#oh also my brother has a girlfriend now so. also failing in that department.
as both the oldest child and oldest daughter i do really love protective oldest sister characters in media i love media focusing on the difficult relationships between the oldest child and their siblings but at the same time we need more oldest daughters who live in their siblings' shadows we need more oldest daughters who never got to BE an oldest daughter who looks up to HER younger siblings because they are able to accomplish more than she ever could
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bowiebond · 2 years
Byergrove shippers usually have Joyce become Billy’s mother figure.
Mungrove shippers usually have Wayne become his father figure.
Steve bringing a him a bunch of children to adore.
Argyle would give him a bunch of auntie/uncles and grandparents who try and stuff him with food every time he comes by.
So I would like to propose Stoner Polycule where Billy has a whole family unit plus siblings (Will, Max, El) and four amazing boyfriends who have to share him with
1. Wayne because “no the boy’s going fishing with me, Eddie, since you refuse to”
2. Joyce because “Billy is going shopping with me, Johnathan, he can’t go on a date right now, go with one of the others”
3. The kids because “Billy said he’d help us paint our D&D figures, you can’t take him!”
“Yeah, he’s helping me with homework too, I’m gonna fail English and not like you can help, Steve”
4. Aunties/Uncle and grandparents because “oh he’s much too thin, Argyle, don’t you feed him??? Poor thing, come with abuelita, I have something tasty for you, chico sol.”
And Bonus they also have to deal with Billy’s and their own friends stealing him too:
5. Gareth: “What? No, Billy can’t come to the phone, he’s tearing up my drum set…No, Eddie, you skipped out on practice to go suck face with Jonathan Byers, we’re keeping him.”
Jeff: “Dude he knows guitar too, where did you find this guy?!”
Frank: “If he can sing too, you’re getting replaced, face sucker.”
6. Chrissy: “wait what??? Noooo, Steveeee, you can’t take Billy out Saturday, he promised to do my hair for my date with Heather!”
7. Heather: “Yeah, no, Fridays is girls night…I don’t care if he’s a guy, he’s one of the girls, Jonathan! Why are you ever speaking to me? Ew.”
8. Patrick: “Ooooh…Yeah no. That won’t work. Billy and I do our fortnightly junkyard smashing Tuesday…Yeah, no, you can’t come. You have to wait till we’re done if you wanna take him to the movies. Wait, who even are you…? Argyle? Uh, okay.”
9. Robin: “You always hang out with Billy! I wanna hang out with Billy too! He taught me how to make my girlfriend happy scream, Steve, he’s a magician.”
10. Nancy: “No. We’re busy. Take it up with department, Jonathan.”
Max: “Yeah, Jonathan.”
Jonathan: “Why do you hate me??”
Max: “You know what you did, brother snatcher.”
Jonathan: “There are fOUR OF US???? Why do you dislike me specifically????”
Max: “Well, Steve’s not here, so I can only really bully you.”
Nancy: “She’s right, you’re a Steve replacement.”
Jonathan: “Well Steve and I are gonna kiss your brother with tongue.”
Max: “Gross!”
Jonathan: “Then I’m going to kiss your ex with that same tongue!”
Nancy: “Jonathan, oh my god, don’t be gross.”
The boys love each other but they would like to have ONE DAY WITH THEIR BLOND BOYFRIEND THANKS
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slyttherins · 3 years
Meeting the Weasleys | Bill Weasley x Reader
Summary: The reconstitution of the Order of the Phoenix bring Bill back to England to help his family and others fight against Voldemort. Bill takes you along and you meet his family...who has no idea he has a girlfriend
Pairing: Bill Weasley x Reader
Word count: 1880
Muggle transport sucked. Especially planes. Fascinating transportation system, but why must they take so long to get to places? Portkeys were much faster.
Usually, when going to his family home, Bill would use a portkey to the Burrow, but as the Weasleys had temporarily moved to the new Order of the Phoenix's headquarters, there was no point going there. There was also no portkey available to Grimmauld Place since it was a secret house.
A plane was the only option.
''You didn't tell your family you wouldn't be coming alone?!''
Bill slung his satchel bag over his shoulder, thankful for the extension charm. ''Erm, no. I wasn't going to announce to them that I have a girlfriend through a letter, it doesn't sound really serious.''
For that, he wasn't wrong.
''We can't just show up together on the doorstep, Bill.''
Suddenly, you started re-evaluating your decision to come to England and think it was a bad idea. It's not like you and Bill were old friends. You had never met his family. What if his mom was angry for not warning her he was bringing his girlfriend? Would this put you on her bad side?
Bill shrugged, seeing no issues. ''Why not? Mom won't mind. She'll be so happy to see me that she'll forget to be mad for not telling her about you. It'll be fine, Y/N.''
As you expected, it didn't go like Bill had planned. He was a fool to think he could trick his mother like that. Molly was furious.
At first, she was confused. Then, she thought Bill had brought a friend to help with the Order - they could always use more wizards and witches on their side. But, when he introduced you as his girlfriend, her mood changed and she started scolding his oldest for not telling her something so important - even swatted his arm with the spoon she was holding. Ouch.
Bill too had been surprised by his mother's reaction, having not been talked to in that tone since his teenage years.
''William Arthur Weasley, how could you do that? You disappear in Egypt for six years and come back with a surprise girlfriend and expect me to not get mad and act as if it's nothing important? How long have you been hiding this from us? I'm your mother, how could you hide this from me?'' her voice boomed through Grimmauld Place. It was like getting a real-life howler. Pretty scary.
Once Mrs. Weasley was finished, she turned to you, her facial expression completely changed, and smiled warmly. ''Sorry about that, dear. Some people have no manners and assumes they can't be scolded after leaving the nest.'' She narrowed her eyes at Bill. ''I'm Molly, Bill's mother...but I'm sure you've caught that already. What's your name?''
''Y/N,'' you introduced. ''I'm sorry for coming unnoticed. I kept telling Bill it wasn't a great idea.''
''Don't feel bad, it's all forgiven.'' The plump woman smiled warmly at you. ''Would you like some biscuits? I just took a batch out of the oven.''
After eating some biscuits in the kitchen and chatting a bit with Mrs. Weasley - Bill was trying to be forgiven -, you and Bill took your luggages upstairs and went to put everything away. There weren't a lot of rooms left - a lot of members of the Order had taken residency at Grimmauld Place -, but Mrs. Weasley had kept one for Bill. Ron was supposed to share with him, but now that you were there, Ron was going to have to move rooms. Sorry, Ron.
''I didn't think she would be that angry. If I has known, I-''
''Angry? She was furious, William!'' you interrupted as you entered the bedroom, finding it a complete mess. There was a trunk opened in the corner, quidditch magazines and wrappers on the nightstand, and dirty clothes everywhere. Bill's little brother was a messy person.
With a few whisks of his wand, Bill gathered Ron's stuff and put everything in his trunk - dirty or not - to make room for yours. In the end, the trunk struggled to fit everything, but with a little bit of magic, everything was possible. It might explode when Ron will open it, but it wouldn't be your problem then.
''I guess I overestimated myself.''
You started with your clothes, folding them neatly in the chest drawers and hung the jackets in the small wardrobe. There was an old smell floating in the room, but it was inevitable in a house this old.
While you did that, Bill reached for the toiletries items, frowning confusedly when he saw how many bottles of who-knows-what you had brought. What were they all for? Did you really need all of those?
''I...I thought she was going to hate] me because of that,'' you admitted, genuinely scared you were going to be one of those girlfriends that's hated by her future in-laws. All because Bill omitted to tell his mother about you.
Bill huffed a short laugh, but seeing how you were genuinely worried of so, he turned into a serious face and he came up to you, wrapping his arms around you from behind. ''That's very unlikely,'' he said, turning you around in his hold and tilting your chin up. ''My mom has no hatred in her body - except for the ones who harm her children. I promise she doesn't hate you.'' Bill kissed your temple, but his speech didn't convince you completely.
''Well, she was yelling. To me, yelling is not something positive.''
''At me. She was yelling at me,'' he corrected. ''But then, she offered you biscuits, didn't she?''
''She did.''
Food was how Molly showed affection and care. She loved to cook all sorts of meals and desserts to feed the ones she loved. If you were particularly kind with her, she might cook your favorite dish at supper.
''Let's finish unpacking so I can introduce you to the rest of the family.''
You nodded and slipped out of your boyfriend's hold. Hopefully it'll go better, this time.
When you left the bedroom, you ran into two boys of the same height and physique, which you recognized as the infamous twins. Bill had told you about all members of his family on the plane journey, but telling apart who was who was another story though.
They both hugged their brother - who was almost as tall as them -, having not seen each other in a while and, when Bill introduced you, they looked shocked.
''Girlfriend?'' Fred repeated, sounding surprised. He glanced at you mischievously. ''Have you slipped him a love potion?''
It was all jokes, but you didn't know their humor so you took him seriously.
''Excuse me?'' You were offended that they could think you did something like that. Slipping someone a love potion was vile and immoral. Plus, love potions only created infatuation, not love.
Beside you, Bill rolled his eyes and laughed lightly, which told you they were only joking. ''Is it that difficult to believe that I got a girlfriend? Last time I heard, you all agreed I was the coolest brother of the lot.''
''The coolest, perhaps, but not the most skilled in the flirting departement,'' Fred teased. ''I think I deserve that title.''
''It's just, our brother never brought a girl home before,'' George explained to you, feeling sorry for the misunderstanding. ''How did mom take it? Her oldest son taking a girl home, she must've been emotional.''
''She was thrilled-''
Thrilled wasn't the word you would've employed.
''He's lying. She hit him with a spoon,'' you corrected.
Bill nudged you. ''Y/N! You're supposed to be on my side.''
You shrugged.
''A spoon?'' Fred and George chorused. ''I thought it was only us who got the spoon.''
Next was Ginny and Ron, which you met at the dinner table.
Although she was the youngest, Ginny was the closest to Bill. There was a special bond between the two that made you smile fondly.
Farther into the kitchen, another ginger haired boy stood on his mother's heels, trying to steal something to eat. Upon hearing Bill's voice, he turned and joined his sister, but didn't fail to give you a confused look, having never seen you before. If he had, he would've remembered.
''Who are you?'' He took a bite of the bread he stole and Ginny elbowed him for being rude.
In response to Ron's question, Bill slid an arm behind you, grin on his lips and raised his eyebrows, waiting for his siblings to catch on. Since knowing him, you had learned that the eldest Weasley didn't like to make a big deal out of any news - counting having a girlfriend.
It didn't take long for a wide smile to spread on Ginny's face. ''Oh my Godrick! I was not expecting this when you said you were coming home. I'm so happy for you,'' she told Bill and then turned to you and introduced herself - although you already knew her name - and kindly asked for yours. ''Finally, I will no longer be the only girl among those boys. Why have you kept her a secret?''
''I did not-''
Ginny gave her brother a look. ''You didn't tell us. It's the same thing.''
''Maybe he didn't want you to steal her from him,'' Ron joked, making fun of his sister's excitement.
Ginny glared at him, about to say something back, but before she could, Molly called out that dinner was ready. A loud crack echoed and Fred and George aparated in the kitchen, sneaking on Molly and making her yelp.
''Just because you're allowed to do that doesn't mean you-''
''Do you need help, Mrs. Weasley?'' you offered.
Although Bill had promised his mother didn't hate you, being helpful would surely get you on her good side.
Molly smiled at you, thankful for the help. ''That would be very appreciated, dear. You take the soup and bread to the table. Don't forget to place a cloth underneath the stockpot or else it'll burn the wood of the table.''
You nodded and got to business.
While you were helping Molly, two men arrived in the kitchen. One of them had dark curly hair and the other had a walking stick. They introduced themself as Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. You had heard of the former in the newspaper, but didn't dare ask questions. You simply smiled at him politely.
''Where are the others?'' you asked Bill when you sat down beside him, looking at the kitchen's entrance thinking two more Weasleys would come in. ''I thought you had five brothers.''
''Charlie is in Romania working with dragons and Percy,'' Ginny paused, glancing at their mom in the kitchen, taking something out of the oven. ''He doesn't live with us anymore.''
Ginny didn't need to say more for you to sense that Percy was a sensitive subject for the family. Especially to Molly. You felt like there was more to it than him moving out, but didn't dare ask as it wasn't your businesses.
Thankfully, the subject was dropped fast enough and Ron and Fred started arguing about who would get the ladle first, only for Ginny to roll her eyes and take it before them. Once she was done, she gave it to you to purposely annoy her brothers, which got a complaint from Ron.
''It was my turn!''
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: coward :: brat Pairing: Y/N x Miya Atsumu  Genre: angst, romance, and very slow burn [ex to lovers au] Warnings: Cursing, alchohol, mentions of unprotected sex, unplanned pregnancy, and mentions of abortion
Synopsis: you finally see Miya Atsumu after six years, meanwhile, he feels pain when he realizes that you settled down with someone else that wasn’t him. notes: i um want to thank yall for supporting this story im- crying T-T I’m happy to inform everyone that i’ll be updating this twice a week every monday and saturday! yay!!! i was able to finish editing and im writing the last two chapters now. stay safe and big love to each and everyone of you <3
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“...Uh, Youta-Kun, Yuuto-kun, I thought you guys weren’t allowed to go.” Sugawara laughed nervously, knowing all too well where this would lead. He’s familiar with over-enthusiastic boys, in fact, one of those over-enthusiastic balls of sunshine was here right now entertaining them.
“K-Kaasan says it’s alright.” Yuuto lies but Sugawara quirked his brow, it was so obvious that he was lying.
“Yep, she did!” Youta grins, trying to help his twin but like him, he’s failing drastically.
“Then you won’t mind if I call your okaasa-”
“No!” Youta and Yuuto yell in unison. This made other people turn their way, Miya Atsumu watched the pair in amusement from afar. He noticed that they were late and that Sugawara had caught on to their scheme of joining in even without the parental consent, “We won’t join!” Youta proclaims, “Right, yu? W-We’ll pick up balls!”
Hinata feels his eyes glimmer at those words and decides to help them convince Sugawara but in the end, the twins were forced to be benched while the grey-haired teacher had to go back to the faculty to call you.
“It’s alright,” Hinata ruffles both their hairs, “We’ll try to come back next time and I’ll be sure to help convince your ‘kaasan.”
“Hey don’t plant false ideas in their head, Shoyou.” Atsumu grins, lazily jogging to their side. He directs his gaze to the twins that seem to oddly remind him of him and ‘samu when they were younger. The boy's gaze lingered a bit too long on him,unlike other kids who stared at him in awe, these ones were seething, “What are ya lookin’ at, kid?”
“Wow,you’re as mean as your brother.” Yuuto notes, eyeing him up and down. 
“Yeah.” Youta echoes.
Atsumu quirks a brow, this was quite the new reaction. Never in his life had a kid told him that he was mean as ‘Samu also how did they even know his twin brother?
“Now, now, don’t you think you should cut me some slack?” Atsumu tried to jokebut the twins remained unamused by the blonde’s antics, somehow Atsumu felt a sense of familiarity from their monotonous reactions.
“No thanks.” Yuuto crossed his arms, “The fake Atsumu made ‘kaasan cry and since you look like him, you might make ‘kaasan cry too.”
“What he said!” Youta agreed loudly, copying his older brother’s action.
Atsumu was just plain confused now, he admitted that Osamu had an attitude sometimes when he was annoyed but letting a mom cry in front of her kids? That’s definitely new and not-so ‘samu like (after all, he was apparently the nicer one between them)
“What’s the name of your okaasan-”
“Youta-Kun, Yuuto-kun, Your mom will be picking you up at the gate! Please go there now.” Sugawara cuts him off, Youta and Yuuto stand up and eye him for a bit.
“We’ll defeat you and your brother! Just wait and see, we’ll be as big as you and that other jiji!” Yuuto exclaims and before Atsumu could retaliate, they’re running off to the opposite direction. Hinata was laughing beside him, clutching his sides because apparently he was too petty while Sugawara looked at him with an apologetic expression.
“I wonder why L/N-san didn’t allow them to go, she’s usually very supportive of their hobbies, especially volleyball.” Sugawara frowns, suddenly voicing out his thoughts. Atsumu felt his shoulders stiffen at the sound of that familiar name. 
Osamu revealed he saw you last week then these kids suddenly confessed that his twin made their okaasan cry, he’s never seen you cry throughout your relationship (save for that night when you first me but you guys weren't together yet so that didn’t count). Maybe he was mistaken? it might be your relative or a common name.
After all, you were clear about not wanting a family.
“You know their mom well?” Hinata inquired,  Atsumu seems to be listening closely now, wanting to confirm if the person that Sugawara was talking about is you.
“Oh yeah, we're around the same age so I’m much closer to her than the other moms.” Sugawara blinks, “Those boys have to listen to their okaasan more. She’s raising them on her own since their dad died before he even got to know that L/N-san was pregnant. She seemed to be longing for him whenever he’s mentioned.”
A crease appeared on the blonde's forehead as he was suddenly in deep thought. It couldn’t be, right?
“Uh, Sugawara-san, may I know the name of the mom? Her last name sounds kind of familiar.” he questions, pretending to be nonchalant but inside, he feels like he had his heart on his throat.
If it was you, he’d feel those things that he desperately tried to hide behind his confident jokes and laughs. 
The pain.
The pain that you chose someone else and was open enough to the idea of starting a family. If that guy probably hadn’t died, you’d be together, happily raising those boys he had just met a while ago. Happily married, something that Atsumu tried to mention one fleeting moment while you were together back in college but you immediately shut the idea down and left him a month later.
The pain that you fell in love in a span of moments unlike Atsumu who relentlessly tried to gain your favour and follow you around like a lost puppy.
“Oh, her name’s Y/N L/N.”
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Thankfully nothing unexpected happened after what the twins did, they ended up having to pick if they wanted their video game rights removed for a week or cancel their plans with their favorite ojisan who was coming by a few weeks from now, they chose the first one on that.
They had even mentioned that they met the real Miya Atsumu and although you felt like your heart lurched out of your chest and your shoulders stiffen at the mention of that man --- their father---  they simply had called him a rude jiji like his brother much to your relief.
“L/N-san, we seem to have a problem.” Aiko frowned, handing the papers to you, “The director of the advertisement department wants a bigger budget, do you mind running it through him again? You have to go to the studio though, I heard they’re doing some photo shoot now.”
You nodded in reply, taking the papers from your co-worker. The studio was a bit far so you ended up having to commute to get there, “What a nuisance.” You muttered, you needed to buy a second-hand car soon when you had enough money. It would definitely be easier for both you and the boys, “Uh excuse me? Is Nakamura-san here?” you asked the secretary on the front desk.
“And who are you?” the secretary snapped back, still typing away on her computer.
“Y/N L/N from the finance department, I have to run through the new budget liquidation with him.”
The secretary one-eyes you and the ID on your neck for a split second, “You better be quick, the boss wants only five minutes per guest since he’s personally handling the shoot today.” was all she replied, handing you the pass. You muttered a quick thank you and made your way up to the studio, whoever the model was today, they must’ve been big for Nakamura to handle them personally.
“Oh-ho, is that who I think it is?” a very, very familiar voice calls out.
“Inunaki-san.” You greeted, trying to maintain yourself, were these the big clients that Nakamura was handling? The black jackals? good fucking gracious, god must hate you.
“Wow,” he shakes his head, feigning amusement, “You’re still so calm and cool.”
You narrowed your eyes at the insult but you waved it off, “And you’re playing for a national team, congratulations.” you replied in a blank tone, your senior probably knew what happened between you and his fellow member. You wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if he reacted the same way as Osamu did.
“We’re actually doing a shoot now, would you like me to call Atsu-”
“No.” your usual calm tone switched to a colder one, “I’m working now and so is Miya-san, please don’t bother yourself.”
“Gee,” he raised his hands, signalling defeat, “Just say you don’t want to see him. You don’t need to be so cold to me, my dear little kohai.”
“I have to go back to my job, I’m on the clock here.” You ignored his previous statement, “It was nice seeing you again Inunaki-san.”
Before you could give him a chance to reply, you headed towards the studio. You took a deep breath and mentally calculated to three.
It’s been six years, Miya Atsumu would ignore you. He wouldn’t care about the girl who left him out to dry in college. He’s got a girlfriend now, a model who has legs for days and looks ten times better than you and acts more like a girlfriend than you ever did.
Yes, that’s right, he wouldn’t care.
