#of: Kateake
rangerslayer-97 · 2 years
I'm still making some swtor vines. Here's a 45s compilation lol
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Bolsa de noticias: The Rolling Stones - Ghost - Enbor Arnasa - Z! Live Rock Fest - Jesus Piece - Carlos Escobedo - Black TV
Bolsa de noticias: The Rolling Stones – Ghost – Enbor Arnasa – Z! Live Rock Fest – Jesus Piece – Carlos Escobedo – Black TV
15 diciembre, 2022 7:47 pm Publicado por  Redacción – The Rolling Stones son homenajeados por las estrellas del country en ‘Stoned Cold Country’, Ghost estrena un lyric-video muy especial para “Mary on a Cross”, Enbor Arnasa se une a Sliptrick Records y estrena el single “Kateak Hausten”, Z! Live Rock Fest anuncia la incorporación de The Heretic Order a su cartel de 2023, Jesus Piece estrena el…
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ionmarkelargazkiak · 10 years
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sirloozelite · 3 years
I was bored... so I decided to have some fun and created this using mine, @rangerslayer-97​ and @swgoji2001​ SWTOR characters. Hope you two don’t mind. Sorry about certain missing ones. I don’t know them well enough to put them somewhere. XD
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Featured characters within the grid are:
SirLoozElite: Sixteenth Brother, Remialia Vane, Izulgubo and Xipenyr.
Rangerslayer: Violcrik, Kateake, Alexest, Lonzahl Karr and Skyesar
SWGoji: Ellimara, Kasirax and Reneshep. 
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itskateak · 5 years
I’m on Goodreads! I’m always looking for book recommendations and I love taking about books and stuff. Please, come check out my page and scroll through my awful taste in reading masterial.
I jest. I think I have a good sense of taste but you know...anyhow.
Look me up under: KateAK
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ibarakaldo · 4 years
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🔺🔺 CHAINS CADENAS KATEAK . . . . 🄲🅁🄴🄰🄳🄾🅁 🄳🄴 🄴🄼🄾🄲🄸🄾🄽🄴🅂 🄴🄼🄾🅃🄸🄾🄽🅂 🄲🅁🄴🄰🅃🄾🅁 🄴🄼🄾🅉🄸🄾 🅂🄾🅁🅃🅉🄰🄸🄻🄴 . ᴏɴʟʏ ᴍᴏʙɪʟᴇᴘʜᴏᴛᴏɢʀᴀᴘʜʏ . ᴍʏ sᴛʏʟᴇ.. ɴᴏᴛ ᴏɴᴇ ɴᴏ sᴏʏ ɴᴏʀᴍᴀʟ.. ᴇsᴏ sᴇ ʟᴏ ᴅᴇᴊᴏ ᴀ ʟᴏs ᴅᴇᴍᴀs . ʟᴏ ɪᴍᴘᴏʀᴛᴀɴᴛᴇ ɴᴏ ᴇs ʀᴇᴄʀᴇᴀʀ ᴜɴ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛᴏ, sɪɴᴏ ᴄʀᴇᴀʀ ᴜɴ ʀᴇᴄᴜᴇʀᴅᴏ . 📷 Huawei P30 Pro #capturedonhuawei #conhuawei . #igersbilbao #igersspain #hallazgosemanal #androidografia #jj_mobilephotography #fotazasphotoclub #rodrigorivasph #artofmobile . #loves_bnw #bnw_catalonia #picturetokeep_bnw #capturabnw #world_bnw #onfire_bnw #instantes_splash #addicted_to_bnw #gottolove_bnw #jj_blackwhite #raw_bnw . #fotonline_es #instant_es #light_perfection #mobile_perfection #worldmobilephotography . #street_perfection #alacalle_spc #callejeandoacademy #bilbaostreetcollective @bilbaostreetcollective — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2FNOSp1
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pepoway-world · 6 years
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😊 😊 😊 Buenos días, Que no se nos Ovide ningún día del resto del año😊😊😊💪💪💪🦋💞🎶🎶🐝🌻🗺️🥋🐶💐⛓️⛓️ Autsi kateak #8M https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu0iPBZFiHM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7u4fsgipzf6
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josebalarratxe · 8 years
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Fork Falls-eko errepidea herritik hiru miliara dago, eta han aritu da lanean preso-katea. Bidea makadamezkoa da, eta zuloak konpontzea eta tarte arriskutsu batean zabaltzea erabaki zuen konderriak. Hamabi lagunek osatzen dute katea; espetxeko marra beltz eta zuridun jantzia daramate denek, eta elkarri kateatuta daude orkatiletatik. Armadun guardia bat dago, eta haren begiak bi zirrikitu gorri baino ez dira, eguzki-distiraren ondorioz. Preso-kateak egun osoa eman du lanean: eguna argitu eta gutxira iritsi dira, espetxeko gurdian pilatuta, eta abuztuko ilunabar grisarekin eraman dituzte. Egun osoz dago buztin-lurra