#oh emmrich what have you done
timethehobo · 3 months
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Quick animated thingy cos I was just imagining a romance route greeting.
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vangbelsing · 4 days
Emmrich X Rook: First Meeting Prompt for DADreams
So this was made VERY quickly and it's so rushed because I wanted to get it out before the night is over soooooo it's not gonna be good🫠 Please forgive the pacing, it's so bad LOL but I was running out of time😭 I may even revisit this at a later date because this doesn't really get Alinas character across that well... Also the ending is pure projection because I am sleepy and cannot force myself to make this better. ANYWAY here's wonderwall
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She had met him with a gaze one might expect from a pampered noble woman who had just lain eyes on a sack of grain, or a King looking at the common man who lived with means far more humble: utter indifference. She spared no thought nor consideration in her appraisal of the necromancer. A quick summation of his physical attributes was all she had done, and even that was hardly committed to memory.
His eyes met hers then, as if suddenly aware of the unimpressed stare that had been leveled at him. She anticipated the furrowing of brows, the downward turn of his lips into a look of displeasure or familiar scrutiny. Or perhaps even for him to simply turn his eyes elsewhere, disregarding her with the same indifference she had afforded him.
What she had not expected, however, was the swift quirk of his lips into a welcoming - perhaps even charming - smile. A gesture easily forced, though she noted the way his smile seemed to reach his eyes with all the warmth and decency to which she was so unaccustomed.
Few words had been spoken then, as necessity demanded swift action. At least, few beyond that which accompanied a sudden and... colorful introduction; mere formalities and what could have been described as a review of qualifications. Alina noted the way Neve had practically rolled her eyes at her for all but making Emmrich recite a resume while they had been under threat of attack.
Now that they were back at the Lighthouse and with no pressing concerns, as they had finished the debriefing, she assumed everyone would go about their individual business. Her hope was that she would make proper use of that feather bed after having done enough training and preparation for todays excursion to make even a veteran caffeinated lunatic wince.
Yet, no sooner than she had undressed from her armor into more comfortable raiment was there a knock at her door. And there he was, not even changed from the attire she had met him in, all smiles and proper conduct. She couldn't help the way her eyes blinked at him, the surprise in her gaze likely just as apparent as the raven hair that cascaded down her shoulders like waves of liquid midnight across a starless ocean of sky.
"My apologies, I hadn't realized you had already made yourself comfortable." Emmrich said with a soft and apologetic chuckle.
"Right." She replied, obviously taken somewhat aback by the necromancers arrival, "Did you need?"
The man lifted a hand, dismissive of the suggestion. "Oh, gracious no, I should hardly think to allow myself such impropriety as to impose so brazenly upon a new acquaintance. It's simply..." he paused, his slender fingers reaching to perch at his chin, his expression momentarily pensive, "ours was an introduction made swiftly, and with so little geniality. I would like to correct that."
Her head tilted to the side, a sliver of her black hair falling loosely in her eye. She appraised him warily, gauging his intent as if searching for something. He seemed to notice her perusal of features and smiled, the gesture catching Alina off-guard.
"I...see. You're fairly friendly, for one of your profession." She mused, resting a hand at her hip.
He waved an ornamental hand, seeming somewhat amused by her assertion. "One might argue those in my line of work may benefit from a little friendliness. The dead rarely respond well to hostility."
Her lip quirked upward, the ghost of a giggle escaping her throat. "When framed like that, I can hardly disagree."
She held her out then for him take, her pale skin now bare as opposed to the black leather that had adorned her body earlier. The armor that covered her was now replaced with a scarlet chemise, the satin fabric hanging over her shoulders loosely.
He mirrored her gesture, taking her hand gently, almost carefully in his own, the jewelry he wore jingling at the movement as it reached her skin, the contact of cool metal causing a slight shiver to climb her back. Her hand was far smaller than his, she noticed then, her eyes peering at the way her hand seemed practically engulfed in his hold.
His other hand, balled into a fist, shot up to stifle the sound he made as he cleared his throat, his face then taking a pleasant smile. "Allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Emmrich Volkarin, very much pleased to make your acquaintance."
"My name is Alina, and the pleasure is mine, mister Volkarin."
"Please," he said, taking her hand in both of his now, "there's no need for that. Emmrich will suffice."
