#oh hello - long time no post
heros-shade-fanclub · 3 months
actually i'm not done talking about termina. do you think that even years after majora's mask link wakes up to rain and instinctively thinks "2 days left"
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llheji · 1 year
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My @aftgbigbang pieces for the lovely @yrmumishot 's fic the phases we call love💜
While running from his father's men, Neil jumps into the back of a limousine, which happens to be owned by famous exy player, Andrew Minyard.
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spiked-mall-goth · 1 year
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puckpocketed · 9 months
2/1/2024 Winter Classic - Seattle Kraken vs Vegas Golden Knights
The Summer I Fell For Hockey - The Perfect Day: On Yanni Gourde and the Narrative
A bank of fog rolls over the new year, over Seattle’s skyline, over the morning of the Winter Classic. T-Mobile park, after weeks of preparation, is transformed; sprouting up from the baseball diamond is a construct of ochre-red wood and glass, freshly frozen paint and ice, and boards that flash with sponsorships. A sea of people all in red, cream, navy and pale blue flood in to fill up the stands, 47,000 strong. There’s the retractable roof for insurance, in case Seattle weather decides to get in character, but for once the air stays dry and sunlight cuts through the fog in time for the match, winking warm and yellow and sweet from behind sparse cloud cover. In the future, today will be remembered as a near-perfect day for outdoor ice hockey. Continents and continents (and a hemisphere) away, the chime of a phone alarm rings out into a damp summer morning. It’s 6:30 am. It’s Kraken game day. I jolt awake.
The Vegas Golden Knights enter the arena dressed collectively as Elvis, shirts split open to the belly button, reflective of their city’s desert-dwelling glitterati. My Kraken come as fishermen, in work boots and hot red overalls, outfits made complete with fluro orange caps and stuffed fish. When it comes time to get onto the rink in their gear, the Kraken are introduced by Sir-Mix-a-Lot in a truly terrible mashup of his hits and ad libbed lines. As they make their way down the faux boardwalk, jets of fire spew forth intermittently, and real fishmongers from Pike Place Market toss fish between the players in an ode to their post-game tradition (the stuffed fish yeet) and the city of Seattle. The anthem is shredded by a 14-year-old local on electric guitar, to the stoic, patriotic acceptance of everyone watching. (Gods but hockey is such an unserious sport, and for this it will have my heart in perpetuity)
The rink is mic'd today, and I’m grateful. I love the sound of hockey; I love the sound of skate blades carving sibilant lines, the way sticks will clack against each other, against the gritty ice; and when the puck hits someone’s tape just right, there’s a now-familiar little zing deep in my reptilian brain that heralds satisfaction. One day, when my city hosts the AIHL (Australian Ice Hockey League), I’ll be right next to the rink and able to hear it all for myself, but for now this will have to suffice.
The Kraken start dominant, winning the first faceoff and instantly initiating a dump-and-chase. Their cheeks are blacked in an effort to stave off ice blindness, but I like to think they’ve donned war paint. In line with this, Tanev starts the festivities by slamming the Golden Knights’ Whitecloud in a brutal check. Today, with the mics hot, every thump and bump gets caught as bodies hit the boards. Neither team is holding back, some mutually agreed upon level of violence dialled up three notches. Unlike the check-heavy games I’ve watched in the past, there is no pall of malicious intent, no thin veneer of civility to cover up simmering anger from the get go. No; today the hits start clean. No penalties are called for first period.
Had it been two weeks ago, I’d have jumped on the opportunity to extol the virtues and skillset of our starting goalie, Joey. Later, the entire arena will shake with cheers of his name. Because I can’t resist, I’ll say this: he’s still unerringly good at trapping the puck to stop play and cause a reset, shuttering any build up of momentum and opportunities for rebounds; still going on his heart-stopping adventures out of the net and catching compliments from the broadcast on his exceptional stick handling; and the puck at times seems magnetised to his glove. Spoilers for the rest of the game: it’s a shutout, and after all those incredible stops I’m sure Jack Eichel will be kicking himself about being read like a book for days. 35 saves (his exact jersey number) and the first shutout in Winter Classic history. The story writes itself.  But enough of that — Joey’s low-hanging fruit.  And besides, I’ve already put pen to paper on the Dacs propaganda; it all still stands.
The hard checks keep coming. I get the feeling that something’s different today, that there’s something in the air apart from the perfect weather. Despite Vegas’ stellar record against the Kraken to date (8-1-0), the Kraken have a vice grip on the game. I’m so used to watching them chase games to stumbling, clumsy victories that this dominance feels surreal. They kill off the Knights’ attempts at transitioning, relentless in their pursuit and determined to play along the boards, keeping the puck largely out of their offensive zone. When the Knights do manage to drag it in, the Kraken d-men spare no effort viciously batting incoming pucks away from the slot, and should that fail — Joey’s right there to remind them just how good he is. It’s still a simple game, a steady and unembellished grind the way the Kraken like to play — but something about today makes me think that perhaps the elusive, gossamer thing called ‘luck’ is on their side. Perfect days don’t exist, until they do.
