#oh and also took a pic with eric nam!!!!!
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favoritejohn · 2 years ago
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NEWSFLASH: President Suh arrives in NYC 🗽
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skyland2703 · 2 years ago
Character ask: Conner McKnight, Katherine Hillard, Carter Grayson, Rose Ortiz, Prince Phillip, and Aisha Campbell.
THANKS FOR THE ASK!!! Sorry it took me so long!! I was kinda stuck on the MMPRs heheh
Conner McKnight:
• favorite thing about them: I love his hair I literally love his hair I WANT his hair!
• least favorite thing about them: his characterisation of the “standard jock” is just… mehhh. Not a big fan, there. A lot of his personality traits come from that and I would just like to avoid him more often than not.
• favorite line: when he said Dr. O is batman *cackles*
• brOTP: Conner & Trent. Also Conner & Kira
• ПОТР: …none yet
• random headcanon: he knows he’s taking his life to shit but he just always goes :D because if someone finds out he doesn’t have everything under control, they’re gonna think of him being weak.
Also his parents are going through a divorce.
• unpopular opinion: he doesn’t feel very much like red ranger material + dr O’s presence overshadowed that for most of the season anyway.
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them: loved him in the SPD team up, so this:
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Kat Hilliard:
• favorite thing about them: she was a cat.
• least favorite thing about them: she was a cat.
• favorite line: “Oh no, they're forcing Bulk and Skull to dance the conga!”
• brOTP: Tommy & Kat (and a lot of the MMPRs in general)
• ОТР: none yet,,, I mean I know a lot of people ship her with Jason or Tommy but idk. I haven’t watched enough of MMPR to make a definite opinion of my own…? But I feel like I wouldn’t vibe with it, somehow.
• ПОТР: Kat/Kim (Sorry to those who ship it, but too much pink energy is dangerous)
• random headcanon: she’s a hopeless romantic and loves looking at the stars at night and walk barefoot on the grass and all those soft things, and hopes someday she’d get to do the same with her lover/partner. Extremely high expectations of romance, and an equally high level of optimism and hope to meet those expectations. (i hope its in character for her. like i said, my mmpr knowledge is limited..)
• unpopular opinion: she owns a licensed pistol and will not be messed with. She’s still got a little bit of… uh.. evil left in her. It’s for the better though.
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them: she’s so pretty abdfnsndnnr
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Carter Grayson:
• favorite thing about them: he can go fucking blast GUNS at a giant monster— i don’t think ANYTHING gets cooler than that. This man is not afraid to die and it shows.
• least favorite thing about them: I don’t like the Lightspeed rescue suits and his battilizer is another level of 😬😬😬
• favorite line: “I see you're still keeping bad company.” From the TF team up~
• brOTP: Carter & Kelsey
• ОТР: ….Very inclined to say Carter/Dana, but I don’t think they fall into the otp category.. per se?? Ship, yes, very much, but I am open to other pairings. Maybe Carter/Ryan????
• ПОТР: Carter/Chad
• random headcanon: He likes hot cocoa and marshmallows and has a sweet tooth in general. The aqua base is always STOCKED with sweet foods for him— be it gum or candies or chocolates— he NEEDS to have something sweet on his person when they’re going for battle. Half his decisions are taken on a sugar high~
• unpopular opinion: he’s reckless and might just end up paying for it. Yes it’s cool, yes it’s badass, but it’s also dangerous. *runs and hides in a corner to watch the fireworks go off*
• song i associate with them: this one. Just. So frickin FIIITSSS
Rose Ortiz:
• favorite thing about them: HER ENTRY SCENE!! Her style in that moment the first time we see her THAT IS HOW YOU LEAVE AN IMPRESSION PEOPLE!!!!
• least favorite thing about them: how they went with a “I never had a regular childhood” but how there’s nothing “different” about her because of that, except maybe a superiority complex. They did it better with Dr K. Later on in RPM, and could’ve improved on Rose if they tried something similar.
• favorite line: “You’re rich. Buy an army” i love her sass so much
• brOTP: Rose & Dax. I just think it’s the perfect “he’s going to kill all my braincells” dynamic, because while she’s smart™️, he’s got absolutely nothing on the top floor.
• ОТР: N/A
• ПОТР: Rose/Tyzonn, Rose/Dax, Rose/any guy, actually.
• random headcanon: She has a collection of fridge magnets she buys from everywhere they visit for their missions. Like they keep na hour or two to visit the local markets because “rose wants magnets” and she just puts all of them on Hartford’s fridge, which is already crowded with so much shit as it is. Spencer is the only one who really appreciates her magnets 😔💖
• unpopular opinion: the entire overdrive team acts like they’re on drugs and Rose is no exception even though everyone considers her to be the smart/sensible one. She’s just as reckless/crazy if not more XD
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them: I had such a crush on her asdfghjklhgds
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Prince Phillip:
• favorite thing about them: I don’t think we have a lot of “existing royalty” characters in PR and I think this is an interesting concept DC played with, especially when he was trying to “buy” his good deeds and all that~ that entire episode was masterful!! And he really DID have a good heart!!!
• least favorite thing about them: they kept getting rid of him because he had to “run his kingdom”. Come on man— let him work at the Dino bite cafe a bit??!???? For just a couple episodes??
• favorite line: “Wait - aren't you the museum director?”
• brOTP: Philip/James Navarro. Both of them don’t show up a lot they can bond over that 😂 (ok honestly everyone who survived from S2E18 works ask brotp)
• ОТР: Prince Philip/Sir Ivan. I mean it’s basically a given at this point~
• ПОТР: Philip/Kendall
• random headcanon: he calls his pacha zord at times in Zandar and talks to him when he’s feeling lonely
• unpopular opinion:
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them: love him when he’s all ruffled
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Aisha Campbell:
• favorite thing about them: I love her especially in the comics!!
• least favorite thing about them: …nothing. At all. I love her!!
• favorite line: “it’s just the place where everyone thinks we’re idiots”
• brOTP: Aisha & Billy, Kim and Tommy
• ОТР: Adam/Rocky/Aisha
• ПОТР: none yet?
• random headcanon: she takes Adam and Rocky with her every time they go to get a haircut. The three of them, they do everything together. And she even makes Adam grow his hair out~
• unpopular opinion: I didn’t want her leaving the show 😭
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them:
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sunshinexscenario · 7 years ago
Wanna Be With You | Jihyo
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Prompt: You’re the leader and main dancer of your group, who was recently on Weekly Idol with Twice, and now people can’t stop shipping you with Jihyo, including your own members.
Requested: X
Author’s Notes: I wrote this several months ago, during the peak of summer, but I never posted it because I was concerned about how indepth I went into creating the reader’s girl group, but @girlgroupuniverse​ wouldn’t stop pestering me to post it so here it is!
