#oh btw by purple blood i mean purple not violet
sasster · 1 year
This one came to me in a vision btw. It’s great to have a man on the inside! [doc]
Due to his position in the fleet and, more importantly, his status as a member of The Overseer’s handpicked crew, Laeche has come to enjoy access to many secrets being held by the Empire and its fleet. It is a list that stretches from unmarked weapons testing grounds to the flight patterns of prison ships.
Valuable information.
Information that should definitely stay out of the wrong hands.
The way Laeche sees it is that everyone has a secret. No matter how sweet and innocent or vile and cruel that person may be, there is bound to be some aspect of themselves that they are concealing from the world. This is also a truth that extends to a society itself.
Not out of shame or fear, but convenience, the Alternian government conceals information from its population all the time.
The purple blood is grateful for his peak behind the curtain.
Laeche makes his way into the grounded fleet vessel that he was summoned to, going over the diagnostics he has to run on the engine before the vessel can take off for the evening.
It has been a very long few perigees working on it solo, but that is what he was asked to do.
The less hands touching a secret the better it is for the sake of the project and all that.
That aforementioned convenience.
Upon entering the vessel he is greeted by a violet blood that comes up to about chin height to him, doing the usual pat down for bugs and paranoid looking around behind him to make sure he wasn’t followed.
He allows the manhandling to take place.
“You know, usually it’s the people that are working against the empire with such strict protocols.” He starts with a smirk in lieu of a greeting. “Should I be worried?”
The scientist sneers at him in response, fins pinned back as he moves to shut the door.
“I’ve worked too long and too hard to be thwarted now. Do you know how much rebel activity happens on this miserable rock?”
“‘Thwarted’ is a word villains use.” Laeche says casually, smacking the gum in his mouth as he meanders further along into the ship.
The ship would be nothing to write home about if it were not for the fact that it was refitted to look almost exactly like a laboratory. Odds and ends one would expect to find in an experimental facility with tubes and wires running through it toward a common area that housed a giant glowing vat. Home to a mysterious liquid with a troll suspended in it, a troll soaking in all of those sweet sweet chemicals.
There is just one thing that Laeche hates in a way that has him seeing red and he has been working silently beside it for nearly half a sweep now.
It makes his skin itch.
The only parts of the ship that remain ungutted are the engine room and coms station to man the thing. His only means off of Alternia when his work is done.
“After I run my diagnostics on the engine you’ll be all set to send for a crew to fly you out of here, sir.”
Where will he take this experiment when he is done?
The engineer never bothered to ask, the less he knew about whatever super soldier project this was the better it would ultimately be for everyone involved.
“Good, I never want to set foot on this miserable rock again.”
“What an impressive show of allegiance.”
“Get to work.”
Laeche puts both hands up as he meanders over in the direction of the engine room, taking time to throw one more pitying gaze at the experiment as he passes it.
Briefly, he wonders how aware of the world around them they are in there.
Then he hopes that the answer is not at all.
 - -
Hours pass before the engineer emerges from his work — A critical failure put him behind in the timeline. The scientist sits in the common area with a scowl cemented to his face. Like a disappointed parent he says nothing as Laeche fully enters the room, following his movements only with his eyes.
“So there was a minor setback.”
Oh, if looks could kill.
“What kind of setback?” The scientist grits.
“The kind where you’re stuck on this miserable rock for at least another day.”
“That is unacceptable.”
“Them's the breaks.” Laeche says very simply, his attention now fully on the vat in front of him. “I can fix it in time for a preflight check tomorrow though.”
“That is unacceptable I said! Your commanding officer will hear about this!”
“General Viroil is already aware that you need me a bit longer. It’s just another night.”
The violet blood shoots to his feet and Laeche catches the glimpse of a grim expression crossing his features in the reflection of the glass.
“Why are you playing games with me?”
“We’re both men of science--” he is cut off by a scoff from the higher blooded troll. It rolls off of his back. “Surely you’ve had things fall apart for seemingly no reason at all.”
“What have you been doing all day then?”
“Fixing it.”
Almost as if on cue the lights on the ship go dead, from the delicate hum and glow of the vat it seems like the only thing spared from the outage is the life support hooked up to the experiment.
Laeche laughs breathlessly.
“That wasn’t me.”
Before the seadweller gets a chance to broadcast his disapproval with the situation, though the sneer he wears is plenty good at getting the message across on its own, something large comes barreling out of the darkness and straight for him.
