#office removals dublin
manvanservice · 2 years
Tips to Utilize Before You Start Working on an Office Relocation Plan
One of the top demands of organizations nowadays is for faster expansion in corporate operations like Office Relocation. It should come as no surprise that it is essential to their survival and growth. Numerous businesses engage in the production and trading of comparable goods in the age of globalization. Even though direct sales were the main goal of groups for many years, in order to reach a wider area and gain access to other markets, these houses are currently changing their marketing techniques.
For instance, aside from large corporate clients, such as IT hardware providers are no longer interested in working with end users. As an alternative, they are expanding a solid network of channel partners and using their detailed transaction strategies. Numerous they are observed diversifying into wide-ranging segments in an effort to strengthen their standing while working on Office Relocation.
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The fact that MAN with a VAN businesses are expanding rapidly while many of them have begun marketing their products or services abroad is crucial. Consumer and medical product manufacturers are expanding their global reach thanks to several industries, primarily information technology. The majority of these rising organizations, however, need more staff members and specialists to handle their expanding operations as they grow in size.
In addition to finding a new location for your business, you should contact knowledgeable businesses that offer interior design, industrial equipment, and décor consulting services. Whether you are planning to move your entire business or just a portion of it, it is crucial to set up the space with the required fixtures, tools, and gadgets. Before your staff start working, it is very important to organise your workplace. In this case, installing smart office walls, which are affordable, opulent-looking, and above all, space-saving, is an option as opposed to using bulkier brick partitions.
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denimbex1986 · 8 months
'When Cillian Murphy took to the podium during Sunday night’s Golden Globes, his nose smudged in his wife’s lipstick, it was as if a door had opened on this Hollywood Neverland and an ambassador for the real world had stepped through.
Accepting the Best Actor in a Drama award for Oppenheimer, Murphy wasn’t so much un-starry as stonkingly everyday. Here was a normal person who had somehow beamed into peak Tinseltown and, if pleased, was also clearly a bit perplexed by it all.
The Oppenheimer win has made Murphy a frontrunner for the Oscars. In all likelihood, he will be up against a creepy Barry Keoghan in Saltburn, an overblown Bradley Cooper in Maestro, and a fervent Leonard DiCaprio in Killers of the Flower Moon. With the arguable exception of the grandstanding Cooper, all would be worthy winners. And yet, underdogs everywhere will be cheering for Murphy. He’s spent the past 20 years negotiating Hollywood on his own terms and has rejected Tinseltown’s showiness in favour of staying grounded and playing the long game.
Murphy always wanted to be an actor rather than a star. Such a choice could easily have condemned him to a lifetime of supporting roles. Or a hiatus in TV, to which he seemed exiled when he settled in for a long run as Tommy Shelby in Birmingham noir Peaky Blinders.
But his decision to turn away from flashy parts has proved inspired. He is that rarest of things: an experienced A-list actor who comes to the Oscars without baggage. Unlike DiCaprio, he hasn’t had to overcome a past life as a teen pin-up. Nor does he have to justify a lucrative stint in comic book films, as Cooper has with his time as Rocket Racoon in Guardians of the Galaxy.
Above all, Murphy goes into Oscar season as an antidote to the “look at me!” culture of the social media era. In an age when fame is regarded as the ultimate commodity – more important than awards or critical acclaim – Murphy would rather let his work speak for itself. He lives humbly in suburban Dublin with his wife and two children – and his great passion outside of acting is music, as demonstrated by his semi-regular presenting slot on BBC 6 Music.
That’s lifetimes removed from Hollywood, with its self-mythologising and turbo-charged fakeness. It is also of a piece with his career since he broke through playing a survivor of the zombie apocalypse in Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later. Ever since, he has chosen his jobs thoughtfully. In so doing, he has assembled a body of work of which he can be proud.
He hasn’t been above popcorn. He was a memorable villain in Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins, where he played the Scarecrow as a trippy nightmare. But even when shooting for the box office, Murphy has been studiedly un-starry. Careful to keep his ego in check, he’s often happy in an ensemble – hugging the background in A Quiet Place II and settling for an extended cameo in Nolan’s Dunkirk, where he was content to let Harry Styles and Tom Hardy hog the spotlight.
Hog it they did – yet it was Murphy who proved to be in it for the long road. Because he could go into Oppenheimer without a Hollywood aura, he disappeared into the role. If hardly obscure, he nonetheless assimilated fully into the part. Throughout that film, you were aware of its stars. Florence Pugh and Emily Blunt doing their best with under-written female characters. Robert Downey Jr trying to pretend he hadn’t spent a decade as Iron Man.
Murphy, by contrast, split the acting atom. He vanished into Oppenheimer with a performance that exuded humility and sincerity. Bookies have now installed him as a favourite for the Best Actor Oscar. If he wins, it would be a victory for knowing who you are and what you stand for and believing good work has value beyond short-term acclaim. Above all, his success shows that it is possible to stay grounded while scaling Hollywood’s giddiest heights.'
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
Whatever You Want
Pairing: Michael Kinsella x Fem!Reader Word Count: 3.4k
Summary: You've been having a difficult year adjusting to your life in Dublin, struggling with a few things that you've kept hidden from Michael so as not to burden him further. Though when he comes home unexpectedly early from a family meeting, you realize he's been reading you better than you'd thought.
Warnings/Tags: light angst, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff, soft Michael
a/n: Just a short little comfort fic to wrap up my Comfort Fic Week! Always love me a soft Mikey. Feedback is always appreciated!
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Grabbing one of Michael’s shirts from the laundry basket on the bed next to you, you proceeded to fold it, your eyes staring absently out of the bedroom window beside the bed. The sky was overcast today, gray clouds hanging low despite the fact that it wasn’t supposed to rain this morning. Somehow it seemed like the weather was reflecting your mood–or maybe amplifying it. 
Hands moving of their own accord, you neatly stacked the now folded shirt on top of the pile of Michael’s other shirts before reaching into the laundry basket and removing another one to fold. Your hands continued to move mechanically as you worked, folding clothing item after clothing item as you removed each one from the basket. 
Inevitably your mind began to wander.
Michael had already been gone by the time you'd awoken this morning. He had yet another family meeting to attend early today despite the fact that it was now Sunday. He'd been busy this entire past week taking care of a 'problem' with the family's supplier before spending the rest of the week cleaning up some issues on the business end of things. You’d barely seen him for days now, which wasn’t the usual between the two of you. And although he’d been excited to see you the handful of times you’d both run into each other at home this week, you had been distant. 
