#oh my blorbos from my tumblrs
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nobrina · 2 years ago
Blorbo from my tumblr….
My tumblro
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nylesart · 1 year ago
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laicanthrope · 3 months ago
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hi.. hello... any lice truthers in the chat ..
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 years ago
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A Blorbo You Treat Nicely, Right?
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weaponizedmoth · 4 months ago
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Biblically accurate Twin Jet Nebulas 2: The Squeakel, featuring the 12 hours I spent on it <33
Inprnt | Instagram | Ko-Fi | TJN tag
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dirgeforworms · 11 months ago
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mxddyhero · 2 years ago
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the-weeping-dawn · 2 months ago
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arolesbianism · 1 year ago
Hm. I am getting the distinct feeling that either revanced broke or some apps are doing smth real shitty
#rat rambles#anyways guess who's youtube completely stopped working#It's fine I can watch on browser but it's still very annoying#And the tumblr thing is even more annoying hense why I've been like completely off of tumblr recently#Maybe the universe is telling me to take an Internet break but like I have just been starting to feel a bit better#My family got a new dog the other day btw not relevant to the rest of this post but her name is karla and she's a very anxious doggy#I'm just waiting for laundry rn so that's why I'm posting at all lol#Might have to switch to posting from my laptop soon if things don't get unfucked#Which wouldnt be the end of the world but sure as hell would be annoying#Idk maybe it'll motivate me to finally make a proper blog theme#Idk what Id do for a blog theme tho tbh#An oni theme would be rly fun but it would also probably age poorly (as in the second I get into smth new)#So maybe an oc theme?#That could be fun#Not sure what characters Id use but maybe mascot and/or midas#Idk but chances of me actually doing it anytime soon are slim#Rly if I'm gonna customize anything more it's gonna be my toyhouse page#Oh also good news I'm going to do a pet sitting job for my aunt and uncle at some point#It'll be like 3 weeks I think and I'll be getting paid 700 buckeroos if I'm remembering correctly#I already have a lot of thoughts of how I'm going to spend it even if I should probably try to save at least some of it#There's just a lot of ppl who could use that money more and better than me and I don't wanna be stingy during times like this#I have also might buy like a new game since I've been interested in playing smth new#There has been one game I've been eyeing for a while and I have a mutual who likes it a lot but idk if I'm ready for new blorbos yet#But oldie or whatever her name was calls to me. She tempts me so#I'm open to other game recommendations tho just know that I'm gonna be picky on more story heavy games#Again I'm not exactly on the hunt for new blorbos rn and getting new story hyperfixations is scary to me lol
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orchestrel · 2 years ago
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toastydoll · 1 year ago
But y’all are being normal right
This is my skullector design she has long unstyled semi wavy hair in a side part, unpainted shapeless plastic accessories and shoes, also you’ve never heard of her before bc she’s an oc from a poem I wrote in my notes app $75 pleeeeease
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sallys-fanart · 2 years ago
When you’ve been out of fandom for a few years and the lingo has moved on. Having to look up all the words kids are using these days…
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iscratchdoors · 2 years ago
i don't understand why tumblr is showing me pictures of naked women with dogs when time and time again i've shown that all i want is naked MEN who ARE dogs
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ink-and-dagger · 3 months ago
do you have any silco x reader fic recs? both on ao3 and tumblr?
Oh boy do I.
I have zero time for reading these days (sob sob) so I'm sadly not at all familiar with any new fics post S2 being aired. But let me lay before you a sumptuous feast; lovingly prepared by the old guard of the Silco fucker society.
Reader's responsibility applies - please check tags etc etc..
Flawless - @a-gal-with-taste
An apt title, for Gal's writing is, indeed, flawless. Silco x Sex Worker!Reader. Absolutely brutal and beautiful - to me, Gal is the Angela Carter of the Silco fandom.
Here be Dragons // Hic Sunt Dracones - @sherwood-forests
This will always be one of my top recommends for a Silco x Reader fic. It's unlike anything else that I've seen in the fandom, and it reminds me of one of my favourite books Uprooted by Naomi Novik. Gives me the cosy feels.
Penance - @astudyincontrasts
Hands down the hottest, sexiest Silco fic in my opinion. If you enjoyed Fleabag or want to bang that priest from Midnight Mass then you need to get on this fic ASAP. To this day I cannot set foot in a church without getting horny. Thanks Study.
