#oh carson. we all have skeletons in the closet
sportygothic · 9 months
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sunsrefuge · 2 years
hello hello i grant you a song free space: 1 and 2 for whoever you’d like to share for! :) @kerra-and-company
thank you !! <3 Okay... big disclaimer that I'm going to answer all of them again because I'm just horribly excited about music at all times kajsdhus Please don't feel like you have to read all of them since you did only ask 1 and 2!! i just have limited self-control and it dies the second i open spotify :'D
i'll use Khozzak to answer these!! <3
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Backstory: Bright Mouths by Electric President
We know your tricks, We know all your bad habits, We know your secrets, We know where you're lost, We sneak into your closet and have dinner with the skeletons.
Khozzak's been in the Order of Whispers since he was a teenager, so it's fitting to have one of my favorite Whispers-feeling songs for his backstory! ^^ He joined them young because an Agent caught him pickpocketing and stealing very discreetly in Rata Sum, and they struck a deal where if he joined, they'd help make sure that his sisters were taken care of too!
Personality: Lonely Dance by Set It Off (Linking a fan's lyric video since the Official has a lot of flashing lights!)
Bonus fact that Cody Carson of Set It Off is Khozzak's voice claim! :D This also means that nearly every Set It Off song makes me think of him in some way or another ^^; [Also, the line "That's better" in here, that's just spoken, is exactly why it's his voice claim!]
One step forward, one step backwards, One step forward, one step backwards, All I need is me, myself, and I, (One step forward, one step backwards,) All I need is me, myself, and I, (One step forward, one step backwards,) All I need is peace and quiet! ... That's better.
He's very content when things are quiet and calm! He's also like, perpetually a little grumpy because he has anxiety issues. So he gets overwhelmed a lot, but his way of dealing with it is just brute forcing through it kajshdaukj Not at all healthy, but he starts to unlearn that in his later years thanks to Qlikk <3
Angst: Cold Loud Dark by The Classic Crime
But I am a shadow, I'm a liar, I'm a lesson never learned. I am a coward, but I'll buy a second chance I never earned.
Which later changes to:
I am a shadow, I'm a liar, I'm a lesson learned. I am a coward, but I'll buy a second chance I've earned.
There's also this!!
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know- I never let that stop me anyway! Where it's too dark to see, Too cold to breathe, Too loud to think, That's where I find my way.
Khozzak's got a lot of issues with feeling inadequate due to his father's treatment as he was growing up and due to dropping out of College to take care of his sisters! I like that too cold to breathe is in here too, because that lines up with Icebrood Saga for him, where he gets iced! ^^ The shadow / liar stuff fits nicely with the Order of Whispers imo, and I never let that stop me anyway just tags onto his resilience!! :D
Comfort: Somewhere Only We Know by Lily Allen
This hits mainly for his relationships with his sisters; they've always been close and take care of each other when they can. There's a certain fondness for the 'simpler' past, even though their childhoods were about as complicated as they could've been. I like to think that they had a spot in Rata Sum that was their meet up if anything happened, a safe little corner that no one else knew about, and this is kind of reminiscing about that!
Oh simple thing, where have you gone? I'm getting tired and I need someone to rely on.
Love Life: Free by Mother Mother
A bloody war, Behind my eyes, I come out right on the other side. Just close the door, And shut the blinds, I'll come out right on the other side.
This is primarily on his Icebrood playlist, but it fits very well!! Once he feels safe & secure with Qlikk, and they're both interested in settling down, Khozzak gets very interested in leaving behind his role as Commander. Phoenix has been carrying the mantle since Maguuma anyway. It just feels urgent, like most of his music, but also like a plea;
Love, let my nightmares turn into dreams. Love, let the angels into my sleep. Love, let the spirits fly out of me. Love, let my love inside go...- Love, let my anger turn into peace. Love, let the doves cry out in the streets. Love, let the poison bleed out of me. Love, let my love inside go free.
Fight Scene: White Rabbit by Egypt Central
Your lies fool no one.
Khozzak does specialize in dispelling Mesmers illusions! ^^ Inspired originally by the fact that he, somehow, got every story step where Mesmers fuck with you in Personal Story, and I originally thought Mesmers were only villains because of this kajsdhusfdk
Your magic, white rabbit, Has left its writing on the wall. We follow, like Alice, And just keep diving down the hole.
