#oh yeah I haven’t really given an update in awhile
percabethfangirl · 2 years
Boyfriend just told me that I’m a very cuddle-able person and give amazing hugs… 10/10 one of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten 🥹
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
Will You Make a Mess Now?
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Jungkook’s never been touched before and, after a hectic end to his semester, he thinks he wants that to change...
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Virgin! Jungkook, established relationship au, college au, smut, fluff.
Word Count: 4.7k
A/N: HELLO YES I MISSED YOU. Guys, I swear i’m working on updating my series (plural) but, I’ve been out of writing for a while and, I needed something to get me back in the groove. What better way than to continue to affirm that my love for Jungkook is unavoidable and, unstoppable. i love youuuuu. This is unedited for now, please forgive any mistakes, I was too excited. 
Warnings: smut, language, 18+ only please.
After 4 grueling months of relentless studying and lectures, you can finally say that your second to last semester of university is finally over.
Finals week is still at the entrance of your subconscious as its literally all you’ve been able to think about for quite some time. You haven’t been able to unwind or see your friends and, if you’re being honest, you don’t remember the last time you actually slept for more than four hours at a time.
The good news is…
All of that is now behind you.
The exams have been taken, the textbooks have been returned or re-sold, the mountain of instant meals have been cleared from your kitchen (for now) and, you are currently on the subway headed to celebrate with the only person in the world that could properly bring you out of your post-exam haze:
Your boyfriend, Jungkook.
Jungkook is a kinesiology major, whom you met in one of your labs nearly two years ago. The two of you were friends for a long time before you finally got up the courage to kiss him at a party 5 months ago. And by courage, you mean you had a little too much to drink and, Jungkook looked way too good in his university crew neck so, you awkwardly leaned in to kiss him and he, being the absolute angel he is, pecked you on the lips before explaining to you that he wouldn’t kiss you properly until you were sober.
The next day, you woke up in his bed, alone. Your first response was to panic but, upon slowly sitting up in his sheets, you find Jungkook curled up on the floor amongst a pile of blankets. After a few slightly uncomfortable conversations, the two of you arranged a date and, started…you know…falling in love
Or whatever…
Fun fact: Given the fact that you’ve only been with Jungkook for a few months, the two of you have yet to be intimate. Jungkook stated early on that he wanted to take things slowly and, of course you were more than ok with that.
He’s been more and more comfortable with heavier petting so to speak as of lately but, the farthest you’ve ever gone was having his hand down your panties, and your hand over the seam of his jeans. And you’re fine with the progression of your sex life with Jungkook but, he’s only ever made you cum before and, every time you try and return the favor he politely declines.
“It’s ok, I just wanted you to finish jagi…”
“I’m ok, don’t worry, it will go down soon. Do you feel good though? Did I do it right?”
“Soon baby, I promise, it’s just not the right time yet.”
Once again, you’d never push him into something he didn’t want to do but, you were slightly confused as to why he never wanted you to reciprocate. 
Jungkook is quite frankly the best boyfriend in the entire world. He’s all of the cheesy stuff and, more. Things have been progressing slowly but, you didn’t mind. Whatever you have with him, it feels real.
And to be completely honest, you miss him so much that it’s starting to really get to you.
20 minutes later and, you’re in front his place and sending a quick text to let him know you’ve arrived.
You: I’m outside
You: please save me, it’s freezing  :’’’(
Not even a full minute goes by before you hear the fumbling of the lock and, you quickly prepare yourself to latch onto your boyfriend like a freaking spidermonkey.
It’s been almost a month since you’ve seen him face to face so, you can imagine your confusion (and disappointment) when you’re met with the face of his older brother instead.
“Hey,” Namjoon’s dimpled smile is a sight for sore eyes but, it does nothing to wane your confusion, “Kook is passed out upstairs but, he told me earlier to be on the lookout for you in case he fell asleep, which he did.”
A smile is passed to Namjoon as he holds the door open for you, “Of course he did, thanks Joon, is it just you guys right now?”
Jungkook has six brothers and, they all live under the same roof, so the rent is split in seven equal parts.
It’s the only way for them to afford a house off campus.
“Nah Jin and Tae are upstairs too, everyone else is out.” He murmurs and, its then you notice the dark circles decorating the space beneath his eyes.
“Gotcha, are you excited to be done with finals? I feel like I could sleep for 15 years…” You jest, nudging him gently, knowing full well that Namjoon was feeling the same sense of exhaustion you were.
He chuckles and nods immediately, walking with you to the bottom of the stairs, eyes flitting eagerly towards his bedroom.
“That is literally my plan for the rest of the day. I have an adjustment on my project and, after I get that submitted, I’m falling asleep and not talking to anyone for at least 24 hours.” He declares, the seriousness in his tone causing you to giggle.
“I’ll make sure to thwart any of the guys that try to fuck with your beauty sleep…” You vow, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“You’re one of the good ones Y/N…” He laughs, jerking his chin towards Jungkook’s door, “he’s missed you a lot.”
Namjoon’s response is unexpected and it warms you from the inside out.
“Yeah? Did he say something to you?”
You feel like you’re in middle school again, attempting to figure out if your crush likes you.
“He was whining about it the other day, he’s really into you.” Namjoon smirks, before sending a pointed look your way, “don’t tell him I told you that though, he’d kill me.”
The smile on your face probably looks a little ridiculous but, you don’t care, you’re only concern is getting up these stairs and into your boyfriend’s bed.
“I wouldn’t want to expose you for breaking the bro-code.” You return his smirk, passing him to ascend the staircase, “Get some rest, thank you for letting me in.”
“You got it. Have a good night.” Namjoon disappears behind his bedroom door rather quickly, eager to pass out and, you suddenly feel your heartrate increase as you grow closer to Jungkook’s room.
You really did miss him and, the urge to jump into his arms is stronger than you’d like to admit.
Especially given that you know he’s asleep and, you’d have to wait for him to wake up. And you would, cause you know, he deserves to sleep as long as he wants.
You’re not certain that you won’t fall asleep with him.
The door to his room is opened carefully and quietly and, shut just the same.
His bedroom is almost too dark due to the blackout curtains that hung over his windows; a birthday present from his brother Yoongi, they are his new favorite thing.
Jungkook must have shut them in a haste however because, there is a tiny sliver of light shining through which thankfully provides you with a clear path way to his bed.
Soft snores emit from the pillow closest to the windows and, all you can see is Jungkook’s mop of black hair peeking out from underneath his covers. The hum of his noise machine is a comforting sound and, paired with the woodsy vapors coming from his diffuser (a gift from Namjoon), you could feel the sleepiness beginning to tug at your body.
With your overnight bag placed on Jungkook’s gaming chair, you make your way to his bed and slowly peel the covers back.
Despite the fact that it’s freezing outside, your boyfriend has unfortunately decided to sleep shirtless, his toned body clad only in his favorite grey sweatpants and, a pair of black socks.
He looks like a god but, you know, that’s totally fine and, not at all distracting.
His brows are furrowed in deep sleep, his cherry lips formed into a slight pout, snores still rumbling deep within his chest. One of his arms is bent at the elbow and, tucked firmly underneath his pillow, his other arm stretched out across the expanse of his bed.
Which of course, poses an issue for you since you don’t want to disturb his sleep but, you want nothing more than to snuggle up to him.
Jungkook is a pretty heavy sleeper so, the likelihood of waking him is pretty slim and even if you do, you can at least take comfort in the fact that he’s expecting you.
So you slowly lift his arm, quickly tucking yourself into the warmth of his bed and, move the covers back to their original position. It isn’t super comfortable but, you’re afraid to move anymore in fear of waking him up.
Your hands absentmindedly trail over his forearms, admiring the warm, caramel undertones in his skin and, the veins which protrude gently underneath the surface.
His hand is still covered in the temporary tattoos he got nearly two months ago.
Being the Virgo that he is, Jungkook wanted to insure he liked the chosen designs before deciding to get the real thing. You certainly aren’t complaining but, you are secretly hoping he decides to keep them.
Jungkook and tattoos: a lethal combination.
You lay like this for awhile, admiring your boyfriend, listening to the various white noises echoing off the walls, enjoying the scent of his freshly washed sheets.
He washes his bedding once a week.
Sure enough, you feel your lids grow heavier and heavier, the temptation of sleep growing ever so slightly at the back of your mind.
However, Jungkook’s hand twitches at your side and, you feel movement beside you, causing your head to tilt in his direction.
You’re met with a sleepy smile and, a gaze so endearing, you might just die right then and there.
“You’re here…” He murmurs, voice raspy and decorated with sleep.
It doesn’t take you long to get closer to him, his free arm not leaving your body in order to hug you against his bare chest.
“I’m here…” You answer, a smile in your voice, pursing your lips to place kisses on  his skin.
Jungkook smiles properly now but, you don’t see it, your face tucked firmly into his neck.
He’s so happy you’re here.
His arm moves out from underneath his pillow to envelope you completely, shy lips pressing a few kisses to the top of your head as he shifts onto his back, taking you with him.
“Missed you..” He mumbles almost, coy and unsure but, genuine.
As he usually is.
A smile erupts on your mouth now, as you look up to face him and, for whatever reason you’re overcome with the need to feel his lips against yours. So you do just that and, secure your mouth to his, letting a deep breath out through your nose. His quick too, big hands sliding down your back to hold onto your hips.
“Missed you more” You whisper against his lips, a little breathless from the depth of the kiss you’ve just shared.
His nose wrinkles in disgust as he shakes his head, leaning in to kiss you again, “No…me…”
The childish nature of his response makes you giggle, accepting another kiss eagerly.
“If you missed me so much, why did you make Namjoon let me in hm?” You tease, still kissing at his mouth, one of your hands sliding over his ribcage.
He nibbles at your lip in retaliation, a slight smirk on his mouth, “Cause I was tired and, you were taking forever…”
Jungkook chuckles at his own whining and, you follow suit whilst shaking your head in disbelief.
“You’re only further proving my point, I rode the silver line to get here, just because it was faster and, I walked through the cold just so I could see your stupid face…”
By stupid, you mean beautiful but like, he doesn’t need to know that.
Jungkook laughs harder this time, its higher pitched and more genuine, his hands that are on your hips squeeze in retaliation.
“My face isn’t stupid….you’re stupid…” He chuckles, teasing you because, its one of his many ways of coping with how he feels for you.
Before you can respond, he kisses you again, your comeback dying in the back of your throat as your hand comes up to rest against his cheek.
The two of you can’t stop smiling and, giggling as you indulge one another, ignoring the clumsy way your lips connect.
“You look so beautiful like this…comfy…” He adds, his tone taking on a shyer tone as he nudges your nose, eyes half open, “I really did miss you jagiya…”
His words send emotion careening into your chest and, you can’t help the way your lips respond more eagerly against his.
“You make comfy look like a Calvin Klein campaign…” You retort before adding, “I missed you too. You’re staying home this winter too right?”
It’s a rarity for both of you stay on campus during winter break but, this year your families had decided to come to you.
He nods, eyes still soft as he tucks your hair behind your ear, lips pouted that you stopped kissing him for a moment, “Mhm…we’ll be here together…”
Jungkook has his moods like most people do but, there is a certain way he gets that you swear he reserves only for you. Being the youngest of seven boys, he’s used to being the source of a lot of banter and, teasing so, being with you is no exception but, recently he’s been getting softer and softer.
Sweeter and sweeter…
And you’re not complaining…
“We will.” You affirm, pecking his lips again, “we can go on all those dates we’ve been promising eachother.”
He nods, pulling the duvet up higher over the two of you, “Yeah, I have a lot of ideas but, I want to hear your ideas too…but I’m excited for mine…”
Another giggle leaves your lips at his almost jovial tone, his competiveness sneaking through a bit.
“I’m happy I get to spend the night with you more, you keep me warm.” You hum, delighting in the fact that Jungkook blushes at your statement.
“I keep you warm?” He checks, securing his teeth to his bottom lip, nibbling on it nervously.
With a nod of your head, you snuggle into his body, taking in the scent that was uniquely Jungkook: woodsy and clean, free of any harshness.
“So warm.” You whisper against his neck, pressing a gentle kiss there.
Though, as gentle as the kiss was, it doesn’t stop Jungkook from immediately plumping up from within the confines of his sweatpants. His neck is his weak spot.
You don’t feel him yet but, you do notice a reaction from him: his head tilts back ever so slightly, feet rubbing together at the end of the bed. The teasing words stay trapped in your throat as you decide to push your luck and, kiss him there again, letting your lips linger longer than before.
He doesn’t stop you when you place a third kiss into the sweet spot on his neck, or a fourth or a fifth but, soon enough he feels his dick filling out the empty space in his sweat pants, the sensation of your lips beginning to get to him.
“Jagiya?” He croons into the darkness of the room whilst his heart beats wildly in his chest, his hands sort of fidgeting against your hips.
“Hm?” You hum, kissing up his neck towards his lips, “Are you ok?”
He isn’t, he’s hard and, there is four months of stress sitting on his shoulders that he is certain your lips will melt away but, he’s so nervous.
“Uh…I’m…” He stutters for the right words but, you already know what he’s trying to say because, you can feel him now, pressing into your hip.
“Do you want me to stop?” You place a gentle kiss to his stuttering mouth, wanting to check with him before you continue.
“No…yes, shit I-“ He looks torn, glancing down towards his dick before looking back at you, “I don’t know jagi, I’m sorry…”
Immediately, you shake your head, pulling back to look at him, “Hey…hey it’s ok, you have nothing to be sorry for ok? We don’t have to do anything until you’re ready. I should have asked you if it was ok to kiss you there…”
He shakes his head now, pulling you closer, “You didn’t do anything wrong, I want you to kiss me and…touch me, I just wish I wasn’t so…” He sighs, biting his lip, dark eyes flitting nervously around, “I’ve just never…let anyone make me cum before…”
You have to admit, this shocks you.
Jungkook was obviously a campus heartthrob, literally everyone had a crush on him, even the Dean and, while you didn’t think that made him into some kind of Casanova, you had been certain that he had some sexual experience before meeting you.
But clearly, you were wrong.
Reaching out to touch his cheek, you pull his gaze back to yours, “There’s nothing wrong with that babe. We all do things at our own pace. The two of us have all the time in the world, you can wait as long as you need to…”
His fingers curl slightly against your hips, shifting you until your sitting in his lap, causing you to ignore the way his length feels pressing into your core. A deep breath is needed but, it doesn’t last long because, Jungkook speaks again, surprising you.
“Noona I-�� He kisses you again, trying to focus on anything other than his throbbing dick, “I don’t want to wait anymore though…I’m just really nervous.”
It hits you like a ton of bricks but, you remain focused, allowing him to take all of the time he needs.
“That’s ok, it’s ok to be nervous.” You assure him gently, kissing between his eyes, “Can I ask what you’re nervous about?”
“I just don’t know what it’s going to be like and, I don’t know…my hyungs say it feels amazing but, I don’t want to do the wrong thing or what if you use your mouth and, it tastes bad or something, fuck I sound really dumb, I swear…I’m ….”
You cut him off with a gentle kiss to his forehead, smiling fondly into his skin as your hands come up to rub tenderly at his back.
“Slow down for me baby.” You whisper and, the words along with your touch are enough to calm him slightly, “you say you don’t want to wait right? So, what would you be comfortable with us doing right now? It doesn’t have to be all at once, we can take things slow.”
His fingers explore the skin on your hips, as he wears a nervous but eager expression, “I don’t want our first time to be…here or like…after all of this.  I don’t think I’m ready for the way you’ll make me feel, I can barely hang on when you’re sitting on me like this but, I…”
His eyes flit down to your center for a moment, as if the thought of being inside of you overwhelms him. He looks back up at you, lips swollen from all of the kiss, his timid expression tainted with lust.
“I wanna feel what it’s like to have someone touch me…I want you to touch me really bad.”
The world could be ending beyond Jungkook’s blackout curtains and, it still wouldn’t be enough to stop you from honoring his request.
Your finger tilts his chin towards your lips, “I want to touch you too. Can I touch you right now?”
He nods immediately, swallowing around a dry throat and an unsteady heartbeat. To soothe himself, he kisses you again before, nudging your nose playfully, trying to ease the tension he feels.
“Ok, I’m going to get behind you alright?”
Your response confuses him and, you can tell but, you know he’ll catch on soon enough. He leans forward, allowing you sit directly behind him, your legs on either side of his silhouette, your body encircling him with your warmth.
“Lean back against me…” You whisper in his ear, causing him to shiver as he obliges, his bare back now flush against your chest. “Comfy?’
He chuckles, his cheeks on fire at the position you’re both in but, he nods none the less, his hands moving to the outsides of his thighs and, then to tops of your knees, rubbing the skin there.
“Now, I want you to show me how you touch yourself ok? So I can see what you like and, then, whenever you’re ready, I’ll touch you.” You explain gently, kissing around the shell of his ear, your hands coming to brush over his hips.
Jungkook already feels like he could cum, he just can’t believe you’re about to touch him.
He has no idea what to expect.
“Ok…” He tilts his lips to mumble against your mouth, his tone boyish and jovial, “ You promise you won’t laugh right?”
At his question you giggle, kissing him and shaking your head, “Of course I’m not going to laugh babe, I’m here to make you feel good.”
He chuckles too, relishing in the way you make him feel: comfortable and comforted.
“OK, I’ll uh…I’ll start now…” He whispers, his shaky and quite frankly clammy hand leaves your knee and, slowly travels to the band of his sweatpants, tucking underneath for a moment before bringing his dick out from it’s confines.
It’s bigger than you anticipated and, as hot as any dick can be. Swollen and curving slightly at the reddened tip, it makes your mouth water; literally every inch of your boyfriend is beautiful.
Jungkook takes a shaky breath in through his nose as he encircles a hand around his length, squeezing tentatively right underneath the tip, the sensation makes his head spin.
He stays silent as he finds a rhythm his comfortable with and, you admire the way his toned stomach trembles with his own ministrations. You take note that he pays careful attention to his  frenulum, his thumb rubbing over it continuously as he strokes himself.
After a few moments, you start pressing kisses into his neck, allowing your hands to wander over his hips, tracing patterns into his skin.
“Jagi…I-“ He mutters before his words catch on the softest moan, the sound of course caused by you nibbling on his neck, “You’re making it so good for me…”
He sounds helpless, like he knows that you touching him is going to ruin him because, you touching on him whilst he jacks off is already fucking him up.
“Yeah? It feels good?” You reaffirm before sucking gently on his sweetspot, a motion that causes his hand to stall right underneath his tip, his head falling back against you.
“Mhm…” He hums and, if he wasn’t reigning it in, he would be whining but, he stops himself, trying to gain some sense, “Do you know how to touch me now?”
He’s starting to feel impatient, because he knows the way your hands feel on him now and, his dick is so hard he feels like he could burst.
You smirk fondly against his neck as you nod slowly, your hand trailing over his wrist which is still working on his length, “Are you ready?”
“Yes…” He answers immediately, letting his hand fall to the side, his eyes closing tightly as he prepares himself for your touch.
“Just relax for me ok? I’m going to make you feel so good.” You coo into his ear before slowly resuming the touch on Jungkooks length.
At the first squeeze of your hand, he’s quite certain he has never felt more pleasure in his entire life, as you slowly drag your fist up his aching dick, his mouth falls open in complete awe but, when you begin the same rhythm he had just performed on himself, Jungkook swears his going to melt into a puddle on the bed.
“Oh-“ He huffs, his eyes popping open to zero in on your hand because, watching you touch him is enough to fill up his spank bank for the rest of the year. “Oh my god…Noona…you’re touching me…”
He’s in disbelief. In 22 years, his never let anyone touch him like this before and, although he can’t believe he ever lived without it, he’s glad it was you who touched him first.
“Mhm…” You hum in his ear, kissing gently on the side of his face, “Does it feel good baby?”
As your thumb repeats his early movements, his brown eyes roll to the back of his head, his adams apple jumping around his throat as he swallows.
“I can’t…feel anything else but, your hand on my dick I-oh my fucking god…” He whimpers, his eyes popping open again to watch your pace increase.
His words surprise you, he’s never been so vulgar before and, now you know why but, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to hear more.
“Nothing else huh? Do you think you’re gonna cum for me baby?” You’re egging him on, wanting him to cum his brains out for you.
You gotta make a good first impression after all…
He nods, his hair stuck to his forehead with sweat, his abs trembling even more so with your motions, his toes curling painfully against the sheets.
“Yeah…really soon…for you..” He gets out, not thinking clearly enough to form full sentences.
“Yeah? What if I went a little faster hm? Would that do the trick baby? Will you make a mess now?”
Oh he’s fuck now.
As your pace increases on him, you focus more attention on his throbbing tip, pulling and squeezing him to the point of no return. Jungkook feels nothing but, pleasure as he starts to rock his hips up into your touch.
“I’m gonna cum…I’m gonna cum…oh my god you’re so good…” He mutters before a whimper takes over his speech, eyes squeezing shut as his head falls back against you once more, “fuck….thank you Noona…god thank you so much…”
Those are his last words before his release comes, the sweltering pleasure consuming his entire being, starting up from his balls and, shooting up his length. Jungkook knows in his heart he’s never cum so hard in his life. Nothing could ever compare to the way you make him feel.
“There you go…let it out baby…” You whisper, kissing at his cheeks as you stroke him through his release.
Once his hips begin to twitch with sensitivity, you slow your pace on him, easing off his dick.
Jungkook’s breathing his erratic and, he feels drunk off of the pleasure he’s just received but, he knows for a fact that he came all over himself and, all over your hand.
You wait for him to open his eyes so, he can watch you lick his release from your fingers, taking time to show him the skills of yours he’s yet to experience.
“holy shit…” He mutters, eyes completely glazed over before leaning in and capturing your lips between his and, kissing you with everything he has.
You giggle against his lips before, squealing unceremoniously into the kiss as Jungkook turns quickly in your grip, falling back towards the foot of the bed and, taking you with him. He just chuckles, kissing you harder as he lets his hands run a little more freely over your body.
“I’m guessing you liked it?” You tease into the kiss before he leans back, his expression completely offended.
“Liked it? You’re guessing I liked it???” He blazes dubiously before, pinching your sides and, suddenly leaning into kiss all over your face, nibbling on your cheeks, “You almost made me cry…”
“You cry all the time…” You point out, pinching his side back, causing him to gasp in mock horror.
“Shut upppp…” He whines, smirking as he tucks his face into your neck, nibbling on the skin again and, while it seems innocent, soon enough Jungkook’s nibbling turns into kissing and, his playful touch on your hips turns to caressing.
“Noona?” His tone has shifted lower, it shoots straight down to your core.
“Yeah?” You breathe, eyes shut against the sensation of his lips.
“Will you make a mess now?”
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kasienda · 3 years
Hi! For the WIP ask game, oh gosh. I LOVE Restorative Justice, and I've been wondering if you were going to update it. I'm so glad it's still in the works and I totally understand the difficulty with writing that particular fic. And you know I recently discovered The Five Minute Adventures!!!
I suppose I'll ask about Rena Rouge: Secret Keeper, because I feel like that one would be very relevant to the current season (which I still haven't watched, just have had spoilers). So, what's the dynamic there?
Ahhh! Thank you! I love Restorative Justice, too!! The next chapter is kinda a monster both in content and size. I thought about breaking it apart, but so far I haven't found a good place to do that. But that's part of the problem in terms of an update. The other part, being what I already said - just having a hard time channeling the restorative circle experience when I haven't done one is so long! Haha!
Rena Rouge: Secret Keeper Preview (I couldn't choose between these two scenes, so you get both):
“Marinette, why didn’t you just tell him? I totally love that you have trusted me, but why did you never trust Chat?”
“I want to! I almost did! But it would be a selfish decision. He and I cannot know each other until Hawkmoth is defeated.”
“But why? Seems so arbitrary.”
“Yeah…” and she shook.
Alya held her as she cried. “There’s more to this than you just following the rules, isn’t there?”
Marinette nodded tearfully. “There was another timeline. He knew who I was. We were in love. Or that’s what he said, anyway. But… he was akumatized. And Chat Blanc destroyed the world. He said that it was our love that caused it to end. Bunnyx said he couldn’t know who I was. Not yet.”
“Not yet?” Alya questioned. “Maybe it’s okay now?”
“I don’t have some metric! The only thing I know is that he can’t be akumatized! So I have to wait until the risk of akumatization is over!”
Alya was quiet, uncertain what to say.
“I almost told him anyway, Alya. I’ve hurt him so badly. He’s never going to forgive me! I don’t know how to do this without him, but I didn’t know how to convince him to stay. And now it doesn’t matter because I don’t know who he is! And I’m never going to see him again!”
Marinette crumpled into tears. And Alya rocked her but her mind was already awhirl. Marinette has seen the end of the world? Alya hugged her tighter.
“You’ll see him again,” Alya promised.
“His kwami knows who he is right?”
“They all do! But they can’t tell anyone!”
Alya looked over at Trixx who nodded in confirmation.
“Can they give hints?”
Trixx shook her head.
“It doesn’t matter, Alya! I can’t know who he is either!”
“But what if you weren’t the one to know?”
“What if I knew Chat’s identity? It keeps you from knowing each other but helps us coordinate. We could include him in the planning! I could help support him like I do for you!”
Marinette was staring. “I… I don’t know all the details. But yes, anything, please! But you have to never slip, Alya. You can’t tell me who he is. You can’t hint! You may have to lie to me to protect him!”
“I understand.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’ve already lied to Nino you know… to protect you.”
Marinette slumped. “I’m sorry.”
Alya shrugged. “It’s part of being a superhero, and I know Nino would be okay with it if I could tell him the reasons, and I knew it had to happen to protect you because you protect the whole city. I understand the stakes! And I’m telling you, that I can do this.”
Marinette crashed into her abdomen, her arms circling around Alya.
“You are the bestest best friend in the whole world!”
Alya laughed. “I don’t know if I would go that far.”
“I would,” Marinette mumbled. “So how are you going to find him?”
Alya opened her mouth.
“No wait! Don’t tell me! I shouldn’t know!"
“Chat, Ladybug needs you to come back.”
“Then why are you here?” He ran his hands through his hair. “If I’m so important to her, why did she send you?”
“Because she’s still convinced you can’t know each other’s identities.”
He throws his hands up in frustration or something. “I don’t understand what’s so different that you can know and I cannot? I know she says she trusts me, but her actions say something different. And I’m not sure what I did that she found so unworthy of trust—“
“It’s nothing you did!” Alya interjected.
“— but I didn’t take myself off the team because I think I have the right to know. It’s putting us all - her and me and you - in danger when we’re not on the same page!”
“I agree completely!”
He glared unhappily at her for a moment, then his eyebrows furrowed together.
“She wants to know, Adrien. And she wants you to know who she is, too! I promise you, she does!”
“She has a funny way of showing it.”
“She spent the last few hours bawling her eyes out about how much she’s hurt you and that you’ll never ever forgive her. And that it doesn’t matter because she’s never going to see you again.”
He sighed and dropped his head. “I’m sorry, Rena. I can’t come back. I’m a danger to her and to the whole team because we can’t communicate.”
“I agree completely,” she said. “Which is why I’m here! Will you let me explain?”
“Yeah, sure,” he said, his voice the calmest it had been since she had arrived. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to take my frustration out on you. What did you come here to tell me?”
“Ladybug trusts you more than anyone. More than me.”
“More than anyone!” she insisted. “Apparently she did trust you. You both knew each other’s identities at some point.”
“I don’t remember that.”
“I know you don’t. She doesn’t really either. But she saw what it led to. Bunnyx… you know who Bunnyx is right?”
He nodded.
“Bunnyx came and got her and took her to a future where the world had been destroyed. Bunnyx told her the inciting event was you two learning each other’s identities.”
“Why did she never tell me this?”
“She’s never been one to share burdens.”
He winced.
“She didn’t plan to tell me her identity either, you know. She just had a mental breakdown and I happened to be there. I imagine being a full time super hero when no one knows, wears you down.”
He snorted. “Understatement.”
“When she was spiraling, I convinced her that we could find some kind of loophole. Show you that she does trust you. She’s only trying to protect you, Paris, and apparently the future. I figured I could know both your identities, and act as a go between. That way you’ll always be in the know.”
“That only works if I know who you are, too.”
“I’ll drop the transformation as soon as you agree, Kit Kat.”
He stared at her for awhile. “I will want to talk to Ladybug about all this.”
“Okay then.” He put the ring back on.
“Will you stop renouncing me every time you have a bad day?!” Plagg screeched at him.
“I’ve only renounced you twice,” Adrien being surly.
“Twice too many! And there was a third time you threatened to do so.”
“You’ve given up the ring before?”
“Ugh! I don’t want to talk about it. Are you going to drop your transformation or not?”
