#oh and i will work onto chapter 5 of oil well fire
riewritten · 1 month
if i would be able to accomplish all my deliverables this week i would pamper myself by writing a psychologically accurate unhinged anna liebert fanfic where she exists inside of nina and everything is projected to the reader whom she likes so much yes and it will be a literal hellhole
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To save a mockingbird (5)
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Plot: Hux is not having the time of his life lol
Warnings: none
Word count: 2000
Chapter 5
It was cathartic, watching the droid misbehave and drown him in oil as it spewed it on his face. Majorie hid her smile as she grabbed a cloth. But it hadn’t stopped the other events to get started. He slipped on the nails on the ground, his fingers getting slammed on by the cover of the tool box and how his pants tore as he stretched too far to balance himself. Misfortune was following him and she could spot the raincloud over his head had begun to unleash thunder.
Now his beautiful fire brand strands of hair were covered with grease and his marble skin had become tainted. She held out the cloth to him, his stormy gaze seemed to ease when he saw her and with a huff he took the cloth from her hands to wipe himself. It wasn’t just this that he had endured since the day had begun. It was the pranks and the teasing from the rebels around them too.
Well it could not be helped, he had a great reputation around here. He walked past posters of his face with target drawn on them or kids screaming at him the moment they spotted him. So it was safe to say that he was on edge and it was only a matter of time before he lost it.
“Pass me the spanner.”, she told him and he did. The leak was just a loosened washer that had to be sealed tight, which she did.
The noon sun was making the ground dry and made the metal reflect the heat onto their skin. His cheeks were flushed red and it was..
She lost track of her words, his chest rose and fell, his eyes found hers and she felt it again. The pity, which she didn’t want to harbor. Why could she not be like the rest? To ridicule him or take out the anger she felt on him. But she put away the tool in her hand and stepped away.
“Would you like to have lunch?”, she asked which seemed to have brought back his attention to her. It was unsettling how his gaze could read her, as though her mind were a book but whatever it was that he deduced, he kept his musings to himself.
His silence was beginning to rake her annoyance. “Right, you never take breaks.”, she settled herself on the ground next to the x-wing she was helping him fix.
“Don’t presume to know me.”, he chided her. Finally, something was better than nothing.
“Oh, how could I? No one is worthy enough to know you.”, she continued which got him to walk towards her.
“So have you figured out a way for yourself?”, she probed him propping open the box she had packed lunch in.
“Or are you still scoping out the terrain?”, she laughed to herself as she began to eat. He tapped his foot impatiently and the scowl he wore deepened but he continued to refrain from joining her.
“Barbaric.”, he scoffed.
“No one sits on the floor to eat much less speak when their mouth is full.”, he lectured her but she only waited patiently.
“Come on, this would probably be the best curry you could have in the entire galaxy.”, she grinned at him as she held the box up to him. He folded his arms and looked away.
“So?”, she braved his anger once more.
“Won’t you tell me your plans.”, she spoke as she ate and watched for the signs of him succumbing to hunger.
He skipped on eating anything since the dinner he possibly had last. He ran on caf alone and she wondered how was it that he didn’t keel over to be sick. But it was getting to him now, the sun, the pranks, the work, he had worked up a sweat.
“I – he began to give her a retort before his stomach grumbled.
His eyes widened while she sat back satisfied but it was how he looked, that she wished to remember forever. He was disgusted for having human cravings, his expression turned vile as though he hated himself. He felt bare, without his impervious first order uniform to protect him and make him look like a machine.
His hair stuck to his forehead, he looked like a grimy street cat now that she had to befriend, his long arms folded around himself as though he was overcome with shame, shame for feeling hungry or feeling the heat of the weather. His worst enemy was himself, he beat himself up over the most smallest error or lost his cool over a single word.
“Fine.”, he grumbled.
She patted the spot next to her and a second passed before he took a seat. He was distracted, dusting his pants and mindful of the dirt that it took him a while to settle. She pulled out a second box and Marjorie knew that he had noted down this gesture as well. She wasn’t sure if he had been made in a lab somewhere or if the bits and pieces she had heard of his story had been true. That he never had a childhood. Because even the most ordinary of gestures looked new and foreign in his eyes.
“You packed extra? For me?”, he asked, his green eyes turning crisp as he studied her yet again.
“I thought you might need some food at some point.”, she looked away, because agreeing to his statement made it sound like she had him on her mind, his needs and wants.
“Good. Pass it along.”, he held out his hand when she stopped to find his gaze. Maybe she should have dragged on to say that she had cared or some grand declaration like that to make him more queazy, if feeling hunger itself was derogatory to him, god forbid if he felt something. She huffed, that would be the end of the world and she wanted to live long enough to see it.
“No.”, Marjorie cocked her eyebrow which made him furrow his dark brows.
“What?”, he demanded as though she had wronged him. He needed to be reminded that this was not his fleet.
“Say please.”, she held his accusatory gaze.
“Woman, are you insane? You begged me to eat and now with withhold it from me?”, he seethed and lunged forward for the box which she pulled away from his grasp.
“I’m serious.”, she could feel the thunder again, the anger shrouded him when he was denied of what he wanted.
“Give it to me. Now.”, he ordered but she remained steadfast in her convictions.
“No.”, she shrugged her shoulders putting the box away next to her.
He paused, his lips slightly parted almost as if this was the first time someone had said no to him. His knuckles turned white as he folded them into fists, but with a sigh he gave in.
“Please.”, he said quietly looking around to see if there were witnesses.
“Oh what was that?”, she leaned closer with a smile.
“I would like to have lunch, please.”, he said it with a straight face with a speed that most would only reserve for confessions.
“Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?”, she drawled as she gave him the box which he opened in an urgency and used the spoon to dig into the contents. The moment he took his first bite, she snuck glances at him. Because he wouldn’t admit even if the food was amazing. His back straightened, he chewed slowly, his gaze was distant but then he sat back with a soft sigh and the moment he caught her staring he reverted to his indignant nature.
“How is it?”, she asked to which he sniffed arrogantly.
“It is adequate.”, he said but the desperation with which he was eating only said otherwise and so she let him have it, this moment of superiority to feel that she had bought into his words.
The day had passed and he had done well, against her better judgement he did know his way around machinery. The only task left now was for him to chip in and decode the messages Leia had for him. In most cases, such messages were read by translators here to understand what was being said. But some messages, especially those that were being passed between the higher authorities had a certain encryption that was tough to crack.
He marched in with his head high, even though he looked like a garage rat. He held that confidence Marjorie wished she could possess.
“We’ve got a new one.”, a young boy informed the buzzling scene of individuals who sat around with headphones hacking into servers and radio frequencies.
“Ah pass it on, we’ve got the man for the job.”, Leia found Hux hovering near her shoulder. She patted his arm and he froze. But he let it pass. Unusual, Marjorie thought.
The boy played the message and the crowd grew quite. The muffled up syllables sounded alien and distorted but it was yet another sight to see, to watch him in his habitat of administration. He leaned forward, his eyes turning into like that of a hawk, his mind filtering every word as the crowd looked upon him with expectation and uncertainty.
How could he be trusted to transcribe the message to it’s true meaning?
Marjorie wasn’t sure but every time he focused intently on something, she knew he wasn’t playing around.
The message ended and silence flooded in before he spoke.
“General Hux is now no more missing but rather has been 'lost in action'.”, he spoke clearly.
“No probes need to be sent, another has taken his place to see through the classified projects of the Supreme Leader.”, he continued but as Marjorie observed him, she found him softly biting on the end of his bottom lip, his tell that he was speaking the truth.
This was brutal for him, as much as he was trying to hide the quiver in his voice or the nervous twitch in his finger.
“Do you know of these classified projects?”, Leia questioned and Marjorie caught the downcast expression that took over his features.
“No. I was never trusted with them.”, he said.
This was almost like exiling him or actually shooting him right through his heart. All he held dear in this miserable life was his title and his accomplishments and the only thing worth his joy was the first order or it’s progression but to hear this was …
He straightened, Leia dismissed him and he knew he had to get back. To send through a message or his coordinates, this wasn’t over he will take back what was his. What he had spilled blood and tears to get. He would not let it slip through his fingers just like that. Marjorie kept her distance, it was as though she could sense his anger or rather his grief and if the latter was true. He had to leave now. No one was allowed to know him.
So when the base had fallen asleep and the sweet call of moonlight beckoned him. This was his moment, so he left, he knew where the x-wings were but the patrol units were up and about making him switch to his only other plan. To run into the woods and get to the nearest town on the planet.
The woods engulfed him and soon he did not have to worry about looking over his shoulder. He was filled with the belief that his life could still get back to how it had been. His higher purpose was always different. His dream, he looked up at the stars, was to always be part of greatness. But his body hit the ground and the view of the stars were lost, replaced with her dark eyes and black hair that it looked like the sky itself.
“Are you mad?”, she whispered as she caught her breath.
She had his collar in her hands and her eyes pinned him down. He wasn’t sure of her reaction because all this while she wanted to get rid of him and was also certain he was going to run. Maybe this was another one of his plaguing dreams that had been torturing him recently.
“If you’re going to run, read the bloody signs.”, she let go of him and scrambled to his feet. This was real.
To which his fear gripped his heart when he spotted the sign, he was going to walk into an old abandoned minefield set up by the Empire. All would have been lost if she had not intervened but the messages replaced in his head and it knocked out the wind from his system. What had he done? He had almost put himself in danger for a position that was no longer available. Ren never let him work on those projects because he was sure Hux would use it to overthrow him. The Order didn't think twice before it cast him away.
Their loss, he thought.
Maybe it was time to hone in on his life as a spy. Maybe it was time to destroy the First Order just because he could.
His breath hitched in his throat. He wouldn't cry over this. His father's voice echoed in his mind and he felt defeated.
She watched as his shoulders slumped, finally admitting to his futile attempt. But it was the desperation with which that he ran that she remembered, there was no hope for him, she turned away with a tired heart.
@raisina @rheklas @avercado5
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j-graysonlibrary · 11 months
The Xiang Chronicles: Book Three Chapter 5
Title: The Xiang Chronicles: Book Three
Author: Jay Grayson
Word Count: 107k
Genres: Fantasy, adventure, drama, LGBT+
Available on: my website
Synopsis: Only one Xiang remains and her name is Merra. She hopes to unite the land by force and plow down anyone in her way—especially the people of Agni who she deems faithless and the native people of Terra who refuse to cooperate with her.
Raine continues to serve his Lord but he has taken to alcoholism to soothe his grief—a fact he keeps out of his letters with Heidi. Baiya has returned to mercenary work in order to keep his family safe while Kira is on the warpath. He, fully, takes on the title of Chaaya and means to defeat the Xiang he sees as false.
And, in a guarded castle in Enlil, a stir-crazy Princess dabbles in the dark arts, setting in motion something even Tiandi cannot see.
Full chapter 5 under the cut
Chapter V:
The sun struggled in rising. Just when the sky would start to brighten, it would grow dark again and Pangu would feel his hopes crash. A few birds started to wake and the sound of waves, which had been a constant through the night, seemed to grow louder now. A distant bell from a ship rang and that seemed to serve as Kaz’s waking.
“Fuck, it’s late,” the man cursed as he hurried to dress himself again.
It seemed quite early to Pangu still but he did not know his schedule either. He stayed quiet and on the floor, not wanting to risk accidently seeing the man in his undergarments again. Once, he was sure could be counted as an accident but twice and he knew Kaz would not forgive him.
The clinking of his armor grew closer as well as the thudding of his feet against the floor. Then a kick to Pangu’s side flipped him onto his back. It was not a particularly strong kick and it did not hurt but it was forceful enough to have moved him and drawn an “umph” from his throat.
“Wake up. I am sure May will be in here soon.” Kaz walked away. “I will be back later. Do not touch anything.”
Pangu sat up and rubbed his eyes despite not getting any sleep. He heard Kaz leave the room and he let out a sigh in his absence.
There was nothing to do, especially since he was not allowed to look at anything in the man’s room, so he paced about until he had company again.
Like Kaz had said, May came in after a few moments. She was in a brand new robe and smelled strongly of floral oils so Pangu guessed she had taken a bath. Her hair was pulled back more on the left side and a few braids hung down and draped over her shoulder.
“Good morning, Pangu,” she greeted with a wide, toothy grin. “I see you are still in one piece and not…smelling.”
Just as he had the night before, he smelled himself which got a big laugh from the princess.
“It is a good thing!” May clapped her hands together. “You are the fine specimen Parvati promised. I just need you to start remembering how to use your abilities.”
“I have not tried,” Pangu admitted.
He quickly realized that she and Kaz must not have spoken before she came over because her eyebrows flew up her face and her jaw hung.
“You can talk!”
“Oh…yeah.” He felt his cheeks get hot and he rubbed the back of his neck. “I am getting better.”
“Well, take that energy and focus it on shooting fire from your hands and whipping things about in the air!” May grasped his hand and squeezed. “Then, you can scare my parents into listening to me. Finally.”
“You just…want to scare them?” Pangu parsed out his thoughts carefully.
“Yep.” She grinned and moved their hands up and down. “Scare them. Maim them. Threaten them with their lives. Whatever makes them stop and do what I say, really.”
“What if they do not listen no matter what?”
May’s elated expression turned dark in an instant. As if a candle was suddenly blown out, she became cold and distant. She even dropped her hold on him and backed away. “Why would you suggest that? Did Kaz say they would not listen? Where did you get such an idea from?!”
Pangu stuttered. “I…I was just curious.”
She threw her head back and let out a long, heavy sigh before collapsing on the nearby sofa. She threw her arms out over her head and let one of her legs dangle toward the ground. “If they do not cooperate then we will kill them. Easy.”
That did not sound easy at all. Or practical.
But Pangu hesitated to speak his mind. He fidgeted with his hands and briefly looked over at her. “What…what happens after that…?”
“I have plans,” May responded, defiant. She sat up in a hurry and shook her head, loosening some of her hair. “Do not worry about my plans. You just need to do what I tell you, when I tell you, and how I tell you.”
He nodded, not wanting to upset her further.
It appeared as though he had no reason to really worry, however, since she stood from the sofa and straightened out her clothes with a growing smile. She let out a sigh that sounded less exhausted and more relieved.
“That settles that,” she said and walked closer to Pangu. “Now, you should really remember some stuff. Parvati, can you come out? Helloooo?”
Her eyes darted all about, to every corner of the room until a form appeared, finally. It was similar to how Pangu had seen her leave them before but it was truly striking to watch her suddenly arrive from the smallest of shadows.
“Yes, my lady?” Parvati answered her with a smile. She kept her hands clasped in front of her, ready to bow at a moment’s notice.
“I have business to attend to today, can you watch Pangu and try to get him to remember how to use his powers? I would like to have things neatly tied up before too much longer.”
Pangu noticed a slight twitch in Parvati’s eye but she did not drop her smile. “Of course. I will be with him every spare moment I can.”
May clapped and then headed back for the door. “I look forward to it!”
Pangu watched her skip out of the room, at least in a better mood than she had been a few moments prior. He did not know how to speak to her or even look at her, to be honest. Then again, he had no idea how to address or talk to Kaz either.
The sound of his name brought his focus over to Parvati. “Pangu,” she said in a flat but quiet voice. “How are you feeling?”
He definitely noticed a difference in the way she looked at him as opposed to how she looked at everyone else—he just was not sure if he could say whether that was a good thing or not. Not yet.
“Um…I can speak now but I still do not remember anything.”
A much wider smile spread across her lips. “It is a relief to hear you speak. And a good sign.”
“Will I be able to remember?” Pangu was not as impatient as May but he did feel a jittery sensation in his stomach each time he thought of his memories.
Of course, he wanted to remember who he was, other than what he knew so far—being the Xiang at some point—such as what he had done to, apparently, earn Tiandi’s ire as well as the people he had known. He wanted to know why that list of names Parvati listed to him last night made his heart clench so tightly. He wanted to know what kind of person he had been, not just what he was supposed to have done.
On the other hand, he knew he had been killed and the idea of remembering that was daunting. Would he also remember the pain? And, besides that, what if there were other details he would wind up regretting to remember? Things that were better left forgotten?
It was a complicated feeling—one he could not describe if asked.
Parvati brushed some of her hair aside and took a deep breath. “I certainly hope so. You were separate from your body for a year. It could take some time before things settle into place…I only fear it will take too long for our dear princess.”
“We should focus on my abilities first then,” he pointed out the obvious.
She nodded but she did not seem happy about it. “I am not sure how much I can help you there. Your energy may not be…compatible…with mine but I will do what I can.”
Pangu found himself frowning. “Is it because you are Sha-Parvati? A mistress of shadow?”
“So you remember things like that.” She rubbed down her chin and into her beard. “At least we do not have to review the basics.”
“It seems the princess and her guards do not know,” Pangu pointed out. Not only did they refer to her, solely, as Parvati, but none of them had mentioned the words mistress or shadow even once and especially not in tandem.
“They do…in a way. I do not think they fully understand, however.” Sha-Parvati chuckled under her breath. “May sees me as a witch of some sort, I think.”
Even some highly religious people did not know much about the mistresses of shadow. A few sects of Tiandi worship even forbade the teaching of anything about Shakti for a time. It was more likely that scholars of the Xiang, rather than regular Tiandi worshipers, would know the mistresses and their names.
Pangu shook his head and then held out his hands. “Anyway, my energy will not hurt you, will it?”
He knew the opposite was true—that Sha-Parvati’s energy, assuming it was pure miasma, would harm him. It was the reason the spirits had closed themselves into the spirit world.
“I should hope not,” she mentioned as she set her hands over his.
Their palms touched and, immediately, there was a tingling sensation. Pangu closed his eyes and braced for pinching or stinging but it never came. There was just a warm, dense pressure that pushed into his palms and reverberated through his being. He could almost trace it as it passed through all of the larger energy reserves in his body.
“You do not feel blocked…practice should be feasible.” Sha-Parvati pulled her hands away. “I am a poor substitute for your old teachers but I will do my best.”
Pangu had renewed faith that everything would work out just fine yet, after hours of sitting on the floor and attempting to lift a feather with his energy, that faith had seen only a few twitches and one updraft. And he was still not convinced that those instances had not been just a strong gust of wind coming from the window.
They tried fire as well and, a couple of times, little sparks came to his fingertips but nothing ever fully ignited. The energy was there but the manifestation was just not occurring.
Along with being incredibly frustrating, Pangu was worried about May’s response.
Sha-Parvati assured him not to concern himself with the princess and that, if she threw a fit over it, then she would take care of it.
By the time she left, Pangu was exhausted in every facet. He was still tired from the night before and he had exuded more energy than he probably should have during “training”. His mind was aching from the blank spaces he wanted so badly to fill and his heart tugged ever downward.
It felt like too much and, also, not enough. So, when the door opened again, he tensed.
“Do not forget about that report, Fi,” Kaz’s voice called out as he entered the doorway, faced backward. His hands clutched either side of the frame as he kept his head out, presumably speaking to someone in the hall. “I do not care how long it is—I will be checking it in the morning. …No, you will not. …If you come any closer, I will spear you through the throat.”
He pushed back into the room and shut the door with a loud bang. Then he locked it up tight and turned around, eyes meeting Pangu instantly.
“You did not touch anything, did you?”
Pangu shook his head. “No.”
Kaz sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Good…good.” His throat bobbed and he muttered something under his breath that Pangu could not hear.
“Um…” he approached the subject nervously. “How was your day?”
“How was my day?” Kaz repeated and stared at the ceiling. “Well, May threw a tantrum and broke an entire shelf of ancestral dishes so we had to deal with her parents and now there is a mountain of paperwork to fill out. Just because she is the princess, she thinks everything in this castle belongs to her. I cannot wait until she is free of this place—for both of our sakes.”
She must have had another mood swing after she left, Pangu figured. “Sorry.” It was all he could think to say.
“It is normal.” After a moment, he finally moved away from the door and sighed. “I will take a bath. Stay out here.”
Pangu waited until he was gone to walk around. He was uncomfortable being beside the door, even if it was locked, since he expected May to come barging in at any moment. The imagery was so vivid in his mind that he had to leave. So, he moved into the bedroom and just stood there, remembering what all he was not allowed to put his dead hands on. Pretty much everything but especially the bed.
When Kaz returned, he was in a casual, pale blue robe with towel tossed hair. He frowned when he noticed where Pangu was but, to his surprise, a scolding was not the first thing out of his mouth.
“You look exhausted. You are not decomposing, are you?”
“No?” Pangu frowned as well. “I did not sleep last night.”
He was met with a raised brow. “Why not?”
It was difficult to explain or, more accurately, Pangu worried he would sound ridiculous if he was honest. Yet, he did not have any good lie at the ready. Nothing he thought of made sense either. So he was left with the truth.
“I…” he started and then stopped immediately, looking down at his feet. “I am afraid that if I go to sleep, I will not wake up.”
Silence. Kaz said nothing and just stared for too long. It was a good thing Pangu was already looking away because he could feel the stare and he knew it was too intense to meet head on.
“You are afraid of dying?” Finally, Kaz spoke.
“Yes…I suppose.” Still, he did not lift his eyes.
“…You really are alive…?” Another silence. “Fuck.”
That made Pangu brave a glance. Kaz was no longer staring at him but was pinching the bridge of his nose. Pangu cocked his head to the side, confused. “What?”
“Just…get in the bed. Sleep.” Kaz seemed pained to say it and that made Pangu hesitate. But, when he did not move, the man became more insistent. “Please just get in the bed.”
“B-but you do not want anything dead—”
“Shut it,” he snapped and looked away entirely. “Take the very edge then and stay turned away from me. Just get some sleep, shit.”
Pangu did not know what happened to change his mind but he also did not want to keep getting yelled at so he just did what he was told. The bed was soft and the feel of it under him was almost enough to carry him off to sleep immediately but his worried mind still got in the way. That and the feel of Kaz climbing into bed on the other side.
It was certainly wide enough to where there was no chance of them touching unless they either planned it or one of them was a wild sleeper. Pangu had a deep knowing that he was not the second option so he kept on the side and took up as little space as possible.
His eyes closed but his heart continued to thump, extra adrenaline from the strange exchange and the lingering fear of dying powering him. He tried to calm his breaths but his efforts were fruitless. His body continued to tremble, slightly, and he could not relax for anything.
Then, a hand fell on his arm. Before Pangu could ask, the fingers groped onto a stretch of skin and then pinched. Hard.
“Ow!” He swatted the hand away on reflex and then slapped his other hand onto his arm to cover the wounded area.
“If you feel pain, then you are alive, right?” Kaz said, glaring over at him. “You will not die so easily during the night. Even if you sleep. If that were a possibility, Parvati would have told us. So stop worrying and just sleep.”
His words were short and biting but Pangu did not feel as though he were in trouble like he had earlier. Strangely, he started to smile and his heart no longer thumped wildly with anxiety.
“O…okay,” he muttered quietly and relaxed his shoulders.
Before he knew it, darkness was around him but it was not nearly as scary as he had feared. 
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phantom-curve · 3 years
Mads I have to be annoying and send you another one of those prompts 😂 Platonic Alex & Reggie with "liberosis - the desire to care less about things"!
this was not the first prompt you sent in, but I had way too much fun exploring this dynamic and I couldn't resist doing this one before the others! set in the gimme a chance AU, please enjoy this deleted scene that takes place after chapter 4 ft. Alex and Reggie being completely Over It™️
liberosis - the desire to care less about things (Rated T+ for language and some slightly suggestive wording about Luke and Julie's relationship)
“Okay so like, we’re in agreement that this is just a weird thing we’re not gonna talk about, right?”
It was late. Alex had stumbled home from work completely drained and exhausted around 10 pm and Reggie had apparently been waiting up to have this conversation, work clothes still on, fingers restless as they twisted together in front of his body where he sat propped up against the couch, TV turned low and forgotten behind him. For a second, Alex wasn’t exactly sure what Reggie was talking about. And then he remembered it was Sunday. Which meant yesterday had been Saturday. And all of the stupid Luke drama he had been trying to ignore came flooding back.
“No, we’re not gonna talk about it,” Alex said firmly, meeting Reggie’s concerned gaze with a look that he hoped translated into I will literally talk about anything else but this right now. “Total radio silence as far as I’m concerned.”
“Cool, okay. Glad we’re on the same page.”
Reggie’s head dipped and bobbed as he nodded his agreement. Alex let out a sigh of relief as he hunched over to slip his work shoes off and stack them on the rack by the front door. Then, the air seemed to grow thick with some sort of unspoken tension. Alex felt it press against him like an old, uncomfortable sweater, itchy and oppressive against his chest. When he straightened once more, Reggie was waiting to meet his gaze head on. Clearly, they were gonna talk about it.
“I’m not alone in thinking it’s like...kinda weird, right?”
Alex sighed, the action bone deep and heavy in a way that only Luke’s shenanigans could make him feel. Reggie wasn’t wrong. It was kinda weird that Luke had been hiding this whole Julie thing from them. It was kinda weird that Luke had managed to pull it off at all, actually. The boy was not known for his subtlety. He had very clearly struck out with Julie the first time around, and yet somehow, he had managed to draw her back in. Alex could tell by the way Luke had stuttered and stammered over the whole thing the night before that he had been trying to keep it lowkey. As if that boy even knew the meaning of the word. Case in point: he hadn’t been able to play it cool for 5 seconds once she had started ignoring him.
“Yeah, Reg, it’s definitely kinda weird.”
“Oh, good, I’m really glad I’m not the only one who feels that way about it. Ya know, when I first figured it out, I was like, ‘okay maybe it’s just a one-time thing.’ But it’s not a one-time thing. Definitely not. And I just like...don’t understand why he isn’t talking about it? Why is he trying to pretend its no big deal? It’s obviously a big deal.”
Alex desperately wished he could go back in time and take Willie up on his offer to spend the night tonight if only to be able to avoid this uncomfortable word vomit that Reggie didn’t seem capable of stopping. If there was ever a can of worms that didn’t need to be opened, it was this one, focused on Luke’s love life and his interactions with Julie, and what all of that meant in the grand scheme of things. Alex did not have the time or patience to truly get into this right now, he really didn’t. Except Reggie was looking at him so expectantly, as if Alex would reach into his fanny pack and pull out a booklet of answers, and so he also couldn’t just leave the poor guy to obsess alone.
“Okay, so we’re gonna do this, yeah? We’re gonna talk about it? Lemme...lemme just like get some sweats on and make some dinner, okay?”
Reggie let out a deep breath that Alex hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
“Yeah. Yeah, whatever you need, Lex.”
Alex didn’t dawdle. This was not a conversation that was going to go away or be dismissed. Reggie needed to talk it out, and honestly, now that he thought about it, Alex kind of did, too. And not to someone like Willie who would grin and say, “can’t stop true love hot dog, gotta let them ride that wave and figure out if they’re gonna sink or swim on their own” and act all blasé about it. He needed to talk about it with someone like Reggie who, just like Alex, was in the unique position of being friends with Flynn and Carrie (which meant knowing just enough about Julie to have an idea of exactly why she would be so appealing to Luke) as well as being one of Luke’s brothers (which meant knowing him better than he knew himself sometimes). Together, they might be able to figure out if the two would be like oil and water or more like fire and gasoline. Reggie was the only person who could have that kind of discussion with him, so yeah, they were doing this.
Alex made quick work of cleaning off in the shower and switching his work clothes for sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. Reggie was still waiting on the couch, staring at the tv but not actually watching whatever was playing out on the 32-inch screen. He had managed to change out of his clothes and into some Star Wars themed pajamas though. Alex skirted around the couch edge so he could press a quick, reassuring hand against Reggie’s scalp as he made his way into the kitchen. Reggie’s eyes moved away from the screen to track his movements. Alex might be the one with anxiety, but Reggie needed more reassurance when it came to things that might end with his family falling apart in one way or another. Alex wasn’t about to let him get so worked up that he convinced himself this would be catalyst that ruined everything.
“Honestly, Reg, what are we even supposed to do here? You know he’s gonna keep seeing her no matter what we say.”
Alex tried to open the conversation gently, eyes fixed on his bowl as it revolved in circles inside the microwave. Reggie didn’t answer at first, not until the beep of Alex’s food being finished rang out in the small apartment. When he did speak, he sounded partly apologetic and partly resigned.
“I don’t know. I know I probably should have said something after last week but...he just seemed so happy. I didn’t wanna mess it up for him. But last night was weird and it didn’t feel good. I’m worried Luke’s on a one-way path to destruction and I don’t know if it’s gonna be because of Julie or because of Flynn.”
Alex tried not to let his face fall into his freshly warmed bowl of pasta as he pulled it from the microwave. He really, really did not want to think about the ways that Flynn would rip Luke to shreds when she found out what had been going on behind her back. He had learned two things about the pint-sized firecracker in the year or so that he had known her: don’t mess with Carrie and don’t mess with Julie. Luke had already kinda fucked up on one of those counts. He wasn’t super thrilled thinking about what her reaction might be when she discovered he had been messing around with the second one, and in a much bigger way, too. He turned to face Reggie, forced himself to soften his own anxiety when he caught sight of the nerves etched out in harsh lines across the bassist’s forehead. Deep breath in, deep breath out just like his therapist had taught him.
“Flynn is gonna react however she’s gonna react. We can’t control that. She’s gonna have Julie’s back no matter what so all we can do is watch out for Luke.”