The resulting crash all but shakes the ship off of its foundation.
Laeche turns around to face the masked intruder, large clawed gloves piercing into the skin where they held the scientist up by the neck. In the sudden silence that flooded the room, the purple blood could almost hear the fluid being pumped into the troll from the bulky containers that wrapped around the cuffs of the gloves.
The scientist claws uselessly at the assailant’s wrist.
“Get-- Get this thing off of me.” He barks at him, choking on his own blood.
Laeche sighs.
“Can you drop him?”
The intruder obliges and drops his victim in a heap at his feet, when he tries to stand again he crumples almost immediately.
“You’ll have to forgive my brother,” the engineer starts to explain, eyes cold as his gaze sweeps over the scene. “He has no home training.”
He stares back in astonishment.
“Your brother?”
“Sh. You’ll want to hear what I have to say,” he continues, gesturing to his brother as he does. “Nene here just pumped you full of what I’m guessing is a lethal dose of poison.”
“Lo siento.” The mask troll offers, with a simple shrug.
The scientist sputters, hands reaching for his neck where it no doubt has started to sting something awful. He stares up at the pair with a suddenly humbled expression.
Pleading, almost.
“Thing is, I always walk with antivenom. So I don’t think you’ll die. It’d be painful though. It’s paralytic. Starts in the legs pretty quickly, then it starts to shut everything down. Usually in two or so hours. Worried about the amount he got into you, though.”
He lulls his head over to look to his brother for confirmation.
“An hour if he’s lucky.” 
“I don’t think he’s lucky--”
“What do you want?” The scientist spits back at them. “Is it money?”
“I want you to tell us how to get them out of there.” He indicates the vat with his head. “Alive.”
“You’d waste precious time having me explain myself?”
The seadweller hisses and when neither of them respond to the pitiful threat display he drags both of his hands down his face.
It seems he’d rather not die here. Not like this, at least.
He sighs.
“No funny business, Nene hates clowns.” Laeche warns. “We want them alive.”
It does not take long for the brothers to dismantle the contraption, maybe about fifteen or twenty minutes, and pull the troll out of the foul smelling chemicals. Laeche finds an old blanket to wrap around their emaciated form. Then he sits on the ground beside them, fore and middle fingers pressed to the neck in search of a pulse.
He gives Vineno a thumbs up when he finds it, thready but steadily getting stronger.
“Your end…Of the bargain.” The seadweller rasps between labored breaths, now slumped over in a corner behind the three. If Laeche had to guess, the man will have almost certainly lost most if not all of the function in his extremities by now.
It’s a marvel he’s speaking at all.
“About that,” the purple blood says with a smile that shows off his fangs. “I never really promised you anything.”
The scientist sputters up blood instead of protest.
“But we aren’t the torturing type. Nene wants to give you one small mercy as a thank you.”
Vineno says nothing as he walks toward the troll.
Laeche cradles the head of the rescued experiment in his lap as the sound of crunching bones fills the air.
“You’re going to be okay now.” He whispers to them. “Nene will take you somewhere safe.”
After the embrace, Laeche stands and starts to meander back toward the engine room.
Vineno follows.
When they are good and alone, Laeche lets out a big sigh that also sees him deflating the tension he held in his back.
“I don’t know how you can be so serious all the time, Nene.” He muses as he sits himself at his workstation, letting himself relax further as he does. “It’s exhausting.”
“It’s a talent of mine.”
“Alright, let’s get to the part where you beat the shit out of me.”
“I sent a message to the flying crew that he’s ready for systems check this evening. They’ll be here in a few hours, go make a mess so it looks like you struggled.”
Vineno tsks behind him. It was not as though he needed to be told how to do his job.
“Hazme un paro, por favor.” The engineer says as he puts his goggles on.
“Don’t break my arm this time.”
“I can’t promise you that, officer.”
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lapphysapphy · 8 years
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better! I was tagged by @ask-theoa~!!!!
