#oh and uuuh Sakura
Something all my blorbos have in common are the weight of the world on their shoulders. And transgender.
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thwackk · 3 months
Mav I have to know your naruto character opinions pleek inquiring minds (me) want to know
uuhhmmm idk what exactly to say cause this is a bit vague. but i can talk abt my favorites a bit 😭
Naruto Sakura and Shikamaru are some of my favorites, with Naruto being my number one favorite🫶 he’s very special 2 me in ways i cannot even say because everytime i think abt him there’s not words it’s just colors and feelings and sounds so idek what to say abt that uuuh yeah! I think he’s one of the most human shounen protags ever written and it irritates me when ppl lump him into the stereotype because of his high energy and silliness, they ignore literally every prominent and important aspect of his character and growth throughout, i’ll say that. he really stands out among most of them to me
when i was a kid tho i identified with shikamaru the most, we were practically the same person (i am definitely not that smart tho 💀) so he’s been a longtime favorite too as i feel like i understand him on a much more personal level than other characters. And i’ve been a sakura lover since DAY ONE‼️‼️ AND PROUD TO SAY IT 🗣️🗣️ sakura haters could never fathom, i need them all to explode immediately she’s literally so cool, she’s just a girl how could you hate her 🤨
it’s hard to write a character that’s supposed to be smarter than you tho and kishimoto kinda fumbles the ball with this one a bit. and then ofc the women of naruto also suffer from being written by a male shounen jump mangaka which is not unexpected but always dissapointing. some of naruto’s writing is ROUGH. we all know this 😭
I love pretty much all of the konoha 11 deeply and dearly, it feels like we’ve grown up together (i was exactly 12 when i started naruto) so i dont wanna say i HATE any of them, that’s too strong of a word but if i had to rank them from favorite to least favorite it would probably look like this:
rock lee
ten ten
other favorites are kakashi, gai, gaara, itachi, izumo & kotetsu, kushina.. uhmmm what else. Oh i think jiraiya is overrated asf i never liked his ass.
i would talk abt sasuke and some of the others a little bit more but my memories of them are too old yk? i dont really trust 12 yr old me’s judgement on some of these things so i’m just rereading/rewatching it all again rn as well as boruto which so far i am greatly endeared by and frankly i have alot to say about it. but i’ll save that for when i finish it
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tora-the-cat · 3 years
Sakura: One time I told my teacher- who was an ANBU captain, this man was a cold calculating rational team leader- that he smelled bad and he mumbled 'watch this' and did a Suiton. In his bed. That made him so wet he got a cold and made the BED so wet it ended up getting MOLD and also didn't solve the problem because he just made everything smell like wet dog.
Kakahsi: Haha yeah I did do that. But you left out the part where you were 14 years old and broke into my apartment to make fun of me for self-care at four am while running on two hours of sleep, and I was just back from a mission sleeping off pain meds and chakra deprivation.
Sakura: Oh right my bad. I'm sorry for leaving out the part where I had to carry your stupid ass BACK to the HOSPITAL I WORKED AT when I was FOURTEEN because you used a Suiton WHILE CHAKRA DEPRIVED.
Kakashi: I was a different person. People change, Sakura.
Sakura: Ugh I hate you. Remember when you were the Hokage- last year- and you were "Cooking" dinner for me after I got back from a mission but didn't have the patience to put it in the microwave for three minutes so you just stared at it- for five minutes- before whispering "this is going to be so fucking efficient" and slapped an explosive tag on it and put it in the microwave.
Kakashi: Hm. Funny, because the way I remember it, that was you.
Sakura: But only I asked you if it would work and you said "only if you put it in the microwave because the microwave already does tiny explosions to cook food so it can handle a simple explosive tag". That was YOUR fault.
Kakashi: No that was YOUR fault to assume that I would know how microwaves work. Silly little student of mine.
Ino, furiously taking notes: Ya huh ya huh. And what about that time with the uuuh the plant?
Kakashi: Pfft you mean the assassination attemp-
Kakashi: Sakura how many times do I have to tell you that I'm allergic to walnuts?
Sakura, standing up and slamming her hands down, cracking the stone table: NO YOU FUCKING AREN'T!!!
Ino: mhm mhm. Fascinating.
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
hey scoups... I'd like to ask.. other than Ikki, (and maybe George) is anyone else aware of Ikki's ultimate fate of being forgotten? (wait, is George even aware of Ikki's fate aside from disappearing in pictures?)
As far as I’m aware (up to episode 33, maybe I’ll REBLOG this with updates as I catch up.)
The only people that have even noticed Ikki’s photo disappearance are: Vice (the cause), Ikki (sacrifice central), and George (manipulative bastard)
I think out of everyone — the only family member with the slightest chance of noticing Ikki’s deletion-of-self would be Daiji — but uuuh lol
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I’m gonna be under the assumption that Daiji will be too self-involved to be aware of what’s going on until it’s too late.
(And seeing as we’re entering Daiji’s Go-Stupid-Go-Crazy Arc — Haha we love a good pathetic!loser Arc let’s goooooo)
I highly doubt Daiji is going to notice.
Sakura still in a way sees Ikki like a Superman figure, I don’t think she knows a single lick about his insecurities and traumas so she 100% does not know what is happening and most likely won’t until it becomes so explicitly obvious — like Ikki forgetting her name or something.
And his parents?
Oh, they mean well <33. But they don’t know sh*t about Ikki.
They’re used to the other kids having problems — not Ikki.
I’m always reminded of episode 8 and episode 12.
At the end of episode 8 — the absolute insanity of asking Ikki to save Daiji RIGHT after Daiji beat the sh*t out of him and tried to kill him still boggles my mind.
Tbh I don’t think they would ask this from him if they understood how much pain and anxiety and hurt it put him through.
I was talking with my friend Nacho about this not too long ago, but they messaged the chat saying they got a closer look into Ikki's parents mentality. (As Nacho and Ikki are very, very, similar.)
