#oh oh and for the argument “well actually it was originally said to be a lute” LUTES DIDNT EXIST YET EITHER
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sprinklethetangerine · 7 days ago
Character I like who is supposed to be smart in fictional media just recited a piece of innacurate information that is largely and wrongly perceived to be accurate, day ruined
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singmyaubade · 2 months ago
Growing Pains
poly!marauders x female!reader
summary: you are in desperate need of a job, and the marauders are in desperate need of a babysitter, what's the worst that could happen?
warnings: eventual smut! 18+ | age gap between marauders & reader (not heavily identified) | reader is 21 + | mature language.
author's note: hello everyone! so i have multiple poly!marauder fics going on at this very moment (i know) but this was something that came to me and i thought it would be so cute to write since i never really dip my toes into this kind of normal au's. but please enjoy!
! divers by @cafekitsune & @saradika-graphics !
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Being unemployed right out of university was not part of your plan.
You knew that it wasn’t unusual to be unemployed after attending university, but you also had high expectations for yourself.
Originally, you were going to intern at your father’s law firm for a while just to get on your feet, while living in your own studio apartment, which he would pay for—his reward for you ‘stepping up’ straight out of university.
After that, you planned to gain some experience and then be able to work at an actual law firm—not just intern—and pay off your studio apartment on your own.
But, as usual, you and your father had gotten into a blown-out, heated argument about your future. All you had said was that you ‘wanted to do some writing on the side’ during dinner, and everything blew up when he claimed that ‘writing is unreliable and wouldn’t get you anywhere in life,’ which only pissed you off.
It ended with you saying some things you didn’t regret, but maybe should have, and him cutting you off financially, retracting the offer at his law firm.
Instead of groveling, you let your stubbornness take over, storming out and having to find somewhere to live as soon as possible.
Thankfully, your cousin, who had graduated a few years before you, was openly looking for a roommate and wasn’t charging a high rate. You took the offer immediately, but finding a job was a real pain in the ass.
Every place you tried to intern at said you didn’t have enough experience or was in competition with your father’s law firm.
And every place you applied to—whether it was as a barista, waitress, assistant, etc.—rejected you.
For no reason, might you add.
You were growing hopeless and severely depressed. Mary was finding it quite hard to comfort you lately, especially since you were holed up in your room, refusing to leave.
She didn’t even think you went out to use the bathroom.
So eventually, when you came out of your room for your 8 PM coffee, she confronted you.
“Y/N,” She sighed, looking at you as you wrapped yourself in a blanket, dark circles under your eyes. “I love you a lot, but I need you to bloody get it together!”
You groaned. “What do I have to live for if no one will hire me and I’m just unsuccessful?” You sulked. “I mean, I’m going to be living with you until you and Lily have kids!” You screeched, horrified.
Mary looked spooked. “I pray not,” She replied, walking over to you and cupping your cheeks in her hands. “You just need to have more faith in yourself—and maybe a little boost,” She said, letting go and sitting on the counter. “Which is why I got you that little boost and got you a job!” She said excitedly, grinning as you looked at her in shock.
“Wait, what?” You responded. “Doing what? And how?” You asked nervously as her grin widened.
“Well, it’s a full-time babysitting gig,” She said happily, swinging her legs.
“So, a nanny?” You asked, sounding a bit deflated.
“Well, unfortunately, I don’t think you’ll be living with them, but yeah, kind of,” She said, as you hummed.
“And you know the parents?” You asked hesitantly.
“Oh, like the back of my hand,” She said calmly as if your question was ridiculous.
“I mean, should I text them or anything? Or at least let them get to know me before I start babysitting for them?” You asked nervously.
Mary waved you off. “They’re really chill, they’ll love you,” She said happily as she hopped off the counter.
“Wait, but—” You tried to speak again, but Mary wasn’t having it.
“I’ll send you their address. You have to be there at 10 AM!” she yelled before heading to her room.
That wasn’t very informative.
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You were never this nervous. You really didn’t want to mess this up. Your palms were sweaty, and you were worried they'd think something was wrong with you, maybe unfit to handle kids if you were this nervous over meeting the parents. And Mary hadn’t even bothered to give you any info about the family—no names, no details about their children.
What made it worse was that you couldn’t decide what to wear. You wanted something casual but presentable, something that said 'I’m approachable, but not a slob.'
You were pretty sure the wife wouldn't appreciate anything too scandolous, and a single dad might misread it.
You ended up choosing a red and green Christmas sweater, mom jeans, and Mary Jane’s—comfortable enough, you thought, to handle kids.
Unfortunately, your timing didn’t match. Without a car (since your dad had cut you off), you had to bike there. And to make matters worse, you’d burned your toast and didn’t have time to make more. You were late, pedaling as fast as you could, praying your GPS was right.
You finally arrived at a beautiful suburban house—exactly what you imagined when you thought of a family of four. The house had a neat front yard, a doormat, and was surrounded by well-kept homes. Taking a deep breath, you rang the doorbell and quickly checked your reflection. Your hair was a mess, but you didn't have time to fix it before the door swung open.
A man with black hair, a black button-up shirt, and tattoos on his arms greeted you. He was strikingly handsome with a charming smile. And.. great, you were already crushing on the dad.
"Hey, you must be Y/N, the babysitter Mary recommended," He said with a grin, extending his hand. "We were expecting you—come on in."
The house felt warm and homey, with photos of kids everywhere and Christmas decorations all over. Toys were scattered on the living room floor but not in a messy way—just lived in.
"Sorry about the mess," The man said, laughing and running a hand through his hair. "You’ve arrived during morning madness."
"Oh, it’s fine," You replied, feeling flustered. "The decorations are lovely."
"They kind of went overboard this year," He chuckled.
Before you could say anything else, another man entered the room—a tall, broad figure with light brown hair, wearing a white button-up shirt and brown slacks. Scars marked his face, but they somehow added to how pretty he was.
“Sirius,” The man grumbled, “I told you to tidy up an hour ago,” He sent an annoyed look his way,
"Remus," The new man said, extending a hand. "Apologies for the chaos. It’s never this untidy."
"Yes, it is," Sirius teased. Remus shot him a look, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
"It’s nice to meet you both," You said with a smile. "Your home is beautiful. It reminds me of my family’s place."
Remus looked relieved. "We’re glad to have you. Can I get you anything? A glass of water?" He asked.
"I think I’m fine," You answered kindly as Remus led you to the couch.
Sirius sat next to you, creating a situation where you were sandwiched between the two men. You felt a little nervous, but they looked extremely comfortable.
"So, Mary didn’t tell us much about you," Remus started.
"She just gave us your last name and I didn't think it would be kind to search you up," Sirius added.
You laughed nervously. "Yeah, she can be a bit mysterious for no reason."
Sirius noticed you fidgeting and put a hand on your knee. "We’re just happy to get to know you ourselves," He said with a kind smile.
"Well, ask me anything," You said, trying to calm your nerves.
"Anything?" Sirius asked with a teasing smile. You flushed, and Remus shot him a warning look.
"How old are you?" Remus asked.
"21," You answered.
"Ah, the responsible age," Sirius joked, "How has it been?" He asked, trying to make you more comfortable.
"It’s been good," You replied. "More responsibilities now, its been a bit hectic."
"Out of school?" Remus asked.
"Yeah, just finished," You said with a smile.
"What did you study?" He continued.
"Criminal Justice with a minor in Creative Writing."
Sirius raised an eyebrow. "Remus here is a bit of a writer himself."
You perked up. "Really?"
Remus chuckled. "Just write novels here and there."
"Which ones?" You asked eagerly, looking at him in excitement.
"Probably haven’t heard of them," Remus said, shrugging. "The Idea of the Unknown was one that was popular for a bit," He added casually, and your eyes widened.
"Wait, you wrote The Idea of the Unknown?" You asked in disbelief.
He laughed. "Yeah, that’s me."
He seemed completely nonchalant as he mentioned one of the books that had shaped your entire view on life. You were amazed by how humble he could be about it.
And then it clicked,
He was one of your all time favorite authors.
You almost fainted. "You’re the Remus Lupin?" You asked, excited.
"Surprised you know my work," He said. "I didn’t think your age group read my books."
"I love your books!" You exclaimed. "The story between Ophelia and Duke had me crying for weeks after the ending."
Remus smiled warmly. "I spent fifteen years perfecting that ending. Glad it made an impact."
"But we're glad you love his work," Sirius teased, a sly grin painting his face.
You blushed, mortified. "Sorry, I didn’t mean to turn this into a meet and greet. I swear I’m not a stalker."
Sirius laughed. "Honestly, this just makes us more sure about you. At least we know you have taste." He nudged your shoulder jokingly.
You felt a bit guilty for not asking more about their kids. "So, what are their names?"
You pointed to a picture of two kids—a boy with dark hair and hazel eyes, and a shy-looking girl with long brown hair. They were both in front of the Christmas tree with matching Rudolph pajamas as the boy smiled confidently in front of the camera and the little girl hid behind him.
"Harry is almost four—he’s a bit of a handful, but he’s brave. Ruby’s shy, but she’s a clever little thing." Remus says, "And don't be fooled by either of them, they love to prank people and be up to no good,"
"They’re both adorable," You said. "I’m sure I’ll love them."
Remus checked his watch. "Actually, they should be back from their walk about now."
And just as he said that, the door opened, and in came a tall man with glasses and black hair that was shorter than Sirius's, carrying Ruby on his back and with Harry hanging from his leg.
Yet another handsome man.
"Okay, go to your daddies," The man said, setting Ruby down. She rushed over to Sirius, while Harry went to Remus, peppering him with questions.
The man turned to you. "And who’s this?" He asked with a grin.
You felt your heart race. "I’m Y/N, the new babysitter," You said, extending a hand.
"James," He said, then surprised you by pulling you into a hug. "Nice to meet you."
Sirius laughed. "He’s a hugger." He picked up Ruby as she pulled on his long locks of hair, earning a pained groan from him as he put her back down, "Not nice," He jokingly pouted as he rubbed his head.
You were too busy by James's embrace to be fully locked on to the kids as his scent infiltrated your nose. James smelled like maple syrup and firewood, and it almost made you dizzy.
When he pulled back, he grinned. "We’re glad to have you."
"Yeah, we need a new face around here," Sirius added as Ruby shyly hid behind his legs.
"Come on, Ruby, say hello," James coaxed, looking at the little girl and nodding his head to you as she went towards you in a shy manner, "She won't bite," James added, trying to help.
You kneeled down to her level. "Unless you want me to," You joked, making her giggle.
"My name’s Y/N. What’s yours?"
"Ruby," She said quietly.
"That’s a pretty name," You said. "You’re pretty too."
Ruby smiled shyly, and you stood up to find a little Harry already approaching you.
"Do you have cookies?" He asked, looking up at you with wide eyes.
"Not yet," You laughed.
"Bwoo," Harry pouted, moving over to James as he picked him up.
"Looks like you’re going to be a good fit,"
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medusas-graveyard · 11 months ago
Guys hear me out League scientist Danny please hear me out plea—
Okya so different direction: where Danny's this sort of cryptic person in the league where no one knows his origins but they think he's powerful enough since Ra's hasn't killed him for his misdemeanors. What kind of misdemeanors, you may ask? Well, the guy's supposedly there to 'purify' the pit for Ra's but he NEVER has any kind of documentation with him.
People would ask why or accuse him of not being loyal to the league and his response? He'll either stare at you like you said the stupidest shit he's ever heard or dismiss you with "Whatever I do with MY knowledge stays with ME."
You'd be lucky if Ra's doesn't order your death for your misdemeanors towards him.
Back to the main point; Damian is born, and upon meeting the innocence of man when they were first born Danny has a very short existential crisis because damn why is he even doing all of this. But he doesn't express his new found distress and instead insists on taking care of Damian because "He's the future of the League" And you know what? He's doing a pretty damn good job at it.
Cut through a few years and for SOME reason the old man revived a teen. What's that? He has the same father as Damian? Oh. That could work in his favor, actually. "I need a test subject. Hand over the boy." A brief argument, but Ra's handed him over nonetheless.
Aaaaand the boy is gone. It's fine— he was due to be handed back to Bruce Wayne, anyways. Now he just needs to convince Talia....
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menlove · 26 days ago
queer paul tome pt 1: everything not related to john
okay i've been saying i'd make this post forever and it's uh. long. so i decided to split it up into four parts so i can get this first bit out and let it stop haunting me and so it's not 50 miles long.
feel free to add your own if it's not here or shoot me an ask and i'll add it :)
disclaimer: i'm not definitively saying sir paul mccartney is queer. i mean i really firmly think he is but it's all just speculation. also, if he is, there's obviously a reason he's not out about it & he deserves to have his privacy respected. i just personally find the dominant narrative in the fandom & even in larger spaces that poor pining queer john was in love with tragically heterosexual paul completely unconvincing and neeeeeed to be insane for a minute here
if this pisses u off u can simply scroll on by i do not need an essay in my notes. make your own post if you disagree.
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(paul doing this for whatever reason in beverly hills, 1974- also the same trip he saw john on bc sure i guess)
this doesn't include lyrics as the main argument bc i saw a post ages ago basically saying there's nothing outside of them and lowkey i took that as a challenge because there's SO much outside of his lyrics that point to him being queer.
that being SAID, this is going to be split into four posts: not john related (most important and thus first bc there's so much documented about mclennon & john being queer, but not paul by himself), john related, paul's relationships w other men (these ones aren't all like... concrete and that's why they aren't included here but w all the context that'll come before it his relationships to certain men are..... interesting), and finally lyrics last bc some of them you genuinely can't just ignore
part 2- john related part 3- other men part 4- lyrics (those will have links once i actually make them)
also, i'm sure people have made similar posts before- i haven't seen them (other than this one an anon sent while i was writing this up which is sooo interesting but does have a lot of dead links) but if you have one you want to share feel free!
time to get into it. i'm avoiding homework by doing this.
(sidenote: not including instances of him just flirting w men bc body language can be read a lot of different ways- but if y'all wanna add any i know they're a dime a dozen like w george m., mal, random reporters, robert fraser, etc)
1- "Just kidding, Linda..."
REPORTER: You're a very, very good looking man. PAUL: [sits up straighter, making a sort of campy gesture towards the crowd, turning into a point] Get that boy's name. [Drops his hand, smiling and leaning his cheek on his hand.] Just kidding, Linda. REPORTER: [unintelligible] PAUL: What? REPORTER: I said- do you have a secret, looking so nice for fifty years? PAUL: [grins, resting his chin on his hand again and batting his eyelashes] Yes, it's the drugs, you know.
(originally posted on here by @northernsongspeels who hasn't been active in a while) this one is so crazy to me. he's so obviously flirting with that man and he's apologizing to linda for flirting with that man. like it's a conversation they've had before.
2- "Yes, boys."
this video (originally posted by @ilovedig here)
PAUL: Yes, I think the main difference is that when you are that age- which I'm sure you remember, Tom- TOM: It's back there in the dim distant past, yes. PAUL: When you're that age, that's the kind of thing to do. I mean, what you're doing is you're going 'round and you're basically looking for girls or whatever turns you on and stuff. So, uh, yeah, I- TOM: Well- well could you give me the alternatives to girls? Are there others? LINDA: [scoffs] PAUL: Yes, boys. TOM: Oh! No.
3- "He's so good looking."
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Paul McCartney first read the name and saw the photo (for weeks there was just one crazy photo of Elvis available in Britain) during a free period at Liverpool Institute. Again, it was a friend with the NME, and there was an advert for Heartbreak Hotel. "I thought, 'He's so good looking,'" Paul says, "he just looked perfect." Mark Lewisohn, All These Years Vol. 1 Tune In, sourced from the Anthology TV series by Lewisohn.
4- "A Nice Person Girl"
this fun little interview... (originally posted by @amoralto idk why the archive.org capture of it looks funky but the audio is still there) take it w a grain of salt bc it can also just read as a homophobic joke but like.
August 22nd, 1966 (Warwick Hotel, New York): As DJ “Cousin Brucie” Morrow conducts brief interviews with each of the Beatles, one by one, he asks Paul to settle the rumours that have been circulating in the press about the status of his relationship with Jane Asher. MORROW: Moving over here to Paul – someone just handed me a card. I guess this is… [focusing] Last year, when you were on my microphone here— PAUL: Ask me something about Rick Sklar. MORROW: Rick Sklar? That’s my boss. JOHN: Ask Paul about Rick Sklar. MORROW: Uh, Paul, last year when you were on my microphone, I think somebody – one of your staff – announced an engagement of you and Jane. PAUL: Uh… MORROW: Do you remember that? It was announced on the air. And then I remember we said something on the air and then thousands of people from the street went, “Oh.” What is it with you and Jane now? How – what is your relationship? Are you planning a marriage, planning an engagement, are you just boyfriend and girlfriend, what is it? Tell us the whole thing. JOHN: [mutters; inaudible] PAUL: Uh. We’re just queer, that’s the scene. [uproarious laughter in background] That’s the scene. Well I mean, I couldn’t say that on the air live, you know. JOHN: No, you’ll get into trouble for it. PAUL: No, the thing is, Cousin Bruce – um, we haven’t got plans to marry yet, you know. That’s the point. And that business about somebody saying we were engaged, nobody actually said it. It was just another one of those things where someone says, “Are they engaged?” and they said, “Well, whatever it is… [muttering]” “Yes, folks, they’re engaged!” And it wasn’t true. MORROW: Well, I’m sure there are a lot of girls who are very happy with this. What would you look for, in a girl? Say you did eventually want to settle down, what would you want to – what kind of girl would you like? What would you – what would you like in a gal you wanted to marry eventually, bring home to Mommy? PAUL: Uh… Female hormones. MORROW: Female. What’ll you go for, any – what, blonde, brunette, what? PAUL: Uh, you know, anything. Anything. Girls. It doesn’t matter if they’re blonde, brunette, or anything, as long as they’ve got it. MORROW: Would you want a nice person – what? A beautiful nice person girl. PAUL: Yeah, you know. A nice person girl. (transcription directly from @amoralto, bold mine)
and again this one COULD just be a lil homophobic joke but idk man his tone here is very different and the fact that he says he couldn't say that on air & john says he'll get in trouble is just. interesting. it's Interesting.
5- "A 26 year old queer never to get married."
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Half an hour later it was very quiet, except for a few sobs, and then we decided that we had to see him just once more. We opened the gates and walked slowly in. Someone rang the doorbell. Waited, no one came, rang again. Rang again. Paul answered. We just stood there. God what do we say? "Yes, what do you want?" he said, as if we'd just come to borrow sugar. C. ran out. Someone asked if it was tomorrow, and he said, "Tomorrow." It went quiet again. "What's this - Heartbreak Hotel? What do you think I am a 26 year old queer never to get married? Oh, stick around kids!" We just looked at each other. Oh God, Paul, what have we done now. All we wanted to do was stand there and talk awhile. What was the point in shouting at us like that? We stood there, tears falling but there was no sound. "Apple Scruffs Come to Dinner" by Andrew Bailey, 1970 (x), bold mine
again, like the last one, this one is very... i think he was absolutely being homophobic here, but it's a very telling outburst. like he's yelling this harsh enough to make these girls cry.