You entered the studio, you could feel the air tighten around you as soon as you heard that laughter. The one you used to hear everyday and never get tired of. For all the laughs you couldn’t do, he’d do it for you and boy, was he patient around you since you didn’t smile a lot back then (who were you kidding? until now you still had the same problem except when the kids were around)
You want to stop and stare, you want to admire him and his glory that you were very much proud of.
Yet your legs continue to carry you to your boss, the laughter seems to have ceased and you could hear someone asking him what was wrong.
“Oh, L/N-san?” Nakamura greeted you, “You’re here for the renewal of the budget?”
You nodded feverishly, your legs seem to be turning into jelly because you want to collapse from the nervousness and thank god that you wore some make-up before arriving here, otherwise, they would’ve noticed how pale you looked, “Everything seems to be in order,” He nods, scanning the sheets and handing them back to you, “Are you busy right now?”
You glanced at the wall clock, checking the time to see if you could extend your stay and Nakamura is quick to pick up on it, “Ah right, you’ve got kids to pick up. It’ll be quick, just help set up the blocks there and you’re free to leave.” he orders.
You nodded obediently and slowly turned to the side only to catch the very familiar chocolate brown eyes of the blonde. You feel your heart hammering in your chest and your feet turn cold, it had been six years since you last saw Miya Atsumu and he was still as winsome and exhilarating as he was back then.
You may have seen him a lot on television but seeing him, right here, a few feet away from you was different. Taking in a big gulp of air, you started working on the set-up as quickly as you could yet you could still feel his burning gaze remaining on you, “Tsum-tsum, lay off her will you.” came Inunaki Shion’s loud voice snaps him out of his daze.
Great, that little twat had to make an appearance.
“Y/N-san you should really say hi,” Inunaki teased as soon as you finish your set-up.
“Oh? You’re Y/N L/N?” the orange one gushed, quickly up on his feet, you recall him as Hinata Shoyou, Youta’s favorite orange-haired ninja, “Sugawara-san’s friend?” 
You hesitantly nodded, “Oh, you know her Sho-kun?” Shion asked, seemingly amused by it all.
“What are you all crowding here for, Hinata?” Another asked, peering in them closely. This one must’ve been Bokuto, another favorite of Yuuto.
“Sugawara-san’s friend! she’s the mother of those two boys in the training camp who had to go home early!” he suddenly turns to you and then grins, “Ne, ne, the boys really seem to want to attend one of those. Why don’t you allow them to join us-”
“Forget it, Hinata.” Atsumu suddenly speaks out, that warm voice that you were accustomed to seemed cold and menacing now, “She won’t allow it.”
Shion notices the tension between you two and when he’s about to usher the energetic duo away back to the dressing room along with the other members, you let out a quiet sigh and spoke out, “I was on my way to leave, please don’t bother yourselves.” You simply replied, you didn’t waver and stared at him dead in the eye, this could be the moment to end it all and cut ties with him officially, “I apologize for what I did back then, Miya-san. I should’ve told it to you in person. I offer my sincere congratulations to you for making it this far.”
The blonde clenched his jaw, it seemed like he wanted to say something to you yet when he realizes the usual calm and collected demeanor you're putting up, he decides against it and leaves you alone by storming away first.
Hinata and the guy named Bokuto looked at you --- completely puzzled and lost like a deer in the headlights --- before following the blonde, “You truly are in a whole ‘nuther level, Y/N.” Shion whistles, “Heard you’ve got two boys now though. Congrats, where's the poor bastard?”
You continue to watch the back of Atsumu Miya. Finally, it seemed like he’d left you alone and probably for good this time, “Gone, off to a better place.” was all you replied.
Inunaki notices the longing in your voice, a completely unfamiliar emotion he had never seen back then even when you and Atsumu were together. It seemed like you and Atsumu were both the poor bastards in the end.
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Miya Atsumu sleeps alone that night.
He doesn’t call his girlfriend back despite the several missed calls, he doesn’t reply to the unanswered text of his brother and his teammates. All he feels is pain tonight, pain because of your very dry apology, pain because of your bland expression. Pain because you didn’t seem to care like that time six years ago.
He shuts his eyes tight and he feels as if he’s back in college, back to that winter night where he received that dreaded phone call from you after you disappeared from him. He remembered those days clearly, your apartment had been cleaned out and paid for, you weren’t answering him on social media, your phone line was also unresponsive and he couldn’t even call your family since you never mentioned anything about them at all.
You both may have been intimate for the past two years but when you disappeared, he had the frightening realization that he didn’t know you at all.
He didn’t want to push you out of your comfort zone, he wanted you to lead the relationship but right at that moment, he wished he pried just a bit since he was worried about you.
Then in the midst of his anxiety, it came, that phone call.
“Atsumu.” your usual calm voice filled his ears and he suddenly feels the weight of the world is removed from his shoulders, thank god you were okay.
“Y/N? Baby? Where are you?”
“Where outside exactly?” Miya Atsumu dryly asks, “It’s cold, you shouldn’t be out now and wandering about. Would you like me to pick you up-”
“I can’t do this anymore.” you suddenly cut him off and the line goes quiet. The blonde feels the world around him quiet down too when he hears those words that he wished he heard wrong.
“What’s, what’s wrong? Y/N, are you alright?” 
“I don’t know,” You mutter, “I’m just tired.”
“Tired of what exactly?”
“Of you, of us…”
“Y/N, are you saying what I think you’re saying?” 
“Yes.” Your voice remained dead calm as if you just hadn’t broken his heart in a million pieces that moment, “Let’s stop this here now, Atsumu. Let’s break-up.”
“That’s…” He tries to keep the mood light, praying that this is one of your dark jokes, “That’s not funny, Y/N.”
“It’s not supposed to be since it’s not a joke.”
Your response was curt as usual and he doesn’t know whats worse, the fact that you’re breaking up over the phone or the fact that your tone remains stable and the same.
“Y/N, don’t do this...Baby don’t do this over the phone.” His tone seemed desperate at this point, “I’m not stopping this until you tell me what's wrong between us, you have to give me something to work with Y/N. Is it something I did?”
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean ya don’t know?” Atsumu started to raise his tone when he notices how unaffected you seem at the other line.Frustration slowly started to bubble in him, the accent turning thicker as he got angrier, “Y/N ya can’t just disappear out of the blue and call me one day and tell me you want to break up! Do you think I’m some sort of fling? Some one-night stand or fuck buddies? We’ve been together for two years, Y/N. Two whole fucking years, What’s wrong? Do you not love me anymore?”
The line went dead silent again and he hates it, he doesn’t know what to say as his face contorts in sadness and confusion. 
“I don’t…” He starts to feel a lump grow on his throat when he hears how easy it was for you to say, he knew he was in love with you more than you were with him. Many had pointed out how dangerous and how painful it would be on his side in the end, he couldn’t believe it would hurt him this much, “ I don’t fucking believe you, say it right at my face. Where the hell are ya? Let’s talk this one out in person.”
“Don’t bother, I just don’t want to see you again.”
“Y/N you can’t just-”
“I can and I will.” You cut him off, your voice was growing more and more detached and he feels like he’s back to that moment two years ago where you didn’t spare him a glance and treated him like a scrub, he hears a hefty sigh on your side and the next few words is another bullet to his heart, “I’m sorry it had to end this way, Atsumu.”
“You…” he shakily replied, trying to mask his grief with a painful chuckle. He wants to be mad at you, he wants to yell at you but for some odd reason, he couldn’t bring himself to,  “Jesus christ, you really are something, Y/N. You just broke my heart over the the fucking phone and all you could do is say sorry?”
“Sorry.” you say, like a broken-record on repeat and he hates it. He hates how he feels like this was nothing for you.
“Don’t you dare say that again when you don’t mean it-” He spat and before he could finish what he had to say, the phone line went dead. He tried to call again but it seemed like you had used a payphone. Out of complete vexation, he hurls his phone right across the room towards the blue photo frame with the both of you in it.
The sound of broken glass shards and ragged breathing is the only thing heard in the quiet apartment.
It’s not even the peak of winter that night yet he feels so numb and cold.
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@fortheloveofiwaizumi​ ;  @svtbitch ; @ryaaaax ; @kiyoomile ; @lovedanii @juno-multifandom ; @gyubit17 ; @saeranoppa ; @nixxona ; @kyomihann @shorttstackk ; @itsmattsunshinehere ; @missingmystogan​ ; @Etherynaw ; @volleybloop​ ; @imcravingyou​ ;
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vampiresuns · 4 years
One More Letter | Jamil x Valerius
In which Valerius has a talk about Jamil with someone important to him.
@apprenticealec​ requested a letter from Valerius to Jamil, and I decided to write her one extra letter. Or rather, Valerius talking about that extra letter.
Set in the Janiverse, so it’s not absolutely compliant to Dani’s own canon/hc, but absolutely go read her fantastic fic of Valerius and Jamil meeting again here.
Valerius sat in the veranda of Palazzo Cassano, looking at the canals and the streets o the city — all of them background noise for his thoughts, thoughts he desperately wished to push back, but had been going off very loudly in his head.
The sound of a chair scraping the floor next to him made him jump, a couple of loose tears pooling in his eyes as he blinked for the first time in a little too long.
“Hard day?” Vlad asked, concern etched in his frown. “Papa told me you’ve been sitting here for like an hour.”
“Don’t frown like that, you’ll age prematurely.”
“Could same the same about you and the sour muck you inflict to the world.”
“I am the Consul of Vesuvia and you will treat me as such.”
“Oh, but of course,” his brother said, standing up and a deep yet mocking reverence in front of Valerius, who kicked his foot. His brother sat again.
Vlad was a tall man, too tall of a man, several inches taller than Valerius simply because the Gods had bested him in the height department, his hair a dark, lustrous mane reaching his mid back, neatly tied in a low ponytail with a bow. His eyes weren’t like Valerius’ gold-grey which he inherited from Valerian, but dark brown instead. A single, minimalistic, small, silver hoop dangled off his one pierced earring, and by the sight of his neatly trimmed beard, he had shaved recently, perhaps this morning.
He also never failed to make him laugh, even if it didn’t last, Valerius chocking up against his will when he finally spoke.
“I saw Jamil today.”
“Parsa D’Oria?”
“Do you know any other Jamil, Vladislav?”
“I am going to kick you.”
“Fuck you.”
“What a mouth you have, Consul.”
“This is serious.”
“Alright, alright— how, how did that go?”
Valerius was quiet for another very long time, but Vlad, who knew him better than most people, simply let him be, until he was ready to speak again. “I kissed him, almost instantly. It’s so funny because I think the Count and him had something going on before I arrived, and he told me— he finally told me why he left.”
Vlad simply raised an eyebrow.
“He didn’t just disappear, his mother wanted to marry him off... I asked Valerian about that, and he said why did I want to know something which would do me no favours. So I stormed off, and now I have to apologise to him.”
“Is Jamil what is upsetting you, or being temperamental at Grandpapa?”
“Both, actually. This is really stupid but I had written him a letter, a couple of years ago, I think you had just told us Lulu was pregnant and the war had just began back h— you know.”
“You don’t have to worry about now, there’s armistice talk and aggression is declining... but I feel like you don’t want to talk about Balkovian politics.”
“Gods no, we’d be here forever... right, so I wrote him this letter about that time. I was so angry. I didn’t even name the letter. I told him of all the things that happened as he left me behind, and now I feel guilty and angry. Guilty for not thinking his situation with his mother was worse than he told me, angry because unlike him, some of us cannot escape our destinies.”
“You know, maybe running away was his destiny.”
“Pairing off with your girlfriend did you terribly.”
“And when this is all over she’ll be my fiancé, hopefully, and knowing you, you’ll still be thinking about this.”
“You’re no better.”
“Never said I was.”
"Where is she, by the way?”
“She’s at Violeta’s.”
“With our little pest? Why aren’t you there?”
“I was on my way but I stopped here, and Valerian told me if I could check on you. And don’t call my child pest, you cried when they were born.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Do you want to come with me to Violeta’s?”
“No. No, I have to go back to the Palace to have dinner with the Count.”
Vlad dry heaved, mockingly, and Valerius let out a chuckle, letting companionable silence fall between the two of them once more, until Vlad stood up to leave.
Valerius spoke before he could stop himself, fear in his eyes as his brother looked at them; Vlad knew it wasn’t something he had allowed to go out through them, but sometimes, Valeriy’s emotions were stronger than his will. Vlad understood.
“He said he never knew if he could fall in love in an arranged marriage— what if, what if it was me? I don’t think I was, but what if I was the selected suitor?”
Vlad threw his head to one side, then to the other. “Then he’d be an idiot. Sure, arranged marriages are... a lot, but I think that anyone who knows you, the you you are in private, and doesn’t love that is a really big fucking idiot. You are an annoyance, like all younger brothers are but you’re also my brother, and you have to do what I say because I’m the eldest, and I say he would be an idiot.”
“You’re in your 30s, aren’t you a little old to pull the older brother card?”
“No, I don’t think I am. Don’t shake the mountains to bring a mouse about, Valeriy. See you later?”
Valerius was once more left alone again, and while he appreciated his brother’s words, he didn’t know if he understood what he wanted to say this time. The spell was broken now, and he finally knew the reasons, and lest he wanted to indispose himself for dinner, it wouldn’t do to let his thoughts poison his own mind about why Jamil never said anything. He knew now.
Besides, he was the Consul now too, he had to act the part. Like an adult. He was the youngest Consul in the history of Vesuvia, no less. He would be dignified, proper, conscious of his moods and would not let them overtake him. It was best to through this in the pile of things he didn’t think about and go apologise to his grandfather.
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mae-gi-writes · 4 years
Deobi Playlist (EP 8) | The Boyz Imagine
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Ep 8: In which Mae and Kevin have THE TALK, and Juyeon and Hyunjae gossip about them. 
The Boyz x Hospital Playlist inspired drabble series. 
Main characters: Kevin, Juyeon, Hyunjae and OC (Mae)
Sides: the rest of The Boyz
Genre: fluff, slice of life, BROMANCE BRUH 
EP 1 | EP 2 | EP 3 | EP 4 | EP 5 | EP 6 | EP 7 | EP 8 | EP 9 | EP 10 | EP 11
Kevin's heart is racing in his chest and up his throat. Suddenly, it feels a little too hot in the room, his coat weighing down on his shoulders like wet clothing that makes him want to squirm in place. 
He knows he can't avoid this forever. But he also can't seem to look into Mae's eyes, for fear of what he might find there. 
Running a hand over his face and allowing a sigh to escape, he answers, "yes. Yes, I do."
He focuses his attention on her feet. Silence reigns over the room as he contemplates whether he should bolt out of the door. 
"You idiot."
He forces himself not to wince, preparing for the rain of rejections that will splatter his body like arrows.
And then, Mae is punching his shoulder, "you idiot. You're so stupid." 
Surprised, his eyes flutter up to her face only to see her flustered, somewhat guilty expression. Realization dawns, chest releasing its tension. 
He grabs her wrist in mid-punch to halt her actions, unconsciously pulling her closer as he does so and there's no chance of hiding his joyous surprise when the said woman averts her eyes this time as though she is embarrassed.
"I like you too," comes her mumble, "why didn't you tell me?"
"How was I supposed to tell you? I was friendzoned before I even tried."
"I didn't friendzone you."
"You kept saying how you'd never date any of us because we were like brothers to you."
"Okay fine," she pauses, "I might have said that. But that's beside the point. The point is…"
She trails off unsurely then and Kevin's heart practically skips a beat at how close they are. A little closer and his lips can touch her cheek. 
"The point is that we're both idiots running circles around each other," Kevin says. 
"Excuse me, weren't you the one hiding underneath YOUR DESK?"
"I was panicking, that doesn't count."
They trail off into another bout of silence, albeit comfortable this time. Kevin allows his thumb to stroke the underside of her wrist, relishing in its softest and not failing to catch the hint of a smile Mae tries her hardest to tuck away behind a mask of nonchalance. 
Ring ring ring!
UGH, Kevin feels like groaning out loud as he whips his phone out of his coat pocket before slamming it to his ear with barely restrained annoyance. 
Of all times, why now?
"Dr. Moon! Patient Seunghee who you sent for an MRI scan is having difficulty breathing! Her blood levels are dropping rapidly and she says she's having chest pains."
"I'll be there in five. Where are you?"
"Block four Pediatrics, doctor."
"I'm coming. Try to calm her down."
He snaps his phone shut as Mae allows her hand to return to her side, "emergency?"
"Yeah. She was admitted yesterday. Seemed fine though," he mumbles, brain already speeding through his thoughts at the numerous reasons why her body is reacting this way and unconsciously striding towards the door, when he swivels back round to face Mae. 
"We need to talk."
Mae waves her fingers at him, "go. We’ll do that later.” 
He doesn't need to be told twice before dashing out of his office and down the corridor.
"Psst. Juyeon."
Juyeon glances back at the door to see it ajar, with Mae's head peeking out from the slit. He looks back at Doctor Sangyeon talking about the medical care for one of his patients and hands his clipboard over to the other intern before quickly slipping out of the office. 
"What is it?" He asks, taking note of her flustered expression and...is she blushing?
"I told Kevin." 
His eyes grow wide, "told Kevin...what?" 
"That I knew about him liking me," she pauses, "and that I like him."
"What? Wait--" Juyeon frowns in confusion, "is this why you pulled me out?!"
"What?!" She can't help but stomp her foot lightly and is glad that at this time of the day, there aren't many doctors around to see the frazzled state in which she's in, "Hyunjae's in surgery and I needed to talk to someone."
"Thanks for making me sound like the last option that you have."
"Juyeon, not the time for jealousy right now."
"But, okay wait--what did he say?"
"That...he thought I had friendzoned you all and that's why he never said anything."
"He does have a point."
"I did not--when did I friendzone you?!"
"Oh come on, Mae. You totally did, remember when we were--"
"Juyeon!" Sangyeon's voice booms out from his office and the said intern tenses up in panic. 
The door slides open to reveal the said doctor looking more than a little displeased. 
"Sorry Dr. Sangyeon," Mae quickly fibs, "it's my fault. I needed some data for the reports I'm writing up and Juyeon has them."
"Well make it quick. I need him."
"Yes, doctor."
Mae waits until the door slides fully closed before quickly ushering Juyeon away, "I'll see you later."
Juyeon pauses, hand on the doorknob, "dinner?"
"I want steak."
"Ask your girlfriend to buy you some."
He pouts, "you're so mean."
"See you, loser."
"See you."
"Love you."
"Keep that for Kevin." 
Juyeon wastes no time in shutting the door before Mae can come and kick his ass. 
The moment Hyunjae steps out of the surgery room to peel off his mask and let out a relieved sigh -- a sign that the surgery has gone well without any complications -- his phone starts buzzing through his pants pocket. Fishing it out and seeing Juyeon’s name flash across the screen, he pulls his face into a grimace before accepting the call. 
He presses it to his ear, “I don’t have ramen. You gotta go buy some.” 
“That’s not why I called,” Juyeon retorts at the other end of the line. 
Hyunjae rolls his eyes. He moves towards his office, nodding at the few nurses along the way, “yeah? What do you need then?” 
“Are you done with surgery?” 
“I answered the phone didn’t I?” 
“Come to the cafeteria.” 
“But I’m tired,” Hyunjae whines.
“Trust me, you’ll want to hear this.”
When Hyunjae steps into the cafeteria a few minutes later, it doesn’t take him long to spot Juyeon sitting at one of the corner tables tucked away in a corner, digging into his food with barely contained gusto. Smiling at the sight that brings back memories of his own internship days, Hyunjae quickly grabs his own tray, fills it up with food and curry (beef stew, his favourite) and goes to join the katter at his table. 
“Hello stranger, haven’t seen you around here in awhile,” the older man says while taking his seat opposite Juyeon. 
“I’ve been needing to hand in reports back to back and I have a surgery at six tonight. I’ve literally got only this time to eat,” Juyeon replies.
“Oh? With who?” 
“Jacob. His interns are taken up with the Emergency Department so Sangyeon sent me over.” 
“Damn,” Hyunjae shoves a spoonful of food into his mouth, “so? What’s so important that you couldn’t tell me over the phone?” 
As soon as the words are out of his mouth, he catches sight of the grin blossoming over Juyeon’s face and lighting his features up like a Christmas tree. 
“What?” Hyunjae asks impatiently, “What is it? Tell me!” 