It's also funny to me, because you can switch this song around once he gets iced! Then he's technically the white rabbit >:)
Thirst Trap Fancam?
King by Foreign Figures !! No one ask why I knew this one instantly kajhduasdaku
All hail, I'll never be your king. I'll never be your king. No, I'll never be your-- (Off with his head!) Why would you even build a pedestal, Or beautiful throne, If it's not your own?
I don't know why this song also has a very "when he gets iced and ends up Jormag's Herald" vibe. :D Lowkey have wanted to do an edit to the bridge where it's like.. First him fine, healthy, normal; and after "(Off with his head!)" and then cut to Icebrood shenanigans. ^^
ik all of this wasn't asked for so if you read this far ily <3
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scarecrow36 · 3 years
When Calls the Heart S8 Ep 8 - call this a rant or something, I don’t even know what to say
Ok, ok. Take a breath. Best part of this episode? As is becoming more and more usual, Henry. Henry Gowen as usual is there with all that character development and developing relationship to his son and I was just so relieved by that storyline and happy for all of it.
Henry, and Bill in his uniform, and Molly’s gorgeous speech to Bill right before him putting it on - I don’t think I’ve seen her speak that courageously since season one. And that’s what I love about this season so far! Seeing characters we’ve seen since the early seasons develop into full people with so much color, personality and variance: Florence and Ned finding joy with each other, Molly standing up for herself, Rosemary finding a new passion, Clara and Jesse struggling with money troubles, Henry getting close to people in his life. THATS THE GOOD PART OF THIS SEASON.
Regrettably I am a staunch Nathan fan, so this was a KILLER. Allie losing it at Elizabeth, Nathan fighting with Lucas who is only ever presented as honorable and kind these days (which I don’t think is right for his character, personally! I know I’m not the best judge but I think it is WAY too obvious and overly sentimental to act the perfect gentleman all the time! We get it Lucas, you’re a good guy, and you’re doting on Elizabeth, and you’ll do whatever it takes to make her happy, but is that really all you are these days?! Tell me you don’t have faults and skeletons in the closet, mate! Also I don’t at ALL like that he insinuated that Nathan is not thinking of Elizabeth or Allie but only of himself. I mean, has he met Nathan!? That is just so unfair of him to say! But I’m biased...*angry face*). Then there is Nathan and Elizabeth throughout the whole thing, and that... that BOMB being dropped at the end. I didn’t want it to be that, but I had a feeling it might be. I guess I was hoping Nathan was there when Jack died or something more heartfelt like that. I just... I don’t know how you come back from that kind of secret and that kind of pain. Essentially, he was supposed to be in Jack’s place. Insane. I can’t think of any way this would bring Nathan and Elizabeth closer now and so my heart is just completely in despair.
I miss Opal and the kids. :( I miss the school days and happy Allie and baby Jack and fun town events that bring all of Hope Valley together. More Lee and Rosemary please, they keep my head on straight! I guess I just miss the town banding together and thriving in general.
I don’t think this episode came together very well, the storylines felt very disjointed. Here in one corner of Hope Valley we’re supposed to engage with Christopher and Rachel’s little dalliance when we’re still reeling from the scene that came before it (like the scene where Elizabeth and Lucas were having a hot moment or whatever that was??). And it is so wonderful to watch the Canfields settle into Hope Valley but we can’t fully turn our attention to them because Allie is ripping paper and Henry’s passing out at his desk and Nathan and Lucas are showing down and saying “Save it” to each other and Elizabeth’s all over the place. And I think the conversation with Nathan and Elizabeth didn’t have to happen in public and felt too rushed into. It kind of felt like it wasn’t earned by the entirety of the episode that came before it. By that moment, there was just too much drama that had gone down. I didn’t wanna see more yelling!
Carson, fetch me a cold compress. Oh wait, no - you’re leaving, maybe (?). Faith, you gorgeous little sunbird, take my temperature please. I am just too overwhelmed!
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tbhwhocaresanymore · 4 years
Nancy Drew 2x1
ONE OF YOU apparently ran to @kat--writes, or as my friend and I call her Tumblr Kat, and snitched that I had not yet posted my Nancy Drew premiere review. I promised to get it up by today and yes it is technically after midnight but the sun has not yet risen, so please find my thoughts under the cut.
