#oh boy now that was fun and exciting (with lots of good expected kacchan + bkdk service for current fans)
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the-nysh · 5 years ago
AHHHH! Just got back from finally seeing Heroes Rising! 8D Oh man, that was definitely a big-screened flashy action movie to experience, with great class cohesion and teamwork, and especially with Deku and Kacchan as the stars. Going in, I already knew what was going to happen (couldn’t resist spoiling myself silly), but it still had me chuckling along to all the fun nods/refs to things and grinning like a huge idiot by the end of it. :D More details and extended impressions as follows:
It really gets me that nowadays we can just…waltz into a theater and watch subbed anime movie screenings (which was the version I saw) alongside other current films. :O That’s just amazing to me. Cause gosh, back in the day, that was either completely unheard of, or you had to drive 100miles to a fancy arthouse theater just to see dubbed releases of -only- Miyazaki movies (with month-long reserved/ordered tickets). This is so much preferable now (it’s a very good thing!), and I certainly hope this trend for more accessible anime content continues!
Anyway, saw the movie with family: sister (only watches the anime) and mom (never seen any bnha, but wanted to be included anyway~) At first we had the entire theater to ourselves at a 9:45pm showing, until like 5 min before, then several other groups came in. (So hhhh ;o; had to refrain from making any loud reactions/commentary otherwise.)  
Some of the best comments from my mom were how she kept leaning over to me and asking where the ‘guy with the wings’ (Hawks) was. X’D This is great and hilarious to me. He only showed up a few times to investigate the villains, figure out what’s wrong, and fly over with pending professional help to the island. So to my mom, it was a matter of ‘when will he come to save the kids!?’ Aha nice. His Japanese voice was deeper than expected, but I could still hear the Mumen Rider (opm) inflections from his voice actor. :D Definitely excited to see more of him formally animated in the series. Later, my mom also commented how the villain (Nine) was good-looking, buaha! (I mean hey, Shiggy was there too! 8D) I’d given her a crash-course on bnha lore before the movie, so it’s amusing to me how these were some of her unique takeaways. She also felt how after Deku told the kids ‘you can be a hero,’ that they already were cause they demonstrated that same bravery. :’)
For my sister, by the end she was like, ‘they should have just done fusion!’ Noting how Deku and Kacchan already went with the dbz looks, so heh why not. :P She noted how odd it was that Kacchan could use OfA immediately (when it took Deku several hours to…digest the hair before it could set in), so I had to clarify it was transferred by blood this time. She also wondered how Deku could gain even greater power with OfA after transferring it, and welp it’s mostly movie magic so whatever, but I could not resist flat-out saying, ‘BECAUSE THEY SOUL-BONDED~’ (And that’s as far as I was openly willing to push it with the bkdk agenda, guahaha.) Lingering convos included stuff about OfA mechanics (more odd inconsistencies with the vestiges somehow willing it back) and me mentioning Hori’s original idea to end the series with, all that good stuff. But most of all, to even have the movie tie back into the main (manga) storyline cleanly somehow, these types of explanations/solutions to things had to be done anyway, so it’s honestly another whatever/no big; it works as a self-contained flashy movie. (And honestly not as bad as some impressions made it seem; instead, how certain things wrapped up here felt negligible to me.)
As for ME, woohoo oh I definitely liked it and had a fun time! :D I didn’t know if I’d get the chance to see it in theaters (schedule conflicts) but ayyy I felt it was worth it! Immediately from the intro car-chase with Endeavor (yooo), it was all high-budget, quality action movie stuff. The two kids were endearing with active roles which I appreciated. I was also greatly impressed by how cohesive and responsible all the classmates were. You could just tell how closely they knew each other (and their quirks) and could work efficiently as a well-oiled unit when disaster strikes. Evacuating and providing for the islanders and coming up with elaborate battle plans, and all without any adult heroes present. :O Each had their moment to shine, with some very cool class combo moves too. Favs were Uraraka and Sero’s boulder throwing spam, and Kiri bodily shielding Todo from a hugeass high-beam laser like in Evangelion (YOOOOO?!?! that was cool!) Dark Shadow with wolverine claws was pretty sweet too.  
Of course, personal favs were the Kacchan (+Deku) moments. Deku was a good babey throughout but…but KACCHAN. ;A; Featuring the shades of Kacchan I love to see. :’D (Also Denki said a line like, ‘Kacchan of the Bakugous’ buahaha wtf!) When he’s silently observant (listening to Deku talk to the kid about their hero dreams, to the point his popsicle melts off ;o;), intensely serious (making it very clear to the kids he’s for real about efficiently working as a hero after they mess around/cry wolf with him), gruffly supportive (encouraging Deku in his own way to ‘make it his own’ asap :’3) and…he’s still got his signature short fuse temper of course (that explodes in comical ways, heh even my mom laughed at him) plus the awesome moments when he frees himself from a villain then promptly beats his ass. 8D But…I personally loved the smaller, but very telling, protective moments. Like when the girl signaled Deku was in trouble, Kacchan was immediately RIGHT THERE to blast Nine in the face (omgg), how he caught/saved the girl when she went flying (while Deku was on the attack instead), AND my fav: how when they were both fighting Nine, Deku got distracted worrying about the other classmates fighting elsewhere, but Kacchan kicked him out of the way from getting hurt by lasers (so ahhh!! he’s actively looking out for Deku and staying on top of things so they both keep their heads in the game. :’D) Just MANY good Kacchan moments to appreciate. <3
AND then the big bkdk handhold, OfA transfer, epic + emotional team up. (Ever since the first previews/impressions, I’m still stunned they actually did all that on the big screen!) At this point I was internally squealing and had the dumbest grin on my face but didn’t even care. 8’D I WAS READY! Nakamura’s animation was like…byuuujjgghh *brain turns off* Honestly it was hard to even SEE what was happening on screen besides huge swathes of molten heat and green electricity flying everywhere, totally and awesomely over the top. Ahaha definitely worth seeing again just for that! I got feels for the ‘it’s fine if it’s you’ line :’))), and in the aftermath, loved it when Deku’s first thought upon regaining consciousness was to ask All Might if Kacchan’s ok. (omggg heh, Deku pls! :’D)
Overall, the movie had a simple, straightforward storyline to follow, fantastic action and teamwork to enjoy, and plenty of tidbits and character moments for current fans to heartily eat up. No question about the Kacchan and bkdk service as well. Left me feeling very giddy as a fan and glad I was able to catch it in theaters. Now I can’t wait to see when gifsets of all those fun moments get made!
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years ago
Bakugou Turns Into A Dog - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Fluff, crack, lowkey pervy Katsuki, cursing, (writing not spell checked!)
Request: Bakugou’s been hit with a quirk that has given him the body of a dog. He’s still has his own human thoughts and voice but now..he’s a dog. Just how will he abuse his new power with f!Y/N
It was supposed to be a normal day! Well, as normal as it could get for UA. But of course, trouble just had to strike, and of course the ones at the center of it all was the infamous Bakusquad. More specifically, the man the group was named after.
“I-...I can’t believe that actually just h-happened!” A cheerful blonde cried out as tears fell from his face and laughter rang out from his voice.
“C’mon man, don’t be laughing at what just happened. This is serious,” Kirishima said with concern as he looked down in his arms.
“Are you serious? This has got to be the best thing that’s ever happen since we met Bakugou!” Kaminari replied with while once again dying of laughter.
“Oh yeah? With what quirk lil pupper?” Denki slickly replied while booping his nose. Bakugou’s been making fun of Denki for the longest, this was the perfect revenge. His dear friend has been turned into a dog! Not just any dog, and not the dog you would expect. He wasn’t a german shepherd or rottweiler. Katsuki Bakugou sits in Kirishima’s arms as a fluffy, blonde, angry pomeranian.
Luckily, kinda, the only thing that changed about Bakugou was his body. He could still speak and understand the human language and he could still think like one too, but now it’s all that in a fluffy, round, adorable body. Now, he was all bark and no bite......sorta.
“OW!” Kaminari yelped as Bakugou latched onto his finger and growled. Passerbys watched as the young group of teens watched their friend throw his hand around in pain with a tiny floof dangling on it. Kirishima went in to grab Bakugou and calm Kaminari down.
“Damn, you little rugrat,” The electric blonde started, “just wait till Y/N sees you, she’s gonna die.” Kaminari teased. Once those words left his mouth, Bakugou’s puppy eyes went wide.
‘Oh hell no!’
Kirishima saw how his friend was shaking in his arms and grew concerned so he asked, “hey man, are you alright there Bakubro?”
Bakugou was extremely nervous. He couldn’t let his longtime crush see him like this! Like a weak, soft, puffball! If you saw Bakugou like this, the second he’d turn back to his normal self, he’d dive out the nearest window anytime you were around.
The entire Bakusquad knew of Katsuki’s little (HUGE) crush, and the fact that one of them was now able to use that information against him mortified the lil guy now.
“Aww c’mon Denki, that’s not very nice,” Mina said as she pet Bakugou’s little head before he snapped at her hand. Thankfully, she dodged it.
“Yeah well Kacchan hasn’t been very nice either! Damn mutt nearly bit my finger off!” This received a growl from Bakugou, which was unsurprising pretty normal.
“At least the cops told us the quirk will ware off in two weeks.” Sero stated. Kirishima joined in.
“Yeah. Sheesh, I still can’t believe what happened. That random criminal really jumped outta nowhere.” The red head said.
“Tch, I still can’t believe someone could be stuck with a shitty ass quirk like that. Turning people into pets. Ridiculous.” The blonde dog said.
“Imagine what it’s like being on the receiving end of that quirk. Must be just as ridiculous.” Mina teased.
Bakugou jumped down from Kirishima’s arms before speaking. “Yeah! No shit Pinkie!” He said while standing on his hind legs and motioning towards his new body with his front paws as if he were human.
As the group made it to the front doors of the dormitory, Bakugou stopped them before entering.
“Listen up dumbasses! Nobody better say SHIT to Y/N. Just say I’m some random dog found on the street and you guys opted to take care of me till you found me a home. If she asks what happened to me, tell her I was forced onto a trip with my parents. Got that?!” Bakugou strictly spoke.
“Got it!” The group said in unison, but a certain blonde had a different plan in mind. As they entered through the doors, Kirishima hid Bakugou into the side of his jacket but it only made comical sense that you were the first person to greet them.
“Oh! Hey guys!” You said with your award winning smile as you walked towards the group. Before anyone could say anything else, Kaminari spoke up.
“Hey Y/N! You wanna guess what Kirishima has in his jacket?” Denki exclaimed.
“Oh, no I’m sure Y/N has better things to do!”
“Maybe she shouldn’t,”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,”
The 3 friends were throwing out excuse after excuse to keep you from seeing the little devil.
“Woah woah! Hey! You guys! Chill. If you don’t want me to see then I won’t force you. It’s fine.” You kindly said.
‘Whew’ the squad all thought
‘She is so awesome!’ Bakugou thought while in the jacket
“Oh c’mon guys, show her the puppy!” Kaminari said. Now that grabbed your attention.
“Wait? Puppy?! That’s what you guys are hiding. Awww no fair!! Can I please see it! Please please pleaseeee!!!” You begged. After your constant pleading and the squad’s constant denial, Bakugou thought he could just give in this one time. He knew that his friends would cover for him and say he’s just some random dog and you would drop it so he began to stick his snout out of the jacket. Kirishima took it as a sign to show him to you.
“Oh my goddd!!! It’s so cute!!! Boy or girl?” You kindly asked while petting Bakugou’s head, something the dog was enjoying a little too much.
“It’s a boy,” Kirishima said. “We found him on the street so even though we’re kinda busy we wanted to take care of him and heal him up till we can find him a new home.” Mina added on.
“Guyssss c’mon!! Tell her the best part! Tell her exactly who that dog is.” Kaminari begged. The Bakusquad including the dog looked towards Kaminari with a warning look, but Kaminari didn’t care. The ultimate revenge starts now.
“Y/N! That’s Bakugou!” Kaminari exclaimed. As everyone started denying it, you looked towards the dog and saw that it did resemble Bakugou a lot, but then again Bakugou did look like an angry pomeranian time and time again.
Before you chose to listen to one or the other, you weighed your options. Kirishima the chivalrous and honest, the manliest man, or Kaminari the jester himself? It’s was obvious who you were gonna listen to.
“Oh stop that Kaminari. Bakugou may look like a fiesty fluff ball from time to time but he’s not really a dog.” You said while petting the pupper’s chin. Everyone sighed in relief at your words.
“But that’s really-“ Kaminari was cut of with Sero wrapping his tape around his mouth.
“Hey if you guys need a healer, I could use my quirk to help out with that. It may not be a full on healing quirk but it should help the little guy. Plus, I don’t mind spending the next...?” Kirishima helped you out.
“Two weeks,” he said.
“Right, I don’t mind spending the next two weeks with the little cutie.” You said. The dog’s eyes went wide at that as a plan came into mind but the Bakusquad once again started denying, saying it was fine but you insisted since Mina just previously said they were all busy. Throughout the chaos a VERY human like sound came from the creature in Kirishima’s arms.
“Woof.” Bakugou said with such a casual demeanor. He said ‘woof’ in such a human like voice, it was absolutely absurd. As everyone looked down at the dog, the only thing that could be heard was Sero awkwardly giving out a cough to break the silence.
“Ok...well umm that may be a sign that he’s ok with me taking him!” You said with an excited smile. Kirishima looked at the dog and as Bakugou looked back up at him, his best friend knew that he should give you the dog.
“Ok Y/N, he’s all yours. But you’re right about one thing. Since he does look like Bakugou, we named him Blasty, so that’s what you should refer to him as,” he said while placing the dog in your arms. The pomeranian was excited as what appeared to be a small smile showed up in his face and he squirmed around in Y/N’s arms, cuddling up against her pillowy breast.
“Awesome! For the next two weeks, it’s me and you Blasty!” You said while carrying Bakugou in the air facing you and looking at him. He was too cute so you pulled him in for a hug and kiss on his little head. Everyone could see Bakugou had a smug look on his face.
“Alright guys! I better get to healing him!” You said as you ran off with the pupper still holding a smug look, this time directed at Kaminari.
“Looks like your plan backfired dude,” Sero said.
“And it looks like Bakugou is gonna be enjoying these next 2 weeks a little too much,” Mina said and the group shared a laugh. Well, except for Kaminari who was kinda irritated that his revenge failed, but happy for his friend nonetheless.
Once you got back to your room you placed Blasty on your bed and started to check him for places where he needed healing.
“Huh, looks like you’re not really injured Blasty. Oh well, that’s fine! Just means I can spend more time with you without having to worry!” You said while rubbing his head. Bakugou leaned into your hand with a small and then rolled onto his back for belly rubs. He was hoping you would pet him some more but you didn’t.
“I’m sorry Blasty, but you need a bath before you hang around anymore. Let’s go!” You picked him up and he was wide eyed and bushy tailed. A bath. Whatever. As long as he got your attention. You placed him in the tub but realized you would be getting your clothes dirty, so you changed into some pajamas you wore the night before that were sitting in your hamper in your bathroom. Basically, you changed right infront of Bakugou. He was staring at you as if you were a meal. As you undressed infront of him he saw you in your panties and bra, matching of course, and damn your body was the exact definition of perfect. He licked his lips as he stared until you put on a cami top and black booty shorts.
“Damn..” he whispered.
When you came back to Bakugou you went down to his level and began to scrub him. You reveled in your touch and soaked in the hot water. When you took him out to dry him off you looked at the time and noticed it was pretty late.
“Alright, I guess we should head to bed. I’ll put on a move and we can sleep. Here, let me go set up some pillows for you to sleep on.” You said as you grabbed your spare pillows and placed them on the floor for Blasty.
As you got into bed you felt a little movement on your mattress. Apparently Bakugou hadn’t appreciated being on the floor. He wanted to sleep next to his future girl. So when you turned over and looked at him, he gave you puppy eyes.
“Oh...why the hell do you have to be so damn cute,” you said as you picked him up and placed him on your bed. Bakugou cuddled up in your chest and took in your delicious scent. You both drifted off to sleep while Bakugou was just having happy thought.
‘This is gonna be the best 2 weeks of my life!’
Ohhh what a week. You thought taking care of Blasty would be fun and exciting and adorable but it was that and more. It was also kinda frustrating. The damn dog would “bark” and growl at everyone, especially guys who tried to talk to you, and would only eat human food. He refused dog treats and never wanted to approach other dogs. Hell, this dog didn’t even go outside to use the bathroom. He went into the actual bathroom! Oh and don’t even get Y/N started on the “barking.” That dog had the most clear and humane “woof” any dog’s ever had! Another thing! This dog’s behavior is a little outta line. When Y/N would shower, it would try to follow her in and just sit there. When she would change, it would lay on her bed smiling and staring at her. When she would sleep it would ONLY cuddle into her breast or booty and one time when she woke up in the middle of the night, Blasty was up too. Again. STARING. What is up with this dog?
“Ugh!” Y/N said as she face planted the table. Her lunch completely disregarded and the Bakusquad (minus Bakugou because apparently he had to go on a trip with his parents...or so you thought) watching as the blonde mutt poked around her head on the table.
“Having fun there Y/N?” Mina asked to which Y/N replied with a stare and a twitching eye.
“Blasty is INSANE!” You roared out. The Bakusquad and Blasty (aka Bakugou) watched on. “Don’t get me wrong, I love having the little guy around but he has some weird habits for a dog. He won’t eat like a dog, use the bathroom like a dog, interact with other dogs, and don’t get me started on the barks! I’ve never heard a dog say WOOF like a human,” you took a breather before continuing, “another thing, Blasty is a lowkey perv sometimes. Well if he were human at least, but he has perv tendencies. Like the staring whenever I’m a little underdressed or in the tub or SLEEPING.”
With that rant, Bakugou felt his ears fell and he backed up into a corner on the table. He was starting to feel insecure. Had his crush really thought of him as a pervy little thing? When you saw Blasty’s reaction, you noticed he might’ve understood what you said.
‘Can he....no there’s no way.’ You thought about the dog. Was there a possibility he could understand everything you just said?
“Oh Blasty, don’t be so dramatic. I’m just saying, for a dog, you’re a little weirdo, but it’s okay because for the time being, you’re my little weirdo. I still got love for you!” You said while holding him up in the air. Once again, the dog had a reaction to your words.
The squad was starting to notice the gears in your head turn and Kirishima quickly took him away for a little “walk.”
“Oh hey Y/N, why don’t you finish your food and I’ll take Baku- BLASTY! For a walk. Yeah, maybe he needs some outdoor exercise.
“Oh no Kiri it’s fine I-“
“THANKS!” The red head said as he dashed out the cafeteria with the little floof. Oh well, might as well enjoy your last few minutes of peace.
“What the HELL SHITTY HAIR!? She was all up on me back there! You didn’t have to drag me away!” Bakugou spoke as Kirishima held him from his armpits.
“Sorry man, but you were the one who said you didn’t want your cover blown and she was starting to figure it out. And c’mon Bakugou, she knows you better than someone who would go on a trip with his parents. Not only that but your looks are so obvious. What dog had red eyes and spikey blonde hair?!?” The red head explained. The blonde dog only crossed his arms in a very human like manner and turned to the side.
“We’ll be fine, the quirk will ware off in another week so get over it. Besides, there’s no way she’ll know! We have everyone that was there covering it up for me. It’s fine!” Bakugou replied.
His best friend sighed before saying “alright man, if that’s what you want,” and placed him down to head back to the cafeteria.
“Thank you! Jeez, now let’s get back to the cafeteria. I wanna have lunch with my Y/N.” Bakugou walked on all fours with his head held proudly.
“You may be a tiny dog, but that huge crush on her that you got going on is still going strong,” the red head said.
“You’re damn right, Shitty hair!”
As the boys walked, they didn’t know that from around the corner, Y/N heard everything.
‘Bakugou?! Quirk??? CRUSH?!!?’ Oh this was too good. With this new information, Y/N walked off with a smirk and a plan.
The next few days passed and like always, you work up with Blasty, oh you mean Bakugou, on your chest. You slightly smiled knowing this past 2 weeks, your crush had been coddling over you. You got even more excited knowing your feelings were mutual. You woke up and got ready for the day.
Now, the same thing happened as always. You got up and went to the bathroom to shower and Blasty would follow. He would watch you undress and step in the shower and step out and change. You would pick him up, hold him tight, kiss his forehead, and then be out the room. This time, your routine felt a little different knowing it was actually Bakugou staring at you this whole time.
Oh. He had seen you naked multiple times. You didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or flattered. Oh well, he kept on staring is he must’ve been enjoying the show, except this time, you actually gave him one. You slowly stripped outta your clothes and made slight and soft R-rated noises as the warm water hit your skin. You bent over as you put on your underwear and slowly got dressed. You couldn’t believe yourself. Serving these looks to a dog.
Bakugous cheeks would be so red under that fur, the way you moved this morning was everything. He didn’t even notice the drool slipping from his mouth. As you stood there in nothing but your panties and bra, you turned towards Bakugou. And idea came to your head.
“Hey Blasty! You wanna help me pick out a look today? We sure are lucky the school staff has an all day meeting! Free day for us!” You picked Bakugou up and held him against your nearly bare breast. Bakugou just had to rub himself in between your mounds a little, and you noticed this, and released a slight whine.
“Mm..hey Blasty, stop that.” You placed him down and dressed into a mini skirt and tube top. You matched with a pair of everyday causal heels and went out with Bakugou following along. He would walk directly under your side and look up. He enjoyed the view of your lace panties and the jiggle of your ass everytime you took a step. Man, was this a perfect Friday or what?
Well it would’ve been if it hadn’t been for a certain Icy-Hot. What Bakugou didn’t know, was that you texted Todoroki the previous night to help you with this little plan of yours.
“Hey L/N.” Todoroki greeted you with kid kind eyes and gentle smile.
“Todoroki, stop that. I told you that you’re one of the people who can call me Y/N.” You said.
“Well alright, then I insist you call me Shoto in return.” He said.
“Only seems fair!” You said with a giggle to which Todoroki stared at.
“You have such a beautiful smile.” He complimented. You blushed at his words, especially since Todoroki really wasn’t one for..umm..emotions.
“Thanks,” you bashfully said while stepping a little closer. As Bakugou watched this whole interaction go down from below, he couldn’t help but release a small growl. No way in hell is Half and Half taking his girl!
“Actually, there was a reason why I called you over.” Todoroki said before speaking again. This caught your attention and Bakugou’s. “I was wondering if your wanted to go in a date with me. Tonight. It could be really casual and we could even do a small movie night here in the common rooms. Just you and me. What do you say?” He asked. Bakugou was fuming.
“A date huh? Mm, I’m sorry Shoto, but I’ve actually kinda been waiting for Bakugou to get back.” You said which made Bakugou flip his head towards you.
“Bakugou?” Todoroki asked.
“Yeah. I’ve had a small crush on him for awhile, and I was hoping my first date would be with him.” You explained. The cartwheels Bakugou’s heart was doing in his tiny body was ridiculous.
‘She likes me back She likes me back She likes me back!!!!’ The dog thought to himself. His tail began wagging and his smile grew bigger than ever.
“Well I heard he’ll be gone until Saturday,” Todoroki started, “so how about just for tonight, I keep you company with a movie, maybe some chocolate, maybe some flowers, and see where the night goes?” He asked. Bakugou snarled at the two toned boy with his fangs until he heard your voice.
“Sure!” You said.
“Really?” Todoroki asked.
‘Really?!’ Bakugou thought.
“Really!” You said, “Bakugou will be gone for another week so I see no harm in hanging as friends!” You smiled once more.
“Great! This’ll be amazing Y/- OUCH” Bakugou had interrupted Todoroki by latching onto his leg and holding on with his life as Todoroki did everything he could to shake the blonde mutt off. You reached for “Blasty” before apologizing to Todoroki.
“I’m sorry, Shoto. He gets like this sometimes.” You explained.
“Ah..no worries. Uh, I’ll see you later tonight?” Todoroki asked you.
“Yeah, definitely. See you then!” You said as you walked off with a grumpy pomeranian in your arms.
‘On every level. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?’ Bakugou thought to himself as you carried him away.
You walked into your room to with Bakugou to freshen up a little for your date with Todoroki. A little sprits of perfume here, a dash of blush there, and a little tweak with your hair. Your outfit was cute enough for a friendly little date. As you turned to Bakugou, you saw his sad puppy face.
“Oh, don’t worry Blasty! I’ll be back in a few hours! I’ll see you soon, ok?” You said as you kissed his forehead and made your way to the common room. Just before the door shut, Bakugou slipped out with you. If he couldn’t be on this date with you, then he’d just have to ruin it for Todoroki.
As you finally came in contact with the handsome boy, he greeted you and spoke of your plans
“We’ll be watching a movie, but we gotta get some great snacks first.” He said.
“How about just some popcorn and candy, they’re already right here in the dorms. Come over here and help me prep!” You said pulling on his hand and dragging him to the kitchen. Bakugou didn’t take too kindly to this and quickly went to tear Todoroki’s jeans and bite his ankle.
“Ouch!” Todoroki screamed in pain.
“Are you alright?” You looked around and saw his lower leg had been damaged.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Just a scratch.” He said reassuring your troubles.
“Well alright, if you say so.” You said and resumed your snack prep. But that was only the start of this horrible night. Throughout the date, Bakugou tortured the poor boy and did everything he could to ruin the little get together. He ate the popcorn and candy while your backs were turned, he chewed on the wires to the TV, stopping you guys from watching, and even peed on Todoroki’s leg while you guys just sat and talk. Although Todoroki saw this coming with Y/N’s plan, he had enough of torment from Bakugou. He decided to move into the final plan, right here right now.
“Y/N, you’re an amazing girl and any guy would be really really lucky to have you,” Bakugou watched this little speech from afar, growling at the two, “and I know you’re waiting for Bakugou, but since he’s not back yet, I kinda just wanna end this night with something special.” He said as he began to lean in, you had no intent on stopping him. Seeing this, Bakugou began to run towards the couple with every intent on stopping this kiss.
“HEYYY!!! Those lips are reserved for me!” Bakugou screamed and you both turned towards the little dog. Bakugou jumped into the air to leap onto Todoroki and at the strike of midnight, His body turned into a human again (fully clothed, don’t worry) and fell on Todoroki, making them both fall back.
“You stay away from my girl, icy-hot!” Bakugou said while on top of Todoroki, clinging to his shirt.
“She’s all yours, you angry pomeranian,” Todoroki said as he escaped and ran to his room. Bakugou only looked back at you with a fierce smirk. He walked up to you, grabbed your face and pulled you in for a kiss that you happily returned. He pulled away after a minute and began walking with you hand in hand.
“You’re mine now.” Bakugou said
“Whatever you say....Blasty.” You snickered.
Bakugou turned his head in shock. “You knew?” He asked.
“Of course I knew. I knew Blasty was you, I knew it was you whenever you stared at my naked body, I knew it was you whenever you cuddled into my chest, I knew it was you when I overheard you speaking like a human to Kirishima. It also helped that I just watched you transform back to your normal self. But me knowing it was you was the whole reason why I came up with this plan with Todoroki. It’s about time you made a move on me, Blasty.” You said with a teasing voice.
Embarrassed and frustrated at the fact he’d been caught, Bakugou let out an outburst.
“YOU FUCKING TEASE!” he screamed with his hands holding little explosions.
“Yeah, but now, I’m your tease. And it’s ok, because I know you like me. It’s easy to tell with that kiss and whole possessiveness. But that’s fine, because I really like you too Blasty.” You said with a smile as you wrapped your arms around his neck and Bakugou returned it with a smirk and a hug.
“Damn straight, Princess.” He said as he held onto you tight. “You’re mine.”
A/N: y’all this is not spellchecked bc after the week I’ve had, I just couldn’t. I’m sorry if this isn’t to your liking but I had to finish this so I sloppily wrote it down. I hope you enjoyed it at least! See you next time Bear Cubs💗🧸
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tommybaholland · 4 years ago
bnha boys in love [valentine’s edition💗]
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featuring: midoriya, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, kaminari, shinso, amajiki, and dabi
for anyone who might be feeling lonely today, enjoy a lil something from ur fav bnha boy who loves u! 
midoriya is one that gets nervous but tries hard to turn it into excitement when thinking about what he’s going to do for or with you on valentine’s day. as an aspiring hero, he always wants to put a smile on others’ faces and you’re no different. actually, you could be an exception because he loves you and those feelings are different from acts of altruism. rather, he wants to give you something straight from his heart. he’s always wanted to cook dinner for someone else, even after he’s always had his mom make him anything he wanted. he receives some basic guidance for her over the phone but he still has zero clue what he’s doing until kacchan stumbles upon him in the dorm kitchen struggling to cut onions. after some threats, yelling, and lots of arguing, the two manage to make a decent meal, actually a whole spread of food for the night. you’ve never had someone put that much thought or make dinner for you so its absolutely surreal when he presents it to you. the meal itself is really good and the night ends with the you both falling into food comas on the couch, relaxing into one another. 
bakugo seems very distant leading up to the day. he didn’t seem like the type to make a big deal out of valentine’s day. then again, he had never gotten many chances to celebrate it, except reluctantly with classmates and his parents. you didn’t mind how he felt about it but it was strange that you hadn’t seen much of him the past few days. on the day, you want to not think about his absence so you decide to get some training in. not an hour passes before bakugo storms in, “there you are, IDIOT! i’ve been looking everything for you! you’re coming with me..” he doesn’t allow you time to change or shower and instructs you to close your eyes as he leads you by the hand somewhere. he voice goes soft as he stops and tells you to open your eyes. you open them to see your favorite dessert sitting in front of you and a lit candle to complete the ambience. you’re in complete awe. you knew he could cook but had no idea he could bake but he explains that sato helped him with the recipe and how he almost gave up the whole thing because he couldn’t get it right the first few times. he admits it might still not be perfect but he loves you so very much and-- he doesn’t even get to finish his sentence before you’re silencing him with a kiss. 
todoroki could give you anything you wanted on a regular basis, being the son of a pro hero and all. it’s this ceiling effect that gets him in a bind for what to do for you because naturally he’d just spoil you extra. but something tells him he shouldn’t focus on the material items but rather the gesture, the sentiment, maybe even the experience. the beginning of the day is slow and lazy, with him coming to your room early in the morning to lay with you in bed. being the sleepy boy he is, he ends up falling asleep on you and you follow close behind. luckily, he set an alarm so you wouldn’t miss what he has planned. he takes you to a hot spring in a secluded location, where you (appropriately) share one together. it’s really nice and relaxing and a different type of alone you get to spend with him. he tries to rub your feet but you won’t let him because you’re ticklish and that starts a little tickle war. you surrender by wrapping your arms tightly around his neck as your ribs ache from laughing so hard. you stare at each other while catching your breath, lips slowly drawing closer. it’s all around a beautiful moment with such a pretty and kind-hearted boy. 
kirishima would save as much as he could to be able to spoil you on this day. he figures; that’s what it’s for, right? this man would try to go above and beyond for you any day because you’re so worth it to him but valentine’s is truly his day to shine. he decides to put together a scavenger hunt which involves one long tour of your previous dates, like the buffet restaurant and the arcade. he even sneaks in little nostalgic things during your time as a couple, like at the park where he learned how you liked to lay on your stomach while he’d draw little shapes on your back. it’s crazy but so fun and cute and special. it ends in a random backside of a building at UA and it’s familiar but you’re confused as to why he brought you here. “this was the place where you first told me you were interested in me..and i was so nervous but so flattered that someone as wonderful as you could like me.” and he goes on and on but he can’t help that he feels so much love for you, which is something he didn’t really think he’d get to experience. he’s oh so grateful to have you and so are you to have the manliest, cutest, sweetest boyfriend ever. 
kaminari feels the pressure of making your first valentine’s with him the best day you’ve ever had and tries to put on a front but fails. he loves that you’re so easygoing and chill with anything but he wants to make the day special. he wants to go above and beyond for you because you deserve it so much. he really likes the idea of an private outdoor dinner because the ambience is already pretty romantic. he sets it all up and when the time comes, he’s just too excited and can’t keep it a secret. he leads you outside as he tells you that he strung up all these lights but when you get out there, it’s real dark. he goes, “this is the best part.” he uses his quirk to simultaneously light up the small bulbs dangling from the strings. unfortunately, several of them blow a fuse and shatter, diminishing the full effect. you both laugh it off like normal and he says he was prepared for that, pulling out a lighter to light the candles on the table. it’s sweet and thoughtful, but don’t think you’ve escaped the ‘are you trying to romance me’ tiktok references. it’s okay though because a denki date night wouldn’t be complete without them. 
shinso is similar to bakugo when it comes to valentine’s, except he’s more so indifferent, rather than not caring about it. he’d be the type to ask you what you want or would like to do but he realizes that was a lost cause because of course you tell him it doesn’t really matter to you and you’d be happy with whatever. you’re so lovely to him everyday, despite his insecurities and trust qualms, so he silently promises to give you a day that you deserve. he tells you he has a surprise. it’s easy to hide as he takes you to your favorite cat cafe, a place where you two are regulars. there’s one cat there, a black and white tuxedo cat, that you are particularly fond of. he enjoys watching you smile as the cat rubs up against you and lays in your lap. you’ve completely forgotten about why you were there until he tells you that the cat is yours if you want him. you’re in complete disbelief but he tells you that he had arranged it with the owner of the cafe, who had noticed that the cat was very skittish and avoidant of other people, except for you. “and i told him, ‘yeah, me too.’” 
amajiki is nervous, of course. probably more nervous than on a regular basis. he knows he shouldn’t be because you’re so wonderful and accept anything he’s done for you with your sweet smile and kisses. he doesn’t like going out to public places too often but he wants to take you to several that you’ll both enjoy and he’ll feel somewhat comfortable. every place has something to do with nature: a zoo, an aquarium, and finally, a butterfly garden which he remembered you mentioning how you had always wanted to go to one. although he knows butterflies are gentle creatures, he isn’t so big on bugs in general, especially when there’s hundreds of them flying around him. you hold his hand the entire time, relaxing him as time goes by. you giggle as they land on the tips of his ears, making him smile as their delicate legs tickle his skin. he grins at your reaction as he pulls you closer. “nothing compares to your butterfly kisses, bunny.” he leans in to blink against your skin, his lashes brushing lightly like wings. you return the gesture to him, hugging him close to you as he pets your hair. he can be shy but your own little love language made up for it.
dabi has never been into something as trivial as a day about love. to him, it’s like any other day. but he never expected that he’d be scrambling around the city to find the perfect flowers to give to you. it’s the least he could do but it could never make up for everything you’ve done for him. you’ve made him feel loved and wanted; having proven it by sticking by him this entire time, such as the fact that he’s now a wanted criminal. he has to be discrete. this doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have standards and wouldn’t give you just any flower that was thrown out or forgotten. he starts to get frustrated as he stalks around in a forest and lets his quirk burn off a little steam, catching the trees and foliage into blue flames. then he sees it. you’re a little on edge when he gets home, worried that something had happened after you hadn’t seen him all day. he reminds you what day it is and then holds up what he found: a lonely flower, singed a bit on the ends of the petals but intact and tall. he explains that it reminded him of you, your relationship, what you mean to him. it’s rough around the edges and imperfect but resilient and strong.
