#oh also non-consensual drugging
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I highly recommend "when you think you're all alone" by MondotheBombo on Ao3. It's a totally canon-compliant fic about Jay's time on Nadakhan's ship and it is heart-wrenching, gut-punching, and overall a FANTASTIC fic. Cannot give it enough praise. Warning it is incredibly graphic and has some elements some audiences probably shouldn't read (including graphic depictions of torture, detailed descriptions of injuries, and multiple cases of attempted rape. JUST attempted though). But seriously this fic is what season 6 should've been, and even COULD'VE been (again, it is 100% canon-compliant. All it does is fill in the gaps of what we don't see, it doesn't change or delete anything that actually happens). It's also unfinished but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read it because you'd be missing out on an awesome fic. Anyway here's the link!
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yandere-sins · 4 months
The Orcas' Tale - Krill's Story I
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a/n: I have... not much to say, although you should read the warnings. But I need you guys to know that this is 7.666 words long. I didn't make it this way intentionally, but if that isn't devilish, I don't know what is :')
Fandom: Original Content   Pairings: Yandere!Orca Merman x GN!AFAB!Reader Warnings: Yandere, Sexual Content (Nothing explicit yet just drug-induced neediness and description of a cock doing what a cock does, Size... adoration, Begging), Violence (Thrashing, Breaking of bones, fighting machines, Verbal threats, mention of medical tools, syringes), Getting drugged non-consensually, Description of being drugged up, Animalistic behavior, Mention of blood/claws/sharp teeth, Mention of Slavery, Mention of Abuse, Depiction of spoiled Food and Seal Meat, Very long post
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"It truly is an impressive recovery of such a valuable resource! Being able to compare the exact date from years ago with now makes for a great opportunity in our research, and now we have two of them! This is your chance to recover from your mistakes all those years ago!"
With pep in his step, your supervisor led you through the long, cagey hallway of the facility, making it almost hard to follow him with all the enthusiasm he was displaying. You, on the other hand, felt nothing but dread as you held onto the notes you had been giving about your new project, almost feeling scared to glance at the papers.
You already knew what they'd say. The mistakes they'd speak of.
Because you were already familiar with the mermen, who had recently been caught by the facility. You freed them all those years ago out of shame and sympathy. And you paid the price, your unpaid labor bordering on slavery. Your choice had been death or continuing their research, and after looking down a gun barrel once, you decided to invest in your studies instead, the company willing to further your education and allow you to continue testing and working with the poor creatures they kept here—albeit with supervision.
"Talent like yours shouldn't be wasted," your supervisor recited the words of the facility owner, but they sounded like a warning coming from him rather than encouragement. 
When he finally stopped at the door farthest down the corridor, you were appalled to see the number on it, finding it less than funny that they'd assigned the same room from years ago as your new laboratory again. All these little digs they made at you never let you forget that they were still angry about what you did to sabotage the facility—as if you could ever. These digs were just there to make you miserable and establish who your life belonged to. You were replaceable, but you wouldn't get out of this alive. If you wanted to survive and have even the slightest chance of escaping this place of horrors one day, you'd have to obey. 
"So do better this time," your supervisor said, smiling down at you smugly as he pushed the door open, the heavy metals screeching with cold, metal bitterness. Bastard, you thought, walking inside the laboratory. The grate floor spread above the large pool beneath your feet throughout the whole room, making your steps audible as you entered. The water was calm, undisturbed—suspicious.
"Oh, also, this one's been really angry ever since we brought him in. Better not let your head get bitten off! Would be a waste. You're too pretty to be a corpse just yet."
You whipped around with a glare, but all you saw was the smug grin on your supervisor's face before he shut the door with a loud bang. A mechanical lock slid into place with a whirring sound before everything became quiet around you. It was strange that they'd leave you here alone after what you did, but then again, there was no way you'd be able to recreate the mistakes you made. Even though you'd never receive any respect or sympathy from anyone in this cursed place, you couldn't help but stare at the metal door, plastered with warnings and reminders to leave equipment in the laboratory before leaving, wishing it would open again and let you out of here.
But that wouldn't happen.
It was ironic that they'd leave you alone with the merman you helped escape before, but the only way out was that door, and it needed a passcode to leave. One you didn't have. You'd eat, sleep, and work as they intended; there was no escaping this, even if the hope never left you. They didn't think you'd make it out alive unless they let you. Much less would you be able to help anyone escape again. Slowly, you turned forward, raising your head to look at the workstation on the opposite side of the room. You couldn't help from glancing downwards every few steps; caution was the only thing that kept you alive in this place.
But even as you made your way over to the station, your shadow undoubtedly making your presence known to the water, everything remained calm. The sound of machines running, keeping the pool intact, and the water bubbling from the pump were all that matched the sounds of your steps and breaths. For a "really angry" merman, this was suspicious. He must have known you were here, yet neither came to watch nor to attack you? You sighed inwardly, thinking about how much of a hassle it would be to actually get him to your examination area if you couldn't fish him out of the pool.
Once you reached the counters with the equipment, you set down the papers you had been given, spreading them out to scan over them. Even if you didn't want to interact again with these pitiful yet obscenely fascinating creatures, you knew that without any results from experimenting on them, you'd be stuck here for all eternity. The expectations were high that you'd find what everyone was looking for, even though the experiments were nothing short of cruel and disgusting. Drugs, surgery while awake, mutilations—those were just a few things you had watched the researchers do to these creatures. And for what? 
Eternal life. 
A fantasy.
How did you know? You were the one finding out that even if their life expectancy was closer to that of turtles, even the merfolks would die one day from old age. There was no such thing as living forever with the help of a mermaid's flesh, tears, or blood, and researching them brought forth interesting facts but not the results that this facility had been constructed for.
And yet, here you were, doing as you were told, trying to find anything that would be deemed interesting enough. 
You heard a splash behind you, making you whip around, trying to make out a sign of life. Even though the floor was raised a few meters above the surface and the partition was closed so nothing could fall in or jump out of the water, it was still unsettling to hear but never see the creature you were locked up with. You knew better than to show fear openly to apex predators like the mermaids, but it had been so long since they let you near one that you could feel its presence—or the lack thereof—frightening you to the bone.
But you had to keep going, no matter what. Turning back to your papers, you spread them out with shaky hands, scanning over the information the first-contact team had collected. A large species, presumably orca-related, male, mature, and chipped. The last fact had been underlined twice, emphasizing the importance of it. This merman had already been in the facility, and they tracked it back to when you had been foolish enough to think you could save them. It had been years. Yet he and another one, as you heard through the grapevine, had come back against any better judgment, making you wonder about the intelligence you knew these creatures possessed.
However, no matter how much information you could absorb through the notes, you knew you were only stalling time. The next step would be getting this creature out of the pool and proceeding with your experiments, but the fear made you hesitate. This merman had been starving for a week in preparation for his exams, and although hunger wasn't a good state for anyone to be in, it was thought it might help to be the one feeding them when you needed their cooperation. Like you'd do with an animal. Unfortunately, they were too clever to fall for these ruses most of the time.
You still had to try. 
Picking up some gloves, you went to the extensive double-doored fridge, pulling out the trays with seal meat on them. However, someone placed dead fish-heads between the pieces in varying states of decay. You took a deep breath, unwilling to give spoiled meat to the creature, even though you'd have to rely on it if you wanted to get anywhere. Picking out a slab of seal meat on the furthest corner of the tray, you just hoped it was mostly uncontaminated as you carried it over to the buttons that would part the floor into an opening from which the merman could be caught. 
You hated pushing these buttons, everything reminding you of the biggest mistake of your life. Sure, you saved three mermen from this cruelty, but look what your efforts got you. 2 of them came back, and you were nothing more than a slave. Nothing turned out to be as heroic as in the books you read.
The metal grated against itself as it parted wide enough to allow feeding. Smaller species could have stuck an arm through the gap, but you knew from the past that it didn't work for any of the large specimens. At least that meant you were safe from an attack for now, though it was debatable how long. The meat sunk further and further down into the blue, but nothing happened. You leaned forward over the gap in anticipation, waiting for any kind of appearance in the wet. However, when the water finally stirred, causing slight waves to appear, it wasn't a shadow that moved through it, and neither did it give any mind to the food. 
You jumped back in surprise, your body hitting the wall next to the buttons, when fingers lurched out of the water, gripping the ends of the partition and pushing them apart. Water splashed everywhere as the merman tried to widen the gap. The metal resisted initially, but even such a strong material bound to an even stronger machine relented under constant pressure. 
As the cool water hit your face, you finally snapped out from the shock, slamming your hand down on the buttons that would close the floor and set the machines into motion to work against the abnormal strength of a merman. The two forces rung with each other for a few seconds before the machine finally did its thing and closed the gap, but it felt like minutes of struggling, of holding your breath in anticipation. 
The merman held onto the metal for as long as possible, and you listened to the gut-wrenching sound of something breaking before he finally let go, the splashing of water dying down. The floor never fully closed, leaving a small gap not even your hand would fit through. Still, you were unsure if the merman succeeded in the end by breaking the mechanical device or if it had been his fingers that broke from the pressure. You wished you didn't have to find out. 
Sinking to your bottom, you took deep breaths, calming yourself. Heart racing and head spinning from the lack of a constant airflow, you watched the water, terror, and anticipation mingling. If the floor broke, it would at least delay your second encounter with this creature for a while. But if not, you'd have given it one more reason to be angry. You watched as his dark shadow—no, body moved through the water, his movements agitated, restless. All you felt was misery, knowing you were causing this distress to him again.
You still had no clue which one of the three it was, although the body was too large to be the smallest of the three "Lyr". Due to the experiments, he had lost a significant amount of body weight and muscles, as well as his mental stability. They would have put him down had you not freed them, as he became a risk quickly. You thought you were doing them a favor by saving them, but you had no idea if Lyr ever made it out in the wild. Judging by the quick thinking and the strength of the orca roaming below you, it was more likely to be either "Nerrocan" or "Krill". Their names were burned into your mind like silent reminders of your biggest mistake and greatest accomplishment alike. 
But the secret was quickly revealed when the merman finally seemed to calm down, swimming out into the back of the room for a moment and giving you time to collect yourself, too. You were still sitting on your ass, none the wiser, when you noticed black and white hairs emerging from further down the pool, slowly, cautiously drifting back towards you. As if on the prowl.
Surely he was waiting for another chance to wreck the floor open and try to escape. There was no reason for this creature not to be out to harm you, and you were such an easy prey, caught in this room with him. Your death wouldn't be mourned, but you also couldn't help pitying this merman, not knowing that your death would probably be his, too. Soldiers wouldn't hesitate to shoot something that was stronger, more deadly, and had too much freedom if they had to, even if it was a valuable species to study. You wondered which merman it was, and feeling a little safer with the floor closed, you leaned forward, trying to make it out.
The most brilliant of red spied out of the water the moment you looked down at it. Unmistakably, like polished rubies, these eyes followed your every move. You watched your own muscles tense and the horror in your expression as you realized which of the three mermen it was before you saw your own gaze fill with sadness in his eyes.
The reason you risked everything.
His brows furrowed, then lifted as if surprised, too, although his body stayed submerged, tense and ready to act. There was no way he'd remember you, was there? Despite your doubts, you raised a hand, giving him a silly little wave before addressing him directly. 
"Hello… again."
He said nothing, and you realized he must have forgotten you. It was better that way for now… even if it stung after all you did to help him. 
Holding onto the wall, you got back on your feet, not wanting to be such an easy target and so close to him. He could try something again, and you'd be at a disadvantage if you couldn't even walk. "I'm sure it's uncomfortable, but I need you out of the water for a while. You remember it, right?"
You held your palm above the button that would activate The Fisher, a machine that could detect and catch unwilling mermaids by itself. But you were still close to the opening, so any reassurance from the merman would have been nice to have.
"Go ahead, open that gate again. See where that gets you," Krill threatened, and you believed him. His brows furrowed, teeth gnashing as his anger returned, and you had to realize that he was no longer like the sweet merman you once cared for. Sure, he had been drugged and broken into submission back then, but he had still treated you somewhat kindly, gifting you rocks and following you around the enclosure like a lost puppy. If you didn't know it better, you two had been somewhat close back then, having come to an understanding despite your differences. That was not the case anymore, you could see it.
"You'll see, I'll get out of here, and you'll regret capturing me again."
That hurt. It hadn't been your choice. If it had been your choice, you'd have helped all those poor souls confined inside this facility, making sure that neither merfolk nor humans suffered the consequences of the greed of some rich people. But you had no choice in this matter. You never had. 
Pressing the button, you stepped aside so The Fisher could do its wonder. You didn't want to, but you had to. Didn't want to put him through the same torture again at your hands. But Krill had been foolish enough to get captured again, and you were foolish enough to still hold on to the hope that you could make a change in your life if you obeyed. This time, the machine parting the floor stuttered, and although The Fisher descended from the ceiling, it couldn't open. 
"You are a fool if you think you can capture me with that. Force me to play your little games again, Human!"
Even though you tried to ignore him, it was hard when Krill paced around the opening, taunting you. You had to watch the machines work and fail as the floor was stuck. The Fisher was unable to move as it detected the closed floor, and you wondered how you would proceed if the location became unsuitable to work with. 
With a loud crash, Krill threw himself against the floor, and you gasped as a wave of cold water splashed over you. As you sputtered, you heard the floor grating, the sound painful to both of you, evident by Krill trying to escape it by dropping below the water. But with the sudden opening appearing, the metal claws of The Fisher snapped forward, scanning and detecting where they had to go. 
Until you saw it with your own eyes, you could have never believed such a flimsy-looking machine could restrain the apex predator of the sea, effortlessly capturing him by his wrist, neck, and the space between his fin and tail. Sure, he could throw his weight around despite being restricted, but there was little he could do to hurt you unless he broke free. However, no mermaid ever broke free from The Fisher in your years of working here. It was that effective.
You watched as The Fischer pulled Krill out of the water, shiny droplets of wet falling off of him, elevating every muscle, every toned ab on his belly. He was glistening in the unnatural lightening of the laboratory like a precious gem, and your heart clenched with sadness, knowing there was nothing you could do for this beautiful creature. You had to cover your ears as he began shrieking and cursing, most of it in a language that you never bothered to learn as you'd be incapable of ever speaking it. Siren was more of a singing rather than talking in the first place, and though you liked to sing to yourself, you'd never learn it on a level that could match the skill that his language required.
As you watched him, the first thing you noticed was his size. He had grown, although the rough weight and measurements would be taken by the machine holding him in place. The time in the ocean seemed to have done wonders for him. His fins were intact, and the tag on his tail was blinking despite being such an old model. Since then, there must have been at least seven upgrades over the years, and you'd be responsible for changing it eventually.
Once he was dragged onto the research area, he finally seemed to calm down a little, although he glared at you, fury revealing in his eyes. The Fischer restricted his head movement, but his willpower remained. "You are truly the worst," he sneered. "First, you let us go, then you capture us again. What do you think we are? Your little playthings? Is it fun to mangle us? You enjoy this?"
Testing his strength against the shackles, Krill twisted and turned in the hold, but you tried not to give his words too much attention. He was different from how he was years ago, and you had to say goodbye to the semi-good relationship you two had before, the precious image you had held onto of him. Both of you were fighting for survival, as pitiful as it was, and you had a crapload of tests to run before they'd let you get away from him and pity his fate and yourself. 
With new-found confidence as you watched him rendered immobilized, you returned to the fridge, luckily not encountering any more poor attempts at making life hard for you as you opened the drawers full of tranquilizers. There was yet one to be found that could entirely knock out these creatures, but they had a significant calming effect. And—as you hoped—pain-relieving. Because there were a lot of things you had to do to him that wouldn't be easy for both of you. 
Gathering the tranquilizer shots, various test tubes, tools, and your to-do list on a tray, you carried it over to a table closer to him, taking deep breaths to brace yourself. You were tense, your fingers growing numb from anxiety. You had been assigned to the labs for most of the years, rarely encountering a merman again after what you did. And although you trained for this, the thoughts of hurting him were twisting your stomach. 
"You might think it's fun for us humans, but I wonder what you were thinking coming back here. Maybe you enjoyed the treatment more than you let on, hm?"
Your voice was feeble, even when you tried to act superior. Bantering wouldn't magically develop a relationship between you two, but you couldn't endure the silence when no one spoke. It felt wrong—like he was going to attack you again any second. You needed to keep yourself anchored to reality, or you might have fainted. After everything you went through, you couldn't remember the confidence you had to allow yourself to do something as drastic as release three orcas from a highly secured facility like this. A shame, really. You deserved confidence as you were one of the best, after all. 
Even if you couldn't let him know, you still felt anxious about something happening. You returned to the original counters, providing you with everything you needed, put on new gloves after wiping your still-wet face from being splashed with a towel, and proceeded with a mask and apron to achieve even the smallest amount of cleanliness. You'd be unable not to hurt him at the end of this session, but you at least wanted to avoid him dying from sepsis as well as getting his blood all over yourself. 
"I do not," he snapped, watching as you prepared everything, seemingly having given up fighting the machine but not you. "I came back for Nerrocan."
"Huh…" you mumbled, intrigued by this information. So it was Nerrocan who came back here, not Lyr. Interesting. "Risking it all for your cousin?" you asked, and his eyes narrowed.
"I see you still remember us," he snarled, his lips parting in a cocky grin, but it didn't reach his eyes. Krill looked… uncomfortable almost. You couldn't blame him. This all must have been beyond uncomfortable for the merman. 
"And you, me."
Silence befell you two again as you picked up the tranquilizer, wrapping your hand around the container, surprised when you realized what you were doing. It had been so long that you thought you wouldn't remember your old habits. You used to always warm the drugs so they wouldn't be so bitterly cold when applied on the mermaids. 
Krill flapped his fin despite being restricted, and you looked up at him, catching a glimpse of worry as he looked at the syringe in your hand. "Ran out of the good stuff, eh? I remember it being purple, not that icky color," he mocked, but he didn't sound as confident anymore as he was before. 
"Should have come earlier if you wanted that. I heard this one has interesting side-effects when applied."
Rounding the table, you noticed his fin flap again pitifully, almost making you hesitate. He seemed nervous, muscles spasming in the tension of his restrictions. Stepping up to his hips, you felt his eyes follow your every step, almost making you feel reminiscent of the past. You took the integrated step upwards at the side of the research station, effectively standing above him now to see better. Everything was perfectly laid out so that your work could be done effectively. That's how you had to see it, too. This was work, nothing personal.
"You don't have to do this," Krill suddenly said, unusually calm but determined. "You're not a bad person, you saved us before."
This time, you did look directly at him, giving him your full attention for a few seconds of silence. His gaze didn't waver, didn't move away. He meant what he said. At least, that's what you were supposed to believe. Sirens were prone to lying to get what they wanted, and Krill did not want the drug in your hands, warmed up by your palm wrapped around it. But it wouldn't stop you. You gulped, inhaling deeply. It couldn't stop you.
"And now I have to save myself. Please hold still so I don't hurt you."
Diverting your attention back to his hips, you drove your hands along the slick surface of his body, trying to find any space capable of being squeezed. He jerked once when you touched him, trying to get away but ultimately pressing his hips up into your palm. Eventually, you found a soft spot, pinching the skin between your fingers. Krill shuddered, his body twisting, but The Fischer kept it in place. You'd be safe, even if you hated yourself for doing what you had to. 
The syringe punctured his flesh with only a bit of resistance, and you injected the liquid tranquilizer quickly, stepping away when you were done to watch what would happen. The medication used to be a fickle thing, sometimes agitating, sometimes drugging the mermaids out of their minds. But it usually took a while before it worked. Not this version, though. So many things changed since the last time you worked with the mermaids. But it was cruel all the same.
You listened to Krill groan in pain and relief at the same time. Pressure built, his body twisting and arching, with his spine bending uncomfortably for you as the drug spread throughout him before every muscle seemed to suddenly give out, relaxing him completely and making his body sack in his holds almost lifelessly. Worried, you stepped closer, searching for a pulse. It wasn't for another half a minute before you noticed the even rise and fall of his chest, his gills flaring even though he wasn't using them. The seemingly calm state of the merman made you bolder, although the fear of him faking something never subsided. You walked up to his face, staring into the clouded rubies of his eyes, surprised to find them moving around still, searching for something or someone, despite being slower, less alert than before. 
"I'm sorry," you whispered, unsure if he could even hear you, but you felt terrible seeing what you did to him. Even if he was a creature that wouldn't hesitate to kill you, he didn't deserve to go through what the facility wanted him to. Reaching up, you brushed the hair out of his face, the strands gently gliding through your fingers without any resistance, almost as if they were a liquid defying all the physics you knew. 
Even after all this time, you remembered he used to have longer hair. It used to float above the water, coating it in strings of glossy silk. But now he sported a wolf cut that fitted him just as well. Part of his hair had turned white, with only the top remaining in the same black you were used to. You wondered if it was because of the experiments or just a natural change of color over the years when his head suddenly turned, his cheek feeling heavy as he rested it in your palm. Krill seemed as unaware of his actions as he should be after being forced into surrender by the drug, but it seemed to make the forgotten part of him that felt safe with you submerge again, the feeling almost the same as from the past. You quickly caught yourself falling back into thoughts of things long gone and got to work, cutting off both black and white strands with small scissors, hoping it wouldn't suddenly agitate him. But Krill remained unresponsive, and you pushed away your guilt to quickly store your samples.
Focusing your mind on your work, as there was so much to do, and you didn't want him to recover his strength before you had completed most of the preparations you had to make. You measured and cut down his claws, trying your best not to cause any harm to him and quickly storing the talons for further research. The size of his hands was massive, and you marveled at their humanness for a moment, driving your finger gently over the ridges and joints. Unfortunately, as expected, some of his fingertips were broken, smashed by the struggle with the floor grates. You wanted to clean and wrap them securely. But when Krill let out a long sigh, sounding almost pained just by your touching his hands, you immediately stopped, fearing his wrath upon regaining mobility.
You did further measurements on smaller areas like his hands and fins, everything that could be deducted more thoroughly by hand than by machine. Every time you came around to his head, you looked into his eyes, the guilt threatening to wash over you when they locked with yours, steadfast despite him being out of it, so you quickly moved on. 
While you were at it, you connected his chip to a reader, interested in the data that could be found on it, and removed the jewelry that hung from his body. It would only be a hindrance to your experiments, and perhaps remnants on the metal could determine where the merman was originally from. However, the weight of some of the decorations he had prided himself with—like his necklace of teeth—weighed so much that you needed to drag them over the floor, wondering how this could be efficient for a predator.
"So far, so good," you mumbled as you let the program run its course, wiping off some sweat from your forehead with your sleeve and looking at the situation for a moment. It had been too long, you couldn't really remember the exact procedure to which you should have stuck, but instead of giving your to-do list the attention to find out, your eyes fixated on something else—scars. Albeit not uncommon, there were a lot more now than you remembered, and you raised a hand to his tail, sliding your fingers over the scarred tissue, putting slight pressure on it.
Krill's body jerked immediately, and you jumped back from him, observing the merman. His head rolled forward in the restraints, tired eyes searching for you but unable to focus. 
"Not there… touch..." His speech was slurred, another effect of the new drug, but you couldn't help but smile faintly at him, seeing how he still resisted. 
"I need to count them," you explained, hoping it would soothe his mind. If he could understand it. You couldn't be sure it had any effect, but if you were in his position, you would have wanted to be told what was going on, you thought. "It won't hurt, I promise."
Measuring tape in hand, you placed your clipboard with an empty page on top of his body, moving from his fin slowly upwards and jotting down your findings. There were a lot of prominent scars standing out from his body markings, but even more smaller ones barely visible. It felt quite intimate to search his body so thoroughly, but it had to be done. Krill moved pitifully against and into your touch as if unsure where to go and unable to understand what was happening. Even if it made you lose your balance a few times, you let him, feeling bad for all you were doing. It was the slightest bit of freedom you could give him without risking your own head.
By the time you reached his chest, some clarity had returned to his eyes, and he couldn't control the sounds coming from him. You tried not to agitate him with pressure and touch, but you had to do your work. An arrangement of chirps and sighs, some grunts, and nervous jittering rang out, echoing through the rooms. Deep breaths pushed his chest out, and sighs bordering on moans shivered through his whole body. But you were content as long as he didn't throw his weight around and push you off the step and into your medical equipment. 
"Must you be so thorough," he slurred as you examined his chest, following the curve of his pectoral muscles with your fingers. You looked up at him, his head crooked to the side, still too heavy to hold up on his own despite the metal neck brace, but his eyes were clearer now, following you more intensely. 
"I have to, I'm sorry. I don't want it to be uncomfortable, but I have to document them."
Writing down your finds on your clipboard, you must have pressed it down a bit too hard on his chest because Krill's head fell back, a long groan escaping him, back arching again. "Sorry…" you repeated, the guilt beginning to eat you up, but he only rolled his head in the restraint. 
"No…" he muttered. "Not uncomfortable... I feel weird. It's hot. Make it stop."
You were unsure what to do, but there were only a few more scars before you'd have to move on to his arms and, eventually, his backside. You wanted to at least get the chest ones down before you would have to give him another shot of tranquilizer, as Krill was growing more restless every time you touched him. You wished the examination could have stopped there. That you could have released him and put him back into the cold wet, but you needed to finish this. Even when he started gnashing his teeth and twisting in his restraints again.
"What are you doing?!" he suddenly snapped, much more coherent than before, his head jerking forward, ruby-red eyes glowering at you. You tried not to let it get to you, tried to make it quick so he wouldn't have to suffer, but Krill wouldn't let it go. 
"Stop it!" he demanded as you inspected another small scar around his nipple. It was barely visible against the lighter-toned skin there, but you found it, grazing over the nub a few times while working out the details of the scar you needed. Krill was getting more aggressive with his protests, lashing out at you while many different kinds of sounds escaped him, and it was almost amusing to think that it was because of your touch. You couldn't help spreading your palm over his nipple once, letting the elastic of your gloves weigh down and rub over it, causing every muscle in his body to harden instantly. You shouldn't have abused this situation like this, but seeing him react so sharply, his breath coming out in a drawn-out hiss, was somewhat a relief. Knowing it wasn't all terrible, all cruel and painful. But you caught a grip on yourself quickly, working efficiently until you could finally step away once you had found every last scar on his chest.
"All done," you assured him, unable to keep yourself from grinning a little as he let out a strained but haughty hmpf. He was almost back to his new normal, which made you glad. The drug was awful, but it was good to know he wouldn't be broken down this easily. Your back was turned for only a second when you heard him rattling in his restraints, more clear in his mind again as it seemed. It caused you to want to tease him a little.
"I liked it better when you were quiet, Krill. You didn't react to every one of my touches as if I was trying to seduce you."
"How dare you! I can't believe I am back here with you as if you are…" The word seemed to elude him as he bit his tongue, and you turned to look at his face, so much tension in his expression that you thought he was going to burst. Krill wasn't looking at you for once, focusing on his own body. Walking up to him again, his gaze shifted from straight down back to you, a spark of something you couldn't pinpoint washing over him. Insecurity? Fear? No way. 
"Don't come closer again!" he hissed, tossing a bit more in his restraints, and you stopped in your tracks, subconsciously listening to him like an idiot. But Krill wasn't being malicious; something was wrong. Even though you two weren't on friendly terms, you could tell something was off. His gills were flared, pupils blown wide open. He looked mostly like the monster you had to believe he was, but there was a sense of panic that an apex predator shouldn't ever display unless something terrible was happening to them. And you couldn't ignore it, or him for that matter.
"Hey!" you called out, hoping your voice could ground him from whatever he was going through. Stepping closer despite his body thrashing wasn't easy. You had to be careful, but you weren't heartless enough to leave him to his own demons after you caused them. The drug could have had hallucinogenics, which would not only have put you in danger but Krill too. You needed him if you ever wanted to regain some recognition or freedom in this place, and he needed you since you were probably the only person in the whole facility who would do anything to make the experiments at least a bit more humane. You couldn't abandon him like this after all he's been through.
Instead of putting yourself at risk of being thrown across the room by Krill accidentally slamming his body into you, you stepped up to his head instead, waiting for the moment that you could grab onto him and hold on with all your strength. You expected a struggle that would leave both of you wounded, but the moment your hands clasped around his face, Krill went rigid, suspiciously still. Another wave of fear overcame you, your instincts telling you this was wrong, but you tried your best to stay strong for both of you. "Shh, shh," you mumbled, calming him, and finally, the strength in his neck gave way, and his head fell back. 
You two stared at each other for some silent seconds, and you rubbed your thumb over his cheek comfortingly. "It's all your fault," he uttered, exhaustion washing over his expression. You couldn't blame him for feeling this way, and you made sure his hair wouldn't sting his eyes by swiping it out of his face gently, still shushing him like a parent would to their child. He looked like he was in severe pain, as if he felt fear for the first time in his life. You couldn't believe it was true, but you felt heartbroken for him all the same. Even if he was called a monster, even if he was a killer and a creature or an animal. Even if he wasn't like you, he didn't deserve any of this. 
"Why are you doing this to me again?" he asked, his voice cracking as a wave of sadness washed over his expression. You had never seen a mermaid actively being sad. Angry, panicked, drugged, yes. But sad? You didn't even think that was possible. What could you do to soothe this whale of a man to the point that you weren't suffering the consequences of other people's decisions? Nothing came to mind, and it was awful.
"I haven't done anything yet, just precautions," you assured him. "You're okay, you're safe. I can't change what I have to do, but I promise I'll try to make it as painless as possible. I–"
"No," Krill interrupted you. "Not that. Not the experiments. This." 
You heard the restraints rattle, causing you to look up at his hand, his cut-down, broken claw pointing downward at his body. You halted your comforting, leaving your palms on his cheeks while looking at Krill with a confused look before you stepped away, fully aware that he looked after you, even forcing his head forward again to watch what you were doing as you stepped around him. 
A loud gasp escaped you as you watched the tip of his cock exit from its slit. The moment your attention was on it, it shot out inch by inch until its massive size stood proudly, pulsing and jerking above his hips, having emerged fully within seconds of horror and amazement. A glistening drop of pre-cum collected at the tip as you stared at the massive erection, the bubble popping and spilling onto his chest as you watched it, unable to look away.
"I tried to forget," Krill lamented from behind you, his body sacking in the machine holding him up before tensing and straining again, a pained groan escaping him while his cock flopping in the air, unbothered by its owner's distress. It only produced more pre-cum and jerked ever so often, the shaft pulsing with need. 
"I wanted to forget you so badly."
You forced yourself to look away from his cock, and Krill let out a brief trill in response, sounding almost disappointed. But he didn't shy away from your eyes, gazing at you, defeated and a little… desperate. 
"Help. Me," he breathed, and you let out your own shuddering breath at his request. You only ever wanted to tease him. You didn't want to cause any pain or suffering, especially not the sexual kind. It was unheard of that the drug caused the mermaids to act this way. But you were about to learn what caused this.
"Why me?" you whispered, knowing now he could hear you. 
"Because I remember every touch of you. Every moment we spent together. Every little piece of memory we made in this godsforsaken place, and I need you. I already feel like I'm losing my mind, and I can't take it anymore. At least take responsibility for what you're doing, this is your fault."
"It's useful for you, isn't it?" he suddenly changed his tune. He looked angry, but the twisted desperation was unconcealable. "My seed. You can have it. Take it all if you must as long as you do something." 
His words were followed by a groan, sounding in so much pain, and you watched his cock jerk, hips lifting, trying to reach an unavailable source of comfort, a connection to something that wasn't there. "Fuck, I held it back for so long. You and your shitty drugs! I had it under control! I didn't need you at all—didn't even think of you!"
Another long howl escaped him, head rolling from one side to another. He looked completely out of his mind when his gaze fixed on you again, needy and desperate. You had no way to find out if it was because of the drugs, and that worried you. 
"I lied," he confessed, his breath leaving him ominously. His admission was completely out of character for a creature like him, which took you aback, but when Krill looked back at you, there was a different kind of determination in his eyes. A savage one—mad even. You wanted to run away, far, far away from him, but his eyes, full of drugged madness and terrifying adoration, didn't let you act on your whims. As if he hypnotized you.
"I thought about you constantly. You were always on my mind. I thought about coming back so many times, but I couldn't leave the others. But now they don't need me anymore, and I have you back. You're the only one left for me, please. Please help me. Help me, my mate."
His voice was sugary sweet as he pleaded with you, your heart skipping a beat when you watched this destructive, dangerous creature reduced to a begging mess. It wasn't what you wanted for him, and you didn't want the kind of control he was hovering over your head. But you felt the heat spreading throughout your whole body as he called you his.
"We're not mates," you tried to deny it, shaking your head, the implications too severe. "That's the drugs speaking."
"Gods," he groaned loudly, licking his lips as his eyes scanned over your body. "I wish they were."
His hips jerked again, impatient and in desperate need of release. If you were truly mates, that would be bad. It would be an instant invitation to be locked in this facility forever until you passed away. If anyone happened to check on you, seeing the state Krill was in, they'd assume the worst, delighted by these new possibilities. You had to find a solution before that. 
"Fuck," you muttered, and Krill groaned in agreement. "We're not mates!" you insisted, moving towards his side again. This was absolutely bonkers, but every touch seemed to send him further down the spiral—and so were you, even though you refused to admit it.
"This is strictly professional."
"It's whatever," he rejoiced when he felt your hands back on his chest, a little too happy about this smithereens of body contact for it to be just because of the drugs. "Help me, mate."
"Do me a favor," you asked, rolling your shoulders and readying yourself for what you had to do. You couldn't believe you were going to do it; jerking off a merman was definitely not in your job description. But if it would help with not being confined for all eternity as a pathetic mating buddy, then you had no choice. You just needed the push to actually do it.
"Say 'please' again."
Krill's lips parted in a disturbingly wide grin, red rubies sparkling as he looked at you, filled with a sickening hope and adoration that made you shudder.
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peachdues · 1 year
Phantasmagoria (Part III)
Tell Me to Stop (Sanemi’s Version)
Sanemi x F!Reader • Modern AU • NSFW
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A/N: read the fucking warnings before you report.
Massive TW: grief • loss of a parent • canon character death • drug and alcohol abuse • panic • references to previous attempted S/A • violence between characters • more descriptions of Douma getting his ass kicked (still deserved) • situation requiring a hospital
CW: 25k words. MDNI. explicit sexual content ahead • multiple creampies • oral (f! and m!receiving) • face sitting • swearing • angst with a good ending • non-sexual intimacy
Oh boy. It’s done.
This one is super personal to me, so I really hope you guys enjoy. Thank you for showing this story your love, I adore you all.
Without further ado!
Sanemi’s Playlist
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(Sanemi’s POV)
The Party on 52nd Street
Sanemi couldn’t bring himself to say that he regretted how he’d ended up in handcuffs. Sure, his knuckles were bruised to shit and covered in blood that was and was not his, but at least his face was still a hell of a lot prettier than the sniveling, cowardly asshole curled onto his side on the gravel outside his house.
Granted, the severe swelling of Douma’s face was because of Sanemi, but truthfully, he thought it was an improvement. By the time Sanemi had been yanked off of the barely conscious, campus-resident creep, those freakish, multi-colored eyes had been so blackened and swollen, it was a wonder that Douma had even been able to see the cops swarming his living room at all. 
Sanemi knew the only reason his ass wasn’t being thrown into the back of the police cruiser waiting out behind Douma’s hell den was because Tengen had been the one to escort him out. And, because the local police had been itching to bust Douma for his little drug operation for months, Douma had been hauled out as well, handcuffed for good measure (and for insult) by Tengen.
It also helped that Douma was a dumbass, who’d sent the incriminating photos of his assault on Y/N to the groupchat that included all three of Tengen’s partners. Once he was sure they were safely out of view of spectators and witnesses giving statements to the other responding officers inside, Tengen took care to slam the greasy asshole to the ground, getting a few good kicks in as Douma curled pathetically against the asphalt. 
“I will sue your ass,” Douma wheezed as he struggled to catch his breath. Through the purple black swells of his eye sockets, Sanemi could just make out the sliver of jewel-toned irises as they glared in his direction. “The whore fucking wanted it rough.”
Sanemi lunged for the cowering bastard where he lay, ready to stomp the fucker’s face in once and for all, but Tengen roughly threw him back against the side of his cruiser before he could.
“He’s trying to rile you up. Don’t fall for his shit,” Tengen’s magenta eyes were full of warning as he held Sanemi back. “He was stupid enough to send proof of the assault; ain’t no way in hell anyone buys that it was consensual.”
But Sanemi could only see red, the image of Y/N’s tear-streaked and terrified face burned permanently into his brain, worse than any scar that he bore on his skin.
“I don’t give a fuck, it’s working,” Sanemi snarled, struggling against Tengen’s iron-clad grip on him. “I want him fucking dead.”
“Y/N needs you not to be in prison. Don’t you two have something goin’ on?” Tengen shot back hotly. The young cop’s words stilled Sanemi’s struggle against the police cruiser, his fury deflating slightly.
As Kyojuro’s car had jumped the curb in front of the house, both boys agreed to split up once inside the house. Kyojuro was tasked with retrieving Y/N from wherever Akaza had hid her, because Sanemi had viciously vowed that he would be the one dealing with Douma.
And so, he had.
Party attendants had taken one look at Sanemi’s stony face as he’d made his way through the house to the main living room and parted, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire of the violence promised in his eyes.
He’d found Douma, standing back near the speakers that crackled with some out-of-date, heavy bass music, laughing like he hadn’t a care in the world. Those monstrous eyes had met Sanemi’s for only a split second, but the delighted malice they beheld was enough to make Sanemi want nothing more than to make the monster bleed.
Douma’s answering smile had been brief, unable to withstand the smash of his fist as the enraged Sanemi knocked him to the ground and lunged to pin him down.
Kyojuro’s car was long gone by the time Sanemi and Douma had been dragged out of that party house of horrors by Tengen in handcuffs, Sanemi smirking at the way Tengen kicked at the whimpering bastard’s feet every few steps. But that meant that Sanemi had no idea how Y/N was even doing – or whether she’d sustained more serious injuries than what Douma had shown off.
He didn’t want to think about what else might have happened in that room. If he did, Douma would surely not survive the impending ride to the police station.
Sanemi knew, however, that Tengen was right, however much it pissed him off. Y/N was the priority here, not him or his righteous, violent fury. He would restrain himself – for her. Nonetheless, Sanemi felt a rush of gratitude for the young cop, who, despite cautioning Sanemi away from ripping the cretin apart once and for all, spat directly on Douma’s bruised, bleeding face.
Half an hour later, and Sanemi was being escorted by his friend through the familiar sliding doors of the police station. It took only five minutes of him speaking with two other detectives before he was strolling leisurely back out of the station and into the small parking lot with Tengen, who offered to drive him back to his apartment.
All it had taken was for Sanemi to whip out his phone to show them the picture Douma had sent of Y/N around for them to agree that the benefit of letting Sanemi go outweighed the burden of booking him; besides, the baggies of Wisteria they’d found on the famous party-thrower meant they’d caught the larger fish anyways.
If it weren’t for the looming threat that Douma had perhaps inflicted far more harm upon Y/N, Sanemi almost would have felt good striding out of the busy police station, but the fact that she might be with Kyojuro at a hospital somewhere, in need of treatment, sat in his gut like an icy stone, tempered only by the murderous rage he still felt.
In his stewing, Sanemi almost didn’t realize that Tengen was speaking to him.
“Look, I’m not sayin’ I don’t get your reasoning. I do,” Tengen said lowly, pausing near his cruiser to face Sanemi, though his eyes scanned the parking lot to ensure unwanted ears weren’t listening in. “Frankly, if I didn’t have my job to worry about, I woulda let you keep going. He deserved it.”
“But I don’t wanna see you falling back into old habits.” The young cop sighed, clapping Sanemi on the back. “You’ve been doing so well.”
Sanemi grimaced. “I’m not,” he bit out darkly. “This wasn’t about me. It was about her.”
Tengen eyed him incredulously but sighed. “It’d do you good to remember that. You can’t work things out with her if I’m haulin’ your ass to prison.”
Sanemi didn’t have the heart to tell him he’d long since fucked up any chances of working things out with Y/N.
“This is the third time you’ve been brought in this month,” the young cop chastised him, crossing an ankle over his knee as he folded his massive arms across his broad chest. “And we’re only two weeks into December.”
Sanemi grimaced as he shifted in the dingy metal seat, his wrists going numb behind his back as the metal of the handcuffs around his wrists dug into his skin. He scrunched his nose, trying to stifle the drop of blood sliding down from his nostril before it could reach his mouth, though without much success.
He was growing more agitated as he waited on his best friend to come collect him – yet again, from the Ubayashiki police station, but Kyojuro had yet to show.
“Listen – Shinazugawa, is it?” The cop had a peculiar shade of silver hair, and a cursory glance-over by Sanemi revealed that he had an apparent penchant for fuschia eyeliner, an almost perfect match to the hue of the discerning eyes which watched him. “You’re a student at Ubaya-U, right?”
Sanemi only nodded, ducking his head down to avoid holding the officer’s gaze for too long, lest he see how dead the nineteen-year-old truly felt.
“My name’s Uzui – Tengen Uzui -- I graudated last year,” the man called Uzui said, somewhat proudly. “So I know you’re a smart kid, but you can’t keep getting hauled in like this. You’ve got too much goin’ for ya.”
Sanemi finally made a sound. “I got nothin’ going for me,” he scoffed, finally lifting his eyes to meet Uzui’s stern face. “Spare me the ‘you’re better than this,’ crap.”
Uzui only rolled his eyes. “Look, kid, whatever happened to you before you got here, you’ve gotta deal with it – but not like this.” Sanemi opened his mouth to snap back, but the young cop paid him no mind, only continuing his lecture. “I’m not gonna ask, because frankly, I don’t care that much. But I know a good kid when I see one, and I don’t think you want to live this way.”
Uzui sighed. “Surely you’ve got someone in your life you wanna do right by? A parent, or a girl, maybe?”
Sanemi’s already sour mood dampened even further. He was about to bite out that no, he had no one, when Kyojuro finally pushed through the doors of the police station, amber eyes scanning the intake area until they narrowed in on him.
And he looked tired. So goddamn tired, that for once, Sanemi felt something other than the numbness he’d felt slowly swallowing him whole over the last three months.
He felt guilty; he’d forgotten, that while he may not have cared about his own stupid actions affected himself, he did care about how they impacted his best friend. Sanemi’s only friend, really, though that was entirely his own fault.
But Sanemi’s guilt could not stop him from checking back out as Kyojuro walked over and spoke in a hushed voice with Uzui, both tossing concerning glances his direction every few minutes. Before he knew it, Uzui was standing and unlocking the handcuffs from around Sanemi’s wrists, the latter’s shoulders relaxing as his arms were released from behind his back.
“I’m letting you off with a warning, but with a condition” Uzui said simply, tossing the handcuffs back onto his desk. The young cop produced a small, white card from his pocket and pressed it into Sanemi’s hand. “I want you checking in with me every couple of weeks. We can do it here, or wherever you want – but it ain’t optional.” Uzui smiled wryly at the baffled look on Sanemi’s face. “Think of it as an unofficial probation. Until you settle down a bit.”
Uzui parted with a shake of Kyojuro’s hand and a wink at Sanemi before sauntering off down one of the adjacent hallways abutting the intake area, leaving the two boys behind.
Sanemi shoved his sore hands into his pockets, barely noticing the stinging in his bleeding knuckles as they chafed against the fabric of his pants.
“I can’t keep doing this for you, Sanemi,” Kyojuro’s voice said quietly from beside him, and Sanemi’s head snapped over to his friend. “You’re destroying yourself. I can’t just sit by and watch it.”
Deep down, Sanemi knew his friend was right, and he was a little afraid that he risked losing the fiery blonde for good, just as he apparently had lost his other best friend, though, it wasn’t like she’d been around after…after he died.
