#oh well. it's probably nothing. i'm probably just looking too deep into things again *side-eyes rgg*
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trying-harder-then-u · 2 months ago
Russian roulette
The gun hit the table with a loud "clank," catching Damien by surprise. He had been enjoying the sound of the wind rustling through the well-maintained trees, but now that a weapon was being chucked around, he reckoned he should probably pay attention. Turning around, he saw Jacob smugly looking down at him, his blonde hair dropping over his deep brown eyes, a spotless white shirt and a pair of tan pants loosely fitting his thin, lightly muscled frame, a gold chain the only jewelry he had. Damien sighed to himself; he should have known that his rich, bratty friend was up to something, but when you get invited to a rural manor for a weekend by the son of the richest oil tycoon this side of the Atlantic, you don't tend to make a habit of saying no. The gun was black with gold and white lines swirling around the barrel and handle; like everything in the house, it looked expensive, and like everything, if Damien broke it, his family would most likely be paying it off for generations.
"What are you doing, Jacob?" he asked, his tone dripping with the exhaustion that comes from dealing with a spoiled brat's shenanigans. "Setting up for the game," Jacobs's shit-eating grin told Damien everything he needed to know: something dangerous was about to go down, and if he didn't stop it, then there was going to be a news story about this in the next 24 hours. In his mind's eye he could see the text flash across the screen: "Heir to oil empire murdered in cold blood by a jealous, impoverished schoolmate." Carefully getting up, Damien weighed his options before deciding to go on with Jacob till he could convince him that whatever he had planned was a bad idea. "What are we going to play then?" "Oh, nothing too complicated, my dear friend." Damien watched unnerved as Jacob opened the chamber of the pistol and put a small pellet in it. "Just some good old Russian roulette."
"Are you fucking insane? You do know how Russian roulette ends, right? I thought you were just a dick, but this is fully psychotic." "Oh, calm down, Damien, you worry too much; of course no one's going to die." Jacob pointed the gun at Damien and pulled the trigger, causing Damien to duck for cover as a click sound revealed that it was one of the five empty slots, much to Damien's relief. "How unfortunate; anyways, it's not a real bullet; it's a powerful drug that one of my dad's friends made." "And that's better how?" "It's this whole atomic structural thing. I'm not sure how it works exactly, but anyone hit with it can have their genetic makeup altered simply by the thoughts of the closest person, that isn't themselves, of course." Jacob proceeded to point the gun to his skull before shooting again, another harmless click. "See, I'm playing fair." "Jacob, that is not the point; I don't want to play at all." Damien was confused how Jacob was so nonchalant about this whole thing. Even if this whole atomic restructuring nonsense was real, what did he have to gain from that? "You're so unfun sometimes, but fine, I'll sweeten the deal for you: we play one game, and if I lose, then I'll make sure your parents get a nice cushy job where they will never have to go hungry again." The offer made Damien double back; it was one thing to give into Jacob's flights of fancy, a whole other when he could get his parents out of the rut they were currently in. "Fine, one game." "Great, let's sit down and continue."
Damien held the gun in shaking hands; he knew now that the bullet wasn't able to harm him, but his whole body being at the whims of Jacob was still terryfying even if it was temporary. Click, safe. Jacob, turn now and click. There are only two bullets left, and so a 50/50 chance; no turning back now. Damien's finger moved the trigger and-. Damien felt strange; he couldn't hear anything; the wind in the trees was gone; he didn't hear the gun go off, but this weird state he was in seemed to say he had been drugged; color swirled around him until finally something formed in front of him. Jacob.
"Hey there, dear friend," Jacob's smile seemed more malicious than usual. "Seems like you lose, so I'm going to enjoy the show now." Jacob leaned back; Damien's skin felt like it was crawling; he felt like spiders were crawling all over him, but as he looked to see what was causing it, he almost jumped back in surprise. His skin was changing; it was growing darker. He watched as the melanin in his skin increased until he went from the olive skin tone he inherited from his mother's Italian genes to something much darker; he looked almost African. Not only that, but the calouses from working after school to help his family vanished along with all his blemishes and pimples till his skin was as clear as day, but how was that possible? Damien remembered now the drug; the closest person controlled his atomic structure, but what was Jacob doing to him? He looked up to try and address Jacob, but a punching sensation in his gut drew him to look down, seeing his clothes dissolve away and abs form; the rest of his frame was not neglected either; he continued to bulk up and even felt a couple inches added to his height till he was a goliath of a man; his feet and hands grew much larger, his face grew more chiseled, and his hair shrank back into his head.
He tried to yell at Jacob, but before he could, their faces collided as Jacob passionately kissed Damien. Only moans, slowly deepening in pitch, escaped his mouth. "God, I've been waiting so long for this. You think I'd ever be friends with your poor ass? God, no, you're my plaything now, and don't worry, it's permanent." Damien whimpered as Jacob's hand reached down, grabbing onto Damien's cock, and began to stroke slowly and methodically. Each time Damien felt more confused: where was he, why was he worried about his parents, who was he? His mind slowed as he gave into Jacob, the pleasure overwhelming his mind. His dick grew larger than it had ever been before, 4 inches, now 5, 6, till a 7-inch-long monster was left in its place. Damien's moans grew louder as he neared the end; he just wanted to cum; he didn't know who this strange man beating him off was, but he just wanted him to continue. Jacob continued to go faster and faster, until long streams of hot cum splashed across both of them. up his hand to for Damien to lick clean, which he gladly did, enjoying every taste.
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2 months later
He was sitting at home, waiting for his rich boyfriend to get back. He had spent the last 2 months spending every hour he could with Jacob, but with Jacob's school, he had large amounts of time to reflect and learn how to be a good boyfriend, how to cook, clean, and do everything for Jacob. Awhile ago, two older people came around looking for their sun that shared his name, but he told them he had no clue where he had gone. His life was good, but the best part was no doubt every night when Jacob would take control; he would sometimes be pleased and sometimes give pleasure, but regardless, he knew that life would be good when he just went with what his boyfriend said, and man was life good.
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eat-limes-bitches · 1 year ago
Attitude Adjustment
PAIRING: Female! Chiropractor! Reader x Avenger!Bucky Barnes
SUMMARY: Pain affects everyone. Even 106-year-old assassins
WARNINGS: Smidge of Angst, mostly Fluff. Grumpy! Bucky. Some of Bucky's negative self-image but very little. Talks of chiropractic adjustment so cracking joints but nothing too bad. Sam's a little shit. Probably poorly written but oh well.
Word Count: 1006
A/N: Hey guys! I know the last two posts have been really heart-wrenching so here is something a little light-hearted to counteract what I'm gonna be posting next. I am going to be starting chiropractic school in the fall and I know that it has really helped me with some chronic pain stuff that I have going on even with my crazy high pain tolerance so thought Bucky could use some adjustments too!
Enjoy! <3
Dividers by Rookthorne
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Y/n watched Bucky from across the gym, analyzing his movements as he tried to continue his set. There was a slight dip in his step as he walked over to the weight plates and a subtle clench of his jaw as he lifted the plate onto the bar. Maybe he’s just sore, she mused as she returned to her stretches. The room around her was slowly disappearing when there was a loud bang and a shout. She jumped, eyes flying open as she shot her gaze across the room where Bucky held his ribs under his left arm while Sam laughed. 
 “What’s wrong, tin man? Age finally catching up to you?” Bucky shot a nasty glare at the man, 
“You won’t be laughing when I drown you in the creek,” Bucky growled as he took a threatening step toward Sam.
“Woah, woah, woah!” Sam placated as he took a step backward. “I was just messin’ with ya man!” Bucky just glared at him again and knocked his metallic shoulder against Sam’s as he stormed off towards the exit. Sam made eye contact with Y/n, shrugging his shoulders and motioning towards the door as if he were saying, ‘Get a load of that guy’. Y/n shook her head and made a mental note to check on him later.
Sometime later after Y/n had finished her workout, she ventured to Bucky’s room, pausing just outside the door. Steadying herself with a breath, she gently rapped on the door. There was a deep groan from the other side of the door, and before Y/n was able to make some space between her and the door, it flew open, revealing a rather disgruntled Bucky, eyes narrowing as he took in her form. 
“What.” He grunts out glare unwavering from her smaller form in the doorway. Y/n steadied herself with a reminder that he was in pain and to not let it get to her. She instead matched his gaze.
“You’re in pain.” She stated cooly observing his reaction as he shifted weight off of his left leg, rolling his eyes.
“Right, ‘cause you can tell from across a room.” He scoffed. Y/n let out an indignant huff as she looked him up and down.
“You’re favoring the left side of your body, and anyone can see that. Your hips are crooked from compensating the extra weight on the left side of your body. You have a slight limp which is throwing your body further out of alignment, and since Steve pinned you during training on Tuesday, you’ve been protecting your left ribcage which was then further aggravated from your bench pressing today.”
Bucky stared at her, eyes wide. “H-how do you know all that?” Y/n’s gaze softened as she gave him a gentle smile. 
“Buck, I’m a chiropractor, I’m trained to see these things. I can help you feel better if you’d like.” She noticed the hesitance in his eyes as he thought about her offer. 
“You know you are allowed help right?” She whispered, placing a hand on his arm. 
Bucky searched her eyes for a moment, waiting for the other shoe to drop, for her to pull away and just laugh, tell him it was all a joke, and walk away but it never came, she just stood there, hand spreading warmth through his arm, smile sending butterflies straight to his stomach. Letting out a breath, he nodded, letting Y/n take his hand and lead him to her office. 
The room was bright, the afternoon sun coming in through the window painted everything in a golden glow. Y/n motioned to the table in the middle of the room.
“Here, lay face down for me.” She said gently, patting the table. Bucky did as he was told,  and melted into the comfortable cushion as Y/n danced her fingers up and down his spine. She paused at the very base of his neck moved her fingers towards his shoulder and gently pressed down. Bucky yelped slightly and jerked away from her touch. 
“I’m sorry Buck, I won’t do it again but that just confirmed my suspicion,” Y/n murmured as she walked around the table, placing the heel of her palms on his upper back.
“Yeah, and what's that?” Bucky grumbled, starting to regret his decision. 
Y/n gave a sharp thrust, and a satisfying pop rang out through the room, startling Bucky. “Your first rib was out of place.” Bucky pushed himself up to look at Y/n wide-eyed. 
“My first rib is out of place!” She just smiled.
“Was. I put it back. That's what that sound was.” 
This went on for a few more minutes. Y/n would palpate different parts of his body, there would be a pop, and Bucky make some sort of surprised noise. Eventually, Y/n made the last adjustment and helped Bucky sit up before taking a seat next to him. 
“How do you feel?” 
Bucky rolled his shoulders before stretching both of his arms above his head. His eyes widened as he snapped his head to meet Y/n’s gaze. Shock was written all over his features as he stood up and wasn’t greeted with the sharp sting that he had grown accustomed to in his lower back. 
“Wow, that-that’s amazing!” He sent a heart-stopping grin in Y/n’s direction. 
“Thank you, Y/n I feel much better.” He said sincerely, taking Y/n’s hand in his as thanked her. Y/n blushed.
“Of course Bucky. Anytime.”
The pair wandered into the main living room where everyone was gathered. Bucky gave Y/n’s hand one last squeeze before strolling over to Steve and putting him in a headlock, laughing and carrying on. Y/n smiled as she watched them when Sam wandered over.
“What did you do to him?” He asked. Y/n just smiled, not taking her eyes off of Bucky, who was now arm-wrestling Tony who was using his suit.
“Nothing really just gave him an attitude adjustment.”
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years ago
Oh No, There's An Arm Around My Waist
Bradley Bradshaw x fem!reader  2k words
summary: You wake up in the same bed as Bradley Bradshaw. That's it. Or is it?
tagging a few people who said they'd like a part two... it took me a while but whatever, right? @roostergooster @pono-pura-vida @chassy21 @startrekfangirl2233-fic-recs
sequel to “Oh No, There's Only One Bed”, can be read seperately tho
top gun masterlist
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The light that filtered through the windows was golden, almost, warm and comfortable and you were cozy and sleepy and smiling, giving yourself all the time in the world to wake up. You blinked your eyes open slowly and tugged the covers all the way up to your chin and shimmied a little further down into the warmth of the bed and for just a few seconds, enjoyed the feeling of being pulled closer.
Then you ripped open your eyes again and froze to the very tips of your toes.
You were being pulled closer.
There was an arm around your waist, a body behind yours, breath on your neck. And with a start, the events of last night came rushing back to you.
The booked out hotel. The one bedroom. The one bed. Bradley. Bradley's words, Bradley's touches, Bradley's goddamn pajama-briefs. That you hadn't been able to fall asleep. The way he'd hugged you close. How you'd almost confessed your feelings to him.
Those fucking feelings. Those feelings you'd kept buried inside of you for so long, so goddamn long that you had never even thought to tell another living, breathing human being. Not your family, not your squad, nobody because hell, Bradley was a friend, he was your friend, and nothing more than that.
But now here you were, wrapped up tightly in his arms in the same bed. And he was only moving closer. Pushing closer to you, pulling you closer to him, burying his face in your hair and splaying his hand out on your stomach.
So maybe - just maybe - there was a teensy tinsy part of your friendship that was more than a friendship. Had perhaps always been more than a friendship. Longing glances you'd always put off as looking out for each other. Kisses on the cheek. Kisses on the forehead. Kisses on your hair. His arm around your waist, around your shoulders. Things you'd played off as him just being generally affectionate. But maybe that hadn't been it. Maybe that wasn't it. Maybe those moments when you'd almost kissed, maybe they'd been real, not just figments of your imagination - like after deadly missions, stumbling into each others arms, or slow dancing the night of Mav's wedding, or that one time in the jacuzzi.
You didn't know just how long you were lying there, on your side, trying to steady your breathing and keep as calm and as quiet as possible, not moving an inch. You didn't want to know. Your thoughts were running in circles, pondering the same questions again and again and each time arriving at different conclusions. A part of you was screaming to do something. Anything. But that probably would've been mental suicide. So you kept still and hoped, begged, prayed to all gods you could think of that this wasn't some dream and that your imagination was not off pranking you right now.
Finally - it had to have been at least half an hour - Bradley shifted behind you. He groaned, pushed away from you just the tiniest bit, pulled his arm from around you and brought his hand up to shield him from the sun.
"Good morning", he muttered, all deep, raspy morning voice, instantly sending a shiver down your spine. You didn't trust yourself to turn around just then - maybe he wasn't pressed into your back anymore but that didn't mean that he wasn't still way too close.
"How'd you know I'm awake?", you asked instead, already missing his warmth (even though the room certainly wasn't cold).
"I've got a sixth sense when it comes to you", he chuckled. He'd turned onto his side again and was talking to you, directly (indirectly? to the back of your head?) now, and you'd known him long enough that you were well aware of it. And well aware of the fact that he'd stare at you until you turned around to him no matter how long it took. He was stubborn like that. So you did turn, even closer to him now, folding your hands between cheek and pillow and biting your lip to ground you just the slightest. To remind you that this was still reality. That all of this was happening to you right now.
That Bradley was, in fact, lying on his pillow next to you, with adorable bed hair and a cheeky smile and a bare torso and way too few inches in between you. You could feel yourself tense up again.
"Like you knew tonight that I wasn't falling asleep?", you asked, a bit breathless.
Bradley nodded.
"Exactly like that."
"Well, thank you then." You couldn't help but smile at him a little. "I slept like a baby."
He laughed at that and for a second you closed your eyes and just soaked up the sound. You could very well imagine always waking up next to him like that. With his laughter fanning against your cheek, his fingers softly running up your arm almost as though he thought that if he did it slowly enough, you wouldn't find anything strange about it.
You didn't.
It wasn't strange, per se. It was new and electrifying and encouraging you in your (childish? foolish?) belief that maybe, yes, maybe you were more than a friend to him as well. Maybe he was testing the waters. Maybe he was going further already. Touching you like that, it was... bold. Wasn't it?
Maybe you had to be a little bolder as well. Just the way you'd wanted to tonight.
So you pulled a hand from underneath your cheek and, tentatively, very deliberately, brushed through his curls, all the while heavily avoiding looking him in the eyes. You could feel the way he was staring at you, burning holes into your skin, but you just pushed through and ignored him as best as you could. You were already feeling too close to passing out.
When you pulled your hand back, his fingers had reached your shoulder, dancing along the spaghetti straps of your nightdress, and you took a deep breath in before you allowed yourself to meet his eyes after all.
"Sorry", you whispered, getting a little more nervous now. "You had a bedhead."
Bradley made a sound in the back of his throat that you couldn't quite identify as any particular emotion.
"No apologising", he muttered, his eyes falling down to his fingers on your skin as he sneaked his way up over the covers and brushed his thumb along your throat, your chin, your jaw. "Just do it again."
You swallowed hard. But who were you to deny him? So despite your racing heart and despite your screaming mind, you reached out and tangled your fingers in his curls again. You were sure now he was on the same wavelength as you. Right? He had to be. This wasn't platonic behaviour. This was nowhere close to platonic. Was it? And if not... What were you supposed to do with that information? What did it mean? Had Bradley liked you, too, for just as long? For longer? How much time, how much relationship had you missed out on because you'd been too afraid to act on your feelings? How would you go from here? You couldn't... You wouldn't... Would you?
"You need to stop thinking so much", Bradley said softly, pulling you gently from your thoughts back to reality - of his thumb smoothing over your skin, of your fingers in his hair, of his breath on your cheek and the warmth of his body. "It's alright just to act once a while."
You had to smile a bit because he'd learnt that from Mav, but you didn't feel the need to remind him. Maybe he was right. Your overthinking had rarely ever helped you. But, well, it was quite hard to get rid of an old habit, wasn't it? And were you brave enough to leave it behind just this once?
With that smile of his... Maybe.
"Okay", you said. "If you say so. Then kiss me."
Bradley's eyes widened for just a millisecond before his lips twitched into a grin and he leaned forward - leaned in, closer to you, and your breath caught in your throat and your hand stilled in his hair and his thumb on your jaw settled to keep you in place. And then his lips met yours and the entire world came to a halt.
This was perfect. He was perfect. He'd always been, but his kisses... Oh god, his kisses. What had you been missing out on? You could've had this forever. He was working magic on you, you were sure, because no one should be allowed to kiss this good, to make you feel this weak in your knees even though you were lying down, to make you tense up and relax at the same time. It was truly like time had stopped, for just a few minutes - neither of you dared to move, too engrossed in the moment, too enamoured with each other.
It turned into slow-motion at some point. You didn't know just when. It melted into golden honey, thick and heavy and heady. You could really feel yourself heat up now, feel the warmth of him seeping into you, of your own cheeks flaring red. You could feel every particle of your body react to him as he cupped your jaw and pulled you closer, as you pulled your hand from his hair to move up and down his arm, to lightly press your nails into his skin.
Maybe it was that, your nails raking along his biceps, that flicked some switch in Bradley, but you didn't know for sure and you didn't care as his tongue ran along your bottom lip, asking for consent, asking if- and your lips parted without hesitance, with a soft, low sigh, with your nails digging into his arm because that seemed to have had a wonderful reaction the first time. He pulled you closer, closer, closer, pulled his hand from your cheek and grabbed your waist instead to pull you even closer, closer, closer there too.
You trailed your fingers down his arm as well, abandoning your scratching in favor of softly stroking, giving yourself time because oh, you had all the damn time in the world with him, to reach the back of his hand, to wrap your fingers around it (your pinky touched his pinky and you had to smile into the kiss, despite how hot and bothered you were getting) and slid your other hand back up into his hair to tug on his roots. Then, just because you could and just because you wanted to, you pushed his hand from your waist over your hips and down to the top of your thigh, right where your nightdress ended. You could feel Bradley's fingers flexing, gripping just a little tighter now that he had naked skin under his fingertips. That was all the confirmation you needed to bring his hand up again, to slide it softly, carefully, slowly over your underwear, your nightdress bunching up above his arm, until he was holding right onto your waist again - onto the naked skin of your waist, just because he could and just because you wanted him to.
That was when he pulled back, his forehead still pressed against yours, his eyes still closed, his fingers still tight on your waist.
"Fuck", he muttered, breathless and panting. "We should probably stop before this goes too far."
"There's a too far?", you asked, just as breathless and just as panting.
"With you?" He opened his eyes to look right at you, his thumb brushing over your skin again. "Of course not. But this is a hotel room and we're on borrowed time and most importantly, we just had our first kiss. I'd like to take you out on an actual date first."
Your heart stopped beating for a second. Then it started hammering. Blood rushed to your ears and you heard a frantic ringing and you had to close your eyes and bite down on your lip and then open your eyes again just to make sure that this was, in fact, all still reality, and that it was indeed happening, unfolding as it did. That Bradley was here with you, that he'd touched and kissed you, that he wanted to take you out on a date.
"I'd like that", you whispered finally. "I'd really like that."
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 9 months ago
i would love some vessel x reader sleepy cuddles and kisses please :)))
To breathe in your arms
Most of the time the post-concert crashes took them all out. To the point where getting any kind of food or beverage into them was one impossible task. But one thing that occurred without fail was that needy side of Vess. One that made him rush through all the packing up. Craving nothing more than to lock the door behind him and keep you in his arms for the rest of the night.
“Go to sleep”, you muttered, brushing your fingers through his still slightly wet post-shower hair. “Not tired”, Vess muttered, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. Trying to suppress a yawn. “Yeah, I can tell”, you chuckled beneath your breath, pressing a loving kiss at the top of Vessel’s head. “Missed you today”, he mused, looking up at you. “We were practically glued together”, you reminded him. And he had been dragging you around with him all day long. Refusing to let go of your hand. And if that wasn’t possible he at least wanted to be able to see you standing close by.
“Not really”, Vess objected, with a slight shake of his head. “Oh, sorry that i went to the bathroom without you”, you chuckled, and even if it was barely there you could see a slight smile creeping onto Vessel’s face. He stayed still before jabbing his fingers into your sides, making you squirm beneath him. Before pressing a lazy kiss to your collarbone. One after another. Before pulling away, eyes drowning you in. A deep sigh left his lips.
“Come on”, you pulled at him, opening your arms for him. “To lay on you?”, and he sounded so unsure in his words that it almost made you frown. “You don’t want to?”, bits of self-doubt stirred deep within your chest. “Fuck, of course, I do”, Vess murmured, before reaching for his shirt but stopping mid-way.
“Can I ask for something… but it’s stupid so you can say no”, the words fall fast, as he sits down on the side of the bed. “What is it?”, you move yourself up on your elbows as you watch him, slowly swirling his thoughts in his head, “No, actually forget it”, he shakes his head after a moment, waving you off. “Vess… we talked about you saying the things going in your head. I can’t read them, remember?”, you sighed. Vess just looked at you for a moment. Like he always does. One of those looks where he’s slowly drinking you in. “Can we cuddle”, he mutters after a heartbeat. You can’t help but frown, “That’s what I'm offering, baby”, you blink up at him feeling slightly confused.
“Naked”, Vess says so quietly that for a minute you’re sure that you might have imagined it but it’s once again his eyes that speak the loudest. “Sure”, you shrug, not understanding where the sudden shyness over something you two had already seen more than a handful of times, had sprouted.