6- Harry Harrison's "gorgeous tan"
moving onto this wild quote from many years from now by barry miles about george's older brother (bold mine):
"George Harrison’s elder brother Harry had been to Christmas Island and arrived back with a gorgeous tan in his army uniform and we thought, My God, he’s been made a man of. You used to see this quite regularly, people would be made a man of."
7- gender neutral language
let's get into some interesting gender neutral language he uses. now, would this be Particularly compelling with a modern celebrity? not really. but most people his age really don't talk gender neutrally unless it's to be vague On Purpose. like this bit from many years from now, where before this he'd been using exclusively "girl" and "she/her" pronouns talking about hookups, it suddenly shifts to very purposefully vague (bold mine):
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With a lot of those people I met and related to, albeit for a short time, I've mercifully forgotten them and I don't really remember what went on, thank goodness. There may have been a few drinks involved and I was a little merry and, you know, you slip back to someone's flat... My main feeling really is one of relief. You do feel like some of it was outrageous. But I'm glad to have had a slightly outrageous period in my life, as long as it didn't hurt anybody, because I'd always felt maybe my character was too careful. I think the great thing was I never had any deep, dark secrets. That's what the papers wanted. They wanted me to be hiding a little Miss Whiplash somewhere, and for the flat to be in my name. But it was never that. It was always a one-night stand with whoever was around and wanted to party.
8/9/10- the "binary" (ft. a bit of john)
this infamous quote from the lyrics in his section on "hello goodbye" (bold mine) (x):
I'm attracted to the binary. I state that quite casually, but I think there’s actually a lot more to it than my just saying, ‘I’m attracted to the binary.’ Once you get down to the scientific biological level, in my core, I probably am the binary. All of us are probably more binary than we might realise.
context being that when he says "the binary" he means duality. there's a lot of interesting stuff going on in this article, though there's some more john related stuff i'll add here too bc it's super fascinating (sorry, easier to go here than the john section!):
‘Hello, Goodbye’ shows off a binary that we took great advantage of in The Beatles. With regard to John Lennon and myself, the great attraction we had for each other was that we each had a bit the other didn’t have. John could be quite cynical. I was his opposite, in that respect. [...] I think there definitely was a sort of ‘hello, goodbye’ about John and myself. But we loved it. We loved it because John could contribute his caustic wit and I could contribute something more upbeat. Not always, we each did what the other one did from time to time. But if you had to break it down – and though it is a bit crude to say so – there was a binary tension at the heart of our songwriting together.
11- big guys at the gym
onto something more lighthearted and also just ridiculous (x):
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"If I'm in a gym and all the big guys have got big weights and they're doing all the big stuff, at the end I do a headstand," he said. "And they come over to me [and say], 'That's pretty impressive man.'" ["78-year-old Paul McCartney’s fitness routine includes headstands and yoga with Alec Baldwin" by Cory Stieg]
12- gay dreams
this infamous quote which i have a bit of a different take on that i'll expand on in a sec (bold mine)
My view is that these things are there whether you want them or not, in your interior. You don’t call up dreams, they happen, often the exact opposite of what you want. You can be heterosexual and be having a homosexual dream and wake up, and think, “Shit, am I gay?” I like that you don’t have control over it. But there is some control – it is you dreaming, it is your mind it’s all happening in. In a way my equation would be that my computer is fully loaded by now. Maybe in younger people there’s a little bit of loading to go, but mine’s loaded pretty much, so what I try and do is allow it to print out unbeknown to me. And I’m interested to hear what it’s got in there. (interview by Karen Wright for Luigi's Alcove, 2000) (x)
a lot of people use this to point to him being oblivious, which i do get, but i want to focus more on the line "it is you dreaming, it is your mind it's all happening in". like he seems interested and fascinated by the revelations we have in our dreams- hardly repressed or scared.
13- royston ellis' "break me in easy"
we've all been over the royston ellis poem and i don't want to just retype out everything that's already on this post so go check out @eppysboys' post on the royston ellis poem!
but tl;dr a bisexual friend of theirs in liverpool, royston ellis, wrote this poem called "Break Me In Easy":
Easy, easy, break me in easy. Sure I’m big time, cock-sure and brash, but easy, easy, break me in easy. Sure they’ve been others, I know the way…
which is about gay sex. he also told the boys that 1 in every 5 men was gay and paul worried that it might be him (this was back in 1960). he still remembered it line for line by 2006 which is just insane. all the sources for those are over on the linked post.
14- woody pecker
originally posted by @didwemeetsomewherebefore here (links to my blog bc the wayback machine was not cooperating right but as long as it stays up you can find the original here!)
PAUL & DONOVAN: How to suck a lollypopper, Sitting on a woodypecker, Dancing in the double-decker shoe, I don’t know, So, how do you do? PAUL: I don't know how you do it, Lordy, knows I try But every time I try to do it, My whole darn tongue gets ti(r)ed
this one is just so sillyyyyy and cute but it's just so full of innuendo like sucking on a lollypop and sitting on a woody pecker and your tongue getting tied (tired?) when you try to suck the uh lollypop. giggling his way through it with one of his boy best friends donovan too.
15- "i heard he was gay"
this fun little quote from body count by francie schwartz:
When the rotation of bike, gun, and other diversions left me alone with Billy, his first words were, "You went with Paul McCartney, didn’t you?" "I bet you just love it when people ask you about your father, don't you?" He was surprised, he half-frowned. "No, really, what's Paul like? I heard he was gay." "He might have gone that way, but he didn't. He really didn't dig fucking all that much, if that's any kind of an answer."
note here though that francie is a notoriously unreliable source on paul. she hates him and honestly makes some pretty homophobic digs at him & others pretty frequently. so it is interesting that she denies he's gay, but says he might have gone that way. given how short of a time they were together and how weird their relationship was, i wouldn't really expect him to be open about that with her- still, she noticed something there too.
16- homosexual handbook
paul was mentioned in the homosexual handbook by angelo d'arcangelo in 1968 under a list of famous homosexuals. it's very tongue in cheek and says this "may just be wishful thinking on (my) part"
and obviously not proof as the book takes a very playful and unserious tone. he does provide this little disclaimer though, which i think is interesting:
Some of the men on this list are self-acknowledged homosexuals. Some are not. All of them are generally thought to be gay. However, as many family men and notorious womanizers appear on these pages, we must—rather than question their forays into either or both sexes—congratulate them on their obvious virility.
because once again like... WHERE are these rumors about paul being gay? because the rest of this list, as far as i can tell (ngl i did not do a deep read there) are men who have/had gay rumors about them or were gay. this comes up more in the john post as well, but i seriously need to know just how many rumors there were about him being gay.
17- "the female hordes"
It was always obvious Brian was gay and we could talk to him about gay things, but he would never come out with, 'Hello, Paul, you’re looking nice today.' I was quite obviously un-gay, due to my hunting of the female hordes, and I think we all must have given the same impression. There had been a suggestion since that John had some homosexual thing with Brian, but I personally doubt it. All the intimate moments we shared were always about girls. (from Anthology)
i know putting one of his "un-gay" quotes here is counter intuitive but listen i have genuinely never heard a gayer thing come out of a man's mouth than "hunting of the female hordes" it sends me to fucking mars every time i read it. that's the most closeted shit i've ever read in my entire life. it sounds like what a gay man would say trying to come up with something a straight man would say. and i think paul's bi, he just desperately wants me to think he's never gotten pussy a day in his damn life with this quote.
as a side-note, "all the intimate moments we shared were always about girls". now what do you mean by that man..... like shared as in verbally told stories? or do you mean it was always about the girls when you guys were...... intimate? because those are two really different things and i need to know what the hell that's supposed to mean
18/19- this poor man just wants to flirt with and kiss men can we let him
okay tumblr has nerfed me and won't let me add any more videos from tumblr but there's a video of drunk paul almost kissing ringo jokingly. posted by @stewy here and as long as it's up you can reblog it here- thank u for the contribution to my red stringing lmfao
pringo for once thank god but. i don't even have anything to say except to point and think of a slur. drunk as hell flirting with your best friend what's better than that.
and then this whole interaction between paul & elton john where they kiss on the mouth
and i could so buy that this is a straight man and gay man just being comfortable together except well see above and see the other posts but also paul's very much adapting a softer, "campier" tone around him and calling him babe/darling in a very, again, gay way. not as in he's gay For elton john lmfao but this is how to old gay friends would greet each other do you see what i mean do you understand me......
anyway that's the end of part 1 join me next time (whenever the fuck i decide to avoid doing homework again um) this man has sucked a dick i'm so sure of this. (not really don't sue me for libel paul love ya)
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minus-plus-zer0 · 5 months ago
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One Good Grovel
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♡ Genre: Fluff (trust me), little crack ♡ Pairing: Bakugou x Reader ♡ Tags: Established relationships
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You and Katsuki had your biggest fight in a while.
Both sides fought like they were out for blood. You two said things you shouldn't have, things that were hard to take back. It ended with Bakugou storming out of your shared apartment.
The moment he did, he regretted it. But he didn't know how to go back inside and say it.
Hours later after he came home from doing errands, Bakugou found you on the couch. You hadn't answered any of his texts, and Bakugou never felt so helpless before. He was already losing you fast, and he couldn't dawdle now. Bakugou dumped his groceries on the kitchen counter and then approached you. Neither of you said anything.
You still looked torn up about your earlier argument, your hair a little messy in a way that Bakugou liked. He'd prefer to be the one messing it up himself, but he knew he didn't deserve that privilege now. Bakugou threw an extra blanket over you, because you looked like you needed one.
"Yo," Bakugou said, sitting down beside you on the couch. "How've you been holding up?"
"...I don't wanna talk about it. Not with you."
Your voice was frail, quiet. It broke Bakugou's heart, knowing that he put you in this position.
He had to make it right.
"I'm sorry," Bakugou said. "For everything I said. I wouldn't be surprised if ya never wanted to talk to me ever again after this." You looked at him suspiciously. "It'd kill me if you did, but that's fine. 'Cause I value your feelings over mine. When I was out today, all I could think about was you and what I said to you. So I bought you some gifts and I really hope you'll love 'em."
Bakugou reached out to stroke your hair. "And I promise you, I'll never say that demeaning shit to you ever again. You mean more to me than winning that stupid argument, and I don't know where I'd be in my life without you by my side. I was wrong, okay? I was dead wrong for treating you like that, like anything less than the best. Most of all, I just want ya to take me back and love me. But I won't force ya to do anything. I can walk out that door again and leave you alone if you asked. And if you hate me forever... I understand."
You smiled at him. "...Okay, I hear you."
"...So do ya hate me now?"
You still smiled. "Only a whole bunch. You monster." You playfully punched him in the face.
"Sorry," Bakugou said, matching your sweet expression. "I deserved that. Punch me all ya want. Won't even stop ya."
You gave him several more feather-light punches. "You're soooo dead."
"Ya gonna call the cops on me too? Make sure I never do that shit again? Make sure I learn my lesson instead of forgiving me too easily?"
"Yes." You fluffed his hair. "They're already on their way. The conviction of a famous Pro Hero is gonna be the scandal of a century!"
Bakugou fixed his hair. "Well I'll still love ya, even while in jail."
You crossed your arms. "Only after you've served your 10-year sentence and repent through hours and hours of community service will I finally forgive you. Then you'll be free, we'll start all over, and we'll fall in love again."
"Deal," Bakugou said, kissing your forehead. "But I wanna skip to the end."
"No, that's the easy way out!"
"The hell? You're not actually gonna send me to jail for saying it was wrong to like Pepsi over Coca-Cola, are ya?"
"That's how the roleplay is going!"
"It ain't that serious! I said I was sorry babe! I'm sorry!"
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You recalled what you originally fought about quite easily...
"Alright," Bakugou said. "I'm gonna head out for groceries. Any last minute changes to the shopping list?"
"Oh yes!" You rushed out to meet him in the entrance. "Could you get me some Pepsi? Pretty please?"
"What the fuck?" Bakugou looked at you like you grew two heads. "'Pepsi'? You want freaking 'Pepsi'?!"
You shrugged. "...Is that so bad? It'd be nice to have something besides Coca-Cola for once..."
Bakugou's eyes narrowed into slits. He shut the front door and approached you. "I didn't realize we had a freaking problem here. You're telling me I've been buying the wrong soda for you this entire time?!"
"Well... It's just not as good as Pepsi. It's not the same. I'm sorry... but I've always felt this way."
"Since fucking when?! When did things change?" Bakugou slapped a hand over his eyes. "What the hell did I miss?!"
Bakugou couldn't believe this. He thought he knew you better than anyone, just like how you knew him better than anyone. You two were the tightest couple ever. Bakugou had an engagement ring hidden in his dresser because he had already long since decided that what he wanted in life was you.
But now, he didn't feel like he knew you at all.
He'd still marry you though.
You remained silent. Bakugou couldn't stand it. He shook his head, then walked back to the front door, opening it. He stopped before he left, turning to you.
"Coca-Cola is better than Pepsi. That's just a fact."
Then he turned, and left. Instant regret washed over him, but he continued down to the front lobby. As Bakugou looked down upon his cursed shopping list, he couldn't in good conscious buy Coca-Cola anymore. Not when you hated it so much. He had to make things right.
He was getting Dr. Pepper instead.
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"This is fucking disgusting, Katsuki," you said, halfway through your delicious can of Dr. Pepper at your dinner table.
"It was on sale, alright?!"
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(I've read that a lot of people are unsatisfied with grovels in romance novels because they don't feel that the love interest apologizes well enough, so I wrote this just in case anybody needs one good quick grovel with none of the baggage attached. Btw, my favorite is Coke and it's not even close)
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helluvapoison · 1 year ago
Hey can you write headcanons for alastor, angel dust(both platonic) and sir pentious (romantic) with a gen z/millennial reader? Just general stuff and interactions (like maybe talking about how things are for the lgbt community with angel and talking to alastor about gramophones and how they're coming back in style) and just some shenanigans
I know you don't have these characters listed in your writing list, and it's completely fine if you cant write for them but i love your writing style and characterization so I wanted to know how you'd imagine things would go
Alastor, Angel Dust (platonic) and Sir Pentious (romantic) x Reader
˚✧₊⁎ Alastor ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• “Hey Al! Loving the drip, it’s giving strawberry cow meets dark academia core.”
• Now he knows what others feel like when speaking to Zestial. He doesn’t understand half of what you say
• You taught him “tea”. Originally he thought you were providing real tea, something useful, not tedious gossip about— Oh. Oh. That could come in handy, actually. Alastor begins to pencil you into his afternoon tea. Sometimes you bring him useful information, others he has to sit through petty issues that make his eye twitch
• Alastor outright bans you from using your phone around him. He has no interest in this “meme” that reminds you of him (Don’t bring it out again, next time he’ll break it)
You groan, “It’s not as funny if I have to explain it!”
“It must not be very humorous in the first place.” He retorts
• He thinks you’re complimenting his taste in decor when you call it vintage
• You’ve proven yourself a useful acquaintance. Like Nifty, he’s grown accustomed to your presence and learned it may be better not to understand the inner workings of your mind
• “Got any aces?” someone asks while you play Go Fish with Husk, Angel and Sir Pina Colada. You never fail to jab a thumb in Alastor’s direction, cackling and kicking your feet
• They give you a peculiar look in reply
“Fuck you guys, I ate.”
• Yeah, they don’t get that one either
˚✧₊⁎ Angel Dust ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• It feels like every day Angel’s mid-insult and snapping his fingers at you, beckoning for you to conjure up a fresh comeback
• “Ooh! You just got cancelled, take the L, you fucking poser!”
He cackles, “Yeah! What they said!”
• Started calling himself an e-girl because you said it once about Charlie and never elaborated. He thinks it means cute… He’s not wrong? You don’t correct him, it’s funnier this way
• Playful arguments 24/7
“RIP, Angel, you would have loved Mean Girls— Wait, if a movie dies would it come to Hell? Never mind, don’t answer that, it would obviously go to Heaven.”
“I’ve met some real weirdos down here, sweetheart, and you outrank almost all of ‘em.”
• Something Angel noticed he could only appreciate from you is how different you react to his relationship with Val. He already knows it’s not healthy and he knows he gets defensive when people bring it up. Like the others, you listen, you comfort, you get furious on his behalf. You also offer him insight and labels he never thought would be helpful
• You hold up two fingers like you’re conducting an orchestra as you speak, “Say it with me; boundaries, bitch.”
“Boundaries..? S’at like bondage–?”
• Angel’s the only one that makes HellToks with you. The dances he learns faster and performs them better than you, often adding his own choreography to them. The “pass the phone” challenges never end well– especially when he tries to rope Nifty or Alastor in on them (RIP your old phone)
• Honestly, you’re pretty surprised you get along with Angel as well as you do. Y’know, considering he died a thousand years before you—
“I ain’t that old!”
“Your death certificate says otherwise, fam!”
˚✧₊⁎ Sir Pentious ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• He’s not sure how to handle how touchy you are first. You go around high-fiving everyone, freely holding hands with whoever lets you, offering hugs and– thump. Your head hits his lap, staring straight right at him with a goofy grin. And that.
• “Say slay,”
• Oh. He quite likes the laugh that gets out of you
• Starts saying the word as much as possible, puffing his chest out proudly when you double over laughing. You don’t have the heart to tell him he’s using it wrong 99.9% of the time
• When you began consistently picking him for a chair instead of the others, he was stuck between throwing you across the room and making a break for it or pointing and laughing in the faces of everyone else. You chose him! HA!
• Bless his soul, the way he asked you out was so sweet
“I’ve done extensive research and found the equivalent of going sssteady in your language! I would like for us to move forward with the relationship ssstatus.”
“Huh? Oh. You want to go out with me? Yeah!”
“Fuck yesss!“
• Pentious gives ride or die a new definition. Everything you say or you do, he will back you up. His eyes sparkle from the praise you give him
• That, and making him blush takes little effort on your part. Complimenting him like you always do (at least he thinks you are, sometimes he’s not certain) has his cheeks glowing in seconds
• After following you around for an hour, because Pentious wanted to make sure you could get along with the Egg Boiz without him, they adopt bits of your personality and bizarre phrases. “Now we have two parents!” “No cap!” “Yes cap, you’re wearing a hat!”
• You’ve single handedly make the Egg Boiz worse in the eyes of everyone but Pen. He’s ecstatic over the results, he doesn’t know what he would do if he had to choose between you and his eggs
╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ this was so silly and fun, i hope you enjoy anon!
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writtenbyan-aries · 1 year ago
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Summary: anon request - "can you write a smut for johnnie guilbert??"
Prompt: Johnnie and reader get into an argument which leads to make up sex.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, arguing, hair pulling, pet names (dirty and cute), oral (m rec), unprotected rough makeup sex, filth
Word count: 2.6k | not edited
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
Johnnie has been working on editing his and Jake's video all day.
You think, no. You knew he forgot about them.
It wouldn't be as big of a deal if this was only the first time, maybe even the second or third - But it wasn't.
Over the last few weeks, you've had to either cancel or forget about plans because of Johnnie putting majority of his time into his computer screen rather than you.
You didn't really talk to anyone about it, or say anything to Johnnie, mainly because this is his job and you didn't think you had any room to bitch.
You checked your phone, sighing at the time - twenty minutes past reservation.
You used to remind him, then after the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth time, you decided that he should be able to put down the computer for an hour or two on his own, so you decided to just let things go.