“Trixx, let’s rest.”
“Hi, Adrien. I swear I didn’t know you were hurting this much. I’m sorry I’ve been so blind as your friend.”
“It’s fine,” he shrugged it off. “I never told you anything was going on... Wait! If you’re Rena. That means Carapace is…”
She waved him forward. She wasn’t sure what she was allowed to say, but if he figured it out himself, it wasn’t her fault.
“Carapace is Nino,” he concluded. “Isn’t it weird that practically all the holders are in our class?”
“The same class where literally everyone except you has been akumatized?” She was proud of herself for delivering that line with a straight face. And felt guilty that she was already misleading him. But wasn’t that what she signed up for? To keep both Ladybug and Chat Noir on the same page while misdirecting them from each other?
Which was going to be way harder than she thought because they were together like all of the time. They saw each other every single day almost! They sat like half a meter apart in class! How had they not already figured each other out?
Some of this must have shown on her face because Plagg was laughing his head off at her. “Welcome to my world, kit,” the black kwami said.
She sighed. She definitely had her work cut out for her.
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thoushallnotfall · 4 years
God Bless the Children of the Beast - Part 13
Previous // Masterlist
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Pairing: The Dirt!Tommy Lee x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Notes: Sorry this took a minute to get out guys; it’s been a busy week! 
God so much happens in this update. We literally jump through like 3 years. 👀
Okay, so I'm changing some history here. (I'm mean I've already done that because, well, the movie did and that's what I'm following; but we're doing it again) I know Thaler took over after Doc, but since they cut him from the movie and made it kind of look like Nikki just sort of ran things, that's the angle I'm going with. 👍 Like I've literally been planning this from the get-go so I'm not changing it now.
Warnings: None
A lot had happened in the last year.
Rehab had been a success for you and the boys, and you all had managed to stay sober through the recording of Dr. Feelgood–Motley Crue’s first number one album. Nikki had surprised you all and gotten married; and while Brandi seems like a genuinely nice girl, you were just glad to finally see your brother happy and committed to someone for a change. 
Still, not everything was going so well. 
You were back out on the road touring for the new album, and the band was feeling the strain. They had never toured without booze and drugs before, and it was clearly getting to them. Not only that, there was trouble at home for Vince and Tommy, and neither of the were handling it well.
Normally, they'd party their frustrations away–get drunk, do some drugs, then find some chicks to forget their wives with for a little while–but without that outlet to fall back on, they had to find other ways to cope. Vince took it out on his bandmates–usually choosing to argue with Nikki or Tommy–while Tommy chose to either argue with Vince, or bottle up his feelings entirely. Of course, they both still cheated, but without the drinks and drugs it apparently wasn’t enough of a release for them. You tried to talk to them about it, but they both brushed you off for one reason or another. 
Vince’s growing animosity with Nikki, and on occasion Tommy, made him start to keep you at arm’s length. He didn’t have a problem with you personally, but your closeness with the other two made it difficult for him to open up to you despite your efforts to talk to him. As time went on, he just kept pushing you further away, becoming more distant, and you worried just how far he would drift from you and the others before he would just disappear all together.
You and Tommy were just as close as always–closer even, since rehab helped you get past some of your old bullshit–he just didn’t want to talk about his problems with Heather. Part of the problem was that he didn’t totally understand what was wrong; what little he would say about it was that she was being ‘weird and distant’ and that she wasn’t answering his calls, so he didn’t really know enough to talk about. 
But you also thought part of him was just too scared to talk about it. Tommy had dreamed about true love his whole life, and he found it–it had probably never occurred to him that he could lose it. Things had always gone so well with Heather; for there to suddenly be signs of trouble brewing probably terrified him. You wanted to talk to him about it–comfort him, if you could–but if he didn’t want to talk about it, you didn’t want to force the issue.
Aside from the personal problems, there was also the issue of Nikki running the show. 
When Doc was fired, Nikki had taken over trying to manage the band alone. He wasn't doing an awful job, and you helped him out as much as he would let you given his control freak personality. Still, it was the cause of a lot of the fights between him and Vince.
You and the boys were sitting at a table in the middle of a strip club, drinking waters and looking miserable. A waitress walks by with a tray of lemon drops, offering you the shots. They look amazing, and you can just imagine the sweet and sour shot burning down your throat, but none of the boys had drank this tour and you weren’t about to be the first to fall off the wagon. Nikki sends her away with an order for another round of waters–Vince looking less than pleased. Trying to escape the tense atmosphere, you glance over your shoulder to look at Tommy. 
He was standing at the payphone, looking upset as he talks into the handpiece; Heather must still be dodging his calls. You stare at him a little longer–watch the frustration and confusion on his handsome face–and even though you should be happy that things weren’t going well, you couldn’t help but hurt for him. You didn’t want Tommy to be unhappy, no matter what the reason behind it.
“They’re keeping us on the road–15 new days in Canada.” Nikki says, bringing your attention back to the table.
“I haven’t seen anything about any new days.” Vince says, looking annoyed. Uh oh. This would end in another fight if Nikki wasn’t careful. 
“Check your itinerary man.” Nikki replies.
“I would, but apparently someone doesn’t think it’s important to let the lead fucking singer know what the fuck is going on here.” Vince snaps.
“I’ll get you a copy of the new itinerary Vince.” You reply, trying to deescalate the situation. Just then, Tommy plops down in the seat next to you.
“Guys I fucked up. Heather’s being all weird and distant and–I drank.” He says, looking ashamed. “Well, a little–I had one shot and I’m sorry.”
“I’m gonna have a fucking cocktail too man.” Vince says before you have a chance to respond. “What are you gonna do about it Nikki?”
“Okay look everyone falls off the wagon once and awhile–” Nikki replies.
“Oh fuck you man, fuck off! Fuck the rest of this tour! It is the no fucking fun tour, and I am sick and tired of not having any fun.” Vince shouts, standing up.
“Vince!” You call out to him as he walks off, but he ignores you.
“Just let him go y/n.” Tommy says as Nikki chases after him.
You watch as Nikki confronts Vince, who physically pushes Nikki away before taking a shot. Just like that, sobriety was out the window. Nikki comes back up and sits down.
“Shit.” He says, slumping in his seat.
“I’ll get him the itinerary when we get back Nikki, and we’ll sort this out, okay?” You say, trying to be supportive. “It was just one drink; he was just angry because he’s stressed out.”
“I can’t believe I forgot to send him the new fucking itinerary.” Nikki says.
“It’s fine, you’ve got a lot on your plate. Don’t stress about it; I’ll take care of it.” You reply. He looks over at you.
“You probably wouldn’t have forgotten.” Nikki muses, before sighing, hanging his head. “You’re right y/n, I do have a lot on my plate–too much, probably. I’ve been thinking for awhile now that I’m not really cut out for this manager shit–that I should probably hand over the reigns to someone whose better suited to the work so I can get back to just focusing on the music.” He lifts his head to look at you. “So what do you say? You wanna be our manager?” You stare at him like a deer in headlights.
“Excuse me?” You ask, stunned.
“You guys are cool with that, right?” Nikki asks, looking over at Tommy and Mick.
“Fuck yeah dude! That’s awesome.” Tommy says, smiling over at you. Even after everything, his smile made your heart race.
“About time if you ask me; she’s the obvious choice.” Mick says, taking a drink of his water, a smile playing on his lips.
“You really want me to be your manager?” You ask, looking back at Nikki.
“Yeah. You already have experience helping me and Doc, and I mean who’s better qualified to take care of us than you?” Nikki asks, smirking.
“You are uniquely qualified for the position–you’ve got nearly 10 years experience cleaning up our messes.” Mick jokes.
“I don’t know, I made a lot of those messes too.” You reply, smiling.
“Hell yeah you did!” Tommy says, raising his hand expectantly. You laugh, giving him a high-five.
“I’m just saying; yeah, maybe we could hire someone with more experience in management–but we could never find someone we trust more.” Nikki says, putting a hand on your shoulder. “You’ve been with Motley Crue from the very beginning–you deserve this–and we know you’ll always do what’s best for this band.” You had to stop yourself from tearing up.
“Okay, if everyone’s cool with this–I’ll do it.” You say, smiling from ear to ear. “But you have to talk to Vince about it too.”
“Yeah, yeah–I don’t see why he’d have a problem with it, but I’ll tell him tomorrow when I bring him that fucking itinerary.” He says, leaning back and smirking at you.
February 1992
The phone rang and rang, but there was no answer. You knew there wouldn’t be–Vince had become so flaky since Sharise had left. You look at the others, all looking pissed as you slowly hang up the phone.
“I’m telling you guys everything is fucking all upside down and flipped flopped and while we’re waiting for our lead singer to get his head out of his ass we’re getting left in the dust man!” Tommy says, standing behind his drumset. You sigh. “I’m just saying bands replace their frontmen and it still works okay? Van Halen–”
“I know Van Halen fucking did it cause you say that every single time Vince misses a fucking rehearsal.” Nikki snaps.
“Come on Tommy, he’s just going through a lot right now.” You try to reason with him. “Wouldn’t you be a little off your game if Heather left you?”
“Don’t even fucking say that man.” Tommy says.
“I mean, can’t you all just try and be a little empathetic for once? Please?” You ask.
“Whatever; just call the prick again.” Mick says. You sigh, making your way over to the phone, while Nikki moves over to the fax machine. You have a feeling you’re not going to be happy about the message he's about to send.
You’re working on some paperwork while the boys continue with rehearsal without Vince, when the blonde comes marching into the studio. 
“Someone want to tell me what the fuck is going on here?” Vince asks, clearly pissed.
“Let’s save us all some time, especially yours Vince as it’s clearly more valuable than ours!” Nikki snaps back. You stand up and move towards them.
“You’d better tell me what the fuck’s going on man.” Vince says again.
“What’s going on is we’re down here, and we’re working, and we wanna be here, but we are tired of forcing you to be here with us.” Nikki says.
“Maybe I’d come in more if I liked the material.” Vince jeers.
“Maybe you’d like the material if you were in the studio making it with us instead of staring at your fucking watch!” Tommy jumps up and shouts.
“Woah, let’s all calm down.” You say, getting between them.
“Yeah, I’m staring at my watch because this album is fucking stupid!” Vince yells back. There’s a silence as the boys all look at each other. “You know what fuck all y’all. You know, I’m done. Fuck this, I quit.”
“Vince!” You call after him as he makes his way to the door.
“Good, ‘cause you’re fucking fired!” Nikki yells back.
“Nikki!” You shout at your brother, looking between him and Vince.
“I quit already, dick.” Vince says, walking out. Nikki slams the door behind him. You look up at him, as the room fills with a heavy silence, the weight of what just happened hitting them. Before anyone has the chance to say anything, you quickly run out after Vince.
“Vince!” You called his name through the rain, but he was already getting into his car. You quickly make your way through the downpour and jump into the passenger’s seat before he can drive off.
“What the fuck?” He looks over at you in surprise.
“I couldn’t just let you leave before we talked.” You say, your wet hair dripping water on the leather of the seat as you look over at him.
“I’m not going back in there y/n–I’m done.” He says, looking out the windshield.
“So what, that’s it? Just like that? You’re just gonna walk away?” You ask, not even trying to hide the tears pooling in your eyes.
“It had to happen sometime y/n–we all knew this was coming.” He said, still not looking at you.
“It didn’t have to Vince–it still doesn’t. I can talk to them, I can–” He puts his hand on yours.
“It’s over y/n. Let it go.” Vince says, looking into your eyes. You feel a tear slide down your cheek.
“So now what?” You ask. “What are you gonna do?” He moves his hand away and looks back out the windshield.
“I don’t know. I’ve still got my racing–and hey, I could always try making it as a solo artist.” He smiles over at you. “You wouldn’t happen to know any good managers, would you?” You laugh.
“Oh the boys would hate that.” You reply.
“Fuck’m–it’s your life, do what you want.” Vince replies. “Just think it over and let me know, okay?”
“Yeah, okay. I’ll think about it.” You reply, reaching for the door handle. You stop, looking back at him. “And Vince, I just want you to know; no matter what happens–any of the drama or the bullshit that may come from this–you’re still my friend, okay? You’re important to me, and I love you.” Vince blushes, looking away.
“Yeah yeah, I love you too–now shut up and get out of my car.”
You somehow convince the boys it would be fine if you manage them and Vince, and things for him were going fairly well. His first solo album, Exposed, was doing moderately well on the charts. Meanwhile, you were trying your best to deal with a Motley Crue without Vince Neil. John Corabi was brought in to be the new lead singer for the band, and while he was a good singer and a nice enough guy–he just wasn't Vince.
The fans knew it too. As much as Nikki and the others tried to promote John, everyone just wanted Vince back. Of course you did too, but what could you do? The band had succeeded because they were a group of stubborn fools who didn’t know when to give up, but that also meant they didn’t know how to back down from a fight–even when they knew they'd fucked up. No one wanted to admit they were wrong and come ‘crawling back’ to the other, so they were stuck in a stalemate.
You were sitting at home in your office, going over some paperwork for Vince, when you phone rings.
“Hello, y/n Sixx speaking.” You say absently as you continue reading over the paper in your hand.
“Y/N?” It was Tommy. He sounded upset. You set the paper down on the desk.
“Tommy? What’s wrong?”
“Y/N, I-I fucked up man, I fucked up so bad.” He stammers. “Fuck y/n, I, I–”
“Whoa, Tommy! Calm down.” You say, clutching the phone tightly. “Just tell me what happened.” 
“There was this fucking article–someone got pictures. Damn I’m so fucking stupid!” He shouts.
“Tommy, you’re not making any sense.” After a long stretch of silence, you hear a sob come through the line.
“Heather knows I cheated. She left me y/n–she’s kicking me out.” Your breath catches in your throat. 
A rush of emotions hits you like a freight train–too many to sort through at once. Anger, sadness, pity, illation, hope, guilt; each coming one after another. Anger at Tommy for cheating again. Sadness and pity at the pain he must be going through. Illation and hope because finally, finally, you might have a chance with him. And lastly guilt, that you would even consider your own feelings now, when he was in so much pain.
“Y/N?” Tommy calls out to you, snapping you out of your trance.
“Oh, oh god Tommy I’m so sorry.” You say, shaking your head to clear your thoughts. “Um, if, if you need somewhere to stay for awhile, you’re more than welcome to crash with me.” You offer.
“Really? You’re sure that’s cool?” He asks.
“Yeah of course.” You say. “It’ll be just like old times.” He laughs through a sob.
“Yeah, old times.” He repeats.
“You want me to come by? I can help you bring some stuff over.” You ask.
“Thanks y/n. God, what would I do without you?” He replies, and you smile to yourself.
You didn’t want to be this happy about Tommy’s marriage failing, but it had been seven years–seven long years, and you had given up hope of ever getting your chance with Tommy. 
Now, you might finally have one–a chance–and that thought alone nearly made your heart leap out of your chest. 
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
Guardian of Creatures; AU! Queen x oc female x reader Chap. 14
*Author’s note*
Well it has been awhile since I did an update with this series but I finally took some time and finally came around to do this chapter.  Now idk when I’ll do the next chapter but I hope it’ll be soon. I really don’t wanna give up on this series and I hope you all haven’t given up either. I know the Queen/BoRhap fandom’s been almost silent lately but I hope we stand strong.
Warnings: swearing, torture, abuse, animal (in this case magical creature) cruelty/abuse
Chapter 14,
Kidnapped, tortured and broken
All you saw was pure darkness.  All you could hear was the sound of your heavy breathing and you thought you could also hear the shrill of a woman’s voice.  Suddenly your vision came back to you however you found out that you were forced down on your knees with your arms behind your back.
“So this is the so called human savior that my foolish nephew Crowley found eh?” you looked up and saw the familiar crazed curly hair of John’s mother Bellatrix Deacon.  Seeing her up close and personal was like you were looking at a rapid animal.
Her pupils were so dilated you could barely see the brown color in them, hell if you didn’t know any better you’d say she could pass off having black eyes.
“Indeed it is.” The shadow wizard wearing glasses and had sleeked back black hair and piercing cold light blue eyes said.  She scoffed. “Filthy muggles. Thinking they can learn our ways of magic! The world would be better off without ‘em!”
“Madam has such a sharp sense. Clever in every sense…..” a large fat, bald male said.
“Shut up Gollum!” she snapped at the creature.  Gollum, oh yeah you remember reading about them in the Magical creatures book.  They’re basically slaves to Wizards but never mistake them for weak.  They may look fat and slow but they are able to lift things 50x their own weight, and can snap a person’s spine in half if they are ordered to do so by their master.  The Gollum submitted and whimpered fearfully at Bellatrix’s fury. “Did you find the others?”
The man snapped his fingers and soon more shadow wizards came in, coming beside them were cocoon-like shadows.  One large one stood beside you and the other looked smaller, soon enough the smaller one revealed itself to be Roger and the taller one was Thor. From Thor there was Brian and Seraffel. And from Roger there was John and Ardeth.
“Hello sweetie, you miss me?” Bellatrix said to John.
“I could say a lot of things about you and not one of them would be anything in the ties of family feeling.” She did a slight tick.
“Is that any way to speak to your mother!?”
“I think we have very different definitions of being a ‘mother’.” Her right eye twitched then she slapped John across the face, the slap actually echoing throughout the entire room.
“DAD!!” Thor and Seraffel cried out.
“You psychotic bitch! Touch him again and I’ll freeze your ass so thick that not even a blue flamed dragon will be able to thaw you!” Seraffel growled threateningly.  Bellatrix then turned to Seraffel and even gave him a slap across the face.
“You do that and you and your brother will be locked somewhere where not even the crows can land their droppings on you.” She hissed into his face.  “What of that snake beast that’s always with them?” she said as she stood back up and paced in front of you all.
“We’re taking care of him. In fact I gave him a special little concoction of my own design. He’ll be out of commission for a while.”
“Excellent. And what of little Serafina? Your brothers having their way with her?” she cackled softly with a sickening grin.
Jesus this woman….if you could just move your arms you’d sure would like to wipe that grin off her face.  How dare she speak of Serafina like that!
“She was not with us when you sent these mages to collect us.” Ardeth spoke.  Bellatrix cackled and she said.
“As if I would ever believe that, Arabic dog!” She leaned down towards Ardeth.  She stood back up and walked towards the shadow wizard wearing the glasses and continued, “Now come on enough games where is she? That little wench has been clingy to my poor excuse of a son ever since they could walk. Wherever he goes, she’s sure to follow. Like a good little puppy.”
“I’m—afraid he’s not lying.” She turned to the man.  Her facial expression in a stoic gawk.  Her eyes wide as she let out a whisper.
“She wasn’t there?” the man shook his head. Bellatrix then began to frantically pace around the nearby fireplace which was roaring with a huge fire.  
Then in a flash she raised her wand and fired a green fire blast at the fireplace which made the fire explode behind her, her hair fanning out like a deranged demon.  With a flick of her wrist with her wand, a whip came out and attacked the shadow wizard standing behind John.
“How dare you—” a female shadow witch proclaimed but she was silenced when the whip wrapped around her throat.  She was the flung out the window before Bellatrix attacked another male shadow wizard that stood behind you.  She forced him across the room, hitting the wall.
“GO! FIND HER! FIND HER YOU MONGRELS!!!!!” she roared out in pure anger.  Not even wanting to test her again, the shadow wizards disappeared all except their leader. “Corvus! Put the creatures in their cages! I want to have a little conversation with my sonny boy. Mummy to son!” She said as she went up to John and actually pulled him free from his shadow binds, pulling him right up to her face.
You as well as the others were soon being forced to walk out of the room and towards what you would assume would be the dungeons.
“Dad! No dad!” the boys called out.
“John!” you called out.
“I’ll be okay you three. I’ll be okay.” Was the last thing you heard him say to you before the last thing you saw was his mother smirking maliciously at her own son.
You were then pushed into a cage and heard it lock behind you before the shadow wizard known as Corvus walked away after sending the others into their own cages.  Already you could hear Thor and Seraffel trying to bust down their cages.
“It’s no use boys.” Brian said.
“What you’re giving up already Uncle Brian! You know who our dad’s with we can’t just leave him alone with her!” Seraffel said.
“I understand your concern for your father ice dragon. But these are not ordinary cells. These have been engraved with ancient ruins. Which means we can’t use our powers and no amount of strength can break these bars.” Ardeth explained.
“So-so we’re just gonna stay locked away down here!?” Thor asked is disbelief.  You wanted to agree with them but upon closer inspection you saw that what Ardeth had said was true.  Ruins aligned the bars; they were small and faint but you could somehow see them carved into the iron.
You sat down with your knees to your chest and thought about John and prayed to God that he’d survive whatever torture his mother was about to do to him.  You also prayed that wherever Serafina was, she’d hear him and come save him as well as the rest of you.
*3rd Person POV*
John collapsed to the ground.  His whole body trembling after being hit repeatedly and mercilessly with the Crucio curse.  He was then spun onto his back while his mother hovered over him with the very same knife she’d use on him as a child.  He once again felt like that frightened child as she held that knife right up against his cheek, allowing him to feel the hauntingly familiar steel blade.
“That wench of yours has never once left your side and now she just pops off to Merlin knows where! You will tell me where you sent that FILTHY HALFBLOOD WENCH!!” she first started off in an icy whisper before finally screaming in his face.
“Don’t know……she went……I swear! I don’t know where she is!” John pleaded with his mother.
“Oh I don’t believe you.” Without hesitating, she held down her son’s head with her left hand and with the right, she began to carve out a word under John’s forearm.  Echoing throughout the entire mansion, John’s agonizing screams pierced the air.  Mixed in with his mother’s sadistic cackling it was like being in an insane asylum.
Below in the dungeons, everyone could hear the agonizing screams of John and Bellatrix’s insane cackling and demanding screams. Thor and Seraffel shook in pure anger before they decided to hit their cages as hard as they could with their bodies. Slamming against the iron bars trying to break free (even though it was pointless).
*2nd Person POV*
Hearing John’s screams just made your heart stop and your stomach drop.  There was nothing you could do.  It was almost too painful for you to listen to John’s screams anymore, so you closed your eyes and covered your ears but you could still hear his agonizing screams.
Goddamnit Serafina where are you!? Can’t you hear your husband’s pain? You guys are already connected so you should feel it right!?
Footsteps soon came down the corridor, through whatever light could be seen from the moonbeams that shined in the dungeons, you saw that it was the Deacon’s Gollum as well as the glasses wearing Shadow Mage known as Corvus.
“The dragons, the elf and the Nokk. You four are to come with us.”
“Oh yeah? And where’s that?” asked Roger.
“Let’s just say your presence is needed—elsewhere.”
“And just what do you mean by elsewhere?” Seraffel demanded.
“That is none of your concern dragon. Just know that if you refuse to cooperate,” that’s when you felt something beginning to squeeze your heart.  Your throat clumped up and you could literally hear your heart beat ringing in your ears, “The muggle will die.”
“You sick bastards let them go!” Seraffel shouted.
“They’ve got nothing to do with this!” Thor tried to reason.
“Oh you’re right. They do have nothing to do with this, after all—they’re nothing to us. Just another, worthless, pathetic muggle born.” Corvus’ eyes turned to you.
From what you could see, his blue eyes were nothing but ice cold as the pain in your chest continued to grow and grow.  Your heart racing even faster, pleading for air. You tried to speak but it was as if your voice was silenced permanently.
“Alright we’ll comply!” Brian shouted.  Corvus turned to Brian’s cell. “We’ll comply with you. Just don’t hurt them.” Corvus’ lips turned up into a slight grin and just as suddenly the pain was in your chest, it was released and you let out a loud, desperate inhale of air.
You began coughing and felt something warm land on your lips, you raise your fingers to see just what it was only to see the familiar thick red substance of blood staining your fingertips.
“(Y/n), you alright?” Roger spoke to you worriedly.
“I’m—I’m okay.” Soon you heard the cell doors open and out came Thor, Seraffel, Brian and Roger.  The Gollum tied up Brian’s hands with rope while Thor, Seraffel and Roger were given chains around their necks.  Soon the four of them were led out like dogs on a leash until they disappeared up the stairs.
“Ardeth?” you call out.
“I’m here.”
“Do—do you think…..we’re gonna get out of this alive?” he was silent for a long moment.
���To be honest, I do not know. But we cannot allow them to break us, Shadow mages pride themselves in their arrogance. And harming others is what gives them that ego boost.”
“But what about Brian and the others?”
“I wouldn’t worry about them. All of them are clever and strong. They won’t break as easy as the Shadow mages think they will.”  You hope he was right.
*Roger’s POV*
We were lead outside the manor and saw a bunch of other Shadow Mages outside, however unlike the ones that captured us, these guys had a jaguar brands on their arms.
“As promised, four new toys to try out.” Corvus stated.  A female Shadow mage with silver hair and piercing honey-like eyes came up to Thor and lifted his chin up.
“The dragons and the Nokken will be most useful. The elf, maybe not so much.”
“As I’m sure you’re aware of Celina, Elves are notorious for their healing abilities. Perhaps he can be used to heal some of your clan members.” Celina smirked before releasing Thor’s chin and she said to Johnathan.
“Alright Corvus, you’ve got a deal.” She gestured one of her boys to come forward and he handed Johnathan a sack of sorts.  Johnathan opened it to reveal about 200 pounds. These sick, twisted Mages, they’re selling us like cattle!
“Pleasure doing business with you Felidae.” Johnathan said with a smirk before he and the Gollum walked back towards the manor. Soon each of us were pulled by our binds and forced to walk with these mages now.
My nephews and I were the ones who tried to break free from our bonds.  Chaining us up like we were no more than human dogs to them, I especially hated the feeling of being bounded by something.  Minus Serafina’s magic, having being bound by something whether it’s magic or chains it’s like—being molested by an unknown force that keeps a tight hold to you and will never let go.
For days we trudged on the open country side of jolly ol England.  I don’t know whether they were trying to break us this way or just tire us out, either way it was a foolish way.  Once I trekked the entire land that would soon become both North and South America twice without rest.  Brian’s kind, they can last several days without rest since Elves have a slower metabolism, basically they’re super human and don’t break that easy if they don’t get food or water for a few days.
And of course with Thor and Seraffel being dragons, they’ll last since Ardeth’s people supplied with a dragon sized meal for them.  But I knew their bonds must have bothered them as much as it did me.  For the Mages also decided to bind them by their backs, preventing them from spreading their wings once in a while.
You know how you’ll see birds shake themselves out by flapping their wings, well that keeps blood circulating through their wings and keeps them healthy.  When dragons are in their human form, they have to every once in a while spread their wings out for the same reason, cause if they don’t it causes them serious back pains and can even paralyze their wings if bounded long enough.
By day 5, I could already see from the lads that their backs were starting to ache them as they would shift their shoulder blades, roll their shoulders, anything to try and ease the aching muscles in their back.
It even got to the point where Thor was so uncomfortable, he actually created a thunderstorm right over us.  Not any rain but there were definitely some thunder and purple lightning flashing the sky.
“Oi Storm dragon! Yah might wanna cease this yammerin in the sky yah?!” one of the Shadow mages spoke with an Irish accent.
“He would if you would allow us to stretch our wings out you damn eejit.” Seraffel defended his little brother.  The Irish shadow mage turned around and was about to punch Seraffel across the face when he was forced to stop mid-walk by none other than Celina.
“My husband paid good money for these beasts. If any of them are harmed, it’ll be your head Seanie do I make myself clear?”
“Yes ma’am.” She freed him which made him drop to the ground.
“Keep moving, I promised him we’d be back in 6 days with his prizes.” She ordered the rest of the shadow mages.  They obeyed her with a ‘yes ma’am’ and forced us to continue walking.
The next morning I smelt something in the air.  It smelt like—brimstone? And…..horse manure? As we came over a hill that’s when we saw it.
A fortress like structure with walls well over Thor’s dragon height, steal iron and it even had runes on them.  What do I mean by runes, well I mean magical ruin, symbols that date back to the Anglo-Saxon era of man.  Serafina told me that only the witch or wizard that cast them can use their magic.  So even if you are the most powerful creature on earth, if you’re trapped within a rune binding, you’re basically a sitting duck.
We got closer and closer to the fortress, meeting some other Shadow mages with the same Jaguar symbol branding on their arms, and even the fortress walls bared the Jaguar shadow symbol on a flag.  
One shadow mage took control over Brian’s body using his shadow sorcery, 10 men came up to handle Thor and Seraffel (five shadow mages each took care of them) while 4 handled me.
I shifted into my white horse form trying to give me some more weight for them to try and drag them down but they held my chains firm.
“Open the gates!” Celina called out and when they did, we were greeted with an awful sight.
