#oh the way I was a blushy gooey mess when I got this
wayfayrr · 4 months
Hi Moss! I love how you write the Lu guys, I keep re-reading the asks and one shots you post <33 The way you write always leave me giggling and kicking my feet
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this ask has had me sitting and kicking my feet like a little kid omg thank you so much for the kind words :DDD it's literally the reason I keep posting my silly little works and I'm so glad you like them <333
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toomuchracket · 1 year
what about the first actual date with flatmate!matty after you guys got together? is it sweet? loads of nerves??
(also nobody asked but my coffee machine jammed and im p angry rn)
(i am so sorry about the coffee machine. frankly if mine broke i would break too)
the first actual date is SO SWEET. regardless of the fact you guys are Confirmed In Love and you've essentially been going on dates for years already at this point, matty is so so nervous to actually ask you to go on one with him; i think he asks you the day after condom-gate, while you're both making dinner, like gets all bashful and just blurts out "heydoyouwanttogoonadatewithmetomorrow". and you're like "hmm?" and matty takes a deep breath and says "do you want to go on a date with me tomorrow? i was thinking we could go for brunch at that cafe. the one with the pancakes. i know they're your favourite", and you just grin and kiss him softly (he goes all gooey and blushy) and say "i would love to go on a date with you tomorrow. thank you for asking" and then you guys make out for a minute before you're interrupted by the pasta boiling over and making a mess lmao. and i think you definitely turn the flirting up a little bit that evening, just because you find it so cute how flustered matty is about this little date - after dinner and some snuggling, you announce that you're "gonna have a shower, and i might be in there for some time". and matty immediately goes "baby, you don't need to get yourself off in the shower anymore, you have me ;))", to which you giggle but roll your eyes and say "nooooooo, i'm going for an Everything Shower. what if i get lucky on my date tomorrow? i need to be prepared" and wink and walk off to the bathroom, leaving matty blushing and grinning to himself like the little lovesick fool he is.
you guys get ready separately the next morning (that is, after you've spent like an hour making out and grinding in matty's bed, which you're now sleeping in) to make the date seem more official, and you both wear like slightly nicer versions of casual outfits and make sure your hair looks presentable - you're making an effort! and when you're ready, you meet matty in the hallway; he immediately tells you you look beautiful and presents you with flowers (you have absolutely no idea how or when he got them, but you don't question it, you just appreciate), you return the compliment (he blushes again) and then you're on your way. it's so lovely walking hand-in-hand with your boyfriend (!!), talking about anything and everything, and that continues in the cafe too. you both get pancakes, but different toppings, and when matty asks you if yours are nice you literally feed him a little bit from your fork, which makes you both giggle stupidly. there's even a teeny bit of pda - you get a bit of chocolate on your lip, and after matty points it out he leans over and quickly kisses it off, which makes YOU blush this time and makes him grin. matty pays - he's like "chivalry is alive and kicking and i need to do my bit. sorry babe but i literally will not argue with you on this", and you sigh and say "well, i'll get the bill next time then", and matty makes a silly little joke like "fuck yeah i'm getting a second date", to which you're like "oh, you're getting far more than just one other date. you're stuck with me now, healy", and matty honest to god nearly cries before you exchange i love you's and have another sneaky little kiss. then he's all funny like "can i walk you home?", and you're like "i mean yes but we do need to go to tesco first, darlin', we're out of milk lol". but even that ends up being romantic - you pick out ingredients for a nice meal and get a good bottle of wine, and the date continues that night in the flat, with a romantic dinner/movie night under a pillow fort in the living room. and then yeah, because it's you two and you have a lot of catching up to do, you end up "making love" (matty's words, not yours) in said pillow fort - matty's like "not to be dramatic but this is the best day of my life like do you know how long i've wanted to not only take you on a date but also have sex with you in a fort like this", and you're like "well thank god i had that shower last night and shaved lol", and then it's just a lot of giggling and more sexy stuff happening before you go to sleep in each other's arms <3
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
rin making ryuji his phone background? plsss
Ryuuji would be such a blushy mess <3
Rin started it. Bon could hardly breathe through the sheer amount of goo he was covered in, and as soon as he got his mouth cleared he was going to cuss up a storm.