You never really blamed him, sometimes it was because he actually had deadlines to make, or a video he and Jake were doing ran long.
But when that wasn't the case, you used yourself as an excuse - not feeling well, didn't sleep good the night before, something simple yet believable.
You rise up from the couch, walking towards Johnnie's room. You pass Jake in the hallway and he makes a joke you're in no mood for, "Fix your face, you look pissed."
His laughter is silenced when you roll your eyes, "I am."
"Uh oh."  Jake puts his hands on his hips, shifting his weight onto his right leg, "What did Johnnie do?"
You shake your head and cross your arms, looking away from him because you didn't want him to see the frustrated tears in your eyes.
"Am I going to hear yelling?" He asks and you nod, laughing slightly, "Probably."
"Shit." He sighs, "Well if you need backup, just yell- ooh. We should have a code word."
You stare at him, trying not to laugh as he taps his chin, "Hippopotamus."
"Hippop- Jake. Really?" You laugh and he shrugs, "Well yeah, if you just scream hippopotamus, that will for sure throw him off even more, then I can come in with an open can of whoop ass."
He moves his hands in front of him, a serious look on his face that you just cannot take serious, "Okay. I don't think I'll need it, but I appreciate the support."
You pat his shoulder, watching him walk away before taking a deep breath, returning to what you were originally doing.
You stop in front of Johnnie's door, composing yourself so you don't go in, already lit like a fire cracker.
You know twice before opening the door, "Hey."
Johnnie has his headphones on, so he probably didn't hear you. You walk in, closing the door behind you. You walk over to him, gently tapping him on the shoulder.
"Jesus fu-" he jumps and looks up at you, "Jesus Christ, babe." He sighs, "Scared the fucking shit out of me."
"Sorry." You smile slightly and sit on the bed, "Whatcha doin'?"
He pulls his headphones down around his neck, "Just working on getting this video out."
You nod, "Cool. Cool.”
You look around his room, picking at your nails as you try and figure out how to calmly start the conversation.
"What's wrong?" Johnnie asks turning his chair towards you. You look over at him and shrug, "We just.." you laugh slightly, "It's not really funny, but we missed our dinner reservation."
He looks in the corner of his computer, "Oh fuck. I'm sorry." He looks up, "Why didn't you tell me?"
You scoff, raising your brows as you lower your voice, "I shouldn't have to."
"What? Sorry. I didn't quite hear you clearly." Johnnie closes his lap top and sets it on the desk.
You roll your eyes, lying back with a groan, "I'm not arguing with you Johnnie."
"I'm sorry, I must missed the part where I said we were?" He takes his headphones from around his neck,  setting them on top of his closed computer.
You sit up, letting out a sigh, "I said, I shouldn't have to tell you when we have plans, Johnnie." You let your hands fall into your lap with a slap, "I let it go for a while, only because I didn't think I have a right to be mad, but you constantly editing and this or that is effecting us."
"So what.. are you saying?" He stares at you with a solid look, "You're going to leave? All because I'm doing my fucking job?"
"No." Your words come out louder than you intended, "I never fucking said I was leaving, Johnnie. All I said was that I shouldn't have to fucking remind you time and time again that we have plans for us. You and me. Boyfriend and fucking girlfriend!"
"Other than right now, name one fucking time me doing this made us miss out on something." He motions for you to take the floor and you sigh.
"Sam and Colby were throwing a party, I told them you had a deadline to make so we wouldn't make it. Tara was throwing a party, I told her I didn't feel good because you stayed up all night and half the day working on a video. Last week we missed out on dinner, again, because you didn't pay attention to the time. Two weeks ago, Jake wanted us to go with him to one of his other friend's parties, but you decided to get on and stream. Do you want me to keep going?" You raise your brows and lean forward slightly, "Because I can."
Johnnie laughs, "So.. you're telling me that you couldn't just come to me an hour or so before and tell me to get off? You're just blaming me for every time you missed out on going when you could have just gone yourself?"
"You want me to go to dinner, for two..  alone?" You tilt your head back, "You are being so unbelievable right now."
You stand up and Johnnie's eyes follow you. Your hands go to your hips as you pace back and forth, "I'm trying to get you to understand that I want- I need time with you, too Johnnie."
"You get time with me, y/n. I don't understand why you're so worked up over me d-"
"Because it's all you fucking do Johnnie. You're always filming a video. Editing a video. Uploading a video. Something with a stupid video." You turn to face him, "I want to go out to dinner, enjoy time with just us. Do you think I want to go to parties alone? It's no fun when I don't have you there."
He sighs, looking down, "So.." he looks up at you, "You waited until it was what, twenty minutes or so after our reservation time to come in here and make a huge scene that could have been avoided?"
You laugh, mouth dropped open as you stare at him, "Are you ever going to actually listen to what I'm saying or am I just wasting my breath being a broken record?"
"I am listening, you're just not getting what I'm saying, y/n."
"No. Trust me. I get it. Loud and clear." You motion to his computer, "I'll just leave you to it then."
You turn to walk towards the door, reaching to open it but Johnnie's hand stops you, "Don't."
"Don't what? Leave so I can sit here in silence while you continue to do what got us here in the first place?" You turn your head to look at him and he shakes his head, "No."
He grabs your wrist, pulling you towards the bed, "Were done talking about this."
"No.. I don't think we a-"
He cuts you off with his lips on yours. His hands pull your waist into him, "We're done talking for right now."
"You can't ju-"
"Don't run your mouth anymore, and I won't run mine anymore." He kisses down your neck, "We can talk after we get all of this frustration out."
A smile creeps into your lips, even though you're still mad. But, no worries. Johnnie will take care of that for you right away.
"Fine." You give in, sitting down on the bed. You pull him with you, his body hovering over yours, "Shut me up."
He smirks, tilting his head, "Gladly." He sits up on his knees, taking off his shirt. His hands move to his belt and you sit up to replace his hands with your own.
You glance up at him as you undo his jeans, biting your lip as you anticipate what's about to happen.
He nods towards the floor and you pull your legs out from in between his and move, dropping to the floor as he stands up.
He pushes his jeans down, and you move over to him, pulling down his boxers before he sits down on the edge of the bed.
He leans back, holding his weight up with his hands as he watches you move in between his legs. He sucks in a sharp breath as you wrap your hand around his cock.
His eyes following you as you lean in, sticking your tongue out to lap at the head of it. He groans lowly, balling up the blanket in his fists, "Fuck."
You work him into your mouth, coating him with your spit as his jaw hangs slack, "That's it."
You lift your head, moving your hand up and down to coat him fully before leaning back in to bob your head up and down.
His eyes flutter shut as a moan escapes quietly.
You look up at him, dragging your tongue up the underside of his cock as you tilt your head back.
"All the way in, babe." Johnnie places a hand on the back of your head, gently nudging you to come back for more.
You lick your lips, leaning in to take his cock back into your mouth. You bob your head, working further and further down, until you can feel him in your throat.
He groans, stroking the back of your head as you hold yourself there. You squeeze your eyes shut, digging your nails into his thighs before you pop back off, glancing up at him before going back in.
You lift your head, bobbing your head slowly as your tongue flattens against his cock.
"Fuck. Why didn't we just do this first.." He gasps as you sink your head all the way onto him, groaning as bucks his hips slightly, "Fuck okay. Okay."
He lifts your head, cupping your cheeks as he nods to the bed, "Get undressed then lay down."
You move to your feet quickly, pulling your shirt over your head before fumbling to undo your pants. You kick them off, getting ready to climb onto the bed when Johnnie stops you.
"Ah, ah. Panties too, sweetheart."
You nod, pushing them down and kicking them off before finally climbing onto the bed. You turn, facing him as you sit down.
He moves up in front of you, leaning in to kiss your neck. He pushes your body back as he moves his over yours.
He kisses down your chest and over to your boob, taking your nipple between his teeth. You gasp as he bites down, hands moving to his hair to mess it up more, "J-Johnnie.."
You whine, slightly moving your hips, "Please."
He kisses back up, to your lips, moving to lay beside you. He rolls you over so you're laying on your side, hand sliding under your thigh to lift up your leg.
You bite your lip as his hand slides down your body, stopping at your clit to rub small circles onto it.
You arch your back away from his chest, "P-please."
He rests his chin against your head as he slides his fingers down to dip them inside of you, “We don’t need to argue.” His voice is light, quiet, “We should always just fuck it out..”
He slowly moves his fingers in and out, “And then talk. Doesn’t that sound much better?”
You nod, “Y-yeah. So much better.”
“That my girl.” He kisses your head and moves his hand to grab his cock, rubbing it against your pussy a few times before slowly slipping in, “Fuck.”
His arm slides over your waist, hold you to him as he pushes in. You tilt your head back and his lips meet your neck, sucking a spot which earns an even louder moan from you.
“Fuck..” you breathe out, “Johnnie..”
He groans lowly, tightening his grip as he starts to thrust. Your foot rests on his leg as you keep your leg raised, moaning with each of his thrusts.
You lay your hand on his arm, digging your nails in as his thrusts grow harder.
“F-fuck.” You whimper, “Keep going.”
He moans, digging his fingers into your skin, “You feel so fucking good.” He pulls you closer to him as you push your hips back, dragging your nails down his arm , “Yes, yes, yes!”
He pushed your body forward, sitting up and getting on his knees behind you. He pulls your hips up, quickly placing his cock back into you.
Your cheek rests against the bed as you moan, pulling the blanket as his thrusts go right back to being rough.
Your eyes roll back, a string of moans leaving your lips in a constant loudness.
You yelp out as his hand makes contact with your ass with a hard smack. He brings his leg up, giving his cock a new angle that drives you absolutely crazy.
“Such a good fucking girl.” He groans out as he tilts his head back. He brushes his hair from his face before reaching up to grab a handful of your hair.
You tilt your head back, lifting your self up onto your elbows, “F-fuck. Fuck.”
“Wait for me, baby.” Johnnie moans, “Almost there.”
He tugs your hair, pushing his cock all the way, pausing for a second before continuing to thrust, “Shit.”
He lets go of your hair, gripping your hips. You moan, trying hard not to cum like he wants. You push your hips back, whining out as he makes it harder, “P-please.”
Johnnie’s thrusts grow sloppy, “Cum for me.”
Not even the end of his words and you’ve already let go, becoming a whimpering, moaning mess under him as you squeeze his cock repeatedly.
A few seconds later, he pulls out, spilling his cum onto your lover back and ass.
“Fuck.” He strokes himself a few times before falling back and sitting down. You lay down, trying to control your breathing and he lays a hand on your thigh, “I’m sorry for not listening to you.”
“I’m sorry for coming off bitchy.” You laugh slightly, “I was just..” you pause for a second and sigh, “I let my frustration get the best of me.”
“I don’t blame you. I haven’t been fully with us lately, and I promise that..” he taps your leg with each word, “..right now, you have my attention whenever you want it.”
You turn your head to look at him, “You promise?” You hold out your pinky and he smiles as he wraps his around yours, “I promise.”
As Johnnie gets up to get something to wipe off with, Jake yells from the other side of door, “y/n? Do you need a hippopotamus?”
Johnnie looks at you super confused and you can’t help but laugh, “I’ll explain then.”
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
This is my first ever Johnnie one shot, so please let me know how you liked it! I’m interested to hear what you have to say!
Thank you for reading! Love you all! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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bunbun-mochi · 3 months ago
One Sided Arguement - Queen of Onychinus
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Sylus x MC (slight angst, mostly fluff)
Warning: Just a small miscommunication, MC tends to overthink. Sylus is very husband material.
Word Count: 1037, no proofreading
Preview: MC and Sylus got into an argument, a one-sided argument. In fact, it's not even an argument. Just MC got upset and gave Sylus a silent treatment. Also, Sylus is only gentle to his wife and no one else.
A liar is what describes me, I said there's only gonna be 3 parts of Queen of Onychinus. Well, I'm gonna add more. Cuz why not.
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"Did you hear? Sylus is seeing another women!"
"Oh yea, I heard. I knew that his so called wife wouldn't last long."
I should've picked somewhere else. After the news that Sylus has a wife, the entire city is gossiping about me. They said that I am also a demon from hell, because, well, demons are destined to marry demons. Some say I married him for money. Some say that I was his sister and he married his own sibling, while others argue that I am his daughter. Talk about sweet home Alabama.
The whole reason why I'm here is because I want to get information. On whether Sylus is meeting someone else.
Originally, I was upset. Upset that Sylus doesn't trust me. Upset that he doesn't tell me everything. Upset that he is dealing with issues all by himself. It made me feel useless. Like I'm just a trophy for him to display and nothing more. However, Sylus seem too busy to realize that I'm upset, and overthinking got the best of me. I started to think the worst.
Did he fall out of love? Did he actually meet someone else? I wonder who won the bet on how long I last?
"Look at that man," I heard a girl whisper beside me. I looked over and a beautiful blonde hair was sitting beside me.
"He looks so hot. Stacy, he's looking at you!" Another girl exclaimed, perhaps the friend of "Stacy".
Confused, I looked to where she is talking about and that's when I suddenly saw him. Sylus, of all people. And he is looking. At me. Well, at my direction. Maybe he could be looking at the Stacy.
Talk about bad timing. I really shouldn't have come here. I quickly looked away, hoping he wouldn't see me.
Should I just walk out and leave? Should I jump out the window? Should I crawl myself out?
While pondering, a pair of shoes clicked on the floor. With each click getting closer to where I am sitting. I already felt nervous.
"He's coming closer! Quick, do I look ok?" Stacy asked, using her fingers to comb her hair.
"You look fabulous!" Her friend encouraged her. "Remember, don't sound desperate."
The footstep stopped behind me. I heard a small huff then a deep voice said, "Hello, sweetie."
Completely ignoring him, I shakly took a sip out of my drink.
"Hi," I heard Stacy called out. "How are you?" Her voice sounded so much like a pick me girl. I cringed out of second hand embarrassment.
"Is this the so called silence treatment that I heard about from other people," Sylus asked, completely ignoring Stacy.
If I don't see him, he can't see me. If I don't see him, he can't see me.
Suddenly, my bar stool moved. Sylus had picked up the bar stool and turned it around so I had to face him. "Is that what you have planned all day? To ignore me?"
I tried to look away, but Sylus hold onto my chin and gently guide me back to look at him.
And before I knew it, I felt tears rolling down my face. God, I hope I don't look ugly.
Sylus looked concerned as he gently wiped the tears. "Sweetie, please talk to me. Why are you crying? What did I do?" His voice is so gentle, I nearly forgot why I was upset in the first place.
At this point, I was a crying mess that I couldn't even talk.
"Hey, in case you didn't hear, my friend said hi to you. It's only polite to say hi back." Another women's voice said next to me. Right, Stacy and her friend is still there.
"And in case you don't know, I do not care." Sylus glared at the two women. He then turned back and faced me, said in a very gentle voice, "Come back home to me."
I sniffled and nodded.
"This girl seems to have some issues. You should dump her," Stacy's friend spoke again. Wow, what a way to ruin a moment.
Sylus straighten up and looked down at her, "First of all, fuck off. Second of all, she's my wife. You insult her, you insult me. Third, the moment I put that ring on her finger is the day I vow that I will take care of her every need. Bother me and her again, I will have my henchman cut you both in pieces and feed it to my pet crow."
Without a second glance, Sylus picked me up, walked out of the bar., and walked toward his car.
I'm not sure if I was emotional or the drink was getting to my head because once we were out of the bar, I was babbling nonsense.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" I cried. "I felt useless because I wasn't able to help you with anything and I got upset. And I thought you had someone else and I thought you don't love me anymore and... and..."
"Sweetie, I cannot help but to love you. Don't ever doubt this. I will always love you. There will be no one else. You're my everything. If you leave me, I'll lose everything." Sylus' voice is so soft and gentle, that it made me cry again.
Sylus sighed, "When did you become such a crybaby?"
"I felt useless! I couldn't help you with anything! You refused to tell me anything and I was kept in the dark the entire time!"
"I was worried that my line of work would be too uncomfortable for you so I thought-"
"But you never asked me!" I wailed. "I hate you."
Sylus stopped walking and scowled, "You don't mean that."
I sniffled, "No, I don't. But you made me very upset."
Sylus lowered his eyes as if to apologize. "Should I take you home and watch a movie together?"
I nodded, "But next time, tell me where you're going and when you'll be back."
"I can work with that if you promise to tell me if I have done anything to upset you."
I wrapped my arms around his neck and nodded, "I'm sorry."
"It's alright, sweetie. I love you."
"Hmm, I love you too."
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Thank you for reading
dividers, templates, headers, and banners are from @uzmacchiato
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manda-kat · 3 months ago
Okay I'm finally doing the rant!
Even if somebody deserves to die (which is not our judgement to make) or needs to die for the safety of others (which is also a difficult judgement to make and must be a last resort) their death is still a tragedy and should never be praised or cheered.
You can believe that somebody's death was a neccessary evil while still understanding that it was evil nontheless. I don't think it's acceptable how many people right now are cheering for others to die. The death of an evil person is just one more person who will never be able to better themself.
I'm just begging people to research things like the French Revolution where the need for justice was turned into a desire for violence and nothing more. I'm asking you to wonder where it ends. Every CEO can be replaced by one with better security. Every politician can be replaced by one with more extreme policies to keep you in line. Your neighbor who works at an insurance company can be replaced by the boss, but her kids will never see their mom again.
Isn't that serious? Isn't that a big deal? Or will your 'great revolution' be carried out without fail, only hurting those with power that truly deserve it? Once all the big bads are gone, who'll replace them? Just another one of their buddies. Unless you take complete control so you and YOUR buddies get to make the unethical decisions! I mean, you've already killed several people to get here, might as well keep killing anyone who threatens your power! Oh- but you'd never do that. You're one of the good people! You've proven your goodness by salivating over the idea of waving a politician's head on a stick! Good people never look for peaceful solutions!
Empathy is just... gone it seems. People who disapprove of violence or question the helpfullness of this 'street justice' aren't thoughtfully debated, they're called 'bootlickers' and 'facists' and told to kill themselves.
You can believe that a system is corrupt and needs reworking without murder being your first choice! Murder should be the last choice! Maybe if you care about a system being changed you should research the system and attack it in ways that won't get people killed.
Stop cheering for murder!
(Oh, and don't bother ranting at me in the comments. I wrote the rant for you to save you the time:)
"Well as an [insert oppressed group here] what you're saying is actually really harmful due to the damage that these bad people cause the world. You don't understand the painful lives people live that make killing other human beings morally justifiable. I'm going to argue that killing people is okay, even though your original argument is towards the mindset of cheering evil acts like murder and thinking of oneself as a hero who can never make evil decisions rather than towards the neccessity of said evil actions. Some people laugh about murder to cope, you abelist! And you're also a hypocrite because you're totally okay with gay disabled people being murdered despite never saying anything that would imply being okay with that! I will continue to project my own beliefs onto you, turning you into a villain until I am pleased with the thought of your violent death! There is nothing wrong with me and I don't need to work through these issues rather than spread them online! I don't know you, but I hate you! Kill yourself, you facist!"
Seriously I could not care less what you comment. If your argument is that murder is good and people should be killed without trial and that I am somehow a bad person for questioning the morals of your belief, then... your opinion kind of means nothing to me..
