#oh my god its the um tag system
goitale · 1 month
hi im new here
ummmm jesstra content when,,,, (mcsm) HOW DO I CHANGE MY PFP HUELLP i feel like an ol dman ok bye
edit: hi i edited my profile þis is also pinned now!
>>any oþer posts i want pinned but are not literally pinned are under 1 of 3 tags: #pinning this , #pinning this fr , or #pinned !!!
also a tag: #gois favs , which explains itself
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molabuddy · 1 month
system safety tip do not give out the nature of the origin/cause of your system to anyone you do not absolutely trust and do not get involved in syscourse Oh my god do not get involved in syscourse
🫡 i will keep these in mind thankyou.. i already saw um. some things while i was looking thru tags and stuff (i guess its probably way better for us to be looking more through actual medical websites but thats all like. diagnostic criteria. i wanted to know more about how it Actually feels & i did find some helpful things!!)
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bugslaststraw · 4 months
So because someone (@theblabarmy hope it's ok to tag) wanted to know. Um. I should make a self indulgent post about my brainchild on this blog. I guess. I have a side blog for her/sso related stuff (@vilda-ravenhill) but still. Hey.
So to preface Star Stable Online is an open world mmorpg about being the Chosen One horse girl who has to fight the bad guys. It's badly written but unfortunately really well concept'd. Got some good art direction. About half the character designs are ass and the other half are genius. Sometimes for the wrong reasons. The gameplay is fine. The fandom does nothing but complain and the creators are so sensitive that they keep listening to bad complaints just because they sound angry. It's got one hundred thousand lore retcons. There are books. The book lore doesn't match the game lore. It's a weird game. I've loved it since I was in like fourth grade and trying to survive being bullied so it's definitely special to me anyway ok more under cut this is long
It gets weird when it comes to the plot though. Cus, well basically it's like this: the whole plot takes place on a fictional island called Jorvik. Somewhere between Norway and England. Its its own country. Its rural and there's like one mall on the whole island. And on this island there are druids that know like actual nature magic and shit? And there's a nature goddess called Aideen, and she has a prophecy that four girls and four horses, called the Soul Riders, are gonna save the world or whatever. These Riders change with time when they get old and die and have to find new ones, but the Soul Horses reincarnate for some reason? Like they can remember their past lives and shit.
So there's this hippy nature cult around Aideen where some of the druids are devoted specifically to her and to training/protecting the Soul Riders, and they're called the Keepers of Aideen, okay. And each Soul Rider has a unique power with it's own symbol so there's like the Star rider the Sun rider etc and they do different things.
But as it turns out there's a secret second prophecy that says there's a FIFTH rider who's like super duper important and knows all FOUR magic circles and that's the player character. Who. Turns out. Is also reincarnating? Like you meet your own previous reincarnation in game and it's the dead mother of a character you already know. Star Stable is bad until it suddenly makes a U turn and does something really clever and there's so much potential and that's what drives me insane.
And there's also this other dimension called Pandoria? And it's got people in it too but Pandorians can't survive on earth because they're dearly allergic to time, yes, literally to time, and humans who stay in Pandoria for too long get very sick and their magical ability goes haywire. There's a pandorian on Jorvik who has created a bubble where time doesn't exist, and he just hangs out and occasionally tries to kill you.
There's also an in between void dimension full of literally nothing that you have to go through to get to Pandoria. Like it's The Void it's The Nothing it's The Fog. There are these magical trees that grow on Jorvik but that reach all the way into Pandoria through The Void and they've got a whole root system there. You can apparently get lost in The Void and never return. It's actual Limbo and it just hangs out there.
Oh and lets not forget the evil counter-cult masquerading as an equally evil oil company (sso has an environmentalist message) that have four DARK RIDERS and DARK HORSES and DARK EVIL VERSIONS OF THE GOOD MAGIC like Dark Sun and Dark Star I shit you not, and they worship an evil chaos god called Garnok who is Literally Just Cthulhu, and their leader is a little too into it for some reason, and also witches exist and they're sometimes evil sometimes not but also they're always evil but that got retconned because star stable is not a good game and keeps contradicting itself and never does anything with its potential or characters or story because it's bad okay holy shit Tumblr doesn't like it when I write this much text hold on I'm gonna continue in a reblog
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istherewifiinhell · 5 months
okayyyy also. tagged by @joelletwo for 5 topics i could talk about for an hour with no prep.
now. two things. 1. i have infernal podcast dude energy and could say a lot about nothing. weird trait to have if u dont like talking to people? hard to say. 2. GESTURES AT BLOG. im ALREADY. talking at length abt my beloved shit. so im just ruling out turtles, alien robots, trek, etcetcetc all the shit thats been a main blog topic for the last past. 4 years?
I'm gonna say.... western voice actors? not that i could really. Give a lecture so much as. I'm way more familiar with them that than I am live action actors. And I'm kinda just CONSTANTLY like. Oh you know so and so from every cartoon youve ever fucking seen? And FEEL a real. gap. with people when they dont have a same reference point. probably like how ppl feel with me when i dont know their acting guys jhadbgjfga. Like u can name 5 VAs from ur childhood cartoons/animated movies right? And personal interest like, hey btw u know like the entire cast of tng was in disneys gargoyles? U know keith david can SING? And diego luna? Hey you know about Canadian actors who are in all the dubs and video games and yeah cheap shit? You know Scott McNeil right? You know Ian James Corlett? You know. THE IAN. of being Ian. Hello. is this thing still on?
I really like and care about the topics of education, children's rights and pedagogy? Not academically so much as, personal interest. What seeing very clearly that there was a lot of arbitrary rules that involved things like. The Government. and Systems. as a child does to a motherfucker I guess? I'm always INTERESTED in a discussion about it, is how i mean I guess. Like focuses of multiple intelligence and "applied knowledge" (and short comings there of). I mean long and short of it. Kids are full human beings and until u can grapple with that their feelings and opinions um. Actually matter. I hate you? jdhbgjhdb. And Naturally the world being good for kids has the prerequisite of it not sucking ass for adults too....
UHhhh guh. User design/civil engineering? You'll hear it from me until the day I die, crushed under the tires of a ford f1 giga truck with the LED 20million watt bulbs. PROTECTED BIKE LANES. for the love of god. I just know a lot of designers I guess and like engineering, conceptually. But like, u know that famous bridge everyone crashes into. If theres 80million warning signs and people are still crashing... maybe theres. other factors. Or you know ofc like, traffic planning, vehicle accidents, structural disasters. A lot of them are not just. Things happening. Tragedies. There's politics there. Usually a lot of Money stuff. and structural racism. The real reason your fridge is full is that there's a bunch of half empty condiment jars hiding all your forgotten left overs. And widening the roads isnt gonna do shit for traffic.
Jackass entry: Themes and motifs of anyyytthing ive watched with another person or saw, and like they also know it. I realllly like, visual theming and narrative shorthands. Anything that breaks like, maybe people in this setting dont have the same customs, but their gonna do something so you the audience can recognize it. Non literal/accurate use of colour and lighting, for mood and clarity. Breaking the physical shape and scale of things so they can appear and be readable on screen. COSTUMING COSTUMING COSTUMING. A well styled character can do soooo much for your understanding of a work, especially with large casts, and a poorly styled one can take me right out. Well. anyway. yes i love animation u all knew that.
uhhhhh Thatgamecompany/giantsquids studio. im giving myself a free space. lol technically I DO. blog about this. the music. at least. BUT beloved. games. Me and everyone else I guess. Hey speaking of u know its laura bailey and troy baker as the voices in the pathless? And you know how a lot of the games have themes of coming into being/growing/rebirth. And LOTS of environmentalism. And implied cultural world building, and wordless stories. and beautiful metaphor rich otherworldly visuals. and gameplay styles that really connect with the emotional story their going for. and ofc, the music. oh the leit motifs. well. there u go. sword of the sea when?
tagginggg. uh did anyone get @deadgrantaires or @army-of-bee-assassins yet? anyone elseeee who wants to regale me with things they knowww about. id love to know.
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lilietsblog · 2 years
Tagged by @gellavonhamster ^^
Last song: "Та, що танцює з вітром” (She Who Dances With The Wind) as sung by some volunteers and sent me by my friend who’s one of them! I don’t actually um. know or listen to this song? i dont dislike it i just. havent been doing music a lot lately. but it was on my desktop named whatever Viber names its files and I was like “wtf is this” and listened to the whole thing so it counts ^^
Last show/currently watching: uhhhhh. Little Demon I guess. haven’t been doing a lot of watching either, but I have a tab for that one optimistcally open, so. It counts.
Currently reading: oh boy my royalroad follow list is. long. and that’s not even all i’m reading. Anyway let’s fucking go - Practical Guide To Evil re-release on Yonder - Pale Lights by the same author - Summus Proelium on ceruleanscrawling.wordpress.com - Pale by wildbow - (now for the royalroad stuff) Quill and Still - Battle Trucker - I Will Touch The Skies - Dungeon Tour Guide - The Type Specialist - When Imortal Ascension Fails Time Travel To Try Again - The Path Of Ascension - Cheep - Edge Cases - Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef! - Fated to Fall - The Level Zero Hero - Millenial Mage - Stray Cat Strut - This Used To Be About Dungeons - Demesne - Apocalypse Parenting - The Girl with the Fishbowl Head - Nowhere Stars - The Hedge Wizard - Trace - Borne of Caution - Ar'Kendrithyst - The Heart Grows - Double-Blind - Singer Sailor Merchant Mage - System Error - Delve - Azarinth Healer - Fantasia - Beware of Chicken - Doing God’s Work - Borne of Caution - RE: Trailer Trash - Villager Three - Tower of Somnus - Pokemon Trainer Vicky - Accidentally A Shrine Priestess ...ok I’m dipping into some serious optimism about what I’m “reading in an ongoing way” vs what is solidly on indefinite hiatus, let’s cut off archeology at this point... still, this is after filtering for stuff I actually respect >.> the list of webcomics I follow should be shorter, being as how I don’t have a centralized follow page for them so it’s just what I remember to check - Dumbing of Age - Questionable Content - El Goonish Shive - Freefall - Selkie - Sister Claire - Ava’s Demon - Girl Genius ...yeah, that’s Normal
Current obsession: I’m actually sortaaa inbetween? and not in a nice way? PGTE is serving as a decent placeholder though
Tagging @theothin, @triviallytrue, @seguun, @auraphantom, @vaspider, @fipindustries, @yd12k, @normal-with-adhd-is-a-joke, @wumblr, @gwennafran, @void-of-many-colours, @wardencommanderrodimiss, @rizaoftheowls, @st-just, @nonasuch, @nonanalogue, @hellmasterphibrizo, @the-goblin-cat, @charlesoberonn, @bookhobbit, @luvbloggingandreblogging, @zenosanalytic, @dahniwitchoflight
went on a trawl through my “following” list for this one. i know a normal amount of people on this website. anyway i love yall and hope as many of you answer this as possible ^^
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gravitywonagain · 1 year
“Nobody asked about my writing” meme
thank you for tagging me @amethyst-noir <3 you're wonderful
i'm not sure i did this right; i'm working on too many things at once...... so i picked a few :D
 1: what are you currently working on? 
umm... several things. if we're going to stick to the immediate and not look at my entire wip folder, currently i'm working on finishing wagbfm, an external porny wagbfm oneshot ch, and a fic with the working title "under streetlights" as my main fan projects.
but then also, because i hate myself or something, i have (oh god) two (2) original projects that i'm building. the first shares a universe (or at least a magic system) with a fanfic that i'm not allowed to touch until i finish wagbfm because it will be a similar undertaking in length and world building, and it has the working title "desert mirage". the second doesn't quite have a plot yet, but i've been spending a not insignificant amount of effort developing the magic system for it from scratch (must be masochism), and its working title is "rebel yell".
2: summarize your current project 
which one? okay, i'll do the fics here and the original ones next.
wagbfm (taken directly from ao3): Wei Wuxian died and Yiling Laozu rose in his place. He has avoided the Triad societies he grew up around, maintaining his anonymity and forging a new cultivation path. Now, thirteen years later, Hanguang-jun walks into Demon-Subdue Hall and requests Yiling Laozu's services for GusuLan Triad. Something is stirring in the world. Something that necessitates his return to a life and to people he’s long since mourned as lost to him.
"under streetlights" (significantly less polished): 13 years after the car accident that took Wei Ying's life, Lan Zhan has fled the memories and grief that haunt him in San Francisco, only to find himself making a strangely compelling connection on Grindr in Florida.
