#oh sangwoo headcanons
angelltheninth · 3 months
Toxic/abusive relationship with Oh Sangwoo with fem darling hcs pls if you're up for it! Thank u! It can be sfw or nsfw- both maybe, it's up to you 🥰 and just an additional detail- if you're up for it, can the gf maybe in a way, cares for him? Especially knowing his past. Thanks again! xxx
Sure thing! I need to re-read the webcomic again soon.
Pairing: Oh Sangwoo x Fem!Reader
Tags: nsfw, smut, fluff, toxic relationship, possessiveness, yandere behavior, cum marking, biting, sharing clothes, gift giving, collars, gaslighting
A/N: Irl run fast and run far. Here? Enjoy.
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Dumbstruck by your genuine care about him yet sees nothing wrong with keeping you around, it's less work for him if you stick around willingly for whatever reason it may be
Tells you he loves you every day even when he screams it at you or when he is in a really bad mood where he just has to punch a wall or else he might hurt you and he can't break you before he's done with you
Buys you gifts but only the kind that you can wear on display for others, to show that you're his, he will go so far as to tug on your collar in public and call you names in a low, whispering tone
Only wants you covering up the hand and fingerprint bruises while you have all the love bites and kisses on display
Yells at you if you praise him too much because for him it feels like you're trying to get him to let his guard down
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Wants you to wear really sexy clothes when you go out together so other people stare at you and give him a reason to beat them up, after all they were staring at his girlfriend, flirting with his girlfriend, wanted to fuck his girlfriend, making his girlfriend feel uncomfortable so he had to step in and get rough
Absolutely doesn't hold back when he fucks you and he will do so anywhere he wants be it at home, in a public bathroom or a changing room
Pulls out every time but he always makes sure his cum lands on your body, if you were good for him and did as he told you then he could help you wash up if not he'll walk you to the bathroom and have you clean him up first
Only lets you wear the clothes he gives you when you're in his house, it's sometimes his clothes which he will insist that you wash after he fucks you in them
Bites until he makes you bleed but he also likes kissing you after and then has you suck his cock after, you get to taste it all, blood and cum, his and yours too
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jojikawa · 1 year
Helooo 🥹 i just read ur sangwoo x killier!reader It was like 😽🤌🏻 *chefs kiss* But!! Can your write one like with a killer!reader but like reader kills him i think that would be very interesting👀 its fine if you ignore this! <333
I love this idea! I could see this happening! This was supposed to be the original idea but I knew I couldn’t kill Sangwoo, so I turned it into a mini series. I’m glad you enjoy it 🥺❤️
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All you wanted in life was to feel something. You lived life so far removed from everyone in your life and unfortunately, your parents never understood. As a child, you never received any help for your lack of emotional expression. It was just treated as you being ungrateful and bitter. If only you got the help you needed.
These feelings of apathy festered and your desire to feel raw emotion became more and more greater, forming a burning passion. A passion that would blacken the skin of your victims, making you smile as their flesh melted from their skin. You didn’t know what love was but you wanted it so badly. To be close to someone.
You consumed so much media that would sell you a false sense of what finding love was like and it rotted your developing brain. Despite not being in any relationships, you watched videos on how to replicate love, almost like it was training for a job. You had to be ready to love. You had to. 
And one day, your world was turned upside down. 
You enrolled in college in Korea. You enjoyed the culture and felt better continuing your pursuit of love far away from your place of origin. That was romantic…right? Was that romance? 
In school, you met a man. The first person to give you attention. You remembered the days you spent browsing the internet and reading iterations of love you couldn’t experience.
Oh Sangwoo.
That was his name. His words made your stomach burn with delight. Your face would heat up at his subtle touch and how he would treat your pretty skin. He made you feel small and protected when you never even needed it. This was love, right?
Yes, this was love. 
On the boy’s end, he thought that you were the perfect victim for his needs. You were different from most girls. Your experiences with love and men were extremely limited. He enjoyed the idea of a pure girl with little to no connections, in a country she’s not native to with a man he could easily take her and no one would know. No one would care, actually. He knew this because he knew people.
Or, he thought he knew people.
You were just…different. He believed all women to be the same. To be like his mother…but you weren’t. You didn’t lie to him. He told you how it was. You barely knew him but you accepted him for what he was. You never pestered him when he would lie to you about the girls he was killing. You were an expert at pleasing a man as well. He’s never met a woman who’s felt as good as you. Not a woman who could take his cock so well. He was supposed to kill you but every time the day would come, the feeling would disappear. You were so small compared to him. It would only take a second to drive a knife into your neck, a second to get on top of you and close your throat with his bare hands and another second to completely dismember you and hide you in the woods.
But he couldn’t. He couldn’t kill you.
You filled a void of too much he was missing. Life was so perfect because of you. The two of you did everything together and he still had time to kill those when he felt like it. That changed when you moved in as well. He wanted to keep things pure. He wanted you to love him as the person he presented himself as and never his real self. He stopped killing women.
Then Yoon Bum showed up. It reignited his hate for those beneath him. Sangwoo imprisoned Yoon Bum as punishment. The last person he killed would be a man.
You didn’t know of Yoon Bum. Sangwoo did a good job at hiding it, though, the feelings you held didn’t change. That was his first and only mistake. Today was the day.
Sangwoo held you close. He got home from a day at the restaurant, waiting tables and missing you so damn much. You greeted him with dinner and your sweet insides before a night of cuddling. He adored how your smaller frame and how hidden it was whenever you wore one of his oversized shirts. They almost fit you like dresses but you looked way more charming. No bra or panties underneath. It was a pleasant surprise every time he got ahold of you. That’s when it happened. 
Sangwoo awoke in the middle of the night. You weren’t in his arms, so he went to look for you. You couldn’t have gone far and you didn’t. He found you in the kitchen. It was dark and when he reached to flip the light on, it didn’t work. 
“What are you doing up so late?” The man asked you, his groggy voice invading your ears. You didn’t expect him to wake but this was fine. “I was just hungry. I can’t find any snacks, though. We should go shopping soon.” You smiled sweetly, hands behind your back. There was nothing in the room illuminating you but he could still tell you were smiling. “Sure, I’ll buy you whatever you want.” He replied, making his way over to you. He held you tight as he took in the scent you always wore. It was faint but he still loved it all the same. 
“Whatever I want?” You repeated. He noticed that you didn’t return his embrace. “Yes, whatever you want, because I love you.” 
“You love me?”
“I…I love you too.”
It was at that moment that Sangwoo felt a sharp pain in his stomach. You suddenly became heavier as you leaned against him…or was his body just growing weaker? He let go of you, immediately falling to the floor. He’s never felt pain like this before.
As he fell to the ground, he saw the blood coating your shirt. His eyes finally adjusted to the dark. You held a kitchen knife in your hand. You dropped to your knees, scooting over towards him before plunging it in and out of his abdomen. He was your perfect victim. A man like him, murdered by a woman. The woman he loved. You proved everything right that you felt about love but no one else could have that. Not even the world.
“I love you, Oh Sangwoo! I love you too! I love you so, so much!”
So the world wouldn’t have him.
You turned his body into a beautiful flower. The man resisted as best as he could but you hit his vital organs very fast. The strength left his body as he began to go limp. He was losing blood too fast to do anything to you. It didn’t help that he always viewed you as weak. He never believed that you were capable of such things.
Killed. In the dark. By someone smaller than him.
Now, it was time for the rat.
The young man heard his name called through the door. He had been staying in the basement as he always had but it was very unheard of for you to talk to him like that. He knew you despised him.
Bum didn’t answer you. The pit of anxiety forming in his abdomen was growing ever more present. If he had any strength, he would hold the door shut but—
knock knock knock
“You don’t mind if I come in there do you?”