Name: Lakota Nicknames: Kota-Bear, Lako/Lakoko Zodiac Sign: Libra Height: 5′3 (iwannabeshortertbh-) Orientation: Bi-bi Favorite Fruit: Blueberries? lol how do i favorites Favorite Season: Winter or Fall Favorite Book: Sweethearts i think Favorite Flower: Roses because gilfrond huhuhu~ Favorite Scent: Childhood Favorite Blood Color: Purple blood seadweller Favorite Connected Animal: Bears obvi Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: Hot koko ofc lOL Average Sleep Hours: idk depends whether i stay up l8 or not Cat or dog person: bOTH Favorite Fictional Character You Would Be Loyal To The Most: LINK Number of blankets you sleep with: 1 tho i do have a second one to cover the tiny space between the bed and the wall because idk i feel unsafe if that’s uncovered pFFFT Dream Trip: To go to any fictional world i wANT Blog Created: Middle school i think lol Number of Followers: 118 yaaaayer~
i tAG (i’mbadattaggingpeopleohnooo-)-
idfk anyone who wants to do this for shits and giggles i guess lOL                                                                                                                        
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stray-tori · 4 years
TPN S02E06 - Initial Thoughts (anime-only)
hhh everything went wrong with my reaction video this time - the video is lagging (so i replaced the screenrecording with the actual episode), also facecam broken so my friends won’t get to see me tearing up and the wrong mic input was recorded so I’m sorry for the shitty quality. I’m so upset :(
Edit: Google Drive Link! :)
I don’t even know what to really talk about because I liked everything?? it was such a good episode and I just... AHHH. I wish we had so much more of THIS. please give them more seasons.... ik its already too late for that but pleaseee fidusdj- they just... do so well when they adapt imo. the whole comparison panels I’ve seen of the interactions with Norman, I just... genuinely think it’s such a highpoint and they did so friggin well.
I just... I’m so sad this will likely be the last season. I hope we’ll get more, in whatever form. I know there’s the manga and unless we get an announcement about more anime content at light speed, I do plan on reading it! I just... I love the anime. And it’s art. The manga’s art is unique but the style isn’t my jam and some stuff just looks a bit too stylized for my liking hhhh-
That won’t stop me but... it does make me emotional, I guess.
Let’s hope they stay on this path now that they’ve joined back in with the manga, somewhat (still, you couldnt even give them 12 episodes??).
. the reunion
It gave me flutters!! it’s so nice and intimate and sweet and dusdhj- THE NORMAN SQUISH. And him noticing Emma’s ear is gone TvT Her sweet, kinda embarrassed “I left it back at home” efiojsd
also the clothing line here separates the two groups, alluding to the conflict between them later in the episode. They’re strangers on two sides, and Norman is the only connecting piece.
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I didn’t really dislike anything aside from Ray being left out. I just wanted them both to run for him I guess :( though it makes sense to be more distant, he also was at the shipment itself but idk, it just makes Norman seem so,,, rude that he doesn’t acknowledge Ray at all until Emma is like “hey btw I brought him too” :”D
Slap kinda deserved, on multiple fronts haha-
Though the mutual “baka” calling between Norman and Ray was adorable duihdasjdas
. Emma’s arc
a few days ago, I made that whole “anime emma’s arc” post about her feeling useless and how that might come into play - and I do hope they address it and I think they kind of are? Because GF arc Emma was always ready to have her way, even if it seemed impossible.
Either way, I feel like part of why she didn’t speak up is kind of as alluded to, that she doesn’t feel like she has the right to when she doesn’t know any other way right now. And I hope that in the next few episode we will see her headstrong and do things and be pro-active and kind of challenge that and Norman.
. Norman (+ his crew)
It was kind of on the nose when Norman held that whole speech about what she had said before, a small hint to it would have been enough I feel like, for the audience -- because I think realizing that part of his motivation in all of this was just her words and that he wanted to do that for her (I think that’s the implication) is really sweet. He is kind of the carrier here and I hope that will change because it feels like we haven’t earned this bio weapon at all - which is okay, because it probably won’t be the solution, so it’s more of a plot-moving element than an actual solution. And I hope that whatever the solution really does entail will feel less like an ass-pull and more deserved.
I feel it may have been interesting to have a pov switch somewhere in ep4 or ep5 to Norman and what he’s been up to. The reveal was kind of “...? okay?” anyway so I feel like that would have made things a little interesting, but I also really enjoy getting to know his squad now.
I’m also HIGHKEY SUS (all alarm bells are ringing) at Norman being like “Oh I just did tests” like.... BABY. PRECIOUS SON, ARE YOU PRETENDING EVERYTHING’S FINE AGAIN?
The fact that Norman didn’t bother explaining further just solidifies (to me, anyway) that he’s avoiding talking about it somewhat. He spoke about it very distantly and from an objective viewpoint.
Alone getting that tattoo on his chest must have hurt a lot. So. Please, give me a lot of angst, CW.
