#oh but i guess i have to give an actual answer now. HMPH.
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any hopes for kiwami 3? like things u wanna see added or changed stuff like that
if they dont keep kiryu's goofy walk stance and the hoof-like walk sounds i dont wanna play it
#snap chats#no one understands how much i love that from y3 and y4 its genuinely one of my favorite things about the game#oh but i guess i have to give an actual answer now. HMPH.#id scream if they revived kanda calling mine limp wristed. homophobia in 4k#OK BUT TO BE SERIOUS uhhhh i dont know. im a real simple guy i think#my only like. If This Isnt There Im Leaving deal is mine's palette and im so serious#rgg's scaring me with all the black-hair/purple-suit mine stuff as of late and i cant stress how hard ill vomit if thats in the final#HYPOTHETICAL final anyways. yk3 isnt coming out for. IDK A WHILE#i wanna say i hope they highlight daigo and mine's relationship more but i dont know how theyd do that#i really like how mine's handled in y3 as is so i dont think i want scenes injected like what they did with yk1 and nishiki#someone said a Mine Saga after the game and... hm ... sounds too unrealistic for me to hope for it#like im REALLY trying to think how they could possibly reference the rggo stories in y3 since those are EXCELLENT but#i think . MAYBE. you could reference the story where richardson calls mine as he's driving to the hospital#the only thing you'd have to exclude though is mine stopping by the bar- like JUST keep the phone conversation maybe#cause in that scene that subordinate does question mine if he can really kill daigo and i think thatd be neat. in my opinion.#yeah i dont know. in regards to rggo its hard to think of what i want without intervening things i already like about y3#its a real head scratcher ...#a really good epilogue addition would be adapting that RGGO bit where daigo ruminates on mine. that's a fair ending for him i think#it also fulfills the need to see how daigo saw mine even if its just a little#and to non-rggo readers it could start to answer 'how does daigo feel about everything that happened'#im still so curious as to if daigo was briefed on EVERYTHING that happened but .... anyways....#sorry all my hopes for y3 are just mine/minedai centric fLVKELKA BUT LIKE. i really am content with everything else with y3 surprisingly#idk. i want kiryu fucking up that curry in high definition tho. thats important to me#THEY HAVE TO KEEP THE QTES DURING THE RICHARDSON FIGHT ILL BE PISSED#i need the fight to be AS CAMPY and unnecessary as it was in the og. INCLUDING richardson's voice acting i need it wack as hell#is it weird i actually appreciate the Diet Building Loredumping being like. in replayable-cutscene form#i thought id prefer just One Long cutscene but im glad theres the option to skip those segments#BUT being able to get a refresher in case you missed something somehow#im running out of tags jesus christ i shouldve put this in the main text but vjALjlagj those are all my thoughts for now bYE
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// Note to self: Never write in places with barely any signal, or you risk losing everything you've written. After all this time, I've finally posted the fourth chapter. I apologize for the delay; it’s been a stressful period, but now I’m free again, so I'll try to stay more consistent! 😇
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3

Ayato: ( Where the hell is she!? )
( Seriously, what kind of porter suddenly runs away from their job? She’s either a rookie who doesn’t know what she’s doing, or just a complete joke for real. )
*Ring Ring*
( Haa… that’s what was missing. )
— answers phone —
Ayato: What now?
Manager: Ayato-san, where are you? Subaru-san told me you left without a proper explanation, and the recordings need to start soon!
Ayato: ...!
( Oh no, the recordings! Fuck, I totally forgot about that! )
A-Ah, right. I got caught up with something, but it’s okay, I’ll be back soon.
Manager: No, you’ll be back right now. Do you understand?
Ayato: ( Shit, her voice dropped! She must really be pissed…! )
Fine, fine. I’m on my way, don’t worry! Just… give me a second.
Place: Hotel kitchen
Co-worker 1: Gosh, I’m so happy we’ll get to see them up close!
Co-worker 2: I know, right? I wonder how much better they look in person compared to pictures!
Co-worker 3: A friend who went to their Osaka concert told me their skin is even fairer in real life, and Ayato-kun’s face is incredibly small—like, even smaller than in photos!
Co-worker 4: Eeh!? Is that even possible? His face is already so small for his body, so isn’t it unfair to be this beautiful?
Yui: …
( At first, hearing them gush over these boys seemed sweet, but now... I’m not sure what to think anymore. )
Ayato: Can’t you see? This is her responsibility, not yours, so let her do her job.
If she’s not capable of taking it seriously, then she just shouldn’t be working here anymore and risk damaging the hotel's reputation.
*Flashback ends*
Yui: ( That Ayato boy… so many people adore him, and they say he’s all sunshine offstage, but to be honest, he seemed completely different when I met him. )
( I know I shouldn’t be judgemental, but for some reason… I do feel a little sad that I didn’t leave a good first impression. )
( I guess that’s why he acted like that towards me. He’s an idol, after all, and he must deal with all sorts of pressures on a daily basis. I can’t help but think anyone would get stressed in that kind of situation… )
( Nevertheless, if I ever get the chance to speak with him again, I’ll definitely apo——)
— hears a bunch of screams —
Yui: ( What on— )
( They’re in the kitchen! )
Ayato: ( Wait… is that the porter—? )
Subaru: ( Haven’t we seen that girl before? )
Chief: Alright, girls, lower your voices and clear out of the kitchen. We’ve got work to do.
Co-worker 5: What? No way! Are we seriously not allowed to watch the cooking episode live!?
Co-worker 6: Please, let us stay! We promise we won’t interfere with the maknae line!
Chief: ( Haa… they're all giving me puppy eyes now. )
I’m really sorry, girls, but—
Ayato: Wait, I’ve got an idea!
Everyone: Eeh!?
Subaru: ( I don’t like the sound of this… )
Ayato: To make things fair, how about this: Each of us picks one of the girls to help us cook. That way, two lucky fans will get involved too, isn’t it great?
Chief: Actually… that’s not a bad idea at all! In fact, we could turn it into a full-on cooking contest.
The winners… hmm… oh yeah! They will receive ultimate access to all of the hotel’s facilities—including our newest room, the onsen.
— hears gasping sounds —
Subaru: ( I’d rather lose than deal with that… )
Ayato: Hmph, fair enough. I’m in.
— smirks and looks at Subaru —
What about you?
Subaru: ( Ugh… but I guess I have no choice now. )
Fine, whatever. Let’s just get this over with.
— hears squealing —
( Man, don’t make me regret this… )
Ayato: Alright, since no one’s stepping up, this Ayato-sama will go first~!
Eenie, Meenie, Miney… You! The blonde one with pink hairpin!
Subaru: ( Hah? The porter girl? )
Yui: …!?
( He recognized me! )
( Oh no, what if he’s planning to teach me a lesson? He might be an idol, but after all… you never really know what kind of person someone truly is…! I don’t even know what to do right now…! )
( Uhh… I guess I could just pretend I didn’t hear him? Maybe if I act like I didn’t notice, he’ll think I’m not interested and pick someone else instead! )
— starts looking around —
Ayato: Don’t play dumb, I know you heard me, kuku~.
— gets closer —
Co-worker 4: ( I’m so jealous! )
Co-worker 6: ( Ugh… that should have been me! )
Yui: A-Ah, sorry! I was just… so caught off guard, I didn’t realize at first.
— giggles awkwardly —
( This is already so embarrassing…! Now he probably thinks I’m not only unserious but an airhead too! )
Ayato: Nah, don’t worry about it. I get it—you must be nervous getting picked by an idol and all, no? But heyyy, chill a bit, you can make up for it in the kitchen.
— grins and wraps arm around her shoulder —
Yui: ( W-Wait, what? )
Ayato: Until Subaru chooses his cooking partner, let’s settle ourselves in our part of the kitchen, hm?
— starts heading to different section —
Yui: ( Why is he suddenly being so… friendly? )
( Could it be that’s just how he actually is…? )
( A-Anyway! It’s none of my business, so I shouldn’t worry about it. I’m sure it’ll be fine, right? )
( …Right? )
Yui: ( We’ve already set up all the necessary cooking tools, so everything should be ready to go… but it feels kind of weird. )
( He hasn’t said a single word this whole time. I can’t tell if he’s just focused on something or if he’s deliberately ignoring me… Either way, the silence is starting to feel a little unsettling. )
Ayato: ( Tch… why isn’t she saying anything? I thought teenagers were supposed to be obsessed with idols—excited, giggly, trying to get close. But this one? She’s just standing there like she’s afraid to even breathe near me. What’s even her deal? )
( Wait… does she actually fear me now? I mean, yeah, I wasn’t exactly nice when she was carrying the luggage, but are people really that sensitive?)
( Haa… whatever. If this awkwardness keeps up, it’s just going to ruin the mood for everything. I should just suck it up and take this as an opportunity to apologize. )
Oi! You… You’re the porter girl, right?
Yui: …!
( Uuh… I guess there’s no point in pretending… If I try to lie about it, I’ll just make things even more complicated. )
Y-Yeah, that’s so.
Ayato: …Sorry. You know, for earlier.
Yui: …!?
( Did he just… apologize to me? )
Ah, t-there’s no need to! If anything, I should be the one apologizing for my poor performance.
( While it’s true that his words weren’t that pleasant to hear, I still need to take responsibility for my part in this too. )
The truth is… I’m not actually a hotel porter. The only reason I was acting like one was because the real porter couldn’t make it today, so I had to step in.
I know I wasn’t very good at it, and I was so clumsy that I probably could’ve broken something important in your luggage…
That said, I really hope I didn’t cause too much trouble for you or your group mate.
Ayato: ( Well, I really wasn’t expecting all that as an answer, but as long as we’re good, that’s what matters. )
You didn’t, it’s okay.
Let’s just stop dwelling on this and get cooking~!
Yui: Fufu, alright! What do you think would be good to make?
Ayato: Takoyaki!
Yui: Takoyaki? That’s...
( I mean, Takoyaki is surely delicious, but isn’t it a little too casual for a cooking contest? )
S-Sure, it sounds nice, but uhm… wouldn’t you prefer something a bit fancier?
Ayato: Hah? What are you talking about? Everyone loves Takoyaki! It’s a crowd favorite!
Plus, it’s not hard to make at all— we’ll have it done in no time, and it’s pretty much impossible to mess it up, right?
Yui: ( Hmm... he’s got a point. Takoyaki is easy and tasty, so I guess it’s not the worst choice. )
( Actually, I think I’ve got an idea! )
How about making two dishes? We can start with the Takoyaki as a snack and then make something else as the main course!
That way, we can keep things light and fun with the Takoyaki, but also have something a bit more substantial for the actual meal. What do you think?
Ayato: Heh, not bad! That sounds pretty smart.
But what exactly do you mean by "something more substantial"?
Yui: Maybe… Japanese-style Pot-au-feu? It’s healthy and comforting, so I feel like it would be perfect for a main dish.
Ayato: ( Never heard of it, but she seems to know her stuff. I’ll just nod along and pretend I know what she’s talking about. )
Yeah, sounds great! Let’s get started!
Yui: Wha—! What are you doing!?
Ayato: Hah? I’m just adding vegetables in the pot?
Yui: But you have to remove the stem from the turnip first!
Ayato: Eh? Oh!!
— starts removing it —
Ayato: Done!
— tries to throw it in the pot —
Yui: Wait, don’t! You have to peel the turnip now!
Ayato: Pfft, right. I was just kidding~.
( How exactly does one peel? )
Yui: ( Something tells me this guy has never cooked before… )
( I don’t know why, but I find it kinda cute though. )
( His status is higher than mine but as we’re spending time together, I realize he’s just a normal teenage boy after all. )
( Fufu, instead of stressed, these moments feel a bit comforting. )
I-If you’re not very good with that, I could do it instead! You could cut the rest of the vegetables until I peel the turnips.
Ayato: ( Phew, thanks goodness! I thought I was going to embarrass myself there. )
Hmm… alright then! Let’s switch!
( Cutting can’t be that hard, no? )
( I mean, it wouldn’t be the first time I do that, unlike with peeling. )
( Heh, right. It will be piece of cake. )
Yui: Here are the vegetables that still need to be cut and here is the knife. If you need anything else, feel free to tell me.
— Ayato nods —
Ayato: ( Dunno why but this girl seems low-key cool. Of course, not cooler than an idol such as myself, but she somehow feels… natural? No, maybe that’s not the right word, but it’s just that she’s surprisingly a nice company? )
( Heh, it almost feels like a pity that we won’t see each other after this day. )
( This whole thing reminds me of the girl I met that night. )
( …Huh? Why am still think— )
Yui: Eh? What happened?
Ayato: Ugh, I was cutting those things and accidentally cut myself but haa… it’s fine, no worries.
Yui: Oh no, your finger is bleeding!
Ayato: As I said, it’s fi——
Yui: Quick! Please, take this!!
— gives him water compress —
Ayato: Huh…?
( Wait a little—! )
Ayato: Hnn... Ngh!
( What... what should I do now!? )
???: Quick! Please, drink this!!
— hands him water —
Ayato: Huh...?
*Flashback ends*
Ayato: …!