“I just feel like all this material is in the way”, he runs a hand through his hair, “It’s weird, probably, right?” You smile at him, scouting closer, till you can reach him properly. “It’s far from weird”, you shake your head, leaning in to kiss his shoulder before, reaching for the ham of his shirt. Waiting for him to give you a slight nod before pulling it up. “Just missed the warmth of your skin”, Vess admits, leaning in to kiss your lips before he too reaches for the shirt his shirt that you have on.
He lets his eyes dance over your naked skin for a moment. “So pretty”, muttering he brushes his lips over yours once more. “Right back at you”, you nuzzle your nose against him, reaching for his grey sweatpants, “You’re more than aware how unwell I am over your v line”, you lick your lips, wiggling your eyebrows at him. Vessel lets out a slight chuckle. “Heard a thing or two”, he shrugs, kicking his pants off. “I can name favorite as well”, kissing your hip bone he slowly pulls your panties down your legs, before throwing them carelessly over his shoulder.
“Cuddle me you big softie”, you caress his cheek before pulling at his bare shoulders. He slides over you like a serpent. Kissing up your body before carefully lowering himself into your embrace. The deepest sigh leaves his lips, “I feel like I can breathe again”, he admits, wrapping his arms over your torso. “Then let yourself breathe. I will not let go until you’re fully recharged”, Vess hums at your words, pulling up to leave a couple of lazy kisses over your chest and shoulders before melting into your warm body.
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rekino2114 · 6 months ago
ok hear me out female Zenitsu Agatsuma simping for male reader
Fem. Zenitsu simping for male reader
A/n:art by stormin on pinterest. Zenitsu's name will stay the same...I don't know if that makes sense but I can't think of anything
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You took a deep breath as you looked around you. You were finally back after a long mission, and you wanted nothing more than to relax
"Oh hey y/n!, you're back, how was the mission?"
"Hi tanjiro, it went well. The demon wasn't that strong, but it was still kinda tough. Do you know where Shinobu is?"
"Oh, she's probab-"
You two turned to see the rest of the kamaboko squad coming towards you, especially zenitsu who ran and tackled you into a hug
"I'm so happy you're back, I thought the demon ate you"
"Come on, zenitsu, did you think so little of me? No demon that weak could take me down"
"Y-yeah sorry, you're so strong, the strongest demon slayer I've ever seen, no demon could defeat you"
You blushed slightly from the praise and was about to thank her when you heard a groan
"Hmph! W/n (wrong name) Isn't that strong, I bet I could beat him in no time"
"Shut up, boar head, you don't know what you're talking about, y/n would wipe the floor with you"
"Really? Now I'm interested, hey w/n let's spar!"
".....A-actually, I just came back from a mission and-"
"Yeah leave him alone, y/n's probably so tired"
"Who cares? I wanna fight"
"I-inosuke, zenitsu, please calm down"
As tanjiro tried his best to calm the argument between his friends, you walked near genya and kanao
"Hi man, good to see you again"
"Hi, genya you too. kanao, do you mind telling me where your sister is?"
"...........Shinobu should be in the butterfly mansion, she's tending to other injured slayers"
"You didn't even use your coin, that's great, I'm proud of you"
You pat the shorter girl's head as she smiled slightly and you left to go where she told you, while you couldn't hear the commotion going on behind you
"Waaaaaaahhhhh *sobs*"
"Z-zenitsu what's going on?"
"D-did you see what y/n did to kanao, he pat her head, he never did that to me *sobs* y/n loves kanao"
"That's not true, y/n does not love me"
"*sobs* How dare you say that? Why did he do that then?"
"Oh it was because I didn't flip my coin to answer him"
"Yeah, I can confirm that's what happened"
The blonde girl completely changed her attitude and jumped in the air
"Yay! That means I still have a chance"
"Sorry zenitsu, but might I say something? If you love y/n this much, why don't you just tell him?"
"Are you crazy? If I tell him and he doesn't reciprocate then I'll never be able to look him in the eyes again"
"Hey!......anyway, w-where did y/n go?"
"The butterfly mansion"
"Really? Great!"
Zenitsu disappeared so fast her friends thought she used her thunder breathing for a second
"Why did she go there anyway?"
"No idea"
Meanwhile in the butterfly mansion Shinobu was checking your wounds while you lied on a bed
"Alright y/n, if you're OK with that, do you mind taking your shirt off for me? I need to check if you have other injuries"
"Sure thing"
You did as she told you, but in that moment, you heard a squeal and the sound of something falling
"Hm? What was that?"
"I don't know, I'll check later"
Meanwhile on the other side of the door tanjiro found zenitsu on the ground with a bloody nose
"S-so muscular, I think I'm in heaven"
"........we really need to work on that"
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slutforleeminho · 1 year ago
your work is so amazing, you're such a good writer! i have no idea if your taking requests, but if you could maybe find time... could you write part two of 'the other woman' please?
it was so well written, and i love some good angst with an even better plot 🫶🏽
also another 'no idea' but if you do anons... could i be 🍧 anon?
tyyy and ofc you can be 🍧 anon
The Other Woman • Hwang Hyunjin
ft. lee felix
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"Nice to meet you, Felix."
"Felix stop it!" Your chest was hurting from the force of your laughing. His fingers dug into your sides, causing your body to automatically jolt from the ticklish feeling. "Seriously lix I'm actually going to pee myself if you don't stop." you barely got the words out through your continuous giggling. only then did he cease his antics and let you breath.
"Eww don't do that. I don't want to have to wash the sheets again." he shifted his body until he was facing you, lying on his side with his arm supporting his head. "That would be the third time this week."
You could hear the smugness in his voice without even looking at him, but when you did, what did you see? a big toothy grin plasterd across his beautiful face. "Shut up." you playfully nudged his shoulder. But the drama queen in him came out as he gripped the place that you hit him with both of his hands in pain, as if you had just shot him.
"Ah, what the hell. are you trying to chop my arm off?"
"Oh, shut up you big baby." you wrapped your arms around his torso and pulled him closer until his nose was basically touching yours. His big brown eyes were staring deep into your soul, expectantly.
"Only if you kiss it better." He whispered against your lips, the warmth of his breath against your skin made you shiver. he had a way of making you feel so safe and protected from the world, like nothing could touch you as long as you had him. He leaned even closer in attempt to connect his lips with yours, but the harsh sound of your phone ringing startled you both out of the little bubble you created. You both huffed a breath of annoyance in unison. "It's him again, isn't it?" felix rolled over on his back. it was more of a statement than it was a question.
You grabbed your phone off of the nightstand just to see that there was no caller id so yes it indeed was him.
After Hyunjin walked out on you, you cried and cried and then cried some more, then after that you blocked his number, along with all his other social media accounts. You thought that would be the end.
You were wrong.
The phone calls from unknown numbers started a couple of days after you met Felix. Only once every few days, you never answered of course, you knew as soon as you heard his voice, you'd be right back in the place you're trying so hard to crawl out of. Then you started getting comments on all of your old Instagram posts:
"I miss you."
"Pick up the phone."
"Baby, please I love you."
"I can't stop thinking about you."
Seeing that made you both angry and hurt. How could he even say that? You gave that man everything you had while he was only giving you a few days a week. You made sure not to dwell on it for too long, deleting the comments and blocking those accounts.
Then the calls came more frequently, mostly late at night when he was probably alone and horny.
Once you and Felix made your relationship official, you came clean about everything. The affair, the phone calls, the comments, you wanted no secrets between you two, nothing to get in the middle of something that has the potential to grow and become something beautiful. He was shocked but he tried his best to understand and made sure to tell you how proud he was of you for being strong enough to be the one to end things.
"I'm going to kill that guy if I ever see him." Felix said before standing up from the bed.
"Where are you going?" You rushed to say, the worry in your voice was too thick to hide. The anxiety that he'd get sick of you constantly being interrupted by your ex haunted you, and he knew it.
He smiled and walked over to your side of the bed. "To make us some breakfast, I know how hungry you are in the mornings." he leaned down and pressed a kiss on the tip of your nose. "Don't worry, okay? Nothing can stop me from loving you."
The past six months have felt like a vivid dream, you started working for a very famous clothing designer - as an assistant but it was something - and you loved every second of it, you had basically ripped your apartment apart and replaced everything in it and made it your dream home. But the best part was the person who was by your side the entire time, Lee Felix. Of course, you started out as friends but you both knew it wouldn't stay that way for long.
You had a perfect schedule: date nights on Monday, sleepover at his place on Wednesdays, and movie night at your place on Saturdays, where he'd spend the night and leave Sunday morning after brunch. You both agreed not to spend every day together because you're still healing from your past relationships and Felix has never been in a serious relationship. But of course, if one or the other got a text saying they missed the other, it only took about ten minutes before there was a knock at their door.
But today is Saturday and you haven't seen him since Tuesday morning since he had to work late on Wednesday. To say you were excited was an understatement, you were practically pacing around the kitchen waiting for him to get here, until he finally appeared on the other side of the island. "That spare key you gave me comes in handy."
"Felix!" you squealed and quickly made your way around the bar and wrapped your arms around his neck. "You took way too long to get here."
"It's ten a.m., did you want me here before daylight?" he was teasing you, but his hands caressed down your back to pull you closer against him. He missed you too.
"I expected nothing less."
"Why did you pick a sad movie?" you sobbed behind your hands.
"Baby, it wasn't that sad." he tried to argue but you saw him wipe away that stray tear right before the movie ended. He thought he was sneaky.
"Tell that to the girl whose best friend just died." you gestured to the tv. Another cry coming from your lips.
"Aww baby stop before you make me cry." he grabbed your shoulders and pulled you down on his chest, and combing his fingers through your hair. "Hey," he tilted your head up until you were nose to nose with him, the tears immediately stopped. "it's okay, honey it's all fake."
ring. ring. ring.
"Ughh," you pushed yourself up and grabbed your phone. "It's like he fucking knows!" you put it on Do Not Disturb and shut it off completely. You were pissed now. "I don't know what to do Felix." You plopped back on the couch and he pulled you back to him once again.
"it's okay, love. We'll figure something out, I promise." there wasn't a trace of hurt or annoyance in his eyes, just genuine concern for you. This time when you leaned forward your lips met his and it felt like ages since you were this close to him. He pulled you closer to deepen the kiss, as one hand moved to cup the side of your face.
At first you thought you were hallucinating from all the stress, until Felix jerked away from you and stood, dragging you up with him and stepping in front of you to shield you from the intruder.
"Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?" Felix yelled.
Hyunjin looked between you and Felix, confusion all over his face. "Y/N, baby who is this?"
Oh, hell no. You grabbed Felixs hand and squeezed it reassuringly before stepping out from behind him. He was hesitant on letting you any closer to this random man until you said: "He's my boyfriend, Hyunjin." Oh.... Its Hyunjin. Your ex boyfriend.
"How did you get in here?"
He held up the spare key you had forgotten you'd given him while ya’ll were together. You snatched it from his hand before he could pull away. "Why the fuck are you in my apartment?"
"I-" his eyes started to water. "You're with someone else?"
You turned to look at Felix, his jaw was clenched as he watched Hyunjins very move. "Yes. Now leave."
"But I- I thought you loved me," his voice broke. "And I still love you. Y/N, I left her. I left her so we could be together." He said that with a smile as if that would change your mind. No, it made you want to vomit.
"Good, she deserves better. And so do I."
He nodded his head, processing what you just said. You could physically see his hurt turning into anger. "So," he looked straight into your eyes. "Did you tell your little boy toy over there what we did on that couch that you were kissing him on? Hmm? How much you loved it when I leaned you over it and I fucked you till you were begging for m-" He was cut off by you harshly slapping him across the face, the force making him stumble back a bit. In the corner of your eye you saw Felix launch forward just in case hyunjin decided to replicate your violent energy.
"How dare you come into my home and degrade me like this, let alone Infront of someone I care about! I did love you, Hyunjin, but not anymore. And you never loved me. You may know my favorite designer brand or what I like in bed but that's all you know. You don't know what my favorite color is or my dream job, so you definitely don't know who I want. So let me tell you. It's. Not. You. And it never will be. It'll always be me. I am who I want to be happy, and nobody else can make that happen." you stopped to take a deep breath to calm down and hyunjin took that as his que to speak.
"I should've never left her for you, all you are is a cheap slut." This time the smack you heard didn't come from you. It was Felix lunging forward and punching him in the face. A loud crack came from the impact, and you couldn't tell if it was Hyunjins nose or Felix's hand. But judging from the blood gushing from Hyunjins nose, it was definitely broken. Hyunjin stumbled to the floor while holding a hand over his bleeding nose.
"Felix stop!" you grabbed him by the arm and pulled him off of hyunjin. "You," you pointed at hyunjin and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and yanked him up and towards the door. "Out!" Opening it you pushed him out, slamming it in his face, but not before getting in the last word. "Nice going hyunjin, you just earned yourself a restraining order."
Once the door was closed the reality I what just happened came crashing down on you like a bag of bricks. you pressed your back against the door and slid down it and let all the emotions show themselves. “Felix, i’m so sorry.” you sobbed into you hand. you couldn’t even imagine how he felt right now, but still he came to you and took you in his arms as you cried.
“it’s okay, love, you did the right thing. Don’t worry, ok? i’m here, i’ve got you.”
I feel like every time i post I’m apologizing for not being active, but i had a good reason this time😭
@caitlyn98s @bangchansbae @fawnpeaks @yumiblogs @katsukiswife @seung-mine @sungprotector @soephiphanymain @minnieslover@kjr-army @gingerblade @ebbaskz @nqvgue @sl6gszn @erisuna @jenniferzipsblog @broken-glowsticks @superiorbrownskinn @skzstaykatsy @laexoticlunatic @vrslvts1
not all of y’all are on my taglist but were some of the people asking for a part two so i hope you don’t mind, just wanted to make sure you saw it☺️
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year ago
𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 | Part 3
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How is he going to pull himself out of this one, when the signs all point to one thing?
Tags/Warnings: Game Designer!Jungkook, Non Idol AU, established relationship, Angst [Tags will be different for every part!]
Length: 1k Words
There is no taglist for this fic.
Collab with @euphoricfilter ! 💜
-> Masterlist
A/N: hitting you with the double angst spicy meal today yum yum yum
Going out without Jungkook isn't really fun at all- especially not when you're mad at him, and didn't even plan on going out anyways.
But you've been hoping at least a little bit deep down that it would help him realize that you're not gonna just stay home and be his maid all day- something that apparently had become his new reality. And when you come back home, there's hope- the lights are still on, bedroom door open as well. Has he been waiting? Is he gonna apologize for once?
You technically learned to always expect the unexpected with him during your relationship, but nothing could've prepared you for the sight you're witnessing inside the shared room- because he's fast asleep, snuggled beneath the covers as if there's nothing wrong at all.
The crushing devastation of that alone, the fact that he can just sleep while you've always stayed up, mind unable to rest if he's not in sight or near you, just too much to handle. You've got half a mind to just throw him out the bed, but he's got his weight and amount of hours in the gym on his side- it'd be too much of a hassle, and right now, you really don't want to deal with him any longer. So you just turn off the lights, take some blankets, and close the door to make yourself comfortable on the couch for tonight instead.
You just can't take this anymore.
The next morning he's out already, having left you a note in messy handwriting about something needing to be shipped out, so he'd be back later today after bringing the packages to the post office. There's a wonky looking crying face drawn next to a 'sorry for last night', and you just crumple up the note to throw it into the trash, since that's all his words are to you at this point.
There has to be a reason he's acting like that- and you want to figure it out, even if you don't like what you'll discover.
Booting up his pc would take way too long since you're not sure how long he's gonna be out- and you also feel a little bad about invading his privacy like that, so you instead occupy yourself with putting the blankets away and at least making yourself late breakfast. But the laptop on the kitchen counter, left by him probably in a hurry, is too enticing to ignore.
It's still on standby too, blinking light on the side taunting you to open it up.
Giving into temptation, you open it- just to be faced with a screen that tells you it's locked by the main administrator. A passcode? Since when did he have that?
Jungkook and you have never really hidden anything from one another. He knows the passcode to your phone, and he even has your fingerprint and face-ID saved on his own- so why the sudden secrecy? It's clear from yesterday that he's keeping something from you, and you're not sure how to feel about that. Is he..
no. He wouldn't. Right?
Then again, he really just went from having sex almost daily and clinging to you at random times a day to zero libido and no interest whatsoever- so there must be something going on. Is he getting his fill somewhere else? Has he found someone who can love him better than you?
"I'm ba- oh?" He looks at you like the deer caught in the headlights same eyes and all, frozen in his spot as he caught you in the act, your angry face and stance obviously signaling your unhappiness still. Well, what did he think was going to happen? That you'd just accept his antics and not ask any questions? That some pancakes from your favorite place down the street are just gonna solve the situation he himself has been creating?
....a little. But he's not that stupid.
You storm off without a word, as he sighs and runs a hand over his face, putting the pancakes on the kitchen counter to instead shower first, needing to get his head free and reset his body so he can figure out a way to at least pacify your rage for now. He's so close to finally getting it done- you'll just have to wait a little longer, and he's gonna make it all worth it.
But to you, his shower doesn't look like just a need for a physical reset- it just seems to add color to your worst fear that's been brewing beneath your skin, poisoning the blood in your veins.
And when you take his phone from the bed, you're slapped right across the face again- as the phone doesn't recognize it at all, the password you're tapping in wrong just as much, causing the phone to vibrate and demand a proper input. This is stupid. Why is he suddenly hiding his every move it feels like? It can't be anything other than that- and yet you want to think it's not it. That he's not this heartless. He's always been a romantic and obsessed with true love- granted, his idea of romance was a little odd, but it was still uniquely his, and always honest and genuine.
He used to care about you so much. Where did that go?
When he steps out the shower, the round eyes make an appearance again, body running ice cold at the sight of you sitting on his bed with his phone in your hand. Fuck- what's he going to do now?
"Since when did you change your passcode?" You want to know, voice a lot more fragile than you hoped it would be. You don't want to seem so weak in front of him now. You want to scream and yell, in fact. Punch his stupid pretty face until he feels just as hurt as you do in this moment.
His lips part, but he's not saying anything.
"And since when did you lock your laptop?" You ask, but still- he doesn't give you an answer at all as he instead nervously licks his lips, and plays with the piercings.
And then, his phone vibrates- and it shows that he's not been as thorough in hiding as he thought he was. Because the messages and notifications are still displayed. And this message makes your stomach drop as you read it.
[Maria: Alright, I'm so excited! Next time let's d...]
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wolfstarplusharry · 2 months ago
so.... this is my first time writing here, and english is not my first language....... pls be gentle :) [Poly!Wolfstar X Reader]
Warnings: smutt, sub!Sirius
Part 1/Part 2
Sirius and Remus were hanging out in their dorm room with you. The three of you were in a polyamorous relationship. Remus was lounging on his bed with a book in hand whilst Sirius and you were on the floor, the latter painting the former’s nails.
"Don't move, Six".
Sirius laughed quietly, rolling his eyes a bit. “I know, I know, I won’t move my fingers until the nail polish dries. For the millionth time.”
"For the millionth time" I imitated him in an annoying voice "Just stay quiet, babe".
Sirius pouted, sticking out his bottom lip at you. He dramatically huffed before looking over towards Remus. “Moony, my dear. Would you believe the way our darling speaks to me?”.
Remus, who was pretending to be engrossed in his book, smirked slightly before replying, not looking up. “Well, you do have a habit of being annoying, Pads.”
Sirius gasped, feigning offense. He clutched a hand to his chest, his head dropping back dramatically, and he made a pained sound. Then he turned his gaze towards you with a wide-eyed, wounded expression. “See what I have to deal with here, love? You two are nothing but cruel to me!”.
Bit my inner lip trying to hide a laugh.
Sirius caught your stifled laugh and frowned at you. “You’re laughing at me too! My own partner and Moony are laughing at my suffering!”
Remus smirked over the top of his book, his eyes dancing with amusement. He still hadn’t looked up from the book. “Your suffering deserves it.”
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes theatrically. "Remus being mean makes me feel things."
Remus glanced up at you for just a moment, catching your expression, before looking back down as he tried to not smile.
Sirius raised an eyebrow, his pout melting away as his mind turned to…other things. “Oh yeah? What kinds of things?” There was a hint of mischief in his voice.
Raised my eyebrows "I won't tell you, you don't deserve it".
Sirius huffed, giving you a mildly affronted look. He tried to pout, but it was hard to keep on a frown when your expression was making his mind turn to…less innocent things. “Oh, come on! That’s not fair! You can’t just tease me like that!”.
"I'm not teasing you" chuckle "just.....displaying facts".
Sirius smirked and rolled his eyes, looking over towards Remus, who was watching the two of you with clear amusement. “Moony, love, please tell me you’re on my side here. Do I deserve to know what our wonderful partner finds arousing?”.
Remus chuckled and looked up, finally closing his book. Sirius’s question had piqued his interest, and his eyes flicked between the two of you. He smirked and bit his lip, deciding to side with you.
“Considering you’re the one who’s pinned down and having your nails painted, I’d say no. You probably don’t deserve it, Sirius.”
I rolled my eyes in delight.
Sirius looked between the two of you, pouting as he realized he was outnumbered in this situation. He let out an overdramatic whine in protest, tilting his head back against the bed and groaning. “Unjust! It’s all so unjust!”.
“Oh it is?” I pouted mischievously.
Sirius groaned again, his eyes falling closed as he slumped against the bed. His pout was adorable, his lower lip sticking out and his eyes opening to peer at you through his lashes. “Yes! It is! You’re all so mean to me!!” He whined, drawing the sentence out in a way that was both adorable and obnoxious.
Remus smiled at Sirius’ behavior and set his book to the side. He stood up, stretching slightly before walking over and sitting beside Sirius. He carded his hand through Sirius’s messy black hair, chuckling as Sirius let out a small huff.
Remus turned his head to look at you, his gaze playful. “Isn’t he adorable when he pouts?”.
I gave him a look “He's more than adorable” whispered to Remus.
Remus smirked and nodded at your words, his hand still buried in Sirius’s hair. Sirius huffed once more, but a pleased smile found its way to his lips. It was replaced by a look of mock-outrage a moment later, however.
Sirius looked at both of you with a feigned expression of offense. “Oh come now! You’re whispering secrets right in front of me!”
Laugh “And behind you!”.
Sirius gasped and sat up, twisting around so he could look at you. His expression was both feigned shock and genuine annoyance.
“It’s bad enough I’m being ganged up against, now you’re whispering secrets right in front of me?”
Remus chuckled, still sitting beside Sirius. He patted Sirius’s head. “Calm down, Pads. You’re being overdramatic.”
Remus’s comment made Sirius’s expression shift to exaggerated offense. “Excuse me?? Overdramatic??” He stood up, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked down at Remus, his mouth set in a stubborn pout and his eyes narrowed. It was almost comical how offended he looked by Remus’s statement.
“You’re just determined to be mean to me as well, Moony?”.