My main motivator while writing this fic was Eric Nam’s Can’t Help Myself. The title is actually a line from the song. If you haven’t heard it, I highly recommend it.
Place Holders Used:     - Y/N // Your Name     - L/N // Last Name     - S/N // Ship Name
Words: 9.9K
“Y/N. Y/N, you have to look at this!” Eri, the maknae of éclipse, an absolute sweetheart, and a full-blown Energy Pill, darts across the dressing room to your side and starts shaking your shoulder. “C'mon, Y/N, you have to look at this.” While you love her dearly, she's also the epitome of those ‘maknae testing the leader's patience’ compilations, and today is just another day full of such moments.
“I can look in a little bit, but I need to finish getting hair and make-up done, and I’m sure they’d very much appreciate it, if you stop shaking me,” you scold her gently. The scolding was immediately met with her apologies to the staff, though it didn’t seem like they were in the least bit upset, not that you can blame them. Eri is charming, and no matter how often she tests your patience, she always does her best to listen to you well.
“Okay, I’ll just read some of the comments to you. Oh, and look at my phone in the mirror, there's some pics,” Eri insists instead, and honestly you don’t mind. éclipse had just made a comeback with a concept you haven’t tried before, moreover it was something you had pitched to the board. You’ve been trying to expand your talents and skills in different directions, right now with a focus on production. Ever since your group won Rookie of The Year last year, you’ve been quickly making a big name for yourselves, and you definitely don’t want to lose steam.
You take a deep breath, hoping for the best, but bracing yourself just in case, “Go ahead.”
“Y/N’s backhug is the softest thing I've ever seen,” Eri holds up her phone to show you a mirrored screencap of you hugging Jihyo between missions on the joint Twice-éclipse Weekly Idol episode which aired a week ago.
Skinship wasn't anything new between you and Jihyo. Not since you met last year when, by misfortune for your group, your comeback overlapped with Twice's. Although you only received a couple of wins in before Twice took over the polls, it did let you become fast friends with Jihyo, something you're grateful for even if it cost the rest of the wins for that promo period. Despite the unremarkable skinship that was aired, fans couldn't get enough. Or Eri for that matter.
You let out the deep breath you had reserved for negative comments about the comeback, and take another deep one just to handle Eri. You should've known this was what Eri was going to show you. Your own fault for thinking it was going to be anything related to your comeback. Sometimes you swear Eri is just as much of a S/N shipper as the rest of your fans. "This is what you wanted to show me? Eri, I appreciate your enthusiasm for my friendship with Jihyo, but this is getting a little out of hand."
Eri pouts, shooting back, “I am not, and just look at these comments. ‘Get you a girl who looks at you the way Jihyo looks at Y/N,’ ��Y/N and Jihyo are secretly dating and no one can convince me otherwise,’ and ‘Jihyo and Y/N doing the leader challenge is such relationship goals~ #powercouple #S/N.’ It's so cute!” Eri pauses between comments to show you their respective attached images in the mirror, most of which are from the latest Weekly Idol, but a few photos from other events are mixed into the compilation. "And there's no way you can tell me that you're not happy about this when you've been in love with Jihyo since Sixteen," Eri drawls out dramatically.
"Being a fan of Twice does not mean that I'm in love with her," you huff. Realizing how you've shifted has made it more difficult for the staff to finish up your "look," you straighten out and mutter out a few apologies. An unnecessary process, when moments later they finish cleaning you up, and switch you out with Alice.
"No, Alice and I are fans of Twice. You are very obviously in love with Jihyo," Eri says as she pulls you down next to her on the couch, "Just look at that!" She wastes no time finding yet another popular tweet, this time from someone named y/n-hearteu3. Attached was a clip of one of Twice's wins during your crossover promo period, specifically the one where Jihyo grabs your hand and tells you and éclipse to stay on stage with them during the encore, with the caption, 'Y/N looks sooooo in love after she realized who grabbed her hand. Jihyo please take care of our leader!'
Your mouth is halfway open in an attempt to protest just as Alice speaks up from the make-up chair, “Eri can be a little bit of an airhead, but our little maknae has a point this time. You get all soft whenever Jihyo's around. It's actually so adorable." Alice, the second oldest in the group, having you beat by two years, is not someone you wanted feeding Eri's imagination. Fighting off the allegations as they stood were strenuous enough.
Not giving you a chance to defend yourself either, YUE plops down beside you, adding on, "You're so whipped for Jihyo, and you're not even dating yet. Maybe you should ask her out before your symptoms get any worse." You turn to YUE horrified that one of your oldest friends since your trainee days would turn on you like this. "Oh, don't give me that look. You are so into her, always have been. I'm saying this for your sake, believe me."
You can feel your face faltering, the look of horror and betrayal have yet to leave your face. You turn to Natsuki, your best friend and roommate from your trainee days, for any sort of help. Rather than providing any semblance of support, she shoots you a look that speaks for itself. That being, 'It's so sad that you can't see this when you're the one living it,' but settles on joining the teasing instead, "I'm sure Jihyo would love to be your girlfriend. It's pretty clear in that first photo compilation Eri showed me in the van." You don't even bother trying to get Soohyun or Hana on your side, especially when you can see them smiling to themselves about the whole ordeal.
You sigh, "You guys are unbelievable. Absolutely no respect for your leader. I'm going to nap before we have to leave for the schedule." You take a moment to settle comfortably on the couch, resting your head on Eri's shoulder, while waiting for Alice, Natsuki, Soohyun, and Hana to finish their hair and make-up. Something that's almost immediately redundant when your manager comes in to check on everyone, and suggests you do a VLive, handing you her phone, while waiting. Naturally, there were no objections from Energy Pill Eri. YUE didn’t seem to mind the idea either, and everyone else was too busy getting hair and make-up done to be concerned. Pulling yourself up, you get the app open. "Alright, everyone look pretty for the camera."
After a few attempts at trying to connect, the three of you are live from the salon's couch. "Shine Bright! Hello everyone, we are éclipse!" You all greet the camera enthusiastically. It didn't take very long for you the stream to start filling up with your fans.
As the one holding the camera, and the leader, you took responsibility for starting up the Live, "Hey guys! Good morning~ The sun hasn't even fully risen yet, and you're all already up? I wish I could wake up that easily."
"You only have a hard time waking up because you're too much of a night owl," YUE throws back teasingly, "Someone needs to just go to bed after our schedules instead of spending it texting another darling leader."
While you're not shocked that YUE knew that you had been exchanging late night texts with Jihyo before bed, considering she is your current roommate, you are, however, absolutely shocked that she was daring enough to say it during a live stream.
