#oh my god do you think we would’ve had a scene with george begging her not to leave 😭😭😭
sometimes i wonder if i would’ve survived seeing lockwood reject and separate himself from lucy like in the hollow boy. like … would i have survived that or just imploded on the spot? seeing it all before my eyes i think would’ve hurt so bad idk if i would’ve made it
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theyre-just-blocks · 3 years
Different relationships on the Dream SMP but they’re Glass Animals songs. 
No, I haven’t read Heatwaves, no I’m not doing this because of Heat Waves, this is just for fun because I love the band and their music and some of their songs actually fit character relationships in the Dream SMP really well. 
Reminder! This is based on their characters in the SMP, not the actual ccs themselves. It would be weird if it wasn’t and quite frankly the songs wouldn’t fit if that were the case. 
Relationship: Sam & Ponk
Song: Pork Soda
What It’s About: A loving relationship between two lovers who slowly started to fall out of love, leading one of them to want what the relationship used to be. 
Why It Fits: I mean, the song meaning is pretty much what’s going on with the two right now. They had a nice, loving dynamic that quickly turned to the worse thanks to the Egg and the Prison corrupting the both of them. The narrator, obviously, would be Ponk, who got the short end of the stick when it came to the complications of the relationship. And I just think it would be funny to have ‘lemon’ instead of ‘pineapple.’ 
Some Lyrics:
You took my hand and you made me run, up past the prison to the seafront
Why can’t we laugh now like we did then? How come I see you and ache instead?
Maybe you’re fucking scum, don’t you go psycho chum
I want you for the world, I want you all the time (stop)
I won’t forget how you looked at me then
Relationship: DreamXD & George
Song: Holiest
What It’s About: A relationship between two lovers, one who is annoyed with the other’s antics, who is preoccupied in their dreams, goals, and ideals, comparing them to a child.
Why It Fits: I really only chose this song for the two because DreamXD is kind of a god on the SMP, so I went, “Okay god, they’ve got a song called ‘Holiest’, that fits.” But I also think it fits in the way that DreamXD basically simps for George and in the song one of the individuals seems to beg the other that they can be different. I think it would be a sort of, “You’re not him,” kind of thing, basically.
Some Lyrics:
Be a part of the scene like you're living your dream, Walk the room like you're on fire, Like your chasing the truth, gripping tight to your youth
Babe, I'm not what you think, Come on, listen to me
Now all I do is feel afraid
Can't you see that I'm here, Can't you see I've been played
But you're the holiest thing I know, Yes, you're the holiest thing, holiest thing I know
Relationship: Schlatt & Quackity
Song: Cacao Hooves
What It’s About: Possibly about the internal conflict of someone who has done a lot of bad things in the past (though not confirmed).
Why It Fits: Even if the song is mainly for one’s internal conflicts, I felt like it fit Schlatt and Quackity’s external ones with each other. For one, the character in the song is an ‘old goat’, perfect for Schlatt, then there’s a comment about setting wings on fire, perfect for Quackity. The internal conflict in the song would be the two going back and forth with the White House, especially since there’s a line about not fighting back/using bows and arrows. I just thought it was perfect. 
Some Lyrics:
This old goat with beard of grey, He turns his leather gripped cane
You never fight back, Why don’t you play with bows and arrows?
Why don’t you play nice? Why don’t you toy with sex and violence?
Why don’t you set your wings on fire?
Relationship: Dream & Fundy
Song: Flip
What It’s About: The narrator is making plans on getting revenge on someone who had wronged/harmed them in the past.
Why It Fits: While most of the lyrics don’t really fit, and Fundy hasn’t made a move to get back at Dream for what happened at the Wedding, the idea behind the song, I felt fit the two. If given the chance, I’m sure that Fundy would’ve gotten revenge on Dream, seeing as he did so with L’Manburg during Doomsday. It would be from Fundy’s perspective and it puts a new spin on the idea of a Fox Hunt. 
Some Lyrics:
I wanna take to my guns and break you, I gotta make my little foe take his own
I’m gonna go back, I’m gonna go back, I’m gonna go back to a face no more mask
I was in full bloom until I met you, I’m gonna shake my fetters, I’m breaking loose
Relationship: Quackity, Karl, & Sapnap
Song: Tangerine
What It’s About: The narrator sings about some that they’ve know who’s taken a turn for the worse, changing due to different events, but the narrator still has the hope that things could be the same.
Why It Fits: This song fits so well, lyric and beat wise. It’s so preppy and fun like them, despite the lyrics being so down. For this, it would be Karl and Sapnap’s take on Quackity’s spiral with torturing Dream and setting up Las Nevadas. They’re wondering what happened to him and still have hope that maybe they could get him back, basically. 
Some Lyrics: 
I can't keep on making you happy 'cause you got issues with your daddy
But I wish I could show you more of yourself, I wish I could make you somebody else. But I left it way too late. Are you stuck in your own ways?
You let the devil in, and all you talk is money, money, money, money, money, It's so funny how it changes how you feel
Where are you? What happened? I want what we had. Where you gone? Where you hidin'?
Hands, knees, please, tangerine, come on back to me. Got what I need, tangerine, do this for me
Relationship: Puffy & Niki
Song: Agnes
What It’s About: The narrator is trying to pull out another from an addiction, which has steadily ruined their relationship a bit.
Why It Fits: This one is just a bit of a stretch, but it works. It would be from Puffy’s POV as she’s trying to get Niki back to the way she once was, before Doomsday, before finding out about Wilbur, and before being obsessed with killing Tommy. In the song, the person being sung about has an addiction, so I figured that could be replaced with her want to kill Tommy. So it’s Puffy trying to bring her back, but at the same time, Puffy is unsure about what she’s doing. 
Some Lyrics:
Calm down now, stop and breathe a second? Go back to the very beginning. Can't you see what was different then?
To be reborn, I want to hold you like you're mine
You see the sad in everything. A genius of love and loneliness
Where went that cheeky friend of mine? Where went that billion-dollar smile?
You're gone but you're on my mind. I'm lost but I don't know why
Relationship: Bad & Skeppy
Song: JDNT
What It’s About: Though not confirmed, the song could be about a narrator who is putting on a brave face, but is ready to crack under the stress at any minute. 
Why It Fits: This one is also a stretch, it was kind of hard to find a song that fit the two. However, with the Egg, I think that this song works well for them. Though I couldn’t find a solid meaning behind the lyrics, I figured that if we took their arc with the Egg, it would work. I think the song would be from both of their POVs, with the story idea behind Skeppy being stuck in the Egg and Bad giving himself to the Egg in return of getting his friend back. 
Some Lyrics:
I've got my old helmet on, Keeping out an eye, Puffing all my feathers up
Please, it's not okay. Oh, can't you feel your dirty face? Oh, don't it leave that filthy taste?
Where my funny friends gone? You're in paradise. Who gon' plant the flowers, huh?
I shut my wild eyes, and crumble to a pile of dust and fertilise
Relationship: Quackity & Glatt
Song: Your Love (Deju vu)
What It’s About: Being caught up in a relationship you know is toxic, but somehow you can’t seem to cut that person out of your life.
Why It Fits: I think the meaning of the song fits them pretty well as we all know that relationship was toxic as hell. But in this sense, it’s Glatt, so even more so, Quackity’s still coming back to him even when Schlatt is dead and now a ghost. Though their relationship during Schlatt’s time alive was terrible, Quackity still went to Schlatt and decided to work with him. Also, it’s got a line about eating and I just thought it would fit in the whole ‘heart eating’ sense. 
Some Lyrics:
And I'm backsliding into this just one more time
You go back there when you're done, Don't you want some more?
