#oh but the south is so hateful and backwards.
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fishysos · 4 days ago
Oh wow appalachia has been hit with flooding, I can't wait to see people say we deserved it because we're red states.
(nvm bc I've already seen fucking plenty)
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 7 months ago
Smoke Detector
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Notes: Love love that I still haven't posted Orange Blossoms. And it's such a good chapter too yo I think I'm going THROUGH it secretly and I just don't know it yet
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You’re upset, you’re beyond upset. But you can hear Jill, your therapist
“It’s what he loves to do Y/N, he saves people” 
And she wasn’t saying it to convince you that you were crazy or something, she was saying it to remind you that he wasn’t crazy for wanting to do this.
Maybe therapy before work wasn’t the best idea but it was the only time you were free. You’d told her about how scared you were about Eddie getting hurt and you knew it was wrong to want him to stay home but all you wanted to do was ask him anyway. You just wanted him to quit being a stupid firefighter 
Okay, no you didn’t. Not really anyway! But some days were just so much harder than others to deal with, especially when he’d come home exhausted and bruised up, or shaking from something that had scared him. 
The worst nights were when he’d come home and just hold you… he’d go lay straight in bed and you knew by then that something bad had happened… someone had gotten hurt or worse they didn’t save someone. 
It was starting to eat into your mental health, no matter how many times Jill said you should really talk to him, you just couldn’t. You couldn’t make him feel bad for going to work and doing what he loved. So you kept it to yourself, you let it stay all boxed up in a nice little package 
It was convenient the fire had broken out near your job, and you were able to sneak over to where the truck was. It totally wasn’t safe and Bobby hated every time he found you leaning against the truck waiting for Eddie 
So you leaned against the ambulance this time. 
It wasn’t too bad of a fire, you watch as they put it out relatively quickly. Eddie turns around and spots you, he opens his arms as Buck starts bringing in the hose
“Heyyy pretty girl!” You run and jump into his arms and he spins you around, squeezing you tightly 
“What are you doing here?” 
“Where the 118 is, I appear” you joke as he swishes you around a bit and smirks, kissing all over your face
“I’m so glad you’re here baby” He sets you down and keeps his arms around you. He takes off his helmet and sets it on your head “Now I don’t have to wait until tonight to see my pretty girl” 
“If you guys are done being disgusting? Cap wants us to check the south side in a minute he says there’s more smoke coming from there” 
Eddie makes you stand on his toes and walks you two backward to the truck, Buck is gagging and you’re snorting when their radios crackle 
“Be advised we believe there may still be a child inside” 
“Oh god, what if there-“
Before you can even finish your sentence Eddie’s eyes narrow, they light up for a moment and he sets you down 
“I see him, Cap, I’m going in”
You freeze up and reach out for Eddie“No! No no no no-“ 
Buck grabs your waist and holds onto you tightly for a moment so they can talk this through 
“Eddie maybe I sho-“
“We don’t have time for that!” He takes his helmet from you and goes running right back into the smoking building as you scream for him. Buck holds you in his arms as you try to fight him off but he won’t let you go. You don’t stop fighting until you see Eddie dragging the child out, his mask over the little kid's face. Buck lets you go to rush over and help, Bobby takes the child and Buck drags Eddie to the ambulance as he hacks up a lung. Hen attends to him and you come running over 
“Eddie?? Eddie-“ He reaches out for you but Hen gently pushes you to the side 
“Just give me one minute with him honey, it’s okay” She hooks him up with an oxygen max and he gasps raggedly, falling forward from dizziness they catch him and set him back upright. She rubs his back soothingly and holds the mask up to his nose 
“Hey come on breathe slowly, you know better” She jokes as she tries to get him to breathe in the oxygen while Chim takes his pulse. His head lolls forward onto Chimney’s shoulder but he’s improving pretty quickly anyway. 
“See? He’s tot-“ Buck turns to reassure you but you’re gone 
“Y/N??” Buck does a little spin 
Eddie lifts his head slowly and looks around for you, but you’re nowhere in sight. He catches a glimpse of your white hair bow as you make your way through the little crowd 
“I-I have-“ He tries to get up but they hold him down 
“Eddie you need oxygen first, she’s gonna be okay” They struggle to keep him in place but he wriggles free from his jacket and rips the mask off, running after you. He keeps his eyes trained on that bow as he chases you, the closer he gets the more he can hear your sobs. He watches you turn off onto a side street and his legs pump faster afraid he’s going to lose you 
He nearly runs past you at first, but he hears that sharp intake of breath he knows all too well 
He looks around and spots the bottom of your shoe. He scrambles over to you and finds you on the ground, your chest heaving as you curl into the grass, holding yourself tightly. Your body feels numb, you can barely even hear him talking to you, the world is slowly closing in on you the harder you breathe 
Eddie grabs you and pulls you into his arms, your eyes are glossy as you stare at him 
“I’m here baby I’m here, it’s okay” He whispers in your ear, rubbing your back 
“I’m right here Corazón, come on listen to me let’s breathe together” 
He breathes in slowly, trying to get you to copy him “Focus on my hand on your back okay? Focus on my hand” he takes his time, talking slowly and in shorter sentences to get you to focus. 
He starts telling you about some drama going on with Buck, and a super embarrassing story about Chimney getting stuck in the toilet somehow, he feels your body relax against his as your breathing slows down. He kisses the top of your head and hugs you tightly as you finally look at him 
“You okay to tell me what that was all about?” He asks quietly and you nod slowly 
“Y-your job is so dangerous Eddie… w-watching you run b-back into- into that building-“ 
He shushes you by kissing you slowly. His tongue twirls around yours, as he kisses your breath away 
“Let’s not get you worked back up again” he’s panting softly “I think I get the gist…” 
He kisses you again and you blush as you feel his hand slide down your thigh and gently stroke it. He kisses you for a bit, just soft little pecks and lingering promises. 
“I'm sorry I put you through wondering if I’ll come home to you. I didn’t- I didn’t realize what it was doing to you”
“I could have t-talked to you about it” 
“Looks like we both need to learn to communicate better” he chuckles, cupping your cheek 
“It’s gonna be okay baby… I’ll always come back to you” He kisses your nose “How else would I marry the love of my life?” He toys with the ring on your finger and you giggle a little and wipe at your eyes 
“Promise me you’ll never die?” You look at him with watery eyes and he nods, putting his forehead against yours 
“I promise you, Corazón” 
Once you both get home, he has you book a couples therapy session for the next day 
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thecameronchronicles · 2 years ago
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TW: Toxic!Rafe. Toxic!Reader. Toxic and manipulative relationship. Degrading language. Language. Smut. Choking. Spanking. Anal sex.
SUMMARY: Your decision to try and make Rafe jealous with Topper has crossed a line your boyfriend won't soon forget. 
Dark!reader and Dark!Rafe being toxic maybe she flirts with Top to make him jealous 
College was supposed to be the time in which you found yourself. But the only thing you managed to find yourself in was a severely toxic relationship with Rafe fucking Cameron. Six months ago, you would have laughed at the girls who gladly surrendered whatever remaining dignity they had just for a chance at one night with him. Hell, one hour. But a few sweet conversations, one nice date, and countless orgasms later, and you became one of those same girls. 
Your heart fell between your thighs and pulsated there with the promise of his focus. However long it would be. And yet it had always begun the same. Some fraternity party with inflamed egos and enough girls at their disposal to make up a parade. And you loathed how watching him flirt with them was always fruitful. Nothing more than his backwards cap and a few compliments and his fingers were already on her hip. His eyes well aware you read this from afar. The tip of his digits you'd kissed not even the night before were now sourcing some girl's pants in the kitchen of his fraternity house. And you hated just how wet it made you. 
But the only thing you were more than wet was angry. Frustrated with how effortless he had women at his disposal. Even if you understood why as he had been given your undeserved forgiveness with those very fingers in the times you'd threatened to leave him. But within seconds, you were purring for him like the bitch you were. Knowing the pain was well worth it for the pleasure. 
"Why the long face-oh…" Top asked as he emerged from the steps you'd leaned against while in disbelief to the sight. 
"So are you guys…together?" You turned to answer Topper before realizing he was nervous. Confident and collected Topper Thornton was not so subtly asking you if you were available. Handsome enough to get a rise out of Rafe, also assisting in the fact he was a fellow fraternity brother, you devised a plan for your boyfriend to understand how sour a taste jealousy was. Because up until now, you never gave him much of a reason to worry. You were swallowed by the effect of Rafe. That intoxicating presence and voice-those fingers, his cock-
"Do you wanna play beer pong?"
"Um…yeah…su-sure…" You smiled at how pliable Topper was for your attention. Able to bend in either direction solely to your will. 
This was going to be fun…
You aligned yourself on the south side of the table, watching as the guys across filled your cups. 
"Did you give us another lightweight, Thornton?"
You cocked a brow, pulling an extra beer from behind you before pouring your own shot of whiskey, consuming it down in a series of gulps. 
"Now you have a chance." Even though you meant this towards your opponents, the side glance offered towards Topper made your intentions known. 
The first ball struck the far left cup, a satisfying pop made as your opponent drank your cup. One would then land in front of Topper as he drank and then missed his own shot. Hits and misses continued as you took small moments once noticing Rafe's eyes were set onto you. That same girl still under his arm, but his interest in her dwindling back to you. 
"Here…" You turned towards Topper, fingers gingerly wrapped around his hand as you brought the ball to your lips, pressing your gloss into the sphere. 
"For good luck…" You seduced the words themselves as he swallowed hard. His eyes plagued to wonder how your lips felt. And not only to his mouth. 
"Yes!" He exclaimed, wrapping you in his arms as you charmed the final ball to win the game. 
"Beginner's luck…"
"She's no beginner…" Rafe interjected from the sidelines, your eyes falling immediately to his expression. Those lustful eyes appreciating your curves hidden poorly beneath a skintight dress. 
"She's a liar…"
"Learned from the best, Cameron." He cocked his jaw as you wrapped your fingers between Topper's. 
"Want to dance?" You asked, pressed against him as his eyes flashed to Rafe, whose jaw was clenched enough to threaten to crack his teeth. But your two fingers to Top's jaw redirected him to you. 
"We both know he couldn't keep up." This was reason enough for Topper to choose you as you led him to the backyard where the dancing was in full effect. Sza playing with bass shaking the floor as you ground into Topper. His hands gluttonous to your hips as you could feel him develop against your tailbone. 
"Hey Top?" 
"Yeah?" He asked as you now faced him, hands over his shoulders and neck as your eyes feigned focus to him as you noted how Rafe was enraged. 
"When are you gonna kiss me?" 
"Now…" He pressed his lips to yours and you were able to forget about Rafe. Long enough to bask in a new set of hands adorning your hips. Even from the first moment with Rafe, he was angered, masking this behind passion. But you knew better. That was lust. Pure. Selfish. And this with Topper was careful desire. It burned the same, but not quite as deep. But it was enough to get your point across. And it wasn't as if you were suffering. 
"Get your fucking hands off my girlfriend-" Rafe charged at Topper as you were forced apart. But you stood between them, hands on both of their chests. 
"Seems to me you don't know how to hold on to her, man-"
"You couldn't handle her. Wouldn't last five seconds with her riding you…from behind, she's fucking greedy…and on her knees…" 
"Don't talk about her like that-" Topper moved to defend you but you couldn't help but feel pride in how Rafe spoke of you. The crowd amassed around you only fueling this fantasy of Rafe defending you. 