( This girl…— )
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ೃ࿔. me too, please! 🐾*:・

hiii hihi guess i’m back again and it tidnd’t took my months :p anywayy this one was actually a request from my wattpad! it’s been months and i finally answered huhuu T-T i’m really sorry for those who requested many things already but haven’t got it answered.. i promise i’ll make it up :D!

cw: pet names (darling, love, puppy), scratching, rubbing, petting
it was a pleasant surprise to find your boyfriend coming home with a small, white, fluffy, curling and asleep kitten on his shoulder. though. the view seems to cheer you up as a small chuckle escaped your lips when the edge of your lips curled up.
“aww, ‘rou, i didn’t think you’d replace me..” you faked a disappointed tone, to tease around with your boyfriend who tends to get worried at the smallest thing.
“wha- that- no! t-that’s not what i-“ his face turned into a bit of a shock as well as his ears drooping. he looked at the sleeping cat balancing on his shoulder as inly made a straight line on his mouth.
the nervousness and victory of teasing your boyfriend seems to be a succeed when a laughter came erupting from your mouth. “you know i was just jokinggg, you’re always loyal to me, and i trust you”
“hmph, ofcouse! leaving you would be my last choice anyway..” he put his hands on his hips and shot a confident look. you came close to him and raised your hand up as if the first step of an action. you raised it close to him and he knew what you were going to do: pet him. and so, he leaned over to your hand just for it to slip past and instead pet the sleeping baby cat right besides his face.
“oh-“ noticing the misunderstanding, the tips of his ears went red as well as his cheek. meanwhile you, also noticing this demeanor, couldn’t help but to break a laughter quietly, trying not to disturb the sleeping kitten.
“awwh sorry, ‘rou. didn’t think my puppy would want to get an ear rub too” you teased before finally placing your hand on his head, especially rubbing the space close to his ears.
he tried his best not to purr; not to embarrass his self more. though, he couldn’t help but to give up in your touch and to snuggle with it.
“guess you’re no different to a cat, hm..” you smiled softly, seeing your boyfriend finally winding up from the rough day with full training sessions.
“h-heyy! stop that right now.. for the last time, i’m not your pet!” he huffed in embarrassment and tried to deny how good it is to have your ears scratched. unfortunately for him, his body language said otherwise.
and so, seems like you have 2 furry babies to take care of.
he’s been inside his research room for quite a long time, so you decided to give him some Candied Ajilenakh Nut for a quick but high quality break. you know that it’s been a pretty tiring day for him, he discovered a new species of an animal and thought that i’d be nice to study plus take care of it at the same time. and you know he’s been doing a good work; too good for his body.
you knocked to signal him, “darling, i brought you something!”.
without a second later, he opened the door with a happy but tired expression plastered on his face.
“ah, love. didn’t think you’d come by..” he said hazily as he guided you inside.
“darling, you know it’s my job to take care of you, especially when you’ve been working on this.. research thing” you pulled the candied ajilenakh nuts out and served some for him.
“take some rest, honey, you’re being too tired” you shot him a worried look as your eyes got softer, trying to plead him into taking atleast a break.
“ah- you didn’t have to, love… but thankyou, you really do know what i needed” he shot you a grateful smile before munching on those candied ajilenakh nuts and looking towards the incubator which held the enigma animal securely.
“my little pet here.. it’s doing good.” he guided you to follow him to show you what he’s been taking care of for days. just by looking at it, you could already tell that it’s fur was as fluffy and soft as clouds and the patterns made it more extraordinary.
“ah-! what a cutie!” you squealed lightly in awe. he transferred the animal in his palms carefully and brought it close to him, as if cuddling it.
“it’s supposedly 1 month old..” he looked at it with care and love.
“it looks healthy and beautiful, i’m so proud of you.. you’ve been taking good care of it” your tone was loving and caring. you raised your hand in a motion as if to pet something, and tighnari leaned into your hand before you pet the animal. noticing the object that you were looking towards to, he blushed out of embarrassment and acted like nothing happened. though, clearly you already noticed.
“awwh, i suppose my baby also needs some treatment, hm?” you chuckled softly before petting his head followed by a small and comforting scratch.
“w-well i-“ he sighed before continuing, “okay.. maybe i do need your affection” he gave up into your touch and purred softly.
in the end of the day. your prizing scratch is what makes the research worth it.
♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡୧
#genshin x reader#gorou x reader#gorou genshin impact#tighnari x reader#tighnari genshin#genshin impact x reader#genshin impact fanfic
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Sunflower Live - Chapter 10
Previous chapter
Subaru: Oh, look, guys, look! An Eve commercial is playing on TV!
Subaru: Wow! I wish we can become that big! That’s why we have to try our hardest〜♪
Hokuto: Right. If we were to appear in a collab commercial, we’d get a good publicity boost.
Hokuto: Making that a reality is another reason why we have to succeed in the upcoming Sunflower Live.
Makoto: Yeah! ……Wah!?
Hokuto: What is it, Yuuki? Did you forget something at the beach?
Makoto: I didn’t, but I just remembered that I still have Isara-kun’s smartphone on me. I forgot to give it back…
Makoto: I have to return it to him! I feel like I can still catch up to him, so I’m gonna hurry and go after him and Ritsu-kun!
Makoto: Sorry for bailing like this, but can I leave it to Hidaka-kun and Akehoshi-kun to take you home, Anzu-chan?
Subaru: Understood〜. Ukki〜, I hope you manage to catch up with Sari and Sakuma-senpai’s little brother〜

Subaru: See you tomorrow. Bye, bye〜♪
School Route
Ritsu: Maa-kun.
Mao: Gah! You scared me! We’re nowhere near your house yet, so you can go back to sleep if you want.
Ritsu: I know. Thanks. But now it’s evening, I’ve started to feel more energized, so you can put me down.
Ritsu: There we... go.
Ritsu: ......
Mao: Ritsu〜 what’s up? You just said you’re feeling more energetic now it’s evening, but you seem to be in a bad mood. Although, I hope I’m just imagining things.
Ritsu: That’s right. Nighttime is my time, so I’d usually be in a really good mood. But not today. I’m actually super ticked off.
Ritsu: Tell me, Maa-kun. The Sunflower Live is right around the corner. Do you really have time to be playing around like this?
Ritsu: I remember telling you I’d help you out. Despite that, you haven’t even asked me for any advice... What’s your deal? Is it fun for you to rile me up like this?
Mao: Of course not. But, you’re right. I’m sorry I haven’t asked you for advice. But you were busy with your work for Knights, right?
Mao: And I still feel like I shouldn’t be dragging you into Trickstar’s problems.
Ritsu: Hmph. So you only want to involve fellow Trickstar members, huh?
Ritsu: But you also haven’t told the others about that thing, right?
Ritsu: You did tell me to keep it a secret from your fellow Trickstar members, after all.
Makoto: ...!?
Makoto: (Huh? Huh!? Is Isara-kun hiding something from us...?)
Makoto: (What do I do? Eavesdropping is rude, so should I call out to them? But there’s so much tension in the air that I don’t have the courage to speak up〜!)
Mao: You’re right. I haven’t told them about it.
Mao: But it’s gonna be alright. They’re all plenty fired up, so we’ll ace this Sunflower Live.
Ritsu: Well, yeah, that might be true for the concert part. But what about the booth? You haven’t even decided all the items you’re gonna sell, so how can you be sure you’re gonna come out on top?
Ritsu: If you don’t manage to win... I might lose you, Maa-kun.
Makoto: Huh...!?
Makoto: What!? What do you mean you might lose him!?
Mao: Ma-Makoto? What are you... Weren’t you gonna walk home with Subaru and the rest?
Makoto: I realized I still had your phone halfway through, so I chased after you in order to give it back.
Mao: Ah… Sorry, I completely forgot about that. Thanks for going through all that trouble, Makoto.
Mao: ……
Mao: Makoto? Can I have my phone now?
Makoto: I want you to answer me this first: What did Ritsu-kun mean when he said that he might lose you if we don’t become the number one best selling booth?
Mao: No, wait, Ritsu was just being dramatic. It’s not like I’m gonna die or anything, you know?
Makoto: But you will have to pay a price that is about as high as losing your life, right?
Mao: Urgh… I guess I have no choice but to fess up.
Mao: I told you that we were given a condition that we need to come out on top during the Sunflower Live, right?
Mao: Well, we actually also have to become the best selling booth during the event.
Mao: If we fail to do either of those things… I’ll be forced to dedicate myself to Hibiki-senpai for the rest of the summer.
Makoto: …? Why to Hibiki-senpai?
Mao: Oh, because he was the one who challenged me to a sell-off. There’s gonna be lots of booths at the event, but I’m sure he’s the one we’ll have to contend with the most.
Makoto: No way… Isara-kun, why didn’t you tell us about this?
Mao: Because I didn’t want to worry you guys needlessly.
Mao: We wanted to participate in the Sunflower Live to make some great summer memories together. I couldn’t bear to be the one to spoil that for all of you.
Makoto: Worry us needlessly? And you didn’t think that having to spend the rest of the summer without you would actually spoil our summer even more?
Mao: That’s not it. I’m confident you guys are gonna help us become number one. That’s why I didn’t feel the need to tell you.
Makoto: Yeah, it’s clear that you trust us. But if you trust us, why didn’t you just tell us?
Makoto: Did you think we would be intimidated if we knew we’d be going up against Hibiki-senpai?

Mao: Of course not. The opposite actually, you guys…
Makoto: Yeah. We’d get even more passionate and work even harder. But despite knowing that, you didn’t tell us.
Makoto: Have you noticed? You’ve been saying “you guys” the entire time, as though you’re not counting yourself as one of us.
Makoto: You’re always doing that. You watch from the sidelines, mulling over what action you can take in order to aim for the optimal outcome.
Makoto: Usually that helps us out, but this is going a step too far…
Mao: Makoto…
Makoto: Oh, right. I still need to give you your phone back. Here. Sorry for not giving it back sooner.
Mao: Uhm, thanks. Wait, no. That’s not what we were…
Makoto: I’m gonna go now. See you tomorrow, Isara-kun.
Mao: R-Right…
Ritsu: Well, you made him angry.
Ritsu: I told you you should’ve let your friends know. I’m aware you care a lot about them, but they care a lot about you too, you know?
Ritsu: You definitely reaped what you sowed. Time to sink into an ocean of regret.
Mao: ……
Next chapter
#ensemble stars#story translation#mao isara#makoto yuuki#subaru akehoshi#hokuto hidaka#trickstar#anzu#ritsu sakuma
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Gift or whatever idfk what to title this
typical (unreliable title giver)thesia moment
I could see it.
The truth staring right back at me.
The truth about myself, about this world, about the Gods, about the people who were meant to be Gods...
They all showed themselves to me, and I somehow couldn't stop them.
So many questions raced through my head.
Was my whole life a lie?
Did I live for no reason at all?
What was even the point of doing all of this then...?
I wondered.
But I never got an answer.
The questions in my head disappeared, and the only thing that remained was one thought;
I want to—
Knock, knock, knock.
Aleph snaps out of his thoughts—the knock on his front door has brought him back to reality. He was so lost in the memory of that revelation, that he almost didn't catch that noise.
Nobody else is in the house right now. Nhelv went out with Credits earlier, and Destr0yer said she wanted to go out and have a quick walk to clear her mind, so it's just Aleph in the house now. Frankly, he also just got home from a long day at school—it was Teachers' Day, so he came home rather exhausted from all of the festivities.
Nonetheless, he decides to get himself moving, and quickly makes his way to the door, before opening it, revealing the person on the other side to be none other than Pupa himself. "Ah- Pupa! What brings you here?" He greets, offering the other man to come into the house. Pupa does just that, and as he walks into the house, Aleph quickly notices something in his hand.
"...What's that?" He asks, glancing down towards a plastic bag that Pupa grips tightly. Pupa looks down towards it, before looking back at the math teacher. "Oh. This is for you, actually." He answers, and hearing that, Aleph can feel his face heating up slightly. "O-oh...?"
Pupa then fishes the mysterious object out of the bag, revealing it to be some sort of...encyclopedia book...? "Oh my! How nice! Is this another gift from Pamolia? I thought she'd be giving me only one thing for today, haha." Aleph says, grabbing the book in Pupa's hand as quickly as he could, before inspecting the cover closely. He had probably already read the contents of a book similar to this, but it's always interesting to read it in a different writing style. It entertains him quite a lot—
"Oh, uh- no, actually. I got this for you. Not Pamolia."
To that, Aleph's face grows even more red.
"...Oh...um...you...you got this...for me...? S-specifically you...?" Aleph asks slowly, trying his best to keep his composure—though it seems like it's failing. Pupa averts his gaze from the other man, his cheeks flaring up to a bright shade of red too as he simply answers; "Yeah. Specifically me."
He then quickly adds; "With my own money too, so..."
"I see."
Aleph readjusts his monocle, before nodding at the butterfly's way. "Thank you, then. I'm sure I'll have fun reading this." He says softly, looking down to the book once again, tracing his fingers along the rather hard surface of the cover. Pupa just watches, before quietly sighing fondly. "Yeah. No problem, I guess."