Here's their personal reference:
Nacho: (basically had walked too much and got blisters/sore feet)
“--Anyways we had been at the airport for hours already — but it wasn’t until the last hour that my dad was like:
‘Oh? Does your foot still hurt?”
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“If I had ever complained my parents would’ve fallen over themselves to help me. But I never do, and even when somebody else brings it up, I always deny it and downplay it, and have been doing it my whole life.”
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[End personal reference quotes lol]
So I put in my friend’s personal reference to show just how Ikki and his parents are in relation to each other.
Yeah — obviously different people, different lives. But the foundation is the same.
Ikki’s parents aren’t able to read his micro expressions. They never learned how, and since he hid how he really felt because he had the be the one capable enough to protect the family and raise his siblings.
(He couldn’t let himself be a burden.)
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This is why the end of episode 8 and why just episode 12 in generaal really GOT me. There’s no better proof that Ikki’s parents don’t know how to read Ikki’s expressions than the episode 12 dinner conversation.
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I screenshot and bring it up often and I won’t be stopping now
The episode 11 lunch scene has GOT my a$$.
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Even injured his parents don’t realize that Ikki is really hurt and anxious. Dude is not eating! Not acting how he usually does!!
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And it’s still wild to me that they aren't able to pick up on this--
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Ugh breaks my heart every time I watch the scene LOL. My DUDE :((.
"(wait, is George even aware of Ikki's fate aside from disappearing in pictures?)"
Hmmm. I don't know how the narrative is placing this--
But I'm assuming George knows exactly what is going on.
We've seen (legit the first 13 episode are a good example of this) just how perceptive George can be. It didn't take him long to find Daiji suspicious, and it also didn't take him long to figure out Daiji had split into a different personality.
Then he manipulated Hiromi -- Knowing exactly what Hiromi would do-- because George needs to be that perceptive.
Which is why I can't help but wonder just what his game is here
What reason does he have for not telling anyone? Hm??? Really suspicious. Makes me wonder just how much of an "ally" he really is.
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viktormaru · 5 years
About Me
“Answer these questions then tag eight people you’d like to get to know better”
i was tagged by @deaf-sakura​ and @i-constantly-screamb​ !
1) Birthday: July 21
2) Zodiac: Cancer!
3) Height: around 165cm so uuuuh 5′4 ?
4) Last song I listened to: Despicable by grandson
5) Hobbies: Drawing, writting, playing video games and, once in a blue moon, dancing
6) Last movie I watched: Oh geez I don’t watch many movies... last time i did was when I rewatched the Will of Fire naruto movie back in december
7) Favourite books/writers: uuuh none really... i used to read lots of books but i don’t anymore so i don’t remember anything particularly striking asidhasd... goosebumps was a big part of my childhood i guess
8) Dream job: I think a renowed Illustrator aushuahssa (or more irrealisticaly: a singer) 
9) Favourite colors: So many... Red and pink are two of them
10) Meaning behind my url: thats my name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m gonna tag: any mutuals or not that wanna do this feel free to do so! ^^ 
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emo-rejects-archive · 5 years
Prompt: Kirigiri has been investigating the girls in her class, determining which of them has the biggest butt. So far, none of them have been been any bigger than the detectives own fat rear.
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“Okay, so... Huff... Shall we go over the facts?” Kirigiri wheezed, staring down the five other individuals that stood before around her in the class trial room.
“Uuuh... Do we have to? I’m getting bored here!” Monokuma groaned in his chair.
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“Y-Y-Yeah, c-c-come on! I-I-I th-think w-we c-c-can come t-to a v-v-verdict...!” Toko spoke up, but quickly retreated back into her metaphorical shell as the gazes of her classmates drew to her.
Sakura closed her eyes, sighing, but still maintaining her imposing stance. “Well, I for one wouldn’t mind going over the case once more.”
Everyone in the room groaned in anguish, except for Kirigiri, who grinned. “Thank you, Sakura. Now then, here’s what we know...,” she began, folding her arms across her chest. “Sayaka Maizono was wandering through the dorms early this morning, when someone got the bright idea to uuuhh...” She paused for a moment, mentally preparing to utter words that she never thought she’d never speak in her life. “...Sit on her. We know this because... Umm... There was a large mark around Sayaka’s body that indicated perspiration from the killers posterior. A-After what we can assume was roughly three minutes of struggling, she suffocated, thus ending the life of the Ultimate Idol.”
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Hina cast a sideways glance at the detective. “If she suffocated under someone’s butt then I think we all know who did it then...”
Kirigiri’s plump cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Hina was referring to how Kirigiri had, like some of the other individuals in the room, had gotten a “tad plump” as of late. But in drastic comparison, Kirigiri was more than “just fat”, she was downright morbidly obese! A bulk of her weight had gone mostly to her rear end. Sure, she had a big lardy apron of stomach that hung all he way down to her knees, but her ass easily outclassed it by a long shot. Each asscheek was the size of a large boulder, both coated in blubber and cellulite dimples. Due to standing for such an elongated amount of time and with almost four hundred kilograms of fat crushing down on her knees, droplets of sweat dripped down her buttcheeks, creating a small puddle at her feet.
“Wh-What are you trying to say?!” Kirigiri’s cheeks flushed from embarrassment from being called out for her weight.
“Y-Yeah! D-Don’t accuse Kirigiri of anything! We still don’t know who The Blackened actually is!” Chihiro finally spoke up after spending most of the trial in relative silence.
“But then that only begs the question...,” Sakura began. “How exactly do we go about determining who killed her?”
Kirigiri smirked through her baseball sizedcheeks. “Well... I do have one idea...” She glanced over at Monokuma. “Monokuma... Will you permit to get... Physical?”
Monokuma perked up in his seat at the notion. “Physical? Oooh... Interesting! I’ll permit it.”
