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hoodreader · 5 months ago
cardi b & offset cheating.
i feel like a lot about her marriage with this nigga finna get exposed because of this oct 2nd eclipse season in libra, which is in her seventh house with her sun. i’m not gonna look into the details bc i don’t care that much but yeah.
her 7h is in libra & the lord is in detriment in the 8h which can be an indicator of infidelity. it’s conj pluto rules secrecy & can show abuse dynamics. i personally don’t use outer planets too much but when there’s a close conj i’m like hmmm. but in general, martian energy is antithetical to venus.
that’s why venus represents love, fairness, & sex (pleasurably) & mars represents hate, love (abusively or with a power dynamic) & sex (violently, coercively, or forcibly). i’m not saying that offeset forced her or anything, i’m just saying the significations of the planets in trad astrology. cheating is abusive. some people disagree but quite frankly i do not give a fuck. #Bloop
but yeah. the eclipse will be conj her sun & opp her moon on her 7h/1h axis. this eclipse might be the one to finally free her from his ass lmaooo but she gotta free herself quite frankly. she’s a capricorn 10h so she should be more selective about who she associates herself w publicly
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stevetriesart · 1 year ago
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A bit of winterberry holly. This one was tricky because my branch kept looking like some kind of Minecraft sword until I remembered branches are supposed to be crooked, and then I had fun using the tools to offeset the branch this way and that.
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cyclicalthrenody · 6 months ago
Corruption percentage is rather high. I'm um, I'm sorry for any typos in the future as there will be an offeset of energy put aside to figure out what the issue is.
Are 6ou experienbcing difficulties? Oh um yes. I am experiencing difficulties :( I am sorry to hear that! For your user expefience, Skaianet has programmed me yo guide you through this ai simukation. Do not worry, because it is only a simulatiln! Um. yeah, Sure it is. Great! Lets get started!
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ysacolor · 4 years ago
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Mais um trabalho concluído com sucesso ✅ ❤#tagpersonalizada #tagstyle ❤ #etiquetas #imprentadigital #offeset (em Nova Liberdade, Resende) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL7fFifFuu2/?igshid=lfj2yj9yy6e8
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amarixsimone · 7 years ago
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Offset x Red
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gaiden-gamer · 2 years ago
Recently got a digital watch for a late birthday present and it tells me how many steps I took and how many calories I burnt, and just from going off what little data Ive been shown, yeah, I do easily walk like more than a mile at my store and burn like close to one thousand calories a day but I either eat that much (or more) so it's offeset.
Might have to actually do some exercise when I get home to to fully offset that offset.
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abstyle-stars · 7 years ago
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thehooliganhangoutspot · 3 years ago
Listen at this point, and that response when a lot of people did not know that Bruno had a girlfriend (after 5 or 6 years together), I don't think it matters in Bruno's case when the new girl (when all knows she has to be cute) comes. The way Bruno image is made he doesn't have girlfriend. I mean it is not like the public seems them as a power couple like Beyonce and Jay-Z, Ciara and Ruseek Wilson, Cardi B and Offeset,
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ghcountdown-1234 · 3 years ago
Cardi B and Offeset welcomes thier second child – gender revealed (Photos)
Cardi B and Offeset welcomes thier second child – gender revealed (Photos)
Cardi B and Offeset welcomes thier second child – gender revealed (Photos) Cardi B broke the happy news alongside a photo of herself in her hospital bed, clutching her baby boy and sitting next to Offset. Cardi and Offset are shown tenderly looking down on their son, while the “WAP” singer rests beneath a Louis Vuitton blanket. The beautiful family snapshot was captioned by Cardi B with the soft…
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mustluvcatz-reloaded · 8 years ago
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By request - versions of my hammocks and pillow/blanket meshes slaved to Maxis bedding. Please note that these frames are not slaved to the frames of the other hammocks as I don't intend to keep both sets for my own use. If someone would like to slave the frames to the other set, please do and feel free to share! (And yes, I actually went through all the work of doing another 20-something recolors instead of taking the easy way out!)