"...Also, that thing is expensive- so you better take good care of it!"
"Oh- yes, yes. Alright. I'll keep that in mind~"
"Hmph. You better."
#(writing)hesia#arthesias ocs#rhymix: writing#temptation?: aleph 0 (oc)#butterflies tear people apart: pupa (oc)#ship tag: with added idiocy we'll improve together#+ mentioned pamo
6 notes
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Brave In! Kyoryu Change!
Dinosaurs... Plus humans! Only 10 years ago did the Brave Team from the Cretaceous Era come to the Heisei Era to protect the world! Now, in the Reiwa Era, six kings from the planet of Tikyuu arrive for... reasons yet to be made apparent!
In honor of the Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger's most momentous anniversary... I'm gonna have to... keep... catching up with... another show. One that they're in though, I can promise you! It's going to get wild! Just try to stop us!
Listen and be amazed!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Yeah, I'm real sad I missed out on this one.
-Where the fuck are we?
-I don't think the PM's gonna listen to you guys.
-Man, Dugded was right, this place sucks
-Soujiiiiiiiiiii! How you doin', bud?
-"Ohgai Busou!"
-Good thing God Kuwagata's
-Ohhhhhhhhhh, that might be a problem.
-Junior Prince.
-Ah, there's Candelilla and Luckyuro!
-How's Nobuharu doing, eh? Do we still need shielding from his puns?
-"Be nicer to your sword, you little demon."
-"Er... please pardon me, but if you're a Prince..."
-Oh, you're serious
-There they be
-The Zyudenryu...
-Oh hey Kaguragi!
-Omg Gentle hiiiiiiiiii!!!!
-At least you're having a nice day.
-Oh, he's
-He's a Megazord of the Deboss generals, I see.
-See, there's Aigaron!
-Dogold there.
-Hot damn, Gentle!
-Hatch It!
-...H-Hatch It?
-Ok, byeeeeeee!
-Oooooh~! Shade~!
-The pictures are in the same style as the Kingohger's prophecy... Hmm...
-Hi, Ian. I see you're still making friends.
-Two thousand years ago, even back then did the Kyoryugers run wild.
-"So, you're like... actually a king?"
-I see we don't
-Holy shit, he overrode a good ending.
-Welcome to Japan, bitches.
-I see, a voice only cameo from Daigo and Utsusemimaru.
-"So like... wanna tell us where we are~?"
-Oh I forgot
-Time travel.
-At least Yanma's having fun :)
-Ol' Prince is off to have fun training too~!
-Deboss, you're looking
-Quite silvery
-And beetle-y too...
-Laid the fuck out
-They stole our fucking dinosaurs
-Our Gods are far beyond us
-"Time to make the prince awaken!"
-Jeramie's also having a lovely day.
-Hot damn! Yanma figured it out right quick
-"I claim Japan in the name of Shugoddam!"
-Yeah, this guy's Daigo's successor alright.
-"Of course I cheat! I'm doing it right..."
-Give your sword a kiss and start over.
-Well done!
-That's our Gira for you.
-Souji :)
-"C'mon Kingy. Make my day."
-Brave In!
-Kyoryu Change!
-Bust it down, boy!
-Hot damn!
-Gonna get wild!
-This is so sick
-God, Himeno's absolutely serving
-King Vomola Mucho!
-Head hurty
-Oh, nope, couldn't be that simple.
-Ah, he's fine
-Whaddup, girl, we missed you.
-"Hey so uh..."
-Tikyu... Chikyuu...
-What's the difference?
-Hot damn... His dad pulled!
-Unearned bravery'll do that to you, Deboss.
-Oh, skipping the title sequence, okay!
-Despair's our big enemy here.
-Rally up our kingdom!
-Earth drip!
-Yuko-chan... Rika-chan!
-"This is peak."
-This feels good
-That's our key, here, huh?
-Welcome to Earth, bitch!
-We just had a whole other Earth out there, huh?
-"I learned from my Dad, after all."
-A Space Ship.
-Thank you for that, ancestors.
-"I-I take regal responsibility for Prince!"
-Have I mentioned how cool it is, applying similar principles to crossover power sets?
-Thanks, Dad!
-From across the universe, Castle Caucasus Kabuto answers the King's call!
-Candy and Nobby, 2gether4ever!
-Awwwwww :)
-"Oh! I see~! That's wonderful!"
-Jeramie :D
-God, I love Himeno's Kikaider jean jacket.
-Well, you tried Ian.
-Good taste, all around.
-Where is our earthly melody?
-OHhhhhhhh, of course!
-That's a good reason to skip the intro.
-Bravery Restored.
-Ohgai Busou!
-Brave In!
-Muteki no Sentai~!
-Pincering Brave! King Kyoryu Red!
-Bullet Brave! Kyoryu Black!
-Armored Brave! Kyoryu Blue!
-Slashing Brave! Kyoryu Green!
-Horned Brave! Kyoryu Pink!
-Strongest and bravest! Zyuden Sentai! Kyoryuger!
-Time and space are relative concepts anyway.
-Absolutely wildin'.
-This is worth everything.
-Brave In!
-Chomp those batteries!
-Oh that's cute, even King-Ohger's sambaing down.
-Goodbye, Deboss!
-One day...
-Consider yourself on the right path, Prince!
-Amy and Daigo fuck.
-Farewell... I'm gonna miss those bug guys.
-...wait a second...
-Oh we're back
-Our stupid kings are now headed home.
-"Wi-fi's back on."
-A loud screech is the last thing you'd ever wanna hear on a spaceship.
-Oh, Yanma, you
-You brought a little souvenir, eh?
-Dugded is just Discord if he actually was a supervillain.
-Hello, Shugo Mask.
-"That's it, I'm going to bed."
-The kings are back, baby!
-...oh God, I hope relativity isn't coming back to bite us.
-I swear, Hat Guy's talking like Josh Peck.
-...Hat Guy, Jesus, it has been way too long.
-His names Goroge, I know that!
-"Free jewelry for life, baby~! That's the rule of Dugded for you!"
-"Oh, oops."
-I guess most of our modern science survived out in Space.
-"Kill a king... and you get to be one too!"
-Damn, Yanma was gonna throw down.
-Takes greed to know greed.
-New King?????
-Where is she?
-"Oh come now..."
-Alright, kinglings, let's dish out some church and state!
-Rulin' like it's 70 Million BC!
-Oh Kohgane, thank god
-Et tu, Boone?
-Shugo Kamen...
-He reversed Man in the Iron Masked us.
-"Oh well, peace is good :)"
-Left spinning their wheels in despair.
-C'mon, King Weiner!
-They shot him...
-Oh hi~!
-He's so small!
-He speaks fluent spirit!
-"Now... with the Power of the Dinosaurs! It's time for me to lead a charge! It's Morphin' Time! Energize! Unleash the power!"
-It was a much different effect, Gira had noticed, compared to King-Ohger. But if Minityra was willing to provide his aid, how could he refuse~? Breaking it down would be no small feat, but by the Gods, he'd simply have to!
-Sorry, Fly Boy! No amount of money's gonna let you step up to the King~!
-Good job~!
-Suzume's totally taken over.
-"Shut up, weiner! You're not the boss here!"
-"Oh noooooooooo~! Save me, my beloved Shugo Mask~!"
-Who else?
-How do you have a voice filter, your mouth isn't even covered.
-Ho man...
-Those blasted space bugs.
-There he is.
-Big Brother Racules.
-You are one captivating son of a bitch.
-Racules Husty. Tremble at his name.
-That's gonna be all from me tonight! I am...
-Quite tired, I'm just gonna lie down~! See you~!
#Rejoice O Swarming Evil! You're My King!#zyuden sentai kyoryuger#ohsama sentai kingohger#super sentai#kingohger#kyoryuger
7 notes
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Syo Kurusu (Repeat)
Translator: Terry (Twitter: turtlemudge), Raz (Twitter: agnadance)
Editor: Snail (Twitter: herbert_snail)
December — Upbeat Dance

Last month, to convince Kaoru-kun to return home, Syo-kun and I pretended to be dating, but…
… I guess something about doing that has made me feel strangely self-conscious, and I've been unable to look Syo-kun in the eye ever since.
I'm aware that it was just for show, of course, but… still…
I thought he was about to kiss me… While that left quite an impression, I ended up realizing that if it was Syo-kun, I would probably be fine with that…
I can't help remembering that moment every time our eyes meet.
I thought that I would stop feeling so flustered after a few days, but… it still hasn't stopped.
I can talk to him, and it hasn't stopped us from working together normally… or so I hope, but then again I should probably be making eye contact when I speak to him.
Syo Kurusu: Um, so… Haruka. About this month's—
Haruka Nanami: Y-yes! W-what is it?
Ack! I get so startled that I squeak a bit when I answer him.
Syo Kurusu: Ah… well… Y'know what, never mind....
Haruka Nanami: …
Ren Jinguji: Hey, Icchi. What do you think that was...?
Tokiya Ichinose: … What do you mean, "that"?
Ren Jinguji: Is it just me, or have things between the Lady and Shorty been a bit awkward lately?
Tokiya Ichinose: I agree that there's been something strange between those two lately. You do realize that it isn't something we should involve ourselves in though, don't you?
Ren Jinguji: You're so cold. You won't get many fans that way.
Tokiya Ichinose: I apologize if I seem cold. As their friend, I am concerned about both of them.
Ren Jinguji: Then don't you think we should do something about it? As their friends?
Tokiya Ichinose: … I truly think this is a situation in which outsiders shouldn't interfere. If we get mixed up in it, we may only complicate things further.
Ren Jinguji: There is that, but it depends on how we handle it…
Tokiya Ichinose: … What are you getting at?
Ren Jinguji: Heh. You just sit back and enjoy the show.
Tokiya Ichinose: You're such a pain.
Syo Kurusu: Uh so! About the Christmas dance…
Haruka Nanami: ??? The Christmas dance…?
Syo Kurusu: Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to…
As Syo-kun is speaking, Jinguji-san comes over, slipping right next to me and putting an arm around my shoulders.
Ren Jinguji: Yo, Lady. Have you chosen your partner for the Christmas dance?
Haruka Nanami: … It's a dance party…?
That's right, Syo-kun was about to say something about dancing…
Ren Jinguji: Yeah, it's the Christmas event. Male and female students pair off for ballroom dancing.
Haruka Nanami: Um… I… I've never done that kind of dancing, so… Um… I don't really think I can…
Ren Jinguji: Oh, really? In that case, let me show you.
Saying this, Jinguji-san wraps an arm around my torso.
Haruka Nanami: U-um…
Ren Jinguji: Your hand goes here.
Haruka Nanami: Eh… uh, okay…
As instructed, I place my hand on Jinguji-san's shoulder.
Ren Jinguji: Bring your body closer… Close enough that you could bury your face into my chest…
He pulls me firmly towards himself.
Haruka Nanami: Ah, you know… actually…
Ren Jinguji: That's it. Just keep your eyes on me, Lady.
Syo Kurusu: Gaaahh!! Let go of her, you womanizer!!
Syo-kun gets between me and Jinguji-san and pulls us forcibly apart.
Syo Kurusu: You!!
Haruka Nanami: Yes, sir!!
Syo Kurusu: Don't give him an opening like that! Or actually, from now on, don't go near him ever again!!
Ren Jinguji: Hmph. So that's what you're going with? What right do you have over her? It's not like you're her boyfriend or anything.
Syo Kurusu: Shut up! This has nothing to do with you!
Haruka Nanami: Syo…kun?
Syo Kurusu: I just don't like it when I see somebody all over you.
Ren Jinguji: You're being a jealous child. How about you be a man and tell her that you like her?
Syo Kurusu: Shut up! That's not… what I mean… Don't lump me in with you!
Syo Kurusu: Romance isn't the only meaningful connection between people!
Syo Kurusu: Stop making this all about dating! She's…
Syo Kurusu: She's my one and only, irreplaceable partner. There's no one who could ever take her place!
Syo Kurusu: I care for her. I will protect her with my own two hands.
Syo Kurusu: That's why I don't want her to get close to people like you. Got it?
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun… I also care about you.
Select the Phrase!
パートナーだと思ってます。 I think of him as a partner. (+10 Love +5 Music)
Syo Kurusu: Haruka… you think so, too?
Haruka Nanami: Yes! You're my valuable partner. No one can ever replace you.
Syo Kurusu: I see… Sorry for yelling earlier.
Haruka Nanami: No, it's fine…
Syo Kurusu: I don't hate Ren, but I know how many girls he's made cry…
Syo Kurusu: I don't ever want you to cry…
Ren Jinguji: Wow, that’s harsh. I’m an ally to every woman. That’s why I can’t settle on just one.
Ren Jinguji: I just think the little lady is very cute. I would never steal her away from her knight and make her cry.
Syo Kurusu: If that's what you really think, then be careful about how to approach her! You're going to make her freak out! Sheesh…
Ren Jinguji: I felt like messing with you because it's so frustrating to watch you two. Why not just be honest with yourselves…
Syo Kurusu: What are you spouting off about…
Haruka Nanami: ???