“Thank you...,” the heavy detective shuffled from her podium, lumbering over to where Hina stood, heaving and wheezing all the while, sweat drenching her strained white button up.
Hina through her hands up defensively. “H-Hey! Wh-What are you trying to get at here?!”
Kirigiri stood solemnly, sizing up Hina’s curves. Due to being kind of a doughnut whore, Hina had definitely packed on the pounds, though she wasn’t nearly as big as Kirigiri, maybe only half her size. Her big bronze colored belly was barely even covered by her undersized t-shirt, spilling out and obscuring her thighs from view. However, a lot of her gain had been largely focused on her breasts, each boob hefty and perky, barely contained by her American custom brand M Cup bra.
Kirigiri breathed in. “Hina, can I inspect your rear?”
Hina’s cheeks flushed. “Wh-What do you- EEEP!” She began, but was quickly cut off by the feeling of a set of fingers feeling up her butt.
Kirigiri “inspected” the Ultimate Swimmers posterior, her gloved doughy digits rubbing themselves about across the surface of Hina’s shorts. Kirigiri focused for a bit on her movements. Hina didn’t quite posses the bottom they were looking for, merely chunky at best. Kirigiri felt a slight pang of jealousy at how most of Hina’s weight had been lucky enough to go to her chest, but she ignored it.
“Hmm... Well, I can safely say that you didn’t kill Sayaka,” Kirigiri announced.
“I see... So you’re trying to figure out the killer by copping a couple feels...,” Monokuma spoke, impressed. “HAHAHAHAHAHAH phuphuphu... Monokuma approves!”
“P-Pervert...,” Hina muttered.
Kirigiri faced the rest of her remaining classmates. “So, who’s next?”
An awkward hush fell over the room, no one quite sure of what to make of the transpiring events.
“I-I’ll go!”
Every head in the room turned to Chihiro, who’s chubby cheeks were flushed a deep shade of red. “W-Well, I mean, i-if it helps us solve the case, then I’ll do it!”
“Thank you Chihiro. Now if you’ll permit me...,” Kirigiri waddled over to the pudgy programmer, he titanic rear cheeks smacking together with each sluggish step.
She eyed Chihiros body up and down, much as she had with Hina before using her little “hands on” approach. Chihiro probably weighed about as much as Hina, though was probably the most encumbered by his flab, aside from Kirigiri herself that is, mainly due to his short stature. His big jelly belly spilled out of his undersized signature dark green jacket and over the front of his skirt, hanging down well past his knees and splitting into two rolls, complete with a deep cavernous naval.
Kirigiri grasped Chihiro’s buttcheeks firmly, jiggling them about in her hands. Much like Hina before him, Chihiro’s rear end was definitely wide, stretching the hem of his skirt, but was still only chunky in comparison to the rest of his overgrown body.
“You’re safe too, Chihiro,” Kirigiri spoke, a tinge of disappointment in her tone.
Chihiro breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank goodness!”
“I find your methods to be questionable, Kirigiri,” Sakura spoke harshly. “However... I would like to volunteer to be investigated next.”
Kirigiri nodded, shuffling her bulk over to where Sakura stood. “As you wish...”
In comparison to the everyone else in the room, Sakura had barely gained weight if any at all. She stood tall and proud as she always had, every vein practically bursting from her toned, muscular body.
Kirigiri placed her gloved fingers onto Sakura’s rear, trying to squeeze it, but found some difficulty from how toned it was. It was like she was trying to squeeze a literal wall of rock!
“Are you done yet?” Sakura asked threateningly.
Kirigiri quickly took her hand off of Sakura’s behind. “Y-Yes, I am.”
Kirigiri put two fingers to her chin folds, contemplating. “I-I’d like to to think it over for a moment... In the meantime...” Kirigiri turned to a certain Toko Fukawa, who had remained relatively silent throughout the past couple of minutes, cowering at her podium. “I believe it’s your turn, Toko.”
The Ultimate Writing Prodigy threw her hands up defensively. “N-N-N-No y-y-you c-c-can’t... I-I-I won’t allow you t-to t-t-touch me...”
Kirigiri slowly lumbered over to Toko, cringing as her tree trunk thick thighs chaffed together with each step. “Toko, you have to let me do this.”
Toko slowly backed away, fiddling with her lengthy black hair. “Y-Y-You d-don’t understand...,” her cheeks flushed. “O-Only my M-M-Master c-can touch me...”
Sakura glared at Toko, furious. “And he’s dead, Fukawa! Just move on and forget about him!”
Toko looked away sullenly, grimacing. “F-Fine... H-H-Have it your way...”
“Thank you, Toko,” said Kirigiri. She looked over Toko’s body. She had definitely gotten a good bit chubby, but was nowhere near the levels of fat that Hina and Chihiro were at. Her only defining feature was her plump potbelly that strained her black school uniform. Her thighs might’ve been a tad thicker, but it wasn’t that noticeable.
Kirigiri gripped Toko’s butt, eliciting a moan from it’s owner. Kirigiri tried to jiggle it about, but no dice. This butt paled in comparison to the previous three. This butt was practically skinny!
Kirigiri unhanded Toko’s rear, sighing. She had come to a verdict. “I have come to a verdict. The Blackened is-“
“HOLD ON A SECOND!!!” Hina cut her off, waddling as fast as she could over to her side, boobs bouncing up and down, slapping against the top of her belly. “Huff huff... How... Huff... How come everyone else has to get their butts felt up except for you?”
“That won’t be necessary,” Kirigiri assured.
Sakura’s head perked up, suspicion in her gaze. “And why’s that?”
“Because I didn’t kill her,” Kirigiri said defensively.
“Oh whatever,” Hina rolled her eyes. “Let me see your fat ass.”