I hope both him and his crew will get some flashbacks or trauma moments to really solidify how badly they’ve been treated (and deliver some juicy angst).
I really loved the close-up on the meat Barbara was eating in that scene too. I felt like it didn't even have to spell it out for us that they're eating demon meat but. Oh well - it was well conveyed but I guess the characters had to confirm.
I also love that whole part about how he’s always cold to them auidhjhs - I really do feel like making a gif out of that haha.
Lambda person: “Boss?” Norman: “What? :/” Emma/Ray: “Norman!” Norman: “Yes? :)”
Also only vaguely related but what’s with people who are made to be eaten, in a state of “dead??? who knows” and then coming back as a “boss” :D Yes I’m talking about beastars.
. Mujika
Norman called her the “evil-blooded girl” and the old guy called the temple “evil-blooded” too. And he said it wasn’t a place for kids to be --- and he likely assumed that they were demon kids.
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Also some nice clue before we even know to connect Mujika with the temple.
A demon temple that’s “evil-blooded” and too dangerous for demon kids?
It could just be because it’s a ruin, but he IS praying for the world to change there. Mujika seems to be able to maintain her form without eating humans, so maybe that’s what this is all aiming towards.
I guess it also means that the statue with the violet veil is Mujika??? She does have purple hair I suppose.
At first, I was surprised that Norman recognized her just by the description - there’s more than one demon girl :D but I guess only one demon girl who doesn’t need to eat humans? - and I thought he may have crossed paths with her.
But for that to be the case AND for him to assume she’s alive because Emma and Ray have met her, it can’t mean he actually MET her. Because well, RayEm met her like 2 months after his shipment. Assuming he didn’t break out immediately, he couldn’t have met AND tried to do something to her (likely kill). So my guess is that she’s some sort of legend or diety or just like, commonly known and she’s supposedly dead and he’s shocked because she isn’t.
He also first asked “where did you hear about that?” assuming he also only heard about it. Norman's reaction to them having met them also isn't "when?" (so he could confirm if it was after or before his supposed encounter with her), it's shock that they met her AT ALL. Which to me, implies that she's supposedly dead (which lines up with the temple in ruin, so something happened to her line, or whatever she's a part of). And since Norman couldn't have met her before their escape (Mujika hasn't seen a human when they meet the GF escapees), that's my conclusion.
Assuming she’s dead also makes sense since her (religion’s) temples seem to be in ruin. maybe that’s why no other demons seem to have that ability (that we know of), because it was lost when her presence was destroyed (therefore the ruins) or something of the sort.
She’s never seen a human before apparantly though, so I’m not sure what exactly that means. She doesn’t seem to have wanted freedom for humans prior to meeting them either (she only seemed hesitant about eating them after all that), so I’m not sure what her own motivation in having that sort of religion would even be.
There’s of course also sonju, so maybe it is after all a religion-thing? Who knows-
As I’ve talked about before, I think it makes a lot of sense if the demons are part of the solution, I’m just really curious what that solution actually entails for the demons / what exactly Mujika is. I still think it’s plausible that another promise between Mujika and Emma will happen, considering the narrative mirroring TPN does a lot.
. other random stuff
there’s mass production farms! I shouldn’t be surprised, but I hope we get to know more about those (likely not since yknow 5 episodes left and all that)
I also liked how they showed the different plants while talking about it, mirroring how we too mutated plants and some animals to further benefit our needs and exploitation...
The pep talk from Ray was good and the sunrise was SO BEAUTIFUL, TAKE ME NOW ANIMATORS
generally the animation, especially in the trio scene and the lambda squad hideout scenes, was so BEAUTIFUL
I liked that I kept joking about how the WM system was rly insecure if a random guy just dropped the pen for Krone to find, but NOW WE HAVE CONFIRMATION IT WAS INTENTIONAL and Smee is truly the MVP / big brain puppet master of this series.
It did seem kind of weird that Norman just left like "yeah this will probably be discovered soon. anyway, I'm leaving you here to go to my base, see ya" - LIKE BRO TAKE THEM WITH YOU SO YOU CAN PROTECT THEM IF THEY SHOW UP LIKE, TONIGHT
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swearronchanel · 6 years
Finally got around to watching ctm after getting back from my Paris trip! (see here lol)
the wharfs! wild that I was just around that area (literally went on a class trip to the docklands museum the other day, gotta love studying in London)
Omg Angela picking her nose 😂 and yet she won’t speak!
