#of them like. playing volleyball on the beach. burying each other in the sand. climbing on top of each other on the couch
muttmoxley · 1 month
aaaahhh the coopar induced transmasculine yearning strikes once again
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Imagine if the suitors went to the beach for a whole day in the modern world...what crazy crap do you think will happen
Here are a handful of crazy and/or cute headcanons that came to mind! :D
-Mozart swatting away seagulls because HE IS TRYING TO EAT IN PEACE
-Jeanne watching him, MC offering him two water guns with a silent nod (sunglasses on, we’re going full meme)
-Jeanne then proceeds to shoot at them (no gulls were harmed in making of this promotional video) and his aim is impeccable it would be disturbing if the thwarted squawking wasn’t so funny
-Little kids start swarming around Jeanne asking how he’s so amazing and wanting to play team battles, inviting him to join
-Napoleon encourages him, and even Mozart joins in despite not liking getting wet very much (he wants Jeanne to have some positive fun times bc he BIIIIIIIG depressy)
-In the end they both admit to having fun, and one of the kids even teaches Jeanne a special ten step handshake (Jeanne has no idea what that was but the kiddo was smiling so he figured he’d go with it)
-Dazai, alternatively, gathers the fallen gull army and becomes their god with a singular cylinder of Pringles. No I will not elaborate--THE SEA GULLS GOT HER!!!!!!!!
-Spends most of the beach day wetting his feet in the tide pools and talking very earnestly to the gulls about this new thing he learned about called tax evasion while people pass by this fucker in full kimono at the beach and are convinced he’s lost it
-Dazai is very much not sane but we knew this already, offers sea shells to little kids that ask him what he’s doing and tells them to listen to the secrets bird friends can tell them
-If Dazai sounds like an Animal Crossing Villager, that was entirely by accident but remains no less true
-Surprising absolutely no one, Arthur suggests volley ball after watching people play and invites some pretty ladies to join him
-Arthur ends up needing two more people to play, so he invites Vincent and Theo (Vincent is so excited about trying something new that Theo can’t say no despite wanting to make a volleyball-shaped crater in Arthur’s face)
-The funniest part about the volleyball game is that not only is Arthur a shit player (CANON WEAK ARMS FOOL) Theo destroys with his spikes, and Vincent’s reach is insane--the two brothers end up becoming the talk of the beach
-I just laugh imagining Vincent sincerely complimenting people around him and the ladies swooning because he’s just so nice and pretty is he even real
-Men aren’t happy about that^TM but at the sight of Theo’s defensive glower they keep their malicious traps shut--which turn on whichever girls weren’t interested in Vincent jahkslgjh
-**Kaguyasama narrator voice** Today on Arthur Shenanigans: Arthur loses
-Poor Isaac is hiding under the umbrella clutching sunscreen bc HE IS A PASTY BOY HELP HIM
-MC brought a few of the newest Maths/Physics books in her time for him to read, and while he doesn’t enjoy the intensity of the sun--not like vamp weakness, it’s just the strain on his body (too many stimuli too many people too much noise) that makes him tired and ultimately thirsty bc aberrant. But the change of scenery's not so bad.......
-MC laughs when she gets out of the water and the salt dries visibly on her skin, Isaac’s eyes bug out and he asks if it hurts (startles when Leo flicks sea water at him and asks how on earth they got in the water when it’s so cold!!!)
-Leo chats with him and he likes being able to draw theorems and the like in the sand, it’s like one big chalkboard (until a kid tramples across them in the middle of writing, POPPYCOCK!). Isaac ultimately has fun but prefers to stay inside poor bub
-Leonardo, surprising no one, falls asleep in the sand the second he gets there HE IS HOME (Italian beaches, amirite)
-MC decides to, after a point, bury him fully in the sand for shits
-Comte notices and aids in her shenanigans from his beach chair, snickering the whole time
-When the two are satisfied they go for a swim together, trusting Leo to look after Isaac if need be (even if he’s a mummy rn)
-Comte is relieved to hear that she knows how to swim, but also watches carefully and doesn’t let her drift out too far by keeping closer to the shore himself (riptides!!!! can be!!!!!!! dangerous!!!!!!!!!!) if he had his way (he would never impose but he worries ;-;) she’d be wearing floaties SAFETY FIRST
-They splash at each other like maniacs and chat amiably until they start swimming away as fast as possible when Leo wakes up, laughing
-How do we know that Leo woke up?
-Because he sat up ramrod straight and a tower of sand fell. He then proceeded to jump up and sprint to the water despite Isaac’s startled cries about being careful, and swam after them like a shark to get his revenge (it was like something out of an anime s2g)
-Mostly just tugs on MC’s leg, picks her up in the water, and yeets her across in retaliation; really harmless, she’s cackling the whole time
-Dunks Comte’s head in the water while he’s being scolded, and MC has to de-escalate their increasingly dangerous shenanigans before the life guard comes after them LMFAO
-They concede only bc MC looks sad/worried abt being kicked out, and agree to keep things fun FIGHT TO THE DEATH LATER TONIGHT
-Napoleon goes for a nice long walk along the shoreline and climbs the rocks if he finds any til he gets to the top (he does not go to his happy place HE GOES TO HIS HIGH LONESOME PLACE) wishes that Jupiter could be here to enjoy the brine
-Our boy Napoleon is simply just vibin he loves the beach. A little further off the sound of people is p muted, it’s just the crashing waves and crisp smell of salt, the light breeze ruffling his hair 
-Sebas is absolutely watching through binoculars and writing down how majestic Napoleon is while making sure no one gets lost/wrecked as he takes notes
Bonus: since volleyball games can often happen back to back on a sizable beach, the boys^TM were playing and Arthur called out “Theo duck!!!!” and just as Theo was saying “Are you fucking kidding me did you really think I’d--T H W A C K” Theo gets nailed in the back of the head (Arthur later died after being put in a headlock)
Shakespeare didn’t feel like playing volley ball and didn’t have much else to do (can’t swim and has no interest), so he just sat back and tried to throw Theo off his game as much as possible 
Por ejemplo: Theo misses a serve and Shakespeare just “For never was there a story of more woe; O bard Alexa, verily, play us Despacito” “SHUT THE FUCK UP”
Jeanne also gets hit by a stray volley ball, but when Vincent said “Oh no, Jeanne, duck!” he has one of either two reactions: 1. Boulevard of Broken Dreams plays obnoxiously loud as he dodges inhumanly fast 2. he quacks, gets nailed, and doesn’t react because he doesn’t have any brain cells to damage
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kpophours · 4 years
Summer Time
➵ The Boyz: Kevin x fem. reader / one shot, summer trip AU, college AU / fluff
➵ warnings: none
➵ word count: 2.6k
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Gentle wind sweeps over you, and almost immediately, goosebumps rise all over your body. You just smile contently, and turn your head towards the sky, inhaling deeply and enjoying the soft sound of the waves. You taste the salt of the ocean on your lips when your tongue darts out to wet them. It’s already quite warm for late Spring, so you’re barefooted, able to bury your toes in the cool sand underneath your feet. You had been surprised yet pleased when Kevin had asked you to join him and some of his friends on a day trip to the beach, and being here now, you’re more than happy he did. 
The day has been great so far - filled with lots of fun, laughter and sunshine, even though you were sadly unable to go swimming, the sea still being too cold to do so. So instead, you had resorted to basking in the sun, playing beach volleyball and building sand castles. Together with Jacob, you had spent almost an hour under the blindingly bright midday sun, searching for pretty seashells to take back to your dorm as a small souvenir. That was, until you had been interrupted by Younghoon’s horrified high-pitched screech when a seagull had suddenly decided to chase him. The tall boy had sprinted up and down the beach, trying to shake off the bird, and making you laugh until your belly hurt - thankfully, the seagull had finally decided to let him be, and simply flown off into the sky again.
Now that the sun has slowly begun to set, you’re all searching for driftwood, wanting to build a bonfire and to make some s’mores, something you’ve been really looking forward to. Kevin walks a few feet ahead of you, wearing a ridiculously big straw hat - which he still somehow makes work though -, and bending over from time to time to pick up another piece of driftwood, all while humming a soft, familiar tune under his breath. You can’t help but smile when you listen to his voice, and close your eyes for a few seconds while continuing to walk. When you open your eyes again, you squeal - Kevin has come to a sudden halt, and is now standing directly in front of you, his dark eyes softly boring into yours. He giggles at your surprised expression and playfully pinches your cheek. “Never walk with your eyes closed, silly. Knowing you, you’ll just stumble and probably hurt yourself.”, he says affectionately, and you blush and roll your eyes at him, but nod nevertheless. He is right, after all. “Can you take this back to the others? I’ll search for some more and will join you guys shortly.”, he then asks, and, after you nod again, drops some pieces of driftwood into your arms. You stagger under the weight, but give him a soft smile. He returns it, gives you a mock salute, and continues to tramp towards some sand dunes not too far away. You just sigh and turn around to walk back towards your little camp, joining the small group of Kevin’s friends again. 
“Oh here, let me help you.”, Juyeon offers the second he spots you staggering towards him, and you thank him when he takes the driftwood out of your arms. “Y/N, come join me!”, Marie, Juyeon’s girlfriend, says, waving at you. You smile  and fall down beside her, stretching your legs out in front of you and wiggling your toes. She smiles as well, and hands you a bottle of water. “You should drink something, you’ve been in the sun all day. I hope you put on enough sunscreen this morning!”, she says, and you chuckle. “Thanks, mom.”, you just say playfully, but her worried words actually warm your heart. You take the bottle from her, and she grins at you, before turning around to watch Juyeon stacking the driftwood, a dreamy expression crossing her face. Without wanting to, your eyes wander towards Kevin, who’s currently trying to climb one of the sand dunes, but almost failing to do so as the soft sand continues to slip away under his feet, making it almost impossible to walk on. You press your lips into a tight line to stifle a giggle, and jump when Marie suddenly pokes your side. “You like him, don’t you?”, she whispers, low enough so no one except you can hear it, and you shoot her a surprised look. Her face is open and inviting, eyes kind, but you just shrug, averting your eyes and taking some sand into your left hand, letting it run through your fingers - you don’t really like talking about your feelings, especially not with someone you’ve only just met. “He likes you too.”, Marie just says, and you whip your head around to face her again. She just winks at you and leans back on her elbows, closing her eyes and inhaling deeply. “What makes you say that?”, you finally ask, and she chuckles. “I’ve known Kevin for a long time now. He’s never asked a girl to join one of our trips before, because he’s usually too shy to do so. That can only mean you are someone special to him.” You don’t answer and simply look back to watch Kevin, who has finally managed to climb up the sand dune and is now busy picking up some more driftwood. You gnaw on your lower lip, thinking about what Marie just said. 