“H-Hey!” Kirigiri exclaimed as Hina groped her titanic booty with her plump fingertips. She jiggled Kirigiri’s fat ass about, bouncing the two blubber cheeks up and down, giving them a few hard smacks, ripples being sent across the lardy spheres.
“St-Stop this instant!”
“Gosh, all the boys would’ve fallen head over heels with these things if they were still alive...,” Hina spoke, ignoring Kirigiri’s demands and blatantly ignoring Chihiro’s presence.
She was just about to finish up by spreading Kirigiri’s globular buttcheeks apart and letting them clap together, when something suddenly fell out from between her ass crack, loudly clunking on the ground.
“What the hell?” Hina exclaimed, bending over and picking up what appeared to be a small device.
Chihiro squinted his eyes. “Is... Is that an e-Handbook?”
Hina turned the device on, staring at the words on the screen, eyes widening. “I-It’s... Sayaka’s...”
Monokuma perked up. “Oh, I was wondering what happened to that! So that’s where it went!”
The whole room sat in stunned silence for what felt like an eternity.
“N-No way...,” Chihiro spoke in disbelief.
Hina glared daggers at the morbidly obese detective. “You... You bitch...”
Kirigiri sighed, exasperated. “Fine... I... I did it... I killed Sayaka Maizono...”
“You sicken me...,” Sakura said, disgusted.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Monokuma laughed maniacally. “Ladies and gentleman! We have found our Blackened! Sayaka Maizono’s killer has been found out to be none other than Kyoko Kirigiri, The Ultimate Detective! Soooooo... You know what that means! Iiiiiiiiiiiiit’s EXECUTION TIME!!!”
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hide-in-imagination · 5 years
27 and 28
27. which character would you want to be?
Uuuh… that’s a tough one. Does this include anime characters? The possibilities are endless! 😂 
When I was little I always wanted to be Sakura from Card Captor Sakura because she had all these cards that could do cool stuff. Who doesn’t want to have magic? 
I could also be Ámbar and get to kiss Simón 👀 But her life is pretty sad, I don’t think I’d like to live that. 
You know, it’s tough because characters usually have sad background stories and I don’t want to suffer (? I want to be a character that has a good life and has a happy ending, is there one like that? Maybe Charlotte from The Princess and the Frog 😂
OH! MIA FROM ‘THE PRINCES DIARIES’!!! Sure, she complained about being invisible and unpopular, but come on, that’s not the end of the world. 
I’d gladly be a princess, bye 💅🏻  
28. hugs or hand-holding?
Hugs. I’ve never really held hands with anyone hahah. I mean, there was one time where a friend asked me to act on a video and I had to play someone’s girlfriend, so we held hands, but that doesn’t count 😂 In general though, I’m not a very touchy person, but I do hug my friends 💕
Send a soft ask if you want to ♡  
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franruto · 6 years
heres the extensive list of what ive watched (as in "i followed and know the story of this anime" and not "oh sometimes i saw some eps on tv" )
1. naruto
2. cardcaptor sakura which was my favorite thing ever when i was a kid like if fandoms were a thing for 8 years old i wouldve been in the ccs fandom
3. inuyasha which was my favorite thing ever right after my sakura fandom phase
4. free
6. digimon??? i guess? the 1st gen?
7. brief list of stuff ive began but then was like "uuuh no guess not": death note, snk
OH SHIT I FORGOT BNHA im not up to date on it tho bc bakugou wasnt a part of the main arc and i got bored
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lonelyshrimp-art · 4 years
What do you use to draw and where did you get it from?
Uhh okay so in terms of digital art I use a first gen ipad pro and an apple pencil and use procreate and medibang paint
In terms of traditional art? Oh boy. Okay so I'll use basically any paper/surface I can find. In terms of supplies I use:
Pencils: any #2 HB wooden pencil I find, a Sakura 127 0.7mm (bought at Michael's), a Zebra M-301 0.5mm (found in a drawer at home), a Pentel 120 A3dx 0.9mm (found on the floor at school), a staedtler 9705 0.5mm (uuuh idk I'm borrowing this one from my partner), and a Draft Line 0.3mm (again, my partners, but this one was bought at Curry's)
Fineliners: I have a set of 4 Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pens (XS, S, M, and a Brush nib). Pretty sure the store I bought these at is now defunct/a Michael's? But you can find these 4 packs basically anywhere that sells dedicated art supplies
White Gel Pen: you can never go wrong with a uni-ball Signo gel pen (the broad one. Not the skinny one. Yes this is important.)
Markers: I currently use Prismacolours alcohol markers (bought at michaels) (why are alcohol markers so expensive a single copic is like $8 here :'( why)
Coloured Pencils: Prismacolour Premier coloured pencils. I have like 170 of these fuckers. I got them at Michael's I think? (Hi I live in southern Ontario thats like. The Art Store unless you want more specialty stuff/or can make the drive out to a Curry's)
Acrylic Paint: I use a combination of Apple Barrel and Folk Art acrylic paint. You can get this shit at Walmart for Wicked cheap (apple barrel costs like $0.97 a bottle here in canada)
Watercolour: For tubes I use Reeves watercolours (bought them at Michael's but im. Not sure they carry them anymore) and for pans I use a Daler-Rowney Aquafine set I got at Walmart.
Erasers I just use whatever works.
I hope this helps in some way bdndnsns
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uchuunokokoro · 8 years
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That's love Author: ひな Pairing: SasukexSakura
Sakura: Sasuke-kun! Welcome back!(SMILE)
Sasuke: !
Sasuke: ...What happened to your face? Sakura: ! Hehe... Sakura: I made a blunder during a mission
Sasuke: You're a medical ninja, aren't you? You should have healed that yourself...
Sakura: ....
Sakura: There were quite a number of injured people I had to attend to, and I just returned a while ago...
Sakura: I'll be wasting time if I heal myself and I wanted to meet you as soon as possible
Sakura: That's why, I thought I can just heal it later since it's not that serious
Sakura: Besides, today's the day of your return...