Admittedly you’d been struggling for this entire past year that you’d officially been living in Dublin. Struggling under the weight of your own family issues that you often kept from Michael–because he already had enough problems to deal with when it came to his family. You’d also been struggling under the pressures of things at work, forced into playing the mediator between the two owners of your company who fought with each other like actual children on a near daily basis. It had been wearing on you for months now, but you yet again never revealed any of this to Michael. He was busy enough as it was, and even though he was nothing but loving and attentive to you when he was home, you knew he had enough on his mind to worry about. So you always greeted him with a smile when you two were together, choosing to shove everything down, down, down until you couldn’t feel it for a bit.
But truthfully? You felt like you were drowning. You missed your family now that you were living abroad in Ireland so you could be with Michael; a feat accomplished with the help of his family–the one good thing they had managed to accomplish for you both when they had fast tracked your visa. But all the health complications back home had you missing your family even more. And you had quickly begun to hate your job with a passion ever since the owners had begun to bicker and fight, leaving you to solve the company's problems. And the office work you were doing wasn't even remotely your dream job, but you knew it wasn't realistic for you to quit just to pursue a dream.
The sound of the front door opening and closing downstairs met your ears, causing your hands to momentarily pause their movements, the shirt partially folded in between them. You could hear the sound of Michael downstairs, opening the closet door and putting away his jacket and shoes. Brows furrowing together, you wondered why he was home so soon.
“Where ya at, love?”
Michael’s voice rang out through the house, the sound of it drowning out the noise in your head–for now. Stacking another shirt of his onto the pile, you turned over your shoulder and called back to him.
“Upstairs, Mikey. Just doing the laundry.”
You grabbed another pair of jeans from the basket, hearing the heavy and tired footfalls of Michael as he made his way up the stairs. As you sorted the pair of pants in your hands with the others, leaning across the bed to reach the pile, you heard Michael making his way across the bedroom before you felt him come up behind you. His arms were soon wrapping around your waist, his nose brushing back and forth against the side of your neck as he let out a pleased hum. 
“Missed ya, pet,” he murmured.
Straightening back up, your hands landed on his forearms, giving them a gentle squeeze before you unwrapped them from around you. You felt the way Michael stiffened against the back of you, his face soon drawing away from your neck. Glancing over your shoulder at him, you sent him a brief, tense smile. He took a step back, his eyes narrowing as he studied you.
“Wasn’t expecting to see you back this morning,” you said, turning back towards the bed and reaching a hand into the basket, pulling out another piece of clothing to fold. “The meeting go alright?”
“Yeah, it was grand,” Michael answered distractedly. “Ya alright, love?”
“Mhmm,” you hummed out. “Just trying to catch up on laundry. Figured you’d be gone most of the day. Knew you were low on fresh clothes with how busy you’ve been this week. Thought I’d take care of it for you today.”
“Pet, ya know I could’ve done the laundry myself later today,” he told you.
You neatly stacked yet another one of his shirts onto the pile beside you, nodding as you reached your hand into the basket. You drew out the last piece of clothing, about to fold it, but Michael pulled the pair of pants from your hands. 
“Hey, stop,” he said softly, catching your eye. “Is somethin’ wrong? Ya haven’t been acting like yourself all week.”
You bit back the urge to point out that he hadn’t actually seen you much this past week. Instead, you sent him another tense smile.
“I’m fine, Mikey,” you said, gesturing to the pants in his hands. “Now can I finish the laundry? I’ve got other things to take care of today.”
Michael drew the pants out of your reach, his dark brows knitting together. His lips thinned along his face as concern washed over his features.
“What other things have ya got to take care of?” he asked.
You sighed in irritation, crossing your arms over your chest in annoyance with how he was slowing down your list of chores and errands for the day. Michael certainly helped out with many things around the house, but usually when the Kinsellas came to him to solve a plethora of problems for them, you were left to pick up the slack. Which is exactly what had happened this week on top of everything else you’d been silently dealing with.
“The house needs to be cleaned, Mikey,” you pointed out. “And the kitchen is an absolute disaster. I haven’t even managed to finish working my way through all of the dishes from the other night when Jimmy and Viking decided to eat every last damned thing in the house. Which also means I need to pick up groceries from the market still, and I haven’t even had a chance to sit down to make the list. Not to mention, I still have another two loads of laundry to take care of, so can you please just let me finish?”
A frown pulled the corners of Michael’s lips down, his hazel eyes softening as they held yours. A second later he expelled a rough breath, his shoulders dropping at the movement. When he tossed the unfolded pair of pants onto the bed, your eyes widened in shock. Your mouth opened, ready to chastise him for being so uncharacteristically callous, but he’d so tenderly grabbed your hands and drew you towards himself that the gesture quickly left you stunned and speechless. All you could do was stare in confusion at him as he drew you into himself.
“Forget ‘bout all o' that today,” he told you. “I’ll handle it tomorrow. All of it, I promise.”
“But don’t you have things you need to do?” you asked.
Michael wrapped his arms around your shoulders, one of his hands gently guiding your head to rest against his chest. Reluctantly you allowed it, though you were tense in his embrace, your body unable to relax. You really needed to get these things done because you didn’t feel like grabbing groceries at the market after work tomorrow. 
“I’ll take the day off,” he replied. “Handle everythin’ at home. Even have dinner ready for us when ya finish work. Yeah?”
“Mikey, don’t promise me something that you can’t follow through on,” you warned him. “I know how your family is. I know they’re going to–”
“Hey, shh,” he hushed you, one of his hands soothingly running up and down your back. “I’ll tell ‘em no. Not to bother me tomorrow. Doesn’t matter what they say. Ya deserve some help ‘round here. Been takin’ care of everythin’ this past week–everythin’ this past year, really. And I wanna show ya that I appreciate it, love.”
“It’s not a big deal, I can handle it,” you told him, the lie almost automatic.
You felt him shift above you, resting his cheek against the top of your head. His hand continued to soothingly run the length of your back over and over, the calming feel of it slowly easing the tension in your muscles. 
“I can tell ya have been stressed, pet,” Michael murmured. “Can see it on your face. Somethin’s been goin’ on with ya. It has me worried.”
Nervously your tongue slipped out, wetting your lips. You couldn’t believe he’d picked up on anything being off with you. You thought you’d been hiding everything from him so well. And you certainly didn’t need him worrying about you, too.
“I’m fine,” you whispered.
“Don’t lie to me,” Michael said, voice firm but not angry. “I know ya too well, love. I know ya aren’t alright.”