That had been the plan until Rin’s cackle cut through the air. Hands that were always too warm came up and wiped some of the putrid goo off his face, which was fantastic because his hands were sort of stuck at his side. 
“You look like a melted ice-cream cone!” Rin laughed, and Bon could barely see, but Rin was beaming despite the yellow goo he was covered in. 
“Yeah?” Bon managed, choking a little and hacking out a few bits of pink goo. “Better than you. You look like someone sneezed on ya.”
Rin blinked up at him before glancing down at his own arms. He blinked again and looked back up at Bon with a somehow bigger smile. “I do! I look like a booger.” He burned away a bit more of the repulsive stuff from Bon’s face and freed his arms while he was at it. “There. Now hold on.”
“You’re not gonna clear away the rest of this shit?”
“Oh I will, but in a second.” Rin freed his phone from his pocket, not seeming to care that he smeared a bit of the gooey remains on the case. “First, I want a picture!”
Bon’s stomach dropped. “No. Absolutely not.” He looked like an idiot, and it was one thing for Rin to see him like this — Rin looked just as stupid as him and Rin would know he’d worked hard to beat the damn things before they could explode. Other people would see this image and they’d mock him. 
He hated being mocked. 
“Come on,” Rin wiggled his phone and looped his arm around Bon. “It’s our first mission together and we look hilarious.” He grinned wider and tilted his head, causing a bit of goo to fall from his hair and drip on his cheek. There was some still on his nose too. It was in both their hairs, and now his goo was getting on Rin’s side and arm, and Rin’s goo was on his shoulders. They were going to end up melded together at this point. One big pile of goo.
(If he was going to be stuck with somebody, there were a lot worse people to be stuck to than Rin.)
Watching that bit of goo trail its way down Rin’s face, it suddenly struck him as immensely funny, and he couldn’t help a small snort of laughter. 
Rin positively beamed as the sound fell from his lips. He let out a laugh as well, and before Bon really knew what happened, or why it happened, they were both cracking up and leaning against each other as they did it. It had already been hard to breathe, but now he couldn’t get any air for an entirely different reason. He could feel Rin quaking against him with his own laughs, and the arm stuck to his shoulders was dragging him down a little, and he didn’t care. They looked like idiots, and Rin wanted a picture of it. They were dripping melted ice-cream like goo all over the place while Rin looked like he belonged in a tissue, and it was so all ridiculous. The son of Satan and the future leader of Myōō Dharani, covered head to toe in goo from an explosive demon.
It hurt a little, the sheer amount of laughter, but it felt wonderful. It felt incredible and freeing, standing there with Rin and cackling without a care that there were still a few other exorcist around and they had to look more ridiculous than just being covered in goo might make them.
That was when Rin snapped the picture. 
“Perfect!” Rin crowed, looking down at the picture like it was a masterpiece and not a potential item of blackmail. “I think that’s the only picture I’ve got with you smiling.” 
Bon felt his cheeks go a little pink, and he wasn’t even sure why. It wasn’t like he considered himself a particularly smiley person, or even like he felt the need to be smiley. He didn’t allow himself a lot of smiles. (He did worry about how often he looked like he was glaring.)
And why it was that Rin saw him smiling that made him blush even hotter.
“I got too many things to do to waste my time laughing and smiling,” he grumbled, and immediately wished he hadn’t. Rin didn’t waste his time smiling and laughing. At least it didn’t seem like a waste to Bon. Rin had a great smile and laugh. (Stop thinking about that!)
“I get that you gotta be all tough and distant. Gotta be the leader and all that. I just really like your smile. “ Rin smiled sincerely and tucked the phone away in his goo covered pocket. “It’s a great smile.”
Bon shifted uncomfortably. He didn’t really know what to do with that.
“What?” The entire conversation felt a bit weird, and he was still self conscious about the goo and the picture.
Rin shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal and shook some goo off his hands. “I like your smile. Your laugh too. I like a lotta things about you.” He raised his arms, still smiling in that easy way. “Now hold still.” Rin raised his hands and brought them to Bon’s shoulders.
It seemed ludicrous that someone like Rin whose smile was at least as bright as the sun should think he had a nice one. 