Ren Jinguji: I see, you two still don't understand, do you? Well, take your time. I'll be watching from the sidelines.
大切な人だと思ってます。I care for him. (+20 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: You are my idol who is dearer to me than anyone else.
Haruka Nanami: I want to do my very best with you from now on.
Ren Jinguji: I see, you two feel the same way about each other.
Haruka Nanami: ???
Ren Jinguji: It's fine. Taking it easy has its own appeal.
友達だと思ってます。I think of him as a friend. (+0 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: Um… so… He's not my boyfriend, or anything. I just like him as a friend…
Ren Jinguji: A friend… That's a convenient excuse. Oh well, that's fine, I guess…
Later that day after school…
We enter the recording room and start practicing, but for some reason, I still feel awkward around him.
We stare at our music sheets without uttering a word for some time…
Syo Kurusu: Um…
Syo-kun opens his mouth abruptly.
Syo Kurusu: So about the dance party that Ren was talking about this morning…
Haruka Nanami: Yes?
Syo Kurusu: Well… do you have anyone to dance with?
Haruka Nanami: Huh? Ah… um… I… am very bad at dancing… I think I'd just cause trouble…
Syo Kurusu: You can just practice!
Haruka Nanami: Yes, I know, but…
Syo Kurusu: Then… how about I dance with you?
Haruka Nanami: What…?
Syo Kurusu: I'm… your partner, after all… Also, it's a prince's duty to look after his servants.
Syo Kurusu: I'll teach you how to dance, so… um… don't dance with anyone else…
Syo-kun… Could it be that he had been trying to invite me this morning?
Haruka Nanami: Yes, sir. I will do my very best.
I bow my head in a humble manner.
Syo Kurusu: Great! I'm a strict teacher, so get ready to break a sweat!
His words are stern, but he grins from ear to ear.
Select the Phrase!
はいっ!Yes, sir! (+5 Love +5 Music)
Syo Kurusu: Alright! Better keep up!
優しくしてください。Please be gentle with me. (+20 Love +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: G-Gentle?! What are you saying…
Syo-kun's eyes shift nervously. Maybe trying to teach gently is difficult? But…
Haruka Nanami: In any rate, I know nothing because I've never done this before… I would like you to teach me step one…
Syo Kurusu: From step one? Gently…?
Syo-kun looks like he's thinking very hard about something.
Haruka Nanami: Yes… That's why… I would like you to teach me the beginner course!
Syo Kurusu: Course…? Okay, I'll do my best to teach you.
Haruka Nanami: Thank you!
厳しくお願いします。Please be strict with me. (+5 Love +5 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I don't want to cause you trouble during the actual dance, so please be as tough on me as possible!
Syo Kurusu: Of course! That's what I was planning from the start! I would expect nothing less from my servant. You've got guts!
Haruka Nanami: Yes, sir!
Syo Kurusu: First, I'll teach you waltz. You know the tempo of a waltz, right?
Haruka Nanami: Uhh…
Select the Phrase!
2拍子です。2/4 timing. (+0 Love +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: You silly. Waltz is ¾ timing.
Haruka Nanami: Ah… I see…
3拍子です。¾ timing. (+0 Love +10 Music)
Syo Kurusu: Yes! It's ¾ timing! Great job!
He rubs my head.
When he praises me, I get so happy and feel like I want to try even harder.
4拍子です。4/4 timing. (+0 Love +0 Music)
Syo Kurusu: You dummy. Waltz is ¾ timing. That's obvious!
Haruka Nanami: Ah… Is that so…
Syo Kurusu: Sheesh. Your grades may be good, but you’re lacking in other places.
Haruka Nanami: I'm sorry.
Syo Kurusu: I'll show you the proper way of doing it first. Try to do the same after watching me.
He starts doing the steps in front of me.
Syo Kurusu: You have to make clean steps. First, you step from your heel, and gracefully lower your foot starting from your ankle…
Ah… he's so cool!
Syo-kun is short but has good posture, so even when he is just walking, his movements are very precise and beautiful.
Haruka Nanami: So, like this…?
I try to move the way he taught me.
But something's off. He made it look so easy, but when I do it, it's completely different.
Syo Kurusu: You're exerting yourself too much. The tips of your toes are also facing outwards. Loosen up a bit.
Syo Kurusu: One, two, three. One, two, three. Like this!
Syo-kun stands right by my side and teaches me by placing his hands on me.
Haruka Nanami: Umm… One, two, three. One, two, three.
Syo Kurusu: Yes, like that! You can do it if you try! And… when we're dancing, don't think of us as prince and servant, but as prince and princess.
Haruka Nanami: Me, a princess…?
Syo Kurusu: That's right. Princes dance with princesses. I've never heard of a prince dancing with his servants.
Syo Kurusu: So since you're my princess right now, you better dance gracefully like one!
Haruka Nanami: Yes, my prince!
I… I'm a princess… I need to do my best!
Syo Kurusu: Okay, we're going to dance together now. Here…
Haruka Nanami: ...Okay.
He holds his hand out to me. When I place my hand on his, he pulls me to him.
Syo Kurusu: Hey… Grip my hand properly.
Haruka Nanami: Y-Yes…
Syo Kurusu: Also… if you don't get close enough to me, you won't be able to read my dance cues.
Haruka Nanami: L-like this…?
I step closer to him and press my belly against his.
Syo Kurusu: Yeah… but you have to get even closer… Yes, you have to be this close.
Haruka Nanami: Um…
Select the Phrase!
ドキドキします。My heart's pounding. (+20 Love +5 Music)
Syo Kurusu: Wha?! What are you talking about… Your heart's pounding?
Haruka Nanami: Can it be that you're feeling the same way, too?
Syo Kurusu: Huh? Ah… No! I've never felt that way in my life! Ever!
He blushes bright red and stammers. I hear his heart throbbing from our chests that are pressed against each other.
ちょっと恥ずかしいね。This is a little embarrassing. (+15 Love +5 Music)
Syo Kurusu: D-don't say that. This is just practice, so… there's nothing to feel embarrassed about…
Syo Kurusu: …
Haruka Nanami: …
I become self-aware and my face flushes.
顔・・・近いね・・・ Our faces are so close… (+5 Love +5 Music)
Since our heights are similar, our faces have ended up very close to each other's.
Syo Kurusu: Y-you idiot! Don't say that! Ahh, geez!
Bright red, his steps become a little uneven.
Ba-dump. Ba-dump.
My heartbeat and his heartbeat start accelerating.
Syo Kurusu: Hey, Haruka… Look up. Don't look down…
Haruka Nanami: O-Okay…
The moment we make eye contact, my heart makes a loud thump.
Without missing a step, our faces go beet red and our hands heat up…
Syo Kurusu: Ugh… ah… Haa… haa… ha…
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun…?
Syo Kurusu: I'm fine. Don't look at me like that. I can keep going. I want to dance with you a little more.
He pulls me in by my waist even tighter.
Syo Kurusu: You… can relax more… Leave it all to me.
Haruka Nanami: O-Okay!
Ah… It's so easy to dance. Syo-kun is leading me so I can dance easily.
He has a good sense of rhythm. Every move he makes is sharp and unique to him.
Instead of forcing it out, he adjusts to his surroundings and knows when to make the right move.
He's still trying to accommodate me, but he brings out his best moves when he can.
I don’t think he does this consciously; this comes naturally to him.
I can feel this is Syo-kun's unique rhythm.
This is a chance for me to take inspiration from this feeling and put it in song.
I feel like I can make a song that can really accentuate his charm…
I want to feel more of him… his beat…
Syo Kurusu: Yeah… I think you've gotten a lot better. You have a good sense! That's what I like about you…
Syo Kurusu: Your songs… your rhythm… they feel good. I want to sing them forever.
Syo Kurusu: Forever and ever… I want to keep dancing with you, but…
Syo Kurusu: Ugh!
Syo-kun grimaces sharply, backs into the wall and sits down.
Syo Kurusu: Haa, haa, haa…
His breath is shallow… He's in pain.
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun… A-are you okay? Should we go to the nurse's office? Or should I call the ambulance…?
Syo Kurusu: No, don't call them! This isn't a big deal!
I sit by Syo-kun's side and hug his shoulders.
I can't be of much help for him but I still want to support him.
Syo Kurusu: Urgh…!
Syo-kun stands up.
Syo Kurusu: Sorry… I'm… going to cool off.
He runs outside.
Syo-kun… Is he… really alright? I'm so worried…
After that, Syo-kun frequently becomes ill when we practice dancing.
My heart hurts every time I see him clutching his chest with a pained look on his face. I don't want him to overexert himself and suffer.
The dance for the school festival will be different… but I'm still worried.
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun… This is too much. We need to stop.
I stop dancing in the middle of a lesson.
Syo Kurusu: Why? I'm fine.
Haruka Nanami: I know that you're fighting through the pain as we dance…
It's okay for us to not attend the Christmas party. Please, let's stop.
Syo Kurusu: Don't say that. I… want to attend the party with you…
Syo Kurusu: We're only in this school for one year. I want to make as many memories as possible. I want to live with no regrets!
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun…
I want to make memories too, but I’m worried that he's going to push himself too far…
On the day of the dance party, I suddenly get called to the principal's office.
Haruka Nanami: Um… Did I do something wrong?
Shining Saotome: Hahaha… You're still fine, for now.
Shining Saotome: BUT it'll be too late if something were to happen, so I'm warning you now. That's because I'm very VERY nice.
Shining Saotome: Romance is against the rules. I know you already know this, but Mr. Syo is especially off limits.
Haruka Nanami: Why is that…?
Shining Saotome: Mr. Syo's heart is like a bomb. It's dangerous for his heart rate to accelerate.
Shining Saotome: Idols are always subject to pressure.
Shining Saotome: Who knows what will happen if you add lovey-dovey feelings in there. Be extra careful!
Haruka Nanami: Lovey-dovey… feelings…
Shining Saotome: Be extra careful if his face goes bright red or his heart starts throbbing like crazy! Avoid that at all costs!
Face going red… heart throbbing like crazy…
That has happened a lot whenever we’ve practiced dancing…
Select the Phrase!
わかりました。 I understand. (+0 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I'll be careful!
Shining Saotome: Hahaha, good girl, good girl!
He ruffles my hair.
はいっ! Yes, sir! (+0 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: Strenuous exercise and exhilaration… I'll be sure to avoid them as best as I can!
Shining Saotome: Hahaha! Do your best!
・・・ … (+20 Love +0 Music)
If… something happens to Syo… Just thinking beyond that causes my legs to tremble on the spot.
I have to stop his heart from racing…
I should stop us from dancing together tomorrow…
What should I tell him…
It's the day of the dance party.
Everyone has come to the party dressed glamorously.
I also am wearing a dress, but I don’t feel like dancing. I stand alongside the wall and watch everyone from afar.
Syo Kurusu: Haruka! There you are! Geez, I've been looking everywhere for you!
Syo-kun waves his arm and runs over to me.
Haruka Nanami: I'm sorry…
Syo Kurusu: Um… That dress looks good on you. I thought you were someone else.
Haruka Nanami: Thank you… You look handsome, like an actual prince…
Syo Kurusu: R-Really? I'm not used to these clothes so I'm just a little nervous…
Haruka Nanami: …Is your heart racing?
Syo Kurusu: Huh? Ah… yeah, a little bit…
His face is red…
His heart is a bomb… and… lovey-dovey feelings…
He was suffering so much even as we practiced. If we dance in a place like this, he'll…
Syo Kurusu: Come on. The song changed, so this is a good time to start dancing.
Syo Kurusu: And um… today's a special day… so take my hand, my princess.
Syo-kun straightens up and holds out his hand.
Haruka Nanami: I'm so sorry… I can't dance with you.
I don't want Syo to suffer anymore.
I can't bear to watch him make that pained expression again.
Syo Kurusu: Why? We practiced so much…
Haruka Nanami: Because your heart races…
Syo Kurusu: Huh? What're you talking about?
Haruka Nanami: You suffered so much even when we practiced. If we dance right now, your heart won't take it.
Haruka Nanami: The principal told me that I mustn't put any more burden on your heart because it's dangerous…
Syo Kurusu: So?
Haruka Nanami: Are you angry?
Syo Kurusu: Yeah, I'm angry! You'll stop because it's dangerous? That's just running away.
Syo Kurusu: There's nothing gained from just running away. If there's a mountain, climb it. If there's a wall, go over it.
Syo Kurusu: If you give up before you start, that's the same as death. I won't stand living like that.
Syo Kurusu: We don't know when we'll die. That's why I refuse to back down. I'm living right here, right now!
Syo Kurusu: I'm going to make the most out of my life and keep living. I'll do every single thing that I can and make my mark in this world.
Syo Kurusu: I want to cherish this life because I don't know when it'll end!
Syo Kurusu: I want to dance with you! I want to see more of your smile! So come with me, Haruka!
Syo-kun pulls my hand and runs.
He pulls me in and leads me with a strength that is unimaginably strong for such a small body.
He really is a man…
My heart starts racing.
Will his heart start racing if he were to hear my heart beating?
I get scared when I think about that.
Syo Kurusu: Don't look down. Look up. I'll be okay!