"She fucking loves it. Makes her little panties nice and wet…" he spoke at you as you cocked a hip, a hand finding purchase in that new bend. 
"IF she's even wearing any…" He knew you well. Too well. It was as annoying as it was intoxicating. "Better yet, Top. Ask her why. She didn't come here wearing nothing for you to find that out." 
You loathed how he always knew. Your games, he seemed to make the rules. Your rules, he broke them without recourse. And you let him. Just like you always would. 
"You don't own me, Rafe. Made that clear with your knuckles in some other bitch not even half an hour ago." By now, Topper no longer cared to defend you, realizing you did enjoy this. It showed in the way your chest heaved and your lips parted, your eyes widening when they should be narrowing in how he spoke against you. 
"Every part of you is mine. Not an inch that hasn't been touched…" He smirked. "Every. Inch…" You blushed, aware this was the truth. Before him, you were rather inexperienced. A few lovers that were nothing but stepping stones to the Everest he ascended you to. Positions and angles you thought were impossible, sensations that were indescribable. Yet, he brought them to you in every exchange. Even those fueled by hatred and anger. Especially those…
"Speaking of inches…" You held out your hands to show a depiction of his size. Although lying, made it appear as if he was below average. A pity fuck you offered out of guilt and obligation. 
"Not even worth the five minutes…"
"Such a little bitch, not worth the attitude." He looked around at the crowd. "Little warning to anyone who tries to fuck her…she likes it when you choke her a bit from the front but slap her from behind. Might even cry if you say you love her. You don't even have to mean it…" 
This was too far. No amount of dirty words or sultry apologies would fix that. Tears in your eyes and you were marching somewhere in solitude. A door closed just as quickly as it opened again, your body unable to find rest for even a second before your name was sounded before you. The slam shaking the rest of the house. 
"I'm not joking, Rafe, get out!"
"You and I both know that I could have you on your knees…You love being degraded…because you're my little-" he stood over you, a hand to your cheek, believing it would work as it always had. 
But not this time. 
"No! You can fuck with me. You can fuck me, but saying that about love-" he paused, rolling his eyes. 
"You know it's all part of this…we rile each other up-'"
"You think there's only you here? But Topper's fingers felt so good against me-"
"Stop it."
"So you get to touch someone else? But I can't be touched?!" You stood, finger against his chest. 
"You don't like the idea? Someone else fucking me? Their fingers…their mouths? Maybe more than one…you have some hot friends…ones that would treat me better too…last longer-it" He suddenly lunged at you, your face in his hands. 
"You know I love you, but you wanna play games that I'll always win…You want to try to embarrass me and I'll make your ass as red as your cheeks when I have my say-"
"You-" He took hold of your jaw. 
"As far as fucking you…You can try, baby…but we both know you'll be thinking of me. Every depraved way you've come for me…how I can make you just by…" He was teasing your nipples, the thin dress making this possible. 
"Doing this…" 
"Stop it…" You spoke with every attempt to be confident but every one of his motions making this nearly impossible. 
"You're cruel-"
"And hard-" He pushed you towards the back of the bed. 
"You're an asshole."
"And you love me…" 
"Who's more fucked up between us then, baby? Hmm?" By now, his entire hand was over your breast as he pulled the fabric low enough to gain access. 
"But you pull shit like that again and you can go fuck yourself…." 
You clenched your jaw. 
"Fuck me yourself, you coward!" You spat as he pushed you onto the bed. Your dress scrunched at your hips as he pulled you to the edge. Two fingers threatened to enter you as you kicked his hand away. 
"You don't get to touch me after you touched some other bitch." He lowered over you, pinning you down and forcing those fingers inside. Your head pulled back and your lips parted with a wince for how rough he had been as you gasped. 
"I am going to touch you whenever I want. However I want. And you're gonna come for me like you always do. Because you're such a fucking whore for my fingers." He tightened his grip on the back of your head. 
"Let's be honest, baby, you're just a whore for all of me, yeah?" When you didn't respond, he altered his focus. The fingers remained but he released your hair, undressing himself instead. Your eyes opened at the moment he came to view. 
"Stop fucking staring and do something about this…it's your fucking fault…" 
"Why dont you have her do it?" You spat, pulsating for him as he pulled you to the edge. 
"Because she doesn't cry as pretty. Now open that dirty little mouth…" He forced your jaw apart with a thumb between your lips, but you nipped at the pad of his finger. 
"I have no problem finishing in your tight little ass…wouldn't be the first time…" 
"I wanted you to enjoy this��even though you don't fucking deserve it. Because I love you…but your pushing every fucking button. Now open or you don't get to come at all." 
"Slow!" He shot as you took him to the extension of your throat. Your eyes softened to the pleasure read across his face. Such strong features strained because of you. Your tongue. Your throat. Your suction. Every bit making him nearly manic as he guided you as he pleased. Your well-being forgotten and replaced with his selfish need to release. 
"Too much for you baby?" You grunted and took him faster. 
"Slow the fuck down. I'm not coming down your throat. You're gonna convince me you deserve to come. Work for it." His eyes rolled to the way you took him now. Love behind such convictions as a mask for the way you hated him. You hated him with a passion. A passion that pooled between your legs. 
"That's my girl…my dirty girl…" he moaned. 
"Yeah…yeah, just like that…" his dominance faded into consolation of his cruelty. His grip sporadic in strength and fault before he was riding into your sore throat with his need to come. 
"Fuck…" But just as he tightened, the ache deep enough to make him groan as he withdrew from you, you were taken to the bed. Your dress forced from your body as you were set ass first. 
"Lay on your side." 
"One fucking word and I'll go fuck her instead. And it will be your fault for not listening. Only have yourself to blame sweetheart." You obliged, out of pure desperation. 
He directed your ass apart, but only to tease your folds with his cock. 
"You're gonna be so fucking sore. And you're gonna thank me for it if you know what's good for you-" He thrust. One single thrust that bottomed out immediately. Your close leg pulled until it tested over his back as the either one craned around his hip. 
"I said you could say a word…but I want you to beg for it. Remind me why I put up with your bullshit…" 
"Rafe!" His hand came around your throat as he bent you against yourself. Your knee against your chest. 
"Fuck!" He grunted before lying behind you, reinserting himself from this angle-or so you thought. 
"Look at it." He guided your head down. "You make me so fucking hard so you're gonna do what's necessary to help me…" He used your thighs to thrust himself between. 
"Play with it…" You cupped your hand over his head, brushing your thumb over the weeping tip. 
"It's crying for you, baby…so fucking sad you think you have a choice to be with someone else…but it's always gonna be my cock you want, yeah?" 
"Rafe-" he choked you again. This time, his hand to your clit in accompaniment. Your leg pulled over his knee as his forearm pinned it in place. 
"Think Topper would know how you need it? Both know he'd try…but he couldn't even get you close…" 
"Rafe…" You mewled, his fingers making you manic. your body tightening as he allowed you the first tremors. That orgasm on reach before he halted. 
"Now me." He thrust into you again, murderous paces making you whimper before he focused on you again. Repeating this process for hours. Long after the final beer downstairs had been consumed as you had been drunk on the depravity of each other. Sweat and ache coexisted between you as he pulled you into a slight fold. Your fingers eating into the mattress were pinned by his just as your hips had been by one of his legs. His cock imprinting his abundance as he spoke a mix of cruel compromise into your ear and neck. A dominant hand visiting your clit and nipple until you were a shaking mess between his muscles. 
"You think you should get to come after your games? You don't fuck with me…you get fucked by me. Only me." He forced your jaw to face him, pushing your hips into the bed as he spoke. 
"I want to hear it. Your mine." When you didn't respond, he hit your ass. Twice. The second time harder than the first as you groaned. 
"Ahhh! Raaaafe!"
"Tell me and you get to come." You knew it was a layered act of submission. It didn't just mean you could come. It meant you forgave him enough to let him. You knew he would follow behind you. You knew he'd tell you it was your fault. You knew it meant a repeat of those tears and that pain. But also this pleasure. This pleasure you couldn't find and didn't twang in anyone else. 
So you granted yourself that self-deprecation. 
"I'm all fucking yours…"
"Yeah? Then come all over the cock that's yours." He set his lips to your ear. 
"Because I can touch someone else…but only you make me come. Only you get my cock. Only you get to hear that I love you." His words were as sweet as expected while you found him pounding his final thrusts into you. 
"I love you…I-" he winced, his grip unapologetically sharp as it bruised your skin and the final snap of his hips granted you that release that brought that undeserved forgiveness yet again. Stars behind your eyes and an ache between your thighs. 
"Now for this ass…" he hit hard as you gasped. 
"You thought we were done baby? I thought you were smarter than that." He parted your legs again, only now to lift the head of his cock to that second hole. 
"You still have to pay for your little games." And with one cruel thrust he was inside of you again, pain and pleasure walking hand in hand yet again. 
Every broken piece of Rafe finding your own shattered construction that somehow came together into some beautiful portrait. A picture nobody else understood. But nobody else had to. It was beautiful to you. Beautifully broken. Chaotic. But yours all the same. 
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @drewspisces @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4tangerine @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @jjmaybanksangel@phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916 @belcalis9503
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kenny-the-ken · 2 years ago
hello! if your requests are open i’d like to req mysterion x fem!villain!reader (aka shes on Prof. Chaos’ side :D) and she’s like a little harley quinn with mysterion? like even tho she’s on the enemies side she’s so clingy and flirty with mysterion :) !! even when their in battle she’s always missing on purpose, and if her teammates call her out for it or anyone else she’ll jus be like “i could never 🤗! i hate the freedom pals!🥺”
headcanons would be nice if you wanna do them but if you wanna do a full fic im not stopping you! :3 (if you wanna make this nsfw age him up pleas 🙏❤️)
Superhuman Lovers Pt 2
ALL AGED UP CHARACTERS!! I age up in every fanfic/headcannons I write! So, I wrote something like this a few days ago, and it blew the fuck up!! So... this request is very similar, so why not have a part two,,, this one's just as steamy as last time, if you can believe that!! Warnings!! Angst, strong language, derogatory remarks/phrases, choking, no protection, intercourse. You can read Part 1 HERE!
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Here you both stood, as Shakespeare once said, two star crossed lovers. You and Mysterion had been secretly dating for the past few months, and luckily for you both, the streets at South Park seemed a little safer, that was till a little chaos was caused.
You'd warned Kenny of the brutal attack, so Freedom Pals were well prepared, and as both teams stood face to face atop a high rise just outside South Park, the pale moonlight the only thing lighting the battleground. And you watched closely, your eyes fixing on your partner's.
You smirked, sending him a wink, and he had to act completely disgusted. People knew you were both very similar in personalities, so being flirty was nothing they found strange. "Freedom Pals! Time to meet your untimely demise!" Professor Chaos announced, as you all raised your weapons, flared up your powers and readied to enter battle.
"Let's go!" Toolshed shouted, both sides sprinting towards one another, and you were gunning for Mysterion, a smirk never breaking from your face, your body spinning before kicking your leg towards him, as he caught your foot in mid air, a smirk on his own face.
"Careful, baby. You could've hit me." Mysterion let a deep chuckle from his mouth, lifting you with your foot alone, to throw you over his shoulder onto your feet, and you landed, hands on the ground to stop yourself from falling.
"Oh so that's how we're gonna play it then, okay, have it your way." You spoke, lunging towards Mysterion, landing on his back, a smirk on your face, before whispering into his ear.
