#oh god this is gross
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angstflavoured · 6 months ago
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love my grunkle just as he is
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beetroot-merchant · 2 years ago
petition to make cishetallo the norm instead of just cishet please
edit: badly phrased post, apparently. my point is when referring to non-queer people, if you're not going to say non-queer, put an 'allo' somewhere in there. where you put it does not matter.
edit 2: the 'het' does not exclude ace people. demisexual homosexual: someone who only feels attraction to people of the same gender after they have formed an emotional connection.
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naamahdarling · 4 months ago
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The vet wants poop samples from the Jeebers, both of them, and it fell to me to collect. 💩 🎉
Junie does what she pleases when she pleases, but if I want something from Jasper all I have to do is go into the bathroom and sit down on the closed toilet seat and wait.
He likes to watch people in the bathroom, and since he has almost no original ideas, he will immediately try to go and use the litter box.
The mirroring is really cute I guess but good lord is he stinky!
Fingers crossed that there's nothing wrong with either of them. I don't think so, but it's hard not to worry excessively.
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light-wrath-paradise · 1 year ago
I hate to say it but I might have to admit that Redditors can be pretty based sometimes
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howsdeanshole · 8 months ago
imagining an alternate ending scenario where cas comes back (handwavey, thanks jack/whatever) and he and dean talk about The Confession after some sort of episode-long miscommunication/avoidance as usual and they get together. but i’m imagining the aftermath of this, where they’re getting used to permitting themselves the casual intimate touch that comes with the new emotional territory and dean is working up the nerve to tell sam so he keeps shrugging off cas’s hands or taking his own back or inching away whenever sam comes in, and eventually sam is like “*scoff* dean, im glad cas is back, too! you don’t have to hide it. it’s not like i’m going to think you’re gay or something.” thinking he’s lightening the mood and taking a weight off of dean.
however. lol.
after this dean keeps trying to tell sam that actually he and cas ARE in love. unfortunately sam is convinced dean is pissed about the gay comment and being weirdly PA about it, and he’s mad that deans dragging cas into his charade because why else would dean be sitting in cas’s lap or petting his hair or getting cas to put his hand in deans back pocket???? he GETS it, okay! dean doesn’t have anything to prove to him! can he just leave cas out of it??????
this would be a 2-3 episode long conflict. in my heart. which is only resolved when sam walks in on them hitting fifth base in the dean cave and is like. okay. well. i don’t think that was for my benefit whatsoever. going to go as far away as i possibly can and scrub off my brain.
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 3 months ago
Entomologist really was the perfect talent to give Gonta. What better field of study could you pick to parallel the guy whose entire character is drenched in misunderstanding and loneliness than that on the animals which are looked at by most people with complete disgust just for existing the way they do?
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big-tit-soup · 6 months ago
Hey guys. Rewatching Ninjago from the start to show it to my partner for the first time. We’ve gotten to season 6 finally, and I’m realizing I remember less of it than I thought I did. Speaking of what I didn’t remember, who was going to tell me that in EPISODE THREE Zane gets essentially ASSAULTED when they’re in prison????? The mechanic literally HOLDS HIM DOWN TO OPEN HIS CHEST.
Everyone is always talking about Jay and Nya in this season. Which is absolutely fair, they go through a hell of a lot. But WHERE are all the people talking about ZANE getting actually assaulted?? In front of our eyes?????
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crimeronan · 1 year ago
i swear to god i've seen an exactly equivalent number of posts recently with the premises "it's gross to talk so much about how you wanna fuck trans people, can't you be normal about people you don't wanna fuck" and "it's gross to act like trans people are unfuckable and that we're only attractive as a fetish, actually i'm a girl with a great dick and it's fine" & i'm like. rubs my eyes. maybe the truth is that human experience is varied and different people wish to be desired/perceived/discussed in different ways and what's validating to one person feels yucky to another. maybe if someone's form of validation isn't for you then you don't need to immediately assume the worst faith possible interpretation of their words. i mean this in the most constructive way possible bc i do this too and i frequently look back at assumptions i made and realize i'm insane. Just Because It Felt Bad To You Doesn't Mean It Feels Bad To Everyone.
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jancysmixtape · 2 years ago
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Season four Benvi is so beautiful to me.