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happy valentine’s day from bnha night! any lovely requests may enter here..
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alicemitch09writes · 4 years ago
it was supposed to be us against the world
It was just a normal Tuesday for you, the scorching sun was out, seeping whatever energy you had for today, class had just ended, and you were treading the thought of having to work later that day. But hey, girl’s gotta fend for herself, right?
Just as you arrived at the station, your phone buzzed in your pocket. Lazily taking it out, your (e/c) eyes scanned the text before shooting wide open, you instantly took off, never minding work, thoughts flying to one thing - Izuku.
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For such a prestigious school, it sure had a lousy way of being indiscreet if it were located on top of a hill. Winded from the trip, barely feeling your legs, drenched completely in sweat from the trek, a hero awaited for you at the gate, giving you instructions on how to get to your location (he figured to give it straight to you, judging from your harried breathing and frazzled state alone).
Finding the clinic, you all but burst into the room, eyes easily finding curly green locks. "Izuku!"
Green eyes widened at the sight of you, taking the sight of you. "(Nickname)-!? H-How did you-"
"Are you alright?!"
Flinching at the pitch, tone, and of the overall worry painting your features, he all but gave you a sheepish look whilst rubbing the back of his head. That didn't help, but at least seeing him now in the bed was making your worries lessen.
“He’ll be fine, I’ve treated the worst of his injuries.” The small lady- hero, Recovery Girl, tells you from where she sat. “He just woke up and has made a full recovery now!”
Allowing yourself to sigh in relief, you collapsed by his bed, legs pressed against the cool tiled-floor, eyeing the green-haired boy with narrowed eyes.
"Really, Izuku, you better take better care of yourself."
A scarred hand reached out to pat your shoulder, seeping away the tiredness of practically storming all the way here. "I know, (Nickname). I'm sorry for worrying you..."
Once Recovery Girl assured you that she was to see your best friend fit, you allowed yourself to rest a while before making sure that his recovery was done. You would have loved to wait until he got better, so you can leave, but you had to report to work, even for just a bit then head home to change. Giving your best friend an apologetic look, Izuku nodded in understanding and you reluctantly complied to leave. But not without giving him a parting hug.
“Really, you have to stop giving me a heart attack,” you warned him, teasingly, earning a laugh from the green-haired boy. “I’ll be over for dinner later, okay?”
At that, his eyes brightened. “I’ll be sure to tell mom! She’ll surely be happy to have you over.”
“And I look forward to Auntie’s cooking!”
With one last wave at your best friend, a polite-grateful bow to the school nurse, you turned to the door.
Once out, however, you were face to face with the last person you wanted to see. You ignored him, bent on getting out of here. There was nothing to be said. Absolutely nothing. And it was better off that way.
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“Uwah!!!” big green eyes – matching the shade of his wild curly locks, widened.
“What is it, what is it?” a small blond boy ran towards them excitedly, especially at the excitement at the tone of his two precious friends. “So, what is it?” he asked, head tilted in question at the object in hand.
Grinning toothily, the young girl placed it atop curly locks, flowers intertwined with each other, the green camouflaging with the boy’s locks, as though the flowers sprouted from his hair. “It’s a flower crown, silly!”
“Che, and I was excited for nothing,” the blond boy’s cheeks puffed. Carmine eyes glared at the object on his friend’s hair. “So girly…”
Miffed, the (h/c) girl’s tiny fists balled, stomping her foot. “W-Well duh, because I am a girl!”
“Yeah right!” teased the blond, scratching the underside of his nose, angering the girl as she began to growl.
“Hey, no fighting now…” the small green-haired boy called out to his friends. “…please?”
The two looked at him, then at each other before parting away, the girl’s arms crossed.
“W-Well, if Izuku says so! I’ll forgive you this time, Katsuki!”
Carmine eyes narrowed; cheeks puffed as they reddened to slowly match his eyes. “W-Whatever!”
At that, Izuku smiled, getting to his feet to grab the hands of his best friends. Smiles appearing on his other friend’s faces.
“Ah, by the way!” the (h/c) girl suddenly cried out, alarming the two boys. Heading towards the pile of flowers she was fiddling with earlier, she took something from the ground, keeping her hands behind her as she walked up to the blond boy. “N-Ne, Katsuki, g-give me your hand…”
“…what? No way!”
“Come on, just give me your hand!”
“No way, you might give me a bug!”
“No, I won’t!”
“Then you might just prank me!”
“Didn’t I say that I wouldn’t?”
“How would I know if you’re telling the truth!”
“If you just give me your hand!”
Stuck in between another argument, the green-haired boy could only laugh at their antics.
“K-Katsuki, please?”
She widened her eyes on purpose, pouting purposely to jut out her lower lip, it was all it took for the young blond to cave in. Also, she did say ‘please’.
Reluctantly, stretched out his hand watching as she happily reached for it, her hand now in his. His cheeks reddened, not that he’d say it out loud and chose to frown. “Alright, now close your eyes!” Not wanting to argue, he did as was asked, without putting up a fight. At first, he heard Izuku gasp and she quickly shushed him, almost excitedly, before he felt something slip into his ring finger. “Okay, now open!”
The first thing he saw were (eye color) orbs so big and bright – filled with excitement and joy before his eyes fell unto the object in his hand. The flowers were just as wild and vibrant as Izuku’s, except his was more but fit to wrap around his stubby fingers.
“Wow, (Nickname), it’s so pretty! You’re amazing!”
Chubby cheeks flushed at that, turning to him expectantly. “D-Do you like it?” came her quiet voice.
Green and (hair color) heads turned to each other, sharing a look. The taller girl was about to ask again but stopped head tilting. Beside her, the green-haired boy’s mouth formed into an ‘o’, hands slapping against his freckled cheeks.
“K-Katsuki, are you turning-“
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” screamed the boy, messing his hair with his free hand before turning to the girl, a look of determination in his eyes as he pointed, using the hand with the ring flower. “W-W-When we get older, I-I’ll get you the biggest, shiniest, prettiest wedding ring, you hear me!?”
“And Deku!” he turned to the green-haired boy, no longer irked by the flower crown. “You’re going to be my best man, got it?”
Realizing his outburst, the two friends burst into laughter, the blond’s face heating even more.
“Stop laughing at me! Deku! (Name)!”
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“Auntie, you didn’t have to prepare so much!” you call out to Auntie Inko, eyes wide like saucers when you saw the meal served at the table.
Meal wasn’t even the word to put it, it was more like a feast! The Midoriya matriarch had prepared spaghetti, karaage, tempura shrimp, grilled eel, salad, and some side dishes. Basically, it was a lot of protein and carbs.
“Nonsense, (Name)-chan! It’s been a while since I last saw you,” she says kindly as you take a seat. “also, this is to celebrate Izuku’s good performance at school, so he can now rest easy for summer break.”
“Thank you so much, mom!” Izuku flusters, especially when she says it so easily in front of their guest as if you’re not used to it.
“Oh, Izuku, still that flustered momma’s boy, huh?”
Laughing, the three of you begin to dig in, exchanging stories about school, your part-time job, some funny customer Auntie Inko had to deal with earlier at the office (she was a government employee), your grandfather, and his dojo. It was always so comforting having dinners with the Midoriyas, always so warm.
Volunteering to help with the dishes, the two youngsters continued to catch up, talking about just about anything. It was always easy to talk with Izuku, always refreshing to be in his presence and hear his thoughts about things.
“Eh? So, you’re classmates with the son of Endeavour?”
“Yes! And his quirk is amazing! He’s half-cold and half-hot.”
“How does that even work?”
“Well, he’s in a constant state of homeostasis to balance out both quirks.”
“Must be hard to manage 24/7 then.”
“That’s true. But with enough practice, he may be able to stabilize both quirks to be able to do more, especially because it can be a double-whammy to villains who might not expect from someone capable of managing two quirks at the same time, there’s also the fact that he can be able to maneuver better should he master his other side…”
The kitchen slowly filled with his ramblings as the last of the dishes were taken care of, which you didn’t seem to mind. It always fun to hear him ramble, knowing that there was a big brain beneath his curly green locks. He was like a walking encyclopedia.
When the clock struck 9, you had announced that you were off, lest you worry your dear grandfather. Izuku volunteered to walk you home.
“Ah, please wait a minute, (Name)-chan!” Aunt Inko shouted when the two of you were at the front entrance, rushing towards you both with a few Tupperware in hand – leftovers from dinner.
“Oh my! Auntie Inko, thank you so much!”
She smiled at you, reaching up to caress your cheek. “Please drop by for dinner more often, (Name)-chan, okay?”
The hand was soft and warm against your cheek, calming your heart with love washing over you. Nodding, silently promising the older woman, you turned to Izuku, who opened the door for you.
“Good night, Auntie Inko!”
Once the two of you reached the neighborhood, you couldn’t help but stare off at the playground – still the same as before, but the paint’s probably new. You could almost picture out three kids running around, chasing each other merrily.
“Man, your mom really didn’t have to put up a feast.”
Laughing, Izuku scratched his cheek as he replied. “Well, she does like to go out whenever she can. Plus, it’s not always (Nickname) comes over for dinner. Also, I’ve been increasing my diet lately because of my quirk.”
Ah, his newly acquired quirk. “Come to think of it, you have been getting bulkier since the last I saw you.”
“Well, I have to compensate mass for all the power I’ve acquired.”
The matter of his quirk piqued your interest, especially because of how much it’s taking a toll on your friend. Instead of backing down, he readily worked his way to accommodate such power.
“True,” you nod, turning to him, realizing he’s grown several inches taller as well, you couldn’t help but giggle. “that and because you’re probably finally hitting puberty.”
“Dude, you used to be my height!” you tell him, gesturing with your hand your height. “Now, you’re…well, not really that huge, but the growth rate is a bit alarming, to say the least.”
Suddenly, he was sweating bullets, looking between relief and mild panic. “A-Ah…puberty…yes, m-must be th-that a-an-and i-i-it’s side-effects on t-th-the quirk- my quirk!” And there’s his stuttering. Still adorable.
Nudging him with your shoulder, you were quick to assure him. “There, there,” deciding to just sling your arm around his, you leaned on him comfortingly “you’ll always be cry baby Izuku to me!”
“Or was it wimpy Izuku?”
“(Nickname), please…”
Despite the name-calling, they were all in good fun. A comfortable silence filled in, nothing needed to be said as you two walked around the quiet streets of Musutafu.
For the first time since you were kids, you were apart because you went to different high schools, it hurt because you two were always together and you were each other’s shoulder to lean on. Technology had a great way of bridging you two together, keeping each other up to date on the other’s lives. But nothing beat direct communication with the ones you loved and you relished nothing more than these small moments with your best friend.
“By the way, (Nickname),” Izuku’s voice suddenly cut through the silence. “how is your grandfather? Couldn’t he have dropped by for dinner as well?”
At the mention of your grandfather, you couldn’t help your expression from souring. “Eh, let him be, he’s probably off watching reruns of those tournament matches to prepare. He wants to rough up the team to tough shape.” Despite his age, your grandfather had quite the build and was the martial arts coach at your high school (don’t ask which martial arts specifically, he knows them all).
“That’s true, he might want to challenge me at the front entrance door before dinner started.”
“And your mom would cry a planet at the devastation left between you two.”
It would be quiet the image, knowing how strong both your grandfather and Izuku was, and then Auntie Inko would be comically crying about in the background.
“Oh, and I’ll just watch because no way am I coming between you monsters, while comforting Auntie Inko.”
As the image progressed, the two of you giggled amongst yourselves, the two of you were nearing a lamppost, resting comfortably against his arm, when a presence before you made the two of you stop.
A blond teen came into view, halting at the sight of both of you. Dressed lazily in his home clothes, with a plastic bag filled with items he got from the convenience store.
Instantly, the laughter died out from you, lips set into a thin line.
“K-Kacchan…” stuttered the teen beside you, gulping at the tense air. “…g-good evening.”
Said teen could only blink, carmine eyes taking in the sight of both of you. Something glinted soon after.
Eyes narrowing, you gently tugged at Izuku’s sleeve, continuing your journey, dismissing the blond completely. The two of you walked past the blond, who slowly began to move when you did, starting a new conversation about Izuku’s homeroom teacher, anything to block off that one person who was forever dead to you.
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(Blocks away, the blond stopped in his path, hands still balled into fists, glare fixed to the ground, while a gentle laugh coming from a gentle smile relayed in his head. They weren’t for him.
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Midoriya Izuku and Bakugo Katsuki were both your childhood friends.
They were both the first friends you made ever since moving into their town.
To be fair though, Bakugo was your first friend. He then introduced you to the green-haired boy a few days later.
Since then, the three of you grew close, were inseparable, and always played together. There was never a day when the three of you were not with the other, always ensuring to include the other whenever there was a new game to play, a new kid to befriend, or an adventure to go off to.
Bakugo had always been the leader of the three since he had such a strong personality and presence even at the age of 5. He was quick to protect the two of you and command whatever new stuff you were to do.
Izuku was his opposite, submissive, soft, and shy. Nonetheless, he had a very strong sense of justice, even when he seemed to cry a lot, and was recklessly impulsive.
And then there was you, the new girl – quiet, unassuming, tomboy. Sometimes, you liked to pretend to be the mom of the two boys, the big sister, the glue that kept you three together – but you and Katsuki knew that it was Izuku, really.
Regardless, you could always count on the two. Bakugo, especially.
He was the front liner to push you to do things you want to do, uncaring of the fact that you were a girl, because it was a minor detail to all the amazing things you could do – like catch a bug, run like the wind, play under the rain, climb trees, give bullies a beating when they were picking on Izuku, play video games, to name a few. (In addition, you were into martial arts, because it was in the family)
It was because you were so close to Bakugo that you picked up on cursing, much to the shock of dear Izuku’s innocent baby ears. You couldn’t help being a tomboy because of the fact that your best friends were guys and games the blond would instigate, you loved to challenge him in just about anything – especially at claiming to be Izuku’s bestest friend.
Still, whenever you fell or scraped your knee, it was Bakugo who’d lend a hand, angrily berate you on being reckless, before picking you from the ground or giving you a piggyback – Izuku would cry all the way, worried about your state and the possible scolding from your parents and grandfather.
You three were supposed to stick together, stay inseparable, always with each other.
That is until Bakugo discovered his quirk, followed by Izuku discovering that he was quirkless.
And ever since then, everything changed.
masterlist • two
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journalxxx · 4 years ago
By Hook or by Crook (2)
May 1st, 2270
“Hello, Izuku.” “Hi, dad.” Izuku hadn’t exactly been dreading this conversation, but he hadn’t been looking forward to it either. He’d hoped his mom would do all the talking, having to break the news to his friends had been hard enough. For him. Most of them seemed to have gotten quite the kick out of it. “How are you? Your mother told me you’ve been having a rough couple of weeks.” “Mh.” “Still upset over that visit?” “Mh.” “Speak, son. Sulking doesn’t translate well over the phone.” His father chided gently.
Izuku sighed. “The doctor said I’m never going to get a quirk. I’m sorry.” “Whatever for? It’s not like you have any choice in the matter. Quirks are innate, surely you know that.” “Yes, I do.” Izuku said, staring at the paused frame of All Might’s debut video on the computer screen. The reflection of his own miserable face was superimposed with the triumphant silhouette of the hero. “But I’m sorry anyway. You have such a cool quirk… and mom’s useful too. I could become a great hero with one of them, but I’m never going to get any.” “Again, that’s none of your fault. And I wouldn’t be so sure of that anyway.” “Uh?” Izuku gulped, gripping the phone tightly. “Y-you don’t think I’d make a good hero?” “No, that’s not what I mean.” His father chuckled. “I mean that I wouldn’t lose hope just yet. You’re very young, there’s still plenty of time for your quirk to manifest.” “But the doctor said that all quirks appear before one is four years old. And I’m four. And I have the extra toe joint-” “Tsk! Some doctor they assigned you. As if one could unerringly guess the nature and development of something as unpredictable as a quirk with a single test. An x-ray, of all things. Ancient technology.” “The doctor said there was a study...” “I have an extra toe joint too, you know.” Izuku’s father laughed hearing his son’s surprised gasp. “Studies like the one your doctor mentioned draw conclusions based on the analysis of hundreds, thousands of cases. Those conclusions may hold true for the majority of them, but there are always outliers. Having that oh-so-precious joint and a quirk is indeed rare, but not unheard of.” “B-But…” Izuku’s eyes burned with the feeling of impending tears. He hadn’t expected his father’s reaction to be like this. No one had even remotely doubted the validity of the doctor’s opinion. No one. It almost hurt to hope. “I’m also too old…” “My own quirk didn’t show until I was… fifteen? Maybe sixteen. Way older than you are, anyway. Another important point to consider, don’t you think?” Izuku sniffled. Then cried, quietly. His father remained silent as the boy let the tears flow freely, wiping them on his arm now and then. There was a tangled ball of emotions deep in his chest, that he couldn’t quite unravel. After a couple of minutes though, the sobs abated and he felt better. Better than he had been feeling before his mom handed him the phone. “...Do you really think the doctor was wrong?” “You shouldn’t believe everything doctors tell you. My personal physician keeps calling me ‘the peak of biological and anthropological evolution’, but that’s because he’s been fishing for a raise for years. Clearly you’d expect a Darwinian champion to be able to walk under the sun without protection for more than five minutes without turning into a peeling tomato.” “Uh? Does that really happen to you?” “Didn’t your mother ever tell you that I’m albino? My skin is very sensitive to sunlight, and it burns easily. I have atrocious eyesight too.” “I didn’t know that.” Izuku winced in sympathy. “I’m sorry. That sounds terrible.” “Not nearly as much as you think. I have plenty of skills and tools at my disposal to compensate. It isn’t an inconvenience at all these days, although it did cause me some grief when I was a child.” His father’s tone got softer. “Sometimes it does feel like our bodies are our own worst enemies, doesn’t it?” Izuku hummed in assent, very much agreeing with the sentiment. “I’m happy it doesn’t hurt you any more.” “And I’m glad you didn’t inherit this nuisance from me.” A sudden thought made its unwelcome way in Izuku’s head. “If… If I didn’t inherit your skin and eyes… maybe I won’t inherit your quirk either…” “Izuku.” His father’s tone was kind but firm. There were times when his presence, even just through his voice, felt way more real and solid than that of many people Izuku habitually shared a room with. “Your ability will emerge one day, I’m positive of that. Just give it time and don’t agonize over it.” Izuku nodded, even though he realized that wouldn’t translate well over the phone either. “...Okay.” “Now, what else have you been up to in this past month, other than brooding over a criminally incompetent diagnosis?” Not much, honestly, but Izuku told him anyway. As he kept chatting, his heart grew lighter than it had been in weeks. Mom did always say that his father was a good listener.
July 1st, 2272 “They were talking about it on TV yesterday. It’s an old incident from some years ago, before All Might met Nighteye!” “I see...” “Not many people know about it, because there’s no villain involved, and villains make all the stories more interesting! But it’s a great story nonetheless!” Izuku rattled on enthusiastically, taking advantage of his father’s unresponsive compliance. “Uh-huh...” “So this boy was having some big troubles, I think, and he jumped into a river because he didn’t know what to do about them. But luckily All Might was around! Do you know what he did?” “He offered to cover all the expenses for the years of therapy the boy would need afterwards?” “Uh… They didn’t say that on TV. I don’t know. I think he just rescued him from the river.” “That doesn’t seem to address the underlying problem.” His father commented icily. “Daaad, you’re ruining the story.” Izuku chided him. “Anyway, the funny part is that this boy had a quirk that could turn water into vinegar, and he activated it in a panic while he was drowning.” “Mh. A peculiar quirk...” “So All Might got all drenched in vinegar when he dove in to save him. He made this very silly face in front of the cameras, it was great! And when the boy apologized for causing trouble, guess what All Might told him?” “I’m sorry I’m the living embodiment of this unfair, hypocritical society that has driven you to the brink of despair?” “No. He said,” Izuku continued, breezing past his father’s petty remarks with practiced ease, “It is I who should thank you. My skin’s looking ten years younger now.” “Oh my God…” The man groaned, and a loud thunk-crash noise accompanied his words. “Oh, come on!” Izuku giggled, covering his mouth with his free hand. “It’s so funny!” “Just because they’re called ‘dad jokes’ doesn’t mean I’m legally obligated to laugh at them.” “But it is funny! All Might’s the funniest! Did you know that he just wrote a joke book? It’s called All Might’s Gags and Jokes: A Compendium. It already has amazing reviews! They say it’s warm and relatable and cy.. cyclical…” “He wrote a joke book. A veritable Renaissance man, this one...” His father muttered. Izuku heard something clink in the background. Probably the pieces of whatever his father dropped. “Mom says she’ll buy it for my birthday!” Izuku added, swinging his whole body on his chair in sheer excitement. “That is such a poor use of your remittance. I’ll need to have a couple of words with her…” “It’s for my education!” Izuku enunciated with solemnity, straightening his posture. “There’s a whole chapter of American puns and word plays! It will help me learn English!” “If you want to learn English on your own so soon, please choose a decent source. Start with basic grammar and alphabet books, watch some subtitled shows and movies to get the hang of the correct pronunciation-” “I’m learning a lot from All Might already! The catchphrase he used when he was in college in California was I am here! When he’s surprised, he says Oh my goodness! When he doesn’t believe something, he says Nonsense!” Izuku parroted, taking great care of imitating All Might’s confident, surprised and disbelieving expressions respectively. They would be lost on his father, but he needed to practice them anyway. “If that’s a good American accent, I’m the next Symbol of Peace.” “Dad.” Izuku said, suddenly very serious. He had a very important question to ask, and it had been a long time coming. “Why do you always make fun of him? It’s like… It’s almost like you don’t like him at all.” The words sounded so wrong he almost wasn’t brave enough to say them. Izuku would have been mortified if anyone had moved such an accusation on him. “I suppose he has a sort of… charisma about him.” His father admitted ruefully. “I can’t say it strikes any chords with me though.” “Are you just jealous of him?” Izuku asked shrewdly. “Kacchan also talks a lot of trash about All Might, but it’s obvious he’s just jealous. It’s all right if you are, though, I mean, he’s so-” “I’m this close to hanging up, Izuku.” “But- but how can you not like All Might?! Everyone likes All Might! Boys and girls, children and grown-ups! From age 0 to 100!” “...I guess I just don’t fit the target demographic then.” Izuku huffed. “You’re so boring, dad.” “Says the one who’s been talking my ear off about the same topic for the last forty minutes.” The boy frowned, nibbling at his lip. “...Sorry. Am I annoying you?” “I’ll admit I may have hit my monthly tolerance limit of All Might trivia. Don’t worry about it though.” Izuku did in fact stop worrying, his father’s amusement clearly detectable in his voice. “I think I’ll be able to bear with your unabashed enthusiasm until you hit your mandatory disillusioned teenage phase. Then we’ll see if that obnoxiously cheery act of his will still resonate with you.”
June 2nd, 2274 “His normal body temperature is about two degrees higher than the average. Around 38-39 °C.” “And what can you deduce from that?” Izuku’s father goaded. The boy stared at the scribbles in his notebook in deep thought. “Uhm… that it’s difficult to tell if he has a fever or not?” His father laughed, but not unkindly. “I wouldn’t think so. You just said yourself that that is his normal temperature. Therefore, I wouldn’t call Endeavor’s doctor unless his thermometer read more than 39.5 °C, probably.” “Right.” Izuku nodded. That was obvious, wasn’t it? Why hadn’t he understood that on his own? His father didn’t seem to mind his blunder though. “Try again.” “I think…” Izuku’s eyes were just about to bore a hole into his rough sketch of the hero’s costume. He gave up after the silence started to make him uncomfortable though. “...I don’t know. What can I deduce from that?” “Hm… You did bring up an interesting point. Do you know how fever works, Izuku?” “Yeah. Your body temperature rises when you’re sick. If it rises too much, you can get in serious trouble, you could even die. It never really gets that bad though.” “But why does it rise? What does your body accomplish by doing that?” “Uh…” Izuku frowned. He was sure he’d read or heard something about that, but the details escaped him at the moment. “To help you fight off the sickness, right? You feel worse at first, but it actually helps you get better.” “Exactly. Most bacteria and viruses that infect men thrive and multiply optimally at around 37 °C, which is the average person’s normal body temperature. But the growth of these microorganisms is hindered when the environment gets too hot. That is the principle that makes fever useful for humans. As your body gets hotter, it debilitates the invasors, so that your immune system can remove them more easily.” “..Oh.” It was a pity that his father called him only once a month, Izuku could have easily listened to him for hours every day. He always had so many interesting things to say about so many different subjects, and he always exposed them so neatly. “So. Can you deduce anything new now?” “Uh, uhm… He… I guess he...” Izuku snapped out of his reverie. Right, this was a conversation, not a lesson. He went over the new information in his head as quickly as he could. Higher temperature than normal... Fever... Microorganisms... Immune syst- Oh! “He heals quicker than- no, wait! He doesn’t get sick at all! Because he’s always too hot for the microorganisms! They can’t grow in his body!” “Excellent reasoning!” His father’s warm praise made Izuku’s chest swell with pride. “Obviously he isn’t completely immune to any and all infections, there are lots of exceptions to the mechanism I just explained to you. But yes, I do believe it’s safe to assume that our esteemed Flame Hero suffers from the occasional seasonal maladies far less often than the general population, if at all.” “That’s so cool…” Izuku immediately added the new data to his notes, almost breaking the tip of the pencil in his enthusiasm. “Is that what you wanted me to deduce? Or did you explain that just because I brought up the fever thing?” “I was actually thinking of something else. But, on second thought, it may be too technical a topic for an eight-year-old.” “...Can you tell me about it anyway?” “Of course.” Izuku would never not be grateful for the patience his father had, never denying him any clarification on anything. He was just about the only adult who never got tired of his questions. Even his mom sometimes hid her fatigue behind a mildly insincere I don’t know. “High heat isn’t exactly conductive to the activity of human cells either. That’s one of the reasons why you feel exhausted and achy when you have a fever, your body struggles to keep doing what it’s supposed to do above its normal temperature range. But Endeavor not only is at peak condition at 39 °C, he can also withstand open flames with a much higher temperature. This suggests that his cells must be fundamentally different from the average person’s on a biochemical level, that his quirk must provide some particularly efficient cellular mechanism to prevent heat damage. One example might be some dedicated enzymes to protect proteins from denaturation, but now I’m entering mere speculation.” A pause. “Did you follow me?” “...Kind of.” Izuku said, kind of lying but not entirely. He had followed most of that. He scrawled and circled a couple of terms he hadn’t grasped - Biochemical - Enzymes - Denaturation - on the page. He didn’t want to waste his father’s time by asking him to explain the meaning of words he could easily look up later on his own. “The gist of it is that Endeavor’s Hellflame has at least two facets. Not only ‘creating fire’, but also ‘not incinerating himself���. The first trait would be a fatal liability without the second.” “Got it!” Izuku cheered. Now that he had understood completely. “You sure know a lot about quirks, dad! Like, a lot! About anything, really!” “For the sake of intellectual honesty, it must be said that it isn’t difficult to impress a primary schooler.” His father laughed. “I’m just older than you.” “How much older?” Izuku asked, realizing for the first time that no one had ever told him his father’s age. “Oh, by a lot. Centuries.” Izuku cackled. “You can’t be that old. You still go to work. Our neighbors are 80 and they’re already retired.” “I do try to keep a youthful outlook on life. But yes, quirks fascinate me quite a bit. And they make for the perfect topic to distract you from your incessant yapping about All Might.” “Speaking of All Might-” “No, I-” His father sighed theatrically. “I just walked into this one, didn’t I?” “Yep.” Izuku grinned. “What about his quirk? Do you know anything about it? He never gives straight answers when people ask him about it…” “That may be the single sign of intelligence he’s ever displayed. The more your enemies know about your quirk, the easier it is for them to find your weaknesses. I’m surprised the other pro heroes aren’t as reserved.” “I wonder why All Might does that, though. His quirk is… pretty obvious.” Izuku pondered. “It just makes him strong. Very strong. Like, the strongest ever. But that’s it.” “Allegedly, yes. But as you noticed yourself, if raw power was all there was to it, there would be no reason to skirt around the issue in interviews, no?” “So there must be something else… What do you think it might be?” “I think it would be no less than cruel to deprive you of the thrill of carrying out your own research.” Izuku let out a dissatisfied moan, and his father chuckled. “You are already so very proficient at it. Your mother told me you’ve already filled a whole notebook with hero and quirk analyses.” “Oh, ehr… It’s just stuff I read here and there…” “Mh, I’ve heard enough of your ‘stuff’ to know that there’s more than random factoids in that head of yours. In fact…” Izuku felt his cheeks warm for the compliment. “I think you’ve gotten old and judicious enough to be trusted with my emergency number.” “Uh? What emergency number?” “It’s a phone number I’ll always answer to, on any day and at any hour, in case you may find yourself in a bad situation. Hopefully you’ll never need it, but better safe than sorry. Now…” His father’s voice raised slightly, drowning out Izuku’s impending interruption. “Can I rely on the fact that you are aware that desperately wanting to tell me that All Might saved a kitten from a meteor does not qualify as an emergency?” Izuku pouted. “I know what an emergency is, dad.” “Good. Ask your mother to give you the number then. Don’t save it on your phone or write it anywhere. Memorize it, and be responsible with it.”