“Please don't” I almost groaned in despair “I can cope with Sirius being mean, but not you Moony” I said playfully.
Remus chuckled and stood up, rolling his eyes at your words. He stepped a little closer, a smirk on his lips as he reached out and gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. His touch was light, teasing, as he spoke. “Oh? You can cope with Sirius but not me, love?”.
“I never could and still can't” I mumbled.
Remus chuckled once more, his hand still gently playing with the ends of your hair. He moved a little closer once more, his voice dropping. “Oh really now?”
Sirius huffed, moving so that he was standing beside the two of you. His arms were still crossed, but his expression was less offended and more of a pout as he watched the two of you. He tried to speak up. “Hey! Don’t ignore me!”.
I sighed loudly, but with an amused look on my face “See? He's so easy to read, isn't he?”.
Remus chuckled, a smirk dancing across his lips. He took a quick glance down at Sirius, a gleam of amusement in his eyes before speaking.
“Oh yes, almost too easy to read. Always know just what he’s thinking. It’s adorable, really.”
Sirius huffed, narrowing his eyes at both of you. He stuck out his bottom lip in another pout and let out a quiet whine.
“I’m right here, you know. Can you stop talking about me like I’m not this close to stomping my foot and throwing a tantrum.”
Laughed and looked at him with the corner of my eye “Like a kid?”.
Sirius protested once more, his pout growing even more pronounced. “I am not being like a kid!”.
Remus chuckled, clearly enjoying how easy it was to rile up Sirius. He reached out, giving Sirius a gentle pat on the shoulder. He smirked and gave you a knowing look. “But you are acting a bit like a child, Pads.”
Sirius huffed and crossed his arms once more. He looked between Remus and you, his pout shifting into an almost-glare.
“Am I not allowed to pout?? Is that against the rules or something?!”.
“Rem, the baby is getting upset.”
Remus chuckled and nodded in agreement, clearly trying to keep from laughing at Sirius’s increasingly grumpy expression. He smirked and spoke with feigned concern.
“Oh, you might be right. He’s getting a bit fussy, isn’t he?”
Sirius huffed again, his frown growing. His expression became more and more annoyed as Remus and you amusedly continued to tease him. He looked up at both of you, glaring.
“I am not fussy!! You’re both just being mean!”
“Yeah” Sighed “I kinda like it, you know” Bit my lip.
Remus smirked and nodded in agreement, turning to look at you with a smirk. He seemed to know where you were going with this and was clearly amused.
“I’m beginning to like it a bit, yes. I mean, he’s being absolutely adorable when he pouts like that, all grumpy.”
Sirius groaned, dropping onto the bed and burying his face in his hands. He let out another long whine, the sound somewhat strangled by his hands.
“You’re killing me here, the both of you are.”
I looked at Remus mischievously and approached Sirius cautiously. When i got close enough, I smacked him hard on the ass.
Sirius flinched, letting out a strangled noise somewhere between a gasp and a stifled moan. His head jerked up as he looked over his shoulder at you, disbelief in his expression. This was quickly overshadowed by a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment
“Ouch! Why would you do that!”
“Badly raised children need to be punished.”
Sirius let out a strangled whining sound again, an expression of protest and offense on his face.
“I’m not badly raised! I’m perfectly well-behaved. You both are just being cruel!!”.
“Of course” I looked at him in a sinful way.
The look on your face stirred a mixture of excitement and protest in Sirius. He tried to pout once more, but his voice was a little breathless.
“You’re being cruel. Why do you have to look at me like that?”
I smiled “I'm not looking at you in any way, what are you talking about, silly?”
Sirius huffed once more, an expression of annoyance and offense on his face. He crossed his arms, trying to continue his protest though his mind was quickly becoming distracted by the look on your face.
“Oh come on. That look, the way you’re….”
His protest trailed off as he was unable to find the words to finish his sentence
Sirius gave you a look as he tried to regain some of his composure. It was difficult though, the way you were looking at him made his mind spin.
“You’re looking at me like you want something.”
“Yeah? Like what?”.
Sirius paused a second, his mind spinning as his thoughts raced. A flush was slowly creeping across his cheeks. He finally found his voice, looking slightly flustered.
“Like you…want me.”
“Damn, you're so cocky.” 
Sirius chuckled, the sound a little breathless. He tried to remain defiant, though the look in his eyes was betraying him.
“Hey, who can blame me? I’d be pretty confident too if I had two stunning partners who were looking at me like that.”
Looked at Remus.
Remus chuckled, his eyes dancing with amusement as he watched Sirius and you interact. He gave a slight shrug and smirked.
“I mean, he’s not wrong, darling.”
“Can you blame me? Look at him” I mumbled, feeling my cheeks flush.
Remus looked at Sirius, taking in his flushed cheeks and slightly breathless expression. He chuckled again, nodding in agreement.
“No, I can’t blame you one bit. And look at him, he’s practically begging.”
Sirius let out a whine and opened his mouth as he was about to protest, but stopped himself. Remus was right, he was desperate already. His mind was spinning already, and you’d barely touched him yet. He whined again, looking up at you with pleading eyes.
The word was a soft plea, the sound somewhat pathetic as he dropped his gaze down. He glanced up at you for another moment before looking over to Remus as well. Both of you were watching him, clearly amused by his flustered, desperate state. It took all of his will power not to just crawl to your feet and beg.
My eyes widened softly “I can't imagine what other people would think seeing you begging for attention, my love. Sirius Black, so powerful, so cocky, so full of himself, so gallant..... little girls wonder how many you've slept with.... “I pouted” can they imagine you like this? I don't think so.”
Sirius groaned at your words, letting out a huff of protest. You were right though, of course. You two were the only ones to see him like this. No one else got to see Sirius Black all desperate and pliant. He was so tempted to fight it, to get away from how flustered this was all making him. But it was useless. It was a losing battle.
“No…no, they can’t imagine it..”
Sirius closed his eyes, a mixture of embarrassment and stubbornness on his face. But it was pointless to keep fighting it, he knew you and Remus could see right through him. How desperate he was for you. He finally let out a sigh, giving up the last of his fight.
“Please…I need you..”
“But you deserve us?”
Sirius felt something spark in his mind at your question, a slight pang of insecurity and desperation running through him.
He let out a strangled sound before he spoke, the words a whispered plea. “I don’t deserve it at all…but gods do I want you so badly. I need you. Both of you. Please.”
I approached him, holding his face between my hands and looking straight into his eyes. “I love you, you know that, don't you?”
Sirius’s expression softened at your touch. He leaned into your hands, his eyes falling partly closed as he allowed the vulnerable expression to spread across his face
“I know…I love you too..”
He leaned up a bit, pressing a kiss to your hand before reluctantly moving back. As much as he hated to admit it, he loved this. He loved being teased and desperate, begging for your attention. It was something he would never show to anyone but you and Remus, though he’d die before ever admitting that out loud. Sirius would never admit to how much he loved being pushed around and teased like this, even though he knew you both knew. He let out a soft whine, a little pleading sound that escaped his lips without his permission.
“Please…Please don’t toy with me anymore. I’ll be good, I promise. I want you so badly.”
Sirius looked up at you, his eyes pleading. He was already so worked up, and you hadn’t even touched him yet. He’d give you anything right now, and you knew it. He’d kneel at your feet and give up control in a heartbeat, without a hint of shame. And you’d both seen him do it before.
I hugged him tightly, stroking his hair. “You've already won me over, puppy....... but what about him?” I glared at Remus out of the corner of my eye.
Sirius almost sagged against your touch, the sensation of you calling him a puppy and stroking his hair making something inside him melt. He looked over at Remus, waiting to see what his response would be. He was desperate and needy, and it wasn’t as though Remus was any better. He was probably aching for attention just as badly as Sirius.
Remus chuckled, his eyes on you and Sirius. He’d been watching the whole scene intently, trying to keep himself from joining in. He loved seeing Sirius worked up and needy, and loved it even more when the two of you were the cause.
He sat up, crossing one leg over the other as he smirked. “What do you think, love?”
Sirius turned to look at Remus, eyes pleading. He looked so adorable like this, desperate and needy as he leaned against you. He knew he looked helpless, and he also knew neither of you cared. He was desperate just to be touched, but he had more dignity than to beg in front of you. Usually, at least.
“Please…don’t ignore me, I’ll be a good boy, I promise.” He whined again, the desperate sound escaping him despite the hint of embarrassment in his voice
“You don't need to feel embarrassed, I don't want you to feel bad about this, ok?”
Sirius let out a shaky exhale at your words. He knew you were right, you and Remus would always make sure he was comfortable. But that didn’t change the fact that being teased and needy like this could sometimes be a little embarrassing.
“Yeah…yeah, I know. It’s just…I look pathetic like this, don’t I?”
I cupped his face and smiled gently. “No, you look perfect like this, even a little sinful.”
Another whine escaped Sirius’s lips, something needy and pleading. Being called “sinful” did something to him, and you knew it. His desperate neediness only grew as you continued speaking, leaving him nearly squirming in place. He leaned into your touch, almost nuzzling his face into your hand
“Please…please touch me…”
I moved away from him, sitting on Remus's lap.
Sirius let out a whine again, a slightly more frustrated sound. He nearly moved closer to you again, but he stopped himself, looking over at you both. Being ignored was always torturous, but he knew you wanted him to wait. He let out a soft huff as he watched, his expression full of the desperate need and pleading. Both of you knew how hard it was for him, not being able to touch either of you when he was this worked up
Remus chuckled at Sirius’s frustrated little huff, enjoying the tortured, pleading look in his eyes. He pulled you closer and wrapped his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder.
“You look so cute when you’re like this, Pads. All desperate and eager.”
Sirius let out another whine at Remus’s words, knowing he was right. He looked between the two of you once more, nearly squirming as he watched you and Remus together. He loved being teased like this, but gods if it wasn’t torturous. He sat back on the bed, legs spread and hands clenched in the sheets as he tried to control himself. He was so desperate for something, anything at this point.
“Will you touch yourself?”.
Sirius’s breath hitched at your words, the sound becoming a strangled gasp as his eyes widened a little. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but he was unable to form words. After a moment he let out a shaky breath, leaning back against the pillows. He took a moment to compose himself as he looked between you and Remus.
“I-I…you want me to…?”.
Remus chuckled, his chin still resting on your shoulder as he spoke. His smirk was wicked and teasing as he spoke, clearly enjoying watching Sirius’s reactions.
“Come now, Pads. You heard what she said. Don’t keep us waiting.”
Sirius let out a soft moan at Remus’s words, closing his eyes for a moment. He was both embarrassed and eager, but who was he to protest? He was desperate to obey, to do what he was told. Anything to get a scrap of attention from you.
“Y-yeah…yes, alright..”
Sirius let out another breath, opening his eyes as he tried to still his shaking hands. He looked at you and Remus, his expression full of need and desperate obedience. He was so worked up by this point, and it was taking all of his self-control not to touch himself without your permission. He knew you would make him beg for it, though.
Remus chuckled again, leaning back against the bed. He loved how desperate and obedient Sirius was like this, almost fully broken down. You and him both loved seeing the cocky, defiant man fall to his knees and become pliant and needy. It was addicting, making Sirius squirm and plead under your touch.
I got up from Remus's lap and walked over to the bedside table. I stroked Sirius's chest with my fingertips in the process. I opened the drawer and took out a leather collar with a silver lead.
Sirius let out a sharp exhale as you touched his chest, leaning into your touch. His eyes widened as he saw the collar you took out of the drawer, the desperation in his gaze growing. He bit his lip and looked up at you, his eyes full of eager anticipation.
“God, I love you so much” . I whispered to Sirius, as I knelt on his side of the bed, caressing his cheek lovingly.
Sirius leaned into your hand again, practically nuzzling into your touch. He let out a breath, the sound shaky and a little uneven. Gods, your touch was heavenly, and there was nowhere else he’d rather be right now than beneath your hands and at your mercy. He looked up at you with a look of desperate adoration in his eyes
“I love you too…gods, I love both of you so much..”
I put the collar gently around his neck, making it tight, but not so tight as to hinder his breathing.
Sirius let out another soft gasp as the collar closed around his neck. The sensation was familiar and comfortable, and he loved being collared. It sent another shiver through him, his mind beginning to fall even further into a pleasured haze. He closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the sensation, before looking up at you with a look that was both needy and obedient
I pulled the tab gently, making him sit on the bed and I lay down in front of him, my skirt riding up to my hips, showing my red knickers.
Sirius gasped as you pulled the tab, moving to sit in front of you as you pulled the collar. His gaze immediately fell to you, his eyes widening at the sight. He let out a moan as he caught sight of your skirt, unable to look away. He was torn between being a good boy and following your instructions, or just saying “screw it” and throwing himself on top of you. It was tempting, but you and Remus weren’t going to let him get away with it that easily.
Remus chuckled from behind him, watching Sirius as he struggled to hold himself back. From his point of view, he could see the way Sirius was looking at you, and he loved the sight. Sirius looked like was on the edge of giving in and just pouncing on you, though it was clear he knew he wasn’t allowed to do that yet.
Sirius continued watching you, a soft whine escaping his lips. He wanted nothing more than to just throw himself on top of you, but he was trying to stay in control. He’d never hear the end of it if he gave in and disobeyed. Instead he sat back as he looked at you with an expression of pleading and obedience, almost like a pet waiting to be told what to do
I pulled him closer by the collar, making him balance on top of me, our faces centimetres apart.
Sirius let out a gasp as you pulled him closer, his hands resting on either side of you to keep himself balanced. He couldn’t look away from you, his eyes full of desperate need and obedience. He leaned a little closer, his face only a couple inches away from yours. He desperately wanted to kiss you, but he was waiting to be told it was okay
Sirius let out a soft whine at the sound of his nickname, his heart fluttering at the use of it. He loved when you gave him a nickname, especially when he was like this. He leaned a little closer to you, just a breath apart. His voice was soft and pleading
“Yes, Love?”
“Do what you want with me”. Whispered in his lips and smiled devilishly.
Sirius nearly shuddered at your words, his eyes widening. You knew how desperate he was, and you’d just told him he could do what he wanted. He could feel desire running through him, his mind racing with all the things he was tempted to do. Before that, though, he had to make sure he heard you correctly.
“Anything? You’re sure?”
I nodded in agreement.
Sirius didn’t hesitate after that, a shiver running through him. You were giving him permission, truly giving him permission to do anything he wanted. He’d never been more turned on in his life. He gave you a smile full of mischief and desire, the look in his gaze practically feral as he looked at you.
“I can’t wait to have you all to myself, love…” he murmured, his tone practically a growl.
Sirius grabbed your hips as he spoke, pulling you a little closer. His hands were firm and steady, holding you in place as his eyes ran over you. He could hardly contain himself as he looked at you, thinking of all the things he was going to do. He was still somewhat self-restrained, but that restraint was quickly slipping away, especially when he remembered that there would be no consequences for his actions.
He looked at you, his gaze raking hungrily over you again, his breathing a little shaky as he tried to control himself. He couldn’t look away from you. Gods, he felt like a starved wolf and you were his prey. His hands held your hips a little more firmly as he held you against him, his thoughts running wild with all the things he was tempted to do to you right now.
Sirius couldn’t resist you any longer, his control gone. He lunged forward, his lips crashing into yours in a kiss that was messy and nearly feral. He held you tight, his hands still on your hips as he pressed his body against yours. He was desperate for your touch, and all the self-restraint he had was falling away.
He pulled away from the kiss for a moment, needing air. He took a moment to take in a few shaky breaths. You loved making him impatient and desperate, and he clearly looked that way now. His expression was somewhere between a smile and a smirk, a hint of mischief in his eyes. He leaned closer to you again, his lips against your neck as he spoke.
“You’re all mine…mine to do anything I want with…”
Sirius left a trail of kisses across your neck as he spoke, his voice low and possessive. He couldn’t hide the sound of desire in his voice, or the way his hands were already sneaking under your shirt. He was getting more impatient, wanting to run his hands over every inch of you.
“All yours”. Moaned softly.
Sirius bit down on your neck at your words, just hard enough to leave a mark. He gave a shiver at the sound of your moan, feeling impatient and possessive. He was going to leave marks all over you, and he wanted you to know that you were all his. He pulled your shirt up and off, one of his hands roaming your body in a possessive touch.
He looked down at you, his eyes running over your body as if trying to memorize the sight of you under him. He let out a low, hungry sound before leaning down and leaving a mark on your collarbone. He wanted everyone to see those marks, for everyone to know that you were his own. He couldn’t resist the urge to possessively claim you as his.
He continued making his way down your body, his touch possessive as he left a trail of marks. He was determined to leave you covered in them, so that you would always know who you belonged to. The need to claim you was nearly too much to bear. He looked up at you for a moment, the look in his eyes almost feral as he spoke.
“Mine…all mine love…you’re all mine…”
He went back to leaving marks on your chest, his hands continuing to wander as he went. He was a little rough, but also tender, determined to make you feel good as he claimed you. He wanted to leave you marked so that you’d think of him every time you looked in the mirror for the next several days.
Sirius finally pulled away to look at you once more, taking in the sight of the marks he’d left all over your body. He looked rather pleased with himself, and also far from satisfied. He wanted to claim every inch of you, to make sure you knew you were completely his own.
He reached out and gripped your chin, angling your face to look at him again. He met your gaze, the look in his eyes still a mixture of possessiveness and hunger. The sight of you marked and covered in his love bites was driving him mad, and he knew he wanted more.
He leaned closer again, his body covering yours. He was close enough that you could feel his breath against your skin, his lips almost brushing against yours as he spoke.
“Gods…you look so perfect like this, love. Covered in my marks. Knowing you’re all mine.”
Sirius shivered at your words, the pleading tone only adding fuel to the burning desire already there. He knew exactly what you meant and he was all too eager to deliver. He leaned down, his lips against your ear as he spoke.
“Mmm…with pleasure, love. I’ll make damn sure you remember who you belong to.”
He moved down and started leaving marks on your neck again, more on your shoulders and chest. His hands were roaming, his touch firm and possessive. The desire to claim you as his was growing stronger by the moment, and that possessive edge was getting harder to resist.
I opened my eyes and tilted my head back, looking for Remus.
Remus chuckled devilish, his voice full of amusement as he met your gaze.
“Already looking for me, love?”.
Remus chuckled again, leaning in once more to whisper in your ear.
“Don’t worry, love, I’ll give you my full attention soon. Just let Sirius take care of you for now.”
As he spoke, Sirius’s mouth continued to leave marks all over your neck and shoulders. He could smell your arousal, the scent filling his mind. He knew you were thinking about Remus, but he was determined you didn’t forget about him while he took care of you like this.
Sirius’s grip on your hip tightened as he listened to Remus’s voice, trying to hold onto his self-control. He knew you had mentioned Remus on purpose, and it was driving him wild. He bit down on your shoulder a little harder than he had before, his teeth almost leaving a bruise.
He pulled away for a moment, looking down at the mark he’d left. He almost looked proud, seeing the way the skin was red from his bite. He met your gaze, his lips pulled into a smirk. He looked slightly feral, almost as if he wanted to devour you whole.
Sirius’s eyes darkened at the sound of you whimpering, his smirk growing. He could hear the way your voice shook, and that submissive little sound was nearly his undoing. He leaned closer, his breath against your ear as he spoke in a low growl.
“Mmm…I love it when you make that sound, love. You sound so lovely when you beg.”
He couldn’t resist teasing you, wanting to push you closer to the edge. He knew how to do it well, knowing that his words had an effect on you. One hand left your hip, moving to rest on your thigh. He slid it up under your skirt as he continued speaking.
Sirius took a moment to admire the sight of you lying beneath him, marked and covered in his love bites. He could feel how eager and desperate you were, and he was only too happy to toy with that. His voice was a gentle murmur.
“You’re so gorgeous, love. It’d be too easy to just devour you.”
I laughed almost breathlessly “The big bad wolf here is Moony”.
Sirius let out a scoff, his smile growing at your statement. He knew what you were getting at, and he had to admit that it was fitting. He loved being compared to a wolf, especially now as he looked down at you, marked and covered in his love bites.
“What can I say, love? Big bad wolf wants to make sure everyone knows who you belong to.”
Sirius gave a low growl as he spoke, not trying to hide the possessiveness in his voice.
“Damn right…mine to mark, mine to play with, mine to devour…”
I gasped almost in despair at the possessiveness in his voice. The fabric of my knickers was completely soaked.
Sirius noticed the way you gasped, his smirk widening at the sound. He ran a hand up your thigh and beneath your skirt again, his fingers tracing along the damp fabric of your knickers. A low moan escaped his lips, his voice rough and possessive when he spoke again.
“Mmm…gods, love…you’re absolutely soaked, aren’t you? All this from some marks..”
He could feel the heat coming off of you as he spoke, feeling how desperately you wanted him. It was turning him on even more, making him want to just grab you and claim you as his own. He could hear Remus moving closer, and he knew he was watching the sight from behind them, enjoying the show.
Sirius glanced back at Remus for a moment, giving him a smirk before turning his attention back to you. He wanted to hear you say it out loud. He wanted to hear you begging and pleading.
“Tell me love…tell me how badly you want me to devour you right now…”
That sound of pleading in your voice only served to make the hunger in Sirius’s eyes only grow. He was already near the edge of resisting, his self-control nearly gone.
“Such a good girl for me…look at you, begging so desperately for me…you want me to devour you, don’t you? To mark every inch of your body so that everyone knows who you belong to?”.
I smiled mischievously and tugged on his collar, leaving him a little breathless “Behave yourself.”
There was an annoyed gasp from Sirius as the tug on his collar made him go a bit breathless. You could tell he was on the edge, struggling to control his more possessive and feral side. He let out a low growl, looking down at you as the hint of a smirk appeared at his lips.
“Mmm…you don’t want me to behave…you want me to claim you, love. To ruin you and make you mine.”
His voice was low and growly as he spoke, his patience wearing thin as he held himself back. He could see how smug you looked even now, clearly enjoying this. He wanted to grab you and just take you, make you beg and plead for him to make you his once more. But he knew you probably wouldn’t let him get away with it, and he’d been warned not to be disobedient.
He tried to stay quiet for a moment, struggling to keep his patience. His hands still held your hips, and his grip was firm, almost possessive. His eyes were fixed on yours, looking at the look of smugness in your expression. He couldn’t look away from it, and it only made his need to claim you even stronger.
“What do you want now?” I asked him mischievously.
Sirius couldn’t help but shiver at the mischievous tone in your voice. It was clear you knew exactly what effect you were having on him. He was almost frustrated, the way you were teasing him and playing with him. He wanted to just grab you, but he knew you probably wouldn’t like that. Instead he tried to keep himself calm as he spoke.
“You know what I want, love…I want you…I want to make you mine…I want to hear you beg for it.”
“Do you want me to beg?” I whispered to him.
That low, soft whisper in his ear made him shiver once again, his pulse racing. He wanted you to beg for him. He needed it desperately. He leaned closer, his voice a low growl as he spoke.
“Yes…gods…please, love…beg for me…beg for me to make you mine. I need to hear you say it. I need you to call out my name and plead for it.”
I looked at Remus once again, who was sitting just above my head, searching for an answer that I already knew.
