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hughungrybear · 1 year ago
Would have been funnier if they just start showing OHMTOEY everywhere 😂😂😂
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they're so real for this 😭😭
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kakakqowqoqom · 2 years ago
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potatomarble · 4 years ago
(This is in no particular order)
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waitmyturtles · 6 months ago
@bengiyo We got another one! 🎉🎉🎉
Time for me to repost, again, the most brilliant thing that @bengiyo said to me last year when I watched MIR for the first time, which echoes the note about teenagers that you mention, @maybe-boys-do-love:
“[New Siwaj] understands that many early sexual experiences are with other boys. And Make It Right asks what life could be if they just didn't turn against each other for it.”
MIR is INSANE, and messy, and chaotic, and oftentimes totally insensible (especially the second season), but my god, was it sophisticated in the way it tackled issues of sexuality and internal/external homophobia (among other themes) so directly. Book and Frame at the clinic — so very Gay OK Bangkok!
@maybe-boys-do-love, for all of what we’ve talked about regarding GOKB and recent shows like Only Friends, yes — making Make It Right now would be a lot more difficult, as we’re a touch less out of the experimental mode that queer filmmakers were working in in 2016. But I think shows like Knock Knock Boys from this year still touch very honestly on matters related to what happens before, during, and after sex, that can help young audiences through understandings of queer sexuality. The shows are rare now, but — they were rare almost 10 years ago, too, and MIR was such a groundbreaking show in making queer sexuality more visible for a growing audience. I effing LOVE this show, both seasons of it!
I know I'm the only one watching Make It Right the series rn (thanks @waitmyturtles for the great reviews to encourage it), but I gotta say that episode 8 of season 1 where Fuse and Tee wake up together and skip school feels more tonally similar to GayOK Bangkok than any BLs I've seen. The casual intimacy and chemistry in the conversations they got out of these young actors is wild (Book and Frame, too). And they're clearly given a lot of freedom to move and make choices in the moment, which isn't always the case. I would bet money they had a minuscule crew on set to help them be more comfortable to act so openly. I know director Julie Andem's talked about how that's part of the reason there's such great performances from the young untrained cast in Skam.
The whole series of Make It Right so far seems to be a show about teenagers for adults looking back on their experiences at that age rather than a show for teenagers to ogle and aspire towards. For one, the problematic elements it depicts are all experienced and addressed as problematic by the characters. The characters themselves are so unclear about what they want, let alone communicating it to anyone else. It hits such a raw nerve for me. And clearly based on what the few other people on tumblr write about it (@bengiyo and @elimstillnotgarak doing us all the public service), I'm not the only one. I know Love Sick 2024 is starting up, and I gotta watch the original series, but it seems like Make It Right would be so much harder to remake and market because it doesn't follow the BL rules.
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negrowhat · 5 years ago
Since you watch alot of Thai BL I was wondering if you could help me find a certain one? All I remember from it was one of the characters had a video release of him with another guy (I cant remember if they were just kissing or getting it on) and the character locked himself away in his dorm/room and the guy who had a crush on him kept bringing him food
Sounds like Book and Frame from Make it Right. I think the scene you’re talking about is when a clip of Book and his ex (?) having sex on the fire escape stairs was leaked and was circulating. Book didn’t want to see anyone, especially Frame so Frame kept dropping off food for Book until he was ready to talk.
this video is long as hell, but just skip to around the 45 min mark and the part you’re thinking about begins there. I watched Make It Right once and I watched Make It Right 2 as it aired. I wasn’t the biggest fan of either but Book and Frame had the most chemistry on the series and the most development as a couple overall. I think this was one of Ohm Pawat’s first roles because he was young as hell in it. 
But ANYWAYS tell me if this is the series you were thinking about!
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atthaphans-archived · 6 years ago
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Day 6: My OTP’s
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absolutebl · 5 months ago
raises a glass to
cause guuurrrrl
you have no idea
I’m about to lose friends for this one but-
Unpopular opinion: OhmLeng has more on screen chemistry than OhmNanon. I said what I said.