Turning your head, you buried your face into Michael’s chest, breathing in the scent of him. He smelled faintly like his leather jacket and gasoline, probably from riding his motorcycle this morning to the family meeting. Just beneath the scent of both of those you could smell the bit of his soap that always seemed to linger on his skin. It was something with sandalwood–you knew that because the nights he’d be out working a job and not coming home to you, you’d purposely shower with his soap. Just to feel like he was still there in bed with you. You couldn’t fall asleep otherwise. 
“Tell ya what,” Michael said, breaking the silence that had fallen. “How ‘bout I take ya for coffee this mornin’? Your favorite shop. Then we can visit that little bookstore ya love so much. The one just on the corner? I’ll buy ya whatever ya want.”
A small smile slipped onto your lips and you reluctantly withdrew your face from where it had been buried against Michael’s chest, his own head withdrawing itself from the top of yours. Looking up at him, he was smiling warmly down at you, his eyes full of affection and love.
“Yeah?” you asked him softly.
“Buy ya the whole damn store if ya want,” he said, tone light and teasing as he grinned back at you. “And ya know I would, love. ‘S’not like I don’t have the money.”
“Okay,” you answered slowly, your attention shifting back to the laundry on the bed. “As long as you really will have time to take care of everything tomorrow though. Because I have to–”
Michael’s hand gently cupping your cheek and turning your face back towards him quickly quieted you. That warm smile was back on his face, the brightness of it reaching his eyes.
“Go get ready,” he ordered. “I’ll finish the rest of this. And the other stuff I’ll do tomorrow. Promise. Forget ‘bout it already, yeah? Just go take a few minutes for yourself.” His smile briefly faltered as he nervously added, “Then maybe afterwards ya can tell me ‘bout what’s been goin’ on? Ya keep lockin’ me out, pet, and I really wish ya would let me in. I want to help.”
“You just–just always have so much going on, Mikey,” you told him softly. “You don’t need my shit, too.”
“Hey,” he said firmly, his eyes narrowing as he lowered his face towards yours. “It isn’t shit, ya hear me? Ya matter to me. More than ya know. Don’t brush yourself off when it comes to me, love, alright? Talk to me. I’m beggin’ ya.”
Chewing the inside of your cheek, you slowly nodded. “Okay,” you agreed. “Later, I will.”
“Good,” he replied, gesturing his head towards the bathroom as a smile curved his lips upwards. “Now get your adorable arse ready. ‘Cause I wanna spoil my girl today. I’ll take care of the rest o’ the laundry.”
Feeling giddy at the prospect of having a day to spend where it was just you and Michael, grabbing coffee and buying books, you spun on your heel without further encouragement, hurrying your way to the bathroom to get ready.
You hummed out a curious noise, skimming over the summary on the back of the book in your hands for the second time. Behind you, you heard Michael huff out an amused, light laugh. The sound caught your attention and you looked up from the back cover, eyeing Michael’s smiling face curiously from his place beside you. He held up the small stack of books in his hands, gesturing his head towards the one you were still holding.
“Add it to the pile, love,” he urged. “Ya know ya want to. I can see it on your face with the way you’re lookin’ at it.”
Rolling your eyes you held out the book, a grin on your lips as you added it onto the stack Michael was holding. He shot you a flirtatious wink that only had you grinning wider, but when your eyes landed on the clock on the wall behind him, the grin faded. Surprise washed over you instead, a pang of guilt hitting you instantly.
“Why didn’t you tell me we’d been here for over two hours already?” you exclaimed, wide eyes landing back on Michael. “I’m so sorry, Mikey. I didn’t mean to be here so long!”
Michael only laughed, shaking his head back at you. “Pet, I told ya this mornin’ like I told ya over coffee before we came here–take as much time here as ya want. Buy whatever ya want. I’ve seen how much ya have been workin’ your arse off at that office this year. I know ya haven’t been goin’ shoppin’ or out to dinners with your friends as much lately.” Something like guilt spread across his face as he continued. “And I–I know I haven’t been ‘round as much the past few months, what with everythin’ goin’ on with the family. But I wanna change that. Startin’ today. Besides,” he said, suddenly looking a little shy, “I could honestly spend my day watchin’ the way ya wander ‘round in a bookstore. The way your face lights up when ya find a book–" he paused, that shy smile still on his mouth directed at you, "–the only other time ya look like that is when you’re lookin’ at me," he finished softly. 
“Because you make me happy,” you told him, the grin returning to your lips.
“I know,” he replied with a nod.
“And coffee also makes me happy,” you added before gesturing a hand at the shelf beside you. “So do books. Best way to relieve stress is with a good book and some coffee.”
Michael chuckled, nodding his head even more as his own smile widened. "Exactly why I suggested gettin' coffee before buyin' books, love." 
The corner of his lips twitched before his expression changed to something serious, his lips thinning as he shifted his weight back and forth on his feet, looking like he wanted to say something else. You hadn’t missed the shift in his mood as you curiously eyed him in return, wondering what was now suddenly on his mind.
"How has work been?" he asked carefully. "Ya seem stressed more than usual lately. Been worried 'bout ya."
Expelling a sigh at the topic change, you turned and made your way out of the aisle of books you both were in, searching for another one in particular as you mulled over his question. Michael followed closely behind you, still carrying the stack of your books in his arms as he walked.
"It's been difficult this year," you admitted slowly, eyes scanning the aisles as you looked at the different genre signs hanging above them. "I can't stand it lately, if I'm being honest," you finally confessed. "My bosses literally bicker in every meeting I have with them and I'm always trapped playing their mediator, always left cleaning up the company problems they don’t even deal with." Hands curling into fists at your sides, you could feel your irritation returning at the thought of work tomorrow. "They don't even talk about work most of the time anymore, either. I swear, they're going to run their business into the ground if they keep it up."
"Then quit."
You abruptly stopped in front of the aisle you'd been looking for at his blunt suggestion.  Turning swiftly on your heel, you looked back at Michael in confusion and shock. 
" Quit ?" you asked him in disbelief. 
He shrugged easily. "Yeah," he answered. "Quit. You've always hated it there and now it's upsettin' ya. So quit. 'S'not like ya need the money. Ya know I'll take care of ya."
"Mikey," you said, pulling a face, "I'm not going to just sit at home and be some–" you waved a hand through the air, "–trophy wife. Or–or girlfriend or whatever," you awkwardly added when Michael’s smile grew at your word choice. "I like feeling productive."
"Your choice, love, but I happen to think ya would make a fine trophy wife," he playfully teased, shooting you another wink. "But ya know I've got ya. So quit. Find somethin' ya like. Because I know that's not what you're passionate 'bout."