kolpekatzen duten pikotxen hotsa, eguzki errea, izerdi-usaina. Eta egunero dago musika. Ahots beltz batek esaldi bat botatzen du, erdi abestuta, galdera bat balitz bezala. Handik gutxira, beste ahots bat batzen zaio, eta laster batean talde osoa ari da kantuan. Ahotsak ilunak dira urrezko argitan; musika, nahaste korapilatsu bat, tristea bezain alaia. Musikak hazten jarraitzen du, eta, azkenean, ez dirudi hotsa kateko hamabi lagunetatik datorrenik, baizik eta lurretik bertatik, edo zeru zabaletik. Musikak puzten ditu bihotzak eta uzten ditu entzuleak estasiak eta ikarak jota. Orduan, pixkanaka, hotsa baretzen hasten da, ahots bakar bat geratzen den arte, gero hasperen sakon eta zakar bat, eguzkia, pikotxen hotsa isiltasunean. Eta zer talde klase da, horrelako musika egin ahal izateko? Ba, hamabi lagun hilkor, haietako zazpi beltzak eta beste bostak zuriak, konderri honetakoak. Elkarrekin dauden hamabi lagun hilkor baino ez.
Carson McCullers
Maialen Garagarzak euskaratutako Carson McCullers-en testua. Joseba B. Lenoir-en Hamabi lagun hilkor kantaren inspiratzailea eta azkenik komiki honetan bihurtu dena. Gaztezulo aldizkarian kaleratua.
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musictomyremember · 4 years
Salda Dago - Apurtu Kateak (Thunder Clap Records 2017) Bideoklip Ofiziala
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praktikak · 8 years
Otsailaren 7 eta 8a. Astearte eta asteazkena.
Asteartean Noeliaren bideoak mozten jarri nintzen eta bide batez elkarrizketetan esaten zutena entzuten, oso interesgarria baitzen bai esaten zutena bai nola zeuden editatuta ikustea. Gainera horietako bi elkarrizketa nik zuzenean ikusi eta entzun nituen Dibulitoonen egin zirelako, eta deigarria izan zen ikustea nola 30 minutu inguruko elkarrizketa batetik minutu inguru bakarrik gorde zuten.
Lanarekin amaitutakoan esportatzen jarri nituen bideoak baina denbora asko behar zutenez, bitartean animazio festibalen informazioa biltzen jarraitu nuen. Gainera Jonek berak duela gutxi bete zuen formulario bat inprimatu zidan, niri betetzea tokatzen zitzaizkidanean jakiteko zer idatzi behar den leku bakoitzean. Hala eta guztiz ere festibal bakoitzak arau eta eskakizun desberdinak ditu.
Gaur, asteazkena, Teresa eta Galtzagorriren euskarazko filmetik zenbait eszena atera behar izan ditut. Gauza da aurreko astean ETB Kulturakoek elkarrizketa batzuek egin zituztela Dibulitoonen, baina idatzi dute esanez pixka bat luzeago geratzea nahi dutela eta horretarako material gehiagoren beharra dutela. Horregatik nik minutu bateko bi eszena atera behar nituen non Teresa eta Tim agertzen diren eta trailerrean ahalik eta gutxien ikusten direnak. Baina azkenean bost atera ditut eta horrela denekin batera egokienak zeintzuk diren erabaki dugu.
Ondoren komunikabideak bilatzen jarri naute. Oraingo honetan zerrenda bat pasa didate, zeinetan otsailaren 10etik 16ra Teresa eta Galtzagorri emitituko duten zinemak eta hiriak dauden. Niri zerrenda horretako hiru hiri egokitu zaizkit eta beraz hor inguruko egunkariak, irratiak, aretoak, telebista kateak, eskolak etab. bilatzen joan behar naiz eta haiekin kontaktatzeko medio guztiak apuntatzen (telefona, korreoa, sare sozialak...), ondoren haiekin hitz egin ahal izateko. Lan luzea izango da beraz, milaka gauza topatu daitezkeelako leku bakoitzeko.
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rangerslayer-97 · 3 years
50 Random OC and Relationship Questions - 12, 21, 43 for the OC of your choice!
Because OCs Violcrik (Jedi Knight) and Kateake (Bounty Hunter) are the most developed, I might as well kill two birds with one stone :)
12. What is your OC’s patronus?
Ans: Their patronus? I won’t deny I’m not the biggest HP fan, but I’ll take a stab with Violcrik and Kat’s patronus would be. Violcrik’s patronus would be a snake, in the Wizarding World, she’ll probably end up in Slytherin. The description from a random quiz I used and thinking like Violcrik worked somewhat well.