You and Kevin have gotten to know each other thanks to a shared class, both of you being enrolled at the same college. For some reason, he had chosen to sit beside you on the first day of said class, striking up a conversation and complimenting some of your doodles he had seen you draw into your notebook, showing you some of his own in return. Even on that first day, you had already noticed that talking to him was just... easy. And by now, you can’t deny that your heart always skips a beat when you see his small smile or hear his soft giggle. You’re also definitely thinking way too much about how it would feel like to run your fingers through his soft looking, dark hair. You truly like him and enjoy his company, and all his friends have been very nice and welcoming today too. But you yourself are too shy to say anything about this to him - you’re not brave enough to make the first move. Knowing Kevin though, he’s probably never going to make the first move either... You shake your head at that thought, sigh and empty your bottle of water, leaning back on your elbows and closing your eyes as well. 
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You must have nodded off, because the next thing you know is someone softly chuckling beside you, brushing a few strands of hair out of your face. You scrunch up your nose and slowly open your eyes, blinking a few times until Kevin comes into focus, sitting cross legged beside you and looking at you, amusement written all over his face. He grins when he sees your sleepy expression, and shakes his head in mock disappointment. “Unbelievable - everyone is working so hard for the bonfire and what are you doing? Taking a nap!”, he jokes, and you just stick out your tongue at him, before standing up to stretch and brush the sand off your clothes. Kevin jumps up as well, helping you get rid of the sand on the back of your shirt, his hand lingering a bit longer on the small of your back than necessary. You feel your whole body heat up under his touch, and quickly clear your throat, feeling a bit awkward, but giving your friend a shy smile nevertheless, which he immediately returns. He seems to be wanting to say something to you, but before he can do so, he gets interrupted by Hyunjae: “Does anyone know how to build a fire?” Everyone looks at one another, expression clueless and questioning, until you chuckle. “I can try, I was a scout once.”, you offer, deciding not to tell them that your scouting experience was not only very brief, but also quite some time ago. 
You begin to build a cone-like structure with some small pieces of driftwood, Kevin standing beside you looking quite impressed by your skills while Hyunjae just observes you critically. “First of all, we need to use the smallest pieces of wood as kindling, then we can slowly add some bigger pieces to fuel the flames and afterwards, we can finally use the big logs you guys found.”, you explain after you’ve finished stacking the smaller pieces, taking the matches from Hyunjae and lighting one, carefully holding it to the kindling and patiently waiting for it to catch fire. Afterwards, you do exactly what you’ve just told the others, and soon, the bonfire is burning bright and high. “Our fiery queen.”, Jacob says, shooting you an angelic smile and giving you a high five, while Younghoon just stares at the flames, his big puppy eyes wide and round while his mouth hangs slightly open. “Bear Grylls is shaking right now.”, Kevin murmurs, and you just grin and playfully roll your eyes at him. 
Suddenly, he slips his hand into yours to pull you with him towards some of the pillows Marie has placed on the ground around the fire pit to make sitting on the ground a bit more comfortable. As soon as you’ve sat down, Kevin lets go of your hand again, finally taking off his ridiculous straw hat and beginning to fiddle with it, probably trying to keep his hands busy. You’re both silent, but it’s a very comfortable silence, you don’t really feel the need to make conversation right now. Jacob has begun to strum his guitar and is playing a soft tune, while the others are talking in low voices. Juyeon and Marie are laying on their backs, staring into the sky - observing how its colors slowly shift from hues of purple and red to soft blues -, their hands intertwined, sharing secret smiles and giggles. Younghoon and Hyunjae are deep in conversation, the latter one’s loud laugh piercing the quiet atmosphere from time to time. You can’t help but smile while you observe the others, curling your toes into the cool sand. 
“I- uhm, I just wanted to thank you for coming today, I truly had a great time with you.”, Kevin suddenly says, and you whip your head around to look at him. His eyes are trained on the straw hat in his hands, as if he’s afraid to look at you. Your lips twitch and you tilt your head to one side. “I’m glad you asked me to come. It was a fun day, your friends are really nice.”, you answer softly, and he finally looks up, locking eyes with you and giving you a relieved smile. “I’m happy you think so. I know meeting lots of new people can be a bit overwhelming sometimes, especially if you’re not really much of an extrovert.”, he says, and you nod in agreement, tucking your legs up to your chest and resting your chin on your knees. “Why did you ask me to come with you, by the way? I’ve been wondering, we only share one class and haven’t really hung out outside of it yet, and we only really talk via text…”, you drift off, biting your lower lip, and look at Kevin in anticipation. His gaze darts from you to the bonfire and back again, the flames softly illuminating his face. “I- uhm... I just… well, I think you are really… nice.”, he says, scratching his ear and ducking his head. You suppress a smile and raise both eyebrows. “I am nice?”, you can’t help but chuckle, and he laughs, a tad embarrassed by his own lame answer. “Well, I just… I like you. Every time we talk, I really enjoy it - you’re fun to talk to. So, I just wanted to get to know you better, I guess.”, he finally explains, apparently feeling a bit bolder now, and shrugs. You avert your eyes, a shy yet pleased smile gracing your lips. “I like you too.”, you mumble, and duck your head when you see a smile bloom on his face at your words. There’s the lightest of touches on your hand, and suddenly, Kevin intertwines his fingers with yours again. You look up, surprise written all over your face, and he gives you a soft smile which you return. “You want to take a little stroll?”, he asks, voice low, and you nod, letting yourself be pulled to your feet by him, your hand still securely held in his. The others don’t say anything, but you can feel their eyes following your every step - you decide to just ignore them for now. 
Dusk has fully settled in by now and night is falling, the first stars already lazily twinkling down at you. Kevin gently swings your intertwined hands between your bodies and you grin, following him towards where the sea meets the land. The soft sound of the waves drowns out the sound of Jacob’s guitar as well as the laughter of the others, and it feels like you’re truly alone right now. Your heart begins to speed up, hammering fast inside your chest, and you feel your hands get clammy. You jump and yelp when one of the waves suddenly comes close enough to lap at your naked feet, the coolness of the water making you shiver. Kevin breaks into loud laughter at your shocked expression, and you shove him playfully. He loses his balance, falling onto his back and pulling you down with him. You land in a pile of scrambling arms and legs, giggling uncontrollably until suddenly, Kevin’s lips are on yours. 
You inhale sharply, before you melt against him. He wraps his arms around your back to pull you even closer, while you push both hands into his dark hair - it feels just as silky as you’ve always imagined. After a few seconds, you pull back to catch your breath, staring down at Kevin, who’s looking at you with soft, dark eyes and a happy expression on his face. You break into a smile and nuzzle his nose, and he pulls you even closer, playfully kissing both your cheeks and nose before nipping on your lower lip. “I guess that’s one way of getting to know me better.”, you finally mumble, and he chuckles, pushing some of your hair back behind your left ear and nodding in agreement. “Absolutely. It might even be my favorite way, actually.” You can’t help but grin at his cheekiness, before diving in for another kiss. He just smiles against your lips and hums appreciatively. 
Suddenly, there’s a yell coming from the bonfire: “Y/N, KEVIN, WE’RE MAKING S’MORES NOW! ARE YOU COMING OR SHOULD WE LEAVE YOU ALONE AND EAT ALL THE S’MORES WITHOUT YOU?” Before either of you can answer, there’s a slapping sound followed by a yelp, and a second later, Maria yells: “DON’T WORRY, HYUN IS JUST BEING STUPID, AS ALWAYS! WE WON’T EAT EVERYTHING, SO DON’T WORRY! JUST TAKE YOUR TIME AND COME BACK... WHENEVER!” 
Kevin and you freeze for a few seconds, before you both break into loud laughter. You bury your face into his neck and he chuckles, one of his hands rubbing gentle circles against the small of your back. “Let’s stay here a little longer, before we join the others again.”, he murmurs, and you just nod in agreement, deeply inhaling the salty night air and Kevin’s unique scent. 
For now, you’re just happy to be in his arms and to bask in the warmth of his body - the s’mores can definitely wait a bit longer. 
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[masterlist] | [requests] 
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chemist-ana · 4 years
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The Trip
Book- The Nanny Affair
Content Warning- 18+ Sexual Content Smut
"Boys, we leave in 10, I am not going to say it again!" Sams voice echos through the hall. I glance over at him as I slip my iPad into my Louis Vuitton Neverfull. "Are you sure you have everything?" He asks as he grazes a soft kiss to my temple.
"I hope so" I look at him with humor in my eyes, "you are so worked up about this trip, it's supposed to be a vacation."
"Oh Ana, after the hell we have been through this year, it's the most deserved vacation we have ever had." He takes my hand and gives me a sincere look. "Plus I am more than eager to get you into that new bikini." Sam gives me a playful swat on my ass and moves to pick up his leather bag.
"Dad how long of a flight is it again?" Mickey asks as him and his brother walk back into the living room. They each set a suitcase next to the elevator.
"Long boys, we are going to the Maldives, so probably 18 hours." Sam responds as he grabs my suitcases and places them next to the others.
