#office planter screen
ruralcity · 1 year
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Wood Exterior Boston Ideas for a small, contemporary, gray, three-story, wood-exterior renovation with a metal roof
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cassiearmy · 1 year
Deck in Boston
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Ideas for a small, contemporary rooftop deck renovation that includes a pergola
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wiseatom · 2 years
it's the first kiss, it's flawless, it's really something. it's fearless.
ok i am feeling fearless tonight, and thea byler first kisses are The Byler First Kisses so i am politely requesting a first kiss in the rain!
this was a VILE prompt to send in that i am so emotional about fearless (taylor's version) and byler and byler first kisses. i hate you so much. i hope you love it.
“Probably shouldn’t have taken our bikes, huh?” 
Will looks over at Mike, blinking rainwater out of his eyes – they’re standing under the awning of the entrance to the only bank in town, closed for the afternoon and completely free of any other miserable, rain-drenched suckers. The bikes in question are lying on their sides on the pavement, abandoned in their haste to get under cover. And Mike is completely soaked, dark hair plastered to his forehead and shirt clinging to hm probably just as uncomfortably as Will’s is sticking to his own skin, and he’s got this sheepish, guilty grin on his face. It had been his idea to take their bikes, hadn’t it? Something about we only have a few weeks left of this weather, Will and let’s enjoy the summer sun, Will and it’s only a twenty percent chance of rain, Will, we’ll be fine. 
Famous last words. 
“Well, it was only a twenty percent chance of rain,” Will points out, doing a bad job of suppressing a smile of his own. This one, though, is less in the realm of guilty, and more in the realm of, I told you so, idiot. "How could we have known?"
Mike shoves at him, a playful brush of wet skin on wet skin, and Will laughs. “Shut up,” Mike says, but he’s still smiling. He reaches a hand up, tangling his fingers in his hair as he brushes it up and off of his forehead, and Will immediately looks away, biting his lip – he shouldn’t think Mike looks cool right now. In actuality, Mike looks like a drowned rat; in actuality, Mike is the reason that they’re stranded here, soaked from the rain; in actuality, none of that makes Will want to kiss him any less.
“How long do you think it’ll last?” Mike is asking now, somehow heard over the sound of the rain hitting the pavement and the sound of all the blood in Will’s body rushing all at once to his ears. He crosses his arms over his chest, resolutely staring at the empty office building across the street, at the trees in boxed planters swaying in the wind – anywhere but Mike, willing his heart rate to go back to normal.
“Check your phone,” Will suggests, doing a very good job of keeping his voice even and steady. “Hot tip: if there’s a little rain cloud under the number, that means it’s still going to rain.”
He doesn’t have to look to know that Mike is rolling his eyes. “Really living up to your name, o’ Will the Wise,” he says, and then presumably turns his attention to digging his phone out of the wet, gross pocket of his jeans – or at least, that’s what Will guesses he’s doing. He still won’t look at him, so he wouldn’t really know, but there’s a lapse in conversation that Will can only attribute to looking at the weather app. “It’s only going to last for another half hour,” Mike declares, affirming Will’s assumptions. 
Will lets out a scoff. “Let me see,” he says, more aggressive than he intends to be, but he doesn’t trust Mike’s assessment of the weather at the moment, thank you very much. Good thing Mike has no interest in meteorology, because Will would have way too much fun bursting that bubble. 
In a feat that has taken years of a mixture of natural talent and diligent practice, Will manages to avoid looking at Mike directly, instead just looking at the raindrop-smeared screen of his phone.  Fortunately for Will, Mike is actually right – the app does show that the rain is going to clear in thirty minutes, the forecast free of tiny thunderclouds for the rest of the evening. Unfortunately for Will, his herculean efforts of not looking at Mike are thwarted completely by standing so close to Mike that he can feel the body heat radiating off of him, and he literally jumps back, cheeks burning.
Smooth. He still won’t look at Mike, but he can tell Mike is looking at him, now. Great.
“You’re jumpy,” Mike comments, sounding amused. 
“I’m not jumpy,” Will barks back, rocking back and forth on his heels, which is almost jumping. He plants his feet to the ground instantly, standing as still as possible. 
“You are,” Mike says, taking a step closer to Will, who immediately steps away from him in – well, in a jumpy way. Damn it. “You’re like a little rabbit.” 
Will flushes something violent, his cheeks burning with it, and this is not what he had in mind when he was urging his respiratory system to act normally around Mike Wheeler, please, for once in our pathetic life. 
“I am not,” he says haughtily, still refusing to look at him. 
“You are,” Mike insists, reaching out to grab at Will by the waist. Will yelps and hops away from him, out from under the cover of the awning and nearly tripping over a nearby parking block. Mike laughs at him. “See?” he says, sliding his phone back into his pocket and taking another step towards Will, who hops backwards out of his reach, involuntarily proving Mike’s point. “Bunny rabbit behavior.” 
“Because you’re trying to grab me,” Will seethes, no real heat to it, taking several steps back as Mike steps out into the rain after him. “Go away.” 
Mike only smiles wider, lunging for Will again with his arms stretched out. His fingers brush the wet fabric of Will’s soaked t-shirt, but on account of it being wet and Will once again jumping away from him, he doesn’t quite get a hold on him. 
“Bunny behavior,” Mike repeats, a gleeful sing-song, and Will flips him off. 
“I hate you,” Will spits out, dodging another grab attempt. 
“You don’t,” Mike says. 
“I do,” Will insists, letting out another yelp as Mike comes after him again. He does more than jump away this time, trying to beat the bunny allegations, and instead turns to run towards the other side of the parking lot. 
Mike makes a noise of protest, and Will glances over his shoulder to see Mike start after him. “Come back!” he calls out, following Will’s path through the parking lot, “I’m not agile enough for this!” 
“Not my fault!” Will yells back, though he’s not having much luck, either, the oil from the asphalt of the parking lot working together with the rain to make him slip and slide all over the place. Mike is working against the same conditions, but even with Will’s head start, Mike and his stupid long legs make the distance between them a lot closer than Will would like. “Oh my God,” he screams, jumping away from yet another close call, “get away from me, you freak!” 
“You’re just mad that I caught up to you,” Mike laughs, and then immediately slips in a puddle. It would be funny, except it sends him sliding forward, and his momentum is too quick for Will to react on time – which lets Mike crash right into him, grabbing at the clinging fabric of Will’s t-shirt for dear life. 
“Yes,” Will grits out, trying to squirm out of his grip, but Mike’s hold is firm, “I’m very, very mad. Let go.” 
“Nah,” Mike says, pulling Will closer and spinning them around, their sneakers sloshing with every step. Will grips onto Mike’s biceps, fingernails digging in for some sort of purchase on his wet skin, desperately trying not to topple over backwards and take Mike with him. “I like you right here.” 
They’re close – so, so close – but Will won’t look up, fixing his gaze on Mike’s bony shoulder and the way his shirt clings to it, almost transparent. The rain beats down on them, flattening Will’s hair against his forehead and sending a cascade of water dripping into his eyes, but he doesn’t care. It beats the alternative. 
“You’re an idiot,” he accuses Mike’s shoulder, furiously blinking against the onslaught of rainwater. 
“You like me, anyway,” Mike answers easily, fondly, hopefully. “You like me so much.” 
Despite himself, this makes Will tip his head back to look up at Mike, rain be damned, because that’s not the way a friend says those words. And that’s certainly not the way a friend looks at a friend, either. 
Will blinks, and the entire day restructures itself in Will’s head: Mike, calling him at noon, insisting he find his bike, because he’d be over in twenty; Mike, almost crashing into a fire hydrant, because he’d been too busy looking at Will to pay attention to where he was going; Mike, paying for his meal at the burger joint they’d gone to for lunch, a normal occurrence; Mike, constantly tapping his foot against Will’s beneath the table, brushing Will’s ankle with his toe, something that’s never happened before. 
And then there was Mike, insisting they go grab ice cream and share it, so that they could get the most bang for their buck; and there was Mike, offering his same spoon to Will, waving off Will’s halfhearted concern about germs; and there was Mike, lying back in the grass with him, his body angled towards Will as he let Will ramble about the portfolio he’s preparing for his college admissions; and there was Mike, who offered to bike back with Will all the way to his house, even though it was in the wrong direction from Mike’s own. 
This entire day has been a date. He payed for Will’s food, and played footsie with him, and shared his ice cream, and happily listened to Will rant, and chased him in the rain, and, and – Mike took Will on a date, and Will didn’t even notice until right now. 
Maybe they’re both idiots.
“I do,” Will says now, squinting up at Mike through the rain. He lifts one of his hands from Mike’s bicep to Mike’s hair, ignoring the way that it shakes in favor of pushing Mike’s hair back off of his forehead again. He lets his fingers card through the wet strands, traveling from Mike’s hairline all the way around his scalp so that his hand is resting at the nape of Mike’s neck, its tremor slight, but still there. His voice is steady, though. Braver than he feels. “I do like you so much.”
Mike’s hold on him tightens, pulling Will forward so that their torsos are pressed up against each other, and any and all nerves get washed away with the rain. Holding tight onto that courage and running with it, he uses his grip as leverage to pull Mike’s face down to his, stands on his tiptoes, and brings Mike’s mouth to his.
The first thing Will registers is that wet, the rainwater catching between them, but as Mike’s mouth moves against his, gently pressing for something beyond the static stack of lips on top of lips, the kiss bursts with new sensation. Mike’s mouth is warm, stark but welcome against the chill of the rain, and the strawberry flavor from his ice cream from earlier makes itself known in the next brush of their lips, bringing a sweetness Will hadn’t expected. It’s soft, slick, sweet, and somehow – shy yet fearless, all at once. 