3: summarize your current project poorly 
"desert mirage": Girl magically decapitates herself only to find out that it's not even her own head.
"rebel yell": In the world of genetic magic users, the one-armed whistler with perfect pitch is king.
4: describe your favorite character or characters
i think almost every character from mdzs could fill this list. plus several from my many other fandoms (looking at you, asami sato). but this seems aimed at ocs or other characters i haven't already spent time dissecting on this blog so...
meet calliope burns: she has two love interests, one arm, and zero fucks left. her default mode is research spiral. her glasses are always dirty. and she once threw her cheap-as-they-come prosthetic arm across a room because her roommate would not stop punning at her.
(also, worry not, i don't do love triangles unless the triangle gets closed... with polyamory, in case that wasn't clear.)
5: post a line from your current project without any context 
“You’re dead,” says Lan Zhan, and Wei Ying feels glass splintering around his temple.
6: how do you get through writers block?
patience? or, more accurately, distraction. i have no cure for it. i mostly just wait it out by doing other things. sometimes that becomes very difficult and aggravating, but i have not yet found another solution. sometimes making playlists helps?
7: would you want to live in the world of your current work? 
hell no. i do not write fun places to live; i write interesting places to live. and as we have all discovered by now, interesting is exhausting.
8: briefly discuss your outlining process, if you outline 
um... sporadic? it tends to start as a vague idea in a note on my phone. then when i've added enough to that note, it gets a onenote. on the onenote i collect a lot of larger character and world building things, in addition to figuring out the plot. the plot gets a bullet list with an associated timeline. then when the prose starts, it gets a google doc. from there the prose and the bullet list inform each other back and forth until i get something coherent out of them both. which is to say, mostly it's pretty freeform.
9: what is the aesthetic of your current project?
wagbfm: a darker chinese version of Romeo + Juliet (1996, dir. Baz Luhrmann)
"under streetlights": cigarette smoke and that fever dream feeling that accompanies yellowed, peeling motel wallpaper, but in, like, pretty sunset colors
"desert mirage": american southwest cow skull art
"rebel yell": 1980's punk scene meets 1950's technology meets 1910’s human rights violations and eugenics… plus magic!
10: what song sums up your current work the best?
wagbfm: the title is based on a lyric from "Seven Nation Army" by The White Stripes, but i think the song that gets at the heart of it might actually be "Freak" by Sub Urban
"under streetlights": the fic is inspired by "3 Nights" by Dominic Fike, but the song that it most resembles is actually "Hurting on Purpose" by Whethan
"desert mirage": "Black Magic" by Magic Wands but also "Corazón Espinado (feat. Maná)" by Santana... it's complicated
"rebel yell": "It's a good day (to fight the system)" by Shungudzo though the working title is obviously taken from "Rebel Yell" by Billy Idol
Tagging: @dovebeast, @epistemologys, @jasontoddiefor, @eldritchjackalope, @iamwestiec if you feel like it, and really anyone who wants to play!
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darthnell · 1 year
11, 19, 28, 30, 42
Hi anon ! Ty for the ask ! :D
11. Link your three favorite fics right now.
Oh god three of mine or three in general..??? Um. A..? I guess I’ll do both !!
Three of mine: True Vengeance, THE REPARATION CLAUSE, The Bridges We Burn
Three of others: The Illusion of Life, A Great Leap in the Dark, Mors Vincit Omnia
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
Oh I bet for sure it’s gonna be “graphic depictions of violence” LMAO. Aside from like. The thg fandom tags. Also “original characters” and “alternate universe”. The “canon-typical violence” tag is also my best friend and i love when I surpass that one. Canon atypical violence. I think ive used that one before but only once so it doesn’t count here, but it is funny. OH- the “careers have issues” tag. Also my best friend<3 really fucking excellent tag
28. On average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
Pshhhhh uhhhh…. I’m actually just coming off of an event where i wrote like 35k in the span of 5 weeks which is. Not typical ! This past week-ish I have written exactly Zero words (: …at like. Normal times, I probably can do a solid 1k or in that ballpark. I have been known to bang out like 3k in a day if I’m rly in the zone (i was Unwell last july LMFAO) but also I rly don’t typically write every day. Would like to! Need to build a new schedule though. Hard for me to write on the days when I work but I only work part time atm. I am also. Kind of a slow writer usually. I’ve only written as much as I have bc I write frequently ! ((Or I try to))
30. Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished?
Good god I think I’d perish if I shared rough drafts. Like, on ao3… is that a thing..? So like. My shit isn’t perfect. There’s definitely typos I’ve missed and all that jazz, but I usually heavily edit my chapters before posting. The event I did recently was also like my first time having a beta which was neat but. This is rly silly, bear with me - so I had two separate docs for that, one I wrote the fic in and another that I shared w the betas, because the idea of someone having access to all my rough outlines and watching me on the doc as I write makes me Viscerally uncomfortable, I can’t rly explain it better than that. Anyways, the funny part is, said beta would point out a grammar mistake or typo, and I’d go “nice” and fix it, but forget to fix it on the other doc. So when I. When I posted the fic from the original doc… you can see where this is going maybe. Actual clown idiot moment LMFAO. Tl;dr - I attempt to polish. Doesn’t always turn out shiny jdjddjdk
42. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
Ooh ! Last one I read was In The Clear by District11-Olive on FFN. So this one is technically thg but very au; it’s set in modern day Canada where a show called The Cut forced teenaged criminals to fight to the death in order to regain their freedom or get a “second chance”. It’s Really well written and also an excellent commentary on what it means to be a criminal and prison systems in general. This one’s actually the third and final installment of the series, wooh! It’s not complete yet; the story just reached the start of the death match part and its so 👁️👄👁️ It’s also a SYOC fic (Submit Your Own Character). Not open for submissions now, but u might see some of my characters if you check it out c:
Gotta also rec The Furthest Star by geologyisms on FFN since I’m in the middle of (re) reading it.. again 🥺 This is the fic I received from the exchange I took part in recently ! So the main pov char Solan Gardener (D9 tribute in the male slot but uses they/them) was created by me but the story was written by erik/geologyisms ! Ve did such a lovely job with my kiddo u should definitely check it out!! 10/10 new comfort fic fr ;—;
Ty again anon for the question, I had fun !!! <3
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chvoswxtch · 2 years
knight in black leather & denim
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: you get into a little trouble walking home drunk from a party, but lucky for you, a handsome stranger saves the day.
warnings: cursing, drinking, weed use, mentions of sexual harassment (if this makes you uncomfortable, please feel free to skip!)
word count: 3.5k
a/n: thank you so much to the lovely @boeutiful for the idea for this fic, & letting me run with it! as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated! please let me know if you would like to be tagged!
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I shouldn’t be here. I never should’ve come. Why did I come? I could barely hear my own thoughts over the music that was blasting throughout the entire house. I could practically feel the vibrations of the heavy bass thudding against the floor through the stems of my heels. The entire house was packed with faces I didn’t recognize, I wasn’t even sure if everyone here actually even went to Hawkins High. I’d had two cups of god knows what from that punch bowl, and I was starting to feel dizzy.
I could feel a light layer of sweat starting to form on my forehead due to the overwhelming heat in the living room. There were so many bodies packed in together, it felt like I couldn’t breathe properly. I somehow managed to force myself through the crowd towards the front door, silently escaping into the cooled haven of the night. As soon as I stepped outside, I eagerly greeted the autumn chill that nipped at the exposed skin of my shoulders and continued its relentless path down my naked legs. Didn’t I bring a jacket? I groaned as I glanced at the heavy wooden door behind me, contemplating how much I actually loved the jacket I had brought. 
I rubbed at my temples as I tried to will away the haze and focus on what I was doing. The front lawn was littered with even more people and discarded cups. I don’t belong here. I was not a party girl. I was not a social butterfly. In fact, this was the first non-birthday party I had ever gone to in my entire high school career. And why did I choose tonight of all nights and this party of all parties? Jason Carver. He had invited me, and I stupidly thought the invite was genuine. Of course I realized it wasn’t by the look of surprise on his face that I had actually shown up. I had tried to play off my hurt feelings, grabbed a cup and attempted to try and at least have a good time, but it was hopeless. This simply wasn’t my scene.
I wrapped my arms around myself to keep warm as I started walking, or more like stumbling, down the sidewalk. I’m pretty sure my house is this way? Wait, how did I get here? I groaned internally at my drunken state. Pathetic. Two drinks. That’s all it took. This is why you don’t go to a party alone, idiot. 
“Stupid Jason. Stupid party. Stupid dress. Stupid heels. Stupid Y/N.”
In the midst of my drunken rambling, I hadn’t noticed the house and the blaring music fading in the distance behind me. I also apparently hadn’t noticed the cop car on the opposite side of the street that I had just stupidly stumbled by.
“Excuse me, ma’am?”
I froze when I heard a gruff voice calling out to me. I slowly turned around to see two police officers leaning against their squad car, arms crossed over their chests as they stared at me. My heart started to thud in my chest as one of them waved me over with two fingers. Oh shit.
“You coming from that noisy house a few blocks away? There’s a party going on, isn’t that right?”
“I-um..yes s-sir. I..I was just going home.”
“Bet there’s some underage drinking going on over there, huh? You been drinking ma’am?”
“I..um..I-please. I really don’t want to get in trouble. I don’t normally go to those things. I..this is my first time. I swear. I-I’m a straight A student. I’m not a partier.”
“Yet you’re stumbling home drunk from a party?”
My heart was pounding against my chest and anxiety flooded my entire system. I glanced frantically between the two officers. One of them looked to be in his late twenties, while the other had to be closer to late thirties. They both wore stern expressions that made me shiver. I tried to appear as sober as I could, racking my brain for anything I could possibly say or do to get out of this without being arrested. 
“How old are you?”
“E-eighteen, sir.”
The younger cop’s mouth suddenly curled into a sinister smile that had me completely unsettled. There was a wicked glint in his gaze as he turned to face his partner whose lips morphed into a crooked smile of his own.
“Hear that? At least she’s legal.”
The suggestive tone of the man’s voice coupled with the predatory gaze in his eyes nearly knocked the breath out of me. Neither of them even tried to hide the shameless wandering of their eyes. I instantly regretted wearing such a short and revealing simple black dress to get Jason’s attention. I regretted even more not bothering to go inside for my jacket. I had nothing to shield myself with. Think. Think. Think.
“I..I think I should call my parents, s-so they can come get me. I know you have to tell them that I was drinking..so..we should p-probably call them.”
“Didn’t you hear me, princess? You’re a legal adult. No reason to get your parents involved when you’re a grown woman.”
There were goosebumps covering my entire body, but it wasn’t due to the cold. I glanced between the two men, uneasiness burning through my veins as I tried to assess the situation. I could run, but that would probably make it worse. They were most likely faster than me, and had a car. There was no way I could outrun them, even if I wasn’t buzzed and in heels. I also was not the kind of girl that ran from the police. I wasn’t a rule breaker. Hell, I’d never even had detention. I was obedient to a fault, a good girl. 
“Come here. Put your hands on the hood and spread your legs.”
My eyes nearly bugged out of my head at the younger man’s words and I felt my mouth go dry.
“W-what? Am I being arrested?”
“Well, that depends on you princess. But, we do need to search you.”
“Search me?”
“For drugs. Sure you look all sweet and innocent, but how can we be sure?”
The older man shot me a wink and I felt bile rise in my throat. The sound of my heels clacking slowly against the cement was the only noise on the otherwise empty street. I glanced around at my surroundings as I approached the car. There were a few dark houses on the street. I could scream, but would anyone hear me? They’d probably slap their hand over my mouth and shove me into the back of the car before I even had a chance to.
I rose my shaky hands up to place on the hood of the car, spreading my feet apart just the slightest. I swallowed thickly as I tried to glance at them over my shoulder.
“Officers, please. I..I don’t do drugs. I swear. You can drug test me if you want. But..I..I did see drugs at the party, I think. I..I’m honestly not sure what they look like. But at the party-”
The younger cop let out a low whistle as he shoved his knee between my thighs, spreading my legs apart even further. I grabbed onto the hood of the car tighter and felt panic begin to rise in my chest.
“I can’t believe your parents let you out of the house looking like this. This little dress leaves nothing to the imagination, you know that princess? I’m not sure where the hell you would even hide drugs under this. But, I gotta do my duty.”
I could hear the pretentious grin in his words. My entire body tensed when I felt his fingertips brush against my thigh just under the hem of my dress. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes and I squeezed them tightly shut. 
This isn’t happening. This isn’t happening. This isn’t happening.
“Evening officers. Having a nice night?”