Maybe in time, When we're both better at life, daylight can open my eyes, and you'll still be by my side
Night by night, I let you eat me alive, I want you to eat me alive
Relationship: Dream & George
Song: Heatwa - [gunshot]
Nah, jk, here’s their song.
Relationship: Dream & George
Song: The Other Side of Paradise
What It’s About: Though I’m not entirely sure, but I think that the song focuses around a relationship that slowly deteriorated due to one of the individuals moving on for a more grander, luxurious life. 
Why It Fits: Dream would be the individual in the relationship who went to go chase after a fancy life, thus ruining the relationship. The "fancy life" in this case would be the power and control he sought over members of the server, which ultimately got him locked up. So I think it would be in George's POV, but that's basically why I thought the song would fit the two. 
Some Lyrics:
He told me, "Please, don't worry", wise little smile that spoke so safely 
Caught up in a rush, it's killing you
I miss him, don't you blame me? That boy went stone cold crazy, Caught up in camera lust, He's chasing that pappy pipe dream
I know you don't but I-I know you don't but I still try
Curled up in a grip when we were us, fingers in a fist like you might run, I settle for a ghost I never knew, super paradise I held on to, but I settle for a ghost
I know I should probably post my thoughts on Quackity's stream, but I started this a few days ago and only finished it today, so take it now.
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axwalker · 5 years
The Trade 11
Synopsis:  Liam is running for Cordonia’s presidency. To assure his victory, Constantine makes an arraignment behind his back for him to marry the rich ambassador’s daughter: Alexis O’Brien. Due to her father’s threats, she has no other option than to seduce Liam Rhys. But what happens when she falls in love with his best friend? (AU)
Pairings: DrakexMC
Warnings: I love drama and chaos so this will probably get a bit dark. In this chapter there is mention of rape, if you get triggered by this issue, don’t hesitate to send me a message and I’ll be glad to explain what happens without reading it.  A lot of angst and heartbreak
Please note that this is my first series and English is not my first language. I really love ALL kinds of feedback.  Don’t hesitate to comment!
Disclaimer: Some of the dialogues and settings as well as most of the characters belong to Pixelberry (except for Alexis O’Brien and her evil father George O’Brien JR).
To catch up: MASTERLIST 
@pedudley​ thanks for being my incredible beta reader, your comments always make me smile !! !   @mskaneko Thank you so much for this new mood-board, I LOVE it, it’s just perfect
Love you girls ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
I'm tagging those who asked, if you want to be added to the list, just ask :)
@drxkewalker​ @pedudley​ @pug-bitch​ @burnsoslow​ @lauzales​ @desireepow-1986​ @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore​ @yukinagato2012​ @kingliam2019​ @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​ @debramcg1106​ @mskaneko​
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After their kiss at the Beaumont’s study, Alexis was rattled, she couldn’t allow herself to succumb to Drake anymore. Still feeling his lips on her, she decided to take a shower and try to get him out of her mind. She went into the bathroom and began undressing when a loud noise from the bedroom got her attention. She came back into the room and gasped when she saw Tariq standing in front of her, a twisted smile on his lips.
“My, my I had pictured you without clothes, but my imagination didn’t do you any justice.” He stepped closer looking brazenly at her on her underwear. She took the silky robe next to her bed and put it on.
“What are you doing here?”
He sneered again and pull a knife out of his pocket.
Her eyes widened “Don’t do anything stupid, Tariq. Leave my room, now.” She tried to sound calm and steady, but she was terrified.
“I won’t leave until we’ve had a little fun.”
Her eyes darted to the door, she tried to run to it, but he was quicker than her, so he blocked her passage.
“Where do you think you’re going? I told you that we were going to have a lot of fun tonight.” He pointed the knife at her again. “You can scream all you want but everyone is still at the party, no one will hear you. Plus, I’m not afraid of using this. You owe me, whore.”
After her attack when she was fifteen years old, Alexis had sworn to herself that something like that would never happen to her again. When she left for college in New York, the first thing she had done was to sign up for self-defense lessons. Also, she always carried a pepper spray with her, which was currently at her nightstand next to her bed.
She tried to think fast, if she screamed now, it’d only spook Tariq and make him do something irreparable, plus he was right: when she had left the party everyone was still there.
She’d definitely have more chances of surviving if she managed to convince Tariq that she would sleep willingly with him. Then, as soon as she’d have a chance, she’d mace him, kick him and run.
Alexis raised her hands. “Okay, calm down.  Maybe we can talk about this, you don’t have to hurt me.”
“I knew you would come to your senses.” He licked his lips walking towards her and grabbed her by the waist kissing her lasciviously. Feeling his hands and lips on her was repugnant but it was the only way to escape.
After a few atrocious seconds, she pulled apart. “Yes.” She smiled and kept talking on a soft voice, “there’s no reason to make this horrible for either of us, we can just have fun. There are some whiskey and wine on the cabinet behind you. I could use some to relax.” She waited for him to turn to the cabinet and grabbed the spray as fast as she could, hiding it in her robe’s pocket. She watched Tariq put the knife on the cabinet while he served them both a glass of red wine.
She was ready, so as soon as he approached her to give her the drink, she maced him. He screamed at the sharp pain but immediately gripped her right arm to stop her from leaving. She remembered what Briana had taught her and used the heel of her free palm to strike him under his nose; she threw her whole weight into the move so she could cause him the most pain possible and force him to loosen his grip. She succeeded and ran to the door but just when she was opening it, he grabbed her ripping her robe. He felt like his eyes and nose were on fire, and that enraged him. He pinned her violently to the floor as she tried to kick him on the knees and screamed for help, begging that someone would hear her.
Drake was walking to his room with Maxwell’s words playing in his head over and over again. He knew the wisest decision was to wait until the morning to talk to her, but no argument was good enough, he needed to see her right then. He turned around and when he was getting closer to her room his blood froze. Alexis was screaming.
Less than five seconds later Drake ran into her room. He barely had time to register the scene in front of him, when a rage like nothing he had never felt before invaded him.
Alexis took advantage of Tariq’s surprise and got loose of his grip as Drake grabbed him from his collar and slammed him strongly against the wall.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He hit him repeatedly, then tackled him to the floor immobilizing him, and turned to Alexis who was sitting on the floor. “Are you ok, Lexie?” She nodded but he saw the bruises in her arms, her black mascara all over her face and the terrified look on her eyes.
“How dare you touch her, you fucking piece of shit?” He punched him again and again until Alexis screamed.
“Drake! Stop! You’re going to kill him, he’s not worth it, please Drake, stop!” The distress in her voice made him stop giving a chance to Tariq to free himself, stand up, and reach for the knife he had left on the cabinet. He pointed it at Drake.
Drake arched his eyebrows smirking. “Do you think you’re scaring me? You’re nothing but a fucking coward.” He stepped towards Tariq.
“You better stay where you are, Drake because if you lose this fight, I’ll stab that whore right after you.”
Drake raised his hands shaking with anger. “You won’t be able to hide anywhere asshole, I’ll swear I’ll find you.”
Tariq left the bedroom and ran as fast as he could.
Drake didn’t hesitate for a second, even if he should follow Tariq, he couldn’t ignore Alexis’ small sobs. He kneeled next to where Alexis was sitting on the floor and took her chin. “Are you ok, Lexie?” She had an empty look on her eyes. “Baby, look at me.” He tilted his head so he could meet her gaze. “Are you alright?” He swallowed hard. “Did he-?”
She came back to her senses and shook her head strongly. “No, he didn’t have time.” She looked gratefully at him. “Thanks to you.”
“It seems to me that you put one hell of a fight yourself, baby. Let’s get you to bed.” He took her in his arms and put her gently on the bed, helping her to get under the covers.
“Come on Lexie.” He sat next to her and pulled her close to him. “I’m so sorry.” He placed a kiss on her forehead. “Tariq’s eyes looked like they were on fire”
“I maced him.” She smiled at him.