December 3rd, 2275 Sorry for the long silence. I had an accident on the job and I won’t be able to speak clearly for a while. We can talk with the included devices. Use your ring finger to activate them. Usual days, usual hours. Hisashi That short note held the first words Izuku had received from his father in the last five months. The first month he hadn’t phoned, Izuku had felt slightly disappointed, but understanding. His father was a busy man, surely something very important must have been requiring his full-time attention. It was fine, Izuku was confident he could manage to sweet-talk him into a double-length call the following month to make up for that. The second month, he had started to worry. His mother hadn’t heard from his father either. It was unprecedented not to hear from him for such a long time. Since Izuku could remember, his father had never skipped one of their monthly calls. They often talked on the first day of every month, and he kept trying to contact them exactly once each following day if his calls were missed. He never failed to reach them past the third day. He always called from a hidden number, so trying to get hold of him was not an option. The third month, Izuku’s mother had decided to use the emergency number. She hadn’t been able to get through to her husband, but the polite colleague of his who had picked up had reassured her that he was indisposed but overall fine, and would get in touch with them as soon as possible… which could still take a while. Curiously, the coworker had also instructed them to collect a sample of their fingerprints and send them to a specific address. Izuku had been mystified by the request, but his mother had readily agreed, commenting that it was “not the strangest thing Hisashi’s ever asked for”. The silent wait that followed had been a little uneasy, but not harrowing. Izuku and his mother reread the message a couple of times before opening the box they’d just been delivered. Inside were only the two mentioned devices with their respective chargers, snuggled among waterproof packaging and stuffing. They looked very much like ordinary mobile phones, except they had no buttons or ports on any side. Some quick experimentation proved that they could be turned on simply by pressing the indicated finger on the touchscreen. The display showed a very minimalistic chat interface, with a fixed red dot on the top left corner. No amount of tapping on the screen could bring up the virtual keyboard though, which was puzzling. There was no way to access the rest of the phone’s functions, if it even had any. It was the third day of the month, so technically still within the familiar communication window. Izuku kept poking and prodding at the buttonless phone for the whole afternoon until eventually, shortly after dinner, the red dot at the top of the chat became green. A minute later, a message popped up. Hello, Izuku. Izuku almost dropped his cup of hot chocolate in excitement, which was quickly replaced by frustration because he still couldn’t type anything in any way. How was he supposed to- Speak. I can hear you. “...Oh! Nice!” Izuku exclaimed. “Hi, dad! How are you? What happened?” I’ve been better. I got decked by a hysterical ape. Izuku frowned. “That’s not funny. Mom and I were very worried.” That wasn’t really a joke. What? What even- “...How? Did you break into a zoo or something…?” Sorry, you’re right. Let me rephrase. I had a violent disagreement with a brute. “Oh…” Izuku was about to ask for further explanations but he waited. The three bouncing dots at the bottom of the screen signalled that his father was still writing. We will have to communicate like this for a while. I hope it isn’t too much of an inconvenience for you. Judging by how long it took him to type even the shortest messages, Izuku thought it was going to be much more of an inconvenience for his father. He felt sorry for him. “No, not all. Is it… is it really bad? Shouldn’t you come home so we can help you get better? It sounds like you won’t be able to work anyway…” I’ll receive better medical treatment here, and I can still get some work done while I recuperate. Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll recover fully sooner or later. Izuku picked at the lint of his blanket, choosing his words carefully. “You could… come home anyway. Even if you could work. When you’re feeling a little better. So we could spend some time together.” The three bouncing dots reappeared, but Izuku kept talking. He already knew what his father’s answer was going to be, but he wanted to take advantage of the delay to get a few more words in. “Some of my friends have parents that work far from home too. They’re away a lot, but… they do come back to visit sometimes. Usually for the holidays. At least… At least once.” At least his friends had actually met their fathers once in their whole lives, Izuku completed only in his head. You know how things stand. My job doesn’t afford me this kind of free time. “...What do you even do that won’t let you ever do anything?” Izuku muttered, out of sheer petulance. That was another familiar point of contention, to which his father replied with the same, word-for-word justification he always used. Every detail concerning my activities is classified by the government. We’ve been over this. Don’t be childish. And that was usually the end of it. Any further questioning after the ‘classified’ thing invariably turned Izuku’s father into a slippery wall of smooth deflections. But, considering the current situation, Izuku felt like he could get away with a little more nagging, if he played his cards right. “I know you can’t say anything. But how about…” He physically leaned forwards, trying not to let his tension seep through his voice. “How about I try to deduce something? About your job. Just… for fun.” No new message showed up, not even the typing dots. Izuku decided that it was as much of an approval as he was going to get, so he started to voice his thoughts as they formed. “...Your job is classified by the government. So it’s important, very important, so important that other people can’t know about it.” When he was very young, Izuku had obviously interpreted it as irrefutable proof that his father must be some sort of secret agent. He had exposed his conclusion to Kacchan and his gang once. They had… not-so-respectfully disagreed. Izuku had never brought up the matter with them afterwards. “Your note said that you got hurt on the job. So someone you know from work punched you so hard that, even after five months, you still can’t talk well.” Izuku paused. That was… a scary idea. It dawned on him, for the first time since the beginning of this whole ordeal, that his father may have really dodged a bullet there. What kind of a brute could possibly want to injure someone that much…? Surely a criminal… A villain, maybe…? “Your job is dangerous, and it leaves you almost no free time. It also pays well.” That last item was admittedly a shot in the dark, Izuku didn’t really know much about money handling. But he had noticed that his mother never denied him a gift or a treat on the grounds of its cost (his vast collection of All Might memorabilia was a testament to that), like so many of his friends’ relatives were wont to do. She didn’t need a job herself, and Izuku remembered overhearing a conversation she had with Kacchan’s mom where she had said that they were ‘well provided for’. “You know a lot about a lot of stuff, especially about quirks and heroes. You know a lot of things about quirks and heroes that I couldn’t find anywhere on the internet.” Izuku paused, racking his brain for anything else that stuck out. Before he could come up with more points to make, his father finally wrote back. You sure put some thought into this. I’m impressed. The lack of reprimands was an encouragement in its own right. Now came the hard part. These were all facts that he already knew, now he had to put them together… and no matter how much he tried to come up with different possibilities, there was only one explanation that rang true in Izuku’s mind. “Dad… are you some sort of… undercover hero?” Izuku waited with baited breath for the dancing dots to turn into a complete message. Definitely not. ...Aw, shoot. Although I guess I do happen to deal with heroes quite often in my line of work. Izuku gasped. That was the first real piece of information his father had ever shared with him about his job! And wow, he worked with heroes! And whatever support he lent them had to be pretty vital if he was always so busy and tight-lipped. “So you’re like… a policeman? An informant that tracks down villains for the heroes to catch? Or an engineer bound by trade secret? Or-” Enough, Izuku. I’m supposed to be resting. I don’t think being given the third degree by my own son counts as such. Izuku deflated. So close to the truth, and yet so far… Maybe he could manage to get some other clue out of his father later. But… there was one more thing he simply had to ask. “...Have you ever met All Might?” I’m just going to ignore you after this. Well, it had been worth a try. Izuku finally relented, reasonably satisfied with the result of his investigation. “Okay, okay. Sorry. No more questions. And no All Might stuff. Not that I have much to tell you about him. He hasn’t really been around lately.” Hasn’t he, now? Uh, odd. It wasn’t like his father to miss an opportunity to dodge All Might gossip. Izuku supposed there’d be no harm in taking advantage of this atypical spark of curiosity. “Yeah. It’s been like this for a few months. Rumors say he’s abroad, working on some large scale mission. Something very secret, that’s why there are no articles on him in newspapers from other countries either.” I wasn’t aware of this. That’s very interesting. Although I couldn’t imagine anyone less suited to hushed-up operations. Izuku couldn’t help but snort. In light of the recent revelation, he wondered if his father was so unapologetically critical of All Might because he had worked with him and they hadn’t gotten along… which seemed kind of impossible. How could All Might be the unpleasant type of coworker? Or maybe his father really was just jealous because he couldn’t work with All Might often enough. A sudden thought occurred to the boy. “...Sorry, I guess you don’t want to hear about hero stuff now that you’re, uh… on forced vacation.” Actually, I’d love to. I’ve been a little out of the loop lately, I need to catch up with the news anyway. Fire away all the information you have. Izuku smiled. “Even about All Might?” Especially about All Might.
19 notes · View notes
broccoliboix5peepeeman · 4 years ago
Req: Shōto is the campus' delinquent. Nobody dare to cross him. Izuku is the campus' nerd. His low social status makes him an easy target of bullying. One day, they're paired together for a project. What starts out as a school assignment blossoms a beautiful friendship as they realized that they're the same. They're both no strangers to pain. Izuku sees Shōto as his own person despite his surname. Shōto sees hurt, pain & sadness behind Izuku's smiles. And eventually, they both fall in love.
Ooooo thank you for the request! :D
'Shoji and Tokoyami for group one. Uraraka and Asui for group two.'
'Yesss!' Uraraka muttered under her breath. Izuku smirked at his friend and nudged her with his elbow.
'Get in there!' He winked, wiggling his eyebrows playfully, earning a frantic shhhhh from his friend.
'Momo and Kirishima for group four.' Aizawa called out. 'Jirou and Hagakure for group five.
'Ooo, halfway though, Dekuuu!' Uraraka sang quietly. 'Are you worried?'
'As long as it's not Kacchan, I don't mind.' He shrugged.
'Bakugou and Mineta for group seven.' Aizawa continued, tone bored, even as the blonde roared with protest.
'Thank fuck.' Izuku mumbled.
'Midoriya and Todoroki for group eight.' His teacher spoke, looking pointedly at him before focusing back on the sheet.
While Uraraka giggled next to him, Izuku froze, his posture straight and a look of shock on his face. He felt a pair of dichromatic eyes burning holes into his back, although he could just be paranoid.
Him and… Todoroki? UA's top heartthrob and bad boy, partnered with Izuku? Aizawa-Sensei had to be kidding, surely.
'Right, that's all of you.' Their teacher called out. 'Sit in your pairs and we'll go over the project in more detail.'
Immediately, the classroom broke out into excited chatter as everyone shouted across the room for their partner. Before Izuku could even say farewell to Uraraka, his friend had already jumped up from her seat to bounce towards where Tsu was sitting.
Izuku sighed and - with significantly less energy - got up to search the room for his partner. Of course, it didn't take long to spot him; even without the scar, Todoroki stood out like a sore thumb.
He sat towards the back of the room, slouched in his chair as he stared out of the window, unfazed by the chaos around him. The morning sun bathed his skin and made the crimson half of his hair shine. Izuku noticed that his classmate was wearing his signature leather jacket, covered in various badges and pins, along with a turtleneck, a pair of navy jeans that clung to his legs, and black combat boots. 
It was no secret that Todoroki was the "most handsome guy in school", so it made sense that today was no different. It just didn't help Izuku in the slightest - in fact, it made it even harder for him to clear his throat and gather his attention.
'To- Todoroki-kun, hi!' He squeaked, a large smile plastered to his face that didn't quite reach his eyes. When the aforementioned turned to regard him nonchalantly, Izuku's nerves only exacerbated. 'Do you mind if I sit, seen as we're part- partners?'
When his classmate remained silent, he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and laughed. 'Sorry about that by the way… I know you probably don't want to be stuck with someone like me.'
'Why are you apologising?' Todoroki raised an eyebrow. 'It's not your fault.'
You didn't deny it though… Izuku chewed on his lip for lack of a better response, until Todoroki eventually nodded to the seat next to him.
'Your reputation precedes you, Midoriya.' He commented as Izuku fumbled into his chair. 'As does mine. I don't mind working with you as long as you pull your weight. You may think I don't give a shit about grades, but you don't know me.'
Izuku turned to regard him with wide eyes, but Todoroki had already gone back to stare out of the window. 'Library after school. We'll make a start then. Can't be arsed going home and I assume you're not too keen on walking home at the same time as Bakugou.'
Izuku furrowed his eyebrows at that. He knew Todoroki could be blunt but… Oh well, he did have a point. Kacchan would jump him the moment they were out of the school gates - clearly wanting to release all that pent-up rage on Izuku because, for some reason, his old friend had made it his own personal goal to make him his punching bag.
'Sure.' Izuku replied, turning to face the front of the room as Aizawa told them all to quiet down. Why me?
Izuku twirled his pen in his hand as he read through his notes in the library. If the librarian asked, it was school work, even if the "Hero analysis #27" scribbled over the cover was a dead give-away.
Izuku wanted to be a doctor, a hero who saves lives. Ever since he had learnt to read, he was fascinated by how the body worked and how to treat various ailments. His analysis books were where he stored all the information he had absorbed from his readings.
'Last time I checked, "loss of executive functioning in patients with primary progressive multiple sclerosis" wasn't on the syllabus.' A low voice spoke.
Izuku flinched so violently his elbow slammed into the back of his chair and he almost dropped his pen. He winced at the pain and looked up to find Todoroki gazing at him, unfazed by his display.
'T- Todoroki-kun!' A bright smile appeared on Izuku's face and he gestured to the seat opposite him. When his classmate took it, he quickly put away his notebook and replaced it with his psychology workbook and textbook. 'I was starting to think you'd forgotten.'
'I just had a few things to sort out.' Todoroki shrugged, taking out his own book.
Izuku nodded along, expecting him to elaborate, but apparently that wasn't his classmate's intention. Instead, they sat in awkward silence for several moments, until Izuku shook his head to ground himself and opened his textbook.
'Right, let's get started then.' He announced, a trained smile on his face. 'Aizawa-Sensei said we have to do a presentation on the sleep-wake cycle for ours, which is actually quite interesting. I had a quick look over lunch and I was thinking we could start the intro by covering the three different cycles. So, ultradian rhythms are cycles that are less than 24 hours and can repeat throughout the day, infradian rhythms are more than 24 hours - like the menstrual cycle - then we finish on circadian rhythms, which focuses specifically on sleep-wake cycle, then go on to talk about-'
Izuku paused then, realising he had definitely started to ramble there. He knew how much his peers found his habit annoying, so he was surprised that Todoroki hadn't interrupted him and told him to shut up before now.
'Why did you stop?' His classmate asked, genuinely confused.
'You… You understood all of that?' Izuku returned.
'Yes.' Todoroki showed him his workbook, where he had started writing Izuku's ideas down.
'But I was muttering…' Heat rose to his face as he inspected the page. 'You don't find that annoying?'
Todoroki frowned at that.
'Not really. Why would I?'
'Everyone else does.' Izuku mumbled, looking away.
'I'm not everyone else.' Todoroki scratched his cheek, just below his scar. Before Izuku could ask though, he cleared his throat. 'Anyway, I agree with you. Once we focus on circadian rhythms, we can go over the stages of sleep.'
'Sounds good to me!' Izuku beamed. 'We can talk about non-REM and REM too!'
'Yes.' Todoroki nodded. 'Then maybe go into the different areas involved in sleep, so photoreceptors and the pineal gland.'
'That's a great idea!' Izuku burst out, brain going a mile a minute. This was going easier than he had expected. 'Gosh, this is going to be so fun! Right, I know it's not entirely relevant to the presentation itself, but you know dolphins?'
'Yes, I know dolphins.' Todoroki huffed, tone slightly amused. 
Was that almost a smile?!
'Well, their brains have a left and right hemisphere like we do, and when they go to sleep, they turn off one hemisphere and the other one stays awake so they can come up for air and stuff! Then they switch around when the first hemisphere is fully rested! Some sharks do it too, it's so interesting!'
Izuku paused for breath. When Todoroki said nothing in response and looked at him with an expression he couldn't quite place, Izuku blushed with embarrassment. 'S- Sorry…'
'No, you…' Todoroki spoke, his voice oddly gentle. 'That's the first time today I've seen you genuinely smile.'
… What?
'I'm always smiling.' Izuku tilted his head to the side. Smiling was his thing. Everywhere he went, he always made sure to smile, even if he was having a bad day. He smiled to put others at ease.
'It never reaches your eyes though.' Todoroki regarded him with something akin to understanding, albeit Izuku didn't know why. 'It's always fake.'
He winced at the wording.
'Does that bother you?' He twirled his pen and looked away, apprehension in his voice.
'A little.' Todoroki admitted. 'I understand why you lie, but I'd rather you be honest - at least, with me, I'd like you to be honest.'
Izuku considered his words. Despite the lack of malice in his tone, he still felt like he had been called out.
'I'm sorry.' He spoke, not knowing what else to say.
'You apologise a lot.' Todoroki stated. 'You don't owe anyone an apology, Midoriya.'
Izuku didn't like this. He didn't know where this was coming from and why Todoroki was saying all this. It wasn't a bad thing, but it was overwhelming. No one had ever called him out for his smiles before.
'I have to go.' He stood abruptly and gathered his books, stuffing them into his yellow backpack. Todoroki looked at him, mildly bewildered.
'Okay. When do you want to meet up next?' He asked before Izuku could book it out of there.
'Up to you.' He shrugged. ‘I can’t do tomorrow though.’
'How about Thursday after school?' Todoroki asked. 'We can go to my place - my old man is at the station all day then so he won't bother us.'
Izuku gulped at the idea of meeting Todoroki Enji, the city's chief of police who was rumoured to be as corrupt as they came.
'He definitely won't be there?' He twirled a loose green curl around his finger.
'I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't know for sure.' Todoroki raised an eyebrow. Izuku didn't know what to make of that.
'Okay, sure. I'll meet you at the front gates after class and we'll walk together.' When Todoroki nodded once, Izuku tried not to force a smile and mirrored the action. 'Great. Right, I've got to go. Bye!'
Before his classmate could say anything else, Izuku quick-walked out of the library. Once he exited the building, he broke into a run down the street. He liked running when he was anxious, it helped calm him.
Izuku sighed and thought of blue and grey eyes, staring into his soul. He then promptly tripped over his own two feet and landed on the floor with a thud.
Resigned to his fate, Izuku made no effort to get up and sighed heavily, cheeks squished against the pavement.
It was going to be a long few weeks.
[Uwawaka: 17:05] Dekuuuuu!!! Todoroki-kun just cornered me and demanded your number?!?! Erm, have a nice life I guess? I get your shoes when you die
[Me: 17:09] Waitwaitwait WHAT?!?!?! YOU SAID YES?!
[Me: 17:12] I will eat your pet hamster, you whore
Izuku collapsed onto his bed and smacked his forehead with his palm. Several more minutes passed without a response and he was seriously considering calling her, when his phone suddenly vibrated.
He quickly scrambled for the device. However, when he unlocked it and saw the message, he gasped and threw his phone at the wall.
'Izuku!' His mum shouted from the kitchen. 'What was that?!'
'Nothing, mum! Sorry!' He shouted, moving to pick it back up.
[Unknown: 17.16] Is this Midoriya Izuku?
[Me: 17:18] Yes? Who is this?
Izuku knew full well who it was and added the number to his contacts anyway.
[Todoroki: 17:20] It's Todoroki from Aizawa's psychology class. I got your number from a friend. Hope you don't mind
Either Todoroki was downplaying the situation or Uraraka was being overdramatic. He honestly didn't know who to believe.
[Me: 17:21] No problem, what's up?
[Todoroki: 17:23] I was going to wait till tomorrow but evidently I have the patience of a toddler.
[Todoroki: 17:24] I wanted to apologise if I made you uncomfortable earlier. I shouldn't have indirectly accused you of lying when I do it all the time.
Izuku didn't even know where to start with unpacking that.
[Me: 17:27] You don't have to apologise, you were right. I just smile a lot to make others feel at ease. I didn't realise it could be mistaken for dishonesty if I'm not being genuine.
[Me: 17:27] You lie all the time?
It was bold to ask that, but he couldn't help himself. Izuku was a meddler, through and through. Plus, Todoroki mentioned it first so it wasn’t like he didn’t want to talk about it, he reasoned.
[Todoroki: 17:30] I can understand that. I'd just rather you be honest with me. After all, if you're not happy, it could affect our project
[Todoroki: 17:32] Well, I tell everyone that it's a birthmark on my face when it's clearly a scar. I told a dude I wasn't gay because I didn't want to go out with him. I have depression but deny it when I get asked about it. Then there's a bunch of other stuff that I haven't told anyone that I won't even get into, but yeah
'Wow okay...' Izuku puffed his cheeks out. ‘I guess the reason Todoroki-kun doesn’t talk much is because he’s a over-sharer, but it’s okay. You got this, Izuku.’
[Me: 17:33] Lying and not disclosing something aren't the same thing! But with the stuff you have lied about, I can understand why you don't want people to know, especially considering the way others treat me just because I'm different. And your scar isn't anyone's business except your own!
He pressed send, then hesitated over the keyboard.
[Me: 17:34] Also! If you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here! We're friends now, aren't we? :)
Izuku stared at the screen, waiting for a response.
Several minutes passed without one and he was starting to question himself. However, just before Izuku could completely stress out over how badly he had fucked up, the screen brightened.
[Todoroki: 17:45] Thank you, Midoriya.
Izuku smiled at his phone.
That had gone better than he had expected.
Shoto nodded to Midoriya, who was waiting by the gate. He was smiling again, but Shoto could tell he was nervous from the way his eyes were on high-alert, darting around the courtyard as if he were about to be attacked. Shoto didn't blame him though - in fact, he'd be more worried if his classmate wasn't on edge.
'Midoriya.' He greeted, once he reached his side. Due to the proximity though, he suddenly noticed the gravel rash that littered his new friend's jaw. 'What happened to you?'
'Er…' Midoriya blushed bright pink. Distantly, Shoto registered that it was actually quite cute, albeit he wouldn't admit it. 'I- I went for a run on Tuesday and tripped.'
'You should be more careful.' Shoto commented, eliciting a laugh from his classmate. 'I'm serious.'
'Yeah, I know but…' Midoriya cleared his throat. 'You just, you sound like my mum.'
His mum?
'N- Not that that's a bad thing!' Midoriya frantically waved his hands in front of him. 'In fact, thank you… For caring, I guess. You're a kind person, Todoroki-kun!'
Shoto didn't know what to make of that. His stomach felt funny and his face was burning but he wasn't sure why. He coughed to compose himself.
'My house is this way.' He nodded in the right direction and they set off before Shoto could say or do anything he might regret.
The two of them walked in silence. Shoto noticed his classmate fiddling with the straps of his backpack as he mumbled to himself, but he said nothing. In fact, he found that he quite liked Midoriya's voice. It was quite soothing.
Suddenly, he saw a flash of blonde out of the corner of his eye and Shoto quickly looked to find Bakugou across the street. Midoriya hadn't noticed him yet, but Shoto recognised the sadistic smile plastered to Bakugou's face when he spotted the green-haired boy.
Shoto had a particular hatred of bullies, having grown up with one all his life. He knew about the general animosity between Midoriya and Bakugou, and how it had once ended up with the former out of school for almost a week when they were younger. Shoto also knew that Bakugou could be a violent fuck and, as a result, had never really bothered to talk to him.
Now though, Shoto saw the almost predatory look in his eyes as he smirked at Midoriya; he noticed how his classmate - his friend - froze at having been spotted.
'K- Kacchan…' Midoriya mumbled, a wobbly smile on his face. It made Shoto angry - not at Midoriya, but at Bakugou, and at himself for not intervening sooner, even though it wasn't really his problem.
Before he could stop himself, Shoto raised his arm and wrapped it around Midoriya's shoulder, bringing him close to his side. His classmate squeaked at the action, clearly tense.
'To- Todoroki-kun?!'
'Put your hand on my waist.' Shoto instructed, leaning in close to whisper in his ear. When Midoriya complied, snaking a trembling hand around him, Shoto hummed approvingly and looked up at Bakugou.
The blonde was watching them, mouth agape and clearly irritated. When he took a step towards them, Shoto flashed him a warning glare as if to say 'hands off', before pressing a swift kiss to Midoriya's fluffy curls to accentuate his point.
Bakugou stilled at that, his eye twitching, but Shoto knew he understood his position. On the social scale, Shoto was higher up than he was - as much as the latter wouldn't want to admit it - and so whoever Shoto said was off-limits was definitely off-limits. It didn't matter if it was an act or not.
The two of them continued forwards, watching as Bakugou eventually growled and skulked away. When he was out of sight, Midoriya audibly sighed and relaxed against him.
It was… Nice.
'Thank you.' His friend murmured. 'You didn't have to do that.'
'I wanted to.' Shoto shrugged. He knew he should relinquish his hold on Midoriya now that the threat had passed, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. The warmth that radiated from his classmate's touch was calming. Plus, Midoriya didn't seem too eager to let go either, so it wasn't like he was taking advantage of him or anything.
When they eventually reached his house, Shoto reluctantly broke away to fumble in his pocket for his keys. To his surprise though, the door was already unlocked.
Caution in his stance, he slid the door open and checked the shoe rack to see who was home. When Fuyumi's work shoes and Natsuo's trainers came into view, he sighed with relief and opened the door fully to alert his siblings of his arrival. 'It's me!'
It was only then that he registered Midoriya regarding him anxiously. 'Don't worry, it's just my brother and sister.'
'O- Okay.'
Shoto nodded and stepped inside, removing his shoes and waiting for Midoriya to do the same. He then led the way through his house, hoping there wouldn't be any interruptions, but alas, it seemed the universe hated him.
'Shotoutoooo!!!' Natsuo's voice rang out, before his older brother appeared, leaning against the door frame of his room. When he noticed Midoriya, half hidden behind Shoto, he grinned mischievously. 'You brought a friend over!'
'You- You didn't tell them I was coming?!' Midoriya squeaked so only Shoto could hear.
'Yes, I brought a friend home. What of it?' He ignored him and raised an eyebrow at his brother, unamused.
'Nee-San saw you two getting all lovey dovey down the street.'
'I don't-'
'It's true. Don't deny it!' Fuyumi's voice echoed down the hallway, eliciting a cackle from Natsuo.
'Whatever.' Shoto placed a hand on his hip, exasperated. 'Midoriya and I have a psychology assignment to get done, so I'd appreciate it if you fucked off.'
'Nawww, come on! I'm just having fun!' Natsuo winked before looking past him to address Midoriya. 'Shotouto pretends to be an aloof bad boy, but really he's a big softie who loves strawberry milk and manga. Isn't that right, Sho-?'
'NATSUO-NII!' Shoto exclaimed, completely mortified. He grabbed Midoriya's arm and dragged him down the corridor. 'We'll be leaving now!'
'Nice to meet you, Midoriya-kun!' Natsuo called, before Shoto slammed his bedroom door shut and sighed against it.
'He seems nice.' A quiet voice muttered.
Shit. Shoto's eyes widened and he took a breath, composing himself before he turned around to face Midoriya, who was fiddling with his sleeve.
'He's a pain in the arse.' He grumbled, before he strode forwards and set up the chabudai table in his room. 'He always does it. Something about wanting to make up for lost time.'
'Lost time?' Midoriya asked, removing his backpack to help.
'My old man wanted to keep me separate from my siblings when we were younger. Something about "not wanting to soil the perfect child".' Shoto shrugged, gathering two cushions and handing one to Midoriya. 'So it wasn't until about a year ago that I actually got to speak to them.'
'What happened a year ago?' Midoriya was definitely being nosy, but for some reason, Shoto didn't mind it; part of him actually wanted to tell him, even though he had no idea why. Something just told Shoto that he could trust him.
Or it's just because he's the first person your age who has ever bothered to ask. Another part of his mind supplied.
When the two of them sat down on the cushions adjacent to each other, Shoto pulled out his laptop, while Midoriya provided the textbook and workbook.
'When I was younger, my mother used to live at home too. She tried to protect us when the old bastard would come home and want to take his anger out on someone. He liked to take it out on me especially - make sure I toughened up - but she'd always turn his attention on her. One night, when I was about eight, mother had a complete breakdown. She saw the left side of my face, thought I was him and well… The closest thing was the kettle and boom.' He gestured vaguely to his scar. 'That's how this happened.'
Shoto didn't miss the look of complete horror on Izuku's face. 'He sent her away after that, which meant things got worse for me and my siblings. Aizawa-Sensei noticed my bruises last year and we've been working to get him put away, but it's difficult considering his position. It also didn't help that he's caught onto us and is now trying to pretend that everything is better now. That's why I'm allowed to see Natsuo and Fuyumi. He's been trying to manipulate things but he can't pretend forever.'
Shoto trailed off then and silence fell over them. He watched Midoriya for his reaction. He had never told anyone about that before.
He stared at his friend, but his vision became distorted. He thought of his old man, of how his mother had called him "unsightly" before burning him, of how his siblings used to look at him with apprehension and fear.
Shoto frowned. 'Sometimes I wonder if I'm just as bad as him.'
His words were spoken barely above a whisper, but the way Midoriya's head snapped to attention evidently showed that he had heard him.
'You know, Todoroki-kun…' He spoke gently, determined eyes finally meeting Shoto's own. 'I can't possibly understand everything you went through, but I do know this.'
A calloused hand landed on Shoto's shoulder and his vision re-focused to find a small smile gracing Midoriya's face. 'You're not your father. You're Todoroki Shoto, you're a kind person and you're my friend. He can't even compare to you.'
Shoto's mouth opened, but no words came out. Midoriya's words played on repeat in his head.
You're not your father. You're Todoroki Shoto.
He managed to turn his head away, hair hiding the stray tear that had fallen from his eye.
You're a kind person and you're my friend.
'Todoroki-kun, are you okay?'
So many thoughts were screaming inside his head. It was deafening, with Midoriya's words playing loudest of all.
He can't even compare to you.
'Toilet.' Shoto stood abruptly, pointedly not facing his classmate, and strode out of the room, ignoring Midoriya's bewildered shriek. He slid open the door to the bathroom opposite and shut himself away, turning the light on before he braced himself against the sink. His knuckles turned as white as the porcelain and he tried to calm his breathing.
Why was he acting like this? He was supposed to be calm, composed, aloof.
Just like father wanted. An unhelpful part of his mind taunted as tears streamed down his face. He felt a sob build up in the back of his throat. Hold it together. You're pathetic.
'Todoroki-kun.' His thoughts were interrupted by a quiet knock on the door. 'Should I get Natsuo or Fuyumi?'
'No!' Shoto exclaimed, a little harsher than he had intended. When Midoriya didn't immediately respond, he started to worry that he had scared him away.
'Okay.' His classmate eventually spoke, voice muffled due to the door. 'Can I come in?'
You don't want him to see you like this. You're supposed to be better than this-
'Yes.' He choked out, not looking up when the door slid open.
Gentle footfalls echoed on the tiles until Shoto felt a warm presence at his side. Midoriya then crouched down next to the sink to look up at Shoto.
'What's going through your mind?' He asked.
'What you said just now, about me being kind and…' He swallowed heavily. 'You didn't mean it, did you? You were just saying it to make me feel better, right?'
'Oh, Todoroki-kun.' Midoriya gazed at him sadly. 'Of course I meant it. You told me to be honest with you, remember?'
Shoto leant his elbows on the sink to hold his face in his hands as he cried silently, only his ragged breathing exposing him.
He heard Midoriya shuffle to his feet. 'Can I… Can I hug you?'
Shoto blanked at that. Of all the things his friend could have said, he hadn't expected that. He furrowed his brow. When was the last time he had been properly hugged? With Fuyumi? His mother?
'Why?' He found himself asking instead, lowering his hands to look at Midoriya, who smiled softly at him.
'Because you look like you need it and I'm an expert hugger.'
Shoto blinked dumbly for a moment, regarding kind eyes, a genuine smile and open arms that radiated comfort, then slowly nodded.
'O- Okay…' He whispered.
Midoriya's smile brightened and he stepped forward, slowly wrapping his arms around Shoto's neck. One hand rested against his shoulder blades, while the other gently held the back of his head, guiding Shoto to the crook of Midoriya's neck. He went willingly and basked in the warmth, immediately relaxing against his friend.
Crooked fingers stroked his hair as Midoriya leant his head against him and he quickly became overwhelmed with emotion. Kind touches were so foreign to him that he usually hated the idea of physical contact. He didn't know why he had let Midoriya in, but he was glad he did.
A broken sob suddenly escaped him and he gingerly returned the hug, squeezing Midoriya's waist and clinging to his shirt. He didn't know how long they stayed like that, Midoriya's voice whispering words of encouragement until his eyes were dry, his friend's shirt was soaked and his throat was hoarse.
'I'm sorry.' He mumbled against Midoriya's neck. 'I don't know what came over me.'
'You don't owe anyone an apology.' His classmate quickly assured, echoing Shoto's words from a few days ago. 'Do you feel better?'
'I don't know.' Shoto answered honestly. Sure, letting his tears fall after years of bottling everything up was cathartic, but he had also unloaded all of his problems onto someone else just because of one comment; it made him feel disgusted at himself.
'It's okay not to be sure right now.' Midoriya pulled back to look him in the eye. 'I'll always be here to talk if you need, Todoroki-kun. We're friends and I want to help.'
Shoto must have pulled a face, because his classmate huffed, amused. 'It's an open offer. We can leave it for now.'
'Thank you, Midoriya.' Shoto didn't elaborate, but he didn't think he needed to, based on the way his friend's smile brightened.
'Shall we go work on our project for a bit?' Midoriya asked patiently. 'Then maybe we could watch a movie or something? I saw your Ghibli badges on your jacket - maybe we could watch one of them?'
Shoto wiped his eyes with his fist and nodded.
'That sounds nice.'
'How could you?!' Izuku exclaimed, hand over his heart, horrified as his mum showed Todoroki his baby photos.
He had left them alone for one minute to get snacks, and now his soon-to-be-disowned mother was huddled up with his friend on the sofa, flicking through a photo album like it wasn't the most embarrassing thing in the world.
The two hardly spared him a glance, before continuing to point and giggle at baby Izuku in a hero onesie.
'Midoriya really is cute.' Todoroki smiled warmly and Izuku's cheeks suddenly felt a little hotter. 'How old was he in this one?'
It had been several weeks since their project had been assigned. Despite the emotional outbursts, they had managed to get their presentation done and performed. Their grades were still being determined, but Izuku was confident that they had done well.
That wasn't all that had happened though. Ever since that day Todoroki had opened up about his past, the two of them had grown closer, frequently texting and hanging out at Izuku's after school. They even spent their free periods together, which seemed to intrigue and confuse a lot of students. After all, Todoroki was the scary, mysterious pretty boy and Izuku was a self-identified nerd who liked to mumble to himself. Neither of them really cared about what their peers thought though.
As the days turned into weeks, however, Izuku realised that not only were people no longer tormenting him in the corridors, but Todoroki had started to smile more. Whenever Izuku would ramble about anatomy, he would listen, lips upturned and process every word with interest. Izuku loved his friend's smile and each one felt special because Izuku had caused it.
It took a single conversation with Uraraka to realise what was happening, and another one with Fuyumi to gain the courage to do what he was about to do.
'Mum, could I talk to Todoroki-kun alone for a minute?' Izuku rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. His mum knew about his crush - she had easily picked up on it due to Izuku's habit of muttering about the things he liked - so he hoped she would take the hint.
'Okay, sweetheart.' She grinned when Izuku's jaw dropped, mortified at the endearment. He also didn't miss the way Todoroki bit his bottom lip slightly with amusement.
Before Izuku could chastise her for clearly inappropriate behaviour in front of company, his mum closed the album and stood. 'I'll be in my room if you need me.'
When the door shut behind her, Izuku sighed with relief.
'I love her more than anything but I swear she gets some sort of sick satisfaction in seeing me suffer.' He groaned.
'I think she's great.' Todoroki smiled up at him. It lit up his entire face, no matter how small, and Izuku thought he looked beautiful.
'So what did you want to talk about?' His friend asked, leaning back and crossing one leg over the other.
'You're a dear friend to me and I know we weren't close until recently, but you've become a big part of my life.' He began, fiddling with his hands to ease his nerves. 'I'm sorry, I don't really know how to say this.'
'It's okay.' Todoroki spoke, his smile vanishing. 'I understand if you feel like it's too much. Sometimes I can get a bit overwhelmed by all this - having a friend - but I treasure your friendship too, so I'll respect your decision if you want to stop-'
'Wait, what?' Izuku exclaimed. 'I'm trying to tell you that I have a crush on you, not that I don't want to be friends.'
Shoto stared at him with wide eyes.
Oh fuck.
Izuku slapped a hand over his mouth and let out a strangled cry as realisation set in. He wasn't even that surprised at having admitted his feelings; he was surprised at how easy it had been.
What wasn't easy was the look of uncertainty on Todoroki's face.
'I'm so sorry for making you uncomfortable-'
'I have a crush on you too, I think.'
That was the thing he least expected his friend to say.
'You do?'