My Kraken score their first goal off a stylish deflection. Dunner skips the puck at Tolvy from the blue line, over Amadio’s stick and into traffic. The puck sails past a scrambling Knights defence, where Tolvy finds it midair and smacks it down, right into the back of the Knights’ net. The second goal materialises two minutes into second period, and so does the inciting incident for this essay (blog post/diary entry/unhinged hockey breakdown). After winning the puck off a scuffle along the boards Yanni Gourde legs it, sending it into Vegas’ side of the rink. There’s some back and forth, but ultimately Borgy picks up a goal with a slapshot off the rebound.
Gourdo (or Pumpkin, if the pun appeals) is the quintessential Kraken player. From his career, to his playstyle, to how he’s never come close to stardom — he is, to quote Nick Faris, someone that, “[...]embodies who the Kraken want to be.” He catches my attention today because of his tenacity, and because the liveblog tag goes hard for him as future captain. I’ve come to learn that where esports fans call it the Script, hockey fans use a different phrase. It’s all the same underneath: when everything fits so well, when it all begins to rhyme like poetry, when it’s so compelling that surely someone must’ve made it up — that’s the Narrative. 
Gourdo is short for a hockey player, standing at a modest 5ft 9in (175cm). That’s the first thing you’ll hear about him; that he’s at or below league average. The second thing you’ll hear is that he was never drafted. In a league filled with stories of stars — whose fans and media orbit the monsters of the game, a dozen or so point-scoring darlings — here’s Yanni Gourde, the man who was once a season away from giving up the ghost and getting a civil engineering degree, a rookie for the Tampa Bay Lightning at 26. This, too, is Narrative — a different kind I’d say, because when you hear about underdogs you imagine a scrappy, uncut gem finally breaking through to reach the top. Gourdo isn’t some secret prodigy, and the stats he’s put up since he got his chance in the NHL are solid, a career high of 25 goals and 64 points in 82 games during his time with the Lightning, but nothing like your McDavids or MacKinnons. But that’s all just paper. Out on the ice, though? That’s where the real story is happening.
If Sidney Crosby’s story is the Narrative, Gourdo’s story is like if the Narrative was stolen by a side character — which, fittingly, is exactly what some of the best narratives are all about. A quick Youtube search turns up the usual fluff pieces done by team media. A deeper scan reveals an unusual amount of short highlights, largely scrums and fights that he’s been involved with. In one of them he can be seen sporting his big, crooked grin. This is how I find out that Yanni Gourde is a pest. An instigator, a rat. Whatever you call it, Gourde shares hockey lineage with the likes of Brad Marchand.
In ice hockey, games are won and lost off the back of power plays and penalty kills. But with hitting and fighting at an all-time low, how does one draw penalties? Gourdo has it all figured out. He plays his own game, sticking just short of too close and pushing the envelope on interference. He’s gone on record talking about his extracurriculars, how he verbally and physically taunts opposing players after the whistle: “I know most of the time it works them up and they want to punch me in the face a little bit more. If they take a penalty on me, then, I am winning.” Gourdo treads the line of illegality and sportsmanship, and tips people over the edge in his wake, and when they retaliate they’re caught out and sent to the box.
Rats have a bad reputation in the NHL. Honour codes dictate that you back up any insults, physical or otherwise, should another player challenge you to drop gloves — the assumption being that any on-ice beef is genuine — an agitator’s actions are premeditated, calculated to wreak as much havoc as possible. This insincerity leaves a bad taste in the mouths of many. And yet, Yanni Gourde is beloved.
When he was selected by the Kraken in the expansion draft, Lightning fans made tribute videos. When he first returned to Tampa Bay as a visiting player, the arena shook with his fans' welcome. He is universally regarded by teammates, both past and present, as a leader and an overwhelmingly positive force in the locker room; someone who knows how to get silly (krakenblr-core!), who contributes to constructing good attitudes on the ice, someone who has stepped up to fulfil leadership duties when his teammates have been injured.
Beyond his instigation (and his remarkably sparkling reputation in spite of this), most interesting to me is a distinct pattern to the rest of his shot highlights. There’s nothing too complicated about it, even I noticed as a fan who’s still learning: Yanni Gourde has that intangible, ineffable clutch factor. For every clip where he’s in a scuffle, there’s another instance where he’s scored a game winning goal.
My working theory for why? He’s the guy who didn’t give up on his hockey dream even after being snubbed by the NHL and relegated to the AHL, who debuted as a starter 6 years later than most rookies, made himself a nuisance to play against at every turn with his relentless puck chasing and instigating. He’s Gourdo. So of course he’s got the clutch factor; he snatched his entire career from the jaws of retirement in the eleventh hour.
On a day like today, where the weather is perfect and the sticky late game ice has puck bounces going the Kraken’s way, it feels like the right time for something magical. And in a match filled with physicality Gourdo defies expectations, plays his own game and manages a miracle. Early in the third period, the Knights go for an offensive reset on a loose puck in the Kraken slot that goes shooting past the blue line. It looks completely standard. I’ve seen it a hundred times by now.
And then, racing down the ice there’s Gourdo. I expect a check, because that’s the type of game they’ve primed us for. It doesn’t come. Instead, Gourdo slips right up into Cotter’s space, right under his stick. Their skates cross once but there’s no hit, and with the barest brush… the puck is lifted out from under Cotter’s feet.
