#official 2020 taichi
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koushirouizumi · 11 months ago
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{D I G I M O N} ~ K O U S H I R O & T E N T O M O N
{From here!}
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tobiasdrake · 6 months ago
I'd say that Tri, Last Kizuna and 02 The Beggining are a tad of a weird approach to try and bank into nostalgia, but not letting go the concept of "no you have to say goodbye to the 'mons"... which doesn't work after 02's epilogue. And then Adventure 2020 happened, and forgot that it was supposed to be an assemble show.
I don't have a problem with nostalgia banking, but Last Evolution Kizuna wanted really badly to be Toy Story 3 and failed. That, I take a lot of issue with.
There's a lot of heated debate surrounding LEK. The idea that the kids' partnerships with their Digimon break because it's time to put away childish things and grow up is extremely contentious within the fandom, but it's also not universally agreed that the film is even saying that thanks to translation issues with the subs and also some very ambiguous imagery with the ending.
There are basically two different interpretations of what happens in LEK.
1 - Sora, Taichi, Yamato, Jou, Mimi, and Koushiro all lose their Digimon Partners because they enter adulthood - but not Takeru and Hikari because they still have a few years to go.
This is a natural occurrence and the result of growing up. They have no choice and no agency in the matter; The Universe takes their Partners away because they're too old to be playing with toys anymore, and they just need to fucking suck it up and deal.
2 - Sora, Taichi, and Yamato lose their Digimon Partners because they're too irresponsible with their adulthood. Mimi, Jou, and Koushiro do not because they're responsible adults and are balancing their adult lives and their love for their Partners well.
What happens to Sora, Taichi, and Yamato is a rare and unusual occurrence, but there is hope that they will one day find their Partners again once they've gotten their heads on straight and made their way as adults.
For obvious reasons, the film is very unpopular with fans who take the first interpretation and pretty well-liked with fans who take the second. Which one is actually the valid and intended reading? Well. It's complicated. The movie went through a tumultuous creative process, to the point that Adventure series director Kakado Hiroyuki walked out on production midway through over disagreements and inconsistencies to the original series.
Which is, y'know, always a promising sign for a new entry in a series.
Watching the film, for me, it honestly feels like both readings are intended. Which is to say, you can find evidence to support either/or. I don't think that's deliberate, I just think the film was sloppily made and shows signs of conflicting creative visions.
Proponents of the Good Movie interpretation can point to the villain of the film, whose central motivation is literally that having your Partner taken away because you grew up is some fucking bullshit. In its final act, the film reveals that her Partner did come back - Just in an unrecognizably different form, not as the Partner she knew.
So the natural conclusion then is that Agumon and Gabumon will reincarnate and may find their way back to Taichi and Yamato; They just won't be Agumon and Gabumon. Which still contradicts the 02 epilogue despite proponents of the Good Movie interpretation insisting that 02's epilogue is still canon to LEK.
Which itself has evidence to support it (Taichi and Yamato are on their way to becoming the people they are in the epilogue) and evidence to refute it (Agumon and Gabumon fucking died).
As the translation breakdown in the above link shows, there's also some phrasing issues that created confusion. Gennai in the official English version describes losing your Partnership as a typical occurrence while, in the original Japanese, he seems to describe this more like a rare thing that he doesn't fully understand.
It's explained that what's happening is the narrowing of potential. Children have infinite potential, which something something Digimon Partnerships. As you make choices with your life, you narrow your potential, and eventually it can no longer sustain a partnership - Unless you're able to become an adult with limitless potential anyway!
That seems like it's setting Taichi and Yamato up to figure out their shit and save their Partnerships at the last second. But they figure out their shit and still lose their Partners, which gets described in the end as a rite of passage.
The blog with the big translation breakdown I linked above makes a note of the difference between the official translation, "This is how we finally grew up," and a more accurate translation, "This is how we arrived at the entrance to adulthood." As they say, it shouldn't be translated with finality.
But that's splitting hairs, because either version is still saying that losing Agumon and Gabumon was Taichi and Yamato's rite of passage from childhood into adulthood. Whether they've become adults or taken their first steps into adulthood doesn't actually matter; it's still describing this loss as the gateway that brought them there, which is the point of contention.
They did what they were supposed to do, they were still punished for it, and then they close by describing it as if it were an inevitable consequence of growing up despite what Gennai said. Which may or may not be corroborated by what happened to Jou, Mimi, and Koushiro.
Proponents of the Good Movie interpretation will point to Jou, Mimi, and Koushiro as proof that not everyone loses their Partners. Proponents of the Bad Movie interpretation will point to those same characters as proof that everyone does. This is due to a fundamental disagreement in how you interpret the final scenes.
At no point does the film ever say, with words, that Jou, Mimi, and Koushiro lose their Partners. But it does conclude with these images:
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The final shots of Taichi, Yamato, and Sora show them to be moving forward with their adult lives, with no Digimon. The younger kids Takeru and Hikari's slides contain Patamon and Tailmon. There are also slides for the 02 characters, which show their Digimon Partners still taking an active role in their lives too.
But Jou, Koushiro, and Mimi? No Partners in their slides.
Good Movie fans will say that the film never says explicitly that they lost their Partners, so this means nothing. Their partners are probably just offscreen somewhere.
Bad Movie fans will say that these slides are meant to show the older kids moving on with their lives post-Digimon and the younger kids still having their Digimon Partnerships. There's a clear contrast between Hikari and Takeru's slides versus Taichi, Yamato, and Sora's - and Jou, Koushiro, and Mimi are presented like Taichi, Yamato, and Sora here, not like Hikari and Takeru.
Good Movie fans have the counterpoint to be made that their Partners still exist in 02's epilogue. So, y'know, canon faithfulness says that everyone's Digimon will come back or was never lost. Checkmate, naysayers.
But also Last Evolution Kizuna basically ignores Tri and makes no attempt to address the questions it left hanging, and also the Adventure story director walked out of production over inconsistencies to the original so I don't think you can really use canon faithfulness as a talking point here.
Taichi and Yamato are still on their way to becoming an ambassador and an astronaut respectively, so the epilogue hasn't been thrown out entirely. But it clearly has been thrown out. Jou was supposed to become a doctor in the Digital World, Sora was supposed to become a fashion designer instead of inheriting her mom's ikebana mastery, and Mimi was supposed to become a chef instead of selling cosmetics.
Yeah, Taichi and Yamato are still on-track to a similar life path than what the epilogue gave them, but nobody else is. So I don't think the movie is actually as faithful to 02 as the Good Movie side thinks it is. And apparently neither does Kakado Hiroyuki.
For me, I do think they were trying to say it's time for the kids to put away childish things and grow up. I don't think they meant that to be insulting. But I do think it's kind of insulting.
I think they were trying to do what Toy Story 3 did; To tell a story about the rite of passage from childhood to adulthood and what that means for the things we loved and enjoyed as kids. But I don't think that story works when the putting away of childish things is something cosmically forced on the children rather than a choice they make with their own agency.
Toy Story 3 wouldn't have landed the way it did if the movie was about Andy's mom pinning him down by the arms while garbagemen come in and throw Buzz and Woody into a woodchipper. But that's kind of what Last Evolution Kizuna does to the Adventure kids.
Taichi and Yamato get to give a powerful emotional farewell to Agumon and Gabumon. But they don't want to, they are not making this choice for themselves, and no reason is ever provided for why they should have to. And even the best defenses of the film just make it out to be a weird, random cosmic blip that maybe they'll fix some day, who knows.
Even in the best-case scenario, the universe just decided to grievously hurt Yamato and Taichi for no reason even though they were already making strides to undo the thing they were allegedly being punished for. It's still mean-spirited and cruel even in the best possible interpretation.
So. Yeah. All things considered, I find myself falling on the side of "It's a bad movie and I don't accept it as part of my personal Digimon canon." I don't accept that the children need to all have their Digimon deleted once they enter into adulthood, and I equally don't accept that they don't need to have that happen but that Taichi and Yamato deserved to have their Digimon ripped away from them at the end. There is no version of this movie that I actually like.