Obviously this place was bigger than it looked.  A fight ring on one side of the fortress, a corral on the other, and a stable that went all the way around the entire fortress. Dragons from fire drakes, to the peaceful Asian water dragons were kept in cages, being whipped or forced to submit to the Shadow wizards that stood at their cages.
Elves in chains forced to be slaves as they walked back and forth making weapons or potions to probably benefit Grindelwald’s followers and maybe even harm us magical creatures.   I turned around and watched as the gates were sealed shut and lit up with the runes, locking the doors permanently.
“Separate them!” the Irish mage Seanie said and soon the boys were taken towards the East end of the fortress while Brian was forcefully escorted to the upper levels of the fortress to be put to work.  Meanwhile I was forced to walk straight ahead, and that’s when my heart dropped.
As we walked along further into the fortress, I could hear the sound of thunderous footsteps.  But they didn’t come from any dragon or giant, not these steps I knew all too well.
That was the sound of a Nokken army.
And that’s when I saw them.  All of my brothers being ridden on like actual horses, all of them walking as a single unit, looking down and obeying these Shadow mages commands. My younger brothers were now slaves to these brutes.
All of them—broken.
I let out a frantic, desperate neigh as I called out to them hoping they would recognize me.  That’s when a tall, skinny black stallion looked up and nickered surprisingly.  Tommy, my youngest brother in the pod.  Back before I left the pod to join Fred and his cause, he and his twin brother Nikki were just colts.
But now he was practically a juvenile standard of Nokken. Black stallion (contrary to popular belief, we have to earn our white coats with age and experience. We’re first born as black stallions, then slowly become brown before finally we turn white).
That’s when I saw that bumping behind him was none other than his twin brother Nikki.  No just how many of my younger brothers do they have here? What did these shadow wizards’ need us for? The Shadow Mage riding on top of Tommy gave him a whip to his behind to get him back in position.
I pleaded one more time to my brothers but this time none of them even looked up at me.  They just kept marching, and marching, and marching.
Rage boiled up inside me till I just lashed out and tried to make a break for it.  The shadow mages that held onto me, tried to pull me back but I was a true fighter, I wasn’t gonna obey them.  I bucked, kicked, reared, stomped, anything I could to intimidate them.
That’s when a Bombarda spell came down just barely a foot in front of me stopping me in my tracks.  Before me was (who to me) looked like the Shadow mage in charge.
He had sleeked back dark brown hair, piercing cold blue eyes much like Johnathan Corvus did, he wore a fancy black dress suit and tight leather gloves on his hand.  Around his neck was a silver broach with (you guessed it) the Jaguar family crest.  I huffed at this wizard as I bared my teeth at him, flicking my tail angrily telling him I meant business.
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“What seems to be the problem cousins?” he spoke in a pure, rich British tone.
“We got us a wild one this time Malcolm.” Said one of the shadow mages that held me.
“Deacon and Black’s pet Nokk cousin.” A Scottish shadow mage spoke up.
“Really?” Malcolm piped in arrogantly.  He walked up towards me, took out his wand and lifted my chin with it.  “We’ve broken many stubborn Nokkens in our life time. This one will be no different.” How dare he……
I then took his wand between my teeth and snapped it in half before spitting it down to his feet.  For someone who takes their shadow abilities based off the animal of humans, he definitely wasn’t no jaguar.  Malcolm smirked at me, picked up his wand and snapped it till it was completely in two before carelessly tossing it aside.
I stomped my front right foot as a challenge for him but he looked at me as if I were nothing but a worthless dog, all bark and no bite.
“Conduct him like the rest of his brothers.”
“Yes cousin.” Just looking into this guy’s eyes alone I was thinking—sea snake.  I huffed and snarled at him, keeping my eyes on him till he left me alone with his cousins.
I was dragged towards some sort of preparation stable. They placed me between these two iron-plated gate and wrapped my chains around the poles of them.
“Alright Graham, he’s all yours.” Said another Irish shadow mage.  I reared my head downwards giving him a snarl as he jumped back trying to dodge my teeth. “Be careful though, he’s a wily one.” A deep chuckle came out from a blacksmith shop nearby.
A pudgy, fat old wizard soon came out wiping his hands of the grease and grime.  Thinning white hair and a little tache above his upper lip and he spoke with a thick Irish accent.
“See ‘ow wily he is once I’m through with ‘em.” He took out a pair of scissors.  Oh fuck no! he came right up to my mane and was about to cut a chunk of it off, but I quickly turned and bit him in the hand.  He jumped back grabbing his hand and checked it out.  I huffed and gave him my best stick eye.
No one but Serafina Deacon-Black touches this mane.
“A fighter eh?” next thing I know, my head was forced down into a bagged muzzle and I could only watch as each strand of white horse hair fell down onto the ground.  The fat bastard chuckled as he continued to cut my mane but then another idea came into mine.
They may have pinned my neck and head, but these mages sure as hell didn’t take my whole body into consideration.  So I simply just leaned a bit to the left, pinning his hand against my body and the iron cage.  The fat mage cried in pain as he tried to free his hand and fell to the ground in the process.
Once he was free, I nickered out a laugh through the bag as I looked him in the eye.  He gave me his best glare as he muttered.
*3rd Person POV*
After completing their marching exercise, two of Roger’s brothers that he had seen Nikki and Tommy took notice of their older brother’s games with the old fat bastard (as all the Nokks referred to Graham).  Nikki nickered curiously as Tommy turned and followed his older twin’s gaze.
Due to that little stunt, the shadow mages now used a spell to paralyze Roger’s whole body so that Graham could continue his work.  Now taking a small knife, he picked up Roger’s front right hoof and began cleaning out all the gunk, dirt, coral, anything that could be trapped underneath his hooves.
Now he wouldn’t know at the time, but he managed to move that leg out of Graham’s grasp and quite literally, kick him in the ass. Leaving a well deserved hoofprint on the old geezer’s trousers.  Roger laughed again through his sack-like muzzle.  From their spot, Nikki grinned while Tommy whinnied out a laugh, remembering just how much Roger loved to toy with wizards, especially the male ones.
A shadow witch came and bound Roger’s leg that kicked Graham with a chain this time.
“I told yah, good ol iron will always do the thing instead of relying on magic too much!”
“And I told you yah old geezer, we don’t know how his leg got free! No one is ever able to break our shadow paralyzing spell.” The younger witch snapped at him before leaving.  As Graham went back to work, this time hammering a new horse shoe onto Roger’s hoof.  Roger nickered softly and soon felt his back foot raise up ready to kick Graham right in the face.
“Graham watch it!” another witch called out to him but it was too late.  The second he looked up, Roger’s back leg socked him in the eye sending him onto his back.  Nikki and Tommy both let out whinnies of laughter at their older brother’s games which soon caught the attention of the other Nokks as well, including Roger’s twin brother Vince.
Graham grunted and rubbed his head before glaring back at Roger who glared at him.  This was the last straw for Graham, playtime was over.
He had all of Roger’s legs triple chained up to ensure that he couldn’t escape this time.  In his shop, Graham was pumping up the brand of the Felidae family and was going to brand Roger with that very mark on his side.
“Yah bloody wanker this ‘ill teach yah to mess with me.” He muttered.  Nikki cringed out a worried nicker while Tommy lowered his head bending his ears back so that he wouldn’t hear the painful roars to come.  
In Vince’s stable he lowered his head, many Nokks, including him have broken once they’ve been branded.  Being water creatures, any source of heat is painful for them if it gets on their skin, and this guy brands this in blue dragon fire which makes it twice as painful and more torturous than any Nokken could ever take.
Graham came onto Roger’s right side, holding the flamed poker with the brand at the end, chuckling arrogantly.  But Roger wasn’t going to go down without a fight.  He wriggled and wormed his head around until finally he got free of his muzzle, his head hovering straight over Graham’s entire body.
He let out a gasp while Roger smirked at him before giving him a well-earned, hard, painful headbutt, knocking Graham out cold.
“Graham, you alright mate?” asked a shadow mage as Roger snorted at him, claiming his victory.  Nikki, Tommy and Vince all whinnied out laughter at their brother’s play.
“This Nokken is unlike any of the others. He’s even managed to slip pass our spells.” Said one witch.  “How is this possible?”
“I don’t know.” Said another female witch as they both stared at Roger, who raised his head up high, glaring at anyone who dared try to brand him next.
“Elizabeth, Robyn, you two rally your brothers and—tell them to take this Nokk to the stables.” Said a male shadow wizard.
“Not the stables James.” Malcolm’s voice soon spoke up. The three of them turned to face the head of the Felidae shadow clan.
“Malcolm?” James asked.
“The corral. It’s time we broke this beast.” Malcolm’s final command was.  And whatever the head of the house says, the others must obey.
*Roger’s POV*
The corral huh? Break me? Heh, good luck with that.  I was taken to the corral and as if I were a normal horse, they saddled me up and forcefully tried to pry my mouth open so that I was forced to feel the touch of their shadow reins.
Let me tell you it felt and tasted revolting.  Try to imagine a thick stripped down rag being gagged between your teeth that felt as hard as steel itself.  I gave them a fight but one of them just had to cheat and give me a good, hard shock to force my mouth open.
I reared and shook my head as I felt the first shadow mage get on top of my back.  All right, you Mages think you can break me? Well come on then, let’s ride!
The second that gate opened, I bucked madly which shook the young male wizard on top of my back like a ragdoll.  I made an erupt stop and he slammed right into the back of my neck making him disoriented.  I quickly spun around before giving him one final buck, sending him flying into the air and landing right on his stomach in the dirt.
I gave him an arrogant huff before turning to Malcolm who only gave me a glare.  Next in line.
The next rider was a slightly older male shadow mage sporting both a tache and beard.  Arrogantly he thought he could last longer than the other guy, yeah right.  I took him out quicker than the last one, sending him right on his arse.
Of course as I walked away he shouted a profanity at me. Calling me a ‘lousy piece of horse shit’.  And like hell I was just gonna take that lying down, I charged head on at him to which he ran for his life.  Barely making it out of the corral before I gave him a quick bite to his arse.  From the nearby stables, I could hear some of my brothers laughing out, I turned to see it was none other than my brothers Tommy, Vince and Nikki.
I nickered to them thanking them before trotting back, my tail flicking with pride and my head held high.  Once I got back to my so called ‘kennel’ I snorted out at the witch who stood in front of it, making her reel back in disgust as I got back into place, nickering arrogantly.  Next!
“This one will break ‘em.” A Welsh witch spoke as a big Scots shadow mage came at me with a horsewhip in hand.  Please like he’ll be any different.  I threw that big lug off of me under just one second.  All it took was one good leap and he went soaring through the air, even knocked another wizard who was sitting on top of the corral fence.
Even some of the witches tried to ride me but just because they were girls didn’t mean I gave it to them any easier.  In fact I made sure to buck those bitches off of my back even harder, because like I’ve said before.
The only witch who I allow on this stallion’s back is Serafina Deacon-Black.
Now to really show these bastards I meant business.  I charged at one end of the fence baring my teeth and stomping my hooves aggressively.  I then charged towards another section of the gate, scaring the shadow mages there, even knocking some of them into a trough.  Finally my eyes turned to Malcolm, I charged head on right towards him.  
The mages around him backed up but he stood firm with his hands behind his back and his eyes narrowed with hate as I growled right in his face, my breath even making parts of his short hair flow freely from its sleeked back form.
I stood face to face with Malcolm panting heavily.  My eyes piercing red at this point, my blood boiling and my heart racing.  You have proof yet you cocky little shit?  I don’t go down without a fight.
“Celina!” Malcolm called out.
“Yes Malcolm?” the woman who brought us here stood by Malcolm’s side.
“Take this Nokken down to the boiler dungeon. No food or water. 2 weeks.”
“With pleasure my darling. Plus with a little more fire power from those fire drake’s we got, the boiler room will be extra hot for this one to—cool down.” She said with a sadistic smirk.
Next thing I know I was trapped within a cell and all I could feel was hot air surrounding me.  It was also strange that I could feel that my legs weren’t chained up at all, nor was my snout or neck.  But still it was scorching hot in here.
I laid down in my cage, smacking my lips already starting to feel my mouth growing dry.  I huffed and nickered softly.
Damnit Serafina where are you? And Freddie, what happened to him? Was he here with us or was he still at the manor with John, (Y/n) and Ardeth? And just what the hell was this place exactly? Why would the Shadow mages want all of us creatures for?
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hoeassproductions · 4 years
Break A Leg: Chapter 11
***Author’s Note: Hey everyone, I am so sorry that you’ve waiting this long for this story to finish out. I happened to come on here after I haven’t been on Tumblr for almost two years. I honestly thought I had posted the last chapter but realized it’s been sitting in my drafts this whole time! How freaking lame!! Anyways, this got an updated edit and without further ado, the last chapter to Break A Leg! I hope you like it!***
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not own, possess, or have any links to Chris Evans, nor do I profit off of this work. Any claims otherwise are grossly misleading. This work is not to be posted anywhere else without my explicit permission.
If you would like to be added to any future tag list, reply here or send me an ask. I’d be happy to add you! Happy reading!
Word Count: ~2,500
The Beginning
“Sooooo. . .you've been talking to your mom about me?”
Chris begins to turn crimson as he tries to explain away anything Lisa may have overshared.
“Oh god, what did she say? I only told her the good stuff, I promise. I will talk to her about being nosy. She’s a sweet woman. I love her to death and tell her everything.” he says with a shrug of his shoulder.
“I could tell that, yeah.” I say, not being able to hide the smile that beams from my face in listening to him talk about his mom.
“You have no idea.” He chuckles, and I can visibly see the tension leave his body as he realizes I'm not mad.
"Don't worry Evans, I think it's sweet and I don't mind. Just a little taken aback I guess. I don't know, she seemed really excited to meet me. I want to meet her too, don't get me wrong! It's just…" I take a small breathe as I meet Chris eyes as he waits for me to find the words. "… Is she that excited to meet all of your friends?"
"Well, I mean. C'mon Y/N, you're not just anybody! You're…you're you."
Before I can push him further on what he means, he presses on.
"Y/N, about in the hallway before Sandra came out…"
"Yeah… I think that maybe we should talk…" Now its my turn to be nervous as it's not clear where he's taking this.
In the middle of Chris beginning to speak, my phone goes off. We both laugh uncomfortably, the nerves of the new subject getting more frazzled at the second interruption since being alone. Saved by the bell again!
I pull my phone out of my back pocket and I see that it's ringing for a reminder with my date with Jessie. My face drops. How could I forget about… Shit!
When Chris sees the change in expression, he can tell there's a problem. "What's wrong?"
"It's um…it's a reminder. I have to go, I'm sorry." I get up and walk away back to my cabin with conviction in my step. To my surprise, Chris doesn't follow me, but the separation is good. I need time to think.
How the hell did I not remember I told Jessie we could go on a date tonight? It completely slipped my mind. If I never set my alarm, I would not have even batted an eye staying at the dock longer with Chris. Confusion continues running through my mind as I check the clock on my phone again as I reach my porch. Had it already gotten that late? We couldn't have been out there that long already could we? And I rush back here to go on a date?!
I can only think of one thing do at a time like this. With a little under an hour before Jessie shows, I dial Hannah's number. On the second ring, She picks up.
"Hey love, love!"
"Oh Hannah, thank god. I need to talk to you, and I don’t have too much time." I explain to her everything that's happened since I got here and the current predicament. She's listens patiently, and understands my dilemma.
"Hannah, what do I do? With Jessie, and all the old feelings… It's just so easy to fall back into it but Chris…he's something else entirely. I can't get him out of my head or heart. I see small glimmers here and there that maybe he fees the same but I don't know what he wants. It's a risk to lay it all out there not knowing. What do I do? Jessie will be here any minute and I'm so confused."    
Hannah is quiet while she thinks everything over for a few moments.
"Y/N, your heart knows what you want. I know it's scary, but that's why you should go for it. Lean into the fear and trust that it would work out. Given everything you've told me, I would be hard pressed to think Chris doesn't have feelings for you. You know what you need to do. I know you gotta get ready or whatever, but I love you. Call me later if you need to talk, okay?"
"Ugh, okay. I hate it when you're right sometimes. I love you, too. We'll talk soon."
Thinking to myself as I get ready with 8pm quickly approaching, I'm finding butterflies beginning in my stomach. The nervousness of what's ahead sinking in more. Before long, I hear a knock on my door, and open it to see Jessie standing there with a bouquet of wildflowers. I welcome him in while I place them in a vase with some water.
"You look great Y/N! I have some fun stuff planned for tonight…" he trails off as he realizes something is off as I don't make eye contact with him or say anything. "Y/N, is everything ok?"
I take a deep breathe as I sit him down next to me.
'Jessie, look. Given our history, I think that it's very important that I be as open and honest with you as I can right now. All day, I've been completely distracted… and you weren't on my mind even once. I forgot about our date until my alarm went off to remind me to get ready. And then, once that happened I began to get butterflies and so nervous, but - " Before I could finish, Jessie speaks up.
“Listen, I know we've never gotten the timing right with this, but I can’t help but feel like fate has brought us together this time. Like….things have finally matched up and we can, I don’t know, give us a try? Before you say anything, can we agree to take some time this week to feel each other out. No expectations, just getting to know each other better again. It’s been awhile, and I know some things must have changed….I know they have for me.”
Giving thought to his words, my mind can’t help but wander to Chris.
Chris said it himself. TWICE. You guys are just friends. What if I go for it and he still feels that way? But Hannah was right, there is something there…something that feels beyond what I can even put into words. The almost kiss, the comfortability on the dock, him being so trusting and open with me? Why not lean in to it? And this, with Jessie? This is just…..safe. Hannah said I need to lean into the fear if that's what my heart wants…
Gathering my resolve, I think to myself for a moment, trying to figure out what the hell to say. Looking at Jessie, I can feel the right choice planting itself even further in my heart as my nerves continue to grow until the words reach my lips.
“You know what? Under normal circumstances, I would probably say yes to that but…I don't feel like I can right now. I did get butterflies before you came because I know what my heart wants. Falling back into this would be easy and low-maintenance…safe. But I don't want that, I want fireworks and passion. I want to feel electricity from a knowing stare across the room or my heart pounding from an almost kiss. I-I just…we don't have that chemistry anymore, Jessie. I have it with someone else, and I don't know what's going to happen but I know I have to at least try, or I'd never forgive myself. I'm sorry. You're a great guy and you deserve to find someone who feels this way about you, but that's not me anymore. It just wouldn't be fair to you if my heart isn't in it. I hope you understand.”
After some time of silence, the tension releases from my shoulders, and I can see him process my words.
"I guess that settles it then, Y/N. I appreciate your honesty, and to be honest, I could see the chemistry between you and Chris as soon as you guys arrived. I always told myself that if I ever saw you again, that I would try again but I understand now that I just got wrapped up in the past and I'm sorry for that."
At the mention of Chris, my eyes shoot up to meet Jessie's. "But I didn't say who it was..."
"You didn't have to. It's obvious and there's been a lot of talk since you guys got here. I shouldn't have even tried to get you back, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity for us to actually have a shot at what we kept failing at for years. Listen, he's a great guy, and if he's the one for you, I'm happy for you. Truly. You could do worse than him. Just be careful. His lifestyle and career… it's no joke."
We both fall silent for a moment at him verbalizing something I hadn't even considered yet, the fame that Chris has to bear. Where would that leave me if this goes any further?
Seeing the gears turning in my head, Jessie interrupts my thoughts thrown into overdrive. "Have you talked to him about your feelings yet?"
"No, I've been trying to deny them for many reasons…I don't know what he wants. He says we're friends, but I feel like there's more there. I know I want more, but it's scary to approach it without knowing."
"Only one way to find out kid. Follow your heart, and your gut. He'd be crazy not to go for it with you. You're a catch, Y/N."
I walk him to the door, and give him a hug on the porch.
"Thanks Jessie, and thank you for being so understanding"
Pulling away, I see that Chris has walked back, and is just getting to his porch. He waits until Jessie leaves to say anything.
"That's what all the rush was about? Him?" I can hear slight frustration in his voice as he says this to me while crossing the distance to his door. Is Chris…jealous?
"I-I, Yes it was, but I made it very clear to him that it wasn't going to work. My heart isn't in it…it's with someone else."
At hearing this, Chris comes to a halt, key at the ready.
"I had to be honest with him. I Couldn't…not when…" my words trail off as Chris' eyes meet mine and I can feel all of the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
"Not when what, Y/N?" he says, walking towards me on his porch, and I can see uncertainty dance in his expression.
I feel my anxiety and fear build up inside of me. Tears begin to well in my eyes and I know what I need to say but getting the words to come out is proving difficult.
I take in a shaky breath to gather myself. Y/N, you can do this. Tell him you're worth it. That you both deserve to give this a real shot.
My pulse quickens as my breathing begins to saw in and out of me, but I hold my ground "Not when...my heart is with you. I want you."
I look at Chris and in a matter of seconds, I see confusion and frustration fade from his face to be replaced by the biggest smile I have seen of his to date.
In seeing the change in his demeanor at my admission, the tears begin to spill over, clouding my eyes to point of blurring my vision so when I begin to feel steps on my porch, I was a little startled.
I wipe my eyes and see Chris standing before me. He reaches for me and pulls me into his arms with no words, knowing that I need a minute to compose myself.
I take in a deep breath, his scent settling around me, and I feel myself starting to relax.
"Chris, I'm.....let me explain....I-"
"No Y/N, it's okay. I'm just happy you're less of a chicken shit than I am."
I feel his laughter vibrate our bodies as he lifts his head, and pulls back to see my confused expression.
"I feel the same way, and clearly you're scared but Y/N, you're one of the most kind and caring people I have ever met. I would be crazy to NOT to be interested in you! Ever since I dumped my coffee all over you and you threw your panties at me, I knew I had to keep you around by any means necessary." I slap his chest as we recall the haphazard way we met a couple months ago.
"Hey, HEY…" he says, as he shields himself from any more of my attack and we continue to chuckle. "What I'm trying to say is that you're amazing and I have feelings for you too. I don't know when it happened but you burrowed your way into my heart and I…I love having you there "
Listening to this, I am overjoyed. I grab Chris and I pull him in close, resting our foreheads together.
"Oh Chris, that makes me so happy to hear. I was so scared that I would ruin this if I said something and you didn't feel the same way but I couldn't ignore it anymore. You're in my heart too, and there's so much we need to talk about and discuss… a lot to figure out but I want to face all of that with you."
"I know Y/N. I know being with me has it's own challenges that a normal relationship doesn’t have to endure but I will do everything in my power to protect you while giving you the world because you deserve it…WE deserve it. You feel that too, right?"
"Yes, I do. I really do. There's a lot a stake when you lead with your heart."
"There always is but you're worth it, what we will build together will be worth it." He holds me to his chest again as I begin to full out cry, the emotions of it all overtaking me. After a few moments, I can feel his tears beginning to mingle with mine, and the realization hits me that this is real. This is my life and he's not going anywhere.
After we both compose ourselves and have calmed down, I embolden myself and look up into his eyes. "I guess there's only one thing to worry about right now then…to finish this."
The question forming behind his eyes before it reaches his lips, "Finish what?"
"The beginning of us."
Recognition falls over Chris face as I pull him in so our lips to finally meet for the first time, and I can feel in my soul; this is the moment I realize he's the only one that could capture my heart.
As we share our first kiss, I feel the world settle around me. This feels right, here in each other's arms without a care in sight. There's no place I'd rather be and to think it all started with a chance encounter.
                                                     ~The End~
A/N: Again, so sorry I’m an ass and have kept this ending in my drafts. If you see this and have followed this story this entire time, thank you sooo much! Appreciate all of your likes, reblogs, and words of encouragement to make my first full fic a great experience! Writing is hard and scary, but I really enjoy it and am excited to get back to it! I have some fresh ideas that may just make it on here, so stay tuned!
Tags: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan  @avenger-nerd-mom @mycapt-ohcapt-writes @mad-for-marvel @vanillabeanlattes @captain-ariel-barnes @emilyevanston @thewife101cevans @loricameback  @plussizeappreciationfics @a-tale-of-two-comics  @melodramaticfanatic @writingcreatingstorytelling  @mywritingsblog @disney-fire-fox @harrinoodles  @lookwhatyoumademequeue @janeyboo @aglarelen @purelyfictionallife  @cevansgirl @mrs-captain-evans @randomcevans  @nomadicpixel @elivanah-writes @katiew1973 @tchitchou26@mackevanstanfan80 @unicornpurplelife
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aspenflower17 · 4 years
Finding You (continuation of Part Three)
Hello everyone! I am soooo sorry I’ve been absent lately. I changed some things in Finding You, and I couldn’t write any further no matter how hard I tried. I knew exactly what I wanted to write, but it just wouldn’t come out right. That usually means I’m not writing what the story wants me to write. I also live with people who always decide they need to talk to me when I’m writing, so that certainly did not help -_-
 I finally had inspiration strike this morning as I was waiting in my car for work to start, and now my writing is flowing again. This mini update will hopefully be good enough until I can get a whole update out. Again, I apologize!
(First Part of) Part Three Link or if you want to start at the beginning (which I recommend ;) ) Link to Part One
Tags :D : @simpingforsatan, @naimena (If you want a tag when this updates, just ask in a comment below :D )
F! Mc / Satan
Word Count: 823
Warning/triggers: None this time :)
Mc sat and stared out the window. Why hadn’t he come? She had waited all day and had even made Luke bake cookies. Where was he?
“Mc, you should come down from the window.”
“But… What if he forgot what house we’re at Sim? He was in a hurry to get back.”
“Mc, I don’t think-”
A knock at the door brought Simeon’s statement to a halt. Mc’s eyes grew wide and she scrambled off the couch to make a beeline for the door. She threw the door open, “You’re back!... Oh, hi… Sorry. I thought you were someone else…”
“Oh, aren’t you adorable, just like he said you’d be. I’m assuming you’re the little angel my brother helped yesterday?”
“Oh, yeah, that’s me! Where is he? Is he behind you?” Mc asked, trying to look around the strawberry blonde demon in front of her.
“Ah, no such luck I’m afraid. Our older brother was really angry he left the park yesterday. He gave him a lot of extra chores to do, so he’s not going to be able to make it today, or probably for the rest of the week.”
“Awww, you’re even cute when you’re sad! Hopefully this will make you feel better. He asked me if I could deliver this letter to you,” the demon said, extending the letter to the small angel. Mc’s eyes lit up, as she carefully opened the envelope. Inside were a couple pieces of thick parchment, creamy and almost soft to the touch. 
Normally I would address a letter with a name, but I wasn’t able to get it yesterday, so I apologize, not the only one in this letter I’m afraid. When I got back to the park, my brother was waiting for me, and he was not amused. In an effort to “teach me a lesson” he has given me so many things to do, I probably won’t be free of them for quite awhile. I am sending you this letter in case I’m not able to see you before you leave.
I wanted to congratulate you. It’s not every day I find such stimulating conversation and from a child no less. You have a bright future ahead if you can keep that thirst for knowledge you have. I hope I’m not overstepping my bounds by including a list of novels and information sources that I found very useful during my formative years. As I have said, knowledge is power. As long as you are knowledgeable no one can dismiss you.
I hope you can remember that information as you grow up. Knowledge really is the key that opens any door, as well as who you know. Don’t pass up the opportunity to expand your social circle. Connections can get you to so many more places than knowledge alone, a lesson that took far too long for me to learn.
I will have you know this kind of thing is not normal for me. If you will grant me a moment, while I enjoy the novelty of your company, but I also feel a kinship to you I cannot explain. I also maintain I know you from somewhere, though I cannot place where. I hope you don’t mind that I asked Asmodeus, my brother, to deliver this letter. He knows more people than I do, so I was hoping that he might recognize you. 
I’m afraid I haven’t the time to make this more eloquent. I can hear my brother coming down the hallway. I would like to add one more thing. I am very sorry that you have a loneliness you can’t get rid of. Though you may not believe it, demons get lonely too, and I felt very lonely, hurt and angry for many, many years of my life. I learned how to mask my feelings and, though it took a long time, I did eventually find solace, even if it was for a short time. You shape your own life. I do hope you find a way to feel fulfilled in life and you find the cure for your loneliness. Know I will always be rooting for your success, and I do hope we can meet again and have more time to discuss anything and everything.
Seems I am out of time. Until we meet again.
S          .
“Ah, you’re back. What did you think? She’s really familiar, isn’t she?”
“Yes, she is.”
“Did you recognize her? Your face says you did.”
“I… I have a theory on who she might be.”
“Well, who is she?”
Asmo sighed, trying to figure out how to answer the question, “If I’m correct, I don’t want to say anything because she will be back one day.”
“And, if you’re wrong?”
“Well, that’s why I can’t tell you. Now please don’t ask me any more questions about it. I think she’ll be back to find you, so just be patient. We can talk more about it at that point.”