My head whipped in the direction of the voice that had halted the cop’s movements. My lips parted in surprise to see a boy around my age standing in front of the cop car with his hands crossed over his chest. He was tall, and had long brunette curly hair that perfectly framed his face and settled at his shoulders. He wore black ripped jeans, what looked to be some kind of band shirt, and a black leather jacket with a denim vest over it. My eyes were drawn to the belt that was secured with a pair of handcuffs and the numerous rings lined on his fingers that gleamed underneath the streetlight. Even though his words had been directed towards them, his large brown eyes were focused solely on me. I found myself shivering under the intensity of his gaze.
“Get the hell out of here, Munson. Unless you want us to search you, and we all know you’re holding. So unless you wanna spend the night in jail, fuck off.”
The corners of the boy’s full lips curled up into a mischievous smirk, showcasing a perfect set of dimples as he raised his hands up in surrender and took a step towards the older cop.
“No need. I don’t sell anymore, scout’s honor. Just gonna have a smoke break. Don’t mind me.”
I gasped in surprise when he pulled a joint out of his pocket to place between his lips. He quickly retrieved a lighter from his other pocket, bringing the flickering flame to the tip of the stark white paper, and inhaling until a fourth of it had been burned. As he leaned against the hood of the car, he blew a thick cloud of smoke in the direction of the two men, the undeniable scent of weed lingering in the air. 
The younger man that was standing behind me quickly rushed to stand in front of the boy, clearly enraged by his antics.
“What the hell is the matter with you, Munson? Smoking a joint in front of two cops? Are you a fucking idiot?”
The brunette’s dark browns knit together as he grinned playfully, holding up the rolled piece of paper between his index finger and thumb as he pretended to survey it carefully.
“Oh shit, you’re right. My bad. I thought it was a cigarette. Must have gotten my products mixed up. That’s bad for business, those jocks are gonna be pissed.”
The grin on the boy’s face stretched even wider at the furious looks on the two men’s faces. I was absolutely dumbfounded by the stranger’s boldness. The longer I stared at him, the more familiar he seemed. Do I know him from somewhere? I clamped my hand over my mouth in shock when he stretched his hand out to offer the joint to the two officers.
“What do you say boys, wanna hit? Take the edge off?”
The older man snatched the joint from his hand and threw it onto the ground, grabbing his shoulder and dragging him up to his feet. The younger cop had already pulled his handcuffs out, shoving the stranger’s front against the car as he began to clasp the metal restraints around his wrists one by one.
“That’s it, Munson. You’re under arrest. Don’t think you’re only getting one night in jail after this shit you just pulled.”
The grin on his face never faltered, even as the handcuffs were secured around his wrists. I was completely frozen in place. My buzzed brain was still trying to process what was happening. Did he..do that on purpose? For me?
The boy turned his head to look at me over his shoulder, flashing me a wink and a charming smile. 
“Looks like you boys got your hands full tonight.”
The stranger tilted his head to the side, motioning for me to make a run for it. I glanced around at my surroundings momentarily, but found my eyes drawn to him once again. I was completely entranced by him. Why would he do that for me? I furrowed my brows as I stared at him, opening my mouth to say something, but he simply motioned for me to leave again. I turned around and began to speed walk in the other direction, but stopped when I reached the stop sign. I turned back around to see the two cops trying to shove him into the back of the cop car.
“Wait! What’s your name?”
All three heads turned in my direction. The two cops looked stunned, seemingly having forgotten that I had been there in the first place. The stranger on the other hand was grinning madly.
“Eddie Munson, angel. Although you probably know me as the ‘freak of Hawkins’.”
My eyes widened once realization hit me. My knight in black leather and denim was big bad Eddie “the freak” Munson. The notorious drug dealer and alleged cult leader of Hawkins High. I had heard stories about Eddie, but I had never actually seen Eddie. How come no one ever mentioned how hot he was? I bit down on my bottom lip and giggled at the situation I was in, smiling as I waved over at my savior.
“See you later, Eddie.”
“Sure thing, sweetheart.”
I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, and an overwhelming sense of guilt. I had thought about Eddie my entire walk home. I still couldn’t believe he purposefully got arrested just to get those creeps away from me. I wrestled with my guilt all morning as I thought about marching down to the police station and telling the chief everything. But, that also meant confessing my own sins. After another hour of torturing myself with endless worst case scenarios, I grabbed my keys and headed straight for the Hawkins Police station. I tried my best to remain nonchalant, but truth be told I was critically on the verge of having a panic attack as I smiled at the receptionist.
“I need to see Chief Hopper please.”
Half an hour later, I was taking my first breath after a very long winded explanation of the events of the previous night and was nervously fiddling with my fingers as I waited for the brooding chief to speak. The silence that filled the office was suffocating, and I grew even more anxious at the sound of seconds ticking by on the clock. Chief Hopper stared at me with a hardened gaze, his jaw set in a harsh line. After what felt like forever, he let out a deep breath and leaned forward to rest his elbows on the desk.
“Let me get this straight. You went to a party, alone, and got drunk. And not only did you break the law by drinking underage, you didn’t even check or ask what it was you were drinking.”
“And then you walked home. Alone. Drunk.”
My heart was thudding against my ribcage as I stared into the chief’s steel blue gaze. I felt my face heat up in embarrassment as I processed his words.
“I..um..yes. It was stupid, I know that.”
“Yeah, not to mention dangerous.”
“Look, I’m really sorry Chief Hopper. I should never have gone to that party. It was the first party I’ve ever been to, and I swear it’s my last. I’ve learned my lesson, okay? If you have to arrest me or..whatever, fine. But please don’t punish Eddie. He was just trying to protect me from those creeps. If he hadn’t shown up..”
I trailed off towards the end of my sentence. I hadn’t really thought about that part of last night. I tried to block it out. I didn’t want to say it out loud. It just made it feel too..real. Chief Hopper tensed in his chair and sat up a little straighter. His fists had been balled so tight as I told him about everything those cops had said, and the way that the one had touched me, that his knuckles had turned white. I was shocked he hadn’t broken the poor mug in his large hand. He let out another deep sigh and ran his hand over his face.
“You’re a good kid, Y/N. You’ve never been in trouble before. I have no reason not to believe you. Eddie can go. But I want you to fill out an official complaint for those two fuckers so I can get them the hell off my force. Deal?”
My entire body felt lighter as relief washed over me. I squealed as I jumped up from my chair and rushed around to envelop Chief Hopper in a tight hug, feeling immensely grateful for him in that moment.
“Deal! Thank you so much, Chief. Really. Thank you um..for..believing me.”
Chief Hopper chuckled lowly as he pulled back and rose to his full height above me. There was a gentleness in his eyes I had never seen before. It was the first time I had ever seen him not so broody.
“Hey, I have a daughter you know? I worry about shit like that happening to her. I mean, I’ve taught her to look out for herself, and she can hit as hard as her old man, but it could still happen. Anything I can do to prevent that, I will.”
“She’s lucky to have you.”
“Do me a favor, kid. If you’re gonna go out and ya’know, let loose, be smart. Don’t go anywhere alone. Don’t drink with people you don’t know. And for the love of God, do not walk home alone, especially in that state. Alright? If you feel like you don’t have anyone to call, call me. I’ll come get you.”
“You keep being nice to me, I’m gonna keep hugging you.”
Eddie cocked his head to the side as the door to his cell slid open. He narrowed his eyes as he glanced between me and Chief Hopper, clearly confused about what was going on.
“It’s your lucky day, Munson. Y/N/N here just saved your ass. You can go home as long as you back up her story about those two shitheads from last night.”
“They getting fired?”
“Along with their asses beat in the parking lot, yeah.”
“Just tell me where to sign.”
Chief Hopper grunted in response, taking off down the hallway. I looked up at Eddie with a grin, only to find him staring down incredulously.
“You know, me getting arrested was to keep you out of trouble, right? You weren’t supposed to turn yourself in.”
“I couldn’t handle the guilt.”
Eddie laughed as he straightened out his jacket, leaning against the door of the cell as he eyed me up and down. I felt that familiar gravitational pull from last night as we stared at each other. He’s much more attractive up close.
“Thank you, Eddie. Really. I..I don’t even want to think about what would’ve happened if you hadn’t shown up.”
“Hey, don’t go there. And don’t worry about it, really. Anything to help a pretty girl.”
Eddie’s wink coupled with that dazzling smile had butterflies erupting in my stomach, and I found myself grinning like an idiot right back at him.
“Um..can I..treat you to breakfast? Just..to say thanks..um..for everything you did for me last night.”
The grin on Eddie’s mouth only stretched even wider, showcasing those gorgeous dimples again that made me weak in the knees. 
“Now Y/N, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were asking me on a date.”
He remembered my name. God, did it sound so good coming from his mouth.
“Well, no other guy has ever gotten arrested for me before so, I would say you’ve earned yourself a date. If that’s alright with you?”
I had no idea where this sudden boldness was coming from. Something about Eddie made me feel like I could throw caution to the wind, be a little reckless for once. My breath hitched in my throat as Eddie stepped closer, reaching one of his large hands out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
“Tell you what. We’ll go to breakfast, angel. But I am taking you out tonight. That is, if you’re brave enough to go on a date with the ‘freak of Hawkins’.”
“I think you’re forgetting I asked you out first. But yes, I will happily go on a date with my savior.”
The corners of Eddie’s mouth ticked up into devilish smirk and I felt a knot form in my stomach as he leaned in closer so that our faces were mere inches apart, his voice dropping dangerously low.
“Savior hm? I like the sound of that. So, seven-thirty tonight?”
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milkshakefemme · 4 years
So ummm I put some posts in the queue again for once lol
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binniesthighs · 4 years
❆on a winter’s day | reader x hyunjin |❆
Pairing: self insert, female reader x hwang hyunjin
Genre: the fluffiest smut
Tags: confident!reader, shy!hyunjin, extrovert!reader, introvert!hyunjin, virgin!hyunjin, dancer!reader, dancer!hyunjin minho and jisung side characters, minsung if you turn your head upside down, slow burn, that sweet sweet build up, first time, meet cute, college au, sexual tension, mentions of food, praising, oral (m&f recieving), marking, fingering (f recieving), protected sex, aftercare, hyunjin is the softest boi in this one
Word count: 4.3k
Requested: By a lovely anon! You can read the original ask/post right before this one! 
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“and five, six, seven, eight!”
The cool of the hardwood flooring beneath your tired heels squeaked from the movement of twenty dancers throwing their bodies to the left. Each and every one of you were reflected in the mirror in front of you: bodies twisting like the curl of a ribbon and arms outstretched. You winced as your knee hit the ground and you hurled your body into a type of somersault. As soon as you were back on your feet, you bent your spine backwards reaching out as far behind you as you could. For a couple moments, the whole world was turned upside down.
It was then when you saw him. His silver hair was tied up, and his brow glistened with sweat. There was nothing else in his eyes other than pure focus.
It was breathtaking.
one, two, you counted in your head.
Next came the hardest part.    
Everyone leapt in sync, creating a resonating thud once you all landed.
Thank God that you landed it that time. To your right, your friend Minho scoffed slightly, likely teasing you for finally jumping at the same time as everyone else.
three, four
The group crashed down to the floor again, this time you had to use all your strength to roll, then pull yourself up without help from your hands. You had been practicing it for weeks.
You could feel Minho’s eyes boring into you while you attempted.  
You were able to do it, but it wasn’t nearly as fluid as him. How had you never noticed how amazingly his body flowed?
“and five, six!” Your instructor clapped. The music faded as you all sunk down to the floor again, trying to make it appear as if you were dissipating into it. “Very good job everyone!” She beamed and applauded you all who finally let your heaving breaths be heard. “Excellent improvement from you all!”
You couldn’t even stand up from the floor you were so exhausted. The aggressive florescent lights burned your eyes and you considered taking a nap right there.
“You did it!” A foot kicked you. Looming over you were your two friends Minho and Jisung shoving towels onto each other’s faces. “Were you counting like I told you to do?” Minho expectantly leaned in.
“yes,” You answered a little annoyed, not as much at him, but at yourself. You could have done even better.
“We told you that you could do it. It’s just the mental block man.” Jisung offered you a hand up.
Once you were vertical again, a little wave of dizziness hit you.
“Wanna go out to celebrate?”
Your usual friend group circled around you with their bags in hand.
“Finally got it this time, L/n?” They patted you on the back. Besides hip-hop being your specialty in a contemporary class, you still seemed to get along with everyone easily. On the first day of class when you literally announced that you didn’t want to be there, everyone warmed up to you pretty quickly. You didn’t want to lie and pretend that you were all about throwing your body around like that. Of course you thought contemporary was beautiful, just not your thing. Graduation requirements said otherwise.