'Yeah.' Todoroki scratched at his flushed cheek, no longer looking like his usually-composed self and instead rather vulnerable. 'I've known for a while that I feel different towards you compared to others. I feel… Safe around you, like I can trust you, and while everyone calls you plain-looking, I think you're actually quite cute.'
Izuku felt like his head was going to explode. One, Todoroki had just called him cute; two, his crush just admitted to feeling safe around him; and three, Todoroki was looking at him with such sincerity that his chest ached.
'That makes me so happy, Todoroki-kun, you have no idea.' He whispered, tears spilling from his eyes. 'I feel the same about you, except you're not cute, you're… Actually quite breathtaking.'
When he was met with silence, Izuku looked up to find Todoroki looking at him with amusement.
'Well now you've made me look bad.' He huffed, standing up and walking towards him.
'You could never look bad. That was my whole point. ' Izuku quipped, before suddenly being enveloped in a hug.
That was another thing about their relationship that surprised Izuku in a good way: Todoroki, touch-starved most of his life, had become particularly fond of cuddles. Now, Izuku had no qualms with this - he encouraged his friend to smother him with hugs whenever he needed it - but this hug felt different. Several emotions were communicated in that moment.
It almost felt desperate, yet hopeful.
'I'll have to thank Aizawa for pairing us up for that project.' Todoroki murmured against his neck, eliciting a short laugh from Izuku.
'Yeah definitely.' He pulled away to take his friend's hand, interlocking their fingers. 'We can thank him together.'
Todoroki huffed with mirth.
'I like the sound of that.'
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dreamingwithbts · 4 years ago
Demon (Boku No Hero) - Chapter 3
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Warning: Swearing
Not getting any response from the angry pomeranian I look at him and see him looking at Izuku, mouth open with a huge shocked kind of angry face. “Eh?” I say confused, then explosives come from his hands, and he starts running towards Izuku. “Hey! Tell me what’s going on, Deku, you bastard!” He says. “SHIT!” I say making the blue hair guy and the brow hair girl look at me shock. I teleport in front of a very scared Izuku facing Bakugo. “Get out of my way Demon!” Bakugo screams even more angry. “Bring it.” I say to him angry, red mist starting to surround me. “Aka-chan!” Izuku says trembling, suddenly my mist disappears and out of nowhere Aizawa-sensei scarf appears and stops Bakugo, making Izuku sigh in relief and me to pout wanting to fight him. “Oh man, I was hoping for a fight.” I think. “I don’t know if I’m relief Aizawa-sensei stopped Kacchan or Aka-chan.” Izuku thinks looking at the scene.
“What the...? These cloths are hard..!” I hear Bakugo say trying to move. “They’re weapons for capture made of carbon fiber woven together with metal wire made of a special alloy.” Aizawa-sensei explains. “I was caught many times with that weapon, they really are too strong.” I think sweating nervous at my memories. “Jeez...Don’t keep making me use my Quirk over and over. I have eye dry.” Aizawa-sensei says. “So that’s what happen.” I think, understanding now why my mist disappeared. “It’s suck a waste, since his Quirk is so amazing!” The whole class says making me nod agreeing with them. “We’re wasting time. Whoever’s next, get ready.” Aizawa-sensei says. “Every minute it passed he looks more tired.” I say making Izuku nod. “Come on.” I say and start walking to where the others are, Izuku walking with me looking at Bakugo, who glares at me when we passed making me glare back. “Why is she protecting him? And why do I care?” Bakugo thinks.
The brow girl immediately starts talking with Izuku making the boy blush at the attention. “I ship it so hard!” I think smiling watching the pair, I look at Bakugo and I see him glaring at Izuku again. “Why does he hate him so much? What’s on your mine Time Bomb?” I think looking attentively at him. “Until a little while ago, he was just a pebble on the side of the road.” Bakugo thinks, angry, looking at Izuku. “And now that’s her, his protector, why is he so special? Why is she so special?” He thinks looking at Aka who was looking right into his eyes, not showing any emotion. “Who is she?” He thinks.
The rest of class continues, we had to do sit-ups, who required partners and when I was going to Izuku suddenly someone takes the back of my uniform and drag me with him. “You’re with me Demon.” A deep voice says, Bakugo. “You could have asked nicely.” I say teasing him and I wave at Izuku who looks at us nervous. I see him with Uraraka, I finally learned her name, became his partner. “I ship it!” I say whispering holding Bakugo. “What did you say extra?” Bakugo asks me doing sit-ups. “Nothing!” I say smiling. “Tsk.” He makes a sound, and we continue doing the sit-ups.
Then we did seater toe-touch, me and Bakugo did it perfectly, and I almost laugh hard watching Izuku struggling. Finally, the exercises stopped after the long-distance run. “Ne? Izu-kun, are you okay?” I ask the broccoli boy who was laying on the ground, dying. “F...Fine Aka-chan.” He says almost without breath. “Come on, let’s go.” I say and used my red mist to help him on his feet, then all of us stay in front of Aizawa-sensei. “Okay, I’ll quickly tell you the results. The total is simply the marks you got from each test. It’s a waste of time to explain verbally, so I’ll show you the results at once.” Aizawa-sensei says then a digital screen appears with our results.
It was easy seeing my name, 2º place, I also see I was above Bakugo who was 4º place, I can already feel him looking at me, so I look at him smirking evilly making him glare hard. “He so wants to kill me.” I think. “I’m going to kill her.” Bakugo thinks.
I look back at the screen and see Izuku name in last, looking at him shaking. “Don’t worry Izuku.” I think then look back at Aizawa-sensei. “By the way, I was lying about the expulsion.” Aizawa-sensei says. “Knew it!” I whisper happy but Uraraka looks at me shocked and Izuku was to busy being worried to hear me. “It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your Quirks.” Aizawa-sensei says smiling creepily. “WHAT!?” Everyone screams, I put my hand up and say. “Aizawa-sensei could you not smile like that again, it was creepy.” Aizawa-sensei sighs but ignores me making me pout at him. “With that, we’re done here. There are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom so when you get back, look over them.” Aizawa-sensei says starting to leave, and I hear Izuku sigh in relief. “You had nothing to worry about Izu-kun!” I say happy patting his back making him smile nervously at me. “Have the old lady fix you in the nurse’s office. Tomorrow will be packed with even more rigorous tests. Prepare yourself.” Aizawa-sensei says giving Izuku a paper and nodding at me while leaving training ground. “Come on Izuku, I’ll take you her.” I say already moving making him run a little towards me. “Are you sure Aka-chan?” He asks. “Of course, you don’t even know where it is, and Dad made me memorize the school map remember.” I say smiling at me. “Oh, right.” He says.
“Aizawa, you liar!” All Might say smiling at Aizawa who responds very tired. “All Might. So you were watching? Too much time on your hands?” “A rational deception, you said? April Fools was last week. You also felt the potential of that kid, right?” All Might ask him. “Also? You seem to be supporting him quite a bit. Is that how a teacher should be acting? Choosing favorites.” Aizawa says. “Don’t pretend you didn’t choose your favorite already.” All Might say and a black and red hair girl came to both males minds.
The school ended, me and Izuku were walking together, him very tired while I was amused watching him until a hand came in contact with Izuku shoulder. “It’s the blue hair guy.” I think. “Lida-kun!” Izuku says. “Is your finger healed?” Lida asks him. “Yeah, thanks to Recovery Girl.” Izuku says showing him his finger. “And you!” Lida suddenly turns to me. “Huh?” I ask tilting my head. “Your Aka Akuma! I’m Lida Tenya.” He introduces himself. “Nice to meet you.” I say and the three of us start walking again, them talking while I stay in silence. “Hey! You three! Going to the station? Wait for me!” We hear a voice, and we look back, Uraraka running towards us. “Uraraka-san?!” Izuku says and I look at him smirking. “You’re the infinity girl.” Lida says. “I’m Ochaco Uraraka. Um, you’re Lida Tenya-kun, you’re Aka Akuma-chan, and you’re Deku Midoriya, right?” Uraraka says. “Deku?!” Izuku says shocked, and I look to the side trying to hide my laugh. “Huh? But during the fitness test, the boy names Bakugo said ‘‘Deku, you bastard!’’. Right?” She innocently says. “Uh...my real name is Izuku, but D-Deku is what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me...” Izuku explains nervous. “An insult?” Lida. “Stupid angry pomeranian.” I say under my breath. “Oh, is that right? Sorry! But Deku sounds like the japanese word for ‘‘You can do it!’’ So I kinda like it.” Uraraka says smiling big. “I’m Deku!” Izuku screams red as a tomato and I laugh hardly behind him making the other two look at us weirdly, and so again we started walking towards the station this time with Uraraka with us.
“I’m home!” Skinny Dad sayings entering the door. “Hey Dad.” I say hugging him. “How was your first day of school?” Dad asks me smiling. “Like you didn’t watch the all thing.” I say my eyebrow up when I remember him when I caught him spying on me and Izuku. “Hahahahaha, tell me anyway.” Dad laughs nervously. “It was good. Didn’t expect to Aizawa-sensei to me the home room teacher, but since it’s him I feel a lot better knowing he will be there.” I explain to Dad who nods understanding what I mean. “Did you make friends?” He asks. “Yes! Ochaco Uraraka and Lida Tenya! And Shoto it’s in my class, but he seemed like he didn’t want to talk, so I let him be.” I say and we kept talking.
 The next day
The Second day of school wasn’t so excited like the first, we had English in the morning with Mic-sensei, it was so boring I almost feel asleep, I look at my side and see Bakugo sleeping, his head resting on his hand making me smile at his face. “Cute.” I think, and then he opens his eyes and looks right at me and both of us quickly look away embarrassed.
“Finally lunchtime!” I say excited, walking with Izuku, Lida and Uraraka to the cafeteria. “You really love your food Aka-chan.” Izuku says smiling. The four of us got the food and were walking towards a table until a hand stopped me, grabbing my elbow and making me walk with him. “You’re eating with me Demon.” Bakugo says dragging me. “I’ll see you guys in the classroom!” I say to them while Izuku nods shaking. “If you wanted me to eat with you so bad you could just ask.” I say teasing Bakugo while we set in the table with other people. “Shut up.” Bakugo says. “Hi Aka-chan!” I hear in front of me and see Mina. “Hi Mina-chan!” I say happy. “Hi! I never introduced myself! I’m Kirishima Eijiro!” A red hair guy says beside Mina. “I’m Kaminari Denki!” A blonde guy says beside Kirishima. “And I’m Sero Hanta.” A black guy says beside Bakugo. “I’m Aka Akuma, please call me Aka.” I say, and we spend the lunch talking, well everyone but Bakugo.
The lunch hour was over and the next class was Hero Basic Training, with Dad. “I am...coming through the door like a normal person.” Buff All Might scream entering the room very loudly. “Oh my god.” I whisper embarrassed hearing my classmates talking about him, but I was excited none less. “I teach Hero Basic Training. It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You’ll take the most units of this subject! Let’s get right into it! This is what we’ll do today. Combat training!” All Might say very excited. “Combat....”Bakugo says excited. “...training.” Izuku finishes very nervous. “Shit.” I only say. “And to go with that are these! Costumes made based on your Quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started.” All Might continue while in the wall a lot of cases come off, all with numbers. “Now, I’m even more excited!” I think when I take the number 12 case. “After you change, gather in Ground Beta!” All Might say, and I start walking with Uraraka and Mina to the girls changing room and start wearing our costumes.
I dress myself in the costume and for some reason I felt a lot of breeze, and it was kind of tight. “Woah Aka-chan! You look so sexy!” Mina says very excited looking at me while the other girls blush looking at me. “Hm?” I say confused then look in the mirror, I look almost half naked. “Oh my god! I look so hot!” I say looking at myself. “Dad is going to kill me.” I think laughing.
  Costume:  (Instead of blue is red)
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Almost everyone was already there, and I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. “MY DAUGHTER! WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!” All Might scream at his head looking at his almost half naked daughter who waves and smiles innocently at him, loving the nervous state she left him. “Woah Aka-chan! You look so manly!” Kirishima says coming near me blushing a little. “Thanks Kiri! You look manly too!” I say looking at his abs. “Thanks!” Kiri smiles at me. “What the hell are you wearing?” Bakugo angry comes barking in my ear. “What? You don’t like it?” I tease him seeing him trying not to look at my boobs, failing and I could hear Kirishima laughing behind me. “Shut up!” Bakugo says staying beside me not looking at me, so I got the opportunity to look at his costume, and god dammit didn’t he look good. “Like what you’re seeing?” Bakugo teased me this time. “Shut up.” I say blushing a little and look around missing Bakugo smirk. “Oh, Deku-kun?” I hear Uraraka and I look behind to see Izuku in his costume. “So obvious.” All Might and I think trying not to laugh, and I could feel a confused Bakugo looking at me. “Oh my god, this class is amazing!” Mineta says looking at my boobs, while I was distracted, so I didn’t notice Bakugo almost killing Mineta.
Note: Hope you like it! New chapter every Friday!
Tag List: @holaaaf​ 
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theolddarkmachine · 5 years ago
Imaginary- Chapter Ten
Midoriya Izuku’s life was turned upside by fate.
Eri’s life was turned upside down by circumstance.
And Bakugou Katsuki is about to learn that even imaginary friends need to grow up.
Also on AO3
A/N: Sorry I missed last week, y’all. I ended up stuck here at my parents’ house longer than expected, and then this chapter gave me hell >.< I really like it now but boy lemme tell you, it was touch and go for a second there lol
Katsuki chews on his bottom lip as he follows behind the father daughter duo, his hands shoved deep in his pockets as he watches the way their linked ones swing as they walked.
So far, so good, he thought, tracing their steps through the dimly lit room of the aquarium. When they’d pulled up at the parking lot after an hour of finesse and careful instruction on his part, he’d watched both Midoriyas as their eyes had lit up in equal measure at the sight of the attraction. That same excitement had still clung to them almost two hours in, and something about it made the pit of Katsuki’s stomach warm as he’d watched them walk together, lost in their own little world as they’d explored the different types of sea creatures.
“Daddy Izuku!” Eri says loudly, pulling Midoriya over toward the glass wall to their left. Katsuki swallows down a bite of laughter as he watches Midoriya stumble slightly as the small girl pulls him.
“What are these?” She asks excitedly, pointing at the school of brightly colored fish swirling behind the glass. Whirling around the water with their kaleidoscopic coloring, Katsuki watched as she looked up at them, eyes wide and mesmerized.
“Let’s see,” Midoriya says, making a show of leaning towards the lighted plaque beside the tank before making a loud aha! sound. “Mandarinfish!”
His voice is a quiet, gentle hum as he reads off the information to Eri, oblivious to the the watchful gaze on them.
Something shifted uncomfortably in Katsuki’s chest as he watched over them, coloring his emotions a strange, shimmering shade that rivaled that of the fish in the tank before he turned toward the wall opposite of the father daughter pair.
A fast, flickering flash of green caught his eye as he moves closer, watching as the small creature danced around a cluster of small, pearl-like eggs that dotted a large rock on the aquarium’s floor. Swaying before it was a bright yellow fish, doing its best to avoid the quick, jerking movements of the green fish as it continued to move back and forth between the yellow one and the eggs.
Flicking his gaze to the guide on the wall beside him, he quickly found the photo of the green fish, an apparent variation of a damselfish.
While a friendly fish, the Blue/Green Chromis is known for its protective nature over its eggs, he reads.
So that’s what this is about, Katsuki thinks to himself, turning back to watch the chromis as it continued its protective dance around its eggs as it kept its attention fixed on what was apparently a Yellow Tang.
The green fish pauses for a moment in its movements before rushing forward and butting the Tang and sending it sideways. Snorting loudly at the moment of obvious confusion as it rights itself, Katsuki shakes his head slightly.
Poor bastard, he thinks as he turns his sharply carve smile over his shoulder.
“Hey, Deku,” Katsuki calls out, feeling the rush of warmth through his veins as Midoriya immediately turns to look at him. In the short span of the week, he’d grown all too comfortable with how quick the green haired man would acknowledge him. It was altogether different from being seen by a charge, or his friends.
Pinned beneath Midoriya’s forest stare, it always felt as if he was truly being seen.
Light zings along his bones as he watches the duo move toward him, only turning after he hears Midoriya’s quiet hum at his back.
“Look at this little shit, fighting the hell out of this other little shit for it’s kids,” he points out as Midoriya settles in at his side, tucking Eri between the two of them. A small sound of awe escapes her as she leans into the bar that separates them from the tank’s glass.
“Remind you of anyone?” Katsuki laughs, cocking his head just enough to look at Midoriya. The blue light filtering through the water dances across Midoriya’s freckled face, painting him an ethereal color as his mouth cracks wide around a smile. It’s wide and all encompassing, pinching the corner of his eyes and causing Katsuki’s heart to stutter as he finds it aimed his way.
“How many times do I have to tell you sorry about that?” Midoriya asks, voice lilting with his mirth. The joyous tilt of his voice feels like a calculated attack that catches him sharply in the sternum as he rolls his eyes, using the opportunity to tear his stare away from Midoriya’s stupidly bright smile.
“As many as it takes to make me actually believe you, nerd,” he grinds out with a quick shrug. Midoriya’s laugh is barely a breath as it dances down his spine. Fixing his gaze on the fish before them, Katsuki watches as the two fish bob gently with the tank’s currents, attention fixated on each other before the yellow tang finally swims off.
Warmth wraps around his fingers as a small hand grabs his own, causing him to jump at the sudden contact. Looking down, he’s met by Eri’s ever bright smile.
“Can we see the penguins?” She asks up at him. The question is accompanied by an excited sound that urges Katsuki to flick his gaze upwards. Midoriya’s eyes sparkle in the same way as his daughter’s, and for once, the dark circles that seemed to plague his eyes and aged him didn’t seem to cling to his skin. A sharp pang ripples through him as he’s reminded that Midoriya was still just a young man.
“Well why are you looking at me for,” he growls without an real fire as he tilts his chin toward the exit of the room, “lead the way stupid Deku.”
“Kacchan, be nice,” Eri says in warning, giving his hand a small squeeze. Katsuki returns the gentle pressure as Midoriya starts to move, pulling their linked hands as he walks toward the hall marked with a small penguin silhouette.  
“Yeah, Kacchan,” Midoriya laughs, voice filled with teasing and danger as he turns his head just enough to fix his gaze over his shoulder, “be nice.”
Heat seeps and burns along the bridge of Katsuki’s cheekbones as his stare lingers for just a moment too long before Midoriya looks back to the hall before them.
Letting out a shaky breath, Katsuki grumbles under his breath as he lets Eri tug him along in their small human chain, eyes set on the broad expanse of Midoriya’s shoulders.
The bleeding watercolor of the sunset sky painted the backdrop for the park as Katsuki shoved the last corner of his sandwich in his mouth, eyes on Eri as she explains away something nonsensical to the large stuffed penguin at her side. Her excited hum had been a constant since they’d left the aquarium’s gift shop, both hands occupied by Katsuki’s and Midoriya’s while the latter had been regulated to stuffed penguin duty, not that he had seemed to mind.
Hell, Katsuki thinks that maybe if he hadn’t been there, he’d have walked out with a stuffed animal of his own if the way he’d lingered over over a stuffed yellow fish had been any indication.
“You sure you don’t want to go back and get that fish? I’m sure they would understand if you told them you were a 5-year-old stuck in a 26-year-old’s body,” Katsuki bites, raising a brow at Midoriya during a pause in Eri’s excited musings as she sips some of her melon soda.
“Shut up,” he replies, bumping his shoulder into Katsuki’s as his eyes roll upward towards the sky. His fist closes around the convenience store wrappers of their picnic meals, their sharp crackle loud in the calm quiet of the park.
“You’re just mad you aren’t any fun,” Midoriya continues, gaze flickering with the same look of challenge that Katsuki had become all too familiar with over the last couple of weeks. He had the air of a goody two shoe, but Midoriya Izuku had a bit of a mouth on him. One that always managed to say things in just the right way to get under his skin.
“Fuck you, fun is my job,” Katsuki growls, slamming his fist down on the table to emphasize his point. It makes his own drink wobble slightly with its force. Bringing a finger up to his chin, Midoriya’s look goes thoughtful for a moment as he taps it.
Katsuki counts one, two, three taps before he finds himself the object of his attention again.
“They must not pay you a lot then,” Midoriya says matter-of-fact, lips spread wide and grin far too toothy as if his quip is the best thing to ever be said. A bitter roll of annoyance and something else a bit warmer runs through Katsuki.
“Die,” he huffs, throwing a weak punch that Midoriya dodges with a bright laugh. Eyes slanting as Katsuki glares, he opens his mouth to say something else that will bite when Eri speaks up.
“What’s fuck?” She asks, curiosity making her gaze large and encompassing as she looks to her dad, who freezes with his eyes widened by shock. He doesn’t move for several breaths, and Katsuki swears he can see the gears as they churn furiously in his mind before he turns away from the small girl to fix him with a sharpened, accusatory stare.
A brusque crackling cackle lights the space between them as Katsuki shrugs.
“It’s a very bad word—” Midoriya starts, voice sounding choked as he tries to explain, only to be cut off.
“It’s an adult word, when you’re old enough, you can say it,” Katsuki says, authoritative yet gentle, as he slings the same quick shrug in Eri’s direction.
“Oh,” Eri replies simply, letting it go almost as soon as she’s brought it up. Turning back to her her penguin, she smiles as she brushes something off the top of its head. The heat of a stare warms his skin as he turns to see Midoriya’s bewildered look on him. Leaning his forearms into the table, he presses forward as he raises an eyebrow.
“You ever tell a kid something is bad?” Katsuki asks flatly. Confusion twists across Midoriya’s face before he shakes his head slowly, as if unsure where the question would lead.
“Amateur,” Katsuki admonishes. “You say something is bad, they automatically want to do it. Tell them they’ll be able to when they’re an adult, they’re fine.”
As he talks, he stabs at the table with a finger as emphasizing everything he says with the brutal assault on the plastic tabletop. The confusion slowly bleeds from Midoriya’s face, giving way to gentle amusement as he watches the assured way Katsuki talks.
“Is that so?” Midoriya says, tone bursting with unsaid humor as he props his elbow on the table and rests his cheek on his open palm. The pose sets Katsuki as the point of his focus, something he doesn’t miss as he tears his stare away, instead fixing it on the treeline that separates the park from the city streets.
“Damn well has to be if I say so,” he boasts, sitting up and puffing his chest out. Something molten drags down his spine as he hears the soft laugh that it earns him.
“Guess I can’t argue with that,” Midoriya hums. From the corner of his eye, Katsuki sees that he’s also turned his focus toward the trees, a small secretive smile curling the edges of his lips. A gentle ebb of something warm washes out from the center of his chest, before rolling down through his limbs and lighting the tips of his fingers and toes.
“Daddy Izuku,” Eri speaks up, stopping whatever comeback he might have come up, “can we get ice cream?”
“I think we can make that happen,” Midoriya nods after a brief pause, pushing to stand up from the picnic table. Eri mirrors the movement with a bit more bounce before reaching her small hand out for his.
“Want any?” He asks, throwing the question over his shoulder to Katsuki. He doesn’t really. Ice cream has never been something he much liked, or went out of his way to partake in. But there’s something about the soft curl of the question and the tempered stare on him, and he finds his mouth moving around words he doesn’t even think to say.
“Sure, surprise me.”
The upturned edge of his smile pushes higher, pressing a dimple into Midoriya’s cheek before he turned his face away.
“Watch Mr. Pingu!” Eri orders loudly with a point in his direction. Chuckling lowly, Katsuki gives her a sharp salute before the duo starts to walk toward the ice cream stand on the opposite end of the park from them.
With their backs to him, Katsuki can’t help but watch the way they walk together, hands still swinging back and forth as they’d done earlier in the day. The gentle golden light of the sun touches them both as he watches them, Eri gesturing wildly with her free hand as Midoriya’s head falls back with a booming laugh.
From here, they look like nothing less of a happy family, and for a brief shimmering moment, Katsuki wonders if that’s what everyone else sees when they see the three of them together.
A sudden aching bloom of something dark aches at the center of his chest as the fleeting thought disappears with the realization that no one else could see him. It’s a strange sensation, wholly new as Katsuki tries to remember how to breathe around the raw and jagged hole behind his sternum.
Longing, he would think, if he let himself imagine that there was something that Midoriyas had for him to long for.
Tsking loudly to himself, he pulls his focus from where the pair is grabbing the ice cream to look at the lifeless stare of the penguin across from him.
“The fuck are you looking at?” Katsuki growls, not expecting an answer and not getting one. “Yeah, I thought so.”
Quiet settles around the table in the same way as the fading sunlight, accompanying the purple shadows that begin to draw long across the plastic and his stuffed companion before the Midoriyas finally return.
A small paper bowl of pink ice cream lands in front of him with a soft sound, wobbling slightly as he looks up to to Midoriya’s smile. Nodding in silent thanks, Katsuki picks up the brightly colored spoon that’s stuffed in the dessert as Mirdoriya returns to his seat with his own cup of what looks like mint chocolate chip.
Taking a large scoop from the ice cream, Katsuki shoves it all in his mouth, letting the freezing burn as he swallows beat back the lingering ache that clings stubbornly to the space just to the right of his heart.
It tastes better than the bitter longing and his last memory of strawberry ice cream.
As they eat, the quiet still hangs over them, comfortable and companionable as they both watch Eri inspect the flowers just a few feet from the table, all the while licking her own ice cream cone.
“Thank you.”
It’s said lowly, so low that Katsuki might have missed it if it weren’t for the steady soundtrack of silence around them.
“For what?” He asks around the last gob of ice cream as he turns to look at the green haired man beside him. An open look of honesty meets his gaze as Midoriya gestures around them with his spoon.
“For all this,” he replies easily. “Eri loved it.”
Midoriya pauses then, holding Katsuki’s stare almost as if sizing him up before letting loose a breathy laugh. It trickles across Katsuki’s skin like a cooling rain.
“I loved it,” he finishes quickly, looking up through his lashes at him. “So, thank you.”
The words land so close to the hole in his chest, filling it until Katsuki is sure he might explode with it. It’s longing, but now it’s also something else as he keeps his gaze trained on Midoriya. It’s then that he sees the very last rays of the day as they catch the gemstone coloring of his eyes, making them glow as they etch the weight of their stare into him.
He feels it in his bones, that stare, and he swears it razes something in him, leaving behind a space that’s no longer his but the man’s before him.
Fighting against the sudden magnetism of Midoriya’s attention, Katsuki looks down at the melted remains of his ice cream.
“Shut up, nerd,” he grumbles, pushing the pink goo around with his spoon. “You have nothing to thank me for. Eri came up with most of it anyway.”
Midoriya laughs, this time more full bodied, and it shakes the table. Katsuki watches as the sound of it makes Eri look up and over to them curiously, one tiny brow up in question before she sees that he’s looking her way. Lifting a small hand, she waves, then makes a bright happy sound when he waves back.
“Thank you anyway,” Midoriya says after watching the exchange. Katsuki can hear the finality in it, so he doesn’t say anything at all, instead just nodding in reply as he carefully commits the moment to memory.
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emeraldwaves · 6 years ago
Title: What We Lack Part 5 Pairing:  Kacchako, Deku/Melissa, mention of Todomomo Rating: T Word Count:  3,167 Read on Ao3 Summary:  
They’re the last people anyone expects to have a child without a quirk.
Neither of them can fully wrap their heads around it, but Ochako knows Katsuki is struggling far more than her.
Thank you to @its-love-u-asshole for beta-ing
Full fic under the cut
Ochako made her way to the kitchen and began to set the table, leaving Katsuki to work on the food.
Her eyes glanced up at his back, the muscles pulsing as he cooked, his arms moving quickly while he chopped vegetables.
She sighed, knowing Deku and Melissa were most likely speaking about him right now. He probably knew too, which only made him angrier. Deku was one of her close friends, but Katsuki never got over his rivalry with the boy. They were friendlier, but she knew Katsuki's frustrations would always have some bite to it.
She placed the final plate down and slowly walked towards him. She curled her fingers around his arm. "Katsuki," she whispered.
"Don't," he hissed, immediately tensing under her touch. He moved back away from her.
"Don't what?" she asked softly.
"I can't fuckin' do this Ochako. I can't have you yelling at me about our esteemed guests-"
She frowned, squeezing her hand around his arm tighter. "Then don't, Katsuki. Don't do this. Deku and Melissa are just trying to help, Melissa said some beautiful things to our girl. Why can't we focus on that?" Ochako said, her voice trembling.
"Because they said it," he hissed, turning around. He glared down at her. "They know all the perfect things to say to our girl. Why don't you just give her to them? Since they know-"
There was a loud sound as Ochako's hand connected with Katsuki's cheek. She gasped at her own action, quickly pulling her hand back. Her brown eyes trembled as she watched the red trickle onto his cheek from where her palm made contact with his skin.
"I'm... I'm sorry..." she whispered. "I... I... how dare you... suggest giving her to them!" she hissed softly.
His eyes glanced downward and he pressed his own hand to his probably tingling cheek. "You know I didn't fuckin' mean it like that-"
"What if she heard you?!" Ochako growled.
"She didn't," Katsuki snapped back.
"But what if she had!?" Ochako pushed.
"...Let's just get this fucking dinner over with," he mumbled and turned back towards the pot.
"Yes," Ochako whispered, "Sayuri seems happy after speaking to Melissa. That was the whole point."
Katsuki didn't answer her after that, and Ochako's hand trembled against her chest. She didn't mean to slap him, but she wanted to knock some sense into him. He was always so blinded by his rage with Deku...
She knew it was difficult. Of course she wanted to be the one to tell her daughter all the perfect things to make her smile. She wanted to have all the right words sitting on the tip of her tongue, ready to be spoken at a moment's notice. But parenting wasn't so simple, wasn't that easy... and sometimes parents didn't know the right thing to say to their child.
"Food's ready," Katsuki murmured, and Ochako nodded, heading back to the living room.
"Good news! Food is almost done so we can finally eat," she said, clapping her palms together gently, careful not to let her fingers fully touch.
"How is he?" Deku asked, glancing to his wife before standing.
"He's... He needs to learn that we're not always going to be able to fix everything... I think..." Ochako said.
"Of course you're not," Melissa giggled softly, touching her shoulder. "You just have to do the best you can. No matter what Sayuri is always going to love her parents. Especially if you both love her as much as you do."
"I know. Maybe we love her a little too much," she sighed softly.
"There's no such thing," Deku smiled. "I'll go get the kids."
"Thank you," she nodded, making her way to her son’s room. "Shouhei! Dinner!" She swung the door open on him and he stared at her for a moment, his hands pressed together tightly. He pointed his finger up and the handheld game rose up and slammed against his pillow, immediately slipping under the blanket covers. If he thought he was being sneaky, using his quirk like that was the exact opposite. He smiled, trying to look innocent.
"What were you doing?" She placed her hand on her hip, too tired to argue with her son now too.
"'Kay Mama," he said, hopping off his bed. "I'm comin' to dinner!" he said, ignoring her question as he dashed towards the door.
She placed her hand in front of him. "Shouhei. You know you're not allowed to play games until you're done with your homework."
He immediately pouted. "Sayuri got to play with Kazuya!"
She rolled her eyes. "Go take a seat, we'll discuss this when we don't have company."
Ochako followed her son's dejected form as Sayuri and Kazuya zoomed by. "And then later we gotta start looking at math! I think math is the most important subject!"
"What?! No way! It's gotta be science!" Kazuya argued, the two of them hopping up onto their seats.
"No running!" Deku called after them, following them to the kitchen.
"They've technically already stopped," Ochako giggled.
Deku sighed, completely defeated. "I don't know why I even try sometimes."
"Auntie Melissa?" Sayuri asked, sitting up on her chair. "Do you think science or math is more important?"
"Uh oh," Deku laughed, taking a seat next to his wife. "Now you're asking the really hard questions, Sayu-chan."
"Both of them are boring," Shouhei snorted.
"Shouhei," Ochako warned, helping as Katsuki silently carried over some plates of food, placing them in the middle of the long table.
"Hm," Melissa said, tilting her head back and forth while she tried to decide. "Both are incredibly important. Science you have a little bit more... creativity, so I've always found science more fun," she smiled. "However, the two go hand in hand."
"See! So you do have to be good at both!" Sayuri giggled.
"It's important to do well with all your subjects!" Melissa said, turning her gaze towards Shouhei. "Even the boring ones."
"All of them are boring," the young boy complained.
Katsuki placed some food on Shouhei's plate aggressively. "If you don't study, you don't get to play video games."
"Yeah, yeah," Shouhei folded his arms. "I know."
Katsuki took a seat, setting the last plate down. Ochako noticed how he turned his red eyes towards Deku, looking as if he wanted to speak. Perhaps he knew this wasn't the time, not with the children around.
They served the food, and began more casual conversation. The children babbled on about school and what the most important subject was, and Melissa talked about work while the kids were distracted. Her company was beginning work on new tools to assist heroes. She was wanting to start more quirk-related research, but Ochako could tell she was hesitant.
"It's been coming along quite nicely, as I'm sure you're all aware," she nodded. "Izuku and I have been testing lots of equipment. Mei-chan and I were developing something for his quirk, though he just seems to get stronger and stronger. Soon you won't need anything from me!" she giggled.
Katsuki's fingers clenched around his chopsticks and Ochako placed her hand over his, not wanting him to break them.
"That's ridiculous, Melissa," Izuku laughed. "All Might and your father worked together for years, even when he was at his strongest. I'll always need your support." He leaned over and kissed her cheek.
"A lot of heroes would be lost without the support from your company, Melissa. Iida-kun is always telling me about Mei-chan's ideas," Ochako said.
Melissa laughed. "Oh yes, Mei-chan is very enthusiastic!"