But if Sanemi lost Kyojuro for good, he’d truly have no one left, and so, he fingered the card that Uzui had given him as it sat in his pocket, and resolved he would try; if not for himself, then for the last person on earth who still gave a shit about him.
 Later, the nineteen-year-old managed to stumble his way back to his dorm and he collapsed in his bed, not bothering to nurse his bleeding nose or even change out of his dirty, rumpled clothes. His knuckles stung and his body ached from the scuffle, but he found that he much preferred the throb of the bruises blooming across his body to the deep numbness he felt in his heart.
As he began to slip into a dreamless slumber, a pair of pretty eyes and a sparkling smile that had once filled him with so much warmth flashed through Sanemi’s mind. If he concentrated hard enough, he thought he could just recall the sound of her laugh, though it had been months since he’d last heard it.
He frowned as he tossed and turned in his bed, desperate to throw out thoughts of her, because she tended to disrupt his sleep and to make him feel even lower than he already knew himself to be.
And he didn’t want to think about what Y/N would say if she could see him now.
Though, Sanemi supposed, that would assume she would give enough of a shit about him to have an opinion on him at all.
He winced at the thought, so callous and bitter. He didn’t truly mean to be so cruel to her, even in his thoughts; he knew she didn’t deserve it. Sanemi knew it was his fault things had gotten as bad as they were between them – knew it was because of his piss-poor reaction to her admittedly badly-timed love confession that had driven her away.
After Genya’s death, Sanemi hadn’t much of a heart left that he could claim, but he’d known that whatever of it remained surely belonged to her, just as he always had. So, he’d tried to reach out after his brother’s funeral, during one of those rare moments of clarity when he wasn’t just existing on autopilot, detached from the world around him, but she’d never responded.
Her silence had been slowly needling him to death by a thousand sharp pricks to what remained of his pitiful heart, threatening to whittle it away entirely.
Sanemi imagined himself a pendulum that couldn’t decide whether he was angrier at himself or at her; forever swinging between his shame for lashing out the way he had at the train station and anger with Y/N for thinking his reaction had anything to do with her at all.
He’d never imagined himself worthy of Y/N – his best friend, so beautiful and intelligent and kind-hearted, even though he’d been so stupidly in love with her since they were small children. He’d always been too rough, too scarred, too…much. But he’d hoped, no matter how foolishly so, that perhaps one day, he’d work himself up to being worthy of her, be the reason she smiled and laughed and loved.
But, as Sanemi felt his stomach squeeze uncomfortably at the memory of her tear-streaked face, staring at the platform before the train he’d boarded, he was reminded that one couldn’t be worthy of the person they loved if they insisted on shattering their heart like a piece of glass.
In the absence of semi-regular beatdowns, Sanemi had found other ways of distracting himself from the gnawing pit of despair and loneliness that was swallowing him whole, day by day. At the start of the spring semester, he’d finally hooked up with a girl in his mathematics seminar, and then began sleeping with another a month later. For months, he’d alternated between the two, thankful that neither of them had been interested in pursuing what he could not give them. And he’d enjoyed himself, because yeah, sex felt fucking good, but at the end of each affair, he hadn’t been able to shake the way his stomach clenched with the deep-seated disgust and oily squeeze of guilt.
Guilt, because he’d felt like he’d betrayed her, which was ridiculous considering she wasn’t his even if he’d always been hers; even if he knew, deep in his soul, that he always would be.
A few nights later, he was out grabbing dinner on campus with Mitsuri and Obanai, the two lovebirds happily holding hands the entire evening, when they passed Shinobu crossing the green, ignoring her roommate’s kind greeting.
Though, Sanemi reasoned, she’d likely been trying to avoid having to make eye contact with them, so as to conceal her new black eye. While Sanemi would never raise a hand to a woman himself, that hadn’t stopped him from feeling a small bit of satisfaction at the memory of Makio stalking right up to the petite pharmacology student and nailing her square in the face.
In retrospect, Sanemi didn’t know if it was fair to blame Shinobu for Douma’s actions, but it was clear Makio did. Given the general iciness of the group toward the young woman who’d garnered a reputation for dealing Wisteria around campus, it seemed as though the others did, too.
He’d decided to withhold his feelings towards Y/N’s roommate until she, herself, indicated how she wanted to approach their friendship. It was her call to make, given that she was the one who’d been the target of Douma’s retribution.
Not that Sanemi would know of Y/N’s thoughts on the matter anytime soon; they hadn’t spoken since that morning in his kitchen, and she’d not returned any of his texts or calls in the days since the incident at the party. He knew she likely needed her space, so after the third straight day of no response, he resolved to give it to her.
It was hard to accept her radio silence, because it sent him right back to that feeling he’d had last year when he’d been urgently trying to find her after he’d learned her mother had died, and he feared she would disappear yet again. However, the group was set to go to Tengen’s family’s lake house that weekend for one last summer hoorah before classes began once more, and Kyojuro had already confirmed that Y/N was planning on going.
All of them were, except for Shinobu and Giyuu, according to Mitsuri that night as they ate too-greasy food at their campus grill. The pinkette sheepishly admitted she’d spoken with her roommate the night prior, and both agreed it was probably for the best that she stay behind, especially since Y/N was going. The pair of friends, though they lived together, hadn’t spoken since the Douma incident, either. Giyuu wouldn’t have gone without Shinobu anyways, but he was already out of town visiting his sister and her new husband.
So, Sanemi was left to anxiously anticipate the upcoming weekend. The thought of being at the Uzui lake house with Y/N filled him with both longing and dread, especially because he simply did not know the extent of the harm she’d suffered at the hands of Douma.
He’d known that she and Kyo had talked and worked things out – but Sanemi knew his friend wouldn’t divulge details without her permission, so Sanemi hadn’t tried to ask, wanting to respect both of his best friends’ boundaries.
The not knowing, however, was slowly eating him alive; he’d wanted to kill Douma that night, and truthfully, he thought he still might, if the opportunity presented itself.
Not that he was one to claim moral superiority over the bastard; not when he’d spent the better part of the last two years as one of the direct causes of Y/N’s emotional pain.
“It’s Mrs. Y/L/N – she … she died. Last week. The funeral was yesterday.”
Kyojuro’s words split Sanemi’s heart clean in half. There had only been one other time in Sanemi’s life when he’d felt the earth beneath his feet split open and swallow him whole, and that had been when his foster mother called him to tell him his little brother was lying in a morgue with a bullet hole in his chest.
But Sanemi found himself free-falling back into the earth’s molten center, and he couldn’t help but think he deserved to burn away inside its fire, because he’d failed yet again to be there for someone he loved.
Tears burned in his eyes as memories of Y/N’s mother flashed vividly through his mind, a slideshow of kindness and love that he’d been so grateful to receive from the young mother in the wake of his parents’ deaths.
For the first few weeks following the Shinazugawa boys’ discharge from the hospital, Mrs. Y/L/N had been a stand-in mother to them both, and they’d clung to her like dew on grass, craving her motherly comfort and assurance in the wake of the violent collision which had killed most of their family.
She’d been the one to apply ointment on his and Genya’s scars every night, her hands so warm and gentle to make up for the light sting of the medicated salve as she dabbed it delicately against their skin. She’d been the one to make their bag lunches for school, always making sure to pack extra for his younger brother, who never seemed to be full no matter how much he ate.
And now, she was gone. And he hadn’t even known she was ill.
That night, Sanemi sat on the floor of his shower and cried.
He cried, because his still-mending heart had been re-broken with the news of the death of the closest thing he’d had to a second mother.
He cried, because he’d failed to be there for someone he loved yet again, and Y/N had shouldered the death of her mother and the burden of planning a funeral without her two childhood best friends to lean on, and that wasn’t fair.
But even through his tears, Sanemi felt his resolve harden. He’d failed to be there for his brother when he needed him most; he’d failed to be a decent friend to Kyojuro, in the months following the younger boy’s death as he reeled from the pain of the loss. But he would not fail again; he swore he would find her and be there for her going forward. He would track her down, and he knew she might curse at and rebel against any offer of help, but he wouldn’t balk; he’d do anything, be anything for her, if it meant ensuring she wouldn’t fall into the infinite void of despair and grief that he had.
And maybe, just maybe, he’d prove himself worthy of being her friend once more.
The Uzui family’s summer house was a sprawling manor that abutted a pristine, turquoise lagoon of a private lake, complete with a secluded beach area and a large section quartered off for bonfires, should the group of college-aged guests decide they were sober enough to light it.
The house itself was three levels, with a basement and a half-loft. The considerable size of the estate meant, plus the fact that several of them would be sharing rooms with their partners – Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma all sharing one with Tengen, and Obanai and Mitsuri sharing another – meant that Kyojuro, Sanemi, and Y/N each got their own private guest room.
Sanemi had no interest in being anywhere near the room with Tengen and his three, equally loud partners once they all retired for bed later that evening, and so, he’d claimed the room on the first floor, located just down the hall from the grand kitchen, decked out in new, state-of-the-art stainless-steel appliances and marbled countertops. Kyojuro and Y/N had both taken separate rooms on the second floor, apparently sure they wouldn’t be bothered by the sounds that were sure to emanate from their host’s room until the wee hours of the morning.
They’d arrived only an hour earlier, barely setting down their bags before everyone began to change into their swimsuits to head for the sun-warmed water before nightfall, the girls eager to work on their tans. Now, as Sanemi strolled alongside the sandy shore of the lake, only Y/N remained on land, lounging out on one of the luxurious beach chairs the Uzuis had installed in a finished seating area about fifty feet from where he stood, gazing out at the group’s newest couple as they splashed in the water.
A pang of jealousy reverberated through his chest as Sanemi watched Y/N’s pink best friend giggle in the arms of her new boyfriend as he swung her around in the shallow of the lake.
Ever since Obanai had finally confessed his feelings – and his fears – to Mitsuri, the two of them had been joined at the hip, the dark-haired boy's eyes perpetually clouded in bliss every time the vibrant girl fluttered her eyelashes at him or pressed against him to whisper softly in his ear before kissing his cheek.
“If you can’t be honest with her, you’re going to lose her,” Sanemi said quietly as the two men stood at the bar, both nursing sodas as they watched the objects of their heart’s desire dance wildly and carefree on the Kizuki dance floor.
Obanai looked over at him, his eyes full of the kind of pain that he’d come to know far too well over the last few years. “Maybe it’s for the best,” he said quietly. “I’m not good enough for her – I don’t want to hurt her.”
Sanemi felt like he was talking to a mirror. “You’re already hurting her,” he took a sip of his ginger ale, though he hardly tasted it. “Cause you’re breaking her heart by staying away.”
The tortured boy’s misery was palpable as he looked back to where Mitsuri danced, lively and carefree.
“You’ll regret it as long as you live if you don’t tell her now.” In his mind, he saw only Y/N’s face as she transformed from the smiling girl of his memory to the cold, numb woman of his present. “Trust me.”
He was happy for them, truly; but he couldn’t deny feeling a little jealous of the couple. After all, they both got to be with the person they loved.
Sanemi knew he had no one to blame but himself, but still; he wished he hadn’t fucked it all up with Y/N.
When Sanemi discovered the speckle of blood on his sheets the morning after he’d first brought Y/N home, he’d barely made it to his bathroom before throwing up.
It was too grotesque – the thought that the Wisteria had made him lose control so badly that he’d made Y/N bleed was too much for him to bear.
But the reality had been far worse than a simple case of lost control under the influence of an experimental drug and alcohol.
Far, far worse.
(Three weeks earlier)
“Oh please, we all fuck each other here,” Mitsuri laughed, and Sanemi rolled his eyes.
The pretty, bubbly girl was unshaken by Sanemi’s terse rejection of her offer to join her and Obanai in the back of Tengen’s Volkswagen van for a “good time.” Though, whether her unflappability was from the drink she nursed in her hand or from an unshakeable confidence, developed over a lifetime of being beautiful and adored, he couldn’t say.
“Well, actually,” the pinkette chewed on her lip for a moment, in thought. “I guess that’s not totally true. Y/N didn’t sleep with anyone until you, Shinazugawa.”
Sanemi’s hand, which had been reaching for his plastic cup full of water, froze mid-air.
“What.” His voice was hard, monotone.
The pink-haired girl was oblivious as she laughed. “Yeah, that’s why Makio called you ‘The Cherry Popper,’ that one night - since, y’know, you were Y/N’s first.”
Sanemi felt his vision tunnel, his heartbeat loud in his ears as it thudded uncomfortably against his chest. Something pressed against his lungs, making it difficult for him to breathe as the weight of Mitsuri’s confession settled over him.
All this time, he thought he’d simply been too rough with Y/N, under the influence of that cursed Wisteria.
But this was worse.
He’d assumed Y/N had already lost her virginity when they slept together. She’d had no hesitance in stripping him of his clothes, had begged him to go hard, and fast.
But now, as Sanemi’s breath came rough, he’d wondered if he’d misinterpreted her screams of pleasure — had they been cries of discomfort?’
Or her nails digging into his back — he’d assumed they were to spur him on, to beg him to go faster, but what if she’d been clawing at him to slow down? To stop?
If he’d known, he’d never would’ve done it — not like that, not when he was so blitzed out of his mind that he couldn’t make sure she received the kindness and gentleness she deserved.
It should’ve been special; she should have known how special she was to him. Instead, he’d fucked her no differently than any other hookup he’d had.
Was he no better than his father?
He’d been so elated that she’d responded to his kiss with enthusiasm, that admittedly, he’d lost his ability to reason. He’d pined for her for so long — years really — that the moment her lips had met his, all rational thought had flown from his head. And his heart had nearly stopped in his chest when she insisted that they keep going, when she’d laid back against his sheets and told him she needed him.
He’d hoped she would’ve felt some of the happiness he had, when she awoke the following morning; he’d hoped that he’d be able to make her breakfast, and then the two of them could talk and he could apologize for every stupid thing he’d done over the last two years. Maybe she would’ve forgiven him. But he’d gone and fucked that all up.
Because when he awoke, all that was left of her was her blood on his sheets.
(Y/N’s POV)
Y/N watched her friends sprint into the shallow of the turquoise lake with a small bit of envy. She wanted, so very badly, to join them, but she’d miscalculated the coverage that her swimsuit afforded her, and to her horror, she’d realized that the mark Douma’d left on her would be on full display the moment she removed the oversized button-down she’d used as a cover-up.
“Y/N! C’mon!” Mitsuri entreated her as her head popped back up from under the surface of the water, her hair tinged a dark pink from the water.
Absentmindedly, her hand raised to the spot where Douma had soiled her and rubbed, the slight pain from her stimulation of the still-healing wound forcing her to remain in the present instead of back in that blasted, dark bedroom.
“I think I’ll work on my tan for now!” Y/N called back, plastering a wide, fake smile on her face to assuage any worry. Not that she needed to, because before Mitsuri could question her further, Obanai snuck up from beneath her and raised her out of the water on his shoulders, the pinkette laugh-screaming as she flailed about to keep herself upright.
A crunch of gravel next to her caused her to tense, because she knew that all of her other friends were accounted for, splashing about in the serene crystal of the lake.
All of them, except for him.
Sanemi said nothing to her as he drew up next to her, though he maintained a respectful distance. He too, watched their friends laugh and play in the water for a moment, his hands shoved in the pockets of his red swim trunks.
Y/N tried to be sneaky as she allowed her eyes to roam the sculpted plains of his exposed torso, marveling at the muscle that seemed to be carved from stone. Since the summer, he’d gained a bit of a tan, his skin now a lustrous nutty gold, that, against the white blonde of his hair, created an attractive contrast that made her mouth water.
God, he was beautiful; it pissed her off.
The tension between them was electric, as neither wanted to be the first to break the silence growing ever louder between them.
“No one will stare, y’know,” Sanemi caved first, though he did not tear his eyes away from where they were fixed resolutely on the horizon beyond the lake. “They all want you to feel comfortable, so they won’t look.”
Y/N was about to snippily ask him why he was butting in on her business, even though her irritation was because he’d read her mood so easily – too damn easily, for that matter. She tilted her head up, readying her venom, but before she could bite, the words died on her tongue.
Sanemi’s tan hadn’t been able to obscure the scars of varying lengths and thickness which crossed his chest, forearms, and half of his face; if anything, his sun-kissed skin only made the silvery, jagged slashes stand out.
As she’d looked up at her former friend, she was reminded that he knew exactly how she felt at that moment – had felt that insecurity, every day, since they were eleven and a drunk driver had slammed into his parent’s station wagon, killing everyone but him and Genya.
I don’t care if you have scars! She’d told him, once. I’ve always thought you were…were..pretty!
She winced at the memory, but painful and intrusive though it was, she still couldn’t find it within her to throw his attempt at reassurance back in his face. Y/N’s heart might have been a lowly, misshapen, shriveled lump, but she still had one.
And besides, she wouldn’t lie to herself; his words had soothed some of her anxieties, damn him.
“Thanks,” she said softly, and she gave him a small, tentative half-smile. She hated the look of hope that flickered to life in his eyes at the sight.
She hated the guilt that sunk into her gut even more.
It was late and she was restless.
Most of the house had already retired for the night; Tengen had disappeared with his three girls, and Obanai and Mitsuri had snuck away back to her guest room, giggling softly, as the pair had been unable to keep their wandering, eager hands to themselves.
Y/N stayed up a little longer with Kyojuro, laughing and talking about everything and nothing as Sanemi lingered awkwardly by the shore of the sprawling lake that sat before the Uzui family’s handsome summer home. By the time Kyojuro had yawned, the moon hung high in the sky, and even the chirping night cicadas had long fallen silent.
She’d hoped that returning to her own guest room – located on second floor of the Uzui home – would trick her brain into thinking she too, was tired; but hours later, she’d realized, grimly, that she’d not be enjoying such luck.
And so, she’d found herself braced over the pristine kitchen sink in the Uzuis’ kitchen, unable to shake the incessant nag of sleeplessness that prickled under her skin.She’d thought herself alone, until a noise over by the entryway caught her attention, her eyes flashing over to see who’d joined her in her restlessness.
Y/N’s stomach roiled at the sight of Sanemi standing there, shifting his weight from foot to foot, as though he too, would rather be anywhere but there at that moment.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I couldn’t sleep.”
Y/N shook her head, busying herself with dumping out her water glass and rinsing it out. “Neither could I, I guess.” An awkward pause ensued, only disrupted by the squeak of the faucet as Y/N wrenched it off to towel off her drinking glass.
“I tried calling you – last week,” Sanemi said carefully, leaning against the door jam, his arms folding loosely across his chest. “But I never got an answer.”
Y/N chewed on her lip, wincing slightly. She didn't want to admit that she hadn’t really returned anyone’s calls, but that was because she’d spent the majority of the week hunched over her toilet, alternating between dripping with sweat and half-freezing to death as she weathered through the brutal withdrawal from Wisteria.
She wasn’t ashamed per se – but admitting she’d gone through withdrawal meant admitting that she’d become reliant enough on it to have a physical reaction to cutting herself off from it, and that meant admitting she was weak.
“I was…dealing with a lot,” she decided after a moment. She realized that she was oddly grateful that Douma’s assault on her had been the catalyst for her stopping her Wisteria misuse, given that it gave her away around talking about the pitiful way she’d spent the last seven days.
Besides, it wasn’t like it was a lie; between puking her guts out, she’d spent a lot of time replaying the events that had led her to Douma’s bedroom, terrified and crying.
“A-and are you – you okay?” He stuttered, fidgeting with the drawstring of his sleep pants, twisting it nervously around his finger.
Y/N exhaled but gave him a half-smile that was almost genuine. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
Sanemi continued to shift nervously in the door, as though he wanted to ask her something else, but was warring with whether he should.
Ultimately, he decided to risk it. “Did he -“ Sanemi’s eyes screwed shut, and when he opened them again, he was fixed on a point over her shoulder, as though the question on his tongue was too much for him to risk meeting her eyes.
“Did he… hurt you,” Sanemi hesitated, his voice quieting to a whisper so soft, Y/N had to strain to hear it. “In a way I can’t see?”
Y/N’s eyes widened, her gaze softening as the weight of his question settled. “No, Sanemi, he didn’t. I promise.”
Her hand jumped absentmindedly to the faded mark where Douma had bit her and rubbed. “He wanted to, that much was clear, but Hakuji…Hakuji came just in time.”
Sanemi’s shoulders curled inward as he relaxed, and to Y/N’s heartache, she saw him nearly shaking under the weight of his unshed tears. “I’m sorry — I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.”
Y/N’s eyes hardened, and she let out a sardonic laugh. “That’s what you’re sorry for?”
She shook her head. “Why in the world would you have expected to have been there, Sanemi? You weren’t there any other time I needed you.”
“That’s not-“
“Too bad that’s the only thing you’re apologizing for,” Y/N sighed. “If only you would be sorry for the pain you’ve caused me, not for someone else hurting me.”
Sanemi’s gaze was hard, if not a little weary as he considered her words. “Okay Y/N, you’re right. It’s past time for us to do this,” he walked to the door that led out to the patio area, a little away from the house. He looked back to her, and in response to the eyebrow she had raised in question, he exhaled. “We’ve gotta have it out.”
Y/N did not move from her spot, standing with her back to the stovetop burners, merely crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at him, her hip jutting out. “I’m not going anywhere. If you want to do this, we can do it right here.”
“Fine,” Sanemi bit, voice stony as he folded his arms across his chest, matching her stance. “Then go ahead.”
Y/N merely raised an eyebrow at him, keeping her mouth clamped tightly shut. She refused to let him order her around, to let him goad her into being vulnerable after two years of nothing from him.
Sanemi watched her expectantly for a moment before sighing. “I guess I’ll start,” and he rubbed at his tired eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me it was your first time? That night?”
To Y/N’s shock, Sanemi looked genuinely upset, and she despised the way it made her ache. For all her attempts to keep him forever at arm’s length despite her need for him, the first sign of his pain was enough to make her want to fall to her knees.
But she kept her face neutral, disinterested. “Why does it matter?”
“Because I-,” Sanemi hesitated, his fingers curling against his palms, hands forming fists. “You should’ve told me.”
This conversation was nearly impossible to have sober, and for a brief moment, Y/N craved the sweet oblivion of flashing neon lights and pounding music and purple pills.
“It was none of your business,” Y/N decided, fingers toying with the ends of her hair as she avoided his gaze. “It was my decision.”
Sanemi opened his mouth as though to argue with her, but she cut him off. “God, this is so like you, isn’t it?”
Her fists clenched, and the anger she’d so carefully kept tucked away inside her began to bubble over. “Is it some weird male possessive thing? You fucked me, so now you think you have some kind of claim to me?”
“I care about you, you idiot, and I thought I’d hurt you,” Sanemi replied hotly. “If I’d’ve known, I wouldn’t have done it at all.”
“It’s not about you caring for me,” Y/N snapped. “Admit it — you feel entitled to me.” You’ve always felt entitled to my affections, ever since we were kids.”
Her leg began to bounce with her irritation. “You’d get huffy if I showed the slightest bit of affection to any other boy — don’t try to deny it. You’d cross your arms and get all broody and it fooled no one.”
Y/N laughed, though it was without humor. “You’re a possessive, jealous asshole, who keeps me around because I stoke your ego. You can’t tell me you never thought, not even once, that I had feelings for you.” Y/N’s eyes burned with angry tears.
“Of course I thought it,” Sanemi shot back. “You think I was that fucking blind?” He cracked his knuckles, an anxious tic he’d had since they were small. “You think I didn’t see the way you looked at me, like I was your goddamn favorite person? How could I ignore that?”
Sanemi shook his head. “Did you ever stop to think, for one moment, that maybe I didn’t say shit because I knew — have always known — that I’m not fuckin’ good enough for you? You’ve always been the smartest out of the three of us, Y/N — but did that thought ever cross that pretty head of yours?”
“That’s such a bullshit fucking reason,” Y/N said, exasperated. “Spare me the ‘I’m not good enough for you’ crap, Sanemi. This isn’t a fucking novel,” Y/N ground her toe into the expensive, stone tile of the Uzui’s kitchen floor in frustration. “Because for all your talk, nothing changes the very simple fact that you cut me off like it was fucking nothing. Like I was nothing.”
Sanemi’s jaw went slack as he gaped at her. “Is that how you remember it?”
“Though, I guess it would’ve been hard to know it was you, anyways.”
(Nine Months Earlier)
As he lazily strolled to his next class, Sanemi’s eyes casually roamed amongst the faces of fellow students as they brushed by him, heading in the opposite direction, when something caught his attention. Or rather, someone.
That someone was a wisp of a person, hunched over and curled into themselves like a wounded animal. From the cursory glance he gave them, Sanemi could see that the student was one, a girl, around his age, and two, looked as though she was about to blow away in the brisk, November wind.
He almost passed her without another thought, when her eyes lifted briefly and collided with his, and Sanemi felt his stomach drop, though he couldn’t explain why. Perhaps the flip in his gut had to do with the deep-set shadows beneath the girl’s glassy eyes, or the heavy hollow of her cheeks, as if she’d not known rest or a decent meal for months.
As quickly as her eyes met his, they lowered again, and the girl brushed past him. Sanemi kept walking for a few steps, content to let all memory of the girl fall into the recesses of his mind.
But her eyes. Something about her eyes made his mind snag, pulled at something in his chest that urged him to stop, turn around, and go back to her.
He stopped; he stopped, in the middle of the crosswalk, though the light was quickly ticking down the seconds he had to finish crossing the busy intersection, because he knew those eyes, even if, to his horror, he hadn’t recognized the face, so worn and thin under the crushing weight of her grief.
He knew those eyes, because he’d spent his entire life loving them.
Sanemi whipped around, eyes frantically scanning the dissipating crowd of students in search of her once more. Though his next class was in the opposite direction, he sprinted back across the street to where she’d been walking, calling her name as he darted in and around scowling students, annoyed at the panic-stricken man calling a name that wasn’t theirs.
He felt the burn of his frustrated and desperate tears begin to sting his eyes as he realized, to his torment, that Y/N had evaded him once more, vanishing like smoke in the wind.
Sanemi felt the familiar howl of crippling, raging despair gathering like a violent sea wave in the midst of a storm within him rearing its ugly head to smash him to bits against the rocky shore of his anguish at the realization that Y/N hadn’t just lost her mother.
She’d been suffering. For months.
And he hadn’t known; hadn’t been there for her to lean on, to make sure that she wasn’t bearing the entirety of the weight of a sick parent by herself, only a nineteen-year-old girl. So stuck in his own grief over Genya he’d been that he hadn’t known the depths of Y/N’s endless distress.
He’d abandoned her, and now, the woman he loved was a shell of her former self; a living ghost, forever out of his reach despite always haunting the corners of his shredded heart.
Any thought of his upcoming class faded from his mind as he began to stumble towards Kyojuro’s apartment, desperate to share the news with someone, anyone, who would understand the depth of his despair, and Sanemi broke down into tears.
“And where have you been hidin’ all this time?”
“I’ve been right here.”
“Nah, you haven’t.”
(Six Months Earlier)
“It’s been months, Sanemi, and we haven’t caught so much as a whisper of her,” Kyojuro’s voice was heavy with resignation as the blonde looked pleadingly at his best friend.
The muscles in Sanemi’s forearms flexed as his grip on his phone tightened while he fiddled with it. “We haven’t looked everywhere – have we tried the Pillars?” Sanemi began searching the address for the nearby apartment complex where over two-thirds of the Ubaya-U upperclassmen student body resided.
Kyojuro shook his head. “The Pillars house over two thousand units – we can’t just start going door to door. We’d look insane.”
But the silver-haired man didn’t reply as his eyes narrowed at his screen. “I’ll bet most of the students are in the same building – most residents don’t wanna put up with a bunch of noisy, drunk college kids.”
Kyojuro only looked at his friend in pity. “Maybe she doesn’t want to be found, Sanemi. Not by us, at least.”
Sanemi finally looked up from his screen and cringed at the docility in his friend’s eyes. “What do you suggest we do, Kyo?” He tossed his phone on his kitchen table in annoyance. “Just give up? D’you really think it’s best to just leave her by herself?”
“You don’t know for certain whether she is alone, though,” Kyojuro countered. “She might’ve found her own group here. Maybe she already has support. Maybe she doesn’t need us anymore.”
Kyojuro’s words hit something soft within him that he hadn’t realized had been left unguarded. For deep down, one of Sanemi’s many fears had always been that Y/N would one day outgrow him, though he’d always maintained that he wouldn’t hold her back should the day come.
But that wasn’t what happened; Sanemi had checked out after Genya’s death, and had only snapped back into reality a few weeks before the news of Mrs. Y/L/N’s passing had reached his ears, threatening to send him back to that dark, lonely island amidst the never-ending sea of his grief.
All he wanted was to make sure Y/N hadn’t been marooned on her own isle. As long as she had someone, then Sanemi could accept that he’d fucked over any chance he’d had of remaining in her life, in any capacity.
But until then…
“We don’t know for sure,” Sanemi said hoarsely, leaning back in his kitchen chair, the worn wood creaking slightly under his weight. “And until we do, I ain’t risking her being left alone to deal with this.”
Kyojuro looked at him with such pity and sorrow that it made him want to squirm. Refusing to meet his friend’s fiery, discerning gaze, Sanemi reached to pluck his phone from the table once more, scrolling through his phone contacts list, scanning the names.
“D’you think she might still be in contact with her old roommate?” He asked though it was more of a rhetorical question, given that he’d already begun drafting a message. “I’ve gotta catch my train here in an hour – but we could always try texting her.”
“D’you really think I didn’t try to find you?”
(Three Months Earlier)
“Three – you’re dating three women?” Sanemi asked, equal parts stunned and impressed.
The suave, silver-haired man nodded, a dreamy grin spreading wide across his handsome face. “Sure am,” Tengen produced a sleek black phone from the pocket of his joggers, and opened his social media profile to search a username. “Suma, Makio, and Hinatsuru. They’re all seniors at Ubaya-U, and roommates.” Tengen wiggled his eyebrows. “Which makes life very convenient for me,”
Sanemi met Kyojuro’s ochre stare as Tengen scrolled, as though waiting for his friend to call bullshit on the young detective’s brag, but the blonde only nodded.
“Hold on, they all went out with a few friends the other night, and I think Suma uploaded a pic with all of ‘em,” Tengen’s eyes narrowed in on what Sanemi assumed was the girl’s profile, scanning. “Aha! Here,” he held his phone out for the two boys to inspect, a proud, smug smile etched into his handsome face.
The photo was of five girls, three of whom Tengen identified as “his girls.” One of the remaining smiles was that which belonged to a girl with curious pink and green hair, wearing what could only be described as rave attire, given that most of her considerable body was exposed, even under the dim light of the club. As for the remaining girl --.
Sanemi’s stomach dropped as he looked closer at the image on Tengen’s phone. For there, sandwiched between the pink girl and one of Tengen’s partners, was the girl who’d held Sanemi’s heart since the day they’d met in preschool.
Only, she didn’t look like herself, not really. The sultry smile she gave the camera didn’t quite reach her eyes, which held that hollow, deadened look of someone who’d long since lost their will to live; who’d long since stopped caring they had.
Sanemi was only able to tear his eyes away from the image of Y/N’s frozen not-smile when Kyojuro pressed his elbow into his gut. He looked back to Tengen, who watched him with an odd expression, and sheepishly, Sanemi realized he’d snatched the phone right from the young detective’s hand.
“Sorry,” he muttered, handing Tengen back his cell. “I’m just surprised. It’s been a minute since we last saw her.”
“Who?” Tengen frowned, looking back at the photo, before recognition lit his eyes. “Oh! You mean Y/L/N? You two know her?”
Sanemi found it difficult to speak, so Kyojuro answered for him. “We grew up together back home. We haven’t really seen or heard from her in a while,”
Tengen hummed disinterestedly, apparently aloof to the way Kyo’s voice had cracked. “I’ve met her a few times – Suma dotes on her.” He smiled as he clicked off his phone, leaning back in the booth. “She’s been over to the girls’ place a few times before, and she seems pretty cool; kind of a party girl, though.”
Sanemi gaped at him, finally finding his voice. “She’s a what?”
Tengen shrugged. “Yeah, one time I met up with their friend group at one of the clubs downtown – the Kizuki Lounge, I think? – anyways, she and Makio decided to have a drink-off, and it ended with my ass having to carry them both out to the car and drive ‘em home.” He chuckled, shaking his head at the memory. “They argued the whole drive back about who won.”
Both Kyojuro and Sanemi sat in dumb silence as the silver-haired man leaned in, his voice lower than it had been. “One of their friends – she wasn’t in that picture just now – but apparently she’s some sort of chemistry whiz. Made a new drug that’s like ecstasy, but lasts longer and has an easier come down.” A conspiratorial smile spread across his face, a devious light in his eyes as he whispered, “The girls swear it helped give them the most intense orgasms of their life. I kinda wanna try it out for myself.”
Tengen leaned back and winked. “Are either of you interested? Even if you don’t want it, you should try hitting up the Kizuki every now and again. Most of Ubaya-U’s student body goes to party there during the summer, and they tend to offer decent deals on drinks.”
Sanemi had frequented bars, but never clubs, and Kyojuro rarely found himself in either. However, if Tengen’s comments about Y/N were to be believed, it was more than likely she was a regular patron of the local joint. She’d managed to evade every other attempt to get in touch with her, but perhaps meeting her on her turf would give him the opening he’d been desperately holding out for.
And Sanemi wasn’t about to waste the opportunity to find out.
He took a swig of his coffee before setting it down, meeting Tengen’s stare evenly, though he fought to conceal the way his hands trembled. “What are you doing this Friday?”
“I looked for you – everywhere, I looked for you.” Sanemi promised, his voice trembling as he pled with her. “Y/N, I knew what you were going through – I know what it’s like --,” his eyes begged her to just listen, but she couldn’t, not when she’d spent so long staying so silent.
“You have no idea!” Y/N burst, and for the first time in two years, she spoke of the night her world had ended, even though for everyone else, it kept spinning.
“I was alone when she died! It was just me in that hospital room,” Her tears flowed in a steady stream down her face, though her voice remained steady and sharp. “I was moving her hand over my hair because I knew I would never again get to feel her stroke my head whenever I was sad or stressed. It was so fucking late, and I was so tired, but I felt something shift, and I looked at her and watched her take her last fucking breath, Sanemi!”
Y/N ‘s hands wrung in her grief. “I had to call the nursing attendant and tell them – even though I could barely speak, I had to tell them my Mama stopped breathing.”  As she spoke, she saw only the image of her mother in that damn bed, still and pale, and her mother but no longer.
“And do you know what happened next? They told me I needed to leave and sign fucking paperwork,” She laughed, derisively, though she only cried harder. “I had to sign fucking release forms and then they just – told me goodnight. I walked to my car. Alone. I drove home. Alone. Without her.”
“I was with you when you found out about Genya – we made sure you weren’t alone! But me? Who was there for me?” Y/N was sobbing into her hands, her shoulders shaking with the weight of all the bitter loneliness she’d been forced to endure over the last two years. “Where were you?”
“Y/N, I get it, I do –,” Sanemi began but Y/N shook her head.
“No, Sanemi, you don’t understand!” Her voice was no longer angry, but pleading, begging him – anyone – to understand just how much she’d been struggling and for how long. “Every night when I close my eyes, I see her, lying there. I hear the beep of her oxygen monitor going haywire because she wasn’t breathing, and I see her take her final breath. Every night, over and over, and I just want it to stop.”
Y/N slumped back against the kitchen counter, exhausted and defeated. “You asked me where I’ve been the last two years, and you were right – I haven’t been here; because I’m still there –in that hospital room. I never left.”
Her sobs finally quieted beneath the press of her hand to her mouth as she tried to stifle the hysterical way her breath struggled to catch. “And I don’t think I will ever leave. It’s been two years, Sanemi, and I’m still sitting there, right where I lost everything.”
“So yeah, I was desperate for an escape. Because, that next day, I woke up, and for some reason, morning, still came, even though my Mom would never again see another sunrise, and even though my world had been obliterated,” Y/N’s voice quieted to a near whisper, her voice hoarse from her tears. “And everybody else just moved on. I wanted to pretend that I had, too, even if only for a little while.”
“I was alone,” Y/N cried softly into her hands. “I’m still alone.”
When Sanemi spoke, his voice was rough and cracked. “I know I left you alone then,” but for some reason, his validation didn’t soothe her the way it had with Kyojuro. “But you’re not alone now – I tried, so hard, Y/N, to find you and make sure you were okay, and I failed,” His eyes shone with his own unshed tears. “I refuse to leave you alone, now. I know that probably pisses you off, but I can’t – I can’t leave you, not when I know --,”
“It’s too late,” Y/N interjected, lifting her head up to meet his eyes. “You can’t just waltz back into my life and decide you care now, not after all this time.”
“It was never about me not caring,” Sanemi sat down in the seat opposite from her, his head braced between his hands as his fingers tugged at his hair in frustration. “I don’t get why you can’t understand that.”
She gaped at him. “You stopped talking to me because I said I was in love with you – I fully understand that it was piss-poor fucking timing on my part, but you tossed me aside like garbage.”
Sanemi’s head snapped up, his eyes wide. “You think that’s why I stopped talking to you?” And suddenly, devastation pulled at his face as his shoulders sagged. “Y/N – that was never the reason --,”
“What other reason was there, Sanemi?” Her tears had dried, but the gnawing ache in her chest only deepened at the look of his despair, because, angry as she was with him, she would never wish him to be in as much pain as he appeared to be in right then. “Even if you weren’t really that angry, it doesn’t change the fact that you stopped speaking to me because of it,”
“Y/N – that’s not –,” Sanemi began, but Y/N wanted no part of it, and she could tell they were only gearing up for another fight. She opened her mouth, ready to unleash all of her acidic, biting remarks about how comfortable Sanemi had been to use her, knowing that she was probably still in love with him, when he spoke once more.
“You aren’t the only one who has been grieving.” Sanemi’s words hit her with a force that knocked the breath from her lungs, and the fight from her blood.
“I lost the last person I could call ‘family,’ too, Y/N.” Sanemi spoke with a brokenness that she knew only she recognized as grief – boundless and all-consuming. “I failed as your friend, that’s true,” Sanemi’s voice quieted to a whisper. “But I failed as a brother, first.”
(November, 2 months after Genya’s death)
Sanemi laughed as the enraged bar patron’s fist slammed into his nose. The blow wasn’t hard enough to break the bone, given his intoxication, but it was enough for Sanemi to taste the blood as it dripped into his mouth.
“You’re fucking crazy,” the man spat, stumbling slightly.
Sanemi’s grin only widened. “I bet your wife would like some crazy in her life. You look as dull as a sack of shi-,” his taunt was cut off as the man landed another sharp to his gut, the breath wheezing out of him as Sanemi felt something inside him crack.
Probably another rib, he groused, gritting his teeth slightly. Just down the darkened alley, Sanemi could see people slowing down, watching as the balding drunkard threw lazy and disjointed punches at the bloodied, laughing man, and he knew it was only a matter of time before the cops were called. And Sanemi, to his annoyance, had promised Kyojuro he would try to stop needing the blonde to bail his ass out of jail every other week. He hadn’t known why he’d made such an inane promise to his best friend in the first place; it wasn’t as if he mattered.
Because the days following Genya’s death had blurred into weeks, which bled into months. For Sanemi, life became marked by the amount of time that had passed since he’d become the only Shinazugawa left on earth.
Since he’d last been someone’s brother.
Two days. Twenty-three. A month. Four months. Nine. A year.
Life post-Genya was a series of blurs; droplets of water on a page that smeared ink into something vaguely recognizable, but ultimately rendered useless.
Just like him.
For so long, his identity had revolved around being Genya’s big brother — his Aniki, as the boy had affectionately called him.
Could one still be an older sibling when they had no sibling left?
Genya had been Sanemi’s pride and joy. He’d been eager to get settled into college, to get his own place so Genya wouldn’t have to share a bunk bed with other kids the state had squeezed into their foster home. He’d lined up jobs to ensure he could buy Genya whatever food he wanted, whenever he wanted it, because Genya was always hungry, and their foster parents had never seemed to have enough to go around.
But then, Genya had wound up dead, and Sanemi hadn’t even been there to protect him. What kind of big brother was he, if he couldn’t even be counted on to be there when his little brother needed him the most?
He didn’t even get to say goodbye. He’d left his brother only a couple of weeks prior, with a promise to come and visit him as soon as he could. Genya had tried his hardest to stifle his tears, but despite his brother’s somewhat hardened appearance, thanks to the scar that cut across his face, Sanemi knew Genya was a sensitive boy, prone to wearing his heart on his sleeve. So the elder Shinazugawa had pulled his brother in tight, ruffled his hair, and told him he’d see him soon.
It had been a lie; the next time Sanemi saw Genya, the fourteen-year-old was a body on a metal table, awaiting Sanemi’s approval to be sent to a funeral home for burial preparations.
And so, the days passed in one, monotonous, never-ending cycle. Wake up; stare at the ceiling; force himself to eat, shower, and go to class. Then, Sanemi would grab his fake ID, head to a bar, take a few shots of some burning, acidic liquid, and then identify the meanest, biggest thug in the joint and pick a fight. He’d let himself get beaten to a bloody pulp and then he’d limp his way home, barely making it to his bed before passing out in the sweet stupefaction of oblivion.
Occasionally, he’d wonder why on earth he was the one who was left alive; why fate had demanded Genya’s life and not his, because Genya had so much more to offer the world than he did.
After all, Genya hadn’t even picked the fight between the two boys from their old foster home, and he’d still ended up dead.
The time never seemed to stop even though his little brother’s heart had; and with each passing day, Sanemi felt himself growing number and number. As the pulsing ache between Sanemi’s ribs dulled, he mused that, with every moment that passed, he was growing closer to becoming just like the little brother who now slept six feet under the frozen ground of the cemetery plot that also now housed their parents and other siblings.
Nothing more than a corpse.
If only it had been him.
It should have been him.
“After Genya died I —,” Sanemi hesitated. “I wasn’t a good person, Y/N. You didn’t need to see me like that.” He ran a hand down his face, his weariness a heavy shadow beneath his eyes. “I’m honestly surprised Kyo stuck through it as long as he did.”
“I fucked up, I know that.” He admitted, his eyes shining with his own unshed tears. “I was an asshole to you, and I could’ve done more,”
Sanemi’s voice dropped to a whisper. “But I needed you, too. And you vanished. You told me you loved me and then you vanished. And it was like losing another person I loved all over again, and I’d barely started mourning Genya.”
Y/N felt her stomach drop to the floor and her vision tunnel. The weight of Sanemi’s words slammed into her with cataclysmic force, and she shot out a steadying hand against the counter to keep her knees from buckling.
She remembered now, the point at which she’d fucked it all up; and he was right.
Y/N had felt abandoned by her friends, but she’d forgotten that it was she who distanced herself from Sanemi first; that she’d done so to protect her own stupid pride and heartache after his apparent rejection of her love. She’d evaded him first, because she’d assumed that was what he wanted, even though he’d tried texting her once. She’d neglected to consider that perhaps, his ignorance of her hadn’t anything to do with his anger that she’d dared to confess; that perhaps, his neglect of her had been part of a general disconnect from the world, in the wake of it taking yet another person he loved away.
At the time, Y/N hadn’t understood what it meant to grieve; hadn’t been able to comprehend the ways in which it could engulf someone like a wildfire before they could ever see the smoke.  
He’s dealing with a lot right now, Kyojuro had told her, sternly. But perhaps Kyojuro’s admonition hadn’t been that at all; perhaps it had been a tired, desperate effort to remind her that Sanemi’s introversion from the world had nothing to do with her at all.
“I’m sorry,” Y/N gasped, her hands shaking. “I didn’t realize – I just knew I felt alone. All I wanted was you, Sanemi. I didn’t care how. I just wanted my friend.” This time, Y/N did not try and steady her voice as the tears welled up in her eyes. “I needed you — I needed my ‘Nemi. But you weren’t there – I-I didn’t think-,”
“I promise you, I wanted to make it right. I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did at the train station,” Sanemi gave a great sniff, lifting his head to meet her eyes. “When I snapped out of it, I tried so hard to find you by then, it was too late; you were gone,” His tears fell fast and hot down his face. “I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, Y/N.”