Remus met your gaze, a smirk on his face. He knew exactly what you were trying to do, and he had no problem going along with it. The only person you’d have to convince was Sirius, who was still waiting for you to beg. His hands were on your hips, still gripping you possessively. His gaze was fixed on you, filled with a mixture of hunger and desire as he waited for you to speak.
Sirius was growing more and more impatient as he waited for you to speak. He could see that you were looking at Remus, and he knew it wasn’t just some random glance. He didn’t know what you were thinking, and that only made the hunger and desire even stronger.
“Love…please…don’t tease me. I need to hear you say it. I want to hear you beg for me…to beg for me to make you mine…”
He could almost feel a whine building in his throat, a desperate sound. He wanted so badly to hear you beg, it was so close to driving him completely feral. He was hanging onto every little reaction, every subtle hint. He was waiting to hear the words he craved to hear, praying you’d give up and beg for him to make you his once more.
He was struggling to hold back, trying to remain patient and submissive while he waited. Every little moment was making it harder and harder. You could see the struggle in his expression, the way his breathing had gotten heavier, more rough. He wanted you so badly, but he wasn’t going to make a move until you spoke.
“So?” I asked Remus, panting, feeling Sirius' grip on my hip almost painful.
Remus chuckled silently and met your gaze once more, a smirk on his face. He was enjoying watching you tease Sirius, and he knew how much it was driving him crazy. The possessiveness in Sirius’s hands was nearly painful, desperate and hungry as he waited for you to speak.
“Go on, love…beg for him. Just give in and give him what he wants.”
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masterjedilenawrites · 7 months ago
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Clone x Reader Song Lyric Fic Exchange 2024
Wolffe x reader | 4.8k words
Content: swearing, mention of weapons, brief descriptions of explosions and injuries, some arguments, push-you-away-to-protect-you trope, conflicted feelings, both parties are too stubborn for their own good, slightly hopeful ending
Lyric Prompts/Inspiration: 
Told my friends I hate you but I love you just the same. Even if it's handcuffed I'm leaving here with you. I can tell when somebody still wants me. (imgonnagetyouback, Taylor Swift)
His hand, so calloused from his pistol, softly traces hearts on my face. (I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can), Taylor Swift)
Note: Well hello again @ghostofskywalker! So happy to write another story for you, friend. Let's go with Wolffe this time, I'm feeling some angsty romance vibes with these prompts... hope you like!
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Wolffe could be such a stubborn ass sometimes. You'd hate him for it if you didn't love him so much.
The ARC troopers of the 104th Battalion were currently lining up at attention in front of their Commander, their boots slapping against the newly waxed floors of the hangar bay. There were several dozen of them being called for this next mission, as well as various support staff such as civilian medics and bounty hunters and even a few Senate negotiators. They all gathered in orderly lines around Commander Wolffe to receive their orders.
You, meanwhile, stood off to the side. Out of the way. Arms crossed, mouth set, and eyes glaring across to Wolffe. If he knew you were there, stewing over yet another mission of being sidelined for no reason, he gave no indication, proceeding with his rounds as normal. As if you weren't one of the best GAR strategists this side of the Mid Rim. As if you hadn't been fondly adopted into the infamous "Wolf Pack" the second you arrived. As if you meant nothing to the hardened clone Commander, had never broken through his walls and gained his trust and seen how kind and good he was, hadn't shared several moments of vulnerability with each other and entrusted deep secrets and wild dreams, wasn't someone he had maybe probably kind of almost kissed that one time....
The memory caused you to squeeze your arms tighter together across your chest in equal parts annoyance and confusion. Wolffe trusted you. He cared for you. And he may even be attracted to you. He'd never said as much but you knew it in your heart of hearts. It wasn't wishful thinking. All the things you'd shared with him had been real. And yet, more and more he was pulling away, putting those walls back up and finding any reason possible to keep you off his missions. You had no idea why. He wouldn't talk to you, wouldn't look you in the eye.
You were over it.
"Commander Wolffe!" you addressed him as soon as he'd dismissed the troop. Soldiers and personnel hurried around the hangar to prep the ship for immediate departure. You made a beeline right through them, determined to get your way this time.
Wolffe, predictably, pretended to not hear you. He picked his way among ammunition crates and tapped at his datapad.
"Wolffe," you snapped as soon as you'd gotten yourself in his line of sight. A few nearby troopers jumped in response but Wolffe remained unperturbed.
"No, I will not be changing the mission assignments," he drawled, continuing to tap at his datapad without looking at you.
"Why not?" You set your hands on your hips and hoped you looked as fierce as you felt.
"Comet, get a recount of these thermal detonators. Anything over a thousand can be transferred to General Koon's vessel."
"On it, boss." Comet hurried over, glancing between you and the Commander uneasily before working on his new task.
Your hands clenched around your hips as your frustration built. "Oh, so that's how it's going to be, then? You're just going to ignore me? Real mature, Wolffe."
Wolffe looked up at you for the first time all day... all week really, but it's not like you were keeping track. He looked annoyed, which made you even more annoyed. You were not the problem here.
"I am preparing for a mission," he stated plainly. As if you were nothing more than a stranger. As if you didn't deserve any further explanation from him. As if he hadn't stumbled and choked over his words that one time you'd worn a nice shirt and let your hair down...
Just as quickly as he'd looked up at you, he looked back down.
"No, you're ignoring me," you huffed, stepping over quickly to snatch the datapad out of his hands. "You're not even working, just pretending... oh."
You glanced at the screen and saw a half-written message about a damaged crate. Your eyes flicked to the crate he was standing next to and saw it was, in fact, damaged, dented along the lid so it didn't close properly. Your eyes finally settled on his, trying to hide your sheepishness from him.
"So you can multitask," you shrugged.
"Give me back the datapad." Wolffe said your name with a sigh. It made your heart do a little leap.
"No." You held the device to your chest defiantly. Or perhaps childishly. "Not until you either put me on the mission or give me a good reason why I'm not."
"You're not needed." Again, another simple sentence. This was maddening.
"Not needed? I'm a strategist..."
"The strategy has already been defined."
"And what happens when it fails? Which it probably will, since I wasn't involved in creating it to begin with."
"Well aren't you so self-important."
His words struck a nerve you didn't know was exposed. He was the one who had told you to be more confident in your abilities. That your way of thinking was unique, your perspective insightful, and the GAR should utilize you more. You frowned deeply in response but couldn't find anything to say.
"Sinker, get the rest of these crates loaded. Take-off in ten."
Wolffe didn't take his gaze off you as he issued the order, and then stepped forward and plucked the datapad out of your grasp.
"And make sure this one's in our rear view when we launch."
With that, Wolffe strode away, leaving you with your bubbling emotions. And with Sinker and Comet, who decided standing beside you whistling about how awkward that was was more important than finishing their loading assignments.
"Ugh," you growled through their comments. "He's so... just so... Ugh, I hate him!"
You couldn't help but stomp your foot a little before marching off. You might as well embrace the juvenile side of your tantrum. It wasn't like Wolffe had bothered to look back at you. You couldn't figure out what his deal was, other than perhaps pride? Maybe he had come up with the mission plans and didn't want you showing him up? Or maybe all those things he'd said to you about confidence and ownership had been a lie, and you actually weren't that useful and he didn't know how else to get you to take the hint?
Kriff it, you were going to get on that ship and demand an explanation for why he was suddenly keeping you at arms' length. You'd choke it out of him if you had to.
"General Koon!" You hurried over to the opposite side of the hangar, where the Jedi had just dismissed his own platoon and was headed off elsewhere. He nodded toward you in friendly acknowledgement, though he continued on his journey without falter.
"Sir, I was wondering if I could be assigned to the Felucia mission? Specifically on the Conquest."
Plo Koon gave you a sideways glance. "I have put Commander Wolffe in charge of the Conquest assignments."
"Yes, and he's benched me, sir. Again."
Plo finally slowed his walk and turned to better face you. "I'm sure he has his reasons."
"And I'd very much like to go aboard to find out what they are, sir."
You could never really tell whether the Jedi smiled, but you had a feeling he was at least sporting a smirk of some kind under his facial apparatus. He stopped walking altogether and folded his arms neatly.
"I trust Wolffe's judgement and won't undermine his authority. He and I need to be a united effort on this mission."
You tried not to let your displeasure show on your face. Damn General Koon and his sensibleness.
But then the Jedi cleared his throat. "But, if someone were determined to get on the Conquest, they need only to give the boarding code 99001 to the protocol droid by the cargo hold."
He patted your shoulder and moved past you, on to his side of the mission, and you grinned after him. Bless General Koon and his insightfulness.
* * *
You timed your boarding onto the ship perfectly, not raising any suspicion or alarm bells, settling into the cargo hold moments before takeoff. Once you felt the familiar sway of the ship jumping into hyperspeed, you quickly picked your way through crates and crawled out the astromech service door. From there, it was a short jog through the various hallways to get to the bridge.
Along the way, the strategist within you started preparing what to say to Wolffe. You'd need to make sure he'd listen to you and not immediately throw you in some corner of the ship, out of the way. And you couldn't come across so angry that he'd put up his walls and refuse to communicate, as he was known to do. But also he still needed to know that you were angry, just enough to maybe feel bad. If he cared about your feelings. Which you were fairly certain existed. About 70% certain. Maybe not the ideal odds to hinge a plan on, you realized a little too late. Oh well.
You ended up coming across him in a hallway a few turns away from the bridge. You halted in surprise, and he as well. He was flanked by Comet and Boost and thankfully had his helmet on, as you could only imagine the displeased grimace that lied underneath.
"We need to talk," you blurted out, a far cry from the careful words you'd been preparing.
"What... what are you doing here?" he sputtered. 
"As I said," you tried to keep your voice level but firm, "we need to talk."
"You violated my direct orders and... and... now you're putting the mission at risk." He was stuttering a bit, likely at a loss for words, having been caught off guard like this.
"Oh please. You already put the mission at risk by not consulting me. Which, by the way, I have some questions about the tactics being used, once you let me know what your deal is."
Comet and Boost were inching backward. Wolffe caught their movement and snapped his fingers at them.
"Get her in an escape pod and set the coordinates back to Coruscant. I want her off this ship as soon as we're out of hyperspace."
The two clones looked at each other with tense shoulders.
"Uh, I'd rather not get involved in this," said Comet.
"Yeah, I think we're needed on the bridge, actually," said Boost.
"Right, yes, we're needed immediately."
"You are not--" Wolffe started to say but the poor troopers were already hurrying away. He raised his hand toward his head as if he'd wanted to pinch his nose and realized there was a helmet in the way. He shook himself with a growl.Oh no, he was far more upset than you thought he'd be.
"Kriff. I don't have time for this. Just... get somewhere safe for now."
He waved a dismissive hand at you before marching off in the opposite direction.
On the lefthand side of the hall, a protocol droid was just exiting out of a supply closet. Perfect. You ran forward and shoved Wolffe through.
"What the f--"
"Wolffe," you said as calmly as possible. The door hissed shut behind you and you smoothed back some stray strands of hair along your temple. You were going to take a different approach this time. "Please. I just need to know... You said I wasn't needed on this mission. But it hasn't just been this mission. It's been a couple now and..."
You took in a deep breath, feeling a lump forming in your throat for some reason.
"And now I'm wondering if I've ever been needed. Have any of my plans actually worked, or was it luck? Did I ever really come up with anything clever or did I say the obvious and you spared me the embarrassment by pretending otherwise?"
Wolffe was silent. You stared at his helmet, imagining the handsome and scarred face within. Was your tactic working? Was he softening under there? Or had you only caused him to retreat even further?
"I'll send one of the shinies to escort you off the ship."
Retreat it was, then. Your stomach twisted at your failed attempt to get through to him. You felt silly, going through all this trouble of sneaking around, insubordination, pushing him into a closet... all for what? Validation? Or was it to confirm something else? That 30% of uncertainty that existed in the depths of your heart made you wonder. 
Wolffe hit the button and the door swooshed back open. He stepped around you to pass through.
"Did you ever like me at all?" you asked quietly, and he paused beside you. "Or did I misread that, too?"
If Wolffe had an answer to that, he didn't get the chance to surprise you with it. First, there was the familiar pull in the surrounding air, the ship coming out of hyperspeed. Then, a beat. A mere moment of oblivious peace where you were just able to look up and find he was looking back at you. And then finally, chaos.
The ship suddenly lurched, throwing the two of you out into the hallway. Sirens started blaring and the lights flickered wildly for a few seconds before going out all together. Strips of red emergency lights clicked on, casting eerie shadows all around. There were frantic shouts and crackled comms messages going off between the siren blares. You froze where you'd fallen in a crouched position on the floor, one of your knees throbbing from the impact.
"Sinker, what's happened?" Wolffe, on the other hand, was still standing upright. He yelled into his commlink while looking up and down the hall as if the answers he sought were hanging in the air.
"Minefield, sir!" came the trooper's garbled reply. "Launched right into it!"
Your eyeballs felt like they were going to pop right out of your head.
"You approached from the north side of the planet?" you asked incredulously while picking yourself off the floor. Your voice was several octaves higher than normal. "Their defenses are stronger there."
"Yes," Wolffe sounded annoyed. "And General Koon approached with a fleet from the south, where their defenses were weaker. Twenty minutes ahead. They should've moved most of their forces to fortify by the time we got here..."
"And if you had let me in on the strategy meetings, I would've told you they'd leave a minefield behind to keep this sector secure."
"Like you would've known that."
"Of course I would have! They're operating a Class-VII Mine Drifter and unevenly dividing their forces between hemispheres. It's a classic MILDEC set-up."
The ship jerked again, sending you fully across the hall until you slammed up against the wall. Your bodies slowly drifted up the wall until it was no longer "up" but "on." The hallway was rotating. The ship was falling apart.
Sinker's voice came through the comms again and explained how things were looking. Half of the ship was already gone, blown off of the main hull and floating in open space with no chance of survivors. The remaining half was dead in the water, but thankfully still contained a means to evacuate. Wolffe quickly barked out his orders for all troops take the main hall down to the escape pods.
Wolffe was inches away from you as you both shifted to your knees on the rotating floor. His helmet was trained in your direction. You swore you could feel his sharp gaze penetrating through the plastoid like a laser. "You need to get to the escape pods. Now."
There was panic in his voice; no amount of helmet filtration could mask the edge in it. It wasn't like the hysteria you were starting to feel rise up from your stomach. It was much more intense and focused. You almost turned tail immediately to follow the order, but some sort of intuition kept you by his side. 
"We need to get to the escape pods," you clarified. And there it was. Wolffe glanced behind him, in the direction of the bridge. Your heart sunk before he could even turn back around and explain.
"They'll need help navigating the minefield and debris if they stand a chance of getting out of here."
You shook your head in confusion. "What... what are you saying? Help navigating how?"
"From the bridge."
"You... no... No! That's crazy!"
You found yourself reaching out to grip his arm, to keep him from leaving. But he shook from your grasp with what looked like a sigh from the movement of his shoulders, though you couldn't quite hear it over the sirens that continued to ring out. 
"I'm the Commander. I go down with the ship." 
"Please. Go!"
He shakily got to his feet, a hand braced against what was formerly the floor and was now perfectly vertical but creeping ever so slightly forward, soon to become the ceiling if you stuck around any longer. Keeping his hand out for balance, he turned himself around, careful to not slip or trip on the new floor that was mired with control panels and gaps for doorways and random objects that had fallen loose from their intended positions.
He was either crazy or valiant, you didn't have the time to decide which. There was no way you were letting him go through with this. Not when there were plenty of other options. You briefly wondered whether your previous concerns about not being good enough were invalid, given the circumstances. Wolffe was the one barreling forward, insisting on a noble sacrifice without pausing to consider alternatives. While you were being strategic. So why hadn't he been including you on missions?
But then a flash caught your eyes and you refocused on the situation at hand. Handcuffs. A shiny pair dangling slightly from the back of Wolffe's belt. A plan immediately clicked into place, though you weren't sure it was so much a plan as it was a desperate attempt to stop this crazy, stubborn asshole from pushing away from you again. Regardless, you promptly jumped forward, yanked the handcuffs off his belt, and snapped one binder onto your wrist and the other on the one Wolffe had propped against the wall. All before Wolffe could properly reorient himself to follow what was happening.
"What are you--"
"Come on," you instructed, pulling your combined wrists to accentuate your point. "Escape is this way."
"You know I can just unlock them," he said from behind you, as you had now turned and were trying to pull him down the hallway.
"I put the pin in my bra."
You hadn't actually, but Wolffe didn't double-check his belt, didn't doubt you at all. Interesting. Instead, he only resisted your tugging with a huffed, "We don't have time for this."
The ship lurched yet again, and this time you could hear an accompanying boom. Another mine hit.
"No, we don't have time," you said with a pointed look over your shoulder.
"The escape pods are no use if--"
"There's a pattern to how the Class-VII lays its mines," you hurriedly talked over him. Ideally you'd think through all nine of the ideas you had before settling on a plan of action, but in such a pinch, the first would have to do. "All I need is a visual on its direction and I can chart a path out of the field. From the pods."
"And the debris from the ship? How are you navigating out of that?"
"That's where you and your boys' training comes in. They don't call you the Wolf Pack as a joke, do they?"
You sported a playful smirk and gave one last tug on the binders. This time, Wolffe followed.
As the two of you ran, leaping over doorways, banking around corners, slipping and stumbling constantly, the alarms cut out and the strip lights wavered in their luminosity. But most inconveniently, the air grew stale and thin. It wasn't long before you had a harder time keeping up and Wolffe was the one pulling you.
"The backup systems must be failing," Wolffe said, slowing down so you could catch your breath. "No air."
"No shit," you panted. "How much further?"
Wolffe didn't answer. You could only see the shadow of his helmeted head shake as he rested one hand on his hip and kept the one joined to yours limp by his side. After you tried taking a few deep breaths to no avail, he then removed his helmet and placed it over your head.
You'd always wondered what it was like to wear a clone trooper helmet. Wolffe had told you once they were unique to each clone, more than whatever paint job they put on the outside. It shaped and molded to their heads, picked up their smell, became as intimate and familiar an item as underwear or shoes might. You hoped you'd have a moment to really revel in wearing Wolffe's soon, but first you needed to breathe.
It was instant relief to breathe through the helmet's filters. And though you knew it wouldn't last long while the air continued to thin, the moment of relief was ruined a lot sooner than you thought. Another sudden lurch to the ship, the hall you were now in tilting forward so you started to slide. You clutched at Wolffe's arm as you careened toward a doorway in the floor and tumbled through. The door opened and you spilled into the room, one of the dorms. Bunks had all toppled into a pile on the floor and now the two of you joined the mess. Various parts of your body were now throbbing in pain, your limbs all tangled in the metal bunks. You both struggled to get yourselves standing atop the pile, especially while you were still handcuffed, but the room was too large and there was simply no hope at reaching the doorway back into the hall. You were trapped.
One of your hands was bleeding from a cut. You pressed it against your leg, accidentally tugging at Wolffe as you moved so he noticed. He inched closer, balancing along a lattice of metal poles, and started to remove his gloves to put over your hands instead.
"This is exactly why I didn't want you here."
Though Wolffe was facing you, the room was far too dark to get a read on his expression. His voice, however, was laced with distress.
"Oh, this exact situation is why? Got it." You almost laughed. This was as close as you'd come to your questions finally getting answered and it sounded insane.
"That's not what I meant."
"Then what did you mean, Wolffe? What reason could you possibly have for fucking with my career and my self worth and--"
"I wanted you safe!"
To your surprise, Wolffe firmly clasped the sides of your arms as soon as he was done fixing his gloves onto your hands.
"I... kriff." He hung his head for a moment before looking back up. You desperately wanted to turn on the helmet's flashlight to see him better. "Things are getting worse. You know that. Every day, every battle. More loss. I couldn't stand the thought of something happening to you."
Your mind hummed as if it had just been filled with the details of a new mission, thoughts fracturing off into possible tactics and approaches. You were now 100% sure he had feelings for you, no margin of error. But instead of confessing to you, he had pushed you away. Made you wonder if you had been the problem. Put his men in danger by not using your expertise. Why hadn't he just talked to you? What would have otherwise been a thrilling thing to hear, that your feelings were requited, was now mired with a sting of disappointment.
You also noted a subtle shift beneath your feet. It could simply have been the bunks sliding from your weight, or it could be the ship turning again. You chose not to comment on it just yet, needing to address at least one thing with Wolffe now while you could.
"Why couldn't you have told me this sooner?"
"Would you have listened?"
"Of course."
"Please, you're the most stubborn person I know," he scoffed.
"Yes, you. Just couldn't stay off this mission, could you." He didn't sound as upset at the thought of you being here as he had earlier. If anything, he seemed cheeky. You responded in kind.
"Well I had to handcuff and trap you in a room to get you to answer a simple question. So who's really the stubborn one here?"
"Ah, so this was all planned then, huh?"
You chuckled, an odd sound through the helmet. "Yep, you know me. I've always got a plan."
"Hmm. Got one to get us out of here?"
You smirked, though you knew he couldn't see it. "As a matter of fact, I do. Better hold on to something."
The room had continued to shift. Wolffe had likely felt it too after a while but you liked to believe you impressed him with your psychic timing. Though, come to think of it, he was probably used to such phenomena with Plo Koon. Damn.
You crouched down simultaneously, gripping onto some beams until the room eventually shifted far enough that the whole pile of beds went tumbling over again. You tried to lessen the blow to your body, Wolffe even shielded you a bit with his own, but ultimately you both were at the mercy of gravity and whatever cascading objects came with it. After a short time longer, you were able to pick your way through it all and reach the door, which was now vertical as doors should be, though upside down from where it was meant to be.
Now running along the ceiling, you were able to more quickly finish your journey to the escape pods. The helmet helped you breathe, and if Wolffe was having trouble without one, he didn't show it. You clasped each other's hands as you twisted around the last few corners.
When you arrived at the loading docks, there were only a handful of troopers left to board a pod. They had to be maneuvered to rotate around upright and re-dock before they could be reopened. The last one clicked into place just as you showed up. Wolffe insisted you get in first while he waited for his men to board but you silently shook your head. You would've insisted he board along with you, but you knew it'd be futile. Wolffe was right, you both were simply too stubborn. So you squeezed his hand a little tighter and stayed by his side until it was finally your turn.
You all but collapsed into the pod. Wolffe's helmet was ripped off and tossed on the ground, to be admired another time. The struggle wasn't over yet, of course. You'd still need to lead the pods safely through the minefield. But for now, for just a brief moment, you allowed yourself to lean against each other and breathe.
Your shoulders rested side-by-side and your faces were turned to gaze at each other, filled with exhaustion and relief. You glanced down at your hands lying between you, still firmly intertwined. You gave a small chuckle and Wolffe grunted in questioning response.
"The binders." You raised your hands up to show there was no longer anything connecting you two, except for your own choice to hold on. You had no idea when the restraints had fallen off.