Will lowers himself back to the ground, breaking the contact but bringing Mike down with him. He holds his face close and just breathes him in, all sweet strawberry breath and the fresh muskiness of petrichor and somewhere beneath them both, that same generic bath soap Mike’s mom has been buying for him as long as Will has known him. It’s a mix of old and new and Mike, Mike, Mike, and best of all, it’s his. It’s his. 
“For the record,” Mike says, his breath fanning out across Will’s face, and through the haze, Will wonders why he was trynig to get away from Mike earlier when this is so much better, “I like you so much, too.” 
Will smiles, big and wide and bright enough to banish the storm clouds, but he doesn’t want them to leave. He’s not ready to give this moment up, not yet.
“Good,” he says, bringing his other arm up to wrap around Mike’s neck. Mike’s thumbs brush at his hips through the soaked fabric of his t-shirt, and Will shudders, the feeling soaking him to the bone in a way the rain could never hope to manage. “Kiss me about it.”
And as certain as the rain falling down all around them – Mike does, and does, and does. 
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This home is for the purist mid-century lovers. “The Discovery II House” was built under the direction of the TCU Construction Management Program in 1965, in Benbrook, Texas and it remains completely original. 5bds, 3ba, reduced $25K to $475K.
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It has the "gold" wrought iron railings and matching decorative screens.
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This feature wall must've been the shit back then. Decorative brick, a state-of-the-art stereo system with a drop-down turntable, all topped by a huge planter.
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It's a sunken living room with railings and a step-up to the dining room.
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Looks like a utility room thru the door, so you can pull the curtain to block it off.
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The kitchen still has the original "Coppertone" stove, but the fridge and dishwasher were replaced.
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A ceiling of lights, dining counter and nice sized pantry, too.
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There's also a nice guest powder room.
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Large sun room with hot tub.
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The primary bedroom has a large built-in vanity table.
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Plus, it has a big en-suite. Original round sinks and everything.
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Then, it has a home office and a cedar closet. This is some luxurious primary suite. The cedar closet looks brand new- I wonder if it still has the smell.
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This secondary bedroom has cool closets and look at the light that goes over the headboard.
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This home is 2 floors, so this is a very spacious room on the 2nd floor.
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And, this is the 2nd large room. There's a lot of potential up here. It would be a great studio.
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Downstairs is a nice laundry room with a sink.
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And, this looks like they may have used the rec room as a workshop. I don't know what this is, but the ceiling boards look warped.
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The garage has a stone floor, which is unusual and there's also a big workshop in here.
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The back of the house doesn't really have much. There's some sort of white structure.
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I don't know what that white structure is, but it's separate from the house.
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There's plenty of land around the home - .56 acre.
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trulybetty · 1 year
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Thank you Anon, this was a welcome first prompt in my ask box based on my request from this morning (still accepting ideas to take me through the weekend if anyone has any) 💕
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Reader (no use of Y/N & no physical descriptions) Word Count: 753 Warnings: just some domestic fluff + barely gave this one a read-through Summary: You're supposed to be working from home, but it's proving to be distracting knowing you're not home alone
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His hands were distracting.
It wasn’t as if he was doing anything grand, he was simply sanding down– well, god knows what, because you were far too distracted watching the rhythmic back and forth of his hands, his knuckles flexing around the sanding block. 
Joel glanced up and met your eyes, his own twinkling with a hint of mischief. “Darlin',” he drawled, “You're supposed to be working, aren't you?”
In his worn-out jeans, his shirt dusted with sawdust, a testament to the early morning start he’d left you in bed for hours ago. While he didn’t pause in his work at his workbench, he had not missed your lingering gaze. 
A grin formed at the corners of his mouth; he knew all too well the effect he had on you.
Caught in the act, you shifted your weight from one foot to the other. “Maybe,” you said, leaning against the doorframe. 
He set aside the sanding block and wiped his hands on a rag as he gave you a disbelieving raised eyebrow. 
“I'm on a break,” you conceded.
“A 'break,' huh?” He chuckled. “Looks to me like you're procrastinatin'.”
You sighed, he knew you too well. Working from home had its advantages, but also its pitfalls—like the garage being just a step away and the temptation it held. “Ok, well, maybe I am,” you admitted before laying on the charm. “But it's hard to focus when there's this ruggedly handsome carpenter in the vicinity.”
Setting down his tools, he walked towards you, his steps filled with intent, and his hands—those distracting hands—reached out to pull you to him from the doorway. 
The proximity was making it even harder to remember the looming deadlines and the emails waiting to be answered. 
He cocked his head to the side, “Handsome carpenter?”
“Uh-huh.” you nuzzled your nose against his as you looped your arms around his neck, “Causing all kinds of distractions in the neighbourhood.”
He smiled, one of his bashful self-effacing ones that always reveals more than he usually intends. His smile told you he was pleased with the compliment, but the slight tilt of his head and squint of his eyes gave the opposite effect - suggesting that he didn’t quite believe that he was a cause for such attention.
“As much as I'd love to keep you here darlin’, I reckon you've got work to do, huh?” he said, a tinge of reluctance in his voice.
You sighed again, this time albeit dramatically, “But how can I focus when you're out here creating art?”
He laughed, the sound rich and warm, “Art? Well, aren't you poetic today? Didn’t think I’d call some planters art,” he said, referring to the project he was working on, which now you remembered was for Sarah. 
You had zero green thumbs for anything that wasn’t artificial, but Sarah had discovered a talent for it in recent months and Joel was always ready to encourage any and all of her pursuits.
“Maybe I'm just inspired,” you grinned.
“So, am I a muse or a distraction then?” he questioned, curious.
“You're definitely distracting,” you smirked.
He raised an eyebrow, his lips curling into a smirk that you knew all too well, “Should I be flattered or concerned?” he said, before dropping into a look of concern, it wasn’t often he was home during a weekday, but work had been slow, “I know you've got deadlines.”
You sigh, thinking of the work project sitting idly on your computer screen back in the office that was once his that you’d taken over ever since you’d moved in. “You should be both.”
He smiled and you were so lost in the feel of his hands on your hips and the depth of his deep brown eyes that his lips on yours took you by surprise. However, it wasn’t long before the lingering embrace quickly made you forget about deadlines, if only for a moment. Your mind went blank, consumed by the warmth of his touch and the taste of his lips.
Joel broke the kiss reluctantly much to your dismay, “Now, go on. Get that project done. I'll be right here, continuing to be your muse or your distraction, or whatever.” he mumbled.
Reluctantly, you stepped back, your hand lingering in his for a moment longer. “I'll hold you to that Miller.”
With a quick grin, you turned on your heel and with a swat to your ass from Joel you returned to work a little lighter and maybe a little more inspired to get your work done.
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universitypenguin · 1 year
Chapter 15
Summary: Lloyd takes things too far in his threat against Deputy Russell and has to change tactics mid-stream. Princess and Zach decide to push back against Detective Roth's allegations.
Word Count: 3,936
Warnings: Mention of drug trafficking, murder, legal proceedings, spy/intelligence agencies, corruption, stalking, violence, threatening, and discussion of criminal behavior. Minor foul language. Only appropriate for 18+ readers. No minors. 
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The Princess & the Lawyer Chapter 15
Lloyd stood at the stove stirring a noxious mixture of gasoline and aluminum hydroxide. Pungent fumes hung thick in the air, forcing him to cover his mouth and nose with a bandanna. 
The screen door slammed, and familiar footsteps echoed through the hall. 
“Ugh! What is that stench? Did a gas line rupture?”
Elliot’s voice rang through the house before he came around the corner into the kitchen. 
His bright-eyed appearance was in sharp contrast with Lloyd’s sleep-deprived state. Knowing his cousin had been left in charge of their captive all night, Lloyd couldn’t help but draw the obvious conclusion. Elliot’s excessive cheerfulness was derived from a more potent source than caffeine - he was smoking ice again. 
“I followed your instructions and made a copy of Carl’s phone,” Elliot said, buzzing with excitement. “Guess what? Sheriff Holbrook’s texts are still on there, tucked away in some encrypted app. We could use it as leverage!” 
Lloyd shook his head. “No. We can’t deviate from the plan. Did Russell agree to a meeting time?”
“Eleven o'clock at High Meadows.”  
“Not a bad choice. Lots of entrances and exits,” Lloyd said. “I’m almost finished here. There’s water cooler jugs filled with this stuff piled up on the back deck. Bring your truck around and start loading them for me, will you?” 
“Sure thing, man.” 
Elliot bounded down the hall and Lloyd rubbed his tired eyes. He desperately needed some sleep unless he planned on asking Elliot for a bump of meth to keep him going. Lloyd shut off the stove, checked the final batch of chemicals, and rinsed his spoon in the sink. He stuck his head outside to inform Elliot he was going to bed and headed up the stairs. 
Just as he lay down, his phone rang. 
“Mr. Hansen? This is Judy Lange from the HOA. I wanted to let you know that the association swimming pool has been fixed and approved for reopening on Monday. Should I leave your keys in the mailbox for your house sitter, or wait until you’re back?” 
Mrs. Lange didn’t actually hold an official position with the Homeowners Association. Her husband had campaigned for the post out of pure spite. His single-minded crusade against Della Collins’ window box planters and their “busy-looking” Ultra Star Petunias earned him a landslide victory in the election. He’d passed a statute banning all multicolored blossoms from public spaces and after his triumph, lost interest in executing the duties of his office. 
Despite her eccentric husband, Lloyd found Mrs. Lange to be a reasonable person. Her annoying habit of speaking at a million words per minute was made up for by impeccable manners and a sharp sense of humor. Even Mrs. Collins, who was still torqued at Mr. Lange a year later, couldn’t resist her charms. 
After his brain finally managed to process her rapid fire words, Lloyd grunted. 