Your muffled voice held no anger; just a slight eagerness. It sounded as if you wanted to show him something. Bum was easy. He wanted to be scared of you but Sangwoo was someone he was always afraid of, but he loved him…even if there was never anything between them.
“What am I saying…?” You laughed quietly. “Of course I can come in.”
You entered the basement on your own. Bum was able to get a look at you, as the lights in the living area were now on and shining down into the basement. You were covered in blood, your hair was messy and you had visible bruising on your face and limbs. Sangwoo must’ve put up a fight in his last moments…
His stomach turned when he saw that your face had no remorse. Only your lips were curved into a sweet smile with your eyes wide like saucers.
“I’m sorry about Oh Sangwoo.” You uttered, almost robotically. “I know what he did to you.” You slowly walked over to him before planting yourself on the moist ground beside him.
“Wh-Why? Didn’t y-you love him?” He peeped, refusing to make eye contact with you. Your head snapped over to him. “Of course, I did. I love my Sangwoo. My Oh Sangwoo. The thing is…”
Bum gulped. “What…?”
“…did you love him too?”
He immediately began to shake his head. “No! No! I promise I didn’t.”
“Oh…” You sighed as your smile fell. Your eyes became half lidded and you began to blink slowly. Bum sighed too. It was a sigh of relief. His heart was pounding.
“Why do you lie, Yoon Bum?” You asked calmly. You ignored his continuous screaming as you went on. “You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t love my Oh Sangwoo. He was an idiot sometimes, but he was honest with me…he told me who you were, why you’re here…and how he caught you.” 
Your hand twitched with anger as you plunged the knife deeper into Yoon Bum’s abdomen.
“My Sangwoo would never love a lowly being like you. You are lying scum.”
You turned Bum into a flower too. It wasn’t as pretty or fun as Oh Sangwoo but it was necessary.
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I've been having KS on my mind, so here are some out-of-pocket headcanons (mainly about the side characters)
Tw: Homophobia, implied sexual content, sexual harassment, child injury, bullying, depression, disordered eating, PTSD, self-harm
Sangwoo killed nine women prior to the CEO'S daughter
Sangwoo picking of his victims varies. Sometimes it's because they're easy to get, sometimes it's because the victim pisses him off, sometimes they resemble his mom, and sometimes he thinks the world would be better off without them. The first one was an elderly lady who found Eunseo's corpse.
Sangwoo didn't kill every woman he dated/slept with. He has about 5 serious exes (One he killed when she found a tied-up victim of his.
Bum is a frequent user of dcinside, a forum site. He's usually on the dating advice side of things, he's usually a nuisance to the other user.
Kwak's son died in a traffic accident. Due to him and his ex wife divorcing (work got in the way), they don't see each other that much.
Seokho's ex-wife would have accepted if just told her Seokho he was gay (she would be confused at first but wouldn't harbor any resentment), she mainly was betrayed by his cheating, lying, and spending a considerable amount of money at the bars.
The bartender from the second gay bar and Seokho were friends from the military plus he was one of the few who attended his funeral.
Seokho's family practically disowned him not only for his infidelity but because he was gay
Seokho's family was generally strict and conservative which made him feel like he had to lie
Seokho was selfish in his encounters, usually rushing and pressuring his partners into sex before moving on to the next man.
He tried to get his act together with Sangwoo such as stopping himself when he noticed that Sangwoo was distressed and asking Sangwoo if he was going too fast.
Jieun and Donggyu were childhood friends. Their moms was friends and they grew to like each.
Their friendship wasn't entirely wholesome. You know those stock bully characters. That was them. Donggyu would steal people's food, kick them around, spray them with water guns and pull girl's hair while Jieun would make mean names for kids she saw as behind her (eg; they were ugly, acted oddly, smelled bad, or plain jealousy on her part.)
Jieun was actually serious about Sangwoo. All the boyfriends she had prior to him were more or less flings.
Choker Boy (Ro Kun-Won) is relatively plain and quiet in his day-to-day life.
The ski mom and her kid did survive their attack. The son woke up and got help.
Jieun's mother grew extremely depressed after her daughter's murder to the point that she barely ate and didn't have the energy to cry when identifying her daughter's body
Ski mom had trouble identifying her attacker since Sangwoo was wearing a mask, one of her eyes was bloodshot, and his hair wasn't showing. His eyes were his only identifying marker.
Both the ski mom and ski kid suffered psychological trauma from their attack. The ski mom was repeatedly questioned and accused of lying for attention even as going to court and showing evidence. The ski kid blames himself for getting them in the situation in the first place and suffers nightmares and self-harm due to guilt.
The Ceo's daughter was a massive goal for Sangwoo. He thought it he could kill her and get away with it, he could do anything.
Sam-Kyung (My fan name for the Ceo's daughter) show of "arrogance" was when she said that Sangwoo's house was a bit plain (as a joke)
Sam-Kyung only used her status as the CEO's daughter when Sangwoo was going to kill her, She and her father's relationship is a bit strained.
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thefiery-phoenix · 5 months
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He'd be attracted to people who don't have that 'sick disease' also known as a quirk. He'd want someone who's pure and clean and the minute he sees you and your quirkless form, he thinks you're an innocent naive helpless little darling that he NEEDS to protect since the pro heroes suck at doing their job
The idea of him keeping you locked away and isolating you from the rest of the world so you can rely ONLY on him for everything is really tempting and appealing to him (Sadistic prick)
If you had a really strong and useful quirk, he'd still be attracted to you though. Just, he'll make sure to get rid of it and rob you of it by stealing it so he won't have to see you 'suffer'. And THEN, he might lock you up and leave you in isolation 
If you're someone he decided to protect from everyone else, oh man... I PRAY for ya. He'll try befriending you and worming his way into you life and pretty soon, he'll ask you to come live with him. You agree but when you start rebelling against him, you'll be restricted from using your favorite things and lose your freedom
He thinks that he'd doing everything for the sake of your 'best interests' and to be honest, he knows more about you than anyone, even YOURSELF, considering the amount of time he spent stalking you and asking his men to keep an eye on you. He's like a doctor, but a really creepy and short tempered one. He'll give you regular checkups so expect constant fussing by him over you since he thinks proper health, nutrition and hygiene are a TOP priority 
If you're behaving well, you'll get all sorts of things you want but you'll have to EARN them by gaining his trust and behave good around him since there's only so much fun one can have when they sit and stare at a wall for 24 hours everyday 
The WORST thing this sicko might do is try convincing you in his sick and twisted way that he's NOT treating you bad. And after a while, you'll fall into his trap and web of lies and you'll start believing him and start feeling guilty if you misbehave around him. Damn does this dude know how to pull out an UNO Manipulation card 
Punishments are simple if you try escaping or behaving badly. If you yell and scream at him and throw insults at him, he'll just ban you from using your favorite things and it'll be a really LOOONNGGG time after you get them back. You won't be getting them back till you apologize and admit that you were in the wrong. If you manage to hit him or kick him, you'll be denied of his attention for a while even after you cry out an apology
He isn't going to punish you physically but his punishments can take a really HUGE toll on your mental health and state of mind and so.... like I said, for the sake of your sanity just don't argue with Bird Face and agree to everything he says 
If you manage to attack him with a weapon (One, HOW TF did you manage to do THAT!? And 2, that's actually way cool Hehehe.... okay, I sound like an evil twin of Sangwoo,imma stop nowTvT) , you'll be isolated in a room with white walls and he'll only come by to give you your meals and THAT'S IT. No screen time, no favorite things, nothing. He'll isolate you till you're practically BEGGING him for forgiveness 
This dude ain't a Romeo so don't expect him to be all lovey-dovey with you. But occasionally when he feels like it, he might hold you and hug you from time to time and say how glad he is to have found you, his little pure angel to care for and protect. Who KNOWS what would have happened to you by now if you didn't come under his care?