Link to Part Four
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k-writer1998 · 4 years
Black, White, Grey (2/3)
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Having Bang Chan as your best friend is great cause he’s literally the best but not so much when you’ve had a crush on him for a majority of the friendship.
w.c: 2.2k
Part 1
“Shoot! I’m going to be late,” I cursed under my breath.
      It’s been a few months since I last saw Chan, they were promoting and I was filming a new drama but with our hectic lives it was nothing new. We usually just occasionally updated each other every now and then either by messaging or the rare phone call. What was new was the urgent message I got from Chan yesterday saying that we needed to talk ASAP. I had a few hours between shoots today so we decided to meet at a coffee shop between our two locations. By the time I got there, Chan was already sitting with two drinks on the table.
“Sorry I’m late, the shoot ran a little longer then it should’ve.”
“It’s fine,” he chuckled, “I got you your usual.”
“Thanks. So what’s up? What’s with the urgency?” I asked as I took a sip of my drink.
“Well you remember Eunhye?”
      I really wish I couldn’t but it’s hard not to when he talks about her… a lot. From what I know they’ve gone on a handful of dates and she is really understanding with the idol stuff. Apparently since she's a university student on the verge of graduating, so she’s pretty busy herself, things have been going well, and he really likes her. The urgency of needing to meet him, him bringing her up, the nervous energy flowing off of him… I didn’t have a good feeling about it. I prepared my heart for the worst and turned on my actress switch as a smile pulled across my lips.
“Yeah what about her?”
“Well… I really like her…”
“What? I didn’t know,” I gasped sarcastically.
“Stop I’m being serious,” he chuckled softly.
“Then just spill it already, it’s just me. I’m not going to judge you.”
“It’s just you’re the first to know so it kinda feels weird saying it out loud… I want to ask her to be my girlfriend. I mean not now but after promotions in a few weeks.”
      Even though on the outside my mouth dropped and my smile grew bigger as a gasp escaped my lips, inside… a heart wrenching scream clawed my chest. Yet another piece of my heart shattered to dust but now was not the time to dwell on myself. At least the next words that fell from my lips were honest, given from what little was left of my heart.
“Oh my god! Chan I’m happy for you. I mean I’ll be honest this will probably be like fighting an uphill battle but you know I’m always the pessimist in these situations. I am 100% happy for you though, you deserve it and your happiness is mine.”
“Thanks for your well wishes and warning,” he rolled his eyes with a laugh before adding, “You’re the best and remember I’ll always return the favor if you have someone you like.”
      How does that work when that someone is you?
“Thanks Chan, believe me I know,” I laugh.
“There isn’t anyone right now right? I know I haven’t really got to check up much on you since I’ve been going on about Eunhye and been busy with promotions…”
“Don’t worry about it, you didn’t miss anything. There’s no one right now.”
“Good but when that happens I better be the first to know,” he joked before he added on a more serious note, “no secrets right?”
“No secrets,” I smiled. No secrets… except for this one.
      I may have gone through this a few times already but like Seungmin said, it still hurts no matter how many times I go through it. We chatted a bit longer before we had to go for our next schedules but not before he planned something so that I could properly meet Eunhye… stupid best friend responsibilities. I know he hoped we got along and that was never the hard part when he got into a relationship. The hard part of it all was having to see her separate the grey areas in our friendship into black and white. When the day came, we met at the theaters to watch the movie Chan and I promised to see together. Our usual of sharing popcorn and a drink, making commentary during the movie, sitting close enough so that our shoulders touched… became a him and her thing with me watching the movie silently, an empty feeling on my sides, eating popcorn from a bucket far too big for myself because ordering a large was a force of habit. I still smiled, laughed, joined the conversation, and played the best friend role like I was supposed to. My mind was just in a haze through it all and although Chan noticed it, my lies blended with the truth. I told him I was tired, I just didn't specify that it was physically from work, emotionally from unrequited feelings and mentally from keeping up my farce. 
      The rest of those two weeks blurred together as the heartbreak set it deeper and deeper as each day passed. I was finally snapped out of my daze when I got messages from Seungmin in Minho in our "feelings" group chat when I was on break during filming. I’m guessing Chan took more time to clearly think about this before he told the boys. Throughout the day we exchanged messages but even though we were all busy, they demanded me to video call them once I was off even if it was at an ungodly hour. I love those two but together they were bossy and a force to be reckoned with. I agreed and didn’t get a message until I had just finished filming my last scene. They were back at the dorm and were reminding me to call. I rolled my eyes before updating them that I had just finished and would be home soon. By the time I had texted them I was home, my foot barely through the door, my phone rang with a face-time notification. I chastised them the moment their faces appeared on screen.
“You know there is this thing called patience right?”
“Well that is reserved for people who keep us updated,” Minho countered.
“Wasn’t my update to tell but okay,” I rolled my eyes but as I noticed the background behind them I dropped my voice, “are you guys in your room?! Don’t you guys share a room? Can you even be on call right now?”
“Well the person in question is sleeping and we aren’t that loud so it’s fine. We’re on the other side of the room.”
“So how are you?” Seungmin interrupted before I could rebut.
“At least someone cares,” I joke.
“Come on, be serious.”
“Okay sorry. You know I don't do "feelings"… Uhm… well… I’m better than the first day I heard the news but that can’t really say much.”
“Used work to fill the void? Have you at least been getting proper rest?”
“Yup. It helps that they are filming a bulk of my scenes right now so my mind stays occupied but sorry Seungmin sleep is not my friend right now.”
“I still can’t believe how dense Chan-hyung is. You’ve been friends for six years and you’ve had a crush on him for five, I’m sorry but how has he not figured it out or at least noticed something?”
      As Minho got annoyed his voice got a bit louder and we all froze as we heard rustling coming from the other side of the room. No one moved for a good few minutes to ensure Chan was still sleeping. When we were sure, Seungmin nudged Minho with his shoulder.
“Hyung, keep it down.”
“My bad! It just sucks that one friend is hurting our other friend and he doesn’t even know,” Minho hissed.
“Awww thanks Minho,” I teased.
“Whatever,” Minho mumbled before adding, “I’m just surprised the feeling lasted this long even after everything.”
“Well you know your leader, it’s kinda hard to get over someone like that. Like have you seen him? His body-”
“Ahhhhh, I don’t want to hear it,” Seungmin whined.
“I mean you’re right but ewwww.”
“I’m kidding,” I chuckled softly, “But on a more serious note… I just… I don’t know why I can’t get over Chan. I mean when I figured out I liked him five years ago it was the thing that I’ve liked him for awhile already before I even realized it and no matter what happens or how many times my heart breaks… that feeling is still there. I mean I, without a doubt, can say that he is my first love. Any guy I find, no matter how much I love him… I don’t think I’ll love him as much as I love Chan… Oh jeez.”
      Before I knew it there were tears streaming down my face as I was explaining. This was the first time I have vocalized just how much Chan meant to me and hearing it aloud just made everything so much worse. I gave a dry chuckle as I tried to furiously wipe away the tears but to no avail. The tears I’ve held back for so long took the chance to fall and I had no control anymore. I started to curse as the tears turned to sobs and the boys tried their best to soothe me through the screen. The rest of the night was filled with the boys comforting me and me finally letting it all out. After the call it felt lighter in my chest but that just gave pain more room to fill and I didn’t know which one was worse. I need to pull myself together or I’ll never be able to make it through dinner with the boys and Eunhye in a few days. It took a bit but the pain somehow subsided to a dull numbness where I could properly pretend to be myself. 
      The day of, I met the boys outside the barbecue restaurant and greeted them happily. Chan said that Eunhye was a bit behind so she’ll meet us inside. While he explained, he casted a nervous glance at me. I tiled my head, mouthing a “what?” in confusion, but he just shook his head and smiled before leading us in. Once we were seated, everyone began to chatter about the menu, arguing and discussing what they wanted to eat. I smiled at the organized chaos, a calming constant in my life. After a few more minutes passed Eunhye came in and greeted everyone. She came over and sat next to me, causing me to move closer to Seungmin and away from my place in front of Chan. Throb. No heart, not in front of Chan. I knew Minho and Seungmin would worriedly look at me but, among the many other strange things he’s been doing tonight, Chan too was anxiously giving me looks. When I finally caught him I raised an eyebrow in question but he quickly turned away, laughing at something Eunhye had said. When the food finally came I took my usual job of manning the grill and Eunhye helped. Out of habit I placed a majority of the meat onto the other members’ plates like I always have, save a few pieces for myself, and moved to Chan’s except Eunhye beat me to it. She giggled as he got flustered by her action… replaced yet again. Our eyes connected and for a second his eyes filled with panic and I just gave him a weird look before turning my attention back to the grill in front of me. Halfway through the meal my phone buzzed and I excused myself and stepped out of the restaurant, moving to a less crowded area to minimize the noise.
“Manager Kim? What's up?”
“Did you check your texts? There’s good news.”
“Huh? I’m at dinner right now, I haven’t had a chance to look at my phone. Give me a sec,” as I pulled up my texts I gave a delighted squeal as I put my phone back to my ear, “No way?! Seriously?!”
“Yup, once we finalize everything on our end, make sure you’re ready to go, got it?”
“Yeah of course. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
      A satisfied sigh left my lips as I held my phone to my chest. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath to enjoy the chilly night air as it filled my lungs. There was a comfort in the cold isolation of outside compared to inside and I basked in it a bit longer. As I turned to head back to the door I saw Chan coming to me.
"Hey is everything alright? You've been out here for awhile."
"Oh yeah, my manager was just updating me on the changes in my schedule. Are you okay though? You've been kinda weird all night."
"Haha yeah, I'm fine. Let's go back in yeah?"
"... Okay."
      I knew it was a lie. There was something bugging him but I won't pry. That's not how we were, it just naturally comes out and if he's holding back there’s a reason. I could never really badger him either when I’m now keeping two big secrets from him…
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yusuke-of-valla · 4 years
like rats fleeing a sinking ship, pt. 3
intermission i
A/N: “intermission,” basically just means I couldn’t get a Whumptober prompt in there.
TW: mentions of being shot
<-Previous Next->
After a bit of arguing, Akira gives his bag to Haru with Morgana inside it, and takes Akechi with him to Crossroads. If given the choice, Akira would have preferred leaving Akechi at Takemi’s apartment to rest, but over the last three days since the notice for the Phantom Thieves’ arrest went out, Akechi has proven that he will refuse to sit still even if it’s for his own health, so he’s coming with Akira.
Akira lets Akechi get a seat on the train and stands up, watching the people on the train mutter amongst themselves. The news bulletin is giving updates about the “dangerous thieves at large.”
“...my aunt had a change of heart before she collapsed...”
“I heard they’ve given mental shutdowns to children too...”
“...put her name on the PhanSite. I hope Shido catches those thieves before something happens to her. She may be a bitch but I don’t want her to die.”
“So quick to turn on their supposed heroes,” Akechi mutters.
Akira hums.
Crossroads is empty when they arrive, save for Ohya and Lala, as usual.
When the door opens, Ohya perks up, her eyes going from Akira, then quickly settling on Akechi. “What’s he doing here?”
“He’s on our side,” Akira says. “Shido doesn’t like him either.”
“Sweet. The enemy of my enemy and all that.”
“I suppose you boys aren’t here for a social visit?” Lala asks, pouring them each a glass of water.
“I’d really like this to be, but we can’t.”
Ohya sits up. “Right. It’s not great.”
“Sources don’t have a lot of info?”
“It’s not that. The ones I can get in touch with are happy to talk about how their search for the Phantom Thieves won’t rest until they’re dealt with and explaining some of their procedures like setting up checkpoints in and out of the city. They’re also teaming up with some tech company to monitor phones and texts.”
“Lovely,” Akechi says, “things we could’ve already deduced. Do you have anything that isn’t coming from propagandists?”
“You can tell a lot from what people don’t say as much as what they do. They’re talking a big game, but only have Sakura-san’s arrest to back it up so it’s safe to say they haven’t gotten anyone else. They’re focused on the major areas, the subway, Central Street. Stuff like that. And they’re being flooded with tips, so even though people are happy to turn you in, they also don’t have time to go over everything.”
“So the mob’s working against them,” Akira says.
“Right,” Ohya winks. Then she gives Akechi a pointed look. “And I still have some inside info. Like apparently Shido’s been fighting with this one government agency for awhile now, blocking funding and access for them. They’re called the “Shadow Ops,” and Shido is putting a lot of effort into getting them out of the way.”
“And how is that helpful to us now?" Goro asks.
“Enemy of my enemy,” Akira suggests.
“Well if we can figure out how to get in touch with them that’ll be fine, but it’s still more trouble than it’s worth.”
“What is your problem?" Akira snaps.
“My problem is we’re wasting time! You’re supposed to be the leader yet you can’t conceive of the bigger picture.”
“Akechi you’ve been shot.”
“Stop pretending you’re holding back for my sake,” Akechi says, rolling his eyes. “We could go into the Metaverse right now and get this healed. You just can’t do anything without your ragtag bunch of misfits around to sing your praises.”
“Then why don’t you go.” Akira asks. “Why haven’t you left? Is it because after we played you like a damn fiddle and you were betrayed by your boss you realized you might not be as strong or as clever as you thought?”
Akechi crosses his arms and glares at Akira. “Fine. You’ve got me. I don’t think I can take Shido on my own. I could use your help. Yours. But the others are superfluous, we don’t need them.”
“The others have saved my life on more than one occasion, and they’ve saved yours before too. One week, and we go in and fight like hell, but since you need me and you kinda owe me for that little ‘attempted murder incident’, we’re doing it on my terms when we’ve found as many members of my team as we can.”
“Does the thought cross your mind that gathering them all in one place might just be putting them in more danger?”
“I have to know they’re safe.”
They stare daggers at each other.
Akechi gives in first, getting up with a huff. “If you have any useful information, Ohya-san then please let me know. Until then I’ll be waiting outside.” He strides out the door, and lets it slam shut behind him.
“I’m sorry about that,” Akira says to Ohya and Lala, who he’s just realized heard that entire conversation.
“No problem. You okay, kid?”
“I’m fine. Any other news?”
“Not really. I can tell you that the police have the big public areas covered, but I doubt you’ll be going to any concerts any time soon.”
“Nah. But seriously thank you, this’ll help us plan our movements.”
“Stop by tomorrow, I’ll see if I have anything new for you.”
“Actually, do you mind if one of my friends does it? She’s closer at the moment.”
“Sure, just tell me what to look for.”
Akira gives Haru’s description, thanks Lala again, then heads out.
“Are we done?” Akechi asks.
“One more stop in Shinjuku.” Akira leads Akechi a few blocks down to Chihaya’s booth.
“Akira! It’s good to see you!” Chihaya says.
“Hey Chihaya. We’re here for a reading.”
“Do you know everyone in this city?” Akechi mutters.
Chihaya lays out the cards in front of them. “Do you need a specific reading?”
“Can you give me a reading that’ll tell me where my friends are?”
“I’ll do my best!” Chihaya says. She flips the cards over one by one, and there’s a familiar sensation like something snapping. Even Akechi seems caught off guard by it. Chihaya looks at the spread and frowns. “Hesitation will be your undoing, but don’t be reckless. And I’m not sure about the nine of swords, something to do with Gemini?”
Out of the corner of his eye, Akira sees the way Akechi’s eyes widen at that, then he quickly cools his expression again.
“That’s all I can see,” Chihaya says.
“Thank you.” Akira says, getting up.
Akechi walks back towards the train station quickly, and Akira trails behind. He pauses at the sight of a familiar blue prison door.
“Hey inmate!” Caroline says. “You wanna go in?”
Akira considers it, but shakes his head. He doesn’t want to see Igor right now. “Hey, Caroline, how much do you know about stuff that’s going on. You obviously know more than I do.”
“Well duh! How’re we supposed to help with your rehabilitation if we’re as clueless as you?”
“Then do you know where my friends are?”
Caroline’s grin fades. “W-we couldn’t tell you that even if we did know!”
“Alright, thanks.”
“What are you waiting for?” Akechi calls.
Akira waves at Caroline, and runs to catch up with Akechi.
After parting ways with Akira and Akechi, Haru at least takes a little joy in the familiar weight of Morgana in her bag. When they arrive in Aoyama-Itchome, Haru hangs back in an alleyway as Morgana pops his head out of the bag.
“Alright, wait until there aren’t as many students leaving, then slip around the back way there.” Morgana says, helping Haru slip in the same way Akira had been getting up to the roof to meet her while he’s presumed dead.
Her first stop is her vegetable garden. Despite everything, her babies have been growing pretty well.
“It’s too bad we can’t bring the whole thing,” she says picking the tomatoes and pulling up the carrots.
“We can see about starting a garden at Takemi’s,” Morgana offers. “There’s one windowsill that gets a lot of really nice sunlight, even in the winter. I like to take naps there, but I’m willing to give it up for your vegetables.”
“Aw, thank you Mona-chan,” Haru gives him a pat on the head before bagging up the rest of her vegetables. “You’re up next.”
Haru slips out the back and heads back to the alley, watching the school until Morgana comes out, Kawakami trailing behind him.
“Hey, slow down kitty, I’,- Okumura?” Kawakami stares at Haru taking in her new hair and clothes. “So that is Kurusu’s cat?”
Haru smiles and picks Morgana up, helping him back into the bag. “Yeah, he’s a very smart little guy.”
“So does that mean Kurusu’s alright, at least?”
“Yes. But we still need to find the others.”
“Any way I can help?”
“Do you have Shiho Suzui’s address?”
Kawakami’s eyebrows furrow in confusion, then she seems to understand. “Oh yes, I suppose that makes sense. I should be able to get it. Hold on.”
Kawakami walks back into the school, and ten minutes later comes out with a sheet of paper. One has an address on it, the other has a phone number.
“Here you go. And if you need anything, give that number a call and ask for Becky. I’ll know it’s you and be right over.”
“I can’t ask you to get more involved in this,” Haru says.
Kawakami laughs. “I’m already neck deep in the Phantom Thieves business. You’ve helped me and so many others, and more importantly, you’re my students. It’s my job to make sure you’re all safe.”
Haru holds the sheet of paper to her chest. “Thank you. Your support means more than you know.”
“Let me know if you need anything.”
Haru grabs a tourist map from the train station and follows the address Kawakami gave them. The Suzui residence is a nice small house near one of the smaller parks.
“Ready to go Haru?”
Haru knocks on the door, and a middle aged man opens it. “Hello, who are you?”
“I’m here to return your cat!” Haru says, holding Morgana up to the man’s face.
“We don’t ha-” Morgana leaps out of Haru’s arms and runs into the house.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” Haru says.
The man curses. “Stay here,” he says, running after Morgana.
There are more voices, and then…
“Lady Ann! So you are here!”
“Ann!” Haru calls, running in the direction of the voices. She finds an open door leading downstairs, and the man from earlier is there, along with Ann, Morgana, and a girl who must be Suzui, who immediately steps in front of Ann protectively.
“Who are you,” Suzui demands.
“Shiho! It’s fine, this is Haru,” Ann says, “she’s part of the team.”
“Haru Okumura?” the man— Suzui’s father, probably— asks.
“Yes, we’re so sorry for the disturbance,” Haru says.
Mr. Suzui waves her off, and then pinches the bridge of his nose. “It’s fine, I guess. Would you like some tea Okumura-san? You and Ann probably have a lot to catch up on.”
“That’d be great, thanks!” Ann says. Haru nods as well, and Mr. Suzui heads back upstairs. Once he’s gone, Shiho shuts the door and Ann gives Haru a hug. “Good to see you! I thought you booked it for the countryside!”
“A little misdirection on my part. It’s a bit of a story.”
“We have so much to tell you!” Morgana says.
“I’m sure.” Ann says, picking him up.
“So, I’m guessing this is the famous Morgana?” Suzui asks.
Morgana perks up. “Oh? You told her about me?”
“How could I not,” Ann laughs, “I mean you’re kinda important to the whole story.”
“I’m important!”
“Wow, you can really understand him?” Suzui asks, stepping closer.
Haru nods. “Yes. How much has Ann told you?”
“Everything, pretty much,” Ann says. She and Suzui share a look, before Suzui pulls up some bean bag chairs.
“C’mon, sit. I’m sure things must have been crazy for you guys.”
“That’s a bit of an understatement,” Haru laughs. “But do you want to tell your story first?”
Ann nods.
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capaldifiction · 4 years
Right Now - Lewis Capaldi x Reader
I haven’t written much at all in awhile and this is my first attempt at writing Lewis, so I hope you like it ^_^
Paring: Lewis Capaldi x Reader
Word Count: 3,158
Description: A relationship was the very last thing Lewis needed in his life right now, but a whirlwind romance has him at a crossroads of what to do as new found feelings and a clock counting down force him to make a decision.
Based on the song “First Time” by Plested :)
Warnings: Very brief mention of sexual things that isn’t descriptive at all, so not really much to warn about lol Oh and a bit of swearing, but it’s Lewis so...
Italics are dreams or inner thoughts. Y/H/C = your hair color.
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Lewis’ hand drifts slowly across the bare skin on Y/N’s back as the traces of sunshine began to shine into the room. His eyes drift to the alarm clock on the hotel nightstand as he wishes he could turn it back a few hours. He’d barely slept that night, knowing in the morning he’d be on his way home.
What was typically a day to look forward to, had become a ticking clock hanging over his head the past month. He hadn’t expected to find this here. To find her. A whirlwind romance that took him by storm the last month of his two month stay in California for work. What had started as a carefree friendship with a fun girl he met at the record label office, had turned into something they held off on defining.
He’d spent the better part of a month ending his days with take away and Mario Kart in the hotel in the evening, their bodies intertwined at night, and his mornings waking up to her arm across his chest.
It was comfortable, and fun, and easy. She knew how to bring a smile to his face with the simplest things, and she laughed at all his jokes, good or not. It just felt right. But they both knew it couldn’t last.
At the end of the month he had to head home, and she’d be left behind. They’d both avoided that discussion up until the last moment.
Lewis carefully lifted her arm from him as he slipped out of bed. Escaping to the bathroom, his mind raced as he stood under the stream of water in the shower. She’d tried to bring up the ‘what are we’ conversation the night before, but he wasn’t ready. He’d promised her he would wake her in the morning to discuss it before he had to go. A promise he was struggling with whether he should keep or not.
He still didn’t know the answer. He had to leave today. In fourteen hours they’d be over 8,000 kilometers apart for who knows how long. He had no intention of moving there any time soon, she had a job in the city, and he didn’t even know the next time he would make it over to the States. And he certainly wasn’t sure if he was ready to start that kind of long distance right now.
This was the absolute last thing he needed right now in his life. The very last thing his career or emotional wellbeing needed drifting in the back of his mind. Was it better to end it now and deal with getting over it now, or let the missing her drag on through months of trying to make it work.
As he got dressed in the room, his eyes drifted over to her phone screen lighting up on the end table. A silly picture of the two of them stared back at him as the guilt of goodbye hit him again. Moving all his bags toward the door, he’d finally made a decision. Not one he was sure he wouldn’t regret, but it was a decision at least.
He wasn’t going to wake her.
Quietly opening the hotel room door, he ushered his bags out of the room silently. After checking over the room to make sure he’d gotten everything, he grabbed her phone to set an alarm for an hour before the check out time to wake her. Opening her notepad, he typed two words, “I’m sorry,” before setting it back on the nightstand.
Walking back to the doorway, Lewis gazed back at the bed half hoping Y/N would wake up and stop him. Ask him to stay, ask him to be with her, ask him for one last hug. Something. But she slept on peacefully as her phone lit up once again.
He sighed as he looked at the picture one more time, before closing the door behind him and realizing when she woke up, a picture on her phone was all he’d be to her.
The drive to the airport seemed to last forever. As the buildings he’d grown used to seeing every day began to fade into the distance, the sound of the LA traffic and his manager on the phone seemed thousands of kilometers away. A distant blur as he repeated a single silent line in his mind over and over like a prayer, “This is for the best.”
Sitting in the terminal at the airport his thumb hovered over her contact. He’d thought about blocking her. But that red button staring back at him seemed too… final. With a sigh he settled for turning off her notifications. He knew if she asked him to come back, he would.
He posed for several pictures with fans as he watched the the clock countdown on the wall. Forced smiles and laughs as he felt each minute pulling him further away. Soon he’d be gone and she’d be waking up to find he’d left. Soon she’d hate him. Soon he’d hate himself. In twelve hours he’ll be continents away holding onto his regret.
As the plane took off he shut down his phone and watched the city fade into the clouds. With a sigh he pulled out his headphones case, assuring his manager he’s fine, just tired. Unzipping the case and lifting the headphones out, he’s met with a small piece of paper tucked into the one earmuff.
“I miss you already Lew - Y/N,” it read simply with a small heart at the bottom. The message tightening his chest as he held it between his fingers. Shoving the note into his pocket, he slipped the headphones over his ears and settled against the window to let himself drift off to the music.
Y/N was walking away from him. Quickly weaving in and out of people on the bustling street as Lewis chased after her yelling her name. His lungs ached as he sprinted between the endless stream of people in his way, her Y/H/C hair just barely in sight.
As he finally makes it to the end of the crowd, he freezes at the sight in front of him. Y/N wrapped in someone else’s arms. His heart beats wildly in his chest as the man leans down to kiss her, a smile on her lips. The smile that she used to direct at him.
Seemingly finally noticing him, Y/N turns to look at him with a disappointed look, “You missed your chance.”
“Attention passengers, we’re now arriving at John F. Kennedy International Airport where the local time is…” Lewis’ eyes fly open as he slips in his seat and shakes his head.
“Are you ok man?”
“Y-yeah I’m fine,” he responds back to his manager quickly as he realizes it was a dream. His stomach churns as it plays in his mind again, and the regret is thicker than ever.
After leaving the plane, they grabbed some food where Lewis sat in silence nodding to the conversation and picking at the food in front of him. The thought of eating unappealing at the moment.
When they reached the seating area for their next flight, he finally allowed himself to turn his phone back on. Going to his messages there are no alerts like he expected, but he can tell she’s messaged him.
He thumb hovers over the conversation as he weighs it out in his mind, finally just tapping her image as he tries to ready himself for the barrage of angry messages he’s expecting.
But there is no anger.
“…Lewis? You said that you’d wake me…” “I wish you would have at least given me the chance to say goodbye, even if you didn’t want to have that talk. I’m sorry if you felt I’d cornered you into it.” “Also… I have to let you know. I’d planned on telling you this morning before you left. I’m not expecting it to be reciprocated, nor am I expecting a response. I love you. I know it’s early to say that, we’ve known each other two months, and only been whatever this has been for a month. But I realized the other day that’s what I’ve been feeling, and I’d been avoiding calling it what it is. I just had to get this off my chest and tell you, so I can know I did everything I could, so I can move on without that regret.” “I’ll leave you be after this message. I hope your trip home goes well, and that you know how much I’ve enjoyed the last two months with you. I’ve been happier than I can remember being for a long time, thank you for all the memories. - Y/N”
Tears prick at Lewis’ eyes as he reads the messages, the lump in his throat growing. Three words standing out on the screen. Everything in his mind slipping into place as his own feelings finally make complete sense. He loved her too.
She’s the last thing he needs right now at this point in his life, but she’s also the last thing he should let go.
Cursing under his breath he realized how big of a mistake he made. And in that moment the overhead speaker announcing his boarding flight back to the U.K. brought him back to the present.
“I have to go back,” he says immediately, his manager turning to look at him confused.
“We’re heading back now…?”
“No, I have to go back to LA,” Lewis insists, grabbing his bag.
“What!? We just left, we’re supposed to be boarding the flight back home right now, and you want to go back to California?”
“I have to,” he insists.
“Why the hell do you need to go back there? If you forgot something I’m sure we can find someone to ship it.”
“I fucked up with Y/N, and I have to go fix it, now,” Lewis shoulders his backpack and starts heading toward the help desks.
His manager grabs his arm to pull him back and sighs as he pulls his phone out, “We’ll book you a flight back but I can’t give you more than two days, we’re needed back. And your stuff is already on this plane back so I’ll take care of that. You’re going to have to get clothes or something, I can’t believe you’ve waited until now to think of this.”
Lewis nods and watches as he quickly taps through several screens booking a new ticket back to LAX.
“You’re going to have to head out to the entrance, to check back in and print your new ticket and go back through security. Keep me updated on when you’re coming back so I can book your ticket back. But we really need you back by Wednesday, no exceptions.”
“No exceptions,” he repeats uttering a thanks and taking off toward the entrance.
The six hour flight back felt like a lifetime. He couldn’t sleep this time. His thoughts racing more than before, now that he knew what he had to lose. He might be going back, but that doesn’t mean she’ll welcome him back in open arms. He’d lied and skipped out on her without even a goodbye. She had all right to be angry with him.