"Oh! The comments are speeding up!" Eri speaks up amazed. She takes a moment to read the comments speeding by and laughs a little, "Do you guys wanna know who Y/N's been texting? Oh! No way, someone guessed it!" Lo and behold there were a handful of people shouting 'Is it Jihyo?' and 'S/N?!?,' amongst other guesses, in the chat. You're about to defend yourself when Eri speaks up, "Some of you have it right, but I think this is our leader’s little secret."
With a breath of relief, you snuggle into Eri as a thank you. "I have a few other idol friends, but naturally the members are the best!" You punctuate the end of your sentence with a kiss to Eri's cheek, and you switch from snuggling Eri's arm to YUE's instead. The chat continues to speed by, especially with fans gushing over the fanservice. You're not sure exactly what the biggest ship for you in group for you was, or if you had much of a ship with these two, but your distraction successfully just saved you from some hot water.
The VLive goes on for another twenty minutes before everyone was finished up, and those twenty minutes went off without a hitch. The three of you dropped a few spoilery hints, answered fan questions, shot a few of the members getting make up done, and hyped up a little bit of fanservice here and there. Overall, the Live seemed successful enough, but it wasn't until you were in the van headed to Music Bank did you receive a congratulation on a successful Live.
JiJi♥: Someone was really cute on this morning's VLive~
You smile without realizing when you saw Jihyo's contact name light up your phone. You also don't notice the how the other members are smirking at you while you're too absorbed in responding to Jihyo.
Y/N: Hmmmm, was it me?
JiJi♥: I was talking about Eri, but I guess you're cute too
JiJi♥: Attachment 1 Image
You open up the image to see Jihyo blowing you a kiss while getting ready to MC at Music Bank. You decide to pull Eri into a selca with you, and after effectively capturing Eri's energy filled radiance and your jealous pout in a photo, you sit back in your seat and send off the photo.
Y/N: Attachment 1 Image
Y/N: I am just as cute as she is (>~<)
JiJi♥: kekeke, I was just kidding. You're definitely the cutest ♥
You could feel your breath catch, and you're almost certain your heart stopped briefly. From the back seat you could hear Eri snicker, but you didn't pay any attention to it. You were too far gone on Cloud Nine to be bothered by any amount of teasing that was about to come. You take a moment to consider what the other members were teasing you about this morning. Maybe they were right, well, a small part of you already knew they were right. You developed a small crush on Jihyo when you started becoming friends which ultimately grew as time passed, instead of dying off like you had hoped. You type a few messages and delete them, not sure about what you should say, and as if to save you from it you feel your phone vibrate with a new message.
JiJi♥: It looks like they need me now, I'll see you soon ^^
You lean back into the seat, and take measured breaths to control your heart. You couldn't help how Jihyo made you feel, and you weren't exactly trying to get over her either. You were content with your relationship at hand, and if that’s all you get, then that's all you get. You weren't going to let your feelings jeopardize your friendship in any way, but you figured it was healthier to ride out these feelings instead if fighting them.
Y/N: Yeah, I'll see you soon, Jihyo-rang~
Arriving at Music Bank, you and the members split up into teams to efficiently pay respect to your seniors. After greeting all your seniors in their dressing rooms and handing out copies of your album to everyone, you and the members finally managed to get settled into éclipse's dressing room. You can hear everyone let out a small huff as they sit down.
It's almost as if Eri is your designated éclipse buddy for the day as you find her quietly snuggled into your side flipping through her phone. You don’t mind it though. You are close with all of the members, and you always feel a little more comfortable doing what you do when another member is with you. Not to mention, Eri's energy is highly infectious, which will probably be a good thing for a comeback stage. Though right now, it seems like all the running around has finally worn her out a little bit.
"Oh my god! Y/N! Look!" Or maybe not. Eri pulls herself up, and shoves her phone in your face.
"Jeez, Eri, slow your roll sweetheart." You back up a bit letting your eyes adjust to the screen in front of you. You can feel your eyes widen as you take hold of Eri's phone. It was a reply to that popular tweet from y/n-hearteu3 Eri showed you this morning, a reply from Jihyo's official twitter. A tweet Eri has already liked and retweeted you had also noticed.
Park Jihyo @godjihyo Anything for my favourite rookie ♥ ^^
"(^-^)/ @y/n-hearteu3 Y/N looks sooooo in love after she realized who grabbed her hand. Jihyo please take care of our leader! Attachment 1 Video"
"You're her favourite rookie! Leader, you have to ask her out! It's a crime against us all for this ship not to sail!" Eri flops back onto you dramatically. "I want Jihyo to be our leader-in-law," she says with a wistful sigh.
You never want to get your hopes up about something small like this, especially when you can barely contain your feelings as they are. "We're close friends, and I'm the only rookie she spends time with, other than you guys, it's not a confession or anything. Let's not get too excited about it," you say, but you aren't just going to let the moment slip past you.
Y/N L/N @dancedanceleader @godjihyo ♥ Attachment 1 Image
Attached was a selca you had just took specifically for this tweet. It was a photo of you winking with your fingers making a heart, and in the corner of the pic you can see a little bit of Eri snuggled into you. You're about to lean back when you feel your phone buzz with a notification that someone you're following tweeted.
Erika Louise Park @cheekyparky that feeling when youre in the shot but no one notices, thx fam Attachment 1 Image
In the attached image was a selca of Eri, snuggled into you, pouting with the words "leader please notice me or go sailing with me later" captioned onto the photo. You couldn't help, but break into laughter after reading her caption. "I can't make a ship sail on my own sweetheart," you say between bouts of laughter.
"You could at least try," she mutters. At this point you're more than certain that Eri is more upset that you're not dating Jihyo, rather than being an accessory in a selca.
There's a knock on the door, and one of your managers pops his head in to tell you that the group needs to get going now. Looks like you're up next. You usher the rest of the members out first, then making your way to the front to lead. You're all standing behind the stage now, watching a newbie group finish their Goodbye Stage. After they get ushered off, you can see Jihyo and Wendy begin to introduce éclipse. You couldn't hear what they were saying, but you could definitely see them actively gushing, presumably, about the new concept and sound.
"It's time to get out there! Make it a comeback worth remembering!" Your favourite manager ushers you and the members out.
Taking your positions, you breathe deeply to settle your nerves. The music cues up and you can feel the adrenaline start pumping through your veins. It was a much harder hitting song than éclipse has ever done before, but it only pushed you and the dance line to be more precise and clean, while not losing that wild edge. Even though, sometimes you weren't sure if you were idol material, with your weak vocals, and your insecurities about your image and charm, when it was time for you to dance, you're more than certain that you are the star of the stage. If you weren't charming, then your dancing was. Despite the loud music, you could hear your fans in the background.
Y/N!               Y/N!               Y/N!               Y/N!               Y/N!               Y/N!                   