This blog is named for a silly pun on ‘pickpocketed’, because it was one of the very first hockey concepts that really captured my imagination. I became quietly obsessed with the idea of pickpocketing in ice hockey, fascinated by hulking athletes who know they don’t even need to hit anyone to win. There’s something so delightful about it; the idea that in ice hockey, a game that is notorious for semi-legal fist fights and whose actual rules allow the players to throw their hundreds of pounds at each other in service of victory, you could simply lose the puck to a thief. Whatever you call it — pickpocketing, puck stripping — it’s the result of refs who’ve become increasingly trigger-happy on calls, and a league-wide shift toward protecting its superstars from concussions.
For Gourdo, it’s a matter of necessity. Being smaller than most players, he has few other options. He can’t just rely on checking; he’s part of the new wave of players who’ve bought in on the puck possession game, scrapping and digging to steal the puck away with stick lifts and finesse rather than outright force. (Funnily enough, fellow pest Marchand is named in an article as another player whose game is shifting to focus on puck possession).
In the wider arc of the Narrative, it’s a perfectly Yanni kind of play. He steals the puck away from the Knights right in their slot, and is left almost one on one with their goalie as everyone else on the ice rushes to catch up. It’s not beautiful hockey — there is no well-timed deke, no lethal toe drag release — it’s just Gourdo wrestling control of the puck from the carved up ice, awkward and off-balance. The first shot doesn’t even go in, bouncing off of Thompson’s pad. But Gourdo is right there to catch it off the rebound, never giving up, always holding on, and he scoops it right over and into the net.
I know the game is finished for the Vegas Golden Knights after this. Call me biassed about my Sharks but I’ve seen when a team is still hungry for a win, and the Knights aren’t coming to the table. More than just the number on the scoreboard, in hindsight this goal feels woven into the fabric of the Narrative. It’s gorgeously messy, unexpected. It comes as a surprise to everyone watching, the broadcast barely able to keep up before the puck makes its way to the net. It’s Seattle waking up from a decades-long slumber to remind the world that it’s always been a hockey town, and the Kraken victory a ringing statement. It's another game winning goal for Gourdo, exactly like he’s always done.
It’s not quite perfect hockey, of course, not what people think of as clean or even technically proficient. But if you’ve watched any Kraken broadcasts you know what I’m about to say.
That’s Kraken hockey, baby!
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fisheito · 5 months
slithering out from under a rock or something to inform you that you DO have followers who are yaku lovers <3 he's been my fave since day one and i would love to accompany him to the farmers market
ah.. i sit corrected... valuable confirmation of intel. *enters it manually into the nucadex* where to find yakufans: farmer's market (they will be farming and/or marketing)
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sarilolla · 11 months
Watched Trolls Band Together today (in Norwegian in the cinema with my family), and honestly I was originally skeptical to the whole “secret sibling” plot bit, but it worked and was good
My thoughts about the movie (with some spoilers) under the cut
A very fun movie, the dynamics were fun, music was good, and the whole plotline was great. Something I like about the trolls movies, the consequences of failing are always dire. Trolls 1 was being eaten by Bergens (and I love the Bergens, but I think they were a bit easily forgiven. The Putt Putt Trolls had the reaction I would have had (and honestly, Viva reminds me of my Living Forest au Poppy)), Trolls 2 was either erasing all music except for rock (also a bit too easily forgiven considering they destroyed all the other trolls homes) and Poppy breaking the strings and destroying music, and now Trolls 3 were Floyd almost died
Some references did not work in Norwegian, so I am excited to see it in English. Some jokes were said in English for them to make sense, and the older audience enjoyed them. Probably would have enjoyed it even more in English, but the Norwegian voice actors were at least really good
Also, the whole plotline of Velvet and Veneer using trolls (unsure if they used more than just Floyd, or if Floyd was their only victim) and their "essence" to give themselves talent gave me flashbacks to an au I made in 2020 (after world tour) *that I never posted and am now disappointed in myself for not doing*, where a giant species imprison the pop trolls and take their "essence" in special machines. They then use it to make Pop Candy, which isn't the same as the movie, but it was still fun to see that one of my ideas were so close (might actually post something from this, I have WIPs I can post after some more work). I called it "Product Pop", and here's screenshots from my notes app as proof (last worked on in September 2020, but I have never stuff on my google disk)
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But, yeah, this movie really woke up the Trolls interest, so I'm thinking about continuing my previous fics. Both can be adapted to fit with what we learned in Trolls 3, but I think I will rewrite both should I continue them (The Putt Putt Pop Trolls would be hella creepy in Experiment Pop though)
Gonna try to be more active in the fandom, and I hope to see more fans once it comes out in the USA (I realize most fans weren't as lucky to get it earlier)
Feel free to ask me stuff, by the way, about my old aus and this ne-ish one
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hailsatanacab · 1 year
close enough to be whole again || chapter 18
🎊 new chapter update new chapter update new chapter update 🎊
