#oh welp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and-bone-appetit · 2 months
POV: You’re me earlier this year (January-ish) caught between 2 fandoms
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Horror belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios
TMNT redesigns belong to me (@friedonionchkn )
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i have NO excuse for this 😭😭 (@ghosts-in-season showed me this One Pic and ofc i had to draw funny arkayne fanart about it)
inspo under cut
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nixariel · 1 year
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BECOMING CARMEN SANDIEGO + Julia's tablet ║ New York City, Bern, Chichen Itza, Cairo, Poitiers, and Shanghai
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lcpmon · 3 months
they flipped emmet fsr but it doesnt rly make a difference. slapped nonetheless
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glitter50000 · 1 year
No you don’t understand in Siege & Storm Alina was already kinda becoming corrupted with power and leading and Mal was there to witness it and call her out on it. In the show Mal is instead away from Ravka as Alina is becoming more corrupted and he won’t be there to witness it. What’s gonna happen when he comes back huh???
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malicemismanager · 6 months
I've just spent a good half hour landscaping my sims' front yard and I won't even know what it's gonna look like until the season changes cuz everything's dead and gray. I could’ve spent that time on furnishing the inside, fuck XD
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suzukiblu · 10 months
I love that at any moment any member of young justice is willing to lie about being the parent of any other member’s baby. They’re all ride or die and that includes raising each other’s kids. Most of them did not have adequate adult supervision as young heroes so they’re gonna be the parents they didn’t have.
Look, friend, it's only a lie if they don't wholeheartedly, full-out MEAN it.
Bart: hey Cassie guess what I went time-travelling again and a couple of your descendents were in kinda a weird custody sitch with the gods so I'm a father now! Also Ares is totally furious with me but it's cool, he won't know that for a couple hundred years. (◕ω◕)
Cassie: Oh, Tim actually DID successfully make a clone, welp, I guess I'm punching a cloning tube and if Batman asks about Tim's lil' mental breakdown here I'm just a mom, this is my baby, I made him out of clay and Batman doesn't know enough about magic to prove any different. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Kon: Yo, Bart, Hypertime was up to some shit again and long story short, I met your daughter from an alternate timeline and I kidnapped her. Like, I kidnapped her a LOT. Anyway want split custody or wanna move in together? (づ。◕w◕。)づ
Tim, arms spilling over with multiple tiny Kons stolen from Cadmus 2.0: These are my children now. (( ʘ���ʘ ))
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thatdeadaquarius · 9 months
AI used on my story. Wow.
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Well, it happened.
I guess they're talking about the AI mention I put in my summary for the story.
Because you know. I don't want my shit I've worked on for hours stolen. Like my writing of thousands of words and my multiple illustrations. Imagine. I'm so crazy for not wanting that. /s
I can't believe they were so fucking pissy abt that little detail they literally stole my work and now it's in an AI somewhere/everywhere.
With no credit or anything to me or my hard work writing it. I spent hours on this. I like Genshin and this niche AU enough to explore it and this is the feedback I fucking get.
Because someone had to like be political about AI??
Like literally just one hurt bastard who has probably never written more than a paragraph in their life, so now they gotta ruin shit for me and everyone else. Keep your miserable life to yourself. Or y'know.
Log off.
Also the catus tears comment? Dude get more creative. Oh shit sorry that's probably why you're so horny for AI.
Im sorry u obv kno i love this genre, i mean its my fanfic, but BRO 💀
Welp if it's literally going to make my story a target, then I guess I'll take it out for now.
This has seriously made me consider outright deleting this work. And that's something I never wanted to do to a fanfic if i ever wrote some. I was planning to just orphan it or smth instead if it ever came to that. But shit like this makes me wanna reconsider...
^^^ Well more like not continuing it i mean, but dont worry ill keep going if for nothing else to let them know im still writing abt genshin
I'm turning off guest comments for now. And leaving that one as a comment of shame.
Wish I could pin it tbh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Safe Travels in these dark times guys,
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regnantlight · 3 months
Adult Mun Talk
Welp. The hospital where I did my marketing got bought out by another hospital, and they’ve cut their communications team about 90%—including my position. 🥲 I’ll be with them until the 12th and then I’m off.
As hard as it was being away from Baby V all day, I’ll miss that job. It was nice having my own office. I liked the work and I did it well! I’ll definitely make sure to save some reports to show off for future applications…it stinks.