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digitalgate02 · 1 year ago
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The UPDATED (OG) Adventure universe’s Partnership double year math count
Updated Digimon Adventure OG Timeline’s Partnership Math Count List 
Not particularly spoilers from the movie, just stuff stated by the official timeline from the pre-release stream for the movie in Japan (Oct 26)
Early 80s - Oikawa Yukio & Hida Hiroki make the first contact with the Digital World, befriend Pipimon (no partnerships)
1995 - Hikari and Taichi find a Koromon egg* (no partnerships)
1996 - 2 (Rui; someone else gets a digimon later in that year*)
1997 - 4 (Menoa)
1998 - 8 (Possibly the previous 5 mentioned from Adv’99 anime/novels)
1999 - 16 (Adv Eight, Meiko*)
2000 - 32 (Ken*)
2001 - 64 (Michael)
2002 - 128 (Daisuke, Miyako, Iori)
2003 - 256
2004 - 512
2005 - 1,024
2006 - 2,048
2007 - 4,096
2008 - 8,192
2009 - 16,384
2010 - 32,768
2011 - 65,536
2012 - 131,072
2013 - 262,144
2014 - 524,288
2015 - 1.048,576
2016 - 2.097,152
2017 - 4.194,304
2018 - 8.388,608
2019 - 16.777,216
2020 - 33.554,432
2021 - 67.108,864
2022 - 134.217,728
2023 - 268.435,456
2024 - 536.870,912
2025 - 1.073.741,824
2026 - 2.147.483,648
2027 -  4.294.967,296
2028 (02 Epilogue) - 8.589.934,592
↓ Original notes + "Why there's still no retcon of the lore" below ↓
First, the OG notes from the outdated post:
→ This count is not about “which was the very first digimon-human contact”, and yes about people with a digivice. Because if we were going to count who was the first human to have contact with a digimon, it’s actually two and they’re Oikawa Yukio and Iori’s dad, Hida Hiroki.
→ I’m ignoring all the inconsistencies with other material (WS & ▽) because they seem to not match well with the original count. So, in this case, Ken’s statement in the anime (Aug 2000) is the one to be accounted for here. I don’t know if Ryo counts as Chosen (possibly yes, judging by 02 flashbacks) but I’m not sure where to place him here.
→ I’m only adding Michael to the count, even if he’s not a main character and yes a side character, because 02 ep 14 had this statement regarding him. And I like Michael too so, let me have him there :V
→ Menoa states in the movie she met Morphomon when she was nine, and according to the Dash X novel version, she’s the same age as Taichi. Which means she became a Chosen in 1997.
→ I couldn’t think of how to include Maki & Daigo’s group in this because ▽ contradicts with the original lore’s math – The fact the Pt4 book released with the movie on Japanese theaters state them being in Elementary School the time they went to their adventure in the DW, and later the confession scene means they’re in University/College makes them possibly been Chosen Children way before 1995, and I’d take it granted that they were chosen by someone else IF weren’t for the Homeostasis being involved in the scene and the digivice being way too modern for that time (it was basically Taichi group’s model. If you look at Rui’s digivice in the leaked footage from DigiFes2022, his model seems to be different and an older version)
→ That said, Meiko is the only character in ▽ that does not fall into contradiction with the math count. Because in 1999 there was not only Taichi’s group, but also other 8 non-featured Chosen according to Kakudou’s notes. So we can consider Meiko one of those other 8 children.
→ When it comes to Wallace, I prefer to think he is game in the original math – Taichi and Hikari met that Koromon in 95, but they had no digivice until 1999. Which means it can be possible that Wallace had encountered Gummy-Choco’s egg before 1995 and only became an official Chosen Child later.
Now, the new notes:
→ To avoid spoiling any detail about the movie itself, I’ll make sure to tell you they might have changed how the math works only. It’s not like, “everyone gets a digimon at the same time” but rather… “A X number of people get partnered with a digimon in different periods of a year” – Which means yes, you can still count Rui and Ukkomon as the origins of the Digimon partnership, but that later in the same year someone else (or, say, Wallace in the main timeline) got a partner months later.
→ That said, I’m opting to update this list and work within the idea that various sources of partnership (Homeostasis, Holy Beasts, etc) can be counted in the math. Remember – Homeostasis (not referred to as this in the OG series but yes in the novels) had selected Taichi & co., but the Holy Beasts chose Dai-Miya-Iori. And some other entity probably chose Ken in August 2000. This could explain why there’s a higher number of partnerships happening at the same time in Adv’99 and 02.
→ As I mentioned before, and indirectly supported by the staff (check the official timeline at the top of the list), ▽ has violated the lore to the point it goes in direct conflict with the new 02 movie and the entire timeline. So I guess it’s better to consider ▽ as its own timeline/Alternate universe than forcing it into the main timeline.
→ That said, and since Meiko does exist in Kizuna/main timeline, I suppose Maki and Daigo also do exist, and maybe they got their “ages” retconned and down to something suitable to the universe’s math count. They can still be part of the previous five kids mentioned in Adv’99 anime/novels, but they are probably around their teen years, or even early 20s instead, not fully adults working for the government I suppose. Or alternatively, just not Chosen yet. Pick your favorite route, Maki/Daigo fans!!
→ Yes, the Koromon from the very first movie IS NOT THE SAME PARTNERED WITH TAICHI. This never was confirmed, and was just fandom's theory. Considering how ▽ also made this mistake and possibly was one of the lore's violation, I prefer to believe this means it's not the same Koromon/Agumon partnered with Taichi in Adv'99.
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hikari-m · 9 months ago
{Digimon Adventure} ~ A.M.V (Anime Music Video) ~ {Jigoku} Together + Song: {H e l l} Together (Sung By: David A r c h u l e t a) Featuring Ship: Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KouTai} / {Taishiro[u]} & Izumi (Parents) as Family (with bonus 2020 Reboot Koushiro + KouTai Moments)
Note: If it does not display above for any reason, Please view at the direct link here! (The above may work at later times, Please check back!)
Don't be bold...
But the more you grow, You know the truth
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And all I want is to make you proud If I would run would I let you down? You SAID-
If I have to "live" without YOU I DON'T wanna live "FOREVER"- So LET 'EM close the gates-
We'll go to {"Jigoku"} Together
My Commentary: This A.M.V. showcases mostly Koushiro's Adoptee storyline, while also including brief scenes from 2020 eps that focused on Koushiro's inclusion or highlights. (There are a few tiny semi-spoilery segments from final battle of Digimon 2020 Episodes 66~67, but mainly show Koushiro.) There are no Tri, Kizuna, or The Beginning spoilers here. However, a finalized version may add in other moments later!
A.M.V By Hikari M. Productions a.k.a @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi
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Further commentary under the 'read more'!
Extended Commentary: An A.M.V. I made in just under 2 hours, or, about an hour and 50 minutes total of editing, plus saving and review checks; as I aimed to finish just in time for: "Kou&Ten Day" a.k.a a "Koushiro & Tentomon Day" {Focus} (5/10, May 10) in the J.P.N fan base, the name comes from the "Kou" of Koushiro's J.P.N name, {Kou = Go = "Five" (5)} as pronounced in J.P.N + "Ten", a nickname for "Tentomon" partially given by Mrs. Izumi during "02" ("Tento-san") Koushiro fans often share Koushiro works on this day, including platonic works.
This particular work, specifically for Koushiro x Taichi, includes a Queer focus lens as the original song did. (Please be respectful if interacting on this work!)
This {s o n g} means a LOT to me on a personal level, so please, please if you can support and consider purchasing the original by A r c h u l e t a, at any official links it may be out on, including I T U N E S!
As Mother's Day 2k24 is also 5/12 this year, it's also just in time for combo Kou&Ten Day+Mother's Day!
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 years ago
“With The Will” compiled all different kinds of thank you messages from staff members involved in Digimon Adventure 2020 and it is really heartwarming. My personal favourites here are the following:
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Fun artwork by Yoshiyamu Yuu of Taichi, Yamato and Omegamon.