Drake chuckled. “Really?”
“Yeah,” she answered proudly. “I also kicked him and almost broke his nose.”
He hugged her smiling against her head. “You’re so brave. You have no idea how scared I was when I heard you screaming.” He held her tightly.“If anything would’ve happened to you… I…” He cupped her face as softly as he could and kissed her lips with all the gentleness he was capable of.
Alexis smiled and cuddled up against him. His gentle kisses and strong arms wrapping her were everything she needed. She felt as she did every time Drake was around her, completely safe. 
Drake stroke her hair and kissed the top of her head as she began to fell asleep when someone knocked at the door. Drake stood up and opened it. It was, Liam.
Everything was going according to plan; he had talked with his contact at The Cordonian Daily News and she was going to wait until the right moment to release the pictures.
Liam would be so humiliated that it would be impossible for him to recover from it, and if by any miracle he managed to do it, he’ll simply set the second part of his plan in motion. Recruiting Penelope had been a master move, who could suspect the mousy assistant working for the party planner? She had access to every guest on the list and as dull as she was, she understood how he felt better than anyone.
He knew she would die for him if the time came. Of course, he didn’t want it to happen but if it did, it would be for the cause. The times when he was feeling remorse were over, after all, he was the one supposed to lead Cordonia. If someone else had to become collateral damage for him to fulfill his destiny, so be it.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Liam shouted
“What the hell is your problem, Liam!”
Liam entered the room furiously, but Alexis jumped off the bed and managed to get in the middle of them.
“Liam! Stop it! Drake is here because he helped me. I was going to take a shower and I heard a noise, when I came into the room Tariq was there, he...he wanted to...”
She looked at Drake incapable of formulating the words, he nodded at her reassuringly.
“He had a knife, Liam, he was going to attack her, she screamed so I ran to help her.”
Liam turned to Alexis visibly worried. “Oh god! Are you alright, love? Did he do anything?”
“No, Drake was right on time.”
Liam seemed relieved. “Thank you, Drake” He squeezed Alexis’s hand. “Come on darling, I’ll stay with you.”
Alexis’s heart broke seeing Drake standing next to the door watching her.
Liam turned to his friend. “I’ll take care of her now, Drake. But thank you” His voice broke thinking of what could’ve happened. “I mean it.”
“Of course. I’ll ask security to search the whole estate, I think he escaped but I prefer to be safe than sorry.” Before he turned to leave, he looked at Alexis one last time “Please, take care of yourself ” She only nodded, the lump on her throat prevented her from speaking.
When Drake left Liam turned to Alexis “Is there anything I can do for you, love?”
She shook her head and lied. “No, Li it’s fine.”
“I don’t think you should be alone, Alexis. Let me be here for you.”
She smiled at Liam. As touched as she was by his concern, the only thing she wanted was to be with Drake again.  
“I can sleep on the couch, darling,” he suggested watching how uneasy she seemed.
Alexis felt relieved. “If you don’t mind, I think it would be better for tonight.”
Liam took some covers out of the closet and prepared himself for a night on the couch. After a moment, he noticed that Alexis was turning around on the bed, and his chest tightened, he would’ve loved to take her in his arms and comfort her, but he knew she wasn’t ready. His feelings, on the other hand, were growing stronger every day. It was almost ironic how he had always been able to have any woman he wanted without even trying, and now that he actually loved one, she seemed impervious to him. Because despite his best efforts, Alexis had built an invisible wall between them, one that Liam was decided to tear down by doing anything he could to be the perfect man for her, and with time, he was sure he would be able to conquer her. Liam wanted her so badly that he could barely sleep anymore, he dreamed about her, about her body under his, about her soft voice screaming his name. He wanted to share his life with her, to spoil her, to be her world. Alexis O’Brien was driving him insane, she would have to end up loving him, no matter what. Her voice pulled him out of his thoughts. She was talking in her sleep, so he pricked up his ears to listen and his heart froze, she was calling for Drake.
Drake called Mara and Franz, the chiefs of security and they all looked thoroughly for Tariq around the house and gardens but there was no sign of him anywhere. After two hours, Mara tried to convince him to stop but Drake refused. Deep down, he knew Tariq had already fled but he needed something to occupy his mind and take it far away from whatever was happening between Alexis and Liam in her room. After her attack, he was aware that Liam was probably just comforting her but the mere thought of his arms around her pushed him over the edge. Finally, he gave up the futile search and took a bottle of whiskey from Bertrand’s collection, it was going to be a long sleepless night.
Rashad lied in bed, smiling to himself thinking about Maxwell dancing and joking with Alexis at the party. He knew he would never be able to find anyone like him again, so sparkling and compassionate. Maxwell had been able to see through his fears and insecurities and had given him a chance to be himself. He had listened to him countless times during all those sleepless nights at the Beaumont State, and he had been the first man Rashad had ever loved, the only one. Maxwell knew him much better than his fiancé for over a decade ever did, and they only had been together for a couple of years.
Rashad knew he had taken the right decision breaking up the engagement with Kiara, it didn’t make sense anymore. Sure, she was the perfect match if he wanted to pursue a political career but pretending to love each other was getting impossible for both of them; she slept with a different man every night and he was sure she harbored very strong feelings for Drake Walker. As for him, well there was no point in denying it anymore, he was crazy about Max, even if he wasn’t ready to publicly come out of the closet just yet.
The next day, after a quick shower in his bedroom, Liam went to work in the business center of the Beaumont’s state. He hadn’t forgotten what Alexis had dreamt the previous night, but he had decided to let it go for the time being. Drake was surely a mere distraction for her, nothing serious. Alexis had been raised to be with a man like him, someone who could give her the life she was used to, who would enchant her, and Drake would never be that kind of man. Liam still remembered the agreement they had made when he had asked for his help with the campaign, Drake would stay for two years, and then he would be free to live his life away from politics. Liam knew that for Drake that meant to retire to his cabin in the woods, finish his Veterinary degree, and live a simple life with no luxuries, and that was not the life Alexis deserved.
“Good morning, Liam.” Drake sat next to Liam with a large cup of coffee.
Liam couldn’t remember the last time he had been glad to spend time with his best friend.
“Hi, Drake. Rough night?” He pointed at the coffee.
“Nah, don’t worry,” Drake smirked to hide the fact that he hadn’t slept thinking about Alexis all night. “We searched the estate thoroughly last night but there was no sign of Tariq anywhere, I’ll go this morning to his parent’s house to see if he’s there.”
Liam raised his brows. “It’s not your job to protect her, Drake. It’s mine; I’ll take care of it.”
“This is not about you or me, Liam! It’s about her. She needs to know that he won’t hurt her anymore. She needs to feel safe.”
Despite his friend’s outburst, Liam remained calm “He won’t. I’ll make sure of it. That bastard will never get near her again. I’ll engage some security; they’ll look up for him.”
Drake sighed and nodded. As long as Alexis was safe, he didn’t care about the rest. 
After a few minutes of quietly working and drinking coffee, Drake spoke. “We need to prepare for the rally in Castelraillan.”
“I agree, it’s a top priority. Can you take care of it?” Liam asked, coldly. 
“Yes, I’ll go look for Kiara so she can brief me on the preparations that Joelle has already made.”
Drake stood up to leave the room but before he could get out of the door, he heard Liam’s voice. Something had been bothering the candidate since the previous night.
“I really appreciate what you did for Alexis last night.” He paused, “what I cannot understand, it’s how you heard her screaming. Your room it’s on the other side of the house. What were you doing on the west wing?”
Drake was tired, he hadn’t slept all night, and Liam’s attitude was starting to seriously annoy him; he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I didn’t know I had to give you a detailed report of my whereabouts, Liam.”
