#commander olo
mafiaamongstus · 23 days
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Commander Olo wants YOU to help fight aliens! Join the Government today to prevent the Imposter invasion!
Everybody say hello to Commander Olo, the famed war hero and discoverer of the Imposters! This man has been at it for far too long.
The cause for his whip and nae nae? A story far too long to tell but here he is in all of his glory. A fitting start to the lore that will be trickling onto here in the days to follow
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kenny-power · 2 years
The Taming of the Ilu - Chapter 1
Pairings: Neteyam x Reader; Lo'ak x Tsireya
Warning(s): slight language
The arrival of the Sully family to the beach was an event, to say the least. I was fishing beyond the reef that day, and it was still the first thing I heard about when I pulled up to shore with my Ilu.
I unloaded my catch for the day, a pretty sizable amount of various small species which will do well for the Clan’s dinner, when one of the dock attendants spoke to me. 
“Be careful now, kay olo’eykte (future female clan leader), a strange family of forest dwellers showed up on our shores this morning. They have demon blood in them. From the tawtute (sky people).”
Half-breed Na’vi? Here? That doesn’t make any sense. Why would they show up here? We could not be any further from the forest.
“Irayo, ‘eylan” (Thank you, friend). I nodded to the attendant and left my catch with him. It would be transported to the proper place for preparations for the next meal. Right now, I need to speak to my father. 
As a walk along the road of a boardwalk, people moved out of my way when they saw me coming. I don’t try to be mean, or anything, but as the future olo’eykte, I need to command a certain level of respect.
It’s been generations since the Clan has had an olo’eykte, but as the oldest-born of my father’s children, the mantle of leader will eventually fall to me, and that means I must prove my place within the Clan. 
I made my way up to my mother and father, nodding my head to them in respect. 
“Sa’sem (parents), what is going on? There are half-breeds here?”
“Ah, ‘itetsyìp (little daughter),” Mother greeted me, “your sempul (father)has granted sanctuary to a family of Omatikaya. One’s with demon blood in them, no less.” If she weren’t the Tsahìk of the clan, she probably would have punctuated her sentence by spitting on the ground.
“Ma’Ronal, please. Let us not judge this family in need.” Father admonished her, gently. “Come, ‘itetsyìp, I should introduce you to them. Your brother and sister have been tasked with training their children and welcoming them into our culture, for now they are just prrnens (babies).” I started to object, but Father already knew what I was thinking. “Do not worry, you need not disrupt your duties. This task is for your younger siblings, I just want to introduce you. As kay olo’eykte, it is important you know of every newcomer in the Clan.” 
I really hope this does not interfere with any of my duties. I don’t have the time to babysit any forest freaks,part of the clan or not. 
We started to walk along the beach, making our way to the group of people splashing in the distance. Even from here, I could see several of them were of a darker blue color, and they had long skinny tails. Those would not be good for swimming at all. How ridiculous.
Father must have noticed my silent glowering, because he spoke up.
“You might appreciate this,” he said with a smile. Doubt it, I thought. “The leader of the family, Jakesully, is the Toruk Makto.” 
“What? No way!” I said, genuinely impressed. I grew up listening to stories the elders told around the fire, the tale of the Toruk Makto being my favorite. I wanted so badly to grow up and be like the mighty warriors of old. And, if I’m boing completely honest, I still do. “Why is the Toruk Makto all the way out here? Isn’t he the olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya?” Father smiled down at me.
“Jakesully and his family are now refugees, so we must do our best to welcome them into our olo’(clan). All of us.” His statement left me no room for argument. Not that I wanted to anyways. I bowed my head respectfully.
“Yes sempul.” 
Walking closer to the group, I could see my younger brother and sister, Ao’nung and Tsireya, instructing the Omatikayans how to breathe properly. It’s a big family, 6 of them, all skinny and dark blue and yellow eyed and not suited for swimming at all. It’ll be very hard to become a part of the olo’, if they’re able to at all. 
My sister looks up from where she’s demonstrating her breaths and sees Father and I getting closer. She waves at us, catching the attention of everyone around her. The group makes their way out of the water and back on the shore. 
“Kaltxì (hello),” he said, doing the customary forehead gesture. They repeated it back to him. “Sorry to take you away from your learning, but I wanted to make one more introduction. This,” he said, pushing me forward slightly, “is my eldest ’ite (daughter), Y/N.” I also did the gesture. 
“Oel ngati kameie (I see you).” The family repeated the gesture again. Okay, time to practice diplomacy. I cleared my throat and stood up straighter. “I want to personally welcome you to our Clan. Your journey must have been long and hard, so I want to extend the tsantxäl (invitation) to let me know if there’s anything the Clan or I can do to help service you.” I punctuated my little speech with a smile, which no doubt did not reach my eyes. I hate being diplomatic, especially to people who I just want to go away and leave our clan alone.
Then, I extended my hand out to the great Toruk Makto in what the tawtute call a hand shake. I did my research and know that he was once a tawtute himself.
“Welcome, Toruk Makto.” He blinked, as if not expecting me to know of his old tawtute customs, then smiled and shook my hand back firmly. 
He looked over my head, back at Father, “I like this one.” Father laughed. 
“Yes, well good. She is the kay olo’eykte, so I would hope my ‘ite would know how to greet people.” I turned around and scowled playfully at Father, before turning my attention to the Toruk Makto’s mate. The rest of his family paying very close attention to me. 
“Welcome, sister. I hope you have found all of your accommodations to your liking. If not, please do not hesitate to notify me, and I will have it sorted out immediately.” Warily, Toruk Makto’s mate eyed me before nodding gently.
She is not happy. I don’t blame her. I would be pretty räptum (coarse; vulgar) if I was dragged halfway across the ocean with my young family. I didn’t bother with anymore introductions. I see no need to talk to four children, not when they have my siblings to refer to. Hopefully, that will keep them off my back and not be a distraction. I turned to Father, ready to be done with the charade.
“I must go now, I have duties to attend to, sempul.” Father nodded at me, giving me leave to be dismissed. Once more, I address the group. “I must take my leave, but I hope you are able to enjoy your stay here.” And then I left. 
Watching the girl leave, Lo’ak leaned over to his brother.
“Damn, bro,” he whispered, “She’s even more uptight than you are.” Neteyam glared at his younger brother. 
“I’m surprised you even noticed, what with your constant staring at Tsireya.” Lo’ak shoved his brother.
“Shut up, bro! She might hear you.” Neteyam shoved back, and soon the two boys were wrestling in the sand, with Jake and Neytiri yelling at them to behave. 
Turning to look back at the commotion on the beach, I saw the two boys wrestling on the sand. Ugh, skxwangs (morons).
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equatorjournal · 2 years
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Duke Kahanamoku. Photo by Tom Blake. "He yelled and shouted at the top of his voice as he rode . . ." reports Tom Blake of Duke Kahanamoku's first ride on his great sixteen-foot olo board. In this Waikiki photo with Diamond Head silhouetted dimly in the background, the overpowering length of the great board is clearly visible. Only a surfer of Kahanamoku's power could command it in the storm waves." From "Surf's up! An anthology of surfing" by Arthur H. Klein, 1966. https://www.instagram.com/p/ClW0ZAgtgYO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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starjane312 · 1 year
Spider x Oc
Big Masterlist
Chapter 8
Ly: Okay let's go. We’re Oscar Mike. Come on.
We still stand on the Edge.
Ly: Come on, let's go.
Just then we hear the Ikran and Quarritch is cheering. The others start too.
I watch anxiously as Mom gets hers. She is good but it still makes me Nervous. I smile as she appears out of the Clouds. I look at spider.
J: Is it bad that I’m happy and Proud ?
S: No.
He lays his arm around my Waist
S: You two got closer. You may not want to admit it but she is in a way your mother.
J: I know she is. 
A few weeks later we are Flying over the Mountains. Me and Mom got closer. A Lot closer. I even call her Mom at this Point. I sit in front of her on her Ikran. Moon flying next to us.
Z: She won’t leave huh ?
J: No. What did you name your Ikran ?
Z: Uuuh Star.
I smile. And nod. 
J: Star.
Z: Zar ?
I laugh and shake my Head. 
J: No Star.
Z: Star. 
J: Yes.
Ly: Boss long-range Patrol picked up a radar hit. A rogue gunship.
Q: Where ?
Ly: Eastern Sea. Four hundred klicks north. 
Q: Hang on.
Mom flys behind Quarritch back to the Base. We go into the control room and look at a Hologram. Spiders hand never leaves mine. 
Q: The signal was intermittent and they lost it over open water but if you project the Track it hits this Island group. 
GA: That’s hundreds of Islands. ThatS’ a Big search Box with lots of Villages.
Q: This is our Guy. You give me ships and Aircrafts. I’ll bring you back his scalp. 
