sarahinara · 10 years
ohcrap-itsactuallymydivision replied to your post: Can someone help me look for a fic? It...
Here you go ^-^ : planetcleer.tumblr.com/… (at least I’m like 99% sure this is the one you’re talking about)
Thank you! That is in fact the one I'm looking for.
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agiantsackofpotatoes · 10 years
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aswarmofsheep i'm not okay, i will be, but i'm not okay and will not be for a week or so. (Have gone through this before) thanks for your concern! <3 ohcrap-itsactuallymydivision heyy, he was the sweetest and weirdest cat i ever knew. He was perfect. (I'm already talking in past tense) i've only had him for a year. Thank you for your concern!
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sobriquet-widget · 10 years
Happy Birthday!!! ^_^
Thank you !! uwu
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chaotictrashgremlin · 10 years
Guys ohcrap-itsactuallymydivision made some really pretty icons and i'm using one and omg I love it, thank you for making these.
Go check 'em out here
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shiphaustrash · 10 years
Wolf out
Wolf out
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Pairing: Freewood (Gavin/Ryan)
Words: 1844
Ryan wasn’t one for the horror movies, he couldn’t stand the cries of a blonde girl who had managed to fall over at least five times, but if Gavin wanted to watch them for movie night tonight why was he to say no. They had been dating for four months roughly, time had gone so quick but Ryan did not want to mess this up at all, it’d be awkward. At this stage only Geoff knew, and maybe Burnie because of a party that everyone got a little too drunk at. So he might not even remember stumbling into his own bedroom, seeing the two on the bed apologising then leaving, Burnie said something about wrong room. Then proceeded to pass out in the hallway, he hadn’t mentioned it to Ryan or Gavin as far as he could tell.
At the moment Ryan was unlocking the door to Gavin’s new house, according to the British man it was the best house that he had ever seen, Ryan didn’t know what the big celebration was about finding a really old, semi working house that connected into the worlds most creepiest forest at the end of a very long road that seemed to go on for miles. It was the sort of house that the government took photos of and stuck it to pamphlets for kids saying don’t ever approach this house, don’t talk to strangers.
A cool breeze was flowing through the house, he placed his keys on the table and headed for the kitchen,
"Gavin, I’m here" shouted Ryan, no noise came from upstairs, odd maybe he was in the study again. That place felt soundproof some days, Ryan paused when he saw the back door open, the inside mat was ripped slightly in five long strips. Frowning he cautiously made his way outside, Ryan’s instincts weren’t very good when it came to things that could kill him, that’s why when a hunched over hairy figure stumbled from the edge of the backyard closer to the house all Ryan could do is freeze. What the fuck was that…
It struggled with itself for a bit before growing smaller bit by bit, it hobbled closer to the house and paid no mind to Ryan, maybe it hadn’t seen him yet. He hesitantly lifted his foot and took a step back, only for his foot to catch on the house and send him flying back with a loud thump, he groaned and his eyes snapped up too see the thing looking at him. They stared at each other before the things legs began to shift uncomfortably, it lost all of its hair expect some on its head and chest, it almost started to look human. It pressed its head against the ground, arms wrapped around itself it lifted its head and cried out in pain. And oh god was that Gavin…
Ryan watched as the thing grew more human until his boyfriend was lying on the ground, he got up and stumbled over to Gavin hesitantly. The British man was breathing hard, and was also naked, like very naked,
"Ry, Ry please, Ryan" panted Gavin,
"Gavin, what the fuck just happened?" asked Ryan carefully placing his hand on his boyfriends back,
"I’m sorry, call Burnie, please tell him to come here, tell him it’s an emergency, uhhh, it’s uhhh, code five" stuttered Gavin.
"Code five? Gavin, what the hell is happening?!" asked Ryan slightly more panicked,
"Ry, Ryan please" begged Gavin, the older man got up off the ground and made his way inside, the phone sat on the counter with a list of numbers next to them. Burnies number was one of the first few on the list, he dialled his the number trying to calm himself down so he didn’t sound so hysterical.