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Thank you messages from various voice actor groups, this one was posted by Piyomon’s VA Atori Shigematsu (right) also including (right to left) Ryoko Shiraishi (Sora), Yumiko Kobayashi (Koushirou) and Takahiro Sakurai (Tentomon): “Thank you all for watching. I'm grateful I got to be involved in the work known as Digimon during the Reiwa era, and that I was able to perform the role to the end. I'll be even happier if people who I met in a few years, or in a decade say this. "I saw Digimon:!" (...) We had our picture taken for the last episode. The hard work of the staff recording during the hardships of Corona are immeasurable... & to my precious partner Ryoko Shiraishi, thank you for a year & a half❤”
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By Misaki Watada (Hikari), posting from a VA session between her, Mie Sonozaki (Tailmon) and Megumi Han (Takeru): “I took a commemorative photo taken with Ms. Sonozaki who played Tailmon & Ms. Han who played Takeru Full of energy! & the way she hid the monitor with her body♡笑 I love it...”
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By Mie Sonozaki (Tailmon): “The three of us basically recorded scattered due to Coronavirus. A lot has happened in the past year and a half, thank you for the support. From another angle... With Misaki Watada as Hikari and Megumi Han as Takeru. By the way I'm wearing the Digimon chibi character shirt.”
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deathberi · 4 years ago
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[HOT] 2020 Yamato Ishida spotted looking his happiest yet as he spends Christmas with boyfriend Yagami and their digimons 🎄🎁 source: famitsu
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jippy-kandi · 5 years ago
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Digimon Adventure: 2020 Merchandise
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digitalworldbound · 2 years ago
Digimon & AO3/Fandom Statistics
While on the Fandom Stats website, I got curious and did some research about the Digimon Fandom!
Disclaimer: These statistics will only be accurate to the Archive of Our Own website, and will not include statistics about the fandom on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, or Fanfiction.net
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When searching for fanfiction about Digimon on AO3, there are a total of 6,616 underneath the general "Digimon- All Media Types" tag. This is not a fair representation of the total numbers of Digimon fanfiction, as there are FIFTEEN Digimon categories an author could label their story under.
Listing from highest number of fics to fewest fics, these other categories include (as of Nov. 5, 2022):
Digimon - All Media Types: 6,619 fics
Digimon Adventure Zero Two: 2,637 fics
Digimon Adventure: 2,037 fics
Digimon Adventure tri: 1,043 fics
Digimon Tamers: 602 fics
Digimon Frontier: 575 fics 
Digimon Xros Wars/ Digimon Fusion: 172 fics
Digimon Savers/ Digimon Data Squad: 150 fics
Digimon Universe - Appli Monsters: 125 fics
Digimon Ghost Game (Anime): 89 fics
Digimon Adventure (Anime 2020): 73 fics
Digimon V Tamer 01: 50 fics
Digital Monsters X-Evolution: 16 fics
Digimon NEXT: 12 fics
Digimon D Cyber: 2 fics
After inputting all of this data (aside from the “Digimon - All Media Types” tag, as this tag can reference all Digimon media) into a graph, it is clear to see which characters the fandom tends to favor:
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(Some of the numbers are really small - I’m so sorry!)
Digimon Adventure Zero Two takes the lead, while Digimon Adventure follows close behind. Between the two, there is only a difference of 600 fics. These numbers are unsurprising, as most Digimon official events revolve around the Adventure and 02 cast!
According to the Fandom Stats website, fanfiction (specifically AO3) in the Digimon Fandom heavily gravitates towards General Audiences, with a total number of 2,551 fics using this tag. Other tags include: 
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(Graph found on Fandom Stats) 
While Teen and Up Audiences have 2,214, Mature and Explicitly tagged fics have a combined 1,307 fics. 
Now, onto the pairings! Though 35% of the fics are general, the other 65% of fics include some kind of romance! 
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(Graph found on Fandom Stats)
In the lead, we have M/M relationships at 33%. Of these 2,155 fics, 29.7% are Daisuke/Ken! Taichi/Yamato are a close second at 22.5%. (Taichi/Koushiro comes in at 7.5%, and Daisuke/Takeru is last at 6.2%.)
With 1,889 fics, F/M relationships share 29% of the total non-general fics. Of these, 18.6 percent are Takeru/Hikari! Sora/Yamato cover 17.7%, while Taichi/Sora covers 8.6%. Lastly, we have Mimi/Koushiro at 7%.
I couldn’t find any statistics on F/F, Multi, or the Other categories, but I will try to search in the future.
On the Archive of Our Own website, the fandom shows clear favoritism in characters and pairings! Now, I wish there was a way to factor in data from Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, and FanFiction.net. Let me know if you have any ideas!
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krnb-khh · 3 years ago
Sik-K’s Discography
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Flip: July 20, 2016 
Zeros Fucks Is Given 
Cha Cha 
No Where feat. Loco 
Act Different feat. Mac Kidd 
God Damn 
Don’t Play feat. Punchnello 
I Call It Love 
Alcohol feat. Jay Park 
H.A.L.F: June 5, 2017
Ring Ring feat. Gaeko 
Party (Shut Down) feat. Crush 
Chit Chat Ting feat. Herr Nayne 
Too Many feat. Jay Park 
Interlude 24/7 365 
A Lil Bit feat. Simon Dominic & the Quiett 
Somebody Else 
Have a Little Fun feat. DPR Live 
TRAPART: January 19, 2018 
Young Boy (Prod. Groovyroom) 
YelowS Gang feat. Herr Nayne & Woodie Gochild (Prod. Groovyroom) 
Fuck It Up (Prod. Vangdale) 
Link Up (Prod. BOYCOLD) 
Another 0 feat. The Quiett (Prod. Groovyroom) 
Never Know feat. Loco (Prod. Vangdale) 
Lil Baby (Prod. BOYCOLD)
Not My Type (Prod. BOYCOLD) 
Boomin’ feat. Loopy (Prod. Vangdale) 
Choppy feat. Herr Nayne (Prod. BOYCOLD)
Never Know feat. Ye Ali (Prod. Vangdale) [Bonus Track]
FL1P: February 26, 2019 
FLIP: FL1P (Prod. Girlnexxtdoor) 
Noizy (Prod. Groovyroom) 
19 Cayenne Freestyle (Prod. Girlnexxtdoor) 
Vanessa feat. Crush (Prod. BOYCOLD) 
Love Aches (Prod.BOYCOLD) 
Fxck.That.Flower (Prod. Way Ched) 
Outta My Head (Prod. Groovyroom) 
Mi Casa Es Tu Casa feat. Jessi & The Quiett (Prod. Groovyroom) 
Xibal (Prod. Groovyroom) 
Addict feat. Girlnexxtdoor (Prod. Girlnexxtdoor) 
Fire (Prod. Groovyroom) 
Runnin’ (Prod. GooseBumps) 
R.I.P (Rest In Party) [Prod. Girlnexxtdoor]
Sorry (1000) feat. Crush [Prod. Girlnexxtdoor] 
The Fearless One: May 15, 2019 
The Fearless One 
Officially OG: March 24, 2020 
VJ Is Classic 
No Hook feat. Paloalto & The Quiett 
Hear Me 
30Min feat. Simon Dominic 
Soap Seoul 
“Season Off”
Do Main 2020 feat. Lil Boi, Ugly Duck, Zico, & TakeOne) 
Water feat. Woodie Gochild, pH-1, Haon, & Jay Park) 
Headliner: June 11, 2020
Darling feat. Crush 
New Love 
She’s Gone 
Addy feat. Moon 
Too Picky 
IBTFY feat. pH-1 
Tell Ya! 