Reggie was nodding along in agreement, features smoothing out now that there was something of a plan for him to follow. Alex swung himself onto a barstool, bowl in front of him as his mind turned over and over all the millions of ways this thing between Julie and Luke could go south. Reggie moved off of the couch, hesitating for just a moment before he walked over to lean against the island in the kitchen where Alex was doing his best not to spiral.
“I think he likes her. Like...like likes her.”
Reggie’s voice was quiet, like he was sharing some secret he had been sworn to silence over. Alex turned to look at him again, not entirely sure he wanted to believe it.
“Dude, we’re not in middle school. You hook up with people all the time and it never means more than a night of shared passion. Luke can do the same thing.”
The look Reggie leveled his way was nothing short of disbelieving, eyebrows raised so high they had practically disappeared into his hairline. Alex kinda had to hand it to him there. He didn’t really believe Luke actually could pull off a casual relationship, especially not with a girl like Julie who probably set every single one of his musical nerve endings on high alert. Reggie and Luke weren’t the same in that manner. Reggie wanted to give love and receive it in turn without any reservations or worries about the intent behind it. Just two people meeting in a mutually beneficial exchange and then moving on with their lives to find that again with someone else. Luke’s love was deliberate, a commitment. There was no way whatever he was doing was casual.
“Okay, okay. Put the eyebrows away already.”
Reggie’s face relaxed into something less concerned and more exhausted. Alex felt that all the way to the depths of his soul. Generally speaking, Luke was pretty exhausting. And he was even more exhausting when he wasn’t taking care of himself in order to take care of someone else, in this case: Julie. Alex scooped up his bowl of pasta and tucked an arm around Reggie’s shoulders, guiding both of them to the couch. The tv was still playing something Alex couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to, but the low hum of voices in the background made the apartment feel a little less cold and quiet. Alex shoveled a bite of pasta into his mouth, chewing slowly and deliberately before he turned to face Reggie once more.
“Look, we don’t actually have any control over any of this shit. We know how Luke is, and we kinda know what’s up with Julie, but we can’t stop them from interacting or scare them off from each other. As much as it sucks, I think we gotta just ride this one out. And if Luke gets hurt, we’ll be here to patch him up and love him through it.”
Alex blinked in surprise, not actually sure those words had just come out of his mouth. By the way Reggie was studying him, he wasn’t sure the other boy could believe it either. Then, Reggie’s lips curved into a knowing smirk.
“Willie’s been rubbing off on you. All that therapy and go with the flow shit. You’re like a whole new drummer boy.”
Alex guffawed and reached over to shove Reggie playfully, being sure to keep his now empty bowl clear of the scuffle. Reggie ducked around his outstretched arm, sneaking under to poke at Alex’s side in a way that had him twisting and nearly falling off the couch.
“Jeez, Uncle, Uncle! Fuckin hell, man, no need to go straight for the tickle spots.”
Reggie huffed out a laugh, collapsing back into the couch next to Alex. They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, the only sound the canned laughter and predictable lines of the tv show.
“Hey, Lex?”
Alex hummed and rolled his head to meet Reggie’s eyes.
“Do you ever wish you just like...didn’t care so much about everything?”
Alex’s laugh echoed above the sound of the tv. He leaned into Reggie’s side, letting the familiar comfort wash over him.
“All the time, Reg. Literally, all the fucking time.”
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chemicalmagecraft · 3 years
A Black Wind Howls Chapter 5: Winter Solstice Part Two
Previously on Avatar...
The fireballs tore through the smoke cloud, but the Black Wind was nowhere to be found.
"He's invisible!" Zhao shouted.
"What was that about you killing us?" he asked the black-clad man before kicking him into unconsciousness, then grinned.
The door suddenly creaked shut. When everyone looked at it they saw a rather short old woman with long white hair appear with her hand on the white lotus design in the middle of the door, as if out of thin air.
"Bending is connection to an element," Dorji said, her hands on Appa's reins. She held her hand out to a passing cloud, causing a miniature funnel cloud to form from it.
"By restricting one of the senses you use the most, you will unconsciously draw on other senses. And once you begin to feel the elements more, your control over them will only increase."
Dorji took a deep breath. "The reason I can't hear in the spirit world... is because I was born deaf."
"So that's why you have trouble hearing," Katara said. Dorji had decided to tell them what she'd told Aang while they were flying to the Fire Nation.
Dorji nodded. She looked nervous, her hands were shaking. "Y-you don't... think less of me, d-do you?"
Katara hugged her until she stopped trembling. "I don't," she reassured her after letting her go, "and I'm sure Aang and Sokka feel the same way!"
Aang and Sokka nodded.
"I don't think anyone would think less of you for being deaf," Sokka contributed.
Dorji's face fell. "Thank you, but..."
Sokka's face scrunched up in regret. "It'd be great if I could go a day without sticking my foot in my mouth."
"No, no," Dorji shook her head. "It... wasn't anything that you could've known about."
He sighed. "Yeah, thanks, but I still should've guessed."
"I... would understand if you were wary of having me accompany you, still," Dorji muttered nervously. "M-my ability to sense noise, w-while more expansive than a normal person's, requires me to actively decipher sounds. I don't think that's normal, anyway. I'd like to say I'm normally good at using my air sense to hear, but it's not perfect. Strong winds and rainstorms can sometimes interfere with my ability to make out sounds, and if I'm distracted..." Dorji absentmindedly touched at her hair, her hand shaking slightly. She bit her lip. "It... that was how..." She took a deep breath, then muttered, "I was too focused on what I was practicing. Didn't notice him until he had grabbed me by the hair..."
"Oh, that must've awful," Katara said. "But don't worry, we'll be here to watch your back from now on."
Dorji smiled at her. "Thank you."
"Uhh, speaking of watching your back..." Sokka said fearfully, pointing to something behind Dorji. Everyone turned to see a Fire Nation ship sailing in their direction at full steam.
"They're gaining on us!" Katara shouted.
Dorji squinted at the boat. "It looks like an outdated cruiser. I haven't seen one of its make before, but it's much too small to be a current Fire Navy ship. I've heard that they focused more on speed than power at the start of the war, though. Is... is that Prince Zuko?"
Katara tapped Dorji's shoulder. "He probably is," she said when Dorji glanced over to her. "He's... kinda been chasing Aang."
Dorji made a small noise, then looked back at the boat. "Didn't think he'd find the Avatar that soon..."
"How can you see someone that far away?" Sokka asked. "And how do you know about Zuko?"
Katara went to tap Dorji's shoulder. "I 'heard,' don't worry," Dorji said. "While my hearing is... not, my eyesight is, thankfully, very good. Though to be honest I can only recognize Zuko from this distance because of his very identifying facial features. I've only had him described to me and it's too far away to really make out fine details. As for why I know him, my father is... a member of the Earth Kingdom army. I know at least the general descriptions of most Fire Nation persons of interest, banished princes included. Speaking of which, I think that's Uncle Iroh yelling at Zuko."
"Uncle Iroh?" Katara asked.
Dorji stiffened slightly. "Z-Zuko's uncle, Iroh. He was originally the heir apparent to the previous Fire Lord, but his younger brother, Ozai, somehow managed to usurp his claim." She narrowed her eyes slightly. "They're loading something into a trebuchet. I think Iroh is fanning his face, so it might have some form of flammable, but pungent oil on it. Get ready to take evasive maneuvers, I'll try to block it." She pulled out her staff halves.
"Hold onto something!" Aang shouted, gripping Appa's reins.
Dorji slashed the air with her staff halves as the now-flaming ball of... something hurtled towards them. It was smashed way off course by a blast of air.
"I'll try to disable their catapult without harming anyone now," Dorji said. "It'll take them some time to reload, so hold Appa steady."
"We've got a problem with that!" Aang shouted, pointing ahead of Appa.
Pointing at the Fire Nation blockade to be specific.
"That's bad," Sokka said.
"This is why I wanted to come alone!" Aang shouted. "It's way too dangerous!"
Dorji, too focused on Zuko's ship to hear, had planted her feet in a stance very unlike traditional airbending. She swirled the two halves of her staff around the air fluidly, then combined them with a flourish and slashed sharply at Zuko's boat. She could barely see the catapult slashed into as if by a giant, invisible blade while the crew of the ship was only knocked over by the blast of air. Just after she did that, Appa darted off to the side to dodge a flaming ball. She only barely managed to stay on Appa's back
"What did I say about-" Dorji started to say, then trailed off when she saw the Fire Nation blockade. "Oh, that's the blockade. It's usually not this bad, they must have been worried you'd go to Crescent Island on the solstice."
"We can't go around, there's not enough time!" Katara said.
"Hang on, everyone!" Aang shouted, gripping Appa's reins and steering him away from another volley of fireballs, up into the clouds.
"I have an idea, but I'm not sure if it'll work," Dorji said, starting to dig through the bag of scrolls. "For now I'll try to ward off the fireballs. Someone alert me if it looks like I'm distracted, though." She pulled out a particular scroll, then quickly unfurled it. When the next volley of fireballs flew, though, Dorji managed to do something to blow them away from Appa just with a single wave of her hand.
"What's that scroll about, Dorji?" Sokka asked.
"A... unique airbending technique my grandmother made a long time ago," Dorji answered after a moment, eyes still on the scroll. Every so often she waved her hand or flicked her wrist, and the fireballs flying around them missed Appa. The wind seemed to get more lively as she kept it up, causing the clouds to shift around. "I haven't managed to learn how to do it yet, but if I do learn it might help out. You might like this one, Aang, it's pretty pacifistic. Potentially."
"Really?" Aang asked, still trying to keep Appa away from the fireballs even though they were mostly being deflected away by Dorji's winds. "How does it work."
"It's..." Dorji squinted at her scroll, then shrugged. "It has... something to do with air and light. Have you ever noticed that, when you stick something in water, it looks a little distorted?" She waved a hand at a fireball, knocking it back down at the blockade.
"As a member of the Southern Water Tribe," Sokka butted in, "I've noticed."
"Thank you, Sokka," Dorji muttered flatly. "A long time ago, my grandmother noticed that as well. After some research she came to learn that while light mostly travels in a straight line, it can be distorted when it passes through clear things. This includes water and glass, but it can also include..."
"Air," Katara finished. "So is that where those mirages come from?"
"There can be mirages in the South Pole?" Aang asked. "I thought they only happened in the desert or something!"
"Apparently," Dorji said, effortlessly directing yet another fireball away from Appa. "So my grandmother managed to figure out how to use that with airbending to cause light to pass around objects, usually herself. The technique, once mastered, allows the user to become more-or-less invisible, as well as potentially create mirages to trick someone into thinking something is where it isn't." She looked back down at the scroll, then started concentrating. "It's harder to do over a larger area, but hopefully..." She started swirling the arm she wasn't using to hold the scroll around, making the air around Appa start shimmering.
"And you think I'd like it because using it means I could sneak around people without fighting?" Aang asked.
"...Possibly," Dorji muttered, still reading from her scroll. "Fair warning, this is where I might start getting more dis... distracted."
True to what she said, the next few fireballs came dangerously close to hitting Appa. He managed to dodge the first, but then the next two collided in midair and exploded near Appa. Unfortunately, Sokka slipped off the side of the saddle when the bison jerked away from the explosion, screaming as he fell.
"Sokka!" Katara yelled.
"I'm going down!" Aang shouted, spurring Appa into a dive. "Dorji, try to slow his fall!"
"Right, sorry," Dorji muttered. The shimmering around Appa got lighter as she waved her hand at Sokka. Some of the nearby clouds started to swirl around him as his fall slowed down. Appa managed to fly below Sokka long before he hit the ocean, allowing Katara to catch him.
"You okay?" Katara asked.
"That... was not fun," Sokka whined.
"He's fine..." Katara rolled her eyes.
"Good, because it looks like they're about to fire again!" Aang shouted, pointing at the blockade. "Dorji, if you can do that invisibility thing you'd better do it now!"
"H-hang on," Dorji said, putting the scroll away and waving her arms a little frantically. The air around Appa started to shimmer even more, though it didn't quite look like the technique was working.
"Fire!" the commander of the blockade shouted. The ship he was on shot another fireball at Appa. It looked like the aim was a little off, but it would still hit Appa if he continued flying straight.
"Whoa!" Aang shouted, steering Appa to dodge the attack. He also threw a blast of air out, knocking it even further to the side. With that last fireball dodged, Appa was able to fly past the blockade. It seemed that the ships were only readied to fire on one the one side of the blockade, as the ships failed to fire on the group as Appa got further from them.
"Everyone okay?" Aang asked. "That last one was a little close, Appa wouldn't have been able to dodge it if it was any closer." He turned around to look at the rest of the group. "We should be there soon, so get... Where is Dorji?"
Katara and Sokka looked to where they last saw Dorji, but didn't see her. "She was right there," Katara said. "Where did she-" Katara was cut off when an unseen, shaking hand tapped her on the arm. "What was that?"
"I-I... I s-saw..." Dorji's voice, distorted for some reason, came from the spot next to Katara.
"Did she... become invisible?" Sokka asked. He carefully poked at the air where Dorji's voice came from until he hit something solid. He caught a flash of black cloth from under his finger for a moment when he lifted it, though the effect quickly reasserted itself.
"D-did I?" Dorji asked. "It... shouldn't work like this."
"What's wrong with it?" Aang asked.
"Nothing," Dorji muttered. "But that's the problem. This is a technique that requires concentration, and I'm not even concentrating on it. I can feel that it's working, but... It shouldn't be."
"Is there anything that you can think of that... might have caused this?" Katara asked. "Sorry, I have no idea what's going on."
"I... s-saw the man that snuck up on me," Dorji muttered. "Wh-when my father was captured. He was o-on the blockade. I-I panicked for a moment when I s-saw him."
"Hey," Katara said, grabbing where she thought Dorji's hand might be. It felt like she grabbed her wrist instead. Good enough. She felt her way down to Dorji's still-shaking hand, then squeezed it. "Take a deep breath, please."
They heard the sounds of an invisible girl taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down. "Thank you," Dorji muttered. "I feel better now."
"Do you think you can turn it off?" Sokka asked.
"At the very least, I can disrupt the technique by flowing air around my body in a way counter to how it's currently flowing..." Dorji muttered. "But I don't think I'll try that yet. Whatever happened here, whether it's related to the solstice, my panicking, or a mixture of both, I think it's safe to assume it's not going to happen again, or at the very least something that I can't reliably trigger. I can feel how the technique is working even though I'm not concentrating on using it, so my hope is that if I let it stay I might figure out how to actually use the technique. Plus we're going into enemy territory, so I think I'll take my chances hoping it lasts until we get out of here."
"That makes sense," Katara said. "By the way, how's your ankle?"
"It's better," she answered. "I should be able to walk and even fight, but I might have trouble running too fast. Don't be afraid to leave me behind if it comes to it, I can fend for myself even if I'm not invisible. And by myself it should be a simple matter to sneak by any guards that might be posted."
"We'll try not to leave you behind, though," Aang said. He pointed at the island that they were approaching, or rather the tower-like temple standing on it. "We're here, I'm gonna land Appa."
The grand door to the entrance of the temple opened, seemingly on its own. After a moment a quiet, distorted voice sounded from the door. "There isn't anyone in the main room, but I sense some people nearby. Fire sages, from their breathing and spiritual affinity."
"Good job, Dorji," Katara whispered.
"I'll scout ahead," Dorji said, now in the temple. "Try not to get spotted."
"We need to hurry, though," Aang said, walking into the room. "I need to get to the room at the top of the tower before sunset."
"Then we should avoid confrontation so we don't get caught- hide!"
Five old men in fire-themed red robes and hats walked into the room from one of the hallways around it. "We are the fire sages," the leader, the oldest-looking sage in the fanciest-looking robes, said. "We are the guardians of this temple."
"I don't suppose you're here to take me to the top of the temple?" Aang asked, smiling sheepishly.
The head sage shot a blast of fire at Aang. "No." The other sages also threw fire at him.
Aang quickly twirled his staff in front of himself, using airbending to form a shield of air in front of it that blocked the fire.
"Run," Aang shouted, "I'll distract them!"
Before he could do anything he was swept away by a strong gust of wind, getting knocked into Sokka and Katara and then pushed to one of the hallways that the sages didn't come from with the two. "You're the one that needs to reach the top," Dorji said. About half of her staff had turned visible when she made the gust, but it quickly faded again. "Run. Now."
Aang grimaced, then sighed. "Be careful. Meet back up with us as soon as you're done." He ran, dragging Sokka and Katara off with him.
The head sage sneered at the air next to where the staff disappeared. "I don't know how you're doing that, but you made a mistake by revealing your position. Split up, I'll deal with the ghost." The sages, at their leader's command, split off while the leader threw a blast of fire where he thought Dorji was.
A low but powerful gust of wind swept the sages that ran after Aang and the others off their feet while the fire that the leader shot hit only air. "What!?" the leader exclaimed, seeing the end of Dorji's staff fade away at the other end of the room, between the now-prone sages and the hallway. The head sage growled and threw more fireballs where the staff was, trying to keep Dorji on the defensive by constantly attacking her. The first few didn't seem to hit her so he started throwing his fire in random directions, trying to catch her. It didn't seem to work, but at the very least it seemed that it distracted her a bit judging from how one of the sages was able to quickly get up and dart to the hallway the Avatar went down.
"Good job, Shyu!" one of the other sages, who was still trying to get up, said. Another gust of wind tore through the room, knocking the remaining sages back down. They just barely saw the tip of a black staff flying down the hall the sage went down.
"Alright, who said that?" the head sage grumbled.
Shyu, the sage who had gotten past Dorji, somehow managed to catch up to Aang, Katara, and Sokka in a dead end. "Avatar, I wish to help you!" he told them.
"Why should we trust you?" Sokka shouted as they got ready to fight.
Shyu bowed in front of Aang, placing his hands on the floor. "I know what you must be here for, and want to help you. It's going to be hard for you to reach the Avatar's chamber before the rest of the sages without help." He started to get up but slammed back into the ground, the imprint of an invisible foot appearing on his robes and a surprised expression sprouting on his face. "Wha-"
"I assume from the fact that he was on the ground in a position that greatly limited his choices for attack that this sage is the only one who remembers his ancestral duties," a calm voice sounded from the air above him.
"Of course, Lady Raava," Shyu said. "Now please, we must hurry before we are caught."
"I'm not... right, what do you need to do?" The invisible foot lifted from his back and he was hauled up by the unseen Dorji.
Shyu quickly walked over to a lamp, slid it back to reveal a small hole in the wall, then placed his palm over the hole. Fire flashed from under his palm, then a secret passage opened up in the wall. "Inside, quickly," he commanded.
"Thank you," Aang said, then followed his orders. Sokka and Katara quickly followed after him.
Shyu entered the secret tunnel last, closing the door behind him. "They hopefully shouldn't consider the fact that I brought you in here," Shyu whispered, "but we should stay moving, and stay quiet. I'm not the only one who knows of these tunnels."
"What did you call me earlier?" Dorji asked as they walked.
"Lady Raava, the name of the Avatar Spirit from before she merged with the first Avatar," Shyu answered. "Are... are you not she? I had wondered, when you first attacked us, if the talk of the Avatar Spirit walking with each Avatar was more literal than we thought..."
"No, I'm not Raava," Dorji answered.
"I see," Shyu said, though he still looked puzzled. "How is it that I can't see you, then?"
"A long story that, no offense, I am not willing to share with a fire sage at this time."
Shyu nodded. "I understand."
"Hang on, did you just say that the Avatar Spirit is a girl?" Sokka asked.
"I've never heard the name Raava before..." Aang said.
"I was lucky to learn that name at all," Shyu said, rubbing his chin. "It was mentioned in a scroll about the Avatar that I found a while back. I attributed the lack of knowledge on her to Fire Lord Sozin's regime, but if you only know her as the Avatar Spirit... I suppose it makes sense. The text said that she merged with the first Avatar thousands of years ago, so I suppose it might not be common knowledge..."
"I guess I should add that to the list of things I want to ask Roku about..." Aang said.
"These secret passages are actually Avatar Roku's work, you know," Shyu said. "Once upon a time he called this temple home. Though that was before my time, of course."
Aang stared at the walls of the tunnel. He quietly ran his hand along the cave-like wall. "It feels... strange, being told about all these things about my past lives, about myself, that I don't remember..."
"I can imagine," Dorji said. "I don't have any past lives, or at least I don't have any past lives that I can remember, but... Let's just say that some of my ancestors have done noteworthy things. Hearing about them, knowing that I'm related to them... It's a lot, and I imagine that being the Avatar is like that, but with more pressure. But..." An invisible hand squeezed Aang's shoulder lightly. "You have us. I... I do hope that that helps."
Aang smiled at where he thought Dorji's face was. "I think it does. Thank you."
"You're welcome. Though my eyes are up here."
Aang jumped. "Ah! Sorry!"
Dorji snorted. "That was a joke, you're good."
He sighed. "Thanks..."
"Hey, I thought that Air Nomads didn't know about their families," Sokka said.
"They don't. I was talking about my grandfather's lineage, however, and my grandfather is no Air Nomad."
"Your grandfather?" Katara asked.
"My father's father," Dorji answered. "He was an Earth Kingdom general before he retired. He still helps out, though certain situations even aside from his age prevent him from taking to battle anymore... He is still a powerful earthbender, though."
"Was... was he disappointed you're not an earthbender?" Sokka asked.
"Of course not!" Dorji said sharply. It was louder than her normal speaking voice, but thankfully only echoed a bit off the walls. "He would never be disappointed by something like that! He was delighted to learn that my father and I are airbenders, even if there was only so much he could teach us!"
Sokka backed up a bit, putting his hands out defensively. "I'll take your word for it," he said quickly.
"We're almost to the room," Shyu said. "Please quiet down, in case there's anyone up there already." He thought, then said, "I'm sorry, I never caught your name..."
"I'll scout ahead," Dorji said, anticipating what he wanted to ask.
Shyu nodded. "Yes, thank you. I can do it if you don't want to, but..."
"As I am currently invisible I'm the most logical choice," Dorji rationalized. "Plus if you're staying here with the others then you won't have an opportunity to set up an ambush, in the event that you're plotting against us."
"I would never do that," Shyu objected.
"No offense, but after a century of war and the genocide of my grandmother's people I reserve the right to not trust a Fire Nation official I have just met."
He sighed. "I suppose that's only fair... For the record, though, that thought hadn't occurred to me."
Dorji didn't answer.
"Did she leave already?" Shyu frowned.
Katara shrugged. "Maybe. She's pretty quiet..."
"Sorry about her," Aang said.
Shyu shook his head sadly. "It's... not like she's wrong, is she? You were wary of me, as well..."
"I mean, yeah," Sokka said. "The Fire Nation is pretty much the worst. Our mother died in a Fire Nation raid. You weren't the one who killed her, obviously, but stuff like that makes it hard to trust people from the Fire Nation..."
The sage chuckled sadly, his shoulders slumped. "You know, this is the first time I've ever spoken from anyone from outside the Fire Nation... I didn't know what to expect, but I suppose I can't complain with what you've said... I don't know what I can do to even begin to make up for the sins of my nation, aside from what I'm doing now, but after today I will do my best!"
"An admirable goal," Dorji's voice suddenly sounded from nowhere. "If you're serious about it, you'll find an opportunity soon. Now, the room and the route to it is clear, so let's hurry."
Shyu fell to his knees. "The doors are closed," he whispered. Sure enough, the massive, ornate doors in the middle of the room were shut, the five dragons on its face seeming to glare at the intruders and "traitor."
"Can't you just open them with firebending?" Sokka asked. "It looks a bit like a door in the Southern Air Temple that Aang opened with airbending."
"Maybe it has a similar mechanism," Shyu said, "but this door is made so that only a fully-realized Avatar can open it by themself. It needs five simultaneous fire blasts that otherwise need to be provided by five fire sages."
"I think I have an idea," Sokka muttered, rubbing his chin and looking at a lamp.
"I also have an idea," Dorji said. "Care to share notes?"
Sokka nodded. "Something my father showed me, once. We take some oil from those lamps and put them in animal skin pouches. Soak some twine in the oil and Shyu can light them all up at once!"
"Makeshift bombs," Dorji noted. "It sounds like it might work, at least in theory. My idea is to try to use my airbending to amplify and guide Shyu's firebending. It's actually a concept my father once told me about, as well. How about you set your idea up while we try our thing?"
"Sounds good," Sokka said. "Katara, can you give me some help? And... you probably want Aang, right?"
"He might help, hopefully. At the very least it might be good to introduce the concept to him. Approach the door, Shyu and Aang."
At Dorji's order, the sage and the Avatar approached the door. "Where do you want us to stand?" Shyu asked.
"You take a few steps back and face the door." A bit of dust kicked up behind where Shyu was standing, presumably where Dorji wanted him to stand. "Aang, you stand back. Try to feel what I'm doing to the air, but don't do anything unless you're absolutely sure you can help." A current of wind started to blow despite the lack of open windows in the room. "I am creating pathways of air that will contain and stoke your fire. In theory, this will make the fire powerful enough to trigger the mechanisms even with just your fire. Still, I'm going to need you to use as much fire as possible or it might not work."
A circle of air shimmered in front of Shyu for a moment. "Is that where I'm supposed to hit?" he asked.
"Yes. I'll tell you when it's ready, of course, but you have to shoot inside that circle, as close to center as possible."
Shyu nodded, starting to concentrate. He breathed deeply; in, then out. In, then out. He clenched both of his fists, raising them slightly and entering a firebending stance. He didn't say anything, but he didn't need to.
"I take it you're ready?" Dorji asked.
He nodded.
"I'm almost ready, too. Once it's established it shouldn't be time-sensitive, so don't try to rush it once I say so, but..."
He nodded.
Dorji concentrated in silence for a few more moments. Finally... "There, it's ready when you are."
Shyu nodded again, took another deep breath, then punched as hard as he could with both fists. A large blast of fire sprouted from his fists, but most of its heat was funneled forward by Dorji's airbending. The flames spiraled forward and split into five branches that hit the five dragons on the door directly on the mouths. The dragons, thankfully, reacted to the fire, moving up to a position that allowed the doors to open. Shyu beamed at the door as it slowly opened, revealing a statue of Avatar Roku. However it started to slowly close as soon as it was fully opened. "Now, Avatar! Before it closes again!"
Aang nodded and quickly dashed through the doors. He sat down in front of the statue as the doors closed behind him.
"Aw, I wanted to try out my idea!" Sokka said, carrying over three of his makeshift bombs. Katara was walking behind him with the other two.
"Sorry, maybe next time," Dorji said. "Though now you have a few makeshift bombs."
"How is Aang supposed to get back out, actually?" Katara asked, a little concerned.
"There's a similar mechanism on the other side of the door," Shyu said. "Hopefully Avatar Roku can help with it. What do we do now, though?"
"You wander the halls, pretending to be looking for us," Dorji said. "Give them no hint that you have helped us." An invisible hand grabbed Shyu's and pulled it into a handshake. "We'll hide near here until Aang emerges. Good luck."
Shyu looked at his hand with surprise, then smiled at where he thought the girl might be. "Thank you, I wish you luck as well."
Aang waited in the sanctuary until a beam of sunlight hit the statue. He watched light engulf the statue, smoke pouring out of it. He stood up as the smoke engulfed him, seemingly transporting him to a mountaintop. The statue of Roku was gone, replaced by the spirit of the past Avatar.
"Avatar Roku," Aang said with a reverent bow.
His predecessor gave him a smile. "Avatar Aang. It's nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you, too. Is the reason you brought me here related to that vision you showed me when you called me?"
Roku nodded. "The comet. One hundred years ago Fire Lord Sozin used the power of that comet to wipe out the Air Nomads."
Aang frowned. "I heard about that, actually. Sozin's Comet, it supposedly comes around once every century and gives firebending a boost." His frown deepened. "Hhhey, I don't suppose you know when, exactly, the comet showed up?"
Roku nodded. "Your fears are, unfortunately, correct. The comet will return by Summer's end, and it is unlikely that the current Fire Lord will do nothing with the power it will grant him." Roku bowed contritely. "I apologize for the mess that I have left you, Aang, but now it is up to you. You must end the war before the return of the comet, or I fear the Fire Lord will end it for you."
"I... I don't know how I can do that," Aang said. "I haven't even mastered all four elements, and that normally takes years!"
"That is true, yet you must master the elements by the comet. It is a tall task, but not impossible. If you trust in your friends and make allies, you will be able to avert this disaster."
Aang nodded, though he still looked nervous. "If you believe I can do it..."
Roku moved forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know you can, Aang. You have done it in each of your past lives, even through hardships, and your past lives will forever be with you."
Aang gave him a nervous smile. "Thanks... Hey, speaking of past lives, have you ever heard the name Raava?"
Roku nodded. "Of course. She is the Avatar spirit, after all. However, I only learned her name after my death, when I met her in person. Well, as 'in person' as you can get between two spirits..."
"Why didn't you learn her name until then?" Aang asked.
"It is always easiest for an Avatar to communicate with more recent past Avatars, hence why the most recent Avatar is usually the current Avatar's spirit advisor. Raava first bonded with us thousands of years ago, with hundreds of Avatars between then and now. It's not impossible for you to contact Raava, of course, but it will require effort on your part. You might not be able to until much later in your life. For now, I suggest you worry about the war for now."
"Of course," Aang nodded. "How will I meet you again? I don't think I can come here every time I want advice..."
