Runaway Char
68 posts
she/her, artist and trash crafter. no commissions at the moment
Last active 4 hours ago
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runawaychar · 1 month ago
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Idk if yall saw this, but Magic The Gatering YouTuber Tolarian Community College just raised 50,000 dollars for trans lifeline in like 4 hours, and that number is still going up really fast.
This is such an incredible show of support from the TCG community, and it’s especially nice to see considering that so many of us (transgender people) are a part of various TCG communities.
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runawaychar · 1 month ago
This might be a longshot, but does anyone have rec's or tips on non-metallic metals? I'm painting a knight and metallics are still a place I want to improve
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runawaychar · 1 month ago
Some addendums - I wanted to highlight (heh) the fun shading I've been learning to do - to emphasize the lighting from the lantern, I blended between hardened leather and ochre clay on the coat, and made the colors warmer near the light source. The speedpaints blend really nicely - I apply it in 1:10 SP to medium ratio as glazes over values and undershades. Here it is with the lantern turned off:
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Also, it's funny - this guy was one of the first minis I ever made from scratch - I think I've come a long way since I was playing with masking tape and hot glue 😆
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"Hello little one... are you lost?"
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Finished my very trustworthy and helpful forest guide miniature - he's here to help!
His lantern lights up and flickers, and his eyes and teeth flouresce under a blacklight. I'm so happy with how he came out! I did the electronics, sculpting, and painting myself ^_^
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runawaychar · 1 month ago
"Hello little one... are you lost?"
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Finished my very trustworthy and helpful forest guide miniature - he's here to help!
His lantern lights up and flickers, and his eyes and teeth flouresce under a blacklight. I'm so happy with how he came out! I did the electronics, sculpting, and painting myself ^_^
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runawaychar · 2 months ago
Absolutely love this - such a cool idea executed well
Beyond this portal lies the promised mushroom lens, go forth my children!
3D print of one of Black Scroll games calling portals. All of the calling portal prints were designed to accommodate a cell phone to run an animation and on their site they have a bunch of animations you can put on your phone. I had a lot of fun painting this big project as it gave me a canvas to explore some more highlighting and glazing methods that I've been reluctant implement previously.
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runawaychar · 2 months ago
Finished my frog & turtle diorama - I couldn't be happier!
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runawaychar · 2 months ago
Sculpted a dirty tile floor test base for the little guys. The paintjob is a bit rougher than I like but I hope it is decent enough for this mini.
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Some WIP haunted dolls - need to figure out some fun bases to give them. These are Malifaux miniatures, and were super fun to paint!
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runawaychar · 2 months ago
Was inspired by the haunted dolls I painted earlier and decided to sculpt my very first OC - the Runaway. She's a ragdoll trying her very best to survive the horrors. My younger self would be so happy right now ☺️
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Done w/ fimo professional & greenstuff over a wire armature.
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runawaychar · 2 months ago
Beautiful technique on display, need to learn how to do fur like this
Working on writing for Elden Ring and miniature painting helps me distress after, we'll, everything. Working on a Caelid writeup right now.
In the meantime check out Ashan'Tyr from the Skirmish wargame Confrontation, by Rackham. Its a dead game admittedly but these models are nice.
I haven't played the game but I think she's pretty good.
She's my second attempt at NMM, and her fur I painted to be reminiscent of a doberman.
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runawaychar · 2 months ago
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Some WIP haunted dolls - need to figure out some fun bases to give them. These are Malifaux miniatures, and were super fun to paint!
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runawaychar · 2 months ago
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My frog wizard shattered halfway through painting, so I had to quickly find a new staff for him. Found this goblin frog bit and fixed him up.
He doesn't look as pretty as before, but this staff is so much more fitting to his character. He is unique, and reminds me of the Grand Negus. I would never have had the opportunity to say "Inconcievable!" in a burbly froggy accent had I not screwed up.