With a huff you turned, focusing back on the aisle before you. You stepped into it, eyeing the books on the shelves as you looked for one in particular. 
"Say it like it's that easy," you muttered, eyes scanning the various titles.
"It is," Michael pressed. "Give 'em your notice tomorrow. Quit. Do what you're passionate about. Because I know you've been dying to do photography instead. And you're damn good at it, love. And I know ya been dyin' to work for yourself.”
Chewing your lip, you let his suggestion settle in your mind. He was right, you did want to do photography. You'd been talking about it since you'd first met him. And you had been dying to work for yourself, especially with how your bosses had been this past year. It would be nice to do something you were actually passionate about, and you did know that Michael would take care of you while you started up the business–he'd already told you he wanted to marry you. He certainly wasn’t planning to go anywhere.
You hummed out a noise, your hand reaching out and pulling the book you'd been looking for off of the shelf. "Alright," you told him, turning around and placing the book on the stack in his hands. "I'll quit tomorrow," you told him. "You're right, photography is my passion. And if you're going to push me–"
"I absolutely insist ya do, love," he cut you off.
"Alright," you repeated, nodding your head. "I'll do it."
Michael's smile grew even wider, the warmth of it reaching his eyes as they fondly gazed back at you. You couldn’t fight the smile on your own face knowing that you’d never get over how lucky you were to have met him–or how handsome he looked when he smiled at you like that. 
Eventually Michael's eyes curiously glanced down to the book you'd so quickly placed onto the pile he was carrying. A look of confusion crossed his face, brows drawing together as he looked back up at you.
"One Hundred Years of Solitude?" he asked.
"Yeah," you said, your smile turning cheeky as you made your way out of the aisle and over towards the register. "It's for you. About time you read something that wasn't a Steinbeck, babe."
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
Good News From Israel
Israel's Good News Newsletter to 26th May 24
In the 26th May 24 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
Israeli technology helps Irish doctors early-diagnose potentially fatal diseases.
Another female designer of Israeli missile defense systems.
200 Israeli hi-tech engineers donate their time to develop life-saving solutions.
An Israeli startup removes a greenhouse gas far more potent than CO2.
The first Israeli auto-industry company to set up a factory in India.
A world record is broken during an Israeli soccer match.
2000-year-old Jewish emblems discovered in a Palestinian-Arab village.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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One of the traditional International ways to show respect to someone is to remove your hat on greeting them. So the expression "Hats off to Israel" is very appropriate for those who appreciate what Israel has contributed to the world. 
In this week's Positive newsletter are reminders to the President of Ireland that Israeli technology is saving many lives in a Dublin hospital. The President of Brazil should note that an Israeli blood testing machine is early diagnosing fatal diseases in his country.  And the President of Syria need only ask his Israeli neighbor to treat his wife with one of Israel's many remedies for Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
Meanwhile the UN, ICJ and ICC should bare their heads in shame, knowing that Israeli companies last week announced new treatments for liver cancer, electronic patches to kill bacteria infections, electromagnetic brain rehabilitation after strokes, implants to repair the spine, and remote medical diagnostics in thousands of schools.
Then there are the Israeli innovations for ultra-fast charging of electric vehicles, real-time CCTV security systems, lab alternatives to overfishing, and the removal of a greenhouse gas far more potent than carbon dioxide.
The photo (TY Sharon) shows the respect to Israel given by the many International military officers who attended the Diplomatic reception at the Jerusalem residence of the President of Israel on Israel's Independence Day.  Their message was certainly "Hats Off" to Israel!
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callsigns-haze · 7 months
Loves Revolution
Chapter 4
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw (as Micheal Collins) x Jake Seresin (as Harry Boland) x OC! Madison Cassidy
Summary: Bradley, Jake and Maddie have been friends for many years ongoing. Bradley from Cork and Jake and Madison from the troubled Dublin, have been close for life. Now fighting in the 1916 Easter rising and the ongoing history to the Treaty and the independence of Ireland their story lives on.
Warning: Mentions of gun use, ptsd, mentions of death, mentions of shooting, flirting, mentions of abuse, description of dead body, death, blood, drinking, cursing, SMUT
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You didn't want it to end this way, not now, not ever. De Valera decided to go to the United States of America to tell them about your troubles with the English and to get some sponsorship.
You always wanted to go to America, see the land everyone wished for but you were stuck in this shitty hole instead. You couldn't do anything about it, there was no proper escape and your only chance of going De Valera didn't choose you to be on his side. He chose Jake.
Which leads you to know. Both of you are standing on the train platform, have his arms wrapped around you as you pull him close. He pulls you on tighter than ever before, to take the moment and taste it. He wanted to capture the moment and save it.
He didn't want to leave you. Not now after everything that has happened. He told Bradley about the two of you, you and Jake established something between the two of you but this was his job. His job was to serve his country until Ireland was free again.
"Mads, I'll be back in no time," he whispers to you, kissing the top of your head as his pointer finger lifts your chin so his lips mix with yours. It was a sense of euphoria. Your final kiss until the future. You don't know how long he'll be gone so you take the moment to savour it.
"I got to go Mads. Bradley will take care of you. I'll be back to win this," one last kiss and you two part. One last kiss and he's gone.
You stand there for a moment, finally letting go. You couldn't stay here much longer, the plan is still on and people could easily recognise you for what you've done in the past.
You start to walk back to the entrance of the but you were getting stopped by two loyal Irish police officers. You try to avoid them but they catch you. One thing that Jake said before leaving was this. Bradley will take care of you.
"Hey lads, can't a man just say goodbye to his wife," Bradley comes and grabs you by the hip and tilts you into a kiss. His lips collide with yours aggressively and you can't fight him off you.
Once the guards walk away he lets you go and you look at him in fury. You were fuming. He just kissed you. He just broke your trust. "Bradley l, where in the hell you think you can treat me like that?!" You whisper shouted at him but he lays a finger on your lips and says.
"I promised Jake I'd take care of you and I just saved your ass."
It's been a months since Jake left. Apparently him and De Valera were making some progress in the United States but who knew. You responded against the English. Shooting in the streets, in their own homes, public meetings but they got you back.
They caught one of your men. You don't know where you don't know how but they were brutal. They tortured the young lad to death and then shot him. They tossed his body out of a moving vehicle on the streets and that was just the bare minimum.
They shot at a Gaelic game. They came in with their guns and artillery and shot at the crowd and players. Adults, kids, and players lost their lives that day. There was no hope, that's how it felt.
Every time you hit the English, they hit back harder.
You needed to relax. To take a break from the cruel reality you were stuck in, desperate to get out. You run yourself a bath and get one of your books.