“Mae dropped by to see me this morning.” 
“And she said--” 
“Wait wait,” Hyunjae cuts him off, “she didn’t come to see me?! Wow, that’s just rude of her--”
“You had a surgery.” 
“Oh right. Go on.” 
“So she came to me and said--” Juyeon proceeds to lower his voice, “that she and Kevin had THE TALK.” 
Hyunjae blinks, “Huh?” and then, realizing the importance of Juyeon’s words, his eyes widen, “WHAT--”
Juyeon doesn’t hesitate to shut him up by shoving some curry into his mouth, “shush!” 
“Sorry,” Hyunjae mumbles with his mouth full. He swallows it quickly with some water, reaching over to slap Juyeon’s shoulder in the process, “tell me! What talk?! What do you mean?! Do you mean--” 
“Yeah,” Juyeon shoots him a pointed look, “yeah. THE TALK. You know what I mean.” 
“And?! What did he say?! Don’t tell me he denied it!” 
“Keep your voice down!” Juyeon glances around just in case there are any eavesdroppers, “anyway, yeah they talked. And they--well, I guess they came to an agreement that they both liked each other--” “About time.” 
“Yeah. Apparently he told her that he thought he was being friendzoned.” 
“Oh yeah, wouldn’t surprise me there. Mae has some amazing friendzoning skills,” Hyunjae’s shoulder lifts into a shrug at that, causing Juyeon’s eyebrows to stitch together, “what do you mean?” 
“Let’s just say I thought Mae was pretty cute--” 
Juyeon gawks before smacking his arm, “Why didn’t you tell me?!” 
“--Before she opened her mouth,” Hyunjae finishes with a roll of his eyes, “that girl has like a sniper inside her tongue. With the amount of shit she spouts on a daily basis, I’m surprised her tongue hasn’t fallen off yet.” 
“Oh. yeah. She’s kind of rough around the edges.” 
“Not that I mind that type of girl. But it’s just Mae. I can’t see her as anything more now,” Hyunjae says with a shudder, “also, I think my mom might have dissuaded me from even thinking about dating her.” 
“But your mom loves her.” 
“Exactly my point. I don’t want her getting any in on who I can date or not. It’s my life, I can do whatever I want.” 
“No wonder you’re still single.” 
“And you’re whipped.” 
“Mae came to me first though.” 
“Because I had a surgery!” 
“Yeah whatever, loser.” 
Tagging: @juyeonzz​ @thesingingfae1905​
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Fear Street Part 3: 1666 Ending Explained
This article contains Fear Street Part Three: 1666 spoilers.
It never could be as simple as reuniting an ancient skeleton’s hand with its wrist, right? That became obvious last week when the Fear Street trilogy’s ostensible heroine Deena Johnson (Kiana Madeira) attempted to break the curse of Sarah Fier by attaching all missing appendages in the alleged witch’s grave… only to be warped to Shadyside’s early days in 1666.
Now in Fear Street Part Three: 1666, we’ve learned the full unholy breadth of Shadyside’s curse, as well as their sister township Sunnyvale’s good fortune—and it’s dark. Involving a perversion of all that is good(e), the curse that has taken so many beloved characters over the centuries turned out to be more twisted than perhaps anyone expected… but not for Sarah Fier, a victim of superstition and misogynistic zealotry. And in the end, Sarah got the last blood-curdling laugh. Here’s how.
Goode Men, Wicked Slaves
For all those who became suspicious last week of the recurring Goode family, your paranoia has been vindicated: that cop really is the Devil. Or at least he’s in service of the Dark One.
By traveling to 1666, Deena was able to walk around in Sarah Fier’s shoes and get a taste firsthand of what it’s like to be wrongfully accused of witchcraft by a Puritanical community (even if she inaccurately later describes them to be Pilgrims). As it turns out, Sarah was not a witch; she was merely the young woman who’s secret love for Hannah Miller (Olivia Scott Welch) caused a spurned suitor named Solomon Goode (Ashley Zukerman) to take umbrage. And as it so happens, Solomon was the one actually dabbling in the dark arts….
Aye, it was Solomon Goode who spilled his blood on Satan’s stone, beginning the process of offering “one name” and soul for demonic corruption in turn for good fortune for the Family Goode. When Sarah rejects his offer to join his unholy bargain with Black Phillip—and more vexingly takes offense over his severing her hand—Goode accuses Sarah for the black magic that’s bewitched Shadyside: the curse which caused a murderous minister to blind children!
Sarah hangs, but not before offering a curse of her own: She will get back at Goode one day and reverse his damnable curse. In the meantime—and at a cost of more than 300 years of functional blood sacrifices—Goode and his family profit from their deal with Old Nick. From father to son, the mainline of the Goode family tree teaches the dark ways to each successive generation, who every decade or so offers a new name and a new soul. The person selected for damnation then goes on a killing spree, spilling blood that the Devil apparently feeds on. Beelzebub in turn grants the Goode family and their Sunnyvale town ongoing prosperity. Hence why by 1994, Nick Goode (also Zukerman) is a corrupt police sheriff and his brother Matthew Goode is the mayor of Sunnyvale.
Meanwhile, Shadyside persists in squalor until….
Magic Blood?
The most satisfying twist of Fear Street Part Three is that halfway through, it becomes Fear Street: 1994 Part 2! To be honest the accents in the 1666 portion of the film were a little dicey, as was the, uh, lack of Puritanism in a film set amongst Puritans. So best to go back to the era of flannel and overalls!
When Deena returns to the ‘90s, she realizes that Sheriff Goode has offered the soul of her girlfriend Sam Fraser (also Welch) to the Devil so she’d kill Deena and keep the secrets of Sarah Fier’s shallow grave buried. And since they have Sam locked up at Ziggy’s house, that means all the Goode family’s damned minions are soon going to be after them. But our heroes come up with a pretty nifty plan.
Thanks to how they saw Shadyside’s collection of nightmares pursue Sam in Fear Street Part 1, Deena and her brother Josh (Benjamin Flores Jr.) deduce that the ghouls will be strictly after Deena’s blood—which low-key makes me wonder how the monsters have such genetic precision to distinguish Deena’s DNA from that of her brother’s. In any event, they team up with adult Ziggy (Gillian Jacobs) and Martin (Darrell Britt-Gibson) by offering the movie-stealing line of the night:
Josh: Wanna help us kill Sheriff Goode?
Martin: Let me get my coat.
The plan for getting it done is also initially pretty solid. They sneak into the Shadyside mall after hours—which just so happens to be built on the site of the Camp Nightwing massacre, which in turn is above where the Goode family’s Satan’s stone is buried beneath the earth—and have Deena cut her hand, dripping blood into a bucket. Then by combining that blood with green paint, they’re able to create cursed blood trails throughout the mall, with each trail leading into a different department store. When four of Deena’s pursuant boogeymen show up, our Scooby gang locks the monsters into their department stores and waits for Sheriff Goode to arrive and inspect the remains of his handiwork. Instead of mangled bodies, he finds his teenage crush Ziggy, now ready to dump blood on his head like Carrie references never went out of style.
It’s an elaborate plan which was built on the idea of unleashing all the ghouls intended to kill Deena on their own master. However, it might’ve just been simpler to shoot him. Oh well. 
This final flourish of course goes horribly wrong but at least we get the fun sequence where the hapless heroes figure out they can delay the monsters by spraying each in Deena’s green blood, allowing for proxy fights between pseudo-Jason Voorhees and pseudo-Ghostface.
All Goode Things Come to an End
The actual resolution to this centuries-long terror turns out to be pretty simple. Deena follows Goode beneath the mall and to the Satan’s stone, as well as the literal unholy beating heart of the Goode family’s power. While she fails at stabbing the much bigger evil copper, she at least succeeds at running a knife through his power’s beating heart. It’s apparently as easy as that to undo the curse. It also allows the vengeful spirit of Sarah Fier to return from the dead and finally stab a Goode boy in the eye, sending him to Hell and Shadyside’s curse with him.
The plot’s mechanics are simple, but the implications are much more interesting. Because who else follows Nick and Deena toward the mouth of Hell but Sam, still possessed and now conveniently free of her restraints. She also attempts to thwart Deena and nearly kills her, yet Deena is able to make simple eye contact with her one great love and break through, shattering Satan’s grip.
It’s intriguing since, technically, we’ve seen Goode’s curse divide lovers before, with Tommy Slater (McCabe Slye) in Fear Street Part Two: 1978 not even hesitating to swing his axe into girlfriend Cindy’s heart. But then Deena and Sam’s love is strongly hinted at as being of a greater emotional purity. After all, Sam is clearly a descendant of Hannah Miller, the young woman whom Sarah Fier loved and saved from the noose by insisting that she alone was the witch of Shadyside, even bewitching poor Hannah into impure thoughts.
Are Deena and Sam the reincarnations of Sarah and Hannah? It’s possible, if even on a spiritual level since Sarah doesn’t appear to have any direct descendants. In any case, unlike so many slasher movies released between the 1970s and ‘90s, a lesbian romance is prominently featured at the center of this story, and is even the one redemptive light in Shadyside’s darkness.
Read more
The Netflix Fear Street Part 2: 1978 Easter Egg You Might Not Have Spotted
By Rosie Fletcher
Fear Street Part Two: 1978 Breaks Friday the 13th’s Darkest Rule
By David Crow
It also makes a striking juxtaposition next to Nick Goode’s dead body. This man might have been the current beneficiary of his ancestor’s bargain, but he represents something grimmer: the predatory nature of a society’s affluent feeding off the suffering and annual tragedies of their community’s underclasses. Sunnyvale flourished as a home for the wealthy while Shadyside wallowed in blood and trauma.
Kind of cuts deep the longer you think about it.
So… Who Took the Spell Book?
Of course this wouldn’t be an old school horror movie if it didn’t set up a sequel. Fear Street Part Three definitely offers resolution for its current narrative: Nick Goode is dead and exposed in the press as the Sunnyvale serial killer; Josh, meanwhile, may yet have his first girlfriend; and Deena and Sam are together, honoring Sarah Fier, if no one else will.
But beneath the reopened Shadyside Mall, we glimpse the book of black magic that Solomon Goode first used to make his pact, and a pair of hands belonging to an unseen face snatch it. Who stole the book and what are they up to?
Well, it’s worth noting that the Goode family has grown quite a bit in the 300-plus years since Solomon Goode accused Sarah Fier of witchery. Nick Goode appears to be the eldest son in the direct line. He’s the one taught the spells onscreen, and the boy who reads out Thomas Slater’s name—ironically in a bid to wrestle him away from Ziggy. However, just because Nick Goode is the one who damned Tommy and Ryan Torres in the last two Fear Street movies, it does not mean he was working alone.
Despite what Mayor Goode told the press about his brother, he almost certainly knew about his father and forefathers’ good work, as would the rest of the extended family. And here’s the thing…it will be so much harder next time for Deena (or, say, a new generation of millennial Shadysiders in the 2000s) to fight city hall. There’s also the likelihood that there’s more than one curse in that book of spells.
The Fear Street trilogy is over. The Fear Street shared universe may have only just begun. 
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junior-goddess · 4 years
Ok, so a few months ago I tried to confide in my mom about how my supposed best friend had earth-shatteringly betrayed my trust and exploited a traumatic experience for me, and her response was “oh, I forgot. Anytime someone does or says something you don’t like they’re ‘being mean to you.’” and this honestly was such a stab in my heart (which I let her do to me repeatedly bc I yearn for her love and acceptance, but that’s another issue). She is constantly manipulating and gaslighting me, invalidating my feelings at any and every chance she gets. So now set the stage for tonight with this memory fresh in your mind.
At dinner every night for over a week my stepdad has asked how we’re all feeling about thanksgiving (specifically if we’re comfortable with my brother and his girlfriend, and my stepdads three kids plus one of their partners coming to dinner). We have all said we’re okay with it, every night for a week (I’ll get into why later). The household is currently me, my little brother, my mom, and my stepdad. I nanny once a week and my little brother leaves once a month to buy food for his lizard. That’s all we do, but my parents are different. My mom has 20 different students come to our home each week for private instrument lessons (she did stop for like a month and a half at the beginning of the pandemic), with both parties wearing masks, washing hands when they come in, and sanitizing doorknobs and instruments in between each student (not good but could be worse). My stepdad has not changed his work routine in the slightest and goes in to work 5 sometimes 6 times a week. Most of his department (sales) works from home at least partially, but he claims he can’t because he has to do inventory (which is maybe 4 hours of his entire work week). He’s had 2 ‘scares’ and one test since the pandemic started because he was potentially exposed to the virus from his coworkers when they were in office, but everything was negative. He didn’t disrupt his work routine for this and still went into the office daily.
In addition to this current schedule of our work lives, each potential thanksgiving guest group has been over before during the pandemic. My brother and his girlfriend have visited twice from the next state over. They do not leave their house other than grocery runs and the visits to us. My step sister A has been over once or twice for dinner. My step brother has come over once a week+ since the start of the pandemic, despite having several ‘scares’ (he is a hypochondriac and also just dramatic. All of his tests have been negative). He still goes in to work every day and sees his friends. He claims he wears a mask during all of this socializing but I would be willing to bet serious money that that’s a load of bullshit. My stepsister B and her boyfriend have been over once or twice since the pandemic began as well, but we are pretty confident they make no health concious choices and know they do not wear masks the majority of the time. They claim they already had COVID (despite testing negative when they thought they were sick and ignoring the possibility they could get it more than once). And once during September we had all of the mentioned parties at our house for lunch. We were seated outside but still right next to each other. And at no point during any visits have either my siblings/step siblings worn masks, even when it was all 10 us in September.
So now the issue is, my brother wants to come see us for thanksgiving with his girlfriend. My mom has okayed this but stepdad doesn’t trust stepsister B and her partner so now wants to cancel any visits to make it ‘fair’. I want to see my brother and honestly don’t give a fuck about the step siblings. My stepdad has been trying to ‘convince’ us to tell him to cancel thanksgiving so he can do it without feeling bad, making it just the 4 of us in my household. He told us the state my brother is from ‘has gotten so bad they’re completely shutting down again’ which we (we being myself, my mom, and little brother) know isn’t true and that they’re being preemptive to combat any surges because of the holiday. Since he couldn’t convince us that way, next he brought up that cases are surging in my state with over 7,000 new ones yesterday, which while true, is misleading because those cases are mostly on the other side of the state from us. Our area is doing relatively well. Next he tried to say that even his boss cancelled his thanksgiving, but left out the fact that their holiday was going to have over 30 people there from all over, and has now been cut to just their household, which is not much smaller than our group. And In his final attempt to sway us, he said 2 of his coworkers just got it, but failed to mention that they were in a different department on the other side of the building that he’s had no contact with.
So after a week of him asking us and lying and making himself anxious, I explained to him that I still wanted to see my brother and failed to see how he was going to tell him he couldn’t come. To me, my stepdads not taking the appropriate precautions because he still goes in to work when he doesn’t have to and wears a mask everywhere but his desk, yet has still been exposed now 3 times. More than that, he’s had each member of the family over separately, AND EVEN ONCE ALL TOGETHER. If he was really that worried he wouldn’t have done any of those things. I didn’t really have a say in any of the other visits, but he asked how I felt about this one and I was honest. We’ve already done it, and if he doesn’t want his kids there at thanksgiving bc he doesn’t trust them, then he shouldn’t punish my brother for that and he needs to work it out himself.
Well, apparently he felt like I was making fun of him and making him out to be over reacting (which I think he is but whatever) and that hurt his feelings. So my mom came down to my room to condescend to me and tell me. I don’t think I was rude, sarcastic, angry, or mean in anyway. I was just being honest about how I felt and why, and I relayed it respectfully (not it like a tone or anything). I told my mom I didn’t understand why he accused me of making fun of him, and, get this, this woman said to me “well those are his feelings. You hurt his feelings”. Like, ARE YOU KIDDING?
So basically this was just a novel length explanation to why I’m now boiling with rage. I really need to know if I’m right and she actually is being pretty fucked up, or maybe am I over reacting? I honestly can’t tell, all I know is I’m offended and upset with her for treating me like this.
Also, I don’t think I was mean to my step dad at all. Does it sound like I was? Do I need to apologize or something? My mom is so passive agessive and she’s the only one who raised me so I genuinely do not know or recognize anything below absurdly mean and horrendous behaviors.
If anyone can offer some insight/clarity to this situation from an outside perspective that would be fantastic. And any tips for surviving until I get a job and can move out (other than killing myself :) ) would be greatly appreciated.
Tldr; I hate my parents and want outie
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The first one  - Bonusscenes in traditional written word
This is a smau and a zukoXreader, although i haven't decided how this ends yet.
Y/n has recently transferred to Ba Sing Se from Omashu university and meets the gaang through a schoolproject they do with sokka and suki.
Bonus 3: Partytime
It was a short walk from the metrostation to the park in which the party was held. Suki and Sokka had explained to you that their friend Haru had helped organise it. Apparently, it was a thing the Psychology department threw every year – that was to say the students of the Psych faculty. Haru was one of them and deeply involved in Campus life.
Sokka had said that you were going to be gobsmacked and mind boggled by the professionality with which the party would be set up and you had laughed. Shame on you for not believing him. He had been right.
The park was obviously of the public variety and so you expected a couple speakers, and crates of beer strewn about. What you didn’t expect were fairylights in every last tree and bush, a DJ set-up of the highest quality and amazing sound from all the speakers one could imagine, or three tents with bars in them, where drinks were reasonably priced. You hadn’t been expecting the benches, couches and tables made from pallets used in warehouses or the abundance of cushions and pillows. You hadn’t expected the camping chairs and the make-shift firepit. It was insane and you stood in awe as you failed to follow Suki.
“You coming?”, Aang laughed before he grabbed you by the hand. You first made your way to one of the bars, then, equipped with alcoholic goodness, Suki introduced you to Haru, who turned out to be an ex-roommate of Zuko’s. He also played guitar in what he called an inappropriately ambitious garage band, which intrigued you. But before you really got to interview him on any of that, he was disappeared by a friend of his.
Suki found a couple of her Kyoshi sorority sisters and introduced you to them and their partners. It turned out that your initial idea of fraternities and sororities was wrong: They were not all terrible and not all ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’ were stuck up snobs. Suki was the best example of that. She was amazing and clever and smart. And very kind and not at all elitist. After all she was the one who invited you to this shindig. Her ‘sisters’ and their boyfriends and girlfriends, some of which were also in fraternities and sororities, were as kind and open as Suki was and you spent a good portion of your night learning names, trying to remember the history of the different organisations and their respective significance to BSSU, being taught simple fight stances and moves from the Kyoshi’s and laughing.
You laughed a lot. Only halfway through the night, hours later, after Sokka had joined you again, when you had lost all sense of being a stranger, you realised how desperate you’d been for this kind of interaction. This kind of laughing, dancing, making fun of people and talking bullshit. How much you had needed to be part of a group. How lonely you had actually been.
But at this moment, while you were trying to not spit out your beer as you listened to a story about Suki, expertly told by Mamoto, who was either someone’s boyfriend or someone’s brother – who knew? There were so many people and so many connections and a good deal of friends dating a friend’s ex – you didn’t think about what you’d needed for two months. You thought about … nothing? Everything? Really, you just let your thoughts drift, like you drifted yourself. From conversation to conversation, from person to person, from group to group, from subject to subject.
As nervous as you’d been standing in front of the dragon, as relaxed you were now. You didn’t really care about the music or the drink you had in your hand – you were not overdoing it, though, you were still new and needed to make a good expression – you cared about the company. And the company was excellent.
Bian, one of the Kyoshi-sisters, and her girlfriend Tuyet had claimed you after they found out about Gray Sky.
“A band? Like a proper band?”
“I mean that depends on your definition of ‘proper’ but, yeah? There were several people, playing several different instruments in order to create a coherent song.”
“Which means a proper band!”, Tuyet assured you.
“Have you ever played at a place? Or like an actual concert?”, Bian wanted to know.
“We used to play Friday nights at a bar.”
“Proper band!”, they both smiled at you.
“You should meet TaMing. She was a Kyoshi-sister before she dropped out of college. She plays in the same band as Haru.”
“Oh, I’ve met him. Seems nice.”
“Right, right. He is. Usually he brings his guitar to these things. At some point he will sit at the bonfire over there “, Bian explained, “and play some typical bonfire music. He’s good. You should go over there.”
