#officer jitil
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mafiaamongstus · 6 months ago
The people have spoken (it's me I'm the people). They want a musical adaptation of this storyline. What is everyone's vocal range classification and what are they singing about in their main song?
Vocal Range Classifications:
Olo: Baritone
Rouvan: Bass
Rynn: Mezzo Soprano
Joris: Alto
Odil: Alto
Jitil: Tenor
Kyle: Tenor
Main Song Topic:
Olo: honor and duty, something like Seize the Day from Newsies but instead of whimsical newsboys its government agents
Rouvan: probably has the mentor song, smth like History has its Eyes on You (Hamilton) or Or he just has his own song about life in the medical wing dealing with idiots.
Rynn: the dreamer song maybe, about like, what she'd do if she didnt have to deal with the Wall gunning for her. Along the lines of like, Santa Fe (Prologue) from Newsies or something like that
Joris: The fact that she's secretly an imposter, and dealing with the fact that she's hiding from everyone but wanting to connect with them because being a solo Kinling is utterly BRUTAL. Maybe like Waving Through a Window from Dear, Evan Hansen or Dead Mom from Beetlejuice.
Odil and Jitil definitely have like a shared song, and its probably like, the motivational song of the musical. Them hyping everyone else up. Maybe along the lines of The World Will Know or Once and For All from Newsies.
Kyle absolutely has the introductory song where he tells you a little bit about everyone else. Think Alexander Hamilton (from hamilton) or like, Ex-Wives from Six
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mafiaamongstus · 6 months ago
Officers Jitil and Odil, what are each of your most and least favorite parts of being twins?
Officer Odil: Well, it's quite nice having someone who...no matter what, I know Ji's got my back. He'll protect me, and I'll protect him, and even when we're fighting, we don't have to worry about that. We could be two steps from killing each other, but we always know that we'll keep each other safe.
Officer Jitil: You just keep me around for my baking skills, don't lie to them
Officer Odil, now with slightly ruffled hair: As I was saying, my brother and I will always protect each other, and that's quite a nice reassurance.
Officer Jitil, with a smear of a mysterious pink slime oozing across the left side of his face: 'Dil couldn't have said it better. For the least favorite, probably the fact that she had to go and give me her face. It's quite hard to yell at new recruits when half of them are wondering how such a feminine face ended up on a man with that many muscles.
Officer Odil, snorting: Yeah well, at least they still listen to you. It's SUCH a pain having to try and reprimand someone, only for them to be too busy thinking "oh thank god it's not the other one" all the time.
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mafiaamongstus · 7 months ago
To the hypothetical Odil, Jitil and Olo who integrated with the Fungle and remained on the island: Hello! It's been a while and everyone back home misses you a lot. I hope you're all in good health and spirits! Have the island natives and the mushroom itself been hospitable to you? How are you spending your time these days, and do you have any current goals/aspirations?
Best wishes and thank you for your time <3
Fungle Victory AU
FV!Commander Olo: The Fungle has been quite kind to us. It is...relieving, to not need to be on constant edge. Although I am getting a bit too old to help with much around the village, the locals have been quite hospitable in teaching me how to tend to the crops. It is quite rewarding to eat food made with the hard work of your own hands.
FV!Officer Odil: He's started farming, me and my brother do differing jobs depening on what is needed. Last week we helped the fishermen make better crab pots so that we can catch fish in them as well, and tomorrow we're helping the craftsmen make another attempt at a boat. I love being able to do a little of everything without having to worry about needing a routine to structure my life around. It's quite freeing.
FV!Officer Jitil: The Fungle's been trying to leave the island since it landed, and seeing how peaceful these people are, we can't help but agree. It is our hope to bring the Fungle back home. It is quite powerful, and I believe it may hold the answer to world peace. In the short term however, there are some interesting animals here that I've never seen before. I'm quite enjoying learning more about them and helping take care of the island's pets in our free time.
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mafiaamongstus · 7 months ago
Character Information: Commander Olo
Commander Olo
Name: Olo
Rank: Commander
Designation: Forest
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Affiliation: T̸h̶e̴ ̵G̴o̷v̶e̸r̷n̸m̵e̷n̸t̵ The Fungle
Cause of Death: Electrical Shock (Tased by Jitil while covered in Fungle spores + water)
Although he may come across as gruff and unfriendly, Commander Olo is a rather caring soul. He worries deeply about those under his command, especially those who are newer to the army. He has a special soft spot for rookies. He’s highly protective, and would do anything to protect the soldiers (or civilians) under his care. 