"Sir, I will bring these final bags down to Escalade and I will wait for you there." Carter manages to grab all of the suitcases at once and steps into the elevator, I think he might be a robot. I turn my attention back to Sam.
"Are you still not going to tell me where we are staying?" I look at him with pleading eyes, he has been withholding this information from me since he told me he was taking us away. The only reason I know we are going to the Maldives is because the boys coaxed it out of him. "Its a surprise." Sam wraps his arms around me and leans back so he can see my face. His eyes alight with mischief "All you need to know is its on the beach." He gives me a quick kiss on the lips and removes his arms. A pout forms on my lips. "Alright boys, you have everything?"
"Yes dad, now let's go!" The twins say in unison.
Carter drives us through the heavy New York traffic to the private terminal at JFK. I forget the little luxuries of flying private, and I feel like I will never get used to it as Sams jet comes into view. The boys are talking excitedly about a new video game they got, and Sam looks lost in thought as he looks out the window. He is dressed casually in jeans and a worn t shirt. His strong arms resting at his side, I bite my lip as I imagine those strong arms wrapped around me in the throes of passion. When the Escalade comes to a stop, Mickey swings the door open and the boys run up the stairs to the jet not even looking back. Sam jumps back into the present and catches me staring at him. He gives me a smoldering look that makes my chest tighten with want.
"I know what you are thinking, and yes I am going to do unspeakable things to you on this trip." Sam leans towards me and whispers in a husky voice. I almost forget to breathe as he presses a kiss to my lips. He gives me one final look and exits, walking up the stairs to join the twins. I take a deep breath as I shake my head with a smile and follow.
I settle into the soft leather chair and Sam walks up with two glasses of champagne and he hands me one. We clink our glasses together with a smile.
"To this vacation." Sam takes his seat across from me and we each take a sip. The twins have disappeared into their room in the back. I close my eyes and take a deep breath sinking back into the plush chair.
"Ana, I think we should try and get some sleep on the first leg of our flight." I open one eye and see Sam looking at me with a look that reads we actually won't be sleeping.
"Then take me." I whisper to him closing my eye again. I hear him set his champagne flute down on the table and I squeal as his strong arms cradle me against his chest.
"We have to be quiet though my love, we have little ears to worry about." His voice sounds husky with want. I squeeze my thighs together to alleviate some of the pressure that is already building. Sam easily carriers me into the master suite at the back of the jet and I hear the sweet sound of the lock click into place. He sets me down gently in front of him. His desire hard against my belly, he gazes into my eyes. His hand reaches up to my cheek, and he runs his thumb along my lower lip, an incredibly intimate gesture that I learned to crave.
"You are going to be a naughty girl aren't you?" He asks as he pulls my dress up and over my head with his nimble fingers. I look up at him, trying and failing to calm my racing heart.
"You know how difficult it is for me to stay quiet." I ghost my breath along his defined jaw until I reach the shell of his ear. My lips graze against the soft skin as I softly moan into his ear. "You might have to make me."
I cry out as he spins me around and pushes me face first into the bed. He climbs over me and I feel his strong body against my back. He claps his hand over my mouth and I lightly bite his palm.
"You better be quiet so I can finish removing all of your clothes. I want to fuck you naked. I want to see your beautiful body writhing under mine." He whispers into my ear. My center clenches, and I nod my head in agreement. I have never wanted something or someone more than in this moment.
He gets up off of the bed and I hear his pants hit the floor. I glance over my shoulder at him and am met with a view of his chiseled body and his perfect cock bobbing under its weight, hard as stone. Need coils in my body. He bends over and pulls my panties down my legs and unclasps my bra. I remove it from my shoulders and toss it to the floor. I feel the bed shift under his weight as he climbs over me. He grabs my ass in both hands and spreads it. I feel the stubble of his jaw between my legs. He takes a deep breath and I can feel my wetness pooling.
"You smell so good." His tongue darts out and licks my opening "you taste so good." I moan in response and I feel his hand leave my ass and he sticks two fingers into my mouth. "Uh, Uh, my love, quiet." His head dips back down again, using his tongue to torture me. "God I love how wet you always are for me" He uses his other hand to reach underneath my belly and circle my clit, making my hips buck off of the bed. I lightly bite down on his fingers, fighting and failing the urge to cry out. He removes his fingers from my mouth and flips me around on the mattress. His naked body rises over mine and his hard cock rests against my belly. My eyes wander down his hard body and notice the moisture beading at the tip of his hard cock.
"I know a way you can keep me quiet." I glance up at him with a challenge in my eyes. "I think it will be you that has a hard time staying quiet" I lick my lips and his gaze darkens. I position myself on the edge of the bed as he stands up. My eyes are locked on his as I grab his cock, heavy in my hands, and open my mouth. My tongue reaches out and licks the plush head, taking away the moisture beading there. He sucks a sharp breath in as I wrap my lips around him.
"Ana, my god." He moans as I start moving my lips up and down his length, sucking gently. I hum softly and his fingers find the back of my head as he pumps his hips. He pushes his cock into the back of my throat, and I relish the taste of his pre-cum coating my tongue. His breathing gets heavy as he closes his eyes and throws his head back. I work my tongue around his length and he pumps his cock, taking my mouth with lust and assertiveness. I feel his orgasm building as his body tenses up.
He looks back down at me with his hooded lustful eyes and grabs my shoulders pulling me up to his mouth. He kisses me with force, as if he is staking his claim on my body. He flips me around and bends me over the mattress, and in one fluid motion buries his cock deep inside of me. I cry out and his hand goes over my mouth.
"Hush you naughty minx" He whispers in a husky voice that almost brings me to orgasm. My fingers grip into the sheets as I scream a silent scream into Sams hand, trying and failing to hold back the sound of my pleasure. He pumps his cock in and out of my tight pussy, burying himself to the hilt.
"Come for me, Ana" his command sends me over the edge. My scream muffled by Sams hand still over my mouth. My center tightens around his cock like a fist, milking him as he finds his release deep inside of me.
We landed in Male after the sun had set. After a brief visit in the VIP lounge we are ushered into a limousine that brings us to a sea plane hanger. I look at Sam with a question in my eyes.
"We have one more short flight" he gives me an imperceptible wink and we climb out of the limo.
"Dad are we going to our own island!?" Mason asks excitedly.
"Something like that." He smiles and grabs my hand.
Our final destination is a Four Seasons Private Island Resort. We are lead to a beautiful villa with our own private beach. I walk hand in hand with Sam and the twins talk excitedly behind us.
After the boys had gone to bed, Sam and I walk down to the ocean. The waves reflect the light of the moon, sending rippling light across Sams beautiful face. We sit down next to the ocean and remain lost in thought as we admire the view beyond us.
The gentle sound of the waves lapping against the shore brought a peace to the still night air. I buried my toes in the sand and relished the quiet and the company. After our tumultuous year dealing with the press, Sams family, and Sofia, I feel as if we finally made it out on top. Sam was handed the company, I moved to a position at Dalton working in the labs, things couldn't be more perfect. Sam reached for my hand and we entwined our fingers together.
"Thank you for bringing me here Sam, there is no one else I would rather be here with either."
"Dad I heard they have hermit crab racing here!" Mason smiles as he takes a bite of his pancakes.
"No thanks, I would rather play beach volleyball" Mickey rolls his eyes and looks at his dad.
"Well boys we are here for two weeks so we can do everything you want to do, I am up for a round of beach volleyball."
"And I am up for hermit crab racing." I said giving Mason a high-five. "Why don't we split up, Mason and I will go for the hermit crab racing, and Mickey and Sam will go play beach volleyball?"
"I couldn't have suggested a better idea" Sam says, giving Mickey a fist bump and a conspiratorial smile. I noticed the look they gave each other, and decided not to read into it.
After we finished breakfast, Mason and I headed into the center of the Island. I didn't know what to expect from crab racing, but elaborately painted shells and kazoos was definitely NOT it. After a couple hours of having way too much fun watching literal crabs race around a small circle with no idea where the finish line is, we decided to get some lunch.
"Ana I am having a lot of fun with you, do you think we could go snorkeling after lunch together?" Mason asked in between bites, pushing his glasses up his nose.
"As if you have to ask." I replied, reaching over to tussle his hair. We spend the rest of the afternoon, finding cool fish and the most beautiful and colorful coral.
"Well, should we go find your dad and brother?" I ask Mason as the sun starts to set over the clear blue water. We walk side by side down the path leading to the villa. When we walk into the main room, Mickey is sitting on the couch, I see a faint flicker of fire out of the window beyond, but my view is blocked by Mason stepping in front of me. He glances over his shoulder nervously at Mickey.
"Dad had dinner delivered, it's out on the deck!" Mickey says loudly jumping up from his spot on the couch. Mason turns toward him and they exchange a small nod before he grabs my hand and pulls me toward the flicker of light I saw just moments before.
I follow Mason and Mickey out of the villa to a scene out of a romance novel. Candles lit a pathway to rose petals dusting our private beach. I stopped in my tracks and my heart skipped a beat.
"C'mon Ana, there is something we want to show you." I urged myself forward, following the boys down the path until a sun-kissed Sam came into view, standing right at the wave break. He broke into his megawatt smile when we came into view, and I was struck hard with a sense of longing. As we approached, Mason and Mickey moved to stand on either side of their father, turning to face me with smiles that matched Sams. I stopped just in front of Sam, unable to look away from his deep brown eyes sparkling in the candle light.
"Hi beautiful" He says as he steps up to me and takes my hands in his, giving them a soft squeeze.
"Hi" I say breathless, tears threatening to fall from my eyes.
"Ana, you have completely consumed me from the moment that I met you. You have consumed my every thought, my every dream. You have pierced my soul. Your beauty, your grace, your brilliant mind, your loyalty, your strength, and your love for my sons as if they were your own, make you the most incredible person I have ever met. I want to wake up beside you every morning. I want to spend every evening looking at you at the dinner table. I want to fall asleep next to you every night. You are the source of my joy, the center of my world, and the whole of my heart."
