#oh joy fandom tags time
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myxomato515 · 2 months ago
☆☆☆ hi :) ☆☆☆
welcome to mein tumblr blog
i post art sometimes!! by the time this posts i will have made my own designated tag for art stuff, tagged #in/rainbows :) you can search back for more stuff too. i like doodling 👍
this is a list of interests of mine… bold if i’m REALLY fixated on them right now(feel free to add me if you like these!):
shows: aqua teen hunger force, south park, schoolhouse rock, captain laserhawk, spongebob, homestar runner
books: chaos walking, arc of a scythe
games: parappa the rapper, hollow knight, shovel knight, battleblock theater, rayman
music: radiohead, here come the mummies, cake, fall out boy, lemon demon
basic dni but esp dni if you like generative ai get that shit away from me man
i like running sideblogs… i run ask accounts @askthemooninites and @l34v3-1t-2-l4mmy and @tw33k1n-0ut and @asktheschoolhouserockers (on hiatus) and gimmick blog @community-notes-real as well as running a dream journal @jgswfllngntplc and co-running @gumpertbookend
feel free to ask/dm me any time for requests or just to chat i love talking w my mutuals… you are all so wonderful and if you’re reading this you are too :) thank you for reading
strawpage • rate your music • album of the year
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lale-txt · 2 months ago
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LALECHINGO!! ; a birthday event
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ it’s bingo! and also a raffle.
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let’s party!! one thing about me is that is love a little event and since it’s my birthday month i felt like hosting one :3c
so: raffle time! but you gotta play some bingo first before you can participate. lemme give you a rundown on how it works.
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what's the prize?
✰ a total of three 1k (or longer) fics from me! i don’t take requests so this is a rare chance to see something specific written by me ✰ the 3 winners will receive a wishlist form from me in which they can go wild ✰ haikyuu x reader only! gender of reader is for the winners to decide, i’ll write for all of them. ✰ not limited to sfw only (that being said: mdni)
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details & rules (it looks like a lot, but i promise it's easy)
✰ to participate in the raffle, you gotta fill out the bingo cards! there’s ten of them in total at the end of this post. some are writing prompts, some are for reading, some to spread some kindness. you can grab and combine any that catch your interest.
✰ 1 bingo equals 1 point. if you manage to fill out an entire card, you’ll get 10 points, so 10x your name in the draw pot for the raffle. this means you can get up to 100 points in total if you fill out all ten cards completely.
✰ it’s not first come, first serve! you got two weeks to have fun with your bingo cards.
✰ this event is mostly about making fandom a little better for everyone, whether you’re a writer or a reader, no matter how you participate in it. this means you don’t have to show me proofs how you got these bingos. putting my trust in you that you won’t cheat <3
✰ since the prizes are gonna be fics by me, i would feel better knowing you actually like my works enough to follow me. however, it’s not a must to be a follower to participate. again, it’s more about fandom than me.
✰ writers picking up the writing prompts: it up to you how you use them! can be drabbles or headcanons, small fics, big fics, moodboards, not limited to haikyuu only. really whatever sparks your inspiration. you don’t even have to publish it or tag me in it (though i’d love to see ofc hehe), this is for YOU and your inspiration.
✰ do NOT bring any ai into this. i'll rip you to shreds
✰ once you’re finished, either reblog this post with your bingo cards or send me an ask with them (i won’t publish them, just for me to keep track)
✰ i’ll draw & announce the three winners on Jan 27th and will contact them through dms for their wishlist :3
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card 1-6 ; for the writers
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card 7 & 8 ; for the readers
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card 9 & 10 ; for the kindness
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that's all! have fun ♡ - Lale
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sparrowchute · 25 days ago
Hihi this is so random but I saw your tag on the green blue hetrochromia thing for Richtofen and I wanted to say that's actually a really old fandom trope! Back on DeviantArt I recall a lot of artists drawing Ed w/ green eyes but I believe at some point it was made cannon that his eyes were blue so people began doing hetrochromia...Though honestly I could be misremembering, all I know is that ppl have been drawing him with one blue and one green eye since at least 2011! :-3
WHAAAT OH MY GOD THATS SO COOL I was wondering bc I started seeing it around more often lately, but I had no idea where it came from :0 the closest thing that I cld even think of was that in Origins (I think it was Origins anyways??? i cld be completely misremembering) they accidentally made Richtofen's eyes green for a bit (or maybe it was on purpose who knows what was happening with Origins, Samantha was American for like five minutes bc of how little they knew what they were doing dfhgjdfgjks) and then immediately went back to blue :sob: It grabbed my attention bc a very similar thing happened with the Ace Attorney fandom regarding Phoenix Wright's eyes :> in official art his eyes seem to swap between blue and brown a lot, so most artists (myself included teehee) adopted heterochromia as a headcanon for him!! I'm a VERY long time cod zombies fan going on like?? 13 years now I think if my xbox's achievement tracker is to be trusted???? but im only recently starting to interact with the wider fandom for it and i am VERY quickly learning that ive got a lot of catching up to do :(( once my laptop is fixed though i am drawing SO MUCH OF THESE FREAKS AUGHH
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rapunziedameron · 2 months ago
*gently takes your hands* Tumblr is no better than Twitter. There is a swath of negativity, holier than thou, stuck up attitude on this website just like there is on Twitter. At least on Twitter, people like that are called what they are: trolls. Do not feed the trolls. There is literally no reason to log onto this website to feed the machine of doomerism and negativity, then pretend we're better than other sites because "we touch grass." I assure you, majority of the blogs in every tag you can imagine, are not touching grass.
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grokebaby · 1 year ago
Been thinking about it and honestly I've been feeling like I don't really wanna post about several ocs anymore
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ping-ski · 4 months ago
DCA Promptober Day 31: Trick or Treat
Last one! Took a little extra time but we finally made it! Hope you enjoy, this is a fun little something something for the Confused Spirit fans in the audience
Additionally, if you have not read Confused Spirit, many of these characters will have no value to you I'm guessing, so, sorry about that. There's also some slight, implied spoilers for the fic as well. That being said, hope you enjoy!
Word count: 6392
Content warning: mentions of blood, injury, and death, reader descretion is advised
It's Halloween at the Plex, and you're, well you're not sure how to feel about it. You had to work, meaning your sister and brother are currently out trick or treating with Clara instead of you, which is a bit frustrating. Not to mention, you'd gotten all dressed up and had nowhere to go until you got off in an hour or so. 
You think a mandated Halloween party, on top of having to work on a project, wasn't a great combination, but with the glare Sarah had sent in the meeting last week to you and the other division heads, you didn't have much a choice. Have to set a good example and all that. 
At the very least, you weren't the only one dressed up, so you didn't look as ridiculous sitting hunched over a desk covered in green paint and fake stitches.
Your team all had various costumes on, differing in degrees of effort and style. Pete went classic vampire, Jesse was a mummy, and Tyler was a zombie. Liv was rocking a great Mia Wallace costume, and Savannah had on a witch hat but really went for it with her makeup look. 
Currently, as both a way to kill time and to potentially fix the problem you'd been having, you were all trying your best to fix the issues going on with Fazerblast.
Specifically, something had been messing with both the electric and the mechanical components of the entire attraction. While Lizzy and their team worked to determine what had been causing the random power outages, your goal was attempting to fix the malfunctioning laser guns and rogue staff bots. 
You'd tried to tell both Sarah and Rachel that the place really needed shut down for a few days to actually work on it, but no luck. Seems they wanted it open for Halloween, regardless of how bad an idea you thought that was. 
When your code crashes again you groan, tempted to run a hand across your face before you remember the paint.
"Frankenstein's monster was a good choice for you. You really sell it," Pete quips, sipping on a blood red slushy in one hand, still typing with the other.
You turn to him, eyes narrow, "Remind me why I'm helping you with coding again? When I could be doing literally anything else?"
"Gives him an ego boost," Jesse answers from across the room, "No offense."
You scoff, turning to the coworker across from you, "Figured as much. Savannah, any word from the company that sold us the trigger pins?"
"Not yet," She sighs, puffing out her cheeks, "But I keep checking the reviews and nobody else has had the same issues we've had here. They shouldn't be freaking out like this."
"Figured that much, too. Liv?"
She looks up and over to you, tired, dead stare on her face as she holds up the phone, "Still on hold. I'm guessing corporate left early for the day and couldn't be bothered to let everyone know."
You grimace, and check the time. It's after six now, the party starts at 6:30. That's more than enough for you at this point.
"Right. You know what, we're done here. Pack it up, we can grab food before the party because I know Sarah's going to be stingy about it."
With muted, half-defeated cheer, your team closes out of their computers and shuffles to the door. Besides Tyler, he's in a great mood still, but you expected as much. 
As you're grabbing your jacket and turning out the lights, you swear you see something out of the corner of your eye by your computer. Something purple. When you turn, you find that your computer is on again, login screen staring at you. 
"You coming?" Savannah calls from halfway down the hall.
You turn to yell back, "Yeah, give me a sec, just hold the elevator."
Slowly, you walk back over to your computer, giving it a once over. It looks fine, just turned on. You take hold of the mouse, and hover it over the shut off button again. As you click it, the screen freaks out, glitching before turning black. At the same time, a shock goes up your arm and you yelp, purple flashing across your vision. 
Dazed, you shake your head, and clutching your arm, make your way out of the office and to the elevator. 
You shuffle in, and as the doors close Jesse leans over and mutters to you above the chattering of your team.
"You alright?"
You nod, "Yeah, just, a little tired I guess." Your head feels funny, but otherwise you're fine. You think.
"What'd you do to your hand?" He asks, looking to how you're still holding it.
You let it go, shaking it off and letting it fall to your side, "Stoved it on my way out. I'll live."
He nods and you continue your ascent. But you can't shake the feeling that something's wrong. Your arm twitches and at the same time your vision becomes glazed over in a purple hue. You shake your head, and it's gone again. 
The upper levels are filled with activity. Kids rush from place to place, already tired parents in tow. The words 'trick or treat!' are echoed everywhere as children go from the different tables and booths set up for the holiday. 
If Lisa knew this was going on she'd have a fit that she was out going house to house instead of being here. But asking Clara to watch her in this chaos would have been cruel, and so, the less your sister knew, the better. Besides, Gabe deserved an authentic trick or treating experience as opposed to getting themed-corporate garbage in his candy bucket. For one of his first times at least.
As you pass by the Daycare, seeing many children playing in costumes and such, you see the doors are propped open, and Sun is handing out candy to a long line of trick or treaters.  
"Damn Pete, the Daycare Attendant really outshone you huh?" Savannah elbows him and nods to the animatronic's costume. 
Sun is also a vampire, with a large black cloak, and white shirt. His pants are somehow all black, and the change of shoes is also a surprise. Two lines of red streak down from his smile, which is still as friendly as ever otherwise.
Pete huffs, "It's literally the same costume, besides he doesn't even have fangs!"
You all start walking again, laughing. 
"True, but he wore it better, even without fangs."
The comment causes Pete to start arguing with the speaker, which to the surprise of no one at all, was Jesse.
You keep your gaze on Sun a few moments more, head feeling a bit clearer for just a moment. He glances up suddenly, and waves to you, head tilting just slightly. Surprised, you also wave.
There's a buzz in your pocket. As you start to walk away again you check it. 
'Your costume is nice.'
You wait for another message, you don't get one.
'Thanks???' You're confused. 
'Something wrong?'
'I just would have expected you to say something snarky at this point. Genuine compliments aren't your style'
You narrowly dodge an eager trick or treater running by you, nodding at their parent as they apologize. 
'It's Halloween. I'm in a good mood, don't sour it for me'
You scoff, 'There it is. I don't plan to, though it's tempting to have Clara swing by with the kids just for the fun of it'
From there, your normal bickering comes forth, and you continue it both as you head to the party and while at it. It's a bit busier than you expected, more employees than you expected are there mingling about the dancefloor.
The entire west arcade, like the rest of the Plex, is done up with decorations that set the mood. There's even a fog machine, adding to the spooky but cheerful atmosphere.
You still feel pretty funny though, and thus take the time to go 'cool off' out in the hall for a bit. 
It grows worse and you have to lean back against the wall. Head throbbing as you try to drink more punch in the hopes that will solve it. Your vision flashes again, purple, and suddenly you're not in the same location anymore. 
It's dark, and you're standing over someone. You can't see their face, it's covered with static. They're crying, hands up in surrender. You feel yourself chuckle, but it's not your voice, your tone is off. It's gravely. Not your own. 
Suddenly, out of your control, your hand, which is not your hand but some, clawed, thing, comes down and-
Your vision goes red and you clutch your head in pain. Gasping, you find yourself back in the hallway, back in your body. Back to normal. 
You take a few deep breaths, trying to calm down. You don't know what that was. You don't want to find out, either. 
"Not enjoying the party, Andromeda?"
You look up, standing above you is Moon. He's also dressed up for this, wearing a witch costume that has more aspects of his usual wear to it than Sun's did. His color scheme is purple with bits of orange, and his usual hat is replaced by a large witch hat. 
You relax, the pain is gone, for now, "Trying to. I've not been feeling so hot, honestly."
"What's wrong?" He sits down across from you, cross-legged.
You shake your head, "I don't know. My head has just been, feeling funny. And hurts. A lot, really. Been blocking it out I guess."
"How unfortunate. Perhaps I could be of help?"
You shrug, "You can try, but don't feel like you have to, either."
Moon holds out his hand to you, and you set your palm on top of his. He intwines your fingers, which makes your face heat up, but you think with all the paint on your face it's impossible to tell. You look up to him, waiting. 
"Close your eyes, and take a deep breath," He urges.
You do. The pain has subsided some, though not by much.
"Breathe in," Pause, "Breathe out."
You follow his instructions, each breath helping to soothe you bit by bit. 
You realize however, that even with your eyes closed, there's a purplish tint to the blackness behind your eyes. You frown, and notice that it grows when you breath in, and subsides as you breathe out.
Moon's grip tightens on yours, but keeps speaking. 
"In," His tone shifts, growing hoarser, sinister? "Out..."
Alarm spikes in your stomach, but yet, your mind stays calm, almost like its-
You open your eyes, smiling softly, "I think I'm good now. Thanks, Moon-man."
He nods. 
Then, something occurs to you.
"Wait a minute, shouldn't you be passing out candy to the kids-" You blink, and you're alone in the fully lit hallway. 
You rub your eyes, had the lights been on that entire time? You knew that sometimes the two AI could avoid a switch if the light level wasn't fully one way or the other. But this was different. 
You don't get to dwell on it, as a scream erupts from inside the west arcade, several others following. Alarmed, you sit up, ignoring the pain in your skull that's back with a vengeance and rush inside. 
You find a crowd has gathered around the center of the dancefloor. The music's been cut, and people are muttering with horrified looks at whatever’s in the middle of the group.
As you move past people who are covering their mouths or eyes, some are crying, some are shaking their heads in disbelief. You find your team among them.
"What's going on?" You ask after shoving past another person. 
Savannah shakes her head, and Liv cowers further into Tyler's arms. You've never seen him so grim. 
You realize two of them are missing, your fear grows, "...Where's Jesse and Pete?"
Tyler nods to the center of the crowd, and you quickly take the few further steps to burst out into the opening, finding your fears confirmed plainly. 
Pete sits on the ground, crying as he cradles a body wrapped in white cloth stained red. You have to flick your eyes away from it for a moment, the sight being beyond shocking.
Swallowing and keeping your eyes to the ground, you slowly approach Pete and sit down. Briefly, you find your eyes meeting your, Christ, your dead friend's. His eyes are wide, mouth open in pure horror.
You turn back to the man beside you, setting your hand on his shoulder as he jumps, "What happened?"
"The, the lights cut, just, he just," He can't seem to look away, he's shaking, "I don't, I don't know how this would've, who could've, do-done this..."
You put your other hand on his other shoulder, forcing him to turn and look to you, "Pete. Breathe. Just breathe. Okay?"
He nods slowly, and you turn to behind the crowd behind you, "Please tell me somebody's called the cops?"
"No signal, trying to get ahold of Derrick in the office, but haven't had any luck," You realize that it's Bri who's answering you, looking rather grim in her black cat costume. 
You nod, "Right. Who's got basic medical training? I think he's gone into shock."
Someone steps forward, and starts tending to Pete. Someone else comes forward and lays a sheet over Jesse's body. A ghost costume you realize, how ironically morbid.
You stand, and-unfortunately being the person with the most experience in this scenario-try your best to take charge and calm things down. You also feel some level of responsibility, given that all the other Division Heads seem to be missing now.
Working with Bri, you send a group to the security office to see if they can't notify the police of what's happened. Additionally, you try to lock down the area to keep this from getting beyond the walls of this room and causing mass panic. Not to mention, you have no idea who did this, meaning they're still among you as far as you're aware. 
It's all going as smooth as it can be until Bri and the other guards’ radios erupt with screaming. Causing you to pause in your discussion with Savannah. 
You can barely make out what they're saying, only catching snippets here and there.
"-Something in the office!"
"Everybody's dead, oh god, they're all-"
"Help! Please! Anybody!"
To make matters worse, the lights cut again, sending the growing paranoia among the crowd into a full blown hysteric mob. You can't make out a thing in the dark, and when your head starts aching again, purple blinding you, you know you're a goner for the time being. 
Another vison comes to you, this time, the room is dimly lit, and you can tell this is a closet of some kind.
Again, you tower over a cowering figure who you realize is, David? What in the world is he doing here? What is happening?
"I don't know what they see in you, if anything at all," A voice that's not your own, yet comes from you, says. It's familiar but yet you can't-
David's sentence is shaky, "Look, I don't know what you want but I don't want any trouble. Okay?"
"Trouble? Friend, you're in a lot more than just trouble," There's something heavy in your hands, it glints in the light, "I'll tell you what though, if you hold still you'll be saving me a lot!"
Axe, it's an axe and it's swinging, down, down, down-
"Hey, it's alright. You're alright," Bri's shaking you, hand on your shoulder. 
You take a deep breath, realizing you're on your knees in a room lit by a red emergency light and some flashlights. Glancing around, you see all your friends, including Abby and even Jacob are here with you. There's a few others who you're guessing are other security guards based on how they stand near the door, on edge. 
You look back to Bri, "How'd I get here?"
Bri juts her thumb, "Tyler found you half out of it on the ground and grabbed you. Somehow carried Liv here too."
"I'm stronger than I look," He flexes with a nod. 
You manage to crack a weak smile, clutching your head as more pain shoots through it, "What happened? Where are we?"
"Security office by Fazerblast," Bri answers, glancing over at the covered window in the door, which you realize has been barricaded, "Furthest we could get safely with this many people."
"What do you mean by safely?"
She opens her mouth, but Pete speaks up, "The bots have gone awol." You turn to see he's on the ground, leaning up against the wall, blood dripping down the side of his head, face solemn, angry, "They're picking us off one by one. Anybody in sight is getting killed off. Doesn't help that we can't see a fuckin' thing and they can."
Your eyes widen, "What? …but, why? How?"
"Does it matter?" He asks, looking to you now, "We're dead meat if we try to leave, but we're sitting ducks here."
Bri scolds him, "We're not sitting ducks. This our best chance of getting out of here alive. If we can get power to the cameras, even better."
"Working on it," Liv says, something sparking as she speaks, "But I'm not an electrical engineer."
"Just give it up, Liv. There's no point," Pete scoffs, shaking his head.
He and Bri start arguing, Savannah trying to interject to keep the peace.
Someone sits down beside you, hand resting on your shoulder. 
It's Abby, her Glamrock makeup is smeared with dried tear streaks, "Hey."
"Hey," You sigh.
She bites her lip, "Are, are your siblings...?"
Your eyes widen and shake your head.
"God no. They're, they're safe. Out trick or treating with Clara," You put a hand to your face, relieved as you realize that fact, "Your brother?"
She sighs, "Also safe. With my parents. Not here. But," She stops, and you know exactly what she's thinking. 
You nod, turning away as you hear her sniffle. Your friends are still fighting, the guards by the door are getting antsy, another spark startles Liv and she looks ready to cry. You need to do something. 
Your vision turns purple but you shake it off immediately. Whatever this is, it can wait. You're going to make it.
Standing, and clutching your arm to keep it from twitching, you clear your throat, "We're not going to die here. Not on my watch. Bri, you and your guys here have any sort of weapon?"
"Tasers. And there should be a baton in here somewhere. Why, what are you thinking?"
You nod to the control panel for the cameras, "If there's anyone who can get those working in a blackout, it's Lizzy. And I know they were in Fazerblast before all this. Hell, it might've been their team that caused the outage."
"You want to go out there?" Pete asks, "Are you insane?"
You shrug, "Have to be at least a little bit to do this job. Someone give me a radio. We can at least double check before considering it."
Bri hands you her radio, and after a moment's hesitation, you set it to the engineers' channel and hold in on the button, "Lizzy, you still okay out there?"
Quiet. Your friends exchange a few bleak glances. 
You're about to try again when, "Uh, yeah? Why wouldn't I be?"
Relief, you think Pete even cracks a small smile. 
"There's... a lot of shit going down in the Plex right now, how have you not heard about it?"
"Dude we've been stuck in Fazerblast for hours. Besides trying to fix the power the doors got jammed. I'm not leaving until this is done though, so we just kind of ignored it. Did think it was weird there was no parents complaining about not being able to use a half-functioning attraction though." Their tone is so casual you have no choice but to believe it. 