My Man - 2015
Untitled - 2015 
I Call It Love - 2016 
No Where - 2016 
Ring Ring - 2016 
Fly - 2017 
Choppy - 2018 
Plus It - 2018 
Youth.Wit.Propose - 2018 
Xibal - 2018 
Fire - 2018 
Addict - 2019 
Why You? - 2019 
Is It Love? - 2019 
Water - 2019 
Tell Ya! - 2020
Eung Freestyle with DPR Live, Owen, Punchnello, & Flowsik - 2016
Stylin’ with Supreme Boi - 2016 
Decalcomanie with Imlay - 2017 
Dingo X H1GHR with pH-1 & Jay Park - 2017 
Good Luck with Woodie Gochild, Haon, & pH-1 - 2018 
119 Remix with Various Artists - 2018
The Fearless One with Beenzino, The Quiett, & Changmo - 2019
Dingo X H1GHR with Haon, pH-1, Woodie Gochild, & Jay Park - 2019 
Tell Me Tell Me with M-flo, Elli, Taichi Mukai - 2020 
Gang Official Remix with pH-1, Jay Park, & Haon - 2020
Sorry Mom - Jason OK feat. Sik-K & Andup - 2015 
F*ckboy - Jay Park feat. Sik-K, BewhY, & Ugly Duck - 2015 
Time To Go - A-Chess feat. Sik-K - 2015
Alone Tonight - Jay Park feat. Sik-K - 2016 
Bulletproof - Crucial Star feat. Sik-K, Hash Swan, & Konsoul - 2016 
Back In The Day - Henmi feat. Sik-K - 2016 
My Wave - Basick feat. Sik-K - 2017
Girls - Junggio feat. Sik-K - 2017
Surf - Double K feat. Sik-K & Jay Park - 2017
Ady - Boi B  feat. Sik-K - 2017
Show Me Luv - Changmo feat. Sik-K - 2017
So Bad - Loco feat. Sik-K - 2017
City Love - Ja Mezz feat. Sik-K - 2017 
Don’t Be Shy - Crush feat. Sik-K - 2017 
Jealous - Young West feat. Sik-K & Niel- 2017 
Yacht - Jay Park feat. Sik-K - 2017 
247365 - Geeks feat. Sik-K - 2017 
Tell Me - Groovyroom feat. Sik-K & Giriboi - 2017 
Xindoshi - Groovyroom feat. Sik-K, Loopy, Masta Wu, & Kim Hyo Eun - 2017 
VVIP - Jo Woo Chan feat. Sik-K & Gaeko - 2017
I’ll Pick You Up - Crucial Star feat. Sik-K & Lil Boi - 2017 
Tru - Jung Jin Hyeong feat. Sik-K - 2017
Hope You’re Ruined - Kissxs feat. Sik-K - 2017 
Life Is A Gamble (Remix) - Jay Park feat. Sik-K, pH-1, & Double K - 2017 
Tongue Wrestling - Giriboi feat. Sik-K - 2017 
I’m Good - Bumzu feat. Sik-K - 2017 
Muse - Woodie Gochild feat. Sik-K - 2018 
Boiling Point - Ravi feat. Sik-K - 2018 
Penthouse - pH-1 feat. Sik-K - 2018 
Everyday - Dindin feat. Sik-K & Junik - 2018 
Hit Me Up - Groovyroom feat. Sik-K - 2018 
Boong-Boong - Haon feat. Sik-K - 2018 
Easy - Wheein feat. Sik-k - 2018 
DSF - Kid Milli feat. SIk-K - 2018 
Play Me - Woogie feat. Sik-K - 2018 
RnB Ting - Way Ched feat. Sik-K - 2018 
Chill - Crush feat. Sik-K - 2018 
Watch Me Balling - Coogie feat. Sik-K 
Girlfriend - Verbal Jint feat. Sik-K - 2018 
Tragic Tragedy - Goosebumps feat. Sik-K & Coogie  - 2018 
Stingray - Vinxen feat. Sik-K - 2018 
Finish Line - Jay Park feat. Sik-K, pH-1, Woodie Gochild, Haon, & Avatar Darko - 2019 
Lying - Khyo feat. Sik-K 
Come In - GXXD feat. Sik-K & Moon - 2019 
Bellboy - GXXD feat. Sik-K & Coogie - 2019 
Money Over Bullshit Remix  - The Quiett feat. Sik-K, Changmo, Superbee - 2019 
Umm - Boycold feat. Sik-K & pH-1 - 2019 
Stupid Tweety - Boycold feat. Sik-K - 2019 
Day Or Night - Way Ched feat. Sik-k - 2019
Izakaya - Leellamarz feat. Sik-K - 2019 
Friday - Roof Top feat. SIk-K - 2019 
Tempo - Penomeco feat. SIk-K - 2019 
Day N Night - Moon Sujin feat. Sik-K - 2019 
Say Goodbye - Jay Park & Yultron feat. Sik-k & pH-1 - 2019 
Pass - Groovyroom & Leellamarz feat. Sik-K - 2019 
One Man Show - Zico feat. Sik-K - 2019 
Simple - Crucial Star feat. Sik-K - 2019 
Otherman - Elles feat. Sik-K - 2019 
Drug=Love - Jung Jin Hyeong feat. Sik-K - 2019 
Cash - Jung Jin Hyeong feat. Sik-K - 2019 
Limitless - Ravi feat. Sik-K & Xydo - 2019 
Lo-Fi - Ravi feat. Sik-K - 2020
Chance - Blase feat. Sik-K - 2020
Nombre - Leellamarz feat. Sik-K - 2020 
Telefono - pH-1 feat. Sik-K, Jay Park, Haon, & Woodie Gochild - 2020
Workman - Jang Sung Kyu feat. Sik-K & Jay Park - 2020 
Stupid Night - Vinxen feat. Sik-K - 2020
Out Of Place - DJ Wegun & Jay Park feat. Sik-K, Woo
Abu Dhai - The Quiett with Sik-K, Skinny Brown, & Leellamarz - 2020
Hitchhike Me - GGXD feat. Sik-K - 2020
Silence - Leellamarz & Goosebumps feat. Sik-K - 2020
Prison Break - Leellamarz & Goosebumps feat. Sik-K - 2020
Lies - Jung Jin Hyeong feat. Sik-K, pH-1 - 2020 
0 (young) - Leellamarz feat. Sik-K - 2020 
G + Jus - Groovyroom & JUSTHIS feat. Sik-K, Miranni, pH-1, Munchman, Skinny Brown, Louie, Leellamarz, Ourealgoat, Dbo, Owen, Kid Milli, Swings, Nudeboi Seo, Trade L, Coogie, Blase, Sokodom, Khundi Panda, Lil Moshpit, & Khakil - 2021
77 notes · View notes
askthedespairkids · 3 years ago
I see. So what’s the short summary of everything that happened from October 2016-Halloween 2020?
//Well the short of it is...there is no short summary? So get ready for the briefest recap of six years of nearly six years of content everybody, going by chronological arc-order!!
//This is also purely a recap of the events in DK and not PreDespairKids because I’m a little bitch.
//If I missed anything important please let me know because this is a long ass blog so there was a lot I had to try and recall!
//For recap sake, any mission arcs, I will not specify who is on what team, only specifying who did anything important to the overall arching story in the arc. This is also going all the way up to the end of The Leadership Arc as despite the amount of time the Preparation Arc has been going on for, the amount of posts under the tag is rather short. Once I have finished the Preparation Arc i might update this.
The Sheltered Arc:
-The newly formed Future Foundation gets intel that their loved ones are being held in Towa City
-One helicopter gets shot down over Tokyo
-They are rescued by the survivors of the 79-C class, along with two additional survivors. These characters are:
Ryuu Nagata (Lucky Student)
Maemi Watanabe (Harem Mangaka)
Toson Shinko (Horror Movie Director)
Saori Kibe (Paranormal Investigator)
Junpei Yokozawa (Blogger)
Karma Graves (Secret Agent)
Sly (Assassin)
Tomoe Hachi (Illusionist)
Sadao Irunami (Hypnotist)
Mami Asano (Living Doll)
Kobo Okanaya (Tour Guide)
Amaterasu Hokama (Thief)
Doi Kurohiko (Romance Expert)
Rina Kirishima (Taxidermist)
Yuuki Kurosaki (Explorer)
Tsukiko Ishikawa (Thanatologist)
Orochi Kamisaka (79-A’s Ultimate Decipherer)
Naomi Kizakura (Niece of Koichi Kizakura)
(Please note that the cast of the 79-C cast has changed a lot over the years so if you ever read it from the beginning, you will see different characters during this section that are no longer involved in the story and had their spots replaced for continuity sake)
-Mukuro and Sly find Leon and the other survivors of the fall of Hope’s Peak who didn’t reach the Future Foundation while they are scouting the area
-Sadao Irunami who was hypnotised into becoming a despair, has his hypnosis reversed.