Phyllis hurting her back is actually me all the time bc I have the vertebrae of an 80 year old
There’s Franklin indeed! We love a midwife queen
Shelagh’s outfit is so pretty!
The kids posting for a first day of school pic is so pure but also taking me back 😭 I remember those days
Phyllis grabbing Sister J’s hand why does that make me wanna cry
“I shan’t fight you”😭
Trixie loving her medical dramas I love it
She also is serving some 60s realness
OMFG PINCHED SIATIC NERVE IM TRIGGERED I swear to all the gods that happened to me last semester I literally cried and limped a mile from class to my dorm and deadass couldn’t move nor sit for 2 days until I had to pick up prescribed pain killers & taken to the damn chiropractor!! It was the WORST. The chiro was like omg your nerve is so pinched that one leg looked inches shorter than the other
Poor Phyllis 😭
she’s basically like “I thought about it but no one is better than me”
OH hell bah Trix should’ve got in the van too😂
thank god I wasn’t that badly injured
Also would rather be thrown pushed down stairs than use a bed pan skkssk
this reminds me of my grandfather who had emphysema and hated using his oxygen I’m sad already 😭 my heart
TRIXIE😍😍 omg what a look, love the hair! And that purple outfit is so 60s I love it (like duh ofc 60s)
Aw shelagh
ANTHRAX? Wtfff omg
Ok but I love mother Mildred aka grandma from Balto
She looks older than 17 btw lol
this is so sad wtf first the grandpa now the dad, this is not fine😭 who is gonna die first
“You’ve been the love of my life girl..” STOPPP I will start crying
where’s the loml?
I feel like this teenage mom story was just thrown in here & doesn’t seem like much rn but there’s still time I guess
I need Trixie’s Head scarf
But Trix just put mother Mildred in checkkkkk
plot twist, it’s baby #2
“Didn’t mean pastor in the literal sense..” Sister Monica Joan is so cute lmao she likes Cyril so much 😂😭
Wait this was on purpose? she wanted a baby lmao,, at 17?, can’t relate but ok lol
STILL ALIVE THEN? My whole family when I don’t text/call/FaceTime in like 2 days LMAO
This is gross but still my heart omg, the things we do for our grandmothers 😭😭
IM CRYIN RN I MISS MY GRANDMA 😭 I just FaceTimed her but still, it’s not the same
Aight Patrick I really doubt you remember being 2 years old I barely remember being 20
And I still am 20 LMAO
Shelagh going to Sister J tho, just like always 😭 but also Sister Julienne has been pushed aside this series I feel a type of way
wow what rude ass parents
“I didn’t know Nuns were interested in politics” 😂
Ms Higgins throwing some more wisdom, we stan
Lucille looks so pretty! she came for her man yes gal
ah Cyril disapproves, let me down 😂😂
They’re both homesick, I’m emo again
Why did they give Vi some Jane Wyman cringey hair style?
LMAO Violet standing up for her man at least
“The hearing is the last thing to go” “.. Barney’s coming”
this is sad af fling me out the window
glad she’s getting help but again this teen mom story didn’t cut it for me
Srgt Woolfe still persistent lol, I’m not even mad tbh she’s not that bad anymore
Trixie’s hair looks so good once again
omg Trixie’s purse I need
The gas money 😂😭 Fred is so pure
But also pass them pounds over I need London is so expensive
He’s going to run for the union rep aww
Omg I love these old school hymns😂 they make me miss my mom’s side grandparents
“So where in the end do we belong? I’m the eyes of another, where we see ourselves reflected? Or arm in arm, with those whose faces echo ours, whose blood we share?”
Val with her grandma again  😭
everyone came to see Phyllis love the Nonnatus fam 😭
“... or is it in the heart or the family we create, where we are safest and best known and never lonely? Perhaps we belong where love can bloom, because we give it room to put down roots, and space in which to thrive...we all belong somewhere.. and what matters is to not to struggle but where we find our peace” 😭😭
 Vanessa Redgrave stop making me emo 
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But then how does one explain the dragons? I love crack theories btw. So I'm not asking these things to try and pin you into a corner. I'm truly curious. This is very close to my own personal headcanon btw that fAegon is Ned and Ashara's. Just the whole idea that he actually DID cheat on Cat and birthed a Bastard but doesn't know it and that child is claiming himself to be Aegon while Ned actually has the real Aegon is too fun.
There’ll be no pinning to any corner! @ktwrites and I are ready! But trust that when I first heard this theory, that was my first question, too.