He then broke the contact, releasing her hands with just as much tenderness as when he had taken them, the shifting of his body causing his chains and bangles to clang and clink once again.
"And now that we have met more properly, I believe I should allow you to return to your rest. Today has been quite the trial, after all."
Alina nodded, "True enough. It was... eventful, to say the least."
"Quite." Emmrich replied softly, the mirth on his features betraying the calm of his voice. "And as such, I should bid you good evening. Though I hope we will have more opportunities to speak with one another in the future."
She gave him a small smile, courteous and slightly mischievous, "I'm sure there will be plenty of time to mingle whenever we aren't occupied with the occasional beheading of Venatori and the like."
"One hopes. I haven't properly introduced you to Manfred, after all... But, that shall have to wait." He gave a quick bow of his head, "Goodnight, Alina."
"Goodnight." She returned his gesture, if perhaps somewhat awkwardly.
At that, he had turned on his heel, hands clasped together as he made his way back down the staircase that led to Alinas quarters. She watched him walk briefly, observing the way he moved and noting the posture with which he carried himself before finally shutting her door.
She wasn't fully convinced that he warranted special attention, but perhaps she had been hasty to dismiss him so readily. Or, perhaps not. Time would tell, and for tonight, as far as she cared, the only thing that mattered to her was the feeling of her body sinking into her bed. Everything else could wait.
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shouldaspunastory · 1 month
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For @a-song-in-the-stillness and @dadrunkwriting
Tobias Rook x Emmrich Volkarin, (SFW, A-spec character, established relationship, communication, comfort) 890 words
Tobias Rook sighs softly, shutting the book they've been trying and failing to read. They're simply too tired and unable to concentrate to absorb it now, they’ve been reading the same blighted sentence over and over again for at least the last ten minutes, but neither can they seem to get any sleep, instead they rise from bed and gently pad out into the now silent living space most of their companions already retired for the evening and quietly begin boiling some water, hoping perhaps some of the tea blends Emmrich makes will help lull them to sleep, before startling slightly when they encounter the man himself.
Emmrich pushes himself up out of the chair he’s occupied, setting his book on the table as he steps into the open kitchen, the corners of his mouth twitching into a small smile. The necromancer rests a hand for a fleeting moment upon the elf’s shoulder. It’s simple gesture of camaraderie that lights the place where Emmrich’s hand rests and Tobias’ heart aflame.
“Couldn’t sleep,” Emmrich asks softly with a sympathetic smile.
They shake their head. “I was hoping maybe there was still some of that loose leaf tea you made me yesterday,” the elf admits with a shy smile.
“Of course.”
Emmrich moves easily through the kitchen, fetching the kettle, two cups and the tea from its place in a drawer. While it steeps, he glances over at Tobias, studying them with a kind of quiet concern.
“Bad dreams,” he guesses with a touch of empathy in his voice.
Tobias slides into a seat at the table and bites their lip, staring hard at their hands in their lap as Emmrich pours the tea for them both, the elf trying hard to figure out just what to say and how best to go about saying it.
“Just a lot on my mind,” the elf replies finally with a small frown.
Emmrich nods, not immediately pressing for more. The necromancer is nothing, if not curious, about everything, Tobias knows, but he is also unfailingly patient.
“I-“ the elf begins before immediately closing their mouth once more and shaking their head. Emmrich stirs a generous spoonful of honey into one of the cups before placing it gently in front of Tobias and taking the seat beside them.
“If you’re having second thoughts,” Emmrich offers quietly. Tobias shakes their head.
“No,” the elf replies immediately. “No, it’s not- I- I’m worried that you will,” they confess softly.
“What,” Emmrich barks out on a laugh, clearly finding the very idea preposterous, before the necromancer seems to realize how very real the concern is for Tobias and sobers slightly. “Talk me through it,” Emmrich encourages softly with a nod.
“Well, it’s just… we haven’t-“ Done anything more than kiss, Tobias thinks, trailing off, blushing. Creators, they’re not a child, talking about this shouldn’t be so damn hard, should it? Except that Tobias has never had a relationship like this, never had anyone they wanted to share themselves with like this before. They’re not ashamed of what and who they are anymore, but…
“I haven’t made you feel pressured, have I,” Emmrich asks concerned, “because, if I have-“
“No,” Tobias quickly shakes their head again. Emmrich has been nothing but a gentleman, attentive and sweet. “No, you haven’t. I just-“ the elf draws in a shaky breath. “I’d hate to disappoint you,” they confess quietly.