#dpxdc#dpxdc fic#dcxdp#dcxdp fic#desktop tumblr lets you edit links to put a title instead of 'show chapter' but mobile doesnt 😭😭😭#oh hello guys how are you i didnt see you there!!#dont mind me just casually dropping a chapter after........... too many months being inactive#im so sorry#ive been trying to get the other writing ive got going out of the way but like#theyre all turning into monsters too!!#idk how i feel about this chapter :/#the next chapter is going to have to undergo major rewrites before its posted#but! BUT! ive got a solid idea of where it goes after that so thats good news!!#because i was really stumped for such a long while#....... now i just gotta write it tho haha#after my holiday!! then its fic time BaBey!!!#poor danny in this chapter - poor damian too#at this point damian isnt necessarily against the idea of ghosts being (he knows ghosts are real!) its just more of a#'if ghosts arent real than danny is just confused and hes not dead please hes not dead dont let him be dead' sort of situation#ya get me?#promise they will talk about it and it will get better#just..... its gonna be a few chapters 😬#also in an earlier draft danny called dan a little bitch but damian misinterpreted it as danny calling damian a little bitch#and that was so funny to me - BUT to me it read more in damian's way so like i didnt want danny to get readers like that too#so i took it out but i kinda wish id left it in because its Funny#uh hmmm what else............... bruce sure is surprised about ghosts in amity huh#thats the trouble with writing Smart People#for i am Not Smart#BUT i do know the plot so that helps!!#anyway!! im at limit so let me say thank you for waiting ily all and i hope you enjoy it!! ily ily ily and thank you thank you thank you 🩷
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arklay · 2 years
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"This is how a girl becomes holy: first she becomes empty." — Brynne Rebele-Henry, Prelude
[templates × & × — insp — playlist]
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dawnthefluffyduck · 1 month
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Quick drawing to test out new paper
(drawn from this, I dont think it looks right but I've worked on it too long)
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mymelodyisme · 6 months
🤔 I hope I haven’t changed too much since your departure, clearly you recognized you so that should be enough 😄 I still haven’t changed my url which is nice but anyhow I’m glad you’re home. Maybe a tad bit late but hopping around the dashboard like a frog trying to cross the road must be exhausting so I made you dinner
And here’s some desert ♥️🩷
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maxiwaxipads · 3 months
i once wrote notes based on hello kitty's furry tale theatre cartoon (fragaria memories ofc because this is my current fixation aha haha)
i tried formatting this appropriately so itll be easy to read but I gave up at the point of character profiles
(I wanted to write something that is at least based on Hello Kitty’s Furry Tale Theater(?)) (Hallritt, Merold, and Tuxam appearances) (That also means making characters based on Catnip, Grinder, Mowzer, and Fangora) (Other than obviously featuring a play of sorts, what will the overall plot will be(?)) (I kinda want to introduce the idea of Merold and Tuxam knowing each other) (Because I like the idea that both are senior knights of their respective bouquets and may have met each other, even if it was once) (And also the idea of retired knights of Fragaria, or at least the knights before our current cast) (Hello Kitty's knight before Hallritt(?)) (Tuxam who visited with his lord because Tuxedo Sam wanted to visit the Orchid Theatre)
(Plot Synopsis): In celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Orchid Theatre, Hallritt, Merold, and Tuxam visit the Theatre with their lords but are caught in a mysterious case of incidents where members of Hello Kitty’s Men wound up with mysterious injuries.
Nica (Lord: Catnip) - “So, what if you’re an amateur? With enough passion and drive,—we can start from somewhere. But don’t think this excuses you from essential training.” A hot-headed person with incredible drive and passion. They’re a bit foul-mouthed and strict with themselves and others. Somewhat older than Merold, Hallritt, and Tuxam (around their late 20s or early 30s(?)). Considered a talented actor. (Orchestrated from their hometown, but was saved by Catnip(?)) (Feels incredibly indebted to the troupe and their lord) (Someone with a “let’s get it over with” attitude and has an ego where they know they’re perfect, so it won’t be lazy or with poor taste at all(?)) “I trust myself that I can deliver a satisfactory performance. But it won’t be just satisfactory—it will be beautiful and mesmerizing!”
Anfora (Lord: Fangora) - “Everyone bothers me about retirement this… retirement that…! No. I’ve decided that my fate is to die here.” A senior member of the troupe who had been around before Oz was made the current troupe master. (The current personality trait I have is: yapper) (like if I wrote it down, it could be summarized as yapper) (Still acts and helps behind the scenes) (May also help and advise with/for Oz) (Considered dependable and someone who is also just as passionate about the Orchid Theatre and for the troupe)
Rin (Lord: Grinder) - "Heheh… Look right here! Funny, right? No? Guess I shoulda let the script to ol' Oz…" A jack-of-all-trades when it comes to instrumentals, Rin is a prankster who tries to lighten the mood and make everyone laugh. Rowdy, but has a heart of gold. (Someone who would stop immediately if the prank seems to become too severe(?)) (I feel like out of everyone in the Orchid Theatre, Rin is the most normal and average guy in the troupe and everyone could be said as insane) A little bit older than everyone else, but closer in age to Merold, Tuxam, and Hallritt. (I want him to be a himbo or at least akin to one(?)) (Originally his family pushed for him to become a knight but Rin desired to become an actor) (Still follows the same training regiment that is somewhat modified from his days of training to be a knight)
Oz (Lord: Mowzer) - “I think… Each life serves a singular purpose, and mine is to write. I will do it. No matter how insane I become, or if I forget my humanity. It has been decided.” Troupe Master of Hello Kitty's Men. Oz leans on the more quiet side and has an illicit passion for the stage. Makes his contributions by writing scripts and helps when it comes to directing. He isn't much of an actor and mainly focuses from behind the scenes.
