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I’m 27 and also I’ll be real this is the main blog of a system with a bunch of sideblogs.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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coolest-girl-around · 25 days ago
How is bnha anime of the decade...... they aren’t even anime of the hour of the minute of the second
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coolest-girl-around · 2 months ago
Has Blu Spy considered simply being plural about it. Just develop DID coward. Which identity is the real one? let them take turns. Spy spends a week as a woman named Meredith. Dont worry about it
blu spy as a system would fuck so hard and that's definitely a valid reading of his condition
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coolest-girl-around · 2 months ago
Might as well do an introduction since we’re using this more.
The body is 27. You’ll probably only see two of us using this account much.
Siffrin, 27, pronouns he/they, complicated relationship to gender. I ended up the host for some reason. Have my own sideblog at
Vesta, age?, pronouns she/any. i used to be the host before siffrin split.
Be normal, please.
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coolest-girl-around · 2 months ago
Hi I’ve been getting slightly obsessed with true blu and I’ve been thinking about heavy medic too
I like to think that RED Medic loves RED Heavy in the same a car guy loves a car he’s taken apart and put back together again. I don’t think either Medic really feels attraction normally, and I think REDic has only come to love Heavy like this because he can open the Heavy up and trace every inch of his anatomy and see himself in it. and I think Heavy sees this and is like. “Ah, I am his Sasha.” And he gets it. It’s not a NORMAL relationship. But it’s no less genuine.
In contrast, their BLU counterparts? They have none of that. There is nothing that Medic can call his own- while the RED Heavy is a walking talking monument to RED Medic’s genius, anything the BLU Medic can do is just… derivative. Someone else's body, made by someone else's work, worked on using someone else’s skills. Medics seem motivated by new and novel mad science experiments, and can anything the BLU Medic does be called original? Is it all plagiarism?
I also like to think that BLU Heavy has gone back to reading a lot more compared to RED Heavy. Leaning on that Russian literature degree they have. Lots of philosophy out there to think about your existential crisis with
im convinced youve somehow snuck a peek at my outline document without my knowledge because we share a lot of the same thoughts re: red heavymedic like damn!!!!!!!
personally i agree that blu medic has that same maniacal drive as red medic to experiment to his heart's content, but he is hesitant on performing said experiments on his teammates. given that he's more of a doctor than red is, in that he manages the team's mental wellbeing and reports back to engie about them monthly, so he's not enthusiastic about doing things that would hurt them.
besides, blu medic would rather experiment on himself than them. some parts of him want to ignore that he's a clone; others want very badly to work the cloning process backwards, to trace the steps of whoever made him and find out how they made him. he doesn't intend to start cloning people—he could never bring himself to wish that upon anyone—but he wonders if the process could be perfected. could a clone some day retain all of its memories in picture perfect quality? could it harbor the same feelings for a person as its counterpart? much to think about.
blu heavy is more than open to being experimented on, he finds medic fascinating and is the only one who insists on being his test subject when it comes to researching their cloned bodies. funny enough we do share the same headcanon that he reads more than his red counterpart !!!
while i also agree that anything medic would do to heavy would just be plagiarism, i also think their relationship is complicated by the fact that their red originals are so so in love with each other...while neither of them feel the same way, don't even have that little inkling of affection for one another. sure, they work together very well and they enjoy each other's company...but isn't it weird to look at this person that you're supposed to love, on the other side of things, and you just feel nothing?
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coolest-girl-around · 2 months ago
I submit to you that the most iconic feature of any animal is either unlikely or impossible to fossilize.
If all we had of wolves were their bones we would never guess that they howl.
If all we had of elephants were fossils with no living related species, we might infer some kind of proboscis but we’d never come up with those ears.
If all we had of chickens were bones, we wouldn’t know about their combs and wattles, or that roosters crow.
We wouldn’t know that lions have manes, or that zebras have stripes, or that peacocks have trains, that howler monkeys yell, that cats purr, that deer shed the velvet from their antlers, that caterpillars become butterflies, that spiders make webs, that chickadees say their name, that Canada geese are assholes, that orangutans are ginger, that dolphins echolocate, or that squid even existed.
My point here is that we don’t know anything about dinosaurs. If we saw one we would not recognize it. As my evidence I submit the above, along with the fact that it took us two centuries to realize they’d been all around us the whole time.
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coolest-girl-around · 3 months ago
from personal experience it seems like every system has one alter that's just THE FIGHTER just one guy who's really angry. almost like its symptoms disorder or something. Anyway hi Amber
it's fucked up, like genuinely i feel like I'm simply anger, when the brain feels anger its me. Anger that grew legs and opinions and is a lesbian for some reason.
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coolest-girl-around · 3 months ago
Just beat the Ender Dragon on Bedrock Edition (for the achievement, I normally play Java), and now my overworld's skybox is utterly cursed.
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Legitimately a cool glitch. I kinda wish it was a feature.
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You have killed the most powerful naturally occuring entity in this universe. The sky is perpetually darkened.
Something is terribly wrong.
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coolest-girl-around · 3 months ago
Bacteria do have souls, but binary fission doesn’t produce new souls 99% of the time, so most single celled organisms share these sprawling souls that just get bigger every time they divide. Over time they compact down into these big mats of soul get compacted into geological layers that gradually accrete to the world soul. Sexual reproduction creates new souls but they’re much shorter lived as a result, and rarely make it into the bedrock, so most of the world spirit is from the Proterozoic.
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coolest-girl-around · 3 months ago
if you are reading this i want you to stop for a moment and imagine a crab
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coolest-girl-around · 3 months ago
do you ever say something and then think "wow this isnt even a bit. im just like this"
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coolest-girl-around · 3 months ago
a really little animated black cat with giant eyes and no other discernible features
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coolest-girl-around · 3 months ago
attack: 100% damage: 0%
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coolest-girl-around · 3 months ago
No Longer Human, Osamu Dazai
the author's barely disguised lack of socialisation and profound sense of alienation from all other human life
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coolest-girl-around · 3 months ago
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coolest-girl-around · 3 months ago
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behold my sinister potion
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coolest-girl-around · 3 months ago
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coolest-girl-around · 3 months ago
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(XユーザーのBBokyo🐢さん: 「」 / Xから)
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