Before you knew it, the stage ended with mass amounts of cheering and crazily waved light sticks. You now find yourself standing with the rest of éclipse awaiting the results of today's Music Bank win. Even though, you know éclipse can't start winning until next week, you're still kind of hoping that you can hear Jihyo call out éclipse. 'Next week,' you tell yourself. If you keep working hard, maybe next week, you can hear Jihyo call out éclipse and hand you the trophy.
It's announced that a long time senior group just won their first win, and you can't help but smile. You remember that unbelievable feeling of getting your first win. You're more than happy for them, and your members seems to share the same sentiment, evidenced by the loud clapping coming from your group. All groups are filing off stage to let the winners have their encore moment, and you're just about on the stairs when you feel someone's hand slip into yours. You can feel your fingers intertwine, and without looking you already know who it is.
"How's my favourite leader of all time?" You ask her teasingly as you make way to your dressing room.
"Much better now that I can see this cute face in person. I saved that selca you posted, by the way. It's my lockscreen now, but it's too bad there is not more Eri in it," Jihyo throws back with a wink.
"Are you sure I'm your favourite rookie. I'm getting the impression that you like Eri better," you laugh.
"Of course, you are," she smiles at you genuinely, "Are we still going to coffee tomorrow? Your schedules must be so hectic right now."
You both stop in front of éclipse's open dressing room door. Although Jihyo hasn't noticed, you are doing your very best to ignore your members' half-baked attempt to 'look, but not look' at the two of you. "It's a little busy, but our schedules don't start until the afternoon tomorrow, so I have some time to myself, and I'd much rather spend it with you," you flash a smile and throw in a wink for good measure. As a foreign idol you are more open than others, which more often than not led to others considering you a little bit of a flirt because of it. You went along with it when it came up, and somewhere along the line, it started being true. Coming back to the conversation at hand, what you said wasn't entirely a lie, most of it was true, but you were definitely underplaying how busy you actually were.
"Don't strain yourself," Jihyo pouts at you, "I'm an idol too. I know how it works. Take care of yourself, okay?" You nod slowly. "I'll see you tomorrow morning then." She smiles at you and turns to walk off to her next schedule, while you stand in the same spot watching her disappear from you sight. Once Jihyo was clear of the area, you feel a smile creep onto your face, and the warm feeling you have in your heart hasn't dissipated either. You turn to walk into the dressing room to help the girls get ready to move onto the next schedule, but before you can even take a step Eri was standing in the doorway, beaming at you. Looking behind her, all the other members seem to have similar, albeit more amused, expressions on their faces.
"Jihyo's going to be our leader-in-law," she sings, with eyes brighter than the sun. You smile at her silliness, and slip around her instead of addressing her delusional statement.
"Okay, if everyone remembers properly, we all have two photoshoots to do, followed by a showcase, and we have albums to sign once we get back to the dorm tonight, so let's not keep the managers waiting, and let's go." You start ushering the members from their spots, and quickly cleaning up after them.
"Yeah, everyone, we need to make this go as quick as possible. Our leader has a very nice date tomorrow, so let's make this day go by as fast as possible," Natsuki says to the group in the same tone as your "leader voice." You scoff a little, and even more so after that statement caused the rest of the group to cheer and applaud.
"Alright, alright, okay, let's go now," you say pushing the members out of the room.
It's nearly one in the morning and all the members are spread across the living room floor signing albums. To make it easier to keep track of albums that you've all signed, the lot of you are laying in a circle according to birth order, with the exception of Hana who, for whatever reason, wanted to switch spots with you. Causing the line-up to start with Soohyun then moving onto Alice, YUE, Natsuki, Hana, you, and finally Eri.
There's about seventy albums left to sign before you all can retire for the night, and you just want it all to be over already. You're both thankful and mildly annoyed, lying next to Eri. You have no idea where she gets her energy from, but luckily for you, she helps keep you awake. Unluckily for you, the signing process is interrupted every few albums by Eri sliding her phone over to you with some kind of S/N post, or comment, or tweet. After the first half hour, the two of you fell into a routine. About every two or three albums, Eri will slide her phone over to you, and once you give it a good once over you slide it back. If it happens to be a good post you'll find yourself cracking a smile, or even better making a comment, which in turn makes Eri's album signing abilities heighten. You take a moment to wonder that it would be like, being motivated to be productive by a ship.
Over the course of the night you've seen way more ship comments about yourself then you ever could've imagined. A few of your favourites being:
nananatsuki @mooonphase Welcome to international snake day, where you can see our beloved leader, Y/N, snake around with Eri, YUE, and Twice's Jihyo
(ᅌᴗᅌ✿) @flowerprincesshana Bias wrecker Y/N is apparently also lemme steal yo girl Y/N. #EriTsuki #YUHyun #SheLegitStoleTwice'sLeader
sowonce @twiceshidae I would like to formally thank éclipse's Y/N for finally giving Jihyo a ship
sowonce @twiceshidae #blessed #todaywasagoodday Attached 8 Images
All of which were fancam screenshots of Jihyo taking your hand as you left the stage, you helping her down the stairs, and the two of you walking off hand in hand.
Yu-Jeong♥Alice @éclipseinWonderland @y/n-hearteu3 how are we not talking about this?????? #VLive Attached 6 Images
You smile, impressed that your fans have already started screencapping that morning’s VLive.
"Yu-Jeong♥Alice @éclipseinWonderland @y/n-hearteu3 how are we not talking about this?????? #VLive Attached 6 Images"
(^-^)/ @y/n-hearteu3 Let's give it up for S/N’s #1 Shipper, President Eri Park Attachment 2 Images
This one was the most recent tweet Eri had showed you, and you actually had halted the album signing chain for a good five minutes while you were draping yourself over Eri, laughing. The text was enough to have you rolling, but the pictures are what killed you. The first image was a screenshot of Eri at the moment you looked up a Jihyo with, admittedly, a huge smile on your face. The second one is a zoomed in pic of Eri at the exact same moment from a better fancam, and she looks so elated, like she just saw the most beautiful thing of her life. She was stopped completely in her tracks, absolutely slack jawed, her eyes wider than you thought possible, hands clasped in front of her chest, and the best part was how concerned Natsuki looked about it, all the while YUE looked absolutely exhausted.
Coming back to the present, you're still absent mindedly signing albums. It's a little past one-forty in the morning now, there's only fifteen more albums to sign, and all the members are hyper-focused on the task at hand. Even Eri has stopped trying to show you posts since about twelve albums ago. You push forward with the mantra that the sooner you finish the signing, the sooner you get to see Jihyo. Also sleep, you suppose.
No matter how many times you’ve been here, you're still a little intimidated walking into the JYP Entertainment building. In your earliest days, all you wanted was to be a JYP trainee, but alas, JYP's global auditions, of course, did not come to your area. In the end, you ended up getting scouted from your dance cover videos on YouTube, by an up and coming entertainment company. You weren’t so sure about heading to a foreign country for a small company with little chance of debut, but in the end all companies start out somewhere, and maybe if you were lucky, you could transfer companies if it wasn’t working out. This small entertainment company was a better chance at your dreams, than continuing to dance at a small dance studio in the middle of nowhere.