The information, however, is huge, "That's, actually the best case scenario for us right now. So listen up, we gotta do this right or we don't stand a chance."
After explaining the full situation to Lizzy and their team, you work with your friends to come up with a plan. A good one. Something tells you you're only going to get one shot at this. 
Meanwhile, you struggle to keep it together. You keep getting more and more flashes of that other perspective. Speaking in those voices that you can't quite place how you know. Increasingly, you start to recognize the locations they're in are getting more familiar to where you are currently. 
It's a no brainer to you then, that you're a part of the team that goes to retrieve Lizzy. You force Bri to stay in the office, along with one of the guards. If you don't make it back, you at least want some people to stay safe. 
You try and fail in vein to stop Pete and Abby from coming with you, Tyler picks you up again when you question him coming along. 
"We're better off in even groups," Pete argues, gripping the metal chair leg he stole tightly, "Makes our chances that much better."
You don't disagree, but you don't like it either, "Fine, you're right. Now put me down please, Ty."
"Can do boss," He sets you down. 
You're all armed as best you can. The guard, Joseph, has a taser, and Tyler has-apparently-pure brute force on his side. Pete has the chair leg, which is similar to the stun baton you're carrying.
Abby has brass knuckles. You don't know how she has those but you're not going to question it. Apparently, Utah state law doesn't have any clauses relating to them, now you know.
You move quickly and silently through open darkness to get to the staff entrance to Fazerblast, which is thankfully only a short distance away. You all stay close, not saying a word as you navigate. 
There's not a soul around, human or machine. You don't know if it you puts you more on edge or not. 
When you get to the door, Pete's able to get it open quickly, and you all file inside, locking it again soon thereafter. 
The light inside the attraction is blinding in comparison to the darkness outside, the music and sound effects playing as if everything is entirely normal. It's almost more eerie in that regard. 
You find Lizzy and their crew sitting around one of the towers, the reunion is brief, but happy. It's agreed that the senior engineer will come with your group, and the parts and service crew will stay for safety reasons. You're about to depart again, when the radio starts going crazy. 
"We've got issues here!" Bri shouts down the line, "Don't come back, it's not safe!"
Static blares from the device, followed by banging, shouting, crying, and then a loud crash. The silence that follows is deafening. 
"Fuck. No, no, no," You bang on the side of the radio, "Come on, Bri! Savannah! Anyone!?"
No answer. 
"Dammit!" You toss the radio to the side, hands coming up to grip the sides of your head, "Dammit, dammit, dammit."
A hand on your shoulder, Abby again, "There's nothing we can do right now. We're going to have to refocus. Plan. Hope that they'll be okay-"
There's a banging at the front entrance to Fazerblast. Everyone freezes. 
You think quickly as the sound grows in volume, "Lizzy, how in control of the power are you currently?"
They dig through their bag, and toss you a makeshift remote, "It's what we've been using to test."
The pounding gets louder, and the shutter creaks. 
"Everybody who isn't armed find a place to hide. The rest of you are with me. We're gonna flip the tables on them."
Everyone scatters, and you make your way to the doors. You have no idea what's on the other side of that metal shutter, but you're going to find out one way or another. You'd rather it be on your terms. 
"Can you get it open?" You ask Pete, hitting the lights and leaving only a flashlight to see.
He nods, "You're sure about this?"
"As I'll ever be. Abby, Joe, Ty, go hide nearby. We'll assess the biggest threat and go from there."
They all nod, and head off into the darkness.
Pete gets the panel open, taking a deep breath, "I hope you're right."
You press your back against the wall beside the panel, almost accustom to the feeling of your vision switching to purple. That other perspective is right outside now. You see Freddy is the one banging on the door, along with several map bots. You squeeze your eyes shut and you're back in your body again.
"Me too."
There's a beep, and the shutter slowly starts to raise. Quickly, you grab Pete and shove him on the other side of you, using your arm to press him up against the wall beside you. 
As bots start pouring in, you lean your head back against the wall, holding your breath. 
You watch as they fan out, scouring for anyone that they think is in here. They don't see you. You relax slightly.
You turn to Pete and nod, guarding him as he moves and shuts the door again, it quietly sinks back to the ground, locking you in here for the time being. 
Moving across the wall, you regroup with the others. 
"I counted six staff bots, and Freddy," Abby whispers. The other three agree. 
Pete keeps lookout on your corner, "The music still playing helps us a little, but not a lot. We stick together, and go one by one, saving Freddy for last."
You frown, "Freddy's not last."
"What do you mean? Of course he is, he's going to be the hardest to take down."
You shake your head, "You miscounted. There's one more animatronic that made it in."
Off in the distance, you hear it, the jingle of bells. There's a flash of red as he lands on one of the walls, far off from you but within your line of sight. 
You shake away the purple again, knowing it's going to show you what he's seeing at that moment, "Moon."
You fare better than you expected. A bunch of humans versus machines. You manage to take down three of the staffs bots in the dark, and by screwing with the lights a few times, manage to disorient the Daycare Attendant enough to keep them from discovering your location. 
However, one of the parts n services guys gets found out, and his terrified screams as your claws rip him apart send, something, down your spine.
You know something's wrong with you now. You're taking far too much joy in beating in the metal skull of the staff bot below you. Oil splattering your clothes and face. You feel manic, alive. Out of control. 
You shake your head, stopping. You ignore the glances being sent your way, you have to make it through this. 
With this one you realize there's only one more staff bot left, then it's just Freddy and the Daycare Attendant. You flick the lights off again, huddling together with the others. 
"If we go for one, the other is going to know. Our best bet is to divide and conquer," Pete says. 
You nod, "One person with an electric weapon per team, one with something heavy. Tyler, you go with the group at the disadvantage to even it out."
Your teams end up being Joseph, Abby, and Tyler together to take on Freddy, leaving you and Pete to deal with Moon. 
You trudge through the darkness, silence between the two of you. 
There's been a voice in your head for a bit now. You block out whatever it says. Your grip feels shaky on the baton, and you can tell Pete's on edge more because of you than the looming threat somewhere out in the dark.
Keep it together. You just have to keep it together.
"Hello, Diana."
You turn, he pulls you up into the air, away from Pete. You don't even think to scream, instead only able to watch terrified as the ground and your friend get further and further away. 
Moon settles on one of the towers to set you down again, and you scramble back and fall onto the ground, looking up at him with fear. 
His faceplate twists, observing you. Then, his eyes narrow cheekily and he chuckles lowly. 
"What's the matter, Bright Eyes? You look like you've seen a ghost."
You bit your lip as it trembles, raising the baton as a threat, "W-with how this night is going it's, certainly a possibility."
"But that's not my costume now, is it?" He takes a step closer. 
You hold firm with the baton, hitting the button for the taser part to go off, "Moon-man, I don't want to hurt you. Don't make me."
The spark seems to deter him, growling.
"Why are you doing this? What did any of these people do to you?" You ask, beg in your words, "Killing innocent people? That's not you."
Moon snickers, and despite your waving of the baton, he moves closer, clawed finger resting on the end of it. He presses it down as he crouches to your level. 
You now sit eye to eye with him as he speaks, "Andromeda, would you like to know a secret?"
Your grip tightens on your weapon, head shaking once. That doesn't deter him. 
He leans in closer, his smile hovering just above your lips. 
"This is the best Halloween I've ever had," Then, he kisses you. You're so surprised that you don't feel the baton be taken from your hand until it's gone. 
He pulls away, chuckling again.
A loud bang suddenly resonates in the space, and the Naptime Attendant starts to twitch and collapse on the ground in front of you.
Pete stands over you both, breathing heavy as he clutches the chair leg in both hands. 
"Sorry, had to take the stairs."
Moon snarls and flips around, hand raising ready to slash across the man's chest. 
Panicked, you hit the button for the lights. 
But it's too late. 
As Sun's rays pop out, one by one, Pete can only stand there, blood slowly starting to soak through his shirt. He coughs, then takes a step forward, then another, stumbling past you into the wall. You quickly flip around as he collapses back against it, breathing ragged. 
"Well, at least now you look authentic," You turn back to see Sun standing hunched over, clutching his faceplate, "Though, it's still not quite as good as mine."
As he straightens, you have to suppress a gasp as it's revealed that one of his optics has shattered from the previous impact. 
His rays twitch and his focus snaps to you as you stand. 
His faceplate clicks to the side, "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes, Sunshine."
"Sun." You can't reach for your baton without it being obvious. 
"Are you having a good Halloween? I know I am." He tsks, "A pity about your costume, though I suppose the grit and grime really sells it."
You take a deep breath, running the back of your hand under your nose to wipe away the blood that's dripping. Your vison flashes purple, and for a moment you find you’re staring down at yourself. 
You're a mess. Hair all over the place, clothes torn. There's streaks in the paint covering your skin. There's still blood coming out your nose a little bit.
And your eyes are bright purple.
You come back to and watch Sun's eyes narrow.
You shift slightly, hand twitching.
You see there’s a slight shadow over Sun’s eyes. And in his good optic a small white pupil flicks to your hand. You swallow.
 "Don't do something you'll regret, Icarus."
You stamp your foot down onto the baton, it pops up into your hand and you click to turn it on.
You jut your chin out, tilting your head slightly, "Come on, Sun. You know me better than that."
You rush forward, he steps back, dodging and spinning to face you as you charge again. It's almost like a dance of danger. And it truly becomes one when Sun takes one of your hands and spins you around, dipping you low and back up as you try and fail again to use the baton on him. 
You let out a noise of frustration. Charging forward again, the two of you go round and round. Narrowly you miss him every time. Narrowly he dodges every swing. He’s fast. Faster than you’d have ever anticipated, than he’d ever let on about. You never realized how close to death you may have been all this time.
After another miss, this one the closet you’ve gotten yet, Sun puts an end to your game. He grabs hold of the baton, only flinching as you turn it on, and rips it from your grip, tossing it aside. He spins you into his arms and holds tight. 
You fight against him in vain. 
"You know, Bright Eyes. I would have thought you'd appreciate your treat a bit more than this," He snarls the words, "But maybe you've been too busy resisting it to do so."
You slow your struggling, and Sun releases you finally. The words having done the job far better than his hold to sedate you.
You turn to face him cautiously.
"You, you did this?" You ask, "You did this to me?"
Sun tuts, hands coming up to cup your cheeks, "Well, technically you did it to yourself, Bright Eyes. But I'm happy you did. Makes all of this much, much easier."
It suddenly hits you that he's right. Maybe not intentionally, or fully knowing, but you made the choice to go back to the computer. You chose to try and turn it off again. You could have left the office, it would've shut down eventually. Something had compelled you to come closer and investigate, and you had made the choice to listen. 
And now you were suffering from the cost.
"Now, let's finish this up, hm?" Sun bends and kisses you, pulling away after a moment, "You wouldn't want to disappoint now, would you?"
You don't answer. Your feet move on their own as they turn to face Pete, who seems to realize what's happening before you do. 
He clutches the wound on his stomach tighter, breathing quickening, "Come on, snap out of it! This isn't you! You know it's not."
"Quiet over there, you'll get your chance to speak in just a moment," There's something set down in your hands, you know what it is, "Don't worry, I'll help you. No need for tears."
You find that you are crying, but can't do a thing to stop it. Your body is not your own, your emotions are not your own. You are entirely out of control as Sun guides you to march staggeredly towards Pete.
Off in the distance you hear shouting as your remaining friends try in vain to take down Freddy. Not that it mattered. Even if they did, you'd be finishing the job.
Your breathing is heavy but controlled, grip on the axe tight, all you can do is stare down at Pete, who looks up at you horrified, eyes wide. You think the look matches the fear in your own gaze.
Sun's hands are on your shoulders, voice a purr in your ear, "Go on, Starlight. You know what you need to do."
The axe raises jerkily, fighting against it and losing. Your eyes snap shut, and it comes down. Again, and again, and again.
You block out everything, all noise, all touches. You block out the sound of sickening crunches and squelches, of Pete's heavy gasps, of Sun murmuring encouragement right beside you all the while. 
You block out the wood rough against the skin of your hands, the blood, sweat, and tears, running down your face. Sun's hands wrapped around your waist, head resting on your shoulder. 
You suddenly regain control and your eyes shoot open, throwing the axe away from you and stumbling back into Sun's arms. Your hands come up to your face as you sob, shaking your head. 
He just holds you as you cry, muttering things you can't comprehend as he presses kisses to your hair. 
When you finally subside to sniffles is when he pulls back to press a kiss to your lips.
"There, there, you're alright, Bright Eyes. Come on now," He lifts you to your feet, arms pulling you closer as he leans in for another kiss, "I'll let you pick who's next, how's that?" 
You shoot up from your bed, heart racing. You clutch your chest, breathing hard. 
You're at home. Sitting on your bed. You're fine. Everything's fine.
There's a yawn to your left that interrupts your thoughts. 
It's Gabe, laying on the bed beside you in his pumpkin costume. He yawns again, and stares curiously up at you, fist in his mouth. You pat his head with a sigh.
Right, you were going to put him down for a nap before heading out to trick or treat, then go to the Plex for the same thing. Looks like you ended up taking a nap too. 
You check the time, it's almost five. Suddenly, a thought hits you square in the face.
"Did I kiss Sun?" You say aloud. 
You do your best to recall the fading nightmare.
Oh god, you did. Right on his stupid flat face. Multiple times. You kissed Moon to but you're less opposed to that albeit confused-but Sun?
Involuntarily you gag, now feeling the sudden urge to rinse out your mouth, even if it had just been to his faceplate, much less a dream. 
Shaking your head, you turn to look down at your brother, who's now somehow managed to get his foot in his mouth, despite his costume. 
"Gabe, never down a bag of sour gummies and immediately take a nap, it'll give you crazy dreams."
You think you might leave the trick or treating to the kids tonight.
Something tells you that it’s for the best.
Oof, what a doozy huh? Imagine being the final girl AND the killer... crazy. Good thing it was all just a dream. Here's the promptober list and the spookvember schedule. Thanks for reading as always-
What's this?
Looks like there's a link down here.
How'd that get there?
You should click it. See what happens.
btw the song playing while writing the fight scene was I Go Crazy - Orla Gartland and it was a VIBE and a half let me tell you-
86 notes · View notes
pegging-satan · 1 month ago
Ok girls today I’m not feeling sane about Zayne and Caleb let’s fucking gooooo
Imagine them catching you with a... special toy to feel good because he was busy and you were desperate :(
Tags: MDNI pls. just smut. Inappropriate usage of evol, inappropriate usage of weapons, pissed off Zayne, mean Caleb, edging for Zayne, some cnc towards the end for Caleb, temperature play, gun play, impact play, (Zayne is kinda ooc w that,) Caleb is scary, not proofread 🤪
a/n: this is my first smut so like yay? Ig? i have major brain worms for these men so here is my contribution to this fandom. i'm so obsessed with Colonel Caleb omg.
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Zayne walks in on you, cheeks flushed, legs spread, body shaking, heat radiating from every inch of your skin. Your eyes are closed focusing all your attention to that one spot. Slowly building up, ultimately making your walls spasm under the satisfying vibrations.
You have no idea he just walked in, too busy chasing your high, and he is now watching you; amused and jealous. How dare his warm tongue be replaced with a cold silicone toy. How dare it. He still watches you as you writhe and shake as you come undone, part of him a little turned on.
As you’re coming down from your high, eyes still closed, he speaks. His tone ice cold, in that deadpan monotone which sent shivers down your spine this time, as it was filled with barely contained…. Something.
“Well hello to you too” he says, not smiling. You are mortified. Oh, he’s pissed.
“Z— Zayne… I thought you were going to be busy today so I th—“
“Save your explanations for some other time.” He cuts you off. Oh, he’s pissed. And oh, it’s so hot. You wait for what he’s going to do next, and to your surprise, joy and terror, he’s taking off his shirt. He comes over to you, a fire in his eyes, a look of betrayal, and a hint of anger.
“You wouldn’t wait for me?” He said, again ice cold.
“No, it’s not th—“ you’re cut off by his large hand cupping your face, not so gently squeezing your cheeks together, rendering you unable to speak.
“I expected better from you, you know” he says his tone unchanged. His hand going to cup your jaw, putting a little pressure on your throat making you a little light headed.
“Since you like cold things between your legs so much,” he scoffs and materialises an icicle. Your skin is so hot you can almost hear it sizzle and the vast temperature difference makes you squeal and squirm. He rubs it between your slick, sticky folds making them wetter, the coldness of it in contrast to your body temperature short circuiting your brain.
You try to wriggle out, but then all of a sudden you feel ice cold restraints around your wrists, binding your arms to the headboard, and around the ankles spreading your legs out to expose you completely. So many juxtaposing sensations in your body making you shiver and burn up, it’s so confusing but you can’t help but enjoy it
Zayne runs his icy hands over your body, pinching and groping at your soft, plush skin. The grip around your neck tightens and you feel faint everything is blurry. He materializes an ice cube and runs it down your neck, to your chest, circling around your sensitive peaks, making you hiss and squirm.
He runs it down your stomach right between your legs, placing it directly where you need it he just keeps it there, making you squirm and cry but he does not care. This is your punishment.
You can feel yourself going numb, and you beg for forgiveness, but he doesn’t stop till he’s satisfied. He’s a doctor after all, he knows best. He knows the best way to punish you is to take away how you feel pleasure, even if it’s temporary.
He slides the icicle in you, watching it melt from your heat. Sadistic, vengeful. It’s too much to handle, you need to feel something, anything. desperately. With all the strength you can gather, you mumble out
“Hit me, please”
he raises an eyebrow, and a cruel smile plays in his lips. You didn’t know this side of him existed, and oh my goodness, was it hot.
“What did you say?” He says amused, wanting you to repeat yourself.
“Hit me Zayne. I’m serious I can’t feel anything, hit me”
He releases his hold on your neck, and you gasp for air. He traces a couple small circles on your cheek, before a hard smack lands on your cheek. The sting of it sends electricity through your body, and before you know it there’s another sting on your other cheek. Your face now going red, as he grips your face to look at him, the look on his face unreadable, his gaze burning holes through you.
You feel some sensation returning to your previously numb parts, and you can see him look increasingly more needy. With essentially the go-ahead to manhandle you, his large hands roam around your body, roughly playing with your chest, and he dips between your legs, deeply inhaling your scent before giving you a little lick making you shudder.
But your punishment is far from over. He takes the toy now discarded to the side and turns it back on.
“Isn’t this what you wanted hm?” He asks mockingly
“No, no I want you, I want you please, please” you say, no, beg. But you were the one who made this mistake, unfortunately. He ignores you, despite how desperately he wants to be in you, and places it between your legs, vibrating at the highest setting.
“And don’t you dare cum because of this thing” he warns, knowing full well it’s a battle you’d lose. And he’d enjoy watching you lose, looking at you with pitiful eyes, oh you helpless little creature, can’t help yourself can you, look at that, so pathetic.
He sits there, looking at you, using his evol to strap you in place so you can’t even squirm. It’s cold and it’s hard and it’s hard for you to not cum and he’s enjoying watching you struggle.
He keeps you there for god knows how long, drawing them out much to your disappointment and his amusement. The waterproof bedsheet is so soaked that liquid’s dripping down onto the floor and he’s showing no signs of stopping. You’re a crying, sobbing mess, you didn’t even know it was possible to cum this much and he hadn’t even entered you.
“Didn’t know there was such an easy replacement for me” he says mocking you as you cry even more. He’s enjoying this, what the hell, might as well give him more. You cry some more, beg some more, and ultimately he goes
“Aww, what’s the matter, love? You want me?” You nod in affirmative.
“Too bad, I just got a text, I’m needed at the hospital, urgently”
And he just leaves you there, restraints still on, and all you can do is just wait for them to melt away before you can move.
———————————— .•*•. ————————————
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bonus visuals <3 <3 <3
“I see I’m not enough to satisfy you, pipsqueak” you hear the voice. You turn your head to look at him, and to your horror, he’s standing there with the hot pink ahem, toy in his hand.
“Caleb! You weren’t supposed to find that!” Embarrassed, you rush to take it from him and he holds it above his head so it’s impossible for you to reach it.
“Caleb!” You muse. He’s unrelenting. In fact, he’s quite enjoying this.
“Mind explaining why?”
“I get lonely when you’re not there” you say pouting.
“Aww pipsqueak but I’m here now aren’t I? I don’t think you’ll be needing this thing for a while. Or… I can use this on you”
“You what” you ask now a little scared. You see a dark look flash across his features, a very extremely subtle shift in demeanour, that made him go from the golden retriever childhood best friend to the cold and cruel Farspace Colonel.
“Actually, no. I have a couple of my own toys I’d like to use on you” he says darkly, the sweet, kind Caleb gone, replaced by the authoritative, commanding officer.
“Sit” he commands. You freeze, and since you’re taking too long to obey he makes you sit using his evol. Your hands feel as if there’s a thousand pounds of weight on them and you can’t move. He returns with a bag, his bag. His… arsenal.
One by one he starts pulling out his guns.
And placing them on to the bed.
You look at him in horror, having put two and two together, and strangely, it was making you wet as hell.
“Caleb are you—“
“Put some damn respect to my name” he cuts you off coldly. Why was it so hot? Why was Farspace Colonel Caleb so fucking hot? He was demanding, he was possessive and he was mean. So mean. So. Fucking. Hot.
You were already feeling hot and bothered the moment that personality came out, where golden retriever Caleb made you feel safe, this Caleb turned you on so goddamn much, hell, he made you cum with his words alone this one time.