"Katsuki loves the streamlined grenade gauntlets you made him," Ochako continued and Katsuki shoveled food into his mouth.
"They're easier to use," he grumbled, not wanting to look the blonde woman in the eye.
"I'm glad!" Melissa smiled.
"Mommy! When are you going to make something for my quirk!?" Kazuya said, tugging on his mom's sleeve as he interrupted the conversation.
"Oh! Did you tell Uncle Kacchan and Auntie Ocha about your quirk, Kazu?" Deku asked, and Kazuya's face immediately lit up.
"No!" he said. "Me and Sayu-chan were too busy studying!"
"Why don't you show us now?" Ochako asked, her gaze turning to Katsuki momentarily. Against her palm, his hand curled into a fist, growing sweatier against hers.
Kazuya blushed. "It's... kind of similar to your quirk, Auntie Ocha!" he said, placing his chopsticks down. He held his small hand out over the chopsticks, doing a gentle pulling movement as the objects rose into the air and pressed against his palm. "Tada!" he said. "I can... make objects float to me!"
"Wow!" Ochako clapped. "Very impressive."
"Mhm!" he nodded, looking proud of himself.
"So cool, Kazu!" Sayuri giggled, watching him. "Do it again!"
The two children were immediately lost in their own world, Kazuya showing off for the girl. The excitement didn't seem to die however, the two of them thrilled to be focusing on the small trick.
"My... mother has almost the same quirk," Deku chuckled. "I guess it skipped me and went straight to him," Deku explained.
"We were honestly... surprised," Melissa said. "Genetically, it doesn't really make sense," she paused, "but then again what does!"
"Yeah," Katsuki grumbled. "What fuckin' does..." he muttered under his breath.
"Katsuki!" she hissed, and punched his arm.
"Sayu-chan and I are going to be scientists together and work with my mom!" Kazuya declared loudly, both children laughing.
"Boring," Shouhei snorted.
"Oi, don't talk about your sister's dreams like that," Katsuki growled, pointing his chopsticks at his son.
"Yeah, yeah," he huffed.
Katsuki smirked and leaned towards the young boy. "You're just angry because you know we're not going to let you play games until you finish your homework. Don't take it out on your sister."
"Shut up, Dad!"
"Boys... please," Ochako sighed, shaking her head. "Do you see what I have to deal with?"
"Trust me, I know," Melissa snorted.
"Don't worry, Mommy!" Sayuri giggled. "You have me!" She posed proudly.
"Of course I do, baby girl!" she smiled.
The dinner continued on, everyone seeming to be far more relaxed. Katsuki even cracked a smile a few times, though Ochako could tell he was purposefully holding himself back. She noticed his gaze kept falling on Kazuya and Sayuri, watching as they spoke excitedly about being famous scientists. Ochako silently prayed this wouldn't be a phase... maybe Sayuri would focus on the support aspects of the hero profession... maybe she wouldn't care she couldn't be a hero. Children changed their minds all the time.
With giant yawn, Kazuya leaned against his mother, the conversation having lasted for quite some time. "Well it seems like it's about that time..." Melissa commented, stroking through her son's blond hair.
"Mhm, someone still has homework to do," Ochako teased, glancing towards her son.
"Quit reminding me! I know!" he snapped.
"Shouhei..." Ochako warned, her brown eyes narrowing.
"What? Dad yells all the time..." he grumbled, slouching in his chair.
"Help your father clear the plates," she instructed, Katsuki already starting to clear the table off.
"Fine," he huffed, following Katsuki to the kitchen with a few of the smaller plates.
"Thank you so much for having us over," Melissa said, bowing her head. "Are you sure you don't need help cleaning up?"
"No, of course not! We really appreciate you coming and I'm... I apologize for the outburst," she said softly, walking with them towards the front door.
"It's really alright," Deku nodded. "We know it will probably take a bit of time for him to adjust."
"Come say bye!" Ochako called out, and Sayuri was immediately by her side, wrapping her small arms around Kazuya. "Good night Kazuya!" she said, hugging him.
"Bye Sayu-chan!" he giggled, hugging her back. "Next time we can talk about our science plans!"
"Yes!" she cheered. The two babbled excitedly to each other, laughing innocently about their futures.
"Thank you for coming," Ochako said, giving Melissa and Deku both hugs goodbye. Her arms lingered around her best friend for a moment. "I... I really do appreciate it."
"Oi..." Katsuki mumbled, leaning against the wall by their entrance. He immediately made her jump back, turning towards her husband. He stepped forward, glaring at Deku.
"Kacchan... I-"
"Oi!" he repeated and rubbed the back of his neck. "...You... nerds," he muttered, glancing towards Melissa too. "You said... good... things to her," he said softly, his voice quiet as he struggled to speak. "Thanks..."
Both Deku and Melissa looked shocked by the confession. "I simply spoke the truth," Melissa said softly.
"You know we'll always support you and your family, Kacchan," Deku nodded, bowing his head.
Katsuki cheeks flushed. "Yeah whatever, same, get out of my house," he snarled, rushing the words out. He leaned down and picked up Sayuri, holding her against his hip. "It's time for bed, baby girl." He nodded once more to them, carrying her away down the hall.
"Aw Daddy! I'm not even that tired!" Ochako heard her whine as Katsuki carried her away.
"Thank you," she said once more.
"You're gonna be fine, Ochako-chan," Deku smiled. "She's going to be fine and Kacchan is going to be fine."
"I know," she said, glancing after her husband.
"It's just all new and shocking," Melissa added. "But we're here for you. If you need anything just call or text."
"Of course."
With a bow, she waved goodbye to Deku and his family, and she took a deep breath, leaning against the door once they left. She was thankful Katsuki spoke up at the end, but there was still so much she needed to say to him... apologies which hung on her lips.
She made her way to Shouhei's room first, gently knocking on the door. He sat at his desk, looking disgruntled about doing his homework.
"I'm doin' it!" he snapped, scribbling something down in his notebook.
She laughed, and made her way to his side, kissing his head. "I know you are. My brave man, suffering through math."
"Someone's gotta do it," he mumbled. "But I really don't get why it has to be me... Do you and Dad really do math being heroes?"
"Mmm... sometimes!" she giggled. "If I didn't know math, how would I be able to count how many villains there are?!"
Shouhei's face flattened. "Mom. I know how to count."
"I know you do," she teased. "Homework is just part of life. I suffered through it too," she said.
"Yeah, yeah," he snorted.
"Come say goodnight when you're done okay?" she said, kissing his head one more time as she decided to leave her son in peace.
Further down the hall, Sayuri's door was open, and Katsuki was crouched next to her bed.
"But I don't wanna go to bed, Daddy," she whined. "Shouhei gets to stay up!"
"Shouhei is older and he's doing homework," he said, stroking his fingers through her blonde hair. "Besides, all good scientists need to get their rest."
"Yeah, that's true. I'm gonna make the best things for you, Daddy!" she cheered. "Even better than Auntie Melissa!"
"I'm sure you will baby girl. You're smart. I'm freakin' proud already."
Sayuri gasped and placed her hand over Katsuki's mouth. "Daddy said a swear!"
"A swear?" he mumbled. "What did I say?!"
"Well I can't say it, then I would say the bad word!" she said, giggling.
"I'll... put a coin in the jar..." he sighed, wrapping his fingers around her tiny wrist and he kissed at her palm. "Is that good?"
"Very good, Daddy," she said, her mouth yawning wide.
"Alright, baby girl. Time for bed," he said, leaning over to kiss her forehead.
"Night Daddy," she said as Katsuki pulled away, walking towards where Ochako stood in the doorway.
"Night sweetheart," she called quietly, turning off the light as she shut her door.
She followed her husband back to the living room and he took a seat on the couch. "Shouhei doin' his work finally?"
"Mhm. I told him to come out when he's done to say goodnight," Ochako whispered, taking a seat on the couch next to him.
"Good," he huffed, folding his arms.
She sat in silence, letting the tension settle between them. Katsuki seemed calmer, but she knew evenings with Deku always stressed him out and made him question a variety of things. She knew Katsuki felt like Deku was always ahead of him... with All Might... in hero ranking... and now, even his son had a quirk while their daughter did not. She knew it must be weighing heavily on her husband.
Ochako felt guilt tugging on her heart. She knew Katsuki would absolutely never give up their daughter. If Ochako was his angel, Sayuri was his princess, and he couldn't live without any member of their family. Still, her knee-jerk reaction, with all the tension building in the room was to slap him. It felt so wrong; they were all hurting.
"You don't have to apologize," he mumbled, his eyes turned towards their carpet.
"Eh?" she gasped, pulled from her thoughts.
"I know you're thinking about apologizing for slapping me. But I deserved it," he said, his red eyes turning to meet hers.
"Oh Katsuki... no... you didn't. I-I shouldn't have slapped you. I just didn't know what to do."
"I was being selfish," he said softly, squeezing his palms together.
"A little," she said, scooting closer to him, her palm gently resting on top of both his hands. "But... I know how you get about Deku-kun... and tonight was a lot... You didn't deserve that."
"I should never have fucking said what I said... I didn't... I didn't mean it. I wouldn't give that kid up for fucking anything... either of them."
"I know you wouldn't," she said, and she stroked her fingers gently over his cheek. "You love them... just as much as I do."
He grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand to his lips. "I love you..." he whispered and she leaned forward, pressing her head against his shoulder.
"I love you too, Katsuki."
He smiled, sitting back to look at her. "She... seems pretty excited about this science bullshit."
"She does... she's a determined girl..."
"Just like you," he said softly, leaning up to press his lips against Ochako's, kissing her softly.
"Just like both of us, though I do hope she stays determined and doesn't get as stubborn as you," she teased.
"A little stubbornness won't kill her," he chuckled, kissing her again. He sighed, his rough fingers stroking over Ochako's round cheek. "We're gonna figure this shit out."
"I know," she said.
"I will never let her suffer. Ever," he said, determination flicking across his red eyes. She smiled, knowing exactly where her daughter inherited the trait from.
"I know," she repeated, leaning against her husband.
She knew, no questions asked or words needed; they both would protect their family with their lives.
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silvana-fangirls · 7 years ago
Target [Dabi x ua!Reader] Chapter 3
Hey guys! So here it is... It took longer than I expected because college life is freaking unstable.
I'm kinda nervous about this chapter since Dabi is a bit difficult to guess since he doesn't get enough storyline in the manga/anime. So I was worried i wouldn't get him right (one of the other reasons why this took longer) This was the best I could do!
Also, there might not be much interaction with the reader insert and Dabi in this chapter BUT I kinda needed everything here.
Also, please read notes below.
Links to:
[Chapter 1]
[Chapter 2]
Read it in [AO3]
or below the cut
Dabi would be lying if he said he wasn’t surprised by the sudden turn of events their mission had.
Their goal was pretty simple: get the angry kid and the girl and if you can get rid of everyone who was on the kill list Shigaraki gave them.
Other than the location and the goal Shigaraki didn’t give them much more, not even basic instructions, so basically all the planning was Dabi’s work in the end.
Not that he minded, the USJ incident was a complete and utter disaster so it was probably better that the planning was left to him this time.
He refused to fail, so his plan was simple and clear yet efficient.
He was going to stay on one side of the forest and set it on fire and Mustard would use his quirk in the other side so they could corner everyone up and hide an evacuation point for them to escape. Toga was ordered to get at least 3 samples of blood, Twice was going to create copies of him so they could distract the Pros as long as necessary, Moonfish and Muscular were off to go wherever the hell they wanted and they were also allowed to kill everyone as long as they were on the list, Compress was in charge of the explosive kid since only a fool would actually fight him in order to take him and it was just way safer to keep him in a tiny marble.
Spinner and Magne were in charge of the girl since Shigaraki said –repetitively- that she was probably forced to enroll the U.A. by the Pros to prevent her from becoming a villain just like her parents. “Only a little chat should be enough to convince her” He said, so since Spinner was better with words, emotional speeches and stuff than the rest of them he sent him to get her with Magne as backup in case they where Pros around.
Then Dabi would just settle to make sure everything was running smoothly until they completed their mission.
It was almost funny that one of their two targets literally crashed on him out of pretty much nowhere.
She looked at him horrified, like she was looking up to her worst nightmare. She looked even more ridiculous with that shit tied up around her face but he figured it was because of the smoke.
He remembered what Shigaraki said, so he tried do some small talk even if he sucked at it… but the moment she got up on her feet and made movements with her hands he knew that Shigaraki was completely wrong.
He allowed himself to snort at it now.
‘“Just a little chat will do’ my ass” He thought as he looked at her unconscious body huddled up in his arms.
He had to pick her up bridal style to carry her to the evacuation point. Not everyone had such practical abduction quirks as Compress after all.
The girl wanted nothing to do with villains, their little fight and short exchange of words made that crystal clear.
He almost wanted to laugh again thinking about the ‘fight’.
He could’ve ended it a lot sooner than he did but he couldn’t deny that the whole encounter has actually been a bit fun.
It’s been a while since he used his quirk so freely, plus in a fight. He almost forgot how good it felt after all those years of laying low.
He was telling the truth when he told her he couldn’t bring her all burnt up. First of all because Shigaraki wouldn’t appreciate that very much (not that he cared anyways) but second of all, he didn’t think anyone would join anything if they got hurt in the process of ‘getting convinced’. If she got hurt in the process of it there would’ve been even a bigger chance of her saying no.
He probably used like 10% of his power accompanied with half-assed moves. Still, he had to admit she put up a decent fight even if it would’ve never been near enough to keep up with him. It kinda wasn’t her fault that she was useless when paired up with a quirk like his.
He looked down to her again as he kept carrying her to the evacuation point.
“What a shame, having such a shitty drawback as headaches” he thought.
Her quirk was pretty powerful and versatile, one of the several reasons why they were recruiting her in the first place but he was pretty sure that Shigaraki didn’t know about the headaches, he surely would use it to his advantage now that it was clear that the girl was not so willing to cooperate.
“Dabi! You captured Target Two, good job!” Twice said in his deeper voice “It was the least you can do since you got so easily defeated again” he added with his other one.
He just ignored him even if he knew what he was talking about. His other ‘clone’ got turned into mud as quick as the last one... but that was really besides the point. He didn’t ask Twice to make it to defeat anyone but just to buy more time.
Even if everything was turning even better than he had hoped for, he was still a bit surprised at how poorly were the pros acting in this whole situation. The Vanguard Action Squad hardly did anything to stop them after all, it was almost like the pros were tripping on their own feet.
“Also, pretty exciting that Mr. Compress got the job done quickly as well, huh?” He said “You took your sweet time though! I’m getting sleepy over here” Dabi sighed at this.
“Don’t be a pain, Twice. We got them, didn't we?” He carelessly said as he took a quick glance at the unconscious girl he was carrying.
“You’re the pain! Forgive me”
Dabi took a look at his surroundings then. He narrowed his eyes slightly.
“This spot was supposed to be concealed by a wall of fire and gas, but...” he said, scanning the area. “... The gas seems to have cleared” he pointed out.
‘Has something gone wrong with Mustard?’
“Now we can’t go with the original plan!” Twice complained at first “Damn right! Just as planned” he said then.
Dabi continued to simply ignore him as he scanned the scene for any clues of what might have happened.
A flash of blonde between the bushes caught his eye.
He was about to make his way toward them but...
“Hey, Dabi! This is totally unimportant but...” Twice called out again. “Sure you don’t gotta call that Nomu back? They say he only reacts to your voice, right? Seems pretty freaking important to me!!” He said and that made Dabi turn his attention back to him again.
“Ah, that’s right” He said, only now remembering about the beast he let loose not long ago. “You’re the one who reminded me to let him loose on the students earlier” He added, as he started to make his way back to the evacuation point, the girl still in a secure hold in his arms.
“No problem! Bow before me!”
“Shigaraki did design the monster specifically for me” He said as he pressed her earpiece while being careful not to drop the girl. “He’s probably kill someone by now” He shrugged off as he called him.
They only took a few more steps and they finally arrived to their destination.
Toga was the only one there, which didn’t please him at all. They needed to get out of here as soon as they could.
‘What part of ‘five minutes after this transmission’ they didn’t get?’
“You, whack-job” He called out to her. “Did you get the blood? From how many people?” He asked.
“One person” She chirply said, and Dabi swore that if it wasn't for the girl occupying both of his arms right now he would face-palm himself.
“Just one? Hey, what gives!? Weren't you supposed to get at least 3?” Twice said.
“That’s just the way it went down” She shrugged off with her typical crazy smile on her face. “I thought those brats were gonna kill me”
“Tch, whatever. You’re looking a little too happy right now… Strange. Shouldn’t you be full of shame?” Twice asked and Toga just squealed.
“Yeah but I made some new friends! And I found a cute boy I'm interested in!” She said dreamily.
“Is it me? No, thanks, babe. I love you too!” Twice said making a heart with his hands.
‘Could these two get any more stupid?’
“Both of you, shut it. You’re too loud” Dabi said. It seemed that he was the only one that acknowledged the fact that thy were still in a forest surrounded by Pros and hero’s in training.
“OH!” Toga exclaimed when she finally turned his attention to him. “You got one! Can I see?” She said and rushed to him, golden eyes glued to the girl in his arms.
She reached for her as soon as she was close enough, but he quickly dodged her before she could lay a finger on her.
“Hey!” She whined.
“Hands off, I don’t want to get her back to the base all cut into pieces” He said.
“I just wanna see!” She said and tried to launch to him once again.
“I said back off, nut job. I fucking mean it” He warned watching as she pouted.
‘Fucking crazy’ He thought, but then he picked up a weird noise.
Turning back to the sky, he saw how Mr. Compress was helplessly falling towards the ground with three kids on his back.
The crashing sound could've been mistaken by a meteor hitting the Earth.
“Woah, woah, woah! What’s this?” Twice exclaimed as the three of them were looking at how they were crashing Compress to the ground. “Oh, hey, wait! I know these kids. Who are they?”
Dabi’s eyes instantly narrowed as he looked at each of them.
As carefully as he could, Dabi let one of his arms free while still keeping the girl on a secure hold.
“Out of the way, Compress” He said as he pointed towards them.
“Copy that” He said and Dabi fired.
The screams came out instantly.
“My arms are burning!” Shouji screamed.
“Midoriya! Shouji!” Todoroki screamed as he dodged the fire.
“The beat up little boy and you! You’re on Shigaraki’s kill list!” Twice said as he lunged at Todoroki. “No they weren’t!”
Todoroki out of instant reflex made a barrier of ice to stop him.
“Too hot!” Twice whined.
At the exact same moment, Toga shoot her needled canisters at Midoriya.
“Hi Izuku, my name’s Toga!” She said as she rushed to him, making him trip as he tried to step back and sitting on him once he was on the floor. “I’ve been thinking since I saw you… That you’ll be so much cuter if you bled a little more!” She exclaimed.
Midoriya looked horrified at first when he saw her take out a knife, but something in the corner of his eye made him almost forget about it.
“W-WHAT’S THAT!?” He exclaimed in despair as his eyes were trained on Dabi and an unconscious girl up in his arms. “They got someone else!” He screamed to his classmates.
Toga turned to follow his line of sight, and frowned instantly when she realized that he was looking at that other girl.
“Why are you focusing on her and not on me!?” She screamed and lunged her knife at him, being pushed off of him right on time by Shouji.
“It’s (Y/LN) from class 1-B!” Todoroki exclaimed while he was still directing ice attacks towards Twice.
“Oh-ho! This is easy! Give me all you got!” Twice said as he dodged over his ice. “Hey man, cut me some slack!” He said right after while cutting through his ice.
“What the hell is with this guy?” Todoroki growled.
It was then when Mr. Compress finally turned back to normal.
“Ouch, I cant believe they’ve wrecked my exit! Unrehearsed amateurs” He said.
Dabi decided it was best to say nothing regarding that.
“You got Bakugou?” He asked, side-eyeing all the fights while keeping the girl on his grip.
“Of course!” He said, and started to search in his pockets… finding nothing.
‘You gotta be fucking kidding me’
“Midoriya! Todoroki! I’ve got them” Shouji said, making Dabi narrow his eyes at him. “He gave away his best trick” He added.
“I’m not sure what your quirk is” He continued “But it had to do with those little marbles, right? The ones you stashed in your pockets” He added, and showed off two aquamarine marbles between his fingers “So I’m guessing this are Tokoyami and Bakugou”
“You rescued them!” Midoriya exclaimed.
Mr. Compress laughed at this
“Well, color me impressed! Just as I’d expect from someone with so many hands” He joked
‘Is he fucking joking right now?’
“We need to get (Y/LN) now!” Midoriya said
“Right!” Todoroki said from the corner of Dabi’s eye, making him groan in annoyance. “Nice job Shouji!” he added and he started to charge towards him, eyes on the girl.
“Moron” He said, as he again lifted up his arm while balancing the girl out, ready to teach him a lesson.
But as soon as he got close enough, a large black whole appeared right in front of him, making Todoroki stop abruptly.
The three of them stood horrified looking at the familiar glowy eyes.
“This guy!” Shouji exclaimed.
“He was at the USJ!” Todoroki added.
“It’s been five minutes since the signal” Kurogiri said. “Let’s go, Dabi”
He refused to fail.
“Take her, Twice” He said, and carefully placed the girl in Twice’s arms.
“Sure thing! I’m not your maid!” He said before jumping in a blackhole that was near him.
“NO!” Midoriya screamed, watching helplessly as the girl was taken away.
“Don’t worry about her Izuku” Toga said with a murderous glare that instantly turned into a dreamy one. “I’ll see you later okay?” She said and disappeared as well.
Compress started to walk towards the blackhole that was right behind them.
“Hold on, we’re not leaving without the kid” He said, eyes trained on the three helpless students.
“Don’t worry” Mr. Compress said, making him turn. “They were so proud of themselves for running through my pockets that I thought I’d let them gloat” He added. “But allow me to explain a basic tenet of magic… If I’m flaunting something shiny…” He said as he took off his mask. “It’s because there’s something else I don’t want you to see” He said, showing off the marbles in his mouth.
With a snap of his fingers the two marbles Shouji had turned back to large pieces of ice.
“Is that my ice!?” Todoroki asked.
“That’s right… during the freezing attack I prepared dummies and slipped them into my right pocket” he exclaimed.
“DAMNIT!” Midoriya screamed as they all charged towards them.
“A little bit of misdirection, forgive me” Compress said as he was starting to get sucked by the blackhole. “I do adore a twist ending”
“YOU CAN’T DO THIS!” Midoriya exclaimed.
“One last bow and then the curtain fa-“ Compress was instantly interrupted by a sudden blast that hit him straight in the face. Cracking his mask to pieces and making the marbles fall off.
‘This happens to him because he talks too fucking much’
Just as the marbles got up in the air, Dabi saw how the three of them jump out to reach them. Midoriya instantly fell and rolled in the ground. Shouji managed to snatch one of the marbles with his hand but just as Todoroki was about to grab the other one, Dabi did.
It almost made him burst out of laughter for a moment.
He would always win when it came to this.
He kinda did pity him.
“Aw, how sad…” He said, looking straight has his shocked eyes. “Poor little Shouto Todoroki” He added, listening as he crashed to the ground. “Confirm him now. Release them” He ordered Compress.
“That laser ruined my finale!” Compress said as he snapped his fingers.
Both marbles instantly transformed into Tokoyami and Bakugou. Tokoyami appeared up in the air and Bakugou with Dabi holding him by the back of his neck.
Dabi couldn't help but smirk.
“Check mate” He said, and disappeared into the darkness.
They spent a lot less than he was expecting to in tying up the explosive kid.
Once they got to the base the little vixen was already tied up in a chair. There were restrains tying up her back to the chair and keeping her straight and a metal box was trapping both of her hands. She appeared to still be out cold by the looks of it.
Shigaraki was sitting up in a booth, and the only thing that Dabi said to him was that headaches were a drawback for her so he might wanna do something about that because he didn't believe all her ‘chains’ were gonna be enough if she woke up.
Shigaraki ordered Magne to bring a small leader belt from wherever he could find and once he got it Shigaraki tied it up tightly around her head on forehead level keeping up unbearable pressure to ensure a headache.
For some reason Shigaraki reassured him that they would take it off as soon as she agrees to talk with them.
That entire time, Bakugou was being tied up. He was uncharacteristically quiet (Not that he knew the kid at all, but from what he saw in the Sports Festival he guessed that he was definitely not the quiet type) but Dabi could see how his eyes almost never left the unconscious girl that was a few meters from him. The only time they did it was just so he could send murder glares to each of them, particularly to him.
He was definitely not happy about anything.
Still, he sat quietly on his place while keeping the girl on guard. As if she would disappear if he didn't stare at her the entire time.
After quickly acknowledging that they lost 3 on the field, Shigaraki turned to Bakugou.
“Since your other pretty friend seems to be unavailable at the moment” Shigaraki said, briefly gesturing the uncurious girl “Let’s get down to business, wannabe hero Bakugou Katsuki… Won’t you join me?” He asked.
“You can shove your offer up your ass and go to hell” He said with a wicked smile.
‘This kid is nuts’
Shigaraki just hummed in response and quietly turned to turn on the T.V. an interview with the U.A. Principal and the Pro Heros Eraserhead and Vlad King regarding the kidnapping incident was on and if Dabi could use a word to describe what the press was doing to them it would definitely be ‘slamming’.
“Isn’t that strange?” Shigaraki said after a while. “The heroes are becoming the bad guys!” he exclaimed. “Seems like they’re not dealing with this very well… So much criticism… But everyone makes a mistake or two, right?” He asked, but Bakugou was still not giving anything. Eyes just traveling from Shigaraki to the girl and so on. “It’s not like they’re supposed to be perfect… Modern day heroes sure have it rough. Don’t you think, Bakugou?”
He said nothing.
“The minute that protecting people came with a paycheck heroes stopped being heroes. This is what Stain thought us!” Spinner said.
“A hero in this current system only cares about money and glory and since society buys into those idiotic rules, anyone deemed to lose is shoved aside” Shigaraki explained again. “Our war is based on simple questions: ‘What is a Hero?’, ’What is justice?’, ‘Is the society truly fair?’… Soon, everyone will be asking. That’s when we’ll know we’ve won… And you like winning, don't you?”
Bakugou just glared at him.
“Dabi, let him go” Shigaraki said.
‘Is he out of his fucking mind?’
“He’ll go fucking crazy” Dabi said.
“It’s fine! We’re recruiting him! So we should treat him as an equal” Shigaraki said carelessly.
‘He is out of his fucking mind. No way I’m doing it’
Dabi glanced at the boy for a moment, catching how he glanced once again at the girl.
“Twice, you do it” Dabi said.
“Sure thing! No way!” Twice said.
“Do it” Dabi said, glaring at him.
“Oh, man!” Twice whined, but proceed to untie him anyways.
“I do apologize for such forceful methods” Mr. Compress said. “But please understand that we’re not some kind of mere thugs working in the name of aimless evil. We didn’t kidnap you two by accident”
Dabi did hear a faint growl coming from him after that last sentence.
“Even though our backgrounds are different everyone here has suffered” Shigaraki said as he got up from his booth. “Because of people, rules and heroes who try to hold us back” He added as he started to walk towards Bakugou while he was rubbing his wrists. “I’m sure you’re the same-“
And in the matter of an instant Twice was thrown up in the air by a fierce punch in the face before crashing into the ground, Bakugou pushed his way through and made Shigaraki’s face explode soundly.
It was actually so sudden that even Dabi jumped back at all of it.
Everyone was in utter shock as Shigaraki stumbled back and the hand holding his face flew from him to the ground.
“Shigaraki!” Twice exclaimed even though everyone was to frighten to move.
“I’m done with you and your endless talking” Bakugou said as he got up from the floor. “Fucking idiots can never get to the dammed point” He added. “Basically what you’re saying is: “We wanna harass people. Please be our pal!”” He said and looked up to Shigaraki. “What a fucking joke”
He looked up to them and Dabi was actually surprised to find a wicked smile on his face.
“I like to win” He gave him that. “I like to win just like All Might” He said. “And no matter what any of you jerks say that’s never going to change. Do you understand!?”
Shigaraki just stood still in the exact same position, looking at the fallen hand in the floor.
After a moment, his red eyes turned to Bakugou once again.
“Now” Bakugou said and his eyes turned to the girl. “Let her fucking go or I swear to god I’ll kill y’all”
Dabi wouldn't let that happen.
I just want to add a few things:
First off: we won't get any romantic interactions with any other character other than Dabi (in future chapters lol) just in case you might be misreading things, everything I wrote it's to add to the major plot I'm cooking up, but i decided to let love triangles aside.
Second (and I suppose you already know this but still) this is a slow burn! but no THE slowburn either, don't panic.
Third: I'm currently following the anime and I'm writing weekly so I don't 'spoil' much for anyone... Still, even if this story will be linked with the main BNHA plots and I will have to follow up the manga at some point since the thrid season is already nearing to its end the story will have it's own major plot as well. I don't think you REALLY need to read the manga for it the only know the characters.
Fourth: English is not my main language so sorry for any typos!
Anyways, next up we have MORE Dabi P.O.V. anddddd BACKSTORY!!! Stay tuned and tell me your thoughts! :)
One more thing: my tag for this fic is #silvana writes : target 
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list
tag list: @buckybear97 @this-lost-child @aebeessun @ye-rinn @ihatemyselftoinfinityandbeyond @cindxalex @luvley-shadow @taeniix @roadtripsonspaceships @iana-therese @darkagedoctor
Should I continue this??
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ohmytheon · 7 years ago
Can you please do a oneshot where Izuku , Kaminari and Todoroki have to dress up as Villains and Ochako, Jirou and Mono find them hot? Izuku and Kaminari's designs would be on the authors prototype designs for them. Btw, your content is stupendously good!
This was not supposed to get this long, but I had such a fun time writing it. Really, it was a blast! After all the angst, drama, and action, it felt really good to write something light-hearted and cute. Plus, Kaminari as a Pun Lord is now my new favorite thing and writing Deku in all his “how do I teenage boy?” glory is so nice after the villain stuff. Thank you for sending me this! I guess, if anyone else has any BNHA ideas, feel free to hit me up. And without further ado…
“I…I don’t think this is a good idea…” Izuku mumbled from where he was dressing.
“C’mon, I bet you look kickass!” came Kaminari’s upbeat response in the changing area on his left.
“We aren’t supposed to look ‘kickass’,” Todoroki intonted on his right. “We’re supposed to look villainous.”
Izuku didn’t know if he could manage to look like a villain. Apparently, he had something of a baby face. With his big, innocent green eyes, the freckles that he hadn’t yet outgrown didn’t help, and his green hair that looked like a chia pet gone out of control, Izuku might have been the opposite of dangerous and deadly. Even when he activated One for All, a lot of villains didn’t take him seriously. Sure, they did after the fact, but even during a fight when he let off a punch that sent a villain flying, they seemed mind-boggled.
That wasn’t a bad thing, of course. Being underestimated tended to put villains off their guard with him. The thing was though, he needed to look the part right now. Going undercover in an illegal fighting ring where kidnapped innocent civilians were thrown into a cage with a villain and told to fight for their lives was a huge deal. None of them could be one of the civilians, so they’d managed to get the intel on how to get in as villains. It was easier than expected, but then again, Kacchan was apparently very persuasive.
The fact that Kacchan had been the one to get the information meant that he couldn’t go undercover, which he was pretty mad about. He was off scowling about and randomly exploding things, doing his best impersonation of a villain perhaps in hopes that they’d let him go anyways. All of them knew that, despite his temper and turbulent attitude, Kacchan was a hero in his heart, but he could for sure play the part better than Izuku. Even though they were on better terms these days, Kacchan had almost lost his shit when it had been announced that Izuku was going on this mission.
He had blown up when Todoroki had also been assigned. “That half and half bastard is recognizable a mile away!” he’d screamed. Which was true, hence why Todoroki was supposed to be wearing a terrifying mask that covered up his face and hair. He’d been less than thrilled by it, but he hadn’t complained.
However, the three boys chosen had quirks that could blend in relatively well if need be. Izuku’s quirk was listed officially as super strength, which plenty of people had in various ways. Kaminari had an electricity quirk; it was stronger than most, but they’d still come across people with similar quirks. Todoroki had decided to go the fire route; it was loud and flashy, but the ice half of his quirk was too undeniably him and he hadn’t wanted to use his mother’s quirk to pretend to be a villain.
When he was finally done, Izuku sighed as he looked at his reflection. “I look…”
“Scary?” Kaminari offered. “Terrifying? Strong as hell?”
“Weird,” Izuku settled on.
Kaminari snorted. “Sucks to be you. I look–”
“Don’t you dare say it!” Jirou shouted from outside their rooms.
“–Electrifying,” Kaminari finished smugly.
“Oh my god.”
This wouldn’t have been so bad if there weren’t three other people waiting for them to get finished changing. While Uraraka and Jirou were there for “moral support” (aka they were nosy), Momo had helped them come up with costumes on the fly. Kaminari had explained his fake villain costume enthusiastically while Izuku had been something at a loss and Todoroki had said that he trusted her vision for his. It wasn’t that the costume was bad – Momo had done an excellent job, considering all his waffling – but that it didn’t fit him as a person.
Maybe that was the point. He wasn’t supposed to be Izuku Midoriya. He wasn’t supposed to be Deku. Oh man, they hadn’t even come up with names yet. He didn’t even know how to go about that. He’d never thought about what he’d do as a villain. It had never once occurred to him that he had or wanted to be anything but a hero.
“C’mon, Deku, it can’t be that bad,” came the bright, reassuring voice of Uraraka.
Izuku swallowed nervously. He was older now, stronger, more confident – and he still sometimes fumbled when he was around Uraraka. It made no sense. They were best friends. They had done and accomplished so much together since meeting one another. They’d lived together in the U.A. dorms. Well, not together – but like, well, you know, near each other. They had brought down villains together and used their quirks in a fight and in hero classes.
