i’ve ever done is choose you. And you … you continually choose everyone but me. Alice, Julia, Ariel, and I don’t even know who else at this point. How can I possibly know how you feel when you never choose me?” 
Penny leans down again. “Two questions–”
“If you don’t shut the fuck up–”
“Right. Got it.” He stands upright, just in time to see the look of hurt flash across Quentin’s face, as every worry wrinkle reappears and his mouth falls open. 
“I–I …” Quentin’s mouth opens and closes a few times, stammering through consonants and vowels and no actual words, until, he closes his mouth for a few long beats, his arms coming up to wrap around himself. “I always choose you,” He says, “I may … get confused,” He blinks a few times, looking every which way, except directly at Eliot, “And I … I, start something with someone else. But that’s because I–I fuck up every good thing. And you’re the only good thing I don’t want to fuck up. And I–” He pauses, his lower lip trembling as he turns back around, a hand coming up to grab the bottle from earlier. “I always end up coming back to you… but if you–if you marry him–”
Eliot reaches up, places a hand on his shoulder, and gently turns him around. “Q, we lived together for seventy years,” He leans down, tries to get Quentin to look at him, “and we raised a child together–” 
“Hold up–” Margo reaches up and pinches Penny’s arm as hard as she can. “Fuck, ow, okay, let go!” 
“All I want is you. When I’m upset, when I’m happy. Whatever the fuck I’m feeling, you’re the only one I want to share that with. You’re the only one i can be vulnerable around. All you have to do is tell me not to do it. Tell me this is it. We can finally do this, you and me, and nobody else.” 
“Isn’t he still married to Fenn–”
Quentin looks up at Eliot through wet eyelashes. He lets out a slow, shaky breath. “Okay.” 
Margo and Penny both lean in closer. 
“Don’t marry Idri.” Quentin says, sucking in his lower lip, his head wobbling in the usual Quentin way, before he adds, “Marry me. Instead.” 
Eliot’s quiet for a few long moments. And honestly, Penny’s about ready to scream at them both when he finally says, “Are you sure that’s what you want? Magic’s back, Q. It’ll be us. You won’t be able to be with anyone else. Not Alice, not Julia, not –”
“Just answer the question, Eliot.” 
Damn, where’d crying Quentin go?
“Was there a question?” 
Eliot sighs, dramatic, “I mean, there’s not even a ring–”
“And everyone knows how I love to accessorize–”
“Oh for fucks sake, just say yes!” Penny exclaims, tossing his arms into the air at his sides. “Jesus christ, this is fucking pathetic.” 
Margo scoffs, “Says the guy with watery eyes.” 
“Shut the fuck up.” Penny mutters, reaching up to wipe at his eyes as inconspicuously as he can.
She smirks, “Make me.” And Penny’s almost tempted to.
Quentin coughs, “Uh guys,” He says, motioning towards himself and Eliot, “You’re kind of. Uh. Ruining. The moment?” 
Margo rolls her eyes and holds her hand out, motioning to Eliot. “Be our guest. We’ll shut up.” 
Eliot shakes his head, a small smile on his lips as he turns his attention back to Quentin and raises his eyebrows. “Right. What was the question, Q?” 
Quentin makes a face. “Seriously?” 
“Oh, Q, I never joke about serious matters.” 
Sighing, with another head wobble, and somehow less confident than when they were fighting, Quentin asks, “High King Eliot Waugh,” A pointed eyebrow raise, “Will you marry me?”
Eliot pretends to think about it for a moment, laughing as Quentin’s mouth falls open. He pulls him in for a hug, whispers something Penny and Margo can’t hear, and then leans down to kiss him.
Penny nods to himself. Alright.
He’s not exactly sure what all lead to this particular moment, but hey, he’s glad to be alive to see the two most depressing people he knows be happy for a little bit. He looks down at Margo, who’s smiling at them like she knows something nobody else knows. “There’s so much I need to get caught up on.” 
She huffs out a laugh before nodding. “Oh, honey, you have no idea.” 
Want one? Send me a word, trope or setting and I’ll write you a 300 word drabble*
*Drabble may be loosely defined. As can 300 words. 
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ohmypreciousgirl · 11 months
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Formerly known as "a slip of the tongue".
Written by @ohmypreciousgirl, edited by @venagrey and @emberfaye.
“How about this,” Kim says, glancing at Chay. “I’ll finish our food and then I’ll help you with your paper.” Chay doesn’t say anything, admiring the way Kim’s hair falls on his face and how his eyes crinkle at the corners when he smiles. It makes his heart swell with love when Kim looks so gentle because he’s comfortable and at ease. A soft smile appears on Chay’s lips as he stares at Kim. “What?” Kim asks, his head tipping to the side, reminding Chay of one of those curious kittens Kim loves to watch and send to Chay. He has to press his lips together to not giggle at the mental image. “Nothing,” Chay says, amused. He puts the mug on the countertop and hops off the stool, making his way to Kim. “You’re just the best,” he mutters as he plasters his front to Kim’s back, wrapping his arms around Kim’s middle.