Sakura: But my number one reason is Sakura: I want to say "Welcome back" to you
----------- Sakura: Though I look a little uncool...! (hehe)
Sasuke: ...
Sasuke: Are you stupid? *poke* Sakura: Ow!
Sasuke: You aspire to be a medical nin, don't you? If you can't take care of yourself properly, then you still have a long way to go to worry about other people
Sakura: O~uch ouch! Even so, my skills are acknowledged!
Sasuke: Still, you're a hundred years early to worry about me
Sakura: But~ it's for my self- satisfaction...
Sasuke: Anyway... never mind, I'm coming in...
Sakura: Ah! Wait, let me do that. Okay...!
Sasuke: Don't pull
----------- Sakura: Ah, go take a bath, I'll make food
Sasuke: ?
Sasuke: You... were you listening to me?
Sasuke: Your wounds come first...
Sakura: I'm okay! Sakura: I'll heal myself while cooking! Sasuke: .....
Sakura: Fua~~ ----------- Sakura: As expected, taking a bath relieves exhaustion~!
Sasuke: Yeah...
Sakura: Sasuke-kun's here today, too, that's the greatest cure for me...
Sasuke: Sakura Sasuke: You... treasure yourself more Sasuke: You're strong. But you might make mistakes if you overestimate your abilities and put your well-being later
Sasuke: Like a while ago...if I'm important to you...treasure yourself
Sakura: *laughs* Sakura: Sasuke-kun, you're not so straightforward
Sakura: Thank you...for worrying about me
----------- Sasuke: ...! Look here, you... Sasuke: !
Sakura: I was just injured Sakura: There's something I have decided
Sakura: Like the things I have to carry from here on...
Sakura: Sasuke-kun, you accepted me Sakura: and wished to be with me Sakura: so the things I can do with all I can---
----------- Sakura: I Sakura: want to do the "ordinary" with Sasuke-kun
Sakura: The usual ordinary things Sakura: Since it's ordinary, there are many people who don't realize it but,
Sakura: those "ordinary" things are really the important ones. Both you and Naruto taught me that
Sakura: like knowing that you have a family when you come home from faraway through a dark road, or there's light in your home
Sakura: or a warm meal Sakura: or prepared bath when you come home
----------- Sakura: That's why I wanted to be the first one to greet you "Welcome home"
Sakura: That's what I can do best Sakura: I guess that shows my determination of not making you feel alone
Sakura: There might be hard missions, like the one today, but...! But, I
wanted to see you even just for a bit.
(Sakura: Sasuke-kun, welcome home)
Sakura: I've decided Sakura: I will never let you be alone. It's my promise of a lifetime
Sakura: That's why I will live longer than you
Sakura: We'll grow old together, and even when it's the end of our lives, I won't let you be alone. I'll stay by your side until you die and watch over you
----------- Sakura: Saying it's ordinary...and I won't let you be alone...
Sakura: Was that a bit impertinent of me...?
Sakura: ?
----------- Sakura: UUUH~~~ Sakura: Sa-Sasuke-kun~ Sakura: I love you~ Sasuke: !
Sakura: I told you before that I like you so so much but
Sakura: right now... Sakura: I love you so much, much more it's unbearable...!
----------- Sasuke: I see... Sasuke: that's promising
Sakura: I think I can kiss him on the cheeks now...!
*kiss* Sasuke: ... ----------- Sakura: Umph?!
Sakura: Sasuke-kun Sakura: Don't suddenly turn your head---!
Sasuke: Sakura, thank you
----------- Sakura: You're welcome
Welcome home I'm home Thank you I'm sorry Good morning Good night
Doing the ordinary things everyday, with you--
************ (from page 20)
Sasuke: Sarada, yes, look closely Sasuke: it's the center...look
Sasuke: Oh
----------- Sarada: Papa! I hit the bad kitty! Sasuke: You did, well done Sasuke: You improved, that's impressive Sarada
Sasuke: Mama will be happy, too. Good job
Sarada: Hehehe Sarada: Ah! Sasuke: ?
Sarada: Look~ Sarada: It's kuma-san (teddy bear)! Woofwoof! Sarada: roar!
Sasuke: I can't tell if that's a bear or a dog
Sarada: Papa Sarada: Mama Sarada: Sa~ra~da!
Sasuke: ... Sasuke: ...kids have great imagination...
Sasuke: ? Sasuke: What are you doing next?
----------- Sasuke: ...She'll look like Sakura in the future...
Sarada: Here! Sarada: Oninini!
Sasuke: ? Sasuke: Oninini...? Sasuke: ! Sasuke: I see..."Onigiri" Sasuke: ...That’s impressive, Sarada
Sarada: Papa! Next is upsy upsy! Sasuke: There's more...?
Sarada: Kyaa~ Reach~! Sasuke: Don't fall
Sasuke: She easily changes what she wants to play...
Sarada: Papa-! Hug me! ----------- Sasuke: ? What's wrong? Sarada: Papa's eyesy are swirly Sarada: Only this one goes round and round~
Sasuke: ...are you scared?
Sarada: pretty~ i like it~! Sasuke: ...I see Sarada: Papa~ kiss me?
Sasuke: Just once, okay... *kiss*
----------- Sarada: ? Sarada: ... Sarada: Not on the lips? Sasuke: ?! Sasuke: Where did you see that...? Sarada: Mama's tevi! Sasuke: TV, huh... Sasuke: The afternoon dramas Sakura often watches...
Sasuke: Sarada, not on the lips Sarada: Eh~ Sasuke: Lips are special, it's not something I can easily give
Sasuke: The person who can have it is already decided
Sarada: Papa Sarada: you don't like Sarada?
Sasuke: It's quite difficult to explain it
----------- Sasuke: Sarada...which one do you like? Him or me?