Olo is a dog person, he enjoys other animals for sure, but dogs are definitely his favorite. 
Olo doesn’t often explain his actions beforehand, instead, doing whatever he has to to ensure the plan is followed through. Afterwards, if there’s time and questions, he’ll answer calmly. But usually, those who serve under him recognize that he’s been at this for quite a while, and trust his judgment. 
Olo is a soldier in the government, having worked with them since he was a young adult. He rose through the ranks rather quickly, and was assigned to the Mira HQ as a part of the security detail. It was mostly a figurehead position, but he was able to work with the scientists training the space-born animals. 
He gained quite the companion in a blue dog, that he privately named Ora, after his sister. Days on Mira passed in tranquility, and although he would never later admit it, Olo grew somewhat complacent.
And then Ora found a body. It was rather horrifying. To discover the body of someone he had just seen in the cafeteria not ten minutes prior. But the body was clearly old, with a large, circular stab wound. 
Olo spearheaded the mission to imprison the false Doctor, and it was he who first witnessed the transformation from human to…thing. The alien was slimy, with a long tongue, and far, far too many teeth. 
Olo was able to kill the Imposter, and he was sent back to Earth for debriefing. Olo was sent from base to base, to help train new recruits, before being sent out on further missions, in a cycle that lasted for three years. 
At one point, Olo discovered a pair of aliens that called themselves Spiree. They were winged, gentle, and had intense protective instincts. They were a peaceful race, and Olo hid them from the rest of the Government. They were shapeshifters like the Imposters, and it was easy to disguise them and provide alibis. Eventually, they moved on to a planet deeper in the system, and Olo was happy to let them go, hoping they would find safety. 
During the fourth year of the War, it was decided that Olo, now a Commander, would be stationed in Polus, as that planet’s base was under particularly heavy fire. 
Olo served on Polus for the rest of the war, training rookies, fighting Imposters ,and keeping the base afloat. After a particularly hard series of events, Olo managed to finally convince the government to stop using Polus as a training ground, and get them to send him some more experienced soldiers. There were…less deaths, following that decision. Both from voting out believed Imposters and from Imposters killing the soldiers. 
Olo grew to be friends with his main crew, consisting of Chief Medical Officer Rouvan, Generals Rynn and Joris, and Officers Jitil and Odil. There was also a young Private who held the record for longest-lived new recruit on Polus, named Kyle. While other soldiers constantly moved on and off base, the seven of them stayed together for over a year. 
However, one night, there simply stopped being Imposters to fight. The soldiers stayed on base for a few more months, during which Olo discovered the secret of General Joris. He listened to their story, and although he felt no remorse for those that had killed his troops, he did wish the aliens the best of luck as they tried to live in a peace they had not known for generations. He even taught Joris several things the deceased general had not been able to, during those months with little else to do.
 But without anything to fight, the government finally called the soldiers home. While the seven friends were split across Earth, Olo managed to stay in closer communication with the gold and silver siblings. And although he spent several long months completing paperwork that simply could not have been done from across space, he kept an eye on their missions, as well as the missions of the other four. 
Olo, after his successes in the war, was placed in charge of dealing with the Toppats. He spearheaded several missions, some succeeded while others failed. Finally, after catching wind of a submarine that would be playing a key role in several upcoming missions, he was able to recall one of his friends to place them as the key member of the infiltration. Officer Odil went undercover, and Olo served as her contact.
After the mission went rather south, Olo recalled Odil, as well as her brother from the separate mission he had been on, and the three were set to enjoy some much deserved downtime.
Until they were called back for a top secret mission. Apparently, a high risk prisoner was being transported offworld, and would need to be escorted overseas in order to be processed at the space dock. The three soldiers would be placed somewhat undercover onboard a cruise liner. The official excuse for their presence being their vacation, however they would also have the prisoner within their sights at all times. The prisoner was being allowed a small measure of freedom aboard the ship, in exchange for the intel she had provided in exchange to be transported to the space prison.