“Do you need me to carry you outta here?” Jisung joked at your dazed expression. Truthfully, your head was still spinning a little.
“Only very certain people get to carry me Han Jisung, and unfortunately you are not one of them.” You quipped back, and a few of your friends snarked chuckles at him.
He put his hands up in defeat. “I was just offering.”
Across the room, your eyes found him again. He had put his bag a bit of ways away from everyone else’s. He guzzled down his water, bobbing his sharp Adam’s apple. He then tore his hair tie out and ruffled his hair around which was damp at the roots. Everything that he did was so effortless.
“Hey,” you nudged Minho, “You know who he is?”
“Him? That’s Hwang Hyunjin. I dunno much about him, he’s pretty quiet, I haven’t heard much about him within the school either. Amazing dancer though. Have you seen him?”
Hyunjin pulled a black pullover past his head.
“You coming with us?” Minho snapped you back.
“No-uh, I think that I’m gonna stay a little while.”
“Suit yourself, I know that it’s gonna be delicious.” He teased and turned to throw his arm around Jisung while the group walked out.
The silvery-haired boy zipped up his bag as if he was near leaving. Your throat became unexplainably tight. Your legs started moving towards him before you could tell them to.
“You popped up behind him. “Hyunjin, right?”
He whipped around startled, with his gorgeous brown eyes widening. “...yes?”
“I wanted to tell you that I saw you dancing today and you’re really good. It looks like its so easy for you. I wish that I could be like that.”
“Oh...thank you.” He gave you a kind smile.
shit, he was so cute.
“Soooo, what’s your secret?” You attempted to keep him there for just a moment longer.
“My secret?” His eyes became puzzled.
“Yeah, like, to how you’ve gotten so good?”
“I just...practice.”
The door to the practice room clicked one last time and the two of you were alone.
“I noticed that all of your moves flow really nicely to the next, you’re not stiff at all, it’s like your body never stops evolving with the motions.”
“thank you...” Hyunjin hushed shyly and twiddled with his hair.
“Maybe you could teach me? Teach me how to make my technique better? I’m just so robotic sometimes.”
“...sure.” He hesitantly said with a growing tiny grin. “Like right now?”
“Oh! I mean it doesn’t have to be right now right now, just like when you have some time I was thinking.”
“I have a little time right now.” He began taking off his coat which he had just put on.
“Oh really?” You felt your cheeks get a little warm. You certainly weren’t expecting him to say yes so quickly.
“Do-do you have time?” He worriedly asked.
“Okay...let’s get started then.”
The music from Hyunjin’s phone echoed over the speakers and you attempted the twirls again. You were able to execute the timing, but each one felt more inelastic than the last. God, your whole body was aching to stop, but it couldn’t get enough of the feeling of him watching you and observing your every movement.
“What should I change about it this time?” You struggled to take in breaths.
Hyunjin looked you up and down, with that same focus from before. With someone as picturesque as him, he looked a little stern when he examined you, which scared you a little, but excited you at the same time.
“You need to take the strain out of your hips, they’re geting in the way you need to let you whole body fall into it. Focus on your legs. Like this:”
He spun in front of you with his leg pointed out. With the twist of his body his silver hair swept along with him.
“You know what I mean?” He gently asked.
“--yes, I think so.”
“Your hips are your anchor, but don’t let them stop you.” Hyunjin stepped up closer to you, hesitantly going to grab your waist with his hands. It was then when you realized how big and powerful they were. His sudden gesture made your heart beat even faster than it already was.
“Pivot like...this.” He turned you a little to the left.
He lead your hips into the pivot a couple more times to show you. His hands were so warm.
He quickly removed his hands, embarrassed, like he had been doing something he should not have been. He walked away from you and you took notice of his shoulder blades curving under the thin fabric of his sleeveless shirt.
“Do you wanna stop now? I think I’ve done as much as I can for today.”
He nodded and removed his phone from the sound system.
Outside of the arts building, snow had picked back up again after flurrying the whole night long. Everything around had been covered in a beautiful blanket of white.
“Well, I’m headed off this way.” You head nodded to your bus station a couple blocks down. “Thank you for helping me by the way.”
“For sure! I...liked helping you out.”
Hyunjin immediately made a startled little face upon realizing what he had said and you laughed a little at him.
He pulled his chunky scarf up higher to his chin. “Actually...I um, live down that way too.”
“Do you take the 12 bus too?”
He nodded. Little snowflakes had begun to get caught in his hair like a little halo.
“Well then let’s get going! We don’t wanna miss the last bus!”
It was rush hour, so naturally the two of you had to stand on the bus of packed people. The air inside was chilly and it smelled of old dusty coats that had just recently been taken out for the fist snow. You thought it was a little funny how every five seconds or so someone would sniffle in there.
“I’ve seen you in class too.” Hyunjin finally said something after a while of you two being pushed pretty close next to eachother. “Dancing and other stuff, everyone really seems to like you, you’re really good at making people laugh.”
“Oh. Thanks.” You didn’t quite know how to respond to him. “I don’t really have a problem putting myself out there much, I’ve always really believed in just being me, you know? And not letting others determine who I am around them. That or maybe I just like the sound of my own voice.”
He giggled a little then pulled the string nearby the window.
stop requested.  The robot bus voice said.
“You’re not stalking me or anything are you?” You rose an eyebrow at him, which scared him more that you had expected.
“No..? What do you mean?”
“This is my stop too.”
Your boots crunched into the snow of the side walk and you thanked the bus driver. Hyunjin got off after you with his hands in his pockets. The two of you stood there in the snow for a moment, something weirdly unsaid lingering between the two of you. Something felt unfinished but you couldn’t quite figure out what it was. He genuinely was so sweet, you sneakily wanted to be around him for just a little longer.
Hyunjin stammered, but confidently got out, “Do you want to get something to eat? Right now?”
It was if he had read your mind. You were glad that he had asked, and a little surprised too. He waited attentively for you to answer, still looking a little nervous; even looking like that he was terribly adorable.
“I’d love to.” You smiled back at him causing him to sigh in relief.
“Is there anywhere that you like?” He led the both of you on.
You pondered for a moment, then remembered. You cringed out the words, “Actually...I really shouldn’t be spending money right now; I need to get a lot better at saving...”
You almost slapped yourself in the face after saying such a thing and seeing how crestfallen he had become. It was true, but technically he didn’t need to know that.
“Or! I mean, we could go to my place and I could I dunno, whip something up? I should have something...”
“Are you sure? I mean, I don’t want to be eating away your food.”
“No really! It’s fine, come on, I’m just down this block.”
It was only seconds before you opened the door to your apartment that you remembered how embarrassingly messy it was. You and your two roommates were the best of friends, but horribly matched when it came to being cleanly. The three of you just chalked it up to you all being “creative minds.” You all went to arts school after all.
“Just...don’t look--sorry, it’s really messy in there, I wasn’t really expecting to bring anyone over.”
“I don’t care.” Hyunjin politely said and watched you unlock the door.
“We just call it creative madness.”
When you walked in even you tried hard to not look at the mess and got straight to work rummaging around your cabinets.
“Does spaghetti with sauce sound good?”
He nodded and neatly arranged his coat, shoes and bag at the door.
He wandered over to the large windows of your living area. “You have a really nice view.”
“Ah thanks,” You clicked on the stove. “Makes the price of the rent worth it,” you lowered your voice “fuckin’ swindlers.”
Your eyes wandered to the island in your kitchen full of all kinds of crap: baking supplies, art supplies, old mail, textbooks, mismatched pairs of gloves.
“It would probably be best if we ate in my room,” You let up. “You can barely sit here.”
Hyunjin nodded and turned to keep watching the snow peacefully. While you cooked, he didn’t say much but you couldn’t keep his eyes off of him, nearly burning yourself on the saucepan. He changed the room by just merely exisiting in it. You truly couldn’t imagine how you had never noticed him before.
“Thank you for cooking for me, that was really good.”
You waved his compliment off with the swipe of your hand. “It’s really nothing, you should see my roommate, she’s a culinary science major. Wait! Let me go get something real quick.”
You smiled at your little surprise and shuffled back to the kitchen, putting the two little raspberry and chocolate cupcakes on plates with equally little forks.
“Ta-da! These are to die for. I wish I could take the credit; these are just one of the benefits of having a roommate that’s constantly experimenting.”
Hyunjin took in a careful bite and his eyes widened into moons.
“I know right!? She’s a genius.”
Silence filled the air between you as you ate more. You couldn’t help but feel so completely and utterly cozy in the moment. The sun had nearly set and you had set your heater up in your room along with some Christmas music to softly play in the background. The only regret that you had was the candle you had lit which was just a little too sweet. You started to wonder after you two had finished, what would happen next? Would he leave? Greedily, a feeling seeped into you like before, you still didn’t want him to leave.
“That was amazing.” He placed his plate down.
“You know what?” Your brash confidence pushing through once more. “Your hair, the silver, it’s just so pretty. I can’t stop looking at it.”
He instantly became flustered. “Oh...thank you, I’ve been thinking about dying it like this for a really long time now and I finally did it. It sounds kinda dumb, but I didn’t wanna do anything that would draw attention to myself.”
“...can I touch it?”
Hyunjin looked a little shocked, but eagerly nodded.
You started by thumbing through some of the longer strands towards his shoulders: it was just as soft as you imagined. You then started from the top running your hand all the way down, admiring the way that it looked like it shimmered a little. You had gotten so caught up in him that you didn’t notice that he had closed his eyes.
“pretty.” You cooed.
“Y/n?” He suddenly asked.
“Is it weird to say that I feel like really comfortable around you? Is that weird?”
“No, not at all.” You continued running your hands through the silver strands, somehow you had leaned in a lot closer to him than you had been before.
He looked at you with his doe-like brown eyes. You could have sworn that they were glistening. Your eyes fell a little lower to his lips, they looked wonderfully kissable and plump. From that moment your brain furiously wondered what they tasted like. His eyes fell a little too.
He leaned in first, catching you completely off guard. He kissed you so carefully and gently, his mouth parted just slightly; it was heavenly. You could still taste the chocolate and the raspberry on his lips. He sighed a little into your mouth like he was relaxing himself. In many ways, the way in which he kissed you made you feel like he cared for nothing else in the world, just you. Your cupped his face in your hands, tracing your thumbs against his jawline.
That was it. You were absolutely crazy for him.
You broke for a moment and he turned into a huge, rosy, smiling mess. The two of you giddily giggled at how happy you were over what had just happened. You shuffled your own plate off the bed to silently invite him to lay down which he did obediently. Now he seemed less hesitant, but more excited.
You swung your legs around both sides of him and kissed him more on his smiling lips. At this point, you had convinced yourself that nothing in this world was sweet as him. His hands found their way to your back, where he ran his fingers down, making you shiver delightfully at the touch. His hands finally found your waist which he grabbed onto firmly. He pulled you down into him so your bodies were flush and you could feel all of his warmth. Once you were this close, he started kissing you back more wantonly, gasping a little in between.
“You’re so beautiful Hyunjinnie.” You snuck in between kisses. “I can’t get enough of you.”
He let an airy laugh fall into your lips then brought one of his hands to tangle in you hair. All at once, your hands yearned to explore the soft of his skin everywhere. Outside your window the snow still silently fell and the golden sunset faded into the skyline’s horizon.
You knew how excited you had become, where together your hips grinded together. Your head spun thinking about having someone as beautiful as him give your body attention.
Hyunjin broke, holding your eyes seriously. “I-I want to make you feel good. Can I do that?”
“Of course, I would love that.” You melted.
“--But...I think you’ll have to tell me how...I haven’t done this before, sorry..”
The fact that he had shared this with you made him even more adorable.
“Don’t apologize, I can show you everything.” You whispered into his ear with a prideful grin. “But first, can I first help you?”
He gulped, “Yes.”
“I want to show you that you’re worth the attention, you’re worth all of it.”
You helped him pull off his sweater, and then his sleeveless shirt revealing his toned and pale chest, just waiting for your lips. You didn’t want to move too fast however, or risk scaring him.
“Just relax okay?”
You planted kisses everywhere you could: on his collarbones, his stomach and on his ribs, right over his heart. Even from the simplest of touches from you he seemed to unravel.
“You’re breathtaking.” You said onto his skin.
You couldn’t stop yourself from sucking a little harder than you planned, drawing little purple marks against his milky-white skin. He looked like pure art.
“Can I go down a little further?”