He nodded. "When you need me, you will find a way. I only used the power of the solstice to contact you because I wanted to make you aware of the comet as soon as possible. Otherwise, you should eventually learn to contact me through meditation. Now, the solstice will soon end..." He waved a hand, showing a vision of outside the sanctuary. The five fire sages stood at the ready in front of the doors, Shyu looking slightly uneasy. Armored Fire Nation soldiers bolstered their numbers, led by a helmetless man that looked quite pleased with himself. Aang could just barely see Sokka and Katara hiding behind a pillar, though he also noticed Zuko hiding behind another. "It seems that your enemies are anticipating your exit." He smiled. "Why don't you let this old man help you deal with them, to make up for dragging you all the way out here?"
Aang returned his smile, then his eyes and tattoos glowed. "Thank you," he said.
"Bathe him in fire as soon as that door opens!" Zhao ordered. As soon as the dragons on the doors started to move, the firebenders all took aim. They threw a wave of fire at the doors as soon as they started to open, before they could even see what was inside. The fire obscured the contents of the room... and then a tall, white-haired man in red robes emerged from the fire completely unscathed. His eyes glowed pure white as he glared at his countrymen. With a single wave of his hands he gathered all the fire that the firebenders had thrown at him and made it explode outward in a wave that knocked all the firebenders down or at least back, but barely pushed Katara and Sokka.
Zhao growled at the phantom Avatar as he braced himself against the wave of superheated air, then blinked when he saw a familiar shimmer in the air. His scowl turned into a predatory grin as he lunged at the shimmering air. The grin widened when he managed to grab something solid, perhaps a wrist, even though she tried to dodge. Dorji squirmed, but he quickly wrapped his other arm around her waist and switched the arm at her wrist to holding a fire dagger to her neck. The heat of the flame disrupted the smallest amount of Dorji's invisibility, revealing a small patch of the skin of her neck just a hair's breadth from his "blade."
The commander chuckled into Dorji's ear, or at least where he thought it was. "You can't cut your hair to escape this time, kid," he whispered. Zhao turned his attention back to Roku and sneered. "I have a hostage, Avatar! Give up the kid's body or I'l-"
His demand was cut off by a squelch and a spray of blood. He released Dorji and screamed, clutching the now-bleeding arm that he had used to grab Dorji. Roku used the distraction to blast him to the floor with another wave of fire.
"Go, now!" the Avatar ordered, looking at Katara and Sokka.
The siblings hesitated, but an invisible force dragged them towards the exit by their hands.
"We can't leave Aang!" Katara yelled, digging her feet in and forcing Dorji to stop with Sokka's help.
She noticed, though, that Dorji's hand was shaking. "A-a-avatar... R-roku... w-will..." There was a sound that, even muffled and distorted by the altered airflow around her, Katara and Sokka recognized as shallow, panicked breathing.
Sokka and Katara exchanged a look. "I'll make sure Aang gets out safely, you take care of Dorji," Sokka said.
Katara nodded and squeezed Dorji's hand. She noticed that the air around Dorji was starting to shimmer, enough that she could make out the rough outline of her body. "Let's go, Dorji," she said softly, then pulled Dorji along. She frowned at Avatar Roku, who was still throwing around the helpless Fire Nation fighters.
Appa flew as close to the now-melting temple as he could, guided by Katara at the reins. Sokka ran out of the temple. dragging an exhausted Aang over his shoulder. He quickly climbed onto Appa's saddle. "Yip yip!" he yelled, even though Appa was already flying. Katara got the message and had Appa fly up and away from the temple immediately.
"Where's Dorji?" Aang asked, looking around the saddle. He saw, in the back of the saddle, what appeared to be a ball of shimmering air. As he watched, Dorji seemed to shimmer back into existence as her invisibility "technique" finally failed. Dorji was curled into a ball, clutching the back of her head. Tears streamed down her face, her eyes closed.
Aang silently crawled over to Dorji and cautiously put his hand on her shoulder. Dorji jumped a bit, then looked up at Aang. She sniffed, then leaned forward and pressed her head onto Aang's shoulder. Aang hugged her as she sobbed, stroking her hair.
He waited until she looked back up at him to speak. "I'm sorry," he said. "Today was too much of a risk, and all I really learned from Roku was that Sozin's Comet is coming at the end of Summer. In hindsig-"
"N-no," Dorji muttered, shaking her head a little. She took a deep breath. "Even... even if you didn't learn much, the first meeting between an Avatar and their predecessor is still important. And as far as you knew he could've told you about a secret tunnel into the Fire Lord's palace. And it's not your fault that Zhao was there." She then slumped over and laid down. "Now if you excuse me, I need to sleep now..."
Aang nodded. "Thanks. Good night, Dorji."
She didn't answer, though Aang couldn't tell if it was because she had fallen asleep already or if she just stopped listening.
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skybiome · 4 years
And when the sun comes up, you’ll find a brand new god.
Chapter 5
Beginning | Previous | Next
tw: none
Techno and Phil worked together over the next few days to clean and preserve all of the venison. Phil seemed to have more experience with this, so Techno followed his lead. Techno was cutting the remaining meat from the bones and while Phil started a fire in their impromptu smoking pit. The skin has all been removed in the days prior.
Between just the two of them, a fair amount of the meat would go to waste, so they had to work quickly to preserve it. Inside, the hearth was burning low and drying thin cut pieces into jerky.  
The temperature outside had been dropping over the days since their hunt. Phil had given Techno a winter coat from somewhere. Lined with some sort of soft animal fur, Techno barely noticed the cold.
Techno walked over to where his companion was poking at the smoking wood chips.
“Hm?” The winged god looked up at him.
Techno fisted his hands in the pockets of the coat to keep himself from fidgeting. “I’m leaving tomorrow.”
Phil’s eyes widened in mild surprise. “Oh, alright then.” He didn’t sound upset. “We’ll finish this today then, and we can make you a good meal tonight before you hit the road.”
Techno nodded and walked away without another word. The anxious energy under his skin didn’t settle Phil’s acknowledgement. The feeling of being tethering to something was insurmountably foreign. He couldn't wait to get away from Phil, but at the same time, he would miss the man deeply. It had been millenia since Techno had let himself get this close to someone.
Better to drain the wound now than let it sit and fester.
But that would be an issue for tomorrow Techno.
He got to work harvesting the garden they’d planted a few days ago, washing the dirt off the produce in the stone-bottomed brook. Once the meat was settled to preserve both inside and out of the inn, Phil disappeared to somewhere. Techno assumed he’d be back before long.
So he did that hard work first, using a shovel Phil had provided to dig up the root vegetables out of the cold ground. He also gathered other fruits and vegetables from the trellises. Once that was done, he picked them up and set them on one of the tables inside the inn.
And then he didn’t know what to do.
Techno had never had free time. He was always preoccupied with keeping on the move or hunting down the next monster he’d taken a bounty on. Even here, Phil normally had a task for him to do. Whenever all the chores for the day were over, it was already night time. Not knowing what else to do, Techno started running laps around the inn, falling into the steady rhythm of the motions.
After a few laps he expanded his loop to include the other buildings surrounding the central well. And then to just running around all of the structures in the village. Never once did he see another person or even any lights on. Just perfectly tended gardens, even in the almost freezing weather.  
Eventually, the monster hunter slowed down and approached one of the still houses. He knocked on the back door. No response. He tried the handle, and Techno was a little surprised when it opened with no resistance.
Inside sat a picturesque little home. Well made cupboards and countertops were spotless. An unlit tallow candle sat in the middle of a table. Techno took a closer look, and saw that the wick was pristine. It had never been lit. The table surface was unmarred, not showing any signs of being used as a board for cutting food or even any marks of a child playing with their first dagger.
Techno left, and checked the next house. And the next. And the next.
Every house was empty. Each one had a slightly different layout, but it was always unmarked countertops and empty cupboards. He doubted that these houses had ever been lived in. They were just part of the setting of the fictional town Phil had created.
He stopped checking the houses and went back to running circles around the empty village, leaving him along with his thoughts.
Phil didn’t seem malicious. Over the two weeks he’d known the deity, he’d never shown any ill intent. The outburst during the hunt was the first time he’d heard Phil even raise his voice. The god wasn’t gaining anything from spending time with Techno, but he also wasn’t trying to get anything out of the interaction. The cursed man couldn’t figure out what the god’s game was.
He was pulled out of his own head by the sound of Phil yelling his name. Cutting through the dirt paths, Techno made a bee-line towards the inn. Phil was standing outside the building, hands cupped around his mouth trying to project his voice. His wings were fluffed up and slightly spread slightly, like he was anxious and ready to take off at a moment’s notice. His voice was laced with worry.
Once he saw the monster hunter approaching, his wings laid flat and folded nearly behind his back. The line of tension eased out of his shoulders and the slightly frantic expression eased from his face.
“There you are.”
The ‘where’d you go?’ was left unspoken.
Techno nodded, and put his hands in the pockets of his new coat. “You left and I got bored, so I went on a run.” Techno one hand out and made a circular motion in the air, gesturing at the town around them. “Just around the outside of the village.”
Phil nodded, “Alright, I was worried that you had left.”
Techno shrugged. “I don’t know if I can leave, Wilbur may be keeping me here.”
The winged man stiffened slightly at the wandering implication of Techno’s words. He tried to brush it off, and replied, “I don’t think so, I’m fairly certain you can leave whenever you want.”
So he could leave right now if he wanted to. Phil would protest, but he wouldn’t be able to stop the monster hunter. Techno filed that away for later. Then he walked past Phil and turned the handle of the inn door. Holding the entrance open, he looked back at his friend, and asked, “You coming?”
When Phil didn’t spring into action, he added, “I don’t know how to cook, so I hope you do.”
With that, Techno turned away from Phil and walked farther into the building, leaving the door open behind him. A smile stumbled onto the god’s face. He walked inside and closed the door behind him, accepting Techno’s unspoken ask for help.
In the monster hunter’s humble opinion, Phil was a pretty good cook. The finished jerky and smoked meat was stored in cloth bags that Phil had pulled from somewhere, and the rest of the deer was slowly being cooked over the lower fire. Techno had been eating well for the last few weeks and he couldn’t wait to dig in when it was ready.
The cursed man had been put in charge with the rest of the meal preparation (with Phil helping if he needed it). Several spuds were slowly cooking in a pan off to the side of the stone hearth along with several herbs Phil had thrown in.
A few other additions that wouldn’t take as long to cook rested on the countertop. Some apples and nuts to be roasted, and mixed vegetables that could be cooked in oil. A loaf of bread was rising on the other side of the warm kitchen.
It was more food than Techno had seen in a long time, and definitely more than he and Phil could eat before it goes bad.
“What are we going to do with all this?” The man motioned to consumables strewn about the room.
“Hm?” Phil looked up from the book he was reading. He tilted his head to the side, asking for Techno to elaborate.
“There’s no way we can eat this all before it goes bad.”
The winged man nodded, and closed his book so he could fully focus on his companion, keeping one finger in the page he was on. “I invited some friends to help finish off the food. That’s where I was earlier” Techno opened his mouth to say something, but Phil kept talking. “They’re coming over later tonight, after you’d normally be asleep, so you don’t have to interact with them if you don’t want to.”
Techno nodded. He didn’t quite know how to feel about Phil picking up on his social anxiety that easily, but the gesture was kind enough.
The rest of the afternoon passed slowly. It was the first day since Techno had arrived that he wasn’t doing anything from dawn to dusk. It didn’t seem like Phil was speeding up the day too much. Techno could actually track the motion of the sun via the sparse rays coming through the canopy and windows. It was nice.
He’d been reading a book the winged god had given him out in the main room. The god in question had pulled him back into the kitchen with the setting of the sun. Together, they finished preparing the rest of the food and assembled a feast in the main room of the inn.
All of the food he’d eaten over the past few weeks had been amazing. This was the best so far. He didn’t manage to eat much, appetite soured by the fact that he’d promised himself he would leave tomorrow.
About the time he started to slow down, Phil glanced towards the door of the inn, and announced, “Our guests will probably be here soon. They’re kinda loud, so you can go to your room if you want. I’ll make sure they leave you alone.”
Techno nodded and slid off of the stool, taking it as Phil’s polite way of telling him to scram. He took the book Phil’d given with him, though. And true to his friend’s word, around ten minutes later, several voices entered the inn. Through the walls, Techno couldn’t parse them well enough to tell how many people there were. At least six, mostly likely more. One of them sounded like Wilbur.
Yeah, Techno wasn’t going back out there. Accepting his fate for the night, the monster hunter stripped off his outer layer of clothes and climbed into bed. He closed his eyes and let sleep easily take him.
Half an hour later, he threw the covers off and swung his legs over the side of the mattress. He couldn’t sleep and Techno had no idea why. The people in the inn weren’t being too loud. He could barely hear them despite the thin walls of the inn. Phil’s laughter made it into his room occasionally, and Techno felt something in his gut curl every time he heard it.  He wasn’t looking forward to having to leave in the morning.
A thought lanced through the monster hunter’s head. He didn’t have to leave in the morning. There was a window in his room. Techno could leave right now, without having to face Phil. Before he knew it, his heavy coat was back on, and his window was open.
The cold wind stole the man’s breath, making Techno take pause. But only for a moment.
He hefted himself up and out of the window sill. He didn’t want to look Phil in the eyes before leaving, so clearly the solution was to avoid Phil altogether.
Frozen grass crunched under his boots. Techno hadn’t noticed that it was snowing, but a thin layer of white coated the ground. Blades of grass and leaves were poking up through the powder.
He walked around the exterior of the building until he was standing in front of the inn. Through the windows, Techno could see about a dozen people socializing. The inn looked alive for the very first time.
Turning on his heel, Techno marched away from the illuminated structure. He'd seen a road leading out of town while running earlier. That's probably the road he's supposed was supposed to go. The monster hunter took a few steps past the wall in the direction of the road out of town. Then he reversed his path and went down the dirt path that had first brought him into town.
It was well into the night when he arrived back at the statue that had first greeted him. Techno's eyes pick up the details of the sculpture with no problems, even in the low light. There was no mistaking it. The facial features of the statue may be missing, but it still was the exact height and build as the man he'd been living with for the last three weeks.
Techno ran his hand over the bottom of the statue, clearing the snow and knowing that a plaque was hidden underneath. He pulled his hand away, and felt something stutter in his chest.
The words were different.
Something sad curled in his chest at the confirmation that Phil was really a god. It almost felt like a betrayal, enough though he knew it was coming.
Techno lowered himself onto the snowy ground. He closed his eyes. His fingers dug into his pants as the snow melted and the cold water bit into his legs. Eventually the chill made its way through his heavy coat.
Techno only opened his eyes when he could see light through the closed lids. Sunlight danced across the icy ground, shooting daggers into the cursed man’s eyes. He stumbled to his feet, shaking the gathered snow from his hood and shoulders. A good few inches, too.
The statue and it's broken pieces were also dusted with snow. No more grass was poking up through drifts. Techno turned around to look at the trail that had brought him here. The footpath was buried under the snow. For a moment, he didn’t know how he was going to find his way back to the village.
Something moved into Techno’s line of sight, and it took him a moment to register what it was. The white wolf blended into the powder almost perfectly. It blinked at Techno, then turned and trotted away. The cursed man followed.
The canine kept a steady pace in front of Techno. Occasionally, its fur camouflages it perfectly, and it would disappear from Techno’s sight. He was, eventually, less following the wolf, and more following the footprints it left behind.
After a while, the wolf stopped and sat down, pointing its nose at something. Techno shook his head and let his eyes refocus. The wolf glanced at him. When Techno met its eyes, it turned its attention back to the building in front of them.
A sign over the door, proudly read  The Core Inn . Unlike every other time Techno had seen the building, not a single light was on inside. He turned away to look at the other buildings. Besides Techno and the wolf’s foot prints, the snow cover was pristine. Taking a moment to realign his internal compass, he headed towards the road that led out of town.
Three steps into the journey, a weight pressed against his side. Techno stumbled at the pressure, but caught himself, realizing that the wolf that had been leading him, was now walking alongside him. Hesitantly, he set his hand on the animal’s head.
The wolf pushed against Techno’s hand, and pressed harder into the man’s side. Techno took that as permission and shoved his hand through the wolf’s fur and into the warm undercoat. He may be impervious to frostbite, but cold was still cold.
He started walking again, carding his hand through the canine’s fur. It was nice to have something else grounding him in the blank surroundings. In the real world, Techno would normally have bird song or even just the wind in the trees to fill his ears. Over the weeks, Phil had become the background noise, either with his voice or the motion of his clothes.
The snow crunched softly under foot as they traveled. The massive trees thinned from towering conifers to rolling woods of deciduous. What immediately caught Techno’s attention was that the wind was back. Birds and animal tracks were numerous, criss-crossing the snowy landscape. When they stumbled upon a crossroads, Techno took note of the messy wagon tracks in the resting snow.
Compared to the premade tracks that had covered the ground in the village, these looked incredibly natural. A sign post sat across the road. Techno approached and read it, wolf still glued to his side. A place named Aria was to the left, and Mount Lacerta was to the right. It didn’t mention the path he’d arrived from.
Techno turned around. His footsteps and any indication that he’d followed a premade path to his current location was gone. He turned back around, and the sign post had vanished as well.
“Huh,” Techno said. He turned to look at his furry companion. “Where do you think we should go?”
The wolf blinked, and started walking towards the left. Techno followed. After a few steps, the canine stopped and looked back at the man. He stopped as well, waiting for the wolf to continue leading. The animal looked back at Techno and whined.
When Techno didn’t move, the wolf turned around. It walked until it was once again glued to his side. Pushing against the monster hunter’s leg, the canine took a step. It looked up at Techno, and took another step forward.
Techno got the message. They walked alongside each other for hours, basking in the cold beauty.
Eventually, the wolf’s steps stuttered for a moment. Then it took off like a shot.
The cursed man watched it’s white coat shrink into the distance, content that it was leaving him. To Techno’s surprise, the wolf stopped about thirty feet away. The canine spun in a circle in the snow. Then it planted its rear end in the snow and let out a piercing howl.
The cry scared birds out of the surrounding trees. The wolf lowered its head, and although it was too far away to hear the panting, Techno could see its tongue lolling out of its mouth.
Something bubbled in his throat. He was surprised when a barking laugh escaped. His chest felt warm despite the cold. Another laugh emitted from Techno as he sprinted after the animal. The wolf let out another howl, turned, and ran from the man, egging him to chase.
Techno did so willingly. He almost couldn't remember the last time he’d felt this elated. Snow clung to his feet, but the monster hunter didn’t notice. Instead, he looked up to the cloud coated sky and let loose his own howl. The wolf up ahead returned the call.
Back and forth, the two echoed as they ran. Sometimes it was a whoop or holler from Techno, and a bark or yip from the canine. As they ran, the energy they carried only grew, until they were both high on euphoria.
Before he knew it, the snow was gone from around Techno’s feet. The wolf led him down the hard packed dirt road for hours at a sprint. It was nearly sun down when the animal broke from the path. It veered into the trees to the left of the road. Techno followed with zero hesitation.
A small campsite was set up just out of sight of the road. Techno came to a halt by the edge. It was a tent with a small circle of stones set up next to it. The wolf was looking around, tapping its feet and whining slightly.
A stick snapped in the trees. Both Techno and the wolf’s heads snapped towards the sound. In an instant, the canine had dove through the bush between them and the source of the noise.
The cursed man heard the sound of someone yelling in surprise and being knocked to the ground. Techno pushed through the brush to follow. He found the wolf practically laying on top of someone, licking at his face. His green and white bucket hat had been knocked to the floor and large black wings moved in the dirt and plant cover as Philza tried to shove the canine off his chest.
The god managed to roll onto his side, pushing the animal off him. Sitting upright, he ran his hands through its thick coat, cooing and praising it.
“Gods, you’re such a good boy.” Philza said through laughter. “Thank you for leading him here.”
The wolf licked his face one more time before settling its head on the god’s lap.
Turning his attention to Techno, Philza smiled, and explained, “I sent him to come get you.” He ran his head between the ears on the wolf. “It’s hard to navigate in the snow, and I didn’t want you to get lost.”
He chucked. “I know you’d be okay, but it was just for my own peace of mind.”
Techno swallowed dryly. He couldn’t think of anything, so he just nodded.
Philza stood up, pushing the animal off his lap, and brushed off the front of his robe. He was covered in bits of dead leaves and small sticks were on the ground around him. The god leaned over, picked back up the pieces of tinder he’d dropped.
With his arms full of dry material, the winged deity turned to Techno. He jerked his head towards the campsite, motioning for the cursed man to come with him. They maneuvered back through the hedge. The wolf seemed elated, dancing around their legs and nearly tripping them several times. Philza chuckled at its antics. He set his gatherings down beside the unlit fire pit.
The god lowered himself onto the hard ground with a sigh, wings half unfurled behind him to keep the feathers from bending on the ground. Techno hesitated for a second, and then sat beside him. The wolf did its best to lay on top of both of them, head in Philza’s lap and back end on Techno. Its white tail was slowly turning brown from thumping against the ground.
Philza laughed again. “Get off me you big lug.” He pushed the animal off his lap again. “Go cuddle Techno, I need to start the fire.”
The wolf whined, but sulked over and dropped its head into Techno’s lap. Despite its grumpy demeanor, its tail was still thumping against the dirt.
The god gave the canine a fond look. He pulled a flint and steel out of his robe, and started on the process of lighting a flame.
Techno knew how to start a fire with flint and steel, but he hadn’t done it in decades. Normally he just ate food cold or didn’t eat at all.
The entire scene was almost too domestic for Techno. Something curled in his gut as the sparks illuminated Philza’s hands and face. The sun had dipped below the tree line and the golden light made Techno yearn for the slow and warm days in the inn.
He ran his fingers through the wolf’s fur in order to do something with his hands. After a few dozen attempts, a small flame started in the god’s cupped hands. Slowly, he added pieces of tinder until it was strong enough to survive on its own. He put a few bigger pieces of wood on top of the fire for it to destroy when it grew big enough.
Philza turned his attention back to Techno. “Do you want something to eat? You didn’t take any when you left.”
His tone wasn’t accusatory, but Techno still felt like he was being scolded for something. He nodded, saying, “Sure, I can eat.”
The god nodded. Leaning over, Philza stuck his head inside of the tent. A second later, he emerged with a bag in hand. He rooted around inside for a moment. He pulled out the cloth bag that they’d put the smoked meat inside of yesterday.
He handed it to Techno, saying, “here.” The cursed man extracted a hand from where it had been scratching the wolf’s ear to grab the sack. The canine lifted its head to sniff at the bag. Techno thought it was going to try and take it, but it lowered its head back onto his lap without protest.
Philza pulled one more thing out of the bag before setting it aside. He unwrapped the remaining pieces of the bread loaf they’d made two days ago. The god must have hid it from his guests, otherwise it would be gone by now. He set the clothes it had been wrapped in over the bag, and tore two pieces off the loaf. Philza wrapped the rest of the bread back up and set it in bag.
Techno followed the deity’s example. He pulled a few pieces of jerky out of the bag, and handed them to his companion. The cursed man offered a bit to the wolf. It sniffed the meat for a moment, but laid its head back against the man’s chest. Techno shrugged, but closed the sack up and handed it to Philza, exchanging it for one of the pieces of bread.
They warmed their meals against the steadily growing fire. By the time they were finished eating, the sun had fully set. The wolf was dozing in Techno’s lap, and he was half convinced to join it. He was emotionally drained from the excitement of running, and from his running anxieties about Philza being upset that he’d left in the middle of the night. The god had hardly mentioned Techno’s flight at all, only expressing seemingly mild disappointment that Techno hadn’t taken food with him.
Techno shook his head, seemingly shaking his brain back into working order. He cautiously worked his way out from under the predator on his lap and stood up. Philza’s eyes followed him.
“I think I’m gonna go now. I’ve wasted enough time.”
Techno started towards the road, mentally promising that he wouldn’t stop walking, no matter what Philza said to stop him.
“You could stay here tonight.”
The monster hunter paused his stride. He could hear the deity standing up behind him.
“The tent is big enough for two people.”
Techno took a deep breath, and let it out slowly.
“Alright. Tonight only,” he lied to himself. “Then I need to keep moving.”
“Alright,” the deity echoed. Techno could imagine the deity nodding at his back.
That's how he found himself, pressed up against the back of a sleeping deity half an hour later. He could feel Philza slowly moving against his spine with every breath. The god was laying on top of one on his wings in a position that couldn’t have been comfortable, but the deity sure sounded fast asleep.
Techno was curled up inside of a bedroll. Philza just had a blanket since his wings wouldn’t fit in a bedroll. The wolf was lying half on Techno’s legs, half under Philza’s wing. The weight of the canine and the subtle noises from the both the wolf and god soon lulled Techno to sleep.
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krat395 · 3 years
Gorgeously Glamorous Gargalesis (Chapter 9)
Bad news and good news, folks! The bad news is that Mettaton betrayed Rocco and Lydia! He made mini Mettatons tickle their trapped feet knowing very well that the effects of his MTT massage oil haven’t quite worn off yet! But the good news is that Rex saved them! :D By distracting Mettaton, he made the glamorous robot himself lose control of the mini Mettatons without knowing that he lost control of them! Oh, and he made him lose 95% of his hearing too! And with Mettaton only able to hear sounds from very incredibly short distances, now’s the perfect time for Rocco and Lydia to strike back! ;)
 Undertale© Toby Fox.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
 Chapter 9: The Climactic “Battle”
 Once Rocco and Lydia saw Mettaton tickle torturing Rex, they stopped laughing and destroyed the nearly inactive mini Mettatons that were still holding their legs and feet in place with their magic. To completely free herself, Lydia froze the ones around her ankles solid with ice breath and then smashed them to bits with her magic arms, which she electrified with lightning magic. As for Rocco, he simply melted the ones around his ankles with acid breath. Then once they were free, Lydia, with her magic arms, summoned her two magic whips and electrified them with lightning magic as well. Electric whips! :D And she is intending to latch onto Mettaton legs with them to stun him long enough for Rocco to sneak up behind him and grab him. Good plan! But just as a precaution, Rocco summoned his two magic cleavers. Then just for dramatic effect, he extended their handles and lit them on fire. Non-lethal fire of course! He doesn't want to kill Mettaton! And neither does Lydia, who still looks like she’s two seconds away from biting someone’s face off! XD They just want to knock some sense into him as punishment for tickling a toddler in such an intense manner and for commanding miniature versions of himself to tickle their feet for 15 minutes straight after rubbing MTT massage oil on them. But unfortunately for the lizard parents, they didn't get very far. The moment they stood up off of the couch, weapons in hand, they fell and face planted into the floor like their son, MK. Due to sitting in one spot for too long and due to having their feet tickled in such an extremely intense manner after MTT massage oil rendered them more ticklish, their legs felt as if they were jelly the very second they stood on them. Apparently, they were supposed to wait a few minutes or so before trying to stand on their feet. But there was too much at stake though!
 Lydia: Eeeeeeeeeek! Oh no!  
 Rocco: Jelly legs!
 Rocco and Lydia: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!! *shouted the lizard parents as they fell to the floor* Oooooof!!
 Upon hitting the floor, Lydia's magic arms and whips disappeared! And so did Rocco's cleavers! Yes, face planting into the floor somehow rendered both of them without weapons and Lydia without her arms. But all is not lost. They may be weaponless at the moment but they can still use their elemental magic. And luckily for them, Mettaton was too busy tickling Rex that he didn't even notice them freeing themselves from their predicaments and falling when they tried to stand up. It also helped that Asriel and MK were still being tickled by Mettaton's contraptions; since their combined laughter drowned out the sound of Rocco and Lydia talking and moving around while he was in the process of regaining his hearing after accidentally zapping his sound sensors with bolts of electricity. Yes, unlike the lizard parents, the two older monster boys weren't so lucky! Since the contraptions were built by Mettaton rather than summoned by him, the boys are forced to endure tickle torture until someone nearby can deactivate the contraptions and release them.
 Mettaton: Hahahahahahaha! I hope you're learning your lesson, young man! *taunted Mettaton in a completely unintentional cocky manner, prompting the now free lizard parents to shoot death glares towards him*
 Rocco: Huh? Lesson? What lesson? Lydia, what's he talking about?
 Lydia: Hmmmm… I'm not sure, honey. But as his parents, we need to help him! I don't know what our baby boy did to get himself on Mettaton's "you know what" list but I can guarantee you that tickling him like that as punishment won't accomplish anything!
 Rocco: Hahahaha! I couldn't agree more! It doesn't matter what Rex did; that's no way to tickle a toddler! Not if I have anything to say about it! Then after we save Rex, we can free MK and Asriel! Our legs should be back to normal by then.
 Lydia: Oh yes! Yes, of course! You hear that, boys? Hang in there just a little longer, all right? We'll get you out!
 Rocco: Haha! Great! So, any ideas how to take him down? I've got one.
 Lydia: Ooh, me too!
 Rocco: Plasma discharge?
 Lydia: You read my mind! Heeheeheeheehee!