Luckily we are VERY fortunate that it’s not an immediate “oh shit panic” thing for us financially, but things are pretty tight on one budget and it makes us both a little nervous.
I have a friend in my Discord mom group who’s part of a remote marketing agency, so I’m going to look into working with them. They likely won’t pay the same but who knows, maybe this will work out better? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Send me your spare positive vibes, friends. I’ll try to put them to good use. ❤️
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defectivevillain · 2 years
struck by your lightning, chii
reader’s pronouns: he/him
here’s chapter one [you’ll want to read this first, otherwise this part won’t make much sense]
as i mentioned in part one, this is a chat fic and the formatting was mostly made for ao3. it’s a lil wonky here, so here’s the ao3 version if you’d prefer to read that :)
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a lil recap of last chapter: you're assigned to work the red carpet at a national awards gala. there, you interview tons of celebrities, including kaminari! kaminari is super nice & you leave the event feeling exhausted, relieved, and satisfied all at once. you return home to take a light nap, only to wake up to a notification from your phone. it seems kaminari is texting you...? that's weird.
Direct Message
Kaminari Denki: u good?
Kaminari Denki: OKAY, GOOD ?
You: YEP…
You: 😶
Kaminari Denki: 😶 😶
You: sorry i didn’t believe you
You: i have to be careful with messages from unknown numbers…
You: well, you get it, i’m sure.
Kaminari Denki: ya i get it
You: also, i have something to say to you
Kaminari Denki: wassup
You: waffles are better fck u
Kaminari Denki: ur so wrong.
Kaminari Denki: 😘
You: hold on. hold onnnnnn.
You: how’d u get this number ??
You: pls don’t tell me my number is leaked
Kaminari Denki: nahhh it’s not leaked
You have to breathe a sigh of relief at that. It’s not like you’re an important public figure or anything, but the thought of anyone having access to your phone number sends shivers down your spine. You already get enough spam calls.
Kaminari Denki: i got ur number cuz…
Kaminari Denki: idol perks
You: you just asked my coworker, didn’t you
Kaminari Denki: yup
You: sigh…
Kaminari Denki: they told me that if i hurt you
Kaminari Denki: they’d murder me
You: gsjfdkheng3oaejk….
You: just give me a moment to scream
Kaminari Denki: …
You: ok im bck
Kaminari Denki: LOL dude ur good dw abt it 😭
Kaminari Denki: i thought it was kinda cute actually
You: unfortunately, they were dead fucking serious… they could kill a bitch
You: i wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve already killed someone, actually…
Kaminari Denki: well that’s comforting
You: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You: also, congrats on the award !
Kaminari Denki: thx
Kaminari Denki: does this mean you’ll listen to my music now?
You: maybe
Kaminari Denki: hmph :/
You: why?
Kaminari Denki: why what?
You: idk. why do you care? it’s not like my listening will give you any money
Kaminari Denki: …
Kaminari Denki: cause ur cute and i like you?
You: what
Kaminari Denki: wha
You: what
Kaminari Denki: wha
Kaminari Denki: welp i’m just gonna go then 🏃🏃🏃
You: no waittt
You: sorry, you just surprised me
Kaminari Denki: no one’s ever said that to you before?
You: well, i mean, yeah, but…
Kaminari Denki: who. when. where. why.
You: plssss
You: what album should i start on then
Kaminari Denki: lightning
You: oki
Kaminari Denki: tell me how u like it after ;0
You: okiii
You: alr i’m gonna go to bed
Kaminari Denki: gn (´。• ω •。`)
Kaminari: it’s been a week are you alive
You grimace at the notification displayed on your lock screen. Admittedly, you hadn’t meant to ignore him- time just slipped away from you. Guilt stews in your chest all the same.
You: no i’m definitely not
Kaminari: sooo what’d ya think
You: oh SHIT that’s what i forgot to do
You: im so sorryyyyy the agency has been running me ragged 🙏
Kaminari: don’t apologize for doing ur job,, lol
Kaminari: what are they having you do?