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propertyofyoutube · 11 months ago
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I want to tell the world - EXPLICIT
Summary: You and Colby had been in a relationship for almost 10 months but you kept it on the down low. Colby wasn't ready to share you the world, only, you, Colby, Sam and your families knew of it and a couple of very close friends. You were invited on the dropouts podcast and when Zach flirted with you, and you flirted back as part of your cover.... Colby was not happy about it.
WARNINGS: SMUT 18+, unprotected sex, choking, dom!colby, spanking, inappropriate language, "slut", flirting, lots of dirty talk, arguments, angry!colby, creampie, utter filth tbh, alcohol consumption.
"Oh my god yay! You're here!" Tara said as she excited opened up Zach's front door.
"We're here!" You laughed as you spoke walking into Tara embrace. "I missed you!" You smiled into the hug.
"I missed you too bitch!" Tara said laughing as she squeezed you tighter.
Zach suddenly appeared as Sam and Colby walked directly behind you, "what's up guys!" Zach said as he approached.
"Yo man, thanks for having us." Colby said as he smiled, shaking Zach's hand.
Sam moved in quickly, taking Colby's place, "I am so ready to my podcast on!" Sam said with a chuckle.
"That's a the spirit!" Zach said excitedly. "And hello miss y/l/n... oh how my empty heart is happy to see you." He said to you with a smirk as you rolled your eyes with a giggle. You turned to look at Colby, who did not look impressed at all. You give him a wink before smile at him. And with that smile he can't help but give you one in return.
Everyone said hello to the rest of the gang as they gathered in the studio taking their seats. You sat comfortably between Sam and Colby on the long bench as Jared took Alyssa's original spot and Tara in Jared's.
"And we're off!" Jared said as he initiated the beginning of the podcast.
"Okay guys," Zach spoke instantly, "before we get into.. into the dirty stuff... are you not going to acknowledge our outfits?" He said with the straightest face, his internet persona fully in action.
You, Sam and Colby all laughed as you looked at everyone dressed as Scooby doo characters. "You know I was thinking that you had an interesting choice of outfit." Colby said as he pointed at Jared laughing, who was wearing an actual Scooby doo costume.
"Well... I mean this is not usually how I would dress." Jared said chuckling.
"Did we.. did we not give you a good reaction when we came in?" Sam said sarcastically knowing we had no reaction what so ever.
Zach spoke quickly, "well I know that y/n wanted to jump on me and rip this thing off because we all know she can't resist a man, well any man." He said jokingly, insinuating that she was a slut. Sam and colby laughed as you rolled your eyes.
"Zach, stop making my friend feel like a slut!" Tara said across the room into the microphone.
You felt Colby's knee brush against you subtly as you couldn't help but smile. You suddenly, had a thought, not only do you need to keep up the act of you and Colby not being together, because he wasn't ready to share you with the world, it might be fun to play with him a little bit.
"I'm not saying she's a slut, but I'm just saying... I would not say no." He smirked at you as you raised your eyebrows.
"If you keep talking like this Zach, you might have a busy schedule later on that you can't handle." You said with a smirk and a chuckle. Colbys smile quickly dropped, he wanted to say something, but knew that he couldn't.
"Oh ay!" Zach said excitedly, "don't threaten me with a good time." He smiled.
You could feel Colby's leg start to twitch as he sucked his teeth and you couldn't help but hold in a chuckle.
You were about halfway through the podcast as Sam spoke laughing, "well no, I mean I went into their room to wake them up, and I thought-"
"Wait, did you just say their room?" Zach asked his mouth open and eyebrows raised, "are you two a thing? Did you just out them?" Zach said with excitement in his voice that they were getting a juicy reveal.
"What? No!" You said quickly with a laugh as Colby shook his head looking down. After all the flirtatious comments Zach has given you all night, he wanted nothing more than to tell Zach that if he makes a move on his girl one more time, he's gonna beat his ass. He bit his lip harder as Sam spoke.
"No no, I meant like to their rooms 's'" he repeated the 's' with a laugh.
Zach dramatically sighed in relief, "oh good, because believe me, I would never climb another squirrels tree."
You tilted your head at Zach, "so I'm a tree now?"
He nodded, "well, you're mostly a tree you're just missing the one thing that I'm going to give to you..." he smirked as you looked at him confused, "some wood."
Your mouth fell open as you couldn't help but laugh. But you heard Colby whisper under his breath, "okay." He was losing his cool big time. You gave Colby a look before changing the subject quickly.
"So Tara, when are you going to come on a ghost hunt with us?" You said turning away from Zach. Colby smiled at him you. You could tell that he was still furious right now, but he was trying to relax slightly.
At the end of the podcast and the filming of the after school special, you were sat talking with Tara as Zach headed into the kitchen to fetch you all a drink. You hadn't noticed as Colby headed in there with him.
"Dude, y/n man, wow." Zach said as he opened up the refrigerator.
Colby took a deep breath before responding, "yeah... she's beautiful." Colby was having an internal battle with himself, he wasn't ready for the fans to know.
"Beautiful? Dude, with that attitude, I wanna put her in her place, being on all fours of you know what I mean." Zach said as a joke but Colby couldn't take it anymore.
"Shut the fuck up man." Colby said sternly as Zach quickly looked at him startled.
"What?" Zach said.
"Uh... we gotta go." Colby said as he quickly walked out of the room, wanting nothing more than to beat Zach with the shit he was coming out with, flirting with you all night.
Zach looked at him shocked, "uh okay." He said as he watched him walk out the kitchen.
"Y/n, Sam, let's go." Colby said quickly.
You and Sam looked up at him noticing the look on his face. You both knew that look, that was his 'I'm gonna blow' look. "Yeah sure." Sam said quickly standing up from where he sat with Jared.
As you all said goodbye to everyone, Zach finally appeared just as you were about to leave. "Hey, y/n wait!" He shouted as you turned.
"Yeah, what's up?" You smiled.
"We're going to be going to a party tomorrow night, and I think you should come." He said with a smirk.
"Sounds fun, we'll let you know tomorrow." You suggested on behalf of you, Colby and Sam.
"Cool, you can leave your purse at home, I'll be buying you drinks." Zach said with a smirk.
"Well, I can't argue with that!" You smiled with a laugh as you hugged him to leave. "See you tomorrow." You smiled once more before turning to see Colby walking out the door, his steps almost furious.
The car ride home, Colby focused on driving, he hardly said a word. You sat in the passenger seat with Sam in the back, and as you and Sam chatted. You looked at Colby and could see how his teeth were grinding together and his jaw was flexed. "You okay baby?" You asked softly.
"Yep." Colby didn't even look at you. He just kept driving, his thumb tapping against the stirring wheel. You turned and looked at Sam confused as he shrugged his shoulders.
As soon as you reached home, Colby quickly got out of the car, the door slamming slightly louder than usual. He headed straight inside, grabbing a white claw out of the refrigerator before heading straight upstairs to your shared bedroom. You sighed looking at Sam as you both stood there, shocked and confused by his actions. He's never acted like this before.
As you reached the bedroom door you took a deep breath before stepping inside, "baby?"
Colby sat on his sofa flicking through his for you page on TikTok, sipping on his white claw. He didn't say anything.
"Colby." You said more firmly, "what's going on?"
Colby looked up almost like he couldn't believe what you were saying, "are you fucking kidding me, y/n?"
You froze as you looked at him, "I'm sorry, what?"
"You just had to flirt back with him didn't you." Colby said, annoyed.
You shook your head in disbelief, you couldn't believe what he was saying, "woah hang on, are you pissed at me right now?"
"Yes- I mean no... I just-" Colby said as he quickly stood up and began pacing around the room.
"You wanted this Colby!" You said loudly, starting to lose your patience.
"I didn't want you to make him think he had a chance with you!" Colby shouted.
"You told me, that I had to act the same way as I did before, us..." you said as you walked closer to him, "you know that I was known as an outgoing flirty person! I was just doing what you asked!" You shouted.
Colby stopped, his breathing heavy as he looked at you, "You know he told me he wanted to get you on all fours."
You swallowed hard, you didn't know that, and you didn't know what to respond.
"And I had to let him say it. All because-" Colby said as you interrupted him.
"Because you what? You're ashamed to tell everyone about me?" You said without thinking as your insecurities finally came out. You truly believed that all of this secrecy was because Colby was ashamed.
"No! Don't ever say that!" Colby shouted walking to you quickly, "it's because my fans will give you hate, and you'll leave me! And I can't have that!" Colby said as you could see tears beginning to form in his eyes. You looked at him as your expression softened. "I can't lose you, especially because of them. I love my fans but... you mean more to me than anything else in this world." Colby whole demeanour changed as he spoke, his head now looking at the floor.
"Colbs... I would never leave you." You said honestly as you reached to grab his hands. "You are everything to me, and do you think me getting death threats from some little keyboard warriors would tear me away from you? Because they wouldn't."
Colby slowly looked up to you, his eyes watering as he held in tears, "I wanted to tear Zach a new limb... I wanted to scream that you were mine on that podcast. But I was just so scared."
You reached your hand up to caress his cheek as you spoke, "Colby... i am yours. And I would love nothing more than for the world to know that."
"What if- what if you can't handle the hate?" He asked nervously.
You chuckled, "Colby. You are starting a whole other fight here if, after all this time, you think I couldn't handle it!"
Colby laughed as he hung his head, a tear falling down his cheek, "you're right. I just love you." He looked up, "more than you know."
"I know you do baby. I love you too." You said as you pulled his head so his forehead met yours.
"I'm so sorry, y/n." He said as he composed himself. Kissing your forehead gently.
"It's okay..." you said back with a smile, "to be honest. It was fun to see you get all worked up when Zach flirted with me."
Colby stepped away as he laughed, "yeah yeah, I just loved it too." He said sarcastically.
You couldn't help yourself, angry Colby definitely turned you on more than ever, "oh you loved it?" He sat down on the sofa as you spoke, picking up his white claw to have a drink. "You loved the idea of him touching me..."
Colby's attention snapped back to you as you continued, you walked over to him, as you suddenly sat down on him, straddling his lap, "his hands all over my body." You tilted your head with a smirk.
Colby threw his had back against the sofa, "y/n please. Stop." You could see him getting angry again, and you couldn't lie. You loved it. You loved how his muscles tensed and his jaw locked.
"What's wrong baby?" You leaned your body closer to his as his hands found their way to your thighs. You whispered right next to his ear, "did you love the idea of him having me on all fours..." Colby's grip on your thighs tightened as you felt his fingers dig into your skin.
"Baby... please." Colby rolled his eyes as he clenched his teeth tightly together as his breathing quickened. You suddenly took his hand and dragged it all up your body, his eyes locking on the journey you took it on as his mouth opened and his jaw fell slack.
Just as you reached up to your neck, you placed your hand over his, bending his grip to the familiar position, "his hands around my neck, choking me as he fucked-"
Suddenly Colby's grip tightened catching you off guard as he pulled your head closer to his, just inches away. "You're being very naughty y/n." There it was, that low and dark dominate voice.
You looked at him with a smirk, "and what are you going to do about it?" You teased.
Colby examined your facial features before suddenly pulling you in, closing the gap between you as your lips smashed together. The kiss instantly deep and passionate. You could feel his dick began to harden through your jeans as your body grinded against him. Suddenly Colby pulled away, gripping your throat once again, "first, I'm gonna fuck you senseless." Colby spoke his voice hoarse, "and then.. I'm going to take you to that party tomorrow and show everyone exactly who you belong to."
You smiled at him as you tucked your bottom lip between your teeth. Before you could respond, colby suddenly moved his hands to grab your ass tightly as he quickly stood up, lifting you with him. You let out an excited squeal and you seen the smirk toying with Colby's lips as he walked you over to the bed. He gave you no warning before throwing you down as your back his the sheets, your body filled with adrenaline and your panties growing wetter with each passing second. "Strip." Colby demanded as he began to remove his clothes.
You obeyed as you sat up, taking each of your items of clothing off, quickly and promptly as you watched him also undress. Once he was finished, you looked up at him, his body amazed you every single time. Your eyes examined from his face, down his torso, to his hard cock soaked with precum. "Fuck..." you breathed out as you bit your lip.
Colby suddenly grabbed your ankles, pulling you to lay flat in front of him. He slowly positioned himself above you, his body between your legs as your core ached. "You've been very bad today." Colby spoke deeply. "Are you going to be a good girl for me now?" You nodded eagerly. "Use your words, princess." Colby said as his hands ran all over your body.
"Yes baby." You whispered.
"That's more like it," Colby said as he suddenly reached his hand down your body as you squirmed beneath him. His fingers finding your clit and rubbing quickly.
"Oh fuck." You moaned as you threw your head back your body arching up against him.
Colby leaned down and began kissing along your neck, sucking and nibbling in all the right places. He suddenly slipped two fingers inside of your dripping heat as your body crumbled beneath him, "fuck yes baby, don't stop!" You felt that knot forming in your stomach.
Colby mumbled against your neck, "don't you dare cum until I say." His words intensified your pleasure as you desperately tried to hold it in, "I'm the only one who can make you feel like this... I'm the only one." You moaned louder as he spoke, Colby moved to look at you, "say it." He demanded.
You threw your head back as he curled his fingers, your orgasm just inches away, "you're- you're the only one."
"That's a good girl." Colby said as he thrusted his fingers quicker, "now cum." It was like his words were a magical spell as you instantly came all over his fingers with his command.
"Fuck Colby..." you groaned as your body became overrun with pleasure and passion. Colby gave you no time to recover.
"Roll over." He said instantly. You tried to catch your breath as your body, already feeling weak, flipped over onto your stomach.
You suddenly felt Colby's hands grip your hips as he pulled you up swiftly onto all fours, taking your breath away. You felt as his hands ran across your ass, squeezing tightly. Colby kneeled behind you getting into position. "I'm the only one who'll get to see you like this. On all fours. Wanting me."
You began to rock your body, back and forth pushing it into him, whimpering for more. "Please baby." You whined.
Colby chuckled as his hand gripped your ass even tighter, "please what baby?" Suddenly, Colby lifted his palm bringing it down hard on your ass cheek as you squealed from the sting.
"Ple- please fuck me." You begged as you wiggled your hips, desperate to feel his dick inside you.
Colby bit his lip hard, the was not other sight he loved more than you, on all fours, begging for his dick. He lined himself, "tell me who you belong to." He spoke deeply as he teased your entrance with his tip.
You gasped, "y- you baby. I belong to you." Your breath began to shake as your core burned, his teasing tip sending shocks throughout your entire body.
"Again!" Colby said more firmly as he suddenly pushed his cock into your heat, your walls stretching around him slowly. He groaned deeply.
You inhaled sharply, "argh... you, I'm- I'm yours Colby!" You cried out.
Suddenly he pulled back out quickly before pushing himself in even deeper. "Fuck. That's right baby." He moaned as he began to thrust in and out, "you're all mine."
"Fuck!" You cried out as he began to pound into you, "yes yes yes."
"Fuck you feel so good." Colby groaned as the feel of you surrounding him, made him weak at the knees. "Such a little slut, just for me." He groaned deeply as he brought up his hand smacking you hard against the ass once again.
"Fuckkk..." you groaned deeply as his hand slid up your back and into your hair, gripping it in a ponytail. He tugged pulling your head backwards and you could feel as your walls began to clench around him.
"Are you gonna cum again, baby?" Colby asked as he continued to thrust, his grip on your hair growing tighter and tighter.
"Yes- yes fuck..." you moaned loudly as the knot in your stomach formed and you felt your your legs being to shake.
Colby felt your walls clenching around him, "just a little longer baby, I'm almost there. You have to cum with me, okay?"
You tried to speak but words wouldn't come out. Suddenly Colby's hand slapped your ass once again as he pulled your head back further, "okay?!" He grunted.
"Yes baby yes." You cried out, desperate to feel that highball over again.
Colby pounded harder than ever as both moaned out, shouting a string of curse words, "fuck, I love you so fucking much."
"I- I love- y-you too." You could barely speak, "please let me cum!" You shouted as your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
"Fuck..." Colby's thrusts grew quicker and even more powerful, "now baby!" He groaned deeply as you released, your orgasm hitting you as Colby's dick twitched inside you, followed by his hot cum filling you up. "Fuck y/n..." he moaned out, his feel deep and low.
You both panted out of breath, as Colby slowly pulled out, his cum following along, spilling out of you. He bit his lip at the sight. "Are you okay?" Colby asked instantly. You nodded slowly before collapsing down onto the bed.
You and Colby had laid together, your head on his chest as he planted many kisses on your head, his fingers tickling up and down your arm as you rested it against his torso.
"I'm sorry, but if me flirting with other guys gets me a pounding like that..." you said with a chuckle.
"No baby." Colby laughed, "if you want fucking like that... just ask." He said looking at you with a smile. "No more flirting." He said as he booped your nose with his index finger.
You smirked as you looked back down listening to his heart beat. "Listen..." Colby said as you nodded, he took a deep breath before continuing, "I... I want to make a video on my personal channel..."
You looked up at him, "oh really? It's been so long, what about?"
Colby took a moment before speaking, just looking into your eyes as a smile began to appear on his face, "you." You were taken back by his comment as your eyes widened. "I want to tell the world, that I am in love with the most beautiful girl."
You felt an uncontrollable smile beginning to form on your face.
"After tomorrow night though... first, I need to rub in Zach's face, just how fucking stunning you are on all fours." He said with a smirk.
Your mouth fell wide as you playfully hit him on the chest. He laughed as you joined him as he pulled your body on top of his, "I'm ready, y/n. I'm ready for whatever they want to throw at us." He said as he moved the hair out of your face.
You bit your lip before speaking in a whisper, "bring it." You both smiled as you connected your lips once again in a deep and passionate kiss.
Authors note: this one was a bit more intense, I hope you liked it! Requests are open! Xx
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janovavalen · 1 year ago
Hi can you write a Percy Jackson x fem reader
The reader and Percy do not get along it’s like a love hate relationship.During episode 4 Percy sacrificing himself at St Luis arch the reader breaks down the door and sees him fall.she then jumps after him.When they get out the river they both have an argument about the whole incident.which leads to the reader admitting she cares about him.Happy ending pls.
✧RECKLESS || percy jackson x fem!reader
summary: as the group go to their next destination they arrive at the arch, annabeth and y/n’s mom’s sanctuary for some time. just when they think they’re safe, things don’t go to plan.
warnings: y/n and percy being in a enemies or lovers trope, annabeth and grover being third and fourth wheelers, arguing, near death experiences, slight blood warnings, poisoned percy, a bit of crying? LIKE A TINY BIT, y/n is very argumentative.
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as the group made their way to the st. louis arch, they weren’t doing very good. at all.
on their way, the original plan was to get straight to las vegas, but thanks to the monsters and not wanting to take a break, their train got ruined by the mother of monsters.
as they walked into the front entrance of the arch that annabeth and y/n recommended. they had stated that monsters can’t get in and it will give them more time to find some way to get to las vegas a lot quicker than on foot.
‘six-hundred and thirty feet wide’ annabeth started—‘six-hundred and thirty feet tall, both two within an inch’
as they four of them walked fast enough to cause an old lady whiplash, percy and grover listened to the two of them explain their mothers sanctuary.