 With that said, the lizard parents did a special magical attack together. They call it a "plasma discharge" and it's an attack that involves either one or both of them firing continuous plasma beams from their mouths that lock onto victims and heat them up enough to cause a mini explosion that has a small chance of blowing them to smithereens or dust particles if used for lethal purposes! :O But the plasma beams Rocco and Lydia are using on Mettaton, however, are ones that are instead tickling the hell out of him! :D Loophole! Mettaton didn’t say that Rocco and Lydia couldn’t tickle him with magic elemental beams! XD And rather than increasing in temperature with every passing second, they are increasing in tickle intensity; from 1% all the way up to 100%! :D Like Gaster, Rocco and Lydia have tickle beams of their own but theirs however require more focus and concentration to use. And on top of all that, they can only fire one tickle beam at a time; as opposed to Gaster who can fire a plethora of tickle beams at once.
 Plasma beam tickling intensity; from 1% to 50%...
 Mettaton: Eeeeeeeeeeeek! *squealed Mettaton the moment he felt green and cyan plasma beams touch his metallic body, prompting him to stop tickling Rex* What in the world… oh… oh my… pfffffffff… Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! *he then started laughing and giggling profusely, arching his back as tried so desperately to get back up on his feet* Ohohohoh my gohohohohohod!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Ohohoh my gohohohohod, stohohohohohop!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Whatehehehever that is, it tihihihihickles!!!! *he then claimed, his laughter intensifying as he fell flat on his stomach* Eeeeeeeeeek!!!! Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha!!!! It tihihihihihihickles like hehehehhehell!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!! *he squealed once more, pounding his fists and feet on the floor like a little kid throwing a temper tantrum as a means of coping with the tickle torture* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
 It's working! :D The plasma beams are tickling Mettaton everywhere on his body and by firing increasingly tickly plasma beams at Mettaton, Rocco and Lydia managed to save Rex from any further tickle torture from the glamorous robot himself. Rex saved his parents from the mini Mettatons and was so grateful to see them both return the favor; and the moment his tickle torture ended, he immediately stood up and ran towards his parents to express his gratitude. He wanted to give both of his parents hugs but because they were too busy tickling Mettaton with plasma beams, he decided to hug them until after they were finished instead. But while he was waiting, he got to fend off some mini Mettatons that Mettaton blindly summoned while laughing up a storm (in an attempt to stop Rocco and Lydia) and he did so with style; using his tail and the toy weapon Papyrus made for him, which turned out to be a cleaver with a blade that can split into multiple sections and be used as a heavy whip! A combination of his parents' weapons and he fought ever so valiantly with it too; almost as if he was mimicking someone else's moves rather than coming up with his own. But sadly, not one individual in the room with him saw him fight! Mettaton, who had his head down against the floor the entire time, and Asriel and MK, too teary-eyed to see anything clearly, were all too busy laughing their heads off and Rocco and Lydia were too busy concentrating on maintaining the tickle effects of their combined plasma beams to notice him! Luckily though, Rex didn't fight for any type of reward or want any credit for his noble actions. He just wanted to have fun and that's exactly what he had while he was protecting his parents (and himself) from mini Mettatons with his tail and favorite toy weapon. ;)
 Plasma beam tickling intensity; from 50% to 100%...
 It took about 90 seconds but once the tickling intensity of Rocco and Lydia's plasma beams reached 100%, a small explosion occurred, just as Rocco and Lydia predicted. But what happened to Mettaton during the explosion was something that Rocco and Lydia didn't expect. Instead of making Mettaton laugh like anyone would if the tickling intensity had been increased to 300%, it blew off his arms and legs and temporarily disabled his voice box! XD
 Mettaton: [HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!] *Mettaton laughed silently, currently unaware that only his head is attached to his torso*
 Rocco and Lydia: *horrified gasp*
 Rocco: Oh dear god, we killed him! *shuddered Rocco, sincerely and jokingly at the same time*
 Lydia: Mettaton! Young man, we're so sorry! Rocco and I had absolutely no idea something like that would happen! *shouted Lydia worriedly, concerned for Mettaton's well-being after inadvertently blowing off his limbs* Are you ok?!
 Seconds later, Lydia's question was answered once she saw Mettaton's arms moving along the floor, first towards his tickling contraptions' control panels to deactivate the contraptions and free Asriel and MK and then towards his torso to reattach to his body. And to Rocco and Lydia’s surprise, Mettaton wasn’t at all nervous or furious about his limbs being blown off of his body. How could he be? Especially now that he can control his limbs when they’re not attached to his torso! Well, his arms, anyway. Ironically, he still can’t control his legs when they’re not attached to his torso.
 Mettaton: Here, darlings. Let your big robot brother give you a “hand.” Hahahahahahaha!
 A few seconds later…
 Asriel and MK: Hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! *the boys continued laughing due to lingering ticklish sensations on their feet and upper bodies, while slowly getting ready to stand up and ultimately get out of the contraptions' chairs*
 Asriel: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Thahahahahahahank yoohoohoou!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Ohohohohohoh, thahahahahank yoohoohoou!!!! *snort* Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
 MK: Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Hohohoholy mohohohoholy, thahahahahat wahahahas intense!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! But fuhuhuhun at the same time!!!! *squeak* Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
 Before too long, the boys, while continuing to laugh, stood up out of the chairs, not knowing at all that their legs would feel like jelly the moment they stood up.
 Rocco and Lydia: *worried gasps* Wait, boys! Don't…
 Asriel and MK: Hahahahahahahahahaha!!! Woooooaaaaaaah!!! Oooooooof!!! Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!
 A few seconds later… after the boys stopped laughing...
 Asriel: Hey! I landed on pillows! A whole bunch of them!
 MK: Oooh! Me too! Wait, how'd these get here? *asked MK curiously, looking at his father* These weren’t here when all this craziness started. Or were they?
 Instead of face planting into the floor, Asriel and MK both face planted into two piles of soft pillows. And those pillows were there because Rex put them there when no one was looking! X3
 Rocco: Hey, it wasn’t us, champ. Your mother and I have been sitting here stretching our legs ever since, well, I guess you saw what happened. *answered Rocco, referencing the moment he and Lydia blew off Mettaton’s limbs with their plasma magic, which neither of the boys saw at the time due to watery eyes* Hmm… wait, maybe not.
 Mettaton: And it wasn’t me either. *said Mettaton while easily reattaching all four of his arms* I was concentrating on freeing both of you, remember?
 Asriel: *gasp* Then that means*
 Rex: Oooooooooooooo… *cooed Rex happily, holding his favorite toy weapon with his long tail and Darius in his right hand while making himself visible to everyone in the room* Aaaagaaagiboobabahihaaaaa! *he babbled*
 Asriel, MK, Rocco, and Lydia: REX!! *they all exclaimed excitedly*
 Mettaton: Hahahahaha! Well, well, well, if it isn't the little hero himself. *said Mettaton with a chuckle while concealing his backup arms, looking at Rex with a cheeky expression* You’ve certainly been busy this evening, haven’t you?
 Most definitely! Distracting Mettaton, fending off mini Mettatons with nothing but his tail and a toy weapon, and placing pillows on the floor?! Very impressive for a 15-month-old toddler! :D
 Lydia: Heeheeheehee! He has! Heeheeheehee! That’s Rex for you! Always such a busy little boy! Busy, busy, busy! *claimed Lydia while sliding along the floor next to Rex, seconds before picking up the toddler himself with her feet to lift him up into the air for a brief moment* Heeheeheeheehee!
 Rex: Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee! *Rex giggled happily in response*
 Mettaton: Hahahahaha! You’re lucky, Lizard Mom. If it wasn't for him covering my eyes, climbing on top of my head, tail whipping me, and biting my fingers, you and Lizard Dad might still be on that couch laughing your guts out.
 Rocco: Hahahahahahaha! Really? Our little Rex did all of those things? *asked Rocco curiously, though not really all that surprised by Rex's actions since Rex has actually done most of those things before on his own (Rocco's) head and shoulders* Hahahahahahaha! Wow, Mettaton! Now I understand why you felt the need to punish him. He could've gotten himself hurt if he wasn't careful!
 Lydia: Heeheeheehee! Yes, he could’ve. But he didn’t. He never does. Heeheeheeheehee! Am I right, Rex? Oh, what am I saying? Of course I am! Heeheeheeheehee! Who's my cautious little baby? You are, Rex. You are. *said Lydia in silly mommy talk, now sitting up and wiggling her toes against Rex's sides, tickling him briefly* Heeheeheeheeheeheehee!
 MK: Whoo! Yeah! Way to use your small size to your advantage again, buddy! *cheered MK, super proud of Rex* Whoo!  
 Asriel: And cuteness! Don’t forget that he used his cuteness to his advantage again too, dude! *Asriel chimed in, prompting MK, Rocco, Lydia, and Mettaton to snicker and look at him with “Of course you of all monsters would mention something about cuteness” expressions XD* Heeheeheeheehee!
 MK: Heeheeheeheehee! I didn't forget. I just didn't feel the need to mention it. Heeheeheeheehee! Come on, man, do I have to describe every exciting thing that happens in full detail? *asked MK rhetorically*
 Rocco: Yes. *answered Rocco with a wide sharp-toothed smile for Asriel, just for a little joke* Hahahahahahaha!
 Before anyone could say "Oh you!" to Rocco after his little joke, the notification sounds on Asriel and MK's phones went off, indicating that both of them had new text messages. But they don't have their phones on them at the moment. Instead, their phones are in a bag on the floor in the main basement closet; along with Rocco and Lydia's phones; and they're in there because Mettaton put them in there. Mettaton didn't want anyone playing games, browsing the Internet, or calling or texting anyone on their phones during his performance. Not that they would've but why take the chance?
 Asriel: Oh, hey, that was our phones!
 MK: Hehe. Yep. Let's go see our messages after we stretch our legs. *suggested MK; due to his and Asriel's current case of "jelly legs"*
 Asriel: Ooh, yeah, good idea!
 Lydia: Heeheeheehee! Or, one of us can just grab them for you. Heeheeheehee! Wait right here, boys.
 As Lydia made her way over to the closet, Rex followed her and when they got there, they were both surprised to see the lower half of Mettaton's body lying face down in the closet alongside the bag with everyone's phones.
 Lydia: Oh, so this is where Mettaton's legs ended up after that little accident. *said Lydia, grabbing the bag with everyone’s phones inside of it with her tail* Heeheeheeheehee! I was wondering where those slid off to.
 Rex: Oooooooooo! Uppygashabanudaaa!
 Lydia: Heeheeheehee! Yes, my dear, those are Mettaton's legs.
 Rex: Heeheeheehee! Hababadapadaaaaaa!
 Before too long, Rex noticed something on the backs of Mettaton's knees. Small holes that look exactly like the tail scanner on his toy box!
 Rex: Ahwadafui! Eeeeeeeeeeee! *squealed Rex excitedly after his recent discovery, loud enough that everyone outside the closet heard him*
 Mettaton: *effeminate laugh* Well, that little boy is certainly excited about something. *effeminate laugh* Hey! Lizard Mom, what's Rex so excited about?
 Then all of a sudden, Rex inserted the tip of his tail in each of the small holes in the backs of Mettaton's knees one by one and by doing so, he REMOVED METTATON'S PINK BOOTS, revealing a metallic pair of gray human-like FEET with one pink heart on the centers of each sole!
 Mettaton: *horrified gasp* O-oh m-my g-god!!! H-h-how?!?! HOW?!?! *shuddered Mettaton, curling his toes with fear after feeling his both of his boots split down the middle and leave his lower body*
 Then not even five seconds later, Mettaton felt tiny lizard fingers scribbling up and down his soles and a lizard tail sweep across his 10 toes, tickling him immensely and making him laugh at the top of his nonexistent lungs… and squeal like a girl. XD
 Just like Sans and Papyrus's legs, Mettaton's legs are capable of feeling touch long after they've been separated from his upper body and after doing some tinkering during his spare time, his legs can now reattach to his upper body like theirs too. But unlike the Skelebros, Mettaton can barely control his legs after they've been separated from his upper body. In fact, the only thing he can do is wiggle the ten toes on the two human-like feet that Asriel, MK, Rocco, Lydia, and Rex had no idea he had until today. Yes, encased in Mettaton's famous pink boots is a metallic pair of human-like feet, and under normal circumstances, Mettaton is the only one capable of removing his boots, which he always does by holding his index fingers in the holes in the backs of his knees for a few seconds. But when Alphys built Mettaton's human-like body however, she was sneaky. Due to Mettaton's love of tickle fights (at the time) and tickling feet, she installed an override program in both devices that would allow her to instantly remove his boots whenever she pleased. And all she ever had to do to activate these programs was insert the tip of her tail in the holes in the backs of his knees. But what she didn't know at the time (and is still unaware of to this day) was that the devices she installed in the backs of Mettaton's knees can actually be overridden by any lizard monster's tail; not just her own. And that was most certainly made evident the moment baby Rex removed Mettaton's boots!
 Rocco: Pfffffff… Hahahahahahahahahaha! Ohohohoh my gohohohod! *exclaimed Rocco while laughing immediately after walking over to the closet to get a better view of Rex tickling Mettaton, surprised that Metttaton has human-like feet but also finding it hilarious that he can feel his feet being tickled despite the fact that his lower body isn't currently attached to his upper body* MK, Asriel, come over here when your legs no longer feel like jelly! You boys gotta see this! Hahahahahahaha!
 It did not take Asriel and MK long to get up and walk over to the closet and once they did so, they were shocked to discover that Mettaton has human-like feet and that Rex managed to expose them.
 Asriel and MK: *gasp*
 Asriel: Good gosh golly, Mettaton!
 MK: Holy moly! You've had feet inside those boots this entire time?!
 Asriel: Wait, wait, wait! What?! WHAT?!?!
 MK: An extra chair and stocks?!?! What the heck is he talking about, Mom and Dad?!?!
 After being asked such a question, Rocco pulled the two older monster boys further into the closet with him, Lydia, Rex, and Mettaton's lower body and shut the door behind them. For two reasons: 1. to talk in private about something that will be happening in just a few minutes and 2. To reduce the sound of Mettaton's laughter so they can all hear each other talk.
 Rocco: Sorry, what was that? We can't hear you with the door shut! *joked Rocco, one second before closing the closet door for real* Hahahahaha! Good job, Rex! Hahahaha! That's my boy! And whatever you do, don't stop. Don't stop until one of us grabs your tail, all right, buddy? That'll be our little "code." Hahahaha! (A little payback for making those mini versions of yourself tickle our feet when you knew very well that they were more ticklish than usual, Mettaton! Hmph!)
 Meanwhile in the closet, Rocco and Lydia took some time to inform Asriel and MK that Mettaton is willing to let both of them tickle him back. Yes, after all of that craziness the two boys went through, Mettaton is more than willing to let both of them trap him in one of his contraptions and get some sweet revenge! :D And can Rex help them? Why, of course he can! The more, the merrier! :D But... There's a catch. Mettaton is the type of lee that's more willing to let others tickle him if and only if he doesn't have to endure the tickle torture alone, hence why a third tickling contraption will be needed soon. If one or more individuals are being tickled alongside him, then he's more than happy to let others tickle him as much as they please. Ironically, it's the one and only time he doesn't want the spotlight entirely on him. XD Unless of course he doesn't have a choice; like during a one-on-one tickle fight, for example. But the thing that's about to happen in just a few minutes won't be a tickle fight of any kind. Instead, it'll be straight-up tickle torture and Mettaton is only willing to endure it if Rocco and Lydia sit alongside him and endure it with him! Those poor lizard parents! They literally just endured 15+ minutes of hellish tickle torture from mini Mettatons and right before Mettaton himself arrived, Rocco endured 10+ minutes from his wife, sons, and Asriel! But on the plus side, the effects of the MTT massage oil have probably worn off by now, meaning that their feet won't be significantly more ticklish than usual anymore. That and they happened to discover another loophole in their agreement with Mettaton. ;)
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solastia · 5 years
The Dragon’s Lair | 5
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Pairing: Dragon Hybrid Namjoon x Reader
Word Count: 2,872
A/N: The smut is here! It’s a little short, since it’s been crazy at work, but I wanted to give you guys something. It’s also pretty vanilla since it’s Dragon Joonie’s first time, but boy will learn some things eventually. The spoiler for the next chapter is: We meet a new hybrid that likes riddles ;) 
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One of the most charming features of aging homes is their ability to fall apart during the least convenient times. Like how the power has currently gone out in the middle of a snowstorm and you can’t get a hold of anyone to come out and fix it because it’s too late in the evening. 
You sigh as the air in the big house begins to take on a sharp bite, rubbing your arms as you assess your stack of wood next to the already blazing fireplace. This should be enough to get you through the evening and maybe into the next afternoon. You’d already braved the storm to take all of the food to the barn where there was an extra fridge and freezer set up to a small generator, since this wasn’t exactly the first time this had happened. You’d have to pull the couch closer and sleep on it tonight if you wanted to stay warm - no way would a single fireplace be able to heat all the way to your bedroom. And you weren’t really sure how comfortable he’d be with his long ass legs, but if you could talk Namjoon into sleeping on the couch with you then you’d have the added bonus of the Dragon’s natural heat to help keep you warm too. 
As if you summoned him with your thoughts alone, Namjoon finally leaves his studio for the first time in several hours. He had been using the last bit of daylight to write in this huge notebook that he’d been toting around for a while (He still refuses to let you look, but he blushes so cutely whenever you ask that you let him get away with it). He looked unfairly comfortable wearing nothing but basketball shorts and a tank top, while you had thrown on a sweater and hoodie, sweats, thermals and three pairs of socks. He comes up and wraps his arms around your waist, humming into your hair as you turn back to the fireplace. 
“Still not able to get a hold of anyone?” 
“Nope,” you scoff. “Soonest anyone can be here is 2pm tomorrow.” 
“Mmm,” he hummed, “l guess we no choice but to turn in early tonight since there’s not much we can do without power or the ability to go outside.” 
“Yeah. Any chance you wanna sleep out on the couch with me?” 
“As if I can get any sleep with you off in another room,” he scoffs as he walks over to the couch. “It’ll be tight, but we can handle it.”
He pulls the couch closer to the fire and you whisper a silent apology to the old wooden flooring that was surely getting scratched underneath. 
“There,” he grunts, patting the cushions with a self-satisfied grin. “We can get cozy and I’ll read to you until we’re tired enough to go to sleep.” 
Namjoon splays himself across the couch, laying against the left armrest with a few pillows before he opens his arms. You smile and crawl in between his legs, using his chest as a pillow as you lay back and pull the couch blanket over the both of you. He reaches back and grabs the book he’d been reading the past couple of days and opens it to where he left off, clearing his throat before he starts reading. You don’t really listen to the words since he’s starting in the middle and you have no idea what happened before, but his deep voice and the rumbling in his chest vibrating against your back is comforting. 
From your place, you can look right out of the front room window and observe the wild storm. The howling wind is strong and shaking at your windows, but thankfully those at least are holding up. 
Namjoon pauses his reading for a moment to drink some water and you take the chance to mention something that had been bothering you. 
“I hope Mark doesn’t get sick again in this weather. This is so bad.” 
Namjoon rubs your arm comfortingly. “He’ll be fine. He’s got the eyes of a wizard on him at all times now. While hyung may not be able to stop the natural course of nature enough to make the storms cease - that I know of at least - he can certainly handle keeping a whelp warm. Not to mention, you made Mark promise to call you if anything happened again.” 
You had made him promise that - and he’d followed it almost too well. Since he’d recovered enough to get out of bed he often snatched Heechul’s phone and called you at least three times a day, sometimes over something as small as finding a butterfly. The strange thing was, you didn’t seem to mind. If anything, you found them reassuring since you’ve begun to worry about Mark nearly constantly. Realistically, you knew that Heechul was doing an amazing job keeping an eye on him as well as the other hybrids that had suffered under the eye of that horrible staff woman, but you worried anyway. 
Every time you made a meal, you hoped Mark was getting plenty of his own food too since he still had that slight gaunt look to him. You worried about him getting enough sleep, enough vitamins, if he was staying under his UV bulbs enough, if anyone had hugged him today. It was getting ridiculous. Why were you worrying so much about a child that wasn’t even yours? 
You sigh and burrow closer into the heated body behind you. Namjoon tried to act cool about it, but you knew he was just as attached to Mark. You’d even caught him calling Mark and lecturing him when the boy hadn’t gotten around to making his daily calls yet. 
If only he lived here you wouldn’t have to...
And the solution to your worries was so obvious you wanted to punch yourself in the face. Why couldn’t he live here? You had the room, he was one of the adoptable hybrids, the both of you already treated him like he was yours. You already had tons of rooms that you’d just have to fix up to make livable for the reptile hybrid. And you had no doubt Mark would be happy with the idea. 
Content with that settled in your mind, you finally focus on Namjoon’s voice again, a secret smile gracing your face as the Dragon’s deep rumbles and warmth soothed you. 
“You falling asleep, baby?” he whispered into your ear after a few moments. 
“No, just comfy.” 
“Mmm, yeah this is really nice.”
You heard a soft thunk as he set the book back on the table behind him then he slid his arms under the blanket to wrap around you, lacing his hands with yours. You could feel the warms puffs of breath against your neck as he nuzzled against you like a damn cat. 
“Doing okay back there?” you ask with amusement. 
He hums, “Yeah. You smell good.” 
As if he’d flipped a switch, you begin to notice exactly where his mind is going as he somehow pulls you even closer and begins trailing gentle kisses on your neck. Not to mention the suddenly hard and heavily twitching thing that was poking into your lower back. 
“So what’s doing it for ya? The cat hoodie or the sweats with the oil stain on them?” 
He snickers lowly and presses a kiss against the side of your head. 
“Just you. You just smell so good and I love holding you like this. I was just thinking about how much I love you and how I wanted to be even closer to you. And...uh...well, that’s the only thing we haven't done yet.” 
You turn a little to study his face. 
“And you think you’re ready right now?” 
“Yeah. Always ready,” he chuckles with a self-deprecatory tone. “Just wanted to wait for the right moment, and I guess this is as good as it’s going to get. Cuddling on the couch with only firelight piercing the darkness. Your scent tickling my nose, teasing me.” 
Your breath hitches as Namjoon purposely lowers his voice, the deep tones of his words teasing as he presses soft kisses behind your ear. 
“Sit up for me, baby.” 
He helps you sit up on the edge of the couch then slides onto the floor, peeking up at you with a slight blush as he settles between your legs. 
“May I?” he asks softly as he pets your thighs. 
The sight of Namjoon on his knees like that makes you quiver with anticipation. 
“Yeah,” you tell him breathlessly, scooting up a little to help him as he begins to pull your sweats and thermals off, throwing them behind him (thankfully nowhere near the fireplace. You checked. It was still Namjoon after all). 
“Cute,” he mumbles, playing with the lace on your admittedly not very sexy strawberry panties. He softly caresses the outside of the fabric, making you whimper. 
He nuzzles the inside of your thigh and presses a soft kiss to it, looking up at you with wide eyes that would look almost innocent if it weren’t for the slight smirk he was sporting. He pulls the fabric of your panties to the side, taking a moment to just inspect it, embarrassingly enough. You had to remind yourself this was technically his first time so naturally he’d be curious. 
Without warning, he leans forward and licks through your folds and suckles your clit hard like a pro. 
“Oh, Namjoon.” 
He hums, his tongue working furiously against you like a man starved. He pauses and moves a thumb to your clit, rubbing at a medium pace as he holds a couple of fingers to your lips. 
“Get them wet for me, baby?” 
You open your mouth and he slides them in, watching avidly as your tongue darts out to wet the digits. You circle his fingers with a teasing grin, biting the tips softly. He growls and the sound goes straight to your core. 
He slides his fingers out of your mouth and slowly pushes them into you, meeting little resistance. You could hear him pumping them in and out, slick with your juices. He moans and leans over to tongue at you again, flicking against your clit. You whine and buck against his mouth, thinking that of course he was a fucking natural at this. And those big beautiful lips felt so good against you. 
“So good. You taste so fucking good,” he groans, voice already sounding wrecked. And you swore he was trying to sneakily hump the couch, which only made it hotter. He was so excited just from eating you out. 
Suddenly he stopped, whining as he gripped the front of his shorts. He closed his eyes and panted for a few moments before they shot open and he set his jaw, looking at you with desperation. 
“I need to...you know...like now. Is that okay?”
You inhaled sharply, trying to come back from the god damned ninth form of heaven those lips had sent you to. 
You grin, slightly happy for the reminder that this was actually his first time. His tongue had fooled you into forgetting that for a while, but now he seemed willing to go back to taking direction.
“Of course, sweetheart. How do you want me? Want me to ride you?” 
His jaw dropped and he nodded frantically, quickly jumping up and kicking off his shorts before sitting on the couch. He widened his legs and watched you crawl over as his cock visibly twitched in anticipation. 
You straddled his lap and lined him up with one hand, using the other to grip his shoulder to brace yourself. He bit his lip as you rubbed him against yourself, smearing your juices on him to ease the way. Sweat was beading across his brow as he held himself back from moving. 
You exhaled slowly as you eased down, Namjoon’s girth stretching you further than you’d ever gone before. He reached around to grab your waist, just holding you and not directing you at all. You pause to let yourself adjust and to tear off your shirt and hoodie, then raise yourself up nearly to the tip before dropping back down all of the way.
“You good, Joonie?” 
“Yeah,” he nods, answering like he was grinding his jaw while he stared at your now bare breasts right in front of his face. “You feel so good. So soft and warm. I’m trying so hard to not cum.” 
“I know, sweetheart.  I’ll try to keep this quick and you can cum whenever you want.” 
You increased your pace, riding him with your hands gripping his shoulders to keep you steady. 
“So beautiful,” he grunted. “Finally have all of you. I’m so happy.” 
You rolled your hips against him, whining and tucking your head against his neck. You kissed and nibbled the skin there as you rode him as hard as you could. You reached down and moved one of his hands to your clit, showing him what you needed. He eagerly began rubbing you, bringing you even closer to the edge. 
He sucked one of your nipples into his mouth, tonguing it and giving it a sweet little nip before he moved over to the other one. His grip on your waist tightened as you began to slow down, and he smoothly started to take over, bringing you down on his cock with powerful thrusts. His hands moved down to your ass, cupping them with his huge hands as he took full control. 
“So wet, baby. You feel so fucking good,” he growled, bringing his forehead to yours, staring at you intensely. 
“Mine. Tell me.”
His eyes were more vivid than you’d ever seen them, practically sparkling as stared at you. His skin felt like lava, and you were almost certain that you felt claw tips pricking your behind. Namjoon was practically going feral and you loved it. 
“Yours. Been yours since the moment I saw you, Namjoon. I love you.” 
His hips sped up at your words, the slapping of skin against skin echoing in the silent room. You soon became incapable of doing anything but panting and moaning as Namjoon fucked into you with a speed that you didn’t know he was capable of. 
“Joon, I’m gonna - “
“Go ahead, baby. I’m right there with you,” he growled, bringing one hand to your clit and rubbing viciously. 
You throw your head back and moan loudly as your muscles clench and twitch. Namjoon grunts and drops his head against the couch, sighing loudly as he follows you off the edge. It’s not until you begin to come down and think clearly again that you realize he’s dripping out of you and that you just let him take you completely raw. However, your bones feel like jelly and the Dragon underneath you looks close to passing out, so you figure that’s a conversation for another day. 
“You good?” you ask, still draped across his chest. You reach up and caress his cheek, and he reaches up to hold your hand there for a moment before bringing it to his lips. 
“Yeah. Totally worth the wait.”
You chuckle quietly. “I’m glad. Want anything to eat? I kept the stuff for PB&J Sandwiches inside since it doesn’t need to be refrigerated.” 
“Maybe later. Kinda wanna stay like this for a while,” he grinned, bucking up a little like you needed to be reminded that he was still inside you. And...not growing very soft? 
He noticed your unasked question in your eyes, shrugging. “Dragon stamina?” 
You shrugged back. You’d long ago stopped questioning much. 
You hummed and laid your head against his chest, uncaring that it was slightly sweaty. You stroked his beautiful skin...skin that still looked slightly unusual in color. You were pretty sure that his scales were trying to break through, but he was still too self-conscious about it to let them. You reached up to his hair under the guise of playing with the strands, and sure enough, you found two little bumps on either side of his scalp, like even his horns had tried to come through. 
That sex with you was so exhilarating to him that he nearly lost control and shifted was flattering. That he still fought it off and apparently was still too worried to show you was not. You’d have to figure out some way to make him comfortable enough to show you.
You sigh and cuddle closer to him, nuzzling against his chest. 
“I love you, Namjoon. You know that, right?” 
He wraps his arms around you tightly, kissing the top of your head. 
“Of course. I love you too. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” 
You smile happily, content with that for now, although you still had work to do to get him to trust you fully. 
You close your eyes and start to doze off, only to be startled awake as an unrepentant dragon smirks down at you as he rolls his hips against you. It was apparently going to be a very long night. 
At least you weren’t cold. 
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Between The Pipes [Chapter 33]
Rating: M Words: 2860 Pairing: Kristanna Summary: When  a new owner takes over the Arendelle Ice Breakers, Kristoff isn’t sure  about his future with the team. That is, until a PR nightmare throws the  newest member of the media team, who also just so happens to be the  daughter of the new owner, right into his arms. Kristoff and Anna can’t  even stand the interviews they have to do together… how on earth are  they going to fix this mess? Hockey!AU.
[Chapter Index]
Where To Read: [AO3]
Notes: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
It was about ten days before Kristoff felt all of his symptoms had fully subsided. He had started going for jogs a couple of days ago, but anything more than that tended to bring the headache roaring back. So he continued to take it easy, go for a short jog in the morning, and only watch an hour of tapes per day. Anything longer than that hurt his head, too.