Sarada: Hm~ ...I like you both
Sasuke: I see...then, how do you feel when you’re with us, is it fun or do you get excited?
Sasuke: Try remembering little by little
Sarada: Teddy bear is so soft and feels good, so I like him!
Sarada: But I still like Papa!
Sarada: You play with me and hug me! Sarada: I cry when I get scolded but Papa strokes my hair!
Sarada: I also like teddy bear, but I love Papa!
----------- Sarada: And also Sarada: there’s Mama!  Sarada: I feel warm with Mama so I love her!
Sasuke: That's right, there are different ways of "liking"
Sasuke: Kissing on the lips will be for a different person for Sarda
Sasuke: It's just like what you just said
Sasuke: That's why it's not that I hate you
Sasuke: It might still be hard for you to understand now...
Sarada: I understand! ----------- Sarada: Hehehe~ Sarada: When I grow up...can I become pretty like Mama~
Sasuke: ...Ah, sooner or later... Sasuke: That's in the future Sasuke: Sakura will come home soon...let's tidy things up before Mama returns
Sakura: I'm home~!
----------- Sakura: Sasuke-kun, thank you for waiting! I'm sorry!
Sakura: Was Sarada okay? Did she throw a tantrum? -----------
Sasuke: Yeah, no problem. She was tired from playing so she's sleeping now
Sasuke: You must be tired, too
Sakura: No, no! Thank you!
Sakura: It's great that Papa played with you, Sarada~
Sakura: Wah, she's sound asleep...did she play a lot?
Sasuke: Yeah
----------- Sasuke: She looks like you when she's sleeping
Sakura: Eh~? I think she looks more like you~
Sasuke: Also, your sensitivity to love... (Sarada: Kiss--) (Sakura: Sasuke-kun--) (Same scent...)
Sakura: I wonder what are you talking about?
Sakura: She's a girl..! Especially at her age, she's interested in everything
Sakura: They say girls look like their fathers, so I think Sarada will look like Sasuke-kun when she grows up...!
Sasuke: That will be a problem
----------- Sakura: But... Sakura: When Sarada grows up Sakura: I wonder what kind of girl will she be
Sakura: she'll probably grow real fast...
----------- Sakura: Ahhh~ To think that the day I'll see Sasuke-kun doing that came...Looking at you, I can tell that you're a doting parent...! How wonderful!
Sakura: The wife kinda wants that, too...
Sakura: After this, I have to prepare dinner, do the laundry and other chores~
Sasuke: Then, just do those
Sakura: My husband's so cold! I want to be recharged first!
Sasuke: ....
Sasuke: You...never changed Sakura: Hey, I want a forehead kiss like Sarada
Sakura: Here!
Sasuke: ...Only this once
Sakura: ??!
Sakura: Hey, Sasuke-kun! Wwwwhy? So sudden...!
Sasuke: You asked for it, right?
Sakura: On the forehead! I was shocked when you suddenly kissed me on the lips!
Sasuke: ...I see
----------- Sasuke: In your case, it's here, right?
Sakura: Sha---nnaro----! Sasuke-kun sure knows how to suddenly drop a bomb...!
Sakura: ! Sakura:Sa...!
Sarada: Hnn~
----------- Sakura: Thank goodness...she didn't wake up
Sakura: She's really sound asleep Sasuke: Yeah
Sakura: Then, I'll get our laundry
Sakura: How about you? Sasuke: ...I'll stay here for a while...
Sakura: Okay, I'll leave Sarada to you. I want to finish everything before she wakes up
Sasuke: Sure
Sasuke: SAKURA Sasuke: We'll continue...later tonight
----------- Sakura: ? (continue?) Sakura: !! Sakura: EH!
Sakura: Geez...! What’s with you?!
Sakura: Damn~ You’re too good at making my heart pound!
(Sakura: Sasuke-kun-- Shannaro--!)
Sasuke: ...Sarada Sasuke: When you grow up, Sasuke: as I thought, become a woman like your Mama...
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musette-thornsong · 7 years
TMNT: Big Guy Comin’ Through [REVISED]
Imagine the city has been taken over by Shredder and you have to work in order eat. It’s just another uneventful day at work and you work in a mine. You expect  the usual thinking-out-loud, know-it-all nonsense from your whiny coworker only to find his more brawny brother. He proves more into the work than his brother, with the muscles to prove it. Well, Sakura may find a potential interest in the ever-so-strong Raphael whereas he may reciprocate in his dream worker girl when he fills in for Donatello.
Raphael x Sakura
Words: 635
Sakura was working her usual every day shift at the mine, expecting to hear Donnie come from his usual therapist session and continue his incessant rambling and complaining about his job. But today turned out different when the nerdy turtle didn’t show up and finds much more muscular turtle catching her eye. Raphael was pickaxing away at the mine walls like no tomorrow, as if it was nothing.
Raph: (hacks at the rock wall, grunting in excitement) Nnngh!! Yeah!
Sakura: (turns from her work to see the buff turtle showing enjoyment in his position) Hmm
Raph: (continues pounding away at the sedimentary fixture, rocks hitting his face as he easily takes on the pain) Hah! Nnngh! Okay, mama!
Sakura: (smiles at the sight, staring at his magnificent muscles and physical prowess)
Raph: (muscles flexed as he worked) Oh, yeah! Big guy comin’ through!! Mmh! Love ya!
Sakura: (raises her eyebrow with a satisfying smile, showing a definite interest in the masculine turtle)
Raph: (picks up a second pickaxe and starts going John Henry on the wall, taking it to a rather extreme level) Nngh! Nngh! Hah!! Hah!!
Sakura: (halts him) Hey! Hey! Hey! Take it easy, Muscles
Raph: (stops to looks back, seeing the lovely worker girl)
Sakura: (hand on her hip, pickaxe over her shoulder) You’re making the rest of us look bad. (looks around) What happened to Donnie?