“The mailbox is fine. I’ll text my friend and let her know to pick them up.” 
“Excellent. I apologize for calling you at such a time, Lloyd.” 
Mrs. Lange’s voice carried a hint of horror, as if she’d just realized she had contacted someone in the midst of a family tragedy. Lloyd didn’t view the situation as such, but he recognized the apologetic shift in her tone as she launched into a long winded explanation. 
“With everything going on, I am sure now is a terrible time for you… I just didn’t want to forget. You’re the most frequent patron of our athletic facilities. Well, usually the only patron to be frank. Mrs. Collins isn’t getting around like she used to after her knee surgery. Anyways, I’ll personally take those keys to your friend so they’re ready when you get back. And if there’s anything I can do for you, don’t hesitate to reach out.” 
She really meant it, Lloyd thought, his lips twisting into a bitter smile. If only she knew what the man who he was supposed to be grieving had done to him. 
“Thanks, Judy. I appreciate it.” 
“Of course, darling. I’ll see you around.” 
Already half asleep, Lloyd hung up the phone. His last thought was that he needed to call you. Hearing from Judy reminded him of home, and of you. It had been days since your last talk and that was far too long. Before the meeting with Russell, Lloyd promised himself he’d make time for a conversation. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You stalked back and forth in front of Zach’s desk, breathing hard, your fists clenched in frustration. 
“I can’t believe his nerve! Can you believe this? Can you?!” 
Zach grunted and continued tapping on his keyboard.
“He has the audacity to accuse us of leaking information to the media, without a shred of evidence? It’s unprofessional!”
Zach nodded, seemingly absorbed in his work. 
“I spent so much time building them a database and now no one can use it. The whole process was exhausting and tedious and… are you even listening to me?” 
“Yes. Roth is an infuriating bastard. I knew it from the start, and you thought he was cute.”
“I did not!”
“Did so,” Zach said. 
“Did not.”
“Let’s not lose sight of our most important objective here.”
“Yes, let’s not. What is that objective, again?” you asked. 
“Getting back in Roth’s good graces and thereby, restoring our access to information and resources.”
“I’m sorry, were we just in the same room? About twenty minutes ago, when Roth kicked us to the curb and Bishop had a melt down?”
“We’re not going to let our hard work go to waste. There’s more than one key for every lock, you know?”
“Uh… that’s not how locks work.”
“It is when you know how to pick locks,” Zach quipped. 
“I haven’t even told you about my conversation with Mr. Liu!” 
He resumed typing, his attention focused on the monitor. “No sister?”
“Well, that’s a very anticlimactic way of putting it, but yes. He’s certain that Julia didn’t have a sister.” 
“That’s the conclusion I ended up at too.”
“Should we tell Roth?”
“I’d rather clear our names first,” Zach said.
“Look at this.”
Zach pivoted his monitor to show you the screen. 
You stared at a map of Arlington with a route highlighted in purple. Squinting, you noted the web address of a popular running app called PacePal. The account’s username was generic and the profile picture was an image of a man's athletic shoes. 
“What am I looking at?” 
Zach smirked. “This PacePal profile belongs to Peter Shaw. The account photo is of the same running shoes he’s wearing in the Twitter he shared last year of himself finishing the Miami Marathon.” 
“Okay, not to make myself look like an idiot, but who is Peter Shaw?”
“A very tenacious investigative reporter with Rolling Stone Magazine. He’s also the only person who knows the real identity of the leaker, and thanks to his lax attitude toward social media security, we know where Mr. Shaw will be at two o’clock this afternoon.” 
“So, if I’m hearing you correctly, we’re going to give Detective Roth a taste of his own medicine?” 
“I intend to serve him a fresh plate of crow as soon as humanly possible,” Zach said. 
You raised an eyebrow. “Ruthless much?” 
“I didn’t pull in that jackass Lattimer without a damn good reason. We’re onto something with Julia’s supposed sister and if we don’t keep pushing the trail will go cold. What do you say, Princess? Shall we go put Shaw on notice?” 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Lloyd called you when he woke, but reached your voicemail instead of you. He sent a text instead and dove into the shower to scrub off the lingering stench of gasoline that clung to his skin. 
None of the clothes he’d packed suited the character he wanted to portray tonight, so he rummaged through Joe’s closet in search of better options. In the back, he discovered a garment bag containing the winning ensemble: a navy suit with wide lapels, bootcut trousers, and a matching waistcoat. It screamed 1970’s gaudy at the top of its lungs. 
To complete the look, Lloyd installed the hair extensions he’d sent Elliot to acquire from a beauty supply store two towns over. Cutting the remaining extensions into three-inch pieces, he applied them carefully across his jaw, smirking as he remembered April's suggestion that he should grow a beard. The overall effect was a cross between Jerry Garcia and Medusa on a bad hair day. 
For accessories, Lloyd raided Joe’s dresser. He added rings, a gold chain necklace, and a pair of lightly tinted orange sunglasses. The oversized frames elevated the look from vintage inspired to unmistakably costume like - a perfect fit for the character he was putting on. He slapped on a strongly scented aftershave he found in Joe’s medicine cabinet and instantly regretted it when his eyes watered from the fumes. 
Resisting the urge to wash it off, he turned his attention to more practical matters. Joe’s gun cabinet yielded a wide assortment of armaments. He owned weapons from every firearms manufacturer on the market in the past fifty years. Lloyd wasn’t keen to give a hopped up meth addict a gun, but circumstances demanded it. He picked up a Winchester Renegade and checked the ammunition.
“Hey, Elliot! How’s your aim these days?” 
Elliot turned around from his task of cleaning up the kitchen and did a double take of Lloyd’s outfit. 
“Better than most people’s. What are you wearing, dude? Are we going to make a drug deal or audition for Saturday Night Fever?” 
Lloyd snorted at the question and held out the Winchester Renegade. 
“I need you to watch my back while I’m meeting with Russell. Just in case things don’t go according to plan.” 
“Understood. I’m the second shooter on the grassy knoll,” Elliot said. 
They took back roads to the meeting spot. By the time they reached their destination, Elliot’s old truck was covered in mud from the unpaved roads that cut through the vast Idaho landscape. They were deep in the countryside, hidden from prying eyes of passersby on the highway by miles of barren hills. 
High Meadows had once been a thriving venue for team roping and barrel racing events. Now, the clay earth he remembered as being meticulously groomed played host to an invasion of dandelions and scotch thistle. The red aluminum roof over the pavilion had faded to a dull rust color and the cedar panel fencing that encircled the space was bent with age and broken in several places. 
He helped Elliot unload the water cooler jugs filled with the gelled fuel that he’d spent the morning cooking. Lloyd marked out a circle, about twenty feet in diameter, in the middle of the arena and cut a small trench into the ground. With Elliot’s help he poured the viscous mixture into the trough and raked the displaced dirt back into place. 
They hid their equipment in the bed of Elliot’s truck and moved the vehicle into a ravine near the main access road to High Meadows. 
Lloyd turned to his cousin. “Go take up position on that hill over there.”
He pointed to a spot beyond the dilapidated grandstands. “It has the best vantage point. Also, there’s a thermal scope in your backpack in case the night vision doesn’t cut it.” 
Elliot slung his backpack over his shoulder and disappeared into the hills. Lloyd took his position in the arena as the sun settled behind the horizon. He lay down on one of the risers in the grandstands, propped his feet up, and dozed until the sun went down. Suddenly, the crackle of the Bluetooth in his ear brought Lloyd back to the present as Elliot’s voice broke him from semi-unconscious. 
“Russell is pulling in,” Elliot said. 
“I see the headlights,” Lloyd confirmed.
The beams of Russell’s headlights cut through the darkness, illuminating the arena. Lloyd leaned casually against a pillar on the far side. The position gave him plenty of time to observe Russell as he approached. The deputy was clearly spooked - he’d worn a bulletproof vest over his khaki uniform. 
“Nice of you to finally show up,” Lloyd called out in greeting. 
Russell stepped into the arena, his eyes scanning the space, trying to assess the situation.
“Who are you?” 
“Didn’t Carl tell you? We’re the Canadians,” Lloyd said, flashing a mischievous grin.
Russell’s eyebrows furrowed. 
“Now, let’s get down to business!” Lloyd clapped his hands and rubbed them together. “Don’t look so tense, Luke. I’m here to make you rich, and myself even richer. You see, I came here to shake down a former associate, but the trouble is this jackass died before I could get to him. So, I found a locally connected businessman and squeezed until he spilled your name.” 
The deputy’s nostrils flared, a warning sign Lloyd waved off dismissively. 
“Don’t worry about it. I took care of him.” 
“What do you mean you ‘took care of him’?” Russell demanded. 
“I took him for a swim in Redfish Lake, the kind you don’t come back from,” Lloyd said, punctuating that statement with a wink. 
Russell’s shock was palpable. Lloyd gave him a beat to recover, but when he just got a blank stare in response, he shifted tactics and threw his arms out in exaggerated frustration. 
“Oh, come on! Be fucking for real, bro. Do you have two brain cells left rattling around in that ugly mug, pig? I got rid of your dealer because, number one, he’s a snitch and I don’t fuck with snitches. Number two, getting rid of Carl gives you the opportunity to set up a more reliable distribution system. Isn’t that nice? An open playing field with no territorial disputes from the locals? You can thank me now, or later.” 
Russell hesitated. Lloyd didn’t let the silence linger. 
“Okay, then. You’ll thank me later. Look, about-” 
“You really killed Carl?”
Lloyd sighed. “Would I lie to you? Me? I have a reputation to uphold, Deputy.” 
“You’re a fucking psychopath, that’s what you are,” Russell said, edging backwards.