He’d wanted to message her back, tell her he felt the same, tell her he’d be there as soon as he could. But it didn’t feel right. It had to be in person.
With two six hour flights, waiting around in airports, and LA traffic, it was nearly midnight by the time Lewis found himself standing in front of her apartment building as the taxi sped away behind him. It had technically only been this morning he last saw her, but it felt like an eternity. And he felt like absolute garbage. Not sleeping the night before and twelve hours on a plane hadn’t done him any favors.
Shouldering his bag he takes the stairs up to her floor and counts the apartment numbers as he passes them, each one bringing him closer, and each one making his heart beat faster.
“Maybe this was a bad idea. 208.
What if I’m too late. 207.
What if she slams the door in my face. 206.
Maybe I should just go. 205.
This is fucking stupid what am I doing? 204.
What if someone else is there with her? 203.”
And his thoughts are cut short as he’s met with her apartment door. 202.
Running his fingers through his hair quickly and clearing his throat, he forces himself to knock on the door. The seconds seem to drag on an eternity. The sound of foot steps approaching the door then just silence.
When suddenly the door flies open to reveal Y/N in her pajamas, looking obviously surprised, “Lewis?”
“I- uh, hey there,” he sputters out with an awkward smile, silently cursing himself.
“What are you… why are you… aren’t you supposed to… did you forget something?” she finally settles on as she shifts uneasily in her doorway.
“Yes, you,” he admits immediately, biting his tongue as her eyes widen.
“Excuse me?” she questions, her arms crossing.
“No I mean, I’m making a right fucking mess of this,” he huffs then sighs as he looks back up at her. “Listen I’m shit at this. I came all the way back here without a plan and now I’m standing at your doorstep at fucking midnight looking like an idiot. I love you too, and I’m sorry I left without a goodbye. I’m sorry I avoided saying it before, and avoided taking about it. I didn’t realize it until I was sitting in New York feeling like a complete idiot.”
A soft smile crosses her face as her body relaxes and she looks around the walkway, before backing up, “You should come in before someone recognizes you. And I don’t think the neighbors would appreciate us discussing this in the walkway.”
With a nod he steps through the doorway, and slips past her into her apartment. “Should I say I’m sorry again?” he questions as he takes a seat on the couch.
Sitting down next to him she smirks, “It wouldn’t hurt your case. But I’d like more of an explanation than an apology. I thought you left without waking me because you didn’t feel the same.”
“I panicked this morning,” he admits running his hand through his hair quickly. “I didn’t know what to say or do. I knew if I woke you, if you asked me to stay I would. It was the first time I wasn’t looking forward to heading back. And I’d told myself this isn’t what I need in my life right now. I don’t need a relationship, I don’t even know when I’ll ever be able to see you. But I realized I made a gigantic mistake letting you go without even trying.”
Nodding slowly Y/N reaches out to hold his free hand and squeeze it gently. “I’d been thinking about how it’d all work if you did feel the same, if we gave it a shot. And I’d… asked a few questions toward figuring that out.”
Tilting his head toward her, he finds himself leaning in closer so they’re shoulder to shoulder, “Such as?”
“Well, I mean, you knew I had today off since it was your last day but I’d decided to take all my vacation right now. So I have three weeks off and thought maybe I could come visit you back in Scotland after a few days. Thought it might be good to have some time together official, if that’s what happened,” she shrugged gently against him, her cheeks reddening.
His brow raises as he nods and releases her hand to put his arm around her instead. She leans her head against his chest, and his chin rests on the top of her head, “I really fucked up this morning didn’t I?”
“Just a bit,” she chuckles, a smile forming on her face. “There was something else though, that I had been asking about at work.”
“What would that be?” He asks, his hand slowly rubbing her shoulder.
“I’d talked about the possibility of an office transfer,” she admits.
“To where?”
His hand instantly freezes as he feels his heartbeat quickening under her ear, “You’re going to move to London?”
“Well… I thought if they have an opening at the office there, I’d be at least a bit closer than I am now. And we’d be able to see each other more often. It’s the main office you work with, and you’re definitely in London more than you’re in LA.”
“You’d do that… for me?” he asks slowly. “Just uproot your whole life to a whole new country, to be closer to me?”
“If we’re going to be serious about this, I’m going to take it serious,” she nods against him. “I’m not from LA, I moved here for this job and I’ve only been here two years. I don’t have much holding me here. If I can do the same job over there and be closer to you, it seems like the natural choice. I also figured if it didn’t work out, it’s not like we’re living together or I’m your next door neighbor. I’d just be in the position I’m already in now here, but over there. Plus a change of scenery is nice every once in awhile. And I also thought maybe while visiting you I could head down to the office to check it out.”
Lewis sits silently for a few minutes, processing everything discussed in just the last ten minutes alone, then lets out a relieved sigh. “You make my heart want to stick around,” he admits.
“Was that a song lyrics or a romantic line that just came out of your mouth Capaldi?” she teases as she looks up at his own reddening cheeks.
“Don’t ruin the moment,” he chuckles as he pulls back to look at her. “So.. you… me… this thing serious, we fly to Scotland Tuesday?”
“Was that your version of asking me to be your girlfriend?” she questions with a lifted brow.
His hand instantly shoots up to his hair as he clears his throat and turns his head away, “I- well yes, it was.”
“Sounds perfect,” she responds happily, reaching up to turn his face back toward hers. “Thank you for coming back Lewis.”
“I shouldn’t have left like that in the first place,” he adds, standing up and pulling her into his arms. “I won’t let you down again.”
“I trust you,” she says softly, looking up into his eyes.
A smile spreads across his face as he lowers his head toward her, eye flickering to her lips then back to her eyes asking for silent permission. She nods gently, her eyes closing as his lips met hers. “I love you.”
Request List
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Shouji Mezo X Reader part 15 remember
 It was exam season. Y/n was tasked to help make the study guides and reviews for the class while Aizawa make the class scared over the test. There were two tests, one on their skills and a written one. The class freaked out on how they were gonna study and train. Y/n got to skip teaching aid days to take her own exams. 
“How were your exams? You got to take yours before ours.” Momo asked at lunch. 
“Aced them all.” Y/n told them. 
All their jaws dropped.
“I’ve never seen you read a book for any of your classes!” Jirou expressed her shock. 
“They’re online books. During slow times I read them. Aizawa doesn’t trust me to grade your work. I’d fail Bakugo everytime, and he knows it!”
“You’ve had so much time to study, then.” Tsu said. “I’m kinda jealous.”
“A lot of it is self teaching. If I get stuck somewhere I have to reach out to a teacher or hire a tutor, but I haven’t hit that wall in awhile.” She told them. 
Once lunch was done the students and Y/n were back to class. The phone rang and Y/n answered. Apparently her middle school friends Brittany, Stacy, and Regina came to pay her a visit. Y/n gave the phone to Aizawa to update him on the situation. He knew Y/n didn’t plan it, it could have been her mother’s doing or Y/n after meeting Brittany at the store. He was keeping close tabs. They did fill out forms and contact the school beforehand. As long as they didn’t see All Might to spread rumors, it was probably safe after a pat down.
“Yeah she can see them, but they have to stay on school property. She can think of a reason if she wants to.” Aizawa said. 
Y/n was surprised about the privilege she was given, but wasn’t gonna pass it up. It was the end of the day after all. Y/n went to her dorm to change and then went to the designated outdoor spot she was given to see her friends. 
“Are you sure it’s wise to let Y/n see her friends? She’s been following your rules, but could betray your trust at any moment l, Aizawa.” Tsu said. 
“If you all are worried, you can make it a game, spy on her to see if she really is trust worthy.” Aizawa said. “She’s surrounded by cameras, but maybe you’ll catch something.”
 Certain ears of the class perked up. They were let out, but instead of going to the dorm they made hiding places to hide and spy on Y/n and her “friends”. 
 Each student who did had their own worries about Y/n. Momo worried that they weren’t as close as she hoped. That these girls would always tier over Momo even though she had felt a closeness to Y/n. Their brief childhood intertwining, and then being brought together again. Koda joined with Jiro and Momo to see if Y/n was true too her words about his old elementary school bully. Shouji and Tokoyami were a different group who did not let the rest of the class know. Tokoyami only joined to see what Shouji was up to. Deku, Urakaka and Tsu joined a group worried that Y/n was planning on escaping. Sero and Kamanri just wanted to see what the girls would talk about, maybe hear about a crush. More groups were there for their own reasons. 
 Y/n sat under the tree with the three girls. They were all a rather conventionally attractive group. It would be wrong to judge them and think hey they’re pretty, one is confirmed mean without reason (Brittany), two were unknown, and Y/n who was kinda weird, but if wanted to could probably wield her power to be a mean girl. 
“How did you know to come here, I thought you’d call?” Y/n said.
“Well miss social media cleanse I figured I’d just go to the front office. We all had half days due to exams. I thought a nice get together was good.” Brittany said. 
“I can’t believe your condition was getting worse. I know you left regular school, but I still remember you beating up Derek Jeater.” Regina said .
“Recovery girl’s quirk is what’s holding my body together.” Y/n half lied. 
“Like is this it for you? Are you gonna die?” Brittany asked. 
 All the students listening had their stomach drop a bit. These girls know Y/n better. You don’t throw around the dying question so lightly unless it was a real real possibility.
“Probably not. I’ll be fine. I’ll survive long enough to help you’re voted in student government so you can pass prom and we’ll all party together.” Y/n told her. 
“I wanted to be the one to pass prom.” Stacy said. 
“Silence bottom!” Brittany laughed 
“So if you’re chilling at U.A. what do you do all day? Are you befriending any students?”
“I’ve actually been hanging out with class 1-A a lot.”
“Shut up.” Stacy said. “Shut UP! Oh my god you’re hanging out  with celebrities.”
“They can’t be that great. I went to school with Koda Koji and he was such a-“
“He’s actually kinda been my rock through this all. He lets me chill with his bunny whenever I’m missing my cat and is a great listener.” Y/n interrupted Brittany.
“Well your cats been dead for a couple years, and you haven’t gotten over it?”  Brittany teased.
“Sometimes when I close my eyes I can still feel my cat shoving their butt in my face.” Y/n said dramatically causing the girls to laugh. 
“Any cute boys or girls we should know about.” Regina asked. 
Y/n laughed at the question though her cheeks were red.
“There is!” Stacy declared
Urakaka’s eyes widened. Y/n lied to the girls, they didn’t catch her signs she was lying but these girls did and now they were gonna get the truth!
“There is someone. It’s nothing, just a little bit. It’s too early to make a deal about this.”Y/n went back and forth on her thoughts about that.
“Make a big deal about it miss too good for a cellphone. I’ll have to come here every week just for the whole story.” Regina said.
Y/n sighed.
“What he do? Is he dumb?” Stacy asked. 
“Was it one of the guys with you?” Brittany asked. 
Y/n pressed her teeth together.
“When something happens I’ll tell you guys. I just thought he was really cool, ya know. It’s not like I’ve said anything, I maybe the world’s worst flirter too.” Y/n said.
“You might be. Remember when you had a crush on the kid who played the saxophone? You couldn’t talk to him without making dolphins noises.” Brittany said.
“Gah!” Y/n screamed into the grass rolling around. “Why do I have to have feelings? Couldn't you three marry me and then I’ll never look for anything more? I can’t deal with having a crush, it makes my heart explode more than it can take!” Y/n said.
“I’d marry you.” Regina rubbed her friend’s head. 
“It just better not be octo-arms he didn’t even make it to the final round of the sports festival and he’s 1-A student, meaning he should have beaten all those b-listers.” Brittany said. “Or that other tall guy, I heard his suit makes him look like a banana”
Tokoyami looked at Shouji when they heard the comment. Shouji didn’t give any reaction, didn’t flinch or move. It was interesting to hear Y/n had a crush on someone in the class. Shouji also expected Brittany to show off her nasty side. Urakaka listening was screaming in her head how much of a liar Y/n is for not telling the girls who Y/n thought the cutest boy in the class was. Momo felt bad that Y/n may have not trusted the girls enough for a secret crush. Maybe it developed overnight , or maybe she was jerking her friends. 
Y/n kicked Brittany in the chest. “Don’t be fucking rude!”
The girls laughed and the U.A. students were even more confused. 
“Which one was Octo-arms, I don’t remember him.” Stacy asked. 
“Does it matter? It was the bird, crazy broccoli, Shoto Todoroki and Bakugo were the ones who mattered.” Brittany said. 
Y/n kicked her friend again, twice. The girls were laughing again. The U.A. students felt Brittany deserved worse than just three kicks, but figured Y/n was doing her best not to ruin the mood after not seeing her friends in so long. It was nice seeing Y/n laugh and have her guard down. She wasn’t afraid to be flustered in front of them, or saying she’d marry her friends. They just looked so happy and relaxed. Shouji paid close attention how Regina was outing her fingers in Y/n’s (colored textured hair). The peace didn’t last long, Brittany said another snotty comment and Y/n kicked her, except after she kicked her friend, Y/n started coughing violently. Regina held Y/n upright and the two others got startled and tried helping. 
“Oh god, Y/n breathe.” Stacy said. 
“Where’s that nurse...recovery girl?” Brittany said, all worried. 
Now that an emergency was rising the students didn’t know what to do. These girls didn’t know where the recovery girl was or their way around campus at all. They were all watching her, but do they give up their position to help Y/n? Would she be pissed? Of course she would. This was her time to be herself with people who knew her. But now she was coughing up blood in front of her friends. Shouji got out of his hiding place and Tokoyami followed. 
“Oh my god, how are you not dead?” Brittany said.
The three girls were too distracted to even see the two students approaching them. 
“I can take Y/n to recovery girl since she’s having a fit.” Shouji told the girls.
 His shadow loomed over them. He was so tall, so muscular. Regina and Stacy were both intimidated by the guy. Tokoyami got to his side. 
“I know you, you were Y/n’s little body guard.” Brittany said. Little is such a inaccurate word to describe him.
The coughing got a little faint as Y/n was ready go lights out in Regina’s arms. How could Brittany be so calm while her friend bleeds next to her? Regina past Y/n to Shouji as he cradled her in his arms. 
“You’re the guy who came in third, right?” Stacy asked. 
“Did you get to meet Hawks? He’s so cute.” Regina said. 
“You two can stay and talk, I’ll go with Octo-arms.” Brittany said. 
“Make sure our little Y/n doesn’t die!” Stacy told the two. 
 This must have happened often since the girls were all calm. Shouji and Brittany were alone, as Y/n was probably out of it. Then he was sure Y/n was with what Brittany said. 
“Nice ear on your hand. You were listening weren’t you.” Brittany said. “Don’t get your hopes up with Y/n. You probably like her since she’s someone who seems like she needs saving and you wanna be a hero, but you’re no doctor.” 
“Who said I liked her?” Shouji said. 
“Your actions. You spied on us and you just came at the perfect time to save her.” She told him. 
 His eyes widened and they were there in front of recovery girl’s office. They took the girl out of his arms so quickly and then slammed the door on the two of them. He was still trying to rationalize why he did spy and care. 
“I’m gonna wait here for her to get better you know since her and I are best frenemies, what about you?” Brittany asked. 
“I’ll stay here too.”
“Course you would. Cause you love Y/n don’t you.” Brittany teased harshly. 
“I wouldn’t go that far.”
“I can’t imagine her coping well here.”
“Why would she need to cope?”
“She didn’t come here in her own free will I bet. From what it looks like her health seems so much worse. To have to spend her final days away from friends, family, her cat’s ashes is very depressing. Recovery girl isn’t gonna cure her is she, just lessen some symptoms.”
Shouji took a deep breath. Brittany didn’t know the truth but knew a whole side to Y/n she never showed the class. He knew he couldn’t disprove her. 
“So like with your mouth hand is it like a playing with a sock puppet?” It was phrased like a question but really a jab. “That could be your hero name, the sock hero, sock puppet.”
He liked it better when people were afraid of him. This girl wasn’t afraid of him, she’d seen his soft side and already knew there was something hidden between him and Y/n and was gonna use that. 
“Are you worried you’re gonna lose your friend?” He asked her.   
“To death not to you.” She told him. 
  Recovery girl came out to say Y/n was better, but was out of it. Brittany sighed, went in to say a quick good bye and left glaring at Shouji. Brittany gathered the other two girls and left the campus. Shouji offered to stay, but recovery girl said she didn’t know when Y/n would wake up. She had called Aizawa to let him know about the incident. Shouji did stay and Tokoyami met up with him in the room. Tokoyami told him he wasn’t use to so many questions, especially about Hawks. They even exchanged numbers for more Hawks related questions.
“How was Brittany? She seemed like a handful.” Tokoyami asked. 
“She was…” Shouji didn’t know what was the right thing to say in front of an unconscious Y/n. “...a lot.”
Aizawa came in and sent the boys back to the dorms. He claimed he had to talk to Y/n when she woke up. It was clear Y/n didn’t even have real control over her quirk and now it was going to hurt her further. So Shouji and Tokoyami returned and there their class mates asked questions.
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noreasonjustbored · 5 years
The Truth Is The Scariest Part
Hi! I’m here with something that no one requested but the concept was stuck in my head because I’m Chenry Trash.
If anyone wants to be tagged whenever I upload a fic, please respond to this post and I will do that going forward. Hope you enjoy!
Everyone had given it a shot and told their best scary stories to no avail. Henry was still unbothered and bored sitting in the Story Tank. After Piper took her turn, she went back to the table with Charlotte and Jasper to help them put Henry’s steaks back into the Bromaha box. They wouldn’t be needing them.
“Can I take this thing off?” Henry whined.
“No you can not!” Ray exclaimed.
“UGHHHHHHHHH” Henry groaned. “Just face it Ray, I won this challenge.”
“I will not face anything! I WILL be chowing down on those delicious steaks.” Ray declares.
Henry simply rolled his eyes in response.
“Well I have a story for you, but it’s not mine” Schowz says with a sly look on his face.
“Okay? What’s the story? I’m sure that I won’t be scared.” Henry replies with the utmost confidence.
“Charlotte told me a great story earlier this week about a guy.”
“Alright. What’s the story about? This guy a ghost or something?” Henry asks.
“No. Just some guy in her class. And he is definitely alive.”
What’s so scary about a guy in Charlotte’s class? Henry thought.
“Who’s alive?” Ray wonders.
“Just a boy that Charlotte was telling me about. She says that he’s super cool.”
Through the immersion, Henry sees an image of Schowz and Charlotte on the Man Cave couch.
“So what did you want to talk to me about Charlotte? A new device? An update for a old device?”
“No, I just wanted to tell you about this super cool guy.”
“Oh, alright girl. Tell me more. Spill the coffee as you kids say.”
“You mean tea?”
“Tea, coffee they both have caffeine. What’s up with this boy? Is he your boyfriend?”
While Henry is in deep thought and not paying them any attention, Schowz walks over to the Story Tank monitor to check on Henry’s Fear-inol levels. The levels were rising slowly. 
I knew that would work! I’m a genius! Schowz thinks to himself.
He looks over at Ray and gestures to the monitor with a slight nod in its direction. Schowz then gives Ray a wink to signal for him to play along. Ray winks back to let him know that he understands.
They’ve both noticed that Henry has been a little more attentive to Charlotte than usual lately. Standing over shoulder while she’s at the console, invading her personal space, bringing her food from the AutoSnacker, riding in the same tube with her when Jasper takes the other. He is not subtle at all. He definitely has a big, fat crush.
The entire interaction goes unnoticed by Henry who is still pondering Schowz’s earlier statement. Charlotte thinks that someone is cool? That’s new. She usually thinks that everyone is lame. Including me. Is this a real guy? 
“Charlotte said that? What else-” Henry clears his throat and tries but fails to sound nonchalant, “Uh, what else did she say?”
“Are you guys talking about Brayden?” Ray cuts in. “Because Charlotte also mentioned this guy to me. She went on and on about how handsome he was” Ray adds helpfully.
“Ray, guess what?”
“I think that I know someone who could beat you in the Handsomest Man in Swellview Competition this year.”
“Blasphemy! No one can beat this face!”
“Nope, I really think he could win.”
“Oh yeah? Who is this guy?”
“My friend Brayden.”
“Show me his picture.”
Charlotte pulls out her phone to show him.
Schowz checks the monitor again, there was a spike in Fear-inol AND Urinol after Ray backed his play. Ray walked over to the monitor and saw the increase as well.
“Henry doesn’t stand a chance” he whispers quietly to his shorter friend.
“Absolutely not.” Schowz agrees.
Brayden? Debate team Brayden? Charlotte thinks he’s cool? And handsome? She said that he barely brought anything to the team except for a pretty face. I thought that was an insult to his intelligence. But maybe it was a compliment on his face?
“Did Charlotte tell you about her date with him?” questions Schowz.
Date? What date? Charlotte is dating Brayden now? When did that happen? Why am I just hearing about it?
“Um, they’re going out? Like in real life? And she told you this?” Henry asks disbelievingly.
“She suuuuure did. I heard he was taking her out this Saturday” Ray says with a goofy grin on his face.
Fear-inol levels were now reaching the precipice of the Startled Zone but weren’t quite there yet. Schowz motions to Ray to keep going, letting him know that their scare tactics were working.
Henry takes off the helmet and whips his head over to Charlotte who is sitting at the table with Piper talking animatedly. Jasper is now at the auto snacker ordering more candy and popcorn.
I wonder what they’re talking about. Is it about this so called “date”? Does Jasper know too? Am I the only one who didn’t know? Why didn’t she tell me?
“That-that’s cool. Charlotte has a date. What’s so scary about that?” Henry plays it off but there is a glistening of sweat forming on his brow bone.
“Oh, nothing. I just thought that you’d want to know. Put the mask back on.”
Henry follows the direction without protest. It’s as if he’s in sort of a trance.
“Yeah Henry, isn’t Saturday you and Charlotte’s official Movie Night night?” Ray asks.
In the Story World, Henry and Charlotte are in his room watching movies when they hear a knock on the door. After going downstairs, Henry answers the door to see Brayden standing there with a small bouquet of daises that he hands to Charlotte. She takes the daisies and gives them a big whiff before passing the flowers off to Henry. With a big smile on her face she turns to Henry and says, “Don’t wait up”. She then walks out the door hand and hand with Brayden. Henry is left alone looking down at the daisies.
“It is.” Henry muttered glumly.
“Weellllll, she’s gonna miss that. I heard that they are going to Nacho Ball.” Schowz adds.
Back in the story world, Charlotte and Brayden are sitting on the same side of the booth talking and giggling. They seem to be in their own little world. Charlotte wipes some nacho cheese off the corner of Brayden’s lip with a napkin. They actually look good together.
Henry feels sick to his stomach. “She hasn’t cancelled movie night for this weekend, how do I know that you aren’t just saying this to bother me?” Henry questions Ray and Schowz.
“She probably just hasn’t gotten around to it yet. Too busy thinking about her date with Brayden.” Ray mocks.
“Bother you? Does the fact that Charlotte has a date bother you?” Schowz inquires.
“Uh, no it doesn’t bother me. Why would it?” Henry mutters while scratching the back of his neck.
“You tell us Henry? Are you upset that Charlotte is going on a date?” Ray asks while stepping closer to the tank.
“Psssh, what? No. I’m just upset that she’s going to miss movie night.” Henry says nervously.
“Really?” Ray countered, squinting at Henry in suspicion.
Henry mustered up all his bravado and put it into the next word, “Really.”
“Well I’m sure if you ask her, she’d be willing to reschedule the date for earlier that day.” Schowz suggests as he checks Henry’s Fearinol levels again. The levels are now in the fully in the Startled Zone and creeping to the precipice of Scared. Schowz mouths to Ray, ‘Almost there’.
“Good. And then at movie night, Charlotte can tell you ALL about her date and how great it was.” Ray taunts.
Henry sees a vision of himself and Charlotte in the living room while Charlotte chatters excitedly about the date she just got back from. They haven’t watched one movie yet. They had been talking for an hour about Brayden.
“He was such a gentleman Henry, I think I really like him. He’s so cute and smart and nice and handsome and tall and kind. And did I mention that he was handsome?”
“You sure did Charlotte. Only about a hundred times.”
“Sorry, I’m just so excited that Brayden asked me out. And we’re going on another date tomorrow. I hope we last.”
“Me too” Henry replies in a false cheery tone.
“I wonder if they’ll kiss? What do you think Ray? Think they’ll kiss?” Schowz questions.
“Oh definitely. One thing I know about is teenage boys. I used to be one not too long ago! If I was this guy, I’d definitely shoot my shot. Charlotte’s a catch.”
“True. She’s so smart and pretty. What guy would turn her down?” Schowz adds.
“I don’t know. A chump probably” Ray alleges.
“Do you think that Brayden is a chump Henry?” the foreigner probes.
Now the Story Zone shows Brayden and Charlotte in front of her door after the date.
“I had a great time tonight” Brayden tells Charlotte.  
“Me too” Charlotte answers shyly while looking down at her feet.
“Hey Charlotte?” Brayden whispers.
“Hm?” she says while looking up at him.
Instead of responding verbally, he looks into her eyes and tucks a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Stepping closer, he glances down at her lips and looks back into her eyes that are locked onto his. They both start leaning closer to each other.
Right before imaginary Charlotte and Brayden touch lips, Henry rips the helmet off his head. He’s breathing harshly and looks uncomfortable.
“That’s enough! I-I’m good” Henry rasps out.
Checking the monitor, Henry’s Fear-inol levels were offically in Scared terrority now and steadily increasing. His heart rate is also off the charts.
“Ha! I knew that I could scare you!” Ray gloats.
“I started it. It was my story” Schowz whines.
“Yeah, yeah yeah. Give me those sweet, sweet steaks!” he walks over to the table to collect the meat and then goes through the sprocket door. 
Henry gets out of the Story Tank while Schowz chases after Ray. “I thought we were supposed to be sharing those!”
Sighing, Henry looks over at the table to see only Piper sitting there on her phone. It looks like she hadn’t moved in quite some time.
“Where’d Charlotte and Jasper go?”
“They went upstairs awhile ago to help some customers.”
“Oh okay. Nice. So were you on your phone the whole time or....?”
“Yeah, I’ve been in a Twitflash beef with Jana Tetrazinni for the past thirty minutes.”
“Cool cool cool cool,cool.”
“Still totally heard the fact that you were scared by Charlotte going on a date in a fake scenario.”
“I wasn’t scared! And fake scenario? What do you mean fake scenario? Char’s going out with Brayden this Saturday isn’t she?”
“Uh no dude. The only reason those guys even know about Brayden is because Charlotte was complaining about how he almost made them lose a debate this week. She hates that guy” Piper says as she gets up from the table and walks towards him.
“Oh.” Henry says with obvious relief.
“Yeah, ‘oh’. You need to go and ask her out before you give yourself an aneurysm. I’m not visiting you in the hospital” Piper says sarcastically and pats him on the arm as she passes.
“Ha ha very funny Piper. I don’t see Charlotte like that, we’re just friends.”
“That’s not what your Fear-inol levels say buddy.”
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Farthest North
BY: DatFandomGirl1 -| A CountryHumans AU |-  \\A few things before we start: 1: The tallest countries are USSR and Third Reich, this is due to the fear of them that grew while they were in power (Or their egos if you want a good laugh) - also for the story’s sake. 2: Provinces, States or Territories are children unless forced to grow up or decide to become a country.  3: The CountryHumans live in their own dimension, but can go between their world and the human world via a ring, which is decorated buy their respective flag. Only the owner of the ring can use it. It can take them anywhere as long as they can think of an adjective that can directly connect to that person/place/thing. 4: Humans can go to the CountryHuman world but only stay for a few minutes before fading back into their own world. 5: There are some historical inaccuracies which will be marked with this symbol (!), the correct information will be given below the chapter. 5: Translations of foreign words (Not English) will be at the bottom of each chapter, please forgive me if some are not accurate, I am only beginning to learn German and am mostly using Google translate for lack of bilingual and/or foreign friends. 6: I describe USSR as a corrupted Russian Empire, considering both were brutal and absolutely horrid. Please enjoy the story! It is by no means meant to make fun of, offend or call out any one race, nationality or government, and does not represent the opinions of any one people.
I will be updating once a week.
--- Chapter 1 -- You Have Mail
Word count: 1063
    America, Russia, Japan, China, Poland, Australia - so many countries, a big world it is, out there. Dangerous, sometimes cruel, unruly and painful. America knew it when he separated from his father's hierarchy, but it was better than being treated like an uncared for adopted child. He knew the story of Les Misérables. He declared that he would never treat his children as such, those being the States. He cared for each and every one of them, though what he called "business" often took him away. He wasn't a total flop of a father, he'd visit every single one of his precious kids... at least, that's what he thought.