He'll let you roam around the backyard ONLY (Not without you having at least a dozen of heavily armed bodyguards keeping a close eye on you) and if you still complain, he's gonna make sure you're grateful for letting you at least step out of the house 
He'll let you look after Eri and Eri just ADORES you. She sees you as a parental figure and I won't be surprised if she develops platonic yandere tendencies and feelings towards you. She'll be sad and pouting when you won't focus your attention and honestly, WHO can resist her CUTE adorable little face? I sure as heck can't....
So... Mr Bird Mask is really SCARY yandere who can haunt you in your dreams and become your WORST nightmare unless you abide by his rules and laws. And THAT children, is today's moral of the story UvU
"Angel.... I'm doing this for YOU now it's time for your daily checkup. Don't be a brat, I only want what's best for you~"
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dustbunnylair · 19 days
More hate is continuing to spread within queer ships, especially within the JJK Fandom (!JJK MANGA SPOILERS!)
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As I have shared before in previous posts, within the Jujutsu Kaisen fandom unfortunately a lot of queer ships get hate meanwhile straight ships do not. Personally, I do not care what people ship, as long as it's legal and unproblematic/toxic then it's okay! However, I will hate on someone's ship if they feel the need to disrespect other ships that aren't problematic.
And before anyone says, "Making straight characters gay is problematic!" Technically, yes, you are correct, but it really depends on the situation. For example; if you were to make let's just say Oh Sangwoo from Killing Stalking, a psychological horror manhwa, gay, then yes, it is problematic, because his character is based on the fact that he is straight, hence why if you were to make him gay it removes the point of the story.
However, if it is not a situation similar to Sangwoo if it doesn't change a major plotline or point of the story then it really doesn't matter, hence why it's a headcanon/fanon. Recently in Chapter 267, a "confession" is said by both Megumi and Itadori. Yuji says that if he doesn't have Megumi he will be lonely. Then Megumi said that he dreamt of a life with Yuji, in which the life Megumi describes is peaceful or happy, honestly, I'd compare it to a peaceful morning with an old married couple.
However, since the ship Itafushi, Megumi x Yuji, has risen because of the chapter, the ship has also gotten a lot of hate, and hate that it does not deserve. It's perfectly fine to disagree with the ship or just not ship them, but it's another thing to absolutely hate a ship and disrespect the shippers who aren't sexualizing the characters in any way, shape, or form.
As I have talked about previously in another post, Satosugu, Gojo x Geto, also get this same type of hate. As literally any other queer ship in the JJK fandom. Shipping queer ships isn't abnormal within fandoms, even if it's shounen or not canon, people will still do it, if it's a fetish, then yes it should be looked down upon, but some people, usually other queer people, ship the same genders usually because there's a vibe between those characters, like a "gaydar" going off.
In fact, I actually saw someone compare Itafushi to Goyuu, Gojo x Yuji...
Yeah, let's just soak that in for a minute...
Now let's play a game of spotting the difference between the two ships! Ding! Ding! Ding! That's right, Gojo x Yuji has pedophilia and a 13-year age difference between a student and teacher and Itafushi is legal because they're both minors and the same age!
I swear people who hate on queer ships and then only ship straight ships that (also) don't make sense and quite literally say the same shit queer shippers do when defending their shit of "its fanon", the hypocrisy is going through the roof right now.
Like I personally do not like the ships Sugushoko, Gojohime, Nobara x Yuji/Megumi, etc. but I'm still gonna respect those ships, but if you're disrespecting other ships, I won't respect your ships because of that. I personally think none of the ships I listed make sense, just like how people think Satosugu or Itafushi don't make sense.
At this point, it's not even people shipping queer ships that make the fandom insufferable like many people say, it's the straight ships because people try so hard to say the straight ships *are* canon and are just borderline homophobic towards queer ships.
I honestly just wish we could respect all ships whether they're queer, straight, nonbinary, etc. it really does not affect anyone *that* much. If it were a pro/comship then I'd understand. Satosugu and Itafushi aren't pro/comships, nor are Gojohime, Sugushoko, Nobara x Yuji/Megumi, yk the ones that are legal and not toxic/problematic.
It makes me really upset that literally no one is able to ship normal ships anymore without just getting hate. It makes it to the point where you can't even enjoy JJK, or any anime/manga for that matter.
Sorry for the lame yapping, I'll probably have another debate similar to the Kirara and Hakari post soon. This was just on my chest and as a gay dude who's been in many anime/manga fanbases, whether it's shounen, shojo, etc. it really upsets me seeing that people are getting really judgmental over normal ships.
extra: Sorry I haven't been as active writing silly stuff on things I'm interested in, back in school I've been slightly stressed and don't have time for a lot. This post and some of my other recent previous posts we just silly extras that I just barely managed to post. Unfortunately, since I have been stressed it is taking a slight mental toll on me right now and I've been absolutely exhausted my vertigo is worse and my mind is very fuzzy anymore, I'll be okay dw I just need time to adjust to a somewhat new schedule. I will be trying my best to be active during weekends though.
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foxglovepng · 4 months
Random Headcannons 3 🌼🥀
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Requested: naw
Characters: Scarabia + Pomefiore
A/N: I'm getting back into the writing mood yay I'll probably take requests in the future because I am slowly getting over writer's block. I looked up a word in Arabic and if the word is incorrectly translated incorrectly feel free to correct me.
If you liked reblogs and likes are appreciative <3
Knock knock who's there? Autism br br br where the hoes at? not here
I love my Autistic headcanon for Kalim. I also saw a headcanon he has ADHD too. (I forgot the word for ADHD and Autism combined help)
When he's unmedicated Jamil is that one meme of Shinji his stress levels are high. He's practically lived with Kalim so he knows he can get hyper although he pushes through it being used to it.
I headcanon Kalim has sensory issues that mainly have to do with touch. (Mine are sound and taste :skull:)
Since he likes parties and is extremely sociable I feel like sometimes he can get overwhelmed he chills in his sensory swing. I also feel like since he plays the drums he does have backup headphones on hand in case it's too loud.
Jamil tends to calm him down with essential oils (Don't ask me what kind he likes I only know Rosemary, and Cherry blossom)
Jamil drop the hair routine or I'll break your ankles Sangwoo style so you can't dance anymore. I will even report your music-listening account so you are no longer allowed to play hip hop DROP THE ROUTINE RN JAMIL
This is my no 2 pookie bear I love him sm ANYWAYS
I feel like in his alone time Jamil has his own hobbies he hides from Kalim and will go above and beyond just to have them to himself. One of those I feel like is reading romance books (Not the feral ones booktok gooners read) romance is one of the genres he reads I feel like he also reads fantasy. (He has read Pride and Prejudice)
He'd probably also go to art conventions on his spare time. He has a sketchbook and draws on occasion (I think he draws similar to Hyunjin's style)
Him and Kalim speak Arabic and English although I feel like when Jamil wants to cuss someone out or insult someone he will bring the Arabic out.
*Ace messes up a play*
Ace: so um great play
Jamil: اهبل (Google says this means stupid/idiot)
Ace: HUH?
*Throws my genderqueer headcannon at you Eminem style*
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Gender queer Icon Vil.
If I am correct he is referred to as Queen by Rook?? so I believe Vil doesn't really care for pronouns and just simply exists. So Vil would use any pronouns interchangeably.
Also random headcannon but Vil's father is like..famous right? So I feel like he gets insulted and called a Nepo baby.
Peep Epel and Vil get into a fight and Epel calls him a Nepo baby. Oh all hell is breaking loose.
(I also headcannon he'd make an appearance in Eurovision)
I need Frenchie to become a slur so I can shout FRENCHIE at Rook 24/7
This man either has a really good memory or a diary in which he keeps info of students. (Their height, weight, UM, etc) its freaky ngl. AND NOT A GOOD FREAKY WAY.