“I failed you; I know that --,”
But the girl shook her head, collapsing back against the kitchen counter. “We failed each other.” She wiped her cheeks, her arms winding tight around her middle as she tried to hold herself together even though the weight of the words that followed threatened to tear her apart at the seam for good. “And I don’t know how to fix this – how to fix us.”
Sanemi leaned back against the table, opposite her. “Maybe we can’t…maybe we can never go back to the way things were.”
Even as he said it, Y/N’s heart seized. She knew he was right, but she wanted so very badly to believe he was wrong; wanted to believe there was still a them to salvage.
“That doesn’t change how I feel about us,” Sanemi continued. “And that doesn’t mean we can't try to make something new.”
His words, so brutally honest and yet hopeful, tugged at the bleeding, mangled pieces of her heart. For the first time since they’d reunited, Y/N felt as though she could finally see him – all of him – and he broke her heart, and not for the reasons she thought he had before. The remnants of her heart ached for him because he looked just as broken and lost as she was, and she realized that perhaps, they hadn’t meant to hurt one another. Perhaps, they’d both been merely victims of their own grief.
All Y/N knew was that she was tired, so very tired of running from him, especially when he’d always been inevitable. And she wanted, more than anything, to ease some of the burden that she’d failed to notice he’d been struggling to carry, too consumed by her own grief and pain and rage.
Sanemi’s stare was weary as she slid off the counter and approached him timidly, hesitating just once before winding her arms around his neck and kissing him, gently.
She kissed him because she did not know what else she could do at that moment. There were no words she could say, no promises she could offer him, other than this small act of physical comfort.
Sanemi kissed her back, soft, though the hand on her face felt more like an effort to restrain himself from going any further. Y/N’s suspicions were confirmed when he broke away from her lips, panting slightly, and moved when she tried to reconnect them.
He pressed his forehead against hers. “I don’t think it’s a good idea,” he murmured, apologetically. “We’re both all worked up.”
Y/N opened her eyes and peered up at him, nodding. He was right; of course, he was right, but his rejection stung anyways.
He must have sensed it, for he pressed his lips tightly against her forehead, his thumb stroking her cheek. “Let’s just take some time, okay?”
Her lips trembled with the effort to keep herself from crying once more, but she nodded, nonetheless. Briefly, Sanemi’s lips brushed her forehead once more, before he pulled away, and silently retreated to his bedroom, leaving Y/N in the dim light of the kitchen.
The next day and a half passed without event, and Y/N was grateful for it. She’d managed to smile and laugh with Mitsuri and Kyojuro, and goofed around with Tengen’s beautiful girlfriends, but her heart remained heavy in her chest.
Though, it wasn’t an unwelcome weight, even if it made her uncomfortable at times. The fallout from hers and Sanemi’s talk two nights earlier had been both the final knife to her blackening heart and its bandage, and she’d been left to work through the complex tapestry of her feelings towards the man who’d held her heart before she’d even known she’d given it to him.
Such thoughts, however, had not quieted. It was just after midnight when Y/N gave up on trying to sleep. The house was too large and too quiet, and it made the thoughts in her head all the louder and sleep all the more evasive.
With a sigh, she kicked free of her blankets and rose, padding out of her temporary bedroom and into the dark, silent hall of the Uzui lake house. Trust that Tengen, of all people, would come from a family that not only had a summer house, but one large enough that each of her friends had been afforded their own private bedroom for their short weekend.
Clad in only a pair of black boy-shorts and a matching, cropped tank, Y/N clandestinely made her way down towards the large staircase which led to the first floor, but paused before beginning her descent, as she remembered that Sanemi’s room was on the first floor – just before the kitchen.
He’d wanted space, and she’d given it to him. Over the last two days, the pair hardly spoke to one another except for, when necessary, by virtue of the group’s activities under the sun. It hadn’t been out of any malice or anger, not like before. Rather, it seemed that their mutual avoidance of one another had been born out of a curious shyness that had bloomed between them, as both worked through the snarled tangles of their hearts.
If she went to the kitchen, as planned, there was a chance she’d wake him, and even if every fiber of her body missed him, the last thing she wanted was to be the cause of his loss of sleep – at least, more so than she’d apparently already had been.
On the other hand, she was thirsty, and there was a restlessness buzzing beneath her skin that would not quiet, that hadn’t quieted since she’d given up those treacherous lilac pills.
Y/N decided to take her chances, resolving not to turn on any of the stair lights or the light in the kitchen, instead navigating only by the dim light of her phone as she eased her way down the polished wood stairs. She held her breath as she slipped past the door that led to Sanemi’s room, as though the very sound would risk disturbing the handsome man slumbering within.
Once in the kitchen, Y/N blindly felt around for the cupboard containing sparkling glasses and managed to fill one with water without making a great deal of sound. Using the light of her phone screen, she managed to hop up onto the cool, marbled countertop and leaned back against the cabinets as she nursed her drink.
For the last two nights, sleep had evaded Y/N because of the way Sanemi’s words had played, over and over her head, a never-ending tape that showcased her own selfishness on a loop.
You aren’t the only one who has been grieving, he’d told her, brokenly.
He was right, and she was horrible.
For as long as she could remember, Y/N had always feared being selfish. She didn’t know where the deep-seated aversion to looking after he own self-interest had come from, but it was one that was so deeply ingrained within her that she’d long since stopped trying to overcome it. Instead, she’d found herself always trying to do the best for other people, desperately trying not to put herself over her loved ones, for fear they would leave her the instant she did.
When she’d found out her mother was going to die, she’d been left by the doctor to break the devastating news as her beloved mother lay in that hospital bed, fighting so hard to keep her oxygen levels up so that she could get out. Her mother had been asking Y/N to describe all of the autumnal decorations she’d seen go up in town, as though the prospect of seeing fake leaf garlands and pumpkins would be enough to make her lungs work properly once more.
For as long as she lived, she would never forget the broken disbelief in her mother’s eyes as Y/N had tearfully told her she would not live to see the end of the week.
“I thought I had more time,” her mother had wheezed, brokenly, clasping Y/N’s hand as tightly as she could with her dwindling strength.
She’d looked so scared, so lost, and what had Y/N done?
Y/N had cried; sobbed and had been utterly unable to stop. Her mother had needed comfort, and she hadn’t been able to toughen up and stop crying.
I’m sorry, Mama, she’d bawled, I can’t stop crying, I’m so sorry.
Her mother, with tears in her own eyes, had only shaken her head. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.
As though it were her fault she was dying; as though Y/N didn’t know that if death were a matter of will, her mother would be here, on earth, with her still.  
In her mother’s most desperate moment, Y/N had been utterly incapable of providing comfort, instead needing to be comforted, like the child she’d been. It was despicable; she was despicable.
To her horror, she’d been nothing but selfish. So, so very selfish, for being unable to check her emotions when it mattered most. And her mother had barely been conscious after that final conversation, which meant Y/N hadn’t been able to apologize for making her mother comfort her in her hour of greatest need. But Y/N had added that great regret to the list of things that would likely haunt her for the rest of her life, hopeful that maybe its presence on her list of regret would serve as a warning for her in the future.
It hadn’t; because Y/N had fallen right back into the sticky trap of her own selfishness and had failed to account for all the ways in which Sanemi had been suffering, right alongside her.
Worse, she’d relished his suffering because she’d thought she’d been the cause of it, and it had felt so damn good to finally get him back for the two years of hell she’d endured, never realizing that he’d been burning, too.
They’d been victims of a shitty hand dealt to them both, but too young and too stupid to be able to see the world outside of their own heads. And now, she had no idea where things stood between them.
Deep in thought, Y/N did not sense the shift in the air that signaled another was stirring until the kitchen light flipped on, and Y/N’s head shot up to see the person she’d most wanted to both see and avoid.
Sanemi looked just as surprised to see her, perched on the kitchen counter. His hand still lingered on the light switch, and his eyes were wide. He seemed to realize he’d been staring, and he quickly looked down to his feet, the faintest trace of red crossing his cheeks.
“Sorry,” he mumbled. “Couldn’t sleep.”
Y/N huffed a watery chuckle, wiping quickly at the tears that clung to her cheeks. “Neither could I – just a little restless, I guess.”
There was so much she wanted to say, and yet, she couldn’t think of a single word to speak, as he continued to hover by the light switch, uncertainty turning his muscles rigid. An awkward silence ensued as Y/N gave a great sniff and tried, but failed, to fake an ‘everything is fine’ smile.
Not that she would’ve been able to fool him anyway, but still, she mused, it would’ve been nice to try.
“I’m sorry – I’ll go back to my room,” She put her water glass down by her side and braced her hands against the edge of the counter to hop down, but remembered that she was still only in her underwear. It was foolish, she knew, to feel suddenly self-conscious being so exposed in front of him, given that Sanemi had spent the entire summer exploring every nook and cranny of her body with his mouth and hands, but the emotions of the weekend still weighed heavily on her – made her feel vulnerable.
Especially under the microscope of his burning stare.
Sanemi didn’t respond, nor did he comment on her failure to move off the counter. Instead, he only continued to watch her as she wiped at her cheeks, that fathomless heat and longing and hurt in his stare.
“I’ve always hated seeing you cry,” he finally murmured, and Y/N was surprised to see that he had inched closer to where she sat, perched on the kitchen counter.
A door was opening, and Y/N found herself wondering if she should walk through it or remain here, where the line between them was tenuous, but a line nonetheless; safe, and capable of being enforced, if she needed to run.
Y/N recalled a conversation they’d had about Mitsuri and Obanai before the pair had begun dating – back when they, too, had been chained to their own doubts of the other’s sincerity.
They should let themselves try, he’d quietly insisted.
She’d rebuked his words, only to find herself eat crow later; Mitsuri and Obanai had let themselves try, and now they were together, mending and growing as one instead of as two.
Maybe they could try, too.
“But why?” Y/N pressed, because though she’d decided at that moment to walk through that door with no reservations, she still wanted to hear him say it; wanted an explanation, after all these months.
“You know why,” was his only reply, his voice growing hoarse as he drew up within an arm’s reach of her.
Y/N shook her head again, but Sanemi did not stop; his hands boxed her in on the counter, one thick forearm coming to brace on either side of the kitchen counter, thumbs just grazing her thighs.
“You know why,” he insisted.
Y/N finally lifted her eyes to his, the last wavering thread of her resolve dissolving as she beheld the timid, pleading sincerity in his stare.
She exhaled, softly, but she did not move away from him.
“Then show me.”
She’d never seen Sanemi look so shy as he lifted one hand to cup her delicately under the chin. As he leaned in close, Y/N felt a curious tingle in her stomach that only grew in its intensity as his lips – so warm and soft – brushed against hers.
It was butterflies, Y/N realized as her eyes closed, that she’d felt fluttering in her stomach as Sanemi kissed her, because it was everything their first kiss should have been. It was not rough and sticky from mixed drinks and being pressed against dirty club walls in the dark, like the act itself was a shameful secret driven only by lust.
It was gentle, and soft, like the first fall of snowflakes against her cheeks. It was warm like a summer breeze, gently messing the tendrils of her hair against her bare shoulders, as it caressed her skin and promised precious moments of levity and of peace.
Sanemi’s lips moved against hers, still so gentle, and Y/N felt not just the love she’d come to accept he held for her, but also his hope, as tentative and uncertain and yet as eager, as a newborn fawn taking its first shaking steps in the spring.
It was everything; he was everything.
Their kiss grew more heated as they both grew more desperate to consume one another, the desire to make up for all the time lost between them morphing into a base need, as though their minds knew they needed the other to help put themselves back together again; to make themselves whole.
Sanemi’s hands found the sliver of skin exposed between the top of her underwear and the bottom of her tank top, and Y/N moaned, her legs wrapping around his hips to lock her closer to him as she let Sanemi engulf her in his strong, sturdy arms.
He lifted her effortlessly from the counter, his lips never leaving hers, and he began to walk them toward his bedroom. As Y/N’s legs wrapped eagerly around his waist, and her fingers tightened their grip in his hair, she found herself grateful that his room was just around the corner.
His tongue danced slowly with hers as he nudged the door to his room open with his foot and blindly pushed it shut once they were safely inside.
Sanemi’s lips dropped to her neck as he carried her to his bed, laying her out beneath him as his hands skimmed under her tank top, rough fingertips gliding up the sides of her bare waist until his palms rested against her breasts, rolling the mounds between his hands until she was moaning into his mouth, her wetness gathering quickly in her underwear as Sanemi pressed his groin against hers and rolled.
He made quick work of discarding her sleeping top, his mouth closing around one of her nipples as he gave it a hard suck, his hand cupping the other to roll her stiffening nipple between his fingers with a surety that had her whining and tugging at his hair, begging him for more.
Y/N’s fingers clawed at his back, eager to tear his t-shirt from his back so that her hands could greedily roam the stony ridges of his back, his chest. Sanemi groaned as she raked her nails across his shoulders, and he nipped her breast in response for making his way down to where her underwear struggled to conceal her arousal from him.
His tongue grazed over the thin scrap of fabric that separated her bare cunt from his waiting mouth and he groaned, his fingers digging into the sides of her thighs. “I can taste you through your damn panties,” he growled, his eyes dark as they lifted up to her face, flushed bright pink as she watched him slowly drag his tongue up her clothed slit. “Are you that needy for me already, baby?”
Sanemi withdrew himself from between her legs, and Y/N thought she’d fall apart at the loss of his warmth above her. Any protestations she had bubbling in her throat, however, died, as Sanemi shoved his sweatpants down his legs, his thick length springing forth and bouncing against his navel.
No matter how many times she’d seen it, the sight of his cock, long and with considerable girth, with a pretty, mushroom-like tip that grew an angry red the longer he went without stimulation, never failed to make her mouth go dry.
“Let me take care of you, sweet girl,” he cooed, slowly kneeling before where she laid sprawled on his bed as his hands smoothed up her thighs to the bottom of her underwear. Gently, his fingers curled under the fabric and began to slide them down the length of her legs, until he’d pulled them away from her feet.
Before he returned to her, he balled the discarded cloth in his hand and brought it to his nose, eyes closing as he inhaled deeply the scent of her arousal, a soft growl reverberating from the back of his throat as he opened his eyes, amethyst irises full of heady want for her.
“Fuck, I’ve missed that,” he said quietly, his movements slow, teasing, as he knelt on the bed, the mattress dipping under his weight, as he settled between her thighs.
Y/N huffed a shaky laugh. “It’s been two weeks, you nymphomaniac,” though she nearly gulped at way his eyes darkened as he exhaled softly along her glistening, throbbing core.  
Sanemi sat back from her, eyes roaming her bare body as he considered her words. “You’re right, it’s been two weeks,” he said evenly, as his hands slide under backside, lifting her up to work himself under her until she was perched on his abdomen, its rocky ridges brushing deliciously against her bare folds.
“W-what are you -!” Y/N’s question was cut off as Sanemi’s broad, warm hands gripped under her thighs and hauled her up his torso, bringing her to hover just above his face as he settled beneath her.
“It’s been too long,” Sanemi grunted, his voice like gravel with his desire. “I need this. I need you.”
His strength had always greatly outmatched her own, but Y/N did not try to struggle as he lowered her bare cunt onto his mouth, his hands braced on her hips as he pushed her full weight down onto his face, groaning loudly as her essence enveloped him.
Sanemi’s head had spent a great deal of time between her thighs since the start of the summer, and yet this was somehow far more intimate.
Intimate, because she was utterly helpless as he held her throbbing core flush against his face, his arms caged tightly around her thighs, prohibiting her from moving away even if she’d wanted to do so, as he devoured her.
From beneath her, Sanemi let out a deep groan as his tongue sank between her folds and began lapping at her. Sanemi’s expert tongue wove in and out of her folds, periodically grazing over her entrance with such teasing fervor that Y/N felt her lower abdominal muscles seize, and she could not stop her hips as she began to grind into his mouth, her head tossed back.
A sharp prick against her inner thigh had Y/N’s eyes flying open as she looked down, surprised to see Sanemi licking the inside of her thigh where he’d nipped her. Even in the dark, Y/N could see the moonlight reflecting off his lavender irises he held her gaze, the hands around her thighs tightening and Sanemi slid his hot, silken tongue into her opening.
Y/N’s responding moan was loud, wanton, her head falling back as her hips ground down into his mouth as she began to ride his tongue. Below her, Sanemi groaned, his laps and sucks at her most sensitive area growing louder as he greedily slurped her juices.
Y/N began to feel that coil deep in her stomach grow tighter as her clit began to pulse and throb against Sanemi’s relentless tongue and lips. One hand slid under her to play with her entrance, his rough fingers circling her opening, sliding into her until his first knuckle before withdrawing, teasing her as her hips bucked wildly against his face, as she grew more desperate for him to fill her.
“Sanemi – p-please,” Y/N begged as his deft fingers avoided sinking into her spasming heat once more, a small scream of frustration tearing from her throat as he continued to tease her.
Though her white-haired lover was prone to continue teasing her, the grip around her thighs tightened as Sanemi pressed her harder against his face, his tongue thrusting in and out of her as his teeth grazed her aching bead over and over. Y/N’s cries grew louder, closer together, as the rough stubble of his jaw scraped against her sensitive flesh.
It was too much; with a sharp cry, Y/N’s thighs seized around Sanemi’s head as she felt a rush of her juices gush out of her, coating his face. The vibrations from Sanemi’s groans of satisfaction intensified the ripple of pleasure that rocked through her, and Y/N could not stop herself from grinding even harder against him in a desperate attempt to prolong her release.
Y/N fought to keep herself upright as she bucked against his face, but the sensation had become too much, and she found herself falling back against his legs. Sanemi didn’t seem to mind, his arms remaining tightly locked around her lower hips as he continued to rock his face against her core, her thighs shuddering around his head at the scrape of his stubbled jaw against her heated, sensitive flesh.
She turned her head and was surprised to see how close Sanemi’s cock was to her face, standing thick and tall as it bounced proudly against his abdomen with every flex of his stomach muscles and thighs as he continued to eat her out like she was his final meal.
Y/N’s lips went dry as her eyes took in the leaking, red tip of him, so demanding and eager, and yet he’d been utterly content to ignore his own need in favor of satisfying hers.
She struggled against his iron-like grip on her hips, trying desperately to turn so she could take him fully into her mouth, but he was too lost in her cunt to realize she wasn’t trying to get away; she wanted him, wanted to pleasure him as must as he insisted on pleasing her.
“Sanemi,” she whined, trying to turn once more, but his arms only tightened around her, a growl of warning reverberating from his chest.
Straining, Y/N leaned as close as she could to his aching cock and stuck her tongue out, just managing to graze the side of it before she had to pull away.
It was enough. At the first caress of her wet tongue against him, she felt Sanemi freeze beneath her, his tongue momentarily pausing mid-thrust into her core as he realized what she was trying to do.
“Fuck this,” he muttered, finally tearing himself away from her lovingly abused cunt and throwing her off him to the side, her breasts bouncing as she settled against the mattress. “I need you – now.”  
Sanemi covered her body with his own, her legs falling to the side with practiced ease as she accommodated his hips. Despite his gruff words, Sanemi bent down to kiss her softly, his lips warm and gentle, as one hand rose to caress her cheek. Y/N locked her arms around his neck, happily sighing into his mouth as his tongue slid between her lips to stroke hers, each caress making the fire in her lower belly burn hotter and more urgent.
Sanemi shifted, keeping one hand on her face as the other moved to grip him at his base, aligning himself with her entrance. His eyes flitted back up to hers one more time, seeking her permission, and it made Y/N’s heart seize. Even after more than two months of sleeping with her, he still insisted on ensuring he had her approval.
Had she been able to form a coherent sentence, she would have begged him to take her, but she’d long since lost her ability to speak thanks to Sanemi’s skilled hands and mouth, and so, she only rolled her hips towards his impatiently, whimpering with her need.
Sanemi groaned in response and the hot, flared tip of his aching cock pushed into her. Ordinarily, Sanemi took his time working his way inside her, given his considerable size and girth; but, thanks to the way he’d insisted she ride his face, Y/N’s core had become impossibly slick that Sanemi sunk into her molten heat in a single, fluid motion, not stopping until his base was pressed flush against hers.
A hitched breath blew past Sanemi’s lips as he buried his face into the crook of his neck. He locked one arm around her upper back, the other encircling her thigh to hold her open for him as he began to rock into her, sloppily and hurried, as though he were getting lost in the feeling of her tight, soaking heat as she clenched around him.
“S-Sanemi!” Y/N gasped, her fingers burying themselves into the pale cornsilk of his hair as she tugged, eliciting a deep groan from the Adonis that ground into her from above with abandon.
Y/N’s hips moved of their own accord as she desperately sought to meet his frenzied thrusts, circling and pushing against him as Sanemi’s cock hit that spot within her that made her toes curl and her stomach dip. She was as wanton and desperate as he was, though the harder she moved against him, the more needy she became.
She needed him to be closer; so much closer.
“’Nemi,” she cried, begging him though she did not know what she begged for, as she moved her hands from his hair to rake her nails down his back, needing him to do something, anything to bring her closer -.
Sanemi locked a steely arm around her middle and in one fluid motion, flipped them, bringing Y/N atop him.
Both groaned in unison as the new position allowed Sanemi to reach even deeper within her, and Y/N felt nearly intoxicated by the sensation of being filled and stretched to her limit. Sanemi’s hands braced at her waist as he began to help her roll her hips against his, his head falling back as his eyes fell shut in bliss, a deep moan falling from his mouth.
Tears stung Y/N’s eyes as she ground against him because she understood what his actions meant even if he’d not uttered a word.
Sanemi Shinazugawa said he’d never let anyone ride him.
But he wanted to be hers.
So, with an unfamiliar yet welcome warmth spreading through her chest, Y/N began move, her hips softly rolling and grinding against his as she braced her hands against his rocky abdomen, fingers digging in slightly as she tilted her head back and moaned his name, loud and unrestrained.
“Nemi,” Y/N gasped, her hips rising and falling and grinding against him with a fervor beyond her control, as she could not get enough of how it felt to fuck herself on him. “Am I — ah — doing this right?”
A loud groan from deep in Sanemi’s chest was her only answer, as her lover lifted his head from where it’d been thrown back against his pillow as he basked in the feeling of Y/N’s silky cavern milking him for all he was worth.
 “Baby, I don’t think you could do wrong if you tried,” he grunted, his voice trembling with his unbounded desire.
She was inclined to agree, because god, even after months of being fucked by him, none of those previous encounters could compare to the way he was making her feel right then, his warm, sturdy hands braced on her hips as he helped guide her up and down his hot, steely length, the room filling with the sound of their skin clapping as she bounced and ground against him.
Y/N’s hands found his at her waist and she pulled them away, in favor of tightly interlocking their fingers as she increased her pace, bringing herself up off his cock before dropping her hips back down again for a needy grind, her walls fluttering around him with each push and pull against him.
She fell forward slightly, pressing the back of his hands down into the mattress and holding them there, just over his head, their fingers tightly interlocked together. She shifted, so that she could brace a little of her weight into him, pressing them even harder into the soft bed as she increased her pace, rolling into him faster as she circled her hips around him.
With his hands pinned above his head, and his eyes squeezed tightly shut as a needy moan echoed from his throat, Y/N swore she’d never seen sight more beautiful than that of Sanemi completely at her mercy.
“I want to finish like this,” Sanemi’s voice had an uncharacteristic desperation in it that bordered on begging, he threw his head back harder against his pillow, the tendons in his neck tensing as he groaned unrestrainedly for her. “Please, Y/N –,”
She only ground down against him harder, his pleas choking off in his throat as his fingers dug harder into her hips. “Sh-i-it,” Sanemi groaned out, his hips thrusting wildly up into her, so lost in just how deep he could reach within her vice-like, silky heat.
Guided by pure instinct, Y/N released his hands and sat up, her own drifting behind her as she began to fondle his swollen, heavy balls while she continued the relentless pull and drop of her hips up and down his throbbing cock.
“Fuck!” Sanemi bucked harshly up into her, his head pressing harder against the pillow beneath him as the muscles in his neck strained, his eyes falling shut in his bliss. One of his hands found its way to her lower abdomen, pressing down slightly so she could feel him pressing against the front wall of her core, Y/N’s voice cracking as she moaned. His other hand lowered to where they were connected, and he began to swirl his thumb around her aching clit, his ministrations causing the walls of her cunt to pulse and constrict around him as her end neared.
Y/N’s thighs began to burn with exhaustion as she bounced up and down his cock, but she could not stop, not until she reached the dizzying height of her pleasure that was quickly coming on the harder she rode him.
Sanemi, however, appeared to sense her growing tiredness. “C’mere,” he said gruffly, one hand lifting to cup her face as the other shifted to press against the small of her back, guiding her to lay flush against him as he claimed her mouth with his own and began to thrust up into her, holding her securely against him.
Y/N groaned into his mouth, as their new position allowed Sanemi to hit a spot within that had her seeing stars as he kept her crushed against him, his tongue dancing languidly with hers. The hand on her lower back moved so that his arm could wrap around her waist and embrace her, as his other hand moved from her jaw to brush a lock of hair back that had fallen in front of her face.
“N-Nemi,” Y/N whimpered, her hips beyond her control as they dropped and rolled and ground against him, in desperate search of her release.
“I know, sweetheart. I know,” Sanemi’s voice was raspy, his arm tightening on her waist in a poor effort at restraint. “I feel it, too.”
Sanemi began thrusting up into her spasming cunt, a renewed string of curses falling from his mouth as the messy sound of Y/N’s honeyed core filled the room. Y/N felt herself begin to tighten around him, the thighs trembling against either side of his waist as she slammed herself back onto him, her cries growing louder as Sanemi brought her closer to her peak. His hips began to lose rhythm as he wildly jutted into her. Y/N’s eyes were squeezed shut as she began to babble, alternating between cries of his name and nearly incoherent pleas for more.
Sanemi’s hand found hers and brought it up against his chest, holding it tightly as his other arm cinched around her waist. “Let go for me, baby,” his voice was hoarse as he leaned up slightly to brush a kiss against her lips.
One, strong grind of her hips later, Y/N shattered around him, her inner walls seizing him like a vice as she tipped her head back and wailed for him, so pretty and so completely undone by him that she did not think she could ever be put back together and be wholly her own, without his touch forever imprinted on her skin, or upon her heart.
She knew, at that moment, as Sanemi’s grunts turned into loud, unrestrained moans as he bucked wildly into her, that running from him had always been futile, because she’d only ever been running in circles, only to find herself as she was then, right back on her knees before him, utterly his.
The difference was, she realized as he gave one last mighty push of his hips up into her still-spasming core, his seed shooting into her with blinding force, as a strangled shout-cry tore from his throat and his fingers seized around hers against his chest, that he’d been running in the same circle, too, just in the opposite direction. But now they’d run out of track to tread, and he’d smacked right into her, knocking both of them off their axes, stumbling and spinning together until they’d finally hit the ground, with only each other to face and nowhere else to run; and she was tired of running, anyways.
Because she knew, as Sanemi’s hips finally stilled against hers and she collapsed against his chest and he on the bed, leaking cock still nestled between her legs, that she loved him.
She loved him.
She loved him.
Neither of them spoke for a long while, both panting hard as they caught their breaths.
“You said you think I’m possessive — maybe I am,” Sanemi said after a long moment, as the two came down from their mutual highs. “But it’s because I want to be yours. I’ve always been yours.”
He paused before continuing, his arms around her tightening. But when he spoke again, his voice was perceptibly softer, more timid, as though afraid of her rejection. “And I want you to be mine, too.” 
Let him into your heart, and he will gladly give you his.
Y/N’s hand found his at her waist, and gently, she removed it. As she brushed her lips over the calloused pads, always so soft whenever they touched her, she lifted her gaze to his.
“You are mine,” she repeated softly, before moving his hand to press against the valley between her breasts, where her heart beat strong against her sternum. “And this has always belonged to you.”
Sanemi’s cheeks burned red as he bent to graze her lips with his, his hand still pressed against her chest. So innocent and chaste was the kiss that it was easy to forget that his cock remained buried within her, his seed still gathering on the sheets beneath them as it trickled from her.
Sanemi’s thumb stroked the skin of her sternum absentmindedly. “What comes next, Y/N?” He murmured, his eyes tracing over the features of her face as she rested her cheek against his bicep. “What do you want this to be – what would make you happiest?”
Y/N thought for a moment and weighed all of the emotions that had sat heavily in her chest for the past two days – the past two years – untangling each knot and snarl that had formed to obstruct the heart of her true desire.
When she spoke, her voice was as soft as a feather.
“I want to be with you. I’ve only ever wanted to be with you. That hasn’t changed.”
Sanemi’s eyes widened with a hope she knew he’d not dare let himself feel ever since their fateful reunion at the Kizuki. “So you’ll stay? With me?”
Y/N’s answering smile was wide as she leaned up to brush a gentle kiss against his lips. “Yes, ‘Nemi. I will stay.”
And for the first time in two years, Y/N felt just as hopeful as him.
“Can I kiss you again?” Sanemi breathed, staring down at her in awe, as though he could not believe that she was real, despite having just had her in the most real way he could have.
Y/N didn’t answer, instead raising her lips to his, as she threaded her fingers through his hair to hold him close to her. Sanemi responded with a soft groan and pressed himself into her. His cock began to twitch to life within her once more as her tongue slid into his eager mouth, gliding alongside his own.
She moaned into his mouth as he began to roll into her, her legs falling to the side to accommodate his body as he settled himself between her thighs. But Sanemi’s warm, rough hands slid underneath her backside and shifted her to lay on her side next to him, her chest pressed flush against his as he began to rock gently into her.
Y/N lifted her leg so that it wrapped around his hips, and Sanemi groaned, one of his steel-like arms wrapping under her upper thigh to hold it in place. “That’s my girl,” he murmured, his lips trailing along the underside of her jaw and down her throat. “Just focus on me, baby.”
The hand of the arm gripping her thigh moved to splay across her backside, pushing her against him as he rolled into her. A cracked moan broke from her throat as Sanemi began to massage her cheek in time with the slow, languid pump of his cock into her, the walls of her cunt tightening around him.
They continued to rock into one another like that, softly groaning and gasping every time Sanemi’s hips stuttered against hers, or every time Y/N’s nails sunk harder into the muscular slope of his back, so lost in the feel of the other’s body that Y/N was sure she did not know where she ended, and he began.
“Sanemi,” she cried, because the feeling of him this close, of him being this gentle, was so overwhelming to her because it was more than just fucking. This was them, raw, and unguarded, moving imperfectly against one another and letting their bodies speak in the words their mouths had not.
“It’s okay, baby, I’m here. I’m right here,” he promised, his lips brushing against hers once, twice. His arm tightened around where it gripped her upper thigh, hand splayed across her backside, as he rocked harder into her, both of their ends rapidly approaching. “I’ve got you.”
Y/N pressed her lips desperately against his, needing him to soothe the ache that grew in her core as she drew near the summit of her pleasure. She hitched her leg higher up on his hip to allow him to push deeper into her, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she felt Sanemi’s balls begin to tap against the curve of her backside as he picked up his speed.
“Come with me,” Sanemi grit out, his brow pinched as he stifled another groan. Y/N chased a bead of sweat as it rolled down his neck, mewling in agreement as she tugged him closer, pressing her chest flush against his.
“I’m close – fuck, I’m close,” Sanemi gasped, his lips crashing down against hers, his teeth tugging at her lip before he pulled away. “Are you?”
Y/N nodded desperately, as a long, high-pitched whine tore from her throat. “I wanna cum – ah – Sanemi, please, I want to cum.”
Sanemi’s hurried thrusts up into her melted into rutting, as his thick length hardly slid out of her sopping and spent heat. “Eyes on me, baby,” he managed, his fingers digging into the plush of her ass as he began to twitch inside her – a sure sign he was mere seconds from his peak.
With great effort, Y/N opened her eyes and met those violet eyes that she loved so dearly, and Y/N’s climax slammed into her with a force that had her crying out. She was the rough, coarse wave that crashed and broke around the steady rock that was Sanemi.
His free hand fumbled for hers, bringing it close against his chest, fingers tightly locked together. Her eyes still locked with his, Sanemi’s soft grunts turned to loud, wanton moans, his thrusts sloppy and jerky, as he came in time with Y/N, filling her with his hot, thick seed until it spilled over where they were connected, staining the sheets beneath them.
Sanemi did not stop pumping into her, could not, as he continued to unload within her, the hand on her ass locking her against him as his hips finally stilled against her with a final, strained cry of her name.
He collapsed against her, his full weight bearing down on her as they struggled to catch their breath. After a few moments, Sanemi shifted like he was going to pull out of her and away, but Y/N whined in protest.
“’Nemi,” Y/N panted, her arms locking around his back and holding him to her as she circled her hips against his, Sanemi hissing as she began to overstimulate him. “Please, can we stay like this for just a little longer?”
She hardly recognized the breathy, needy tone with which she spoke. For so long, she’d denied herself of any intimacy with him that extended beyond allowing him to cum in her, always pulling away and fumbling for her clothes the second his climax ended. But now, Y/N could not bear the thought of tearing herself away from him, because she belonged to him, and he finally belonged to her.
Sanemi’s hands dug into her waist as his head dropped into the crook of her shoulder to bury his face into her skin. She felt him inhale deeply, as though she was the air he needed to breath, and he nodded, apparently unable to form any words as he came down from his high.
After a few, quiet moments, the air around them only occasionally disturbed by the sound of their breathing, Sanemi answered her. “I will always want you to stay.”
Y/N did not remember the last time she’d slept more peacefully than she did that night wrapped in Sanemi’s arms.
When the bright light of the sun finally broke through the gossamer-like curtains hung on the guest room window, Y/N sleepily blinked herself awake, turning to bury her face into the mattress to hide away from the bright, unrelenting light of morning. But what lay beneath her cheek was not the feather-plush soft of the luxurious mattresses the Uzuis had in every room of their summer home; it was rocky, hard muscle covered by warm, scar-speckled skin that made up the man she loved with every fiber of her being.
Sanemi groaned as he felt her face press against his upper abdomen, his hand raising to caress up her spine as he drew his other arm over his eyes to block out the sun. “’S too early,” he protested, drawing a light chuckle from Y/N.
“We have to leave soon,” she whispered, pressing a kiss against the rigid plane of his abdomen before trailing her lips down to where his cock was already beginning to stir. “Let’s at least enjoy the morning.”
Sanemi did not protest as she ducked beneath the covers to take him into her mouth, sighing happily as his hands softly stroked her hair while she bobbed up and down his length. Sanemi, however, was too impatient to feel Y/N’s walls around him once more, and lasted only a minute before he tugged her up his torso and sank her down onto him, his face buried into her neck as his teeth bit into the sensitive skin of her throat.
Y/N spent the remainder of their morning fucking herself once more on Sanemi’s stiff length, relishing the way his broad hands slid under her thighs as she rode him to lift them up so he could watch himself thrust up into her, admiring the way his cock glistened with the pleasure he helped to give her.
A couple of hours later, the group of friends loaded up their respective cars, Tengen and Obanai grumbling under the bright light of day as both fought of their mutual hangovers from the previous night’s inhibitions.
Though Y/N was set to ride with Mitsuri and Sanemi with the boys, neither of them could conceal the small, contented smiles they bore as they loaded their bags into the trunks of their cars, the pair occasionally sneaking a furtive glance at the other, smiles only broadening as their eyes met.
Just before Y/N opened the passenger door of Mitsuri’s vintage Volkswagen, she felt a pair of fingers, rough yet warm and familiar, brush shyly against her own.
“Text me when you guys get back, okay?” Sanemi murmured. On the other side of the car, Mitsuri’s jaw fell open, and her jade eyes gleamed with poorly-concealed excitement.
Y/N closed her hand around his and jerked him down, muffling his grunt of surprise as her lips met his. “I will.” She said as she released him, Sanemi’s cheeks turning pink as he grinned back at her. His hand closed around hers where it rested on the door handle of Mitsuri’s car, and pulled it open, holding it for her as she turned and lowered herself into the passenger seat.
Mitsuri practically tripped over herself as she scrambled into the driver’s seat, though she restrained herself from squealing until the door was shut safely behind her. Keys turning in the ignition, the pink-haired girl turned to her best friend, nearly vibrating with excitement.
“Tell me everything. Now.”
Y/N laughed as the pinkette pulled out of the manicured driveway of the Uzuis’ lake house, and she began to fill her friend in on everything that had changed between her and her childhood best friend.
The lightness that Y/N felt leaving the lake house lasted the entire drive back home with Mitsuri in the latter’s car, her chest feeling full and warm as the two scream-sang along to every song on Mitsuri’s playlist.
The sun was nearly setting by the time the pinkette parked her car in front of their apartment building, the pair having stopped to grab sushi for dinner for themselves. As the two exited Mitsuri’s car, Y/N noted Shinobu’s small, purple sports car parked at the far end of the lot and smiled to herself, knowing her friend was home, where they could talk. As they’d picked up their to-go order from the sushi restaurant down the street, Y/N had made the last-minute decision to grab one of Shinobu’s favorite rolls, having resolved to talk to her other roommate and work things out between them.
Not that there was truly anything for them to work out – Y/N had concluded she didn’t blame her friend for what had happened; Y/N had made her own choices, as had Douma.
The pair of best friends giggled as they walked up the steps to their apartment, takeout bags in hand, ready for a night of relaxing on the couch with sushi, some facemasks, and trashy reality television. Y/N’s key unlocked the front door, which swung open to a darkened apartment. Her fingers flipped the kitchen light on and the sushi bag in her hands dropped to the floor.
For there, sprawled on the linoleum by the kitchen counter in a puddle of her own vomit and blood, was Shinobu.
She wasn’t moving; it was hard to tell if she was breathing.
Everything seemed to slow down and speed up all at once. One moment, the two young women were laughing and talking as they returned from a life-changing weekend at the lake, and the next, Mitsuri was screaming while Y/N heard nothing but the strong roar of panic echoing in her ears. 
“Call an ambulance!” Y/N managed to bite out at her hyperventilating friend as she dropped to her knees beside her unconscious roommate, her hands shaking as she tried to feel for a pulse. “Mitsuri!”
As the pinkette scrambled for her phone, Y/N took note of the odd violet hue of Shinobu’s vomit and the sickly-sweet scent of flowers and synthetic fruit.
With trembling hands, Y/N brushed back a strand of her friend’s inky-violet hair that had fallen in front of her face. There, mixed within the dried blood beneath Shinobu’s nostrils, was the faintest trace of lilac.
Over the roaring in her ears, Y/N vaguely heard Mitsuri crying into the phone with the emergency dispatch operator.
“She’s twenty,” Mitsuri sobbed. “We don’t know what happened, but it might’ve been an overdose. But there’s blood, too.”
Her pink-haired friend was right; there was an alarming amount of blood, dark and sticky, that had pooled beneath Shinobu’s head. Y/N suspected she’d hit her head on the edge of the counter, either because she’d tripped or because she’d passed out and hadn’t been able to catch herself, but Y/N couldn’t tell where the wound was, and she was too afraid to risk moving her friend’s head and worsening her injuries.
“Is she breathing?” It took a moment for Y/N to register that Mitsuri’s question was directed at her. “Y/N is she breathing?” 
“I don’t know,” she whispered, “I don’t know, Mitsuri.” And, because she was panicked and scared, and utterly useless, Y/N began to cry. “I can’t tell; my hands won’t stop shaking.”
“I can’t tell.”
Half an hour later, Y/N stood against the wall of the small waiting area in the emergency room, leg bouncing in agitation and anxiety. Beside her, Mitsuri sat with her head in her hands as the two waited for any news as to their friend’s condition.
The outer doors to the emergency room slid open and the girls were joined by Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma, the latter of whom was crying softly to herself. A few moments later, Obanai arrived, face severe, aiming straight for the pinkette as he crouched before her, covering the hands she had buried in her hair with his own and pressing a kiss to the crown of her head. 
The waiting room had become too crowded for Y/N’s frazzled nerves to handle. She tore herself from the wall against which she had been fixed, opting instead to pace the hallway between the waiting area and the main hospital. Makio may have called her name, but the roaring in Y/N’s head had become too loud, the jitter under her skin too incessant, for her to remain still in the waiting room a second longer. 
Y/N finally exhausted herself enough to slump back against the wall, the passing sounds and beeps of the hospital only faint echoes in her ears. But then there were thunderous footsteps walking quickly toward her, and Y/N’s eyes lifted just in time to see Sanemi’s stormy face as he reached for her. 
He crushed her against him, one hand buried in her hair as his other arm wrapped around her waist, holding her to him as though he needed to assure himself that she was real and there, and not the one getting her stomach pumped on the other side of the sealed emergency room doors. 
His lips pressed hard against the top of her head, Sanemi inhaling deeply before pulling back from her, his hand rising to cup beneath Y/N’s jaw so he could tilt her face up toward him, those lilac eyes scanning her frantically for any sign of external injury.
“I didn’t know,” he said hoarsely against the crown of her head as he pulled her back against him. “Tengen called -- only said an ambulance was being sent to your apartment – that a twenty-year-old woman had overdosed.” 
Y/N shook her head against his chest, breathing in his comforting scent and allowing it to still the jitters crawling beneath her skin. “I haven’t used in a week, Sanemi.” 
Her – boyfriend? paramour? exhaled shakily, his arms tightening around her. “I was scared. After last night, I-” Sanemi swallowed thickly. “I was worried you regretted it.” 
Y/N closed her eyes as she let herself melt against his stabilizing warmth. “Not you,” she murmured, “Never you.”
An hour later, Y/N stood in her kitchen, chest heaving as she looked at the wreckage of Shinobu’s bender scattered around her.
There was an empty bottle of peach vodka lying on its side on the floor. Lilac residue was smeared on the kitchen counter, likely the result of Shinobu having snorted it the night before. A puddle of her vomit, streaked with purple, still lingered where the petite woman had lost consciousness. 
Sanemi came around the kitchen counter, his hand resting at the small of Y/N’s back as he guided her away from the cabinet below. He bent to pull out a bottle of bleach and a roll of paper towels, as well as a pair of cleaning gloves that he pulled over his scarred, callused hands, and he set to work scrubbing at the floor. 
Y/N watched him for a long moment before she moved to begin rounding up all of the bottles of liquor and wine that had been stashed in their apartment. One by one, she dumped their contents into the sink and chucked the empty containers into the garbage.
Next, Y/N gathered up all traces of Shinobu’s Wisteria from their various stash spots around the apartment. It had taken her a while to hunt through pharmacology student’s room, given that the young woman had become rather adept at squirreling away those poisonous little pills. Over the course of an hour, Y/N had managed to locate every little baggie and loose pill shoved under her friend’s mattress, tucked into her sock drawer, and slotted between pages of textbooks she’d never opened. 
She’d stood over the toilet where she’d flushed them for a long while after the last of those lilac devils had swirled down the drain. It was not until a pair of warm, comforting arms encircled her from behind that Y/N was aware of the tears slipping hot and fast down her cheeks. 
Sanemi pressed a soft kiss into the back of her neck as she cried, allowing her to press her face into his muscled forearm until her sobs had quieted, before he turned her around. He’d kept one hand on her shoulder as he leaned to tug her shower curtain open and turn the water on, before returning to her. Slowly, and with more gentleness than Y/N thought she deserved, Sanemi began to undress her, chucking her vomit and sweat-stained clothes into her laundry bin before helping her into the shower.
Y/N stood numbly under the hot spray of the water as she waited, the sounds of Sanemi’s belt and pants hitting the cold tile of the floor before he parted the curtain and stepped into the bathtub with her. 