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zeechant · 6 years ago
One of the best love team! ❤️💓
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dat-asian-bunny · 7 years ago
Do you ever just look at pictures/posts of your otp and just wanna
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Because that’s me too
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loveisactivated · 8 years ago
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akria23 · 8 years ago
So it comes to an end
You know I often hear pieces like Make it Right the series being referred to as productions made by and for fangirls who wanna fetishize male-male love relationships. It’s often because you have these young hot guys together, in these stories that are thought to be shallow. And on top of it you have the fandom success of young girls who claim to be obsessed with these relationships and the fan-service that is often done for these productions. These are excuses people allow themselves to use to tear down or ignore the work that’s being done. I look at productions in America, that’s where I live, and I find that there are many people getting praise for things that aren’t actually praise worthy. For things that aren’t actually good representation for the people in the community. I look at stories like Make it Right and I find it funny that someone could disregard this series because it did more in the terms of Bisexuality than I’ve seen for 5-10 years. Just by actually having bi characters and understanding what that really means without no backhanded phobia that leaked in. The story is not just about male-male relationships. Within these perimeters these young men were finding themselves, learning how to love and be loved and love themselves.
My favorite relationship out of the show has always been Frame and Book, because I think their story was honest and necessary, taking that journey with them felt real.
The writer nor the director went into this with shallow intentions. It was very clear early on that they had a story and they wanted it to progress as it should. There was no love at first sight with this couple, no magical love makes everything disappear conundrum. Yes you get the feeling that secret feelings were under the surface, but no grand schemes. These were two people who had been around each other but weren’t exactly friends because they were on total different ends of the personality spectrum. Book, like his name, was very bookish. He’s a loner and an introvert. And although we find out why latter, he intentionally set himself apart from others. Frame, on the other hand, is very outgoing, very friendly and popular. He’s very extroverted and intentionally puts himself out there def sexually. We find out why he extends himself sexually later in the show, but one thing I really love is they didnt shame his sexualization. It’s not at all about shining bad light on sex, from the sex female worker to him. In fact his sex drive remains high after they get into a relationship. They never use him as the bad boy…they didn’t write him as the playboy who was a dick. He was a guy who had been emotionally hurt in a relationship and this led him to not wanting to enter that kind of pain again so his mindset was sex, not relationship, simple as that. He didn’t use his past experience as an excuse to treat others like shit. He didn’t toss away bed partners like they were trash. Or look down on others. In fact, Frame is one of the most genuine, caring, emotionally honest characters in the series. It’s this caring nature that helps him obtain the love of his life.
Back to the beginning: Frame said to Book in the first season, “If you are a star, you are a star that was beautiful when I looked from afar. But when I look closer, the more beautiful you are.” This line was only great because despite the cheesy structure, the scene does not come off as false at all. They did an amazing job of fitting it into the perimeters of them and making it work. Not only that, but, this line is one of the ones that I find fits their relationship so well. Def from the position of Frame to Book. Like I said you get these undercurrent feelings in the start. Not love, more - if he was interested…I would totally go there - type of vibes. That impression where it’s like, this guy isn’t necessarily a friend but when he’s around, I find his nature cute and interesting. The moment he finds out Book is actually interested in male-male connects, all bets are quickly off the table and we def see him making these moves and these gestures to build that bond between them. On Books end there was def a crush that was in place before they even became friends. Like I said, Frame’s caring nature got him the guy before he ever really knew he was ‘the guy’. We see these flash back moments of before and you realize that Frame has always been nice to Book, his niceness wasn’t served to get anything back. He would exhibit random acts of helping Book, or trying to include him into the group. Naturally these things moved Book, but because of his own past, because of his need to isolate himself and lock that part of him away, Book would have never crossed that line or made those interest known. Which is why their relationship happened as it did.