Before I do anything else let me just say I will never stop appreciating the continuous book Easter eggs the show writers drop. Nancy mentioning how she learned that trick with the mirror in “a bungalow mystery” when she did in fact pull that exact same trick in The Bungalow Mystery? Iconic.
Now that’s out of the way, I’m going to do something I’ve never really done before and start off with the negatives. Guys, I was underwhelmed.
Not by the episode itself, the episode was great. It picked up right where we left off and continued into the mystery of the Aglaeca, the cast was engaging, the horror was chilling, the story kept unfolding. The problem is, it was great as any other regular episode, it was less great as a season premiere. I waited TEN MONTHS for this episode. And granted I understand that ND didn’t get to finish off its first season how they wanted, but they have had, I repeat, ten months to plan this. The season 1 premiere, for all its issues, did exactly what a season premiere is supposed to do. It established relationships, a season-long arc, character trajectories, and even a couple of smaller plots. We saw Nancy and her dad were on the rocks, she and George didn’t get along in high school, Bess is rich but living in a van, Tiffany Hudson was murdered and the crew are suspects, George is sleeping with Ryan, Ace is working for the police, and we found the bloody Lucy Sable dress in Nancy’s attic, to name but a few.
You guys, that is a lot of plot lines. And the writers explored and solved every single one of them over the course of the season.
Now we have the season 2 premiere. The crew tries to find a mirror to fight the Aglaeca, meets a mouthy dude, and takes a break from the Aglaeca to hide from the Gorham wraith. (Gorham is 100% a play on Gotham fight me.) Like yes there is more if you squint, but aside from that nothing all that major really happened. Mr. Hudson is setting up a defense, but we knew that already. Ryan wants a relationship with Nancy and is pissed at Carson for keeping her a secret, but we knew that already. The new head cop doesn’t trust Nancy or the crew at all, but, again, we knew that already.
But since this was still a good episode even if a lackluster premiere, I will still give you some positives.
The Gorham wraith you guys, oh my god the horror was fantastic. Nancy Drew is really looking every other magic show’s super special effects in the eye as it hits them over the the head with a folding chair made by their costuming and makeup department. The scarecrow coming to life, banging on the back of the bus, crawling in after Nancy? On point. I was on the edge of my seat.
Ryan I know you are an asshole and your character arc is a work in progress but kidnapping? Are you serious right now? “Your suicidal girlfriend begged us to hide and take care of her child right before jumping off a cliff. Also I didn’t even know you were the father.” “Omg how dare you. Time for BLACKMAIL.” It’ll be interesting to see how this whole Ryan v Carson thing plays out. I suspect maybe Carson will become like an example father figure to Ryan, teach him how to be good to Nancy. Something like “if you’re serious about being a father lesson number one is it’s not about you anymore, it’s about her. And you sending me to prison won’t just hurt me it’ll hurt Nancy.” I think that would be a nice parallel, Kate was Lucy’s guidance counselor, and now Carson will be Ryan’s parental counselor/therapist/whatever.
I’m going to be completely honest here, I totally forgot Nick and George had not actually told Nancy they are together. No idea how long this is going to go on for, I suspect not that long, but maybe up until like episode 5 or 6. I do think it would be fun if Nancy found out in like the absolute worst way possible. Like here is my worst/best case scenario. I know Nancy is supposed to have some kind of thing with Gil so let’s say they hook up a couple times and he burns her, as he probably will, and Nancy goes to Nick cause she’s upset and needs to talk, and when he opens the door thinking it’s the pizza guy he is shirtless and George is in the bed behind him. Unlikely, but fun to imagine. But however they do it, all the Nick and George fans will undoubtedly get some fun footage of them sneaking around, so enjoy guys.
All the Nancy and Ace shippers are also getting good material, even if I want to grab Ace by the shoulders and physically shake him.
Nancy: I can’t let you guys help me summon the Aglaeca, there could be really bad consequences.
Crew: Psh, consequences? What consequences? We have the power of FRIENDSHIP.
*Aglaeca sends them all death visions*
Ace: How dare you drag me into this Nancy I can’t believe we’re all going to die because of you.