Liam stood up as well “You’re not answering my question.”
“And I’m not going to. Where I go or not after I’m done working it’s not your problem.”
Liam raised his hands “Fine. Don’t tell me. I, however, will tell you this for the last time.” He cut the distance between them and added with a threatening tone of voice. “Get away from her, stop pretending to be her friend or her knight on shining armor or whatever it is you’re doing. She wants to be with me, and you’ll have to accept that.”
Drake’s fist clenched. “What I can’t understand, it’s why are you being so fucking jealous if you’re sure she wants to be with you.”
Liam glared at him, they were standing only a few inches apart. “I don’t care what you think, just stay the hell away from her.” His blood boiled at the thought of Alexis saying Drake’s name in her sleep. “Or I swear, you’ll regret it.” Liam tapped his finger on Drake’s chest.
Drake shoved him. “Don’t fucking touch me!”
Liam was about to push him back when the doors opened, Alexis entered it but she stopped in her tracks, immediately sensing the tension in the room.
Her eyes darted from one man to the other. “What’s going on?”
Liam approached her “Nothing, love. Drake and I were having a misunderstanding, but I think everything is clear now. Isn’t it, Drake?”
His dark eyes did their best to hide the pain in his heart, as much as it hurt to admit it, Liam was right, she had chosen him. “Crystal.” He turned to Alexis, even after everything she had done, Drake had to make sure that she was fine “How are you doing this morning O’Brien?”
His voice had the power of making her terribly nervous, she had to swallow before answering “I’m fine, Drake. Thank you”. They locked eyes on each other for a second and they both blushed.
“Yes, you were sleeping soundly when I left your room this morning” Liam smiled, circling her waist with his arm and kissing her cheek, possessively.
Drake had to turn his head, seeing Liam being so affectionate with her and talk about their night together was much more than he could bear. “Alright, I have work to do. See you later”
Alexis reached for his shoulder to stop him from leaving. “Um, actually I was looking for you. I need you to give me some information so I can write Liam’s speech for Castelraillan.”
Drake nodded; maybe that would be a good opportunity to talk to her about what Maxwell had told him the previous night.  “Of course, I can postpone my meeting.”
Liam cleared his throat visibly uncomfortable. “Don’t bother Drake with that, Darling. I can help you myself.”
Alexis turned to Liam exasperated “That’s not your job, Li. Plus, you told me that you have a meeting with the leader of the farmer’s union this morning. And I need to start writing this as soon as possible. The rally is tomorrow.”
Liam looked at his expensive watch, he needed to leave right now if he wanted to be on time, but the idea of leaving Alexis alone with Drake drove him mad.
“Come with me to the meeting, I can give you all the information you need on the ride there. And, we can go for lunch later. I have a surprise for you.”
Alexis sighed angrily because he wasn’t leaving her much of a choice.  “Okay”
Drake arched his brows fighting the urge to punch Liam in his smug face. His attempt to control Alexis was as blatant as it was obnoxious. But Alexis had made her choice, there was nothing that Drake could do about it. “If that’s taken care of, I’ll go meet with Kiara,” he said angrily before leaving the room. 
The riding to the meeting proved infructuous for Alexis, Liam didn’t have the information she needed to write the speech.
“I apologize love, I can talk to you about policies and agendas but as far as the logistics go, it’s not my area of expertise.”
She took a deep breath. “I know Li, that’s why I needed to talk to Drake, I know you don’t like it, but I have to work with him in this.”
“I’ll ask my assistant to give you all the information you need, Drake has other things on his mind right now.”
“It’s not going to be the only time, Liam. We’re supposed to work together, you don’t have to worry about it. I’m with you.” Alexis placed her hand on his arm.
Liam chose not to answer, they rode in silence until the chauffeur stopped. “We’ve arrived, come on, love.”
After a long meeting with the farmer’s union, Liam and Alexis were free to go for lunch.
“God, I’m starving! I would kill for a cheese bacon burger and extra-large fries.”
Liam cocked his left brow smiling. “Extra-large?”
She laughed. “And with cheddar on top, obviously.”
He stopped to look at her, she was wearing a simple sleeveless white dress, but the way it hugged her curves was tantalizing.
“Well, I apologize in advance dear, but I don’t think they serve any burgers where we’re going.”
He took her to the roof of the building where a helicopter was waiting for them.
She turned to look at him surprised. “Where are you taking me?”
He kissed her. “If I tell you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?”
Two hours later, the helicopter landed. Alexis was exhausted so she had slept almost the whole trip.
“Love, we’re here” He kissed her hand “I would like to cover your eyes, so you’re really surprised when we get there”
She gave him a small smile. “Oh, that’s fine”
He put a silky scarf on her eyes and guided her to the car, then to an elevator. When it reached the top floor, he helped her step out of it and he stood behind her to untie the scarf. Alexis had to admit that she was more than surprised. They were in Paris.
He kissed her bare shoulder. “Welcome to La Tour d’Argent, Love”
The gesture was amazing, it was the most splendid thing anyone had ever done for her, but she couldn’t feel a thing.
The waiter took them to a table on the terrace, the view of the Notre Dame cathedral was incredible.
“I hope you like this, Alexis.” He took her small hand between his larger ones “I’m only doing this because I want you to understand how special you’re for me.”
She smiled at him reaching for his hand. “Thank you Li, it’s beautiful”
The waiter approached them with the menus, after a moment they both order the food and Liam asked for a bottle of champagne.
“I didn’t know you spoke such impeccable French.”
“I went to boarding school here. I arrived when I was 5 and left at 18.”
“So, I’m guessing Paris it’s not as impressive for you as I thought.” He grinned.
She looked at the sight “Paris is always impressive, Li. And I definitely wasn’t planning in having lunch here when I woke up this morning. It was a beautiful surprise.”
They spend the afternoon talking, eating and drinking wine. Alexis couldn’t deny that Liam was a very charming, interesting man, but her soul had been irremediably stolen by Drake.
At the end of their date, Liam took Alexis’s hand between his. “This was a delightful afternoon, love. Did you have fun?”
“Of course, Li. It was great.”
He took her chin between his fingers and kissed her carefully. “I’m aware that we’re going too fast, Alexis. The coming elections are definitely hastening things between us. I know my father is pressuring me and I’m guessing yours is too?” He tilted his head to meet her gaze.
Alexis wanted to be honest with him, at least once. “Yes, he is.”
Liam nodded. “That doesn’t mean I’m not completely crazy about you. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you, Alexis.” He took a small velvety box from his pocket. Alexis's heart started to beat so fast she feared Liam might hear it. He opened it and took out a huge diamond ring off it. “Would you marry me, love?” His eyes were filled with hope and vulnerability.
She wanted to run as fast as she could, but her fate had been sealed 10 years earlier when she had taken the worst decision of her life. She managed to smile, and pass her desperate tears for happy ones. “Yes, Li, I will.”
He slipped the ring through her finger and kissed her hand. “You just made me the happiest man in the world, darling.” He sealed their engagement with another searing kiss.
The next day, the whole campaign team including George, Constantine, and Regina were having breakfast in the hall room before leaving for Castelraillan. Liam was nervously expecting Alexis to show up so they could announce their official engagement together. As soon as she entered the hall, Liam caught her eye and gave her a knowing look so she wouldn’t be surprised at the announcement.
“Good morning to you all, before we head to Castelraillan, we have some news we will like to share with you. Come here, love” He gave his hand to Alexis.
She had spent the night awake thinking about Drake’s reaction, hoping that she would be able to tell him before everyone else, but Liam had beat her to it.
“Yesterday, I asked Alexis to marry me, and to my great joy, she said yes.” The guests immediately clapped happily, most of them standing up to congratulate them.