First thing’s first: Targaryens suck at hatching dragons. Don’t let them tell you any different. It’s been a century and a half since a Targaryen hatched an egg.
As for the Valyrians, while they were famous for taming dragons, there are actual scrolls that talk of pre-Valyrian dragon tamers:
TWoIAF says:
“In Asshai, the tales are many and confused, but certain texts—all impossibly ancient—claim that dragons first came from the Shadow, a place where all of our learning fails us. These Asshai'i histories say that a people so ancient they had no name first tamed dragons in the Shadow and brought them to Valyria, teaching the Valyrians their arts before departing from the annals.”
Basically, the Maesters are dismissing the theory that the Asshai'i tamed dragons because the stories are too old. Cool story, bros!
Important to note: Illyrio tells Daenerys her eggs are from the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai. The Valyrians got their eggs from the Fourteen Flames.
Aside from that, there is a lot of physical evidence of dragons in Westeros and Essos via fused black stone/dragonstone.
So, pre-dating Targaryens, we have this fused stone in Oldtown:
“The foundation of the Hightower on Battle Isle at Oldtown is a square, labyrinthine fortress of fused black stone.”
And very intriguingly, the Five Forts of Yi-Ti are made of a similar substance. These structures were built, likely, by a civilization pre-dating the Golden Empire of Yi-Ti, most likely the ‘mythical’ civilization of the Great Empire of the Dawn, whose territory included Asshai, and whose kings almost certainly had Valyrian features, as seen in Dany’s fever dream in AGoT:
“Ghosts lined the hallway, dressed in the faded raiment of kings. In their hands were swords of pale fire. They had hair of silver and hair of gold and hair of platinum white, and their eyes were opal and amethyst, tourmaline and jade. ‘Faster,’ they cried, ‘faster, faster.’ She raced, her feet melting the stone wherever they touched. ‘Faster!’ the ghosts cried as one, and she screamed and threw herself forward. A great knife of pain ripped down her back, and she felt her skin tear open and smelled the stench of burning blood and saw the shadow of wings.”
This is a clear nod to the Great Empire of the Dawn from Yi Ti, a 'mythical’ realm, featuring rulers such as the Opal Emperor, Amethyst Empress, Tourmaline Emperor, and Jade Emperor. This vision seems to suggest that Daenerys might even be dreaming that she IS the Amethyst Empress being slain by her brother, the Bloodstone Emperor. This is the action that allegedly caused the first Long Night, from which the mythical hero, Azor Ahai, rose up to vanquish it with his sword, Lightbringer. Also - the shadow of wings? Dragons? Hmm.
There are many parallels between the Great Empire of the Dawn and House Dayne: First, the word Dawn. Second, the color Amethyst, the color of House Dayne’s banners. Valyrian features - silver and gold hair and purple eyes. They held swords of pale fire - similar to the pale milkglass of the sword 'Dawn’. Further, the Bloodstone Emperor was said to “worship a black stone that fell from the sky.”
House Dayne was founded by their ancestors who tracked a fallen star to where they raised Starfall, only to find the stone had magical powers. The blade 'Dawn’ was said to be forged from the heart of fallen star - pale in color, and while similar to Valyrian steel, it is arguably superior. House Dayne is said to have been around since the Dawn Age or the Dawn of Days.
So, this is most likely where the Valyrians and the Daynes originate.
(Gonna copy/paste something I wrote previously, because it applies here, too:)
Amethyst Empress:
Allusions to purple and white coloring (Dayne, anyone?)
A sword made from a fallen star
A unique, magical sword called DAWN, which almost literally means LIGHTBRINGER
Azor Ahai, who ended the Long Night rose FROM this very culture
Pale milkglass/swords of pale fire
Bloodstone Emperor:
Allusions to red and black coloring (Targaryen, anyone?)
Worshipped a black stone that fell from the sky
Ushered the Long Night with his Blood Betrayal
Much like the Valyrians, the Bloodstone Emperor is viewed as ‘sinister’
Valyrians possessed dark, rippled steel
(Important to note that Lightbringer is very similar to Valyrian steel, yet light in color, while Valyrian steel is dark. Lightbringer is said to have been made with a willing sacrifice, could that explain the difference in coloring? “All Valyrian sorcery was rooted in blood or fire.”)