“[You are] definitely a Slytherin. You’re ambitious, curious, subtle, and driven. When you get a goal in your sights, you don’t back down, and sometimes you think that the ends justify the means. Like any good Slytherin, your Patronus is a snake. When you’re protecting someone or something, no one sees it coming. You don’t need to be overbearing and aggressive, just use some well placed venom. That’s how your Patronus works, and it is quite effective.”
However, Violcrik will use overbearing aggression when the time calls for it (99.9% of the time).
According to the description, I heavily agree Kateake’s patronus being a lion given that she is a Mandalorian. She would end up in Gryffindor. Lol
“[You’ve] got a Gryffindor spirit so it only makes sense that your Patronus is a fierce lion. You are brave, hungry for recognition, and a strong protector of the people around you. You like to face danger head on, and many of your happy memories are of overcoming something that was a challenge. Your Patronus will not only keep you safe, it will keep others safe too. That’s how Gryffindors do.”
21. Is there a symbol associated with your OC? If so, what is it and why?
Ans: To start with the easiest, Kateake’s symbol would obviously be the Mandalorian symbol, most likely combined with the insignia of Clan Cadera to symbolise her union through marriage with Torian. First of all, Kat is a Mandalorian and her loyalty lies with the clan that adopted her and the clan she is bound to through her love for Torian.
Violcrik on the other hand is a little more difficult. She doesn’t exactly have a symbol associated to her, but the one she would cling to most is the insignia of the Alliance. It’s where she feels she is in power and when the Eternal Alliance was born, she would feel that symbol is at its peak meaning. Had the Traitor Arc not happened, all the planets she dreamed of conquering would be flying that banner, as she brought her girlfriend’s past words to life for her and in her name: a Jedi leading and ruling the galaxy.
43. What is the best sex your OC has ever had?
Ans: Best sex, huh? To be honest for one, with Violcrik she has always been a bit of a ‘player on both sides’. She didn’t have much time in terms sexual activity, but she certainly had a ‘good time’ with Lana on Yavin IV just when Shadow of Revan concludes. Suffice to say, what happened on Yavin, stays on Yavin and unfortunately, it nothing more than a fling between her and Lana. Violcrik’s true feelings were laid for Kira, and didn’t admit her feelings until they reunited during the early Onslaught events after the Nathema Conspiracy FP. Because they are only in the early stage of their relationship, Kira and Violcrik wouldn’t have gotten intimate yet.
On the other hand, with Kateake, she’s married to the Mandalorian Torian Cadera. Their best sex, was when they reunited after five years apart during the events of Knights of the Fallen Empire. They ditched the little Mando party after a successful battle and what they got up to says for itself. Spending time together was the best they could ask for after being years apart. Nothing better than a reunion sex after being apart.
I hope the answers suffice. Feel free to fire more, but no rush. I’m not pressuring anyone.
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rangerslayer-97 · 2 years
Lana and Commander Kateake share their dislike for Darth "Gatekeep Beniko" Rivix.
Talk shit about my advisor, Rivix, you are going to be on the blaster end of Kat's shiny new pistol Mischief.
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rangerslayer-97 · 3 years
My current SWTOR WIP be like:
Alex: You kidnapped Violcrik? That’s illegal! Kat: But Alex, what’s more illegal? Briefly, inconveniencing Violcrik, or destroying our dreams? Alex: Kidnapping Violcrik, Kat!!! Lana: Alex, listen, whatever I may think of you right now- these guys are counting on you to inspire them! Alex: What, to kidnap people?!?! Lana: To work together! Alex: TO KIDNAP PEOPLE?!?!?!?! Theron: Kat, we all agreed a Zakuul Knight is not a people.
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rangerslayer-97 · 3 years
Kateake, talking to Lana: Don’t worry about me. I’ve been stabbed before.
Senya, whispering in Kateake’s ear: You’re in so much pain right now, huh?
Kateake: I am.
Senya: Yeah.
Source: @ideasforincorrectquotes
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rangerslayer-97 · 2 years
RIP the differences between my Alliance War Rooms for my 2 main Commanders: Violcrik (Jedi Knight) and Kateake (Bounty Hunter).
Of course, click for better quality since Tumblr still likes to mess up screenshot quality lol
Below is Violcrik.
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Below is Kateake.
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I didn't realise how bad my choices were in my first blind run!
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rangerslayer-97 · 2 years
My hunter did what my DS Knight could not do. If Kat saw another timeline watching her sister kneel before Valkorion, she would've disowned her lmao
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