"Hello Burnie here, whats up Gavin?" asked his friend,
"Yeah hi Burnie it’s Ryan" said Ryan,
"Hey, whatcha doing at Gavin’s place?" asked Burnie,
"I, dont really, look Gavin’s out in the backyard and there is something wrong, he told me to tell you code five" stammered Ryan,
"Oh, okay tell him I’ll be there soon, Ryan can you get him inside?" asked Burnie.
"Yes, but Burnie what the fuck going on?!" questioned Ryan,
"No, I’ll be there soon, just get him inside now, if he starts to shake really bad then let him back outside" repeated Burnie again, on the other end he phone was hung up with a click. Ryan slammed down the phone, and took a few deep breathes, he made his way to the cupboard under the stairs and found some old sheets. Ryan took them out to Gavin,
"I called him, he said you need to get inside" said Ryan,
"But what if I…" said Gavin trailing off, he placed his arms around the British mans chest under his arms and lifted him up carefully, he took one of his arms and placed it around his own neck to hold him up. Gavin seemed to weak to be able to hold the sheets on his shoulder so instead he picked it up and threw it over his shoulder, the step was the hardest bit to get through. Ryan, with Gavin still being held up, stepped through then pulled Gavin up into the house, he placed the sheet on the couch before carefully placed his boyfriend on the couch. He grabbed a second blanket from the cupboard and placed it over him for warmth,
"Thank you" said Gavin, his voice sounded hoarse. They only had to wait five minutes before tires screeched down the street and stopped at Gavin’s house, the door was opened without an knocking and Burnie was at Gavin’s side at an instant.
"Hey, how’s he going? Did he need to go outside again?" asked Burnie cupping the British mans face to see if he was okay, Gavin’s head lolled to the side but straighten up.
"He’s been okay I think so far, he didn’t go outside" said Ryan,
"Hey Gav, what happened?" asked Burnie,
"Didn’t work, I took them, it didn’t work" murmured Gavin, Ryan stood close by with his arms crossed and a frown on his face.
"Ryan could you get me a wet towel and water? He’s heating up a bit" asked Burnie, Ryan didn’t say a word as he went to the kitchen and soaked a hand towel and filled up a glass of water. He watched from the kitchen as Burnie placed small intimate gestures onto Gavin. He suppressed a frustrated sigh and brought the towel and water to his boyfriend, Ryan hadn’t noticed it when Burnie came in but he had brought in a small bag inside, he opened it and inside were a few needles along with bottles of all sorts.
"…Incredibly lucky, and stupid" said Burnie, Gavin scoffed with a half smile on his face, Ryan, ignored whatever Burnie was doing and wiped down Gavin’s forehead. The British man leaned his head back and smiled fondly at Ryan who returned the smile, he let his hand cup Gavin’s head gently, his thumb stroked across his temple comfortingly.
"You are going to need to rest for a few days, I suggest staying on the couch instead of trying to get up the stairs" said Burnie, Ryan’s hand snapped away from Gavin and placed the towel on his forehead.
"Okay" replied Gavin,
"Your limbs will be sore for a few days, you know the drill with pain killers" said Burnie taking one of the needles he must have prepared and gently pricking Gavin’s skin with it, his boyfriend winced but said nothing as the liquid disappeared into him.
"Tomorrow?" asked Gavin, Ryan placed the drink to his boyfriends lips letting him having a small sip or two.
"Yes I will be back, I don’t trust you here alone" said Burnie packing up his stuff,
"I won’t be alone" responded Gavin, Burnie glanced over to Ryan who straighten out slightly but said nothing, the curly haired man sighed and nodded.
"I guess that’s okay then, know how to work a needle?" asked Burnie,
"Yes" replied Ryan,
"Alright, I’m not going to ask how" joked Burnie, Gavin was looking much better now, his skin was getting back more of that glow it held to it instead of the pastiness it had early.