-When the rescue helicopter comes, they fight Ibuki and beat her. However Chihiro shows up and saves her from capture 
-A small team head to Towa City whilst majority head back to HQ
The Captured Arc:
-The foundation save the captives from Ultra Despair Girls and try to flee the city
-During which, Junpei, Kyouko and Mukuro end up splitting off from the group and get captured
-Sly, Komaru, and Taichi meet a boy with no tongue who is called Denbe Katayama, at the same time another group meet a boy called Sora Nagata (Twin to Ryuu). They are both introduced as members of the 79-B class. Sora (Riddle Solver) reveals his class has almost completely been captured by the despairs. This starts a ‘save class 79-B’ subplot’. Sora returns to the Despairs after this encounter.
-Denbe (Sniper) is one of two 79-B students who evaded capture, the other already is at the HQ. Denbe joins the FF.
-Denbe, is the first member to join the Sly Harem subplot.
-Junpei, Kyouko, and Mukuro wake to find themselves capture by Despair member, Maverick Storm (Ultimate Manipulator) who has taken control of the Adult Resistance in Towa City (And killed Haiji Towa. Good.)
-Rescue mission is carried out. During which they also save another 79-B student, Shin Tamuro (Spy). Maverick evades capture.
-When the rescue helicopter appears for everybody later, Junko appears and reveals that she has used an incomplete experiment created by Kyoji to revive four people: Celes, Nagito, Kazuichi, and Natsumi Kuzuryuu
-Everyone returns to HQ. Junpei and Orochi officially begin dating.
-Komaru begins to train under Sly, starting Komaru’s Training subplot
The Celebration Arc:
-A celebration for the Towa team returning after being stranded in the city for so long. Nothing of consequence happens, but Naomi and Karma’s romance subplot begins here.
-Ryuu and Kobo’s side story about them beginning to date is also posted during this arc.
The Battle of Future Foundation Arc:
-All members of the Future Foundation wake up in an unknown facility, spread out and with bracelets on their wrists.
-Despair member, Yuuko Mori (76′s Ultimate Level Designer) announces they’re going to play a death game where they knock each other out in various challenge games until one is left, who will face Yuuko herself.
-The bracelets are revealed to be NG code bracelets
-Only Ultimates play the game, anyone without a talent is held underneath the facility to await results of the game.
-During which, the Yuta and Yukimaru romance subplot begins
-After Karma loses early, they and Sadao become friends with each other
-In one game, Sly and Mahiru have their match interrupted by a despair member who is revealed to be Ryouko Otonashi (Junko’s clone in this universe who was killed during the fall)
-Sly manages to save her, but Denbe Katayama ends up triggering his NG code and Sly manages to save him by getting Denbe to cut his arm off to stop the poison spreading
-Ryouko is the second member to join the Harem Subplot
-Kyoji Nakamura discovers that the Izuru Kamukura Project, which he was a part of, was actually a success and that Izuru Kamukura was sealed away in the darkest parts of Hajime’s mind.
-In addition to this, it is also revealed that Junko used DNA from Hajime in order to make an Izuru clone, meaning there are two Izuru’s in the world.
-79-B’s Akiko Sugiyama (Songwriter) and Ryokai Araki (Exorcist), who worked under Yuuko, are saved during the arc.
-Eventually, the game’s winner is declared as Ethos Oroya (76′s Ultimate Destruction) and he captures Yuuko with ease.
The Trial Arc:
-The survivors of the Hope’s Peak student council investigate Sadao Irunami after discovering his is using his hypnosis talent on Karma after Karms asked him to help subdue their violent tendencies 
-Sadao ends up getting Junpei imprisoned as well. Then through a requested broadcast, he knows the identity of the traitor that caused everyone to get captured by Yuuko but will reveal it in the morning.
-Sadao is discovered dead the next day in his cell and all the suspects (the 79-C class) are gathered as they are found to have no alibi (for plot reasons. Nice one, 2017 J).
-They are forced into a class trial styled trial to discover the culprit. Ryuu reveals the culprit to be Nakashima Atsushi (76′s Ultimate Urban Explorer).
-Nakashima evades capture but reveals he isn’t the true culprit and that there’s another traitor amongst the Foundation members.
A Crooked Arc:
-Masaru and his 79-B assistant, Sora Nagata invade a survivor camp in a an old radio broadcasting building in Hokkaido
-Introduction of Damian Miraz, a talented archer that is in charge of the camp, and Umeko Nagata (79-A’s Ultimate Motivational Speaker, and older sister to Ryuu and Sora)
-Masaru overtakes the radio base and sends out a signal to bait the foundation.
The Twins Arc:
-Team responds to the S.O.S. signal
-After fighting, they manage to defeat Masaru’s robot after Miaya uses weapons in her modified wheelchair
-The team realise that the radio base would be a strong place for their first main-land base.
-Ryuu volunteers to stay behind due to many injuries after the fight. Becomes the leader of the Hokkaido base.
-After the rest of the team return, they discover two stowaways who are revealed to be Kaede Akamatsu and Maki Harukawa who were guided to the Hokkaido Base by Yuuki Kurosaki.
-Note: All V3 characters are not Ultimates in this stole, but were candidates for the 80th class of Hope’s Peak
-Maki is revealed to be a member of the same assassin agency as Sly and the two consider each other as childhood friends. She is also revealed to be dating Kaede, however Maki is another member of Sly’s Harem subplot.
-The branch heads have a discussion on what to do with the newly captured Masaru. After an anonymous vote, some people vote for him to be executed but it is decided he’ll be placed in the care of HQ members.
-However, this is too much for Tengan and he departs from the foundation, leaving Mukuro to take his place as the 2nd branch head.
-Damian is assigned to the same team as the Hope’s Peak student council. This starts his and Aiko’s romance subplot
-Masaru is placed into the care of Orochi and Junpei
The Novoselic Arc:
-A team led by Sonia finally go to Novoselic to recuse any survivors.
-When they arrive, they find the place has been taken over already by Angie Yonaga who claims to have been guided to Novoselic. She has converted many of the residents of Novoselic to find comfort in Kami-sama, however at the consequence of them rejecting their monarchy.
-The rest of the team let Sonia go to the castle to collect her things after finding out she is no longer needed. However, a bomb is dropped far away enough from the main city for them to feel strong aftershocks. The castle takes significant damages
-Kazuichi reveals himself to be the cause of the bomb attack. During the fight, Gundam manages to rescue Kazuichi’s 79-B helper, Takashi Hayashi (Archaeologist)
-Then, Sonia, massively injured, manages to sneak behind Kazuichi and shoot him dead.
-Sonia and Gundam stay behind and promise to guide the surviving Novoselic population to their neighbouring nation, Cyprus. Angie goes with the FF.
-During this arc, Maemi and Sly have a side interaction where Maemi becomes another member of the Harem subplot.
The Dance Arc:
-The Foundation host a ball-like event to ease tensions in the foundation.
-However, an anonymous person posts that the traitor that really killed Sadao will be revealed at the dance.
-During the preparations of the dance, Rina Kirishima and Peko Pekoyama finally begin to date after pining for so long.
-this also begins the Sayaka and Toko romance subplot
-As promised, Yuuki, Kyouko, and Takumi Hijirihara hijack the event at the end of the night and reveal that the true killer of Sadao Irunami is Ruruka Ando.
-Ruruka tries to flee, but Yuuki gives chase and people try to spread out to find them.
-It’s then that a small group from the 79th class find Yuuki emerging from the woods with a revived Sadao Irunami in his arms.
-He reveals he forced Ryokai to use his abilities as an exorcist to revive Sadao in exchange for Ruruka’s life.
-After Ruruka’s death, Teruteru becomes the branch head for the 8th branch.