"Bet you can't wait to bend me over later, hm?" You knew this would make him weak at the knees. Mysterion was a man of many talents, and not much would budge him, he didn't have a kyptonite like all other hero's, that was until he met you, and as hard as he tried, he couldn't let the comment slide, a low chuckle escaping his parted lips.
Mysterion turned his head to smirk at you, gripping you by the waist from behind and flipping you over his head, as you landed on your feet.
"Don't try and fuck with me, Princess. Just cause you're horny doesn't mean I am. This is war." Kenny spat, and you knew he didn't mean a word of it, as the battle continued, you felt a presence grip you from behind, throwing you backwards onto your back, your body grimacing at the pain that began to spread, before you raised your head to see your attacker, you glanced to your side, seeing Mysterion laying in the same position as yourself, both your eyes meeting each other as you looked towards both groups, who stood united, with Eric and Butters at the front.
"So, what's this we're hearing about you both? That you're co-conspiring against us?" Eric began, a smirk upon his face.
"You both betrayed your cause!" Professor Chaos spat, the anger prominent on his enraged face. Both gangs glared daggers into you both, Kenny the first to stand to his feet, as you quickly followed, moving to his side. You had already spoken with Mysterion about what was to happen if your relationship was discovered, so neither of you were overly startled, it was bound to happen eventually.
"I can confirm that we are a couple. And if that simply isn't allowed, then I guess we're going to have to part ways with both groups." Mysterion spoke, moving to your side, wrapping a protective arm around you, a smirk on his face.
"No I'm afraid it simply isn't allowed, Mysterion. You must do the right thing and give her to us. You will be free from her dark seduction and able to meet your full superhero potential once more, without that succubus draining the life from you!" Eric shouted, and Kenny's grip on your waist tightened. Your blood boiled, humming in response to what was said.
"And are you sure you just don't want to for yourselves, Freedom Pals? I've seen the looks, I've heard the remarks about me you've all made. This is nothing to do with Mysterion and I dating and everything to do with pure green eyed jealously!" You spat, and Mysterion nodded in agreement.
"We're forming our own alliance. We're the best fighters from each group, you all know you don't stand a chance against us. So let us go freely, and no one gets hurt." Mysterion spoke, his hand behind his back, clutching to the fire crackers that hung from his belt, getting ready for you both to make a quick getaway.
And before anyone could speak he lit them, throwing him towards the group of fighters, as both of you sprinted, sliding down the drainpipe attached to the high up building, and making a getaway through the skinny allies, taking the backstreets all the way to Kenny's house.
And once you were in the safety of his bedroom, he wrapped his arms tightly around your waist once more, a smirk firmly planted on his face.
"So, since I'm obviously the leader of our new group, I guess I'll have to get you to submit to me, hm?" He hummed, his hand coming up to trace along your jaw, and you leaned into his touch, his arm round your waist reaching to squeeze your ass cheek firmly.
"And who said I'm going to submit to you, Mysterion? You're good, and I'm bad, you gonna fuck the bad out of me then?" You spoke, and he hummed once more, a low chuckle escaping his chapped lips, eyes darkening.
"I'll fuck you till the only thing you can remember is my name, slut. And that's a promise." Kenny growled, pushing you backwards so you fell onto his bed, your arms pinned down above your head by your cocky boyfriend.
"You're obsessed with me~" You grinned, and Kenny knew you were right. He was drawn to everything about you, how pretty your face is, how soft your lips are, how your breasts fit perfectly in his hand,
"How could I not be! I mean, just look at you." Kenny swooned, before his lips met your neck, marking you up right down to your breasts, before he pulled away, a smirk on his face.
"Strip." Was all he said, and you knew to do as you were told. Kenny let go of your arms, pulling you up as you swapped places with him. He sat on the edge of the bed, and you slowly started undressing, as Kenny's eyes scanned your body the entire time, until you were stood completely exposed to him, the coldness of his bedroom giving you goosebumps.
And when you looked to Kenny, you saw him taking his mask off and pulling his hood from his head. That's when you moved, straddling his lap, a cheeky smirk on your own face, as you ground your hips down against him, earning a low groan from your partner, his eyes lidded.
"What a slut. So hungry for me aren't you?" Kenny grinned, his teeth catching his bottom lip, his hand coming up to massage your breast, while his mouth attached to your other, his tongue circling your nipple, earning a gasp from you, spurring him on further.
You could feel his hard cock pressing against you through his trousers, and god how you wanted him so badly, you knew you were bound to leave a wet patch on his clothes.
As if he'd read your mind Kenny pushed you off him, making quick work of the rest of his costume, flinging it to the floor, before cornering you against his bedroom wall, his hand reaching round your neck to pin you against it.
"I've been waiting for this feeling all day." Kenny whispered, lining himself up before pushing himself inside you, his free hand holding your thigh up to wrap your leg round his waist.
And he wasn't waiting for anyone, he was needy, and so were you, and he knew that. His thrusts were at a reasonable pace, his hand loosening its grip round your neck, letting the moans you'd been keeping in out of your now parted, swollen lips.
"Kenny! Fuck, I need more!" You moaned out, and Kenny knew you needed more, you liked it rough, animalistic, but only as your villain form, when you and Kenny had lazy morning sex it was slow and sensual and loving, but this, this was two enemies giving in to their sexual desires, and Kenny knew your body was his to do what he wanted to.
"How about this, slut?" Kenny hissed, his other hand lifting your other leg up, both legs now wrapped around his waist, his hands on your ass, holding you up against the wall, his pace quickening as he continued to fuck into you, your back arching and a symphony of moans leaving your mouth.
"So tight. Fuck." Kenny moaned, his hips snapping back and forth, driving himself into you faster and deeper each time, your head spinning and your moans becoming louder.
And when he felt your walls begin to tighten round him more and more, Kenny knew you were close. "P-Please, Mysterion, please. Can I come?" You just about managed, Kenny's thrusts keeping up their brutal pace, a smirk on his face as he moaned himself, you pussy tightening round him in all the right ways.
"Come for me, slut, scream my name." Kenny groaned, his grip on your ass tightening as he felt your walls tightening round him, your orgasm crashing over you, your back arched against the cold brick wall of his room, and your moans filling the bedroom, as you called out his name, your pussy pulsating round Kenny's throbbing cock.
"K-Kenny!" You practically shouted, and he knew he was going to come there and then, his thrusts becoming sloppy, pushing himself in to the hilt one final time, before spilling his load deep within you, your name spilling from his mouth over and over, calling out for you as you did for him.
Kenny pulled out of you, lowering your legs gently to put you down, both of you panting desperately for breath. And he threw you a towel he had brought into his bedroom earlier, because he knew this would happen, better to be prepared right?
Once you were both cleaned up and had finally caught your breaths, Kenny pulled you into bed beside him, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist and his head between your breasts, a sigh of content leaving his mouth.
You ran your hands through his messy hair, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, making him gaze up at you fondly.
"I love you, Y/N. How did I ever manage to pull a girl like you?" Kenny cooed, his eyes wide, and you swore you were lost in them, a small smile on your face, pressing your lips to Kenny's for a quick peck.
"I love you too, Kenny. And I'm the one that's lucky here, not only did I pull Kenny McCormick, but I pulled Mysterion too!" You said, making you both laugh.
"You certainly did, baby. You you'll have us both forever."
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writeandsurvive · 1 year ago
Well, @mandy426, you asked for it, so here you go. Hope you'll enjoy it! 🫣 Inspired by the picture below (because how could we not?)
Summary: Alden comes home one night in his undercover outfit
Warnings: nsfw, established relationship, wall sex, piv, unprotected sex, undercover!Alden, biker!Alden, kinky reader ig?,
Undercover ~ Alden Parker
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Alden was very clear from the beginning; his job takes a lot but doesn't give much. You were okay with that as you'd have dealt with whatever, just to be with this man. You did underestimate how bad it could be though. The long hours, the physical and emotional exhaustion he deals with, the missions away from home, and more. There were definitely hard times, where you wish Alden had a boring 9 to 5 job, but you immediately felt guilty thinking this. He obviously loves being a federal agent, and you do admire him for it.
The worst was kissing him goodbye in the morning and not knowing if you'd see him again. But there's nothing you wouldn't do for this man, so you learned to deal with this fear and anxiety and make the best of the time you have with him.
Eventually, something new came up; Alden was going undercover. He didn't say much about it, just that he probably won't be home much, and if somehow you run into each other in town, pretend that you don't know him, unless he comes over to you. Honestly, you hoped this wouldn't happen.
He's been undercover for two weeks and you had barely seen or heard of him. It was hard, but luckily, his best friends Tobias and Jeremy have been giving you updates on Alden, they kept checking on you, spending evenings with you. Plus, you have a supportive family who's always there for you.
When you heard the sound of keys opening the door, you actually got scared for a second, forgetting that your partner had the keys and could come home whenever he could. You stood up from the couch to meet him at the door, but you stopped as soon as your eyes laid on him. It didn't look like your Alden at all.
"Honey, hey!" He rushed over to you and hugged you tight. "I can't stay long, but I'm missing you so bad."
You hugged him back, still quite puzzled. Your nose was buried in a leather jacket you've never seen before. Alden let go just enough to kiss you. "Are you alright?" He asked, stroking your cheeks and looking at you from head to toes. "Baby?"
"Are you undercover as a biker or a hipster?" You looked more at the leather jacket, the black hoodie under, the beanie on his head, the full beard - he only had the mustache since you met - the boots. You've never seen Alden dressed like this before, and you never imagined he would. But damn, did he look even hotter.
"Oh, yeah, um. Biker, actually. I know it doesn't look like me."
"Are you riding a bike?"
"Isn't what bikers do?" He chuckled. "Plus, I had my biker phase in my early twenties, so I'm not entirely new to this."
"Y-you did? How come you never told me? Or shown me pictures?" You exclaimed, sounding like you were upset.
He laughed a bit more, "I don't know, it never came up. My fam hated it."
"I don't care about your family! I wanted to know!"
Alden got closer to you again, putting a strand of hair behind your hair and softly brushing your skin that was turning pink. "Is this look turning you on, baby?" He whispered in a husky voice. He was smirking, clearly aware of the effect this was having on you. You were blushing even more and you swallowed thickly.
"Maybe." You whispered back.
Then he grinned as his hands traveled south, roaming over your breasts. He leaned over, pressing his forehead against yours. "Not necessarily what I had in mind, as I just needed to see you, but I'd be damned to deny you."
You were the one who reached for the heated kiss. His beard was probably hurting your skin but you couldn't care less. You stroked it before enjoying feeling the leather under your fingers. Alden made you walk backwards until you were pinned against the wall. His lips and tongue found that sweet spot in your neck, earning a loud moan from you. You wrapped a leg around him, his hands traveling under your - his - shirt to find you braless. He growled and played with your tits, still ravaging your neck, jaw and lips.
"Alden, I need you." You whimpered, rubbing yourself against the bulge in his jeans.
"I suppose I should keep the clothes on?" He chuckled, freeing his cock and giving it a few pumps.
"You better."
Alden got rid of your night shorts, and took advantage of dropping on his knees to kiss your intimate parts and gave a few licks on your clit. His beanie flew to the ground as you held onto his hair. The beard was giving more sensation than just the mustache.
"You taste so delicious." He got back to his feet, and held one of your legs up. "Ready for me, babygirl?"
"Yes, always! Fuck me, please!"
He didn't need to be asked twice and found the perfect angle to slip his length inside you. Both crying out, like you hadn't had sex in months. Alden gave you time to adjust before pumping in and out of you. "Fuck baby, you're taking me so good."