You: whaleeee
You: before, i was more of a local reporter
You: but since the awards, i’ve actually been interviewing other celebrities and stuff
Kaminari: oh
You: it’s weird, tbh
Kaminari: ya a lot of music folks are pretty weird
You: says you
Kaminari: oi! i’m not weird 😡
You: im jk lolll
Kaminari: you know for a reporter you have awful grammar
You: well fck u2 then
Kaminari: :P
You: people keep recognizing me now,,, it’s weird
You: like literally a girl came up to me yesterday and was like “you interviewed kaminari!!”
Kaminari: oh shit lol
You: right?
You: other than that, i’ve been good
You: hbu? you’ve probably been busy
Kaminari: nah, not that much. just writing new music.
You: oh cool
You: speaking of music
You: i really liked your album
Kaminari: rly? u listened to it?
You: ofc i did!!!! it was cool
Kaminari Denki: what was ur fave song :P
You: probably shockwave!
You: it was very heartfelt
Kaminari: yeah… i wrote that one in the midst of a breakup
You: awe :(
You: at least it made a great song, haha
Kaminari Denki: yeah, that’s a good way to think about it actually
You: 😌
Kaminari Denki: so what other music do you listen to, then?
Kaminari Denki: besides mine, obviously
You: i listen to sero’s music sometimes
Kaminari Denki: skljehgeiroljhngejlrkshg
You: have you heard of him?
Kaminari Denki: …
Kaminari Denki: yes
Kaminari Denki:
You: r u good?
You: u got rly weird all of a sudden
Kaminari Denki: one sec, i need to kill a bitch
You: wut
Direct Message
Kaminari: what
Sero Brain Cells: what
Kaminari: what poster.
Sero Brain Cells: ohshit💀
Kaminari: sero. what poster.
Sero Brain Cells: ur limited edition one….? ha…… ha……
Kaminari: wow i am literally going to kill you twice
Sero Brain Cells: NO PLS SPARE ME
Kaminari: and to think that wasn’t even what i was going to talk to you about
Kaminari: damn
Kaminari: ok. focus, kaminari.
Sero Brain Cells: i swear i’ll make it up to you bro
Kaminari: you will?
Sero Brain Cells: yes just ask for a favor. any favor and i’ll do it
Kaminari: perfect. stop making music forever.
Sero Brain Cells: okay
Kaminari: nice
Sero Brain Cells: great
Kaminari: perfect
Sero Brain Cells: wait WHAT THE FUCK
Kaminari: u heard me hoe
Sero Brain Cells: wtf crawled up ur ass dude
Kaminari: i asked my friend what kind of music he listens to and he said yours
Sero Brain Cells: holy shit ur talking to that reporter?
Sero Brain Cells: lmfaooo
Sero Brain Cells: kami, i know all of ur other friends. bc they’re also my friends.
Kaminari: sighhhhh
Sero Brain Cells: anyway. he listens to my music?
Kaminari: -_-
Sero Brain Cells: that’s cool tbh
Kaminari: -_-
Sero Brain Cells: give him my number, will u?
Kaminari: i despise you
Kaminari: why are we friends
Sero Brain Cells: because i’m sexy and hot and funny?
Sero: <3 ?
Kaminari: … <3
Sero Brain Cells: and bc i make good music? ;)
Kaminari is offline.
Sero Brain Cells: damn 💀
Direct Message
You: u good, dude…? it's been a few days…
Kaminari Denki: definitely… dude.
You: don’t kill sero, pls? I like his music :$
Kaminari Denki: oof
You: i’m messing with you
You: although i do actually like his music a lot
Kaminari Denki: staHp
You: but i like ur music more ;)
Direct Message
Kaminari Denki: oh!! also!!! i completely forgot- u left ur placard on the red carpet the other day
Kaminari Denki: i mean if you insist
Kaminari Denki:
Kaminari Denki: [placard.jpg]
[placard.jpg]: A picture of the ever-familiar placard that you had at the red carpet. The back is filled with your rampant scribblings and notes. It’s hardly legible once you really look at it. Upon closer investigation, there’s a note in glittery gold ink at the bottom with a cute doodle of a Pikachu. Evidently, that was Kaminari’s doing.  
You: omfg that would’ve been so bad if someone else had gotten ahold of it…
Kaminari Denki: yeah some of these notes are hilarious, dude
Kaminari Denki: “Don’t ask Ground Zero anything. Ever.”