Your heart’s beating with anticipation as he finishes laying down all his weapons, shiny, cold, pristine.
“I suppose you get the idea what toys I was talking about, pipsqueak” the nickname now spoken in a condescending tone, his expression stern and resolute.
“Cal— Colonel” you said your voice shaky, you were curious but also scared.
“What’s the matter pipsqueak? Scared are you?” He says, a sly smirk on his face watching your scared expression.
“A little bit yes”
“It’ll be over before you know it.” It would not. There were five guns on the bed right now, and knowing him, he would make you cum on each and every one of them at least twice. And the knives? God, how would he even use them on you?
“It’s time I showed my little girl how to play with some real toys” he says darkly. Still having you bound to the bed with his evol, the sounds of the gun in his hand clicking as he emptied the magazine and unloaded it.
“I just cleaned them recently. Now I must bathe them in your essence. For luck, of course.”
He comes closer to you, you’re still sitting there unable to move. He kisses your neck trailing kisses down to your shoulders and collarbone. He has one of his knives in his hand, which he scrapes down your neck, to your shirt, the blade is so sharp it rips the straining fabric around your chest, freeing them from the confines of your shirt.
“Mmm…” he murmurs as he buries his face between your tits, inhaling your scent deeply, squeezing, biting, sucking, making you hiss.
He tosses the knife to the side and reaches for one of the formidable weapons. It’s so hard and thick, you don’t even know how you’ll take that but he spreads your legs for you, hiking up your skirt and rubbing the cold metal tip on your heat through the wet fabric, slowly, teasingly.
You quiver and moan, but he will continue going at his pace no matter what you do. You feel his fingers sliding the thin fabric of your underwear to the side, spreading your folds, now sticky with slick, and teases you with the cold tip yet again. He continues sliding the weapon up and down the soaking slit now, enjoying the way it collected in the grooves of the gun.
“You sure are wet for someone who was terrified a few minutes ago” he remarks looking at your face, flushed and dazed. He knows you’re in not position to speak right now, so he doesn’t give you a chance to either. And pushes the metal tip into your entrance, eliciting a gasp from you. He pushes it in deeper, until it’s all the way in til the base of the handle.
“Look at this hungry little thing, swallowing cold metal like it’s my cock” he scoffs. “So greedy”
You whine as he pulls it out, and gasp when he pushes it back in. As he starts pumping, your mind starts going hazy as he fucks you with his gun, the wet squelching sounds echoing in the room, it’s so fucking debauched and you can’t believe he’s doing this, and then suddenly he stops.
“Ride it” he commands
You obey, swaying your hips chasing your pleasure, riding a god damn gun that your childhood best friend— no, a Farspace Colonel was holding, whispering filthy things in your ear as you chased your high.
He had stopped using his evol on you long ago, this was getting too much for him, oh so fun for him. He grabbed the back of your neck and slammed you down on to your pillows, back arching, keeping your face pinned to the pillows as he continued his ruthless assault on you.
“So. Fucking. Greedy.” He said between slaps to your ass. Each one making you squeal and drip down the gun.
“Didn’t know my little pipsqueak was a freak like this” he said his tone flat and amused.
“Come on, cum for me like a good fucking girl” he says slapping your ass one more time, and as if on cue, you’re gushing around the not so cold metal.
“Fucking beautiful” he says as he pulls it out, a couple strings of slick connecting the weapon to you. He brings it up to his face and deeply inhales the scent before licking up your juices from the base to the tip all while making steaming eye contact with you. The sight damn well sent you near the edge again, it was so fucking hot.
“Hope you’re not too spent, pipsqueak. We have four more guns to go”
You nod, dazed.
“I’m not stopping even if you pass out, baby”
You nod again accepting it.
It was going to be a long night.
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foolishlovers · 2 months ago
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With 2024 coming to an end, I just wanted to give a quick shout-out to my favourite fics I (re)read this year. I have so so much appreciation for all writers creating beautiful works about our beloved angel and demon pair. Reading these sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes sappy, sometimes deliciously filthy stories has been a constant source of joy. I truly can't even begin to describe how thankful I am to be part of such an incredibly creative and loving fandom. So so much gratitude for all the different versions of them, all the genders, all the tropes, all the canon fics, and all the human AUs. There are so many more amazing fics I read this year and there are so many more to explore in 2025, but the following few have made themselves a home in my heart. I promise they're worth a read! 💜 [I do fic recs all year long, check out this tag for more.]
Date by @ddagent (2.5k, T)
Every year, Aziraphale is spoiled on his birthday. This year, he decides to do the same for Crowley. There's only one problem - he's not actually sure when Crowley's birthday is.
Roller Derby Queen by @summerofspock (2.5k, M)
Crowley skates for Hell on Wheels and she's pretty good at it too. She'd be better if she weren't so distracted by the new skater on the opposing team.
Sweet Nectar of the Eldritch Gods by @brenna (3.2k, G)
Azira writes a letter to the purveyor of her favorite honeys and sweetness ensues. No offence, but who says “by the by,” by the way? It’s adorable? By the by, do you like wine? Crowley
Poor Men by @why-not-go-with-style (3.9k, G)
What To Do When Two of Your Professors Are Hopelessly in Love With Each Other: an instruction manual by Adam Young (featuring Pepper Moonchild because someone has to be the voice of reason here).
!False (It's Funny Because It's True) by @mirjam-writes (6.4k, E)
Aziraphale drew a long breath through his nose. Crowley, of course it had to be Crowley. The new guy in the sales department, who would promise potential customers just about anything to close a deal. Arrogant, annoying – and wildly, stupidly attractive. Aziraphale hated him.  Aziraphale is a stellar software architect and a project manager, who is so done with the sales department selling unrealistically scheduled and budgeted projects. And he definitely doesn't have a crush on anyone, thank you very much.
Show me where the Nightingale sings by @sabotage-on-mercury (6.5k, G)
After settling into their new home in the South Downs there are still things to process for Aziraphale and Crowley before they can start a new chapter of their life. But winter is turning into spring. There is magic abroad in the air. And finally, the nightingale is back.
The Art of Human Nature by @ineffable-doll (6.5k, T)
Crowley is a painter who has only ever had an eye for nature. That is, until a client named Aziraphale commissions her for a painting to boost her self-confidence, and Crowley discovers that her client is as beautiful as the Earth itself. Then she goes and catches feelings, because she’s a disaster.
Lit by @fellshish (12k, T)
Crowley takes a university course on literature and surprise! The book they’re discussing is Good Omens. Uh oh.
Paradigm Shift by @hakunahistata (13k, E)
“Apologies, apologies! The time got away from me.” Aziraphale Fell entered the room brightly, a binder in one hand, tea mug in the other. Crowley’s languid sprawl went rigid as the senior accounting analyst who had been the indulgent secret in the back of his mind took the seat opposite him.   Or, Crowley Pines at the Office: An AU.
Feast by @ashfae, mostlyjustgoose (15k, E)
Crowley's spent the whole of lockdown asleep. Aziraphale has spent the whole of lockdown baking, cooking, and becoming increasingly frustrated with his solitude. Which eventually leads him to the perfect way to solve all his problems at once... Or, Aziraphale attempts to seduce Crowley with a truly excellent meal, and Crowley is amenable.
Ever-Fixed by @hkblack (19k, E)
Aziraphale Fell had a plan. Go to school, get his degree, and start his life with his beloved at his side as man and wife. Until one day Crowley disappears. Decades later he meets a man, and finds the love of his life again. Anthony J. Crowley, suave, cool, masculine, in control, unflappable, has spent decades building himself up. He refuses to let his confident facade disappear for Aziraphale, who once almost tumbled down the stairs to certain death because his nose was stuck in a book. It’s just sex, and they’ve been dating for months, this time around. There’s no need to get his knickers in a knot. But the past isn’t easy to let go of, even if you’re both avoiding it. A story about love, intimacy, and finding each other again. (Alternatively: Tender smut, but then I wrote love story flashbacks, and now it's just emotional and there's plot in my pornography)
Fireworks by @optimistic-starlight (19k, E)
He had to get himself under control. Aziraphale needed him. That prick boyfriend of his drained so much of Aziraphale's time and energy, dampened so much of the gentle, beaming happiness that Crowley had always adored about him. He needed Crowley there to support him, to do the things a best friend should be there to do. And, well, if Crowley needed him too, if he had to subsume his own pain to focus on making Aziraphale happy, that was something he could bear quietly. He could do it for his angel. Crowley groaned and dropped his head against the tiled wall of the shower. His angel. He had to stop thinking of him like that.
Maybe Next Christmas by @flamingbentleyy (21k, T)
Airports were tricky business, but waiting in airports was as close to hell as one could possibly get. Nobody knew it better than Aziraphale, whose luck had made him end up in one right on Christmas Eve of all days. Although his airport experience turned a little less hellish and a whole lot more entertaining after he ran into an old college friend in that same airport. And then again. And again…
The Small Ad by @theladydrgn, @sylwritesstuff (32k, E)
WORK WANTED: Partner For Hire. Tall, lanky ginger of arguable gender available to be your significant other to keep pesky relatives, nosy coworkers, or well-meaning friends at bay. Able to be as annoying or as polite as you like. Causing a fight over Christmas dinner with your odd, bigoted uncle/aunt/cousin will require an extra £200 up front. £50 for the first hour, negotiable otherwise. Ciao.   It isn't the sort of advertisement Aziraphale usually paid any attention to, but desperate times do indeed call for desperate measures.
Heavenly Wicked Cafe by @waitingtobebroken (33k, T)
There is a terribly rude barista that makes amazing coffee and a saint of a barista, whose coffee tastes vile. And they are in love.
Petrichor & Parchment by @katnoggin (33k, E)
“Mr. Crowley, I presume?” Aziraphale asked in lieu of an introduction, which was not forthcoming. The guy hadn’t even removed his sunglasses. Oh God, he had a tattoo on his face. Aziraphale wasn’t one to judge, but… what kind of gardener had a snake tattoo on his face? Now also available as a podfic from Literarion  [Huuuge recommendation for the podfic!!]
The Heart of the Forest by Kalimyre (33k, E)
Retired librarian Aziraphale moves into a small, isolated cottage deep in the forest with a strange history. He soon realises he's not alone in the woods; a presence watches him. But as he begins to befriend the stranger that lurks in the trees, Aziraphale comes to understand there's more to him than appearances suggest - and Aziraphale's own destiny may be tied to the mysterious creature with the golden eyes.
in your own time by @ineffabildaddy (33k, E)
Aziraphale and Crowley grew up together as next-door neighbours on Hogback Lane, classmates at the local Catholic school, and inseparable best friends. By the age of eighteen, both were hopelessly in love with the other, despite the knowledge that they were doomed to live apart, as Crowley aimed to pursue university study in London and Aziraphale committed himself to remaining in Tadfield, dedicating his life to the Church. After almost twenty years spent away from his hometown, renowned botanist Crowley decides to come and visit Tadfield again at a moment's notice; the purpose of his visit is to speak at a Careers Day for the school he and Aziraphale, now a beloved priest and a frequent helper at the school, attended. The twenty-four hours that follow will change both of their lives for ever.
Between Comfort And Chaos by anathxmadevice (45k, T)
“And how long have you two been a couple?” “Oh, I—” Aziraphale panics. “Ha, well, that’s a funny… We’re not actually—” “We’re just friends.” Crowley says, their voice clear and calm and lightly amused, either because of or in spite of Aziraphale’s flailing attempts to divert the conversation. “Ah, yes, quite.” Aziraphale says, then takes a sip of his drink just for something to do, instead of focussing on the way Crowley said just friends, and how it causes a painful throb in his chest that he has never fully got used to. His memory can only scrabble at the edge of a time where being just friends with Crowley didn’t feel like a particular form of torture. * Or, Aziraphale has been desperately in love with his best friend and housemate Crowley since they were students, but is too scared to do anything about it.
Loving You Slow by @tawnyontumblr (46k, E)
Crowley just wants to dance, but he's not prepared to sell his soul (and other things) at Mayfair's Hellfire Club to do it. Tending bar at The Bookshop in Soho is just the escape he needs, providing Crowley can convince the club’s owner he really belongs on the stage. Unfortunately Aziraphale Eastgate is not quite the generous guardian angel Crowley has been led to believe. Welcome to The Bookshop, where it always pays to look under the covers.
A Billion Points of Light by akitsuko (50k, E)
The firefighter lifts the visor on their helmet, and Crowley may not be able to see very well, but those are the most beautiful eyes he’s ever seen in his life. Crowley has never been one for the whole 'love at first sight' business, but he may need to reassess after Aziraphale - a gorgeous firefighter - saves his life.
More Than by @naromoreau (55k, E)
Crowley would like to spend another year without marrying, especially when thrust-forced to pick a husband. She refuses to cave in on a matter of principles. She refuses to cave in specifically on a matter of not wanting to be married to Lucien Morningstar. But she might need a hand to break free from such a burden. And who knows? She might even find something else along the way.
Lavender Apiary Of Your Honey Eyes by @snek-of-eden (66k, E)
The first thing Aziraphale registered was fiery red hair matted with sweat. The second thing was the man’s face, sharp and intelligent and a little guarded, sunlight dappling a spray of freckles. Upon seeing this, two contradictory thoughts crossed his mind: ‘Gosh, he’s pretty’, and ‘I don’t believe I’ve ever heard a man use that many expletives in the space of a minute’. “Oh,” he said, swallowing hard. “Hello, then.” __________ When Aziraphale inherits a small, cosy cottage in the countryside, he finds unexpected company in a gardener he didn't even know he had. Crowley is sweet, and strange, and about as foul-mouthed as you can get. Before he knows it, he's falling pretty goddamn hard for a man whose friendship he's terrified of risking. Ah, the foils of love.
Old Vines by @sevdrag (189k, E)
A.Z. Fell, one of the most respected names in wine and food blogging, has been sent on assignment with his assistant Warlock Dowling to spend six months in California Wine Country. Under direction (by his boss, Gabriel) to use this experience to double his blog followers and write a novel, Aziraphale is both excited and anxious about the opportunity. Anthony J. Crowley is the owner and viticulturalist of Ecdyses, a winery that unexpectedly fell into his lap eleven years ago when he hit rock bottom. He may be in debt, yeah, but he’s paying off his loans — and despite pressure from his lenders and their team of inspectors, Crowley has found a kind of contentment tending his little corner of terroir and producing extraordinary wine. Crowley’s old vines are the heart of his vineyard, and he’s never let anyone in. Crowley finds Aziraphale intriguing; Aziraphale finds Crowley enthralling. Turns out a famous wine expert and an experienced viticulturalist can still learn things from each other. The summer of 2019 unfolds. [Big recommendation for the podfic here too!!]
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becausebuckley · 29 days ago
michelle's buddie fic recs: week 5!
i won't lie folks, these rec lists are the only reason i know what week it is. but hey, every week brings us closer to the return of 911! in the meantime, enjoy these fics <3
this is a mix of fics with all ratings, so some include NSFW content. please take a look at both the ratings and the fic tags before reading! some might also contain spoilers for season 8.
if you come across something you like in this list, remember to show some love to the author by leaving kudos and a comment!
am i who you think about in bed? | rarakiplin/@hoediaz | 6.8k | M
eddie sleeps with men that aren't buck until, well, you know. eddie's hoe phase is something so very dear to me <3 i love how this fic captures him (and that phase lol) so much!! and That Moment in the bar... unmatched
and if someone asked me if i love you (i'd lie) | forgetmyname/@kingmieczyslaw | 10.3k | E
Eddie has a concussion. Suddenly he can't lie. It would be fine if he wasn't trying his best to not confess his undying love for Buck. this is such a fun fic <3 i love the firefam's reactions to eddie's predicament!!
and longingly i long | effervescentwolf/@effervescentwolf | 14k | M
Asking for what you want is asking too much of Buck, except it isn’t really. Not when it’s Eddie. i read this fic, immediately clicked the little back to the top button, and still have it open in a tab to reread asap, that's how good this is. the hurt/comfort hits so so hard, truly marvellous!!
bobby versus buddie | songbvrd/@songbvrd | 10.4k | M
Five times Bobby tried to gently hold Buddie's hands and tell them they were in love, and one time they got the picture. i adore how this fic captures bobby and athena and bobby's relationship with buck and eddie and also buddie <3 just a delight to read!!
buck, bothered and bewitched | bellabrady | 5.8k | not rated
Buck gets turned into a Golden Retriever. SUCH a fun fic. i really do think that animal transformation-esque fics are an untapped market... this is a brilliant example of just how good they can be!!
give me a call if you ever get lonely. | dylaesthetics | 7.7k | E
 Now that Eddie’s come out as gay, Buck helps him explore his kinks and fetishes. Not in the way you think. And later, exactly in the way you think. truly what a brilliant fic concept... hot and fun and cute <3
i just wanna tell you how i'm feeling | calvingseason | 7.7k | T
healing through shitty memes sure is cathartic. i do love a good crack treated seriously fic <3 eddie in this one genuinely had me laughing out loud!
if you say it with your hands | hammersmiths/@henwilsons | 9.9k | T
Eddie starts casually falling asleep against Buck, and Buck is very normal about it. oh the joy of the literal sleeping together tag!! this is soft and cute and just perfect <3 one of my favourites to reread!
leave the light on (i'll be coming home) | HMSLusitania/@hmslusitania | 44.4k | M
An accident on a call leaves Buck with custody of Chris after Eddie is... missing presumed. While they navigate their new family circumstances -- and fight to stay together, despite Eddie's parents' best efforts -- a John Doe wakes up in a coma ward with no memory of his own life beyond the knowledge he has a son named Christopher and, somehow, he needs to get home. i've been waiting to be in the right mood to read this one - since joining the fandom last year, it's probably the most recced fic i've seen! and, well, having read it, i totally get that. a wonderfully written fic, i loved the OCs but also adored buck and christopher here <3
let me know you (bedhead and morning breath) | burnthatbridge/@burnthatbridge | 6.2k | E
Buck hasn't gotten off since the lightning strike. Eddie watches him do something about it. THIS FIC. holy shit this fic. so good, so hot, so fun, so them!!
love me most | EiraLloyd/@unlifeira | 11.3k | T
Eddie’s not impressed that Buck and Tommy’s first date was supposed to be dinner and a movie. He thinks he can come up with something more creative, and he takes Buck on a date to prove his point. It’s a fake date, obviously. It’s not like he’s in love with Buck or anything.) i'm obsessed with eddie's behaviour in this fic <3 such a wonderful buddie dynamic!!
no takebacks | ever_yours/@ever-yours118 | 4.5k | M
In which Buck accidentally sends a confession to Eddie, lingers in the bargaining stage of grief, and maybe doesn’t end up regretting it so much, after all. love love love buck here, so true to character!! such a fun fic <3
PTA "coup d'état" | Bookworm0303/@insertlovelyperson | 26.5k | T
Buck attends some PTA meetings for Eddie. It goes about as well as you'd expect. this fic has so many funny moments, i can't even count how many times i had to put my phone down just to laugh. i especially loved ravi!! oh, the pta shenanigans... delightful fic!!
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fandomnerd9602 · 3 months ago
Tis the Season (🌶️)
Bambi!Wanda x Reader
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It was your first Christmas season with your mate and loving doe Wanda Maximoff. Life around the sanctuary was buzzing, the charity was running well and more animal-human hybrid sanctuaries were beginning to spring up all over the country.
But more importantly, life was going good for you and Wanda. You had grown together in so many wonderful ways. You had laughs and tears. You had days of fears and days of joy.
And with all of this came first holidays. Halloween came and went. Thanksgiving was fun. But then came your favorite holiday: Christmas. It was your first as a couple. And little did you realize it was Wanda’s first in a very long time.
You wanted to make it special. Just something for you and the love of your life. You notified Natasha that you and your doe would be gone the entire week of Christmas. Your wolf pal gave you a knowing little smirk.
You set a reservation for yourself and Wanda at a ski resort in the mountains. You got yourself and Wanda ready for your trip, even customizing a beanie cap so it could fit around her antlers.
“Detka!” Wanda exclaimed excitedly as you pull your jeep up at the ski chalet. “It’s beautiful”
You helped your doe hop out and hugged her tight, “merry Christmas my doe”
You spent the next few days leading up to Christmas learning how to ski on the bunny slope. Wanda was a little nervous but something about being out there in nature and its snowy winter wonderland eased her.
You and your mate found yourselves enjoying the sauna and hot tub in the evenings. And when you weren’t in the hot tub, you were sipping on hot cocoa and watching Christmas specials on your cabin’s TV.
It’s now Christmas Eve night and Wanda had planned a little surprise for you.
You set up a little mini Christmas tree and put Christmas music on your Bluetooth speaker.
“Merry Christmas my doe” you smiled at your mate before handing her a small Christmas gift.
Wanda looked at you adoringly before carefully opening it. There was an unmeasurable amount of glee in her eyes as she unwrapped the gift.
Your doe gasps, you got her a sterling silver necklace with a small pendant. The diamond pendant was a silhouette of a doe standing proudly with a little diamond at its center.
“Detka,” she looked at you with tears in her eyes “it’s perfect”
“Some day Wanda, you’re gonna be standing up and out there” you say gently. “You’re such an inspiration my love and I know that some day people will see you as I do”
“Oh my Buck” she hugs you tight, kissing you tenderly “I love it!”
She offers you a gentle giggle before a look of mischief crosses her eye, “now I need to get you your gift”
She skips over to the cabin’s bedroom, her little doe tail wiggling with anticipation.