The moment he’d re-oriented the shower curtain to close them in, Y/N melted against him. Sanemi’s hands came to her waist, gently turning her so that her back was to him, as though he knew she was losing the battle against the weariness that had seeped into her bones. His arms locked tightly around her, he guided them to sit on the floor of the bathtub. He situated Y/N between his legs, her back resting against his chest. One arm was wrapped around her upper shoulders, holding her to him, as the other wound around her waist from behind, gripping her hand in his. His lips found the juncture between her shoulder and neck, brushing softly against her wet skin once before he buried his face there and held her, as the hot water beat down upon them. 
They stayed like that until Y/N could no longer tell whether the water on her face was from her tears or the spray of the shower nozzle above. 
Only after the water had begun to cool and their fingers had turned wrinkled did Sanemi help her stand, reaching behind her to shut the shower off. 
Sanemi stepped out first, grabbing a towel from where it hung on the back of her bathroom door, to secure around his waist. He then produced two more from Y/N’s bathroom closet – her two fluffiest – and held them under his arm as he used his free hand to help Y/N out of her shower to stand on her bathmat.
Had she’d any tears left, Y/N was certain they would have been shed as Sanemi gently toweled her hair and body try before he scooped her up and carried her to her bedroom.
Sanemi set her carefully on the edge of her bed before leaving to return to her bathroom once more. Y/N’s eyes were fixed blankly on the carpeted floor of her room, her mind blank and that howling numbness that had become her constant companion over the last two months threatening to swallow her whole once more. She barely registered Sanemi’s return to her room until he, in all of his shower-dampened glory, knelt at her feet, with a bottle of her favorite lotion in hand.
Wordlessly, Sanemi pumped some of the lotion into his hand and began to gently massage it into her skin, starting at her feet and working his way up her legs. Once he’d reached the tops of her thighs, he repeated the action once more, carefully taking the time to ensure that he worked the lotion on every part of her body. With every stroke of his hand against her skin, Sanemi chased away that encroaching numbness, replacing it with the warmth of his adoration and love for her.
“Have you eaten today?” Sanemi’s voice broke the comfortable silence that had settled over them.
Y/N shook her head. “But I’m not hungry – really,” She urged as Sanemi opened his mouth in protest. “Can we just – just lay here?” She patted the soft down of her bed, motioning for him to join her.
Sanemi nodded, rising to turn towards her dresser to pull out a pair of underwear for her and digging out a pair of briefs of his that he’d let her borrow as pair of shorts after one of their earlier trysts.
Once both had pulled their respective pairs of underwear on, Sanemi squeezed himself into the small crevice between her twin bed and her bedroom wall and held out his arm in an invitation that Y/N did not hesitate to accept.
She curled against his bare chest, warm against her own naked skin, and wrapped her arms around him, holding him close as she sighed deeply, inhaling his scent and allowing it to wash over her, and still her mind.
Sanemi’s hands absentmindedly stroked her hair, his lips periodically pressing against her hairline as she began to doze in his arms. Just before the exhaustion commanded her to fall into sleep’s embrace, she spoke.
“I meant what I said earlier – I haven’t used Wisteria in over a week. I stopped drinking. I’m done, Sanemi. I swear it.”
Her face was pressed against his pectoral, so she did not see the tears of quiet, exhausted relief that filled his eyes as he pressed his lips against her forehead once more. “I know. Kyo mentioned on the way back that you’d been dealing with withdrawal for the last week. That it was why you weren’t answering your phone.”
Sanemi’s arms tightened around her as she began to drift off. “I’m proud of you, Y/N.” And then, he added in a voice so quiet that she almost didn’t hear it before sleep’s sweet lull pulled her under. “Thank you for choosing to stay.”
She slept soundly through the night once more, until Sanemi awoke her in the early hours of the morning with his head between her legs, Y/N gaining consciousness just in time to come on his tongue. In the throes of her climax, Sanemi replaced its position at her entrance with his fingers as he dragged it up her messy folds so he could suckle at her clit.
Sleepily, Y/N clawed at his back, an impatient demand for more falling in the form of a whine from her lips, and Sanemi complied. He turned her onto her stomach and his cock found its way between her thighs as he began to fuck her from behind, his hips setting a leisurely pace as they slapped against her ass, Y/N’s soft moans only growing in their vibrato as he brought her to orgasm yet again, his warmth flooding her shortly after as he sighed her name.
They remained in bed for another few hours, talking and holding one another, trading lazy kisses and gentle caresses because they could not get enough of touching each other like they were right then – soft and meaningful, because Y/N and Sanemi were now a them, rather than two people who alternated running from the other.
Sanemi, it seemed, especially couldn’t keep his hands off her, which she found amusing, given that as children, Y/N was always the one who initiated any kind of affection with him, though she suspected that his begrudging acceptance of it had really been a front to conceal his true feelings.
His hand was smoothing up and down her bare thigh as she stroked his hair, his eyelids fluttering shut against her touch, when his phone rang from its place on her nightstand.  Groaning, Sanemi blindly felt for the buzzing device, answering it only with a grunt as he kept his eyes locked on her, his hand still gliding up and down her shin.
His brow furrowed in seriousness, and he nodded, as though whomever was on the other end could actually see him, before he muttered a soft, “thanks, man,” and clicked the phone off, tossing it back onto her covers.
“That was Iguro. Shinobu is awake, and they’re allowing visitors.” His eyes were full of a quiet concern as he regarded her gently. “Are you okay to go right now?”
Y/N was already making her way out of bed, nodding. Of course she was okay to go – she needed to go, needed to assure for herself that her friend was awake and knew she was supported.
She dressed quickly, donning only a matching black workout set and sneakers before pulling a jacket over her bare shoulders. Sanemi merely tugged on the clothes he'd worn the day before.
“I’ll stop at my place on the way back,” he added, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. “If you want me to stay again tonight, that is,”
Y/N turned away so he wouldn’t see the small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she quieted a laugh, so as not to make him feel embarrassed. “I want you to stay.”
Sanemi drove them, though he kept his hand firmly locked around hers the entire ride. Ever since they’d began their physical relationship back at the start of the summer, she’d been adamant that she wouldn’t allow herself to accept any affection from him if he didn’t have his cock buried inside of her while he gave it. It seemed too risky at the time, as though allowing him to care for her would blur some line she insisted had already been drawn, even though she’d been the one to hold the stick marking the ground.
Now, in hindsight, she couldn’t believe she’d denied herself of his intimacy for so long – not when it felt this good to have his steadying, grounding warmth wrapped firmly around her hand, his thumb running over her knuckles as he smoothly worked the steering wheel with his free hand.
This -- whatever this was. It was good.
By the time Sanemi drove them back to her apartment, the evening sky was beginning to shift from a pale blue to a creamy orange, the sun beginning its descent towards sleep for the night.
Y/N, herself, felt an exhaustion so heavy, she wondered whether it had infiltrated the marrow of her bones. Her head ached slightly after a solid hour of crying with Shinobu, the latter offering apology after apology as Y/N held her trembling form close, shushing her with assurances that she’d never blamed the pixie-like girl for what Douma had chosen to do just a few weeks earlier.
Shinobu had confessed she hadn’t been trying to harm herself – not really, anyways. Rather, she’d been so overcome by her guilt and self-loathing that she’d stopped keeping track of just how much alcohol she’d been drinking or how much of her accursed Wisteria she’d been ingesting. The cut on the side of her forehead truly hadn’t been that deep, but it had been the result of a fall she couldn’t break, just as Y/N expected.
Y/N had sat, curled beside her roommate and dear friend, for another couple of hours, until Giyuu materialized in the doorway, deep-set shadows under his eyes and breathing hard, as he took in Shinobu’s vulnerable form, hooked up to various hospital machines, with a thick bandage wrapped around her head.
Y/N had quietly untangled herself from her friend and quietly exited the room, patting Giyuu’s shoulder as she passed him, though the ravenette did not acknowledge her, far too focused on his crying girlfriend as he wrapped her in his arms and held her tightly against his chest.
As they’d walked back to his car, Sanemi told her that Giyuu had driven straight through the night from his sister’s the moment he’d received word of Shinobu’s condition, too frantic to be by her side to even stop for food or rest.
Sanemi swung by his apartment, as he promised, and emerged a few minutes later with a bag full of his clothes and toiletries before he drove the rest of the short drive back to her shared apartment with Mitsuri and Shinobu. Her best friend, however, had decided to stay over at Obanai’s, and given that her other roommate was unlikely to be discharged before the following day, Y/N and Sanemi had her apartment to themselves once again.
After a dinner of vegetable omlettes, prepared by Sanemi, the pair fell back into Y/N’s tiny twin bed, both exhausted from the excitement and stress of the previous four days. Y/N, in particular, had felt more emotionally zapped than she had in a long while, having spent the majority of the holiday weekend crying for one reason or another, and wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her evening wrapped securely in Sanemi’s arms as she listened to his heartbeat lull her to sleep.
She’d stripped herself of her clothes, leaving herself in only her thong, as she pressed herself against Sanemi’s bare chest. Sanemi, however, could sense her weariness, and so they did no more than kiss every now and then, both merely content to simply hold the other and bask in their shared warmth.
“Thank you for being here for me – yesterday and today,” Y/N murmured quietly, her lips grazing his collarbone.
Sanemi’s fingers brushed under her chin as he tilted her face up to meet her eyes. “I told you already, I’m all in. Whatever it is you want from me, I’ll be it.”
Y/N smiled wryly at him as her eyes roamed his face in consideration. “So, does that mean we’re official? Are we boyfriend-girlfriend?”
His responding smirk made her thighs squeeze together as he leaned in close to her face. “You can call me whatever you want, baby,” he kissed her nose before lowering his lips to hers, though he held back, teasingly. “And for however long as you want.”
She giggled as he kissed her and it felt like coming home, and Y/N couldn’t remember the last time she felt like she’d had one of those.
He broke away from her after a moment, hand coming to a rest against the side of her head while his thumb stroked her cheek, a profundity creeping into his eyes.
“I love you, Y/N. With all my heart.”
Y/N thought her heart would fly out of her chest as Sanemi repeated the words she’d uttered to him nearly two years prior. She thought hearing them would cause her to clam up, that they would send her careening back to the dark, lonely hole she’d spent the last half of her university experience trying desperately to claw out of, but they did not.
Instead, Sanemi’s words – her words – mended something within her that she’d long thought to have been irreparably broken. There was no emptiness left in her, no gnawing wound; it had been healed by him and his earnestness, and she only felt her love for him. Love that made her feel pretty, soft, and new, mending her broken heart with its golden light.
“I never stopped loving you,” Y/N’s voice grew thick with the tears that filled her eyes. “Please know that. No matter how mad I was, no matter how low I felt, I always knew I loved you – and I still do.”
Sanemi’s answering grin was so beautiful, so bright, that she wondered why she’d waited so long after making up to say it. His smile made her feel as though she could soar through the sky, breathless and wild and free.
Once upon a time, she’d believed love was pretty; she imagined it would be soft, pink, and shiny and make her feel warm and pretty in return.
Then, as an adult, she realized that love was pretty, but not in the way she’d imagined it would be when she listened to stories of princesses and their knights as a little girl. Love was a blur of many hues, some soft and bright, but some dark and harsh too, melding together to create a kaleidoscope of light and shadows. And it was because of this phantasmagoria of joy and pain and laughter and sadness that love was so beautiful, and so worth fighting for, because in the end, finding herself in the arms of the only person she’d ever loved outweighed any of the heartache which preceded it, and it would be worth whatever heartache was sure to come.
Because loving Sanemi Shinazugawa was worth it all.
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EPILOGUE – 2 months later
The sun was golden and bright and the air as crisp as an apple as the couple de-boarded their train at the small station in their hometown, hands clasped tightly together. The blazing heat of summer had quickly given way to October, and the autumn harvest brought with it a new tiding of ruby and ochre yellow leaves.
Y/N was grateful for the loose sweater she’d worn — stolen from Sanemi’s dresser one day several weeks earlier when she’d insisted she needed his scent to take back to her apartment with her, to help her get through the first wave of reading and papers she’d been slammed with. Initially, Sanemi had protested with a grumbled “fuck off,” as she’d tried to lay claim to his favorite sweater.
He’d change his tune rather quickly, however, when his girlfriend then donned the garment whilst giving him what he later called “the best head of his life.” And so, the worn, dark gray sweater had remained safely in Y/N’s care.
As the train doors slid shut behind them, Y/N took a deep, steadying breath, mentally preparing herself for the reason they’d risen early that Saturday morning to return to their sleepy hometown.
The gentle squeeze of Sanemi’s hand around hers as he brought their interlocked fingers to his mouth for a sweet kiss, helped abate some of her nerves and grounded her.
“You ready?” He murmured, his eyes warm and so full of love and concern for the woman beside him that Y/N felt her heart lurch.
She smiled at him, softly, and rose on her toes to press a chaste kiss against his lips. “I’m ready.”
The advantage of living in a small town — no more than a village, really — was that nearly everything was within walking distance, as long as one did not mind a few steep hills here and there. And so, the couple set off from their town’s small train station, towards the grocer to pick up flowers — two bouquets, one for each grave that marked the final resting spot for their loved ones.
Autumnal arrangements in hand, the pair walked in a comfortable silence up the hill leading to the cemetery.
“Genya’s with the rest of my family,” Sanemi said quietly as they passed the iron-gated entrance that gave way to the sprawl of headstones that lined the grassy hilltop. “They’re just over here.”
Y/N nodded, squeezing Sanemi’s hand in assurance as her boyfriend led her up a small trail to a row of graves gathered beneath an old willow tree.
When Sanemi had shared with her that he made this bi-weekly sojourn to visit and lay flowers on the graves of his family, Y/N had cried. She’d held him tightly, offering a litany of apologies for not being there for him more, for the fact he’d been doing it alone.
He wouldn’t hear of it, insisting that she hadn’t anything to apologize for, which only made her cry harder.
A hush fell over the pair as they drew up upon the Shinazugawa family graves, Y/N’s heart breaking a little more as her eyes scanned each name, the life spans etched into the stones far too short.
Wordlessly, Sanemi plucked a flower from the bouquet he carried and laid one at the base of each gravestone, repeating the process until no more flowers remained. Once the last flower was placed, just over Genya’s grave, Sanemi straightened, gripping Y/N’s hand tightly in his own as his other lifted to wipe at his eyes.
“He’d be over the moon, ya know, that we’re finally together,” Sanemi murmured, his voice hoarse with his grief, nodding at the last stone bearing the name of his beloved brother. “He used to give me all kinds of shit for not making a move sooner.”
“He always was wise beyond his years,” Y/N sniffed quietly, her own tears slipping freely down her cheeks. “He used to pester me about it, too – would always ask if I was single, and if I said ‘yes,’ he’d mention that you were also single.” She huffed a watery laugh as the image of the boy’s smiling face flashed through her memory. “Though, I think he did it more so to tease me, because I’d always turn as red as a tomato whenever he’d mention it.”
Sanemi smiled softly as he squeezed her hand. “It’s a family trait, I s’ppose.”
The couple remained at the site of Sanemi’s family’s graves for a little while longer, the last living Shinazugawa tucking his girlfriend tightly into his side as he held her close, her warmth helping to keep him anchored here, to life, rather than wishing he slumbered beneath the hardening ground with his family.
Eventually, they agreed to make their way toward the other grave that had drawn them there, Y/N taking a deep, steadying breath as she prepared herself to visit her mother’s final resting place for the first time since her death.
“I think the map said she’s over this way,” Y/N nodded at a small, winding path that led down a gentle hill to the south of the Shinazugawa plot. “I remember I wanted her over there by the walnut tree – she loved them in the autumn.”
Sanemi nodded and let her lead the way, her fingers clutching tightly around the bouquet in her hands as she drew nearer to the tree which marked her mother’s plot, her stomach twisting with anticipation.
Because she knew, the moment her eyes settled on the stone with her mother’s name and dates of birth and death, that reality would hit her all over again; but she persisted, for the sake of her mother, who’d loved her more than anything.
“Mr. Shinazugawa!” A voice called, and both looked over to see the old cemetery caretaker waving in greeting as the pair made their way towards the section where Y/N’s mother rest.
“Good morning, Mr. Urokodaki,” Sanemi answered, nodding respectfully in greeting. “I can’t believe they have you working on the weekends.”
The grandfatherly caretaker chuckled. “Only the departed sleep; I do not.” He shifted the rake he was holding from one hand to another as he wiped his brow.  “It’s been a few weeks since I last saw you!”
“School has kept me busy, sir.” Sanemi’s hand around hers squeezed and Y/N smiled softly.
“Well, I had a feeling I’d be seeing you soon, so I went ahead and cleared any leaves off Mrs. Y/L/N’s grave for you – and I took the liberty of clearing out the flowers you brought last time.”
Y/N’s breath died in her throat as she looked between the old man and her boyfriend, her eyes wide.
Mr. Urokodaki appeared to mistake her shock for confusion. “He’s such a kind lad, your friend!” The old man smiled warmly at Sanemi, before continuing his explanation to her. “He brings flowers not just for his family, but for a woman he knew growing up – like clockwork, every two weeks, for the last year. That’s why I was worried when he didn’t show up last week!”
Sanemi chuckled softly. “I’m back to the regular schedule now, sir!” And he bid the old caretaker farewell. He turned back to his girlfriend, but froze at the expression on her face, mouth slightly open and eyes as round as saucers.
“Y-you, you’ve b-been,” she stuttered, her eyes welling with tears as she began to shake.
Sanemi hesitantly reached for her, brushing her hair back behind her ear. “I’m sorry. I know I should’ve asked, first, but we weren’t talking yet, and I wanted to make sure --,” Sanemi’s explanation was cut off with a small mmph! as Y/N grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and hauled his mouth down to hers.
After a long moment, she broke away. “T-this whole time, ‘Nemi — you —,” Y/N could hardly speak through her tears. Sanemi’s arms wound tightly around her waist, locking her to him as she buried her face into his neck.
Her boyfriend’s lips found her side of her head and he smiled softly into her hair. “Tch, idiot,” he said, affectionately. “I told you already — there hasn’t been a single moment that’s gone by that I haven’t loved you.”
“And I loved her, too.” He added quietly after a moment.
Sanemi’s words only served to make her cry harder, her arms tightening around his neck as she poured every ounce of her love and gratitude into the force with which she hugged him tightly against her.
Y/N couldn’t stop herself from peppering his face with kisses, as Sanemi’s smile stretched wide across his face. The brilliance of his happiness was nearly blinding, but Y/N knew she would never desire to look away from it – from him.
Y/N pulled back to study his face, her hand coming to rest against the side that bore his scars, her thumb gently stroking the one that crossed his nose. “I love you,” she whispered. The tears still shone in her eyes, but beneath them lay a fierce sincerity. “I love you. I love you. I love you.”
His lilac irises glimmered with his own emotion at her words, and his hand reached to intertwine with hers once more, the other lifting to brush the last, errant tear that escaped down her cheek.
“C’mon,” he said thickly after a moment, “Don’t wanna keep your Ma waiting.”
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Cries. Thanks for reading!
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buzz-in-your-veins · 6 months
Hello! Love your work! Is it okay if you could write Valentino x fem!reader? Like NSFW and SFW Headcanons? Thank you, keep up the great work!!
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Hi! I’m happy you like my work!!
I will give it my best shot for ya!
My opinion of Valentino fluctuates constantly, so this may seem a bit everywhere.
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Head-cannons about the famous moth pimp of hell <3
CW: NSFW content, possessive, love bombing, stalkerish, abusive, lying, non consensual drug use, plugs, sorta noncon, toxic, overstimulation.
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• He in no way trusts you to dress yourself. Genuinely believes if he let you, you’d either look awful or hurt yourself. He gets Velvette to make you custom clothes in your style.
• He’s the most famous Pimp and Adult Films Producer in hell. He has more money than he can use, why wouldn’t he use that to constantly spoil his firefly?
• Absolute cuddle whore. Can and will stop his entire day if he wants a cuddle. Oh you’re busy? Forget it. Val can pay more than that stupid job anyway, you should quit, he’ll take care of you limelight.
• He uses his wings as blankets, a consequence of the cuddles is you will fall asleep on him, and sure sometimes Valentino will wake you up, but he’s just as liable to wrap you up in his wings to keep you warm.
• If he doesn’t want to wake you up and can’t keep you with him, he’ll tuck up up nice and walk in his bed, write you a note, and leave you a snack on the table.
• Constantly checks on you. Doesn’t matter if he left you five seconds ago, if he texts or calls you, you’d better answer. Claims Hells to dangerous of a place for such a pretty Coraźon, he needs to know you’re okay.
• Always has to know where you are. Definitely made Vox bug your phone. You’re the amor of the first V. He needs you safe constantly. He doesn’t know what he’d do if he lost you to his competition.
• Okay, Valentino knows he’s not that great, he knows you could find someone so much nicer, you’re such a darling it would be no hassle. But, Valentino needs you. So he overcompensates for everything. If he’s constantly around, always with a pretty word and a shiny gift, you’ll never think to look elsewhere.
• Barely ever calles you by your name, always calls you a pretty nickname, “Coraźo”, “Amor”, “Cariño”, “Firefly”, “Limelight”, and “Mi Vida” are just a few of those, wants you to always know how much you mean to him.
• Valentino only cares about your self confidence in the capacity that if you have a poor self confidence it will reflect badly on him, and will make you more withdrawn, Valentino already thinks your indescribably gorgeous, why does he need to remind you? But he does it anyway.
• Valentino is possesive. If someone else so much as breathes near you without Vals permission, you’ll find their bloody head outside your door in the morning. Always touching you when you go out.
• Has 100% slapped you when you’ve angered him before, “Oh you didn’t mean too? Too bad.” You tried to run away once. Valentino brought you back bloody and screaming. “I’m sorry Amor, you make me loco Mi Vida, never again.”
• He lovebombs you, after every fight, every disagreement, even when there nos arguments, always tells you your amazing, he loves you, “you’d never leave him.”, buys you everything and anything you could ever like.
• He gives you whiplash with his attitude towards you. Most of the time he treats you like his “preciosa princesa” showering you in as much love and affection as he can, but will also treat you like garbage. “Useless slut! ¡Solo quieres estatus, puta sucia! Leave!” He never means it. “It was — Amor, they were being so foolish today, never you firefly, I’m so sorry, let me make it up Vida.”
• Valentino owns your soul. You gave it to him freely when he drugged you, you still don’t know that Valentino owns your soul, and there’s no way for you to get it back. He doesn’t even want it to make you behave, it’s the power trip of knowing he owns you in every way.
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• If Valentino isn’t fucking you, he has you plugged full of his cum. And if it leaks? Even better. Doesn’t matter where you are, he’ll bend you over and start licking it up.
• Valentino is possessive of you. If he takes you to an event and notices anyone looking at you, he will definitely bend you over in the limo and fill your pussy with his cum again.
• Loves seeing you covered in his marks. Does not hold back, not even a long turtleneck can cover them. And if he sees you walking around wearing his marks proudly? Best prepare not to walk.
• Valentino can fuck you. If the two of you are really going at it, you won’t be able to walk of days. He will bend you in two and blow out your back.
• Loves giving you sexy presents, fucking you in the lingerie he bought you? Seeing you wearing his jewellery as he pounds you? Noticing you’ve got the plug he bought you in when he’s buried in your throat? “Fuck Vida, shittt.”
• The little noises Val makes? He makes them when he’s screwing you too. Little squeaks as he’s thrusting into your mouth, he’s wings vibrating when he’s really into it, just soft little noises as you draw pleasure from each other.
• Valentino’s never had to ask someone for permission before, and when he’s worked up he doesn’t ask you, just gets straight on with it. He will stop if you safe-word.
• Valentino’s not really big on consent, especially with his workers. With you though? For some reason it’s different, Valentino wants you to want him, not just open you legs because you were told.
• Valentino can be really rough with you, but he also loves taking his time with you, working you up and up and up slow and soft, watching as you reach your peak and fall apart so prettily, before starting all over again.
• Valentino is so verbal with you, constantly telling you how you feel, how much he adores what your doing to him, what he’s going to do tou, “My heart, Mi Vida, just like that, gonna fuck you long and slow.” “Firefly, gotta be quite so they don’t here, while I pump your pussy full of cum, gotta be quick.” “Cariño be as loud as you want, let them hear how you belong to me.”
• Valentino adores degrading you, telling you how much of a puta sucia you are, how your such a filthy slut, “you’d let anyone screw you too get off dirty slut” but he also loves praising you. Telling you your his Corazón bonito, his darling firefly, how youre “such a good girl for me, only mine, so pretty Mi Vida”, seeing your eyes glaze as you drink it all in, Val can’t get enough.
• Valentino love’s overstimulating you, fucking you until your legs are shaking, you can’t speak anymore, your moans are cut with whimpers, and you’re cumming dry? Please, he’d do it every day if you’d allow it, it only shows how well he’s doing.
• Valentino definitely has a playlist he likes to put on when he’s fucking you, setting the mood, letting you pick the song you’re going to be railed too.
• Valentino doesn’t believe in safe word really. But you were adamant you had one, otherwise you would never move past heavy petting. So Valentino agreed, he uses Charlie, you use Red. Valentino has always respected that.
• Valentino has videos of the two of you together, and some of just you, there his personal videos, no one else is allowed to ever see them. He had Vox make a secure private server even he couldn’t access for them.
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Feedback is always appreciated <3
Comments are my high.
They make me write faster.
I hope it meets your expectations Anon<33
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httpscomexe · 2 months
Forbidden Secret Desire 3
Summary: You’re finally starting to fit in when you freak out in front of everyone. But twenty side eyes later and a lot of forgiveness from your friend Kurt, you discover a scary secret.
(Find What I’m currently writing by checking my pinned post)
Parings: Logan Howlett x Reader
Warnings: (Individual warnings per chapter) Panic attack, manipulation, hidden cameras, finally not as much awkwardness, social dissociation, being in the social eye. Logan is an official warning starting this chapter as approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) because Logan is a DRUG. PLEASE BE AWARE that this will be a NON-CON fic. Do NOT get attached if you do not like non-consensual fiction. I will not change my fic plans because somebody decided not to read the warnings. Thank you.
Word Count: 4542 (All other Chapters here) Chapter 4
Tags: @remmyj10 @sammyluvsfics @badbishsblog @dickmaster3000
P.S. If you’d like to be tagged, ask in the comments, you also have permission to send an ask, but make sure it is NOT anonymous, so I know your username, don’t worry, I’m scared of confrontation too. But this is a SAFE SPACE where I will not judge. Thank you again. 
Enjoy your Forbidden Secret Desire...
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“Alright, everyone, find a partner.” You shouldn’t be surprised that Logan was your teacher for your third period class. You remembered Hank and Logan talking about it the other day in the lab, but it still shocked you for some reason, maybe it was something else that surprised you, like the fact that he doesn’t just let everyone do whatever so he could get it over with. You knew he would be the substitute for both your third and fifth period classes for the rest of this week, and only because Xavier was out on some mission. The thing that bothered you the most now, was that you couldn’t partner up with anyone, and you knew no one would want to partner up with you. So you just watched as everyone else excitedly ran towards their best friends.
“Wanna be my partner?” A hand lands on your shoulder, making you flinch a little. It was Kurt of course. “We have a new student today and my normal partner is their guide.” He explains.
“Uh, yea sure. Cool.” Cool? 
“Cool,” he smiles, his little fangs showing under his lips.
“Everyone have a partner?” Everyone nods, including you. “Good, find a place on the floor and sit in front of your partner.” You follow Kurt to an open spot, there were only about ten other kids in the class so it wasn’t too hard. “Once you’re sitting with your partner, find three things you both have in common. You have five minutes to talk amongst yourselves, time starts now.” You realise he’s reading every instruction from a pamphlet, that helped it make more sense. “Also apparently the three things you have in common cannot be common questions such as colours, animals, etcetera.” He finishes, placing the pamphlet down on the teachers desk. “Now your time starts now.” He picks up his phone, and starts the timer.
“So uh. What are some uncommon questions then?” You shrug, trying to think of a question with him. Why do they have to be uncommon Xavier? What the fuck? You wonder and listen to other students' conversations, but everyone is trying to figure out a question just like you and Kurt.
Your eyes turned back to him, and his index fingers were rubbing his temples, it was actually frustrating him. So now you understand the task. It’s almost impossible to come up with a question that no one commonly asks, so of course, thinking is stressing everyone out. It was anger management after all.
“If you were a unicorn, what colour would you want to be? I’d probably wanna be white.” You tell him, shrugging a little, hoping it would calm his frustration.
“Oh yea. I’d probably be white also, I get tired of being blue.” He chuckles a little.
“Okay if you were a dragon, would you breathe fire or something else?”
“I'd probably want to breathe ice.”
“I think it would be cool to be able to choose.” You tell him, sitting back up and crossing your arms in your lap.
“If you were forced to do one subject for the rest of your life, what would you choose?” He asks you, understanding the project now.
“Definitely science.”
“Same, it’s a more fun subject.”
“Especially compared to anger management.” You joke, making him chuckle quietly. “Okay, one more question.” You prop your elbows on your thighs as you look at him. The rule is no common questions, so Xavier wants us to ask uncommon questions, with common answers.
“If everything in the world could only be flavoured one thing, what flavour would you choose?”
“I would choose vanilla. It’s plain, I can't get tired of it.”
“I would probably choose green apples, but not too sour.”
“How about the scent?”
“Scent I would choose vanilla.” He tells you, one again laughing to himself.
“Same, and there’s our three questions.” You turn your head to look at the projector, there was about a minute left and Logan was going around and asking groups how everything was doing. In another direction, a kid who could harness fire had smoke coming from the back of his head as he thought of another question.
“Alright and how are you two doing?” Logan asks Kurt and then his eyes also move to you.
“Good, we just finished.”
“No common questions?” You both shake your heads. “Good, you’re the only pair to finish so far.” He mumbles, moving onto the next group.
“So what’re you doing after your last class?” Kurts asks you, leaning forward to ask the question, his eyes trained on you.
“I’m supposed to help Hank- Mr. McCoy with another project.”
“You do that everyday.” He leans back on his palms.
“Yea, I never have anything better to do. Unless something comes up then I cancel.”
“So he doesn’t ask you for help? You just kind of pop in?” You nod.
“Unless he asks me to. Then it can be important… it’s usually stupid.” He smiles slightly.
“So my friends and I are having a little sleepover in my room tonight.”
“Oh…” You move your hands together, once again your thumb begins to pick at your skin.
“Yea, it would be cool if you came by. We're gonna have pizza, some drinks, and we're gonna watch a movie.”
“What movie?” You ask, the timer reaching zero as Logan walks back to the desk to turn it off.
“Whatever we pick out of the hat. Last week it was Big Hero 6.” He shrugs.
“Uh, yea. I’ll try, what time?”
“Around 9PM is normally when the others show up.” You nod in understanding, then Logan speaks up.
“Okay so, it says here that you guys are all supposed to stand up and share your groups three questions.” He tells everyone, reading the pamphlet out loud. “But I don’t wanna hear it. So the rest of the ten minutes in class is to yourselves. Enjoy.” He tosses the papers back on the desk and the students immediately begin talking amongst themselves. Talking about anything they could come up with. The news, food, anything, while you and Kurt stood back up, he walked to his friend group expecting you to follow. But you only make your way back to your desk to sit on your phone for the remainder of class. Logans eyes settling on you, and you know you’re not supposed to be on your phone, but he doesn’t bother making a scene, instead, his eyes rest on you, occasionally moving to other students to see what they’re doing or moving to look at his email, but the majority of the ten minutes, all he could look at was you.
And then the bell finally rang, and everyone collected their items in their bags before leaving the classroom for lunch.
Normally for lunch you’d just sit in your room on your bed, finishing any work you had to finish and if you were hungry you’d either tough it out or you would’ve ordered something before your third class ended. Today, Kurt changed your plans.
“Hey, we ordered extra, we were hoping you would also sit with us today?” He asks, holding out a box of food that smelt amazing. So you nod, and follow behind him to the little area his friends were sitting. They all smiled up at you from their spots on the floor, and you joined silently. This dude just bribed you with food.
They all chat amongst themselves, and you simply poke at your food with your plastic fork, occasionally taking a small bite. You’ve never been the type of person who’s able to eat an entire meal in front of people you’ve never spoken to without feeling awkward.
They talked about class, and classwork, and talked a little about hanging out in Kurt's room tonight, but that was about it. Occasionally, there would be an inside joke that you didn’t understand, but you didn’t mind. You kept your eyes on your food, and that was it.
“So what about you?” Jean nudges you, making you look up to see everyone's eyes on you. What was the question? You ask yourself, panic rising in your chest.
“Yea, Y/N. Where would you be if you didn’t have to be here?” Alex, you’re a saviour.
“Uh, well…” You think about it for a moment, not sure where you’d wanna be. Definitely not with your family, you don’t have a home or caring family outside of the mansion. Hell you didn’t even have friends inside the mansion. “I don’t really know.”
“Oh come on. Paris? Mexico?” Scott- or Cyclops asks you.
“Oh, like where do I want to visit?”
“Or live.” Kurt cuts in, smiling at you.
“I would choose Russia.” You shrug, and they all stare at you.
“Imma be honest I was expecting the Maldives or some sort of beach.” Jean laughs a little. “But why Russia? There’s nothing there but snow and vodka.” You nod.
“It’s where I was born…”
“No way…” Alex scoffs. “You don’t look Russian. And you’ve only been here for what? Three years?”
“Almost.” You sigh a little. “About two years and eight months.”
“You literally never talk to anyone.” Jean says out loud, and you look up at her, your eyes daring her to continue. “How do you not have an accent?” Rude. Your eyes squint slightly.
“Okay, guys, next subject.” Kurt says, a little chuckle in the back of his throat. “Actually, what kind of pizzas are you guys wanting for tonight? I’m ordering this time.” He takes out his phone and opens a pizza ordering app.
“Can we get Hawaaian?”
“No, come on, meat lovers!”
“That's gross, why not just normal pepperoni?”
“Well I don’t like sauce.”
“I like alfredo.”
“Guys come on, just choose two. I’m getting two pizzas.”
“So get Hawaiian and meat lovers.”
“What about sauce?”
“Just get a sauce cup, or like five sauce cups? I love sauce.”
“Well I hate it.”
It was too much. Too much back and fourth, and you honestly couldn’t stand it. It was making your head whirr and your brain was pounding as they argue about something as simple as pizza. Then they start arguing about sodas and it’s just all this back and fourth. It was too much.
“Hey wait where are you going?” Alex is the first one to ask about your sudden leave as you get up from the ground and throw away your trash, but you don’t walk back towards them. “She’s not answering me.” He tells the rest of the group, as if it wasn’t already obvious.
You just don’t think you would’ve been able to muster one more word from their lips.
“Hey! Y/N, wait!” You hear Kurt's voice call after you and footsteps behind you, and your face heats up as he gets closer, your arms crossing as you try to console yourself. Then his fucking hand touching your shoulder and he turns you around, one hand on each of your shoulders as he tries to keep you steady, but it only freaks you the fuck out.
“Do NOT touch me!” You shout. The entire eating area goes quiet as each pair of eyes lands on you. Shit.
“Hey, uh… Calm down a little…”
“Do not tell me what to do…” You threaten, but it comes out as more of a warning.
“Well uh… you’re probably freaking everyone out with your hands right now…” What?
In your frustration, you hadn’t even realised you had pushed him off of you, his hands were up in defence, but his shirt had a burn hole in it that wasn’t there before.
Looking down at your hands, there was a red and blue glow emitting from your fingers all the way through your veins. You could only imagine how your eyes looked as you stared down at your hands in embarrassment. Oh, right. You can’t control your powers when you’re stressed, frustrated, sad, mad, happy. You always have to be just… neutral.
“Ms. Y/L/N!” Another voice calls and Professor Lehnsherr approaches you with a soft smile. “Come with me so you can cool down.” He tells you, gently placing his hand on your back to lead you out of the eating area before anything escalates.
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“Alright.” He sighs, and closes your bedroom door behind you. “Want to tell me what happened back there?” You shake your head. It would’ve sounded pathetic. “That’s okay. Oh honey, don’t sit down.” He holds a hand out to grab your arm but doesn’t, knowing damned well he would burn himself if he touched you. “You’ll burn the sheets.” He reminds you, and you take a few steps away from the bed, but bring your hands up to your face to rub your temples, attempting with all of your effort to control your breathing. Got it, so personal questions and constant back and forth conversations stress you out. You tell yourself. “So… I think you should spend the rest of the day to yourself and-”
“No. No, I have to go to class, remember I said I can’t skip anymore just because I can’t fix myself.” You tell him, reminding him of the first time you freaked out and made the promise.
“Y/N, it’s not about fixing yourself, it’s about controlling your emotions.”
“Well everyone else is able to! Why can’t I?”
“Because everyone in this school associates themselves with others.” You hate to say it, but he was right. Everyone else is used to public stress, because they constantly have it.
“Well I still cannot and will not skip the rest of the day.”
“Fine then. Skip just this fourth period, then go to fifth period, but if you feel like you’re not up for it, then send me a text and I’ll send your substitute a text also so he knows you’re not coming.” You don’t say anything. “Sounds good?”
“Yea. Yes. Uh huh, that- yes… that sounds good.”
“Okay, I’ll let Hank know you’re not up for fourth period, then like I said.” He makes his way to the door and holds the handle. “Let me know if you need the entire rest of the day off. Okay?” You nod and give him an ‘mhm,’ before he finally leaves.
Okay what normally calms you down..? You wonder, looking around your room and heading towards your desk to search for the little paper you write those types of things on. There was painting your nails, colouring books, sitting in your dark closet because there’s no sounds in there, and then there was a nice shower or bath. Cold, shower or bath of course. You decide you should just do that.
You roll down the sleeves of the jacket that you’ve had on all day, and then unzip it and throw it off into your dirty laundry basket. The bell for lunch had just rung, so the sound of other students chatting in the halls made way into your room. How you wish the walls and doors were thicker. You wonder as you begin to slide off your leggings, also discarding them in your laundry basket before walking into your bathroom and turning on the faucet, letting the water run cold as you step into the tub with your hair up so you could just relax in the water.
As soon as you’re done, you wrap a towel around your body and step out, perfect timing as the fourth class ends and the bell rings throughout the school walls. Then there’s that annoying whirring sound again as you stand in front of your desk, going through the clothes you’d swore you would go through that morning.
After choosing a plain blue sweater and another pair of black leggings, along with your matching set of panties and a bra, you hear yet another clicking sound, the same you heard from last night. You don’t remember hearing it earlier, so you again assume it’s your neighbours, doing something in their room during the ten minute passing period. Annoying. But you wonder what they could possibly be doing with a camera that loud, and that often. It did only start yesterday, so you hoped it would bore them out eventually.
After what felt like a thousand more clicks, on top of getting fully dressed, you decide you’d be able to make it to class. Your nerves were cool, and you didn’t feel as frustrated as before.
So after about a minute with your palm lying on the door handle, you finally had the courage to open the door with about two minutes left to make it to your fifth period, meditation.
Walking back into the halls felt like you were a fox on a bunny farm. All eyes were on you, and as usual, everyone was whispering about you. The only difference between now and before was they didn’t even try to hide that they were talking about you. If you hadn’t been so used to this scene, you would’ve already freaked the fuck out. So instead, you easily and quickly make it to your first class, having enough of the staring eyes.
“Everyone brought their mat today like they were asked to on Friday?” Logan, also substituting for your fifth period.
Everyone takes their mats out of their bag, including you and everyone rolls it out on the floor in their assigned spot. Surprising considering there was a sub. Then again, it was Wolverine. You sit in your assigned spot as well, but a little further away from everyone. Not everyone had been there for the scene that had unfolded during lunch of course, some people were inside the cafeteria. But you knew that by now the word had spread inside and outside of the mansion.
“Today, we’re going to just relax.” His voice softens a little, becoming nearly soothing. “First I’m going to have you all do some stretches though, so will Jean please come to the front to lead the stretches?” He asks, watching as Jean stands with her mat and faces the entire class on the floor before beginning the stretches, the entire class of about thirty people this time copying her.
You watch as she moves to lie on her stomach, and you follow her movements slowly, placing your palms in front of you and pushing up to stretch, then you follow along all the rest of her simple stretches before she finishes and moves her mat back to her original spot.
“Okay, now here’s the video Xavier said to play.” A video on youtube comes onto the projector screen of an elderly woman sitting on a purple mat with her legs crossed, then she speaks into her camera, asking everyone to copy what she does, then the video goes silent for a moment before the sounds of waterfalls and chirping birds play, attempting to put the viewers mind at ease as everyone's eyes close, to apparently rid their eyes of distractions.
You’re ten minutes in. It’s actually peaceful. You tell yourself with your eyes closed, still sitting with your legs crossed on the floor and your hands on your knees.
“Here.” You hear a voice behind you, prompting you to open your eyes. “No, no. Close your eyes and face forward.” He tells you, and you do. He’s quiet enough so only you could hear him over the waterfall and birds. Then you feel his palm press gently on the middle of your back, causing you to straighten your posture as you involuntarily try to escape his touch. “I heard what happened. I didn’t expect you to show up to fifth.” He admits, letting his palm rest on your lower back, just above your ass, and you take a deep breath. “How’re you feeling now?”
“Fine.” You whisper back, matching his quiet tone so as not to interrupt anyones meditation.
“That’s good. I was worrying about you. I noticed you skipped the fourth period.” You hear him move next to you, and you open your eyes just enough so he doesn’t notice. Instead of kneeling, he was now crouching next to you on your right. His left hand moves to your left shoulder. “But I’m glad you’re alright. Just let me know if you ever need anything.” Emphasising “Anything,”  making it clear that he’d kick ass just for someone looking at you wrong.
You nod slightly, then in your mostly closed eyes, you see him move closer to you. Flinching as his left hand gently holds the side of your head, your lips parting just slightly as you feel his lips touch your temple. A gesture that was supposed to feel sweet, but everything in you was saying it was sinister. Of course, being you, you throw the red flag out of your head and settle on him just being a good friend. I mean he’s your professor. Surely it wouldn’t be more than that.
The meditation session ends and everyone rolls up their mats and are immediately glued back to their phones or talking to their friends obnoxiously. You also of course are guilty, turning on your phone to no notifications to reply to, as usual- Wait. I have a text? You open your phone to see the text with Kurt's name right next to it.
Kurt Wagner: I’m hoping you’re still coming tonight?
You: I don’t know… I’m sorry about what happened earlier.
Kurt Wagner: Hey it was an accident, and I’ve been meaning to throw that shirt away anyways.
You: Oh, well I hope it was just the shirt. I didn’t burn you right?
Kurt Wagner: Luckily no. You’re such a worry bug.
You: Sorry…
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“Wait, where’s the pizza?” Alex is the first to notice as they all walk into the room, everyone eyes first landing on you sitting on Kurt's bed with your legs crossed.
“Well, turns out, Y/N doesn’t like pizza. So I got KFC, McDonalds, and Taco Bell.” Kurt explains, hopping off the bed and retrieving his TV remote. You didn’t even have a TV in your room. At least not anymore. “I know each of you likes at least one of these, so enjoy.” He tells them, turning back to see you snacking on a quesadilla.
“So what movie are we watching then?” Scott asks, grabbing a solid ten chicken pieces from the KFC bucket. “Have you guys pulled from the hat?”
“We have not.” He tells them, then disappears in his closet, reappearing a minute later with some fancy tophat that makes you smile a little. “Who wants to choose from the hat?”
“Make Y/N.”
“Yea, this is her first time, let her.”
“Just don’t let Scott choose, his hand is a magnet for Toy Story, and if I watch it again I’ll know the entire script by broken heart.”
“Okay, okay.” Kurt chuckles, holding the hat out in front of you and giving you an encouraging smile. “Lets let Y/N choose tonight then.” He says, and you angle your arm slightly to reach into the tophat and pull out the first piece of paper your fingers touch. “What did you get?”
They all stare at you as you open the little paper. “Finding Dory.” Your eyebrow quirks a little.
“Finally, we’ve been waiting for someone to choose that one.” Jean tells you and you roll the paper back up, handing it to Kurt and he puts it back in the hat then sets the hat on his desk.