LIKE BRUH. ACE. MY GUY. If you could maybe use your considerable brain power to pull your head out of your ass for TWO SECONDS I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks. But aside from that, their scene at the end? Poetic cinema. The slow burn is strong with this one. Even if I do have faith she will eventually find her way back to Nick aaaaaaaaah
Not sure how I feel about the twins yet. I know they were in some other ND-verse book series, but tbh I only ever read the Nancy Drew books. I never delved into the Hardy Boys or anything else, I was a Drew girl all the way. I do think the writers could maybe have done a better job introducing us to Gil and making us like him. Like they were definitely going for the Han Solo type I feel, and George being all “wow the Bobsey twins are hardcore” as he ups the price while literally dying. Um, George, no, the Bobsey twins are fucking morons, or at least Mr. Diabetic over here is. It says a lot that Amanda had only two lines of dialogue and I liked her considerably more than Gil. But who knows, maybe they’ll grow on me. And they did mention their family used to work for the Hudsons, I would bet good money they know about more than one skeleton that’s been stuffed in the closet.
This paragraph right here is for me and the like two other Drewson shippers in the fandom. Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the first meeting flashback oh my god. I was dying. I rewatched it ten times. I am in love. The way they both just sort of stared at each other, the way Nancy clearly feels a certain amount of nostalgia for him and what they had. I am deceased. Honest to god I don’t care how many Nick x George and Nancy x Ace moments the writers throw at us, just as long as I continue to get crumbs like that I am good. Have faith guys.
And finally, oh my dear, talented writers. I would like to know when exactly you are planning on pulling my three most favorite women out of whatever floorboard you have stuffed them under. I WOULD LIKE DEAD LUCY, VICTORIA, AND HANNAH GRUEN TO PLEASE STAND UP. Yes I know Hannah Gruen is in the next episode but the wait is excruciating. And if the last time we saw Dead Lucy was going to be in the courtroom scene, her standing in the doorway as Nancy read her suicide note? I am going to mcfreaking lose it.
Well that’s all for today. Sorry this took so long, I guess I just wasn’t all that inspired by this premiere episode. But hopefully I will get the next one finished much quicker. And with that, I leave you until Wednesday the 27th when Nancy Drew 2x2, The Reunion of Lost Souls airs. See ya
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go-redgirl · 5 years
Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 7/21/19 | Maria Bartiromo Fo...
American Patriot 1776 Doug Collins will make Muller look like a complete IDIOT. Oh..... the ILLUSION of the COLLUSION DELUSION has come to a CONCLUSION. 
Pass the popcorn.  
Thank you 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Norrie Livingstone Sack that production manager. This program mixup is done on purpose or else he’s asleep. Fox is becoming a joke .
 Get your act together you jerks
Jack Of None Won't watch news on this channel again...this recording is really messed up!!!
John Aiola lots of fun listening to two shows at once.....
REPLY  gmail YouTube did it on purpose while Mr Carson was speaking they injected that lunatic Wallace
REPLY robert brander It cuts off and repeats at 30 minute mark .
Rick Adam TOO many voices talking over eachother to hear anyone! Learn to do interviews properly!
REPLY EXIT The audio interference is only on this channel. Other channels dont have it.
REPLY  gmail I really appreciate Ben coming on. His really down to earth and funny.
REPLY Head Strong she said it by herself ban muslims country .i am from iran but not muslim the way she is married to her brother she is cheater , liar,ungrateful, by the way america mead her congress woman
REPLY mark newman
ilhan Omar is an alias she is married to her brother and lied about it to get him into this country her father is under an assumed name and he was best friends with one of the Warlords that we have sanctions against and this is the kind of person that is in our Congress I fear the country is doomed
REPLY BC Stud Remember  the Past proves  the  Future  = Robert  Mueller  has  lots of  skeletons  in  his closet  going  back  to   the  911  investigation  and  then  the  Uranium  One  scheme with  Hillary  and  Rod Rosenstein  back  in  2008-2009 .  Lots  will  be  coming  out later  as  US  Military  have  all  the  communications  - so there is  no  Escape .  FISA  = Blockbuster - Kaboom 
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Trump signed an executive order to ban Immigrants from several middle eastern countries and stop Syrian Refugees from entering into the US. His supporters love this because most of them believe the hype behind this myth that our borders are wide open. The process is actually very thorough and takes up to 2 years before any refugee is able to enter the US, but FOX News or it didn’t happen right? This order also plans to defund any sanctuary cities, hire 5,000 border officers, expand detainment centers, and the end the catch and release policy. For a group of people that are so pro-life, they seem to not GAF about the lives of these women and children. I’m not surprised when you have Senators compare people to buildings… yes you read that right, people are just inanimate objects for them to play with.