Raph: Donnie? He’s…. taking a personal day so I’m filling in
Sakura: (sarcastically smiling) Honey, you fill in anymore and you’ll explode 
Raph: (chuckles turning away for a sec before his eyes suddenly trailed down to gaze at Sakura big, strong, and slender legs)
Sakura: (brings Raph back to reality, gesturing him back to her eyes, brow raised) Ay, you got a problem?
Raph: (tries think of a good excuse) No, uuuhh… Nnnn…Nobody told me digging was so much fun, ya know? (picks up some rather large rocks for point reference) Ya pick the rocks up, ya move em’, ya pick em’ up again, ya move me’ again, lots of reps, you exercise the arms and the plastron (starts showing off his muscles, flexing every pose imaginable, forcing the veins up his scales trying to impress her)
Sakura: (stares wide-eyed, highly impressed) Yes I uuh..see what ya mean
Mine Inspector: (cuts in as he walks by) Hmm, yes. That is fascinating.
Raph: (salutes immediately) Sorry, SIR!!! I was just having a little chat with my friend, SIR!!!
Mine Inspector: Ya know, I just had a little chat with the Shredder. (warningly) Anyone who doesn’t meet his quota, is going to be downsized.
Sakura: (cops an attitude) Hey, come on cut him a break.
Mine Inspector: (looks to Shari, stunned by this new tone in her voice)
Sakura: (suddenly realizes what she said before making a sudden verbal retreat) Uuuh, he’s new.
Mine Inspector: Hey! what do ya say we..help your attitude a bit by…taking away your rations for the day? (walks away) Thanks for your time
Sakura: (shocked at her own actions, she suddenly starts hammering her pickaxing away in fury) I don’t know what came over me. Talkin’ back like that!? Ugh, I’m losin’ it.
Raph: (comes up to her, trying to get her attention) Hey, sorry I got you in trouble. But listen, you could-
Sakura: (swings pickaxe, barely dodging Raph)
Raph: Share my rations- (dodges again) Whoa!!
Sakura: (barely dodges Raph again, almost hitting his head)
Raph: IF YOU WANT!!! (block her pickaxe with his)
Sakura: (turns to him in confusion, smiling) Are you asking me out to dinner?
Raph: (chuckles bashfully) Hehehe!! Uuuh no um-….. (smoothly jumps at the idea, smiles back at her) well, if you don’t have anything else planned?
Sakura: (giggles) I’ll check my calendar. Ya know? (raises brows, smiling confidently) I’m kinda glad Donnie’s taking a breather.
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inu-jiru · 4 years
Tomoe, The Eastern Tigress - Chapter Two
Chapter Two - Six Months Later
Weed had done it. After many days of traveling, he’d reached Futago Pass. The little Akita mix stood on a rocky ledge, gazing up at the twin peaks. His tail wagged; finally, he’d fulfill his mother’s last wish: to meet his father, Gin. Weed made his way across the final stretch of land separating him from the Pass. Entering the woods, Weed looked around at the beautiful, autumn forest. “Mother…” he whispered, a large smile on his face. “I made it…! I really made it! I’m going to meet Father!” As Weed continued to run, he failed to notice that he wasn’t alone in this section of the woods. The bushes and shrubs of the undergrowth rustled as someone or something rushed through them. Out of the corner of his eye, a blur of black and tan erupted from the foliage. “Huh?” was all Weed could get out, before the stranger collided with him. He yelped, moreso in surprise than in pain, as he fell onto his back. “Guhhh…” the other dog groaned, a female, Weed assumed, judging by her voice. He rolled over, getting a proper look at the bitch. A German Shepherd was standing up, shaking dust out of her coat. A second later, she was glaring at Weed, fangs bared. Weed gasped. Her head...the flesh was missing from the top of her head… “What…?” began Weed as his ears began to fall back. “What happened to--?” The bitch suddenly lunged at Weed, her forelegs wrapping around him and pulling him into the bushes. It happened so fast; Weed hardly realized what happened until he felt himself being held down by the Shepherd’s paws. “Stay quiet,” she hissed. She peered out into the open, as if searching for something. “What? No!” The little brindle began struggling against his “captor’s” grip, clawing at the ground in desperation. “Let me go! Let go of me!” “SHUT UP!” the bitch snapped. She slammed a paw down on the youngster’s muzzle. “You’re gonna get me caught, you dumbass!” “Tomoe!” The Shepherd, a now one-year old Tomoe, stiffened at the sound of her name. She looked up, her single ear swiveling towards the direction of the voice. Her grip on Weed loosened slightly; this was the pup’s chance. With a grunt, Weed pushed against Tomoe’s paw, freeing himself. Immediately, he rushed back out into the open. Another Shepherd appeared from the undergrowth, stopping in front of Weed: Jiyū. “Uh…?” Weed gasped, his mouth agape. The panda Shepherd certainly was pretty… “Get back here, you little--!” Tomoe jumped out of the bushes after Weed, and was about to pin him down again, when she noticed her mother. Her ear pressed against her head and she slouched, defeated. “Son of a…” “There you are, Tomoe…!” said an exasperated Jiyū. “How many times do I have to tell you, you’re not allowed to leave the den without me!?” “I’m tired of that stupid den!” Tomoe spat, her fur bristling. “I want to go back to Gajou already! I don’t wanna hide from Kaibutsu any--” “Hey, excuse me!” Weed spoke up, looking between both females. They looked down at him. “What the fuck is it, brat?” growled Tomoe. “Tomoe!” Jiyū scolded sharply. “You will not insult a child like that. And you wonder why I won’t let you go to Gajou.” Tomoe snarled fiercely, but said nothing more. She looked away from her mother, her paw tapping against the ground impatiently. Weed shuffled his paws awkwardly. After a moment’s pause, Jiyū returned to her to the Akita mix. She spoke again, this time, in a much softer tone. “I’m sorry about that, little one. You really shouldn’t be here; it’s not safe.” “But,” Weed