"I’ll leave you two then, don’t get in too much trouble, just real quick, scale from one to ten of how you feel?" asked Burnie,
"Five" replied Gavin,
"Better than six" said Burnie standing up, Ryan awkwardly showed his friend to the door, the situation was a lot calmer now but Ryan still didn’t know what the hell was going on, did he imagine the thing Gavin had turned from. Maybe he was just having a seizure and that was Ryan’s minds way of censoring it. He came back to Gavin curled up biting on his lips, he sat next to him cautiously,
"I need you not to freak out" said Gavin before Ryan could say anything,
"Okay" said the older man,
"And I need you to keep a very very open mind, and for you not to leave" said Gavin,
"I… Okay, yes I promise" said Ryan with a sigh,
"I am… One of many many people, that are affected with a particular thing that has been influenced by modern culture into something that-" stuttered Gavin,
"Gavin" stated Ryan.
"Lycanthropy" said the Brit,
"As in…?" asked Ryan,
"I’m a werewolf" said Gavin,
"That’s impossible" replied the older man shaking his head,
"So what you saw outside early?" asked Gavin,
"My imagination" replied Ryan,
"The fur is still there" said his boyfriend,
"Wild animal" responded Ryan,
"Shedding that kind of fur?" questioned Gavin,
"It’s.. Uhhh, no…" stammered Ryan before pressing the heel of his palms into his eyes. Oh god this was happening,
"I could show you another time, but it hurts a lot" said Gavin,
"What happened earlier?" asked Ryan,
"Wasn’t supposed to happen, I take these pills to suppress it but they didn’t work, I’m sorry I didn’t mean for this to happen" explained Gavin,
"For you to wolf out or for me to know at all?" asked Ryan, the British man sighed and pressed his hands into his face. The older man got up and crouched in front of his boyfriend, he took Gavin’s hands into his and took a breathe,
"It’s fine, I know that sounds a bit weird but I’m fine with his and I don’t really understand, but I can learn" said Ryan,
"Really?" asked Gavin tearing up slightly,
"Yes really, I love you" said Ryan,
"I love you too" said Gavin wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. Ryan kissed Gavin and sat up next to him, he let the British man curl up next to him and just let everything sink in.
"Hey Ryan?" asked Gavin,
"Yeah?" responded Ryan,
"How do you know how to use a needle?" asked Gavin,
"I’m a vampire! Wait do those exist too?!" questioned Ryan,
"Lets watch a movie" said Gavin,
"Oh dear god" groaned Ryan.
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alittlebitgayandmore · 10 years
Campus- Vampire Weekend
Then I see youYou're walking cross the campusCruel professorStudying romance
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beatthosedirtyblues · 11 years
potatoes are fuckin stupid
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Blogs to follow!!!
These are some of my favourite blogs on Tumblr:
www.ohcrap-itsactuallymydivision.tumblr.com (mainly for the URL :P)
www.dont-be-dull.tumblr.com (awesome sherlock cosplay)
www.partybarackisinthehousetonight.tumblr.com (hilarious original text posts)
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thismustbetheblog · 11 years
I was tagged in a thing.
RULES: 1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions that are given to you 3. Write 11 new questions 4. Tag 11 people and let them know you tagged them 5. Tag the person who tagged you
1. Who would you most like to have tea with? Stephen Fry
2. When lightning hits the sea, why don’t all the fish die? I don't know but it probably involves the way lightning also rise from the ground to meet the fork in the sky. Physicsy whisicy stuff!
3. Sweet or Savoury? Savoury. Sweet can get too much. Pizza is forever
4. Best movie you’ve seen this year? I rewatched Hot Fuzz does that count
5. What would you see in the Mirror of Erised? A stage
6. Would you go into space? Nope. Flying enough for me tbh
7. Classic Who or NuWho? NuWho. I'm slowly making my way through classic Who. I think if you asked me at the end of that I'd say both
8. cats or cats? Cats, cats cats cats cats and kittens
9. Reality TV or physical and psychological torture (or are they the same thing?) Big Brother certainly is. But reality tv, wouldn't want to miss Masterchef and GBBO
10. Buffy or Angel? Never seen either. Tempted to say Angel just because of David Boreanez. But probably Buffy
11. Global warming. Fact or Fiction? Fact. I think it's definitely happening. Just we're not sure exactly why. I think it's mostly because of human interference but also a tiny bit from natural causes
Questions for you.
Tea or coffee?