“Oh, Little Bird,” Emmrich whispers, gently reaching across the table to cover the elf’s hand with his own. “You couldn’t if you tried.” Tobias’ lips twitch offering an attempt at a smile, but the fact the elf’s brow remains somewhat furrowed doesn’t escape the necromancer. “Darling, I’m an old man,” Emmrich smiles patiently, shaking his head. “Whatever doubt has wormed its way into your mind, I promise you I’m not holding my breath for some physical benchmark in our relationship or walking around frustrated or resentful. Nothing we’ve done or shared has disappointed me. And,” he continues as Tobias starts to open their mouth to protest, offering the elf’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “no part your body could either. If you decide you’re ready for something more, I only pray I don’t disappoint you.”
The elf fights back the water that rushes to their eyes, the relief they feel that this isn’t a component of their relationship until they decide that it is, that Emmrich isn’t bitter sex isn’t one the many things the two of them share yet. The idea that they can have this, touches, kisses, cuddles, that it doesn’t have to- that it doesn’t mean they are somehow teasing or promising anything more. That they can enjoy them for their own sake. That Tobias and Emmrich’s relationship can be what they decide and at the pace they dictate. It’s everything.
“Could you-“ Tobias hesitates, and Emmrich gently strokes his thumb encouragingly across the back of their hand. “Would you mind sleeping in my room tonight,” the elf asks softly. “I-that night I got injured and you stayed with me… I’ve never slept so well as I did holding you,” they confess.
“Neither have I,” Emmrich smiles fondly, lifting their hand up to his lips for a kiss, whisking their cups to the sink with a wave, before following them back to the elf’s room, his hand intertwined with theirs.
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hmserebusadjacent · 2 months
Self love
So, this is another self projection story after I read two articles in the space of seven days that made me realise that me loving Dorian Pavus is a ginormous act of self love.
So now Emmrich is helping my Rook have a self love moment of his own. Hope you enjoy.
Emmrich Volkarin x Trans Male Rook (Established relationship, comfort, so much love, gender euphoria, self love, Thedas equivalent of top surgery and HRT, some light smut at the end.)
Word count: 1,433
AO3 link
"What are you thinking about, my love?", Rook questioned as Emmrich got lost in stroking his fingers over his lover's chest scars. Emmrich had been staring at them on and off for a while, a wondering sort of smile on his lips that he sometimes pressed to the scars in a kiss.
Rook knew Emmrich loved those scars, as he loved all of his body and especially the more masculine parts of his body affected by the potion he took each month.
But this seemed to be something more than just admiration. The necromancer was so deep in thought it took Rook verbally prodding again before he looked up, blinking owlishly for a moment as he came back to himself.
"Sorry, I was somewhere else then", Emmrich admitted with a shy smile, and Rook couldn't resist reaching out to trace the older man's jaw with his pointer finger.
"That's OK. I just wondered what you were thinking about so intensely."
The mage closed his eyes as he let Rook's touch ground him in the moment, pressing a kiss to the rogue's fingers when they strayed close to the corner of his mouth.
"I was thinking about how brave you are. And how I can't fathom the bravery of what you have done, and how far you have come."
"Thank you, my heart. It means a lot to hear you say that again. What brought this on?"
It did mean the world that Emmrich thought he was so brave for striving to find himself in the hollow shell his parents and society had wanted to create for him. Literally pulling himself out of the ashes had been a long and arduous process and in a lot of ways he was still reaping the long term benefits of it now.
One of them being the amazing necromancer that was currently lying between his legs, looking up at him as if Rook had hung the very stars in the sky.
"I was looking at your scars and thinking how they are an embodiment of the compassion you have for yourself."
Emmrich said it so casually yet so powerfully, as if that wasn't a statement that could shatter walls inside Rook's mind that he didn't even know existed. But he was right. It was an act of compassion of the self, wasn't it? To give both his body and his mind the solace they needed that couldn't be found through any other means. To give himself and the little boy who still lurked inside his ribcage the comfort of nudity, of looking in the mirror and not turning away ashamed.