“Alright, let's get this party started!”
Was the last thing anyone had said for over an hour, aside from Alex asking Jean if she was crying when baby Dory popped on the TV. So pretty much, the entire hang out was amazing so far. No complaints, no fighting, and best of all, you didn’t receive a single sidewards look.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket, drawing your attention from the movie and you turn the brightness on your phone down as if you’re in a movie theatre to check the notification. A text from Professor Lehnsherr.
Metal Head: Have you received my email? I’ve been worried.
You: Sorry I’ve been busy. I’m fine now though. My computer is in my room so I haven’t seen it.
Metal Head: Well when you get the chance, please check the attachments I’ve sent you asap.
You: Alright.
“Everything okay?” Kurt asks, crawling close to you as you begin to stand up from the floor.
“Yea, just Mr. Lehnsherr asked me to check my email asap, which also means now.”
“You’re probably the only person who doesn’t just call him Magneto.” He adds on. “Can I come with you? I’ve never been in your room.”
“It’s nothing special, but sure.” You both stand up, and you head for the door with him behind you. Opening the door and heading straight to your room.
As soon as you get inside and close the door behind Kurt, you open the laptop that’s sitting on your bed and you punch in the password to check your emails.
“It’s actually really… woodsy in here.” Kurt tells you, looking around your room in astonishment. “It’s funny how every student's room has a different vibe, yours smells like pine.” He sits next to you on the bed, the side of his thigh touching yours.
“He just sent me a bunch of attachments, he’s been really into my work on nanotech so whenever he has a question he emails them to me.” You shrug, typing back a response to his question saying ‘does nanotech make a sound?’
As you type out the response and finish sending it. Kurt speaks again. “What is that whirring sound?” He asks, looking down at you and you look up at him after closing your screen. Your faces uncomfortably close.
“I actually have no idea. It’s been happening since last night, I just assumed whoever's my neighbour got something that makes that sound or maybe the AC is acting up.” You shrug and he stands up, his pointy ears twitching slightly as he picks up your build-a-bear.
“Nobody is in that room… The student who was sleeping there left a few months ago.” He tells you and you slowly get off the bed. Approaching him as he holds the bear. “Y/N… Where did you get this?” You gently take the bear in your hands.
“From the mall… There’s a build-a-bear shop there.”
“The day you went with Professor Howlett?”
“Yes.” You squint your eyes in confusion. “Was this always there…?” You mumble.
“I don’t know, was it?” Kurt asks, looking down at the little bear's right eye which seemed to have a spec of a glowing red spot on it.
Some panic gets to you, setting deep in your stomach, making you want to vomit. Who would put a camera in your bear? You ask yourself, and Kurt verbally asks the same question. “I don’t know… I’m going to bring it to Professor Howlett though… He’s the one that helped me stuff it.” Kurt only nods, and you wrap the bear in a shirt before putting it on the shelf in your closet and closing the door, leaving the camera to watch the dark…
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mochiroreo · 7 months
And I will fuck you like nothing matters
Dark!reader x Rafe Cameron
TW: M18+ NON-CON, DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT, implied heavy smut at the end, degradation, non-consensual use of drugs, mentions of rape and domestic violence, mean!rafe, psycho!dark!reader, non-consensual recording (sorry not sorry rafe lol)
Author’s note: I am back just to post this blurb cause I love dark!Rafe but I also want to read something about the reader being the unhinged, pyscho one 🤭 . Also, this is unedited so if you see some wrong grammar or wrong spelling.. no you didn’t.
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“Hmm..” a dull, throbbing pain made him tightly closed his eyes. His body feeling heavy and sluggish. He felt like he slept in a wrong position for two days, with how his muscles are aching. He was about to stretch and move his arms when he felt a tug that restricted his movements.
“Wait.. wha—?” The sensation made Rafe open his eyes, his baby blues scanning the room in utter confusion. He squinted as his eyes adjusted to the low light, looking up at his wrists tied together above him, and his legs tied to the bed frame. “What the fuck..?” He mumbled in a slurred manner, his baby blues darting around the room before feeling the bed dipped beside him.
“Oh, you’re awake!”
Rafe immediately looked up, his breath slightly hitching with how close your face is.
“A-angel?” He whispered his nickname for you, confusion more evident on his face now with his brows scrunched up. “How— why—“ Rafe’s questions were cut off by your giggle, airy and as if the whole situation is amusing, making his jaw tick in irritation.
For him, maybe it’s not as amusing. For you, however, it is definitely the highlight of your life.
“What are you doing? You think this is funny?” He asked, voice low and threatening, as if he is not the one tied down tightly on your bed right now. You just looked at him with a soft smile, a soft hand landing on his forehead to smooth the creases between his eyebrows before affectionately running your hand through his buzzed hair.
“Oh no, Rafey. I just think this suits you..” you words hanged onto the air, making him anticipate what’s next. “After all, isn’t this what you had planned for me? I just switched up who will be the victim.” You answered, ignoring the slight widening of his eyes with your answer.
His heart was thumping loudly inside his chest now, feeling the rope’s roughness that bound both his wrists and ankles. “W-what? I don’t— I don’t fucking know what you’re talking about.” Rafe looked straight into your eyes, trying to convince you. Yet your smile sent a chill down his spine.
“What do you mean? I know your plan silly!” You giggled, biting your bottom lip which made the boy gulp. “I am very much aware of the Kook king’s personal life and the rumours surrounding you, you know. The rape allegations at the parties after slipping some drugs on their drinks. Or maybe asking them to drink a bit too much. I have also heard how much you have punched and kicked your previous girlfriends.. lucky that your daddy knows how to bail you out!”
Your eyes travelled down Rafe’s disheveled state, the buttons of his white shirt undone, revealing a slither of tan skin underneath. His taut muscles evident as he squirms to move. While you were distracted, Rafe tried to free himself, struggling as the rope got tighter and tighter the more he tried to escape.
“Where was I? Oh! And so— I have heard from Topper how it’s now my “time” apparently. Then there you were! In front of my house, asking me to drink with you cause you were feeling lonely. I knew you slipped a drug on my drink,, so I have beat you to it and knocked you out.” You admitted with a shrug, moving away to stand up while still watching Rafe closely.
“You’re fucking crazy. I-I didn’t even— wasn’t planning to do anything!” Rafe tried to reason out, gritting his teeth when the rope wouldn’t budge.
“Really? Cause the rope that I used was from the back of your truck. I even found some little baggies.” You inserted your hand inside your bra, the action making Rafe stare straight to your chest and take in what you are wearing.
You wore white lacy set of lingerie, hugging the swell of your breasts and thighs, accentuating every dips and curves as if you were carves by the gods to look like a literal angel on earth.
Except, you are holding every variety of drugs that Rafe owns with a big smile.
Each bag has some different sized pills and powders, which you were sure were party drugs and coke from his drug dealer best friend, Barry.
“Now come on, Angel. Don’t you know that you shouldn’t touch what’s not yours? You don’t even know shit about drugs or-or how expensive those are!” He groaned, unable to do anything. Rafe is at his limit, his patience running thin as he think of the things he will do once he breaks free from the ropes, promising to himself that he will definitely fuck you to the point that you’ll beg him to stop plowing your abused cunt. Your appearance and his imagination making his thick cock hard despite his anger.
“Hmm.. I know which drugs is which. I think I stalked you enough to know which one is your favourite other than coke.” Moving closer, you brushed your hair away from your face. “And to be honest. I thought you would have more.” You grabbed a bottle of water on the bedside table before straddling Rafe’s chest.
The action made Rafe’s shorts tighter with how painfully hard he is, his point of view accentuating your breasts, seeing your nipples perky from the cold air inside the room. Once again, he struggled with the intention of trying to free himself to grab you and slap the shit out of you while drilling his cock to your wet pussy, he gritted his teeth and whispered menacingly.
“Now now, Angel. We can do this without the rope.. you know? If I have known you were a little freaky.. I would have asked you properly instead of what I was planning to do.” His words made chuckle, raking your manicured nails on his chest, making him let out a low groan.
“But where’s the fun in that?! Besides it would be unfair to just let you do that.. knowing how much you’ve been a bad boy here in Outer banks..” leaning forward, you balanced yourself and gripped his arms, slightly rutting your clothed core on his stomach. The action made Rafe groan, his anger disappearing as he thinks that you are just a closeted little freak that is now removing your disguise to fuck him. Rafe’s hips were bucking slightly, loving the hazy look in your eyes as he lets you to revel on the power you have over him right now.
“This is exciting, but I want to make it wayyy more pleasurable for us two.” Dragging your tongue on his collarbone, you moved away to grab one of the baggies containing some neon pink and green pills making Rafe eye you suspiciouslly. As far as he remember, he did not order some odd looking pills from Barry.
Grinning at him like the devil, you took two from the bag before going back to your position, your left hand tracing the bottom of his lips as you bite your own. Rafe’s lips parted, his pink tongue slightly peeking, urging you to lean down and finally kiss him.
The kiss was hot and messy, and Rafe kissed you like a man starved. His tongue immediately invading your mouth, savouring the slight dominance that he has knowing that he cannot escape your bed to flip you over. Rafe was so into the kiss that he did not feel both of your hands wrap around his neck.
Your hands were getting tighter and tighter, making him pull back with wide eyes that is staring right straight to your in panic.
“A-angel— hey hey..!” He tried to fully scream at you, nails slowly digging into the flesh of his neck. Rafe was slowly running out of air, his vision swimming in the dark while looking at you smiling so gently to him as if you aren’t choking him to death right now. His lips parted in a silent scream, before you let go to forcefully shove the pills down his throat which almost made him puke.
You let go once the pills were stuck down his throat, Rafe immediately heaving and gasping for air, making the pills slide down with his spit. He didn’t waste any time to steady his breathing, immediately screaming at your face.
“ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?! YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH, I WILL FUCKING RIP YOUR HEAD OFF AND YOUR FUCKING PUSSY IF I GET OUT OF HERE! I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!” His neck was red, veins popping out from him screaming directly on your face. You faked a sniffle, eyes slightly watering before you broke into a laugh.
“Woah calm down, pretty boy!” You managed to squeeze out as you continue to laugh, making Rafe jolt with the want to punch you down and force himself on you. “I just want to make sure you drink the pill candy without a fight.” You stated, offering a water bottle pointed at his lips. His breathing was erratic with anger, nudging the bottle away from his face before it dawned on him.
“Fuck—“ he mumbled. “What the fuck are those pills?!” You just shrugged, shaking your head as you so. “I have enough of your bitchy brat games, you fucking psycho! What the fuck are those pills!” Wiping down the spit that landed on your chest, you sighed giving him a faux pout.
“It’s just something to relax you.. and maybe give you more strength as I use you the whole night?” As if on cue, his cock that went soft with the stunt that you pulled suddenly hardened, blood immediately rushing down south. Rafe’s body slowly started to feel hot, he feels so lightheaded that his eyelids were almost closing on him while he tries not to pant and control his breathing. “Shit shit shit” he mumbled in panic, mind swimming with all the possibilities what the pill might be and what it might do to him.
You cut his thoughts short when you swiftly undressed him, his eyes wide and watery as you blow air on his clothed cock that was immediately weeping before letting it spring free. You thumbed the continuous flow of his pre-cum, making him buck his hips for more. Your touch was cold on his burning skin, a soft whine passing by his lips when you gave his leaking tip one kitten lick.
“Fuck please— what— what did you do to me..?” Rafe whispered softly, slowly losing his mind with the need and desire to feel your mouth, cunt, or your ass on his dick that is now standing proudly against his stomach.
“Nothing really. I told you I’ll make sure to make this more pleasurable for us, didn’t I? Must have been frustrating to be on the receiving end, huh?” Straddling his waist, you move your lacy panties aside to rut it on his cock, his pre-cum making it slide easier on your sopping wet pussy. You continued your actions, ignoring Rafe’s please to let him put his cock in you.
“You know.. I’ve heard how much you wanted me.. how much you think you can ruin me, to manipulate me into your ‘slut’. But I don’t want to be one of those girls that you took advantage of, Rafey. I want to be special, I want something more.” Your body was slowly getting covered with a light sheen of sweat, lips so close besides Rafe’s ear as you lick and tease his ear lobe. Soft whines and gasps escaping your lips before smirking as Rafe tried his best to listen to you despite him slowly losing his mind.
“So I decided to just show you, decided that maybe I’m the one that can break you..” Rafe lets out a deep strangled cry as he cums, body vibrating with the intensity of his ejaculation while he shut his eyes close. “Oh my, you just cummed but you’re still hard, Rafey!” Your statement made Rafe open his eyes weakly, vision slightly blurry with unshed tears, his cock more sensitive that ever.
Your left hand encircled his thick shaft, slowly dragging your palm up and down, making Rafe choked out a sob “‘s too much— please— fuck— ‘s too much” Rafe rambled, making you stop playing with his cock; giving him soft kisses on his cheeks, kissing his tears away. “Oh shush, don’t cry Rafey. I will make you feel good, make you feel so so good.” You whispered against his flushed skin, licking the lone tear that slid down while you console him.
You grabbed the water bottle and popped a pill on your tongue, Rafe watching you with blown out, unfocused eyes. “See? I took one as well!” You stated, slowly getting rid of your lingerie which made Rafe’s cock bob up and down, pre-cum once again leaking out of him despite coming just seconds ago.
“Gonna show you how special I can be, Rafey.” Whispering on his skin while you trail wet kissed down his chest, Rafe sobbed when you lightly bit his nipple, the action making him cum once again. You felt his warm load spatter on your ass, making you giggle.
“ ‘m gonna show you how I can make you feel like a god.” You eyed his drowsy state, drool sloppily pooling on the side of his mouth. Lightly tapping his cheeks, he opened his eyes before you pointed at the red dot on the corner of your room, which he eyed for a moment.
“Don’t forget to smile.”
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moonstruckme · 1 year
Hi! You are such a good writer!! Totally fine if you don’t want to be write this because it can be triggering, but I was recently roofied (nothing happened physically but I did have to go to the hospital, I’m ok now) and it would be nice to see either a steddie or poly!marauders fic on how they would react to it happening to their girl. More focusing on the aftermath and mental issues… again if this is too trigger please don’t feel bad about not writing it. I would also just love a basic comfort fic <3
Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I've had it happen to a couple of my friends while we've been out (thankfully nothing happened with them either and we were able to get them home safe, but it's so terrifying regardless), and it's insane that it happens so frequently. I hope you're feeling better my love and are seeking any support you need <33
cw: non-consensual drug use, mentions of drinking, no sexual assault but general talk of rape culture
Steddie x fem!reader ♡ 1.1k words
No part of you is comfortable right now, but you’re trying to tell yourself it could be worse.
The IV in your arm is itchy, your head is starting to hurt, you feel cold and exposed in the outfit you’d worn to the bar, and your throat is sore from forcing yourself to be sick repeatedly on the curb. 
You want to cry, but you’re not sure you’ve got the energy left to do it. 
It turns out you do, though, because as soon as the nurse pulls back the curtain to let Steve and Eddie into the little area you’ve been given, your cheeks wet themselves with tears. 
“Hey,” Eddie coos, nearly picking you up off the bed in his eagerness to have you in his arms. “Hey, baby, how ya doing?”
“Hey,” you try to say back, but the sound is garbled by a sob. You’re trembling again. You thought you’d gotten past that. 
Steve crouches by your bed, eye-to-eye with you as he smoothes some sticky pieces of hair away from your face. You’re not sure if they’re wet with sweat or vomit or something else. You try to stop it, but another sob escapes you, your chest like a cracked shell Eddie’s trying to hold together with his hands on your back. You appreciate it, but it’s a feeble attempt. You’re crying like a child now, shoulders shaking, face hot with tears as you cover it with your hand embarrassedly. 
“Take it easy, you’re alright,” Steve says, then hesitates, giving you a once-over. “You’re okay, aren’t you? I know you said on the phone nothing happened, but…”
You shake your head, sniffling but trying to pull yourself together. “It didn’t.”
Eddie lets you go, and Steve rolls his eyes as you scooch over to make room for him on the tiny bed. “What happened then, sweet thing?” he asks gently.
Any composure you’d worked up crumples, and a whimpering sound tears from the back of your throat in your efforts to keep from bursting into tears again. 
“Give her a minute,” Steve murmurs, rubbing your back with slow, long strokes. He takes your IV tube in his hand, carefully working it out from under where you’d accidentally sat on top of it. “It’s okay, honey, take your time.” 
The frightening part of it is, you’ve already forgotten most of it. Your friends had to be the ones to tell you that you’d been with them the whole time, that no one had left you alone and nothing had happened. That you’d scraped your knees on the sidewalk outside, not in some dark alleyway, and that they’d been the ones to drive you to the hospital, not some random guy once he’d finished with you. 
You shudder, and Eddie mistakes it for a shiver, taking off his jacket to drape it over your shoulders. “Thanks,” you say. The smile he gives you in return is far from happy, but it’s something. 
“I don’t remember everything,” you warn them, and some of the blood leaves Eddie’s face as Steve’s mouth flattens stoically, nodding for you to go on. You force yourself to take a deep breath. “Um, I know I’d had a couple drinks, but I was feeling fine, and then I had one more and everything started to seem off within like, twenty minutes? I couldn’t really walk, and I could barely talk, and that’s not what three drinks do to me, you know?”
You look to Steve for confirmation, and he squeezes your shoulder reassuringly. “Right. We’ve seen you after a few drinks, honey. That doesn’t add up.” 
You nod, feeling a bit more sure of yourself. “Yeah. Anyway, then Ananya said I told her I felt weird, and she took me outside to get some air and I made myself throw up outside the bar. And I guess I got everything out of my system, because when I got here they said—” You clear your throat, fighting against the blockage there. “They said it could have gotten a lot worse if I hadn’t.” 
Eddie rests his head on your shoulder with a sigh, hair tickling your neck. “Fuck, baby, I’m so sorry. Do you have any idea who might’ve done it?”
You shrug with the other shoulder, and Eddie intertwines his fingers with yours comfortingly. “I mean, a group of guys bought that third round for me and my friends, so it could’ve been them. But then it’s weird that I’m the only one who got roofied, right?” Eddie’s hand tightens on yours, and something hardens in Steve’s eyes. “Could’ve been the bartender, too, I guess. I was paying attention to my drink, and they’re the only ones who had their hands on it, but…” you shrug again. “No proof, and no way to know for sure.” 
Steve’s voice is low, but soft for your benefit, when he asks, “You sure you don’t want to try to do anything about it?”
That’s one thing you’ve had all night to mull over, the one thought you forced your unnaturally sluggish brain to work through. You shake your head. “I think I’m gonna call the bar tomorrow and tell them what happened just in case it was their bartender, but right now I just want to go home.” 
Eddie makes a sympathetic sound, turning his head to nuzzle at your neck affectionately. Steve reaches over to pat his leg, smiling at the both of you. “I asked the nurse on our way in, she said you’re free to go as soon as your IV is done,” he promises. “She said you’ll have a hangover from whatever they gave you, too, so I’m thinking we can pick up some gatorade and stuff on our way home and have a chill day on the couch, sound good?”
You give him a tired smile, and he cups your face in his palm, a slight crease forming between his brows as he assesses your red-rimmed eyes, the circles beneath them. “My head is already kind of hurting,” you admit, “so that sounds perfect.” 
He hums. “We’ve probably got a little while until they can unhook you,” he says, eyeing your IV bag. “Wanna try and sleep?”
You hesitate, recalling with abrupt clarity the scrape of pavement under your knees, the lights going by your window on the way to the hospital, the mantra that had played in your head over and over again: don’t fall asleep, don’t fall asleep. But Eddie’s head is a reassuring weight on your shoulder, and Steve begins stroking his thumb under your aching eyes as he waits for you to answer. You’re nowhere safer than with them beside you. “You’ll stay with me?” you ask quietly. 
Eddie scoffs, his breath tickling the underside of your chin. “Sweetheart, you scared the shit out of us tonight; we’re never letting you out of our sight again.”
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scandinavianfairytale · 6 months
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Reader
Warnings: Consumption of alcohol, consumption of drugs, discussion on drugs, friends with benefit (somehow?), cursing, sexual themes & smut (DUB-CON, grinding, police van sex, drugged out sex, mention of public sex, mention of rape, mention of revenge porn (not towards Reader), mention pornography, mention of non-consensual filming, fingering, one pussy slap, unprotected sex, hard sex - Walter is not gentle & sees it like a punishment, multiple orgasms, drooling, crying, squirting, chocking, creampie, little bit of praise)
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Walter disliked being on call on Friday nights. Ever since the new drug, Houdini, started popping up everywhere the police has been running around in circles, trying to find the main supplier, but has repeatedly come up short.
Houdini was a mixture of ketamine and ecstasy. A party drug that is supposed to highten your senses and drive up your sex drive. Sounds like a perfect mix, but what the dealers left out was the memory loss, the dehydration that followed and complete lack of mobility.
It was a mess all over the damn country - the rape cases skyrocketed, revenge porn sites were having a field day because of all the public fucking taking place, the emergency rooms were stacked with people on gurneys and everyone had to deal with victims with memory loss.
Everyone was having a bad time - the victims which were pilling up by the minute, the police that was understaffed had to do even more over hours and the doctors that had to triage almost every Friday night.
Yet people were still taking that stupid drug.
Walter was pissed off, to say the least.
How are people this stupid?
He thought as he watched a group of drunk women giggling after just snorting the Houdini. His blood boiled knowing damn well that he couldn't do anything about it. The amount of people taking this drug was too high for everyone to get arrested or booked. Priorities his superiors loved preaching.
One of the women left the group to get some drinks. Her dress barely covered anything, leaving very little to the imagination. He shook his head as he watched several heads turn after the woman. She definitely got the attention she wanted.
"Walter!" He heard and looked around to see who was calling him. Out of all the damned people, you were the woman in that short dress. The one that just snorted the Houdini. Walter clenched his jaw and his grip on the beer he was drinking tightened.
How can you be so stupid?
"It's been a while." You smiled at him. He could see how drunk you already were and he also knew the drug will take effect soon, if it hasn't already.
"You should come meet my friends!" You grabbed his arm and pulled him towards you, stumbling a few steps back as his massive weight crashed into you. Walter let you drag him to your friends, also because he knew that whatever attention you had on you would dissipate once he was next to you.
"Girls, this is Walter! The friend I told you about!"
"Oooooh, the policeman." One of your friends slurred.
"Are you here to arrest us? We're just trying to have a good time." Another winked.
"Oh stop it! He's the nice policeman. He would never arrest us." You leaned into him.
It already started taking effect.
You weren't aware of it yet, but you started lightly grinding on his leg. He heard how your breath came out laboured, and he knew he had to get you out of there. Grabbing your arm, he started dragging you away from your friends.
"Walter, what the hell?! Let me go!" You yelled, trying to resist his grip.
"I can't believe you out of all your stupid friends are acting this way." He grumbled. "You know better than anyone what's going on these days."
"I was careful." You whined, stopping him in his tracks. He turned around to glare at you, making you shut your mouth.
"Careful? You don't even realize that the drug has started taking effect. You can barely stand and I'm pretty fucking sure that if I let you stagger back to that bar you'd get lost."
"Fuck you."
"Right." Walter started dragging you to the police van parked in the small street.
"Get out." He barked at the man that was inside, surveilling the cameras around the city. The man tried to object but one stern look from Walter sent him out. Water threw you in the van, climbing in behind you and closing the door.
"What is your problem?" You yelled at him, tugging your dress down when you realized you were much more exposed than you were comfortable with.
"Now you're trying to cover up?"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You're more than happy to bare your ass to strangers but with me you get shy? What the fuck were you thinking taking the Houdini?" You never realized he was so big as just now that he was towering over you. Your pussy clenched as your eyes lingered on his cock.
"Tammy took it before and she said she had the best fuck of her life. I just wanted to see how it felt like." You bit your lip as he crouched down to you.
"You're taking advice from a drug addict. Are you stupid?"
"I didn't take the full dose." You defended yourself. "Just a taste, to see how it feels."
"And? How does it feel?"
"Antsy." You swallowed, trying to decide whether or not to tell your very angry friend what you were thinking. You shifted on the floor a bit and the cold steel flooring touched your soaked pussy, making you gasp.
"I see the Houdini is in full swing." Walter observed you.
"Can you help me, please?"
"I'm not going to be nice. You need to learn a lesson, and maybe next time, you won't go around experimenting with drugs." You nodded before Walter pulled your collar down, exposing your breasts. His hand cupped one and pinched your nipple, making you moan.
"Keep tour mouth shut." He slammed a hand over your mouth, grabbed your hips with the other, spinning you around, and pushed you into the wall of the van. He kicked your feet further apart, making you stick your ass further into him. You could feel your nipples harden at the contact with the cold steel material. His hand then traveled to the center, under your dress, before finding your clit and circling it, making your hips buck.
"You're dripping." He said into your ear before he forced two of his thick fingers into your still clothed pussy, making you moan into his hand that was still clamped over your mouth.
"Completely soaked." Walter commented. "That's the Houdini doing its magic. Imagine if I left you there, you'd be grinding up on some coked up asshole that'd fuck you right in the middle of the bar. Anyone could record you and you'd end up on some porn site, where strangers would jack-off seeing such a whore like you get publicly fucked out of her mind. Maybe a coworker of yours stumbles upon it - bye-bye that stellar career of yours." His voice was low and raspy. Somehow, that made you even more aroused. Your pussy had a mind of her own as you realized you have been incessantly humping Walters fingers.
"Mmph." Moaning, your tongue licked his fingers, making Walter tsk. You could see your release, just a few more grinds.
"You're getting hornier by the second." He chuckled and withdrew his fingers, taking away that sweet feeling, making you whine. "But I'll be nice and I'll take care of you." He rasped into your ear before he spun you around and bent you over the control table, your head laying on the keyboard. Tugging your laughably short dress up, he exposed your core to him. He slapped your pussy, making you yelp. He tsked again when his hand made contact with your drenched and sticky thongs. His fingers wrapped around the string, pulling it away before releasing it back on your skin. Throwing your gead back with a loud "God" your pussy clenched at the impact and your back arched at the sensation.
Walter chuckled as he watched your cunt throb as he started unbuckling his belt. He finally pulled down your thong and ran his leaking cock up and down your puffy pussy. Your chest heaved, and you made sounds you didn't recognize. All you wanted needed was his cock in your cunt.
"Remember that I'm not being nice." He warned before he seethed himself in you with one powerful thrust, slamming your hips into the control table. It hurt, but in the most delicious way that you have never experienced before. The pace he set was brutal, the letters of the keyboard scratched your face, adding to the mix of pain and pleasure you were feeling.
Your orgasm hit you fast and hard, your eyes rolling to the back of your head and your body spasming on his cock, but Walter just continued fucking into you. He was like a man possessed, grunting and moaning above you, his pace never faltering even after you clenched around him. He immediately pushed you into your second orgasm, making you moan out loud as juices squirted out of you.
"Fuck." Walter cursed as he felt your squirt wet his thighs. "Let's see if you can do that again."
His hand moved from your hip to your stretched pussy, circling the spot where you were joined, making you gurgle. His pace switched, his cock was slowly stretching your walls and with your drugged state you could feel almost every vein on his organ.
"Stop drooling over the keyboard." He stopped his adminitrations and grabbed a fistful of your hair to push you away from any electronics before returning his hand back.
"You're completely stretched, must be painful." He commented as he circled your full hole. You choked on your words and tried to shake your head.
"No? Good, you're taking me quite well." He praised you, making your legs shake a bit. His fingers lightly stroked around your pussy, purposefully avoiding your clit, making you whine.
"Walter...please..." You choked out.
"What is it?"
It was hard to formulate words, your body was on fire and it felt like cumming was the only thing that would put it out. But in the state that you were in, all you managed to let out was a hoarse "Cum.".
"You want to cum?" He mocked your meager attempt to communicate what you need.
"So, if I touch you here," Walter tapped your clit which made your hips buck and him smirk. "then you'll cum almost immediately?" You could feel him starting to prepare himself for another round. One that you knew you were losing soon, not that there was anything to complain about.
His fingers framed your clit and his other hand grabbed at your throat. "Let's see how much you can take."
His pace again hardened, his first sharp thrust made your hips slam back into the edge of the control table, but this time he kept you firmly pinned by your neck, preventing you from slipping away. His fingers were rough on your engorged clit, but that just added another layer to your rapture.
You couldn't form a sound anymore. Your body just locked when the orgasm hit you, but then when your juices squirted out, you started convulsing. But he just kept going completely overloading you, your hand fruitlessly reached for his hand, trying to shove it away from your clit, but he wasn't bothered.
You couldn't handle another orgasm, but you had no choice but to take it. Both of you could feel how close you were to another peak again.
"That's it, come on, I know you have another one in you." His grip on your throat increased, making you release a choking sound, tears welling up in your eyes, but it also made your pussy clamp down on his cock, making you squirt again. A few thrusts more and finally Walter released himself into you. Feeling the few spurts painting your womb and his cock go slack, you finally let out a relieved sigh.
It was over.
"Good girl." Walter cooed, kissing your shoulder. He carefully let go of your throat and pulled his cock out and your body finally slumped, completely exhausted. Observing your abused and puffy pussy, his cock twitched as it refused to close. It really was a sight to see how his spend oozed out of your hole and he resisted the urge to push it back in.
He buckled up his pants and carefully pulled your thongs up, sitting you on the only chair in the van. He rummaged around to find a jacket before draping it over you, before he opened the van door again and carried you out in his arms. Your head lolled as your consciousness wavered.
Walter walked past the man who was previously thrown out of the van and the man immediately knew not to comment or bring up the situation again.
"Shhh, don't worry. I got you. Just rest now." Walter shushed you as you tried speaking. Nodding weakly, you let the darkness consume you.
Thank you for reading! 🙈
The GIF belongs to the amazing creator! 😊
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Wake Up
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Kappa x fem reader
Summary : A happy evening with your family comes to an end and you peacefully fall asleep in your bed. But for the time being you don't notice a break-in by a certain cult leader, nor do you notice how a hand wanders over your body again and again, a body presses itself against you and then you open your eyes...wake up.
warning : +18, minors don't interact or read, smut, p in v, somnophilia, drugging, druges sex, some humping, blood kink, knife play, kissing, biting, non consensual sex, the whole story is non consensual, afab reader
Info : So it's finally done and it was a hell lot to write but it's done yeahhh :) So get all you Kappa juices and have fun reading oh and please mind the tags :)
It had been a lavish evening. They had all gone on a family outing together. An outing that was much needed during all this. She had missed her parents and siblings and her parents and siblings had missed her. It was a prepared trip during her college holidays.
It seemed too long that she had seen her family. In the evening, they went to the cinema, which had a preview of the latest technological inventions. Which, much to her delight, also showed new things about space.
Space surrounded them at all times and was somehow like an embrace for the earth. The endless vastness of space in which her father was now partly. But it didn't bother her, she knew he had important work to do.
It was at least a working environment in which she wanted to work. Whether as a stronaut, researcher, biologist or with technological things. She had a goal and knew it in the endless beautiful dark space.
But even though her "father" was now somehow with her as a robot, that didn't bother her either. Her siblings sometimes still tried to understand how it worked.
How her father tried to explain it to the two younger ones and it usually ended in a confused fit of laughter. But no matter how funny, confusing or even adored her family was. She loved them with all her heart.
The evening only got better after they left the cinema and went to the restaurant. A small but expensive good restaurant where they got a table and spent a few more hours.
They ate well and drank well, at least she had overdone it a little. But she wanted to celebrate that she was almost finished with her thesis, was back with her family and just wanted to let herself go a little.
Which is why the family were all slightly exhausted and especially tired when they arrived home. ,,So you sleep in the guest room," she heard her mother say, holding the door open for her daughter. ,,Thanks mom" she mumbled and gave her mother a kiss that was slightly shaky but it only made her smile. ,,Night, star!" she heard her father call from her siblings' room, putting them to bed. Laying down in bed and giving her mother a thankful look, the older woman closed the door.
Snuggling into the pillows and blankets, she was glad to sleep here again. Finally to be with her family again. Before she closed her eyes for a few moments and fell asleep.
She didn't notice anything of the horror that was about to hit her. She was too deeply asleep for that and didn't hear how the window broke and things were knocked over. She didn't hear how the cult group broke into the house and helped themselves to alcohol.
Didn't hear how her father woke up indirectly and crept downstairs. The disaster would take its course and soon ruin would befall her family. The student did not hear Kappa ask if anyone else was there and beat her father relentlessly.
Before the leader's eyes fell on the family photo, he tilted his head and laughed. ,,A pretty flower," he muttered, taking the knife with him as he scratched across the walls. He had his target, he had chosen it. His flower.
When Data's hammer struck her father's head again to quell his warning cries. But it was too late, the black-haired man had built himself into a spiral of intoxication.
A mix of drugs, alcohol and lust. And he wanted to satisfy all three things today. Whether with violence or without was up to her.
The doors of the rooms on the upper level opened one after the other. All until he had reached his destination. ,,Are you asleep already?" he purred and knocked on her door before waiting for an answer, which did not come.
His eyes rolling as his flower did not cooperate, he went into her room. It was dark, the light from the streetlamps was shining through the curtains and he could make out the outline of the room.
He found his way around and when his bright eyes landed on the sleeping body in the bed. ,,So you are asleep after all" he thought and smirked as he walked closer to the bed. He tilted his head slightly and looked at the sleeping woman for a moment. She slept soundly as if she had taken something.
Sleeping pills or alcohol? No matter what it was, she didn't notice that someone had joined her next to her. She pulled the loose blanket off her body and the nightgown appeared underneath.
If you could call it a nightgown at all, the fabric was clearly visible even in the low light. ,,What pretty blossoms," he purred and ran his hand over her head.
Stroked the soft hair and played with a strand, twisting it between his fingers, which already had blood and the dark liquid of the robot on them. He leaned down slightly and caught the fruity smell of her shampoo. Heaving a sigh of relief, he moved his nose from her hair to her face.
Nestled against her for a moment, enjoying her warmth, her beauty, letting himself be intoxicated by her self, her worthless state. While his mind was already thinking of all the possibilities he could do to her.
She was like his puppet not like his followers he could connive around if he wanted to. No she was like a puppet to manoeuvre his and use his as he wished. An aroused imagination. An imagination that he felt was slowly making him hard.
A pleasant shudder ran through him as he pressed himself against her. Playing the big spoon while his other hand, still holding the knife, ran over her body.
The tip of the cold knife ran over the thin nub and despite the poor light he saw the red stripes. He ran his fingers over it and felt the heat of the superficial scratch. A slight moan came from his lips as he pushed his hardness lightly against her back.
The brief arousal just a little taste of what was to come. But what he had was what he got from her. ,,Fuck you're going to be so good for me" he murmured and as his hand continued to draw strings with the knife his free hand went to her breasts.
Pushing down the nightgown and sliding it under her breasts so that they were automatically free, he got another piece of his flower.
His hand began to massage her breasts which seemed to fit perfectly in his hands. His pulse increased for a moment as he heard a soft sigh from her lips. ,,I knew you'd like it," he smirked and continued to massage her breasts while his lips left kisses on her neck.
The knife that was still dragging the strands around was directed at the fabric before you heard it rip. She had blossomed, her flower lying completely bare beside him. ,,So beautiful" he purred and pulled the excess clothing from her body and felt her body against him.
Warm and soft, alive and his. His for at least the next few long moments. He heard the goosebumps on her body rise to escape the cold that had easily reached her through the fabric and she pressed herself closer to him.
His cock produced further waves of arousal and he continued to rub against her. He felt his lust for her increasing more and more and finally had her completely to himself.
He could already feel the first drops of pleasure beginning to form a small spot. ,,,Fuck-blossom...you're doing things" he gasped and continued to rub himself against her for a few more moments, hearing her gasp again and again. She felt something happening to her body but in her mind it was just a nice dream. Nothing more, nothing less. But leading him it was like the main prize.
Before he repositioned himself he bit up her leg until he heard her groan and try to pull her leg away. Her body tried to move away but he pulled her back against him. ,,Don't run away sweetie" he murmured over her skin and licked almost apologetically over the bites moving up her leg.
He smirked as he reached her red panties and chuckled that she was already slightly damp from his touch. The smell of her sex in the mix of drugs and alcohol seemed to make him feel even better. Letting his nose brush her middle for a moment, he caught her scent.
He felt how he would have liked to run his tongue over her middle and his cock twitched at the thought. A moan escaped his lips as he let go of her middle and put his lips on her nipples.
Kisses and bites on the sensitive areas left him aware of how her body was bucking up every now and then to reach out to him. But with every further action on his part, more reactions were triggered in her. Actions that drove him to have her for himself.
He felt her rubbing her hips against him and wanting more of the excitement. ,,Can't stand it, huh?" he asked her and kissed his way from her breasts over her body again when he reached her centre.
Listening into the house for the last time, he heard nothing but the voices of his followers. Nothing that could have kept him from her. His fingers hooked under the waistband of her panties and pulled them over her legs.
Carefully but hastily pulling them over her ankles and inhaling her scent. Feeling her body move again and her understanding seem to shift slowly. Shifting into a different state.
Her scent, her sex seemed to make his mouth water again and he licked his lips. Placed himself a little further down and bit his way up her legs again. harder and harder he saw how he left marks and imprints.
Cresting her centre, he ran his fingers through her soft slightly wet lips, slightly trembling with excitement. Watching the slightly translucent slightly white sticky substance stick to his fingers. He heard her moan as she tried to close her legs. Ignoring her for a moment he cleaned his fingers with his tongue.
Sucked her juice from his fingers and it was better than any drug. ,,Fuck...sugar-" he started and was about to finish his sentence when he saw her body move again and her eyes flutter open. ,,Wh-What?" he heard her soft muffled murmur as she slowly opened her eyes and confusion still moved through her mind.
Confusion that didn't yet understand why she was hot and cold at the same time, why she was disgusted. But most of all why there was another person in her bed.
Opening her mouth and taking a breath to scream, he was already pressing his hand over her mouth and the cold knife was against her neck. ,,One sound, one scream or one noise that could alert the police, sweetie, and that's inside you...understand?" he said after a short pause, seeing tears gathering in her eyes and her pulse increasing under the knife.
But she nodded her agreement and he slowly took the knife a few centimetres from her neck. ,,Now kiss me," he ordered and in a look that could not have been more insane, she hesitantly did what he asked. Her hands ran lightly over his body for fear it would get worse.
They held on to him lightly before she put her lips on his. But barely touched, he bit down and made her yelp, which was accompanied by a whimper.
His tongue entered her mouth and he seemed to enjoy it more than she did. Even though she had realised her arousal, the throbbing between her thighs and the slight tingling on her nipples.
She knew that it had been much longer than she had thought, that he had not just broken into her room. How long had he been making love to her? He had exercised his lust on her and feasted on her, and she didn't seem to feel the pain of the bites and red strands.
After a few moments, Kappa broke away from the kiss, a small, shimmering thread of saliva connecting them almost like something super-erotic as he reached into his pocket. ,,Now we'll have some real fun," he murmured and tilted his head slightly as he showed her the small colourful pill. A pill with a Smiely face punched on it and yet she knew what it was.
She had been drinking alcohol for a while and smoking weed when things got too stressful, but never anything stronger. She didn't really want to, her fantasy was enough, the sex she'd had so far was perfect enough. But now?
How different could sex be with a stranger in her bed on drugs and a knife? Reluctantly opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out slightly, the black-haired man smirked in passing, enjoying her reaction, and lowered the knife slightly.
Only to let it slide over her body again in a circular motion as he watched her take the tablet into her mouth. He had placed it on her tongue and waited a few seconds before he suddenly pushed two fingers into her mouth.
Making a choking sound and wanting to protest, she only felt the knife suddenly go deeper over her skin and a small trickle of blood flowed down her stomach. ,,Good girl," he praised, watching as she sucked on his fingers and let her tongue roam over them, making them as wet as possible.
While he bent down slightly, hands still in her mouth, and licked the blood from her body. Taking in as much of it as he could and sucking it lightly.
It only excited him more the mix of alcohol, drugs and her blood coupled with her sex was just too intoxicating. ,,You don't know what you're doing to me," he smirked and wiped away her tears with his hand holding the knife.
Kappa saw the fear in her eyes as the knife came closer to her face and he took his fingers out of her mouth. Her saliva shone lightly on his fingers in the slightly lighter room due to the time that had passed.
But they still had plenty of time before it got light and the sun rose. ,,Relax sugar...it's going to be good" he chuckled and gurgled as he winked and pressed one last kiss to her lips before kissing his way down her body one last time while running his moistened fingers between her thighs.
He felt her tense for a moment and exhaled in surprise as he inserted his fingers inside her. Moving them and preparing her for what was to come because he was sure she needed it. He had his experiences of how it could go but he was not a complete inhuman.
He saw her avoiding his gaze, he liked to watch her, to see how she would react. She as a human being and not a machine that only reproduced emotions. ,,You have pretty eyes," he murmured and saw her blink several times before she nodded almost apathetically. So the drug was beginning to work, a joyful realisation for him and for her.
Before he leaned towards her again, he forced her into another kiss that was clearly more reciprocal than the one before. The fear had left her body and was replaced with complete relaxation.
But the look, that certain something in her gaze, the knowing that he was there, that it wasn't a dream. That was what turned him on. He used his fingers one last time to prepare her for him before he took off his trousers and threw them carelessly into the room.
He saw her gulp when she saw his aroused cock and he smirked again before pressing himself against her. He felt her shudder as their genitals rubbed against each other. ,,Ready sugar" he murmured in her ear and took the knife from her body for a moment.
Giving her even a moment before he positioned himself properly and her laziewes nod was a yes and entered her. A moan of praise came from his lips as he lost himself completely for a moment in the feeling of having her around him.
Her throaty moan reached his ears and she relaxed back into the pillows, easily coping with the situation. ,,Fuck-ah...sweetie you're tighter than I thought...fuck that feels good" he moaned throatily and his drug and alcohol addled brain seemed barely able to think straight. But this was mutual as she had also caught the drugs completely by now.
He began to thrust into her, addicted to the feeling of ecstasy and lust, wanting more and needing it. To move until he found the rhythm that brought him just that.
But her pleasurable noises also increased through the room while her hands searched for hold. His rhythm gave her what she wanted under drugs, what her body needed her mind made her believe that she needed it more and more, It seemed almost like his personal music the mix of her lust and his.
A mix that conducted them both. He felt her fingernails scratching his arms, his shirt shifting with all the movement. Her red strands replaced his own, his knife for a moment, and he enjoyed it.
He enjoyed the pain and engaged her in another more intimate kiss, muffling her noises for a moment. ,,So good" he heard her mumble and saw the unnaturally dilated pupils that must have resembled his. He lost himself in her lust-veiled gaze as he felt her legs wrap around his waist again and again.
Her moans and pleas increased in incomprehensible words and he took her voice away again and again and kissed her. Not seeming to get enough of her, he let his hand wander over her body with the knife.
With every stroke he caused, every little trickle of blood that ran from the small cuts, it excited them both more and more. Causing both of them another intoxication.
A rush in which he continued to lick the blood from her house, incomprehensibly drugged, telling her how good she was. Trying to get more from him more and more to have. While she pulled him more and more and ran her hands over his body. Tangled in his hair and she demanded him stronger and stronger.
He followed this and increased his thrusts, letting her pull his hair lightly while the cold metal ran over her body again and again. He let his lips wander over her body more and more often. Biting until a throaty mix of scream and lust came from her throat.
Her legs closed tighter around his waist and he felt himself coming closer to his climax and she closer to hers. ,,Ah-wanna see you" he moaned and put his free hand to her neck forcing her to look at him. Saw how her half-open eyes, also filled with exhaustion, fixed on him.
He felt her swallow, she pulled him against her one last time and he sealed his and her last screams in a kiss as they both climaxed. Her fingers clung to him convulsively and he sank his teeth into her neck, demanding blood from her one last time.