I saw some art of him and Floyd in the bathroom and he was peeking over the urinal. BRO KEEP YA EYES ON YA JUNK.
I can imagine certain NRC students have a group chat dedicated to slandering Rook.
He probably knows about it :Skull:
Guys this my son <3
I am a firm believer he is an Amish hater.
"I hate the way you talk the way you walk" ahh beat.
From a farmer's perspective I don't think he's 100% vegan, but if you bribe him with bbq he will start foaming at the mouth.
Bro probably listens to Dixon Dallas good looking-
He's also a Dolly Parton and Carrie Underwood fan.
I feel like with people he's close with especially the first years he lets his country accent loose and it will get even looser if someone (or Yuu) has a country accent as well. The rest of the first years will be like "They are speaking in tongues"
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somin-yin · 2 years
Ratan Vaish for the character asks!
Thank you for asking me about my precious man, I really enjoyed talking about him ❤️
Sexuality headcanon: This is not a headcanon, this is canon, the author confirmed that Ratan is bisexy ❤️
OTP: Ramala (Ratan x Amala) all the way, last update it was mentioned that Amala has Kali's blood inside her and Ratan is an avatar of Shiva so of course they're meant to be, according to mythology at least ❤️
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BROTP: Ratan and Killian, I love their banter and I think Killian is already warming up to him ❤️
NOTP: Ratan x anyone else who's not Amala 🤷‍♀️
First headcanon that pops into my head: Ratan is a bookworm! Last update we saw that the apartment Ratan furnished has many books on the side, so that makes me think that Ratan enjoys reading a lot. And he's also very knowledgeable, not because he's a god, but because he genuinely enjoys learning and gaining more knowledge ❤️ (my boy is perfect, bye)
Favorite line from this character: I have many but I'll only put a couple:
Ratan about children:
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Ratan about intuition and premonition (he basically described how Ni works)
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One way in which I relate to this character: Oh boy, we're about to get serious again like when I talked about Sangwoo. Okay so I relate to Ratan in the sense that I'm generally numb and I keep overanalysing my emotions, many times they end up being rationalised, therefore contributing to the numbness, and that numbness can be frustrating sometimes because it's like I want to feel something but this numbness doesn't let me so I'm often looking for sources of strong emotions like RC stories and my S.O. Those sources make me feel things strongly, which is what I'm looking for so they're very welcome ❤️ this particularly reminded me of these scenes below:
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Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Nothing, Ratan is perfect and iconic, nothing he does is embarrassing actually 🤷‍♀️
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave? A mix of both perhaps? Ratan is so multifaceted and complex that it's hard to encapsulate him in just one category ❤️
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that-queer-fanboy · 2 years
Aroace headcanon's for bl characters
Be Loved In House: I Do:
Yu Zhen - Sex and romance indifferent or favourable grey aroace or allo
Shi Lei - Sex and romance indifferent or favourable grey aroace or allo
Cherry Blossoms After Winter:
Taesung - Sex and romance favourable grey aroace
Haebom - Sex and romance indifferent or favourable grey or demiromantic grey or asexual
Color Rush:
Yeonwoo - Sex and romance indifferent grey or demiromantic asexual
Yoohan - Sex indifferent and romance favourable greyromantic allosexual
Don't Say No:
Leo - Sex indifferent or favourable and romance favourable grey aroace
Fiat - Sex and romance favourable greyromantic asexual spectrum or allo
Leon - Sex indifferent and romance favourable greyromantic pansexual
Pob - Sex and romance indifferent demi aroace.
Light On Me:
Shinwoo - Sex indifferent and romance indifferent or favourable grey homoromantic asexual.
Taekyung - Sex indifferent and romance favourable grey or allo (potentially homoromantic) asexual or greysexual.
Lovely Writer:
Gene - Sex adverse and romance indifferent or favourable grey or demiromantic demisexual.
Mr Heart:
Jinwon - Sex indifferent and romance adverse or indifferent grey or demiromantic grey or allosexual
Sangha - Sex indifferent and romance favourable grey aroace or allo
Mr Unlucky Has No Choice But To Kiss:
Kouta - Sex adverse and romance indifferent grey or demiromantic allosexual
Shinomiya - Sex and romance indifferent grey or demiromantic greysexual or allosexual.
My Engineer:
Bohn - Sex indifferent and romance favourable greyromantic or alloromantic bisexual or pansexual.
Duen - Sex adverse and romance indifferent demiromantic grey or demisexual
Ram - Sex and romance indifferent grey aroace
King - Sex and romance indifferent allo
Thara - Sex and romance indifferent grey or demi aroace (demiromantic demisexual)
Frong - Sex and romance indifferent allo.
My Love Mix-Up!:
Ida - Sex and romance indifferent greyromantic asexual.
Aoki - Sex adverse or indifferent and romance favourable demiromantic bisexual
Oh! My Assistant:
Joonseok - Sex and romance indifferent or favourable aromantic bisexual
Old Fashioned Cupcake:
Nozue - Sex indifferent and romance adverse grey or demiromantic greysexual
Togawa - Sex indifferent and romance favourable grey aroace
Semantic Error:
Jaeyoung - sex favourable and romance indifferent or favourable grey or demiromantic bi or pansexual.
Sangwoo - Sex and romance adverse or indifferent grey or demiromantic asexual.
Senpai This Can't Be Love:
Yanase - Sex and romance indifferent grey aroace or allo
Kaneda - Sex and romance indifferent grey or demi aroace
Takara-Kun and Amagi-Kun:
Takara - Sex indifferent or favourable and romance adverse or indifferent grey aroace (greyromantic greysexual)
Amagi - Sex adverse and romance favourable greyromantic allosexual potentially ace spec. (I genuinely don't know enough to label him besides allo broadly)
Tinted With You:
Heon - Sex and romance indifferent grey aroace.
Eunho - Also sex and romance indifferent grey aroace.
*Will probably be edited as I watch more
Plus and Minus:
Zheng Ze Shou - Sex and romance favourable grey aroace.
Fu Li Gong - Sex indifferent/favourable and romance favourable grey aroace.
Kato Yuki - Romance and sex indifferent/favourable demi aroace (I also think he has ADHD).
Jian Ying Ze - Romance and sex indifferent grey aroace (I also think he has ASD).
A Shoulder To Cry On:
Dayeol - Sex indifferent and romance adverse or indifferent grey or demi aroace.
Taehyun - Sex adverse and romance adverse or indifferent grey or demi aroace.
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universepersonagens · 2 years
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( ooc: +18 ) Os fãs não param de falar disso! Parece que Yoo Sungho entrou para as redes sociais, sabia? Dizem que ele parece tanto com o Choi Beomgyu! Ele nasceu em 24/03/2002 na cidade de Seoul, Coreia do Sul e atualmente tem 21 anos. Ele trabalha como integrante do BURST na SENSE Entertainment, deve ser muito talentoso… Ah, você quer seguir ele? Procura por @uv_sungho e fica de olho nas novidades.
Etnia: coreano.
Personalidade: Narcisista, desbocado, ambicioso; Comunicativo, extrovertido, habilidoso.
Conceito: Sungho mantém uma imagem de garoto fofo, mas debochado, entretendo os fãs com esse estereótipo que a empresa o deu. Apesar de não ser tão diferente fora das telas, ele esconde uma personalidade muito mais tóxica e intolerante na vida real.
Já apareceu algumas vezes na televisão quando era mais novo por ser irmão de uma idol famosa. Apesar de muitos o acharem fofo naquela época, quando ele foi chegando a adolescência, alguns internautas o acusaram de forçar demais em frente às câmeras.