You weren’t entirely sure what she was up to. It took a few minutes but eventually your die came out. And there she stood, leaning in the doorway and wearing a red sexy Santa type outfit.
Wanda had repurposed her Sokovian fortune teller outfit from Halloween and added a fluffy white trim around her bosom. Her antlers were decorated with Christmas lights and a few plush ornaments. Her slender arms wore long black gloves that reached to her elbows while her legs were adorned with knee high black boots.
“Merry Christmas my strong buck” she purrs with a mischievous smile.
“I-I…uhh…” you try to form a complete sentence but your mind is way too occupied with the thoughts of your doe.
“Don’t you want to come unwrap your gift?” She asks with a wink.
“Tis the season” you say with a stunned look as you walk towards your mate. “I love you”
“I know” She pulls you into the bedroom and closes the door behind you.
You and Wanda still look back on that Christmas, your first one together. Your first one full of laughs and love. Your first Christmas full of some things naughty and nice. A merry Christmas indeed.
Tags @lifespectator @olsenmyolsen @supercorpdanbeau @scarletquake-n7 @moonlit-imagines @multi-fandom-enjoyer @revanshand @russianredassassin @iiconicsfan25 @pinklawyerwinnerzonk
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kurtsvonneslut · 2 months ago
Wait... what was the swanqueen fic recs? ...and are there more (...esp if theyre smutty) 👀👀👀
oh there are more!!!
first of all i'm just going to plug myself because why not. i have 78 swan queen works up - mostly oneshots, a couple longfics, including the fic i'm currently writing, change with the seasons. a lot of my fics are older (for example my 52 weeks of swan queen series was written in 2015) and i was a teenager when i wrote them, but i still find a lot of joy in them!!
now for the rest of the recs, i'm going to organize them as best i can into a few categories. also, a lot of these recs will be a bit older as i've been away from the fandom for a while, and am only just now coming back again. this is an open question if anyone else has recommendations to add in the reblogs!!!
satin town by @coalitiongirl is probably my all time favorite fanfic, period. everything she's written for the fandom is incredible, but this one has always stuck with me. the dynamic between emma and regina (who is in full on evil queen mode) is just DELICIOUS and i love how she worked henry into the story. an absolute must as far as i'm concerned. PLUS she has a whole NOVEL out now, so go support that if you like the fic!!!!
the secret's in the telling by @the-pyrophoric-one is another classic in the fandom, and for good reason. the characterization is so spot on, and i absolutely love the arc of this story. the chapters are suuuuuper long though so it's a time investment!!
somewhere, someone must know the ending by maleficently who is not on tumblr as far as i'm aware is a divorce au. lots of angst with a happy ending. the same author also wrote an incredible three-part series called the fatal plunge, which remains, tragically, unfinished.
you gotta play dirty by amycarey who i'm not tagging because they don't write fic anymore. there's so many fics by amycarey that i absolutely adore (temporary distractions and keep the wolves outside by living well are also up there!!) but i chose this one because it's so unique to me. it's an au in which emma and regina are in a concert band together. i was a band kid myself, specifically a clarinetist, so i was pretty geeked over this!!
all that glitters is not (olypmic) gold by @queststar is another super niche but super fun and well-written au. in this one, emma and regina are olympic speed skaters. i just love the competitive energy between the two of them and the arc as they grow closer and eventually fall for each other. the author even got elizabeth mitchell to read some of it which is just. next level.
one fine star away by @bytherosebushlaughing is another au that gets a little meta, but it's sooooo much fun. in this fic, once upon a time is a tv show that regina, emma, and the others starred in. 20 some years later, the cast is reuniting, and the reunion is being covered by none other than one henry mills. it's such a clever fic, and i absolutely love it so far!!
of love and loss and love again by @snowivyimconfusi oh this one. this one is so bittersweet. emma and regina, grieving the losses of their partners, find comfort in each other. and more. it's so beautifully done, and i just adore ivy's writing style!!
what you thought you had to do by hoovahhoopah is the very first fic i read after making my ao3 account and it's still one that i love!! it's part of a six part series of oneshots called ill fitting pieces, but it also stands on its own just as well. just a beautiful, classic, canon-but-make-it-better kind of fic.
a woman moves when her heart has been broken by etotheswan because who among us wasn't absolutely destroyed by the season 3 finale???? this offered a lot of swan queen based catharsis while we waited for season 4.
monster-in-law by seriousfic is just a funny, light-hearted little oneshot about mary margaret trying to stop emma and regina's wedding by reminding them that they're all sort of related. a big departure from the seriousfic work we all know and miss dearly..... but enjoyable nonetheless thanks to their talent!!
and now, the moment we've all been waiting for, smut:
top of the list is, of course, our prophet of swan queen smut @angstbotfic. the making amends series is my all time favorite, and one that i recommended to my dear friend 27, but you can't go wrong with literally anything they've written.
wicked games by @starsthatburn is so. is so. it left me basically speechless. also recommended this one to 27, and i believe this is the one referenced in the ask they sent. it's the most insanely hot BDSM fantasy. if you like domme regina, look no further.
the thing she won't admit by beattheodds if you like butt stuff, here's swan queen butt stuff. need i say more?
paint it black by wily_one24 heed the warnings, this one is pretty dark. but if that's what you're into, this is the one. it's like if 50 shades of grey was swan queen and also good.
of love and loathing by morganlegaye and its sequel, transgressions of the heart are a hatefuck lover's dream. transgressions of the heart remains unfinished, but god is it good.
fealty by standbackufools you like throne sex? you like honorifics? you like D/s dynamic? enjoy :)
thank god it's BDSM friday by carrotlucky13 this one covers soooooo many kinks. emma and regina enter into a 24/7 BDSM lifestyle. for 95k words. i don't know what else to say but WOWOWOWOW. even if you're not into every kink in here it's still hot af.
emma's little problem by juicecup it's a magic!cock story with a slight humiliation kink if you squint, but otherwise mostly vanilla sex to round out a very kinky rec list.
go give these incredible creators some love!!! and remember, nothing motivates a fic writer quite like a nice comment :)
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accio-victuuri · 7 months ago
all the cpn for wyb’s 27th birthday part two 🎉💕
oh hello there. we are now on part ii of this clowning session and i’m gonna just put this here because i think it speaks for itself. p1 is xz’s bday post from last year and p2 is bobo’s for this year. see the similarities? the composition of the shot, their silhouette and it’s like you can’t see anything for miles. they really have the same braincell. twin flames. i’m sure wyb must have much cooler shots of himself with all the places he’s been and what he’s done. why not him car racing? or photos from his time abroad? playing tennis? why this?
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and that emoji he used, it’s like yeah i’m cool and also joking with xz. look, my photo looks like yours from last year gege 😎
we don’t even have to try and reach that much, it’s literally in our face. it’s so szd!
now let’s look at the other much less obvious clues
the yibo-official short video. i was honestly expecting a photoset from them at 10 or 10:30 but i was wrong lol. i’m surprised they posted at 11:55, cause we are sensitive with 55. i have to say that it’s so cuteeee and i like the details that were magnified. also the probability of yibo spending his special day camping and enjoying himself is giving me so much joy! ^^
but who do we know also spent their bday last year camping? with his literal cake in a camping theme?
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i mean.. come on! why is it always them? 😂😂😂 there just too many coincidences. it has always been their thing but coming up as themes for this bday is next level.
what seems to be a snowy mountain at the back? 👀
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let’s add some more observations.
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the panther who seems to be singing and on a swing which is a nice addition! hahahahahaha! the panther is supposed to be cool but singing makes it more real. the cake with green and red and the body looks to be yellow? what a nice combination! the helmet inside the tent! that reminds us of when xz gifted wyb a helmet. and the photo of wei ruolai! it’s a common cpn that xz really likes the character of lai lai <3
EDIT: there are also 27 fallen leaves! 🍃 kinda like the 29 light bulbs in GG’s bday art before. this level of detail is something else!
lastly, i will talk about this tag. right now as of writing, it’s #3 on entertainment HS. which is really high considering we are competing with hundred flowers award and olympics tags.
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i don’t think this is the time to get technical on what age is who blah blah blah blah. it’s already there. i can see a certain group of people foaming at the mouth because of this, but if they are so angry, then maybe they can work harder in posting for the other bday tag. anyway, i see this one as a really sweet tag. it’s been years and both of them have come a long way. the same also applies to the the fandom. 💛
yibo will grow up slowly and appreciate his life, xz will always be there beside him 🌸
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safination · 5 months ago
Partners in Death...and Life
After The Glimpse
|Masterlist| Ao3|
“You were taking too long,” you say, plain and simple. As if that would answer all his questions. Those eyes of yours land on his knuckles. There’s no reason to hide them from you, especially when you’re looking at him with that sad, sad, expression he painted across your face. It’s in the way your lips wobble, and it’s in the way your eyebrows furrowed together. “I would never leave you.” You press your cheek into his palm, nuzzling into it even as blood transfers to your skin. “Nothing will keep me from following after you.” Alastor swipes his thumb across your face. “Even to the depths of hell?” “Even past that, my dear.”
Pairings: Alastor x wife!Reader Tags: fem!Reader, AFAB, Established Relationship, Asexual! Alastor , being a simp for your partner, Asexual! Alastor, husband! Alastor. human! Alastor
THIS CAN BE READ AS A STAND-ALONE Please read this. I'm begging you, but no pressure!
WELL, WELL, WELL. Here we are again. I'm doing three to four bonus chapters. If you want to be tagged, just tell me lol. I didn't think I would be adding a bonus chapter for this fic, but oh well, here we are again. I've missed you guys and I've missed writing my favorite married couple. This is also a special thank you to my friends from VoxTec (Yes, we're friends. I claim you as my friends.) I would have been done with my this fandom if it wasn't for them. Say thank you to them because I've been writing because of them
|Part 9: The Vows That Bind Me [Finale]| |Part 11: Before The Last [Bonus]|
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
Alastor needs better car seats.
It’s official – your ass is numb from sitting too long. It spread down your thighs, and straight into your bones. A walk would certainly fix this problem, but you’ve already taken five in the past hour.
Maybe, this wouldn’t be an issue if Alastor invested in comfortable seats. All that money from being a celebrity, and yet, he drives a shit car!
You lean your head on the window, subtly stretching your legs to increase blood flow.
Moonlight illuminates the area around, painting shadows in the shape of trees. It’s the only source of light for miles because of course, it is.  The trees howl from the force of the wind, and the shadows dance against the car window.
Well . . . that totally does not bring a chill up your spine. There’s totally no reason to shrink deeper into the shitty car seats. Really, it’s not creepy – not one bit.
“Tired already?” Alastor peeks out an eye. He’s settled on the seat, hands folded across his stomach. “It would bring me great joy to say, ‘I told you so’ because I did tell you, dearest, these things take time.”
Something hoots from the forest, and you’ve had enough.
You lean away from the window, and straight into Alastor’s side. It’s funny, really, how the simple brush of his clothes, and maybe, just maybe, the darkness outside doesn’t seem as frightening as before.
“I haven’t said anything yet, but I didn’t think it would take this long,” you say, mumbling into him, and pull your legs up the seat to curl closer. “I told you I wasn’t going to complain. So, I won’t.”
Alastor pushes your knees, forcing your feet off the car seats.
You laugh into his chest, and settle deeper into him, with your feet staying where it should be—off his shitty car seat.
Alastor wraps an arm around you, tracing circles on your arm with a slight chuckle. The tips of his finger go round and round and round. It pulls you into the lull – eyes blinking to stay awake. A small tune escapes him, and the vibration of his chest forces your eyes to shut.
“I won’t make you wait too long,” Alastor says into your hair. “The drugs will wear off soon, remember. I’ll make quick work of him, and we can go home together.”
A small hum. “Is that a promi— ”
Panicked roars of anger bounce against the small space of the trunk, startling you out of Alastor’s arms.
Fists bang into the trunk over and over and over and over again, but the thick metal muffles his desperate attempts to escape. How curious of him to try and fight back. Does he not know how much energy he’s wasting?
“Now, now, you should be resting.” Alastor pulls on your arm, crashing you back into him. “Give it a few minutes. He’ll calm down, eventually. Panicked animals are such a bother to deal with.”
“Al . . .,” you mumble as you settle back into his arms, and grip part of his shirt into your fist. “Is it always this loud?”
“Sometimes.” Alastor resumes tracing your arm. “It doesn’t happen often enough for it to become a problem for me.”
The pull of home calls out, tempting you with the soft allure of warmth and peace . . . but . . . but, all the warmth and peace you could ever need is right here, next to you, tracing circles into your arm with a small smile. You’re already home.
If Alastor continues to lull you to sleep, maybe you wouldn’t mind living inside this car with him, and only him, despite the shitty seats – regardless of the shitty seats, actually.
Like all things, that frightened panic ends, and so does Alastor’s tracing.
Alastor peels you off his chest, and grips your shoulders. Eyes stare right into your own. It commands your gaze. “This is important, dearest. Stay in the car, and whatever may happen—you are not to follow me.” His grip tightens. “If I take too long, I need you to leave me.”
“That . . . that wasn’t our deal, Alastor,” you say, frowning.  Something settles in your stomach. You don’t like this—not one bit. “We agreed I would be there to watch.”
“Now, now, stubbornness will get you nowhere.” Alastor pinches the bridge of his nose. “I allowed you to watch from the car— you watched as I drugged him, and watched as I stuffed him in the trunk. Be good, and promise me you will stay here.”
Alastor places a finger on your lips, shushing you. That smile on his face makes you want to scowl. The absolute audacity!
“I’m not above putting my own wife inside a trunk,” he says, and flicks your nose. “It’s dark outside, and if I accidentally shoot you . . . well, it would be quite bothersome to have to bury you as well. Think about what the papers would say when you go missing!”
You slap his hand away. “Radio Star so Incompetent His Wife Leaves Him.”
“Hilarious.” Alastor rolls his eyes, showing off how he does so.
“I’ll stay up in the trees.” You play with the tips of his fingers. “Surely, your aim isn’t that horrid.”
“I’ll be running around and moving all over the place. You’re not familiar with this part of the forest.” Alasto presses a kiss on the edge of your lips. “I’ll return to you, but you need to stay here. Leave if you have to.”
One, single nod. It’s the only response you’re able to give.
Denying Alastor will never be an ability available to you, not when he’s looking at you with eyes that are oh, so soft.
Alastor tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear, and steals one last kiss. “I won’t make you wait too long. That’s my promise to you.”
The car door opens with a click, and it’s not the icy air that chills your spine.
You . . . you don’t want him to go. It’s weird, actually. Why do you find yourself grabbing his hand? It stops Alastor before he can take a single step out of the car.
“Or, you can kill him right here. Shoot or slice him or whatever.” You squeeze his hand. There’s a nagging voice that tells you to keep him in your sight. “Just . . .  just . . .”
Just what?
Alastor squeezes back. “That would spoil all the fun!” he says, but the car door closes anyway. He settles back into the chair, and his thumb goes up and down your skin. “I have to give him hope that there’s still a chance to fight back.”
What exactly do you want to happen? What exactly do you want to tell him?
Don’t go where I can’t follow.
“I don’t like this,” you say, instead. “Al, I don’t like this at all—not one bit.”
“Ha!” His laughter bounces across the air. “Dearest, are you worried for me?”
“Yes, I am.” You play with the ring around Alastor’s finger, and place a small kiss against the metal band. “Don’t be so surprised—of course, I’m worried.”
Alastor pulls back his hand, and it takes everything not to reach out for him.
Three taps —Tap. Tap. Tap. That’s all it takes, and your fist open automatically. Alastor drops his ring into your open palm. It’s clean and polished as if it’s regularly maintained.
Oh . . . oh, he’s giving back his ring.
“What’s going through that head of yours?”
“Hopefully, something foolish,” you say, trying to give him a smile.
“That’s impossible. There’s nothing foolish about you.” Alastor pulls your hand closer, and he slips his own ring around your finger. “Don’t give me that look— I want this back.”
Alastor’s ring is bigger than your finger. It’s a bit loose, but it won’t slip out easily.
“Then I’ll give it back.”
“What a silly and ridiculous wife to exist with.” Alastor boos your nose. “It’s quite exciting to learn you’re capable of such worry. I’m honored that it’s me you’re worried about.”
“I . . . I’m capable of worrying about you.”
Alastor pulls his jacket around your shoulders, wrapping it like a blanket. “This world could burn around you, and I don’t think you would care.”
“It’s cold outside. You need this more than I do.” You push the jacket towards him. “ . . . This is me, caring about you.”
Alastor presses a kiss on your cheek, and re-wraps the jacket around you. “Silly and ridiculous!”
The urge to stop him, to grab on to him and never let go . . . it never fully disappears. You keep your hands busy. It plays and twirls with the two rings around your finger.
The car door opens, and this time, Alasto steps out.
The faint smell from Alastor’s jacket warms you with the scent of home, and your eyes shut.
Time passes, and you don’t know how long it does. But the truth sinks its unforgiving claws into you; Alastor is taking too long.
Moonlight reflect against the rings around your finger, and the decision is made.
Alastor didn’t want you to freeze. It’s why he left his jacket to warm you. So, you put it on, wrapping it closer around your body. The car door opens, and warmth and peace and home guard you against the chill.
There’s a shovel at the back seats . . . It’s better than nothing.
“Alastor . . . Oh, my love,” you call out into the wind. “Don’t go where I cannot follow.”
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Alastor? Tell me what’s happening right now.
The grip around his neck tightens, and Alastor knows he made a mistake. That nostalgic tase of boyhood hits him. It’s in that paralyzing tune of helplessness. It’s in that choke-hold of fear. A familiar friend—one he hasn’t seen since before Alastor took his first victim.
It’s not supposed to be like this.
Alastor lost track of him between the trees and their shadows. It only took one, single second. A slight miscalculation that won’t be happening next time.
You would need to be alive for there to be a next time, love.
That . . . that’s your voice. This should be impossible, yet Alastor knows it’s you who’s calling out to him. You should have left hours ago—that was the agreement. Great, he’s going insane from the lack of oxygen. His brain conjured up your voice from the deepest parts of him. Of course, it would be you projected during his crazed attempts to breathe.
Tighter and tighter and tighter and tighter and tighter. It . . . just . . . never ends.
Spots flood his teary vision as everything grows dimmer. Alastor can barely see the man’s desperate expression. Such a shame, too. You would love to hear about his pathetic whines, and Alastor would love to describe it to you.
That was you calling out for him and only him. The way you say his name . . . It’s in that oh, so soft voice of yours. His eyes flicker towards the side, and through the tears, and through the spots, Alastor sees you as clear as day.
There's that small smile on your face as you squat next to him. Oh, my dear. You might actually die soon if you don’t do something about this.
Alastor can’t breathe. Oh god, he can’t breathe. Everything loses its color. It bleeds into one big blank of nothingness.
Alastor . . . Alastor?
It’s too dizzying. The desire to breathe burns his lungs. It begs for any mercy, for any relief, for any air. What can he do? Nothing. Just like when he was a child. Nothing has changed. No, that’s not true! Alastor didn’t have you before, and that simple face means everything is different. He reaches out for you, trying to say that he can’t brea—
Alastor, what’s your plan now?
There are no plants. There’s nothing . . . except you. Of course, it’s you. His brain is reverting back into its most basic of instincts, and it decided that you were his most basic instinct.
Well, what do you know?
Seconds—that’s how long Alastor has.
There are seconds of consciousness left. Precious second before he stops seeing you. Death wasn’t a problem – it’s never scared him before – but Alastor is a man of his word, and currently, he’s breaking the promise he made to you.
You’re rolling your eyes at him.
Alastor wants to summon the energy to tell you to stop it. Even in his mind you were infuriating, but . . . but, you’re smiling at him, and those eyes of your crinkl—
Air forces itself into his lungs in quick breaths. Alastor gasps for air, each breathing burns his lungs. The man crumples away from him, and those large hands leave his neck. That paralyzing tune of helplessness disappears.
You said you wouldn’t make me wait for too long.”
It’s . . . It’s you.
There’s a shovel raised above your head, coated in the man’s blood. Alastor stares at you—he stares at that eerily calm expression on your face. It travels up his spine with a chill, but it’s warmth that settles into his cheeks. It strikes him then and there. Alastor has never told you how beautiful you are in his eyes.
Just a second, that’s all he nee—
Alastor doesn’t have a second.
The man rises, clutching his head with fury written all over his expression. His eyes land on you, then the shovel, and the man charges in your direction with a bellow.
You bring the shovel closer towards your chest, eyes widen with frozen legs.
One, single step back – that’s all you’re able to take. Even then, it’s just not enough. The distance grows shorter, and every second Alastor spends gasping for air . . . It brings you a second closer to danger.
Alastor made a mistake, and this world will set ablaze with his fury, burning everything and everyone around him, if he allows this animal to touch even the smallest smile on your lips. It’s that precious to him, and that makes him dangerous.
Alastor stumbles across the mud, pushing himself past his highest limit for you and only you. Fire burns his lungs as air forces itself into his body. It spreads to the very tips of his finger, but Alastor cannot stop. There’s a reason to keep going. There’s a reason to keep running.
The man charges at you with speed, but Alastor has a reason to be faster.
Alastor tackles the man into the tree. A cry of pain rattles the leaves. He doesn’t know who it belongs to. It doesn’t matter, not to him, as long as it wasn’t from you.
What is he doing?