Haruka Nanami: But…
Syo Kurusu: It's fine. Believe me!
Haruka Nanami: Okay.
Syo Kurusu: Good!
He flashes the brightest smile I've ever seen from him.
His lead is powerful and graceful, and his movement is refined down to his fingertips.
It's as if he has become one with the music and I feel so good.
My heart is becoming one with Syo-kun and the music.
Female Student A: Ah, look at those two!
Female Student B: Wow… How wonderful!
Syo-kun's dancing is so graceful and polished that everyone around us starts sighing from admiration.
I can't believe I'm dancing with someone as skilled as him…
Syo Kurusu: Hey, don't look away. Look only at me.
Haruka Nanami: Okay.
Syo Kurusu: This is really nice. I love dancing with you. It feels great!
Haruka Nanami: I also love dancing with you.
Syo Kurusu: Listen up. You're mine for the rest of your life. Never ever dance with anyone else.
Haruka Nanami: Syo-kun…?
The music stops and we end our dance.
We take a pause and then…
Syo-kun hugs me tightly.
Syo Kurusu: In exchange, I'll always be by your side. Be with me always, right here with me…
Syo-kun whispers into my ear.
Haruka Nanami: Of course.
I don't know what will happen from now on. I think his heart is going to race more frequently if we're together.
But I will continue supporting him… right by his side.
The party ends, and Syo-kun and I walk towards the dorms.
Syo Kurusu: Ahh! My shoulders are stiff. I guess that's what happens when you wear clothes like these.
Haruka Nanami: Yeah… I agree. But I had a lot of fun!
Syo Kurusu: Yeah… I got to see you in a dress… and you were… very pretty.
Haruka Nanami: Th…Thank you.
Syo Kurusu: Umm… I want to tell you something.
Haruka Nanami: Tell me what?
Syo Kurusu: Umm… You don't have to be my servant.
Haruka Nanami: Ah… so this means you're firing me?
Syo Kurusu: Huh? Uh, yeah… You're not helpful at all. You're an absolute clutz. Heck, I end up taking care of you most of the time…
Haruka Nanami: I'm sorry…
I didn't know that I was causing this much trouble for Syo-kun…

Syo Kurusu: You idiot… Why are you making that face?
Syo-kun lightly taps me on the head with his fist.
Syo Kurusu: What I mean is… you've been promoted from being my servant to being my princess.
Haruka Nanami: Princess…?
Syo Kurusu: Meaning… I'll date you. There, I spelled it out for you…
Haruka Nanami: Date? Me and… Syo-kun?
I'm so incredibly happy that I can’t stop the tears from welling up in my eyes and overflowing down my cheeks.
Syo Kurusu: H-hey. Don't cry! Does that mean… you hate me?
Syo-kun looks into my face, flustered.
I shake my head.
Haruka Nanami: I'm happy…
I tell him my feelings as best as I could.
There's so much I want to tell him but I'm crying so much that I couldn't form words.
Syo Kurusu: Erg…!
He hugs me.
Syo Kurusu: Hey, that face is too much to handle… You're too cute!
He loosens his embrace and looks into my face.
Syo Kurusu: Haruka… I love you.
He leans into my lips…
This isn't acting. This is real… a real kiss.
Syo Kurusu: Nn…
After giving me a brief kiss, he gazes into my eyes again.
Syo Kurusu: I won't let go of you for the rest of your life. Brace yourself.
Haruka Nanami: Okay.
I won't ever let go of him. I want to be by his side forever, and ever, for the rest of our lives…
Mini Game
Ryuuya Hyuuga: Hey, Nanami. Sorry for calling you here. I want your opinion on composing.
Ryuuya Hyuuga: Here are some unfinished lyrics by a student. They're still stuck on what to write.
Ryuuya Hyuuga: What kind of phrases would you put in while considering the melody? Can you pick some out of the choices?
Ryuuya Hyuuga: Just approach it the same way as you did with the previous lyrics test.
Ryuuya Hyuuga: However, nothing's finished so there isn’t really a right answer.
Ryuuya Hyuuga: In this case, think about what would feel right here… Nah, it's fine.
Ryuuya Hyuuga: Are you ready? Time to get started!
Syo Kurusu: I was surprised. You and I think the same way. We must have the same kind of sense… Birds of a feather!
Haruka Nanami: Maybe we are!
It would be nice if we are. I would be happy if we have the same music sense.
Chapter End
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New teachers at school!!
Chapter 3
Note : The reader and Tom were now good friends as it's been a few months since she started working as his t.a.
Nyte!!!! ✌🏻❤️
(nyte =enjoy)
Tom : May I have this dance, my lady?
Y/N: Of course!
You take his hand and he dragged you to the dance floor. Your eyes nearly popped out at the sight in front of you. Your best friend and Mr Jungkook. Dancing. Together. Great!!!!! Yayyy
Tom : You look absolutely amazing today Y/N!!
Tom bends down the littlest bit as he says that like a whisper in your ear
Y/N *blushing * : Thank you so much, Tom
You guys dance for God knows how long. But Norns! It was the best dance of your life. His hands and body fitted perfectly against yours. His scent drove you nuts. He smelled soo.........amazing!And man, he was a great dancer!!!! But from the corner of your eyes, you could see Charlotte Brown. Your arch nemesis. First, she was jealous of you being Tom's teaching assistant and now, the dance. Your lips twitched into a smirk as you saw her burning with jealously.
*After the heavenly dance *
Tom : That was amazing!!
Y/N : Indeed it was.
One of Tom's colleague called him so, he excused himself and went in their direction. After that David,( you're thinking right dear reader, the same David. He's very much annoying) came to you. Perfect to ruin your amazing mood.
David : Would you mind sharing a dance with me , darling?!
He said with a flirty tone in his voice.
Y/N : Sorry to offend you but , yes I would.
You give him a mocking smile. He pouts at your answer. 'Ugh! Stop trying to be cute you are far away from that term, asshole ' you thought.
David : Then, a drink pleaseee?
You really wanted to say no but since he was so adamant about it you thought it's just a drink so....
Y/N : Fine, just one. But please wait for a minute I'll take a quick trip to the washroom.
David : Ok.
When you're got out of the washroom someone pushed you against the wall and closed your mouth with one hand. And guess who??
Yes, you're right again, it was David.
David : You can't run away from me, love.
'Love ' ewwwwwwww. You'll rather die. He then removed his hand from your face and cupped your cheeks. He was about to kiss you when.............
(Nope! It's not Tom who came there.)
You kicked him between his legs and while he was groaning in pain you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and switched your positions. Now he was against the wall. Hmph! You pulled a black dagger with an emerald out from one of your secret pockets and kept it on his throat. Phew! It was a bit difficult because of the dress.
Y/N : Oh dear, you thought you would just simply come here and harass me?!Tut - tut. Try using these tactics with someone else. I know very well how to defend myself.
Meanwhile, he was just standing there with wide eyes. Fear was clearly visible in them.
Y/N : If you dare do anything like this, again, this thing right here * motions towards the dagger * will have to do its job.
David : S-sorry. I -I - I am r-really s-s-sorry..
Y/N : Well, you should be.
You remove the dagger and let go of his collar. He takes a deep shaky breath.
Y/N : Let's go, shall we?
He just nods and goes in a different direction. You go out and meet your bestie. She was having a great time with Mr. Jk.
Y/B/F/N : Where were you? You disappeared after the dance!
Y/N : Long story, dear. I'll tell you when we get home.
You smile at her and she returns the gesture.
Tom : Oh here you are!! Finally!!
You chuckle.
Tom : I didn't see you after the dance.....
Y/B/F /N : Exactly!
Y/N : Yeah.......actually I had to deal with some assholes. But it's fine they won't dare to mess with me again.
You smile.
Y/B/F/N : That's my girl!!!!
Tom shakes his head and chuckles. Lord! It was the sweetest sound you've ever heard. Just then you saw Mr Jungkook coming. "Look Kook's here" your best friend whispered in your ear. "Ohhhhhhhhh, so now it's Kook from Mr Jungkook, huh?" you whispered back wiggling your brows. You received a playfully smack on your hand in return.
Mr Jungkook : Ah! Tom! Finally found you!!!!
Tom : Eheheh. I was with our colleagues.
Y/N : Hi, professor.
Jungkook : Hello, miss Y/N. You're looking amazing!!
Y/N : Thanks, you too, Mr Jungkook.
Jungkook : Thank you, and please call me Jungkook.
Y/N : Only if you call me Y/N instead of miss Y/L /N. *you smile and chuckle *
Jungkook : Of course!
Tom : Let's get something to eat. What do you think, girls?
Y/N : I'm starving!!
Tom, Jungkook and your best friend laugh and you blush.
Tom : Oookay..... Let's go then!
Tom extends his hand for you and you take it and so did your best friend and Jungkook. After the amazing dinner you guys had some drinks and desserts but you had to keep a check on your drinks cuz you didn't want to get too drunk in from of your professor / crush, Thomas William Hiddleston.
Y/B/F/N : Please excuse me guys, I'll have to go now as I have to go to my my mom afterwards.
Y/B/F/N said standing up.
Jungkook : Oh, ok. Do you want me to drop you?
Y/B/F/N : Thank you so much, professor but it's fine I will take our car.
Jungkook : Fine, have a safe drive and text me when you reach home.
Y/B/F/N: Sure. Bye 👋🏻👋🏻
Y/N : Bye Bye, dear. Have a safe drive and a good night 👋🏻❤️
Y/B/F/N : You too. Byee 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻
Tom : Bye miss Carter. Hope you have a good night!
Y/B/F/N : Thank you, professor, Please call me Y/B/F/N.😊
Tom : Sure, bye bye 😊👋🏻
Y/B/F/N : Byeee 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻
A few minutes after your best friend went, Jungkook excused himself.
Jungkook : I think I will go now, it's quite late. Byee
Tom : Bye, Kook and good night! 👋🏻
Jungkook : Good night!
Y/N : Bye Bye, professor, sweet dreams 😊
Jungkook : Bye, y/n 👋🏻😊
Now, it's was only you and Tom. You were sitting on one of the bar stools, facing each other. You were talking to him when someone interrupted you.
Unknown : Hellooo, professor.
Tom : Hi, miss Brown.
Charrolett Brown. Ugh. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at her flirty tone. Like, seriously, ewww.
Charrolett : You look great, professor.
Tom : Thanks, miss Brown.
Tom was extremely uncomfortable, you could sense that. He always felt like that in front of flirty people and angry and irritated as well. One could sense the boredom in his tone.
Tom : Uhhh, if you don't mind, please excuse me for a minute I'll be right back.
Charrolett : Sure.
After Tom, she also went. Dumbass. When Tom made sure that, she's gone he came back.
Tom : Sorry, it's just really uncomfortable with them....
Y/N : It's completely fine, Tom. I also feel the same but I also get really angry.
Tom : Me too. Anyways, we have other beautiful things to talk about.
Y/N : Really? Like what?
Tom : Like, you!
Wait, what?
You cheeks were now as red as a tomato.
Y/N : Uhhh..... Thanks?
Tom giggles and so do you. You guys talk for a few more minutes. Then, you check the time.
Y/N : Shit!
Tom : What's wrong?
Y/N : It's 12:45 am!!!!! I need to go, sorry.
Tom : What? 12:45 ? I should also get going...
You guys move out and as your best friend took the car you order a cab. Tom didn't notice you ordering it.
Tom : Farewell , my dear.
Tom says dramatically while he takes your hand and kisses your knuckles. You blush once again. God! This man has made you blush hundreds of times in one day or maybe you should say night.
Y/N : *giggles* Bye bye, Tom.
You say with a playful smack on his hand. He then walks towards the car parking while you wait there only for the cab. When Tom takes his car out of the car parking he saw you standing there. He was in a black Jaguar ( F type ; convertible with tinted glasses) You didn't notice him so you almost flinched when you heard his voice.
Tom : What are you waiting for, y/n?
He got out of his luxurious car. Such a gentleman; he could have just downed the window glass but due to the gentleman he is he didn't do that.
Y/N : My cab...
Tom : I thought you said you'd take your car?
Y/N : Yeah, but Y/B/F/N had to go to her mother so she took it. Her car is gone for service...
Tom : Oh..... Why don't you come with me? I'll drop you.
Taglist: @holdmytesseract @dishaldar@jennyggggrrr
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Sayo's Route: Maniac 06

Sayo's Route Masterlist
-Sayo is sitting on her bed, reading in her room. Her mind wanders to when she snuck out to visit Kou at his home a few days ago
(In the end, Reiji didn’t tell me what he was talking about…I continued to pester him the whole way home but he didn’t say a word…I haven’t been able to figure out what he meant either.)
Reiji: Haah…You are an oblivious idiot, Sayori. Sayo: …huh?! You’ve never said anything like that to me before! Reiji: That is because I did not realize how true it is. I am sure Laito, and possibly even Kou, agree with me. Sayo: Why would they agree with you?! Reiji: This only solidifies my statement. We have returned to the mansion. Unless you desire a whipping, do not sneak out again.
Sayo: Haah…I’m tired of theorizing with no answers…
-Ayato suddenly throws open her bedroom door
Ayato: Oi! Sayo!