‘it’s got no internal support. each side is balanced perfectly against one another’ y/n states once more as annabeth nodded along with what she said.
‘the arch is held up by symmetry, it’s held up by math!’ annabeth expressed.
‘oh and it’s earthquake proof’ y/n added to annabeth’s comment, giving annabeth a small glance before they walked down the steps of the entrance into the small museum full of kids on a field trip.
‘it’s also high enough so poseidon can’t ruin it…but i don’t think mom would appreciate his child being in here, so.’ y/n looked over to percy who gave her a tight thin lipped smile before mumbling.
‘nice…’ annabeth and percy looked at the two before giving each other a look to soon squeeze themselves through the group kids.
‘excuse me’ annabeth mumbled to the boys and girls who turned and moved out of the way for the four.
‘this is how you show athena your love, a monument to the power of perfection’ annabeth told.
‘it’s a monument to some other stuff too’ grover added as they looked around and saw other things regarding more olden times, guns, head skeletons of buffalo and other things.
‘your talking about what some humans want this place to be about. we’re talking about what it actually is’ annabeth placed her hand over her own chest while looking at percy and grover who frowned but agreed nonetheless.
y/n rolled her eyes when she saw the amount of ‘skeletons’ and other things that litterd the walls and glass casing all around them. the people seeming to be pleased enough at what they saw to take a picture.
‘it’s sad to know they don’t know what it really means. very pathetic really.’ y/n mumbled to herself as she turned to annabeth. percy looked over at her and blinked before widening his eyes and choosing not to say anything about what she said.
‘whatever…we’re safe here, right?’ grover made sure to comprehend as they walked.
‘no monsters can enter…not even echidna’ y/n reassured grover who nodded nervously.
‘we’re safe’ annabeth added on.
‘great…well since our train exploded! i’m going to see if there’s another one we can get tickets on. we can’t stay here forever.’ grover looked over at the huge plastered picture of buffalo being attacked and hunted by hunters.
looking overly slowly at the three he said once more—‘just because we’re prey doesn’t mean we need to be helpless.’ turning around to leave, annabeth nervously cleared her throat and walked up to him.
‘wait! i’m going to go with you. you two wait here, don’t leave and don’t move’ annabeth ordered y/n and percy who frowned their eyebrows.
‘where would we go?’ y/n asked her with a raised eyebrow. annabeth rolled her eyes and caught up to grover who walked rather fast.
as the two of y/n and percy watched annabeth and grover walk away, percy decided now would probably be a good time to start a bit of conversation to stop the awkward silence.
‘he doesn't like it when people mess with animals,’ he added.
y/n didn’t both turn to his side but acknowledged his voice—‘yeah. i know.’
percy turned to y/n who kept her eyes focused on annabeth and grover even though they were long past the barrier of her eyesight.
��…why are you so quiet?’ percy mumbled, his eyes looking over y/n’s frame that was unmoving from her standing position.
‘why does it matter?’ y/n turned to his presence now. seeing he was a bit away from here
‘it doesn't it’s just…you know…kind of awkward?’ percy nervously mumbled.
sighing percy didn’t want to really give up on the conversation knowing it would probably be best. the last thing he needed and had the time for was for y/n to snap at him, but it was worth the shot.
‘so, this is your moms place?’
y/n kept quiet and turned her eyes and head another direction from percy who kept speaking. clearing his throat he spoke—
‘be right down just going to the potty’ he said in a girly squeaky voice. this gained y/n’s attention.
as childish and stupid as it was, it was definitely an uplift from the previous mood. she lightly grinned but turned her head.
‘listen…me and you don’t get along and we both know that—‘
‘is it that obvious?’
‘shut up and listen okay?’ y/n sighed as percy nodded shamefully and let her continue .
‘i know you said it all in me and annabeth’s head…mostly mine? that i tell myself that our mother cares because it’s easier that way.’
percy let his eyebrows frown once more as he shook his head—‘i didn’t say that?’ he looked at y/n who turned her head to him and gave him a small look of which spoke—‘really?’
he shrugged it off and continued to talk—‘look ive been a demigod since…’ looking off to the side to calculate he finally came with an answer—‘last saturday. you shouldn’t listen to me.’ he told her as y/n let what he said soak in.
looking off to the side a bit she came up with some idea—plan for him to take, an offer.
‘you know, this is my mothers place. but…a temple is a temple. maybe you can say hi to your dad while your here?’ she explained.
percy seemed to almost take up her offer but quickly denied it. not wanting to really contact poseidon at the moment.
‘no thanks.’ he quickly shrugged off. this came undeniably confusing to y/n.
‘what could it hurt?’ she genuinely wanted her answer but he still shook his head.
‘your think with your mother…i get it, it’s different, it works for you. but my father…i don’t want anything from him. he had his chances—honestly you’ve done more for me in the past free days than my fathers done my entire life. if i have to stick with someone i—‘
trailing off as he caught himself y/n seemed to catch his slight slip up and tilted her head to the side a bit. her eyes looking him up and down before she smirked a bit—‘careful..i think you were about to call me a friend.’
before the beginning of the quest. before all of this. they had claimed in stone, they were and would never see themselves as friends. nothing more nothing less: the two of them simply didn’t see eye to eye. their priorities were set on two different things, and they both knew that.
but, things seemed to have change a bit on one end, and a lot on the other.
percy slightly looked down at the floor below as y/n turned her own head away from his.
‘somewhere around here the Oracle is laughing at us but you know—‘
as she said this percy seemed to feel insanely dizzy and instantly fell to the floor, y/n being there to catch him—‘whoa! percy? what’s going on?’ she asked him, being careful not to bombard him with too many questions given the fact he just fell out.
her arms being slightly wrapped around his shoulders he held onto her as he let her slowly let go of him. percy slightly sat down onto the floor as he caught his balance.
‘hey! what happened?’ grover and annabeth came running immediately when they saw him fall.
‘i think…i think those stinger things were poisonous…’ percy breathed heavily, his breath seeming to shorten on supply.
y/n looked around and it seemed to click for both the athena children—‘i have an idea’ the both of them claimed.
as the two of them grabbed up on percy they found themself in the water that sat in front of the museum. with percy sitting down into it, the other three stood as they scooped and splashed percy from the head down with water.
he sat there and took it as they kept going scoop from scoop, hoping something would happen.
passers walked by and some stood to watch what they were doing and they their were kids sitting in the fountain but none took it upon themselves to stop it.
‘the water cured him back at camp! it should work with poison too!’ y/n found herself quickening her scoops of water while annabeth looked momentarily at her sister who wore a very worried expression.
if anything, she’s never seen her this worried. not for a while. not for percy.
‘you know—i think, i think this is working’ percy grabbed onto y/n’s hand who helped him stand—‘this was a great call’ he acknowledged their idea but only to end up stumbling back down into the water with even more dizziness.
‘or not.’ he breathed out.
‘maybe it needs to be naturally running water for Poseidon to heal him?’ y/n mumbled while she placed her hand comfortingly over percy’s shoulder.
grover looked to annabeth who went to speak but just then they heard crashing and sirens going down just ahead of them. they all went to look and seen a police car being flipped into another car.
‘we need to get back inside!’ annabeth went to pick up percy along with grover but y/n was quick to deny.
‘no we need to keep trying!’
‘ this isn’t working y/n—and she’s coming!’ grover sadly looked at y/n who stressed her expression of worry towards percy who looked up at her momentarily before the two of them looked ahead along with annabeth and grover to see echidna slowly strutting her way over to them with a grin.
y/n breathed out and quickly thought—‘okay look, we’ll take percy inside and we’ll go to the temples alter’ y/n went to pick up percy who grabbed onto her arm and hand as the other two helped to pick him up as well.
‘alter? where is there an alter?’ grover asked, frowning his eyebrows at the two.
‘the highest point—the best view!’
‘okay! but what good is that even going to do us?’ grover stressed once more.
y/n sighed and looked over to annabeth who looked at her and percy.
percy had his grip held tight on her as she equally had the same amount of strength being held onto him to secure him from falling.
‘we’re going to get to the top, and we’re going to ask our mom for help’ she breathed out. grover seemed to stop for a bit along with y/n who was nervous about this plan.
‘ask mom for help? annabeth are you insane?’
‘i thought we didn’t ask for help?’ percy put his two senses in making annabeth look over to him. seeing they didn’t have much time for anymore conversations, annabeth ushered the group to begin walking.
‘come on; we need to keep moving’ annabeth spoke in a hurry.
grover placed percy’s other arm over his shoulder to help balance out their walk and annabeth stayed to y/n’s side.
just as they began to walk and y/n with annabeth failed to walk a bit and happened to stumble behind. echidna began screeching to the two girl who turned and started—couldn’t help—but listen. their expressions becoming more flat, a bit worried.
percy took a heavy notice of y/n’s absence and turned to see mainly her with a saddened expression on her face.
why did she look like that? what was she seeing? what was she hearing? his thoughts raced. seeming to focus on her rather than himself being poisoned.
she let her eyes widen and she snapped out of some trance along with her sister who gripped her arm—‘guys? did you hear that?’ y/n looked over to annabeth who nodded immediately.
grover and percy however?
‘hear what?’ percy asked her with concern. grover shook his head and y/n looked at annabeth who sadly looked down.
‘come on—let’s keep walking—go help percy’ annabeth told y/n who jogged to percy’s side and grabbed only his arm once more.
as the group hurried their way around the people who were mindlessly talking with themselves—completely unaware of the danger that was happening for the demigod children. they kept turning around to make sure their backs were clear.
some people would momentarily look at the group who carried one boy who looked like he just seen a ghost as they had their wet clothes tracing the floor as they walked.
the four of them getting into the small sitting elevator, they sat down—‘what was that back there? what did you guys hear?’ he asked the two sisters, but his main eyes trained on y/n who didn’t say a word. annabeth doing the same , she found her pinky slowly reaching over to y/n’s.
she got the hint and fully placed her hand over annabeth’s. percy looked down at their hands and came with the conclusion.
‘she spoke to you two’ percy breathed. his body was cold, and wet. the poison doing nothing more and adding onto his weakness and cold body.
‘alecto did that with me. back in the museum back in new york’ he recalled. annabeth and y/n still not speaking a word, only looking down and blinking momentarily.
percy didn’t really want to admit but he was becoming concerned for y/n’s mind. what did she hear that was bad?
‘what did she say?’ he asked once more.
just then, annabeth looked up in a hurry and squeezed y/n’s hand who looked up as well—and there she was. echidna.
she stood over the small metal balcony with her moneyed baby right behind her.
just as the doors shut they saw the two horns. y/n let her eyes widen along with the rest of the group’s.
grover gulped but began to talk—‘was that the chimera?’ he looked over to y/n who place she head in her hands and held them their in stress—percy looking over with frowned eyebrows as his wet hair dripped into his eye.
‘i—i think that was the chimera!’ grover worryingly spoke. percy let his focus set on y/n who kept nervously looking anywhere but the group.
‘how did the chimera even get inside here? how did any monster get inside here—‘
‘y/n?’ percy breathed out, his worry building up on y/n who kept quiet. annabeth looked over at her sister who didn’t even look at her either.
‘we’re in a secretary, athena would have to let her in but why would she do that?’
‘y/n!’ percy called out to her once more. seeing her eye finally set up upon his own he hoped they could keep their eyes trained on one another.
‘what did echidna say to you?’ he asked—demanded and answer.
she worryingly looked back down before shaking her head a bit, biting on the inside of her cheek.
‘she said my impertinence ruined our mother pride. and that that, would be our doom.’ she looked angrily over at percy who shook his head.
‘impertinence? what kind of—‘ finally recalling. medusa’s head.
giving y/n the look of knowing she gave him a look as well as annabeth and grover watched them talk.
‘ medusa’s head.’ he nodded while y/n shook her head, a frown setting upon her features.
‘i embarrassed my mother…’
percy shook his head while trying to clear up his running thoughts—‘but—i’m the one who sent the head to olympus? i sighed the note—‘
‘and i went along with it! it embarrassed her…now she’s angry. because of your impertinence, and because i was dumb enough to go along with it, we won’t get any help, we won’t get an answer from her!’ y/n shouted to percy who shook his head.
‘no! annabeth, he needs to understand this isn’t some game, this isn’t camp, we can seriously die out here, and he can’t just go around sending dead body parts to the gods just because?’ y/n stressed even more as percy nervously looked at y/n who avoided his eye contact once more.
‘guys…what are we going to do?’ grover broke the silence as they seemed to be near the top of the arch.
‘she isn't going to help us when we get to the top to have percy’ annabeth expressed to grover who cut her off—‘no i mean what are we going to do about echidna and chimera? they're going to be right being us,’ he exclaimed.
as the four of them looked at each other—percy hoping to catch y/n’s eyes but failed he looked down at the floor.
‘we’re not going to have much time’ as the group let themselves out of the elevator, y/n getting out first to leave percy with grover and annabeth to help him out.
percy took a hard notice to this but tried to shrug us off—‘they’ll be up here any minute. and if our mother isn’t going to protect us, then we’ll just have to fight it out up here’ y/n finished as they walked up the short amount of stairs to the top.
once they did was when y/n lost her confidence for a second and saw a huge crowd talking among themselves with phones taking pictures and smiles on their faces.
and when percy, grover and annabeth were behind her, they saw the extent of trouble they were in.
‘oh no…we gotta get everybody out of here’ grover expressed with worry as he held onto percy.
percy looked to y/n who seemed to smile a bit with her idea.
running to the fire alarm she pulled it, setting off a loud beep that got everybody's attention.
as everyone slightly panicked and walked their way down the hall with the others, y/n placed her hand onto annabeth’s shoulder and ushers them along the hall.
‘you guys follow the group down the steps—‘
‘what?’ percy hurried to look at y/n who momentarily look at him then back at grover who spoke.
‘no, no—we—were not spitting up’ grover expressed.
‘grover come on!’
‘y/n i’m not leaving you here!’ annabeth spoke to her sister who gave her a sad look.
‘no… no no no no we’re all getting out of here together’ percy breathed out, hoping to get y/n’s attention. once he did he kept their eyes focused on one another.
‘we won’t make it! the chimera is a demigod killer! someone has to stay back to slow her down and buy everyone some time’ y/n walked with her hand on annabeth’s back while they walked to the steps with everyone going down in a hurry.
once they got to them, grover, annabeth and percy turned to y/n who stood at the door to make sure she shut it before they left.
‘okay—once you get downstairs you need get him to the river. and don’t stop. not till you get to hades. not till you have the bolt, do you understand?’ y/n looked at the three before looking at percy, he shook his head in denial.
‘y/n you can’t just stay here and say that and expect me to listen—‘
‘do what i say annabeth! just this once, okay?’ she pleaded. annabeth shook her head with a frown upon her lips, forever going the same.
‘okay go!’ she heard the footsteps of the two right behind and went to shut the door only for percy to speak.
not wanting to let her go he quickly came with a plan.
‘wait!—‘ taking the pen that formed into a sword out of his pocket he held it to y/n who looked at it.
flipping it around to make sure the handle would be in her touch, he held it out to her and spoke once more—‘take this’ he held out to her.
as she went to reach slowly, he waited for her grip to hold tightly onto it—only then did he switch sides, pushing her into the room and closing the door.
‘percy!’ y/n yelled out to percy who made sure the door was locked.
‘percy!?’ grover yelled. the three of them baging on the door as percy breathed heavily, his body weak and pale.
‘percy no! don’t do this! they’ll kill you!’ y/n yelled her voice becoming louder but more weak.
‘posiden never helped me before. he wasn’t gonna start now. i would’ve never made it to hades. but you can. and now you will.’ percy talked to them before he walked away from the foot. their banding never stopping.
‘percy! please?! you can’t do this!’ y/n cried out.
walking towards echidna and the chimera who walked their way to percy who’s eyesight blur more and more. causing him to stumble and his weakened grip on his sword.
‘this is the end sweetheart.’ echidna spoke softly, her motherly tone never wavered. ‘don’t fight it. you’ll only make her angry.’ she warned.
as the chimera walked over to percy he held his sword up higher with determination in his eyes. the chimera began to growl as she went to open her mouth, inside a small orange and red glow becoming prominent, percy swung his sword at the leg of the chimera, making it rawr out in anger and slight pain.
behind the door y/n banged harder and harder, hoping somehow he would come back and change his mind.
annabeth couldn’t watch her sister be like this—hurt, confused, mainly disappointed. turning sound as she reached into her pocket to grab her own sword that extended, she let it change its form into a smaller pick pocket knife.
‘you two! go now, go to the bottom of the steps and wait outside, police are bound to show up, so stay with them and don’t move! i’ll meet you down there with percy!’ y/n demanded her sister and best friend who shook their head.
‘y/n please—‘
‘annabeth! listen to me! okay? i’ll be okay, i’ll see you guys down there, go!’ she pushed them slightly as they looked at y/n once more who nodded to the two, giving them a slight smile.
annabeth gave one back as she nodded and grabbed along of grover, the two of them making their way down the stairs.
as y/n turned around the let her knife be placed into the middle of the lock, letting it extend, it did just enough to to break the lock and break the metal of the door.
pulling and pushing its paw up, she pushed percy far into the metal railing of the side of the wall, making him fall and yell out in pain. the chimera snarling at percy. as she walked over to percy once more he laid onto the floor with weak arms and body to see it open its mouth and their in the pit of her throat, fire. being bubbled and arousing through the back of her throat.
‘percy!’ y/n yelled. he turned around immediately to see y/n run towards him and pull him out of the way of the chimera’s fire that erupted through its throat and mouth, spreading and melting the floor below. y/n grabbed ahold of y/n as she pulled him away form the fire.
his grip holding onto her to make sure she was safe and unharmed, y/n quickly checked over percy as he nodded slightly.
in the distance, echidna raised her hand and flexed it towards the floor before them, a huge gaping hole being torn open into the carpet and metal floor. the wind from the highness of the arch blowing into the faces of y/n and percy who held each other.
the chimera roared loudly as y/n went to help percy stand up the two for them made their way over to the chimera with their swords in hand, y/n made her way in front of percy who noticed this and tired to quicken his pace so that he was in front of her.
swinging her sword the chimera dodged it and hit y/n so hard she passed out right onto the other side of the hole.
‘y/n! percy yelled—‘ soon percy tried his turn only to be hit with the chimera’s horns. throwing him back in the walk and down the gaping hole.
the chimera seeming pleased, it walked its way along with echidna to see percy still holding on.
‘y/n! wake up—‘ he grunted.
y/n paid along the side of the carpet ground with her head pounding.
‘so unfair. you never had a chance did you?’ echidna looked down at percy who was praying to whoever that y/n woke up right now.
‘if only someone cared enough about you to provide you with one’ she tilted her head as percy grunted and held onto the metal plate that was the only thing supporting him right now.
‘y/n?!’ he called out once more.
just afar, she grunted and let herself slowly wake up. just as she looked over and grabbed ahold of her sword. seeing echidna shake her head down into the hole she stumbled her way up, the blood on the head running down her eyebrow and down the side of her eye.