"Ana, will you marry our dad?" Mason and Mickey both say in unison. I cannot take my eyes off of Sam, he gets down on one knee and whispers
"Marry Me?"
"Yes, yes yes!" I drop to my knees in front of Sam and he pulls me into a kiss unlike anything I have ever felt before, setting my entire body on fire. I hear the boys cheer and high five each other. As we break apart, Sam removes the ring from the box and slides it onto my finger. The diamond reflects the moon light as I admire it on my finger, moving my hand back and forth.
"Its so beautiful" I tell him as I gently wipe the tears from my cheeks.
"Almost as beautiful as you" Sam places his hand on my cheek and runs his thumb over my bottom lip. Our moment is broken by the twins, dancing around the beach and cheering. We stand up, and I am immediately engulfed in hugs.
"Can we call you mom yet?!"
Chapter 3: The Season
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kay20032 · 4 years
Hello again! ❤️ How would the ONF members react to their s/o sitting on their lap? It can be either fluffy or smutty, whatever you’d like uwu I hope you have a great day! 💕-💍
Aww that’s so cute!
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Waiting for Hyojin to come back home was a little bit nerve wracking. He was gone for a long while, about two weeks, and you were excited to see him again. While stuck in thought you didn’t even hear the door unlock. Hyojin noticed you sitting on the couch staring at the TV. He smiled at your figure before clearing his throat, obviously catching your attention.
“Babe! You’re home!” You said with a big smile. Hyojin nodded and quickly sat down on the empty space beside you.
“Hi baby...” His voice gave away how tired he was from practicing. It pained you knowing that he was exhausted from practicing for a long while, but you knew how to make him feel better though. While he was talking about his time at the dorms with the members, you climbed onto his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. He stopped talking for a minute, then hugged you as tight as he could.
“I missed you a lot baby.”
“I bet I missed you more though.”
He chuckled, “I seriously doubt that.”
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Well... this isn’t exactly what you had in mind when you told your boyfriend you wanted to watch a movie together.
“Hey, what kind of movies do y’all wanna watch?”
“I swear to god MK if you say Barbie one more time-“
“Let’s watch Barbie.”
“No! Let me go Seungjoon! He asked for it!”
Chuckling at Minkyun and Hyojin’s little feud, you walked into the kitchen where Changyoon was finishing up the snacks. As he placed the pan with freshly baked cookies on the counter, he looked up and saw you admiring him.
“What’s up babe?”
“The usual, except Hyojin wants to fight Minkyun again.”
From a short distance you heard Seungjoon screaming. It definitely took a while to get Hyojin off of Minkyun, who was just laughing and having fun. But once everyone was settled, you decided to pick a classic. Grease. It certainly had everyone sitting down in their designated seats. But you had different plans.
Walking over to where your boyfriend was, you moved his hands that were occupying his lap and sat down. Changyoon’s eyes widened at the sudden action, moving to whisper into your ear.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing baby... just wanted to sit in my designated seat.”
He smiled before wrapping his arms around your waist. “You’re so adorable. I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“No I love you more.”
“No I-“
“Okay we get you two love each other. Couples these days...”
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“Oh, and then she had the audacity to say that I was the one hurting her! She started it!”
“Well at least you didn’t hit her.”
“I should’ve...”
Seungwoo chuckled at your response. You had a really bad day, and Seungjoon always let you rant to him. No matter how big or small the problem was. As long as you felt better afterwards, he didn’t mind. Sighing, you walked over to him and stood in front, hesitating a bit. Seungjoon stopped smiling and stared at you, slightly worried at how silent you became.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong-“
Before he could finish, you quickly sat on his lap and started crying. He frowned before holding you tight, rubbing and patting your head while kissing your cheek every so often.
“I just don’t understand why she picks on me... we’re in college for crying out loud! We’re supposed to be adults!”
Seungjoon just kept his tight grip on you, telling you that everything will be okay in the end. “We also may have a little problem...”
You sniffed at moved back a little to face him, tears still running down your face. “Are you seriously hard right now?”
“Well... I kinda didn’t expect you to sit on me like this...”
“I’ll be done crying in five minutes.“
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“Baby... why are you so far away...”
Wyatt moaned out in sadness, staring at you sitting in the chair across the couch. You looked up from your phone to see Wyatt not exactly sitting the way he usually does. His head was leaning against the backrest, his legs spread out, and he looked sad. “Well, what do you want me to do?”
He pouted, “I want you to sit with me.”
“Okay,” you said before standing up from your seat and walking over to him. You then placed your knees on both sides of his thighs, straddling him while wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your head on his shoulders. He tensed up a bit, then relaxed and held you close to him.
“I kinda meant beside me, but this is way better.” Wyatt said, smiling from ear to ear before moving his hands from your back to your ass, lightly gripping it.
“Sorry, my hands slipped.”
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“Okay but... Suki and I were in the middle of fixing our relationship. I was gone for a little bit, she could’ve already moved on to a different person!”
You groaned at your boyfriend’s response. See, he was becoming more and more busy with his fellow stray cat friends rather than spending time with you, and it wasn’t at all very pleasant. “But Minkyun-“
“Suki didn’t receive enough water! She could’ve died of thirst... and her death will be on my hands!”
Pouting, you lightly shoved Minkyun down on the love seat behind him and straddled him. You also buried your head into the crook of his neck before speaking up. “Babe, I missed you a lot... and you’re spending most of the time you have left with your furry friends rather than your girlfriend. I’m feeling a bit jealous.”
Minkyun giggled at your confession while pulling your closer, smelling the floral scented body spray he bought for your birthday.
“If I had known you were gonna be jealous, I would’ve done this a long time ago.”
You moved to look up at him and glared. “Don’t push it.”
“Got it.”
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Today was absolutely wonderful. The weather was nice, the people weren’t huge jerks, and the beach wasn’t that packed! It was the perfect time to spend it with your boyfriend and his friends. You hadn’t seen them in a good while, so you asked them if they could hang out with you. (With Yuto’s permission of course)
“Heads up!”
Seungjoon yelled as the volleyball he hit went a little off course, heading straight for you and Yuto.
“I’ll save you!”
Minkyun shouted dramatically as he ran for the ball, getting hit very hard in the back. He proceeded to fall down in a very theatrical like manner and stared up at the blue sky.
“So... this is what death feels like...”
Yuto just stared at Minkyun while he laid there, then looked back at you.
“So as I was saying-“
“Wow! Not even a “Thank you my brave hero!” After I sacrificed my body for you?”
“I’ll cook two meals with you tomorrow.”
“Alright have a nice evening.”
Minkyun said as he got up, dusting off whatever sand he could, and ran back to continue playing volleyball. You giggled at how quick Minkyun agreed, and placed your head on Yuto’s shoulders again.
“Ahh, this is the best day ever...”
“It would be even better if you were in my lap.”
As quickly as that left your mouth, you were in his lap. Shifting around to get comfortable you accidentally brushed against his clothes area, causing him to let out a small moan. Of course that made you smile.
“Aww... is my baby boy feeling okay?”
“Please don’t tease me...”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be doing the real teasing when we get to bed.”
Hopefully this wasn’t too bad lol. I finished watching avatar with my little sister now, so I’m back with the full time writing again. I love y’all 😘
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
🏝 I See My Future Before Me 🏝
"Ahem!" Patty cleared her throat, making the two of you look at her. "Get a room, whatever?"
V chuckled as he let you go for a while. With a sheepish smile, he, then helped you sit and wrapped his arms around you once more. He was really glad with how things turned out. He couldn't explain it, himself, but, who cares about it now?! What's important was that -
All of a sudden, you heard some strange noises just outside the door.
V let you go and nodded at Patty as he stood up, his eyes darting cautiously on the door. He slowly walked towards it, grabbed the brass door knob, and flung open the door - !
"WHAT THE F - ?!"
You heard a voice as V drew back, wide - eyed, from the door.
And lo and behold, Nico, and a strange - looking boy with sharp features came scrambling on the floor at the poet's feet!
"Who are you, people?!" Patty demanded, unable to believe that some strangers managed to infiltrate the villa, yet again. Well, V was one thing but, these people?
"I can explain,... everything!" Nico retorted as she stood up, rubbing her hip. "Oh, and I was definitely not listening,..." She, then, looked at the mystery boy, who was still on the floor, and practically smacked him on the head with much force. "Hey! About time you get up!"
"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" The boy screamed as he scrambled to his feet and hid behind V, completely frightened of the crazy Artisan. "I can't believe this woman, V! She dragged me and the housecat out of the house all of a sudden! She even blackmailed that pimple kid Nero and the others to come with her here!"
"Nero,... and the others?" The poet asked, and even before he, or the strange boy, could say or do anything else, all of you heard an impatient tapping on the glass door. All of you turned and saw none other than Nero, himself, wearing nothing but his navy - blue swimming trunks. He was carrying a surf board, and gesturing something really weird at you. Other than that, he looked really annoyed, or pissed, that you almost felt relieved that you couldn't hear him or understand what he's saying through that thick glass door.
"Where is the bathroom here, anyway? This place is humongous!" You heard a distinct and familiar voice from the doorway, and, surely enough, when you turned back, you saw the Legendary Devil Hunter wandering about the hallway like he was lost. And what's more, he was carrying a huge hiking bag on his back and at least two bulky luggage on each hand, like he was going on a vacation or something.
"WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! Wait a second here, señorita!" Dante drew back in terror upon witnessing the girl's pure and utter rage. "I can explain! A lot of things happened, and - "
You were trying to suppress your laughter at Patty's outrage ( no one could blame her, after all, he did ditch her on her birthday party ) when something suddenly threw itself at you and hugged you tightly. You looked down and to your surprise, you saw a pale, little girl with long, black hair that seemed sentient. She was even giving you a weird look with her pair of huge, red eyes, like a lost child who just found her mother.