“Not right now, though. I would first like to know what you think of Sokka!” Bian’s face was hard to read. You couldn’t tell if she liked or hated him but in a sense you also didn’t care. Your answer came instantly: “He’s great!” He was. A funny kind person with some brains. Admittedly, he didn’t look like a genius or ever put a lot of emphasis on how much excelled academically, but that didn’t take his intellect away. His jokes and nonchalant-ness were inviting and genuine and deceptively ‘hid’ his smarts. Sokka wasn’t intimidating when you first met him, but that didn’t mean that you shouldn’t be scared of him.
You were quite certain that you wouldn’t want to cross Sokka. You’d be dead. You’d be killed until dead. But it would look like an accident…
“Don’t you think he is a bit too goofy?”
“No, I don’t. I mean he sure is goofy, but I find that to be delightful.”
“Give it a couple more weeks.”
“You don’t like Sokka?”
“No, I like him! I just also find him annoying, I could do without all the dumb jokes. But he’s good to Suki and really, that’s the only thing that matters…If he makes her happy who am I to complain about some goofy puns, you know?” You liked Bian.
So, a little later you followed her to the camping chairs by the bonfire. This is where you met back up with Toph, who you now realised you hadn’t seen in a hot minute. Just like a bunch of the others. In the beginning of your little Kyoshi-session you had all but held hands with Suki and Katara, but Suki soon left you in order to wash someone’s head about their head – Wan is that you? In Ba Sing Se? – so you held on to Katara who vanished quickly after Suki with what looked like Aang.
Now you were reunited with Toph you brought out the bottle of Banana liqueur you got earlier that day. Toph tried some and declared you crazy. It was an acquired taste. While you were drinking your respective drinks Toph explained the general basics of the group to you:
“Well, you obviously know that Sokka and Suki are dating. That’s a nice spot to start. Suki is new, Sokka is old, meaning that I knew Sokka before I knew Suki. Suki just is Sokka’s girlfriend to me, you know. He went off to college and weeks later we were hearing about this badass girl he tried to get to like him. It was very entertaining.” You chuckled at the idea of Sokka trying to impress Suki before they were dating.
“Anyways, I heard about Suki because I was friends with Sokka in High School. Sort of. I was friends with Aang, who was friends with everyone in High School, because, well you’ve met him. He’s Aang. He’s friends with people. But he was pretty close to Katara and Sokka, after they met. And us four kinda became our own little core group.
So, Sokka, Katara, Aang and I are all old, while Suki, Zuko, Haru and you would be new.”
“Well”, you interrupted her, “I wouldn’t dream to compare my standing with you core group to Suki’s position. I just met you. She’s been dating Sokka for how long?”
“2 years 10 months.” That was quick. She just knew that. Off the top of her head. You made a mental note.
“And Zuko has probably been a part of your group for a while as well, right?”
“More or less since after he graduated. His time at uni did him well, I’d say. We ran into him around new year’s of his freshman-year here”, she whirled her arms around, hitting Tuyet in the face.
“Sorry, I thought you were further away. Anyways,  he started being nice and I think we ended up together on New Year’s. And after that he bonded with Sokka in his first year here. So, you know, Suki – Zuko – Suki -Zuko – about the same time they joined.
And back then Zuko lived with Haru, so that’s how we met him.”
You kept drinking and chatting until Sokka burst onto the scene looking for Suki. When he couldn’t immediately find her, he asked you for the bottle of rum you still had.
“Listen, it’s late and I’m not waiting for my illusive girlfriend to bring me a drink, to start catching up!”, Sokka yelled after you commented on how much of the bottle he had emptied in just his first gulp. “I asked Suki to get my drink ready and await me, but she ignored that… No, Toph. No.”
He held the bottle out of her reach and twisted his shoulder weirdly, so that she’d never guess where exactly the rum was. He kept cradling the bottle while Haru and some friends found their way to the bonfire and – like Bian had promised – broke out the guitars. They were good. Really good. You hummed along to some of the songs and joined the choir of Toph, Sokka, Suki, Zuko and a bunch of strangers in the choruses of most others.
Suki took the bottle off Sokka, nearly as soon as she arrived, but when the 90’s boyband hits sounded through the park, Zuko gave it back to him.
“Poor Suki, will not agree with that”, you grinned as he caught you watching him.
“Maybe, but you will. Believe me”, Zuko said with a smirk and a wink.
He was right. With another two gulps of rum, Sokka was ready to not only sing solos but also presenting his version of well-known boyband-choreographies.
“You still judging me?” Zuko leaned over and gestured for the bottle of Banana liquor.
“Yes, sorta. I’m still feeling for Suki. She will not have a good time tonight.”
“You really underestimate Sokka, you know. He’ll be just fine. And so will she. Maybe a little exhausted because he’s going to be full of energy all night.”
“What about the hangover tomorrow?”
“They don’t live together.”
“Sounds like a technicality…”
With a look Zuko asked permission to try the Banana liquor and, with a look, you gave it to him. His face twisted in various amusing ways before nodding.
“Not what I expected. Gotta say it. But I think I may like it.”
“Take like, two more sips. You should be a fan after.”
He followed your instructions and grinned at you. “It is unique, I give you that.”
“You can always give me the bottle back.”
He kept it. What happened to it, you didn’t know but it never found it’s way back to you. Zuko either emptied it or he passed it on to someone. Not that you cared. Suki had reluctantly joined Sokka in his choreography and, surprisingly, so had Bian and Tuyet and some other Kyoshi sisters. Tuyet was pulling you from your seat to join. Toph pushed you off the chair and when all said and done you had been dancing stupid choreos of Sokka’s for about 80 minutes and missed Zuko leaving. Thus was created the mystery of the Banana liquor. 
The night ended late. It was early morning and the birds were chirping when you carried the last of the boards that had made up the bars to the van. It would be locked and collected tomorrow by some Psychology student. Haru offered his parents’ house as refuge for the night as a reward for helping to tidy up. You all had gladly agreed. Sokka was still singing 90’s anthems to entertain you all and you weren’t the only ones tidying up. It was rather fun, really.
When you arrived at the house you didn’t really take in the details. You were shown a room and fell into the bed, fast asleep before your head hit the pillow.
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thecleverdame · 5 years
Control and Release - 7
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Series Masterlist
TEDTalk!Sam x Reader
Summary: With the rest of the staff caught in a snowstorm, you find yourself acting as a personal assistant to the notorious Sam Winchester.
Warnings: Dom/Sub, humiliation, embarrassment, sexual objectification,  mutual masturbation, spanking, cum play, fingering, anal play, orgasm control, dub-con, nipple clamps,(more warnings as the story continues)  
Words: 3.2k
Beta: @ilikaicalie
Parts Eight and Nine are currently available on Patreon for a monthly pledge of $2.50. This includes early access to all my stories and Patreon exclusive content.  >> CLICK HERE <<
“You made it!” Max claps his hands together.
“Yeah,” you smile walking toward the table. Half the bar is filled with the staff from W & S.  
He’s clearing off a chair for you next to him, directly across from Pepper who looks like she’s already had a few.
“What is she doing here?” Pepper groans.
“Play nice, Pep. We’re all friends.” Max gives you a shit-eating grin, pulling the chair for you.
“The last thing I need is her running to the boss, tattling about how his assistant complains about him.” She looks from you to Max.
“I’m not a snitch.” You settle in as Max pours half his beer into an empty water glass and slides it front of you.
“We’ll see.” Pepper purses her lips, giving you a once over. “Sam has a way of turning people on each other. Everyone needs to survive in the end.”
“He can’t be that bad.” Max rolls his eyes.
“Ask Y/N,” Pepper scoffs, sitting back in her chair. “She’s in tears every time she leaves his office.”
You want to melt into the floor.
“I, um, he’s just-” you sputter, searching for the right words. “Sometimes he gets a little...intense.”
“That’s one word for it.” Pepper snorts, martini sloshing over the edges of the glass. “You know,” she points at you, “I have a theory about what he’s got you doing.”
“Oh yeah?” You’re just about done with tonight and you only just arrived. You thought this might be fun but instead it’s an exercise in hiding your reactions. Not to mention Max failed to mention your sworn nemesis would be here.
“Internal employee audit.” She nods. “He’s got you keeping track of something across departments. If I had to guess I’d say he’s looking for something. Maybe...a mole? A leak?”
“Are you spying on us?” Max laughs, placing a hand on your back.
“I’m not supposed to talk about it.” You look around for a waitress, you’re going to need a stronger drink.
“Give us something.” Max shakes the back of your chair.
“I don’t do many things well, but I can keep a secret with the best of them.”
“Hey Pepper,” Doug chimes in from the other side of Max. “Does Winchester ever talked about his brother?”
“His brother?” Your interest is peaked.
“You don’t know about Dean?” Pepper cocks her head. “Sam’s brother is on the FBI’s ten most wanted list.”
“For what?” You’re flabbergasted, you guessed there were some dark secrets in Sam’s past but you didn’t expect a fugitive to be one of them.
“Murder, kidnapping, robbery, you name it.” Pepper shrugs, fishing an olive out of the bottom of her glass. “Every once in a while an agent shows up at the office to ask him questions.”
“Here.” Max pulls out his phone, pulling up the information. “Dean Winchester, unlawful flight to avoid prosecution. Wanted on five counts of murder, one count of kidnapping...where’s the good stuff - here we go -  grave desecration, impersonating a federal officer, torture...the list goes on. The guy is a real piece of work.”
“Wow.” You take the phone from Max to look at a photo of a handsome guy in an orange jumpsuit. “That’s crazy. Sam’s been so successful and his brother is...this.”
“I guess their dad was some crazy, backwoods survivalist type. His mom died when he was a baby.” Pepper nods. “The story goes that Sam got as far away from his dad as he could. Got himself into Stanford. His senior year Dean showed up and killed Sam’s girlfriend. Burned the whole apartment building down with her inside.”
“Are you serious?” You’re horrified, looking from Pepper to Max. “His brother killed his girlfriend? Why?”
“I guess Dean wanted Sam to ditch school and go with him and their dad.  When Sam refused, Dean went off the deep end.”
“Holy shit,” you breathe, handing Max’s phone back to him.
“That’s why he’s so uptight about everything. The man is brilliant but he’s fucked in the head.” Pepper raises her hand to find a server. “I need another drink.”
“Really, I’m fine.” You stop in front of your apartment building. Max insisted on walking you home for safety but you get the distinct impression he expects to be invited up.
“There could be creeps out here.” He shrugs, looking at the steps of your building. “You tired? Up for a nightcap?”
“I don’t think so.” You shake your head. “It’s late and we’ve both been drinking.”
“What’s the worst that could happen?” He grins, all charm and white teeth. He’s handsome and cocky, and in another lifetime you’d take him upstairs and ride him until he popped like a champagne bottle.
“No hypotheticals.” You step back and he moves forward in tandem.
“Come on,” he grins, leaning closer. “We both know we’d have a lot of fun together.”
He goes to kiss you, but you stop him with two hands on his chest. “I told you I was seeing someone. And you told me we were out tonight as just friends.”
“Seriously?” He cocks an eyebrow. “I thought you were just trying to play hard to get. Why are you out with us on a Saturday night if you’ve got a guy?”
“None of your business.” You pat him on the shoulder. “I’m going upstairs and we’re both going to forget this ever happened.”
“Good morning.” Sam greets you without looking up from his tablet.
“Yes, good morning.” Pepper sneers, looking up from her laptop long enough to give you the stink eye. “Boarding begins in five minutes. You’re cutting it close.”
“I got stopped by TSA,” you explain and Sam smiles without looking up. “Random check, I had to have the hand swab and they searched my bags.”
“Early is on time.” Sam looks up at you, giving you a once over.
“And on time is late.” You parrot back. “I’m sorry Mr. Winchester, it won’t happen again.”
“Better not.” He confirms.
W & S owns two planes, both of which are in use. Sam’s not one to shake up a finely tuned system. While he could simply bump the legal team, he won’t. Schedules were solidified and this is a last minute trip, so today he’s flying Delta with all the other lowly non-millionaires.  
The first class section is separated into pods. There are a few singles and the rest are in pairs, with ample leg room and enough space to fully recline the seat if one wants to sleep.
You’re struggling to get your ticket out of your purse to check your seat number when Sam grabs your arm, thumb and forefinger pinching just above the elbow. “You’re here. The window seat.”
“Um,” You look around as if he’s the one who’s confused. “I’m in first class?”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” He rolls his eyes, already impatient. “Sit down.”
You take your seat, sinking into a pod large enough to hold two of you. This is how the other half lives.
“I’m up here...with you.” You state the obvious, watching as the few other people in the section find their seats.
“Yes, you are. God, I hate flying commercial.” He shudders, retrieving his computer from his briefcase. “Would you have preferred to sit in back with Pepper?”
“No, but...doesn’t it look strange that I’m up here?”
“Things look however you want them to look,” he snips, putting up a finger to call over a flight attendant. “Next time I’ll make sure you’re back in the cargo hold if that would make you more comfortable.”
“What can I get you, Mr. Winchester?” the stewardess asks, smiling sweetly.
“Two blankets, two waters,” Sam orders, turning to you as she walks away. “Stop fidgeting.”
“Sorry.” Sitting back you force your legs to stop bouncing. “I’m not the best flyer. I get nervous.”
“Lucky for you I have a few tasks to take your mind off things.” A small smile appears for a fleeting moment. “Just try to relax.”
The plane boards and the minutes tick by. While you’ve flown plenty of times it never gets any easier. And today is worse. Sam makes your senses heightened. Normally it’s just sex, but today it’s also fear that’s swimming in your belly, churning like a swell rolling toward shore.
The attendant brings Sam two thin blankets which he passes off to you.
“Thanks.” you whisper, unsure. “You think I’m going to be cold?”
“I think,” he leans in your direction, close enough that no one else will be able to hear, “that you’re going to have that skirt up around your hips and your hands between your legs for most of the flight. So unless you want the flight crew to see your pussy, you’ll want the blankets to cover up.”
“Oh.” You look towards the crew who have been stealing glances at Sam since you boarded. “But...they’re watching us.”
“This is a perfect opportunity for you to learn the true meaning of discretion.” He buckles his seat belt, wordlessly reaching over and doing the same for you. He grabs one side, then the other, sliding the clip into the buckle, tightening it around your stomach as if you were a toddler. “Now cover yourself and pull up your skirt. We’re about to take off.”
He logs onto his computer, checking his email one final time.
Carefully unfolding both blankets, you lay them over your lap, before subtly hiking your skirt up until your bare ass is directly on the seat, then fold your hands together in your lap as the plane picks up speed on the runway.
“Fuck,” you whisper, closing your eyes at the sensation of the front wheel leaving the ground.
“I think nervous flyer is an understatement.” Sam observes.
“I’m not normally this much of a baby. I was on a bad flight once,” you whisper eyes closed tight. “I was a teenager and I was flying alone. The turbulence was so bad people were crying, we all thought we were going to die.”
“Well, you’re not going to die today.” One of his big hands curls over both of yours where they’re clutched tightly in your lap.  You’re so startled by the compassionate touch that you flinch and he squeezes harder.
Slowly, the plane gains altitude and he releases your hands. Looking around carefully to make sure no one is paying attention he leans over, voice low as he murmurs into your ear.
“I want you to rub your clit for the next five minutes. Nice and slow, nothing too fast. Tell me when you’re wet.” And with that instruction, he sits back in his seat. A thrill shoots up your spine at the challenge of complying with the request.
You look around, checking to make sure no one is paying attention and snake your hand under the blankets, sliding over your pussy. It doesn’t take much movement to do as he asks, just the pad of your finger moving back and forth over your clit, slow and even. Sam pulls out his phone, starting a timer for five minutes and you think you might die of embarrassment.
It’s truly an exercise in restraint. Your jaw is locked in place, trying your best to maintain a neutral expression as your own touch begins to stir excitement between your legs. A familiar tingle blossoms from your cunt up to your belly.
It doesn’t take long, there are still two minutes on the timer when you swallow hard and lean toward Sam and whisper, “I’m wet.”
“Already?” He tilts his head to the side to look at you, pulling his glasses off. He smirks, eyes dropping down to where your hand is moving imperceptibly under the blanket. “Two more minutes, keep going.”
Instead of watching the seconds tick by you close your eyes and concentrate on keeping your face from giving away your dirty little secret. You think about Sam, how badly you want his hands on you and what new experiences will happen over the next three days. You’re here for two nights and you wonder if he’ll want you to spend all your time with him, or if he’ll send you away as soon as he’s had his fill, like the first night you touched yourself for him on his hotel bed.
“Times up.” He announces. And you take a breath, yanking your hand away. You’re pretty good at knowing how to touch yourself. He’s given you ample practice, all those mornings and nights of denial, getting yourself right to the edge are paying off. You just hope he’s not expecting you to cum, not here.
“Can I have some water, please?” You clear your throat, gesturing at the two bottles tucked into the pocket in front of him.
“Of course.” He opens the bottle, holding the cap and hands it to you. “You have ten minutes, then we go again.”
You sit stoically next to Sam as he reviews documents, unphased by the fact that you’re right there, next to him, shifting in your seat. Time ticks by and he leans over again, looking away from the screen as an afterthought.
“Five minutes, touch yourself the entire time, don’t cum.”
“I will.” You look at him, his stare sending little zaps of anticipation to every inch of you.
This time he watches you, glancing up every so often to ensure privacy. From your seat no one other than Sam can see below your neck but controlling your facial expressions is proving the hardest part of all. As your finger brushes over your clit again and again. You lock your jaw, it’s the only way to keep your mouth from falling open. At one point your eyes flutter shut, but he doesn’t like that.
“Look at me.” He commands, voice low and confident as you turn your head to look him in the eye. “We’re just two people having a conversation. No one knows otherwise.” He glances down to where your hand is moving gently under the blanket. “When’s the last time you came?”
“When I was last with you,” you confirm in a breathless whisper, pleasure steadily building.
“Did you touch yourself after that?”
“Yes, twice.”
“But you didn’t cum?” He smiles, shifting in his seat to give you his full attention. “I don’t remember giving you any homework.”
“It was so good last time.” You take a deliberate breath, pausing to control your throbbing pussy before you continue. “Making myself wait for you made it so intense when I finally came.”
“I’m glad to hear it was so good for you.” His mouth barely moves as he speaks, pressing his hand over the crotch of his pants to adjust himself. “From now on you don’t cum unless I give you explicit permission. You’re to ask every time. That wet little pussy is mine and so are your orgasms. Am I clear?”
“Yes,” you hiss, fingers slowing. Rubbing yourself is hard enough, but listening to him talk like this is almost enough to make you cum all on it’s own. “I need to stop.”
“You still have a minute left. You better not stop.” He chastises, frowning as if you’re a petulant child in time out. “Just slow down and control yourself. Deep breaths.”
“I’m gonna cum,” you rasp, staring at him as a tear slides down your cheek. Your hand is shaking, middle finger pressing against your aching bud. “Please, I can’t-”
“Don’t you dare.” Sam looks at his watch. “Just a little bit longer. You won’t like what happens if you disobey me right now.”
“I’m trying so hard, but I can’t-”
“Times up.” He taps your knee and you instantly pull your hand out from the under the blanket. You’re one firm touch away from falling over the edge, your pussy is slick, dripping with arousal and you can feel it on the seat under you.
“Everything alright over here?” There’s suddenly an attendant standing next to Sam, looking at you with concern.
“Nervous flyer.” Sam explains, patting the back of your hand. “Panic attacks.”
“I’m fine,” you offer, voice shaking as you wipe sweat away from your forehead. “It’s just nerves.”
“Please let me know if you need anything.” She nods, giving you one last look before walking away.
“You’re attracting attention.” Sam chuckles, as your cheeks burn bright red.
“I was trying to be discreet,” you puff, sitting back in the seat.
“Trying and failing.” He points out the obvious. “But by the time I’m done with you, you’ll be surprised what you’re capable of suppressing.”
There’s no response for that. It’s terrifying to hear that for him this is just the tip of the iceberg. But it’s also exciting, everything about this arrangement is exciting. The fact that he has you edging yourself on a plane, surrounded by people and manages to remain so casual about the whole thing makes you want him even more.
There are three more sessions. Each farther apart than the last as he gives you ample time to calm down. By the time you’re finished with the last session the world is blurry, your entire body sweating and quaking as you use every last ounce of self-control to hold back an orgasm.