When they were working, in or out of class, he didn’t have time to consider how close she was or how easy and right it felt when she touched him to activate her quirk on him. Not until after class did he think of it and then he’d turn into a mess while he thought of that. He’d admitted to her that he was anxious about this particular mission, although it was necessary. He knew that once he was in the moment things would be better. He still got nervous over things, but he was so much better than he’d been before. Determination had a way of helping him focus.
It did not help him right now, not when all he could do was focus on the fact that Uraraka was out there and she was going to judge him on what he looked like in this villain costume.
Taking a deep breath, Izuku closed his eyes and stepped out of the room.
“Oh.” That was Uraraka.
“Oh?” His voice was far too high-pitched, making him sound as if he hadn’t gone through puberty, but there was nothing he could do now to fix it. “What does that mean? Is it that bad?”
“N-no! It’s not bad at all!” Uraraka hastily exclaimed.
Izuku peeked out of one eye and immediately locked on Uraraka standing in front of him. Her normally pink cheeks were flushed more than normal, her mouth was parted a little, and her big brown eyes were wide with surprise. It made him feel insecure at first, but then it didn’t seem to be a bad surprise. What did make his stomach twist though was the way she was looking him from top to bottom, like she was either trying to pick him apart or memorize him. “Uraraka?”
“Hm?” Uraraka’s eyes snapped up to his face. “O-oh. Ha, sorry, I was just– You look so–” She took a few confident steps towards him. It took about three-quarters of his strength to not jump out of his skin. How could he still be so nervous around her? “Different.”
Izuku raised an eyebrow. “Different?”
“She means muscular as hell,” Jirou drawled, a huge smirk on her face that left Izuku’s head spinning in confusion. What was that look for? “Damn, Midoriya, we knew you had muscles because of last summer, but we didn’t know you were hiding so much under your clothes now!”
A very awkward giggle practically burst out of Uraraka. She’d reached out to him, almost like she was going to touch his chest, but then jerked her hands back quickly. “Well, of course! You’re always working out!” She rubbed the back of her neck, which had also turned red.
“Um, yeah?” Izuku replied lamely, not sure what he was supposed to say or do.
Momo held a hand in front of her mouth, but there was a smile in her eyes. “I might have made the costumes too small or tight. I’m sorry. I… I don’t make clothes for boys very often.”
“It’s fine,” Izuku reassured her, even though he was desperately trying not to pull at the material near his more, ah, sensitive areas. He was becoming more acutely aware of them, but wasn’t about to do it around the girls. The outfit wasn’t so tight that it was uncomfortable, but it really did cling to him. He hadn’t realized his hero costume was a little baggy as to hide him. Maybe it was a habit he’d not outgrown from when he was scrawny.
Behind him, the door to his now right was kicked open and Kaminari stepped out with his hands on his hips, radiating confidence, a far better sense of humor, and literal electricity. “Do I look sick or what?”
Jirou reacted as if he’d given her a shock. “Yeah, uh, you look pretty…sick.”
Kaminari’s grin was bright enough to blind someone. “This is awesome. I bet I could scare villains with this look!” He did what looked like his best infuriated Kacchan expression and jumped into a stance that made it look like he was going to attack one of them. “What do you think, Jirou? Scared?”
The look on Jirou’s face was anything but scared. She was outright gawking at Kaminari like she had never seen him before in her life, mouth fully open and eyebrows raised high. “Uh, yeah, super…scared…”
She didn’t even sound scared either, but Kaminari didn’t seem to notice, too caught up in the moment and his excitement. When he finally glanced at her, she wiped the expression off her face, but her cheeks were pink now and pressed her lips into a weird smile and gave him a thumbs up. That appeased him though. He did look kind of terrifying, if Izuku was being honest. Kaminari’s new costume gave the vibe that he was a villain just barely in control of his quirk and would shoot off electricity if his mood changed in the slightest.
He did look electric.
Izuku caught Jirou shooting Momo a glare and hissing under her breath, “What the hell? Stop it! Don’t give me that look!” but Momo was starting to giggle from behind her hand.
What was wrong with the girls? They weren’t the ones wearing these tight villain costumes. Now he knew how Uraraka felt every time she put on her hero costume. He’d known it was tight (boy did he ever – wait, no, now he sounded like Mineta), but now he had a better understanding of what she went through. It shouldn’t have taken him going through this to appreciate what she went through.
Todoroki came out much calmer than either one of them, simply opening the door and striding out. He still came out carrying that cool sort of confidence that none of them could master on his shoulders like it was nothing. This had to be done so that was that. The black leather pants were tight enough that even Izuku wasn’t about to go there and black shirt as well, but black and red jacket hung down to his thighs and fit him perfectly. He wore red fingerless gloves so that he could pretend that fire only came from his fingertips and a helmet with a tinted visor that looked like it could also pass for a motorcycle helmet.
Everyone was staring at him as he pulled the helmet off his head and tucked it under his arm. Somehow, it made him look even more effortlessly cool as his red and white hair fell down to normal.
Momo swallowed. “I, uh…”
“You did an excellent job on this outfit,” Todoroki said as he shrugged out of his jacket to examine it better. “The fact that you were able to make it flame retardant is amazing.”
There was a faint impressed expression on his face, which meant a lot considering that he hid how he was feeling even from his closest friends. He was totally unaware of the fact that Momo didn’t seem capable of responding to him out loud; she just bit her lip and nodded her head, looking as if her dreams had come true. She had done an incredible job. They would really need to thank her for this somehow. When they’d been given this mission, their villain costumes had been half the problem, but she’d come up with a quick solution.
“The helmet is perfect,” Todoroki continued. “It hides my face well, but I can still see just fine.”
Jirou nudged Momo and Izuku could’ve sworn he’d heard her mutter, “That’s not the only thing that’s fine. Those pants don’t hide anything.”
Momo turned as red as Todoroki’s flames and gave Jirou a deeply embarrassed and angry look. That was crazy though. He had to have heard Jirou wrong. Still, Uraraka pressed her hands to her mouth, but her muffled giggle-snorts could still be heard, and Kaminari snorted as if he’d heard it as well. Only Todoroki appeared not to have heard her, so absorbed in admiring Momo’s work.
“Badass, Todoroki,” Kaminari confirmed, shooting some finger guns in the other boy’s direction. “You’re on fire.”
“Stop it,” Jirou groaned.
Uraraka kept on giggling. “That outfit is…hot. Right, Momo?” Her face was turning red again, but it looked more like it was from effort to not burst out into laughter. Jirou shook her head while Kaminari laughed and high-fived Uraraka, clearly thrilled that someone else was having just as much fun as he was.
When Kaminari hopped over and threw an arm around Jirou’s shoulders, she immediately stiffened, but she didn’t push him away either. He pulled her against him and said, “Admit it. We make looking bad cool.”
“Don’t push it, Sparky,” Jirou told him stiffly as she folded her arms across her chest. Her eyes shifted over to him though and her face wasn’t nearly as angry or displeased as the rest of her body language suggested.
“Still, it’s not fair that Midoriya is over there looking jacked as hell,” Kaminari complained before letting out a sigh and shaking his head. “You look like you could bench press all the girls.”
Izuku’s face flooded with embarrassment. After three years at U.A., all of them had built up plenty of muscle. Back in the day, Kaminari had perhaps been less muscular than Izuku, who’d had to train exceedingly hard so that his body would be able to take One for All. He had some muscle on him now for sure, probably because Kacchan pushed all his friends into working out, but he wasn’t at either Izuku’s or even Todoroki’s level.
Kaminari eyed Izuku carefully. “Bet you could lift Uraraka up with one arm.”
“W-what?” Izuku sputtered.
“Of course he can!” Uraraka almost shouted. “I can make myself weightless, duh!”
“You should try it,” Kaminari suggested, but then laughed when Jirou elbowed him in the side. He pulled his arm off her shoulders and held up his hands in surrender. “Kidding, kidding.”
Todoroki slid his jacket back on. “We should get going.” How did Todoroki manage to look so completely at ease in this new villain costume when Izuku felt like he couldn’t even recognize himself despite not wearing the hood and mask yet? He took one of Momo’s hands in both of his and inclined his head towards her. “Thank you again. This really saved us a lot of trouble. They look great.”
“Any time!” Momo replied brightly.
“So straightforward,” Kaminari harrumphed.
Izuku started forward to follow the two other boys, but then connected eyes with Uraraka again. He scratched the back of his head and gave a nervous smile. “Wish us luck!”
“They don’t need luck when they’ve got you,” Uraraka told him, a soft smile on her face. Well, great, now he felt like he could melt into a puddle. Sometimes she said the craziest things without realizing it. She fiddled with her fingers in front of her stomach. “You really do look good, Deku.”
“Better than my hero outfit?” Izuku asked.
Uraraka laughed. “No, no, that one is still my favorite.”
“All your outfits are my favorite,” Izuku replied without thinking, as if the words had just tumbled out of his mouth on their own. Both of them turned red in the face when he realized what he’d said and then he was waving goodbye and yelling, “Gotta go!” as he ran to catch up with Todoroki and Kaminari.
What in the world had he just said? Why had he said that? It was true, but still! Some days it really did feel easier to be a hero than it did to be a teenage boy.
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riin-ari · 7 years ago
A tiny bit of a gay crisis
Pairing: TodoDeku Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Words: 5.526 Summary:  Everything went fine. He still crushed over Todoroki and couldn’t believe how incredible beautiful this boy in front of him was. How that little smile he sometimes gave Izuku just made his heartbeat go up fast. Thank god he didn’t had Todoroki’s quirk or the school would be a long term fire emergency. Everything was perfectly fine until one evening when a message came in their class group chat.
Or ... Izuku's got it hard and has no idea how to handle this.
Izuku’s life was totally not normal for his age. Since he entered U.A. life has been really – if you say it lightly – intense. Hero studies, villain fights, injuries, kidnapping, media fights and the list could go on.
In conclusion: Nothing normal.
What has been tried to always keep normal was how the class interacted with each other. They were after all just teenagers who wanted to live their life at its fullest even with the dream to become heroes. So their conversations and also the activities they did together on weekends, when for once nothing didn’t happen, were almost normal teenager like. With them living now together in dorms typical movie nights, all-nighter studies and a whole class group chat where anything was possible, also became normal and a good change to the crazy times they were going through right now.
With all those “typical normal teenage experiences” there was one that wouldn’t go by them either: crushes.
Izuku always thought it wouldn’t bother him that much. Yes he was a nervous mess around girls and yes, he had just discovered a bit ago that he also did show certain interest in boys. After a lot of researching and questioning himself and his preferences, he came to the conclusion that he liked both: boys and girls. While he never thought of that before, the idea about it didn’t bother him that much, until he finally figured out why in the first place he was questioning his sexual orientation: the simple reason was Todoroki Shouto’s existence.
They became friends. Something that he never thought would be possible at the beginning of their school year. Todoroki was never the type to open up much so Izuku had pretty much no idea how to get near him. The Sports Festival ended this wall between them though. Even if the reason why they actually became closer was not really a good circumstance Izuku was glad that he was finally on the way to become Todoroki’s friend.
They talked more, exchanged numbers, he became more social towards their whole class and it made Izuku really happy. Todoroki still stayed Todoroki so he was still not the most social person but he was really comfortable to be around with. Once finding a topic you could talk with him and have fun. He just needed time but that was okay. Not everyone had the same pace. Within the months since the Sports Festival Izuku noticed how easy it became to talk to Todoroki and how much he enjoyed it. How he actually searched for his near especially in the dorms. He had to admit that he was a little bit disappointed that their rooms where this far from each other.
With these worries and thoughts in his mind he one day decided to talk to Uraraka and Iida. They were his best friends and they would listen to him. Even if he would like boys they wouldn’t hate him. Actually as far as he could tell nobody in his class would since they were all really open people to everything, well besides Mineta maybe.
“So …” Izuku fumbled with his fingers nervously. He knew they wouldn’t be mad or anything at him but to actually speak the thought he had in mind for weeks loudly was hard for him. He didn’t tell it anyone so far. They just were talking about their day not knowing why exactly Izuku wanted them to meet up. He only told them they could hang out together in his room and talk since they did that a lot and weren’t on it for a while.
“Uhm… I actually wanted to tell you guys something. Well it’s more like I wanted you to know something about me. Like I thought it would be good to tell you two first since you are one of my best friends and I trust you, not that I don’t trust the others but still. I thought you two should know first and it would be really the first time I tell this so it maybe can sound a bit weird. You have to tell me though if it’s weird because the possibility is also high but not that I would think you two wouldn’t-“
“Deku. Rambling!” Uraraka waved at him. He became quiet immediately and cursed himself for it. “What is it that you want to tell us, Midoriya? If you start your muttering you must have put a lot of thoughts into it!” Iida said with his typical robotic hand movement.
“I am bisexual” He said quickly and sheepishly scratched his cheek while looking at them. They both looked at him a little surprised about the new information but soon both looked at him with a smile. “Well it’s great that you figured it out! To know something like this also helps with your mental stability. A very good thought that you didn’t try to deny it and even better that you would tell us! Well done Midoriya, I didn’t expect anything else from you.” This answer was probably the most typical Iida answer Izuku could ask for but he was happy his friend accepted it so easily.
“So any idea why you suddenly thought about that or did it just cross your mind?” Uraraka asked curiously. “Ahaha well. Uh – uhm… m-maybe someone gave me the idea because I might just maybe a little bit have a really small c-crush on them.” Izuku stumbled nervously and tried to laugh it off.
“Hmm?” Uraraka now looked at him with even more interest. Truth to be told was that even though her thoughts about having a crush on Midoriya really concerned her a lot, she also had to admit after a while that they wouldn’t fit together. They were really close friends and she would do anything for him, same went for Midoriya himself. But he never gave any other impression of being more than just her friend. He got around her as nervous as he got around every girl but she felt a certain comfortable feeling whenever they would talk and Midoriya even admitted that he found it easy to talk with her because he felt that she would never judge him for anything. After a while of thinking back and forth of actually talking to him about it she thought now was not the time for it. They had this good and healthy close friendship with each other that would feel weird if it would be more actually. And now that she knew he had a crush on someone that was not her she actually could see on her own how he really deals with this whole topic. It didn’t even bother her and she was really happy and curious to know more!
“Come on! Tell us! I want to know the details! You can’t just start and then not telling us. That would be unfair. You know we would never tell them so!” She shacked his shoulders lightly a little excited about this whole new outcome.
“Oh wait! Iida who do you think it would be?” She asked their friend. He gave this a little thought before he started to talk. “Well I never thought of such an outcome so I didn’t give it much of a second guess. I mean you do have a pretty interesting past with Bakugou and the relationship of you two seems to be a bit complicated yet special.” “Kacchan?! No believe me. It’s not him. He is special for me in a way more different way. We are more the rival types and I think we are good like this. There can’t be more!” Izuku explained still with a light blush on his face. “Good guess Iida but I think I can guess who it is.” Uraraka smirked which made Izuku even more nervous again. Was he obvious or was she just playing with him?
“Todoroki-kun!” She said and Izuku’s heart made a little jump. “That obvious!?” He asked in panic. She giggled. “So I was right! Well not obvious. Okay now that I know that you also like guys it makes pretty much sense that you would have a crush on him the way you act around him. But trust me …Todoroki-kun wouldn’t notice it.” Izuku breathed out loud in relieve. “Thank god.” “Now that you say it, it really does make sense. I noticed how familiar you were with each other already in the hospital in Hosu. Even after that you would always seek for each other.” Iida explained.
Izuku waved his hand. “Ahaha… but really let’s not think about it too much okay? I am just a normal friend to him and this whole crush thing is nothing big okay? I don’t want to talk with him about it and let’s just let it rest. I know my feelings well right now but it’s good as it is.”
“Really Deku?” Uraraka asked again. He just nodded.
“Well like we promised. You can count on us in not telling him but if you need any help or advice or just want to talk we are here to listen!” They both gave him a thumb up and honestly, Izuku couldn’t ask for better friends in his life.
After that Izuku had to admit that he felt way better than before. Actually telling them about himself and also the whole situation was relieving. He knew they wouldn’t talk to anyone about it without him telling them it was okay and it felt good to know that people he is close too didn’t judge him. Everything went fine. He still crushed over Todoroki and couldn’t believe how incredible beautiful this boy in front of him was. How that little smile he sometimes gave Izuku just made his heartbeat go up fast. Thank god he didn’t had Todoroki’s quirk or the school would be a long term fire emergency. Everything was perfectly fine until one evening when a message came in their class group chat. Class 1-A PLUS ULTRA shoutout For fucks sake Mineta if you talk one more time to me about the sizes of our classmates boobs I am going to freeze you and put you on highest building of this city so you will piss you pants when you actually are able to move again. 1. It’s fucking disgusting how you think of every girl on this planet and no one wants to deal with this shit and 2. I am fucking gay. You could read the news paper to me and it would have the same effect: I don’t fucking care because I couldn’t care less about things like that. My gay ass can’t take this shit.
 shoutout @ all the girls in our class. No offense against you. You all surely are nice on your own and I don’t want to question anyone’s looks but you get me. alienqueen I HAVE SO MANY THINGS TO SAY RIGHT NOW AND I DON’T KNOW WHERE TO START. cantsee Savage af I’d say omg. electrotype Man you changed since you have to take those extra lessons with Bakugou. Didn’t know he was that much of a bad influence!! All the cursing. fulltimetape True I didn’t even know he could swear like this. explosionkill THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME YOU FUCKERS. toohardtofunction Valuable point but are we gonna all ignore how MANLY that just was!? Like damn you are so right. Someone needs to tell him that for once. alienqueen UHM we also can’t ignore the fact that THE Todoroki Shouto, class No.1 hottie, just complimented us girls all at the same time. tailyouup And admitted at the same time that no one of you will ever have a chance on him. seeyouinspace I am so proud of you right now Todoroki-kun :’) yaomomo To just tell it as a “by the way I am gay”. Really impressive and straight forward. That’s how it should be. I am very glad you chose this for yourself and are comfortable enough to tell it to us.
 localfrog Is Mineta even in this chat? Because I can’t remember ever seeing him around here.
 seeyouinspace Not really but hey, still good to read! shoutout I might have lost my temper in the heat of the moment. I am sorry for my outburst. I just needed to get this off because I don’t want to hear it anymore. Sorry I made anyone uncomfortable with this.
 cantsee Still very proud of you <3 also why uncomfortable?   shadowraven Every one of us here is at least a little extra but we accept a lot of things especially this!   iida This is a safe and tolerating environment for everyone and no one should be afraid of telling us! electrotype Haha outburst. In the HEAT of the moment. It’s ironic when Todoroki loses his temper. Too HOT headed I guess. fulltimetape That joke hurt. Good one bro.
electrotype <3
mightbedeku I’ll join the others in this one and also say that I am proud of you Todoroki-kun!!
explosionkill Can we please stop fawning over Half’n Half. That’s disgusting. toohardtofunction I may add when Baku read Todoroki’s first message he whistled impressed saying “not bad, icyhot” silently. explosionkill SHUT THE FUCK UP SHITTY HAIR. mightbedeku Wow he didn’t even deny it! explosionkill   Fuck you, Deku. fullbeats He didn’t deny it because it’s true. I am glad someone said it for once. Even if he isn’t in the chat just to hear this was so much of a satisfaction.   toohardtofunction A soft Baku for once even cares about his classmates. Todoroki being the first one to come out of the closet in this class. Mineta getting told what he deserves. This is a wonderful end of the day. Izuku had to admit. When he first read that message he stared at it in disbelieve and almost dropped this phone. Not because of the vocabulary that Todoroki used, after all when they were studying for hours and Todoroki became tired he started to actually curse more than usual. So this was nothing new but still a development for him. But the first feeling he had when he read that Todoroki actually liked boys was hope. In this moment he thought he really could have a chance though at the same time the realization came in. Todoroki was Todoroki. Even with this knowledge nothing would change. He wanted to put his phone away when he got another message in private.
 seeyouinspace See Deku? Your chances are good! ;) You now know that he is available for you! mightbedeku Please gosh no. It’s still fine as it is! (●///▽///●) seeyouinspace Don’t wanna break your bubble but you noticed how Kirishima said “Todoroki being the first one to come out.” If you think it’s fine as it is you should stop giving him such obvious looks. I never told anyone anything and I am not sure if I just see it because I know it but you start to be pretty obvious. You’ve got it bad, Deku. But fear not! Everything will be fine!! Izuku wanted to sink into the ground and never come up again. He knew his feelings actually got stronger since he and Todoroki had a few meetings in the last days again. Not just study-wise but also just as friends. Just doing things together like getting to the shop to buy food together or sitting next to each other when they put on a movie for the whole class and silently chat about everything.
He knew his feelings were stronger but he didn’t knew he also made it obvious for the others at this point. His cheeks went hot when he thought about it. What if Todoroki would notice this too?! What if he found it weird or was uncomfortable! He didn’t want to think about all the possible what if’s and so he chose to call it a night and went to bed since it was already late.
 But sleep was a luxury that Izuku wouldn’t get. After rolling around for what felt like hours he gave up and left his bed. He could as well just go down to the kitchen and get himself a drink or something. His thoughts were a mess right now. He didn’t want to have hopes. Todoroki had a hard time opening up to them so Izuku didn’t want to overwhelm him with his feelings. Down on the way to the kitchen many thoughts came up so he didn’t even notice at first that there was already light coming from the kitchen.
When he noticed he wondered who would share the same fate of a sleepless night with him. Again his heart made a little jump when he actually saw red and white hair. Todoroki turned around and the second Izuku saw him he knew something was up with him. His thoughts immediately forgotten he concentrated on the person in front of him. Todoroki seemed to be pale and looked at him like a frightened puppy.
“Todoroki-kun! Is everything alright with you? Didn’t expect you here at this time.” He said softly as he went into the kitchen next to him.
“Could say the same about you.” His voice was also a little shaking.
Izuku saw that Todoroki didn’t made himself anything to drink and he knew that he loved to drink tea so he started to make both of them a cup of tea, since he guessed neither of them would go up again so fast.
“Not that I want to pry or anything but is really everything okay? You seem like you have something on your mind.”
“No surprise that you would notice that.” “I-I’m sorry!” Izuku hasty said. “If it makes you uncomfortable that I always ask you have to tell me!!”
“No … that’s not it.” He slowly answered. “I think I am glad you do … I just am not used to people actually seeing how I feel. That’s all. And I know it’s in your nature to see problems like this. You always do that.” He said quiet. Izuku noticed that it really didn’t made him feel uncomfortable so he relaxed again, still worried though. He finished both of their cups and put one in front of Todoroki who did only notice now that he actually never made himself a drink. “Thank you.”
“No problem.”
 They sat in silence. Izuku didn’t want to push Todoroki but he also didn’t want to leave him alone and if he wanted to be alone he would tell him.
“It’s nothing bad, you really don’t have to worry.” Todoroki said after a while. “Actually it’s something I am used to. Sometimes my past keeps following me in my dreams and I see things that I wanted to forget.” His voice was soft and barely hearable but Izuku listened closely. It hurt him to see Todoroki like this and he felt bad. While his cause of not being able to sleep was actually just his feelings, Todoroki had to go through a nightmare on his own.
“Today was worse than usual because I actually dreamed about the moment I got my scar.” He brushed it lightly with his fingers. “How in that moment I saw myself standing there with my mother. We talked about this the other day again. We really both want to get over it but it will always stay in our life as something that happened. Maybe that’s why I dreamed it. I dreamed that I watched my younger self, as he turned around and actually asked me why I didn’t help. Why I didn’t change the situation and now I am actually asking myself if I could have changed something?”  It became quiet again and Todoroki took a sip of his tea. “I am sorry I don’t want to burden you with this again. You don’t have to answer.”
 “It’s fine! I think talking about it helps and maybe I can’t help you with a complete solution about this but listen. I think you couldn’t have changed anything. Things went by as they did but you were still young and had to deal with problems others didn’t do. Neither you nor anyone there could have changed the way your father was. It happened and it’s in the past. I will never forgive Endeavor for what he did to you though. Still what is important is now. You and your mother actually are talking again and rebuilding your relationship. This already is a courage not everyone has. You actually try to change things again to the better. This is something you should think about. Not everyone would do this but you do it. Who knows if you could have changed something in the past but you change something now.” Izuku wanted to take his hand. He wanted to just give a sign that he cared so much about him and that he was there for him.
 “You are probably right but still …thank you.” He sighed. “It’s hard to think right now what actually the right answer is but it’s always helping me to talk with you. Just you listening did make it easier, maybe because I know I am not alone. I hope I don’t trouble you too much with it.”
Izuku blushed. He was happy though. “I am glad I can help. Anytime again. I can’t help it but when I see you being troubled I just want to change that as fast as possible. Not matter how.” He laughed nervous but looked up to him honest. “I really like you being happy. I would do anything for it!”
 Now it was Todoroki’s time to blush and Izuku did indeed notice that. “Well I’d love to say the same but I am not as talented as you are with this whole emotion troubles. Though I like to see your smile so I guess it’s the same for me. I like to see you happy and I would go far just so I can always see it.”
Izuku laughed but also had to control his heartbeat which he was 100% was hearable through the whole room. “Well you showed really well your emotions in today’s chat.”
“That was …something yeah.” Todoroki looked sheepish and Izuku did want to take a photo exactly right now, frame it and hang it above his bed. “I am just glad that even though I didn’t intend to actually say all those things, you all took it in so easily. It was good to have such an uncomplicated conversation. I am still too used to arguing with the old man.”
“Oh don’t worry. No one is like HIM here. Not even Kacchan and that tells us something!”
Izuku wasn’t prepared for Todoroki’s laughing but in this moment he decided that this was his new reason to live. At the same time he thought this boy would be the death of him.
“You really know how to lift my mood but we actually both should sleep now.”
“You are right.” They put their cups away and went up.
“I noticed …I never asked what your reason was for not being able to sleep was. Sorry we only did talk about me.” Todoroki asked before their ways parted.
 Your face. Your personality. You. His mind wanted to scream. “A-Ah I guess just thoughts but nothing bad or so. I just had a lot on my mind, but I am really honestly fine!” He said.
“If you say so, but if you want you also can come to me, when you need to talk. I really want to help you too with your thoughts.” Todoroki gave him a soft smile.
 “Thank you! I will come back to it. Good Night Todoroki-kun! Hope you can sleep better now!” “Definitely. Good Night, Izuku.”
 They parted and Izuku was laying in his bed again. Right as he was about to fall sleep his eyes shot open. “DID HE JUST SAID GOOD NIGHT IZUKU ALL CASUAL?!” He muffled in his pillow. He really had to do something about this. Uraraka was right. Tomorrow.
 After all Izuku managed at least a little sleep this night but that still didn’t held him up from yawning.
“Were you not able to sleep after?” The sudden soft voice behind him that haunted his dream actually made him jump a little. “Uh I managed to sleep a bit! But I am still tired. You?” “Hm. Same. I actually had a lot to think about too, but to my joy it wasn’t anything about my father.”
“Well I guess this is good then! Though we both are tired but we just try it better today!”  
 Izuku wanted to hit his head on his desk during the lessons. He wanted to be able to talk to Todoroki normal again. He felt like this wouldn’t end up good if he stayed that nervous. Why couldn’t he control his emotions? Why was it so hard? Would it be better to talk about it with him? Put it out of this world. Hoping that if he doesn’t feel the same, that he would still be willing to be his friend. Maybe Izuku could start to forget then. They would be normal friends again and when they grew up Izuku would be at Todoroki’s wedding with someone beautiful and great by his side who gave him the love he deserved. Izuku would look from the side and tell them he wished them all the best.
 “Midoriya-kun.” His head snapped up and Present Mic looked at him confused. Actually everyone was. He looked around and most of them looked even worried at him. Suddenly he noticed that he actually was crying and wow when did he started.
“Are you alright?” Present Mic ask.
 “Ah don’t worry sensei. Just in a gay crisis right now. I imagined the love of my life marrying someone else and I had to watch! And this thought just destroyed me but I get over it.” He thought. Or in his case …spoke out loud while the whole class inclusive the said “love of his life” were listening.
 “Ah … well. Present Mic-Sensei would you excuse me and allow me to go? Burry myself? Really, really far away?!” He said with a nervous laugh and thank god he was never happier to actually hear the school bell ringing. He ran without waiting for anything. This was probably the most embarrassing thing in his whole life. Also damn Izuku you were really creative with the whole outing stuff. Problem out of this world. How often did he wanted to hit himself again?
 He ran so fast he even nearly ran over All Might.
“Midoriya my boy! Why the hurry? Everything alright?”
“Ah don’t worry All Might! I am fine.” My life is just over now but that’s okay. You wanted me to actually carry on One For All? Well obviously I can’t even carry on the burden of loving Todoroki Shouto!
 When he finally managed to get out of the school on their sport field he stopped running and leaned his body against a tree. “Okay how do I get in my class the best way again without anyone worrying? I have to go back do I? For sure I have! I actually like my class. I don’t want to go anywhere else. They are my friends. Well I have to apologize to Present Mic for crying in his lesson. Oh god I just cried and I have to explain why. Wait. I did explain. Well great. Problem solved.”
“Or I could just leave and go to America.”
 “If you do that I would drag you back because I know exactly that you don’t want to go to America unless it would be for a training trip or to help someone or we both would go there to see the world. But you would come back again with me. And if we are on it you could actually tell me what’s going on in your head. It would be only fair don’t you think?”
 Izuku’s head turned around and now his life really was officially over. “Todoroki-kun …” He said and the urge to cry again actually came over him. Why was he so emotional? Was it the sleepless night?
 “I …” He took a deep breath. This couldn’t go on like this. He wasn’t himself and this wouldn’t help anyone. “I have a really huge crush on you and I have no idea how to handle that actually.” His face felt so hot and he closed his eyes. Would he just go? No this was Todoroki. He would talk with him because that was the kind of person he is and the kind of relationship they had. They talked about their problems. Izuku wasn’t as honest though but now was better than later.
 “Shouto …”
“Huh?” Izuku opened his eyes again and saw another one of “the most precious looks on Todoroki Shouto” for is inner album.
“I would be more than happy if you would start to call me Shouto. And if you would finally date me.”
Izuku’s mouth stayed open and he stared at his friend … or more than friend?
“Uraraka asked me to go after you when we all saw you running out of the classroom. She looked like she knew exactly what was going on and everyone else also seemed really …relieved? Except for Bakugou who looked as annoyed as always and that one prick we don’t talk about. It would be the best she said and while running after you, I knew finally why. It made me also happy but it made me worried that you cried.”
 Izuku finally was able to snap out of his thought. “YES.” He shouted. “I mean… I am sorry I made you worried but yes, I’d love to date you.” He spoke it out. “I just can’t believe right now that this is happening.”
“Why?” Shouto asked and carefully took Izuku’s hand. It felt warm.  
“Because I am me.” He felt how his whole body was shaking but through Shouto’s hand he felt that the other wasn’t calm either. He still couldn’t believe this was happening right now.
 When he felt how Shouto was slowly closing the gap between them but waited for Izuku’s permission, his whole heart felt warm. This boy in front of him liked him back. This great person liked him. They felt the same. He had no time for such worries and he also had to respect this. He wanted this.
 He closed the gap between them and felt soft lips on his own. He was still holding Shouto’s hand and felt the light pressure the other gave him. Neither of them wanted this moment to end. When they parted they looked at each other, both of them not believing what actually happened right now. Shouto was the first one. “It’s because you are you. That’s why I like you. That and a lot of other reasons. Because you make me feel safe and you make me feel accepted. I could tell you a lot of other reasons that made me fall for you but you get my point right now?”
Izuku smiled. “And you said you are not good with the “emotion stuff”. I’m speechless.” He couldn’t help himself and gave Shouto another kiss. This also reminded himself that he could now do this more often. Every day if he wanted to.
“If I am able to make Midoriya Izuku speechless then I did something right I guess.” Izuku leaned his head against Shouto’s shoulder. “You did so much. You are wonderful.” He felt Todoroki’s blushing through his quirk which was mentally noted by Izuku with a small laugh.
“Ugh we should go back. I don’t want you to get in trouble because of me.”
“Ah I wouldn’t mind being in trouble right now.”
“Shouto!” Izuku shook his head smiling and took his hand. He had to apologize to the others as well for his outburst.
 When they came in the classroom still holding hands everyone grinned at them knowingly and Izuku felt again why he wanted to vanish in the ground.
 “I see the gay crisis is solved?” Kirishima pointed at their hands with a smug face.
Izuku nodded embarrassed but he also did feel proud. One look at Shouto through his poker face told him that he felt as happy as he did. His boyfriend.
 “Good. Then you don’t have to worry anymore about another man holding the hand of your boyfriend. Great that we solved this problem, Deku! I dare you to randomly start crying again in the classroom. For a moment I was really worried that something was wrong!” Uraraka was able to scold and tease him at the same time. Incredible. “Promised!”
 “You have to tell Mic-Sensei the news. He wasn’t well in hiding the fact that he was really curious to know the outcome of this, after he saw Todoroki running after you.”
Izuku buried his face into Shouto’s arm. Why did he had to confess in the most complicated way possible?
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Can I have an Bakugou X Reader where the reader as the same quirk as him? Thanks!! ^^
Sure you can Anon! Sorry for the delay - exams are keeping me very busy. Also, there’s very mild swearing since hey it’s Bakugou - what do you expect?
I hope you enjoy!
Bakugou x Reader - Explosions
UA - The oh-so-great hero school. You couldn’t wait to see what it was like. Your school was doing a training session with the UA students in class 1-A today. It sounded like it was going to be great fun. You’d see just how tough the prestigious students of the ‘best’ hero school were. With a small grin, you walked beside your classmates. This was going to be great. You couldn’t wait to give these brats a good run for their money.