There's a small part of you that’s a little disappointed that you never ended up being a JYP trainee or artist, but ultimately, you're doing great as you are, and you love your group and your members far too much to imagine being anywhere else. Plus, as Jihyo's friend and “favourite rookie,” as she puts it, you get to the walk around inside pretty freely. By now, most of everyone who works in the lobby knows who you are, aside from knowing you as that rookie idol, and so it’s not a surprise when you walk in and everyone there greets you warmly.
You had arrived about twenty minutes early, having overestimated the travel time, and as much as you love her, you had to get away from Eri’s constant “Don’t forget to bring leader-in-law over soon, have fun on your coffee date!” You figure having two coffees today wouldn’t be such a bad idea anyway as you step into the JYP's in-building café. You’re about to head up to the counter, when you feel a tap on you shoulder. Turning around, you’re standing face to face with JYP, the man himself, waving at you with that signature J.Y. smile on his face.
You are taken aback for a moment before you bow and say your hello. You’ve only met JYP once before when you were with Jihyo. Although you were pretty calm that first time, it's another thing all together to be with him alone, especially considering how much you wanted to be one of his artists.
“It's good to see you again. I heard that you would be here today, I’m glad I ran into you,” he walks up to the counter with you, “Could I join you for a while until Jihyo arrives?”
“Of course,” is all you manage to get out. He smiles and nods, and it's silent for a while until you sit down at a table with him, coffee in hand. "So," you take a sip, "why was it that you were hoping to bump into me?"
JY places down his coffee and clears his throat, "I had heard your comeback song the day it came out, about a week ago. Anyone who ran into Jihyo that day was forced to listen to it," he lets out a small chuckle, "I have to admit it's a really good song, and it's doing well on the charts too. I was more shocked when Jihyo told me you produced it. I had to look it up, I was so surprised. It's amazing."
"Thank you so much, that means a lot coming from you," you say a little too quickly. Even if you had put the JYP trainee dream behind you, a compliment from one of the top producers in the industry about your own production skills is more than you could've hoped for.
"No need for that, you did well, so keep working hard," you find yourself nodding to him before you had even realized, "I wanted to catch you today for two reasons. First off, I've been speaking with your company. They have you signed as an artist, but not as a producer. I've worked out most of the details with them, all that's left is to work it out with you. What you produced is amazing for not only a rookie artist, but as a rookie producer too. I want you signed under JYP as a producer," he tells you with upmost sincerity, "If you decide to sign with us, you will be signing a joint management contract. You'll still be an artist under your company, a member of éclipse, but you will produce music for both your company and JYP Entertainment, under my guidance." You thought you were hiding your shock fairly well, but JY saw right through you.
"I know this is a big decision," he goes on, "and you can have as much time as you want to think about it. I just would like to have you as a producer sooner rather than later."
"Thank you for this opportunity," you say, still a little star struck, "I will have to talk it over with my members and the company, before I give you an answer, thank you for your patience." You give a little bit of a bow, as much as you can manage sitting down.
"Talk it over with your members? That's a good quality for a leader. I'm getting a little jealous of your CEO for catching you first," he lets out a dramatic sigh. "But I did say there are two things I wanted to speak with you about. I heard from some rumours floating around the company that you're dating Jihyo-" you could feel your eyes widen. Dear God, you nearly just dropped your coffee all over yourself. "-I'm not upset about it, but Jihyo is on a dating ban for another year. She's not the kind of person who would let her relationship interfere with work, so I will turn a blind eye regardless, but if you sign with me, I will lift the ban for the Twice members, as a little signing bonus." JYP takes a good look at you, and laughs, "Are you okay? There's no need to be so nervous, from what I can tell you treat her very well.”
"I-uh I'm, I'm not dating Jihyo," you managed to stutter out slowly.
You’ve never been good at gauging JYP's expressions, even if it was only on TV, but at this very moment, you’re surer than sure that you just shocked the life out of him. “You’re not dating Jihyo?” he exclaims loudly. And you’ve never been so thankful you don’t have these coffee dates in public. You nod slowly, unsure of yourself now. “Really?” You nod again just as slow. He lets out a few deep breaths. He flounders a little bit with his words, not fully getting anything out. “No way! I was so sure. Jihyo always seems so much happier when she comes back from being with you, and all those little-” He waves his arms and hands sporadically as if to indicate something “-moments. Like yesterday! The PR team was relishing in the free hype Twice got from Twitter.” JYP looks absolutely defeated when he looks at you, and you think to yourself about how he and Eri would probably get along phenomenally.
“I’m not dating Jihyo, but I wouldn’t be against it,” you say slowly and quietly.
You can see his face light up at the thought, and he goes back to his excited self. “Oh, yes, yes, good, you do your best, okay? The signing bonus is still on the table then!”
JYP's excitement is interrupted by your phone’s buzzing. The screen lights up to show a message from Jihyo, of course, on top of a selca of Jihyo kissing your cheek that you had set as your lock screen. You never thought much about it, but you can’t really blame anyone for thinking that there was something going on between you and Jihyo. You take a peek at your phone then at JYP and he's gesturing excitedly for you to answer.
JiJi♥: Just outside the building. See you soon ^^
Y/N: Perfect, I’m already here, see you in a bit (^.~)
“I’m sure Jihyo is on the way, so I’ll get out of your way. Let me take this for you,” he blurts out rapidly as he cleans up the table. “It was nice talking with you. This is my personal cell,” he scribbles a number onto the back of his business card, “let me know if you need anything or if you want to work something out with the contract.”
Standing up to see him off, you also are sure to let him know, “Thank you for the offer. I will look into it, and reply promptly.” You take a small pause, then press on, “And thank you for your support with Jihyo.”
“Of course. I hope I didn’t make you feel pressured into anything. The contract will be on the table indefinitely, and as for Jihyo, in all of Jihyo's ten years here, she's never been so happy with another person. I don’t know you very well, something I hope will change, but I do know, actually everyone who works here knows that you make Jihyo very happy. If things work out in that direction for the two of you, you have my blessing. Now, I’m going to slip out before Jihyo catches me.” He says, quickly making his way out of the café, and into the elevator.
“Thank you, take care!” You call out after him.
You decided to just wait at the café's entrance for Jihyo. A good move on your part, considering it took a grand total of three minutes for Jihyo to come up to the café. You shared your greetings with hugs, and made your way inside. Now, you’re sitting at Jihyo's favourite booth, letting your drink to cool a bit.