Secret Ingredient - @sweatandwoe
This is the Silco fic that made me want to write my own. DWM exists because of Sweaty. Domestic romance and drama of the absolute best kind.
Come Morning - @chickenparm
Parm has so many Silco fics and they are all incredible and required reading for the fandom. But I've chosen this one because it's so incredibly real and human, and will rip your heart to shreds.
Swapped - @silcoitus
I love seeing my blorbos in Situations™ and this is one hell of a Situation™ to find oneself in. Fun, funny, and full of tension. I get the pleasure of beta-reading this one, and I always have the best time squawking at Coi in the comments bar on google docs.
Go, Team! - @vasiktomis
This is actually Marcus x Reader x Silco and it's fucking genius. Vas is a genius and a pervert and I love them and they're my role model. Everyone absolutely has the right not to engage with content that they're not interested in but also if you don't read this fic then you're a coward.
Bend But Not Break - @constantfragmentation
This is a Jane Eyre retelling in the form of a Silco x Reader fic. Yeah that's right. Regency Silco. Emotional constipation cranked up to the max and coats with tails? Yes please. Ensure that you're near a fainting couch whilst reading because you will swoon.
Art in the Heart - @juniper-sunny
Juni was out here giving Young Revolutionary Silco his time in the spotlight long before he was ever animated. If you're a new to the fandom and have come here specifically because of young Silco then AITH is required reading. Head over to Juni's you'll be fed good.
To The Depths - @cognacandlilac
Full disclosure, I haven't actually had the chance to read this fic yet. But it has been on my TBR for an embarrassingly long time and every time I see a snippet I'm like "hot damn I need to get on this pronto" because I just know I'm going to be totally obsessed and consumed by it.
I've only picked one fic for each of the above but I would honestly recommend just tearing through the entirety of their fic lists because there are some absolute masterpieces in there. This is also far from an extensive list - there are so many incredible writers in the fandom and I'm so sorry for anyone I've missed off. I say this with my whole heart - the Silco fandom is easily one of the most talented and skilled corners of the internet. We may be fairly small in numbers compared to other characters/fandoms, but by God the art and stories we have are platinum quality.
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thesunsethour · 9 months ago
Tumblr in Westeros (S2E03)
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💎 makeupawesterosiguy follow
guy who was team black until aegon targaryen bought everyone in the inn a pint
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⏳ trueknightskiss follow
X Reader Fic: You are a Blackwood young lady and you fall in love with a young Bracken lord…
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Keep Reading
🐦‍⬛ blackwoodtillidie follow
go FUCK yourself
🌾 housebrackenforeternity follow
go FUCK yourself
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🪺 bearandtwinkisland follow
signore e signora targaryen
🪺 bearandtwinkisland
e hightower
🪺 bearandtwinkisland
follow for more expert civil war analysis
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🌞 stepstoner follow
hate king’s landing bitches so much every two days another mf comes out of the woodwork claiming to be maegor the cruel’s cousin’s bastard son’s sister-in-law’s trueborn son’s dog’s cousin. i’m tired.
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🌹 tyrellpussy follow
oh you don’t support ser criston cole as hand of the king? just say you hate common people in positions of power and go you fake fucking leftists
🪨 meetmeatdragonstone follow
“common people” and he’s literally from a noble stormlands house. his hand is gold and his spoon is silver. be so fucking fr rn
🫦 wetasthetrident follow
i’d have his gold hand and silver spoon in me anytime 😤😏
🪨 meetmeatdragonstone follow
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🐸 highesttower follow
well done everyone!! we officially went an entire week without a targaryen murdering a child!!
🪿 riverrunningupthathill follow
the bar is in the seventh hell
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🥗 septofgaylord follow
every week i discover another another high lord dancing the dragon war. who tf is gwayne hightower?
🧊 blackwaterrising follow
blorbo from my war ❤️
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📜 oldtownroad follow
my aunt is a septa and saw alicent hightower have a homoerotic encounter with another septa this morning
📜 oldtownroad follow
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heywriters · 6 months ago
oh, we broke containment again apparently
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Blorbo Originating on Tumblr, the term 'blorbo' refers to a person's favorite or beloved character from any piece of fandom media. Can be synonymous with scrunkly, scrimblo, or eeby deeby.
Daughter: "Oh my god, the blorbos from my show are having such a bad time." Mother: "Sweetie, I have NO idea what that means."
by jar_of_rocks April 27, 2022]
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