“Mmhmm.” He got out, with eyes closed shut trying to control himself.
You slipped his joggers down, revealing his quivering member, which was enticingly long even hidden by his briefs. He had already stained them a little with pre cum.
“oh my god.” you whispered, enamored. You couldn’t wait a single second further.
He timidly watched as you completely striped him, then tore off our own shirt and pants to make it a little more even.
“Tell me stop if you want me to, okay?”
He pleaded with desperate eyes, “Don’t stop.”
First you teased him just a little by running your tongue flat up and down and around his length, wetting your tongue with one hand and slowly pumping. You moved on to then twist around the head which had grown painfully hard. His breaths wavered and he let out little moans in desperation. You took him in at last, bobbing your head steadily.
“ mmm, that feels so good.” Hyunjin moaned out breathlessly.
You kept on, but not for too much longer, you didn’t want him finishing quite yet. He looked a little dejected when you stopped, but you swooped up to kiss him more. You took up his left hand and kissed him all the way up to his wrist and into his palm. His fingertips brushed over your lips, as gentle as one would with a flower petal.
“You want to touch me now?”
You unclipped your bra for him and laid back. For this he didn’t need any instruction. He immediately took your breast in his hand, squeezing and and ghosting his fingertips over your nipples; you reveled under his touch. He lowered to suck lightly on the bud, pulling at it lightly with his lips. His teeth grazed you slightly but you didn’t care, you fucking loved it.
“That feels amazing.” You whispered as you watched him. He was sure to give both of your nipples attention.
“I want you.” You said with hot breath. “I want your tongue.”  
He looked a little bewildered, but determined after what you had said. He slid down your body, giving you kisses the whole way down like you had done to him.
He nibbled a bit on your thighs. “Tell me how you like it.”
By the second his confidence grew more and more and it was addicting.
You started by rubbing yourself a little so he knew where to start. “In circles, you can go fast or slow, I like both, and you can suck on it too if you’d like.
He lowered, and you swung one of you legs over his shoulder which he palmed into. He started painfully slow, kitten licking carefully; he didn’t know it, but he was teasing the hell out of you. Nevertheless, you whole body began to shake a little with each lick.
“Flatten your tongue out...like that, you can go a little faster, yes...just like that.”
He had closed his eyes and settled into a rhythm, and you dug your heels into the bed. It was astonishing how quickly he got the hang of it. You whimpered out while he continued.
“fuck, Hyunjin--”
He sped up a little, your first orgasm was close by.
“Your fingers, like this.” You held up your pointer and middle together to show him. “Fuck me like that.
He did as he was told, sliding them in with ease over how wet you had become. His fingers were long and slender; addictive. He pumped in and out while your pussy made ungodly sounds. You felt so close you were lightheaded.
“Curl your fingers up, like this.” You showed him again. He continued going fast, taking a hint from your quickened breaths.
You came with white heat, clawing at the comforter on the bed. You only gave yourself a few more moments before pulling him up towards you. “I want you inside me.”
You scrambled with the drawer of your nightstand to rip a condom off from the strand that you kept, tearing it open for him. He was a little flustered, but put it on quickly; he was dripping even more for you. Your lips connected as you laid down, and he aligned himself on top of you. It was then when you saw how pink his chest had flushed. You opened your folds for him, and he started to guide himself in. He filled you up perfectly, and he groaned out once the two of you were connected.
“it’s so tight.” He shivered.
Your fingers latched on to the skin of his hips as you guided him lightly up and down. He buried his face into your shoulder as little euphoric moans slipped past his lips. After a moment, he was able to find his pace, grazing you deep inside. You let him take control as he thrust into you, leaving your arms to wrap around his broad back. You pulled his face over to kiss him, the both of you loosing yourself in the other.
“You make me feel, so, so good, baby,” You hushed into his ear.
He panted, “I-I’m gonna cum soon.”
It took all your strength to flip him off of you, and to land in his lap. He groaned with his hands getting lost journeying all around your body--anywhere he could touch. You took over, riding him and rolling your hips fast with both of your palms flat on his chest riddled with hickies. Like this, you thought that he looked practically angelic. Both of you chased your orgasms together, erupting at nearly the same time, and you ravished in him throbbing inside.
You laughed a little together in sheer bliss and he flinched a little when you slid off of him.
“Did that all feel good for you? Are you okay?” You pecked his nose.
“Yes. It felt like nothing else.”
You stood up, adjusting your frazzled hair and putting on a fresh set of comfy clothes. “Stay right there okay?”
You went to grab him a towel and clean himself off with, handing him his clothes one by one as he dressed. You brought the plates back to the kitchen coming back with a large glass of ice cool water, then offered it to him. He guzzled it letting a little drop fall down his neck.
“Can I get you anything else?”
“No, I’m okay.”
“Do you wanna...stay a little longer?”
“Right now?”
“Right now.”
You blew the candle out and dimmed the lights, adjusting a blanket for the two of you to crawl under. Hyunijn followed you under, sweeping you deep into his arms.
Just a little bit longer. You thought to yourself. Stay with me.
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pinkpruneclodwolf · 3 years
I mean yeah, kjdfhskjdf the boys are very sweet to Yuu in their own NCR way but like it so roundabout that you can't blame Yuu for like missing it :wheeze: baby is trying not to die so forgive them if their brain misses cues from the boys :pensive: KJHDSKJFSHD also YEAH YANA GIVE YUU THE BREAK THEY DESERVE and uh like yeah... Ortho being killed by a phantom... that might have happened bc they tried to sneak one look at it probably when they were younger or maybe it broke out... and poor ortho got caught in the crossfire... idia my boy it wasn't your fault at all...
Also oh yeah!! the void hmmmm that works too... it'd be interesting to see what their signature spell would be (like deuce's is cauldrons jkshsjdfh) and also their UM hmmm, but i'm getting ahead of myself anyways---In canonverse i kinda want there to be a choice where you can leave or stay but Yuu is the one that chooses in the end depending on something... (*cough* your cards *cough*). As for this one though... Yuu's going to have a very slowburn 100k+ words fic of healing ft the tags of Yuu needs a hug, Yuu is tired, and Yuu is a dumbass and traumatized. The overblot and their experiences on NCR isn't pretty to say the least and w the overblot literally fucking them and their mind up and the potential Crowley lied to me and I actually can't get back home thing NCR's going to need to pull every string to make sure Yuu's doing okay. I mean Yuu literally is a stranger to the world and its system when they graduate where are they actually going to go??? And if the can't go back home thing actually does happen the boys helping Yuu is the least they can do honestly.
Anyways As im wriing this i'm already done with my first day of exams... god give me strength for the next ones i'll be needing it... Anyways good for you!!! ily (platonic) and stay safe and hydrated bestie :heart:
Holy sometimes I forget the possibility that Crowley could be lying and that there might not be a way back.... oh yeah the economic boom of angst stories about Yuu will go insane.
I kinda don't want Yuu to go back bc they'll leave with so much unresolved baggage they'll come back to their family a whole different person. Maybe an extension???
Yuu having a choice/their choice being influenced could leave the game on a cliffhanger where its up to the interpretation of the player could be hit or miss bc I'm a lil braindead and cannot pick up super subtle hints.
NRC morals are not our morals so maybe they're way of apologizing/making amends could be something like Deuce giving them a cauldron of eggs or Jade planting mushrooms around their house in the shape of mushroom if you're on a broom lmaooo.
Unique magic could actually be a damage dealer rather than healing, make Yuu violent rn. Or maybe they can summon their ghost homes or Grim's magic instead to show they're still connected—
Will Yuu take Grim with them??? Depends on Chap 8's conclusion.
Stay hydrated, rested, and safe, I hope you do well on your exams!!!!
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Never Satisfied [Chapter 2]
Corpse Husband x Original Female Character
Warnings: Language
Collaboration between Vy & Ashens 🖤
“this chick is crazy...and I kinda dig it“
It’s been four days since the incident and he’s all but forgotten about it, removed it from his memory entirely as if girls hide from police in his car on a regular basis. 
Today is colder than usual, and his body has been quick to respond to the change, aching around the joints. Some days it’s impossible to move, feeling his clothes and sandpaper and housing spikes as joints. Thankfully, today isn’t that bad, the pain is rather manageable. Which checks out well for him, considering he has to do some cleaning around his apartment. His skin itched at the sight of the mess his living space has become over the last few weeks he hasn’t been bothered to pick up the strewn about items or wash the dishes in the sink. 
Standing in his living room, he turns in a circle, taking in the disaster that is surrounding him. His chest tightens, throat closing up due to the overwhelmingness of the work he has ahead of him while all he wants to do is hide in his room, under the blankets of his bed that is for sure not willing to offer him much comfort at the moment, seeing as how it too is a mess. 
Forget about that! He isn’t sure if his mind is telling him to forget the task he has at hand or the comfort he has in mind. Either way, he knows what the right thing to do is. It may give him anxiety, but it has to be done. 
He clenches his jaw and closes his eyes, taking deep measured breaths and exhaling slowly just like his doctor had instructed him to do, in hopes to ease the tension around his lungs. 
Calming down a bit, he finally decides to get on with it, starting with the smallest space he has to clean, hoping accomplishing a small victory would fuel his ambition to move onto the actual rooms with a lesser struggle. So, pulling on his favorite hoodie and a beanie over his black curls, he slips out of the front door and down the stairs of his apartment complex with a trash bag in hand. He may hate cleaning, but he hates messes more, therefore it’s an easy call to make. Easy when putting the two in comparison, a struggle when he actually has to get on with the process of cleaning. 
With a deep breath as a final ‘You got this’ before action, he unlocks his car doors and looks around its interior. He starts off with the junk in the front - first tending to the passenger seat where he finds a couple plastic bags and a few water bottles. He keeps the area around the driver’s seat clean as can be, so he skips that side. Unfortunately, now he has to turn to the nightmare that is the backseats. 
While it may be tame, compared to most, the three paper bags, five disposable coffee cups that he’d dropped to the floor are more than enough to annoy him. He also makes a frustrating find of a hoodie, a few shirts, a hat, and what appears to be a forgotten CVS bag of medication. Much to his dismay, there’s more: handfuls of old receipts that he is now shoving into the garbage bag he has in hand along with straw wrappers, a few stray cold fries dating back to God-knows-when. He sighs, somewhat relieved to see the backseat is doing a lot better now than it was a couple minutes ago, though it’s not even entirely clean just yet. Something catches his eye though - a choker that was probably covered by one of the clothing items he had found. He picks it up, turning it over in his hand. It’s made of soft leather with a gunmetal ”C” and a pentagram embossed on it. It has a leather braided cord on both ends to tie together and no price tag or brand to indicate its origin. He can’t remember buying this...but then again, retail therapy is a thing and it wouldn’t be the first time he forgot a purchase. He gives it one final once-over before shrugging and pocketing it. After collecting the headphones he’d also dumped in the back and retrieving a pair of boots from the trunk, he locks up his car and heads back into the building, mentally preparing himself for facing the terror of cleaning his apartment.
Returning to his place after tossing the trash in the dumpster along the way, Corpse locks the front door behind him and proceeds to drop the things he’s brought back near the front door. 
This defeats the purpose of cleaning up in the first place, Corpse. He scolds himself but that’s what it remains at - just a scold. He slips the hoodie off his torso, but pauses when the leather collar falls to the floor. Tossing the clothing item on a dining room chair behind him, he picks up the choker and, without as much as a second thought, places it around his throat just below his Adam’s apple The metal feels cool against his skin and as he ties the leather cords at the back of his neck the corners of his lips curve upwards just a little. 
I probably look stupid. He thinks to himself. Corpse tries not to look much at his own reflection, mostly because it’s a reminder of how little sleep he gets with the dark circles and worn out, exhausted eyes staring back at him whenever he looks. But when he catches a glimpse of himself in his peripheral on his way to piss, he admires his reflection, or more so the way the black leather stands out across his pale skin. He’s gotta admit, it looks pretty cool. Edgy. Very urban. Goth maybe? But he still prefers the chains he’s known to wear over chokers.
After doing his business, he starts heading toward his office with the intention of recording a new story for his channel if he manages to find a decent submission - and also to ignore the cleaning he still had to do eventually - when the sound of someone banging on the door of his neighbor’s apartment makes him jump, thinking the sound was coming from his door instead. Being the nosey bitch he is, he creeps to his door, listening to the muffled and almost completely incomprehensible voices from across the hall. The screaming match taking place is making him rather nervous and anxious and as much as he’d rather hide in his room and pretend he never heard or saw anything, he also doesn’t want the altercation to escalate into anything physical. 