However, the cruise didn’t go as smoothly as planned. Instead, the ship was attacked by a Toppat missile, in retaliation for some of the more…recent missions that had succeeded in preventing Toppat plans. 
Thankfully, all three soldiers as well as the prisoner survived the crash, however, there were also civilian survivors that would need watching over, as well as dealing with the inhabitants of the previously undiscovered island the survivors had found themselves on.
Olo did his best to keep the survivors calm, even going so far as to aid them in disposing of bodies as needed. However, he was helping them at the cost of wearing himself out. He grew more and more tired as the days went by, until one day, when he heard the soft voice in the back of his head, he gave into it. Allowing the Fungle into his mind. It calmed him, helping him move with a sureness he hadn’t felt in months. However, the two Officers quickly realized that he was no longer himself. 
Although Olo (or perhaps the Fungle) realized what was happening when Odil and Jitil lured him out to the beach early one morning, he put up no resistance. He recognized that they were doing what they believed best, and he knew through the hivemind of the Fungle that they were doing what they thought he would want as well. 
And on some level, he must have agreed with their plans, because he did not fight them. He simply smiled reassuringly at Odil, even as Jitil went behind his back, and forced the Taser against the nape of his neck. 
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mafiaamongstus · 7 months ago
World History Part 6: Island of Spores
Years ago, an emergency escape pod had landed on a small island. The island was inhabited, though undiscovered by the world at large. They lived a primitive, yet fulfilling life.
And on the night that a star crashed into the jungle and released a new mushroom, the islanders were curious. They thought it to be a gift of the gods, and took the mushroom spores to be planted in their village. 
It took several months for the mushroom to adapt from the alien biology it had been meant to infect to that of a human. But when it did, and the first villager twitched through the town like a puppet on strings, and stared across town with a gaping maw and blank eyes, the villagers hailed them as a priest. 
And then more of them became infected. And more and more and more and more-
Until the entire village was infected with the Fungle. And as it spread, it learned. It adapted, and it grew fond of its little minions. It helped them, with its limited knowledge of the space station it had been “born” on, and it used its abilities to puppet the people around to build better homes, better farms, and to protect them from predators. And when it infected the animals and plants of the island, it helped them too. It achieved a perfect world, a peaceful island, exactly what it had been designed to do.
The only thing it couldn’t do for its people was expand. The water burned it, washed away its spores, and pulled away its influence. The people it sent out on boats it lost track of, and it couldn’t protect them anymore. It couldn’t spread from them, and eventually, it stopped trying. Making do with the resources the island provided.
And then one day, a ship crashed at sea. Whether an accident, the Toppats retaliating for certain…government involvement in some of their recent missions, or merely hitting an iceberg in tropical waters, nobody could say for sure.
The cruise was an expert disguise to transport a prisoner to a new location where he would later be taken offworld, but the Government couldn’t have expected the high speed missile that destroyed their engines and caused most of the ship to explode. 
But beyond that, the three soldiers onboard couldn’t have predicted the small island they would land on. The island covered in mushrooms, with peaceful people who seemed friendly and more than willing to take them in.
But the way they worked in perfect unison to craft buildings far sooner than should have been possible, the way they practically worshiped the Fungle, it caused paranoia among the survivors. It caused them to kill one another, and for the Fungle to return to its desire to spread to infect to grow to protect its people
And then, two of the soldiers killed their Commander, to release him from the Fungle. Enraged, the Fungle spread to the two of them, intending to use them to get to the rest of the passengers. However, it could not predict that the one that was resisting it the most would set them all ablaze. 
Moreso than water, the Fungle is weak to Fire. 
The Villagers were horrified that their protector was damaged so, but thankfully, it was able to recover with time.
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mafiaamongstus · 6 months ago
Character Information: Jitil
Name: Jitil
Rank: Officer
Designation: Gold
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Affiliation: T̸h̶e̴ ̵G̴o̷v̶e̸r̷n̸m̵e̷n̸t̵ The Fungle
Cause of Death: Burnt Alive
Jitil is gruff and full of rough edges. About the only person he has a soft sport for is his younger twin Odil. Jitil will do what needs done, even if it’s something hard to do. He does however (thankfully) have a rather strong moral compass. 