‘percy?’ she looked and saw he was nowhere to be found.
putting up all her strength, she stood up and hit echidna across the back of her head with her sword making echidna help out, the chimera turning around to her mother to her y/n had yelled out—
‘percy!’ she yelled seeing him reaching out to her as he fell, she took her jump and went right after him.
the two of them falling down further and further, y/n stretched her hand far enough for the two of them to be holding each other's hand.
as y/n felt herself lose consciousness once more from her injury, percy gripped her hand even tighter, and just as he turned a bit from the air around them, he saw a huge water thing, coming right towards them.
when percy came to. he was under the green water. the small fish and thing around him, he hurried his eyes and head to turn and see y/n not too far from him. her eyes still closed and her hair clouding around her.
swimming out and going to pull her up to the surface, percy felt himself and her go back down a bit—looking to see her foot caught and stuck around something that held her in place.
swimming down a bit to held her foot get unstuck he grunted and strained as the bubbles from his mouth started to flow and go up to the surface. pulling and pulling he suddenly saw something.
something glowing in the green water—‘you are frightened.’ it claimed.
blinking his eyes to see what it was he frowned, but kept pulling at y/n’s foot, his only priority was to get her out.
‘it’s alright percy. your father sent me to tell you, it’s alright.’ he paused a bit at this and looked over at the flowing glow.
‘just breath.’ she instructed. going to do so—he abruptly stopped and went back to pull at y/n’s foot. her head still bleeding and her body still unconscious.
‘your father is here, he’s always been here’ she continued to talk as percy pulled at y/n’s foot.
‘it’s so hard for him to stand back, to see you struggle. it is so hard for us all. but he’s here, and he’s so very proud. trust him. trust yourself. stopping his movements and looking over at the flowing glow, he held onto y/n’s leg who started to shake awake.
her eyes slowly opened and focused to see her and percy and somehow ended up into the water. she looked to see percy looking over at something, following his gaze she saw what he was seeing and frowned.
‘just breath.’ she told once more and when y/n turned down to percy, he breathed in and seemed to be breathing just fine under the water.
looking up at y/n he saw her holding her breath and went right back to pulling her foot with all his might, this time she was there to help. pulling up her foot, percy came with an idea, one that she definitely wouldn’t like.
going up to her, face to face, he placed his hand on her shoulder then soon her neck—if y/n couldn’t speak with her words, she definitely would with her expressions. with one that woke—‘what are you doing?’
he looked down with his eyes at her mouth and she immediately shook her head knowing exactly what he was implying. he looked at her and grabbed ahold of her cheek while she looked down to pull at her foot, her lungs burning and screaming for air.
percy gaining her attention, she blinked the water going in and out of her eyes and she held his eyes with her own. frowning she nodded her head slightly and let percy lean in under the water—his lips setting upon hers he breathed in his air to buy her more time. once they retracted, y/n and percy held eye contact before he kept his hand held on her own.
once he was down to her foot, he tugged as she pulled and soon she was free.
grabbing only y/n, the two of them hurried and swam to the top.
when they got to the surface, they swam to the concrete surface and pulled themselves along the metal rails. y/n got the helping hand of percy who pulled her with the two of his hands.
‘your okay, are you okay? your okay, right!?’ percy rushed to ask y/n who caught her breath and immediately reached up to touch the blood and wound that happened to close up.
looking at percy who half his hand on y/n’s arm and neck he checked her body and she took note of how he was healed as well.
‘percy! i’m okay…im okay’ she soothed him as he slowled his movements and looked into her eyes.
‘you jumped after me…you followed me down not knowing what would happen—‘
‘how could i not percy! how could i not? you are so careless, reckless and so selfish to think nobody would think of you and how you could have died! you left me— us, behind in the staircase to go off on our own and save your mom from the underworld!? how messed up is that percy! she would want to see her son! not two kids who she doesn’t know!’ y/n percy in his chest who stumbles back.
he looked nervously up at y/n trying to grab her hand only for her to slap it away—‘your selfish, greedy, reckless and so so stupid percy jackson! and i’m stupid enough…’ when he heard this he looked at her from the ground to see her slowly shaking her head at percy who looked up at her with hope.
‘i’m stupid enough to be the idiot one as well and jump after you. and i’m stupid enough to have cared so much. too much about you. percy…you can’t do things like that…not now, not even. not as long as i’m alive.’ she felt her eyes water a bit with the amount of worry he put her through when she was behind that door and out of his reach.
percy took note to this and hurried to grab her up and hug her tightly. she arms immediately finding their way around his body and his wrapped along her body as well. the two of them held each other so tightly they forgot about the world around them.
when they let go from the hug that seemed to have lasted forever, sorry nervously laughed. y/n looked confusingly at him with a small grin on her face.
‘so…what happened underwater—‘
‘don’t!’ y/n placed her hands over percy’s mouth who smiled at her as she shook her head in a hurry, her cheeks seeming to redden.
‘percy!’ two voices yelled from behind them. the two of them turned around to see grover and annabeth running to them.
‘annabeth!’ y/n happily yelled. as they embraced each other, percy hugged grover who hugged him tightly.
‘your safe’ annabeth breathed out’—but how—‘
‘doesn't matter! what matters…is that we’re together, safe.’ y/n smiled as she turned around to grover and percy. her eyes lingering on percy a bit more which seemed to not go unnoticed by grover and annabeth.
‘come on! we need to get moving’ annabeth held her hand along y/n’s back who walked with her.
as they walked, annabeth and y/n talked amongst themselves while grover and percy walked.
grover noticed how percy’s eyes never left y/n’s form and his focus never left her.
‘so..’ he started. percy let his eyes linger but his head turn to grover before his eyes focused on him.
‘what happened under water?’ grover finished making percy abruptly stopped, pulling grover with him laughed.
‘what—how do you—‘
‘my ears hear many things dude’ he smiled at percy whose face was grew redder by the second.
turning to see y/n and annabeth still walking and talking he turned to grover, turning him around so their backs were friend to the girls.
‘under the water…i found out i can breath. but y/n was stuck so…to give her more air— i had to share my air—‘
‘so you kissed?’ grover interrupted making percy grow red all over—‘don’t say it like that and don’t let her you know! she’ll kill me…she also. happened to tell me she actually cares about me, a lot’ percy smiled at the recalling of what she said.
‘so…she basically confessed she likes you?’ grover added once more. percy looked to the side as he nodded slowly.
‘grover please! don’t tell her—‘
‘i won’t i won’t!’
percy nervously breathed out before letting go of grover who straightened his jacket.
as the two turned around to see the girl waiting but still taking, grover turned it percy and yelled with a smile—‘so y/n what happened!?’ he ran over to y/n making percy run after him
‘grover!’ percy yelled.
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lesbianjohnlennon · 7 months ago
It's queer! by Nelson Motta (O Pasquim)
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"o pasquim" was a brazilian alternative weekly, known for its paradoxical and satirical nature, published between 1969 and 1991. it was recognized for its engagement with the brazilian counterculture scene of the 1960s and for its role in opposing the military regime. in 1970, the magazine published an article about john and paul (and brian) affair, written by nelson motta. here's the translation (with adicional notes) 👇
It’s queer! by Nelson Motta
Paul McCartney loved John Lennon, who loved Brian Epstein, who loved Paul McCartney. All the whole London music scene (1) knows this, and there, the famous suspicion about Paul's “death”, which originated with an American DJ, didn't catch on.
The "death" theory is well-constructed, but the true story (the one about their faggotry (2)) makes much more sense. And it's much spicier. I prove what I said (3):
Everything was going great in the John-Paul-Epstein triangle. Everyone loved each other, they adored jelly beans, everything was rosy, smoke and mirrors, etc. Ringo and George Harrison were always on a different page. The duo was Lennon and McCartney — they sang together, composed together, did everything together. Together with Brian Epstein, of course, who was openly queer and quite relaxed about it.
Everything was fine until Paul and John decided that two's company and three's a crowd, etc., and kicked Epstein out of the bed.
It's not proven, but many serious and well-informed people claim that Epstein committed suicide after a fight with Paul. Epstein supposedly gave Paul a very valuable gift, which Paul not only ignored but also hung up on Epstein, who, in despair, killed himself.
But John and Paul had many arguments, especially when Paul was still single and John was already tied down with the Japanese woman. The nippo, who is very wild and forward-thinking (4), didn't mind sharing John with Paul, but McCartney (that face never fooled Sérgio Cabral (5)) had jealousy issues. They fought and made up many times, even through music.
To "show the proof"(6) (I'm not sure why this phrase keeps coming up): Paul made up by composing Get Back (To Me) (7), and Lennon responded with a passionate interpretation of Oh Darling that everyone thought was "darling" (in the female sense) but was actually "darling" (in the male sense)(8). These are some of the great ambiguities of the English language.
But the Japanese woman really tied John Lennon down; no one knows exactly how. Or rather, everyone knows how.
The press started reporting that they were fighting a lot, and the explanations were always about "business and musical matters." Only a fool would believe that, since it's known that Apple was never in danger, none of the Beatles were at risk of starving, and the duo's musical production never suffered any drop in quality or sudden change in style.
After his last fight with John, Paul met Linda Eastman, who, through talks and things like that, convinced him to re-establish his heterosexuality (9). Probably out of revenge, Paul ended up marrying her to get back at John with a "for your information, I've already found someone else to replace you." (10)
The final result: John recording solo (Instant Karma is third on the American charts) while Paul is also making waves as a solo artist with Let It Be, first place on the American charts, and Paul's solo album has already been released.
Some clueless people might ask, "But how do Lennon & McCartney songs keep appearing?"
Elementary, my dear Jaguar (11): The duo has an exclusive contract with the music publisher Northern Songs until 1972, and everything one does will carry the other's name, at least nominally, as a partner. This practice is very common among songwriting duos where both contribute to the lyrics and music interchangeably.
You must admit that, at the very least, this is a respectable theory. I can't prove it because I've never been involved in this affair, which is absolutely not my specialty.
They’re the ones who are queer; let them figure it out.
(1) in the original, “patota musical de londres”. “patota” has a kind of pejorative meaning of a group of people. also means a group of friends or colleagues.
(2) in the original, “bichisse”, and it was the best way of translation that i could find.
(3) in the original, “mato a cobra e mostro o (the) pau”. again the best i could find.
(4) in the original, “superprafrentex”, which was a common slang in brazil in the 70s, used to describe someone who was modern and progressive.
(5) sérgio cabral was a famous journalist in brazil, and one of the founders of “o pasquim”.
(6) again, in the original, “mato a cobra e mostro o (the) pau”.
(7) in the original, “Get Back (Volta pra mim)”, which is funnier in portuguese and i tried to keep the tone.
(8) in Portuguese, every noun has a gender. darling can be translated to “querida” (feminine) or “querido” (masculine). 
(9) in the original, “restabelecer a mão única”. “mão única”, which literally translates to “one-way street”, makes a reference to paul’s sexuality, implying he was going (or into) on both “ways”, men and women.
(10) in the original, “pra teu governo já tenho outra em teu lugar”, another idiom. but works in english, anyway.
(11) in the original, “Elementar, meu caro Jaguar”, a playful reference to sherlock holmes’ line.
disclaimer: this was written in 1970, so is full of outdated expressions (and slurs) so read carefully!
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whencartoonsruletheworld · 1 year ago
never have I played any nights at Freddy fazbears
pls explain the whole plot and all lore to me as if I were small and slightly stupid
oh great timing i literally JUST explained this to my asoue discord
this is a VERY simple summary, but things to keep in mind while reading:
very very VERY little of this is directly spelled out for us. the creator, scott cawthon, LOVES to confuse people on purpose and the vast majority of the lore is gleaned from hidden minigames, secret cutscenes, and easter eggs. this makes things very confusing and controversial within the fanbase, so im gonna try to explain where there are differing opinions
really, there's two main stories: the first main story was completed with FNAF6 and Ultimate Custom Night, the story going on rn is the second and it is still ongoing. as such, a lot of the lore is still a mystery to all of us.
For clarity's sake, I will divide this between: THE AFTON STORY, the one the movie's gonna tell a part of, and THE GLITCH STORY, which the games are going through
dont worry i will make it fun to go through so it doesnt feel like school
ok lets go
First, let's get a visual chart in here. don't worry it's just for show
Tumblr media
These are the important families we will be talking about; the Emily family, with father Henry and daughter Charlie, and the Afton Family, with father William, two sons (Michael and a boy who is still unnamed, he might get named on friday? We call him Crying Child "CC") and a daughter, Elizabeth. Don't worry about the mothers they're not important
Okay so here's the thing: of these four children, all but Michael die VERY early on in the timeline
The problem is we do NOT know THE ORDER each of them died. There's a lot of arguments on all sides but I personally think the order is sad boi->charlie->baby so imma present it in that order. But keep in mind that we don't actually know because of the confusing way the lore is dropped.
okay so for starters.
purple guy is william afton and he and this guy vcalled henry start opening a restaurant chain starring freddy fazbear
in the original location they've got two animatronic suits, fredbear and spring bonnie. the other location has freddy, bonnie, foxy, chica
the og location suits are ~special~ tho, bc henry and william are crazy inventor dudes. these suits are called "springlock suits". they function as full animatronics but you can wind all the wires and gears and endoskeleton and shit back and step into the costume yourself. only problem is the safety is jackshit and if you like. cry or sweat or breathe wrong the springlocks will fail and the metal will come crashing back and crush u to death. u should have enough time to get to the back room so u dont bleed out in front of the customers tho. springlock suits are important remember those
michael is in his early teens and has just learned how to be a shit to his siblings and is trying out this hot new bullying thing. he's picking a lot on CC because CC is terrified of the freddy animatronics. it is said that he "saw something" that scared him, it could be anything as benign as "saw someone go into the suit and got freaked out" to something as serious as "saw one of those aforementioned springlock failures and person bleeding out." could also be charlie or elizabeth's death if those happen earlier in the timeline. again we dont know bc cawthon likes to confuse us
CC is not scared of the freddy characters tho, he has all the plushies and calls them his friends. he's just scared of the animtronics. unfortunately his dad works there so he has to be there like 90% of the time so he's having a wonderful time. hence the moniker "crying child". bc he cries all the time
anyway at his birthday party, michael decides it would be really funny to shove CC up into the animatronic's mouth for kicks. this goes about as well as you'd expect cause the mouth closes and fuckin. crushes his head
kid goes into a coma for a while but eventually flatlines. while he's in the coma we hear michael tearfully apologizing, and his fredbear plush talks to him (presumed to be william) saying he will "put him back together"
anyway that was fun. so next up charlie emily gets FUCKING MURDERED
for some reason charlie gets locked outside the pizzeria. william's driving by and decides to stab her bc why not
honestly most of us believe that this occured after CC just bc it gives william motivation to be pissy at his business partner and kill his kid abt it, but also a book that released a month ago implies that william might have been nightmare gassing his kids for shits and giggles so. who knows. dont worry about that btw its not relevant rn
anyway the thing is willie and henry had an animatronic designed to protect the children called the puppet. the puppet sees charlie outside and goes out to help her but it's raining so it fries up the puppet's circuits and it crashes on top of her dead body. cheery!
except this is where it gets wild bc charlie proceeds to like. possess the puppet
possession is really complicated in this universe but basically there's no real way to communicate openly with people and the possesser might not even be aware of who or where they are or anything really but. yeah the lil girl def possesses the puppet
its after this that william starts killing kids for funsies. a lot of us presume that he saw the puppet getting possessed and was like "holy shit a way to bring crying kid back" but again he might've just decided this was fun
anyway he lures five kids into the Secret Freddy's Backroom That Is Not On The Maps by wearing the spring bonnie costume. after killing them he shoves them into the other animatronic suits (freddy, bonnie, chica, foxy, fredbear "golden freddy") and yeah they start gettin possessed
the fifth missing kid was stuffed in fredbear and here's where it gets veeery theoretical cause we dont have straight confirmation of this but just some theories. it's VERY likely that crying child was also haunting fredbear at this point, and shoving another kid in there got two kids haunting the same bitch and it causes fredbear (golden freddy) to be really fucking weird and glitchy and eldritch or w/e. anyway you dont have to worry about that rn cause golden freddy doesnt show up much they're too busy ascending or smth
now this is where the lore gets confusing-- the first game claims that after the last two were lured, someone was caught on camera, arrested and charged. however we know for a fact willie-boi wasnt caught so either 1) this got retconned when cawthon decided to actually make lore, 2) he wasnt convicted and somehow still kept a hold on the fazbear empire during this, or 3) a lot of us theorize that henry was framed for the crimes and thats why he disappears from the timeline until the sixth game. cause yeah he disappears from the timeline until the sixth game. personally i believe the third it makes a lot of sense but yeah willie-boi stops killing at about five kids
anyway will is going full scientist with all these animatronics and he's like. ripping parts off them and putting them on other animatronics to see what happens. we THINK. again this is really vague but this is just kinda the most logical explanation here.
anyway this is what happens in fnaf2 and what it does is like. split the souls and shit. and he's like "oh this is sick" except this makes all the suits act erratic as hell and very angry towards adults (theyre cool with kids tho) and eventually one of them causes the infamous Bite of 87. we're not entirely sure what it was but one of the animatronics bit off the frontal lobe of someone in 1987. this caused this location to get shut down and willie boi just puts the pieces back on the og animatronics and is like "well shit what do we do now boys"
FNAF5: Sister Location
anyway so this is where we think elizabeth dies in the timeline. william makes these things called the "funtime animatronics"-- we know they are made after a fnaf location shuts down, though it's not specified which. these animatronics are built SPECIFICALLY to kidnap children. ballora is built as a distraction for parents, the other two are built to only move when not seen, and then Circus Baby™ has an arm that can grab kids and drag thtem into her until willie lets em out. she is programmed to only do this when a child is alone in the room so william tells elizabeth "do not go see baby when you are alone in the room"
so elizabeth is like 6 and she goes to see baby when she is alone in the room and baby grabs her but the arm is fucked up and the kid dies p badly
funtime's location is then immediately closed due to "gas leaks" and william rents out the funtimes for parties. at the same time he starts shoving some haunted parts into the funtime animatronics to see what happens. we THINK.
important location here btw is the "scooping room." it's actually very good horror but basically it's a bitch that is supposed to rip the endoskeletons out of the suit whenever theyre malfunctioning. super smart idea that will cause no nightmares going forwards.
anyway the animatronics all kinda know that william killed them so after a while (a few years??? who knows) they start trying to kill him and he's like "hmm. i cannot go into this bunker anymore. let me send michael, my last surviving kid who i hate." this is where michael, now an adult, re-enters the timeline.
mikey boy is told by his dad that he can bring his baby sis back to life if he goes down into this bunker and does some shit. michael is like "oh sweet" bc honestly he probably still feels guilty about literally killing his bro and so he goes down to the bunker.
the animatronics eventually tell him "go into the scooping room it'll be totes mcgotes" and when he gets there he finds out that the animatronics have killed all the other employees, scooped themselves, and fused their endoskeletons into one conglomerate called ennard
ennard is like "yeah we cant escape here cause they just bring us back so we're gonna use you as a skinsuit k thnx" and they scoop him and use him as a skinsuit
it's really good horror i promise
BUT this turned out to be a bad plan because Humans Decay so after like a week ennard gets puked up by the MikeSuit and escapes into the sewers.