We get on a Water air-ship thingy. We get off the Ikran and I sit on the Roof. 
Q: You scoresby ?
Sc: Uh-Huh. Are you the Asshole who’s commandeering my Ship ?
Q: That would be me. 
We go inside. I stay close to Mom. She lays her hand on my shoulder.
Z: What's wrong ?
J: I have a bad feeling about this guy.
She pats my Shoulder. 
Q: The target’s pretty much this whole island group. 
Sc: Never been up there. 
Spider stands next to me
Sc: You know those waters doc. What kinda indigenous we got ?
?: Uh Metkayina mostly. Some Ta’unui. Maybe fifty villages. 
Q: Uh and you are who ?
?: Oh. I’m Ian Garvin. Marine Biologist. 
He lifts his hand to shake Quaritches, but he ignores him.
Q: Fifty Villages. A hundred Villages. I don’t care. We’ll search ‘em all. 
Sc: I hunt Tulkun. That’s what I’m rigged for. That’s all my Guys do. I got Quotas to meet.
Q: I’ll be nice, once. Then I won’t.
Sc: Well if you can’t get out of it. Get into it. Bring her Up !
They start the Boat thing and fly it. A few hours later we arrive at an Island group. They start searching everywhere and destroy a lot of things. They force the Clan on their knees. They use electricity to shock them. 
Q: This man. We know he is in these Islands. Here ? This Village ?
Olo: We are a totally separate clan. This man in the reflection is from the Forest.
Quaritch looks at us. 
Q: Now what’s he saying ?
S: They never saw him. 
J: These are sea people. Forest People don’t come here. 
Q: I ain’t buyin’ that. 
He tries to talk to them. The Olo’eyktan looks at me and Spider 
Olo: He needs to leave here and go to the forest to find this man.
Quarritch looks at us.
S: They don’t know anything. 
Q: Shoot that Animal.
One of the Soldiers shoots the Animal in the water.
J: NO !
S: What the Hell are you doing ?!
The Metkayna start to scream. Tears start running down my Face.
Q: Hey your ears workin’ now ?
Olo: Be Calm.
Q You see what these can do, huh ? 
Quarritch lifts the picture again.
Q: Jake Sully. Toruk Makto 
Ts: He told you he doesn’t know.
Q: Put her down !
Ly: Get Down !
They push the Tshaìk to the ground. And hold the gun on her Head.
J: No ! Stop this. Please. 
More tears stream down my Face
Q: You make it real clear to him. He doesn’t give up Sully, We kill the Tsahìk.
S: No we’re not doin’ that. 
Q: Is that Right ?
S: We’re not gonna be part of this ! 
J: These People don’t know anything ! They don’t know anything !
Ly: We’re really gonna waste her ?
J: Please ! Please don’t do this. This is wrong. 
S: What you’re doing here is wrong. Please. 
Quarritch looks at Spider.
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worelor · 5 months
"Buy Wow Cataclysm Classic Gold" offers a shortcut to power and prestige in the reimagined Azeroth. Obtain this essential currency swiftly and securely from reputable sellers, enabling you to expedite your journey through the realm. With gold at your disposal, unlock coveted items, commandeer epic mounts, and dominate the in-game economy with strategic investments. Navigate the marketplace wisely to optimize your purchasing power and propel your adventures to new heights. Embrace the opportunity to enhance your gaming experience with instant access to wealth in this classic MMORPG universe.
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rainnotliam · 2 years
Some part of the story I'm currently writing
“Togepi! Use Moonblast!”
“Luxray, dodge it!
A shining, brilliant pink and blue ball of light was man made from the small Pokemon. It released the energy, the sheer force commanding itself towards Luxray.
The lion-like Pokemon immediately started running from to-and-fro, excellently dodging the attack. Almost instantly, the energy dispersed into a cloud of sparkles. Luxray looked back for a moment at Rei, before his Trainer nodded. 
Luxray put its right paw in front of its other, roaring at the Togepi. Then, it vanished, a blur of black fur only visible. 
Volo let out a shout of frustration, lashing his hand out.
“Togepi! Don’t let your guard down!”
Unfortunately for Volo… I haven’t trained this Luxray for nothing. I guess my plan will reach victory.
Togepi spun around, confused as Luxray sped in circles and circles around it. The poor Pokemon could not identify where its attacker was coming from.
“Time to finish this! Luxray, whenever you’re ready!” Rei shouted.
Luxray bolted even after, and as it was ready…
“Togepi, now! Dodge to the left and use Life Dew!” Volo commanded.
He could see the flash of alarm in Rei’s eyes. Fortunately for the Survey Corps Member… Luxray didn’t use Fire Fang. Instead, it Thunderbolt Togepi, the force sending it straight into a tree, right behind Volo. The wind sped against the Gingko Guild Merchant, as Togepi slammed into it. 
The branches of the small tree shook, leaves and berries falling. Rei put his hand over his mouth in sheer surprise.
Volo was shell-shocked, as he merely turned his head, muscles too frozen to make any movement. His throat closed in as he saw his partner fall stiffly from its position, leaving a Togepi-like shape carved into the tree. It fell onto a patch of grass, twigs raining onto its head. 
“Togepi!” Volo shouted. He spun on his heel, and ran towards his fallen Pokemon.
Rei could do nothing but watch, as his Luxray also guiltily stood in position for a few seconds. 
Oh my god. I didn’t expect Togepi to be demolished in this fight! If Togepi’s seriously injured, then it’s all my fault! 
Volo took the small Togepi into his hands, carefully assessing. It wasn’t bleeding, so he assumed nothing worse had happened. It was just the fact that if he hadn’t already used Calm Mind two times, his Togepi would be reduced to ashes… 
Rei is so strong…
He took out his Pokeball, and gently pressed it against Togepi. It returned to its ball quite quickly, as Volo adjusted it back into his pack.
Volo swung it back onto his… well back, and turned around. He looked upwards, only to find Rei shuffling his feet. The smile painted his face instantly.
“Well, it looks like you’ve beaten me and Togepi in another battle,” Volo said. 
Rei lifted his gaze. Guilt was clearly shining in his eyes, as he avoided Volo’s own. The merchant frowned. 
“What’s the deal?” Volo asked.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t expect Togepi to take so much damage… It���s my fault,” Rei apologized. He was still avoiding Volo’s gaze.
Silence ensued after this statement. For a few moments, Volo was slightly stunned by the boy’s words. No one… No one ever really apologized for a harsh battle…
He stared into those dark, cyan eyes. What truly were these boy’s intentions? 
Volo knew he had purposely already taken Rei under his wing, but he still couldn’t trust him fully. He had many questions, almost questioning himself why he had taken such a liking to Rei. 
Why had Rei fallen from the space-time-rift?
Why was he so keen on helping the problem of the lords? It wasn’t like Cyllene was forcing him either.
Most importantly; Where did Rei come from? Was it a region like this? 
The voice instantly snapped Volo back into reality. Rei was holding out a spiky, yellow-cream colored object, with two Oran berries as well.
“It’s…” Rei hesitated, “for Togepi.”
Volo stared at him for a few seconds. Right, Togepi.
He offered a smile, and took the items from Rei’s hand. Right. Now was not the time to be pondering this boy’s existence. Perhaps the only reason why he was so careful and meticulous about Rei, was because he was so talented. It was like a miracle had fallen from the sky, after all.
“Thank you Rei,” Volo said. 
Rei sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. “It’s no problem,” he murmured.
This is my work, and it's from my Google Docs. I couldn't muster up the energy to re-write the whole thing, but this is my own work. Sorry, I suck at writing battles. Anyways though this is part of my whole fic which is called "The End."
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thetamrieliclibrary · 4 years
Pocket Guide to the Empire, First Edition: Cyrodiil
Cyrodilic history truly begins by the middle of the Alessian Reformation (see sidebar, Alessian Order), when civilisation and cultivation had allowed the region to emerge as a discernible Tamrielic power. Its culture and military strength centred in the sacred Nibenay Valley, a grassland expanse with a vast lake at its heart. Several small islands rose from this lake, and the capital city sprawled across them, crisscrossed with bridges and gondola ferries. Rivers connected the city-state to both its profitable outlying territories and the friendly inland ports of Skyrim and Pelletine. Rice and textiles were its main exports, along with more esoteric treasure-goods, such as hide armour, Moon sugar, and ancestor-silk. The sheer size of Cyrodiil's physical theatre, and frequent intervals of Elven tyranny, made its unification as a while a slow and oft-interrupted process. At the height of Alessian influence, its western arm enjoyed a brief autonomy as the Colovian Estates, a demarcation that still colours an outsider's view of the Empire today; often, Cyrodiil has two faces, East and West, and any discussion of its later social history must first be tempered with a summary of this early divergence.