Anna had… not so slowly started moving her things in. She didn’t have much, but he told her to put her stuff wherever she wanted, that she could make this place as much hers as she wanted. And he genuinely meant it. His house had just been a house. He hadn’t put much thought into it beyond the comfort of his couch and bed. Decor was minimal, and everything was very much brown.
Maybe she could help him make it a home.
Her just being there already made it closer.
After four weeks, they broke her lease and she had officially moved in. They figured it would help her save some more in the long run, help her skate by for just a little longer, even if he told her over and over that she didn’t need to worry about money.
But Anna hadn’t wanted to start things out that way. She had some savings, and she could pay for things here and there, and she didn’t want him to feel like she was taking advantage. Kristoff assured her that he could never think that she was. But still, she insisted, and he told her that that was something he absolutely loved about her.
He had been able to start doing more normal exercises again. Working with the trainers was annoying, but there weren’t any headaches returning when he pushed himself like he used to. They told him if he could do this for a week without any symptoms popping up, he could get back on the ice. 
That week went by like a breeze, and Kristoff relished in the feel of crisp ice under his skates. There was no feeling better than being on the ice. He sighed with defeat as they told him they wanted to wait another week before they started firing pucks at him, but he grudgingly agreed. At least he was skating.
And then, even better, he got to come home and see Anna, her hair wrapped into a bun on top of her head as she sat with her knee to her chest, drawing in an almost full sketchbook, her tongue caught between her teeth. “Hi baby,” he smiled, his heart warming as she looked up at him and used the back of her hand to push hair from her eyes. He kissed her softly as he walked past, enjoying the pure domesticity of it all. “Have a good day?”
“Oh yes! I went to that cafe downtown that we like - you know, Oaken’s Mochas and Teas?” 
He always laughed at the name. So on the nose.
“And well, I noticed that they didn’t have any sort of logo or anything so… I don’t know. I just…” she blushed and spun around on the chair, dangling her legs off the side. “They know me and I figured what was the harm in asking - so I’m designing something for them now!”
His eyes widened and he took three steps forward to clear the gap between them, placing an enthusiastic kiss on her lips. “Anna, that’s so great.” 
“They’re paying me, too!” She was giggling against his mouth, and he couldn’t help but smile. “Remember how the last place wouldn’t pay? I took it because, you know, portfolio, but I offered for free, but they insisted.”
“I’m so proud of you, baby.”
Then her arms were around his neck and not letting go and she hummed low and slow, “how about you? Good day? Worn out?”
Oh. He was never too worn out for that.
He hoisted her up onto his hips, grinning like a madman as they moved backwards to his bedroom. Well, their bedroom. She never did sleep in the spare room.
He was growing slightly frustrated at the week-by-week status, but he knew this was his second head injury, and they wanted to be more careful this time around. But only progressing to the next step after a whole week was growing agonizing. At least he was doing non-contact now, grinning from ear to ear as he slapped each puck out of midair.
God it felt so fucking good to be back like this.
Anna had come with him today to spend some time with Honeymaren while they practiced, and he could hear her whooping from the stands. Every time he made a save, “that’s my baby!” Every time someone scored on him, “you’ll get it next time honey!”
It was the most endearing thing ever, as she jumped up and waved her hands in the air, as if it were an actual game. As if it weren’t just her in the stands, cheering him on during a practice.
God he loved her so much.
Finally they were letting him practice back in a regular jersey. No more no-contact. He was fortunate that goalies rarely got touched anyway, but now they guys weren’t holding back anymore. Slapshots and more risky wraparounds and pucks fired in a way that made him dive were becoming the norm again, and he felt so damn good with every puck he saved. 
Shot by shot, the rust was shaking off, and Kristoff felt ready to get back in a game. It was almost April, and he needed to be playoff ready. They had promised him he’d be back in by March 20th, which gave him a little under three weeks of in-game play before the playoffs started. They were so close to a playoff spot, and he knew that he could help them win it.
But he wouldn’t rush, and he was going to trust the physicians on staff, and take it slow. 
If for no other reason than Anna.
He knew she was worried about him getting back in. But they weren’t playing the Stallions yet - they had at least until the Eastern Conference, and by then he would undoubtedly be a one hundred percent. Plus, the guys had his back, and, he couldn’t help but laugh about it, Warren had been scratched for the rest of the season. Coach’s decision.
Right on the promised date, Kristoff was starting in net against Tampa, and the literal electricity in the arena had him amped up beyond belief. Their whole team was working together like a well oiled machine, and he hadn’t realized what a vital cog he was to the whole operation until he had been gone. Even if it had just been in practice, he already felt the connection, and he knew this game would be easily won.
Anna had threatened him with an indefinite withhold if he didn’t let her come on the roadie, so she was up in their box, undoubtedly screaming along to every play, and just knowing she was in the arena made his game that much better. 
They won, 5-2, and dog-piled in the middle of the arena as they clinched their playoff spot.
Fuck. This was still the best feeling in the world.
The rest of the season went by in a flash, and before they knew it, the Ice Breakers were facing New York in round one. It felt so easy now as they swept the round, and had extra days for recovery. 
The Stallions lost against Boston. 
It had been a weird moment, celebrating someone else’s loss, but Anna had come home with two bottles of champagne and they popped bottles and got a little drunk and Anna had taken him to bed and all right, he might be okay with celebrating another’s loss if it meant he got this. Plus, it was the team that almost took him out for the end of the season.
Yeah, he was okay with celebrating.
Philadelphia was a harder won match. They liked to play dirty. It went to game seven before they finally secured the win, and they all felt the tiring ache of it. Kristoff hated going to game seven - it meant they only had two days to recuperate before the next match started. 
But Anna had drawn him a hot bath, had snuck in to lay on his chest while he relaxed, and scratched her fingers against his chin as she waxed poetic about playoff beards and how maybe he should just keep it and then her hands sunk a little lower, and he was suddenly feeling a lot more prepared for the Conference finals.
He genuinely thought they might lose to Toronto. They lost the first two. Won the third. Lost the fourth, and if they didn’t win all three of the remaining games, they were out.
It was close. God it was so fucking close. 
Game seven. They were 3-3. Sudden death overtime. It looked like it might head into double overtime, with only eighteen seconds on the clock, but then --
Pederson scores! Ice Breakers win!!!! 
Thank fuck.
Anna was there for every game. Every win, every loss, she was there. And he knew he wasn’t being a good boyfriend right now, he knew that he was too focused on his career right now and this was what he had been so fucking concerned about from the beginning.
But after game two against Nashville, which they lost miserably, Kristoff was sulking on the couch watching tapes to figure out where they kept scoring on him, and Anna wrapped soft arms around his neck. 
“Hey,” she hummed, not even reacting to his short, irritated reply. “I just want you to know… How proud I am of you.”
That got his attention. 
“You had a really traumatic thing happen, and you bounced right back from it, and you’ve been playing so hard, and so well, and… There’s no fear, and that’s amazing.” He let one hand raise to her arm, stroking his thumb across her skin.
“I love you so much,” he muttered, tilting his head back to look up at her. “I’m sorry if I’ve been a bad boyfriend.”
“I know,” she smiled, placing one quick kiss against his lips. “And you haven’t. I can deal with your job being most important for two months of the year.”
“You love me still?”
“More every day.”
He felt more confident in game three. And four. And then they were up three to one, and only needed one more fucking win to win the whole damn thing. 
They were in Nashville and Anna was lamenting the fact that they didn’t have the time to actually see the city this week, and Kristoff pulled her close and told her if they won tonight they could stay here as long as she wanted and see everything she could possibly think of. She blushed and kissed him and told him that he better bring his A game, because she was holding him to it and would be horribly disappointed if they had to fly back home tonight.
That was an extra motivation.
They arrived at the arena early, amazed at the crowd already forming and the insane energy just surrounding the building. Playoff hockey was a whole other world, and he was so ecstatic that Anna was getting to experience it by his side. He kissed her deeply before she had to head up to the box and him to the locker room, with a quick squeeze of her bottom and a laugh.
“It’s for luck!!”
Anna swatted at him but grinned as she followed Jelissa up the stairs to the visiting team’s box, laughing with the blonde about their stupid men and how on earth do we put up with them and Kristoff tuned out the rest before he heard something he didn’t want to. Then he turned his focus to the game.
“Men!” Sven hollered, his voice booming through the locker room. “This game is do or die. We’re ahead, but you better not let that cockiness mess with your game.”
Kristoff couldn’t help but smile. His best friend had perfectly honed his skill of making a speech lighthearted but also motivating. The team followed him into fire, and Kristoff had always admired him for it. When Sven wrapped it up and hopped down from his perch, Kristoff held out a hand, gripped his best friends’ and knocked their helmets together.
“We win together or we die together, brother.”
Kristoff almost laughed at the drama of it all. “Calm down, Aragorn.”
Sven was silent for a moment. “When the fuck did you watch Lord of the Rings?”
“... Concussion recovery was rough.” He dropped Sven’s hand and smirked. “But it was actually pretty good.”
“Haven’t I been telling you for years that you would like it?” He smacked Kristoff upside the head and grinned. “Never listen to me, but the second you get a girlfriend…”
They heard the announcements starting, and moved out towards the runway. As always, they were last onto the ice, and as always, they fist bumped before they stepped out. He was as ready as he’d ever be. The timer counted down, they got into position.
The puck hit the ice.
Period one had a rough start. 2-0 Nashville. But he was recalibrating, remembering what it was he kept missing. They got him on his glove side. They knew he was a little weaker, a little more hesitant with it after the injury.
But he could fix it.
Period two, nothing got by him, and the guys scored three times. 2-3 Ice Breakers. Thank god.
Period three, and the pressure is on. Nashville doesn’t want to lose, and the Ice Breakers don’t want to drag it out. They’ve played three long matches already. 
Nashville scores.
Ice Breakers score.
And then.
Carruthers, the kid they just brought up from the minors to fill in a gap from another injury, fucking scores with three seconds on the clock. His third game. His first NHL goal.
The fucking Stanley Cup game winning goal.
The whole team runs to center ice. The whole team dog piles on top of the kid, still silent and slack-jawed with shock, still not believing what just happened. 
“Fuck yeah!” 
“God damn it Ruthy!”
“How the fuck, kid!”
The incoherent screaming from the team didn’t drown out the booing from the crowd, but nothing would bring them down right now. Nothing could.
After their celebration, both teams basically let the three seconds run. Nashville knew nothing could be done, and the Ice Breakers weren’t about to let anything past them anyway. The buzzer rang and they all cheered again, whooping and hollering as they received the cup, went through the motions in the arena that wasn’t welcoming them. Then they ran down the runway, back to the locker room to find their family and friends waiting with enough champagne for every person in that room to have their own bottle.
Captain Sven Pederson had the pleasure of carrying the cup back with him. 
Music was blasting, everyone was screaming, champagne was already flying through the air and as the team started stripping some of their bulkier gear off, Mattias took to the stage. 
“I’ve never been more fucking proud of you boys. You rallied together and in just a few years, we’ve already risen so far beyond what people expected of this new little team in the middle of nowhere. I’m not going to make some big long speech,” Kristoff could see the tears in his eyes as he sniffled, and he let out a booming laugh as he looked around the room. “But you’ve all just… you’ve made me feel like a proud father.” He waved his hands in front of his face and shrugged. “But fuck my speech, let’s celebrate!”
And celebrate they did.
Bottles popped, beers were distributed, everyone drank way more than they should as Sven emptied at least 8 bottles of champagne directly into the cup and lifted it to pour into every players’ mouth. The man of the hour, Scotty Carruthers, was herded to the middle of the pack and drenched in champagne and beer before he had even fully finished processing what was happening.
After far too long, Kristoff found Anna, and she leapt immediately into his arms, placing sloppy peppered kisses all over his face. “I’m” kiss “so” kiss “fucking” kiss kiss “proud of you.” And then a hearty one on the mouth, as her hands pressed firm to either side of his jaw. 
Kristoff smiled with his fingers spread wide over her back as she threw her arms in the air to add more beer to the rain in the room. She laughed brightly, lowered her hands back to his shoulders, and gave him the best smile he had ever seen. “I love you so much.”
And then he thought that somehow that was worth more than the fucking Stanley Cup.
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themangoyogurt · 4 years
Between 29th and Astoria: The Appetizer
Chapter 5
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It was always the same story after a night of hard drinking - waking up with regret, plotting your own death, and revisiting misdemeanors committed under the influence of alcohol. To make matters worse, you had fallen asleep on the commute resulting in missing your stop. By the time you went above ground, back down on the other side, and hopped on the right train - you were hopelessly late.
Not only that, but you had been drunk enough to make stupid life decisions such as feel up your freaking boss, but not blitzed enough to have forgotten what had happened. You stepped off the executive elevator and onto the forty-fifth floor completely ready to die of embarrassment.
Only, you didn’t.
Ren’s door was closed, but you heard gentle murmuring behind the glass. His morning conference call must have begun earlier than scheduled. At least that took care of any awkward A.M. confrontations. If you had any doubts that your job was on the line though, they were immediately cleared as you stepped up to your little glass fortress.
Sitting neatly in the center right between your monitor and keyboard was a cup of coffee. A sticky note was stuck to the sleeve with two sentences scrawled in surprisingly beautiful penmanship.
“May I suggest a different addictive substance? Perhaps one that won’t kill you?”
The smell of hazelnut and spice wafted up from the lid, enveloping the area with a warm scent. The caramel liquid inside was still hot, and burned deliciously as it was consumed. Seeing that he bought you coffee, perhaps Kylo’s hypocrisy regarding smoking could be ignored. For now at least. You reclined into the leather seat underneath and began your typical morning rituals.
The computer fired on with a half-hearted beep. Next, physical memos were sorted as the screen slowly loaded. Some papers were shuffled into the trash. Others were filed away for later use, and a select few were organized into a folder to hand off to Mr. Ren. As soon as the monitor pinged to life, e-mails were next on the list. Similar to the memos, you organized and sorted the digital mail. Once in a while, you’d be interrupted by a phone call.
Most of the time it was a frantic Mitaka in search of one thing or another for Hux. The poor man was clearly stretched far too thin, and you always spent the latter half of your conversations giving the assistant a pep talk. By the time everything was catalogued and dealt with, it was usually lunch. That was almost always taken alone at your desk. First Order certainly didn’t encourage friendships, that much was for sure. If you were lucky and Mr. Ren had an outside appointment during the hour, you were able to eat elsewhere. Even then it wasn’t very exciting. You’d usually just grab a sorry excuse for a salad from Hale & Hearty, and eat it in the break room.
Today was different though. Twelve o’ clock struck, and Mr. Ren emerged from his office. Dark hair coiffed backwards, he slowly ambled towards your desk. Your name slid from his lips like oil and you looked up in surprise.
“Mr. Ren! I thought you had a lunch appointment today.”
He tapped his fingers along the smooth surface of your desk and nodded. Reaching over, he plucked your purse hanging from the back of the chair. Smiling, the man responded, “Yes, I do. You’re my appointment.”
You mouth slackened in surprise, and Kylo smirked at your reaction, filing away the image along with others he had collected over time. Twirling the leather strap of your bag in one hand, he turned on his heel and marched over to the elevator. You immediately jumped up from your chair and hurried a step behind the man.
He brought you to a swanky restaurant somewhere uptown. Just like at the club last night, you felt incredibly out of place. It was the type of establishment you’d only read about in magazines alongside the words “so-and-so celebrity spotted at”. It certainly wasn’t the kind of venue a failed photographer turned personal assistant ate at. And it definitely wasn’t the kind of place a boss should be taking his assistant just for kicks.
Regardless, Kylo still placed a warm palm on your lower back and ushered you through the large doors and into a marble waiting area. The hostess immediately recognized the raven-haired CEO and lead the way to a private dining area secluded in the back.
The lithe blonde’s eyes darted between the two of you and then to Kylo’s hands before asking, “Mr. Ren, would you like me to check your - uh - friend’s bag?”
Oh my God. Kylo Ren was still holding your purse.
Your face colored in embarrassment as you thought about how this woman probably checked Birkins worth six figures. Your little flea market find of cracked leather definitely had no business being checked anywhere. Panicking, you snatched the purse away from your boss and awkwardly tittered that you’d be fine holding onto the handbag.
Did the woman just give you a look of sympathy?
If she kept up that attitude, you’d give her something to be sympathetic about. Your eyes squinted ever so slightly, and Ren let out a snort. He waved the hostess away and pulled out your chair before settling in across the table.
“If you’re ashamed of your purse, you could always buy a new one.”
“Excuse me?! Just because I don’t enjoy being judged, doesn’t mean I’m ashamed of my purse! And what do you expect me to do? Go out and buy a Chanel with the zero dollars in my savings account?”
Kylo’s head tilted backwards as he chuckled, “You looked ready to choke the hostess with your mind.”
“My purse has character. Something she wouldn’t understand,” you pouted.
“Yes. I’m just finding out about how much character you possess.”
Heat spread across your cheeks and your face bloomed pink at your boss’s teasing. Fiddling with the hem of the tablecloth you whispered, “I’m so sorry about last night, Mr. Ren.” He dismissed your apology with a wave of his hand and chortled, “I’ve seen Phasma do worse on a better night. Don’t worry about it.” He slowly drank in the sight of your flushed skin and the way your lashes shyly fluttered at his words. Yes, he could definitely get used to this.
Thankfully the waiter arrived, and provided some relief as he went over the tasting menu. Who on earth ate five courses at twelve thirty in the afternoon?
Apparently, Kylo Ren did. The man didn’t even flinch as the waiter rattled off various dishes and accompaniments. You blushed again as Mr. Ren ordered a whiskey neat for himself and a gin and tonic for yourself. He ignored your protests that it was too early to drink, and opted to lean back and watch your fruitless objections with mirth.
“Are you done?”
Your ears turned red, and Kylo grinned with his full set of teeth. He was beginning to discover a new hobby - making his assistant blush. Once again, the waiter came to the rescue as he set down a white oval porcelain dish with two oysters perched atop a hill of ice with caviar scattered about. Ren expertly fed himself the appetizer and watched you struggle in amusement. Compared to Ren’s effortless elegance, you looked like a pelican choking down sardines.
He quietly placed a palm on the table and asked, “So, tell me about yourself. What do you do after work?”
An eyebrow raised on its own as you studied Mr. Ren with some suspicion. Just a few days ago, this man was one missed memo away from flipping over your desk and booting you out the door. Now he wanted to know what you did for fun? As if sensing your apprehension, Kylo teased, “Isn’t this what friends do? Get to know each other?”
The memory of Kylo’s massive hands gripping your slight wrists was enough to make you gag on your drink. Were gin and tonics always this difficult to stomach?
Clearing your throat and wiping the edges of your lips, you replied, “Well. Honestly, I go to work so early and stay so late...there isn’t really much time for me to do anything. My friends are pretty understanding though, so we spend most of our time at my apartment or theirs. We - uh - you know, talk. Sometimes we play board games or just watch Netflix. We do other things together, too.”
Kylo arched a brow and joked, “You do ‘other things’ with your friends? How conveniently vague.”
Coughing again, you sputtered, “No! No. I mean, we’re all single, but we don’t - you know - do weird things. Uhm, Rose is a mechanic and she works on these crazy fancy private planes that come in and out of the city. Sometimes her clients invite her to cool things, and I’ll get to tag along. Poe has a really sweet job, and he’ll hook us up with tickets to events, too. And, uhm, Finn also works at Poe’s company, but only part time. But he’s trying really hard to be an actor and he just wrapped up a really great show. We’ll go see him in different performances, and it’s really fun!”
Kylo ran his bottom lip along the edge of his glass as he took in your response. The name “Poe” sounded oddly familiar to him. It was a rather archaic sounding name that not many in your age group had. He’d have to look into that later, rather preferring to settle on one key fact he was surprisingly happy to learn - you were single.
“What about you, Mr. Ren? Do you have any hobbies? Or - uhm - date?”
You were going to be the death of him. If he could die via cuteness, he would choose you every time. He watched your throat bob as you swallowed, almost as if you wished you could push the words back down. He thought for a moment: no, what he did with the fairer sex certainly wouldn’t be considered dating. As for hobbies?
“Sure. I enjoy calligraphy. It’s a nice marriage of art and the written form. I also like taking my cars out to the speedway from time-to-time. As for dating? No. I wouldn’t say I have the time to date...per se.”
You nodded along, thinking the entire time that Mr. Ren sounded lightyears above you. Of course someone like him wouldn’t play fucking Cranium in his free time. You continued to eat and chat until the meal wrapped up. Kylo was even suave enough to take care of the check while he got up to use the restroom, saving you the embarrassment of having to act like you could even afford to split the $700 bill.
Walking out the door, you stopped to turn to the man. Rocking a bit on your heels, you meekly murmured, “Thank you, Mr. Ren...”
“What was that, little mouse? I didn’t quite catch that.” A quirk of his lip indicated that he was teasing you again.
Clearing your throat, you spoke up, “Thank you, Mr. Ren. For the meal. And the conversation. I - uh - quite enjoyed spending time with you.”
He gave you a warm smile. The most genuine one you have yet to witness. He carefully patted your back - high enough to be professional, but low enough to leave you confused.
Looking up into the sky, he replied, “I’m glad. Perhaps we could making spending time together a habit.”
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ohvalleyofplentyyy · 5 years
Chamomile - chapter 2
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Chapter 2: A Cottage Called Home
“What’s a fucking Witcher doing here?!”
You could hear a pin drop in the room it was so deadly silent. Y/N took a calculated breath.
Oh, so that’s why he asked…
The bartender, a fat bloke who smelled of liver disease and sweat, came waddling out from the other side of the bar table. “Answer me you bloody murderer, what are you doin here?!”
Alright, time to step in,
Y/N stepped between Geralt and the bartender, “Okay, that’s enough Caran. This man is my gues-’’ “I don’t care WHAT he’s to you Wiccan,” the man spat. There were a couple of people that stood when he said that, and Geralt somehow rose taller than he already was.
Alright fucker—
Y/N grabbed the bag from Geralt that held the ghoul’s head. She pulled it out and shoved it into Caran’s hands. There were screams from some of the ladies and shouts from other men in the room. Caran yelled and dropped the head, it rolled at his feet.
“This is what the Witcher is doing here— killing the beast that's been wreaking havoc on this whole town. Now pay up, there’s a bounty to be had. A thank you to him would be appreciated too.”
The bartender grumbled but when he looked up at Geralt again, the monster hunter now with a more angered face, he hurried to the back room and came back with a large pouch of coins. “Would ya get that stinkin thing out of my pub?” Y/N raised an eyebrow but nevertheless picked up the head— and sat it on the counter, facing Caran.
“I think I asked for one more thing.”
The bartender bristled at the face and then turned to Geralt after arguing with himself for a moment. “Thank you.” He forced out. Y/N grinned and put the head back in the bag. “Take care Caran, let’s go Geralt.” Y/N led the way as they exited the pub.
Once out in the road, Y/N turned to Geralt. “Well that was adventurous; Where are you planning to stay tonight?” His eyebrows rose ever so slightly, “Probably at an inn in town.” She shook her head,
“From the show we put on at the bar, I don’t think you’d get a room tonight. You can stay with me.”
Did I actually offer room and board to a man I just met? Yes, I did. 
What the fuck. Oh well.
Y/N looked to him for approval, when given a head nod, she ventured onward out of the town. After a quick walk of about a mile, Y/N cut off onto a path in the forest. After about another 5 minute walk, they came upon a quaint cottage that sat next to a stream. It was made of stone and had a wheel turning due to the water current.
Some ivy was growing up the right side of the house. It was a perfect house for her. Away from everyone but close enough to not be in danger of the creatures that lurked in the forest.
“Home sweet home.” Y/N opened the door and walked in, hanging her satchel on the hooks by the door. It was a cute house, and Y/N loved it. Her grandfather supposedly built it, so the sentimental charm was there too.
The cottage had wood floors; when you entered the house, on the right was the kitchen. It had a stone countertop that went across the right wall with a cut out in the middle to pour water in. There were little bottles and bowls perched on the two window sills that had herbs and mixes Y/N had concocted that looked out on the stream.
The left of the house had a small table with three chairs around it sort of closer to the front door and a big old sofa pressed up against the opposing wall to make it easier to see any visitors that might approach the house.
Books were piled high on the small shelf that was bolted to the wall over the couch and on the small bookcase next to the couch on the left.
There was a fireplace with a kettle over it right across the front door on the kitchen side next to a tiny hallway that had two doors that led to Y/N’s room on the left and her supply and ritual room on the right. It was where she could tend to the water wheel for power and perform special rituals.
Geralt took a deep breath in. The house smelled of lavender and it surprisingly calmed him to be in such a loving place. “You can sleep on the couch, I think you’ll fit fine. I’ve slept there many a nights with plenty of room left over.” He nodded and slowly walked over, analyzing the array of books she had on display.
Y/N took the kettle and filled it with water from a pitcher she had on the stone counter, she placed it back on the fire and walked back to her room. “I’m going to grab an extra pillow and blanket for you!” She called out.
YN’s room was her space; it was hers and only hers. The room had a queen-size bed with a blue quilt draped over it against the wall opposite the door, close to the end of the room. Y/N had a large drawer set underneath the long window sill next to her bed.
There was a rug on the floor that looked as if it had been restitched multiple times and a desk cluttered with papers next to the doorway. On the wall that the couch sat against on the other side, was a long mirror propped against it that had a small crack line in the lower-left corner.
There was a nightstand that separated the side of the bed from the wall on the far side. It had upon it an amethyst, a small moonstone and a chunk of peridot next to an oil lamp.
Y/N came out with a giant blanket presumably for picnics and a pillow.
I hope this blanket fits, it’s the only one I could find large enough!
“Would you like some tea? I’m going to reheat the vegetable stew but it might take a little bit.” Geralt took the items from her and nodded.
“You’re not a talker, are you?” She asked while pouring two steaming cups of water into some homemade clay mugs.
Geralt laid the blanket out and put the pillow down, “Not when I can help it… and most prefer it that way.” Y/N hummed at his answer and started working on reviving the stew. She placed it in a cooking pot and switched out the kettle for it over the fire. She walked over to her satchel and took out the various items she had stowed away, especially the chamomile she collected earlier.
Y/N took some of the flowers out and ground them with her mortar and pestle. In two small little fish net-like bags, she poured the flowers into the pouches, pulled the drawstrings taut and plopped them in the mugs.
“Here you are.” She said, handing him a cup. “Thank you, for the tea. And, uh, letting me stay here for the night.” Y/N waved her hand and went to sit down at the table, he followed in suit.
“Don’t worry about it. I too know what it's like to be, well, excluded from the group for being different. Some people just don’t understand other’s way of life and it just doesn’t seem worth it to them to try and understand.”
A small candle that had been burning very well magically went out before Geralt’s eyes without any wind, Y/N had lit it on the mantle over the fire when she had put the stew on. 
“Uh, a candle has gone out.” He said, pointing over to it. 
Y/N’s eyes lit up, “Oh good! That means the stew is ready.” She got up and took the pot off the fire with a thick cloth, grabbing a ladle and taking out a couple scoops into a bowl for Geralt and then for her.
When she brought them over, spoons in hand, Geralt had a perplexed look upon his face. “How did it—“
Y/N laughed and sat down, “Oh! It’s just a small spell I learned from my mother. You can enchant a candle to be like a, oh, a count down till something is ready. I use it for cooking and baking mostly. As well as rituals. It’s very convenient.”
The two ate in peace, occasionally making eye contact and just being content with the silence. Once done, Y/N took the dishes outside for a quick wash in the creek downstream from the wheel and then came back in to get ready for bed.
Geralt had taken the time while she was outside to take off his armor and wash his face in the counter water cutout. He was settling down on the couch when she came back in.
“Alright, I’m headed off to bed. Is there anything you need before I go?” Y/N asked while blowing out some candles and snuffing out a couple oil lamps. The only light left was the gentle glow of the fire.
“I’m fine, thank you Y/N.”
“Good night then, Geralt of Rivia.”
“Good night Y/N.”
chapter 1 ---->  chapter 3
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funkymeihem-fiction · 5 years
Operation: Miracle Prawn - Part 5
(The final chapter in the Miracle Prawn meihem series! Thank you all for reading!)
“Are you sure we have everything?” Mei pushed her glasses back up her nose, brows knitted fretfully as she began clicking rapidly at her tablet once more. “Powders, lotions, meds…What about diapers? What if she gets sick and you run out of diapers? I’ll order more diapers. And formula? Once the stuff in the refrigerator is gone, what if she doesn’t take to the formula? Or maybe she doesn’t like that brand? What if she gets hungry and she won’t eat and I’m not here? She’s not old enough, I’m not supposed to leave her alone yet! Should I cancel? Here, I’ll call Winston. I’m canceling—”
Junkrat shot her an irritable look. “She won’t be alone. Fuck’s sake, darl, you got any confidence in me at all?”