Drake watched the scene like it was in slow motion. At Liam’s announcement, he felt an acute pain on his chest, not a metaphorical one, but an actual physical pain ripping his heart apart. He felt nauseated at the sight of Alexis in his arms, his mouth on her cheeks, on her lips, his ring on her finger. Suddenly, he felt someone touching his arm.
“Put it together, Walker. They made their choice. Almost everyone else has stood up and congratulated them, it’s our turn.”
Olivia and Drake made their way to the head of the table, Liam and Alexis were talking with Regina who was already busy making plans for the wedding.
“Well, it is going to be a society wedding, of course, anyone who is anyone in Cordonia will have to be there,” Regina said, excitedly.
Alexis wasn’t listening anymore; all her focus was on Drake. The man that had helped her so many times, that had held her when she had felt lonely and scared making her feel safe for the first time in her life. The man that had saved her and took her away when she had needed it. The man that had made love to her, making her feel things she didn’t even know possible. The incredible man that she loved more than everything. Alexis cursed herself, the pained expression on Drake’s eyes was going to haunt her for the rest of her life.
“Congratulations, O’Brien.” He extended his hand.
“Please, Drake she’s going to be like your sister now that she will marry Liam.” Regina patted both their backs “You should hug each other.”
Drake locked eyes with her and saw a profound sadness on them, something he wasn’t expecting. He took her in his arms and held her for a few seconds, enjoying her soft body against him. Drake could’ve sworn that she was trembling slightly, but he didn’t have a chance to ask her anything, Liam was watching them closely.
“Thank you, Liv, Drake. We’re planning to get married as soon as possible, not later than a month. We’re desperate to be together.” Liam told them proudly.
Olivia arched her brows smirking “Just in time for the elections. If I was a cynical woman, which of course I’m not, I would say that that was a huge coincidence.” She threw a disgusted look at Alexis.
Maxwell spoke up desperate to end the tension. “Attention everyone, I have ordered mimosas to the kitchens so everyone can cheer to the- er happy couple.”
Everyone raised their glasses. Drake couldn’t take it anymore, he gulped his drink and left the room, followed by Maxwell.
The whole trip to Castelraillan Liam had been thinking about the decision he was about to make. He knew Alexis wouldn’t be happy about it, so he arranged a meeting with Constantine and George to help him explain to her why he was firing her as his speechwriter. Of course, he didn’t tell them the real reason, that he wasn’t going to let her work with Drake and risk losing her. Liam had a whole other set of excuses ready.
Alexis was surprised when Liam asked her to go to the Estate’s office, and even more when she saw her father and Constantine sitting on the couch.
“Well, no one told me we were about to have a family reunion.” Or I would’ve taken a bottle of vodka with me. “What’s going on?”
Liam cleared his throat, going straight to the point “Love, I called you because I need you to step down as my speechwriter.”
She arched her brows. “What? What do you mean?”
George stood up. “What you heard, you can’t be his future first lady and his speechwriter, the electors would see that as a sign of nepotism.”
She ignored her father and addressed to Liam. “You have got to be kidding me, Liam, your whole cabinet grew up with you. I don’t understand what the problem is.” She saw the closed look in his face but insisted anyway, her job was the only thing that was keeping her sane. “Please, don’t do this, I love my job. I want to be more than a decorative figure on your arm, Li. I know I can help you get elected.”
Liam felt bad for her, but he wasn’t going to change his mind, she would have to understand.
“The decision is made, love. I’m sorry”
“You’re pathetic. I know why you’re really doing this, and you can go fuck yourself!”
She slammed the door on her way out.
George poured himself a tumbler of whiskey “Don’t worry, son. She’s always been a little wild, but she knows what’s best for her. She will be back tonight.”
Alexis was furious. Until then she had felt guilty because she was lying to Liam, who she considered a good, caring man, but that new side of him was frightening. She had no choice than to marry him, so it terrified her that he would turn out to be as controlling as her own father was. That she would have to live a similar life than her mother’s with a man that had no interest in the woman she really was.
Maxwell found her drinking a glass of whiskey on the stairs. “Blossom! I was looking for you. Is everything okay?”
“Yes, don’t worry about it, Max. Liam and I just had a fight; he doesn’t want me working on the campaign anymore.”
“Oh! I’m sorry hon, I can think of a way to cheer you up though, I want to take you to my favorite spot.”
She smiled. “Yes, that sounds like a great idea, I could drink a gallon of whiskey right now.”
Just when they were about to leave in Maxwell’s red Porsche, Liam came running into the parking lot.
“Come on love, I’m sorry I had to make that decision but it’s best for everyone. Come back into the house so we can talk.”
She arched her brows. “You can talk about it with our fathers, you seem to value their opinions much more than you do mine. Come on, Max, let’s go”
Maxwell threw Liam an apologetic look, but he started the car and drove away.
After what seemed like half an hour Maxwell pulled the car at the beach.
Alexis didn’t understand. “Is this your favorite spot? The beach?”
Maxwell grinned “Here? Please, Blossom; It would need four walls, an expensive cocktail bar, two different dance floors, and three Dj’s to make this old beach acceptable for me. It is, however, someone else’s favorite spot.”
Alexis recognized the place, it was the beach where Drake had taken her the night they had met.
“Hi, O’Brien. I think we need to talk.” His deep, manly voice sent a jolt of electricity through her spine. Alexis knew that if she stayed on the beach with him, she was going to succumb to him again.
“I don’t think so, please Max take me back to Castelraillan.”
“I will, if you really want me to, Lexie, but I think you two truly need to talk. I’m sorry that I couldn’t keep your secret, but it was breaking my heart seeing you so sad.”
Drake approached her carefully. “Please, O’Brien talk to me. I saw your face this morning when Liam announced your engagement.” He stood in front of her and stroked her face. “I know something is not right.”
“Well, I’ll leave you two alone. Text me when you’re done, I’ll take you back to Castelraillan, Blossom.”
Drake offered Alexis his hand, and she took it. He was going to really hate in a few minutes when he knew the truth of what she had done, so she wanted to make the most of her last moments with him.
He took her to the cove, where he had set a blanket on the sand and lighted a fire. He had also brought a bottle of whiskey with a couple of glasses and the ingredients to make S’mores.
Alexis smiled widely, it was wonderful. It felt like home.
They sat on the blanket, Drake poured them a glass of whiskey and she took a large sip.
They didn’t say anything for a while, just enjoying their moment together staring at the fire, eating S’mores, and holding hands.
Finally, Alexis broke the silence. “I will tell you the truth because you deserve to know it. I didn’t say anything before because I wanted to protect you, but I only made things worse. What I’m about to tell you, will change how you feel about me. I’m a horrible person, and I deserve everything that’s happening; I’m just sorry I dragged you and Liam with me.”
He shook his head and squeezed her hand. “You’re an amazing, brave woman Lexie, and I promise you there’s nothing you can tell me that would make me think any different.”
She snorted but a streak of tears started to run through her face. “You have no idea what you’re saying. I’m exactly like your mother. I abandoned my own child.”
Drake’s eyes widened but he continued to hold her hand. “Tell me everything from the beginning, baby. What happened?”
“After … my attack … my father sent me back to the school in France. It was a very difficult time, I didn’t know how to cope with what had happened by myself, and I was sick all the time. Finally, one of the nuns saw me throwing up one morning and she guessed that I was pregnant. I was terrified, Drake”.
Drake’s chest tightened at her profound sadness. He moved to sit behind her and pulled her body to him so he could hug her tightly, with her back leaning against his chest. He moved her hair to one side of her neck and kissed her cheek. “I can only imagine what you felt, Lexie.”