You strip off your layers and hang the previously worn clothing on the small chair in your room, entering the bathroom already naked. You remove the top slip of that fluffy dress, removing the tip layer of the skirt.
You remove the button up top, undoing each of the black little buttons that go across the front. It leaves you to the white, puffy layer of your dress as you quickly remove it letting it pool around your feet.
You are left only in your undergarments and a light corset. You've always hated corsets but as much as they bring you discomfort they are useful in such situations and places. You undo ever ribbon the crisscrossed the back. You unpin your bra letting it down on the floor and remove your lace panties.
You slip into the warm water, lying on your stomach. It was hard to read this way but otherwise you wouldn't have got reading and instead you'd soak the book.
You let yourself soak. The water was just fine to soak away your deep thoughts. Ever since Jake left you and Bradley bonded in a weird way, you couldn't quite explain what it was but it was there. The warm water just helped you forget, it was a cleansing mechanism for this exact situation.
"Shit sorry," Bradley said entering the bathroom but you didn't even notice him come in until he let out the apology. You smile at him and sink a little bit lower to allow yourself to cover up even if it's in the slightest way.
"Don't worry about it. You don't have to leave," you let out, plumping your delicate lips, saying it with a slight plea. Bradley took a step forward and you gave him an approving nod and put your book down. You flipped from your stomach onto your back, exposing your tender breasts to the air and his view.
Your nipples were peaking. The warm water is not calming down the heat you feel since he's entered. You slightly push your hips upwards as you wave him over more and he takes another step and begins to strip.
He takes off his fancy trousers, undoing that top button and taking his time to undo the small zipper that was across his crotch. He started to undo the white, milky button top, going at every single button, as they undo in his fingers. He slips off his elegant suit jacket and it ends up on the floor. He kicks off his shoes and slips down his boxers, exposing his large cock that springs back onto his stomach and you lift yourself to give him room to slip behind you.
He takes the offer. Holding on tightly to each side of the bath, slipping in behind you until he got comfortable. Once he's settled you lower yourself against him, feeling his hard, rock on against your ass cheek. You lean back fully on him and Bradley begins to kiss your neck, bit by bit he covers your collar bone and neck in love marks and bites.
You let out groans and moans every once in a while and begin to slowly move your hips back and forth. Bradley is soo mesmerized in kissing your neck that barely notices when you ask him a question. "You sent out your men?"
He stops for a second, pulling off your neck as he looks at you as you turn your head to make eye contact with him. He looks you in the eye for a good two seconds then answers. "This time we strike harder, no matter what."
After that bath, things went dirty and unforgotten. Your wrapped in your towel as you sit down on your bed in the hotel as Bradley on has a towel wrapped around his waist as he peaks through the tiniest gap in the curtains that cover the windows.
The curtains block the view of one of the most modest streets of the city, hiding you away from the outside danger. "Bradley?" You ask. You need to know, and you needed the information now. You expected him to turn around and look at you but he was starting out the window at the streets and responded to you with a hum.
"How did we do?" You needed to know if any of your men where treated like trash like the previous one and the one previous that one and the one before them. You needed to know if you've sent out innocent boys to die again.
"Let's hope we hit harder."
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Leo Varadkar, Ireland’s first openly gay taoiseach, or prime minister, said Wednesday that he will step down as leader of the country — a shock move he said was for both “personal and political” reasons.
Varadkar, who became Ireland's youngest taoiseach in 2017, said he would also relinquish his leadership of the center-right Fine Gael party, which forms a ruling coalition government in Dublin along with Fianna Fáil and the Green Party.
“I’m proud that we have made the country a more equal and more modern place,” he told reporters gathered outside government buildings in Dublin.
Sounding emotional as he made the announcement, he said there was no “real reason” behind his decision and he "had nothing else lined up."
"I have nothing in mind," he added. "I have no definite personal or political plans.”
A senior Irish official told NBC News that the announcement would be “a bolt from the blue for the Irish public,” which “throws everything up in the air.” The official, who was not authorized to speak publicly on the matter, added that Varadkar, who trained as a physician “didn’t ‘see a lifetime in politics.”
Varadkar’s departure, which comes less than a week after he met with President Joe Biden at the White House, will not automatically trigger an election.
He said he had asked for a new leader of the party to be chosen on April 6, allowing a new prime minister to take office after Parliament’s Easter break.
The 45-year-old, whose mother is Irish and father is Indian, was the country’s youngest-ever leader when first elected, as well as Ireland’s first gay prime minister and first biracial prime minister
He served two terms as taoiseach, between 2017 and 2020 and again since December 2022.
During his time in office he oversaw referendums to change the Irish constitution, which legalized same-sex marriage and abortion.
But earlier this month he suffered humiliating defeats in two elections, when his countrymen overwhelmingly voted against proposed changes to the constitution that would have redefined marriage and removed “sexist” language.
Varadkar told reporters he knew his resignation would "come as a surprise to many people and a disappointment to some, but I hope you will understand my decision."
“Politicians are human beings, and we have our limitations,” he said.
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stairnaheireann · 1 year
#OTD in 1922 – Anti-Treaty forces abandon The Four Courts in Dublin which was bombarded for two days under the orders of Michael Collins.
Anti-Treaty commander in the Four Courts, Paddy O’Brien is wounded by shrapnel. Ernie O’Malley assumes command. In the morning there is a truce to remove the wounded. Shortly afterward, a massive explosion destroys the western wing of the Four Courts and the Irish Public Records Office along with it. Forty advancing Free State troops were seriously injured. It was alleged by the National Army…
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river-sam2 · 1 year
I tried to organize the headcanon in my head. Since even one person has become a lot of information than I thought, I will write little by little when I feel like it.
(I'm not good at English so I hope there are no discrepancies in nuance and meaning...)
🟣Captain Magenta
◎Now ・He usually belongs to the Dublin branch and is at headquarters half the month.His position is Field officer, but often fight to cyber crime syndicates, and he is involved in renovating the Spectrum’s computer system.
After those missions, he often lie down when he is off-duty, because his eyes get tired.
・He lives in Dublin near his parents home. They reverted to Irish nationality, after“Operation Jigsaw”.
・Actually, He doesn't trust Spectrum very much. he joined that because his interests and the organization's interests matched.
・He will continue his job because his social reintegration and the living conditions of his parents, but sometimes thinks about his plans for when the organization is completely discredited.
◎“Operation Jigsaw”and “Pardon” ・Patrick Donaghue as  a mobstar was sentenced to life imprisonment, because of some assassination , including a case of Richard Fraser(not really involved). As a result of the incident, his Parents cannot live in New York anymore. Patrick negotiated to organization about compensation. ◎Plastic Surgery ・Removed facial scars(he got it by Conflict between criminal syndicates)
・Orthodontics, tooth inplant.