He felt her completely let go, relax and sink into the pillows, her eyes closing and her body falling into a sleep. ,,Told you...it would be good" he murmured and looked at her sleeping body as he pulled out of her. In the brightening light he saw some cum leak out of her and wiped it away with his fingers. He grabbed his clothes and took the knife to sort himself out.
Before he ran his fingers through her hair one last time and planted a kiss on her head. ,,Thank you flower," he murmured with a giggle and pulled the blanket over her used sleeping body before her door opened and closed again.
The cult had taken their victims that night and it was only a matter of time before she would find the other unnatural robot. Or he would meet his new favourite flower again. Another night, he was sure, would.
@icarus-star , @angelsanarchy , @quicksilversg1rl , @spookyorchid , @milaeth , @jzzminex , @roryculkinsgf , @707otto
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antimony-medusa · 3 months
I totally agree with your post about people not tagging kink when they really should but it fully clicked today when I realized how many mcyt instinct fics Ive read where theres something distinctly Off (characters being completely controlled by their instincts with another character holding it over them with the aura of a weirdly intense Not Normal Interaction) like oh my god you are so right
Yeah like, I am not saying "oh my god there are so many people who are writing kink or kink-adjacent" out of a desire to cancel people or to accuse them of dirty unacceptable behaviour or titter behind my hand or anything like that. Not all of these kinks are ones I share, but like— humanity is a rich and varied tapestry. If you get good brain chemicals off of vore, good for you. I don't, but I'm wishing you the best in those tags.
But like, human experiences exist on a lot of difference spectrums, and we've come up with the classification "kink" to describe a focus on an experience or feature or event that is unconventional or nonstandard and often sexual or sexual-adjacent, and like, we have all decided to classify these things in that way for a reason.
It is sincerely helpful if you can realize "oh, the way I feel about [experience] is not how everyone feels", and then you can both know how to talk about it to regular people and also know how to seek the content out yourself. I have a friend who's really into bloodplay— they know this and they can request it in events and they can also know not to hand it to people who didn't request it. They know that about themself. They're good. I keep hitting tropes that people seem to think are normal platonic tropes and like. Augh.
There's a lot of stuff in this fandom that is being normalized and presented as platonic, and there is absolutely a way to do a lot of this in a platonic way, but a) some of this is getting to a level of focus where I think it's pushing the boundaries of platonic, because even if non-sexual you would only behave like this to a kink partner b) some of the time I think it would be valuable for people to realize that they are engaging with tropes that are not platonic in most other fandoms, and sometimes they are still dealing with it in the same way that other fandoms are, they're just surgically removing the sex and like—boy.
When you are dealing with kink content, you can keep things definitely non-sexual, but if you go hard enough into the kink— well for one thing it should be tagged as kink, and for another, if you are used to how these subjects are dealt with in other fandoms, it can get a little wild to read fics that are beat for beat the same as kink fics in other fandoms, it just fades to black with the person falling asleep before anything happens.
Wing preening is really popular in this fandom, cause we all like drawing guys with wings, and like. God. In most other fandoms wing preening is a sexy trope, and I swear I have had to tap out of fics in this fandom because they seem to have gone beat for beat with sexy fics from other fandoms, moaning at touch and "release of tension" and writhing in the bed cause it feels so good and everything, and then nobody's pants come off and they smack a & tag on it and they call it good. If I hit that when I open up something tagged as platonic and "fluff" and "bonding" and that's it, I'm gonna have a strong reaction.
It gets so I assume anything tagged "dehumanization" is actually pet play, anything tagged "hybrid racism" is actually either predator/prey or master/slave, anything tagged "preening" is wing kink borderline-smut, anything tagged "mind control" is actually hypnokink, anything tagged "non-consensual touching" is actually consent issues/dubcon or occasionally noncon, anything tagged "non-consensual drugging" is altered states/intox kink, and anything tagged "hybrid instincts" is either omegaverse or a bdsm au. And wouldn't it be great if we could ACTUALLY use the right tags instead of all having to learn to read behind the lines with this shit untagged.
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Betrayal Never Felt So Good (König/Fem!Reader) Chapter 2
You can find Chapter 1 here, Chapter 3 here, Chapter 4 here, Chapter 5 here, and Chapter 6 here!
Word count: ~6.5k
Rating: Mature
A/N: Use of Y/N and Y/L/N. Appearance of a feral and jealous Possesive!König. We get plot but no smut in this one, with some angst, feelings, murder, and comfort on top! Reader really just needs a hug right now. Reader is also morally grey and morally questionable. Continued COD and military inaccuracies galore. Don’t shoot me for not writing out any combat scenes please - I’m a smut/fluff/angst author, action is outside of my wheelhouse lol. Once again written in less than 24 hours so please forgive any mistakes!
TW: Non-consensual drugging, emotional manipulation, body shaming, and attempted assault from asshole #2. Cold-blooded murder (but done for “good” reasons so it’s fine right?). Canon violence toward others by König, hints at stalking, hurt/comfort. Pet names (in English and German), bad German translations bc I’m still a lame monolingual American, and STILL no beta because we die like jackass Graves.
Crappy Translations:
Ungeziefer - Vermin
Maus - Mouse
Mein schatz - My darling
Meine leibling - My love
Scheiße - shit
It had been two whole months since your “rescue” from KorTac and not a day had gone by where you didn’t spend it thinking of König. That man plagued your mind worse than anyone ever had before. Which was stupid, considering you knew next to nothing about him, except that he treated you like a princess and fucked you like a whore. Oh and that he was the colonel of a “technically” enemy faction and your relationship would be seen as treason. And yet, he was the first man you’d had any sort of connection to in years. The only one who seemed to know everything you needed and wanted by intuition alone, and you craved the opportunity to explore that connection further. 
You tried to think of some way to reach out to him but there was never a plausible avenue. You didn’t know his real name so finding him online, if he even had an online presence, would be impossible. You couldn’t very well ask Graves if he had any information on him either, lest you get fired, or worse, murdered, seeing as the Commander did not have a reputation for being understanding.
 As the hamster wheel in your brain spun round and round, your thoughts grew more desperate and unhinged. It wasn’t too much longer before your contract with Shadow Company was up anyway. You were heavily considering seeing if KorTac would take you after, which you felt crazy about, but you weren’t sure what else to do. Logic just didn’t seem to play well with your thoughts about König and it was driving you insane to not be in control of yourself.
You could only turn off your constant barrage of emotion when you were knee-deep in patients or allowed out onto the field to provide care; though even that had been happening less. “Don’t want to chance triggering a PTSD episode”, Graves had said. And yet, despite thinking it couldn’t get worse, life had decided to throw you another curveball. It came when you were given your first mission in weeks, being called across countries with a small team of specialists to Russia to protect a diplomat and his family while they were in the country. That wasn’t the bad part though. Oh no. You could handle travel and a safe mission for once. The part that tied your stomach into knots was the fact you were going to be serving along with KorTac. It took everything in you not to show the emotions you felt in the moment Graves had told you that, while the last time you’d seen the KorTac colonel flashing through your thoughts like a movie. 
The shouting in the quiet bunker was your first sign something was wrong. At first, you tried to ignore it, snuggling closer into the big human-shaped heater against you but then there was a gunshot, and that got you both up. Instinctively, you knew what was happening before even stepping foot out of the room. 
“They’re here, aren’t they?” you whispered.
An overwhelming sense of panic filled your chest as you clasped his hands tight, unsure of what you were supposed to do.
“Stay here,” he instructed you as he quickly crossed the room to his dresser, gearing up in a hurry. 
“What? No! You can’t go out there! What if they hurt you?!” you snapped back. 
König shot you a bemused look as he tightened his vest. 
“They can try, mein schatz, but they will not succeed.”
While his cockiness was certainly attractive and you knew he could hold his own in fights, there was now a part of you that worried and ached at the thought of him getting hurt. Before he could leave, you caught his wrist and jerked him back to you, smashing your mouth against his. 
“Be safe.”
The pain of being ripped from such a powerful memory was enough to make you stumble, nearly falling into the last man you wanted to see at that moment; Daniel Carter, your “savior” from König and KorTac. It took all the power in your body not to frown at the brunette smugly grinning down at you. 
“Yes, sir?” you finally asked. 
“You gonna get in?” 
He gestured to the plane and you quickly stepped into the cabin, a hot blush coating your face as you walked down the aisle to find a seat near the exit but still far enough to not be at the very end. Your fear of flying wasn’t something you had to face often thankfully but, when you did, it was a tough beast to battle. Fortunately, your mind was easily swayed into other worries when you watched the rest of the teams climb onto the plane. One by one, they found a seat, until the last member boarded, his figure dominating the entire space with his six-foot-eight presence. You couldn’t help but watch as he walked by. Gods, he was even bigger than you remembered. The sway of his hips and spread of his gait as he walked left nothing to the imagination, and you found yourself staring unbearably hard at his thick ass and thighs until he sat down on the other end. 
Fuck, this was going to be harder than you thought. Your heart had felt afloat water in stormy seas ever since the moment you’d seen him waiting with his team this morning. At first, seeing him made you feel like you were finally able to breathe again, but the way he pointedly avoided your presence dragged you back down into the suffocating depths of turmoil. You’d hoped it was just a show for the others around you, but then it became clear that your hopes were for naught. Twice you’d tried to get him alone, practically begged him to talk to you, only to be treated as if you didn’t even exist.  
A tightness that had nothing to do with your fear of flying squeezed at your heart as your eyes dropped to your feet. Doubts began to pile up like a car crash. Maybe you were stupider than you realized. Maybe those nights had meant nothing to him. Maybe you were just another stupid conquest who had the gall to believe someone as high-ranked and enigmatic as König would actually want more than an easy lay. And, fuck, had you made it easy. Some nice words, a few sweet gestures, and a voice that made your brain melt, and you were putty in his hands.
Lips tilting down, you leaned back against the stiff seat and let out a long sigh. Maybe if you hit your head hard enough on the wall you’d break something, or at least get a concussion bad enough to be sent home.
“What’s up, toots?” Daniel asked, tapping his boot against yours.
You managed a half-assed smile and muttered, “Hate flying.” 
He grinned and leaned over just enough to nudge your shoulder with his. It was minimal contact but it was enough to make your stomach hurt. While Daniel seemed nice enough, you’d been privy to too many conversations he and his buddies had when they thought they were alone in the medbay or canteen. While some of the absolutely disgusting things he’d said were enough to make you wary, most of your ire came from him being the one to sneak you out of König’s room. 
“You’re a strong gal, you’ve got this. Just take some deep breaths,” he instructed slowly, “Here, gimme your hand.”
Before you could politely decline, he snagged your hand in his and wrapped your smaller fingers around his palm. 
“Lean back, close your eyes, take deep breaths, and squeeze if you need.”
Just the thought of being that vulnerable in his presence, or really any of the men around you,  made your skin crawl. But honestly, what else did you have to do at this point? It was about an hour flight and your mind wasn’t in a good place. 
Giving him a little nod, you did as instructed and let your head fall back once more. After the first few breaths, you had to admit some of the tension was dying down. 
“There you go. Atta girl.”
Fuck. Your heart lurched against your ribs as his words threw you into a very heated memory that you most certainly didn’t need right then - the way König praised you for taking his cock so well, how his lips brushed your ear as he said such sinfully beautiful words as his hands caressed your skin. Face warming, you tried to clear your head again, only to get disrupted by the sound of heavy feet stopping in front of you. 
“Can I help you with something, sir?” Daniel asked, something akin to fear in his tone. 
Who could he have been afraid of? Most everyone here was on good terms, or so you thought. 
“Is there something that we need to know before we land?” 
König. Jolting upright, you gaped up at him in disbelief as he stood there stiffly, arms crossed across his chest and eyes pinning Daniel down in earnest. God, that shouldn’t have been hot. You were supposed to be hurt, pissed at him, and yet the fire in his eyes as he stared down the other man was nothing more than primal.
“U-Uh, I’m not sure what you mean, sir,” Daniel stammered out.
You quickly jerked your hand from his and noticed that finally- FINALLY- those deep blues were focused on you for the first time all day. 
“We cannot afford to have any distractions out there. I will ask again, is there something that we need to prepare for? Will your attention be divided?” König bit out.
It wasn’t painfully obvious but you could hear a slight inflection, almost anger, filtering through his tone. 
“No, sir,” you retorted stiffly, “Private Carter was helping me with my fear of flying.”
“Correct, sir,” Daniel agreed quickly.
König let out a snide hmm before strolling back down the aisle to his seat. It wasn’t until he was fully sat that you relaxed in your seat. 
“What the fuck…This is awkward, right?” Daniel whispered, “I mean, it’s weird for me but I can’t imagine how weird it is for you.” 
Playing dumb, your eyes cut to him curiously and you asked, “What do you mean?” 
He gestured weakly toward König and the rest of his team, and then at you. 
“They quite literally kidnapped you a couple of months ago,” he muttered, “They killed a group of our men and were actively fighting against our mission, and now we’re expected to just get along with them?” 
The guy had a point. Sighing heavily, you shrugged and leaned back. 
“Yeah, it’s weird, but we do what we gotta do, right?” you murmured.
If only he knew the real reason for your discomfort. Eyes flicking up to the bare metal ceiling, you said a silent prayer that once you were on the ground, you wouldn’t have to be in König’s presence anymore. It wouldn’t do to be distracted, and lord knows you would be. 
“Try to rest,” Daniel said suddenly, “I’ll wake you when we land.” 
Any thoughts of arguing were wiped from your mind when the cabin shuddered through turbulence. With a shaky inhale, you closed your eyes and started counting back from one hundred. Even if you didn’t fall asleep, it would help with your endless anxiety.
“Alright, you’re good to go. Just try to stay off of it as much as possible until we leave tomorrow. Those painkillers will help the pain but the ligaments still need time to repair,” you sighed with a weak smile.
“Just glad it’s not broken,” he laughed nervously, “It’d suck for my first real injury to be caused by tripping in the dirt rather than by combat,” 
You snickered in agreement at that. That would be one sad story.
“Remember, ice, elevation, and painkillers!” you called as he exited the room with a wave. 
Turning back to your laptop, you started the final charting on the private’s file but it wasn’t long before you were distracted by someone entering the room. Dread filled the pit in your stomach when they didn’t instantly speak. So far you hadn’t seen König more than once or twice in passing this past week and you’d hate to break that streak right before you got to go home. 
“Hey, Y/N, why don’t you head out for the night? I’ve got things covered here!”
Relief practically oozed from your pores as you heard the familiar voice of one of KorTac’s medical staff. Spinning around in the wheely chair, you found the redhead already opening her own laptop at the other desk. 
“You sure?” you asked.
“Of course! You let me sleep in and took the first half of my shift, it’s only fair I let you out early,” she teased kindly. 
Leaving early meant the possibility of running into the silent colonel, but it also meant you could actually enjoy the last night in the city. While it was a smaller area, it apparently had a decent nightlife, or so Daniel said. He’d caught you before your shift and practically begged you to join him and some of the guys out for drinks at the local bar to celebrate a job well done. You’d thought he was going to cry when you told him you worked late and couldn’t join. 
“Girl, go! Shoo! I’ve got this.”
Flashing her a smile, you nodded and gathered up your things. 
“Okay, fine, you win,” you groaned in faux frustration, “I’ll leave you be.” 
She shot you a mock salute and turned dutifully to her laptop, fingers flying across the keyboard as she began to check charts. With one last nod, you grabbed your bag and hurried out into the hall. It was only eight thirty and the guys were going out around nine, so you had just enough time to change into something more sociable. 
The instant you were in your room, you wasted no time digging through your duffle bag until you found a semi-decent outfit. Most of your clothes were for work but you liked to keep a few nicer things on hand for occasions such as this. After pairing a cute black peekaboo sweater with a pair of fitted dark-wash jeans that framed your thick thighs and ass perfectly, you slipped on your only non-work shoes- a pair of black ankle booties. From there, you hastily fixed your hair and put on a quick bit of makeup before rushing out the door. 
It felt weird to admit you were kind of excited to hang out with Daniel and the others tonight. You’d never really been included much in things back home, being medical staff and not one of the “boys”, but ever since being here for the mission, Daniel had made it his primary objective to make sure to check in on you multiple times a day. A strange little friendship was budding and, somehow, you didn’t hate the idea. He’d been nothing less than kind, and now that you weren’t completely hung up on the colonel, you were losing your biggest reason for disliking him. 
“Y/N! Whoa!” 
Daniel’s yelp caught you off guard and you couldn’t stop the blush that formed when you saw the way multiple pairs of eyes raked up and down your form. 
“Damn, you clean up nice, Y/L/N,” another private, Chad you think it was, said from beside Daniel. 
“Uh, thanks,” you replied awkwardly, “So… bar?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Daniel said with a grin, “Hope you don’t mind but we’re walking because it’s only two blocks away!”
Nodding in understanding, you joined the group of five with a little smile, trying your hardest to keep your nerves at bay. It was chilly out. Nothing too horrible, but it made you glad you’d had the foresight to wear something warm since you had to walk in it. 
“Hey, you know, Chad was right,” Daniel said quietly when he dropped to the back of the group with you, “You look incredible. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in anything other than work attire.”
Damn it. It was much easier to hate him when he was acting more creepy and you were under the illusion he’d ruined your love life. Now… Now it was almost too easy to like him.
“Thanks, I appreciate that,” you answered, “You look nice too! Never seen you dressed down either.” 
It wasn’t a lie. Daniel wasn’t a bad-looking guy, maybe a bit plain with short brown hair styled in the regulation cut, nice green eyes, and a big smile, but definitely not bad. It was just that your thoughts were always flittering around the almost seven-foot beast of a man in comparison and no one could compare to that. 
The pink that dusted his cheeks only served to make him cuter and you were nearly groaning in frustration at the thoughts filtering through your mind. No. There was no way you were going to give in to those thoughts. It was just the pain of König ignoring you and the human need for attention making you think that way, you were almost certain. 
“Ah, we’re here!” 
The music from the bar was audible from the outside and it only got worse once you stepped in. He hadn’t been lying when he said there was a thriving nightlife. The small bar was packed to the gills, with just enough room to move around and get to the bar, bathrooms, or dance floor. 
“Come on, I’ll buy you your first drink!” he shouted over the music. 
Aw shit. You knew where that was going to lead. Before you could decline his offer, he snagged your wrist and nearly dragged you to the bar. You were given no choice but to order your favorite drink when he demanded so and the bartender stared you down with a less-than-patient glare. True to his word, he paid for your drink, and then instantly dragged you through the crowd without a word. Daniel led you everywhere like you were some lost puppy who needed direction. From the bar to the table, and then to the dance floor, you weren’t given a single choice in the matter up to the point of him practically pouring your drink down your throat. 
Said action didn’t fly over well, the liquor bitter and stinging down your throat so quickly you had to reflexively cough to avoid aspirating. 
“Jesus, fuck, calm down,” you snapped at him once you caught your breath. 
“I just wanna make sure you can loosen up and have fun,” he replied with an apologetic smile, “I’m sorry. I.. I just don’t want you to fall behind or anything.”
You couldn’t contain your eye-roll as you gave into the puppy dog eyes and made a show of taking another drink. 
“There, happy?” you asked. 
“Definitely, come on, let’s dance!” 
The irritation over his actions was soon forgotten as you gave in to the beat of the music and joined in the writhing bodies on the floor. It didn’t take long to get drawn into the moment, the alcohol and music a powerful combination that brought out the serotonin you didn’t know you needed. Song after song passed and soon enough you found yourself in Daniel’s arms. It was almost nice, to let the stress of the past few months flow away and focus on only the here and now. 
“I didn’t know you could move like this,” Daniel said into your ear as his arms wrapped around your waist.
The graze of his lips across your skin sent shivers down your spine and you instinctively arched into his touch as his hands slid further down your sides. 
“I don’t get the chance to dance much,” you admitted meekly.
“That’s a shame. You’ll have to let me drag you out more often because it’s a damn sexy sight.”
A giggle escaped before you could stop it. Damn it. His flirting wasn’t funny! 
“Mmmhmm, sure,” you retorted cheekily, “You’re like the only one who thinks that.” 
He quickly spun you around, fast enough that the world went wonky and you had to grab onto him for balance, and it sent chills through your body. 
“Whoa, that- oh my,” you gasped. 
“Are you okay, Y/N?” 
There was a look of concern on his face as you felt your knees weaken. Panic sent your heart racing but you couldn’t focus enough to figure out why. Something just felt… wrong. 
“Maybe you’re dehydrated. Why don’t you finish the rest of your drink?” he urged. 
Shaking your head, you managed to mumble out, “Alcohol won’t fix dehydration. It’ll actually make it worse.”
“Well, it’s worth a try, come on.”
When he pushed the cup to your lips again, some semblance of your brain came back online and you pushed instinctively it away. The ugly curve of his downturned lips told a terrifying story. Was he- Was he trying to drug you?! Clenching your eyes shut tight, you tried to sort through your memories and recall the symptoms of being drugged to compare to your current ailments.
“Damn it, just take the fucking drink. I spent ten dollars on this fancy shit,” he grunted lowly. 
Eyes popping open, you caught his furious glare and instantly everything clicked. The reason he was so intent on you coming out tonight, how he handled the drink all the way to the floor, his insistence to drink the alcohol. 
“You- You prick,” you bit out. 
Thankfully, you hadn’t drunk more than those first two gulps. Whatever he’d laced the liquor with likely wasn’t at its full potential, and yet you were still feeling the effects. Just what the fuck had he given you?
“Y/N, what are you-”
With all your strength, you pushed him and luckily managed to catch him off guard, sending him flying back into the group behind him. You didn’t wait to see if he got back to his feet before you took the chance to escape. It was like a psychedelic maze, trying to escape the packed dance floor with your heart racing and your eyes swimming. Eventually, you made it out, and you instantly left the bar. 
The cold night air tore a gasp from your lungs when it hit your skin but it was more than welcomed. Your body felt like it was on fire, sweat rolling down your back and forehead as if you’d just been vigorously working out. The chill helped to clear your thoughts some. 
“Okay, I can do this, it’s just two blocks,” you murmured to yourself. 
For a minute, you considered calling for help from one of your squadmates, but your gut cautioned you otherwise. These soldiers were close, dangerously close. There was a good chance they’d just help him cover it up if you tried. A weak sigh left your lips as tears flooded your gaze. You wished you would have just stayed at work. You wished you hadn’t gone against your initial judgment of that asshole. You wish you were home, safe and sound in bed. Most of all, you wished you could call König to come save you. How ironic that you were looking to the man Daniel had “rescued” you from to come rescue you from him now. 
“Where do you think you’re going, bitch?!” 
A big hand snagged your wrist and pulled you to a stop so suddenly that your shoulder popped audibly, pain shooting through the joint as you collapsed back against him. 
“Daniel, please- I-”
“Uh-uh, nope. You’re not talking me out of this,” he hissed.
Despite using your entire weight to pull against him, he was able to drag you down a nearby dark alley with ease. Pain exploded through the back of your skull when he slammed you into the brick wall with a grunt and you nearly collapsed.
“Fuck!” you yelped, hand instinctively touching the throbbing spot to check for blood.
“You don’t fucking get it, do you? I was the one who located their base. I was the one who led the team in and took out as many of those dumb fucks as possible. I was the one to save your miserable ass, and what did I get for it? Nothing more than a fucking “thanks” and a shitty attitude. I waited for you to come around but you never fucking did,” he snarled, palm slapping the brick beside your face with a grunt, “When Graves suggested we bring medics along, I knew it would be my best chance of getting you alone. You’re such a stuck-up whore at home that you don’t ever go out with us. But here, I knew I could convince you. All it took was some kindness for your fat ass to fold. Can’t reckon you get much attention, so I’m not that surprised.” 
Disgust and shame reared its ugly head in your chest as you let your eyes drop from the angry vision of his face. Instead, you stared intently at the pocket of his white polo. 
“Now, you’re going to do what you should have done long ago, and you’re going to thank me for saving you. Get on your fucking knees and if you even think of using teeth I’ll put a round in your head so fast that-”
You stopped, mid-decent to the concrete when Daniel went flying. As he slammed into the ground, a hulking shadow followed him in earnest. It took your brain some time to figure out what was happening, but then you heard a familiar voice snarling in German. Slowly, the details of his form solidified in your gaze, and you sagged in relief. 
“Pray to your god while you’ve got the chance, ungeziefer!” König barked loudly.
A pained screech filled the air and made your stomach twist. 
“ König?!” Daniel groaned, “What the-? Why?!”
“You’re quite simple, aren’t you?” König snapped back with a humorless laugh, “Take one guess.”  
You watched the way Daniel’s head popped up, a look of disbelief clear in his eyes as he stared up at the giant before turning to you. Even through the lingering haze of the drugs, you could clearly make out the terror on his face and a sick part of you felt thrilled that he was experiencing even a modicum of the fear he’d pushed onto you. 
“I- I didn’t know,” he panted through frantic gasps, “I wouldn’t have-!” 
Daniel’s weak croak was silenced by a brutal kick to the face. The crunch of bone and cartilage sent chills down your spine and you couldn’t but absentmindedly think about how badly that would heal… if he even made it out of there. 
König rolled him over with a boot to the gut and crouched down above him, his voice just barely loud enough for you to hear. 
“Even if she wasn’t mine, you don’t get to touch her in that way. Unfortunately for you, she is mine. You’re just lucky I don’t have the time to drag this out. The things I would do to you…”
His words lit a fire in your stomach, misplaced lust and satisfaction filling your chest despite the gruesome scene before you. There was a rapid-fire battle going on in your mind, between the lawful good instinct to stop König and the chaotic righteousness to let him beat the hell out of Daniel. It wasn’t until the glint of a blade pierced through the dark, reflecting the weak fluorescent light behind them, that reality finally set in. This wasn’t going to be a fight. This was going to be a slaughter. König was going to kill someone over you!
“No, don’t! König, wait!” 
Your pleas fell on deaf ears. Before you could even blink, he was knelt on Daniel’s back, jerking the smaller man’s head up by the hair only to sink the knife into his ribs repeatedly, ending it with a vicious slash across his throat. It was awful and astonishing. A man of his size shouldn’t be that quick. While you’d seen him take out five of your team alone, that was with a gun. This was different. This was personal. 
Licking your dry lips, you watched with wide eyes as König got up from his position and turned your way. Something between fear and excitement quickened your breaths as he stalked your way, slowly, wiping the blood from his blade before shoving it back into his pocket
“You shouldn’t have done that,” you murmured. 
“And let him live after knowing what he was going to do to you? I think not,” he growled back lowly.
The instant you were within reach, a hand was around your throat, gentle but commanding as he pulled you into him. 
“He’s lucky I didn’t make him clean his guts up off the floor,” he hissed.
Before you could react, he crouched and lifted you up onto his waist. Brick bit into your back through your sweater as he pinned you against it, making you gasp as his mouth devoured yours. 
“Mine,” he growled fervently. 
His hips ground roughly into the apex of your thighs and stole your breath as a wave of pleasure scorched through your belly. Holy fuck, he was already rock-hard. A pathetic whimper escaped your mouth into him when his teeth bit into your lip hard and you couldn’t resist scraping your nails along the nape of his neck. 
 “Nobody gets to touch you except me, got it?”
Your eyes rolled back at the rasp in his voice, the thinly veiled need peeking through in a taunt.
“Yeah, but… Hey! König, wait, please!”
A little growl emanated through his chest as you pushed on him, but he easily relented, drawing away to catch your flustered gaze with half-lidded eyes. 
“What is it, maus?” he asked.
“We can’t just- What- How the fuck are we gonna explain this?” you retorted, panic slowly filtering through your lust-hazed mind, “My god. You’re gonna get in trouble! I can’t- I can’t let you get hurt for protecting me! We have to do something! Maybe we can-”
Your rambling was quickly silenced with a hand over your mouth, the weight of his body leaning more into you, providing a sense of comfort almost like a weighted blanket. 
“Calm down, meine leibling,” he shushed warmly, “Take a deep breath and relax. Everything is going to be fine, I promise you.” 
Tears blurred your vision as you looked from him to Daniel and back to him, only to find his eyes hungrily tracing your form. Even in the current situation, you couldn’t deny the heat it caused. And then it was gone, the furrow of his brow conveying that anger once more when he released your mouth. 
“What did you think you were doing anyway, coming here with him?”
You couldn’t help but recoil, grimacing as your head hit the wall in the same tender spot, until he forced your face up by your chin. There was so much fury residing in his gaze that your heart squirmed in pain. It hurt worse than anything to see that judgment and anger directed at you. Was he really going to blame you?
“Maus, I said, what did you think you were-”
“Well, I sure as fuck didn’t think I was coming out to get raped!” you spat back finally, unbidden tears spilling down your cheeks, “I thought- I thought I was- was with friends. I-I didn’t think-”
When he pulled you into his chest, the damn broke fully. Sobs poured from your shaking form as you wrapped yourself around him and breathed him in. You cried over the betrayal from your teammate. You cried at how close you came to being assaulted by another horrible person, the fact that König had saved you twice now. You cried over how much you’d missed him, over how happy you were to hear he still had some kind of emotion for you; no matter how demented it might be. 
“I had a bad feeling about him,” he bit out after a moment, “When I saw you leave with them, I just knew. I’m sorry it took so long to get out here to you, schatz. If I had been quicker-”
You shook your head frantically and whimpered, “You were just in time.” 
He hummed quietly, hand cradling the nape of your neck as he murmured little soothing words against your hair. You don’t know how long you stood there like that but eventually, your limbs started to ache from the position. When you pulled away from him, he put you down gently but didn’t let you retreat fully, hands cupping your face tenderly while he wiped away your tears. 
“I don’t enjoy seeing you cry like this,” he sighed. 
Something about that triggered that subdued anger in the back of your mind, waking the beast from slumber. Anger was easier to handle than sadness. How dare he stand here and comfort you, hold you like this, when hours ago he couldn’t even look you in the eye! 
Nose wrinkling in frustration, you stepped back and wrapped your arms around yourself as the lack of his warmth hit hard. The hurt that passed through his eyes nearly made you collapse back into his arms but you knew you couldn’t- not yet, not until you had answers. 
“Why?” you finally asked.
“Why, wha-”
“Why did you act like I didn’t exist? I spent the last two months driving myself fucking crazy, pining over you and what could have been, only to get treated like I was nothing more than dirt on your boot the next time I saw you!”
He tried to talk but you cut him off swiftly. No way were you done with him. Shoving a finger into his oh-so-glorious pec, you stepped closer with all the rage you could muster in your glare. In another light, it probably would have been hilarious to see someone of your short stature intimidating the giant man.
“If I was just some fucking notch in your bedpost, you could have said that! You didn’t have to act like there was something more. You have to know how hot you are. I would have fucked you even without you tricking me like that. But no, you had to make me feel special, make it feel like there was more than just my body on the line, and then you have the nerve to get mad at me for seeking out platonic companionship in my teammates?! You dare claim that I’m yours?! No, no, you don’t get to do that!”
The instant your rant ended, one hand cupped the back of your head and the other shoved you back against the wall, the impact cushioned by his hand before he boxed you in on either side. And fuck, you shouldn’t have found that hot but god it was. The way he instinctively protected you, acted like he cared, towered over you in a way that just screamed dominance and power.
“Don’t you dare say those things. There hasn’t been one moment that I haven’t thought about you, that I wasn’t looking out for you from afar, mein schatz,” he said sternly.
“Then why-”
“Because I couldn’t risk anyone figuring out what had happened between us!” he snapped with a huff, “If anyone knew you had stayed with me willingly, your life would be in danger, and I knew if I spoke to you, I would break. How could I not? I’m only so strong, meine liebe. Did you really think it was easy for me to do that? That I didn’t want to scoop you up in my arms the moment you walked through that door? That it didn’t break my heart when I watched the hope leave your eyes?! I hated myself every- single- second.” 
Swallowing hard, you couldn’t force out any kind of answer. Distrust held your heart in a stronghold but his words were slowly chipping it away, the passion in his voice worming its way under your skin. 
“It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. You don’t even understand. Scheiße, I put so much time and effort into finally meeting you, and then somehow… somehow, I lucked out. I  got a taste of what I’d wanted for so long,” he paused, thumb gently stroking that sweet spot below your ear as his eyes searched your face, “And it was more than I could have ever hoped for, only to have you ripped away at the last moment.”
His words settled heavily around you and, as their significance soaked into your brain, you could only stare at him in confusion. He… had known of you before you met? You knew they’d gathered intel on your team before the attack, but… he'd seen enough to want to see you?
“What do you mean?” you asked softly. 
His silence was loud, louder than you could handle and the guilt in his eyes sent a shiver up your spine.
“König,” you urged, “What- What do you mean?” 
German spewed suddenly from his lips, angry and frantic as he began to pace in place, and it only served to make that anxiety nestle deeper in your belly.  
“Damn it! Talk to me!” you cried. 
When he spun around, you tripped over yourself in shock trying to back away from the fury in his glare. Fortunately, or possibly unfortunately, he caught you before you could actually fall, but he didn’t let you go even once you were balanced.
“There’s no way to make this sound good,” he breathed quietly. 
Eyebrows shooting up in disbelief, you retorted, “Yeah, well, it can’t be worse than leaving me guessing at all the horrible things you could mean!” 
“I need you to promise me you won’t run, that you’ll let me explain.” 
While you wanted to hear him out, you weren’t sure how well you would handle whatever it was. There was also the issue of your dead teammate less than five meters away. Everything in your heart and mind was torn into a million little pieces of focus and it was all too much. You had to pick one problem at a time to deal with.  
Looking over at Daniel’s still form, you pressed your lips into a thin line. 
“What the hell do we do about him?” you asked. 
You weren’t lying earlier when you said you were worried for König. He had a lot of power, but straight up murdering one of Graves’ men out of battle and, even worse while allied, was beyond reason. That was a death sentence. 
König froze up, almost as if he’d forgotten about the whole reason you were there, and let out a heavy sigh. 
“I’ll call it in and have Horangi take care of it,” he muttered, “For now, come back to my room with me. Everyone should be out right now.” 
Why did that sound so inviting, so perfect? Fantasies of being able to touch him again, cuddle with him once more, plagued your thoughts until the weight of his admission came crashing back down. You couldn’t help but stare at him as his words reverberated in your head. It was clearer than ever that you knew nothing about this man, and yet you couldn't stop the way your heart fluttered when he slipped his fingers between yours, nor the way you felt content in following him out of the alley. Despite it all, under the fear and the uncertainty, that fatal attraction to him was still burning strong. When he wrapped his arm around you and slipped you under his jacket to protect you against the blustering winds, it felt too much like home. 
Just what the fuck were you supposed to do now?
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httpscomexe · 2 months
Forbidden Secret Desire 4
Summary: You finally put all of the pieces together and your pursuer tries to make a move, failing horribly, so you decide it’s the best plan to just escape.
(Find What I’m currently writing by checking my pinned post)
Parings: Logan Howlett x Reader
Warnings: (Individual warnings per chapter) Mentions of hidden camera, forced touch, clueless reader. Logan is an official warning as approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) because Logan is a DRUG. PLEASE BE AWARE that this will be a NON-CON fic. Do NOT get attached if you do not like non-consensual fiction. I will not change my fic plans because somebody decided not to read the warnings. Thank you.
Tags: @remmyj10 @sammyluvsfics @badbishsblog @dickmaster3000 @cellyx33
Word Count: 3483 (All other chapters here) Chapter 5
P.S. If you’d like to be tagged, ask in the comments, you also have permission to send an ask, but make sure it is NOT anonymous, so I know your username, don’t worry, I’m scared of confrontation too. But this is a SAFE SPACE where I will not judge. Thank you again.
Enjoy your Forbidden Secret Desire…
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“Logan?” You call his name as you barge into his office without knocking, not bothering to have any boundaries since the matter seemed important. You were being watched through a camera for the last two days after all.
“Is Mr. Howlett in here?” You ask after being allowed in the lounge where some other teachers were having their lunch break. You had been searching for him all day, and you haven’t seen him once. You figured you would’ve seen him during third period, since he was supposed to be the substitute the entire week, but looked to no avail. You even asked around, wondering if anyone else had seen him. You were slightly hopeful when a few students claimed they saw him on hall duty during the first passing period, but then you were once again in the dark.
You skipped your fourth period also, hoping you might be able to find him outside in the garden or near the little park in the back of the school. Even searching the greenhouse, but of course. He was nowhere to be found. You knew he didn’t leave anywhere, his truck was still parked in the lot where it’s always parked, so eventually you just gave up on searching for him, and headed back to your room to catch up on any assignments you’d missed throughout the day.
As you entered your room and locked your door, you internally groaned. You weren’t sure what to do about the stupid bear, so you went into your closet to collect it.
“Oh! Mr. Howlett…” You yelp in surprise as you collide with Logan in your closet. “Uh what- what’re you doing in here?” You take a few steps back and cross your arms over your chest.
“I came to check on you, you’ve been missing all day.” He tells you, his voice seemed different, almost more tired or grumpier than usual.
“Oh, yea- I’ve actually been looking for you.” He sets the bear down on your desk, once again facing your bed. “Uh- I actually had a question about-” You look down at the bear, the little red light was gone. “Uh…”
“What is it?” He asks, his voice softening down to normal. But you don’t answer. Instead, you continue to look down at the bear. Its eyes were solid black and the whirring noise was gone.
“Never mind actually.” Your shoulders slump. If the red dot wasn’t there, then how would you prove to him that someone was watching you? Maybe he was the one watching you?
Nah. He wouldn’t do that. Right?
“Alright, well…” He crosses his arms, and looks down at you. “Are you sure? You look dumbfounded.” You see his hand in front of you but you pay it no mind, until you feel his index finger under your chin and he gently makes you look up at him and away from the bear. “Is it something about the bear? What’s going on?”
“No, no. Nothing’s going on, the bear is awesome. Everything’s cool.” There’s no fucking way he would’ve put a camera inside of the bears eye. Would he? He wouldn’t. He’s the only one that could’ve. No one else had been in your room before. Kurt has. Yesterday was his first time…
“You’re lying to me, pup. I don’t like it. Clearly something is going on.” Your eyes continue to stare into his, as if you were trying to connect to his soul.
“Nothing’s wrong, I promise.” You chuckle slightly. Maybe you shouldn’t bring it up to him… Just in case. “I would tell you if there was.” His hand moves, his index finger going from under your chin to gently caressing your jaw before his hand cups your cheek.
“I still feel like you’re lying to me, but okay.” He drops his hand down to his side and stares at you for a moment, now it was his turn to read into your soul.
But the bell rings just in time. “Anyways, I really have to finish some work that I wasn’t able to catch up on today. So I’ll see you tomorrow.” You force a soft smile onto your lips, trying to make everything seem fine instead of letting out your inner I’m being watched! Someone put a camera inside of my bear and has been watching me sleep! Also sometimes it would make this clicking sound so I’m pretty sure they’re also taking pictures of me when I’m getting dressed and undressed and I have NO idea what to do PLEASE HOLD ME!
That wouldn’t be very appropriate.
“Alright. Well, let me know if you need me for anything please. Anything.” He repeats, his finger making its way back under your chin as you freeze and he presses a kiss to your forehead. Well that’s not very appropriate either now is it? “Have a good night, Y/N.” He tells you, before leaving the room. And you stand still in place. For about a solid ten minutes.
Thousands of thoughts race through your mind. Your brain completely detached from what's in front of you as you stare at the wall and picture nothingness. What if he was the one watching you? He wouldn’t do that. Then why was he kissing you? It was just the forehead. It’s still not appropriate, maybe you should tell someone you trust. You only trust him. What about Kurt? And what’s he gonna do? Seriously, you were sure Logan was just being friendly. He’s just as awkward as you. Now if he started going further, then you would worry. But for now, you had other matters to deal with. Including emails and homework.
You sit on your bed and open your computer to once again, another thousand emails from “Erik Lehnsherr,” all asking about things you know everything about. Nanotech, electricity, (Which was a bit personal if you ask me, considering you produce it) and a bunch of other stuff. Sometimes it makes you wonder why he doesn’t just ask google.
After answering a dozen of them, a few of them he decides to send back with a secondary question, before you finally send one last email.
“I’ll get back to you tomorrow. This is a lot of typing, so maybe it would be better to ask me some of these things in person? I have a lot of work to do also. So, goodnight!” You tap send, and it takes a moment before the ‘sent’ message pops up on the bottom of the screen. Now you just had to finish your homework. You tell yourself, opening your google classroom and tapping the first assignment. Reading human body language. Great.
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“So he was just standing there?”
“Yea, it was so weird…”
“How did he get in?”
“I don’t know, he’s a teacher, maybe he has a key?”
“Still doesn’t explain why he was in your room.”
“He claims he was looking for me, I guess worried?” You explain, shrugging your shoulders with your locker open, Kurt leaning on the one next to you as you both talk back and forth.
“He couldn’t send you an email or a text.” You shrug again and close your locker.
“Look, correct me if I’m wrong, but he’s definitely the one that put the camera in your bear, it’s the only thing that would make sense.” It was now his turn to shrug.
“Oh come on. He’s not like that.” Kurt just stares at you, his head slightly tilted. “Ugh, you’re unbearable. I mean what makes you think he’s smart enough to know how to use a camera?”
“Literally no one else has had access to your room.”
“That’s the only thing that gets me.”
“Okay, then who else is on your list for who could’ve gone into your room, put a camera in your bear, then left without being noticed?” Silence. You obviously didn’t have any other names on your list. It was Wednesday already, and you’d just discovered the camera two days ago, so regardless of who it was, you still had to tough it out for the rest of the week to be able to report anything to Xavier. He apparently has no phone reception in the mountains. “Exactly.”
“What’re you two lovebirds talkin’ about?” Alex and Scott bring you out of your thoughts, Alex with a mouthful of pizza as Scott does the talking.
“I thought you two were out for the rest of the week?” Kurt turns away from you, ignoring Scotts comment. “Something about being disruptive in class?”
“Yea, we’re supposed to be at home but he forgot some books in his room.”
“He forgot them?”
“Then why are you here?” Kurt crosses his arms, the tip of his sharp tail moving to wag as it glides across the lockers. Why did you never realise he has a tail? Wait… “Looks more like you two are the love birds in this situation.”
“Aww, are you getting mad cause we’re talking about your little girl-”
“Boys!” A female voice booms from the other side of the hall. “I gave you five minutes to collect your- wait, is that a pizza in your mouth! Where in the world- No you get back here!” They both quickly scramble away, and the teachers' heels echo as they pass you and Kurt to follow them.
You sigh. “Okay you make a point, but we should-”
“Report it?”
“No, we should leave it be until Xavier gets back.”
“Okay, what if it goes further than the camera? What if your clothes start going missing..?”
“If my clothes start going missing then maybe I’ll consider doing something. But honestly, it just doesn’t seem like him. Not only does he not seem the stalking type, but he definitely would NOT be able to figure out how to connect the camera to his phone, computer, whatever it is.” You explain quickly, not catching a breath until you’re finished.
“Okay… just.” He takes his own deep breath, looking down at you with soft eyes. “Let me know if you need anything from me, okay?”
“Okay. Thank you, Kurt. You’re too sweet.” You smile softly, softly punching his shoulder before beginning to turn around. “I’ll be in my room, so call if you need to, I’m not busy.” Pushing your door open, you see him leaving the lockers from the corner of your eye before you actually step into your room. Locking the door and then immediately checking every corner of your room to make sure no one was in there, before you finally relaxed. Or at least your body relaxed.
Your mind on the other hand raced with thoughts. What if it’s not Logan, and it’s some creep student. You’d be reporting the teacher who helped you be friends with Kurt. That wouldn’t be nice. On the other hand, what if it is Logan? Then what? You have to prove it to Xavier that it was him. The app on his phone showing the camera and the pictures in his gallery would prove it for sure. You realise he probably would’ve deleted everything by now. As soon as he realised the bear was moved into the closet I’m sure he would’ve gotten rid of the proof.