Emboldened by his strong arms around her, she continued. “The nuns called my father who was beyond furious. His only concern was that he had paid my expensive education so I could marry well, and I had ruined his investment. I was kicked out of school, of course. It turns out that prestigious catholic schools don’t like pregnant girls.” She gave him a bitter smile. “So my father took me back to the States with him. During the flight, he made it very clear that I had two options. Either I gave up the baby for adoption or he’d cut me out entirely and I would have to survive by myself. The truth is that I felt mixed emotions concerning the baby. One part of me already loved her intensely, but the other part resented her just as much because she was a reminder of what had happened to me.” She drank her glass. “My father didn’t want anyone to find out that I was pregnant so he sent me to a house for rich girls who had the same kind of problem as me. It turned out to be a solace, the nurses who worked there were very nice, and I made friends with the other girls. The best part was that they had a psychologist and she really helped me to figure out a lot of things. When my final trimester arrived, I had decided that it would be best for the baby if I gave her up. I felt extremely guilty, but I had no qualifications, no money and I didn’t know how I could take care of her. My father had chosen a wealthy couple who would adopt her.” Alexis stopped unable to speak for a few moments. The memories were too painful, and she couldn’t stop crying.
Drake held her tightly stroking her hair and face. “It’s ok, baby. Cry all you need, it’s fine. I’m here with you.” She took a while to gather herself while Drake kissed the top of her head and wiped the tears off her face. After a moment she was calm enough to proceed.  
“The day she was born was the most amazing and the most horrible day of my life. Giving birth really is an extremely beautiful and painful thing. I can still remember her smell when the nurse brought her to me. The way her little hand gripped my finger, the way she looked directly at me.” She started to cry again. “I changed my mind right there, I wanted to keep her but I had already signed the papers and no one wanted to upset my father.” She stopped to take a sharp breath. “They took her after the first time I fed her. The woman seemed very nice, she asked me if I had named her and then she promised she would call her the same. She also said that she would send a picture of her every year so I could see that she was healthy and well.” Drake wasn’t a man that cried often, but her broken heart was too painful for him, he couldn’t avoid the tears in his eyes. He hugged her as tightly as he could knowing that nothing in the world would be enough to calm her pain.
He cupped her face with his large hand and turned it to his, placing a kiss on her front. “How you named her, baby?”
“Abigail, like my mother’s mother. She’s ten now.”
“Did the woman send the pictures?”
“Yes, to my father who then sends them to me.” She pulled out her phone and showed her the pictures of a beautiful brunette little girl.
He grinned. “She’s beautiful Lexie, she looks like a little version of you.”
She smiled proudly. “Yes, I have a picture of me at the same age and we’re really similar.”
He shifted positions and sat in front of her, rubbing her face with his thumb. “How could you think I was going to hate you, Lexie. Or even compare you to my mother, a grown-ass woman with an income who abandoned her two children in the middle of the day with a note. You were sixteen, scared, and alone baby. It’s not remotely the same.”
She simply nodded taking refuge in his arms for a few moments.
He took her hand between his and grimaced at the sight of her engagement ring.
“And Liam? Why are you with him? Maxwell said your father was forcing you.”
“My father made a series of bad investments, and he has lost a lot of money. He wants to control Cordonia’s commerce, but the current president won’t let him have as much access to the transactions as he’d like. So, he made a deal with Constantine. If I marry Liam and my father donates enough money to his campaign, Constantine will convince Liam to give him all control over the exports and imports between Cordonia and The States. Every big company would have to have my father’s approval to make business here.”
Drake shook his head furiously. “So he’s using you as a bargaining chip. You can’t let that happen, O’Brien. You can let him control you like that!”
She stood up furious as well. “Didn’t you understand what is at stake here? I’m talking about my daughter, and if you’re thinking that he’s bluffing or that he would never hurt his ten-year-old granddaughter, well, think again Walker! Why do you think he sends me those pictures of her? SO I know why I’m doing this.” She gulped her whiskey tumbler.
“Do you know what did he do when my grandmother, his own mother, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s? He put her in a home. He has all the fucking money in the world to hire a nurse who could take care of her in the house where she has lived all her life. In the house where she feels safe. Or, at least, he could’ve taken her to a good facility where she could have the best medical care possible, but no! That … that asshole just ditched her on a cheap nursing home and never looked back. He didn’t visit once. I had to pull a lot of strings and ask my ex-boyfriend who is a doctor for help so I could change her to a good place, where she has good care.” She rubbed her face tiredly. “You know the sociopaths they talk about in the movies? The narcissist, egotistical characters everyone thinks they’re too evil to be true? Well, that is my father. He truly has no feelings, he never loved my mother or me or even his own parents. So yes, he really would be capable of hurting her, and if he does, I … I ...” She burst into tears.
Drake cut the distance between them and took her in his arms. “Shhh, it’s ok baby, I’m sorry, you’re right we have to be smart about this.”
She cupped his face so he could look at her. “No, Drake. There is no way around this. I didn’t tell you all of this, so you could help or save me. I told you because you deserve the truth, but I’m marrying Liam in a month, and there’s nothing you or me or anyone can do about it. I’m sorry.”
Drake didn’t answer anything, but he knew he wasn’t going to lose her without putting a fight. Not now that he knew that she didn’t love Liam. He took her chin with his hand and wiped the tears off her face, placing a soft kiss in her forehead, a gentle one in her right cheek, and a last one in her nose until finally, his lips found hers crashing into a desperate, hungry kiss. He knew it wasn’t the right moment to tell her everything he felt for her, so he tried to convey every feeling he had, into the kiss. All his desperation, his passion, his love for her where there. Finally, they parted, breathless. He couldn’t help but think how beautiful she looked under the firelight, with her bright eyes, the blush on her cheeks, her efforts to steady her breath after his kiss.  
He held her in his arms until they had to text Max so he could come back looking for her.
They were so devoted to each other that neither of them saw the man staring at them from the blue van, with a camera on his lap. He pulled out his phone and hit speed dial. “Yes sir, I followed her. And, you won’t like what I just discovered.”
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tbhwhocaresanymore · 4 years
Nancy Drew 1x17
It is the first episode post solving the Tiffany and Lucy cases and Nancy Drew is going strong. I can’t believe this show will end after tonight’s episode, I feel robbed.
So we open with one of the more devastating scenes of the show. Nancy has just had her world ripped out from under her and is feeling so utterly betrayed she is referring to her parents by their first names. Carson is trying to make her understand that he was trying to do the right thing and also honor Lucy’s dying wish.
This has just thrown absolutely everything into question for Nancy, she’s even back to wondering why her dad sent her away the night her mom died, worried Kate might’ve had a change of heart and wanted to tell Nancy the truth. I don’t really have much to say about it except all the kudos to Kennedy and Scott like this was one of the best scenes all season, and also the crew members because the filming was spot on.
Now I am of course devastated that Nancy’s first instinct was to go to Owen but you know what he’s dead now (thank God) so that’ll never happen again.
It’s George’s family this episode and we got to meet her second sister, Charlie. I was starting to wonder if she was ever going to appear. You know who else appeared?
“Ignore her.” “Don’t ignore me!”
She remains an icon.
About that scene with Carson’s tires, I’m very curious who put nails in them. My first instinct was Nancy because she wouldn’t have wanted her dad to follow her, but she was in a hurry so I doubt she had time or forethought to put nails in all four tires. It’ll be interesting to see if anything comes out of this. Also it was such a touching moment when he told Nick that Kate would’ve been happy with what he’s done with his life.
Oh hey it’s Lisbeth. Been a while since we’ve seen her.
Why do these people keep mentioning Portland like it’s right next door. They live in Maine.
Also the hauntings freaked me out man. Like they were so disgusting, especially Ace’s first one and both of Bess’s. Like I was expecting Ace to get dragged into the sink or something I was not expecting a severed finger.