The older twin, Jitil was born a few minutes before his sister Odil, and he rather enjoys holding that over her. However, the two of them were placed into the foster system at a young age when their parents were arrested for drug smuggling. Jitil fought to stay with his sister, and would happily terrorize whatever fosters had tried to separate them. 
Thankfully, neither of them ended up on the streets, however they did eventually age out of the system. Jitil, the muscle of the pair, agreed easily when his sister suggested they join the military. He rather excelled with the structure provided, and (thankfully), the two were allowed to remain together as they went through training. 
As they finished their first enlistment period, they decided to attend Officer Training Camp, and they spent some time there. When the war against the Imposters broke out, the siblings, with nothing tying them to the planet, shipped out to space to fight against the aliens.
The siblings hopped from ship to ship, heading exploration missions to try and locate the Imposters home planet. However, they were eventually reassigned to Polus after their failures to find a planet of Imposters. They served under Commander Olo, and grew close to the man who acted as a father figure to them. 
Jitil spent a lot of his time working with Rynn on the weapons systems, as well as patrolling the base and making sure that the wiring was kept in shape. 
After the war ended, and the soldiers were recalled to Earth, Odil and Jitil were split up for the first time in their military career. Jitil was assigned to some more mundane missions, escorting officials and overseeing transfers. He later was moved to some Toppat missions, however he was generally working on separate cases from his sister. 
Eventually, Jitil was placed on a mission with his sister and Olo once more, transporting a prisoner overseas to a space base where she would be taken offplanet. 
However, the cruise liner was attacked by a long-range Toppat missile, and Jitil found himself on a tropical island along with his sister, Olo, the prisoner, and a handful of civilians. Let us not forget that said island was also inhabited by a parasitic mushroom that was spreading across literally everything that moved (and even the stuff that didn’t).
Thankfully, Jitil and Odil managed to resist the Fungle for quite a while, however eventually the Commander was infected, and Jitil, although he hated it, knew that something would need to be done. He aided his sister in killing the thing that had taken over Olo’s body, however that was the last push the Fungle needed to infect them. 
Jitil set what little of himself that he could to cleaning the Commander’s body, wanting to bring him home and knowing the Fungle would allow it so long as bringing the Commander home also allowed the Fungle to spread. 
However, their plans to bring the commander home were foiled when a flame-happy criminal set them all alight, and Jitil died in the only manner he would have accepted. Alongside his sister doing his best to keep her safe. 
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mafiaamongstus · 6 months ago
Followup to this post:
"She had to go and give me her face"
Jitil aren't you the older twin? So technically wouldn't that mean Odil has your face? Not trying to stoke the sibling rivalry flames or anything, just calling it like I see it 🤷‍♂️
Officer Odil: Sure he came out first, but everyone agrees my genetics are the superior ones, just look at these faces
-she grins, smirking at Jitil, who is holding his head in his hands with a deep, deep sigh-
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mafiaamongstus · 6 months ago
Character Information: Odil
Name: Odil
Rank: Officer
Designation: Silver
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Affiliation: T̸h̶e̴ ̵G̴o̷v̶e̸r̷n̸m̵e̷n̸t̵ The Fungle
Cause of Death: Burnt Alive
Odil is very kind. Even as she joined the military alongside her brother, Odil always prioritized doing what was right. Despite her rather…menacing appearance, she is something of a cinnamon roll. She enjoys helping others, and she’s definitely the softer of the pair. 
Odil was born a few minutes after her brother Jitil, and the two were thick as thieves from the start. Sadly, the two were also placed into the foster system at a young age due to their parents' arrests. They had to fight to stay together, though it got easier when they would cause problems whenever attempts to separate them were made.
Thankfully, neither of them ended up on the streets, however they did eventually age out of the system. Odil, the caretaker of the two, suggested that they join the military, since finding a job with their scattered record would be…difficult to say the least. 
They enlisted together, begging to be kept at each others sides, and whether it was because the recruiting officer had a soft spot for kids or because the two had literally nobody else, they were assigned to the same base camp on Earth. 
As they finished their first enlistment period, they decided to attend Officer Training Camp, and they spent some time there. When the war against the Imposters broke out, the siblings, with nothing tying them to the planet, shipped out to space to fight against the aliens.