Wolffe smiled a little and disentangled his fingers from yours. You were about to pout until he moved them over to your face, gentling cupping along your jaw and allowing his thumb to trace absently at your cheek. His bare fingers were calloused and rough but you leaned into his touch regardless. After a while, you started to wonder if his strokes were a bit more purposeful, tracing some sort of shape over and over as if outlining his feelings for you.
"We need to talk," you whispered. You wouldn't be satisfied with mere sketches on your skin, pleasant as they were.
Thankfully Wolffe gave you a nod in agreement just as Comet announced that all systems were a go. Your moment of reprieve was over and it was back into the fight once more. You weren't sure what would happen between you two afterward. Maybe you would finally kiss him, maybe you'd get back at him somehow for all the grief he'd caused. Maybe you would still hate him, maybe you'd admit you loved him. Regardless, there was some hope for more conversations, more understanding. And that was enough.
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user2772636 · 10 months ago
Douzième Fille
12th Girl
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Some chances are taken too late. You only realise what you've lost when you're starting to lose them. Goodbyes are hard, especially when you've just started.
Joseph Descamps x Reader
Warnings: ANGST ANGST ANGST, turn back now I'm warning you, goodbyes, intimate scenes, MAJOR heartbreak, swearing
References to Call Me By Your Name
Chapter eight: Joseph, Joseph, Joseph
It was hot that morning. I woke up in a layer of sweat, windows exuding heat, hair clinging on my neck, my blanket on the hardwood floor.
George sits on the window frame, taking the heat opposite of how I was.
I get up, groaning with a slight headache. I place my feet on the floor, keeping my eyes closed for the time being, trying to relax and gain back my senses.
There'd been a feeling in me this whole time, but as I woke up, it felt so much more evident. A clench in my chest.
I don't know where it came from or when it started, but I felt it there. It never really took my attention. Maybe it was from whatever position I was in. Or if I hadn't eaten or drank enough.
Summer is just around the corner, but I don't want it to start. It was always something I looked forward to.
Dipping into cold waters under the heat of the afternoon sun, eating fruits with their juices spilling over countertops and silverware. Tanning, sunburns, dry mouths from salt water. Then winter comes and you wait for summer again.
It's probably because I'm expecting something I know won't be there. But what is it? I have a summer job now, and I'm headed to Paris. What else could I possibly want?
I know exactly what. It's not that I'm afraid of it. It's because I can't change it. And it hurts.
Summer is when I'm supposed to be happy. He's ruined all of that now. I've got to get a grip, too. He won't care, so I shouldn't. But I care. I care a lot.
This isn't something I should think about. I'll forget him as soon as I get to Paris. I'll forget anything that's happened between us, even if nothing really did. I'll forget, and I'll forever have that feeling that I felt now. That something's there, and I'm not giving it attention.
Because deep down, I know what it is. And, it hurts.
The walk to school was short-lived and ordinary. Nothing special happened. It was just brighter; which didn't really match my mood.
I was also a bit late. Most of the students were already heading in, and the bell rang as soon as I stepped through the gate.
I make my way up the staircase, keeping my head downcast and not paying anyone any mind.
All throught class it wasn't special. We did assignments, lectures, and all common school things. But the sound of pages being flipped, ink on paper, pattering of floorboards, it comforted me. I knew those sounds would stay with me throughout my life. People don't.
When class was dismissed, I took my time. I might not see this school again. I might move back to Paris. I might not see Michèle or Simone as much. And I won't, more so refuse to see Joseph ever.
It was afternoon now, so everything's brighter than this morning. And everything's hotter, too. I shade my face with my hands, squinting to see Callum's well-known car on the side of the road.
He's outside leaning on the door, smoking. I'm guessing his third cigarette today. He still has his wide smile on, and I wonder if his cheeks ever hurt.
"Good afternoon, pretty girl." He says as he patches his cigarette out. "How are you?"
"Hot." I shrug, going around the car with Callum as he opens the passenger door for me. I get inside, him as well after doing another roundabout the car.
"Well, love how you state what I already know." I think about that sentence for a while, sensing it was off. I realise what he meant, and I smack his arm.
"Oh, what now? Let me be funny!" I roll my eyes as he starts the car, a faint smile on my face. One thing I know for sure is that Callum is one of the people who would stay with me throughout my life. He was the reason I'm going back to Paris, the reason I have somewhat of a career. And I'm glad I met him, even with the circumstances of difficult feelings.
Whilst I talked about my day to him, I had realised nothing special happened because I didn't interact with Joseph. The day felt gloomy. It felt so underwhelming, so boring, because he wasn't involved.
"And it's so weird because we hadn't talked since that dinner." I tell Callum, who's been listening to me this whole time. We decided to go to a lake to cool off. It was a bit well known, but not too crowded since the school season isn’t off yet.
I made a quick pick up in my house, including a goodbye to George.
Going back, Callum nods. His hand flexes on the steering wheel.
"So, let me round this up. Joseph's mother invited you to dinner, then teased both you and him, then when he walks you out to their place, some girl-"
"The girl from the alley."
"The girl from the alley pops up from nowhere, fully dressed up."
"But, why?"
"What do you mean why?"
"I mean, sure, I've never met her, but who could compete against you?"
"Okay, Callum, whatever-"
"No, I mean, how stupid can Joseph be to pick anyone but you?" This makes my breath catch on my throat.
"Don't call him stupid, Callum. He's fucking brilliant."
He quiets down, smile fading just a bit from my serious tone.
"Sorry." I had apologised.
"No need. It's fine. I just... you know what I meant."
"Yeah, I knew what you meant. Just... instict, you know?"
"I get that. You're in love, so you're defensive." He shrugs and starts to smile again. He's holding in a laugh.
"Shut up." I glare.
"Not gonna happen." I don't want it to happen.
The next morning was the same. It was hot, I took a longer shower, got dressed, said goodbye to George, and headed to school.
This time, I met with Simone. I ask her about Michèle, getting worried that she hasn't come to school for two days straight. Before she could respond, she stopped in her tracks, seeing Jean Pierre across the hall.
"I- I'm sorry, Y/N, but I really need to talk to Jean Pierre. Stay here, please?" She scrunches up her face in guilt, but I simply shrug it off, knowing that if she wants to talk to someone, I shouldn't stop her. Especially if that someone is her boyfriend. Or whatever he is.
They go ahead to talk, me staying at the same place she left me, keeping a close eye on them. I lean against the wall, the hallway now a lot more quiet than when the bell rang a few minutes ago.
Their conversation lasted for only a bit because I saw Jean Pierre walking away. I head to Simone's side.
"So, what did you talk about?" She's still, and there's no emotion on her face. I worry.
"He just broke up with me." Oh. I pull her into a side hug, not knowing whether she was devastated with the news or if she was okay with it. She looked like both but neither at the same time.
I nod towards the stairwell, deciding for the both of us we should head to the courtyard to have our break. Or the bathroom for a quick cry.
We pass by a group of boys, and one of them keeps his eyes on me. Then, when I turned to glance at who it was, I realised it was just an eye.
In that moment, everything in me faded away. All the hate towards him, all the sadness, all the misunderstanding. I just wanted to talk to him again. For one last time. So I did.
"Joseph," I stop in my tracks. I tell Simone to keep going, that I'm fine left alone. She nods in acknowledgement and walks down the staircase.
I turn around to meet his stare. My breath catches in my throat, not having this kind of interaction in a while.
I walk towards him, a bit slow. "Can I talk to you?" I pause. "Alone?"
His friends tease him and push him around lightly, but his eyes are still as well as his whole body. I fear his heart might be, too.
He simply nods and silently eyes his friends to go. We're left alone near the window and take a seat in the space.
"You must be wondering why I'm talking to you again so suddenly." He stays quiet, looking down.
"Joseph..." I scoot closer. I bring both my hands up to his cheeks, only hovering above them.
He stays silent. I bring my hands back until he leans forward and into them, gently grabbing my wrists and holding them still. I feel the air come out of his nose as he exhales, body slumping down.
"I'm sorry. For everything. Ignoring you was one of the most stupid things I've done. Being angry was second." I tilt my head to see if he's opened his eye, but he keeps them closed. His thumb rubs one of my wrists.
"You should be with anyone you want to be with. It shouldn't matter to me. But, it did." He lifts his head, peering an eye. His mouth opens, then closes again. I keep going.
"I missed you. I've been missing you. I miss all the times we weren't mad at each other." I caress his cheeks, and he leans into my touch.
"I was never mad at you." Joseph says, but I shake my head.
"You were. And that's fine. It's okay to be mad at me. I get it." He furrows his brows at me.
"Don't say that. I was never mad at you. I've never been mad at you."
"But what about all those times you shouted at me? Those times in the streets?" He sighs deeply, not as relaxed as before.
"I was mad at myself, but I was letting it out on you. And I'm sorry about that. But trust me, I could never be mad at you."
We just stare at each other after. The silence fills the air, and it's the first time it was like this in a while. I had to tell him.
"I'm leaving." I feel his breath stop, and it's so nauseating.
"What?" He mumbles out.
"I'm leaving." I repeat.
"For the summer?" He squints, the gears turning in his head. I wish it was only for the summer.
"No," I look down. "For good."
He pulls away from my hands, sitting straight again.
"No..." He shakes his head. "Don't lie to me."
"I would never." I look him dead in the eye, not wanting him to think that I would ever do.
"Exactly. I know you'd never. So why are you lying to me now? This is some joke, right? Like a cliffhanger for next year. Right?" I simply stare at him.
"Y/N, please tell me you're lying. I'll let it slide. Tell me you're lying." He begs, grabbing a hold of my dropped hands.
I don't move. I don't look at him. I don't say anything. That was enough of an answer.
"No..." He whispers. He does it all over again as he gets up and paces. He rubs at his eye, and I get up and say "Stop."
He stills. I see the tear stains reflect off his cheeks from the sunlight outside coming in. His head is down as it was before. I sigh deeply, placing my hands on his shoulders.
"Come here." I pull him in, and he immediately engulfs me in an embrace. He sobs desperately, and I try my hardest not to join him.
A series of "please don't go"s spill out of his quivering mouth, and my brain goes numb. He's shaking. His heart is pounding. His mind's all over the place.
I hush him, rubbing his back like I do with a baby, whispering nothings into his ear. When he stops, his body is still slumped down to hold mine.
"We wasted so many days. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asks once we're sat back down the window.
"I tried. I promise. We were still mad." He laughs, and it's been such a long time that my brain got nostalgia.
"Fuck. I'm gonna miss you all over again." He bites his lip as he looks down, fiddling with the inseam of his pants. I purse my lips together.
"We'll keep in touch." He shakes his head.
"You'd be everywhere."
"I'll call your home phone."
"I'm not gonna be home in the summer."
"I'll call wherever you are."
"Thank god you thought of something for that because I was ready to start sobbing again." He laughs again, and the suns back in his eyes. Like it left and came back.
I grab a hold of his hands, stopping him from fidgeting. I make him look back up at me.
"I promise I'll phone you every day. I'll send you letters, postcards, and pictures. I'll even send you some magazines I'm in." I shrug, and he smiles.
"I don't think you have to do that last one. I'm keeping my eye on every magazine booth here on out." We chuckle together. We stay quiet again, then Joseph tucks my hair behind my ear.
"You're beautiful, Y/N Pardine. You'll do great out there. I'm only a phone call or a pen away." I flush at his bluntness and smile sweetly. He does, too.
The party happened. We spent almost the whole time together. We had even danced.
An American song called "At Last" plays in the background as Joseph holds me, dancing slowly.
His hands cup my waist, my arms wrapped around his neck, his forehead against mine. I play with the ends of his hair as he caresses my body.
We laugh, we drink, we talk, and we glance. We do what we missed. We held each other. We absorbed one another.
There was a time in that party that happened between Simone and Jean Pierre. Thank god he finally said something of the truth, because that breakup was a straight lie.
Anyways, the night ended, but nothing happened. I don't know what I was expecting, but there was a feeling something special could've happened to me. Like a string tugging on my insides.
Something to do with pretty pink lips.
The next morning, I woke up with his arms around me.
He smelt of fading whiskey, cigarette smoke, and expensive cologne. Just as he always did.
His eye patch was off, his hair a mess, and his jacket's on the floor. His shirt is wrinkled, he's breathing evenly as one does in their sleep, and there's a small snore coming from him. It's adorable.
When I get up, or at least try to, his grip on me tightens. Not in a way that hurts, but it's strong enough for me to come collapsing on his chest. He's warm again.
"Five more minutes." He groans, and I sigh deeply. Five more minutes will be alright.
Ten minutes pass, and only then do we get up. I hand him a towel and some clothes, my father's again, then one of my own, then usher him to the bathroom. I fix our bed, pick his jacket up off the floor, and fold it neatly.
Once I hear the shower turn off and the door creak, I try my best not to turn and just... stare. It's creepy, I know. But, who could blame me? I mean, I was leaving for good.
Right. Leaving for good.
I feel his arms wrap around my waist, his head tucking into my neck, his nose poking at some sensitive spots. I squeal silently, and he chuckles to himself, the vibration of his chest spreading around my back.
"Want some breakfast?" He whispers. George lies by the windowsill, watching the both of us in embrace. His tail moves around, eyes blinking slowly. He's glowing from the sunlight hitting him.
"If you don't mind. Please, and thank you." I turn my head a bit towards him. He nods, pressing a kiss to my hair. I smile to myself whilst I check things off my list last minute.
He's done with breakfast by the time I finish my quick shower. I'm fully dressed now. The only things missing are my coat and my suitcases.
Joseph sits across from me. We were in this position before.
"So, how's Callum? Still a prick?" He says as he stabs on some of the eggs he made. I finish my bite before answering.
"Callum's doing fine. I don't know why you've always been so off about him. He's a good guy." I shrug, tilting my head for an answer. "What's got you like that?"
He sighs, dropping his utensils gently on the table top. I place a hand over his, and he turns it to hold mine.
"Felt like he stole you from me." He mumbles, but it was clear enough for me to hear.
I purse my lips at this remark. "No one's gonna keep me away from you. Except that girl that actually did." I laugh as Joseph groans.
"I already told you, I didn't even know her." From this, I kept going.
"Well, then why did you basically call me a slut?" I raise my eyebrows in amusement, as to show that I moved on from it. Still, I was curious.
He pauses. For a long time. I begin to worry, thinking he actually meant it. I try to pull my hand away, but his grip turns firm.
"No." Joseph whispers out of desperation. He's taking deep breaths. I can tell he's overthinking. But I need to know the truth.
"You've got to tell me, Joseph. Otherwise, we'll shrug each other off again. Do you want that?" I push on him. He needs to tell me. I need to know.
"No. I don't want that. Just..." He closes his eyes, readying himself.
"The boys wanted to talk to you. I couldn't let them. I knew how they meant. And I'll just put it simply that they meant badly. So I had to tell them things about you that weren't true so they could get pushed away from the idea of you." He cups my cheeks from across the table. I lean into his touch.
"I don't want anyone to take advantage of you. Thank whatever god is up there that I found out because if I hadn't..." He breathes in deeply, caressing my face with his thumb. "I don't even want to think about that. Okay?"
I nod. I get up from my seat to give him a hug. He remains seated, his face pressed up on my stomach. I rub his back and comb fingers through his hair.
He stands up slowly, hands still attached to my hips. They roam up to my wait as he hovers over me, and I feel my breath hitch in my throat. He's so close. His nose just bumps into mine. He's looking down at me. At my eyes. At my lips. His breath is haggard.
"Callum's probably waiting." I whisper, my breath fanning over both our lips. Our lips only an inch away from eachother.
"Let him wait." His voice is low. He's starting to make my knees buckle.
A loud crash is heard throughout the flat. I yelp away from him. Now we're feet away from each other, cheeks flushed and hair tousled. As if we did something. And we didn't even.
George meows on the kitchen counter, staring at us innocently with the keys now on the floor. I sigh deeply, walking towards him and picking him up.
"Oh, I hope you don't mind, but," I hand George to Joseph. "My baby's yours."
His eye widens in surprise, then he switches his gaze from me to the cat, then back to me, then back to the cat.
"I can't..." I shake my head, smiling.
"He's yours, Joseph. That's final. He already loves you more than me. It's alright. Plus everytime you see him, you think of me."
He flushes, demeanour relaxing. "I already think of you too much."
It's my turn to flush now. But I respond. "Good."
We arrive at the train station. I bid a thank you and goodbye to Joseph's mother, hugging her for a short while. Joseph carries all my belongings.
I spot Callum at a bench.
"Callum, you remember Joseph." I nod to Joseph. He drops my things next to Callum's.
"Of course I do. The infamous lover boy. It was nice meeting you, man." Callum shakes Joseph's hand. Joseph purses his lips tightly, gripping on Callum's hand.
"I'm still not sure about you... but she trusts you, so I should, too." Callum nods firmly. They let go of their handshake.
"Well, I better get our things in. Say your final goodbyes." He moves to go in the train. Me and Joseph are alone again.
"Got your pretty things intact?" Joseph teases, and I simply laugh.
"Yes, I do." I look up at him. He moves closer, hands on his hips.
"One day, I'll hear those words again." There's a feeling in me. Like dejavu, but a feeling from the future. I couldn't explain it, but what he said made sense. Like I knew, I would say those words again, too.
We stand in silence. I walked closer, embracing him for one last time. He leans down, his hands tight around me, his head over mine. I feel a lump in my throat.
We held each other for one last time. We smelt each other for one last time. We absorbed each other one last time.
I try to pull away, but he pulls me back in. The lump grows bigger.
When we finally pull away, my eyes start to sting. I palm my throat, trying to push that growing lump down. His hands are on my shoulders. He lets go.
"Goodbye, Y/N Pardine." He mutters, his voice breaking.
"Goodbye, Joseph Descamps." I mock him with a smile on my face.
I turn around and walk on the train. Joseph follows me, guiding me up the steps. His hand holds onto mine. I hang on the pole.
The train blares its horns, and it starts to move very slowly. The tears escape my eyes. He wipes it away.
"Y/N," he says. "I love you."
I sob. I laugh. It's a bit ugly.
"I love you, too. So much."
He stands on his toes and kisses me. His pretty pink lips are finally on mine. I grip the trains pole harder.
The trains blares again, and my kisses become more desperate. The train moves faster and faster, and Joseph starts to run. His lips start parting from mine, tears dropping even more.
"Come back to me, Y/N!" He shouts. He's still running. He's laughing now. And he's crying. He's beautiful. He gets farther, farther, and farther.
Then he's gone.
End- Chapter eight: Joseph, Joseph, Joseph
Next- Chapter nine: ______
I'm actually crying omfg. This hits so diff w the song in the background. Its short but omfg the angst. Help me. Hahhahahahaha.
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lvlyghost · 2 years ago
All The Nights to Come
Pairings: Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
Summary: You get hurt during a mission.
Word Count: 900+
Tw: strong language, blood, angst, comfort towards the end. grumpy ghost as usual. bad grammar, and probably a lot of typos. not proofread 🫶🏻✨💞
A/N: just a little one-shot to help me with writer's block. next I'll be working on another part of salvation and a third part of the things i never said since a lot of you asked 🥹💛 remember english isn't my first language, corrections are welcome 🤍
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You didn't know how to stay out of danger. Or at least that's what all of your teammates said. Especially Ghost.
Ghost. You had a complicated... relationship with the Lieutenant.
Polar opposites.
That's what he had called you both one day.
He's the darkness that comes at night, you're the light he'd gladly let consume him.
"Stop distracting me." He grumbles staring straight ahead. You chuckle at his growing annoyance.
"We're in the middle of nowhere, Ghost. The worst thing that could happen is tripping with a rock." You roll you eyes. "How about we play something, we still have one hour left until we reach the evac point."
"Comen on! There's no one around." He sighs, but doesn't say anything. You decide to not push his limits. You've started to know him more and more, as much as he would allow, of course. "Is something bothering you?" you finally ask, head tilting down to watch your step. Again the only response you get is silence. "If this is about what happened last night..."
"It's not that." He gruffly interrupts you. Irritated that you're even bringing it up.
"You were the one who said this couldn't happen anymore. So you might as well make up your mind Ghost." You walk faster, leaving him behind, or as much as you can considering his strides are easily longer than yours.
"I am your superior, what the fuck am I supposed to do, kid?" You clench your jaw, hating how his words are setting deep in your heart. The way he emphasized the word superior. "I could get us both suspended, or even worse get us kicked out of the military! Am I really the only one who's thinking?" He seethes.
"Oh well!" You feign amusement. "I'm sorry, I didn't think you cared enough when were fucking each other in my room..." Ghost's body freezes for a brief second before he keeps walking. "If you're bloody scared of letting me in you should've just said it. No need to fucking hurt me like I'm nothing."
"The fuck did you just say? Have you not heard a word I just told you?!" His accent becoming more prominent every time he speaks. "I'm trying to protect you, I don't bloody care what happens to me."
Ghost doesn't notice it, too enraged, looking down at you as he walks closer. But you do.
You see the reflection, a small glimpse of the scope. The sun shining down on the sniper's rifle. Everything moves in slow motion, you scream... or at least you try to, pushing Ghost with all the strength you have. He stumbles a few steps to the side, the pure shock in your face as you realize what's about to happen. A bird chirping in the distance, and what sounds like a cascade near, a river flowing before it hits you. Right on your left shoulder, a shot that was aimed at his heart.
Ghost's heart.
And you take it instead. It pierces through flesh and bones, hurting like million of bullets. Your sight goes black as you start falling, body helplessly hitting the muddy terrain. Shots are fired, a loud shriek and a deep voice echoing but it's so far away. It's getting harder to regain consciousness.
"Why the bloody hell did you do that!?" Fear glowed in his eyes. Ghost's big gloved hand pressing down the wound on your shoulder, the fabric quickly becomes stained with crimson red blood.
Your blood.
"S-Sir?" You choke up. Fighting to keep your eyes open.
Focus on him.
"I'm going to fucking have you on desk rotation for this." He grits his teeth. "Don't you do that ever again. Not for me. Never for someone like me." He leans closer, managing your body in his hands so he can take a better look. He breathes when he sees the exit wound.
"It's my duty..." you murmur, with half-lidded eyes. "To shield and protect my superiors..." you breathe out.
"Don't give me that shite." He scolds you. "I'm the one who's supposed to protect my team." Not just his team. The truth was that he wanted to protect you, he had to. "Now keep those pretty eyes on me, yeah? That's an order sergeant." He commands.
You laugh, with what low energy you have left.
"Sir? You and I both know I'm not good at following orders." He reaches his medical pouch, disinfecting and wrapping as many bandages as he can on your wound.
"Now's a good time you start listenin', kid." He picks you up with more gentleness that's he's ever experienced himself. Who would've thought that a man like him could care for someone else. He has the softest touch, you think. "Think you can hold on until we get there?" He asks, looking down to your face, body too small and light in his arms. If he could kiss you right now...
"Sure thing, Ghost." You murmur, wincing when he starts walking. "This is not what I had in mind when they said we were going to Spain. We could play that game now, right?
A soft chuckle rumbles deep in his chest, making your lips tilt up in a weak yet heartwarming smile.
"Fuckin' hell, love" he doesn't lose sight of your eyes. "I guess we can. As long as you keep talking to me. Don't you dare go somewhere I can't follow."