Trump also ordered the building of the Wall right before his officials are set to meet with senior Mexican officials. The wall will still cost us $25 Billion dollars to build and Mexico has already said, hell no to paying for it and they aren’t planning to pay us back for it either. What does that even mean, pay us back? Well, apparently Trump wants to take all the money that Mexican immigrants in the US are sending back to their families in Mexico to help fund the $25 Billion wall. Which doesn’t seem like a reliable defense since, you know, tunnels… Just sayin’
Then later in the day, Foreign Mexican officials who were supposed to meet with Chief of Staff Reince Pubis Priebus, Trump’s Son In-Law Jared “My daddy had to pay to get me into Harvard” Kushner, Mike Flynn (NSA), and Steve “is Alt Right” Bannon are reconsidering their visit. They were going to try to convince Trump that blowing up NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) could potentially effect 6 million American Jobs that depend on exports to Mexico. They also were planning to flex by threatening to stop cooperating in the fight against drug trafficking, and discontinue efforts to stop foreign terrorists from using Mexico as a throughway into the US because let’s face it everyone hates us right now. Granted, NAFTA could use some updates (data protection, online-crime, and e-commerce weren’t around in the early 90’s when initially signed). But “NAFTA and Other trade deals [are not what has] gutted American Manufacturing”. Automation and our failure to train people for the evolving job requirements in manufacturing have. Let’s face it, this whole plan isn’t for the people; this is for Profit… because remember the President is still profiting from his businesses.
 Let’s Talk About Climate Change
Trump has ordered the EPA to take down the climate page from their website. Also with everything else that’s going on, the sneaky GOP has officially shut down the investigation into the Flint water crisis. All those people will receive no justice and the problem has not been fixed. 
 ACA/ Housing Developments
House passes a nationwide abortion ban, vote now goes to the Senate! Also, turns out that Global Gag order is not just business as usual as some news reports say. It actually goes much farther with some unprecedented reach
HHS banned from releasing data/facts to the public.Elizabeth Warren and Sherrod Brown to approve Ben Carson to HUD. Yup the same guy who said Obamacare was “the worst thing to happen to America Since Slavery” and that he didn’t want to take this job because he has no experience running a government agency. SMH
 The GOP’s Hypocritical Oath
Looks like the axis of evil has some hypocritical skeletons in their own closets. I mean you would think that if two of the cornerstones of your campaign centered around the misuse of emails (one that led to that investigation to nowhere) and unsubstantiated claims of a rigged voting system, you would want to make sure your hands were clean of such offenses right? WRONG! Egg, meet face.
It has come to light that both Steve Bannon, Steve Mnchin (Treasury Secretary Nominee) and Tiffany Trump are registered to Vote in 2 different states! Also, the republicans beat the democrats in the House and Senate by over 3 million votes, so I’m thinking the GOP really doesn’t want this investigation digging up dirty details. But logic need not apply in this house.
Oh, and BTW Kellyann, Bannon, Kushner, and Spicer are all using private email accounts, while Trump is still communicating on unsecure devices. This is the same private email system that the Bush Administration got caught using (remember the one where they “lost” 22 million emails).  Guarantee that is something you will not see on the FOX News feed. Stay woke people!
 Bills, Bills, Bills & The Crooked GOP
The Senate Voted 51 to 48 to completely dismantle clauses in the ACA they were supposed to keep. And there is still no replacement! Items include: ending coverage for preexisting conditions (this also affects you if you get your insurance through work, like I do), cut funding for Child Health Insurance Program, cut provision allowing children to stay on their parent’s healthcare until the age of 26, remove discrimination from women in healthcare, end contraceptive coverage, defund and repeal the affordable care act. House Vote is on FRIDAY! Better get in touch with your Senators!
Mississippi Gov, Phil Bryant, aka Mike Pence 2.0, signed into law yesterday a bill allowing businesses to refuse service to people in the gay community just by claiming, “God made me do it.” Oh ya, this effects the Trans Community as well.
On a National level, Mr. “I Love The Gays” is now backing this Anti- LGBTQ bill, the First Amendment Defense Act, which essentially is code for “Not Straight, No Service.”