It wasn't romantic nor sweet, but rather rough and animalistic. You were trapped between his strong body and the wall, and loved every second of it. It wasn't long until you were cumming, shouting his name over and over again, holding onto his hair and the leather jacket. It was all he needed to cum deep inside you.
Feeling that his legs were pretty weak, Alden gently put you down and you felt his cum going down your inner thighs. "I need to sit," he said, taking the jacket off. You needed to sit too and luckily the couch wasn't far away. You grabbed your shorts and put them back on, not caring about the mess on you. "I'm an old man, you can't do this to me." He laughed, still trying to catch his breath.
"You can't do this to me!" You exclaimed, straddling his lap. "I hope there are no women around you."
"Don't worry about that." He reached for a meaningful kiss. "You're the only woman for me."
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the-feminist-philosopher · 3 months ago
Damn. TERFs really do see themselves as white nights fighting on behalf of black & brown women against an aggressive hoard of black and brown men. I cannot go into the #feminism tag without seeing some of the wildest takes…
Because a TERF will really get on the Internet and say some shit like,
“Trans-exclusionary ideas are globally popular ideologies” and fail to see how public discrimination against a group is maybe a symptom of the current power structures, structures like the patriarchy, white supremacy, and colonialism.
and then follow that up with,
“Because the global majority isn’t white, my activism for those women isn’t white. Also because the women fighting against the patriarchy globally aren’t majority white, my brand of feminism can’t be white,” and fail to see how this is white-night activism and an attempt to co-opt other feminist movements globally, many of which actively resist their country’s neo-colonial resource exploitation and imperialist extraction of their country. But positioned in argument alongside the take that trans-hate is globally popular, it’s also an attempt to make non-white people look uniquely or predominantly hateful compared to those within their lofty country.
Which is exemplified by the fact that when a trans person—regardless of location—shows support for any cause in the global south, the popular response is to tell that trans person the people of that country would behead them or throw them from a roof. Because in addition to believing the brown other is uniquely “backwards” and “brutish,” they also believe that any oppressed group’s “salvation” is contingent upon good behavior. Whose salvation? Theirs, of course. These people will freely repeat talking points about things that don’t happen in whatever foreign country of their picking to support their argument because the intention is to show they have credible reason to believe “those people” are not the perfect model of “(western) civility,” and as such, are in need of the TERF’s ideas, resources, and “activists.” It’s a reframing of “The White Man’s Burden” to center women.
(I’ve always found the “defenestration threat” a particularly disingenuous take. There’s the apparent racism on one hand, but clear pink washing, too. I—a gay—cannot care about the suffering of others in another country if gay rights in that country is not on par with that of its imperial oppressor? Are these trans-exclusionary radicals disagreeing with the existence of transphobia in another country? Or are they disagreeing with the purported tactics? “My enlightened policies that mass incarcerate, push children to suicide, and strip strangers of bodily autonomy; their barbaric policies that do much the same, oh, and defenestration.” They do realize that they, the trans-exclusionary radical, are more of an existential threat to me in *my own country* than a stranger half a globe away, no?)
And this worldview becomes ever so apparent when, after pointing out their attempt to co-opt feminist movements led by black and brown women, the usual comeback is to ask the person who disagrees with their take if they think that black and brown men are “too stupid” to “know” to or how to oppress women. “Do you think it’s not worse in other countries?”
Not only is this an attempt at purple washing; an attempt to benefit from purported support for women’s rights as a way to distract from the issue at hand: Western paternalism and chauvinism, this is also an attempt to turn it back around on the other. The TERF could not avoid being critiqued for supporting imperialistic ideas that downplay the significance of white supremacy and the struggles of black and brown women by arguing that because the majority of women aren’t white, any advocacy for women couldn’t possibly be racist. And they couldn’t avoid being critiqued for supporting imperialistic ideas that downplay the significance of white supremacy by deflecting with a “what-about’ism” about the state of affairs in a foreign country. And now they’re faced with the fact others may think that they think black and brown people are uniquely brutish. So, their last hope is to argue that no, actually you 🫵 are downplaying the oppression that other women in other countries face at the hands of “their men” and engaging in the “noble savage” trope.
(Of course, this ignores how such a trope refers to positioning Indigenous people as people uniquely removed from societies—when in reality they had complex societies, social structures, and politics—who live in harmony with nature. Suggesting that someone’s ideas and characterization of other peoples is influenced by Western Imperialism and white supremacy is in no way the same as suggesting there is “innate goodness, pureness, and moral superiority” among an “uncorrupted” “primitive” other, but a TERF’s ideology often depends on equivocation, usually as a means of distraction.)
But, when someone points out that this is in no way what they said; the TERF is attempting to create a strawman to argue against, the final play in the book is to literally @/ the one brown TERF they know of on this site or conclude by saying “well, my brand of feminism has had Black and Jewish thinkers, so…,” fully blind to how this is quite literally tokenism.
All this because “I can’t be racist; I’m a feminist” really isn’t the argument they think it is.
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coulson-is-an-avenger · 2 months ago
i don't want to detract from the original post this is from because im wanting to talk about the trend within the US whereas op is talking about the very real and pervasive erasure and exotification of the global south that created the trend to begin with, but anyways this post:
I wish I could even start how to write about how tropical or even "warm" places are never portrayed as "home" in art (especially in pop culture), if that makes sense. They are always portrayed as wild places, exotic places, or both, but they're never shown as places were people live their lives.
really resonated with me as a USian southerner from Texas. so few people actually value this place and the people here as anything worthwhile. our climate, our infrastructure, our biodiversity, our cultural diversity are all laughed at in the face of "oh it's so hot there" and "it's just backwards redneck territory" and "it'll be good if a hurricane wipes them all out, they were all trump voters anyways".
i talk to people outside of the state and they ask me when i'm planning on leaving, why a place like this could ever be my home. and it isn't perfect, it can be dangerous, there is a lot of hate and fear here, especially from our government and our infrastructure. it is hot, but it's also home, to me, and to millions.
it is systemically oppressed and voter suppressed. it is gerrymandered to hell and back. good people are divided and hunted and hurt, but our communities are fierce and strong and we protect each other. if your car breaks on the side of the road, chances are a stranger you may not even speak the language of will help you fix it. if you fall and hurt, your neighbors will pick you up. we are hundreds of peoples and languages and community to foster even more learning for those separated from their tongue, we are communities and temples of every group and religion and faith.
we have our own beautiful biodiversity too: we are desert and arid mountain and piney woods and seaside and hill country, we are home to the golden-cheeked warbler and armadillos and ocelots and so many gorgeous things.
most importantly, we are payaya, coahuiltecan, karakanawa, lipan apache, cherokee, and hundreds of others who have lived here since before white hands touched it. it was shaped into a home then, and it is a home now.
the cold is not the only mistress worth loving.
[note: I'm clearly from TX so my examples are primarily localized here, but this post is for anyone who resonates with it. feel free to add on additions from your own states / experiences too!]
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cloveroctobers · 2 years ago
KIARA CARRERA — spring prompts 🕊️
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A/N: oh kie…the frustration (which toned down after the first episode of S3 lol) and love I have for you. Now that I’ve completely finished the season…there’s definitely a contrast to her character this time around. I’m only here to give kie a fem love interest. Not your vibe and aren’t really interested? Please exit stage left now.
Synopsis: Kiara surprisingly gets insight on another kook, specifically the high-maintenance diva, Henrietta “Nettie” Beaulieu once they cross paths again over a series of unfortunate events.
Warnings: spoilers from the end of season three!
Using this prompt list here and numbers 49.) barbecue parties in the garden + 36.) rain in bright sunshine
GIFS BELONG TO: @esterexpositio + @henryburrell !!!
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“You’re staring.” Sarah whispered to Kiara on her way by with a plate full of platanos and pieces of hog that Cleo, Pope, and even Nettie managed to trap for dinner hours ago.
Kiara blinked rapidly and scowled over her shoulder at the blonde who smirked at her, walking backwards before taking a seat against a tree near John b.
“No, I’m not.” Kiara glowered.
John B finally looked up from his plate, butting in, “no, you’re not what?”
“Drooling over Nettie.” Sarah told the long haired teen with a bump to his shoulder, making Kiara widened her eyes and shush Sarah who shrugged her shoulders innocently.
It was a John B’s turn to smile now, “oh, yeah. You’ve totally been doing that since I got comfortable over here and this is my second plate.”
Greedy bastard.
Greedy bastard.
Greedy bastard.
“Um, the fact that you two are watching my moves today is completely creepy, I just thought you should know.” Kiara got to her feet, dusting off her Jean shorts.
She was on guarding the relic and gold duty while everyone else had their dinner.
Sarah laughed a bit, “it’s kinda what we have to do for each other since we chose to live out in the forest again and in a foreign country. You’re welcome, Kie.”
A wink was sent to the Olive-skinned girl, which irritated her more than ever.
This was somewhat true, after both John B and Sarah lost their fathers and after finally finding the lifelong treasure Big John searched for, they decided collectively to stay in South America for a little longer. They’ve done it before living on an isolated island for at least a month so what would it hurt doing it again? There were a few out of the group who contemplated about returning back to the Outerbanks right away: Pope considered heading back for school purposes but second-guessed not wanting to leave the pogues behind, Nettie hated the wilderness with a passion—the only time she was solid with being outdoors used to be for tennis and now it seemed like it shifted to gardening…mainly she thought about leaving because she didn’t have all of her skincare products with her, and Sarah struggled with the idea of telling Rafe that their father was gone for good this time.
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” John B added, “I was wondering when you would come to terms with your crush.”
“Excuse me?!” Kiara hissed, stalking over to John B that he immediately sat up straight, “I do not have a crush on—on Nettie!”
Sarah frowned, leaning towards John B as she whispered, “I think she’s still in denial about it.”
“Seems that way, yeah.”
Kiara growled, ready to beat the two with a stick, “you two don’t know what you’re talking about, so shut up!”
“Like I said there’s nothing to be embarrassed about…I think you two would balance each other out with your hippy fiery socialist ways and Nettie’s… strong fashion sense?” John B struggled with his words that Sarah had to elbow him, quite hard.
Kiara was crossing her arms now with a scowl still written on her features. Was this the best John B could do to convince her when it seemed like he still didn’t know who Nettie even was?
“Is that the best you’ve got because that was a garbage take.” Kiara uttered.
Sarah swallowed her food, “what John B means to say is that you two could be the perfect match!”
“But why?” Kiara pressed, “last I knew there was something going on with her and Addy?”
John B awaited Sarah’s response since he didn’t know who that is either.
Sarah shook her head, “oh no that’s over. Addy’s dating some girl that’s on her cheerleading team. That’s been a thing since Nettie’s mother shipped her off to one of those programs your parents sent you off to— which was highly abusive, I hear, in Atlanta. she’s been single as far as I know. Also we just see something that you’re either oblivious to or playing stupid about.”
That made Kiara look over her shoulder at the pony-tail wearing girl. She was sitting across the makeshift barbecue pit which was covered in large leaves and surrounded by some wildflowers—probably picked by Nettie herself, providing an additional pretty view, on a stump next to JJ, surprisingly, laughing at something he was animatedly talking about. It was nice to hear some laughter around here, with Nettie’s sounding just like bells and hope.
Kiara would have never thought Nettie was in a place worse than Kitty Hawk. Especially when it comes to those that don’t deserve it. Did Nettie deserve it? Kiara and Nettie had almost a non-existent relationship? Well not really, back when Kiara, Sarah, and Nettie all went to the same school they only shared a class together freshman year. The first half of Kiara’s freshman year was something she wanted to burn from her memory but kept buried in the back of her mind instead.