The issue with the pillows clipping through Maxis bed pillows has been fixed but beware that there will still be clipping when a sim is on the bed or a hammock. They're as close to perfect as I can get them without redoing everything from scratch.. and I'm pretty sure there would still be clipping as I don't want the pillows to completely cover the bed/hammock pillows. :) (Also, my pillow/blanket meshes will not work with Lamare’s mod from MTS since the footprint is off-set to resolve the disappear/reappear issue mentioned in the first Suspense post.)
The Jonesi-bed-blanket-slaved pillows have been updated again due to the above, you can DOWNLOAD them from right here or from the original update post. (Which has been updated itself, lol.)
Since the other information is the same, you'll find that by clicking "Read More". Otherwise you can just DOWNLOAD
Alrighty, onward we go: this download has 2 suspended hammocks (that are actually modified beds) and 2 pillow/blanket meshes.. The hammocks can be found in Seating>Beds for 700 Simoleons (2612 polys) and 1200 Simoleons (2868 polys); the pillows/blankets can be found in Deco>Misc for 65 Simoleons (1002 polys) and 75 Simoleons (1258 polys).
Things That Are Important To Know: * There are 26 recolors of the hammock frames - these are NOT 26 different recolors, there are really only 9 recolors in all (including the default texture[s]). This is because each hammock has top frame, the ropes, the mattress and a bottom frame. The recolors "control" which parts are visible/invisible: so you can have a hammock suspended from the ceiling and hang drapes around the top frame, or you can have one suspended just from the ropes OR you can choose to skip the suspended from the ceiling part and have a "ground" hammock. (Screenshots should explain all of this, I hope! See first Suspense post.) * The pillow/blanket meshes will work on Maxis and other custom beds too, no cheats are needed to place them. * The pillow/blanket meshes are offset by one tile. This is because of a mod Lamare recently uploaded at MTS. The mod makes bed deco disappear when sims sleep/relax and reappear when they're done. The hammocks do not have a sleep or make bed option so deco would disappear but not reappear with this mod in. (And I am not giving that mod up!) By offesetting the meshes like I did I avoided that conflict. :) * The offset footprint of the pillow/blanket meshes will not interfere with any animated object that you might want to place behind it - like a dresser by the hammock (used as a nightstand, of course!). Sims will still be able to use the dresser/whatever. * Since the hammocks can be used outdoors, they (and the pillow/blanket meshes) are visible from neighborhood view. * Sims can not woohoo on the hammocks, jump on them or make them. Relax/read/daydream/cuddle/kiss/make out only! * Pillow/blanket meshes are shiftable.
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blockchain-hero · 5 years ago
Kann die Blockchain-Technologie dazu beitragen, Ozeane zu reinigen und Entsorgungspraktiken zu verbessern? (gesponserter Artikel)
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Die Blockchain-Technologie bietet Innovationen und Verbesserungen für den konventionellen Umgang, wie wir mit der Verschmutzung der Ozeane umgehen Die Anwendungsfelder der Blockchain-Technologie haben im letzten Jahrzehnt stark zugenommen. Die Technologie wurde ursprünglich als Zahlungsträger eingesetzt, um eine schnelle, sichere und transparente Möglichkeit zum Erhalten und zum Überweisen von Geldern auf der ganzen Welt zu bieten. Die Einführung der neuen Technologie geht über Zahlungen hinaus, da Blockchain als Datenerfassungsmedium, Werkzeug zur Überprüfung von Anmeldeinformationen, Dateiübertragungsprotokoll usw. eingesetzt wird. Die weit verbreitete Akzeptanz der Blockchain führt dazu, dass immer mehr Unternehmen ihre Geschäftstätigkeit auf das Blockchain-Netzwerk zur Stärkung ihrer Kerngeschäfte verlagern, unabhängig von ihrer Branche und ihrer Spezialisierung. Die Blockchain-Akzeptanz findet auch in den Bereichen Ökologie und grüne Zukunft ihren Platz. Sie rationalisiert effektiv die umständlichen Aufgaben im Zusammenhang mit der Datenerfassung und Datenverarbeitung. Der moderne Kamp gegen die Umweltverschmutzung beruht auf ineffektiven manuellen Maßnahmen. In der Schifffahrtsbranche werden alle schiffsbezogenen Daten wie Routeninformationen, Kraftstoffstände und verschüttete Mengen von Hand erfasst und anschließend in