here, meanwhile, is where mike pulls a reverse uno card and possesses his own decaying corpse
he then calls up his dad and is like "hey dad :) elizabeth's fine now :) BUT :) they fucking killed me :) because they thought i was you :) you sure sent me down here to die huh :) anyway :) im gonna come find you :) you have a ten minute head start start running :)"
actor really fucking sold that monologue too ngl
so he's like. PISSSSSSED and rightfully so he is walking around in his own corpse. so he goes to find his dad
this is about when peepaw willie goes back to the original fnaf location (we THINK) and is like "ok im just gonna take apart all the animatronics and do something with these"
only when he destroys the suits the missing kids' ghosts show up and spook him. so this guy who's been studying ghosts is like "oh fuckshit there's ghosts here" and tries to hide in the spring bonnie suit. only he laughs and this causes the springlocks to malfunction and FUCKING VIOLENTLY KILL HIM. get springlocked idiot
except then HE possesses the spring bonnie suit and this is springtrap. but also he's in a super secret back room while this happens so he is trapped there for a while
so ennard, michael and william are fuckin around for a couple years. at some point ennard decides that elizabeth is kinda a freak actually and kicks her out of the hivemind so she just rebuilds herself a circus baby suit and keeps wanderin around so now we got four bitches doing who knows what
eventually it's been 30 years since the last freddy's closed and someone opens up a haunted house parody of it. mike goes to work there as a security guard* and guess what they found springtrap and bring him to the attraction thinking he's just an animatronic. after five nights of fucking with him mike sets the place on fire to try and finally kill his dad fr. it does not work
*note that this isnt confirmed to be michael but we kinda. all know it's probably him. it really seems to be him
anyway then michael finds out that an actual fazbear's is opening and needs an owner so he goes and becomes owner of the restaraunt. while some guy on a cassette tape is giving him tutorial instructions he sets up the place and also collects several animatronics. these are:
scraptrap (peepaw post-fire and really pissed)
scrapbaby (elizabeth now thinking that maybe if she kills things her dad will pay attention to her)
molten freddy (remains of ennard still not entirely sure what's going on)
lefty (a bear solely built to capture the puppet, who was still fuckin around the fnaf2 location i guess. anyway now the puppet is here thats important)
so after our five nights scrapbaby comes on the speaker system and is like "omg dad if we kill people will you love me. we're gonna kill soooo many people it's my passion actually" and that's when the cassette tutorial guy interrupts her
and he just goes "yeah. you're not doing that"
anyway he's like "hi guys. you remember me??? henry??? from 30 years ago?? i owned half this business? you killed my daughter and stuffed her soul in a puppet? lmao yeah i literally lured you all here and you came like the fucking idiots you are. im setting the place on fire, we're all gonna die and go to heaven. except for YOU, WILL. you are not going there. lmao bye" and he sets the place on fire and they all burn. it's more epic when he says it tbh
now henry mentions that he had an escape route ready for the building owner but he figured out the owner was michael and was like "i feel like you wanna stay and burn with us" and michael's like "fuck yeah"
you might think that wraps up the story nicely but OH NO THERE'S MORE
Ultimate Custom Night
see, the next game is ultimate custom night where you can choose which animatronics hunt you and their level of difficulty. it is through hidden messages and shit that we find out that ucn is, canonically, william being tortured in hell. which is sick af
anyway the tormentor is a spirit labelled "the vengeful spirit" in the files, and "the one you should not have killed" by the animatronics. we sometimes hear either a light voice behind the other animatronic lines (could be either a woman with a light voice, a little girl, or a little boy), and the pic that sometimes shows up as a hallucination is a distorted photo of scott cawthon's son. we know for a FACT this spirit is someone from the fnaf6 fire cause they reference the fire more than once while poking willie with a stick. it's probably not elizabeth cause she was just tryin to get her dad's attention. it's not charlie/puppet bc one of her lines is like "ffs just stay out of my way for ONCE." we also know for a fact it's not henry cause they were like "henry sure tried to release us huh. not happening im not letting you go that easily bitch haha" so that narrows it down to michael and the missing kids
now here's the thing.
the vaaaaast majority of the fandom is convinced that the vengeful spirit is cassidy, the missing child that was stuffed inside golden freddy with cc. this is because golden freddy is in a looot of ultimate custom night and if you beat the hardest mode you just get a quick cutscene of him glitching and then everything fades to black
however. i have seen legiterally no convincing evidence that this is the case. all we know about cassidy is she is the golden freddy missing kid and was talking to cc through the logbook. and we BARELY know this. in the alternate universe book she first showed up in (the silver eyes) she wasn't even the golden freddy kid. people point out a similar situation to her and cc in fazbear frights where one of the kids was tormenting william (stitchwraith) but that's literally a whole separate universe and completely separate characters with separate backstories and personalities
there's a sprite in security breach who fights glitchtrap (explained below) who was named in the files as "cassidy" so ppl point to that but 1) they changed that name after people made a deal out of it, 2) that could mean literally anything, 3) the protag of the next game was named "cassie" and her story kinda paralleled the sprite's first game so uuhhhh anyway
honestly i think it's WAY more likely the vengeful spirit is mr michael "i'm going to come find you and set you on fire twice" afton, using his childhood likeness to fuck with his dad. this is strengthened by one of the easter egg cutscenes in ucn, where the vengeful spirit talks to a benevolent spirit who tells them to "leave the demon to his demons. there is nothing for you here." the audio in the background is someone distortedly screaming "HENRY" and "MICHAEL"
one of the animatronic lines also says "is this a prison for you or for me? perhaps both" implying that the vengeful spirit feels like they belong in hell, which would fit with mike's "i killed my brother" self-loathing. the golden freddy glitch could very easily be his mental anguish as well as william's, with the optional cutscene telling us that while michael is self-harming by torturing his dad in hell, he has the ability to move on and find peace if he can forgive himself. honestly i really like that open ending there
another point towards "vengeful mike" theory is that we play as him for most of the games (definitely 5 and 6, most likely 1 and 3, some theorize 4) and so him being the vengeful spirit is way more emotionally impactful than "random kid #5"
however every time i bring this up to the fnaf fandom they get really really pissy at me because y'all love ur angry lil girl cassidy headcanons and honestly that is completely fair i also love angry lil girls. im just saying this bc we're going over whats canon rn and i firmly believe in vengeful mike (thank @birdsareblooming for that) but yknow. cassidy is also fun as hell
i wrote a whole essay on this btw these are just the cliffnotes. do you guys wanna see the essay
anyway that's where the afton story ends but OHHH NO MR CAWTHON CANNOT STOP
if you just want a quick catchup before the movie you can stop here but anyway. let's talk mimicry
the games coming out recently are kinda a sequel-story and bc theyre still coming out we are still very confused about what the fuck is canon and what is not so this one will be a lot more guessing. i digress let's talk about
Help Wanted
so back on earth, it's the 2020s-2030s. turns out the fazbear company is still functional and they're like "well shit guys what the FUCK do we do about all of That"
so they decide they need a brand cleansing and what they do is they secretly hire an "indie game developer" to make the fnaf games in-universe, to make light of the tragedies and make people take them less seriously. they pretend to have beef with this indie dev but eventually put all of his games into a VR game as a show of "good faith." somehow this actually does work in revitalizing the brand image
also sidenote but the books imply that the indie dev was kidnapped and gaslit into making the games but thats not important
now see there's a glitch in the game and the beta-tester jeremy mentions it and then gets increasingly withdrawn and obsessive. because it turns out there is a Bitch in here
now. the identity of the Bitch is uh. controversial in the fandom rn. i will say for clarity that i am in Party Two and will probably be biased towards that but here's the thing. the Bitch is either:
a digital upload of william afton's soul (somehow escaping hell)
Help Wanted Interlude: The Mimic
see, the other books (silver eyes, fazbear frights) are set in a parallel universe-ish to the books, similar rules and worldbuilding but cawthon can fuck around all he wants with no consequences. there were charliebots and springtrap mpreg at one point it was nuts. but the thing is right now they're kinda trying to tell us that the current series, tales from the pizzaplex, is game-canon. god only knows if they'll stick to that so some people think the books are in the game's universe, others think they're parallels to the games and not 1-1 exact much like the others
but anyway they give us crucial lore on The Mimic so here we go
some guy named edwin (some think he's a parallel to henry or william, but rn we're just gonna assume he's canon) is a single dad to a toddler. however he's working for fazbear making all these animatronics and he's sooo busy and needs something to distract the toddler so he creates a fucked up nightmare animatronic called The Mimic, whose programming is extremely basic: "copy whatever you see being done"
the toddler actually loves the fucked up nightmare animatronic and teaches him to play patty-cake and carry around stuffed animals or w/e. anyway then the toddler runs out into the street and gets hit by a car
edwin is still grieving and the mimic comes up carrying the toddler's stuffed animal and still copying him and when the mimic that edwin programmed to copy things is still copying things edwin snaps and just beats the fuck out of it bc he needs a grief outlet. he then abandons the thing but however the mimic has just learned Violence
some employees come by to see where edwin's animatronics are and the mimic just starts killing all of them bc. well. it's supposed to copy things. it will copy things
there's a BIG GAP here in what happens to it next but it disappears for the next 30 years. however it is heavily, HEAVILY implied that it witnessed at least one of the missing children incidents
fazbear actually has a Lot of mimic endoskeletons but bc they start copying violent shit they shut them all down. however they all run on the same program, "mimic1" and fazbear keeps that tech around cause you know it could be helpful
Back to Help Wanted
now here is where the "we only THINK this is canon we dont knkow yet" comes in
back to the vr game, they are just shoving random old pieces of code in there to speefd up the process of making the game cause capitalism doesnt like long development times. this puts the mimic1 program into the program and it immediately sees All Of Afton's Crimes In 4K. it decides "oh yeah i can mimic this but i should probably get a physical body in order to do that"
so beta tester jeremy sees the mimic program, which takes the form of Spring Bonnie Suit. this is Glitchtrap
now keep in mind that some people do still believe that all this aint happenin and the spring bonnie glitch is just william. again i personally believe the mimic cause it makes more sense than "william escaped hell somehow" but w/e
anyway, glitchtrap is fuckin around. it tries to possess beta tester jeremy and in order to stop it, jeremy does the sensible thing and cuts his own face off
so glitchtrap is like "hmm. that didn't work out" and decides to go for the more subtle approach. the next beta tester, currently unnamed, starts recording tapes inside the game to send to the next beta tester so they dont fuck with glitchtrap. glitchtrap however seals itself inside the tapes so that when the beta testers try to delete it, it'll instead be inside the tapes and cant be removed lmao. it then "mimics" tape girl's voice and adds a last tape saying "let him possess you its ok i promise"
it also mimics her intro of "hello can you hear me" in the one time it speaks so. mimic
anyway the next beta tester is this gal named vanessa and she gets possessed like suuuper quickly and glitchtrap is like "oh fucking FINALLY"
Security Breach Therapy Tapes
vanessa's acting weird at work so company requires her to go to therapy, however she has the same therapist as Another Patient. this patient will be named later however right now we're calling them Patient 46. they do not talk but have the same therapist as Vanessa and is creepy about it. anyway whenever a therapist prods too much into either Vanessa or P46's life, or discovers them fucking with fazbear tech, the therapist mysteriously goes missing and shows up later dead and mangled by machinery
they go through like five of these bitches at least, but it's clear P46 is another bitch possessed by glitchtrap but they're like more possessed than vanessa is so glitchtrap likes them better
Security Breach
fazbear opens a giant 80s-style mall with a ton of attractions like disneyland or w/e and call it the Mega Pizzaplex. There's state-of-the-art animatronics in here that are basically sentient ai. they might be possessed but we're not actually sure rn they might just be advanced robots
they start with "glamrock" freddy, bonnie and chica, along with roxy wolf instead of foxy. we're not sure why rn. anyway at some point something suspicious happens and bonnie is found mangled and he's replaced with montgomery gator, a c-list animatronic they had to run the golf course. he doesnt seem to take the spotlight well and has started breaking things but its probably fine
anyway they eventually realize they can automate the staff and stop paying human beings and they jump on that cause they love cutting costs. they've got staffbots everywhere except for ONE person- vanessa, who is hired as the security guard. we find a note saying that her interviewer found her too inexperienced for the position, but someone "very" high up in the company pushed her into the role. this is implied to be glitchtrap taking over the systems
so vanessa and P46 are shoving glitchtrap into the systems because, well, guess what? the pizzaplex is built on top of the fnaf6 location. the one where henry set them all on fire, and they're trying to do some sort of shit with the burnt remains of springtrap. if you believe in william!glitchtrap he's trying to get his body back; if you believe in mimic!glitchtrap he's trying to fuse himself to afton's corpse in order to gain a corporeal form. it also helps that there is The OG Mimic Endoskeleton in this area (its explained in the books im not going into it) but it's pretty fuckin damaged so they gotta spend some time fixing it before fusing it with peepaw's corpse
but the night they're supposed to do that, something goes wrong: a child is loose in the pizzaplex
glamrock freddy had a malfunction onstage, and when he wakes up in his room, there is a child hiding in his stomach compartment (used for oversized piñatas and cakes). this child is named gregory and he looks suspiciously like the crying child and we dont have an explanation for that but no, matpat, he's not a robot, it's probably just symbolism
anyway gregory actually has like very little memory of what's going on and barely remembers his own name but he says that vanessa the security guard is trying to fuckin kill him so he needs to get tf out of the pizzaplex. freddy's like "well you're shit out of luck cause the doors close and seal until 6am but that's fine we can make it til then" and gregory's like "fucking JOY"
long story short gregory has to run around the pizzaplex while every animatronic but freddy is trying to kill him. freddy is not trying to kill him bc his malfunction caused him to enter Safe Mode and it turns out that Safe Mode is safe from the glitchtrap virus. everyone else, however, gets glitchtrapped and is trying to kill this kid
you dont find out why until like laaaate in the game and even THEN you're confused until one of the goosebumps-knockoff short stories confirms a thing, and that thing is:
gregory is patient 46
oh shit
turns out gregory was possessed by glitchtrap for FUCK knows how long and was used as its body for like the entire time. and when he eventually wakes up un-possessed (no idea how that happened) he has no memory of whats going on at ALL and is understandably fucking terrified. doesnt remember being possessed or killing ppl or anything he just wakes up and runs. glam freddy likely malfunctioned cause glitchtrap was like "oh my god go GET that stupid kid" and glam freddy was like "but???? protecc????" and entered safe mode
so gregory eventually fuckin DEMOLISHES all the other animatronics and uses their parts to upgrade freddy. freddy is like "hey where'd you get these parts" and gregory's like "uhhhhhhhhh dont worry about it" "hey where are my friends" "DONT WORRY ABOUT IT"
while this is happening, a possessed vanessa is in a bunny suit calling herself vanny and also trying to kill him. this is just as confusing to us as it is to you
anyway there are six endings to security breach. according to the most recent game, there is a chance that two of them are canon. WE DO NOT KNOW which of the two is canon. these are the endings:
Princess Quest Ending: greg and freddy try to confront vanny and she gets freddy ripped apart by staffbots. gregory then finds an arcade game in her room and plays and beats it which sets her soul free (presumably he knew how to do this cause he's remembering bits and pieces of being possessed??? idk). anyway once the game is beat she is unpossessed and takes gregory and freddy's decapitated head out of the pizzaplex
Burntrap Ending: gregory and freddy avoid vanny and go to the fnaf6 basement where freddy starts acting all fucked up and then thtey find the Springtrap corpse, now Burntrap (fused with the mimic? glitchtrap? yknow). it tries to kill them so you have to Boss Fight everything and then set him on fire again. THEN a tangled mess of animatronic wires with a funtime freddy head (remains of ennard???) shows up and drags him off. again, just as confusing for us as it is for you. freddy and gregory escape. no idea where vanessa is
ONE of these is canon. we do not know which. this is making the fanbase super chill and normal /lying
Evidence for Princess Quest: in ruin, we see a headless glamrock freddy in the exact same area he is in pq. we also have no sign of vanny trying to help glitchtrap. you can collect gregory's fanart of his own game and pq is the only one he didn't draw. princess quest arcade game has sword sticking out of it
Evidence against Princess Quest: aforementioned headless freddy is labelled a prototype on his foot and we know for a fact that our freddy does not have that stamp. he also has a gift inside his stomach when freddy gave his stomach gift to gregory already (and it was a diff color). the pq arcade game has sword sticking out of it BUT that could symbolize the princess being skewered, and surrounding the game is art of the escaped glitchbunny
Evidence for Burntrap: labelled as "true ending" in the files, only ending to be FULLY animated instead of switching to comic form and also only one with boss fight, the tangled animatronic mess is definitely canon (we see it, gregory draws it so he saw it too which means he went in the basement where it was), while vanny isn't seen her grafitti is everywhere and appears to be recent
Evidence against Burntrap: the "true ending" label, like cassidy, could mean literally fucking anything. also if vanessa is still under his control why the fuck doesnt she help him where is she
so yeah we're having fun figuring THAT out
Ruin (the end so far thank god)
the most recent game we got, then, was the dlc for the above game, this dlc is called ruin. a few months after this, a lil girl named cassie wanders into the ruins of the pizzaplex cause her best friend gregory told her to meet him there. when she gets there she finds a walkie-talkie and he's like "girl im trapped under the pizzaplex you need to shut down the security and come get me" and she's like "sounds great"
she finds vanny's mask and puts it on and enters an AR world where a glitched bunny is trying to kill her (this one isnt glitchtrap actually) and a friendly little AR bear is telling her to keep going she's doing a great job (this one IS glitchtrap probably)
anyway it turns out her backstory is her dad worked for the pizzaplex and she had a birthday party there with her Favorite Character Roxy and literally none of her friends showed up. she was sad about it until gregory showed up and became her friend. then gregory went missing and she was sad
anyway the last security node is favorite character Roxy and roxy recognizes her and is nice to her and its very sad
cassie eventually goes down to the fnaf6 basement and is like "ok gregory i opened the door are you okay" and PSYCH, IT'S NOT GREGORY
the mimic immediately tries to kill her bc it likes violence but roxy shows up to save her. the real gregory calls her on the walkie-talkie and is like "bITCH GET OUT OF THERE" and she's like "IM TRYING" and gregory's "friend" (whose pronouns are very specifically blurred out, so it could be either freddy or vanessa) uses the building maps to help her to an elevator. however when she gets in the elevator gregory's like "yeahhhhh sorry we cant let you be followed :(" and drops the elevator, trapping her there
it's like a 99% chance this last bit was not gregory but it was the mimic, seeing as gregory is not even in the pizzaplex and the mimic lost cassie right next to the elevator fuse box that it could easily rip out. so you know
anyway we end with either roxy finding cassie or the mimic using roxy's voice finding her so this kid's fucked lmao
also other questions about if mimic is burntrap is that we see the mimic p naked in this game and not in a fun corpse skinsuit so where did bunny go??? however i will also mention that there is a secret ending that shows us that the FUCKING SCOOPER is here so. personally i think that answers that question. get scooped idiot
oh also if you noticed "hey 'cassie' sounds a lot like 'cassidy,' the golden freddy kid who was sharing a body with the crying child, who has a similar design to gregory," congrats! we've noticed that too! we have no fucking idea what it means! :D
and thaaaaat's five nights at freddy's
that didnt take too long did it
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fanofstuff01 · 4 months ago
Okay this post was originally supposed to be longer and going into more depths of the subject but I decided to separate it in parts. Because I cannot write that long of an essay in one day lmao
But anyway here's part one
Why Adam from Hazbin Hotel Not Coming Back In Future Seasons Doesn't Make Sense (To Me)
Part One: Logical Problems
Now this section, even though it is still my favorite in the parts, can be fixed easily if Vivienne just gives a logical answer to all of it. But it is just my perspective and what I saw from this show.