・His eyes looked a lot like his mother's. Before the surgery, he insisted not to have surgery on his eyes. he can't bear to make his mother sad more.
◎Relationship between Captain Ochre
・In the past, he fought with Chicago police including an officer who will become Captain Ochre. 
・After joined Spectrum, they conflicted every day because of difference of morals and former job. they made Captain Grey stunned.
・Now they have good relationship as a friend whom he can be himself freely. However, he is a kind of shackles named “past”. Through encounter with him, Patrick realized that he never to be able to escape from his own crimes.
◎Parent ・Patrick has been on good terms with his mother for a long time, and has somewhat complicated feelings for his father, who (he thinks) made her suffer with household expenses.
<Father> ・His father was good man but a little too stubborn, so he couldn’t get out of poverty no matter how he work hard.
・Before he moved to Dublin, he suspected his son and his new organization. he didn't trust what his son said.Finally, Colonel White persuaded him. colonel was bothered very much in front of that stubborn Irishman.
<Mother> ・She loved her son very much and hoped to get out of poverty, so she encouraged him to study and told not to do unmoral.
・When she and her husband noticed their son got involved  with a criminal organization, he was disowned from husband . However She couldn’t abandoned her son, and Hiding from her husband, she secretly communicated with her son.
・She don’t know her son’s new job, but thinking it is kind of police.
・She is happy now that her son seems to successfully rehabilitated, and her son and her husband start talking again, after they moved to Dublin.
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manvandublin · 1 year
Ideas for Better Office Removals Dublin
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The issue is incomprehensible if you try to manoeuvre. However, you will discover that Removal Company provides its customers with the ideal strategy. But before you think about hiring office removals Dublin company, you should keep a few things in mind to make sure your move goes smoothly and isn't too difficult for you to handle. If you want to choose, you must be able to acquire the greatest service in town at the most reasonable price.
Many times, new office removals Dublin companies that offer services at lower costs will warmly welcome you. However, it's preferable to get the service done by a reputable organisation. With amateurs, you run the risk of materials being mishandled, and some of them won't be able to offer you a full removal service. We all love to save money, and we are always aware of opportunities to do so.
Negotiate the option and cost with office moving service based on your requirements and price range. It is actually preferable to negotiate a little with the removal company of your choice than to shop around for pricing. Many office removals Dublin also provide weekday cost reductions and seasonal discounts.
In order to make money, a reputable removal company Dublin does not rely on premium rate numbers. By providing excellent services to maintain their subscriber base, they make money. Watch out for businesses who provide premium rate numbers.
Due to the fact that they generate enough revenue through phone calls, they are not required to provide excellent services. Choose firms that offer standard quotes.
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Dublin Removals is dedicated to providing our customers with the best moving experience possible. From small apartment moves to large home renovations or office relocations, Dublin Removals is the moving company for you.
Website: https://movingcompanydublin.ie
Address: Unit 3, Site 9 Northwest Business Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15
Phone Number: 0858327676
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Business Hours: Monday - Friday : 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Saturday : 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM Sunday : Closed
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Microcement Floor Cleaning
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Microcement flooring has become increasingly popular in modern homes, commercial spaces, and industrial environments due to its seamless finish, durability, and stylish look. Whether you have microcement in your living room, bathroom, kitchen, or office, keeping it clean and well-maintained is essential to preserving its beautiful appearance and ensuring its longevity.
This guide will provide everything you need to know about microcement floor cleaning, including why regular maintenance is essential, how to clean microcement surfaces properly, and why professional cleaning services can be a game-changer. If you're looking to keep your microcement floors looking pristine and durable for years to come, this article is for you!
Why Is Cleaning Microcement Floors Important?
Microcement floors are renowned for their aesthetic appeal and durability, but like any surface, they are subject to daily wear and tear. Regular cleaning not only helps maintain their visual appeal but also prolongs the floor's lifespan, keeping it free from scratches, stains, and damage. Here’s why microcement floor cleaning is crucial:
Preserving Aesthetics: Microcement floors are known for their sleek, seamless appearance. Dust, dirt, and spills can accumulate on the surface, dulling the floor’s natural luster. Regular cleaning ensures that your floors remain beautiful and fresh, maintaining the modern, high-end look that microcement offers.
Maintaining Durability: Microcement is highly durable, but dirt, debris, and stains can still penetrate its surface if not properly cleaned. Over time, neglecting regular cleaning can lead to damage, scratches, or even discoloration, compromising the integrity of the flooring.
Hygiene: Particularly in commercial spaces or homes with pets and children, keeping the floor clean is vital for maintaining a healthy environment. Microcement’s seamless surface makes it relatively easy to clean and prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria, ensuring that your living or workspaces remain hygienic.
Protecting Your Investment: Microcement flooring is an investment in your property. Regular maintenance and cleaning protect that investment by keeping the floors in top condition, ensuring they last longer and retain their value over time.
Daily Microcement Floor Cleaning Tips
To keep your microcement floors looking their best, regular cleaning is essential. Fortunately, maintaining microcement is relatively easy, but there are specific steps to follow to ensure you don’t inadvertently damage the surface.
1. Sweep or Vacuum Regularly
Dust and debris can accumulate on microcement surfaces, particularly in high-traffic areas. To prevent scratching and wear, make sweeping or vacuuming a daily habit. Use a soft-bristle broom or a vacuum with a hard-floor attachment to avoid scratching the surface.
2. Mop with Warm Water
Microcement floors benefit from frequent mopping, as this removes dirt and grime that may not be visible but can build up over time. Use a damp mop with warm water for everyday cleaning. Make sure the mop is only slightly damp, as excessive water can cause damage to the floor’s surface or sealant. Microcement is water-resistant but not waterproof, so avoid soaking the surface.
3. Use pH-Neutral Cleaners
For a deeper clean, use a pH-neutral cleaner specifically designed for microcement or similar surfaces. Avoid harsh chemicals, acidic products (such as vinegar or lemon juice), or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the floor’s finish. pH-neutral cleaners are gentle on the surface while still effectively cleaning away dirt and grime.
4. Avoid Abrasive Cleaning Tools
When cleaning microcement floors, avoid using abrasive scrubbing pads, steel wool, or stiff-bristle brushes, as these can scratch and damage the surface. Stick to microfiber mops or soft cloths, which are gentle enough to clean the floor without causing harm.