“Hey! We’re not done talking business!” Lloyd yelled after the man as he turned away.
“Yes we are. Go to hell!” 
“Don’t walk away from me, pig! This isn’t the kind of conversation you can just walk away from!”
Lloyd’s voice echoed through the pavilion, ringing with anger.
Russell glanced over his shoulder.
“Oh, Luke… My number one rule is simple: I don’t fuck with snitches. Rule number two? Dirty cops who know your face are bad business. You see, they always end up being snitches. It’s like different flavors of the same ice cream. Triple chocolate fudge or brownie delight, who can tell ‘em apart?” 
As Russell’s hand went for his gun, Lloyd flipped open his lighter and tossed it on the ground. The carefully prepared mixture of gasoline ignited instantly, shooting up and forming a wall of fire that raced around to encircle them. 
Taken by surprise, Deputy Russell instinctively moved away from the searing heat of the flames an action that inadvertently drew him closer to Lloyd. 
“Isn’t this nice? I find it rather cozy, like stepping into a bubble of security.”
Lloyd chuckled, his smile twisted with madness.
“This is how you conduct business?” Russell hissed, eyes glinting with shocked desperation as the flames continued to roar around them. 
“I find it refocuses the attention when a deal starts getting off track.” 
“What the hell do you want?!” 
“I’ve made myself very clear, Russell. You need to work on your attention span. Here’s the deal: we become business partners… or you become a victim of what I like to call ‘spontaneous human combustion.’” 
“Spontaneous,” the deputy muttered, looking at the flames.
“I never really plan on cremating anyone,” Lloyd said, as if it were the most reasonable thing in the world to discuss incinerating your business associates. “Every time I’ve actually gone through with this, the whole thing happens so fast, it really does look spontaneous. Now, Deputy… What do you say? Ready to make a deal?” 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
You sat beside Zach on a park bench, trying to make the most of the slight shade of a tree that offered a tiny bit of respite from the blistering August heat. The sound of approaching footfalls was a major relief. Five more minutes out here and you would have melted. You glanced up to see Peter Shaw, a man of average height with close cropped dark hair, nearing your bench. 
Zach stood up and moved to the center of the path, blocking access to the parking lot. 
“Peter Shaw. I’m Zach Hightower and this is Y/N. I assume you know who I am?”
The journalist stopped a few feet away from Zach. He was dripping with sweat, but still had the energy to offer a cocky smirk. He glanced in your direction and arched an eyebrow. 
“The investigative duo. Where’s Hansen? Isn’t he usually your partner?” 
“I read your article this morning. It was very interesting,” Zach said. 
“Thanks. What part did you enjoy the most?” 
“I thought it was very well researched. You even knew where the recent evidence was being stored. That was a very… interesting… detail to include in the article.” 
Peter shrugged. “I take pride in my work.” 
“The other little thing that jumped out and grabbed me was about the evidence collected in the Nguyen case twenty years ago. Your source criticized the chain of custody related to Shun Nguyen’s cell phone. That was extremely specific.” 
Shaw’s grin turned from smug to sly. “I always make sure my sources have a keen eye for detail. Now if you’ll excuse me…”
“One more thing. The criticism you leveled at the State Police for handling the digital evidence from that cell phone? Well, it went over my head, but I’ve got a guy who’s a genius with that kind of thing. When I showed him the article he said you’d need to consult with an expert in digital forensics to break down those kinds of technical concepts as clearly as you did.”
“Actually, I’m just that good,” Peter said, crossing his arms. 
“You have a degree in English and absolutely no background in tech. You’re not that good… but I believe your source is. The level of insight they gave you left their fingerprints all over that article, Shaw. Your man’s days are numbered. If you were as good as you think you are, his head wouldn’t be heading for the chopping block.” 
The journalist snorted. “Do you run, Mr. Hightower?”
“Only when someone’s shooting at me. Why?”
“Just wondering if you get any other forms of exercise, besides jumping to conclusions.” 
“It’s more of a step-by-step chain of logic that links together quite nicely. You really are a good writer, Shaw - very organized. That made it much easier to fill in the blanks. Does the name Leo McKenzie ring a bell?”
The blood drained from Shaw’s face, turning his lips white. Zach grinned.
“Good talking to you, Pete. Thanks for your time! Come on, Princess, let’s go.” 
“You’re way off base, Hightower,” he called after you.
Zach gave him a cheerful wave. “Hey, Pete, since you’ve undoubtedly got my number, why don’t you give me a call next time you need a source? I can teach you how to cover your tracks so you don’t keep burning through informants.” 
Then he lengthened his stride, forcing you into a jog as you tried to keep up. Once you were in the privacy of his vehicle, you gaped at him. 
“Are you crazy? Did you just invite that sleazebag to call you?”
“Sure. He’s made more progress on this case than anyone else. We can’t ignore that.” 
“How did you know who his source was? Did you guess?”
“Deduction isn’t guessing and that look on his face was all the confirmation I needed.” 
“We should tell Detective Roth.”
“No. Let him figure it out on his own. He won’t believe anything we tell him at the moment.” 
“But the security of the investigation is at stake!” 
“Not for long. Shaw will contact his source and alert them that we’re onto them. I want to give Detective Roth the chance to redeem himself. Also, if he can’t find a mole in his own department, I’m not sure I want to work with him.”
“Right. Hey, where are we going?” 
Zach turned onto an unfamiliar exit, one that headed away from his office.
“I’ve got to make another stop. Don’t worry, it won’t take long.” 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Elliot drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. "You really freaked him out."
"He's going to send those drugs up in flames."
The insight was spot on. Deputy Russell’s wavering commitment to the sale was becoming more evident as dawn broke. He had raced back to the security of the Sheriff’s Offices after meeting with “the Canadians” and spent the rest of the night holed up there. Through the front window, Lloyd watched his shadow move behind the blinds. 
The silhouette moved from left to right, and then crossed back again, from right to left. Russell was already a paranoid bastard and introducing a real threat to his life may have been a step too far. His restless actions raised a red flag in Lloyd’s assessment of the situation. Watching him through binoculars from their high vantage point in the parking lot of the White Rivers campsite, Lloyd decided it was time to ease the pressure and give Russell an escape hatch. 
He was too spooked to hand the drugs over directly to the Canadians. After the ring of fire incident Russell was probably more likely to shoot Lloyd if he ever saw him again instead of cooperating with him. 
“We’re going to plan B,” Lloyd said. “Give me a burner phone.” 
He held out a hand and Elliot pressed a device into his palm. Lloyd dialed and watched through the binoculars as the blinds of the Sheriff’s office raised. He couldn’t see anyone, but he knew Russell was somewhere inside. 
The call connected. 
“Hello? Who is this?” 
Lloyd spoke hoarsely. “Hello. Deputy Luke Russell?” 
“This is he.” Russell sounded suspicious. 
"This is Agent Ambrosio of the ATF. Do you have a moment to speak with me? Somewhere private would be best if possible."
"Yeah, yeah. I can do that," Russell said.
There was feedback as he moved, the the sound of a door closing. He must have gone to his office. 
“Okay. I can talk now.” 
"Russell, I'm calling about your boss, Sheriff Holbrook. Are you aware of the case against him?"
"Uh… you mean that thing from last year?"
"Eighteen months ago," Lloyd clarified. "The federal investigation into Holbrook's involvement with the drug trade has continued, which is why I'm reaching out. We need your cooperation."
"What can I do to help you, agent?” 
"We have everything that we need to make an arrest. This is a courtesy call, Deputy. We're moving on him tomorrow morning. Do you understand?"
"Oh… Wow… Okay, is there anything I can do?" Russell asked.
"We're still organizing things. Holbrook is constantly armed, and we're aware of how high-risk this operation will be. I’d be more comfortable with the situation I’m sending my men into if we had your cooperation.” 
“Absolutely. Whatever you need, sir.” 
Lloyd’s mouth curved into a smile. Pushing too hard may have been the right play after all. His prey had just swallowed the bait without noticing the hook that pierced his lip along with it. 
Game. Set. Match. 
All that was left to do was reel in his catch. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Next - Part XVI
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bowlingforgerbils · 8 months
what are aziraphalebat and Madness?
aziraphalebat is a good omens AU in which human!Crowley works at a greenhouse and rescues a little white bat who later turns out to be vampire!Aziraphale. It's mostly an excuse for me to describe Aziraphale as a cute little white bat, specifically a Honduran white bat, which are like little cotton balls of cuteness. I've only written what feels like the first third of the story, and I would like to finish it some day, maybe for Halloween. Here is a snippet:
He peered between the giant leaves of a dumb cane, but didn’t see anything suspicious. Then, suddenly, one of the hanging planters began to sway, the colorful petunias inside shaking as if caught in a breeze. Crowley let out a sigh of relief; it was probably just a small animal that got trapped in the greenhouse. Hopefully it wasn’t a rat. If it was a rat, then they’d have to put out traps, and Crowley wasn’t a fan of killing things.  
Trotting over to the swinging planter, he carefully unhooked it and brought it down to eye level. And, well, it wasn’t a rat, but for a couple of seconds, Crowley couldn’t make out what it was. Something white and furry with pointy ears that was all tangled up in the petunias.
“Fluffy little bastard, aren’t you,” he mused out loud, and the little creature froze, giving Crowley a better look at it. He caught sight of a pair of leathery wings and nearly dropped the planter. Holy hell, it was a bat!
Madness is a Pacific Rim fanfic, post-movie, in which the PPDC funds a Kaiju cloning project so that they can be studied in relative safety. Newton is very excited, Hermann not so much. My goal was to have Hermann finally admitted that the reason he was such a Debbie Downer about Newt's research was because he was terrified for his safety. It was also an excuse to write about a cute baby Kaiju that would be nice and not a threat to humanity. I only wrote up the setup scene and then lost steam for the rest. Here's the beginning:
It was madness. Hermann didn’t have another word for it; all those years the PPDC worked tirelessly to shut the Breach, to keep the world free of kaijus, and now they wanted to clone one?