Of allowing Rook himself to want to live. The compassion of wanting himself to live and to thrive.
The self love of such a gesture was extraordinary. And Rook had never been able to put those feelings into words before now.
"Oh, Emmy", Rook whispered, the wet tinge to his voice the first indication that he was on the verge of bursting into tears. As soon as he heard the first wet sounding syllable Emmrich was looking up, concern falling away to worry as he took in Rook with a hand over his mouth trying to hold back tears.
"My love! Oh, my darling, I'm sorry! Was it something I said?", Emmrich babbled as he crawled his way up the bed and pulled Rook into his embrace, scanning his lover's eyes for any hint of what he could have done wrong.
Rook let himself be bundled up, let the smell of Emmrich and his cologne wash over him as he wrapped an arm around his neck and just tried to breathe around his own quiet sobs.
"It's-not your-fault", Rook managed to get out, snuggling up to the necromancer's neck as Emmrich breathed a little sigh of relief, allowing his lover to hide himself away in order to calm down.
"Let it all out. I'm here."
Let it all out. I'm here.
Rook had hoped so many times to hear those words spoken to him so fondly, so full of love and kindness in the time before he had met Emmrich. And then Emmrich himself had blown every dream Rook thought he had had out of the water by being more amazing as a friend and a partner than he could be possible.
Emmrich was holding him oh so gently, making soft little humming noises that made his throat vibrate next to Rook's ear. With a shaky smile Rook recognised the tune as a lullaby he had told Emmrich about once, one that always served to calm his frayed nerves.
It took a few minutes for Rook to cry himself hoarse, not even trying to stop the tears because his feelings evidently needed to get out of him somehow. Even after that Rook allowed himself a few more moments to come back into his body, to feel Emmrich holding him so carefully.
"Are you with me, darling?", Emmrich questioned as he offered a cloth that he had probably picked up from the nightstand.
"I'm here, Emmy", Rook replied, his voice sounding stronger than he expected.
Emmrich gave Rook the space he needed to wipe his face clean, but his expression showed he was still eager to find out the reason for his lover's outburst as Rook gently pulled away enough to look at the mage.
"I'm sorry, your words caught me off guard", Rook ventured, his heart still aching in his chest as he processed the raging internal feelings too.
"There's no need to apologise for that. I'm sorry if I caused you distress, even inadvertently", Emmrich promised, the hand that wasn't still wrapped around Rook now reaching out cup his cheek instead.
"It's not your fault, Emmrich. I just hadn't been able to put those feelings into words before, and you said everything so perfectly", Rook admitted, his small smile turning into a grin as he raised a hand to trace over his scars.
"These show I love myself more than I thought I did. And that's wonderful."
Emmrich grinned too, looking so damned proud that Rook had to resist just kissing him on the spot. It didn't help that Emmrich was smoothing his thumb near the corner of his mouth, disturbing the peach fuzz that grew there.
"That is wonderful. I hope one day you might see why I am as in love with you as I am. Completely and utterly."
“I love you enough to fill the world. Maybe I can fill my body with love for myself too.”
Words seemed to be not enough for Emmrich to express his feelings as the mage let out such a soft little noise as he crashed his lips against Rook's. Rook responded in kind and let out a little whine of his own, not content with their current state of closeness.
Twisting in Emmrich's arms he placed a hand on the mage's chest, keeping up the passion of the kiss even as he tried to push Emmrich down into the mattress. Emmrich let out a low moan as he let himself be pushed backwards, hands reaching for Rook to pull him down and on top of his body. Bare skin met bare skin, one of the mage's large hands spreading across the rogue's back as another wound into his hair.
Rook felt so deliciously pinned even as he led the charge by questing forth with his tongue, tasting honey and tea on Emmrich's tongue.
“I love you! I love you so much!”, Rook managed to get out in-between kisses, using the limited space that Emmrich would let him have.
“I love you too! Maker, I love you too!”, Emmrich practically whimpered, a familiar desperation creeping into the way his hands squeezed and moved over Rook's body.
By the time the kiss was broken, both men were panting hard, foreheads pressed together in a gesture that Rook still believed to be more intimate than sex in some ways.