Jihyo's been telling you about how the Twice members are doing, and how the members are still working a non-stop, even though they just finished their comeback stage. Jihyo's doing Music Bank, Nayeon's singing for an OST, Dahyun got cast in a mini-drama, Tzuyu is taking two days off to go visit her parents, and the rest of the members are making variety appearances for the most part, but there might be some things in the works that you’re not allowed to know yet.
“How are you doing? We’ve spent the last fifteen minutes talking about Twice, you haven’t even told me how promotions are going yet.” Jihyo says, leaning in slightly closer.
“Everything is going well, we're still getting enough sleep for now,” you laugh a little, “it's just the basic promotion stuff. We are doing a few variety shows and radio appearances as group then we're get split up into random shows and appearances.” You think it over to see if there was anything you missed, “Oh! Soohyun and I will be doing a special stage with the dance lines from some other groups, but who’s in it is not confirmed yet.”
“Momo just got an offer like that! I’ll be looking forward to it, don’t let Momo out dance you,” she says winking at you.
“Momo is a dancing mo-chine, how do I beat that?” Despite the bad pun, Jihyo is laughing really hard. You take this moment to take a sip of your still overly hot cappuccino. Sometime between your second and third sip Jihyo has collected herself. You're bringing the cup down from your lips when you hear the clicking of Jihyo's phone.
“You’re so cute, look at you,” she says, showing you the photo on her screen. It really was a cute photo of you barely looking at the phone with the cup just under your lips, and foam covering the tip of your upper lip. You pout and wipe the foam off your lip.
“How rude. Here I am enjoying a cappuccino, and to be attacked like this. I cannot believe my dearest, Jihyo, would do this to me,” you draw on dramatically.
“I did more than that,” she says then stuck her tongue out at you. You're about to ask what she means, but your phone answers that before you get a chance.
Park Jihyo @godjihyo How cute ♥ My favourite rookie @dancedanceleader Attachment 1 Image
“You did not,” you gasped. Jihyo looks incredibly smug and proud of herself, in between her laughter, and in that moment, you come up with an idea.
You turn on your phone camera, setting it to the front camera, then you took a large sip of your cappuccino. Just as Jihyo was starting straighten herself out, you slip out of your side of the booth into hers, snapping a selca of you kissing, and getting foam onto, Jihyo's cheek. Jihyo looks absolutely scandalized, and it’s exactly what you wanted.
Y/N L/N @dancedanceleader You got a little something @godjihyo Attachment 1 Image
Jihyo pouts at you, and you're fairly sure she's about to use aegyo on you to take down the pic, when out of nowhere she swipes up foam from your cup and bops you on the nose. You're too shell-shocked to respond, and by the time you do, she's already taken two pictures and they're uploading onto her page.
Park Jihyo @godjihyo So do you @dancedanceleader #SurprisedY/NIsACuteY/N Attachment 2 Images
You're about to retaliate when Jihyo sips the last of her drink and slips under the table. She's half way through the café, by the time you finish chugging your lukewarm cappuccino. She winks at you, and dashes out of the café entrance, and you're left in her dust.
"Yah, Park Jihyo! What kind of leader abandons a rookie like this?" You yell jokingly after her. You quickly clean up after yourself, and begin the chase. You manage to pursue her for a bit, before you completely lose her in the unfamiliar halls of JYP Entertainment. You've been here quite a bit over the course of your friendship with Jihyo, but you never really explored any area that wasn't used for lounging. You're wandering pretty aimlessly down the halls, and you're slightly concerned you're going to get kicked out by security if you act too out of place.
Park Jihyo @godjihyo Can you find me? @dancedanceleader Attachment 1 Image
You feel like buzz of your phone, and you can't help but feel a little provoked. Jihyo had just posted a selca of herself standing somewhere in the JYP building that you don't recognize. You briefly make a consideration, but it seems a little petty, and there's really no reason to use his personal number for–
Park Jihyo @godjihyo Kekeke, are you having a hard time? @dancedanceleader Attachment 1 Image
Now, it's on. Jihyo posted, yet another selca, of her sticking her tongue out at the camera, while blatantly standing in front of a 'Recording Booth 2-A’ sign. A sign that gave away her location, if it weren't for the fact that you had no idea where that was. You barely even know where you are now, just enough to know how to retrace back to the café and out of the building. You pull out your phone, and dial a number you didn't think you were going to be calling so soon.
"PD-nim, are you busy right now?"
"Are you calling me so I can help you find Jihyo?" Busted.
"I'll come find you. Post a selca of your location, JY out." Click.
You're not sure whether you're more surprised in yourself for calling JYP for such a ridiculous reason, or in JYP being on board after a ten second phone call. You take a moment to take in your surroundings, before finding the most location-giving landmark to take a selca next to.
Y/N L/N @dancedanceleader I feel like I'm four and I just lost my parents at the market Attachment 1 Image
Park Jihyo @godjihyo Look who I found~ Attachment 1 Image
Moments after you made your post, your phone lights up with a notification for Jihyo's post. Looks like she's at one of the practice rooms now, where she found Sana and Momo. You huff, had you known Momo was in the building right now, you could've stole her for your team. You and Momo have done a few special stages together, and you have bonded over your mutual love of dance, paving way to a close friendship, even if it's not near Jihyo's. You suppose its fine, because your one team member owns the company, so really, you're at the advantage.
"Y/N, quickly this way!" JYP yells out as he runs past you, barely giving you any time to react, but you found yourself running before thinking about it. "The practice room she's in is down the stairwell, to the left!"
"Got it, Boss!" You do a little salute he can't see, and start picking up your pace more. You're so focused on your own running that you didn't notice that JYP had slowed down a little, until you get a notification.
J.Y. Park @followjyp She's coming for you @godjihyo Attachment 1 Image
It looks like he took a moment to snap a photo of a blurry you dashing down the stairwell. You let out a small laugh after taking a peek at your phone. It also seems like JYP's tweet caught a lot of attention, because there's suddenly an influx of tweets directed at you, Jihyo, or JYP.
Erika Louise Park @cheekyparky YOU CAN DO IT LEADER DO IT FOR ÉCLIPSE @dancedanceleader
Minatozaki Sana @sunshinesoul Run Jihyo Run! Attachment 1 Video
Attached was a short clip of Jihyo gasping after, presumably, reading the tweets and running out of the practice room in the opposite direction of you. You push on faster, with JYP not far behind, running past the practice room.
Hirai Momo @momochi Y/N dances faster than lightning but (*〇□〇)……!she runs even faster Attachment 1 Video
Minatozaki Sana @sunshinesoul Please pray for our leader's soul
"Hirai Momo @momochi Y/N dances faster than lightning but (*〇□〇)……!she runs even faster Attachment 1 Video"
Surprisingly, this game of cat and mouse doesn't end moments after this. No, it continues on for another twenty minutes when you finally catch Jihyo on the roof of the building after blocking off all other pathways. You might be fast, but Jihyo is slippery, not to mention she kept getting more team members faster than you. In the end, she had Jeongyeon, Nayeon, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu, and Taecyeon on her side, whereas you had JYP, Mina, Nichkhun, and after winning them over, Sana and Momo. Eventually, this game spread around the building, and there were now spectators placing bets about whether or not you could catch Jihyo under half an hour, leading to people shouting hints and red herrings at you.