         "Has anyone seen America?" Canada questioned those who were already eating at the table, their current meeting place being chosen by Russia: a bar.
         "Someone came by with a letter," announced Japan, her smile showing how oblivious she was at the fact America took the time to answer something like that. Get togethers like this usually made him ignore matters that needed his attention, "Said something about an estate."
Canada nodded, and sat in the empty seat, knowing the star clad patriot would simply steal Russia's.
     The happy country came back, dumping Russia from his chair, as Canada predicted, and sat down, the letter no where to be seen.
         "How's it popping 'Cans?" He asked with a wide smile, glasses hiding his eyes.
         "Not to bad," he answered, "Japan said something about a letter?"
         "Oh, yeah," he blew a raspberry, "Some prank, nothing serious."
Oh how wrong he was.
     The group, consisting of America, Japan, Canada, Russia and Germany, broke their "meeting" after Russia decided to go for a third bottle of hard liquor, dragging him to Germany's car, who decided he would drive him home. Japan announced that she had some business with another trade partner, so she left the group after another ten minutes of babble. Then the five became two, brothers 'till the end, walking down the sidewalk since they had nothing else to do.
         "How are the States?" Canada asked, genuinely curious. America had been spending a bit more time with them lately.
         "They're great," he chuckled, "Delaware just celebrated her 232nd birthday! She's so cute. I was able to get Japan to make dolls that resembled the two men on her flag!"
The country was so proud of his first state, glad that she would never grow up, unless she decided to become a country, that is... but that wouldn't happen, he takes care of all of his children, daughters and sons, so they all remained with the size and somewhat the mindset of children.
         "How's Arizona? I hear she's had quite the wake up call with the sudden cold snap." Canada inquired, making America laugh.
         "Oh dear, it's 90 instead of 190, whatever will she do?" He laughed, the poor girl claimed she was freezing to death in these winter months.
     The two walked in a comfortable silence for awhile. The air was clear, a perfect Pennsylvania afternoon. The little tike was probably somewhere playing in the dirt, or helping some of the Amish folk with their work. He loved to help, always eager to get down in the dirt or play with the farm animals. Pennsylvania was an animal lover for sure, not as crazy a lover as Australia, nowhere close, considering these were mostly domesticated animals, but his love for nature showed most definitely. The birds chirped, sending a witty air toward the two countries, who laughed when an orange tabby ran by, trying to catch whatever species of bird its eyes were on. The colder dirt road before them ran for miles, unpaved until it reached the city, several miles away. Amish country was so natural, practically untouched. No electricity, cars, WiFi. Nothing of the sort. So relaxing.
         "So... what was the letter about exactly?" Canada dared interrupt the soft sound of breezing silence.
         "It was a declaration of independence," he shrugged, "It was from one of my states, I don't think it said which, but I haven't felt anything nagging at me, and my 50 hasn't turned to 49. It's a joke, all my kids love me!"
So sure. Yes, all his children loved him, but he didn't love them equally.
         "I think we need to get going..." Canada looked at his phone, finding it to be later than he intended to stay out, "We have a world meeting, remember?"
America groaned. He hated those. Always so boring, they never needed him around anyway.
         "Want me to drop you off at your house?" He sighed, bringing out a ring with his flag engraved into it.
         "No, thank you," Canada smiled, bringing out a ring with his own flag engraved, "I remembered my key this time."
The two smiled at each other, and America gave a playful salute before throwing the ring on the ground, Canada mimicking the action, and they left through the worm hole, each stepping into their living room.
     Yawning, America decided that now would be the time to clean up the party mess. Hats laid strewn around, party poppers littered the floor, and a half eaten birthday cake slice was still on the coffee table. He chuckled, remembering how his little Delaware was so surprised when the lights came on. He was glad that the CountryHumans were able to have their own private world, or else the humans would have complained about noise. His neighbors complained anyway, of course. 
     If you looked outside you'd see  a world like any other, a small city, population: 195 (not including states or territories). America's mansion held all of his children, though they were currently in the human world having the time of their lives. He remembered his father's palace, Britain, a powerful country, in his time anyway. Now all that's ever really talked about is the royal family, nothing that determined the life or death of another country.
     Finishing what cleaning he wanted to do, the man looked at his watch. Time to go. America took hold of his ring again, and with one simple thought, threw it on the ground, stepping into the grand meeting room. When the worm hole closed, he picked up his ring, stashing it into his pocket. He dawned a lazy smile below his signature sunglasses, until he saw who stood in the middle of the circular seating area.
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kasienda · 5 years
An Open Secret - Chapter Three
I apparently forgot to post this update here on Tumblr when I updated this last week. But my ML Secret Santa fic for @ladybuginettes​ still continues because I survived hell week! Yay!! 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Advice
Something was up with Adrien. Something had changed dramatically in his entire demeanor in the last thirty-six hours. Nino didn’t know what it was exactly, but it was definitely something. Something good if Adrien’s expression was anything to go by. His friend hopped out of his car beaming like a kid headed to an amusement park for the first time in his life and not a teenager headed to yet another routine day of school. His smile was so bright it could light up the moon! The blond waved enthusiastically to his bodyguard who scowled back even as he drove away.
“Mornin’ dude!” Nino greeted, holding his right hand up and open. Adrien clapped into it and pulled Nino into a vigorous hug.
“Nino!” Adrien exclaimed with far more enthusiasm than normal. “Beautiful day isn’t it?!”
Nino’s brown eyes glanced upward. The sky was grey, blanketed in a heavy layer of clouds that threatened rain, or maybe even hail. The wind was so cold Nino could see his breath and he was especially grateful for his headphones today which were serving double duty in delivering awesome tunes and offering his ears just a bit of extra protection from the biting cold.
“If you say so, mec,” Nino agreed with a laugh.
Adrien bounded up the stairs two at a time with a literal bounce in his step as if his exuberance alone could banish the ominous weather. Nino chuckled. Alya had dubbed Adrien the sunshine child for a reason.
Nino increased his own pace to catch up at the top of the stairs. “What’s up with you, dude?”
“I’m grounded,” Adrien reported gleefully as the two of them slipped through the double doors and into the school’s main lobby.
“You’re grounded?” Nino repeated in surprise.
“Okay…” Nino drawled. “You don’t seem upset.”
“It was worth it,” Adrien admitted, his vibrant green eyes lost their focus as he was clearly lost in memories of whatever had been worth it.
Nino smiled. “What did you do to get grounded?”
“I let my phone die and then disappeared the whole day,” Adrien explained as he opened his locker and exchanged a few notebooks.
“You turned it off so Nathalie couldn’t track you down,” Nino concluded. He had given Adrien this suggestion before for avoiding his overbearing guardians.
“Exactly. Thanks for that tip by the way.” Adrien grinned as he offered a fist bump. Nino reciprocated. “I tried to say I was caught up in the akuma attack. She wasn’t fooled. I guess that was stupid. That attack lasted what? Five minutes?”
“So… why were you giving Nathalie the dodge?” If Nino didn’t know better he’d swear Adrien was trying to avoid talking about whatever had made him so happy.
“Oh! I was…” Adrien blushed all the way down to his neck. His hand rubbed the spot nervously. “Uh… I was hanging out with Mari.”
Nino grinned. Alya was going to love this development! “That’s a new nickname.”
Adrien’s face burned even redder. “Is it? I swear I’ve heard people call her that.”
Adrien closed his locker, and they walked in step towards Nino’s.
“Not you though,” Nino commented, his footfalls echoing through the mostly empty hallway.
“I… guess not.”
Read on Ao3 Read on FF.net
“So, what’d you and Mari do?”
“We played Mecha Strike. She kicked my ass a bunch!” The blond sounded positively gleeful about it. “And then we ate a bunch of pastries her dad made. But mostly we just talked. I haven’t had so much fun in ages.”
“Should I be jealous?” Nino asked with a playful shoulder bump as he turned the combo into his own locker. It opened with a click.
“What?! What for?” Adrien’s green eyes turned to him, swirling in anxiety.
“Dude! Chill. I’m teasing you. What’s going on with you and Mari anyway?”
“What do you mean?” Adrien deflected, looking away, over Nino’s shoulder to their peers walking through the hall.
Nino smirked. It was obvious that Adrien knew what he was talking about and just stalling. It was rare to see his friend so flustered, and Nino wasn’t going to lie. He kinda thought it was hilarious.
“With Marinette?” Nino prompted. “Three days ago, you were awkward as hell around one another. Now, you’re thick as thieves. What changed?”
Adrien leaned casually against the locker adjacent to Nino’s and stared upwards at the ceiling. “Honestly? It’s difficult to explain. Let’s just say that it was easier to get to know her when she stopped being so nervous around me. And man, we really get along and have a ton in common!”
“What made her get over her nerves?" Nino asked. Alya was losing her mind over it. It was like one day Marinette had just flipped a switch and went from disaster Marinette to suave confident and sassy Marinette. Nino was proud of their friend, but of course his girlfriend wanted to know the why’s and how’s of everything!
He loved that about her.
Adrien shrugged. "You'd have to ask Marinette."
“You like her?” Nino closed his locker. But they didn’t turn towards class, and instead lingered in the hallway.
“Umm… yeah?” Adrien admitted, his face blooming with pink. “A lot more than I realized. Is that weird? I know you had feelings for her.”
Nino laughed. “Don’t worry, mec. I’m with Alya now. Totally happy.”
Adrien let out a sigh and his whole form loosened.  
“You were worried I would be upset?” Nino questioned with an arched eyebrow.
“Yeah?” Adrien admitted with another blush. “I’m sorry. It’s silly. The last few days have been amazing, and I just keep expecting things to go wrong.”
“No worries man. If you want, Alya and I could set you and Mari up!”
“Thanks Nino. I appreciate the offer, but actually... I don’t know if I want Alya involved.”
“You have a problem with my girl, bro?” Nino teased with mock hostility.
“No? I mean, maybe?”
Nino arched an eyebrow at his best friend again.
“No offense dude, but your girlfriend is intense!” Adrien exclaimed.  
Nino laughed. “Trust me, I know.” He loved that about her.
Mylene and Ivan walked past hand in hand. Mylene waved at them while Ivan offered a nod. Adrien and Nino waved back casually.
“And it’s not just that,” Adrien added after their classmates turned the corner. “I kinda want to let things develop on their own. You know that girl I was crushing on?”
“The one you work with?” Nino supplied. He never had a name to go with Adrien’s mystery crush. His friend had always been paranoid his father would get wind of things and no longer let him work with her.
“Yeah, her. Well, I rushed things with her and I messed everything up. I… I don’t want that to happen again by confessing too soon.” Adrien tapped the toe of his foot on the floor restlessly.  
“I get it man. I will try to get Alya to chill, but you know she’s been an Adrinette shipper almost since she met you both.”
“A what?” Adrien asked. His face had gone scarlet again.
“Yeah, she has been rooting for the Adrinette ship almost as hard as Ladynoir.”
If anything, Adrien’s blush deepened. His face was now almost as red as Ladybug’s suit!
“Just be warned. Now that Mari’s finally turned your head, I may not be able to hold Alya back.” Not that he ever could. Alya was like a force of nature. He loved that about her.
“I-if Alya has been shipping Marinette and I… does that mean Marinette likes me?” Adrien’s green eyes drilled into him beseechingly, begging for answers.
Nino tensed.
“No no, don’t tell me,” Adrien insisted, waving away his question as he looked away. “If Marinette liked me, I’m sure she’d have told me herself.”
Nino sighed. It’s not like she hadn’t tried.
“But maybe you could answer a different question…?” Adrien turned back to his friend, his eyes troubled.
Nino smiled and gestured for his friend to go on.
“Do you know why I used to make her so anxious?” The blond looked so dejected. Nino wanted to fix it, but how could he without explaining?
“Dude! You really should ask Marinette about that! But I promise it’s nothing you did! And it’s nothing bad. In fact, I think you should just forget about it, and just tell her how you feel.”
Adrien sighed. “It’s not that easy, Nino. I overheard that she likes someone, but I didn’t catch who. If she likes someone, I don’t want to disrespect that by asking her out. I don’t want to make her mad. She deserves to be with the person she wants. Even if that person isn’t me.”
Nino wasn’t going to lie. He almost laughed. If his boy only knew! Plus, He found it hilarious that Adrien Agreste, a teenage model and celebrity who was rich and talented, had doubts about girls. Of course, Marinette wasn’t superficial like that, but still!
“Asking her out doesn’t mean she has to say yes. You’re just being honest that you think she’s amazing and are interested in something more. The ball is in her court at that point. She gets to decide what to do with it.”
The bell rang.
“What if she says no?” Adrien’s voice was so quiet, barely louder than a whisper. Nino almost didn’t hear him above the sudden bustle of activity as students moved at the signal to head to class.
Nino could not picture that eventuality. It just didn’t seem possible that Marinette would ever say no to Adrien. Maybe in some crazy alternate universe.
“Then you’ll still have an awesome friend! Because Marinette would never let something like a confession get in the way of you being friends.”
Adrien was silent for awhile. Then he turned back with a smile. “Thanks Nino! You’re right. Marinette will always be my friend if nothing else.”
And they headed towards class with Adrien’s smile once again restored.
A week had gone by and Adrien had yet to follow through on Nino’s advice. He wanted to. He wanted to confess to Marinette once again desperately. He had never been particularly good at holding back his feelings when he wanted something. And even though being grounded the whole week made it difficult to spend any one-on-one time with her, he still saw her every day in class and occasionally when he had managed to sneak out for patrol. And each time he saw her, he felt the air flee his lungs and his heart stutter. His whole body vibrated with nervous energy every time he saw her. He felt ready to explode like a star about to go supernova.
But he pulled back on his own proverbial reins because Chat Noir had already confessed to Ladybug. She had put him in his place not once, but twice. And God, he wanted to respect her no. He knew that she owed him nothing. He didn’t want to push past her previously established boundaries, but things felt different now.
She held his gaze constantly instead of ducking away from Adrien or glancing past Chat Noir. Her blue eyes were constantly sparkling in shared secrets and mischief. She laughed more in his presence than she had before in either of her or his personas. He could even sometimes make her blush with a single pun!
She was comfortable and at ease around him like she had always been with Chat. And she was thoughtful and sweet as she had always been with Adrien. But now, she was also open and vulnerable with him in a way she had never been with either. Before their mutual reveal, she had always held Chat at an arm’s length and been awkward around Adrien.
She just acted so differently around him now. He found himself thinking and praying that just maybe the shift signaled that she reciprocated his feelings. He wanted to believe so badly that this new closeness meant she felt the same. But he couldn’t help but worry that he was walking into a trap by getting his hopes up. Maybe it was just wishful thinking on his part.
Because what did he really have to offer someone like her? She was passionate and fiery while he was well behaved and boring. He knew that he had the looks and the money, but Marinette didn’t care about those things. Marinette was selfless. She was a hero because she cared about the city. He took up the miraculous because he was tired of being alone in his cavernous room. And he kept it because it meant he got to spend time with her. His motives had always been selfish.
Maybe she could be open simply because there were no secrets between them anymore. She always had to hold herself back from everyone to protect her identity, and by extension, her friends. Now, she didn’t have to.
Maybe that’s all this was.
But one thing was for sure: he was hooked, more in love with her than he had ever been before. He had thought he was lost before, but now he was truly gone. He felt seen and understood as he had never felt in his life. And he liked to think that he saw all of her in a way that no one else could as well.
He was ready to burst like a hot corn kernel about to pop. He couldn’t sit on these feelings. But he was also terrified of piercing the bubble of their new dynamic, terrified that he had misinterpreted everything and he would lose all of this.
When his house arrest had finally been lifted, Adrien wasted no time in reaching out to Marinette about hanging out after school. He didn’t care what they did, so long as he could spend more time with her. Her company, her smile, her swirling deep blue eyes, and her easy laughter were like a baum to his soul. And he was never going to get enough.
She had agreed readily enough, and suggested they just hang out at the park across from her parents’ bakery. It was a beautiful day for sitting side by side on a park bench - still freezing cold, but the sky was a gorgeous blue dotted with puffy white clouds and almost no breeze so that kept the chill out of the layers of their winter clothes. The dusting of snow remained, making the whole park look like something out of a fairytale.
He had planned on keeping the whole outing platonic and friendly. Just two best friends hanging out. Really, he had.
It had taken all of five minutes alone in her presence for him to crack. “Mari?”
“Yeah?” Her soft gaze swung to his face.
“Can I ask for your advice about a girl?”
Her eyebrows furrowed and she looked away - towards a handful of laughing children throwing coins into the fountain. “What’s going on?” she asked, her voice so neutral he couldn’t get any read on her.
“I-It’s a girl I work with,” he carried on recklessly. “I’m a bit crazy about her.”
“A girl you work with?” she repeated, her gaze still locked on the playing children.
“Yeah…” He followed her gaze, but his eyes remained unfocused. He was lost in memories and nostalgia of the day he had met Marinette. It was the same day he had met Ladybug. He had met her twice on the same day! That had probably been the luckiest day of his life. “I’ve never been good at standing up for myself,” he confided. “Really, I’m a bit of a pushover. And you know how controlling my father is… every scrap of freedom I can find I grab and run with it. Until I met this girl, I was always focused on what I wanted. It’s not to say I was a jerk or anything. It just never really occurred to me to think about others.
“But this girl… she flipped my world on its head.” He couldn’t hold back the huge grin that spread across his face. And he didn’t want to. “She was so nervous the day I met her, uncertain and clumsy… but when it mattered, she stood up to an absolute bastard who seems to get off on tormenting people on their worst day. And it wasn’t just that she told him off, which in my world was amazing in and of itself, but what really floored me was she didn’t do it for herself. She did it because it was right. And ever since then I have always tried to live up to her example.”
“She sounds amazing,” Marinette whispered, a note of sadness creeping into her voice. Her eyes were still glued to the disturbed snowy patch in front of them even though the children had run off a few seconds ago. She looked so lost.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Of course!” she exclaimed turning toward him with a pasted on smile. It wasn’t real. Did she think he couldn’t tell? “Please go on,” she said, gesturing for him to continue.
He hesitated. This wasn’t going the way he had hoped. She seemed resigned. Was she tired and losing patience with his repeated confessions? Was she upset that he once again hadn’t gotten her message about not being interested? Maybe she was worried that she was going to have to push him away again, hurting them both.
“If this is upsetting you,” he started softly. His fingers digging into the wooden bench with an iron grip was the only thing giving away his anxiety. “If you don’t want to hear it… I can stop.”
“No, it’s okay!” she insisted, peeling his fingers from the bench and enveloping them into her small soft hand. “I want you to be able to tell me anything! I will always be here for you, Adrien. Please don’t hold back.”
The blond collected the bits of his remaining courage. He was going to go for it this one last time. If she said no, he would work as hard as he could to get over her, so that he could become whatever she needed him to be.
“Well, I was kind’ve a jerk to her. I was so enthusiastic about how I felt that I didn’t stop to think about how she felt. I confessed to her and she said no. But I didn’t really believe that she wasn’t interested, so I kept flirting with her. I was convinced that she would eventually see the light!”
Her hand went slack in his grip.
“I didn’t respect her no and I confessed again later and I think I just made her angry. She’s under a ton of pressure, and I’m scared that I just added to it by not respecting her feelings.”
“So is this just a pattern of behavior with you? You treat all girls this way?” she asked hotly, dropping his hand onto the bench. Her blue eyes which had been so open and soft these last few days were suddenly as hard and cold as ice.
“I…” he started, completely panicked at her sudden anger. “No? Mari, I only ever had eyes for one girl.”  
Her eyes widened and stared at him. He fidgeted under her gaze, feeling like a bug trapped under a jar. Her mouth opened as if to speak, but then closed again.
“Marinette?” he prompted, unable to stand the silence for a second later.  
She cleared her throat. “Only one?” she asked, her voice cracked. “Y-you confessed more than once, only to one girl?”
He smiled. Had she thought he was talking about someone else? He took her hand and squeezed it. “Only one.”
“Oh.” Overblown blue eyes pierced into his own.
“Yeah,” he agreed awkwardly, his free hand getting tangled in the blue scarf wrapped around his neck.
“What about Kagami?” she asked.
The question threw him. And then his brain screeched to a horrified hault. Oh god, he had asked her - Ladybug - the love of his life - Marinette - to help with his date with Kagami! Why had he done that?!
“An attempt to get over this other girl,” he told her quickly. “It didn’t work.”
“A girl you work with?” she asked again.
Adrien had learned long ago to be patient with Marinette when she was lost in a spiral. He held her hand and just trusted that they would get through it together. “Yes, an amazing girl I’ve worked with for a long time now. My partner.”
She looked so shocked, her mouth hung open in a little “o”. Adrien grinned from ear to ear now confident they were on the same page.  
“So, here’s the thing,” he spoke softly, leaning forward into her space letting her face take up almost his entire field of view. Their noses were only centimeters apart. He could feel the warmth of her breath and count the freckles on her nose. “I see a whole new side to this girl, and I’m more in love with her than ever before.” Her eyes were so blue and almost comically wide.
“Y-You are?” she stammered. “You weren’t…” she looked down into her hands. “I don’t know... d-disappointed?”
“Disappointed in what?” he asked, having no clue what she could be talking about.
“Uh… when you found out that your… uh… l-love had a whole other side. I thought you might be disappointed and not interested in dating her anymore.”
Adrien felt his stomach twist in horror. He tried to think back to everything he had done or said since he learned of her alter ego that could have given her any doubt about his feelings. But he came up dry.
“Why would you think I was disappointed?” He finally asked.
“I… you stopped…” she shoved her hands over her mouth. “I can’t explain it!” She was bumping into things they couldn’t say. God, he wanted to scream. They were so close! But even now, they couldn’t be completely honest with one another.
He forced himself to take in another breath of icy air. He could at least reassure her that he had never been disappointed.
“Mari, I was ecstatic. To have two…” he trailed off suddenly realizing he couldn’t say what he wanted to either. He wanted to tell her that his two favorite people had become one magnificent and amazing part of his life. That he could share all of himself with someone for the first time ever. “Let’s just say, these last nine days have been the absolute best in my life.”
Her face flushed with the color of newly bloomed pink spring flowers. She glowed in the winter white park. “So… uh… w-why are you more in love with her now? More than you were before, I mean?”
He smiled softly at the return of awkward Marinette. He loved their new dynamic, but he definitely had missed this side of her. He held both her hands and looked straight into her eyes, trying not to drown in their swirling depths.
“She’s more human now. She has flaws and struggles. Her accomplishments are only more impressive because of all she has to juggle and manage and overcome. I look up to her. And she makes me feel seen and understood and that I have something of value to offer her.”
“So, what’s the problem then?” Her voice squeaked, as she peeked another look up at his face.
“I don’t want her to think that I don’t respect what she’s said to me in the past by asking her out again.” His green eyes held her own. Only his sweaty palms betrayed his nerves.
“Oh,” she said softly. And then she smiled brilliantly. “Then, m-maybe, you should let her make the first move.”
“Do you think she’ll ever see me in a romantic light?”
“Without knowing who this girl is, how would I know?” she deflected, but her blush gave her away. “I just was curious what you thought.” “I think that anyone who doesn’t see you in a romantic light is certifiably insane,” she whispered.
His whole face burned and he forgot how to breathe. Was she saying what he thought she was saying? He almost kissed her, but he remembered Plagg was there. Tikki probably was too. Plus, she had just said to let the girl make the first move.
He forced himself to lean back and smile, taking joy in the fact that her fingers had found their way to his once again. He could be patient. He could prove to her that he could respect her wishes. Whatever they happened to be. Because she was worth it.
“Seriously, just give me a name and I will beat her up if she hurts you ever again,” Marinette shared. Her eyes were shining with the righteousness he always saw in his lady. How had he ever missed that they were the same person?
He started to giggle hysterically.
She glared at him. “I’m serious,” she insisted. “She would deserve it for being such a blind idiot.”
“Hey!” he objected, tightening his hold on her hand. “She’s not an idiot.”
Plagg snorted in his jacket. Adrien coughed and thumped his chest to cover the sound.
“Excuse me,” he croaked, and cleared his throat. “She’s not an idiot,” he said again. “She was only ever patient and understanding, even if I didn’t understand it at the time.”
Unlike him. He had been the one to act entitled and dismissive of what she said she felt.
“Hey,” she said gently, her thumb stroking the top of his own. “It’s okay.”
He looked up at her, and she was grinning. Her smile was so warm he could feel it heating his own cheeks and soothing his racing heart.
He didn’t think he would ever get used to this.
And he wasn’t sure he wanted to.
Alya wanted to pull her hair out! Or maybe she needed to scream. Or really, she wanted to shake her best friend by the shoulders and demand the girl explain what the hell was going on.
First, Marinette had been acting whole new levels of strange around Adrien. Her painful bouts of nervousness had evaporated overnight. And then, not only was Marinette constructing full and complete sentences in front of her crush, but she was flirting with him. Like throwing compliments and puns at him. Puns! Alya would never have predicted that would work on anyone, let alone Adrien, but the boy could not handle it. Marinette had successfully rendered the blond model speechless. Her girl suddenly had game! And Alya honestly, couldn’t be more proud.
But she was baffled. Completely. Like how had Marinette gone from zero to sixty so fast? What had she dreamed about that night to cause everything to change?
When Alya had asked about it, her friend had laughed. "I just realized that he's a total dork. There's absolutely no reason to be nervous."
It had been hilarious how quickly Adrien had turned to mush once he was privileged enough to see the real Mari up close and personal. The boy couldn’t keep his eyes off her, he had no ability to focus on anything (certainly, not on helping Alya with her physics homework), and goodness he turned as red as a Ladybug’s suit whenever Marinette so much as smiled at him. Really Adrien hadn’t stood a chance! He was clearly beyond smitten. And Alya loved all of that.
But then, Alya arrived at school to find that her friends’ dynamic had flipped on its head again. She was seriously starting to suspect they had been replaced by aliens. Alya’s head was spinning like a hamster wheel trying to keep up. Adrien and Marinette had come to school after hanging out alone together exactly once, with dozens of inside jokes, incredibly comfortable invading one another’s personal space, and it appeared they were having whole conversations with just their eyes.
It was almost like they had been dating for years and just realized it two weeks ago.
But that was crazy.
And that was the worst part. She had thought that with this sudden new familiar dynamic, they had clearly hooked up. But when she asked them about it, they both insisted they were just friends.
Like hell they were!
Nino was no help at all. After her rant to him about it, he shrugged and told her to let their friends work it out.
"But Nino! They’re crazy about each other. They could be happy! Why won't they just be happy?"
He pulled her against him, clearly understanding exactly how agitated she was. She sighed and made herself relax against his form. He always grounded her. She loved that about him. "I don't know babe,” he said calmly. “They have to figure it out. We can't do it for them."
"Why not?" she whined.
He laughed.
She shoved off of him, determined to show him.
She cornered Adrien first since Marinette had been particularly stubborn about sharing anything regarding her newfound intimacy with their mutual friend.
He was writing an essay in the library during a free period. She ignored the textbooks sprawled out around him and loudly pulled up a chair right at the side of the table.
“So Adrien…?” she prompted when he didn’t immediately look up.
“Yes?” he said absently, his gaze still focused on the sentence he was putting to paper.
“I couldn’t help but notice you’ve been staring at my girl.”
That got his attention. "Umm... who?" His green eyes were the personification of childlike innocence. She wasn’t buying it.
"Marinette!" she hissed in exasperation.
He turned as pink as Rose Lavillant’s wardrobe. "Y-yeah..." he admitted, leaning back with an arm rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
She blinked at him stupidly for a minute, surprised that he had admitted it so readily. She had anticipated a long battle against a ridiculous case of denial.
"Well… Why haven't you asked her out?" Alya asked.
He looked away, his cheeks still stained with just a hint of pink. "Umm… because?"
"Because?!” she repeated. “You clearly like her! What are you waiting for? You two are like perfect for each other."
He nodded, twirling his pen between his fingers expertly. "I don't disagree."
“You better not be toying with…” she started to threaten. Then his words registered. “Wait! What?! You agree with me?”
She thought she was going to have to work way harder than that to crack him with all of the ‘just a friend’ nonsense she had had to endure over the years, especially in this last week.
"I don't understand," she said.
"Alya, I’m totally crazy about her,” his eyes were shining like emeralds and his lips were curled upwards in a little smile. “I didn’t realize it for a long time, but I honestly think I’ve had feelings for her for a long time.”
Alya was struck by his sincerity in that moment. And maybe for the first time, she truly understood what Marinette meant when she liked Adrien for his ability to be completely genuine.
“So then, why haven’t you tried to take the next step?” her voice was barely a whisper.
He turned back to his paper, as if he was going to continue his homework, but she knew he heard her question. “I'm trying to respect her wishes, okay?" he finally said, not meeting her eyes.