Rin melted away the goo, still chuckling, and by the time he was melting away his own goo, Bon found his own lips quirking up again. 
“You know what?” Rin asked, wiping his hands off on his jeans. 
“What?” He couldn’t quite get rid of his smile. He didn’t quite want to. 
Rin gave him a toothy smile. “I really want some ice cream.”
Bon laughed loudly, and he liked the way it sounded when it was mixed with Rin’s.
( ●▽●)(‾̀◡‾́ ๑)
Bon saw it by accident, and when he did, his eyes bugged out and his heart seemed to skip at least three beats in his chest.
Rin had set the photo as his background. 
He frantically tore his eyes away from the phone screen and stared at the chalkboard in front of them with cheeks that felt like they were on fire. It wasn’t his fault that he had seen it — Rin always had his stupid phone on and he would never lock the damn thing — but it still felt like he had been spying, and now that he knew what it was…
Rin had him as his phone background. Rin had cropped most of himself out of the picture so it was zoomed in on Bon’s lightly blushing face and showing his wide grin. Bon was also not staring at the camera (which made sense because he hadn’t known it was getting taken) and it was obvious he was looking at Rin. 
And he was covered in the MOLB goo. They both were. They were gross with it. 
Why had Rin made it his background? What if other people saw it? What would they think?
(And why did that make his cheeks even warmer?)
Bon swallowed and blinked at the board as Rin laughed and picked his phone up from the desk and brought it towards Shiemi. She looked down at the device, not seeming to notice Bon’s face on it, and waited for Rin to bring up a video of Kuro. They watched it together, neither of them noticing the slight melt down Bon was having.
Rin had made him his background. Rin had tweaked the photo specifically so he was the center of it. A picture he’d specifically taken because he liked Bon’s smile. 
By the time Yukio came in the room to start their class, Bon’s chest was filled with a wild swarm of flailing chuchi and his ears had joined his cheeks in the red blush. Rin’s tail was swaying happily as he talked, and his phone was still on, and still showing Bon’s smiling face to the entire class.
(๑❛▿❛)(*’▿’  )
“Send me that picture.”
Bon immediately hated himself for how he growled the words and made Rin jump. He’d had a damned speech planned and then his mouth went and did that. 
“Huh?” Rin tilted his head like a curious cat and blinked up at him with distractingly large and pretty eyes. “What picture?”
“The MOLB one.” Bon’s eyes shot to the side in embarrassment and he rubbed uncomfortably at the back of his neck.
Rin pulled his phone out and flipped it around to face Bon. “This one?”
How was he not even embarrassed about it? Bon’s cheeks were pink just staring at it. At himself smiling all happily at Rin. Ugh.
“Yeah,” he grumbled, wondering if it was too late to just run away. 
“Sure!” He pulled up their chat and sent the photo over. Bon’s phone pinged in his pocket. He pulled it out, and found himself exhaling when he saw that it did have a lot more of Rin in it. Rin who was grinning even wider than him and tilting his head towards Bon. His eyes were closed, which was a bit sad, but he looked so damn happy that Bon could be okay with not seeing Rin’s pretty eyes. (Agh! He had not just thought that.)
Bon nodded. “Thanks.” He took a thoroughly embarrassed step back with the intention of just running back to his dorm and setting the picture as his background. (But not his lockscreen.)
“Ryuuji!” Rin caught his arm before he could get away. His heart thumped like it always did when Rin called him by his name, and he found himself freezing entirely.
“You wanna get that ice cream? Together?”
Bon blinked twice, decided he had heard that correctly, and swallowed. “Are you asking me out?”
Rin nodded. “I was then, but I kinda think you didn’t get that? So yes. Would you like to go out to get ice cream, Ryuuji? On a date.”
Bon’s heart seemed to try to leap to his throat and leap forward out of his chest at the same time so it ended up feeling like it was twisting and thumping doubly hard. He stared for at least five seconds, and nodded when he realized that wasn’t helping anything and that he had absolutely not misunderstood Rin. 
“Sure. I… I’d like that.” 
Rin looped his arm through Bon’s and dragged him towards the exit. 
