#ohhhhh youuu my best friend
astrocatfizziks · 2 years
greatest theme song ever made
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Idk why but I keep thinking about Peter 2 being grumpy over something for like a day…so Peter 3 decides to let the tickle monster pay him a visit~
Sentence starter could be something like “why so grumpy?” Or maybe “I know who you need to seeee!” Or “uh ohhhhh…Peter 2…you know what happens when the big brother’s gwumpy, don’t youuu?”
(Eeeeeh! I love this so much @parker-fluff! Thank youuuuu! I couldn't decide on one of the sentence starters . . . so I used all three 😁 Hope you enjoy my friend! ❤️)
"Why so grumpy?"
"I'm not grumpy," Two muttered.
Three sat down next the oldest. "Yes you are. Your pout is bigger than Peter 1's right now."
Two glared at Three. "I'm not pouting."
". . . You look adorable when you do though."
"Three," Two groaned and wiped a hand down his face. "Now is not the time."
Two arms wrapped the oldest in a hug. "Hey, I'm sorry. You just seem really down and I just wanted to cheer you up."
"Yes really," Three soothed as he rested his chin on his older brother's shoulder. "You always take care of me, but I want to take care of you too. That's how every relationship works. You know that."
Two relaxed. "I know. It's just hard to open up."
"We can start small," Three encouraged. "What's one small thing that's got you feeling so down."
The eldest paused and thought for a moment. That was the problem. Nothing really seemed to be wrong.
MJ was fine. Otto was fine. His two counterparts were fine. There was no danger to fight. And he had an extra day off this week.
He should be happy, but instead he felt . . . sad.
"I guess I don't have anything really."
"That's okay. Do you just need some extra love?"
Two nodded. "Maybe."
The middle brother grinned. "Well good thing I have so much to give."
As Three tightened his grip just a little, he learned forward to pepper some kisses into his older brother's face. This caused the oldest to melt into bubbly giggles for a bit as his younger brother went to town on showing him love.
But no matter how nice they felt, Two was still sad and restless.
Peter 3 lifted his head. "There. Now how do you feel?"
Peter 2 smiled. "Rehelaxed, buhut still sad."
"Oh?" The middle brother shoulders dropped. "Sorry."
"I appreciate you trying. The kisses were---." A light clicked on in the oldest's head. "Ticklish."
Three's eyebrows furrowed together. "Is that a bad thing?"
"No." Peter 2 smirked. "But I think you could do better."
Peter 3 raised one eyebrow as he looked over his older brother. The sudden shifting around, the mood, the sass: they were all signs of one thing. "I know who you need to seeee!"
Two giggled as Three leaned forward to whisper. "A visit from your friend."
While keeping his arms crossed, Three's hands came to rest on Two's sides. "The one and only."
Two squeaked in anticipation.
"Tickle monster."
"Ahh! Threhehe!" Peter 2 squirmed as his younger brother's hands gently squeezed up and down his sides. In addition to his hands, Peter 3 shifted to the side so he could place some kisses behind Two's ear.
The eldest was soon reduced to a laughing and squirming mess as Three tickled him silly. However, despite how good the tickles were, they only lightened his mood instead of lifting it completely.
Peter 3 paused his attack. "How wahas that?"
Three grinned. "Good enough to lift your mood?"
"A-aha little."
"Yeesh! This mood just doesn't want to let you go, does it?"
The oldest shook his head. "Noho, I'm sorry."
Three stroked his brother's hair. "No reason to be sorry. Moods are like that sometimes. Atleast we're headed in the right direction."
"Yeah. Almost there." Two leaned more against his brother. "Thahank you for trying."
"Hey, I'm happy to."
Two turned to his brother. "Hey Three?"
"What works best for you when you're stuck in a mood?"
"Well. . .tickles do work. But it usually has to be . . . 'rougher.'"
"Like. . . raspberries."
Two's eyebrows raised up. "Oh?"
"Yeah! Do they not work for you?"
Peter 2 shrugged.
"You don't know?"
Two shook his head again. "I've never had them."
The eyebrows on Peter 3's eyebrows shot up and his jaw dropped. "What!"
A blush crept across Two's face. "It just never happened."
"I'm sorry, I'm just surprised. You give them to us all the the time!"
The eldest shrugged.
"Well . . . would you like one?"
The oldest's eyes widened.
Peter 3 grinned. "Twoooooo."
The oldest blushed even more as his giggling picked up.
Peter 3's grins grew. "Uh ohhhhhhh . . . Peter 2 . . . you know what happens when the big brother's gwumpy, don't youuu?" Three teased as he leaned his older brother across his knees.
Two squealed as his shirt was lifted up.
Three leaned closer. "They get tickles."
Peter 2 squealed loudly as his stomach was attacked by ticklish raspberries. "THEHEHYRE SOHO BAHAD!"
Three chuckled. "Yes they are, but that's what makes them fun."
As the berries continued, Peter 2 felt his mood shift. He felt happier and lighter. "THAT'S IHIT! THAT'S IHIT!"
"See? Raspberries make everything better," Three commented as he lifted his head.
The oldest looked up. "Uhum . . ."