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highkingfen · 7 years
queliot - soulmates
Eliot deepest secret to Margo when they were gloriously naked for their trial had been that he remembered 27 times where they did this exact thing, will go somewhere in the south pole, come back broken and have orchestrated many orgies and by the end of the year, they would become inseparable. Which was hard to believe because the two could barely stand one another from day one. But that was not what got him rid of his bond. What was, is that a year from now, a first-year boy will come into Brakebills and, for the 27th time, he will fall in love with him.
At first, it had freaked out Eliot to remember the time loops Elisa had created. But Dean Fogg had quickly realized that he was not the only one to feel them and had created a sad routine when the clock was turned back. Every time it happens, Eliot was asked to go to the Dean office where they will have a long and painful conversation and, with time and alcohol, Eliot would remember part of his past life, rarely he remembered how he died, thank God. Starting to know the patterns of the class, answer of quizzes and inevitable event of the year, Eliot became known as a genius and prince of Brakebills before the end of the first semester. He tried to drown his past life with alcohol and drugs but it will come back to him one way or another. Most of the time in his dream. He will wake up totally sweating, remembering the taste of chocolate and honey on his lips.
Margo would quickly become an ally into this, but with times and several trials, he got to know that she would believe him faster and without doubts if he admitted it during the trials. Which he did for the past ten times. This time, he almost made himself believe he saw a glimpse of remembrance in her eyes, but he knew it was too good to be true. They never talked of it when they were in Brakebill South. Nor when they came back and started to be inseparable. Having her back was always soothing and recomforting for Eliot. For a few month, he couldn't be as close as he wanted with her and it was mostly in those months that he was the most destructive. At least with her, he could destroy himself but she would build him back if needed.
Then came the time to welcome the clueless maybe-magicians to pass an incomprehensible test and fuck with their head just in case they had a glimpse of magic. Eliot never understood why the school board never explain to them what was the test and what they might be before they started. But to be honest, there was something funny to see people come into the schoolyard with the most clueless face. Two times out of three, the person would make a comment about some Harry Potter bullshit. And well... they were not wrong.
Henry had told him the way magicians found their way to the test was a series of small butterfly effect that could and would be changed everytime a time loop was created. Since Elisa was changing something, the whole calculations and math behind the magic spell to bring him here would change as well. He still remembers the deep panic he had two timelines ago when Elisa had decided to make Q fail his exam and become a hedgewitch. Marina had been strong against The Beast. But in the end, Quentin had fleed with her to the land where The Beast was and had left him behind, telling him it wasn't for Brakebills kids. From what he gathered they didn't even last a night there.
So today was the day of the test. The 27th test for Quentin.
Margo and Eliot were sitting on the stairs of the school entrance, bathing in the sun and preying on new people to get their teeth in. Because another way to try to forget Quentin had been to fuck his brain out. It never worked for long, but at least for the few minutes -hours if he was lucky- it lasted, it hurt less.
This time, Quentin had arrived one of the first one and Eliot had straightened his posture so quickly that Margo snickered and look over her sunglasses.
''Is it him?'' She asked, knowingly.''Yes. Shut up now. '' ''Please tell me I get to re-do his wardrobe''
Eliot stood up and walked away, giving her the finger as she was laughing on the stairs. The older men finish his cigarette, trying to be nonchalant and cool. Wanting to give the best first impression he could. Because this would set up how quick he will be able to seduce him back into his arm. Simply seeing him walking toward him made his stomach grow butterflies and his heart racing. Every time he saw him for ''the first time'' he couldn't help but marvel at how he made him feel something no one ever had before
''Quentin Coldwater I assume?'' Eliot said, fanning himself with the name card he was given.
Quentin bit his lips -that asshole- and nodded. Eliot sigh faining to be bored but, in reality, it was to let out the bundle of nerve he'd gather into his chest.
''Come on, they are waiting for you'' He said motioning toward the school as he started to walk.
Where I waited for you. He taught. Then he mentally slapped himself because that was fucking cheesy and turned to answer Quentin's confused question.
Jesus fucks, how am I going to do it this time.
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ryanbergara · 6 years
Suburbia - Troye Sivan
“Swallow nostalgia, chase it with limeBetter than dwelling and chasing timeMissing occasions, I can’t rewindCan’t help but feel I’ve lost what’s mine”
Send me a ♪ and I’ll put my music on shuffle and give you a song and my favourite line from it.
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pichitinha · 6 years
HI ANGEL! here, have a mess:
Pour your gasoline
Living’s like a jigsaw
I am so sorry about last night
It always starts out in a little bit o’ fun
In this album there’s a picture
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ohmypreciousgirl replied to your post: Name a more beautiful sight, I dare you.
me there with u fighting
I mean obviously if you would be there it would be stunning
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Quentin, always ♥
Thank you!! That’s so sweet. I do feel a connection to our nerdy babe. I’d say the same for you too!
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