"Oh, ah,... hello!" You awkwardly greeted but, she didn't say anything. She just went on staring at you with those huge eyes of hers, and that weird, and yet funny, expression that made her look like she has committed some kind of unspeakable crime.
You looked up at V and noticed his features clearly contorting with stress due to the sudden visitors around him. And who could blame him? You totally had no idea how much he wanted to be by your side. He wanted to be alone with you for a change! And if he's being honest with himself, he wanted to do more than just talk with you!
But, now, it seemed that his plans, and his patience, were really getting pushed to their utmost limit,...
You gulped nervously as you saw the poet knitting his eyebrows in suppressed anger, bowing down low and reaching for his nose bridge to pinch it.
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" ... it was like I was dreaming. Like, I was drowning, and suddenly, someone took my hand and pulled me out of the water!"
" ... uhu,..."
"And when I was back on the surface, I heard his voice. He said, my love."
" ... yeah, and,... ?"
"You see, I thought Dracula was playing on the background, so I answered, and my life, always! And when I opened my eyes, I saw him! And he's looking down at me!"
" ... okay."
"And when we kissed and embraced, I felt this kind of energy surging throughout my body! It's like,... AARRGGHH! It's really hard to explain! Like, I was this,... are you even listening to me?!"
"GOD, SWEET PEA! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M TRYIN' TO COOK THIS THING?!" Griffon howled as he pointed at the raw chicken on the grill before him. "I'VE BEEN STARIN' AT THIS CHICKEN FOR THIRTY FUCKIN' MINUTES, AND NOTHIN'S HAPPENIN', AT ALL!"
"Stupid!" Nico, who was already wearing a yellow two - piece bikini, mocked as she placed her hands on her hips. "Ye're supposed to set the charcoal on fire! And fan the flames! God!"
And with a shrug of her shoulders and a shake of her head, the Artisan walked away from them and joined the others for a game of beach volleyball.
You stared at the familiar, whose bald head began sweating hard, if it's even possible.
"Err, is that right? Y - ya set the charcoal on fire?" He stuttered as he stared at the weird cooking device.
"Well, yeah." You answered as the side of your lips went up in a visible smirk. "You know, you might be bipedal right now, but - "
"DON'T ya dare say I'm still a fuckin' BIRD BRAIN!" The familiar yelled at your face as he accidentally burned and almost reduced the raw chicken to ashes with the power of electricity that came out of his fingers. Startled and shocked upon realizing and seeing what he's done to the whole crew's lunch, he quickly took the grill grates, threw the burnt chicken, and buried it beneath the sand underneath his feet. He slowly and nervously looked at you with huge eyes and raised eyebrows. Then, he gulped. "Umm,... you didn't see anythin', 'kay?"
You covered your mouth to suppress the laughter.
Ever since waking up in V's arms three days ago, you've been thrown to such unexpected experiences that you honestly never imagined yourself being a part of. For one, you were so surprised upon seeing Griffon's new and cleansed form ( according to him ) after his supposed demise at Shadow's hands. You even had to admit to yourself that you're still having a hard time adjusting to him looking as normal as any human can be. You also found out that, during those three days of adjustment, his wings occasionally sprout from his back from time to time, and his striking golden eyes looked clearly sharper than ever before when he was still a demonic bird, not to mention those pointed ears that caught your attention the moment he finally re - introduced himself to you. But, what caught your attention the most was the fact that you were, somehow, no longer contracted to him in any way, shape, or form. It must be because you no longer hold the authority to command the Sisters of Fate, thus, making you a simple and ordinary human being without the power to command a demonic familiar.
You could say the same thing for Shadow. Well, who could blame you, anyway? Not now when she looked like someone's adorable little sister. That very obvious fact aside, those familiar streaks of red light still manifested on her skin when she's startled. That long, dark hair of hers took on a life of its own when someone angered her. She even hissed at anyone who made the huge mistake of taking away her toys ( the Elmo plushie in particular ). Other than that, she still hasn't outgrown her habit of purring and rubbing against you occasionally. You found this very endearing, actually, despite the fact that this female familiar gave you a lot of problems three months ago. She was, in fact, very guilty and apologetic and sweet that you forgave her quite easily. Well, she did nothing wrong in the first place. She only did those horrible things because she was only commanded to do so. She has nothing to apologize for in the first place. And now, Shadow refused to leave your side, she even has this habit of climbing on the bed with you in the middle of the night for some snuggles.
Those two familiars aside, you were very surprised upon hearing the good news from Nero, himself. Who would've guessed that he and his lady love, Kyrie, were eagerly awaiting their own bundle of joy? Nico was the same as ever. If anything, she bullied Griffon even more now that the familiar has turned into a human. She dotes on Shadow a lot, she even provided the familiar a closet - full of clothes for her to wear. She was also spoiling her rotten with treats. And Dante? Seriously, the poor guy, you decided, was a real masochist, letting himself be completely bossed around by both Lady and Trish, who made him carry their things around the beach. You were not sure whether this was the result of him being deeply indebted to these two ladies but, the sight of him going after them like a scruffy - looking butler in red leather really put a smile on your face.
All of these changes and familiar faces you embraced so well. However, there was one particular face that changed a lot within those three months of your absence.
Jet black hair now as white as snow, dark, swirling demonic contract tattoos now barely visible on pale skin, and soft, emerald eyes gentler than ever before, you never expected V to look so,... changed,... after those past three months that you didn't see him. It was like,... he went through a lot, suffering, trials, growth,...
But, whatever happened to him during those days, it surely changed him a lot as a person. He has,... somehow become even more thoughtful, and careful,... he has become even more caring and protective towards you if that's even possible. The way he moved changed a lot, as well. Before, nothing could make him move even a single finger unless he has deduced it was safe to do so. Now, he seemed more,... careless,... towards you and only you. Open, even. Like, he was totally letting his guard down for you to let you in on his thoughts, and his heart.
And not only that. He seemed,... closer,... towards you. Like, not even a few feet away. He was really close. You sit, he will sit. You stand, he will stand. You walk, he will most definitely walk, too. There were even times when you accidentally bumped into him when you turned too quickly. When you wake up in the morning, you would find yourself completely surprised to see not only Shadow sleeping next to you but, the poet, as well. Heck, you even have a hard time shooing the guy off whenever you need to go to the bathroom! He always seemed to follow you wherever you go. And him being so attached to you like that? Of course, you honestly felt both shy, confused, and really bashful at the same time!
And that,... was only two days ago.
Because now, V seemed,... different. Well, not the scary or the off type of different, no. It seemed like there was a sense of,... urgency,... with the way he moved. The way he looked at you, the way he reached for your hand, the way he touched you, the way he whispered to your ear, not to mention that spine - tingling effect his low and deep voice has on you,...
You knew he was up to something! You knew,... you felt it. And honestly? You felt a mixture of both fright and excitement with the way he's acting towards you lately. You were fully aware of where you stand with regards to things such as intimacy in a relationship. And you being, well,... you? You couldn't help but be both scared and giddy. A lot of things were going through your mind: how would it feel like? Would it hurt? Would there be a lot of blood, like what they said? Would you get sick the next day? But most important of all, would he really be gentle towards you?
These thoughts were still on your mind when you walked out of the villa to join the others on the beach, and when he saw you, he almost immediately dropped whatever he's doing to rush over to your side, only to be stopped by both Dante and Nero.
"Hey, man, we need another one for the team." Dante told him, grabbing the poor poet by the shoulder.
"Come on, V. They're gonna destroy us!" Nero pleaded as he pointed at the three women, Nico, Lady, and Trish, all in their swim suits, waiting for the men to join them for another round of beach volleyball.
You smiled and nodded at V, who glanced helplessly at you as the men dragged him. You were about to watch the spectacle when someone tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around and noticed it was Patty, together with Kyrie, who chose to stay out of the beach due to her delicate state. And both women were smiling mischievously at you.
V and the others were still playing ( albeit it with much difficulty on the poet's part ) a few moments later when you, Patty, and Kyrie came out of the house. And when V saw you, he -
"V, WATCH OUT!" The warning from Nero and Dante came too late as the ball that was hit by Lady came speeding towards him and hit him in the face.
"Youch! That must really hurt!" Griffon, who was still roasting another batch of almost burnt chicken for lunch, flinched as he watched you run towards V, now with a bleeding nose.
Everything went peaceful for a while after that: Shadow, who was really not fond of swimming or getting wet entirely, minding her own business as she built her own sand castle, Kyrie and Nero playing with the orphans on the shore, Nico appraising Griffon's grilled chicken with a keen eye, Griffon hiding several burnt chicken on the sand beneath his feet with a nervous smile, Trish, Lady, and now Patty, bullying Dante to buy ice cream for them,...
... and you taking care of V as you two sat on a towel he borrowed from Patty a while ago.
"You should have been more careful." You told him as you gently wiped the blood off his face.
"I'm fine." He answered quietly as he let himself be pampered by you. "Don't think too much about it."
"Are you sure nothing's broken?"
"I' am perfectly sure."
V glanced at you with such gentle and thoughtful eyes.
For three days since being back together again, V has tried multiple ways of getting close to you, with each attempt ending in miserable failure due to the interference of the people around him. And it has led to him feeling both annoyed and frustrated. While you were absolutely correct that he, indeed, wanted to be intimate with you, he also had another, more vital, reason behind his actions for the last few days. He has found out the reason you were brought back ( or, one might even argue that you really didn't die back then ), and that was partly due to you finally accepting that you need him, and mostly because V practically, and unknowingly, shared his energy, or life force, with you. He couldn't really explain how this happened ( or maybe Cassandra or Andromeda knew, he just didn't bother to ask any of them ), but when he touched, embraced, and kissed you ( albeit briefly due to those interfering people ), he knew that some form of power left his body, surging through every fiber, every nerve, and every vein in his body, and made its way towards you, giving you strength, health, vitality,...
... giving you life.