“You fucking bailed on me!” An angry female shout dominates over the other voice, a male one, that’s quick to follow the previous example with the tone volume.
“You almost got caught, it's not my fault you screwed up!” It’s the male’s turn to shout, his words intriguing Corpse.
Got caught? Screwed up what?
“Fuck you! You don’t just ditch like that! That’s such a dick move!” 
Ditched? If it wasn’t for the ‘getting caught’ part I would’ve thought it was a flopped date?
“I wasn’t about to get arrested for your klepto ass! I’m done with your shit!” The male voice takes the upper hand again, and though the female attempts to speak, she’s promptly cut off by the male, “No! No, I said I’m fucking done! Get the fuck out of my apartment!” A loud bang that sounded remarkably like a chair being flipped over made Corpse jump again with his thoughts once again racing to try and make sense of the situation. 
Klepto? So she’s a thief. Great. He rolls his eyes, not that he needed a reminder that he lives in a bad neighborhood, but he sure got it. He inhales slowly, finally deciding to check the aftermath in the hallway. Again, it isn’t his business whatsoever, but he can’t rest easy until he knows there isn’t an injured person outside his door right now. He peeks out the peephole before unlocking the door and sticking his head out to see a long haired individual still standing in front of his neighbor’s door. They have their back turned to him and are getting prepared to start banging on the door once again. 
“Little scared-ass bitch! I’ll be back for my shit!” She screams, kicking the door to punctuate her point. 
This chick is absolutely nuts. Everything in his gut is telling him to turn around and go back inside but his brain’s less-rational side is convincing him to check on her. He carefully steps into the hallway, swallowing nervously as he reaches out to tap her shoulder. “Are um-...you okay?”
The girl whips around, a furious expression on her face. Corpse makes a pause, his eyes widening at the sight of that familiar face.
Holy shit, I know this girl. 
Standing in front of him is the girl who leaped into the backseat of his car only a few days ago. 
Shit! What are the odds? 
She’s wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a cropped sweatshirt with the quote “Mercury’s in Gatorade or Some Shit” written in bold letters and a solar system around it, with a leather jacket on top. 
His mouth dries when he makes a realization... 
Oh fuck. She’s way prettier in the natural light instead of that ugly light I saw her in that night. 
“Oh hey! Parking lot guy! What are y-...is that my choker?” She interrupts herself, looking closer at the black leather on his pale skin, her brows furrowing. He’d forgotten he was even wearing it to be honest, but she seems to recognize it. “That’s my fucking choker, dude! I’ve been looking everywhere for it!” She reaches up seemingly with the intention of taking it off him, causing his whole body to freeze up.
Finally finding his senses, Corpse takes half a step back, eyes slightly widened, “Woah, hey! Easy there, I’m pretty sure I bought this.” He warns, hands hesitantly held out in front of himself to try and create some distance between them. 
She seems not to take the hint at his desire for personal space as she reaches out again, stepping closer. “No, I made it with my own two hands, man! It’s got a C on it for my name - Cora.” She says sharply to the point of anger that honestly frightens him a bit. 
He quickly unties the leather straps, removing it from his neck. However, he refuses to give it back so easily as he holds it up out of her reach. 
Maybe if it isn’t on me she won’t be all up in his personal space. Yeah, it’s a bit evil, but he didn’t care. Besides, part of him is still mad about the fact she used his car as a hiding spot, shooting his anxiety through the roof in the process. 
“I feel like you owe me for those fries you stole last time we saw each other. Make it up to me and I’ll give it back. If it’s even yours, that is...” He says, brows furrowing slightly and eyes narrowing as he takes another step back. “And, you know, for nearly getting me busted by the police for something I wasn’t even a part of.” 
Sure, he was talking but her eyes are wandering analyzing him: first the silver chains around his neck that glimmer in the light and his dark hair, strands dangling carelessly as a curtain over his face. 
He too finds himself admiring her, memorizing her features better in this light. She has olive skin and sports a little bit of a tan. Stray locks of wavy dark brown hair hang around her ears having come loose from her messy bun. She has earthy brown eyes with flecks of green that he can’t help but stare at, despite their current sharpness. Her right arm is decorated with a few small tattoos: a skull of some sort of animal that appears to be puking flowers; a small cartoon t-rex floating via many colorful balloons and a brain with a spiky spiral in the center of it. She has a single line drawn around her pinky finger on the hand of the other arm and the shadowy silhouette of a forest around her wrist. However, the one thing Corpse could see better than all of that, was she is pissed. 
“Gimme my fucking choker back! I paid you for those fries, it’s not my fault you spent them on douchebag lessons!” She snaps, hopping to try and grab his arm. 
She is pressed up against him now, a wave of perfume hitting him when she attempts another jump. He holds the choker higher, maybe even subconsciously, just enjoying the warm presence of another body for as long as possible - not that he’d admit that. 
Corpse’s brief content comes crashing down as he stumbles backwards when he feels something hard on his hip and her hands grabbing at the front of his shirt. 
“Wait-“ He tries to say, but is cut off when a good amount of weight pulls at his jeans. “Oh Fuck!” He rasps out, dropping the choker as he slams onto the floor. In the split second he spared to take a breath, his pants had been yanked down to his knees and his neck was crooked up against his door. He’s now lying on the floor as the girl hovers over him having landed with her hand on top of his head and one leg over his chest while the other is pinning his arm down.
While remaining unmoving under the girl, he takes a moment to let the previous five seconds sink in before replaying them in his mind:
This small woman, Cora she said her name was, had put the boot clad toes of her left foot into the pocket of his baggy jeans to use as a stepping stool. In turn, they were shoved down, effectively pantsing him and tearing the pocket before knocking them both to the floor. 
Corpse leans against his door, jeans still around his knees, hair a mess as he watches Cora stand up from where she’d practically tackled him and equip the choker. 
“Serves you right.” She sticks her tongue out, tying the piece of jewelry behind her neck. “Now get up before someone calls the cops, we both know what happens then.” She rolls her eyes and bends down, offering her hands to help him up after he situated his trousers.
“Ah-um...I-...” anxiety started reigning in his chest and head as he realized everything that had happened. He takes both her hands and she uses all her weight to pull him up. Her pull was so strong that when he stood up, he had to hold her tight to keep her from falling back. He stabilizes her, maybe a little too hard because her chest collides with his. He apologizes under his breath, releasing her hands quickly. “Don’t people buy dinner first before yanking off their pants?” He snorts, trying to make light of the situation and crossing his arms over his chest. “But then again, you stole my dinner.” 
“Are you insinuating I should take off my pants?” She asks with a smirk. 
Corpse nearly chokes on his own inhale, eyes wide as he quickly looks away.
Oh my god is she serious? “N-no!” He says, perhaps too quickly. Too loudly. His cheeks turned dark pink as he gapes at her for a moment before furrowing his brows again. He hunches his shoulders a little, doing his best to avoid those sharp hazel eyes. 
She’s pretty. Way too pretty for him and now she has him all flustered. This girl has way too much power over the agoraphobic anxiety bundle that is Corpse. 
“Oh so you’re insinuating that I should buy you dinner since I took off your pants?” She prompts, eyes narrowing with a delighted little smirk on her face. She has to be enjoying watching him squirm in embarrassment, otherwise, why would she keep asking questions like that? Of course she does. She is like every other girl in his life.
“I’m..-just...Forget it.” He mumbles, shrinking back away from her as he turns to go back inside the safety of his apartment. 
She’s probably making fun of me. Great, as if I didn’t have enough self-esteem issues already.
Before he could get inside, a hand grabs his shirt at the small of his back. “Hey, I’m just fucking with you, dude.” She says, giving the shirt’s fabric a tug. 
He turns and looks at her with wary eyes, wondering if she was trying to goad him into falling for her taunting again. But the ice in her gaze has melted and she gives him a crooked smile. “Lemme buy you dinner to pay you back. It’s the least I can do after you helped keep my ass out of jail.” She releases his shirt after a brief moment of reluctance and then offers her hand to him for a handshake. “Oh, I should introduce myself, officially this time. I’m Cora.” 
Corpse looks at her hand and carefully takes it. She has small hands and his long fingers practically engulfed hers as he shakes it lightly. He gives her his name in return and she smiles that light filled, beaming smile he remembers from the car. 
“Nice to, um- meet you, I guess.” He finds himself staring at her, unknowingly still holding her hand in his until she looks up and grins a little wider. 
“This seems like a roundabout way to hold my hand, bro. You could have just asked,you know.” She teases, but this time it felt okay, his embarrassment having faded slightly, but he still hurries to look away and release his hold on her. 
Corpse murmurs a quick apology, but before he could stick his hand back into the ripped pocket of his jeans, she takes hold of it again, tugging him forward. “Come on, lock your door. I’ll buy you something to eat. You drive though.” She lets go of his hand after a moment and, much to his surprise, he catches himself missing the warmth that it provided him while it was there. Turning, he ducked into his apartment to grab his hoodie and keys, feeling suddenly thankful he’d cleaned his car out.
Taglist: @vixenl  @fockingwhore
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foodieforthoughts · 4 years
Show Me the Light
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Summary: She recently moved to Minneapolis and is a newly appointed sports teacher at Southern Cross High School, wanting to live life away from the big city of New York. On the first week of her arrival she (almost) crashes into Detective Walter Marshall which leads to his and her life being intertwined there on. It is not your regular meet-cute story but rather a tug of war between two people from opposite spectrum of life.
Pairing: Walter Marshall x OFC (Myra King)
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: A slight description of a possible accident, smut in the future chapters.
A/N: Hello! After watching "Nomis" for the second time, I really started to feel the urge to write about our grumpy Detective Walter Marshall. I don't want to make it all angst, so bear with me if the OFC seems too cherry to be in the movie. Also, I do not want to face tag her, so let your imagination run free.
**Please let me know if you want to be added/removed from the taglist**
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| Part 1 | Part 2 |
Title: Show Me the Light
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Walter slammed the manilla folder on his desk, exasperated with the dead ends to the present case at hand. He stretched his arms in front of him, feeling his neck become stiff with the cold and his goddam posture was killing him.
"Dad?" Faye peaked in, draped in a shawl with her toothbrush in her hand.
"Are you going to bed now?" Walter's voice came out sterner than he intended to.
"No, I'm getting ready to go to school." She pointed towards the window in his office. Faint light of the rising sun was casting a glow from behind the curtains. "Did you stay awake the whole night?" She innocently asked.
Walter rubbed his eyes. He hadn't even realized how much time had passed since he had grabbed the case file last night. He had become so invested in it, he had completely missed bedtime. 'Not that sleep is important anyway.' He grunted, feeling the sore muscles in his back stretch as he stood up.
"I can call mom to drop me to school." His daughter offered. Her small frame looked tiny enveloped in her grey shawl, her nose pink with the cold.
"No, I'll just get some coffee. Have to go to the station anyway." Walter grunted again as he stretched his neck, rubbing a tender spot. "Go get ready."
He watched as his daughter retreated with a concerned look. Walter loved having his daughter around but it was mostly because he could keep one of his concerns at bay by keeping an eye on her. Grabbing his gun from the drawer and his badge lying on top of his table, he made his way downstairs to fix himself some strong coffee. He could feel the tiredness lingering in his muscles, but he had a job to get done. When he took the pledge to serve the public, he wholeheartedly meant it.
"So we got a new sports teacher." Faye pulled on her seat belt and buckled it over her body.
"What happened to the previous one?" Walter started the engine of his truck, the hunk of metal humming and warming in the cold. He let it run for a couple of seconds, rubbing his hands together as it touched the cold steering wheel.
"I don't know. He got old?" Faye chuckled.
Walter spared a smile. His daughter, the light of his life, made it a little less harder to live in this cruel world. They pulled out on the street and made their way towards the school.
It had snowed heavily last night. The sun shone brightly on the white landscape, making the snow twinkle like crystal. It was already peak office hour and thankfully Faye's school was not deep inside the city. Walter took out his sunglasses from his glove compartment, as the glint of the sun on the snow and the car windows were making his head hurt.
"Um... Dad? Is that coming our way?"
Walter looked up, squinting at the road as Faye pointed out in front of her. A black figure on a bike, the sound of its exhaust rumbling through the street and the metal parts shining in the sun, was making it's way towards them. The speed at which they were travelling and the slight tilting of its wheels from side to side hinted that the rider was losing it's balance.
"Oh, fuck!" Walter gripped his steering wheel tightly as the bike zoomed past his truck, barely missing the edge of the hood, and skidded along the slippery road to crash against the mount of ice gathered on the side. His truck made a grumble, the tires screeching as it tried to get a grip on the asphalt, coming to a jolting halt.