House passes bill to PERMANENTLY outlaw abortion for folks on ACA, Medicare and Medicaid in the case of incest or rape! This was the only form of abortion allowed to be paid for with federal $$$ under the Hyde Amendment. Studies have shown that banning abortion does not decrease the number of abortions, but is does increase the number of maternal deaths. This is truly the party of death!
Keep track of all proposed legislation with the countable app.
The Netherlands came to SLAY! In response to Trump’s reinstatement of the global gag order, the Dutch government set up an International Abortion fund. Just as we saw in the Women’s March, the WORLD has got our back and we will need the support for the next 4 years!
Another Victory, the Agriculture Department Lifted the Gag Order out of response to all the “outrage” they received! The Resistance IS working. Continue to be vigilant and speak up!
ProPublica is an outlet that recently came out and is now helping Scientists “leak” data and still stay anonymous. This could prove very valuable as many scientists were frantically saving data before the Trump Dumb. Now it looks like there are alternative venues to house and distribute info to the public, including rogue twitter accounts created by the National Parks Service AltUSNatParksService (@AltNatParkSer), the EPA @UngaggedUSEPA, and NASA @rougeNASA. it’s official! The resistance movement has hit SPACE!
Greenpeace killed it in the resistance game yesterday! These People Scaled a crane and hung a “Resist” banner just blocks away from the White House! You could actually see it in the background as you looked at the Whitehouse! And then these folks chased down Marco Rubio to give him an actual spine in response to his caving on the Tillerson vote.
Some leaky aids in the Whitehouse spilled all the tea on how our resistance is getting under the Child in Chief’s thin skin. It seems like he’s having a hard time adjusting to having a real job.
NYC continues to make me proud! Here is video of the hundreds of people that descended upon Washington Square to STAND up for immigrants and Muslims! Later on Mayor Bill De Blasio, held a press conference to express that NYC would remain a sanctuary city. Mayors from Boston, San Francisco, and other sanctuary cities around the US joined suit. I couldn’t make the protest by donated to the IRC (International Rescue Committee). You can Donate HERE. Philly also Rose Up and protested outside the GOP’s hotel where Trump is supposed to meet with the GOP today! More Protests are scheduled. Info HERE.
Demonstration Save the Dates
1/30 (MON) Stop Devos Office Visit at Schumer’s Office, 49th and 3rd 4:15pm! Why? Because even her former college mates think she’s inept! RSVP HERE
1/31 (TUES) What the F@$k Chuck, rally in front of Chuck Schumer’s house to remind him he may be sitting pretty and secure now, but he works for US and we will hold him accountable. #NotOneInch. RSVP to the Event HERE
2/11 (SAT) Anti-Planned Parenthood Protest Support needed. They are targeting the Planned Parenthood on Bleecker, 26 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10012, from 11pm-1pm. The PP reps do not want counter protesters but instead folks that can volunteer to be escorts for patients. Find if your center is affected and call/ email for more info on how to help.
1) EMERGENCY ACTION TO STOP DEVOS. VOTE IS 1/31. Calling all NC, SC, ME, TN, AK, GA, UT, LA, KS, and KY friends!! WE NEED 3 SENATORS TO CHANGE THEIR VOTES TO PREVENT DeVos FROM BEING CONFIRMED!!!. Guide to Calling Senators. These are the Senators we need to vote NO. Find Your Elected Officials HERE. If you can’t get to them, try all the numbers listed for their staff as well!
2)  FLOOD Paul Ryan’s office with letters (since he has stopped picking up the phone) and tell him what happened today in the House to remove the provisions of Obamacare and defund it with no replacement is unacceptable. here is his mailing address: 1233 Longworth HOB, Washington, D.C. 20515; Fax: (202) 225-3393. Yes, they still use Fax Machines over there.
3)  NYC/ Manhattanites Keep Calling Chuck to demand he stop compromising with Trump. Home Address: 9 Prospect Park, W Brooklyn, NY 11215. Fill his mailbox! Melville Office: 631-753-0978, Dir of NYC Policy and Economic Development: 212-486-7804, or his special assistant: 212-486-5373 (these are the only ones getting through right now)
4)  Call (844)-6-RESIST to tell the House to vote against Jeff Sessions.
5) Follow the @AltNatParkSer, @UngaggedUSEPA, and @rougeNASA to stay woke on Science!
6) Science March on Washington Is in The Works. Join their FB Page Here or follow them on twitter @SciencmarchDC or Reddit to keep up to date or signup to help!
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