(๑´ ³`)ノ♡٭*(ृ '꒳' ृ)
Walking back to his dorm later that night with the taste of chocolate still on his lips and the feel of Rin’s hand in his own burned into his mind, Bon opened the picture up and set it as his background. If he cropped it so it was zoomed in on Rin’s half of the picture and Rin's smile, well…
It wasn’t like anyone would know their backgrounds matched. He actually locked his phone. (Unlike Rin.)
Besides, it was normal to have your boyfriend as your background.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 5 years
Sequel to the Adrimouse drabble request. This was actually my first fic collab; with the very talented @snowypinkbunnies. We were both inspired to write this
Adrien was NOT excited to go to school the next day. Maybe he could just pretend to be sick! Yeah! That could work! No, no that was ridiculous. His father would be able to see right through him. I mean it wasn’t a lie he felt ill. How on earth was he going to face Marinette?
He was at school now. His senses were raised and on guard. She could be anywhere now.
“Hey, Adrien!” He heard her greet cheerfully. Speak of the sweet-lipped devil; he was too late.
 “H-hi, Marinette!” He replied, trying and failing to hide his blush. 
“Are you okay? You look a little red.” She asked innocently. ‘You know full well why you little minx’ He thought bitterly. 
“I’m gooey-good!” He answered. He made the mistake of looking her in the eye and suddenly he was transported back to last night. It was too much for him. “Gotta go!” He muttered out, racing off. 
“That was a bit strange. He’s never that nervous. What is up with that boy?” Alya thought aloud.
 “Beats me,” Marinette responded, biting back a smirk.
Adrien had run into the nearest locker room. “Fuck, Plagg! I can’t do this...” Adrien muttered, his hands flying to his face in embarrassment. He had to go to class at some point. He wasn’t sure how he was going to manage the rest of the day.
“Maybe he’s sick,” Marinette suggested. Oh, this was hilarious.
“You should probably go check on him.” Nino shrugged.
“Nah, Nah. I think we should just give him time.” Marinette threw out another sweet smile.
It didn't get better once class actually started. He could've sworn Marinette kept sending sly smirks his way. Later during lunch, she attacked. 
"Are you sure you're alright, Adrien? Here, let me." Marinette asked in a sweetly concerned voice. Before he could protest, her hand was on his forehead and suddenly he was on fire again 'Don't entice me, temptress!" He thought bitterly as he stood stiff. "Hmm, you're a little warm, but I don't THINK you have a fever...." She thought aloud as she removed her hand. 'Wait, no, keep touching me.' His traitor brain begged. "Well, see you around! I hope you feel better, whatever it is you're feeling." Marinette bade farewell, sending him a sly wink as she walked off. Oh, that was IT. With Plagg as his witness, that saucy little mouse was going to PAY.
Adrien was now sitting at home on his bead with a notebook set out in front of him, and a pen in hand. “Okay, Plagg. How am I going to get Mari back?”
“Get her back?” Plagg made a confused face.
“Yeah! Get her back! You know, make her as much as a blushy and anxious goopy mess that she makes me! Like you think holding her bridal style will work? What about neck kisses? Oh! I like it! That’s GOTTA do something.” Adrien began to scribble something down in his journal.
Plagg rolled his eyes. “Are are you serious? Writing down in a journal? You are such a nerd.” Plagg blew a Cataclysm breath, destroying the journal.
“Hey! That had homework in it!” Adrien protested.
“Too bad. You’ve got patrol soon anyways. Just keep all your revenge plans in your head.”
"Patrol! Of course!"
"W-w-wait, what are you-" "PLAGG CLAWS OUT!"
Plagg wasn’t thinking, but Adrien was glad he said something. He had the perfect plan on how to get her back.
Multimouse stood in their usual spot for patrol. “Jesus. Chat should have been here by now.” She rolled her eyes. “What on earth could be doing?” Multimouse spoke aloud to herself. “I swear I’m gonna leave without him.”
“That’d be quite the shame if you did, ma petite souris. It’d break my poor little heart.” Cat Noir said, startling her. She turned and saw him leaning against the chimney, swinging his tail as his eyes glowed in the moonlight. “You’re awfully bold for a guy who hasn’t been able to look me in the eye all day. Did you like my little show, chaton?” She retorted, crossing her arms.