Your mind races for hours, and before you know it, the sun is down. Your head still pounding with what could be the case and what would happen if you did what, each scenario runs rampant in your head, making you dizzy as you unconsciously moved until you were lying on your stomach, your pillow thrown over the back of your head in attempt to silence the thoughts.
Then you feel a hand on the small of your back, immediately causing you to flinch and sit up on your ass, reading to start kicking the damned asshole that's been- oh its Kurt. Wait…
“Are you okay?” You don’t answer him, you instead spring forward, falling into his arms as a few stray tears fall from your cheeks, his tail moving up in the most attractive way possible to wipe the tears off your cheeks, his arms wrapped around your waist as he squeezes you.
You both sit like that for a while, at some point he even moves to lean against your headboard, still holding you in his lap, then his hands move, causing you to sit up slightly, unaware of the way you were positioned on his lap as his hands cradle your face and he looks into your eyes.
“What’s going on?” He whispers softly, not exactly expecting an answer, but figuring your eyes would probably tell him anyway. You sniffle.
“Wait-” Your voice cracks, and you shut your eyes to think. “How did you- when- why?”
“Are you gonna finish any of those questions?” He asks rhetorically, his hands making their way to rest on your thighs. “I came in here like five minutes ago, You weren’t answering your phone and it’s only eight so I got worried.”
“And how..?”
“Honey, I can teleport.” He chuckles, his head tilting slightly, your brain completely ignoring the pet name he’s decided to give you.
“Oh… Yea…” You say softly, and you feel his tail move on your back before it pushes you carefully towards him, his hands moving to wrap back around your waist as he takes you in for another hug, and you rest your forehead on his shoulders. You weren’t crying anymore. Instead, new thoughts ran through your head. He can teleport.
He can teleport…
He can teleport…
He can… teleport?
You didn’t know that before. You snap back out of your brain to feel one of his hands on the bare skin of your back, which makes you sit up awkwardly, causing his hand to move across your waist until it's back on your thigh.
“I didn’t know you could teleport.”
“Really? I figured you knew that already.”
“No.” Your voice sounded more stern. He wouldn’t. Would he?
His hands gently move up. His left hand stopping on your wait and his right hand continuing up to your cheek, you also feel something wrap gently around your calf. Something felt wrong. And it makes you feel sick. You clear your throat a little, and try to count to yourself.
Shit… His right hand moves just slightly, his thumb moving softly over your bottom lip as you stare into his eyes, your brows quirked in confusion but they were devoured in tiredness. Then his hand gently cups the back of your neck, and his tail wraps just slightly tighter around your calf. Then he kisses you. Why is he kissing you? He’s supposed to just be your friend. He shouldn’t be doing this. You pull away slightly, but his lips just trail down from your lips to your neck, gently biting at your skin. You open your mouth to say something, but your voice catches in your throat. Then both of his hands gently move down to your waist before he softly pushes you onto your back. NOPE.
You scramble out from under him, but his tail tightens around your calf. “What’s wrong…?” He asks, trying his hardest to sound innocent.
“What do you think you’re doing..?” You finally choke out, pulling again before his tail finally loosens around your leg.
“I just thought-”
“Please get out.” You demand, not letting him finish. Your voice embarrassingly raises a few octaves as you speak. “Now.” Voice shaking, you sit up straight before he finally moves.
“Okay… I’m sorry.” He tells you softly, getting off your bed and making his way to the door, “Goodnight.” He says before finally leaving.
Then you actually catch your breath. What the fuck just happened. He can teleport. Logan. Logan in the morning. Logan…
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“Logan!” You barge into his office, but this time he’s there, looking at his computer for a moment before his eyes shift onto you above the screen, barging in with red cheeks and a red nose, and a shaking body. Which is why he stands up quickly and walks towards you, letting him fall into his arms and sob quietly.
“There you go… you’re okay, pup. It’s okay… just breathe.” He whispers soothingly, pressing gentle kisses to the top of your head as his hand softly runs over your back, trying with his best effort to get you to calm down, and reaching behind you for a moment to lock his door, making sure no one else could barge in. “It’s okay, pup… I’ve got you.” He kisses the top of your head one final time before resting his chin there, his arms still wrapped around you as your own arms are squeezing around his waist.
“Okay…” He whispers again after a few moments of not hearing your sobbing. “Tell me what’s going on?” He gently moves his hands to rest on your shoulders, carefully creating a distance big enough for him to look down at you as you use the backs of your hands to dry your cheeks.
“There was a camera…” You start, actually debating whether or not to tell him. Fuck it. You tell yourself again. “It was inside of my bear's eye, and it was watching me, and at first the whirring sound didn’t bother me cause I thought it was my neighbours, I don’t have neighbours, and the clicking drove me crazy. I couldn’t think, every time there was a click. He said it was you, but you don’t know how to deal with simple tech, I told him that, you were the only other one to touch the bear, and he’s never been in my room before, but he can teleport, he teleported, I didn’t know he could teleport, then I ask him, and he kissed me and-”
“Okay, okay.” He interrupts you finally, placing his palm over your mouth. “So somebody put a camera in the eye of your bear?”
“Mhm, Kurt.”
“Okay…” He nods slightly, squinting his eyes as if to take in the information. “He was taking pictures of you, and whirring and clicking what’s with that?”
“See that’s why I know it wasn’t you… It was the camera making sounds.”
“And Kurt thought it was me?” You nod. “He said he’s never been in your room before?” You nod again. “But he can… teleport?” He finishes, making you nod hysterically.
“And then he forced me to kiss him…” You pout a little, your shoulders dropping as you remember what happened in detail. It disgusted you.
“He…” He clears his throat slightly. “Forced you to kiss him…” His voice deepens, but you don’t notice it as you nod some more. “Should I call him in here?” He shrugs himself a little.
“No, no. No, I don't want to see him.” You move away slightly, freaking out.
“Okay, okay. Pup, hun, come here.” He reaches out, gently cupping your face in his hands. “If you don’t want me to then I won’t. But you have to tell me what you want me to do.”
“Am I able to get another room?” His jaw clenches slightly as he thinks about it, then he lets go of you and moves to look at his computer. After moving his mouse and typing some things on his keyboard. “So I can’t. I can only see what room students have, you can request it from Xavier though and he will look into it when he gets-” You groan in the middle of his sentence as he moves away from his desk and you land your forehead on his chest. “-back from his mission.” He finishes telling you, gently wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you closer.
“I don’t wanna be alone in my room anymore at night though. What if he comes in while I’m sleeping? Or what if-” He silences you by placing his palm over your mouth again.
“The only thing I can suggest is not sleeping in the mansion until you get a room change.”
“But I’m not allowed to leave…”
“How is Xavier gonna know?”
“I don’t have a place to go…”
“I have a log cabin.” He tells you, making your eyes practically sparkle slightly. “If you’d like, I can take the rest of the week off and take you there. I can put in an excuse for you.”
You think about it, your eyes leaving his eyes as they stare past him.
“You don’t have to of course. It’s completely up to you. But if you really want to get away from Kurt, then come with me to the cabin. I’ll keep you safe.” He tells you, his left arm moving around your waist and his right hand gently tilting your head up so he could look into your eyes.
“Okay…” You whisper, moving closer again to fall into his arms and onto his chest as his arms snake back around you, as he presses one final kiss to your forehead…
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mochiroreo · 1 year
Oh goodie! Pt. 2 [smile, you’re on camera]
18+ MDNI
Pairing: (Dark)Older!Eddie Munson x innocent!nerdy!reader (afab!reader) x (Dark)Older!Steve Harrington
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Summary: being a latchkey child, you are used to being alone. So when your parents announced that your whole family is moving to Hawkins, you paid them no mind and just packed up your bags. What you are not expecting was that the house that your family just bought comes with two neighbours that are in dire need to have you in any way.
Word count: 10.9k (I stopped myself AAAAA)
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Trigger warning (for this chapter): a
DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT. NONCON. Manipulation. Gaslighting. NON CONSENSUAL DRUG USE. 100% FILTH. Obssession. MEAN STEDDIE. Non-consensual recording. Fingering. Squirting. Tiddy sucking. Unprotected P in V (wrap it before you tap it please) age gap. Hidden relationships. Spanking. Overstimulation. She/her pronouns. Pet names (no use of y/n).
Author’s note: thank you so much for the support on part 1! Never have I ever thought that my first ever smut fic would get this much love! As always, I am still learning on how to write fics and stories in general, you guys don’t have any choice but to learn with me hehe. English is not my first language, so forgive me if there are any grammatical errors or typos! This was also non-beta’d oops. Love lots! 💖
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You woke up snug on your blanket and plushies, your eyes adjusting to the sunlight.
You slowly sat down, looking around to realize that you’re just in your room which made you confused on what happened. Your eyes felt tired from crying as your mind went back to the events last night. You remember how Steve’s thick fingers felt hot on your skin, on your thighs, in between your legs. And how he pumped them in and out of you in an unforgiving pace. How Eddie’s strong,firm, tattooed arms held you while playing with your breasts with his mouth.
Your face immediately went hot with all those vivid details, your legs closing in instinct with the sudden surge of emotion while your heart beats loudly in your chest. It felt so wrong to you that it made your skin crawl. So wrong that you’re afraid it might have already ruined your blossoming neighbourly relationship with them. Your eyes were tearing up as you blame yourself for letting it get out of hand. For letting yourself be held by them. The guilt slowly eating you up. You held your face and tried to breathe in and out as you tremble, trying to get out of your bed.
Slowly walking outside of your room, you peek left and right to make sure that you’re alone. Making your way downstairs, you have noticed how you’re now wearing a pair of pyjamas. With your stomach grumbling, you headed straight to your kitchen for a glass of water while thinking what you can cook, convincing yourself that you cannot be sick while wallowing in guilt. Putting your glass on the countertop, you noticed some take away boxes with a sticky note.
“Hey princess,
We hope you’re feeling fine. We bought you some food, so please eat up once you wake up. We’re working overtime today and this week in general, so we won’t be around much. We wanted to give you space either way.
Here’s our number if it gets too much. Don’t forget to message us when you wake up.
Steve & Eddie xx”
At the bottom of the note, both their numbers were scribbled with hearts around it. The note would’ve made you smile, if it weren’t for the emotions that you’re feeling. You held the containers of food and just decided that you’re not hungry anymore, putting them away inside the fridge. You held the note in your hand, planning to throw it away before deciding against it. Putting it inside your pocket.
The feeling of guilt wasn’t just about you doing the sexual acts. You’re pretty sure that your friends have done so much more, the constant gossip of ‘who slept with who’ and ‘how long did they last, or did you last’ was around you since you were 16, though remaining ignorant on the actual deed. The amount of romance books with detailed scenes about sex made up for your lack of experience, though its “vanilla” like what they’ve said. It doesn’t bother you one bit, though it does make you redder than red with how oblivious you still are when it comes to the real thing. No prior experience till now.
What bothers you is that how out of all people you could have done it with, you did it with the neighbours that was just planning to help you and look out for you. At least, that’s what you think. Your mind is telling you that it's your fault, not theirs even though at the back of your head, someone is telling you that it is indeed their fault... Seeing how your parents even trusted them to look after you while they’re out of town, you never doubt your parents' judgement, so you know that it’s only your fault. Your mistake. You gripped your hair out of frustration, ignoring the gnawing feeling of self-pity laced with confusion if what happened last night was wrong even though it felt right. You took a deep breath, running your hands on your face with a sigh.
Your mind is racing on how they would look at you now. You’re scared that they might tell your parents how you acted towards them when they were just trying to help you out. You can’t help but think that maybe its okay to text them, before deciding not to cause you really don’t know what to say to them.
You took a warm bath, ignoring the shivers while you wash yourself. Memories from last night just won’t leave you the whole day. Biting your bottom lip, you sighed while breathing in the scent of strawberries and honey from your body wash and hair products. The day went by with you feeling down, feeling as if not only did you disappoint your parents, but you have also taken advantage of Steve and Eddie’s kindness. Wearing a pair of comfy pyjamas, you’ve let your mind rest and drifted off to sleep, telling yourself that you’ll be avoiding Steve and Eddie at all costs for now. You do not want them to get an idea of you taking advantage of them or their kindness, of disappointing your parents even further if word comes out. You do not want to feel the confusion of it all again.
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Eddie and Steve did not like it at all.
They did not like it one bit. Steve watches Eddie pace back and forth, constantly checking his phone before looking at Steve, working on his laptop, which only made the man sigh. “No message, Eds.” Steve calmly says, showing his phone screen. Eddie groaned in frustration before letting out loud series of swear words. “Fuck! She’s been avoiding us, Steve! It's almost one week!” Eddie’s chest is slowly heaving, his wifebeater barely containing his taut chest with how fitted it is to him. He took several deep breaths, stretching his arms before sighing and taking a sit on his armchair sofa. Inked arms flexing as he took hold of the sides of the chair before ruffling his soft locks in madness.
Steve dropped by to his house when he noticed that all the lights in your house are off except your room. He just finished his jog when he went past your place, dressed up in grey sweatpants and a fitted shirt. He knocked on Eddie’s door to let the other know that you’re trying to avoid both of them based on how you did not reach out. Eddie immediately threw a tantrum, thinking that what happened last week was enough to somehow show you how they wanted you. How much they needed you. Steve pushing the idea that you are made for them.
They sat side by side, Eddie passing Steve a blunt which he gladly accepts. Taking a deep breath, Steve blew the smoke upwards, the weed easing his and Eddie’s nerves. Steve has never been that much vocal compared to when he was younger. Sure, maybe in bed or when he is having fun in genral. But never when he’s mad now, which made him harder to read throughout the years. And in Eddie’s eyes, that’s what made him a tad bit scarier than him. Steve calls it “emotional maturity”, Eddie calls it “manipulative asshole 2.0”, thinking that he’s the 1.0 version.
They know that they’re spiralling down towards this obsession towards you. That magnetic pull when they opened the door and found you, its like what they’ve been unknowingly wishing for all throughout. They’re very much aware that if people knew, they’ll frown and get disgusted with how perverse their actions are, but they’re pretty sure that even their friends, Jonathan and Billy, would get where they’re coming from. You are just so— divine. Perfect in every way in their eyes. Your shyness, the soft timbre of your voice, the way you swoon under your parents’ touch when they praise you for being such a good girl— just the air that you breathe makes them drunk enough to constrict their air flow. You fit flawlessly on the gaps they didn’t know they have.
“I have a feeling she’s confused. Guilty, even. Pretty sure that’s what been running inside that pretty little head of hers.” Eddie spoke, taking a deep breath to feel the high immediately. “I think she needs to smoke some weed.” He joked, eyeing Steve. Steve’s eyes widened a bit before changing position and seating down the couch in a more comfortable manner.
“Do you still have some goods on you, Munson?” Steve asked him with hazy eyes, ashing the blunt. Eddie looked at him with a scoff, pouring the both of them some whiskey in a glass. His ring-clad fingers clacked on the bottle and the glass when he grabbed it to offer one to Steve. “I’m a fucking changed man, Harrington.” He smirked, taking a drink and feeling the burn of the whiskey down his throat.
“I know, but do you still have some on you?” Steve rolled his eyes, also taking a sip of his alcohol. “What do you need? I can get it from some of my friends at the other side of town, where me and the band used to play.” Steve gave the other a smile, taking another hit. “Can you get some Ketamine? You decide how much.” The long-haired man looked at Steve with confusion before it clicked when Steve just gave him a knowing look. A loud cackle left Eddie’s mouth, the gears in his mind slowly clicking as he connects the dots of Steve’s ideas. They both salivate at the thought of having you, knowing how their actions are crossing the borderline of obsession without the guarantee of going back once they have a proper taste of you.
And it looks like they don’t even have the plan of going back.
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Your parents came back briefly from their trip, your face glowing as you watch them tell you about their latest ventures and things that they got you as it reminded them of you. You swallow down the urge of telling them the events, basking in their smiles and comfort when they praised you on how you’re so understanding of them, at the same time apologising for being barely beside you. You shake your head with a smile, before giving them each a peck while saying how much you love them and how happy you are already by seeing them come home.
Running down the stairs when your mom called you, you did not notice that Steve and Eddie were present, talking to your dad while having some beer at the dining table. Your smile slowly faltered, replaced with with wide eyes laced with embarrassment. Steve heard your steps, looking at your direction before Eddie followed. They both gave you a warm smile, your dad doing the same. “Peach! They were just telling me how you are such a good girl for not giving them a headache when they were looking after you. Cannot thank these men enough, makes me feel at ease knowing that there’s an adult figure around you while me and your mom’s out and about with work.” You dad exclaimed with a smile, giving both men with a pat on the back. “Just tell me when one of you gentleman feels like going on a date, I can hook you up with one of my single friends or colleagues.” Your mom teased, giggling at her statement.
You faked a smile, nervously fiddling with the ends of your skirt. You don’t get why they would lie about them looking after you when you are sure that they know you did not step outside your house the whole time your parents are gone. But you are also thankful that they haven’t mentioned anything to your parents. You focused your gaze on your house slippers, before trying to block out their conversation. You feel Eddie’s eyes follow you as you go through your fridge, grabbing a pint of ice cream and a spoon before sitting down at a bar stool at the kitchen counter. “Mom, what did you call me for?” Asking her with your mouth full of ice cream, she only laughed at you before grabbing a napkin and wiping the sides of your mouth. The action made you smile, scrunching your nose to which both men ound adorable, hoping they would be the ones to do it soon.
“Me and your dad might need to go back at our old house to sort the deed and for smoother transitions of our jobs. Apparently, something wasn’t filed properly in regard to our old property. While some files are missing from our old office, so me and you dad is thinking that maybe we can sort it out the sooner the better.” She explained, a melancholic expression writte on her face as she watches your expression change. “Oh...” you muttered “but there’s going to be a storm, they say.” You tried to reason out.
“I know honey, which might make this trip longer. Like our previous trip overseas.” your chest felt heavy, resisting the urge to cry and telling her your mistakes, you just gave her a small smile with a nod. Your mom smiled back, before whispering a series of apologies.
Steve watched the whole interaction, eavesdropping. As a latch key child himself, he’s happy that despite being your parents being barely there, they never shied away from showing you affection and assurance even though it's not always enough. He keeps his emotions at bay, because even though he is at awe, he is also annoyed at you. Annoyed at how you’re acting that nothing happened that night. At how you refused to leave your house, not even texting them when they gave you their number. Since that night, all Steve thought about was how you tasted. How it engulfed all his senses. He kept on telling Eddie how sinful you tasted even though the other guy had his share as well.
You felt Steve’s burning stare, meeting his eyes when you looked up. You felt your cheeks heat up, before putting your head down. Eddie’s laughter is ringing throughout the kitchen, telling your parents some wild stories about his youth. You excused yourself after knowing when your parents will leave once again, eyes planted onto the floor the whole time you’re walking towards your room.
For you, the nights are getting colder and lonelier. Trying to stop the wobbling of your lip as you’re close to crying, you bit you bottom lip before wiping your eyes.
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There was a faint knock on your door while you were reading a book inside your room. Fixing your glasses, you looked up before answering “come in”. Your door slowly opened, revealing Steve and Eddie. Steve looks dashing, wearing his usual black office slacks, a grey button-down shirt with the top two buttons undone. Eddie wearing his black leather jacket, fitted top underneath with his black ripped jeans.
Your eyes widened a little, taking them in and how they look so good every time you see them before distracting yourself with the book in front of you. “H-hi?” They barely heard your greeting as you put your book down, fixing your glasses while avoiding their stares. Their stares felt heavy, making your palms clammy and sweaty with the sudden nervousness you’re feeling as memories from weeks before came back. Both of them looked around your room, both thinking how adorable you decorated it. Pink walls decorated with pastel blue trinkets, fairy lights, tons of plushies with some books littered all over the carpeted floor.
“Can we talk, sweetheart?” Eddie asked, his brown doe-eyes focused on you, face laced with concern. Steve just gave you a small smile, looking around your room more before his eyes landed on the unfinished shelves. He took a mental note on how he can help you with your room soon.
You nodded your head obediently, motioning for them to come in as you push 2 stools towards them. “I’m sorry, I don’t usually have guests inside my room. Do you want to seat on my bed instead?” You asked them in a hushed tone, intimidated with how big of a contrast they are to your room. Eddie softly chuckled, moving both stools so they can sit directly in front of you. Both of them sat down, their huge frames struggling to even sit comfortably. “No no, this is alright. Quite comfy.” Eddie joked, making you giggle before taking a seat.
“I—“ you started, grabbing a plushie beside you while you try to ease your nerves. “I uhm— i’m sorry.” You softly whispered, looking up to Eddie and Steve with shy eyes and flushed cheeks, looking fill of remorse. This took both of them off-guard, expecting you to tell them to fuck off or how you’ll tell your parents about what they did. Taking a shaky breath, you continued “I-I really did not want to— I swear I did not mean it to h-happen. Y-you’re just trying to help cause my mom and-and daddy— they know you’re both kind and I did that but— but it felt so good, and I don’t know why” you try to explain while your eyesight gets blurry, lips forming into a pout while your brows furrowed in frustration while you pour your heart out.
Eddie’s breath hitched, while Steve took a deep breath. “Sweetheart, you did nothing wrong.” Leaning in, Steve answered in a hushed voice, not wanting your parents to come in after telling them that him and Eddie will just have a quick chat with you to see if you’re fine with them looking after you. “It felt good, right?” The older man asked to which you nod your head before whispering “yes.” “It’s not wrong, baby.” Eddie looked at your face, your eyes red while you sniff. “Baby, look at me” his voice dipped lower, giving Steve a quick side eye. “It wasn’t wrong, okay? It felt good, it felt so good. And you liked it, didn’t you?”
You tried to hold your stare while feeling so embarrassed, you only nodded. Steve tsk-ed, shaking his head “words, baby. Come on.” God, the room was suffocating. With such heavy stares, the air felt thick and as if trying to close in on you. Your mind is reeling on all the emotions that are so new to you that you don’t even know what is happening, and what words are coming out of your mouth. Every breath they both take; you feel on your skin. Their close proximity is leaving you no room to have clear thoughts on what they’re even saying to you.
“Yes. F-felt good. But— but I don’t know. Its still wrong..” Closing your eyes in frustration, you try to clear your thoughts even though its invaded by Steve and Eddie’s silhouettes. Steve looked at you in awe, mischievousness glinting in his eyes while he takes you in. He knows you’re fighting yourself. He knows you are having an inner turmoil on what the heck is happening and how things are progressing. He knows that even though the guilt is slowly consuming you, you wanted it to happen again.
Eddie watched you take deep breathes, his mind reeling on how you look so delectable while you consider what is even happening with you and how they’re playing with you. Like Steve, its evident to him that you were trying to stop the unseeable force that pushes you towards them. He wanted to run his fingers over your whole body. His eyes started travelling lower before he stopped himself and spoke again.
“What about this, we will give you some time to think about what happened. It’s a lot, we know it sweetheart. So, just put it aside for now, okay? As long as we know now about what you thought about it. As long as you don’t push us away.” The statement made you gasp slightly, shaking your head “oh no-! I-I would never!” You looked at them with wide eyes, slightly panicking that you just gave them the idea that you will be ignoring them even. Steve just chuckled at how cute you are, his hand now finding your arm while he rubs it up and down gently. The touch made your insides gooey, oddly liking the warmth of his palm.
“Now that we’ve got that sorted. How about you come to our place for dinner, when your parents leave?” Steve continued his actions, watching how your face slowly shows doubt. Before you can even answer, he continued while tucking some strands of your hair behind your ear “you know, we thought it would be a nice chance to get to know each other more. Some nice dinner meal to ease your shyness around us. Kind of like a sleepover, somehow.” He looked straight to your eyes, smiling.
And when Steve gave you a tender smile, your indecisiveness disappeared, finding yourself nodding before answering and accepting their offer. Eddie and Steve gave you a quick hug, before leaving your room. You stood in the middle of your room awkwardly, holding both of your cheeks on your hands.
“Wednesday.” You whispered to yourself, looking at your calendar “2 days after mom and dad leaves.”
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20 minutes early.
You are 20 minutes early, standing awkwardly in front of the massive black oak door that you feel like will eat you one of these days. This is the first time you’ve visited Eddie’s house. Looking at his house with amazement on how gothic and mysterious his house looks like overall, the complete opposite to Steve. You love how the blacks and reds are evident on every exterior part of the house, even his garden, that you’re pretty sure the inside of his house would be the same. The metal dragon decorations kind of intimidating you.
You took a deep breath, adjusting your glasses and your knee-high socks. You went over your outfit in your mind once again, figuring that if you don’t like it anymore, you can always run back home, and change given that you’re early either way. You’re wearing a pink checkered skirt, paired with knee high socks that has some lace at the end while wearing a thick platform loafer shoes. You chose a cream cardigan, leaving the top and bottom buttons unbuttoned that fits your simple make-up and your low pig tails.
Shaking off your anxiety, you scold yourself on how you’re overreacting as if you’re going on a date with them when in fact its just going to be a friendly dinner. You ignore the dreadful gut feeling that you kept on getting throught the days leading up to the said dinner, repeating to yourself that everything will be fine and you’re with the adults that your parents trust either way.
Easing the nervousness out of you after a 5-minute pep talk, you gain the courage to finally press Eddie’s doorbell which made your insides queasy. The seconds dragged by as if they’re hours, thinking that maybe you should run back home now and text them that you have a stomach-ache or the flu. You were seriously considering it before the door opened, revealing Eddie in a loose metallica shirt and a black denim short that shows off more of his pale,tattoed skin. His pretty brown eyes widened as he open his arms for a quick hug to which you shyly gave him. “Oh sweetheart, look at you. So pretty.” His eyes scanned your whole body, loving how his flattery dusted your cheeks pink. “Mr. Munson, please.” “What did I say? Call me Eddie.” You giggled shyly, playfully giving his shoulder a shove.
You look fucking delicious in his eyes, how your whole existence is begging him to ruin you on the spot. The pigtails, the fucking skirt that he is pretty sure will show your ass to them if you lean over, and oh how your knee-high socks emphasise your thighs. You are perfect. Deliciously perfect for them to eat your innocence whole and not share it with the world.
Eddie’s smile widened, his name giving him goosebumps when you whispered it. “Just saying the truth,” he continued, guiding you inside his house. “Welcome to my humble abode” he gave you a quick tour on his living room, before finding your way towards the kitchen where you can hear someone moving around. “Is that our princess, Eds?” The nickname made you chuckle, scratching your nape embarrassingly while you walk towards Steve. “The one and only” the longer haired guy answered with a grin, pushing you softly towards Steve. Steve immediately swoons on how you’re dressed up, eyes wrinkling as he gives you the biggest smile. “Oh darling look at you! Is this all for us?” He cooed, giving him a playful shove like what you did to Eddie. Steve only chuckled, grabbing some plates to plate up the dinner he made. “I hope you’re a big fan of roast?” He asked to which you only nod.
Eddie grabbed some cutleries, motioning for you to follow him towards the dinner table. The table was decorated so beatifully, some red candles with gothic candle holders adorn the table making you gasp in awe. “These are like the ones from the book that I’ve read!” You exclaimed, clasping your hands together while Eddie laughs loudly at your reaction. “What type of books have you been reading, doll?” He playfully asks, pulling your chair out while Steve arranges your plate for you.
Their actions felt so domestic that you needed to pull your head out from the clouds and tell yourself that its just dinner between good friends and that they’re adults, they probably like women their age anyways. Women cooler than you. You were deep in thought before Steve served you a glass of juice and a glass of wine for him and Eddie. “Thank you for this” you tell them with a smile, sitting comfortably on your chair. Eddie just grinned while Steve waved his hand, telling you not to worry about it.
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The dinner went too well that for the first time this evening, you weren’t feeling nervous or shy around them. You joked around while you tell them your hobbies, from baking to reading. Steve telling you how he wants to learn how to bake too, urging Eddie to tease him about his sudden decision about learning how to bake. Eddie told you briefly about his background, how he was in a band before earning a lot by being a producer and owning his own record store. Steve,meanwhile, told you about his job at his father’s company before making his own that handles sports and golf clubs. Your mouth was open the whole time, gasping and in awe on how they managed to accomplish so many things on their age to which they only shrugged before saying thank you with a humble smile.
You all moved to Eddie’s lounge room, after getting kicked out by the said man for trying to help with cleaning and washing the dishes. Steve told you about how him and Eddie met after they graduated highschool through common friends, even though they went to the same school. You asked him why, saying that he’ll tell you more about their highschool life once you warm up to them completely to which you just smile in an understanding way.
Eddie came to the lounge room, a bottle of whiskey in one hand while the other holds two glasses. He gently puts them on the table, looking at you. “So, we’ve figured out that since the night is still young, might as well drink a little. Do you want me to make you a cocktail, peach? I make some mean cocktails” Eddie gave you a smile, pouring some whiskey on his glass.
“Uhm I don’t know..” you answered, unconsciously fiddling with your fingers while you shift on your seat. “Aw, come on. It’ll be fun! Just to loosen up, nothing too hard.” Steve leaned in a bit, his smile tugging on your chest to say yes. You looked at Eddie that gave you just a smirk, tilting his head “anddd, your parents are not here. They won’t know, we won’t tell them. We promise. Scouts honour.” He held his left hand up, making you laugh “you’re not even a boy scout Mr. Munson— I mean, Eddie. But okay, fine.” You held your hands up in defeat, giving both of them a roll of your eyes, making Steve scoff while poking your sides saying how sassy you are; Eddie already gone to make you your sweet cocktail.
Eddie grabbed a margarita glass, quickly making work of a strawberry margarita while adding more strawberry puree on the mix to make it sweeter. He took a glance on where you and Steve are, making sure Steve is distracting you before sliding his hand on his back pocket to get a small baggie with a white powder. Putting in half of the bag on your drink before shaking it, he quickly puts it back on his back pocket before decorating your drink with fresh strawberries.
He went back to the lounge room, watching Steve laugh at your reaction when you took a big gulp on the whiskey. “Steve!” You cried before coughing, “you told me it will taste nice!” You pouted, huffing and crossing your arms while the bitter aftertaste of the alcohol lingered on your tongue. Steve only laughed harder, clutching his stomach “I did not tell you to drink almost half of it! Geez!” He wiped his teary eyes from laughing too hard, before calming down. Eddie sat beside you, handling you the pink concoction “Here you go mi lady, one strawberry margarita for you made by the best.” He boasted, giving Steve a side eye while the latter just returned it with a smirk, taking a sip of his almost empty whiskey.
“Are you sure this is sweet, Eddie? My first-time drinking alcohol and Steve made me drink a yucky one” you scrunched your nose in disgust, pouting to which Eddie cooed “trust me, I told you I will make you a mean cocktail. Drink slowly though, it might hit you too hard given that its your first-time drinking.” You eyed the margarita, before slowly taking a sip. Your eyes widened, a smile slowly creeping up your face “this tastes so so good!” You took more sips before giving Eddie a pat on the back “sorry for doubting you!” You giggled, loving the taste of the drink.
You hummed while drinking it, unaware of how both men are watching you while continuing your conversations with them. Unconsciously, you started talking animatedly about random topics about you, sipping you drink constantly as Eddie pours more to your glass. You just watched him while giggling, taking another sip. Time went by as all of you talked from one topic to the other then all of a sudden, you felt dizzy. Too dizzy for a 2 and a half glass of margarita.
You started fanning yourself, fiddling with your top as you try to remain seated and act that nothing is wrong. Biting your lip, you closed your eyes for a bit as another wave of dizziness washed over you, your heart racing while your body kept on getting hotter. You opened your eyes and held on to the couch, clutching it before letting out a soft gasp. “I-I don’t f-feel so good..” you whispered in a breathy way while looking at Steve. His face is holding an amused smirk as he watches you wriggle on your spot. “M-might’ve been... too— too m-much..” you slurred, slumping back to the couch as your fingers nimbly moved by itself, unbuttoning your cardigan to let your body cool. Eddie watched your movement, tongue licking his bottom lip at how you’re unravelling in front of them.
You started taking deep breaths, mind slowly leaving your body, feeling as if you’re melting onto the couch. Both men moved closer. Steve wiped your forehead, placing a tender kiss while your body is now covered in a light sheen of sweat. Eddie moved closer to your neck, leaving trail of soft, wet kisses. “Let go, baby. It’s alright, we got you. Want to see you crumble. Wanna see you break.” He whispered on your skin, making you whimper.
The whimper made Steve’s jaw slack, a deep growl erupting from his chest. “Let’s move her to the room,you got it all set up?” He asked Eddie, watching him carefully lift your body. “Of course.” Eddie smirked, his ring-clad fingers felt nice on your searing skin that you cannot help but mewl and chase the coolness,leaning more in his touch.
They placed you gently in the middle of the bed, Steve looking around to see if all cameras are working. They bought more just for this, thinking that one copy is not enough for them, they even bought an extra one that they can pass around so they can video you up-close. “U-ugh..” you kept on wriggling on the bed, your body trying to at least regain some control. You feel your body getting numb, though you kept on babbling while you cross your legs. There was a sudden urge that made your stomach tingle, wetness slowly dampening your cotton underwear.
The bed dipped, Steve and Eddie slowly removing articles of your clothing one by one which made you sigh in relief, the air and their fingers cooling your skin lightly. “Now baby, want us to help you? Its too much, isn’t it?” Eddie cooed, swiping his thumb on your bottom lip as you let out some soft gasps. He watches you try to answer, your pupils blown wide as you nod your head “y-yes.. yes.. too much f’me..” you whined, your eyes tearing up a bit. Steve grunted when you were left in your underwear, licking his lips nervously as his eyes darted from your bra to your wet cotton panties. “Fuck.” He murmurs, making Eddie look at you as well. “Its like she fucking knows” he laughed, his husky voice ringing in your ears.
Both men looked at each other, having an unspoken conversation. They know that once they do this, there’s no going back. The possible consequences if your parents find out, the judgement of other people, the guilt. Yet their desire and want for you overpowered all those thoughts, giving each other a firm nod.
Eddie unclasped your bra, letting your breasts spill free making him moan at the sight while Steve slid off your panties. His mouth salivated at the wetness, his long and thick fingers dipping slightly making you squirm while breathing heavily. Strings of your cum connected to his fingers before lifting it towards his mouth to suck it off. The action made Eddie’s cock harden, stripping himself off of his shirt and his jeans as Steve does the same, both men now kneeling on the bed only with their boxers.
“You want this, honey?” Steve asked, his hand holding your face as he grips it harshly making your eyes water. “Y-yes.. yes..” you mewled. Steve’s grip tightened slightly as his voice dipped “louder, honey. Need to hear it loud and clear.” His dominance made you shiver despite feeling like your soul left your body already. “Y-yes! Yes please—want it, want it.” You babbled, not even sure what you’re pleading about nor that you’re naked and at mercy of the two men you least thought would do this to you.
“Good girl.” Eddie praised you, following Steve on discarding his boxers. His hands grabbed the flesh of your thighs, spreading it to expose your cunt. “Fuck, look at how wet you are sweet girl... this is all for us yeah?” He asked, grinning from ear to ear as Steve moved away slightly to grab a video cam, recording your dripping pussy. “Come on, Munson. Time to show our sweetheart how good we can make her feel.” Steve urged, sitting behind you as he lifts you up a little, your back resting against his broad,hairy chest. You were boneless, easily maneuvered by them two. Your mind is foggy, watching Eddie’s head disappear between your thighs.
Eddie’s tongue gave your pussy tentative licks first, groaning at your sweetness. The vibrations went straight to your clit, making you moan. Steve held the camera directly pointing it at Eddie while he whispered to your ear. “That’s it, sweetheart. Moan for us, let us hear you.” His words made your pussy clench on nothing while Eddie eats you out. Heavy breaths from all 3 of you can be heard in the room besides the wet slick from how Eddie devours your pussy. His tongue going in and out as his thumb finds your clit to rub it in soft yet fast circles.
“Does it feel good, baby? Want us to do this to you since you met us, huh?” Steve nudged your head, waiting you to answer him. “Answer me, whore.” He commanded, making you cry out. “F-feel so.. feel so g-good I-I wan’ it s’bad feels nice s-so nice—“ your babbling got cut off when Eddie pushed one of his fingers in, not giving you enough time to savour it before he pulls it out, only to push it back in. It made you gasp softly as he adds another one, the feeling of his fingers and his tongue overwhelmed you.
You tried to close your legs, your eyes rolling back as you let moan after moan fall off your lips. “Fuck, you’re already losing your mind. Its not even our dicks yet!” Steve laughed, amused at how you’re wriggling under his hold while he flicks your nipple to make it hard under his touch. Eddie chuckled, continuing his ministrations. He is sucking harshly on your clit, flicking it occasionally while his fingers pump in and out of you. He felt you clench around his fingers, your thighs shaking while you cry out, feeling your cum coat his fingers.
Eddie groaned at the taste, lapping every drop before he moved his face away, fingers still inside you. “Such a naughty girl, did not even bothered to ask for permission before cumming.” He snorted, smacking your cunt with his other hand. Steve tsked in disapproval, pulling your head back by your hair, pigtails now ruined.
The harsh grip made you choke a sob, your scalp stinging at the action. Tears overflowed from your eyes, your eyesight blurry and out of focus. “We’ll let it slide for now, yeah? I forgot that sluts like you need to be taught first.” Steve saw your blown-out pupils, loving the control he had over you. He is vibrating with how much dominance he can exert over you, his blood pumping adrenaline all over his body knowing that they are the first ones that saw you like this. Held you like this. Breaking you like this. His cock is hard under you, slightly grinding it on your lower back for friction.
Eddie inserted his fingers into you once again, pumping it in a vigorous pace. You are now sobbing, trying to close your legs once again even though Steve is gripping both of your thighs wide open now. With your face scrunched in pleasure, you try to warn them that its too much even though you can’t form a coherent sentence. You felt a band snap inside you, before feeling something gush out of you. Eddie’s eyes widened, before continuing his actions. He started laughing darkly, continuing despite your slurred protest. “Shit! Did you see that, Harrington? We fucking got a squirter here!” He exclaimed, making Steve’s cock twitch. Eddie grabbed the camera with his other hand, zooming it in on your pussy as it squirts. He held his wet hand over your mouth as you struggle to catch your breath, pushing it inside your mouth. “Suck.” He ordered, watching you suck and clean his fingers messily.
You are far gone, your eyes glassy and blown while drool slowly build up on the sides of your mouth. Steve noticed how you don’t answer anymore, only mewls and moans kept leaving your mouth now. He gently dropped your torso on the bed, before positioning himself. “Eds— fuck— you gotta let me have her first man. I’m going to fucking explode.” A deep groan left his mouth, tugging on his cock to ease the dull pain of holding back. Eddie just sighed, tying his hair into a messy bun as he watches Steve collect some of your slick using his cock to lube himself. “Fine,” the elder mumbled, letting Steve grab your thighs to push it high once more, positioning it on a mating press.
Steve lined his cock on your entrance, watching your pussy clench in anticipation. Brushing his hair up with his shaky hand, not that his nervous. But the thought of corrupting you, fucking you first almost made him cum on the spot without being inside of you. He took a deep breath, eyeing your face as you look at him with unfocused eyes, propped up slightly with the pillows. He slowly pushed his huge cock in, watching your face contort in pain. Your hands moved a little, trying to grab his arms while you cry. Eddie held you, kissing your tear-stained cheeks. “Shh, it’ll be fine sweetheart. You’re taking Stevie so well.” Eddie whispered on your skin, hands playing and pinching your nipples to distract you from the discomfort. Steve kept pushing, inch by inch as he grinds his teeth.
You’re tight, too tight that Steve feels every part of your insides hugging his length. When he bottomed out, he released a breath, his forehead now graced with sweat as he waits for you to feel comfortable. Eddie, now sucking your breasts, playfully bit your nipple making you squeak and move your hips. Steve took this as a sign, pulling out until the tip before slamming back in, making you choke a sob. Steve moaned loudly, breathing ragged as he slowly find his pace. “Fuck,oh fuck— honey—“ he mumbled, his fingers gripping your thighs as if his life depends on it, dipping a little to fuck you in a deep angle.
His cock was hitting your cervix, his hips now snapping in an animalistic way that every thrust of his comes with a moan and strings of praises from him.
“Taking my length like a good girl”
“Yeah? Am I filling you up real good, princess?”
“Fuck, look at you. So fucked out. Your cunt is taking me so well like your fucking made for us.”
You only answered him with whines and moans, drooling from the pleasure that both men are making you feel. You answered every praise with a series of “ah ah ah” in rhythm with his every thrust, though a particular thrust made you cry out, nails raking over his arms as you try to hold him close. Steve chuckled, hitting the spot again. “Right there? God— you’re so beautiful.” He leaned in when Eddie backed away, his lips finding yours. Steve licked the sides of your lips to clean your mess slightly before slotting his on yours. He licked your bottom lip, making you open your mouth. Teeths clashing and tongues colliding, he savoured the feeling of your softness on his taste buds. Never have he felt on high like this for someone, the amount of pleasure doubled inside him. Your nails raked on his broad back as you try to hug him close, Steve’s head now burried on the side of your neck, leaving marks on your neck. You cry out in pleasure and overstimulation, face scrunched while feel your body chasing its high. Your climax hit you like a truck, sobbing as you feel your release while Steve continues to pound on you like a wolf in rut.
Eddie watched with envy and lust, tugging on his own cock to relieve some pressure while his other hand holds the camera to film you and Steve. His own patience wearing thin when he noticed the cream at the base of Steve’s cock while your thighs shake. Eddie wanted to shove his cock down your throat at the same time but held himself back knowing how oversensitive you might be to take them on both.
Steve groaned when he felt the stickiness of your release with every thrust, his hips slowly faltering, feeling himself close. “I’m so close honey— g-god you’re sucking me in so well. Want me to fuck you full, sweet girl?” Your hands gripped his arms again, trying to shake your head with how overstimulated you are. Steve only hissed, before pulling out of you to tug on his cock and spill his release on your stomach. He threw his head back, combing his hair while he spill every bit on you, watching it paint your stomach and chest. Your quivering thighs rests on the mattress, twitching slightly. Steve’s ragged breaths can be heard, smiling to himself. If this is how it feels every time he gets to taste you, then he will make sure that he gets to taste you every chance he gets.
With a sigh, Eddie pointed the camera on your wasted appearance. Eyes closed as your hair sticks to your forehead and skin wildly, lips red and slick with the amount of times you’ve bitten it out of pleasure, tears staining your cheeks in euphoria. Eddie held your face affectionately; his heart being squeezed in delight and softness as you open your eyes to look at him beneath your lashes. You leaned into his touch and sighed. The action made his skin heat up with want and need, letting go of the camera before holding your face between his hands to kiss you deeply. You softly hummed in the kiss, mouth quickly opening and letting Eddie explore every crevice of your mouth, his tongue toying yours as he slots himself in between you.
Eddie pulled away slowly, string of saliva connecting your lips as his hands explore every inch of you. His rough, calloused hands took its time with every curve as if savouring and burning it in his mind. Fuck his conscience, he wants you like this for him every time. When he felt your body relaxed under his touch, his lips found your sternum down to the vallety of your breasts, leaving trails of wet kisses and hickeys. Your hands found his hair, tangling your fingers as Eddie continues his actions. The slight tug of his hair when he sucked hard on your skin made his cock twitch, making him move away to flip you on your stomach.
He watched you relax on your forearms, eyes finding Steve as he sat down near the edge of the bed to watch you two. Body now relaxed as he took a quick smoke, eyes wrinkling as he smiles to the both of you. You just looked at him with hooded eyes, before you looked back at Eddie when you felt him slide his tip in your folds. “I’ll never get tired of this if this is what you look like every time you come undone.” He murmured, licking his bottom lip as he slowly inch his way in to you. Eddie’s eyes drinking how you back is arched deliciously, hands finding the curves of your waist to knead and grope.