She’s only known a few things about the girl in the short time that they interacted. Such as: Nettie was originally from Atlanta with a controlling mother apparently, Kiara knew her father was a firefighter but it seemed like he wasn’t around most of the time, and that she lived here in the kook area with her Olympian grandmother who actually lived across the street from the Carrera’s. Nettie’s been over Kiara’s house once or twice since Kiara’s father, Michael Carrera, thought the two would get along.
Yet it seemed like the more Nettie analyzed Kiara’s bedroom, it felt like judgment but Kiara misunderstood her direct tone—to a certain extent. Kiara always suspected that Nettie was more than just best-friends with the star of the cheerleading team and Nettie never brought her up once when she came over to Kiara’s house.
There was always more than what meets the eye, that’s for sure.
“And how do you know all of this?” Kiara asked, arms still folded, eyes burning on the back of Nettie’s frame.
Sarah awkwardly cleared her throat, “uh some girls told me at this party I went to…it doesn’t matter! The point is, she isn’t just some kook and there could be more between you two if you just try.”
Did Kiara want to try?
She could admit that she did judge her just as much as Nettie judged her. Yet she ended up here with the rest of them for a reason and she was there with JJ to break her out of Kitty Hawk so…where did that leave the two of them?
Soon she found herself heading over to Nettie as Pope and JJ tended to putting the smoke out from the leaves. Off to the side, Nettie and Cleo seemed to be holding a conversation to themselves now, while staring out into the open greenery of the forest.
The two shared two bottom halves of a broken water bottle, leaving Kiara to only hear the end of their conversation.
“Yeah, I don’t know sis. Just goin’ with the flow ya know?” Cleo replied before she perked up at Kiara making her way over, “what’s goin’ on, kie?”
Nettie glanced over at Kiara, before she brought her broken plastic water bottle to her lips but said nothing.
“Not much,” Kiara swung her hands in front of her as she faced the two girls, “you two holding out on the hooch?”
Cleo chuckled with a shake of her head, “what?! Nah! You’ve got to know the little bit we had was devoured by the boys days ago! Nettie here found us something else for the mean time.”
Nettie deeply inhaled as Cleo nudged her. A smile stretched over her moisturized lips as she held out the rest of the bottle to the brown haired girl, “here. I’ve made it myself with some leaves I’ve found scouting the other day. I’m sure it has some health benefits or whatever but mainly it tastes sweet, almost like fruit and it’s refreshing.”
Cautiously Kiara gripped the plastic, her fingertips brushing against Nettie’s as she sniffed at it. The smell was faint, herbal and did have a citrus hint to it which was interesting considering that it was filled with water and mashed up leaves?
Silently she wished that she wasn’t drinking out of plastic right now but giving their circumstances, she had to swallow that pride down along with the liquid. Everything Nettie described was true, it was earthy but slightly tart when it hit your tongue before it smoothed over with a sweetness as it glided down your throat.
“Wow,” Kiara found herself coughing a little bit off-guard, “it almost like a seltzer.”
“Riight,” Cleo nodded her head in approval, “its fire.”
Kiara popped her tongue with a nod of her head, “it’s alright even if there maybe chemicals mixed in with those leaves.”
“Oh here we go.” Cleo kissed her teeth, scratching at her hair as she looked away, already sensing what was about to come.
Nettie argued, “yeah it’s not the wreck’s supposed filtered water but it’s the next best thing.”
“What do you mean ‘supposed?’”
“What I just said,” Nettie stated, “I never knew filtered water tasted like well-water and here you are complaining about my beverage of choice.” She plucked the plastic back from Kiara’s hands.
Kiara frowned, glancing over at Cleo who raised her hands in surrender, unsure why this beef was occurring in the first place.
“Okay just because I have a opinion on something doesn’t mean you get to attack my family’s business.”
“It’s called making a comparison,” Nettie fully turned to Kiara, “dont get upset when I’m just providing a rebuttal for your opinion. You know it’s actually nice to see you back up the only two kooks who you might actually like, although they threw you away the second you didn’t live by their rules.”
Cleo began, “Whoa let’s not—
Humorlessly Kiara chewed down on her bottom lip in frustration before she spit out, “yeah well you’d know all about that wouldn’t you? At least my parents actually want me around. Shouldn’t you be mad at your meemaw or is she just the same as my parents?”
Realization crossed over Nettie’s eyes that Kiara knew why she “disappeared” for a year. It wasn’t much of a secret but everyone in town speculated their own rumors about why she left the Outerbanks. However none of those rumors were true and she wasn’t sure how much Kiara knew of her story at that hellhole but it didn’t matter.
She struck a nerve just as Nettie got underneath Kiara’s skin.
Nettie chucked the bottle to the left of her, getting into Kiara’s face as she glared right into her face. All Kiara could do was smirk as Nettie tried her best to be threatening, which Kiara heard she could be but nobody had the right to shit on her parents but her.
“Move,” Nettie yelled.
Kiara ran her tongue over the front row of her teeth, “sure…only if you make me.”
Nettie’s nostrils were flaring at this point and with a rough shoulder check to Kiara’s, she stalked off, leaving the rest of the pogues highly confused.
“Hey,” Sarah walked to Nettie who held up her hand to silence the girl who told Sarah that she’s, “nothing but a gossiping bitch,” on her way out.
“The hell was that, Kie?” JJ asked from behind.
Kiara threw up her hands, “I’m just using my own words against her’s. It’s not my fault she couldn’t take it.”
“Yeah I don’t think throwing each other’s pain in each other’s faces was the way to go about it, girl.” Cleo huffed with a shake of her head.
Kiara pointed at herself, “why am I being lectured to when she’s the one who started with me?”
“You didn’t have to throw the whole chemical line in, just be appreciative is all you could do.” JJ told Kiara who scrunched up her nose.
Kiara flatly said, “I didn’t mean anything by it. It was just a thought…that happened to escape through my lips!”
“You’re not thinking clearly, Kie.” Pope added, still crouching by some rocks.
Kiara honestly felt like she was being attacked right now for just being herself and she didn’t need anyone to be on her side. It wasn’t supposed to be about sides with this group but Nettie was the new-new face to the family so why was it feeling more difficult to welcome her in?
“I don’t need you guys ganging up on me,” Kiara yelled, “if I would have known this is what staying in Venezuela would be like, I would have gone back home already.”
The friends went quiet at that, not wanting the bad to outweigh the good in this adventure but they were also her friends and knew how to call each other out on their shit.
“It’s not our intentions to make you feel like that and you know that Kie. We also know you’re headstrong, but you just need to see Nettie’s perspective. This isn’t her element and maybe the tea was her way of trying to I don’t know, bond with you?” John B was attempting to be the voice of reason, which was really shocking honestly.
Kiara groaned with her head thrown back, “fine! Whatever, I’ll go see if I can find her and have a proper conversation without you guys being all up in our business.”
“Whew! Thatta girl!” JJ clapped it up just for Kiara to send him a middle finger.
As the girl vanished from their view, they all turned back to each other with curious glances.
“Are we going to go ease drop?” John B asked, itching to follow.
Sarah held him back, “No, not yet. Let them argue it out first.”
Pope stared off in thought, “…do you guys think sending Kie after Nettie was the best idea?”
“Guess we’ll find out if the screams turn into pleas.” Cleo muttered, looping her arm with Pope’s as she sat on the rock behind him.
Kiara knew she had to be walking for at least ten minutes before she found Nettie by the river. It was much cooler here compared to the mugginess up on the hill and Kiara just knew she would find Nettie here. It was the one place where she could wash her clothes and skin in peace so it only made sense.
“Henrietta,” Kiara exhaled as she caught her breath, “you walk pretty fast for someone who hates the outdoors.”
Nettie rolled her eyes, turning back to press her chin into her arms, “leave me alone, Kiara Carrera.”
Kiara sighed as she fanned at the sweat on her neck before she stepped over the rocks and pebbles to stand beside her, “no, I don’t think I will. Not until we come to some sort of understanding, where we can be in the same space without being at each others throats.”
“You’re the one who has a problem with me.”
“I knew you didn’t like me from the moment I asked if I could sit next to you back in biology class.”
Kiara frowned, “I don’t…remember that?”
“Yup! you ended up saving that space for Sarah while I had to squeeze in at a table between two other classmates.” Nettie rolled the tension off her shoulders, “it wasn’t a big deal but I just wanted to ask you a question since the classmates I was stuck sitting next to didn’t know shit.”
Like Kiara said, everything about that preppy school, she pushed to the back of her brain. She hated that she couldn’t remember this happening and how dismissive she must have made Nettie feel. Sarah and Kiara were still good friends before their fall out but Kiara felt like she wouldn’t have been rude about declining someone a seat.
Not purposely at least.
“Well…what was the question?”
“I don’t remember.” Nettie found herself saying as she trailed off in thought, “Probably something stupid.”
Kiara felt her nose wrinkling a bit in amusement, “Like us debating over plastic, water, and leaves when we don’t know what we’re gonna do about the treasure.”
“Hey, you started it with the chemicals and I’m all for keeping harmful chemicals out of the body but it’s pretty damn hard with us living like it’s the pre-historic times.” Nettie snickered, resting her cheek on her arm.
Kiara shoved her hands into her back pockets, “I’ll admit, I let it slip and I didn’t mean to insult you when I know what our current situation is.”
“Is this an apology?” Nettie felt her eyes forming into slits.
Kiara twisted her lips around, “…you said my parents threw me away like I’m nothing.”
“And you also said my parents didn’t want me, which is just as hurtful because you don’t know much about me…and I don’t know much about you. I don’t know why…when JJ almost hit me with that dreadful looking brown van after I overheard what your parents did…I felt like I needed to help you. I don’t even know you that well but I understood.” Nettie was staring out into the cool river again.
Kiara didn’t know how this made her feel, hearing Nettie admit this to her but surely she felt something…knowing that she cared about her well-being just a bit.
Henrietta is a gorgeous girl to Kiara with many layers to her. She sat there in what was uncomfortable silence because the two girls weren’t sure how they meshed together. She was the confident girl with a athletic legacy to follow who walked the halls with a bounce in her step. However there was also this girl who could spew venom so recklessly, yet felt the need to help break Kiara out of a place that could potentially ruin her life.
Did Nettie not want that for Kiara too?
Kiara swallowed the lump in her throat as her eyes trailed over Nettie’s bronzed toned arms, spotting the external wound right above the crease of her armpit.
“Did they do that to you? At the camp-program or whatever—in Atlanta?” Kiara slowly sat beside Nettie, stumbling over her words while getting a better look at it.
Nettie followed Kiara’s gaze and went to cover the wound, “yes but I don’t want to talk about that—not here—not now.”
Kiara exhaled and dipped her head, fully aware that topic was a heavy one and Nettie did not want to share that experience just yet.
It was Kiara’s turn to understand, to realize that Nettie was giving only what she physically could, even if that means in portions for right now. 
“I’m sorry for getting off on the wrong foot with you, constantly.” Kiara said, looking into her dark eyes before quickly staring off into the distance, so it didn’t feel as if she was being weird in doing so.
She didn’t realize Nettie staring right back at her, wanting to hold her stare.
Nettie hummed, “and I’m sorry for always having my guard up…especially when it comes to you.”
With her hand resting on top of Kiara’s, Kiara felt her heart began to drum against her chest.
Oh what a feeling?