"Don't think you'll get rid of me that easily, Sir."
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vividraft · 2 months ago
Tie the ribbon !
a/n: I forgot how to format a fic... these two are so stupid. this was written for the release of the momoiro no kagi 2dmv because we all went insane hehe.
also emotsper if you see this, I'm thinking of you.
“Ugh!”, Airi groaned in frustration, letting her hands drop into her lap. The probably 8th attempt at tying a ribbon into her hair failed once again. Her hands kept cramping, the fabric kept scrunching up, and it always looked off. Hands returned to her ponytail, to try again, as her mind wandered back to her first attempt of tying her ribbon, where it looked somewhat okay. If only she had never undone it. 
“Uwa–!”, Airi jumped in her seat, losing her grip on the ribbon. 
“Shizuku! Knock before coming in!”, Airi was incredibly overwhelmed by every sensation around her, and it showed. 
“I did knock… Do you need help?”, Shizuku walked up behind Airi’s chair, making eye contact with her through the mirror. 
Airi sighed and averted her eyes. “Yeah”
Shizuku hummed, and held out her hand for Airi to give her the little black ribbon. 
Her hands moved up onto one of Airi’s side ponytails. Shizuku tied a simple knot, before then tying the ribbon. 
“Is this okay?”, Shizuku asked, looking at her work. And it looked absolutely… 
“Perfect…”, Airi said, her voice barely above a whisper. 
“I’m glad”, Shizuku replied, “can I do the other one as well?”
“I mean… Sure”, a soft smile wandered onto Airi’s face. 
Shizuku picked up the second ribbon, tying it around Airi’s second ponytail. When she was done, she put her hands onto Airi’s shoulders and chuckled. 
“You look so pretty”, Shizuku said absentmindedly. 
A shiver ran down Airi’s spine. Shizuku's warm hands, her soft eyes on her face, and her compliment leaving her mouth as if it was the most natural thing to say for her, it was all too much. A deep red color could be found on Airi’s face, and Shizuku noticed. 
“Oh! Your face is a little red. Did you apply too much blush?”, she wondered, leaning down so her face was next to Airi’s, and her hand went to hold her face. 
“Sh–Shizuku…”, Airi muttered, pushing her hand away. 
“Is something wrong? Are you not feeling well?”, Shizuku asked, with genuine concern in her voice. 
Airi turned away completely before her face returned to normal again. 
“You’re so stupid…”
“Why? What did I do? Here let me see your face, I can fix your make up too!”, Shizuku exclaimed excitedly, following Airi as she stood up. 
“There’s nothing to fix–!”
Before Airi could react, Shizuku stood before her, her hand on her cheek and leaning down to properly examine her face, her face being way. too. close. 
“Are you guys almost done? We wanted to record the MV s– Ah…”, Haruka said, standing in the doorway. 
Airi froze up, her face red, and her mouth open, ready to protest. Shizuku just stood there unmoving and oblivious. 
“I’ll tell Minori and the others to wait a few more minutes”, Haruka said, leaving and closing the door behind her. 
“W–Wait!! Haruka–it’s not what it looks like!!”, Airi shouted, running after her. 
“Airiiii! I thought we were going to fix your make up!”
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eleni-cherie · 8 months ago
a thief's origin✨ || bts • kth - chapter 0.6
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"you're afraid I won't wait." "I'm afraid you will."
a criminal and a doctor should be as different as the sun and the moon - but unexpected things happened every day. like him finding his safe haven in her.
© 2024 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l
The inside of the embassy looked much like the outside let assume.
Fancy furniture with tasteful vases and decoration, wallpaper-covered walls and paintings hanging on them. A big mirror placed across from the entrance hall caught their attention, seeing themselves in it when entering. Their eyes lingered on their reflection a little longer. They looked like actually belonging there along with the other guests.
Taehyung gently guided her to the direction string music was heard from, following the other attendees inside. As they entered the ball room, she let the blazer fall from her shoulders, returning it to him.
"So, what's the plan?" Cassandra whispered, eyeing everyone around them eagerly as he put it back on. "Eavesdropping on a diplomat? Observing the guests? Keeping track of the security? I counted five guards nearby so far."
He chuckled at how serious she was taking her role, flattening the collar of his shirt. "First, I have to meet the guys. They sneaked in my gun, so I gotta get it from them."
Right, made sense. He couldn't have sneaked it in with the metal detector at the entrance.
"Oh okay, and what am -"
"You'll take your seat at our designated table and wait, okay?" Before she could even revolt, Taehyung tapped his in-ear and pivoted towards the back of the room only to disappear in the sea of well-dressed people.
Cassandra huffed, taking a handful of tulle into her fists before trotting to the direction of the tables at the side. The invitation said she'd be at table 16 and soon she spotted the card with the number. And the place card with her fake name on it.
Ms Cassandra Vasques. A fake research scientist in the medical field.
At least the field of profession wasn't so far off. Probably chosen on purpose by Jimin to minimize the potential of her blowing her cover. A medical researcher was easier than pretending being an international lawyer or engineer.
With disappointment spreading inside her, she took a seat and propped her chin into her palm. As if her insecurities hadn't been enough, now she was left to sit there alone like a loser. Besides, she could swear the old lady in her dark blue dress sitting at the table next to hers was scrunching her nose at her. Great.
Cassandra's arms instinctively folded in front of her in an attempt to cover the décoleté, although she could spot some other ladies with similar deep necklines or daring side-cuts while still managing looking classy.
She dragged a breath when sensing someone approaching her. A waiter from the look of his red vest and the silver tablet he was holding.
"May I take your order?"
"Red wine and.. and any cocktail you have with blue curacao, please." The waiter rose a mildly startled brow but only gave her a bow before leaving again.
If she had to go through this night feeling like a fool she might at least enjoy herself with a cocktail. She rarely got to drink any, so might as well tonight.
The drinks arrived soon and she immediately took a few sips of the deep light blue drink. Contently wiggling her shoulders when tasting the sweet-sour taste.
Unsure if much time passed or she simply drank too quickly, something she tended to unfortunately despite a cocktail's high alcohol percentage, her drink had eventually reached the lower half of the glass.
She felt a light buzz taking over, her mind beginning to float lightly and a sheepish smile plastered over her lips as she observed the people dancing to the string quartet's music in the dimly lit ballroom. Making her head sway to its rhythm, mimicking their movements.
She wasn't drunk, nor really tipsy. She had only begun to loosen up a little when she decided to take another sip before checking her make-up, just in case. The small pocket mirror in her purse coming in handy, she noticed that of course some of the the brownish-red lipstick had faded by now and she attempted to fix it with the lipstick she'd bought, when the reflexion of something black appeared behind her. Her eyes narrowed and in a mindless move, she turned her head and let the lipstick disappear back inside the purse.
Taehyung was standing behind her, having returned and now glancing down at her with a soft grin on his face. His hand stretched out towards her.
She looked at it suspiciously, making him laugh under his breath.
"May I have this dance?"
Cassandra shrugged, not try hiding she was sulky of him abandoning her among strangers. All her social awkwardness she thought she'd left behind in university, resurfacing after all in an unknown environment.
"Sure, but I have no clue how to dance."
Taehyung noticed her sullen mood but decided not to go into it and instead make up for his, admittedly, unpolite behaviour.
"You're lucky I don't mind you stepping on my feet."
Somehow this along with his boyish naive smile managed coaxing out a small laugh from her after all and her expression softened. Usually she wasn't so fast in giving in, but he made it easy.
Eventually, she placed her hand in his bigger one and let his fingers close around it and Taehyung gently pulled her up from her seat. Leading her through the crowd, until they reached the centre of the dancefloor. A clear vision of the band playing on the stage. Along with a clear sight on the French embassandor. Cassandra looked behind her to see what he was looking at and recognised the man. She hadn't attended totally unprepared after all, having looked up photos of him and his wife online, remembering Taehyung's task - which naively enough also in some way felt like hers, too - to keep an eye on the embassandor and warn the others if he attempted to leave and go upstairs.
Another couple bumped into her, not paying attention while dancing and she redirected her focus on Taehyung. He held her hand firmly, his other arm loosely wrapped around her waist. Pulling her closer in the narrow space, to prevent her from bumping into another person. And Cassandra swallowed at the almost non-existent gap between their chests.
"You have something.. there." He gestured to the corner of his lips and she frowned for a moment before realising she must've smudged the lipstick when seeing him behind her. And she cursed under her breath because of course, her clumsiness just never gave her a break.
"Wait, I -" She attempted to let go and get her purse but his thumb was already wiping off the faint smudge and she paused startled. Her eyes blinking rapidly. "T-thanks."
He nodded, his hand going back to holding hers as they began to move among the others.
"I really don't know how to dance, I wasn't joking," she mumbled embarrassed as she felt her feet almost tripping with every move, glancing up at him with an apologetical smile. He only breathed out a chuckle and she felt her skin tingling where his hands were laying on her. 
"Just follow the rhythm." His mellow voice almost drowning in the soft melody around them.
It was so strange. Like a fever-dream. Swaying with him among strangers who were most likely by far more important and wealthy than her. She felt like Cinderella. A poor maid in disguise at the king's ball, dancing with prince charming himself.
And as they kept moving, her body following his eloquent moves, she felt the tingle develop into a burning, spreading on every inch of her skin like wildfire. And she wasn't sure if it was the liquor, opening her blood vessels on its surface, or the warmth of his touch that caused it.
There had always been an attraction simmering under the surface for Taehyung, she couldn't deny that. It'd been there four years ago when she'd first met him and it'd still been there over a year ago when meeting him again.
However, Cassandra had never dared to see him as more than a friend before, knowing it would've been pointless with their vastly different lives.
But moving along his lead under the sparkling lights of the dimlit room in such close proximity along with the palm of his hand leaving her waist to lay flat right at the ribbon on her lower back, made her feel deezy.
Right now, her mind had completely shut down and all she could hear was her beating heart putting her skin on fire and all she could see was his dark irises, getting lost in their depth - along with that damn lonely curl on his forehead.
She was an internist. She knew the neuro-biology behind attraction, inflatuation, sex and even the feeling of love.
Neurotransmitters, hormones, endorphines.
At the end, it all came down to serotonine, dopamine, β-endorphine and noradrenaline.
She also knew, however, that this cocktail of messengers alone would only cause a feeling of happiness, lust and content, no deeper feelings. It was humans themselves putting meanings into them. And right now, Taehyung was causing her neurological system to have a complete meltdown.
His hand slid off from her lower back then and he stepped back, making her spin before stepping in and catching her again. And she held her breath for a moment before giggling, seeing an equal amused glint in his eyes. His hand finding her waist again. "Would've never guessed you'd be such a good dancer," she teased. Her natural response to distract from her flustered face.
He shrugged non-chalantly, spinning her again. Her giggles making him smile while he glanced above people's heads. Spotting the embassandor talking with other guests next to a pillar at the side.
"Picked up some moves at all these sleazy parties we attended."
"Mhm, to dance with all the pretty girls I see.." she grinned.
He only breathed a laugh, his attention back to Cassandra. Sensing her hand gliding from his chest to his back. Briefly brushing over the pistol grip that stuck out from the waistband and pressed onto his lower back under the suit jacket.
A slower song began playing and she leaned her head against his shoulder to rest her - surely alcohol-induced - spinning head. And they began moving slower. His breathing hitching along with their movement.
Her eyes closed then and she let herself take in the feeling of Taehyung holding her in his broad arms like this. Forgetting completely where they were and why. For just a minute, she wanted to be in a bubble of her own instead.
Taehyung smiled to himself, pressing his cheek against her sweet-scented curls.
The bare curve of her back fit perfectly under his fingertips and he wondered if that was even possible or if he just made things up by now. Like the aching in his chest and the cloudiness of his mind at the feeling of Cassandra's delicate body swinging in his arms.
"No, you're the only pretty one so far."
His thoughts mindlessly slipped out of his lips, not meant to actually be said out loud. And the thief realised he had to snap out of whatever this was he was letting himself get lost in.
They were only there as a cover so he could keep an eye out for the job.
And moreover, Cassandra was a friend. A dear friend. One of those friends you didn't need to see every day to know they were there. A friend who, no matter how much time apart, it would always feel like not even a day had passed by since the last time you'd joked with them. No matter how far away, they still cared for you. And you for them.
That was the kind of friend Cassandra was to him. A special one. He knew, after all, that a friendship like this wasn't a given. Especially considering his busy and beyond legal life.
So no, he couldn't allow himself to feel anything beyond that. He couldn't allow himself to dwell or surrender to that looming feeling. Or the way his chest contracted irregularly when sensing her fingers fisting his suit jacket when hearing his words.
Cassandra's heart skipped a beat at his warm breath brushing over her ear and she swallowed. She wanted to believe she knew him well enough to know he'd never say something ingenuine, he wasn't the type to wrap others around his finger just for fun.
"Glad my dress is 'fitting' enough," she quietly joked, reciting his previous choice of words to ease the sudden tension between them. His chest vibrating against her cheek.
"Mh, green is my favourite colour."
Her eyes fluttered open at this and she slightly heaved her head to look at him.
"You're lucky, then," she smirked, "If it was available in blue or red, I'd have chosen them instead."
"Huh." His lips shaped a small grin. "Are these your favourite colours? Blue and red?"
"Mhm, and their pastel shades."
He nodded, licking over his suddenly dry lips. "Yeah, I can see that. Emeralds, sapphires, rubies.."
She faked offence with a pout then to keep herself from blushing. "No diamonds?"
For a moment, he simply stared at her dark-frame eyes, mesmerized and perhaps a bit bewitched by their intenser look that night. "Diamonds are awfully common, they wouldn't suit you," he said matter-of-factly as they danced in a circle. The song changing into a more up-beat one. "They just became popular thanks to good PR."
Her lips formed a small 'o'. "Really? I didn't know that." Intentionally dismissing the subtle compliment between his words - unsure if she could handle herself otherwise - she was surprised by this information, seeing him nod.
She hummed then, looking away for a second before giving him an amused smile.
"Wow, what good promo can do. So no diamonds then.. good thing I was never a big fan of them anyway."
His brows rose, not having expected that as most people were, thanks to aforementioned advertisement.
"No, though there's one exception.."
Now he was intrigued. "And what would that be?"
Her lips curled and she bit back a cheeky grin. "I wouldn't say no to a pink diamond like the Pink Panther."
At this Taehyung couldn't help but burst out laughing with a chesty sound. Of course she'd be referring to a classic heist film, he thought. His head falling back before he tried containing himself as a few people around them already glanced in utter bewilderment at his sudden amusement.
Flashing her a square grin then, still chuckling. "A pink diamond would suit you indeed."
Cassandra smiled contently and placed her head back onto his shoulder. Feeling her cheeks warm. "Thank you."
His glance left her then and instead wandered up, looking around in the sea of important people and to the direction of his main person of interest. Only to freeze, coming to an abrupt halt.
The embassandor was gone from his spot and nowhere to be seen.
Dammit, he wasn't able to spot him.
Cassandra frowned, mirrowing his expression. "What h-"
"Come," he said in a stern tone and tugged at her hand. Rushing out of the crowd. "I lost sight of him," he explained over his shoulder when reaching the spot he had last seen him at.
Her eyes widening in mild panic as well, now also frantically looking around.
With quick steps, he held her close to him as they left the ball room. His eyes intense and it worried her, the last time she'd seen that expression on them was when they'd been chased through Barcelona half a year ago.
He scanned their surroundings, his eyes seemingly a shade darker and he tapped his in-ear transmitter then. "Guys? Stay alert, I lost sight of him."
"What?" Jimin's raised voice was heard from the other line. "How? Weren't you paying attention?"
"I-" He briefly peeked at Cassandra. Feeling disappointed in himself for acting like a noob and letting himself get distracted. "I shortly lost focus," he eventually muttered.
"Yeah, can imagine with what," his friend chuckled then and he felt his cheeks turning red.
"We're almost done," Yoongi spoke up then, "Just make sure he isn't entering his office in the next ten minutes."
"Got it."
According to the blueprint, the office was in the second floor, at the end of the left corridor. Right there where Jimin and Yoongi were located at right now.
He took a last glance into the ball room, ensuring he hadn't missed him.
"Can you see him?"
Cassandra shook her head. "No, but I can see his wife. Wait."
Before Taehyung even realised she had left his side, she was already walking up to the embassandor's wife, a blond woman in her forties in a deep lavender-coloured dress currently holding a martini while chatting with another woman. Only when he saw her green dress flowing a few metres away from him, he realised what she was planning to do. His eyes widening, about to run after her and hold her back when the blonde turned and smiled at Cassandra. The three women began to chat away for a moment. Cassandra giggling at something the brunette woman in the blue dress said, bowing at her before walking back to him.
Already spotting Taehyung's inquiring look. "What did you-"
"Her husband apparently lost his cufflink and went to replace it with another pair in his office. He's supposed to deliver a speech in fifteen minutes and didn't want to do it without it."
"How did-"
She shrugged, cutting him off. "I just introduced myself with the fake name and explained my work in the medical field. The other woman was the leader of a women's health organisation, I recognised her. So it was easy to strike a conversation. Then I casually wondered where the gala's host was and she told me."
His lips parted, taken aback by how smoothly she obtained the information, almost reminding him of the other smooth-talker he knew, Jimin. However, something else caught his attention then.
"Office you said?"
She nodded.
He slid off his suit jacket, wrapping it around her shoulder. "Wait outside for me, okay?"
"Wh-why? Where are you going?"
"Saving their asses."
And with that he ran off, leaving her back. Again. If she didn't know better she'd have thought he was Cinderella and it was close to midnight.
Holding his blazer tightly, Cassandra went back to the ball room, passing by the dancing crowd and towards their table where she picked up her purse before making her way out of the stuffy atmosphere. Past the foyer with the big mirror which she intentionally ignored and exiting the building, the cool night air hitting her heated skin.
- Heated from the drinks and the heat from so many people in the room of course.
At least there were also other guests lingering around there. Some only now arriving, others gathered in small groups for a smoke.
She held the suit jacket closer to herself when she felt several pairs of eyes on her, stepping more to the side where she hopefully wouldn't gain any attention. And she waited.
Usually, she wasn't someone who liked being in the dark, but she understood this wasn't a common situation for her. Her only role was to get Taehyung in, nothing else. She was supposed to stay out of trouble. So she tried actually listening this time and simply let him do his job.
However, after awhile she felt bored and didn't know what exactly to do with herself, so she observed other guests when suddenly faint pop-sounds echoed above her.
She glanced up, unable spotting anything out of the ordinary that could've caused it. It seemed like nobody else had heard it though, most likely due to the loud background noises of chatter and music.
Minutes passed and she grew more impatient while waiting outside in the chilly air, another sound being heard then. This time it was a creaking from around the corner.
The young woman tensed, again no one else but her having heard it. Sparkling her curiosity once again, she turned around the corner only to be almost hit by someone landing right in front of her on the grass. And she squealed, clutching her purse tightly until realising it was none other than Taehyung who had appeared out of nowhere.
"What are you doing here?" she whispered in a hiss as he brushed over his black dress shirt. His hair dishevelled by now.
He quickly pressed a finger to his lips then, shushing her. And with wonderous eyes she observed him sliding the magnum out from between his waistband along with a small cylinder. Screwing it onto the gun barrel. Next, he pressed himself against the wall, peeking around the corner and aiming at the side-building on the opposite side of the courtyard.
He knew they were at a blind spot which the guards couldn't spot, but if he leaned out too much he'd be caught by them so he had to act quick and careful.
His tongue slightly darted out as he focused, firing one precise shot at a window in the first floor then. Everyone present stirred up at the shilling sound and the security from the entrance immediately rushed inside. The people who had been outside in the courtyard all looked up at the window while raising their voices in confusion. Confused mumbles about what it could've been, some guessing a stone having been thrown. No one having guessed a gunshot as the silencer prevented it creating a loud enough noise for the to hear with the background buzzing.
Content by their reactions, Taehyung tapped his in-ear then. "Quick."
At his command, Yoongi's head followed by Jimin's appeared out of the window in the second floor. And the two began climbing out the windowsill to slid down the gutter pipe. Half-way through though they slipped and landed in the bushes beneath them, with butts first.
Taehyung and Cassandra stifling a  laugh at the hilarious sight.
"Haha funny."
"Well, quite an elegant way to go," Yoongi chuckled in self-irony as he picked leaves out of his hair.
"Something that wouldn't have happened if someone had done his job correctly," Jimin coughed then. A knowing smirk on his lips as he glanced at Taehyung from the corner of his eye. Before the younger one could counter something though, he already waved him off. "Anyway. Let's get out of here before they notice."
They nodded, Taehyung turning to her then. "Cas, wait at the gate for a few minutes. We'll get the car and pick you up."
"Just trust me, okay?"
She swallowed at his look of appeal and nodded. Watching them sneak behind the bushes to the very back of the high metal fence, which immedietally subjected to Yoongi's katana as if it was nothing but butter under a knife. And the three escaped from the hole and into the night.
Perplexed and a little unsure, Cassandra slowly walked out and making sure no one had seen her appearing from behind the corner when she heard loud voices coming from the open window in the second floor. Security probably having entered the office.
Acting as if she hadn't had a clue about what had gone down, she innocently walked across the courtyard and through the corridor to the entrance. The grip around Taehyung's suit jacket firm when she entered the chill night at the open street. Even humming while letting her gaze wonder around, pretending she didn't notice any of the uproar from inside the building. Glancing at her imaginary watch then, she acted as if she was waiting for someone and they were late which technically was true.
Finally, the familiar black limousine appeared in front of her and she hurried to the backseat where Yoongi greeted her with a nod. And they drove off.
"Alright. What even happened?" she asked then, a rush of adrenaline still running through her veins as she began shifting in her seat and glancing at each of them.
Taehyung dragged out a tired breath from the passenger seat, recalling the events of the past twenty minutes. How the embassandor had indeed been heading to his office. How Taehyung had to knock out a security guard to create a commotion in the first floor for the embassandor and his security to go check out. And then him escaping by climbing out the window before they reached the source. "Nothing."
Cassandra blinked with a scoff. "Nothing? Seriously now?"
"Just had to do create a little distraction."
Was that the noise she had heard? "What distraction?"
He smirked into his palm that was propping up his chin. "Oh, you know. Had to get a little creative." By basically making his own firecrackers.
"Don't worry, love, no one saw us and we got what we were there for," Jimin smiled brightly from behind the steering wheel, glancing at her in the rear-view window before adding with a wink, "Nice dress, by the way. I can see why Taehyungie got so distracted."
Taehyung's brows rose at this, his hand slipping from his chin. He probably would've fought his friend if he hadn't been driving right now, surpassing cars at speed limit.
"This had nothing to do with anything," he said with a scowl, keeping his voice calm and unphased. Cassandra only folded her lips, nodding to ensure she believed him. His attention then returning to Jimin. "And you, can you not flirt with any female for just five minutes?"
He was just glad he had offered her his blazer so they didn't actually get to see the whole dress or otherwise Jimin wouldn't have stopped pestering her.