-During this arc Several new Despair members are introduced. Kokichi Ouma, Miu Iruma, and OC Donald Ripper (Ultimate Criminologist, and the True Sparkling Justice)
The Exam Arc:
-Exams are held to decide on who from HQ should be transferred to the Hokkaido base to support its development.
-In the end, the following people pass the exam to get transferred:
Peko Pekoyama
Rina Kirishima
Kobo Okanaya
Umeko Nagata
Ryouko Otonashi
Toko Fukawa
Takemichi Yukimaru
Sayaka Maizono
-During the exam, Umeko Nagata attempts to kill Junpei for his part in the fall of Hope’s peak, but fails. Yuuki is sent along with the people who passed the exam in order to keep an eye on her
-Yuta also sneaks onto the helicopters to follow Yukimaru to the Hokkaido base.
-Kyoji reveals the truth about Izuru-Hajime to the 77th class.
-The arc ends with Ryoma Hoshi, Himiko Yumeno, Tenko Chabashira, and OC Miru Kitagawa (Ultimate Scientist) arriving at the Hokkaido base after hearing it’s a safe haven
The Arc in the Big Apple:
-A team make a connection with another foundation in New York and decide to make the trip in order to build allies in other nations.
-However, Kyoji is actually going because he needs a brain tumour removed and has heard rumours that Yasuke Matsuda has made his way to New York.
-While there, they manage to establish a relationship with Georgia Orwell, the leader of the American resistance.
-However, they also find Yasuke and along with him, come face-to-face with the Izuru Clone that Kyoji had heard about long ago.
-Izuru tests them by giving them a powerful that will go off soon unless they can contain it. And he tells them the location of an underground test facility that has something that can contain the blast.
-When they reach the containment room, they find that it can only be locked from inside the room and that the blast can’t be contained without the door locked.
-Byakuya sacrifices himself to save everybody and dies in the blast from the bomb.
-Everybody returns solemnly to the FF, not feeling like they earned any victory.
-Kyoji has his tumour removed, but because he never divulged what he was going through to his closest friend, Miaya, or his girlfriend, Mikan, they fall out with him.
The Big Bang Arc:
-Chihiro kills one of Kokichi’s D.I.C.E. members, taunting him by telling Kokichi his plan to open a black hole that will destroy the world.
-Kokichi enlists the help of Ripper and Miu, revealing that none of the three are true Despairs. They organise a summit with the FF HQ, the Hokkaido base, Tengan’s group, and the Novoselic survivors.
-Tengan’s group consists of Tsumugi Shirogane, Korekiyo Shinguuji, Kiibo, and Kirumi Toujou
-A 79-B member that works for Michael Hyde (76′s Ultimate Hunter) follows them. This is the proper introduction of Kotone Okuda (Ultimate Bounty Hunter)
-They all agree to assist in taking down Chihiro and send out teams to deal with Kokichi.
-At the Hokkaido base, Chihiro sends troops to distract them, during which, Jataro and his 79-B helper, Robyn Hutchison (Ultimate Nudes Artist) join the fray
-A small collection of 79-B class members and the help of Ripper manage to beat Jataro’s robot and he is taken in by the Foundation.
-During the fight, some rioters invade the base building and kidnap Ryuu and Sadao. When Karma, Toson, and Yuuki are distracted, someone kills Toson with a knife to the back.
-Yuuki reveals to Karma that he is in fact the Ultimate Theorist and not the Ultimate Explorer
-Karma and Yuuki leave to save Sadao
-Rina and Kobo leave to rescue Ryuu
-Yuuki and Karma save Sadao after finding him in the bathhouse after he managed to already hypnotise his kidnappers
-After guards are distracted by Amaterasu, Rina and Kobo go into a small underground shelter to find Ryuu, also finding Asukasei Hino of the Hope’s Peak student council, who had not been accounted for after the fall of Hope’s Peak.
-They enter the room Ryuu is being held in and find a man called Suibuki Yokozawa (74′s Ultimate Actor), Junpei’s abusive older brother who took advantage of the chaos to try and kill his brother’s classmates.
-Amaterasu manages to find a secret entrance into the room and they manage to defeat Suibuki and save Ryuu and Asukasei and return to the Hokkaido base.
-The teams dealing with Chihiro arrive at Mt Fuji where his base is located and begin to make their way to his base.
-One team faces Kiriko Nishizawa, another student council member that was unaccounted for after the fall of Hope’s Peak. Hiroko manages to subdue her.
-After the situation gets desperate, Seiko uses her transformative medication. But the effects are too much for her and once the fight is over, she slips into a coma.
-Sayaka, Mondo, Taka, Kokichi, and Taichi all manage to reach Chihiro’s base.
-Sayaka ends up killing Chihiro, but not before Taichi is killed by Chihiro.
-After the incident, Kotone and Ripper return the Despair base but Kokichi and Miu remain at the Hokkaido base.
-Tengan’s group and Sonia and Gundam also return to the HQ.
-Kyoji and Mikan break up officially, though on good terms. At the same time, Leon and Mikan’s romance subplot begins.
-Jataro is placed into the care of Maemi Watanabe.
The Returning Arc:
-Natsumi and Nakashima arrive at HQ to attack, turning off the generators in order to give them an advantage.
-Nakashima tries to seek Munakata, but manages to get captured by the combined efforts of Malcom Suzuki (76′s Ultimate Boy Scout), Nekomaru, and the reawaked Seiko Kimura.
-Natsumi captures Mahiru and guides Fuyuhiko to the rooftop for their fight.
-During the fight, Natsumi manages to found Fuyuhiko but before she can finish him, Mahiru uses another weapon Natsumi brought to cut off Natsumi’s arm.
-In a refusal to die at the hands of the FF, Natsumi dives off of the rooftop and dies.
-A subplot of the arc is Sly, Maki and Leon meeting Natsumi’s 79-B helper, Chieko Arishima (Shrine Maiden). When they try to investigate the helicopter Natsumi took, despite Chieko’s warnings, a strange substance begins to spray into the air.
-After the fight, Chieko is taken into the care of the FF.
-Before the events of this arc, Miaya and Kyoji officially begin dating
The Diseased Arc:
-Immediately after the Natsumi/Nakashima incident, a number of FF members take ill. Their personalities all take complete 180s.
-Some samples of the substance being analysed at the Hokkaido base get leaked and infect some members there as well.
-A small group led by Miaya seek out Izuru who Miaya claims will already know they want to meet him.
-When they meet, Miaya reveals that during her time at Hope’s Peak, she was the head of the Kamukura Project, and was responsible for repressing Izuru’s personality into the recesses of Hajime’s mind.
-Izuru provides them with an antidote to the disease and Miaya begs everyone to keep her secret, especially from Kyoji
-They manage to cure the infected, and Kaito confesses he thinks he has feelings for Shuuichi but still needs time to process this new discovery about himself
The Judgement Arc:
-The Future Foundation send out a small team to investigate sightings of Nagito in the area nearby the Hokkaido base.
-The team end up captured by Nagito and forced to participate in a voting-based death game where the loser of each vote will be killed. This is to continue until there is half the original total (4 deaths)
-through the votes, Juzo Sakakura, Yasuhiro Hagakure, and Tenko Chabashira all die.
-At the last vote, (Whoever gets the most votes chooses who to die) after discovering that the true meaning of the game was to make people who would be most affected by their deaths to desire for revenge on Nagito, Takumi Hijirihara says that he wants to kill Maki Harukawa. Someone who isn’t a player in the game.
-Nagito refuses, but Takumi refutes that he was given unspecified power so either Nagito make good on his word or he ends the game. Nagito, not able to compete with Takumi, ends the game prematurely and the remaining five, Takumi, Yui Samidare, Mikan, Kaede, and Mondo all escape.
-Munakata upon hearing the news of Juzo’s death, seems to have a serious toll taken on him
The Leadership Arc:
-Celes, along with her 79-B helper, Yumiko Hashimoto (Reporter), host a gambling tournament with the prize of leadership over the Despairs as the grand prize.
-To everyone’s surprise, Junko agrees to it claiming it will be fun.
-Celes wins the tournament and takes over the Despairs.