“Here’s to trying to be better…friends? Or just better towards each other?” Kiara tested but shamelessly stared down at their hands for what felt like awhile.
What a pretty picture, how her hand felt against her’s.
Her eyes flicked up to Nettie’s, watching as the fresh drizzle of rain flew down over the both of them. To the left of Kiara’s peripheral, she could feel the heat of the sun beginning to break through the cloudy skies and Nettie was now staring up at the once gloomy sky.
Kiara just wanted to kiss her.
And so she moved her hand from underneath Nettie’s soft one, trailing it up the side of her neck while Nettie looked down at the space where their hands once resided.
“…What’re you doing?” Nettie was quizzical, although it appeared there was amusement in her tone.
Kiara cleared her throat, “can I try something and can you promise that you won’t be disgusted by my actions?”
Nettie leaned towards Kiara as she pretended to think about it, “if you’re thinking about doing what I think you are…I hope you smell nice enough, especially with how long we’ve been out here.”
Kiara’s lips fell open into a gasp although her cheeks were tinted pink at her previous idea, “you bitch!”
A laugh erupted Nettie’s lips as she reached forward on Kiara’s sleeveless loose-fitting skirt, yanking her lips right to her’s. Instantly Kiara let out a sigh of relief against Nettie’s lips, using her hand to brace herself against Nettie’s thigh. Her heart may have climbed up into her ears with the way Nettie was kissing her, as if time was all they had.
She couldn’t find herself getting tired against her lips, with her lips following Nettie’s tempo. As Nettie was pulling away, she pecked Kiara’s lips a few more times before fully settling back, leaving Kiara to touch her fingertips against her own lips, eyes still closed.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” Nettie rested her hand against Kiara’s hand that felt warm against her thigh, “and as usual, you took too long.”
“Wooow, I mean Huh?” Kiara finally opened her eyes.
Nettie laughed, “I liked you from the moment I saw the turtle tapestry in your bedroom.”
“I couldn’t tell,” Kiara widened her eyes with a nervous laugh, “it’s clear we have a lot to talk about then.”
“Yeah…maybe somewhere where my hair isn’t getting drenched?” Nettie folded her arms over her head like the Regina hall meme.
Kiara rested her hand on the small of Nettie’s back before gliding it up the back of her neck, “I’ll help you with it later but first…I’ll take another one please.”
“Another?” Nettie asked, turning her lips right to Kiara’s, locking them together once again.
Nettie moved to cup Kiara’s jaw with a laugh, “you’re cute Carrera. almost cute enough for me to forget about my frizzing hair but it’s not gonna work for me.”
Kiara watched in slight disappointment as Nettie hopped to her feet, wrapping her ponytail into a bun. Then she held her hands out to help Kiara to her feet, the two staring at each other in wonder.
“It was worth it.” She teased, licking her bottom lip with a squint against the sun, before nodding to the opposite direction, beginning to lead the way from the river.
Nettie shook her head as she stomped after the just a smidge shorter girl, “you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into when it comes to my pride and joy.”
“Oh, please. Don’t underestimate my magical hands,” Kiara declared before she paused and spun to peer over her shoulder, “that wasn’t a innuendo for anything!”
“Relax, before I have to calm you down with another kiss.” Nettie lightly threatened, making the tint in Kiara’s cheeks almost invisible as her brows raised in temptation.
Nettie laughed, reaching forward to turn Kiara back around by the shoulders as they trudged up the steep hill.
“Hey you guys!” Sarah greeted the two as they made their way back to the set-up.
John B immediately reached for Kiara, cradling her face much to her bewilderment, “oh, she’s good! No war marks on this one!”
“Get off!” Kiara playfully shoved the brunette away, who laughed.
John B then held out his hands for Nettie next as Kiara carried on but soon halted his movements as she told him, “Oh you do not want to do that when my skincare routines been out of whack for weeks now. Touch me with your filthy hands and you won’t see dawn.”
Letting out a low-whistle, John B stepped away while Nettie went to stand in the center of their temporary home.
“So everything went alright out there?” JJ asked, hands on his hips as everyone held their breath in anticipation.
Kiara looked over at Nettie as Pope tossed an arm over her shoulders, “I think we’re good for now, don’t you?”
“As long as you don’t disrespect my way of adjusting to this lifestyle any longer then yeah…I’ll give you your flowers.” Nettie was sharp with her words but the wink she sent Kiara’s way, was enough to let her know to play along.
“Well that was passive aggressive.” Sarah mumbled, tongue in her cheek.
Kiara glared at Nettie, “well how about I tell you where you can shove those flowers, huh?”
Cleo reached for Kiara to keep her from charging over to Nettie who laughed at her with a fan of her hand, “whoa! This hostility is really killing the vibe, eh? I thought you just said you two were good?”
“We’re works in progress but some more than others…” Nettie informed letting a few beats of silence go by before saying, “and my god you guys are so gullible!”
Kiara laughed in Cleo’s arms while the brown-skinned girl appeared just as confused as the rest.
Pope sighed and squinted against the drizzle of rain, “I was gonna say you two are going to give us some serious whiplash, especially since I saw you guys kissing down by the river.”
“WHAT?!” John B bounced on his toes in excitement.
Sarah’s joyful gaze immediately went to Kiara’s who quickly shifted her glaze to Pope with a shake of her head.
JJ laughed with a fist pump shooting into the air, “I knew it!”
“Jesus, Pope! How do you know that?” Kiara didn’t attempt to hide it.
Pope sheepishly rubbed at the back of his neck as Nettie gave the boy a side-eye underneath his arm, “I may have stumbled across you guys on my way to use the bathroom.”
“I can’t believe you’re also a nosy asshole, Pope!” Nettie pulled his arm from around her, while Pope chuckled and gave JJ a low-five.
“Welcome to the family, Nettie! This is what you get so you might as well get used to it!” Cleo hollered as everyone circled around to pull each other into a group-hug underneath the Venezuelan rain.
Nettie gagged as she was smushed together by everyone but can honestly say she’s never been so accepted by a solid group of people.
And when she looked over to meet Kiara’s adoring brown eyes, Nettie held on tight with a smile meant solely for her.
⋆·˚ ༘ * ✧ ੈ✩‧₊˚ ⋆·˚ ༘ * ✧ ੈ✩‧₊˚ ⋆·˚ ༘ * ✧ ੈ✩‧₊˚ ⋆·˚ ༘ * ✧ ੈ
Continue along with my spring anthology series here.
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ask-professor-fig · 2 years ago
Revery of a tired author...
It was a particularly harrowing day. Several of my classes had led to minor disasters. Whether it be of the physical or social nature did not matter, they were still disasters. After shooting some basic casts at a practice dummy in the Clock Tower, it felt as if people were staring. I continued out through the Courtyard and still the feeling of eyes lingered. 
Soon enough I was on the dirt road headed South past the Groundskeepers Cottage… hopefully Mister Moon wasn’t there to question why I was off school grounds. I had no destination in mind, my feet continued to carry me. They led me straight to the stone wall surrounding Lower Hogsfield. 
After purchasing some mallowsweet leaves and wiggenweld from my old friend Arn, I sat by the pond’s edge. There had been a small stack of stones piled up, as if someone else had needed a distraction and left them behind in a hurry. Crossing my legs, I picked up the top stone and felt its smooth surface in my palm. Holding the stone in my right hand, I pulled it across the left side of my chest and flung it as swiftly as I could. It splashed a few feet away, never bouncing once. 
“Figures.” I huffed, grabbing another stone. This time I was more patient, releasing it while it was not yet in front of me. Two skips this time. I smirked at my mediocre accomplishment. 
I had picked up the next stone in a bit of a rush, admittedly, and had not realized it had a significantly more jagged edge than the previous two. As I turned my arm across my chest, the pressure of my thumb forced the honed edge to cut across the inside of my index and ring fingers. I sat there for a moment, holding the stone in my open palm as I stared at the two small red lines along my fingers. 
Sighing, I dropped the stone and pulled a piece of gauze from my bag. I began carrying some for small things like this, where it would be a waste to use wiggenweld. After wrapping the appendages I continued to sit, staring out across the water… back up at the castle. 
I didn’t bother to turn around when I heard the crack of an apparition behind me. It was either one of three… maybe four people. Sure, two of them were wanted criminals who would love to see me come to harm but, hey… you can’t deny that view.
“Lucan Brattleby turned white as a sheet when I questioned him… it’s as if he was tasked with hiding you.” Fig sounded tired… shit, I hated when he sounded tired. 
“I just asked him to keep quiet, that’s all.” I still chose to not look back as my mentor sat beside me, eyeing first the pile of stones and then my hand. 
“Oh for the love of… here, let me see.” He fussed, as he loved to, and took my hand. Absent-mindedly, he tossed the same stone that had cut me and, to my frustration, caused six skips before it came to a halt by the opposite side of the pond. I let my head roll backwards as I began to chuckle. Fig looked at me, puzzled, placing my hand in my lap after assuring himself I had already taken care of my minor injury. 
“I can’t seem to do anything right today… anything. Whether it be brewing a edurus potion, saying the right thing to a friend, or skipping a blasted stone.” To prove my point, I picked up another stone, attempted, and failed to get more than one skip. 
“My dear girl…” Fig couldn’t help but chuckle lightly. I turned to him, confused at his tone. “We’re not all masters at everything, please remember that. It takes time and effort to get any good at the things we do… and that includes social skills.” I looked up at him with wide eyes. “Yes, Professor Sharp did mention a bit of a… tense situation between you and Miss Reyes this afternoon.” 
“I made myself out to be a fool… again. I’m so tired of feeling like an outcast around them all.” I had hardly finished my sentence before Fig wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his side. It was hard not to chuckle at the action, my arms instinctively wrapping around his middle. 
“You are not an outcast… do you hear me?” Fig spoke into the top of my head. I nodded briefly in response. “Good… You will never be an outcast again, not while I’m around.”
We sat there as the sun began to set, leaving the day’s events behind us.
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yellowkitkieran · 2 years ago
Brand Me (Kieran Tierney)
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Word Count: 600
Summary: You are the one woman Kieran has ever loved. 
"Kieran? Kieran Tierney."
He must be dreaming. Kieran knows that voice. He'd know it backwards, forwards, upside down, a million years from now- he will never forget the voice of his first and only love. 
Kieran turns on his heel only to be met by your look of astonishment. His chest aches. His fingers burn to touch you. Honey gums up his mouth, sealing back the unspoken words begging to be voiced. 
You're here. Standing in front of him. In a random coffee shop on the south side of London, where you shouldn't be. 
"What are you doing here?" He croaks, surprised he can manage even such a simple phrase.
"Well- I'm on a date. Jake lives out this way-"
You hook a thumb over your shoulder to indicate a small round table occupied by a man in ripped jeans, a leather jacket and glasses. That's not your type. Or at least it wasn't before. 
"Jake is my boyfriend. He lives out here."
You shuffle your feet in that nervous way that Kieran used to find adorable. The way his stomach clenches forces him to correct himself- he still finds it adorable. 
"Do you miss me?"
Kieran can scarcely believe the words roll so easily off your tongue. Does he miss you?
You are Kieran's first thought each morning when he wakes up. He sees your eyes, remembers how easy it is to get lost in your laugh. 
Your laugh- he hears it in crowded bars and in empty hallways. He nearly snaps his neck each time, trying to find you in the shadows. 
The last thing he feels before he falls asleep at night is the ghost of your fingers brushing across his brow. He used to say he hated it. Now he'd do anything to feel you caress him to sleep one last time. 