Sayo: Haah…Knocking. Knocking is a thing you can do.
-Laito enters the room as well
Laito: Sorry, Sayo-chan…I wasn’t fast enough to stop him.
Ayato: You’ve spent way too much time hiding away in your room. Come entertain Ore-sama.
Sayo: I’m not a very good source of entertainment.
Ayato: Not true. I’ve been playing with this guy and it’s gotten boring. Come play billiards with us to liven things up.
Sayo: Billiards…? Do I have to?
Ayato: Yes! Now hurry up!
-He grabs her hand, pulling her off her bed
Sayo: Alright, alright. Stop pulling, Ayato.
-Sayo follows Ayato and Laito down to the game room
Laito: Nfu~ I have a great idea. If you lose, you have to let both of us suck your blood, Sayo-chan~
Ayato: Hehe…Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.
Sayo: No way, I’m not agreeing to that.
Laito: Isn’t it fine? You just have to focus on winning.
Sayo: I don’t trust you guys not to cheat to make sure I lose.
Ayato: We would never do anything like that.
Sayo: Bullshit.
Laito: You really don’t trust us, Sayo-chan? How mean~
Sayo: Fufu…I have absolutely no reason to trust you. You’ve cheated before, you’ll cheat again. Especially if my blood is on the line.
Ayato: Hmph…Come on, take a chance, Sayo. What do you want if you win?
Sayo: Oh? You’re giving me the option to pick a reward?
Ayato: If it will get you motivated to agree, why not?
(I know I shouldn’t agree to making bets with them but I am a little intrigued…It’s not often I get this chance from them.)
Sayo: Fine, I give. If I win, you two are taking me out on the town and paying for whatever I want.
-The two exchange glances before smirking
Laito: Alright, Sayo-chan. Let’s play, then~
Sayo: Game on. You guys better not cheat or this bet is off.
Ayato: Fine, no cheating. We’ll still win.
-Sayo is walking down the street in town with Ayato and Laito
Sayo: Fufu…Didn’t expect me to actually win, did ya?
Ayato: No, not really…
Laito: I am disappointed I can’t have your blood, but going out with you like this isn’t so bad.
Sayo: At least you’ve got a good attitude.
Ayato: So where are we even going?
Sayo: Who knows? I didn’t think this far ahead.
-She stops, looking around for any ideas
Sayo: There’s a crepe truck at the park over there. Let’s go get some.
Laito: Nfu~ Your wish is my command, Sayo-chan~
Ayato: Haah…You have Laito here. Do you really need me?
Sayo: We made a bet. Are you really backing out, Ayato? Besides, is it really that bad to do this kind of thing for once?
-His cheeks flush pink
Ayato: …I guess it’s fine…
Sayo: Fufu…Good, let’s go then!
-Sayo leads the way to the park and over to the crepe cart
Sayo: What do you guys want?
Ayato: Guess I’ll have chocolate.
Laito: I’ll take chocolate strawberry~
Sayo: And I’ll have a cinnamon apple, please.
Shopkeep: Coming right up.
-Sayo steps aside so Laito can pay. Once they have their crepes, they find a place to sit so they can eat
Sayo: Thanks, Laito.
Laito: No problem, Sayo-chan. This almost feels like a date~
Sayo: Pfft…A date with both of you?
Ayato: Hehe…Yeah, why not?
Sayo: Ah, jeez, I don’t recall agreeing to a date, just that this was an outing.
Laito: Well, now we’re making this a date.
Sayo: Haah…Whatever you want to call it, I guess. As long as you’re enjoying yourselves.
Laito: I know a way we can enjoy ourselves even more-
-Sayo lightly slaps him upside the head
Sayo: Stop that.
Laito: Awe~ So mean, Sayo-chan…
Sayo: Fufu…Are you guys done eating? Let’s go find something else to do. There’s a shopping center nearby. We can walk around that.
-Ayato shrugs
Ayato: Sure, let’s go.
-The three head in the direction of the shopping center. Laito takes one of Sayo’s hands in his
Sayo: You don’t need to hold my hand, Laito.
Laito: But I want to~ This is a date, after all.
Sayo: I agreed to call it that for your sake, not mine.
Ayato: Well, in that case…
-Ayato takes her other hand
Sayo: Oh, come on…You’ve got to be kidding me, Ayato.
Ayato: Like Laito said, this is a date. Be a better sport about it, Sayo.
-Sayo rolls her eyes
Sayo: I’m going to find a way to make you regret this somehow…
Ayato: Hehe…Not likely. Now shut up and enjoy the attention.
Sayo: Haah…
-To be continued
#diabolik lovers oc#diabolik lovers#sayori makina#laito sakamaki#ayato sakamaki#reiji sakamaki#diabolik lovers fanfiction#sayo's route
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Tri-Lights - The Tower: Chapter 5
Location: Ice Rink Characters: Sora, Natsume, Tsumugi & Madara
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< A few hours later. >

Tsumugi: W–Woah…
Look at me – I can skate again!
Sora: Haha~ You’re looking a lot better than when we first arrived!
Natsume: It looks like your knees are still buckliNG, but I guess you’re doing an okay joB.
Madara: Yup. Well done, Tsumugi-san. I see you’ve regained your skills.
Tsumugi: Yes. It’s all thanks to you, Mikejima-kun.
I still can’t skate as well as the others, but I feel a bit more confident now that I can skate on my own.
Natsume: I suppose this would mark the very first step in finally being able to draw out our sporty sidES.
AlrigHT, let’s take a break for noW.
Sora and I bought some snacks while you two were skatiNG.
Sora: HiHi~♪ You’ll get hungry after moving around so much, right? Let’s fill our bellies and skate more afterwards!
Tsumugi: Oh, when did you buy all these…?
Madara: It seems you were so focused on your skating you hadn’t realised they’d left to get them.
They did call out to us when they were about to get off the ice, but you must have been having quite a good experience for you to be so focused.
Sora: Yes, Senpai was super concentrated! That should be very helpful in demonstrating the sporty side to “Switch”~♪
Tsumugi: I suppose so. I hope I can make good use of my experience here for our performanc–
Woah… I ended up losing my balance when I lost focus.
Let’s share our findings as we eat. I’d like to hear your perspectives as well, Natsume-kun, Sora-kun.
I’d be happy if we can find things that can help us discover a new side to us.
Natsume: AlrigHT, now that we’ve all warmed up with a hot driNK…
Let’s share what we gained through this ice skating experienCE. You can start firST, Senpai.
Tsumugi: Umm, I was able to skate again after continuously working hard at it without giving up.
That’s the same feeling idols have when performing, right?
We want to be better and to make our fans happy – The hard work we desperately put in doesn’t feel difficult if we keep those things in mind.
Maybe trying to become a better version of your past self and living up to those expectations is what makes sports so appealing.
Natsume: I suppose that’s an acceptable answER. I’ll give you a passing scoRE.
Was there anything else you feLT? Like any movements you think that could be used for the performanCE?
Tsumugi: Hmm. I don’t think I thought that far. I was able to regain the basic feeling of weight shifts and my sense of balance, but I didn’t think much about them apart from the fact that they could be used in our dance.
Madara: In other words, you were able to gain a skill, but you weren’t able to understand how an athlete would feel. Is that right?
Tsumugi: Yes, I suppose so. I did enjoy the actual ice skating, though…
Sora: That’s true. Senpai’s “colour” feels calm and peaceful.
It’s hard for Sora to explain the “colours” Sora sees, but people who do sports feels more dazzling, like they’re full of life~
Natsume: I don’t know if it’s because you’ve neglected your own health every day and it’s gotten worSE, but you don’t have enough vigoUR, Senpai. Something might feel different if you have more of a fighting spirIT.
Sora: HuHu~! That’s a great idea!
Something might change if you get your fighting spirit on and then perform! Can you show us?
Tsumugi: What!? That’s impossible!
It’s true motivation is important, but I think it would be hard to intentionally change the “colour” Sora-kun sees.
Natsume: HmPH. You’re saying you can’t do what Sora asked of yOU?
Sora took a courageous step forward and decided to challenge himself with something new and yET, you won’t even show an example despite having lots of experienCE? I think that’s downright cruEL.
Sora and I are filled with sadness seeing how unreliable you aRE.
Tsumugi: O–Okay. I’ll do it so stop trying to guilt-trip me…! It can be pretty painful mentally!
Natsume: GreAT. I see you still have the ability to feel paIN, Winter Mophead.
Tsumugi: What’s with that name!? Anyway, of course I feel pain~!
Oh, geez. Which of your remarks should I be commenting on!?
Madara: Hahaha. I’m having a good time just watching “Switch” get along so well ♪
But what Sora-san said about being full of life and a “dazzling” feeling is true. I also felt that it was somewhat lacking.
Maybe we should check and see if Tsumugi-san can show Sora-san that “colour”.
Tsumugi: Check…? I guess so. Alright, please watch me.
♪ ♪ ♪
…H–How was that? Did my “colour” change, Sora-kun?
Sora: Hmm~ It still looks like a calm “colour”~
Sora can feel Senpai’s kindness and it’s a lovely “colour”, but Sora doesn’t think the person from the company would be happy with that.
No. It’s not just Senpai but Sora and Master too…
Sora doesn’t think we can show something “realistic that refines yourself and makes you shine” just yet~
Natsume: HmM. That means there is still room for improvemeNT.
What should we dO? Should we have another think about it after doing other sporTS…?
Tsumugi: Yes~ There are a lot of different types such as track and field or ball sports. That might be a good idea.
Madara: Right. I think it’s important to enjoy the sports you’re doing.
You begin wanting to challenge yourself with something more difficult because you enjoy doing it. Putting in all the hard work without an ounce of love would just be suffering.
Sora: HeHe~ That’s the same as video games and parkour for Sora~♪
Sora likes going for high scores and aiming higher and further for new parkour routes…
Maybe we’re getting further and further away the more we think about it.
Tsumugi: It’s just like the “bluebird of happiness” story. Buf if that’s the case, it would be very difficult to show a new side of “Switch”.
What would be the perfect environment that would make us want to genuinely improve ourselves…?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ← Previous Chapter ᠂ ⚘ ˚⊹˚ ⚘ ᠂ Next Chapter →
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AF2 Arcana Academia: Pace

Pace: [Now that La Primavera is over, spring brings more new changes to Regalo]
Pace: [Arcana Academia]
Pace: [Sparked by the lord’s plan to turn the island into a center for learning, Arcana Famiglia aims to establish a school]
Pace: [With a goal to promote learning among the citizens]
Pace: [Today, everyone in the Family is once again busily fulfilling their young Donna’s wishes]
~*Scene: Vivace Plaza*~
Pace: Ugh, Debito sure is good at running away even without his powers
Pace: I thought he could actually help me
Pace: Ah, so what should I do…
Liberta: Pace! What’s with the long face?
Pace: Oh, just some minor problems
Liberta: Problems? Is it…the same as mine?
Pace: You have the same ones?
Liberta: Yeah. I’ve been thinking a lot, but still haven’t found an answer
Pace: Hmm…
Pace: Oh, Jolly!
Jolly: …
Liberta: Why’s he ignoring us!
Jolly: …What
Pace: Perfect timing, Mr. Advisor!
Jolly: Now’s the one time you bring up my title?
Pace: Come on, don’t say that. Can you give us some advice?
Jolly: No
Liberta: Hey! We didn’t even say anything yet!
Jolly: I already have a good guess. The Academia is opening soon, and you don’t know what to teach
Liberta: That’s Jolly for you…!
Pace: How did you know…!
Jolly: Based on current events that might cause you two distress, that was the most likely
Pace: Then you must know a super easy solution
Jolly: Don’t be naïve. Figure it out yourselves
Liberta: We wouldn’t be asking you if we knew what to do!
Jolly: …Hmph. If you can’t even do that, then you’ll never be able to stand on the same level as our Donna
Liberta: Huh!?
Pace: Whaaat!?
Liberta: N-No way I’d ever give up on Ojou!
Pace: Neither will I!
Pace: Ahh, I still don’t know what to do…
~*Scene: Vivace Plaza*~
Pace: Ugh, so what now? I just can’t think of anything good
Pace: I doubt thinking harder is going to get me anywhere
Pace: Ugh, forget it, I’m hungry! I wanna see Ojou!
Felicita: Pace…what are you doing?
Pace: Wah! Huh, Ojou!? How long have you…!
Felicita: Just a little bit… But you seemed worried, so I thought I should check on you…
Felicita: Then you just started yelling
Pace: Ehehe, sorryyy. I just wanted to a little bit
Pace: Anyway, Ojou, are you hungry? Let’s get some lasagna
>Not right now
>I don’t need any
Pace: Don’t say that. Let’s go, Ojou
Felicita: I just ate
Pace: Just a little. Please?
Felicita: You’re so persistent
Pace: Aww, you’re so cold!
Felicita: If I go with you, I won’t be able to stop eating
Pace: No you won’t. Let’s go!
Felicita: No, I won’t
Pace: Uwaaa, that’s cold! I love that about you too, Ojou
Felicita: But, I won’t say no to some dolce
Pace: Huh, really!?