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tomurawr44 · 8 months ago
heyy! I have a request, can you show us how unhealthy and toxic Tomura is? NSFW if you want ✨️
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A/N : okay ty for the first ask!! but imo he's not like DETRIMENTALLY toxic or physically, it's more or so the mindgames he plays and how he unknowingly does the things he does.
WARNINGS: toxic tomura, this is my first time writing him like actually mean so plz forgive, manipulation, all of..that, warnings for NSFW will appear.
he's very into guilt tripping, like actually, it's somewhat sickening at this point, he'll get pissed at just the slightest things and accuse you of hating him or intentionally doing it to piss him off.
he's the jealous kind, like really easy jealous kind, he'll slowly nitpick things about your friends until you cut most of them off of else he'll make you choose between him or them.
he never, ever says sorry, most if not all the blame is on you, he will never acknowledge that he is in the wrong and will blame the world around him for his own failure.
he's very straightforward, he will tell you what's on his mind, for better and for worse. the way he treats Kurogiri reflects on you.
the more vulnerable he gets with you, the more he begins to put his guard up, he's not used to the sensations your giving him, he'll take and take and take, barely giving anything back though.
Don't cry around him, it'll piss him off and he'll make poor half assed attempt to get you to stop, 'stop crying, it's annoying me.' or 'those tears will get you nowhere.'
if you aren't a member of the league, he will put them above you because he craves his 'rightful' seat at the throne as king of destruction, and his hate outweighs his 'love' for you.
he doesn't know how to comprehend his own emotions and will say things he will barely regret during a fit of rage, he'll blame it on you for sticking around.
all your conversations will mostly be about him, once it's about you he kind of looks off to the side and waits with a scoff.
he wants you to touch him but he'll get mad at you if you do.
he's a mess, one day he'll be praising you, touching you and even telling you all sorts of compliments before a little slip up can cause him to lose it and degrade you, say nothing but insults and berate you.
you aren't above AFO, the moment his master finds out about your little relationship (if he even considers it that) he'll break you off like your nothing to him.
his love for you is the same as how AFO loves yoichi.
WARNINGS: dubcon, piss mentioned.
sex with him is honestly a hit or miss, he only mostly focuses on his own pleasure and chases his own high instead of trying to get you to cum too.
he doesn't like it when your kinks have something to do with you being on top, and in the bedroom, it's all about him, and it'll always be about him.
he'll have his orgasm, and recover for a bit, a factory reset for his body before he gets right back up to use his PC or go back to the league.
he's very demanding.
horrible in bed, since it's mostly about him it's all about what he likes, what his kinks are, and what makes him cum. he practically just humps you like a dog before he goes on his way.
aftercare, prep, praise, safewords? what's that? those don't exist for Tomura, you stop when he stops, don't want to leave him pissed off do you?
his kinks are gross, honestly. he looks like a basement dwelling NEET, so he'd probably have some freaky kinks, (mhoj2 he says alot of bdsm based lines) probably even piss if he's willing to put his trust in you that you won't snitch.
even if you do, the more vulnerable he gets he'll remind you that he can take your life any day, to keep you in a constant state of paranoia so you'll stay quiet and alongside him.
huge fan of somnophilia, he'll ask you about it and fuck you like a fleshlight while you're asleep, he's not so kinky to the point he'll have sex with you outside but, he'll indulge in it.
don't be surprised if you wake up with a load in or on you.
He gets really mad when you don't swallow, why? you think he's gross? why don't you just leave him at that point?
When you two break it off, he'll only really try and call you back for a quick fuck because he's tired of using his fist.
he'll never apologize for going overboard in bed, it's your fault you couldn't handle it.