Peter 2's ears and face were an entire shade of red. "Cohould . . . cohould yohou . . ."
A slow grin spread across Three's face. "Doews big bwothewr need mowe bewries?"
Two nodded and covered his eyes with his hands.
"Awww," Three cooed before leaning forward. "Well good thing I have plenty to give you."
And he did until his loving older brother was in the best mood he could possibly be.
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angelwars11 · 4 years
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*finally gets my siblings up and we all sit down on the bed* Alright y'all, time to watch this shit. Let's get itttt!!
*new ominous pre-intro comes in* "A LUCASFILM LIMITED production. "
Me: Oh, we starting like this. Wtf!! Okay, dude, I have goosebumps. Holy shit. *Calming facade is down. Is totally unaware and unprepared for what's coming*
*fanfare jumpscare*
Me: *startles* *grabs my heart*
Heart monitor: *beep beep beep, beeeeeeeeeeep~*
Me: OH MY GOD!!! *cough violently like Grevious* Holy shit. The fanfare, holy shit. I'mma—*notices red logo* *starts to hyperventilate*
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*Another very different and new red title* "Part 1. Olds Friends Not Forgotten. "
Me: *gasps sharply* THAT IS SO COOL!!! I'mma cryyy *sniffles*
Yularen: *comes in clutch with the narrator recap*
Me: Yoooo!! What's up my dude?!
*see Grevious* Damn, I mean, General Grevious lookin good though. You see that animation! DAMN! Best design ever!
Yularen: "Republic forces are pushed to the brink. In response to this overwhelming attack. The Jedi Council had dispatched it's Generals far from the Core Worlds. "
CALEB DUME aka. KANAN JARRUS!! Ahhh!! Look at my son!
*sees Plo Koon in his Delta 7 inteceptor* "Ummm, no, stop it. Stop. That looks familiar. *shakes head violently* No. Be quiet.
*sees Aayla and Bly* *inhales sharply* *chokes on saliva* "Aayla Secura is where? OH SHIT. Is that Felucia?! NO, FUCK. "
(The clone troopers look so fucking amazing. Their armor is heavily detailed with the amount of scratches and dents covering them. It makes their armor look rough. OMG! This is literally 'nose bleed heaven' I am in right now!!)
Me: *dances* They onn a bridgeee, they on a—HOLY SHIT!! That's a big ass cannon," *watches the cannon blast fire upwards* Ohhhhh~ That's, uh, not good! Oh shit!! AH! Cody DODGE NOW!!!
*stares at the tv* Holy. Sh—
*light saber unleashed*
Me: OOhhh!! Who the fu—ACK! Obi-Wan coming out of the CUT alllll BEAUTIFUL!!!
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LOOK at the lightsaber light pouring through the dust cloud surrounding him🤩 *blood pours out of my nose* His magnificent graying beard, so beautiful. I LOVE how there's a limp piece of hair bouncing on the side of his head, it's so satisfying. And the way he slowly looks over his shoulder at Cody like: "Must protect my husband!" OMG, I love them so much, CodyWan forever!!! Bless Dave Filoni for giving us that scene because, it was beautiful😍 God, the animation. 😍I'mma—😵😳
Cody: "General?!"
Me: MmmmmHmmmm. *wiggles eyebrows*
Obi-Wan: "Cody, get down!"
Me: Protect Cody!! Holy fu—Cody, stop staring at Obi-Wan and take cover, yes I know he's hot as fuck, my sister thinks so too, so do I—That's NOT the point. Just GET your ASS DOWN!! You can stare at him all you want later.
Obi-Wan: "Anakin, where are you?"
Anakin: *jump scares* "I'm right here. "
Me: ⬇⬇
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Me: I SWEARRRR. You are so lucky I don't have a gun because I would've BLASTED you to the other side of this GODDAMN BRIDGE. The fuck is wrong with you, you lucky mother fucker.
Anakin: "What are you doing down there. "
Me: 🤣🤡 Shut the fuck up!
Anakin: *dodges a fucking blaster beam* I'm dea—🤣 ANAKIN. You cray cray!
*all shots miss Anakin while he stands right there in plain sight on top of MOTHER FUCKING debris*
Me: Hehhehehheeee—OH my GoD!! Anakin!! Get DOWN FROM THEREeEe. They gonna shoot you, bro!
Obi-Wan: "What are you up to? Where is Captain Rex?"
Me: Yeah, what are you up to? *suspicious*
*Nobody stays seated while Anakin walks straight at the enemy. Managing not to get fucking smacked*
Me: "Y'all DUMB ASS droids can't SHOOT!! Ohhhhhh myyyy goddddd!!" 🤣🤣
Anakin: "I have come to surrender. Your forces fought valiantly. I must admit we are overmatched by your superior fire power. " Me: "Tell me y'all ain't gonna fall for this. If you beli—"
Me: *inhales sharply*
Dumb and Dumber: "Surrender. That's a relief. Notify the tactical droid. "
Me: ⬇⬇
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*sighs heavily* They believed him. 💀
*scope shows up* The fuck?! Oh, is that Rexy Boi™ *gasps* R2!!!