(*shine) Pace: I’m so happy, Ojou…! That’s what makes you our Donna!
>Yeah, yeah
>You’re exaggerating
Pace: But it’s true! It’s really what I think!
Felicita: That’s enough to make you think that?
Pace: It’s because you’re you, Ojou!
Pace: No, I’m not! I really am happy right now
Pace: Being able to make me so happy is what makes you a great Donna!
Felicita: …Thank you
Pace: Hold on one minute. This gelato has been my favorite recently…wait, ahhh!
>What’s wrong?
>Did you find something?
Pace: I got it. That’s what I’ll do!
Pace: Huh, what?
Felicita: Didn’t you just find something?
Pace: Yeah, I guess I did!
Pace: What now, Ojou!
Pace: I just got…a super awesome idea!!
Felicita: ?
Pace: Sorry, I gotta go!
Pace: Oh! Are you free tomorrow, Ojou?
Felicita: Y-yeah
Pace: I’ll take you on a date to make up for this! See you tomorrow!
Felicita: ???
~*Scene: Felicita’s Room*~
Pace: Ojouuu, are you awake?
Felicita: …?
Pace: Oh, asleep already?
Felicita: Pace…what…?
Pace: Don’t you remember? We made plans to go on a date yesterday
Felicita: It’s still nighttime…
Pace: It’s morning….sort of
Pace: Ehehe, I couldn’t sleep since I was too excited so I came to see you. Can I stay here for a second?
Felicita: …What did you have planned?
Pace: Right. You know, I was thinking yesterday. About what I could teach in the Academia
Pace: I just couldn’t think of anything. Then you showed up
Pace: And I suddenly got an idea of what I wanted to do
Pace: It’s all thanks to you!
Felicita: I didn’t do anything. You figured it out yourself, right?
Pace: But, I couldn’t think of anything until you showed up
Pace: So I wanted to thank you… Thanks, Ojou
Felicita: Pace…
Pace: Anyway, I wanted to practice for my classes today
Pace: Let’s get some milk from Mrs. Cow in the morning and make gelato!
Felicita: Gelato…?
Pace: Yeah. I wanted to find out where my food came from and how it was made
Pace: That way, everyone will find food more fun, right?
Felicita: Haha, that sounds like you, Pace
Pace: I hope you like my answer, Donna
Felicita: Yeah. Everyone will love it
Pace: …Sorry it’s so early. I’ll stay for a little longer, but you can go back to sleep
Pace: It’s still nighttime, right? I’ll wake you up in the morning
Pace: So get some rest
Felicita: …Okay. Thank you
Pace: I should be thanking you. …Sweet dreams, Felicita
Felicita: …Zzz
Pace: And if you dream of me, I’d be really happy
Pace: …*kiss*
Pace: Or not. *yawn* Now I’m getting sleepy too
Pace: Maybe I can sleep here…just for today
Pace: Good night, Ojou
~*Scene: Felicita’s Room*~
Pace: Good morning, Ojou!!
Felicita: Good morning, Pace
Pace: Your smile is as radiant as ever! Looks like you’re ready, so let’s go
Felicita: Um…about our plans for today…
Pace: Hm? What is it?
Felicita: Well, it’s just…
Pace: Ojou?
Liberta: Ciao! Ojou, are you ready?
Luca: Ojou-sama, preparations are complete
Pace: Wait, what? What’s going on?
Liberta: Huh, Pace? What are you doing here?
Luca: Right. Today, Liberta and I—
Felicita: I had a lot of other plans
Pace: Huuuh!?
Luca: Did you happen to have plans with Ojou-sama too?
Pace: That was the plan, but…?
Luca: Ojou-sama’s schedule for today is to head to the market with me and Liberta, then go shopping with Debito in the afternoon—
Pace: W-wait a minute! I thought this was Ojou’s day off!?
Luca: It is though?
Pace: Then why all the plans!
Luca: Obviously because everyone wants to spend time with Ojou-sama!
Pace: N-no way…
Luca: We all made our requests ahead of time and came up with this schedule
Pace: What!? I had no idea!
Luca: We decided on this a long time ago!
Liberta: I think you were napping at the time and didn’t hear it
Pace: You should have told me if you knew!
Liberta: It’s your fault for falling asleep
Luca: Well, anyway her schedule is full for today. You’ll have to wait until her next day off
Liberta: If she has an opening, that is
Pace: What, that’s awful!
Luca: It’s because Ojou-sama is kind enough to want to spend equal time with us!
Felicita: Sorry, Pace. I promise we can go next time
Pace: Ojou…!
Luca: Anyway, that’s how it is
Liberta: See you, Pace
Pace: Ojou! Next time! We’ll do it next time…!
(*door closes)
Pace: I can’t believe this! …Right, isn’t this what we have an advisor for!
~*Scene: Alchemy Room*~
Pace: Jolly, you gotta help me!
Jolly: Can you remember to knock?
Pace: I just can’t believe this!
Jolly: …What
Pace: I just realized Luca and Liberta did this on purpose since I didn’t know…!
Jolly: Pace…if you’re not going to talk, then get out
Pace: Huh? I have been talking though!
Jolly: Then explain it in a way I can understand
Pace: Like, I, said!
Jolly: What
Pace: Liberta and Luca pulled one over on me, and…
Jolly: There is nobody who can follow what you’re saying
Pace: Ah, I just got a great idea!
Jolly: Now what?
Pace: Sorry, Jolly. I gotta go, see you!
Pace: Wait for me! Ojou!
Jolly: Hmph… What was that…
~*End of Scene*~
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#pace#arcana famiglia#arcana famiglia 2#arcana academia#solar translations#psp game#translation#releases
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Newt and Hannibal: well, if you weren't so short.
Ok, so! It's not a fic, but here's an AU: Newt is an indoor volleyball player on a team that's coached by Hannibal.
I don't know how familiar you are with volleyball, so I've included some small explanations in this. I had to do some Internet searches to confirm and build on my understanding eheh
Newt's position is libero. Liberos aren't allowed to block opposing attackers or hit the ball to attack. Therefore, liberos tend to end up being one of the shortest members of a team-since they don't need to be tall. And Newt is not tall. Especially compared to average pro volleyball player heights.
However, Newt loves jumping and hitting, so he wants to change his position to hitter.
"Hey, Coach-"
"I didn't even finish-"
"You were gonna ask to let you be a hitter again, weren't you?"
"Well, yeah..."
"Answer's still no. I'm not changing it."
"Oh, come on! It's not like I'm asking to be a middle blocker. Just a hitter. I don't even have to be a power hitter." The middle blocker's main job is to block the opposing attackers, so they're normally the tallest player on a team. Height is very important for this position.
"Well, if you weren't so short, maybe I could consider it."
This AU kind of also has its own AUs: secondary/high school, university/college, and semi-pro. If Newt is playing for a secondary/high school team, Hannibal also says, "But you're nowhere near tall enough, and it doesn't seem like you ever will be, will you?"
In all AUs, Hannibal then says, "You begged me for a spot on the regular lineup. I gave it to you. If you don't want it anymore, you can leave. Kelvin over there would be more than happy to replace you. If you won't give it your all, we don't need you. Now get out of my face."
So Newt, still being a science nerd, tries to come up with something that will make him grow taller. In a school/uni/college setting, he uses the science labs and resources available there. In the semi-pro setting, he uses the ones available at his workplace-his team was founded by the pharmaceutical (or related field) company he works at.
Hermann is a colleague/classmate who has a rivalry with Newt. He discovers Newt doing his unauthorised experiments. In secondary school Hermann could be a prefect or have some other student leadership role. He threatens to report Newt.
In school:
Hermann: "What are you doing?"
"Uh...my science project?"
"We're in the same class. I know we don't have one to do right now. And it's very late right now. The school building's closed."
"What are you doing here, then?"
"...I had an urgent matter to attend to. I lost track of time." Gottlieb had actually been trapped in the building by some bullies, but didn't want to say that.
At work:
Newt: "Go ahead! Report me. They won't believe you from the number of times you've reported me for non-issues."
"They are not non-issues!"
Somehow Newt manages to not get in trouble. In the end, he manages to come up with something that lets him grow taller.
Hannibal: "Looks like you've gone and done it, haven't you?"
"I guess I had another growth spurt."
"Hmph. Fine. We can have a trial period to see how well you do as opposite." ('Opposite' refers to the opposite hitter position.)
"Not in real matches yet, though. And what's that weird blue colour?"
"In your eyes. There's a fluorescent blue colour."
This is a side effect from Newt's experiments.
"Oh! Um...they're contacts. For cosplay."
Hannibal looks dubious at first. Then scoffs. "All these nerds."
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“So…” Faustus smacked his lips and wiggled his fingers in front of him. “How does your magic work? You ain’t got a wand or…”
“Runic magic. It involves invoking various runes to create spells.” Sydney answered tersely and gave the other man a weary stare over his glasses. “Are you asking because you are actually interested or are you going to be a smartass?”
Faustus give a toothy grin back, clearly he couldn’t resist. “Why not both??” Then quickly added when he saw Sydney tut and start to turn away. “Oi! Feckin’ hell, I’m interested okay! It’s interestin’ as all fuckery! Tell me! How does some random letters become… I unno, a big shield??”
Sydney folded his arms with a satisfied ‘hmph’ before raising his left hand - glowing pentagram faintly hovering over his upward facing palm. Runes flickered and floated around it as he thought briefly of them.
“Each rune represents something. You can think of them as letters of the alphabet, or parts of a math equation. You need to have the right components with the right intention to do anything at all.” Sydney explained, he briefly flicked the pentagram with an index finger and it spun like a coin before righting itself.
“Sounds… complicated. How do yer figure out what does what?” Faustus asked, genuinely now absorbed in the floating apparition, head tipped to one side.
“I’ve been tutored of course, there is a lot of training involved. A long history of warlocks and witches using runic magic. Formulas that work. I created the.. as you called it - bubble shield. Myself. But once you know what works, it’s child’s play. For example a very simple spell - how do you think wind is made?”
Faustus blinked, focusing at the question before pursing his lips. A coy smile starting to form.
“… Too many beans??” He chortled as Syd wrinkled his nose and closed his fist, pentagram fizzling out of existence.
“Ugh! You just can’t take anything seriously can you?? Why I even-“ He started to grumble as he started to get up, unceremoniously interrupted when Faustus catapulted his wheelie chair towards Sydney, nearly knocking him over in the process.
“Eeeeeyyyy, c’mon Syd! Lemme guess, wind right? Air? Hot and Cold? Summink like that?” Faustus grinned, folding his arms and punting Sydney in the hip with his head like a petulant goat.
Sydney blinked and then rolled his eyes because… well actually yes, yes that was basically correct. He formed a pentagram again and invoked the symbols of Faustus’ suggestion — Angus (F) Kenaz (<) and Isa (I).
The result was a miniature blast of air which prompted the werewolf to yelp in surprise as it whipped past him, leaving him looking suitably windswept.
“Fine. Yes. That is one way Faustus.” Sydney said with the smallest of smiles, snapping his fingers and the pentagram was once again gone.
“Yeah the other way is—“ Faustus raised his palm to his moth and blew, imitating a fart sound.
“PWAHAH-“ Sydney shocked himself as a laugh bubbled up from his own mouth, a foreign sound to be sure as he whipped a hand over his mouth like Pandora trying to quickly close Pandora’s box. Faustus blinked in response before giving a face splitting grin and laughing uproariously.
“AHAHAH THE ICE QUEEN LIKES A FART JOKE!! AAAAh-“ He practically exploded not a cacophony of imitation farts as Sydney leapt towards him, now unable to help himself from smiling hard. His cheeks using far too many lesser used muscles.
“Oh my god, are you quite done now??” Sydney gripped the back of Faustus’ chair and looked down in exasperation - it was somewhat dampened by the fact that he was still grinning.
“Heh, yeah. Fer now I am.” Faustus answered with a whimsical smile and a head tilt, the look prompted Sydney to go slightly red in the ears before…
“WELL I’M NOT!” Sydney gave a yell in return as he suddenly whipped Faustus’ chair round and invoked the wind spell again - this time with a little more oomph, practically making a mini tornado.
This spun the poor werewolf in the chair as a dizzying rate as he continued to laugh and yell at the same.
#nanowrimo 2023#oc character#faustus things#sydney things#excerpt#I do like serious and goofy relationship dynamics#:) it cute#Nanowrimo#writing#modern fantasy#lgbtqia+#paranormal#supernatural#fiction
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Helping A Friend Out
cw: sub!thoma, dom!reader, gn!reader, crying, handjob, penetration, cheating (implied ayato and thoma relationship)
a/n: this is probably one of the best i’ve ever written ngl
Thoma could feel your stare digging through his back as he talked with the Traveler and Paimon. The thought made him nervous, although he tried to regain his composure while he continued his conversation.
“Thoma, are you alright?” Paimon asked him, seeing him a bit shaken up.
“Oh, me? Of course! I’m doing just fine! What was it you wanted to ask again?” He pardoned, this time actually listening to whatever the two in front of him were saying.