Kieran turns his attention to the man whom you came in with. He is Kieran's opposite: tall, blonde hair, striking green eyes. His face is all sharp angles where Kieran's is soft. He looks harsh, like one wrong touch could cut you. He seems to enjoy reading the newspaper in his hands, where Kieran hates it. But… he loves you, or so Kieran hopes. At least he isn't opposite in that. 
You loved Kieran once. Kieran still loves you. His love will never fade. The love Kieran has for you is as everlasting as the rise and set of the sun. It is unbroken and unending, like the promise he made to always care for you. 
Every fiber of his being yearns for you, each second of each day. Of course he fucking misses you. He'll never stop missing you, because Kieran doesn't break promises. Apparently, you do. 
"No. I don't miss you at all."
If Kieran has a heart left, it crumbles to ash in his chest when you smile. You truly do feel nothing for him. Looking at him doesn't slam your head with sweet memories the way his does. Of better times, days spent laughing in the sun with you at his side. 
"I should get going." Your hand closes on Kieran's forearm, your touch light and friendly. 
"Right, of course."
"Goodbye, Kieran."
Kieran watches you leave, not looking over your shoulder once. His heart is heavy with the knowledge that he will carry the brand of this heartbreak for eternity. 
Kieran will never, ever recover. And he isn't sure he'd want to if he could. 
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primevein · 2 years ago
The Prime of His Youth: Book II: Quest for Fire: Ch34: Collapse
Jack's voiced appeared on the com. link, "All stations, 0. Ball's in play. Hop 24. Out."
"What - mean?" Grimlock asked, and Swoop sighed.
"Oh, come on, we covered this." Swoop said, and banked off to the side, "Follow me."
"Ser-Ket is in the area." Sludge said, as he slowly turned.
"Hop 24 is the base we're going to attack." Swoop added. The other Dinobots turned to follow them.
* * *
As the Dinobots arrived they saw Jack and Arcee approaching the base, four disabled Cybertronians behind them. Moving enough to show they were still alive, but barely so. Swoop flew off to the side, "He wants us to head to the south-east tunnel." All of the Dinobots but Grimlock turned to follow him, "But, battle." he said, gesturing to the fighting.
"You want to fight some scrubs?!" Snarl asked, "Or do you want to fight Ser-Ket?!"
"Shouldn't we have innoculation?" Sludge asked.
A few flashes from blaster file could be seen through the windows.
"That would be it." Swoop said, as he did a barrel roll.
Roxana drove out as Ultra Magnus backed his trailer in. Roxana turned off towards the Dinobots. A couple of cars drove out beside him. They transformed, and started to cuff the wounded and cart them to the truck. Roxana transformed as the Dinobots did, and started to innoculate them. As she finished, Smokescreen and Windblade joined them. She innoculated them, and then transformed, driving back to the building. Inside she found Arcee, and innoculated her. She looked at Jack. He looked deep in her eyes before nodding his head backwards. Roxana left, driving towards Ultra Magnus. Jack rode on Arcee away in the opposite direction. They went to hide in the crags to the side of the entrace that the Dinobots waited by. Roxana transformed, jumping up on UItra Magnus' flatbed trailer.
"I'm a medic." she said, "If I get attacked, I will simply abandon you. Do I make myself clear?" The cybertronians groaned in acknowledgement. "Good." Roxana stated, "I would hate to have to abandon you."
"Escort?" one of the cars asked, "That's what the Elite Guard is for?"
"The Elite Guard is not about glamour, soldier." Ultra Magnus stated, "We are the base on which Cybertron is built. It is our job to coordinate the militias and be the last line of defence when all else fails. Without us doing what we are doing right now, they would have had no choice but to kill them."
"They are the enemy, aren't they?" the second car asked.
"All of Cybertron rejoyces when a Spark is born." Ultra Magnus stated, and let a pregnant pause follow, "How is saving a life any different?"
"But... the war?" the second car asked.
"We did not fight the war because we wanted to." Ultra Magnus stated, "We fought the war because we had to. If we did not stand up against Megatron, who would have?" Another pregnant pause followed. "The Elite Guard have the highest standards, and the lowest thanks. Those wings on your shoulders are the only thanks you are going to get. You are here, because Cybertron needs you." Ultra Magnus stated, "All of Cybertron. Does that answer your question, soldiers?"
"Yes, sir." he affirmed.
* * *
Ser-Ket was flying through the corridors to the distress beacon. Something wrapped around her rear right leg and shocked her. She lost control of her muscles. She couldn't maintain her wings and they stalled, and she came crashing to the ground. She rolled and skidded until coming to a stop. She turned her head and saw the four land-bound Dinobots rushing towards her. She struggled to her feet, only to have her left fore-leg impaled with Snarl's thagomizer. She pulled her wings back getting ready to flap, only to find her wing pierced by Swoop's claws, pulling her towards her left side. She crumbled over. She struggled to her feet as she was impaled by Slug's horns. She struggled to right herself as Grimlock's jaws clamped around her neck, crushing it. She transformed, her neck being torn off her body. Energon and ToxEn dripped from the wound. She screamed at them, only to have Sludge's tail knock her backwards.
She had managed to shake Swoop loose and flapped her wings only to have her right leg impaled on Snarl's thagomizer. Grimlock headbutted her. Sludge slammed her with his tail. She was on the ground, trying to crawl away, nearly in a panic. "How?.." she asked, and saw a small creature in purple walking up to her. He drew a sword and impaled it in her neck, causing the Energon to gush out. He pulled his sword away, causing more Energon to escape.
Grimlock transformed and looked at him aggressively. "Why - he - get - kill?"
"Because he's the one who made the plan?" Arcee asked as she walked up.
"Because I don't want anyone to think I was sitting on the sidelines when we took her out." Jack stated, wiping his sword off on her body.
Swoop landed and transformed, "And the Wreckers?"
"I needed someone who could respond quickly if we didn't take her down." Jack replied.
"What, you didn't think we could do it?" Swoop asked, and Jack just looked at him.
"I think that's a no." Sludge added, as she transformed.
"Uh... maybe?.." Jack asked, "She was the big thing stopping you, and she wouldn't be suffering from the ToxEn yet. And now we have to figure out what to do with the body."
"Why?!" Slug asked.
"Because she's a ToxEn factory, or was when she was alive." Slug didn't seem to comprehend, so he looked at Grimlock, who also seemed to not undestand. "She's full of ToxEn?" he asked. "Either way, your war is basically over. All of the remaining Forged and Foundlings can be captured, and hopefully they can all be deprogrammed."
"What kind of win is that?" Slug asked.
"One where we get more than we thought we could." Jack replied.
"No more fighting?!" Snarl asked.
Jack looked at them for a moment, "Miko would never forgive me if I didn't bring it up, but there would be a LOT of Humans willing to pay to watch you fight."
"Human have blood sports?" Grimlock asked.
"You couldn't actually kill anyone." Arcee replied. Jack stepped forward, nearly collapsing. Arcee caught him, and helped him back to his feet. "Jack." she admonished.
Jack breathed in deeply, forcing himself awake. "I need to get back to base. Still two on watch." he stated.
* * *
Jack woke up, nestled within Sirenia's arms. She gently released him and he slowly stood up. "Nothing like an end to the war to let you sleep."
"You're not the one stuck on sentry." Miko stated.
"I tried to..."
"uhp-uhp-uhp." Miko said to him.
"You're Ratchet, now?" Jack asked as he stretched.
"I'm what?" Miko asked.
"That did sound a lot like Ratchet." Bulkhead chided.
"You, too, Bulk?" she asked him.
"Et tu, Bulkhead?" Sirenia asked.
"E, what?" Bulkhead asked.
"Literary reference." Sirenia said.
"Too bad Miko will never get it." Jack added.
"Oh, no!" she sarcastically exclaimed.
"A dictator gets stabbed by like... what, 50 men?" Jack asked.
"Wait, what?" Miko asked.
"Based on a true story." Jack uttered.
"WHAT?!" Miko asked.
"He was stabbed 23 times." Arcelia stated, "It was believed to be one time per assassin."
"Dude?!" Miko asked.
"You're the one who doesn't care about such things." Jack chided.
"I do when one dude gets stabbed by 23 other dudes." Miko stated.
"Nope. You're too sophisticated to take part in..." he voiced, and Miko audibly yawned. "Have you seriously been on sentry the entire time?"
"What?" she tiredly asked.
"Oh, for fuck's sake..." he said under his breath. "You need to sleep. I shouldn't have to explicitly tell you to sleep every time you need to sleep."
"Dude?" she tiredly asked.
"Good thing we're not going anywhere any time soon."
Arcee walked up passed the bulwarks, "What are we going to do?" she asked.
"Catch more of the Forged?" Jack asked. "They didn't have a plan for when the scrap hits the fan, so they'll likely either flee, or gather around the Energon supply. Good thing we know where that is.
"So, what?" Arcee asked, "Major attack." As she said this, Jack looked pensive. "Didn't think of that?" she asked.
"A major attack would risk too much on both sides." Jack uttered.
"So, we let the Dinobots do their thing?" Smokescreen asked.
Jack looked to Arcelia, "Have the Dinobots called to pick up any prisoners?"
Arcelia looked about for a moment before looking down at him, "Yes." she stated.
Jack let out a good sigh of relief. "Let's take the road back to New Kalis."
"Just pull out?" Arcee asked.
"Leave a plan for the Dinobots." Jack simply stated.
"Think they'll follow it?" Arcee asked.
"For a little bit?" Jack asked, "Yeah. More likely if it keeps working."
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thessalian · 2 years ago
Thess vs Farming Sims
Was up most of the night because ow, woke up far too early. Exhausted but can’t sleep. This seems to be a theme. At least the pain’s a bit better now. Though I’m going to have to go out later to pick up some bits and pieces.
So anyway, I’ve been sliiiiiiiightly whittling down my wish list lately. One of the games I picked up was Wylde Flowers, which was named A Witchy Life Story when I picked up the demo (I guess they didn’t want to give the game away too soon with the title). It’s ... I mean, okay, it’s basically Stardew Valley with the magical elements from various Sims games, but it’s ... a lot more than that, in ways I did not expect. So here’s the bullet points.
It’s honestly a good thing that most of Those Gamers (TM) wouldn’t look twice at a farming sim because “it’s not REAL GAMING”, because those same Those Gamers (TM) would biiiiiiiiiitch about this one. They’d yell about “forced diversity” and “SJW CUCKS” or whatever they call it when there’s, like, more than one POC or LGBTQAI+ individual in a game. As a for-instance, just attended an in-game wedding between a gentleman who’s definitely got some Scottish in the family woodpile and a gentleman of Mexican descent. Which was nice. (I was originally going to have the player character, Tara, go for the classy Iranian doctor lady but the really sweet Black dude from South Africa who runs the local bar kinda got there first and he was adorkable and I figured Tara was high-strung enough to want someone a bit more laid back so I went there instead. He calls Tara ‘kitten’. It’s adorable. Anyway, we also have a lady of Russian descent as the local blacksmith, an Indian lady from London doing meteorological studies, a Native American dude running a farm down the road, a native Hawaiian surfer dude running an exotic luxury goods stall, a family whose origins begin in Italy, a somewhat ... interesting Polish gentleman who I think has some serious shit in his past and is older than he looks, and a non-binary individual who’s originally from Japan who runs a butcher shop. (Their reaction to being given sushi, one of their favourite foods, is hilarious and adorable. Maybe I should have held out for Kai, romantically. Ah well, maybe if I do another playthrough.)