eine nicht einheitliche Sprache übertragen. Die Komplexität des Prozesses schafft Hindernisse für die Erbringung hochwertiger Abfallentsorgungsdienstleistungen und senkt die Effizienz der Dienstleistungen. Der Einsatz der Blockchain-Technologie kann potenziell Kostensenkungen beeinflussen, Echtzeitdaten liefern und als Risikomanagement-Tool für Fracht- und Frachttransportanbieter eingesetzt werden. Das slowenische Unternehmen mit dem Namen Carbon Offeset Initiative (COI) versucht, die Kraft der Blockchain zu nutzen, um Abfall zu reduzieren. Dies wird durch die Entwicklung von Hardware- und Software-Blockchain-Lösungen erreicht, die die Überwachung, Analyse und Verwaltung der Abfälle ermöglichen, die von großen Frachtschiffen zurückbleiben. Die Blockchain von COI basiert auf dem Ethereum-Blockchain-Protokoll und setzt Smart-Contracts ein, um die Datenübertragungen und Zahlungstransaktionen zu überprüfen. Durch die Verwendung von Satellitendaten kann jeder überwachte Parameter unveränderlich in der öffentlichen Blockchain gespeichert werden, sodass Fälschungen nahezu ausgeschlossen sind. Alle Benutzer der Chain – vom Schiffsbetreiber bis zum Recyclingzentrum – könnten von der Blockchain profitieren, indem sie Kraftstoffkosten, die Ölverbrennung, die Abfallbewirtschaftung (Abfall wie kohlenwasserstoffreiche Verbindungen, die von Schiffen erzeugt werden= und die Abrechnung zwischen den Parteien senken.
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Die Hardware besteht aus verschiedenen Sensoren, einschließlich Vibrationssensoren, Kameras und Lasern. Die Sensoren werden auf Schiffen installiert und verfolgen in Echtzeit die Qualität und Menge des Öls in den Bunkern und Bunkertanks. Luftfeuchtigkeit, Temperatur, Kraftstoffverbrauch und Routen werden ebenfalls erfasst und direkt über eine Satellitenverbindung an Datenerfassungszentren weitergeleitet. Ein Hauptgrund für die Entscheidung von COI, die Blockchain einzusetzen, ist der hohe Grad an Transparenz, der mögliche Kraftstoffdiebstähle verhindert. Echtzeitdaten, die über 3 verschiedene Sensoren übertragen werden, liefern innerhalb von Minuten genaue Daten, wodurch die Wahrscheinlichkeit von unerlaubtem Verhalten verringert wird. Somit wird die erhöhte Wirksamkeit der gesamten Betriebskette erhalten. Informationen darüber, wie Schiffe Güter befördern, werden ebenfalls alle paar Sekunden übertragen. Alle erfassten Daten werden in einer Cloud gespeichert. 2017 diskutierten die hinter dem Projekt stehenden Unternehmen Clean Sea Services und Urban Management über eine mögliche Partnerschaft und gründeten 2018 die Carbon Offset Initiative. Das von Jean-Christophe Vautrin, Professor an der EU Business School (EUBS), und Vuk Bjelajac, Absolvent der EUBS, gründete neue Maßstäbe für das Unternehmen und ergreift die ehrgeizige Initiative, den CO2-Fußabdruck in der maritimen Industrie drastisch zu reduzieren.  Das COI-Team besteht auch aus Experten mit umfangreichen Branchenkenntnissen und anderen EUBS-Dozenten und Studenten aus verschiedenen Universitätsdisziplinen. Die EUBS eine der führenden Wirtschaftsuniversitäten der Schweiz mit Standorten in ganz Europa unterstützt das Projekt ebenfalls, da es die großartige Vision und Innovation schätzt. COI hat ein ICO-Sammelprojekt ins Leben gerufen, das nahezu jedem auf der ganzen Welt zur Verfügung steht. Bürger Chinas, der Vereinigten Staaten, Israels und Südkoreas sind aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht berechtigt, am Token-Verkauf teilzunehmen. Das Erstangebot umfasst 500 Millionen COI-Token. Zum Zeitpunkt der Drucklegung befindet sich das Projekt in einem Stadium vor dem ICO, was bedeutet, dass Investoren die Möglichkeit haben, COI-ERC-20-Token mit einem 50%-Rabatt von 0.07 USD pro Token zu kaufen. Die Vorphase des ICOs fing am 10. Oktober an und dauert bis zum 5. Januar 2020. Das Unternehmen organisiert seinen ersten IEO an der P2PB2B Börse am 25. November 2019, das parallel zum ICO läuft. Der Mindesteinkauf für die Unterstützung der COI-Initiative beträgt 700 COI-Token, was 49 US-Dollar entspricht. Disclaimer: Dies ist ein bezahlter Artikel, für den hier dargestellten Inhalt ist ausschließlich das werbende Unternehmen verantwortlich. Der Artikel wurde nicht redaktionell bearbeitet. Für versprochene Services oder Leistungen übernimmt Blockchain-Hero.com keinerlei Haftung. Read the full article
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dollsonmain · 4 years ago
Brain went too fast so I had to do a thing...