Traditionally, the East is regarded as the region's soul: magnanimous, tolerant, and administrative. It was in the rain forests of the Nibenay Valley that the original Cyro-Nordic tribes, the Nibenese, learned a self-reliance that separated them culturally and economically from Skyrim. The Elven harassment of the First Empire gave rise to an elite form of support troop for the Valley armies, the battlemage.[1] By the time the Alessian Doctrines filtered down from the north along the river trade ways, these mages had become the ruling aristocracy. They were quickly superseded by the Alessian priesthood, whose inexplicably charismatic religion found purchase in the lower classes. The traditional Nordic pantheon of Eight Divines was replaced by a baroque of veneration of ancestor spirits and god-animals, practices encouraged by the mutable-yet-monotheistic doctrines of the Alessian faith. The doctrines eventually codified nearly every aspect of Eastern culture. Restrictions against certain kings of meat-eating, coupled with the sentiments of the blossoming animal cults, soon made agriculture and husbandry nearly impossible. Thus, many of the Eastern Cyrodiils were forced to become merchants, which, over time, allowed the Nibenay Valley to become the wealthiest city-state in the region. Yet, under Alessian rule, no matter how rich or powerful the merchant class became it was still a tenanted citizenry, and the tithes they were forced to pay the priesthood were constant reminders of the state's true masters.
The West is respected as Cyrodiil's iron hand: firm, unwavering, and ever-vigilant. The Cyro-Nords that settled it had relinquished the fertile Nibenay Valley long ago, determined to conquer the frontier. Their primitive ferocity was disinclined to magic or the need for industry, preferring bloody engagement and plunder instead. After they had captured the Nedic port-cities of the Strident coast, the Westerners embarked on a mastery of the sea. Their earliest voyages took them as far as the Iliac Bay and the Cape of the Blue Divide, whose ports they annually raided until the (then) superior Yokudan navies arrived, ca. 1E819. By the time of the Alessian Reformation, the Westerners were firmly in a position, both geographically and socially, to resist its doctrines. Hammerfell, its northern border state, was now protected by its own holy-avenging order, the Ra Gada, whose bloody intolerance for foreigners acted as West Cyrodiil's buffer against the Alessian priesthood. The pantheon of Eight Divines, therefore, survived unchecked in Western Cyrodiil, and relations with the increasingly Alessian East became strained. Ultimately, the West isolated itself from the theocratic hegemony of the Nibenay Valley, establishing an autonomous government, the Colovian Estates.
Things persisted in this vein until the Thrassian Plague of 1E2200 (see free Region - Thras), which decimated more than half of Tamriel's population, particularly the western coastlands closest to Thras. After Bendu Olo, the Colovian king of Anvil, led the All Flags Navy to victory over the slugfolk of Thras, the glory of the Cyrodilic people became known throughout the world. The Colovian Estates began to overshadow the richer, more populous East then, which eventually lead to the War of Righteousness that ended Alessian rule. Control of the Nibenay Valley reverted to a mercantile-magocracy that was still far too arcane for Western tastes to entertain a reunification of Cyrodiil. Four hundred years would pass before that would happen, when Reman I, another proud son of the West, rallied the Valley's army to join his own and fight the Akaviri Invasion of 1E2703. The Cyrodilic forces engaged the Akaviri in every region of the north, eliciting their surrender at last in the Pale Pass of Skyrim. By war's end, the Cyrodiils found themselves not only united as a nation, but, too, responsible for the further protection of the northern human kingdoms at large. When the Elves of the Summerset Isles took umbrage at what they perceived as a renewed human imperialism, Reman was forced to prove them right. In order to prevent the Elves from attacking[2] the already weakened northern kingdoms, he offered the captive Akaviri Horde amnesty in his future dominions if they would serve as the nucleus of the Army of the Second Empire of Men. Reman's own dynasty lasted for two hundred years, and in that span it conquered all the kingdoms of Tamriel except for Morrowind. Indeed, the Dark Elven Morag Tong were the doom of Reman's heirs, and the death of last true Cyrodilic Emperor heralded the beginning of the Common Era.
The Cyrodilic Empire endured for another four hundred years under the auspices of the Akaviri Potentate (see sidebar, The Second Empire), fell, and suffered a similar span of years in the insurrections, misrules, and loss of power known as the Interregnum. Yet, the remnants of the Cyrodilic Empire refuse to die, even though East and West had become fragmented beyond measure. A petty king of the Colovian Estates, Cuhlecain, came to power and appointed an Atmoran as General of his legions. General Talos had studied in Skyrim, and used the thu'um. He could rout armies with his battle-cry and shout lesser men off their feet. A year later more than half of the Cyrodilic Empire was reclaimed or consolidated, and Cuhlecain saw fit to move into the Nibenay Valley, capture the capital city, and proclaim himself Emperor. By this point, High Rock and Skyrim, which bitterly opposed a return to Cyrodilic rule, gathered their armies for a joint invasion of the Colovian West. Talos met them on the field of Sancre Tor. The Nords that had come to cripple the Empire soon joined the General's forces, for when they heard his thu'um they realised he was Skyrim's son and the Heir to the Empires of Men. The Bretons were sent back to High Rock with tales of Cuhlecain's new General, where they decided to combat the Emperor's sorcery with their own. In CE854, a nightblade from the Western Reach made his way to the Imperial Palace at Nibenay. There, the Witchman assassinated the emperor, caught the Palace on fire, and slit the throat of General Talos. "But from the smouldering ruin he came, one hand to his neck and with Cuhlecain's Crown in the other. The legions wept at the sight. His Northern magic had saved him, but the voice that led them would be more silent from that night on. His word could no longer rout an army with a roar, but he could still command one with a whisper. He took for himself a Cyrodilic name, Tiber Septim[3], and the Nordic Name of Kings, Ysmir, the Dragon of the North. And with those names he took, too, the Red Diamond Crown of the Cyrodiils, and became their True Emperor." Thus was born the Third Empire of Men.
Cyrodiil in the Third Empire is the young, viral embodiment of its ancient heritage. Internally, it has undergone an incredible restoration--reconstruction of the ruined sections of the Imperial City is nearly complete, roads and cities destroyed in the Interregnum have been rebuilt, East and West are unified for the first time in four centuries. Cyrodiil's present stability and strength have not been seen since the Reman Dynasty; indeed, they were born under similar circumstances--a Westerner winning the Eastern throne, forging them both into the greatest power in Tamriel. And now, in but twenty years time, Tiber Septim has secured Imperial authority in High Rock, Skyrim, and Hammerfell. Every human region stands with him against the Elven menace.[4] The Emperor has gracefully attributed his success to his peoples, the Colovians and the Nibenese, whose cultures we shall now treat in their current incarnation.
The Colovians[5] today still possess much of the frontier spirit of their ancestors. They are uncomplicated, self-sufficient, hearty, and extremely loyal to one another. Whenever the East would tremble under the weakness of a leader, the Colovians would withdraw unto themselves, always believing they were keeping the national spirit sage until the storm passed. They realise that the Nibenay Valley is the heart of the Empire and the cultural centre of its civilisation, but it is a fragile centre that can only be held together by the strength of character of its Emperor. When he falters, so do the Colovians. Yet when he is mighty, like Tiber Septim, they are his legions. Today, West Cyrodiils make up the majority of the soldiers in the Ruby Ranks. The Colovian nobility, all officers of the Imperial Legions or its West Navy, do not allow themselves the great expenditure of courtly life as is seen in the capital city. They prefer immaculate uniforms and stark standards hanging from the ceiling of their austere cliff-fortresses; to this day, they become a little perplexed[6] when they must visit the grandly decorated assault of colour that is the Emperor's Palace. 
[TRAVELER: "Colovian officers have traditionally been appointed as provincial governors to the human regions of the Empire, as these often need the most forthright of the Emperor's men."]
By contrast, the Eastern people of Cyrodiil relish in garish costumes, bizarre tapestries, tattoos, brandings, and elaborate ceremony. Closer to the wellspring of civilisation, they are more given to philosophy and the evolution of ancient traditions. The Nibenese find the numinous in everything around them, and their different cults are too numerous to mention (the most famous are the Cult of the Ancestor-Moth, the Cult of Heroes, the Cult of Tiber Septim, and the Cult of Emperor Zero). To the Colovians, the ancestor worship and esoteric customs of the East can often be bizarre. Akaviri dragon-motifs are found in all quarters, from the high minaret bridges of the Imperial City to the paper hako skiffs that villagers use to wing their dead down the rivers. Thousands of workers ply the rice fields after the floodings, or clear the foliage of the surrounding jungle in the alternate seasons. Above them are the merchant-nobility, the temple priests and cult leaders, and the age-old aristocracy of the battlemages. The Emperor watches over them all from the towers of the Imperial City, as dragons circle overhead.