And the fact that Victoria greets Bess with “Hi Bessie! What’s up?” makes me so happy and strengthens my theory that she will eventually take Bess on as some sort of supernatural apprentice. And since my daughter Dead Lucy was mentioned it brings me hope that she will continue to make appearances in this show.
Watching Ryan and Nancy this episode was awesome. Nancy knowing what she does about Ryan, and Ryan obsessing over Lucy, being worried his dad may have physically hurt her, trying to track down a baby. And Nancy’s car is indeed a moped with a roof I have never seen it described so accurately. While I’m anxious that Nancy remains a Drew, because she is Nancy Drew, and Carson is her father, I also want her to have a good relationship with Ryan. Granted neither of them are ready for it yet but I can’t wait until they are. One of my future ideal scenarios is Nancy (and friends) are caught in some deathly scenario and Ryan and Carson have to team up to save her and grudgingly come to respect each other and bond over their shared love for Nancy. That is the dream folks.
For some reason I think I shipped George and Nick more before they got together? When it was good old fashioned mutual pining. Is that just me being blinded by my Nancy x Nick goggles? I’ll probably have to work on that.
New topic, I think I almost cried when I saw that one dude scraping off Chief McGinnis’ name on the captain’s door.
And for the record you notice how both Bess and Ryan assumed the portents were coming from Dead Lucy? This feeds into my theory that there are multiple ghosts running around Horseshoe Bay and Lucy gets the rap for all of it cause she’s the most famous. The episode I’m pointing too the most is that one where Nancy broke into the morgue, Ace said it was haunted by Dead Lucy. Three kids broke in, one died one went crazy and one went missing. I’d be interested in seeing Nancy and Co square up against that ghost.
When Ryan said there were pros and cons to Owen dying Nancy and I both lost our shit, but Nancy was furious and I was cackling. Like one of Ryan’s funniest moments all season.
I am curious why Owen was so out of the loop on the Aglaeca stuff this episode. Like he told them about the fish hooks in his hand but didn’t know they were doing a ritual. It begs the question of why not?
That fancy looking dude who Nick bumped into is totally going to be important later. Mayhap he’s the one who murdered Owen??
This is what I am reduced to. Grabbing for these non existent moments.
Ryan Hudson is constantly driving fast and I worry this foreshadows an accident on his part. And Nancy’s words upsetting him to the point of tears? I felt that. I would’ve also been upset if someone told me I would’ve made a horrible parent to my dead girlfriend’s child. And the actor mentioned trying hard throughout the season to keep Ryan redeemable since he knew this moment was coming, so I’m looking forward to seeing how his arc unfolds. And the way he loved Lucy just pains me to see. Like he recognized her baby photo in Nancy’s baby photo, 19 years later and he still remembers that specific look Lucy got when she was figuring things out. Like despite all my best efforts my heart just breaks for him. Him knowing that Lucy died thinking he abandoned her? Like that just kills me.
But can we take a second to imagine this from George’s POV for a second? The guy she had an affair with whose wife died because Lucy Sable’s brother was trying to kill him, is her friend’s dad. Like that has to be a shocker.
I was absolutely mesmerized by the ritual scene. Nancy was just in so much pain, physically and emotionally, and Ryan feeling fatherly feelings for the first time in his life. Seeing this young woman, his daughter, crying out in pain and wanting to stop it. Poetic cinema.
HAHAHA Bess immediately pointing out that George slept with Nancy’s dad my girl came through. Unfortunately though I am sensing we received a glimpse of how her and Lisbeth’s relationship will end. On the one hand I want Bess to have a family, esp since her mother and family back in England want nothing to do with her, I just wish her family wasn’t so obviously evil and backstabby.
Victoria’s first reaction demanding to know what they did wrong was hysterical. It’s also not unreasonable since the ring/mirror ritual for Tiffany was even simpler and they managed to screw that up.
I’m going to be entirely honest with you guys. I cheered when Owen died.
With that out of the way the entire last few minutes, starting with when Bess got her portent, were perfection. The music, the lighting, the camerawork, the acting.
Onward to the season finale!
Apparently they picked one of the more violent spirits to make a deal with. You would think Owen being dead (no matter who killed him) would appease it in some way but no no. She’s coming to kill them all. (I’ll get my review for that episode up later tonight.) I can’t wait to see what costume and makeup does when we finally meet the Aglaeca in The Clue in the Captain’s Painting.
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burrythecxstle · 7 years
Tumblr media
I figured out we were at some kind of gala or dinner, the cameras lit up everyone that came out of any car. I didn't recognize anyone other than Harry they were all strangers to me. When he walked pass someone everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him, he had some kind of paralyzing thing and everyone just stared at him, but he was looking straight, searching for something, he was ignoring everyone, even me.
On the other side, I was also a target for everyone's eyes and that helped me understand that being with Harry meant a big deal, that he was important, and that I couldn't care less about that.
"I don't believe I've met you before!" Suddenly a brunette girl came running to me, finally, someone was talking to us and she was not afraid to get close to us, I smiled at her feeling the relief of having another human contact else than Harry's. She had green eyes just as Harry's and a sweet smile. "Who's this girl Harry?" She said rolling her eyes to Harry giving him a look. 
"I'm Sophia" Harry was about to speak when I did. The girl suddenly looked at me when I spoke "I'm a teacher" I smiled at her and she opened her eyes amazed.
"Well, that sounds pretty cool" She smiled back at me and rubbed my shoulder. "I'm Jenn, and to be honest I'm surprised by the abruptly change on Harry's companions" She laughed and if I liked Harry or felt something for him, I know I would've been pissed but given the fact that I was inches apart of hating him I couldn't help but laugh.
"So Harry, you decided to come" She winked at Harry.
Harry smiled at her. "As much as everyone in this room hates the idea, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere"
"Tell Harry to give you my number, I'll be really happy if we could hang out sometime!" She smiled at me and walked away. She was nothing like Harry, she made you feel nice and okay.
I looked up and saw Harry staring down at me, I knew he would be mad at me interrupting him but I was glad about it, in fact, I was expecting him to yell at me in front of everyone. All he did was smile at me and softly take my hand.
"I think is a good thing for you to interrupt me here" He whispered into my ear and led me through the crowd.
"What am I supposed to do?" I said as we walked to the terrace of the room.
"Don't say anything" He whispered and I knew exactly what I was going to do.
"There he is! My son" A tall man with gray hair pointed at Harry as we approached them. He smiled at him before looking at me surprised, he was with other five guys just as him, gray hair and with a cigarette in their mouths.
Harry smiled at them and shook hands with the men saying what seemed like their last names. It seemed like the only people Harry had talked with since we arrived and it also looked like if they were the only people he liked in that place.
"Who's this lovely girl?" A different man, who seemed over his weight, tall and with a big mustache looked at me, I was about to answer when he grabbed my chin and studied my face. His hand was dry and wrinkly and he smelled like tobacco and what seemed like old puke.
I took a step back and did what I felt the safest thing to do, I took Harry's hand.
"My name is Sophia," I said faking a smile to the man and giving the other men a  smile. They all laughed as if they were expecting me to do that.
"I don't think I've ever seen you before" The man that called Harry his son, smiled at me. "Are you a model from here, or America?" He asked looking at me like if he knew the answer. Harry was about to talk again when I felt myself smiling at him and saying "That's too nice of you, but I'm not a model-"
"Actress?" He asked again.
"No, I-"
"Harry don’t tell me she's another hooker" I felt Harry's hand slowly getting hot and tense around mine.
"Excuse me, sir, I'm talking... I am not any of those and I feel flattered that you thought I was a model or an actress but I also would beg your apologize for calling me a hooker" He looked at me surprised and a small smile appeared in his lips "I am, in fact, a teacher"
The six men fell silent and looked at Harry.
"Cheers to you son, to " The man said and they all raised their glasses. "Introduce me to her then!"