It’s just as the pilot announces that you’ve been cleared for landing that Sam closes his computer and starts to roll up his sleeve as if he’s about to go to work. The flight attendants strap themselves into their own seat and Sam tilts his head toward you.
“Spread your legs.” He murmurs, turning to watch your face as you comply. He snakes the hand closest to you under the blankets, wedging his knuckles between sticky thighs. His eyebrows shoot up when he feels how wet you are.
The plane begins to shake as you hit a turbulent patch and at the same time his finger slides over your swollen clit. You almost shout out, instead slamming your eyes shut and gripping the armrests.
“You love this don’t you? Being on display for me, everyone else just going about their lives ignorant to what’s going on between your legs.” The heel of his hand presses over your clit as he scoops down, sliding two fingers into your throbbing cunt. You whimper, sinking teeth into your bottom lip.
His fingers slide out and up, stroking your clit before burying back inside. He does it again and again, finding a rhythm, stroking your bud and teasing your hole open until you’re a mess, squirming uncontrollably.
“You’re gonna make me cum.” You wheeze, trying to squeeze your legs together.
“You better not.” He warns, hand slowing to make slow, painful circles around your clit.
“I’m trying but it’s too much.”
“Then we better stop.” He quips, pulling his hand away, leaving you gulping for air as the plane’s wheels touch down on the tarmac. “You did well.”
“Thank you,” you whisper, smoothing your hair back, ignoring the constant throb between your legs.
You put yourself back together, unlocking your seatbelt and pulling your skirt back into place. Right on cue, Sam hands you a napkin that you use to wipe off the seat under you, blushing as he watches you clean up the mess you’ve made.
In stark contrast to your usual roles, Sam stands up grabbing his own carry on bag, then takes yours, throwing the strap over his shoulder.
“You good?” He looks down, offering a hand to pull you up.
“Yes, thank you.” You nod, following him down the aisle.
The stewardess offers you a little pout, gently touching your shoulder as you pass by and a moment later you step off the plane into the San Francisco airport.
Parts Eight and Nine are currently available on Patreon for a monthly pledge of $2.50. This includes early access to all my stories and Patreon exclusive content.  >> CLICK HERE <<
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crystallized-shadow · 5 years
Chapter: 1/1 Rating: Explicit Pairing: Madara/Tobirama Word Count: 3987 Warnings: Teacher/Student Roleplay, Dom/Sub elements, Office Sex, Hair Pulling, Rough Sex, and Collars Summary: An unfortunate situation leads to Tobirama discovering a side he never knew about his chemistry professor.
For @madatobiweek Day 7: Something Kinky
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
It wasn’t fair, Tobirama thought to himself as he watches the sleek black hair trail behind the immaculately dressed man stalking across the front of the room, no man should be allowed to be so visually captivating. The older man could have been explaining the meaning of life or the nuances of how paint dried; Tobirama wouldn’t have any idea, all he could think about was how perfect the other’s lips would look wrapped around his cock. Professor Madara Uchiha, head of the Chemistry department at Konoha University was not only very passionate about his subject but also drop-dead gorgeous to boot. If Tobirama was a man of lesser intellect he would be failing the class due to the constant distraction strutting across the front of the room everyday. Professor Uchiha had an air of confidence that was absolutely intoxicating to the Senju, he just wanted to bend the man over his desk and fuck him until he begged for mercy. Unfortunately the professor didn’t even know he existed; in fact he didn’t seem to realize the effect he had on his students.
After a particularly trying day, Professor Uchiha had worn his hair up in a high ponytail that Tobirama just wanted to wrap around his fist, he decides he needs to blow off some steam. Normally Tobirama would avoid the bars, drunk college kids were the absolute worse, but the one his brother ran was a bit classier and tended to cater to the dom/sub culture. With any luck he could find a sub looking for a rough fuck.
“Tobi! Thank god!” Of course the universe had other plans for him.
“What is it Anija?” Tobirama sighs, writing off his previous plans as he walks over to the bar where Hashirama is waving frantically at him.
“I need you to do me a huge favor!” Hashirama pleads, pressing his hands together and doing his best to look like Tobirama had kicked his favorite puppy again.
“Fine,” the younger Senju grumbles, knowing it’s pointless to argue with his brother.
“Thank you!” Hashirama grabs his brother and drags him back to the office before he can change his mind.
Figuring Hashirama messed up the bar’s books again, he really needed to stop trying to help Mito while she was away, Tobirama’s not prepared for the sight of his chemistry professor passed out on the couch Hashirama insisted on having in the office. “What happened?”
“Madara came here to have a celebratory drink with me,” Hashirama explains, making Tobirama’s brows furrow in confusion, “we are old friends and he just got a huge grant for the department. Anyway we got a bit wrapped up in reminiscing and someone spiked his drink.”
“I dealt with it.” The serious expression coupled with the dark tone makes Tobirama pause. That was usually a telltale sign that he shouldn’t ask questions so he just nods.
“So what do you need me to do?”
“I need you to take him home with you.”
“Absolutely not,” Tobirama states with a frown, “I can’t take him anywhere he’s my teacher.”
“Oh…” Hashirama deflates for a second before he suddenly breaks into a grin. “Take him to my house then! It’s off campus and no one will know!”
“He probably shouldn’t be alone right now,” Tobirama points out as he glances at the unconscious man, “doesn’t he have a girlfriend or something?”
“Mads is single and his brother is out of town,” Hashirama says and Tobirama can’t stop the snort at the stupid nickname. “Can you just stay with him until I get home? I close tonight, but you can always spend the night and I’ll take you back to your dorm tomorrow morning.”
“Fine,” Tobirama sighs, knowing it would be quicker to just agree with his brother and get it over with.
“Thanks! Here are his keys, just go out the back door,” Hashirama shoves the keys into Tobirama’s hands and darts out the door. “I have to get back to work!”
“Idiot,” Tobirama mutters under his breath as he crosses the short distance to the couch. “Professor, are you awake?” Shaking the older man gets zero response so Tobirama carefully picks his professor up and takes him out to the car that flashes when he hits the unlock button on the key fob. Cars might not be his thing, Kawarama was the car nut of the family, but Tobirama has to admit Professor Uchiha’s ride is very nice.
When Tobirama gets to Hashirama’s house, he parks in the garage and carefully moves his professor to the couch.
“Professor?” Tobirama tries again as he places a waste basket next to the unconscious man. Getting no response the Senju sighs and flops into the loveseat across from the couch. This was not how he’d planned on going home with someone. He didn’t even have any classwork with him for something to do, but his brother did have a decent movie collection, so he resorts to that to avoid just staring at Professor Uchiha.
Tobirama manages to make it through two movies, more like one and a half as he wasn’t sure when his eyes had strayed back to his professor, before he can’t take it anymore. “Fuck it,” Tobirama grumbles as he crosses the room and shakes the older man again. “Professor!” Barely getting more than a groan, the Senju huffs in irritation as his eyes stray back to the ponytail that had taunted him throughout class today. Surely it would be more comfortable to rest with his hair down, Tobirama reasons, he only cared about his favorite professor’s comfort; it had nothing to do with how he was dying to know what those luscious black locks felt like. He wars with himself for another moment before he finally gives into the temptation and carefully removes the tie from the Uchiha’s hair.
As it turns out the older man’s hair is not only as soft as Tobirama had thought it would be, it is remarkably tangle free and felt like the finest silk between his fingers. Gods how he wished he could run his fingers through these locks again. Lightly digging his fingers into the professor’s scalp, Tobirama is surprised to hear the older man let out a content hum. Who would have guessed Professor Uchiha liked having his hair played with? Perhaps Tobirama could use that in the future to get what he wanted.
“Where...?” The groggy voice snaps Tobirama out of his pleasant daydream and he quickly, albeit carefully, pulls his hand back.
“Professor, are you awake now?” Tobirama asks, brushing the older man’s bangs out of his face so he can check how dilated the other’s pupils are.
“Senju?” Madara mutters, confusion clear in his tone as he struggles to remember what happened. “You...drugged me?”
“No!” Tobirama yelps, not wanting the gorgeous man to get the wrong impression, “I did a favor for my brother!”
“Hashirama drugged me?” Madara questions, carefully sitting up with his student’s help.
“No,” Tobirama sighs, running a hand through his hair, “someone else drugged you when you went to have a drink with my brother. Hashirama dealt with the person, but he was worried about you, so he asked me to bring you to his house and keep an eye on you until he got home. How are you feeling?”
“Confused,” Madara admits, running a hand through his hair, “didn’t I have my hair up?”
“The tie came loose when I got you here,” Tobirama lies, handing the strip of leather over to him, “I tried to tie it back but it has a mind of its own.”
“So you’ve been watching over me then?”
“Yes, is that okay?”
“Sure,” Madara shrugs, looking at his student thoughtfully, “you’re one of my more responsible students.”
“I didn’t realize you knew I existed,” Tobirama admits and the Uchiha chuckles, a grin lighting up his face.
“You’re Hashirama’s little brother, I recognized you the second you walked into my classroom,” Madara says, grin still fond, if not amused, “thankfully you’re nowhere near the disaster your brother was when we were in class together.”
“I’m insulted you thought I was,” Tobirama huffs, “Hashirama is an absolute buffoon. Though at least he knows when people are flirting with him, unlike a certain professor I have.”
“Oh I know when my students are flirting with me,” Madara snorts, rolling his eyes, “none of them are worth getting fired over.”
“Well there goes my shot of fucking you over your desk,” Tobirama jokes, flushing when he realizes what he’s just said. He’s about to quickly retract the statement, until he sees the blush dusting his professor’s cheeks and the considering look in his eyes.
“Does it have to be my desk?” Madara blurts and the Senju’s eyes widen, this night just kept getting better and better.
“You were drugged and unconscious for who knows how long,” Tobirama points out, “that would be taking advantage of you.”
“How noble of you, stupid, but noble,” Madara sighs, slumping back against the couch, “how about you come see me at the end of my office hours tomorrow? It’s Friday so no one will try and bug me and you can’t say I’m still being influenced.”
“You’re serious,” Tobirama mutters, and Professor Uchiha nods, making the Senju smirk, “as long as you wear your hair up.”
Tobirama contemplates not showing up to Professor Uchiha’s office the next day, still not entirely convinced the professor had meant what he said, but decides it would be silly to pass up such a chance. Worst case scenario he’d pretend he was checking on his grade for the semester. As the Senju makes his way to his professor’s office he notes that the rest of the science department have either left for the weekend or are packing up. That wasn’t too surprising, Madara was one of the few that made his office hours Friday afternoon; most professors wanted to start the weekend as soon as they could.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d show up,” Madara comments as Tobirama shuts the door behind him, the Uchiha’s hair once more tied up in a high ponytail.
“I wasn’t sure if you were serious or not,” Tobirama admits with a shrug as he drops his backpack into the seat across from the older man, “for all I know this is a set up.”
“I hardly need you to come here to set you up, all I would need to do is tell Hashirama you took advantage of me inside his home.”
“I did no such thing!” Tobirama growls, slamming his hands down on the desk as he glares at the Uchiha, who just smirks.
“Who do you think Hashirama would believe?” Madara challenges with a raised eyebrow, “me, his best friend who was unconscious and drugged, or you, his brother with known morality issues?”
“The corpse thing was one time!” Tobirama snaps, grinding his teeth together to prevent anymore stupid confessions.
“My point stands,” Madara chuckles, “I have the advantage in this situation.”
“If you were just going to blackmail me why wait until today?” Tobirama forces out, the words bitter across his tongue.
“One, I didn’t want to jump you at Hashirama’s house, and two, you’re no longer one of my students now.”
“Wha-?” Tobirama’s eyes widen before he even finishes the question. Of course, this was a shortened course and the final project was due earlier in the week. Tobirama was willing to bet his final grade was already submitted to the university so, in the unlikely event they were caught, Madara wouldn’t lose his job. Suddenly all of Madara’s taunting made sense, he was waiting for his office hours to officially end. “So how are we going to do this Professor?”
“Fantasy for a fantasy?”
“The noble Professor Uchiha has a dirty fantasy about fucking one of his students?” Tobirama teases with a smirk, “I can’t wait to hear it.”
“You want to fuck me over my desk, I want you to blow me under it,” Madara mutters, pink dusting his cheeks.
Tobirama pretends to give the offer some thought, he would pretty much do anything to bend the Uchiha over his desk, so while blowjobs weren’t his favorite thing, it was definitely worth it. Not to the mention the thought of opening Madara up and fucking into a second orgasm was too good a treat to pass up. “I suppose that’s doable.”
“If only Hashirama could see his baby brother now.”
“First, I’m not his baby brother that’s Itama,” Tobirama states as he crawls under the large wooden desk, “and second if you bring Hashirama up again I’m going to bite you.”
“If you bite my dick you’re not going to fuck me,” Madara warns as he slides his chair back into place, trapping Tobirama between the back of the desk and his legs.
Tobirama rolls his eyes, Madara was leaving this room limping one way or another, only to frown when he realizes he doesn’t have the leverage to unzip Madara’s pants. “Are you going to whip your dick out or do I have to do everything?”
“So needy,” Madara chuckles even as he frees his already hard cock, revealing just how much he wants the Senju under his desk.
Instead of responding verbally Tobirama leans forward and takes Madara’s cock to the base, dragging a startled moan from the Uchiha. Just because this wasn’t Tobirama’s favorite technique, didn’t mean he wasn’t good at it thanks to his lack of a gag reflex.
“Oh fuck!” Madara snarls, thrusting forward as he grabs a fistful of white hair, “of course you’re good at this too.”
Tobirama chuckles at the comment, loving the whine he gets from Madara, before he slowly starts to bob his head. Just when Madara has a chance to adjust to the pace, Tobirama hums, curling his tongue around the underside as he pulls off with a wet pop. “So glad you approve of my skill,” Tobirama purrs, lightly nibbling on the older man’s length, “Professor.”
“Fucking tease,” Madara whimpers, trying to tug Tobirama back to where he wants him, but the former student just smirks as he continues his slow pace.
“I really need that A Professor,” Tobirama mutters, his lips brushing against Madara’s shaft as he speaks, “I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”
“Goddamn,” Madara curses, tightening his grip on Tobirama’s hair; he hadn’t expected the Senju to play his part so well. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
“Pretty please Professor?” Tobirama pushes his lips out in an exaggerated pout, “I’ll lose my scholarship without it.” He slowly takes the Uchiha back into his mouth, hollowing out his cheeks obscenely as his lips meet Madara’s pelvis.
“Fuck!” Madara snarls, bucking his hips up without meaning to, Tobirama looked like he belonged on the set of one of those cheap pornos.
Tobirama hums in encouragement, picking up speed as he does. Madara barely lasts another minute before he yanks Tobirama down harshly and his release crashes over him. The Senju jerks slightly, but he quickly recovers and swallows the cum, wiping his chin on Madara’s pant leg once he can move.
“Goddamn Tobirama,” Madara pants, leaning back in his chair, “that mouth of yours shouldn’t be legal.”
“You better not make me wait for my turn old man,” Tobirama teases, nudging the chair back until he can crawl out from under the desk. His knees and back ache a little from holding that position so long, but the arousal coursing through his veins makes it easy to ignore.
“Fuck you,” Madara grumbles, waving a hand thoughtlessly in a ‘get on with it’ motion.
Tobirama smirks as he lets his eyes trail over them man he’s desired for half a semester. When Madara’s eyes slip closed for a moment, Tobirama strikes, one hand grabbing that damn ponytail. Before Madara can react, Tobirama yanks him out of his chair and pushes him down on his desk in one swift movement.
“Damn!” Madara hisses, tired body protesting the sudden movement, “what the hell Senju?!”
“You’ve been very naughty Professor,” Tobirama mutters, draping himself over the older man’s back so he can whisper directly into his ear. “Always looking so fuckable in class...I should punish you, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Tobirama-!” Madara’s words are cut off by a moan when his hair is yanked, hard.
“Hush now Professor, this isn’t one of your lectures,” Tobirama continues as he straightens up to look at the enticing sight before him. Madara looked even better spread across his own desk than Tobirama had thought he would. “You have no idea how distracting you are, do you? I think it’s about time someone fucked some sense into you.”
“This isn’t funny Senju” Madara states, getting his arms under him so he can push back against his former student. “You need to leave.”
“None of that now,” Tobirama tuts, yanking the Uchiha’s arms behind his back. Realizing Madara wants to play that kind of game, Tobirama smirks as he uses the man’s own hair to tie his wrists in place.
“Bastard,” Madara grumbles, tugging experimentally at his arms, only to moan at the burn in his scalp; his hair would hate him for this later, but at the moment Madara didn’t care.
“That’s better,” Tobirama purrs, leaning forward to suck a hickey on the back of Madara’s neck; it would be easily hidden by the man’s hair, but that wasn’t the point. “Now let’s get to the real reason you’re everyone’s favorite teacher,” Tobirama mutters, removing the older man’s belt and shoving his pants to the ground. “No underwear, how risque.”
“Fuck you,” Madara mutters, whimpering when his student’s hands roughly grope his ass, “I’ll fail you for this you brat.”
“Unlikely,” Tobirama chuckles, leaning over the professor to grab his backpack and drop it behind the desk. He lets Madara wonder what he’s doing for a moment before he slips a now lubed finger into the Uchiha. “I’m going to fuck you so hard Professor that you’ll be addicted to my cock.”
“You’ll be expelled for this,” Madara spits, even as he moans and thrusts back, impaling himself further on the invading finger. “You’ve just ruined your life, hope it’s worth it.”
“It’s so cute you think the university will take your side,” Tobirama chuckles, quickly working a second finger into Madara, “when the Senju family are their biggest donors. The only one that will get in trouble is you, Professor.”
“I’m not the one fucking his teacher over his desk,” Madara groans, biting back a whimper when a third finger slips in almost too soon, “the department head no less.”
“Titles mean nothing to the university as long as they get paid,” Tobirama chuckles, curling his fingers until the older man cries out, “you’re mine and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“Bastard,” Madara whines as the pale fingers slip free.
“I’ll make it good for you,” Tobirama promises, freeing and coating his cock in lube before he roughly thrusts into the bound man under him. Madara practically howls, but the Senju knows it's more from pleasure than pain.
“Fuck!” Madara snarls, body jerking as Tobirama immediately sets a brutal pace. Instead of getting him away from the cock sawing him in two, all Madara manages to do is tighten the knot of hair around his wrists, forcing his head back at an awkward angle.
“You feel so good Professor,” Tobirama moans, digging his nails into Madara’s ass, wanting to leave behind as many marks as he can. “I think you missed your true calling in life.”
“I swear-ah!” A particularly hard jab to his prostate has Madara choking back a sob of pleasure, “I’m gonna kick your ass!”
“Are you threatening me Professor?” Tobirama chuckles, grabbing at the base of Madara’s ponytail and yanking until he’s sure the older man can’t breath, “I’m sure I misheard you.”
“Senju…!” Madara gasps, stars dancing behind his eyes as Tobirama pulls him back to meet his next thrust.
“Say my name Professor,” Tobirama growls, picking up the speed of his thrusts.
Madara tries to fight it, but between the abuse to his prostate and the lack of air, his brightest student’s name tumbles out. “T-Tobirama…”
“Such a good boy,” Tobirama purrs, returning both hands to Madara’s hips so he can yank the older man back to meet each increasingly brutal thrust.
Madara greedily sucks in air as his head lolls forward as far as it can. The chemistry professor knew he wouldn’t last much longer, no one had managed to play his body as well as Tobirama was in a long time. “Tobirama...please...I-I...need…”
“Is this what you need Professor?” Tobirama mutters, shifting one hand to grab Madara’s leaking cock in a firm grip. “Do you need to come again?”
“Please!” Madara begs, too far gone to care how pathetic he must look.
“Anything for my favorite professor,” Tobirama chuckles, stroking the hard flesh in time with his thrusts. Madara makes it half a dozen thrusts before he comes with a wordless cry, his release splattering the top of the desk. Tobirama moans as the muscles around his cock grip him like a vice, pressing in as deep as he can before his orgasm hits.
“Shit,” Madara pants, whining as he is pressed down harder into the desk, his own cum staining his shirt.
“Your ass is even better than I thought it would be,” Tobirama chuckles, using one hand to keep Madara pressed down while his other hand rummages through his backpack again. Finding what he’s looking for Tobirama smirks and carefully pulls out of Madara. “I brought you a present Professor.”