Alessian Order
This monotheistic religion was once very popular, but today only remnants of its faith remain. It started in the coastal jungle of what is now the Colovian west, where a prophet named Marukh, who had spoken to the "Enlightened One," Saint Alessia, began to question the validity of Elven rule. These sentiments led to an increasingly abstract and unknowable depiction of a Single God. The Alessians were wise enough to realise that they had to incorporate the ancient polytheistic elements into their new religion for it to find a wide acceptance. The divine aspects worshipped by the various humans and Aldmeri were recognisable in the guise of the myriad saints and spirits of the evolving Alessian canon. It wasn't long before the Order was the Authority on every religion in Tamriel, and their power grew to earthshaking proportions.  Nearly a third of the First Era passed under their theocratic rule. When its priesthood had become too widespread to support itself, the Order began to fight among itself. With the severance of the territories of West Cyrodiil from the Empire, too much money and land had been lost. The War of Righteousness broke out, and the Order which had almost ruled the world undid itself in a ten year span.
The Second Empire
The Second Empire is divided into two stages: the Reman Dynasty and the Akaviri Potentate. As mentioned in the text, after the Akaviri raiders had been defeated, Reman recruited many of them into his service. Later Cyrodiils traditionally kept a House Guard of Akaviri, and the Emperor's chief advisor, the Potentate, was usually of Akaviri descent. Other Akaviri slaves played a significant part in establishing the administrative structures of the Second Empire, as well as in the training of its military. The restructured Imperial legions, which learned an unparalleled measure of coherence, logistics, and discipline from the Akaviri, began to easily overwhelm the other regional armies; soon every region in Tamriel belonged to Cyrodiil except for Morrowind. After the assassination of Reman's last heir by the Dark Elven Morag Tong during the disastrous Four Score War, control of the Empire reverted to the Akaviri Potentate. They have left a visible mark on the Empire of today. The high crafts of daikatanas and dragonscale armour came from the Akavir, as did the banners and military dress of Septim's shock troops, the Blades. The Red Dragons that have come to represent the Empire and the Imperial City were originally Akaviri war mounts. Akaviri surnames are rare and prized possessions among the Cyrodilic citizenry of today, and there are trace facial features of the Akaviri in many distinguished Cyrodilic families. Some colonies of "true Akaviri" still exist in both the Empire and its border regions, but they are named so only for their practices and customs than for the purity of their blood.
The Song of Tiber Septim[7]
From the Odes:
"He was born in Atmora as Talos, 'Stormcrown' in the language of the ancient Elhnofey, and it was from that shore he sailed. He spent his youth in Skyrim among the Nords. There he learned much from the Tongues and their chieftains and their ways of war. At twenty he led the invasion of Old Hrol'dan, taking it back from the Witchmen of High Rock and their kinsmen.
"Soon the Greybeards made known that they were restless. Already the storms had begun from their murmurs. The Greybeards were going to Speak. The surrounding villages were abandoned as the people fled the coming blast.
"The villagers warned Talos to turn back, for he was marching to the mountain where the Greybeards dwelt.
"Inside he went, and on seeing him they removed their gags. When they spoke his name the World shook.
"The Tongues of Skyrim told the son of Atmora that he had come to rule Tamriel and that he must travel south to do so.
"And it is true that Talos did come to Cyrodiil shortly after the Battle of Old Hrol'dan.
"And it is true that a great storm preceded his arrival."
The Cult of the Ancestor-Moth
For long the Cyro-Nordics had exported ancestor-silks to other regions, simple yet exotic shawls woven from the silks of an indigenous gypsy moth and inscribed with the requisite genealogy of its buyer. Under the Cult, however, ancestor and moth became synonymous: the singing and hymnal spirits of one's forebears are caught in a special silk-gathering ritual, the resource of which is used to create any manner of vestment or costume. The swishing of this material during normal movement reproduces the resplendent ancestral chorus contained therein--it quickly became a sacred custom among the early Nibenese, which has persisted to the present day. Monks of the higher orders of the Cult of the Ancestor-Moth are able to forego the magical ritual needed to enchant this fabric, and, indeed, prefer instead to wear the moths about the neck and face. They are able to attract the ancestor-moths through the application of finely ground bark-dust gathered from the gypsy moth's favourite tree, and through the sub-vocalisation of certain mantras. They must chant the mantras constantly to maintain skin contact with the ancestor-moths, a discipline that they endure for the sake of some cosmic balance. When a monk interrupts these mantras, in conversation for example, the moths burst from him in glorious fashion every time he speaks, only to light back upon his skin when he resumes the inaudible chant.
The Cult of Emperor Zero
This cult, started by Tiber Septim himself, was established in the honour of Cuhlecain, the Emperor Zero. Though Cuhlecain did not technically recapture all of Cyrodiil's holdings during this time, he is worthy of worship for the wisdom he showed in appointing Talos as his General, and the bravery he showed when retaking the Imperial City, two events that were crucial in restoring the glory of the new Cyrodilic Empire. He is therefore to be remembered in our prayers. The topiary-mages have begun to shape his aspect in the Palace gardens, where in the future Cuhlecain may share his insights with Tiber Septim in the same manner as the rest of the blessed hedgery heads of Green Emperor Road.
Places of Note
Indeed, if the history of the Nords is the history of humans on Tamriel, then Cyrodiil is the throne from which they will decide their destiny. It is the largest region of the continent, and most is endless jungle. Its centre, the grassland of the Nibenay Valley, is enclosed by an equatorial rain forest and broken up by rivers. As one travels south along these rivers, the more subtropical it becomes, until finally the land gives way to the swamps of Argonia and the placid waters of the Topal Bay.
The elevation rises gradually to the west and sharply to the north. Between its western coast and its central valley there are all manners of deciduous forest and mangroves, becoming sparser towards the ocean. The western coast is a wet-dry area, and from Rihad border to Anvil to the northernmost Valenwood villages forest fires are common in summer. There are a few major roads to the west, river paths to the north, and even a canopy tunnel to the Velothi Mountains, but most of Cyrodiil is a river-based society surrounded by jungle.
The Imperial City[8]
Refayj's famous declaration, "There is but one city in the Imperial Province,--" may strike the citizens of the Colovian west as mildly insulting, until perhaps they hear the rest of the remark, which continues, "--but in one city in Tamriel, but one city in the World; that, my brothers, is the city of the Cyrodiils." From the shore it is hard to tell what is city and what is Palace, for it all rises from the islands of the lake towards the sky in a stretch of gold. Whole neighbourhoods rest on the jewelled bridges that connect the islands together. Gondolas and river-ships sail along the watery avenues of its flooded lower dwellings. Moth-priests walk by in a cloud of ancestors; House Guards hold exceptionally long daikatanas crossed at intersections, adorned with ribbons and dragon-flags; and the newly arrived Western legionnaires sweat in the humid air. The river mouth is tainted red from the tinmi soil of the shore, and river dragons rust their hides in its waters. Across the lake the Imperial City continues, merging into the villages of the southern red river and ruins left from the Interregnum.
The Emperor's Palace is a crown of sun rays, surrounded by his magical gardens. One garden path is known as Green Emperor Road--here, topiaries of the heads of past Emperors have been shaped by sorcery and can speak. When one must advise Tiber Septim, birds are drawn to the hedgery head, using their songs as its voice and moving its branches for the needed expressions.
Annotations by YR:
"Our old students forget themselves."
"Even those humans who revile Talos as a traitor, oathbreaker, and scoundrel pay homage to his skill in obtaining his ends  without resort to warfare."
"Truly, a doubtful statement."
"An observation: Colovians feel superior to Nibenese as a people, yet, because the East is the Empire's "heart", the Westerners are often neglected in Cyrodiil ~ Even though the throne is taken continually by Kings from the West, the Nibenese quickly assimilate them into their ranks."
"Author oddly sympathetic to the West--a Colovian scribe, perhaps?"
"It is certain that the tale of Talos' conquest of the Cyrodiil through use of his voice is not literally true--that kind of thu'um is now forbidden. This is all obviously a poetic reference, crafted to satisfy the popular human lust for blood and magic. This young myth is perhaps inspired by Talos' reputation for shrewd diplomacy, attested by even his greatest critics, which permitted him to scheme and bargain his way into the capital city--which he lacked the armies or funds to conquer by dint of force."
"Of course no mention of the Aldmeri Citadel the capital city was built upon--or the crimes perpetrated there in the previous era..."
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hraicene · 5 years
Headcannon #30
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Time for the Elwire headcannon. This is gonna be long, and I apologize in advance.
Now. Anyone that has been following me long enough, knows I’ve mentioned this guy quite a few times. He’s in other headcannons, he’s even mentioned in Olo’s about, but not actually named there. Elwire and Sar are extremely connected to Olo, so here’s Sar’s headcannon post, as this one definitely ties into it.