Quando começou sua carreira artística, diversos artigos apareceram na internet sobre a verdadeira personalidade do jovem. Acusações de bullying, brigas físicas e de que ele fuma desde a adolescência ainda aparecem até hoje, mas todas as empresas que passou negam o ocorrido.
Há quem questione muito a sexualidade de Sungho por sua imagem em frente as telas, e para piorar, sua fama fora dela também não é das melhores: se não falam da sua sexualidade, falam de como ele já usou diversas trainees para divertimento próprio.
Em meio a tantos rumores negativos, possíveis colegas de classe divulgaram online sobre sua dedicação na escola, falando o quanto ele era inteligente e participava de diversos clubes, até mesmo dando aulas particulares para alunos com dificuldades, ofuscando um pouco suas outras fofocas.
Tinittus - TXT. Run Away - TXT. Lxxk 2 U - YENA. Doom Du Doom - P1Harmony.Irá lançar Spider - Hoshi um dia.
Pousando no Amor - Coadjuvante (2020) Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha - Coadjuvante (2021) Semantic Error - Chu Sangwoo (2022) Hotel Del Luna - Fantasma (2019) Missing: The Othe Side - Oh Ilyong. (2022)
Fez comerciais de brinquedos quando criança.
Sungho nunca precisou reclamar de nada em sua vida. Nascido em berço de ouro, tinha sempre tudo do que bem queria na palma da mão, desde os brinquedos mais caros até a melhor educação, ainda mais quando a própria mãe era a dona das primeiras escolas que frequentou na vida. Alguns poderiam odiar aquilo, mas o pequeno Sungho sempre usava o título de “filho da diretora” para conseguir se safar de suas peripécias.
Ainda muito novo, com apenas 5 anos, viu sua irmã debutar nas telinhas da televisão, crescendo em si o desejo de seguir seus passos. Não era exatamente o melhor em matemática para lidar com os negócios do pai, e definitivamente não tinha interesse nenhum em um dia ensinar para pestinhas como ele. Como uma criança sonhadora, começou a passar a maior parte do seu tempo livre imitando as danças da irmã e de outros grupos de k-pop em seu quarto.
Quando foi crescendo, aquela personalidade mimada e egoísta de Sungho cresceu junto, o fazendo se tornar um adolescente quase que insuportável em seu dia a dia. Com sua família era um amor, tanto que duvidavam e achavam um absurdo sempre que chamavam os pais para os conselhos estudantis. Como em sã consciência aquele garoto adorável que adorava abraços poderia se envolver em tantas brigas no colégio? Longe da escola da mãe e dos olhos dela, no entanto, ele era tudo aquilo que falavam: um garoto problemático e indisciplinado.
Mesmo duvidando muito que Sungho iniciasse todas aquelas brigas, era difícil ignorar os roxos que ele precisava esconder com maquiagem, então os pais decidiram o colocar em aulas de teatro, como uma forma de terapia. Ele aceitou de bom grado, ainda nutrindo o sonho de estar nas telas como uma celebridade, e não apenas como irmão de uma famosa, muito menos apenas como “o pirralho do comercial da hot wheels".
Aos 16 anos, decidiu tentar uma audição para a Cultural Media, passando depois da segunda tentativa. Os treinos duraram quase 1 ano quando teve sua primeira oportunidade em um drama de verdade, iniciando a carreira como ator com um papel pequeno em Pousando no Amor, não lá usando os métodos convencionais para isso. Sungho amou a atenção, mesmo mal aparecendo na série, e amou interpretar, passando os próximos anos trabalhando como ator para a empresa. Até conseguiu criar uma pequena carreira e conseguir mais fãs do que as poucas que os acompanhavam como “irmão de X idol”, principalmente depois do seu primeiro papel principal, achando que esse seria seu maior foco para o futuro. Mas como nem tudo são flores, a empresa o chamou no fim de 2022 para oferecer um projeto diferente: e se ele debutasse também como idol? Sem pensar muito, aceitou, treinando com outros meninos para debutar com o BURST em 2023 e mudar de empresa.
Sungho não sabe ainda se está arrependido da decisão, mas ambicioso como é, tenta usar essa oportunidade para alavancar a carreira e se precisar, passaria por cima de todo mundo para conseguir o que quer, ainda sem ter qualquer senso de trabalho em equipe.
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carmenlire · 2 years
watching that gifset compilation I reblogged last night again and yall omg I had a galaxy brain moment--
i can totally see jihye's crush on sangwoo as totally comphet. her friend says at the beginning that "oh u have a crush on The Unattainable Chu Sangwoo just give up already." and a hallmark of comphet/being lesbian is developing and maintaining crushes on men you know you can't have.
that's like the whole point of them. you're safe in your pining exactly because you know it won't happen because really you don't want it to happen.
and during the show (listen I know it's because it's a no angst show but let's roll with this new take) jihye and Jaeyoung’s rivalry reads as very lighthearted and amusing. we know there's no competition and even when jaeyoung blatantly!!! tells jihye right to her face that she better be ready for him to enter the game, she's never truly heartbroken. no, instead her reactions give off vibes much more similar to, like, annoyance that she's in second place and jaeyoung's cockiness ie it's not sangwoo that is making her feel emotions it's just the competition itself.
if we take that further, I'll choose to read her scene at the end with sangwoo as her realizing that her feelings weren't actually romantic even if there was an emotional attachment to him.
her reaching out to him was genuine-- I love the idea of them being friends. I think they both do work well together in a friendship capacity and jihye was misplacing romantic desire for platonic.
with my headcanon then, I'd like to think that seeing sangwoo fall for jaeyoung and seeing them be together helped put the pieces together for jihye herself. maybe she was working through internalized homophobia or maybe she had just never thought if it as an option but seeing sangwoo and jaeyoung together sparks something in her-- not jealousy but perhaps envy not to be in Jaeyoung's place but to have what they have on her own terms.
which brings us to yuna!!!! yuna and jihye 100% end up together idc. I love the opposites attract trope so much and I live for shy, newly realized lesbian jihye wanting to get to know bi queen yuna more. Yuna is endeared by jihye and they quickly realize that despite appearances they have a lot in common and they enjoy each other's company immensely.
jaeyoung 100% takes credit for getting them together when he realizes and the four of them totally double date regularly. for his part, it's sangwoo who offers them sincere congratulations and when they move in together, it's sangwoo who drags jaeyoung out shopping the entire day to find the perfect housewarming present because he likes and respects jihye deeply and yuna noona will kick my ass if the gift isn't up to par hyung come on--
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What it’s Like to Kiss Oh Sangwoo
Notes: In just a little bit I will be posting Atsumu’s SFW chapter! I’ve gotten a considerable amount written for my next First Time chapter, fingers crossed I can finish it soon and will be able to post it within the week! 
If you want to see the other things I have done and will be doing for Sangwoo, you can follow {this link} to the masterlist for him!