“No! I mean, yes! I mean, I didn’t mean it like that! But it’s just such a long time and she’s just getting over her first cold, and why does it have to be now?” She reached up to where the baby’s tufted blond head lay slumped against her father’s chest, asleep and blissfully ignorant to her mother’s ongoing tempest. “Can’t they find someone else for this stupid summit? I should be here…”
Junkrat had replaced his usual bomb-holding harness with a baby-holding type instead. It was a lot bulkier than what he was used to, more used to the weight of a RIP-Tire on his back than an infant on his chest, and instead of loose wires or jagged metal scraping against his ribs he had to worry about curious little hands or the occasional foot to the gut. Also the prawn tended to explode even more randomly than his old bombs and it usually smelled a lot worse. But for now she was snoring and breathing very gently against his collar bone, where she’d apparently inherited her mother’s ability to sleep through anything short of a nuclear blast, as Junkrat had to pry Mei’s hands off her as gently as he could.
“S’only a week and you’re a bloody guest of honor and whatnot. The suits are gonna be expecting you to talk about the climate-whatevers. Come on now, you’ve been just as cramped as I’ve been for the past few months. You think I can’t handle my girl on my own for a few days? She and I are gonna have a blast!”
“That’s what I’m worried about!” Mei protested again. “No blasts while I’m gone.”
“You’re no fun at all. Your mum’s no fun, is she? Here I was, planning on showing her how to build a bomb-wheelie, throw ourselves a baby kegger, have a few beers, rob a few banks… Oh come on! Don’t give me that look, you’re doing the look again! Listen, you can call every single day or send Nan to check up on things if that’ll calm you down. Everything’s gonna be fine. I keep telling you I can do this. I’m her da, after all. You go take care of things there, and I’ll take care of things here, yeah?”
“Ana will want to check in on Thursday. And I said I’d only call once, halfway through the conference. I promised. Are you sure you’ll be okay, though? I-it’s not that I don’t think you can do it. It’s just…I won’t be here for her. This conference is all the way in America. I’ll be so far away from you both, and I’ve never been away this long. What if something happens, and I can’t…? I can’t lose anyone else…I can’t lose her…She’s got to be okay. You both have to be okay.”
Junkrat’s scowl softened, snatching up her hand and placing it to his jaw. “Lookit me. D’you honestly think I’d let anything happen to my own prawn? This one, snoring away right here without a care in the world? You’ll be back before you know it and she’ll be none the wiser. And blimey, it’s not like I don’t have the whole damn population of Overwatch on the other side of the door. Nan’s going to be buzzing around, Angelface is back in two days, and Roadie’s…” His expression went dark again. “Well, guess we’re not counting Roadie anymore.”
Her palm cradled his cheek, soft and cool as he leaned down into it. “I know it bothers you,” she said. “But you just have to give him time. I keep saying he must have his own reasons? We can’t press him.”
“You know the only time he saw her? You know the only damn time he’s bothered to show up, is when you were popping her out. And after that he fucked right off! Surprised he’s still even around at all. Just goes to show, doesn’t it? I try to employ the man, give him a better life and new opportunities and whatnot, and this is how he repays me! S’only through the kindness of my tender heart that I haven’t fired him already! It’s pink slips all the way down, that’s what it should be!”
Mei sighed, eyes rolling upward briefly. “Okay, now we are both acting a little irrational. Just, please be careful while I’m gone, okay? Call anyone if you need to, even if you don’t think you need to. If you need help, it’s okay to need help.” Her tablet beeped and she tapped it again, tucking it away and patting herself down. “Oh no, my flight’s here! That’s so soon! Just…be good, both of you. Promise?”
“Yeah, promise and all. C’mere.” He turned awkwardly to the side, opening one arm and leaning down to plant his lips to hers…and then needing to practically pry her off the baby again, when Mei’s kisses were making her make little noises and threatening to wake her up. “We’re both gonna be fine, you’ll see! You go do the thing, and these days are gonna fly right by. We’ll see you in a week.”
“Are you sure?”
“N-no, no, I’m sorry! Sorry. I’ll see you in a week. Take care of things while I’m gone. Bye bye, zài jiàn!” She hefted her suitcases and hurried off down the ramp towards the base’s docking area. She paused at the bottom, offering a wave. For a moment Junkrat was afraid that she was going to turn around and try to come back again for the third time, but after a dangerously long moment of hesitation she finally grabbed her luggage and bustled out of sight.
Junkrat exhaled after making sure she was actually gone this time, twisting his neck to look down at the slumbering package still strapped onto him. “Bloody hell, you’d think it was a year away. Guess she’s just fretful over you still, d’you think? Well we’re going to show her that everything’s all shine, just the two of us. We can handle it, ay?” He tweaked at her bootied foot and felt it flop limply. “Huh. Unless you’re just asleep for the whole thing, I guess. Come on, let’s get you down in bed proper. And then just think, a whole week with your da! Aren’t you the luckiest prawn in the world!”
The prawn had taken her nap like a champion, not waking up no matter how hard he hammered and banged in the next room, disassembling a broken cleaner bot that he’d found in the garbage. Even if Overwatch offered him new parts and all the latest up-to-date technology, he still felt at his best when he was elbows-deep in oil and scrap. And afterward he’d even remembered to wash his hands just how Mei wanted. Or at least enough that it wouldn’t leave black fingerprints on the little animal blankies, which was good enough.
But eventually she’d had her fill of naptime and decided to announce her awakening with a racket as usual. No doubt she was hungry, since her main states thus far had been sleeping, shitting, or eating. Junkrat was a good and responsible father who followed the instructions he’d been taught repeatedly, heating up the milk to just the correct temperature and holding her just how she liked before nudging the bottle’s nipple at her squawling mouth.
Usually she was a ravenous little thing with an appetite to match his errant bodyguard, always eager for tits just like he was. But on their very first damn night alone, of course she decided to be a real wombat about the whole thing. No matter how he tried, she refused to take it. It wasn’t the first time she’d gotten fussy about dinnertime, but her mum had always been around to provide her with the source she preferred. But Mei wasn’t here this time. And no matter how he tried to explain it to her, she just wasn’t getting the picture.
He tried again, easing it at her mouth and cursing aloud when she turned away. “Noooo no no, c’mon now. Your mum’s off doing big science-type things. Now I might not have precisely the tits you like, but this is gonna have to do. Now just oooopen up and— Fuck! I mean, not fuck! Not fuck!” He grabbed a nearby rag and wiped at her face as milk slid down her cheek, which only made her cry more. “Okay, you’re making this harder than it’s gotta be. Work with me here.”
Eventually she did work with him, seemingly deciding at complete random to turn her head and latch onto the bottle like nothing had been wrong at all. What the hell? Normally he enjoyed the work of a fellow agent of chaos, but not when those chaotic whims were aimed at him. It had taken over a half hour just for one feeding, with her fussing and wailing the whole time. But he calmed his jittering and held her steady while she eagerly drained the bottle. Finally.
At least she belched easily enough, when he held her on his bony shoulder and patted the air out of her. She smiled when he pulled her back down, and he liked to imagine that it was a real smile aimed at him, even though he knew better and that she mostly smiled when she was farting, which was…yep, that was exactly what she was doing. He sniffed, then coughed and held her out at arms’ length. “Aawugh! Right outta both ends on that one! That’s definitely from your mum’s side. Now secret between you and me, lovey, your mum’s got some rank ones, real bonzers. Think it’s from all the vegetarian slop she insists on eating. That adorable sweetie pie exterior she’s got, it’s all just cloak and dagger to hide it when she rips gas, so you don’t suspect the source. I’m onto her, though, you’ll see.”
“Nnhg!” the prawn protested, starting to fuss again before he popped a rubber dummy into her mouth. She calmed somewhat, so focused on the pacifier that she didn’t seem to notice that she was socking herself in the cheek. Attagirl. He waved away the smell and carried her off back towards her chair, strapping her in and adjusting her blanket so she’d be comfy while she sucked the dummy and watched the proceedings.
“Your mum also seems to think I can’t do this. Imagine,” he said, diving back into the guts of the cleaner bot with both hands. “I know I ain’t—  I know I can’t always remember things exactly. But still! Bit shit, really, thinking I can’t look after you. You’re just as much mine as hers! Half junker, after all. Of course I can handle you.”
She punched herself in the face again and crossed her eyes.
“Exactly! Memorized everything, wrote it all down, put reminders up, even agreed to let Nan come check in halfway through. It’s all a bit thick for my liking, but what else can I do? Can’t get mad at Mei for it. Just worries for ya, all the time. Worries for me too. Says she can’t lose us no matter what. I dunno, makes my ribs hurt when she says it.” He reached in and tore out a connecting rod, beginning the delicate process of dismantling its smaller bits. “D’you think that’s weird, how something can physically ache like that? Is that what heartbreak feels like? Or is it maybe just the nerve pains again?”
She snuffled and made a wet noise that sounded almost Hog-like.
“Good point. Guess we just gotta prove we can both do this no problem, ay? I’m not gonna forget anything and you’re probably just going to sleep for most of the week anyway. You just gotta eat, shit, and maybe grow a few kilos. Maybe take it easy on the shitting part, though? Not to offend, love, but between the gas and the nappies, you’re basically a biological weapon in a onesie. But no worries! Me and you, right? Who’s gonna be my good girl while mum’s away!”
She coughed and the dummy clattered onto the ground with the sound of hollow plastic. Without even looking, he paused where he was screwing the panels apart on the cleaner bot to sweep it up, wiping it down before he distractedly replaced it in her tiny mouth. He went to sort through the big screws again, when he suddenly sat up very straight and his yellow eyes widened.
“Wait, I—”
“Mmmmnn!” The prawn uttered a whimper behind him, and something was wrong.
Rat whirled around from where he had started to prod the rubber dummy at the opening of the bot’s panels, still holding it in his hand. A large metal bolt screw was resting on his little girl’s bib, where it had just rolled down her chin. He’d been holding the wrong fucking thing. He’d just stuffed a fucking bolt screw into his daughter’s mouth. Thank fuck she’d had more sense than him and had spat it back out.
“SHIT! Fuckshitno! No no no no!” He threw everything aside, metal clattering in all directions, snatching up and hurling the offending screw across the room like a grenade. The prawn’s eyes widened at the noise and she promptly started wailing again, a smear of black on her smiling yellow duckie bib. He wiped at it desperately, fumbling to unstrap her from her chair as he ran her to the kitchen sink, scooping up water to try and clean her chin. “No no no! It’s fine! I got you, you’re fine, it’s all fine!”
She began screaming harder at the sensation of icy water, and his metal hand all but tore the handles of the sink off as he tried to warm it, trying to stick his flesh hand under the faucet since it was the only one able to feel temperature, but then the water went from too cold to too damn boiling hot for prawns. He yanked her back away from the sink, holding her up to the light and inspecting her open mouth for grease while she wailed right into his face.
Small emergency, but she looked clean. And at least she hadn’t swallowed the fucking thing… Mei would’ve had his head on a goddamn platter, and that was only if he didn’t do it himself for hurting his own little girl. That had been too fucking close. But hardly unusual for someone like him, a colossal fuck-up of a junker who should never have had a kid in the first place. No wonder Mei didn’t believe in him being able to—
He shook his head clear, nerves rattled even as he tried to paste his grin back on. Pulling her up against his chest, he rocked and patted her and crooned her little nonsense songs, her cries going muffled as she scowled and flailed a tiny little clenched fist at him. What a scrapper. He probably deserved those tiny punches.
“Shhh shhh shhh, was just one little mistake! Everyone makes mistakes! It was just…one teeny one, right? And you’re a canny one, you knew better. Smarter than your da, aren’t you?” He patted at her fluffy yellow head, trying to rock her. “We’re not gonna tell Mei about this. I’ll be more careful, swear it. Just gotta get me head on straight, sort through me thoughts. Won’t happen again. Come on, there’s a good girl, she’ll be apples, ssshh shhh!”
She seemed less than convinced, and the rocking only seemed to upset her more. Her sobbing continued, only getting louder in pitch and ferocity. Somewhere in the other room, a timer chimed and began playing a happy tune, indicating it was time to try and feed her yet again. He limped for the fridge, and the prawn stopped crying and abruptly smiled up at him. It was an evil smile, just like his but without any teeth. An extremely foul smell began to emanate from her diaper, even worse than before. This time it smelled…solid.
With that business done, she promptly started crying again.
Junkrat started to have his doubts.
Roadhog sat slumped in the depths of his sofa, surrounded by cushions and pachimari toys scattered around him. Licking one broad thumb, he separated the paper pages of his book. It was going a little dog-eared, but that’s how he preferred them. Mei had tried giving him one of the computer books, which she said could hold thousands upon thousands of books at one time, or even read them to him if he liked. But he had always declined. He was usually forced to listen to Junkrat talk for hours at a time and found the silence an escape. And he liked old books— real books. He liked the smell and the feel of the paper. He liked the tactile nature of them and their visual presence. And he especially liked their covers: usually with swooning figures falling all over each other, set in exotic places.
This cover was a good one, too. There was a model-looking woman with curly brown hair and dressed in a brocade dress of some old more-romantic time period, her hands raised to her face in mock-alarm at the appearance of her lover in the window of her castle, his face cast into shadow. Judging by the blurb, Roadhog had already surmised that the secret lover was probably a vampire or some such. Vikings, bodices, and time travel were possibly involved too, he wasn’t sure yet.
He’d been doing a lot of reading, lately. With Junkrat now indisposed with Mei and their girl, most of Overwatch had seemed to forget his presence. There had been an occasional mission where he’d been tasked with extra muscle, but he was still ‘the bodyguard’ in their minds. Only now he had no body to guard. Junkrat was technically safe, or at least as safe as someone like him could get. Mei was safe. And their little girl… Everybody was safe. Without him, even safer.
He stayed away from family affairs. They weren’t meant for him. Simple as.
It was getting late in the afternoon, sunlight streaming in through the high window of his garage. It fell across him and warmed his old bones, bathing him in yellow light that was nothing at all like the scorching UV rays of the Outback, but just a pleasant glow for him to read his romance novels to. The dehumidifier rumbled and churned in its comforting mechanical way, drying the air to how he preferred it. The smell of drier sheets still emanated from the basket of fresh laundry that the cleaning crew had left that morning. Everything was pleasant…almost too pleasant.
The distant and muffled wail of a child cut through his drowsy contentment like a hot knife through skin and fat. The sound of a baby’s cry soon drowned out everything else in his mind, hardwired into primal instinct like nothing else. It agitated him on a level he could not describe, and it was getting closer. Closer and closer, and louder and louder, until it was right outside his abode.
Fuck. No.
He pulled on the comforting confines of his swine mask, inhaling a rasping breath of calming hogdrogen from one of the canisters nearby, and he listened in silence. The crying stopped its journey in front of his door and set up shop on the stoop, and he heard a faint rustle and curse before a series of rapidfire poundings rattled the door like gunfire. It was high up, metal against metal, and without any rythym or pattern. That was Junkrat then. That was Junkrat and his baby girl, trying to hail him. The baby, especially, was trying to hail him, with the racket she was putting up that could even drown out her own father. They were here and they bayed for blood and answers outside his door.
“Hog! Haaaaawg! I know you’re in there, Pigface!”
Roadhog remained silent and still and did not respond, waiting for them to leave again.
The pounding and crying continued. “Hog! Roadhog! Get out here! Fine, if that’s how it’s gonna be, we’re… No, no, I’m not yelling at you. Da’s just going to take care of a few things here.” The junker’s shrill voice went low again, or at least as low as Junkrat was capable.
Roadhog waited, even though he knew it was fruitless. And sure enough, there was soon a bang and a puff of smoke from his door’s control panels, as it blew the module from the mechanical interior. It slid open a moment later, and an extremely irate-looking Rat was squatting a distance away from the explosion, holding both hands over the ears of the little girl squirming in the carrier strapped to his front.
He straightened, and even at a glance at a distance, Hog could tell that he was more out of sorts than usual. He was twitching maniacally, his grin was of the stressed gritted sort, his eyes were rimmed in red veins and dark shadows, and every movement was weighted down with the poisonous mixture of exhaustion and caffeine that was uniquely his own. He threw himself forward, hauling a duffel bag along with him that was overflowing with diapers, rags, and bottles instead of bombs and mines. With a snarl, he came limping into the garage home, looking so indignant that it made even Hog almost forget that Rat was the one doing the trespassing.
“Not even gonna answer the bloody door for me!” he said. “As if I couldn’t knock it down in ten secs flat! Would’ve saved me a lot of bother, and now you’ve gone and upset the prawn even more! No no no, da’s not mad at you, darl. Shhh shh shh. Shhh! F-fuck’s sake!”
Roadhog grumbled and set his book down. The peace of the afternoon was now shattered with a baby crying and her father yelling. The smell of soot, ash, and baby powder was noticeable through his filtered mask, replacing the new laundry smell. Even his sunbeam retreated as a cloud passed overhead and blotted out the light, as if to shield itself from the scene down below.
“Don’t you ‘Hrmmm’ at me, mate! Some standover man you’ve turned out to be! Went and scarpered first chance you got, that’s what you did. What’s all that? Left me and Mei and the tot to our lonesomes, barely surviving!”
The little girl hiccuped and waved her limbs weakly from her carrier, still crying.
Hog eyed them both. “Hmm.”
“It’s shit, that’s what it is! That’s what you are! 50% of my hard-earned living expenses, going for what? You’re s’posed to help me! What is it you want, mate?! Is it money? How much do I gotta pay? How much do you want? Uh, pay by the hourly? How much is that? How about your packimacki toy things! What if I got you some of those! Credits? Omnic botcoin investment? What is it you want to be mates again?!”
“Hnnh…It’s not—”
“It’s not enough?! You think now’s the time to drive a hard bargain?!” Rat dropped the bulging diaper bag onto Hog’s coffee table, on top of the papers and books and everything else, leaning down to rifle through it. Toys and pacifiers and a stray bottle came spilling out, rolling across the cement floors. “Here, help me find the thing. I’ll get you a payment right now.”
“…Hrrngh. No. Listen—”
“Just one hour! Just…just one fucking hour!” Rat pulled out one of Mei’s tablets, and Hog saw how his hands were shaking and how much trouble he seemed to be having just navigating through the intro panels, pausing only to swipe a gloved hand across his baby girl’s face when she drooled onto the display.
Hog watched him try at it for a few moments before he finally rumbled his question. “Rat.”
“When did you sleep last.”
“Uh. How long’s Mei been gone? What day is it? Uh…three? Yeah, probably about three days ago.”
Rat turned on him, nearly frothing with rage again. “Which is fine! Who really needs sleep, when I’ve got to keep things going so great with my girl! Don’t give me those disapproving piggy eyes behind that mask, I’m wise to you! Three days is fine! …Or has it been four? What’s today? Shit, is this when Nan’s checking in?!” He spun in a lost circle. “You got to tell Nan I got this under control. I…I might’ve made a few mistakes here and there, with the prawn. But look at her, Hog! She’s still in one piece! The miracle prawn that you don’t give one toss about! But she’s doing great and she’s right here if you just look at her! See? SEE?!”
“Just give me one hour, that’s all. If you’re still my mate at all, you gotta help me with this. Help me bathe her and whatnot, get that bow onto her head, you know, all picture-worthy to send to Mei. Then I gotta clean things up in the room. Had a little incident with the blender. So I took apart the pump for Mei’s tits, using the parts but only temporarily. Cut my fingers up pretty bad, but cleaned it all up and bandaged it good. Then the prawn sort of exploded on the changin’ table, got to bleach that. Not the clothes bleach, but the one in the white bottle: one’s for clothes and one’s for shit, one’s going to burn her if I wash the onesies in it and gets on her skin, and what if I hurt her?! What if I keep fucking it up and she gets hurt?! Does she look thin to you? I can barely get her to eat like she’s supposed to, just refuses it outright. Takes ages just for me to get her to eat even a little. What if we put on the fluffy outfit to hide how thin she’s getting? Here, help me get her squared away before Nan calls in her report—”
“Rat. Tell Ana you need help—”
“Fuck! No! Are you out of your gourd?! She’ll tell Mei, she’ll tell Mei everything that I’ve done wrong, that I’m a shit dad who never should have been a dad. And Mei can’t think that, not after everything!” He paced from one end of the room to the other, peg leg clacking, offering another rubber dummy to his still-wailing baby and helplessly tossing it aside when she refused it yet again. “D’you know how long I spent convincing Mei that I could do this? That she could leave me with the prawn without me fucking it up? She…She’s got to know I can do this. She’s got to at least think I can do this. E-even if I can’t…do this…” He slumped down onto the overstuffed armchair, lanky body practically melting under the ever-growing weight still strapped onto his front, latching both hands over his bloodshot eyes. “Hog…What if I can’t do this?”
Roadhog was silent for a very long time, breath rasping through his filters, audible over the hiccuping and burbling of his impromptu guests. Behind the mask’s lenses, his eyes swerved downward to the little bundle in her carrier. He’d seen glimpses of it from far away, usually attached to Mei, but even when she caught his gaze, she never approached him with it. Even if he hadn’t told her all of it, he had a feeling that Mei knew why he hadn’t visited them. Not visited her…
This was the first time he’d seen her up close since the day of her birth. She’d been fresh as a newly-laid egg when he’d seen her, barely cleaned and still green around the gills when Junkrat had shown her off from behind the glass. She’d grown a little since then, the ‘prawn’, and was no longer the shrunken and misshapen thing from before. She had more wisps of yellow, hair, soft and thin as goose down, and eyes to match her father’s. But the cheeks and nose and the stern frown was definitely Mei’s, especially when she finally noticed the big blob that was his presence and she hiccuped and stared up at him in a very accusatory way.
“Bbbwaaaa,” she said.
She didn’t look anything like the one he’d known. That one had been larger, darker-eyed, and with dark hair that had grown in thick right away. That one had been more quiet and more solemn, with a strangely thoughtful gaze for something so small and so new. That one would have had deep thoughts as she observed the world around her, would probably have chronicled it all with the crayons and paper he’d put aside for her for her one day. That one would have sung the song about bumblebees together with him, had already started to try gurgling along with his crooning. That one had only just learned to smile, really smile at his face, and reach for him, and those dark eyes always lit up in recognition with a spark that burned brighter than the white light on the horizon that had scorched her to ashes.
This one was flailing her legs like a kickboxer, snotting and drooling onto her bib, and still trying to focus on the big masked blur that took up her entire vision. He saw the way she squinted, trying to control her eyes and the lids that covered them without knowing how or why. And though she likely couldn’t even see exactly who he was or the danger he presented, she reached out one tiny little hand and flailed blindly in his direction.
“Aaanngh,” she said.
Hog didn’t respond to the gesture, making himself look away as he grunted and leaned down to pick up a rattling toy that had rolled against his boot. Placing it back on the table, he finally went to set aside his novel, placing his bookmark between the pages. “Hm. Can just call Ana. She’ll sort you out. She knows about—”
Junkrat suddenly uttered a snore from where he had collapsed in the armchair, his hands still over his face in exhausted despair. Hog grumbled aloud, eyes rolling skyward behind his lenses. It wasn’t the first time that Rat’s poor sleeping habits had led to narcoleptic tendencies, but this time he couldn’t truly be irritated at him. This wasn’t from too many nights of shitty coffee and crumpled plans, but from desperately trying to attend an apparently-capricious infant on his very first foray being left alone.
It had been many decades ago, but Hog could still remember how fucking terrifying that had been, to be left alone with something so precious but so fucking fragile. There had been no sleep to be had then, either, when the baby had gotten sick while her mother was so far away, and he’d been Mako. Every cough or whimper she made had been like ice in his veins, barely able to grab an hour or two of sleep in as many days. He could remember being so tired that he’d fallen asleep rocking her, with the formula heating up on the stove, and had later awoken to the smell of burning milk in the kitchen and her coughing vomit into his lap.
Rat’s exhaustion was from a different source, but Hog knew what it could do to a man. Could drive someone crazy, or at least crazier than normal. Could you make you desperate to try so hard that you only made it even more difficult than before. Could have you run on fumes until you finally could fall apart and break down in the presence of someone you thought you could trust..even though he’d abandoned you weeks ago…
The little yellow-haired girl, the prawn, remained blissfully unaware of the turmoil. Her father had literally collapsed with her still attached to his chest, but that was hardly something she seemed worried about now. She’d become so distracted by the big blurry Hog sitting a few feet away that she’d forgotten to keep crying, and she reached for him again. He watched her. She was trying so hard to control those unwieldy little things that were her own limbs, impossibly small fingers curling and uncurling, trying to grasp and not understanding why nothing was there.
Hog remained very still, still watching her. Her arm lengthened, pushed out as far as she could get it from the confines of her carry-bag. Her cheerful little cartoon-printed onesie had been washed recently, still had little specks of lint and fuzz attached to the elastic around her wrist. She seemed baffled by the very concept of her own hand, her yellow eyes suddenly going into focus as she flexed her brittle little digits again, watching them move because she had wanted them to move. Undeterred by her lack of coordination, she reached out to try and touch the world around her.
The big blurry thing shifted in the far distance and rose upward, and Roadhog very slowly loomed closer. The lenses of his swine mask remained cold and blank, until they were caught in the sunbeam that dared to peek from behind the cloud cover, glowing white and yellow. His ‘face’, the one he had adopted in the wake of the apocalypse, was lit with terrifying clarity. An enormous hand, adorned with metal spikes and scars and chipped black nails, a hand that had crushed skulls and spattered blood and wrung the life out of so many, lifted up in front of her. One by one, his fingers curled, until there was only one thick and crooked index, held forth in front of her.
She smiled, and her tiny hand found his offered finger and closed upon it, gripping onto him.
It destroyed him more than the nuclear apocalypse ever had. Instead of scorching fire and bleached rock and bone, it was soft flesh and gentle warmth and potential, and everything else that had ever been stolen from out of the godforsaken desert he’d loved. It was all the ashes that had once poured out of the little blanket he’d tried to hold in his arms, when he’d found her in the wreckage and ruin of their home. Far greater than the treasure that Junkrat had dug out of the wastes all those fateful years ago, it was everything he’d tried to forget, and the one thing in existence that he’d truly fled from… And here she was, again. Even if it wasn’t her…
Mako sighed, lowering his head briefly and breathing deep.
He reached his other hand to awkwardly undo the straps that attached her to Rat’s chest. The ripping of velcro barely roused him at all, but when Hog started to lift the weight of the baby off of him, he launched out one skinny arm that immediately grappled onto his former partner-in-crime’s vest, the other covetously grasping his little girl back to him. Red-rimmed eyes shot open, teeth bared, and Rat was immediately in Hog’s face and ready to fight to the death.
The girl started crying again.
Hog grumbled at the ruckus, but relented his grip and slowly lifted both hands in an extremely rare gesture of peace. “Rat. Wake up.”
There was a pause as Rat blinked strangely, his eyes not quite in sync. He wasn’t even truly awake, his reaction born of years of rough living and parental paranoia. Shuddering, the aggression evaporated from his stance, furrowed brows easing. He looked around them blearily, then placed a hand on the baby’s fluffy head and eased back into the chair again as he realized where he was. “Oh, s’just you. Were we doin’ something? Uh, what’s the time, I got to feed—”
Hog upnodded to the protesting prawn. “I’ll take her.”
“You?” Rat sneered in indignant disbelief. “You don’t know anything about sprog-rearin’. Dunno why I even came here. Didn’t know where else to go. There was nowhere else to go. I couldn’t… S’just…”
“I know a little. Give her here.”
Junkrat seemed understandably torn, eying his erstwhile partner with a look that Hog knew well, and knew better than to protest. Down beneath all the exhaustion and madness and radiation, all the scattered pieces of calculating genius scraped together in ways that nobody truly understood— least of all Rat himself. The cogs of his mind were clearly grinding, weighing pros and cons and sorting through delusions and realities. There was too much at stake to make the decision lightly.
Hog couldn’t be sure what led him to finally relent, as metal fingers loosened around the velcro straps of the carrier and his grasp uncoiled from around his precious onesie-wrapped bundle. The way he was looking at Hog was still very far from kind, but still he opened his arms and allowed her to be taken from him. Moving cautiously and slowly, Hog lifted the little girl off her father’s chest and deposited her into the crook of his elbow, folding one massive hand over top of her.
“You got her?” Rat fretted.
“I got her.”
“Hrnnghh! Well…! Huh. Actually handlin’ her all right, I guess. Surprised you’d know anything at all about handling babies.”
“…Used to know someone. He had a little girl.”
“Oh yeh? Is it anyone I know?”
“Not really.”
“You should give ‘em a ring, make introductions. Give my lil’ prawn a new playmate and whatnot! Gal pals!”
“Hm. Don’t think so. Not around anymore…And he wasn’t any good for her in the end.”
“Oh. Well then fuck him, I s’pose.”
“Shame, I guess, about the girl. Probably she and my prawn might’ve been best mates!”
Hog looked down to where the baby was gurgling and mouthing at his knuckle. “Yeah. Think they woulda gotten along.”
Rat watched him like a hawk, not looking down even when he leaned to start undoing the wraps and clamps of his prosthetic limbs. There was a faint buzz as the old nerve receptors powered down and went dead, and Rat gingerly went to ease limbs off the stumps of his leg and arm. They looked red and chafed and raw, a far-too-familiar sight from where he’d worn them for too long without a break. He rubbed at what was left of his forearm, brows lowering.
“Going to explain why you bailed on me and mine, then? It’s been yonks since I spied hair or hair of ya. Mei kept on saying you’d come around in your own damn time…but you didn’t. And she kept saying to wait, I just gotta wait. And I thought maybe Mei was right because Mei’s fair dinkum and she’s right a lot, so I waited…and still you never showed. You never fucking did. And at first I was right cross about it all, but then…I started wondering why.”