Elwire, Olo, and Sar all were born around the same time. Elwire and Sar were born about 2-3 years after Olo. They were born in the second generation of elven children in Halda, while Olo was in the first. I say second and first, but they were actually more along the lines of about 4th or 5th. However, Olo’s parents were original settlers of Halda, while Sar and Elwire’s parents were children of original settlers. This is the reference I’m going off of here.
Olo’s entire generation is missing. Except for Olo. This headcannon here explains it. ( I’m still working on why Olo is the only one, so please forgive me on this one. ) Now, because of this, Olo was held a little bit on a higher pedestal when he was younger. He was the only one remaining from his generation of children, so they assumed that he would become great. Olo was soon pushed by his father to become grand. His father was the captain at the time. One of the captains. Olo’s father basically raised him on swordplay, archery, and martial arts. He held a dagger before he could even walk. He held a bow before he could even talk. 
As he was pushed towards this, he became friends with two younger elves, Elwire and Sareärnon. He would often run away from home or duck his training to hang out with them.
When his parents died, they were the ones (with the help of King Luinion) who pulled him from the depths and put him right. 
When his father died, his father’s second-in-command became Captain. As King Luinion raised Olo ( headcannon over here ! ), he was once again pushed towards being a warrior, but being “adopted” by King Luinion, he was also taught the ins-and-outs of royalty and courtesy. This is where Olo gets his extreme politeness, and his extreme barriers on hierarchy and how you must act with them. 
Elwire and Sar stayed by his side through all of this. He and Elwire got to the point where they were finishing each other’s sentences, reading each other’s minds, and could very easily do absolutely anything for the other without needing to be asked. They became blood-brothers and pact-brothers. They swore on blood that they would both work their way up to become the Captains of Halda, together. They lived together, slept together, ate together. They were inseparable. 
When they were both chosen as Captains when the previous ones retired, the three boys celebrated, (and in certain verses) Sar proposed to Olo. Now, depending on the verse, Olo moved out of Elwire’s home and both Sar and Olo moved into the Úlairecundu family home, which had been vacant for years now. OR ! Olo moved into the Úlairecundu family home on his own, and Sar likes to couch-surf. ( This is dependent on Sar’s proposal. If he does, they move in together, if he doesn’t Sar just couch-surfs and is basically a roommate and not a lover. )
Now, things are okay, up until the Alliance war. ( Úlaire headcannon involving the war. ) When Olo comes back home, he’s celebrated as a hero. And everyone still loves him. These hero stories lasted about 100 years before they started to crumble and bad stories started cropping up. Now, the people of Halda took these stories with a gain of salt ........ up until the lightning accident.
Olo nearly dies during this incident. However, Elwire suddenly takes this as the stories being true, the bad ones. He does a 180 and is suddenly against Olo. He believed that Olo must have done something to deserve the wrath of the gods, therefore, the bad stories must have been true. 
Olo has no clue why Elwire has done this 180, he still doesn’t. But. Elwire started going about sabotaging Olo. He would mess with his bows to make them break during practice or missions, he would weasel things into the King’s ear about missions needing less time that what should actually be needed, he ruins equipment, armor, and cloaks.
Olo does not tell the King these things, despite Sar’s words. Sar DESPERATELY wants Olo to tell King Rivallion about what the hell Elwire is doing, however, Olo refuses. ( Sar even keeps record, in a book, of absolutely everything Elwire does.) Despite Elwire betraying him, again and again, Olo still holds true to his brotherhood, his pact. He will not stand against Elwire.
And Sar absolutely HATES it.
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imgoldielikehawn · 6 years
Of The Woods
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Pairing:  King Thrandruil x WOC 
Rated: G ( For now ;) ) 
A/N: My very first LOTR/ The Hobbit Fic, Feedback is appreciated. If this is not your style give it a try, if you don't want to be tagged in this any longer feel free to let me know! 
The ground was damp from the rains and storms. Even though I was inside I could feel the chill and smell the drenched trees.
There was a lot more to this place than met the average eye, a cursed past if you will. Perpetuated by the chilling reputation of the King of Mirkwood himself. My morning rounds proved to be quite exhausting and so I had felt the need to return to the cabin in the wood rather quickly.
I knew the spiders would return soon whether I wanted it or not. There was hardly time for a meal before I returned to my duties.
 Long ago before the time of Smaug and the Battle of the Five Armies I was taken from my home  by a young wizard named Gandalf The Grey. You see, it was an oddity for the color of my ethereal skin to resemble the bark of oak trees. Many did not know how to react when a child was created this way, whether it was misplaced humor on the Valars part I did not know.
I did not stay with Gandalf for all time, soon after my arrival I was given to another wizard named Radagast and there is where I leaned to love and watch over nature and all she had to give.
I considered myself a woodland elve even if I had hair as white as winters first snowfall. My eyes were an icy blue color. Some time had passed since I laid eyes on Radagast or Gandalf, after all I was more than one thousand years old and hardly needed supervision.
 The ground shook suddenly beneath me, quick on my feet I grabbed my weapons and ran outside to see what had caused the disturbance. There was nothing but the wind as it moved the trees. This was a dark place, once full of beauty and wonder all that was left was doom and the giant spiders who made their home there.
There was a flash of white and green, holding steady I waited for the flash to return. When it did I met its advances with my own sword and the clang of an arrow bouncing off my blade echoed in the usually silent woods.
 “Name yourself!” A voice called. It was almost musical and yet deep and commanding.
 “I will only do so when you reveal yourself.” I said calmly. I waited a few moments and a soft thud made me turn to my right to see an elve with long white hair standing upright with his bow drawn. 
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“I am Soliania of the wood and you are?” I asked with my weapon drawn as well.
 “I am Legolas Prince of the woodland relax, son of Thranduil and I ask how you came to be here?” He took a confident step towards me. His behavior mimicked a curious animal as it looked upon something new.
 “I was brought here long ago.” I said curtly.
 “My father will want to know who you are as well and why you are here, come with me willingly and you shall be spared.” He did not say another word as he turned to leave surely expecting me to follow; And so I did swiftly with no complaint. I had a simple undisturbed life here and I had absolutely no desire to die at the hands of some prince.
 We walked in silence for hardly more than an hour when we arrived at a beautiful bridge and at the end an enormous set of intricately carved doors. Two guards where posted out front who also looked to be elves though their hair was much darker than Legolas.
Small gasps came from them when I looked into their green eyes but a sharp look from Legolas silenced them quickly.
Once inside a rather large and winding hallway he turned to me. “ Cover yourself with your cloak, now”.
 I pulled the large hood over my head and walked with my head down as we continued on amongst several elves and continued until we reached another set of doors. Legolas nodded to the guards and I followed him through the doors. I kept my head down as we walked up onto a raised platform and a man sat even higher in the center of the hall.
 “Father.” Legolas bowed slightly. “ I have found an elve in a small cabin in the woods but I have never seen one of her kind before this moment.”
 At this I glanced upward to see a winding staircase and at the top was a man seated elegantly in a large throne. I watched as he stood up and walked gracefully down the staircase until he reached the last wooden stair.
He only nodded to Legolas who then turned to me. “ Remove your hood.”
 With a simple flourish I dropped my hood and stared forward with poise and pride. A warmth pooled in my belly and even though I was not asked to speak I knew that my voice was lost. 
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The elve who stood before me was tall with thin legs but he was broad in the chest and shoulders. He wore light silver robes and his hair was long and white. Somehow it never seemed to falter in its perfection, I imagined that even in the worst storm this elves hair would hardly move an inch, if at all. The crown on his head seemed to be made of gnarled branches and red leaves.  
His eyes were blue and icy almost like my own but as they passed over me I suddenly felt undressed and vulnerable. I wanted nothing more than to cover myself and retreat back to my cabin in the woods.
 “Tul- let nin thir at cin” The elevnking said in a language I could not understand. I tilted my head in curiosity and he gestured for me to come forward with his long ringed fingers.
 Tentatively I closed the distance between us and stopped just before him and he reached out for me. I did not flinch, I was absolute intimidated but he need not know.
 “You do not speak our language?” He asked reaching forward to grasp a strand of my hair.
 “No, forgive me King Thranduil.” I lowered my eyes. 
“What is your name?” He asked but it felt like a demand. 
“Soliania.” I answered for a second time that day.
 “Tolo ar nin, Av-’osto” He said. I watched him wave away Legolas. Thrandruil turned from me and followed Legolas out of the throne room while I quietly followed behind filled with fear and curiosity. 
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* Italicized sentences between two elves means it was spoken in Sindarin. 
*Sindarin:Sindarin is a fictional language devised by J. R. R. Tolkien for use in his fantasy stories set in Arda, primarily in Middle-earth. Sindarin is one of the many languages spoken by the immortal Elves, called the Eledhrim or Edhellim in Sindarin.