How . . . curious. The sweet tune of violent anger calls out, tempting him to give into his fury. Alastor’s never heard such a call before.
His fists go up and down and up and down and up and down. Each strike burns. The pain of split knuckles cannot stop him. All Alastor knows is that he needs to make this man suffer. Such violence should scare him, but he isn’t afraid – not one bit.
How dare this . . . this animal try to touch you. How dare he. How fucking dare he. Alastor will break every bone in his body, relishing in the cries of his screams. No, that wouldn’t be enough. Nothing Alastor could do will ever be enough to quell this burn. Not even death will be able to keep Alastor from—
The way you call out for him . . . the way you say his name in that oh, so soft voice of yours . . . It cuts through the burning haze. Not once has he ever had the ability to deny your calls for him.
That’s blood dripping down his fingers. Each drop falls to the ground, and sinks into the earth below. It's funny, really. Alastor doesn’t know who the blood belongs to – it could be from his split knuckles or it could be from the man’s broken body.
What expression is he making right now? Alastor can’t bear to face you, not right now.
“Dearest,” you call out for him, and reach out a hand for him. “Come on, now.”
He takes a single step closer, and you mirror his movements. It’s like a funny little dance – the more steps he takes, the more steps you take – and this dance ends when you’re a breath away.
Alastor grabs your wrist, pulling you closer. “You were supposed to leave,” he says, and fuck! The tone of his voice automatically softens because . . . because you’re gripping on to him with fingers that tremble. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
This small part of him wishes he left you in that trunk. You were supposed to be in the car – safe.
The breathing part of him is thankful he didn’t. Who knows what would have happened to you if he died, and left his wife inside a car trunk. Oh, you would be furious at him! He would never hear the end of it.
Alastor takes the shovel from your shaking fingers, peeling it off your hold, and replacing it with his hand.
Despite that eerily calm look on your face, the way you tighten your grip tells him everything he needs to know – you’re more rattled than you’re willing to admit. Alastor traces your hand with the gentles of touches, sliding his fingers across your knuckles and into the back of your hand.
He brings your fingers to his lips, giving it the smallest of kisses. “I would appreciate an answer, my love.” 
“You were taking too long,” you say, plain and simple. As if that would answer all his questions.
Those eyes of yours land on his knuckles. There’s no reason to hide them from you, especially when you’re looking at him with that sad, sad, expression he painted across your face. It’s in the way your lips wobble, and it’s in the way your eyebrows furrowed together.
“I would never leave you.” You press your cheek into his palm, nuzzling into it even as blood transfers to your skin. “Nothing will keep me from following after you.”
Alastor swipes his thumb across your face. “Even to the depths of hell?”
“Even past that, my dear.”
You bring out a handkerchief from your pocket. It’s simple work, really – automatic, even – to dab on his wound, and wrap his knuckles with the softest of touches. You press a light kiss on top of it as if doing so would make it feel better. (It does.)
The tips of your fingers reach out for him. It’s instinct for Alastor to bend down at your request, and you push his glasses up his nose, fixing it in place with a smile.
Alastor pulls you into a hug, cradling your head into the crook of his neck.
The way you were looking at him . . . with that oh, so soft smile on your lips. Oh, you were such a foul creature! A second longer, and all this anger would fizzle out. That wouldn’t do – there’s still a job that needs to be finished.
Still, Alastor holds you in his arms until your hands stop shaking, and that grip on him loosens.
“Thank you,” he says into your hair. “Go back to the car. I’ll meet you there in a couple of minutes. I just need to finish this.”
“Is that a promise, my dear?”
“If you’d like.” Alastor traces his rings across your fingers. “I’m still expecting you to return my ring to me.”
A small wheezing breath catches your attention.
You tilt your head towards the side, eyes locked onto the way the man struggles to breath. That shing of curiosity lights up your face. The edges of your lips quiver as you hold your smile, and there it is—the lust of wanting to know more, the lust of wanting to explore the entrail of this man.
“Al . . .” You’re tugging on his sleeve with an elated sigh. “Al!”
Alastor humors your curiosity, leaning down to study your expressions. How truly precious, indeed. “Yes, my dear?”
“Al, he’s a smoker!” you say with such a bright smile that can rival the stars themselves. “I saw him smoking before you drugged him.”
“Is this your way of saying you want me to smoke more, dearest?” Alastor presses a kiss on your cheek, right where that line of blood stains your skin “Maybe then you’ll always smile at me like this.”
“I want to see his lungs.” You’re tugging on his sleeve again with such a curious and innocent expression. “All that smoke . . . Oh, Al! I’m sure it’s done something to his lungs. You’ve never given me a smoker before – only alcoholics! I’ve already shown you their livers, right? I can show you his lungs.”
It’s almost . . . cute . . . to see you ramble on about livers. What a life he’s living! Married to the most ridiculous person in the world, who smiles so brightly when talking about a dead man’s liver.
“You have shown me all kinds of livers, my dear. My favorite is still the one with the black spots.” Alastor doesn’t really care about the different appearance of livers but you care for them . . . and that’s enough for him. “I’ve even made it a point to drink less.”
“I want to see his lungs.”
“This one isn’t worth your blade, dearest. I’ll find you another smoker. Maybe a smoker and an alcoholic, too. There are a dime a dozen.” Alastor takes a step towards you, blocking your view of the man. “Now, now. I think it’s time you go back to the car.”
“But Al— ”
“I won’t repeat myself a third time.” Alastor squeezes your hand. “I’ve indulged you for far too long.”
It’s clear that you’re disappointed—that bright smile doesn’t crinkle your eyes. “Alright,” you say, and squeeze back. “Much better?”
No, not at all. The smile on your face is meant to conceal a frown. How ridiculous of you to try and hide it from him. Did you not think that he wouldn’t know what a true smile from you looked like?
Alastor presses a kiss on your cheek, allowing it to linger. The next kiss goes on your forehead, then to your other cheek. He continues his barrage all over your face until your smile turns a little bit softer. Then, and only then, does he say, “Indeed.”
You walk towards the trees.
“Alastor.” You still for a moment, turning back to him. “Will he suffer?”
“My dear.” Alastor places a hand on his chest, and bows a performer’s bow. “I think you’re forgetting who exactly your husband is.”
There’s that gentle smile on your lips, and Alastor knows better than to mistake it for kindness. “That’s good.”
Oh, these eyes of his! It lingers on you until the trees hide you into their shadows, and even longer after that. Alastor runs his fingers across the handkerchief around his knuckles, tracing the music notes you’ve carefully embroidered. (Alastor knows a secret that you don’t seem to realize; you only embroider music notes when you’re thinking about him.)
Alastor turns back towards the man, laughing as he watches him try his best to crawl to freedom – it’s quite admirable. The attempt nearly succeeded if it wasn’t for his wife.
That’s good.
The way you said it . . . with such a gentle smile as well—it’s sickening. It also crawls up his stomach, and settles some kind of warmth in his face. Alastor brings the handkerchief to his cheek, pressing against it.
What a ridiculous person, indeed.
Alastor hums a small tune that’s carried by the night wind, and presses his foot on the man’s back, collapsing him to the dirt.
“That was a foolish mistake to make.” Alastor smiles at the handkerchief around his knuckles. If anyone was being foolish, it was him – his mistake drove you out of the safety of the car. “That goes for the both of us, I suppose.”
Alastor picks up the shovel, twirling it like a cane. It hits him, then and there; he doesn’t know the name of this man. It’s too late to ask, either way.
“Lucky for you, I promised not to take too long. Ha! But don’t worry, I won’t be leaving too soon.” Alastor aligns the tip of the shovel above the man’s knee. “Let’s take care of that nasty habit of running away. Do your best not to scream too loud! My wife has sensitive ears.”
The shovel goes down, and a scream rattles the birds.
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Alastor returns to the car, a bloodied mess.
It’s all over his dress-shirt, and it stains his vest red. Oh dear, some even got onto his favorite bowtie. His clothes would need to go up in flames. There’s no saving it. Except the bowtie – never the bowtie.
It’s cheap fabric, and something he shouldn’t even be seen wearing. Yet . . . Alastor always finds himself putting it on. He would never throw it away. Especially when you make so little, and buying this bowtie took quite a dent on your paycheck. It would take you months of saving just to buy him another one of equal quality, and even longer for something better.
So, Alastor keeps the bowtie.
He didn’t bother dragging the man back with him like he usually does, but he does leave him scattered around in pieces for the animals.
Oh dear!
Alastor must be quite the mess after taking a tumble. That’s mud staining his sleeves, and blood mixing with it as well. The smell must be horrid as well. He takes a moment, and runs a hand through his hair, trying to tame the stands that stick out. It doesn’t work. An irritated click on his tongue – he can’t go back to you looking like this!
Surely, you would . . . you . . . oh, you were worried for him.
It hits him all at once.
A small, giddy laugh warms him to the core. Alastor presses his face into his arm, hiding a smile that you couldn’t even see. Fuck! He runs another hand over his hair, and now, there’s now way he can go back to you looking like such a mess.
Alastor traces the music notes around the handkerchief once more. Another laugh – it’s louder this time, and it echoes across the trees.
Dear gosh, he needs to keep it together.
Alastor runs a hand over his face, calming his expression, and enters the car.
The moment he settles into the seat, you crash into him, clutching tightly even as the blood on his clothes transfers to you. “Home.”
Alastor wants to say something rather silly. With you here . . . well, he’s already home.
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What are we thinking, people? I still got my writing chops. Alaso, this chapter is supposed to be one big chapter titled Between the Glimpse and The Last because it's between parts 5 and 6 ( |Part 5: Glimpse of Me and You: Part II| and |Part 6: Radio’s Last Broadcast|) Next chapter will be a continuation of this scene. WHERE MORE FLUFF WILL HAPPEN. So if you've liked this, follow along. I'm not done with the Hurt/Comfort. Emphasis on Comfort. Maybe a little bit more hurt as well because this is almost right before 1933
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ghuleh-witch · 26 days ago
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Fandom: Ghost Rating: Explicit Warnings: NSFW, 18+ only, p in v sex, unprotected sex, breeding kink, Pregnancy, Prime Mover au, oral sex, ritual sex Relationships: Papa Emeritus IV/Copia x Female!Reader Additional Tags: friends to lovers, use of pet names, domestic fluff, developing relationship, no beta Word Count: 3212 Chapters: 1/5 Summary: When Papa Emeritus IV needs to find a Prime Mover, you volunteer yourself. Ao3 || Masterlist
Your head was pounding as music filled the hall and the laughter of the other partygoers felt like a knife stabbing into your brain. You don’t know why you let your friends drag you to the Winter Solstice ball. You always end up with a migraine by the end. Too many lights, too much noise, and too many scents of perfumes and colognes. It was a sensory nightmare. You looked around at your fellow Siblings of Sin searching for your friends but you couldn’t see them. Great, they left you for the second time that night. You groaned and wiped your clammy palms on your black, sparkly dress.
With a sigh, you fought your way through the crowd to the doors and made it into the atrium of the ministry. It was significantly dimmer and quieter, which had you thanking Lucifer below as you walked toward the staircase that would have led you to the dormitories. 
As you got closer to the stairs, you saw a figure standing in front of the stained glass window of Lilith, next to the staircase. Not just any figure, you realized, but Papa Emeritus IV. He stood tall with his hands resting behind his back. He looked confident in his paints and regal in his black robes with the golden IV embossed on his chest and black and gold stole of skulls on his shoulders. Despite the powerful man who stood before you, you knew something wasn’t right. He should’ve been celebrating with the congregation and clergy, not staring blankly out of a window-colored glass. 
“Papa?” You asked, stepping towards him. “Are you alright?”
“Hmm?” He hummed and turned his head toward you. “Oh! Sorella, I didn’t see you there. Sorry, what did you say?”
“Are you alright?” You ask again, head tilting as you observe him. Distraction clouded his mind as he took a minute to answer.
“Oh, sì, sì…well sort of,” he sighed. “I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors.”
“Which one?” You ask with an amused huff earning a smirk from Copia.
“Hehe, there are a lot of them going around. The-eh-prime mover one.” 
You had heard. It was all anyone was talking about. Sister Lucia, Sister Imperator’s assistant, overheard the mother superior discussing the need to carry on the bloodline with Copia. Sister Imperator suggested a Prime Mover, a person chosen by the reigning Papa to carry the next generation. It wasn’t just that, though. A Prime Mover was sacred and Hell-blessed and came with a very generous salary. You were not a part of the Ministry when there was a Prime Mover last, but you heard stories about how Primo worshipped the ground they walked on.
“Yes, that one,” you said. “That’s the popular one right now. I think they’re saying you’re going to line eligible candidates up and fuck them one by one and see what sticks.”
Copia’s eyes widened. “Is that what people are saying? I’m definitely not fucking doing that.” He chuckled. “But the rumor is true. They asked me to find a Prime Mover. Sister says it’s time and that I can’t be Papa forever, even though that’s a load of bullshit. I can be Papa for a couple more album cycles.” 
You let him grumble to himself, a smile forming on your lips as he huffed. This formidable man who preached the joys of sin every Sunday night still pouted like a child being told no sometimes. It was endearing, you thought, and adorable. You stifled the giggle that was threatening to escape and just nodded. “So the rumor is true and let me guess, every eligible Sibling is throwing themselves at you?” 
“Surprisingly no,” Copia clucked, turning to face you fully. You watched as his eyes looked you up and down as though he saw you fully for the first time. 
“No?” Surprise overcame you. You heard siblings bragging about their time in his bed. Surely he had to have throngs of people lining up for him. 
“Well, some are, but the clergy has a set of rules that need to be followed when selecting a Prime Mover, and the rules are common knowledge. The Siblings I’m allowed to pick from do not want me,” he sighed. “Most simply aren’t interested and that is okie dokie.”
You knew of the rules he spoke about. To be a Prime Mover, one had to be older than twenty-five, had been a Sibling for at least two years, had to be in good standing with the Ministry, and had to give up plans of transferring to another branch. The position of Prime Mover was an enormous commitment, and you understood why people were hesitant to take it up, even if the benefits were tempting. 
“There’s a very small pool to pick from,” Copia nodded to himself. He looked unsure of himself as the moonlight from the window bathed his figure in silver light. He looked more ethereal than human for just a moment before refocusing back on you.
“Do you even want a Prime Mover, Papa?” You asked. Their church, their religion, and their beliefs were all about choice, but it seemed no one gave him a choice. 
“Sì, I do,” Copia answered before his voice softened. “I’ve always wanted a little one or two...I just thought…well, I thought people would be interested and that this would be a cakewalk.” 
A silence fell over the two of you and you allowed your mind to wander. Would it be so bad carrying his heir? Copia was attractive, and you heard the stories—saw how he moved his hips on stage. It would be enjoyable, and what else did you have going on? You weren’t going anywhere, anytime soon. There were no plans to leave the place that had become your home over the last two and a half years. You had no marks on your record. As far as anyone was concerned, you were a good, upstanding little Satanist. 
And the idea of having your own private suite was very enticing. No more using the communal bathrooms and hoping you weren’t interrupting someone’s “play” time.
Your mouth opened and before you could talk yourself out of it, you spoke. “I’ll do it.” 
Copia, who looked like he was about to say something, froze, mouth ajar. He closed his jaw and his eyes grew wide in surprise. “You what?”
“I’ll do it,” you repeated, taking a step towards him. 
“A-are you sure you know what you’re saying?” Copia asked after an achingly long moment. “I know I’m not the most desirable of Papas.”
“Stop,” you said as you held your hand up to emphasize your command. “You are desirable, Papa, and there are plenty of Siblings and Ghouls here that think so. It just so happens that the ones that do desire you aren’t eligible for the position. But I am.”
He blinked. “You desire me?”
“Well, it wasn’t the food that made me join up,” you laugh.
He let out an awkward chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck. “I-eh-thanks. I…accept.”
It was your turn to blink. “Is that it?” You ask. “That was simple.”
“There's a ritual to complete, and paperwork to fill out.”
“Sister loves her paperwork.”
You met him in a conference room near his office the next morning. Your eyes struggled to stay open as you sipped the water that was set in front of you by a ghoul. When you and Copia parted the night before, you had gone back to the room you shared with two other Siblings. You lay in bed, a hand stroking your stomach as you tried to picture yourself round and very pregnant. Questions plagued your mind all night, causing your sleep to be disrupted. 
Now you were sitting with him, Sister Imperator, and the Ministry lawyer, Cardinal Nemo, as a thick packet of paper sat in front of you. You fought back a yawn as Cardinal Nemo explained your duties and restrictions as a Prime Mover. You were prohibited from doing a few things. While trying to get pregnant, you could only have unprotected intimacy with Copia. That made sense to you. You weren’t trying to have someone else’s baby after all. You were also not allowed to partake in anything that could hurt the baby should you become pregnant, which again made sense. Other than the obvious, you were free to do whatever you wanted, just like you were now. You were not bound to him — were not married to him, but you’d be the only one to give him an heir or heirs if you chose to have more than one child with Copia. Then after raising them (if you chose to, which you would you knew that for sure), you’d get to retire from the position and would never have to want for anything for the rest of your life.
18 years is a long time, you reflected. You thought the idea would scare you, and make you want to back out of all of this, but you weren’t afraid. If you had a child, you’d get to watch them grow and raise them all while not having to worry about a thing. You wouldn’t have to worry about providing for them or worry about making sure they were happy. Everything was covered. You always wanted children, but you worried about how you’d care for a child without the support of a partner or the finances. 
But it wasn’t just you that had rules to follow. Copia had his own set. The rules also prevented him from having unprotected sex with anyone else. He had to provide for you and your future child monetarily. If he mistreated you in any way, he would be punished and possibly stripped of his title and position if the offense called for it. There were more, but they were for very specific scenarios that you didn’t see happening. But everything had to be very bureaucratic and thorough.
There was no doubt in your mind that Copia would hold up his end of the contract, but you felt better knowing he was also being held accountable and it didn’t all land on yourself. 
“Any questions?” Cardinal Nemo asked after he finished going over the last page of the contract.
“So we have a minimum a year to try for a baby naturally,” you said, flipping to the third page of the thick packet. “And then after that, we can decide to void this all or discuss with the Upper Clergy about possible fertility treatments.” You wanted to make sure you understood every detail of the contract, and that bit had surprised you. The Upper Clergy was notoriously cheap at times, so the fact they would be willing to pay for something like IVF surprised you.
“Yes, if after a year there have been no results, you and Papa may decide to void the contract and he could search for another Prime Mover, or you could decide to keep trying and meet with a council to go over fertility treatment options. If, after receiving treatment, there is still no heir, the contract will be automatically voided and Papa will have to pick another Prime Mover,” Cardinal Nemo explained.
Your eyes flick to Copia sitting across the conference table from you. He was reading through that part of the contract, brow scrunched in either concentration or disappointment. You couldn’t tell. As though he could sense you looking at him, he glanced at you and held your gaze. There was something in the way he looked at you like you were the answer to all his questions. It was so intimate and like nothing you ever felt before. You felt your cheeks begin to warm as a blush crept across your face and you quickly looked away. 
Before the previous night, you only ever spoke to him a handful of times before. You were never one to stray outside your circle of friends, and Copia was always in another circle. He was the reason you joined the Ministry. You had been Cirice’d at a show when he took over as the frontman after Terzo. He was still a Cardinal then, but you were so compelled by the way he held your hand and looked at you that you applied to join the Ministry as soon as you got home that night. He was always out of reach for you, though. Besides confessions and the occasional conversation in the library where you worked, you didn’t speak much. He was always too busy, away on tour, or conversing with much more important people than you. 
You never held it against him. You understood and had no expectations of anything from him when you joined. He was the reason you joined, but he wasn’t the reason you stayed and made a home there.
“If there’s nothing else…” the Cardinal said, holding out a pen to you.
You took it with a steady hand despite the nerves that were bubbling in your stomach. You were certain about this. 
His gloved fingers brushed yours briefly, but it was enough to send a spark through your veins. You watched as he looked through the contract one last time before signing his name under your own. He then slid the documents to Sister Imperator, who signed in the witness spaces with a single flourish of the pen. Cardinal Nemo took the contract back, pressed his monogrammed stamp into a red ink pad, and stamped each page. 
“Upon completion of the ritual, this contract will be binding,” he said as he tucked the contract in his briefcase. He dipped his head towards Copia. “Best of luck, Papa,” he said before turning to you and dipping his head again. “And to you, Prime Mover.” 
Hearing the title felt odd, but at the same time, very empowering. 
“Let me know once the ritual is complete,” Sister Imperator said to Copia. She then glanced at you. Her eyes were appraising as she took you in. She hummed to herself and then followed Cardinal Nemo out of the conference room, leaving you sitting there in confusion. What was she searching for in you? Was she trying to determine how worthy you were of baring an Emeritus heir?
“The fuck was that?” You asked quietly, looking over to Copia.
“Couldn’t tell you,” he said. “So…the ritual…”
“Right, that,” you said, your attention turning from Sister Imperator’s assessment of you to the matter at hand. “I have questions.”
“I would have been surprised if you didn’t. Ask away, Sorella.” 
You opened your mouth to ask your first question, but your mind went blank. A million questions were filling your mind. What did you ask first?
“Cat got your tongue?” He asked as his lips tugged up in an amused smirk. “How about I explain the ritual and you can ask whatever question I didn’t answer in my explanation?”
You nodded.