He was fully aware of what he has done to you in the past - of robbing you of your only life source - that has led to him regaining what he almost lost - life. And him giving back to you that power of life and vitality in some other form or way by being as close to you as he can,...
... it was the ultimate equivalent exchange.
He wanted to share every last bit, every last drop, and every last ounce of this unknown and unexplored power with you by being close, by always being there for you, and by always being with you in every sense of the word.
And he's more than willing to do this for the rest of his life.
And now, as his gaze landed once more on the scars on your stomach and on your thighs, he couldn't help but feel guilty and hurt all over again. You noticed how this made him uneasy and immediately zipped the pink hoodie ( that was given to you by Sister Christina for your birthday ) close so that he would not be able to see the scars, even by accident.
"Patty and Kyrie thought I would look, ah, you know, hot, by wearing this two - piece bikini they lent me but," You lamely made an excuse as you laughed nervously, hoping to get the poet's attention away from your ugly scars. " ... I look dreadful in it, after all. I mean! My feet aren't the only things that are ugly in me. Now, I look like an overused pin cushion, or some - "
"Don't!" V cut you off as both of his hands flew to your face to gently cup your cheeks. And right then and there, he immediately felt that same power leaving his fingers and making its way towards your skin, giving you a noticeable glow that made his heart do multiple flips. "Say such things, my love. You are beautiful, and perfect."
You smiled nervously as you felt your skin getting warmer and warmer by the second under his loving gaze. It really did feel both scary and exciting being with him in this kind of situation.
And then, you felt it: your breathing getting heavier and heavier with his caress, your heartbeat frantically rising with the way he looked at you, and your thighs instinctively rubbing against each other as you felt the warmth of his skin.
For a few seconds, you remained like this, looking into each other's eyes as if nothing else in the world mattered. And when his face inched closer to yours, feeling his hot breath fan your already radiant and sensitive skin, you -
"Hey, want some?"
You were sure you heard V let out a curse in utter frustration as he slowly looked at Dante, who was offering the two of you some strawberry - flavored popsicles. Your eyes widened in fear as you noticed the poet clearly giving Dante a glare that sent shivers down your spine.
"Oh! Thanks, Dante, but - " you stuttered as you tried to break through the tense atmosphere but, you were interrupted as Patty, who seemingly appeared out of nowhere, practically jumped at the tall Devil Hunter, hugging him from behind and startling him, effectively breaking the already heavy situation between the two men.
"Dante!" Patty literally screamed at him, looking very excited.
"Damn, woman!" Dante turned, still unable to believe that the once little girl, who used to pester him only a few years ago, has now fully grown into a very matured and attractive lady. "What is it now? I have bought you your ice cream already, didn't I?"
"Hey! We're still celebrating my birthday!"
"Am I still not forgiven?"
"Of course, not! Unless,..."
"Unless what?"
Patty let go of Dante as she gave him a truly mischievous smirk, one that made you smile inwardly. She truly is making her move,...
"Unless you go on an overnight cruise with me."
"Are you joking?! Only the two of us?!" Dante panicked, clearly picking up on what he thought Patty was planning. And he was definitely not ready and not up for that. "Are you out of - ?!"
"Are you silly?! Of course, the others are invited!" Patty laughed as she turned and waved at Nero, Kyrie, and the orphans, who were excitedly boarding the yacht she rented for the special overnight cruise.
"Come on, Dante! We'll have so much fun!" Patty lured the Devil Hunter once more.
"Y - you don't understand! You and I - "
"Are what?" Trish, who also seemingly came out of nowhere, cut him off as she grabbed his arm and began leading him towards the yacht. "Are you thinking something dirty in there, Dante?"
"How inappropriate!" Lady butted in as she also took the man's arm. "How naughty could you really get, hmm?"
You stifled your laughter as you watched the three women drag the unwilling Dante towards the yacht like a human sacrifice of some sort. Then, you noticed Lady as she turned towards you for the last time before leaving, mouthing something like, good luck, cherry pie with a wink and a wide smile. Patty also turned, but she didn't look at you. She deliberately looked at V and gave him a wink and a thumbs up for a reason you still don’t know.
"How annoyingly human is that?" Griffon, who somehow made his way towards you without being seen or heard, spoke upon watching the said humans get on the yacht. "Hey, V, why don't we - ?”
"Didn't ya hear what the girls said?!" Nico, who was pulling along Shadow, who clearly looked annoyed for being disturbed, interrupted. She, then, took Griffon's arm and started dragging him towards the yacht. "Move yer ass!"
V couldn't help but smirk as he watched Griffon being helplessly dragged by the woman, leaving only the two of you alone on the beach.
Leaving you two alone until the next morning,...
Did Patty read his mind? After all, it was she who made a move to basically get rid of the others for him,...
If so, then,...
"They're just leaving us here?" V heard you next to him.
"Seems like it." He answered, listening to Griffon and Dante's screams in the distance until he could no longer hear them.
"Where are they going?"
"I,... don’t know."
You two looked at each other, both realizing what the others' absence meant for the two of you.
"Want to go for a dive?" V politely and graciously offered.
"Not really,..." you hesitated, feeling hot, excited and nervous all at the same time at the prospect of spending time alone with your lover. V smiled. Of course, he knew you wouldn't agree to - "O - on second thought, sure! Why not?" You stuttered awkwardly as you finally agreed, making the poet’s lips curl up in a smile.
It could simply be described as the most relaxing day you've had in many years. You and him diving in the ocean and swimming towards that beautiful rock formation, the two of you walking hand in hand as you picked up pretty sea shells in the sand along the way, you describing the lovely things you've seen in your travels, and him tenderly telling you that he wanted to see such things with you,...
It was,... so beautiful, and perfect. In fact, the two of enjoyed this alone time too much that you didn't even notice the setting sun. It was then that he suggested to take a rest for a while and watch the breathtaking sunset with you, making sure you still have that towel to sit on for later. And as you watched the soft glow of the twilight sky with him, you couldn't help but sigh in relief and contentment. The poet raised an eyebrow, urging you to tell him whatever made you react in such a way. You smiled and simply shook your head.
"Thank you so much, V." You whispered, making the poet hum in question. "You were giving me life, weren't you?"
V smiled as he wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed your temple. "And what made you say that, my love?"
"It's exactly that. Your gentle touch, your tender kisses, your warm embrace. Every time you do this, I feel this strange kind of power coming from you, and this gives me energy, somehow. Like, ah, how do I even explain this? Hmm,..."
"Like,... this?" V whispered in that low, almost moan - like, voice as he held you even closer, wrapping both of his arms around you, giving you no chance to think of a proper explanation. You were drowned in his overwhelming presence even more as he began kissing you, letting his lips move against yours in an intoxicating manner, letting your own passion guide you as you shyly reciprocated,...
... and even before you could go any further, he broke the kiss, smiling bashfully as he heard you whimper with disappointment.
"Tell me, darling," V whispered once more, sending your senses straight to Heaven. " ... did you feel,... something?"
You pouted, feeling a bit embarrassed that he was teasing you now of all times when you suddenly realized that you desperately needed him now. But, yes! You did feel something!
You nodded, simply because you couldn't trust your own voice. This scenery, the atmosphere, the man you loved above all else,...
Everything was just too perfect, and you were afraid that this was only like one of those vivid dreams you don't want to wake up from,...
"But, you're not dreaming. I'm here. With you."
You bit your lip, realizing that you've said your thoughts out loud, and looked up at him, only to see tenderness, and warmth, and something else in those beautiful green eyes of his.
"And I want to give you more." He said as his face went down close to yours again. "I need to give you more. More and everything you deserved. I need you,..." You closed your eyes, feeling his lips descend upon yours once more,...
🏝 A huge surprise is coming your way, courtesy of @bettybattaglia and @la-vita . Please, look forward to it. 🏝
🏝 @micaelagua , @vergils-daughter , @shadowrosess , @gothghoulfrend , @beyond-the-mirror , @cantcopewithlosingv , @lessy86 , @ceruleanworld , @yepps , @heaven-on-a-landslide , and @krazy06 . 🏝
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thecozywhaleshark · 5 years
Pocket Monsta X - Beach Day
A/n: After seeing how happy Pocket Monsta X and Pocket BTS made people, I’ve decided to make it into a series. Now enjoy bringing your favorite pocket to the beach :)
(Please keep in mind Pockets are about the size of a mouse and should be carefully watched. Public places are specifically dangerous for them)
likes to watch the waves come crashing in on the beach
long walks
follows the crickets
tries to wrestle one
if he succeeds in catching one he will want to proudly bring it back to you and show off his prize
afterwards will release it though
prefers to take these walks with you but will go by himself
starts up a mini beach volleyball game
ends up being just him and pockets Minhyuk, Jooehon, and Wonho for the most part
will join Kyun swimming laps
likes to dive into the tide pools and see how deep he can go
thinks he can hold his breath longer than he actually can so watch him
has a lot of fun surfing with pocket Wonho until it breaks
is the brains behind the raft they make
just call him Captain Nunu for the rest of the day he will be so happy
big eye smiles all day
will skip next to you when you take him to get a slushy
blue raspberry please
blue like the water only makes sense
attempts to make a surfboard
he and pocket Shownu try to see who can stand up first and catch the most waves
both of them lose that competition
and by that i mean
both have to be rescued many times by their moms
so moms take away their surfboards 
when that fails, they build a raft
asks pocket Minhyuk and Kyun to go with him
they crash immediately almost every time 
but that doesn’t stop them from doing it again
you will have to keep an eye on their escapades so they don’t injure themselves or drown
will only stop when the raft is completely wrecked or one of them swallows too much water
wears Dora the Explorer arm floaties
will spend hours making sand animals and naming them 
will cry when he has to leave them at the end of the day
leaves them some of his snacks so they don’t go hungry when he’s gone
gives each a kiss on the top of their heads
waves bye-bye to the ocean once he gets in the car
will come to you at midnight crying because he misses the sand alligator he built and named Chompy - worries that he’s cold
yelling as soon as he gets there
put him down and he’ll run all the way to the water screaming at the top of his lungs
he runs straight into the water with no regard for his safety
swallows too much water right away
you have to get him and put him back on the sand so he can cough it up and breathe properly again
has a flamingo water tube to float in
wears humungous white cat-eye sunglasses and refuses to take them off for any reason
loses them in the ocean on one of the raft crashes
carries snacks around with him the entire time 
comes back when he finishes it for another
if you say no he will steal it when you’re not looking
spoils his dinner
tries to prank the others at the beach
comes up behind them randomly to try to push them in the water
wraps his towel around his shoulders and zooms around pretending he’s Superman
attempts to climb the sand dunes
will use the confiscated surfboard from Wonho and Shownu as a sand sled
takes pocket Jooheon with him
sand sled competition
when it gets too hot will head back to his floatie and just sit there for a long time, kicking around
lets others borrow it
dives under the water to grab the ankles of the other pockets and freak them out
pretends he is a shark using his hands to scare pocket Kihyun 
falls asleep when you are carrying him back to the car
helpful pocket
helps you straighten out the beach towel and make sure the umbrella is upright 
can’t actually help that much due to his size but praise him anyways
wears his suspenders and bow tie to the beach except they’re on a short sleeve button down and khaki shorts
will hand you his bow tie to go play
make sure you keep it safe
rainbow propeller hat
will take off sandals to go stand ankle deep in the water but goes no further
so hesitant to go into the water
“momma are their piranhas” 
“no baby”
“are you sure there are no piranhas”
basically baby Tantor in Tarzan
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allows himself to go up to his knees 
cue pocket Jooheon running past yelling “BUT THERE ARE SHARKS!”