You actually hoped that you’d get to spar with them instead of a rescue exercise or something boring like that. Hand-to-hand combat was far more fun. Your own classmates were just as excited as you were. Class trips weren’t massively common for your school and it felt like a treat. The thing people were most pumped about seemed to be that they might get to see All Might as the pro was now working at UA.
It was only a couple of members of your school going to see 1-A today. You were overjoyed to be one of them. You’d seen the sports festival and watched their matches. You’d seen Todoroki and Midoryia, Tokoyami and Mina. You’d seen most of it but you’d missed the preliminary rounds and some of the matches. Blasted chores.
Now though you were calmly introducing yourself to some of the next generation of heroes with a confident smile. Glancing around the class, you recognised most of the faces. You weren’t familiar with all of the names, but you’d certainly seen the faces. Your eyes fell on an ash blond who was scowling at your classmates. You frowned in return. What was his problem? You’d enjoy kicking his ass if you got the chance.
You recalled the ending of the festival when All Might had appeared to give the medals to the top three. It was Tokoyami, Todoroki and this boy, Bakugou. You could remember him being restrained massively and even causing All Might to pause with his anger. What an explosive personality.
Their teacher looked like some washed up guy having a mid-life crisis to you but it was sort of funny in its own way. Everyone at UA was a tad strange. Aizawa said that they’d be doing a rescue exercise. You sighed inwardly. Another boring rescue exercise? This wouldn’t be any fun. You followed the other girls to the changing room and put your hero costume on. You noticed a small hole in the wall and looked at it suspiciously.
You grinned and moved over to it, standing beside it before covering it with your hand. You set off your quirk and not a moment later there was a howl on the other end and a lot of yelling and coughing from the smoke. You chuckled. Your suspicions had been confirmed. It was a peeping hole. “Hey, we’ve got a peeping hole over here.” You called to the girls. One with a black ponytail and red hero costume looked up and moved over to it. You’d covered it with your hand to make sure they didn’t try peeping again until Momo filled it with her quirk so there’d be no more peeping. The girls huffed angrily and it seemed they knew exactly who’d be trying to use it.
Once outside, you all gathered around Aizawa. He seemed to be waiting for something. There was something coming! In hit the group at a blinding speed and when it straightened up it revealed itself. It was the number one hero! All Might! The faces of your classmates lit up with joy as did yours. He was amazing!
The blond pro was the one who introduced the exercise. You were in field Gamma - the factory complex. It seemed that there were going to be four pros, four villains and the rest were going to be playing civilians. The roles would be switched around at time intervals.
The villains were chosen to be Bakugou, Kaminari, Mina and Sero. Meanwhile, you were put on the hero team with one of your classmates along with Midoriya and Uraraka. This seemed to unnerve a couple of the members of class 1-A. For some reason, they thought that the opposing teams might make things very intense. You weren’t sure quite why though.
The other members of both their class and the two members of yours were then given some time to hide while your two teams could think of a plan. The green haired boy quickly came up with a strategy of splitting the team into two - two of you would try and hold the villains off or catch them while the other two focused on helping the others.
It wasn’t certain but it was a rough outline. You knew which side you’d be taking. An exhilarated grin came to your face. You couldn’t wait to try tracking down the villains and beating them into tomorrow! The signal for the exercise to start went off and you split off from the other three, telling them that you were going to try and draw out the villain team yourself.
You didn’t know how effective it’d be but you’d already discussed your plan of attack with the plain-looking boy. If you managed to make a ruckus, he was pretty sure the boy ‘Kacchan’ would try to quickly do away with you. Perfect.
The three heroes waved you off and you smirked, rubbing your hands together. Time to make a mess. You found a wrecked car. Wonderful. Checking that there was no one around to get injured and nobody where you were going to send the care. And one and two and-
You set off an explosion right under the car, sending it flying off into the side of a factory. You waited and everything went quiet again. If what Deku had told you and your classmate about the quirks of the villains and one of them in particular then you should be able to hear them before they got to you.
After waiting a moment, you heard it. The sound of explosions! That meant that Deku’s information was right and you were being approached by the strongest member of the villain team.
Grinning, you turned around and there he was, shooting through the air with his explosions, lining himself up to obviously blast you. You grinned and watched his hands. That was where his explosions were coming from. You watched how he lined himself up and once he was just beginning to get into range, you darted around his blast radius and avoided the attack. The heat from his quirk washed over you and you could feel your own excitement building.
However, you could tell he was being weary since he didn’t know what your quirk was, even if he was still being very cocky and confident in how he held himself. To your mind, your best chance of success would be to surprise him, since he’d likely freeze up in that one moment and you’d be able to get a solid blast in.
They had Recovery Girl working here, didn’t they? Ah, well then that meant you’d be fine to do whatever you needed to in order to take him out.
With a grin to match his, you squared up to face him, fists raised. Lucky for you, your quirk had manifested late but you’d always taken a liking to hand to hand sparring. Maybe because of All Might. He was an idol for just about every aspiring hero kid. He came to you and you knew if you didn’t get in close then you’d be done for, rushing him, he grinned perhaps finding your move foolish and lined up a blast.
You went to dodge around it but he was faster than you’d anticipated and the blast came before you thought, throwing your form back. You huffed. Okay, so he could ignite faster than you usually could. A daring grin on your face, you tried again, this time grabbing a chunk of rubble and dust as you went. When he lined up to keep you away again, you threw your handful at his face, momentarily surprising him and causing him to send off a blast. However, in his moment of being blinded, you’d dodged to the side and his blast had missed you.
“Oi, Sparky! Over here!” You called from behind him. As he whipped around, screaming at you to ‘die’, you ducked so when he attacked where the sound of your voice had been, it went straight over your head. You grabbed his wrist with one hand and realised that due to his movement, his other arm wasn’t within range of you which also meant that he couldn’t hit you without hurting himself. Moving quickly, you raised your own hand straight to his face with a grin.
“Sorry, light’s out!” His red hues widened when he could see the heat of your palm for a split second. That’s when he realised he was being faced with his own quirk and realised just how done for he was. With a large blast, his singed hair and slightly ash streaked face fell and you smiled. You’d deliberately lowered your blast so there wouldn’t be any major damage, but enough that the pressure wave would still cause him to pass out.
“Boom.” You chuckled before tying him with the capture tape that both teams had been given. You had an earpiece so you contacted Deku and told him that the biggest threat was now gone from the villain team and said that you’d hop off to try and find the others and take them out.
The rest of the exercise went well and your team won. Bakugou was taken off to Recovery Girl and you chuckled. You doubted if he’d known that your quirk mimicked his that you’d have won quite so easily. You were lucky that you’d had that dirt to throw in his face too. On equal standing with no tricks, you weren’t sure that you’d finish with the same result. What surprised you the most was how shocked everyone was that you’d actually managed to take him out.
An unsuspecting high-school girl from another hero academy. Who would’ve thought?
However, you thought you’d better see Recovery Girl and apologise for causing her any trouble. You were telling yourself it was only for that and wasn’t because you secretly wanted to see if Bakugou was awake and what his reaction to being beaten by his own quirk was. You made up your mind that you’d go at the end of the day should Bakugou be there or not.
She wasn’t around when you opened the door and Bakugou was sat up, trying to get some soot out of his hair. You couldn’t hold in your laughter at his irritated expression, trying to get pieces of dirt and rubble out of his spiky blond mess. It was strangely adorable. As soon as he heard you, he turned and as you’d expected he began to yell profanities at you for it.
However, at your cheerful laugh, he paused and looked away. It wasn’t cute… It wasn’t cute at all how you laughed like that…
You got your laughter to die down and strode over. “Here, let me help. It’s my fault anyway.” When he didn’t try to blast you out of the room, you reached out and began picking the bits out that he couldn’t see or get to.
“The hell’s with your quirk? You got some cheap, copy-cat shit quirk or what?” He grumbled, looking down and trying not to focus on the feeling of your fingers untangling the debris. He yelled out and smacked you off when you ignited your palm with tiny explosions on his scalp.
“Excuse you! My quirk isn’t cheap and it’s not a copying quirk either. My quirk is Explosions - the same as yours.” You grumbled and resumed your position behind him. You were nearly done, although you almost wished you weren’t. For such an abrasive hairstyle, it was surprisingly soft and compliant. It was almost nice to run a hand through. Even if the slightly singed ends were a tad course. Oops.
He let out a slight ‘tch’ and looked away from you again. “The dirt was still a cheap trick, even if your quirk isn’t.” He growled before eventually getting irritated and waving you off. What you didn’t know was that it was because he was getting mildly flustered with you touching his hair like that.
You shrugged and hopped down. “Your loss. It’s almost all out anyway.” You looked at his face properly for the first time and chuckled again. He had a large black streak right across his cheek and another just above his mouth but below his nose a little like a moustache. You could tell him that he had it there, or you could leave it for him to return to his class with. Oh, what the hell, that’d be funnier to leave it anyway.
You were about to leave when the door opened in front of your nose and you backed up, realising the small heroine was standing before you. “Oh, hello dearie. Is there anything you need?” You shook your head and bowed politely, apologising for putting Bakugou in the infirmary in the first place. She brushed it off and said it was fine, turning it on Bakugou for being reckless. After all, she was always on standby and usually spectated class 1-A’s exercises since they always seemed to be in need of her.
She looked over Bakugou and raised a brow at the black mark across his face before telling him that he was fine to go and that he should see you back out to your classmates since they’d be leaving soon. With a grumble, he agreed and walked out ahead of you, not even calling for you to follow. You waved goodbye to Recovery Girl and followed the angry blond out. “Aww~ Look at you, Sparky! You’re actually compliant to teachers. How cute.”
He nearly spluttered, a slight blush coming over him as he was suddenly flustered by your words. “The hell!” He yelled at you before you laughed and made a face at him, rushing ahead and out towards your classmates. You were surprisingly decent with directions and you darted down one of the staircases with him hot on your tail, calling you rude names all the way down. Outside the school was Midoriya, Iida, Mina and Kaminari, wishing the students well. At Bakugou’s screaming, they turned around and saw you gleefully running towards your classmates. You hid behind your best friend and she gave you a strange look to which you responded with a smile.
“Help me~ Soot-face is going to cover me in soot!” You grinned and Bakugou slowed down and seemed confused by your new nickname for him. Soot-face? You smirked at his expression as the yellow-haired boy snapped a photo of Bakugou and held it up for him to see. You couldn’t help yourself. Just one more bad joke. “I guess you really are an ash blonde.” That was it, he almost exploded, angrily wiping the soot off and getting his hands all black.
“Damn it! You shitty brat!” He realised that you’d have known as soon as you saw him in the infirmary. Kaminari chuckled and suddenly the realisation dawned on Bakugou that his friend now had that photo of him and turned on the boy to get rid of it. Your classmates laughed and you turned to Midoriya and Iida and Mina laughed when Kaminari threw his phone to her to stop Bakugou getting at it.
“You guys have a wild class, but it looks like good fun. I can’t speak for the others, but I had a blast. We should do another exercise together sometime.” At the agreement and approval of your classmates, Iida and Midoriya smiled and both nodded and said that it sounded good and they’d see if the teachers could arrange anything.
You headed off back towards home. You’d grab a train and get back. “See you!” You called and waved before beginning to jog back. You grinned. It’d be cool to spar with them again and to actually take him on without any tricks and underhand tactics.
He watched you go and Mina smirked, turning to Kaminari and the two suddenly burst out in giggles. When he whirled around to see what the hell had set them off now, he saw them with sly grins aimed at him.
“You…” Mina started, pointing to him.
“And her!” Kaminari finished, pointing towards the gate.
That thus the hothead indeed exploded - into a red face and a lot of denial. Oh boy… Maybe it was a blessing that he wasn’t going to see you for a while.
Providing that confident smile and cute laugh didn’t plague his mind without you there.
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ceiaofsilence · 7 years ago
Zombiezuku, Ch.2
<< Previous Chapter
Chaotic Entrance Exam is chaotic
Izuku is not quite sure how this happened, but Kacchan is dragging him up the path to the gates of U.A. High while a pretty girl chatters at them. Also, Izuku is floating. This seems like a pretty important fact to mention. Izuku rarely defies gravity on his own.
“Keep him that way, Roundface,” Kacchan had grunted and started dragging the floating Izuku by his tie after the girl had used her Quirk to save Izuku from tripping. “Can’t run off to be fucking stupid that way.”
“I could sleep like this,” Izuku had realised.
The girl found that very funny. “You’re not nervous at all, huh?” She’d laughed sheepishly. “I’m so excited!”
“I’m just dead inside,” Izuku explained to her.
“Deku’s a fucking idiot, is what he is.” Kacchan looked like he was contemplating chucking Izuku into the sun.
He still looks that way now, actually. Izuku should probably not tempt fate.
“It must be nice, doing this exam with a friend,” the girl, who’d introduced herself as Uraraka Ochako, chatters away. Kacchan only responds by grunting, but this does not deter her. Neither does Kacchan’s resting bitchface. She is very brave.
“He’s actually my brother in law,” Izuku answers her and shows her his phone’s background, which is the latest wedding picture of Nami-chan and Kacchan. Uraraka squeals.
“This is so cute! Is this your little sister, Deku-kun?”
“Shut up and die, Deku!” Kacchan roars. Izuku makes swimming motions until his fingers reach Kacchan’s fluffy hair. He grabs on. “The fuck’re you doing!?” Kacchan screeches.
“I need to hold on! You’re about to chuck me into the sun!” Izuku shouts back. Uraraka loses herself in giggles.
“You two are great!” she chokes out. “I really hope we all make it!”
“Hrn,” Kacchan grunts, eloquent as always.
“You’re great, too!” Izuku gives Uraraka a thumbs-up. “Good energy. Best of luck in the exams.”
“Thanks!” They’ve reached the auditorium now, and Uraraka takes off with one last wave, looking for her seat while Izuku is dragged up the stairs, still floating because apparently Uraraka forgot to release her Quirk.
“Kacchan, we just made a friend. A friend who is also a girl,” Izuku gushes. “Oh my god, I need to text your Mom. She’s gonna be so proud. Kacchan’s learning how to person.”
Kacchan slams him into the seat and grabs him by the lapels of his school uniform. “Say another word and I’ll fucking gag you,” he hisses. “And don’t you fucking dare trying to float to the ceiling. Don’t. You. Dare.” Kacchan alone knows how poor Izuku’s impulse control really is.
“But Kacchan-“
“I’ll tell your mom.”
Damn it. Kacchan is no fun today.
“Welcome to my show, Listeners! Everybody say HEY!”
“Hey!” Izuku shouts. Of the thousands of applicants assembled in the room, he’s the only one. Oh boy is this awkward.
“You’re fucking dead,” Kacchan hisses.
“Ha! I like your spirit, kid! All right, listeners, I’m gonna give you the rundown on the practical exam. ARE YOU READY??!!”
Kacchan has Izuku in a headlock with his hand slammed over Izuku’s mouth before he can shout his answer. Izuku can do nothing but listen while the rules are explained. He knows them all already, of course. He’d read the info pamphlets obsessively. This is his dream.
Before he knows it, he’s in front of the battle area, sans Kacchan because applicants from the same schools are separated so cooperation between former classmates is impossible.
He’s also still weightless. That’s a bit of a problem, actually, he’d caught some weird looks clinging to walls and railings on the way to the battle area. Oh, but there’s Uraraka! He moves toward her and a hand slams on his shoulder. “Were you about to bother that girl?” The guy is tall and has glasses. Izuku is pretty sure he’s the one who spoke up in the auditorium to ask about the arena trap.
“Well-“ Izuku says.
“Trying to unnerve the competition? I see what you’re up to! You’re the one who disturbed Present Mic’s debrief, aren’t you?” Izuku has honestly seen more impressive glares in his lifetime, but this guy still ranks pretty high. It’s the glasses. They do the anime-antagonist-gleam thing.
“No, it’s just-“
“I won’t let you interfere with that girl’s concentration. People like you have no place at prestigious places like U.A.!” Iida tightens his hold on Izuku. “I’m of half a mind to report you-“
“Aaaand start!” Present Mic’s voice comes from the speakers.
“Huh?” The assembled U.A. hopefuls blink in confusion while Izuku hides his face in his hand. This is just great, really.
Ah well, he’d rather not face Kacchan’s fury, so… yeah. He’s just gonna have to do the exam like this.
He shrugs Glasses’ hand off, jumps up, then uses his shoulder as a springboard to give himself momentum. Lightning fast he flies into the arena while Present Mic is still telling everybody to get their asses in gear. This must be what it feels like to have a flight Quirk. Fun.
Until the robots show up, then it gets tricky. Izuku has enough momentum to mow the first three down. Then he just sort-of bounces between them, desperately trying not to float up into the sky. The boost in speed is awesome, though.
And suddenly gravity has its hold on Izuku again. Somewhere, Uraraka has released her Quirk. Aww, he’d just gotten used to it. Ah well. “No harm done!” Izuku shouts to no one in particular from where he fell on his face. “Have fun fighting robots!” He takes off into a side alley where a spider-like robot has driven some guy into a corner.
Oh man, he totally forgot to count points.
Yagi Toshinori observes the camera feeds alongside the rest of the faculty. This is his first year teaching, and he needs to know the kids he’ll be responsible for. He’s so excited for this - helping to guide the future generation, inspiring young heroes. And maybe, hopefully, finally, finding a worthy successor. Nedzu had said he had a candidate, even mentioning that young Toogata Mirio had gained Nighteye’s approval. Toshinori definitely looks forward to meeting this boy!
The other members of the faculty seem to have established groups for watching the practical exams, routinely discussing the various individuals’ performances. Toshinori himself prefers simply watching - he’s not looking for performance, rather, that heroic spark in the eye is what he wants to find. That which makes a hero worthy of being called such.
“Someone has caught your attention?” Nedzu is suddenly on Toshinori’s shoulder. That is fine, he’s in his All Might form, he can easily support the principal.
Toshinori smiles in response to the question, eyes riveted on a boy fighting robots on the screen. And then he, before even taking down his opponent, jumps to the side in front of a girl petrified with fear, and takes a hit for her with a bright smile. It’s fine, Toshinori reads the boy’s lips. You’re okay.
Toshinori’s own smile widens.
Nedzu hums and informs him, “His name is Kirishima Eijirou.”
Meanwhile, across the room, hidden in shadows, Aizawa Shouta’s eyes are locked on a boy that looks as tired as he feels. Sparkly letters glued to the back of his jacket declare him to be ‘Explodokill Supporter #1’.  
Held in his arms bridal style is an even sparklier boy shooting lasers from his stomach.
Then they take a selfie together, the robot sneaking up on them in the background. Explodokill Supporter #1 punches it into oblivion after the picture is taken.
Shouta needs a coffee. These kids keep getting weirder every year.
Somewhere, Kacchan must be having a really good time. Blasting robots left and right, that right up his alley.
Izuku can’t say he’s enjoying this entrance exam all that much. Sure, it’s an adrenaline rush, even if he’s having a little trouble mustering up a sense of urgency. But it’s got nothing of the feverish intensity he gets from fighting Kacchan.
At least it’s far from boring, and meeting Sparkleman was really funny. He’s gonna get that selfie printed on a shirt and glue sparkles to it. Izuku likes sparkles.
There are no robots where Izuku currently is. But he hears a lot of noise to the right, so he might rack up some more points over there. He really should have counted how many he made so far, but in his defence the whole no-gravity thing distracted him.
Izuku bursts out of the alley onto a plaza. It’s pandemonium. Glasses is kicking robots, Uraraka is making them float and crash like a complete badass, and everywhere people are yelling and ‘accidentally’ tackling each other to get at robots. This is so not Izuku’s thing. Better clean up some more alleys instead.
Except the earth starts shaking and people’s yelling turns into shocked exclamations. A giant robot burrows up from the ground, dust and rubble flying everywhere. But to be honest, saying giant robot feels like an understatement. This thing is so humongous, it makes Izuku feel like an insignificant little ant, about to be grinded into paste.
“It’s the Zero Point!” someone yells.
Ah. The arena trap that’s supposed to rampage a little to shake things up. This is a little bit much though, right? Izuku should probably get out of dodge. Like everybody else. Except Izuku severely dislikes doing things like everybody else.
“Ahh!” He whirls around. Is that-
It’s Uraraka. Leg trapped under rubble. Above her the robot.
The robot is supposedly programmed to rampage. Not target anyone, just cause confusion and chaos. The U.A. administration can’t expect applicants to take that thing on without prior hero training.
But Uraraka is half-buried under rubble and not capable of moving much, and above her is a lot of dust floating around. The robot’s sensors won’t be able to pick her out. Which means the robot won’t know where to avoid stepping with its tons-heavy machine feet.
Izuku’s body is in motion before the thought is even finished.
It has to be said that Izuku is extremely fast when motivated, and his Quirk works as a damn good Strength Augment. He’s at Uraraka’s side in no time at all, hauling stuff off of her legs. She’s not in good condition. Sweaty and pale, and her eyes aren’t completely focused. Concussion, maybe? Izuku’s not a doctor, but even he can see that she’s in no condition to walk. Uraraka doesn’t protest when he picks her up easily and begins to run because that shadow above them kind of looks like the sole of a robot shoe except it’s so big holy fuck it’s even bigger up close.
Izuku gets himself and Uraraka clear just in time to avoid being squished. Not in time, however, to avoid being tossed away by the following shockwave. He curls his body around Uraraka’s. She’s got her face hidden in his chest and under different circumstances, Izuku’s brain would explode from holy crap physical contact with a girl. But in this situation all he can think is oh fuck this is actually gonna hurt.
Getting flung into spiky remnants of demolished robots is never fun. Not that Izuku has accumulated much experience in the field. This is the first time it’s happened.
Of course they have to be launched right into the pincer of a mantis-looking robot-corpse. This is Izuku’s luck.
The pincer stabs right into Izuku’s favourite lung, which means his  beloved Explodokill Supporter jacket is ruined. This is also his luck. At least it doesn’t go through and hurt Uraraka.
Izuku hacks and coughs up blood. Aw man.
The exam ends pretty much at that point, and things get busy. Suddenly they’re surrounded by fellow applicants calling for a doctor or something. Uraraka, who’d seemingly been getting better at that point after a few bouts of throwing up, is lifted off of Izuku. Unfortunately his stupid body chooses this moment to cough up more blood, sending everyone into a panic. Some idiot tries to move him despite Izuku’s sluggish protests (the regeneration thing leaves him tired, he’ll have to drink a gallon of coke later) and then they notice he’s sorta been shish-kebabbed and well…
Uraraka is crying. Sparkledude is aesthetically worrying nearby. Glasses is yelling and semi-successfully attempting to get the situation under control (“No, don’t move him, he’ll lose blood! Give him space if you’re not helping! Does anybody have a healing Quirk?”). Izuku signs to them that he’s honestly fine, but they’re not looking at his hands and probably don’t know sign language anyway. What with the blood leaking out of his mouth, talking is kinda out of the question, though.
He’s gonna have to go home with Kacchan tonight. Kacchan’s parents are a lot more chill when it comes to Izuku being Izuku. His own Mom would cry and fret, and Nami wouldn’t talk for weeks.
Izuku nods to himself and whips out his phone. Takes a selfie - horrible quality, honestly - captions it with ‘Ouch. Your place tonight?’ and sends it off to his best friend. Then after a second’s thought he sends the selfie of himself and Sparkledude, too, with the declaration that he did have fun, all things considered.
“Just leave it to me, kids,” an old-lady voice says. “Here, have a candy. Oh my, you’re in good spirits for someone in your condition, aren’t you, dear?”
Can I have your autograph? Izuku signs to the Youthful Heroine, Recovery Girl, who’s now ordering helpers to put up privacy screens which makes the whole fiasco so much more comfortable. A commemorative selfie, perhaps?
“Later, dear.” Recovery Girl knows sign language! This is great. He’s gotta write it in his notebook later.
His phone buzzes. That’s gotta be Kacchan. Huh, Izuku’s arm won’t move… dammit. Stupid low energy. Recovery Girl is examining him and not looking at his hands right now, so Izuku warbles out, “Phone.”
“This generation,” she sighs and shakes her head. “On your phones even when critically injured.”
“No death.” Izuku coughs again, it jerks his body around the metal in his body unpleasantly.  “Rege- Regene- phone. Kacchan.”
Kacchan knows Izuku’s weird-ass physiology pretty well. He can explain better. He’s on the phone right now, probably.
Recovery Girl seems to understand, seeing as she takes Izuku’s phone and calls Kacchan. He can hear Kacchan screaming profanities at stupid fucking Deku even from where he’s impaled.
“Actually, this is Recovery Girl, U.A. High School’s nurse,” Recovery Girl informs him when Kacchan runs out of air. “My current patient insisted I call you, as he’s in no condition to speak.”
Izuku’s brain kind of goes woozy at that point, but he’s dimly aware that a school-owned ambulance shows up right at the same time as an ill-tempered Kacchan who starts answering Recovery Girl’s questions while Izuku is hooked up to IVs and whatnot.
“You’re a fucking idiot, Deku,” Kacchan growls at him later in the infirmary, which is better equipped than any hospital Izuku’s ever been to.
“Sorry for worrying you, Kacchan,” Izuku says.
“Where the fuck do you get off thinking I’d worry about a braindead zombie like you?!” Kacchan predictably explodes. “I’m so motherfucking pissed, you shitstain! I’m missing the written exam because of you!”
…oh right. Those. Izuku had completely forgotten about them. Huh.
“Oh, not to worry.” Recovery Girl pokes her head in. “Administration deems your scores in the practical good enough to let you retake the written exams. Midoriya-kun, do you feel up for receiving a visitor?”
“Eh? Sure?” Izuku answers. Shit, did someone tell his mom what happened? That would be all kinds of bad.
But it’s Uraraka. “Deku-kun!” Her eyes go teary the moment she lays eyes on him in his bed. Making Uraraka cry should be a crime punishable by death. “I’m so sorry! Because of me-“
“Oh fuck no,” Kacchan growls. “Fucking Deku is a braindead monkey all on his own. Don’t you dare take responsibility for his bullshit.”
“B-but he got hurt because-“ Uraraka’s lip wobbles.
“My body moved on its own, haha,” Izuku says. “I’ve got regeneration anyway, so it’s not like it matters if I get a little hurt. I’m pretty desensitised to pain anyway.” He tries for a smile. She looks horrified.
“No, don’t say that, getting hurt is terrible even if you regenerate and stuff!” she exclaims and grabs his hands, staring at him earnestly. “Deku-kun, you can’t think that way!”
“But he fucking does!” Kacchan explodes. “So far he’s jumped in front of five goddamn cars, fallen off some stupid building, buried himself under a trash-avalanche twice like a fucking moron, and been in a train disaster, and that’s just the shit I’m aware of! He’s a fucking zombie at this point!”
“Yeah, but people were in danger,” Izuku argues. “Except for the trash avalanches, that was just clumsiness and also maybe possibly the fault of Kacchan’s explosions, but that’s just an outlandish hypothesis.”
“Anyway, you feel guilty over this useless dickwad?” Kacchan glares at the girl. “Then fucking make sure you don’t almost die in his vicinity again, you moron.”
Motivation and comfort à la Kacchan.
Uraraka stares.
“Commemorative selfie?” Izuku asks hopefully.
They take the written exam three days later. Izuku is pretty sure he does okay. Kacchan of course brags the entire way home about how he knew everything by recounting every question and answer he gave. But that’s just what Kacchan does.
After that, the waiting game begins. Neither of them have any clue how long it will take U.A. to analyse the test results. Fortunately, or not so fortunately, Nami-chan has been feeling neglected during the months they focused on training more than they did on family, and monopolises all their attention, thus keeping them from going crazy during the wait. Though only Kacchan needs that. Izuku can’t really muster up enough energy to worry.
It’s not that he doesn’t care, he does. So much. U.A. is his dream, Kacchan’s dream.
He’s just having a little trouble feeling things sometimes. Especially the uncomfortable things.
It’s just like it is with his pain reception - he knows the pain is there, he knows he’s hurting. But it’s dull, muted, and easy to block out unless it’s the overwhelming, deep sort of pain. Like when he fell off that building and broke so many bones and probably ruptured a whole lot of organs, too.
It makes things easier. Sometimes, though, he’s envious of Kacchan who feels everything so intensely.
Then again, he doesn’t miss being anxious over every little thing, so it works out.
Izuku watches the content of the holo-disk again and again. He made it. He’s a student of U.A. High School. He did it.
He did it. He did it. He did it. He did it.
He can’t stop smiling.
Kacchan and Izuku meet up at the beach the next morning. It’s completely clean thanks to their efforts. To both their disappointment, it’s become a rather popular spot once some local newspaper published an article on the mysterious clean-up. But this early in the morning, nobody’s there.
“We’re gonna be heroes,” Izuku says, still in awe over the fact.
“Obviously,” Kacchan scoffs. “I can see why you would be surprised, with your shitty Quirk.”
“And my chaotic exam experience,” Izuku adds, nodding. “You text Uraraka yet?”
“The fuck would I do that for,” Kacchan grunts.
“Just asking,” Izuku says. Then he lunges and drags Kacchan into a surprise selfie. Kacchan does not appreciate it and it’s probably good that nobody’s around because they might have gotten concerned seeing an explodokiller chase a zombie around the beach.
Oh man, what kind of heroes will they make… Izuku doesn’t really care as he catches Kacchan’s arm finally and throws him into the water. He can’t remember the last time he was this happy.
“Deku, you fuckmunch! Get your ass over here and die, you coward!” Kacchan screams.
…water-wrestling with Kacchan does sound fun.
Curse you, poor impulse control.
Uraraka Ochako wakes up in the early morning, alerted by the ping of her still relatively new phone. It had been a gift from her parents for her middle school graduation, and she feels guilty for even having it - it had to have been soooo expensive!
“My daughter’s gonna be a hero, and heroes need phones,” Dad had told her, and ruffled her hair proudly. She’d had to suppress tears.
It’s not even clear she’s gonna be a hero! Of course, she wants to - the payment would be great, and her parents’ construction company just doesn’t pay much anymore. But the competition is huge, and her Quirk isn’t even really combat related, and just look at what happened during the entrance exams. She’d nearly died, and her saviour had gotten impaled! Ochako feels nauseous just thinking about it.
Poor Deku. Speaking of him, wasn’t that the ringtone she’d set for him? Him and Katsuki-kun. Her eyes widen. She’d gotten her test results yesterday! They must have, too! She lunges for her phone and scrambles to open the message.
There’s a picture. Deku has Katsuki-kun in a headlock and makes a peace sign at the camera. ‘Going to U.A.!’ reads the caption. Ochako gasps.
Then she has to spend a minute to figure out how to take a selfie of her own to send back. ‘Me too! Let’s all do our best!’
She hadn’t really doubted that Katsuki-kun would make it, from what she’d seen he’s really strong. Deku, on the other hand - well. Ochako had wanted to give some of her points to her saviour, but between all the chaos had only considered the possibility far too late. She’d ended up sending a letter to the school, and the reply had said that transferring points was unfortunately not possible, but not to worry - if a student deserved the place in U.A., then they would get it.
She hadn’t been quite sure what to make of it. But come to think of it now - Deku must have gotten a whole lot of those Rescue Points. She’d gotten a few of her own, though she’s not quite sure when she’d saved someone during the exams, her focus had almost entirely been on destroying robots to the point that she hadn’t noticed that her Quirk had made her too nauseous to avoid the flying rubble that had ended up trapping her.
Ochako scowls at the thought. She’s supposed to be a hero. She’s not supposed to be the one who needs to be saved.
It means she’s proving all those people who think she can’t do it right. Uraraka-chan is so delicate, they say. So pure and cute. So fragile. The teachers who gently suggested other schools and careers and slid pamphlets for easier careers to her. The boys at the public training grounds who would never take her seriously, would always go easy on her. The girls who tittered about her ditziness and gave her thinly veiled hints that she doesn’t have what it takes.
Then fucking make sure you don’t almost die in his vicinity again, you moron, Katsuki-kun had growled at her back when she’d visited Deku in the infirmary in order to apologise.
She’s gotta get stronger.
Ochako draws her eyebrows together in determination. There are still weeks until high school starts. She’s not going to waste them.
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makeste · 6 years ago
BnHA Chapter 176: Delaware Smash: Air Force
Previously on BnHA: Class A finalized their preparations for the culture festival. Deku realized that the rope he was going to use to dangle Aoyama above everyone like a twinkling car air freshener was dangerously frayed. So he was all “looks like I’ll have to go buy a new one tomorrow morning at the store that’s conveniently right next door to where the villains will be having tea.” So he did. And conveniently ran into the disguised villains on his way back to U.A. To make a long story short, Deku offhandedly said something about tea, and Gentle got all excited and was all “DID YOU SAY TEA?!” and then Deku recognized his voice from the Youtube video that he had seen only a few days earlier. So now they’re gonna fight, because Deku has his cool new gloves that Mei made for him, and he’s not about to let any dumb villains ruin class A’s performance and Eri’s special day. So yeah. Go fuck him up, Deku.