Despite giving an ear, he couldn’t ignore your eyes. And when he looked over, he shivered when he saw you lick your lips as if you were undressing him with your eyes. Thoma couldn’t help but to imagine himself being rimmed by your tongue, causing him to feel a slight disturbance from under.
“Thoma! You’re not listening to Paimon at all! Hmph!”
“Excuse my friend over here, it seems he’s a bit sick. Probably overworked himself at the Kamisato’s” Your voice lingered in his ear, before he knew it, you were placing your head on his shoulder.
Moreover, what were you insinuating with your words?
Paimon gasped as the Traveler remains unbothered. “A friend of Thoma’s? He’s reaaaally nice, you know? He always gets Paimon and the Traveller discounts when he treats us to food!”
“Is that so? I guess Thoma gets paid a lot by the Kamisato’s, huh? I wonder why…” You make eye contact with Thoma, who’s feeling a bit under the weather.
“Well, duh? Thoma’s the nicest!” Paimon exclaimed, making you laugh at her words. She’s not wrong at that.
“Sorry to cut off the conversation, but I must escort him home. A sick person should stay inside, after all.”
Traveler stepped in forward as if saying that they’d be willing to help. You only left them a smile before leaving, a suspicious look being given to you by the savior of Inazuma.
The walk to your abode was silent. However, Thoma could hear his heart pounding of what’s to come when he enters. Opening the door, you urged him to go inside.
“I see that you’re the talk of the city.”
“N-No, they were just exaggerating!” He defended himself, even knowing that you probably wouldn’t believe it.
“Well, I suppose that one’s money mustn’t go to waste. After all, Ayato surely must pay a lot for a night with you.” You had him fumbled, how did you know that he had a relationship with him?
“I-It’s nothing like that.”
“No need to lie to me, Thoma. So, how much is it?”
“It’s really nothing like what you’re thinking of…” He answered once more, Thoma didn’t seem to be lying to you from your observations. You finally concluded on what he was referring to.
“So lovers then. That would make sense. Still, of course Ayato would gift such extravagant riches, wouldn’t he?”
Thoma knew that this was wrong. He shouldn’t be responding to your flirtatious manner, just because his lover was currently busy doesn’t mean that he should be participating in such affairs. But who was he to say these things when he was having such lustful thoughts of you just from earlier.
“Aah!” Your hands feeling up his crotch accidentally made him moan, head rolling back to your chest.
“It must be hard having such a busy partner, right Thoma? He’s got you all pent up like this…”
“N-No! Hmm! Aah—hah! S-Stop it, (Name)…” You now travelled to his cock already erect and leaking precum just from your slight touches. He’s touch starved, poor thing.
Thoma is quivering from your strokes, it just felt so wrong but so, so good! What were you doing this to him? “Aren’t you so unfaithful? About to cum from a friend’s hand…”
“I-I’m not!! Hn!” He stuttered out, his cock being unable to take no more of your fondling.
“Hm? Why were you already hard while talking to the traveler then? Surely, you must not think I’m a fool to not realizing that you were fantasizing about me?”
Thoma cried out holding his best not to cum from someone else than Ayato. “I-I wasn’t thinking o-of you!”
“Yes, yes. Keep lying to me, darling.”
Thoma screamed uncontrollably, tears streaming down his face as he orgasmed not to his partner, but you. Before he was able to sort out his thoughts, he fell unconscious much to your demise.
That was the first and last time that Thoma would ever swore to go near you. Unfortunately things did not go to plan as he rests on his bed alone, no one next to him to give him warmth and instead of calling Ayato, he thinks of you.
Unbeknownst to him, his feet reached your door and you gladly opened up your place to him whenever he wants.
That was when his actions became a repetition and a routine. He couldn’t even count the nights he had spent in your place.
“(Name)! Agh! M-More!” Thoma wept for you as you continued hitting his prostate, pounding against him until he drools on the bed sheets like a dog.
His walls were yours now, you’ve done it so many times it actually felt like you were a part of him and it just felt wrong for you not to be inside him.
“Mm! Aah! S-So good!”
You spank him hard, making him choke on his own moans. He unconsciously drizzled some of him cum, dripping down to his thighs as you push him to the point that he faces the wall.
“(Name), P-Please! Let m-me!” He begged you, knowing that you’d get mad at him for finishing without your permission.
“Say it then, Thoma. Say what you truly are.”
“Aah! T-Thank you! I’m a little cumslut! I’m y-your cumslut! Only yours!”
“Good boy.”
Thoma finally orgasmed, every part of his body aching as you let him fall onto the floor on his own. Streaks of his fluids showered the wall, tainting it with all of his juices. Sadly, despite how many times you two had sex, he knew it would never blossomed into something more even if he knew he was starting to fall for you.
He returned to his place alone, thighs shaking from too much pleasure that you had given him only to be surprised that Ayato was right there waiting for him.
“Where were you, love?” He was worried for his lover, tired and breathless. Did someone ask him to deliver something this late at night?
Ah, he was so kind to him.
“I was helping a friend out.”
#sub genshin#sub genshin impact#thoma x reader#thoma#genshin impact smut#dom reader#sub thoma#dom!reader#sub!thoma#plattered writings
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Pyrrha Suffers...
I noticed some of y'all don't like Pyrrha being casted as Yamcha from Dragon Ball Z Abridged, so I decided to do the noble thing, go over my previous posts, make the free will choice to DOUBLE DOWN!
Pyrrha: Don't worry, everyone. I'm here now.
Nora: Oh, thank Oum! Pyrrha's here now!
Pyrrha: That's right, and I swear that I will give my all fighting these foes. We have trained until our bones cracked to prepare for this, so I know that nothing will ever break our spirit! Today, we win-
Nora: Y-Yeah...! Woo...!
Roman: ...So, who wants to tell Jaune?
Pyrrha: I'll do it. I was Jaune's partner, so he should hear it from me.
Roman: Whatever you say, Ms. Invincible.
Pyrrha: Jaune? It's me, Pyrrha.
Cinder: Oh, hello, Pyrrha Nikos~.
Pyrrha: YOU?! What are you doing on Jaune's scroll?!
Cinder: Is it wrong for a woman to answer her man's scroll?
Pyrrha: What?! How?!
Cinder: He was so distraught over your death. He needed someone to tend to him after you passed.
Cinder: Well, I guess I'm the better woman then, aren't I?
Jaune: Who is it, Cinder?
Cinder: Oh, just someone trying to sell you a pool.
Jaune: Oh, uh, no thanks.
Cinder: Buh-bye~.
Roman: Penny?
Pyrrha: Hmph! You have a lot of nerve coming here!
Cinder: I'm sorry. Do I know you?
Pyrrha: Wh- Don't you remember?! We fought at Beacon!
Cinder: No, I fought Ruby. Watts handled everyone else.
Cinder: Well, everyone except that scrub I took down in one sho-
Pyrrha: Oh, keep laughing, you evil bi-
Cinder: (Towering over Pyrrha) HA. HA. HA.
Pyrrha: ...Bitch.
Ashe: H-Hey, Pyrrha! How it han- I mean what's hang- (Ahem!) H-How are you?
Pyrrha: Oh, you know. Hanging in there.
Ashe: (Winces)
Pyrrha: Oh, I am in over my head. I should contact the others.
Pyrrha: No! No! That's exactly what they'd expect!
Pyrrha: Isn't that right, adult and child wearing trenchco-?
Pyrrha: (Grabs by the throat) ACK!
Truck: (Approaching, Pumpkin Pete ad blares)
Pyrrha: OH, C-COME ON!
Truck: (Swerves, Crashes)
Grimm: Ruby. Vengeance.
Pyrrha: I-I'm... not... Ru-
Grimm: VENGEANCE! (Stabs Pyrrha)
Yang: I heard an explosion! What ha- OH COME ON, P-MONEY! IT'S BEEN TEN SECONDS!
Pyrrha: I'll get Ruby to a hospital. Let's be honest. With how much you've all grown, I'd just get in the way.
Yang: Yup.
Blake: Probably.
Weiss: No offense.
Cinder: Why are you even here?!
Pyrrha: ...You know what? I'm just going to leave.
Yang: We can't just sit around here, you know? We have to help!
Pyrrha: Help what? It would be a losing battle.
Yang: Oh, of course you'd say that!
Nora: Actually, she has a point.
Yang: Oh, don't you start!
Nora: Hey, I was in Vacuo, dammit! Shit got crazy! I was stabbed and blown up!
Pyrrha: I was stabbed and blown up, too, and dumped by the only boyfriend I ever had!
Nora: Same, except when my boyfriend left, he took all his character development.
Nora: When your boyfriend left, he took all your character development.
Pyrrha: ...
Yang: ...
Oscar: (Ozpin) You're going to need Mr. Arc to heal that wound, Ms. Nikos.
Pyrrha: I just like to have hope, okay? Is that so wrong?
Yang: The fact you have any hope in your life is your most admirable quality.
Pyrrha: Oh... Thank you, Yang!
Pyrrha: Please, you can't do this to me! These games... ever since the Grimm died, they're everything to me!
Pyrrha: My ex-boyfriend left me for an evil Maiden, and is now raising his daughter alone and refusing anyone's help.
Pyrrha: All of my friends are either married, or busy, or spending their days as the living embodiment of libido and being a total dick about it!
Pyrrha: ...Without these tournaments, I'll have nothing.
Cardin: Yeah, nothing, and 20 billion lien.
Pyrrha: What will I... Wait, what?
Port: Twenty. Billion. Lien.
Port: The Association states you can't be left high and dry upon retirement, nor can you be banned from further sponsorship deals, or promotional tie-ins.
Port: Simply put, you sign this non-compete, and you will be set for the rest of your life.
Pyrrha: So... I'd win?
Cardin: You only win! For as long as I've known you, you do nothing but win! This is just icing on your already winning cake!
Pyrrha: (Sniffles, Beams)
#rwby#dragon ball z abridged#dbza#pyrrha nikos#nora valkyrie#roman torchwick#cinder fall#yang xiao long#jaune arc#arcfall#knightfall#oscar pine#blake belladonna#weiss schnee#salem#cardin winchester#peter port#rwbabies
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sick day
dazai x sick reader

a/n - i got sick, and tried to comfort myself writing this and i don't like it but yeah. like and subscribe i will cry
wow being sick really sucks look what happened to my writing༼���;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽
- this was inspired........heavily inspired.
"love? is everything alright?" a soft voice was heard, you look back to see dazai's concerned face. "yes everything is...fine, why?" tilting your head while answering him. "you don't sound fine, you've been coughing a lot lately. are you sure you're not sick?" he continued, "dazai i'm fin- ah- achoo- auh....", you grabbed another tissue to wipe off your snot and felt a hand placed on your head, "you seem pretty hot." he said smiling, "stop being arrogant dazai- my god." replying not sure if you're turning red for being sick or blushing, "eh? i was trying to say you have a fever what did i do-?!" he scolded, "oh. my bad i guess." you scoffed. "hmph. now let's get you home, we don't want anyone else to get contaminated, do we?" he grinned. you debated, "what about you!?". "i don't mind~ maybe a-" "dazai if you're gonna say double suicide i'm actually gonna punch you." interrupting, he pouted and whimpered, "so rude.."
"anyways let's go home!" he carried you in bridal style, "put me down! what about our work?" you coughed, "i'll tell kunikida for days off because how can a sick person work?" he lectured. accepting defeat, you sighed and let dazai somehow carries you home, "aren't you tired dazai? you do know i could walk on my own right?" you reassured him, "hm, i do know that but it might be better if i carried you, and of course i'm not tired." he chuckled. you smiled and waited til you get home.
arriving home, dazai was still not letting you go as he unlocked the door. he then walked inside, went into the bedroom and placed you on the bed, "i'm gonna cook you porridge okay?" he patted your head, "you know how to cook?" you questioned
"i don't but i could call kunikida c:" he said, "dazai don't you dare-" "kunikida there's an urgent emergency at my beloved's hous-" kunikida hung up the phone, you facepalmed. "now we wait." he sat next to you while playing with your hair. five minutes later, you heard multiple knocks on the door "ah must be kunikida! i'll be right back love~." he got up and went out the room. you didn't really heard anything and just space out for a good few minutes and frowned about how you've been really rude to dazai for the past times you've been sick. you felt horrible and just sighed and covered your face, "god i love him so much, i should've appreciated him more." saying out loud and looked back and saw dazai standing in front of you. you were shocked, "i was gonna say kunikida was helping me cook but, who were you talking about my dear?" he walked towards you, trying to he oblivious. "nobody in particular...you know what fine, i just wanted to apologize how i've been a lot more rude than usual and i wanted to say thank you for looking up to me dazai." you tried reaching for his hand, he saw what you were doing and grabbed your hand to intertwine with his, "you should know that you're my love and i should give you my love an affections right? and it's my job to take care of you yes?" he kissed your hands as you smiled, "i love you dazai." you muttered and coughed, "ah i forgot that..i'll be right back- oh hey kunikida-kun would you please knock before entering next time?" you look towards the door and saw kunikida standing with his arms crossed, welp time to hear kunikida's scoldings again. (^~^;)ゞ
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