#oh also the abortion plot line ๐Ÿ˜ญ
variantoutcast ยท 1 year
I really liked the first 3 witcher books and I liked elements in the remaining ones but it has increasingly become a men writing women series as it progresses. Like it's no longer the trappings "she breasted boobily down the stairs" but is fully "lets put a child in a situation where she has to have sex with her captor in order to regain her freedom" (and not portray this for the horror that it is)
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micah-write ยท 3 months
New leasebound update :3
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OK so sheesh a lot to unpack here ok ? Bear with me pookies
First meriam clearly favorise women wich in her case trauma n all is comprehensible , if it was right after or some years after . But now we are well 10+ years after the events , it's sad to see that rusty is twisting once again a good story line that could work in so many ways if she wasn't desperate to make meriam seem like the perfect mother that dared to make the mistake of loving a man .
Now onto "you don't need to date a man" Rissa is right , neither does shez . By that logic nobody "need" dating (wich is untrue , humans are a very social kind and being blocked from accessing our social needs is actually traumatizing , hence why homophobia is such a traumatizing thing , as well as transphobia , being denied your identity and made to believe you're someone you're not is also very harmful , I invite everyone to do their own researches on humans social needs it's truly interesting) so here not only does meriam keep her daughter from her validation wich is something very important for her she ask her to not meet her social needs because 1 (2 men if we count the first husband) hurt her ??? It's incredible hypocritical and mean but still it could've been such an interesting plot to explore but rusty keep twisting it as "meriam can do no wrong"
Aaah there it is , rusty believe that pregnancy should no longer exist (she's a very vocal anti natalist( because it feed into women needing men wich is fucking stupid , as a society we need each other we are social being we need diversity at the point where we are in our evolution .
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Erm what the flip rusty ??? Do you not know that abortion and contraceptives exist ??? My theory from what we know about rusty is that she might believe contraceptives are women ways to keep sleeping with men without feeling bad about it ? And to feel powerful by giving into patriarchy ? But it's only my opinion take this lightly
Meriam you are exactly saying this , you are praising your lesbian daughter over you straight ones , you keep denying them of the support they need while feeding into shez an overwhelming amount . Plus you ask your daughter to be celibate to avoid any pain , that's not how it works . The more you will deny someone of something they need the more they will grow for it.
Urgh please end me atp it's just fucking reverse homophobia ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ like we get it rusty you hate the straighties that aren't celibate or don't fuck girls .
Ffs not meriam guiltripping Rissa as well "you'll always have a home" a home where only shez has the spotlight ??? A home where rocky can feed into that light because she's celibate ??? A house so toxic and competitive to get their mothers attention they can't even compare to the all mighty shez ? A home where they're treated like dumb girls not listening to their mother??? It's giving rapunzel af
How HOW why is it turned onto meriam ??? Can they understand not everything has to be about HER ?? Her experience isn't an universal one , none is , everyone is so fucking different. No meriam wasn't too stupid , she was scared left alone and needed support and affection , so does Rissa, she need her social needs met .
Ffs , how is dating risking ones life ?? We get it meriam you're traumatized , but if you're so worried warn your daughter and help them notice the red flags if they appear . Your experience shouldn't conditionate your daughters lives
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OH MY GOSH YES SLAY RISSA she finally fucking said it ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ They all need therapy asap fr
Urgh more guiltripping , it's honestly very sad to see yet again how meriam , the mother , wasn't ready to die for her daughters but instead parentified her eldest to the point she was on thr verge of making the ultimate sacrifice because of meriam unwillingness to take on her role as a parent and instead acted as the one needing to be saved . It's sickening and yet if it was well written to show meriams flaw God it would be an insane plot line to demonstrate how complex relationships can become under abuse . But no , yet again it's made to romanticize, play in power fantasy and glorify the lesbian daughter and the bi mother she saved (maybe to demonstrate that lesbian need to save bisexuals from their attraction to men ?..)
She keep making shez the only priority. She parentifies shez to the prize of being her most important daughter/person as a whole . It's gross and disgusting because here it's glamorized to further the fantasy of saving someone and then being seen as their most important person as a reward . It's to the point where I'm wondering , did rusty dreamed of saving her mother ? Did she have a similar conversation and wished she was the one being important. I somewhat can relate to the deep desire of finally being seen and loved as equally as their sibling as you've been parentified . Even tho for me it happened under real trauma and not that disgusting excuse of a trauma depiction. Because rusty did admit to incorporate real stuff that happened to her in her life so I'm truly curious about it all .
As a whole this page was a gross excuse of either making meriam the hero into finally recognizing her daughter shez as the hero she is , the growth of the power fantasy rusty wrote for the other radfems/terfs that most likely want to romanticize others trauma as a power fantasy to enhance "women power n strength" , or this panel is a representation of something that happened to rusty at some point and wanted to express but twisted so this time she was the hero .
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