At the end of it all, you still had some time to kill so you ended up going for a short drive with Jihyo in the company car you borrowed for the day. She ended up falling asleep in the passenger seat, and you let her stay like that for fifteen minutes, before you had to wake her up so you could meet up with the members and go to your schedule.
Y/N L/N @dancedanceleader Sleep tight~~ ♥ Attachment 1 Image
In a surprising turn of events, you finally have a day off after endless schedule and promotions for the last two months. éclipse ended up with way more wins than you had expected, including the coveted Triple Crown on M!Countdown. The members cried a lot during that win, almost as much as your first win, but as the leader you did your best to keep composure even if you did let out a few tears. You wrapped up promotions for the album that following week, but you were still booked solid for appearances on all sorts of radio programs, fansigns, and variety shows. Especially after your game of "Hide and Go Chase" with Jihyo became a top search entry, and in the end, after being picked up by several celebrity news portals, many fans wanted to see you and Jihyo on Running Man. It was a major topic for days, and even weeks later you were still getting asked about it on your appearances.
It also made way for some rumours to start floating around about you and your reason for being at JYPE aside from visiting Jihyo. A few of them being: You leaving éclipse to join a new JYP girl group, you leaving éclipse to work at JYP in general, éclipse doing a collaboration with Twice, your company getting bought out by JYPE, and lastly, the rumour closest to the truth, you double signing with JYPE. It took a whole month for you to work out the details in between promotions and appearances, but once it was all worked out, you started immediately with the production of GOT7's new mini-album under the guidance of JYP.
Even though the album is still in production, you did manage to get a day off, and of course, you would never specifically ask to have the same day off as Jihyo, but when the big man offers, you can't really say no. Much like any day with Jihyo, it starts with a coffee date at the in-building café. The both of you are tired from the endless amounts of work lately, so at the moment you're just cuddling in Jihyo's favourite booth with your drinks still too hot to drink on the table.
Over the last two months, you've been thinking a lot about your relationship with Jihyo. Two months ago, you could've sworn that you would be okay with the friendship you had with her, but now you're not too sure anymore. As JYP had promised, he silently lifted Twice's dating ban when you signed to JYPE, and you had never really used Jihyo's dating ban as much of a reason to not start anything, but now that it's gone you feel as if there was an invisible obstacle removed from your path.
Though you know in truth, what's standing in your way is your fear to let something change what you have, or more specifically, to take it away. Even though, on multiple occasions you've had to dismiss dating rumours, and have been told that you would look good together if you were. Even Nayeon, the member most against S/N, has come around to it, telling you that 'you make Jihyo really happy, and if you're smart you'll know Jihyo wants exactly what you do.' At the time, you were okay with just being friends, so you didn't think much of it, but here you are holding Jihyo in your arms in the middle of the JYP building, and you just want to call her your girlfriend.
You reach for your coffee and take a slow sip. A deep breath. "Hey Jihyo?"
"Do you want to go on a coffee date with me?" You mentally kick yourself, way to think outside of the box, not.
Jihyo laughs and peers up at you, "Isn't that what we're doing right now?"
"No. I mean, that is what we're doing right now, but what I'm saying is," you take another deep breath, "Park Jihyo, will you go on a coffee date with me, as my girlfriend?"
There's a long pause. The tension in the air is slowly getting thicker. You can feel your hands start to shake. Your heart is beating far too loudly. Your mouth feels incredibly dry, and your lungs keep craving more air no matter how many breaths you take. Jihyo's expression shifts from an initial shock, to a comprehension of what's happening, and your hoping with everything you have that what you just did wasn't a mistake.
Jihyo lets out a small hum, and goes back to leaning into your hold. "First dates are always so tense, so let's call this our first," she says slowly.  She shifts again, laying her head down on her arms on the table so she can see you. A moment passes as you process her words. Did she mean what you think she means, or are you just getting ahead of yourself? As if she could hear your thoughts, she goes on, "I would love to go on another coffee date with you, as your girlfriend."
You can feel a smile break out across your face before you can control yourself. You don't have any words to explain or describe your thoughts and feelings so you settle with leaning down to press a kiss to Jihyo's forehead. You're looking forward to your next coffee date even if it takes weeks to come, because next time, there won't be any secret feelings, just a nice date with your girlfriend.
In an unforeseen turn of events JYP Entertainment has announced a new change to Twice's dating policy. Previously, the members of Twice were under a strict 'no dating' policy, better known as the dating ban. The ban was to continue until October 20, 2018, however JYPE has revoked the policy over a year in advance. The announcement was made the latest JYP Nation press conference, in conjunction with announcements for the upcoming JYP Nation concerts. JYPE has also revealed that the new policy has already been instated for four months as of the conference. This has fans speculating whether the cause of the revoke is to avoid punishing a member who's in a relationship. There are many fan theories floating around about certain members dating other idols, however nothing has been confirmed by JYPE as of yet.'
Yu-Jeong♥Alice @éclipseinWonderland Crossing my fingers
Yu-Jeong♥Alice @éclipseinWonderland @y/n-hearteu3 You don't think it could be? http://k-newsnet.com/twice-dating-ban-ammendment
(^-^)/ @y/n-hearteu3 @éclipseinWonderland Don't you play with my S/N heart (>_<)
"Yu-Jeong♥Alice @éclipseinWonderland @y/n-hearteu3 You don't think it could be? http://k-newsnet.com/twice-dating-ban-ammendment"
nananatsuki @mooonphase I don't see anyone else mentioning this, but four months ago is also when Y/N signed with JYPE #suspicious
Erika Louise Park @cheekyparky Our sleepy leaders w/ @kimdububu @dancedanceleader @godjihyo Attachment 1 Image
Kim Dahyun @kimdububu Aw, they hold hands when they sleep w/ @cheekyparky @dancedanceleader @godjihyo Attachment 1 Image
sowonce @twiceshidae omg, they're cuddling #S/N I'm just so
"Erika Louise Park @cheekyparky Our sleepy leaders w/ @kimdububu @dancedanceleader @godjihyo Attachment 1 Image"
(^-^)/ @y/n-hearteu3 Thank you, President Eri Park *salute*
nananatsuki @mooonphase Has anyone else noticed that our snake leader has settled down? Kekeke (ring and pinky but whatevs) Attachment 4 Images
"Kim Dahyun @kimdububu Aw, they hold hands when they sleep w/ @cheekyparky @dancedanceleader @godjihyo Attachment 1 Image"
"nananatsuki @mooonphase Has anyone else noticed that our snake leader has settled down? Kekeke (ring and pinky but whatevs) Attachment 4 Images"
Fans and insiders have spotted Twice's Leader Park Jihyo, sneaking away after a fansign, possibly to a date. As accounted by witnesses, Jihyo took a separate vehicle from the other members after saying their goodbye. While the vehicle started heading in the same direction, it split off to another path down the road. This is an odd occurrence, as there were no confirmed solo schedules for Jihyo that day. JYPE and Jihyo have yet to make a comment or an official statement on the matter.'