Even the color of Dany’s dragons might be parallels to these ancient ancestors:
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The Onyx Emperor, the Jade Emperor, the Pearl Emperor
Now, linking the Great Empire of the Dawn to House Dayne is a bit of a leap, but there are many reasons to think so, and many popular GoT-based podcasters seem to think so, too, such as Lucifer Mean Lightbringer and Westeros History. That being said, this part is NOT my theory. But linking Daenerys to the Daynes via the GEoTD, I think KT and I are the first to do that.
So, we do link it to Daenerys through her curious fever dream. Pair that with “Lemongate”, Barristan saying she looks like Ashara’s daughter (but not Rhaella, who he guarded on a daily basis), and the mysterious Quaithe appearing to Daenerys telling her to “Remember who you are” and that the “Dragons know, do you?”
I know the popular interpretation of that line is that people assume Quaithe is uring her to return to Westeros as a fierce Targaryen to claim her throne, but Quaithe asks this of Dany and the very next paragraph has Daenerys waking up with ants all over her and this is what she thinks:
“It turned out that their anthill was on the other side of her wall. She wondered how the ants had managed to climb over it and find her. To them these tumbledown stones must loom as huge as the Wall of Westeros. The biggest wall in all the world, her brother Viserys used to say, as proud as if he’d built it himself.”
So perhaps Quaithe is telling her to remember her roots to Azor Ahai/that she is a Dayne, and perhaps that she should focus on reclaiming Lightbringer(/Dawn)?
To further link Daenerys to the Daynes:
According to Westeros History, “Here’s what could be seen on Amazon and in other places back in 2002, when book 4 was still planned to be A Dance with Dragons instead of A Feast for Crows”:
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Aaaand, because I’m sorry, but I can’t get over this one:
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Does any of that help? lol!
Lastly, regarding N+A=YG (fAegon):
Oh, thank the old gods you’re not one of those “Ned would NEVER do such a thing!” people, lol.
There are also people who think Edric might be Ned and Ashara’s (too young), or Allyria (some seem sure of her age but I can’t find it anywhere). I’m DYING to know what in the books links fAegon to Ashara/Ned (aside from his looks and his creepy tutor who is hiding from something, and that, like Oberyn, Ashara danced with Jon Connington at Harrenhal), or Varys and what he’s up to, for that matter.
I will say one thing - that Tyrion almost has to convince himself that fAegon’s eyes are purple. And as for Septa Lemore - he never mentions her eye color, which seems odd to me since most people who think of Ashara tend to think of her haunting violet eyes. In fairness, he could be too busy looking at her ass, eh? And also in fairness - Edric’s eyes are a dark blue that seem purple, as well. So there’s that! Wait, why am I helping you? ;D
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lethal-raindrop · 6 years
So get this.
I cannot, for the life of me, figure out who or what I want to dress up as for Halloween. No, I’m not asking y’all for suggestions! I just wanted to share this idea I had. It’s not a costume idea but it IS something... different. On Halloween I’m gonna dress how I don’t normally dress: in something dressy!
My original idea was either to wear a purple long sleeved dress (more like violet — more of a Halloween color) with black pantyhose and black heels (2 inches or shorter), or a black long sleeve (kinda turtleneck styled) with a purple skirt and the same hose and heels.
Since I couldn’t find a violet dress OR a skirt (btw it seems that the entire fashion industry has forgotten what violet looks like. Those absolutely horrific dresses I saw aren’t even any true shade of purple, let alone violet! They’re fucking BURGUNDY, which is a shade of RED, you fucking /IMBECILES/!), I decided to wear a black medium sleeved dress (between above the knee and knee-length if you were wondering) and just wear a violet sweatshirt with it. Oh! I also decided to wear black and purple-striped stockings instead of plain black. Hi bitch!
‘But why a black and purple look?’ you may be wondering. See, there was ANOTHER original thought that I’d be doing black and orange, but the whole reason this thought ever even came up was because I just wanna wear makeup. Problem is, I don’t have any orange eyeshadows. But I DO have a JSC Blood Sugar Palette! So then I thought “Well I’ve already been seen in black and red, but I’ve never done purple!” Then I was suddenly all over this idea: the previously mentioned outfit with black lipstick and a purple smokey eye look!
I’ve run the idea by my mom and she said it’d be cool. I did some pretend shopping though (by that I mean just add prices up of the things I’ll need for this) and um... Well, if I find everything I’m looking for, the total I’ll spend on it all will be $199.01. I haven’t run that by Mom yet. 😬 But not to worry! I plan on buying it all myself. I’m just not sure how she’ll react.