Hog glanced up at him but said nothing.
Rat’s eerie gaze remained fixated, pupils narrowed to little pricks of black on yellow. “We’ve bashed around for years, mate— years! And we’ve seen some shit together. How many people have I seen you kill? I watched you face down two of the top brass from Junkertown on your land when they came for me, and you didn’t even flinch. Never seen you scared of anything. So I thought it was something I’d done. But wasn’t that either, was it? Fockin’ hell, how many bullets have I had to pluck from the meat of your arse or run to get them gas cans when you couldn’t breathe? And you changed my sheets and even cleaned out the thunderbucket from that time I got dead-real sick in that shack outside of Dooniwop. Not too many blokes would do that. Probably lots of other times I’ve forgotten, too. We’ve been true blue up until now.”
“So what makes someone like you…” He lifted his remaining hand to point at Hog. “Scared of someone like her?” It tilted down to the little bundle in the cartoon onesie.
Hog looked back down to the girl, still quiet. For a long time he simply didn’t answer, unwilling or unable to put it into the right words. He lifted one meaty shoulder in a rather helpless shrug that did not at all suit someone like the one-man apocalypse. “Hmmmh…”
“It’s not me or Mei, is it? It’s my prawn. You’ve been running scared of my prawn for over two months now, and it’s not because of the crying or the nappies or the spitting up or the baby things. It’s somethin’ else about her…It’s somethin’ that’s happened before her…”
Junkrat eyed him again, in the same way as before. Whatever might have been going on in that strange head of his, this time he wasn’t telling. And when the prawn started fussing and whimpering again from Hog’s arm, there wasn’t time to confront the matter further. At least, not for now.
There was simply no time. Rat was already stressed back into action, sliding onto the floor and rummaging through the diaper bag until he came up with a smaller pack, digging a bottle out of it. “Put a pin in that for now, Roadie, we’re in the shit. Still got to get her ready before Nan suspects anything or tells Mei I can’t do this. Fuck, she’s cryin’ again, they can’t hear her cryin’…”
“Give it here. I’ll heat it up.” Hog was glad to be distracted from the conversation and held out his free hand, the bottle plonked into his palm.
“Right, right, right. Okay. Go heat that up, I’ll feed her. Not too hot! Then I’ll get her in a bath, wash her arse, put her up in one of those fancy baby dresses Mei likes. Pose her for some slick photography with her favorite roo stuffie, ya know, for proof of life…” He dug his arm about in the bag, growing more and more frantic. “Wait, where’s her roo? Where the hell is the roo! Mei’s gonna see her without the roo and she’ll know I’ve forgotten it and then she’ll start questioning all the other things I forgot and then she’ll think I’ve somehow faked the pictures, like I got a fake baby that I may or may not have made out of some of her extra clothes and some pillowcases just in case anything happened, not that I’m saying anything happened—!”
“Sit down. Gonna go heat this up. I’ll be back.”
“Will ya be back this time?!”
“…Will ya?”
“Yeah. I will.”
Rat made a strange noise, pulling the diaper bag into his lap and continuing his search as he collapsed back onto the sofa. Roadhog sighed and trundled off into the kitchen, filling a pot with water and setting it to warm. He’d done it a thousand times, too many years ago, but still remembered the order. He tested the water, dropped in the bottle, and rocked the little girl that was now bicycle-kicking her legs against his chest and not-quite-laughing.
Hog snorted down at her. “Guess we know which side you got that from,” he said, heading back into the den. “Your girl’s going to be a terror one day—”
Junkrat was asleep again, both arms locked around the bag, his face smushed into a pile of baby clothes and the zipper already pressing indents into his cheek, the missing toy kangaroo wedged into the sofa down by his remaining leg. Roadhog stared down at him for a moment, then placed the kangaroo by his pillow and meandered off again, shutting the door behind him. He waited for the milk to heat, watching the timer and only becoming distracted when he noticed a very small hand reaching up for him again.
The prawn was focused on his face, or what had become his face. Adjusting her up along his arm, he allowed chubby little fingers to clumsily grasp at the rim of the mask’s filter, though he felt nothing from their touch. He rasped in a breath, which seemed to startle her for the first time, and he saw how her eyes widened and she looked suddenly offended.
“Don’t think much of that?” he asked.
“Mmmmnn!” she said, still flailing.
He reached up and very gently took hold of her hand, lowering it away. “Hmm. Guess not. Don’t think she would’ve liked it much either. Didn’t like loud noises. Got scared easier than you do…”
He leaned his head down, undoing the buckles and straps that held the mask onto his head. Its filters hissed as it depressurized and the burn of real air returned with the smell of milk and talcum powder, the scratches and fogged glass of the lenses giving way to almost-clearer vision, looking down at her. Again her eyes tried to focus as she peered back, squinting and furrowing, unfamiliar with the leathery swine-monster above her becoming someone entirely different.
When she reached for him again, he didn’t stop her. Unwieldy little fingers touched the white bristles around his chin, the deep scars and the burns, and the chapped flesh of what was left of his lower lip. This one was still so young, even younger than she had been. He could still remember every moment of it; when she had first learned how to work her hands, how to look between faces, how to smile and laugh, and how to bring her hands together and squeal happily when she heard him singing her favorite songs…like the one about the baby bumblebees…
The timer chimed and he reached to take the milk bottle from the water, wiping it off and testing it on his wrist before transferring her back down into the crook of his elbow. Rat had said that she was being fussy lately, somewhere during his ranting, and Hog wasn’t surprised when she tried to turn her nose up at the offering.
“Hey,” Hog said, the baritone of his voice thrumming deep as she looked up at him again.
He tried to hum, the same tune that his own girl had loved so much— that tune about the baby bumblebees. But he could barely manage a few notes before something old and tired and long-buried lurched in the darkness of his chest and he swallowed the song back down until it hurt, like those bumblebees were stinging him in the throat. He cleared them away with a rumbling cough, briefly placing a hand over his mouth. It had been too many years since he’d sung it, or not enough.
“…Maybe a different one,” he told her. “Know one about the kookaburra.”
Maybe it was the thunder of his voice or the tune about the kookaburra itself, but she seemed entranced when he began to hum. When he offered the bottle again, she stilled her fussing and took it with no more trouble, yellow eyes drifting shut. The bottle steadily drained until she belched against the cloth on his shoulder and yawned with a high squeaking noise like a snared rabbit. He replaced her in the crook of his elbow, and she opened her eyes long enough to smile up at him. Hog almost smiled back.
But then her smile turned into toothless grin, and she promptly passed gas at him before immediately falling asleep, just as abruptly as her father had in the next room over.
He stifled a chuckle, leaning his face away. “Eugh…Yeah, that’s from Mei all right. Might need the mask after all.” He tossed the empty bottle aside and stood, heading back into the den for his armchair and his book, and to keep watch while they rested.
Mei trotted up the ramp with her suitcase, and spotted the extremely unmistakable beanpole frame of Junkrat waiting for her. She brightened and waved, hurrying her step with the hovers on her case struggling to rattle after her. “Jamie, zhè biān! Over here!”
One extremely frazzled-looking junker turned at the sound of her voice, his customary grin only able to make it halfway across his face as he opened both long arms. She enthusiastically threw herself into them, and his grip coiled and tightened as he buried his nose into her hair, sighing aloud before he began to plaster her face with irritating kisses while she squealed and batted him away just how he liked. Only then did he rear back up to his full height, keeping one arm draped over her shoulder. “How are ya, darl?”
“It’s good to be back. That was such a long week! Um, n-not that I was worried or anything, I know you said things were fine. I got the little video you and Ana sent of her with her little zebra sweater, so cute! And she took the bottles okay? Was she—”
“Aaah-haha-ha! Nope! Everything was fiiiiine! It’s just…ya know. Prawn’s a vivacious girl and it was…uh. Ya know, she’s kinda got a stubborn streak and I— Uh, maybe you could just not leave again? Ever? Just a joke! But really!” He rubbed nervously at his neck, then blinked when there was a pull at his arm, leaning down to where Mei could plant another kiss on his cheek. Some of the tiredness melted away, his shaky smile steadying. “Ah, heh!”
“I know it must have been hard. It was hard with two of us. I hope you weren’t being too hard on yourself? Like I said, you can always ask for help when you get tired. I know I ended up crying in the bathroom more than once because I was so tired.”
“Mighta been a little more difficult than I’d been crowing. Only a little, though!”
“But…it’s easier with help? I heard you had help?” She lowered her voice scandalously as they walked, looking around as if expecting someone to interrupt them at any moment. “Really? I guess I’m a little surprised that it was Mr. Roadhog. Is everything okay between you two? Was everything okay with her?”
“Honestly, love, I got no idear how it went. Apparently I passed out on his lounger for about six hours straight before he woke me up so I could go get more bottles for her. Was acting all weird about her at first, all…squirrely-like. But when I wake up, she’s fed, burped, changed, and absolutely smitten with the big lug. Ya know, you’d almost think ol’ Pigface has got more experience than he’s let on!”
“W-well, it’s not really our place to… But he was okay with her, is the main thing? She didn’t bother him? And you were able to sleep? It sounds like you might have needed a little break.”
Junkrat turned upon her, wild-eyed. “N-no! No, it was all fine! Didn’t even need to sleep! Who told you that!”
“You did?”
“Well fuck me, then! Yeah nah, I had everything under control! Well, me and maybe a bit of help on the down-low from Uncle Roadie. And the prawn was sheer perfection, not a misstep, absolute angel, definitely didn’t explode a tornado of shit that somehow managed to miss her entire fucking diaper or anything! Speaking of!” He leaned down to snatch up her bag, pushing her in front of him as they rounded the corner. “Think I ain’t the only one what’s happy to see you back.”
Mei’s entire person lit up, even prettier than when his bombs went off. She dropped the handle of her suitcase and broke into a jog, then into a run, right up to the enormous figure of Roadhog, and the cushioned carrier he held in one hand. He upnodded and grunted a little greeting sound, but she only managed a very distracted semi-response before she set upon the carrier with both hands, pulling at straps and plastic buckles until she was finally able to lift the little girl back into her embrace after so long away.
She laughed to herself as she rocked her, covering the little wisps of blond hair with kisses. “Oh no! Nǐ zěn gǎn! You were asleep when I left and you’re asleep when I come back too! Terrible, terrible manners. You could at least say hello.” She pressed another kiss to her forehead, holding her tightly, voice entirely without malice as she scolded her.
The prawn mumbled to herself and stirred but remained asleep through the torrent, sucking on the rubber pacifier, as Mei shook her head and turned up to where Roadhog was peering down at them in his usual silent menace. A quick glance backward saw Junkrat still struggling with the handle to her case, so she took a moment to lean up towards him. “I promised I won’t pry, Mr. Roadhog, honestly I won’t. But I guess I was surprised to see you in those photos with her. I know Jamie won’t admit he was having some trouble with her but… I’m glad he went to find you. I just want to know if you’re okay with her? With everything?”
“Wasn’t in the plan. Was hard. Thought those days were long gone. But Rat needed help. And she’s…” Hog shrugged, rumbling a low sigh before lifting the empty carrier. “She’s all right.”
“Then, thank you. From both of us. Thank you so much.”
There was a loud clatter from behind them. “Ow! Where’s the latch for the hovers! Fuckin’ thing!”
“Oh, here! I’ll get it, sometimes it sticks!” Mei placed one last kiss to the prawn’s head before very carefully placing her back into the carrier, moving to help him where the hover pad had gotten stuck and the entire case now trying to roll around in circles. “No, no, it’s going left, hold it still!”
“Head it off at the pass, darl! It’s goin’ rogue!”
Hog watched them laugh and dissolve into more arguments while their daughter slept through it all, leaning down to strap the little girl back in and cover her snoring body with her blanket again. She might not have been awake for Mei’s reunion, but there would be time later. And Rat was perking up back into his old self again, where he had thrown himself bodily onto Mei’s suitcase and was trying to wrestle the hover port closed again while Mei pulled at his leg and yelled for him ‘not to hurt it’.
They were both looking a little flushed by the time they had straightened it out, and Mei retrieved her suitcase while Rat had firmly wrapped one arm about her once more. When they returned, Hog caught the little glances towards one another, and where Mei was subtly trying to shoo his hand away from her rear. She cleared her throat and adjusted her glasses as her gaze darted to the little sleeper in the carrier, sighing aloud when the prawn only fussed a little at the noise, turned her head the other way, and went right back to sleep.
Hog half-lifted the carrier and made his offer, lifting his head very subtly to Rat. “…She’s asleep. Just ate. Probably going to nap for a while. Could keep her for a bit.” Just as he thought, Mei looked a little disappointed, but he knew she wouldn’t have time to mope for long. He wasn’t entirely sure if Rat had caught his signal or if the younger junker was just being as lecherous as normal, but Rat was quick to seize the opportunity.
“Y’hear that, darl? Prawn’s a champion napper, might be a while. We uh…we got some time? Ya know, I ain’t seen you for a week.” He promptly returned to trying to squeezing at her side and lowered his voice into a hoarse ‘whisper’ that was still audible to everyone around them. “Prawn’s not the only one who’s been looking forward to those tits again…”
“Jamison!” She hissed, before coughing sheepishly and hugging her suitcase like a shield. Likely she would never get used to the junkers’ ‘open’ style of approach. “I-I mean, we shouldn’t inconvenience Mr. Roadhog, and I haven’t seen her—”
“She’ll wake up later on, can get right back on track. But I mean, uh…ya know, if we got time.”
She looked torn. “No, we shouldn’t, we shouldn’t impose…”
Hog snorted and glanced down at her. “Offering. She’s asleep. You got a good sleeper. You got time. Take it.”
Junkrat nosed at her hair, practically salivating. “Oh, she’s gonna take it…”
“JAMISON!” Her face lit up pink. “O-oh! Well I guess…I guess if she’s going to be napping for a while and you don’t mind taking her? Just for a little bit! Um, I guess if…Will you message me the moment she wakes up, though?”
“Yeah. I will.”
Mei offered him a grateful but embarrassed smile, and Junkrat gave him a much more grateful and much less embarrassed smile as well. Mumbling words of both apologies and thanks, she grasped onto Rat’s hand and let him drag her away. Their arms looped around each other in that awkward manner, too tall and too short and determined to make it work despite. Even while Hog watched them go, Rat goosed at her bottom and she slapped his arm, then leaned her head up against him while he laughed uproariously at some joke or other. They turned another corner and were gone, headed back to their home together.
Hog was left alone once more… Or, not alone. Not this time.
The prawn squeaked out another yawn from her carrier and he glanced down at where she shifted in the throes of brand-new dreams. He placed his finger in her open palm, and her fist curled and closed and held on as she stilled once more. He waited until she was pacified, patiently tucking in the blanket again before lifting up her carrier and heading off back to his own home. It was likely she’d be asleep for a while longer yet, and they had time before everything devolved back into chaos.
“Come on,” he told her. “Gonna stay with Uncle Roadhog a while longer.”
Best to enjoy those moments while they could. They were moments you’d never get back, no matter how much he’d give to have them back again. But he had this, at least for now. And it was all right.
It was all right.
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
Crimson|Ink. (m)
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↳ chapter four: vermilion pt. 2
❧ genre:  tattoo-shop/hitmen au | tattoo artist/hitman kirishima
❧ fic warning: major character(s) death; happy ending
❧ chapter warnings: blood, nightmares, stab/bullet wounds
❧ chapter song: Vermilion Pt. 2 by Slipknot
♬crimson|ink playlist | ♧ character profiles | artist credit
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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(E/c) eyes sparkled and blinked down at Kirishima, his heart skipped a beat when a gleaming smile grew on your face. His cheek felt warm making his red eyes glance down to see you cradled in his arms, the growing smile on his face quickly faded when his entire body felt warm yet his blood ran cold. 
Red, everything was crimson red, both your bare bodies drenched in blood - who it belonged to, he didn't know. There were no wounds on your skin, your breathing wasn't labored, in fact you were still smiling at him as if you both weren't soaked in warm red liquid.
"(Y/N), what's happening?"  
Your other hand went to cup Kirishima's opposite cheek, the pad of your bloody thumb brushing his skin and painting it with the metallic smelling fluid. 
"What are you talking about Kiri?"
"All this blo –" he stopped when he went to motion at the scene, there wasn't anymore blood, no where in sight.
Your skin was clean and flawless, pressed against his. Kirishima's jaw dropped struggling for words. Your body shifted in his hold until you were sitting in his lap, straddling his muscular hips with your thighs and wrapping your arms around his neck. He felt hands rubbing his nape, one trekking up into his relaxed red hair. Fingers lightly massaged and calmed him, making a sigh leave his lips as you pressed your forehead to his. 
Kirishima breathed in your all too familiar chocolaty rich scent, his nerves easing and endorphins rushing. Your lips kissed the bridge of his nose and your hands slowly cupped his face. Strong tattooed and protective arms encased your frame and pulled you closer.
"Let me in Kiri," you breathed out softly.
A dark brow rose and red eyes glanced up at you, Kirishima shook his head, not understanding. 
"What was that little one?"
Suddenly you vanished, completely disappeared from the males arms into thin air. His heart raced and his eyes scanned the darkness around him, palms slapping the cold floor beneath him and making a disgusting wet sound.
Kirishima brought his hands before his red eyes, heart sinking when blood drenched down them. Looking at the floor he suddenly felt dizzy at the macabre sight before him. Weakly he crawled on all fours reaching out, your body was facing away from him littered with bullet holes, a knife impaling the scar on your shoulder blade that was now freshly open and gushing blood. 
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Kirishima screamed, body jolting awake from his nightmare, chest heaving and skin slick with sweat. The blood pumping organ in his chest worked overtime, adrenaline surged though his veins. He scanned his surroundings and quickly realized that he was in the comfort of his own bed. Kirishima panted and tried to catch his breath while he pulled his knees up, elbows resting on them and head hanging low. A cool breeze blew on his hot skin, making him look and see that the blanket was torn to shreds.
"Fucking great." 
Kirishima jerked the tattered threads from his body and onto the floor before rising out of the bed and walking to the bathroom in his bare form. His eyes looked at the clock, 5:00 AM. 
Dexterous fingers flicked on the light of the bathroom, a buzzing filling his ears from the bulbs. Kiri turned on the sink and splashed his face with cold water, causing his senses to quickly wake. Turning off the water, his hands gripped the edges of the sink, letting cold droplets run down his face.
"It isn't real ... she's okay."
Kirishima talked himself down from the images of his reoccurring nightmare until his cell started to ring on the bedside table. Taking a deep breath and shaking out the thought. he grabbed a hand towel and dried his face while walking back to the bed and answered the phone.
"Yeah? Alright let me get dressed and I'll meet you at the warehouse."
The short call ended and Kirishima wasted no time in getting dressed; dark-ripped skinny jeans hung low on his hips and a charcoal grey flannel clung to his thick and muscular chest. Dragging his feet, Kirishima went to his dresser drawers, he found some socks and slipped them on then dug out his black leather gun holster. After slipping his arms through the loops he walked to the closet and crouched down, one knee bracing the floor, and pressed on a panel of hardwood.
The panel clicked and popped up slightly, allowing Kirishima to slide it sideways and reveal an arsenal of slick oiled guns. He grabbed two handguns and secured them in each holster pocket under his arms. Next he gathered a few rounds of ammunition and a blade before moving the false panel back into place. Kiri stood back up and dug out some boots and stepped into them.
Kirishima exited his room and grabbed a bag from the floor by his front door and stuffed the ammunition and knife into it. Before grabbing a bottle of water out of his fridge, Kirishima put on a thick black coat to conceal his weapons and hung a loop of a black surgical mask from his ear. Once he made sure he had everything he needed, the red-head grabbed the bag from the floor and tossed it over his shoulder as he opened and walked out his front door.
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"Well don't you look exceptionally cute today!"
You turned from the coffee maker to see a smiling Denki leaning against the entrance of the kitchen that was in the back of the shop. You scoffed and shook your head. 
"Where's my lunch Kaminari?"
"Ooh, you only use my last name when your hangry," he chuckled and skipped over to your side and placed a market bag on the counter, "Good thing I brought ingredients for my special grilled cheese!"
"Uh – we don't have a stove-top or burner in here," you replied before bringing your warm mug to your lips and cooling off the pipping hot coffee inside of it.
Denki pecked your cheek making you giggle and clicked his tongue. 
"Have no fear my sweet, for we have a handy dandy toaster!"
With squinted eyes you laughed, "Denki, you cannot make a grilled cheese in a fucking toaster!"
"I can and I have, just let the master show you how to get it done!"
The shop telephone started to ring and you rolled your eyes at the golden-haired male as he started to put together a sandwich. 
"Whatever, I'll be right back."
Denki nodded and got to work on prepping the sandwiches. He pushed the lever down on the toaster without putting anything in it to pre-heat its coils. After buttering four slices of bread he laid them out in a line and started to add cheese. 
Sliced then shredded, sliced then shredded. 
You walked back in and jumped at the insane amount of cheese on the slices of bread.
"Denki, that's a lot of cheese!"
"You're damn right it is," he sprinkled more shredded cheese on the bread, "Akon and Young Geezy, tryna make make grilled cheezy!"
You laughed playfully and shoved Denki's head, moving to lean back against the small kitchen table behind him and drank your coffee. The golden boy shoved both really thick sandwiches into the toaster slots and pushed the lever down, setting it to four minutes. Almost immediately a burning smell started to permeate and you scrunched your nose.
"Are you sure about this Denki, it feels really unsafe."
Denki waved you off with a 'nah' and tapped his fingers on the counter surface, a leg crossed over the other and a hand on his hip. 
Not even a minute later smoke was starting to constantly waft from the toaster in a steady stream like a cigarette. Your eyes widened and you slurped your coffee faster, Denki didn't act like anything was alarming at all while he whistled and bopped his head side to side. 
The machine then started to make a crackling and popping sound, causing you to jump at each one.
"Uh Denki, we should be concerned about that yeah?"
"It happens all the time boo, don't worry," he replied with a smile and thumbs up.
Suddenly a red flame started to rise making you let out a yell. It was small and controlled at first before it grew. You shook your head fast and pointed at the machine. Denki turned to look and started to stutter, he turned back around and chuckled sheepishly.
"Uh – that's normal?" He questioned.
"Are you asking me? You're the one that's done this before!"
A 'poof' sounded off making you both shout and jump. The flames inside the toaster were growing bigger at a fast rate. Panicking, Denki grabbed a towel and started to fan the flames, only making them ignite more.
You placed your coffee cup on the table and hurried to snatch the towel from Denki's hand and proceeded to hit him with it. 
"You moron, that only makes it worse! Unplug it for fucks sake!"
It was like a light-bulb went off behind his golden eyes, he turned and went to reach for the plug until the flames literally engulfed the entire toaster, causing you both to scream frantically and jump into each other's arms. You screamed and wailed for your lives as the plastic of the toaster was starting to melt and pool onto the counter, neither of you moving to control it.
"This has never happened before! Oh my god, I’m so sorry, oh my god we’re gonna die!"
You whined and cried with Denki. 
"Why isn’t the alarm going off? I don’t want to die here, dear fucking god!"
Denki squished his cheek to yours and caressed your face as the toaster fire blazed on and honestly didn't even spread any further.
"(Y/N) ... before we die ... let us share a final kiss!"
Before you could slap some sense into Denki he looked behind you and gasped before holding you closer to him and ducking to the floor. 
You groaned out when he landed on top of you, gritting your teeth and rubbing your head after his shoulder knocked into it. The sound of ice cracking filled your ears and made your eyes shoot open to look at the toaster on the counter. It was encased in an ice prison, no more flames or smoke. You went to ask what happened until Denki touched the spot on your forehead that had hit his shoulder, making you whine and slap at his hand. 
You looked to see him hovering over you on his hands and knees and slightly blushed when he gently rubbed the spot and apologized.
"What the hell was that?"
Your ears perked when a deep monotone voice spoke from behind you, your head craned so you could look up and your jaw dropped. Standing before you and Denki was a gorgeous fair skinned male, wearing a grey turtle neck sweater and maroon pants fitted pants that shaped his long legs. 
What had you speechless was his face, it was perfect and stunning. His eyes were breathtaking, one grey and the other turquoise. White and red hair split right down the middle of his head, the red side of his bangs combed over and intermixed with the snow-white tresses revealing burned flesh around his turquoise eye. 
Others may have found his tarnished skin unsightly but to you he was still utterly gorgeous. Blemishes and scars never deterred your attraction to a person, in fact your past lover was covered in them.
"Denki, did we die?"
Denki quirked a brow and chuckled, "Uh – no?"
"Then who is this literal angel looking down on me!"
Denki laughed, mentioning you bumping your head too hard and moved back to stand to his feet, leaning over he took your hand and helped you stand up. You straightened your clothes and looked at Denki who was smiling. Your eyes narrowed and immediately your hands were on his shoulders, frantically shaking him and causing his head to jerk back and forth.
"You almost fucking burned this place down you moron! You're banned from the kitchen forever!"
"Is everyone okay, I heard yelling."
You stopped shaking the moronic man before you and turned to look at the source of the new voice. 
Now a tall muscular green-haired male was in the room and you gasped. Freckles adorned his cheeks and his eyes were like emeralds! Your hands released Denki and you dragged your feet walking towards the green cutie. His brow rose as you got closer, your hands reaching out for him. 
Face cringing, his eyes screwed shut before you got to him before they quickly shot back open when he felt fingers grabbing his cheeks. He looked to see you holding his face extremely close to yours, your (e/c) eyes shimmered and a wide stunning smile crossed your face making him smile in return.
You awed and pinched his cheeks roughly, moving his head side to side and rubbing the tip of your nose to his, "Denki, he's so cute!"
Suddenly your hands were all over the new man's face, poking each of his freckles, tangling in his green locks. Then your arms wrapped around his neck and pulled his face straight into your chest. You hummed and pressed your cheek to his hair, hugging him tight and nuzzling him closer. 
Out of nowhere Bakugou and Kirishima rounded the corner talking, their talk stopped when they looked at you. Your eyes opened to see them and you smiled.
"Baku, Kiri, can we keep him," you pulled the now violently blushing male away from your chest and grabbed his face again, showing it to the blonde and red-head as you pressed your cheek to his. "Look at him! He's like a little puppy! A smol green puppy, my smol green puppy! I'll name you green bean and you shall be my green bean!"
While you stood there baby talking and muttering words of nonsense to this blushing and now giggling man, Denki slowly walked over holding his hands up as if trying to let you know he wasn't going to harm you. 
"(Y/N), give me the Deku and I'll get you some food, okay?"
You glared at Denki and pulled Deku's face back into your chest. "No, he's mine!"
You and Denki went back and forth, he desperately compromised with you and tried to pry your grip from Deku, you weren't letting up as you'd press his face to yours again, rubbed your noses together and snapped your teeth at his, mentioning how much you wanted to eat him up. Kirishima groaned and rubbed the bridge of his nose, his head hung low in embarrassment. Bakugou chuckled as he watched you and Denki play tug of war with Deku. The two-toned male quirked a brow and looked at the blonde.
"This is the girl?"
Bakugou nodded with a smirk and walked towards you and playfully smacked your ass. You yelped and instantly let go of Deku. With a growl, your fist flew towards the handsy blonde but he caught your punch and wrapped his arms around your waist and quickly pulled you from the blushing male before you could get your hands back on him.
"Chill out princess that fucking nerd isn't going anywhere, he works here," Bakugou spoke on the shell of your ear as he dragged you over to Kirishima and the angelic looking male.
"He does?" You questioned, looking from Bakugou and to the man who stopped the toaster fire. "Does he work here too? He fits the whole unbelievably attractive profile that seems to be a thing between all of you!"
Kirishima smirked and leaned forward, placing his face close to yours as he flicked your forehead making you snap at him. "I guess you can say that little one, he is the boss in fact."
You glared at Kirishima and his cocky smile, full of gleaming sharp teeth. 
A tingle ran through your body and your heart did a flip. Even after a month of endless bullshit from the red-head you never got over how beautiful his smile was, cocky or not. You wanted to kick him, until your eyes scanned across a deep gash that ran down his neck. Narrowing your eyes and looking closer, it looked fresh and like it was painful. 
All the other men around you were suddenly forgotten as you weaseled your way out of Bakugou's arms and closer to Kirishima. He grunted when your hand gripped his chin and pushed it up, the fingers of your other hand gently trailing the edges of his exposed wound. The muscle in his throat bobbed when he swallowed harshly, the feeling of your fingers on his flesh felt like fire and made his heart race.
"Oh Kiri," you breathed out with concern and empathy making his heart squeeze, "What happened to you?"
Kirishima clenched a fist and grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand from his chin, holding it up as he looked down on you with a scowl. (E/c) eyes looked up at him with genuine worry and question though, immediately causing his scowl to soften. He wanted to be brash and tell you to mind your own business but that face you wore, like many of your other faces had this hold over him and he couldn't do it. So Kiri loosened his grip on your wrist, unconsciously letting his thumb brush your skin. 
"It's nothing you need to concern yourself with little one, I'm fine, it's not the worst I've had."
The panic in you visibly settled and you softened your eyes and bit your lip looking back at his ruby eyes. It didn't matter if Kirishima was a dick to you most days, the two of you could be at each other's throat and still you'd stop and put your disagreements to the side when it came to him being injured, you were that way with anyone. Having the quirk you do, you always want to help someone heal, whether they're friend or foe. You knew real pain almost more than anyone and no matter who it was, you couldn't bear to see someone you knew hurt the way that Kirishima was. 