“The purpose of the ritual is to obtain Satan’s blessing,” Copia said. “And ask that our attempts are fruitful. We would perform this whenever you’re ovulating, so you will need to keep track of your cycle if you’re not already, assuming your cycle is normal. If not, we can get some help to figure that part out from the medical team.”
“No need. I’m pretty regular, like clockwork,” you said. “And I keep track. I’m-um” You blushed and silently berated yourself. Why were you blushing? You just entered a contract to have sex with him until you got pregnant. “I should start ovulating next week.” 
The tips of his ears turned pink. “We will perform it then. I’m sure you’ve guessed we will have sex during the ritual.”
You nodded. It wasn’t surprising. Sex-based rituals were plenty within the Ministry. 
“To start, a pentagram will be drawn in goat’s blood on the floor of the chapel. We’ll say some fancy phrases in Latin and then I’ll anoint you with oils and the blood on your stomach. We’ll get into the middle of the pentagram and do the do and I’ll say some blessing in Latin and then we’ll be finished,” Copia said.
“And then that’s it? We only have to do that once?”
“Si, cara, only once,” he answered. “But we can be intimate as many times as we want. And, as long as you want it, I want to fuck you every single day.”
You let out a surprised hiccup at his boldness. There was heat in his stare as he watched you. This side of him wasn’t one you saw, but you heard of. He was a dominate and passionate lover according to the Siblings who slept with him. 
“I think you heard me, cara,” he said, voice steady and firm but also gentle. “You told me last night that you find me desirable, well I also find you desirable.” 
It felt like flames were licking your cheeks the way they heated and trunk bright red. Suddenly, you had a hard time concentrating on the conversation as you pictured all the filthy things you wanted him to do to you. You didn’t know why you suddenly felt shy, like some kind of blushing virgin. You definitely weren’t a virgin and haven’t been in a very long time, but he drew something out of you that you couldn’t really explain.
You were yanked from your thoughts when one of his gloved things gently touched your hand from across the table. Head looking up from the table to him, you found him staring at you with a mix of curiosity and concern.
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable,” he said. “That wasn’t my intention at all.”
“No, no, you’re fine,” you said, waving his apology off. “I was just…No, you didn’t make me uncomfortable at all, I promise.”
“Just what? If we are to make all this work, Sorella, we need to be upfront and honest about our thoughts and feelings.”
You wanted to roll your eyes. This guy just promised to fuck you every day and now he was being the wise old Papa. And he was right. After all, if they were to make their new…relationship…companionship…business partnership…work, they needed to be honest. You sighed. “Why do you have to be right? Okay, I was just thinking about all the things I wanted you to do to me,” you said, each word of your statement coming out faster and faster until it was a jumbled mess of nonsense.
Copia blinked and lips formed soundless words as he tried to work out what you said. You saw the moment it hit him, though. His pupils widened and his lips twitched before forming a smirk. “Is that so, cara? Well, why don’t you have dinner with me tonight in my suite and we’ll talk about all those things you want? And we’ll get to know each other a little better, si?” He pushed out of his chair and walked around the table towards the door. He stopped at your side and looked down at you. “Let’s say seven o’clock? How does that sound?”
“Sounds good to me,” you breathed as you looked up at him. 
He smiled and his hand cupped your cheek for a fleeting second before he left you alone in the room.
81 notes · View notes
lynlee494 · 8 months ago
Winterhawk Community Sourced Recommendations, A Master List
This post is a long time coming, but finally I’ve finished a master list from when this fandom really helped me out.
The original post is here:
^ Just in case I have forgotten or skipped over a recommendation, or if more are added in the comments since making this post.
My original plea for help was, for context on the type of recommendations you may find (though delightfully, there are others mixed in):
‘I'm looking for Winterhawk fic recommendations.
Ones where Clint finds/meets the WS (as either Hawkeye or an AU Clint, not picky)
Or ones where it is Winterhawk with a Hurt Bucky or Bucky in Distress kind of vibe.
AU or otherwise, even if it is a full on Clint/Bucky AU.’ I also had asked simply for favorite authors and favorite stories. The answers were plentiful and wide spreading, and I’m still making my through (I am a multishipper as long as one of ‘em is Bucky Barnes – welcome to my hyper fixation. So I jump around).
So, in thanks to so many who took time to dig for the recommendations, I wish to spread the love and make it easier to view what others took the time to dig up for me. It really did help. ❤️
I tried to make it easy and may have gone overboard, but hopefully ‘Ctrl-F’ or copy + pasting the text because I typed this out instead of using image snips (oh my gods the time this whole thing took) makes it easier to search tags.
Hopefully this helps others, and so now, organized for all our reading pleasure: A special thanks to sunny-rants for jumping in to give recommendations sooo fast!
*Please note: I have included tags, but not pairings, for times sake. All the stories are Winterhawk, and I believe there was a Clint/Bucky/Steve as well. *I also did not include archive warnings, etc. so please review the tags at your own risk.
*Also, cause I’m absolutely shameless, if you want to include anymore recs, that would be amazing… just putting that out there. Also, don't worry if you think it may be a repeat, I can always sort it out/organize later. (wink, wink: got any bottom Bucky, angst, long fics, AUs (current fav)? Clint taking care of Bucky etc.?)
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'Keep Reading' for the recommendations bestowed upon me in an hour of need, along with summary, tags, and wordcount
Clint Barton's Super Secret Snipers' Club by sara_holmes
Clint Barton's Super Secret Snipers' Club. (Invitation and pending mental health evaluation required.)
"When Steve brings Bucky back to the tower for the first time, Clint’s first thought is that Tony Stark’s pride and joy is quickly becoming a less of a very tall and expensive ‘fuck you’ in the faces of investors who don’t believe in self-sustaining energy, and more of a superhero rehabilitation center."
Tags: Discussion of Canon Child Abuse; Discussion of Canon Brainwashing; Seizures; Epilepsy; Fluff; SHIELD Agent Clint Barton; Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Strike Team Delta (Marvel); Sharing a Bed; Sharing Body Heat; Stranded; Slow Burn Word count: 67k+
(rec by tumblr: @sunny-rants)
Outnumbered by sara_holmes
Bucky Barnes returns to Brooklyn ready to get back into the world, make friends and sleep with Steve's super hot neighbor. The fact that the guy turns out to be a single dad to two-year-old triplets who spend most of their time causing mischief, trouble and mayhem doesn't deter Bucky at all. Steve would like it on record that he thinks Bucky is insane.
Tags: Kid Fic; Parent Clint Barton; Triplets; Post-Recovery Bucky Barnes; Steve Is a Good Bro; Bucky comes home to New York; Single Dad Clint Barton; Deaf Clint Barton; Bucky Barnes Feels; PTSD RECOVERY; Happy Bucky Barnes; Kids; Alternate Universe - No Powers; Clint Barton is terrible at relationships; Insecure Clint; Happy Ending
Word count: 18k+
(rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Play It Again by sakkakitty
Summary: After a mix-up in a Hydra base, Bucky Barnes finds himself transported to the 21st century.
Tags: Not Captain America: The Winter Soldier Compliant; Not Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie) Compliant; Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant; WinterHawk Big Bang 2018; Time Travel; Pre-Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Deaf Clint Barton; Canon-Typical Violence; Background Stony – Freeform
Word count: 100k+
(rec by tumblr: @sunny-rants)
Nobody Lost, Nobody Found by ClaraxBarton
"Look, dude, I get it. You’re fucked-up. HYDRA fucked you up. I’ve been there. But you’re my fucking Soul Mate!"
“I can kill you. I could kill you without even realizing what I was doing. I’m not fucked-up, I’m a monster. I’m a nightmare. You can’t be here. You can’t- All the people I’ve killed- I will not murder my Soul Mate too. Not after everything else I’ve-”
Clint worked his left hand between their bodies and managed to land a punch to the man’s right side, forcing him to shift his weight, and Clint brought his right hand down on the place where the man’s metal arm met his torso - hidden by the shirt he wore, but on full display in the video Clint had watched.
The man released Clint with a grunt of pain, and Clint pressed his advantage, landing another punch to his abdomen, backing him up against the opposite side of the RV and then pressing the kitchen knife he had pocketed while cleaning up earlier to the man’s throat.
“Like I said, I’m not a Boy Scout. I’m plenty dangerous myself. We clear on that?”
This looks bad, because it is.
How Clint Barton met his Soul Mate
Tags: Soulmates; Soul Bond; winterhawk – Freeform; Slow Burn; No I mean the slowest of burns; Canon-Typical Violence; canon divergent/canon meandering starting with Age of Ultron; Smut; eventually I swear; Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Angst; Feelings; Clint Barton Needs a Hug; Bucky Barnes Feels; Steve Rogers Needs a Hug; BAMF Clint Barton; BAMF Natasha Romanov; Oral Sex; Frottage
Word Count: 108k+
(rec by tumblr: @sunny-rants)
Choose Every Single Day by Noxnthea
Clint has once again been wrangled into doing something because Natasha thinks it’ll be good for him; he’s not sure why she thinks she needs therapy too, but he knows better than to question her logic at this point.
Bucky’s doubtful that group therapy is going to do much for his crippling sense of self-loathing (and to be honest, he really doesn’t want the help), but Steve’s convinced it will be beneficial for both of them to learn to deal with the mistakes from their past.
None of them ever expected to have to deal with secret government organizations, eccentric billionaires, or unwanted super powers on top of their personal problems, but then, they are already paying Sam.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting; TherapyCanon-Typical Violence; Clint Barton's low self-esteem; Sam Wilson is a Saint; Everyone Needs A Hug; Deaf Clint Barton; Natasha Romanov Is Not A Robot; Group Therapy; Slow Burn; seriously the slowest this is a fic first and foremost about individual growth; Found Family; Misunderstandings; Getting Together; wanda maximoff is everyone's little sister
Word count: 103k+
(rec by tumblr: @sunny-rants)
Gold On Your Fingertips by Kangofu_CB
“So,” he said, unwrapping the foil of the bar, “I’m Clint.”
The Soldier just blinked at him, caught somewhere between confused and surprised.
Which, fair, Clint got that a lot.
But he figured the Soldier hadn’t expected him to acquiesce so quickly, and Clint fully intended to capitalize on that, either in information or opportunity to escape or both.
He flashed a half-smile at the other man, one he’d flashed at a dozen other people in the last few years, one that got him a second look at least seventy percent of the time, and a quickie a fairly significant portion of that. He stretched his arms up over his head and cracked his spine, working the stiffness out of the shoulder that had, until ten seconds ago, been shackled to the furniture.
“This is the part where you tell me your name.” Clint said. “Or something to call you by,” he amended.
Or: Clint meets his soulmate.
Tags: Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Circus Performer Clint Barton; baby criminal clint barton; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Not Captain America: The Winter Soldier Compliant; or anything after that either; Alternate Universe – Soulmates; Soulmates; Soulmate-Identifying Marks; Kidnapping; Deaf Clint Barton; Breaking and Entering; Voyeurism; Exhibitionism; Masturbation; wow that escalated quickly; Himbo Clint Barton; Diners; Bucky Barnes Recovering; Bucky Barnes Remembers; On the Run; Canon-Typical Violence; Shooting Guns; bad guys die etc etc; minor descriptions of wounds and wound care; barney barton sucks you can't change my mind; so does Trickshot; hydra also sucks; getting in a brawl with the Avengers was a bad idea; it's not Clint's fault; except for how it kind of is; Protective Clint Barton; Competent Clint Barton; Rutting; Bucky Barnes's Metal Arm; Disappointed Steve Rogers; but he gets over it; eventually; bad jokes and worse ideas; hey kids who wants to be an avenger?
Word count: 27k+
(rec by tumblr: @sunny-rants)
Like Real People Do by Kangofu_CB
And now Steve had brought him home like a goddamn found puppy he wanted to keep.
“What the fuck, Rogers?” Clint asked, his hands itching for a bow, a gun, an anything, but not stupid enough to make any sudden moves. There was no way to casually reach for the pistol he’d tucked into the back of his jeans, not with Steve so close and the Winter Soldier so unkillable.
“He’s not the Winter Soldier,” Steve said in a rush of expelled air, reading the tension in Clint’s arms correctly. “He’s Bucky Barnes.”
Either there were two silver-armed motherfuckers running around - and Clint could believe anything at this point - or this situation was even more bizarre than he’d first thought. And he knew bizarre. He’d been part of a circus.
A love story involving Billboard's Top 100, chopping firewood, and not looking like incognito serial killers when out on the town.
Tags: Cabin Fic; Tropes; Slow Burn; or at least my version of it; learning to be people again; sniper assassin courtship rituals; sniper nerds; Things This Is Canon Compliant With: Nothing; actually not true; possibly canon compliant with Captain America: TFA and also Iron Man; but I'm not positive; Civil War Fix-It; I honestly just wanted to watch these two idiots fall in love in a secluded cabin ok; Canon-Typical Violence; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; FlashbacksPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD; Canon Disabled Character; Deaf Clint Barton; Texas Two Stepping is a thing; Sorry Not Sorry; tags updated to include country music; winterhawk – Freeform;magic woodland archer cabin; HYDRA supersoldiers; a small selection of violence; Canon-Typical Injuries; a tiny bit of angst; Happy Ending; found family trope abounds; Sex
Word count: 67k+
(rec by tumblr: @sishal01)
Making Me A Habit by Kangofu_CB
Bucky is a disabled vet struggling with reintegrating into civilian life. He has a routine and a rhythm, and he doesn't like to let anything - big or small - disrupt it. That all changes the day Bucky finds himself inside CATastrophe, the local pet rescue, recovering from a panic attack in the back room of the shop. He’s used to walking by the place, not visiting, but the next thing Bucky knows, he’s hanging signs and being used as a climbing tree for a bunch of freshly-acquired kittens. And he just...keeps going back. First for the kittens, then for the disaster shop owner who rescues actual kittens from actual trees and teaches archery as a side-gig, and eventually because he’s hopelessly in love.
(Clint was in love before Bucky ever walked in the door.)
Tags: Modern Era; War Veteran Bucky Barnes; Amputee Bucky Barnes; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD; Bucky Barnes Has PTSD; Civilian Clint Barton; Pet Adoption; Kittens; so many kittens; Archery Instructor Clint Barton; Alternate Universe - Pet Store; Slow Burn; Pining; Misunderstandings; WinterHawk Big Bang; Word count: 20k+
(rec by tumblr: @sishal01) (rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Look What The Cat Dragged In by flawedamythyst
The Winter Soldier was looming over him, dressed in full combat gear and hung all about with weapons. Blood was seeping out of a wound on his arm and there was a smear of it down his cheek that was starting to flake off as it dried. He was staring at Clint with a jaw-clenchingly intense glare and Clint felt every cell in his body freeze up under his scrutiny, expecting pain of some kind.
Instead, the Winter Soldier held a fist out containing Clint’s hearing aids and then, once he’d tucked them in pretty much on autopilot, thrust a cat in Clint’s face and growled out, “Tell me about this kitten,” like he was demanding the passwords to a nuclear weapon.
Somehow Clint ends up co-owning a kitten with the Winter Soldier.
Tags: Bucky Barnes is a Cat Lover; Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug; Bucky Barnes has a sweet tooth; Alpine – Freeform; Clint Barton Is a Good Bro; Just Add Kittens; Bucky Barnes Recovering; Domestic Fluff
Word count: 22k
(rec by tumblr: @sishal01) (rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Sing Me That Old Song Again by mariana_oconnor
After breaking free from Hydra's control, James Barnes is keeping his head down. Captain America and his team are miles away, and he's better off alone. He's not expecting to be found by an Avenger. An Avenger who proves hard to get rid of.
Somehow, in spite of himself, Hawkeye ends up growing on him, and he realises that maybe alone isn't the best way to be.
But as Bucky's working out his own past, Hawkeye's coming face to face with his. They never should have gone to Budapest.
Alternate Universe – Canon; Bucky Barnes's Notebooks; Road Trips; Sort Of; Not Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie) Compliant; Winterhawk Reverse Big Bang; Bucky Barnes's Plums; Deaf Clint Barton; Hurt Clint Barton; Bucky Barnes Recovering; Bucky Barnes Remembers; Bucky Barnes Needs a HugWhat Happened in Budapest
Word count: 27k+
(rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Warming Up by pherryt
The last thing Clint expected when SHIELD went down and he had to make his way to his safehouse was to find the Winter Soldier already using it.
No, maybe the last thing he expected was for all his survival instincts to say screw it, and let him stay.
This couldn't possibly go wrong, could it?
Tags: Implied Tony/Steve – Freeform; Brainwashing; post winter soldier; deaf!cllnt; PTSD; Nightmares; hurt; comfort; bed sharing; tub sharing; Cuddle for Warmth; some violence but not too graphic; First Kiss; Low Self Esteem; Misunderstandings; hurt!Clint; First Aid; Running Away; Artist!Steve; mild to moderate hypothermia; Snowed In; cint's farm; PiningMutual Pining; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; safehouse
Word count: 45k+
(rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Sticks and Strings and Christmas Things by PhoukasPenmanship
12 connecting vignettes for the "12 Days of Winterhawk" prompt challenge.
Tags: 12 Days of Winterhawk; Christmas Fluff; Swearing; Slow Burn; A little angst; Family of Choice; deaf!Clint
Word count: 66k+
(rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Nowhere You Can Be by jstabe https://archiveofourown.org/works/22012795
Sometimes fate gets a little help from FedEx.
Tags: Bucky Barnes Recovering; Amputee Bucky Barnes; Deaf Clint Barton; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; References to Depression; Happy Ending; Alternate Universe - No Powers
Word count: 26k+ (rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Lucky in Love by dr_girlfriend
Summary: Clint is only a couple of sips into his cardboard cup of coffee, his brain barely out of neutral, which is probably why it takes him so long to realize that some damn psycho is trying to kidnap his dog.
“I’m not some charity case,” Bucky says pugnaciously.
“I didn’t think you were,” Clint answers back readily enough. “I mean, I can tell you’re fucked up for sure, but of the two of us, I’m probably the bigger disaster. My sleep schedule is shit, and I drink coffee straight from the pot. I sing in the shower even though I’m deaf as fuck. I have arrows everywhere because I’m an archer — did I tell you that? And I was raised in a literal circus, so I’m not exactly domestic. Let’s see, what else?” He squints down at the ground, rubbing the back of his neck. “Oh, yeah, I won the building in a poker game with the Russian mafia and every once in awhile they show up and try to take it back, but usually I handle it, no problem. Uh...”
Clint happens to looks up and Bucky’s eyes are wide, his mouth hanging open. Clint’s hand freezes where he’s rubbing the back of his neck, suddenly embarrassed. Yeah, when you put it all out there at once, it doesn’t sound so good.
Tags: Fluff; Romance; Slow Burn; Oh my god they were roommates!; Alternate Universe - No Powers; War Veteran Bucky Barnes; Deaf Clint Barton; Ableist Language; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD; Mutual Pining; Hurt/Comfort; Touch-Starved; Friends to Lovers; Fraction/Aja Comic-based Clint Barton; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; Ambiguous Cuddling; Touch Aversion; I Dunno Maybe a Little Praise Kink?; Circus Veteran! Clint Barton; SHIELD Veteran! Clint Barton; Slow Build; meet ugly; Idiots in Love; Tooth-Rotting Fluff; References to Depression; Not Gonna Tag Every Sex Act Just Trust Me There's Plenty; Body Worship; A Little Gentle Dominance Stuff Maybe?; Edging; Crying During Sex; What Can I Say the Winterhawk Crowd Are Dirty Enablers; #Make Clint Cry 2019; meet cute; Deaf Character Word count: 59k+ (rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Battle Born by sian1359
Bucky Barnes decides he needs to come in from the cold soon after the events that happened in DC. He can't go to Steve or Natalia, as both would have expectations of a man he cannot ever be again. So he turns to someone who wouldn't have any expectations: Clint Barton.
Tags: Slice of Life; Not Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie) Compliant; Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant; Angst with a Happy Ending; Relationship(s)Aftermath; Hydra (Marvel)Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Word count: 22k+
(rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
The Anthem of a Dead Man Walking by EVVS
“I’m Clint,” he says again, knowing that he’s going to have to force this if he’s not going to go insane in here. He lasted this long, but knowing that there’s someone else? Someone else who he could talk with? No, he needs that right now. So badly. Someone who isn’t Tasha coming in to update him on the real world. Someone else who’ll help him make fun of the guards and maybe who’ll harmonize with him to Bohemian Rhapsody. He’s not looking for a new best friend, just someone who’ll commiserate. “I’m gonna call you John.”
There’s some movement. Sounds like someone’s head bumping the wall. “Why John?”
“Since you aren’t giving me your name to work with, you’re a John Doe to me, right? So I’ll just… call you John.”
Tags: Prison; Suicide mention; alcohol mention; Courtroom Drama; Crayons are involved; Not Canon Compliant; Marvel Universe
Word count: 14k+ (rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Outnumbered by sara-holmes
Bucky Barnes returns to Brooklyn ready to get back into the world, make friends and sleep with Steve's super hot neighbor. The fact that the guy turns out to be a single dad to two-year-old triplets who spend most of their time causing mischief, trouble and mayhem doesn't deter Bucky at all. Steve would like it on record that he thinks Bucky is insane.