And once again, his words made no sense. Marinette definitely had wished on more than one occasion for Adrien Agreste to ask her out. The girl had had dreams and fantasies. She had drawn sketches of their potential future family complete with a pet hamster!
"She told me to let her make the first move,” Adrien admitted.
"What?!" Alya shouted as she launched to her feet, knocking one of Adrien’s reference books to the floor.
The cavernous library fell into shocked silence.
The curly haired librarian was the one to break it. “I will remind you for the last time, Ms. Cesaire. This is a library! If you can’t keep to an appropriate volume, I will ask you to leave.”
Alya held her hands up in surrender. “Yes Madam.” The second the older woman’s disapproving glare turned back to her work, Alya dived back down into her seat and leaned right up into Adrien’s space.
“Marinette said this?” she whispered urgently.
“My Marinette? The one who lives in a bakery and we go to class with?”
“Yes,” he said again, this time with a chuckle.
“That can’t be right!” she whisper yelled. She leaned back in her chair, letting her head fall back and her gaze turn to the paneled ceiling for answers.
“You have more insight on the situation than I do, I’m sure.”
But Alya didn’t. She was completely baffled. And she hated it.
“But… I don’t understand,” she whispered to the ceiling.
He laughed. “That makes two of us. She and I had a really good conversation like… a week ago? I… told her how I felt. She seemed happy! Like over the moon thrilled. I thought things would progress quickly after that.” He shrugged dejectedly. “But…”
“But they didn’t,” she filled in for him.
“Yeah… maybe I lost my chance with her a long time ago.” His voice sounded so sad, but everything else about his body language was carefully neutral. Even his eyes remained calm.
His ability to control his emotions bothered her. It had to be his model training or something.
Because her own heart was breaking. How could Marinette do this to him? It would be one thing if she didn’t feel the same way, but the girl had been pining for him for freaking ever!
“Adrien,” she said softly and waited until he was looking up at her once again. “I probably shouldn’t say this.”
The shift in his face was subtle. But she had been looking for it. His eyes were shining with such hope. She sighed. Best friend’s code didn’t allow her to give him much.
“I don’t know what’s going on, but I promise I will get to the bottom of this!”
He smiled. “Alya, I appreciate you saying that, but you really don’t have to do that. Marinette’s under a lot of pressure and has a lot going on. Please don’t add to her stress or anxiety by pushing.”
Alya grinned ear to ear. It was nice to reconfirm that Adrien was worthy of her girl! (Not that she had ever doubted that). But he didn’t understand. As Marinette’s (future) boyfriend, it was his job to be unconditionally supportive. As Marinette’s best friend, Alya’s role was different. If she didn’t push Marinette, if Alya didn’t call her on her bullshit, who would? Alya, of course, expected Marinette to return the favor whenever necessary.
“Awww!” Alya cooed. “You’re so cute when you’re all protective.”
She expected him to blush at her teasing. He did not. He hissed in displeasure at her words. Literally hissed - like an angry cat. She leaned back from his glare.
“I’m serious! I made some mistakes in the past with someone by pushing my feelings onto someone who wasn’t receptive.”
“I’m not going to force her into anything, Adrien!” Alya snapped back. “I am going to just talk to her.”
His eyes softened, and his shoulders relaxed. “I’m sorry,” he said, “I just… I really want to respect her. It’s not just about what I’m feeling. It’s about what she’s feeling too. I’m not entitled to be with her just because I want us to be together.”
He looked up at her then. “And even if she is interested,” he continued. “I’m willing to wait until she’s ready. She’s worth waiting for.”
Alya gripped her curls in her fist. “Oh my god! You are way too sweet! I may need you to give Nino lessons!”
The blond frowned. “What? Nino worships the ground you walk on.”
“Yeah…” she agreed with a dopey smile of her own. Her chin resting on her hand. “He’s pretty great.”
She surged to her feet abruptly. “This was a good chat, Adrien,” she said, patting him on the shoulder. “We should do this more often. Maybe we’ll even be able to make it a double date!”
He grinned. “I would like that.”
She left him, more determined than ever to figure out what was going on. Because things couldn’t stand like this. She needed her friends to be happy. And they were clearly so close!
But for the rest of the day it seemed almost impossible to get Marinette alone. Adrien was always there. And Alya would have suspected that he was trying to protect her from Alya’s interventions except they were always together these days. It didn’t even work the next day when Adrien was unexpectedly called away because Marinette disappeared two minutes later!
And admittedly, Alya got distracted trying to chase down an akuma. She missed the action completely by the time she arrived on the scene, but she did obtain some lovely footage of Ladybug and Chat Noir being a little more friendly than the professional working relationship they usually portrayed in public. She was so excited that Ladybug seemed to be softening for the cat.
But Alya was getting sidetracked! She needed to track down her best friend, so Marinette could find happiness with her prince charming too!
The aspiring journalist lucked out when Adrien missed the whole next day for a photoshoot. She found Marinette during lunch sketching in the art classroom.
"Marinette, we need to talk."
Unlike Adrien, Marinette immediately put her pencil down and gave Alya her full and undivided attention. "What's up, Alya?"
"Did you tell Adrien to not ask you out?"
Marinette blushed and looked down into her hands. "Well... not me specifically. We were talking in hypotheticals."
Alya rolled her eyes. "Hypothetically, did you tell Adrien to not ask you out?"
"Yes? I mean, I told him to let the girl make the first move."
"Okay,” Alya drawled, pulling at her hair, praying for patience. If Marinette was throwing wrenches into her own love life, there had to be a reason, right? “So why haven't you asked him out, then?! You can't possibly be afraid that he would say no at this point!"
"Yeah, he definitely wouldn't say no..." Marinette agreed softly, her face blushing.
"So, what is going on?"
She looked out the window away from Alya. "Can we not talk about this?"
"I just don't understand. You've liked him since forever! Isn't being together what you wanted?! Three children and a hamster and all that?!"
“I really don’t want to talk about this,” Marinette said softly. “Can you please drop it?” she begged.
Alya was totally taken aback. Usually Adrien was the one topic Marinette was always willing to talk about. “I’m sorry,” Alya said. “I will drop it if you want me to. I just hope you know that I just want you to be happy. And I think you could get everything you say you wanted, if you go for it. I promise not to bring it up again.”
They fell into silence. Marinette went back to her drawing. Alya started sliding through her instagram feed, but it couldn’t really hold her attention.
"I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you,” Marinette whispered.
“You’re fine, girl. I’m the one who is sorry. I didn’t mean to push. Adrien told me not to.”
“You talked to Adrien about this? What did he say?” Marinette asked calmly. Alya was surprised that Marinette wasn’t freaking out with eyes bugged out, demanding to know what he thought of her. That’s what would have happened a few weeks ago.
“Just that he confessed to you a week ago, and that you seemed happy about it,” Alya bit out, letting a little of her frustration show.
Marinette’s blush resurfaced. “Yeah…”
“How did you manage to keep that to yourself?! I never thought you were that good at keeping secrets.”
“I don’t have to tell you everything,” Marinette said without any heat even as she stayed completely focused on the sketch.
“I never said that you did,” Alya agreed sadly.
The two girls fell into silence again. Alya didn’t even pretend to get lost in her phone again and instead, she watched as Marinette’s charcoal pencil made her sketch come to life. The picture featured Chat Noir sitting on the edge of a rooftop gazing into the city’s night skyline with a small smile on his lips. Alya felt captivated as with every pass Mari made, the hero seemed more and more alive even exiled onto the two dimensional plane of paper as he was.
“That’s amazing, Marinette!” Alya gushed.
“Thank you.”
“Seriously! This is one of the best things I’ve ever seen you do! You’re not even looking at a reference shot. How do you know the details of his suit that well?”
She shrugged. “I just have an eye for clothing, I guess.”
Alya laughed. “Right! Of course. Could I commission you to do one for me?”
“Of Chat Noir?”
“Uh… no,” Alya blushed. “Maybe one of Carapace?”
Marinette smiled. “I would love to do that. Do you think I should include Rena Rouge?”
“W-why would you include Rena Rouge?” Alya stammered.
Marinette shrugged again. “I just thought they might have a thing for one another. Or maybe I just like to pretend they do in my fanart.”
“I guess you could go ahead and include Rena Rouge then. You clearly have a good eye.”
“Mhmm,” Marinette agreed absently. And Alya watched in amazement as Marinette did something with her eraser that made Chat Noir’s eyes just pop off the page.
“Alya?” Marinette spoke into the silence.
“About Adrien and I? Things just... changed a lot between us and I'm getting used to the new Adrinette friendship. I really like where we are right now and I don't feel like we need to rush anything."
“Okay,” Alya said, not really buying it.
“You don’t believe me,” Marinette observed looking up at her friend.
“Not really, no. Maybe you want it to be true, but I think it’s just an excuse.”
Marinette turned away, put her pencil down, and buried her head into her arms.
“What’s really going on, Mari?” Alya asked gently. “Please talk to me.”
Marinette’s shoulders quaked with soft silent sobs. Horrified, Alya threw her arms around her shaking friend.
"I'm scared," Marinette finally admitted through a sniff.
"Scared of what?” Alya traced soothing circles into the petite girl’s back. “Of things not working out?"
Marinette shook her head into the table. "No, not that. What if something happens to one of us? What if an akuma targets Adrien and he dies or gets really hurt?"
"That's what Ladybug is for.”
Marinette bolted upright and pulled away violently. "What if Ladybug can't fix it?!" Marinette demanded, her eyes wild with intensity.
Alya was tempted to write-off her panic as just normal Marinette spiraling catastrophizing. But her friend was completely distraught. Marinette didn’t usually cry during her spirals. She talked too fast, she shook, and she thought of unlikely horrible scenarios one after another. But now, she was coherent, soft spoken, and keenly focused on this one idea. She wasn’t spiraling. She was genuinely afraid.
"Marinette," Alya soothed. "You're right. Something could happen. There are never any guarantees. That's kinda why I think you should go for it. Imagine something did happen to Adrien. How would you feel about never telling him how you feel then?"
Marinette’s eyes widened, and just stared in shock. Alya enveloped Marinette in an embrace again, and was relieved when she relaxed and leaned into her hold.
“When did you get to be so wise?” Marinette finally asked, her voice still hoarse from crying.
“Excuse you! I’ve always been wise. You just don’t listen to me!”
Marinette giggled through her tears. “I always listen to you. You’re the bestest best friend.”
12 notes · View notes
starker-stories · 5 years
An Accord (WIS), Chapter 2
I’m sorry I missed a day re-posting Accord. I really want to get it all back out there so I can continue on with chapter 10-13 when I hit that point. Unfortunately, I’m still sleeping off whatever hit me Monday-Wednesday while I was in the hospital. I’m pretty sure I’m back up to normal now. So let’s start this daily posting thing again.
As a bit of annoyance, I’m going to remind you that @starker-stories is formerly starkerstories, which got accidentally deleted. So if you followed me at the non-hyphenated blog, I hope you’ll make the move with me to the hyphenated one. I miss all’y’all. 
I’ll be re-creating my individual chapter posts for An Accord over here on the blog that replaces starkerstories. Until I hit the current chapter, I’ll be posting daily. They’ll have links to both tumblr and AO3 chapter links. I’m sorry if that bothers people who’ve seen this all before in the tag. I’m content to leave all my other fic as AO3 only, but this is my current favorite child, so I’m spoiling it rotten.
This fic is on a weekly update schedule. Hopefully every Friday. More chapters may appear sooner if the writing is going well. Because I have 0 self-control.
Tumblr Chapter Links: ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8, ch9, ch10, ch11, ch12, ch13 AO3 Chapter Links: ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8, ch9, ch10, ch11, ch12, ch13
Tags: Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Post-Spider-Man: Homecoming, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Polyamory Negotiations, Polyamory, Cheating, Past Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Domestic Nightmare Tony Stark, Reconciliation, Nightmares, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, WinterIronSpider, Happy Ending, Clothed Sex, Domesticity, Peter Parker is legal age in the state of New York, College Student Peter Parker, Takes place about 2 years after Civil War. Closeted Character
Summary: “Oh. My. God. Old man stereo.” Peter disentangled himself from Tony’s hold. “Feed me.” Bucky started to rise. “Sit down, Bucky. I didn’t say cook. I told him to feed me. Feed US.” ——————————————————————————————
Chapter 2:  The pass-code to the penthouse
A movie and a half later, Tony sat on the other end of the sofa from Bucky. “Taken care of. Tomorrow you’ll meet Fury up at HQ.”
“It’ll take more than one day,” Bucky said quietly. “There were a lot of missions.”
Tony nodded.
“I remember all of them, Tony. I’m sorry.”
It was still hard for Tony to reconcile the raw emotion of what happened with the knowledge that the man sitting next to him was not the man in that videotape. “I know, Bucky. I’m getting there, okay?”
“You’ll head upstate for a few hours a day until it’s finished. Either Fury or Maria Hill will handle the debrief personally. Whatever Ross finds out will be filtered through them, cross-checked by FRIDAY, gone over by me, and then given back to Fury to release.”
“They agreed to that?”
Tony laughed. “Of course not. It’s all going directly from Fury to Ross, with not a single stop in between.”
Bucky was quiet for a long time and they both pretended to watch the movie. “Steve underestimated you.”
“You think?”
They watched the movie until its end. “Didn’t peg you for a rom-com man, Bucky,” Tony said smiling.
“War movies kinda lost their charm.”
“Overly realistic sci-fi ones lost theirs for me,” Tony countered.
“Drama… I live enough of that lately.”
“Ditto action.”
“Romance never gets old,” Bucky said finally.
“God, are you two getting weepy over Tom Hanks movies?” Peter said, laughing and landing in Tony’s lap once he dropped his backpack by the elevator.
“You told me you liked that I’m a romantic,” Tony said, kissing Peter lightly on the lips.
“Yes, but…” Peter picked up the remote, clicked, and brought up the title. “Sleepless in Seattle?”
“Shut up, kid.”
“Shut up, kid.”
“Oh. My. God. Old man stereo.” Peter disentangled himself from Tony’s hold. “Feed me.” Bucky started to rise. “Sit down, Bucky. I didn’t say cook. I told him to feed me. Feed US.”
“Take out?”
“Take me… us… out.”
“Your house is full of food, Tony,” Bucky said. “Take your boyfriend out to dinner, I’ll be fine.”
“I said, feed US,” Peter hollered back from the bedroom.
“Thai?” Tony suggested.
“Thai.” Peter agreed, coming back, tugging on a fresh shirt.
“Chinese?” Bucky countered.
“Thai wasn’t a thing in your day?” Peter asked.
“In Thailand it was. Not in Manhattan.”
Tony laughed. “How long has it been since you were here… that you remember?”
“Uh… Forty-three? I’ve been here since, and I remember, but it wasn’t to sample the cuisine. Back in forty-three, pretty much everyone still called it Siam, even though it had changed already. But by any name, there weren’t any restaurants serving that kind of food. Chinese was the closest.”
“I doubt spending the last year, since Wakanda, on the run with Rogers broadened your horizons.”
“Not really.”
“Thai then,” Peter insisted.
“Yes, but proper Thai. We’re not dragging our new guest to that place you and May like.”
“Fine. Rich people Thai.”
“Yes, Thai. Not Thai by way of American Cantonese and whichever Korean guy they have working the kitchen today.”
Bucky smiled at the couple, arguing as they wandered back and forth from the bedroom to the living room, various bits of clothes flying while they changed.
“There.” Peter said, finally dressed in much the same as he’d started out in.
“Ready?” Tony asked Bucky.
“We can just… go out?” He’d spent all of his time, since he escaped from HYDRA, on the run. The idea of just being able to walk outside the door and go to a restaurant was unbelievable.
“Well, yeah,” Peter said.
“It can be a bit of a zoo once I’m recognized,” Tony admitted. “But that’s why I get driven even though it’s only a few blocks away, and I’ll have security there.”
“Iron Man needs security?” Bucky asked, arching an eyebrow.
“No, Iron Man does not need security,” Tony said sharply. “However Tony Stark, the fifth richest man in the world and New York celebrity needs security. Unless you fancy being mobbed by everyone with a cellphone.”
“Not fun,” Peter said sagely.
Happy was waiting with the Rolls outside Tony’s private elevator in the garage when the three of them arrived.
“Bucky, this is Happy Hogan. Head of Security for Stark Industries, but I also make him be my driver and pilot still. He tolerates it because I’m so loveable. Happy, Bucky Barnes. He’s staying with Peter and I for awhile.”
“Mr. Hogan.”
“Sergeant Barnes.”
“Can we not? It wasn’t him. It was someone else. I’m… getting over it. I appreciate my defense squad, Happy, but save the death glare for Rogers if he ever shows up.”
“Tony’s taking us out to dinner,” Peter said brightly.
“Thai?” Happy asked.
“He’s nothing if not predictable,” Tony said, helping Peter in. “There’s going to be grooves carved into the road from the tower to the Thai restaurant.”
“To match the grooves from the tower to the Italian one you insist on going to every time it’s your choice,” Peter countered.
“Italian?” Bucky asked. “You been to Gargiulo’s?”
“Fuck yes. I haven’t been in years. But it was as close as you get to Napoletano outside of Naples. Sorry kid, you’re overruled. Happy! Change of plan. Coney Island.”
“What‽” Peter screeched. “I will be as old as you two before I eat.”
“Yeah, true. Never mind the car. Make the arrangements, Hap. We’ll meet you on the helipad.”
“What the fuck?” Peter said.
“What the fuck?” Bucky said, just a little bit behind him.
“Oh, pretty and beautiful chime in,” Tony said, teasingly. “You think you’re going to dangle the possibility of me eating like my m… Oh.” Tony gasped and sat heavily down onto the backseat of the car. His eyes closed tightly shut and he began hyperventilating.
“Shit,” Bucky whispered. He backed away until he was up against the wall of the garage, as far away from Tony as he could get. He watched as Peter climbed next to Tony. Once the kid had Tony in his arms, Bucky ran up the garage ramp and kept running.
“Stop him,” Tony gasped out. “Lock the garage down before he gets out.” He flailed for Happy’s arm. “It’s not his fault,” he told Happy. Which was as far as Tony’s bravery would take him. He buried his face against Peter’s chest. “It’s not his fault,” he said quieter.
“I know, Tony. It’s okay. He’s… his twin brother.”
“Yeah.” Tony drew a shaky breath and another and another. Slow and deep. In the safety of Peter’s arms, it was easy to convince himself of that. Twin brother. That made sense. It was a gut level reaction to seeing the same face associated with…
Tony was sitting on the edge of the carseat when Bucky came back down, followed by Happy. “I’m not going to kill you.”
“You couldn’t.”
“Debatable. But I don’t want to kill you. Your dead twin brother on the other hand,” Tony said, trying at a wan smile.
“I’m sorry.” Bucky sat cross-legged on the garage floor in front of the car door’s opening.
“I forgot who you aren’t. It’s… I got caught up in the moment. My… her cousin used to work at the place. She and I ate there a lot the summer between high school and MIT. Howard was setting things up in L.A. that summer. It…” Tony closed his eyes again. “I don’t want to blame you,” he said quietly. “I know it wasn’t you.”
“She was Italian? That wasn’t in the file. Nothing was. A time. A date. A location. A mission. I didn’t know who. Not until after. Until just before Pierce had me wiped again and sent me back to Siberia for storage.” Bucky tried to hide his reaction to his memory of the procedure.
“I’m sorry,” Tony said.
Peter reached out for each of their hands. “Takeout, obviously.” He helped both men to their feet and led them to the elevator. “Chinese or pizza?”
“Chinese,” they both said.
“Fantastic.” Peter leaned his head on Tony’s shoulder and wrapped their arms together. But he kept his hand reached out to hold Bucky’s.
They let Peter pick the movie.
“I thought you didn’t like sci-fi?” Bucky asked.
“To be honest, the whole ‘sitting still pretending to be mentally engaged by a movie’ is new to me,” Tony offered in his defense.
“You told me you loved Star Wars.”
“Yeah. Star Wars.”
“And Star Trek.”
“That’s okay too.”
“That’s sci-fi!” Peter said emphatically.
“Technically, that’s space opera,” Tony countered.
“You don’t have to sit and watch movies with me,” Peter said, sounding actually hurt.
“I like sitting and watching movies with you. I never said I didn’t. I said it was new to me.”
“Watching movies can’t be new to you. He’s older than you and it’s not new to him,” Peter said, nodding towards Bucky.
“Baby, the last movie I sat and watched all the way through, in one sitting, was Star Wars. The summer right before I was sent to boarding school in the fall.”
“It’s okay. It’s just… new. Sitting still for this long. Not… doing anything.”
“You’re watching a movie.”
“No, baby. You’re watching a movie. I’m watching you.” Tony leaned over and gave Peter a kiss. He was about to deepen it when he remembered they weren’t alone. He chuckled. “Sorry.”
Peter laughed. “I foresee us bumbling around each other saying ‘sorry’ a lot.”
“You haven’t said ‘sorry’ yet, kid,” Bucky grinned.
“Call me kid again and I’ll web your cool metal arm to the floor again.” Peter grinned back. “Then I’ll say sorry for it after.”
“Bucky. Hey, Bucky. It’s all right. You’re safe. You’re in New York. You’re in Stark Tower. Bucky. It’s Peter. Parker. Peter Parker. You’re okay.”
Bucky punched in the direction of the voice. His punch was… caught. His arm made an electromechanical whir. He opened his eyes.
“Hi Bucky,” Peter smiled at him, holding his metal fist in his hand. “You were having a nightmare. No, no. Don’t move yet.” Peter put Bucky’s hand down onto the bed.
“Peter?” Bucky said hoarsely.
“Yeah,” he smiled again.
“You shouldn’t wake me up from a nightmare. I could hurt you.”
“Hi, I’m Spider-Man. You can’t hurt me. You already tried to hurt me and didn’t. But I didn’t wake you up. I know better.”
“You know better?” Bucky asked, stretching his legs out, one at a time, then his right arm, moving his fingers.
“Nightmares. Kinda the pass-code to the penthouse.”
“Tony?” Peter nodded. “You?” Bucky asked, less credulously. Peter nodded again.
“Welcome to the fabulous superhero life.”
“Some of mine were from before the superhero life,” Bucky said quietly.
“Some of Tony’s. Some of mine, too. It doesn’t matter who has them worse, when they’re happening, they’re all worse.”
“You can go back to bed now, kid. Thanks. But Tony’ll be missing you.”
Peter sucked in his lips, but stayed.
“He’s not in bed?”
“When he’s avoiding nightmares, he doesn’t sleep.”
“Wish I could learn that trick,” Bucky said bitterly. He saw Peter’s expression. “No, I guess I don’t.”
“It could be three days or more before he sleeps. However long it takes his body to pass out this time around. I’ll be there when he needs me.”
“Who’s there for you, kid?”
“Tony is. When I wake up crushed by tons of concrete or seeing my uncle get murdered or clinging onto the skin of an airplane as it falls from the sky or…”
“Price of admission to the Stark Tower penthouse suite,” Bucky said, “one lifetime of nightmares.”
“Basically,” Peter said, nodding. “You okay? Tony doesn’t like being alone after. You used to have Steve…”
Bucky sighed. “Not exactly. Our relationship was…”
He chuckled. “That’s one way to put it. The thing you and Tony have? We grew up in a different time.”
“I thought you two were together?”
“We were. But not like you and Tony. It was more… casual.”
Peter furrowed his brow. “You don’t sound casual.”
“It was all it could be. We were looking for different things. The thing I wanted… it wasn’t possible back then. Then other things became a habit… then it was hard to fall out of those habits…”
“Tony had those habits. He told me what it was like. I can’t imagine it. Not really. To know you want one thing, but lie and hide and pretend to want something else. I wouldn’t know where to begin.”
“Fear’s where you begin, Peter,” Bucky said. He rolled onto his side and balled up the pillow under his head. “I’m glad you don’t know where to begin.”
“Tony learned to get over it.”
“He had you to make him want to get over it. A cute boyfriend’s a pretty strong motivator.”
Peter giggled and blushed. “You’re a cute boyfriend, why didn’t Steve get over it?”
“I wasn’t even sure what we were. What we could be. What I even wanted us to be anymore. I had him before the war, I lost him after I shipped out. Then I had him again for awhile during the war and lost him again. Then I had him after HYDRA. But this third time? I think ‘lost’ has finally won. Whatever we might’ve had…” Bucky shook his head. “The Steve I knew, either before or during the war, wouldn’t have made the decision he has. Whoever he’s become, he isn’t my Steve anymore.”
They fell into silence. “Go to bed, Peter. You have class and I have the first of my debriefs with Fury. Trade ya,” he said, smiling.
“Not for all the money in Tony Stark’s bank account.” Peter leaned over and gave Bucky a quick kiss on his temple. “Good night.”
“He had a nightmare,” Peter said, sleepily settling on a stool next to Tony’s workstation.
“He and Rogers weren’t… together together.”
“That’s good.”
“The Chitauri are attacking again.”
“Uh huh.”
“What?” Tony spun on his chair to face Peter.
“Good night, FRIDAY.”
“Good night, Peter. Good night, boss.” FRIDAY powered down the holotables and the screens.
“I thought I told you not to fuck with FRIDAY’s protocols anymore.”
Peter laughed and took Tony’s hands. “Build tighter access to prevent a hardware intercept.”
“No one else but you has access to FRIDAY’s hardware.”
“Then don’t complain about me adding a ‘good night’ protocol to her.” He pulled on Tony’s hands until he was standing and following him.
“I don’t have to follow you upstairs, you know.”
“Yeah you kinda do if you want to keep your hands attached to the rest of you.”
“God, I hate you, Peter Parker.”
“Ya love me and ya know it.”
“He had a nightmare?” Tony asked, having heard the whole thing.
“Uh huh. A bad one. Don’t worry. I was there when he woke up.”
“I do love you, you know.” Tony let Peter finish leading him to their bedroom door. “I’m glad you were able to help him,” he said. “I know it’s not his fault. It doesn’t… make it hurt any less.” he added, quieter.
“It hurts him too.”
“I know. That’s why I’m glad you helped him.” Tony kissed Peter lightly before closing the door behind them and letting him finish taking him to bed.
10 notes · View notes
flightofaqrow · 4 years
twin spies, twin blades
qrow + Raven ( @boundariestcbreak​ )
qrow can’t remember the last time it was just him and his sister and the mistral woods. years had changed them but the energy between them felt the same. they changed, but changed together. different than their over eager youth and yet having learned much of the same things that allowed them to read each other with the same ease as always.
alright so, the whole wings and feathers thing was definitely new. but also something both of them gained at the same time.
it was kinda fun, and freeing, really.
maybe he got distracted.
maybe the last few sips of gin didn’t help. still, he figured if he saw something important, it would draw him in well enough.
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long legs stretch out towards the campfire, and an arm hangs idly over his knee. he stares into the flames while giving report. “Whole lotta nothin’ to the east. unless you count the usual grimm herds in waiting. almost forgot what we were even looking for. how ‘bout you, Raven? anything interesting?”
It had been far too long since herself and Qrow had had any time to just sit, relax, and catch up-although she’d hardly call this ‘relaxing’. After all, it’s an update more than anything else, about information acquired thanks to their new abilities of being able to turn into birds. She frowns slightly to hear that he hadn’t found anything interesting to the easternmost parts of Anima but quickly makes her face a mask. Her gaze follows his, to the fire, and she stares into it, soothed by its familiarity, by the colors of it.
In truth, she hadn’t entirely been comfortable with the idea of being Ozpin’s spy. But she’d refused to leave Qrow to do it on on his own, so now here they both are.
With the same ability, but entirely different views on it.
Not that she’ll ever tell him how she truly feels about it.
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“No, nothing.” She tells him honestly with a headshake. “If Ozpin had been less cryptic, maybe we’d have some idea what to look for.”
a red gaze peers through orange wisps to try and read Raven’s face for clues, just as he had the landscape, and comes up equally as blank. her attacks, her movements, he knew as well as his own, yet her emotions often escaped him. well, maybe they both had their way of hiding things.
he takes another swig. drinking around a campfire simply felt too natural. the embers’ burn against his skin and liquid burning his throat both become comforting afterthoughts, barely conscious sensations when his mind is preoccupied with sorting out of a whole world full of information.
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“cryptic sounds about right. if anything he’s been less clear on the ‘why’ of things than the ‘what’ for our missions. i find it hard to believe this is meant to be just a patrol, though. well,” a gruff sigh huffs, “there’s still more ground to cover.”
and if that failed, shaking people down for information was always an option.
“once it’s light again, though.”