Cinema or Theatre?
Hot weather or cold weather?
What would you name your first child?
Favourite animal (apart from cats and dogs!)?
Paperback or Kindle?
Biggest fan on Tumblr?
If you could get rid of any object off the world what would you get rid of? eg. Wasps, clowns etc.
If you could learn something new right now watch would it be?
If you had to watch one film in a loop for eternity what would it be?
Favourite word (from any language)?
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rainbowsplasharty · 11 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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agiantsackofpotatoes · 10 years
Rules: Rule #1, always post the rules.  Rule #2, answer the questions the person who tagged you asked, then write 11 new ones.  Rule #3, tag 11 people then link them in the post.  Rule #4, tell them you tagged them.  Rule #5, tell the person that tagged you when you answered the questions.
therecklesskilljoy thank you! Questions:
Do you believe in good/bad luck?
Yeahh, I kinda do
Favorite anime? (if you watch any)
The one I liked best so far is 'problem children are coming from another world, aren't they?'
Favorite t.v show?
Sherlock, Shameless and Legend of Korra/A:TLA
A country you want to visit
Would fucking love to visit the UK or Bonaire again, but would love to go to Egypt, Indonesia, Australia or New-Zealand
Favorite book?
I DON'T HAVE ONE BC i'm shitty at reading but I like Game of Thrones or A Study in Poison Study
A fictional world you would like to live in
Thinking about this, I realize most fictional words are shitty (see GoT, Hunger Games, etc). Would be cool to go to Hogwarts, but I think I'm going for Pirates of the Caribbean
What type of music do you like the most?
Honestly I like almost all genres, I can't choose. I just like songs
What pets do you want? (have)
Favorite singer?
Casey Lee Williams dear god have you heard the ruby finale soundtrack????
Where are you from?
The Netherlands!
If you could chose one superpower what would you choose?
Shapeshifting bc I wanna be a dragon (or maybe talking with animals, tht'd be supercooool)
My questions:
1. Say you're gonna be in a movie cast as yourself and you get introduced, what would be the music as we meet you for the first time? 2. If houses weren't a thing, where would you live? (Tree, cave,etc) 3. There's one animal on this planet who is your best bud. Only you can speak to him/her. S/he is always on your side. What animal would this be? (can also be an animal you already know like your pet Woofy) 4. Would you say yes or no to a million dollars, but with the downside of a murderous snail always wanting to kill your ass? (The Gavin question) 5. If you can replace anything in your life, what would it be? 6. Is there a story you want to tell and never had a chance to? (if so here's your chance) 7. What did you dress up as for Halloween? 8. ARE YOU EXCITED FOR CHRISTMASS 9. What's your fav Christmas movie? (the correct answer is Love Actually) 10. If you could create any game/book/movie franchise, what would it be about? 11. How do you feel about the new Tumblr layout?
Tagging: ohcrap-itsactuallymydivision continuously-searching actuallyjoel gavinfreeappreciation jusblaz 11doctor raytatay
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bowiesglassspider · 12 years
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Tumblr's Best Booty:
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gekroent · 12 years
ohcrap-itsactuallymydivision started following you
Oh and thank you too, of course!
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the-sleepiest-one · 12 years
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My bbs:
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ohsupernaturall · 12 years
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Very cool blog <3333 right here
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connyhascontrol · 12 years
TAG YOU’RE IT!! The rules are to state 10 random facts about yourself. Then, go to your 10 favourite blogs and tell them they are it. Copy and paste this message to them. :)
right I already saw this last night but uuuugh I never know what to write
I'm currently letting my hair grow out again
I take anti-allergy meds daily
I am already really excited for CHRISTMAS
but also sad because I can't afford to get anyone presents this year
I am currently watching Supernatural
and the episode I am on has I think Swedish subtitles which is a bit distracting and annoying
I have not talked to my best friend in months (because I'm horrible at being a friend)
this morning I thought my laptop was on fire because it smelled burnt in my room but it was coming from outside
I made a really delicious cake last weekend and it was so good that I think I'm doing it again this weekend (EIERSCHECKE)
I am in the process of putting the name of every follower I have into a notebook
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