Of course, he couldn’t just write MADNESS on a complaint form and slap it onto Marshall Hansen’s desk, so he managed to find several hundred more words and ordered them into a lengthy dissenting argument that regrettably relied less on solid, irrefutable math and more on his unshakeable opinion that cloning a kaiju was a bloody stupid idea.
His concerns were acknowledged then respectfully dismissed. And then dismissed again (not so respectfully) when he barged into Marshall Hansen’s office to register a complaint in person.
But the most infuriating part by far was Newton, who was so unbearably gleeful about the cloning project that he practically burst into song every time he mentioned it. “Can you imagine?” he crowed, waltzing around Hermann’s desk like a lovesick schoolgirl. “A living, breathing silicon-based lifeform that I’ll be able to study, up close and personal!”
“Oh yes, I can imagine it,” Hermann replied darkly, not bothering to look away from his computer screen. “I can imagine how utterly disastrous this entire enterprise will be, from beginning to end.”
“C’mon, don’t be a sore loser,” Newton cajoled, his enthusiasm not tempered in the slightest. “Just because you nearly peed your pants watching Jurassic Park doesn’t mean we should shy away from cloning—“
“And just because you bawled your eyes out when your uncle told you all dinosaurs went extinct has nothing to do with it either!” Hermann snapped, looking up at Newton and giving him his full attention. “The money being thrown at this project could be used much more effectively in other areas than some pointless—“
Unfortunately, attention was exactly what Newton wanted, as he interrupted with a sharp “Ha!” and leaned against Hermann’s desk.
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telomeke-bbs · 1 year
This write-up is a continuation of my 11 previous ones on filming locations for Bad Buddy (links to all my filming location posts are listed at the end of this one). This post focuses mainly on locations connected to PatPran's childhood and teenage years.✨👬✨
Of course most of these (excluding their family homes, already written up here) are locations at and around PatPran's elementary and high schools, and they were represented by the Satit Bilingual School (SBS) in Rangsit, Greater Bangkok. (There is one more childhood location, non-academic and much more obscure, at the end of this write-up. 😉)
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(top) The entrance to the Satit Bilingual School in Rangsit; (middle) Pat and Pran revisit their old school at Bad Buddy Ep.10 [3I4] 1.20; (bottom) the location of SBS Rangsit on plan, in one corner of Rangsit University
 I've mentioned SBS before (see this write-up linked here) but this post goes into more detail in matching up BBS scenes with individual locations inside the school grounds. If any of these settings look familiar, it may be because SBS has been used many times before in other BLs (the most extensive I think was in The Eclipse, where it was the primary location of Suppalo High School). For other dramas where SBS was used for filming, do check out my dear friend @colourme-feral's excellent post on shared filming locations linked here. 😍👍
If anything, the filming in and around SBS Rangsit shows once again how consistent the team was in using one locale and its environs to depict co-located scenes in BBS – the elementary and high school locations were all filmed here, just as BBS filmed almost all the student apartment scenes at Tinidee Hotel Bangkok Golf Club (see this write-up here), all Pat's faculty scenes at Rangsit University's College of Engineering (see this write-up linked here) and almost all Pran's faculty scenes at Rangsit University's Faculty of Architecture (see this write-up linked here).
Even scenes that could have been easily filmed elsewhere (because their surroundings were not particularly distinctive or readily identifiable as being part of SBS Rangsit) were nevertheless all filmed here, including settings like the music room (Ep.2 [4/4] 7.20, Ep.3 [1I4] 2.10 and Ep.4 [2/4] 1.08), Kruu Payao's office (Ep.10 [3I4] 7.48), the school football field (Ep.1 [1I4] 4.24, Ep.1 [1I4] 6.37 and Ep.12 [2/4] 5.19), as well as PatPran's classrooms (Ep.1 [1I4] 6.28, Ep.2 [4/4] 5.20, Ep.4 [1I4] 7.17, Ep.12 [2/4] 4.50 and Ep.12 [2/4] 5.43).
The following are some screenshots and their matching locations in real life at SBS Rangsit.
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(top) Bad Buddy Ep.2 [4/4] 5.07; (middle) an extract from SBS Rangsit's Facebook dated 19 December 2022 (linked here) showing the matching "Welcome to SBS" and other signage, the monitor screen below the bridge and glass railings above; (bottom) another view from Facebook dated 23 November 2022 (linked here) showing the blue columns with text and the seating curved around planters
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(top) Bad Buddy Ep.2 [4/4] 4.14; (middle) Bad Buddy Ep.5 [3I4] 0.32; (bottom) photo from SBS Rangsit's Facebook dated 23 August 2022, linked here
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(top) Pran in their high school music room at Bad Buddy Ep.3 [1I4] 2.12; (bottom) a screenshot from a video on YouTube ("SBS Secondary School – What Makes Us Unique" at timestamp 0.51, linked here) with corroborating details: the timber strip flooring, the pink walls (shaded warmer in BBS because of the sepia wash given to flashbacks), the protruding white wall with light switches near the entrance, the dark brown door with a vertical glass viewing panel, the horizontal and vertical shelves right at the back, the pinboard to the left of the door (with some of the pinned papers even matching what we see in BBS)
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(top) Pran's flashback of InkPat in high school at Bad Buddy Ep.4 [3I4] 4.59; (bottom) photo on Google Maps taken by Tum Kanaphon dated September 2022 and linked here – the curved railings, stone-clad curved seating and drain gratings are all a match
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(top) PatPran revisit their old high school and the My School President boys at Bad Buddy Ep.10 [3I4] 3.47; (bottom) extract of an image from SBS Rangsit's Facebook dated 2 October 2022 (linked here) – the perforated steel columns and beams as well as the corrugated metal roof are a match
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(top) PatPran quiz the flighty and flinty Kruu Payao at Bad Buddy Ep.10 [3I4] 7.48; (bottom left and right) the gray aluminum framing of the office doors and windows, as well as the door numbering sign (Kruu Payao was in Room 1309) all match up with what we see in BBS
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(top) Pat and Pran in their elementary school classroom at Bad Buddy Ep.1 [1I4] 6.32; (bottom) this image from timestamp 1.23 of the YouTube video "A Day in Secondary School at SBS" (dated 24 March 2022) has the following corroborating details: the pink background of the noticeboard at the left and its graphic of an ionic column, the gray-covered wall-mounted TV monitor, the desks and tables, as well as the blue poster with graphics of pyramids, a camel and cacti below the whiteboard
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‌(top) Bad Buddy Ep.4 [1I4] 7.30; (middle left) the timber furniture, gray door and dark-framed noticeboard in this image extracted from SBS Rangsit's Facebook (dated 22 January 2023 and linked here) match PatPran's classroom details; (middle right) close-up of Ink at the classroom door in Bad Buddy Ep.4 [1I4] 7.32; (bottom) in this image from SBS Rangit's Facebook (dated 22 February 2017 and linked here) the glass viewing panels on the door as well as the medium-brown frame of the noticeboard are a match
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(top) Bad Buddy Ep.1 [1I4] 6.47 – note the windows, dark panel treatment around the door and the thick timber-framed noticeboard (also, the tomato-red lockers are similar to what we see behind Ink at Ep.4 [1I4] 7.30.; (bottom left) not the same location, but the windows, door treatment and notice board are a match in this image extracted from SBS Rangsit's Facebook (linked here); (bottom right) a clearer view of the door treatment and noticeboard in another image extracted from SBS Rangsit's Facebook (linked here), although this is not exactly the same location either)
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(top) Bad Buddy Ep.1 [1I4] 4.24; (bottom) the location of the SBS Rangsit school field on plan
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(top) An aerial view of SBS Rangsit (from YouTube video "A Day in Secondary School at SBS" at timestamp 0.01) – the building with the curved metal roof in the foreground (the high school block) is the one we see behind the boys' soccer game at BBS Ep.1 [1I4] 4.24, while the field is at the bottom right of the image; (bottom) a view of the SBS school field (extracted from SBS Rangsit's Facebook post dated 3 February 2023 and linked here) – the metal-roofed walkway, lamp posts, trees and corrugated metal siding on the building in the background are all a match for what we see in BBS‌
One more location at SBS Rangsit needs a bit of write-up, and it's the venue of the high school Christmas Song Contest, where PatPran's public performance of Just Friend? exposed their friendship to Dissaya and got Pran sent away to boarding school.
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(above) Bad Buddy Ep.2 [4/4] 6.06
It took a lot of inference and deduction, but I think we can now say with confidence that the stage for the above (also visible at Ep.10 [3I4] 3.43, when Pat and Pran went back to their old high school to investigate Ming and Dissaya's backstory) was set up at SBS Rangsit's canteen (on the ground level of the high school block):
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(top) This image from SBS Rangsit's Facebook (dated 1 September 2012 and linked here) is an elevated view of the eating area at the school's canteen; (middle) this view (also from Facebook, dated 1 September 2012 and linked here) is a close-up of the far end – note the cylindrical ceiling lights at the top and the stainless steel signage at the right; (bottom) this photograph (again from Facebook, linked here) is from a celebration held to mark Valentine's Day and is dated 18 February 2020 (note the cylindrical ceiling lights and also the staircase at the right, which is the same one we see in BBS at Ep.4 [2/4] 0.45 and places this location at the SBS canteen, with more info on the canteen location written up here) – incidentally the star performer at this Valentine's Day concert was a pre-KinnPorsche ex-SBS student Jeff Satur, seen here in the gray sweater talking to fans
The following are corroborating details:
the cylindrical ceiling lights are visible at BBS Ep.2 [4/4] 6.06 during PatPran's Christmas song performance and also at BBS Ep.4 [2/4] 0.45;
the stainless steel box numbering on the orange back wall in the middle photograph actually marks the canteen servery counters – you can see the numbers 1 and 3 here, while at BBS Ep.2 [4/4] 6.06 you can see the number 2 behind Dunk's right shoulder as he plays guitar next to Pran, and at BBS Ep.4 [2/4] 0.45 you can see the numbers 4 and 6 behind Pat as he walks up the canteen staircase;
During PatPran's performance of Just Friend? Ink is in the audience wearing red reindeer antlers (it is a Christmas celebration, after all 🎄) – you can see her waving at Ep.2 [4/4] 6.06 and smiling at Ep.5 [1I4] 6.24; meanwhile behind the scenes an antler-sporting Milk Pansa was photographed with Fourth, Ford, Captain, Dunk, Gemini, Aun and Satang at the SBS canteen (see this link here), further confirming that this location was the setting for the BBS Chrismas Song Contest.