Oz - “We have all resigned ourselves to continue performing even in the face of death.” Oz - “So why worry about us?” “Merely—If the chance allows, we’d sing and dance on the stage even after death.” Oz - “As your lords mean everything, the performance is our life and everything.” Oz - “‘In your hands, it will be brilliant.’ Call it what it is… I simply laugh in joy. I would hear those many—no, an infinite amount of times! It could never grow old!” Oz - “That is how we all feel.” “Be it because of ego or to make someone in the audience moved.” Oz - "It is an art form I am proud of…"
and from this moment forward, idea hailstorm will occur </3
“i am so pathetic for this character” and you turn around to see its tuxam from fragaria memories
(Taking place in the Orchid Theatre that is currently occupied by the playing company, Hello Kitty’s Men(?))
(Hallritt has been tasked to guard the theatre for the night and his lord, Hello Kitty will attend to watch the play)
(The 1000th Anniversary of the Orchid Theatre(?))
(Merold and Tuxam appearances)
(History of the Orchid Theatre and the playing company)
(Either shenanigans happen—Hallritt, Merold, and Tuxam become actors)
(SEEDs issue happens(?))
(A member of the troupe is possessed by a SEED and attempts to sabotage the play(?))
(As the Orchid Theatre’s Millennium Anniversary approaches,  members of the troupe are injured through things like a falling stage light or rubbish falling on top of them)
(This is overlooked because of the preparations for the Orchid Theatre’s Anniversary but it is suspected to be intentional)
(Rather than a random person, I think it would be more impactful to explore an already written character(?))
(I think Nica might fit the role better(?))
(Still troubled by her past and believes everyone is out to get her(?))
(I wanted the idea that the SEED elevates her emotions to a high degree, especially since it has possessed her for days)
Nica - “Everyone… Everyone is out to get me. I know how they look at me.” “No matter what I do, I’m just despicable and easily hatable.”
Nica - “So to protect myself… I have to hurt others.”
(Nica who doesn’t remember when a SEED possessed her, but starts to receive headaches) (She ignores this in order to prepare for the Millennium Anniversary) 
(Possibly gaps within her memory during the sabotages(?))
(Do you think people can semi-transform into SEEDs(?))
(Imagine being semi-transformed into a SEED and the SEED half of you attacks people while you desperately cry trying to stop yourself but it does nothing)
(These negative emotions only amplify the SEED, and the answer is either having someone remove the SEEd from your body, dying, or abandoning emotion)
Nica - “Everyone looks down on me. Everyone hates me.”
Nica - “They…They—Who even tolerates me… at this point?” “Am I even likable? What does everyone think of me…?”
Nica - “It is quite natural, yes?” “Everything I do… Is to protect myself.”
(Is it dormancy that completely stops the takeover of a SEED, or does the dormancy simply mean a void that the SEED can take over(?)) (Is nothingness a negativity(?))
Nica - “This life is solely for the stage.” “If I have to die, I hope it will be a thrilling act.”
(The SEED feeds into Nica’s intrusive thoughts which leads to hurting her fellow actors) (Albeit, discreetly)
(When Hallritt arrives, Oz does intend to inform him because his hands are busy and gives permission to search the premise of Orchid Theatre)
(Both Tuxam and Merold join along)
(I imagine it isn’t until he last moment everyone realizes that Nica is behind the attacks and confront her about it)
(From this point, they don’t have a motivation as to why)
(I kinda want Nica to lunge the nearest person, that being Merold, with a weapon but Hallritt moves aside and gets stabbed himself)
(And then Nica is semi-transformed into a SEED)
woah!! character dynamics and how i imagined them
(Character Dynamics or How I Imagine Them(?)) -
Hallritt and Merold - Hallritt who wants to get close and Merold who doesn’t want to.
(Merold is willing to cooperate with Hallritt if the situation deems necessary but only tolerates him)
Merold - “As your senior, won’t you do something for me—Hallritt?”
Hallritt - “Sure! Whatever do you need?”
(Hallritt who wants to get along with Merold and willing to do almost anything)
Tuxam - “HALT! This is an abuse of hierarchy, Merold…!”
(I feel like Merold would be the type to make bad excuses to get Hallritt away from him(?)) 
Merold - “It’d be bad if the theatre wasn’t surrounded by rubble… Oh, Hallritt! Why don’t you go over there and clean.”
Hallritt - “I suppose it would be bad. Yes! I’ll go over there!”
Tuxam - “For once, that is true… Merold. You’re coming with. Don’t think you can get away with a bad excuse.”
Merold - “(Sigh). Yeah. Yeah.”
Hallritt and Tuxam - Tuxam who is willing to be dependable and help Hallritt as a senior Knight of Fragaria! He’s more helpful than Merold, but still nagging. Tuxam also helps Hallritt avoid Merold’s plots.
Tuxam - “So… About our lords.”
(Tuxam who tries not being obvious about wanting their lords to meet each other) (Hallritt thinks he’s planning something and it’s obvious that Tuxam trying not to be obvious is being obvious) (Kind, but still nagging)
Merold and Tuxam - Knighted around the same time, they’ve met before when visiting the Orchid Theatre years ago.