“Let me make love to you. Let me love you!”, Emmrich pleaded, his voice sending shivers down Rook's spine. Time for him to enjoy the rewards of being with a man who had always seen him as a man and always would. Who had just shattered and reformed part of his heart and the very way he saw himself and who continued to teach him what love in so many different forms meant.
“Take me, Emmy. Make me yours and mine!”
And Emmrich did just that. And also made Rook remember that he was also entirely his own person too, and that he was an incredibly lucky man.
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hmserebusadjacent · 3 months
Thought I would post my own humble fluffy Emmrich x Rook story here too.
Emmrich x Trans Male Rook (Pining, longing, all of that lovely stuff)
A story in which an origami ship is made and two men grapple with the enormity of their feelings for each other.
Word count: 771
AO3 link
“It was the silly dream of a child, I suppose. To run away to sea…”
Rook had thoroughly drifted off into the mists of time, Emmrich could tell. Practised hands carried on folding the paper this way and that without the maker even having to look down to check his workings. The logical part of the necromancer’s mind wanted to study the paper folding so he might perfect the art before giving Rook a ship of his own.
But Emmrich’s heart was already lost in the other details of the man across from him, as it always seemed to be nowadays.
The way Rook used his nail to press the lines on the paper more firmly and flatten them, the subtle colour change at the end of his nails a hidden bloom. The hunch of the assassin’s shoulders but the lack of stress lines around his eyes and mouth, showing the war between his need to relax and his instinct to be on guard. The small little gap between the man’s lips that moved ever so slightly as he breathed in and out…
Emmrich idly wondered if Rook’s lips would feel as soft as he had often imagined they would…
“Still, it was a nice dream to have, even if it was foolish”, Rook whispered, shattering both the quiet moment and the deep concentration Emmrich had been pulled into. It felt like something had been drained out of him but had also been refilled anew during his quiet contemplation, and Emmrich had to resist the urge to sigh almost wistfully.
When he looked up to the assassin’s eyes to find the man looking at his folded boat, the necromancer acquiesced and looked downwards.
The boat was much like the others that Rook had made, with the pleasing little sails and the flap at the back that allowed the ship to stand up. But this particular paper was such a pleasing shade of green that it almost seemed to dance in the firelight, casting its own shadows much like Veilfire does.
“Beautiful”, Emmrich found himself commenting, permitting a warmer smile than perhaps was wise to twist his lips.
When the necromancer looked back up to Rook he was almost startled to see a blush dusting the assassin's cheeks, the man only holding his gaze for perhaps a second before he was looking away. The little cheeky smile that graced Rook's lips and the little cough he let out too in the aftermath had Emmrich's heart rattling out a sudden realisation.
Did Rook want to be described as beautiful? More specifically by Emmrich himself?
Oh shit…
By the time Rook looked back at Emmrich the necromancer was still trying to form words, and even Emmrich himself knew there must be a certain desperation to his gaze. Desperation to cross the gap, to bridge to something wonderful and new and joyously…alive.
What was worse was that Rook seemed equally torn, heart almost certainly racing in his chest over a dilemma that the older man dared to hope might be similar to his own.
Thankfully the assassin saved Emmrich from needing to formulate anything else that night, effectively ending the line of discussion when he gave a little wink and stood up.
“I've taken up enough of your time. I'll leave you to it.”
The assassin's face was still holding some of that desperate hope, creeping out behind the mask of joviality that was trying to stay fixed in place.
Even then, Rook wasn't done with inadvertently playing with the other man's heart, for his shy gesture of holding out the ship was enough to make Emmrich want to swoon.
“For you, if you'll have it.”
With hands that he desperately hoped weren't shaking, Emmrich reached out and plucked the ship from the waiting hands before him. He couldn't help but cradle both of his hands around the ship now as he brought it back to his lap, intent on protecting it like the treasure it was.
“Thank you…”, Emmrich almost whispered, somehow making the moment feel all the more intimate.
Rook merely offered a small bow, letting Emmrich see the smile on his face as he stood back up to his full height and then departed and melted into the shadows.
The moment Rook was out of sight and earshot, Emmrich Volkarin gently placed his head in one of his hands and let out the wanton sigh that had been building inside himself all evening.
“What am I going to do…?”, he whispered under his breath, the usually stoic necromancer lost in the midst of feelings he hadn't felt for nearly thirty years.
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