The siblings hopped from ship to ship, heading exploration missions to try and locate the Imposters home planet. However, they were eventually reassigned to Polus after their failures to find a planet of Imposters. They served under Commander Olo, and grew close to the man who acted as a father figure to them. 
Odil spent most of her time on base in the laboratory, studying the movement of planets and inspecting the samples other soldiers would bring her. She also served as Rouvan’s aid whenever he needed help with the medical equipment.
After the war ended, and the soldiers were recalled to Earth, Odil and Jitil were split up for the first time in their military career. Odil was assigned undercover to the Toppat missions, where she ended up being assigned to the Submarine Art-ica. The mission was…simultaneously stressful and monotonous. The days blurred together, even as people were quite literally being sacrificed to the ocean and murdered during the night. 
Thankfully, Odil was able to get her intel and deliver it, being taken off the mission and awarded a “vacation” with her brother and Olo. Said vacation may or may not have been escorting a prisoner on a cruise liner in order to keep anyone from knowing that said prisoner was onboard but c’est la vie.
However, the cruise liner was attacked by a long-range Toppat missile, and the Odil found herself on a tropical island along with her brother, Olo, the prisoner, and a handful of civilians. Let us not forget that said island was also inhabited by a parasitic mushroom that was spreading across literally everything that moved (and even the stuff that didn’t).
Thanks to her military-grade equipment, Odil managed to delay the Fungle from infecting her for quite a while, however, after the Commander was infected and Odil knew his body would need to be killed to prevent the mushroom from using it. As she and Jitil killed the Commander’s body, the Fungle was finally able to spread to her and her brother using their contact. And when they realized just how much of their mind was still intact, despite the calm and peace radiating through them from the Fungle Hivemind, well…they didn’t get much sleep that night, instead washing his body respectfully so that he could go home in dignity.
However, their plans to bring the commander home were foiled by a rather fire-happy individual who set them on fire, using the mushroom spores to accelerate and fuel their flames.
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mafiaamongstus · 6 months ago
Character Information: Kyle
Name: Kyle
Occupation: Unemployed (Honorably Discharged
Designation: Banana
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Affiliation: The Government (Formerly)
Current Status: Traveling Earth
Kyle is like that one friend everyone has in college. You need something done? Kyle’s got your back. Have a friend who needs a last minute ride to the airport? Kyle’s showing up at 3 am with snacks and caffeine. Nobody really knows how they first met Kyle, but everybody knows Kyle. He’s very relaxed, friendly, and honestly, where he born in a different era Kyle would have made an excellent surfer dude.
Kyle joined the military in order to study as an engineer. He specialized in robotics, and ended up designing a line of aide robots. His first successful prototype still follows him around most of the time. He’s called it Clank; Clank is his child. Should anything happen to Clank, he would kill everyone else in the room and then himself.
Once he finished with his Masters program, Kyle was shipped out to Polus in order to help fight against the Imposters. His specific assignment was to design a line of robots to fight so that humans wouldn’t be put at risk, however, it was quickly discovered that the Imposters could easily shift into a robot, and infiltrate the robotics lab and cause many problems. (Thankfully, Clank’s charging station was in Kyle’s room…the same couldn’t be said for the rest of the robots.)
Since the robots would no longer be an option, Kyle mostly patrolled around the base, helping Rynn to keep the machinery running. He did develop some robots to make processes go smoother, but since identity verification required at least one human personnel to oversee it, most of his robots were used to water plants or sweep the halls, never given the chance to leave the base.  During this time, Kyle became close friends with officers Odil and Jitil, the two being far closer in age to him than any of the other “permanent” staff onbase. By proxy, he also grew close to Commander Olo, who acted as the group's father figure. 
As the war ended, Kyle was shipped across the galaxy in order to update various location’s robotics before being moved to the next base.  When word reached Kyle about the declaration of death for Commander Olo and Officers Odil and Jitil, he withdrew from the military, being Honorably Discharged. Thankfully, he had made enough money through patents, as well as time in the military, that he began to simply travel. He explored Earth, visiting Rouvan often, and helping out wherever he could. He claims he’s trying to find himself, but he’s mostly trying to keep himself busy so he doesn’t have to remember that he’ll never see his familyfriends again. He does scattered hobbies such as basket-weaving, stained glass making, and sculpting, selling what he makes in order to keep his funds steady.
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