Rex telling his squad they have to wait a little longer to hang upside down on the bridge. They all *groan* "Sir, yes, sir. "
ME: 😆 They want to fly so fucking badly!!
OoooWe!! They've got JET PACKS!!! Oooo, we bougie MOTHER FUCKAASSSSS!!! *dances to the epic music*
*nobody stays seated while the Clone Troopers kick ass*
Obi-Wan: "Bravo Anakin, you've done it again. "
Me: 🥺🥺
Anakin: "Oh, I can't take all the credit. You staying back really sold my surrender talk. " *Obi-Wan smiles*
Obi-Wan: "Always glad to help my friend. " *they smile at each other*
Also me: *cries internally* 😭😍
Anakin: "Skywalker here, what is it Admiral?" Me: *gasps* Admiral: "Sir. We received a transmission from someone using a subspace frequency. Fulcrum. "
Me: *stops breathing* FULCRUM. 💀 Ah—Ah—AhCHOO! *wheezes* Oooh, bless me.
*the transmitter room scene from the trailer* Me: *screeches* Anakin: "Alright, Admiral. What's so important you brought us all the... Way... Back...here." *sees Ahsoka*
(*PAUSE* I noticed that Rex is not here in this SCENE!! Woahhh~ Just wanted to point that out! Okay, sorry, *unpause*)
Ahsoka: *turns around* "Hello Master. It's been a while. " Me: 😍😍😍😍😍
Anakin: "Ah—Ahsoka. Wha— *scoffs*I don't believe it, " *voice goes two octaves higher* "How are you? Where are you?" *voice softens to be protective* "Are you okay?"
My heart: ⬇⬇
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*Mandalorian ship comes in* Me: *tears coming down my face*
Aaaahhhh!!! R2 D2 rolled up to Ahsoka to say hi!! OMG, cutie pie!!😍🥺 My heartttttt😭
Anakin tries to say Hi to Ahsoka but she's just like, "Can't do that right now. " Me: *snaps my own neck* Damn. Heyo!! He's literally hanging by a THREAD, a measly THREAD over the fucking pool called the DARK SIDE. And you treating him like that, focusing on the war and not a hug, mannn, Anakin is about to take a 'dippity dip' in this goddamn pool. Smh.
Bo-Katan: "He murdered their ruler. My sister. I thought she meant something to you. "
Me: *visibly sees Obi-Wan look sad* Satineeeee😭😭😭 No, Obi-Wan, it's okay!!
*when the troopers pass by and salute to Ahsoka* Me: UwU
REX'S SMILE 👑 when she walks in😍 "Glad to have you back, Commander. " *smiles again* 👑 "Rex. Thank you. But you don't have to call me Commander anymore. " "Sure thing, Commander." *smiles AGAIN* 👑
Me: 😭😭 Rex, I SWEAR TO GOD, if you don't stop SMITING me with those SMILES BRO. Just chill. Please. Do it again and I'—
*alarm goes off* God fucking dammit. *sees the troopers scrambling in the background* HAHAHHAHHA😆😆🤣
*stops laughing* Who's in trouble? The Chancellor. Hahahaha, who's that? Ohhh, you mean Buttcheeksakin. Yeahhh~🤣 Nobody cares!!
Ahsoka: "I understand, that it's your usual playing politics. This is why the people have lost faith in the Jedi. I had too. Until I was reminded of what the order means to people who truly need us. "
Obi-Wan: "Right now people on Coruscant need us. "
Ahsoka: "No, the Chancellor needs you. "
Me: *nose bleed* "Damnnnn, say it again for the people in the back!!! Ughh, feisty Ahsoka is sexy. " 😍
REX GETTING WHAAA, PROMOTED?! I knew this day was coming for sooo long *sniffles* I'm so proud.
*music heightens it's pitch* HER LIGHTSABERS😭😭😭
Ahsokaaaa got her lightsabers BACK!! Looking snazzyyyy, looking beautiful, you look hot honey! And a BONUS, they are BLUE!! Hot DAMN!! 💙💙
Ahsoka: "Anakin... " *Anakin turns around* "Good luck. " *Anakin smiles with pride*
Me: *ugly sobs*
*Nobody stays seated while, 'Love pledge' plays in the background*
Me: *cries harder* WHYYYY😭😭😭
'Commander' REX. Whereeee areee youuu?! Ah, there you darling. Beautiful bby boyyyy, you deserve it!!! 😍😍😍
*spots someone behind Rex* Who Issss...?? Oh, JESSE!! Heyyy~ *waves* ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡ )
Rex: "Sorry, I didn't think to bring you a jetpack?" Ahsoka: "Don't need one. " *Nobody will ever fucking stay seated while Rex gives the mother of all amused smirks* 👑
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(THIS beautiful smirk⬆ I know I WILL be watching 60 more times after I finish this goddamn episode 🥵)
PART 2 of my reaction coming soon!! (Nah, I'm serious, it'll be here. Just hold your horses!)
Link to part 2!! ⬇
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whoopsimwitchy · 4 years
I just thought of an AMAZING Marichat fanfic idea!!!!