He heard the master thief groan in annoyance then. His gleeful mood by their successful stunt, sullening with Taehyung's irrational agitation. "Man, chill. She looks good, that's all I said."
"It's alright, seriously," Cassandra giggled bemused by their quarreling, patting Taehyung's shoulder reassuringly from the back. She leaned over between the seats then to flash Jimin an appreciating grin. "And thanks. Wasn't quite sure about it so I'm glad someone likes it."
Jimin's eyes widened at this, peeking at Taehyung dumbfounded. "Don't tell me I'm the only one who complimented you tonight."
"Well," she laughed under her breath and sat back, "I also heard it'd be 'fitting' for the occasion. I took that as a compliment."
"I-it definitely was," Taehyung assured, earning an eye-roll from Jimin who found him unbelievable.
"You do look good," Yoongi spoke up then from beside her. Giving her a small encouraging smile, which she reciprocated happily.
"Thank you, Yoongi!" It felt great to hear all these compliments, even if it was just out of politeness.
Her eyes briefly wandered to the passenger seat then, lingering there a moment when an inaudible sigh escaped her. Adverting her eyes from him then and instead looking out at the passing buildings across the illuminated Danubian bank.
As they turned into a side-street and away from the river, Jimin's phone vibrated in his pocket. Cassandra didn't really think much of it, but Yoongi and Taehyung exchanged an alerted glance. There were only two reasons someone would call him after all.
Either it was Arabella, wanting to persuade him into helping her out again or it was interpol being on their tail.
Honestly, they didn't know which one was the worse trouble.
By the light scowl on Jimin's face, though, and the lack of flirting and heart-eyes while speaking to the caller, it was most likely not Arabella.
"Alright, thanks dear," he said then and ended the call. A groan leaving his lips before he faced them with an uneasy laugh. "Well, seems like pops found our hide-out. The nice old neighbour called me. I'd asked her to let me know if someone showed up and she said some tall, handsome guys with trenchcoats were questioning them."
"Sounds like pops and his entourage," Yoongi nodded, being glad Jimin was charming enough to convince nice old ladies to help them out and inform them if cops showed up, "How far is the airport?"
"Pops? You mean that interpol agent?" Cassandra's eyes grew twice in size when recalling that nickname, "He found you here? How?"
They shrugged. "That's his job, after all. He'd quite suck if he didn't do it right occasionally," Jimin chuckled, taking a sharp turn and earning some honking from other drivers.
"You think it'd be smart to head to the airport now though?" Taehyung wondered out loud then, "Last time they were already surveillancing all airports and stations. Maybe we should just head to another city and lay low instead."
"You got a point," Jimin agreed then, "But then we gotta change cars. They'll probably soon find out about this one."
They fell silent and Cassandra looked around. "Well, how about you hide somewhere like my hotel room for the night and then think of something in the morning? I mean, no one will search you there, right?"
They perked up, Taehyung instantly shaking his head. "No. You already got enough involved."
"But no one knows that yet," she deadpanned, making his jaw clench. "No one will find you there."
"She got a point.."
"No, she doesn't," he protested in vain. He knew she was right, but he simply couldn't accept that.
"Alright, you got another idea then?"
"The one I suggested."
"You forget that last time they were also barricading the main roads in and out the city," Yoongi countered then, "So got any other idea?"
He didn't.
Thankfully, and much to Taehyung's relief, they didn't have to actually all cramp in Cassandra's hotel room since the room next door was unoccupied. It was easy for them to pick the old lock after sneaking into the building from an open window without anyone noticing that they were even there. The perks of old, small hotels.
When they parted, Cassandra's body was still buzzing from the gala. The exhilarating feeling not having fully subdued yet.
After entering her dark room, she first freed her feet from the stilettos and kicked them as far away as possible, not wanting to ever see them again. However, she didn't feel like taking off her dress as well yet and shedding off the elegant feeling of the night so soon.
It was still fairly early, not even midnight yet, and she decided to sit outside at the small balcony for a moment to cool down and recall the last few hours. Taking one of her jackets with her as she'd already returned Taehyung's blazer.
It was silent in the backyard of the hotel, save for the faint melody of music coming from an open window somewhere. The little tables in its centre sitting lonely among trees and bushes.
It was ironic in a way, how no one out there could imagine what had happened on the other side of the city that night. As if it was a parallel universe.
Standing there for awhile enjoying the peaceful silence and reliving the evening in her head - while intentionally not dwelling too much on specific moments, or feelings - she  decided to go back inside. It was getting cold, even with her thick jacket on, and a sudden exhaustion overcame her after all when the sound of someone stepping out on the balcony beside hers made her pause in her tracks.
She knew it must've been one of the guys and yet, whoever it was probably went out to be alone just like her, so she didn't want to intrude.
So she dared an attempt to sneak inside. Only to get hindered by a low chuckle.
"You stalking me now?" The teasing smirk was audible even from behind the partition. And Cassandra exhaled in relief before huffing jokingly.
"Excuse me, I was here before you?"
Taehyung tsked and leaned his folded arms over the railing right beside her. Letting his eyes wander over the dark scenary of the night. The music had stopped awhile ago, only a stray cat pushing a can echoed through the peacefulness now.
She leaned a bit over to catch a glimpse of him behind the thin cement wall then.
His side-profile shone under the sparse lighting of a lamp underneath them, its serene expression captivating. Unsure if she'd ever seen it before.
She was fond of it, though, just as she was fond of his strong brows, the curves of his nose and lips and all the other soft edges complimenting them. And she was especially fond of the way the night breeze was swaying his tousled strands, not much of their previously sleeked back state evident anymore. Causing them to fall right into his eyes before he pushed them back with his long fingers.
In that moment she made a mental snapshot of this sight, the sight only she got to see and nobody else. She knew with time, her memory wouldn't be able to fully capture this placid nature anymore, but she knew the emotions it triggered inside her would forever be engraved in it.
Her gaze wandered out into the old buildings then, she inhaled deeply and ignored the lingering chemical reactions underneath the surface of her skin. Pushing it all away. Or at least, pretended to.
"I had fun tonight."
Taehyung hummed in acknowledgement and tilted his head to face her better. In the faint lightning, her round face glowed like the mood. And he observed her tuck away a brash curl which had fallen into her view and got caught in her long eyelashes. Warm eyes absentmindedly staring at nothing in particular and he noticed the tiniest reflections of light dancing in them.
His mind instinctively remembering the similar sight in the ballroom only a few hour ago. When she was in his arms in the sea of people.
A shaky breath left his lips at that memory and he averted his eyes from her again. Focusing on the dark silhouette of a building in the distance instead.
"Me, too," he eventually breathed and pushed himself off the railing. "But don't expect this to happen again," his tone turning into a warning one then, "This was the first and only time you'll get involved in a heist."
He had to stifle a laugh when hearing her offended huff, imagining her folding her arms in front of her with an adorable confusion.
"What, why? It was so exciting! And I did my part well, didn't I? Not my fault if you blew it." A dull sound followed her mini rant along with her small yelp and he already figured out that she hit her elbow against the metal railing. Shaking his head, he was about to argue when she continued, blowing out some air. "Besides, it hardly counts as 'participating in a heist' anyway."
"And why doesn't it?"
"Because I barely noticed anything from the action."
Her complaint made a laugh brush past his lips. "Good. Let's keep it this way. It was the last time this happens anyway," he simply stated then and she pouted.
"Fine, you meanie."
"I said 'fine', I get it," she sighed then, "I'm not naive, I know it can get far more dangerous than that. No reason to keep lecturing me. But it was still fun and I don't regret it. When else could I dress up and attend a gala after all?" She smiled and he could tell she genuinely meant it.
Taehyung nodded, biting back a smile.
"You looked beautiful tonight, by the way."
Her breath hitched and she stayed quiet for longer than she intended. "Oh, so not just 'fitting'?"
And Taehyung folded his lips, unable to retort anything as the mocking, even if playful, felt deserved.
Why had he struggled so much telling her before?
He should've told her way sooner, face to face with no partition seperating them. It had been on the tip of his tongue all night long, but something inside him feared crossing a line if saying it out loud. He felt like a coward right now.
But what if he didn't even mean to say 'beautiful'? What if the word he much rather preferred was 'breathtaking'?
"No. You.. you looked great."
His firm voice put a smile on her face, feeling the chemical reactions inside her gaining intensity all over again. She straightened herself then and cleared her throat.
"Thank you. You looked quite handsome, too, cool guy." Like someone who drank his vodka martinis 'shaken, not stirred' -type of handsome.
She found herself silly for not telling him sooner either, for some reason overthinking it the whole evening. So she couldn't really judge him for only complimenting her now. She wondered if he had struggled as much as she had.
"Ah, did I?" Taehyung laughed under his breath, masking his own blush.
"Mh, I'm sure you already knew."
"No, I didn't actually," he grinned, "But thank you."
And they enjoyed the silence of the night for a little bit longer.
next chapter: 0.7 here
Don't forget to like, comment & leave feedback!♡ It motivates me to keep writing :)
taglist: @lilanyxta @naoolammao345 @memna234 @tetehion @myblacklilame @nanakamami @sweetmimosa28
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yuyu1024 · 1 year ago
Pairings: Seonghwa × y/n
Genre/tags: friends and more
Warning: 🔞🔞 smut/angst, cursing, sensual touching/making out, needy/clingy, Pet name, semi public, bj [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 1.2k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: likes and reblogs much appreciated ⭐️
Check pinned post for more✨️
Half asleep, you wake up early in the morning to force yourself to jog. You've been slacking with it for the past month already. School have really messed up your routine.
Before you go and get ready to wash your face up, you decided to go down the kitchen first to grab a glass or water and prepare the tumbler you will be carrying for the run.
It's still a bit dark and again, half asleep, that you didn't find it weird that when you entered the kitchen area, the lampshade near the dining table is on. So when a deep ass voice started speaking behind you, you almost dropped down on the floor and faint.
"Fuck!" You gasp as you finally see it was Seonghwa. "You scared the shit out of me." Your hands on your chest and trying to collect yourself
"I didn't mean to..." he say then leans his lower back on the island counter top. "You're up early." His arms crossed over his chest.
"I'm going for a run... need to release some stress..." you say as you open the fridge and grab a bottle of water. "You?"
"I'm horny." He spat, making you almost choke on the water your drinking
You wipe your mouth. "W-what did you say?!?"
He puts his index finger over his plump, rosy lips. "Sshh... they are still asleep."
He is pertaining to your brother, Wooyoung, and the other boys. Some is sleeping up stairs in Wooyoung's room while Yunho and probably San is sleeping in the guestroom downstairs since they were up all night playing video games.
It's the beginning of summer so they are all in your house, having some boys slumber party. And they will be here for a few more days.
"You guys drank a lot last night... why are you awake now?"
"Again....as I said..." he stands up straight and lips curved in a small smile. "I'm horny... if you don't get that... It means I want sex... I want to fuck... I want..." he's moving closer and closer to you until your back touches the fridge. "I want to eat you..."
Your bodies are close to each other that you could actually feel his hardness through his pajamas and yours.
"W-why... me?"
"C'mon darling..." he leans down to whisper, "you know why... you've been teasing me since yesterday..."
You blush at the thought. Yes. You actually did. Not gonna lie, maybe it's because you had a few drinks too but not to the point your drunk. It just became liquid courage for you.
You've been crushing on him for more than a year now. He's been friends with your brother for so long. But you have no idea where this crush actually began. You thought it was just nothing until it got solidified more than a year ago.
How can you not like Seonghwa? He's sweet, kind, caring, passionate and such a good friend and person in general. Plus he's good looking and smart. And probably, one thing you like about him too is his naughty side.
But this KIND of naughty, is new to you.
"Wearing a a fitted top and those tiny shorts of yours?" He tugs your hair behind your ear before he takes you by your chin and make you look at him. "And when we were playing games... you make sure I get to have a good view of your ass and then brushing your chest onto my arm purposely..." he leans in again, lips close to your ear. "Just thinking about it makes me hard and ready to burry my d!ck in your pu$sy."
Oh shit. Your knees weakened a little. He sound so fucking sexy.
"What do you say? Darling... should we try... if you could take my d!ck well?"
His eyes are burning. He's different from the Seonghwa you see often. This is intense. In a good way.
"Ahm..." your breathing is all over the place as his hands begins to roam around your body.
"Give me your consent, darling." He pushes his pelvis to you more. His fucking hard as rock. "I've been wanting to fuck you since last night... but the boys are night owls and I can't find the timing to pull you out of your bed."
You are shaking and excited at the same time.
"What do you want to do?"
He smirks devilishly. "I want to fuck that beautiful mouth of yours first... would you like to try?"
You suddenly got brave and cup his bulge. "Feed me." You tease before you tip toe and go for a kiss.
His eyes widens after the cute peck you gave him but then the warmth in his eyes changes to something dark.
"Go down on your knees." He orders
Your mouth goes dry. This is your first time doing something like this. You've dated a few boys but didn't got to this. Seonghwa is a man and you're not a little girl anymore too. Making out is just basic. This is more than basic.
Slowly pulling down his pajama pants down, you almost choked on nothing as you see it clearly and close up. The length. The veins. The redness. The leaking tip.
"Fuck." You hiss as you grab him using both hands. "Wow..." You quietly move forward and begin to taste him.
You tongue run from the bottom to the tip. Feeling those edges that are so freaking beautiful that makes you wonder how it will feel if he puts it inside of you.
"Ugh... ah... that's it... ahhh...holy shit..." Seonghwa is moaning, nonstop as you let your tongue play around his length. "Fuck! darling, I never knew... you'd be this..." he pauses as he felt the warmth of your mouth. "Ohhh yes..."
You bop your head, sucking and licking every bits of him making him crazy. You're making sure he'll be wanting more from you or if not, will never forget the service you've given him.
"Y/n!" He cries. He puts his hands on the fridge for support. "Damn it!"
He pulls you up from your knees and start to make out with you.
"Fuck!" He looks at you, eye to eye. "You're not wearing a bra?" His hand is on your right boob, squeezing. He could feel how turned on you are under the shirt you are wearing. The tip is very hard and pointy. "8 guys... 7... less Woo...in this house and you're not wearing... a fucking bra? Do you know how dangerous this is?"
You smile putting your arms around his neck. "Do you want me to put on a bra or you'd want to taste it?"
A wide devilish grin spread across his lips. "You one naughty little princess..." he licks his lower lips and grinds his exposed length to your still covered core. "You'd regret turning me on even more... coz' darling... I'd bet you can not go jogging after I'm finished with you."
"Give it a go then..." you glance at the wall clock in the kitchen. "We have less than a hour before sunrise... before my parents and the rest of the boys wake up..."
He growls at your challenge. "Alright then..." he adjusts your positions and making you face the countertop. "Bend over..." he orders "and make sure to keep quiet..."
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neoarchipelago · 2 years ago
Madripoor High (Part 5)
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A/N: I'm actually enjoying writing this so FUCKING MUCH.
Warnings: Adult content, just to be safe.
Noisy. Loud. God. The bed felt nice. You opened your eyes, submitting yourself to a torturous light of day. Shit. You stretched out, feeling a slight ping of pain on your neck. You frowned, your hand slowly meeting the skin. Shit. 
You rose to your feet, obviously you were alone. You walked to the bathroom looking at your neck in the mirror. Tiny bruises. It was ok. Nothing blue or bad. They looked more like hickeys. You sighed. Could be covered by make up. 
You slightly jumped. Shit. 
"Coming!" You called, fuck… your voice was hoarse.  
You grabbed the robe, putting it on, making sure the collar fit around your neck. Taking a last glance in the mirror you stopped out, smiling up at Soap. 
"You up already?" He smiled. 
"Well y'all are making an awful lot of noise." You teased. 
"Sorry about that. Price is making a little briefing, they're leaving early, What happened to your voice?" he said. 
"Oh… screaming yesterday and I probably caught a cold with Valeria's poor choice of clothing." 
"Come on!" He said, nodding his way towards the living room. 
Shit. You sighed but followed anyone. You walked into view. Eyes glancing around the room as everyone sat or stood around the small coffee table. You glanced at the lieutenant, his eyes barely gazing at you for a second before looking away. Welp. This was going to be awkward. 
"You cold?" Valeria asked. 
"Yes." You said. 
She squinted her eyes, tilting her head with a nasty smirk. You simply rolled your eyes. You sat down near Soap while you listened to Price. You weren't exactly paying attention. You wanted to go back to bed. You mostly got that everyone was going back to base, that they were haunting down some higher ups and that it was your task to find out who 'snake' was and their link to Echo. You nodded. 
"You'll be driving back with Soap, Tracker." Price said, smiling at you. 
"Oh, I lost my babysitter?" You teased looking at Soap. 
"Sad that I'm your new babysitter?" He teased back. 
"Absolutely not. You and I are going to have so much fun…" you answered with a mischievous tone and smile. He visibly swallowed. 
"Oh can I be babysat too?" Valeria asked. 
"You already got a babysitter!" You mocked, leaning back on the couch, throwing your head back to look at her. 
"Oh… what's that on your neck?" She teased. 
Your blood ran cold as you straightened yourself. 
"Are those hickeys?" She teased again, stepping closer to the couch.
"Nope. Bruises." If you said the truth. She'd take it as you masking 'her truth' which, you knew, was the only truth to her. 
"You fucking with me! Those are hickeys!" She teased as you stood under the curious gaze of the team. "Is it the lieutenant?!" She yelled as you walked back into the room.
"Absolutely, fucked all night!" You answered sarcastically at her before disappearing out of view.  
"Come on! Tell me the truth!" She scolded. 
You took a deep breath. Shit. SHIT. You shook your, deciding to immediately head to the shower, get dressed and hide those marks. Your stomach grumbled. Also you were hungry.
Forty five minutes later, you walked out of the elevator, walking to a conference room you had requested so everyone would eat together, away from civilians. Soap was happily walking next to you. You didn't mind spending time with him. His usual cheery self made you relax and actually enjoy the time you spent on this mission. He opened the door for you as you faked a reverence to him before you both walked in. Price asked you to sit next to him as he sat at one hand of the table, the lieutenant on his other side, in front of you. 
You sat down, Soap walking to the rest of the team to indulge himself in chatter and jokes. You smiled at them before serving yourself some tea and some little things to munch on. 
"The marks are gone." You heard. 
You rolled your eyes. 
"Surprising, isn't it?" You answered sarcastically. 
Price remained silent, a little smile on his face. He knew. Of course he did. You sighed, looking at Simon. 
"I'm completely fine." You said, honestly. 
He looked away, rolling his shoulders uncomfortably. 
"Are you sur-" price started. 
"I am. Fine." You said again. He sighed. 
You and Simon turned back to your plates. Price, him, decided to simply stare at the both of you, pressuring you to say something. You pretend to ignore him. Simon doing the same thing. 
"Are you going to tell me what happened?" He asked. You faked confusion. 
"Nothing happened." You answered, looking up at him before turning to Simon. He looked at you, an unreadable expression on his face. 
"Lieutenant ?" Price asked. 
"Nothing happened Sir." He repeated. 
Price sighed, dropping the subject. He simply nodded, turning to his breakfast. You tried to do the same, sometimes sharing glances with Simon, without ever saying a word. 
Breakfast passed by in a flash. You found yourself in a car, Soap on the driver's seat as the rest of the team stood outside, their own cars parked next to you. There was a little chatting. Valeria trying to convince Alejandro to let her drive with you and Soap. 
"No." He said. 
"Cabron." She spat. 
You chuckled, sharing an amused glance with Soap. Twenty minutes later, everyone had hopped into a car, driving back to the base, two hours away. Driving with Soap was much calmer, life threateningly speaking, because unlike the Lieutenant, he loved to talk or sing. It made you smile, unfortunately, your mind replayed again and again last night's events. 
"Hey, you good?" He asked, making you snap out of your thoughts. 
"Hm? Yeah. Just… annoyed. This is quite a stressful contract." It wasn't entirely false, but it wasn't the current truth. 
"Are you scared to fail?" He asked. 
"No." You chuckled. "I'll find Echo. No one can hide eternally. Just… been heavy on me. I've been accumulating contracts without breaks recently." You said, now fully spilling your truth. He seemed to think for a minute before turning to you as he stopped at a red light. 
"How about… we don't go to base immediately?" He proposed. 
"What?" You frowned, smirking. 
"Yeah. Let's go do something you want first." He said again. 
"You want to go with me, do something?" You asked, raising your eyebrows as he started driving again. "Aren't you my babysitter?" 
"Come on… we're in this together. I trust you. Believe it or not. You don't need a babysitter, you are my frien-... colleague" he said with a smile. 
You felt a ping in your heart. This had been happening quite often with this team, something unusual to your usual contracts. Friends. The thought of being friends with Soap, Gaz, Alejandro… Simon. It made you… happy. 
"Thank you…" you said. "I'd be… honored, to be counted as your friend." You answered honestly. His smile grew wider. 
"Come on! Let's go do something!" He pressed. 
"Fine!" You chuckled. "Let's go shopping together. We'll get snacks and I'll buy some gifts?" You inquired. 
"Oh, you want to be a sugar Mommy?" He teased. 
"Well, I can literally afford to be anyone. And, I'm sure you want to be my Good boy…" you teased back. 
"Ooohhhh" he answered back, as you laughed. "I'm totally going to accept that. I have a rich friend now." 
"Are you using me for my money?" You teased. 
"No!" He almost looked offended. "Please don't think that." He said, throwing glances at you. 
You smiled. "I believe you don't worry. I like to buy things for my friends. One of my love languages is offering gifts." You answered. He seemed relieved. 
"Shopping then?" He asked. 
Two hours. The time that was supposed to be spent driving back to base, was spent walking around the mall. Clothes, electronics, coffees and snacks. You had spent the time laughing and joking, Soap actually enjoying trying out things and giving you a show, giving you his opinion on things you wanted to buy. He actually felt bad when he saw you buy a new laptop for him, eyes widening and stuttering. You had reassured him that your Black card could easily take it and that it would make you, so, so happy to treat him.  
He almost had tears in his eyes and it warmed your heart to see him so happy. You had enjoyed every second of it, walking back to his car, arms full of bags, little treats for the rest of the team and a bubble tea for each of you. He dropped the bags in the trunks as his phone rang. His face dropped as you stood by, listening. The voice on the other end of the line was loud enough for you to hear the lieutenant loudly asking him 'where the fuck he was'. You sighed, crossing your arms. 
Soap apologized, saying you'd be there as soon as possible. What made you frown was the next information. The general was angry at him. Sanctions, rank… you frowned.
"What's this general's name?" You asked Soap. 
"Hum… Y/N is asking for… the general's name…" Soap said to the phone. "General Richard Hopkins…" 
You smiled nodding at him. Soap hung up, sighing. 
"I'm sorry…" you told him. 
"Nah. This ain't your fault. I offered, remember?" He said with a soft smile. He pat your head before you both sat in the car, heading to base. 
An hour into the drive back, Soap stopped to put some gas. You had happily spent your anger towards anyone hurting your new friend into searching all about Hopkins. You knew everything, up to his latest dentist's appointment to his family members social security numbers. You walked out of his car, waiting for him to put gas before he walked inside to pay. You stood, leaning against his car before you dialed the number on your screen. It rang, once, twice before someone picked up. 