"Dad!" Faye had gripped her seat belt bracing for impact. "Oh my God! Are they alright?" She turned to look behind, watching the rider on the ground a few feet away from the bike.
"Are you okay?" Walter looked at his daughter. A whiplash injury was the last thing he wanted his daughter to suffer from. When Faye hurriedly nodded at him, his anger grew as he growled and opened his door to jump out and catch a hold of the irresponsible person who nearly crashed into him.
She was running late. Her second day on her job and she was freaking late.
Myra had hopped on her bike, chugging the last of her veggie smoothie and placing the bottle on the side pocket of her bag. Her brilliant black Benelli 900 SEI had looked stunning as always. She had dusted the few sprinkles of snow laying on it's tank, before kissing the cold metal handle bars.
"Don't disappoint me today, okay? You have been good so far." She had smiled at her bike dearly, remembering she still had to get it checked by a professional because of all the transportation it had had to go through. The sweet sound of its powerful engine coming to life, the exhaust emitting a rumble as she had revved it up a little, had made her heart swell.
Everything was working out fine. The city roads had been bustling with cars, but she had zoomed past them. Even though her bike belonged from the 70s, it still worked like a fine piece of metal. She had worn her faithful leather jacket, her biking gloves sat snuggly against her skin providing warmth in the cold weather.
Somewhere around the suburban part of the city, nearer to the school she worked at, her bike started to give off a clicking sound. Myra pressed on the breaks, feeling her speed coming down a little and her tires beginning to wobble on the road.
"Oh, fuck. No, no... " She prayed as the braking system seemed to be giving up on her. Her accelerometer showing her speed still above 20 mph. She was already crossing the speed limit inside the suburban region and was unable to do anything about it.
Her eyes widened as she spotted a big truck coming her way. She pressed down hard on the breaks, but she knew a crash was imminent now. Her eyes scanned about trying to look for an escape bay, spotting a heap of snow on the side of the road.
"Oh, God!" She turned her handle abruptly, missing the oncoming vehicle by mere inches, and let go of her bike as it skidded along the road and crashed on the snow. She slipped on the gravel for a couple of feet, trying to hold onto something to stop herself but failing miserably.
Myra groaned as she came to a halt, her head bumping against the road but saved by the helmet. Her heart raced like it was going to come out of her chest. Her feet and hands had gotten cold from the fear of crashing into the car, her breathing coming out ragged. She blinked several times, looking up at the sky through her black tinted glass hood of her helmet, swallowing the dryness in her throat.
"Hey!" Myra felt herself being yanked up by the collar of her jacket and came face to face with an angry, curly haired man. His eyebrows were scrunched together tightly and his lips, under the bush of his beard, was upturned in a sneer. "What the fuck just happened there?"
The zipper of her jacket dug at her throat, her feet dangling from the ground. The man was huge and powerful to have lifted her body up like she was nothing but a ragged doll. Myra placed her hands on his, trying to choke out a word. The insulated cover of her helmet and the air getting blocked from her throat was making her difficult to form words.
"W-wait... " She tried to speak but felt her lungs were straining for oxygen. The sound of the police siren made the burly man finally let go of her. She dropped to the ground on her knees, gasping for air and pulling her helmet off. She coughed as she leaned on the ground, placing her hands on the road breathing in through her mouth.
"Miss King?"
Myra looked up at the tiny voice of a girl coming from behind her. She recognized the girl from her class yesterday. Myra had helped her correct her posture while aiming for the goal when they had played soccer.
"You know her?"
The bearded man from before who had held her by the collar asked angrily. Myra looked over at him, his arms crossed over his chest, straining the fabric of his sweater over his muscles. She looked down at his waist and noticed the police badge clipped on his belt, his gun cocked in it's holster. She sat back on her knees, looking from one person to another.
"Yes! She's our new sports teacher."
Myra felt her cheeks heat as the grumpy man and the two police officers that had arrived later, looked down at her. Her gaze fell on her bike some few feet away, the hazy grey colour of smoke emiting from it, contrasting against the white sheet of snow.
"Take her to the station. Keep her there until I come back." He grumbled to the other two officers, throwing her a look of disgust and walking away with the girl behind her.
"Come on, Miss. Inside the car."
With a grunt from her aching muscles and joints, Myra stood up clutching her helmet in her hand and followed the men as they lead her to the police cruiser.
'Bloody fucking great!' She silently mumbled to herself as she sat on the backseat of the cruiser and watched the black truck she was going to crash into, drive away.
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Tags: @wanderlustkitkat @michelehansel @stephartrave @yuhsophie @hennerslionhat @henrythickcavill @eldarwen333 @peakygroupie @klaine-92 @thelastsock @indigosaurus @oddsnendsfanfics @viking-raider @cavillliketravel @geralt-of-baevia @achaoticaugust @dancingwendigo @littlefreya @luclittlepond @mansaaay @agniavateira @inlovewithhisblueeyes @henryobsessed @henryfanfics101 @poucinette1333 @ohmygoodie @oolicity @luclittlepond @momowhoo @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @asyverson @singeramg @supersweetstache @demivampirew @cavills-cavalry @raspberrydreamclouds @ramblings-of-a-cavill-lover @fuckoffbard @filmforb @thiccgeralt @the-soot-sprite @hell1129-blog @iloveyouyen @inthenameofcavill @madbaddic7ed @b-j-d @killjoy-assbutt-1112 @henchry @feralrunaway @ohjules
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Black Magic" *Part 12*
Ayyyyy I fixed it!
For those who missed it, I wrote this chapter also on my phone because apparently I'm addicted to this story I can't focus on my real life even when I'm out.
Also sorry this is short but it was written in a Target parking lot on my phone. And also-- I just wanna put off "THE" part. 😂😬😘
Part 11
Part 13
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Rafael shook his head, still reeling from your encounter. You had no idea what the hell you were talking about, he loved Olivia. He was sure of it. But the last thing you said nagged at him. Even if you had been some kind of crazy mind reading witch, that didn’t stop him from telling Liv about his father.
He had never told her, and if he was really honest with himself, he had no intention of telling her any time soon, maybe ever.
Why didn’t he want to tell her?
Rafael decided to show you, he went straight to Liv's bridal room and knocked on the door.
"Liv it's me."
"Rafa we can't see each other before the ceremony! It's bad luck!" She called through the door.
"Well it's more bad luck if we start this marriage with secrets." He replied.
Olivia's eyes widened: was he...was he going to tell her his middle name? All on his own? She KNEW you were full of shit
"O-okay just tell me through the door." Her eyes lit up with hope.
"No, I need to be looking at you or I might lose my nerve"
That was good enough for her! She swung the door open.
Rafael stared at her in awe, she had never looked so beautiful in all the years he knew her. He knew you were full of shit, he loved her completely.
"Liv I haven't been honest with you. My middle name isn't Antonio."
"It's not…?" Her eyes began to well up. It was happening. It was really happening.
"No, it's…." He paused and gazed at her. She was beautiful, she was perfect.... But there was no...safety.
"It's Ronaldo," he lied. "I just wanted you to have the right name on the marriage license"
"God damn it Rafael are you fucking kidding me? She yelled.
"What are you talking about?" Rafael was taken aback.
"Why can't you just tell me your real middle name? Why is that so hard for you?!" She yelled again..
"I'm sorry, you know that I'm lying? You know my real middle name?"
"What.. ? Yes...maybe, I don't know," she stammered.
"How do you know my middle name?" He asked.
" I, um...did...did you finish the flask I gave you?" She asked softly.
"....Excuse me?" Rafael asked suspiciously. He turned and walked back to his room. Olivia followed behind him quickly.
"You mean this flask that you supposedly gave me for our wedding day?" He asked, holding up a silver flask with his initials on it.
"You mean this nice loving gift, a token of your love on the most important day of our lives? You're asking me if I 'finished this'?"
"I.. well…" she stuttered.
"And what exactly is this Olivia?" He turned and headed to the bathroom of the groom suite.
"No Rafael, don't!!!" Olivia chase after him frantically.
Rafael opened the flask and poured its contests into the sink. To his horror and disbelief, a dark purple liquid poured out of it; as if it was purple and blue mixed together.
"Holy shit…" Rafael muttered.
"Oh my God!" he just stared in shock as the liquid dissipated down the drain. Olivia could only stand frozen in shock and couldn't speak.
"Oh my God, that girl was right wasn't she?" He stared at her.
"What girl? Was there a girl here?" Olivia quickly turned defensive. "Rafa you shouldn't listen to random ass people--"
"Oh no, fuck that Liv!" He screamed. Throwing the flask across the bathroom.
"What the hell was that?!" He gestured to the sink, now empty of the contents of the flask. "What the hell did you do to me?!
"Nothing!" She stuck to her denial. "It's just the color of the special liquor that I bought you. It's some kind of wine," She tried to think of a lie on the spot, but she wasn't great at it.
"Oh that is a load of shit!" Rafael scoffed while throwing up his hands. "I can't believe this...I can't believe some random ass girl knew more about me than you. She's right isn't she?"
"Rafa come on--" She started to speak, but Rafael wasn't hearing it.
"Oh no fuck that, fuck 'Rafa'. We're past Rafa, don't call me that!" Rafael screamed. "That girl was right, wasn't she? You made me forget her. I'm actually in love with her, aren't I?"
"No! You were never in love with her! That shit was fake. It was as fake as this!" She slapped her hand over her face after saying the last part inadvertently.
"Oh my God...This whole thing is fake. You manipulated my mind. You made me think that I was in love with you!" Rafael felt sick to his stomach.
"You are in love with me!" Olivia screamed. "You just needed to realize it," she added softly.
"And you wanted me to drink more so what? You could make me forget this ever happened so that I would marry you willingly? Like your little robot?" Rafael paced the room angrily.
"No I love you Rafael! That's why I did this! I did this for us!" She was crying now.
"That's BULLSHIT!" Rafael yelled.
"You didn't do this for me, you did this for you. You don't love me at all! If you really loved me, then you would want me to be happy no matter who that was with! I'm not your fucking Ken doll Liv! I'm not some guy you can just manipulate and tote around like some lap dog, doing whatever you say. That's not what love is!"
"Rafael come on, just look--- just, just drink this," she pulled out another vial from her bra. "Just drink it and you'll forget about this, and then we can be happy!"
"Are you not hearing me at all Olivia? Rafael asked her in actual disgust.
"You're still just trying to stick to your delusion? Don't come near me with that. In fact don't come near me at all. I can't. I can't even look at you right now," He started to storm out of the room but Olivia chased after him.
"Where are you going!?!"
"To get back what you stole from me!" Rafael yelled back, running out of the church.
You stood there in front of the penguins with Maria and Chloe just staring at them. It had gotten dark now. The tank was lit up, brightening the cave with its neon blue water. They looked so happy, just swimming and carefree, not a care in the world.
"Look at you guys," You sighed. "So happy, so innocent. You wouldn't lie to each other, you wouldn't manipulate each other, you just love each other unconditionally," You started to tear up.
"Oh honey…" Chloe came and put an arm around you.
"He's not coming, is he?" You looked at her with tears now dripping down your face.
She looked down at her watch; it had been about an hour since you had shown up there. That was about 20 minutes from the church. So it had been a while for Rafael to change his mind.
"I mean... I don't want to be Debbie Downer or anything but--" She have you a pity look.
"30 more minutes?" You pleaded with puppy dog eyes.
"Alright…." She looked at Maria who just shrugged sadly. Then she linked an arm in yours, laying her head on shoulder. "As long as you need."
Rafael was in an Uber, heading towards Central Park. He couldn't decide how he felt at the moment. He was enraged with Olivia for fucking with his emotions, his brain, his heart. How long has it gone on for?
Now that it had been a while since his last "dose", he was starting to realize he couldn't remember yesterday, or any of the past week, and it scared the shit out of him.
How could she do this? How could she just take memories from him like taking cookies out of a cookie jar? And with absolutely NO remorse? She was STILL trying to control him even when he was confronting her! Did she ever really love him? Were they ever really friends? It was like losing a lover and his best friend in one fell swoop.
And then there was you. Maybe you really had been Liv-- his lover and best friend. But she had taken that too, he had no memory of you whatsoever.
Even now he struggled to even remember your name. He was pretty sure you had said it in his dressing room, but all the shit he had in his system still left him all foggy. He did remember you knew his middle name, his Broadway dream.