(Please do not take this I’m going to use it, thank youuu)
Marinette’s father passes away and she goes into complete shock, leaving Paris crumbling, and deprived of it’s hero. The only person who can get through to her, is none other than her best friend, Chat Noir (Sorry, Alya).
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nochuuuenthusiast · 5 years
you’re drunk
it’s 3 am right now and i’m not tired so here’s a scenario for you guys ... and sorry for not updating yesterday i was really really really busy but hopefully this makes up for it; also i just starting this blog but if anyone has requests i’ll take them lol
plot: jungkook picks you up after you’ve been intoxicated
genre: fluff
word count: 1350
*(y/f/n) = your friend’s name
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Why isn’t she back? 
Jungkook was sitting upright in bed staring at the digital clock next to his bed. 
It’s almost 1 am. Where is she? 
He keeps grabbing his phone and checking it to see if you responded to the texts he’s been sending you for the past hour. He was starting to get worried. In fact...he was already very worried. 
What if she’s hurt? Or what if she’s lost? Why isn’t she responding? 
Jungkook bites his bottom lip and decides to call you again. 
Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. This is (y/n)! Please leave a message! 
He knew it. Straight to voicemail. 
Jungkook moves into the living room-- still worried that you were out for such a long time. Okay. I can’t stand this anymore... I’m gonna go pick her up...
“Hello? Who is this?” 
“Hi (y/f/n) this is Jungkook... is (y/n) still with you?” 
“Ohhhhh Jungkook!!! Yeah... she’s still here... but I think you need to pick her up... she’s kinda... really drunk...” 
“Yeah... I figured. I’m on my way right now... can you send me the address to the club?” 
“Yeah yeah... of course... I’ll text it to you... hold on.” 
He knew it... you were drunk. This was not the first time this has happened, but every time it did, Jungkook was always worried sick. He felt like it was his responsibility to take care of you but when you were outside without him AND drunk at the same time, he felt vulnerable. 
“Okay... I sent it to you... please hurry though... she won’t stop drinking and I’m kinda scared she’s gonna get even more wasted than she already is.”
“I’m on my way right now... please don’t let her go anywhere by herself.” 
I hope she’s okay. 
Jungkook drove to the club as fast as he could. When he arrived, he spotted (y/f/n) immediately and he managed to pass through the intoxicated crowd to get to her. 
“Oh thank goodness you’re here Jungkook... yeah... she needs to go home...” (y/f/n) says as she points towards your direction. 
You were sitting on a high chair in the lounge area by yourself with your head bobbing up and down-- almost as if you were falling in and out of sleep. 
“(y/n)?” he called your name, trying to get your attention. 
“Who are youuu?” you said with a slur in your words.
“It’s me, Jungkook... come on let’s go home.” 
“Noooo~ I don’t  go home with strangers, okay? I already have a boyfriend so go away...” she says while lifting her head slowly. Wow. She’s so drunk... note to self: don’t let (y/n) go to any clubs without me from now on. 
“(y/n), I am your boyfriend... Jungkook. Come on, let’s go home now, okay?” 
“No! I’m (y/n)! I can go home by myself...” you say as you stand up from your seat with your purse in one hand and your drink in the other. Jungkook takes the drink out of your hand almost instantly and places it on the table. He takes your free hand into his so that he can guide you out of the hectic club. 
“Nooo stop it!” she exclaims like a child-- trying to swat your hand away. “I already told you, mister... I have a boyfriend and if he was here he would not be happy with you....”
“(y/n), I am Jungkook... let’s go now... give me your purse... let me hold it for you.” 
You hand him your purse and let him hold your hand... Thank god... she’s finally listening to me.
“Okay (y/f/n).... we’re going home now... do you have a ride back to your place?”
“Yeah... I’ll be fine... I called a taxi so it should be here soon... make sure to give her some painkillers before she sleeps... she drank A LOT...”
“Mhmm... yeah... I’ll make sure to do that... okay, we’re gonna go now...”
“BYE (y/f/n)!!!! I LOVE YOUUU” you yell as you wave vigorously at your friend.
After you’re done, he grasps your hand firmly to lead the way out of the club.  
You guys arrived back in Jungkook’s apartment but as soon as Jungkook parked his car in the parking garage, he realized the problem he had encountered. He noticed you had been awfully quiet during the drive to his apartment and when he looked over his shoulder, he saw you deep in sleep-- quite frankly, a little too deeply. 
How am I gonna do this? She’s sleeping... 
He sat in the driver’s seat for a good minute, going through his options in his mind again and decided that it would be best if he carried you back to his apartment... 
The last time I carried her, she was pretty light soooo...
Jungkook miraculously managed to get you on his back and carried you back home safely. When he arrived at his apartment, he headed straight to his bedroom to put you down. He went to his closet and looked through the small section that he had dedicated to all of your clothes that you kept at his apartment just in case you needed to stay over. 
He found the oversized hoodie that he bought you for your birthday last year as well as a pair of shorts so that you didn’t have to sleep in the tight dress that you had on. 
Jungkook took your clothes and went to the kitchen to find some painkillers for you to take so that you wouldn’t have a massive migraine the next day. He found the painkillers and walked over to his bed and saw that you hadn’t changed your position at all... Wow... she’s sleeping so deeply... I don’t even think she’s gonna wake up to change her clothes. 