The intrusion made you gasp, your eyes closing with the seansation once again. Eddie tried to pace himself knowing how rough Steve has gotten you, but the mixture of your cum and squirt, the tightness of your pussy and how it feels around him made it impossible. Once balls deep, he quickly found himself pulling back to his tip before slamming his hips onto you once again. The rough trust made you wantonly moan, gripping the sheets with your mouth agape.
It was a never-ending cycle of pleasure for you. Eddie’s hands now gripping your hips that he is sure will leave bruises on your skin, his balls slapping your clit as he gives you deep-fast thrusts to hit that one thing that makes you scream in need. You turned your head to the side, fresh tears now streaming down your cheeks, making Steve crawl towards you to wipe them away.
“Oh baby, such a perfect girl for us. Cannot ask for more.” He whispers in awe, soft lips kissing your heavy eyelids as you take every inch of Eddie’s cock, your nose scrunching in pleasure as Eddie finds your clit once again, this time rubbing it fast. He felt you clench on him, making his hips falter for a bit and a his felt out of his lips before continuing his punishing pace. You cry out as you feel him pull your hair, your puffy cunt gushing out slick because of the sting of his action, your walls crumbling down as your release shock you.
Eddie huskily moaned, cream forming at the base of his cock once more while you try to crawl away from him, feeling so spent and overstimulated, making his grip on your hips tighten to the point that you feel his rings kiss your skin. He continued abusing your g-spot with every thrust, his breathing heavier that earlier, chasing his own high that is so close he can feel it all over his body. “F-fuck— peaches I-I’m— I’m gonna cum on this fucking pussy— s-so fucking good—“
He spanked your ass, groping the flesh when it became red. He spanked it again and again, feeling you clench every time. His thumb ghosted slightly on your puckered hole, mumblig to himself how him and Steve will use it one of these days. The sensation made his breath hitch, hips coming to a still before he pulls out to tug on his cock and spill his every bit of his cum on your back, “fuck!” He loudly exclaimed. Eddie threw his head back, strings of curses falling out of his mouth. He slumped down on the bed, chest heaving to chase his breath, staring directly at your abused cunt that is dripping your juices. Your body gave up, laying down flat on the bed with your thighs slightly shaking.
Eddie and Steve looked at your tired form, chest swelling with a mixture of emotions. Guilt, pride, a certain affection and softness towards you. Now that they have you on their palms, yor taste on their tongue, they won’t let you go no matter what you say.
Both Steve and Eddie stood up. Eddie turning the cameras off and grabbing some boxers for him and his best friend. While Steve directly went straight to the bathroom to grab a wash cloth and ran it under lukewarm water to clean up the mess they made on your body. The men gently laid you on your back, your quiet snores can be heard as they clean you up and make you comfortable the best that they could, placing you in between them.
Steve slid his arm under your head while Eddie’s arm draped over your chest to give you a hug and cuddle you, “I know we planned this out but— I don’t think we can really let her go after this.” Eddie mumbled, sleep slowly crawling on his system while looking at you. Steve only chuckled, careful not to wake you up, combing his hair. “Me too. That was just— fucking phenomenal.” Both men knew that at that moment, they’ll have you any way possible and have every inch of you.
As the night settles, the cool air of Hawkins made its way to the room you all shared, where soft and steady breaths can only be heard while both men cuddled you. Steve’s thoughts ran at all the things that might happen when you wake up, while Eddie’s full of thoughts about how quickly their obsession with you is pulling them in deeper and deeper, yet both held no remorse for what they have done.
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The sun rays were peeking through the room’s heavy maroon curtains, one particular ray shining across your face. You grunt, body slowly trying to twist into a more comfortable position while your head throbs. Trying to turn, you felt restricted with two set of arms holding you, making your body jolt to sit up. Your eyes immediately opened, ignoring the harsh sunlight and the throbbing pain of your head as you look around the room.
This isn’t your room. Too far from your usual décor. Your face slowly pales at the realisation, before you feel someone shift beside you. You looked down and saw a pair of familiar tattoed arms laid across your stomach, and a mop of chestnut hair resting on the other side. You felt both of their touches on your skin, making you look down and realising that you are naked. Its like a bucket of ice water was splashed against you, a gasp escaping your dried throat that almost choked you when your hands found its way to your mouth to cover the shock. You tried to wiggle out of their hold, the situation slowly sinking on you as you try to remember what brought you on the bed with them. You ignored Eddie’s soft grunts when you tried to move his arms away, trying to crawl out of bed as a wave of nausea hits you.
“Peach?” Eddie grunted, his voice low and deep, brown eyes slowly opening to look at you. Eddie’s voice made Steve shuffle close to your naked body, his voice laced with sleep when he noticed you sitting up “Sweetheart, come back to bed please.” He mumbled, rubbing his eyes when the sunlight hits him. You shook your head, a shaky breath escaping your lips as you successfully crawled out of the bed.
Your feet found the cold floor, your legs slightly trembling, taking notice of the slight stickiness between your legs which made you hold yourself. Quickly making your way towards the open door of the bathroom, you saw your reflection which made tears cascade on your cheeks and bile slowly rising up your throat.
Steve and Eddie quickly followed your form, clad in only their boxers. They stayed outside near the open door, watching you take yourself in the mirror. Your hair is dishevelled, hickeys littered across your skin. You looked down and saw some bruises near your hips and thighs along with some more marks that both men did. It made the bile rise up your throat quickly, flinging yourself towards the toilet bowl as you retched and vommited everything inside your stomach. Both men quickly went inside, Eddie holding your hair up while Steve rubs your back soothingly, not one of them saying a word.
Emptying more than what your stomach had, you sobbed loudly on their touch when Steve wiped your mouth gently with a cloth. Your mind is not comprehending what is happening, nor remembering how it became like this. You cried out in frustration as you think of the night before, always getting stuck on the part where you had drinks, making you cover your face in shame and guilt. “Shh, shh, come on honey. Let’s get you back on the room.” Steve softly whispered, helping Eddie guide your boneless form while you continue to cry.
You sobbed even when they were putting one of Eddie’s shirt on you and making you take some sips of water, your body feeling uncomfortably sticky. You have never imagined your first time like this. Losing your virginity like this. For you, you always thought that your first time would be with someone you dated for a long time that you cannot help but love them. Soft dances, gentle caresses and touches that won’t leave marks. All those romance books made you think that your first time should be a gift to the guy you’ll love for the first time as well. The shame of losing it this way made you sobbed harder, your heartbeat quickening as you get overwhelmed with all the emotions hitting you all at once.
Your train of thought was shattered when both of them kneeled in front of you, Steve rubbing soft circles on your thighs while Eddie holds your hand. “Breathe,baby. Breathe.” The older of the three of you whispered, brown eyes holding pity when you wipe your tears, looking through blurry eyes at the both of them. “Why..?” You manage to croak out, voice raspy and rough making you cough a bit.
Steve gave Eddie a quick look before he speaks “You wanted it, sweetheart. You told us last night.” He spoke gently, a pang of guilt hitting him when he said those words, but he knows that he needs to do this in order to have you fully. “W-what?” You mumbled in disbelief, “b-but I-I can’t remember last night—! I-I’m trying to but I c-can’t!” You cried out, hands gripping your hair in annoyance as you keep on trying to remember. “I-I lost my virginity this way when I— I told myself I won’t— this is wrong..” you told them, wiping your tears. The word made Eddie’s jaw tick in annoyance, Steve’s stare turning dark. “I-I’m sorry Mr. Harrington, Mr. Munson I-I— this is wrong— I m-must’ve been— this was a mistake I-I’m sorry.” You try to get out of their hold, planning to scramble your way out with your clothes on your arms but was cut off when Eddie stood up, his neck red as he try to control his emotions when you kept on saying that it was a mistake.
“Mistake?” He scoffed, crossing his inked arms over his chest as he looks down on you, the warmth pooling his brown eyes now gone. “Mistake? Sweetheart—“ he leaned down a little, watching you look up at him beneath your lashes. “You asked for it.” The deep timbreof his voice made your skin crawl, shaking your head in disbelief, looking down to meet Steve’s eyes that are now stern cold. “You did ask for it. In a sweet way too.” Steve answered with a smile not reaching his eyes, fingers fiddling with the frayed end of the shirt you’re wearing before he continues “Do you think we’ll do this if you did not ask?” Your mouth hanged open, stuttering with what they both said “I-I that’s— T-that’s not how I—“ you try to reason out, feeling your throat constrict in anxiety.
“Not how you what?” Eddie asked out of annoyance “not how you act when drunk? How would you know when its your first time drinking?” His harsh tone made you feel small, blinking your tears away. Steve only hummed, still kneeling in front of you. “Y-Yes! But- but I would not react that way— I-I know myself! I—“ you argued, looking frantically at both of them. Your stubborness made both of them sigh, Steve standing up suddenly to walk away and grab something.
Your eyes followed him, wearing only nothing but sweatpants. You noticed him holding a video camera, face now void of emotion before putting it on your lap. “Here ya’ go. Maybe this will refresh your memory?” You stared at him in confusion before looking back up at Eddie that only motioned for you to go on. “Open it.” He mumbled while your trembling hands try to figure out how to turn the video camera on. “Now press this one, the gallery.” Steve asked you to, hitting play after you follow his instructions. Your stomach churns in anxiety when the video immediately started.
Your eyes widened when you watched Eddie’s face disappeared between your thighs, your ears not believing that all the needy whimpers heard from the video came out of your mouth. “Yeah? You like that sweet girl? Told you, all you just need to do is ask.” Steve’s voice can be heard despite all your whimpers, Eddie chuckling when he moved away slightly to slide in his finger inside you, making you moan really loudly. The obscene noises you all made pricked your skin with goosebumps. The video continued, closing your eyes when you heard Eddie say “Shit! Did you see that Harrington?! We fucking got a squirter here!” And as you cry out on the video saying “more, please. P-please..”
Eddie noticed you closing your eyes, huffing before he took hold of your face. “Open your eyes and watch. See if you didn’t asked for it.” You felt helpless, only nodding while your lower lip tremble, trying to hold your tears in. Steve played the next video, the camera pointing towards your face and torso, tears evident as Steve pounded your pussy roughly. His harsh breaths and moans can be heard mix with yours. The camera focused on his cock going in and out of you, making Steve’s cock harden while he watch the video with you.
“God— you love being fucked like this don’t you?’ You only hummed as an answer in the video, making Steve thrusting into you deep. “What? I can’t hear you honey.” He teasingly asked, making you answer loudly “uh-huh! Wan’it!” You looked so fucked out in the video, arms holding him close when he leaned in for a kiss. Steve pressed next which played Eddie’s video, fucking you from behind. His rough hands spanking your meaty ass, watching it jiggle before groping it. You heard Eddie mumble when his thumb touched your ass hole “me and Steve will be using this soon, right doll?” You watched in disbelief till his cum painted your back, making you turn off the camera.
You did not notice that tears were streaming down your face again, looking at both men in disbelief while your mind screams at how disappointing you are. With a trembling hand, you handed them the camera while shaking your head. “N-no. No—“ you covered your mouth in shock before breaking down. Your whole body trembled, making Eddie sit down beside you like Steve. Both of them holding you close.
You don’t have the energy to push them away or deny their touches despite it bringing you an odd sense of comfort. Steve and Eddie held you for a few minutes which felt like house, waiting for your breathing to calm down. “Now that you’ve watched it, do you believe us now..? I told you, it wasn’t just us that wanted it. You wanted it first..” Steve whispered, tucking some strands of your hair behind your ear that sticked to your skin because of your tears. “You kept on begging us! I knew we should’ve took evidence of it from the very start, right Eds?” Steve asked the elder that is now resting his face on your shoulder. “Yep, should have recorded how clingy you were, how polite even. You mommy and daddy raised you right,huh?” The mere mention of your parents sent your mind into a frenzy, body shaking when you begin to sob uncontrollably again “Please! P-please don’t tell— don’t tell t-them please! M-mommy and daddy—!” You were slowly panicking, mind drifting that Steve held your face between his hands. “Oh honey, no. No, we won’t tell them. Cause now, you are also our good girl. Right?” His thumb wiped some of your tears away as you stare at him before turning your head slightly to find Eddie already looking at you.
“Mhm, should be our good girl if we don’t want you mommy and daddy finding out, huh?” Eddie huskily whispered on your tear-stained cheeks,making you gulp. Steve looked at you in anticipation, cocking an eyebrow waiting for an answer. You slowly nodded your head, head hurting from getting overwhelmed that your body doesn’t have the energy to go against too. “Words, honey. Use your words now, come on. Say that you’re our good girl forever and we won’t let your mommy and daddy find out” Steve’s voice was clipped, tone serious when he looked down on you. “Y-your good girl..” you mumbled, eyes looking down when you felt both of them grin.
It’s only morning but your body felt tired as if you’ve spent the whole day awake. Your mind too numb while you feel like the room closes in on you, you closed your eyes, sighing in what you’re not sure if its because you’re tired or if its because you accepted your defeat. The shame and guilt that you did this all on yourself. Steve and Eddie’s words sinking in deep inside your mind. You let go, resting your head on Eddie’s which made Steve chuckle darkly.
“There she is. Finally found our good girl, Munson.”
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330 notes · View notes
atsadi-shenanigans · 3 months
Feeding Alligators 66 - Ra-Ra-Rasputin
Halsin did mention cultists. You just thought he meant the Absolute.
TW (but subverted): non consensual drugging, sex pollen.
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On AO3.
And on the fourth day, you meet the ghost of Rasputin. He’s speaking Faerunese. Tall guy, lanky, with long, black hair and a pointy fucking wizard beard that ends down near his belly button.
He’s also flanked by a good dozen of what look like heavily-armed bandits.
“Oh good,” Astarion all but growls. Are his teeth longer than usual?
There’s only four of you right now—the path had split up, and each of you had gone as a scouting party with instructions to meet back at the fork at noon.
“Dearest travelers,” Rasputin says. You can’t tell what age he is, only that he’s tall, bony-assed, and probably human. “We mean you no harm. Our lord has seen your coming and seeks an audience with one among you.”
“Are these more Absolute fuckers?” Karlach says.
“I hope so,” Astarion says. He hasn’t eaten that you know of since that goblin camp, and that was like, five days ago.
“We seek the maiden amongst you,” Rasputin says. “Our lord has seen them, and he seeks to make an offer.”
Y’all look at each other. Or you, Gale, and Karlach look at each other. Astarion seems to be eyeballing the guy on the left like he’s a butterball turkey.
“I ain’t sure we’re following, mate,” Karlach says.
Rasputin’s voice is a high, creaky thing. His eyes are that kinda colorless blue that always look watery. Man looks like a dweeb. Exactly like the type of person to approach four (three, rather) heavily armed people—one of them on fire and one of them clearly the wrong shade for a living person—and decides to ask which one’s the virgin with his whole mouth.
Your brain screeches to a halt.
Oh, you know that bullshit title technically applies to you. But as you look around—Gale a bit puzzled, Karlach…is she wistful? And Astarion…
Astarion looks at you with very, very narrow eyes.
You can’t be the only one, right? Right?
“No,” Astarion says, tone pitching low as he drawls that word.
The others turn to follow his stare as heat sweeps over your face.
“A virgin?” Astarion says. “No. You’re not.”
But in your moment of panic, you can only stare at him and feel your armpits grow damp. His face blooms in shock. And in your desperation, you reach for, “That whole concept is just a bullshit social construct!”
“You are,” he says. “How? Whe—”
And then he shuts up so abruptly Gale does a double-take and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt the elf is thinking about that conversation in the woods, by the tree. The one where you said you just “hadn’t in a while.”
“You cheeky little liar,” he says, eyes narrowed to scarlet slits.
“Holy shit,” Karlach says. She, at least, is smiling. It’s more amused than anything reassuring, but it’s better than the stupid boggling from the other two. “Seriously, Soldier?”
“It’s not weird,” you say. “None of you need to make this weird, and I swear to god, if y’all do I will burn down camp while y’all are sleeping.”
“Please don’t,” Gale says. “I have quite the collection of mystical tomes I’ve gathered, and I’d hate for them to be lost before I could get them back to the archives in Waterdeep.”
“Please, there’s no need for violence,” Rasputin butts in. “No harm shall come to you if you’ll follow me.”
He says “if.” Implying violence if you don’t. There’s four of you, and you’re pretty sure the others could take out this band? But four against a baker’s dozen seems like a bad idea, when you don’t know shit about those baker’s dozen and you’re willing to bet Rasputin knows some kinda fucking magic.
“Gale,” you say too low for the bandits to hopefully hear. “Where are the others?”
You can feel as he taps into the brainworm connection and reaches out to Wyll. You’re not directly part of this particular group chat, but you can still pick up some of it, like tapping into a phone line. They ain’t far, and they’re turning back on the double. Probably take twenty, thirty minutes if they run.
“It might not be prudent to start anything now,” Gale says. “Considering we’re on our way to a gith creche and gods know what’s going to happen there.”
“I’m curious to see what they want,” Astarion says, because of fucking course he does.
Even your ears burn when you turn to glare at him. But the bastard only tilts his head and gives you a little grin, completely innocent, but his eyes way too delighted.
“I do remember the druid saying something about cultists running around out here,” he continues. “Cultists do generally prefer virgin sacrifices.”
“How would they even know that Eleanor hasn’t, ah, engaged in those particular activities?” Gale says. Catches your glare next. “My apologies. But something like that has to be mystical in nature, and I would rather get some sense of what we’re dealing with before the others arrive.”
Well…fuck. Fuck all of them.
Astarion snorts to himself. Mutters, “A virgin.”
You’re pushing him off the next hill y’all come to.
Rasputin watches all this with the calm air of a man pulling a dozen bodyguards. You grind your teeth, throw up your hands, and stomp after him.
He don’t lead far. The mountain trail has leveled off in a kind of high altitude forest. Y’all stroll through the thin trees until you get to a mountain meadow, them quartzpetal flowers popping up everywhere. Karlach makes a squeaking sound when she gasps. But all your attention fixes on the ring of tents on the far side. The fire pit with, with fucking chairs set up around…that is a fucking table. That is a fucking alter, is what that is. And all of it centered around a big, gold statue. Human-sized and glittering in the sunlight. Completely naked. And with what you think is an anatomically-correct, raging erection.
“Oh,” Gale says when y’all get y’all’s first, good eye full.
You look at the statue. Loot at Rasputin. Look to the chairs and the way the alter has fucking pillows on it, and you say, “I ain’t fucking your goddamn statue.”
Astarion either inhales his own spit, or his own tongue, judging from the sudden, explosive hacking behind you.
But Rasputin chuckles high and dry, and then the statue fucking moves.
“I am no statue, maiden,” the fuck statue says.
You almost climb right up into Karlach’s arms.
The fuck statue lifts its arms and puts its hands on its hips and that big, golden cock fucking jounces.
You look away. You know they’ll make fun of you for it, and you don’t care. You do not need the mental image of a giant, golden cock bobbling around.
This is a dream. You ate something weird and spiked a brain-melting fever and this is the last, dying gasp as your brain fries its own synapses.
“I am pleased to introduce you to our Lord Bibivanoosh,” Rasputin says. “The God of First Pleasure.”
Gale bites back something.
“’Bibivanoosh’?” Karlach says. “Is that even a god?”
“None that I’ve heard of,” Gale mutters.
“I ain’t fucking your golden man neither!” you say.
So naturally, the fuck statue takes that as a fucking cue to walk over to y’all. His cock bobs the whole way. Astarion fucking wheezes the entire time.
Karlach jerks her chin. “What’sa matter, Soldier? I though this sort of thing didn’t bother you?”
“I will burn the camp to ash,” you say. “I’ll drug all y’all and I’ll set each tent on fucking fire.”
As the fuck statue nears it begins to change. The face is indistinct, features slide together. Even the body seems to move like liquid: thickening, then slimming. Short, then tall, and then about your height.
“Come with me, maiden,” the fuck statue says. “Give me but an hour of your time—”
“Ooh, he’s generous,” Astarion chokes out and his tent is going up first.
“—and I shall give you your first pleasure.”
Holy fuck, he’s a god of virgin killers.
“Fucking gross,” you say.
“Lie with our lord,” Rasputin completely bulldozes you. “He is the finest lover in all the realms—”
Astarion scoffs. That fucking guy.
“Once you have given him your sacrifice, you and your friends may depart with his gifts.”
You give your brainworm a mic tap: how much further fucking out are you lot?
The answer: maybe ten minutes, you guess.
Rasputin smiles. You think it’s meant to be comforting. It is the opposite. “Our Lord Bibivanoosh will make it more than worth any trepidation the maiden may feel. He will become whatever she desires, whoever she desires. He shall put her at ease, become whatever would bring her first pleasure.”
This is so fucking gross. Why the fuck does this even exist. What kind of asshole fucking world even has a god for something like this, much less one run by a knockoff Disney villain lurking up in the mountains and going “virgin” hunting like Elmer fucking Fudd. God, you really kinda hate this world.
Oh look, now the fuck statue has a nice pair of tits.
“That is…fascinating,” Gale says, glancing between you and the statue. “But still rather alarming. Do you do this with all travelers passing through?”
Oh thank fuck you’re not the only one creeped out. Because yeah, there’s some really disgusting implications here. You don’t got no doubts that some people see a giant, golden fuck statue and drop their pants then and there. Pour one out to them fellas. But what if they’re like you? They ain’t really down for casual? Or they just don’t want to. These fuckers didn’t invite you with a tray of teacakes and a nice, little invitation. They came armed.
“A god of deflowering virgins,” Astarion says, and even he seems to have lost most of his bastard tone. “Why in the hells would anyone have a need for such a worthless deity?”
“I know my way around many, many pantheons,” Gale says. “But I’ve never heard of this. He might be in the early stages of devotional formation.”
You need to stall. You look to Rasputin. To the fuck statue.
“Wha’d’ya mean ‘first pleasure’?” you say.
Rasputin opens right the fuck up. A car salesman spotting a college girl shopping for her first car by herself. “Our Lord seeks out maidens to bring them to ecstasy—”
“Define maiden.”
He stops. The others do, too. Even the fuck statue finally, like, actually looks at you.
“I’m sorry?” Rasputin says.
“Define. Maiden,” you say.
The others are five minutes out.
“I…” Rasputin says. Takes a breath and squares his knobby shoulders. “One who has not slept with another.”
“…had sex.”
Bingo. You smooth your face into the sweetest mask you can. “Define sex. I ain’t from around here; the translations, you know? They get a bit screwy sometimes.”
“Darling,” Astarion says, “sex is when two or more people—”
You reach back without looking and fumble to press a finger to his lips (you jab his front teeth instead). But he takes the hint and shuts it. Meanwhile, you do not break your staredown with Rasputin.
The man…is he blushing? Seriously? Fucker’s setting up lawn chairs for a fucking dinner time theater hour and now he’s got the fucking gall to blush? What a fucking piece of shit.
“Have you had sex with another or not?” he says like he’s got any kind of argumentative ground here. “Our Lord Bibivanoosh—stop laughing!”
Karlach waves one hand while covering her mouth with another. She hiccups a couple of times while Gale bits his lips to try to hide his own smile.
“I’m just trying to get specifics,” you say. “This kinda thing is a big decision. Shouldn’t be taken so lightly, right? I’m trying to figure out what it is, exactly, y’all want from me? Like, do we have to go full penetration, or is hand stuff okay?”
“Either one,” Rasputin huffs.
“No, wait, but does he need to be inside me? Do I need to be inside him? Her? What if we just lick each other?”
Karlach folds at the waist.
“I…” Rasputin says. Looks to the fuck statue. “So long as you climax.”
“So it’s about the orgasm,” you say and nod like that makes some kinda sense.
Rasputin’s shoulders finally come down an inch—fucker was starting to go full skesis. “Yes, yes. Now, if you’ll just—”
“Hate to be the bearer of bad news, my guy, but I already done had pleasures in that category,” you say. And wiggle your fingers.
Gale gives a little, wheezing cough. Even Astarion fucking guffaws.
“It doesn’t count if you’re by yourself!” Rasputin says.
“Because that’s not sex!”
“But you said it was about the orgasm.”
“Only if there’s someone else. Really, now, you’ll have a wonderful experience—”
“But what if neither of us comes?”
“Then it’s not sex.”
“Even if we’re going full on penetration? Penis in vagina, the whole deal?”
“What if he comes but it’s on me and I don’t come at all? What if it turns out I have a disorder and I can’t even orgasm—”
“Fuck our god already!” Rasputin says, reaches down into his pocket, and pulls out a handful of dust. He throws it at you.
Arms wrap tight around you and haul you back as the whole group scrambles away. You cough, and smell…cinnamon? Did that fucker just through his fucking spice rack at you? What a fucking weirdo.
“Alraune spores,” Gale all but spits. He sounds fucking pissed. “She doesn’t volunteer herself so you think to use Alraune spores?”
The arms around you loosen as fast as they grabbed you. You try to turn to see who, but dizziness makes your eyes cross and all you catch are swatches of silver, purple, and scarlet.
“Whoa,” you say. A flush spreads down your chest. Your skin goes all tingly. You’re suddenly very aware of the jar between your tits, and the material of your under tunic on your chest. The warmth spreads through you, spreads down, pools between your legs.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Karlach says, and then there’s gold in your vision, filling your vision.
The fuck statue.
Up close, he smells like chocolate and…and Astarion’s perfume? Well that’s fucking weird.
The stupid, golden hand is warm when it comes up to lift your chin.
The others are near. Very, very near.
“Come with me, maiden,” s/he says, voice all…all honeyed. “Come with me and I shall show you ecstasy such as only the gods can experience.”
You snort a laugh. Try to catch your balance but it’s getting really hot out here, and you’re wearing too many clothes.
“You said come,” you snicker.
“Get the fuck away from her,” somebody says.
Fucker leans in closer. He’s all up in your space. Way, way too close. “Why resist? My touch has already brought you to need, maiden. All you simply need do is—”
His face is right there.
You shove it away.
“The fuck was that powder?” Karlach says.
“Spores from a predatory plant,” Gale says. “It’s a powerful aphrodisiac.”
Ah. Well. That would be why you feel so hot and your britches are getting pretty, uh, damp. That’s annoying.
It sure has been a while since you fooled around with yourself, huh? All the bullshit going on, everybody in such close damned quarters, and you not even feeling up to it for half a this shit show. It’s been a hot fucking minute since you had any kinda of alone time.
You look up and your vision kinda floats back together. Fuck statue frowns at you. His face is melting all together. He got tits. Then he don’t. Then he’s got man tits (and really, by that metric, Halsin absolutely fucking has tits, you just didn’t notice them until you saw the man in full daylight with that fucking vest straining at the seams).
Shadowheart’s got nice tits, too.
Nope. Y’all are gonna get outta here and go set up camp and you are making some alone time damnit.
“What are you doing?” the fuck statue says.
His hands are melting, too. Fingers long, then short. Thick, then thin. Masculine. Feminine. Long nails and no nails.
He steps back. “What is happening?”
Someone touches your shoulder. Warm skin. Smells of woodsmoke and ink.
“We thank you for your hospitality, such as it was,” Gale says and he still sounds pissed. “But I think we must be on our way.”
Movement to the sides and from behind. A flash of dark horns as Wyll steps into the meadow, Lae’zel and Halsin and Shadowheart all flanking him. Damn, Wyll’s got man tits, too.
Gale draws you back, leaving Karlach and Astarion between you and the melting fuck statue. You ain’t never noticed how wide Astarion’s shoulders are, have you? Why the fuck does he wear such tight pants? You can almost see everything. And he wears the waist all high, and tucks in his shirt at camp like he’s trying to show it off—
Oh no. Nope. Nuh uh.
“Priest!” the fuck statue bellows. “Priest, what happens!”
His face has lost its form. He ain’t shifting to other features, he’s just a smooth surface with eye indentations and a lump for a nose. Looks like a ken doll stuck into a campfire.
He did say he could be what you liked. But you don’t like no particular type of person. Not like that, not for a while, and none right now (Astarion’s stupid ass pants aside).
“You think I can turn him into a pepperoni pizza?” you say.
“What’s happening to it?” Wyll says, just a bit breathless.
“What even is it?” Shadowheart says. Damn, she’s pretty.
“A nascent deity too dangerous to leave be,” Gale says.
“Are you suggesting we kill a god?” Karlach says. And boy howdy, does she sound stoked.
“That’s usually far too difficult a task,” Gale says. “They’re bound to an idea and mortal worship. As long as either of those exist, he may yet reform.”
You fan yourself and frown at the gaggle of cultist bandits gather along the edges of y’all’s talking circle. Good god almighty, you’d kill somebody for a burrito and a good fucking churro.
“You said mortal worship,” you say.
Gale nods. There’s a tightness around his eyes, a hard set to his jaw as he looks back to the gaggle. Astarion frees both his knives. Shadowheart gives her mace a few, idle swings.
“If there are no mortal worshipers, and the god is forgotten, there’s nothing more to sustain it,” Gale says.
Karlach’s lips peel back from her sharp, sharp teeth. That maniacal grin really does something for you, huh?
“Right,” you say.
Trying to use sex pollen on somebody on the ace spectrum? What she really wants is some good fucking food. In my defense, most anime have at least one crack episode, and this game is from DnD.
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lunarthecorvus · 3 months
Grisha!Kaz Brekker Alternate Universe fanfiction recommendations
part of Lunar's soc fanficiton rec series
The Etovost Plague by Spikey44
Wordcount: 139k Chapters: 37/37
Characters: Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Jesper Fahey, Wylan Van Eck, Nina Zenik, Kuwei Yul-Bo
Tags: Grisha Kaz Brekker, Post-Canon, Dead Matthias Helvar, Sorry, Not KoS/RoW canon compliant, Kaz is a Tidemaker. Sort of, some gore, scenes of plague, Don't worry only characters no one cares about die, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm
Author's summary/notes: Twenty-eight months after Kuwei Yul-Bo was shot dead and the plague sirens sounded throughout Ketterdam a new and terrifying sickness sweeps through the Barrel: a plague with a unique connection to Jurda Parem. But this time it’s not the Grisha who need to fear. It’s everyone else. This becomes that, and like no longer calls to like, forcing old crows to wing back to Ketterdam as chaos unlike anything they have seen before erupts through the Barrel, threatening to destroy all of Ketterdam and plunge the world into war. But it's a more personal fear that haunts Inej, Nina, Jesper and Wylan when Dirtyhands goes missing at the start of the plague outbreak. Now the Crows must grapple with the sorrow that Kaz may be dead and the even greater terror that the Etovost scourge has turned the Barrel's resident monster into a living nightmare hell-bent on destroying them all. Post-canon AU where a new Jurda Parem variant transforms normal people into Grisha. Starting with the Barrel Bosses. Uh-oh! My summary/notes: Having Kaz turn into a grisha is such an intruiging concept and I ate it up, at the same time its tragic because of the way being a tidemaker effects him and triggers his trauma. It will get real intense so be prepared. The villain in this fic is so interesting. An unexpected intersting part of this fic was reading the crows be a team without having Kaz as their leader sometimes. I love Inej in this fic so much. BAMF's Inej and Anika. Inej and Kaz have some cute moments. The ending eeee. My quick summary is the barrel goes to shit when a plague enters.
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On Black Feathered Wings by @martinakl13
Wordcount: 139k Chapters: 37/37
[this fic is also a grisha!Inej and grisha!Matthias au]
Characters: Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Jesper Fahey, Wylan Van Eck, Nina Zenik, Matthias Helvar, Jan Van Eck, Alys Van Eck, Pekka Rollins, Jordie Rietveld, Aditi Hilli, Tante Heleen, Councilman Hoede, Imogen, Per Haskell, Doughty, Dregs Ensemble, Dime Lions Ensemble, Kaz Brekker's Father, Original Characters, Inej Ghafa's Mother, Inej Ghafa's Father, Matthias Helvar's Mother (mentioned), Matthias Helvar's Father (mentioned), Matthias Helvar's Sister (mentioned), Anya, Joost Van Poel, Gert Van Verent, Mikka, Kuwei Yul-Bo, Anika, Pim
Tags: Alternate Universe - Character Swap, Grisha Kaz Brekker, Grisha Inej Ghafa, Grisha Wylan Van Eck, Jordie Rietveld Lives, Aged-Up Character(s), Forced Prostitution, Human Trafficking, Misogyny, Racism Violence, Sexual Content, The Menagerie, Flashbacks, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Enemies to Lovers, Lovers To Enemies, unexpected relationships, Angst, POV Alternating, Jurda Parem, First Meetings, Bad Parent Jan Van Eck, Grisha Matthias Helvar, Abuse, Dyslexia, Rape, Humiliation, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Beating, Heist, Sexual Tension, Kaz constantly giving Inej flowers, Mutual Pining, Soulmates
Author's summary/notes: Inej Ghafa is a talented acrobat, but only her closest family knows that she uses her special power during her performances. Wylan Van Eck was sent to Ravka to be trained as a Grisha, but when he returns years later, his home is no longer his home. Matthias Helvar has powers he never asked for, and his family wants to keep him safe. What is the best way to hide Grisha in Fjerda? Among the drüskelle. Nina Zenik is a soldier of the First Army, gifted with excellent language skills. Jesper Fahey moves with his mother to Ketterdam after the tragic death of his father and the loss of their farm due to debts. Kaz Brekker has powers that no one has seen before. Or? My summary/notes: This fic is part of a series so there is a part 2 that is being regularly updated. Be prepared for this fic to simultaneously destroy and heal you. I live for the use of flower symbolism, its so adorable. I loved learning about the kind of grisha Kaz is, and reading Inej as a grisha is just so cool I need more grisha!Inej. Matthias being a grisha is so interesting, and reading Nina + Jesper as normal is so fascinating. Aditi is queen and this fic has Pim and Anika, I love those two so much.
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The Bastard's Brother by FlatApple
Wordcount: 214k Chapters: 66/66
Characters: Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Jesper Fahey, Dregs Ensemble, Jordie Rietveld, Wylan Van Eck, Nina Zenik, Matthias Helvar, Jan Van Eck, Original Background Characters, (they're not important don't worry)
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Kaz is a Grisha, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Starvation, Touch-Averse Kaz Brekker, Haphephobia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Pre-Canon, Canon-Typical Violence, Canonical Character Death, Organized Crime, Whump, Kaz Brekker is Bad at Feelings, POV Kaz Brekker, (mostly), Paranormal, Graphic Description of Corpses, Kaz Brekker is a feral orphan for large portions of this, Corpsewitch Kaz, Warning for strong language, Gang Violence, Heist, Slow Burn, Kaz Brekker-centric, Canon Rewrite, Ghost Jordie Rietveld, Good Sibling Jordie Rietveld, BAMF Kaz Brekker, Pining, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Sickfic, Hurt Kaz Brekker, Fever Dreams
Author's summary/notes: Kaz Brekker’s Mother was Ketterdam. His Father was profit. But Kaz Brekker’s Brother? That was Death. Or, the one where Kaz has been a Corpsewitch all along. My summary/notes: Reading Jordie as a ghost was so sad, the author managed to write him so well, this fic answers the question of what would Jordie's reactions be to Kaz's ruthless actions. We get to see young struggling feral kaz (it will break your heart) and we get to see Kaz grow. Every dynamic between the crows is explored and its so interesting to read. This fic part of a series and there is more.
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The Bastard Saint of the Barrel by Spikey44
Wordcount: 152k Chapters: 46/46
Characters: Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Nina Zenik, Matthias Helvar, Jesper Fahey, Jordie Rietveld, Pekka Rollins, Wylan Van Eck, Jan Van Eck, Kuwei Yul-Bo
Tags: Grisha Kaz Brekker, Jordie Rietveld Lives, Kaz is Corporalnik this makes everything worse, Kaz is a Dime Lion, Pekka Rollins owns Kaz's indenture, Jordie is Dregs, Kaz has a new alias, A Kaz by any other name is still a bastard, Inej remains awesome in all realities, Jordie makes the deal with Jan Van Eck, Matthias is probably gonna live, Elements of Six of Crows reworked with Living Jordie/Grisha Kaz, Canon Disabled Character, Touch-Averse Kaz Brekker, warning for drug use eg: Jurda Parem and its effects, warning for mild depersonalisation and dissociation in ch 8
Author's summary/notes: In a story of star-crossed brothers, where Kaz's grisha powers save Jordie but don't save him from Pekka Rollins, Kaz becomes the Bastard Saint of the Barrel; Rollins personal Healer and the most feared Grisha to haunt Ketterdam's seedier streets. This upsets Jordie quite a bit. In an attempt to pay off Kaz's indenture, and save his brother from the threat of Jurda Parem, Jordie Rietveld, Dregs Lieutenant and confidence man, makes a deal with Jan Van Eck to perform an impossible heist. Naturally, Kaz, busybody extraordinaire, is not about to let his brother screw up in a foreign land alone. He's going to steal his brother's heist and one Bo Yul-Buyur --or his nearest relative, whatever works best --and save his idiot big brother from a Fjerdan prison. And if this means running out on Rollins -well, thirty thousand Kruge should be more than enough money to pay his way out trouble. Right? My summary/notes:
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thegvlaxyrvanger · 6 months
Hi, hello!! I found your blog through dead-dove's blog, and I was wondering if you would take a request for Katherine, your idol oc x yandere reader?
It's nice to meet you, I'm "💌 anon"!
~ 💌
☆. Hey there 💌 anon !! Glad to meet you as well !! :] I just woke up to this earlier and I'm really happy that this is my first ever request and ask <D (I also changed her entire information, her name is now Shimizu Mei.)
☆. Sorry if this took really long, procrastination has been sticking with me these past 3 days. (You could pretty much tell that I got pretty lazy at the very end.)
✧. Taglist (Lmk if you want to be added!) ;
- @dead-dove-yandere
- @love-letter-exe
𖥔. ♡ KATHERINE -— An Idol and Her Number One Fan. PART 1.
𖥔. ♡ Pairing -— Female Popular Idol x Yandere ! GN Fan
TWs : This story contains dark topics such as Stalking, Obsession, Non-consensual Photography, Obsession, Implied NSFW (Masturbation), Implied Murder, Kidnapping, Drugging, etc. Please proceed with caution. Minors DNI.
You weren't exactly a huge fan of idols, not that you don't like them or that you're just trying to be different from millions of people hopping onto the bandwagon, it's just that their songs aren't the type of music that you would obsessively listen to 24/7, you like listening to a lot of songs and have favorites as well, but their songs just doesn't really stick to your taste.
Your friends on the other hand are basically on the opposite side of your coin, they absolutely LOVE idols and are basically just head on heels for them, each having their own preferences, you would mostly see them talking about their favorites non-stop, they could ramble about their bias to you for hours, so it isn't really surprising that they're basically one of those crazy insane and down bad fans, in which sometimes they even argue on which one is better, it's kind of annoying really.
They always drag you to their favorite idol's concert whenever they have the chance to and have a LOT of merch from them, from posters, to t-shirts, jackets, plushies, etc., you name it. You couldn't quite grasp why they would spend a lot of money just for some poster.
As for you, well, all that you could do is listen to their ramblings about their favorites and drag you to concerts, and to be honest, it kind of feels like they're pretty much shoving their interests into your face, but you don't really mind, actually, it's quite fun because you're hanging out with your friends and are just spending time with each other, nothing more.
But now? You finally get why.
You finally get why people would go crazy insane for someone who probably wouldn't even notice them.
Though, gazing at them from afar, screaming their name, and having lots and lots of merch from them, isn't enough to be honest for you to prove that you're their number one fan. It doesn't really make you feel a sense of, fulfillment, really.
You need to go through more..
Drastic and intense measures, just for you to prove it.
Of course, you know that this is too much, you're being crazy and this could lead to consequences that could be life-long, but it would be worth it in the end,
Recently, your friends have started talking about one specific idol, not the ones that they used to talk about, and as usual, they seem to be very crazy down bad for him, or her. You find it very strange and you feel really confused but also somewhat curious. Who are they talking about, exactly?
While the three of you were at a café, hanging out as usual, you find them talking about this idol again, curiosity got the better of you, and you then asked which idol were they talking about.
“Oh, you haven't heard? There's a new idol rolling around and her popularity has almost immediately skyrocketed, it's only been 3 days! I already get why because she's soooooooooo pretty and very cuuuteeee!! You should check the recent news article and her account!” One of your friends then said, as they gave you the said idol's account, this only made your curiosity grow bigger, and have eventually decided to search her account up later. You eventually find yourself talking to your friends about that idol, your curiosity getting bigger and bigger the more information about her you collect from your friends, it was unusual for you, really. But you don't really seem to care at all.
After sometime, you and your friends then parted ways, and while on your way back to your apartment, you eventually searched up her account, and holy hell, your friends were right, she is pretty and cute.
You were absolutely enthralled with her beautiful and dazzling appearance. You felt yourself getting engulfed, and eventually you decided to stalk her account.
She goes by “Shimizu Mei” on her account, a pretty brunette who's half-japanese, half-, wears Jirai Kei and Gyaru fashion, and her singing voice is absolutely stunning. You already forgot that you already walked past your apartment because of how submerged you are to her pretty looks and voice.
You then realize what you've been doing after what felt like forever and eventually snapped back to reality, you then hit and laughed to yourself quietly, you felt stupid for walking past your apartment.
But you also felt confused, what's wrong with you? This is very unusual of you, really. You've.. never felt like this before, you've never liked an idol before, and most importantly, you never would've thought that you'd actually be a fan of one, but it's not like you don't want to stop and restrain yourself, while you weren't exactly expecting this, you eventually just accepted it, you like her, you've become her fan, and that's that.
At least, that's what you initially thought.
As weeks pass by, your friends gradually start to notice that you seem to be, very fixated on the recent popular idol, Mei, not that they mind about it, it's just getting quite concerning on how much you like her.
You would only talk to them if it's about, her. If they try to change the topic by talking about another idol, you'd get really mad. They tried to calm you down by telling you to chill talking about her for a moment and just talk about something else instead, which only made you get even more mad. They found it very strange, you weren't like this a few weeks ago, what happened to you?
You only found yourself getting even more obsessed with the idol as days and weeks pass by. When you found out that she's hosting a meet-and-greet near your city, you immediately thought that you HAD to go with your friends since they told you that they were going as well.
The day of the meet-and-greet arrived, and oh boy this crowd was absolutely yet unsurprisingly really huge. You and your friends don't even know what was going on except for the fact that everyone was going batshit crazy while security was trying to calm everyone down, yet it was no use.
Amidst the crowd, you then saw her glance at you.
Yes, you.
As soon as you immediately noticed that she glanced at you for a mere second, your heart almost instantly stopped for a moment. You felt like you were about to fucking burst right then and there! As the voices of your friends calling out for your name in the middle of the crowd fell on deaf ears, not realizing that you were lost before you eventually snap back into reality, realized what was going on as you tried to find your friends while you steal a few glances back at the idol, who's sweet honey-like voice helped the security calm the crowd down.
Gosh, her voice is so fucking intoxicating.
After a while of waiting which seemed like forever to you, you finally get to see her.
In front of you, face-to-face.
Fucking god, was she trying to kill you? Was she trying to hypnotize you with that pretty little head of hers? Did she pull a spell on you or something? What the hell did she fucking do to you?
From her soft locks, to the most sweetest smile that you've ever seen from someone, to her outfit wear, to literally everything.
She's just practically begging for you to doll her up at this point.
“...- Eh .. -Ah ?- H-hello? Sweetheart -..? Are you even listening -?” she then said, snapping her fingers at your face, you eventually snap back into reality once more as you eventually find yourself frantically and repeatedly apologizing to her.
“No need to apologize, my dear ~ Would you like to take a picture with me, ? Or an autograph ? Just let me know sweetie !” She then replied, you found yourself a little lost in words as you then realized that she called you a pet name, your face turning into a bright, crimson shade of red as you eventually told her that you would just like to take a photo with her.
After the photoshoot with her, she then gave you the photo, signed it, and waved goodbye to you and your friends with a sweet smile on her face. Eventually you and your friends said your goodbyes to one another as you three parted ways.
It wouldn't be so bad to go back,
Take a picture of her,
And follow her on her way back,
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