-Throughout the tournament, in each individual match personal bets are made and Maverick comes into possession of Izuru’s phone number, when he calls, he learns of Miaya’s involvement with the Kamukura project.
-Ripper also earns Kotone as a helper after being promoted due to his placement in the gambling tournament.
-Maverick gets Miaya’s attention with the HQ’s mainland security cameras and has her take him to the HQ to negotiate with the chairman- however, he finds himself negotiating with Miaya, Chisa, and Koichi.
-In the middle of negotiations, Junko also storms into the room. The two then tell the foundation heads about Celes taking over the Despairs, Junko asks them to kill Celes and even gives them the location of the Despair base.
-Maverick manages to earn himself safety from the war by being held in the FF prison thanks to his information on Celes. Junko leaves, threatening that she has a bomb attached to her.
-Miaya also finally comes clean to Kyoji about her involvement in the Kamukura Project. Kyoji, expectedly, becomes enraged at her as she also admits that she was the one that recommended Kyoji to work on the project in the first place.
-A team is assembled and they attempt to storm the base but all get separated by the security system and are forced to navigate the base by themselves.
Taka - Fights Kotone and Ripper - Loses and is severely injured, but not fatally
Leon - Fights Kotoko and wins, saving her afterwards from the Monokids. Kotoko realises that Monaca must have been the one that programmed the helmets to make them attack her after she lost
Yasuke - Fights Nagisa and wins. Kotoko tries to convince Nagisa of Monaca’s true nature but Nagisa runs away to ask Monaca himself. Leon and Kotoko follow, Yasuke waits in a central room due his injuries. The room is connection to all the tunnels that separated the group.
Komaru - Fights Monaca and wins - Monaca tries to make the Monokids attack Komaru but Kotoko comes in to stop her and exposes her for what she really is. Nagisa and Kotoko learn Monaca faked her injury and after a fight between the kids, Nagisa and Kotoko leave with Leon and Komaru.
Mukuro - Fights with nobody, but out of Hajime who has been having more frequent headaches (something Yasuke believes could be caused by Izuru trying to break free), she searches the other tunnels
Junpei - Fights his older brother Suibuki, who Junko recruited. Junpei wins and brutally overkills Suibuki. Mukuro finds Junpei stabbing at the already dead body of Suibuki and manages to get him away, even surprised by how unphased Junpei seems by his own actions.
Mahiru - Fights Ibuki and neither win - Mahiru tries to convince Ibuki to run away but Ibuki claims she has nowhere to belong. Mahiru promises to not give up on her and Ibuki lets her leave.
Akane - Fights Mike - Loses the will to fight after she learns that Mike killed all of her siblings. Mukuro manages to save Akane, but Akane falls into a near unresponsive state.
Hajime - Meets Nagito but neither fight. After their conversation, Hajime comes face-to-face with the Izuru clone. Their conversation finally breaks the original Izuru free from Hajime’s mind. The two Izuru’s agree that they will only fight should the Future Foundation beat Junko Enoshima and Hajime-Izuru disappears before Mukuro can reach him.
Kyouko - Is collected by Yumiko and brought directly to Celes.
-Celes and Kyouko play a gambling game with their lives on the lines, Celes uses Yumiko’s fellow classmates who are tied up and passed out as a means to make sure Yumiko doesn’t try to help Kyouko.
-Kyouko still manages to win the game and Celes, as pledged, dies by falling into a pool of water below the game area. Kyouko, during the game however, loses one of her eyes and a lot of blood. She is still alive and manages to get to the central room where everyone is waiting.
-Yasuke treats Kyouko as best as he can on site and everybody boards the helicopter back to HQ, saving all the remaining 79-B members, sans Kotone who is still at the despair base with Ripper.
-During this arc, there is a side-plot where Sly discovers there is an assassination hit out on Maemi’s head. He tries to enlist help from Yuuki who has kept himself cooped up in his room at the Hokkaido base since The Diseased Arc.
-Yuuki reveals himself to Sly, Kyoji, and Ryouko as the Ultimate Theorist. He also reveals that Maemi and he were in a killing game long ago, put together by a mastermind he doesn’t know the current identity of and that Maemi has repressed the memories of the incident and no longer remembers the game or Yuuki before meeting him again at Hope’s Peak. However he believes the mastermind of that game and the person who put the hit on Maemi are the same person.
-After some work, he declares Tsumugi Shirogane to be the mastermind behind the killing game and the hit on Maemi.
-Sly, Ryouko, and Yuuko go back to HQ and interrogate Tengan who reveals he knew of Tsumugi’s true nature, but claims that Tsumugi does not recall the killing game whatsoever, something Yuuki and Sly are then able to confirm themselves.
-It’s then revealed that Maemi and Maki worked together to fake the hit in order to save Yuuki from spiralling through his thoughts and theories on how to protect his class. Yuuki becomes crestfallen, thinking all the past months he sacrificed were for nothing whilst Sly gets calmly angry at the two for abusing his trust.
-Yuuki, Sly, and Ryouko return to Hokkaido where Yuuki says he wants to make up for lost time and become a better person for the sake of everyone in the class. Sly puts their past personality clashes and agrees to support Yuuki in his new goal.
-When everybody returns from the mission, Koichi, Chisa, and Miaya hold a foundation-wide announcement where they declare that in one week they will be moving to attack the Despair base whilst they are weakened.
-It is also revealed that Munakata, after Juzo’s death, fell into a catatonic depression and that Chisa will step forward as Acting Chairwoman - which is met with no objections.
-Mahiru relays what happened to Hajime and the 77th class vow to bring Hajime back, especially Chiaki.
-Junko, expecting the upcoming fight, tells her forces to also prepare to fight.
-Which brings us to the present...
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koushirouizumi · 11 months ago
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D I G I M O N ~ 25th Anniversary Art {From the official DM Partners site here!} (And the official Tweet here!)
But let's wait and see after DigiCon...!
0 notes
love-for-yamato-and-sora · 3 years ago
This is a music album, which is the information that was preserved when the official news was released at that time.
Type-B is sorato cover.
That is to say, it is not the first time to use Sorato as the cover, this is the first time, and the second time is the BD cover of Digimon Adventure 2020.
See this post for content:
Type-A 表面:太一&アグモン バックカバー:宮﨑 歩&AiM撮りおろし写真
Type-B 表面:ヤマト&ガブモン バックカバー:空&ピヨモン
Type-C 表面:タケル&パタモン、ヒカリ&テイルモン バックカバー:丈&ゴマモン
Type-D 表面:光子郎&テントモン、ミミ&パルモン バックカバー:芽心&メイクーモン
Type A
Surface: Taichi & Agumon
Back cover: Miyazaki Ayumi & AIM 
Type B
Surface: Yamato & Gabumon
Back cover: Sora & biyomon
Surface: Takeru & Patamon, Hikari & tailmon
Back cover: Joe & Gomamon
Type D
Suface: Koushiro & tentomon, Mimi & Palmon
Back cover: Meiko & Meicoomon
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omniversalobservations · 3 years ago
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Digimon x Pokemon Costume Switch (2020)
Pokemon and Digimon are two of the biggest franchises to come from Japan, and they have the fanbases to prove it. Whether we're talking video games or films, the pair have been locked in a rivalry for decades now. Of course, there are plenty of fans who love both titles, and they do not get to see Pokemon team up with Digimon enough. That is why one artist decided it was time to combine the series, and they did so with a very impressive crossover for Halloween.
The artwork was done over on Twitter by doodlebugdebz for the holiday. It was there the artist decided Taichi and Ash should swap places for the day. That is why the trainers switched up their uniforms and even got their partners in on the affair.
As you can see above, the artwork shows Taichi dressed as Ash Ketchum from his very first season. The boy is wearing Ash's iconic hat as well as his blue-and-gold vest. The look is paired with baggy jeans and black-and-white sneakers.
Ash is also rocking a familiar look as he's got on Taichi's graphic shirt. Paired with brown cargo shorts, Ash looks natural in Taichi's white sneakers and blue googles.