(ᅌᴗᅌ✿) @flowerprincesshana y'all can i just mention that Y/N was also missing from éclipses vlive that same evening
nananatsuki @mooonphase @flowerprincesshana I mean they did say that Y/N was sleeping. They didn't wake her up because it wasn't a planned live and she needs rest
"(ᅌᴗᅌ✿) @flowerprincesshana y'all can i just mention that Y/N was also missing from éclipses vlive that same evening"
(ᅌᴗᅌ✿) @flowerprincesshana @mooonphase shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, our leader has found love #S/N
"nananatsuki @mooonphase @flowerprincesshana I mean they did say that Y/N was sleeping. They didn't wake her up because it wasn't a planned live and they need rest"
nananatsuki @mooonphase @flowerprincesshana lol it would be good for our snake leader to settle down
"(ᅌᴗᅌ✿) @flowerprincesshana @mooonphase shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, our leader has found love #S/N"
As speculated by many fans over the past few months, Twice's Jihyo and éclipse's Y/N have been confirmed, by both companies, to be dating. S/N, the name given to Jihyo and Y/N to represent their bond, and has been a growing "ship" even before they met, when Y/N said the girl group member she wants to get closer to was Jihyo. While S/N has been "sailing" since Twice's and éclipse's crossover promotion period last year, over the last few months fans have noticed more between the two starting with Jihyo being spotted sneaking out to a secret date, at the same time that Y/N was noted to be missing from an éclipse VLive. Fans have also noticed that the two have couple rings, as seen in the photos posted by éclipse's Eri and Twice's Dahyun.
IMAGE 001.JPG          IMAGE 002.JPG          IMAGE 003.JPG          IMAGE 004.JPG
As pictured above, Y/N and Jihyo are wearing matching rings despite the finger placement. Jihyo's ring sitting on her left pinky finger, whereas Y/N's sits on her right ring finger. Whether or not the rings are actually couple rings are still unknown, but S/N has been confirmed. Fans can now rejoice in what is known to be one of the biggest speculations come true in a long time.
Below the cut are the official statements released by JYPE and Solstice Entertainment.
"We have been approached on multiple accounts regarding the relationship status of éclipse's Y/N. We have spoken to her about the situation, and we have been told that she is indeed dating Twice's Jihyo. It will be noted, unlike many other companies, we do not enforce a dating ban, and this relationship is completely within her right to pursue. Y/N has assured us that their work will not be affected. As such we ask fans to please accept this information, and please continue to support Y/N and éclipse in the future.
Thank you, Solstice Entertainment"
"On behalf of Twice and Jihyo, we, JYP Entertainment, are releasing a fully detailed account of Jihyo's dating rumours. We have spoken to Jihyo regarding her status, and she has confirmed that she is dating éclipse's Y/N. As we are told, their relationship is going well and will have no negative effects on Jihyo's work or Twice.
In regards to rumours discussing the policy was due to avoiding Jihyo's punishment for breaking the dating ban, it will also be noted that their relationship has only begun two months prior to this statement, putting her well past the dating policy change. The change was a negotiated move in order to sign éclipse's Y/N, as a JYP Entertainment's exclusive producer. At the point of negotiation and signing, they were not dating, however were getting closer, as such, under review of the Twice members work habits, the policy was changed.
Please continue to send your love and support to Jihyo and Y/N. Thank you for your understanding. We hope that fans can accept this quickly, and show their continued support to the two as individual artists and as a couple.
Thank you, JYP Entertainment."’
nananatsuki @mooonphase R.I.P Snake Y/N jokes, you will be missed
(ᅌᴗᅌ✿)@flowerprincesshana Get yourself someone who will fight your dating ban to be with you. They are actual #relationshipgoals
(^-^)/ @y/n-hearteu3 #BLESSED MY #S/N DREAMS HAVE COME TRUE
Park Jihyo @godjihyo They are. 1 Month Anniversary Gift. Pinky for Promise Attachment 1 Image
Y/N L/N @dancedanceleader Ring Finger, because I’m hers Attachment 1 Image
Yu-Jeong♥Alice @éclipseinWonderland I’M SCREAMING OMG TWO REPLIES FROM S/N ABOUT S/N
Erika Louise Park @cheekyparky @y/n-hearteu3 Tell me about it! Look at them make heart eyes at each other backstage Attachment 1 Image
(^-^)/ @y/n-hearteu3 God bless. I am so thankful. My lord and saviour, President Eri Park
S/N, the K-Pop power couple consisting of Twice's Jihyo and éclipse's Y/N, has just celebrated their 100 Day anniversary. The couple were confirmed to be dating a month ago by both of their companies, and have since taken the media by storm.
Last week, a scheduled VLive was announced via a teaser photo posted on the offcial JYPE instagram and twitter. The teaser photo showed S/N making a heart with their hands, with the captions "A Date With S/N" and "Coming Soon~".
The live, entitled #100DaysWithS/N, began with a shaky camera, manned by Jihyo, in Y/N's car at 12:00 PM KST today. They took each other, and fans, on a picnic date by the riverside where they fed each other, answered fan questions, and talked about their relationship. The live ran until 1:40 PM KST with many notable moments in between. In the following list we had included out favourite moments:
Jihyo making Y/N a flower crown
Jihyo confessing she had a crush on Y/N from the beginning, but was afraid was nervous because of Y/N's flirtatious nature
Y/N nearly dropping their sandwich in shock from Jihyo's confession
The walk by the riverside
Embarrassing Stories
Y/N composing a song for Jihyo, which she played for her under the bridge
Jihyo nearly crying from happiness
S/N spilling each other’s secrets
Playful flirting
We won't reveal anymore! For those of you who missed the live, the replay is available on the JYP Nation VLive page! Be sure to check it out, give your support, and let us know what you think in the comments!'
K-News Net @k-newsnetofficial @dancedanceleader @godjihyo http://k-newsnet.com/A-Date-With-S/N Anything you would like to add to end the day?
Park Jihyo @godjihyo @k-newsnetofficial Hmmmmm, just one thing
Park Jihyo @godjihyo @dancedanceleader I love you ~ ♥
Y/N L/N @dancedanceleader @godjihyo I love you too ~~ ♥
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