(I imagine Merold as someone who frequently teases Tuxam)
(Someone who Merold is comfortable having deep conversations with or reminiscing about the past(?))
Tuxam - “You’re impossible, Merold.”
Merold - “And you’re a riot, Tuxam.”
(If I have to describe Merold on how I write him, I would say its like a love child between how I think Hangyon and Pikero talk) (But Merold has more Hangyon genetics than Pikero’s)
(I should probably elaborate on how I think Merold talks) (But with a flair of arrogance(?))
(I feel like Merold would be the type to bend down to his knees just to annoy Tuxam) 
(Would sorta rest himself on Tuxam as well(?)) (Like sorta leaning onto him and resting his elbow on his head sorta rest)
(I mentioned before, but I wanted to write or mention about Hello Kitty’s previous knight who I’ll dub as “Elliot”)
(To give backstory)
(Elliot, Tuxam, and Merold who visited the Orchid Theatre in a similar situation of celebrating the Orchid Theatre’s 995th Anniversary(?)) (I should probably write a little bit more than that or at least brainstorm it)
(Would 5 years be considered a long time(?))
(The Orchid Theatre having connections with the Hello Kitty Kingdom, MyMelody Kingdom, and Tuxedo sam Kingdom)
(Every 5 - 10 years the lords will come and visit the theatre yet again(?))
(I won’t lie I’ve always been picky about the names I give to characters) (Is “Elliot” too basic???) (I found an anagram maker and put "Hello Kitty" in it and saw Elliot)
Tuxam - “You’re like a bad dream—no…! ! The reminder of the reality (Hangyon and Pikero) I already face!”
Merold - “Wow~ That hurt y’know? I can’t believe Tuxam was capable of being rude.”
Merold - “Did he even grow to become a gentleman at all…?”
Tuxam - “H—Huh…! But I am a gentleman to my very core…?!” “At least I believe so?”
Merold - “Support me, will you?”
Tuxam - “Naturally. Let us eliminate the SEED.”
(Merold who solely focuses on attacking the SEED)
(Tuxam who attempts to multitask helping Merold and keeping surrounding damage to a minimum)
Merold - “Tuxam~ You know trying to keep the theatre from being destroyed is basically impossible!”
Tuxam - “Why not think about the people who’ll have to patch up the theatre…!”
(Possible Story Outline or Events I Want(?)) -
(I want the scenario to reveal Nica as the culprit in a brief flashback but without the context at this point of the story)
(Hallritt is called out by Merold, who snaps him from his daze) (Introduction of the Orchid Theatre)
(If not, I want a dream sequence where Hallritt overhears a few vague words before realizing a sharp pain in his shoulder and a knife has been plunged in that location)
(Hallritt wakes up, and sequence ends where we arrive at the Orchid Theatre)
(I’m unsure if it’ll be effective to a viewer, but it’s a outline so it can be removed whenever)
(Hallritt and Merold with their lords, who have just arrived to the location)
(They’re waiting for someone else, this cues Tuxam’s arrival with his lord)
(Brief mention of the history of the Orchid Theatre, I imagine Oz takes them around a tour of the theatre itself(?)) 
(Mostly for Hallritt)
(Shenanigans ensue, the event will be highly guarded with the presence of 3 lords in the same location) (There’s already guards around the premise, mainly on standby)
(When given the chance, Oz will find a discreet location and inform about reoccurring incidents of actors or members of the troupe getting mysterious hurt(?)) (Because of the upcoming 1000th Anniversary of the Orchid Theatre, there wasn’t time to properly investigate this(?))
(I imagine since the introduction of Oz, you can tell something is up but unsure(?))
(Merold overhears this and joins Hallritt for investigations, Tuxam joins but only because he was about to scold Merold for eavesdropping)
(I personally feel like it’ll be more effective if the audience already knows the culprit and it has to take the characters to realize(?)) (I want it to be more rewarding rather than beating around the bush too much(?))
(I do want this to be time to flesh out new characters as well before the final happens)
(Oz will be approached to start off the mission)
(Rin will be approached to know more about the building plan of the Orchid Theatre)
(Anfora will be approached to understand possible motivation and being a senior member—will share her past experiences)
(Nica will be approached to better understand the play and her character(?)) (Considered talented as an actor) (<—I probably need to think about this a bit more)
Merold - “I can’t imagine you doing anything discreetly.”
Rin - “HaHa! Same!”
(During the final confrontation, Nica lunges Merold with a weapon but Hallritt gets in front of Merold to protect him)
(Hallritt ends up getting stabbed)
(I feel like Merold would feel offended yet somewhat thankful for Hallritt) 
Merold - “YOU. BIG IDIOT.”
Merold - “Do you not understand the title ‘Strongest Knight?’”
(What if final confrontation is done on the Orchid Theatre’s stage and it is a big reveal)
(Merold - “What are you?”)
(Hallritt - “…An idiot sandwich.”)
you know i would compile these notes properly and summarize them but when you’re in a bad mental state and listening to revolutionary girl utena all duel songs can you really?
earth as a character gallery is a banger 
allegory allegorier allegoriest 
the black rose songs are the best frfr
maybe i should make revolutionary girl utena inspired lyrics for fragaria memories
that honestly sounds fun if i can commit to it
(Outdated grandiose that makes the old appear new)
(Aged like fine wine) (Apple motifs)
(Operates as mainly a stage for performers, but has been modified to be used as a cinema(?)) (both on a stage and has a projector or screen for cinema usage(?))