Removing Stains from Microcement Floors
While microcement floors are relatively stain-resistant, spills can still cause issues if not addressed quickly. It’s important to clean up spills immediately to avoid staining or damage. Here’s how to deal with different types of stains:
1. Food and Drink Stains
For common household spills like coffee, wine, or food, use a soft cloth or paper towel to blot the spill immediately. Avoid rubbing the stain, as this can spread it further across the floor. After blotting, clean the area with a damp cloth and a mild, pH-neutral cleaner to ensure that no residue remains.
2. Grease and Oil Stains
Grease and oil stains can be more challenging to remove. For these, use a specialized degreasing cleaner that is safe for microcement floors. Apply the cleaner according to the manufacturer’s instructions, then wipe away the grease with a damp cloth. Be sure to rinse the area thoroughly with clean water to prevent any buildup of cleaning products.
3. Ink and Marker Stains
For ink, marker, or other stubborn stains, use a diluted solution of water and mild detergent. Gently scrub the area with a soft cloth, taking care not to use abrasive cleaning tools. Rinse the floor thoroughly after cleaning and dry the area with a clean cloth.
Long-Term Microcement Floor Maintenance
Beyond daily cleaning, periodic deeper maintenance is necessary to preserve the integrity and appearance of your microcement floors. Here are some steps to ensure your floors remain in top condition for the long term:
1. Reapply Sealant
Microcement floors are typically sealed to provide protection against stains, moisture, and wear. However, over time, this sealant can wear down, especially in high-traffic areas. It’s essential to reapply a protective sealant periodically—typically every 1 to 2 years—to ensure your floors remain well-protected.
2. Polish for a Fresh Finish
If your microcement floor begins to lose its luster, polishing can help restore its natural shine. Use a floor polish designed for microcement or similar surfaces, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application. Polishing can help rejuvenate the floor, giving it a refreshed and glossy appearance.
3. Professional Cleaning Services
While regular cleaning and maintenance can be handled by homeowners or business owners, professional cleaning services can provide a deeper, more thorough clean. Professional cleaners have specialized equipment and products that are designed to clean microcement floors without causing damage. Consider scheduling a professional cleaning service once or twice a year to keep your floors in top condition.
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Microcement Floors
Microcement floors are relatively low-maintenance, but there are some common mistakes to avoid to prevent damaging the surface:
Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Never use bleach, ammonia, or acidic cleaners like vinegar on microcement floors. These harsh chemicals can corrode the surface and damage the protective sealant.
Don’t Over-Saturate with Water: While microcement is water-resistant, too much water can still penetrate the surface and lead to damage over time. Always use a damp mop rather than a wet one, and make sure to dry the floor immediately after mopping.
No Abrasive Scrubbing Pads: Using rough or abrasive cleaning tools can scratch the smooth surface of the microcement. Stick to soft-bristle brushes, microfiber mops, and soft cloths to avoid causing damage.
Neglecting Regular Maintenance: Failing to clean your microcement floor regularly can result in the buildup of dirt, grime, and stains that are more difficult to remove later. Regular sweeping, mopping, and stain removal are key to preserving the floor’s appearance.
Why Choose Professional Microcement Floor Cleaning?
While daily cleaning can help keep your microcement floors looking great, professional cleaning services offer several advantages:
Expertise and Experience: Professional cleaners understand the unique requirements of microcement floors and know which products and techniques are safe and effective for deep cleaning without causing damage.
Thorough Cleaning: Professional services have access to specialized equipment that can provide a more thorough clean, removing deep-seated dirt and grime that regular mopping might miss.
Extended Lifespan: Regular professional cleaning and maintenance can extend the life of your microcement floors, ensuring they remain beautiful and functional for years to come.
Convenience: Scheduling professional cleaning services allows you to focus on enjoying your space without the hassle of cleaning and maintaining the floors yourself.
Microcement floors offer a modern, seamless look that enhances any space, but proper cleaning and maintenance are essential to preserving their beauty and durability. By following the right daily cleaning techniques and avoiding common mistakes, you can keep your microcement floors looking as good as new.
For those looking to achieve a deeper clean, professional microcement floor cleaning services are an excellent investment. With their expertise, specialized equipment, and tailored cleaning solutions, professionals can ensure that your microcement floors remain in top condition for years to come. Whether you’re managing a home, office, or commercial space, regular cleaning and maintenance will help you protect your investment and enjoy the full benefits of microcement flooring.
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thoughtlessarse · 1 month
A number of the top ten social media companies in the world have major offices in Dublin including Meta, X and TikTok. The Irish government is cracking down on online hate speech and harmful content as part of its Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill which seeks to update the 1989 Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act. Under the proposed legislation, executives of social media companies will be held personally responsible for delays in removing hate and hostile content from their digital platforms. The code is expected to become law in the coming months and could see companies face fines of many millions of euros for breaches. “There needs to be a responsibility on the social media companies to take some ownership or some accountability for what’s on their platforms," says Minister of State for Climate and Communications, James Lawless TD. “Ultimately, they are the host, they’re generating profits from having this content up online so there needs to be some obligation on them to mind and monitor and manage what is hosted” he added.
continue reading
This should happen at EU-level instead of a patchwork of different laws in different countries.
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proclean-cleaning · 3 months
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Proclean: Dublin's Comprehensive Gutter Cleaning Experts
Trust Proclean for complete gutter cleaning services in Dublin. Our specialized approach covers moss, leaves, silt, and debris removal, along with cleaning fascia, soffits, and external windows. We ensure a thorough process for spotless results. Schedule your cleaning today at 01 8249963 (office) or 085 1855 855 (mobile), or email [email protected] for professional service. Don’t wait for leaks or blockages—visit https://www.proclean.ie/ to learn more and keep your gutters and property in top condition with Proclean’s expertise.
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fastmoves · 3 months
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aluprof · 3 months
Aluprof UK supports the Irish Construction Industry
By Wojciech Brożyna - MD of Aluprof UK
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For the third consecutive year, Aluprof participated in the ICE Awards hosted in Dublin which is considered a significant construction event for Ireland. Aluprof, as the Gold Sponsor for the Gala Event, presented awards for the top 'Healthcare Project’, the ‘Education Project up to €10m value’ and the 'Education Project over €10m value' categories.
The Irish Construction Excellence Awards, established by the Irish Building Magazine in 1993, are commonly referred to as the ICE Awards and serve as the foremost acknowledgement of exceptional performance in the Construction Industry in Ireland. Ireland's top construction experts regularly attend the Gala Night, providing a platform for construction leaders, design & supply chain partners and clients to come together to honour outstanding achievements in construction.