Chat let out a short cackle. “Ha! Oh why yes. I know I only get the best from my lady.” Chat Noir took a step closer Multimouse, still swinging his tail around.
“What are you gonna do? Get me back or something?”
She saw him smirk deviously in the darkness, and before she knew it, he had taken his tail off, wrapped it around her, and used it to pull her as close to him as possible. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” He purred, “Tell you what, why don’t we....play a little game? Hide and seek, shall we say? I’ll give you a ten-minute head start. Once those ten minutes are up, you have to make sure I don’t find you and catch you, my sweet little mouse.” It took Multimouse a second to regain her composure, especially with him looking at her like that. “Do you know what will happen if I catch you?” Cat Noir asked, leaning closer. At a loss for words, Multimouse could only shake her head. Cat Noir’s smirk grew even wider as he kept one hand on his tail and trailed the other from her shoulders down to her waist. “If I catch you...I’m going to punish you for all your mean teasing. You’re going to know exactly how you make me feel. Because you yourself will feel it.” He purred. 
“A-and what if you don’t catch me?” Multimouse finally found it in her to speak. He let out a throaty chuckle that made her go weak in the knees. “We’ll just wait and see, my sweet little mouse. So, you ready to play?” He whispered in her ear.
Oh god. Multimouse could hardly even watch her breath enough to keep her alive. “Uh-iahhhh....”
Chat Noir’s face molded once again into a smirk. He was already winning.
Multimouse took a deep breath and exhaled through her nose. “I’m ready.”
The second he let her go, she raced away. Her heart was pounding a mile a minute. Whether it was from the adrenaline or what he just did, she didn’t quite know. But she did know this- she couldn’t let him win.
‘Okay, Marinette.’ Multimouse thought to herself. ‘Strategy. Strategy...’ Thoughts raced around in circles inside her brain. As she ran, jumped, leaped, and swung around, she desperately tried to think of a way to make sure Chat wouldn’t catch her. But of course, there was that one traitor thought in the back of her mind.
‘Do you really want to win, Marinette?’
For a brief moment, she stopped and began to wonder how bad it would be. He was always a gentleman towards her, after all. He always made it known that her pleasure would always come first. 
“Oh, mousey!” She heard him call out, making her gasp. The ten minutes couldn’t be up already! ‘No. He can’t win. He just can’t.’ She thought. And with that, she continued running. She’d never admit it to his face, but a small part of her was scared to submit to him like that. Not that she was uncomfortable with him; quite the opposite....but she didn’t like giving up control. At one point, she decided to cheat a little and double back a different way. By the time she stopped to catch her breath, it took her a second to regain her bearings. She looked around and noticed she didn’t see or hear him anywhere. She felt someone tackle her to the ground. Acting on instinct, she tried to get the attacker off her, but he firmly held her hands and pinned them over her head. As she registered what was happening, she realized she was staring into a familiar pair of emerald eyes. “Caught you.” Cat Noir purred smugly, touching his nose to hers.
“I really did try, Chat Noir. Y-You can’t g-get the best of me.” Multimouse replied sternly, though her breath was still heaving.
“Get the best of you?” Chat Noir raised an eyebrow.
“Y-Yeah! Uh....I’m not giving up control to you.”
“That’s what you feel like this is about?”
He let out another low chuckle and smirked like a cat who caught the canary. Or rather, a cat who caught the mouse. “Oh, mouse....I told you earlier. This is about making you feel...exactly....how you...make me feel.” He whispered sweetly, giving butterfly kisses to her face. “And now that I have you in my claws, I think it’s high time for your punishment. Not to worry, though. I think you’ll enjoy it.” He added.
Multimouse let out a deep breath. Okay, so this was going to happen. Technically all he was doing was showing her affection. That wasn’t bad. And he was right, she did really like it.
“O-Okay Chaton. Do what you wish.” A small smile formed on her face with the narrowing of her eyes.
His smirk seemed to grow even wider; his teeth gleaming in the moonlight. He leaned down and pressed his lips to her neck. She couldn’t help but let out a gasp at the feeling of it, but he was still right about enjoying it. She barely bit back a yelp when she felt him start nibbling. “Oh, come now. Don’t be shy. I like hearing you squeak.” He purred.