He leaned in closer to you and instantly smelled the alcohol on your clothes. 
“(y/n)... (y/n)...” 
You gradually opened your eyes and looked around your surroundings. “Why am I here? I thought I went home with my boyfriend,” you asked, confused. 
“(y/n) you are at your boyfriend’s house... here... take these,” he said gently as he handed you the painkillers along with a glass of water. 
“Oh yeah~ well if you were really my boyfriend, you would know what my favorite color is and I bet you don’t know it because you’re not my boyfriend.” You sounded so confident that he wasn’t your boyfriend... it was really cute.
“But I do know it...”
“No you don’t ... liar liar pants on fire!” You turn your back around so that you weren’t facing him and you had your arms crossed... as if you were ignoring him. 
“Would I be a liar if I said that your favorite color is blue?” 
You pause before you answer him. “Yes because you don’t know what kind of blue I like... you just got lucky.” You still had your back turned the other way.
“It’s baby blue... and your second favorite color is pink... and your third favorite color is yellow.” 
You turned around... squinting at him... She’s so cute. 
“If you’re reallyyyyy Jungkook, you would kiss me on the cheek and call me a cutie but you never did that soooo...” You were slurring your words again... How is she cuter than she was 5 seconds ago?
Jungkook leaned in, caressed your face with his hand, and gave you a soft kiss on the lips.
“Cutie,” he whispered into your ear. “Now do you believe me?” 
You stare at him for a good moment and slowly nod at him in defeat with your eyes half-opened... you were getting tired again.
“I have clothes for you... change first and then we can go to sleep, okay?” 
You nod your head at him again. You stand up, almost falling over from imbalance. He grabs your waist and leads you to the bathroom so that you wouldn’t fall down and hurt yourself.
Jungkook smiles to himself as he waits for you to come out... you’re just way too cute for him to handle.  
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Wayward Huntress
Chapter 4
Summary: Dean, Sam and you are on the road towards Sioux Falls. We learn more about your relationship with the boys.
WARNINGS: Language, fluff (?)
Pairings : Dean x Reader, Sam x Reader 
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It has been a week now since you've finally settled in the Men of Letters' bunker. You got to know the brothers well. Everynight between intensive reseach sessions,  you had to beg them to tell you about their wildest hunts.The Winchesters were like legends in your world. Every evening in the library, while enjoying a couple beers, Sam and Dean would tell you their craziest adventures. From Bobby to Charlie, they told you about everyone who crossed their path. And more recently, they explained you what were the Men of Letters, what they did and what they were planning to do. You knew so because a day after you came back, Mary left the bunker to join a guy named Ketch in Texas and obviously both brothers did not like it at all. After an hour of bothering Dean as he worked on the Impala, he finally gave up and told you everything he knew. Even told you that Sam trusted them more than him, and that if anything would ever happen to their mother he would personally kill Ketch with his bare hands. Classy dude, really. 
For as it is now, everything was going fine. The sassy angel wasn't in your paws, since he was not there at all. They told you he went looking for angels who could held information about humans who could possess an aura like yours. But deep down, you knew Castiel was trying to avoid you as much as possible. Waiting for information wasn't a problem for you though, the hunts with the brothers were really more thrilling than when you used to hunt alone. 
Both Dean and you were singing at the top of your lungs as you drove towards Sioux Falls to lend a hand to one of their friends who had trouble dealing with a pack of werewolves. What was really amazing about your relationship with the elder Winchester was that, your crazy matched with his crazy, big time. You both enjoyed the same type of music, same type of food and even the same brand of alcohol. He truly was the big brother you never had. 
You heard the sound of the leather twisting as Sam enormous body shifted in his seat. He was losing his patience. His brother and you wouldn't stop singing old rock classics whenever you had to make a roadtrip. Per usual, Sam had his laptop opened on his lap, trying to gather as much info and leads about the hunt you were on. You liked Sam a lot too, it just wasn't like with Dean, his seriousness would always prevent you from messing with him. You slipped into the backseat of the Impala to the front passenger side. You put your arms around the seat as you hugged Sam and put your head forward to talk to him. 
-Don't be like that Sammy, enjoy the free concert! you laughed. 
As he gazed at you, he tried his best to take a severe expression, but without any success. Your warm smile and your good mood were contagious and the brothers both needed a good vibe these days. 
-Get back in your seat before getting pojected outside by the windshield. He said with a laugh, his hazel eyes locked on yours.  
-Okay, okay. Don't get your panties in a twist Samantha. you exclaimed as you sat back in your seat. 
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Dean stood still for a couple seconds, jaw wide opened, round eyes, totally astonished by what you just said to his brother. He side eyed his brother to watch his reaction. Sam had his eyes closed, inhaling a good breath of air, obviously maddening over the fact you called him Samantha... you too.
-What? You don't like your nickname? Dean told me it would really piss you off. 
Sam suddendly opened his eyes and stared at his brother with an accusing look. His brother responded with a shrug, as if he didn't know where you got that from. What happened next really surprised the both of you. 
-That's it. Sam mumbled.