screaming Kihyunnie 
will not go back in unless you cup him in your hands and place him gently in the water
like a little sitting pool in your palms
splashes the water happily with his hands
screams when he sees a big wave coming and doesn’t think you’ll pick him up fast enough in time
lots of cuddles when you get home
just wants to lay on the beach and read
finds the waves calming
but also will really need to pee
all the time
many bathroom runs
will prefer to stay under the umbrella on top of the cooler with his own little beach towel
where he can sip his juice box in shade and in peace
sits in the sand and stacks seashells
occasionally wanders off to look at the sandcastles the other pockets are building and throw shade at them
will hold his foot over the other’s sandcastles and slowly lower it amidst the protests and screams then last minute move his foot away and run away laughing 
will go explore the weeds on the sides of the beach for the little yellow and white flowers
will bring them back to you
can go farther into the ocean than the others can bc long limbs
pretends to be a mermaid 
will want to be wrapped up like a burrito when he comes out all wet
races pockets Kyun and Minhyuk to the water
is awed by the raw power of the waves crashing on the shore
screams at it 
does. not. stop. running. around
busy busy busy
has a bright red Hawaiian shirt
brings a stuffed animal with him to the beach
you have to put it in your bag so it doesn’t get wet
begins making not a single sand castle but a city
buries his own legs in the sand 
digs down deep until he reaches mud and covers his entire body in it
tries to give people hugs like this
especially pocket Kihyun because he is wearing his white shirt
you will have to step in and wash him off 
does aegyo for you to forgive him
still gets a time out
throws seaweed at the other pockets
gets another time out
picks a fight with a seagull to steal a french fry
is determined to climb on it’s back
is fighting the air with all limbs when you pick him up by the back of his shirt and put him on your shoulder
falls right asleep after a warm bath from exhaustion
wears his black hoodie to the beach because he is s t u b b o r n
eventually realizes this is a bad idea and will let you put it in your bag
wants to go exploring
has his own stick that he swings around while he does
finds a dead fish and pokes it with said stick
excited about his find
pocket Minhyuk comes over and stares, gets a mischievous glint in his eyes... “hey Kyunnie, have you ever heard of the tale of Jonah?”
both Kyun and Min slowly look at an innocent Kihyun playing in the sand
pocket Shownu catches on and has to interrupt them trying to drag Kihyun over to stuff him inside 
will play king of the mountain with Minhyuk and Jooheon on the dunes
sets about making an elaborate mini castle
spends a lot of time digging the moat
wants a trench to get the water into it
you’ll have to help him with that using your finger
cheers when the water rushes in
he will want to swim
dives all the way in
gleefully splashes around and swims laps
make sure he does this in like a puddle of water because he might get swept away by the waves 
will want flippers 
will try to walk on the sand on them
will make little quacking noises with every step
lets pocket Joo borrow them to try to be one with the seagulls 
will ask for fish sticks for dinner
wants to eat in front of the tv and watch Free Willie
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frogmouthtom · 7 years
beach day with the parkers
thank you ruby for the inspo and tips!!
for the car ride you and peter bought a ton of candy and snacks 
((for the way there and back from the beach))
but you eat it all on the way there
peter accidentally playing his guilty pleasure music when he gets the aux chord
(i.e. britney spears)
“shut up! it’s really good for swinging around the city!”
aunt may reminding peter to “make sure you keep your shirt on, you know you burn easily" 
peter is all embarrassed like "aunt maaay”
when you all get out of the car she tries to rub sunscreen on his face
he squirms away blushing
(leaving a ton of white spots on his face)
so of course you rub them in
((and he lets you))
 him thinking “oh my god [y/n] is touching me”
you lie and say you have to keep ur shirt on too, just to make peter feel better
(it works)
when you actually get in the water he thinks every strand of seaweed is a sea monster and climbs on top of you like a koala bear
“i swear i felt it bite me"
“peter it’s a plant”
“it was an electric eel [y/n] i S W E A R" 
when you both get out of the water you sit on one of ur towels and share the other one wrapped around your shoulders
peter wearing a white shirt and leaving almost nothing to the imagination
hoping he wears white shirts more often
collecting cool sea shells and sea glass
peter accidentally grabbing live sand dollars 
discreetly putting them back when he’s not looking
you guys both getting a little bit burned despite aunt may’s efforts
aunt may getting flirted with by the life guard
going to the ice cream truck together
peter putting his arm around you subconsciously because he’s worried someone is going to flirt with you
peter not being able to eat his ice cream without making a mess
this boy gets his ice cream everywhere
(you wiping it off for him)
((peter blushing))
you get tired of your shirt sticking to you so you take it off
peter trying not to gawk (emphasis on the try)
((he does anyway))
peter dropping his ice cream because he’s DISTRACTED
peter taking his shirt off too bc he wants to seem cool, but getting it stuck halfway
peter ending up getting burnt like a lobster
you guys going back in the water and splashing each other a ton
accidentally swallowing lots of salt water
"peter why do you keep swimming away”
“you know what they say [y/n]… the ocean is mother nature’s toilet”
hoping you didn’t just swallow peter’s pee water
splashing him extra hard
“hey [y/n] look at this cool rock”
“thats a hermit crab”
peter screaming and dropping it with a look of horror on his face
hermit crab getting revenge and pinching his toe extra hard
peter trying not to faint
blinking back tears (he’s sensitive)
peter asking everyone if he can pet their dog
a loose puppy runs over to you guys
“aunt may can we keep him???”
“peter what did we talk about?”
with a sad look on his face “no taking the dogs home…”
hand stand competitions (though he has an advantage with his spidey agility)
you burying peter in the sand up to his neck
adding boobs just for fun
peter madly blushing “[y/n] nO sTOP MAY WILL SEE GET RID OF THEM”
aunt may flirting with the life guard more, not paying attention to you guys
but you take off the boobs just to be nice
you both smelling like salt water
sand in every crevice
peter’s hair being super volumized… and fluffy… and poofy… and curly 
peter falling asleep on you
so naturally you pile sand dollars on him
taking unflattering photos of him and showing him when he wakes up
peter waking up and being confused and sleepy
“[y/n] where are we?”
“am i still spider-man?”
“no you’re dead oooOoooOOoo”
peter getting freckles because of the sun
you teach peter to float on his back because he doesn’t know how even though he’s a freakin’ superhero
“but you’re spider-man”
“shut up [y/n]”
getting him the floaty wings just to poke fun
peter actually using the floaty wings until you make him take them off
getting really close to peter’s face because you fall a lil forward from a wave
peter floating from holding his breath because he’s distracted looking at how beautiful you are
holding him ever so lightly around his waist
and peter’s like “oh my GOD”
getting rlly tired and just like hanging on peter with your eyes closed
peter thinking you’ve fallen asleep on him
he whispers something really quietly like “should i wake [y/n] up???" 
being conflicted, commenting on how you look pretty
you open one eye and blush
"so u think im pretty, parker?”
peter’s face turning bright red “oh it’s you know, sun burn, hahaha, shoulda listened to aunt may”
he just sinks under the water
you pretend like you believe him
he pretends like he believes your pretending
((you both being kind of giddy about it)
you slip under water and grab his ankles
peter screaming because he thinks it’s an electric eel
him being really mad because it actually scared him
you say sorry and kiss him real quick on the cheek
peter wishing you scared him more often
you have a competition of the best sand castle
aunt may judges
peter being super serious about his castle
trying super hard
aunt may announcing you as the winner, mostly because she likes having you around
peter is SALTY about it and being an ass, stomping on yours because he lost
(but in good nature)
((hopes u kiss him on the cheek again to cheer him up))
instead you go out in the water and pretend to be really mad
peter following after you
“[y/n] im so sorry please forgive me”
whispering to himself "god, i’m such an idiot, why did i do that?“
you turn around and splash him right in the face, giggling
so of course he grabs you around the waist and dunks you right under the waves
you both laughing so hard that peter gets salt water up his nose
peter going down in the water at eye level and waggling his eyebrows up and down
secretly being scared the hermit crab will come back and pinch his nose or butt
so you pinch his butt just for fun
and insist it’s not you
“i think that crab is holding a grudge, better stay out of the water, right?”
a big wave crashing over you guys
peter’s swim trunks falling off
you having to go look for them while he waits in the water, literally naked and afraid
still thinks the hermit crab is going to come back
“peter, you’ve gotta let it go”
“i’m completely vulnerable right now [y/n], now is not the time to ‘let it go’”
he’s just a tiny head in the water, not moving, eyes all wide and hoping no one swims past
finally you see his shorts being used as a flag for a little kid’s sand castle
finally getting them back to peter
finally getting him out of the water
you guys walking down the beach together, and watching the wet sand squelch through your toes
aunt may yelling at you guys to not go too far out, because she wants to “keep an eye on you trouble makers”
peter rolling his eyes even though it actually gives him a nice warm feeling that she cares so much
eventually finding a volleyball net and ball
peter begging you to play, just because
him being a clumsy of player
(even though he’s a superhero?)
missing the ball when he serves
hitting him square in the face
peter going to spike it but it gets stuck on his hand
and trying to shake it off furiously
“[y/n]!! help me, it won’t come off!!”