Translation in order of usage:
Tul- let nin thir at cin -  Come let me look at you.
Tolo ar nin, Av-’osto-  Come with me, don't be afraid.
Valar- They are "angelic powers" or "gods" subordinate to the one God.
Gandalf The Grey:  He is a wizard, member of the Istari order, as well as leader of the Fellowship of the Ring and the army of the West.
Radagast The Brown: one of the Istari, also known as "Wizards", who were sent by the angelic Valar to aid the Elves and Men
Thranduil: King of the Elves of the Wood, King of the Woodland Realm
Legolas: a Sindarin Elf of the Woodland Realm and one of nine members of the Fellowship of the Ring
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bisiji3 · 2 years
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Buddhism is communist, democratic.
Master Chin Kung:
“ Therefore, all of you should observe carefully. Then you will truly understand that “Buddhism is communist, democratic.” You see, he is not dictating anything to any one person. He has to do ordination. Ordination is a meeting. To ask for everyone's consent. “A white ordination” for small things. Announce it to everyone. Everyone agrees to it. Consent means not talking. Agree when you don't object. You disagree when you speak. Then it passed. You can do what you want. The major thing that “White four ordination”. You have to say it four times. Let you think about it carefully. After the four ordinations, everyone has nothing to say. It is passed, democracy.”
Summary of Remarks by Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour
December 16, 2002
On December 16, 2002, Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour gave a public presentation at the National Endowment for Democracy on the "The Roots of Democracy in Islam." Speaking before an American audience for the first time, Dr. Mansour traced the sources of democratic thought in Islamic theology and discussed his ideas of how Islam's democratic potential may be realized in the modern Muslim world.
According to Dr. Mansour, peaceful interaction with other human beings lies at the heart of Islam. The values of peace, human rights, freedom of speech and belief, justice, equality, and democracy are all laid down in the Quran and should thus provide the foundations for any society that claims to be Islamic. The Quran invokes five rights to which everyone is entitled: the right to justice, the right to freedom of belief and speech; the right to wealth; the right to security, and the right to power. It is this right to power, which relates to modern conceptions of democracy.
According to Islam, it is the community as a whole, not one person, that owns and exercises power. In a chapter on "Al-Shura," the Quran describes Muslim society as one in which individuals manage their affairs through consultation. Shura represents the kind of direct democracy in which all people participate in meetings held to discuss community affairs. So long as they are peaceful in their dealings with others, members of the opposition have complete freedom to say and do as they please. Direct democracy takes place when members of a group, each representing himself or herself, come together to exchange views and arrive at decisions reached by the majority and applied by all.
In Islam, democracy is considered a ritual commandment. Like every ritual commandment, shura is a personal duty, which no one can perform on behalf of another. Muslims are urged to practice shura in their daily work and family lives, much as they are exhorted to pray five times a day. Dr. Mansour pointed out that Islamic democracy also entails accountability. A true Islamic society rules itself through executives who are accountable before their society. The Quran refers to these executives as "Olo Al Amr," meaning "those of the affairs."
The tradition of attending open meetings with Prophet Mohammed to discuss matters of common concern was a new one for the inhabitants of Al-Madina, Dr. Mansour said, but it soon took root. Despite the initial difficulties, democratic consultation became a way of life for the inhabitants of Al-Madina, even in times of war. Prophet Muhammed encouraged his people to govern themselves, which is why he did not appoint a successor. After his death, his legacy was altered, Dr. Mansour noted, by successive generations of rulers who failed to realize the democratic potential of Islam.
Returning to the modern era, Dr. Mansour lamented the conditions under which much of the Muslim world finds itself today-under the grip of dictators on the one hand and religious fanatics on the other. Between the dictators and their religious foes lies a weak, secular opposition that calls for democratic change. Dr. Mansour felt that it was incumbent on the international community, led by the United Nations and the United States, to help facilitate such change. He suggested that the United Nations reconsider its policy of nonintervention in order to combat authoritarian regimes. He concluded that the United States needs to negotiate with its allies in the Arab world to guarantee peace and direct its foreign assistance in support of groups working to promote human rights, democracy, and civil society.
“Raise your hand if you disagree.”
Xi Jinping - General Secretary of the CCP, President of the PRC
Xi Jinping on capitalist democracy
"If the people are awakened only at the time of voting and become dormant afterward; if the people only listen to big slogans during election campaigns but have no say afterward; if the people are only favored during canvassing but are left out after the election, such a democracy is not a true democracy."
14 October 2021
Xi Jinping - General Secretary of the CCP, President of the PRC
Related info.
[Naked] The less you wear, the closer you get to the hell.
‌地獄只有兩種人能去 - 貪官墮地獄的故事
Basic knowledge for Muslim Leader 2. [2012/ 08/4] • Taipei Grand Masjid ❮YouTube - Hadziq 哈明飛❯ It was presented by Omar Ayesh and translated subsequently by Hanan Lu.
【佛经《地藏经》英文双语对照】Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra (中英对译版《地藏菩萨本愿经》) - 佛陀正法网 - The Authentic Buddha Dharma
It was organized by Jhan, heng- cheng (詹杭橙 師兄)
#bisiji3 #chiaochan27 #vivre26 #Charlotte #Charlotte_Jhan #Beth85448874 #confucius #confucianism #taoism #taoist #buddhism #peace #awakening #obedience #No_Rights_Reserved #nocopyright
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⭐This Text is in the public domain and has no copyright.
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 6 years
This is my translation of Stellatram’s rendition of the Song METHOD_MESSELA/. from their album Hymmnos Chronicle. It is a very context-heavy song, as well as one that’s very important to me, so I wanted to do my own translation of it. I included the original Hymmnos and Japanese lyrics if anyone is curious.
For those who don’t know, Messela mode is a forbidden mode shift of Infel Phira that essentially gives the Maiden of Mio control over all the IPDs. It is very heavily implied that Infel used it to start her war of revenge against the Goddess and the people, given the circumstances, the description in the setting book, and Toukousphere 85, where she evades a question about it.
The lyrics on the left seem to be Infel’s parts, while the indented lyrics are the IPDs she is controlling. I suspect they wrote it as a fusion, which makes sense given the context, and also there are two feelings contained sections for it (one that seems to be the story programmed in the hymn crystal, one that’s clearly Infel’s own feelings) Thus I translated 神 as “Goddess” here.
I also did a translation of the feelings contained section as well as the explanations Stellatram provided, but this got long, so I’ll be putting them in another post, right here:  LINK
The flame’s blazing light shines to wipe away sorrow
The exalted voices gather under the guide of Mio
The cracked land whispers to me-
Place judgement on this lowly world
 The sound of despair reverberates
It is the breath of the evil Goddess that weaves the night
The girl places her hand on the forbidden box, and makes a wish to dispel the night-
Grant me the power to kill death
               It is a forbidden box
               It must never be touched
               Or else the world would be stricken with fear
 A form emerged from the forbidden box- it was another me
Another me who wished to shatter the canopy enveloping this ugly world
Inside that box were 1000 gears for weaving a new land of ideals
With this, we’ll make our paradise a reality
                 The awakened fear weaves the Holy Maiden’s form
               She whispers in the girl’s ear-
               With this, we’ll make our paradise a reality
 The assembled gears desiring revolution grant the girl the power to bring forth a dark order
 Give punishment for crime
               Give despair!
Give judgement to sinners
               Give judgement!
Give servitude to the incompetent
               Give faith!
Give the iron hammer to malice
               Give war!
 The 1000 gears gather under 1 guide, and the Song leads the way to the seed’s desired form
Rejoice and Sing
Under the sacred theory of love, in which the world’s irrationality- bug-will not be permitted
               The world weaves grief anew
               The chain of sadness remains unbroken
               Only destruction will heal the land
 The sound of control reverberates
It is the breath of the powerful people that wards off the night
The girl uses the power of the box to slay the night
Grant me the power to command death
               It is a forbidden box
               It must never be doubted
               Or else the world would be stricken with despair
 The girl has nothing to lose if the one that should have been saved is dead
 O retainers
Rage, cry out, and awaken
Now conquer, let the footsteps of this army resound in the inviolable sanctuary
Sing, use all the power you have
We will take back that which was stolen
               We are of the Divine Maiden
               We will happily become a Song
               We are the Divine Maiden’s spear
               We will happily Sing
               We are the Divine Maiden’s hope, as well as her grief
 Give death to death
               Give fear!
Give pain even further pain
               Give suffering!
Give control a leader
               Give grief!
Give atonement for fault
               Give condemnation!