Sam unfastened his seatbelt and unexpectedly jumped into the backseat of the car, pushing you down on your back with his strong arms. He then grabbed both of your wrists in one hand and pinned them above your head to prevent you from struggling and he started to tickle you endlessly with his free hand. You couldn't stop wagging in his arms as his fingers lightly touched every sensible spots. You were begging him to stop as you laughed, he really caught you off guard. 
-Say you won't use that nickname ever again and I'll stop. He managed to say as you wrestled under him trying to free yourself from his grip. 
-Bahahahahaaaa- I- hahahaha stop it! You had trouble talking because of the spasmodic movements your body was making from all the tickles. 
-Guys c'mon! What are you? 12? Dean sharply shouted obviously getting tired of getting hit in the back of his seat. 
-Say you won't ever call me Samantha again Y/N. Sam continued while laughing, ignoring his brother.
-I swe-bahahaha okay okay I SWEAAAR! you finally exclaimed between waves of laughters. 
Sam finally stopped fidgeting his fingers against your skin, still straddeling your thighs. You were both panting from the laughters as you laid there, still caught between his arms. As you finally regained control of your breath, you caught him staring at you with a keen look, his hazel eyes filled with fascination. You looked back into his piercing eyes, all                of your senses now awakening, feeling his hot-flaming body hovering against yours. You stood there for what seems like an eternity, neither of you broke the eye contact and the rousing tension made you feel light-headed. An intense desire started pulsating between your thighs while Sam stared hungrily at you as if he wanted to devour you. As you were about to lock one of your leg around one of his to silently allow him to get closer when the car took a sharp turn and made Sam rolled off you, hitting his head against the driver' seat. 
-Dean! What the Hell?  Sam growled at his brother while rubbing his head. 
-That's what you get kids when you don't listen to the elder! Dean exclaimed laughing from the two of you. 
-Alright, I'll go to the police station first thing in the morning to gather more information from Jodie. Sam declared while he pulled a chair from the miniature dining table of the motel room. 
Dean threw you the keys of the adjacent room, winking at you. You don't know how, but you managed to catch them despite the fact that you just woke up. The backseat of the Impala was like a second bedroom for you since you started hunting with them. You stared back between the keys in your hand and Dean, an incredule look stuck in your face. 
-What? I get to have my own room?  you asked Dean excited from not having to share a bathroom with these two. 
-Yep, a woman deserves some privacy one day or another. 
You stood there, dumbfounded from Dean's statement. Even Sam craned his neck from where he was sitting to look at his brother trying to see if he was really being serious. 
-Aight, you better scram before I take back those keys sweetheart.
Without saying anything more, you hastened to pick up your duffelbag from the floor and quickly left the room excitedly. Dean scoffed from your reaction as he bent to get a beer from the grocery bag you forgot on the floor. As he turned around, Sam stared at him puzzling. 
-You know I could've take the couch right? 
-Yeah... See Sammy, we gotta chat. 
-Huh okay... What's up? Sam asked his brother, frowning. 
Dean uncapped his beer and took a sip before he went to sit on the bed closest to Sam. He looked silently at his beer while searching for the right way to start the conversation.
-Alright so what's the deal? he finally spoke up.
Sam who still didn't get where Dean was getting into lifted his eyebrows.
-What deal?
-Y'know... back in the car.. with Y/N.
Sam gulped as he finally understood what his brother meant. He tried to escape Dean's accusing look by suddenly getting up to get himself a beer as well. Without looking back at him he scoffed and retorted:
-What? You're the only one who can act like a child now and then?
-C'mon man, you know what I meant. Dean exclaimed exasperated. Plus, ya know... The girl isn't an eyesore it wouldn't be really surprising if you wanted to-
-Alright, yes. Sam cut Dean off. Y/N's attractive, smart, funny and she's a great hunter. And, yes maybe, I may have some kind of feelings for her. But that doesn't change the fact that we're curse magnets Dean. You know how many monsters want us dead? I won't put her more in danger than she already is.
-Mhm... But lemme ask you this: If we were retiring, no more hunts, no more dead bodies, no more crap. Would you give it a try with her?
The younger Winchester sighed as he sat down next to Dean on the bed. Sam gave a look at Dean, a wordless vocabulary that only the brothers could decipher. They both sat there quietly while finishing their beer and contempling their sad fate.
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
Ohhhhh Paige I‘m sooo excited that my show is finally happening my friends and I have pit tickets and it’s on a friday we‘re soo hyped I‘m already thinking about what I‘m gonna wear 💃🏻💃🏻
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certifiablyidiotic · 5 years
Acting like a dominant girl on Omegle gets you nowhere.
I'm a cismale and I thought 'Why not act like a woman tonight?' I chose to act like a dominant lesbian and this is the results
Stranger: M or f
You: I'm a fucking human. It doesn't matter.
Stranger: Bitch STFU😒
You: I just want a casual chat.
You: Is that too much?
Stranger: No come get sum
Stranger: I'm NOT gay
Stranger: So if this a guy
Stranger: Leave me alone
You: Homophobic, I see.
Stranger: No I'm not
Stranger: That's what I am not
You: You said 'Leave me alone' as if you were afraid of a little homosexuality.