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Unsurprisingly, Sangwoo is an amazing kisser. You knew that he had a lot of experience before you, always knowing that he was going to be good at kissing. However, he completely blew everybody else that you’d ever kissed out of mind the second his tongue pushed into your mouth, when his hands groped at your body as the short kiss grew and intensified. You never want his kisses to end, thankfully for you, he doesn’t either
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Sangwoo’s lips are so soft you almost can’t believe it. Opposed to you sometimes, his lips aren’t chewed at and bit, instead soft, smooth, so kissable. His lips are plump, his bottom lip so fun to suck and nibble on because it’s not too thin and makes him give a little smirk. His upper lip is a little more thin, but they’re relatively close and plump
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Whenever Sangwoo’s lips do happen to chap, maybe in the winter when it’s so dry, he’ll make sure to use lots of chapstick, though he ends up often getting it all over you and your face and neck instead when he kisses you so frequently. Sometimes chapstick seems pointless and you’d rather his rougher lips press to your skin than feeling the residual chapstick on your skin
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Sangwoo smells good, he always has. Like one too many spritz of cologne when he knows he’s gonna be on you. He knows you like it, how he smells and wants to rub it off on you. He likes it when you end up smelling like him after awhile of making out and touching each other. His scent is strong so close, but you can’t hate it. An almost earthy scented cologne is one he wears more often than not
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When you kiss Sangwoo, he doesn’t have much of a distinct taste unless he’s recently eaten or drank anything outside of water. As good as he smells, his taste is rather bland, and yet you can’t help but want his tongue in your mouth, holding the back of his head to keep him close as if he ever wanted to pull away in the first place
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He’s obsessed with kissing. As much as he likes to touch you sexually, he could settle for a kiss a lot of times. Expects many kisses a day, as enthusiastically as he gives them. If you were inexperienced before, he taught you well, taught you subtly what he likes and relishes in it every time that you do what you know he loves. Sangwoo’s kisses are intoxicating, breath-taking, never too short and sweet, but deep and passionate. It not only leaves your head woozy, but makes you want more. Sometimes he will tease you, kiss you once and pulls back so you move to straddle his lap and kiss him as eagerly as he wants to kiss you
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When he’s kissing you, his eyebrows often furrow inwards when he gets focused on every little noise you make, every little squirm you give beneath him, every little touch you give him. While usually you’re the one making all of the noise for him, Sangwoo may occasionally give little hums, maybe even a little grunt into the kiss if he gets hard and grinds against you. On the other hand, he does whatever he can to make you give sweet sounds into his mouth because he loves it so much and wants to hear you whine and moan for him
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Sangwoo’s kisses are generally pretty rough. Leaves your lips feeling sore after a rough make out session, but you really couldn’t ask for it any other way. Even when he nibbles and bites your lip or chokes you a little too rough when he kisses you, there’s something about his kiss that draws you in. They’re so deep, so passionate, makes your mind nearly go numb from it. As long as they last and as out of breath as you can be at the end, you can’t turn him down
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There’s almost nothing that can ruin a kiss for him. Not morning breath, not coffee breath, not even if you were to have allergies and sneezed mid-kiss. Even if you’re sick and he would catch it as well, sometimes he’s too into kissing you and won’t push back the desire to push his tongue into your mouth
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When he’s kissing you, something that Sangwoo quite frequently does is he will tug on your hair or run his fingers through it. Loves to suck on your tongue and nibble on your bottom lip. Will choke you if you’re laying beneath him either in bed or on the sofa while the two of you make out. Makes you lightheaded with his kisses and his hand around your neck. May press a little on your throat just to fuck with you before he eases up. Loves it when you kiss his neck, loves it to kiss yours even more to make you whimper and whine when he nibbles and bites at your skin and sucks a hickey onto you
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jojikawa · 2 years
my boy
Sangwoo x Killer!Fem!Reader
TW// if you know enough about killing stalking to be attracted to Sangwoo then there’s no reason for me to put a trigger warning.
Reader almost gets assaulted.
✧『Fandom』: Killing Stalking
✧『Character』: Oh Sangwoo
✧『Word Count』: 3,221 words 16,893 characters
✧『Summary』: You are invited to a Gala and decided that you will take Sangwoo as your date.
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𝙴𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚞𝚝…
You had convinced Sangwoo to start going back to school. He had been missing a lot since you moved in with him. It was a bit hectic but eventually, things needed to turn back to normal. Not only was he missing school, but he hadn’t been completing work either.
For you, it wasn’t required to go every day because you had been going part-time. The reason why was because you had been chosen as a model for some time now. It was seasonal so you weren’t gone every day but it paid very well. Today you received an invitation to an event to be looked at by clothing companies to model their clothing. You seemed to meet the female Korean beauty standard despite being a foreigner.
The invitation was black with gold trim, dotted with italic and script font text and at the end had a handwritten signature of the person who was preparing the event.
“Well, I guess I can bring him.” You sighed to yourself and went to find Sangwoo. You found him in the kitchen, trying to cook something that would be up to your standards as a way to impress you. So far, you hadn’t seen any sign of Yoon Bum.
You figured that in order to get him to do what you wanted and behave well, you’d have to soften him up. Sangwoo gets crazy jealous when guys try to talk to you. He would become bitter towards you and passive-aggressive to anyone with a dick and eyes.
Except, this time—you couldn’t tolerate that. It wasn’t a trip to the mall or a date at a restaurant. This would be a viewing gallery and your chance to be picked for new gigs. You couldn’t have him being an asshole and ruining it because he thinks a guy is flirting with you.
You walked up to him and hugged him from behind. He knew your frame and could feel your breasts against his back. He didn’t know why but it felt very pleasant.
“Good morning.” You said quietly before taking in the yummy scent of your favorite breakfast food cooking.
“Oh, good morning.” He replied in a slightly deeper voice than usual. He wasn’t completely used to your affection and had to really try to keep his cool or else he would look soft.
You tried looking around his masculine body to see what he was up to without breaking the hug but ultimately, he was too big. You let go and he turned around with a pan and spatula in hand.
“What happened to making frozen things?” You asked, referencing a statement in the past of you taking a jab at his knowledge of cooking.
He explained that he wanted to do something for you because you were so “great.”
You couldn’t understand why he thought that or why it was so easy to manipulate him. Not until he opened up about his parents. You knew his parents were dead but it wasn’t until the incident, with that girl you had him dispose of, that he explained to you his abusive childhood.
He’s clung to you a lot more since then.
“Oh, I see,” You replied. “I wanted to ask you something.” You went over to the dining table and began to play with the salt and pepper that were placed on the table.
“What is it?” You heard him say.
“Did you open my mail?” Your voice was deep and stern, almost startling him. What mail? What were you talking about?
“Your mail? No.” He answered. “I didn’t know you got any. Did something happen?”
“I when to grab it before going back upstairs. It was opened already.” You informed him.
You couldn’t see his reactions but you could tell he was getting furious. You chalked it up to be another Yoon Bum occurrence. You didn’t mind, though. You just enjoyed the drama.
After not receiving a reply from him, you let out a “hm.” Before continuing.
“Anyway, the piece of mail I got was an invitation. I was selected to go to a modeling party. It’s important because it can help me get some new work.” You explained. “I think you should come with me.”
He seemed to calm down. He finished up what he was doing and put some of the food on a plate to give to you. The only thing he could think was:
‘Of course, I’m going. You didn’t even need to ask.’
Because he wanted to follow you everywhere you went and especially if there were other people involved.
Sangwoo knew that it was your dream to be loved by many, be beautiful, and have that be known by everyone. He knew you were a model and your work was seasonal. You made more than he did working as a barista despite only doing one or two photoshoots or just by taking a photo and putting it on your social media.
Although, he would like it a lot more if you stayed out of the public eye. Too many people…looking.
“When is it?”
“Why such short notice?” He tried to get a little more information without disturbing you too much.
“Oh, I don’t know.” You replied. “I just received it today. It’s supposed to arrive ahead of time.” You explained.
He was seething.
He silently served you breakfast and when you finished, you told him that you’d be getting ready.
“The gala starts at 6pm. I would get try to find something nice if I were you.” You told him as you began to walk away.
“Oh, we won’t match?” He half-shouted so that his voice could reach you.
“No.” You replied flatly before disappearing back upstairs.
Sangwoo frowned. He could never tell how you really felt about him. You would be in his arms and then it would feel like you didn’t even need him…
At first, he thought he was the one that was going to make you late but he found himself sitting on the couch, waiting for you to pop up. You told him he wasn’t allowed in the room because the dress you had gotten from your agency was a “surprise.” He didn’t like surprises but he also didn’t like upsetting you.
He got ready for the gala and put on his nicest clothes. He styled his hair and pulled out the expensive cologne that he only put on for special occasions.