We also have Mayor of Smarm and I hate him. His wife’s probably okay, though.
Also there’s the “faith leader”. Basically this place has Scientologists by any other name. I don’t like him much either, and I am not happy about how many people follow this faith. At least one of them is a little less ... devout, if you can call it that? ... than the others. Just faith groups like that creep me out because of a lot of childhood baggage.
Then again ... in case you thought the witchy thing was just a sideline ... oh gods NO. There are there the quests that basically send you into the Fade (they call it the Gloaming, but whatever) and some Fae creatures. And even those are diverse as fuck. We have a fairy and a goblin (I have purchased farming bots from this lovely individual), and a werewolf originally from Alaska who comes by the nonbinary individual’s butcher shop for an epic amount of meat twice a week ... and then we have a curupira. They dug out an old Brazilian mythological creature for this, and did it right - backwards feet and a thing for mischief. I am impressed. Especially since animating backwards feet is probably a bitch.
Oh, and did I mention the witch hunt? I should probably mention the witch hunt. See, this faith group has ... views. Like, “We hate the Summer Festival that’s really just about promoting community bonding and unity because PAGAN”. And “There are ‘witches’ but we don’t use that term; we call them Malcontents and they are DANGEROUS”. There was a whole thing where something escaped from the not-Fade and possessed the blacksmith and she went around accusing poor single mom diner-lady of being a witch and we had to gather a whole bunch of stuff to do a (very quiet, very stealthy, very non-contact) exorcism just as possessed-blacksmith was about to give testimony at a literal, actual, everyone-in-town-must-attend witch trial. Funnily, no one has actually pointed a finger at an actual witch yet. The coven includes our Tara, the cute bar owner guy, the lovely lady who runs the general store, the local florist lady (not sure where she’s from but also not white), the classy doctor lady and the old gentleman from probably-Poland. But the entity possessing the blacksmith shouts ‘WITCH’ at the lady who runs the diner, who was only out after curfew to look for her wander-happy daughter who was out past curfew. (Oh, yeah, apparently we have a curfew and a Neighbourhood Watch set up to catch people wandering into the forest at night. Joke’s on you motherfuckers; I have a broomstick and can fly right over your bigoted judgemental asses. And by the way, witches - by which I mean me - ENDED THE DROUGHT YOU HAD OVER THE SUMMER, so you can fuck all the way off.) Apparently this is going to get dumber at some point.
I think that’s the thing - you can get a little bored with the average farming sim after awhile, but this one has plot, and that plot is ... fairly wild, all things considered. Deals with themes of intolerance and persecution while still being diverse, does its homework about other cultures, and while there are fetch quests of a kind, they’re spaced out with enough fairly meaty and occasionally time-sensitive quests that there’s more investment than just “you know, crops”. Though I am currently celebrating as how I finally got enough compost together for rich soil to have a hay field, so I won’t have to rely on smarmy grifter dude for my animal feed anymore.
Also some of the farm animals have weird favourite treats. WHY THE FUCK DOES A SHEEP WANT TO EAT A LEMON?!? WHY DOES A CHICKEN WANT TO, FOR THAT MATTER?!?
Eh, I should probably throw clothes on and head out for a bit. See if I can nap after some time spent on a bus and a trawl through a grocery store. Might see if I can pick up the fixings for one of the dishes from my Baking Dish cookbook. I’ve been a bit too wiped to do anything this week - for which I entirely blame being stuck with more of the long typing than is feasible because of the combination of Scruffman, Temp, and Violet. At least I booked myself some time off in the not-too-distant future. Fine, it’s in like three weeks, but I can manage.
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joyousmaximus · 1 year ago
Ok the Reagan-Appointed Judge thing is bothering me, and I'm gonna jump on it.
The Texas federal judge in question is David Hittner, who has spent his career ensuring marginalized people have their rights observed. He was appointed by Reagan, sure, but that detail is just another gotcha implying the State of Texas is full of backward hicks. Maybe it's supposed to be evidence to the contrary, but the surprise is perpetuating the stereotype. Yes, our current representatives SUCK & yes, being queer is dangerous in a lot of places, but that is a nationwide issue. It is not unique to Texas.
Hittner was one of the 3 judges who ruled the 1990 Redistricting of voting districts unconstitutional in Terrazas v. Slagle, where gerrymandering prevented the Black population from having a fair vote due to district zoning. He saved a man from death row whose attorney fell asleep during his trial. He presided over the criminal Enron trial, sentenced Allan Stanford, and granted the dismissal of Sandra Bland's wrongful death suit. (settled for $1.9 million out of court, dismissal requested by the family) Additionally, he presided over and sentenced the Madame of the brothel from the largest sex trafficking bust in Houston.
This isn't some sort of fluke where oh this old republican white man is so unique for accepting new data; he ALWAYS takes data into account & ensures he understands everything before making a judgment. He's a judge. He's impartial; that's his JOB.
IMO, this country views Texas the same way Europe (& probably the rest of the world) views the United States. Stupid, alt right, hateful people who only care about guns, money, & oppression. Don't fall victim to the propaganda that Texas is full of fascists. The alt-right is just LOUD and has infected the entire US government, not just Texas'.
Y'all need to remember that the states are pitted against each other on purpose. Feeling in danger, that everyone is out to get you, that you can trust no one, are tactics to keep the nation divided. Fear sows violence, not the other way around.
We're in this together, stop shitting on the south.
Also, Hittner's ruling was appealed by Ken Paxton two days ago (1/11/23), to the 5th circuit Court of appeals in Louisiana. The appeal is under review and has not been accepted yet.
Some good news re Paxton though: the Court has decided he must testify under oath for retaliating against whistleblowers.
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whoopsiefuckindaisy · 4 months ago
You finally get it that Americans hate women? Lmfao
I mean the west just loves to lord it over the global south how they're oh so progressive and how the global south is not safe for women and the mentality is so backward blah blah blah but fucking hell. and we have our faults for sure but at least no one is disillusioned. the west is really not that better yet the pretentiousness never stops.
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the-firebird69 · 8 months ago
And we do understand our child's questions because his pretty clear but he didn't figure something out you ever made a West and the upper middle of the middle area I'm going to be close together and we're going to run the whole thing so won't be as hard to defend as he's been thinking we'll probably keep those areas intact and we will have foreigners and Max in and out and some others to do business and we will have to ship things like they always been shipped and we have to keep a society going right now the morlock are trying to head up again to collect stuff and they're the ones who moved to the South from the Midwest and they're fairly aggressive it's in another bunch in and fully armed and they get past the wall and up about 100 miles and got wiped out so far about 0.3% of the world's population and their group is about 7.5%, now it's 7.2% off Islands and it's still going at it it's a lot of people to die and they're winding up for about five more rounds and we did expect it and theyll be to 6% off Island. Is that point they might stop they might not and that was corks and A lot of them are in the south and Trump said it's 0.2% and in five rounds that is 1% and it will be down to 2.9% off Island. For real though this time I don't believe it but that's going on right now and other attacks planned. They will enter the tunnels when they have the last one opened and it'll be manned at each tunnel they have about 0.1%, it's a mix of cork and Trump but 1.3% total and they will drop down and that's between both another half percent so it would be 5.5% and 2.4%. that's just day one off island of the Mac morlock day one and that's just the USA in other words they do it tonight other attacks in the Eastern hemisphere might occur in daylight as they did here they have planned about another 1% for each type of attack now in total and for South America between the two and that's not that much but they're probably going to increase it is not true they want them to come here but still that's another 0.5% and it could be down to 5% and 1.9%
It's a momentous occasion it's a gigantic occurs they're taking on the Mac proper so we're going to print.
-the crazy person is seen in yes yes a few times and people noted it's the same day and he's an ass and he's just sitting there greening telling everybody that he's doing the right thing and people want him dead and they're going after him for what he's doing he's a sex religious moron he say it to you grinning cuz you don't understand what you're doing. He says the boy says it all the time and he doesn't know what I'm doing and nor do you. They say we know you're doing and you think you can get around when your clans done around and it's backwards and you're a stupid piece of s*** and we know cuz we kill off your clan and we can grab you and he smiles that says that's the way that's what I want to hear and he thinks for a minute and says oh that's why. Is that Slappy and says the boy doesn't do anything and I watch them all day so he came up and said you can see you're a moron and he wasn't laughing he says what am I doing wrong you're stupid and you're showing people you're stupid and you're being stupid with them and they're going to take advantage of it this is the wild Kingdom you can listen I didn't really want to say anything but you're going to listen now the hard way. And he says wow that's not good and they grabbed him later that night and our son said and here's the hard way and he goes thank you this has been a wonderful experience he said it like that you're welcome and it's going to get worse cuz your mouth because of me you stupid s*** and the guy who frowns and says I sort of get something I'm a real freaking wise ass and our son says no you're stupid. So you got grabbed like two times at night his mouth wouldn't stop and then he said I can't stop yapping and everyone hates me and he felt bad for real.
Thor Freya
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jsbsam · 1 year ago
Oops I've done it again!
Saturday 18th November
A very lazy day today as we wait to start our 3 day crossing of the Uyuni Salt Flats tomorrow. There really is nothing much to do in Uyuni, we've wandered the dusty streets a few times now to kill time but there's nothing to see or do. It's a one horse, scruffy town and it's only raison d'etre is as a jumping off point to the salt flats. You get the feeling that there might be a gunfight any minute, but we haven't seen one yet!
I feel that at this point I should make a confession. If you're still following this story you probably think that, despite the disruption that it MM, everything is pretty much under control and going according to plan. Well, the truth is that this little section of our trip has been giving me sleepless nights since we got here. Why?
Most people set off from Uyuni, travel round the salt flats and then return to Uyuni before heading off wherever. Not me, oh no, far to clever for that! I'd arranged for the tour operators to drop MM and myself off at the Chilean border at Hito Cajon so that we could then cross the Atacama desert, get ourselves to Calama and then fly down to Santiago from there. "Ooh, that's clever" you might think. I certainly did until I realised that the border at Hito Cajon is extremely isolated with no public transport, hotels or anything at all. Consequently, I asked the tour provider to quote for a transfer from the border to San Pedro de Atacama, only 35km away. "Ofcourse" they said "£205 please". I thought they were kidding so decided to sort something out when I got into territory. Whilst in Peru, I was contacted by a chap called Joseph who reckoned he could sort it all out for US$160. This still seemed very expensive, but I checked with a UK tour guide in territory and he explained that it was a very good price, but to be absolutely sure of everything because it really isn't a good idea to be stuck at the border as it's not a very safe place at all and there's no where to go.
Well that put the pressure on a bit so I have been constantly chasing Joseph who has been lax in responding and evasive when pushed for details. By yesterday, when we arrived in Uyuni, I was getting quite anxious, Joseph was not responding to messages, I couldn't get through to the UK salt flats tour provider because my phone mysteriously stopped being able to make or take calls, but was working on data, and the local Bolivian tour provider would not accept an order unless it came through from the UK tour operator. The hotel in Chile offered to help but, in the end, came up with nothing.
Today is our last day with data cover as we won't get any on the salt flats apparently unless the hotels have weak signals in the evening. As a last resort this morning I WhatsApp called young John and asked him to get through to the UK tour operator, explain the contact issues and tell them what I needed. Fortunately, he got through and we've now got it all sorted - hopefully!
I've started to breathe again now that I know I've done everything to keep MM safe for you all. The only other option would have been to return to Uyuni after the salt flats and then head south by bus to Chile - but I hate travelling backwards, don't you?
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