Stranger: I am I don't put myself around that energy
You: So...
Stranger: Is this a girl if you a girl idc if you say allat but
You: Yeah it is, but what if I'm a lesbian?
Stranger: If you a guy you kinda wierd man
Stranger: That's coo
You: Why would it automatically be weird for a guy to say this, if I may?
Stranger: Wym?
Stranger: Guys shouldn't be talking bout anything gay
You: But girls can?
Stranger: I'm not gay so I don't associate with gay stuff
Stranger: Yes your a girl🤩😂call me whateverrr
You: So you don't support LGBT+ and you shun gay dudes.
That's called Homophobic.
Stranger: But anywayssss😂
Stranger: I'm not homophobic
Stranger: Stop calling me gay girl😭
You: You sure act like it.
You: I'm not calling you gay.
Homophobic is afraid of gays.
Stranger: Ohhhhh
You: Or a hatred for them
Stranger: I don't hate it's just idc to hear bout it
You: And if you do?
Stranger: Wym?
You: You don't care to hear about it.
What happens if you do?
Stranger: Well then I'm tb gay stuff Wich I don't like tbh😐
Stranger: But when a girl tb it it's okay
You: 'tb'?
Stranger: Talking about
Stranger: Wyd tho?
You: Your fragile masculinity is laughable.
You: Would you believe me if I said I'm sucking a dick?
Stranger: Naw
Stranger: Are you
You: No.
Stranger: Why would you ask me then funny af🤣🤣
Stranger: I'm eating sum pussy rn so...
Stranger: 🤣
You: To see if you were as much of a creep as you come-
Yeah... I think I proved my point.
Stranger: I was just kidding calm tf down
Stranger: 😐😐
You: Fragile
Stranger: Fradgile masculinity?
Stranger: Bitch enough big words we aint in school rn
You: School is for people who want to do something big in life.
All you wanna do is shun me for being smarter than you and shun guys for being gay.
Stranger: No idc if they gay so stop you dumb hoe
You: Then interact with men in the LGBT+ community... 'you dumb hoe'
Stranger: Prolly was sucking dick😂🙄
Stranger: Me nooo
Stranger: Your not getting me to do that who you think you is shorty😭🤣🤣
You: What does dick sucking have to do with you talking to a gay dude?
Stranger: I'm not talking to no gayyy dudeee
You: I have a bigger dick than you.
Stranger: Nada
You: Fragile fucking Masculinity
Stranger: Bitch I will fuck the back off you
You: I hope the fuck you do
Stranger: Arch that back hoe
You: You're either
A.) A perv
or B.) Rocking on fragile masculinity.
You have to choose one.
Stranger: You would be beggin for yo life if I eat that pussy how I wanted😛😈
Stranger: I'm not a perv or I'm not gay so...
Stranger: What color hair you got?
You: Fragile Masculinity means your so self conscious about someone being more 'manly' than you so you act tough around ladies to raise your personality points. And lemme tell ya, it aint workin.
It has nothing to do with being gay.
You: Why does that matter?
I'm never having your babies.
Stranger: Wtf that ain't me I was js I am not gay and keep the gay talk away from me but baby ion know where you got allat at butttt...
Stranger: Bitch I don't want you to have my babies
You: Gay talk-
Were you not fucking listening?
Being a man of fragile masculinity means you have self esteem issues about your manliness.
You: Then why ask?
Stranger: Ik what I am and you ain't about to clown me and tell me who I am you clowning fr baby🤣🤣😭
You: If I am a clown, what will you do?
Stranger: I don't
You: You do.
You: You really do.
Stranger: No I don't ouuu I would fuck the life out youuu
You: You do. Saying shit like "I would fuck the life out of you" proves it.
Stranger: But what you wanna tb
You: I wanna talk about your low self-esteem.
Stranger: Bet it up shorty
You: Or is it that your self-esteem is so high that you're afraid of lil' ol' me?
Stranger: And you must have problems about how you feel about yourself to be judging meee.😁
You: I'm living my best life.
Stranger: Who afraid of you bitch becuas I definitely am tf not
Stranger: Yea
You: Calling someone names in an argument really lowers your personality points.
Stranger: IDGAF 🤣
You: Yeah you do.
Stranger: Personality points🙄
Stranger: Yo ass is evil I like that😏😏
You: Then again, you were already at zero points, so now you're at negative-go-fuck-yourself points.
You: I take pleasure in reading that you like the evil in me.
Stranger: I get off on that😋😏
You: I bet you masturbate to CBT porn
Stranger: Evil is attractive
Stranger: To me
You: Good thing I'm not gonna ever see you in my life.
Stranger: And you got it written all over youuuu🥺😌
Stranger: See evil asl I luvvvv it
Stranger: Keep thinking positive baby
You: Good thing I don't 'luvvvv' you.
Stranger: Oh no that is luv not love
Stranger: Different meanings😘
You: Ah, luv is a pervert's version of love.
Stranger: Prostitute ass bitch stop hateing yo ass is insecure
Stranger: Fr🤣
Stranger: Just talk to me girlll😒
You: If I was a prostitute, I wouldn't be on here.
Secondly, you're insecure for thinking that I'm hating on you.