“Wha-?!” Madara has to bite back a sob of pained pleasure as he feels something hard stretch his entrance open farther.
“I would hate for you to make a mess in your office,” Tobirama continues like Madara hasn’t spoken, firmly pressing the glass plug the rest of the way in. The Senju hums as he admires his handing work, one finger lightly tracing the edge of the toy.
“Enough,” Madara whimpers as the sinful finger pushes inside, his over sensitized nerves burning at the new stretch, “please.”
Tobirama just hums in agreement as he retracts his hand and fixes Madara’s pants for him. Carefully freeing the older man’s wrists, Tobirama runs a soothing hand the tangled locks of hair. “Hush now Professor,” the Senju mutters, enjoying the whimper when he gently sets Madara into his office chair, “I’ll take care of you.”
Madara can only grumble in response, too tired to offer much of a complaint. He’s vaguely aware of Tobirama cleaning off his desk as he drifts in and out of consciousness. A sudden weight in his lab draws him back to his office with a pained grunt as the plug is forced deeper. “What are you doing?” Madara demands, glaring at the younger man straddling his lap, “our deal is done.”
“I wasn’t kidding when I said you were mine now,” Tobirama says, bringing a collar into view, “now the question is, will you accept it?”
Madara stares at the collar for a long moment, realizing that Tobirama wanted him for more than a one time fling. That thought shouldn’t warm his heart nearly as much as it did, but it had been so long since he’d had a good dom. Instead of responding verbally, Madara just tilts his chin up, offering Tobirama free access to his neck.
Tobirama grins as he carefully fastens his collar around Madara’s beautifully pale neck; he’d never given out his collar before. “Thank you,” he mutters, using the collar to pull Madara down into their first kiss.
“No, thank you,” Madara chuckles after Tobirama pulls back just enough that their lips brush as he speaks. When the Senju grins stupidly like his older brother, Madara rolls his eyes, tugging Tobirama back in for another kiss.
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batsmaugwriting · 5 years
George Weasley Drabble #1- Reconciliation
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*A/N: This drabble takes place in 2000 and the GPS has just been invented. Also, I apologize if the story is a bit too long and angtsy. ALSO, this gif is not mine and is owned by the person who made this gif and the creators of Harry Potter!”
  It had been a few years since Rosemary had stepped foot into The Burrow, the last time being Christmas of ‘98- the first Christmas without Fred. His death had taken a toll on everyone that knew him, but mostly none other than his soulmate, his brother George. She tried to be there for George as he was her closest friend and first love, but he tried so hard to fill the void that Fred had left and went as far as leaving Rosemary to pursue Angelina Johnson in order to latch onto what little was remained of his brother. Her first true friend and love since her first year at Hogwarts had slowly and unintentionally pushed her away and she could only watch and accept the truth. So on the last night before the Christmas festivities ended and everyone went back to their regular way of life, Rosemary left her final gift for George- a picture of the two of them together on her last day as a Hogwarts student and a letter professing her continuous love for him.
   Now, taking a break from her duties as a magizoologist and handling dragons in Romania, Rosemary had decided to visit The Burrow a day before Mr. Weasley’s birthday in order to give him his gift for his 50th birthday and to go unseen by George. The gift was a recently invented GPS; certainly he would love it as he was always fascinated by the things the muggles created. She didn’t have the courage to face George after so long but she also couldn’t forget the people that accepted her as one of their own so she planned to only be with the Weasley’s for a few hours.
   Rosemary knocked on the door and waited patiently for it to be opened. She soon began to look back at all the fond memories she had of the Burrow but it didn’t take long for her to reminisce through some of the sadder ones. What had only been a few seconds but felt like a long minute, Mrs. Weasley opened the door and was immediately baffled to see who it was. “Hi Mrs. Weasley!” Rosemary said she stood at the doorway. “Rosemary! What a pleasant surprise! Please come in come in!” Mrs. Weasley cheerily said as she led Rosemary in and led her towards the kitchen. Taking in her surroundings, not much had changed since the last time Rosemary was there except for more pictures of the now expanded family hanging on the walls, including one of herself with the twins on each side. Besides Hogwarts, the Burrow truly felt like home especially since she she spent many summer days with the Weasleys while her parents were out and about working with dangerous magical creatures.
   “Let me guess! You’re here to see Arthur for his birthday,” Mrs. Weasley said as she handed Rosemary a cup of tea and sat across from her at the table. Rosemary took a sip and nodded in agreement. Mrs. Weasley smiled tenderly and carefully watched Rosemary before finally speaking up,“unfortunately, Arthur is at the Ministry and he won’t be back in about another hour or so. In the meantime, why don’t you tell me about all the things that you’ve been up to? Charlie told me that you were in Romania to learn more about handling dragons,” she exclaimed and soon the two of them began to talk about Rosemary’s adventures. Before they knew it, the hour had passed and they were both in need of stitches from laughing that they didn’t notice that Mr. Weasley had arrived and brought with him a familiar face.
   “Now what’s this commotion that I’m hearing in the kitchen!” Arthur exclaimed as he waved his wand to put his coat and briefcase up and made his way to the kitchen. Rosemary quickly stood up with her gift in hand and sheepishly smiled as Mr. Weasley came into view. “Happy early birthday, Mr.Weasley!” Rosemary said as he stood there in utter disbelief but quickly went in for a tight hug. “Well if it isn’t Rosemary! It’s been so long!” He pulled away and held her at arm’s length as he took in her features  “looks like the dragons haven’t incinerated you yet!” They all laughed and and wiped away the tears of laughter. Quickly regaining composure, Rosemary gave Mr.Weasley his present.  “This is what the muggles call a GPS. It’s a brand new invention and it helps muggles with travelling to unfamiliar places. My parents and I have one so we don’t raise suspicions in the muggle world while tra…vel…ing,” her words slowly came to a halt as the person behind Mr. Weasley came into view. She soon began to feel her stomach drop and it quickly became difficult for her to say anything without her voice starting to crack. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley turned to look at who Rosemary was looking at before finally assessing the situation at hand and falling into an uncomfortable silence.
   “Hello Rosemary” George carefully said as he looked at his former girlfriend. His voice struck a chord with Rosemary and soon tears started to threaten to fall from her cheeks. She placed her hand on her hips, pursed her lips to the side, and looked down at the ground to take heavy but quiet breaths. Rosemary was trying so hard to remain composed but the feelings she had for the mischievous ginger were making it nearly impossible for her to not cry. In all the times that she had faced dangerous creatures, nothing was harder to face than the man she had grown to love unconditionally. There were a plethora of things that she wanted to say to him but nothing would come out at the moment. A few seconds passed and she finally looked up with a forced smile on her face “hi George.” She wanted to mentally hit herself for not being able to say anything more but at the same time she was glad that she didn’t completely lose it. After what felt like an eternity, George spoke up “Mum…Dad… I- I’m gonna head upstairs to look for a few things that I need for the shop.” With that, George left to go upstairs.
   Arthur Weasley turned to look at Rosemary and Mrs. Weasley and tried to come up with something to say to break the tension but failed miserably. “Honey, why don’t you go help George while I stay with Rosemary and keep her company,” Mrs. Weasley ordered and got up to make her way to Rosemary’s side. Mr. Weasley took the hint and started making his way upstairs. With him gone, Mrs. Weasley grabbed a hold of Rosemary’s right hand and led her back to her chair. “Oh sweet child, had I known that George was going to be here a day early I would’ve come up with an excuse to have him wait another day for his dad’s birthday,” Mrs. Weasley quietly said as she stroked Rosemary’s hand. Hearing his name again was the final straw and soon Rosemary began to silently weep. She had feared to see him again because she knew that she wasn’t going to be able to keep it together, not when she knew that George had left her to be with his brother’s girlfriend.
   Through her tears and sobs, Rosemary finally managed to say what everyone already knew “I still love him, you know? I mean, how am I supposed to not love him after everything we went through? He was my first friend and my first love.” Rosemary continued to cry and soon Molly Weasley started to weep alongside her. Mrs. Weasley understood what Rosemary was saying, she had watched her grow up with her twins and while she knew that Rosemary had made lifelong friends out her boys, it was George who had befriended Rosemary first and she knew that something beautiful was going to blossom between the two of them. That was until Fred’s death. Mrs. Weasley watched as George became a shell of who he was before, he never truly smiled after the tragic event and he began to cling on to dear life to the things that his brother loved, one of them being Angelina. Mrs.Weasley knew that George had no valid reason to be with that girl and for that she was disappointed in him. She knew that he was letting something so precious go to waste and she hoped that there was still time for him to realize what he was losing. Mrs. Weasley knew that George still loved Rosemary immensely but his stubbornness was keeping him in that fruitless relationship with Angelina. “I know he still loves you, I just know it. I see the way he look at your picture on the wall every time he comes to visit. It’s just that it’s been very hard,” Mrs. Weasley confessed as she gave a tight squeeze to Rosemary’s hand.
   Rosemary’s body trembled as she tried to regain her composure. She knew she couldn’t blame George for what he was going through but at the same time she felt betrayed by his actions. What did Angelina have that Rosemary didn’t? She would ask herself that every single day initially after the breakup and to that day she didn’t know the answer.
   After minutes of awkward silence and spilling of tears, Rosemary stood up to give Mrs. Weasley a hug before departing. “I’m sorry for making you feel uncomfortable in your own home but I have to go now. Tell Mr. Weasley that I’ll see him another day. I’ll be in the United States for a few months to study thunderbirds if you ever need anything.” She wiped away her tears and sniffled while Mrs. Weasley tenderly cupped Rosemary’s cheek in her hand. “Say hello to your parents for me and promise me that you will remain in contact more often. My own children are terrible of doing that,” Mrs. Weasley pleaded as she started to walk Rosemary towards the door. Rosemary took one last glance of the moving picture of the twins and herself laughing before stepping out of the house.
   She said goodbyes and was ready to apparate to her house when she heard the name Rory being called. Her chest tightened but she couldn’t be rude to the person who was calling out for her so she turned around to face George who was only a few feet away from her. “I haven’t been called that in years,” she said as she pursed her lips, a tick she showed whenever she tried to keep her emotions in check. George smirked a little and looked like he was carefully thinking about what he was going to say next, “leaving to the other side of the pond?”
   She looked at him skeptically but then nodded in agreement. George let out a heavy sigh and started making his way closer towards his past flame and only stopped when he was only a foot away from her. “If you see anything that will help me create new jokes will you bring me some,” he joked but quickly regretted it when Rosemary looked away and sighed. Rosemary was really trying to hold back a chuckle but then she would be betraying her feelings of heartbreak. No matter how hard she tried to stay mad at him for acting like a bloody fool, she knew her love for him would never allow her to feel that way. She knew she was also a bloody fool for forgiving him so quickly. “I’ll think about it Georgie,” was all she managed to say as she gingerly patted his chest. He looked down at her with a look that she hadn’t seen since before Fred’s death but she quickly dismissed it- a look of endearment and adoration.
   Rosemary turned around and was ready to apparate once again when she heard him say one last thing that stopped her in her tracks, “I left Angelina a month ago… I realized how unreasonable I was being.” After a few seconds of thought, she pursed her lips yet again and her eyes glazed over. She looked over her left shoulder and meekly smiled- returning the look he gave her minutes ago. Fearing that he made a mistake, he carefully continued “I want to pick things up where we left off. If you don’t want to get back with me I understand but can we at least go back to being friends?” It was his turn to look like a kicked puppy and Rosemary looked at the ground and shook her head. “Oh George, for a mischievous genius you’re quite the idiot,” she smiled tenderly before finishing what she had to say, “you know I’ll always love you…but we have so much catching up to do.” With that, she apparated away and left George with a feeling of hope. He knew that it was his turn to make things right with his first love.
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zoeygreensimblr · 5 years
Holy Ground (Episode 9)
I didn't speak to either Don or my mother when we arrived home on Thursday evening, I just put Don's credit card on the kitchen bench and headed down to my room to do my homework, I was not going to let them think I was distracted in any way. I fell asleep that night still extremely angry and I carried that angry with me into Friday morning. Tess and I were eating breakfast when Don walked into the dinning room.
"Thank you for returning my card Zoey, I hope you found a beautiful dress to wear tonight" He said, trying to sound as upbeat as he can, as if the day before's conversation had never taken place.
"I did, thank you" I replied, curtly, I may be angry but I am still polite to my parents, it's a fight and I know we will eventually move past it and be good again.
"Zoey, Your mother and I are very sorry about yesterday, we never wanted to upset you or make you think that Angus isn't good enough, like Tess pointed out, we need to trust you more" He explains, "This is all new ground for us too and we're kinda learning as we are going along" He continues.
I can't stay mad at them, they were concerned and worried and I've just got to show them they have nothing to worry about.
"Im sorry too Don, I love you and Mum too and I'm sorry I yelled. I just want you both to know though that I won't let anything distract me, not even Angus, I know what my goals are for this year and I'm going to achieve them, trust me" I can feel that I'm getting worked up again, pleading with Don to see that I can do this, distraction free
"I know you can sweetie, we know you can and we trust you. We talked it over after you left yesterday and agree that it's ok if you stay at Angus' apartment but it comes with conditions and this now goes for you both" He informs us, Don is often sent in alone to set the rules for us, Mum is way too soft for that and knows that we would bulldoze her power...well Tess would anyway
"What new laws has sheriff Lothario come up with this time" Tess groans
"Nothing too big, we know you girls are growing up, soon you'll be young adults, out in the world and we don't want to be the big bad parents coming down on you and making life hard but we also don't want you to fail your final year of school and either need to repeat it or be working at Chez Llama forever so we've come up with a social plan, not just for boyfriends but for friends too, until the end of the school year social activities can only be done on Friday and Saturday nights, this includes staying at Angus or Declan's house" He explains to us
"What about the gym?" I ask nervously, please don't stop us from going to the gym.
"You can still attend the gym because it's a great stress reliever and you can still go to Cassie's house to study but no week day parties or dates, do you think we can work with that girls" He asks with trepidation, as if he's about to run on top of a landmine
Tess and I exchange looks and nod
"Yes Don" Tess says, then adds "And Mum who is no doubt hiding in the kitchen"
Mum comes running into the dining room and kisses us both on the head.
"Thank you Donnie and girls, you know I hate confrontation" she exclaims
My mother and I have that in common.
"Now come along girls,  I'll drop you to school on my way to work" Don offers
"What about my dress? It will get crushed if I take it in my bag and even if I leave it at Chez Llama all day it will then get crushed on the train to the gym" I only just realised Im going to have to bring my dress with me, as well as an overnight bag and my gym clothes. It's way too much to carry around school and on the train.
"Ok, quick detour, we drop your dress and overnight bag with Angus and then onto school" Don exclaims
I call Angus to warn him we are doing a drop off, in case he was still in bed.
"I just got back from my run" He tells me when he answers
"it's 7am and freezing outside, how can you run in this weather? At this hour?" I ask
"Ah I'm a personal trainer, it's the only time I do get to run and the sun rise was beautiful this morning" he claims
"I saw it from our dinning room table as I ate my eggs" I exclaim proudly
We drop the dress and bag off and head to school.
The day is moving so slowly, Mr Landraab gives his "this is your most important year" 3 more times today and he even threw in this his other line "every moment counts". If every moment counts then why was he wasting our time with these endless speeches of how we need to study hard, how every day counts. Just let us get through the next five months without the pressure of telling us how "this is the year that will decide your futures" I swear that man never gets tired of hearing himself speak.
Cassie has her town car drive us to the gym that afternoon and even our session drags on, full of squats and weights and now he throws in the step work. It just seems endless. Finally it's down to our last 5 minutes and we have cool down time and then we are done. Cassie, Tess and I run off to the showers where we wash the sweat off and they go about making me pretty for my date. Make up is Cassie's department, she has a way of making it look like you were born with chiseled cheek bones and smokey eyes and Tess comes in with the hair styling and making the dress sit "just right" as she calls it. My dress is a red, satin strapless masterpiece. Tess and Cassie tell me it fit perfectly "in all the right place" whatever that means. We exit the shower block and Angus is waiting for me, his eyes gowned when he takes in what I'm wearing, "you look amazing" he say, absolutely flawed
I say goodbye to Cassie, Declan and hug Tess, who whispers in my ear "you look beautiful sis, just remember if you don't want to do anything then that's ok"
On our way out the door I hear Annabelle call me back to her "Zoey you look gorgeous, are you going out tonight" she asks
"I am, my boyfriend is taking me out tonight" I tell her
"Well he's a lucky guy, is he picking you up?" She asks suspiciously as she is watching Angus hover by the door, smiling to himself
"He lives near here so I'm just going to walk to his apartment" I explain, it's not a lie either.
"Oh no, you can't walk alone" She exclaims "Angus, be a good man and walk Zoey to her boyfriend's apartment, I believe you're going in that direction anyway" She winks at me and Angus comes up behind me and whispers in my ear "Zoey, she knows, she has known from the day you first arrived here"
"But I thought we couldn't tell anyone here?" Im so confused, he laid out the rule but he broke it himself
"Annabelle is one of my best friends, we've known each other since the 2nd grade, I tell her everything" He explains
"We just don't share that information with the others who work her" Annabelle assures me "but I am happy for you Zoey and you too Gus" She smiles at us and we leave.
Angus and I walk to his apartment where he showers and washes away the day. He comes out looking mighty fine and there's a small part of me that doesn't want to go out, I want just stay in, with him and enjoy the privacy but I know we can't do that, we have to venture out into the world together.  
Angus takes me to one of the finest dining place I've ever experienced, I have a lamb rack that just melts in my mouth and Angus have a grilled chicken great with veggies. Over dinner he tells me how his sister is plans to return in the next few weeks and how excited he is to introduce us but how he fears she will "steal me away from him" because of our love for Grey's Anatomy and how re-watch season is upon us, I promise him that no one could steal me away from him and he beams.
"Why do some people call you Gus? I know it's short for Angus but do you prefer it? Do you want me to call you Gus too?" I ask him after our table has been cleared
"I'd rather you didn't actually" he says with a smile and then further explains himself "My Father's name was also Angus and as I was named after him I got called Gus growing up and I secretly hate it, Immie calls me Gus because thats who I am to her, her much younger brother Gus and Annabelle is the only friend I'd ever be comfortable with calling me Gus because she's my oldest friend and that was how she knew me when we were 7 year olds"
"Have you and Annabelle ever...um..." I know what I want to ask but the words won't come out.
"Have we ever dated? Is that your question" He pushes me, I nod my head, "No, Annabelle has always been like a sister to me, my parents died when I was 12, their car was hit by a drunk driver and they both died on impact. Imogen raised me from that point on and Annabelle just became like a rock to me, she's seen me through some pretty dark times, she was always there but there has never been a moment when either of our had feelings for the other" He assures me.
"Im sorry" I apologise
"For what" he ask, a confused look on his face.
"I feel silly for even asking it and now I've made you bring up the painful memories of your parents dying and I feel awful" I explain. He reaches his hand across the table and takes mine.
"Zoey don't feel bad, these are just normal 'getting to know you' questions that people on dates ask, you have every right to know if I ever had a relationship with Annabelle and as for my parents, it's ok, I'm ok talking about it now, I will admit that it did screw me up a bit in my teenage years but I want to share everything with you, the good and the bad and I want you to feel you can do the same with me" He squeezes my hand "You can ask me anything"
"Your ex girlfriend...?" I ask nervously
"Steph?" He offers up her name
"You and Steph? How long were you together? Was it serious?" I know he said I could 'ask anything' but this might be pushing it.
"I met Steph in high School, she and Annabelle were really good friends, still are actually. We started dating when we were 16, we were together for 4 years, After we graduated high school she went to university and I went to a trade school, I wanted to be a carpenter. We moved in together, to a small apartment in San Myshuno and we adopted a dog together, Nortica, Steph still has her too but she'd be getting old now, we found her as an adult, she was a stray". He stops talking and smiles to himself but then continues "I was different back then, I was chubby and would drink a lot, I wasn't a good boyfriend to Steph, I didn't cheat but I was really insecure and I pretty much pushed Steph and Brian together" There's sadness in his voice.
"How did you go from being insecure to becoming so confident?" I ask because I can't imagine Angus ever being insecure.