I’m a goner for consistency and not fucking up character. Luckily they did not mess up either for my babes when part 2 rolled around. I said I love FrameBook for its honesty, and I do. We leave part one with them being open about what wanting to be together and what that meant. But I also loved them for their internal struggles and hope those struggles sometimes top our honesty levels. We often want our partners to look at us a certain way, so we keep hidden things that we find shame in, things we want to forget. But when those thing still have power over us they find ways to slither back in our lives and prove themselves very present, and this was a problem Book had in season 2. His past relationships and the bad fallout that took place left him deeply scared with trust issues. Trust issues that invaded his relationship. When we’re reintroduced to Book he’s happy, he’s been isolating himself less, he’s on the path to being sexually free and accepting. However, he still exhibits signs that show all is not good. He still an extreme workaholic for some reason. He’s still showing signs that he doesn’t fully trust his partner even though Frame has never done anything to harm him or ever present something to the world that he wasn’t comfortable with.  It’s so strong, so powerful it knocks him out of his happiness, out of his moment of bliss, it rides his shoulder and whispers temptations of damnation in his ear. It doesn’t matter that Frame doesn’t deserve the lack of chance, that’s not how trust issues work and the show intentionally showed that. They highlighted the good moments of their relationship and showed the comparison of his prior relationship. This is because that’s how trust issues work, it ask that deep question of ‘didn’t I love and wasn’t I loved before I was betrayed and everything shattered.’ He did and he was and trust issues remind him that betrayal still happened.
Book had not only been betrayed in case of his lover but from the two people that was supposed to love him when the rest of the world turned its back, his parents. These people were honestly so disgusting. To stand in front of this young man and argue over who has to ‘deal with him’ after they’d already isolated him to his own livings and given him a set of rigorous rules that he would have to excel at or be out altogether. He was dealing with depression and his parents didn’t help at all. He would reach out to them and they would show no interest, ignore him or use the communication to force more stress onto the button of his emotions. His parents were one of his triggers to be honest, you def see this in that big moment, where he’s thinking and you just see all these things that have damaged him, and have been just unhealthy for him altogether.  A big part of the reason he distanced himself from Frame was out shame. Most people don’t want their current lover to see them that way, and when the video had been revealed the first time around the treatment he got from those around him stippled those thoughts of shame in his sexualization. He doesn’t want Frame to turn his back on him, doesn’t want him to look disgusted, or be disappointed. It’s easier turning your back on someone else than having them present you your grand fears. It wasn’t just the trust issues that led him to push away Frame, it was also his parents. Through isolating him in the first place, they coded within him this need to be alone when dealing with issues, this need to shut everyone and everything out and deal on his own. No one had ever been there to protect him, or stand beside him. Even with his need to be studious, while that is in part because of the demands of his parents it’s also because he knows he can’t forever rely on the finances of his parents – who use that as a way to threaten him. Book had to come to a place where he could face these issues head on, his parents were gonna love him or not love him. Learning to lean on someone, and trusting them to be there wholeheartedly. Standing up in the face of things he was ashamed of. Accepting his own sexual drive.
Frame seemed to match his name when it came to Book. He was a surrounding of love, care and patience. And it’s not to say he didn’t feel tested, that he wasn’t stretched to his limits. He was. His own fears were present in the reality of Books secrets coming to bite them in the ass. Being left behind, being cheated on or left for another. Frame was someone who was used for his looks and then to get passed that he allowed his looks to be the forefront of all his relations, never intending for it to get further than that with anyone. So of course his internal fear then becomes that his only worth his looks. Again it’s that thing on the shoulder whispering temptations of damnation. This time the question just becomes, ‘if I am loved for my attractiveness then doesn’t someone who is equally or more so attractive capable of taking from me the love I have obtained?’ And it’s also not about Book because Book has never cheated on him, nor has interest in anyone else, past or otherwise but that fear disregards that. Still, Frame remains loving and caring, even as he questions things. When we’re introduced to Frame this season he has moved in with Book. His grades have gotten better because he’s using his boyfriend as a free tutor. He’s extremely happy, and satisfied. His boyfriend has hit that glow up and he doesn’t know if he should look at him adoringly or with lust. He finds a nice balance of both. Frames unique mission has always been to take care of Book. He makes sure he eats when he forgets because of studying. He does these special things so he knows he’s loved. He stands beside him, with him, or for him. Tries to understand his depressive modes and his push back. Doesn’t criticize him, instead he tries to help him take those steps of getting back into himself and just being there. He wants Book to be happy, it’s as simple and as complex as that. He wants their future together, but he’s not naïve about it. He knows that because they are both men that this mean having to take certain steps, to have a certain determined nature, to be prepared for the battles that are promised to come your way.