Multimouse closed her eyes as Chat continued. This time when the nibbling began, she didn’t hold back her yelp. “Ah...” She just barely let out. “Don’t...don’t stop..”
“Not gonna.” He growled out roughly, then returned to his task. She moaned when he started planting love bites (at first it hurt, but then the pain was soothed my his sweet kisses), but that moan was swallowed when he smashed his lips onto hers.
Multimouse managed to break her arms free from Chat’s grasp. She then moved her hands to grab the side of Chat’s face. He was right. This wasn’t bad at all. And, she really enjoyed it.
As soon as she began combing her fingers through his hair, he linked his hand in hers and pinned them back down. He pulled away and looked a little amused. “Did you forget, mouse? This is supposed to be a punishment.” He teased, “Which means you can’t touch me. Well, not yet at least.” “B-but-” Multimouse tried to protest, but Cat Noir pressed a gloved finger to her lips and smiled at her through half-lidded eyes. “Shhh, just relax. You’ll get what you desire in due time, little mouse.” He cooed, and before she knew it, his lips were back on hers again.
Fucking Chat. Getting her all riled up. Multimouse moaned into Chat Noir’s mouth, causing him to let out a low chuckle into hers. He pulled back ever so slightly. “I told you this wouldn’t be so bad, didn’t I?” His low voice asked.
Multimouse gave a small nod in return.
“Glad you’re enjoying it.”
Before she could process, his lips were on hers once more.
Multimouse attempted to move her arms once more. She longed to touch him, even just a little bit. Damn, he was good at this.
No matter how much she tried, he kept her arms pinned. She noticed in the back of her mind that his grip never really increased to the point where he’d be hurting her, and marveled once again at how gentle he always was. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she felt his tongue gliding her lower lip, shyly asking for entrance. More out of shock than anything, she gave it to him.
Multimouse let out a shaky breath into Chat’s mouth as his tongue explored hers. Ever so slightly, she moved her tongue to intertwine with his. This action drew a small gasp from Chat, causing Multimouse to give a giggle in return.
She felt him growl in the back of his throat, making his entire body rumble. She sighed in pleasure. Yes, she’d like more of that, please. She leaned more into him to deepen the kiss, and her tongue explored his mouth the same way he just did. He moved one of his hands to gently hold her waist and bring her closer to him, making her back arch. She used her finally free hand to run through his hair; she loved messing it up. It made him look even wilder. And quite frankly, irresistible.
She pulled back from the kiss ever so slightly. “You know, I’m so going to get you back for this tomorrow. This game is very far from over, Chaton.” She whispered. 
"Oh, I'm counting on it." Cat Noir purred lowly. With that, the couple parted ways. The following morning, Marinette couldn't help the blush that colored her cheeks when she saw Adrien at school. Just seeing him transported her back to last night.
 "Mari, you okay? You look kinda red." Adrien asked in a fake concerned voice. She sent him a half-hearted glare. The smug little terd knew exactly what he was doing. Was this how he felt yesterday? All hot and bothered? "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" He asked, smirking a little. Oh, he did NOT. 
"Bite me." She shot back bitterly. His smirk grew a little, and he leaned close to her ear. "I already did that." He whispered smugly, then walked off to join Nino. Before she could start planning her revenge, she felt a hand grab her arm. 
She turned and saw Alya, Alix, Kagami, Juleka, Chloe, Sabrina, and Rose. For some reason, they all looked embarrassed, amused, and disappointed all at once. "Hey, girls, what's up?" She asked, trying to calm down so her blush would fade. 
"Nothing much. Just this." Kagami answered, holding up her phone to show her a photo. Marinette's heart froze when she saw what it was. The girls had seen her and Cat Noir last night! The photo showed only the beginning of it when he was kissing her neck, but it was no less risque. Or embarrassing.
 "I-I don't know what that's about!" She squawked. 
"Then how do you explain the love bites on your neck?" Juleka asked. Crud. She forgot to cover those up! Her hand flew up to hide them.
 "Did you just forget we also had patrol last night or something?" Alix asked smugly. Marinette's response was to blush even more.
 "Girl, you got some 'splainin' to do," Alya said smugly. That settled it. She was gonna destroy him for this.
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