Harry loosened his grip on my hand and placed his hand on my back.
"Sophia, this is George Styles, my father" He said and the man approached me giving me a friendly kiss on the cheek.
"I'm sorry about that, I really am" He said and patted my shoulder "You look lovely! Harry is a lucky guy!"
Harry introduced me to everyone and I then I knew the man that made me feel uncomfortable was his godfather and his name was John.
"If you excuse us, we have to talk with Harry for a few minutes, you'll be fine, won't you?" George said as I nodded.
When Harry was out of the picture I sighed.
Until that moment everything was going fine, Harry didn't take me to a cult or some hostel movie kind of thing. Of course, it was nothing I was used to but nothing bad had really happened.
I rested my hands on the balcony and saw London for the first time in my life, I breathed in the cold air and felt chills all over my body.
"Who are you?" I heard a girl's voice walking next to me. The girl was gorgeous, she was tall, she had long brown hair, and her body could make any girl feel jealous.
"Who are you?" I asked getting tired of that question.
"My name is Anne" She laughed and looked at me up and down "And I was Harry's last …companion" She rolled her eyes. "Don't feel too important, I hope you know how Harry is, we've all been there" She said looking down at the city.
"Been where?" I asked.
"The jet, the apartment, the car, the roses" She said "Red roses" I looked at her confused, realizing Harry did all those things to a lot of girls, and for a second I thought that if the necklace thing hadn't happened I could've been one more. I  erased the idea from my head, I wouldn't. I was different and I knew all those people only cared about money. It would've been different if Harry and I tried to know each other better, lucky for me I knew him and I was sure I didn't want to know more about him.
"Oh, I will suppose you are just a night stander then" She laughed.
"Why would you care anyways?" I said feeling suddenly an overwhelming feeling of strength.
"I don't" She said. I wanted her to leave but she just stared at my necklace.
"Harry dressed you up, didn't he?" She poked at my necklace "You smell like Harry, all this things are great, I know but I'm sure you know that what comes later is the best thing, it was for me at least" She laughed.
I shoved her hand away "Let’s get things clear, I don't know who are you and I really don't want to know. Yes, I came here with him and I'm not going to give you any explanations about that. Now, would you leave me alone?" I smiled at her, she looked angry, like a little spoiled girl looking at his dad who didn't buy her a doll.
"Now you listen to me-"
"Sophia! Here you are!" Jenn said out of nowhere, "Oh and you're here too, won't you leave ?" She said to Anne and shoved her away.
"Oh my god, Thank me for saving you from her!" She laughed. "Well Imma get a drink, wait here okay?" She smiled and walked away.
I breathed again and looked at the city hoping no one would interrupt me again, but of course,  that didn't happen.
"Beautiful isn't it?" A male voice which was not Harry's said, I turned around and saw a man standing beside me, with his hands in his pockets.
I nodded at him and smiled.
"Like you" He winked his eye and I rolled my eyes. Why?  "I believe I haven't met you before, I would remember" He said moving closer to me. He was tall, he had black hair and he was just not handsome or nice. I felt his cold hand resting on my back slowly moving down my spine."My name is-"
"I really don't care" I said, and I was just as annoyed from the party as I could ever be. I knew I was being a bitch but I was done with everything by then.
Out of nowhere he wrapped his hand around my waist and held me next to his body. "Don't you dare play hard on me" He whispered on my ear. "You should know who I am and you don't want to mess with me" What is wrong with these people and his arrogant idea of themselves?
"What the hell, get away from me!" I said loudly, the last thing I wanted was to create a scene, lucky thing we were alone on the terrace.
"I know you came here searching for something, you found it" He whispered moving his lips to my neck, I tried to push him away but he was too strong for me.
"Get off me" I screamed trying to push him away.
"What on Earth do you think you're doing?" Suddenly Harry appeared on the picture. The man quickly took his hands away from me when he heard Harry's voice. I pushed him away from me and walked angrily next to Harry.
"Do-do you come with...with"
"Fuck man, I'm really pissed right now" Harry said taking steps close to the man.
"Shit, I'm sorry I-"
"I don't give a fuck okay" Harry sneered at him. "Get out" He stared at him with eyes that made my legs weak.
"What are you-"
"Get the fuck away" Harry said loudly, the man stood up looked straight at me earning another look from Harry. Then, he walked out.
"They should know better, don't they?" Jenn's voice said.
I turned around and smiled at her.
"He's an asshole" She laughed and looked at Harry.
"I will deal with him tomorrow" Harry said walking to her.
"What should they know better?" I asked as she gave me a glass of wine.
"Harry is angrier when it comes to his women" She whispered to me as Harry checked something in his phone, unamused.
I raised my eyebrows and nodded.
“I’m not his woman...”
"Don't get surprised if no guys come to you, they are all scared of him" She whispered. I looked at Harry and went silent.
"We are leaving" Harry said finally paying attention to us.
"Good" I whispered not wanting him to hear, for once I was happy to do what he said.
"I go away for five minutes and you are already seducing other guys" Harry said while in his car.
"I was not seducing him for fuck's sake" I roared not looking at him in the eyes. "What the hell was that place anyways, it's full with phsycos," I said, not really expecting an answer.
"That's what we would call New Year's party" He said lighting up a cigarette. "Oh, and that's the last time you talk when I don't approve it"
"You know, I've had it up to here" I said loudly."You are not my owner, you are not my boss and you can't just keep telling me what to do or what not to do, if you were looking for a pet you looked in the wrong place"
"I know our situation here, but stop that right now" He just smiled at me. "I just need you to listen to me" He winked his eye.
"And turn that shit off" I complained looking at his cigarette, he just laughed ignoring me.
"We'll talk tomorrow, right now you are too stressed" He laughed and smoked his cigarette for the rest of the ride.
She went silent and decided few things about that "trip"
1: She was going to do exactly what he told her not to. Or don't what he told her to.
2: He wouldn't scare her.
3: She was going to fight until she gets tired of it.
and 4: She would watch her own back and try to stay sane while she was with him, always looking for a way out of the contract.
"We are here" He said getting out of the car. He offered me his hand but I shoved it away.
"Where the hell are we now?" I asked annoyed taking off the heels and walking inside the building which as expensive as it looked, didn't impress me.
"Let's call it play dorm" He winked his eye as we got into the elevator.
It was the biggest most luxury apartment I've ever seen in my life. It had big windows with the sight of London outside, I saved my amazement and looked at Harry with angry eyes.
"Your room is right here" He pointed at a door and I nodded. "All your things are already there, make yourself comfortable"
"If you need help to take the dress or the necklace off just tell me, we don't want more necklace lost, do we?"I just went inside the room, locked the door and turned the light on.
The room had the biggest window facing an enormous terrace, I could barely see city lights, all I saw was the night sky and its stars, the bed faced that way, it was the kind of bed like a princess kind, the room was the size of my entire apartment!
I saw my bag and took it inside the bedroom, I carefully took off the dress and the jewelry as I placed them on the bed, watching them and not losing sight of them, I put on my pajamas that basically were an oversized t-shirt and warm pants, I took the dress and the jewels on a couch beside the bed. There was no way I would lose something of that. I somehow managed to lock the doors of the balcony and used the curtains to cover the windows, because as much as I liked the view, I didn't trust anyone in London at the moment.
I looked at my phone and remembered it was actually New Year.
I dialed my mom's number, she answered me and talked to me for a while, I told her I was in London because the school paid me a course, she said she was happy for me and yelled at me for not telling her so she could wish me good luck, I apologized telling her I didn't want to worry her, and that I was fine. I wanted to tell her what was going on... But there were too many things she was worrying about I couldn't do it. I talked with my family and then I was alone in the enormous bed. It's safe to say I didn't sleep a bit that night.
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