"I joined the Skye Gym two years ago, not long after the break up and I started working out with my trainer, Justin and he did not go easy on me at all but he taught me how to build my confidence. I stopped drinking for a while and now only have the occasional lite beer, like when I'm trying to hit on that girl at the Stargazer last Friday night" He explains
"How did work out for you with that girl?" I ask coyly
"She came back to my apartment...and then passed out on my couch so I carried her to my sister's bed, put the blanket around her and kissed her on the forehead. She looks beautiful when she sleeps but she also talks in her sleep when she's drunk" He laughs
"Oh no, what did I say?" I ask, embarrassed
"It was mostly just mumbled nonsense but you did say my name and mention that I was hot" He tells me and I go bright red, "Don't worry baby, I tell myself in my sleep how hot I am every night" He jokes
"Yeah, you're not insecure at all" I laugh
The restaurant starts to become empty by 8pm but I know I'm not ready for this night to end yet and I'm hoping he doesn't either.
"Do you wanna go to the karaoke bar near my place? We can dance there" He asks as if he's reading my mind.
"I'm not that good at dancing" I inform him
"It's all good baby, I'll lead, you'll be all good with me" He promises
"I know I will be" I reply and we both know Im not just talking about dancing.
We drive back to his apartment, park the car in the under ground garage and walk to the karaoke bar. It's packed with people who want to get drunk on a Friday night and belt out their favourite song....some better than others but still everyone is just there to have fun and the room feels electric.
"Drink?" Angus shouts over the singer butchering "Summer of '69", I nod my head and go to offer him money but he won't have it, "You're my girl, I got this", he orders me a vodka soda and a coke for himself.
"You're not having the lite beer tonight" I ask
"Nah, I'm good" he replies and we take our seats at the bar. I'm surprised to see so many people dancing and it makes me a little bit nervous too that he's going to drag me out there, in front of all these skilled dancers and I'm just so clumsy.
"They won't even notice you, I promise baby" He assures me, reading my mind again.
"How do you always know what I'm thinking?" I ask him, curiously.
"I read the expression on your face, it tells me what you're thinking most of the time. Remember I'm a former insecure kid myself, I can relate" He informs me.
"What if I'm bad? What if I fall?" My mind is ticking over with all the things that could go wrong
"Then no-one will care. You think all these people started out so good?" He laughs as he takes my hand and leads me on to the dance floor, just as a new singer takes the mike and starts singing "Rolling in the Deep". He pulls me in close to him, takes me by the waist and we start dancing slowly.
"Dancing is a lot like sex" He informs me and I feel myself start to blush
"Well I have little experience with one of those activities and none at the other so maybe you'll need to explain that too me" I tell him
"Well both sex and dancing can be performed in different styles. Like us now, slow, steady, taking our time, savouring every moment" He moves his hand further down my waist, "It can be passionate, fiery,  it can go for hours" He arches me into a dip and pulls me back up to meet his eyes and continues "It can also be fast, hot and sweaty, over before it began. It can get complicated, adding in too many moves and it can be angry, fierce"
He spins me out, never letting go of my hand and I come back to him with ease. My heart is beating so fast, surely he can feel it through the thin material of my satin dress.
"You can do it alone, in the comfort of your own home" I add to his analogy and he smiles widely and adds "Or with multiple partners". I wrap my arms around his neck and he spins me slowly, lifting me from the ground and as he lowers back down we kiss passionately.
Later that night, on our walk back to his apartment I feel like I want him more about his past dancing experience but I don't want to come off as jealous or insecure.
"Just ask it." He prompts me after a few minutes of silence
"How many women have you danced with?" I blurt out
"Dance with? Or...because I've danced with so many, started young too, remember they used to make you do those stupid barn dances in school? I had my fair share of dancing in PE and lets not forget actual school dances, the formal, I danced with so many...well I guess you wouldn't really call them women, more like girls" He laughs and I feel a little silly because he knows thats not what I was asking but he's going to make me say it.
"I'll reword it then mister literal, how many women have you..." I'm too shy to say the word and I can feel my cheeks are burning up.
"Zoey if you can't say the word then I can't answer your question" He is in hysterics, great, I'm glad he finds my innocence so amusing.
"How many women have you had sex with?" I shout at him with far more force than I intended, now I'm the crazy girl who shouts at her boyfriend in the streets of San Myshuno and he stops walking, turns around to face me and replies with complete seriousness "3 Zoey, there's been 3"
I wasn't expecting there to be 3, I knew Steph would be one of the 3 but in what order on that list does she even appear, like was she the last of the 3 or the first or was there a girl before Steph that he dated.
"I've only ever dated Steph and ofcouse now You Zo" He offers up
"The other two were...?" I ask
"After Steph, with in the weeks after out break up, I was in a bad place and Caleb thought it would help if tried to hook up with girls, the first one was just casual sex for the both of us but the second one got too attached and I had to going to The Stargazer...for a while" He explains
"Oh" I shouldn't ask questions when I'm not ready for the answers.
"I loved Steph and that love doesn't just go away once it's over, I felt, at the time, that I needed an outlet to pour that love into, even if I didn't love the person receiving it, I was messed up Zoey and it was a long time ago and it's the reason I don't do the casual sex thing, it gets too messed up and you're looking at me like I've any chance with you now" I cancer the desperation in his voice.
"You haven't lost me, I ask a question and you gave me a completely honest answer and I respect that Angus. Your past is just that, your past, I didn't know you then so I'm in no position to judge" I assure him
"Thank you Zoey" He sounds relieved
"I liked dancing with you" I tell him, "You're very skilled"
"Wait until I show you my other moves baby" He teases.
Once back inside the apartment I realise how late it actually is.
"Angus it's 3am, we've been out all night and I'm guessing you're getting up in a few hours to go for a run?" I ask him
"I'm skipping my run, just this once" He tells me, as I begin to unpin my hair, "Do you need to shower before bed?" he asks
"Umm yeah, is that ok?"
"Yes Zoey, it's all good, you can use my shower, I put a shower gel in there for you, the girl at the store said it's the best and it smells like strawberries too" he tells me
"Thanks that's so sweet. You're not showering?" I ask.
"I will after you're done baby" he replies
silence falls between us for a moment, I'm engulfed by nerves.
"Zoey, you don't have to do anything you're not ready for" He assures me but I think I am ready to take a smell step
"I'm not ready to have sex with you, not yet, don't get me wrong, I want to Angus but I also want to the moment to be special when we do take that step and I know that sounds sappy but I know I want to share that with you but we are not there yet, please don't get angry, I know you've put in all this effort tonight and I know nights like tonight would usually end in sex but I'm just not ready to take that step yet" I can feel myself getting worked up but I had to say it.
"Oh Zo no, please don't think that I just did all that tonight to get you into bed, I know you're not ready yet and I promise that when you are we will plan it together, I'll make it special for you baby" He assures me
"I'm not ready to have sex tonight but..." Just take the leap Zoey, ask him
"But?" he repeats, curious.
"But will you join me in the shower?" I ask, my heart is in my throat
"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel pressured at all" He asks sweetly and I know I'm sure, I can trust him completely
"Yes please"
He stands behind me, slowly unzips my dress and lets it slink to the ground, sweeps my hair to one side and kisses my neck softly, moves his mouth to my ear and whispers "You looked gorgeous baby"
"Thank you" I whisper back, I swear my heart is going to escape my chest and he lets his fingers sweep down my arm until they meet my hands, his hands sit on top of mine and guiding our arms to wrap around me and for a moment it creates a warm, comforting blanket around me.
"Zoey I'm going to remove your underwear, is that ok" He whispers and I nod, unable to speak. His arms leave my own and the feathery touch of his fingers run down my waist, sliding into the sides of my underwear and pushing it down to the floor.
"Step forward" He orders and I obey.
He pushes my clothing aside with his foot, grans my hand and spins me around, I've never been naked in front of a man before and every insecurity starts to play out in my mind. My initial reaction is to cover up but he stops me.
"Zoey you're beautiful, don't be ashamed" He reassures me and I kiss his lips tenderly
"Are you showering in clothes tonight" I ask, giggling
"I wasn't going to but you may need to help me out" he suggests, smirking, taking off his vest. I unbutton his shirt with trembling hands, reaching the last one and I push the shirt down his arms and it floats to the floor. I run my palm down his torso, smiling to myself.
"You're not done yet miss green" He reminds me
"I savouring the moment" I inform him and he laughs
"Fuck you're cute" He says as he leans down to kiss me, "Bu you've gotta keep going"
Pants Zoey, he is hinting for you to remove his pants.
I unbuckle his belt, pull is swiftly through the loops and throw it on the floor all the while maintaining eye contact with his sea blue eyes.
Unbutton his pants and pull the zip down, one push and they hit the floor. The thin red silk of his boxers is all that remains between us now.
"It's ok if you want to stop Zoey" He assures me but I've come this far.
"Im going to touch your arse as I remove your boxers" I warn him, "So if you feel the need to flex to impress me then that would be the time"
He laughs but I feel his but tighten as roll my hands around his cheeks and shimmy him out of his boxers.
There we stand in front of each other, naked, nothing left to hide. I take his hand and lead him into the bathroom, we step inside the shower and he turns the water on, the heat tingles on my bare skin.
"Is the temp ok" He asks concerned, I nod
"It's perfect, you're perfect" I reply, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Zoey, I'm far from perfect, I just didn't want to tell you that you smelt" he laughs and I look at him with a mock surprised look
"So, you only asked me out because I have poor hygiene that you aim to improve?" I ask
"Yeah, it's really bad, it's why I kept staring at you that first day you walked into my gym, I was thinking "Where is that smell coming from" and it was you" He jokes
"You were staring at me that first day?" This time genuinely surprised
"Umm yeah, you were just this beautiful, shy enigma that caught my attention and then that second day, when you said Tess wasn't coming, I'll admit, I thought you just wouldn't talk to me at all"
"I wasn't going to talk to you" I tell him
"Why did you then" he asks curiously
"Because you wouldn't shut up, you just kept asking me questions and I kept watching the time and trying to stay silent, my plan was if I didn't talk then you wouldn't talk to me" I inform him
"I love a challenge baby and your plan was never going to work, I was always going to make you mine" He smiles and spanks me on my behind. We both stand there for a moment, taking in what just happened, the smile is removed from his face and replaced with a look of shock.
"I didn't mean to do that, I got carried away, I'm so sorry" he apologises and I can feel his heart beating faster, he's nervous, I've made Angus nervous!
"I enjoyed it" I reassure him smiling and I'm not lying, it was exciting. I kiss him and he relaxes again
"Let's get you washed Zoey" he says, squeezing strawberry body wash onto a loofa and begins making circles with the loofa, massaging my skin all over until he reaches me breasts, he stops.
"It's ok" I tell him, giving him permission to them. He cups my left one as he cleans it with great attention to detail, soaping up my nipple and giving it a little squeeze, I feel the electric bolt go through me and he follows up the routine on the right side, finishing with the same nipple squeeze, same electric bolt racing through me
"You're gorgeous Zoey" He tells me
"Gorgeous and smelly right" I joke
"No, just gorgeous" He corrects me and I smile.
After our shower we towel off and get dressed in pyjamas, well in my case PJs, he just throws on a fresh pair of boxers.
"I put fresh sheets on Immie's bed" He tells me and I look at him confused
"I thought I'd be sleeping in your bed?" I say
"I had hoped you would too but I didn't want you to feel pressured to"
"I want to, I mean if you're ok with it?" I ask
"Get into the bed Zoey" He smiles
He turns the lights off and climbs in next to me, wrapping me up in his arms, our bodies curving into each other and I feel myself drift off to sleep
"Zoey?" He whispers
"Hmm?" I murmur back
"You're feet are freezing"
"No, I put them between your legs to warm them up, they're warm now"
"No, they're freezing" He laughs
"Shh sleep"
Silence fills the air and again I begin to drift off
"Zoey?" He Whispers
"Hmm?" I murmur back
"I love you"
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hippychick006 · 6 years
4.18 - Monster at the End of this book
This episode is what Supernatural used to do best, funny, angsty and heartbreaking all in a single episode.  And similar to Monster Movie, I’d have to paste the entire transcript for this episode to do it any justice.  I will gamely try  (and fail) to summarise as best I can, but it’s still a long post,  It’s really not my fault they used to pack so much good stuff into a single episode, instead of the filler crap we get now that I wouldn’t be remotely interested in recapping.  I might do an early season 14 one soon and see the difference.
I think this is also the first episode Supernatural goes meta, and it is fantastic, due in large part to Rob Benedict being a fantastic choice as Chuck and Jared and Jensen knocking it out of the park in all of their scenes together.  Interestingly, this one wasn’t written by Ben, but Julie Siege and looking at her other episodes, this is by far the best one. 
Scene with comic book guy was great.  Right from when he recognises the FBI aliases they use: De Young and Shaw - which I admit I had to look up who these were.  Styx, which doesn’t help me any, so currently listening to Styx while I watch the episode - through to their weird line of questions, he believes them to be LARPing.  
Best part of this scene: 
Comic Book Guy: You're asking questions like the building's haunted. Like those guys from the books. What are they called? Uh... "Supernatural." Two guys, use fake IDs with rock aliases, hunt down ghosts, demons, vampires. What are their names? Uh... Steve and Dirk? Uh, Sal and Dane?
Sam (hesitantly): Sam and Dean? Comic Book Guy: That's it!
I love how the show pokes fun at itself all through the episode.  We find out that the books  “didn’t sell a lot of copies...kind of had more of an underground cult following.” and they are being sold in the “bargain bin” section.  Oh show.
We get a montage of the book covers and the props department really had fun with this one.  Here’s Fabio!Sam and a jacked up Dean ... enjoy!   Source
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The next scene is also great, Dean’s reading the books and has discovered he’s full frontal in Route 666.  Show pokes more fun at itself when Dean asks Sam how come they hadn’t heard of the books before.  Sam: “They’re pretty obscure.  I mean almost zero circulation.” Oh show.  They discover fandom, there’s not many of us, but we sure do complain a lot.  Oh Dean, I actually liked Season 4 for the most part, wait till later seasons!   Best part of this scene:
Dean: There are Sam girls and Dean girls and... what’s a slash fan?
Sam: As in...Sam slash Dean...Together
Dean: Like, together, together?
Sam: Yeah
Dean: They do know we’re brothers, right?
Sam: Doesn’t seem to matter.
Next on to the publisher - who I think was also Karen in The Usual Suspects episode.  They tell her they are big fans and want to write an article on the books.  Best parts of this interaction is when she says that a positive article could mean they start publishing again and Dean responds:  No, no, no, no. God, no!   She gets suspicious - as she doesn’t want anyone making fun of “her boys” - so tests them on their knowledge of the books.  They get them all right obviously, but Sam struggles to remember his LSAT score.
On to Carver Edlund - who we find out is a pen name for Chuck Shurley.  We saw him at the start of the episode dreaming about Sam and Dean and he’s shown here, editing his most recent chapter, so it’s obvious he’s still writing.  This whole scene is genius.  You can’t even attempt to summarise it, but it does have this line, “Sam and Dean traded soulful looks.”  Also Chuck comes to the conclusion he’s a god.
We next see Sam and Dean in the laundrette (or laundromat if you are US).  Dean’s reading from the pages while Sam is loading the laundry and the pages match what they are doing.  Right down to Sam’s brooding and pensive shoulders and thinking Dean is a dick.
Sam and Dean go back to Chuck’s house and he tells him of his latest dream, which Dean in particular isn’t going to like.  Apparently Sam is going to unable to “deny his desire”, and “will succumb to Lilith as they sink into the throes of fiery demonic passion.”  Sam rightfully laughs at this
Sam: You’re kidding me, right?
Dean: You think this is funny?
Sam: You don’t?  I mean, come on, “Fiery demonic passion”?
Chuck (defensively): It’s just a first draft
This is a very funny scene, but heartbreaking as Dean doesn’t believe that Sam would never actually do this.  It makes me even sadder that in Season 14, Sam’s still begging Dean to believe in them. 
Sam: You can’t seriously believe...
Dean: Humour me
In the car, Sam sarcastically reads from the recent pages Chuck wrote, which includes the line, “The minivan accident wasn’t that bad, but Dean was still seeing stars.  He scratched absently at the pink flower Band-aids on his face.”  which Sam thinks would never happen, that Dean would “use duct tape and bar rags, before he’d put on a pink flower band-aid.”
Dean thinks Chuck might be wrong about the details, but not the end result (Sam sleeping with Lilith) so they are hightailing it out of town.  Except the bridge is down (apparently the only one in town which is a bit poor thinking on the town’s part) so they have to stay.
They go to a diner and decide to try to do the opposite of what has been written.  So where it says they get into a fight, they won’t fight, no research for Sam, no bacon cheeseburger for Dean, which leads to this:
Dean (to the waitress): Hi, uh, what's good? WAITRESS: Well, if you like burgers, Oprah's girlfriend said we have the best bacon cheeseburgers in the country. Sam laughs and looks at Dean in challenge.  Dean orders the veggie tofu burger.
Next follows couples therapy tactics as they try to avoid the fight that happens in Chuck’s draft (all sourced from wiki as usual):
SAM: This whole thing's ridiculous. DEAN:Lilith is ridiculous? SAM: The idea of me hooking up with her is. DEAN: Right. 'Cause something like that can never happen. SAM: (starts to scowl, then controls himself.) Dean, for the first time, we have warning that Lilith is close. DEAN: So? SAM: So... we've got the jump on her. If we know when she's coming, we know where she's – this is an opportunity. DEAN Are you – (trying very hard not to get angry) It frustrates me when you say such reckless things. SAM: Well, it frustrates me when you'd rather hide that fight.
I love that whole interaction.  They couldn’t look more like a couple if they tried.
They get their food and after the waitress leaves, Dean continues their “discussion”:  It's not hiding. It's being smart. It's picking your battles. This is a battle that we are not ready to fight. (He takes a huge bite of his burger and his eyes widen in surprise.)  Oh, my god. This is delicious. Tofu is amazing! WAITRESS: (approaching, flustered).  I am so sorry. I gave you the bacon cheeseburger by mistake. (she takes his plate away) SAM bitchfaces.
The next bit, they spend fruitlessly trying to do the opposite of what’s on the pages.  They pull into the skeevy Toreador Hotel (which Sam says looks like it rents rooms by the hour) to avoid staying at the Red Hotel.  Dean dumps Sam in the motel room while he takes Sam’s laptop so he can’t do research.  He leaves to go park up the car instead of driving it around (as per the pages).  As he drives away, the motel neon sign breaks, leaving only the letters Red remaining.
Dean parks up the impala and walks away, but turns around to see two kids trying to break into her.  He starts across to them and gets run over by a mini van.
Chuck arrives at the motel room, Sam’s called him over and I just want to say that in this scene, Rob is absolutely tiny against Jared!   I mean seriously, he’s like a leprechaun, and he shouldn’t look that small as he’s listed as 5′ 8″.  I’ve seen Jared in the flesh and yes he’s tall, but not how it shows here.   Anyway, Sam asks Chuck if he’s seen visions of Sam when he’s not with Dean.  
Chuck: Oh, you want to know if I know about the demon blood.  
Chuck does know, but he hasn’t told Dean or written it into the books, because he’s afraid it will make Sam look “unsympathetic”.  After the joking of the rest of the episode, this is a beautiful scene between Jared and Rob, where Sam reveals once again that he believes he’s got to stop the apocalypse because he doesn’t think Dean’s strong enough.  He wants to do it because Dean’s looked out for him his whole life, and he wants to be the one that helps Dean this time.  Chuck questions whether that’s really Sam’s motives and not that he feels strong and in control when he’s drinking the demon blood.  Sam says that isn’t true (but I think its Sam wanting to believe that isn’t true).
Chuck: I’m sorry Sam.  I know it’s a terrible burden, feeling that it all rests on your shoulders
Sam: Does it?  All rest on my shoulders?
Chuck: That seems to be where the story is headed.
Dean wakes up and sees stars (which turns out to be the huge earrings of the woman who ran him over). Seriously, those could rip your ear open.   He sees the impala’s back window has been broken (which was also written in the pages Sam was reading from earlier).  He sees his reflection in baby and the woman’s daughter has plastered his face with pink band aids while he was unconscious.  Umm, next time, maybe call an ambulance?
Dean slides behind the wheel of his beloved Impala and drives off, the plastic tarp on the rear window flapping like the wings of a crow. (Chuck’s words, not mine).