You knew about Eduardo, how could he have told you about Eduardo? How important were you to him? How could he just forget that? He wanted that back, that safe feeling you were going on about. You were absolutely on the money about him never feeling safe once his Abuela had moved in with him and his mother. His mother's house never felt safe, even after Eduardo left.
His Mami was wonderful, but he never felt like he could ever fully be himself with her, because she wouldn't accept him. Which is why he never felt comfortable sharing himself completely, ever.
He wanted that safe feeling so badly….he wanted his feelings back so badly. Even if they were someone he supposedly didn't know.
"Uh….hey man are you ok? The Uber driver's question made him realize he was crying. The driver was awkwardly glancing back at him.
"Ahem...yeah no I'm fine. Can we uh...can we go any faster?"
"Hey man I can't control New York traffic," he gestured towards the stand still grid of cars.
He was still 5 blocks away. He wasn't entirely sure just how in love with him you were, though you were pretty damn hysterical at the church.
Would you wait all night? Have you already left?
"You know what, I think I can walk faster than this," Rafael told the driver as he got out on the curb and began running towards the park.
"....Don't forget to rate me five stars!!!" The driver called after him.
You glanced down at your phone, it had been 45 minutes since you had asked Chloe for 30. Maria was asleep on a bench, Chloe was falling asleep on your shoulder.
He wasn't coming. Olivia had won. You had to accept it.
You put your phone down and walked up to the glass of the penguin tank. They were all sleeping, except for one. They all were wearing these adorable harnesses that had their name on them, hers read "Penny".
Penny was sitting on a rock above the water, just staring at the "shore" of their enclosure.
You wondered if there was any explanation for that-- you googled "PENNY PENGUIN CENTRAL PARK ZOO". An article immediately came up. You scanned it, reading a particular sentence.
"....Penny's mate was killed in an accident at the zoo six months ago. Penguins are notoriously monogamous, so it's likely she won't ever take another mate. She just spends her night and days looking towards the place the Zookeeper's took Leonard from the enclosure."
Your heart broke, tears came to your eyes for the millionth time that day as you pressed a hand to the glass.
"I'm right there with you Penny, I know how you feel babe…" You sniffled as if the penguin could understand you. But she still continued to stare, waiting for her love to come back.
You wiped tears away and walked away from the tank over to Chloe and Maria, shaking her awake.
"Let's go," you sniffled.
"You sure honey?" She asked you as Maria stirred awake.
"Yeah…. it's over," you sniffled again, all out of water in your body.
She let you lean on her as you walked back up the stairs to the park.
You were so downtrodden, you didn't notice you had left your phone sitting in the enclosure.
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cultivated-man · 3 years
Hi, hello, 안녕
Thank you @a-song-without-words for passing the mug ☕, I have filled my “worlds greatest dad” mug with some Yinzhen tea. (No, I am not a father, but yes, I love the mug) 
Three Ships: Wangxian, of course, has a special place in my heart. They are a great pair, maybe I love them because I feel like I can understand both of them on such an emotional level. I could go on for years talking about them, so I will leave it there. Next is Gahan. I absolutely love their chemistry they have. Plus they are related to the justice system so it hits home for me and I watch anything about the justice system. Gahan is a very close second to Wangxian. Last but not least, Tanbun. Again, crime related, but a great be gay do crime type of relationship. Gotta love it. 
First Ship: Oh dear god. I have no idea. I think I have been shipping characters since 2016, so I couldn’t really tell you. I think the first ship I can think of was  Lawlight? Woof. Yikes. MoViNg On-
Last Song: Don’t Call Me by SHINee ah what a bop. 
Last Film: The Power of the Dog. I highly recommend anyone with Netflix to watch it. Please, its amazing. You won’t regret it. (also you could let me know if you do see it, I’d love to know what people think. 
Currently Reading: I’m currently rereading an Edgar Allen Poe short story collection book 
Currently Watching: I have been rewatching Criminal Minds (for like the 20th time) because I am about to graduate and get my dream job (being a CSI) 
Currently Consuming: Well, I am drinking my tea I was ever so nicely passed metaphysically- but I just finished some spicy ramen with tuna. 
Currently Craving: Um... some mental clarity. Yeah, thats what I’m craving...
Now to one of the more difficult parts: tagging. Heres a few people: @hmmmmidontknow @laowen @devil-taemin @herquixoticworld and @hanleeno
Up to you if you want to, I just chose the people I know! I shall pass my mug on ☕~
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turinn · 3 years
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Ray Blackwell x M!Reader
Summary: An invitation at a party reveals that Luka had no idea you’re gay, and brings up a concern you hadn’t had before. Tags: Crack, fluff, secret relationship, mention of homophobia, alcohol consumption A/N: This is based on a dream I had where Luka and I had this exact conversation and when I woke up and remembered it I nearly threw up laughing. I did actual research for the girls outfit and hair bc im a fashion history nerd. the pocket watch i just thought was cute. Fenrir calls the reader fruity but its okay bc hes gay too god bless Word Count: 1.5k
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The party was the usual affair expected of the Godspeed's, an air of elegance- present but not too overbearing- hanging over the large hall. Music drifted gently to your ears as you took everything in, a small smile settling on your face.
You couldn't help but feel a little underdressed. The officers had, of course, kept their uniforms on, but everyone else present was dressed to the nines. You'd thought the suit you wore was lovely when you and Seth had seen it last week, dark blue with a white trim, paired with a pale cyan tie and pocket square. The gold watch that settled comfortably in your pocket had been a gift from Blanc, supposedly made by Oliver to look similar to his own, to commemorate your decision to stay in Cradle. Compared to everyone else, it felt rather simple now, but you pushed the thought aside. Nobody was judging what you were wearing, they were here to enjoy themselves same as you.
"Would you like a drink?" Ray asked, voice soft enough not to startle you too much. This wasn't too effective, as you'd gotten lost in your thoughts, and sort of forgotten there were people around you, but it was kind of him to try. "Oh, yes, please." You smiled at him and a moment later he'd walked off, talking to Sirius about something, leaving you alone with Luka. Fenrir had disappeared to greet his family when you'd first arrived, and Seth was who knows where, but you didn't mind it being just the two of you. Luka rarely came to these, in fact this was the first he'd been to since you'd arrived in Cradle, despite it being your fifth, and you decided someone should stick with him so he didn't feel quite as nervous.
As you turned to say something to him, you noticed a lady making her way over to the both of you, looking rather flustered. Her fists were clenched at her sides, and she seemed to be muttering something to herself, but it was clear she had intent to speak to one of you. Perhaps she wanted to talk to Luka? He was cute, it wouldn't surprise you. What did surprise you, however, was when she walked up to you instead.
"Um, excuse me if this is far too forward, but... would you be interested in dancing with me?" She sounded so nervous, and you almost wanted to say yes. Any other man would have been lucky to get such an invitation- she looked stunning. She wore her hair in curls, gathered at the back of her neck, with a hairpiece of pale blue flowers was pinned at the front, a necklace donning the same type of flower hanging just above the neckline of her gown. The gown in question matched the colour of the flowers well, though the width of the crinoline supported skirt would have made you concerned about the logistics of dancing with her- if you'd had any intention of saying yes. Her cheeks were tinted pink as she chewed her bottom lip and waited for your answer, avoiding your gaze. A hand on your chest and a sincerely apologetic look on your face, you began to respond. "Oh dear. I'm terribly sorry, but you seem to have gotten the wrong end of the stick. You're a very attractive young lady but I'm afraid... how should I put this," You glanced at Luka for help, but he seemed to have no idea what you were trying to tell her, "I'm afraid I don't tend to set my eye on the ladies, so to speak." "You're... gay?" A sympathetic nod. "That's the ticket. Sorry, love." "Oh, it's not a problem! I'm really sorry to have bothered you!" She suddenly looked much less nervous, though a little embarrassed, and scurried off. You sighed. "I feel a little bad. I really hope she finds someone to dance with." Luka looked at you quizzically. "Why did you lie to her?" A confused laugh escaped you. "I'm sorry?" "You told her you were into guys. Why lie?" As he said this, Seth and Fenrir came up behind him, and hearing his question their eyebrows shot up. So did yours. Was he kidding? "Luka, sweetie, you have got to tell me what part of my personality made you think I was heterosexual, so I can set about changing it immediately." Seth choked on his drink, and though you flashed him a grin, you weren't entirely kidding. Going from Victorian London to a world where being gay was perfectly acceptable had been quite the change, but you'd been certain all of your friends had known. It's not like you were quiet about it, and sure, Luka was naive but... come on, now. "Wait are you... you were being honest?" "Yes?" "Luka," Fenrir began, stepping next to you and resting an elbow on your shoulder, "How have you seriously not noticed that he's gay yet?" "Well- there was no reason for me to assume!" "You watched me drunk make out with at least 2 different Black Army soldiers in my first month here!" Luka looked flustered, and utterly dumbfounded. The expression was one he wore often, usually when people insinuated that someone was in love- but somehow about five times more confused. He was unfortunate enough that Ray and Sirius returned at this moment, just in time to hear both your last remark, and his next one.
"I thought that was just something you did when you were drunk?" In another moment you were on your knees, legs shaking so much from laughter that you couldn't hold yourself up any longer. Fenrir was right there beside you, practically convulsing. Everyone else was laughing too- except poor Luka. You felt a little bad, truly you did, but this had to be the funniest thing you had ever heard. "He's completely straight, but watch out! Get a couple drinks in him and he turns fruity!" Fenrir managed to get out between cackles, and Ray was glad to have put your drinks down when Luka had last spoken, because he too nearly fell to the ground at this.
"Luka- Luka I'm sorry." You pulled yourself to your feet, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "We aren't laughing at you." Another fit of giggles overcame you. "Okay we kind of are, but it's not malicious or anything. That was just... hands down the funniest thing you've ever said." It took most of you 5 or so minutes to fully calm down from what he'd said, and anything that jogged your memories of it would bring you back to a state of uncontrollable laughter for the rest of the night. Luka came round to it being pretty funny after you talked him through the dozens of times you'd mentioned your sexuality to him since you'd met- every one of which had gone over his head.
Hours after the party had worn down and you'd all made your way home, you lay in bed, your head pressed against a familiar chest, and sighed. "What's up?" "I just... D'you think anyone else just hasn't realised?" Ray cocked his head, confused. "I'm gonna need a little more info than that, kitten." "I suppose I just... Back in London, it's not even legal to be gay, and I don't know if it ever will be. When I first came out to Fen, he told me that it was fine here, accepted and even celebrated. So, I guess I just thought that people wouldn't make the automatic assumption that I'm straight, y'know? I mean I talk about it a lot among you guys but- when I’m out and about... where do people think my final destination is? When I pick up a silly cat themed gift for you does the shopkeep think I’m buying it for my wife? It shouldn't be a big deal, I guess, but I'd never been able to be myself until I came here, and now it's like I can be me but... people will still only see who I am if I tell them. It's just weird is all. I dunno. Maybe I'm drunk." "You're not drunk. It's an understandable concern. I guess I've never thought about it, because whether or not people would accept that part of me has never been an issue, but the fact that you've had to hide it for so long and now that you're able to be open people still aren't seeing it must be hard. If you want we could... come out, so to speak?" Your eyebrows raised, and you moved back, propping yourself up on your arm so you could look your partner in the eyes.
It had been decided at the very start of your relationship, which had officially begun a few months after you'd made the choice to stay in Cradle, that the two of you would keep it under wraps for a while. Being from the Land of Reason was more than enough reason for people to take an unwanted interest in you, and you didn't need the extra attention being the King of Spades' partner would garner. Plus, anyone with a grudge against Ray would see you as a target the second you announced it. It had been a sensible suggestion on his part, one you hadn't hesitated to agree to, and as far as you knew only Sirius and Fenrir knew about your relationship. Fenrir because he had walked in on you sitting in Ray's lap while he worked late one night, and Sirius because- well, can anything get past that guy? And now, Ray was offering to tell the entirety of Cradle you were his, just so that you didn't feel like you were hiding your identity anymore? You could feel your eyes starting to burn, and you cursed the late hour and the alcohol in your system for making you cry so easily, but... "I don't think we need to be that drastic. You were right when you said it would keep me safe for us to not be in the public eye, at least for now. I'm sure Seth can come up with some better way for me to tell the whole world I'm gay." "I don't doubt that at all." Ray grinned, placing a gentle kiss on first your forehead, then your nose, and finally on your lips. "Tomorrow, though. You need your beauty sleep." "Ah, yeah, can't risk getting ugly. My boyfriend might not want me anymore." You quipped. "Exactly." He smirked at you, turning out the light and pulling you into his arms.
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