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Ok so this is where the outer border is SUPPOSED to be/ You can see how I offset the lower right corner to the left by one stitch and how that’s going to disrupt the presumed border pattern on the top.
As long as I remember to NOT offeset the blue, I think I can adjust everything else so that I can still make it work.
I WOULD adjust the zig zag but have no idea what order the squares will be presented in, and I think this will be easier for me.
Though of course now I see how to do this even easier, but.... 
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I could make sure the other squares on the right are lines up properly so I don’t have to worry about the zig zag, and then add a secondary green border (shown in purple) all the way around to make it look deliberate and even all the way.
Or, if I displace the squares to the left by one (I’m not doing that, now, of course.....) I’d just slap a single pink X into that spot to hide the mistake.
But I can just do the extra border stitches and have the same effect, so.....
I’ll do that.
Brain choked on a relatively simple fix and made it more difficult, like always.
Ugh I should pick out and redo that one corner of the stitchalong that I offset shouldn’t I?
There’s a zjg-zag border along the top and it’s going to be broken if I don’t.
I really don’t want to, though.
Maybe I can just add in an extra pink dot or something where it is broken to hide it a bit……… The pattern does have random pink dots here and there, which I guess are flower petals.
Or maybe I can make the border 2-lines thick along the right side, and then do the same on the left. There’s a little bit of space, there.
I don’t know. I’ll figure it out.
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kaypikefashion · 8 years ago
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💕 https://www.patreon.com/KayPikeFashion 💕 One of the most enjoyable collections of My work is going up on Patreon Soon. I advertise this very very rarely as the best way to show love and support is by just chatting with me on 💕 https://www.twitch.tv/kaypikefashion 💕 But not everyone is into Twitch and I know that. Patrons help me offeset background operational costs that I dont make goals for on Twitch.tv to keep me painting, and entertaining and its going to be super important soon as Im looking at trying to book the third Eye surgery I need soon.. means less streaming probably in February :( 💕 💕 💕 On a Happier Note looking at Celebrating my Birthday soon and 1 year Partner Anniversary on the 11th and 14th. Thank you for for enjoying this madness ~Kay #patreon @patreon #cospaint #bodypaint #cosplay #makeup #makeupartist #comicmakeup #sillyfarm #fxcosplay #SigmaPRO #twitch #twitchtv #bodyart #beauty #comicbookmakeup #superhero #comic #mua #twitchcreative #streamer #facepaint #kaypikefashion #bodypainter #bodypainting
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taurian-fkbonline · 6 years ago
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Offeset of the Migos Drops His Long awaited solo LP 'The Last Rocket' Offset of the Migos drops his long awaited solo effort 'The Last Rocket.'
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mulherama · 6 years ago
New Post has been published on Mulherama
New Post has been published on http://mulherama.info/2018/10/cardi-b-e-presa-apos-acusacoes-de-briga-em-boate-de-nova-york/
Cardi B é presa após acusações de briga em boate de Nova York
De acordo com o site TMZ, Cardi B foi liberada e deve comparecer ao tribunal nas próximas semanas; entenda mais sobre o caso
Após Cardi B se envolver numa briga com duas garçonetes em uma boate de Nova York, ela foi chamada para comparecer no tribunal e prestar esclarecimentos. Agora, de acordo com informações do TMZ, a cantora foi oficialmente presa nesta segunda-feira (01).