 The 1000 gears gather under 1 guide, and the Song attains the seed’s desired form
Rejoice and Sing
Under the sacred theory of love, cast away by paradise
               The world strives for a new countenance
                The awakened transformation will remain unstopped
               Only sleep will heal the land
 The clattering of the gears advances the second hand towards a new world
Even the Goddess is entranced by the Song conducted and tuned with care
Thus the ancient canopy is repainted under a new theory
xU rre Asiann aUukA ttu tUn h.l.s.s./. 焔き光は嘆きを絶つために xO rre LYOceku aNuNk dn LYOlyuma/. 尊き声は澪の標の下に xO rre gkgul siance fIs ut mea/. ひび割れた大地が私に囁く gLYOwOfUr LYIsphaela/. 卑賤なる世界に裁きを
wLYUwjOnc z.z.x. ale/. 絶望の音がこだまする xI sorr auLYOk glansee LYUkouf v.a. olo/. それは夜を紡ぐ悪しき神の息 xA harr yIzLYAtA tie LYIarhou, ttu tAnN olo/. 少女は夜を退けんと禁忌の匣に手をかけ、願う cEzO titia dOzYI du d.z./. 死を殺す力を、我に
  xI sorr auNk LYIarhou/.   それは禁忌の匣   xI rre zz tIkYAd tie vege,   それに決して触れるべからず   fatere rre sphaela nImLYUl ut f.r.l./.   さもなくば世界は恐怖に染まる
xI rre raudl mEtLYUyyeh dn LYIarhou, ag a.u.k. Oraudl/. 禁忌の匣から這い出る躯体、それはもう一人の私 xA harr yAzOt za pOsYIwtLYAaye Acia_daedu, ag a.u.k. Araudl/. 醜き世界の天蓋を砕きたいと願った、もう一人の私 xA rre rAfrUm 1000 ale v.a. aje siance, ess LYIarhou/. その匣の中には、新たな理想の地を紡ぐための歯車が1000あった xO rre tErLYImLYO du LYOsiance/. これで私達の理想郷を実現させましょう
  xI rre f.r.l. vEaNeh, ag vEaN Araudl_talam/.   目覚めし恐怖は聖女の姿を紡ぎ   xI harr fEsYA zess f.s./.   少女の耳元で囁く   xI rre tErLYEmLYN du LYAsiance/.   これで私達の理想郷を実現させましょう
Xc=xA rre ale lLYAncaEeh, ttu harr wAfA za cAzLYA -> xI harr wEsLYOeh titia p.s.w.t. balduo sechel/. 変革を望み組み上げられた歯車は、少女に冥き秩序を牽く力を与える
wOsLYO shazra tie cupla/. 罪には罰を   zLYOzLYOxLYO!   絶望を wOsLYO g.w.f.r. tie gyajlee/. 罪人には裁きを   gLYOwLYOfLYOr!   裁きを wAsLYA race tie Nqejyu/. 無能には隷属を   wLYAwLYAjncLYA!   信仰を wAsLYU quesa tie ujes/. 悪意には鉄槌を   hLYUmLYUmLYUr!   戦いを
xO rre 1000 ale lLYAnNcEa dn 1 LYAeje, ag wrYOlO raudl phira y.z.t./. 1000の歯車が1の標に集い、詩が種の望む容を導く jYElEj, ag hOmYOmLYOr 喜べ、そして謳え sev glansee Agral, zz s.l. Asiance_ujes/. 世界の不条理-バグ-を許さない、 尊き愛の理論の下に
  xU rre sphaela vUaI aje urgn/.   世界が新たな嘆きを紡ぐ   xU rre hiew lYUnNca ayulsa/.   悲しみの連鎖は止まらず   xN rre siance yIyEeh dn goa d.z./.   ただ滅びだけが大地を癒す
wLYUwjOnc m.n.g. ale/. 支配の音がこだまする xO sorr auLYAk glansee LYAkouf w.r.m. olo/. それは夜を祓う強き者達の息 xA harr tLYIrYImO d.z. tie olo dn Atitia_LYIarhou/. 少女は匣の力を以て夜を殺戮せしめる cEzO titia mNngYU du d.z./. 死を握る力を、我に
  xA sorr auNk LYIarhou/.   それは禁忌の匣   xA rre zz zIzYAx tie vege,   それを決して疑うべからず   fatere rre sphaela nImLYUl ut z.z.x./.   さもなくば世界は絶望に染まる
Xc=xI rre Asiann_has dUzU, van harr wAfA za rYAwYA -> xO harr zz vNsYIkLYI aje urgn ayulsa/. 救うべき存在が死んでいたのなら、少女に失うものは何もない
jAzYOt tie Aceku x-> 臣下らよ nYOmLYOl, ssLYAw, ag jLYAlOrA/. 猛り、吼え、目覚めよ kOvLYUnrYA ut siance zz f.w.r. du w.n.s., oucc ale zalez/. 征くぞ、不可侵の聖域に軍靴の刻みを響かせて hYAmmOrYO, lLYAnNcaA Aeje_ceku gral/. 謳え、持てる力の限りを尽くし mOnLYIgI du mUnIgYIeh gral <-x/.
   mErrYA tie LYAlyuma x->   我らが神子へ   cEzLYA hymmnos/.   喜び勇んで詩になりましょう   aAuLYAk ar pauwel LYAlyuma j.z.t./.   我らは神子の振るう一条の槍   hEmLYAmArA hymmnos/.   喜び勇んで詩を謳いましょう   aAuLYAk arhou en urgn LYAlyuma w.h.h. < -x/.   我らは神子の希望、そして嘆き
wOsLYI d.z. tie d.z./. 死には死を   fLYIrLYIlLYI!   恐怖を wOsLYI li zash tie zash/. 痛みには更なる痛みを   wLYIhLYIhLYI!   苦しみを wAsLYA l.n.c.a. tie m.n.g./. 支配には統率を   hLYAlLYAsLYAs!   嘆きを wAsLYU dejuy tie gyaje/. 過ちには贖罪を   jLYUzLYUtLYU!   断罪を
xO rre 1000 ale lLYAnNcEa dn 1 LYAeje, ag cEzO raudl phira y.z.t./. 1000の歯車が1の標に集い、詩が種の望む容へと成る jYElEj, ag hOmYOmLYOr 喜べ、そして謳え sev glansee Agral, tUnIeh ess Asiance_ujes/. 理想郷に棄てられた、尊き愛の理論の下に
  xA rre sphaela wUrAl aje raudl/.   世界が新たな容を目指す   xA rre tussu lLYNnNca ayulsa/.   動き出した変化は止まらず   xN rre siance yIyEeh dn goa t.n./.   ただ眠りだけが大地を癒す
xN rre ale sarsa hLYNmmrN ar arhou ut aje siance/. 歯車の刻音が新たな世界へと秒針を進ませる xN rre l.n.c.a. j.l.r. sarla pOsYUwUt LYAglansee fwal/. 束ねられ調律されたその詩に神さえもが聴き入り xN rre Acia_daedu mInYUgLYEeh dn aje METHOD/. かくて旧き天蓋は新しき理論の下に塗り替えられる
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mafiaamongstus · 7 days
Does Joris ever miss their old life? Like, the life it had before she was Joris?
W̵̱͒͊́͐-̶̛̖̠͕̩͕̤̤͂̋̍̿̎͆͐̋̏w̵̨̰̖̻̉̄͆̌̊̔͊́h̸̟̦̳̖̬̜̣̦́̓͂̀͆͆͘ǫ̸̢̺̟̼̝̣̳̀͑̎̈́̚̕ ̷̤͎͚͕͉̾̑I̶̳͖͍̹̼̾͐ ̸̝͚̻͇̮̩̲͛̿̃̂͗̎u̸̧̪̖͕̬͙͒͝s̶̙͎̳̗̬͍͊̓͗̿̎̿̌̌͗͘ě̵͎̗͉͘d̸̯̩̣͍̣͖̘̖̼̠̽̀̇͑̔̓̉̒͋ ̷̲͉̼͓̳͛̌̊̔̎̚͠t̵͔̦͓̪͈̺͊̓̾ō̶̙̘̹͚̾͗͗̍̈́͗̚͠ ̵̮͎̱̅̊̅̅͊̈́̈́͐̔̕b̴̖͎̗̹̭̫͈̂̎̈́͌e̵̫̹̙̗̖͊͐̊̈́̒̒̑͠?̴̡̳͓̳͈͑̀̈́͛̍͂̎̚
(alt text: w-who I used to be?)
Before it was Joris, it was known as Xiakh-sthri. It lived a quiet life, though a complicated one. Living in the snowplains of Polus is no easy feat, especially when the Kinling society is still reeling with the after-effects of the Spiri war.
It was hard, but Xiakh-sthri enjoyed it. It took care of a small garden, raised a pack of Rammies, and generally kept to itself.
Then came the call to join the war against humans. Xiakh-sthri, who had lost several relatives to the Spiri, closed itself up on its farm, hiding away from the war.
Years passed this way. Was it ashamed? of course. But better ashamed and alive than proud to fight and dead.