“wow it must be hard to be a super hero”
peter sputtering to come up with a response
blushing (AGAIN)
finally getting it off
and flinging it too far by accident and hitting you in the head
peter apologizing profusely, and you just throw it back at him extra hard
(you’re still grinning like an idiot)
aunt may letting you guys stay long enough to watch the sun set
so you sit on a rock together
kind of leaning against each other
(kind of holding hands too)
peter worrying that you can hear how fast his heart is beating
you worrying that peter can hear how fast your heart it beating
him completely missing the sunset because he’s just admiring you and how the light reflects off your face
and also worrying about whether his hand feels sweaty
and how he feels so lucky to have you with him
you leaning on his shoulder and his heart almost bursts (yours too)
you guys falling asleep on each other on the ride home
getting burgers and fries (and sharing them)
((stealing all of peters fries))
“get your own [y/n]”
“sharing is caring, parker”
peter not actually caring that you’re taking his food because he thinks you’re too cute
listening to more music on the car ride home, and belting out the lyrics to your favorite songs
peter definitely playing more britney spears
(on purpose though)
aunt may gets tired of britney so you and peter share ear buds
both of you being sad you have to go home
peter probably sneaking out to visit you that night anyways
putting all the shells that you found in your room when you get home, so you can look at them and be reminded of this day
peter surprising you the next day with a necklace he made out of his shells
(for you)
both of you immediately begging aunt may to go again
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ardett · 7 years
Foolish Fragile Spine
Description: During a day at the beach, Lance finds himself trapped beneath the sand.
Part of a prompt exchange with @langsty-mc-langstface! I was given the prompt: the team goes to a beach and Lance digs a big hole but then the sand caves in on him. Classic angst :)
You can find the other part of exchange here
The title is from this song and you can read it on Ao3 here
They’re all looking for a reprieve from the war and its endless preparations, so when Allura suggests a beach day for “team bonding,” they jump on it readily.
The landing the castle makes is not its usual ground shaking collision. It’s gentler, the floor tilting beneath them as the ship settles on the flowing grains of sand. As the hatch opens, the first thing that hits Lance is the smell. It’s briny, something like salt already sticking to his skin, like the beaches on Earth. (He can’t quite remember the taste of the ocean on his tongue after so long. He wants to say that this beach smells like the ones of his childhood but maybe it’s only replacing his rusting memories. )
Another inch of the hatch is lowered and the first glimpse of the sky can be seen. Like Earth’s, it’s blue, but one or two shades too light. Just off enough to notice. The few clouds that drift across the horizon are shifting and iridescent, shimmering like oily rainbows. Most startling is the sand, gold as Rumpelstiltskin’s thread with bits of emerald green and turquoise. Under Lance's bare toes, it is ash fine. (And he has felt ash beneath him before.)
He closes his eyes for a moment, just a moment, and feels the sunlight on his face, warm as Cuba’s heat. He pushes everything else to the back of his mind and plasters a smile on his face.
“Let’s go!”
After a mandatory and far too intense game of volleyball by order of Allura, everyone is left to their own devices.
Pidge sets up her computer under an umbrella, casually chatting to a tanning Coran. Hunk found a snorkel from somewhere on the ship and dipped into the calm waters to try and find some wildlife. Lance had joined him for a little bit before treading back to land.
With Keith and Shiro playing a one-on-one match and no eyes on him, Lance drifted farther down the beach, kicking up clouds of dusty sand in plumes of color.
In the back of his mind, there was a small and innocuous memory of a child’s hands digging in the sand, digging for treasure, digging a moat for a fortress, digging to an elusive pool of water far below.
He drags his heels through the granular as the grains grow coarser underfoot. He blinks as he looks at the trails behind him. There, under the golden sand, lovely moss green peaks out.
Lance pauses, glancing to the ground with a furrow in his brow. He digs with his feet, rocks and sediment sticking between his toes, before getting down on his hands and knees to properly excavate.
Sure enough, there under a few inches of yellow, is darling green, and as Lance digs farther down, green gives way to deep blue. The sand, Lance realizes, is layered like a sedimentary rock, a hidden rainbow beneath the surface.
Lance leaves momentarily to find a spade-shaped rock before resuming his quest.
A smile tugs a his lips as he reaches the next layer, a Queen of Hearts red like no beach he’s ever seen on Earth.
The hole is deep now and Lance digs out the sides so he can climb in. As he continues, it occurs to him that he could be surrounded by riches, like some kind of hoarding dragon. The colors are deep enough to be called jewel tones, bits of topaz, emerald, sapphire, ruby, and now, as he carves out the floor of his hole, amethyst. Riches, of course, have no value to them out here. Even if he stumbled on a cavern of diamonds, what good would it do? A pretty trinket? A souvenir?
At the thought, Lance’s hands hesitate and then stop altogether. His faithful rock drops from his hands and he follows it, sitting down on the bottom of his pit. He looks to the sky, two shades too light, and blinks back sudden tears.
The worst part about this war is how hard it is to hold onto happiness. He has forgotten how to experience the simple joys without everything else crashing down around him.
Why are they here, messing around on a sunny beach? Why are they here, fighting an impossible war? Why is he here?
He lets out a heavy sigh before forcing himself to his feet. He’s been here too long. He should probably be heading back anyway.
As an afterthought, he grabs a decent sized gem from each layer and stuffs them in his pockets. Maybe he’ll make them into bracelets for the other paladins or something.
Lance narrows his eyes at the edge of his hole, now a decent two feet above his head. Too far to jump. The sand on this stretch of the beach is coarse enough to shape, so with a few jabs from his hands and feet, Lance makes divots to climb his way out.
It’s just at the top when things go wrong.
Lance grabs the edge of the hole, pressing down to hoist himself up, when the sand under his fingers gives way. He scrambles for the sides but the sand only loosens and falls down with him almost mockingly. He lands flat on his back, ribs aching and the air knocked out of him. He lays there, stunned, when he notices movement on the edge of his vision.
His last handhold, the one that had crumbled beneath him, had been right next to his pile of excess sand. He watches with horror as the foundation shifts and suddenly, collapses completely. And all that sand comes tumbling into the hole.
There’s a second that feels like an hour when those beautiful shifting colors are suspended above him.
The sand blocks out the sun, like some sort of innocent cloud.
Lance has the wherewithal to take a deep breath and cover his face before the lid slides over his coffin.
It’s so dark.
It’s so dark and cold and damp.
And quiet.
His hyperventilating is the loudest thing down here, breath too warm and too fast on the inside of his arms. It doesn't hurt, the pressure, but he can barely move his legs and he's too terrified to move his arms away from his face and risk his bubble of space being smothered.
Is it getting hotter? It feels like it's getting hotter and how long can he last down here without fresh air until it's just muggy carbon dioxide cycling uselessly through his lungs, oh god-
He screams but the sound is swallowed by the sand. He was already a ways away from the others and now he's six feet under, buried alive. They can't hear him.
They're not coming.
No, no, he's not going to wither away like this, not after saving lives and defending the universe, no! This is not the way he's going out.
Lance squeezes his eyes shut and forces himself to turn over. It feels like someone is pressing down on his shoulder blades, like his spine is going to cave in, but he pushes onto his hands and knees, demanding the sand to make space for him.
He reaches out, feeling where the sand is loosely packed, and digs his fingers in.
(There's no light. He could be digging a deeper grave. He has to believe he isn't.)
He pushes upwards. He slips the first two times he tries to stand before he gets enough traction and even then, it's a crouch. Sand dislodges all around him, falling into the new shape of his body, around his nose and mouth.
He panics, hands desperately flailing to cover his face and fingers scrambling to dig away the sand on his lips. He doesn't know how long he stays there, crouched down pathetically and breathing into his cupped palms.
It's so dark. It's so dark and cold and it feels like his energy is sapping away.
Oh god, there's so much sand, he doesn't even know how deep he is.
He has to get out. He has to, he has to, he didn't leave behind everything he loves to die crying and trembling in a hole. He has a responsibility to the universe and universe didn't send for him only for him to go like this.
He has to keep going.
He takes one more deep, sticky breath and starts clawing his way back up.
His joints ache, grinding together as he pushed up against the pressure, but he ignores it. Grains of sand catch under his nails and scrape against his skin. His lungs are starting to protest now and he ducks down his chin to try and make a small space to breath. He tells his body it's enough (even though it isn't).
He's starting to feel lightheaded, how close to the top is he? How long has it been? He doesn't know.
He thought his eyes were closed (it's so dark) but suddenly light is piercing its way down to him. His hand grapples for more sand but comes away empty, only air between his fingers. A tendril of cool air snakes down his throat and Lance is gasping, gasping-
Someone calls his name and then hands are grabbing his, hauling him out of the ground, and as the sand falls away, Lance crumples into someone's arms, Hunk’s arms.
Hunk is muttering something, clutching Lance to his chest and frantically smoothing down his hair. Lance can't stop heaving air into his lungs and after a while, he realizes he's sobbing.
He sleeps with the covers off and the lights on for the next week.
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