Tags: Kid Fic; Parent Clint Barton; Triplets; Post-Recovery Bucky Barnes; Steve Is a Good Bro; Bucky comes home to New York; Single Dad Clint Barton; Deaf Clint Barton; Bucky Barnes Feels; PTSD RECOVERY; Happy Bucky Barnes; Kids; Alternate Universe - No Powers; Clint Barton is terrible at relationships; Insecure Clint; Happy Ending
Word count: 18k+ (rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Falling Off the Face of the Earth by Teeelsie
Cap relaxes his hold, but he stays where he is, still looming over him. “Clint. The compound’s been breached,” Rogers whispers urgently, then finally sits back and lets go of him.
There’s another explosion, closer this time and throwing more light. He turns his head sharply and sees Bucky Barnes hovering near the door, looking… off. Clint pushes Rogers and he finally stands up so Clint can scramble out of the bed and grab some clothes. He’s wearing only boxers because it’s fucking hot in Wakanda, and he catches Barnes’ eyes flicking across his body.
Clint long ago stopped being bothered by people’s reactions to the many scars on his body – not that that many people actually see them - but that doesn’t mean he appreciates when they stare. “Like what you see?” he asks with a hard edge as he pulls on his shirt. Barnes turns his head, at least having the decency to look embarrassed for being caught staring.
Rogers looks at them both impatiently and quickly switches gears. “Clint, I need you to take Bucky. Get him out of Wakanda and somewhere safe.”
OR Bucky and Clint fall into each other. Bad shit happens. Then it all works out in the end.
Tags: Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie); On the Run; BAMF Clint Barton; BAMF Bucky Barnes; Developing Relationship; Slow Build; Brainwashing; Mind Control; Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD; Clint!Whump; Hurt/Comfort; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Angst; winterhawk – Freeform; Winterhawk Reverse Big Bang; WinterHawk Big Bang; Not Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie) Compliant; Long Live Feedback Comment Project
(rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
(author rec by tumblr: @jinxquickfoot)
Clint Barton's Super Secret Snipers' Club by sara_holmes
Clint Barton's Super Secret Snipers' Club. (Invitation and pending mental health evaluation required.)
"When Steve brings Bucky back to the tower for the first time, Clint’s first thought is that Tony Stark’s pride and joy is quickly becoming a less of a very tall and expensive ‘fuck you’ in the faces of investors who don’t believe in self-sustaining energy, and more of a superhero rehabilitation center."
Tags: winterhawk – Freeform; sniper bros; References to PTSD; Therapy; Recovery; Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery; Avengers Family; Avengers Tower; Bonding; Drinking; Alcohol; Steve Feels; Protective Steve; Tony Stark Needs a Hug; Tony Feels; Deaf Clint Barton; Clint Is a Good Bro; Bucky Barnes Feels; Bucky Barnes Recovering; Ceiling Vent Clint Barton; Humor; Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism; do not copy to another site
Word count: 67k+
(rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Broken But Mending By Lissadiane
Bucky's not sure what he expects when he picks up the free local paper in his therapist's office, but it's not advice on losing things in his butt, that's for sure.
In which Bucky Barnes is a recovering war vet with a whole bunch of issues, none of which can be solved by a small time sex advice therapist, no matter how pretty his smile is. Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD; War Veteran Bucky Barnes; Alternate Universe - No Powers; Amputee Bucky Barnes; Discussions of Asexuality; sex advice columnist Clint; Panic Attacks
Word count: 15k+ (rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Silhouette by mariana_oconnor
Summary: After a mission in Mexico goes wrong, SHIELD Agents Barnes and Rogers are given the job of hunting down the notorious Hawkeye and the Black Widow, the only problem being: no one even knows what they look like.
On the other side of the law, Clint's enjoying messing with their new SHIELD shadows, especially seeing how close he can get to Agent Barnes without him realising, but he makes the mistake of getting attached, and that makes everything more complicated. Tags: Alternate Universe; SHIELD Agent Bucky Barnes; SHIELD Agent Steve Rogers; Assassin Clint Barton; Assassin Natasha Romanov; Slow Build; very slow build; WinterHawk Big Bang; winterhawk – Freeform; Natasha Is a Good Bro; Mission Fic; A lot of people get assassinated; Torture; Mentions of past brainwashing; epic bromances; Deaf Clint Barton; Identity Porn; Steve Rogers is a little shit; Steve Rogers Is a Good Bro;
Word count: 105k+
(rec by - tumblr: @itsalinski; note from itsalinski: ‘Silhouette is such an awesome fic, with a cool flip where Clint is the assassin and Bucky is the SHIELD agent’)
All My Mistakes by ClaraxBarton
Next job I’m taking is going to be south of the equator, Clint promised himself as he finished zipping up his down coat. He wished he had another. He was already wearing a black balaclava and a black beanie, thermal underwear under his clothes and two pairs of pants, but it was freezing on the rooftop.
The wind and the fine, misty rain that couldn’t decide if it wanted to be snow, ice or rain definitely didn’t help matters.
Clint hated the cold.
He didn’t understand why millionaire criminal masterminds couldn’t meet in exotic, warm locations to do their deals.
If he was a millionaire criminal mastermind, he sure as hell wouldn’t do deals in London in February.
It's February, 1999, and Clint Barton is about to encounter the Winter Soldier
Tags: Pre-Canon; or well pre-Avengers; Clint still doing his solo assassin thing; Smut; Adventure; Action; Angst; plumbing; Coffee; Spanking; jumping off roofs; shooting bad guys; Movie References; winterhawk – Freeform; Word count: 10k+ (rec by - tumblr: @itsalinski; note from itsalinski: ‘All My Mistakes is actually exactly what you were asking for, with Clint running into Bucky when he's still the winter soldier’)
The Other Man out of Time by sara_holmes
Also known as Time Travelling Clint Wrecks the Universe.
Due to The Time Stone having a great day screwing around the fabric of reality, Clint finds a copy of himself thrown back into Normandy, 1944. Cue Clint 2.0 meeting Bucky Barnes, the Howling Commandos and a pretty different version of Steve.
Tags: Time Travel; Author has messed with timelines again; Dubious Science; The Time Stone; World War II; WWII Bucky Barnes; Canon Divergence - Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Clint Barton-centric; Deaf Clint Barton; Bucky Barnes Feels; The Asset remembers; Original Character Death(s)Falling In Love; Angst and Hurt/Comfort; Humor Word count: 97k+
(rec by - tumblr: @itsalinski; note from itsalinski: ‘And, The Other Man Out of Time is one of my absolute favourite Winterhawk fics’)
Hope It Leaves a Mark by thepartyresponsible
Summary: A collection of short fics inspired by the 2020 whumptober challenge.
Tags: Canon-Typical Violence; Fluff and Angst; Hurt/Comfort; Word count: 72k+
(rec by - tumblr: @itsalinski; note from itsalinski: ‘Also 'Hope it Leaves a Mark' is just a collection of truly awesome short fics that I wish were each long 100k fics, they're all that good and interesting (even the ones that aren't even Winterhawk, the author just writes so well and does such awesome things with Clint, Bucky and Frank’))
Americana is for Lovers by ccbytheseashore
Summary: Please tell me you are still alive, read Steve's text.
In Virginia, Bucky replied.
The hell are you doing in Virginia?
Would you believe me if I said trying to find a foam sculpture of Stonehenge?
Tony said to make sure his car comes back in once piece. Please don't shoot each other.
Clint and Bucky set off on an adventure to find an infamous work of Americana history, but find literally everything else (including love) instead.
Tags: Road Trips; Americana; Sexual Content; Developing Relationship; Getting Together; monstrous abuses against perfectly good bedframes
Word count: 8k+
(rec by – tumblr: @luredin)
Bent by jstabe
Summary: “My name is James Buchanan Barnes.”
He felt Clint’s lips curl up where they were resting at his temple. “Yes.”
“I am an Avenger.” Which was frankly ridiculous and impossible to believe sometimes, but it was true so it went on the list. Tags: Canon Divergence - Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Past Rape/Non-con Word count: 3k+ (rec by – tumblr: @luredin)
I'll Keep You Safe Here With Me by sara_holmes
Summary: Yes, Clint is avoiding the other Avengers. No, he does not want to go back to New York. But then again, he didn't exactly want to be kidnapped by the Winter Soldier either. Really, he just wants to go back to bed. Tags: Kidnapping; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD; Canon-Typical Violence; Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Where the hell was Clint Barton; Bucky Barnes Feels; Clint Barton Feels; Depression; Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery; Implied Relationships; Minor Steve Rogers/Tony Stark; Panic Attacks Word count: 110k+ (rec by – tumblr: @luredin)
A Little Less Bloodshed Would Be Nice by youcancallmearrow
Summary: Clint Barton may be a human train wreck, but when it comes to befriending ex-mind controlled assassins, he's pretty much the best there is. Unfortunately, he's not nearly as good at being kind to himself. Lucky for him, Bucky's got it covered. Tags: Fluff with Feels; pizza dog – Freeform; Mind Control; Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery; You Will Pry Jarvis Out of My Cold Dead Hands; Falling In Love; Domestic Avengers; Dog Cops; WinterHawk Big Bang; Angst; Comfort; Tony Is a Good Bro
Word count: 8k+ (rec by – tumblr: @luredin)
A Thistle Cannot Grow by ccbytheseashore
Summary: Clint stood at the bottom of the stairs in his boxer shorts and socks with his bow aimed at Bucky Barnes.
Bucky held his hands up in a placating gesture. “I didn't mean to sneak up on you.”
Clint didn't lower the bow.
“I didn't know you had a kid,” Bucky added conversationally.
“I should shoot your ass on principle.”
Tags: Kid Fic; Deaf Clint Barton; Developing Relationship; Getting Together; Panic Attacks; Mild Hurt/Comfort; WinterHawk Big Bang; Happy Ending; Sexual Content; Frottage; winterhawk – Freeform; Word count: 12k+ (rec by – tumblr: @luredin)
Liminal Spaces by thepartyresponsible
Summary: “Clint,” Steve says, and it’s that same no-bullshit, do-or-die, I really, really mean it voice he used to trot out in the last few innings of close games in high school. “Bucky’s not gonna fly. He’s not going to drive himself. He can’t— I need you to drive him here.”
“Oh, fuck you,” Clint says, and hangs up. Tags: Alternate Universe - Road Trip; Alternate Universe - No Powers; Idiots in Love; Mutual Pining; Exes; Angst with a Happy Ending; Past Child Abuse; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD; Clint Barton Needs a Hug; Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug Word count: 20k+ (rec by – tumblr: @luredin)
Draw, Breathe, Fire by FestiveFerret
Summary: If Bucky's not the Winter Soldier - not a weapon - anymore, then who is he?
And who is this smart-mouthed, cocky, flirty, pushy archer, Clint Barton? Tags: Bucky Barnes Recovering; Falling In Love; Get Together; Romance; Flirting; Banter; Hurt Clint Barton; Clint Barton's Bow & Arrows; Bucky Learns to Archery; Bucky Barnes Has PTSD; First Kiss; Sexual Content; Animal Shelters; Ferrets; Noodle no Noodling; Little bit of angst; lotta fluff
Word count: 14k+ (rec by – tumblr: @luredin)
if god is in the lens by shatteredhourglass
The Asset pauses. He remembers the first few days after dragging St- dragging Captain America out of the water, the aimless emptiness that had filled him, with no mission and no knowledge of what to do next. He’d spent a week staring at the peeling wallpaper in a motel. There had been butterflies patterned on it. He hadn’t known what direction to go in next, because he was (is) scared of Captain America, and he didn’t want anything to do with Hydra, and he’d just… stopped. That’s when he realizes Barton isn’t going to move unless he gives the man a reason to move, something to do that isn’t related to a past he can’t remember or the threat of imminent death. (It’s been burned out of him, the Asset can relate.)
A mission.
He's leaning on the button to the microphone before he thinks about it. “Come with me and you can kill more of them.”
Tags: Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Pre-Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie); Recovery; Denial; Brainwashing; Protective Steve Rogers; Bucky Learns To Be A Person Again; Blood and Violence; Deaf Clint Barton; Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship; Bucky Barnes Feels; Psychological Trauma; Angst and Hurt/Comfort; Mostly On Bucky's Part; Clint's Just Like 'Ah Yes This Is My Life Now'; Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Hand Jobs Word count: 40k+
(rec by – tumblr: @luredin)
Got a Heart in Me, I Swear by thepartyresponsible
Summary: The pictures leak on a lazy off-season Sunday, in that muddled bit of midafternoon Clint never knows what to do with when he isn’t training. He curls up with Lucky on the couch and naps through the end of his whole damn life. And that, honestly, is pretty much perfect.
Tags: Alternate Universe – Baseball; Implied/Referenced Homophobia; Internalized Homophobia; Team as Family; Fluff and Angst; Mutual Pining; Idiots in Love Word Count: 36k+ (rec by – tumblr: @1968bullittmustang: ‘one of my all-time favorite au’)
Patricia the Superior Vehicle: The Helpfulness Mission by Aelfay, pietray, Sagacity, Twindragons
Summary: The Soldier is doing his best. He’s not quite up to trying to deal with Rogers, Steven G. (Captain), but he’s found another way to be helpful: keeping an eye on one Clint Barton. He’s kind of a mess, but that just gives the Soldier more ways to help, right?
Clint is confused about why Natasha keeps following him around – he keeps seeing glimpses of black out of the corner of his eye. The constant presence means he’s a little suspicious of his next mission. Unfortunately, it’s still not enough to keep him from being caught.
In which: Clint sings the disco stick song, Patricia is a Superior Vehicle, and the Soldier buys underwear. A balance of humor and intimacy as Clint and Bucky both recover a little bit of who they are.
Tags: Kidnapping; Cabin Fic; Mission Fic; Hand Jobs; Frottage; Deaf Clint Barton; Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Patricia the Superior Vehicle; Disco Stick; Fluff and Smut
Word count: 16k+
(self-rec by tumblr: @alchemistdoctor)
What Happens in Vegas… by Aelfay, Twindragons
Summary: Clint gets sent to check on a 'friend' of Natasha's in Las Vegas. Only this place is really nice, and her 'friend' is hot as hell. How is he meant to cope!? Answer: he can't. Featuring bunny ears, a fluffy tail, and Clint never quite having enough clothes.
Tags: Pole Dancing; Aerial silks; casino – Freeform; Crack Treated Seriously; Looney Tunes – Freeform; Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship; Natasha Romanov is a good friend; Illustrated; Don't post on another site; Clint Barton loses it when Bucky pole dances; brief masturbation
Word count: 10k+
(self-rec by tumblr: @alchemistdoctor)
Boys of Summer by Aelfay
Bucky wants a goat. He gets robots, a dog, and Clint Barton.
And the goat.
Tags: Trashcan the Goat; James "Bucky" Barnes; Clint Barton; Steve Rogers; Tony Stark; Natasha Romanov (Marvel); DUM-Ebite-Size; U (robot); Cricket (robot); Hamburger Helper (robot); Fidget (robot);
(self-rec by tumblr: @alchemistdoctor)
Fair Game by NotEvenCloseToStraight
...being courted by a wolf!shifter is hard.
When Clint accepts the Game Warden/Shifter Pack Liaison position in Willow’s Run he thinks he'll be signing hunting licenses and maybe writing a few tickets. He doesn't expect to start a brawl on day one, be claimed by the definitely scary Beta!Wolf Bucky on day two and begin what might be the worlds slowest courtship.
Eventually Clint settles into his new role, strikes up a friendship with precocious scientist!Tony and a careful affair with Bucky. He navigates awkward shifter courtship rituals and misunderstandings, surprising romance and increasingly bitey kisses and for a while, all is well in the mountains.
But hunting season brings strangers to the town and when increased tension and broken rules bring up old prejudices and new fears, their quiet life turns dangerous.
Clint has his hands full with aggressive hunters, defensive pack members and a town pushed towards chaos.
Torn between the law and what his heart wants, the Game Warden knows something's gotta give--
--but will that 'something' end up driving Bucky and the pack away?
Tags: winterhawk - FreeformStony – Freeform; Shifter AU; Wolf Shifters; Strangers to Lovers; True Mates; Matt Fraction's Hawkeye; Clint Barton & Tony Stark Friendship; awkward dating; Werewolf Courting; Hunters vs Shifters; Fluff and Humor; FunnyAngst and Feels; Mild Peril; Falling In Love; Developing Relationship; Awesome Clint Barton; Tony Stark Does What He Wants; Alpha Steve Rogers; Bucky Barnes Feels; Pack Dynamics; Hurt Characters; Hurt/Comfort; sex then feelings; Eventual love confessions; happily ever after guaranteed;
Word count: 139,000k+
(rec by tumblr: @southern-goth)
if you were a mythical thing by Kangofu_CB
After winding up in hot water with the Ukrainian mob, Clint finds himself relocating to a small town in northern Indiana to work as an elementary school gym teacher, and finds his new home invaded by a series of suspiciously wolfish puppies determined to be Lucky's BFFs, and his life invaded by over zealously friendly neighbors determined to feed him. In a startling twist of events, three of his favorite students happen to be his next door neighbors, along with their ruinously hot single dad Bucky, who proves to be just as enamored of Clint as he is of Bucky.
What follows is a classic rendition of thirsting over the hot neighbor, bizarre small-town behavior, and so many puppies.
Tags: modern suburban fantasy au; Alternate Universe – Teachers; Kid Fic; Werewolves; disconcertingly friendly locals; puppy invasions; bizarre subtle interrogations; roving packs of scheming children; awkward seduction attempts via edible arrangements; a ruinously hot single dad; Werewolf Courting; Werewolf Mates; Oblivious Clint Barton; Protective Natasha Romanov; Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship; Alpha Steve Rogers; Peggy was and remains a spy and it shows; Sam Wilson is a Gift; First Dates; Slow Burn; the things werewolves find attractive are more surprising than you think; SexAnal Sex; First Time; fluff and joy and jokes mostly; No Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Word count: 74k+
(rec by tumblr: @southern-goth)
Lost & Found by mariana_oconnor
Clint Barton’s got a bag full of stolen money and a burning desire to stay under the radar. His old friends in the Carnival will be looking for him and they sure as hell won’t be happy. In a desperate attempt to stay off their radar, he ends up in Timely, a small town so far off the beaten track he’s surprised he even found it, and waits for Barney to comes and get him. Because Barney will be coming. Clint knows he will.
But there's something about the town. Maybe it's the strange wolf that watches him from the trees, and the way people finish conversations when he enters a room. Or it could be the bartender, Bucky, who decided to hate him on sight. Something’s going on in this small town, and Clint’s not sure if he’s jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Tags: Alternate Universe – Werecreatures; Werewolf Bucky Barnes; Werewolf Steve Rogers; Werefox Natasha Romanov; Protective Natasha Romanov; Carson's Carnival; Hard of Hearing Clint Barton; Canon Disabled Character; Bucky Barnes Has Issues; People Trafficking; forced cage fighting; dubiously consensual heavy petting; on the part of the petter; Pack Dynamics; Not Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics; But Steve is the alpha; Sheriff Steve Rogers; Bartender Bucky Barnes; Criminal Clint Barton; Werewolves; werewolves mate for life; Clint Barton's Excellent Self Esteem; Barney Barton's A+ Brothering; Barney Barton is not a good bro; WinterHawk Big Bang; Implied past emotional abuse; Identity Porn; Slow Burn; Enemies to Friends to Lovers; Public Sex; Inadvisable attitudes to wild animals; Seriously people; Don't Try This At Home; Clint Barton is not a good role model
Word count: 89k+
(rec by tumblr: @southern-goth)
___________________ Mokusatsu by shadesfalcon (Wintershieldhawk)
Clint Barton has been strung along from abusive relationship to abusive relationship all his life. Not that he would use the word “abusive”. He would argue that, as a sub, he was born to take whatever it is his dom feels like throwing at him.
But even with that attitude, he’s nervous about his current situation. Trapped in a bureaucratically mandated relationship with not one but two doms is going to be difficult and dangerous. Especially since these two doms are both members of the Avengers themselves.
He hopes that whenever he disappoints them, they’ll have at least a little pity on him, even though he knows he won’t deserve it.
Tags: Alternate Universe – BDSM; Dom/sub; Power Imbalance; Communication Failure; and given that power imbalance those communications failures have real consequences; Spanking; Belts; Canes; Bondage; Hurt/Comfort; references to past abuse; accidental abuse; Unhealthy Relationships With Food; self-harming behaviors; Sub Clint Barton; Dom Bucky Barnes; Dom Steve Rogers; Domestic Violence; Sexual Content; Angst with a Happy Ending; Polyamory
Word count: 125k+ (rec by tumblr: @southern-goth)
___________________ Speechless by sara_holmes
Summary: It's not that Bucky doesn't want to talk. It's that sometimes (most of the time) he can't. So learning ASL is 50% getting around that slight issue and 50% getting Steve to shut his cake-hole about the necessity of him learning to speak again.
Well, to begin with. Then it's pretty much all about him falling head-over-heels for his incredibly hot - yet slightly tragic - ASL teacher.
Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers; Deaf Clint Barton; ASL teacher Clint Barton; Mutism; Bucky Barnes Feels; Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers Friendship; Anxiety; Anxiety Disorder; Therapy; Physical Therapy; Mentions of PTSD; Steve and Bucky are ex military; Bucky Barnes Recovering; Happy Ending; Humor; Fluff; Bucky Barnes's Metal Arm; dumb boys; Falling In Love; an incident with an egg; Clint Barton is tragic and adorable and not as dumb as he makes out Word count: 10k+ (rec by tumblr: @southern-goth)
Hipsters get Remembered, Legends Never Die by sara_holmes https://archiveofourown.org/works/17471969/chapters/41145935
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a broke millennial hipster and one-armed veteran who somehow ends up as a science project for Tony Stark, a PA for Steve Rogers and a fling for Clint Barton. What even is his life.