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(top left) Bad Buddy Ep.2 [4/4] 6.06 – the Christmas song contest (Ink is at the bottom right); (top right) Milk Pansa and her boyband in between filming at the SBS Rangsit canteen; (bottom left) Bad Buddy Ep.5 [1I4] 6.24 – this was a photo in Pran's computer when Pat was looking through his album; Bad Buddy Ep.4 [2/4] 0.45 – Pat and Pran at the high school canteen
So the one bonus childhood location (that is not PatPran's family homes or their school) is actually Pat, Pa and Pran's cycling expedition near a lake in Ep.1, where Pran saved Pa from drowning. The location of this is adjacent to a lake to the south of the Pinehurst Golf and Country Club, and to the west of the Bangkok University Rangsit Campus (where a lot of BBS's outdoor scenes were filmed – those locations written up here).
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(above) The location of Pat, Pran and Pa's cycling expedition in Ep.1 (map coordinates are 14°02'18.8"N 100°36'00.0"E)
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(top) Pat and Pa as kids cycling along a track in Bad Buddy Ep.1 [3/4] 3.52; (bottom) image off Google Street View dated February 2022 (linked here) – corroborating details are the red and white gantry poles and also a low-spreading fan palm (possibly Bismarckia nobilis or Copernicia hospita) to the left of the rear pole
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(top) Bad Buddy Ep.1 [3I4] 3.54 (Pat and Pa cycling by the lake); (bottom) this image off Google Street View (dated February 2022, linked here) is a match (the bark pattern on the tree at the left is a match)
[P.S. – here are the links to all the filming location posts:
Part 1 – The legendary rooftop, PatPran’s student apartments, their high school, the white arches behind the Engineering Canteen, the Zero Waste Village and various seaside scenes, their honeymoon suite, the hospital where Pat was treated for his gunshot graze, and the high school reunion.
Part 2 – Pat and Pran’s family homes, the Flagpole Bar, the car park fight location, and the Jae Si Curry House.
Part 3 – Various locations at and around the rugby field, including Pat’s photoshoot with Ink, the rugby bleachers, the iced milk tea (and green tea wave) picnic table, InkPa’s photography picnic, the old bus stop and the new bus stop. Also Khun Noppharnach’s pharmacy.
Part 4 – Pat’s Engineering Faculty (in and around Rangsit University’s College of Engineering).
Part 5 – Pran’s Architecture Faculty (Rangsity University’s School of Architecture).
Part 6 – Various F&B and commercial locations (eateries, shops, malls and a market).
Part 7 – Pat’s post-graduation apartment and Pran’s residence in Singapore.
Part 8 – Various campus locations filmed within Rangsit University’s Digital Multimedia Complex, including the auditorium and the Freshy Day Song Contest.
Part 9 – The LogTech Building and Pran’s architectural office in Singapore.
Part 10 – Locations for the Our Skyy 2 x Bad Buddy special episodes.
Part 11 – The apartment for rent that Pran went to view in Ep.2, the elevator scene with Pat just after the viewing, and Wai’s apartment.
Part 12 – PatPran’s elementary and high schools, as well as the location of Pa’s near-drowning.
Part 13 – Random locations (Pran searching for his lost earphones, the covered car park where Wai spied on Pat serenading Pran with Nanon's Love Score, the airport car park, the SouthTech U Library, PatPran's rainy day ointment interlude, their motorbike and truck rides in Hua Hin, the approach road to Uncle Yod's bar, the filming location for the music videos Just Friend? and Our Song, and Pran's street address in Singapore).
Will update this list if I can track down the hardware stores – the one remaining location still unidentified! 🤣]
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hometoursandotherstuff · 11 months
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Who would like a modern rustic mansion with its own TV studio? This is a 2006 home in Aurora, Ohio. 6bds, 11ba, $5.9M + $33mo. HOA fee.
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We are greeted by an assortment of statues in the great entrance hall.
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The living room is sunken and separated from the main hall by a stone planter wall.
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The entrance hall and living room have ceilings that rise 2 stories high, and have lots of windows to let in natural light. It's a very organic home with wood, stone, and an assortment of plants.
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This home is very large and very open. From the great hall, with a flagstone floor, the kitchen area switches to a wood floor.
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Look at all the trees used to built this home. There are 2 ovens in the island. The kitchen is very large and very spread out.
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In the home office it looks like someone works from home. It's a large room with lots of light, darker wood and stucco walls.
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Not sure what this room with a table, chairs, and a kitchen sink is.
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This sitting area is part of the primary suite and features a large niche with a Buddha.
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The primary bedroom is gigantic.
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The en-suite bath has several rooms.
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And, there's an exercise space.
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Even the hallway is lined with log beams.
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This secondary bedroom is very large, too.
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Plus, it has a bigger-than-average bath.
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Also in this wing is another full kitchen.
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At the bottom of the stairs is a bar.
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This is a sitting room for the guest suite.
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I don't understand this en-suite. Maybe if the toilet room is in use or has an odor problem, there's still a sink available. And, there's also a kitchenette.
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I'm surprised that in a mansion this size, the family room, library, and home theater are all in one.
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The TV studio is large and has a green screen.
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The control room certainly looks professional.
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The property measures 17.63 acres of park-like land.
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The home itself looks like a resort.
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annwynisland · 1 year
Furniture Catalogue
Item names spelled in US English. Ctrl+F (find keyword) recommended. I can customize with Cyrus if specific color variant(s) desired.
ACNH Nintendo Switch
Alto saxophone
Analog kitchen scale
Anthurium plant
Antique bureau
Antique chair
Antique clock
Antique console table
Antique mini table
Antique wardrobe
Arcade seat
Artsy table
Baby panda
Basic teacher's desk
Beach ball
Beach chairs with parasol
Beach towel
Board game
Book stands
Bottled beverage
Box corner sofa
Box sofa
Broom and dustpan
Bunk bed
Campfire cookware
Camping cot
Candle chandelier
Cardboard box
Casablanca lilies
Cassette player
Cat grass
Champion's pennant
Changing room
Checkout counter
Clothes closet
Clothesline pole
Coffee beans
Coffee cup
Coffee grinder
Coffee plant
Colorful juice
Cooking tools
Cool sofa
Corner clothing rack
Counter table
Covered wagon
Crane game
Creepy skeleton
Cruiser bike
Cuckoo clock
Cup with saucer
Cute chair
Cute DIY table
Cute sofa
Cute wall-mounted clock
Cute wardrobe
Cypress bathtub
Cypress plant
Decorative bottles
Deep fryer
Desk mirror
Dessert carrier
Diner counter chair
Diner counter table
Diner dining table
Diner neon clock
Dinosaur toy
Director's chair
Dish-drying rack
Display stand
Document stack
Double-door refrigerator
Double-edged sword
Double Gloucester cheese
Double sofa
Dreamy bed
Dreamy rabbit toy
Dreamy wall rack
Dual hanging monitors
Elephant slide
Enamel lamp
Evergreen ash
Exam table
Exercise bike
Exit sign
Fancy violin
Fax machine
Festival zongzi
Floating-biotope planter
Floor light
Floor seat
Fluorescent light
Folding floor lamp
Fortune-telling set
Froggy chair
Garden faucet
Garden gnome
Garden lantern
Gas range
Glass jar
Hanging cube light
Hearty ramen
High-end stereo
Homework set
Iced coffee
Imperial bed
Imperial chest
Imperial decorative shelves
Imperial dining chair
Imperial dining lantern
Imperial low table
Imperial partition
Ironing board
Ironing set
Judge's bell
Karaoke machine
Kids' tent
Kimono stand
Kitchen counter
Knife block
Lab-experiments set
Large covered round table
Large magazine rack
Lily-pad table
Long bathtub
Magnetic knife rack
Metal can
Metal pot
Meter and pipes
Mini circuit
Mining car
Modern cash register
Modern office chair
Moroccan lights
Moss ball
Mounted blue marlin
Mr. Flamingo
Mrs. Flamingo
Oil barrel
Oil lamp
Outdoor air conditioner
Outdoor bench
Outdoor folding chair
Owl clock
Painting set
Papa panda
Paper-chain ceiling garland
Paper lantern
Paper tiger
Patchwork bed
Patchwork sofa chair
Pendulum clock
Pet food bowl
Pinball machine
Pine tree
Plasma ball
Plastic canister
Pop-up book
Pop-up toaster
Popcorn machine
Porcelain vase
Portable radio
Pot rack
Potted starter plants
Premium nigirizushi
Pro coffee grinder
Puppy plushie
Rattan armchair
Rattan end table
Rattan low table
Rattan stool
Rattan table lamp
Rattan vanity
Rattan wardrobe
Retro fan
Retro stereo
Rice cooker
Rock guitar
Rocket lamp
Rotary phone
Round light fixture
Round pillow
Round space heater
Salad bar
Sandwich plate meal
School chair
School desk
Serving cart
Set of stockings
Sewing machine
Sewing project
Shaded floor lamp
Shaded pendant lamp
Ship-wheel door decoration
Shopping bag
Short file cabinet
Shoyu ramen
Silver confetti blower
Silver mic
Simple kettle
Simple panel
Simple shaded lamp
Simple table
Simple wall shelf
SLR camera
Small mannequin
Small vase
Soft-serve lamp
Spaceship control panel
Spinning wheel
Square bathtub
Standing toilet
Strapped books
Studio spotlight
Study carrel
Study chair
Study desk
Study sewing box
Super-premium nigirizushi
Surichwi tteok
Table lamp
Table with cloth
Tabletop record player
Tangled cords
Tape deck
Tea set
Thank-you Mom mug
Throwback container
Throwback dino screen
Throwback gothic mirror
Throwback hat table
Throwback rocket
Throwback skull radio
Tin bucket
Tin robot
Tissue box
Titan arum
Tool shelf
Toy box
Traditional tea set
Train set
Transit seat
Upright speaker
Utility sink
Vacuum cleaner
Velvet stool
Vertical banner
Wall-mounted candle
Wall-mounted LED display
Wall-mounted phone
Wall-mounted TV (50 in.)