yipped. “I need to meet my Father! My mother sent me here to meet Gin!” Jiyū froze. Tomoe looked back at Weed, her eyes wide with interest. They both studied him, looking at his silver, striped pelt. “No way…” Tomoe whispered. “You’re really…?” “So that’s why you look so familiar…!” said Jiyū in awe. “You...you look so much like Gin…” The older bitch then looked around. “But...if you’re here...where’s Sakura? There’s no way she would’ve let you come here alone, is there?” At that, Weed’s expression darkened. He glanced down at his paws, blinking hard as tears threatened to form in his eyes. “She’s gone.” There was another silence, a longer one; it lingered for an uncomfortable amount of time. Those two words echoed in Tomoe and Jiyū’s heads, and yet, it was still hard to believe. “Weed!” A loud voice cut the silence. All three dogs looked up, seeing a English Setter sprinting towards them. He skidded to a stop upon reaching Weed’s side, his tongue lolling from the side of his mouth in an almost comedic fashion. “GB…?” said Weed softly. “You followed me?” “Yeah, heh. Had to make sure you got here safe, heheh…” The Setter had a sheepish smile that made it seem like he wasn’t telling the entire truth. He looked at Tomoe and Jiyū. “Ah...we don’t mean any trouble. This kid’s the son of Gin, you see.” “We know,” Jiyū replied somberly. “But I’m afraid you both came at a bad time…” POW! Birds flew into the air as the sound of a gunshot echoed through the forest. All the dogs looked up, their bodies tensing. “What the…!?” GB yelped. “What was that!?” “Are those humans?” a panicked Weed asked. “Why are they shooting in Father’s Paradise?” “We can’t stay here anymore.” Jiyū’s voice was quiet, yet firm. This was a danger she was no stranger to. “You both should come with us.” “No!” Weed suddenly bolted in the direction of the gunshot. “I have to find my father! I have to protect his Paradise!” “Boy, no!” “Weed! Weed, stop!” While Jiyū and GB called after the young brindle, Tomoe got the idea to follow after him. After all, it wasn’t just the duty of Gin’s son to protect Gajou. She was John’s daughter, and she had a score to settle with Kaibutsu. Tomoe heard pawsteps behind her, obviously her mother’s, but Tomoe had no intention of stopping. Not this time. “Tomoe! Weed! TOMOE!” Jiyū’s voice fell on deaf ears as Weed and Tomoe continued to run. Their speed was great, and one was able to keep up with the other perfectly. Neither of them stopped until they reached some rocky ledges. Tomoe felt a chill run through her body as she and Weed began to climb. Blood, she thought. It’s fresh. Oh, God...who did those bastard humans kill!? At the last ledge, both dogs stopped. An Akita male with an iconic set of scars on his forehead stood on a boulder before them, his body quivering. Tomoe noticed blood running down his flank. He’d been shot. “Father…!” Weed cried, taking a step forward. Tomoe looked at him, wincing slightly. The boy had no idea… “Stay back!” the Akita demanded with a grunt. He attempted to stand, but sank back down onto his haunches after a wave of sharp, hot pain washed over him. “It’s dangerous here…!” “Weed, get back,” Tomoe added. She was now starting to understand why her mother was so overprotective. Seeing a youngster so close to danger was a terrifying, nauseating feeling. “But…” Weed padded closer, gazing up at the male with pleading eyes. “Mother told me to come find you! Please, let me help protect Paradise, Father!” “You’re not…my son…!” The Akita attempted to stand again. He was successful this time, though it didn’t make the pain any less unbearable. He turned, jumping from the rock and heading for the nearby foliage. He looked back over his shoulder at Tomoe. “Take him away...quickly, Tomoe…!” The male paused, his fur bristling as a scent filled his nose. Tomoe could smell it, too, and her eyes began darting about. Large eyes glowed from the shadows of the flora. Tomoe gasped. “Tokimune!” she called. “Behind you!” Tokimune spun around to the best of his ability, coming face to face with Kaibutsu. He emerged from his hiding place, towering over the three dogs with his terrifying height. A paw raised, swinging down at Tokimune. Within seconds, three large gashes were formed on his side, spilling blood at an alarming rate. “Father!” Weed shouted. He raced closer to Tokimune, despite the male’s gasps and grunts to stay back. Seeing all of this and remembering her past failure, Tomoe felt a surge of rage wash over her. She, too, approached Tokimune, but rather than stand behind him, Tomow threw herself in front of him, lowering herself into a fighting crouch. “Tomoe!” Tokimune barked. “Get back! I order you to get back!” “You’re not my Boss! And even if you were, I’ll be damned if I let another dog die!” Kaibutsu glowered down at Tomoe, his head tilting slightly. Tomoe glared back, six months’ worth of fury boiling within her. The beast’s lips curled back, almost in some sort of twisted smile. The bastard was smiling at her. “You…” Tomoe seethed. “Motherfucker!” ROOOOOOOAR! Kaibutsu pounced, and Tomoe prepared to perform her Retsu. As she tried to leap forward, however, she felt teeth clamp down on her hind leg. Her eyes widened. Suddenly, she was thrown back, not too roughly, but she collided with Weed and was sent tumbling down the rocky slope. Above them, there was a sickening crunch. Tomoe looked up. What she saw made her heart stop. Tokimune was gripped tightly in the jaws of Kaibutsu, his life being slowly crushed out of him. “Gaaaaaah!” The Akita screamed as blood poured from his mouth. Seconds later, he fell limp. Tokimune was dead. Beside Tomoe, Weed had gotten to his paws and followed the bitch’s gaze with his own eyes. He, too, saw Tokimune’s lifeless body in the clutches of the monster. “Uuuh…” Weed choked, his body shaking like a leaf in a gale. His pupils dilated, and suddenly, he screamed. And screamed. And screamed.
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