Tags: Modern Bucky Barnes; Awesome Clint Barton; Commander Rogers; SHIELD 2.0; War Veteran Bucky Barnes; Canon Disabled Character; Millennial Bucky; Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers Friendship; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD; Recovery; Do not repost; Do not post to other sites Word count: 89k+
(rec by tumblr: @southern-goth: ‘this is a different take with hipster!Bucky and he's annoying but in a good way lol’)
This Just In by Noxnthea https://archiveofourown.org/works/44128362
Summary: George C @dapperdanman if I was Hawkeye this might be the worst day of my life. 1: I get the shit beat out of me. 2: I find out my Soulmate is the Winter Soldier. 3: I pass out while a villain is monologuing at me on live television and the internet makes a meme of me talking about sandwiches in my sleep.
Clint and Bucky are having a rough month, and the whole world has something to say about it.
Tags: Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Alternate Universe – Soulmates; Soulmate-Identifying Marks; Identity Reveal; Light Angst; Humor; Epistolary; Chatting & Messaging; Social Media; News Media; Texting; Twitter; reddit; YouTube; POV Outsider; The Avengers vs their worst foe yet: the media; Clint vs his self-esteem; Slow Burn; Even though the news moves fast; Steve Rogers Rages Against The Machine; Clint Barton Needs a Hug; Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug; Somebody tell these people to hire a PR team Word count: 29k+ (rec by tumblr: @southern-goth: ‘there's social media posts in this fic and it's so well written I could cry’)
Complications by flawedamythyst https://archiveofourown.org/works/6700921/chapters/15325426 Summary:
Clint's got a plan to retire and go find himself a simple life at his family's old farm. Simple is good, right? Easy to remember. Simple is why he doesn't really mind that his soul-print has never activated, because a soulmate could only add another layer of complexity to his life.
And then the Winter Soldier turns up at his archery range on the Avengers base, and simple slips through Clint's fingers.
Post Age-of-Ultron (minus Clint's wife&kids) Soulmate AU.
Massive thanks to Chucksauce for betaing. Tags: Post-Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie); Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant; Soulmate-Identifying Marks; Main Pairing is Clint/Bucky; Mention of past violence towards children
Word count: 84k+ (rec by tumblr: @southern-goth)
A Heart Worth Loving by Kangofu_CB
Summary: Fate has it out for Clint Barton.
After a few too many heartbreaks, he's given up looking for his Soulmate; who needs happily ever after anyway? He’s perfectly content with his dog, his job, guarding eccentric billionaires, and drinking Natasha’s contraband vodka. Just ask anyone.
So he doesn’t think anything about inviting a random sex worker home for coffee to get him out of the cold - no need for any special company, thanks - because that’s just the decent thing to do. But when he keeps meeting Bucky again and again, it’s not fate he’s gotta worry about, it’s his heart.
Bucky’s just living his life. He’s got work he doesn’t hate, a degree program he loves, and and a side project out to prove Green Arrow's archery antics aren't possible outside the comics. He’ll meet his Soulmate when the time is right, but for now he’s content to wait.
But then his roommate pulls a Breaking Bad, leaving him caught up in an NYPD investigation, out of his regular work, and scrambling for a place to stay where his demon-cat won’t get them both evicted. Before he knows it, Clint is turning his whole life turned upside down, and Bucky thinks fate shouldn’t be tempting him.
Tags: Alternate Universe – Soulmates; Soulmates; Soulmate-Identifying Marks; Sex Worker Bucky Barnes; Sex Work; Jewish Bucky Barnes; SHIELD Agent Clint Barton; SHIELD Agent Natasha Romanov; Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers; War Veteran Bucky Barnes; Modern Bucky Barnes; Deaf Clint Barton; Past Relationship(s); Concussions; Forced Cohabitation; Miscommunication; Fake/Pretend Relationship; Angst and Fluff and Smut; Tony Stark Does What He Wants; Pop Culture References; Archery; Masturbation in Shower; Clint is emotionally constipated; Poor attempts at seduction; the love is requited but they're both idiots; Sex; (of course there's sex - I wrote this)
Word count: 82k+
(rec by tumblr: @southern-goth)
something magic, something tragic by squadrickchestopher https://archiveofourown.org/works/28487004/chapters/69802917
After making a fatal mistake on a mission, Clint Barton vanishes into the depths of the Midwest.
What he wants is to be left alone for a bit, to take a couple weeks of peace and quiet and get his mind straight.
Instead, he finds himself caught up in a nationwide game of cat-and-mouse with a brooding, metal-armed vampire.
Natasha’s right. He’s got the worst fucking luck in the world.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements; Supernatural Creatures; Vampire Bucky Barnes; Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug; Canon-Typical Violence; Deaf Clint Barton; Competent Clint Barton; some non-consensual biting; because Vampires; Attempted Kidnapping; Sassy Clint Barton; Other Additional Tags to Be Added; Enemies to Lovers; creative escapes; Non-Consensual Blood Drinking; Implied/Referenced Suicide; Drunken Kissing; Torture
Word count: 55k+
(rec by tumblr: @southern-goth: ‘supernatural!Marvel’)
Once Lost (now found) by Teeelsie https://archiveofourown.org/works/35419939Summary:
There’s a beat and then Phil says, “Clint, you don’t have anything to prove.”
And that stings, because, “If you think I’m doing this to prove anything to anyone, then you don’t know me half as well as I thought you did.” He hears Phil sigh on the other end of the comm. “Besides,” Clint tells him, “I’ll have back-up. I’ll have Barnes. Hawkeye out.” He reaches up and clicks off the comm, cutting off Phil’s continued objection mid-word.
Eight days these assholes have had Barnes and he’s not going to let them keep him for another hour, much less another day. He doesn’t have anything to prove, but he sure as hell isn’t going to give anyone any reason to question his actions, either. Tags: Whump; Hurt/Comfort; Blindness; On the Run; Blood and Injury; Self-Sacrifice; Hurt Bucky Barnes; Hurt Clint Barton; BAMF Bucky Barnes; BAMF Clint Barton; Developing Relationship; Rivals to Friends to WinterHawk Word count: 40k
(rec by tumblr: @southern-goth)
blood on my hands, love in my heart by hawksonfire https://archiveofourown.org/works/33643102/chapters/83604322
Summary: The lines in the Soldier’s forehead are gone in his unconsciousness, leaving a relatively young looking top half of a face. Clint has to put his bow away to get the mask off him, but it slides off pretty easy and he sets it aside.
The instant he turns back and sees the Soldier’s face, his jaw drops. “Holy fuck,” he says, astonished. “You’re Bucky goddamn Barnes.”
Tags: Deaf Clint Barton; Mercenary Clint Barton; Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Not Canon Compliant; BAMF Phil Coulson; Director of SHIELD Peggy Carter; boomerang arrow; Sassy Clint Barton; Sassy Phil Coulson; BAMF Clint Barton; Violence only in the first and second chapter; Home Renovations; Bucky Barnes Recovering; Clint Barton's Farm; Clint Barton's Shitty Childhood; PiningMutual Pining; Sexual Tension; Nightmares; Chickens; Domesticity; Bucky Patching Clint Up; Chickenus Interruptus; Sharing a Bed; Cuddling & Snuggling; Boys In Love; Boys Kissing; Clint Barton's Arms; Hand Jobs Word count: 12k+
(self-rec by @spacey-acey-artemis: ‘this one has Hawkeye meeting the Winter Soldier’)
blood on my hands, love in my heart by hawksonfire
Summary: What if, after Clint Barton was left for dead by his own brother, he didn't become Ronin and instead became someone else? This is the story about the Winter Soldiers, and how they became two
Tags: Winter Soldier Clint Barton; Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Pining; Idiots in Love; mentions of torture; Mentions of brainwashing
Word count: 7k+
(self-rec by @spacey-acey-artemis: ‘this one has a fun twist on Winter Soldier Bucky’)
The Storm Shall Not Wake Thee by dr_girlfriend
Summary: Following the events of CA:TWS, the Winter Soldier finds Hawkeye. Clint is still haunted by his own experiences with having his control stripped away, but together they find a way to heal.
“How did you even … how are you tracking me?” Clint tries.
The question seems to confuse Barnes even further. He looks at Clint, and then somewhere behind Clint’s shoulder, and then back to Clint’s eyes.
“I don’t know,” Barnes says again.
“Listen,” Clint says, taking a step forward, and Barnes flinches back instinctively, stumbling for a moment.
“Whoa,” Clint says. Before he knows it he’s sheathing the knife and grabbing Barnes’ arm, steadying him. Barnes blinks rapidly a few times, wobbling a bit before he seems to find his balance again. His slate-blue gaze, so intent a moment ago, seems a little unfocused.
“When’s the last time you ate? Drank something? Slept?”
“I don’t know,” Barnes says, Clint mouthing the lines along with him.
Christ, Nat is going to kill him when she finds out about this, but there’s nothing else Clint can do.
“Well, c’mon in the house. We’ll get this figured out.”
Tags: winterhawk – Freeform; Canon Divergent; Post CA:TWS; Selkie Bucky Barnes; Selkies; Deaf Character; Deaf Clint Barton; Clint Barton Has ADHD; Demisexuality; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con; Canon Disabled Character; Secondary Relationships are Background; Matt Fraction-inspired Clint Barton; All Characters Outside of Winterhawk Are Very Background; Single POVPOV Clint Barton; Clint Barton Has Self-Esteem Issues Word count: 45k+
(self-rec by tumblr: @drgrlfriendrgrlfriend) (I also love their stuff, so consider this a rec from me as well! - Lynlee494)
My Heart Will Be Your Home by dr_girlfriend
Summary: Four years after the Battle of New York, Clint has created a stable life for himself and his young daughter, free of the dangers of SHIELD work.
The Winter Soldier turned himself in to the Avengers, expecting a death sentence or lifetime of imprisonment. Instead, he found absolution and an invitation to join the team. He is still adjusting to life as an Avenger when he meets Clint Barton and his daughter.
The young man that Bucky Barnes used to be was wholeheartedly enthusiastic about meeting his soulmate, but Bucky is not sure there’s a place for him in his soulmate’s life anymore.
Clint has spent his whole life dreading meeting his soulmate, drawing false conclusions from the hurtful words that were spoken in haste. They are both drawn to each other and are willing to give this a try, but will have to work together to overcome the shadows of their past.
It’s one of the largest soulmarks Bucky has ever seen. The script in Bucky’s neat cursive handwriting starts at the crest of one shoulder and arcs below Clint’s collarbones to end at the crest of the other shoulder, golden letters that no tattoo ink has ever been able to replicate.
What kind of idiot are you?
Tags: winterhawk – Freeform; AU; alternative universe; Soulmates; Alternate Universe – Soulmates; Soulmarks; Soul Bond; Soulmate-Identifying Marks; Single Parent Clint Barton; Single Parents; Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; SHIELD Veteran Clint Barton; Secondary Relationships are Background; Deaf Character; Deaf Clint Barton; Jewish Character; Jewish Bucky Barnes; Picking Through Canon Like a Junkyard to Find the Parts I LikeSingle POV; Referenced Canonical Character Death (Phil Coulson); Mild Derogatory Language (e.g. Idiot and Stupid); Canon Disabled Character; Disabled Character; original robot character – Freeform; Harm to a Child in the Context of a Nightmare; Fluff Word count: 49K+ (self-rec by tumblr: @drgrlfriend)
Freefall by dr_girlfriend
It’s a small hunting cabin. It’s unlikely to have heat or electricity, and it looks uninhabited, but it’s shelter, and Clint is beyond relieved to have managed to make it within striking distance. Just a little longer … a little farther …
It takes him long enough that he would be ashamed under any other circumstances, but eventually he gets the lock open and swings the door wide.
“Fuck me.”
It’s a small one-room cabin, dark and dusty, and notable primarily for the fact that the fucking Winter Soldier is inside, straightening up from where he was hunched by the fireplace, drawing his knife. Tags: Discussion of Canon Child Abuse; Discussion of Canon Brainwashing; Seizures; Epilepsy; Fluff; SHIELD Agent Clint Barton; Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Strike Team Delta (Marvel)Sharing a Bed; Sharing Body Heat; Stranded; Slow Burn
Word count: 49k+
(self-rec by tumblr: @drgrlfriendrgrlfriend)
(Tell Me) It'll All Be Alright by Lynlee494
How do they do it? Boxed in like that. Back to the only open space around you? Sitting around all day. Nothing to do...” Clint’s voice is tinny through the comms. “Ooh, if you see any decent munchies, snag me a few. I missed dinner.”
“Hey, bird brain, focus. If we’re too late getting back, I can’t pick up Alpine from Kate’s till late tomorrow.” Bucky’s voice is low, while the building should be empty, they aren’t able to watch all the entrances from Clint’s angle on the opposite building. A lot of this relies on the element of surprise and stealth.
"Dude, you just walked past a break room.”
“Are you looking for stray guards, or are you looking for snacks?”
“Both, of course.” Clint scoffs on the open mic. “Wait! Nine o'clock!”
Bucky growls but reaches out and grabs a handful of caramels from a desk and puts them in the breast pocket of his tactical vest.
“You’re the best.”
“Shut up, Barton.”
Tags: Missions Gone Wrong; Hurt/Comfort; Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug; Hurt Bucky Barnes; Protective Clint Barton; Clint & Bucky’s Mutual Love for Explosions; Canon-Typical Violence; Clint Barton Needs a Hug; Bucky Barnes Needs A Bandaid; Whump; Clint Barton is a BAMF; Unreliable Narrator; Matt Fraction-inspired Clint BartonClint Barton Doesn't Have A Secret Family; winterhawk - Freeform; sniper bros; Pre-Slash
(self-rec by Lynlee494: *see above reference to 'shameless')
Barton and Barnes, the Marvelous Ex-Assassins by Lynlee494
Summary: It wouldn’t have been so bad, Bucky could have shrugged this off easily once he caught his breath, but he found the more he pulled to free himself the worse it seemed to be. Barnes thinks he hears shouting, but it is distorted and drowned out by the pounding in his ears. Ripping further at the trap that was furthering ensnaring him he found himself snarling and just ripping at it with brute strength and panicked rage that echoed of the Asset’s frustrated rampages through Hydra personnel.
Tags: Hurt Bucky Barnes; Whump; Bucky Barnes Whump; Hurt/Comfort; Whumptober; Whumptober 2023; Day 1 Prompt; Safety Net; Panic; "How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up?"; Circus Performer Clint Barton; Circus Has Come To Town; Canon-Typical Violence; Bucky Barnes Recovering; Panic Attacks; Alternative Prompt; Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Clint Barton Feels; Dehumanization; preslashwinterhawk - Freeform
(self-rec by Lynlee494: *see above reference to 'shameless')
I Don't Remember How by AvaKelly (Part 1 of Kitty)
"How the hell did they wash you," he mutters as he raises from the chair.
"Hosed the blood down," comes from behind as the Soldier follows him toward the bathroom.
Clint almost screams right then and there.
Tags: Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Pre-Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie); Where Was Clint Barton During Captain America 2?; the farm house; Gif Inspired; Oblivious Clint; there's a kitty; Memory Loss; clint adopts assassins; clint is in denial
Word count: 7k+ (Part 1) (rec by tumblr: @nana-evans) (assistance from tumblr: @therulingqueen)
___________________ Nameless by AvaKelly
Summary: A gun is pointed at him before he can even move from his position, the Soldier's metal arm steady in its aim. Clint sighs.
"Nemo," Clint says. "It's tattooed on your wrist, right here," he lifts his right hand and taps his left index finger where his palm ends.
The Soldier's eyes widen. "How do you know this?"
"I put it there." Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Past meetings; starcrossed assassins (not really); Memory Loss; Tattoos; jules verne references; Canon-Typical Violence; Hurt/Comfort; Recovery; Infinity Gems; Time Loop; Time Travel; Slow Burn; Action; Rescue Mission; Saving the World; mentions of torture; Tearjerker; Healing; obliviously falling in love
Word count: 101k+ (rec by tumblr: @nana-evans) (assistance from tumblr: @o-kaythislooksbad)
Author recs:
'Definitely try squadrickchestopher’s and teeelsie’s fics!' teeelsie: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Teeelsie/pseuds/Teeelsie/works
(rec by tumblr: @jinxquickfoot)
(rec by tumblr: @broken--bow ) -- squadrickchestopher: https://archiveofourown.org/users/squadrickchestopher/pseuds/squadrickchestopher/works
(rec by tumblr: @jinxquickfoot)
Lissadiane: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Lissadiane/pseuds/Lissadiane
(rec by tumblr: @sishal01)
‘I'm shocked that no one has recommended ArtaxLivs yet--particularly the True Colors series; Through the Looking Glass; Both, Both is Good; And the Stockings Were Hung; and The Happiest Place on Earth. The character insight! The inner anguish! The humor! The smut! ’
ArtaxLivs: https://archiveofourown.org/users/ArtaxLivs/works
(rec by tumblr: @feistygina )
***I was unable to find the following, however: ‘You should check Ava Kelly's "Kitty" series for Clint finds Bucky, it's awesome! Also, "Nemo", from the same author’ (rec by tumblr: @nana-evans) ***If anyone has a link? I tried to find both author and stories, and failed.
Thank you to @therulingqueen and @o-kaythislooksbad! The above fixed are now at the end, right before the 'Author Recs'!
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divinit3a · 3 months ago
For the ask game 💕
💕 Time for a shout-out! What are some of your fav AUs from other creators in the fandom? ⭑ dca au ask game
^-^ ....OK! I shall set down all the cakes on the table for a full buffet! Get your forks & knives out! 🍽️🍽️🍽️
please don't hesitate to let me know if you'd prefer not to be @'d in the future, or to be removed from this post u_u <3 I totally respect folk's preferences!
✨ lets go! ⭑⭑⭑ ⭑⭑⭑ ⭑⭑⭑
@muzzlemouths Dead Mall Dare / DfTR AU(s) Dead Mall Dare was one of the first AUs I read (like, literally. 1-2 months ago!) & I went woooaaah they are fun removed from original context. Isn't that so neat ?? This isn't a rabbithole to fall in, tho. u_u No wayyy guys c'mon ... /j Likewise, DfTR is a treat to watch unfold & see people squirm ^-^
@r0b0-wannabe Botanical Garden AU (or just any of your stories, but I'm.. sticking to the law...s... ) Hi, I stayed up to 2-3am drawing ur boys bc Im normal about this AU & how endearing it is... obviously... (💚) I love your writing style & characterizations. Maybe this is silly, but, I also enjoy learning about plantcare, too :3
@sinister-sincerely 2nd Choice AU Oh, you are so evil. The username matches. (A COMPLIMENT!! Hehe.) Oh, you write drama, angst/no comfort, hurting/damaged characters making awful choices so well. It was wild doing a double-take to realize YOU! are the WRITER for 2nd choice!! Some day, I will get u. For now, run 💜🔪
@wyervan Human!Slasher AU :D Yay! Both the OG/Main storyline are wonderful. I find the community version very endearing as an AU-within-an-AU. (love that!) As someone who used to run RP groups (on god!) it fills my heart with joy to see people filling out a world with so much life. Your art style is delightfully grungy ^-^/
@pluck-heartstrings - Pluck My Heartstrings AU Ohhh. I am weak to fairytale/renfaire vibes, as well as the more classic harlequin jester aesthetic u_u<3 Plus, the Vocalist/Princess is just so dang compelling, too. Your design sense is impeccable.
@moon-buggg Haunted House & Mad Scientist AUs They are both so neat & I can't wait to learn more!! The Haunted House AU designs live in my head rent free along with the comics :3
@zenkaiankoku Broken but Better AU Lovely, torn-up designs! Yay, mechanical horror! Yay, angst!! And a delightful remix of their personalities, too <3
@authormeat Alienware AU ^-^ I am instantly delighted by the weird guy freak energy & that the yn IS an alien/monster. Thats all I want & more. I also love ur designs for other AUs
...... 🧍 I Have More to Say
And...And... Not.. AU specific, but 🏏💥BAM , BAM 💥🏏 LOVELY FOLKS!!!!!!
🍲 <{ @soupdweller THERE IS NO ESCAPE ok but fr.. I appreciate ya, homie :3 you are a joy to chat with!! beautiful art!! evil mind!! delicious soups. i cant wait for whatever u cook up ^-^ 🐤 <{ @luckyyyduckyyy I WILL READ UR AU STORIES!! RUN & HIDE!!! you are the goofiest goober in the wild west, by goodness. i love ur energy and the gorgeous designs u create!! 🐛 <{ @chickenchirps27 ACK I COULD STARE AT UR ART FOREVER! I'll have to start volleying over illustrators I think ya might enjoy... u are so sweet & funny!! 🐐 <{ @lurking-loaf YOU ARE SO KIND! Seriously, I appreciate the fun craft projects you recommended -& your words of support :') 🔮 <{ @anis-sketches :D HI! Happy to throw recs your way. Also, your art is adorable!! 🌿 <{ @craykaycee HI TO U TOO!! the tags u leave always make me smile, and i appreciate u stopping by to say hi... :3 & MANYMANY MORE BUT I NEED TO CUT MYSELF OFF OR ELSE
Per usual, I lost sight of the original goal. But! Consider:
🏏💥WHAM , BAM 💥🏏 GOTCHU >:)
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