Today on BnHA: Deku confronts Gentle, who sheds his disguise and tells La Brava to start filming. He then reveals his quirk, which can transform anything he touches -- even air -- to make it elastic. So he starts bouncing Deku all over the place, but then La Brava belatedly recognizes Deku from the sports festival and is all “holy shit Gentle, we don’t want to mess with that kid, he’s fucking crazy.” Deku is indeed fucking crazy, and he thinks back to all of his excited classmates who are looking forward to the festival and have worked so hard to prepare. With new determination, he takes aim at Gentle and fires his new attack, Delaware Smash: Air Force. He then leaps at Gentle and violently bodyslams him into a nearby construction site. Sorry about that, Gentle, but La Brava tried to warn you.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 200 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
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guys. this is my new OT3 by the way. and has been for a little while, actually. I don’t know how, but I somehow got WAYYYY into Kacchako like out of nowhere maybe a month or so ago. but BakuDeku also owns my heart and soul, and I also can’t deny that Ochako is undeniably Into Deku any way you shake it, so. it just sort of happened. and I love them. so basically this cover is everything to me. AND THEIR SHIRTS SAY PLUS ULTRA YOU GUYS, I FUCKING CAN’T OMG
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okay so somehow I was expecting Gentle to be blond. I don’t know why I always assume anyone in manga who has light colored hair must be blond. but yeah. so now I know that he’s not, though! and that’s okay! now he reminds me of Alfred from Batman if he decided one day to go out and do some crimes
and La Brava. what can we even say about her except that she remains the best, and also I’m trying to remember if her hacking skills were actually related to her quirk in any way, or if her actual quirk has yet to be revealed. hmmmm
also do you guys think she’s possibly distantly related to Mei? just, idk. similar eyes, weird obsessiveness, technologically savvy... idk. not saying they’ve gotta be sisters or anything, but third cousins, maybe?
so Deku and Gentle are staring each other down, and Gentle’s all, “the boy catches on quick,” and yeah. when it’s convenient, lol
meanwhile La Brava is all
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do you recognize him?? I mean he is famous. not Kacchan or Todoroki levels of fame, but he’s up there
Deku’s looking around, but since it’s early on a Saturday morning no one else is in the area
and apparently there are no hero offices near U.A. (which makes sense, since U.A. itself is basically a huge hero office), so he probably isn’t going to get any reinforcements
this isn’t the first time that I’ve thought to myself that the kids really need some sort of panic button/emergency beacon/batsignal they can use to call for help if they need it. it really wouldn’t be that hard to do. something with a GPS that they can quickly tap and it sends out an encrypted SOS with their location. what with them running into villains every other week it’s basically a necessity at this point
you could always try texting Todoroki again in the meantime though lol. or just shout really loudly for someone to dial 110 which I believe is the Japanese emergency police number
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...okay then!
(ETA: in all seriousness, him making a deliberate choice not to call for help creates a lot fewer plot holes than him not being able to, so good call there actually)
Gentle is quick to adapt to this new development, and tells La Brava to start filming
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he’s telling the listeners that his plans were foiled and so they’ve ended up like this
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I can’t fucking believe this guy doesn’t have a larger audience
so now Deku is diving at him in full cowl and is all “AS IF I’LL LET YOU!”
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it only just occurred to me that we don’t actually know Gentle’s quirk either lmfao
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so he makes things stretchy, and this even extends to air. holy shit
(ETA: as the translator notes point out, apparently the words “gentleman” and “elasticity” are homonyms in Japanese -- they’re both pronounced “dansei” -- which is one of the cleverer things Horikoshi has come up with tbh. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a mangaka have as much fun with names as this guy does.)
so he should basically be able to fly with his quirk, no? just bounce around on air all the livelong day. that plus a built-in shield with offensive-defensive capabilities like what we just witnessed. this old man has got some skills y’all
(ETA: friendly reminder that I’m still convinced Gentle is actually 65 years old. there’s no fucking way he’s 32. just no way)
apparently he didn’t even mean to go that hard, because he and La Brava are kind of staring now in shock
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I guess Deku was coming at them more intensely than they realized, so the rebound was stronger
anyway so now they’re booking it because they realized how strong he actually is
so we’ve got villains who are looking to attack U.A., and a pissed off Deku who by now should be realizing that he can’t get in close, but who fortunately has JUST developed a brand new long range attack! oh my, kids. strap yourselves in
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yes, good point there. actions speak louder than words
but Gentle says that’s out of the question
and now he’s touching the ground and unleashing another attack
lol it’s a trampoline attack and Deku is flying into the air
what was that you were saying earlier Gentle? about how he catches on quick? eh...
now Gentle is telling Deku that when he was a young lad he poured his heart and soul into school events, and he understands that Deku probably feels the same way
however, “this old beard and spirit of mine will not be denied today”
he says this mission will inspire a story for the ages, and he’d appreciate it if Deku didn’t interfere
oh my god
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it’s like if Aoyama and Gai-sensei had a baby
and he can fly!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
and now La Brava remembers where she recognized Deku from, and that he’s the crazy kid who busted up his hands at the sports festival
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Gentle says they have to accomplish the mission before he pursues them any further
honestly, even if they did manage to lose Deku now, he’d just be forced to call U.A. after all and they’d put the school on lockdown. like hell they’re risking anything else happening to these kids
now he’s telling the listeners that the “attempt to enter U.A.” plan is switching to a “timed attack”, whatever that means
and meanwhile Deku is still up in the air, and I’m wondering how he’s planning to land. and also how Gentle knew that he’d be okay. because that does seem pretty damn violent, just launching him 70 feet up in the air and being all “well, good luck, bye now”
especially since all they know about his quirk is that it involves breaking a lot of fingers. so for all they know he’s about to be a splatter on the ground. smdh
so during his 20 minutes of free fall, Deku is having some flashbacks! Eri-related flashbacks! the most adorable kind!
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and now Mirio is spinning around in a circle
and he says that after Deku is done performing on the big day, the three of them should wander around again
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oh my god
so now Deku’s thinking back to “this old beard and spirit of mine won’t be denied”, and he has the most determined teeth-gritted look on his face
and we all know he’s thinking that Eri’s the one who won’t be denied! because she still hasn’t smiled yet! not a real smile! and weren’t they saying that their mission wouldn’t be complete until she finally did?
and now I’m thinking back to one of Horikoshi’s interviews, where he said that “a hero is someone who brings reassurance”
and basically, fuck yeah. this is why Deku has to start winning some of these types of fights. because that’s the goal here. that’s the endgame. win the day to save everyone
anyway, I got totally swept up in the “save Eri!!!!” feels, but the flashback is actually still continuing and now Jirou is coming up to Deku and asking how he organizes his hero notebooks
and he’s nerding out and he’s all “JIROU YOU HAVE A HERO YOU ADMIRE TOO??” lol
but she says no, she just meant that she has trouble condensing her own notes to make the important points easier to read
my god Jirou I can relate. try summarizing 15-18 page chapters in a single paragraph on the daily lol
anyways, Deku is looking at the notes she prepared for the other band members, and d’awwwwww
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LISTEN, JIROU. I’M SURE THEY’LL ALL LOVE IT. and if Bakugou gives you even a hint of attitude, you have my permission to smack him
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oh my god I love this arc so much. I’m learning so much about Bakugou’s musical tastes and they’re exactly what I would have imagined. WE ARE SEX BOB-BOMB AND WE’RE HERE TO ANNIHILATE U.A.’S EARS WITH THIS BADASS FUCKING RIFF!!!! ONE TWO THREE FOUR!!
also I’m more convinced than ever that they sound like the Yeah Yeah Yeahs
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notably more effective than Bakugou’s method lmao
so now he’s taking aim at Gentle while still in the air! at this point he just lives up there now huh
ahhh I’m too excited to sum all this up, I’m just going to post it!
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I’m not even surprised that once again Mina is the lowkey hero of the whole damn arc
so now there’s a whole page devoted to Deku very dramatically flicking his finger
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lmao Deku is CACKLING
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(ETA: I just realized this is a straight up Kacchan face and even his trademark “hahh.” now I love it even more)
Gentle’s jacket is all torn up omg
but he says that won’t be enough to stop him!
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La Brava status: still the cutest
Deku is shouting at Gentle that the sentiments he has are shared by everyone. okay lol
and Gentle is gritting his teeth and he’s all “how disrespectful!”
and now they’re flying into the under-construction building Gentle mentioned a few chapters ago
and La Brava is watching in distress
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why does a cute little girl have to end up sad no matter what!!
I’m sorry La Brava. but your dude has to lose, because he’s in the wrong and he’s trying to needlessly traumatize a bunch of excited kids and ruin a kindergartner’s day. sorry kiddo
BONUS: Toga Himiko preliminary sketches!
god I love Toga so much
I’m assuming these notes are also preliminary, just like these are his preliminary designs. so he knew exactly the type of character he wanted her to be right from the start
but can she actually use someone’s quirk if she transforms into them?? is this confirmed, or did he drop this idea eventually? because if that’s true, it would be huge. that would make her one of the most powerful characters in the series, full stop. but given that we haven’t actually seen her use anyone else’s quirk, I’m gonna go ahead and say he dropped this for the sake of not making her too overpowered. I’m honestly not sure if I’m disappointed or not lol
I really like this messy bun look. it’s pretty similar to what he ultimately went with in the end, but he combined that with the pigtails look. but I’m just saying, if she ever wanted to change things up and go with just the single messy bun in the back, I would 100% be here for it. my god
44 notes · View notes
snazzysnaz · 8 years ago
BNHA Fanfic -“You’d Be Surprised” (1/??)
Summary: Midoriya Izuku was born with a quirk that let’s him see the future. Or at least, that what he would tell anyone that asks.
(AKA, Izuku have a quirk that let’s him rewind time for 15 seconds. Also some other stuff.)
Rating: M (But just because Katsuki swears a lot.)
Also posted on DeviantArt, FanFiction.Net and AO3.
Read the next chapter here!
AN: I didn’t think I would do this, but I liked this idea too much to not write it. To be honest, I’m not really sure where I’m going with it so I’m not sure how far I’ll get, or how good it will be, but whatever. If anyone else would like to take a stab at a fanfiction with the same concept, feel free. This is mostly just self indulgent.
Also, there might be BakuDeku in the future (possibly one sided), just as a fair warning. Like I said, I haven’t really planned where I’m going with this, which is probably a bad idea, but eh... also, since this fic includes Katsuki, there will obviously be a lot of swearing.
Prologue - Fifteen Seconds
A five year old Izuku was staring at his mother with wide, green eyes filled with confusion.
“I don’t understand. Isn’t lying bad?”
His mother gave him a broken smile, barely reaching her eyes as she pulled him closer and replied. “Oh honey… of course lying is bad, but we just can’t tell them. I’m so, so sorry.”
“But why not?! What’s wrong with my quirk?”
“Nothing’s wrong, it’s just…” here his mom sighed deeply before looking at him, eyes filled with pity. “You have a very special quirk, Izuku. There hasn’t been anything like it before. If people knew about it, then…”
“Then what?!” the boy huffed in frustration. It wasn’t often he got upset with his mother, who was the kindest and bestest mom in the whole world as far as Izuku was concerned, but he had been so excited when his quirk first manifested! But now his mother was telling him he had to keep it a secret? The initial excitement Izuku had felt upon the discovery of his quirk was quickly disappearing, starting with the pure look of shock and disbelief on his mother’s face when he first told her about it, instead of excitement and pride like he had been expecting.
“I don’t know what will happen,” his mother admitted, before suddenly bursting into tears much to Izuku’s confusion and distress. He quickly pulled his mother into a hug of comfort as she continued to cry into his shoulder and did her best to get her next words out between gasps and sobs. “I don’t know, but I just want you to be safe! I just want you safe and happy, Izuku!”
“But I am happy!” he assured her and tried his best to keep his own tears in. He couldn’t  start crying too, not when he needed to stay strong for his mother! “I finally got my quirk! Now I’ll be able to become a hero and protect people, just like All Might!”
Another sob racked through his mother’s body.
“I just don’t understand…” Izuku whispered weakly, his voice barely heard over the choked sobs coming from his mother. “If my quirk isn’t bad, then why are you so sad?”
Inko took a few seconds to wipe her tears on the sleeve of her green cardigan and took a few shuddering deep breaths until she had finally forced herself to calm down enough to answer her son.
“You have a very special power, Izuku” she began, voice cracking from her previous outburst. She took another deep breath to keep her voice steady before continuing. “You’re different; different from everyone else. And some people… they won’t be able to accept that.”
Izuku blinked in confusion at his mother’s words. “Why?”
His mother patted his fluffy bed of green curls affectionately in an attempt to reassure him and gave him a sad smile. “Many fear what they don’t understand. It’s human nature to want an explanation to everything. You’re a curious child. You understand it more than anyone, don’t you Izuku? But some things… just can’t be explained.”
“Like my quirk?” inquired a small Izuku.
“Exactly,” Inko nodded at her son, a stray tear which she couldn’t keep in rolling down her cheek. Her child looked contemplative for a second, face scrunching up cutely in thought as he took in his mother’s words. “That’s why we can’t tell anyone. Can you promise me that, Izuku? Promise me that you won’t tell anyone?”
“...okay,” he answered hesitantly. After all, he could never say no to his mother; especially not when she was looking at him with such pleading eyes, filled with worry. “But…”
He hesitated, fidgeting nervously with his hands, unsure as to whether he really wanted the answer to his question or not. “Does that mean I have to tell people I’m quirkless?”
“Hm…” his mother looked thoughtful with a frown on her face, before it turned into just the smallest of smiles. “No. I have another idea.”
“...you’re wrong,” muttered one Midoriya Izuku, now eleven years of age. Katsuki had cornered him after school in their classroom, making fun of Izuku’s weak quirk (that’s what he thinks, a voice echoed quietly in his skull) and dream to become a hero—as usual. At least he didn’t have those lackeys of his hanging around him this time.
“What was that, Deku? You really think think you can become a hero with a weakass, shitty quirk like yours?” Katsuki let loose a few explosions in the palm of his hands, as if to demonstrate what wasn’t considered ‘a weakass, shitty quirk’.
“Sir Nighteye has foresight too, you know,” answered Izuku defiantly, much to Bakugou Katsuki’s annoyance.
“And clearly much better than yours.Your useless ass quirk couldn’t even forewarn you about this, now could it?” Katsuki said, before kicking at the other boy’s legs to make his point, causing Izuku to fall over with a yelp. He groaned in pain as he pulled himself up from the floor.
“You’re wrong,” Izuku bit out, brushing the dust of his pants. He could feel the frustration building in him, like it did anytime someone made fun of his quirk. It just wasn't fair! How could they make fun of it when they didn’t even know the truth?!
Izuku’s body was shaking. It just wasn’t fair!
It’s because I’m different.
That’s what everyone told Kacchan too, after his quirk manifested. His quirk, which he was free to show off and brag about as much as he liked. Just like every other kid could.
Everyone except me.
“You sound like a broken fucking record. I’m wrong? You telling me you knew I would kick you? Then why the fuck didn’t you avoid it, huh? You some kind of masochist? Or are you just that fucking slow?”
“That’s not what I meant, Kacchan.”
Izuku was looking at Katsuki now. Or rather, he was glaring, the frustration within the usually timid preteen reaching it’s boiling point. Katsuki almost flinched from the cold, steely determinating shining in those too green eyes, but just almost, because Bakugou Katsuki doesn’t fucking flinch.
“The hell do you mean?” Katsuki growled, taking a step closer to the nerd, refusing to let the cold expression currently on the green haired boy’s face affect him. And as much as he hated to admit it, he was curious as to just what the fuck Deku was talking about. Izuku stood his ground against his bully’s advancing form.
“My quirk,” he answered simply, even as his mind was screaming at him that this was a bad idea. A very bad idea. Terrible. He promised his mother didn’t he? But his mouth just wouldn’t stop moving. Before he realized it, the truth was already out. “It isn’t foresight.”
“The fuck?” Katsuki’s red eyes narrowed dangerously upon hearing Izuku’s words. The hell was Deku talking about? His quirk wasn’t foresight? “Bullshit.” Had Izuku been lying this whole time? To everyone? Had Deku been lying to him?
“I’ll show you,” Izuku said, reaching a hand out toward his childhood friend turned bully, palm open, waiting for Katsuki to take it. The blonde hesitated for a moment, glaring at the outstretched hand suspiciously.
“I’m not gonna hurt you,” Izuku said, voice soft but eyes hard. He wouldn’t back out now. “Now come on. Let me show you.”
Katsuki glared at him. He clicked his tongue in annoyance before finally grabbing the thin hand with one of his his own, much larger compared to the smaller boy.
“If this is a fucking prank, I’ll blow this hand to fucking bits, got it?” he growled, squeezing the hand in question hard and baring his teeth in warning to show he was serious. Izuku swallowed nervously but smiled timidly at him. Fucker.
“Ah, one more thing!” the small boy exclaimed, turning his head and craning his neck, letting his eyes roam around the abandoned classroom before finally settling on the mounted watch on the wall. He pointed to it with his free hand.
“Look,” was all he said, and Katsuki did. He looked, and he saw. He saw ticking hand of the clock counting down the seconds as they passed. He looked, and he watched. Watched as the seconds hand suddenly stopped counting forward. He watched, in both confusion and disbelief, because suddenly, the clock wasn’t ticking forward anymore. It was going backwards.
“What the fuck?!” he yelled, ripping his hand out of Deku’s grip, shifting his gaze frantically between the watch on the wall (which had started moving forward again) and Deku’s calm, if somewhat nervous, expression. There’s no way…
“There’s now way,” Katsuki repeated aloud. Deku just kept staring at him silently—patient. Waiting. “What the fuck did you just do?”
A sudden spike of anger flared through Katsuki and he yelled. “So it really was a fucking prank all along huh, Deku? I don’t know how the fuck you pulled it off and I don’t care, but if really think I’m gonna believe you just turned back fucking time then you are even more of a dumbass than I originally thought!”
“Do you need any more proof?” Izuku asked after quietly waiting for the blond to stop shouting—voice momentarily void of any distinguishable emotions as he observed the angry, ranting boy in front of him. It was somehow liberating finally being able to tell someone about his real quirk, even if that someone happen to be Katsuki.
“Yeah, how about this,” Katsuki said as he stalked up to Izuku’s desk and grabbed the latest Hero Notebook the boy was currently working on and viciously ripped it in half, the pages spreading everywhere as they slowly fluttered to the floor as if in slow motion. “Undo that.”
Katsuki grinned cruelly and Izuku frowned at the pages upon pages of scribbled notes and sketches that now littered the floor. Of course, fixing the notebook would be no problem, but Izuku couldn’t stop the painful tug at his heart upon watching something he’d spent so much time and effort on be viciously ripped to shreds like it was nothing.
He sighed and forced down the tears that were already threatening to form in the corners of his eyes from the sight of his ruined notebook. Katsuki would just start teasing him even more if he notices Izuku was crying.
He stepped up to his desk to stand next to his childhood friend and placed a hand on the other boy’s shoulder, before activating his quirk once more. They both watched silently in wonder as the ripped notebook pieced itself together as time moved in reverse and suddenly, just like that, it was whole again. Just like the last few seconds never happened. And to anyone other than Midoriya Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki, they never did.
Katsuki was silent. It was actually quite eerie just how calm he seemed. Izuku was used to dealing with a Katsuki that screaming and yelling curses at him, but this calm quiet was something new entirely and the green haired boy wasn’t quite sure how he felt about it.
“Kacchan…?” Izuku asked quietly, suddenly very nervous and afraid to raise his voice any higher in fear that Katsuki might suddenly return to his normal self and start flinging insults and explosions at him. Maybe this was a bad idea after all. Was it still too late to turn back time and make him forget?
How many seconds have passed? If I rewind now, maybe I can still pretend it was all just a prank.
“Y-yes?!” he yelped, still on edge by just how… calm Katsuki seemed. He had expected this exchange to be more painful, and with a lot more angry curses words thrown in.
“All this time…” Katsuki slowly turned his head to look at him, and his usually fiery red eyes had never looked so cold as they did now. It made Izuku shudder and he couldn’t stop from shrinking in on himself as those dangerous eyes bore holes into him. “All this time you’ve been lying. To me. To everyone.”
Izuku gulped and clenched his fists hard in an attempt to will them into ceasing their mad shaking. His stomach was tying into knots and cold sweat had begun to form on the back of his neck. The voice that answered Katsuki’s query was shaky and nervous. “Y-yeah… you’re the only other person I’ve ever told, aside from my mom.”
His mom, which he promised to never tell anyone the truth about his quirk. A promise which he had now broken. Guilt washed over him, but he couldn’t find it in himself to regret what he did. Not even when Katsuki was looking at him with such cold, cold eyes. Sorry, mom.
The blond was still being uncharacteristically quiet. Suddenly he nodded, short and curt before speaking. “Good. Don’t tell anyone else.”
Izuku was taken aback by what Katsuki had just told him, big green eyes widening in surprise. The only response he could manage in this state of shock was a high pitched, surprised “Y-yes!” before Katsuki shouldered past him and made his way to the classroom’s exit. The green haired young boy was standing stock still for a moment as his brain still fought to comprehend what had just happened. When it finally caught up he lunged for his childhood friend, latching onto a broad shoulder with one hand.
“Wait, that’s all?” he asked, bewildered at the blonde's reaction, or lack thereof. “You’re not gonna punch me? Yell at me? Nothing?”
“Do you want me to explode your face? Because I could, if you’re that fucking eager,” Katsuki growled, and Izuku almost let out a sigh of relief as his bully seemingly returned to his normal, explody self. He would have done it too, if it weren’t for the fact that normal Katsuki was, well… Katsuki. The short tempered blonde shrugged of Izuku’s hand before continuing out the door. “Deku, I just fucking saw you turn back time. I need some time to fucking think.”
“You won’t tell anyone, will you?” Izuku asked nervously, fidgeting with his hands for the few tense seconds he waited for Katsuki’s answer.
“I won’t. Sheesh, why the hell do you think I told you not to tell anyone else about this? Why the fuck do you think I would?” the blonde haired boy yelled irritably and suddenly Izuku found himself walking into a door that was abruptly slammed shut in his face as Katsuki exited the classroom before him. Izuku rubbed his sore nose, grumbling slightly at the sharp pain that shot through it.
“Well, that went… well?”
“Tell me about your quirk.”
It was the day after Izuku had told Katsuki the truth. The two boys were both currently in Izuku’s room, because Katsuki had asked—or rather demanded—that they’d both go to the smaller boy’s house after school. Izuku had almost given himself a heart attack thinking about the possible reasons as to why his bully wanted the two of them to meet up. He found himself relaxing somewhat after hearing the question, now understanding the purpose of this meetup.
“O-oh! Well, I still don’t understand it one hundred percent, but uh… I guess I’ll start by telling you the basics?” Izuku began, before going on one of his infamous mumble disquisitions as he explained his quirk in detail. “To start, I can only turn back time fifteen seconds at most. I can activate my quirk as many times as I want, but I can never use it to go any further than fifteen seconds into the past at any time.”
“So you can turn back time, but only fifteen seconds?” Katsuki interrupted. “Figures. I’d expect nothing less from a Deku like you.”
Izuku bristled slightly at the insult of his quirk. “A lot can happen in fifteen seconds, Kacchan.”
“Whatever,” muttered the blonde in response. After making sure that Katsuki had nothing more to add, Izuku continued.
“By default, my quirk doesn’t affect myself for whatever reason. I have to concentrate hard if I want to reverse time on my own body, but it seems my mind remains unaffected no matter what I do, which I guess makes sense, since otherwise I would just forget reversing time in the first place, risking the creation an inescapable loop…” Izuku paused his mumbling for a moment at the confused look from his (surprisingly) attentive audience. “O-oh! I guess this can be a bit confusing. I know, why don’t I just show you?”
“What do you—” Katsuki started, looking at Izuku standing a few feet in front of him from his position on the floor, when suddenly—
“The fuck?!”  Katsuki cursed as two green eyes were suddenly right in front of him, staring into his face. Instinctively, his hand moved before him and to let loose an explosion right into his former friends face. A face which had been on the other side of the room just a moment ago. What the fuck?!
Izuku recoiled from suddenly having an explosion detonated in his face. He rubbed his slightly burnt skin tenderly with a pained expression and tears just starting to form in the corner of his eyes. “That hurt, Kacchan!”
“Does it look like I fucking care? It’s your own damn fault for suddenly appearing in front of me!” Katsuki yelled, trying his best to calm the rapid beating of his heart. “The hell was that? Since when could you fucking teleport? The fuck does that have to do with time travel?!”
“It’s not teleportation,” Izuku informed, rubbing away the tears that had gathered in his eyes. “Well, not to me anyways. I just walked up to you normally, and then turned back time a few seconds. Since my quirk doesn’t affect me unless I force it to, I remain in the same spot even when I turn back time. To you it looks like I just teleported.”
Gears started to turn in Katsuki’s head as he processed the words and realized…
“Wait, then how fucking far can you ‘teleport’?!”
If Izuku wasn’t affected by his own quirk, doesn’t that mean that he can just keep turning back time as he walks to wherever he wants to appear? He would be able to walk from one side of the city to the other, if he had the stamina for it, without any time passing at all!
“A-ah, not that far,” Izuku clarified, bringing Katsuki out of his reveries as he explained while rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “Depending on how I use it, my quirk can put a lot of pressure on me… If I try to go past fifteen meters when I ‘teleport’, my head starts to hurt and I get a nosebleed. I might even pass out if I walk to far… but it usually goes away if I wait for time to catch up. That’s also the reason why I don’t like turning back time on myself.”
Yeah, speaking of which, that bring up Katsuki’s second question—if Izuku can turn back time on himself too, he should have been able to undo getting his face exploded, so why didn’t he?
“For some reason, it’s really hard to turn back time on myself. I can only effectively do it two times before I pass out. The first time I do it I get a nosebleed and light headache. The second time and my head feels like it will split apart. That’s why I almost never do it.”
Katsuki was instantly reminded of all the nosebleeds Izuku used to get when they were younger. He always had them more often than other kids he knew, but they grew fewer as Izuku grew up; along with his predictions for the future. It was just another part Katsuki and his peers bullied him for. No one wanted to hang out with the kid who could start bleeding at any second.
“That’s all? Or are there any more tricks to your quirk?” asked the blonde, ready to get this explanation over with so he can process it.
“Ah, no, there’s one more thing!” Izuku perked up. It was very exciting to finally get to talk about his quirk to someone that wasn’t his mother, even if that someone happened to be Kacchan. “Well, remember how I said my quirk doesn’t affect me by default?”
“Duh,” Katsuki scoffed. “You told me just a few fucking seconds ago.”
“W-well, that doesn’t only apply to me! I-I mean, that is to say, I can pull other people or objects into my time frame! All I need is to have physical contact and I can choose whether I want my quirk to affect what I’m holding or not. Just like I did with you yesterday Kacchan, when I showed you my quirk!” the young boy explained excitedly, green eyes sparkling. “Just think of all the possibilities! If I wanted to steal something it would be really easy. I could just put something in my pocket and then rewind time while I’m still touching it. To anyone else it would like like it just disappeared! I mean, not that I would steal anything of course! That eas just an example!”
Izuku panicked slightly as he reached the end of his explanation, waving his hands frantically in front of him. After a moment he calmed down so he could ask the lingering question on his mind, curious to hear the answer. “Um, that being said… why are you so interested in my quirk, Kacchan?”
Subconsciously, his mother’s words from that day began replaying in his mind. You have a very special power, Izuku.
Was Katsuki evaluating him? Maybe he would finally change his mind about him after he’d seen Izuku’s true quirk. Maybe he won’t be ‘Deku’ any more!
Many fear what they don’t understand.
Would Katsuki be scared of him? Izuku swallowed nervously. But no, this was Katsuki. There’s no way he’d be scared of him. Katsuki was way too strong to ever be scared of anything! Especially Deku... right?
You’re different… They won’t be able to accept that.
But maybe… now that Katsuki had seen that Izuku wasn’t so useless after all, would he still hate him? Hate his power?
“You’re mumbling again, idiot,” Katsuki said and whacked the side of Izuku’s head. He yelped as he was suddenly, and painfully, brought back from his own mind.
Deku’s asking stupid questions again. Of course Katsuki wants to know. He have to. Deku was a stupid nerd with a useless quirk, or at least that’s how it should be. It’s what he thought. What everyone though. But no, apparently that was just one, big lie. The nerd had somehow fooled them all into thinking that he was someone he was not.
The very thought of it was ridiculous.
A lie. That’s what it was. Izuku; his quirk. Both lies. And as much as Katsuki hated to admit it—as much as he wanted to deny it—Izuku wasn’t useless. Well, at least not his quirk, that’s for damn sure.
Katsuki could have spent all day trying to convince himself otherwise. To convince himself that it wasn’t a big deal. That Deku breaking the laws of physics and making it his bitch, or at least friends with benefits, wasn’t a big deal.
But despite what some people might assume from his fiery personality and unusual stubbornness, Katsuki wasn’t stupid. He knows. He knows that Izuku’s power was different from his. Different from everyone else. It wasn’t normal.
And Katsuki wasn’t going to pretend otherwise. Denial was for pussies, and Bakugou Katsuki deals with his problems. He doesn’t sweep them under the rug and pretend like they never existed in the first place.
So Katsuki asks. He asks so that he can understand: the limitations of Izuku’s power. All so he could one day beat him—and stand on the top.
Midoriya Izuku wasn’t invincible. His bruised face, still red and raw from the explosion from earlier, was proof of that. There were only so much he and his quirk could do, and undo. He explained so himself.
No, Midoriya Izuku wasn’t invincible, even if he was damn close. Katsuki could take him. It wouldn’t be easy, but he could. Izuku wasn’t a fighter, not like him. Izuku was a coward. His quirk fit him well, almost as well as Katsuki’s explosions fit himself. It was perfect for avoiding conflict—if only he would use it, that is.
But there was a nagging feeling in the back of Katsuki’s mind. A part that wasn’t entirely convinced. A part that made him hesitate.
Because Katsuki wasn’t stupid. And despite all the stupid shit he did, neither was Deku. He’s as much aware of his own weaknesses as Katsuki—more, even. The blonde doesn’t doubt for one second that Izuku have already gone through hundreds of different ideas for how to make up for his quirk’s weaknesses (not that all those ideas are necessarily good, but still).
And because neither of them were stupid, Katsuki was already running through his own ideas on how to counter whatever Izuku thought up. There was just a few problems, one being that Katsuki wasn’t entirely sure what exactly he was supposed to counter against.
And because of this, Katsuki feels something he never thought he would associate with the dumb Deku: caution. After finding out that half of what he thought he knew about the stupid nerd he’d bullied for the past few years was a lie, he’d be stupid if he didn’t. And again, Katsuki was not stupid.
“Deku,” he finally said, watching said green haired boy fidget nervously under his bully’s scrutinizing gaze (and Katsuki would be lying if he said he doesn’t at least somewhat enjoy the reaction of fear he had on the boy). He choose his next words carefully.
“Looks like you aren’t as useless as I originally thought.”
Izuku’s ceased his fidgeting as his big, green eyes snapped to his—and they shone.
Well, it’s as they say. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
“What the hell is he doing here?” came the words from one of Katsuki’s lackeys, nicknamed Fingers. He was of course referring to the nervous boy with a head full of puffy green hair who was currently hiding behind an increasingly annoyed Katsuki.
“Yeah, what gives?” asked lackey number two, Wings.
“Because I fucking said so, that’s why,” Katsuki growled, letting a few explosions go off in the palm of his hands in irritation. “If you’ve got a problem with than you can fuck right off. I don’t need some second rate losers like you following me if all you gonna do is bitch and whine.”
“Aren’t you at least gonna give us an explanation?” Fingers shouted accusingly with clenched fists. “I know you two were childhood friends, but that was years ago! You haven’t let Deku tag along with us since we were eight!”
“I don’t need a fucking explanation, but if you really wanna know, it just so fucking happened that Deku isn’t as useless as I originally thought. Compared to you weaklings, anyways.”
Both Fingers and Wings bristled at that, but Katsuki didn’t care. He doesn’t need some wannabe badasses like them following him. What the hell were they acting so high and mighty for anyways? They both want to be heroes just like everyone else, but Wings was too fat to even be able to lift himself of the ground for more than a few seconds anyways, and Fingers? Don’t make me laugh.
What the hell kind of hero would he be anyways? A hero that helps little kids retrieve balloons stuck in tree branches? He scoffed at the thought. The only thing his quirk was good for was to elongate his fingers. That just means they’re easier to break.
“You know what?” Fingers said, baring his teeth in what he probably thought was a threatening manner, but in reality just made him look stupid. “Fuck you. I don’t even know why we even hang out with you in the first place. You’re a fucking asshole, you know that?”
He turned around and gestured to Wings. “Come on. Who fucking needs Katsuki anyways.” Wings hesitated for a moment, looking torn between staying with Katsuki and Izuku or to follow the other boy, but eventually settled for running after Fingers after a particular hard glare from the angry blonde. Izuku had watched the exchange in tense silence, and now that the other boys were gone, he looked to Katsuki with a gaze laced with concern.
“Are you alri—”
“Shut up, Deku,” the blonde interrupted the smaller boy. “If I’m gonna be number one I don’t have time to waste on weak trash like them.”
Izuku was still uneasy after the fiery exchange, but he couldn’t stop the small, guilty surge of happiness at what Katsuki just implied. Since the explosive blonde was still hanging out with him, then surely that meant he didn’t think of Izuku as weak trash like he called the other two boys who just stormed off, right?
“Come on Deku,” Katsuki gestured with his head for the other boy to follow him, and he complied excitedly. It had been years since he and Katsuki last hung out together! Even longer since it was just the two of them.
“Where are we going, Kacchan?”
“To experiment,” Katsuki answered simply, to a confused Izuku. “Show me what your quirk can do.”
AN: Aaaaand, that’s it for the prologue! I’m really nervous to post this because I have never published a fanfic before. I don’t write a lot either, but uh... I hope you enjoyed. Constructive criticism is welcomed. Hopefully everything made sense, I had somewhat of a hard time explaining Izuku’s quirk and determining exactly how it should work. It went through a lot of changes, but I think this version will work best in the end.
Also, I hope the beginning makes sense too. I mean sure, Izuku may live in a universe where detonating explosions in your hands and spitting acid is normal, but manipulating time and space? Yeah, I’m not so sure.
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