Water cooler
Weight bench
Winnowing machine
Wood-burning stove
Wooden pendant light
World map
Yule log
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blackkrock · 2 months
5 Best Partition Design Ideas for PVD Gold Coated Furniture
Partitions are essential elements in interior design, serving both functional and aesthetic purposes. When enhanced with PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) gold coating, these partitions transform spaces with a touch of elegance and sophistication. At Black Rock, we specialize in providing PVD coated furniture in India, offering a range of exquisite designs that elevate any interior. Here are five of the best partition design ideas featuring PVD gold coated furniture.
1. Geometric Patterns
Geometric patterns create a modern and sleek look, making them a popular choice for contemporary interiors. PVD gold coating enhances these designs with a luxurious finish, creating eye-catching partitions. Whether it’s hexagons, triangles, or intricate fractals, geometric patterns provide a sense of order and style. The reflective nature of the gold coating adds depth and dimension, making the partition a focal point in any room.
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2. Laser-Cut Screens
Laser-cut screens offer intricate and detailed designs that are perfect for adding an artistic touch to interiors. These partitions can feature floral motifs, abstract designs, or customized patterns tailored to your taste. The precision of laser cutting combined with the opulence of PVD gold coating results in stunning partitions that not only divide spaces but also enhance the visual appeal. These screens are ideal for living rooms, dining areas, and office spaces where elegance is paramount.
3. Minimalist Rod Partitions
For those who prefer a minimalist approach, rod partitions are an excellent choice. Thin metal rods coated in PVD gold create a subtle yet sophisticated barrier that defines spaces without overwhelming the decor. These partitions are perfect for creating a sense of separation while maintaining an open and airy feel. They work well in modern apartments and offices, adding a touch of luxury without compromising on simplicity.
4. Biophilic Designs
Integrating nature into interior spaces is a growing trend, and biophilic designs offer a perfect way to achieve this. PVD gold coated partitions can be designed to incorporate planters, creating a harmonious blend of nature and luxury. Vertical gardens or small potted plants can be integrated into the partition, bringing greenery indoors. The gold finish adds a layer of elegance, making these partitions a perfect addition to eco-friendly and stylish homes.
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5. Art Deco Inspirations
Art Deco style is synonymous with glamour and opulence, making it an ideal inspiration for PVD gold coated partitions. Featuring bold lines, geometric shapes, and lavish details, Art Deco-inspired partitions add a vintage yet timeless charm to interiors. The gold coating enhances the intricate designs, making them stand out as statement pieces. These partitions are perfect for grand entryways, luxurious living rooms, and upscale hotels.
PVD gold coated partitions from Black Rock not only provide functional division but also elevate the aesthetics of any space. Whether you prefer modern geometric patterns or classic Art Deco designs, there’s a PVD gold coated partition to suit your style. Explore our range of PVD coated furniture and transform your interiors with the elegance and sophistication of gold. Black Rock is proud to offer the finest PVD coated furniture in India, helping you create spaces that are both beautiful and functional.
For More Detail Contact Us:-
Call Us:- +91 97230 62424
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nichehobbies · 2 months
Urban Gardening: Cultivating Green Spaces in the Cityscape
Urban gardening has emerged as a transformative practice that not only beautifies urban landscapes but also promotes sustainable living, community engagement, and personal well-being. In densely populated cities where green spaces are limited, urban gardening offers creative solutions for residents to reconnect with nature, grow their own food, and foster a sense of community.
One of the most popular urban gardening ideas is container gardening, which allows individuals to cultivate plants in pots, planters, or recycled containers. This method is highly versatile and adaptable to various urban settings, such as balconies, rooftops, patios, and even window sills. Container gardening enables city dwellers to grow a wide range of plants, from herbs and vegetables to ornamental flowers, regardless of available outdoor space.
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Vertical gardening is another innovative approach to urban gardening, making efficient use of vertical space by growing plants upwards. This technique utilizes trellises, wall-mounted planters, vertical hydroponic systems, and hanging baskets to create living walls or green screens. Vertical gardens not only maximize limited space but also add aesthetic value to urban environments, transforming bare walls into lush greenery.
Community gardening initiatives play a crucial role in urban gardening by bringing together residents to collectively cultivate shared plots of land. These communal gardens promote social interaction, neighborhood cohesion, and environmental stewardship. Participants share knowledge, resources, and responsibilities, contributing to sustainable food production and fostering a sense of pride in maintaining green spaces within the city.
Indoor gardening has gained popularity among urbanites seeking to bring nature indoors and enhance their living environments. Indoor gardens utilize various techniques such as hydroponics, aquaponics, and LED grow lights to cultivate herbs, microgreens, and decorative plants inside homes, apartments, and offices. Indoor gardening not only improves indoor air quality but also provides a therapeutic and rewarding hobby that reduces stress and enhances overall well-being.
Urban gardening promotes environmental sustainability by reducing food miles, promoting local biodiversity, and mitigating the urban heat island effect. By growing food locally, urban gardeners minimize their ecological footprint and support sustainable food systems. Many urban gardening practices incorporate organic gardening methods, composting, rainwater harvesting, and using native plants to conserve resources and create resilient urban ecosystems.
Moreover, urban gardening encourages city residents to adopt healthier lifestyles by growing fresh, nutritious produce at home. It empowers individuals to make informed food choices, reduce reliance on processed foods, and embrace sustainable eating habits. The act of gardening itself provides physical exercise, mental relaxation, and a sense of accomplishment as plants grow and thrive under care.
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In conclusion, urban gardening is a dynamic and transformative practice that enriches urban living by integrating nature into everyday city life. Whether through container gardening on balconies, vertical gardens on building facades, communal plots in neighborhood parks, or indoor gardens in apartments, urbanites can enjoy the benefits of gardening while contributing to a greener, healthier, and more sustainable urban environment. By embracing urban gardening, individuals and communities can cultivate resilience, promote biodiversity, and create vibrant green spaces that enhance quality of life in cities around the world.
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top10homes · 7 months
Top 10 Backyard Design Trends for 2024
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As we move into the top 10 backyard design trends for 2024, backyard design is taking a leap into sustainability, multifunctionality, and personalization, reflecting homeowners’ evolving preferences and lifestyle needs. These spaces are no longer just about aesthetics; they are about creating a personal sanctuary that promotes well-being, entertainment, and connection with nature.
From eco-friendly landscapes to smart technology integration, let’s explore the top 10 backyard design trends that are set to redefine outdoor living spaces this year.
Sustainable Landscapes: Sustainability takes the forefront in 2024, with homeowners opting for native plants, drought-resistant gardens, and organic materials. These landscapes require less water and maintenance, promoting biodiversity while reducing the environmental footprint.
Outdoor Living Rooms: Blurring the lines between indoors and out, outdoor living rooms with comfortable, weather-resistant furniture, and amenities like outdoor fireplaces or TVs, are becoming a staple for year-round entertainment.
Edible Gardens: The farm-to-table movement continues to gain momentum, with more individuals cultivating edible gardens. From raised beds to vertical planters, these gardens offer fresh produce while adding a green touch to your backyard.
Smart Outdoor Lighting: Technology integration is key in 2024, with smart outdoor lighting systems that can be controlled via smartphones. These systems offer energy efficiency, security, and the ability to customize ambiances for different occasions.
Multipurpose Sheds: No longer just for storage, sheds are being transformed into home offices, gyms, or hobby rooms, reflecting the growing demand for functional spaces that accommodate various activities.
Water Features: Incorporating water features like fountains, ponds, or waterfalls adds a serene and aesthetic element to backyards, promoting relaxation and connecting homeowners with nature.
Outdoor Kitchens and Dining Areas: Outdoor kitchens equipped with high-end appliances and dining areas are perfect for al fresco dining and entertaining, making the backyard a hub for social gatherings.
Eco-Friendly Lighting and Heating Options: Eco-friendly options such as solar-powered lights and efficient outdoor heaters are on the rise, offering sustainability without compromising on comfort or style.
Privacy Landscaping: With the increasing need for privacy, strategic landscaping with hedges, tall plants, or privacy screens is becoming popular, creating secluded retreats within one’s backyard.
Interactive Play Areas: For families, incorporating interactive play areas with eco-friendly materials and imaginative designs encourages outdoor activity and creativity among children.