Ever since Aluprof made its mark on the UK and Ireland market eighteen years ago, it has been offering a robust European portfolio of architectural aluminium systems that consistently exceed the needs of specifiers. Aluprof has established itself as a major systems supplier in Ireland, ensuring weekly deliveries from their extensive stock in Poland. Their comprehensive facilities for powder coating and thermal breaks enable them to meet any specification. Furthermore, Aluprof provides a fabrication service to meet program expectations and supports a network of fabricator installers across the region. With a dedicated team of support technicians on the ground, Aluprof has solidified its position as a leading systems supplier in the region.
Together with the Aluprof team at the awards ceremony were senior management guests from GLF Facades, BDA Facade Consultants and Alucraft. Sean Butler, Aluprof’s Sales Director presented awards to the winners who were:
Boyle Construction for ‘Healthcare Project’ for the project at the South Donegal Community Nursing Unit. The design team being, Rhatigan Architects, Structural Civil Engineer, Roughan O’Donovan and Service Engineers, Varming Consulting Engineers. Boyle Construction were pleased to have been selected for this significant project in Ballyshannon, which is a highly anticipated and necessary community development for Donegal. The project presented various challenges, including the modular construction of wards and the refurbishment of the Rock Hospital, as well as the complete strip-out and fit-out of the Sheil Hospital. Additionally, the project involved the construction of a new 80-bed Cognitive Neurology Uni and extensive external works along the river Erne.
Eamon Costello (kerry) LTD for ‘Education Project up to €10m value’ for the project at St Brogans College Bandon. The design team being, Kelly. Barry. O’Brien. Whelan Architects, Structural & Civil Engineers, Downes Associates Engineers and Mechanical & Electrical Engineers, Semple McKillop Consulting Engineers. St. Brogans is a recently completed comprehensive construction which included the addition of a three-story standalone extension utilising precast concrete and rain screen cladding. This expansion was designed to accommodate a variety of facilities such as classrooms, laboratories, offices, storage areas, restrooms, and additional spaces. The complex site work involved the removal of tarmac courts, excavation, retaining walls, the establishment of a new bus drop-off zone, the construction of boundary walls, service management, the installation of drainage systems and landscaping.
ABM Contractors Ltd for ‘Education Project over €10m value’ for the Sports Science, Health and Recreation Building Development at the Technological University Dublin Tallaght Campus. The design team being Coady Architects and Engineering, AECOM. The project offers educational areas that accommodate formal learning, modern science labs equipped with cutting-edge technologies that will facilitate research and teaching in Sports Science. The facilities comprise lecture seating for classroom use and the construction of a state-of-the-art multi-purpose Sports Hall, designed with the strategic vision of hosting National and Regional sporting events and competitions.
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60 Dawson Street
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Glencar House
Among the many projects completed using Aluprof UK systems in the Republic of Ireland, the headquarters of Microsoft, Twitter, and Google stand out as large-scale office buildings that demand high-quality specifications in building components. Aluprof UK also proudly provided the aluminium windows and doors for six projects in the Dublin Landings development area, as well as the recently completed 60 Dawson Street and Glencar House in Dublin.Aluprof UK also takes pride in being the supplier of aluminium windows and doors for six newly constructed commercial buildings in the Dublin Landings area. These buildings, together the headquarters of Microsoft, Twitter, and Google offer significant office spaces in the Republic of Ireland and have been specified with Aluprof’s high quality building facade systems.
Further information about systems and specification support is available through the company’s website at aluprof.co.uk or direct from their UK head office in Altrincham by phoning +44 (0) 161 941 4005.
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novumtimes · 4 months
Peter Casey accused of stoking division with election posters outside International Protection Office
The businessman is currently running in the upcoming European Elections in June as an Independent candidate for the Midlands-North West Constituency. In posts on social media, Mr Casey is seen outside the IPO, where large election posters have been put up on the barriers at the front of the building. The office on Mount Street has been the focus of much attention in recent weeks, after a ‘tent city’ developed around the office with those seeking refuge in Ireland. Labour councillor Dermot Lacey said he was “repulsed” by the posters. “It is the cynicism of placing those posters at the door of the IPO, with all the attention on asylum seekers,” Cllr Lacey said. “It’s just not what politics should be about. I was genuinely shocked and really, really disappointed.” Labour councillor and former Dublin lord mayor, Dermot Lacey. Photo: Caroline Quinn Mr Lacey said the erection of the posters in a constituency that Mr Casey was not running in was “opportunistic”. “It’s stoking up of division. I accept the whole issue of asylum seekers is a difficult one, and is a new one for Ireland,” he said. “We’re experiencing this in like two or three years, something that maybe would have been over a prolonged period in other countries, but we won’t resolve it by that sort of opportunism.” The Labour councillor also accused the businessman of engaging in “dog whistle politics”. “Why would somebody come down to put those posters on the IPO site if they weren’t just engaging in that sort of dog whistle type politics, it’s just so wrong,” he said. “Politics should be about developing issues and sorting out things, not stoking up division or fear.” Mr Lacey also said it was the responsibility of Mr Casey to remove the posters and not that of Dublin City Council. Speaking to the Irish Independent, Mr Casey dismissed the Labour councillor’s comments and said he didn’t pay attention to Mr Lacey and that it was an “attempt to gain media coverage”. When asked if he was attempting to “stoke up division” and was engaging in “dog whistle politics”, Mr Casey said “of course not”. “There is no division. The majority of people in Ireland do feel that we have to support Ukrainian refugees and we support genuine asylum seekers, we just do not support illegal ones,” he said. In a post on X, Mr Casey said he was “stunned” that the posters were still in place 24 hours after they had been erected. However, Mr Casey said it was a flippant comment and he didn’t know who would take them down. The European candidate said he chose to put posters in Dublin, outside his constituency, because many of the constituents worked in Dublin and that he believed the IPO should be closed down. “A large number of my future constituents work in Dublin. They can’t afford to live in Dublin,” Mr Casey said. “Rents are so expensive that they have to do a one and a half hour commute a lot of them from Dundalk or Drogheda. It’s crazy, the commutes that people are having to do. So I thought it would draw attention to that.” Mr Casey said the posters at the IPO would stay in place for the duration of the election and that he would remove them once the election was over. The businessman and former RTÉ Dragons’ Den panellist created a storm of controversy during his run for the Presidency in 2018 with comments he made about Travellers, leading to calls for him to pull out of the race. Last May, a building in Co Donegal that he intended to use to house Ukrainian refugees was badly damaged in an arson attack. Dublin City Council has been contacted for comment. Source link via The Novum Times
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