You: NOOOOOO you weren’t supposed to see that
Kaminari Denki: “Don’t ask Shoto about his father,” is a rly good one actually
You: oh goddddd pls spare me
Kaminari Denki: dude it’s okay calm down
Kaminari Denki: do u want it back
You: yeah ig
You: wouldn’t want to leak industry secrets 🙄
You: since u have it… can u just mail it to me
Kaminari Denki: don’t have ur address
You: well i’ll just give it to you then, dude
Kaminari Denki: i don’t have postal
You: wut 😶
Direct Message
Sero Brain Cells: what’d u do this time
Kaminari: so yk how the cuteass reporter dropped his placard and i picked it up
Sero Brain Cells: u did??? dawg ur whipped 💀
Kaminari: but anyway i texted him abt it today and he said i could just mail it to him
Kaminari: but!! i was hoping to see him again and obv i didn’t want that to happen
Sero Brain Cells: and????
Kaminari: and… [textconvo.screenshot]
Sero Brain Cells: oh i know you did nottttt
Sero Brain Cells: yeah,,,, i can see that…..
Kaminari: I'M SO DONE
Sero Brain Cells: dude no ur not
Kaminari: wut
Sero Brain Cells: this is ur chance!!!!!! u can get him to hang out w u by offering to give him the placard thingy
Kaminari: have i ever told u that ur a genius
Sero Brain Cells: not enough, evidently
Kaminari is offline.
Sero Brain Cells: well, ty
Direct Message
Kaminari Denki: oi i have an idea
You: what’s up
Kaminari Denki: abt the placard
You: yes?
Kaminari Denki: ur agency’s near that one cafe right
You: espressobeanz? yes
Kaminari Denki: i can meet u there tmrw
You: um what
Kaminari Denki: ?
Kaminari Denki:
You: wait what
Kaminari Denki: what?
You: idk, just… don’t you have more important things to do
Kaminari Denki: not rly
You: ok…
Kaminari Denki: plus i wanna hang out :(
You: ohhhh oki
You: wait holup holdup
You: the cafe is kinda public… r u gonna be ok
Kaminari Denki: why wouldn’t i be
You: idk don’t you get mobbed in public whenever people recognize you
Kaminari Denki: i mean yeah but it’s fine
You: u sure?
Kaminari Denki: yep!
You: okiii sounds like a plan then
Kaminari Denki: cool
You: i get off work at 3pm so let’s just meet then?
Kaminari Denki: 👍
Direct Message
Kaminari: omfg sero ur forgiven for ripping my poster
Sero Brain Cells: HOORAY
Kaminari: im meeting w him tomorrow Ψ(`_´ # )↝
Sero Brain Cells: niiiiice!!
Kaminari: i'm so scared
Sero Brain Cells: what why
Kaminari: i'm scaredddd
Sero Brain Cells: okay okay don’t freak out
Sero Brain Cells: have you picked out an outfit?
Kaminari: nope
Sero Brain Cells: okay so here’s what we’ll do. I’ll meet u at ur place tn and i’ll help u pick out something to wear
Kaminari: and i’ll order food
Sero Brain Cells: YES NOW U GET IT
You throw your phone on the couch and bury your head in your hands. Your heart is racing at the thought of seeing Kaminari again. You have to pause and take a deep breath to calm yourself down. Thankfully, you have the rest of today to spend freaking about and picking out ten different outfits that you’ll never wear.
As for right now, though… It’s time to distract yourself. You pull up a Youtube video and resolutely pretend not to think about your date tomorrow.  