(i imagine the cinema itself is open at least 2 - 3 times a week and the rest of the days is for the performers of the Orchid Theatre to practice their craft for the next big play(?))
(Beautifully elaborate, has Hello Kitty motifs)
(Also contains Mowzer, Catnip, Fangora, and Grinder motifs of course(?))
(Rather than Mowzer, Catnip, Fangora, and Grinder being lords like Hello Kitty and the others) (I rather have them be historical figures that aren’t around today(?))
(It’s said in lore that the lords somehow ascending into the world of Fragria, so I kinda want the opposite of the 4 coming back to their world instead of death)
(Considered figures that represent the spirit of acting(?))
(Similar to the greek muses of comedy and tragedy) (the smiling and frowning masks i mean) (imagine their faces plastered as masks similar to the theatre masks(?)) (like what im saying is a comedy mask with characteristics similar to catnip or grinder(?))
(i should really learn a little bit about theatres… i have somewhat relied on wikipedia but that can only go so far)
i did try writing a fragraia memories revolutionary girl utena song but I don't really know if its really fragmem? Spirit circuit—illusionary deficient, a cruel hook dangles the prey midair Lo’! — Awake from dream. the hook, fish, or the fisherman? Sealed, Spilled, Anchored. Forbidden life’s mead bleeds. Forbidden landscapes defy the unreal.  Naturality pacifies and requites the unnatural. Beloved, Unreal Realness. Are you surprised? It’s a big mistake to think you’re the only one who can turn into a car. I’m a car now too!
i promise the last line is real just look up revolutionary girl utena car scene
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thornilee013 · 7 months
I just saw the tags on the first baby Jean you did (I cheated and read the tags + sent my ask before going to catch up on the story lol) and wanted to respond to that too! Sorry for the non-writing ask, you don’t have to actually post this one if you don’t want, I just didn’t want to ignore those tags until next week!
I hope that your work does do something about what you reported, but either way it’s good that you reported it! If it’s something that ever happens to anyone in the future, there will be documentation that someone reported it and management failed to take the necessary measures to prevent it from happening again. You stood up for yourself and you may have potentially helped someone else out! You should absolutely feel proud of yourself!
You’re always so kind to me and I appreciate that so much! Thank you! Have a beautiful week! Besos xx🤍🤍🤍
prev | Baby Jean | WW 17.1.2024
Jean approached the desk and stared up at the person sitting there. They were clearly busy, since they seemed to be writing something down on a notepad. He reached up as far as he could muster and whimpered a bit at the stretch.
"How can I–" the person said before looking up and making eye contact with him. "Hey bud. Don't hang on the desk like that, okay? I don't think it's the most stable thing and I don't want it tipping over on you. What can I do for you?"
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avisaurea · 2 years
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smile-files · 2 years
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you have your way of looking at it. with the egg. and it's a great analogy!
for me, though, i don't see an egg. i see... a chrysalis.
yeah... y'know, i wonder if caterpillars know how beautiful they'll become. and i wonder if that'd make metamorphosis any less scary.
well, at least for me, i know how beautiful i'll become. or... at least i'm told. everybody i've met has told me that i'll go on to live an incredibly happy, fulfilling, successful life. a beautiful life.
there's a reason for that, y'know!
well, golly! but that's not important. the point is that i'm a caterpillar on the verge of metamorphosis and everyone around me is telling me how beautiful i'm gonna be.
isn't that a good thing?
yeah, kinda. it's also really scary!
well... i've done well so far in life. i've been relatively happy and fulfilled and successful. my life has been pretty beautiful so far.
but y'know... i'm a four-leaf clover. how do i know that wasn't just... a fluke? a big lucky break? how do i know that once i exit that chrysalis i'll actually be as beautiful as everyone thinks i'll be?
i can't keep banking on that forever. and now, like everyone our age, i have to start making that chrysalis. i guess i'm just worried that my lucky streak will end and my life will go down the drain. no more beautiful butterfly.
what makes you think it's all luck?
well, i... well, you know it has some factor in this.
well, sure. but you've had control over your life too. and so have other people. you shouldn't call yourself "lucky" that i decided to be your friend - it was my decision based on my own thoughts and emotions. and the way you are, how nice you are to be around - that's based on your own thoughts and emotions.
i guess...
listen. i'm not going to say that every success you've had is one you've built from scratch. everyone starts with something - heck, you started with a lot! but that alone will never get you the whole way there. to like... genuine, meaningful success.
what about all those super rich people who're only rich because of their super rich parents? they started with a lot and they got the whole way there with just that.
yeah, they're successful, but you can't seriously tell me that their success is meaningful.
i suppose not.
you can't make friends with luck. even if literally every other good thing you've done is because of dumb luck... the fact that so many people love you and love to hang out with you is proof that you're a genuinely good person.
hey, i never said i wasn't a genuinely good person.
well it comes with the territory. i should know... and y'know, it is really hard to admit to yourself that you are a good person who deserves all of the success they have. but it's important. i think we all should say it more. so it... so it doesn't have to be something to admit. i don't think it should be a secret.
so what?
so spit it out, then, you goofball! say you're a good person.
well, i... well goodness, now i'm just proving my point.
say it!
only if you do!
i'm... i'm a good person.
me too.
hey, that doesn't count, you actually have to say the words.
what words?