Taking a deep breath and calming yourself you brushed the skin of Kirishima’s neck again.
"Well – let me heal you at least. It's my job, right?"
Kiri smirked and nodded, tilting his head. You nodded back and flattened your hand over the wound, focusing and closing your eyes before a soft light illuminated under you palm. Kirishima's eyes widened when he felt a warm and tingly sensation where your hand touched. 
He had never been healed by you before and didn't know how it felt or what to expect. The process actually felt really nice, almost like a million warm kisses littered his skin, his muscles also relaxed and the tension in his face melted like butter. A relieved sigh left Kiri's lips when an overwhelmingly calm aura washed over him. You smiled at the reaction and removed your palm, brushing your knuckles against the wound-free skin.
"There you go Kiri, now you owe me one!"
"Hah, whatever you say brat," Kirishima replied with a smirk.
He looked up to see Bakugou giving him a shit eating grin with a raised brow. The red-head rolled his eyes and released your wrist that was still in his grasp and removed your other hand from his neck. 
"I gotta go get ready for an appointment coming in."
Backing up, you let Kirishima walk by, watching him make his way down the hall. Your eyes met again while he opened the door to his studio and for once he gifted you a smile before disappearing into the room.
"See Shouto, I told you she'd come in handy," Bakugou praised and wrapped an arm around your shoulder pulling you close to his side.
You looked at the blonde and gave him a toothless smile and looked at the man he called Shouto. He looked so serious and intimidating but you weren't going to let that scare you, after working next to four of the toughest looking guys for a month you weren't exactly easily scared by anyone anymore. 
Taking a leap of faith and good fortune you reached a hand out towards the bi-colored male.
"It's nice to meet you Shouto, I'm (Y/N)," you chimed with a smile, "I'm uh – really sorry about the mess and chaos you had to walk in on. I can go out and get us a new toaster no problem."
Shouto looked at you for a second before taking your hand gently and shaking it with a very subtle smile. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure whatever caused such a catastrophe wasn't your idea," he replied and narrowed his eyes at Denki who was talking to Deku.
Shouto looked at Bakugou as he released your hand, his eyes motioned to the side and you felt your friend nodding next to you. Bakugou ruffled your hair and placed a quick peck to your temple, a type of affection that was extremely normal now between you and all the men of the shop, except for Kirishima of course. 
You watched as he left your side and strode over to Denki, grabbing him by the hood of his hoodie and dragging him across the kitchen floor.
"Bro what are you doing?"
"You owe us another fucking toaster dipshit and some lunch!"
Denki whined and groaned as Bakugou hauled him out and mentioned that they should be back later, toaster and food for everyone. You chuckled at Denki pleading for you to save him, only waving and smiling as he vanished from sight. Now you were left alone with Shouto and Deku, the kitchen falling silent and the three of you stood there. You couldn't help but glance at the green-haired male when he came to stand closer to you and Shouto.
"Well, I can see why Kacchan was so eager to hire you, you're extremely friendly," Deku chuckled and rubbed the side of his neck.
"Who’s Kacchan?"
"Oh, that's just what I call Bakugou by, we've known each other since we were kids."
You awed and tilted your head, now you had something to tease the obnoxiously flirtatious blonde with. 
Smiling, you held your hand out to Deku to shake it and rubbed the side of your own neck. "I'm (Y/N) by the way, sorry for really jumping in your bubble like that. Obviously I have no sense of personal space and you're just so cute! In fact, you're all insanely attractive. Please tell me there aren't anymore of you, I don't think my heart can take it."
Deku laughed and took your hand to shake, "No, we're it. And it's okay, really. It was a little shocking at first but I could get used to it."
You blushed when Deku gave you a handsome smile. Shouto cleared his throat and you both turned to look at him. "(Y/N), do you mind if we all talk in my studio?"
Your heart stopped for a second and your stomach knotted, "Sure."
The tall fair skinned man could tell his question probably came off as if you were in trouble for something by the way the color in your cheeks disappeared. He walked over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. 
"Don't worry (Y/N), you're not in trouble. I just want the three of us to catch up and get to know each other, maybe answer any questions you might have or we might have."
Instantly your body relaxed and you nodded with a smile, Shouto motioned down the hall of doors and pointed out which one was his. The three of you walked down the hall together, you and Deku bumping shoulders and giggling.
As you walked into the studio together you let out a deep breath and ran a hand through your hair. 
"So if you don't mind me asking, just where have you two been?"
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smokinholsters · 4 years
A Decision at the Crossroads
A Heartland AU - Chapter 3
“I am just a poor boy
Though my story's seldom told
I have squandered my resistance
For a pocket full of mumbles, such are promises
All lies and jests
Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest
“Oooh oooo Ooohoo
When I left my home and my family
I was no more than a boy
In the company of strangers
In the quiet of the railway station
Running scared,
Laying low, seeking out the poorer quarters
Where the ragged people go
Looking for the places
Only they would know
Lie la lie, lie la la la lie lie
Lie la lie, lie la la la la lie la la lie”
The music cut off abruptly which startled Amy from her revelry “In .5 Kilometers take Erin Kiln Road exit and bear right at the crossing.”
Amy chose to cut the radio at this point so that she could pay attention to her navigation app. Unlike Mitch’s truck Amy’s had satellite radio which had several channels to keep the kids occupied on trips, short and long. The music helped to keep her mind from straying too much about seeing Mitch, seems the longer they were married the more she hated being away from him.
Ty pulled into his spot by the house and walked over to where Mitch and Matt were sitting.
“Shouldn’t be much longer, you done at work ?” Mitch asked Ty “beer ? coffee, water ?”
“For now, water would be great thanks.” He answered sitting as Mitch pulled a cold bottle out of his cooler.
“So who’s coming ?”
“Surprise guest, Mitch’s wife misses him.”
“Really ?” Ty said “that’s nice actually, good for you Mitch.”
“Think it would be Ok to let those guys out in that meadow for a few hours ?” Mitch asked nodding towards the small barn.
“It’s a sound space, fencing’s good so if they won’t jump I don’t see why not . Come on, I’ll give you a hand.”
“Three horses.” Matt said standing as well.
Once out Ty went over to fill the trough by turning on it’s automatic spigot not used often and Mitch and Matt to fetch some hay for them. Coming out of the barn they heard, then saw Amy’s blue dodge pulling in slowly.
“Go ahead Mitch, I’ve got this” Matt said hoisting the half bale onto his shoulder.
Mitch smiled, pulled off his gloves and wiped his hands on his pants while he walked over to meet the truck. At 190 cm in bare feet Mitch was tall, with boots and his hat on he stood an imposing 200 cm and Amy was in love with every one of them. When she slid from the front seat in her tank top covered in flannel both hiding her maternity jeans, and as always her boots and hat, he picked up his step to get to her faster. She smiled at him and he surreptitiously dropped his hat gently to the ground as he placed his hands softly under her flannel and onto her belly as she reached up and pulled him down to kiss him.
Ty and Matt came around the end of the barn and stopped. Mitch and Amy whose face was blocked from view were locked just as described, her arms around his neck, his hands on her belly leaning down while she strained up, her hat not even a second thought.
Matt laughed after a few seconds and seeing no end to the spectacle before them “Ahem, get a room you two.”
Amy dropped her head and leaned it against Mitch’s chest for a second before answering while still hidden behind him. “We brought a room actually.”
Hearing her voice cut through Ty like fire, he’d know it anywhere and everything Mitch had said and he had heard from Matt came flooding back especially the name Lyndy, odd for sure and the name of Mitch’s daughter. Matt had said two family ranches, horses, white face, Hudson. TY then recalled he thought he’d heard Mitch refer to his son once as Jackson. It couldn’t be and then he moved and there she was, Mitch’s long arm wrapped around her rather expanded waist as they turned to the two men.  He looked from her belly up into her face and her eyes, which were disbelieving and following his gaze.
“Amy ?”
“Ty ?”
Matt smiled “the plot thickens.”
“Amy ?” Mitch asked looking down.
“Ty Borden Mitch, my high school boyfriend ?”
It bothered Ty hearing her trivialize their relationship as a matter of fact high school fling.
“Oh, oooohh,” Mitch said “sorry Ames, I told Matt the name was familiar but I couldn’t figure it out.”
“Actually first you thought he was Ty Burton because of Kelsey Burton.”
“There is that” Mitch said, “regardless, Ty, it’s good to finally meet you” he finished laughing.
“Sorry, can we sit anytime soon ?
“Sorry sweetheart come over by the trailer. Ginger Ale ?”
“Tea ?”
“I think there’s the orange ginger you like.” Mitch said as he dropped his hand from her waist when they got to the chairs.
Amy smiled at him again before she sat and raised her hand to his face gently, “perfect, thank you Mitch.” Ty watched as she awkwardly lowered herself into the seat.
“Why don’t we get that rocker arm out of Amy’s truck and unwrapped.” Ty said ready to get out of earshot. This was all too surrealistic for him.
“Sure you don’t want to catch up ?” Matt asked playfully.
“Let’s get started Matt, let Amy and Mitch visit for a while.” Ty said with a small smile at Amy before turning to walk around the trailer.
“Good to meet you Amy, sort of missed this part, I’m Matt Connolly.”
“The deputy, Mitch told me you’ve been very kind, it’s nice to meet you Matt. Uhm, is he Ok ?” She asked softly with a nod towards where she guessed Ty headed.
“I think he’s just surprised, I’m sure he’s fine.” Matt said with a half smile Amy didn’t believe at all.
“I should give Ty a hand.”
“I’ll let you have Mitch back in a few minutes.”
“It’s fine Amy, he’s been missing you too.”
Amy smiled and Matt returned it before heading off to follow Ty.
Mitch sat down after carefully handing Amy her mug. She sipped as she looked at him with her piercing blue eyes over the top of the mug.
“Good ?”
“Mhmmm, she hummed, “thank you Mitch.”
“So this is a bit weird.”
“I’m thinking it may get weirder, I’m getting a vibe, like a Georgie vibe.”
“You don’t think …”
“I don’t know, you should go help.”
“And you ?”
“Maybe a lay down after this tea.”
“I like hearing that.” He said reaching over to kiss her belly, then up to catch her lips before standing and reaching for his hat.
“Want to tuck me in ?” She asked reaching for his hand.
“No, no, no” he answered playfully dancing backwards a little.
Amy pouted, “ No, no, no ? Ok, go off and play with the boys then.”
He smiled and turned to leave.
“I love you Mitchell Cutty.”
“I love you Amy Fleming.” He answered turning briefly and smiling at her before disappearing.
Mitch found Ty and Matt struggling to get the cracked rocker arm off.
“Problem ?” Mitch asked standing back as Ty hauled on the end of the ratchet arm before losing it and banging his hand.
“Shit. Sorry, the bolts are frozen tight, we’ve got one off. We may have to use a cutting torch.”
“Well, let me give it a go, take a few minutes and rest.”
Mitch checked under the fender and fit the ratchet to the nut before reconnecting the ratchet arm. He looked at it for a second and then asked “maybe it’ll be easier if we could extend this, maybe a pipe ?”
“Physics might help.” Ty nodded taking a pull on a cold water battle. “There are pipes in the shop.”
“I’ll go.” Matt said moving before the others could say anything.
“How long have you two been married ?”
“About 8 years give or take, I got back to the states and discharged about when she got back from Europe the second time.”
“How did you meet ?”
“It’s funny, I was a senior when she started high school and then joined the military. She claims at least to have had a crush on me as she says half the incoming class did. Anyway, when I got back I was a bit aimless and was thinking of hitting the oil fields but I had a horse with a problem so I went to Amy and the rest is what you see.”
“So the funny part ?”
“Oh right, I dated Lou once, her sister” Mitch said looking over for acknowledgement  “through an on-line thing.”
“Lou ? What happened to Peter ?”
“Really. They had a kid though.”
“Yup Katie and then Georgie of course, anyway after Maverick, my horse Amy and I dated, then I took a job working for Heartland for a while, partnered up on the herd, my parents retired and we took their ranch over and here we are 2 ½ kids later.”
“How’s this Mitch ?” Matt said coming out of the shop with some black gas pipe in the right size and length.
“That may be the ticket, let’s give it a whirl.” Mitch said when they heard the distinct closing of the trailer door and Mitch looked up.
“Want to check ?” Matt asked.
“No she was going to lay down and rest after her tea.”
“She Ok ?” Ty asked thinking a second later that maybe his tone was a little enthusiastic.
“Oh yeah, it’s being 5 months pregnant. Amy carries heavy and up front on that small frame of hers.”
Mitch took a few minutes to lay a couple padded shop blanket’s over his door, now that they had a longer handle that could conceivably slip he didn’t want to damage the door.
Next, he took off his flannel exposing his long arms and then leaned against the pipe. Both Matt and Ty watched the muscles on Mitch’s arms swell and define impressively.
“Damn man, what do they feed you on that ranch of yours.” Matt said watching.
“Grass ….. fed …….beef” Mitch answered his voice straining until the load sound of metal screeching against metal as the pipe moved forward a bit.
He leaned back and took a breather for a second “well it moves, got any penetrating oil Ty ?”
Ty nodded and got up to fetch it. He leaned under the fender and a few minutes later straightened up “let’s give it a few minutes.”
Mitch grabbed a bottle of water and sat down in one of the metal chairs when his phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket, checked the screen and answered.
“Hey Buddy, how’s it going ?”
“Just out of the shower Mitch, fence is done and Cass called over to your place to see if we could tempt Amy to join us for burgers at Maggie’s, seems she’s with you. Alright if we grab yours for dinner ?”
“Oh sure the kids will love it, I’ll let Amy know.”
“How’s it going over there ?”
“We’ll be back tomorrow, I’ll let you know when we’re back.”
“Have a good night Mitch, I’m sure Cass will send some pics.”
“Thanks Caleb, have a good night, hi to Cass.”
“Caleb ?” Ty asked “O’dell.”
“Yup, I guess you two knew each other. He’s the third partner in the Heartland herd.”
Ty nodded filing that away, “who’s Cass ?”
“Caleb’s wife.”
“Wife.” Ty repeated “what happened to Ashley ?”
“Divorced, really and Cass ?”
“Scott’s partner at the clinic, she’s a vet. They’re taking their kids and ours I guess for burgers at Maggie’s, we’re pretty tight.”
“Maggie’s is still there huh, Soraya in charge ?”
“Soraya lives in London now, so does Maggie actually. Lou owns Maggie’s.”
“That’s right I read that in an article I found when she became Mayor.”
“What do you think, give these bolts another go ?” Mitch asked finishing his water.
Once they pushed through the bolts the repair was textbook, they fit the rocker, reattached the brake assembly and the new tire and ran the software looking for errors, that last thing they did was a quick test drive.
They were wiping up, putting assorted tools away and discussing dinner which they decided they’d all feel better eating take -out around the fire rather than fighting a restaurant.
They heard the window slide open and all turned “Mitch ?” Amy called out in a somewhat amusing voice.
“Right here” Mitch answered obviously used to it.
“I’m hungry.”
“There’s a bag of clementines in the fruit bin.”
“I want Bar-B-Que.”
“Bar-b-Que.” Mitch repeated.
“I’ll ask.”
“Thank you my love” was followed by the window sliding closed.
“So PJ’s ?” Matt asked laughing.
“Is that Bar-b-que ?”
“Really good but not so close so it’s a pick up, an hour easy.” Ty answered.
“OK well, quick shower, order and go, call it a test drive.”
“I’ll go with you” Matt said. “Meet you back here in 20 minutes, I’m just down the road, tell Amy we’ll be covered in sauce in 90 minutes or so.”
Mitch smiled “On us.”
“The tab and the sauce.” Matt answered heading to his truck.
“Well I have a couple of patient follow up calls to make from the house after showering so I’ll leave you with Matt for now.”
“Thanks for everything Ty.”
“Nothing to it Mitch.”
In the trailer Mitch immediately stripped off his dirty flannel shirt followed by his T shirt and dumped them into the washing machine that doubled as the dirty clothes hamper on short trips. Turning, he spotted Amy standing in front of the mirror as he sat to pull off his boots and socks. She was standing before the mirror in panties and her tank top which she had lifted over her belly, when he stood she was running her hands over her belly and he walked up behind her.
“Hey sexy.” He whispered leaning down to kiss her neck and run his hands under hers on her belly.
“I look like a beach ball.”
“You don’t look like a beach ball, you’re beautiful. What’s up ?”
“Nothing,,,,,,, Ty,,,,,,, he was staring at my belly because I look like a beach ball.”
“I think maybe Ty is having a case of what could have been Ames, it’s natural. I have to shower.”
“Shower ?”
“Alone Ames, bar-b-que remember ?”
“Clementines bin, got it” she said turning and planting a kiss on his lips “go hunt and gather me some food.”
After Mitch left Amy came out of the trailer with the intention of setting up their table for dinner. Instead she heard a truck door open and looked around her trailer to see Ty closing the passenger door on what she assumed was his truck, a mid 70’s GMC.
“Hey” she called out.
“Oh hey, everything OK ?”
“Fine, come visit, we can catch up.”
Ty stood for.a second as if the question itself was shocking.
“Ty ? Come talk to me” she said gently and smiling.
He nodded “let me just grab my phone.”
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serahsanguine · 5 years
Vacation Series Pt. 2. Halloween Surprises Ch, 1
This is the Frist Chapter of the Second book in a two-part series 
Book one. - pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4, pt. 5, pt. 6 
All chapters can be found Here on Ao3
This Chapter Rating; NC-17 NSFW
Tagging; @skullsmuldon @today-in-fic @baronessblixen @peacenik0
Summary;  The Second Instalment for the Vacation Series. Filled With spooky storeys, vanity fairs and everything in between. Also to fill The October Spooky  Exchange the Prompt was Boo. 
P.s. Happy Halloween. Happy All Hallows Eve.
               Chapter one; Day one - Arrival.
The lone Gunman had managed to wheel and deal their holiday outlet from the current tenants for two weeks over the Halloween period. Mulder and Scully had also managed to secure a two-week vacation from A.D Skinner for that exact same time frame. 
There had been some changes since the last time they went on vacation, the relationship had not only bloomed both in work but also out of it. They hadn’t told anyone but they weren't actually keeping it a secret either. Scully's mom Maggie had found out by accident when she walked in on both Mulder and Scully snuggled up naked wrapped in each other's embrace one weekday when they were meant to be at work. 
Maggie was annoyed at first and Scully was extremely embarrassed, but Maggie was happy for them and knew this was coming for a long while and was glad they finally got their act together. She wished she had known sooner but better late than never and from now on promised to either ring or knock before entering her daughter's apartment.
They had arrived a little over an hour ago and Scully got to unpacking their things and Mulder had gone outside to chop some wood for the fire. The Lone Gunman was not due for another day but had warned Mulder that due to it being winter the main electric supply could go out and there were two heavy-duty massive generators in the tool shed and plenty of gasoline. Mulder also noted there were oil candles and wood in the basement of the main house as well as food, water and anything else you would need in case the world came to an end. 
Scully had finished putting the last item into the wardrobe then she opened the windows in their bedroom and one in the upstairs hallway before wandering downstairs to open the windows down there as well trying to create a small breeze and let the fresh sea air fill the house. She wandered outside and stopped on the porch steps, Mulder had rid of his suit trousers and changed into jeans that fit comfortably on his hips. Sweat was dripping from his brow, his naked chest shimmering in the afternoon sun, it was cool but not overly cold. 
She watched as he swung the axe above is head throwing it down. The sound of the axe colliding with the wood as it split mixing with the crashing of the waves was tranquil to her. She smiled as his muscles tensed and relaxed with each swing he took. 
“I think we have enough for now.”
“Hi Scully, are you sure? I don’t want to be chopping again in a days time.”
“Mulder there was already three large piles by the house and you have been at this for over an hour and a half we will be fine.”
“But what if?”
She walked over to him the sand slipping through her toes and crunching under the soles of her feet. She stood in front of him, leaning up and placing her lips on his. His hand snaking around her waist bringing her body flat against his. His tongue invading her mouth he lifted her up, her toes no longer touching the ground. She pulled away and looked into his eyes. 
“Did I tell you, that you look beautiful today?” 
She giggled as he always had the ability to make her blush. She wasn’t wearing anything special just an old pair of blue jeans and one of Mulder’s jumpers that were overly baggy on her but it was just the way she liked it. Her hair fell down in soft waves around her face that were still covered in freckles from their summer vacation. This was his favourite look on her, it made her look young but still like his Scully,  sexy and beautiful.  
“Anyway, if our boys want wood they can chop it themselves.”
He smiled at the words ‘our boys’ and placed her back on the ground. 
“Yes, I suppose your right.”
“Never thought I would see the day where agent Fox Mulder agrees with me,” she said mockingly smiling the whole time. 
“You wound me.” 
They both laughed and walked back inside, she sat on the wicker loveseat with her book in front of her waiting for Mulder to snuggle in beside her.
Two hours later the sun had gone down and a chill set in so the windows were shut as were the doors. The blinds were closed and the curtains were drawn, a fire crackling in the background and the radio streamed 80's love ballads playing softly. Mulder had cooked them a smoked salmon with lemon and dill dressing on top of a small rice platter which had stuffed them both to the bone. They sat under Mulders' Navajo blanket he had brought with him talking about the next few days.
“Mulder we're meant to be relaxing and enjoying ourselves.”
“Yes we will, I promise but I have a few things lined up.” Her head resting against his chest, his heart beating into her ear and his arm wrapped around her body while his hand made small circles on her hip.
“Such as?”
“There is a vanity fair at the end of the week. Which the boys have been told by the locals is something fun to do even in this cold. The day after that is Halloween and was having a small get together with jack ‘o lanterns, spooky music and alcohol.”
“Sounds nice. But why is it whenever we come here there is a party involved?”
She burrowed into his chest, even more, feeling her shiver he wrapped the blanket around her tightly,  kissing the top of her head. 
“If it wasn’t for that last party we wouldn’t be sitting here now as a couple.”
“Hum, that's true.” she shivered again. 
“Scully are you feeling ok?” he sounded worried.
“I can’t seem to get warm.” She had learned to say I’m fine only made matters worse and made him worry more, plus with him being stubborn he would carry on pushing the subject until she gave him the answer. So it was best just to tell him how she felt outright instead of beating around the bush. 
“I have a cure for that.”
She pulled away and looked at him with the biggest mischievous smile on his face. 
“What might that be Mulder?”
Instead of saying any more words his lips touched hers his hands hooking under her legs and he cradled her to his body. He carried her upstairs not bothering to turn on any of the lights. He gently placed her on the bed. 
“Be right back.”
He walked to the drawer pulling out a few candles lighting them and setting them throughout the bedroom. The smell of jasmine filled the room, he slipped his t-shirt over his head before walking back to Scully. 
He lay beside her, their bodies barely touching but it felt like she was everywhere, her lips upon his, her fingers caressing his skin. Their tongues danced the tango as she pressed her body against his. Her dress scraping and tickling his skin, igniting a fire within him, his cock thick and hard and he could smell her arousal intense under her perfume which only made him worse. 
Her fingers danced on his chest, her lips working from his to down his clavicle and lingering across his pectoral muscles. She touched each nipple into her mouth licking, suckling and biting down hard. Before she worked down his stomach her face tickling the hairs making him flinch in pleasure. Her hands undoing the buttons with ease as she slid her hand under the hem of his jeans and the soft cotton of his boxers. 
She gripped him tightly and brought him out of his confines, thick, hard and hot inside her hand she brought her mouth to his tip swallowing him whole. 
“Jesus Christ Scully,” he sat forward his hands in her hair feeling the fine silky strands slip through his fingers. 
He sat back when he felt her tongue lick him from root to tip, watching with her beautiful blue eyes, lustful and dark.  His cock disappeared in her mouth, those full, pouty lips focusing on his crown, pulling up and down his shaft 
“I love this woman! How did you get so LUCKY?!” he thought as she hollowed her cheeks and began to suck hard.
“Scuuuuully I’m close”
She did something with her tongue and for at least three seconds or more, he was completely helpless, euphoric and vulnerable to her. He felt his balls swell and tighten as he erupted into her mouth his seed flowing hot down her throat. She swallowed every last drop and let him go with a pop. 
She looked at him and smirked at the pure look of ecstasy written on his face. He hooked his hands and brought her up to him. His lips upon hers his hands undoing the zipper on the dress and it slowly fell to her hips. His lips instantly locked onto her pink pebbled nipples suckling them, her body writhing under his touch. 
“Mmmm.. OH god…”
She was overly sensitive these last couple of weeks but it only highlighted the pleasure, his hand slipped to her folds as she raised her hips and his cock slipped within her tunnel. 
She arched her back and he thrust his hips, skin crashed against skin. The smell of sex, sweat and jasmine lingering in the air. Her oceanic eyes locking onto his hazel ones with the reflection of love, lust and pure bliss shown there. Her skin broke out in goosebumps and her walls clamped down, her body twisting in.  
She saw stars and then everything went black as she fell into a deep slumber. Mulder wrapped a sheet around her naked form and took off his trousers and slipped around her spooning her, he heard her sigh in contentment and soon he slipped into sleep with her. 
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eidetictelekinetic · 5 years
Magicians Fic Masterlist
So, we all know what today is, and because "canon is dead, let fan content reign" is now my motto here, it seemed like a good day for a fic masterlist!
All my fics ignore, fix, or are en route to fixing the events of 4.13, and will ignore season 5 because I’m not watching it. All warnings available in tags and chapter notes. 
Find them all below the cut!
Completed Fics
Do I Even Dare (To Speak Out Your Name): In a world with daemons, things with the Monster might possibly be worse. But they have a plan, and once it works, everything will be fine. Right?
fall away to the sound (of my heart to your beat): In a world where you bond to your soulmate at the first skin-to-skin touch, things go a little differently from the moment Quentin and Eliot meet, and things end - so far - happier too.
could not ask for more (than this time with you): Quentin always spends his birthdays quietly. Eliot isn't going to change that, exactly, but he can definitely improve upon it.
And Also With You: After surviving Order 66, there's only one place Quentin can think to go. (Star Wars fusion)
Shine Through My Memory: In which Brian and Nigel meet, fall in love, and have months together before the Monster shows up. Once his memories are back, Quentin faces the events of season 4 with a second layer of proof of concept lingering in his mind. It only makes the grief sharper, but can it also give him an anchor to hold onto? And what happens when the dust settles?
I Just Want You For My Own: Two years on from the Monster mess, Quentin and Eliot have settled into a happy, fairly quiet life. And this year, they both have a great idea for how to cap off the holiday season. The thing is, it's the same idea. (Sequel to Shine Through My Memory.)
Lay Me Down (Pockets Full of Stones):  In which Quentin survives the events of 4.13 by taking such bad care of himself he never actually makes it to the Mirror Realm. Also in which everyone loses him for a day, and Eliot is Not Happy about this.
Cupcakes and Other Gifts: For Eliot's 26th birthday, Quentin gets him cupcakes and Broadway songs. For his 29th, well... the cupcakes are still a thing, but Q also has a plan for a very nice wake-up call. He manages to make both times a surprise, too.
(one kiss) it all comes down to this: Eliot gets hit with a curse right out of Disney's collection, and when Quentin is the one to break the spell, the two of them have a long overdue conversation.
down to the one bright spark: Eliot goes to the realms of the dead to convince Quentin to come home with him.
Ongoing Stories
If I Could Fall Into the Sky: Quentin survives the blast in the Mirror Realm, but at the cost of half his leg. In the aftermath, he's sent off to recover, but the thing is, he's not sure if anyone is really going to want him to come back now. As for Eliot? Well, first he has to find out what actually even happened. But even once they straighten themselves out, the consequences of magic are more complicated than they expected.
like a perfect picture (in a broken frame): At the doorway to crossing over, Quentin Coldwater makes a different choice, and his own magic pulls him back to the living world. But magic is never simple, and he comes back split apart. Those who love him have to fix him, but in the meantime are faced with a frightened child and an adult who can't feel anything but the cold.
Witch Oil and Marsh Fire: In which a Timeline 40 with daemons splits three ways as the events of season 4 come to a close, where the ripple effects of 4.11's timeshare spell create a spinoff from season 1 onward, and where in front of the Seam, Quentin Coldwater's life takes two different turns.But even when that turn leads to death, the story isn't over yet. 
Basically, daemons + timeline shenanigans + multiple fix-it options.
All posted fics in this verse are completed, but the verse as a whole is not.
Oh, And I'm Still A Far Cry From Gone: Quentin survives the Mirror World thanks to Alice's daemon (and his own) but is in a coma from the magic backlash. His friends are left to see if he'll ever wake up, while in the Underworld, he has a choice to make.
Now There's Only Love in the Dark: In our last timeline, everyone got to live. In this one, Eliot and his daemon wake up in a world without the one person they'd most wanted to see - but they aren't about to just accept that and move on. 
(Companion fic to Turn Around, Bright Eyes)
Turn Around, Bright Eyes: Quentin and his daemon walk through an arch, but never catch a train. They run instead, trying to find their way home. Along the way, they stumble across new faces, a job to keep them busy until they leave, and eventually a goddess. But in the end, whether they live again or not comes down to a choice - and how brave they can manage to be.
(Companion fic to Now There's Only Love in the Dark)
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