Stranger: Ik you are hahaha
You: I'm laughing so hard...
Stranger: I'm not thinking ik you are
Stranger: Go head laugh it up
You: You really think I'm laughing at your jokes?
I'm laughing at your insecurites.
You: insecurities*
Stranger: Bitch you pissing me off😒
Stranger: No I am not .
You: Good.
If you want me to stop, then talk to a fucking homosexual, you homophobe.
Stranger: Just talk normal
Stranger: Daum
You: This is my normal talk.
Stranger: Why you gotta constantly be tb sum gay or judging realshit girl if that was regular talk you gotta find better things to tb
Stranger: Wyd rn??
You: Talking to a dumbass.
Stranger: Here you go again bitch😍😂I do kinda luv that lil additude
You: I talk about great things, I just get ticked off when guys think they can treat girls like toys for their sex.
You: You think you can belittle me?
Stranger: Lmao and who is doing that??
You: You're really out here... on some fucking crack or something,
Stranger: Who is belittle you I was gon treat you good like fr b4 you started calling me names and judging you little bitch so don't think shit sweet
Stranger: Wasn't even belittle you but I'ma do it now because you brought it up so...
You: I don't care if you hate me. You're a stranger on the internet who is getting mad for some girl on Omegle.com talking shit.
Stranger: I'm not mad
Stranger: Lmaooo
Stranger: You think you getting to me naww
Stranger: Don't trip
You: I wish that were true.
You're struggling with your fragile masculinity, so you hide behind this persona of bravery and cockiness.
Stranger: Your funny tho fr
You: Learn to spell, numbnuts
Stranger: You were struggling with your masculinity who TF says that shit
You: Me.
Stranger: Your the first person I ever heard say that
You: Because no one else is like me.
Stranger: But shorty I wasn't tryna belittle you I wasn't tryna fuck nun of day I was just tryna make sum friends lmao
You: Well this 'shorty' will not be your friend simply because you have a small penis and you're afraid of me.
Stranger: I'm not afraid of you and my dick ain't small!
You: Prove it.
Stranger: How girl
You: Act like a big dick dude and prove you're not afraid.
Stranger: Girl Ik I'm not scared of youu
Stranger: .🤣
Stranger: I thought you ain't want no dick?
You: Prove you're not scared of me.
Also, I said I didn't want YOUR dick.
Stranger: Come grab this mfka then
You: What is there to grab?
Stranger: Slobber it all down😍
Stranger: Ykyk
You: I can't touch something non-existent.
Stranger: Yeah let's go ahead and play this game🤣
Stranger: Girl yk I got dickk
You: Act like it then.
Stranger: Don't even try to act like you dont.
You: Don't have a dick or don't want your micro-penis?
Stranger: I got dick promise ya girl😘
You: Well, stop calling me 'girl', firstly and then I'll consider believing you.
Stranger: What's your name here I'll treat you better
You: It's fucking Bob. I'm not telling you my name.
Stranger: Wow
Stranger: Girl
Stranger: Evil🥰🥰I luvvv it
You: No. Just staying private.
Stranger: It's okay I'm julian
You: You're very trusting.
Stranger: Thx
You: That's not good.
Stranger: You think I'm trustworthy that what you saying
Stranger: You bi polar huh
You: No. I'm saying you trust people too easily.
Also, no. I'm just blunt.
Stranger: I like it fr tho I think you is bi polar you be getting mad at me for no reasonnn
Stranger: Who said I trust?
You: I'm laughing. I'm not mad.
Stranger: I trust no one🤫
Stranger: Me too
You: What part of Arizona do you live in?
So I can maim you/
You: .*
Stranger: You in phx
You: Why would I tell you that?
Stranger: No I just don't give 2 fucxks what you gon do kill me?😂🙃
Stranger: Aint nobody onnat
You: If that's what it takes to get you to leave this conversation, then yes.
Stranger: If I meet up wit these bitches nun of them gon have me worried nun of them are gon press me
Stranger: .
Stranger: What's your issue nowww😭😭😭🤣
Stranger: You be having me rolling istg🤣
You: Just give up. You aren't going to win this battle. You're an issue and I'm losing brain cells listening to your grammar and incessant rambling.
Stranger: Bitch come suck my dick
Stranger: Idc
Stranger: Idc
You: No, I don't think I will.
Stranger: Thought you wanted dick?
You: Not yours.
Stranger: All you bitched want my dick🤫
You: Your dick is small. I asked you to prove that you even had a penis by acting like it. Are you fucking brainless?
Stranger: I got drug dealer swag baby I can give to fucs what you think bout me
Stranger: 😘
You: Ah, so you give me a reason to get you incarcerated?
Stranger: Bitch we anonymous
You: True, but I have my ways.
Stranger: You don't wanna take it their fr
You: I should probably head out before I become braindead. It wasn't nice talking to you.
Stranger: Like realshit
You: 'Kay, bye~
Stranger: Why you leaving
You: Because you're dumb. Why else?
Stranger: Okay I guess
Stranger: Could've had sum dick girl but...
Stranger: You ain't want nu
You: I'm a lesbian.
You have disconnected
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