They were good for one another, I mean yes they were flawed, but it made it that much more real. Sometimes people hurt us and that pain is sometimes so powerful that we retain it. We take it with us into our next relationship and this is always a damaging thing. Love is being courageous enough to face those internal wars within ourselves, not just for the other person but for the love of ourselves. The story of Frame and Book is a beautiful one, from the moment of discovering like of one another, to the sticky messiness of it all and deciding they want it enough to fight for it. Having those frank conversations. Just being loved, really loving someone and understanding what that’s worth.
I say this a lot, but it’s because I really mean it – Ohm and Toey really did a good job with and for these characters. They took it seriously. For Ohm to be so young when they started this project, I am extremely proud of him because he does such a good job with this craft. He was meant to act. He’s a great model, has nice screen presence, he’s very charismatic with the audience.  I hope he really tones his skills, and takes classes to further his gift because I think he can take it very far. Toey’s just one of those people that just slides into the character like he’s actually the real person. It’s not even like he’s acting. You forget that the character is a character because it seems like him. I really appreciate these two for being serious about their part, I’m always for being trying even when there are flaws because trying means you’re capable of developing of growing. I hope they remain as close as they have been. I would love to see them work together again, no matter the circumstances. I know gay is normally a way to enter the acting world and most actors never do a second production, but I wouldn’t mind see them again in anything. This has been a journey, I’ve been here since day one and it was something. I have to thank Toey and Ohm for playing the roles, the writer for creating the characters, the director for bringing the story to life, those who spent hard time subbing episodes – you guys are the crème del crème because without you my ass couldn’t understand the story. Last but not least, to video makers because videos of my ships help me love them more – I always find highlights of scenes and see them differently, or in a way that just hits home – and I love that. It was a great fandom - no bitterness. I’m gonna miss everyone.
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secret-fujoshi-blog · 7 years ago
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My heart is breaking…
Just yesterday I discovered there was a dispute at instagram in @ttoeysittiwat account (Book in Make it Right the series). It seems his relationship with Proy (Fuse’s sister in the series) is exposed and hard Ohmtoey fanatics started rambling.
It seems that he did not disable the comment section and instead, replied to most fans with harsh words or about stopping them from harassing ‘his girl’.
I myself have been crushed by lots of news of BL(boy’s love) characters having girlfriends like Off in Honey Puppy, Godt of 2moons and Krist of Sotus the series,
Being a hardcore fujoshi, I, too wished it was real but hey I cannot stop others from falling in love.
What shock me the most is that even Ohmtoey’s bestfriend relationship has crashed
I have checked it last night and discovered that Toey really unfollowed Ohm(Frame in Make it right) and Ohm unfollowed back on instagram 😞😞
They say that Toey’s girlfriend Proy demanded Toey to unfollow Ohm but Ohm’s reasons is still not known.
It is sad. They were my most favorite couple in Make it right and there were a lot of gossips that they were real. I’m crying right now. Even their friendship is gone.
Photo by ©Jinn August
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wuxianlanzhan · 8 years ago
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I have midterms but I just passed by to tell y’all that I miss ohmtoey so much. I hope they’re doing fine and they’re having a great day and I also hope that they’re happy because they deserve to be happy  ♡ I love them so much I just want to tell them that they mean so much to me. They made me happier than I was before and I would like to thank them. 
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silverpuff39 · 8 years ago
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bubblegumpop28 · 8 years ago
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relationship goals af 💖💖💖 giving credits for the photos that i took love it 💖💖💖
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blsunshine · 8 years ago
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this is just so good 😍
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