He had his hair in a side part with most of his hair out of his face and a new suit he had wanted to try wearing.
Something similar to this:
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You had finally called him for assistance when you were finally ready. You were wearing a beautiful white dress with fur and shear that basically getting all over the place! Something like this:
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“You look…really nice,” Sangwoo muttered. Normally, he wouldn’t be so choked up when it came to girls but with you…it was different.
“I know.” You replied. “Now, can we go? I don’t want to be late.” Quickly, you felt the weight of the dress lessen as Sangwoo appeared behind you with the cloth in his hand. “Oh…” you exhaled. Not expecting him to be so ready to listen.
The two of you left out and Sangwoo secured the house so that Yoon Bum wouldn’t be able to leave. You wanted to ask about it but if he’s been kept here this long, he probably knows a lot more than you think he does. Like he’s…experienced.
In the car, the two of you didn’t talk much. Sangwoo could only imagine the things you could be thinking about. Ever since the night you attacked him, you acted so differently. You didn’t act bubbly or adorable. You were almost intimidating. Not in a way that made him scared, just in a way that made him want to do everything you said or else you would get angry…
He missed you. A lot. He wanted to connect with you again. Was he not loving enough?
He missed you…he missed you so much. He missed you sneaking up behind him and embracing him from behind.
Were you just bored of him? What could he do to make you find interest again? He just didn’t know…
Suddenly, the car stopped. You were jerked forward but were saved by your seat belt. Sangwoo had slammed the brakes. He gave you an eerie look as you furrowed your eyebrows at his carelessness.
“You passed the VIP parking. Now you have to back up.” You sighed, gathering your things so that you were ready to exit the vehicle when it was time.
When the car stopped and went in reverse for a bit. Sangwoo pulled into the VIP parking and you showed your invitation so that you could be let in. You waited for Sangwoo to get out of the car and let you out. You waited patiently as the man tried his best to help you exit without damaging your dress.
“Thank you.” You muttered before throwing yourself into his arms. He felt the butterflies burn in his abdomen at your affection. Every time you did it, it was like a new experience. The feeling you get when someone does it the first time.
Sangwoo just grunted in response before hugging you back. You then took his hand and led him into the Gala Hall.
“Okay.” You told him once you were inside. The place was extremely beautiful and bright. It looked like something only royalty would be allowed to step foot in.
“I’m going to mingle.” You told him. He purses his lips, hating the idea of you being alone or him being without you. “Mingle?” He repeated and you nodded.
“I’ve always wanted to branch out from just modeling and more of what I want to do. I want to be able to get a good deal so that I get paid more and work less.” You explained. His eyes drifted to the upper left and you narrowed your eyes at him. “So behave!”
“Oh. Yeah.” He replied and as quickly as he said it, you disappeared into the crowd of people.
Now he was just…alone.
Sangwoo tried his best to occupy himself. Here and there, he would see you zip by without paying him any mind. You were typically talking to someone or having a drink or eating an expensive snack. He just hope this would end soon.
He’s mostly used to being at school or at his job but this level of socializing wasn’t his thing. The fewer people there were, the more control he had.
Maybe an hour went by before Sangwoo saw you again. You were walking with a guy. It wasn’t some agent or anything. It was some young guy.
He didn’t think anything of it at first until he saw the boy reach up to move strands of your hair out of your face. The gesture was unwanted, seeing that toy smoothly removed his hand from your hair but your expressions didn’t change.
Clearly, he was trying to just flirt with you but Sangwoo took this as you being harassed. No one should touch you. Ever.
Suddenly, he saw you begin to wobble as stood there. It kinda looked like you were sick.
You had a drink on your hand too.
No good.
Sangwoo tried to make himself less noticeable as he pushed passed people to get to you. He was relatively tall and could see the top of your head in the crowd.
He was stopped by a couple of servants that tried offering him a drink and a snack. He declined without trying to make a scene.
“Hello, Sir!” One said.
“Would you like a cocktail and fresh-picked fruit?” The other chimed in.
“No thanks.” The man sported a fake smile before pushing past the two.
The thing was that he lost sight of you. Now, you were nowhere to be found. He asked around about you but it seems like no one saw where you went either.
You were a special guest and no one could tell him where you had gone? Sangwoo couldn’t think of a more useless group of people. It made him so angry but he needed to contain himself to keep up his image.
He went into the men’s restroom, and the women's restroom and even trespassed into the private bathroom. You weren’t there either. He still has one more place to check…
Your head was spinning. You could barely think, focus or even keep your eyes open but you knew you were fucked. 
Royally fucked. 
And now you were walking somewhere. You didn’t know where you were going and the man who drugged you was guiding you with a twisted smile on his face. You needed help.
You missed Sangwoo…you regretted leaving him on his own. You knew he would protect you. You just couldn’t stand how much of a blank canvas he was. You could mold him into anything you wanted him to be but sometimes, that was exhausting. You got tired of manipulating him and this time you were the one paying the price.
When you came to, you were in the backseat of a car. The man had gotten in beside you before locking the doors and rolling up the windows.
“Eh-“ Were the only noises coming out of your mouth. Just short breathless whispers. 
The man hovered over you and you tried to resist. Your legs and arms felt like jelly. He groped your breast through your dress a bit, trying to create some sort of friction to see how your body would react. 
You felt it. You felt something but it wasn’t pleasant at all. 
You tried to push him but you were beginning to lose consciousness. Your eyes slowly fell shut and only deafening silence went by before ear-piercing commotion had begun. 
You heard the man in front of your scream.
“H-Hey! You can’t do that! Please!”
Someone had broken the glass to the car door and it had swung open. You wished that you could see but your eyes just felt so heavy. You could only listen.
Only more screaming could be heard as the person who broke into the car attacked the man that had been trying to assault you. 
After a few minutes, the screaming ceased and you felt yourself being picked up. 
You had a bit of energy to open your eyes and when you did, it was Sangwoo.
His face was wet with tears. He was saying something you couldn’t hear, then you fell back asleep.
When you woke up again, you felt completely horrible. You had a splitting headache but you seemed to be in your bed. Naked, but thankfully, in your bed. 
The sun that peaked through your curtains burned your eyes for an entire second before they had adjusted. 
At the end of your bed were some cute pajamas that you would wear sometimes. You put them on and went to explore the house. It was business as usual but you weren’t able to find Sangwoo. You wanted to believe he went back to work but he would’ve at least told you or left a note. 
You wandered the house barefoot. Still wobbling around and trying to get used to your legs again. You couldn’t remember what happened. Only bits and pieces. 
You went to check the kitchen for food and drink. There was nothing quick you could grab. You would need to cook. 
As you gathered the materials to make your breakfast, you heard the front door open. It was Sangwoo. 
You went to the door to let him in before he could use the keypad like he always did. You opened the door and if you could describe the look on his face when he saw you, you would probably describe it as if he was looking at something extraordinary. Like he was staring at a goddess in the face.
“…why are you looking at me like that…?” 
You rubbed your arm shyly and for the first time, you felt uncomfortable under his watchful eyes. He had groceries in his hands and dropped them before picking you up and holding you close in his arms.
He almost knocked the wind out of you with how tightly he hugged you! 
“Put me down, moron! What’s gotten into you?” You tried to pretend like you didn’t want his affection but he didn’t let up. 
“I thought I lost you. I thought he hurt you.”
“Who? Who are you-“ Then more memories flooded in. You had been drugged and Sangwoo came to save you.
You stayed silent. 
Sangwoo continued to hold you and shower you in kisses. You stopped resisting his love and said:
“Did he hurt me?”
“Did you hurt him?”
“…Yes. I did.”
You felt his arms loosen and you used that as your opportunity to get out of his grip. You crossed your arms and gave him a concerned look. 
“What did you do?”
“I beat the shit out of him.”
Your eyes widened. “You what?”