chapter 3
thx for reading <33333
tagging: @tejas-kris​ and @felmierr​ :0 
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coconox · 1 year
honestly been going back and forth w myself on a lot of things lately attaching a read more for the sake of ik i'll be rambling like theres no tmr
a part of me wants to drop pnc but i havent really gotten everyone i wanted yet + im broke so i need to build my stash up *looks at clotho and eos* oddly enough pnc has been a game ive been pretty happy on playing still hate how i missed a login day tho tbf ive rarely borderline never interacted w the fandom so me just being in the dark w what goes on there has kinda been a blessing and a curse in a sense that i can enjoy the game in peace but it feels like im alone doing so
pgr im really REALLY tempted on dropping my glb acc, once nocti comes around which will prob be around the end of the school yr for me thats where i'd be like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ welp ig im done and drop that acc after playing around w nocti and whatev. tw im still not too sure abt?? prob when i get around to lvling up my main teams i can be like ok im done and drop that at any time since im just there to experience content ahead of time without being in cn directly
before dropping pgr entirely i do wanna complete a few stuff i had in mind tho
countdown for hyperreal which will prob happen bambi patch
still need to finish that nocti countdown for tw ive barely had any motivation completing that
nocti's bday countdown (similar to how lee's went)
glb nocti's countdown
draw every char up to latest one in cn
a few noctiskk comics thats been in the back of my head for MONTHS now
basically LOTS of countdowns and nocti stuff before i drop everything entirely
will i still draw pgr stuff after all that? mayyybeee???? itll moreso be towards kye's lore building rather than it being a standalone thing. i'll still collect merch and build up my shrines and make cosplay for chars but aside from that i'm pretty much gonna be moving on to other things
ive always had 50/50 feelings w being in the pgr fandom, tho being introduced to it on disc and then going to twt may have affected my views on this whole thing. esp when the side of the fandom i was first introduced to is like the lowest of the low, i dont want to go back to a place where a bunch of dudebro incels made fun of me for being afab and liking lee and me thinking that was a norm when it clearly isnt. its been 2 goddamn yrs and theyre still poking fun at that?? like my god grow up im so sick and tired of it.
if by a slim chance i still want to participate in being in the pgr fandom i'll just go back to lurking like ive always done in prev fandoms, if i really wanna be active in talking abt the game i'll talk abt it in servers or dms, but publicly i felt that i could never really comfortably talk abt how i feel abt it aside from here cause this site >>>>>> bc i felt like my opinions arent valid, tho that really applies to anything i do so 💀💀
pgr has been a really nice game for me to destress and detach myself from reality for a bit, tho now i wanna move on to other games and focus more on my ocs like i did back in the day. once i properly set up everyone's lore doc maybe in the future i'll make a game around them, nothing too big since i'll pretty much be making most of it, but i kinda wanna fulfill my childhood dream that was just recently unlocked
theres also that small part of me that wants to be known for my oc stuff rather than pgr stuff, but bc im not tagging w popular art tags im kinda just existing, and thats fine by me. hitting 500+ follows on twt was like peak realization of me going like "oh shit, 😨 maybe this big of a following aint for me" and it truly isnt lol
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plothooksinc · 1 year
👋 fanfic writer ask game: 3, 4, 15?
Yosh o/
3. What’s a fic idea that you have but haven’t written yet?
A couple, but they're both ROTTMNT because everything else is already in the process of being written. One being relatively short and like a palate cleanser for NRFTW I guess (and because Hueso's entire presence in that fic was trying to get Leo to pick up his phone because there are humans in his restaurant whyyy):
Hueso takes his trash out at the end of the night and finds Leo sprawled in his dumpster for unknown reasons, but he's slightly bruised and exceedingly high and this is a very large test of Hueso's patience (and he doesn't feel any concern, of course he doesn't)
Okay, so upgrading Bishop from annoying third-wheel thorn in everyone's side to the outright antagonist as the man tries to adjust his world view after the events of NRFTW and makes a few calls, some of them surprisingly decent but several of them Not Decent At All, on the background of the turtles dealing with weird spots of corruption in mechanical objects found across the city (think Rise comedy crossed with creepy horrorville as a vending machine tries to pack itself with victims off the street, or an ATM literally having an existential crisis, and then there's all those Albearto bears)-- luckily Donnie seems to know where to find all this weird corruption and it reacts to him in a variety of ways from positive to outright yandere. His brothers would really like to know how and why and if he's doing okay? Please? Yes, this is a direct follow on from NRFTW, though several months down the track so Leo can get out of bed already. (The poor guy.)
I did have a third idea but literally 24 hours after I thought of it I saw the plot go past in a summary on AO3 so I went WELP /tosses it out the window, lmao
4. Do you prefer writing multi-chapter or oneshot fanfictions?
Much of a muchness! Like 1. above is a one shot and 2. most definitely isn't, I'm happy to write either depending on the story I try to write. I've written more one shots than multi-lengths, I think, but sometimes you can tell stories in the space of a few pages. (And sometimes you think you can and you're crying 89 pages later going why.)