Let's get started yippie
A: Him not coming back contradicts the show in my opinion.
-You see, when Sir Pentious died to Adam's holy light, all the other characters react like they think he's one hundred percent gone. And it was previously stated by Vivziepop that sinners cannot die unless it's from an angelic weapon, otherwise they just respawn somewhere else in Pride hence why the exterminations exist.
So this implies that Sir Pentious died permanently here, from an angelic attack and then became a winner, in other words respawned in Heaven.
Then.. Why can’t Adam, someone who we know (for now) that died to a weapon designed to kill souls permanently, come back exactly Vivzie? This doesn't make any cucking sense for me. Why are you showing us that a soul can rise after being perma killed, but then treat as if the other Alex Brightman died permanently and now there's no way for him to come back?
-"But maybe they didn't know that Sir Pentious could come back, they just learnt that angels could be harmed. (Yes someone literally said this)"
Oh you mean these characters, who include the Princess of Hell and a literal ex exorcist, don't know about one of the core reasons why exterminations are held in the first place?
-"You wouldn't be sad and attack the person who did it if someone killed your friend even though you knew they'd be back? Their reactions don't essentially translate to them not knowing about the permanent death thing."
I would and I can definitely understand them still being incredibly devastated and going feral about his death even though it’s temporary, but then why does the show treat Pentious' death like something these characters think is permanent? Why does Charlie refer to his death as “Ultimate sacrifice”? Hell, this entirely contradicts the sense of finality and sorrow his sacrifice had. 
And to add to both questions, why would Adam come to the exterminations with a weapon that doesn’t kill sinners permanently? Specifically one where he knows that there’ll be folks that will try to fight them and folks he would be more than pleased to wipe out permanently? 
-I know I sidetracked to talking about Sir Pentious more than Adam here, but since he is the only soul we know that changed the place he was in afterlife he is the most relevant character when it comes to this discussion about Adam in my opinion.-
-”We don’t know if angel souls are equal to sinner souls when it comes to this. Maybe the angels simply cannot be killed unless it is permanent, and the show actually hints at this given everyone thought that the angels were invincible.”
This is the only argument I can get behind actually. But it is not because it’s a valid one for the right reasons, it is the only one that makes sense to me because the writers were lazy on this too. 
Then what happens when an angel is harmed with a non-angelic weapon? -Also maybe off topic but what makes something an angelic weapon? We see Cherri Bomb throw bombs at them or okay maybe angelic bombs are a thing, but Charlie shoot-kills the exorcists with the fireworks that come out of her fingers?- Do they just.. Respawn? Or it just doesn’t hurt them? Then wouldn’t a character as smart as Vaggie would’ve figured out that they can very well be killed permanently if they are able to get hurt? 
Not answered. And it’s not helped by how the show openly portrays winners, which may I remind you Adam is one no matter how powerful he is, as the complete opposite of sinners, which would take you to assuming the angelic steel works like it does on sinners for demons. It just doesn't make sense to me.
And it wouldn’t make sense in the next section either.
B: Him not coming back doesn’t make sense in the story or the worldbuilding in my opinion
Just a little disclaimer, I’m not all means a professional media critic and do not say what I say here comes from that distinction. It's just me sharing myself lol.
Also I may use the terms incorrectly due to my broken English skills.
-Okay. So what is Hazbin about? Demons getting redeemed and therefore getting into Heaven for becoming better people, right? Also showing us that everyone can change and they shouldn't be seen as who they are at the moment and they all deserve a second chance.
At least that's what I get from the show. Now..
Why isn't the previously good now bad, being punished at the same level the previously bad now good is being rewarded? Why are you saying that becoming bad would give you an easy escape through death, while becoming good can get you to somewhere better?
Being on Hell is a PERFECT way to punish corrupted holy souls. Because you often become corrupted in the way of arrogance in Heaven, and now you're humored by the universe and by the people you used to mock and see yourself above as but this world's ways don't allow that.. Okay?
Speaking of, this also frustrates me on the world's mechanics and how they work. Sure, it can be that way, but.. Sorry if thinking about a "Divine Judgement" that makes you rise for being good but doesn't make you fall for being bad doesn't make sense in my book..
I can't express my point in this one quite well like I did with the other one but it just melts my brain dude. Like on one hand, on the positive hand, you're saying that if you're on the bad side you can change for the better and that's what matters, but you can't change from good to bad and have the same levels just negative and simply.. Die??
I just.. Can't. Sorry if this part is messier.
So this is it.
Will be multiple parts stay tuned ig
@things-arent-what-they-seem66 @beef-brisket
yea im delulu sue me
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sunshine-zenith · 7 months ago
I know it's already been said by multiple people but Dev needs a therapist and maybe some anger management.
Ding ding ding Dear Anon, and it gets truer every time someone says it
Listen. This kid kinda sucks, he’s hard to be around, but it’s because he’s a kid in a crappy situation with crappy luck and zero life skills to manage it. Like the sleepover episode — of course people went to Hazel’s sleepover over his, he tried to steamroll over her sleepover in the first place and he’s already well known for being a jerk. BUT when no one actually shows up to his sleepover, he doesn’t have the capability to think “oh, this is a consequence of my actions, I need to adjust my behavior going forward” because no one’s ever taught him to think that way. Instead, let’s be real, this is just going to become a painful core memory that’ll only keep hurting decades later if he doesn’t get help to compartmentalize it
He’s been raised to believe care is conditional and transactional — him hoarding the pudding until someone does him a favor, him giving out merchandise on his dad’s behalf to make his dad happy, him assuming that one argument would completely shatter his friendship with Hazel, etc
He needs someone to help him work through his trauma, someone to help him learn how to manage his emotions in a healthy manner so he doesn’t blow up or automatically assume the worst when faced with negative situations, someone to set boundaries with him and teach him how to set and understand his own boundaries. Shoot, he needs someone to just love him and care for him unconditionally and for him to know this
Otherwise, he’s just going to be another Dale.
I remember being a kid and seeing the episode where Dale is introduced and reunited with his dad, and I remember for the longest time expecting Dale to also show up when Doug did, only to be disappointed when he didn’t. Dale from the original series needed someone to help him through his trauma, and clearly, Doug never did that. Instead, it seems he just neglected Dale from there and left Dale to stew, to turn his trauma into unhealthy coping mechanisms, needing exploit like he was exploited and needing more and more money at the cost of everything else. I know kid me would be devastated if they saw this and I know adult me will be devastated if Dev ends up following in his father’s bootsteps instead of being helped out of this cycle
Dev’s needs only highlight how unfair the godparent system can be for both him and fairies. He’s a spoiled rich kid, he doesn’t need wish fulfillment, he needs guidance, and the thing is, Peri is trying to give guidance. He’s trying to set boundaries and give advice, but he’s also too inexperienced at this (and being steamrolled by his own parents) to do it properly. Dev should’ve been matched with a godparent who has experience with angry and hurt children instead of being given to the vulnerable new guy who hasn’t been trained for this
And I’m pretty sure Peri and Dev being separated at this point will only serve as a bounce off point for more trauma for both of them — we still don’t know how the whole Timmy thing affected Peri, but we do know he values being a godparent, and losing his first godkid (especially one as hurt and fragile as Dev) would be crushing. And when Dev got Peri, it was basically the universe telling him “this is an adult that is here just for you, who will not be pulled away by technology or greed and who will not intentionally hurt you. He cares about your happiness above all else. A third of his official title is ‘Parent’ and he is yours” — simply replacing Peri would only diminish this statement, and losing this entirely, even if his memory is wiped after, would probably only scar him
Get 👏 Dev 👏 A 👏 Support 👏 Team 👏 ASAP
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cheeby · 3 months ago
The weight of what comes next
read chapter 1 here
content: a multi-part isekai story. reader is aware of the plot, and every minor character is aged up. Jujutsu high is now the University of Jujutsu.
18+, eventual smut
Chapter 2-
“You’re coming with me.” He states plainly, leaving no room for argument.
“With you? What? No!” You blurt. You know exactly where he plans to take you, Jujutsu High. You’re too old to be stuck in high school again, and the thought of learning alongside a bunch of 15 year olds? Mortifying! Plus, you didn't actually intend to get involved with the plot of Jujutsu Kaisen. You’ve seen the show. You don’t want to die! You were sort of just banking on the hope that you’d stay out of trouble until you somehow… made your way back into your own world?
But Nanami’s tone is unyielding, and you know that this gorgeous hunk of a man always gets his way. Wait, gorgeous hunk of a man? Who thinks like that? Stop being so weird! Focus! “Like I said earlier, it’s not safe for you here.” Nanami says, his voice softening, but still remaining quite firm. “If you come with me, I can ensure you’ll be protected against those curses you’ve been seeing. If not, out here, its a free-for-all. If someone worse than me comes along, I can’t guarantee they won’t drag you along with them regardless.”
You hesitate. There’s not much you can do, admittedly. What other choice do you really have? You know you’d be earning some sort of money, working on missions at Jujutsu High, but seriously... you’re too old for high school again. Those were easily the worst years of your life, and you don’t want to relive even a moment of it, whether or not you'd be studying with the plebs from your old high school. But, you also know you can't let much on about knowing about Jujutsu High... You sigh, resigning yourself to fate.
“Okay, fine..” You mutter, casting your gaze away from Nanami, staring at the ground like a scolded child. Nanami nods curtly, before taking a step back and making a call to someone, ordering a car to your location. After hanging up, he turns to you. “What’s your name?” He asks. Oh, right. You haven't even introduced yourself! “Oh! My name is (Y/N) (L/N)!” You say quickly, feeling a blush creeping up to your ears. He nods, studying you. “Well then, (L/N), thank you for trusting me. A car will be here shortly, to take you somewhere where you'll be kept safe.” He says. “I'm Nanami Kento, a grade 1 sorcerer.” He says, a hint of pride in his voice with the last part.
“Oh, uh, you don’t have to call me (L/N),” you try explaining, waving your hands. You’re not originally from Japan, and in your home country its uncommon to be called by your last name, so you’re not used to it. “You can just call me (Y/N)!” You insist.
He raises a brow. “Not from Japan, huh?” He quietly remarks, before nodding. “Alright, (Y/N) then.” Before either of you can say much more, a sleek black sedan pulls into the street you’re waiting on. You squint. Is that.. Ijichi? It is! Wow, he looks exactly like he does in the anime! Whereas Nanami looks impossibly better in real life, Ijichi… well he’s just Ijichi. Nanami opens the back door for you. You slide in, and he closes the door before returning to the front of the car to sit in the passenger seat. The drive to Jujutsu High is fairly quiet, save for Nanami and Ijichi talking amongst themselves occasionally. They don’t even try to hide the fact they’re talking about you. Meanwhile, you’re glued to the window, drinking in the sights of Tokyo in front of you. You’ve never been before, being a broke university student, but you’ve always wanted to. Everything seems sleek and modern, and even though you live in a major city for university, Tokyo just seems even bigger, and more shiny. You watch as the scenery changes from high glass clad skyscrapers to dense viridian forestry. Eventually, you pull into what you think is the grounds of Jujutsu High. There are large ancient looking temple buildings surrounding you, and your excitement turns into awe. The architecture is totally neat!
The car pulls stops in front of a sprawling, temple-like building. Nanami gets out first, and opens your door, ever the gentleman. “Well, (Y/N), welcome to the University of Jujutsu.” He says, gesturing ahead. University of Jujutsu? Huh? You were 100% sure in the anime it was a high school… unless this building is something else? No, it couldn’t possibly be, it looked exactly like what Jujutsu High did in the anime… this stuff was really messing with your head now. Pulling yourself out of your thoughts, you get out of the car and look ahead at the building in front of you.
You feel a sudden gust of wind, and standing before you now is a familiar white haired man with a blindfold on. His smile feels almost too wide to be genuine.
“Woah, Nanami, you’re right— She is totally weird!” The white haired man exclaims. But you can barely register what he’s saying. GOJO?! The Satoru Gojo is standing in front of you, in the flesh? All 6’3 of him? There’s no way! “Go- I mean, its nice to meet you!” You blabber, catching yourself before you say his name. This seems to be a theme, you think. “I’m (Y/N) (L/N), but please just call me (Y/N)!” You say, reaching a hand out stupidly.
He makes a point of tilting his head down—to look?— at your hand, before taking it in his own and shaking it. “Satoru Gojo. But you already seem to know that, hm?” His grin is positively Cheshire-like. Your eyes widen. “Y-yes! Nanami mentioned you in the car..” You lie hastily. You weren’t actually sure if Nanami had said anything about Gojo, you were too busy staring at his chiselled face to pay attention, but he probably did… right? Nanami grunts in affirmation, confirming your statement. Phew! That was close.
Gojo hums in reply, not totally convinced, but choosing to let it slide. “Sooo, a little birdie told me you’ve been causing quite the stir.” What? Quite the stir? Not really, you think. It was really just one cursed spirit lunging at you.. but whatever. You stay silent, letting him continue.
“I wouldn’t say that,” Nanami interjects. “But I began tailing her after running into her for the first time. Then, a cursed spirit attacked her, but she dodged with.. inhumane speed. She claims not to know about cursed energy, but no ordinary human moves like that. And surely, you can see that energy radiating off of her?”
Gojo tilts his head, playful smile faltering and being replaced by a more serious expression. It suits him, you think, in your fangirl daze.
“Nanami, come with me. You,” He says, then turning to face you. "Ijichi will take you inside.” 
Before you can protest, Ijichi steps out of the car, gesturing politely at you to follow him. You glance back at Gojo and Nanami as they walk off, feeling like you’re about to be thrust into something far bigger than you ever wanted to be a part of.
Gojo leads Nanami into an empty room and closes the door behind them. Turning to Nanami, he speaks in a low voice. “No, I can’t.. see her energy.” He admits, quietly.
Nanami’s face pales. “What? That can't be possible.” Gojo nods, frowning. “No, seriously. I can absolutely feel her energy, its thick, and foggy, almost. But I can't see it. She looks as if she’s got absolutely no cursed energy whatsoever. I can’t make sense of it.”
“Is it possible she’s concealing it?” Nanami asks.
“Maybe.” Gojo replies, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “And if that’s the case, she’s incredibly powerful, and knows a lot more than what she’s letting on. We couldn’t afford to let her slip through our fingers. Buuut…” He trails off, his lips curling into a small smirk. “She doesn’t strike me as cunning enough for that. At least, not yet. Still, no way of knowing for sure.” 
Nanami sighs, crossing his arms. “She seems about Fushiguro’s age. Should we enrol her?”
Gojo tilts his head, considering.
“It’s risky. If she does turn out to be dangerous, Megumi could be in some serious danger. Not that he can't handle himself, but the boy is an idiot sometimes.” Gojo chuckles. “But, it seems like the best idea. We can't just babysit her all the time, and at least if she’s in the school, Yaga will also be able to keep an eye on her.” “And the higher-ups?” Nanami asks, his tone cautious. “Absolutely not.” Gojo’s grin returns. “They’ll lose their minds if they become aware of her. Her energy isn’t like anything I’ve ever felt, and that’s bound to scare those old fucks.” He snickers. Nanami nods, reluctantly agreeing. “We’ll pitch it to Yaga, then. He’d obviously want some sort of interview with her though, which is tricky. So far, I think she’s just got… good reflexes?”
“Hm…” Gojo hums thoughtfully. “Well, her energy signature speaks for itself. I’m sure Yaga will get it, when he sees it for himself.”
Meanwhile, Ijichi leads you to a large room with plush sofas. You take a seat, unsure if you should say anything to him. You decide not to, in the end. Ijichi similarly doesn’t say anything to you, and the silence stretches uncomfortably. You feel too awkward to pull out your phone—it seems rude— so you’re left with nothing but your thoughts and boredom.
Finally, after what feels like forever, Nanami and Gojo return. Gojo claps his hands together, with that signature grin back on his face. “Good news, kid!” He exclaims, grinning like a kid. “You’re being admitted to our university!”
“What?” You sputter, at a loss for words. You didnt want to stay here! Sure, you enjoyed jujutsu kaisen as an anime, all the guys were hot, and the plot was cool and every fight scene was totally badass. But you knew you weren’t cut out for this. Being a sorcerer? You get winded walking up one flight of stairs!
“It’s the best possible outcome.” Nanami says, in that resolute tone of his. “You’ll attend an interview shortly, but we’ve already sorted it all out, you’ll be enrolled for certain here. There’s currently.. only one other first year student, but we anticipate more students that will join as the year goes on.” He says. Your eyes widen. Is he talking about.. Megumi? Wait, so does this mean that he’s your age here? Before you can ask anything, Gojo grabs your arm and whisks you away. You manage to wave goodbye at Ijichi and Nanami. Gojo leads you through a maze of corridors before stopping in front of two large ornate doors.
“The interview room. Or, technically, just principal Yaga’s office.” He grins at you. “Just remember kid, be yourself!” and with that, he pushes open the doors and ushers you inside. You blink, adjusting to the darkness in here. You see Yaga, sitting at the far end of the room, surrounded by his puppets. He doesn’t even look up, just continuing on his current project, making a cute pink bunny.
“You’re right, Gojo. Her cursed energy is something completely else.” Yaga says, his voice gruff. Finally, he looks up to meet your gaze. “Principal Yaga,” He introduces himself. “Nice to meet you, (Y/N).”
You open and close your mouth, stupidly. It figures that he would already know your name, if Gojo’s mentioned you. “You’ve had no prior training as a sorcerer?” He asks.
You shake your head quickly. “No, sir.” “How long have you been able to see curses?” He presses.
“Uh… only recently, honestly.” You decide to tell the truth. You had literally started seeing them today, but saying that feels like a bad idea, so you leave it vague.
Yaga nods thoughtfully. “Usually, there is an initiation battle for new students, but as far as I’m aware, you don’t know how to properly activate your cursed technique or manipulate your cursed energy, correct?” He asks.
“Yes, sir, I think so.” you reply nervously.
Yaga studies you for a moment, then nods.
“No matter, we’ll help you. Welcome to the University of Jujutsu. You’ll be starting lessons on Monday. You will stay in the dormitories, and Gojo will brief you on the rest of the things you’ll need to know.”
“Thank you, Principal Yaga!” You manage.
Yaga dismisses you with a wave, and you exit the room with Gojo, who’s been uncharacteristically quiet. He looks deep in thought. “Well,” he finally mutters. “that was the quickest and most underwhelming interview ever.”
He shakes his head. "I'll show you to your room. There's currently only one other first-year student, like Nanami said earlier. Your room will be next to his."
As Gojo leads you through the corridors once more, you hear the sound of footsteps echoing down the hallway you’re in. Gojo glances over his shoulder, a grin forming on his face. “Oh, speak of the devil. Here’s that fellow first-year buddy,” Gojo chuckles. “Megumi! C’mon over!”
Thank you for reading! i'll be updating every wednesday. this chapter was a lil slow paced i admit, but only to add in a solid structure so the future chapters make more sense. see you next week!
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