"i'm a good person".
ha, you said it again!
clover. i'm not going to force you to say that you're a good person. i'm not going to force you to believe in yourself or anything. but i want you to, because i want you to be happy.
and i want... i want you to want you to be happy. it shouldn't matter whether or not i want that.
you don't owe it to anyone else to live a good life... you owe it to yourself. and i know you don't believe me. don't tell me i'm lying because i know, trust me, i might as well be.
and i guess sometimes you just have to tell that lie to yourself over and over and over again. i know it feels wrong to tell the world that you love the person you are because it feels like a lie. but you know everyone else already believes it. you just have to lie to yourself enough that you start to believe it too.
...heh, and just be delusional?
yeah. delusional. but by the time you believe it along with the rest of the world, you'll forget that it was ever a lie to begin with!
i suppose so.
...so, clover, do you think you'll turn into that beautiful butterfly?
i'll be a moth.
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kalashtars · 11 months
planning classes has me going "hehehe *kicking my feet*" but i know as soon as i actually have to attend those classes my brain is going to be like "😐😐😐"
#damien.txt#having a revival of a very specific academic fascination bc my brain decided that rereading if we were villains is a good idea#which is like. one of the main driving forces behind my interest in history & english#and now im like................. hehe shakespeare#to be fair. the plan was always to take shakespeare next semester. the plan has been to take the shakespeare class since i started undergra#because quite literally i have been interested in shakespeare since i was 11 so. this is a long term interest#but now my brain is like hehe...... what if....... shakespeare ma#BITCH. where did this come from. hello????#first of all. do you know how many shakespeare ma programs exist in the world? like 4.#second. brain what. where is this coming from#and now it's trying to convince me of stupid things like 'you should try and learn latin again'#in what WORLD have i ever enjoyed learning latin (<- i have literally studied latin 3 seperate times in my life)#the answer is never. i have never enjoyed it. and i have hardly retained any of it#but ohhhhh boy the urge.... The Urges....#this specific mood always comes up whenever i get back into dark academia stuff again bc i am predictable and not unique#and i always get back into dark academia when it starts to get cold outside bc it's like something awakens within me#that goes 'oh right. we like academia. also the aesthetic hits' and i go FUCK. YOU'RE RIGHT.#but also here i am. writing this tumblr text post instead of doing my actual academics. so. it's all fake anyways#oh! but im very hype abt this shakespeare class actually#bc i think we might have a performance project.... which probably im going to dread when i actually have to do it#but <3<3<3<3<3 i love performing shakespeare so much. it's so much fun to me.#said like a true theater kid fr but. truly and honestly i miss doing that the most from theatre. and i didn't even really get to do it much#mostly just when i got to pick monologues out to do in class in between performances and stuff like that#so. i am a little bit hype. to do that. hopefully it is actually fun and not a complete drag#okay okay im done ranting
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strwbrymlkshake · 2 years
been getting a lot more into Killing lately
#mine#vent post again hello. for the love of god#🎸#anyways um uhh uhhah uhagh i feel like violence is more apparent in my life#though it could def be due to the violent outburst i had the other day. just the aftermath of it ig#i have been feeling depressed and like i cant control my own life bc things are being withheld from me#hrgngh :( as usual. nothing is changing. i have to wait like this for a long ass time before it does.#oh right the point of this post: i keep feeling like my bf is mad at me even though there is literally nothing to signify that#he did not even say he was mad at me so why is my anxiety thru the roof HUH. well probably trauma#he said he would love me no matter what! but im still so worrieedddd :< i guess it wasnt a big thing to be mad about anyways so#i dont understand why he WOULD be mad about it. so unless he says he is mad/upset then he ISNT but my brain does not get this#there is NO reason for me not to trust him#also i have moved on from the 'why doesnt he message me first in the morning' fiasco which is good. i dont have an explanation as to why#i just am not mad about it anymore idk lol. well besides that my brain is feeling illogical things that i can recognize are illogical#but they still impact me :< its not fair at all... i could hypothetically construct reasoning why hes mad at me rn but im only hurting#myself this way. me moment. it was relatively innocent its not something to be MAD about he said hed love me for all my mistakes#so even if it was a problem he wouldnt stop loving me!!! do you understand brain? goodness...#HES LIKE. he is my beloved forever and i want to be holding him or touching him always. going to punch a wall idk#i just love him so much i dont want to mess up ever!!!!! god damn!! we are both depressed / have mental problems so we are doing our best#metaphorically smoking a joint with him rn i miss him. drugs are bad btw i would never do a weed. only in the metaphorical sense#i want us both to be less miserable so together we can be happy!! but why am i keeping him from doing things he likes...#but i want him to be happy?! but i want to spend time with him :( im gonna cry. WHAT AM I MAKING MYSELF UPSET FOR#he didnt even say he was mad at me i am just spinning this way out of proportion! ok!? he loves me forever#but yea i feel like my social filter for violence related things dissipated entirely. so i have been openly talking abt killing people#which is not good i am not going to do any of these things. my brain is too fond of them
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