Top 10 Backyard Design Trends for 2024 Wrap Up In conclusion, the backyard design trends of 2024 are all about creating a space that reflects personal style, promotes sustainability, and accommodates a variety of activities. From sustainable landscaping to smart technology integration, these trends cater to the evolving needs of homeowners, offering a blend of functionality, style, and environmental consciousness.
As we embrace these innovative design elements, backyards are set to become more than just outdoor spaces; they are transforming into personalized sanctuaries that offer comfort, entertainment, and a deep connection with the natural world.
ORIGINALLY FOUND ON- Source: Top 10 Homes(https://top10homes.com/top-10-backyard-design-trends-for-2024/)
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worthyhog0001 · 7 months
Innovative Interiors Explored: A Comprehensive Buying Handbook
Embarking on the journey of enhancing your living space with innovative interiors is an exciting endeavor. From furniture to decor, each element contributes to the character and functionality of your home. This comprehensive buying handbook explores the world of innovative interiors, providing insights into smart purchasing decisions, trending styles, and tips for creating a space that truly reflects your personality and lifestyle.
Section 1: Setting the Foundation - Furniture Essentials
1.1 Sofas and Seating Solutions
Investing in the right sofa or seating arrangement is crucial for comfort and style. Explore modular sofas for flexibility or opt for classic designs with contemporary twists. Consider materials, colors, and ergonomic features to ensure a perfect fit for your living space.
1.2 Dining Delights - Tables and Chairs
Dining furniture sets the tone for family gatherings and entertaining guests. Choose a dining table that complements your space and lifestyle, accompanied by chairs that balance comfort and aesthetics. Innovative designs like extendable tables or mixed-material chairs can add a unique touch.
1.3 Bedroom Bliss - Beds and Wardrobes
Create a serene bedroom retreat by selecting the right bed and wardrobe. From storage beds to minimalist frames, explore options that align with your taste. Wardrobes with smart storage solutions and customizable interiors cater to both functionality and style.
1.4 Workspace Wonders - Desks and Chairs
As remote work becomes prevalent, designing a functional and inspiring workspace at home is essential. Choose ergonomic chairs and versatile desks that promote productivity. Explore adjustable and space-saving options for a well-designed home office.
Section 2: Elevating Aesthetics - Decor and Accessories
2.1 Artistic Wall Decor
Adorn your walls with artistic expressions that resonate with your personality. From gallery walls to statement art pieces, explore innovative ways to transform blank spaces. Consider mix-and-match frames, wall decals, or even DIY art projects for a personalized touch.
2.2 Textile Treasures - Rugs and Throws
Textiles play a pivotal role in adding warmth and texture to your interiors. Invest in quality rugs that define different areas within a room. Experiment with throws, cushions, and curtains to introduce colors and patterns that complement your overall design scheme.
2.3 Illuminating Spaces - Lighting Fixtures
Innovative lighting can significantly impact the ambiance of your home. Explore pendant lights, floor lamps, and smart lighting solutions to create layers of illumination. Consider the functionality of each space and choose fixtures that enhance both aesthetics and practicality.
2.4 Green Inspirations - Indoor Plants and Planters
Bringing nature indoors is a timeless trend. Incorporate indoor plants and stylish planters to add a touch of greenery. Explore vertical gardens, hanging planters, or even low-maintenance succulents for an innovative and refreshing look.
Section 3: Tech-Savvy Living - Smart Home Solutions
3.1 Smart Furniture and Appliances
The integration of technology in furniture and appliances is revolutionizing modern living. Explore smart furniture with built-in charging ports, adjustable features, and multifunctional capabilities. Smart appliances, from thermostats to kitchen gadgets, can enhance efficiency and convenience.
3.2 Home Automation Systems
Transform your living space into a smart home with automation systems. Control lighting, security, and entertainment with ease. Invest in voice-activated assistants and smart home hubs to streamline daily tasks and create a connected living experience.
3.3 Innovative Audio-Visual Solutions
Upgrade your entertainment setup with innovative audio-visual solutions. Consider soundbars, projector screens, and hidden speakers for a sleek and immersive home theater experience. Embrace the latest in smart TVs and home audio systems for unparalleled entertainment.
3.4 Security and Surveillance
Prioritize the safety of your home with cutting-edge security solutions. Explore smart locks, video doorbells, and surveillance cameras with remote monitoring capabilities. Integration with mobile apps allows you to keep an eye on your home from anywhere, enhancing peace of mind.
Section 4: Budget-Friendly Innovations - Tips for Savvy Shopping
4.1 Research and Compare
Before making any purchase, conduct thorough research. Compare prices, read reviews, and explore different brands to make informed decisions. Online platforms and customer testimonials can provide valuable insights into the quality and durability of products.
4.2 Outlet and Warehouse Sales
Take advantage of outlet and warehouse sales to find quality furniture and decor at discounted prices. These sales events offer an opportunity to acquire designer pieces or high-quality items at a fraction of the original cost.
4.3 DIY and Upcycling Projects
Unleash your creativity by engaging in do-it-yourself (DIY) and upcycling projects. Repurpose old furniture, create custom decor pieces, or refresh existing items with a coat of paint. DIY projects not only add a personal touch but also contribute to sustainability.
4.4 Seasonal Discounts and Promotions
Keep an eye on seasonal discounts and promotions offered by retailers. Many furniture and decor stores offer significant discounts during festive seasons, clearance events, or special occasions. Planning your purchases around these times can result in substantial savings.
Section 5: Trends and Timeless Styles - Finding Your Design Identity
5.1 Trending Styles in 2024
Stay updated on the latest interior design trends for 2024. From sustainable and eco-friendly designs to the resurgence of vintage aesthetics, explore what's in vogue. Consider incorporating elements of trending styles that resonate with your personal taste.
5.2 Timeless Classics
Certain styles and designs stand the test of time. Classic furniture pieces like Chesterfield sofas, mid-century modern chairs, and timeless color palettes never go out of style. Blend contemporary trends with timeless classics for a balanced and enduring aesthetic.
5.3 Personalization and Customization
Make your living space uniquely yours by incorporating elements of personalization and customization. Explore custom furniture, bespoke decor items, and personalized artwork. These additions not only reflect your style but also contribute to a sense of identity within your home.
Creating innovative interior design involves a thoughtful blend of functionality, style, and personal expression. Whether you're furnishing a new home or giving your existing space a makeover, this comprehensive buying handbook serves as a guide to navigate the world of interior design. From furniture essentials to tech-savvy solutions, budget-friendly tips, and insights into trends, may your journey to innovative interiors be both exciting and fulfilling. Happy decorating!
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homedecor-shop-online · 7 months
3 Creative Decor Options That Can Be Mood-Enhancers In Office
Every office wall has a story to tell and as a founder, it is your duty to ensure that those stories are creative and interesting. An office is a place of productivity, efficiency and hussle and it should be reflected in its decor. Blank walls don’t usually equal productivity and efficiency and the last thing you need your office to be is an energy-draining place.
Introducing creative and mood-enhancing decor items in your office space will not only make your house more visually appealing but also improves the mood of the employees. In this blog, we will suggest three home decor items that can instantly be mood-enhancers in your office. We will also talk about Satguru’s, which is one of the best places to buy home decor items in Mumbai, where you can buy decorative items for your office.
List of Decor Items To Buy From Satguru’s For Your Office
Satguru’s is one of the best places to buy home decor in Mumbai. Mentioned in the New York Times as ‘Top 5 places to shop in Mumbai’ they have been satisfying their customers for more than half a century now with their decor items. Let’s look at some of the products that can be added in the office space.
1. Paintings
Paintings hold a special place in the world of decor. They are a sign of luxury and can make any room interesting. At Satguru’s, which is a home decor online shopping website, you can choose from their beautiful collection of paintings, from Indian traditional and modern art to spiritual and landscape art. Not only will paintings make your office visually appealing, but they will also impress your potential clients.
Our Recommendation:
Indian traditional painting: Banaras Ghat by Bhuwan Silhare
Modern art painting: Brushstrokes of Town by Suresh Gulage
Spiritual painting: Roop Chandan by Solal AB
Landscape painting: Blue Landscape by Satguru’s
Wall art and wooden frame art are another great option instead of paintings. Wooden home decor will give a nice vintage look to your office space.
2. Showpieces
Imagine every desk has a small showpiece or a figurine. It will not only make the employees smile, but they will also get a chance to see something other than PC screens and a web of wires. It also makes the office less boring by occupying the blank spaces in the office. Here are a few showpieces you can buy from Satguru’s:
Resting monk: This tiny figurine is good enough to pass on its positive vibes to you during stressful times.
Steps of Success: This can act as a motivational art piece in the office. It shows that the only way in the office or in life is up, so never stop hustling.
Sleeping Cat Small Statue: You should have this because, why not? It’s cute, it’s amazingly crafted, and it won’t take up a lot of your space.
You can also buy handmade home decor items from Satguru’s. Handmade decor depicts originality and beauty within small imperfections.
3. Mugs
Mugs are another great option. While they are not exactly decor items, they can surely add to the visual appeal of the house. Imagine office desks with colourful mugs next to each employee’s PC. Mugs, being a functional decor, can also be a great option for corporate gifting. Founders can also make it an office culture where new hires are given mugs on their first day. Moai coffee mug sets and Carbon ceramic mug sets are good options to buy to gift your employees.
An office should be a place where employees love to work without overtiring themselves. Many studies have proven the calming effects of decorations, and offices can use them to keep their employees happy and stress-free.
If you are looking to buy these products that we have mentioned above, you must check out Satguru’s. They are one of the best stores to buy home decor items in Mumbai. Their collection includes home decor items like clocks, vases, planters, wall art, and more. You can also buy God idols from their online store. Visit their website to learn more about their products.
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