"...hello?" The voice asked unsure. 
"General Hopkins!" You greeted cheerfully. 
"Who's this? How did you get my personal number?" 
"Oh, my bad. My name is Tracker." You introduced yourself. 
"Of course. I shouldn't be surprised. This is what happens when you trade with a terrorist." 
"Ohhh terrorist? That's a bit much." You answered offended. 
"You are having fun, making trouble for my Sergeants?" He spat. 
"That is exactly what I'm calling you for. I had a little shopping need and your sergeant was a sweetheart and helped me. Therefore I do not accept any sanction towards him." You said, earning a dark chuckle from the man. 
"You do not get a say in this." He answered proudly. You took a deep breath. 
"Who's Charlotte?" You asked, the line falling deeply empty. "Why are you sending her dick pics while your wife is in another conversation sending you your son's first steps?" You kept asking. 
"You little-" 
"Isn't there a moral clause in the military? Can't you lose your rank? You'll obviously lose your wife and kids but, losing your rank? The whole base's respect? Also, you're way too old to be acting like a teenage boy in rut." You asked, feeling that familiar feeling of power and giddiness from shutting up men who thought they could control everything.
"You had that information illegally." 
"Of course I did. I do not agree that I'm a terrorist but damn am I a criminal. And a good one at that. An anonymous email with enough proof will do." You chuckled. You watched as Soap stepped out of the gas station. "The Sergeant will have no sanction. He will arrive on base and you will thank him for being such an amazing team player and making me feel comfortable with the team." You said, watching Soap start walking towards you. 
"Do you think I'm going to let you threaten me?!" 
"No. But I think you know that I'll have no problem ruining your fucking life. That whatever you try, whatever you'll think of, you already know, I will ruin your family, your career, your reputation. In a blink of an eye." You finally said. Soap was getting to close for comfort for you to remain on the phone for this conversation. "I'll see you later. Richard." 
You hung up, Soap sending you a questioning gaze. Hopefully he didn't hear anything. You smiled before asking him if you could go. He agreed before you hopped back in the car.
The last hour, you could see, even through Soap's facade, the anxiety peaking. You smiled at him, trying to reassure him. Unfortunately, when you entered the base and when he finally reached the parking of the barracks, he flinched at the sight of Price and Ghost standing, waiting, arms crossed. 
"Shit." Soap cursed. 
"Breathe. You're fine." You said, not an ounce of doubt in your voice. 
You both stepped out, slowly walking to the two men. 
"Sergeant." Price started. "Could you explain?" 
"I wanted to go shopping." You answered before the Mohawk boy could. "He kindly agreed to take me. Such an amazing man." You said with a smile. 
"Do you understand how much trouble he is in?" Ghost hissed. "He had orders-" 
"Taking back the mean criminal terrorist to base?!" You snapped. "Were you worried I'd run off with your little sergeant? Or was it that you wanted to be the one to handcuff me?!" You spat. 
"Please, both of you, lower your voices." Price said, glancing behind Ghost. 
You turned to see a man, highly decorated, walking to your small group. 
"Gentleman." He greeted. 
You recognized the voice. You didn't need to hear the three men greet their general. 
"Sergeant McTavish." He started. 
"General-" Soap tried. 
"Thank you for helping Tracker with her errands. It's nice to see a good team player." Hopkins said, hiding extremely well his anger and rage. 
The rest of the group looked taken aback but Soap thanked his general. Hopkins turned to you nodding your way before bidding his goodbye. You stared at him all the while he walked away, before you, yourself started turning towards the car to go grab your bags. 
"Y/N-" Price started. 
"Do not, EVER think, I'd get him into trouble!" You spat towards Simon. He hadn't spoken. But you were angry at him. Was it truly because of the last five minutes? Or the fact that he didn't talk to you. That he was avoiding you. Was it... affecting you? 
"I know that you have a poor opinion of me, but don't you dare think so low of me." You finished, throwing him a last glare before turning towards the car. 
You had retracted to your room. You took your bags, giving Soap his own and the ones with little treats for everyone. You laid on your bed, feeling exhausted. You felt… weird. Many things were running through your mind. You were frustrated. A soft knock on your door made you close your eyes, taking a deep breath before you let out a little 'come in' while sitting back up and jumping to your feet. 
Soap's head peeked through a gap in the doorway. You smiled kindly at him as he entered, closing the door behind him. 
"Yes darling?" You asked affectionately. 
"Thank you. You didn't have to. I'm used to trouble" he chuckled, going straight to the point. 
"I don't doubt it." You chuckled as well. "But this is different. Unlike you, pretty much everyone thinks of me as an enemy. I am a momentarily weapon to get to a goal. As soon as they're done using me, I'm just another threat to take down." You explained. 
"Y/N…" he tried. 
"It's ok. I don't expect any less. But for you it's different. They don't want you befriending me." The reality hit you, sadness slightly tainting your brain. "You are a great soldier, in an amazing, irreplaceable team. But they can't afford to have you tainted with my… evilness." You tried with a fake smile. "They will sanction you. Perhaps heavily even, to make you an example for anyone else." You finished softly.
Soap didn't say anything. Seconds after, he rushed to you, taking you in his arms. You were a bit in shock, but you hugged him back, your head on his shoulder, looking at the wall. 
"You don't do things by the rules… and neither do we to be honest. But… you are a good person." He said. You huffed a laugh. "You are." He added. 
"Thank you Soap." You whispered. 
"Johnny." He clarified, separating. 
"Johnny?" You asked confused. 
"Yeah, LT calls me that, usually i don't let anyone else call me like that but you are worthy!" He chimed happily. 
You chuckled, rolling your eyes. 
"Alright. Thanks Johnny. I will however refrain from calling you that in front of your LT. I'd like to avoid fighting with him again." You finished in a grumble. 
"Ah don't worry. He likes ya!" Soap beamed. 
"I think I'm going to press 'X' to doubt." You joked. 
"What..?" He asked, confused. 
"A gaming reference. Don't worry." You winked, earning another wide smile from the Scot.
"Would you like some dinner?" He asked. 
"Ah not yet. I'm not hungry but I'll get a snack at some point." You answered with a reassuring smile. 
He sighed, but nodded, dropping a kiss on top of your head before exiting your room. You wanted to be alone right now. Perhaps you could even start on your search for this 'snake'. You groaned to yourself before sitting down at your small desk, opening your laptop. That might be exactly what you need to get your mind off of a certain Lieutenant. 
You stretched on the very uncomfortable chair you sat on. You were missing your perfect gaming chair in the perfect office you had in your perfect penthouse you owned in Madripoor. You blinked the blurriness caused by the tiredness, taking in the time written on the right corner of the laptop. One in the morning. One fifteen to be exact. Your stomach growled slightly. It was time for that snack. You stood, walking up to the door, very slowly opening it. You glanced out, making sure no one was up. If they were, they were in their rooms and you couldn't see them. 
You slipped out of your room, tip-toeing your way to the common kitchen. You decided to turn on as little light as possible. You almost jumped on your way to the fridge, staring inside for something to munch on. Now started the dilemma everyone is familiar with, the usual I'm fucking hungry but nothing in this fridge helps my hunger. You decided on a few avocado toast after seeing it in the corner, feeling lonely and probably dying. 
It felt amazing to finally get something in your stomach, you happily danced around until your eyes fell upon something. Like a little dragon attracted by shiny things, you hopped to it. You sat at the counter, dusting off your hands before grabbing the very familiar black combat knife. You took it out of his holster, eying it with fascination. The black blade, the black handle, fit perfectly together. It was stunning. The perfect killing weapon to your eyes. 
You let your fingers caress the blade, a soft smile on your lips, reaching the tip where you applied pressure with your index finger. It prickled your fingertip almost instantly, the sharpness needing no actual pressure to break the skin. You bit your lip frowning. You softly put the knife back in his holster, putting it back in his original place. You brought your finger tip to your lips, licking the tiny drop of blood before sinking it into your mouth. 
Without actually paying attention you turned to the doorway, falling eye to eye with a mask skull. You didn't jump but a cold shiver ran through you. You dropped the finger from your mouth under his very attentive gaze. He stood, watching you, leaning against the doorway, arms crossed, making his strong arms flex. You swallowed before taking a deep breath. There was nothing to be scared or even embarrassed about. You turned back to the counter, grabbing the rest of your toast before turning to him. 
"I didn't steal anything." You simply said. 
"You knew it was sharp, why did you put your fingers on the blade?" He scolded. 
You stopped your chewing. He had been standing there the whole time?! You resumed your chewing before looking up at them. 
"Why do you care? Again, I didn't steal anything. Your precious knife is still here." You said. "Now if you'll excuse me." You finished walking past him to dart to your room. 
You closed the door rather quickly, feeling like the small room was the only 'safe space' for you in this whole base. You closed your eyes leaning against the door. You stiffened, listening to footsteps behind the door. They stopped in front of your door. You tensed, breath hitching, and heartbeat quickening. For some reason you tried to keep your breathing steady. It was him. Behind your door. You heard the soft caress of a gloved hand against the wood. 
As quick as he came, he went, leaving you alone with your heartbeat ringing in your ears. You simply hissed under your breath.  
The next few days were calm. You and the lieutenant avoided each other but seemed to always find each other's gaze once in the same room. It frustrated you. You were definitely not about to go to him. It didn't matter anyway, right? Right…? You couldn't repeat yourself again and again, somehow this frustration wouldn't go away. You were glad for Soap however, his good mood and jokes always taking your mind off of it for a little while. You had started to see him as a little brother, scolding yourself mentally because you knew that as soon as this mission would be done. You'd leave. 
He had accepted to walk you to the showers at night, standing guard for you. You were glad you could avoid asking Simon. The… hum… lieutenant. 
However, tonight, Soap had field training with the recruits and wouldn't be back before a good 48h. You decided to wait for the latest hours, around 2 in the morning to slip out of the dorms to the showers. The base was asleep, apart from the round duties. Surely, you could shower in peace. 
The barely warm shower felt good on your skin, it seemed to calm your nerves. You had been working non-stop since you were back from the hotel. You had found tiny traces of 'snake', that person seemingly less careful than Echo. You started to wonder if this wasn't the same person. 
You groaned, frowning under the water. You needed to clear your mind. Relax. This was no time to think about work. You tried to focus on the way the soap felt on your body as you scrubbed yourself. Or the way the water fell upon your skin. Not about work. Not about the Lieutenant. Not about the way you felt watched- 
Wait. What?! 
You snapped your eyes open, turning around towards the entrance of the shower, eyes falling upon a man. You stiffened, hiding your body. 
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" You screamed. 
The poor boy scurried away as fast as he could, almost slipping on the way. You rushed out of the shower grabbing a towel to wrap around your body. You walked as fast as you could to the door. You froze on the spot however. Furious eyes gazed upon you, hands holding tightly the boy by the collar. 
"Step back inside." He ordered. 
For some reason. You didn't discuss it. You watched him walk inside with you, the boy still held by the collar. You kept walking backwards until your back hit the cold wall. 
"Lieutenant…" you tried. 
You flinched, watching him bring the boy forcefully to the ground on his knees. Your eyes traveled back up, watching how Simon's eyes had dangerously darkened. 
"Apologize little cunt." He ordered. His voice kept a low volume. Steady. Not a hiss, not a growl, not a groan. His voice itself, even in a normal tone, promised havoc. The poor boy immediately apologized, stammering on his words. He had visibly paled, his eyes glued to the floor. 
"Go. Finish your shower. We'll wait." Simon said before roughly bringing back up the recruit, pushing him towards the door. He threw a last, heavy dark look at you, making you shiver delightfully before he stepped out as well. 
What was it. That feeling deep in your chest. You were fucking lying to yourself. The way your pussy clenched around nothing, the way your thighs squeezed together. His gaze, his voice… he had turned you on. You shook your head, hurrying to finish your shower. 
Ten minutes later, you stepped out, fully clothed, wet hair tied in a bun. You fell upon a still furious Lieutenant, eyeing the recruit as he tried to remain stable, arms shaking, doing push ups. 
"You done?" He asked you. His voice remained in the dangerous, sexy level he had spoken before, making you unable to answer properly. You simply nodded. 
"Why didn't you call me?" He asked. 
"I… you didn't want to talk to me. Not since…" you cleared your throat. "Doesn't matter." 
"It matters." He simply responded. "Now i got to teach this fucker, and you, to behave." 
You frowned. You? 
"Get up." He ordered. The poor recruit standing. "Let's walk to the barracks. Tracker. You remain close to me." 
You couldn't find it in yourself to brat. You simply sent him a dark look before walking beside him. 
The way to the barracks was quiet. You had walked up the stairs, eyes widening as Simon turned left before even reaching your floor. He switched the lights on. 
"SQUAD 8. GET UP. ALL OF YOU." He yelled in the hallway. 
It was immediate. The sound of people standing and quickly running to put the minimum of clothes on, a t-shirt and some pants. 
You stepped closer to the lieutenant, making sure he was the only one who could hear you. 
"Ghost. What are you doing?" You asked. 
He didn't answer. He turned back to the hallway which was quickly filling up with recruits who stood to attention in front of him. 
"OUT. EVERYONE." He barked again. 
The recruits jogged out, the poor boy at the head of the line as you kept walking next to Simon. 
Outside he made them line up. You felt cold. You hadn't expected to end up in the cold for so long. He noticed. He angrily shook off his tactical vest, throwing it over your shoulders, earning a dark look from you. In a swift motion he grabbed you by the waist, lifting you up to sit on top of a very known wall. You had barely time to grab his shoulders as you yelped. 
You felt yourself feeling guilty once more. Shit. And the punishment started. Push ups, burpees. You kept eyeing him. He was tense. Incredibly tense. And watching the cadets running, huffing, out of breath wasn't helping for a second. He had enough. You watched him roll his shoulders, stepping closer to the cadets. Close combat training. You closed your eyes, completely baffled by his actions. 
You watched him tightening his gloves, motioning for the first boy to step closer. You could visibly see the defeat in the boy's eyes. And he fought. Bringing to the floor one after the other, sometimes making you wince under the sheer force he was using. It was starting to get unbearable. You felt your own anger rise. He noticed. Of course he did. He ordered them to fight each other as he walked to you. 
His breathing was barely faster. You could see his skin glistening with sweat. The way your body reacted only made you angrier. 
"Why are you doing this?!" You whispered-yelled to him. 
"I'm punishing my soldiers for being a pervert." He said in the same tone. 
"By punishing his whole squad??" You growled. 
"Exactly. If I punish only him, he'll think it's worth the pain to get to view a pretty ass under the shower." You blushed at the comment. "If I punish his whole squad he knows he'll be the black sheep of the group. That his own teammates will despise him and his actions as they reflect on everyone. I can assure you. He, or his team, will never try it again." He explained, voice calm but still dark. You opened your mouth before shutting it again. "And I know you hate seeing them punished." He finished. 
You glared at him. 
"That. Is your punishment for going against direct rules given by Price." He said. You rolled your eyes. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" He growled dangerously. 
You didn't answer. But you wished you did. He immediately turned to the recruits, making you gasp. 
You jumped off the wall, running to him. 
"Ok OK! I'M SORRY!" You yelled. 
He looked down at you, satisfied look in his eyes, before chuckling darkly. You pouted, crossing your arms. 
"BACK TO BED." He finally rang, making you sigh with relief.
You walked behind him, up the stairs. He slowed down grabbing your arm, pulling you in front of him. You threw him a dark look before walking up the stairs. You didn't stop, climbing all the way up to your own barracks. He was close behind, having quickly checked that everyone was in bed. You pushed the door open, fury coursing through you.  
"Where are you going?" You heard. 
You stepped into the kitchen, crossing your arms. You turned to him as he walked in. 
"You, sir, are a dickhead!" You spat. 
He flinched, also crossing his arms. 
"I warned you. The first time you stepped into that shower. These boys haven't seen any in a long while. You are a sweet candy plastered on a plate for them." He scolded again. 
"Oh really? Is that thought from them or from you?" You provoked. 
Silence fell. You felt guilty as soon as the words left your throat. You remembered his past. His fear of his own behavior. You felt horrible.
"I have been nothing but decent with you." He let out in a monotonous tone. 
You sighed, closing your eyes. 
"Yes you have… you're right. You've been more than decent. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it…" you apologized. 
"Not more than decent…" he said. 
You opened your eyes, confusion filling you. 
"Yes you have. What do you mean?" You asked. 
"I… choked you. In the middle of the night." Obvious guilt tainted his words. You couldn't help but sigh. You stepped to him, watching him freeze on the spot. You slowly grabbed his hand, raising it to your neck, wrapping it softly around it. He remained still the entire time. You looked up at him. 
"You had a nightmare. I startled you awake. It was my fault. You reacted accordingly to your training. Your current feelings. I do not. Hold it against you." His eyes didn't leave yours, his hand applying absolutely no pressure on your neck. "I'm fine. I'm not angry. I'm not scared. I'm annoyed that you ignored this conversation. But I'm not holding it against you." You finished. It took a few seconds for him to say anything. 
"You had bruises…" 
"Had worse ones before. Not even painful." 
"I scared you…" 
"Spur of the moment, I wasn't expecting it."
"I… held onto you." 
You smiled softly. "You did. I started it though." 
"I'm sorry. It won't happen again." His thumb caressed the side of your neck. 
"It's fine Simon." You let out, grabbing his full attention. "We all have nightmares. We're all fucking broken and fucked up. We've all been through traumatizing shit. We all need to be held. And that's ok." You soothed. 
You remained like this for a little while. You closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of his gloves around your throat, simply laying there.
"You're still a dickhead though…" you mumbled with a teasing smirk. 
"You fucking brat…" he answered with the same teasing tone. You chuckled, opening your eyes as he lowered his hand. 
"Don't ever go to the showers alone. Do you understand?" He said, his usual commanding tone back. You sighed, annoyed. "I am serious Y/N." You looked up, surprised by your name on his lips. "It's dangerous." 
"Dangerous…?" You repeated. He stepped even closer. 
"Yes. Dangerous." He repeated as well. 
You frowned before understanding his words. You sighed but nodded, looking up at him through your lashes. He nodded his head as well. 
"I'm going to bed. Goodnight tracker." He said. 
"Good night Lieutenant." You answered. 
He turned around, walking away. 
You wanted to say something more. Anything. Tell him you can hold him anytime he needs. Before you found the courage to speak, he walked out of sight.
@thychuvaluswife  @emily-roberts  @warrior-of-justice  @gh0stedddd  @ladyelissarose
@kiruoris  @kaeyamain-zonglilover  @salsa-reads-stuff  @coacaiyne
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ubehalayas-blog · 2 years ago
Study date...?
Saiki x reader (?)
Bold n italicized words meant saiki communicating to reader telephatically <3
1st person POV (just cause)
I was doing a study session at Saiki's house. We were just rewriting notes while listening to music or to random things we find on Youtube, we were sitting at the floor with a table in front of us while Saiki sat at the opposite side of me. I looked at him and sighed as I laid down on the floor, covering my eyes with my arm "I'm so tired. Why do i even do this, I learn nothing" I complained, grunting and groaning at the floor. 
As usual Saiki ignored me and continued writing and copying his notes "you know you're a Psychic, why are you studying? you can just read the thoughts of the genius in our class" I said, sitting up and leaning on my hand as I watched him write. His handwriting is indeed really pretty, not gonna lie. I'm just studying with you, he stated and I grunted in response "so you're just studying cause you want to study with me?" I teased him a bit, Well you can say it like that. He responded, to which I stilled, huh? Did I hear that right? Am I hearing things? yeah that's probably it, I should clean my ears If I have the time. no, I meant it. he said, I looked at him "Are you joking with me somehow? Is this your joke?" I asked him, he looked up at me and shook his head, in what world do I look like I'm joking? I chuckled "in a world full of Saiki Kusuo" I muttered, looking down. 
I heard him let out a sigh, I'm serious, look… you know I'm bad with emotions and feelings but I think I might like you. He said, almost stuttering at the last part. I stared at him, I saw a flush of pink pass but it went away so quick. Am I dreaming? Dear God this is not a fun prank, give me back my Saiki. Pretty sure God isn't gonna help you out here. "Are you serious? you're not joking? Oh God if you're joking I'm never talking to you again" I said to him, seriously I didn't know how to respond to the situation, he looks serious but he always looks serious. "I'm serious, I know you like me and there's a chance i like you too" he said, not in my mind but he opened his mouth to say it. 
He spoke to me… "you're not gonna self-destruct are you?" he asked, I looked at him blankly and shook my head "Oh God Saiki Kusuo can be my boyfriend?! This really is a dream" I chuckled, still not believing the situation. I couldn't take it seriously, so I stood up from the floor and flopped down to Saiki's bed. "Ok, now time to wake up from this nightmare," I muttered to myself, hugging Saiki's pillow. I heard Saiki's footsteps as he sat down at the edge of the bed. Enough y/n, I'm being serious, this is not a dream. We have to talk about this. 
I sighed and sat up, glancing at him "Ok- sorry, i just can't believe it. I never imagined this day would come, sorry I'm not taking it seriously" I apologized scratching my thumb, he sighed and rested his head on my shoulder. It's… ok, I understand. I'm saying I might like you but I have to confirm if it's the same with yours. I took a deep breath, God I hope Saiki can't hear my heart beating fast, it's almost as if I just drank several shots of espresso. Seriously, I have to focus. I hummed in response "how… Do you want to confirm?" I asked him, regretting that I asked it, I continued to scratch my thumb. 
Honestly, I don't know… you know I don't have any experience with love but whenever I think about it, If ever that… I have to, I want to experience it with you. Is that the same with yours? he asked me, I dumbfoundedly sat there, thinking about it… How Saiki wants to experience love with me, honestly I don't know if my brain is still working at this point, I heard Saiki chuckle. It echoed through the room, or it was just me "um… like do you want to go on dates with me? Do you see me being with you in the future? Do you see me more than friends?" I asked him and took a breath "because If yes, then yeah… it's just like how I like you, or love I don't know" I chuckled, trying to make things light. 
Oh, he said. 
God yeah he doesn't like me the way I do, I was too dumb to get my hopes up, who was I kidding he's aromantic- Then suddenly my lips were met with Saiki's, his hand slid up to my cheeks, cupping them. I stared at him for a while then melted into the kiss, my hand holding on to his shoulder. After a while he broke the kiss and looked at me, I was… in shock. 
My thoughts were in shambles, And here I thought it would shut you up. He chuckled, he cupped my face and turned me to him. He rested his forehead on my mind, I could hear his short breaths, still trying to recover from the kiss.. I sighed, maybe I really am In heaven. Good grief you’re not- stop it. I chuckled and nodded “okay- I’m not, let me just… sink into this'' I flopped back down to the bed, pinching my cheeks “I’m really not dreaming?” 
Honestly... this was a self-insert I wrote for myself when I was in my Saiki era (I just watched 1st season sorry.) I had such a bad obsession with him that time... he was my comfort character back then and I had more written, they’re all in 1st POV and maybe I’ll post them.
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