15. Are there words, phrases, mannerisms or scenes you tend to use a lot?
Oh gosh, yes. People blink and breathe a lot in my fics, lmao. I MEAN WE ALL DO but I use them as shorthand for //processing// a lot, or breathing to steel yourself for what you're about to do next, etc etc. As said much earlier, I have a habit of saying such things like "He slept" but I've been good about this lately! (She says knowing full well she uses it in the chapter she's currently writing, shh.)
I tend to quirk a lot of small grins, have lopsided grins, and You Would Not Believe How Many Characters Are Capable Of Raising A Solitary Eyebrow (Or Eye Ridge As The Case May Be) and I have a fondness for writing scenes where characters wake up after several days out but that's just the comfort side of my hurt/comfort head space. Also I apparently kidnap people a lot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ALSO LIKE MANY I SUFFER FROM SAID-BOOKISM (i.e. way too many adverbs, I literally comb through afterward and try to remove some they're just everywhere like my italics) so. I definitely have my tells as an author, but hopefully nobody grinds their teeth over them, lmao.
Thank you!
Fanfic Writer Ask Game Here
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nixariel · 2 years
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CARMEN SANDIEGO (2019) + title sequence locations ║ Kyoto, Pisa, New York City, Chichen Itza, the Sahara, Singapore, Agra, and Paris [1/2]
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TERFS aren’t beating those Fascism and Racism allegations any time soon neither scumbag ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Bro there are literally radfems fighting against these people’s racism who I don’t even think are radfems? At most they seem gender critical but I could be wrong. And I never suggested there weren’t any racist radfems….but I’ve never come across *any* nazi ones, nor is there is somewhat notable pipeline of alt right to radical feminism or vice versa, like there seems to be for white trans women for some reason
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sidesteppostinghours · 7 months
27, 28, and 29 for Cyrus (and maybe Caine if you want to answer for both :])?
OOOOO THESE ARE TASTYY. thank you for the ask!
27. What causes them to feel dread?  
oh man. its been a long, long time since cyrus has felt real dread. anything that makes him uneasy he covers up with anger. the last time hes felt dread it was when he woke up directly after heartbreak and realized where he was. i think the most direct thing thatd cause it currently is realizing argentine is awake. broadly though? itd be a situation that he cant solve. something that he cant think, talk, or run his way out of. if hes truly, entirely stuck? thats a reminder of the worst experiences of his life, and that feeling will hit him like a truck. technically not part of the question, but i wanted to add– he becomes a very different person when this happened. once the initial restlessness wears off he just. gives up. stops and counts the seconds till his doom. ortegas only ever seen him like that once before, during the psychopather incident– when cyrus realized what was happening, he closed his eyes, looking almost peaceful. it was extremely unnerving.
28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?  
cyrus has seen a lot of unpleasant truths in his lifetime, and hed prefer it if people didnt add more on his plate. that said, if he finds out you lied to him youll either get socked or meticulously verbally taken apart (cough chen if he ever told cyrus abt the pictures cough). telling the truth is the most important thing to him in any relationship. lying to him tells him that you think he cant handle the truth (bad idea) and/or that you dont trust him (worse idea). Yes hes being a massive hypocrite about this and he knows it– he wouldnt extend the same courtesy to another if he thinks its safer for them– but welp. thats cyrus in a nutshell so whats new ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
29. Do they usually live up to their own ideals? 
my perfectionist little son?? the guy that thinks suicidal thoughts when things dont go his way??? that precious guy?? of course he does. how else could you imagine his whole deal going./s but. yeah cyrus' ideals are impossible to achieve, at least by his standards. his goals tend to go fine, but his ideals are often wafty and they dont really have a set point where he goes "yeah ive done it". back in his sidestep days he fought for justice and to help as many people as possible. it hit pretty hard on him when he couldnt, and he always saw himself as a 'lesser' hero for it. currently, his ideals consist more of 'burn the whole thing to the ground and revel in peoples fear'. except hes not really doing that right either, considering,,,, *gestures to him saving civilians on instinct in the blaze fight and going soft for his loved ones*. of course that makes him more determined to live up to them anyway, because he lives to prove people wrong. somebody save this idiot from himself.
questions from here!
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I'm reading comments from people that attended the show last night and oh my god, so many drunk people? Literally falling over, and some were vomiting in the bathrooms? What in the
You're paying hundreds of dollars to get smashed and potentially not even remember Taylor's first show in years? Props, I could never
Oh?? Welp it's a personal preference so idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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