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/ Song-fic kinda, cw suicidal Wilford kinda / one of my favorite songs btw cus yea.
Listen up, boys, I'm gonna die The seconds counting To my final cry Ah!
Mark my words, y'see I'm breathing in the Open gates to hell
Wilford was walking along the edge of the rooftop, arms stretched out to keep his balance. He was swaying a lot, tilting and tipping on purpose. Wanting to fall, not wanting to? The sun was setting, the sky a deep red and orange, clouds turning purple and violet and lavender.
I'll say, the thought Of death and I A merry couple Laughing at the likes of you Human toxins
I mean, take a guess... Why should I stick around?
He giggled as he twirled where he was, toes at the very edge, almost making him fall off. Wilford just laughed though, shrugging and continuing. Death meant nothing to him, and he meant nothing to death. He didn’t care.
Many back doors And many methods Take your chances With a life worth losing
Simple as can be, Oh, I could care less Don't you worry about me
Someone was coming. Wilford could hear, but he didn’t care. No one needed to worry about him, he was always fine after all. Always smiles and giggles, never worried when injured in any way, in any fatality. He could care less about being injured, he knew he’d be fine. He got hurt often enough, he tried the most dangerous things often enough. He was sure he couldn’t even die.
I'll say, the thought Of death and I Disdaining people Pointing at the worthless girl Saying she's something
I mean, look at me
Wilford turned to the other ego, grinning. He was very aware of how death was just a joke to him. That’s why he sought it out, wanted it, craved it. Death meant nothing to him, death wasn’t real. He searched for death to find it. Or not. Wanting to know if it was a real thing or not.
He laughed at the other’s concern, twirling again, skipping on the railing, swinging his arms. Why was he so worried? Nothing could happen to Wilford! And he was supposed to be the clown, wasn’t he? Always laughing, always happy, always the bubbly bubblegum bitch! He was here just for that, right?
Wilford rubbed his cheeks as the other ego pointed out the tears on them. He didn’t understand. Crying didn’t solve anything, being afraid of anything didn’t solve anything. Yet he was still afraid, that he’d be alone, that he’d be forgotten, that he’d be replaced. But, no one needed to know any of that. Or anything else. He took a deep breath of the heavy air around him, glad the other ego was far enough away to not smell the burnt caramel.
Now, enough of this I'm sick and tired Of your constant sympathy for me
Mark my words, y'see I'm breathing in a Simply deadly remedy
The other ego was concerned for him. Wilford didn’t care. Whenever he wasn’t as bubbly as he was supposed to be, he was pitied instead of worried about. Not really, at least. Whenever Wilford didn’t understand something, like death, he was pitied. He knew he was. He could see it, he could hear it.
Those days I'm reminiscing on Mean absolutely nothing to a Worthless girl Such as I
I mean, what's the point? If there even is one...
Wilford huffed at the ego and turned his back to him again. He didn’t see a point in trying to talk to him, trying to reason. He was just a dumb idiot for all of the others after all, supposed to just be happy and laughing. Making jokes. Making a joke out of himself. He didn’t know why he’d ever bother trying to be different.
Call it quits, I Just wanna die And blood's dripping-dropping
I can't get enough Staining everything and Leaving toxins Hanging loosely in the air
He would be in his room, like always when he wasn’t expected anywhere and had nothing to do. But he hated being there. It always smelled of blood, of iron, even if there was none. Or maybe there was, and he didn’t know. He sometimes even felt it dropping onto his skin. He rubbed his arms, feeling phantom drops on them. He looked at his hands, seeing them red. Were they really? He could smell it.
I know you'll never give a damn It's not like anybody Even cared for this Human toxin
He smiled and shrugged, knowing no one would care if he was covered in blood anyways. Even when it was his own, no one batted an eye. No one bothered to ask if he was covered in his own blood or someone else’s after all.
Wilford waved the other ego away as he called out to them, feeling the heels of his feet float, feet tipped over the edge of the roof. Falling would just be amusing. He’d laugh, and everyone else would roll his eyes at his stupidity. Or whatever they thought it was.
He didn’t get to though, as the ego just pulled him down suddenly, Wilford not having noticed him approaching as he had been thinking how it would be to fall. To see the sky, the top of the roof, getting further and further away. His stomach hurt thinking about it. It was stained red, shirt soaked. His hands were covered in blood. The smell was overwhelming.
But he was dragged away by his hand his blood-stained, red- no, his clean hand. He was here for amusement, he remembered.
What had he been doing up here anyways?
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