Back to Chuck who arrives home with a six pack of beer to find Dean waiting for him (which he knew was going to happen).  Dean attacks him to get him to explain how he’s doing what he’s doing, and... oh great, Castiel’s turned up, once again far too late, to “helpfully” explain that Chuck is to be protected as he is a “prophet of the Lord” who is writing the Winchester gospel.
Castiel says he’s a fan of Chuck’s work and picks up a copy of Scarecrow (and I just thank Chuck it wasn’t route 666 or we’d never hear the end of it).
Dean asks Chuck if he knew (about being a prophet).  Chuck says he might have dreamed about it and adds:  “ It was too preposterous. Not to mention arrogant. I mean, writing yourself into the story is one thing, but as a prophet? That's like M. Night-level douchiness.”
Another Dean and Cass scene and yet again, I really don’t see what the hellers are seeing at all.   Upshot is, Dean asks Castiel how they stop Lilith and Sam getting their jiggy on.  Castiel responds “What the prophet has written can’t be unwritten.  As he has seen it, so it shall come to pass.”  Well, thanks for that Cass, really helpful as always.
Dean leaves and returns to the hotel and sees the sign has now changed to the Red Motel.  And even though I don’t love what they say to each other in this next scene, I do absolutely love this scene. Give me all the angsty brothers. Jared and Jensen both do an outstanding job.  This show should get all the cookies.  Dean wants them to hightail out of town, even if they have to swim out.  As he’s starting to pack up, he realises the hex bags he placed earlier to hide Sam are not there. It turns out that Sam’s burnt them because he wants to confront Lilith. Best part of the scene:
SAM: You think I'll do it, don't you? You think I'll go dark side. DEAN: Yes! Okay? Yes. The way you've been acting lately? The things you've been doing?  (Sam looks worried at this news, thinking Dean might know about the blood drinking) and Dean continues, Oh, I know. How you ripped Alastair apart like it was nothing, like you were swatting a fly. Cas told me, okay? (so Dean and Cass have been having secret conversations about Sam).
SAM: What else did he tell you? DEAN: Nothing I don't already know. That you've been using your psychic crap, and you've been getting stronger. We just don't know why, and we don't know how.
Sam: It’s not what you think
Dean: Then what is it, Sam.  ‘Cause I’m at a total loss.
Sam doesn’t answer, Dean finishes packing and asks Sam if he’s coming or not.  Sam says no.  Dean closes his eyes and throws his bag down on the chair and angrily leaves the room.
Dean goes to get a soda, and prays to the angels for help as he is completely out of options.  Castiel turns up, and in the same way I liked Jared and Rob scene, I like Jensen and Misha scene.  However, in the same way I see nothing shippy between Sam and Chuck, there is also nothing shippy between Dean and Castiel.  Dean is 100% only concerned about his brother and his interest in Castiel is in how he can help him save Sam.  Otherwise, he seems permanently angry at the angels, which includes Castiel.  I think Dean just prefers to deal with him out of all the angels because Castiel is the least douchy and for the most part, answers his questions.  Dean begs Castiel to drag Sam out of the town.  Castiel apologises and says he cannot interfere in a prophesy.  
Dean: Screw you.  You and your mission.  Your God.  If you don’t help me now, then when the time comes and you need me...don’t bother knocking.
He goes to leave and Castiel calls him back, and this is one of the few times that I actually like Castiel and that he does actually help, though in Castiel’s usual cryptic way.  Misha does a good job in this scene and just posting the dialogue doesn’t do justice to his performance here as Castiel tries to give a hint to Dean:
CASTIEL: You must understand why I can't intercede. Prophets are very special. They're protected. DEAN (angrily): I get that. CASTIEL: If anything threatens a prophet, anything at all, an archangel will appear to destroy that threat. Archangels are fierce. They're absolute. They're heaven's most terrifying weapon. DEAN: And these archangels, they're tied to prophets? CASTIEL: Yes. DEAN: So if a prophet was in the same room as a demon – CASTIEL: Then the most fearsome wrath of heaven would rain down on that demon. Just so you understand (looks up towards the skies)... why I can't help.
Oh Cass, you are all right.  [Until you let Sam out of the panic room in a later episode and then I’m back to not liking you]
Dean goes to get Chuck:
Chuck: What are you doing here?  I didn’t write this!  
Unsurprisingly, Chuck is reluctant to go with Dean.  Dean gives him a pep talk:
DEAN: This isn't a story anymore, man. This is real! And you're in it! Now, I need you to get off your ass and fight. Come on, Chuck.
Dramatic, inspiring music plays as Chuck starts walking forward... then turns around and...
CHUCK: No friggin' way.
Dean goes with plan B:
DEAN: Okay, well, then, how about this – I've got a gun in my pocket, and if you don't come with me, I'll blow your brains out. CHUCK (smugly): I thought you said I was protected by an archangel. DEAN (considers that): Well, interesting exercise. Let's see who the quicker draw is.
Back to Sam.  The motel room door knocks and he opens it to... nothing there.  He closes the door and turns around and Lilith is inside the room.  Neat trick.  Lilith helpfully rolls her eyes to white, just so we know it’s her.  She asks where the demon killing knife is and Sam tells her it’s on the nightstand.  She goes to get it and stops at a rug, pulling it back she sees Sam’s drawn a trap.  She breaks it easily then tells Sam he needs to try a lot harder than that.
Sam tries to exorcise her, but does nothing more than make her hair blow prettily in the wind he’s creating.  It appears that Sam and Lilith are now evenly matched with their powers, she can’t TK him, he can’t TK her.
Sam asks what she wants, and she offers to stand down and stop breaking the seals, because she’s found out she doesn’t survive (I think she’s only just found out she’s the last seal, which obviously Sam - and we - still doesn’t know).  All she wants in return is Sam and Dean dead.  Sam says he doesn’t believe her, but Lilith says if they make a deal, she has to follow through and Sam knows that. She accuses him of being like her.
Sam: You think I’m like you?  I’m nothing like you!
Sam agrees to the deal, and Lilith says it’ll take a lot more than just a kiss. She pats the bed and Sam joins her, looking as if he’s going to agree, but he grabs the knife at the last second.  Lilith is better at fighting on beds than Sam is (heh) and she easily overpowers him.  
Dean and Chuck burst into the room.  Lilith gets off the bed to confront them and the room starts shaking.  Dean says an archangel is coming and if she doesn’t get out, she’s dead.  Lilith glares at Sam and smokes out. 
Dean and Sam have a broment in the car as they drive away.  Sam still wants Lilith dead.
Last scene is Chuck.  We don’t see his dream this time, but he wakes up and Zachariah is there.  Chuck has now seen how everything ends and wants to warn Sam and Dean, but Zachariah says he’ll stop him.
Me at the time: What did Chuck dream?!
Up next, Supernatural jumps the shark.
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/chase-stole-my-best-friend-roblox-10-escape-from-school-obby-fgteev-weird-roleplay/
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FGTV! Help me do there may be some bullies at my desk get for me up on their heads get him get him yeah good day guys what’s up its MCTV daddy and chase and we’re in tuition uh.. Who mentioned that. Why are you standing on my desk chase all right chase pay attention but we need to escape from college oh okay dude who is this man is that our teacher haha all right chase come on let’s comply with me i am gonna lead you we’re gonna go out of this study room we obtained to escape oh wait that’s external stop trying to kiss me chase the place, we can not get out of the door huh are man so how bowt in this study room oh, oh laptop classification maybe i will appear up instructions online.Scuse’ me sir used to be practically to make use of that . Are you able to get off of there exsuse me, sir i like trains i do not care Oh youtube k we gotta go on youtube okay, ok we have to search for easy methods to get away school. Adequate YouTube is not any good. What about Google, laptop, roblox, youtube, google. The excellent 4 locations to move on the computer. Let’s be exact fgtv youtube proper, Ya still none of this explains how we escape. A guide! A booklet! The place? You located a clue? It says I ought to go somewhere that is hidden. Oh you determined a e-book. Ok. Satisfactory. Let’s go to find somewhere that’s hidden let’s get out of here good day hello guys should you didn’t be aware of i am like the most wellknown child at college appear in any respect these humans all proper guys come on hear. Give up crowding around me i am gettin sweaty and i failed to put on deodorant and trying to go to a dance with Julie after university so hear we must break out tuition so i will be able to make it to the store get some new outfits all right let’s go i’m mad.Why are you mad let’s try and meet but let’s also what approach take it out to the Courtyard what does that mean if you’re mad you get to love press something huh I lat forty all i might regularly do this oh that’s my actual fate good that’s cool wait to peer my head and that i get it we’re gonna meet now but alright i’m so mad dude get out of right here i’m so mad i’m gonna be late for my date i don’t get out of this thinking college huh oh correct here the cracks whoa cool thank you acquired no shirt on what is that this factor we escaped from institution take a seat to be doing go by means of the cracks in a locker come on chase howdy are you following me yeah i’m ready for daddy hey man its educate guys in those preferred man in institution one no struggle good enough acquired it wit is someone harm Amy are not able to touch that watch up sure cannot go climb guys we gotta get it good ok I instance of the fellow in school I failed to look very coordinated I relatively simply do not know what i’m doing their ego takes me awhile to be taught things i am so wellknown i do not relatively have time to pay concentration who’s killing me are not able to one to leap did it now chase the place are you watching do not touch the blocks yes with the tremendous soar big challenge with the dream leap dude my college is acting all see I believe that is my take over there she said she loves me I didn’t put out the proprietor it’s letting you understand you still wish to go to the dance meet Julia bounce yeah Julia no do not run from me Julia died what where am I scared I did yeah we both escaped yeah yeah we escapes go now you gonna be with you yeah yeah come on cheese cheese do you’ve a day to grasp why do you wish to have to escape your mattress design you do not like dealing with the girl Oh which one there’s so lots of them i like the one in puppy what puppy the one in carpet yeah you could have a girlfriend who caught in carpet yeah so it’s variety of being one factor all your girlfriend’s name is carpet market yeah dude am i able to borrow his hot rod i wholly i’m gonna need this for my D all right Julia here I come going to select up julia she lives local we live in a quite small town i feel that is her condominium she has a butler her brother’s identify is a is Dominator excuse me mr.Dominator Butler have you ever visible Julia she’s upstairs k thanks man come on chase them in the house we’re going upstairs to seek out Julia Julia are you equipped i am here for my day Julia Julia see you upstairs do not consider whatever julia’s hair to ya oh howdy Julie i’m here to pick you up on a date i do not wish to go what i don’t even such as you you do not like me anymore I’ve ever what you do you like television beauty timber make me Tris mcnees julia says she wants to move on a date with you you at all times suppose like a pal I gotta get out of this out but thats it like you are on that I did all that work is it due to the fact that i didn’t put on the proprietor is let me jump to peer my kids to myself oh it is on account that i didn’t put out the order and teleport 2 winners sure i am a winner what is this super leap hall i would tremendous soar and that i could fly now quantity four that is no longer like tremendous leap to me well I received fired unhealthy grass pad just go pad developed pad lighting dangerous water dangerous sales space boy key keepers cross oh sure appear at this possibly i can win again Julia with my awesome strikes click on it we’d like all but juliana supply me that I get skateboard Julia Julia down here success i get skateboard now it can be a fab lean forward you bought your mobilephone meet you care well ok that’s it Julia you realize what i’m going to be with me i love your aid my fireplace Julius residences on hearth i’m sorry duenna just the teenagers crazy and out of control good good good good well oh I landed on high go down go to have we by means of happening the gala Julia continuously nonetheless like girlfriends believe possibly Superman making use of pre-okay other fourth grade i know all right Joe and why is so evil why you seem at me Julia used to be your day with g in finding some new pals i need Julia it can be generally going to be a buddy in this treehouse no fangs and there any person in right here Julie i’m going to depart me a number of seeking to get over you and all you do is you simply comply with me round besides getting out of here i’m jumping into this pit of lava is it love it’s typically no longer lovable up writing you to expense my motorcycle Julia you’re employed for builder brothers pizza mario luigi reset my personality mystery installed I had to get faraway from Julia she used to be so evil i made a brand new friend his name is will be he is gonna treat me better than Julia did now you wish to have to understand you just exhibit my female friend now you wish to have to find out how you can get a chicken just get far from me i’m flying around calling and it’s that after they ever i fell off the earth it goes my manner I simply wish to go up i am caught within the roots on there yes come again i go on top of here i’m gonna be like King Kong she know it’s no longer cheesy your different boyfriend haha that’s all i care is chase Julia look at you did this little one pygmy pay max to be my friend bags scale of 1 to 10 i’m feeling like a one proper now you help your attendees in foreign exchange currency trading every body whats up max what is what’s he doing again pal look at me i need to be associates will you be my friend will get lasering persons the college’s feeling ailing humans i am so angry you are disgusting thanks all now youngster backs is the most wellknown man here oh look an extra one thing but that you’re completed you flip the entire world against me Julie might we just speak Julia hear i do know there is quite a few people round us however I just I simply wish to speak to you I particularly like your automobile can consistently depart me by myself appear you made Julia leave now she’ll on no account talk 300 you come I got here and he or she said which is normally she stated she was once the submit of us comply with me guys if they follow me i’ll the moon going to the moon where I may to find true love wait nevermind there’s simplest man on they’ll a playground to lap are you in the market I acquired you a reward right here I received your present Julia so that you may you can also take me again right here have it and it you desired right here hello are we acquaintances once more I wait are you I suppose we are she likes me again chicks IPL good guys that is the worst day ever escaped from tuition however my coronary heart was broken and now there is there isn’t a one left to hang out with ordinary teacher you don’t even educate excellent you instructed me matters i learned final yr third grade very well teaching calculus or anything i go up taking place deep darkish gap excellent simply fob
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0 notes
kassebaum · 7 years
The fic HP anon wrote and sent to me :)
She glanced upon the clock. The time read 5:17. The judge had yet to appear from his chambers. Everyone had already settled in. That is, everyone except for the main prosecution's key witness, Officer Kara Danvers.
"Sorry I'm late!"
"It's fine. You're lucky the judge hasn't even come out yet. Just relax. And if you want to see the silver lining, you arrived before the opening statements. We can't have the defense questioning you or your work habits."
"I understand. I won't let you down, and I certainly won't let that murderer get away with what he has done."
Assistant District Attorney Lena Luthor gives a soft smile before focusing back on the seat where the judge should be in. Her face, demeanour, and attire show no signs of weakness that the defense can use to their advantage.
The judge enters the room, and the bailiff firmly says, "All rise! Judge Hayfield is now presiding."
"Please be seated. Counsellors, you have the floor."
ADA Luthor stands up and a hush quickly falls upon the room. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we are here today to show you evidence and prove to you all that without a doubt, the defendant is responsible for committing eleven acts of drug trafficking and three acts of extortion. While this man may seem as an exemplary officer of the law, he no longer abides by the rules and the laws that this city and of this nation."
"I do believe I have the floor, Your Honor?"
"While ADA Luthor may wish for you all to believe that my client is guilty, he is not. My client is a man who has been a part of National City's police department since he was 19. He is now 42. And in that time, many can claim that he would never do such atrocities. The badge means more to him than being involved in things such as extortion and even worse, drug trafficking. I will prove to you that these charges are unfounded."
"Defense, you may call your first witness."
"The People call Officer Kara Danvers to the stand."
Once Kara has sworn to tell the truth she glances at Lena who doesn't even take a second to smooth the skirt that is beginning to rise up. With every step Lena takes towards Kara, Kara starts to close her hands together and lets out a faint gasp when she sees Lena isn't wearing anything underneath that ridiculously tight skirt of hers. Kara tries to look away so she can focus but can't and won't. Soon enough Lena is right in front of her.
"Officer Danvers, where were you on the night of February 28?"
Kara takes a moment to collect herself and curses internally. "On February 28, I was assigned the night tour which started at 6 pm and lasted until 1 am. My partner and I responded to eleven calls during that shift."
"Officer Danvers, before you continue, please state the name of your partner for the evening in question."
"My partner's name is Rey Staccato."
"The name sounds familiar. Why is that?"
"That's because my partner happens to be the defendant."
"Objection, Your Honor! That statement is irrelevant."
"What was the call that made you change your mind about your partner? And when was that call made?"
"On February 28, at midnight, my former partner Rey Staccato and I answered a call. There were shots fired in a well known location of drug activity. I wanted to call for backup, but Rey said we could take them on without anyone else getting hurt. We entered the apartment after being directed to it by an old woman who was walking away her own apartment and told us, "Loud noise came from there." We kicked down the door after addressing ourselves as police. Rey went in first and I came in and we worked on clearing the place. I was about to yell out clear when I heard shots fired. I screamed out for Rey and didn't hear a response. I immediately called it in saying 'Shots fired at this location. Second floor. East wing.' I went and cleared the area before finding Rey and three drug dealers. The dealers had been killed while Rey suffered a wound to the shoulder. 'Officer has been shot. I repeat. Officer has been shot at this location.' We heard sirens in the distance and I applied pressure. I asked him what happened and he remained silent. It wasn't until the paramedics left and took him away to the hospital did I realize that there was a child hidden behind the mattress. I had cleared the other side of the apartment and I was surprised Rey failed to mention the child. The child was so traumatized, she refused to be taken by anyone who was a male."
"Why is the child significant?"
"She saw Rey take the money before shooting her older brother, one of the drug dealers. And hell broke out."
"Why did that make you suspicious?"
"Because it made me realize that this wasn't the first time we went inside a drug dealer's home and Rey was accused of stealing money. Then it made sense when the coroner said that none of the drug dealers fought back and that their guns had been placed in their hands. There were no gunshot residue found on any of them. I did some digging up and Evidence A will show you my former partner's bank statements. How can a police officer have over a 100 million dollars in his bank account?"
(After both sides have been heard and closing statements have been given, court is adjourned until the jury agrees on the verdict).
In the first time of National City history, the jury takes only half an hour to hand out a guilty verdict on all counts of extortion and drug trafficking. The judge rules that the former officer serve a minimum of fifty years in a maximum state penitentiary.
Rey Staccato is taken away and the court is soon emptied leaving ADA Lena Luthor alone with Officer Kara Danvers.
"Thank you, Officer. Without your compelling testimony and securing evidence in a timely manner, I know he wouldn't have been declared guilty of all counts. If there's anything I can do, please give me a call."
Lena goes to shake her hand and Kara pulls her in and throws her suitcase clear across the room.
"Anything? I think you know what was promised to me to be such a 'compelling' eyewitness. The defense calls ADA Lena Luthor to the stand."
"W-what?" Lena looks into Kara's eyes and starts to relax. If this is how she wanted to play, she'd give the officer the performance of her life.
"Miss Luthor, is it true you have a girlfriend?"
"I don't see how that's relevant to the case at all."
"Answer the question." Kara says in a firm tone.
"Yes, it's true."
"Is it also true she is an officer?"
"Not really. She was promoted to Detective two weeks ago."
"Would you describe your girlfriend as possessive?"
"Only if there is some light teasing involved."
"Care to explain?"
"Teasing, such as going to her desk in the bullpen with no bra or underwear on. Or calling her during her lunch break and describing the things I'd want to do to her and what I would want her to do to me."
"Sounds like she has every right to stake her claim if you do teasing like that."
"She knows I desire her. I crave her more when she shows her possessiveness to me."
"Remove your skirt, ADA Lena."
"And why would I do that?"
"Because Detective Kara Danvers would like to take out her frustrations of not being able to touch her girlfriend for the past few weeks as said girlfriend was too busy building a case against her former partner."
"I don't think there's enough room to remove my skirt with my current position, De-tec-tive."
Kara is directly in front of Lena. Her nostrils are starting to flare a little. "I can smell you from here. I want you, Lena. I need you. You should be thanking me for not losing control earlier when I saw you walking towards me."
Lena's breathing hitches and her nipples are now straining to break free from her blouse. She can no longer keep up with the charade.
"Oh I plan on thanking you. Only if you can make me cum in the next three minutes by using only your tongue."
An hour later
"Next time we use the simulation chamber, can you be the cheerleader and I'll be the coach?"
"Only if we have it set up so it's after our school loses the biggest game of the season."
"Mmm, does my Lena want her pussy to be stretched out? It's very frustrating to lose. As head coach, I'm going to need you to relieve me of my stress."
"Exactly what I had in mind, Kara. Now we should get going. Before your sister catches us."
"Too late. Nice job Little Danvers."
"Oh god! You two had to use the room like this? You two have a place together!"
"Don't worry. She's not really upset. I'll help her relieve some work stress too." Maggie winks before leaving the room.
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