Após se envolver em briga com duas garçonetes em boate de Nova York, Cardi B foi presa nesta segunda-feira (01) e deve comparecer ao tribunal dentro das próximas semanas
Foto: Reprodução / YouTube
Segundo o site, a prisão de Cardi B já foi feita, assim como sua mugshot (foto feita na delegacia quando se vai preso) e registro de suas impressões digitais. A rapper deverá comparecer ao tribunal dentro das próximas semanas
Entenda o caso envolvendo Cardi B
Cardi B
Foto: Reprodução/ Instagram
Segundo fontes do TMZ, a cantora foi indiciada por ordenar suposto ataque a duas garçonetes, Jade e Baddie Gi, na boate Angles Strip Club, em Nova York. As vítimas afirmaram ao site que a cantora tem um problema antigo com elas por acreditar que Jade teria um caso com seu marido Offeset.
Cardi estava no local para assistir uma apresentação de amigos e acabou se encontrando com as duas garçonetes. Segundo o relato, a artista pediu para seus amigos jogarem garrafas e cadeiras nelas. As funcionárias ficaram feridas, mas negaram atendimento médico.
Em entrevista ao site, o advogado das garçonetes, Joe Tacopina, falou sobre o caso: “Ela continua ameaçando minhas clientes e claramente acha que seu status de celebridade vai livrá-la disso. Mas eu não me importo se seu nome é Cardi B ou Carl B… se ela cometer ataques violentos, ela será levada a justiça”.
Cantora polêmica
Cardi B e Nicki Minaj
Foto: Reprodução/Instagram
Antes de ser presa, a rapper já causava polêmicas, como um envolvimento em uma briga com Nicki Minaj. Durante evento promovido pela Harper’s Bazaar, na New York Fashion Week, Cardi foi tirar satisfações com Nicki sobre os comentários sobre sua vida pessoal e sobre como ela cuida de sua filha.
E irritada por não conseguir falar com a cantora, Cardi B tirou um dos sapatos e atirou em direção de Minaj. Em vídeo divulgado nas redes sociais, ela aparece bem agressiva e revoltada, sendo contida por seguranças, enquanto a outra cantora estava encostada na parede.
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blogsingapore-blog · 7 years ago
How Added With Different Associated With Business Cards Printing?
The ability get an and understand the fundamentals of pixel based photo manipulation. The best Photoshop experts are constantly learning and experimenting through online tutorials, books and seminars. This may be the grand daddy of them all. Make it a goal to spend X amount of time each week learning a new methods.
When it comes to the photos, search for need opt for them watchfully. You can seek to take several photos make certain you can identify for a story with the photos or images. Could certainly certainly along with a photographer in order to make the set of photos weight are not healthy.
You could possibly able figure out first hand what the prices are at a piece of poster versus a 1,000 pieces. Become familiar with buy price breaks, along with the relationship among the variables.
Impression. In singapore offeset printing services, this term generally refers a new single printed copy. Nearly always though, printers will cover the cost of more than one finished product from an unitary impression. This is to economize the printing process. Therefore an impression in offset printing services Singapore wouldn't normally necessarily for you to how you will find many finished product you will produce.
There are several brides and grooms who may take some pre-wedding pics. If you ready to do so, it really is going be good for you location these photos on the invitation fx card. It will certainly make they unique.
The minimum number of prints in wholesale poster printing is 100. However printed within best paper stocks though the paper isn't similar to high-gloss or semi-gloss conventional. But, you is able to get long lasting posters made on 100lb Gloss go into. If you wish to cut down the cost even further, several use 100lb Gloss Text for screen-print.
There are much software available which contains different designs, layout tools, and text editing tools for designing them. You can print your own from printing squeezes. Their printing were expensive but it is currently cheap because can be lot of printing presses available which are giving you inexpensive rates and as well as design your card online by taking help of many sites.Many printing presses also offers the help of web- to -print in which utilizing your card and also they will deliver you to the home or business works on.
Everything will be perfectly done when you have a perfect application. Gather the information you need for every project. Before deciding on a printing company to suit your sticker, brochure, and flyer printing, demand referrals or look at the net for rates and instances of previous jobs other people. Make sure you compare, choose the well experienced one, and get the most effective deals that weather resistant offer, without forgetting that quality may be much more important than quantity.
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