Raven watched him take another swig from his flask, the briefest flicker of concern in her eyes. Ever since they’d been picked to be Ozpin’s spies, she’d felt very isolated from Summer and Tai…and even Qrow to an extent, simply because she didn’t follow Ozpin as closely as the rest of her teammates seemed to. Again, though, she’d never tell Qrow that. Or Tai, or Summer.
Some things were better simply kept to herself, in her opinion. “With Oz, I’ve found that nothing is exactly what it seems to be. There’s always something lurking just beyond the surface.” She offered simply.
What she didn’t say, again, was that was what she was scared of, and what she had been scared of from the beginning. The uncertainty.
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“We have quite some time before daylight, little brother.” She said with a raised brow. “What should we do until then? Try to sleep?” Yeah, right. Like that would happen for her any time soon. She sipped the tea she had made.
“nah, not yet,” qrow stretched and shifted his weight around, similarly still too energetic for sleep, “daylight’s gone, but the night’s still young. a few people short for bonfire songs, though.”
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he chuckled at himself. if Tai and Summer were here it might be a legitimate suggestion to pass the time.
they weren’t, though, and pursed lips pushed away any brief joviality as quickly as it came, “…you’re not wrong about Oz. but you make it sound like you suddenly don’t even trust the guy, sis. you know something i don’t?” her assessment might be accurate, but the disdain woven between the words caught him slightly by surprise.
sometimes their job meant seeking out the answers the man didn’t have for them yet. slowly grasping at all that underground knowledge was what they signed up for. Oz would tell them things when the time was right, and when the meaning was relevant, wouldn’t he?
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Raven laughed softly at his quip about them having too few people for bonfire songs. “Not necessarily.” She returned. “I think between the two of us, we could manage at least one.” And for a brief moment, everything felt calm and happy. Like they had before she’d learned everything that she had-the things that Ozpin had shared willingly, and the information that she had discovered on her own. But she knew how highly her brother and the rest of their team thought of Ozpin.
Would they even believe her if she shared what she had learned with them?
“I’ve seen and learned a lot since we last spoke, Qrow.” She said by way of explanation to his question. “There’s a lot he’s keeping from us.”
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“now who’s being cryptic?” qrow all but rolled his eyes. yet the pleasant buzzing in his head minimized any concern for whether Raven would elaborate or not. if a soft jab didn’t get her to spill, then she probably wouldn’t. or maybe she was just waiting to add this mission’s intel to her collection before filling him in.
he trusted her, too, to tell him the most important things when necessary.
it’s nice to see her smile.
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Raven laughed again, still softly though, at Qrow’s quip accompanied by his eye-roll. “Well, I know how much you and Tai and Summer look up to Ozpin. I wouldn’t want to ruin your image of him.” She tried to keep her tone light as she said this, but she could tell as soon as the words left her mouth that she didn’t succeed, given her tone. “He’s kept a lot from us, Qrow. The things he’s shared with us…they’re only about a fraction of what he actually knows.
”“this has you pretty shaken, sis.” yeah, that smile dropped pretty quickly; that much he could see, even through the blur. even that much, the pain on her face, crumples the edges of that image just a little already - at the idea something oz could do would threaten his family like that. his gaze hardens as well. he was ready to let it go, but the more she dwells, the more curious he becomes.
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“we know he’s lived a buncha lifetimes. that’s gotta be a lot to tell. i think he’s earned a few secrets if he feels like he needs ‘em. if there’s something all that big, why don’t you cut the drama and just come out with it?”
Raven wrapped her arms around herself when he commented how shaken she was by all of this. Though she wanted to tell him that he was wrong, she couldn’t. Because he was right. She was shaken by all of this. She’d learned a bit too much in her digging, and now she was trying to process all of that without involving the rest of her team. Just because she was suffering with what she now knew, didn’t mean she wanted them to bear the burdens of it, too.
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“The creatures of Grimm have a master named Salem.” Raven said as she looked at him. “She can’t be reasoned with, she can’t be stopped, and she’s immortal.” And that wasn’t even getting into all the shit she knew about the maidens.
maybe watching one of the strongest women qrow knew nearly quake in fear primed him for terrible feelings. maybe what she said actually struck him, but to be honest, the full implications might take awhile to process.
yet even now, in the midst of questioning the man’s motives, he could hear Oz’s voice soothing in his head: don’t panic.
he takes a deep breath, and then another drink.
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“oh-kay. okay. …yeah, that’s big alright. but having some sort of leader makes sense. but you really think she’s that powerful? have you seen her yourself?”
Raven knew that she had to get her emotions in check. If she didn’t, they could draw the Grimm here, and that wasn’t what either of them needed right now. So she took a breath in, held it and the exhaled-and then she did it again, trying to slow her heart rate, the rising tide of panic that threatened to choke her if she let it.
She couldn’t let it.
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Raven clasped her hands in her lap when he asked if she had seen Salem herself. “Briefly. I didn’t stick around for very long because I have no doubts that if she’d seen me, she would’ve killed me.”
“if she’s anything like the monsters she commands and how you describe, i don’t doubt it. i’m glad you made it out safe,” qrow scooted a bit closer, just enough to reach and refill Raven’s cup of tea - warm, soothing. he knew the feeling of wanting something to do with idle hands. even pouring it gave his something other than a flask to keep busy too. distraction from the pain and fear is one of the handful of things he’s actually good at.
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“did you tell Oz about it? or am i the first one to hear this?” Ozpin likely already knew anyway, but does he know that Raven knows is the real question. well, he had a lot of questions, …but one thing at a time.
Raven was glad about that herself, but she figured saying such would simply be redundant at this point. She gave him a small, grateful smile when he refilled her cup of tea without her asking him to do so, and curled her hands around the cup. She relished the comfort and warmth that came from it. “I haven’t told Oz that I know yet.” She admitted. Though Raven didn’t say this, she wasn’t even planning to tell him she knew until she learned the full extent of what he was keeping from all of them.
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“I just think that, if he expects us to put our necks on the line for him, he should tell us everything, you know?” She sipped on her tea. “So we’re as prepared as he is.”
“everything is a lot to ask of someone, especially someone with multiple lives. and we’re already working to be more prepared. that’s the point, right?” he sits back and thinks about his own words right after he says them.
he’s not sure why his first reactions are to jump to someone’s defense. maybe that’s what trust means. what being a huntsman means. maybe it’s because he likes the guy, or even because he’s too attached to this lifestyle now, that holding onto something concrete is easier than giving it up for an indiscriminate scare. maybe just because working together and having faith in each other is what he believes is the right thing to do.
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“you should talk to him when we get back, Raven. set that expectation, then, and not waste any more energy having to do your own digging. i’ll even go with you.”
“I hate it when the things you say actually make sense.” Raven says, but there’s no actual malice in her tone. It makes her feel like she’s overly paranoid, or overreacting. Ozpin has done a lot for them, and with how long he’s been around, she knows he’s entitled to some secrets.
“It’s not just her, though. Qrow…the maidens, from the story of the seasons…they’re real, Qrow. They actually exist. Their powers are passed down from young woman to young woman-the last young woman in their thoughts. I’ve seen…I’ve seen a machine that I believe is meant to be used to speed up the process of power transference.”
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She relaxes a little at the thought of her brother being there with her to confront him about it. “Okay. If you promise to be there with me, I’ll talk to him.” She promises.
he breathes a little easier when Raven does. enough not to take her bait and jab back or defend himself for once. it’s tempting, if only to lighten the mood, but if he loses having Raven in a malleable state of mind, he’ll regret it.
“the maidens… yeah,” elbows rest on his thighs as he lets a rough sigh out into the flames, “i know about them too. …the machine’s new, though. sounds like a game changer if it works right. …and stays in the right hands.”
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qrow doesn’t sit upright, but turns his shoulders to face her better, “’course i promise. the way i see it, if we’re gonna keep doin’ this, all three of us better get on the same page anyway. …you still gonna be okay finishing this current assignment first?”
“From what I could tell about it, it’s also extremely painful to use and will almost certainly kill the previous maiden in order to transfer her powers to the new maiden.” She murmurs, gripping the mug a little tighter as she brings it to her lips for another sip of tea. She needs that relaxation right now, even though it doesn’t really relax her all that much.
Not talking about this, anyway.
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His question catches her off guard a little but she nods. “Of course. I know how to stay on task, regardless of what else is going on.” She looks at him. “And Qrow? Thanks.” She says softly. “For being so supportive about all of this.”
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“kill?” he breathes, a gut reaction. then he thinks about it further. “well, sure… that makes sense. that’s usually when it would transfer anyway. not much difference there except where it goes.” even if it sort of sounds like pulling the plug a little early, and that part doesn’t sit exactly right.
tch. more questions.
her voice - warm; warmer than the fire even, compared to how she usually speaks to him - pulls him from from his own mental tangents. “good to hear. … and of course. that’s what family does, Rae. who’s gonna support us if we don’t even support each other, huh?”
alright, now he might be getting ready for some sleep. pleasant buzz or no, all this thinking is getting to be exhausting.
Raven wants to ask Qrow if it gets exhausting following everything Ozpin says to the letter, or working so hard to explain everything away-but she doesn’t want to risk fracturing their relationship because of how much he means to her. She wants to believe that Oz is only using it as a last resort thing, but there’s always the part of her that doubts this to be the case and believes the worst not just in Ozpin, but in people in general.
One of the downsides of growing up in a Tribe that focuses heavily on doing whatever it takes to survive, she supposes.
“Couldn’t have said it better myself.” She says with a slightly beaming grin at him. He’s her other half, pretty much. Who knows each other better than they do?
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“You falling asleep on me, little brother?” She teases.
not everything in life needs an explanation. not everything in life is a chess game meant to be won. that’s all part of it sure - learning, winning, becoming stronger. the twins have done a lot of that in their life. qrow’s also done a shitton of losing, of fucking up, of having regrets for things out his control. he is too used to loss to be afraid of being wrong, and perhaps more forgiving than he should be.
Oz has showed him the better side of things, he believes. stuff worth fighting for that’s bigger than himself and even survival. he doesn’t follow things to the letter at all, he follows them by heart and to the nature of their spirit.
hence being here, with his sister, trying to do what he can not to risk her splintering off in doubt and fear. even if on the surface he only understands it as making her happy, and enjoying - as he always has - having her around.
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“heh, can’t hide anything from you, sis.” he admits, in perfect summary of this whole conversation, really. he leans back and stretches, letting every sensation and the forest breeze drift over him. when he sits forward again he finally gives in to his original suggestion, if only by half.
he starts humming the first folk song he can pull from memory. it sounds not unlike sandpaper scratching in his throat, but it’s not as if bonfire tunes were meant to be elegant.
Raven smiles a little at his next words. “Nope, you definitely can’t.” She says simply, and she can’t help thinking about how ironic that statement is. The reason she’s so on edge is because of everything she now knows, everything she likely isn’t supposed to know to begin with. She thinks that’s probably a large part of the reason why Ozpin chose the two of them in the first place-because he knows how determined she is to get all the relevant information so that not only herself but the rest of her teammates are prepared for whatever comes next as well.
Her eyes start to close as well, but they snap back open when she hears him start to hum. Sitting up, smile smiles and joins in with his humming. Neither of their voices are amazing by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s fun and familiar, and that’s what matters.
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Looking at him, she’s so grateful to have him there with her-that she isn’t on her own dealing with all of this. He’s here with her, they’re together. And together they can do anything.
the sound of music carries over the crackle of the fire. nothing too elegant nor too rowdy, but nearly a type of magic with two honest voices in harmony. the normal tightness in qrow’s throat and heaviness in his chest drifts away with the dancing of smoke, needing nothing more from a still half-full flask. he sways, even getting so close as to bump Raven’s shoulder in play.
it’s them and their team and Oz against the world, and they’ll figure it out together. it will all be fine. …but as a low rustle breaks the melody of song and forest, and it doesn’t strike him as just the logs settling. qrow considers that maybe there are more prominent things to deal with first. he wakes up again all too quickly and tilts his head towards the wood.
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“…did you hear that?”
For a moment, it feels like they’re back in the encampment with their tribe-back somewhere safe and familiar and not just out in the woods on their own, without their teammates. She closes her eyes, remembering the way they’d all gather around a fire and play instruments and sing. Wine flowing, even though they weren’t technically old enough to drink at that time. They are now, technically, but they don’t have any with them.
That’s probably for the best, though-they need their heads to be clear for this mission.
Her eyes open as he bumps her shoulder and a soft laugh escapes her before she goes right back to humming. For a moment, things feel normal and she’s relaxed and content.
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And then that moment ends as she hears a noise, head snapping in the direction, a hand going to Omen’s hilt. “Yes.” She murmurs.
it’s just like those times. as much as he has no intention of going back to the tribe, qrow tries to take the good about it with him, and recreate it when he can. his head may not be perfectly clear from working on his flask throughout the evening, but sometimes just a little of the liquid helps him flow more in a fight - which it feels like one must be coming on.
strange, for grimm to be around a good mood, but he’ll worry about that later.
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he stands, tuning in to his senses for any other hints of what’s nearby, “…wanna take ‘em head on, or scout out the aerial view first?”
whatever it was must not have been big enough to break the canopy on their first pass, at least.
She’s a little annoyed that their calm moment has been shattered, but she also knows that they need to deal with this as soon as possible, so she gets to her feet as Qrow speaks.
Raven considers his question seriously for a few moments before making her decision. “Aerial view first.” There’s always a chance that it isn’t a Grimm opponent but in fact a human one-judging from the noise its making, she’s assuming that it is in fact Grimm, but you never know for sure, and therefore charging in head on before you know exactly what you’re dealing with is a nearly suicidally bad idea. And they’re a lot of things, but reckless to the point of putting their lives at risk usually isn’t one of those things.
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“We can decide what to do after that once we know a bit more about what we’re dealing with.”
“right.” one quick nod shows qrow’s agreement. he had been thinking the same, hence the suggestion, but always feels better when Raven is on the same page. hands move away from his weapon, so that his arms can be free. he runs toward a tree a few feet off, leaps at it, and changes in a burst of black feathers.
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wings flap to the top before he perches on a penultimate branch and waits for Raven, whistling a request. cover blind spot. observe.
Raven gets the feeling that he’s been thinking the same thing as her-they have a tendency to do that (whether it was because they were twins or just because they’re so close, she doesn’t know, but frankly the ‘why’ doesn’t matter that much to her). Raven quickly changes to her corvid form as well, taking off into the skies.
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She hears his whistled request and returns it with one of her own. Will do. Stay out of sight. She perches nearby, covering the blind spot.
for being close enough to hear, the source remains difficult to see. and flying to top of the canopy muffles the sound to fold in with white noise of the forest. qrow tilts his head this way and that, trying to pick up anything he can with whatever senses are available. he feels it, more of a disruption in the flow of air over his feathers than anything else. a quick scuttle and hop takes him to a branch pointed in a different direction. a click - north.
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his surveying of the land restarts.
Raven still isn’t sure why Ozpin chose the two of them to take up the mantle of being his eyes around Remnant, and she wonders if that’s another thing she needs to ask him when they get back-on top of the maiden thing, of course. But now is not the time or the place to be thinking about those things. She needs to remain absolutely focused, so that’s what she intends to do.
She hears the click from him and gives a caw of confirmation to show that she’s heard him and takes off from the branch into the skies again herself.
It doesn’t take her long to find the trail of something. Grimm, boarbatusks by the look of their prints, and she flies closer to get a slightly better look. When she confirms it for herself, she makes a clicking noise. Boarbatusks, not far from where we set up camp. Be careful.
qrow doesn’t question the decision or their choice at all. once he learned how to function in this form - the freedom, the exploration - it all felt like a natural extension of everything he’d ever been meant to do. it gave him something meaningful to do, something he could be good at. he has no questions cloding his mind, only gratitude.
he answers her call with a whistle of confirmation, careful. got it.
he hops off the branch and takes to the air, high and away from danger, until he sees the pack of grimm. he circles, taking count and assessment of their formation. when he spots Raven on the return path. he dips down to join her and caws. seven and a big one. bigger than i’ve ever seen in meaningless wilds. odd. older? …leader?
he waits to see if she has a different count, noticed anything else, and listens for a plan as they close in together.  
Raven isn’t sure if it’s because they’re twins or what, but even before they gained the ability to turn into birds, they’d always been on the same wavelength with one another, especially in terms of missions. She can’t help the relief she feels when she hears his whistle of confirmation to her warning.
She looks over as he joins her and listens to his cawing, taking in his information. Then she nods and takes to the sky again, circling to recount and make sure that there are in fact eight Boarbatusks. He’s right about one of them being bigger than the others.
Could be the leader. She cawed back, softer. Just to be safe. It was even more reason for them to proceed with caution, in her opinion.
the air is a safe place to confirm what they both see on the ground, and qrow breathes a little easier even with bird lungs to know they see the same thing, think the same thing about the situation.
a high whistle, biggest threat. the largest one would be, whether leader or not. and between school and experience several times over, they both already know how to handle that. pick off the little ones, flank the final one.
he splits off once more, diving lower, preparing to change back amid the trees once he eyes what direction Raven heads.
caution, pfft. they got this.
She chirps back to let him know she hears his whistle. He’s right. The large one is obviously the biggest threat-whether it’s the leader or not. It’s also the largest boarbatusk she’s ever seen, by far. It’d be fascinating if she wasn’t so concerned about them both making it out alive.
Raven knows her twin too well. She knows that he likely won’t be cautious. But, it isn’t the smaller boarbatusks that she’s worried about-taking them out should be easy enough. It’s if the big one decides to get involved when they’re taking out the smaller ones.
She flies off in the opposite direction to change back to her human form as well.
his landing and change happens quietly and at just enough distance not to disturb the herd. that’s good. he scans around, well aware by now of all the possibilities of twigs snapping and leaves slipping and bush branches jumping out of nowhere that his semblance brings to ruin a stealthy approach. that’s always bad.
he extends Harbinger as a longsword and thinks to strike, but in consideration of all of the above, in sticking to Raven wishing him to actually be cautious, he chooses to wait.
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he waits, quietly crouched in place behind tree cover, for Raven to make the first move - with less of a chance for things to get in the way of an element of surprise. then, if the whole group of grimm moves towards her commotion, he’ll have an easier shot at a double surprise to pick off his targets from behind while they’re distracted. another bird whistle sounds, just the same as they always had even from a human mouth, to let her know of his decision - on standby.
if it does go south and the leader does something like an immediate charge, then she can still portal to the safety of his spot.
Raven is also quite adept at making it so her transformation is as inconspicuous as possible, so that’s what she does. Thanks to her semblance, she can easily portal to him if things get sour when she’s trying to take the herd of boarbatusks down. Hearing his whistle, she returns it with one of her own: Gotcha. People who don’t know they’re capable of making those sounds are always unsettled by it, but frankly she likes that it gives them an edge in the field. She unsheathes Omen quietly, and then lashes it out with it almost immediately at the boarbatusk that’s closest to her. As she expects, the boarbatusks immediately turn to come after her, at which point she whistles again to let him know that he’s good to go in helping her attack them.
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She quickly dodges out of the way of one, jumping into the air and onto the nearest tree branch, brandishing Omen outwards again in case she needs to use it.
their charge is just as much a signal as Raven’s whistles. qrow readies his lunge and when his side of the pack is fully turned, he dashes forward, calculating. he can spear one outright or…
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he keeps Harbinger as a sword, and swings low and wide enough to take out two pairs of back legs. the boars wail in pain and anger as their haunches collapse, and they can’t even turn around. now every one of them knows there’s two attackers, but as qrow pulls at a latch and flips his weapon into scythe mode to run between his targets and spin in deadly circles, their numbers already dwindle.
he too, rushes back towards tree cover to see how the enemy responds. the only thing certain is that the big one roars out a furious response to the little one’s cries. it definitely isn’t happy.
As is expected, the big one reacts badly to the little ones being hurt by Omen and Harbinger. She jumps down to slash at another of the smaller ones. Qrow is doing a lot of the work, because of his versatile weapon, but she’s managing to take out more than a couple as well.
She keeps her eyes on Qrow, wanting to make sure that he isn’t in too much danger. If the need arises, she will help him without any questions of complaints whatsoever, but hopefully they get deal with the little ones separately and then take out the big one.
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Raven stays on her branch, examining the situation. She clicks at Qrow. What do we do now?
qrow squints as he thinks. two down from him, and three from her. two little ones left.
two little ones which come running at him, seemingly in response to the bellowing command. he must be deemed a lesser threat on the ground. meanwhile, the larger boarbatusk has decided it has a better chance to knock Raven from the tree, charging with its head down.
he pulls Harbinger back in with a quick whir of gears, then clicks the blade down to aim his shotgun barrels. he whistles, asking for a great deal of trust. keep its attention. followed by a far more unique trill from his throat. then portal here.
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a few blast shots take out one of the remaining two tiny boars, and qrow jumps from his hiding place with a snap of his sword back in place to take on the other. a pincer move might be out, but once he clears this, hopefully Raven can quickly join him and they can both take the big one on from it’s flank.
It’ll be easy for her to keep its attention, given the fact that it seems completely determined to knock her out of the tree she’s currently in. She jumps up off the branch she’s perched on, to a different branch. She’d be lying if she says that she isn’t a little nervous about the idea of keeping the big one’s attention on her, not that she’ll ever say that out loud, not even to Qrow. But, as they are twins, she won’t be surprised if he somehow knows her true feelings on this matter without her having to say anything.
That’s a thought for a different time, though, when they’re not fighting for their lives. She watches him carefully, slashing at the big one as it tries again. Finally, she uses her semblance to portal through it to Qrow’s side.
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Most useful semblance ever, in her opinion. “Let’s do this.”
she does the job; she always does. qrow’s eyes flicker once, making sure she’s safe, and in that split second the last little ghoul of a boar rushes him even faster. long legs curl beneath him to drop his weight in a roll out of the way, and a graceful spin flips him around for a one-two slash that leaves the last target of the first round in quickly dissolving pieces.
hopefully the bigger beast goes down just as easily, but he doubts it.
he watches in the moonlight as its head shakes to rattle its hypothetical brain back in place from his sister’s assault; he feels the signature ripped open air of Raven’s portal and hears her take her place next to him, and his ready stance mirrors with a nod; he summons forth his own semblance, the burn and scratch of everything wrong at his palms. Worst semblance ever, in his opinion, but useful enough if focused into a fight.
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the next slash of Harbinger fires off an aura arc laced with Misfortune, busting a branch as big as the twins put together from a tree’s trunk to land on the big boarbatusk’s neck, keep it facing away from them. as his arm follows through behind him, he fires off a shot to fling himself at the grimm’s flank, fully expecting Raven to read his moves enough and still be at his side for their return charge.
The two of them have always been exceedingly skilled in the field, especially when it comes to fighting alongside one another. Raven truly hopes that never changes, no matter what happens to them down the line. She can’t imagine not having him in her life. It’s completely unfathomable, in her eyes-if she were a more emotional and sentimental person, if she were better with that sort of thing, she might ask him outright if he felt the same. As it stands, however, she won’t do that-and not just because they have bigger fish to fry, at the moment.
She braces herself for his semblance, almost able to see what he’s going to do before he does it. Just in case it affects her, too.
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When he sends an arc at the creature, she watches it causer a large branch to land on the creature’s neck. And when Qrow launches himself off the branch they’re on at the creature, she’s right behind him, slashing at the creature with Omen.
qrow has always been a man of action more than sentimental speech; that he trusts Raven to watch his back right now, doesn’t even question it changing now or ever, says it all. that he trusts her to handle any backlash of his semblance activation adds even more. she’s the only one who’s rolled with every punch from birth until now.
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it’s on him now after that stunt. he blocks a swipe of those tusks with his arm and the broad side of Harbinger, with a grunt, he takes the brunt of attack, allowing Raven land her strikes, and waiting for an opening once it turned to defend against her instead.
looks like this’ll shape up to be a slice and dice kinda deal until they can meet each other at the center after shredding this thing to pieces.
Raven’s always been extremely grateful for just how in sync that they are. How in sync they’ve been since birth. And it’s clear that he feels the same way, just from his movements and his body language alone. His semblance had caught her off guard, but it hadn’t scared her off. He was her twin brother, he was her other half-so to speak-nothing was going to chase her away from him.
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She watches him block a swipe of its terrifying tusks with a bit of concern in her body language, but relaxes quickly and gets back into a fighting stance without being indicated to do so. When it turns back to face her, she takes some time to lash out at it, and give him an opening to strike again.
She doesn’t want to be so cocky to assume this’ll be a piece of cake, but she’s pretty confident in that fact.
his semblance catches himself off guard, but at least he can put it to use in a fight. maybe one of the few things that convinces himself he’s meant to ever have to. that he has something at all to offer.
but for as much as it can trip him up, it never makes the twins lose step with each other. Raven, the first person to ever put up with him. to fight by his side, just like now, on either side of this damn alpha grimm.
Raven slashes, qrow feints, then strikes again. Raven takes the next opening until qrow’s turn again.
They dart and weave, kick up dirt and breathe until they can taste it, tear up leaves and crack sticks, and turn their weapons into a graceful dance of blades; in time, the beast can’t tell what side it’s ever supposed to be attacking or guarding. but it’s stubborn, it’s tough, it’s not going down even as they carve away at it.
qrow whistles out regroup.
it’s going to take both of them at once, isn’t it? she must know too.
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he moves next to her, where he fits perfectly. blade at the ready and a mirrored confident smirk in Raven’s direction; raised brow seeks guidance, asks a silent question of which finisher they’ll use tonight.
Raven is more than used to his semblance by now, and how it works. How it can trip you up badly if you’re not paying attention, or aren’t used to it. Or aren’t the twin of someone with misfortune as a semblance. Thankfully, none of those things apply to Raven. Sure, it’s affected her in small ways before, but it’s never enough to chase her away from him completely. And she’s pretty sure that won’t ever be the case.
This is probably the largest Grimm they’ve faced outside of a school setting before (at least, it’s the biggest she’s faced outside of training at Beacon). but between the two of them it doesn’t seem to know where to turn or who to attack, and Raven smirks.
She takes note of his whistle and nods, returning it with an affirmative whistle of her own, jumping back away from the big one to his side and smirking back at him.
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They have a couple different maneuvers they can utilize in order to take this thing down. Eventually, she makes the decision to do a circular spinning motion with her blade and her body language, knowing Qrow will follow suit.
the beast’s not down, but it’s tired. tired of chasing two bounding birds about. tired of fighting for its life in futility. a frustrated, wet snort blows from its snout, and hooves stamp in preparation for its own final charge; an angry gaze hones in on double targets, glowing red in want of nothing but destruction.
its not fast enough.
no matter how big, or how advanced compared to what they’ve seen, still nowhere near a match for the skill of qrow and Raven Branwen working together. mirrored smiles say it all. unstoppable.
Raven lunges, and little brother reads every position of legs, torso, arms, hands, and knows instantly what she intends to do. focuses in on his part just as she locks down on hers, and the fraction of a reaction second lost is already made up for by the time she’s in motion, and he pushes off right with her.
they dance a dodge around the thrust of tusks, and then she spins to the boar’s right. qrow lets his foot swing around the next step and sets off his own deadly scythe spiral to the left, sharp metal singing in the air before Harbinger and Omen slice straight though black into red witha  squelch, and meet at the meat in the middle; opponent left to collapse in on itself as dorsal and ventral pieces; courtesy of Ozpin’s twin blades.
pointed arc tip punctures the ground to stick the landing as qrow swings around Harbinger’s handle and boots touch ground again. catches his breath as pale red eyes watch dark dust disintegrate like ashy smoke up into the sky.
“well,” a huff, elbow resting on weapon hilt still vertical in the ground; qrow leans into it, crosses one leg over the other, “this certainly makes for somethin’ to report. …they’re gettin’ bigger. stronger. in more places.”
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he frowns, “it can’t be good, Sis.”
Between the two of them, the Boarbatusk’s size matters very little. Their synchronicity makes it so that they can take it out with very little issue once they decided on their plan. His movements to the left, her movements to the right, slicing the Grimm in half, and it’s over in seconds. She lands relatively gracefully despite being in the air, and looks over at him briefly as the Grimm disintegrates into nothing.
He’s right, though. It’s definitely something to report. “You’re right, it can’t be good.” She agrees. Ozpin is definitely going to want to know about this, and she can’t say she’ll blame him for it, either.
“There’s definitely something going on.” Raven says. It would certainly explain why she has such a terrible feeling as of late. She isn’t tired, especially after fighting a bunch of Grimm, but she figures that they should at least settle down for the night all the same. She clasps her hand on his shoulder. “Well done, little brother.” She said. “I think we’ve earned some rest for the night, wouldn’t you agree?”
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Without waiting for his response, she does one last cursory sweep for any stray Grimm and heads back in the direction of their campsite.
It’s moments like these that remind her why she’s so happy to be part of a team.
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