Of course, Agumon and Pikachu also got on the trend. Agumon is standing next to Taichi in a Pikachu hoodie, and he has some pink lipstick smeared on his face to simulate red electrical pads. As for Pikachu, the mascot is perched on Ash's shoulders, and he is wearing an oversized Agumon hoodie that suits him perfectly. 0comments
Clearly, this crossover is adorable, and it showcases how powerful an official collaboration between the brands could be.
Source: Comic Book Dot Com
(image via Twitter)
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maggiecheungs · 4 years ago
2020 ~everything~ wrap
i finally have time to do all of the tag games that people have tagged me in over the past month or so! i cannot for the life of me remember who tagged me in which one, so i’m just putting ~everything~ in one huge post. if i tag you anywhere then consider it a standing invitation to do whichever of these you haven’t done :) in fact, this is me issuing a standing invite to any of my followers who wants to do it :) also, thank you all!
Creator Wrap: Favourite Works
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
this collection of philosophy quotes paired with thai bl series, (and its sequel) which is possibly my favourite thing i’ve ever made. for, uh, nerd reasons.
these gifted text post memes i made still make me laugh sometimes
this fic about green from 2gether, which i wrote in the notes app on my phone and published the same day. not my absolute best writing but i am very fond of it <3
i have a bunch fof friend zone dangerous area edits/shitposts which i like, but i’m particularly fond of my fzda as satire headlines (which now has a sequel!)
i also love my crisgood-walmart-lesbian post. i might send it in to gmmtv to try and convince them to do a crisgood-bffs spin-off
+ bonus: since i wrote this list i made this gifset (my first ever!) of jennie panhan in the shipper and i love her too much not to include her on here
+ extra nerdy bonus: this niche meme about Chinese philosophy, which still makes me crack up whenever I think about it
Favourite Creators/Follow Forever
i’ve completely lost track of who’s following who from which blog, so this is just going to be a haphazard, non-exhaustive list of people who i adore/admire/am vaguely intimidated by, mutuality be damned. maybe we talk all the time! maybe we’ve never interacted! maybe i am constantly there in ur tags... lurking... 👀... but if you’re on this list you have made me smile at least once this year and i love you for that alone <3
@wjmild kylie!! you make gifs of arm & tay & lee (separately or in various combinations) & the shipper & and kapook & random fluke pusit cameos & school rangers so i don’t have to <3 ilysm
@janeramida vianey, you have such impeccable taste in general, but your sizzy gifset in particular is so gorgeous it lives in my mind rent free
@applelapis bri, this post was a callout and i want you to know that it haunts me at night as i lie awake staring at the ceiling :((((( i hope you are happy
@gigiesarocha cata, i love it when you show up on my dash bc you have!! such taste!! also, every time you gif gigie i gain five years of life <3 pls continue doing the Good Work
@pvrrish​ eleni, i remeber legit thinking that this was an official poster when i first saw it, it’s so beautiful
@ahysopae​ juliette your khaithird fic is so good and it literally changed the way i think about khai (not an easy feat)
@kurosawadachi angel, whenever i think about grace’s speech i remember your gifset and get literal chills
@doctorbahnjit alexa, you have no right to be as funny as you are. your friend zone edits give me life
@khaotungthanawat sam, you’re probably sick of getting tagged in these lists by random strangers, but i just had to bc your gifsets are Pure Art
@tanwirapong roa, all your gifsets are so ✨iconic✨
faiza @asianmelodrama and rahul @petekaos! yours were the first two thai drama blogs i followed and for ages i lowkey thought of you as my fandom parents.
and some more blogs that make me happy: @curlykytta / @lee-thanat  / @fck-inspector-m / @pangwave / @tichawongtipkanon / @tawanv @kimmonv (violet istg i have spent more time this year trying to figure out how many blogs you have than i have spent admiring your gifsets. & i spend a lot of time admiring your gifsets) / @taytawan / @1akorn and @yihwas (and your radiant lovechild @lakornladies ofc) / @teh-ohaew / @vihokratanas (mel your gifsets are just so gorgeous) / @tootiredtoosadtooangry / @headcompletelyempty / @demiromanticmickey​ / and there are definitely more but my brain is a sieve so apologies if i’ve forgotten anyone!! i love you all!! 
rules: list your top 10 shows (bl or not) you watched in 2020 (doesn’t necessarily have to be shows that came out in 2020 though!)
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my first thai drama, and even after all the amazing shows i’ve watched this year, it still has a special place in my heart. watching 2gether was the first time i’d ever seen a queer romcom that just... was. for me, by the simple fact of its being, 2gether was revolutionary. and then still2gether came along and took all the best things about the first season and gave us something beautiful and quiet and lovely and just proved to me, once and for all, that queer happiness doesn’t need to justify its own existence. there can be gay cuddles on the beach for no other reason than that we want them. 
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i don’t really have the words for this one but. it makes my heart so very soft.
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season one was mindless fun because everyone was an absolute trashfire and it was hella cathartic to watch, but season 2... wow. i love it for so many reasons: it has messy and authentic queer rep; the characterisation is excellent and i somehow care about all of the characters; amazing women taking centre stage(!); a wlw relationship with lesbian, ace and bipolar rep; multiple interesting plotlines; actual character development; arm weerayut as a chaos gremlin... absolutely one of my favourites of 2020.
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i don’t think i need to explain this one, which is fortunate, because i have no idea how exactly i’d describe the happy-warm-fuzzy-queer-seen-loving-affirmed-profound feeling that rises in my chest whenever i think about it. 
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confession: i liked season 2 more than season 1 (with the exception of the ending, which we don’t talk about). season 1 was enjoyable and interesting, but for me it was season 2 which made me love this series. it did some incredibly interesting and complicated things (even if it didn’t quite nail the landing): it pushed characters to the breaking point and wove so many layers into the story and questioned its own underlying themes. plus, watching it alongside everyone in the fandom made it 200% better. i love all of you and i love this show. egg girl 5eva.
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i 100% understand why so many people didn’t like this show, or found it problematic, but through some fluke it absolutely worked for me (even the ending). one day i will write an essay explaining my rationale, but for now i’ll just say that it’s one of my favourite shows about adolescence and queerness and identity and compassion and friendship and love that i’ve ever watched. 
7. YYY
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this series is absolutely off its rocker, and it somehow managed to be one of the most affirming shows i’ve watched. it shouldn’t have worked by it did, and i love it so much.
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absolutely iconic. amazing plot, stunning visuals, great characters, canon polyamory, jennie being incredible... what a series.
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i love the fact that this show exists; i love the mix of crime and romance; i love maxtul’s acting; i love the central relationship; i love bun. i know we’re not even halfway through yet, but this show is doing something special and i’m so grateful that i get to watch it unfold in real time. 
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odd one out on my list, but I had to include it. chihayafuru is my all-time favourite anime and it finally got a third season, which is somehow even better than the first two. mashima taichi is one of my favourite characters of all time and his storyline hits me on such a profound level. plus, in the years since i first say this show i’ve fallen in love with classical japanese literature (particularly heian poetry) so i had newfound appreciation for the karuta matches (aka i cried every time someone recited one of my favourite poems)
other favourites: together with me, he’s coming to me, sotus and sotus s, my dear loser: edge of 17, why r u, theory of love, wake up chanee!, gameboys, pearl next door, uta koi (anime), three kingdoms (2010), blood and water (netflix). (itsay would almost certainly be on my list if i’d had time to watch it. same with dark blue kiss, which i had to pause so i could do my assignments)
Final Thoughts
well, it’s been... a year (i don’t think anyone needs a reminder of the details) but writing this post has reminded me of all the amazing shows and people I discovered over the course of it.
thank you to everyone for being so lovely and creative and funny and quirky and kind and passionate. you’re all incredibly awesome people and i wish all of you the very best xx
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izzyizumi · 2 years ago
M E: OH, and just for the record, 2020!Taichi is already officially calling 2020!Koushiro "his friend" by Episode 03 of the 2020 U.S. dub. 2020!Tai: "My *FRIEND*, You're *FULL* of Surprises."
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dpganime · 4 years ago
Dear producers and writers of Digimon 2020, make Taichi/Mimi official please. 
Look at them:
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