I think a lot of art is making mistakes and finding something new from the mess. Can't wait to finish painting this special boy!
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runawaychar · 2 months ago
The Prince of Thieves himself - a kitbash of a Dreamblade miniature (Thief of Last Chances). I gave him a hat from some Warhammer bits, and sculpted on a cape and rapier (that part was super difficult to do w/ greenstuff -_-'). I rebased him with a custom sculpt using fimo.
Follow on from the Hoojin Thieves I did earlier:
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runawaychar · 2 months ago
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Beware the crows of Hoojin Hollow, City of Thieves!
Painted almost entirely with inks & speedpaints over highlights & undershade, love how the values came out on these! 3D prints by Warp Miniatures (resin), bases sculpted by me using Fimo Professional.
Some close-ups:
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runawaychar · 2 months ago
That is definitely a solution for standard heroic fantasy play, but I'm currently gearing up for a classic crawl where the wandering encounters are the main event. They're going to take the form of a variety of postive/negative situations with varying levels of severity. Since the amount of encounters cannot be predicted per dungeon level I'm looking for a progression system that will encourage exploration and better fit a megadungeon that cannot be "cleared".
I'm happy with my solution of treasure = progression, but will really need to hone how often to roll for wandering encounters/dungeon events during play. Pf2e is by no means an OSR game, and combat can take a while to resolve.
Maybe pf2e isn't the best system for a crawl - I've played around in Abomination Vaults but it seemed more of a dungeon "delve" (i.e. no restocking or random encounters and an expectation of clearing and subsequently ignoring each floor before moving onto the next). I do believe part of that is due to how long combat takes in Pf2e - people don't want to waste time getting to the setpiece encounters. I was originally planning on running in OSE but everyone in the group (myself included) were itching for some PF2e combat and I want to experiment with some of the subsystem rules. We'll see how it goes!
I had an idea for a variant on Pf2e leveling rule that makes bookeeping a little bit simpler and allows for more dungeon crawl style progression - instead of giving out XP by milestone or per encounter, use the Treasure by Level table - once the requisite permanents/consumables have been obtained (or currency equivalent), the party levels up. Could be fun for a megadungeon with a variable amount of encounters due to wandering monsters & restocking.
Come to think of it, RAW this is theoretically what milestone leveling *is* in Pf2e - the game balance breaks down if the leveled treasure doesn't keep pace with difficulty. In practice, milestone leveling in PF2e tends to cause long-term problems, as parties not keeping track of XP are unlikely keeping track of treasure, which is already a much bigger ask!
Of course, this isn't an issue if encounter balance isn't a concern, but in which case PF2e may not be the right system 🤔
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runawaychar · 2 months ago
Did another Dreamblade update- this one used to be a Nevret Warmaster, and will now be a Facehunter- I sculpted an appropriate base and repainted them. Finally feel comfortable with contrast paints, tried my hand at NMM!
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runawaychar · 2 months ago
Porble's bases are always astonishing - freehand that looks better than actual terrain. Love the caustics and ripples on this seaside 'mech.
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not sure about the new lifeguard...
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runawaychar · 2 months ago
I had an idea for a variant on Pf2e leveling rule that makes bookeeping a little bit simpler and allows for more dungeon crawl style progression - instead of giving out XP by milestone or per encounter, use the Treasure by Level table - once the requisite permanents/consumables have been obtained (or currency equivalent), the party levels up. Could be fun for a megadungeon with a variable amount of encounters due to wandering monsters & restocking.
Come to think of it, RAW this is theoretically what milestone leveling *is* in Pf2e - the game balance breaks down if the leveled treasure doesn't keep pace with difficulty. In practice, milestone leveling in PF2e tends to cause long-term problems, as parties not keeping track of XP are unlikely keeping track of treasure, which is already a much bigger ask!
Of course, this isn't an issue if encounter balance isn't a concern, but in which case PF2e may not be the right system 🤔
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