If this weren’t a serious situation, you’d be laughing your ass off but this wasn’t like that at all. Sangwoo could go to jail. 
“You realize that man is a part of the industry, right? He could have the police here at any moment and I’ll be blacklisted from my job!” You raised your voice a few octaves, almost yelling at him.
“I’m sorry.” He muttered.
“There was nothing else you could’ve done?” 
You were truly at a loss for words. You didn’t know what to make of the situation. You wanted to be happy he saved you but the bad had outweighed the good. 
Sangwoo just stayed silent. He knew that he messed up big time by going overboard and beating up the guy. 
You sighed before moving a bit closer to him. He avoided eye contact and looked like he was really sorry. You reached up to cup his face in your hands. You made him look at you.
“Thank you.” You said before guiding his mouth to yours and planting a chaste kiss on his lips. You could tell he wanted more, so you kissed him again, this time more passionately. 
You felt his strong arms wrap around you as he picked you up. 
“No.” You said, shaking your head. “I don’t feel like having sex right now.” You place your hands on his chest to stop him. He had only picked you up but you knew him well enough to tell what his actions always led to. 
Like the obedient dog you shaped him to be, he put you down and you went into the kitchen. A moment passed before he followed you close behind. 
He followed you everywhere. 
In the kitchen, the bathroom, and the living room.
And wherever you sat, he would take it upon himself to rest his head on your chest, lap, or tummy. He could tell you were still shaken up by the idea of what happened and just wanted you to feel safe. 
The only thing that crossed his mind was killing the person who tried to harm you but he knew you’d be mad at him if he acted out of line. Perhaps, maybe he could do something for you. 
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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1. Well, let's start off by saying he's manipulative. He's a social butterfly like Kaminari and has no problem when it comes to socializing and making friends. And of course, no could EVER suspect that someone as fun and outgoing and bubbly like Sero can have dark intentions 
2. He is actually rather good at hiding his yandere tendencies behind his ''social mask'' thing. He will aim to try charming into your heart and your parent's and family's hearts as well. After all, he needs to be on good terms with your family if he's going to be your husband and your parents' son-in-law
3. I don't know why I'm imagining this, but, Sero would most likely be a clingy ASF yandere and a possessive one too. And yeah, he's up for showing all the scumbags who try taking you away from him that you're HIS 
4. When it comes to stealing your stuff and all that, it depends on how he's feeling. He does take a few things of yours here and there from time to time (it's like the LAW for every Yandere, I SWEAR!!! ) and if you end up being miserable about not finding your favorite hoop earrings or your favorite book? Boom! Expect a note on your article with Sero's name on it with a box of Godiva chocolates or your favorite type of chocolates so he can make a good impression on you 
5. This boi is a stalker all right, but he knows that you deserve your personal space. So, he won't go THAT far as to breaking into your house and watching you sleep and laying down on your bed with you and all that. He'll just follow you back to your house everyday to make sure you're safe and sound at home. But if he feels that you're STILL not safe, he'll just set up camp outside your bedroom window and watch you sleep ( Don't worry, he won't take pictures)
6. He's a pretty laid back and chill guy in general. But when he's jealous, oh dear, it'll be like pouring LEMON JUICE into Satan's eyes and hell will get unleashed at that unlucky chap. Someone bullied you? WHAT A SHOCKER: A BODY HAS BEEN DISCOVERED!!!! Someone constantly hitting on you and keeps on flirting with you? Eyes? gouged out. Organs? Taped and stored away somewhere secretive. Their family members? Dead. Hotel? Trivago (I regret NOTHING)
7. Though Sero is a scary sangwoo when it comes to killing people, he won't behave like a delusional psycho and go on a killing spree. No, he'll have a good and valid reason before killing someone
8. He won't be the type of yandere to kidnap you, that's for sure but he DOES know how to manipulate your feelings so expertly, that YOU'LL be the one asking him not to leave you alone. But, if you get severely hurt or something, he will make preparations to ''take you somewhere safe'' aka. kidnap you so you'll be free from all the dangers of this world. He's the determined type of guy who will never lose his confidence no matter how many times you scream bloody murder and how many times you act up or yell and throw things at him. He's convinced himself that you'll fall for him one day
''Mi amor, you'll be safe with me now~''
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grventea · 3 years
Okok so I've become obsessed with him so I have a request!!
Sangwoo with a pregnant s/o and how he is with the baby :)
ok you guys need help
order up! also sorry im on and off with tumblr atm
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Sangwoo with a pregnant s/o headcanons
how do I even write this tbh HE KILLS PEOPLE NOT MAKES EM
that's like the main thing I have to say here
if someone even looks at you for too long their on the news the next day
keeps a hand on your stomach as much as he can
also keeps a hand on your ass because that's how he is
will let you do some work but not too much he doesn't want you to "overwork yourself with the baby" like you just bent down to pick something up m4n
doesn't care what gender the baby is at all just wants it to be here already
the 9 month is so bad for him like
what if you just pop when he's killing someone!??!
when the baby is born though he takes everything right back
"Shut it up please."
he loves the baby i swear but sometimes-
if the baby ever cries in the middle of the night he won't let you take care of it
"You lay right back down or so help me god."
"But shut the fuck up babe."
he loves going somewhere and people look at you and him with the baby
he's thinking like 'yeah I did that'
that's all i can think of bye LMFAO anyways enjoy uhhhhhhh see you guys in like a week :catemoji:
eat and drink water
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tomuraxashes · 3 years
Head cannons when the LoV kidnapped Bakugo x KS
At night when no one is around, just Bakugo tied up to the chair
Dabi: *starts humming “killing me softly” while walking to the bar*
Bakugo: So you gonna break my ankles next or what?
Dabi: Let’s pretend I wasn’t here
Shigaraki, coming out of nowhere: you are late for that, Oh Dabi..
Dabi: Fuck, I just wanted to try it how it feels, but you.. wait -
Shigaraki: Let’s pretend we haven’t met
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mirkomilk · 4 years
Yandere Yoon Bum and Sangwoo! I want to request that they both like the same person! I want to see the chaos!!!
Author Notes: keep in mind that I didn’t write this as a polyamory relationship, nor will I ever write about Sangwoo and Bum being involved in a relationship!
Warnings: Sangwoo-typical violence, stalking, Sangwoo never gets a happy ending, manipulative tendencies, unhealthy relationship
☁️Oh Sangwoo + Yoon Bum☁️
Bum is the first to become obsessed with his darling, whether it’s because they’re someone he’s known for a very long time, or because they’ve shown him kindness, his infatuation doesn’t take long to become a full fledged obsession. Bum is typically harmless, especially since he isn’t dragged into the violent and abusive situation with Sangwoo.
Sangwoo notices his darling when he sees them doing something that he sees as somewhat motherly or kind. Whether they’re babysitting or just helping a fellow classmate out with something, he finds himself drawn to them and not in his usual murdery way. It’s not hard for him to introduce himself to them, but his darling might have a bad feeling about Sangwoo so they openly avoid him, this leads to some serious problems.
Bum is a stalker (obviously), he knows everything that goes on in his darlings life, including Sangwoo. Since in this situation he isn’t interested in Sangwoo, but instead his darling, he only sees him as a serious threat to his relationship with his darling. Because he feels threatened, Bum will advise his darling against seeing Sangwoo ever. In short, Bum goes to extreme levels to dig up dirt on his opponent.
Sangwoo deadass will try to kidnap his darling off the street once he realizes that they don’t trust him for whatever reason. This ends up not being very good for him in the long run, because he’s Sangwoo. He’s violent, has meltdowns, and is dealing with a delusional stalker that’s in love with his captive. Bum digs up everything and he will send Sangwoo to prison (with the help of Seungbae of course ☺️).
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Anyways, I’ll never give Sangwoo happiness ☺️
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