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—Ake 2024
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alieonya · 3 months ago
okay but like. what would've happened if stain was in ua and became a pro-hero?
because stain, aizawa, yamada, kayama, and shirakumo were all in high school at the same time when they were teenagers. he just went to a different school as them, but dropped out because he hated his classmate's ideologies.
maybe akaguro (stain) enrolls into ua? or he was transferred early on into it somehow because of poor behavior due to his growing anger towards his classmate'e behavior? he would've been in kayama's grade since they're both a year older than aizawa, shirakumo, and yamada.
he probably wouldn't have been able to pass the entrance exam/the hero course classes were filled, and he knew he had to train in order to have a high rank in the sports festival in his first year. he does so and gets a high rank in the festival, and then he's switched into the hero course?
if akaguro was transferred to ua and entered the hero course, he probably wouldn't befriend anyone and would adopt a mindset similar to shinsou's—but his reasoning is that he doesn't want to befriend anyone with "selfish desires".
then when the new first years are enrolled into ua, including shirakumo, yamada, and aizawa—i think aizawa would've gone into the general studies course first for the same problem as akaguro, of not being able to pass the physical entrance exam.
somehow, akaguro would've met aizawa and his first question is "why do you want to be a hero?". when he learns its not for self gain, he starts training him before the festival, and aizawa whoops ass in the sports festival like akaguro did in his first year.
they still talk and are fairly close before akaguro is dragged into the rooftop squad—the whole reason why i think he'd be dragged in is because kayama notices that him and aizawa are friends, and befriends him as well before dragging him to their spot.
akaguro would eventually start to lighten up, and become more laid back and open, by being around them—though he still doesn't agree with those who want to be heroes for fame, he isn't as overbearing about it. he helps teach shirakumo and yamada too, and maybe is able to save shirakumo? 🤷‍♀️
he starts out as closed off, cold, and maybe a little rude, but becomes more friendly and understanding by being around people who forced him out of being closed off. a group he finds himself enjoying and caring about.
i'm not sure what his hero name would be. maybe paralyzer? nightcrawler? 🤷‍♀️ anyways. as an adult he would've become an underground hero, maybe alongside aizawa if shirakumo does still die.
if shirakumo does die, and he becomes an underground hero alongside aizawa. he keeps tabs on aizawa and checks on him with random visits while on the job, and encourages him to follow kayama's advice to become a teacher—maybe he knew about her idea, and was just as concerned abt aizawa.
idk, just spit balling and don't really have any concrete ideas, i just wanted to ramble abt the idea. any add ons/ideas are welcome!! chizome akaguro my beloved underrated mha character <333
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snixx · 8 months ago
multishipping is a superpower you neeeeeeeeeeed to have when you love getting into shitty gay media with found family because OF course they're going to make an incest map of all the characters and your otp will almost definitely not be endgame. of course they're going to pair the main guy and girl together as endgame just because. and I mean you COULD be a hater about it and curse the writers and throw a four year long fit but it's so much more fun when you just make your peace with the fact that this was always going to happen and pretend everyone is in a happy little polycule as they go through 18575879 different pairings you know aren't going to last because fandom and just the experience of being a fan is so much more fun that way!!!
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ruinationz · 1 year ago
tired: caine x pomni, in the sense that caine is trying to keep her there forever with his own malicious intentions (and pomni has given up entirely, probably on the verge of abstracting if caine will even LET her), or pomni is using the relation in order to escape . very bad. very ooc. what is wrong with you
wired: caine x pomni: in the sense that they both understand that they cannot be together forever and that's ok. they still love eachother so so SO much nothing can change that and are ACTIVELY working to help pomni escape in a way that she can bring caine with her.
sometimes they find themselves thinking "i want to be with you forever", then pausing and going "...when exactly is 'forever', really?". sometimes one panics over the idea of being abandoned and going back to square one all over again, or one of them abstracting, or some horrible event that will separate the two. but they understand that the shitty situation exists and is stopping them from anything further, and they're trying to fix it as best as they can. and even if they do part one day (in the case that caine is unable to, somehow, come to the physical world), who cares? they'll have one another in their hearts, holding their memory close for as long as they live
then again it's 8 in the morning, im half-asleep, and have no idea what im doing
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bread-squid-uwu · 1 month ago
Every time someone draws skinny Zane I want to scream and cry very aggressively. Please. He's canonically called fat. Please stop drawing him skinny just because he's emo.... it's weird.
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sketchehm · 2 months ago
SERPIAS: If this was two attractive people it'd be different....
Chat: You and Sapnap during Argentina
SERPIAS: [Laughing] Hi Sapnap! [Laughing, Plays Clip] Literally!
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beast-feast · 6 months ago
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Two hour long video about my favorite movie (about my favorite guy?) Errrmmm sign me tf up
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