Then came the second call. That humans were not the Spiri, that they were more akin to the Kinlings, terrified of their alien aggressors and fighting to protect their way of life. And if they fought this hard against the Kinlings, how great would the humans be against the Spiri?
And so, the great assimilation began. No longer would the Kinlings attack and replace humans, instead, they would form their own identities out of the shadows of their old. The Kinlings would form a new life for themselves, protected by the humans. And when the time was right, they would be able to reveal themselves, and form a bond that would last throughout all of time and space.
Xiakh-sthri finally left its farm, setting free its pets, tearing down the fences that protected its garden. Xiakh-sthri left its home, and began making its way to its new one. It would find the human base, and it would wait for the right chance to join them.
And then, as it traveled the snowbanks under cover of a storm, it met Joris.
Brilliant, empathic, dying Joris.
Xiakh-sthri does long for the days when life was simpler. When it did not need to pretend to be a war general in a war that was no longer to be fought. When it did not have to cause itself pain to rearrange itself in order to not be discovered by the old man that threatened vivisection to the faceless Kinlings that had attacked him once.
But then, it would still be alone.
And to a species that thrives on connection, there is no worse fate.
So yes, Xiakh-sthri does miss the days before it was Joris.
But Xiakh-sthri was alone.
Joris was not alone.
Joris is not alone.
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ourprefers · 2 years
Timor-Leste to go to the polls again after failing to elect a new leader in presidential election
Timor-Leste to go to the polls again after failing to elect a new leader in presidential election
Timor-Leste is headed for a run-off presidential election after Nobel Peace Prize laureate Jose Ramos-Horta failed to secure more than 50 per cent of the vote, despite a commanding lead over a fellow former independence fighter, incumbent President Francisco “Lu Olo” Guterres. Key points: The run-off vote is scheduled for April 19, with the winner to take office on May 20 The date coincides…
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letsjanukhan · 2 years
East Timor set for presidential runoff election in April
East Timor set for presidential runoff election in April
DILI, East Timor (AP) — East Timor is headed for a runoff presidential election after Nobel Peace Prize laureate Jose Ramos-Horta failed to secure more than 50% of the vote despite a commanding lead over a fellow former independence fighter, incumbent President Francisco “Lu Olo” Guterres. Ramos-Horta received 46.6% of the vote in last week’s election and Guterres got 22.1%, according to a tally…
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leanpick · 3 years
East Timor heads to presidential run-off
East Timor heads to presidential run-off
East Timor’s presidential poll looks headed for an April run-off despite the latest vote count showing a commanding lead for Nobel laureate Jose Ramos-Horta. With all votes counted, Ramos-Horta had secured 46.58 per cent – more than twice the share of his rival Francisco “Lu Olo” Guterres but still shy of the majority needed to win in one round. Almost two decades after gaining independence from…
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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Novena For Healing the Family Tree
It is very important to remember that the sins of previous generations can be visited upon the present generation, as well as our sins today being visited on future generations. The Bible says in Exodus 20:5 (where God gives us His First Commandment to have no strange gods before Him), Exodus 34:7, Numbers 14:18, and Deuteronomy 5:9, that the punishment for sins can be given to the 3rd and 4th succeeding generations. (Douay-Rheims version for all quotes listed herein)
Purgatory is something that most of the other Christian denominations find difficult to understand in light of the fact that Jesus died for our sins and to set us free. But there is much written evidence of the need to remember our dead in prayer for both their release and our freedom, and many scriptural passages attest to this.
Several scriptural passages on the subject are as follows:
“Our fathers have sinned, and are no more; and we have borne their iniquities.” (Lamentations 5:7)
“The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the teeth of the children are set on edge.” (Ezechiel 18:2)
“… I am the Lord thy God, mighty, jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.” (Exodus 20:5)
Looking deeper at those who have gone before us, we may want to reflect on the quotation “I am what I am and all who went before me.” Genetic coding sends inherent family traits, skills, mannerisms and resemblances down through the ages.
The nastier traits travel too. In Ireland there is a saying: “Tisn’t from the wind he/she gets it,” meaning that the parents, grandparents or other family members have similar ways.
An eminent Christian Scottish Psychiatrist named Dr. Kenneth McAll, wrote a book called “Healing the Family Tree” wherein he discovered that the wrongdoings of someone in the ancestry was affecting the present generation. Father Robert de Grandis discovered Dr. McAll’s work and came to the same conclusion in his own Healing Ministry. Father de Grandis’ book “Intergenerational Healing,” gives some powerful testimonies to the link of the deeds and actions of past generations to the present generation. He also shows certain personality traits with links to the past.
“In the following prayer we will cover many areas of un-love and negativity, including marriage relationships, hurt children, sexual sins, mental and physical illness, depression, fear, compulsiveness and addictions, criminal and violent behavior, unloving, un-mourned and violent deaths, patterns of separation, patterns of injustice, idolatries, traumas from being different, and communication disorders.
Forgiveness opens the door to the whole healing process. We will begin by renouncing the occult and psychic links in ourselves and our ancestors, and asking the Lord to come in with His Precious Blood and the waters of our baptism to fill us with His life and love.”
We can pray the following short prayer for our ancestors, starting with a prayer to take authority over anything that is not of God:
Healing the Family Tree Prayer
“In the Name of Jesus, I take authority and I bind all powers and forces In the air, in the ground, in the water, in the underground, in nature and in fire. You are the Lord over the entire universe and I gave you the Glory of Your Creation. In your name, Lord, I bind all demonic forces that have come against me and my family and I seal all of us in the protection of Your Precious Blood that was shed for us on the Cross.”
“Mary our Mother, we seek your protection and intercession with the Sacred Heart of Jesus from me and my family, and surround us with your mantle of love to discourage the enemy.”
“Saint Michael the Archangel and our Guardian Angels come defend me and my family in battle against all the evil ones that roam the earth. Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in our hour of need. May God restrain him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, cast Satan down to hell and with him all the wicked spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.”
“In the Name of Jesus, I bind and command all the powers and forces of evil to depart right now away from us, our homes and our lands. And we thank You Lord Jesus for You are a faithful and compassionate God. Amen.”
“Heavenly Father, I ask You now to go back through all in my blood line, my husband’s/wife’s bloodline, and the bloodlines connected to all of my family and relatives and forgive the wrongs, heal the illnesses, bind the evil deeds. I ask You Lord to break the chains, associations, and links any of these may have to us here in the present. On their behalf Lord, I seek Your forgiveness, your healing and a pouring out of your Divine Love so that Your Love may now pour forth through the years and touch us in the here and now. So that Your Divine and Healing Love will take the place of all the past hurts, angers, hates, un-love of You, destructive emotions or actions and evil ties of our ancestors. So that Your Precious Blood and Divine Love and Healing will heal us of the residue we carry from our ancestors. In true faith I thank You Lord because You have said ‘ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened to you.’ Today Lord I knock, I seek, I ask. All praise and thanks to You my loving Father.”
Our Father (Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.),
Hail Mary (Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.),
Glory Be (Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.).
The following prayer for the release from ancestral curses comes from a devotional book entitled the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It was given by Our Lord and Our Lady to a nearly illiterate Nigerian teenage boy, Barnabas Nwoye, in the village of Olo, Enugu State, Nigeria, on 8 July 1998. It is one of a series of devotional prayers given to Barnabas from 1995 – 2003. He was told by our Lord that this is the greatest devotion he has ever given the Church and the last one he will give in this age. This is the ark that will protect and bring the Holy Catholic Church, the remnant faithful and all those you love and pray for safely through the bitter trials of the coming chastisement and into the promised Era of Peace. More information can be obtained by visiting the website:
Prayer for Release from Ancestral Curses
“All who are under curses and constantly say this prayer shall be free from their curses. Any family that is suffering from the curse of sins made by their forefathers and makes a 144 day novena through this prayer, will be freed. All who break a covenant and are supposed to die shall be saved and also be released from their curse if they constantly say this prayer and repent. My children, how terrible will it be to fall into God’s anger! Turn from your sins and live. I love you all. Be healed.”
Eternal Father, You are the only Immortal God, God Who is love, merciful and kind. Look at your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and have mercy. I offer You the pains of His scourging at the pillar, His wounds and blood, for all Your people who are under the weight of the curse due to the sins of their ancestors and their disobedience for breaking the covenant they made with You. May You set us free through the scourging of Your Son, heal us through His wounds and save us through His Precious Blood. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ – release us from curses. Holy wounds of Jesus Christ – heal our wounds. By your scourging – seal us. Amen.
To bind and dispel demons from a person or place (especially when traveling or entering into a home, business, or building), use the following prayer interiorly:
In the Name of Jesus Christ, I bind all evil spirits and spiritual influences here present and cast them into the prison of the Most Holy Trinity. Amen.
Pamphlet - Novena For Healing The Family Tree
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